Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """
Course Ti!e" -A Su#$ o% Ii'& ' (eser& Lier'r$ T)eor$
To+i" Fei&is Re'#i& o% Aru)'i Ro$/s God of Small Things
Suie# To" - Dr. 1'i Si&) D'e" 20 No3eer, No3eer, 2045. Suie# B$" De3eer u'r
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ "ntrodu#t$on
God of Small Things $! a novel %r$tten b& an "nd$an %r$ter 'rundhat$ (o& %h$#h fo#u!e! on the l$ve! of "nd$an %omen !uffer$n) $n a male dom$nated !o#$et&* Her novel $! %r$tten from a fem$n$!t +er!+e#t$ve %h$#h tal,! about the $rrat$onal$t$e! and $nu!t$#e! of the dome!t$# !o#$al l$fe* "t $! thu!. throu)h her novel that %e real$e ho% the #a!te ba!ed H$ndu !o#$et& %or,! $n favour of men and not for %omen* Here. ha#,o %ho re+re!ent! the male o++re!!$ve !o#$et& eno&! %$th the lo% #a!te %omen %or,$n) under h$! fa#tor&. %herea! h$! !$!ter $! #ondemned for hav$n) an affa$r %$th elutha %ho al!o belon) to a lo% #a!te H$ndu Dal$t3* 'mmu! affa$r $! referred a! $ll$#$t %herea! ha#,o $! for)$ven under the rea!on man! need!* $,e%$!e male are endo%ed %$th lot! of advanta)e! from edu#at$on to +ro+ert& $nher$tan#e to re!+e#t %herea! %omen are de+r$ved of them and ha! to !uffer $n the name of trad$t$on. #ulture. rel$)$on and +ol$t$#!* 8en ne)le#t %omen and fa$l to a++re#$ate the$r hard %or, and ded$#at$on to%ard! fam$l& and #h$ldren* omen are v$#t$m$ed b& men d$re#tl& or $nd$re#tl& at home and $n the off$#e* "n the novel 'mmu %ho re+re!ent the !u++re!!ed %omen. %ho $! al!o a S&r$an hr$!t$an rahm$n that )oe! throu)h a +!holo)$#al trauma $! an edu#ated %oman %ho #hallen)e! the ver& o++re!!$ve !o#$et& b& hav$n) an o+en affa$r %$th a Dal$t untou#hable elutha but the !o#$et& +rove! to be too !tron) for her and ult$matel& both of them lo!e! the$r l$fe $n a d$!re!+e#tful manner*
omen have lo!t the$r +la#e $n the !o#$et& a! a re!ult of #a!te !&!tem. +ol$t$#!. rel$)$on and #ulture* ;he$r ob! are #onf$ned to the lo%e!t form of ob! that dont re#e$ve re!+e#t* 8arr$a)e! ta,e +la#e for almo!t all the #hara#ter! but $t $! !oon follo%ed b& d$!a!ter. %h$#h ult$matel& )$ve r$!e to !o man& +roblem! of lo!$n) re!+e#t. l$vel$hood and even to an e
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ No re!+e#table +la#e for %omen $n the !o#$et& ;here are three mo!t $m+ortant #hara#ter! $n >?od of Small ;h$n)!@ thatthe author +ut the reader! to refle#t from the fem$n$!t +o$nt of v$e%* ;he!e three #hara#ter! re+re!ent from three d$fferent )enerat$on!* 8amma#h$ re+re!ent the f$r!t )enerat$on. 'mmu $! from the !e#ond )enerat$on %ho $! the dau)hter of 8amma#h$ and the th$rd $! (ahel. dau)hter of 'mmu* 'mmu mu!t be treated a! the mo!t $m+ortant #hara#ter $n the novel* She $! the dau)hter of Aa+a#h$ and 8amma#h$ and a d$vor#ee %$th t%o &)ot$# t%$n!. (ahel and E!tha* $fe for her $! not free $n her +arent! hou!e %h$#h $! #ontrolled b& men* Her +arent! have a !tron) aff$l$at$on to%ard! trad$t$onal H$ndu bel$ef! and the& !ho%er more affe#t$on to her brother ha#,o* ;he !o#$al norm! demand! that the men !hould be )$ven +r$mar& $m+ortan#e and %omen the !e#ondar& +referen#e* ha#,o. be$n) the !on. %a! edu#ated at B8amma#h$ %a! deva!tated. but !e#retl& +a%ned her e%eller& and arran)ed for mone& to be !ent to h$m $n En)land*@+*243*'mmu %anted to +ur!ue her further edu#at$on but >Aa++a#h$ $n!