this is for financial accounting that is very helpful
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To gain understanding and to provide working knowledge of accounting concepts, detailed procedures and documentation involved in financial accounting system.Full description
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Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis formulas
This is an award winning business plan by the European Union, for the Enterprise fellowship scheme. Business Plan by Syed Masrur, the Founder of the first English speaking Islamic Television Channe...
Assets and liabilities and stockholder's equity Four basic financial statements Cash flow statement Balance sheet Income Statement Accounting equations Summary of financial accounting …Full description
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Solution Manual
Second year
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Financial accountin accounting g and analysis (Stage 3) Questons: (Equiy fnancing) 1.Wha are some advanages o he corporae orm o an organizaton !.Wha is mean "y a limited liability o a corporaton #.Wha #.Wha righs are a$ached o common sharesWhere are hese righs indicaed %.Wha %.Wha is a "oard o direcors and &hom does i represen're he direcors invoved in he daiy managemen o he enty .*escri"e: a.&o main casses o shares ha can "e issued "y a corporaton+ corporaton+ and and ".he di,eren erms reatng o he saus o a corporaton-s shares. ./n &ha &ays can shares "e 0preerred/n &hich &ays are hey simiar o common shares*i,eren rom common shares 2.Why do corporaes sometmes op or a share spi 3./denty he ma4or componens o he equiy secton o a "aance shee.Why shee.Why are hose componens distnguished 5.6o& can reained earnings "e said o "e reinvened reinvened in a corporaton 17.Wha 17.Wha are he main issues a "oard o direcors considers &hen ma8ing a dividend decaraton decision 11.Even i a corporaton is ma8ing a su"santa ne income each year9&hy year9&hy migh he "oard o direcors decide o no pay any cash dividends 1!.*istnguish among he dae o dividend decaraton9 he record dae9 and he dae o paymen. 1#.Wha 1#.Wha is he di,erence in accountng "e&een cash dividends and share dividends 1%.Epain he di,eren dividend preerences ha may "e a$ached o he preerred shares.Why shares.Why &oud preerred shares have hese preerences over common shares *oes i mean ha purchasing preerred shares is "e$er han purchasing common shares 1.Wha 1.Wha are dividends in arrears're hey a ia"iiy o a corporaton 1.6o& does a share dividend di,er rom a share spi 12.*oes a share dividend change an invesor-s percenage o corporae o&nershipEpain9 using an eampe. 'ns&ers:
1.a./ is a ega enty &ih unimied ie+ is eisence is separae rom is o&ners+ and i has many o he righs and responsa"iites o an individua. "./ has imied ia"iiy+ ia"iiy+ he o&ners are ia"e ia"e ony or he amoun amoun hey inves in he company company.. c.'cquiring capia is is aciiaed aciiaed "y "eing a"e o issue shares(o&nership shares(o&nership unis) unis) &ih di,eren ris8 and and re&ard srucures o many o&ners. d.;orporatons d.;orporatons may pay income aes a raes ha may "e o&er han raes or individuas. !.Limited liability : ighs o common sharehoders are as oo&s: a.
