Gramática básica de la lengua inglesa
PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Toe Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1 RP, United Kingdom
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© Raymond Murphy y Femando García Clemente © Cambridge University Press 2002 First published 2000 6lh printing 2006 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright, bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático, y la distribución de ejemplares de ella mediante alquiler o préstamo público. Impreso en Espafla en Gráficas Rogar, S. A., Madrid Depósito legal: M. 5.213-2005 ISBN 10: 84 8323 042 9 ISBN 13: 978 84 8323 042 9
Indice general A los estudiantes A los profesores
Agradecimientos Unidad 1 am/is/are (afirmación y negación)
2 am/is/are (interrogación) 3 l'm hungry / It's cold etc. 4 1 am doing (present continuous)
5 are you doing? (present continuous, interrogación)
6 1 do/work/like etc. (present simple, afirmación)
7 8 9 10
1 don't
(present simple, negación) Do you ? (present simple, interrogación) 1 am doing (presenr conrinuous) y Ido (prescnt simple) l have ... / l've got ...
11 was/were 12 worked/got/went etc. (past simple) 13 1 didn't ... Did you ... ? (past simple, negación e interrogación) 14 1 was doing (past continuous) 15 1 was doing {past continuous) y I did (past simple) 16 1 have done {present perfect 1)
17 l've just ... l've already ... I haven't ... yet 18 Have you ever ... ? (present perfect 3)
Have you ... yet? (present perfect 2)
19 How long have you ... ? (prescnt perfect 4) since ago 21 1 have done (present perfect) y I did (past simple)
20 for
22 is done
was done (voz pasiva 1) has bcen done (voz pasiva 2)
23 is being done
24 be/havc/do (present y past) 25 Verbos regulares e irregulares 26 1 uscd to ... 27 What are you doing tomorrow? 28 l'm going to ... 29 will/shall ( 1)
(presente con significado futuro)
30 will/shall (2)
31 might 32 can y could
33 34 35 36
must mustn't necdn't should 1 have to ... Would you like ... ? l'd Likc ...
37 there is
there are there has/have been
38 there was/were 39 It ...
there will be
40 1 am I don't etc. 41 Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc. 42 too/either so am I / neither do I etc. 43 Negaciones: isn't haven't don't etc. 44 is it ... ? havc you ... ? do thcy ... ? etc. (la interrogación 1) 45 46 47 48
Who saw you? Who did you see? (la interrogación 2) Who is she talking to? What is it like? (la interrogación 3) What ... ? Which ... ? How ... ? How long does it take ... ? Do you know where ... ? I don't know what ... etc.
50 She said that . .. 51 work/working
He rold me that ... go/going
52 to ... (1 want to do) e -ing (1 enjoy doing) 53 J want you to .. . I told you to ... 54 I went to the shop to ... 55 go to .. .
56 get
go on ...
go for .. .
go -ing
57 do y make 58 have 59 Ume he/him they/them etc. 60 my/his/their etc. 61 Whosc is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc. 62 Ume/my/minc 63 myself/yoursclf/themsclvesetc. (reflexivos) 64 's (Ann's camera/my brother's car etc.)
65 a/an (1) 66 a/an (2)
67 flower(s) bus(es) (singular y plural) 68 a car I sorne moncy (contable/incontable 1) 69 a car I sorne money (contable/incontable 2) 70 the 71 go to work / go home / go to the cinema 72 1 like music I hate cxams 73 the (con nombres de lugares) 74 75 76 77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84
this/that/these/thosc one/ones sorne y any nor + any no nonc nor + anybody/anyonc/anything nobody/no-one/nothing somebody/anything/nowhere etc. every y ali all most sorne any no/nonc both either neither a lot much many (a) little (a) few
85 old/nicc/interesting etc. (adjetivos) 86 quickly/badly/suddenly etc. (adverbios) 87 old/older cxpensive/more expensive 88 older than ... more expensivc than ... 89 notas ... as 90 the oldest the most expensive 91 enough 92 too
93 He speaks English very well. (orden de las palabras en la frase
94 always/usually/often etc. (orden de las palabras en la frase 2) 95 still yet already 96 Give me that bookl Give it to me! 97 at 8 o'clock
on Monday in April since for before after during while 10 at on (preposiciones de lugar 1) 10 at on (preposiciones de lugar 2) to in at (preposiciones de lugar 3) under behind opposite (preposiciones) up over through etc. (preposiciones de movimiento) on at by with/without about (preposiciones) afraid of good at ... etc. (adjetivos + preposición) preposición+ -ing (good at -ing etc.) listen to look at ... etc. (verbos + preposición)
98 from ... to until 99
100 101
102 103 104 105
106 107
108 go in
fall off
run away etc. (phrasal verbs 1) put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)
109 put on your shoes 110 111 112 113 114
and but or so because When If ... If I had If we went ... etc. a person who ... a thing that/whích ... (oraciones de relativo 1) the people we met the hotel you stayed at (oraciones de relativo 2)
Apéndices Apéndice Apéndice Apéndice Apéndice Apéndice Apéndice Apéndice Apéndice
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Voz activa y voz pasiva Lista de verbos irregulares Verbos irregulares en grupos Contracciones (he's / l'd I I don't etc.) Spelling (ortografía) Phrasal verbs (look out I take off etc.) Phrasal verbs + objeto (fill in a form I put out a fire etc.) Cuantificadores (very/much/many etc.)
Ejercicios complementarios Soluciones Soluciones a los ejercicios complementarios Indice analítico
A LOS ESTUDIANTES Essential Grammar in Use, Segunda edición española es un libro de gramática inglesa de nivel elemental. Consta de 114 unidades que abordan distintos puntos gramaticales. Las unidades aparecen en una lista al principio del libro (Indice general!.
No estudies todas las unidades en el orden en que aparecen. Es mejor que selecciones las unidades que necesites. Por ejemplo, si tienes dificultades con el uso del present perfect (have done/ have been etc.), busca en el Indice analltico al final del libro la unidad o unidades apropiadas (Unidades 16-21 para el present perfect). Cada unidad tiene dos páginas. La izquierda contiene información, explicaciones y ejemplos. En la derecha tienes varios ejercicios.
lhav1to ...
- ............ ·..::=:.!:""..:..""'!"=:':~ ·-~---- ---·-·--·-· ...... -
&I '-"'•---
~~::.. 1
if_AJ~=~ . . . . . . t_,.., ............ . ......,..._._,. __---· .. .. .·----~. ,...
•n.,._... __
-... ..._
-- .. -
...... ,..... __ ,... _,_..,_
e t>•-,.. ,...- ..-- ......,, ...7,.,1
f.: =----l-· · E= ::J-· .:1 :::::--1-··· l l-= 1-,···· 1 I
c.- ... ,-,..- ..,...,.... _ • ., __
: =~~=t.~~1•1ot--,-·!lfl.
1 ............ _ ,f;l,M
......... --.,-.-~ .. _.. -~---------
:~:'2~'==i~~.:_-I ,_, __
~ ~!.-=r:=...::::..!"i'" ..:.--:-.z:::-r·
----~-__ ..
o -:~~:.. .... ,... _ ·,a.-
__·-·· _ ....__
-~ t--·· . . -·-··---···--1 :.:: ·-·----~
- --.... ! s::=;..?.T:= 1,...... ...~ ,--
.... ,--.
:::=::=~""::=::·=-·-· Puedes usar el libro del modo siguiente: 1 2 3 4
Consulta el Indice general o el Indice analítico para saber qué unidad o unidades te interesan. Estudia la página de la izquierda (información). Haz los ejercicios de la página derecha. Comprueba las respuestas correctas en la sección Soluciones o pídele a tu profesor o profesora que corrija los ejercicios. 5 Repasa la página de la izquierda si es necesario.
No olvides los ocho Apéndices al final del libro (páginas 231-240). Te darán información sobre la voz activa y la voz pasiva, los verbos irregulares, las contracciones, la ortografía (spelling), algunas locuciones verbales (phrasal verbs) y el uso de los cuantificadores. También hay unos Ejercicios complementarios detrás de los Apéndices (páginas 241-257) que aparecen relacionados en la página 241 y que tienen también sus Soluciones.
A LOS PROFESORES Las características generales más importantes de este libro son: • Essential Grammar in Use, Segunda edición española es un libro de gramática y no un libro de texto. • Va dirigido a estudiantes de nivel elemental y no aborda cuestiones que normalmente no se aprenden o enseñan en este nivel. • Es a la vez un libro de consulta y de ejercicios. • Utiliza el español en las explicaciones y como referencia contrastiva entre las dos lenguas. • Se puede utilizar para el estudio individual o como material complementario de clase.
Organizacióndel libro El libro consta de 114 unidades sobre distintos aspectos gramaticales. El material se organiza a partir de categorías gramaticales (tiempos verbales, formas interrogativas, artículos, etc.). Las unidades no están ordenadas según criterios de dificultad y, por tanto, deben usarse de acuerdo con las necesidades de los estudiantes: no aconsejamos seguir estrictamente el orden en que aparecen. Las secciones Indice general e Indice analítico facilitan la consulta. Cada unidad consta de dos páginas: en la izquierda aparecen las explicaciones con ejemplos y observaciones contrastivas, en la derecha se encuentran los ejercicios correspondientes. Hay ocho Apéndices (páginas 231-240) dedicados a voz activa y voz pasiva, verbos irregulares, contracciones, ortografía, locuciones verbales (phrasal verbs) y cuantificadores. Puede ser conveniente dirigir la atención de los estudiantes a esta sección. Esta nueva edición incluye una serie de Ejercicios complementarios (páginas 241-257) que proporcionan práctica combinada de distintos aspectos gramaticales de varias unidades (especialmente las relacionadas con las formas verbales). Consta de 33 ejercicios reseñados en la página 241. Finalmente, en las páginas 258-288 están las Soluciones para que los estudiantes comprueben sus respuestas.
Nivel El libro va dirigido a estudiantes que han superado la fase inicial de un curso para principiantes. También lo pueden usar estudiantes de nivel lower-intermediate para cubrir lagunas de conocimientos previos. Las explicaciones se han redactado de un modo breve y sencillo. El léxico corresponde al nivel indicado, sin descartar el uso del diccionario para algunos ejercicios de traducción.
Uso del libro Se puede usar para el estudio individual (véase A los estudiantes), o como material complementario. En ambos casos puede servir como libro de consulta de gramática elemental. Si se usa en clase, puede servir para actividades de refuerzo o bien para repaso y recuperación. Se puede usar con toda la clase o sólo con los estudiantes que necesiten apoyo o práctica adicionales. A veces será conveniente usar en clase la página izquierda (presentación y explicación), aunque ha sido concebida para estudio y consulta individual. En la mayor parte de los casos será mejor que el profesor o la profesora presente el punto gramatical del modo que considere oportuno y los estudiantes realicen los ejercicios en casa, con la página izquierda como referencia. Habrá profesores y profesoras que prefieran usar el libro para actividades de revisión y recuperación. En tal caso se orientará el trabajo individual o en grupo hacia la unidad o unidades apropiadas, pudiendo ser útil para cubrir algunas necesidades de atención a la diversidad. Al final de cada unidad hay un ejercicio de traducción basado en diferencias formales entre el inglés y el español. Se facilita la traducción de algunas palabras o expresiones cuando se supone que los estudiantes pueden desconocerlas (por ejemplo, spiders en el ejercicio 3.4.8) o para evitar errores que no se relacionen con el punto gramatical que aborda la unidad (por ejemplo, la traducción 'en barco= by boat' aparece en una unidad que trata del present perfect). Estas traducciones se refieren únicamente al contexto del ejercicio concreto. Así, por ejemplo, la traducción de 'las arañas' en el ejercicio 3.4.8 aparece como spiders (y no como the spiders). Este libro se ha elaborado considerando posibles dificultades gramaticales contrastando el inglés y el castellano, por lo que puede ser útil para cualquier usuario de esta lengua como materna. El término 'español' se refiere al castellano como se usa normalmente en España. vii
arn/ls/are (afirmación y negación)
l'm American. l'm from Chicago.
My favourite colour is blue.)
My father is a doctor and my mothcr is a journalist.
My favourite sports are football and swimming.
negación am (l'm) (he's)
he she
(we're) are (you're) (they're)
you they
he she
am not
(l'm not)
(he's not (she's not
ir we yo u they
are not
(ir's not
o o o
he isn't) she isn't) it isn't)
(we're not (you're not (they're not
o o o
we aren't) you arcn't) they arcn't)
am/is/are son formas del presente del verbo be (= ser/estar). • l'm rired rhis morning. Estoy cansado/a esta mañana. • l'm a srudent. My sisrer is a teacher. Soy estudiante. Mi hermana es profesora. • John is in bed. He's ill. John está en la cama. Está enfermo. • My car is very old. Mi coche es muy viejo. • Ann and l are good friends. Ann y yo somos buenas amigas. • You're very busy toda y. Estás muy ocupado hoy. • Your keys are on the ta ble. . .. están . • • • •
l'm a srudent. l'm nota teacher. Soy no soy ... Jane isn't ar home at the moment. She's at work. My room isn't very big but ir's nice. . .. no es ... es ... Those people aren't English. They'rc Australian. . .. no son ingleses. Son ...
En inglés es necesario usar /os pronombres personales sujeto (l/he/she/it etc.}: • lt's late. (no 'Is late.') Es tarde. • Tim is in bed. He's nor well. ... está ... No está bien. Para decir la hora, se dice It's ... : • lt's one o'clock. J lt's 8.15. J Ir's half pase ten. Son las ocho y cuarto./ Son las diez y media.
= that is
there's = there is
= here
Es la una./
• Thank you. That's very kind of you. Gracias. Es muy amable de tu parte. • Look! There's Chris. ¡Mira! Ahí está Chris. • 'Here's your key.' 'Thank you.' 'Aquí tiene su llave.' 'Gracias.' am/is/are (interrogación)==> mmJ pronombrespersonales~ l@Hi ffl 1
l'm hungry I it's cold etc. a/an =>
Cl!:t'!I] there is/are ==> 1ij :jfrfi4 ir ==> 11 j r j fE•
Escribe las contracciones (she's/we aren't etc.). she is ... ~11.~\ 2 they are
3 it is not 4 that is
6 you are not
Completa las frases con am, is o are.
1 The weather J~.. nice today. 2 T not tired. 3 This bag 4 These bags
5 I am not
5 6 7 8
heavy. heavy.
Look! There Caro!. My brother and I good tcnnis players. Ann at home. Her children at school. T a taxi driver. My sisrer a nurse.
Escribe frases completas usando is/isn't/are/aren't.
1 (your shoes very dirty} .Y.~!'. .. 2 (my brorher a policeman} 3 (this house not very old) 4 (the shops not open toda y}
~r.~-- ~~--~-~--~:..
~ l;~:;:s~:º~:;~~~~~)··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\: 7 (yo u nor very tall)
Observa las frases de Lisa (Unidad lA). Escribe frases acerca de ti.
1 (name?) My 2 (from?) 1 3 (married?) 1 4 (job?)
. . . .
Escribe frases acerca de los dibujos. Usa:
5 (farher's or mother's job?)
My ············································································································ 6 (favourite colour or colours?) My
1 --~-~·-~.. 2 He 1.6
3 They .
. .
5 6
Escribe frases verdaderas, afirmativas o negativas. Usa: am I am not I is I isn't /are/ aren't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
r.~: .
(1 / a student) . . l.'.~ 0:- ~t:«.~~.J!? . . l.'.~.--~--~---~.t:«.~t.L (I / ti red) J (it / very late) Tt (my hands / cold) (Canada / a very big counrry) (diamonds / cheap) (1 / a good dancer) (Brussels / in France)
. . . . . . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4
Mi madre es inglesa. Son las 6. La sopa está fría. Catherine no está en Londres. Está en Birmingham. 5 Mis padres no son españoles. 6 Ricardo es alto y delgado. 7 Mi casa es vieja pero es grande y está en el centro.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Mi padre no es profesor, es mecánico. Este vaso no está limpio. Está muy sucio. ¡Mira! Aquí está tu hermana. Es tarde. Hclen no está aquí. Está trabajando. Aquí tiene su bolsa. Mi hermana no está muy alegre hoy. Está tri stc.
arn/is/are (interrogación) afirmación I he she it we yo u
1 1
-') ~~;
What's your name?
he? she? it?
[ we?
you? they?
Yes, J am.
'Are you English ?' 'No. T'm Scortish.' '¿Eres ... ?' 'No. Soy .. .' 'Is your rnother ar home?' 'No, she's out.' '¿Está tu madre en casa?' 'No, está fuera.' 'Are your parents at home?' 'No, thcy're out.' '¿Están tus padres en casa?' 'No, están fuera.' 'Is it late?' 'No. It's only nine o'clock.' '¿Es tarde?' 'No. Son ... ' Your shoes are nice. Are they new? Tus zapatos son bonitos. ¿Son nuevos?
• • • • •
Observa el orden de las palabras: • Is she at home?/ Is your mother ar home? (no 'Is at home your mother?') • Are they new? / Are your shoes new? {no 'Are new your shoes?') Recuerda que en inglés es necesario usar los pronombres personales sujeto: • Is it important? (no 'Ts imporrant?')
Wherc ... ? / What ... ? / Who ... ? ! How ... ? ! Why ... ? • • • • • •
Where is your mocher? Is she ar home? ¿Dónde está tu madre? ¿Está en casa? 'Where are yo u from ?' 'Canada.' '¿De dónde eres/es Vd.?' 'Del Canadá.' 'What colour is your car?' 'It's red.' '¿De qué color es tu coche?"Es rojo.' How are your parents? Are rhey well? ¿Cómo están tus padres? ¿Están bien? How much are these postcards? ¿Cuánto cuestan estas postales? Why are you angry? ¿Por qué estás enfadado?
what's = what is • • • •
who's = who is
how's = how is
where's = where is
What's the time? ¿Qué hora es? Who's that man? ¿Quién es ese hombre? Wherc's Jill? ¿Dónde está Ji//? How's your facher? ¿Cómo está tu padre?
~ respuestas breves Yes,
Yes, [
1 am.
t~•1 we yo u they
~ No,
l'm not.
she's [ it's we're you're
nor. o
No, [
not. o
:r~, 1 we yo u they
Estas respuestas se usan con mucha frecuencia en inglés (además de las respuestas simples Yes o No.): • 'Are you tired?' 'Yes, l am.' • 'Are you English?' 'No, l'm not. l'm Scorrish.' • 'Is your friend English ?' 'Yes, he is.' • 'Are these your keys?' 'Yes, they are.' • 'That's my sea t.' 'No, it isn't.' am/is/are =>
I'rn hungry I ir's cold etc. ::::>
La interrogación=>
whac/which/how ::::>
Elige la respuesta apropiada para cada pregunta. 1 Where's the camera?
2 Is your car blue? 3 Is Linda from London? 4 Am I a good student? 5 Where's Ann from? 6 What colour is your bag? 7 Are you tired? 8 How is George? 9 Who's rhar woman?
A London B No, l'm not. Yes, you are. D My sister. E Black. F No, it's black. G In your bag. H No, she's American. [ Yery well.
1 ..~ ........ 2
3 4
5 6 7
8 9
Escribe preguntas con is o are usando estas palabras. Pon las palabras en el orden correcto.
1 (ar home I your mother?) .. !~.. .!l~L.~<>~.~--~--!'.1.q,~~.L 2 (your parents I well?) ...Ar.~.. !:l~-~---~~~--·~-~L
3 (inreresring I your job?)
. . . . . .
4 (the shops I open today?) 5 (from London I you?) 6 (near here I rhe post office?) 7 (at school / your children?) 8 (why I you I sad?)
Completa las preguntas usando What ... / Who ... / Where ... / How .... 1
............................ Ji<>.~ ~.e.
5 6 2.4
2 3 4
5 6 7
(name?) ..W!').~'.~.. .!l~.t ..!'.'.~~L (married or single?) (American?) (a teacher?) (wife a lawyer?) (from?) (her name?)
. . . . . .
Paul. l'm married. No, l'm Australian. No, I'rn a lawyer. No, she's a designer. She's Italian. Anna.
Escribe respuestas breves afirmativas o negativas (Yes, I am. / No, he isn't, etc.). 1 Are you married? . .tf.q,, 2 Are you ar home? 3 Is it Monday today?
n l;J(
Escribe preguntas apropiadas para las respuestas.
They're very well. At the end of the street . ll.20 a kilo . Skiing . Thar's my father . Black .
your parents? ............................................................................. the bus stop? ...................................... rhese oranges? ........................................................... your favourite sport? ........................................... the man in this photograph? ..................................................................... your new shoes?
2 3
Ú:t:' !'.'<>t:, . . .
4 Are your hands cold? 5 Is it dark now? 6 Are you a teacher?
.. .. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5
¿ Estás contenta? ¿Dónde está Tom? ¿Está en casa? ¿Cómo están tus padres? ¿Cuánto cuesta este paraguas? '¿De qué color son tus ojos?' 'Son verdes.'
6 ¿Qué hora es? ¿Es tarde? 7 8 9 10
¿De qué color son tus guantes? ¿ De dónde es Su san? '¿Es inglesa Mary?' 'No, es irlandesa.' (irlandesa= Irish) ¿Estás contenta?
l'm hungry / lt's cold 'A
Algunas expresiones con be (am/is/arc) corresponden a formas del español con 'tener': l'm hot/cold (tengo calor/frío) • l'm hot. Can I open the window? Tengo calor. ¿Puedo abrir la ventana? • 'Are you cold?' 'No. l'm OK.' '¿Tienes frío?' 'No. Estoy bien.' I'm hungry/thirsry (tengo hambre/sed)
• l'm
not hungry. No tengo hambre. • The children are thirsty. los niños tienen sed.
l'm right (tengo razón) • You'rc always right.
Siempre tienes razón.
l'm afraid (tengo miedo) • Why is John afraid of dogs? ¿Por qué John tiene miedo de los perros?
l'm in a hurry (tengo prisa) • Are you in a hurry?
¿Tienes prisa?
Para decir la edad se usa am/is/are:
• l'm 25.
o l'm 25 years old. Tengo 25 años. • My grandrnorher is 72. Mi abuela tiene 72 años. • How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes?
Observa también las diferencias siguientes entre el inglés y el español: l'm inrercsted in ... (Me interesa ... ) • l'm interested in politics. Me interesa la política. • Jenny isn't very interested in music. A Jenny no le interesa la música. • Are you interested in philosophy? ¿Te interesa la filosofía? l'm late (llego tarde) • Sorry l'm late. Siento llegar tarde. • Why are you late? ¿Por qué llegas tarde? he's/she's/they're asleep (duerme/está durmiendo) • Joe is in bed. He's asleep . .. . Duerme./ Está durmiendo. • Are the children asleep? ¿Duermen/ Están durmiendo los niños? it's hot/cold/sunny/a nice day (hace calor/frío/sol/buen
• lt's sunny bur it isn't very hot. Hace sol pero no hace mucho calor. • Is it cold in your room? ¿Hace frío ... ?
am/isfare => hM\ jQ§J
lt's hotlcold/sunny etc.::::> 11.
Escribe frases acerca de los dibujos. Usa: hungry
in a hurry
2 She
5 ····················································
3 They
Completa las frases. 1
' ...Ar.~.. ~o.<:A... cold?'
'No, I'm OK.'
2 'How old is your grandmother?' ' ... ?!'.!~\ .. 72.' 3 'In Greece, hor in August?' 'Yes, very hot.' 4 George's favourite sport is football. very interested in it. 5 'Sorry late.' 'That's OK.' 6 How old is Amanda? 21 or 22? 7 'Are the children in bed?' 'Yes, asleep.' 8 ' interested in art?' 'Yes, I am. Very much.' 9 cold. Where's my sweater? 1 O lt's 9.30 and Joseph isn't here! Why always late? 11 a nice day today. . warm and sunny.
Escribe frases sobre ti mismo, afirmativas o negativas.
1 (interested in politics) . ..l.'.!'!! 2 (hungry) I 3 (in a hurry) 4 (afraid of dogs) 5 (cold) 6 (inrerested in films)
~~~~~-.(º...l.'.!'!! ~ ..~~~-~L\!'.l
P.C>~.: ..
. . . . ..
7 (rhirsty)
8 (
years old)
Traduce al inglés: 1 ¿Tenéis frío? 2 Tengo mucho calor. ¿Puedes abrir la puerta? 3 Carmen tiene 16 años. 4 No me interesa el tenis. (el tenis = tennis) 5 No hace sol hoy pero hace calor. 6 José está cansado y tiene hambre. 7 Hace mucho calor en mi casa. 8 No tengo miedo de las arañas. (las arañas = spiders) 9 '¿Tienes hambre?' 'No, pero tengo sed.'
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
¿Hace mucho frío en Islandia? (Islandia= lceland) ¿Te interesa el fútbol? '¿Dónde está Ana?' 'Duerme.' ¿Por qué llegan tarde? Nos interesa la ciencia-ficción. (ciencia-ficción = science-fiction) No corras. No tenemos prisa. Tienes razón. Hace mucho calor en esta habitación. Son gemelos y tienen 19 años. (gemelos = twins) Bruce tiene miedo de los insectos. (los insectos = insects)
I am doing (present continuous)
She's eating. She isn't reading.
Ir's raining. The sun isn't shining.
They're running. They aren 't walking.
El PRESENT CONTJNUOUS se forma así: am/is/are + doing, eating, running, wriring, etc.
he she
ir we yo u they
¡ ¡"'
(nor) -ing
l'm working. Chris is wriring a letter. She isn't earing. (o She's not eating.) The phone is ringing. We're having dinner. You're not listening to me. (o You aren't ... ) The children are doing their homework.
expresa un hecho o una acción en curso:
l'm working sbe's wearing a hat they're playing football l'm watching television pasado------
AHORA ------
l'm working/playing/eating etc. equivalen a 'estoy trabajando/jugando/comiendo' etc., pero en español también se usa a veces con el mismo valor el presente de indicativo (trabajo/juego/como): • Picase be quiet. l'm working. ... Estoy trabajando. • • • • •
Look at Sue! She's wearing her new hat. . .. lleva puesto ... The weather is nice at the moment. lt's not raining. . .. No llueve./ No está lloviendo. 'Where are the children?' 'They're playing in che park.' ... juegan/están jugando ... (al teléfono) We're having dinner now. Can you phone again la ter? ... estamos cenando ... Yo u can turn off the television. l'm not watching it. . .. No la veo/ estoy viendo.
Observa las siguientes diferencias entre inglés y español: • They are sitting. Están sentados. • She's standing. Está de pie. • Brian's lying in the sun. Brian está tumbado al sol. Nota /as diferencias de ortografía: come ~ coming run ~ running lie ~ lying
write ~ wriring dance ~ dancing sit ~ sitting swim ~ swimming
Ver también el Apéndice 5.
am/is/are ~
are you doing? (PRESENT CONTINUous, interrogación) ~ l!m!!II I am doing (PRESENT ll!!E What are you doing tomorrow? (presente con significado futuro)~ 1ij¡jj,r-l.fD
¿Qué están haciendo estas personas? Completa las frases usando los verbos siguientes: havc
) eoJin.. 9 an apple. 1 Sn~.~---······· 2 He 3 They
for a bus. football.
4 5 6
on the floor. breakfast. on che table.
Completa las frases usando uno de estos verbos: build 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cook go have stand stay swim ~ ) ri::º Please be quict. I .!!' ... ~.~.... ~!!,.... 'Where's John?' 'He's in the kitchcn. He .' 'You on my foot.' 'Oh, l'm sorry.' Look! Somebody in the river. We're here on holiday. We at the Central Hotel. 'Where's Ann?' 'She a shower.' They a new rheatre in the ciry centre at the moment. 1 now. Goodbye.
Observa el dibujo y escribe frases sobre Jane usando She's -ing o She isn't -ing. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
{have dinner) --~~~--~~.'.~ ..n.~~~9 .. ~~~.: ... (watch television) .. ~~'..~---~~~9 ..~~~-~~.: {sir on the floor) She (read a book) (play the piano) {laugh) (wear a hat) (write a letter)
. . . . . .
¿Qué ocurre en este momento? Escribe frases verdaderas. (1 / wash / my hair) .1.1.1)'.l•••~~--~~l:1.~9...~.!:Lh..&..: . (it / snow) ..l.f~.. ;;.t:'~~!k.19:.. .9. . (1 / sit / on a chair) (1 / eat) {it / rain) (l / learn / English) (I /listen/ ro music) (rhe sun / shine) 9 (1 / wear / shoes) 10 (1 / read / a newspaper) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. . . . . . . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Marta está tocando la guitarra. Pablo está sentado y Sandra está de pie. Llueve mucho ahora. Hoy mi hermana lleva una blusa y una falda. Javier está jugando al fútbol en el parque. Apaga la televisión. No la estás viendo. (apagar= turn off) Ana está tumbada en la cama. {en la cama = in bed) Laura no está de pie, está sentada allí. 9 Paul está nadando en la piscina. (piscina = swimming pool) 10 Liz está escribiendo una carta.
are you doing? (present continuous, interrogación) afirmación
he sh.e rt
we you thcy
am doing working going staying
r rt
• 'Is it raining?'
doing? working? going? sraying?
you rhey
'Yes, rake an umbrella.'
'¿Llueve?/¿Está lloviendo?' ...
• Why are you wcaring a coat? lt's nor cold toda y. ¿Por qué llevas abrigo? ... • 'What's Paul doing?' 'He's cooking the dinner.' ¿Qué hace/está haciendo Paul? ... • 'What are the children doing?' 'They're watching televisión.' '¿Qué hacen/están haciendo los niños?' ... • Look, there's Sally! Where's she going? ... ¿Dónde va?
• 'Are you feeling OK?' 'Yes, l'm (feeling) fine.' '¿Te sientes bien?' 'Sí, estoy bien.' • Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Sue? ¿A quién esperas/estás esperando? ...
Observa el orden de las palabras:
is/are + sujeto Is Is are are
Where Where
+ -ing
he Paul they those people
working today? working today? (no 'Is working Paul today?') going? going? (no 'Where are going those people?')
respuestas breves
Yes, Yes,
• • • •
I am.
¡ I ¡ ;:u I ~~e
No, l'm not. is.
No,¡ No,¡
he's she's
ir's we're
you're rhey're
not. o
he shc ir
I not. o No,¡ I
we you they
'Are you going now?' 'Yes, 1 am.' 'Is Paul working roday?' 'Yes, he is.' 'Is it raining?' 'No, it isn't.' 'Are your friends sraying ata hotel?' 'No, they aren't. They're sraying with me.'
l am doing ::) la interrogación~
mJ What are you doing tomorrow? 1ij:jjfr!fitl#Wt
(presente con significado futuro) ::)
Observa los dibujos y escribe las preguntas:
· Ar.~.. ~.~.. ~aj;qi.4:igJ*.~ '
Observa los dibujos y completa las preguntas usando uno de estos verbos:
look at
Escribe preguntas a partir de estas palabras. Usa is o are y ordena las palabras. l (workíng / Paul / today?) ..!~.. .f.~L~~r.!'!r.1.9..~.L 2 (what / doing / the children?) ..Wh.~--~~..~~.~Y:4!.~ .. M.!:l:l9.L 3 (you / listening /tome?) 4 (where / going / your friends?) 5 (your parents / televísíon / watching?) 6 (what / cooking J Ann ?) 7 (why / you / looking / at me?) 8 (coming / the bus?)
Escribe respuestas breves (Yes, 1 am. / No, he isn't. etc.).
1 Are you warching TV? .. t!.,..Ú)'...1 r.~ .. 2 Are you wearing a watch? 3 Are you eating something?
. . .. .. . .
.. ..
4 Is it raining? 5 Are you sitting on rhe floor? 6 Are you feeling well?
. . ..
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿Estáis viendo la televisión? '¿Qué hace Marta?' 'Está jugando al tenis.' '¿Qué escribes?' 'Una carta.' ¿Trabaja hoy tu hermana? ¿Por qué estás de pie? '¿Qué haces?' 'Estoy leyendo el periódico.' ¿Dónde va Luis? ¿Por qué corre? Llevas una camisa muy bonita. (bonita = níce) 11
I do/work/likeetc. (present simple, afirmación)
They're looking at their books. They read a lot. Leen mucho.
He's eating an ice-crearn. He likes ice-crearn. Le gusta el helado.
They read I he likes I I work etc. son formas del PRESENT I/we/you/they he/she/it
read reads
like likes
work works
live lives
watch watches
do does
have has
Recuerda: he works I she lives I it rains etc. • 1 work in a shop. My brother works in a bank. (no 'My brother work') • Linda lives in London. Her parents live in Scotland. • lt rains a lot in winter. I have ~ he/she/it has: • John has a shower every day. Nota las diferencias de ortografía: -es detrás de -s/-ch/-sh: -y~ -ies: también: Ver también el Apéndice 5.
pass ~ passes study ~ srudies do~ does
finish ~ finishes carry ~ carries go ~ goes
watch ~ watches
El PRE5E1', SIMPLE se usa para expresar cosas que son verdaderas en general, o bien que ocurren con cierta frecuencia o habitualmente. El equivalente en español suele ser el presente de indicativo: • • • • •
The shops open ar 9 o'clock and close at 5.30. ... abren ... cierran ... Tim works very hard. He starts at 7.30 and finishes at 8 in the evening. The Earth goes round the Sun. La Tierra gira alrededor del sol. We do a lor of different things in our free time. Hacemos ... lt costs a lor of money to stay at luxury horels. Cuesta ...
Trabaja ... empieza ... acaba ...
Observa que I like/he likes equivalen a 'me gusta/le gusta' etc.
• 1 like football. Me gusta el fútbol. • 1 don't like big ciries. No me gustan las grandes ciudades. • John likes the house. A John le gusta la casa.
El PRESE rr SIMPLE se usa con always/never/often/sometimes/usually.
Observa la posición de estas palabras:
• Sue always arrives at work early. (no 'Sue arrives always') Sue llega siempre temprano al trabajo. • I usually go to work by car but I sometimes walk. (no 'I go usually') Generalmente voy al trabajo en coche pero a veces voy a pie. • Julia never eats breakfast. Julia no desayuna nunca. • Tom lives near us. We often see him. ... Lo vemos a menudo.
I don't ... (PRESEtsT SIMPLE, negación)~ m:11 (PRESEtsT COtsTINUOus)y Ido (PRESENT SIMPLE)~
Do you ... ? (PRESE."ITSIMPLE, interrogación)~ l!E:llJ I am doing Orden de las palabras en la frase (always/usually etc.)~ 111¡,¡1111¡¡¡~.¡¡111,.¡r.,,~"11
Escribe la forma de estos verbos que acompaña a he/ she I ir (-so -es).
1 (read) 2 (think)
she..t~ he
.. .
it he
. .
5 (have) 6 (finish)
she it
. .
Completa las frases sobre las personas de los dibujos usando los verbos siguientes:
1 ..I:'~--~-~--- the piano. 2 They 3
3 (fly) 4 (dance)
in a very big housc. a lot of fruir.
4 5 6
ten nis. .. to the cinema a lot. eight hours a nighr.
Completa las frases usando los verbos siguientes:
el ose
tea ch
1 Margaret ..~~-~--- four languages.
2 In Brirain the banks usually
at 9.30 in the moming. ar 5 o'clock in che evening. Tina is a reacher. She mathematics to young children. My job is very interesting. I a lor of people. Perer his hair twice a week. Food is expensive. It a lot of moncy, Shoes are expensive. They a lot of money, Water ar 100 degrees Celsius. Julia and I are good friends. I her and she
3 The Ciry Museum
4 5 6 7
8 9 10
Escribe frases ordenando estas palabras y usando la forma correcta de los verbos (arrive o arrives etc.). 1 (always / early / Sue / arrive) --~~--~~-~-..~0.'~~---~-'-·· 2 (basketball/ I /play/ ofcen) I 3 (work / Margaret / hard / usually) 4 (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) 5 (dinner / we / have / always I at 7.30) 6 (television / Tim / warch / never) 7 (like /chocolate/ children / usually) 8 (Julia/ parries / enjoy / always)
. . .
. . . .
Escribe frases sobre lo que tú haces usando always/never/often/sometimes/usually. 1 (watch relevision) ..!..l'.'~X~ ..~ll:t.0. .. ~Xi§.~r.i.,.. /..I.Y:~~~--~-~--~~-~ip_r1 .. ~ .. #.1.~.~~~~.9 t.. (~,)._
2 3 4 5
(read in bed) 1 (get up before 7 o'clock) (go to work/school by bus) (drink coffee)
. . . .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Susana trabaja en un hospital. Estudio inglés todos los días. A veces voy al cine con mis amigos. Mis padres viven en Valencia. A Liz le gusta la música clásica. Siempre desayunamos en la cocina. Nunca bebo vino, pero a veces bebo una cerveza. Me gusta esquiar. (esquiar = skiing)
I don't ... (present simple, negación) La negación del PRESENT SIMPLE es don't/doesn't + verbo:
She doesn't drink coffee. No bebe café. afirmación
I we yo u they he she it • • • • • •
He doesn't like his job. No le gusta su trabajo.
work like do have
we you they
works likes does has
he she it
do not (don'r)
does not (doesn't)
work like do have
1 drink coffec but I don't drink tea. Bebo ... no bebo . Sue drinks tea but she doesn't drink coffee. . .. bebe no bebe ... You don't work very hard. No trabajas mucho. We don't watch televisión very often. No vemos ... Thc weather is usually very nice. lt doesn't rain very often. . .. No llueve ... Gerry and Linda don't know many peoplc. . .. no conocen ...
Recuerda: l/we/you/they he/she/it
don't . doesn't .
I don't like football. He doesn't like foorball,
• 1 don't like Frcd and Fred doesn'r like me. (no 'Fred don'r like me') • My car doesn't use much petrol. (no 'my car don't use') • Sometirnes he is late bur it doesn't happen vcry often.
don't/doesn't lleva detrás el infinitivo (don't live / docsn't spcak / doesn't do) etc.: • • • •
1 don't likc washing rhe car and I don't do it very ofren. . .. no me gusta ... no lo hago . Sandra speaks Spanish but she doesn't speak ltalian. (no 'doesn'r speaks') ... habla no habla ... Bill doesn't do his job very well. (no 'Bill doesn't his job') Bill no hace su trabajo muy bien. Paula doesn't usually have breakfast. (no 'doesn't ... has') Paula no desayuna generalmente.
Observa estas frases de los ejemplos anteriores: • I don't do it very often. • Bill doesn't do his job very weU. En estas frases don't y docsn't son la negación y do es el verbo 'hacer': • He's very lazy. He doesn't do anything.
I do/work/like etc.
. .. No hace nada.
Do you ... ? (PRESENT
interrogación) ~
Escribe la forma negativa.
..L.~!:'\.~.~.~.~--:-:~ ..~.~, .
1 play the piano very well. Jane plays the piano very well. They know my phone number. We work very hard. 5 He has a barh every day. 6 You do the same thing every day.
1 2 3 4
7 .2
Observa la información del cuadro y escribe
frases con like. 1 .. Si.l.l _o..n
. classical music.
2 Bill and Rose
.. . .
Ca rol I
3 yes no yes
classical music? boxing? horror films?
no yes no
frases relacionadas contigo usando I never ... , 1 often , o I don't ... very often. 1 (watch TV) ..1..4'?.~'.t~-~ ..lY. ..Y.~ ..~, .. (c;U ~~'!' C?...l...~ J.
2 (go to the theatre) 3 (ride a bicycle) 4 (eat in restaurants) 5 (travel by train)
7 .4
. . .. .
/as frases. Todas son negativas. Usa don't/doesn't + uno de los siguientes verbos:
· I d.on't reaii ·it, 1 I b uy a newspaper every d ay b ut sornenmes 2 Paul has a car but he it very often. 3 They like films but they to rhe cinema very often. 4 Amanda is married bue she a ring. 5 I much about politics. I'm not interested in ic. 6 It's notan expensive hotel. lt much to stay chere. 7 Brian lives near us but we him very often. 7 .5
Completa las
frases con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis (afirmativa o negativa).
1 Margarec ...~.~~
.. four languages - English, French, German and Spanish.
d.on't Like. my JO · b • I t ' s very b onng. · (lik 1 e) 2 1 ....................... 3 'Where's Martin?' 'I'm sorry. 1 .' (know) 4 Sue is a very quiet person, She very much. (ralk) 5 Jim aloe of rea. It's his favourite drink. (drink) 6 It's not true! 1 it! (believe) 7 That's a very beautiful picture. 1 it very much. (like) 8 Mark is a vegetarían. He meat. (eat)
7 .6
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
No vamos al cine muy a menudo. No conozco a tus hermanas. Luis no trabaja en España. Mi padre conduce un camión, pero no le gusta su trabajo. (conducir = drive) No llueve mucho en Madrid en verano. (en verano = in summer) No fumo y no como carne. Teresa habla francés, pero no habla inglés. Viven en un piso grande, pero no les gusta. {piso = flat) Normalmente no salimos por la noche. {por la noche= in the evening)
Do you ... ? (present simple, interrogación) Se usa do/does para hacer preguntas con el PRLSENT afirmación 1 we you
interrogación 1 we yo u they
like do
do have
rhey he she it
works likes does has
work? like? do? have?
he she it
• Where do they work? ¿Dónde trabajan? • Do you play chcss? ¿Juegas al ajedrez? • What sort of films docs she likc? ¿Qué tipo de películas le gustan?
Observa el orden de las palabras en estas frases interrogativas: + sujeto
Where How often What How much
Do Do Does do do
+ infinitivo
yo u your friends
Chris your parents yo u this word it
work live play live? wash mean?
in rhe evening? near herc? ten nis?
to fly to Rome?
your hair?
Observa la posición de always/usually/often:
Do Docs do
yo u Chris yo u
always often usually
bavc play do
breakfast? tennis? at weekends?
Ten cuidado cuando el verbo principal es do (= hacer}: • What do you do ar weckends? ¿Qué haces los fines de semana? En este ejemplo, el primer do es para la interrogación y el otro do es el verbo 'hacer'. What do you do? = ¿Qué haces? (¿En qué trabajas?}: • 'What do you do?' 'I work in a bank.' • 'What does Sarah do?' 'She's a student.'
Recuerda: do does
I/we/you/they ... he/she/it ...
• Do they like music? • Does he like music?
respuestas breves Yes, • • • •
1/wc/you/they he/she/it
'Do you play tcnnis?' 'Do your parcnts speak 'Does he work hard?' 'Does your sistcr live in
1/we/you/they he/she/it
don't. doesn't.
'No, 1 don'r.' English?' 'Yes, they do.' 'Yes, he does.' london?' 'No, she doesn't.'
I do/work/like etc. (PRESENT SIMPLE, afirmación) ::) la interrogación => 11. .¡j,jf#l:11
I don't ...
negación) => cmll
Escribe preguntas usando Do ... ? y Does ... ? 1 I like chocolate. And you? 2 I play rennis. And XQJJ.? 3 Tom plays tennis. And .A.nn? 4 You live near here. And your friends? 5 You speak English. And your brocher? 6 1 do excrcises cvcry morning. And ~? 7 Sue often goes away. And Paul? 8 1 want co be famous. And yQY? 9 You work hard. And Linda?
. P.~.!!W.1*-!::.~~-~L
................... ...................
--~~~.. M.~~!'..P.~~~--~-~.Z..
l (where / livc / your parencs?)
.P~.. !i~ ..~~~--9~-~.P. ..~.?..
4 (you / want / what / for dinner?) 5 (like / you / foocball?) 6 (your brocher / like / foocball?) 7 (what / you /do/ in rhe evenings?) 8 (your sister / work / where?) 9 (ro che cinema/ often / you / go?) 10 (what /mean/ this word?) 11 (often/snow/ic/here?) 12 (go / usually / to bed / what time/ you?) 13 (how much / to phone New York/ it / cost?) 14 (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what?)
Completa las preguntas usando los verbos siguientes: do
What ... t:u.'.. !i~ ..4º ... ? . )
7 8
What time in the morning? ........................................................................ on Saturdays? How ro work? And your husband. What ? What ? ........................................................................ his job?
tea ch
l work in a bookshop. It's OK . At 9 o'clock. Sometimes. Usually by bus. He's a ccacher. Science. Yes, he loves ir .
Escribe respuestas breves (Yes, he does. I No I don't. etc.). 1 2 3 4 5
. .
Escribe preguntas usando las palabras entre paréntesis + do/does. Pon las palabras en el orden correcto.
2 (you / early / always / gct up?) 3 (how often / TV / you / watch ?)
you Ann
Do you warch TV a loe? .. N~i..l...4ºr.'.L9 Y.~~.,. ..l..t:u.'., Do you live in a big city? Do you often ride a bicycle? Does it rain a loe where you live? Do you play rhe piano? :
. . . ..
Traduce al inglés:
1 ¿Dónde viven tus padres? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
¿Habla Vd. inglés? ¿Le gusta su trabajo a Pilar? (trabajo= job) ¿A qué hora os despertáis? (despertarse= wakc up) ¿Te gusta el café o prefieres té? '¿Qué hacen tus padres?' 'Mi madre es médico y mi padre es profesor.' ¿Con qué frecuencia vas al cine? ¿Qué quiere decir 'ride'? ¿Cuánto cuesta esta cámara? 17
I am doing (present continuous)y I do (present simple) Jim is warching television. He is not playing rhc guitar. But Jim has a guitar. He often plays ir and he plays very well. Jim plays the guitar but he is nor playing che guitar now.
Is he playing rhc guitar? Ooes he play the guitar?
No, he isn't.
Y es, he does.
El PRESENT CONTINUOUS expresa algo que está ocurriendo ahora, en el momento de hablar: I am working (acción en curso) = estoy trabajando/trabajo (ahora)
I am workin& pasado --------• • • • •
Please be quier. l'm working. (no 'I work'} ... Estoy trabajando. Tom is having a shower at the moment. (no "Torn has') Tom se está duchando ... Take an umbrella with you. Ir's raining. ... Está 1/oviendo./Llueve. You can turn off rhe televisión. l'm not watching ir. . .. No la veo./No la estoy viendo. Why are you under che table? What are you doing? ... ¿Qué haces/ estás haciendo?
Se usa el PRESENT SIMPLE con valor general para expresar algo que ocurre habitualmente o con cierta frecuencia:
= trabajo
I work (en general, cosas habituales)
lwork pasado ---------
• l work every day from 9 o'clock until 5.30. Trabajo todos los días ... • Tom has a shower every morning. Tom se ducha todas las mañanas. • Ir rains a lor in winter. Llueve ... • 1 don't watch television very oftcn. No veo la televisión ... • What do you usually do at che weekend? ¿Qué haces normalmente ... ?
No uses los verbos siguientes en PRESENT like pre fer
love hate
want need
corrnnuous (1 am -ing):
know mean
understand bclieve
remember forget
Úsalos solamente en PRESENT SIMPLE ( 1 want Ido you like? etc.): • l'm tired. l w:mt to go home. (no 'l'm wanring') ... Quiero ... • 'Do you know rhar girl? 'Yes, but I don'r rernember her narne.' '¿Conoces ... ! • 1 don't undersrand. What do you mean? No entiendo. ¿Qué quieres decir?