$!ted that a #olle)e edu#at$on %a! unne#e!!ar& e<+en!e for a )$rl. !o 'mmu had no #ho$#e but to leave Delh$ and move %$th them* ;here %a! ver& l$ttle to do $n '&emenem other than to %a$t for marr$a)e +ro+o!al! %h$le !he hel+ed her mother %$th the hou!e %or,* S$n#e her father d$d not have enou)h mone& to ra$!e a !u$table do%r&. no +ro+o!al #ame alon) 'mmu! %a&@+*3* "n the +$#,le fa#tor& %h$#h a#tuall& belon)! to 8amma#h$ that %a! later ta,en over b& her !on ha#,o. 'mmu %or,ed hard %$th ded$#at$on* ut her hard %or, %a! rarel& a#,no%led)ed* "n!tead ha#,o referred to $t a!. >m& fa#tor&. m& +$nea++le! and m& +$#,le!@* >e)all&. th$! %a! the #a!e a! 'mmu. a! a dau)hter had no #la$m to the +ro+ert&@ (o& 573*;he la%! of the land al!o d$!#r$m$nate! %omen !ub!tant$all&* He further even )oe! on to !a&. >hat! &our! $! m$ne and %hat! m$ne $! al!o m$ne*@ (o& 573*ha#,o often u!e! the!e
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ l$ne! $ntent$onall& be#au!e he feel! un#omfortable %hen 'mmu l$ve! %$th them* 'mmu! $n de!+erat$on >ho had to +a#, her ba)! and leave* e#au!e !he had no o#u!t! !tand "* e#au!e ha#,o !a$d !he had de!tro&ed enou)h alread&*@(o& 1593* ha#,o fa$l! to under!tand the real need! of a %oman* He fa$l! to #omfort h$! o%n !$!ter %ho had been d$vor#ed %$th t%o #h$ldren and that too %$thout a ob* 'mmu %a! !uffer$n) from '!thma* She %a! %$ld !$#, and !ad* She %or,ed a! a re#e+t$on$!t $n a #hea+ hotel* She d$e! alone. $n a d$rt& hotel room* (ahel. 'mmu! dau)hter $! the %oman %ho ha! no +la#e $n e$ther her fam$l& or !o#$et&* ;hu! the %r$ter )$ve! a blea, v$e% of her a! >(ahel no +lan!. no lo#u!t! !tand "3. her ba#, a)a$n!t a +$llar. %at#hed arna +ra&$n) on the ban,! of the ?an)a*@(o& 213*$v$n) $n her )rand+arent! hou!e. !he doe! not l$ve l$,e a normal #h$ld* "n!tead !he $! a %$tne!! to $nu!t$#e! done onto her mother* ab& ,o#hamma d$!l$,ed (ahel and her brother E!tha for the& %ere fatherle!!* (oe& )e 3ii o% i!!-re'e& o% e&
Soon 'mmu leave! '&emenem for al#utta %here !he f$nd! her !e#ond hu!band %ho !ell! her to h$! mana)er* aba %a! al!o an al#ohol$# and %ould fre=uentl& !ho% tantrum! $n the hou!e* >Suddenl& he lun)ed her. )rabbed her ha$r. and then +un#hed her and then +a!!ed out from the effort*@+*423* She %a! the v$#t$m of v$olen#e* H$r!h and eller 19903 a)ree that >$#t$m$at$on b& men ha! been the +r$mar& #ate)or& of o++re!!$on $n fem$n$!m@ H$r$!h 63* 8an. of #our!e. $! +h&!$#all& !u+er$or to %oman. but the +h&!$#al !u+er$or$t& $! not for u!$n) $n a v$olent manner and to #au!e harm to the female +artner!* 8an $! !u+er$or +h&!$#all& %h$#h $! )$ven b& the nature* 'nd th$! advanta)e mu!t be u!ed +o!$t$vel& b& all men* ;here #an be t%o rea!on! a! to %h& !he left her hu!band* Bne $! be#au!e !he %a! !old to h$! mana)er and the other rea!on $! the +h&!$#al v$olen#e* 'fter d$vor#e. her !o#$al !tand$n) be#ame even %or!e $n the !o#$et&* "nd$an !o#$et& e<+e#t! a %oman to l$ve %$th her hu!band and a##e+t h$m un#ond$t$onall&* ' d$vor#ed %oman $! #on!$dered e=ual to a loo!e moral
