GMS 4.06
Graphical Management System
GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
800 030 038 Version 1.0 9/02/2010
© 2010 Pacom Systems Pty Ltd
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GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Table of Contents Introduction ..............................................................................................................................5 Chapter 1 Using the .........................................................................................................8 GMS Web Client Logging On/Off ...........................................................................................................................................9 Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/Cardholders ...........................................................................................................................................11 Creating New Cards/Cardholders ...........................................................................................................................................13 Capturing Cardholder Images .........................................................................................................................................15 Creating and Printing ID Cards .........................................................................................................................................16 Assigning Access Levels ...........................................................................................................................................17 Assigning Temporary Access Levels .........................................................................................................................................20 Performing Common Card Management Tasks ...........................................................................................................................................21 Generating Card/Cardholder Reports ...........................................................................................................................................22 Sending Commands to Readers ...........................................................................................................................................24 Using the Calendar Picker ...........................................................................................................................................25 Special Features ...........................................................................................................................................26 Internet Browser Security Settings ...........................................................................................................................................27
Table of Contents | 3
GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
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GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Introduction The GMS Web Client provides a simplified access control management module that can be operated using Internet browser software. Note: This documentation refers to Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 browsers. The GMS Web Client may work with other browsers, however, they are not officially supported. It is assumed that you are familiar with card management and access control functions in GMS. As such, this document does not fully detail card management operations as they are identical or very similar to GMS card management functions. Use the GMS Web Client to: Search cardholders. Create and modify cardholders and cards. Assign and modify cardholder access levels. Create and print cardholder access reports. Send commands to readers. Capture ID card images and print ID cards. Note: For GMS Web Client installation and configuration instructions, refer to the GMS Installation Guide .
Introduction | 5
GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
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GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Using the GMS Web Client
GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide To access and use the GMS Web Client, you need: A valid GMS user name and password with appropriate card access permissions. Mozilla Firefox 3.5/Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0 or later. All time schedules (time zones), Global Reader Groups (GRGs), Global Access Groups (GAGs) and Floor Access Levels (FALs) have been correctly configured in GMS. Note: If operator partitioning has been enabled in GMS, the cards and readers you can access using the Web Client is dependent on what your particular operator partition allows you to view. This also affects search results and the total number of cards value, where only cards you are allowed to access are shown (see Configuring GMS - Administrator Guide, Configuring GMS Operators).
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Logging On/Off The GMS Web Client supports normal GMS authentication to maintain security. Only GMS users can log on to the Web Client and, if your GMS user ID is set to be valid only during certain times of the day, this also applies to the Web Client. The maximum number of simultaneous GMS Web Client connections allowed is controlled by the GMS license. The system monitors the number of sessions in use and will only allow users to log on if the number of current users is less than the licensed maximum. As soon as a user session is terminated, the license allows for another session to start. A session terminates when you click Logout in the main page of the application. A session terminates automatically if you leave the Web Client inactive for a certain period of time. The timer has a default value of 20 minutes and can be configured as a pro perty of the web application in IIS. If you do not click Logout, but close the browser, the session may terminate instantly or o nly when the inactivity timer expires, depending on the type and version of browser.
Logging On to the GMS Web Client To log on, proceed as follows: Note: GMS must be running in order to use the GMS Web Client. 1.
Open a web browser and enter the GMS Web Client web address. For example, "http://server/GMSWebClient/".
Enter your user name and password in the User Name and Password fields respectively, as required by the current GMS configuration (that is, using initials, user name or full name).
Click Login. The Card Search page displays.
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Logging Off the GMS Web Client To log off, proceed as follows: 1.
In the main GMS Web Client browser window, Web Client region, click Logout, or close the web page or browser. Note: If you are logged on, but are inactive for 20 minutes (configurable in IIS), you will be automatically logged off.
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Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/Cardholders You can search the GMS cardholder database at anytime. From the search results you can perform a range of tasks, including: Modify cardholder details and card settings (see Creating New Cards/Cardholders Modify cardholder access levels (see Assigning Access Levels
Use SQL wild cards "%" and "_" when entering search criteria to logically filter the search. Note : '%' is a wildcard representing any number of characters; '_' represents as single character. Search Syntax Functions: Search Syntax
Search all items containing "smi".
Search all items beginning with "smi".
Search all items ending with "smi".
Search all items with one character before and after "smi".
Search all items with one character before "smi".
Search all items with one character after "smi".
Search all items containing "smi" with one character after "smi".
Note: If operator partitioning has been enabled in GMS, the cards and readers you can access using the Web Client is dependent on what your particular operator partition allows you to view. This also affects search results and the total number of cards value, where only cards you are allowed to access are shown (see Configuring GMS - Administrator Guide, Configuring GMS Operators).