11: j,r\4111
=> jij:jj.¡j,j!Jl#H
' recuerdo .. .'
presente con significado futuro =>
Contesta las preguntas sobre los dibujos. 4
1 Does he cake photographs? ..Y.~~A.r~.~~ What is he doing? ..!:!~'.~.. !:1.?.-:'!'.~.9...~ ..~~ . 2 Is she driving a bus? What is she doing? 3 Does he clean windows? What is he doing? 4 Are they teaching? What do they do? 9.2
Does she drive a bus? Is he cleaning a window? Do they teach?
. . .. . . .
Excuse me, ..M. .. you speak English? 'Where's Ann?' 'l know.' What's funny? Why you laughing? 'What your sister do?' 'She's a dentist.' It raining. 1 want to go out in the rain. 'Where you come from?' 'Canada.' How much ir cose to phone Canada? George is a good tennis player but he play very often.
Pon el verbo en PRESENT CONTINUOUS (1 arn doing) o en PRESENT SLMPLE (1 do).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Is he taking a phocograph?,..!'.1.~..~-~\
Completa las frases con am/is/are o do/don't/does/doesn't.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Excuse me... ~.!:!~ ...~.~-- (you/speak) English? 'Where's Tom?' ' ..H~'.~. !'.!?.-:Y.~.9.. (he/have) a shower.' .. ! ..~r.i\~.~-· (1/noúwatch) television very often. Listen! Somebody (sing). Sandra is ti red (she/want) to go home now. How often (you/read) a newspaper? 'Excuse me but (you/sit) in my place.' 'Oh, l'm sorry.' I'm sorry, (l/noúunderstand). Can you speak more slowly? It's late (ligo) home now .. (you/come) with me? What time (your father / finish) work in the evenings? You can turn off the radio (l/not/listen) to it. 'Where's Paul?' 'In the kirchen (he/cook) something.' Martín (not/usually/drive) to work. He .. (usually/walk). Sue (not/like) coffee (she/prefer) tea.
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Eva está tocando el piano. Normalmente bebo té, pero ahora estoy bebiendo café. '¿Qué haces?' 'Estoy estudiando.' ¿Entiendes lo que quiero decir? (lo que= what) Puedes apagar la radio. No la escucho. '¿Qué hacen Juan y Luisa?' 'Están viendo la televisión.' '¿Qué hacen Agustín y Laura?' 'Son médicos.' Me gusta esa canción. ¿Quién canta? 19
I have ... / l've got ... I have ... / I've got ... = tengo ... Se puede decir I have o l'vc got, he has o hc's got y no cambia el significado. I we yo u che y
T we yo u thcy
have got
(J've got) (wc've got) (you've got) (they've got)
he shc it
has got
(he's got) (she's got) (ir's got)
it • • • • •
l'vc got blue eyes. (o I have bluc eyes.) Tengo /os ojos azules. Tim has gor two sistcrs. (o Tirn has two sisters.) ... tiene ... Our car has got four doors. .. . tiene ... Diane isn't fccling well. Shc's gota headache. (she's got = shc has got) ... Tiene dolor de cabeza. They likc anima Is. They've gota horse, three dogs and six caes. ... Tienen ...
I haven't got ... / havc you gor ... ? = no tengo ... / ¿tienes ... ? negación
l WC
yo u they he she ir • • • • • • •
respuestas breves
have nor (haven't)
havc gor
has not (hasn't)
we you rhey
1 Yes, No,
Yes, No,
have. haven't.
he she
we yo u he shc ir
has. hasn't.
l'vc gota motorbike but I haven't gota car. Tengo ... pero no tengo ... Mr and Mrs Harris haven't got any children. ... no tienen ... lt's a nicc house bur it hasn't gota garden. . .. no tiene . 'Have you gota camera?' 'No, l havcn't.' '¿Tienes ?' 'No.' 'What havc you gor in your bag?' 'Nothing, lt's crnpty.' ¿Qué tienes ... ? 'Has Ann gota car?' 'Yes, she has.' '¿Tiene ... ?' 'Si.' What kind of car has she got? ¿Qué tipo de coche tiene?
I don't have / do you have? etc. La negación se puede hacer también con don't/docsn't • • • •
... y las preguntas con do/does ... :
Thcy don't have any children. (= They havcn't got any childrcn.) It's a nice house but it docsn't have a garden. (= it hasn't gota garden.) Does Ann have a car?(= Has Ann gota car?) How rnuch money do you havc? (= How much money havc you got?)
Tanto has como is se contraen en -'s (=> Apéndice 4). Observa: • It's (Ir is) a srnall fiar but it's gor (ir has gor) a nice view.
Es un piso pequeño pero tiene una buena vista.
had I didn't have (pasado)=> 1ij:jjfrjfiflfi have breakfast I have a showcr etc.=> a/an detrás de have => 1,j¡jj,r ¡.¡u some/any => 1ij:jj,frfi1
Escribe la contracción lwe've got / he hasn't got etc.).
1 we have got>.~\~.9.0.L 2 he has got
~wit ~ g ~i,;
(a camera) ..Ti.r.t~.'1.~.. 9.1?.t!?:-..~~!A'., (a bicycle) Tina (long hair) (brothers/sisters)
.l.'r~.9.0t(l?..L~i?:-':l'.~'.t.9.()p.!?:-..~.~!A'.,.. . . .
Sarah --~-~-~19.'?.t:.. a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. .'!:~ They like animals. They .. ..9<>~.. three dogs and two cats. Charles isn't happy. He a lot of problems. They don't read much. They many books. 'What's wrong?' 'I something in my eye.' 'Where's my pen?' 'I don't know. I it.' Julia wants to go to the concert but she a ticket. 1
Completa /as frases usando have/has got o haven't/hasn't got y una de /as siguientes expresiones:
a lot of friends four wheels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. .
Completa las frases con have got ('ve got), has got ('s got), haven't got o hasn't got.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 it has got .. 6 I have not got
(you / an umbrella?) (you / a passporc?) (your father / a car?) (Carol z many friends?) (you / any brothers or sisters?) (how much money / we?) (what / kind of car/ Julia?)
¿Qué tiene Tina? ¿Qué tienes tú? Observa la información y escribe frases sobre Tina y sobre ti.
1 2 3 4
Escribe preguntas usando /as palabras entre paréntesis.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 they have got 4 she has not got
six legs
a headache
I'm not feeling very well. I ..'.~.~.9.1?.t..!?:-..h~.~.·.... lt's a nice house but it ..~~.~\9.1?.t:.~. .9~~., .. Most cars Everybody likes Tom. He I'm going to the dentist this morning. I He can't open the door. He An insect We must hurry. We
a toothache a key much time
a gankn
.. .. . . . ..
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tengo una hermana y dos hermanos. ¿Tiene Ana un coche? Luis tiene un nuevo trabajo. (trabajo= job) ¿Tienes un minuto? Me duele la cabeza y no tengo una aspirina. (aspirina = aspirin) ¿Qué tienes en esa bolsa? Tienen muchos amigos en Inglaterra. No tenemos coche porque no tenemos bastante dinero. (bastante = enough) 21
Now Robert is at work. At midnight last night he wasn'r at work. He was in bed. He was asleep.
am/is (presente) ~ was (pasado):
• I am ti red. (ahora) Estoy cansado/a. I was tired last night. Estaba cansado/aanoche. • Where is Ann? (ahora) ¿Dónde está Ann? Where was Ann yesterday? ¿Dónde estuvo Ann ayer? • The weather is good toda y. Thc weather was good last week. Hace buen tiempo hoy. La semana pasada hizo buen tiempo. are (presente) ~ were (pasado): Yo u were late ycstcrday. Ayer llegaste tarde. They weren't here last Sunday. No estuvieron aquí el domingo pasado.
• You are late. (ahora) Llegas tarde. • They aren't herc. (ahora) No están aquí.
afirmación 1 he she
1 was
it we yo u they
he she it we yo u they
was not (wasn't)
l? he? she? it?
were not (weren't)
we? you? they?
was/were corresponden normalmente al pretérito perfecto simple o al pretérito imperfecto de 'ser' o 'estar' en español: • My sister was in Paris last weekend. . .. estuvo ... • When l was a child, my teachers were very nice. Cuando era pequeño fueron ... • The hotel was comfortable and it wasn't expensive. ... era ... no fue . • • • •
Was Sandra happy when she was in California? ¿Fue feliz Sandra cuando estaba en California? Those shoes are nice. Were thcy cxpensivc? ¿Fueron ... ? We wercn't tired afrer the long journey. No estábamos ... Why wcrc you angry? ¿ ... estabas ... ?
Pero observa que en algunas expresiones was/were pueden corresponder a 'tenía/teníamos'o 'hizo': • • • •
When I was a child, I was afraid of dogs. ... tenía miedo de los perros. We wercn't hungry aftcr che journcy. ... no teníamos hambre ... Was thc wcathcr good? ¿Hizo buen tiempo? Last year she was 22, so she is 23 now. ... tenla 22 años ... tiene ...
respuestas breves Yes,
1/he/shc/it was.
we/you/they were.
we/you/thcy weren't.
• 'Werc you late?' 'No, I wasn't.' • 'Was Tcd at work yesterday?' 'Yes, he was.' • 'Were they at rhe parry ?' 'No, thcy weren't.'
am/ís/are :::) 11 j ,j jfjO;J l'm hungry / lt's cold etc. :::)
I was doíng ==> jij:jj.¡..5C1
Observa /os dibujos y responde a la pregunta: ¿Dónde estaban estas personas ayer a /as 3 de la tarde?
l --~-~r9.~--~-~ ..~--~~: . 2 Carol and Jack 3 Sue
.. .
Last year she ..~~ .. 22, so she ..!-!?... 23 now. Today the weather nice, but yesterday it I hungry. Can I have something to eat? I feel fine this morning but I very ti red last night. Where you at 11 o'clock last Friday morning? Don't buy those shoes. They very expensive. I like your new jacket it expensive? This time last year 1 in Paris. 'Where the children?' 'I don't know. They
very cold.
in the garden ten minutes ago.'
We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room ..~.~ very small and it ...~.~-~\ .. very clean. George at work last week because he ill. He's better now. Yesterday a public holiday so the shops closed. They're open roday. ' Sue and Bill ar the party?' 'Sue there but Bill .' 'Where are my keys?' 'l don't know. They on the table but they're not rhere now.' You at home last nighr. Where you?
Escribe las preguntas usando las palabras entre paréntesis en el orden correcto + was/were.
1 2 3 4 5 6
5 6 And you?
Completa las frases con was/were o con wasn't/weren't.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa las frases con am/is/are (presente) o was/wcrc (pasado).
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
. .
(late/ you / this morning / why?) ...~!i ..~.'K~.!i~...~.!i!'.1.~.. ~!?!!\~9-~... (difficult / your exam?) ............................................................................................................................... (last week / where / Ann and Chris?) ............................................................................................................................... (your new camera/ how much?)
----Thetraffic was bad. - -+---1.-No,ir was easy. - -+---1.-Theywere on holiday.
-+-- .... Sixry
(angry / you / yesterday / why?) ............................................................................................................................... (nice / the weather / last week?)
-,__--Becauseyou were late.
.... Yes,
it was beautiful.
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Estuve en la oficina hasta las 7. (hasta = until) ¿Dónde estabas esta mañana a las 10? ¿A qué hora era el concierto? Tus padres fueron muy amables. (amables = kind) Mi hermana tenía miedo de los ratones cuando era pequeña. (los ratones = mice) Era tarde, teníamos hambre y hacía frío. '¿Hizo buen tiempo?' 'Estuvo nublado.' (nublado= cloudy) ¿Por qué llegas siempre tarde? 23
worked/got/went etc. (past simple) They
television every evening. Ven la televisión ... --·---
television yesterday evening. Vieron la televisión
watched es el PAST SIMPLE: 1/we/you/they he/she/it
El PAST SIMPLE de los verbos regulares termina en -cd. work --t worked stay --t sraycd • • • •
clcan --t cleaned arrive --t arrivcd
start --t srarted dance --t danccd
Terry workcd in a bank from 1991 to 1998. . .. trabajó ... Yesterday ir raincd ali morning. lt stoppcd ar lunchtime. . .. llovió ... Paró ... 1 usually srarr work at 9 bur ycstcrday T started at 9.30. . .. pero ayer empecé a las 9.30. We cnjoycd rhe party last night. We danced a lot and talkcd to a loe of people. The party finished ac rnidnight. Nos divertimos en la fiesta ... Bailamos ... hablamos ... terminó ...
Nota las diferencias de ortografía: try --t tricd study --t studicd copy --t copicd stop --t sroppcd plan --t planncd Ver también el Apéndice 5.
Algunos verbos son irregulares (no forman el PAST SIMPLL:: con -ed). Aquí tienes algunos de los más frecuentes (encontrarás más en los Apéndices 2-3): begi n (empezar)--t break (romper) bring (traer) build (construir) buy (comprar) catch (coger) come (venir) do (hacer) drink (beber) eat (comer) fall (caer) find (encontrar) fly (volar) forget (olvidar) • • • •
began broke brought built bought caught carne
fell found flew forgot
ger (~ Unidad 56) give (dar) go (ir) have (tener) hear (oir) know (saber) leave (dejar/irse) lose (perder) rnake (hacer) rneet (encontrar) pay (pagar) put (poner) read (leer)
ger gave went had heard knew left lost made met paid put read /teo/: ( * pronunciation)
ring (telefonear/sonar)--t say (decir) see (ver) sell (vender) si t (sentarse) sleep (dormir) speak (hablar) stand (estar de pie) cake (tomar/llevar) tell (decir) think (pensar) win (ganar) wrire (escribir)
rang said saw sold sat slept spoke stood took told thought won wrote
I usually get up early but lasr Saturday I got up ar 10. . .. me levanté ... We did a lor of work yesterday. Hicimos ... Caroline went to the cinema three times Jast week. . .. fue ... Jim carne into the room, took off his coat and sat clown. . .. entró ... se quitó ... se sentó.
El PAST SIMPLE (1 drank I I sat etc.) equivale normalmente al pretérito perfecto simple del español (bebí/me senté, erc.), pero algunas veces equivale al pretérito imperfecto: • She wanted to speak to you. Quería hablar contigo. • Nobody knew the way. Nadie sabía/conocía el camino.
was/were ~
11 iMWH
I didn't ... Did you ... ? (PAST SIMPLE, negación e interrogación) ~
ago ==>
Completa las frases con el PAST SIMPLE de uno de los verbos siguientes: ~
1 [ .. ~~-- my reerh rhree times yesterday. 2 lt was hor in che room, so 1 the window. 3 Thc concert ar 7.30 and at 10 o'clock. 4 Whcn I was a child, 1 to be a doctor. 5 The accidenr last Sunday afternoon. 6 lt's a nice day today but yesterday it ali day. 7 We our holiday last year. We ata very nice place. 8 Ann's grandfather when he was 90 years old.
Escribe el PAST SIMPLE de /os verbos siguientes: 1 get .. 9.C>t... 2 see 3 play
. .
4 pay 5 visir 6 buy
. .. ..
7 go 8 rhink
9 copy
have leave, drive arrive, park, go have,go wait, depart arrive take
Jim always goes to work by car. Yesterday .. !':-!~t-~.. !':-19.~--~~-~ Rachel often loses her keys. She Kate rneets her friends every evening. She l usually buy rwo newspapers every day. Yesterday 1 We usually go to che cinema on Sundays. Last Sunday we J eat an orange every day. Yesterday l Torn always has a shower in the morning. This morning he Our friends come to see us every Friday. They
. Iast week. yesterday evening. .. . . . last Friday.
Escribe frases diciendo qué hiciste ayer. 1
1 ..~~-Y9.~~~-.H~~t.e.r.MiL.
2 3
fly, get
Escribe frases sobre el pasado (ycsterday / last week etc.). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. . ..
Lee el texto sobre el viaje de Lisa a Madrid y pon los verbos en la forma correcta.
Last Tuesday Lisa (1) . .f~ from London to Madrid. She (2) up at six o'clock in the morning and (3) a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she (4) home and (5) to the airport. When she (6) , she (7) rhe car and then (8) toche airport café where she (9) breakfast. Then she (10) chrough passport control and (11) for her flight. The plane (12) . on time and (13) in Madrid two hours later. Finally she ('14) a taxi from thc airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.
10 know 11 put 12 speak
. .
5 6
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ayer fui al cine. La película terminó a las 11.30. Ayer vinieron Sam y Sue. Querían verte. Viví en Argentina cuando era pequeño. Laura sabía nuestro número de teléfono. Andrés se sentó, abrió el libro y leyó unas páginas. (unas= a few) Pagué la cuenta, me puse mi abrigo y me fui a casa. (ponerse= put on) Encontré a tu hermano en el teatro. 25
Did you ... ?
I didn't . . .
(past simple, negación e interrogación)
Se usa did en la negación y en la interrogación del PAST SIMPLE: infinitivo
srart watch have see do go
we yo u they he she it
played started watched had saw did went
I we yo u they he she it
did not (didn't)
play start watch have see do go
I we yo u they he she it
play? start? watch? have? see? do? go?
do y does del PRESEITT SIMPLE se convierten en did en el PAST SIMPLE: • I don't watch relevision very often. ~ 1 didn't watch television yesterday. No veo la televisión a menudo. Ayer no vi la televisión. • Does she oftcn go away? ~ Did she go away last week? ¿Se va de viaje a menudo? ¿Se fue de viaje la semana pasada?
En la interrogación y en la negación del PAST SIMPLE se usa did/didn't + infinitivo (watch/play/go etc.): I watched pero I didn't warch (no 'I didn't warched') they went did rhey go? (no 'did rhey went?') he had he didn't have you did did you do?
• T played rennis yesrerday but I didn't win. Jugué ... no gané. • 'Did you do che shopping?' 'No, I didn't have time.' '¿Hiciste las compras?' 'No, no tuve tiempo.' • We went to che cinema bue we didn't enjoy rhe film. Fuimos ... pero no nos gustó ... Observa que en los ejemplos siguientes did es la interrogación, didn't la negación y do es el verbo 'hacer': • Did you do che shopping? ¿Hiciste las compras? • Sam didn't do his homework. Sam no hizo ...
Observa el orden de las palabras en las preguntas con did: did + sujeto What How Where
Oíd did did did
your sister you che accident your parents
infinitivo phone do happen? go
you? yesterday evening?
for rheir holiday?
respuestas breves Yes,
1/we/you/they he/she/it
• 'Did you see Joe yesterday?'
l/we/you/they he/she/it
'No, 1 didn't.' • 'Did it rain on Sunday?' 'Yes, it did.' • 'Did Helen come to the party?' 'No, she didn'r.' • 'Did your parents have a good holiday?' 'Yes, they did.'
worked/got/went etc. (PAST SIMPLE)~
Completa estas frases con el verbo en forma negativa. 1 1 saw Barbara but 1 d..uln't S.~ Jane. 2 They worked on Monda y but they 3 We went to the post office but we 4 She had a pen but she 5 Jack did French at school but he
... ~ .. !:l~ ...\':1~ .. .TY. .. ~~...t:!!gh~!
¿Qué hiciste ayer? Tus frases pueden ser afirmativas o negativas. ... ! \':1~.~ ..IY. t.: ~
1 (watch TV) 2 (get up before 7 o'clock) 3 (have a shower)
any paper.
Escribe preguntas usando Did ... ? 1 1 watched TV last night. And you? 2 I enjoyed the party, And you? 3 I hada good holiday. And you? 4 J finished work early. And you? 5 1 slept well last night. And you?
on Tuesday. toche bank.
~J ~.~ .. IY.·
4 (buy a magazine)
5 (ear mear) 6 (go to bed before 10.30)
.. ..
Escribe las preguntas de B usando las siguientes expresiones: arrive
go to bed late
2 A: I was late rhis morning. B: What time A: Half past nine.
7 A: We went to the beach yesterday. ?
A: Yes, it was great. 8 A: The window is broken. ?
B: How
A: 1 don't know.
Pon el verbo en la forma correcta del PAST SIMPLE (afirmación, negación o interrogación). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A: No, but I didn't sleep very well.
A: No, I lose. 4 A: I hada nice holiday. B: Good. Where A: To the mountains.
6 A: I'm tired this morning. ?
3 A: 1 played tennis this afternoon.
have a nice time 5 A: We carne home by taxi. B: How much A: Ten pounds.
1 A: We went to New York last month. B: Where ...#4..!i!:':.. ~~.L. A: With some friends.
. .. .
We went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. We .A!4n.\ ..~~ ... it. (enjoy) Tim some new clothes yesterday - two shirts, a jacket anda pullover. (buy) ' yesterday?' 'No, it was a nice day.' (rain) The party wasn't very good, so we long. (stay) It was very warm in the room, so I a window. {open) 'Did you go to the bank this morning?' 'No, I time.' (have) 'I cut my hand this morning.' 'How that?' (do)
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
¿Limpiaste la cocina ayer? Ayer no jugamos al tenis. '¿ Viste la televisión anoche?' 'No, salí con mis amigos.' ¿A qué hora empezó la reunión? (reunión = meeting) ¿Por qué viniste tan tarde? (tan= so) No me compré la camisa porque no me gustaba. Joaquín y Lucía no se fueron de viaje a Sevilla. (ir de viaje= go on a trip) Ayer hice las compras y luego vi una película. (luego = then) Marta tuvo un accidente y llegó tarde. 27
I was doing (past continuous) Ir is 6 o'clock now. Sarah is ar home. She is watching television. Está viendo ... At 4 o'clock she wasn't at home. She was at the sports club. She was playing tennis. Estaba jugando ... She wasn't watching television. No estaba viendo ...
she began playing was/were + -ing es el PAST
she stopped playing
CONTJNuous y
I he she it
I he she
we yo u
doing warching playing running living
se usa para expresar lo que ocurría o estaba ocurriendo en el pasado. interrogación
was not (wasn't)
ir we yo u rhey
were not (weren't)
doing watching playing running living
I he she it we yo u
doing? watching? playing? running? living?
• What were you doing at 11.30 yesterday? Were you working? ¿Qué hacías/estabas haciendo ... ? ¿Estabas trabajando? • 'What did he say?' 'I don't know. l wasn't listcning.' ... no estaba escuchando. • Ir was raining, so we didn't go out. Llovía./ Estaba lloviendo ... • In 1985 we were living in Canada. Vivíamos ... • Toda y she's wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was wearing trousers. . .. llevaba ... • I woke up early yesterday. lt was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing . . . . El sol brillaba y los pájaros cantaban. Para diferencias de ortografía (live -e living z run ~ running / lie ~ lying etc.), ver el Apéndice 5.
Observa las diferencias entre el PRESENT
como su equivalencia en español:
(am/is/are + -ing) y el
I was doing • l'm working. Trabajo./ Estoy trabajando. • It isn't raining. No llueve./ No está lloviendo. • What are you doing? ¿Qué haces/estás haciendo?
was/were =}
= hacía/estaba haciendo
• I was working ar 10.30 last night. Trabajaba./ Estaba trabajando ... • It wasn't raining when we went out. No llovía. / No estaba lloviendo ... • Whar wcrc you doing at 3 o'clock? ¿Qué hacías/estabas haciendo ... ?
I was doing (PAST CONTINUOUS) y l did (PAST SIMPLE) =}
¡, iMIU1
(was/were + -ing) así
Observa /os dibujos. ¿Dónde estaban ayer a /as 3? ¿Qué estaban haciendo? Escribe dos frases acerca de cada dibujo.
his car/ drive 1 ....~.".!!").. ~.~--~-~~~.1::t., ~.l::..":!.~ ":!.~~_g. .TY.: . 2 Ca rol and Jack 3 Tom , 4 ................................................................................. 5 .................................................................................................................... 6 And you? 1
8.30 - 9 .10
9 .30 - 10.00
1 At 9.45 ..~~~..~~--~~~-~S.h~ ..~.: 2 At 11.45 she 3 At 9 o'clock
(you/live) ~.~.l::..W..~~-.!:l!'v.- ~~9 (you/do) (it/rain) (Ann/drive) (Tim/wear)
10.20 - 11.00 11.30 - 12.00
12.30 - 1.00
4 At 12.50
. .. .
5At8.15 6 At 10.30
in 1990? at 2 o'clock? when you got up? so fast? a suit yesterday?
In London. l was asleep. No, it was sunny. Beca use she was in a hurry. No, a T-shirt and jeans.
Observa el dibujo. Ayer por la tarde encontraste a Joe en la calle. ¿Qué estaba haciendo? Escribe frases afirmativas o negativas. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \.'-::.::...-1....__.::::..::~:..... 8
. . . . ..
Completa /as preguntas usando was/were -ing. Usa what/where/why si es necesario. 1 2 3 4 5
Sarah hizo muchas cosas ayer por la mañana. Observa los dibujos y completa las frases.
ark / walk
(wear / a jacket) .. H~ ":!.~.!:1..w..~~9 (carry/ a bag) (go / to the dentist) (eat I an ice-cream) (carry I an umbrclla) (go I home) (wear / a hat) (ridc / a bicyclc)
~.J~~ . . . . . . . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tom estaba en el garaje. Estaba reparando su coche. No estábamos estudiando. Estábamos viendo la televisión. '¿Qué hacías ayer a las 12?' 'Estaba haciendo la compra.' (la compra= the shopping) ¿Qué hacían tus padres en el hospital? Sandra llevaba una falda azul y una camisa blanca. En 1996 vivíamos en Canadá. Esta mañana a las 8 llovía. Lucy llevaba puesto un sombrero muy grande. 29
I was doing (past continuous)y I did (past simple)
Jack was reading a book. . . . leía/estaba leyendo . . .
He answered rhe phone. Contestó al teléfono .
He stoppcd rcading. Dejó de leer.
Thc phonc rang. . .. sonó.
What happened? The phonc rang. (PAST SIMPLE) What was Jack_doing when rhe phone rang? } (PAST CONTINUOUS) He was rcading a book. What did he do whcn thc phone rang? . He stopped readmg and answered rhe phonc.
Jack empezóa leer antes de sonar el teléfono. Asf: Wheo the phone rang, he was rcading. he answered the phone
the phone rang
El PAST CONT1Nuous expresa una acción que duraba en el pasado:
El PAST SIMPLE expresa una acción concluida:
inicio (10.00)
we played
. . p~~f. . ·¡-~e ~ere
(acción incompleta}
(acción completa! • A: What did you do yesterday morning? ¿Qué hicisteis ... ? B: We played tennis. (desde las 10.00 hasta las 11.30} Jugamos al tenis. • Jack read a book yescerday. . .. leyó ... • Did you watch che film on television last night? ¿Viste ... ? • lt didn't rain whilc we wcrc on holiday. No llovió ...
• A: What werc you doing ar 10.30? Qué estabais haciendo ... ? B: We were playing tennis. Estábamos jugando al tenis. • Jack was reading a book when the phonc rang. .. . estaba leyendo ... • Werc you watching television when 1 phoned you? ¿Estabas viendo ... ? • lt wasn't raining whcn [ got up. No llovla/estaba lloviendo ...
• 1 started work at 9.00 and finishcd at 4.30. At 2.30 1 was working. Empecé ... terminé ... estaba trabajando. • I saw Lucy and Sreve chis morning. They wcre wairing at the bus-stop. Vi ... estaban esperando ...
Como en español, se usa el PAST coxrrsuous para expresar una acción que duraba y el PAST s1~1PLE para expresar otra que ocurrió en un momento concreto. • It was raining when we went out. Llovía/ Estaba lloviendo cuando salimos. • Jenny fcll asleep while she was reading. . .. se durmió mientras leía/estaba leyendo.
I was doing (PAST CONTINUOUS) =>
while =>
I' : 11 •Fi
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con el verbo en la forma correcta, PAST CONTINUOUS o PAST SIMPLE. Carol ..~r.*.~ .. (break) her arrn last week. Ir ..................................................... (happen) when she ..................................................... (paint) her room. She ..................................................... ( fall) off the ladder.
The rrain (arrive) ar the station and Paula (ger) off. Two friends of hers, John and Jenny, ..................................................... (wait) to meet her.
Yesterday Sue rhe road when she He a train and he They minutes.
(walk) along (rneet) Jim. (go) ro rhe starion ro catch (carry) a bag. (stop) to talk for a few
Pon el verbo en PAST CONTI uous o en PAST SIMPLE.
1 A: What ..~~~-!i~ ..~.9 ... (you/do) when the phone ..r.~.9... (ring)? B: l ...~.~ .. r.?.~.~9... (warch) telcvision. 2 A: Wasjane busy when you went to see her?
B: A: B: A: B:
Yes, she (srudy). What time (rhe post/ arrive) this morning? It (come) while I Was Margaret at work today? 4 No, she (not/go) to work. She was ill. (you/drive) when the police 5 A: How fast ....................................................................... (stop) you? (nor/drive) very fast. B: I don't know exactly but 1 6 A: ....................................................................... (your team / win) rhe football match yesrerday? (not/play). B: No, the weather was very bad, so we (you/break) the window? 7 A: How (play) football. I B: We and it (hit) the window . 8 A: ....................................................................... (you/see) Jenny last night? (wear) a very nice jacket. B: Yes, she (you/do) ar 2 o'clock rhis morning? 9 A: What B: I was asleep. (lose) my key last night. 10 A: I (you/get) inro your room? B: How (clirnb) in through a window. A: I 3
(have) breakfast.
(kick) the ball
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cuando Jack llegó estábamos viendo la televisión. ¿Llovía cuando saliste? Nevaba cuando me acosté. El teléfono sonó a las 7, pero yo me estaba duchando. (ducharse= have a shower) Cuando abrimos la ventana vimos que estaba lloviendo. Susana se durmió mientras Rafa tocaba el piano. (dormirse= fall aslccp) (Yo) Estaba leyendo un libro cuando Miguel se fue. (irse= go out)
I have done (present perfect 1)
... His shoes are dirry.
He is cleaning his shoes.
He has cleancd his shoes. Se ha limpiado los zapatos .
... They are at home.
... They are going out.
They have gone out. Han salido.
has cleaned / have gone etc. son formas del PRESENT PERFECT (have + participio pasado): have/has 1 we yo u they he she ir
have ('ve) have not (haven't)
has ('s) has not (hasn't)
participio pasado cleaned finished srartcd lost done beco gone
I we yo u che y
she rt
cleaned? finished? started? lost? done? been? gone?
) verbos regulares
) verbos ;,regulares
Verbos regulares: el participio pasado termina en -ed (igual que el PAST SIMPLE afirmativo): clean 4 I have cleaned finish 4 we have finished starr 4 she has starred Verbos irregulares: el participio pasado es a veces igual que el PAST SIMPLE y otras veces diferente (Apéndices 2-3). Por ejemplo: igual: buy 4 1 bought / I have bought have 4 he had / he has had diferente: break ~ 1 broke / I have broken fall ~ it fell / ir has fallen
see 4 you saw / you have seen go 4 they went / they have gone
El PRESENT PERFECT expresa una acción del pasado cuyos resultados tienen efecto en el presente. Muchas veces corresponde al pretérito perfecto compuesto del español: • • • • • •
l've lost my pass port. He perdido ... (y no lo encuentro) 'Where's Linda?' 'She's gone to bed.' Se ha acostado ... (y ahora está en la cama) We've bought a new car. Nos hemos comprado ... (y lo tenemos ahora) lt's Kay's birthday rornorrow and I haven't bought her a presenr. . .. no le he comprado ... 'Bob is on holiday.' 'Oh, where has he gone?' ... '¿Dónde se ha ido?' Can I take this newspaper? Havc you finished with it? ... ¿Has terminado (de leerlo)?
verbos irregulares=}
Observa los dibujos ¿Qué ha ocurrido? Usa una de estas expresiones en la forma correcta:
go to bed
cleaB HÍS SHOt!S antes
stop raining
close the door
faU down
have a bath
2 She
,,,.,, .. , ,.,,,,
,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,, .. , .. ,.,,.,.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
5 He
Completa las frases con uno de los verbos de la lista. break 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
'C an I h ave t hiis newspaper.'' 'Y es, I 've. fi.ni611ed- wit. h ir. · ' I sorne new shoes. Do you want to see them? 'Where is Liz?' 'She out.' l'm looking for Paula you Lookl Sornebody rhat window. 'Does Lisa know that you're going away?' 'Yes, 1 I can't find my umbrella. Somebody it. I'rn looking for Sarah. Where she l know that wornan bue I her name. Sue is having a party tonight. She a lot of people. What are you going to do? you 'Where are my glasses?' 'I don't know. 1 them.'
her? her.' ?
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
He terminado mi trabajo. '¿Dónde está Gerry?' 'Ha salido.' (salir= go out) Hemos invitado a mucha gente a nuestra fiesta. Sandra ha perdido sus llaves. ¿ Las has visto? '¿Ha llegado Mary?' 'No la he visto.' ¿Dónde han ido tus padres de vacaciones? (de vacaciones= on holiday) ¿Has comprado un nuevo ordenador? (ordenador= computer) Brian ha hecho su cama.
l've just . l've already . . . 1 haven't ... yet Have you . yet? (presentperfect 2) l've just ... Acabo de ... PRESENT PERFECT + just = pasado inmediato, 'acabar de ... '. Observa la posición de just:
• A: Are Diane and Paul here? B: Yes, they've just arrived. Acaban de llegar. • A: Are you hungry? B: No, l'vc just had dinner. Acabo de cenar. • A: Is Tom here? B: No, hc's just gonc. Se acaba de ir.
They have just arrivcd. Acaban de llegar.
l've airead y ... Ya he ... En frases afirmativas, alrcady = 'ya' (antes de lo esperado). Observa la posición de already:
• A: What time are Diane and Paul coming?
B: They've already arrivcd. Ya han llegado. • It's only nine o'clock and Ann has already gone to bed. . .. ya se ha acostado. • A: John, chis is Mary. B: Yes, T know. We've already rnet . . .. Ya nos conocemos. I haven't ... yet En frases negativas, not .•. yet = 'aún/todavía no'. Observa la posición de yet, normalmente al final de la frase:
• A: Are Diane and Paul here? B: No, they haven't arrived yet. Aún no han llegado.
• A: Does John know that you're going away? B: No, 1 haven't told him yet. The film hasn't started yet. La película aún no ha empezado.
Aún no se lo he dicho. • Margaret has bought a new dress but she hasn't worn it yet. . .. aún no se lo ha puesto.
Have you ... yet? En frases interrogativas, ... yet? = ¿ya?'. Observa la posición de yet, al final de la frase: • A: Have Diane and Paul arrived yet? ¿Ya han llegado ... ? B: No, not yet. We're still waiting for them. • A: Has Linda started her new job yet? ¿Ha empezado ya Linda su nuevo trabajo? B: No, she starts next week. • A: This is my new dress. B: Oh, it's nice. Have you worn it yet? ¿Te lo has puesto ya?
orden de las palabras en la frase
still, yet y already => ~
Escribe una frase sobre cada dibujo usando just.
1 ..Tu.~.·.v.~_j1:4~-~--~~-~ 2 He
3 They 4 The race
.. .
Completa las frases usando already + PRESENT PERFECT •
...!:!.~'.~... ~.~--~~~.: .
What time is Paul arriving? Do Sue and Bill want to see the film? Don't forgcr to phone Tom. When is Martín going away? Do you want toread the newspaper? When does Linda start her new job?
2 3 4
5 6
No, they
He l She
. . .
Para cada dibujo escribe una frase con just (They've just ... / She's just ... etc.Jo una frase negativa con yet
(They haven't ... yet / She hasn't ... yet etc.).
afew minutes ago
(she / go I out)
afew minutes ago
-----------············· ···············-------------------
(rhe bus/ go) The bus........................
·--~~--~~".''J.jºl'l~..~~--!:l~: ...
iQ'~IHrl!;,~ ~'! afew minutes ago
(he I open I it)
17 .4
~ ---------------··-············· ..
afew . minutes ago.
(they / finish I their dinner)
(the bus/ go)
•-now afew
(it / stop I raining)
. .
Escribe preguntas usando yet.
1 Una amiga tiene un trabajo nuevo. Quizá ya ha empezado a trabajar. Le preguntas: .. .!:l.~Y.~. .!:l~... ~~ . .!:l~.t:.j~ . .!:l~I .. 2 Un amigo tiene nuevos vecinos. Quizá ya los ha conocido. Le preguntas: ..................................................................................................
3 Una amiga tiene que escribir una carta. Quizá ya la ha escrito. Le preguntas:
4 Tom quería vender su coche. Quizá ya lo ha vendido. Le preguntas:
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5
Acabo de encontrarme a Julia. (encontrar= Aún no hemos visto esa película. ¿ Ya has limpiado tus zapatos? ¿Has empezado ya tu nuevo trabajo? Joe no me ha telefoneado aún.
6 '¿Has escrito ya a tus amigos de Inglaterra?' (de= in) 7 Aún no hemos usado la lavadora nueva. (lavadora = washing machine) 8 ¿Has cerrado ya la puerta? 9 Acabo de comprar el periódico pero aún no lo he leído. 35
Have you ever ... ? (presentperfect 3) Have you been to Rome?
Have you ever been to Japan?
Yes, 1 have Many times.
No, l've never been to Japan?
El PRESENT PERFECT (havc bcen / havc had / have playcd etc.) se usa para hablar de un período de tiempo que se extiende desde el pasado hasta ahora - por ejemplo, la vida de alguien:
HAVE YOU EVER BEENTO JAPAN? ------ ¿Has estado alguna vez en Japón? --------l ahora
pasado • • • • • •
'Havc yo u bcen to Fra nce?' 'No, l havcn't.' '¿Has ido a/ estado en Francia? (en tu vida)' 'No.' l've bccn to Canada but I haven't been to che United Srares. He estado ... pero no he ido ... Mary is an intcresting person. She has done many differcnt jobs and has lived in many places. I'vc seen that wornan beforc but I can't remcmbcr whcrc. How rnany times has Brazil won thc World Cup? ¿Cuántas veces ha ganado Brasil ... ? 'Havc you read this book?' 'Yes, l've read it twice.' ¿Has leido ... ?
Se puede usar el PRE~ENT PERFECT con ever (= alguna vez) en preguntas y con ncver (= nunca) en negaciones absolutas: • • • • •
'Has Ann cvcr bcen to Australia?' 'Yes, once.' ¿Ha ido alguna vez ... ? 'Havc you cvcr playcd golf?' 'Yes, 1 often play golf.' My grandmochcr has nevcr rravellcd by air. ... no ha viajado nunca ... l've never ridden a horse. 'Who is thar man?' 'I don'r know. l've never seen him before.'
gone y been j,Where's Bill?)
He's away. Hc's gone to Spain.
Hello. l've been on holiday. l've bcen to Spain. Bill has been to Spain. Ha ido a España. (y ha regresado)
Bill has gone to Spain. Se ha ido a España. (y está allí) Compara:
• I can't find Susan. Where has she gonc? ... ¿Dónde ha ido?(= ¿Dónde está ahora?) • Oh, helio, Susan! I was looking for you. Where havc you been? ... ¿Dónde has estado? Observa que en estas frases se usa been to: • I'vc never bcen to Paris. No he estado nunca en París. • Have you ever been to London?
16-17 y 19-20
=> •@'·i"fJI
Escribe las preguntas que le haces a Helen empezando por Have you ever ... ?
(London ?) ..~~~-~~ .. ~Y.~ .. ~~ ...~---~~~~-~.L
2 3 4 5 6 7
(play I golf?) ..~~r~.~~---~Y.~ .. ~~ (Australia?) Have (lose I your passport?) (fly I in a helicopter?) (eat I Chinese food?) (New York?) (drive / a bus?) (break I your leg?)
.. 9
. . . .. .. . .
No, never. Yes, many times. No, never. Yes, once. o, nevcr. Yes, a few rimes. Yes, rwice. o, never. Yes, once.
A partir de sus respuestas en el ejercicio 18.1, escribe frases sobre Helen. 1 (New York) .. H~--~~- ..~.~ 2 (Australia) Helen 3 (Chinese food) 4 (drive / a bus)
~ .. !:'!~ X~.J:~~.,...
. . ..
Ahora escribe sobre ti. ¿Cuántas veces has hecho estas cosas?
5 (New York) l
6 (play I ten nis) 7 (fly I in a helicopter)
8 (be/ late for work or school)
Mary tiene 65 años y su vida ha sido interesante. Escribe frases sobre sus experiencias usando el
~ travel
s.r..~..r..~ ..r..!l4..~~~--~~~.J~~.,
1 ... 2 She 3
Elifferent jol:,s
ten books
a lor of interesting things a lot of interesting people married three times
5 6
. .
Completa las frases con gone o been. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
all over the world
be write meet ____,
Bill is on holiday at che mornent. He's .. 9!?.~~.. to Spain. 'Wherc's Jill?' 'She's not here. l think she's to the bank.' Helio, Sue. Where have you ? Have you toche bank? 'Have you ever to Mexico?' 'No, never.' My parenrs arcn't ar home rhis evening. They've out. There's a new restaurant in town. Have you ro it? Ann knows París well. She's rhere many times. Helen was here earlier but I think she's now.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
¿Habéis visitado alguna vez el museo? ¿Has viajado alguna vez en barco? (en barco= by boat) He trabajado para tres empresas en España. (empresa = firm) Mi hermano nunca ha estado en Londres. He estudiado italiano pero nunca he estudiado alemán. ¿Has estado en los Estados Unidos? Ana y Paco se han ido a Francia. ¿Dónde ha ido Luis? Nadie lo ha visto. (nadie= nobody) 'Es tarde. ¿Dónde habéis estado?' 'Hemos ido a un concierto.'
How long have you ... ? (present perfect 4) Jill is on holiday in Ircland. Shc is rhcre now. Shc arrived in lrcland on Monday. To
l low long has she been in lreland?
She has been in lreland Está en Irlanda
¿Cuánto bempo lleva/está en Irlanda?
since Monday. for three days.
Compara cómo se usan is y has bcen:
. .. desde el lunes. .. . desde hace tres días.
She is in Ireland now.
. { since Monday. She has been m Ireland e h d ror t ree ays. Monday
is= has beco =
Thursday Para expresar cuánto tiempo hace que ocurre una cosa, en inglés se usa el PRESE rr PERFECT y no el presente como en español. Observa los ejemplos de /os cuadros: ..... en español se usa el ...., presente en ambos casos
Mark and Liz ar marricd.
... están casados.
(have been I have livcd I have known etc.) They have been married for five years, (no 'Thcy are marricd for five ycars') Están casados (desde hace) cinco años.
How long have you been married? (no 'How long are you marricd?')
Are you married? ¿Estás casado?
¿Cuánto tiempo (hace que) estás casado?
Do you know Sarah?
¿Conoces a Sarah?
How long have you kriown her? (no 'How long do you know her?') ¿Cuánto tiempo (hace que) la conoces?
l laiow Sarah.
I've known her for a long rime. (no 'I know her for a long time') La conozco (desde hace) mucho tiempo.
Conozco a Sarah.
Linda lives in London.
How long has she lived in London? ¿Cuánto tiempo (hace que) vive en Londres?
Lrnda vive en Londres.
She has lived rhere ali her life. Vive allf toda la vida/desde siempre.
I have a car.
l've had1 it since April.
Tengo coche.
Lo tengo desde abril.
(have been
How long have ou tieeii leaming German?
Are ·ou learning; German?
(no 'How long are you learning German?') ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que aprendes/estás aprendiendo alemán?
David is watchin
está viendo
He 's beco 5 o'clock.
l= He has
been) watching TV since
Está viendo la televisión desde las Ir 's raining.
lt 's been (= it has beco) raining_ since rhis
morning. Llueve/Está lloviendo desde esta mañana. for y sinceee
11 !f{if(l)
estas frases.
Jill is in hospital. She ...l'.!~.J~
.. in hospital sincc Monday.
2 1 know Sarah. I .. !:1.~'!'.~.. ~.i:!!?~.~.. her for a long time. 3 Linda and Frank are married. They married since 1989. 4 Brian is ill. He ill for the last few days. 5 We live in Scott Road. We there for ten years. 6 Cacherine works in a bank. She in a bank for five years. 7 Alan has a headache. He a headache since he goc up this morning. 8 l'm learning English. I English for six months.
Haz preguntas con How long ... ? l 2
3 4 5
6 7
Jill is on holiday. Mike and Judy are in Brazil. 1 know Margaret. Diana is learning lcalian. My brother lives in Canada. I'm a teacher. le is raining.
.. !:!!?~ . . ..!:1.~ How long l-low long
~n~ ~.~
!?r.i !'!.~.~~.~-!:I ? you
? ?
. . ................................................................................................................................................
? ? ?
Escribe una frase acerca de cada dibujo usando las siguientes expresiones:
for ten minutes
all day
1 .. To~ .. !:1.~'!'.~.. ~.~--·~~
2 She 3 They
all her life
for ten years
since he was 20
since Sunday
.. :fu.i:- ~ .. .!:l~S. .
4 The sun 5 She 6 He
Descarta la forma verbal incorrecta. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.. . .. .. ..
Mark ts / has been in Canada since April. has been es la forma correcta Jane is a good friend of mine. I know I have known her very well. Jane is a good friend of mine. l know I have known her for a long time. 'Sorry I'rn lace. How long are you I have you been waicing?' 'Not long. Only five minutes.' Martín works / has worked in a hotel now. He likes his job very much. Linda is reading che newspaper. She is/ has been reading ir for two hours. 'How long do you live / have you lived in this house?' 'Abouc ten years.' 'Is that a new coat? 'No, I have / l've had this coat for a long time.' Tom is/ has been in Spain ar che moment. He is/ has been chere for che last chree days.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Patricia vive en Madrid desde 1996. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que Liz es profesora? Toco el piano desde hace 20 años. (cocar= play) '¿Cuánto tiempo hace que cienes este coche?' 'Lo tengo cuatro años.' Sue está en España. Está allí desde abril. '¿Trabaja Sara mucho tiempo en Miami?' 'Sí, trabaja allí desde 1990.' El coche está en el garaje. Está allí desde hace una semana. '¿Cuánto tiempo hace que llueve?' 'Está lloviendo desde hace tres días.'
for y since Usamos for y sincc para decir cuánto tiempo: • .Jill is in lreland. She has becn thcre {
for three days. sincc Monday.
for señala cuánto tiempo dura una acción. Introduce un período de tiempo (thrcc days / rwo ycars etc.). Cuando acompaña al PRESEN"I PF.Rl'ECT equivale al español 'desde hace': Monday--+
sincc introduce el comienzo de la acción (Monday / 9 o'clock etc.). Equivale al español 'desde': comienzo de la acción
for chrcc days an hour a week a monch five years
ahora sincc
ten minutes
Monda y
two hours
9 o'clock
four wceks six months a long time
24 July January
Christmas I was 1 O years old we arrivcd
• Richard has been in Canada for six months. . . . está ... desde hace seis meses. • We've bcen wairing for rwo hours. Estamos esperando desde hace dos horas. • l've livcd in London for a long time. Vivo en Londres desde hace mucho tiempo.