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ a##ord$n) to the trad$t$onal H$ndu value!* 8en and the !o#$et& e<+e#t %omen to ma$nta$n #erta$n !tandard! !et b& the H$ndu #ulture!* ;herefore. Arabhat$ 8u,heree 1973 #r$t$#$e! the H$ndu trad$t$on %$th re!+e#t to female a!. >Aro#eed$n) do%n the a)e! %e f$nd that the $deal held u+ before a %oman $! to be a !ubm$!!$ve. dut$ful and lo&al %$fe totall& de+endent u+on her hu!band* 'n $deal %oman $! !he %ho $! an $deal %$fe* "n other %ord!. $t %a! rather $deal %$fehood. and not an $deal %omanhood. that all the!e author$t$e! %ere de!#r$b$n) at )reat len)th@ +*173*So. on her return to her father! hou!e !he $! un%el#omed* Aarent! mu!t under!tand the feel$n)! of a d$vor#ed %oman* "n the #a!e of 'mmu. +arent! are more #on#erned about the !tatu! of a fam$l& $n the !o#$et& and !o are relu#tant %hen !he return! %$thout a hu!band* 8amma#h$%a! treated b$tterl& b& her hu!band '++a#h$* >Ever& n$)ht he beat her %$th a bra!! flo%er va!e* ;he beat$n)! %erent ne%@ (o& 473*;he beat$n)! %ere ha! be#ome rout$ne $n the hou!e that 'mmu >'! a #h$ld. !he had learned ver& =u$#,l& to d$!re)ard the Cather ear 8other ear !tor$e! !he %a! )$ven to read* "n her ver!$on. Cather ear beat 8other ear %$th bra!! va!e!* 8other ear !uffered tho!e beat$n)! %$th mute re!$)nat$on@+*103* *e&/s #oi&'&e o3er 6oe&
ha#,o $! one of the $m+ortant #hara#ter! %ho re+re!ent the male o++re!!$on over %omen $n the !outh "nd$an !o#$et& e!+e#$all& $n erela* ha#,o ! affa$r %$th a lo% #a!te %omen $n the fa#tor& %a! a##e+ted $n the '&emenem hou!e but the& #ould not tolerate the relat$on!h$+ of 'mmu %$th elutha %ho $! a lo% #a!te H$ndu too* 8amma#h$ defended her !on b& !tat$n) th$! fa#t that >Sur+r$!$n)l&. ab& o#hamma a##e+ted th$! e<+lanat$on. and en$)mat$#. !e#retl& thr$ll$n) not$on of men! need! )a$ned $m+l$#$t !an#t$on $n the '&emenem hou!e@+*163*Bften the lo% #a!te %omen %ho %or,ed $n the fa#tor& %ere +a$d $n #a!h b& 8amma#h$ and ab& o#hamma to ,ee+ the matter! at ba&* ;he!e %omen a##e+ted the
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ offer! $n #a!h be#au!e the& had to !u++ort the$r fam$l& member! a! the& #ame from an e#onom$#all& ba#,%ard +eo+le* ;here are !o man& men l$,e ha#,o %ho ta,e! the advanta)e of %omen! +overt& and a!, for !eHer toleran#e for 8en! need! a! far a! her !on %a! #on#erned. be#ame the unmana)eable fur& for her dau)hter*@ (o& 253*8amma#h$ bel$eve! that $t $! onl& her dau)hter %ho ha! +ut the fam$l&! name do%n and !a&! that >She had def$led )enerat$on! of breed$n) and brou)ht the fam$l& to $t! ,nee* Cor )enerat$on! to #ome. forever no%. +eo+le %ould +o$nt at them at %edd$n)! and funeral!* 't ba+t$!m! and b$rthda& +art$e!* ;he& %ould nud)e and %h$!+er* "t %a! all f$n$!hed no%*@ (o& 253*ha#,o and 'mmu are both d$vor#ed* "n term! of favour! )$ven to them for the$r b$olo)$#al need!. $t $! lo+!