Th e Oxf Oxf ord H andbook andbook of Positi Positi ve Psyc Psychol hol ogy (2009). Retrieved from handbooks&ots=W76peUH_Ak&sig=sog97hf6QTf2c5m7BEs5g4JfdhQ#v=onepage&q=online handbooks&f=false. Lopez, Snyder, Shane J., C.R. "Google Books." Google Books. Books. Oxford University Press, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 4 Oct. 2014. handbooks&ots=W76peUH_Ak&sig=sog97hf6QTf2c5m7BEs5g4JfdhQ#v=onepage&q=online handbooks&f=false .
, Th e Oxf Oxf ord H andbook andbook of Positi Positi ve Psyc Psychol hol ogy edited by Shane J. Lopez, C.R. Snyder, is one of the handbooks from the Oxford Library of Psychology. Psychology. It is a highly regarded regarded collection of inspiring case studies and stories from the field of positive psychology. This volume contains contributions from more than fifty researchers and industry professionals from around the United States, Great Britain, and Australia, laid out in 65 chapters. The audience for this handbook is wide: graduate students, faculty, counselors, human resources, and industry professionals. In Part 1, the editors address some of the questions that I myself have about this subject, like: “Why do we need a positive psychology course?”, “Isn’t this too esoteric for the general public?” and, “Isn’t this…. Just… for a select few?” In answering these questions, they refer to psychology greats like Maslow, Seligman, and Menninger. Some of the ideas explored in this handbook include “What is the good life?” and “What is the good of a person?” The handbook reviews and discusses articles of relevance in the field of positive psychology. As such, it is not a light read, but it is clear, understandable, and engaging. This handbook is available in print, and online, in pdf form. It is also available for free download at: I reviewed the online pdf provided by Google Scholar. The online book is an electronic representation representation of the print form, page for page, with table of contents, articles with abstracts, illustrations, bibliographies, and pagination. The editors, C.R. Snyder and Shane J. Lopez, are distinguished in their fields. Snyder, who is now dead, was a professor of Psychology at the University of Kansas, and also held the title of M. Erik Wright Distinguished Professor of Clinical Psychology at the university. Lopez has been a professor p rofessor for more than 10 years and conducts research studies, collaborating with colleagues from around the world. He is presentl y research director for Clifton Strengths Institute and Gallup Senior Scientist in Residence. In addition, he is a licensed psychologist and author of note. Grades: post-secondary/professional level. Subject(s): Psychology. Overall rating: rating: 8