• Richard has been in Canada sinccJanuary . . .. está ... desde enero. • We've bccn waiting since 9 o'clock. Estamos esperando desde las 9. • l've livcd in London sincc I was 10 ycars old. Vivo en Londres desde que tenía 1 O años.
ago ago corresponde a 'hace' en español. Por ejemplo: chrcc weeks ago = hace tres semanas, an hour ago = hace una hora, a long time ago = hace mucho tiempo • • • •
Susan startcd her ncw job thrcc wccks ago. . .. empezó hace tres semanas. 'When did Tom go out?' 'Ten minutes ago.' '... salió hace diez minutos.' 1 had dinncr an hour ago, Comí ... hace una hora. Life was vcry differcnr a hundrcd ycars ago. . .. era ... hace cien años.
ago acompaña al PAST SIMPLE (did/had/srarted etc.): Observa la diferencia entre ago, for y since: • Today is Wcdnesday. Whcn did Jill arrivc in lreland? Shc arrived in Ireland three days ago. • How long has she beco in lrcland? She has beco in Ireland for threc days, Shc has beco in Ireland since Monday.
+ for/since=) jij:jf,r j,U1
from ... to/untiVsince/for =)
for y during =)
Completa las frases con foro since. 1 Jill has becn in lreland ...~~~ .... Monday. 2 Jill has been in Ireland .. :fuf... three days. 3 My aunt has lived in Australia 15 years. 4 Margaret is in her office. She has been rhere 7 o'clock. 5 India has been an independent country 194 7. 6 The bus is late. We've been waiting 20 minutes. 7 Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty ...... .. ... many years. 8 Mike has been ill a long time. He has been in hospital
Responde a las preguntas usando ago.
1 When was your last mea!? 2 When was the last time you were ill? 3 When did you last go to the cinema? 4 When was thc last time you werc in a car? 5 When was the last time you went on holiday?
Completa las frases usando las palabras entre paréntesis + for o ago. 1 Jill arrived in Ireland ..t:J.1r.~ ..~;; ...
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. .. .
. .. . ? .
Observa cada pareja de frases y escribe una más usando for o since.
n..~ . ~~
1 Jill is in Ireland now. She arrived rhere rhrce days ago ?.\'.1.e:-.. Jack is here. He arrived here on Tuesday. He has lt's raining. It started an hour ago. lt's been 1 know Sue. J first met Sue two years ago. l've I have a camera. J bought it in 1989. I've They are married. They got married six months ago. They've 7 Liz is studying medicine at university. She started three years ago. She has 8 Dave plays the piano. He started when he was sevcn years old. Dave has
2 3 4 5 6
~~!;:..Í?.r. .. ~t~
.. ~~-' . .. .. . .. . . .
Escribe frases sobre ti. Empieza por las palabras entre paréntesis. 1 2 3 4 5
(three days) (three days) (20 years) (20 years) (ten minutes) (an hour) (six months) (a long rime) (a few days)
(!'ve (I've (l've (l've (l've
lived) been) been learning) known) had)
. . .. .. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Estudio inglés desde hace tres años. Tom salió hace dos horas. Tengo dolor de cabeza desde que me levanté esta mañana. (dolor de cabeza= a headache) La película empezó hace diez minutos. Mi hermana está casada desde enero. '¿Cuándo comprasteis este coche?' 'Hace dos meses.' Sonia trabaja en esta oficina desde hace seis años.
I have done (present perfect) y I did (past simple) En general el PRESENT PERHCT corresponde al preténto perfecto compuesto del español: • l havc lost my key. He perdido • Havc you sccn Ann?
Bill has gone home. 81/1 se ha ido ... • Have you ever bcen to Spain?
Con un período de tiempo ya terminado (yestcrday / last week etc.) muchas veces corresponde al pretérito perfecto simple del español.
past simple + tiempo ya terminado
Wc arrivcd
se usa el PRESENT • • • • •
se usa el pasado (arrivcd / saw I was etc.), que
tiempo ya terminado yesrerday last wcek six months ago
yesrcrday. last wcck. at 3 o'clock. in 1991. six months ago.
PERFECT con un período de tiempo
ya terminado.
l saw Paula ycsterday. (no '1 have secn Paula .. .') Whcre wcrc you on Sunday aftcrnoon? (no 'Where have you been ... ?') We didn't havc a holiday last ycar. (no 'We havcri't had .. .') 'What did you do last night?' 'I staycd at home.' William Shakcspearc lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He wrotc many plays and poems.
Se usa el PAST SIMPLE, y no el PRESENT PERFECT, en las preguntas que comienzan por Whcn ... ? o What time ... ?: • Whcn did thcy arrivc? (no 'When havc they arrived?') • What time did you gct up? (no 'What time have you gor up?')
Observa y compara: l'RESDff PERFECT
• l have lost my key. (no la encuentro ahora) • Bill has gone home. (no está aquí ahora) • Have you seen Ann? (¿Dónde está ahora?)
• l losr my key yesterday.
• Bill went home ten minutes ago.
• Did you scc Ann last Saturday?
tiempo ya terminado
tiempo hasta ahora
Have you ever been ro Spain? (alguna vez en el pasado) • My fricncl is a writer. He has written many books. • The lcttcr hasn't arrived yer.
pasado pero pero
Did you go to Spain last ycar? • Shakespeare wrotc many plays and pocms. Thc lcrrcr didn't arrive ycstcrday.
Observa también la siguiente diferencia de uso entre inglés y español: • I've livcd in Singaporc for six years. Vivo en Singapur desde hace seis años. (Y todavía vivo allí)
11: nMtiflfl
I livcd in Glasgow for six ycars but now I live in Singapore. Viví en Glasgow durante seis años pero ahora vivo en Singapur.
Have you seen Ann? Have you srarred your new job? Have your friends arrived? Has Sarah gone away? Have you worn your new shoes?
2 3 4 5
1 I~
my key. I can't find it.
~ you seen Ann yesterday? l've finished my work at 2 o'clock, l'm ready now. I've finished my work. What time have you finished your work? Sue isn't here. She.'..s...g.Qne out. Jim's grandrnother has died in 1989. Where hazs you ~ lasr night?
l:!~ ~ m..~~
..f9~fq9 ... ...l.!~~9.~f.q9..: ~ ..!:!~ .. ~.~
M.~: . last week. .. . .
.. .. . .. ..
. ..
r..~. .
My friend is a writer. He .. ~t:'~ .. (write] many books. We ~) ..!').~-~.. (not/have) a holiday last year. I (play) tennis yesterday afternoon. What time (you/go) to bed last night? (you/ever/meet) a famous person? The weather (not/be) very good yesterday. My hair is wet. I (just/wash) it. I (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning. Kathy travels a lot. She (visit) many countries. 'Is Sonia here?' 'No, she (not/come) yet.'
Pon /os verbos en PRESENT PERFECT o en PAST SIMPLE. 1 A:!:!.~ ...~~ .. ~-~ ... (you/ever/be) to Florida?
3 Rose works in a factory. She .................................................... (work) there for six months. Before rhar she (be) a waitress in a restaurant. She .. (work) there for rwo years bur she (not/enjoy) it very much.
B: Yes, we .. ~~~ .. (go) there on holiday two years ago. A: (you/have) a good time? B: Yes, it (be) great. 2 A: Where's Alan? (you/see) him? B: Yes, he few minutes ago. A: And Julia? B: 1 don't know. 1 (not/see) her.
..Y.~~a., ,
Y es, 1 Yes, they Yes, Yes,
Pon /os verbos entre paréntesis en PRESENT PERFECT o en PAST SIMPLE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(5 minutes ago) (lasr week) (at 5 o'clock) (on Friday) (yesterday)
Corrige /os verbos subrayados que sean incorrectos. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Escribe /as respuestas a /as preguntas usando /as palabras entre paréntesis .
. (go) out a
4 A: Do you know Martin's sister? B: I (see) her a few times bur I .. (never/speak) to her. . . ............................. (you/ever/speak) to her? A: Yes. I (rneet) her ac a party last week. She's very nice.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
He perdido mis gafas. ¿Las has visto? '¿Cuándo han llegado estos libros?' 'La semana pasada.' Estudié alemán dos años, pero ahora estudio inglés. Javier se fue a Japón hace cuatro años y vive allí desde entonces. (entonces = then) ¿A qué hora te has levantado? '¿Has estado alguna vez en Inglaterra?' 'Sí, fui a Cambridge el verano pasado.' '¿Cuándo habéis visitado a Laura y Bruce?' 'La semana pasada.' '¿Montse ha vuelto de los Estados Unidos?' 'Sí, la vi ayer.' (volver= come back) Compré esta televisión hace un mes y se ha estropeado. (estropear= break down) He leído todos esos libros. Ayer terminé esta novela. (novela= novel)
is done
was done (voz pasiva 1 J The officc is cleancd every day. La oficina se limpia todos los días.
The room was cleaned yesterday. La oficina se limpió ayer.
Compara las formas en voz activa y pasiva:
Somebody The officc Sorncbody The officc
rhe office
is clcancd clcancd
every day.
(voz activa)
evcry day. the officc
was clcaned
(voz pasiva)
(voz ac tivaJ
(voz pasiva)
Como en español, la voz pasiva se forma en inglés con be (= 'ser') y el participio pasado:
be PRf~F.NT Sl~11'1 L
PAST SIMl'l.r.
am/is/arc was/wcrc
participio pasado ( nor)
cleancd in ven red injurcd
done built takcn etc.
El participio pasado de los verbos regulares termina en -cd (clcancd/damagcd etc.). En los Apéndices 2-3 tienes una lista de participios pasados irregulares (donc/built/takcn etc.). La voz pasiva se suele usar cuando desconocemos o no nos interesa mencionar quién o qué realiza la acción. En español se prefiere usar formas con 'se' ('se hace ... '/se venden .. .' etc.) o verbos en plural ('venden ... '/limpian .. .' etc.). Observa los siguientes ejemplos:
• Burter is made from milk. . .. se hace ... • Oranges are imponed inro Brirain. . .. se importan/son importadas ... • l Iow oftcn are thcsc rooms clcaned? ... se limpian/limpian/son limpiadas ... • 1 am never invited to parties. Nunca me invitan a fiestas. • • • • •
This house was built l 00 ycars ago. . .. fue construida/se construyó ... Thesc houses wcrc built 100 years ago. . .. fueron construidas . When was the telephone invcntcd? ¿ ... se inventó/fue inventado ? We wercn't invircd to the party last weck. No nos invitaron ... The child was left alone in thc room. Dejaron ...
En inglés se dice was/werc born (= 'nacVnaciste' etc.): • 1 was born in London in 1962.
(no 'I borned/1 born')
• Where wcrc yo u born? Después de la voz pasiva, by = 'por':
• We were woken up by a Ioud noise. • Arnerica was discovcrcd by Columbus. • My brothcr was bicren by a dog last week.
is being done I has been done ;:::) 11 j,r j voz activa y voz pasiva;:::) rj;¡¡j,@j•
verbos irregulares;:::)
25, lPENDIClS 2-3
Escribe frases usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Las frases 1-7 llevan el verbo en presente. ....Th~ O.ff.~..~ ... ~~ (these roorns I clean I every day?) ~.r.e...~.e.~~ r.o.q.~~ (glass I make I from sand) Glass (sramps I sel!/ in a post office) (rhis room/ nor I use I very ofcen) 6 (we I allow / to park here?) 7 (how I rhis word I pronounce?)
1 (che office I clean I every day)
2 3 4 5
..40.-!L ..
~.e4.. ~Y.~ ~L . . . .. ..
Las frases 8-15 llevan el verbo en pasado. (che office I clean I yesrerday) ... To~ ..
.. .!:le.~kr:~
8 9 LO 11 12
.. . .. .. . ..
Corrige estas frases.
1 (This house buili)l 00 years ago. ..Tu.~ ...~~~~ ..~~ .. ~x':#: .. r. t.: 2 Football plays in most countries of the world. .. 3 Why did the letter send to the wrong address? 4 A garage is a place where cars repair. .. 5 Where are you born? 6 How many languages are speaking in Switzerland? 7 Somebody broke into our house but nothing stolen. 8 When was invented the bicycle?
. .. .. .. .
. .
Completa las frases con los siguientes verbos en voz pasiva (en presente o en pasado}:
1 The room ...~ ...~."4... every day. 2 I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ... ~~~- ..~~- .. to hospital. 3 Paper from wood. 4 There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of che rooms . 5 'Where did you get this picture?' 'It tome by a friend of mine.' 6 Many American programmes on British television. 7 'Did Jim and Sue go to rhe wedding?' 'No. They but they didn't go.' 8 'How old is rhis film?' 'It in 1965.' 9 My car last week but the next day it by the police.
¿Dónde nacieron? 1 (Ian I Edinburgh) 2 (Sally I Birmingham) 3 (her parents / Ireland) 4 (you I ???) 5 (your rnother I ???)
···'-~---~-~---~9.l'.\')\-!'.l..{40.~x':r.9.\'!., .
Sally Her
. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rompieron esta ventana ayer. ¿Cómo se hace la cerveza? No invitaron a Brian a la boda. (boda = wedding) ¿Cuándo se construyó este puente? Mis padres nacieron en Madrid, pero yo nací en Sevilla. Estos sonetos fueron escritos por Shakespeare. (sonetos = sonnets) ¿Dónde nació Bruce? Esa casa se vendió el año pasado.
is being done
has been done (voz pasiva 2)
Somebody is painting the door
Thé door is bcing paintcd.
(voz activa) (voz pasiva)
Alguien está pintando la puerta. Están pintando la puerta.
El PRESENT COl\'TINUOUS en voz pasiva es:
is/are being
painred/repaired/built/madc etc.
• My car is at the garage. lt is being repaired. . .. Lo están reparando. • Some new houses are being built opposite the park. Están construyendo casas nuevas ... En español no usamos el equivalente al PRESENT CONTINuous en voz pasiva ('la puerta está siendo pintada') y preferimos usar formas con 'se' o con 'Están ... '. Observa los ejemplos: • A new cinema is bcing built. Se está construyendo/ Están construyendo un cine nuevo. • lmportant decisions are being made. Se están tomando/ Están tomando decisiones importantes. Compara el uso del PRESENT CONTINUOUS y del PRESENT SIMPLE:
• The office is beíng cleaned at the moment. (PRESENT CONTJNuous, ahora, en este momento} • The office is cleaned every day. (PRESENT SIMPLE, hecho habitual) Los usos del PRF.SEl\'T CONTINUOUS y del PRESENT SIMPLE aparecen en las Unidades 9 y 27.
Somebody has painted the door T e aoor has been painted.
(voz activa) (voz pasiva)
Alguien ha pintado la puerta. Han pintado la puerta. antes
El PRESENT PERFECT en voz pasiva es:
has/have been • • • •
painted/repaired/built/made etc.
My key has been stolen. Me han robado la llave. My keys have becn stolen. Me han robado las llaves. I'm nor going to the parry. 1 haven't been invited. No me han invitado. Has this shirt been washed? ¿Se ha lavado esta camisa?/¿Estálavada esta camisa?
Compara el uso del PRF.SENT PERFECT y del PAST SIMPLE:
• The room is clean now. Ir has bccn cleaned. (PRESENT PERFECT, tiempo indeterminado) The room was clcaned ycsrcrday. (PAST STMPLE, período de tiempo concluido) • 1 can't find my keys. 1 think rhey'vc bccn stolen. (PRESENT PERFECT) My keys were stolen last week. (PAST SIMPLE) Los usos del PRESENT PERFF.CT y del PAST SIMPLE aparecen en la Unidad 22.
is done/was done ee 11)
voz activa y voz pasiva==} rnj 1,@H
¿Qué está ocurriendo? Responde usando la voz pasiva.
1 ... To~..~ 2 A bridge
~.~_g,,r,ey,ajt:~.,. .
3 The windows 4 The grass
Observa los dibujos. ¿Qué está ocurriendo? o ¿Qué ha ocurrido? Responde en voz pasiva usando el PRESENT (is/are being ... ) o el PRESENT PERFECT (has/havc beco ... ).
. .
(rhe office I clean) To~ o.ff.~ ..~...~~9 .. ~~: . (the shirrs I iron) Tu.~ ~.~~ ... kO..t:l~., .. (the window I break) The window (the roof I repair) The roof (the car I damage) (rhe houses I knock/ clown) (the trees /cut/ clown) (they /invite/ to a party)
r.~x.~..~~ ..
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. . . . . ..
Revisa las Unidades 22 y 23 y completa las frases usando las palabras entre paréntesis. 1 I can't use my office at che rnornent. It .... ~ .. }~9 .. P~.M ... (paint). We didn't go to the party. We ... ~~~-·-~..0Y.~ .... (not/invíte). The washing machine was broken but it's OK now. It (repair). The washing machine (repair) yesterday afternoon. A factory is a place where things (make). How old are these houses? When (they/build)? A: (the computer/use) at the moment? B: Yes, Jim is using it. 8 l've never seen these flowers before. What (they/call)? 9 Sorne crees (blow) down in the storm last night, 10 The bridge is closed ar the moment. lt (damage) last week and it · ............................................................................. (not/repair) yet. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Traduce al inglés usando la voz pasiva: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Están lavando mi coche. Están construyendo cuatro escuelas en esta ciudad. Este año se han vendido muchos juguetes. (muchos juguetes= a lot of toys) ¿Se han enviado todas las cartas? No se han limpiado las cortinas. (cortinas= curtains) Se ha construido un puente nuevo para el ferrocarril. (ferrocarril= railway) Están pintando mi casa. ¿Han reparado tu televisión?
be/have/do (present y past) be(= am/is/are/was/were) + -ing (cleaning/working
• Please be quier. l'm working. • lt isn't raining ar the moment. • What are you doing this evening?
am/is/are -ing (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
=> Unidades 4-5 y 27
• 1 was working when she arrived. • 1t wasn't raining, so we wcnt out. • What wcre you doing ar 3 o'clock?
was/were -ing (PAST CONTINUOUS)
=> Unidad 14
be(= am/is/are/was/werc) + participio pasado (clcancd/madc/caten = limpiado/hecho/comido etc.) am/is/are + participio pasado (PASSIVE PRESENT SIMPLE)
=> Unidad 22
was/were + participio pasado (PASSIVE PAST SIMPLE)
=> Unidad22
• The room is cleaned every day. ... se limpia(= es limpiada) ... • I'm never invitcd to parties. ... nunca me invitan(= soy invitado) ... • Oranges are imported into Britain . . .. se importan (= son importadas) ... • The room was cleancd yestcrday. ... se limpió (= fue limpiada) ... • These houses were builr 100 yca rs ago. • How was che window broken? • Whcrc wcrc you born?
havc/has + participio pasado (cleaned/lost/catcn/bccn have/has + participio pasado (PRESENT PERFECT}
=> Unidades 16-19
• l've cleaned my room. He limpiado ... • T om has lost his passport. • Barbara hasn't bcen to Canada. • Where have Paul and Linda gone?
do/does/did + infinitivo (clean/like/eat/go etc.) do/does + infinitivo (PRESENT SIMPLE negativo e interrogativo) => Unidades 7-8
• • • •
did + infinitivo
• l didn't watch TV ycsterday. • lt didn't rain last wcek. • What time did Paul and Linda go out?
(PAST SIMPLE negativo e
interrogativo) => Unidad 13
verbos irregulares=>
T likc coffcc bur I don't like rea. Chris docsn't go out vcry oftcn. Whar do you usually do ar weekends? Does Barbara live alone?
Completa las frases con is/are/do/does. 1 ..!?.9. .. you work in rhe cvcnings? 2 Where .. ~.~.. they going? 3 Why you looking at me? 4 Bill live near you? 5 you like cooking?
Completa las frases con am not / isn't / aren't / don't / doesn't para que sean negativas. Torn ... 0..:0.~~-1'1't;. .. work in rhe evenings. I'rn very tired. 1 want ro go out this evening. I'rn very tired. 1 going out this evening. George working rhis week. Hc's on holiday. My parenrs are usually at home. They go out very often. Barbara has travelled a lor bur shc speak any forcign languages. You can rurn off the relevision. 1 watching it. There's a party nexr week bur we going.
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Completa las frases con was/wcre/did/have/has. 1 Where W..~.~-· your shoes made? 2 .. you go out last night? 3 What you doing ar 10.30? 4 Where your mother born? 5 Barbara gone home?
6 7 8 9 10
What time When Why How long
she go? rhese houses built? Jim arrived yet? you go home early? they been married?
Completa las frases con is/are/was/were/havc/has. 1 Joe .. ho.-§. .. lose his passporr. 2 This bridge builr ten years ago. 3 you finished your work yet? 4 This town is always clean. The srreers ....................... cleaned every day. 5 Where you born?
6 thc sun shining? 7 Whac time thc shops close? 8 Ann working today? 9 Whac this word mean? 10 you feeling all right?
6 1 jusr made sorne coffee. Would you like sorne? 7 Glass made from sand. 8 This is a very old phorograph. Ir raken a long time ago . 9 Joe bought a new car.
Completa las frases usando verbos de la lista en su forma correcta. damage
go away
I'm going to cake an umbrella with me. It's .. r.~!:1'19. Why are you so ti red? Did you .. 9!>... to bed late last night? Where are che chocolates? Have you thern ali? How is your new job? Are you it? My car was badly in che accident but I was OK. Chris has gota car but she doesn't ic very often. Mary isn't at home. She has for a few days. 1 don't rhe problem. Can you explain it again? Martín is in his room. He's ro music. 1 O I don't know how to say chis word. How is it ? 11 How do you this window? Can you show me? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'¿Qué estabas haciendo a las 9?' 'Estaba viendo la televisión en casa.' Vimos a tu hermana ayer. Estaba esperando el autobús. El papel fue inventado por los chinos. Se estudia inglés en todo el mundo. (en todo el mundo = aJI over rhe world) Luis ha perdido su reloj. ¿Dónde viven Lola y Jaime? ¿Has terminado con el periódico? El mes pasado no fui al cine. No me gusta el fútbol. ¿Vienes al supermercado?
Verbos regulares e irregulares Verbos regulares El PAST SIMPLE y el PAST PARTICIPLE (PARTICIPIO PASADO) de /os verbos regulares terminan en -ed: clean -t cleaned PAST SIMPLE(~
live -t lived
paint -t painted
study -t studied
Unidad 12):
• I cleaned my shoes yesterday, Ayer me limpié ... • Charlie studied engineering at university. Charlie estudió ingeniería ... PAST PARTICJPLE
En el PRESENT PERFECr: have/has + PAST PART!CIPLE (~ Unidades 16-19): • 1 have cleaned my shoes. Me he limpiado ... • Jane has lived in London for ten years. Jane vive en Londres desde hace diez años. En la voz pasiva: be (am/is/are/were/has bcen etc.) + PAST PARTICIPLE (~ Unidades 22-23): • These rooms are clcaned every day. ... se limpian todos /os días. • My car has been repaired. Me han reparado el coche.
Verbos irregulares El PAST SIMPLE y el PAST PARTICIPLE de /os verbos irregulares no terminan en -ed: PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE
make madc made
break brokc broken
cut cut cut
A veces el PAST SIMl)LE y el PAST PARTICIPLE son iguales. Por ejemplo: makc
• I madc a cake yesterday. (PAST SIMPLE) Ayer hice ... • [ have made some coffee. (PAST PARTICIPLE- PRESENT PERFECT) He hecho ... • Butter is made from milk. (PAST PARTICIPLE- PASSSIVE PRESEJ\.1T) la mantequilla se hace ... Otras veces el PAST SIMPLE y el PAST PARTIC!PLE son diferentes. Por ejemplo:
broke broken
knew known
began begun
went gone
• Somebody broke this window last night. (PAST SIMPLE) Alguien rompió ... • Somebody has broken rhis window. (PAST PARTIC(PLE- PRESENT PERFECT) Alguien ha roto ... • This window was broken last night. (PAST PARTICIPLE - PASSIVE PAST) ... fue roto ...
lista de verbos irregulares
SPELLING (ortografía) de los
verbos regulares=}
estos verbos. (Las dos formas son las mismas en este ejercicio.)
1 make ..'!l.~ 2 cut ..C.U...t. .. 3 get 4 bring 5 pay
6 enjoy 7 buy
. ..broke.n...
. .. .. .. ..
8 sit 9 lea ve 10 happen
11 hear 12 put
. ..
13 catch 14 watch 15 understand
. . .
estos verbos.
6 run
2 begin
7 speak
3 eat 4 drink 5 drive
8 write 9 come 10 know
.. . . .. ..
11 take 12 go 13 give 14 throw 15 forget
Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
. . .
Escribe el PAST SIMPLE y el PAST PARTICIPLE de 1 break
I ..~~!'.!.~ ... my hands beca use rhey were dirty, (wash) Somebody has .. ~r.*.~ rhis window. (break) l feel good. 1 very well last night. (sleep) We a very good film yesterday. (see) Ir a lot whilc wc werc on holiday. (rain) I've my bag. (lose) Have you it? (see) Rosa's bicycle was last week. (stcal) 1 co bcd carly bccause I was tired. (go) Have you your work yet? (finish) The shopping centre was about 20 years ago. (build) Ann to drive when shc was 18. (learn) l've never a horse. (ride) Julia is a good friend of mine. I've her for a long time. (know) Ycstcrday J and my leg. (fall / hure)
Completa cada frase con un verbo de la lista poniéndolo en la forma correcta: PAST SIMPLF. cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I have ..... ~~ sorne coffce. Would you likc sorne? I-lavc you John about your new job? Wc played basketball on Sunday. We didn't play very well bue wc . I know Gary but I've ncver his wifc. Wc wcre by loud music in che middle of che nighc. Srephanie jumped into che river and to che other sidc. 'Did you like the film?' 'Yes, I ir was very good.' Many different languagcs are in che Philippines, Our holiday a lor of moncy beca use we stayed in an expensive hotel. 1 O Have you ever a vcry fast car? 11 Ali rhe rickets for che concert were very quickly. 12 A bird in rhrough the open window while we were having our dinncr.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inés abrió la carta y la leyó. La película empezó a las 7.30. Ayer rompí tres vasos. La piscina se limpia los lunes. (piscina = swimming pool) Teresa perdió sus llaves el sábado. ¿Las ha encontrado? Joaquín olvidó su pasaporte. No he terminado mi trabajo. Compramos un nuevo ordenador ayer. (ordenador= computer) ¿Has visto alguna vez una ópera? (ópera= opera) Él dejó su maleta en el tren. (dejar= leavc; maleta= suitcase) Conozco a Isabel desde hace siete años. Han cortado dos árboles en mi jardín. (cortar= cut down)
I used to ... Dave hace unos años
Dave en la actualidad I wori:: i.n o.. StA.pem,o.ri:e.t. ( used, to work i.n
o.. fo..ctcl'!l ·
Dave used to work in a factory.
Now he works in a supcrmarket.
Dave trabajaba/salia trabaiar en una fábrica.
Ahora trabaja en un supermercado.
Dave used to work in a facrory
he used to work ---- ..
= Dave trabajaba
Se puede decir
en una fábrica en el pasado pero no trabaja allí ahora .
he works ------------._ ahora
I u sed to work ... / she u sed to have ... / they u sed ro be ... etc. :
1/you/wc/rhey } he/she/it
used to
be work havc play
Used to expresa alguna acción o situación habitual en el pasado que ahora ya no se produce. El equivalente en español es el imperfecto ('trabajaba ... / tenia ... / eran ... ') o 'solía/solían' etc. + rnfinitivo ('solia trabajar ... / solía tener ... / solían ser ... '): • Iused toread a lor of books but l don'r read much rhese days. Solía leer/ Leía muchos libros, pero actualmente ...
• Liz has gor shorr hair now bue it used to be very long . . . . pero antes era muy largo.
• They used to live in rhe sarne srrcer as us, so we often used to see them. Bur we don'r see rhcm vcry often these days. Vivían ... les solíamos ver a menudo. • Ann uscd to have a piano but shc sold ita fcw ycars ago.
Ann tenía ...
• Whcn I was a child, l used ro like chocolate . . . . me gustaba el chocolate. • There used to be a loe of flowers in this park. Había muchas flores ... La negación es I didn't use to ... :
• When I was a child I didn't use to like tomaroes. Cuando era pequeño no me gustaban los tomates. La interrogación es did you use to ... ? :
• Where did you u e to live before you carne here? ¿Dónde vivías antes de venir aquí?
Se usa used to ... sólo al hablar del pasado. Al hablar del presente no se puede decir•¡ use to .. .': • 1 uscd to play ten nis. These days I play golf. (no 'I use to play golf.') Jugaba al tenis ... juego al golf. • We usually get up carly. (no 'We use to gcr up early.') Normalmente nos levantamos temprano.
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con u sed to ....
..Q).~.. l,',~~
..W. .. h~Y.~
a taxi driver.
This building
in the counrry. 26.2
Karen trabaja mucho y tiene muy poco tiempo libre. Hace unos años las cosas eran diferentes.
Do you do any sport? Do you go out in rhe evenings? Do you play a musical instrument?
Yes, 1 go swimming every day and l play volleyball. Yes, mosr evenings. Yes, thc guitar.
Do you like reading?
Yes, 1 read a lot.
Do you travcl much?
Yes, 1 go away two or three times a year.
I worlc very 11Clr
Escribe frases sobre Karen con used to .... 1 ·--~~--~-~~---~--.9~---~-~~.".".'.~9~~~--~
2 .. Sl1e. 3
Completa estas frases con used to o con el PRESE1'T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O
(1 play/ he lives etc.).
1 ....~.~-~--~-~---· tennis. 1 stopped playing a few years ago. 'Do you do any sport?' 'Yes, 1 ..~ basketball.' 'Have you gota car?' 'No, 1 one bur I sold it.' George a waiter. Now he's the manager of a hotel. 'Do you go to work by car?' 'Sometimes but most days 1 by train.' When 1 was a child, 1 never rneat, bur 1 eat it now. Mary loves watching TV. She TV every evening. We near the airport but wc moved to thc city centre a few years ago. Normally I start work ar 7 o'clock, sol up very early. What games you when you were a child?
Traduce al inglés: I Ana tenía un jardín grande cuando vivió en Kent.
2 Yo solía leer ese periódico. 3 4 5 6 7
Mi hermano y Sergio solían salir juntos. Solía viajar mucho, pero no viajo mucho ahora. A Bruce no le gustaba el café. Había muchos parques en mi barrio. (barrio = neighbourhood) Mi mujer solía caminar al trabajo, pero ahora suele tomar el autobús.
What are you doing tomorrow? (presente con significadofuturo)
Thcy are playing tennis (now). Están jugando al tenis (ahora).
He is playing tennis tomorrow. Mañana juega al tenis.
Se usa am/is/arc + -ing (PRESENT CONTINuous)
para algo que está sucediendo ahora:
• 'Whcrc are Sue and Carolinc?' 'They'rc playing ten nis in rhe park.' Están jugando al tenis ... • Please be quier. I'm working. Guarda s1lenc10, por favor. Estoy trabajando. Se usa am/is/arc + -ing también para el futuro (tomorrow I nexr week, etc.): • Andrew is playing tcnnis tomorrow. Andrew juega mañana al tenis. • I'm nor working ncxt week. La semana próxima no trabajo.
I am doing something tornorrow (= mañana hago algo) significa que he previsto o mis planes son hacer alguna cosa: • Alice is going to the dentist on Friday . ... va al dentista el viernes. • We're having a party next weekend. Damos una fiesta ... • Are you meeting Bill this evening? ¿Ves a Bill esta noche? • What are you doing romorrow evening? ¿Qué haces/hacéis mañana por la noche? • I'm not going out tonight. l'm staying at home. No salgo esta noche. Me quedo en casa.
l'm to
También se puede decir 'I'm going to do sornething' (~ Unidad 28).
Normalmente no se usa el PRESENT SIMPLE (1 stay Ido you go? etc.) para hablar de previsiones o planes personales: • l'm staying at home this evening. (no 'I sray .. .') • Are you going out tonight? (no 'Do you go out ... ?') • Ann isn'r coming to the parry next week. (no 'Ann doesn'r come .. .') Pero se usa el PRE.SEl\'T SIMPLE en horarios, programas de espectáculos, trenes, autobuses etc.: • The train arrives at 7.30. • What time does rhe film 6nish? Observa la diferencia: J>RESENT CONTINUOUS: generalmente referido a personas
PRESENT SIMPLE: para horarios, programas, etc.
en español se usa el presente en ambos casos • The concert starts at 7.30. ... empieza a las 7.30. • What rime does your train leave? ¿A qué hora se va tu tren?
• l'm going to a conccrr tomorrow. Mañana voy ... • What time are you lcaving? ¿A qué hora te vas?
.¡¡ :fil1
i i AJO I'm going to ... ~
• ;
¡ • fH
Observa los dibujos y responde: ¿Qué hacen estas personas el viernes que viene? 1
l .. ~r.4!..~ .. ~ .. ~~9 ~~ 9.r... .fr.~:.... 2 Richard tO the cinema. 3 Barbara .
27 .2
lunch with Ken.
Escribe preguntas referidas al futuro.
1 (you / go /out/ tonight?) 2 (you / work / next week?) 3 (what / you /do/ tornorrow evening?) 4 (what time/ your friends / arrivc?) 5 (when / Liz / go / on holiday?)
¿Qué haces los días que vienen? Responde contando tus planes o previsiones.
1 ..
2 .. i.·~--9~9 t:r;>
t!.'f!:..t!.'.~!:- ~.l'!
5 6
Escribe los verbos en
(he is leaving etc.) o en
(the train leaves etc.).
'Are .!:!OIA ( you /go ) out t everung: . ~· 'N o, I' m too t1re . d. ' 1 ............. 2 ...W!:-'.r.!:-.. 9.~9. : (we/go) to a concert this evening. ...!~.. ~.~-- (it/start) at 7.30. 3 Do you know about Sally? (she/get) married next rnonth! 4 A: My parents (go) on holiday next week. B: Oh, that's nice. Where (they/go)? 5 Silvia is doing an English course at the moment. The course (finish) on Friday. 6 There's a football match tomorrow but (Vnot/go). 7 (Ugo) out with some friends tonight. Why don't you come too? ............................................................................. (we/meet) at John's house at 8 o'clock. 8 A: How (you/get) home after the party tomorrow? By taxi? B: No, 1 cango by bus. The last bus (lcave) at midnight. 9 A: Do you want to go to che cinema tonight? B: Yes, what time (che film/ begin)? 10 A: What (you/do) on Monday afternoon? B: (l/work).
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿A qué hora llega el tren de Glasgow? (de= from) El autobús sale a las 12.30. '¿Juegas mañana al fútbol?' 'No puedo, trabajo.' Este verano vamos a Italia. ¿Cuándo vienen tus padres de Londres? '¿Cuándo vas al médico?' 'Mañana.' Este programa acaba a las JO. Los domingos vamos a menudo al campo, pero este fin de semana vienen mis padres y nos quedamos en casa. (el campo= the country}
l'm going to ... l'm going to (do somerhing} por la mañana
esta noche Shc is going to watch TV rhis cvening.
Va a ver la televisión esta noche.
Se usa arn/is/arc going to ... para el futuro: l he/she/it we/you/thcy
am IS
(nor) going to
do ... drink ... watch ...
going to
buy ... ? eat ... ? wcar ... ?
1 hc/she/ir
am is are
I am going to do something = Voy a hacer algo. am/is/are going to ... equivalen al español 'voy a ... /vas a .. ./va a ... /van a .. .' etc. y se usan para expresar una intención: I decided to do ir --------
I'm going to do it
• I'm going to buy sorne books rornorrow. Voy a comprar ... • Sarah is going to sel! her car. ... va a vender ... • I'm not going to have breakfasr this morning. I'm not hungry. No voy a desayunar ... • What are you going to wear ro rhc party tonight? ¿Qué vas a ponerte para la fiesta de esta noche? • 'Your hands are dirty.' 'Yes, I know. l'm going to wash thern.' ... voy a lavármelas. • Are yo u going to invite John ro your parry? ¿Vas a invitar ... ? Observa que se dice
I'm going to ... (no 'I go to .. .'}:
• My hands are dirty. l'm going to wash rhem. (no 'I go to wash thcm.') Cuando hablamos del futuro, especialmente de planes, se usa también el PRESENT (~ Unidad 27):
• l am playing tennis with Julia rornorrow.
Sornerhing is going to happen Cuando parece evidente que algo va a suceder se usa también arn/is/arc going to ... : • Look ar the sky! Ir's going to rain . ... Va a llover. • Oh dear! Ir's 9 o'clock and l'm not ready. l'm going to be late. Voy a llegar tarde.
presente con significado futuro =>
1ij:jj,rj,fj• will => 11 :jj,,j,jffliO\ltl
(T am doing)
¿Qué dicen estas personas? Observa los dibujos y responde a la pregunta .
.!.'.!!1... 99.~9 ..~
-~-~ ...TY. . ..
Completa las frases usando going to ... + uno de los siguientes verbos: cat
lie clown
1 My hands are dirry ... J'.m.. .9.~9..~--~~n. .... them. 2 What ..~.~.!:IC)t.(.. 9.~9 ..~ .. lv.~ .. to rhe party tonight? 3 1 don't want to go home by bus. 1 4 John is going to London next week. He........................................... 5 I'm hungry. 1 this sandwich. 6 lt's Sharon's birthday next week. We 7 Sue says she's feeling very ti red. She 8 There's a good film on TV this evening. . you 9 Whar Rache!................. ..
. with some friends. her a present. for an hour. it? when she lea ves school?
Observa los dibujos. ¿Qué va a pasar? 4
1 .. 9~9..~ ..r~ 2 The shelf
. .
3 The car 4 He
.. .
¿Qué vas a hacer hoy o mañana? Escribe tres frases. 1 l'm
2 3
. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Mañana no voy a estudiar inglés. '¿Vais a jugar al tenis el sábado?' 'No, vamos a jugar al fútbol.' Tengo sed. Voy a beber un vaso de agua. ¿Va a comprarse un coche Marisa? 'El cielo está gris y hace frío.' 'Sí, va a nevar.' Cuando llegue a casa voy a tomar una ducha. (llegar a casa = get home)
will/shall ( 1) Sarah goes ro work every day. She is always rhere from 8.30 until 4.30. Ir is 11 o'clock. Sarah is at work. Son las 11. Sarah está en el trabajo. Ar 11 o'clock yesterday, she was Ayer a fas 11 estaba en el trabajo.
ar work.
Ar 11 o'clock tomorrow she will be at work. Mañana a las 11 estará en el trabajo.
will + infinitivo (will be/will win/will come etc.) be l/we/you/thcy }
will ('ll) will not (won't)
eat come etc.
1/we/you/they he/she/it
be? win? eat? come? etc.
will se contrae en '11: l'IJ (= 1 will) / you'll / she'll etc. will not se contrae en won'r: 1 won't (= I will not) / you won't / ir won't etc.
Se usa will para hablar del futuro (tomorrow / next week etc.): • Sue travels a loe. Today she is in Madrid. Tomorrow she'll be in Rome. Next week she'll be in Tokyo . .. . estará ... estará ... • You can phone me this evening, 1'11 be at home. . .. Estaré ... • Lea ve the old bread in the garden. The birds will eat it. ... se lo comerán. • We'll probably go out this evening. . .. saldremos ... • Will you be ar home this evening? ¿Estarás ... ? • I won't be here tornorrow. No estaré ... • Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You won't sleep.
. .. No dormirás.
Con frecuencia se dice I think ... will ... : • I think Diana will pass the exam. Creo que Diana aprobará el examen. • Do you think che examination will be difficulr? ¿Crees que ... será ... ? En inglés, se dice I don'r think ... will ... (no 'I think ... won't ... '). Por ejemplo: • 1 don'r think ir will rain this afternoon. (no 'I rhink it will not rain.') En español, se puede decir 'No creo que llueva esta tarde.'
o 'Creo que no lloverá esta tarde.'
No se usa will para hablar de cosas ya acordadas o decididas(~
Unidades 27-28):
• We're going to rhe cinema on Sarurday. (no 'We will go ... ') • l'm not working tomorrow. (no 'T won'r work ') • Are you going to do rhe exam? (no 'Will you do ?')
Shall Se puede decir I shall (= 1 will) y we shall (= we will): • J shall be late tornorrow. • I rhink we shall win.
o J will (1'11) be late romorrow. o I think we will (wc'H) win.
Pero no uses shall con you/they/he/she/ir: • Tom will be late. (no 'Tom shall be late.')
Whar are you doing romorrow? => ¡,
¡.¡¡ tD
rm going w ... => ¡,
will/shall 121 => ¡11 uüfli•
Helen está viajando por Europa. Completa las frases usando she was, she's o she'll be.
l 2 3 4 5 6 7
Yesterday ;;!':1~ ~.~--- in Paris. Tomorrow in Amsterdam. Last week in Barcelona. Next week in London. At rhe moment in Brussels. Three days ago in Munich. At the end of her trip very tired.
¿Dónde estarás? Responde hablando de ti y usando:
~R"1,.1º~~ •
• 8Rl.65ELS
I'll be ... I C'II probably be ... I I don't know where 1'11 be. 1 (ar 10 o'clock tomorrow) ... !.'.~.. P.~!?.~.~~--~~...9.!')...~~---~-~.: q !.'.~--~~ 2 (one hour from now) 3 (at midnight tonight) 4 (ar 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon) 5 (two ycars from now)
Completa las frases con will
#... ~!?.~., 9- , !Y?r.1..~~~---~-~~~.Ü:l:-.Jlr., .
. . . .
('11) o con won't.
Don't drink coffee bcforc you go to bcd. You ~.~!')\.. slccp. 'Are you ready yet?' 'Not yet. 1 be ready in five minutes.' I'm going away for a few days. I'm leaving tonight, so I be at home tomorrow. lt rain, so you don't need to take an umbrella. A: I don't feel very well this evening. B: Well, go to bed early and you feel berrer in rhe morning. 6 It's Bill's birthday nexr Monday. He be 25. 7 I'rn sorry I was late this morning. Ir happen again.
1 2 3 4 5
Escribe frases que empiecen por I think ... o por I don't think ....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(Diana will pass the exam) (Diana won't pass the exam) (we'Il win the game) (I won't be here tomorrow) (Sue will like her present) (they won't get rnarried) (you won't enjoy the film)
... 1 .. thi..nk .. wi.U.. .. the. ..e.l
.. 1 .. Glon't .. thi..nk.. wi.U J> .. !:he.. e.)(o..m_. . I
En cada frase hay dos verbos subrayados. Estudia la Unidad 27 y decide cuál es el correcto.
I We're gojng to the theatre tonight. We've got tickets. We're going es /a forma correcta 'What will you do I are you doing tomorrow evening?' ' othing. l'm free.' They'll go I They're going away tomorrow morning. Their rrain is ar 8.40. l'm sure she'Jl lend I she's lending us sorne money. She's very rich. 'Why are you putting on your coat?' 'l'II go / l'm going out.' Do you think Claire wjl1 phone I is phonin¡; us ronighr? Steve can't meet us on Saturday. He'H work I He's workjng. Will / Shall you be at home romorrow evening?
1 We'II go
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Carmen estará en la oficina a las 9. No creo que Daniel venga este fin de semana. Creo que llegaremos tarde. (llegar tarde = be late) No creo que Ricardo se compre estos zapatos. ¿Crees que ganarás la carrera? (carrera = racc) Creo que veré a Andy el domingo. ¿Cuándo sabrás el resultado de tu examen? (resultado= rcsult) Es una buena estudiante. Aprobará sus exámenes. (aprobar = pass) Creo que no terminaré este ejercicio hoy. 59
will/shall (2)
Se puede usar 1'11 ... ( = 1 will) cuando decidimos u ofrecemos hacer algo: • 'My bag is very heavy.' '1'11 carry it for you.' ... Yo te lo llevo/llevaré. • 1'11 phone you rornorrow, OK? Te llamo/llamaré (por teléfono) mañana, ¿de acuerdo? Con frecuencia se dice I think I'II ... / 1 don't think 1'11 ... cuando dec1d1mos hacer o no hacer algo: • l'm ti red. J think l'II go to bcd early ronighr. . .. Creo que me acostaré pronto esta noche. • It's a nicc day. 1 think 1'11 sit in the garden. . .. Creo que me sentaré en el jardín. • It's raining. 1 don't think 1'11 go our. (no 'I rhink I will not go our.') ... No creo que salga. o Creo que no saldré. (~ Unidad 29). No uses el PRESENT
(1 phone I I bring etc.) en frases de este tipo:
• 1'11 phone you tomorrow, OK? (no '1 phone you .. .') • l.'11 carry your bag for you. (no '1 carry .. .')
No uses I'II para hablar de decisiones ya tomadas(~ Unidades 27-28): • l'm working rornorrow. (no '1'11 work .. .') • Therc's a good film on TV ronighr. l'm going to watch ir. (no '1'11 warch .. .') • Whar are you doing ar the weekend? (no 'What will you do ... ?')
Shall 1 ... ?
Shall wc ... ?
i.t's OK. l 1lL
o..nswe.r i.t.
Shall 1/we ... ? se usan para ofrecerse a hacer algo o para proponer hacer alguna cosa. Ooserva en los siguientes ejemplos la equivalencia con el español: • It's vcry warm in chis room. Shall Topen rhe window? ... ¿Abro/Quieres que abra ... ? • 'Shall l phone you this evening?' 'Yes, picase.' '¿Te 1/amo/Qweres que te //ame ... ?' • I'rn going to a parry ronight. What shall I wear? ... ¿Qué me pongo? • Ir's a nicc
What are you doing tomorrow? ~
1 ¡:, !• fH
l'm going to ... ~
lj fH
will/shall (J) ~
.¡j ffi
Completa las frases con 1'11 (T will) + uno de estos verbos:
do 1
My bag is very heavy. Enjoy your holiday. I don'r wanr rhis banana. Do you want a cha ir? Did you phone Jenny? Are you coming with me? How do you use rhis camera?
2 3 4
5 6 7
.. .!.'.(+...~!:! .... it for you. Thank you. .. Well, I'rn hungry No, ir's OK. .. Oh no, J forgor. .. No, 1 don't think so. .. Give it to me and
you a posrcard. ir. on rhe floor. ir now, here. you.
Completa las frases con I think 1'11 ... o I don't think 1'11 ... + uno de estos verbos:
1 Ir ' s cold today 2 l'm hungry. 1
1 d.on't t:l1ink l'U. .9o out.
something ro eat. tennis. . it.
3 1 feel ti red 4 This camera is too expensive.
¿Cuál de los verbos es correcto?
1 I phone / 1'11 phone you romorrow, OK? I'II phone es la forma correcta 2 I haven't done rhe shopping yer. 1 do I 1'11 do ir la ter. 3 I like sport. I warch I I'II warch a lor of sport on TV. 4 I need sorne exercise. 1 rhink I go / l'll go for a walk. 5 Jim is going to buy / will buy a new car. He rold me lasc wcck. 6 'This lcrtcr is for Rose.' 'OK. 1 givc I I'll give I l'm going ro givc ir to her.' 7 A: Are you doing I Will you do anything this cvening? B: Yes, I'm going I I'll go our with sorne fricncls.
Escribe frases con Shall I ... ? Elige palabras del cuadro A y del B. A
2 3 4
turn on
turn off
It's very warm in this room. This programmc isn'r very good. l'm hungry. Ir's dark in this room.
sorne sandwiches the windo·,r,·
the telcvision rhe light
...?l:1~ ... t ..o.P.~... #:1~ ..W.~.w.3..