$ded to%ard! ha#,o* 'mmu $! lo#,ed u+ $n the bedroom and 'mmu! elutha $! beaten to death* herea! ha#,o $! let to eno& %$th the %omen $n the fa#tor& and the %omen are +a$d* omen mu!t be re!+e#ted for the #ho$#e the& ma,e for the$r marr$a)e l$fe* h& $! $t al%a&! that the fam$l&! mat#h for %omen be re!+e#ted and a)reed u+onF h& #ant %omen have the$r o%n #ho$#eF omen are e=ual to men and the& !hould al!o be )$ven e=ual r$)ht! to #hoo!e the$r l$fe +artner a! the& %$!h* "n the novel. the me!!a)e $! )$ven $n the form of %arn$n) that $f an&one #ro!!e! the boundar& that $! !et b& the !o#$et& one mu!t have to )o throu)h un#om+rom$!$n) #on!e=uen#e!* ha#,o after h$! d$vor#e %$th 8ar)aret return! home and =u$#,l& ta,e! over 8amma#h$! +$#,le fa#tor&* He refer! to $t a! >m& fa#tor&. m& +$nea++le!. m& +$#,le!@ (o& 573*%$thout re)ard$n) 8ama#h$ %ho had !tarted and develo+ed the fa#tor&* He )$ve! the name of the fa#tor& h$m!elf a! >Aarad$!e +$#,le@* He be#ome! the +ro+r$etor and the mana)er of the Aarad$!e A$#,le fa#tor& %$thout )$v$n) a !hare of +rof$t or of o%ner!h$+ to h$! !$!ter and mother* H$! !$!ter and mother be#ome! a mere labour $n the fa#tor& and he fa$l! to a++re#$ate and re#o)n$e the$r effort $n the fa#tor&* 8o!t %omen do not o##u+& the o%ner!h$+
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ and mana)er$al +o!$t$on! for men !t$ll dom$nate %omen* ;hu! r$!hna (a u!t$f$e!. >;he 8ar<$an #ontr$but$on to fem$n$!t theor& $! the anal&!$! of #a+$tal$!m Hou!ehold labour ha! no% be)un to be !een a! another than $n the !ubu)at$on of %omen and >the d$v$!$on of %or, $n !o#$et& b& !e< $! not a one to one #om+lementar& arran)ement* "t $! h$erar#h$#al* "t $! al!o !o r$)$d that $t #onf$ne! %omen to #erta$n ta!,! re)ardle!! of #ontent or #han)e! $n #ond$t$on!* ;h$! d$v$!$on al!o $nfluen#e! the re%ard! ava$lable to %omen (o& 93* Curther 8amma#h$ %a! not let to +la& melod& b& h$m on her v$ol$n! !he %a! +a!!$onate about $t* >"n the m$ddle of the melod&. ha#,o ra$!ed h$! vo$#e over the #ho#olate !ound* 8ammaG 8ammaG ;hat! enou)hG Enou)h v$ol$nG@ (o& 13* hat #ould 8amma#h$ !a& other than to !to+ $t and !$lentl& retreat $nto her bed* Bn one hand 8amma#h$ %a! dom$nated b& her !on. on the other hand !he %a! #on!tantl& $ll treated b& her hu!band* Aa+a#h$ d$d not hel+ her $n her %or, even thou)h !he had #on$#al #ornea! and %a! alread& +ra#t$#all& bl$nd $n!tead he %a! ealou! of her %$fe )ett$n) attent$on from other!* ;hrou)hout the novel there are no $n#$dent! %here 8amma#h$ ra$!e! the vo$#e a)a$n!t men* Aa++a#h$ rema$ned ver& #areful about h$! +ubl$# +rof$le* He %ould d$!+la& )entleman =ual$t$e! b& donat$n) mone& to or+hana)e! and le+ro!& #l$n$# and %a! thu! #on!$dered a moral and a )ood man $n the e&e! of the +ubl$#* ;he une=ual treatment of %omen $n the !o#$et& $! al!o ev$dent even $n the lan)ua)e +eo+le u!ed* Cor $n!tan#e 'rundhat$ e<+la$n!: >She referred to her hu!band a! addeham %h$#h %a! the re!+e#tful form of he. %herea! he #alled her ed$ %h$#h %a! a++ro<$matel&. he&. &ouG(o& 2703* r$!hna (a1963 u!t$f$e! that. >;he!e var$ou! $n!$)ht! have no% been $nte)rated $nto an overall #ore #on#e+t. namel& +atr$ar#h&* Aatr$ar#h& $! no% def$ned a! male #ontrol over %omen! !e
