RULE 108; CASE #8
immeiate ismissal o) the petition"? Apparentl+& Apparentl+& the RC took the *iew that onl+ ?the hus(an or the wi)e&? in this 'ase either ,aekara or ,arina+& 'an )ile the petition to e'lare their marria$e *oi& an not Fujiki"
FUJIKI VS. MARINAY GR No. 196049 June 26, 2013 CARPIO, J.:
Fujiki was a Japanese national who marrie
responent in the !hilippines"
he he
marr marria ia$e $e
i i
not not
sit sit
well well
with with
petitioner%s parents" hus& Fujiki 'oul not (rin$ his wi)e to Japan where he resies" E*entuall+& the+ lost 'onta't with ea'h other"
,arina+ ,arina+ met another another Japanese Japanese&& ,aekara ,aekara"" st
-ithout -ithout the 1 marria$e (ein$ issol*e& issol*e& ,arina+ an an ,aek ,aekar ara a were were marr marrie ie in .ue/ .ue/on on Cit+ Cit+&& !hilippi !hilippines" nes" ,aekara ,aekara (rou$ht (rou$ht ,arina+ ,arina+ to Japan" Japan" owe*er& owe*er& ,arina+ alle$el+ alle$el+ su))ere ph+si'al a(use )rom )rom ,aeka ,aekara ra"" She le)t le)t ,aekar ,aekara a an starte starte to 'onta't Fujiki"
Fujiki an ,arina+ met in Japan an the+
were a(le to reesta(lish reesta(lish their relationship" relationship"
Fujiki Fujiki helpe helpe ,arina+ o(tain a ju$ment ju$ment
)rom a )amil+ )amil+ 'ourt in Japan Japan whi'h whi'h e'lare e'lare the marria$e (etween ,arina+ an ,aekara *oi on the $roun o) (i$am+"
Fujiki Fujiki )ile )ile a petition petition in the RC entitle entitle
2Jui'ial Re'o$nition Re'o$nition o) Forei$n Ju$ment 3or 4e'ree o) A(solute A(solute 5ullit+ 5ullit+ o) ,arria$e ,arria$e6"7 6"7 Fujiki pra+e pra+e 3amon$ others6 )or the RC to ire't the Lo'al Ci*il Re$istrar o) .ue/on Cit+ to annotate the Japanese Famil+ Famil+ Court ju$ment on the Certi)i'ate o) ,arria$e (etween ,arina+ an ,aekara an to enorse su'h annotatio annotation n to the ))i'e o) the Aministra Aministrator tor an Ci*il Ci*il Re$istr Re$istrar ar 9eneral 9eneral in the 5ational 5ational Statisti Statisti's 's ))i'e 35S6"
he RC ismisse the petition" :t (ase its
ismissal on Se'tion 3<6 o) A"," 5o" 0=>11>10>SC whi'h pro*ies that ?@)ailure to 'ompl+ with an+ o) the pre'ein$ pre'ein$ reBuiremen reBuirements ts ma+ (e a $roun $roun )or
status& a ri$ht& or a parti'ular )a't"? Rule 108 'reates a reme+ to re'ti)+ )a'ts o) a person%s li)e whi'h are re'ore (+ the State pursuant to the Ci*il Re$ister Law or A't A't 5o" " " hese hese are are )a'ts )a'ts o) pu(li pu(li' ' 'onseBuen'e su'h as (irth& eath or marria$e& whi'h the State has an interest in re'orin$"
re'onsiere" e ar$ue that A"," 5o" 0=>11>10>SC 'ontemplate orinar+ 'i*il a'tions )or e'laration o) nullit+ an annulment o) marria$e" hus& A"," 5o" 0=>1 0=>11> 1>10 10>S >SC C oes oes not not appl appl+ +" A peti petiti tion on )or )or re'o re'o$n $nit itio ion n o) )ore )orei$ i$n n ju$ ju$me ment nt is a spe' spe'ia iall pro'eei pro'eein$& n$& whi'h ?seeks ?seeks to esta(li esta(lish sh a status& status& a ri$ht or a parti'ular )a't&? an not a 'i*il a'tion whi'h is ?)or the en)or'ement or prote'tion o) a ri$ht& or the pre*ention or reress o) a wron$"? Fujiki ar$ue that Rule 108 3Can'ellation or Corre'tion Corre'tion o) Entries Entries in the Ci*il Re$istr+6 Re$istr+6 o) the Rules o) Court is appli'a(le" Se'tion = o) Rule 108 pro*ies that entries in the 'i*il re$istr+ relatin$ to ?marria$es&? ?marria$es&? ?ju$ments o) annulments o) marria$e? marria$e? an ?ju$ments e'larin$ marria$es *oi )rom the (e$i (e$inn nnin in$? $? are are su(j su(je' e'tt to 'an' 'an'el ella lati tion on or 'orre'tion" he petition in the RC sou$ht 3amon$ others6 to annotate the ju$ment o) the Japanese Famil+ Court on the 'erti)i'ate o) marria$e (etween ,arina+ an ,aekara"