Escribe frases con Shall we ... ? Elige palabras del cuadro A y del B. A
1 2 3 4
what what time
Lcr's go out ronight. Ler's havc a holiday. Ler's spend sorne money. Ler's have a party.
where who
buy go
invite -meef
OK, ~n..#..Ji.rn..~..~!'!.~ ..~~ ..m..~.? . OK, OK, OK,
.. . .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
No tengo dinero ahora. Te pago mañana. Creo que me quedaré en casa esta tarde. Te veo mañana a las 10, ¿de acuerdo? El viernes próximo limpiaremos el coche, ¿de acuerdo? '¿Quieres que haga té?' 'Sí, por favor.' Hace frío. ¿Cerramos las ventanas? Estoy muy cansado. Hablamos mañana. ¿Quieres que vayamos al cine? ¿Te traigo el periódico?
l 'm not sure, I mignt 90 to New Yorl:::.
He might go to New York. Quizá vaya ... / Es posible que vaya ...
It might rain. Quizá llueva. / Es posible que llueva.
might va seguido de un infinitivo (might go / might be/ might rain etc.):
1/we/you/they he/she/it
might (not)
be go play come etc.
Se usa might para expresar algo que es posible y que quizá suceda: • l might go to the cinema this evening. Quizá vaya ... • A: When is Barbara going to phone you? B: I don't know. She might phone this afternoon. Es posible que llame ... • Take an umbrella with you. It might rain. Quizá llueva. • Buy a lottery ticket. You might be lucky. Podrías tener suerte. • 'Are you going out tonight?' 'I might.' Quizá sí. /Es posible. Observa la diferencia: seguridad
• I'm playing tennis tornorrow. • Barbara is going to phone later.
• 1 might play tennis tomorrow. • Barbara might phone later.
La negación es might not:
• I might not go to work tornorrow. Quizá/Es posible que no vaya . • Sue might not come to the party. Quizá/Es posible que no venga .
Se puede usar may con el mismo valor. 1 may ... = 1 might
• 1 may go to the cinema this evening. Quizá vaya /Es posible que vaya ... • Sue may nor come to the parry. Quizá no venga Sue ... /Es posible que Sueno venga ... Para pedir permiso se usa May I ... ? (=¿Puedo ... ?): • May I ask a qucstion? ¿Puedo hacer una pregunta? • 'May I sit hcrc?' 'Yes, of course.' También se puede usar Can 1 ... ? : • Can I sit here?
Escribe frases usando might. 1 (it's possible that 2 (it's possible that 3 (it's possible rhat 4 (it's possible that 5 (it's possible thar
1'11 go to the cinema) I'II see you tornorrow) Ann will forger to phone) it will snow today) 1'11 be late tonight)
. ..1 IYl~n.~.. 9.0 l:o, .. !!l.~.. ~~-~: . 1
Escribe frases usando might not. 6 (it's possible that Mary will not be here) 7 (it's possible that I won't have time to meet you)
Alguien te pregunta qué planes tienes. Aún no lo sabes con seguridad. Responde usando alguna de las posibilidades de la lista con l might.
fish l
2 3 4 5 6
go away
Where are you going for your holidays? What are you doing at the weekend? When will you see Ann again? What are you going to have for dinner? How are you going t0 get home tonighr? I hear you won sorne money. What are you going to do with it?
Monday l'm not sure ..
new car
...l. .. 1Yl~h.t9P .. l:o, 1.~, ..
l don't know. I
I'm not sure ... I don't know. l'm not sure I haven't decided yet
.. .
Le preguntas a Bi/1 sobre sus planes. En algunos casos está seguro, pero la mayoría de las veces no.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
Are you playing tennis tomorrow? Are you going out in the evening? Are you going to ger up early? Are you working tomorrow? Will you be ar home rornorrow morning? Are you going to watch television? Are you going out in rhe afternoon? Are you going shopping?
Yes, in the afternoon. Possibly. Perhaps.
No, I'm Maybe.
I might. Yes, [ am. Perhaps.
Ahora escribe frases completas sobre /os planes de Bill. Usa might cuando sea necesario. 1 .. !:f~'.s. .. ~u.-)9...~~---~t:".~.º-~.. !1.-~~-~ ......
2 .. !:f~ .. 1Yl~l:1t.9~---~t-~~---~Y.~9: . 3 He
Escribe tres cosas que quizá hagas mañana usando might.
1 2 3
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Quizá vayamos al cine el viernes. ¿Puedo usar cu teléfono? La puerta está cerrada. Es posible que la tienda no esté abierta. Quizá telefonee Juan esta tarde. Quizá Elena nos visite este fin de semana. Es posible que venga con su novio. Quizá no llueva mañana, pero es posible que esté nublado.
can ycould
He can play thc piano. Sabe tocar el piano.
¿Podría abrir la puerta. por favor?
can va seguido de un infinitivo (can do/can play/can come etc.):
1/we/you/they he/she/it
can cannot (can't)
do play scc come etc.
1/we/you/they hc/shc/ic
do? play? scc? come?
Observa que la forma negativa completa se escribe como una so/a palabra: cannot (no 'can nor').
T can do sorncrhing significa 'sé hacer algo' o 'puedo hacer algo': I can do something = Sé hacer algo
• J can play che piano. My brothcr can play che piano roo. • Sarah can speak lralian but shc can't spcak Spanish. • Can you swim? ¿Sabes nadar? I can do sornerhing = Puedo/Soy capaz de hacer algo • 'Can you changc twcnry pounds?' 'l'm sorry, 1 can't.' • Paul and Jenny can't come to rhc parry. • This box isn't very hcavy. 1 can lift ir. En inglés se suele usar can con los verbos de percepción (1 can scc / wc can hcar etc.). En español se dice simplemente 'veo/oímos' etc.: • Can you hear me? ¿Me oyes? • 1 can scc a light. Veo una luz.
Para el pasado (yesterday / last week etc.) se usa could/couldn't: • When I was young, 1 could swim very well. ... sabía nadar ... • Beforc shc carne to Britain, shc couldn't understand much English. Now shc can undersrand everything . .. . no podía entender ... Ahora lo entiende todo. • I was rired last night but I couldn't sleep. . .. no pude dormir. • I hada party last week but Paul and Jenny couldn't come. . .. no pudieron venir.
Can you ... ? Could you ... ? Can I ... ? Could 1 ... ? Se usa Can you ... ? o Could you ... ? para pedir a las personas que hagan algo: • Can you open the door, please? o Could you open rhe door, please? =¿Puedes/Podrías ... ? • Can you wait a momenc, please? o Could you wait ... ? Se usa Can I have ... ? o Could l have ... ? para pedir cosas t- Quisiera • (en una tienda) Can l have these postcards, please? o Could I havc
;Desearía .. ./¿Me da ... ?): ?
Can 1 ... ? o Could 1 ... ? = ¿Puedo ... ?: • Tom, can I borrow your umbrella? o Torn, could I borrow your umbrella? • (al teléfono) Helio. Can I speak to Gerry, picase? o Could I speak ... ?
May 1 ... ?:::) jijfjj,Jl,fj#
Pregúntale a Steve si sabe hacer estas cosas.
1 ....~ .. .H~ .. ~.~.~.L 2
5 6 ¿Y tú? Escribe frases sobre lo que sabes o no sabes hacer. Usa I can o I can't.
7 1
Completa estas frases usando can o can't + uno de estos verbos: find
Completa estas frases. Usa can't o couldn't + uno de estos verbos:
eat 1 2 3 4 5 6
I'm sorry but we .. ~.'.t...~rr.~ to your party nexr Saturday. I like chis hotel room. You the mountains from the window. You are speaking very quietly. l you. Have you seen my bag? I it. Catherine got the job beca use shc five languages.
1 2 3 4 5
1 was rired bue 1 ..c;:O.<:Al4.n.} ..s.~ .. 1 wasn't hungry yesterday. 1 my dinner. Ann doesn't know whar to do. She .. I wanted ro speak to Martin yesterday bue I him. Jim toche concert next Saturday. He has to work. Paula to the meeting last week. She was ill.
¿Qué dirías en estas situaciones? Usa can o could y las palabras entre paréntesis. 2 (pass) ~·································
4 (have)
¡_;··· ........................ ···············.·........... ········· ]
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4
¿Puedo usar tu teléfono? Sé hablar francés, pero no sé hablar italiano. Brian no sabe nadar, pero sabe esquiar muy bien. Rosa sabe tocar la guitarra. También sabe tocar el piano. 5 Cuando (yo) era más joven sabía patinar muy bien. (patinar = skate)
6 '¿Me ves?' 'Te oigo, pero no te veo.' 7 Mi hermano no sabe conducir. 8 Bruce no pudo arrancar el coche ayer. (arrancar = start) 9 ¿Podrías dejarme 5.000 pesetas? (dejar= lend) 10 ¿Me da un bolígrafo, por favor?
must = debo, debes, etc.
must va seguido de un infinitivo (must do/ must see etc.): I/we/you/they he/she/it
must = 'deber'
do stop go write
o 'tener que':
• The windows are very dirty. 1 must clean them. . .. Debo limpiarlas. • It's a fantastic film. You must see it. . .. Tienes que verla. • We must go to che bank coda y. We haven't gor any money. Debemos ir ... En pasado (yesterday I last week etc.) se usa had to ... (had to do/ had to stop etc.), que equivale al español 'tuve/tuviste etc. que .. .': • We had to go to the bank yesterday. Tuvimos que ir al banco ayer. • I had to walk home last nighr, There werc no buses. Tuve que ir a píe a casa ...
musrn't (= rnust not)
I mustn't (do sornething) significa 'no debo (hacer algo)':
t, J •. ' tf '
li1 e, picl:I.(res .
• I rnust hurry. 1 musrn't be late. Debo darme prisa. No debo llegar tarde. • I mustn't forget to phonejulia. (= 1 must remembcr to phone her.) No debo olvidar telefonear a Julia. • Be happy! You mustn't besad . .. . No debes estar triste. • You mustn't touch the pictures. No debes tocar los cuadros.
needn't (= need nor) l ncedn't (do sornething) significa 'no es necesario (hacer algo)'. Observa cómo el infinitivo que sigue a necdn't equivale a un presente de subjuntivo en español: • I needn't clean the windows. They aren't dirty. No es necesario que limpie ... • You needn't go to the bank. 1 can give you sorne money. No es necesario que vayas ... También se puede decir don't need to ... (= needn't): • I don't need to clean che windows. • You doo't need to go to the bank today. Compara needn't y mustn't: • You oeedn't go. You can stay here if you want. (= no es necesario) • You mustn't go. You must stay here. (= no es correcto o lo tienes prohibido)
I have to ... ~
11: j.rjf~1 1
Completa las frases con must + uno de los verbos siguientes: be
1 We .. ~.~~~--9~... to rhe bank today. We haven't got any money.
2 Marilyn is a very interesting person. You
3 My hands are dirty. 1 thcrn. 4 You to drive. lt will be very useful. 5 1 to the pose office. I need sorne stamps. 6 The game rornorrow is very irnportant for us. We 7 You can't always have rhings irnrnediarely. You
Completa las frases con I must
. patient.
o I had to.
..!..r..%.~... go to che
bank yesterday to get sorne moncy. .. go now. 1 don't usually work on Saturdays bue last Saturday work. ger up early tornorrow. l've gota lot to do. I went to London by train last week. The train was full and stand all rhe way. I was ncarly late for my appointmcnt chis morning. . run to gct there on time. T forgot to phone David yesterday. .. phonc him later roday,
2 lt's late. 3 4
5 6 7
Completa las frases con mustn't o needn't y uno de los verbos siguientes: forget
The windows arerr't very dirty. You ~~J . ~ .. them. We have a lot of time. We . Keep these documents in a safe place. You thern. I'rn not ready yet but you forme. You cango now and I'll come la ter. We to turn off the lights before we lea ve. I the letter now. 1 can do it tomorrow.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Relaciona dos frases, una de cada cuadro, que signifiquen lo mismo. 1 2 3 4 5
We can lea ve the meeting early. We muse lea ve the meeting early. We mustn'r lea ve rhe meeting early. We needn't lea ve che meeting early. We had to lea ve the meeting early.
We We We We We
muse stay until che end. couldn't stay until che end. can't stay until che end. needn't stay until the end. can stay until the end.
1 . .P. .. 2
3 4
33.5 Completa las frases con must / had to/ mustn't / ncedn't. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
You .. r e.uln't go. y ou can sray h ere Iif you want. It's a fantastic film. You .. ~~~.L see it. We've got enough food, so we go shopping. Wc didn't havc any food yesrerday, so we go shopping. 1 want to know what happened. You tell me. You tell Sue what happened. T don't want her to know. 1 hurry or 1'11 be late. 'Why were you so late?' 'I wait half an hour for a bus.' We decide now. Wc can decide la ter.
33.6 Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No debes hablar en la biblioteca. (biblioteca = library) No debo olvidar escribir una postal a Paula. (postal= postcard) No había trenes a Edimburgo y tuve que viajar en autobús. (Edimburgo = Edinburgh) Tengo que irme ahora. Mi marido me está esperando. (irse= go) No es necesario que vayas a correos. Hay un buzón en la esquina. (buzón = post box) Debes visitar el zoo. Es muy interesante. Manolo llegó tarde y tuvimos que esperarlo. No es necesario que vengas mañana, pero el lunes debes estar aquí a las 8.
should should = deberla/deberías etc.
should va seguido de un infinitivo (should do/ should watch etc.): Vwe/you/theyJ should he/she/it
do stop go watch
should se usa para dar consejos u opiniones sobre lo que debe hacerse: • Torn should go to bed earlier. He goes to bed very late and he's always ti red . . . . debería acostarse más pronto ...
• It's a good film. You should go and see it. • When you play tennis, you should always watch the ball. (You) shouldn't (do something) = 'no deberías (hacer algo)', no es bueno. Shouldn't = should not: • Tom shouldn't go to bed so late. Tom no debería acostarse tan tarde. • You watch TV ali the time. You shouldn't watch TV so much. No deberías ver tanto la televisión. Con frecuencia se usa think junto con should:
I think ... should ... (Creo que ... debería/deberías, etc.): • I think Carol should huy sorne new clothes. • Ir's late. 1 think we should go home now. • A: Shall I buy this coar? B: Yes, 1 rhink you should. I don't think ... should ... (Creo que no ... ): • 1 don't think you should work so hard. Creo que no deberías trabajar tanto. • 1 don't think we should go yet. It's too early. Creo que no deberíamos irnos aún ... Creo que no ... suele corresponder a I don't think ... en inglés.
Do you think ... should ... ? (¿Crees que debería/deberías, ... , etc.?): • Do you think 1 should huy this hat? • What time do you think we should go home?
must = 'debo/debes' etc. o 'tengo que/tienes que' etc., tiene más fuerza que should: • lt's a good film. You sbould go and see it. • lt's a fantastic film. You must go and see it. ought to ... es otro modo de decir 'debería/deberías', etc.: • lt's a good film. You ought to go and see it. (= you should go) • 1 rhink Carol ought to huy sorne new clothcs. (= Caro! should buy)
sha11 ~
must ~
Completa las frases con you should + uno de los verbos siguientes:
l When you play tennis, .~CJ«. .. S.hCJ«..14 ~.~ the ball. 2 lt's late and you're very tired to bed. 3 your tecth twice a day. 4 lf you have time, rhc Science Museum. lt's very inreresting. 5 When you'rc driving, a seat belr. 6 lt's too far to walk from here to the srarion a taxi.
Escribe frases sobre /as personas de los dibujos usando He/She shouldn't ... so ...
.. She... shool.dn't. .. wCl.tdl..TV .. so .. mt.1cn ..
2 1 le
are in a shop. You are trying on a jacket. (buy?) ask your friend: .P.o. .. !i~ ...~~ ... l...~.hCJ«..~...b.1:-t!i..~~-j~.~r can't drive. (learn?) ask your friend: Do you think don'r likc your job. (gcr anothcr job?) ask your friend: are going ro havo a party. (invite Gary?) ask your friend:
Escribe frases usando I think I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
should ... o I don't think
hard. .
. . .
should ....
lt's late. (go home now) ! ~.~ ... ~~ ..S.~.CJ«..14.. 9.1?...'1.0.".l'.~ ~~-' That coar is too big for you. (buy ir) ! 4.o.~J ~~ .. !il?.l:4 ~~.1?.1:4.14.. ~.!L~,. You don't need your car. (sel! ir) Diane nceds a resr. (have a holiday) Sally and Colín are too young. (get married) You'rc nor well this morning. {go to work) James isn't well toda y. (go to the doctor) The hotel is too expensivc for us. (sray there)
. .. .. .. .. ..
¿Qué piensas? Escribe frases con should.
1 T rhink ....~X~~ .. s.h~~ 2 1 think everybody 3 1 rhink 4 J don't rhink 5 1 think I should
3 4
Le estás pidiendo consejo a un amigo o amiga. Hazle preguntas usando Do you think l should ... ?
You You 2 You You 3 You You 4 You You
(so = tan; so much = tanto).
~~~ ~9~M~:... .. . .. .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5
Deberíamos comer más fruta y verduras. No deberías trabajar tanto. Es tarde. Creo que debería irme a casa. Debo visitar a Juan. Está enfermo. Creo que los bares no deberían estar abiertos tan tarde. (los bares = bars)
6 ¿Crees que deberíamos comprar un vídeo nuevo? 7 No deberías conducir tan rápido. 8 Liz dice que esa película es muy buena. Deberíamos verla.
I have to ... J have to do something
= tengo que hacer algo
Thi-5 is lllH meal.wie.. 1 to t:oJ:e. i.t foor times
to do to work to go to wear etc.
• I'll be late for work tomorrow. J have to go to the dentist. Tengo que ir ... • Jill srarts work at 7.00, so she has to get up at 6.00. . .. tiene que levantarse ... • You have to pass a test before you can ger a driving licence. Tienes que aprobar ... El pasado (yesterday/last week etc.) es had to ... :
• I was late for work yesterday. l had to go to the dentist. Tuve que ir ... • We had to walk home last night. There were no buses. Tuvimos que ir a pie ... En la interrogación y en la negación se usa do/does (PRESENT) y did (PAST): PRESENT
do does
Uwe/you/they he/she/it
have to ... ?
J/we/you/they he/she/it
don't doesn't
have to ...
Uwe/you/they he/she/it
have to ... ?
1/we/you/they he/she/it
didn't have to ...
• What time do you have to go to the dentist tomorrow? ¿ tienes que ir ... ? • Does Jill have to work on Sundays? ¿Tiene que trabajar Jil/ ? • Why did they have to leave the party early? ¿Por qué tuvieron que irse pronto de la tiesta? I don't have to (do something) = 'no tengo que (hacer algo}': • l'm not working tomorrow, sol don't have to get up early. ... no tengo que levantarme pronto. • Jan doesn't have to work very hard. He's got an easy job. ... no tiene que trabajar mucho ... • We didn't have to wait very long for the bus. No tuvimos que esperar mucho el autobús. must y have to Se usa must (= deber) o have to (= tener que) para decir fo que se considera necesario o para expresar una opinión:
• lt's a fantastic film. You must see it. o You have to see it. Para expresar obligación, con independencia de tu opinión, usa have to (= tener que):
• Jill won't be at work this afternoon. She has to go to the doctor. • In many countries, men have to do military service.
must / mustn't I needn't ~
Completa las frases usando have to o has to+ uno de los verbos siguientes: read
1 My eyes are not very good. I .. h?.-:Y.~..~--~·~·-· glasscs.
2 Ar che end of the course ali che studenrs
a test. a lot of books.
3 Mary is studying literature. She 4 Albert doesn't understand much English. You 5 Kate is not often at home. She
vcry slowly
a lot in her job.
Completa las frases con have to o had to + uno de los verbos siguientes: answcr
1 We ....~"4.J~ ~.~--- home lasr night. Therc werc no buses. 2 3 4 5
Escribe preguntas apropiadas. En algunos casos deben ser en presente y en otros en pasado. 1 2
3 4
I have to get up early romorrow. George had to wait a long time. Liz has to go somewhere. We had to paya lot of money. l have to do sorne work.
What time .. 4'>..!i~--~-~te:J:() .. 9~-~.P.L How long Where How much What exactly
? ? ? ?
Escribe frases con don't/docsn't/didn't have to .... 1 2 3 4 5
lt's late. I now. l'll see you tornorrow, I went to the superrnarket after work yesrerday. 1 sorne food. This train doesn't go ali the way to London. You at Bristol. We did an exam yesterday. We six questions out of ten.
Why Why Why Why Why
are you going out? You 4'>r\h?.-:Y.~..~-.9.9. ..~t is Ann waiting? She did you ger up early? You is Paul working so hard? He do you want to leave now? We
. . .. .
¿Cuál es la frase correcta? En algún caso tanto must como have to son correctos.
see I have to see it. las dos formas son correctas In many countries, men muse do I have to do military service. have to do es la forma correcta You can't park your car here for nothing. You must pay / have to pay. I didn't have any money with me last night, so I must borrow / had to borrow sorne. I eat too much chocolate. l really must stop I have to stop. 'Why is Paula going now?' 'She must meet I has to meet sornebody.' What's wrong? You must tell/ have to tell me. I want to help you.
1 It's a great film. You must 2 3 4 5 6 7
Escribe cosas que tú, tus amigos o alguien de tu familia tenéis que hacer o tuvisteis que hacer. 1 2 3 4
(every day) . ..!..!'.1.?.-:Y.~..~.P:?.-:'.<'.~ ..~--~~~ .. ~Y.~ ..4~~L.. (every day) (tomorrow) (yesterday)
. . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Antonio tiene que levantarse a las 6 mañana. Tengo que ir al médico esta tarde. Ayer tuvimos que trabajar hasta las 8. ¿Tienes que trabajar el sábado que viene? Patricia no tuvo que esperar mucho al autobús. Vicente no tiene que ir al dentista esta semana. Después de la fiesta tuvimos que ordenar la casa. (ordenar la casa= clear up) Venecia es maravillosa. Tenéis que ir allí. (Venecia = Venice) ¿Tenemos que leer estos dos libros? 71
Would you like
. . . ?.
l'd like ...
Would you like ... ? = ¿Quieres ... ? (literalmente: ¿Te gustaría ... ?) Se usa would you like ... ? para ofrecer algo: • A: Would you like sorne coffee? ¿Quieres café? B: No, thank you. • A: Would you like a chocolate? B: Yes, please. • A: What would you like, tea or coffee? B: Tea, please. Se usa would you like to ... ? para invitar a alguien: • WouJd you like to go for a walk? ¿Quieres ir a dar un paseo?
• A: Would you like to have dinner with us on Sunday? B: Yes, l'd love to. Sí, me gustaría mucho. • What would you like to do this evening?
¿Quieres cenar con nosotros el domingo?
I'd like ... = 'quisiera', es una manera educada de pedir algo, de decir 'I wanc'. I'd like = I would like: • l'm thirsty. l'd like a drink. • (en una oficina de turismo) l'd like sorne inforrnation about hotels, please. • I'd likc to see the film on televisión chis evening. Would you like ... ? y Do you like ... ? Observa la diferencia:
Would you like ... ? I I'd like ... ¿Quieres ... ? /Quisiera ... ...--W-O
Would you like sorne tea?
¿Quieres (un poco de) té?
• A: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
¿Quieres/Te gustaría ir ... ? Yes, l' d love to. Si, me gustaría mucho.
• A: Do you like going to che cinema? ¿Te gusta ir al cine?
B: Yes, I go to the cinema a lot. Sí, voy mucho al cine.
• l'd like an orange, please.
• I like oranges.
Quisiera una naranja, por favor.
Me gustan las naranjas.
• What would you like to do next weekend? ¿Qué quieres/te gustaría hacer ... ?
like to do ylike -ing => ilj jj,,j,ffJ
Do you like tea? ¿Te gusta el té?
• What do you like to do at weekends? ¿Qué te gusta hacer ... ?
l would do something if ... => ji¡¡jj,¡.¡.JifJ
Observalos dibujos. ¿Qué dicen estas personas? Usa Would you like ... ?
¿Qué le dirías a Sue en estas situaciones?Usa Would you like to ... ?
1 You want to go to the cinema tonight. Perhaps Sue will go with you. (go) You say: ...W.CX;A.14.!:l()IA.. @:e.J:1:>.. gc:>..!:Q..f:l:1~.~~.~.!:Q~l1.I/ 2 You want to play tennis tomorrow. Perhaps Sue will play too. (play) You say: 3 You've got sorne holiday photographs. Sue hasn't seen them yet. (see) You say: 4 You have an extra ticket for a concert next week. Perhaps Sue will go. {go) You say: . 5 lt's raining and Sue is going out. She hasn't got an umbrella but you have one. (borrow) You say:
.. .. ..
Escogela forma correcta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'De ve1,1 like J Would you like a chocolate?' 'Yes, please.' Would you like es la forma correcta 'Do you like / Would you like bananas?' 'Yes, 1 love them.' 'Do you like / Would you like an ice-cream?' 'No, thank you.' 'What do you like / would you like to drink?' 'A glass of water, please.' 'Do you like ! Would you like to go out for a walk?' 'Not now. Perhaps later.' 1 like I I'd like tornatoes but I don't eat them very often. What time do you like / would you like to have dinner this evening? 'Do you like / Would you like something to eat?' 'No, thanks. l'm not hungry.' 'Do you like / Would you like your new job?' 'Yes, l'm enjoying ir.' l'm ti red. r like / l'd like to go to sleep now.
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
¿Quieres un vaso de leche? Quisiera un té, por favor. ¿Quieres venir a la playa? Me gusta mucho la leche. ¿Quieres salir conmigo el viernes? A Robert no le gusta ir a la playa. '¿Quieres más queso?' 'No, gracias. He comido demasiado.' '¿Quieres ir a Italia?' 'Sí, me gustaría mucho ir.' Quisiera pasar una semana en Escocia. (pasar = spend) '¿Quieres pollo o pescado?' 'Pescado, por favor.'
there is
SATURDAY _,, There's a man on che roof. Hay un hombre en el tejado.
Thcrc's a train ar 10.30. Hay un tren a las 10.30.
There are seven days in a week. Hay siete días en una semana.
singular there is ... (thcrc's) hay ... is rhere ... ? ¿hay ... ? there is not ... (rhere isn't o no hay .. . there's nor)
• There's a big tree in the garden. Hay un árbol grande ... • There's a good film on TV ronight. Hay una buena película ... • A: Have you gor any money? B: Yes, rhere's sorne in my bag. • A: Excuse me, is thcre a hotel near here? ... , ¿hay un hotel ... ? B: Yes, there is./No, there isn't. Sí,/No. • We can't go skiing. There isn't any snow. . .. No hay nieve. • There are sorne big trees in che gardcn. Hay algunos árboles grandes ... • Therc are a loe of accidents on chis road. Hay muchos accidentes ... • A: Are thcre any lerrers forme toda y? ¿Hay cartas ... ? B: Yes, there are./No, there aren't. • This restaurant is very quier. There arcn't many people hcre. .. . no hay mucha gente ... • How many players are there in a football team? ¿Cuántos jugadores hay ... ? • There are 11 players in a foorball team. Hay 11 jugadores ...
plural therc are ... hay ... are there ... ? ¿hay ... ? there are not ... (there aren't) no hay ...
No confundas there is con it is: thcre is
= hay
ir is= es/está/hace
1 1 I like !chis book!. It's interesting. Me gusta este libro. Es interesante.
There's a book on che table. Hay un libro sobre la mesa.
Compara: • 'What's rhat noise?' 'It's a train.' (it = rhat noisc) '¿Qué es ese ruido?' 'Es un tren.' There's a train at 10.30. lt's a fast train, (it = che 10.30 train) Hay un tren a las 10.30. Es un tren rápido. • There's a loe of sale in chis soup. Hay mucha sal en esta sopa. I don't like chis soup. Ir's roo salry. (it = chis soup) No me gusta esta sopa. Está demasiado salada. • lt's cold and there's a lot of snow, Hace frío y hay mucha nieve.
there was I were I has been etc. ~ .,
¡ ¡¡ U•
it y there ~ 11
sorne y any ~
I' j,jj,flif
Kenham es una ciudad pequeña. Con la información del cuadro escribe frases sobre Kenham. Usa There is/are o
There isn't/aren't.
1 a castle? 2 any restaurants? 3 a hospital? 4 a swimming pool? 5 any cinemas? 6 a universiry? 7 any big hotels?
No Yes (a lot) Yes No Yes (two) No No
Escribe frases sobre tu ciudad (o una ciudad que conozcas) usando Thcrc is/ are/ isn't / aren't.
1 ..,.,. ca.. fe.w 2 3
Tu.~~.. ~r.'.L~..~~, ... To~~ .. ?.-!.~.. ~ ..~.t.o.f.. t~~r.~~.,...
2 3 4 5 6 7
Tu.~~.'.~.. !!-:.. ~~ ..~.:... ..
4 5 6
Completa las frases con there is I there isn't I is there I thcre are I there aren't / are there.
1 Kenham isn't an old town To.~~-.~~'.L any old buildings. 2 Look! a photograph of your brother in the newspaper! 3 'Excuse me, a bank near here?' 'Yes, at the end of the street.' 4 five people in my family: rny parents, my two sisters and me. 5 'How many studenrs in the class?' 'Twenty.' 6 'Can we take a photograph?' 'No, a film in the camera.' 7 ' a bus from che city centre to the airport?' 'Yes. Every 20 minutes.' 8 ' any problems?' 'No, everything is OK.' 9 nowhere to sit clown. .. any chairs.
Escribe frases con There are .... Escoge una palabra o expresión de cada cuadro.
nin e fifteen
twenry-six thirty fifry
letters players planees
~ days states
September che USA a rugby team
the solar system aweek the English alphabet
1 ... To.~~.. ~~ .. ~-~'.'~.-~~ ...~ .. !!-:.. ~~: .... 2 3 4
5 6
Completa las frases con there's I is there I it's I is it.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
' .. To.~.\Ú.. a train at 10.30.' ' . ..!.~ ..~ a fase train?' l'm not going to buy rhis shirt very expensive. 'What's wrong?' ' something in my eyc.' a red car outside the house yours? ' anything on televisión tonight?' 'Yes, 'What's that building?' ' a school.' ' a restaurant in rhis hotel?' 'No, I'm afraid not.'
a film at 8.15.'
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿Hay una toalla en el cuarto de baño? (toalla = towcl) No hay mucha gente en este museo. ¿Hay muchos trabajadores en esa fábrica? (fábrica= factory) ¿Cuántas escuelas hay en esta ciudad? '¿Hay queso?' 'Sí, en la nevera.' Hay seis estudiantes, pero sólo hay un diccionario. ¿Hay una cafetería en esta calle? (cafetería= coffee shop) '¿Hay sopa?' 'Sí, hay un poco en la cocina, pero está fría.' 75
there was/were there will be
there hasjhave been
there was / thcrc werc = había/hubo
Hay un tren cada hora.
There is a train every hour.
The time now is 11.15. Ahora son /as 11 y cuarto. There was a train a t 11. Hubo un tren a las 11.
Compara: there is/are (presente)
thcre was/were (pasado)
• Thcre is a good film on TV tonight. Hay una buena película ... • We are staying ata vcry big hotel. There are 250 rooms.
• There was a good film on TY last night.
... Hay ...
• Are there any letters for me this morning? ¿Hay ... ? • I'm hungry but there isn't anything ro eat, . . . no hay nada ...
therc has becn / thcrc havc bccn
Hubo una buena película ... • We stayed ata very big hotel. There were 250 rooms. . .. Había ... • Were there any letters forme yesterday? ¿Hubo ... ? • When I got home, I was hungry but therc wasn't anything to eat. . .. no había ...
= ha habido • Look! There's bccn an accidenc. .. . Ha habido ... (there's becn = there has been) • This road is very dangerous, There have been many accidents. . .. Ha habido ... Compara con el pasado there was: • There was an accident last night. (no' ... has been an accident last night. ') En la Unidad 21 está el contraste entre PAST SIMPLE y PRESENT PERFECT.
thcrc will be
= habrá • Do you think thcrc will be a lot of people at the party on Saturday? ¿Crees que habrá mucha gente ... ? • The manager of the company is leaving, so there will be a new manager soon . . . . pronto habrá un nuevo director. • I'm going away romorrow. 1'11 do my packing today beca use there won't be time tomorrow (there won't be = there will not be) ... porque mañana no habrá tiempo.
,vasl,vere => ll@4'j1jil has/have IIWMMiil=#IFI it y there => jlj,Utf.MfffEj sorne y any => llj:jji,;.¡¡;j been
l!l,il•f hffl
Observa los dos dibujos. Ahora la habitación está vacla, pero ¿qué había la semana pasada? Escribe frases usando There was ... o There were ... + las palabras de la lista.
an arrnchair sorne books
a carpct a eleek
sorne flowcrs three picrurcs
a sofa a small table
Tu.~!;-..~~--~-~-- on rhe wall near rhe winclow.
2 3
on rhc floor. on thc wall ncar rhc
5 6 7
8 38.2
Completa las frases con there was I there wasn't I was there / there were / there wcrcn't / were there. 1 1 was hungry but ...~.~!;,..~~r.) .. anything to cat.
2 ..w~!;-.. #!.~.~--- any lcrrers forme ycsrerday? 3 .. a foothall match on TV last nighr. Did you sce ir? 4 'Wc sraycd ata very nice hotel.' 'Did you? a wimrning pool?' 5 'Did you buy any cggs?' ' o, any in thc shop.' 6 The wallet was empty. . any money 111 rt. 7 ' many people ar rhc meeting?' 'No, very few.' 8 Wc didn'r visir the rnuseum enough time. 9 I'm sorry l'm late a lot of traffic. I O Twcnty years ago many tourisrs hcre. Now there are a lot.
Completa las frases con there + is I are/ was / were / has been / have been / will be.
1 ..ToY.~..~.~-- a good film on TV yesrcrday evening. 24 hours in a day. 3 a parry ar thc club lasr Friday bur I didn'r go. 4 'Where can I buy a newspaper?' ' a shop ar the end of the srrccr.' 5 'Why are rhosc policemen ourside rhe bank ?' '......................... . a robbery.' 6 When wc arrived at rhc cinema, a long qucuc to see the film. 7 When you arrive rornorrow, somebody ar rhe station to mccr you, 8 Ten years ago 500 childrcn ar rhc school. Now than a thousand. 9 Lasr week 1 went back to rhe town where l was born. lt's very differenr now. . .......................................................... a lot of changos. 1 O l think everything will be OK. l don't think any problerns. 2
more .
Traduce al inglés: I Había muchos niños en el parque. 2 Hubo una tormenta anoche. (tormenta = storrn)
3 4 5 6 7
Este verano habrá conciertos en el parque. Hay tres huevos en 13 nevera. Ayer había doce. Ha habido un accidente en el centro de la ciudad. '¿Vamos al supermercado hoy?' 'No, habrá demasiada gente.' (demasiada= too many) No habrá mucha gente en el cine. Hay un partido de fútbol en la televisión. (partido de fútbol = foorball match) 77
lt ... Se usa it para hablar de la hora, días y fechas, distancias y condiciones atmosféricas: • What time is it? ¿Qué hora es? • It's half past ten. Son las diez y media. • It's lace. Es tarde. • It's time to go home. Es hora de ir a casa.
/ahora~ ·11
.1: . ·.
• • • • distancias ,..---.... ¡¡--s
f,;;;,... ~
condiciones atmosféricas
What day is it? ¿Qué día es? lt's Thursday. Es jueves. lt's 16 March. Es el 16 de marzo. lt was my birchday yesterday. Ayer fue mi cumpleaños.
• It's 5 kilornetres from our housc to the city centre. Hay 5 kilómetros desde nuestra casa al centro de la ciudad. • How far is it from London to Bristol? ¿A qué distancia está Londres de Bristol? • It's a long way from here to the station, La estación está lejos de aquí. • We can walk home. It isn't far. Podemos ir a pie a casa. No está lejos. far(= lejano/lejos) se usa generalmente en preguntas (is it far?) y en negaciones se usa {it isn't far). Se usa a long way (= lejano/lejos) en afirmaciones (it's a long way). • It's raining. Llueve. lt isn't raining. No llueve. Is it snowing? ¿Nieva? • le rains a loe here. Llueve mucho . lt didn't rain yesterday. No llovió . Ooes it snow very often? ¿Nieva a menudo? • It's dark.
Está oscuro.
It's cloudy.
Está nublado.
• Ir's col d. Hace frío. Ir's foggy. Hace niebla/Hay niebla. • It's warrn/hor, Hace calor. lt's fine. Hace buen tiempo. • lt's windy. Hace viento. It's sunny. Hace sol. • It's a mee day toda y. Hoy hace un buen día. Compara el uso de it y de there: • It rains a lot in wincer. Llueve mucho en invierno. There is a lot of rain in wincer. Hay mucha lluvia en invierno. • lt was very windy. Hizo mucho viento. There was a srrong wind yesterday. Hubo un fuerte viento ayer.
it's nice to ... etc. Así se inician frases con un adjetivo seguido de infinitivo con 'to': It's
easy / difficult / impossible / dangerous / safe expensive / interesting / nice / wonderful / terrible
to ...
• Jt's nice to see you again. Es agradable verte otra vez. • Ir's impossible to understand her. Es imposible entenderla. • lt wasn 't easy to find your house. No fue fácil encontrar tu casa.
No olvides el sujeto it que no tiene equivalente en español: • lt's late. (no 'Is late.') Es tarde. • It's raining again. (no 'Is raining .. .') Llueve otra vez. • Is ir true that you are going away? (no 'Is true that ... ?') there is~
¿Es verdad que te vas?
¿Qué tiempo hace en cada dibujo? Usa lt's ....
...l.f~.t~.9: .
2 3
4 5 6
. .
Completa /as frases con it is (it's) o is it. 1 What time ..~ .. il?. .. ? 2 We must go now. . very late. 3 true that Bill can fly a hclicopter? 4 'What day today? Tuesday?' 'No, Wednesday.' 5 ten kilometres from the airport tO che city centre. 6 possible to phonc you at your office? 7 'Do you want to walk to the restaurant?' 'I don't know. How far 8 Linda's birthday today. She's 27. 9 1 don't believe it! impossible.
Escribe preguntas con How far ... ? 1 (here / the station)
... ..i:i; .. ~.~~--f!.?.. #1.~..~~-ti.o.~.?. ..
2 (che hotel I the beach) 3 (New York/ Washington) 4 (your house / the airport)
Completa /as frases con it o there.
1 . ..l.L rains a lot in winter.
2 .. To.~~-- was a strong wind yesterday. 3 was a nice day yesterday. 4 We can't go skiing isn't any snow. 5 .'s hot in this room. Open a window.
6 l was afraid beca use was very dark. 7 was a storrn last night. Did you hear it?
.'s a long way from here to rhe nearesr shop.
Completa las frases. Escoge una palabra o expresión de cada cuadro.
easy difl'ieulc impossible
dangerous nice interesting
1 If you go to bed late, .. 2 3 4 5 6
Helio, Jill.
work in this office visit different places see you again
w~. ~-~.Y?..!;g..9.~-~P. ..~
Everybody is very nice at work. l like travelling A lot of cities are not safe
get up early go out alone make friends
in thc morning. How are you? There is too much noise.
. . at night.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Son las 8. Es hora de ir a trabajar. '¿Qué día es mañana?' 'Es jueves.' En diciembre nevó e hizo frío, pero en enero hizo calor. Fue difícil encontrar el hotel. Estaba muy lejos del centro. No es muy caro viajar a Londres desde Barcelona. Es más caro viajar a Berlín. Hace sol y calor. Es agradable estar aquí. '¿A qué distancia está la playa desde el hotel?' 'No está muy lejos.' ¿Es verdad que no puedes venir a la fiesta?
I am
I don't etc.
She isn't tired but he is. (he is = he is tired)
He likes tea but she doesn't. (she docsn't = she doesn't like tea)
En estos ejemplos no es necesario repetir algunas palabras ('he is tired', 'she doesn't like tea'}. Del mismo modo se pueden usar los verbos siguientes: am/is/arc was/were ha ve/has do/does/did can
will might must
• T haven't got a car bue my sisrer has. (= my sister has gota car) ... mi hermana sí. • A: Please help me. B: l'm sorry, 1 can't. (= I can'r help you) lo siento, no puedo. • A: Are you tired? B: I was, but I'm not now. (= I was ti red bue I'm not tired now) Antes sí, pero ahora no. • A: Do you think Ann will phone chis evening? B: She might. (= She might phone} Quizá. • A: Are you going now? B: Yes, l'm afraid I must. (= I muse go) Me temo que sí.
No se pueden usar las contracciones 'm/'s/'ve en estos casos. Usa las formas completas am/is/have etc.: • She isn't tired bue he is. (no' ... but he's. ')
Ella no está cansada pero él sí.
Pero se pueden usar las contracciones negativas isn't / haven't / won't etc.: • My sisrer has gota car but I haven't. Mi hermana tiene coche pero yo no. • 'Are you and Jim working tomorrow?' 'I am but Jim isn't.' ... 'Yo sí pero Jim no.'
Se pueden usar estas formas
a am / I'm not etc.} detrás de Yes o de No:
• 'Are you tired?' 'Yes, I am / No, I'm not.' • 'Will Alan be here tomorrow?' 'Yes, he will. / No, he won't.' • 'Is there a bus to the airport?' 'Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.'
Se usa do/does para el PRESENT SlMPLE: (::) Unidades 7-8} • 1 don't like hot weather but Sue does. . .. pero a Sue sí. • Sue works hard bue I don't. ... pero yo no. • 'Do you enjoy your work?' 'Yes, 1 do.' ... 'Sí.' Se usa did para el PAST SIMPLE: (::) Unidad 13) • A: Did you and Tom enjoy the film? B: I did but Tom didn't. A mí sí, pero a Tom no. • 'I enjoyed the film.' 'I
have you? I don't you? etc.=)
so am I I neither do I etc.=)
Completa estas frases usando cada vez un solo verbo (is/havc/can etc.).
I Kare wasn'r hungry bur we --~~.~--- . 2 l'm nor rnarried but my brorher 3 Bill can't help you bue 1 .
4 1 haven'r seen rhc film but Torn 5 Diane won't be hcrc but Chris 6 You wercn'r late bur 1 .
Completa estas frases con un verbo en forma negativa (isn't/havcn't/can't etc.).
1 My sister can play the piano bue I ~J .. 2 Ann is working today bue I . 3 I was working bur my friends .
. .
4 Richard has gota car but l 5 I'rn ready to go but Tom 6 l've gota key but Sally
. . .
Completa estas frases con do/does/did o con don't/docsn't/didn't. 1 I don't like hot weather but Sue ...~~S. ...
Sue likes hot wearher but l ...~!'!:t .. My morhcr wears glasses bur my farhcr You don'r know Paul very well bur J 1 didn't cnjoy che parry but my fricnds I don'r watch TV much bur Pcrcr Katc lives in London but her parents You hada shower chis morning bur I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
bue but
. . . .
Pon un verbo afirmativo o negativo en ros huecos.
8 9 1O 11
'Are you rired?' 'I ...~.~---· carlier but l'm not now.' John is happy today bue he ycstcrday. The post office isn'r open yer bue che shops . I haven't gor a video camera bur I know somebody who . I would like to help you but l'm afraid I . 1 don't usually go to work by car but 1 yesterday. A: Have you ever been to rhe United States? B: No, bue Sandra She went there on holiday last year. 'Do you and Ann warch TV a lot?' 'I but Ann doesn't.' I've been invited to the parry but Kate . 'Do you think Diane will pass her cxams?' 'Yes, l'm sure she . 'Are you going out this cvening?' 'l...................................... 1 don'r know for surc.'
Responde a estas preguntas sobre ti. Usa Y es, I have. / No, f'm not, etc.
1 2 3 4 5
. .
I didn 'r .. 9º.. ~L~t...n.i-9ht..~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
. .
Completa estas frases escribiendo sobre ti y sobre otras personas (observa el ejemplo).
1 2 3 4 5
. .
Are you Brirish? --~º~..l'.~ ..r.i.~t..... Have you gota car? Do you feel well? . Is it snowing? Are you hungry? .
.. . . .
6 7 8 9 10
Do you like classical music? Will you be in París tomorrow? Have you ever been in hospital? Did you buy anything yesterday? Were you asleep at 3 a.m.?
. . . . .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Yo sé hablar inglés, pero mis padres no. '¿Tienes hambre?' 'Tenía, pero ahora no.' No tengo mucho dinero, pero tú sí. 'No he visto el musco.' 'Es muy interesante. Debes visitarlo.' Estaba lloviendo ayer, pero hoy no. '¿Vais a estudiar inglés?' 'Yo no, pero mi hermana sí.' '¿Habéis estado en Francia?' 'Carmen sí, pero yo no.' '¿Crees que Luis vendrá a la fiesta?' 'Quizá.' '¿Hay restaurantes cerca de aquí?' 'Había antes, pero ahora no.' '¿Irás este verano a Inglaterra?' 'Si puedo, sí.' 81
Have you?
Are you?
Don't you? etc.
En la conversación se puede decir have you? / is it? / can't he? etc. (=¿Sí?/ ¿De verdad?/ ¿No?) para mostrar interés
o sorpresa:
'Oh, am I? I'm sorry.' 'Were you? I didn't know that.' 'Is it? Ir was sunny fivc minutes ago.' • 'There's a letter for you.' 'Is there? Where is it?' • 'You're late.'
• '1 was ill last week.' • 'It's raining again.'
¿S1? ¿Ah, SI?
• 'Bill can't drive.' 'Can't he? Ididn 't know that.' • 'l'm not hungry.' 'Aren't you? 1 am.' • 'Sue isn't at work today.' 'Isn't she? Is she ill?'
¿Ah, no?
Se usa do/docs con el PRESF.NT SlMPLE y did con el PAST SIMPLE:
• 'l speak four languages.'
'Do you? Which ones?' • 'Tom doesn't ear mear.' 'Ooesn't he? Does he ear fish?' • 'Linda got married last week.' 'Oid she? Really?'
Las QUESTJON TAGS ( ... have you? / ... is it? / ... can't she? etc.) Question tags son preguntas breves al final de una frase que corresponden a expresiones en español como: '¿no?/ ¿verdad?' Si la frase es afirmativa, la QUESTlON TAC es negativa. Si la frase es negativa, la QUESTION TAC es afirmativa.
frase afirmativa ~ negativa lt's a beautiful day, Sally lives in London, You closed the window, Those shoes are nice, Tom will be here soon,
isn't it? doesn't she? didn't you? aren't they? won't he?
... , ¿no?
Yes, Y es, Yes, Yes, Yes,
it's lovely. that's right . I think so. vcry nice. probably.
frase negativa ~ afirmativa That isn't your car, You haven't met my mother, Sally doesn't smoke, You won't be late,
I am / 1 don't etc.~ ..j:¡j,,1,(!11
is it? have you? docs she? wiU you?
... , ¿verdad?
No, No, No, No,
my car is white. 1 haven't . she doesn't. l'm never late.
Responde usando Do you? / Doesn't she? / Oíd thcy? etc.
1 2 3
1 spcak four languages.
I work in a bank. I didn't go to work ycstcrday. Jill doesn't like me. You look tired. .Julia phoncd me last night.
5 6
9 10 11 12
2 3
l've bought a ncw car. Tim doesn't eat mea t. l've losr my key. Sue can't drive. lwas born in Italy. I didn'r sleep well last night. There's a film on TV ronighr. l'm not happy. I mct Paula lasr week. Margaret works in a factory. I won't be here next week. The clock isri't working.
It's a beautiful day, .. 1:6.n..\.~ ?