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ ab& o#hammal$ve! $n '&emenam. %ho $! the !$!ter of Aa++a#h$* Her a#tual name $! Navom$"+e* h$le !he %a! &oun) !he had fallen $n love %$th Cather 8ull$)an. a &oun) "r$!h +r$e!t* ab& o#hamma be#ome! a (oman athol$# and o$ned a #onvent a)a$n!t her father ! %$!he!* Ce% lonel& month! later !he #ome! to real$e that !he $! #om$n) no%here to her man !he love! and +ro#eed! to !tud& $n 'mer$#a %here !he )et! her d$+loma $n ornamental )arden$n)* She fa$l! $n her attem+t to %$n the heart of the &oun) Ar$e!t and thu! rema$n! b$tterl& unmarr$ed throu)hout her l$fe but !he ta,e! +lea!ure $n $nfl$#t$n) +a$n $n other! l$fe* "n the novel. !he ha! her hand $n the br$n)$n) the death of elutha. 'mmu and the !uffer$n) $n the l$ve! of the t%$n!* 'mmu leave! for ul#utta to l$ve %$th her d$!tant aunt not be#au!e !he had a !tron) de!$re to l$ve %$th her but be#au!e !he %a! not )$ven !ame +r$or$t& $n the hou!e b& her +arent! #om+ared to men $n the !ame hou!e* 'l!o !he %a! reall& t$red of the $ll treat$n) of her father to her mother* ;here !he f$nd! a man named aba. %ho %or,! a! an a!!$!tant $n the tea )arden and marr$e! %$th h$m althou)h the marr$a)e $! not a++roved b& her +arent!* Her marr$a)e $! !hort l$ved after )$v$n) b$rth to the &)ot$# t%$n! (ahel and E!tha. for he %a! not %ell em+lo&ed and !old her to h$! mana)er 8r* Holl$#,* $thout hav$n) a mu#h #ho$#e !he had to return to her +arent! hou!e* She then ha! a !e#ret relat$on!h$+ %$th elutha* Her relat$on!h$+ %$th elutha $! +art$#ularl& !$)n$f$#ant $n that the$r affa$r $! #on!$dered to be both a !$n. a! $t $! e
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ the H$ndu value! and +atr$ar#hal !&!tem $n "nd$an !o#$et&* She $! unl$,e her mother %ho +ro +atr$ar#h& that a##e+t! the dom$nan#e of men +a!!$vel&* (ahel )et! marr$ed to arr& 8#a!l$n and 'rundhat$ de!#r$be! her marr$a)e a!. > (ahel dr$fted $nto marr$a)e l$,e a +a!!en)er dr$ft! to%ard! an uno##u+$ed #ha$r $n an a$r+ort loun)e@13* (ahel !eem! to !ho% le!! $ntere!t %$th h$m a! her $n!t$n#t! #alled her ba#, to '&emenem and !o the& are d$vor#ed* (ahel even after be#om$n) a full& )ro%n %oman !t$ll f$nd! #omfort. love and affe#t$on $n the +re!en#e of E!tha* Even %$th$n the h$)hl& o++re!!$ve +atr$ar#hal
E!tha and (ahel* ;he$r love )oe! be&ond the boundar$e! of !o#$etal norm!. the #a!te !&!tem. and even !e"n tho!e earl& amor+hou! &ear! %hen memor& had onl& u!t be)un. %hen l$fe %a! full of be)$nn$n)! and no End!. and Ever&th$n) %a! Cor Ever. E!tha++en and (ahel thou)ht of them!elve! to)ether a! 8e. and !e+aratel&. $nd$v$duall&. a! e or !* '! thou)h the& %ere a rare breed of S$ame!e t%$n!. +h&!$#all& !e+arate. but %$th o$nt $dent$t$e!@ ;he $m+ortant th$n) here m$)ht be that the$r relat$on!h$+ a! t%$n!. $n#lud$n) the$r !e
*e&/s 3io!e&e ''i&s 6oe&