Performing a Search To perform a cardholder search, proceed as follows: 1.
In the main GMS Web Client browser window, Web Client region, click Card Search. The Card Search page opens.
Specify the search criteria using the available fields. You can use any combination of fields as search criteria, with each criteria being additional filters. That is, search r esults will have cards that satisfy every selected condition. For example, all cardholders with a surname containing "son", plus a card number starting with "3" and having a user type of "ATM". Any fields left blank are ignored from the search filter. Note: You need to enable the checkbox next to the relevant fields to activate them for selection or editing.
Click Search. The search results are displayed in the same window along with general card and cardholder details (name, department and card status). To move between search result lists click to first page).
(forward one page),
(back on page),
(go to last page) and
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Viewing Detailed Card/Cardholder Information To see more details about a card/cardholder, click the card number. When you do this, the Card and Holder Details page opens in a new window - this page includes the selected cardholder personal details, card details, access levels, etc. Note: Internet Explorer may display a dialog box regarding the Information Bar and pop -up security issues each time you want to view or access card details. To remedy this, see Micorsoft Internet Explorer Security Settings 27 . You can delete cards from search result lists (see Performing Common Card Management Tasks
You can generate transaction reports from search result lists (see Generating Card/Cardholder Reports 22 ).
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GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Creating New Cards/Cardholders You can create new cards/cardholders and modify existing ones using the GMS Web Client. To speed up the process of card creation, you can use an existing card as a template for the new card and inherit access level and other properties from it, rather than re-create them. To print cardholder ID cards, see Creating and Printing ID Cards
Creating New Cards/Cardholders To create a new card, proceed as follows: 1.
In the main GMS Web Client browser window, Web Client region, click Create New Card. The Card and Holder Details - Card page opens.
Note: The minimum information required is Last Name. 2.
Enter the relevant details as required. To add an image for the cardholder, see Capturing Cardholder Images 15 .
Click the Card Details tab.
Note: The minimum information required is Card No, Issue No, Facility Code and Printed Number. 4.
Enter the relevant details and validity dates of the card as required.
Enable any user flag options if required.
If any User Defined tab fields are used within GMS and are set to be visible, they are available in the GMS Web Client. Enter details as required.
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In the Web Client region click Card Access. The Access Level - Card - New page opens. See Assigning Access Levels 17 . Note: You must assign access levels before you can save the card.
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Capturing Cardholder Images The system allows you to capture pictures for identification cards directly from digital cameras or web-cams, and from graphic files. Note: A card must be cr eated and saved before you can assign an image to it. To access the image capture feature, display a card/cardholder record in the Card and Holder Details page, then double-click
. The Upload Image File dialog box opens.
Note: In order to use live video capture, ensure that Internet Explorer is set up correctly. See Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Settings 27 .
Capturing Images To capture an image from an image file, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Upload Image File dialog box click Browse. The Windows Choose File dialog box opens, where you can browse and select the required image file (GIF, JPG or PNG formats). After selecting the image file click Open.
In the Upload Image File dialog box click Upload. The image appears in the Card and Holder Details page for the cardholder.
Click Save Card.
To capture a live picture from an attached video device (for example, a web-cam or digital camera), proceed as follows: 1.
In the Upload Image File dialog box click Start. The preview window shows the image. Note: The first time you begin using a video device, the Video Source dialog box opens. In this dialog box, from the Select a Video Device list select the device to capture images from, then click OK.
Click Capture to freeze the preview and create an image from it.
Click Upload. The image appears in the Card and Holder Details page for the cardholder.
Click Save Card.
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Creating and Printing ID Cards You can create ID cards or badges for cardholders using images and ID card templates. Before you can print an ID card, the card/cardholder needs to be displayed in the Card and Holder Details page (see Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/Cardholders 11 ).
Assigning Templates and Printing ID Cards To create an ID card for a cardholder, proceed as follows: 1.
Click the Card Details tab.
In the CDF Filename list select the ID card template to use. Note: The ID card templates are created in GMS.
Click Save Card.
In the Web Client region, click Print Badge. An Internet Explorer opens previewing the ID card (the card is created as a PDF file). Note: You need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to see the preview. This software is freely available.
Use the browser controls to print the ID card.
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GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Assigning Access Levels You can assign reader and floor access to existing or new cards. Note: If GMS has been configured to allow multiple access for cards, you will be able to assign up to eight different Global Access Groups (GAGs) and Floor Access Groups (FAGs) to a card. Complex systems may involve large numbers of different access level options (GAGs, FAGs, etc) for cards. The total number of available access level options can be limited to make selections easier (see Limiting the Number of Displayed Access Items 26 ).