These flowers are nice, Judywasattheparty, 4 You've been to París, 5 You speak German, 6 Martín looks tired, 7 You'll hclp me,
) )
................................... )
...!:l.~Y:~.~~---· ?
ne... )
................................... ..................................
··································. ................................... .................................. .................................. .................................. ..................................
) ) ) ) )
What makc is it? Does he cat fish? When did you last have it? She should lcarn. l didn't know that. Was the bed uncomfortable? Are you going to watch it? Why not? How is she? What kind of factory? Where wíll you be? lt was working yesterday.
. ? ? ? ? ?
Yes, it's lovely. Yes, what are they? Yes, bue Ididn't speak to her. Yes, man y times. Yes, bur not very well. Yes, he works very hard. Yes, of course T will.
Completa estas frases con una question tag afirmativa (is it? / do you? etc.) o negativa (isn't it? I don't you? etc.).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Completa estas frases con una questjon tag (isn't it? / haven't you? etc.). 1
·································· ..................................
Which ones? I work in a bank too . Were you ill? Why not? 1 feel fine . What
Responde usando Havc you? / Havcn't you? / Oíd shc? / Oidn't she? etc .
2 3 4 5 6 7
--~--H~ .. ? .................................. ..................................
You haven't gota car, .. h~v.~..!:l~ ? You arcn't rired, Ca rol is a very nice pcrson, You can play the piano, You don't know Mikc's sister, Sally went to university, The film wasn't very good, Ann livcs ncar you, You won't tell anybody what I said,
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
No, Ican 't drive. No, I feel fine. Yes, everybody líkcs her. Yes, but l'm not vcry good. No, I've never met her. Yes, shc srudicd cconornics. No, it was terrible. That's right. In the same street. No, of coursc not.
Traduce al inglés: 1 'Pareces cansado.' '¿De verdad?' 2 'Julíán tuvo un accidente.' '¿Oc verdad?' 3 'No me gusta conducir.' '¿ De verdad?' 4 'Roberto y Lucía se han comprado un coche'
5 6 7 8 9
Estuvisteis en Austria, ¿no? Laura no sale mucho, ¿no? Sabéis nadar bien, ¿verdad? Vas a la fiesta mañana, ¿no? Eduardo trabaja en un banco, ¿no?
too/either too
= también
not ... eithcr
so am 1 / neither do I etc. = tampoco
too y eithcr se colocan al final de la frase. Se usa too detrás de un verbo afirmativo:
Se usa either detrás de un verbo negativo (am not / isn't / can't etc.):
• A: I'm happy. B: I'm happy too. Yo soy feliz también. • A: 1 enjoyed the film. B: l enjoyed ir too. A mi también me gustó. • Mary is a doctor. Her husband is a doctor too. . .. también es médico.
• A: l'rn not happy. B: I'm not happy either. Yo tampoco soy feliz. • A: I can't cook. B: I can't either, Yo tampoco sé. • Bill doesn't watch TV. He doesn't read newspapers either. Tampoco lee periódicos .
So am I / Neither do I etc. (Y) yo también/(NiJ yo tampoco etc.
am/is/are . was/were . do/does . did ... have/has ... can . will . would ...
So ... y Ncither ... se colocan al principio de la frase. Detrás se usa el auxiliar (am/have/did etc.) correspondiente al verbo de la frase anterior. so am I = I am too, so have I = I havc roo (etc.) en español = (Y) yo también • A: l'm working. B: So am C. (Y) yo también. • A: I was late for work toda y. B: So was John. (Y) John también. • A: I work in a bank B: So do J. (Y) yo también. • A: We went ro the cinema last night. B: Did you? So did we. (Y) nosotros también. • A: l'd like to go to Australia. B: So would l. (Y) a mi también.
neithcr am 1 = l'm not either, neither can I = I can'r
either (etc.), en español= (ni) yo tampoco • A: l havcn't gota key. B: Neithcr have l. (Ni) yo tampoco. • A: Ann can't cook. B: Neithcr can Tom. Ni Tom tampoco. • A: 1 won't (= will not) be here tomorrow. B: Neithcr will l. (Ni) yo tampoco. • A: I never go to the cinema. B: Neither do L (Ni) yo tampoco. En lugar de Neither ... se puede usar también Nor ... : • A: l'm not married. B: Nor am l. o Neither arn l.
Observa el orden de las palabras detrás de So ... I Neither ... /: • 'I'm rired.' 'So aro l.' (no 'So I am.') • 'I haven't gota key.' 'Neither have l.' (no 'Neither I have.')
I am / 1 don't etc.=> 1i¡¡¡j,1.j,(li1
Completa las frases con too o con either.
1 2 3
l'm ha ppy. l'rn nor hungry. l'rn going out. Ir raincd on Saturday. Jenny can't drive a car. l don't like shopping, Janc's mothcr is a tcacher.
4 5 6 7
I'rn happy .J~ I'rn not hungry
I'rn going out lt raincd on Sunday She can't ride a bicycle l don't like shopping Her fathcr is a tcachcr
Responde a estas observaciones con So ...
5 6
. . . . . .
I (So am I I So do II So can I etc.) .
Iwent ro bcd late last night. I'rn thirsty. I've just had dinner. 1 need a holiday. I'II be late tomorrow. I was very tired rhis morning.
1 2 3
...So. d.i.d,..t ...
Ahora haz lo mismo pero usando Ncither.
7 8 9 10 11
1 2
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
I can't go to thc parry. 1 didn't phone Alcx last night. I haven't got any money. T'm not going out tomorrow. l don't know what to do.
I'rn learning English. I can ride a bicycle. I'm not American. I likc cooking. l dori't like cold weather. l slept well last night. I've never been to Scotland, I don't write letters very often. I'm going out tomorrow evening. T haven't gota headache. I didn't watch TV last night. I often go to che cinema.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'Rosa no sabe cocinar.' 'Ni yo tampoco.' 'He visto esa película.' 'Y nosotros también.' 'No tenemos mucho tiempo.' 'Yo tampoco.' 'Estoy cansado.' 'Yo también.' Brian no ve la televisión. Tampoco va al cine. Rob vive en Manchester. Sarah vive allí también. 'No trabajo mañana.' 'Susana tampoco.' 'Me gusta la música clásica.' 'A mí también.' Sandra trabaja en una escuela y escribe libros para niños también. 'Nunca vamos al teatro.' 'Nosotros tampoco.'
Negaciones: isn't
don't etc.
Se usa not (n't) en la negación: afirmación ~ am IS
are was were have has will can could rnusr should would
negación am not ('m not) is not (isn't o 's not) are not (arcn't o 're not) was not (wasn't) were not (weren't) havc not (haven't) has not (hasn't) will not (won't) cannot (can't) could not (couldn't) rnust not (mustn't) should not (shouldn't) would not (wouldn't)
l'm not tired.
It iso't (o lt's not) raining. They aren't (o Thcy're not) here. Julian wasn't hungry. The shops weren't open. I baven't finished my work. Sue hasn't gota car. We won't be here rornorrow. George can't drive. I couldn't sleep last nighr. I mustn't forget to phone Ann. You shouldn't work so hard. I wouldn't like to be an actor.
don't/doesn't/didn't l/we/you/rhey .
Negación del PRF.SEITT ~IMPLE: Negación del PAST SIMPLE:
do not (don't)
he/she/ir does not (doesn'r)
l/they/he/she (etc.) did not (didn't)
work/livc/go etc.
work/live/go etc.
afirmación ~ negación
I want ro go out. ~ 1 don't want ro go out. They work hard.
~ Thcy don't work hard. ~ Liz doesn't play rhe guitar. My father likcs his job. ~ My farhcr docsn'r like his job.
Liz plays rhe guitar.
I got up early this morning. They workcd hard yesrerday. We playcd tennis. Diane had a bath.
1 didn't get up early this morning. ~ Thcy didn't work hard yesterday.
~ We didn't play tennis. ~ Diane didn't havc a bath.
Don't ... se usa para la negación del imperativo: Look! Wait for me.
~ Don't look! ~ Don't wait for me.
Cuando el verbo principal es do (= hacer), la negación es don't do I doesn't do I didn't do: Do something! Sue does a lor ar weekends. I did what you said.
PRESENT SIMPLE. (negación)==>
~ ~ ~
Don't do anything! Sue doesn't do much ar weekends. 1 didn't do what you said.
PAST s1~1PLE (negación)==>
!• 10
Why isn't/don't ... ? ==> V! FU•
1 He's gone away 2 They're married 3 I've had dinner
Escribe estas frases en forma negativa.
H~.. !'.!~Y.l.'t.9~r.~..~~
. .. .
. .
4 He lives here 5 Go away! 6 1 did the shopping
. . .
Escribe estas frases en forma negativa.
1 2 3 4 5
. . .
Escribe estas frases en forma negativa usando don't/doesn't/didn't.
1 She saw me Q:1.~..~.'.t..~.~--~~.: . 2 l like cheese 3 They understood
4 Ir's cold toda y 5 We'II be late 6 Yo u should go
She can swim ~.e:.. ~'.t.~~~-'-· They'vc arrived I went to the bank He speaks German We were angry
. . . .
6 7 8 9 10
He'II be pleased Phone me tonight lt rained yesterday l could hear them 1 believe you
. . . . .
Completa estas frases con un verbo negativo (isn't/haven't/don't etc.).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
They aren't rich. They ·--~-~~-~\. ... got much money. 'Would you like something to eat?' 'No, thank you. l hungry.' 1 find my glasses. Have you seen them? George write letters very often. He prefers t0 use the phone. We can walk to the starion from here. lt very far. 'Where'sjill?' '1 know. l seen her roday.' Be careful! fall! We wcnt to thc cinema last night. I like the film very much. l've been to Spain many times but I been to Portugal. Julia be here tornorrow. She's going away. 'Who broke that window?' 'Nor me. J do it.' We didn't see what happened. We looking ar the time.
le haces a Gary varias preguntas a las que siempre responde con 'Yes' o 'No'. Escribe frases afirmativas o negativas
sobre Gary.
'º" man;ed?
Do you live in London? Wcre you born in London? Do you like London? Would you like to live in the country? Can you drive? Have you gota car? Do you read newspapers? Are you inrercsted in politics? Do you watch TV rnost evenings? Did you watch TV last nighc? Did you go out last night?
No. Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes. No. No. No. Yes. No. Yes.
GA;Y .. ~.•."1.oJ...,,."".!i<4,... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
He..~e.s .. i.n.Lond.on .
. . . . . . . . . .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bruce no está cansado. No trabajó ayer. No era muy tarde, pero no había autobuses. No tendremos tiempo para visitar a tu hermana. No me gusta la playa porque no sé nadar. ¡No te sientes ahí! Ese asiento no es el tuyo. (asiento = seat) No deberías acostarte tan tarde. No hice mis deberes esta semana. (deberes= hornework) No hables tan fuerte. No puedo oír la televisión. No me gustaría ser profesor. No me levanté pronto ayer porque no tenía que trabajar. Liz no hace la compra en el supermercado.
. .1t . . . ?. have y o u . . . ?. Is (la interrogación 1) afirmación
You are caring.
Are you earing?
do they ... ? etc.
Whar are you earing?
En la interrogación, el verbo auxiliar (is/are/have etc.) va delante del sujeto: afirmación su1eto + verbo
Thar sear Shc David You They Paula
interrogación verbo + sujeto
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
am lare. is free. was angry. has gonc. have gota car. will be herc soon. can swim,
Is Why was Where has Havc When will Can
1 larc? that seat free?
shc angry? David gone? you gor a car? they be herc? Paula swim?
Observa bien el orden de las palabras: el sujeto va detrás del primer verbo:
• Where has David gone? (no 'Where has gone David?') ¿Dónde ha ido David? • Are those pcople waiting for somerhing? (no' Are wairing thosc people ... ?') ¿Esperan algo aquellas personas?
• When was the telcphone invcnrcd? (no 'When was invented ... ?') ¿Cuándo se inventó el teléfono?
do ... ? / does ... ? / did ... ? Interrogación del PRrsr:-.....Interrogación del PA', 1
usan en la interrogación con el PRfSENT
do does
s1M1•1 r:
y con el PAS 1
1/we/you/they ) k/1' e/ etc hc/she/it wor rv go · you/she/thcy (etc.) work/livc/go etc.
They You Chris She
work hard. watch rclcvision. works hard. gcrs up carly.
~ ~ ~ ~
Do they How often do you Docs Chris What time docs she
work hard? watch televisión? work hard? get up?
They You She
workcd hard. had dinner. gor up early.
~ ~ ~
Oíd they What did you What time
work hard? havc for dinner? get up?
Cuando el verbo principal es do (= hacer) la interrogación
do you do I does shc do / did they do etc.:
• What do you usually do ar weekends? • 'What does your brorher do?' 'He works in a bank.' • 'I broke my finger last week.' 'How did you do that?' (no 'How
Why isn't ... ? / \Vhy don't ... ? etc. Presta atención al orden de las palabras en las preguntas negativas con Why ... ?:
• Why isn't John hcrc? (no 'Why John isn'r here?') ¿Por qué John no está aqu,? • Why can't Paula come ro the meeting romorrow? (no 'Why Paula can'r ... ?') ¿Por qué no puede venir Paula mañana a la reunión? • Why didn't you phonc me lasr nighr? (no 'Why you didn'r phonc me ... ?') ¿Por qué no me llamaste anoche?
what/which/how ... ? => 11
la interrogación 2 Y 3 =>
1 : j\ jfu#j]
1 I can swim. 2 1 work hard. 3 1 was late chis morning. 4 I've got a key. 5 J'II be here tomorrow. 6 l'm going out this evening. 7 I like my job. 8 1 live near here. 9 1 enjoyed my holiday. 1 O J hada shower this morning.
(and (and (and {and (and (and (and {and {and (and
you?) Jim?) you?) Ann?) you?) Paul?) you?) Linda?) you?) you?)
1 3 4
5 6
. . . ..
(have / a car?) ~~r~ . .!i~ 9~---~---~X. (use/ a lot?) it (use/ yesterday?) (enjoy driving?) (a good driver?) (ever / have / an accident?)
1 (has I gone I where I David?) --~-~~ .. n!'.§.
3 4
5 6 7 8
9 1O
.. . . .. .
Yes, I have. Yes, nearly every
t?~ri4.. 9C?r.i.~.L
(working /Rache!/ is/ today?) . ..l.~ .. R~.e.l ~.~rt.\r9!:9.~.L {che children / what /are/ doing?) What (made /is/ how / cheese?) (to the party / coming /is/ your sister?) (you / the truth /tell/ don't / why?) (your guests / have / yet / arrived?) (leave/whattime/yourtrain/does?) (your car/ in che accident / was / damaged?) (to work / Ann / why / go / didn't?)
.. . . . . . . .
Completa las preguntas. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
10 11 12
.. .!?.~~~--~~ ~º~--~~.4.? ..
. ................................................................................................................................. . . ................................................................................................................................. . .................... ............................................................................................................
Pon las palabras en el orden correcto. Todas las frases son preguntas.
- ~--~o.«. ~~0:'..L
Estás hablando con un amigo sobre conducir coches. Escribe las preguntas completas.
Escribe las preguntas sugeridas por las palabras entre paréntesis.
I want to go out. Ann and Paul aren't going to the party. l'rn reading. Sue went to bed early. My parenrs are going on holiday. 1 met Toma few days ago. Tina has gone away. 1 can't come to rhe party. 1 need sorne money. Angela doesn't like me. lt rains sornetirnes. l did che shopping.
Whcre ...M..~~.. W.@~ ..W. . .g9..?... Why a.r.en'.t.theij..goi.l'lg.?. . What What time When Where Whcre Why
. . . . . .
How much
Why How often When
. . .
Traduce al inglés: l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿A qué hora abren las tiendas? ¿Tienes un bolígrafo? ¿Dónde han ido los niños? ¿ Estará en casa tu hermana mañana? ¿Cuándo llamó David? ¿ Estás escuchando la radio? Hace un buen día. ¿Por qué no vamos a pasear? (a pasear= for a walk) ¿Qué hace tu hermano? ¿Es médico? 9 ¿Qué haces aquí? ¿Por qué no estás en tu oficina?
Who saw you? Who did you see? (la interrogación 2) Sylvia saw Paul. Who saw Paul? Sylvia. (Sylvia saw him.) Who did Sylvia see? Paul, (She saw Paul.) PAUL
saw Paul-----~
Somebody saw Paul. Algwen vio a Paul.
Sylvia saw somebody. Sylvia vio a alguien.
Who saw Paul?
Who did Sylvia see?
Sylvia. (Sylvia saw him.)
Paul, (She saw Paul.)
'who' es el sujeto 'Paul' es el objeto
'who' es el objeto 'Sylvia' es el sujeto
Si en estas preguntas Who (= ¿Quién?) o What (= ¿Qué?) son el sujeto, la frase se construye como si fuera afirmativa: • Who lives in chis house? (no 'Who does live ... ?') (= Alguien vive aquí, ¿quién?) • What bappeoed? (no 'What did happen?') (= Algo ocurrió, ¿qué?) • What's happcning? (What's = What is) • Who's got my key? (Who's = Who has) Si Who (= ¿A quién?) o What (= ¿Qué?) son objeto, la frase se construye como una interrogación: • • • •
Who did you meet yesterday? (= Conociste a alguien, ¿a quién?) What did Paul say? (= Paul dijo algo, ¿qué?) Who are you phoning? What was he wearing?
Compara los dos tipos de frase: • George likes oranges.
• Jill won sorne rnoncy.
la interrogación~
1 :,¡. :iJ%1X):j
Who likes oranges? - George. What
what/which/how ee h j,rj.gfl
Escribe preguntas con who o what. En estas frases who/what son sujeto .
Somebody broke the window. Sornething fell off the shclf. Somebody wants to see you. Somebody rook my umbrclla. Somcthing madc me ill. Somcbody is coming.
2 3 4
5 6
Escribe preguntas con who o what.
1 2
I bought somcthing. Somebody lives in this house. 1 phoned somebody. Sornerhing happcned last nighr. Somebody knows the answcr. Somebody did the washing-up. Jill did somcching. Sornething woke me up. Somebody saw the accident. 1 saw somcbody. Somebody has goc my pen. This word means sornerhing.
4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
... ~~ ..b.!':~~.~-~ ..\':l.~.~t. What . .................................................................................................. me>
.,~aj:;.#.4,!;t~ .. ~~.?. .. ..\vho. in. tni.6 .. hOCAst..? ..
Escribe preguntas con who o what para obtener la información que falta (XXXXX).
I losr XXXXX yesterday bur fortunately XXXXX found it and gave it back to me.
¡. .
:~·cüd.M.!i:? wse.? .. :fo
XXXXX phoned me Jase night. She wanted
1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1 necded sorne ad vice, so I asked XX:XXX. He said XXX:XX.
1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1 hear thar XXXXX got married lasr week. XXXXX rold me.
1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1 rnet XXXXX on my way home chis evcning. She rold me XXXXX.
1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sreve and I played rennis yesrerday. XX.XXX won. Afrer the garne we XXXXX
Ir was my birthday lasr week and 1 had sorne presenrs. XXXXX gave me a book and Catherine gave me XXXXX.
Traduce al inglés: 1 ¿Qué estáis leyendo?
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
¿ A quién viste en la fiesta? ¿Qué hiciste el domingo? ¿Quién sabe hablar italiano? ¿Qué dijo la profesora? ¿A quién visitaste ayer? ¿Quién te dio este libro? ¿Qué pasó el viernes? ¿Perdiste el autobús? (perder= miss) ¿Quién nos envió esca postal? (postal = postcard) ¿Quién quiere hablar conmigo?
Who is she talking to? What is it like? (la interrogación3) Julia is talking to somebody. Who is she talking to?
En /as preguntas que empiezan por Who ... ? / What ... ? / Where ... ? / Which ... ? /as preposiciones (to/for/about/with etc.) van al final. En español estas preposiciones van al principio: • • • • • •
'Where are you from?' 'l'm from Thailand.' '¿De dónde eres?' ... 'John was afraid.' 'What was he afraid of?' '¿De qué tenía miedo?' Who do these books bclong to? ¿A quién pertenecen ... ? 'Tom's father is in hospital.' 'Which hospital is he in?' ... '¿En qué hospital está?' 'Kare is going on holiday.' 'Who with?' / 'Who is shc going with?' ... '¿Con quién (va)?' 1 want to talk to you. 'What about?' / 'What do you want to talk to me about?' ... '¿De qué (quieres hablar conmigo)?'
What is it like? / What are they like? etc. (= ¿Cómo es ... ? / ¿Cómo son ... ?)
Cuando se dice 'What is it like?', like es una preposición(= '¿Te gusta la música?' etc.).
cómo). No es el verbo like ('Do you Like music?'
• A: There's a new restaurant in our street, B: What's it like? Is it good? ¿Cómo es? ... A: 1 don't know. 1 haven't caten therc yer. • A: What's your new teacher like? ¿Cómo es tu nueva profesora? B: She's very good. We learn a lot, • A: 1 met Linda's parents yesterday. B: Did you? What are they Iike? ... ¿Cómo son' A: They're very friendly. • A: Did you have a nice holiday? What was rhe weather like? B: Ir was lovely. The sun shone every day.
... ¿Qué tiempo hizo?
Compara: • 'What's Linda like?' 'She's very nice.' '¿Cómo es Linda?' ... • 'How is Linda?' 'She's very well.' '¿Cómo está Linda?' ...
la interrogación=)
Escribe preguntas con who o what para obtener la información que falta (XXXXX).
l ~tter is from XXXXX.
) (__ ... Wh~º-~---~_e.Ldtu~-·fr_~_?_ ....~~~-~~__,
2 [ l'm looking for a XXXXX.
) [
3 [ 1 wcnt to che cinema with
xxxxx.] [.._
4 [ Thc film was about XXXXX.
...., .... _......... _........ _.........
_......... _.........
5 [,..-¡ g_a_v_e_r_h_e _m_o_n_e_y_r_o_X_XX __ X_X_. ------.] [
6 [ The hook was writtcn by XXXXX. ) [.._
Completa una pregunta apropiada para cada dibujo. Usa uno de estos verbos + una preposición:
~º. . 0. ~n..~. ~-~9 l::oL
1 .. 2 What 3 \'Vho
Tom's father is in hospital. We staycd ata hotel. Jack plays for a football ream. T wenr to school in this rown,
4 What 5 What 6 Which bus
. . ..
...Whi.dl _11ospito.L_~ .11e_i.n?. .................................................. you
Necesitas información sobre un país y le preguntas a alguien que ya ha estado allí. Escribe preguntas con What is/are ... likc? 1 (che roads) .. ~~-~~..~~.r.~~ .. ~-~.?... 2 (thc food)
.. .
Escribe preguntas que empiecen por Which ... ?
1 2 3
3 (rhe people) 4 (rhe wearhcr)
.. .
Escribe preguntas con What was/wcre ... like? 1 Your friend has jusr come back from holiday. Ask abour che wearher . ...~,aj¡__ '!:-/.~ ...~~ .. ~~.'!!....!*-~.?..
2 Your friend has jusr come back from rhc cinema. Ask abour che film. 3 Your friend has just finished an English course. Ask abour rhe lessons. 4 Your fricnd has jusr come back from holiday. Ask abour rhe hotel.
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿De qué estáis hablando? ¿ Con quién fuiste a Barcelona? ¿ De dónde es este vino? ¿A quién estamos esperando? '¿Cómo es Jenny?' 'Es muy simpática.' '¿Cómo está tu marido?' 'Muy bien, gracias.' ¿ Para quién son estas cartas? ¿Qué tiempo hace esta mañana?
Which ... ?
What ... ?
How ... ?
What ... ? What + sustantivo (What type ... ? I What colour ... ? etc.) =¿Qué ... ? / ¿De qué ... ?: • What time is it? ¿Qué hora es? • What day is it today? ¿Qué día es hoy? • What type of job do you want? (o What kind of job ... ? I What sort of job ... ?) ¿Qué tipo de trabajo quieres?
• What colour is your car? ¿De qué color es ... ? • What colour are your eyes? ¿De qué color son • What size is this shirt? ¿De qué talla es ... ? • What make is your TV set? ¿De qué marca es
? ?
What sin sustantivo = ¿Qué ... ? o ¿ Cuál ... ?: • What's your favourire colour? ¿Cuál es ... ? • What do you want to do? ¿Qué quieres hacer? Which ... ? Which + sustantivo (= ¿Qué ... ? / ¿Cuál ... ?) al hablar de cosas o de personas: • Which train did you catch- the 9.50 or the 10.30? ¿Qué tren tomaste ... ? • Which doctor did you see - Doctor Ellis, Doctor Gray or Doctor Hill? ¿A qué médico viste - ... ? Which sin sustantivo se usa al hablar de cosas, no de personas: • Which is bigger - Canada or Australia? ¿Cuál es más grande ... ? Se usa who sin sustantivo al hablar de personas (no 'which'):
• Who is taller- Bill or Gerry? (no 'Which is taller?')
¿Quién es más alto, Bi/1 o Gerry?
What o which? Se usa which cuando pensamos en un número limitado de posibilidades:
• We cango this way or that way. Which way shall we go? ... ¿Por dónde vamos? (hay sólo dos posibilidades)
• There are four umbrellas here. Which is yours? ... ¿Cuál es el tuyo? (hay sólo cuatro posibilidades)
[1}{!} , [y)o, [!]
What tiene un valor más general y se usa en los otros casos: • What is the capital of Argentina? ¿Cuál es la capital de Argentina? • What sort of music do you like? ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta?
• What colour are his eyes? (no 'Which colour ... ?') Which colour do you prefer, pink or yellow? • What is the longest river in the world? Which is the longest river - the Mississippi, the Amazon or the Nile? How ? How ? suele corresponder a ¿Cómo ... ?: • How was the party last night? ¿Cómo estuvo la fiesta ... ? • How do you usually go to work? ¿Cómo vas normalmente Se pueden hacer preguntas con how + adjetivo/adverbio (How tall preguntas se hacen en español con ¿Qué ... ? o ¿Cuánto(s) ... ?:
• • • • • •
? ? I How often ... ?). Normalmente estas
How tallare you? ¿Qué estatura tienes?/ ¿Cuánto mides? How big is the house? ¿Qué tamaño tiene la casa? How old is your mother? ¿Qué edad/Cuántos años tiene tu madre? How far is it to the airport? ¿A qué distancia está el aeropuerto? How often do you use your car? ¿Con qué frecuencia usas tu coche? How long have you been married? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas casado?
Se dice también How high ... ? I How deep ... ? I How heavy ... ? ! How much ... ? ! How fast ... ? etc. la interrogación~
How ... ? y\Vhat ... like? ~
which one(s) ~ ..¡,jj,(i,lfj
Escribe preguntas con What.
1 2 3
4 5 6
I've gor a new TV set. Iwant a job. l've gota new sweater. l gor up early chis morning. I like music. I want to buy a car.
(make?) (kind?) (colour?) (time?) (type?) (kind?)
..Miu .m
~~v .
What ..............................................................................
Completa las preguntas usando \Vhich ... ?
Completa las preguntas con what/which/who.
1 ..~.#. is that man's name? 2 ..~.Í0. way shall we go? Left or right? 3 You can have tea or coffee do you prefer? 4 ' day is it today?' 'Friday.' 5 This is a nice housc room is yours? 6 is your favourite sport?
is more expensive, meat or fish? is older, Ann or George? kind of camera have you got? JO A: Mary has got three cameras. B: camera does she use rnost? 11 nationaliry are you?
8 9
Completa las preguntas usando How + un adjetivo o adverbio (high/long etc.). ..!:!~~..~.~~.. is Mount Evercst? is it to the station? is Helen? do the buses run? is rhe water in the pool? havc you lived here?
1 2
3 4 5
. get up?
Nearly 9000 metres. Ir's abour two kilometres from here. She's 26. Every ten minutes. Two merres. Nearly three years.
Escribe preguntas usando How ... ? 1 2 3 4 5
Are you 1 merre 70? 1.75? 1.80? .. !:!9.~..~ ..?.!..~.!:l~.L Is this box one kilogram? Two? Three? Are you 20 years old? 22? 25? Did you spend flO? f15? f20? Do you watch TV every day? Once a week? Never?
.. . .
······························································ ·········································································································•·································································· 6 Is it 1000 miles from Paris to Moscow? 1500? 2000? ··· ···························································································································································································································
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4
¿De qué marca es tu reloj? ¿Qué ciudad prefieres, Londres o París? ¿De qué color es tu coche? ¿Qué país es más grande, México o Perú?
5 6 7 8
¿Qué tipo de literatura prefieres? ¿Con qué frecuencia vas al dentista? ¿Cuál es tu restaurante favorito? ¿A qué distancia está el mar?
How long does it take ... ? How long docs it take ... ? _,,,..:
Tt takes
• • • •
rwo hours ten minutes a long time
by plano by tra in by car
lt takes rwo hours. Se tarda/Cuesta dos horas.
How long
~·~... ,.:}
How long
¿Cuánto se tarda dos horas ... diez minutos ... mucho tiempo ...
from ... to ... Se tarda
How long
How long
How long
does did will
ir cake
to (do something)?
¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en (hacer algo) ...
doesn't didn't won't
a week a long rime rhree hours
takes took will take
Se tarda
una semana mucho tiempo tres horas
to (do something)
en (hacer algo)
• How long does it take to cross rhe Atlantic Ocean by ship? ¿Cuánto se tarda en cruzar el Atlántico ... ? • How long will it take to get to Granada? ¿Cuánto se tardará en llegar ... ? • It takes a long time to learn a language. Se tarda mucho tiempo en aprender un idioma. • lt took about an hour to get to the airport.
• lt doesn't rake long to cook an omelette. • lt won't take long to repair the computer.
Se tardó casi una hora en llegar al aeropuerto. No se tarda mucho en ... No se tardará mucho en reparar ...
How long
Ir rakes me a long time It rook Ann two hours
ro (do somerhing)
Ir won'r rake us long
¿Cuánto tiempo tardaste en (hacer algo)? Tardo mucho tiempo en (hacer algo) Ann tarda mucho tiempo en (hacer algo) No tardaremos mucho tiempo en (hacer algo)
Por ejemplo: I srarrcd reading che book on Monday. I finished ir on Wednesday evening. Ir took me rhree days toread it. Tardé tres días en leerlo. Otros ejemplos: • • • • •
Ir takcs me rwenry minutes to get to work in rhe morning. Tardo 20 minutos en llegar ... It took Toman hour to do his shopping. Tom tardó una hora en hacer las compras. Did it take you a long rime to find a job? ¿Tardaste mucho en encontrar trabajo? How long will it take me ro learn to drive? ¿Cuánto tardaré en aprender a conducir? It will cake usan hour to cook rhc dinner. Tardaremos una hora ...
Observa los dibujos y escribe preguntas usando How long ... ?
' "'""t.-.....
1 2
l;, , __
,.. ,
~.~~ !P..~9 4P..~~---~.. ~-~ b!;i ..~.! .. J~~~ tf? ~!!!~~~.?....
¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en hacer estas cosas? Escribe frases completas. 1 fly from your city/country to London .. .l.t..~~~ . .. ~.J:C?..~.~~: ... 2 fly from your city/country to New York 3 srudy to be a doctor in your counrry 4 walk from your home ro rhe nearest shop 5 gct from your home to the nearesr airporr
Escribe preguntas con How long did it take ... ? 1 2 3 4 5
(She found a place to live.) (1 walkcd to the starion.) (He cleaned the windows.) (I learnt to ski.) (They rcpaired the car.)
...l:1!?~..~~9..4!4:.~.~.~ ..~.~.. ~ ..f.~.~ ..P.!·!;~~d:~..w.r.!:.L. you
.. . .. ..
Examina las situaciones y escribe frases con lt took .... l read a book last week. l startcd reading ir on Monda y. 1 finished ir three days la ter.
. .!.~.. ~~.. ~.e..~t~ . ~~ ..~ . .r~.~-~--~-~ . .... 2 We walked home last night. We left at 10 o'clock and we arrived home at 10.20. 3 I learnt to drive lasr year. 1 had my first driving lesson in January.
1 passed my driving tese six months lacer.
4 Mark drove to London yesterday. He left home at 8 o'clock and gor to London at 10. 5 Linda began looking for a job a long time ago. She gor a job lasr week.
6 Escribe una frase verdadera sobre ti.
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿Cuánto se tarda en coche de Madrid a Valencia? Se tarda eres horas en eren de Valencia a Madrid. ¿Cuánto tiempo tardas en llegar al trabajo? ¿Cuánto tardarán en venir desde el aeropuerto? (venir= get herc) Ann cardó cinco minutos en vestirse. (vestirse = get dressed) No se tarda mucho en aprender a esquiar. No tardaré mucho en leer el periódico. ¿Tardarás mucho en llegar a casa? (llegar a casa = ger home) 97
Do you know where ... ? I don't know what ... Se dice: pero:
Wherc ·
¿Dónde está Paula?
Do you know where Paula .is ? (no 'Do you know where is Paula?') ¿Sabes dónde está Paula?
Observa el orden de las palabras: I know I don'r know Can you tell me
sujeto verbo
whcre Paula
No sé
dónde está Paula.
¿Me puedes decir
Compara estos otros ejemplos con sus correspondencias en el cuadro: pero
Who are those pcople? How old is Linda? What time is it? Where can T go? How much is chis carnera? When are you going away? Where havc they gone? What was Ann wearing?
who those people are how old Linda is whar time it is whcre I can go how much this camera is when you're going away where they have gone what Ann was wearing
Do you know Can you tell me
I know I don't know I don't remember
Preguntas con do/does/did (PRESENT SIMPLE y PAST SIMPLE): Where
does he live? (no 'Do you know whcre does he live?')
Do you know where
Compara estos otros ejemplos con sus correspondecias en el cuadro: How do acroplanes fly?
What does Jane want? Why did shc go home? Whcre did I put rhe key?
Do you know
how acroplanes fly
I don't know I don't remembcr T know
what Jane wants why shc went home whcrc J put the key
Preguntas que empiezan por Is ... ? I Do ... ? I Can ... ? (que se pueden responder con 'yes' o con 'no'): Compara estos otros ejemplos con sus correspondencias en el cuadro: Is Jack at home? Have they gor a car? Can Brian swim? Do they live near here? Did anybody see you?
Do you know
o l don't know
Jack is at home ? they've got a car Brian can swim they live near here anybody saw you
En estas frases se puede usar tanto if como whether: • Do you know if they've gota car? o Do you know whether they'vc gota car?
Responde a las preguntas con l don't know whcre/when/why ... etc.
(when) (why) (how long)
.. .. ..
Do you know .. !'.l.~ ..~ I don 't know
Do yo u rernern ber Iclon't know Do you know 1 don't remernber
. ? .. ? .
Do you know whar rime is-tf./ it is? Do you know what time es la forma correcta Why are you I you are going away? 1 don't know where are rhey I they are going. Can you tell me where is the museum I the museym is? Where do you want / you want to go for your holidays? Do you know what do elephants eat I elephants eat?
(Have rhcy gota car?) (Are thcy married?) (Docs Sue know Bill?) (Will George be here tomorrow?) (Did he pass his exam?)
.. Do.!iru.kl'\'ve..~.e1..C4r.?. Do you know
.. .. .. .
Escribe preguntas que empiecen por Do you know ... ? 1 (What does Ann want?)
... ~ . .!l~ .. ~.!°)~
2 3 4 5 6 7
(Where is Paula?) (Is she working today?) (What time does she start work?) (Are che shops open tomorrow?) (Where do Sarah and Tim live?) (Did thcy go to Ann's party?)
~h~.An!')..~~~.?.. ..
Completa las frases con tus propias ideas.
1 2 3 4 5
Escribe preguntas con Do you know if ... ?
1 2 3 4 5
(how old)
¿Cuál es la forma correcta?
1 2 3 4 5 6
.. ~h~~ ~~·-~~--g~!')~, .
Completa las frases.
1 (How do aeroplanes Ay?) 2 (Where does Susan work?) 3 (What
(wherc) 1 ..~n'.t. ~~ (where) 1 don'r know
Havc your friends gone home? Is Kate in her officc? Is thc casrlc very olcl? Will Paul be here soon? Was he angry bccause I was late? Has Sally lived here a long time?
2 3 4 5 6
Do you know why -~-~..~-~ ~.~ Do you know what time Excuse me, can you tell me where 1 don't know what Do you know if
? ? .. ?
Traduce al inglés: I No sé dónde vive Joy.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
¿Sabe Vd. a qué hora llega el avión? No recuerdo lo que hice ayer. ¿Recuerdas dónde aparqué el coche? ¿Puede Vd. decirme a qué hora es el concierto? No sé si Patricia está en Francia ahora. No sé cuándo Jane se fue a casa. ¿Sabes a qué hora llegué a casa ayer? (llegar a casa = gct home) ¿Sabes si Carolina ha leído mi carta? No sé por qué tienes miedo de Sandra. ¿Sabes cuántos años tiene Sue?
She said that ...
He told me that ... Hoy le estás contando a Paul lo que tus amigos dijeron:
La semana pasada en una fiesta con amigos te dijeron varias cosas: DIANE
l'm enjoying my new job)
My father isn't very well)
.. "..:
We're gomg to buy a house.
am } is
Diane said rhar shc was enjoying her new job. Diane dijo que le gustaba su nuevo trabajo. She said that her father wasn't very wcll. Dijo que su padre no estaba muy bien.
Sarah and Tim said rhar thcy wcre going to are
~ were
buy a house. ... dijeron que se iban a comprar una casa.
Peter said that he had to go early. Peter dijo que tenía que irse pronto. He said that bis sister had gone to Australia. Dijo que su hermana se había ido a Australia.
~I have to go early.) My sisrer has gone to Australia.
-S l can't find a job.) STEVE
-=:::(rll phone you.)
Ann said thar she couldn't find a job. Ann dijo que no podía encontrar trabajo.
Stevc saicl thar he would phone me. Steve dijo que me llamaría por teléfono.
Angela said thar she didn't like her job. Angela dijo que no le gustaba su trabajo. Shc said that her son didn't like school. Dijo que a su hijo no le gustaba el instituto.
~ did
J. Y
ou look rired.)
look ~ looked feel felt etc. etc. (presente) (pasado)
Mike said rhar I looked tired. Mike dijo que yo parecía cansado. I said that I felt fine. Yo dije que me encontraba bien.
say y tell corresponden a 'decir' en español. Observa los ejemplos para distinguir cuándo se usa un verbo o el otro: say (pasado: saidJ tell (pasado: rold) • He said rhat he was rired. (no 'lle said me ... ') • Whar did she say to you? (no' ... did shc say you ?')
• He told me that he was cired. (no 'He cold that .. .'] • What did she tell you? (no' ... did shc tell to you?')
No se puede decir: 'he said me'/ 'T said Ann' etc.
No se puede decir: 'he told thar .. .' o 'he rold ro me .. .'
Detrás de say y tell se puede omitir 'that': • He said that he was tired. o He said he was tired. • Angela tolcl me that she didn't like her job. o Angela told me she didn'r like her job.
l told him to ... ~
Lee lo que dicen estas personas y escribe frases con He/She/They said (that) ....
< f)<'.;::ve,y~u:;)
l've lost my watch.)
He sru.d., he L.ost hi.6
3 ~ 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
}f ' ' '=2"~··~·~~~·~~··~~·~~~·:·j"' ' ' '"' ' ' ' ' '"' ' .rJ... -< J l'm learning Russian.
<·~·;~~·;·~~~·~~~~~·~~~·~ .
8 .......
0·· · =2··~·:~· ~~;~~·~·~· ~~;·~· ~~·~~~·t~·~·:·J
~·<·~~··~~~·~~·:~·~~~·~· ~·~;·.·)
1 'm e.r¡j0!:ji.n9 mH newjob.
1 rner Diane last week. She said ....~.~.~..~.~-..~~l:1~9.~.~ . .1·1~:~d9.~.,. Berry didn'r want anyrhing to cat. Shc said 1 wanrcd ro borrow Mike's ladder bue he said Sally was invitcd to rhe party bur shc said Sharon rold me shc didn'r want thc picturc. Shc said Martin has just gone away on holiday. He said 1 was looking for Robert. Linda said 'Why did Srcvc sray ar home?' 'He said 'Has Mary gone out?' 'J think so. She said
. .. . . . .. .' ..
Completa /as frases con say/said o tcll/told. 1 2 3 4 5 6
I can't go to the party.)
I don't feel very well.]
Completa /as frases con la información de /os dibujos.
< -<'.~~·¡¡~;~~=;;~;;J .
6 ..
He ... ~aj.4... he was rircd. What did she ...~ .. you? Ann she didn't like Peter. Jack me that you were ill. Picase don't Jim whar happcned. Did Lucy she would be late?
7 The woman she was a reponer. 8 The woman us she was a reporter. 9 They askcd me a lot of questions but T didn't them anything. 10 They asked me a lot of questions but I didn't anything.
Traduce al inglés: 1 Dijeron que habían esperado dos horas. 2 Le dije a Marta que Paco estaba cansado. 3 Andrés me dijo que no podía quedarse. (quedarse = stay) 4 Ana dijo que llamaría a Javier.
5 6 7 8
Os dije que no me gustaba la música clásica. Tony dijo que no trabajaba el martes. Dije que yo compraría las bebidas. Luis nos dijo que quería dormir.
En inglés el infinitivo se usa a veces sin to (play/finish etc.) y otras veces con to (to play/ to finish etc.). Las dos formas corresponden normalmente al infinitivo del español. Observa:
• I can't play rennis. (play= jugar) Would you like to play tennis? (to play= jugar) • 1 muse finish. (finish = terminar) l wanr to finish. (to finish = terminar)
Se usa el infimtivo sin to (play I finish etc.) detrás de los verbos siguientes: will shall might may can could must should would
Ann will be here soon. } => Unidades 29/30 Shall I open thc window? I might phone you Jacer. } => Unidad 31 May l sit here? l can't rneer you tomorrow. } => Unidad 32 Could you pass the salt, please? => Unidad 33 lt's late. I must go now. => Unidad 34 You shouldn't work so hard. => Unidad 36 Would you like sorne coffee?
Tambiéncon do/does/did, en la negación e interrogación, se usa infinitivo sin to: do/does (PRF.5ENT SIMPLE)
Do you work? They don't work very hard. Tim doesn't know many peoplc. How much does it cost?
=> Unidades 7/8
What time did they leave? We didn't sleep well.
=> Unidad 13
Se usa to+ infinitivo (to work I to go I to be etc.) con /as siguientesformas verbales: (l'm) going to ...
I'm going to play tcnnis tornorrow. What are you going to do?
=> Unidad 28
(1) havc to ...
I have to go now. Everybody has to cat.
=> Unidad 35
(1) want to ...
Do you want to go out? They don't want to come with us.
=> Unidad 52
(1) would like to ...
I'd like to talk to you. Would you like to go out?
=> Unidad 36
(1) used to ...
Dave uscd to work in a factory.
=> Unidad 26
Se usa -ing (going I working I playing etc.) con am/is/are/was/were: am/is/are + -ing (PRESENT CONTI
was/were + -ing (PAST CONTINUOUS)
Picase be quier. I'm working. Tom isn't working today. What time are you going out?
=> Unidades 4-5, 9, 27
lt was rainiog, so wc didn't go out. What were you doing when che phone rang?
=> Unidades 14-15
verbos que rigeninfinitivoo -ing ~ .i¡ ¡¡.¡ j,ffj
go + -ing ~
Completa cada frase con ... phone Paulo con ... to phone Paul.
1 l'll
2 l'm going ·--~--~~-~!;-..P.~~-. 3 Can you 4 Shall 1 5 I'd like
Paul? ?
6 Do you have 7 You should 8 1 want 9 1 might 10 You must
? . . . .
Completa /as frases con un verbo del cuadro. Tendrás que usar unas veces infinitivo sin to (work/go etc.) y otras -ing (working/going etc.). do/doing eat/eating fly/flying
get/getting go/going listen/1 is ten i ng
sleep/sleeping stay/staying wait/waiting
wa tch/watching wear/wearing worlc/worki ng
1 Please be quiet. l'm ...~.Q!!~.9.... 2 I feel tired roday. 1 didn't ~~--- very well last night. 3 What time do you usually up in the morning? 4 'Where are you ?' 'To che bank.' 5 Oíd you telcvision last níght? 6 Look ar that plane! It's very low. 7 You can turn off che radio. l'm not ro it. 8 They didn't anything beca use chey weren't hungry. 9 My friends were forme when I arrived. 10 'Does Sharon always glasses?' 'No, only for reading.' 11 'What are you this evening?' 'l'm at home.'
Completa las frases con /a forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis: infinitivo sin to (work/go etc.) o infinitivo con to (to work / to go etc.)
-ing (working/going etc.)
1 Shall l ...QP.~ ... the window? (open) 2 It's late.I have ... ~ ..9Q ... now. (go) 3 Ann isn't ...~.Q!!~.9... this week. She's on holiday.
(work) 4 I'm tircd. T don't want out. (go) 5 It might , so cake an umbrella wirh you. (rain) 6 What time do you have rornorrow morning? (lea ve) 7 I'rn afraid I can't you. (help) 8 My brother is a student. He's physics. (study) 9 Would you like on a trip round the world? (go) 10 When you saw Janet, what was she ? (wear) 11 When you go to London, where are you going ? (stay) 12 I'rn hungry. I must something to eat. (have) ·13 'Where's George?' 'He's a bath.' (have) 14 I used a car bur I sold it last year. (have) 15 He spoke very quíetly. I couldn't him. (hear) 16 You don'r look well. 1 don't think you should ro work today. (go) 17 1 don't know what he said. 1 wasn't to him. (listen) 18 I'm sorry T'm lace. I had a phone call. (make) 19 1 want what happened. (know) You muse me. (tell) 20 May 1 your phone? (use)
Traduce al inglés:
1 ¿Puedo tomar café? (tomar= havc) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
¿A qué hora cierran las tiendas? Deberíamos escribir a Elena. Voy a comprarme unos zapatos. Los niños no quieren ir a la cama ahora. John 110 debería comer canto. (canco = so much) Sue quisiera salir con nosotros hoy, pero debe trabajar. '¿Lloverá mañana?' 'Podría llover.' Rob 110 puede venir al cine porque tiene que ver al médico. 10 '¿Qué haces aquí?' 'Estoy esperando a Marga.' 11 No sé nadar bien.
to ... (1 want to do) e -ing (1 enjoy doing) Los verbos siguientes llevan detrás to+ infinitivo (1 want to do): plan expcct promise
want hope nccd
offer rcfuse
try forget lcarn
+ to ... (to do/ to work / to be etc.)
What do you want to do this cvcning? ¿Qué quieres hacer esta noche? Tina has dccidcd to sel! her car. Tina ha decidido vender su coche. Yo u forgor to switch off rhe light when you went out. Olvidaste apagar la luz ... My brother is learning to drivc. Mi hermano está aprendiendo a conducir. • 1 tricd to rcad rny book but l was roo ti red. Intenté leer ...
• • • •
Los verbos siguientes llevan detrás -ing (l enjoy doing): enjoy mind
stop finish
+ -ing (doing / working / being etc.)