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ ;here $! a hu)e d$fferen#e bet%een 'mmu and her mother* 8amma#h$ a##e+t! the "nd$an +atr$ar#hal H$ndu !o#$et& althou)h !uffer! $n the hand! of her hu!band but 'mmu re!$!t !o#$al to the #onvent$onal norm! and trad$t$on!* elutha %a! the lo% #a!te H$ndu Dal$t!3 %ho had been #onverted $nto a hr$!t$an* He %a! the onl& man %here 'mmu #an tru!t and love* He %a! the onl& man %ho #ould under!tand her +a$n* He )ave her the #om+an& !he needed and #ared her #h$ldren* 8amma#h$! fam$l& althou)h the& are S&r$an hr$!t$an!. !$n#e the& l$ve $n "nd$a. the& #annot avo$d be$n) $nfluen#ed b& H$ndu$!m* 8amma#h$ l$ve! under the #ontrol of men* She )ot marr$ed $n +ubert& %$th man !eventeen&ear! older to her %ho ha! nearl& #ontrolled ever& !te+ of her!* 8amma#h$ %a! a +rom$!$n) v$ol$n$!t !he had to leave her #areer be#au!e Aa+a#h$ a!,ed her to do !o* "t %a! dur$n) tho!e fe% month! the& !+ent $n $enna that 8amma#h$ too, her f$r!t le!!on! on the v$ol$n* ;he le!!on! %ere abru+tl& d$!#ont$nued* aun!,& ;$effenthal %a! e<#e+t$onall& talented and $n h$! o+$n$on. +otent$all& #on#ert #la!!* "t %a! a #a!e that !ho%ed the dom$nant nature of man to a %oman and dome!t$# v$olen#e %a! al!o a +art of the l$fe $n the '&emenem hou!e* Aa+a#h$. often beat 8amma#h$ %$th a bra!! flo%er va!e* "n add$t$on. Aa+a#h$ $n!ulted 8amma#h$ a! !he %a! never allo%ed to !$t $n h$! Al&mouth. unt$l after h$! death* ;he other man %ho dom$nated 8amma#h$! l$fe %a! ha#,o. her +r$v$le)ed and B
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ death $! un$ma)$nabl& bad* SheI! lo!t the onl& man !he ever loved. and !heI! !e+arated from her ,$d!* ab& o#hamma. thou)h old. (ahel thou)ht that. > She’s living her life backwards@ (o& 223* She be)an to %ear ma,e u+! and %ould ma$nta$n her f$)ure* (ahel had ob!erved that !he had lo!t %e$)ht on her fa#e and !houlder* She %a! %ear$n) a lot of e%eller& that belon)ed to (ahel! dead )randmother %h$#h #om+r$!ed of d$amond earr$n)!. )old ban)le!. and flat )old #ha$n* "nfa#t. !he %a! #rav$n) for the unfulf$lled de!$re %h$le !he %a! &oun)* Geer ro!es
;hrou)hout the novel %e !ee that #h$ldren %ere left $n the hand! of mother! to be ra$!ed and father! dont !eem to bother mu#h* Cor $n!tan#e %hen 'mmu $! d$vor#ed !he leave! ul#utta %$th her #h$ldren (ahel and E!tha to '&emenem. erala* ;he$r father never en=u$re! to !ee ho% the!e #h$ldren %ere )ro%$n) u+ and %hat the& needed and %anted* He even fa$l! to #omfort them emot$onall& let alone mater$all&* "n the #a!e of So+h$e !he $! be$n) left out b& her father $n ondon before b$rth $t!elf* She $! a #onfu!ed #h$ld r$)ht from the be)$nn$n) of her l$fe and ha#,o rema$n! lea!t bothered about her l$fe* She )ro%! u+ %$th her !te+ father and mo!t of the !te+ father! are un+red$#table $n nature to%ard! the #h$ldren* ;hu! H$r!#h and eller 19903 ar)ue. >"f an ab!ent father $! de+re!!$n)l& d$!a++o$nt$n). a +re!ent father #an be dan)erou! to mother! and the$r #h$ldren@ H$r$!h 223* oo,$n) at the manner $n %h$#h male behave! $n the !o#$et&. $t !eem! that the fun#t$on of a man $! for +ro#reat$on of human be$n)! and the %omen! ob $! to br$n) u+ the #h$ldren throu)h hard!h$+ b& +rov$d$n) love. #are and edu#at$on to the$r #h$ldren* H$r!#h and eller 19903 ob!erve!. >Some father! are l$terall& lo!t or )one other! #an be lo#ated but %$ll not. e<#e+t under rarel& effe#t$ve le)al +re!!ure. offer #a!h or !erv$#e!* Cather! %ho +rov$de mater$all& for the$r #h$ldren a! be!t the&