Assigning Reader Access To assign readers, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Access Level page, click the Readers Access tab.
Note: For new cards the Readers Access tab Currently Assigned GAG region will be empty. 2.
To assign a Global Access Group (GAG), select one from the Available GAGs list, then click Assign. The GAG is added to the Currently Assigned GAG region, showing the selected GAG and its contents. A cardholder can be assigned one GAG only.
To add a Global Reader Group (GRG), select one from the Available GRGs list, then click Add GRG. The GRG is added to the Currently Assigned GAG region, beneath the existing GAG. To add another GRG, select one from the list, then click Add GRG. Note: Before you assign a GAG or GRG, you can view its contents by clicking Preview next to the relevant list The contents are displayed in a dialog box, showing the related GRGs (when previewing a GAG), sites, readers and time schedules (time zones). You can assign a GAG/GRG from this dialog box using by clicking Assign. If you have performed a GAG/GRG search to determine the displayed options in the Available GAGs and Available GRGs lists, you can revert the lists back to their unfiltered options by clicking Reset.
To remove a GRG from the cardholder, select it from the GRG to Remove list, then click Remove GRG.
Assigning Individual Reader Access It is possible to add individual reader access to the cardholder, without, or in addition to GAGs and GRGs. To do so, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Single Readers region enter the site number where the reader is located in the Site No field.
Click Set. The available readers and time schedules (time zones) for the site are loaded.
Select the reader and time schedule from the Readers and Time Zones lists. Chapter 1 - Using the GMS Web Client | 17
GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide Note: To view the settings for a time schedule, select it in the Time Zones list, then click Preview. 4.
Click Add Reader. The reader is added to the Currently Assigned GAG region.
Assigning Multiple GAGs to Cardholders In instances where cardholders require access to several GAGs, you can assign up to eight GAGs to a cardholder. Note: GMS must be set up to allow multiple GAGs to be assigned to cardholder (see Configuring GMS Administrator Guide, Allowing Multiple GAG Access). When multiple GAGs are enabled, additional controls appear in the Access Level tab.
Each GAG is referred to as a 'Configuration Set'. To assign multiple GAGs (Configurations Sets), proceed as follows: 1.
Select a GAG from the Available GAGs list. Note: The Configuration Set field shows '1', indicating it is the first GAG.
Click Assign.
Select the next GAG and assign it.
next to the Configuration Set field to assign the second GAG. The field shows '2'.
To remove a GAG, click
until it is displayed in the Configuration Set field, then click
Each GAG will appear for each Configuration Set. After assigning reader access click Save Card, then click Download for the settings to take effect.
Assigning Floor Access To assign floors, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Access Level page, click the Floors Access tab.
Assign floors in the same fashion as reader access (see Assigning Reader Access
After assigning floor access click Save Card.
Searching/Filtering Access Options You can filter the available GAG and GRG selection lists by performing searches over them. The search facility is tiered so that the results are based firstly on GAG, then GRG, site, reader and time schedule (time zone). You can filter in any combination, enabling you to be very specific with the search. Note: You can filter floor access options in the same fashion as below using FAG/FAL Search in the Floor Access tab. When searching for a FAL, the application uses the currently selected site from the Available Sites list. To perform a search for a particular GAG or GRG, proceed as follow: 1.
or GAG/GRG Search. The search controls appear.
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Select the filter criteria as required. For example, only GAGs beginning with the letter B, any GRGs for sites 1 and 2 with reader 1 during normal working hours. Note: You can use SQL wildcards in the search cr iteria fields (see Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/ Cardholders 11 ).
Click Search.
After a search is complete, the results become available in the Available GAGs and Available GRGs lists. You can then: Click Clear to reset the search fields to default values. Click Set as default to make the search results the default options in the Available GAGs and Available GRGs lists.
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Assigning Temporary Access Levels You can provide an existing card with extra access for a restricted period of time.
Assigning Temporary Reader and Floor Access You assign temporary reader access in exactly the same way as normal r eader access, with an additional time period. To assign readers temporarily, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Access Level - Card page, click the Temporary Access tab.
In the To field next to Temporary Access Valid From, select the end date for the access period (see Using the Calendar 25 ). The start date defaults to the current date.
Click the Temporary Readers Access tab and select the readers to apply the access to (see Assigning Access Levels 17 ).
Click the Temporary Floors Access tab and select the floors to apply the access to (see Assigning Access Levels 17 ).
Click Save Card to save and apply your changes.