-~ eaj~ MYIW19~~;-"""' ., -
En español se usa el infinitivo: • • • •
I enjoy dancing. Me gusta bailar. 1 don't mind getting up early. No me importa madrugar. Has it stopped raining? ¿Ha dejado de llover? Sonia suggested going to the cinema. Sonia sugirió ir al cine.
Los siguientes verbos pueden llevar detrás to + infinitivo o -ing: like prefer En español • • • • •
love hate
+ -ing (doing etc.) o to ... (to do etc.)
se usa el infinitivo:
Do you like getting up early? o Do you likc to gct up early? ¿Te gusta madrugar? 1 prefer travelling by car. o I prefer to travel by car. Prefiero viajar en coche. Ann loves dancing. o Ann loves to dance. A Ann le encanta bailar. I hate being late. o I hate to be late. No me gusta nada llegar tarde. It started raining. o It started to rain. Empezó a llover.
Los verbos
siguientes, precedidos por would, llevan detrás to + infinitivo:
would like would prefer
would love would hate
+ to ... (to do/ to work / to be etc.)
En español se usa el infinitivo: • Julia would like to meet you. (no 'would like meeting') A Julia le gustaría conocerte. • I'd love to go to Australia. (I'd = J would) Me encantaría ir a Australia. • 'Would you like to sit down?' 'No, I'd prefer to stand, thank you.' '¿Te gustaría sentarte?' 'No, preferiría quedarme de pie, gracias.' • I wouldn't like to be a teacher, No me gustaría ser profesor.
would like ~
1 want you to ... ~ .,
¡ ¡¡ H•
go + -ing ~ •
!' H1
preposición+ -ing ~
Escribe /os verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta: to ... o -ing.
9 Wherc's Bill? He promised
I J enjoy .. ~C:!,1:19. .. (dance). 2 What do you want ..~ ..~ .. (do) tonight? 3 Goodbye! I hope (see) you
again soon.
4 1 learnt .five years old. 5 Have you finished
1 1
(swim) when l was
(clean) the kitchen? 6 l'm tired. 1 want (go) to bed. 7 Do you enjoy (visir) other countries? 8 The weather was nice, so I suggested ............................................ (go) for a walk by the river.
13 14
. (be) hcre on time. l'm nor in a hurry. l don't mind .. (wait). What have you decided . (do)? George was very angry and refused . (speak) to me. Where's Ann? l need (ask) her something. 1 was very upser and started .. (cry). I'm trying (work). Please stop ............................................. (talk) .
Completa /as frases con /os verbos de la lista en la forma correcta: to ... o -ing.
1 l like London but I wouldn't like ....~ ..~~ ..... there. 2 l like .. ~.4':19..(9 ..~ ..t4:-~).. photographs when I'rn on holiday. 3 Linda has a lot of books. She enjoys .. 4 T'm surprised that you're here. 1 didn't expect you. 5 Don't forget usa postcard when you're on holiday. 6 'Shall we ger a taxi to the cinema?' 'If you like, but it isn't far. J don'r mind 7 This ring is very beautiful. l'd hace it. 8 Julia had a lot to do, so I offered her. 9 Whar shall we do this afternoon? Would you like to rhc beach? 1 O Whcn T'm ti red in che cvcnings, I like relcvision. 11 'Shall we go now?' 'No, I'd prefcr a fcw minutes.' 12 l'm not going out unril ir stops .
Completa /as respuestas a /as preguntas.
2 3 4 5 6
Yes, I like .9.~gJQ .. ~ ..9~2..~P.. ~ Yes, l love No, 1 don't like No, but I'd lovc Yes, J enjoy I don't mind but l'd prefcr
Do you usually get up early? Do you ever go to museums? Do you often wrire lctters? Have you ever been to New York? Do you often travel by train? Shall we eat at home or go ro a restaurant?
Completa estas frases acerca de ti. Usa to 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 enjoy 1 don't like If it's a nice day tornorrow, I'd like When l'm on holiday, I like J don't mind 1 wouldn't like
. . . one day. . a restaurant home.
o -ing.
. but .
. .. .. .. . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Me gusta leer el periódico, pero olvidé comprarlo esta mañana. Mi vecino prometió dejar de hacer ruido. No me importó ir contigo al dentista. Me encantaría ir contigo al cinc. Empezó a llover y Bruce intentó encontrar un taxi. '¿Te gustaría jugar al fútbol?' 'Preferiría jugar al tenis.' No fuimos a pasear por el parque porque empezó a llover. Sandra sugirió ir a la playa, pero su marido quería quedarse en casa. 105
I want you to ...
I told you to ...
I want you to ... The woman wants to go. La mujer quiere irse. The man docsn't want rhe woman to go. El hombre no quiere que la mujer se vaya. He wants her to stay. Quiere que ella se quede.
En inglés se dice:
'I want somebody to do sornething' (se usa to + infinitivo). En español se dice: 'Quiero que alguien haga algo' (se usa 'quiero que' + subjuntivo). Compara el inglés y el español en los siguientes ejemplos:
• I want you to be happy. (no '1 want rhat you are happy.') Quiero que seas feliz. • They didn'r want anybody to know rheir sccrct. No querían que nadie supiera su secreto. • Do you want me ro lend yo u sorne money? ¿Quieres que te preste dinero? Del mismo modo se usa would like: • Would you like me to lend you sorne money?
Sue 1 What do you I didn't We I
asked told ad vise
expect persuaded
a friend you me them George my brother
to to to to to to
¿Te gustaría que te prestara dinero?
her sorne money. careful.
do? be here. come with us. swim.
... pidió a un amigo que le prestara ... Te dije que tuvieras cuidado. ¿Qué me aconsejas que haga? No esperaba que estuvieran aquí. Convencimos a George de que viniera ... Enseñé a mi hermano a nadar.
I rold you to ... I I told you not to ... La forma indirecta del imperativo se hace con tell + objeto + (not) to + infinitivo:
Ann told me to wait for her. -t Ann me dijo que la esperara.
Paul rold Suc not to wait for him. -t Paul le dijo a Sue que no lo esperara .
make y let Detrás de makc y let se usa infinitivo sin to: • He's very funny. He makes me laugh. (no' ... makes me to laugh.') Me hace reír. • At school our teacher made us work very hard. . .. nos hizo trabajar mucho. • Sue let me use her computer because mine wasn't working. (no' ... let me to use .. .')
... me dejó usar ...
Para proponer hacer algo juntos se usa Ler's ... (= Let us) + infinitivo sin to: • Come on! Ler's dance! ;Venga! ;Bailemos! • 'Shall we go out tonight?' 'No, I'm ti red. Ler's stay ar home.'
He told me that ... ~ 11
¡¡¡ •M
I want to ... ~ 11j:jj,ji,ffj
'... Quedémonos en casa.'
Escribe frases que empiecen por I want yo u I I don't want you ... I Do you want me ... ? 1 (you must come with me) 2 (listen carefully) 3 (please don't be angry) 4 (shall I wait for you?) 5 (don't phone me tonighr) 6 (you must meet Sarah)
... 1.. wo.nt.HOO. I want
ro. a>me. .wi»i. me.
. . .
I don't Do you ............................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases. l'm not weU..
1 Dan persuaded ...~.~--~.9.q..b.?.. #).~--~-~~:... 2 1 wanted to get to the station. A woman told 3 Brian wasri't well. 1 advised 4 Linda had a lot of luggage. She asked 5 1 was busy. 1 told 6 1 wanted to make a phone cal!. Paul let 7 Sue is going to phone larer. 1 rold 8 Ann's morher raught
. . . . . . .
Completa estas frases con los verbos de la lista. A veces to es necesario (to go / to wait etc.), a veces to no es necesario (go/wait etc.).
1 Pleasc stay here. I don't want you ....b.?.. 9~ .
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[ didn't hear what she said, so I asked her 'Shall we begin?' 'No, ler's Are they already here? 1 expecred rhern Kevin's parents didn't want him 1 want to stay here. You can't make me 'Is thar your bicycle?' 'No, it's John's. He let me Mary can't come to the party. She rold me Would you like a drink? Would you likc me 'Ann doesn't like me.' 'What makes you
it. a few minutes.' much later. married. with you. it.' you. sorne coffee? that?'
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mis padres quieren que estudie en Francia. Sue quiere que estemos aquí a las 8. Mi jefe me dejó ir a casa a las 4. (jefe = boss) Alicia me pidió que la ayudara. Nos gustaría que fueras feliz. Liz me convenció de que comprara este libro. El médico me dijo que no comiera demasiado. (demasiado = too much) Te he dicho que no juegues con el teléfono. ¡Vamos a un restaurante! No quiero cocinar. Mi hermano me pidió que le enseñara a jugar al ajedrez. (ajedrez= chess)
I went to the shop to ... Paula wanred a newspaper, so shc wcnt to thc shop. Why did she go to rhe shop? To buy a newspaper. A,!Para comprar un periódico. She wenr to che shop to buy a newspaper. Fue a la tienda a comprar un periódico.
to+ infinitivo (to buy / to see etc.) se usa para indicar por qué o con qué finalidad se hace algo. to= 'a' o 'para': • • • •
'Why are you going out?' 'To gct sorne bread.' 'A,!Para comprar .. .' Ann wenr ro rhe srarion to rnect her fricnd. . .. a/para encontrarse ... Sue turned 011 rhe televisión to watch rhe news. . .. para ver ... l'd like to go to Gerrnany to lcarn German. . .. a/para aprender ...
money/rime to (do something) dinero/tiempo para (hacer algo): • We need sorne rnoney to buy food. • 1 haven't gor time to watch television.
to ... y for ... to+ verbo (to buy / to see etc.)
for + sustantivo (for a ncwspapcr / for food etc.)
• 1 went to che shop to buy a newspaper. (no 'for to buy') • They're going to Scotland to sec their fricnds. (no 'for to see') • We need sorne money to buy food.
• 1 went to che shop for a newspaper. • Thcy're going to Scotland for a holiday. • We need sorne rnoncy for food.
wait for ... (= esperar ... ) Observa estas tres construcciones: wait for somebody/sornething «esoerer
s alguien/esperar algo:
• Please wait for me. Por favor, espérame. • Are you waiting for che bus? ¿Estás esperando el autobús?
I co..n't 90 (X.(t 8et. I'm wo..wng for Jonn to pnone..
wait to (do something) = esperar para (hacer algo):
• l lurry up! l'rn wairing to go.
. .. Estoy esperando para salir.
• Are you waiting to see che doctor? a/médico? wair for somebody/sornerhing
to ...
¿Estás esperando para ver
= esperar (a) que alguien/algo ... :
• 1 can't go out yer. l'm waiting for John to phonc . . . . Estoy esperando que llame John. • Are you wairing for che doctor to come? ¿Estás esperando a que venga el médico?
go to too ...
y go for ... ~ ., , ¡¡.¡,a to/for ... => jij/juf f,Jfj
somerhing to eat I nothing to do etc.~
i'! .j,¡¡,¡e,
enough ro/for ... ~
i'ili ,rLiiH
Escribe frases con l went to ... Elige un elemento de cada cuadro.
~~-aet1rhe café
.. L~~t
ger sorne starnps rneer a friend
buy sorne food catcl~ a train
rhe pose office che supcrrnarket
.. ~ .. #:1.~ ..s.~.~..~ ...~--~.J:r:~.: ...
2 I went 3
4 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54.2
Completa las frases. Elige un final apropiado del cuadro. ro open this
to sce who ir was to gcr sorne fresh air
wake hirn up
ro rcad che newspapcr
1 I turned on thc television ...~ ..~~ #'!~ ..~~-~ . 2 Alice sar clown in an armchair 3 Do l need a key 4 1 went for a walk by the river 5 I knocked on che
. ? . . ..
Con tus propias ideas completa estas frases usando to ... 1 1 went to the shop .. ~ ..b_t.4~ ..~--~-~-~P.<'-.-P.~-
2 3 4 5
l'm very busy. T haven'r got time l phoned Ann I'rn going our 1 borrowed some money
. . .. ..
Completa las frases con to o for. 1 Paula went to rhc shop ..f!.? buy sorne bread. We went to a restaurant have dinner. Roben wants to go to universiry study economics.
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
I'rn going to London an interview next week. l'm going to London visir sorne friends of mine. Have you got time a cup of coffee? 1 got up late this morning. 1 didn'r have time wash. Evcrybody needs money live. The office is very small. There's space only a desk and chair. A: Excuse me, are you waiting use rhc phone? B: No, I'rn wairing somebody.
Completa las frases usando /as palabras siguientes: Jol'IA / f)hone-
it / to arrive
you / tell me
the film/ begin
1 I can't go out yer. I'rn waiting ...fc>r..::!~~-~--~ ..P.h.~.n.~., .. 2 T sat clown in rhe cinema and waited 3 We called an arnbulance and waited 4 'Do you know what to do?' 'No, I'rn waiting
. .. ..
Traduce al inglés:
1 Uso gafas para leer. 2 Mi esposa necesita un coche para ir al trabajo. 3 Necesito ropa nueva para la boda de Terry. (boda = wedding) 4 Pulsa aquí para abrir la puerta. (pulsar= prcss) 5 Se fueron a Madrid a trabajar. 6 Quisiera ir a París para ver Notrc Dame.
7 Necesitamos dos entradas para el concierto. 8 Estamos esperando que llegue el autobús. 9 Esperé a que mi hermana llegara. 10 ¿Estás esperando que telefonee tu marido? 1 ·1 Necesitas un visado para viajar a China. (visado = visa) 12 Estoy esperando que abra el supermercado.
go to ... 'A
go on ...
go for ...
go -ing
go to ... (go to work I go to London I go to a concert etc.) = 'ir a .. .' • Whar rime do you usually go to work? ¿ ... vas al trabajo? • l'rn going to France nexr week. Voy a Francia ... • Tom didn'r want to go to thc concert. • 1 went to the dentist lasr week. go to bed
go to __..
= 'acostarse', go to sleep = 'dormirse':
• 1 went to bed and l went to sleep quickly.
Me acosté y me dormí rápidamente.
go borne (sin to): • l'm going home now. (no' ... going to home .. .')
go on ...
go on
holiday a trip a tour an excursion a cruise
de vacaciones de viaje de viaje organizado a una excursión a un crucero a la huelga
srrike • • • •
We're going on holiday next week. Children often go on school rrips, When we were in Scotland, we went on a lot of excursions to different places. The workers have gone on strike.
go for ...
go (somewhere) for
• • • • • •
a a a a a a
walk run swim drink mea! holiday
dar un paseo correr ir a nadar beber algo comer fuera pasar unas vacaciones
'Where's Ann?' 'She's gone for a walk.' Do you go for a run every day? The sea looks nice. Ler's go for a swim. We went for a drink after work yesterday. Shall we go out for a meal? 1 know a good restaurant. They've gone to Scotland for a holiday.
(Se dice 'on holiday' pero 'for íl holiday'.)
go + -ing
Se usa go
+ -ing con muchas actividades deportivas (swimming I skiing etc.) y también con shopping:
I go he is going we went they have gone she wa nts to go • • • •
~ ~
shopping swimming
fishing sailing skiing jogging
Are you going shopping this a fternoon? ¿Vas a ir de compras ? Ir's a nice day. Ler's go swirnming. (o Let's go for a swim.) Vayamos a nadar. Rache! has a small boa e and she often goes sailing. . .. va a navegar. I went jogging before breakfast rhis morning. Fui a hacer footing ...
Completa las frases con to/on/for donde sea necesario. 1 I'm going ..~ ... France ncxr week. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rache! often goes .. :::... sailing. Sue went Mexico last year. Would you líke to go the cinema this evening? Jack goes jogging every morning. I'rn going out a walk. Do you want to come? I'rn tired because I went to a parry Iast night and went bed very late. Martin is going holiday Italy next week. The wearher was warm and rhe river was clean, so we went a swim. There will be no buses next week beca use the bus drivers are going strike. I need some stamps, so I'm going thc post office. It's late. I musr go home now. Would you likc to go a tour of the city? Shall wc go out a meal this cvcning? My parents are going a cruise rhis summcr.
1O 11 12 13 14 15
Observa /os dibujos y completa las frases usando go/goes/going/wcnt + -ing. 2 last Saturday
Rache! has a boat, She often .. 9~~~..~~9 . Lasr Saturday Diane went . George cvery day. Linda is going on holiday next month. She is Peter is going out later. He has to . Sheila after work yesterday evening.
Usa las palabras del cuadro para completar las frases. Usa to/on/for si es necesario. home awalk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
euery day
1 2 3 4 5 6
shopping Portugal
holiday riding
-a-swim rhe bank
sleep skiing
The sea looks nice. Ler's go .. ~!'. ...~ ..~~~ . 'Is Ann at home?' 'No, she's gone to ger some money.' I'rn going now. 1 have to buy sorne presents. l was very tired Iast night. 1 sat clown in an armcbair and went T wasn't cnjoying the parry, so I went early. We live near the mountains, In winter we go cvery weekend. Richard has gota horse. He often goes . The weather is nice. Shall we go in the park? A: Are you going soon? B: Yes, next rnonth. We're going .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Jane se fue de vacaciones la semana pasada. Carmen se ha ido a dar un paseo. ¿ Fuiste de compras ayer? Ayer .fuimos de excursión a Windsor. Fueron a pescar el sábado. Sara estaba cansada. Se acostó y se durmió. Juan se fue a nadar con sus amigos. ¡Vamos a mi casa a comer algo! ¿Os vais a esquiar este fin de semana? ¿Cuándo te vas de vacaciones? (de vacaciones=
on holiday)
get El verbo get se usa en varias construcciones y tiene diversos significados. En los casos aquí tratados. get indica cambio de lugar, estado o situación.
gct + sustantivo (get a lctter I get a job etc.) = recibir/conseguir, obtener, comprar/tomar, ir a llamar o a buscar. encontrar, traer, etc: t it ____,~-~ youge 1 -----you aon't have sometning --............ ou have ir
• 'Did you gct my letter?' • • • • •
'Yes, T got it yesrerday.' '¿Recibiste ... ?' 'Sí, la recibí .. .' 1 like your pullover. Where did you get it? ¿ ... lo compraste? Can you get me a knife from rhe kitchen? ¿Puedes traerme un cuchillo ... ? (al teléfono) 'Helio, can I speak ro Ann, picase?' 'Onc momenr. 1'11 gct her.' 'La llamo.' Wc gct wool from shccp. La lana se obtiene ... lt's difficult to gct a job at rhe moment. Es difícil encontrar trabajo ...
También se dice: gct a bus I a train I a taxi (= tomar un autobús/ un tren/ un taxi):
• 'Did you come here on foot?'
'No, I got che bus.'
get + adjetivo (get hungry I get cold I get tired etc.) = hacerse/volverse + adjetivo.
you get liun
you're not liungry
you are liungry
Esta construcción corresponde a verbos españoles, con frecuencia reflexivos o derivados de adjetivos. Por ejemplo: get angry (enfadarse) gcr cold (enfriarse) ger drunk (emborracharse) get tired (cansarse) gct wet (mojarse)
get dressed (vestirse) get lose (perderse) gct marricd (casarse) gcr ready (preparar/prepararse) gcr hurt (hacerse daño)
• If you don't eat, you get hungry. • Drink your coffee. Ir's getting cold. • l'm sorry your mother is ill. I hope she gets better soon. • We got very wet beca use we didn't have an umbrella. get to + lugar
get get get get get
late (hacerse tarde) hungry (entrar hambre) bcttcr/worse (mejorar/empeorar) dark (oscurecer/hacerse de noche) old (envejecer)
• Linda and Frank are getting married soon. • I got up and got dressed quickly. • We went for a walk and got lost.
= llegar a:
• I usually get to work before 8.30. Normalmente llego al trabajo antes de las 8.30. • We left London ar 10 o'clock and got to Manchester ar 12.45. • How did you ger here? By bus? pero: get home (sin ro)= llegar a casa: • What time did you get home last night? (no 'get to home')
get in/out/on/off = subir/bajar (de los medios de transporte)
[ get in (a car)
get out (of a car)
get on get off (a bus I a train I a plane)
• Kate got in (o into) the car and drove away. Kate subió al coche y se alejó. ... y bajó un hombre. • We got on the bus ourside the hotel and got off in Church Srreet. Subimos
• A car stopped anda man gor out. Pero se dice out of + sustantivo:
• A man got out of the car .... bajó del coche.
... y bajamos ...
Completa estas frases usando get(s) y un elemento del cuadro. a taxi your jacket
my letter a good salary
sorne milk a ticket
1 1 wrote to you last week. Did you ..; .. m..!:L~ 2 Where did you
a doctor the job
.. ? ? Ir's very nice. ..
3 Quick! This man is ill. We must
4 5 6 7 8
1 don't want to walk home. Let's 1 hadan interview with che manager bue I didn't
When you go out, can you 'Are you going to the concert?' 'Yes, if 1 can Margaret has gota well-paid job. She
? .. ..
Completa estas frases usando getting + una de tas palabras siguientes: dark
1 Drink your coffee. lt's 9.~9..':
nexr week.'
4 'Where's Sally?' 5 lt's
lt's time to go home.
. 'Oh, really? Congratulations!'
to go out.'
Completa las frases usando ger/got + una de las palabras siguientes: angry
1 If yo u don 'r ea t, yo u ....9~..h..~!'.'.9.1'."!:L. 2 3 4 5 6 7
Don't go out in thc rain. You'll My brorhcr Why did you Wc tricd ro find rhc hotel bur wc Evcrybody wanrs ro sray young bur wc ali The beginning of rhc film wasn'r very good bur it 8 Mosr peoplc
. last year. His wife's name is Julia. with me? 1 didn't do anything wrong. . .
. bcforc examinations,
Escribe frases con I lcft ... and got to ....
I home/ 7.30 ~ work I 8. l. 5 ... !...~ ..!'.l.'?.1'.n.~..~.L.~.9...Cl.:>"4.. 9~t~...~.O.r.k...aj;.. tJ~. . .. 2 London / 10.15 ~ Bristol / 11.45 I lcfr London ar 10.15 and 3 thc parry / 11.15 ~ home/ midnight
4 Escribe una frase verdadero acerca de ti. I left
Completa las frases con gor in I gor off I got on I got out of. ] 2 3 4
Kate .9.~-~---- thc car and drove away. 1 rhc bus and walkcd ro my housc from rhe bus stop. Ann the car, shut rhe door and went into a shop. 1 rnade a stupid mistake. 1 the wrong train.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
¿Puedes traerme el azúcar de la cocina, por favor? Me voy a casa. Está oscureciendo. ¿Cómo puedo llegar a la estación? ¿Dónde puedo comprar un periódico? Tu hermana se enfadó conmigo ayer. Era muy tarde cuando llegaron a casa. Lucía y Roberto se casan hoy. '¿Dónde está Andy?' 'Se está preparando para salir.' Subimos al avión en Barcelona y dos horas más tarde bajamos en Londres. {más tarde= larcr) Ayer llegué tarde al concierto porque me perdí.
do ymake Los dos verbos, do y make, se corresponden normalmente con 'hacer' en español. Do se usa para hablar de actividades de un modo general: • • • •
Whac are you doing chis cvening? (no 'What are you making?') ¿Qué haces esta noche? 'Shall I open che window?' 'No, it's OK. I'll do ir.' '... Yo lo haré.' Julia's job is very boring, She
What do you do?= What's your job?
¿A qué te dedicas? (trabajo/profesión):
'I work in a bank.'
• 'What do you do?'
Make = elaborar/fabricar/crear. Por ejemplo:
She's making coffee.
He has madc a cake.
They makc umbrellas,
le was made in France.
Compara do y make: • l did a loe of things yesterday. J cleancd my room, 1 wrotc sorne lctters and I made a cake. Hice muchas cosas ... limpié ... escribí ... hice un pastel. • A: What do you do in your free time? Sport? Reading? Hobbies? ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? B: l make clothes. 1 make drcsses and jackets. 1 also makc toys for children. Hago ropa. Hago vestidos y chaquetas. También hago juguetes para niños.
Expresiones con do
an exarn (exarnination) I a test a course homework (somebody) a favour exercises housework
un examen un curso /os deberes hacer un favor (a alguien) ejercicios las labores de casa
• • • • • •
I'm doing my driving test nexr week. John has just done a training course. Have che children done their homework? Ann, could you do me a favour? l go for a run and do exercises every morning. I hace doing houscwork, especially cleaning.
También se dice: do the shopping (hacer la compra)/ the washing (lavar la ropa)/ the washing-up (lavar los platos)/ the ironing (planchar)/ the cooking (cocinar) etc. • I did the washing
bur I didn't do thc shopping.
Expresiones con make a phone call
a list make
a noise a bed a mistake an appointrnent
una llamada una lista hacer ruido una cama cometer un error concertar una cita
• Excuse me. I have to make a phone call.
• Have you made a shopping list? • • • •
lt's late. We mustn't make a noise. Sometimes I forget to make my bed in the morning. I'm sorry, I made a mistake. 1 muse make an appointment to see che doctor.
Se dice make a film(= hacer una película), pero take a photograph (= tomar una foto): • When was chis film made? ¿Cuándo se hizo esta película? • When was chis phorograph taken? ¿Cuándo se tomó esta foto?
do/does/did (negación e interrogación) ~ 1ij:jj,j
make somebody do something ~ 11 jj.¡j,f U
Completa las frases con make/making/made o do/doing/did/done.
1 'Shall I open the window?' 'No, it's OK. 1'11 ....~ ... ir.' 2 What did you at the weekend? Did you go away? 3 Do you know how to bread? 4 Paper is from wood. 5 Richard didn't help me. He satinan armchair and nothing. 6 'What do you ?' 'l'm a doctor.' 7 I asked you to clean the bathroom. Have you it? 8 'What do they in that factory?' 'Shoes.' 9 l'm sorne coffee. Would you like sorne? 1 O Why are you angry with me? 1 didn't anything wrong. 11 'What are yo u tomorrow afternoon ?' 'I'm working.'
¿Qué están haciendo estas personas?
1'.~ 1:1:1.#..~9 ~ ..~~.: . 2 They 3 He
. .
5 6 57.3
7 8
. .
10 11 12
. . .
Completa las frases con una forma correcta de make o do.
1 J hate . .4.~9... housework, especially cleaning. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 11
Why do you always rhe same mistake? 'Can you mea favour?' 'It depends what it is.' 'Have you your homework?' 'Not yet.' I need to see the dentist but I haven't an appointment. I'rn a course in photography at the moment. It's very good. The last time 1 an exam was ten years ago. When you've finished Exercise 1, you can Exercise 2. There's sorncthing wrong wirh the car. The engine is a strange noise. It was a bad mistake. lt was the worst mistake l've ever . Let's a list of al! the things we have to toda y.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
¿Qué hiciste ayer? 'No puedo cerrar esta caja.' 'Tu hermano lo hará.' '¿A qué se dedica tu esposa?' 'Es médico.' Mi madre hizo estos pasteles. A veces hago yo el desayuno en casa. No hagas ruido. Jorge está haciendo ejercicios de yoga. Ayer hice dos exámenes. No me gusta hacer mi cama, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. Haz la lista y yo haré las compras. Bob me hizo un favor: cuando yo estaba planchando, él lavó los platos.
have havc y havc got (=> Unidad 1 O) I'vc gor (somcthing} o I havc (somcrhing)
= tengo (algo):
• I'vc gota ncw car. o I havc a ncw car. • • • •
Tengo un coche nuevo. Sue has got long hair. o Suc has long hair. Sue tiene el pelo largo. Have rhcy gor any children? o Do thcy havc any children? ¿Tienen niños? Tim hasn't gota job. o Tim docsn'r have a job. Tim no tiene trabajo. How much time havc you got? o How much time do you have? ¿Cuánto tiempo tienes?
También se usa have o havc got para hablar de problemas de salud: • !'ve gor a headache. o I have a headache. Tengo dolor de cabeza. • Have you gota cold? o Do you havc a cold? ¿Tienes un resfriado? El pasado (pasr) es I had (sin gor) / 1 didn't havc / Oid you havc? etc.: • Whcn I firsr met Sue, shc had short hair. ... tenia el pelo corto. • He didn't havc any money hccausc he didn't have a job. No tenía ... porque no tenia .. • How much rime did you havc? ¿Cuánto tiempo tuviste/tenias?
have breakfasr / havc a shower etc. Have (sin got) se usa también en varias expresiones como have breakfast y havc a showcr. El verbo eqwvalente en español varía según la expresión (comer. tomar etc.).
breakfast / lunch / dinner a mcal / sornething to ear or drink a cup of coffee / a glass of milk etc. a sandwich/ a pizza etc.
desayunar/almorzar/cenar tomar una comida/ algo de comer o beber tomar/ beber una taza de café/ un vaso de leche etc. comer un bocadillo/ una pizza etc.
• 'Where's Ann?' 'She's having lunch.' • l don't usually have brcakfasr, • l had thrcc cups of coffcc rhis morning. • 'Have a biscuir!'
'Oh, rhank you.'
havc = dar
a parry havc
a walk a look (ar)
una fiesta un paseo un vistazo (a}
• We're having a parry ncxt wcck. You musr come.
• 1 usually havc a walk on Sunday mornings. • Can I have a look ar your ncwspapcr?
= tener
a holiday a good journey a dream / an accident a baby
unas vacaciones un buen viaje un sueño / un accidente un hijo
• Sarn had a holiday lasr monrh. • Goodbyc! Have a good journey. • l.asr ycar Suc had an accidenr. • Sandra has jusr hada baby.
Otros significados:
a a a a a
bath / a showcr game (of) rest swim nice/good time
tomar un baño/una ducha jugar a descansar nadar pasárselo bien
• 1 had a shower chis morning. • Shall we have a game of chess? • Kathy is ti red. She's having a resr. • lt's sunny and hor. Let's have a swim. • Did you have a good time in London? • Enjoy your holiday! Have a nice time!
Compara l'vc got y I have: • l've got / 1 havc a ncw showcr. lt's vcry good. Tengo una ducha nueva ... • l havc a showcr cvcry morning. (no 'l've gor .. .') Me ducho ... • A: Whcre's Paul? B: He' having a shower. Se está duchando. • How oftcn do you havc a showcr? (no' ... havc you a showcr?') ¿ ... te duchas? I havc / I've got:::)
I' ¡.¡¡,.¡i1
I've (done) (PR~f.NT
1 : ¡¡.¡;¡¡,;u
I have
to ... ~
1 ij
Completa las frases con la forma correcta de have o have got.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
time to do the shopping yesterday. 'No, shc can't drive.' a key. a cold last wcek. He's better now. What's wrong? a headache? We wanred to go by taxi but enough money. Liz is very busy much free time. any problems when you wcrc on holiday?
:!:!~--~-~-9~ {9.. ~~~---1,.i§.~.."1~".~J. a car?' He can't open rhe door
¿Qué están haciendo estas personas? Usa expresiones de la lista siguiente: a rest
a cup of tea
a bath
1 ..n:i.~·r.~.!:i.~'f.\l'\9.)r.~~.L.. 2 She . 3 He
(1 I not I have) (Lisa I have?) (he I nor I have) (George I have) (you I have?) (we/not/have) (she I not I have) (you / have?)
a nice time
4 They
5 6
. ..
¿Qué dirías en estas situaciones?
1 Ann is going on holiday. What do you say to her before she goes? . . H..
.. M.!!~ .. !:!~Y.~.. ~ ..9~--~~t:f ..
3 Tom is going on a long journey. What do you say
him before he leaves?
4 Ir's Monday morning. You are at work. Ask Paula about her weekend. 5 Paul has just come home after playing tennis with a friend. Ask him about the game.
6 Rache! is going out for a meal tonight. What do you say to her before she goes?
Completa las frases usando have/had y una de las expresiones siguientes: an accidcnt
a glass of water
a look
a walk
something to eat
We ..."1~--~-~--- a few weeks ago. We invitcd fifty pcoplc. 'Shall we ?' 'No, l'm not hungry.' l was rhirsty, so I . I like to ger up early and before breakfasr. 5 Tina is a very good driver. She has never . 6 There's sorncrhing wrong with the cnginc of my car. Can you
l 2 3 4
at it?
Traduce al inglés: No tengo un perro. Tengo un gato. 2 Tengo un resfriado, pero no tengo fiebre. 3 Normalmente me ducho por la noche. 4 La gente normalmente almuerza tarde en España. (la gente= peoplc) 5 Siempre tomo una taza de café por la mañana. 6 Cuando Sue no tenía trabajo, tenía mucho tiempo para leer. 7 Pareces cansada. Toma una taza de té y descansa. 8 Da ve, da un vistazo a estas fotos. 9 Dimos una fiesta el sábado y nos lo pasamos muy bien.
they/them etc.
sujeto objeto
1 me
we us
you yo u
J we you he she they
I know Ann. We know Ann. You know Ann. He knows Ann. Shc knows Ann. They know Ann.
Ann knows me. Ann knows us. Ann knows you. Ann knows him. Ann knows her. Ann knows them.
he him objeto me us you him her them
she her
they them
Conozco a Ann. / Ann me conoce. Conocemos a Ann. / Ann nos conoce. Conoces a Ann. / Ann te conoce. • Conoce a Ann. / Ann lo conoce. Conoce a Ann. / Ann la conoce. Conocen a Ann. / Ann los conoce.
• you (sujeto y objeto) se puede referir a 'tú/vosotros(as)/usted/ustedes'. En inglés los pronombres objeto van detrás del verbo (Ann knows him.); en español suelen ir delante (Ann /.Q conoce).
sujeto objeto • • • •
thcy them
ir I don't want this book. You can have it. . .. Te lo puedes quedar. 1 don't want those books. You can have thcm. .. . Te los puedes quedar. Diane ncvcr drinks milk. She docsn't like it. ... No le gusta. I nevcr go to partie . l don't like thcm. ... No me gustan.
Se usan los pronombres objeto (me/him/them etc.) detrás de las preposiciones (for/to/with • • • • •
This lerter isn't forme. It's for you. ... para mí. Es para tJ. Who is rhat woman? Why are you looking at her? ... ¿Por qué la estás mirando? We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us? ... ¿Quieres venir con nosotros? Sue and Kevin are going ro the cinema. Do you want to go with them? ... ¿Quieres ir con ellos? 'Where's the newspaper?' 'You're sitting on it.' ... 'Estás sentado encima.'
Con frecuencia it/them precede a los otros complementos: • T want rhar book. Picase, give it to me. . .. Dámelo. • Robert wants those books. Can you givc thcm to him, picase?
En inglés es necesario usar el pronombre sujeto. En español
... ¿Puedes dárselos?
se omite casi siempre:
• 'What
etc. =)
¡,; • 11 CM
Give me that bookl I Givc it to me=)
1 O (j:t
Completa las frases con him/her/them. I 2 3 4 5 6 7
I don't I don't 1 don't 1 don't 1 don't 1 don'r [ don't
know know know know know know know
those girls. Do you know #.!~ ? that man. Do you know ? those people. Do you know ? David's wife. Do you know ? Mr Stevens. Do you know ? Sarah's parents. Do you know ? the woman with the black coat. Do you know
Completa las frases usando 1/mc/you/she/hcr etc. I want to scc her but .... ;;.\'!.~... doesn'r want to see ...m..~.... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
They want to sce me but She wants to sec him but We want to see them but He wanrs to see us but They want to see her but 1 want to see them but You want to see her but
1 1 don't eat toma toes. . .. L~n.'.t..!~~~..!?.').~
. . . .
. . ? . ?
Completa las frases usando rtme/he/him etc. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ..!'!.~ ? 'Do you know that man?' 'Yes, 1 work with Wherc are rhc tickets? I can't find . l can't find my keys. Where are ? We're going out. You can come wirh . Margaret likcs music plays che piano. l don't like dogs. I'm afraid of . I'm talking to you. Picase listen to . Where is Ann? 1 want to talk to . My brother has a new job doesn'r like
very much.
Completa las frases. 1 2 3 4 5 6
. .
Gcorge is a very nice man. l like This jacket isn't very nice. 1 don't This is my new car. Do Mrs Clark is not very friendly. I These are my new shoes
·1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Escribe frases que empiecen por I like ... , 1 don't like ... o Do yo u like ... ? 2 3 4 5 6
don't want to see doesn'r want to see don't want to see don't want to see doesn't want to scc don't want to see doesn't want to sec
I want that book. Can you .. 9~-~.i:!::.~--~~-- ? He wants the key. Can you give She wants the keys. Can you T want that letter. Can you They want che money. Can you We want thc photographs. Can you
? ? ? ?
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O
Nunca como plátanos. No me gustan. Es muy fácil. Podéis hacerlo. Conozco a Sarn y él me conoce a mí. A Sueno le gusta Tom. No quiere salir con él. No tenemos la dirección de jane. ¿La tienes tú? '¿Quieres este bolígrafo?' 'Sí. ¿ Puedes prestármelo?' Dile que no quiero verlo. '¿Dónde está mi diccionario?' 'Lo tiene Tom.' Juan necesita ese dinero. Dáselo. No tengo las fotos aquí. No puedo enseñároslas. 119
my/his/their etc.
mi ... I we you he she rhey
nuestros ...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ir ~
tu ...
my our your his her their
Wc You He She They
likc likc like likcs
su ...
my our your his her their
likes like
su ...
sus ...
job. jobs. job. job. job. jobs.
Oxford is farnous for its univcrsiry.
(irs = su, de Oxford)
my/your/his etc. llevan detrás un sustantivo: my hands our housc
mis manos nuestra casa
his morher su madre your bese friend tu mejor amigo
her new car su coche nuevo their room su habitación
your equivale en español a 'tu/tus/vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras' y también a 'su/sus' (cuando el poseedor es Vd.¡Vds.). • Excuse me, is chis your handbag? ... ¿ ... su bolso? • Sue, Bruce, tell us something abour your rrip to India. his/her/their
. .. contadnos algo de vuestro viaje a la India.
I= 'su/sus' en español) se refieren al poseedor (masculino/femenino/plural)
w)ANOY her car (= Diane's car)
her husband (= Diane's husband)
her children (= Diane's children)
his bicycle
y no a lo poseído:
W\& their son
his sisrer
their daughrcr
his parents
their children
it es diferente de it's: it = su/sus (de cosa o an,mal) it's = ir is
• Oxford is famous for its univcrsiry. ... por su universidad. • 1 like Oxford. Ir's a nicc city. (= Ir is a nice ciry.)
En inglés se usan con frecuencia los posesivos al hablar de partes del cuerpo, prendas de vestir y objetos personales. Observa las diferencias entre inglés y español: • • • • • •
How often do you clean your teerh? ¿Con qué frecuencia te limpias los dientes? She's gota small scar on her face. Tiene una cicatriz pequeña en la cara. He always has his hands in his pockcrs, Siempre está con las manos en los bolsillos. Please, cake off your hat. Por favor, quítese el sombrero. My legs ache. Me duelen las piernas. We can'r find our keys. No podemos encontrar las llaves.
mine/yours etc.~
IIJfjjif 11111
1/me/my/mine ~
Completa las frases siguientes: 1 l'm going to wash .. rn.!i.l-:1.~S..: .. 2 She's going to wash 3 We're going to wash ..
. . ?
Completa las frases siguientes: 1 I le . -~~~- .1:-11#.'!. ~~- -~~~-· . 2 They live with 3 We
5 I parcnrs.
6 John
7 Do you live 8 Most chilclren
4 Julia lives
4 He's going to wash 5 They're going to wash 6 Are you going to wash
. ? ..
Observa el árbol genealógico y completa las frases usando his/hcr/chcir. 1 1 saw l.iz with .. .I'.!~ .... husband, Philip.
2 1 saw Ann and Ted with children. 3 l saw Ted wirh wife, Ann. 4 l saw George with brother, Bill.
Ann Georg e.
~ BilL
5 I saw 6 1 saw 7 l saw 8 I saw
= Ted, 1
Ann with brorher, Bill. Liz ancl Philip wirh son, Bill. Ann with parents. Diana and Robert wirh parents.
Completa las frases con my/our/your/his/her/their/its. 1 Do you like ... !l
Completa las frases usando my/his/their etc. y una de /as palabras siguientes: coar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jim doesn't cnjoy ...~l§j~~.... lr's not very interesting. 1 can'r open thc door. 1 havcn'r gor . Sally is married works in a bank. lr's very cold toda y. Put on when you go out. 'What are thc children doing?' 'They're doing .' 'Do you know thar man?' 'Yes, but I don't know . We live in Barton Street. .. is ar rhe encl on che left.
Traduce al inglés: l 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
Mi coche es muy viejo. ¿Tenéis vuestros libros aquí? Veo a Carlos y a su hermana los domingos. ¿Puede Vd. enseñarme su pasaporte? Siempre nos lavamos las manos antes de comer. (comer= dinncr) Quítese la chaqueta, por favor. Pablo y su madre están esperándote. Voy a lavarme el pelo. r uestra casa no está lejos de la estación. Avila es famosa por sus murallas. (muralla= wall)
Whose is this?
lt's mine/yoursjhers etc.
(el) tuyo/ (el) vuestro (el) suyo (de Vd.)
I we yo u he she
my our your
her rheir
his hers
-1 -1
-1 -1
mme ours yours
lt's lt's It's lt's lt's Tt's
my money. our money. your money. his money. her money. rheir moncy.
lt's mine. Ir's ours. It's yours.
Ir's his,
Ir's hcrs. l r's thcirs.
my/your etc. llevan detrás un sustantivo (my hands / your book etc.): • • • •
My hands are cold. Tengo las manos frías. Is rhis your book? ¿Es éste tu libro? Ann gave me her umbrella. Ann me dio su paraguas. lt's their problem, not our problcm. Es su problema, no nuestro problema.
mine/yours etc. se usan solos, sin un sustantivo detrás. Tampoco van precedidos de the: • Is this book mine or yours? ¿Este libro es mío o tuyo? • I didn't have an umbrella, so Ann gave me hers. (no' ... the hers.') No tenía paraguas, así que Ann me dio el suyo. • It's their problem, not ours. (no' ... the ours. ') Es su problema, no el nuestro. • We went in our car and thcy went in theirs. (no' ... in the theirs.') ... y ellos fueron en el suyo.
bis puede ir seguido o no de un sustantivo: • 'Is this his camera or yours?'
'It's his.'
'¿Es ésta su cámara o la tuya?'
'Es la suya.'
En inglés se dice a friend of mine I a fricnd of his / sorne friends of ours etc. (un amigo mío/ un amigo suyo/ unos amigos nuestros etc.): • I went out ro meet a friend of mine. ... a un amigo mío/ a una amiga mía. • Tom was with a friend of his. . .. con un amigo suyo/ con una amiga suya. • Are those people friends of yours? ¿ ... amigos tuyos?
Whose ... ? = ¿De quién ... ? • Whose book is this? ¿De quién es este libro? Whose puede ir seguido o no de un sustantivo: • Whose money is this? ¿De quién es este dinero? Whose is this? ¿De quién es esto? • Whose shocs are these? ¿De quién son estos zapatos? Whose are these? ¿De quién son éstos?
my/his/their etc. => 1•):jj,¡t,M1i1
l )
lt's mine.
They're John's. Son de John.
I/me/my/mine => 11.
Ann's camera I my brother's car => 1i):j),rl,M{1
Completa las frases con mine/yours etc.
1 2 3 4
. .. .
5 6 7 8
lt's their house. It's They're your books. They're They're my glasses. They're It's his coat. It's
.. .. .. ..
Escoge la palabra correcta.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ir's your money. lt's .. .H~r.~ . It's my bag. It's lt's our car. lt's They're her shoes. They're
lt's their/4eifs. problem, not fü!f(ours. thei r y ours son /as palabras correctas This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours? That's not my/mine umbrella. My/Mine is black. Whose books are these? Your/Yours or my/mine? Catherine is going out with her/hers friends this evening. My/Mine room is bigger than her/hers. They've got rwo children but I don't know their/theirs na mes. Can we use your washing machine? Our/Ours is broken.
Completa las frases siguientes con friend(s) of mine/yours etc.
1 wcnt to the cinema with a .. ~4.~.~-~-~: .... They went on holiday with sorne fr.~4~.. ~.#.1.~~-=-·· Shc's going out with a friend We had dinner with sorne 5 1 played tennis with a 6 Tom is going to meet a 7 Do you know those people? Are they
1 2 3 4
Observa /os dibujos. ¿Qué dicen estas personas?
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. . . .. ?
'¿De quién son estos zapatos?' 'Son míos.' Luisa está usando mi diccionario. Ha perdido el suyo. '¿Son vuestros estos libros?' 'No, los nuestros están aquí.' '¿Esta casa es tuya?' 'Sí, es mía.' Un amigo vuestro es también amigo mío. He terminado mi cena pero John no ha terminado la suya. '¿De quién es esta bicicleta?' 'Pregúntale a Jane. Creo que es suya.' Mi marido viene esta noche al teatro, ¿y el tuyo? 123
Pronombres personales sujeto objeto (===) Unidad 59) ,~ Unidad 59)
Posesivos determinantes pronombres ,~ Unidad 60) (===) Unidad 61)
l know Torn.
Torn knows me.
lr's my car.
lt's mine.
~é 1'~
Torn knows us.
Ir's our car.
lt's ours.
You know Torn.
T om knows you.
lt's your car.
lt's yours.
Hc knows Tom,
Tom knows him.
lr's his car.
lr's his.
She knows Tom.
Tom knows her.
Ir's her car.
lt's hcrs,
They know Tom.
Torn knows thcm.
lr's their car.
Ir's theirs.
• A: Do you know rhar man? ¿Conoces a aquel hombre? B: Yes, 1 know him hur I can't rcrnernbcr his namc. Si, lo conozco, pero no recuerdo su nombre. • Shc was vcry pleased beca use wc invited her to stay with us ar our housc. Estaba muy contenta porque la invitamos a quedarse con nosotros en casa. • A: Where are the children? Havc you secn them? ¿Dónde están los niños? ¿Los has visto? B: Yes, they are playing with their friends in the park. Sí. Están jugando con sus amigos en el parque. • That's my pen. Can you give ir to me, picase? Esa es mi pluma. ¿Puedes dármela, por favor? • A: Is this your umbrclla? ¿Es éste tu paraguas?
B: No, it's yours. No, es el tuyo. • He didn't havc an urnbrella, so she gavc him hcrs, Él no tenía paraguas, así que ella le dio el suyo. • I'rn meeting a friend of mine rhis cvcning. Esta noche veré a un amigo mío/ una amiga mía.
myselflyourself etc.~
111 j friilii
Givc me that book! I Givc ir to me! ~ 111 ¡j,¡j,¡:IJ
Responde a las preguntas como en el ejemplo.
Yes, I ~.!')~.1:...-:> \1.~ ..!?~~.. .l. ..~'..~J.~.~.~~...\1.~ .. ...~~~.: .
Yes, l know remcm bcr
but Ican'r .
y es, 1 but I .................................................................................
~ou know me?)
Yes, 1
. . ?
1 gave him ..!)1!:i ..~~:;_5. __ ~4 ..\1.e..9~:'.e...m..e...\1~ . l gave her address and she gave me He gave me address and I gavc We gave rhem address and they gave She gave him address and You gave us address and Thcy gave you address and
. .. . . .. ..
Completa las frases usando him/hcr/yours etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
house. house.
Completa /as frases como en el ejemplo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Completa las frases como en el ejemplo. 1 Wc invitcd her ... t:o...S.~\1. .V.:S. aj;__~r. ..h.~S..e.,. 2 He invited us to stay wirh 3 They invited me to stay wirh 4 I invired rhern 5 She invired us 6 Did you invite him
na mes.
