Gener alGui del i nesofPumpPi pi ngLayout General Guidelines
Following sketch (sketch-1) shows a portion of a typical plot plan with few Equipment's, pipe rack etc shown. For equipment spacing pl refer, plant layout and piping specification numer !-"#-!$-%%&, "E "ap guidelines, andor #* 11+.
!ump !iping $ayout superimposed in a plot plan
!ump !um p loc locati ation on wil willl aff affect ect the pi pipin ping g rou routin ting g and sup suppor portin ting. g. !um !umps ps car carryi rying ng hydrocarons and materials aoe &% degree shall not e located elow pipe
racks, structures, air fin coolers and essels. /hose in non-flammale serice may e located eneath the pipe rack without ostructing the access ay, other maintenance requirements of the respectie process unit.
!umps shall e located as close to the source of suction in order to minimi0e pressure drop in the system. /he line si0e and temperature will e the determining factors in piping layout.
preliminary piping layout ( study layout ) shall e made to determine the requirement of spacing etween pumps especially in case of side suction side discharge, top suction top discharge pumps where straight length requirement platform !# requirement etc hae to e considered.
2educers in pump suction lines shall e as close as possile to the pump suctiondischarge no00les.
Eccentric reducers in pump suction lines shall e flat on top in order to preent any entrained apours in the liquid from accumulating in the high point ( if installed ottom flat ) and thus causing caitation in the pump. !umps in oiler feed water serice operating close to apour pressure of the liquid are susceptile to this type of prolems.
2educers in pump discharge should e concentric in most cases. Eccentric reducers may e used in oth suction and discharge piping for top suctiontop discharge pumps in order to otain clearance etween suction and discharge piping.
onsideration must e gien to lue oil and seal oil systems and any cooling water requirements. are must e e3ercised not to lock access to the pump seals and earings when routing these lines.. /he pump data sheet should always e reiewed to make sure these requirements are not missed. For ery large pumps these may e separate on skids.
4hen deeloping an equipment layout in pump areas, the layout designer must enision potential ostructions around the pumps (e.g. large lock ales, steam turine piping, and tee-type pipe supports from grade). s per il ndustry #afety *irectorate stipulation ( #* 11+ ) 1 mtr (1%%%mm ) is the minimum accepted spacing etween pumps.
u3iliary piping shall e neatly routed along the ase-plate and shall not e3tend across the operating floor. /his piping shall not ostruct inspection coers, earing caps, upper hales of casings or any other items which require access for operation or maintenance. n order to aoid a fire ha0ard, luricating oil, control oil and seal oil pipes shall not e routed in the icinity of hot process or hot utility pipes.
/ypical pump suction piping at acuum tower
ooling water pipes to pumps and compressors shall not e less than %56. !ipes 756 or less shall hae the take-off connection from the top of the header in order to preent plugging during operation.
4hen fle3iility loops are required etween pumps, it is necessary to partially run the lines oer the pump and drier. Eery effort must e made to minimi0e maintenance ostructions y running the piping either outside the area directly oer the pumps or at a high enough eleation to permit the remoal of the pump or drier.
/he pump shall e placed in such a manner so that the suction no00le eleation is always elow the esseltank no00le and suction pipe shall e routed so that there is no pockets.
!umps in acuum serice present special prolems. #ince the system operates at a negatie pressure and ery high temperature, the pumps must e located ery close to the suction source. /his is often directly elow the tower or immediately outside the tower support columns. !umps located directly eneath the tower can e mounted on a special spring ase as shown in sketch elow.
n some rare cases one pump is installed as a common spare etween two other pumps in different serices. /he pump must e manifolded in such a way to accomplish this.
!umps may e single-stage or multi-stage. 8ulti stage pumps are usually side suction side discharge. /hese pumps require significantly more space and faces layout prolems. /here is usually a straight run requirement (e3ample, 7 pipe diameters) etween the suction flange and the first elow as shown in #ketch. *ue to
the heaier casing design for high pressures, allowale no00le loads are often higher for multi-stage pumps making pipe stress prolems somewhat easier to resole.
!iping sometric #ketch
/he location of ales, strainers, spacerslinds etc. needs special consideration. /he option of placing the ales at a higher eleation and proiding an operating platform has got its own adantages and disadantages. f ales are proided at a higher eleation the accessiility for the pumps is enhanced ut the operaility of the ales ecomes difficult.
t shall e noted that een if the type of pump is same, different piping layouts may e followed. #o it is not always necessary that same layout shall e followed for same
type of pumps, ut is goerned y arious factors such as temperature, requirement of ertical strainers etc.
Creep: /ime dependent deformation of material that occurs under load at Eleated temperatures. •
reep range for $ow aronsteel 8aterial 9%.%7 to %.7
reep range for 8edium aronsteel 8aterial 9 %.7 to %.7
reep range for :igh aronsteel 8aterial 9 ;%.7
Jacking oil: n order to preent the metal to metal contact w the
Gland Steam Piping: 4hile steam is passing through pipes there is a chance of leakage of air in to ales which causes a serious damage. n order to preent this damage. "land steam is supplied which pressure is slightly higher t han the acuum pressure.
Extended Gland Packing: t seals without aid of gland steam.
Control Valves: 8ainly ontrol ales are > types. 1. !ressure ontrol ?ale (!?) . /emperature ontrol ?ale (/?) &. Flow ontrol ?ale ( F?) >. $eel ontrol ?ale($?) •
n $..nlet lines !? = /? are used.
n #eal il oer :ead /ank = #eal il /raps $?# are used.
llowale !ressure *rop 1@ in 1%% mm length.
llowale #lope 7 mm in 1m.$ength.
!ipe si0e 1 AB and elow we use #ocket 4eld +%% rating flanges.
For 1 AB !ipe line we use !iston $ift 5on 2eturn ?ale generally.
For B !ipeline we use #wing heck 5on 2eturn ?ale.
6ending 2adius for 1B pipe 9 1%%mm
6ending 2adius for CB pipe 9 D7mm
pto 1 AB we use generally pipe ends.
1 AB and aoe we use elows.
onnection locks are used for take connections on casings. long onnection 6lock 8etallic "askets are used.
E3pansion 6ellows are generally used in /urine nlet = *rain lines. ?elocity of liquid less than that of "ases ecause liquids adhere to walls of pipe, then friction is more. :ence elocity is less.
Fl angesWi t hs t andi ngRat i ngCapac i t yForGasLi nes : 17%2F ------------ p to 1%.7 ta.
&%%2F------------ 1 ta.
%%2F------------ > ta.
17%%2F------------ 1%7 ta.
7%%2F------------ 1D7 ta.