Face detection algorithm

Face detection...
Author:  kowshiksarma

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its a face detection project..based on golden ratio.. works properly...

it is based on matlab, where one can relates human face and its emotions.

Project Synopsis on efficient Face Recognition AlgorithmFull description

From the last two decades, face recognition is playing an important and vital role especially in the field of commercial, banking, social and law enforcement area. It is an interesting application of pattern recognition and hence received significant

Libro Face 2 Face second edition

Libro Face 2 Face second editionDescrição completa

In present daily life text plays an important role in daily life because of its rich information that is why automatic text detection in natural images has many applications. But detecting the text from natural image is always a challenging problem.

Data Mining or Knowledge Discovery is needed to make sense and use of data. Knowledge Discovery in data is the non trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful and ultimately understandable patterns in data 1 . Data mining consists

Libro Face 2 Face second edition

Face Detection is concerned with finding whether or not there are any faces in a given images. Security and surveillance are the two important aspects of human being. Face detection is very important because it is not being safe in human environment.

A method and a system for the detection of an intrusion in a computer network compare the network traffic of the computer network at multiple different points in the network. In an uncompromised network the network traffic monitored at these two diff

This guide has been written to provide you with some tools to assist you with the preparation and conducting of face-to-face negotiations. The guide highlights simple strategies and tactics …Full description

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