Where's Ann? 1 lave you seen ..\1.~... ? Where are my kcys? Whcrc did J put ? This lerrcr is for Bill. Can you givc ir to ? We wrore to John bur he didn 't answcr lcttcr. '1 can't find rny pcn. Can I use ?' 'Yes, of coursc.' We'rc going to rhe cinema. Why don'r you come with Did your sister pass exams? Sorne pcople talk about jobs ali the time. Last night I wcnr out for a mcal with a friend of .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Roberto me dio su número de teléfono y yo le di el nuestro. Mi hermano trabaja aquí. ¿Lo conoces? ¿ Dónde están tus fotos? ¿ Puedo verlas? Vuestros amigos os están esperando. La vimos en el cine, pero ella no nos vio. Suc me prestó su coche. El mío estaba en el taller. (taller= garage) No me des ahora el libro, guárdalo en tu bolsa. (guardar= keep) Tom está enfadado. Su hermana no le ayuda nunca. 125
myself/yourself/themselves etc. (reflexivos)
He is looking ar hirnselí,
Help yoursclf
They're enjoying themselvcs.
Se mira.
Se divierten.
myself himsclf herself yoursclf yourselves ourselves themselvcs
mí mismo/me sí mismo/se sí misma/se ti mismo/te (Vd.) sí mismo/se vosotros mismos/os nosotros mismos/nos ellos mismos/se ellas mismas
• 1 looked ar mysclf in a mirror. Me miré ... • He cut himself with a knife. {no 'He cut him .. .')
• • • • • •
Se cortó ...
She fell off her bike but she didn't hurt herself. ... no se hizo daño ... Please, help yourself, Sue. Por favor, sírvete tú misma, Sue. Please, belp yourself, Mr Grant. . .. sírvase Vd. mismo, Sr. Grant. Picase, help yoursclves. Por favor, servíos. We hada good holiday. We enjoyed oursclves. ... Nos divertimos. They hada good time. They cnjoyed thcmselves. ... Se divirtieron.
by myself I by yoursclf etc. = a solas/solo • I wcnt on holiday by myself. Fui de vacaciones solo. • 'Was she with her fricnds?' 'No, shc was by herself.'
'... No, estaba sola.'
each other = el uno al otro • Jill and Ann are good friends. They know each othcr well. ... Se conocen bien. • Paul and l live near cach other, Paul y yo vivimos cerca (el uno del otro). Compara -selves con cach othcr:
each orher = acción recíproca
• Steve and Sue looked ar each other.
• Steve and Sue looked ar themselvcs.
.. . se miraron (el uno al otro). cach other = el uno al otro • Thcy hurr cach other. Se hicieron daño. • Help each other! ¡Ayudaos!
-selves = si mismos • They hurt themsclves. Se hicieron daño. • Help yourselvcs! ¡Servíos!
= acción reflexiva
. .. se miraron (cada uno a sí mismo) .
Algunos verbos no son reflexivos en inglés pero son reflexivos
o pronominales en español:
• Are you fccling ali right? ¿Te encuentras bien? • Whcre can I wash my hands? ¿Dónde puedo lavarme las manos? • What time shall we meet? ¿A qué hora nos veremos? A veces gcr + adjetivo (=> Unidad 56) corresponde a un verbo reflexivo o pronominal en español:
• Brian got ti red and stopped working. Brian se cansó ... • They fell in love and got marricd. Se enamoraron y se casaron. A veces un
inglés (Unidades 108-109) corresponde a un verbo reflexivo o pronominal en español:
• Take off your coat and sit down, picase. Quítese la chaqueta y siéntese, por favor. • What time do you gct up? ¿A qué hora te levantas?
Completa /as frases usando myself/yoursclf etc. He looked at ... h.~~#..... in rhe mirror. l'm not angry with you. I'm angry with Margaret had a nice time in London. She enjoyed My friends had a nice time in London. They enjoyed l picked upa very hor piare and burnr He never thinks abour othcr pcople. He only thinks about J want to know more abour you. Tell me abour Goodbye! Have a nicc holiday and look after
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 went on holiday alone. Whcn I saw hirn, he was alone. Don't go out alone, l went to thc cinema alone. My sister lives alone. Man y people live alone.
. . . (one person) ! (two people)
...!..~~~-~-~..h.~).H.. !!!!f~.~, . When I saw him, he Don'r 1 My sisrer Many pcople
. . . . .
······································································· .
Completa /as frases usando cach orher, o oursclvcs/yoursclvcs/thcmsclvcs
...q,~~ ....
Paul and I livc ncar ... ~
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Who are those people? Do you know .J~.~ ... ? You can help Tom and Tom can help you. So you and Tom can help Therc's food in the kirchcn. lf you and Chris are hungry, you can help We didn't go ro Ann's parry. She didn'r invite . When we go on holiday, wc always enjoy . Mary and Jane were at school rogerher bur thcy never see now. Diane and I are very good friends. We've known for a long time. 'Did you see David and Diane ar che parry?' 'Yes, bue I didn't speak to Many people talk ro when rhey're alone.
Escribe frases usando each other .
................................................ ,...................... .......... ,............................................................
Completa /as frases usando by mysclf / by yourself etc. 1 2 3 4 5 6
. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Estaba afeitándose y se cortó. Miraos en el espejo. Aquí está la ensalada. Sírvete tú mismo. Vino de Inglaterra sola. ¿ Cómo se encuentra tu padre? ¿Os divertisteis ayer? Mi esposa y yo nos enamoramos y nos casamos en dos meses. Se escriben a menudo. Tuvieron una pelea pero no se hicieron daño. (pelea = fight)
-'s (Ann's camera/ my brother's car etc.)
o ~
Ann's camera la cámara de Ann
my brother's car el coche de mi hermano
thc manager's officc la oticrna del director
's se usa normalmente con personas para expresar posesión, relación familiar o dependencia. En español se indica esta relación con la preposición 'de':
• l stayed at my sister's housc. (no' ... rhc housc of my sister.')
... en casa de mi hermana. • Have you met Mr Kelly's wife? (no' thc wife of Mr Kclly?') ¿ ... la esposa de Mr Kelly? • Are you going to Jamcs's party? (no' the jarnes's party?') ¿Vas a la tiesta de James? • Paul is a man's namc. Paula is a woman's name. ... nombre de hombre .... nombre de mujer. Observa que delante de los nombres de personas no se usa the: Ann's coat (no 'the Ann's coar') Jamcs's party (no 'rhc James's party') También se puede usar -'s a solas: • Mary's hair is longer than Ann's. (= Ann's hair) ... más largo que el de Ann. • 'Whose urnbrella is this?' 'It's my mother's.' (= my mother's umbrella) ... el de mi madre. • 'Where were you last night?' 'Ar Paul's.' (se sobreentiende= Paul's house) En casa de Paul.
friend's y friends' Si usamos un nombre en singular (friend/studenr/ mother), añadimos -'s:
Si usamos un nombre en plural acabado en -s (friends/students/parents etc.), añadimos sólo el apóstrofo ( - '):
my fricnd's house
my fricnds' house
my mother's car
la casa de mi amiga el coche de mi madre
rny parents' car
la casa de mis amigos el coche de mis padres
Se usa of ... (=de ... ) para hablar de cosas, lugares, etc.: • • • • • •
Look at rhe roof of that building (no 'thar building's roof') ... el techo de aquel edilicio. Wc didn't see the beginning of thc film (no 'the film's beginning') ... el principio de la película. What's the namc of this villagc? ¿Cuál es el nombre de este pueblo? Do you know the cause of thc problern? ¿ ... la causa del problema? You can sit in the back of the car. . .. en la parte de detrás del coche. Madrid is the capital of Spain. ... la capital de España.
mine/yours etc.=:::) il) l •ti•itJI
whosc ... ?
-'s (hc's I Mary's etc.)~
f i4¡:j1[ .. JI
Observa el árbol genealógico y escribe frases sobre los miembros de la familia. 1 ( Brian/husband) .. fü:~
2 3 4 5 6 7
"~+®~, ~DANIEL
Mary and Brian are marricd. They have a son, James, anda daughrer, Julia. Julia is married to Paul. Julia and Paul have a son, Daniel.
...l6....M~!.!Ú ~~~~.a.r.i.4..,
(julia/mothcr) ....:-1~~--~--.P.~'.~ ~.@.~.:.. (Mary/wifc) Mary is (jamcs/brorhcr) James (Jamcs/unclc) (Julia/wife) Julia (Mary/grandrnother)
8 (julia/sistcr)
wifc. . unclc. .
9 (Paul/husband) 10 (Paul/farhcr) 11 (Daniel/nephew]
. .
Observa el dibujo y responde con una sola palabra.
And this?
And this?
......................................... 4~
r/50 And these?
¿Son correctas estas frases? Corrige las que no estén bien. 1 1 stayed atÜhc house of my sistey 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 1l 12
13 14
And these? .
What is the name of this villa~c? Do you like rhc colour of this coat? Do you know the phone numbcr of Bill? The job of mv brorher is very intcresting. Write your namc at the top of thc page. For me the morning is the besr part of thc day. The favourite colour of Paula is blue, Whcn is rhc birthdav of your mother? The house of mv parents isn'r very big. The walls of rhis house are very thin. The car sroppcd ar rhe cnd of rhc streer. Are you going ro the party uf Silvia ncxr wcck? The manager of rhe hotel is on holiday at the moment.
... ~!i..5.~.~.'.s... n..~.s.e:....-
· ·º~·-·
Traduce al inglés: l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'¿Es ese bolso de Carla?' 'No, el
ajan (1) A
'rr 1
1 -
He's got a camera.
She's waiting for a friend.
Tiene una cámara.
Espera a un/a amigo/a.
It's a nice day. Hace (un) buen día.
a/an = 'un, una'
Se usa a delante de una consonante (b/c/d/j/w/y etc.): • • • •
They've got rwo childrcn, a boy and a girl. Tienen dos hijos, un chico y una chica. Al ice works in a bank. en un banco. Can I ask a question? ¿ hacer una pregunta? Birmingham is a large ciry in central England. . .. una ciudadgrande ...
Se usa an delante de una vocal (a/e/i/o/u): • Do you want an apple ora banana? ¿ ... una manzana o un plátano? • l'm going to buy a hat andan umbrella. . .. un sombreroy un paraguas. • lt is an inreresting film. . .. una película interesante.
también an hour (la h no se pronuncía) pero se usa a delante del sonido /ju:/: a univcrsity
a European country
another (= an + orher) = 'otro/otra'se escribe como una sola palabra: • Can Ihavc anothcr cup of tea? ¿ ... otra taza de té? • Open another window. lt's vcry hor. Abre otra ventana ...
Se usa a/an para designar cosas o personas: • The sun is a star. . .. es una estrella. • Football is a gamc. . .. es un juego. • A mouse is an animal. lt's a small animal. ... es un animal. Es un animal pequeño. • Joe is a very nice person. . .. es una persona muy agradable. a/an se usan delante de los nombres de profesiones: • 'Whac's your job?'
'l'm a dentist.' (no 'I'm dentist.')
... 'Soy dentista.' • 'What does Mark do?'
'Hc's an cngincer.'
... 'Es ingeniero.' • • • •
Would you like to be a teacher? ¿ ... ser profesor? Beethoven was a composcr. . .. era/fuecompositor. Picasso was a famous painter. . .. era/fue un pintor famoso. Are you a student? ¿Eres estudiante?
.. a/an es singular. Para expresar la idea de 'unos/unas'del español, se puede usar some/any (~ Unidad 76).
a/an (2) ~ .,
i I U1
a car I sorne money (contables e incontables)~
¡.¡ ¡.¡qa;:a
Escribe a o an. 1 .. ~. old book window
2 3
5 6
. .. ncw airport
mountain planee
rivcr tool
. .
univcrsiry hour cconomic problcm
. . . .
musical insrrumcnr vegcrahlc 6 jupirer 1s 7 Apear is 8 The Amazon is 9 A rose is 10 A trumpet is
. . . . .
¿Cuál es su profesión? Observa los dibujos y completa las frases usando las siguientes profesiones: clectrician
..~.e.'s...~ ..~.~h
prívate detective
shop assistant
2 Hc's
. """'"
3 She 4
7 8 9
¿Qué son estas cosas? Escoge una opción del cuadro y completa las frases.
I A duck is .. ~Ji!r.4 2 A carror is 3 Ten nis is 4 A hammer is 5 Evere r is
taxi driver
7 .. . 8 And you? l'm
. ..
Escribe frases completas usando un elemento del cuadro A y otro del B. Usa a/an cuando sea necesano. A
2 3
I waAt re aslc y01:1 Tom never wears Ican't ride My brother is
Barbara works in Ann wanrs to learn Jim lives in This evening I'm going to
old house parry bookshop hat
artist -{JtJ~
forcign languagc bicycle
J ..~~~..~.. ~k... !í~ ..~ ..q~.~~.~z.;
5 6 7
8 65.5
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4
Mi padre es mecánico y mi madre es médico. Cervantes fue escritor. Estoy leyendo un libro interesante. Sandra quiere ser periodista. 5 ¿! lay universidad donde vives? 6 Nuestro piso está en un edificio viejo. 7 '¡Toma otra taza de café!' 'No, gracias, pero quisiera un vaso de agua.' 8 Tenemos que esperar una hora. 131
a/an (2) A
En los siguientes
casos en inglés se usa a/an, pero ningún artículo en español.
Whar a big car! ¡Qué gato tan grande!
Shc's gor a cold. Está resfriada.
en las exclamaciones: • Whar a noise! ¡Qué ruido! • What an awful day! ¡Qué día tan malo! detrás de without (= sin): • Don'r go out without an umbrella. ... sin paraguas. • They boughr a housc withour a garage. ... sin garaje. con
los numerales 100 y 1000:
• There are a hundred (o onc hundred) pence in a pound. Hay cien peniques en una libra. • In thar shop rhere are overa thousand (o one thousand) CDs. ... hay más de mil compact discs. al hablar de pertenencias o efectos personales: • Have you gor a watch / a car/ a computcr / a driving licencc / a passport? ¿Tienes reloj/ coche/ ordenador/ permiso de conducir/ pasaporte? al hablar de ciertos problemas de salud: • !'ve gor a cough / a ternperarure / a headache / a cold. Tengo tos/ fiebre/ dolor de cabeza. / Estoy resfriado. en algunas expresiones
o frases hechas, por ejemplo:
• When he was a child ... Cuando era pequeño ... • Are you an only child? ¿Eres hijo único? • l'm in a good/bad mood. Estoy de buen/mal humor.
Se usa a/an pero normalmente 'el/la' en español para hablar de características físicas: • David has got a big nose. David tiene la nariz grande. • Her car has a very short raíl. Su gato tiene la cola muy corta. • I've got a sore rhroar, Tengo la garganta irritada.
También se usa a/an para expresar relaciones rhree lessons a wcek
de frecuencia+ tiempo, precio+ cantidad, etc.:
tres clases a la semana
8 hours a day 8 horas al día ll.50 a kilo .íl.50 el kilo 90 kilornetres an hour 90 kilómetros por hora • Thcse roma roes arel 1.75 a kilo. ... son a !1. 75 el kilo. • Thac crain era veis ar 125 miles an hour. ... viaja a 125 millas por hora.
a/an (1) => 1lj:jj,¡t,C:¡.j
a car I sorne money (contables e incontables)=>
Escribe una exclamación para cada dibujo usando What a/an ... !
1 2 3
h:'h..aj; ~.)-~~L.
. .9ir.L !
Observa bien a
1 ·--~-~\ ..9~--~--r.~!'.14 .. :~.: .
7 .................................................................................................... 8 ..........................................................................................................
face! room! film! !
4 mouth. .
5 6
. mousrache.
Observa los dibujos y escribe frases verdaderas usando I've gota ... / l haven't gota ... 4
1 2 3
estas personas o animales y describe sus rasgos más marcados.
2 He 3 lt
5 6 ................................................................................................
day! book!
!.'.~~--9.~..~ .. ~;;~-~-'(O t.._11~:,:-_~\.9~.t...~.~-;;1>9r,t;,.)
. .
5 6
Traduce a/ inglés: 1 ¡Qué día tan frío!
2 Es una casa grande pero sin jardín. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Lucy tiene fiebre. En mi escuela tenemos seis clases al día. (clase= Jesson) Mi hermano está de muy mal humor hoy. '¿Es Teresa hija única?' 'No, tiene una hermana.' Tengo dolor de cabeza. Dame una aspirina. ¡Hola Bruce, qué sorpresa! (sorpresa = surprise) Es un tren rápido. Viaja a 250 kilómetros por hora.
flower(s} A
bus(es} (singular y plural)
El plural de un sustantivo es normalmente singular+ -s. singular
a flower a week a nice place rhis shop
~ ~ ~ ~
sorne flowcrs unas flores six weeks seis semanas many nice places muchos sitios bonitos thcsc shops estas tiendas a flower
Ortografía (spelling) de las terminaciones del plural: El plural de los sustantivos que ~ terminan en -s I -sh I -ch I -x
bus~ buses dish ~ dishes church ~ churches box ~ boxes
también se forma añadiendo -es:
pocaco ~ potatoes -y~
pero -ay I -ey I -oy ~
-ies -ys
shelf ~ shelves
Estas palabras son plural en inglés:
á& scissors tijeras
~ glasscs gafas
~ trouscrs
jea ns
tomate ~ tomatoes
baby ~ babies dictionary ~ dictionaries party ~ parties day ~ days rnonkcy ~ monkeys boy ~ boys
-f /-fe ~ -ves
sorne flowers
pantalones vaqueros
knife ~ knivcs
wifc ~ wivcs
"" pyjamas
pijama (singular en español)
• Do you wear glasscs? ¿Llevas gafas? • Those jeans make you look younger. Esos pantalones vaqueros te hacen parecer más joven. • Where are my pyjamas? ¿Dónde está mi pijama? A veces se dice a pair of scissors I a pair of trousers etc. para indicar uno de estos objetos:
• l need a new pair of pyjamas. o ... sorne new pyjamas. (no 'a new pyjamas')
Necesito un pijama nuevo.
Observa que clothes (= ropa) es plural:
• My clothes are dirty. 1 muse wash them.
Mi ropa está sucia. Debo lavarla.
Algunos plurales irregulares que no terminan en -s son:
this man (hombre)~ rhese mcn a woman (mujer) ~ sorne women a child (niño/a)~ many children
one foot (pie) ~ rwo feet a tooth (diente)~ ali rny teeth a mouse (ratón) ~ sorne mice
that shccp (oveja) ~ rhose sheep a fish toeú-« many fish
Observa también: a person ~ two pcople I sorne people I a lor of people etc. El plural 'persons' no es tan frecuente
como 'people'. • She's a nice person.
Es una persona agradable.
• They are nice people.
Sonpersonas agradables.
People es plural, a diferencia de 'gente': A lot of people speak English. (no 'a loe of people speaks') Mucha gente habla inglés. • l like those people tberc. Thcy are very nice. Me cae bien esa gente. Es muy agradable. Policc también es plural: The police are coming. (no 'The policc is coming.') Viene la policía. Do the police carry guns in your country? (no 'Does rhe police ... ?') Para hablar de una persona se usa policcman/policcwoman, police officer:
• My sisrer is a policewoman. Mi hermana es policía. Ortografía (spclling) ~
Mi 1,@Jj
¿Va armada la policla ... ?
Escribe el plural.
1 Aower ...~.~ 2 boar 3 wornan 4 ciry
. ..
6 address
7 knifc 8 sandwich
. ..
in rhe field. .
9 family 11 holiday
. . ..
12 potaro
ar rhe bus stop.
4 Jill has got rwo 5 There are a lor of 6 The
J lt's a lovcly park with a lot of beautiful rree 4 Therc was a woman in rhc car with rwo rncns S Shcep ear grass. 6 David is married and has rhrcc childs 7 Mosr of my fricn
som~.~j~s ...
1 ~
.. ..
. . . . . . . . . . . .
¿Qué opción es la correcta? Completa las frases.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
lr's a nice place. Many people ...Ee> .... rhere for a holiday. Sorne people . always late. The president is not popular. The people like him. A lor of pcople televisión every day. Thrce people injured in rhe accidenr. How many people in rhat house? . rhe poi ice carry guns in your country? Thc police looking for rhe stolen car. 1 nce
in the river. are falling from rhe tree.
Algunas de estas frases son correctas, pero la mayoría no. Corrige las que no estén bien.
l'm going to buy sorne Ilowers .... .~.... 2 1 nee
67 .4
10 foor
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases.
1 There are a lot of ...~!').~ 2 George is cleaning his 3 There are rhree .. .
5 urnbrella
(go ogoes?) (is o are?) (don'r o doesn't?) (watch o watchcs?) (was o were?) (livc olives?) (Do o Does?) (is o are?) (ir o rhem?) (a o sorne?)
Traduce al inglés:
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
En esta rienda puedes comprar flores y plantas. ¿Cuánta gente había en el restaurante? La policía está buscando a los ladrones. (ladrón = thief) ¿Cuántos diccionarios hay en las estanterías? Estas pararas son muy buenas pero los tomares están verdes. En esta ciudad hay muchas iglesias. (muchas = a lot of) Me gusta tu ropa. ¿Dónde la compraste? Me compré unos pantalones, dos camisas y un pijama. 135
a car/ sorne money (contable/incontable 1) Un sustantivo puede ser contable (counrable) o incontable (uncounrable). Sustantivos contables Por ejemplo: (a) car
(a) man
(a) kcy
(a) housc
(an) idea
(a) flowcr
(an) accident
Se puede usar oncftwo/three etc. con sustantivos contables (se pueden contar):
rwo cars
one car
rhree men
four houses
Los sustantivos contables pueden ser singular o plural: singular: plural:
a car cars
my car two cars
the car etc. rhe cars sorne cars
many cars etc.
• Iam going to buy a car. Voy a comprar un coche. • There aren't many cars in rhe car park. No hay muchos coches en el aparcamiento. • New cars are very expensive. Los coches nuevos son muy caros. No uses el singular (car/house ere.) solo. Acompáñalo de ajan,~ Unidad 66). • What a nice car! (no 'What nice car!') • We can't ger in wirhout a key. (no 'withour key') • It's a nice house, bur there isn'r a gardcn. (no 'rhere isn't garden') • 1 haven't gota watch. (no 'I haven't got watch')
Sustantivos incontables Por ejemplo: water
lt &
mu sic
ten nis
No se puede decir onc/two/three etc. + estas cosas: ~
Los sustantivos incontables sólo tienen una forma (singular): mooey
the money
my money
sorne moncy
much money etc.
• 1 've gor sorne moncy. Tengo algo de dinero. • There isn't much moncy in the box. No hay mucho dinero ... • Money isn't everything. El dinero no lo es todo. Los sustantivos incontables se pueden usar solos: • We can't live withour water. No podemos vivir sin agua. No uses a/an + sustantivo incontable:
X moncy X music
Para indicar una cierta cantidad decimos a piece of ... / a glass of ... etc.: a glass of water un vaso de agua
a can of oil una lata de aceite
a bar of chocolate una barra/tableta de chocolate
a bottle of milk una botella de leche
a piecc of music una pieza de música
a bowl of rice un bol de arroz
a/an ~
contable/incontable 2 ~
a piece of cheese un trozo de queso a cup of coffee una taza de café
a game of tennis un partido de tenis
¿Qué son estas cosas? Algunas son contables y otras incontables. Escribe a/an si es necesario.
bucker cgg
envelopc jug
milk money
toorhpasre wallct
A algunas de estas frases les falta a/an. Otras son correctas. Escribe a/an donde sea necesario. ....
3 Ann nevcr wears har 4 Are you looking for joh?
S 6 7 8
Mary doesn'r ear mea t Mary ears apple every day I'rn going to party tonighr, Music is wonderful thing
. .. .
Jamaica is island I don'r need key Evcrybody needs food I'vc goc good idea Can you drivc car? Do you wanr cup of coffee? J don't like coffec without milk 16 Don 'r go out without urnbrella
9 IO 1 1 12 1~ 14 15
. ..
.. .. .. . .
Observa los dibujos y escribe a ... of ... para cada dibujo usando las palabras de los cuadros.
cup glass [ar
~ bowl
I J havcn't got ~rch ... ~ ..1::1.~ 2 Do you likc cheese? ..~ .
loa f piccc piece
o.. . bo!fle.. of miil:: ...
2 3
5 .
hread chocolate honey
rea water wood
paper soup .
8 9
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿Tienes reloj? Mi padre siempre lleva sombrero. Necesitamos una botella de leche, una ha rra de chocolate, un vaso de agua, algo de azúcar y un huevo. '¡Qué casa tan grande!' 'Sí, pero no tiene jardín.' No hay mucho vino, pero hay cerveza y zumo de naranja. (zumo de naranja = orange juice) No olvides el dinero para las entradas. (entradas= rickcrs) No salgas sin chaqueta. Hace frío. No puedo traducir la carta sin diccionario.
a car/ sorne money (contable/incontable2) A
a/an (un/una) y sorne (un poco de/ algo de/ unos/ unas/ algunos/ algunas) a/an se usa con un sustantivo contable en singular (car/apple/shoe etc.): • 1 nced a new car. Necesito un coche nuevo. • Would you like an apple? ¿Quieres una manzana?
an apple
sorne se usa con: sustantivos contables en plural (cars/apples/shoes etc.):
• 1 need sorne new shoes. Necesito zapatos nuevos. • Would you like sorne apples? ¿Quieres unas manzanas?
sorne apples
sustantivos incontables (water/money/music etc.): • 1 need sorne money. Necesito dinero. • Would you like sorne cheese?
sorne cheese o a piece of cheese
¿Quieres un poco de queso?
(o Would you like a piece of cheese?) Compara a y sorne:
• Linda bought a hat, sorne shocs and sorne perfume. • 1 read a newspaper, wrote sorne letters and listened to sorne music.
Muchos sustantivos son a veces contables y otras veces incontables. Por ejemplo:
a chicken
sorne chicken o a piece of chicken
sorne chickens ~
un pollo
unos pollos
un trozo de pollo
a paper (= a newspaper) es 'un periódico'. Pero sorne paper / a piece of paper es 'un poco de papel/una hoja de papel'.
• I want something to read. I'rn going to buy a paper. • 1 want to make a lisr, 1 need sorne paper / a piece of paper. (no 'a paper')
Cuidado con estas palabras, normalmente son incontables en inglés:
• I need sorne inforrnation about horels in London. (no 'informations') Necesito algunas informaciones sobre ...
• Sue gave me sorne good advice. (no 'ad vices/ a good advice') ... me dio unos buenos consejos.
• • • • • • •
It's nice weather today. (no 'a nice weather') Hace buen tiempo hoy. Listen! I've just had sorne good news. (no 'a good news') ... unas buenas noticias. I'm going to huy sorne bread. (no 'a bread') ... comprar pan. Sue has gor very long hair. (no 'hairs') Sue tiene el pelo muy largo. They've got sorne very nice furniture in their house. (no 'furnitures') Tienen unos muebles muy bonitos ... Have you done your homework? (no 'homeworks') ¿ ... tus deberes? 'Do you like your job?' 'Yes, but it's hard work.' (no 'a hard work') ... 'Sí, pero es (un trabajo) duro.'
work significando 'trabajo/actividad' es incontable y a job es 'un trabajo' o 'un puesto de trabajo': • l've got sorne work ro do. Tengo trabajo que hacer. • l've gota new job. (no 'a new work') Tengo un trabajo nuevo.
contable/incontable 1 ~
¡.¡ !U•
sorne y any ~
¿Qué compraste? Responde usando I bought ... y la información de los dibujos.
1 . .I.J~9-~t.~!?ro..~.~-~-~-~, .. ~ ..~#...~4 2 I bought
. .
Escribe frases usando Would you like a ... ? o Would you like sorne ... ?
1 ..W~.!4. .!:!~ ..14.~..~!?ro..~.q)~~~L 2 Would you like 3 Would
? ?
4 5
? ? ?
Completa las frases cona/ano con sorne.
1 1 read ..'!-:.. book and lisrened to ...~.!?ro.'?:.. music. 2 1 need money. I want co buy food. 3 We rncr intcresting pcople ar the party. 4 l'm going to open window to get frcsh air. 5 She didn't ear rnuch for lunch - only apple and bread. 6 Wc livc in big housc. There's nice garden with beautiful trces. 7 l'm going to rnake a table. First 1 need wood. 8 Listen to me carefully. T'm going ro give you advicc. 9 I want to write a letter. 1 necd papcr and pcn.
¿Qué alternativa es la correcta?
I I'm going to buy sorne new§fteet'.shoes. sboss es la forma correcta 2 Marrin has got brown eye/eyes. 3 Paula has got shorr black hairzhaírs. 4 The rourist guide gave us sorne information/informations about the town. 5 We're going to buy sorne new chair/chairs. 6 We're going to buy sorne new furniture/furnitures. 7 It's difficult to get a work/job at che mornent. 8 We had lovely wearher / a lovely wcather when wc were on holiday.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Estoy buscando un trabajo en Barcelona. (buscar= look for) Dame papel y un lápiz, por favor. Me gustaría comprar muebles nuevos. Tengo hambre. Voy a comer pan. (comer= have) Javier tiene un problema difícil. Necesita consejos. Tengo buenas noticias. Carlos y Roberto aprobaron sus exámenes. (aprobar= pass) Quiero algunas informaciones sobre el nuevo museo. Ayer tuvimos un tiempo horroroso. (horroroso= awful)
the the corresponde normalmente a 'el/la': • Thc sky is blue and thc sun is shining. El cielo ... el sol ... • Lima is thc capital of Peru. . .. la capital de ... • Can you tell me thc time, picase? ¿Puedes decirme la hora ... ? • My office is on the first floor. ... en el primer piso. • Do you live near the city centre? ¿ ... cerca del centro de la ciudad? • Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? ¿ ... el banco más cercano? • Do you drive on the right or on the left in your counrry? ¿Se conduce a la derecha o a la izquierda en tu país? • My house is at the end of this strcct. . .. al final de esta calle. Se dice in the middle of (en medio de):
• The table is in the middle of the room. (no 'in middle of') En los casos siguientes no se usa thc en inglés: colores: comidas:
• • •
I don'r like red or whitc.
No me gusta el rojo ni el blanco .
I never have breakfast. (no 'the breakfast') Nunca desayuno . What time do you have lunch? ¿A qué hora almuerzas? Dinner is ready. La cena está preparada .
títulos: ( Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/ Aun t/U ncle/Doctor/Captain etc.): Do you know Mrs Smith? ¿ ... a la Sra. Smith? Uncle Robert is ill. El tío Robert está enfermo . Captain Cook discovered Australia. El Capitán Cook ...
• • •
Mum/Dad y otros miembros de la familia: Mum's gone ro rhe cinema. La mamá se ha ido al cine . Sue is playing wirh Grandad. .. . con el abuelo .
• •
nombres de los días (Monday!Tuesday etc.)
• •
l'll be away from Monday to Friday. Estaré fuera desde el lunes hasta el viernes . Do you work on Saturdays? ¿Trabajas los sábados?
next/last (+ week/month!year/summer/Mondayetc.): I'm not working next week. ... fa semana que viene . Did you have a holiday lasr summer? ¿ ... el verano pasado?
• •
television/radio Se dice:
• l watch tclcvision a lot. Veo mucho la televisión. • Whar's on television tonight? ¿ ... en fa televisión ... ?
pero se dice rhe radio:
• I listen ro the radio a lor. Oigo mucho la radio. • What's on rhe radio ronight? ¿ ... en la radio ... ? Cuando nos referimos al televisor se dice thc tclevision:
• Can you turn off the television?
• 1
Otros usos y omisiones de the ~
¿Puedes apagar el televisor?
the oldest I the rnost expensive etc. ~
N!H j,Jlil
Escribe the donde sea necesario. Si la frase es correcta escribe OK. 1 Whar is (name) of this srrcct? .. Jn.e: ..~~i;,
2 What's on rclevision tonighr? .... .Q!<- . 3 Our apartment is on second floor
. . . . . . . .. .. .
4 1 wenr to cinema wirh Dad 5 Which is besr hotel in rhis town? 6 What time is lunch? 7 How far is ir ro ciry centre? 8 Wc'rc going away ar cnd of May 9 What are you doing next weekend? 10 Is Mr Sullivan ar home? 1 1 I'rn going out afrer dinncr 12 There is a srarue in middle of founrain 13 My sisrer got married last rnonrh l 4 My dictionary is on top shelf on right 15 We live in country abour five miles from nearcst villagc
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases usando the si es necesario.
1 ...D.i:n.l'.l.e.r... is ready. 2 He's lisrening to .. 3
. ..
Srnith is in his office.
4 They'rc having 5 They're watching 6 She's travelling to Paris on
.. . .
Completa las frases usando /as palabras de la lista y the si es necesario.
last Sunday
next month
1 'Can you tell me ..~~.~.~. picase?' 'Yes, it's half past six.' 2 We had ..~~~-·-ara restaurant lasr night. 3 is a good colour for you. Ir makcs you look younger. 4 Did you see the film on last night? 5 I was hungry this morning bccausc I didn't havc . 6 wc wcnt to the beach. 7 There is a bus stop in of the squarc. 8 'What did you havc for ?' 'Justa salad.' 9 When l'm working at home I like listening to .. 10 We are going to huy a new car .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mi color favorito es el verde. El Sr. López está esperándonos. Ayer vimos a la tía Lola en el centro de la ciudad. ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? Hay una isla pequeña en medio del río. (isla = island) El cine está al final de esta calle a la izquierda. El Dr. Gómez trabaja en el Hospital General. ¿Puedes encender el televisor? (encender= turn on) Liz escucha la radio a menudo pero nunca ve la televisión. El lunes las tiendas abren a las 9.
go to work / go home / go to the cinema
She's at work.
They're going to school.
He's in bed.
Normalmente no se usa the con los lugares de trabajo, estudio, iglesias, etc.:
(go) to work, (be) at work, start work, finish work: • Goodbye! l'm going to work now. (no 'to rhe work') ... me voy al trabajo ahora. • 1 finish work at 5 o'clock evcry day. Termino el trabajo ... (go) to school, (be) at school, srart school, leave school etc.: • What did you learn at school toda y? ¿Qué has aprendido hoy en la escuela? • Some children don 't like school. A algunos niños no les gusta la escuela. (go) to universiry/college,(be) at university/colJege: • Helen wants to go to university (no 'go to the university') when she leaves school (no 'leaves the school'). Helen quiere ir a la universidad cuando deje el instituto. ¿Qué estudiaste en la universidad?
• What did you study at college?
(go) to hospital, (be) in hospital: • Jack was in an accident. He had to go to hospital. (no 'to rhe hospital') ... ir al hospital.
(go) to prison, (be) in prison: • Why is he in prison? (no 'in che prison') What did he do? ¿Por qué está en la cárcel? ... (go) to church, (be) in/ar church: • David usually goes to church on Sundays.
... va a la iglesia ...
(go) to bed, (be) in hed: • I'm tired. l'm going to bed (no 'to the bed'). Estoy cansado. Me voy a la cama. • 'Where's Jill ?' 'She's in bed.' ... 'Está en la cama.' También: (go) home, (be) at home etc.: • l'm tired. l'm going home (no 'to home'). . .. Me voy a casa. • Are you going out ronighr orare you staying at home? ¿... o te quedas en casa?
Se utiliza the con otros nombres de lugares como: (go to) the cinema I the theatre I the bank I the post office I the station I the airport I the ciry centre etc.: • I never go to the theatre but I often go to the cinema. • 'Are you going to the bank?' 'No, the post office.' (go to) the doctor, the dentist: • You're nor well. Why don't you go to the doctor? • I'rn going to the denrist tomorrow.
the ee
in I ar => I'
) JHfJltJl#$(1il 1
to/ in I at => (1
fi illfj
(at) horne ee ll)'jj,01IHfJ
¿Dónde se encuentran estas personas? Observa los dibujos y completa /as frases. Usa thc cuando sea necesario.
1 He's in ... ..b.~:
2 They're at
. .
3 She's in 4 She's at
.. .
5 They're at 6 He's in
.. ..
Completa las frases con palabras de la lista. Usa the cuando sea necesario. bed
post office
1 I need some money, I must go to ...~~.~~ ....... 2 David usually goes to ... c:11.u..r<:J:1 on Sundays. 3 In Britain, children go to from che age of five. 4 Therc wcrc a lot of people at waiting for the train. 5 I phoned you last night but you weren'r at . 6 I'rn going to now. Goodnight! 7 I'rn going ro to get some srarnps.
Completa las frases. Usa the cuando sea necesario.
1 2 3 4
lf lf lf lf 5 lf
you you you you you 6 If you 7 If you
.. . .. .. .. .. ..
Escribe the donde sea necesario. Si la frase está completa escribe OK. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 11 12 13 14 15
want ro catch aplane, you ... 9~..!:9. ..~~-~!:t want to see a film, you go to are tired and you want to sleep, you rob a bank and thc poi ice catch you, you have a problern wirh your teeth, you wanr to study after you lea ve school, you are injured in an accident, you
We went(to cinenla) last night ..... t.o #.1~..~~.~ .. I finish work at 5 o'clock every day .9~ .. Mary wasn't feeling well yesterday, so she wenr to doctor. I wasn't feeling well chis morning, so I stayed in bed Why is Angela always late for work? 'Where are che children?' 'They're at school.' We've got no money in bank. .. When I was younger, I went to church every Sunday What time do you usually get home from work? Do you live far from city centre? 'Where shall we meet?' 'At station.' Jim is ill. He's in hospital Margaret takes her children to school evcry day Would you like to go to univcrsity? Would you like to go to theatre this evening?
. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dejé la escuela y fui a la universidad en 1998. Después del accidente estuve en el hospital durante tres semanas. (durante= for) Voy a correos. Necesito sellos. No vamos a la iglesia los domingos. Es tarde. Quiero ir a casa. Conocí a Jane en el trabajo. (conocer = meet) Lola está enferma. Tuvo que ir al médico esta mañana. 143
l like music
I hate exams o
lo ló
No se usa the con los nombres que tienen un sentido general. Cuidado: en español a veces se usa 'el/la/los/las': • 1 like music, cspecially classical music. (no 'rhe rnusic ... thc classical rnusic'] Me gusta la música, especialmente la música clásica. • Wc don'r car mear vcry oftcn. No comemos carne muy a menudo. • Lifc is not possiblc without water. (no 'the life ... rhe water') La vida no es posible sin (el) agua. • 1 hate exams. (no 'the exams') Detesto los exámenes. • Do you know a shop that sells forcign ncwspapers? ¿ ... que venda periódicos extranjeros? • I'm nor vcry good ar writing letters. No se me da muy bien escribir cartas.
No se usa the con /os nombres de juegos ni de actividades deportivas: • My favourirc sporrs are tcnnis and skiing. (no 'rhe rennis ... rhc skiing') Mis deportes favoritos son el tenis y el esquí. • Can you play chcss? (no 'thc chcss') ¿Sabes jugar al ajedrez? Tampoco se usa the con los idiomas ni las asignaturas (hisrory/geography/physics/biology • Do you think English is difficult? (no 'the English') ... el inglés ... • 1 prefer physics to chemistry. (no 'the physics ... che chemistry') Prefiero la física a la química.
flowers o the flowers? Compara: al hablar en general no se usa thc: • Flowcrs are beauriful. Las flores son bonitas.
al hablar de casos particulares se usa thc: • This is a lovcly gardcn. Thc flowcrs are bcautiful. (las de este jardín)
• 1 don'r like cold wcathcr. No me gusta el tiempo frío.
• Thc weathcr isn't very nicc toda y. (= el tiempo que hace hoy)
• Are you interested in history? ¿Te interesa la historia?
• Are you inrerested in the history of your counrry? (= la de tu país)
• Everybody needs food. Todo el mundo necesita comida.
• It's a nice hotel and the food is very good. (= la comida de ese hotel)
the =>
¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre estas cosas? dogs museums
big cities tea
motor racing basketball
TV quiz shows cornpurer games
exarns loud music
parties hard work
Elige siete cosas y escribe frases que empiecen por: I like ...
Idon't like ...
1 ... l)1o..te. .e.XOJYI$ 2 3
I love ...
I hatc ...
I don't mind ... (= ir's OK)
5 6
7 8
¿Te interesan estas cosas? Responde usando las expresiones siguientes: l'rn (vcry) intcrcsred in ... I'm not intcrestcd in ... (h isrory) .. __ l_'_rri__ r.~
I know a lor abour . I know a littlc ahour .
I don't know much about ... I don't know anyrhing abour ...
-~~~~~ ..~..~.ͧ.~!'.!:I., .
2 (politics) I 3 (sport)
. . .
4 (art)
5 (asrronomy) 6 (cconornics)
Observa las palabras subrayadas y escoge la forma correcta: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 118 19 20
:\ 1 y Favourire sport is ten nis /rhe te1rnis. rennis es la forma correcta 1 like chis hotel. Reems-/Thc rooms are ver)' nice. The rooms es la forma correcta Everybody necds friends / the friends. Jane docsn't go to parties / the parrics vcry oftcn. 1 wcnt shopping rhis rnorning. Shops / Thc shops werc vcry husy. 'Wherc's milk / the rnilk?' 'Ir's in rhe fridge.' 1 don't like rnilk / thc milk. l nevcr drink ir. 'Do you do any sports?' 'Yes, l play foothall / the foorball.' Thcsc days a lot of pcople use computers I the computcrs. Wc wenr [or a swim in rhc river. Water /The water was very cold. 1 don 't like swimming in cold water/ rhe cold water. Excuse me, can you pass salt / thc salr, please? 1 like this town. I likc pcoplc I thc pcoplc here. fuetablcs / The vegeta bles are good for you. '\X'herc are children / che children?' 'Thcy'rc in the garden.' 1 cau't sing this song. 1 don 'r know words / thc words. 1 cnjoy raking phorographs I the photographs. lr's rny hobby. 1 must show you phorographs / thc phorographs rhar I took when l was on holiday. English / The English is used a lor in inrcrnarional business / rhe inrernarional business. \loncy I Thc mone\' doesn 'r always bring happiness / rhe happiness.
Traduce al inglés: No me gusta la música rock. Prefiero la música clásica. 2 ¿El azúcar tiene muchas calorías? (calorías= calories) 3 ¿Te gustaría jugar al fútbol? 4 L1 biología es muy difícil. El inglés C!-. fácil. S Gent'ralmentc no me gusta el pescado, pero el pescado de este restaurante es muy bueno. (de= in) 6 I.os tomates son más caros que las patatas. 7 A l.ucy le encantan la fruta y· las verduras. 145
the (con nombres de lugares) 'A
Nombres de
lugares (continentes/países/estados/islas/ciudades/pueblosetc.)
Normalmente no se usa the con /os nombres geográficos: • Argentina is a very large country. (no 'rhe Argentina') La Argentina ... ~ • Cairo is the capital of Egypt. (no 'che Cairo') El Cairo ... ~ • Peru is in South America. (no 'the Peru' ... 'rhe South America') El Perú
se usa the con /as palabras 'republic'/'states'/'kingdom':
the Republic of Ireland (o the Irish Republic) the United States of America (the USA)
está en Sudamérica.
the Czech Republic thc United Kingdom (the UK)
Nombres en plural
Se usa the con /os nombres en plural de países, is/as y montañas: THE
che Netherlands
the Canary Islands
the Philippines
Mares, ríos, etc. Se usa the con /os nombres de océanos, mares, ríos y canales: the Atlanric (Ocean) the Mcditcrrancan (Sea) THE
thc (River) Nile
the Sucz Canal
the Amazon the Black Sea
Montañas y lagos Normalmente no
the Andes
se usa thc con nombres de montañas o lagos:
(Mount) Evcrcst
(Mount) Etna
Lakc Michigan
Lake Leman
Lugares en centros urbanos (calles, plazas, edificios, etc.) Normalmente no se usa che con nombres de calles, plazas, etc.: • Kevin lives in Newton Street. (no 'che Newton Strect') Where is Highficld Road, picase? • Times Square is in Ncw York.
JM{ •
No ~ ~
se usa thc con airport/station/university/castle Kcnncdy Airport Wcstminstcr Abbcy
Cambridge University London Zoo
se suele usar the con nombres de hoteles, restaurantes, pubs, cines, teatros, museos, etc.:
etc., si van precedidos del nombre:
Victoria Starion Edinburgh Castle
thc Hilton (Hotel) the Science Museurn thc Prado (Museum)
the Star of India (restaurante) the Odeon (cine) the Nacional Thcatrc
rhc ... of ...
las locuciones que llevan ... of ... van precedidas de the: THE
the Republic of Ireland the Great Wall of China
the Bank of England the Tower of London
Se dice thc north / thc south / the east / the west / thc middle (of ... ): • I've been to the north of ltaly but not to the south. • Santander is in the north of Spain. Valencia is in che east. • Madrid is in the middle of Spain.
Repasemos geografía. Escoge la palabra correcta en cada caso y escribe the donde sea necesario.
3 5
15 4 ...
..,_,__13 8
2 3 4
6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14
Alps Amazon Andes Asia Atlantic Bahamas
Ga+FeKenya Malta
Pacific Red Sea Rhine Sweden Tokyo United States
Escribe the donde sea necesario. Si la frase es correcta escribe OK. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1O 11 12 13 14 IS
16 17
18 19 20
is thc capital of Egypt. is berween Africa and América. is a country in northern Europe. is a river in South America. is the largest continent in thc world. is the largest ocean. is a river in Europe. isa country in East A frica. is betwecn Canada and Mexico. are mountains in South América. is thc capital of Japan. are rnounrains in central Europe. is berween Saudí Arabia and Africa. is an island in the Mediterranean. are a group of islands near Florida.
Kevin lives in Newton Street. .. ...OK..... We went to see a play(at National Theatie).!:-.. N.w.naj, ..Th.~i:: . Have you ever been to China? Havc you ever been to Philippines? Have you ever been to south of France? Can you tell me where Regal Cinema is? Can you tell me where Merrion Street is? Can you tell me where Museum of Modern Art is? Europe is bigger than Australia Belgium is smaller than etherlands Which river is longer - Mississippi or Nile? Did you go to National Gallery when you were in London? 'Where did you stay?' 'At Park Hotel in Hudson Road.' How far is it from Trafalgar Square ro Victoria Station (in London)? Rock y Mounrains are in North America Texas is famous for oíl and cowboys Panamá Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. . I hope to go to Unitcd Sta tes ncxt ycar Mary comes from a small rown in west of lreland Atan studied physics at Manchcster University
.. . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .
.. . . .