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ #an rarel& a!!ume a full !hare of the emot$onal %or, and re!+on!$b$l$t& of #h$ld #are@H$r$!h 223* 8an feel! that %or, %h$#h $nvolve! #lean$n). %a!h$n). #oo,$n) and other n$tt& )r$tt& th$n)! are female or$ented %or,* Bn#e %h$le ha#,o %a! !tud&$n) $n ondon 8ar)arette $! d$!a++o$nted to !ee $n h$! room %hat (o& de!#r$be! a!. >De!+$te the be!t effort! of h$! !#out and #lean$n) lad&. h$! room %a! al%a&! f$lth&* oo,!. em+t& %$ne bottle!. d$rt& under%ear and #$)arette butt! l$ttered the floor* u+board! %ere dan)erou! to o+en be#au!e #lothe! and boo,! and !hoe! and !ome of h$! boo,! %ere heav& enou)h to $nfl$#t the real dama)e*@ (o& 2443* Co&!usio&
;hou)h the novel $! about the lonel& &)ot$# t%$n! (ahel and E!tha %ho are a#tuall& the +rota)on$!t! $n the novel. $t !hed l$)ht on )ood and ev$l of the !o#$et& e!+e#$all& ba!ed $n South "nd$a* ;he novel !ho%! the dra% ba#,! $n the !o#$et& %h$#h $! ba!ed on the trad$t$onal H$ndu value! that affe#t! the %omen* omen $n "nd$a !uffered $n the dom$nan#e of male !o#$et&* omen have be#ome l$,e !lave! $n the name of the trad$t$on and have been o++re!!ed. e<+lo$ted and tortured throu)h the #entur$e!* ;he d$!#u!!$on of th$! novel br$n)! a ver& thou)ht +rovo,$n) truth about the +o!$t$on of "nd$an %omen !t$ll $n th$! a)e* omen have been edu#ated but the& are !t$ll not free from the ev$l #lut#h of the !o#$et&* Co#u! of d$!#u!!$on $! on three %omen belon)$n) to three d$fferent )enerat$on! and ea#h of them rea#t! d$fferentl& $n the !ame !o#$et& the& l$ve $n* Ho%ever. ever& one of them !ho% the !ame feel$n)! of d$!l$,e to the men dom$nated !o#$et$e!* Edu#ated %oman l$,e 'mmu tr$e! to rebel a)a$n!t !o#$et& but unfortunatel& !he ha! to +a& a )reater +r$#e for her a#t$on* ;h$! tell! u! that the !o#$et& %$th %h$#h $t ha! bu$ld $t! norm! and value! are hard to de#on!tru#t* 8en over the #entur$e! have eno&ed #on!tru#t$n) norm! and
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ value! $n the name of the rel$)$on. #ulture and +ol$t$#! onl& to benef$t them* 8en eno&ed $mmen!e +re!t$)e and author$t& over %omen. %herea! %omen be#ame obed$ent !ubord$nate throu)h marr$a)e #eremon& and thu! be#ame de+r$ved of d$)n$t&* Set of #ulture!. norm! and even the t&+e of lan)ua)e are d$!+o!ed to %omen to be d$!+la&ed a++ro+r$atel& onl& to further %ea,en them* 8en mu!t learn to re!+e#t %omen and treat them a++ro+r$atel&*
Enrolment number: 15/2014/H-1697 Name of the Student: Devender umar Seme!ter: """ (ors Cie#
H$r!#h. 8ar$anne and Evel&n Co< eller* Conflicts in Feminism. Ne% Jor,: (outled)e. ha+man and Hall. 1990* Ar$nt* r$!hna (a. 8a$thre$* Women’s Studies in India. "nd$a: San)amoo,!. 196* Ar$nt* 8u,heree. Arabhat$* Hindu Women !ormative models* "nd$a: Br$ent on)man. 197* Ar$nt* (o&. 'rundhat$* The God of Small Things* ondon. En)land: Aen)u$n oo,!. 1997* Ar$nt*