(1) -5 a hus(an or wi)e o) a prior marria$e 'an )ile a petition petition to re'o$ni/ re'o$ni/e e a )orei$n )orei$n ju$ment nulli)+in$ the su(seBuent marria$e (etween his or her spouse an a )orei$n 'iti/en on the $roun o) (i$am+" 3=6 -5 the RC 'an re'o$ni re'o$ni/e /e the )orei$ )orei$n n ju$ment in a pro'eein$ pro'eein$ )or 'an'ellation or 'orre'tion 'orre'tion o) entries entries in the Ci*il Re$istr Re$istr+ + uner Rule 108 o) the Rules o) Court" "!#$: 316 DES" Sin'e the re'o$nition o) a )orei$n ju$ment onl+ reBuires proo) o) )a't o) the ju$ment& it ma+ (e mae in a spe'ial spe'ial pro'eein$ pro'eein$ )or 'an'ella 'an'ellation tion or 'orre'tion o) entries in the 'i*il re$istr+ uner Rule 108 o) the Rules o) Court" Rule 1& Se'tion o) the Rules o) Court pro*ies that ?@a spe'ial pro'eein$ is a reme+ (+ whi'h a part+ seeks to esta(lish a
Rule 108& Se'tion 1 o) the Rules o) Court states Se'" Se'" 1" Who Who may may file file peti petiti tion on" G An+ person %n&e'e(&e) in an+ *+&, een&, o')e' o' )e+'ee 'on'ernin$ )e+'ee 'on'ernin$ the+%%the+%%- (&*&u( o /e'(on( %+ %+ *( *( een een 'e+o 'e+o') ')e) e) %n &e &e +%% +%%-'e%(&e', ma+ ma+ )ile )ile a *eri) *eri)ie ie petit petitio ion n )or the 'an'ellation or 'orre'tion o) an+ entr+ relatin$ thereto& thereto& with the Re$ional Re$ional rial rial Court o) the pro*in'e where the 'orresponin$ 'i*il re$istr+ is lo'ate" Fujiki Fujiki has has the perso personal nalit+ it+ to )ile )ile a petit petitio ion n to re'o$n re'o$ni/e i/e the Japane Japanese se Famil Famil+ + Court Court ju$me ju$ment nt nulli nulli)+i )+in$ n$ the marri marria$e a$e (etwe (etween en ,arina ,arina+ + an ,aekar ,aekara a on the $roun $roun o) (i$am (i$am+ + (e'au (e'ause se the ju$ment 'on'erns his 'i*il status as marrie to ,arina+" ,arina+" For the same reason he has the personalit+ to )ile a petition uner Rule 108 to 'an'el the entr+ o) marria$e marria$e (etween (etween ,arina+ ,arina+ an ,aekara ,aekara in the 'i*il 'i*il re$is re$istr+ tr+ on the (asis (asis o) the e'ree e'ree o) the Japanese Famil+ Court" 3=6 DES" A re'o$nition o) a )orei$n ju$ment is not an a'tion to nulli)+ a marria$e" :t is an a'tion )or !hilippi !hilippine ne 'ourts 'ourts to re'o$ni/ re'o$ni/e e the e))e'ti*it+ e))e'ti*it+ o) a )orei$n )orei$n ju$ment& ju$ment& %+ %+ /'e(u/ /'e(u//o( /o(e( e( * +*(e +*(e %+ %+ *( *-'e*) &'%e) *n) )e+%)e) )e+%)e) un)e' un)e' o'e%n -*" -* " he pro'eure in A"," 5o" 0=>11>10> SC oes not appl+ in a petition to re'o$ni/e a )orei$n ju$ment annullin$ a (i$amous marria$e where one o) the parties parties is a 'iti/en o) the )orei$n )orei$n 'ountr+" 'ountr+" 5either 5either 'an R"A" 5o" 8HI 3Famil+ 3Famil+ Courts A't o) 1II6 e)ine the jurisi'tion o) the )orei$n 'ourt"