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Performing Common Card Management Tasks There are a number of common management tasks that occur in access card systems. For example, issuing replacement and temporary access cards, and deleting cards and cardholders. Most operations are similar to GMS functionality, except the following: Deleting a card - Deleting a card from a card page deletes that card and an associated temporary card, if any. Deleting a cardholder - Deleting a cardholder from a card page deletes that card and an associated temporary card, plus all cards issued to the same cardholder, if any. Deleting cards from search results - Deleting cards from search result lists deletes only the selected cards and any associated temporary cards.
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Generating Card/Cardholder Reports You can generate, print and export (PDF or XLS, etc) a range of cardholder reports. There are two major groups of reports: Transaction Reports - Use these reports to see GMS transaction records based on dates, sites, reader, various card and/or cardholder details, transaction type and status, in any combination. You can also create transaction reports on selected cardholders from search results (see Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/Cardholders 11 ). Standard Reports - Use these reports to see cardholder, card and access level information based on card numbers.
Generating Transaction Reports To generate a transaction report, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Web Client region, click Transaction Reports. The Transaction Reports page opens.
Enter the report criteria details in the appropriate fields as required. For example, a date range, site range, card number range, etc. Note: The GMS Time option bases the report o n the GMS time stamp in the transaction log (the time the event data was received by GMS). The Controller Time option bases the report o n the local Controller time stamp in the transaction log (the time the event occurred in the Controller). The report always shows both GMS and Controller times and dates.
In the Transaction Type list select the kind of transaction to report.
In the Transaction Status list select the result of the transaction to report.
Click Generate Report. A preview of the report displays in a new Internet Explorer window.
Use the browser controls to export and print the report.
There are a number of extra controls or options available as follows: Control
Import Last Search Criteria
Populates the transaction report criteria fields with the values used in the last search made in the Card Search page (see Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/Cardholders 11 ). This enables you to easily transfer your searches directly into reports without having to re-enter values.
Reset Fields
Clears any previous report criteria fields and restores the default values.
Include all criteria in the report
Enable to include extra information in the report header, listing the report criteria. When disabled, only the start and end site numbers, dates and times are included into the generated report.
You can also create transaction reports directly from search result shown in the Card Search page. To do so, proceed as follows: 1.
Perform a card/cardholder search (see Searching and Viewing Existing Cards/Cardholders
Enable the checkbox for one or more cards in the search results display. To move between search result lists click to first page).
22 | Chapter 1 - Using the GMS Web Client
(forward one page),
(back on page),
(go to last page) and
GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Click next to Transaction Report for selected cards. The Transaction Reports page opens with the selected cards loaded.
Specify and generate the report as above.
Generating "Standard" Reports The GMS Web application offers a set of commonly used, pre-configured report templates, which are referred to as 'standard' reports. To generate a standard report, proceed as follows: 1.
In the Web Client region, click Standard Reports. The Standard Reports page opens.
In the Report Template list select the report type. Each template is pre-defined to report particular information.
Enter the card number criteria to report on in the appropriate fields. For example, a range of card numbers using the same facility code.
Click Generate Report. A preview of the report displays in a new Internet Explorer window.
Use the browser controls to export and print the report.
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Sending Commands to Readers The GMS Web Client features reader control similar to GMS 'rapid access' functionality. The 'rapid access' readers that you can access are configured within GMS (see Configuring GMS - Administrator Guide, Configuring GMS Operators). You can send certain commands to card readers. The following commands are available: No Access (Locked) - Locks the reader (and lock its associated Door) and denies access to any person, whether they have access privileges or not. For example, you may want to prevent any access through a door during a cash delivery. No Card Required (Unlocked) - Unlocks the reader and allows access to any person, whether they have access privileges or not. For example, you may want to allow any access through the door during a fire drill. Normal (Card Required) - Returns the reader to its default state from a No Access or No Card Required state. For example, you may have a reader that is currently unlocked (No Card Required command) and you need to return to its normal access controlled state. Do this by sending the Normal command to it. Grant Single Entry - Unlocks the reader to allow access to a person that cannot otherwise get in using normal access control. Once the door closes, it locks again and returns to its normal state. For example, you may want to allow access through the door for a visitor who has no access privileges to enter the premises. The Readers Control page also shows you the current status of each reader, using icons. Icon
Description The reader is in its normal state. The reader is in a locked state. The reader is in an unlocked state.
To send commands to readers, proceed as fo llows: 1.
In the main GMS Web Client browser window, Web Client region, click Readers Control. The Readers Control page opens.
