Geography Project
Wild life conservation eorts in India Submitted by Manoj M th
10 ! !" Submitted to
Sujatha mam Preface
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Introduction $he Indian sub%continent &ith its varied geographical spread from the 'imalayas in the north to the #auvery basin in the south and the (utch region in the &est to the plains of !ssam in )ast present a diverse range of environmental conditions for some of the most magni*cent as &ell as the rarest &ildlife species of the &orld in India to e+ist, 'o&ever- the past fe& decades have seen the greed and negligence of human beings & to the detriment of this rich &ildlife, /arge%scale poaching and habitat destruction have resulted in a rapid decline in the population of most of the &ild animals and birds, Some animals li.e the Indian cheetah due to this are no& e+tinct, #onservation of Indian &ildlife &as not given the reuisite importance for a long time, 'o&ever- the government as &ell as the people slo&ly and gradually understood their responsibility of saving &ildlife in India,
$oday- eorts are being made to&ards &ildlife conservation in Indiato preserve this natural &ealth, umerous &ildlife conservation projects have been underta.en in India- both by the government as &ell as the G23s- to protect the rich &ildlife of the subcontinent, $he private sector has also started stepping in as part of their corporate social responsibility to bring about this change and increase people3s a&areness,
IMPORTANCE OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Wildlife conservation is applied ecology and may also be regarded as bio%economy, Wild life conservation is the management and sensible use of the available natural resources, Governments of India have passed la&s and established national par.s- sanctuaries and other &ildlife reserves in an eort to save the d&indling &ildlife, )very species plays an important role in maintaining an ecological balance among the living system of the earth, $hese systems must continue to function if is to survive, /oss of any species threatens the survival of several species inclusive of man, 4estruction of &ildlife may cause upset in such a balance resulting in severe conseuences, $hus- protection of every animal species is of great importance to the uality of life and to the survival of man himself, 2n all continents &ildlife is becoming an increasingly important recreational asset and tourist attraction, $he preservation of &ildlife helps many naturalists and behavior biologists to study morphology- anatomy- physiology- ecologybehavior biology of the &ild animals under their natural surroundings,
$hreats to Wildlife •
$he problem of overpopulation is one of the major reasons for the depleting of natural &ild life in India, )+ploitation of &ild populations for food has resulted in destructions of &ild life, With the increase in tourism- the par.s have &itnessed an increase in &ild*res also, Innocent camp*res started by visitors have- more often than not- led to menacing &ild*res, $hese *res not only .ill animals- but also destroy their natural habitat, 5eleasing of chemicals and other to+ic e6uents into the &ater bodies has led to poisoning of the &ater, $he animals and birds such &ater face a fatal threat, )ven the population of *sh- living in such &ater bodies- is declining at a fast pace, $he climate changes place in the &orld today- are aecting not only humans- but also the &ildlife, $he natural habitat as &ell as migration patterns of the animals and birds are e+periencing disturbs patterns, $he threat of poaching has been haunting the &ildlife of India since ages, )ven after the establishment of &ildlife sanctuaries and national par.s- the threat of poaching has not been totally eliminated, $he destruction of forest land for agriculture- development of to&ns and cities- construction of dams- or other purposes is also an important threat for &ild life,
Conservation of Wild life /ast fe& decades have seen emergence of human encroachment to an e+tent that has never been seen, $his is one of the greatest threat to India7s &ildlife, In order to overcome the result of human encroachment many national par.s as &ell as protected areas have been established so far and the *rst came in 189:, !lso in 18;<- to protect the tiger and &ildlife in India- the Wildlife Protection !ct and Project $iger to safeguard &ere enacted,
National parks in India
Wildlife habitat and species around the &orld are facing a crisis, It is estimated that global &arming may cause the e+tinction of 1:=9;> of species by <0:0, $his is another aspect &hich needs attention because &e could lose about 1,<: million species, ?nli.e other environmental losses- this one cannot be reversed because nature does not give second chances to biodiversity, If &e ta.e into consideration the conventional reasons &hy &ildlife is disappearing in !sia- India is doing far better than other countries, India has launched an e+tensive protected area net&or. of research institutions in &hich legislation- socio%economic factors- and &ildlife research are playing a great role, $he #entral @oo !uthority plays a .ey role &ith Aoos in programming research activities related to the conservation and propagation of &ild animals, Planned research activities include studies on &ildlife biology- genetic variabilityspecies% speci*c nutritional reuirements- animal behaviorepidemiological surveys- and disease diagnosis through postmortem e+amination, $he future depends on interaction bet&een captive and &ild animals- preservation of biodiversity- and genetic and demographic variations of species, India still has B:> of !sia3s tiger population- C:> of the !sian rhino population- C0> of the !sian elephant population- and 100> of the !siatic lion population, $hese are all highly endangered and poached animals,
! I take tis opport!nit" to e#press $" profo!nd %ratit!de and deep re%ards to $" tea&ers Prof'(((((((((((((((((((( and Prof(((((((((((((((' for teir e#e$plar" %!idan&e) $onitorin% and &onstant
en&o!ra%e$ent tro!%o!t te &o!rse of tis pro*e&t' Te +lessin%) elp and %!idan&e %iven +" te$ ti$e to ti$e sall &arr" $e a lon% ,a" in te *o!rne" of life on ,i& I a$ a+o!t to e$+ark' I also take tis opport!nit" to e#press a deep sense of %ratit!de to)((((((((( Prin&ipal) Senior Se&ondar" S&ool for is &ordial s!pport) val!a+le infor$ation and %!idan&e) ,i& elped $e in &o$pletin% tis task tro!% vario!s sta%es' I ,o!ld also like to e#press $" eartil" %ratit!de to te la+ assistants for teir s!pport d!rin% te $akin% of tis pro*e&t' Lastl") I tank al$i%t") $" parents and friends for teir &onstant en&o!ra%e$ent ,ito!t ,i& tis pro*e&t ,o!ld not +e possi+le'