iii./ssued shares C he oa num"er o auhorized shares ha have "een issued in he name o he sharehoders+issued sharehoders+issued shares may no "e in he hands o he sharehoders(e.g. sharehoders(e.g. reasury shares). iv.Busandi iv.Busanding ng shares C auhorized shares ha have "een issued and are acuay in he hands o sharehoders. v.>eacquired ?haresshares ha have "een reApurchased rom sharehoders9 have no "een canceed9 and no have "een reissued (aso caed reasury shares). .?hares are preerred in ha heir o&ners: a.Feneray assume ess ris8 han common sharehoders. When a corporaton is disoved9 preerred sharehoders have have frs caim on he remaining asses aGer he credios have "een paid+ and ".6ave a prior caim o he earnings o he corporaton.@reerred sharehoders sharehoders mus "e paid specifed dividends "eore any paymens are made o common sharehoders. @reerred sharehoders are simiar o common sharehoders in ha "oh a.B&n share certfcaes9 evidence o corporae o&nership+ ".6ave he ega guaranee ha a shares o he same cass &i "e reaed equay &ih respec o he righs and privieges a$ached o hem+ c.6ave he righs o dividends decared "y he "oard o direcors+ and d.6ave he righ o partcipae in disri"uton o asses on iquidaton o he corporaton. @reerred sharehoders di,er rom rom common sharehoders in ha : a.;ommon sharehoders sharehoders can partcipae in he managemen o he corporaton "y votng a sharehoder-s meetngs ".;ommon sharehoders can appoin audiors+ c.;ommon sharehoders assume more ris8 han preerred sharehoders+6o&ever sharehoders+6o&ever99 common sharehoders have more poenta or receiving su"santa dividends dividends and increases in he vaue o heir shares i he corporaton is successu9 and+ d.;ommon sharehoders sharehoders receive he "aance o asses aGer oher caims have "een satsfedA in case o a "an8rupcy or iquidaton9 here are usuay e& or no oher asses o disri"ue o common sharehoders+preerred sharehoders+preerred sharehoders have prior caims. 2.Bptng or share spi: When he shares o a corporaton are seing a a high price on he soc8 mar8e9 managemen may op or a soc8 spi in order o pu hem more easiy &ihin he reach o more invesors. 3.Ha4or componens o he equiy secton o he "aance shee are share capia (preerred shares and common shares) and reained earnings.
5.>eained earnings represen ne asses ha are earned "y a corporaton over is ie ha have no "een disri"ued as dividends o sharehoders. 's such9 hey can "e used o inves in productve actvites o he "usiness. 17. ?ome o he main consideratons invoving invoving he decaraton o he dividends are: a.Wheher a.Wheher or no here is enough cash9or &heher he dividends can "e paid "y disri"uton o some oher asses+ ".Wheher ".Wheher he poicy o he corporaton precudes dividend paymens+ and c.Wheher c.Wheher here is a ega requiremen ha dividend mus "e decared. 11.' corporaton may decide no o pay cash dividends even hough i has a su"santa ne income "ecause fnancia conditons may ma8e i impractca or impossi"e. a.
1#.Diferences between Cash Dividend and Share Dividend ' cash dividend reduces "oh he asse ;ash and he equiy accoun >eained Earnings. ' share dividend does no a,ec ;ash+ he >eained Earnings accoun is st reduced9 "u he accoun ;ommon ?hares (or @reerred9 i appica"e) is increased. ' share dividend has no e,ec on equiy. 1%.*ividend preerences ha may "e a$ached o preerred shares are: a.@reerred a.@reerred sharehoders are ented o dividends "eore any dividends are disri"ued o common sharehoders+ ".@reerred ".@reerred shares may "e cumuatve+ undecared dividends can accumuae rom one year o he ne+and c.@reerred sharehoders may partcipae &ih common sharehoders in dividend disri"utons "eyond heir usua preerred dividends.
@reerred shares have reurns ha are more predica"e and hus a$rac invesors invesors &ih a o&er oerance or ris8. eained >eained earnings decrease and share capia increases. ' share spi is an acton a8en "y he corporaton o increase he num"er o shares ousanding and redduce he per share mar8e vaue.Io 4ourna enry is required o record a share spi9 and here are no accountng e,ecs. 12.' share dividend increases he num"er o shares hed "y each sharehoder "u he o&nership percenage remains he same./ a 17J share dividend is disri"ued9 each sharehoder hods more shares "u he percenage o o&nership remains he same. @'>< //.(Konds9 and Kond ;haraceristcs). 1.?ecured "onds(Wha are hey) !.Dnsecured "onds are caed L.. (and descri"e hem a "i) #.Wha require regisered "onds %.Wha can you say a"ou seriia "onds .;onvert"e .;onvert"e and redeema"e "onds. .?in8ing und "onds. 'ns&ers: 1.?ecured "onds are de" insrumens "ac8ed "y physica asses o he corporaton.egisered "onds require require he name and adress o he o&ner o "e recorded "y he corporaton or is rusee.