Note: Only readers that you have been assigned rapid access to are displayed. Rapid reader access is configured by an administrator using GMS (see Configuring GMS - Administrator Guide, Configuring GMS Operators). 2.
Click the reader you want to send a command to. The Reader Command panel appears. Note: The underlined option is the current reader mode.
Select the required command.
In the Duration field enter how long (in minutes) that the new reader state will last for. If you leave this field blank, the reader state will be indefinite.
Click Send Command. Note: Refer to the GMS Operator and Administrator guides for further information about configuring card readers and assigning reader access to operators.
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Using the Calendar Picker When you need to enter dates in the GMS Web Client, a calendar picker displays. Use it as follows: Click any date field to open the calendar picker. The display shows days for the current month.
Changing the Month To change month in the current year, click
or .
-orClick the [month], [year ] display at the top of the calendar picker. The calendar changes to months for the current year.
Click the required month. The calendar picker returns to showing days for the selected month. Changing the Year To change the year when the calendar picker is showing months for the current year, click
or .
-orClick the [year ] display at the top of the calendar picker. The calendar changes to years for the current decade.
Click the required year. The calendar picker returns to showing months for the selected year. To change the decade when the calendar picker is showing years of the current decade, click
or .
Changing the Date To change the date in the displayed month and year, click it.
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GMS 4.06 Web Client - Operator Guide
Special Features The GMS Web Client supports a number of specialized features, such as page header customization and additional operator partitioning.
Limiting the Number of Displayed Access Items If there are many available Global Reader Groups (GRGs), Global Access Groups (GAGs) and Floor Access Levels (FALs), you (or an administrator) can set a limit to the number of access levels appearing in the selection lists. A separate limit can be configured for search results. This only applies to the Web Client, and not to GMS itself. Note: If, due to a defined limit, the number of displayed items is less the the available number of items, a '!' is shown next to the list label. To limit the number of displayed access levels, proceed as follows: 1.
Open the web.config file (in the Inetpub\wwwroot\GMSWebClient folder).
Scroll to the
section and insert the following lines: Note: The 'MaxAccessLevelItemsListLen' parameter applies to unsearched lists. The 'MaxAccessLevelItemsListLen_search' parameter applies to searched lists. If a parameter is not configured, list options are unlimited. The value parameter is the maximum number of access items to display in the list. That is, in the above examples, the first 1000 access levels will display.
Save the web.config file.
Log off the GMS Web Client, then log on again. The settings will now take effect.
Advanced Site Range Filtering The GMS Web Client application includes advanced operator filtering, based on sites. This filtering is independent of normal GMS operator partitioning and, when activated, applies whether or not operator partitioning in GMS is enabled. If GMS operator partitioning is enabled, the GMS Web Client site p artitioning works in addition to it. The additional filtering applies to card searching and assigning access levels. In summary, GMS Web Client operators will: Be shown card search results where the card GAG and FAG site fall wholly within the permissible operator site range. Be shown card search results where the card has no access level assigned. Will not be able to assign access to any site outside the permissible operator site range. Will not be able to assign access using any GAG or F AG that contains any site outside the permissible operator site range. Will not be able to assign access to any site outside the permissible operator site range. To enable advanced site range filtering, proceed as follows: 1.
Open the web.config file (in the Inetpub\wwwroot\GMSWebClient folder).
Scroll to the section and edit the following line to:
Save the web.config file.
Log off the GMS Web Client, then log on again for the settings to take effect.
Customizing the Web Client Header You can change the header area in the GMS Web Client to suit your organization. Note: The standard Pacom header image size is: 970 pixels wide and 76 pixels high at 96dpi resolution. To replace the header image, proceed as follows: 1.
Create the new artwork and save it as 'banner.png'. It must be a PNG format graphic file.
Place the graphic in the Images folder in your web virtual directory. To keep the o riginal image, save it with a different name.
Open the Web Client to see the new image.
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Internet Browser Security Settings To run the GMS Web Client to its full capacity, pop-up windows must be allowed by your Internet browser. Disable any pop-up blockers and also turn off any additional search facilities, such as the Google toolbar. In order to capture p ictures or video from an attached device for ID cards, Internet Explorer requires certain settings to allow Pacom video capturing to work. Specifically, unsigned ActiveX controls must be allowed to run and ActiveX scripts must be enabled. Versions of Internet Explorer may display a dialog box regarding the Information Bar and pop-up security issues each time you want to view or access card details. You can remedy these issues by making the the IIS web site for GMS a 'trusted' site with security set low, or set options for automatic prompting for ActiveX controls, do wnloading unsigned ActiveX controls, and initializing and scripting ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting, to be enabled (see Internet browser documentation).
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