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO
El Japón es un país rico. Chicago está junto al lago Michigan. (junto a= on) ¿Hay trenes del aeropuerto de Gatwick a la estación Victoria? El verano pasado fui a Filipinas. El río Mississippi es muy largo. El océano Atlántico es más frío que el mar Mediterráneo. Inverness está al norte de Escocia. Brighton está al sur de Inglaterra. La China es más grande que la India. El museo Guggenheim es muy interesante. El aeropuerto Kennedy y el aeropuerto de Newark están cerca de Manhattan. 147
this/that/these/those this
= este/esta/esto
= estos/estas
rhat (singular)
this picturc (= this picturc here)
this these
thcsc flowcrs (= thcse flowers here)
that those
those (plural)
that picrure (= thar picrurc there) those pcople {= rhosc pcople there)
this/that/thcsc/those pueden llevar detrás un sustantivo (this picturc I that girl, etc.) o ir so/os: con sustantivo: • • • •
This hotel is expensive, bur it's very nicc. Este hotel ... 'Who's that girl?' 'l don't know.' '¿Quién es esa/aquella chica?' Do you likc rhcsc shocs? 1 boughr thcm last weck. ¿Te gustan estos zapatos? Thosc applcs look nice. Can l havo one? Esas/Aquellas manzanas ...
sin sustantivo: • • • •
This is a nicc hotel bue ir's very cxpcnsivc. Éste es un hotel bonito ... 'Excuse me, is this your bag?' 'Oh, yes. Thank you.' '¿ ... es ésta su bolsa?' Who's that? (= Who is rhat pcrson?) ¿Quién es? Which shocs do you likc mosc? Thcsc or chosc? ... ¿Éstos o ésos/aquéllos?
that = algo que ha ocurrido: • 'I'rn sorry I forgoc to phonc you.' 'That's all righr.' ... 'No importa.' • That was a rcally nice mcal. Thank you very much, Ha sido una comida estupenda .... that = algo que alguien acaba de decir: • 'You're a tcachcr, aren't you?' 'Yes, thar's right.' ... 'Sí, exacto.' • 'Martín has gota new job.' 'Has he? 1 didn't know that.' ... 'No lo sabía.' • 'I'rn going on holiday next week.' 'Oh, thar's nicc.' ... 'Oh, está bien.'
this/that pueden referirse a personas. Observa los ejemplos: • Who's that?
¿Quién es?
Al teléfono: • Helio. This is David. Diga. Soy David. • Is that Sarah? ¿Eres Sarah? Al hacer presentaciones se usa this: • A: Brian, this is Chris. Brian, éste es Chris. B: Hello, Chris - pleascd to meet you. Hola, Chris. Encantado de conocerte. C: Helio. Hola.
like this/like that = así (de este modo/ de ese modo): • Don't do it like that. Do it Jike chis. No lo hagas así. Hazlo así. • Don't look ar me like that. No me mires así. LINDA
this one / that one =>
Completa las frases con this/that/thcsc/rhose birds
pi ates
+ una de las palabras siguientes:
3 ~~~~~~~~~-
H o w much are
Escribe preguntas usando Is this/that your ... ?
o Are these/those your ... ?
Completa las frases usando this is I rhar's I thar, A: l'm sorry l'rn late.
B: ...Tu~fs. .... ali right. 2 A: T can't come to the B: Oh, 3
5 A: Jill plays the piano very well. B: Really? I didn'r know
party tornorrow.
a pity. Why not?
the telephone)
Suc: Helio, Ann Ann: Oh, helio, Sue. How are you? 4 A: You're lazy. B: not true!
6 Mark meets Paul's sister (Ann}:
Paul: Mark, my sisrer, Ann. Mark: Helio, Ann. 7 A: I'rn sorry I was angry ycstcrday. B: OK. forget it! 8 A: You'rc a friend of John's, aren'r you? B: Y es, righr.
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Esta tala está sucia. Estos coches son nuevos. Me gustan esas flores. (Al teléfono:) 'é Quién es?' 'Brian.' 'Lo siento. Olvidé telefonear a tu hermana.' 'éEs Vd. el profesor?' 'Exacto.' No uses el cuchillo así. Mira, úsalo así. ¡Mira ese coche! Quiero uno así.
'No importa.'
one/ones A
one es un número(= 1), pero, como en español, a veces se usa para evitar repetir un sustantivo:
Would you like Would you like
¿Quieres uno?
one = a/an ... (a chocolate/ an apple ere.)
• Ineed a pen. Have you got one? Necesito un bolígrafo. ¿Tienes uno? • A: Is rhere a bank near here? B: Yes, there's one round the comer. Sí, hay uno al volver la esquina.
one yones one (singular) y ones (plural) pueden sustituir a sustantivos. A veces no tienen equivalente en español: onc (singular)
Which onc? = Which hat? ¿Cuál?= ¿Qué sombrero?
Which oncs? = Which flowers? ¿Cuáles?= ¿Qué flores?
this one / that one = éste/ése/aquél • Which car is yours? This one or that one?
No se suelen usar these/those con ones:
o ése/aquél?
the one ... = el/la que está ... • A: Which hotel did you stay at? B: The one opposite rhe station.
• Which flowers do you want? These or those? ... ¿Éstas o ésas/aquéllas? the ones ... = los/las que están ... • A: Which keys are yours? B: The ones on the table.
El que está enfrente de la estación.
Las que están en la mesa.
the + adjetivo + one • l don't like the black coat but I like the brown one. . .. la marrón. • Don't buy that camera. Buy the other one. . .. la otra.
the + adjetivo + oncs • I don't like the red shoes bue I like the green ones. .. . los verdes. • Don't buy those apples. Buy the othcr ones. .. . las otras.
a/an + adjetivo+ onc • This cup is dirty. Can l have a clean one?
(sorne) +adjetivo+ oncs • These cups are dirty. Can we have sorne clean oncs? ... ¿Nos das limpias? • My shocs are very old. [ must buy sorne new ones .
... ¿Me das una limpia?
• That biscuit was nice. I'rn going ro have another one. . .. otra
.. . He de comprarme unos nuevos. En inglés no se suele decir a/the + adjetivo sin un sustantivo detrás. Se puede usar onc/oncs en lugar del sustantivo para no repetirlo:
• I'm going to sell my car and buy a new one. (no 'a new') • 'Which shoes do you like?' "The grey ones.' (no 'The grey')
which ... ? ~
another => 11,
a/an ~ 11
rhis/thar etc.=>
Con la información del cuadro escribe las respuestas de Balas preguntas de A. Usa one en lugar de a/an ... en las respuestas.
B docsn'r necd a car
B has jusr hada cup of coffee B is going to buy a bicycle B hasn't got an umbrella
rhere's a chemist in Mil! Road
B hasn't gut a pen
B: I'rn sorry, .. .!. ..h.~~~1.9~.PI')~: B: No, 1 don't B: No, but B: I'rn sorry but B: No, thank you B: Yes,
I A: Can you lend me a pcn?
2 A: Would you likc to havc a car? 3 A: Havc you gota bicyclc? 4 A: Can you lcnd mean umbrclla? S A: Would you like a cup of coffee? 6 A: Is therc a chernisr near here?
. . . . . .
Completa las frases usando a/an ... onc y las palabras siguientes: bctter
1 This cup is dirry. Can T have ....~.~ 2 I'rn going to sell my car and buy
? .
3 That's nota very good phorograph but chis is 4 I want today's newspaper. This is S This box is too small. I necd 6 Why do we always go to the same restaurant? Ler's go to
Completa los diálogos con la información del cuadro. Usa onc/ones.
rhe coat is black the girl is tal! with long hair the hotel is opposite the station the house has got a red door rhe flowers are yellow
I took rhe phorographs on the beach last week the shoes are green rhe pictures are on rhe wall the books are on rhe top shelf rhe man has got a moustache and glasses
1 A: We stayed ata hotel.
6 A: Are those your books?
B: ..Y'J.11.~ .. ~".'~.. ? A: ..Tu.~. <>ri.e:..C?PPP.S.*-.. !:n..e:..s.~.ri..... 2
A: B: A:
B: A:
Those shoes are nicc
A: That's
A: ...................................... with .... A: l like that coat. B: ..................................................................................... A A: l like those pictures. B: .................................................................................... A:
7 A: Do you know that girl? B: ....................................................................................
8 A: Those flowers are beautiful, 8: ....................................................................................
a nice house.
. . .
A: 10 )
Who's rhar man?
A: Have you sccn my photographs?
B: ....................................................................................
' '
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ·1 O
Estas naranjas son muy dulces. ¿Quieres una? (dulce= swccr) 'Dame las llaves.' '¿Cuáles?' No me gusta la camisa amarilla. Prefiero la verde. 'Necesito un vaso.' '¿Éste grande?' 'No, uno pequeño.' Estos zapatos marrones no me gustan. ¿Puedo ver los negros? Esta toalla está mojada. Necesito una seca. (mojado = wct) 'Me gustan esas rosas.' '¿Cuáles? ¿Las rojas o las blancas?' '¿Qué libro quieres? ¿El que está en la mesa?' 'No, el que está en la silla.' Pásame esa bolsa, la que está a tu derecha. (pasar= pass) ¿Qué camisa prefieres, la azul o la blanca? 151
sorne y any sorne y any indican una cantidad indeterminada. Equivalen a 'algo de/un poco de/unos/algunos/unoscuantos' etc.
l 've got sorne. money.
Usa sorne en frases afirmativas: • l'rn going ro buy somc clothes. Voy a comprar ropa. • There's sorne ice in the fridgc. Hay algo de hielo en la nevera. • We did sorne exerciscs. Hicimos unos ejercicios.
Usa any en frases negativas: • l'rn not going ro buy any clothcs. No voy a comprar (nada de) ropa. • Thcre isn't any orange ju ice in the fridge. No hay zumo de naranja en la nevera. • We didn't do any excrcises, No hicimos ejercicios/ ningún ejercicio. Ho« got AAH money?
any y sorne en preguntas En la mayor parte de las preguntas (pero no en todas) se usa any: • Is there any ice in the fridge? ¿Hay (algo de) hielo en la nevera? • Has he got any friends? ¿Tiene amigos/ algún amigo? • Did you take any photographs? ¿Hicista algunas fotos? Cuando se pregunta para ofrecer algo se suele usar some:
• A: Would you like some coffec? B: Yes, picase.
¿Quieres (un poco de) café?
También se usa sorne para pedir algo:
• A: Can I have some soup? ¿Puedo tomar sopa? B: Yes. Help yourself. • A: Can you lend me some money? ¿Puedes prestarme (algo de)dinero?
B: Sure. How much do you need?
Wooui Ho« Uke.
e/,~ ~ - ":Y~
sorne, c.offee,?
!:' ~
~ ~ )~
{.;::,_ª ~rJ'iil
j ~
sorne y any a veces se usan so/os, sin sustantivo. Observa estos ejemplos en que somc/any pueden ser necesarios en inglés pero la palabra equivalente no es necesario en español: • • • • •
J didn't takc any photographs but Ann rook sorne. ... pero Ann hizo. You can havc sorne coffee, bur I don't want any. yo no quiero. I'vc jusr madc sorne coffcc. Would you likc somc? ¿Quieres? 'Whcrc's your luggagc?' 'I havcn't gor any.' ... 'No tengo.' 'Are there any biscuirs>' 'Yes, there are sorne in the kitchcn.' '¿Hay galletas?' 'Sí. Hay (algunas/unas pocas) ... '
something, sornebody etc. Sornerhing (algo) y sorncbody/somconc y peticiones).
(= alguien) se usan en frases afirmativas y algunas preguntas (ofrecimientos
Anything y anybody/anyone se usan en frases negativas y en la mayoría de las frases interrogativas. • She said sorncthing, Dijo algo. • 1 saw somcbody {o sorneone). Vi a alguien. • Would you like something to cat? ¿Quieres comer algo? • Quick! Somebody's coming. ¡De prisa! Viene alguien. a y some ee jlj:jj,,i.¡¡jM#füi
somebody/anything etc. :::)
• Shc didn't say anything. No dijo nada. • l didn't see anybody {o anyone). No vi a nadie. • Are you doing anything rhis evening? ¿Haces algo ... ? • Where's Ann? Has anybody seen her? . .. ¿La ha visto alguien?
¡,¡ j,,j,flii
Completa /as frases con sorne o any.
J I bought ...~~~e. .. cheesc bur I didn't buy ~.!:! .... bread. 2 l'rn going to che pose office. 1 necd sramps. 3 There arcn't
shops in this part of town. children. Have you gor brorhers or sisters? There are beautiful flowers in rhc garden. Do you know good horcls in London? 'Would you likc rea?' 'Yes, please.' Whcn we wcre on holiday, we visitcd very intcrcscing places. Don't buy rice. We don'r need . l wenc out to huy rnilk bur they didn'r have in rhc shop. l'rn thirsty. Can I havc water, picase?
4 Georgc and Al ice havcn't got
5 6
8 9 10 11 12
Completa las frases usando sorne o any y una de las palabras siguientes: air
checsc fricnds
hclp languagcs
lcttcrs milk
1 1 wanr ro wash my hair. Is rherc .. ~Ji..~.~-~~ 2 This evcning l'm going ro wrire 3 1 haven't got my camera, sol can't rake 4 Do you spcak forcign 5 Yesrerday evening I wcnt to a restaurant wirh • . 6 Can I have 7 Thc radio isn'r working. Thcre arcn't 8 lr's hot in this office. l'm going out for 9 'Would you likc I O l can do chis job alone. 1 don't nccd
? .
. . ? of mine. in my coffec, picase?
. frcsh ?'
. . 'No, rhank you. I've had enough to ear.' .
Completa las frases usando sorne o any. Ann didn'r rakc any phorographs bur ....l...~---~~e.......... (1/rake) 'Whcrc'c; your luggage?' '.! ..~.~~~\.9~..~l:i .' (1/nor/have) 'Do you nccd any money?' 'No, thank you. . .' (l/have) 'Can you lend me sorne moncy?' 'I'rn sorry bur .' (1/notlhave) 5 Thc romaroes in che shop didn'r look very good, so (l/nor/buy) 6 Thcre wcre sorne nicc ornngcs in rhc shop, so................................................................................................... (1/buy)
I 2 3 4
Completa las frases con somcching/somebody/anything/anybody. I 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 IO
She said .. ~.~.~~-~9 ro me bue l didn'r undcrsrand ic. 'What's wrong?' 'Thcrc's in rny eye. • Do you know abour polirics? 1 wenr ro rhe shop but I didn't buy . . has hroken rhe window. 1 don'r know who. Thcrc isn'r in rhc bag. lr's cmpry. l'rn looking for my keys. Has................... . seen rhem? WoulcJ you likc to drink? 1 didn'r cae beca use J wasn'r hungry. This is a secrer. Picase don'r tell . .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
¿ Hay queso en la nevera? Compré algo de carne y unas manzanas. ¿Sales con alguien esta noche? '¿Tienes amigos en Londres?' 'No, pero tengo algunos en Manchcstcr.' 'Necesito azúcar. ¿Me puedes prestar?' 'Lo siento. No rengo.' (prestar= lend) Sally no tenía hambre, por eso no comió nada. (por eso= so) . '¿Queréis leche?' 'No, gracias. ¿Tienes zumo de fruta?' (zumo de fruta = fruit juice) Necesito algo de beber. ¿Puedes darme agua, por favor? ¿Hay alguien en casa? 153
not + any
non e Thc car park is empty.
El aparcamiento está vacío.
There aren't any cars. ) No hay coches/ ningún coche. There are no cars, How many cars are thcre in thc car park? Nonc. Ninguno.
any se usa en /as frases negativas (not ... any}: • There aren't any cars in che car park. No hay coches/ ningún coche ... • Sally and Sreve haven't gor any children. ... no tienen hijos. • Yo u can ha ve sorne coffee bue l don't wanc any. . .. pero yo no quiero. no+ sustantivo (no cars / no garden etc.} no ... = not + any ... o not + a /an ... : • There are no cars in che car park. (= rhere aren't any cars in che car park.) • We've got no coffee. (= We haven't got any coffee) • It's a nice house but there's no garden. (= rhere isn't a garden) Se usa no ... especialmente detrás de have (gor) y there is/are. Observa y compara: verbo negativo + any = verbo afirmativo+ no • They haven't got any children. No tienen hijos. • They've got no children. (no 'They haven't got no children.'} • There isn't any sugar in your coffee. No hay azúcar... • There's no sugar in your coffee.
no y none no va seguido de un sustantivo (no money / no children etc.}: • We've got no money, No tenemos dinero. • Everything was OK. There were no problems.
. .. no hubo problemas/ ningún problema.
none se usa so/o, en lugar de no + sustantivo: • 'How much rnoney have you got?' 'None.' (= no money) • 'Were there any problems?' 'No, none.' (= no problems)
'Nada.' 'Ninguno.'
none y no-one none (= 'nada', 'ninguno/ninguna') responde a /as preguntas How much? (= ¿Cuánto/Cuánta?) y How many? (¿Cuántos/Cuántas?): • 'How much rnoney have you got?' • 'How many people did you meet?' no-one
= 'nadie')
significa lo mismo que nobody (=> Unidad 78). Responde a la pregunta Who?:
• 'Who did you meet?'
'None.' (= no money) 'None.' (= no people)
hiH i.U•
sorne y ªºY~
'¿A quién conociste?'
..¡:¡ .¡¡.¡a
A nadie.·
anybody/nobody/nothing etc. ~
Escribe estas frases de nuevo usando no.
. w~·.'f.~.
.9~ ..~ ..m!?r.l~.: .. There are
I Wc havcn't gor any money. 2 Therc aren't any shops near hcre. 3 Caro! hasn'r got any free time. 4 There isn'r a light in rhis room.
Escribe estas frases de nuevo usando any.
5 6 7 8 77.2
We've goc no money. There's no tea in che por. There are no buses roday. Tom has got no brorhers or sisrers.
Completa las frases con no o con any.
I 2 3 4 5 6
Therc's ...r:\~ ... sugar in your coffee. My brother is married bue he hasn't got childrcn. Sue docsn't speak foreign languages. l'm afraid there's coffee. Would you like sorne rea? 'Look at chosc birds!' 'Birds? Wherc? 1 can't see birds.' 'Do you know whcre Jane is?' 'No, l've gor idea.'
Completa las frases con no, any o none.
7 8 9 1O
There aren't pictures on che wall. The weacher was cold bue there was wind. 1 wanted to buy sorne oranges bue they didn'r havc Everyrhing was correct. There were mistakes, 11 'How much luggage have you got?' . 12 'How rnuch luggage have you got?' '[ havcn't got
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
diffcrcncc film questions
Everything was OK. There wcrc .. ~ . .P.t:~.~·~··········· . They wanr to go on holiday bue chey've gor . I'rn not going to answer . He's always alone. He's got . There is becween rhese two machines. Thcy're exactly che same. There wasn'c in the room. lt was cornpletely empty. I tried to phone you yesterday bue there was . The house is cold because rhere isn't . 1 can't rake Therc's in che camera.
Da respuestas breves (una o dos palabras) usando nonc donde sea necesario.
I 2 3 4 5
Completa las frases usando any o no y una de las palabras s,gwentes: answer t1rolilems
in the shop.
How man y letters did you write yescerday? . ..T.~!?.,. ./..~ ..~ ..../Jj.C?.1'.1~: How many sisters have you gor? How much coffee did you drink yesterday? How man y photographs have you taken coday? How man y legs has a snake gor?
. . . .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O
No voy a gastar dinero hoy. (gastar= spend) Ana compró dos camisas, pero yo no compré ninguna. '¿Hay café?' 'Sí, pero no hay leche.' Manuel y Sandra no tienen amigos en Londres. '¿Cuánto azúcar quieres?' 'Nada.' No hay restaurantes japoneses en esta ciudad. (japonés = Japancsc) '¿A quién estás esperando?' 'A nadie.' No comí nada de fruta ayer. '¿Cuántos vasos hay en la mesa?' 'Ninguno.' No tengo sellos. ¿Tienes tú? (sellos= stamps)
not + anybody/anyone/anything
nobody/no-one/nothing not + anybody/anyonc} nadie nobody/no-one
not + anything} . not h mg
• There i n't
• There isn't anything in rhe bag. No hay nada ...
{ anybody} in rhc room. anyone No hay nadie ...
• There is
{ nobody} no-onc No hay nadie ...
in rhc room.
• Therc is nothing in the bag. No hay nada ...
• A: Who is in rhc room? B: Nobody. / No-one, (-body y -onc significan lo mismo)
not + anybody/anyonc • 1 don't know anybody (o anyonc) hcre. No conozco a nadie aquí.
not + anything • I can't rcmernber anything. No me acuerdo de nada.
nobody = not + anybody no-one = not + anyonc • l'm lonely. l've got nobody to ralk to. (= 1 havcn't gor anybody) ... No tengo a nadie con quién hablar. • The housc is ernpty. There is no-onc in it, (= There isn't anyonc in it.) La casa está vacía. No hay nadie dentro.
nothing = not anything • Shc said nothing. (= Shc didn't say anything.) No dijo nada. • Therc's nothing to car. (= Therc isn't anything to ear.) No hay nada para comer.
Se puede usar nobody/no-onc/nothing a una pregunta:
Recuerda que anybody/anyone/anything Nobody/no-one/nothing
A: What's in thc bag? B: Nothing.
como su1eto al princ1p10 de una frase o solos para responder
• The housc is ernpty. Nobody lives there. La casa está vacía. Nadie vive allí. • 'Who did you speak to?' 'No-one.' '¿Con quién hablaste?' 'Con nadie.'
d na a
• Nothing happencd. (no 'lt didn't happcn anything.') No pasó nada. • 'What did you say?' 'Nothing.' '¿Qué has dicho?' 'Nada.'
se comportan como any.
se comportan como no:
verbo negativo + anybody/anyone/anything verbo afirmativo + nobody/no-one/norhing • He doesn't know anything. (no 'He docsn't know nothing.') No sabe nada. • Don't rell anybody. (no 'Don'ttcll nobody.') No se lo digas a nadie. • There is nothing to do in this rown. (no 'Therc isn't nothing .. .') No hay nada que hacer en esta ciudad.
sorne y any ee •':
any y no :::::) iiiii!·n·fi•
somebody/anything/nowhere etc.:::::)
1 ¡¡ iiii 1
Escribe estas frases de nuevo usando nobody/no-onc o nothing . I 2 3 4
Therc isn't anyrhing in rhe bag,
There isn 'r anybody in che officc.
l havcri'r got anyrhing ro do. There isn't anything on TY. 5 There wasn't anyone ar home. 6 We didn't find anyrhing.
.. .
Escribe estas frases de nuevo usando anybody/anyone o anything .
... Tu.~~..~r.i'.t. ..~~~!:':'.9..~.. ~.~--~-~: .
1 There's nothing in the bag. 2 There was nobody on the bus. 3 l've got nothing toread. 4 I've gor no-onc to help me. 5 She heard nothing. 6 We've gor nothing for dinner.
...To~~·-~..\:~.~9.. ~ ..~~.~a.9: . There's 1
Responde usando nobody/no-onc Ia 2a 3a 4a
There wasn't
o nothing.
What did you say? .JiQthir.19 .... Who saw you? ...N~ . Whar do you want? Who did you meet?
5a Who knows the answer? .. ..
.. .. . .
6a What did you buy? 7a Whar happened? 8a Who was late?
Responde las mismas preguntas con frases completas. Usa nobody/no-onc/nothing o anybody/anyone/anything.
lb ...L~.'.t..~-~-~~~....
2b .. t~~~~~ ~-~ '.'!1.~..... 3b I don't 4b 1...................................................................................................
rhe answer.
6b 7b 8b
Completa las frases usando nobody/no-one/nothing/anybody/anyone/anything. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 1 ·1 12 J3 14
5b ........................................................................................
That house is empry . ..!~~ ... lives rhere. Jack has a bad memory. He can'r remember ...~~~!:':'.9.... Be quier! Don'r say . I didn't know about the meeting rold me. 'What did you have to eat?' ' 1 wasn'r hungry.' 1 didn't eat J wasn't hungry. Jenny was sitting alone. She wasn't wirh . l'm afraid I can't help you. There's 1 can do. I don't know abour car engines. The museum is free. lt doesn'r cosr ro go in. I heard a knock on rhc door bur when 1 opened ir therc was.. . She spoke very fast, 1 didn't undersrand . 'What are you doing this evening?' · Why?' Helen has gene away knows where she is. She didn'r tell shc was going.
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O
Era tarde y no había nadie en la calle. ¿Hay algo en esta caja? o hay nada en la nevera. Nadie sabe que me voy mañana. {irse= leave) Estuve en unas cuantas tiendas pero no compré nada. Liz no quiere ver a nadie. '¿Quién habla ruso aquí'?' 'Nadie.' (ruso= Russian) '¿Qué tienes en la mano?' 'Nada.' No entendí nada porque hablaban muy rápido. {rápido= ¿Hay alguien esperando al doctor?
somebody/anything/nowhere etc. ? ?
= alguien
Thcre is somcthing in her mouth. something
= algo
? Somebody (o someone) has broken the window.
Tom lives somewhere near London. somewhere = en algún sitio
Los compuestos de some-/any-/no- (somebody/anything/nowhere interrogativas igual que some/any/no (~ Unidades 76-77).
etc.) se usan en frases afirmativas, negativas o
personas (-body o -one) somebody o someone anybody o anyone nobody
o no-one
• • • •
There is somebody (o someone) in the garden. Hay alguien ... Is there anybody ( o anyone) in the garden? ¿Hay alguien .. .? There isn't anybody (o anyone) in the garden. No hay nadie ... There is nobody (o no-one) in the garden. No hay nadie ...
-body y -one son lo mismo: somebody = someone, nobody
= no-one,
cosas (-thing) something anything nothing
• • • •
She said something but I didn't understand her. Dijo algo ... Are you doing anything this evening? ¿Haces algo ... ? 1 was angry but I didn't say anything. ... pero no dije nada. 'What did you say?' 'Nothing.' ... 'Nada.'
• • • •
They live somewhere in the south of England. Viven en algún lugar ... Did you go anywhere interesting for your holidays? ¿Fuiste a algún sitio interesante ... ? l'm staying here. I'm not going anywhere. ... No voy a ningún sitio. 1 don't like this rown. There is nowhere to go. ... ningún sitio donde ir.
lugares (-where) somewhere anywhere nowhere
etc. pueden llevar detrás un adjetivo (big/cheap/interesting
• Did you meet anybody interesting at the party? ¿Conociste a alguien interesante ... ? • We always go to the same place. Lct's go somcwherc diffcrcnt. ... Vamos a algún otro sitio. • 'What's that letrer?' 'lt's nothing important.' ... 'No es nada importante.'
something/anybody etc. pueden llevar detrás un infinitivo (to ... ): • I'm hungry. 1 want something to eat, ... algo para comer. • He hasn't got anybody to talk to. .. . nadie con quien hablar. • There is nowhere to go in this town. .. . ningún sitio donde ir ...
sorne yany =>
any y no => .i¡:jj.¡j,fi•
anybody/nothing etc.=>
everything/-body/-where =>
Completa las frases con somebody (o someone) I something I somewhere.
1 2 3
She said .~.~.~.~9.: . I'vc losr . Thcy wenr .. l'm going to phone ..
What did she say? What have you lose? Where did they go? Who are you going to phonc?
Responde con nobody (o no-one) I nothing / nowhere .
la 2a 3a 4a
What did you say? Where are you going? What do you want? Who are you looking for?
... ~<>#1.~9.:
Ahora responde con frases completas. Usa nor + anybody/anything/anywhere.
. ..l...~J.. ~.~--~~-~.:.........................................
2b l'm not
Completa las frases con somcbody/anything/nowhcrc
1 Ir's dark. l can't see ...~.~---. 2 Torn lives ...~.~ro.~.':!~~--- near London.
3 Do you know abour cornpurers? 4 'Listen!' 'What? I can't hear . 5 'What are you doing here?' 'I'm wairing for .' 6 Picase listen carefully. Theres 1 want to tell you. 7 'Die! sce rhc accidenr?' ', o, 8 We weren't hungry, so we didn't ear . 9 'What's going to happcn?' 'l don'r know. . knows.' I O 'Do you know in London ?' 'Y es, a fcw peo ple.' 11 'What's in rhar cupboard?' ' lr's ernpty.' 12 I'rn looking for my glasses. 1 can'r fine! them . 13 1 don't like cold wearher. I wanr to live warrn. 14 Is there inreresting on relevision tonight? J 5 Have you ever met farnous?
Completa las frases usando una palabra de cada cuadro. Puedes usar las palabras del cuadro A varias veces. A
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
sorncthing somewhere
anything anywhere
nothing nowhere
do play
drink read
eat sir
gesta y
We don't go out very much beca use rhcre's ...~~~~~- . ~ 9 . Therc isn't any food in che house. We haven'r gor . l'rn bored. l've gor . 'Why are you standing?' 'Beca use rhcrc isn't .' 'Would you like ?' 'Yes, picase - a glass of orange ju ice.' Ali the horels were ful!. There was . T want l'm going to huy a magazine. Children need .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿Hay alguien aquí? '¿Viste algo extraño?' ' o, nada.' (extraño= strange) Hay alguien en la casa. ¿Vamos a algún sitio el domingo? Llovió ayer. No fuimos a ningún sitio. Alguien ha estado en mi habitación. La ventana está abierta. ¿Hay algo interesante en esta revista? (revista= magazine) ¿Puedes darme algo de beber, por favor? 159
every y all Every house in che srreet is thc same. every housc in the streer = ali rhe houses in the street cada casa ... todas /as casas ...
Se usa every + sustantivo en singular (every house / evcry country / every time etc.): • Atice has bccn to cvery country in Europc. (no 'evcry countrics') ... en todos tos países ... • Evcry summcr wc havc a holiday by rhe sea. Cada verano/ Todos /os veranos ... • She looks cliffcrcnt cvcry time I see her. ... cada vez que ... Detrás de every ... usa el verbo en singular (is/was/has crc.). • Evcry housc in the streer is rhe same. (no 'Every house ... are .. .') • Evcry country has a nacional flag. (no 'Evcry country havc .. .') Compara cvcry I= cada uno/todos individua/mente) y ali I= todos globalmente): • Evcry studenr in the class passed rhe examinarion. Cada estudiante ... • Evcry country has a nacional flag. Cada país ...
• Ali the students in che class passed the examination. Todos /os estudiantes ... • Ali countrics havc a nacional flag. Todos /os países ...
cvcry day y ali day every day
= cada día/todos los días (frecuencia)
ali day
boto o(ten?
I s~N H M~N H T~E H w;o H TH1uRH F~1 H s;r I • •
= todo el día
Beginning oJ the day
how long? ALL DAV
End ol the day
A: l low often do you read a newspaper? B: Evcry day. (no 'ali rhe days') Cada día/Todos los días. Bill warches TV for about two hours cvcry evening. (no 'every evenings / ali the evenings') . .. cada noche/ todas las noches.
Se dice every morning/night/summcr
Thc weather was bad yesrerday. lt rained ali day. ... llovió todo el día.
l was ti red aftcr work ycsterday, so I warched TV ali evening. (no 'ali rhe evening') ... toda la noche .
Se dice ali morning/night/summer
cverybody (o everyone) / everything / cvcrywhere personas cosas lugares
everybody o cvcryonc todos/todo el mundo everything todo everywhere por todas partes
• Everybody (o Everyone) needs friends. Todo el mundo necesita amigos. • Have you got cverything you need? ¿Tienes todo lo que necesitas? • I'vc losr my watch. J've looked everywhcrc for ir. He perdido el reloj. Lo he buscado por todas partes.
Detrás de everybody/everyone/everything usa el verbo en singular: • Everybody has problems. (no 'Everybody have ... ')
Todo el mundo tiene problemas.
Observa que 'todo el mundo' corresponde a everybody o everyonc (no 'ali'): • Everybody needs friends. (no 'All needs fricnds')
Completa las frases usando cvcry + una de las palabras siguientes: day
.. J~.~!:í..~.t:IA.~~-..... in the class passcd thc cxam.
2 My job is very boring. . is the sarne. 3 Kate is a vcry good tennis player. When we play, she wins
in the hotel has a prívate bathroom. 5 'Did you understand what she said?' 'Mosr of it bue not
Completa las frases con cvery day o con ali
Completa las frases con every o con all. Bill watches TV for about two hours ....e:v.e,ni..... cvening. Barbara gers upar 6.30 .. . ... morning. The wearher was nice yesterday, so we sat in the garden afrernoon. I'rn going away on Monday. 1'11 be away week. 'How often do you go skiing?' ' year. Usually in March.' A: Were you ar home at 10 o'clock yesterday? B: Yes, J was ar home morning. J wcm out afcer lunch. 7 My sisrer likes cars. She buys a new onc year. 8 1 saw Jack ar rhe party. He wasn't vcry friendly. He didn'r speak to me 9 Wc go away on holiday for two or rhrcc wccks summcr.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Completa las frases con cvcrybody/cvcrythingleverywhere. J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
.. .f.v.e,nib.~ ... needs friends. Chris knows abour computers. 1 like che people here. . is very friendly. This is a nice hotel. lt's comfortable and is very clean. Kevin never uses his car. He goes by mocor-bike. Let's have dinner. . is hungry. Sue's house is full of books. There are books . You are right you say is true.
Completa las frases con el verbo apropiado (sólo una palabra). Everybody ... !:1.~ .... problcms. Are you ready yer? Everybody wairing for you. The house is ernpty. Everyone gone out. George is very popular. Everybody him. This town is completely different. Everything changed. I arrived home very late. 1 carne in quietly because everyone Everybody mistakes!
I 2 3 4 5 6 7
.. .. asleep.
Traduce al inglés:
1 Leo el periódico todos los días. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Todos los estudiantes están en la biblioteca ahora. Cada estudiante tiene tres clases a la semana. (clase= lesson) Van a Francia todos los veranos. Estuvo despierta toda la noche. (despierto= awake) Hemos trabajado mucho coda la semana. (trabajar mucho = work hard) Todo lo que he comprado está en la cocina. ¿ Vais al cine todas las semanas? Tomo una ducha todos los días. 10 Cada vez que viajo en avión me pongo muy nervioso. (ponerse nervioso = get nervous)
Compara: Cuando se habla de personas o cosas en sentido general no se usa the/these/rny etc.
Cuando se habla de algo concreto se usa the/these/rny etc.
children/rnoney/books (sin the/this/rny etc.): • Children like playing. A los niños les gusta jugar. (a los niños en general) • Money isn't everything. El dinero no lo es todo. (el dinero en general) • I enjoy reading books. Me gusta leer libros. • Everybody needs friends. Todo el mundo necesita amigos.
the children / the rnoney / these books etc.: • Where are the children? ¿Dónde están /os niños? (aquí, rhe children = our children) • I wam to buy a car but I haven't got che rnoney. ... pero no tengo el dinero. (el necesario para comprarlo) • Have you read these books? ¿ ... estos libros? • r ofren go out with rny friends. Salgo con mis amigos con frecuencia.
rnost/most of ... , sorne/sorne of ... etc. Al hablar en general se usa rnost/sorne etc. + sustantivo: all rnost sorne any no
Al hablar de cosas determinadas se usa rnost of/sorne of etc. + the/this/my ... etc.: ali rnost sorne any non e
cities childrcn books rnoney
• Most children like playing. A la mayoría de los niños /es gusta jugar. • I don't want any money.
No quiero dinero.
• Sorne books are berter rhan orhers. Algunos libros son mejores que otros. • He's got no fricnds. No tiene amigos. • Ali cities have che same problerns. Todas las ciudades (en general) ... No uses of en estas frases: • Most people drive too fasr, (no 'Most of people') • Sorne birds can't fly. (no 'Sorne of birds')
(of) of
the ... this/that ... these/those ... rny/your etc.
no/none / not + any
• Most of the children at chis school are under 11 years old. La mayoría de /os niños de esta escuela ... • I don't want any of this rnoney. No quiero nada de este dinero. • Sorne of these books are very old. Algunos de estos libros ... • None of rny friends live near me. Ninguno de mis amigos ... Pero se dice ali the ... / all rny ... etc. (normalmente sin of!: • All rhe srudents in our class passed the exam. • Silvia has lived in London ali her lifc.
ali of it / most of thern / none of us etc. Con los pronombres personales se usa of (ali of it / rnost of thern / sorne of us etc.): ali rnost sorne any non e
the => t•!ii1ti•ifJ 1
it thern us you
• Yo u can have sorne of this cake bur not ali of ir. . .. un poco de este pastel, pero no todo. • A: Do you know those people? B: Most of thern, bue not ali of them. A la mayor parte pero no a todos. • Sorne of usare going out tonight. Why don'r you come with us? Algunos de nosotros ... • l've gota lot of books bue I haven't read any of thern. . .. ninguno. • 'How rnany of these books have you read?' 'None of them.' ... 'Ninguno.'
sorne yany =>
1•t:U•ti ifl 1
all yevery =>
Completa cada frase usando la palabra entre paréntesis (somelmost etc.). En algunos casos deberás añadir of (sorne of I most of etc.). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
~~.t:. ... children like playing. (most) ~.'!-:..
Observa los dibujos y responde usando all/most/some/none
+ of them / of it.
tfllllf llttttt
t~tlttf 1 2 3 4 5 6
many many many many man y much
of of of of of of
rhe rhe the the the the
people are women? boxes are on the rabie? menare wearing hats? windows are open? people are standing? rnoncy is Ben's?
... /IAost
.of. t:nem ....
Corrige /as frases incorrectas y escribe OK en las que estén bien. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How How How How How How
(Most of childreg) like playing .... ~:;~ ..9.'.1.i!4.!.~..... Ali the srudents failed the exam. .Q~ . Sorne of people work too hard. .. Sorne of questions in the exam were very easy I haven't seen any of those people before. . Ali of insects have six legs. . Have you read ali these books? Most of students in our class are very nice. .. Most of my friends are going to the party I'rn very tired this morning - 1 was awake most of night
. .. . . .
. . .. .
Traduce a/ inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
'¿ Has leído alguno de estos libros?' 'No, ninguno.' Todos los autobuses escolares son amarillos en Estados Unidos. (autobús escolar= school bus) La mayor parte de mis amigos son españoles. Algunos de ellos son de Madrid. Ninguna de esas camisas está limpia. ¿Te gusta alguna de estas chaquetas? Ninguno de mis amigos es médico. La mayoría de estos estudiantes aprobaron el examen. (aprobar= pass) Algunos países europeos son muy pequeños.
both/either/neither se refieren a dos cosas o personas:
+ both
either uno de los dos/uno u otro
ambos/los dos
neither (not + either) ninguno de los dos/ni uno ni otro
• Rosemary has two children. Both are married. . .. Ambos/Los dos están casados. • Would you like tea or coffee? You can have either. Puedes tomar lo que quieras (té o café). • A: Do you want to go to rhe cinema or thc theatre? B: Neither. I wanr to stay at home. A ninguno (ni a uno ni a otro). Quiero quedarme en casa. Compara cither y neither: • 'Would you like tea or coffee?'
'Either. I don'r mind.' 'Lo uno o lo otro. No me importa.' '1 don't wanr either.' (no 'I don't want neither.') ... 'Ninguno de los dos.' 'Neirher.' 'Ninguno de los dos.'
pueden llevar detrás un sustantivo:
cither neither
both windows/books/children etc. cither · h neit er
} wm . d ow lb oo k/ e hild , e tc.
• Lasr year 1 went to Paris and Rome. I liked borh cities very much. . .. Me gustaron mucho las dos ciudades. • First I worked in an office, and la ter in a shop. Ncithcr job was very interesting. Ninguno de los dos trabajos ... • There are two ways from here to the srarion. You cango either way. ... puedes ir por cualquiera (de los dos).
Si el sustantivo va precedido de the/these/my etc. se dice borh of ... / either of ... I neithcr of ... :
both either neither
the ... these I rhosc ... my I your / Ann's ... etc.
• Neither of my parents is English. Ni mi padre ni mi madre son ingleses. • I haven't read cither of these books . . . . ninguno de estos (dos) libros. Se puede decir both (of) the ... I both (of) those ... / both (of) my ... (con o sin of): • I like both of those pictures. o I like borh those pictures. Me gustan esos dos cuadros. • Both of Ann's sisters are married. o Borh Ann's sistcrs are married. Las dos hermanas de Ann están casadas.
Con los pronombres personales se usa of (both of rhern / neither of us etc.): both either neither
them us you
• Ann has got two sisters. Both of them are married. ... Las dos están casadas. • Toro and I didn't eat anything. Neither of us was hungry. . .. Ninguno de los dos tenia hambre. • Who are those people? I don't know either of them. . .. No conozco a ninguno de los dos. I can't either / neither can I ~
Completa /as frases con both/either/neither. Usa of donde sea necesario.
1 Lasr year I wcnt
to París and Rome.
1 liked .J~
cities very much.
2 Thcrc were two picturcs on rhc wall. 1 didn't like ~.~ .. !?f.. them. lt was a good football match rearns playcd well. Ir wasn't a good foorball match rearn playcd wcll. 'Is your fricnd English or American?' ' She's Australian.' We went away for rwo days bur rhe weather wasn't good. It rained on days. 7 A: 1 bought rwo newspapers. Which one do you want? B: It doesn't matter which one. 8 1 invited Diana and Mike to the party but them carne. 9 'Do you go to work by car or by bus?' ' 1 always walk.' 10 'Which jacket do you prefer, this one or rhat one?' 'I don't like them.' 11 'Do you work orare you a student?' ' I've gota job and I study too.' 12 Paula and I didn't know the time because us hada watch. 13 Ann has got rwo sistcrs and a brother sisters are married. 14 Ann has got rwo sisters anda brother. l've met her brother but I haven't met her sisters.
3 4 5 6
Completa /as frases sobre los dibujos usando Both ... o Neithcr ....
~~ .. ~~
are open. wearing a hat,
4 5
cameras. to the airport.
Un hombre y una mujer respondieron lo mismo en un cuestionario. Escribe frases usando Both/Neither of them ....
1 Are you married? 2 How old are you? 3 Are you a student? 4 Have you gota car? 5 Where do you live? 6 Do you like cooking? 7 Can you play the piano? 8 Do you read newspapers?
No 21 Yes No London Yes No Yes
No~ 21 ~ Yes~ No London Yes No Yes
1 2
9 Are you interested in sport?
3 4
ti~.~..~ ..#.!~ ...~ ..!!!~:.... ~ .. g.f.~.~ .. ~.~..?..J.: ..
studenrs. a car.
5 6 7
8 .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mis dos hermanas hablan francés, pero ninguna de ellas ha estado en Francia. Hay dos cuartos de baño en la casa. Puedes usar cualquiera. Estas dos camisas son baratas. No me gusta ninguno de esos dos coches. Son demasiado pequeños. Ambos hermanos son muy inteligentes. '¿Quieres té o zumo de fruta?' 'Ninguna de las dos cosas, gracias, pero ¿puedo tomar una taza de café?' Nos interesan las dos posibilidades. No te gustará ninguna de las dos películas.
a lot
man y
a lot of moncy
nor much moncy
a lor of books
not many books
mucho dinero
no mucho dinero
muchos libros
no muchos libros
much (mucho/mucha) + sustantivo incontable: much food I much money etc. • Did you buy much food? • We haven't got much luggage. • How much money do you want? • A: Have you got any money? B: I've got sorne but not much. How much ... ? = ¿Cuánto/Cuánta ... ? • How much money do you want? a lot of (=mucho/mucha/muchos/muchas)+ • We bought a lot of food. • Paula hasn't gor a lot of free time.
rnany (muchos/muchas) + sustantivo en plural: many books / many people etc.
• • • •
Did you buy many books? We don't know many people. How many photographs did you take? A: Did you take any photographs? B: J took sorne bue not many.
How man y ... ? = ¿Cuántos/Cuántas ... ? • How many photographs did you cake? sustantivo de cualquier tipo:
• We boughr a lot of books. • Did they ask you a lot of questions?
Presta atención al verbo, ya que a lot of puede acompañar a un singular o a un plural:
• There is a loe of food/money/wateretc. Hay mucha comida/mucho dinero/mucha agua etc.
• There are a lot of rrees/shops/people etc. Hay muchos árboles/muchas tiendas/ muchas personas etc. • A lot of people speak English. (no 'speaks')
Se usa much en las preguntas y en las negaciones, pero normalmente no se usa en frases afirmativas: • Do you drink much coffee I a lor of coffcc? • 1 don't drink much coffee / a lor of coffee. pero • J drink a lot of coffee. (no 'l drink much coffee.') • 'Do you drink much coffee?' 'Yes, a lor.' (no 'Yes, much.') Se usa many y a lot of en cualquier tipo de frases: • Have you gor man y friends I a lot of friends? • We haven't got many friends / a lot of friends. • We'vc got many friends I a lot of friends,
much y a lot se pueden usar solos, sin sustantivo: • Diane spokc to me but she didn'c say much. ... no dijo mucho. • 'Do you watch TV much?' 'No, not much.' '¿Ves mucho la televisión?' 'No, no mucho.' • We like films, so we go ro the cinema a lot. (no 'much' - lee el apartado B de arriba) Nos gustan las películas, por eso vamos mucho al cine. • 1 don'r like him very much. No me cae muybien. /No me gusta mucho. Compara a lot y a lor of ... :
• He ears a lot. (no 'a lot of') Comemucho. • He eats a lot of fruit. Come mucha fruta. (a lot of + sustantivo)
contables e incontables => •
:,j rj ifH#iU
Completa las frases con much o many. 1 Did you buy .. rn.~qi··· food? 2 There aren't hotcls in this town, 3 \Y/e haven'r got perrol, 4 Were rhere people on the rrain?
5 Did students fail the examination? 6 Paula hasn't got moncy. 7 1 wasn'r very hungry. 1 didn'r ear . 8 1 haven't seen George for ycars.
Completa las frases con How much o How many. 9 10 11 IZ
pcople are coming to rhe party? milk do you want in your coffee? bread did you buy? players are rhere in a football tearn?
Completa las frases usando much o man y y una de las siguientes palabras: countries
1 1 don'r read very much. 1 haven't got . ~~~.b.~.~-·. 2 Quick! We must hurry. \Y/e havcn't got 3 Do you rravcl a lor? Have you been to 4 Tina hasn't lived here very long, so she doesn'r know 5 'Have you got 6 1 know Paris very well. l've been there
1 2 3 4 5
interesting things
traffic ..
. . .
En algunas de estas frases much no resulta adecuado. Cámbialas o escribe OK. ... oK.
.. ll..t.ot.of.t.ed.
Escribe frases sobre estas personas usando much y a lor. 1 Jim loves films. (go to che cinema) 2 Linda thinks TV is boring. (watch TV)
3 Tina is a good cennis player. (play tennis) 4 Martín doesn't like driving. (use his car) 5 Paul spends most of the time at home. (go out) 6 Sue has been ali over the world. (rravel)
l like reading. 1 have ...~.~ ..«?.Ü.~~.:.... We cnjoyed our visir to the muscum. We saw This road is very dangerous. There are \Y/e enjoyed our holiday. We had Ir rook me a long time to drive here. There was
1 Do you drink much coffee? 2 1 drink {much tea) 3 lt was a cold winter. We had mych snow. 4 There wasn'r much snow last winter. 5 Ir coses much money to rravel around che world. 6 We hada cheap holiday. It didn't cose mesh. 7 Do you know much abour computers? 8 'Havc you gor any luggage?' 'Yes, mnsh.'
. ?' 'No, only chis bag.'
Completalas frases con a lot of y uno de los siguientes elementos: accidcnts
. ?
.. He. .9C>e.$.
to .li1e.
. Sne't w~ She He
..TV. ..
. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
'¿Cuánto dinero quieres gastar?' 'No mucho.' (gastar= spend) Tenemos muchos exámenes esta semana. '¿Cuántas sillas necesitáis?' 'No muchas, eres o cuatro.' Tom conoce a mucha gente, pero no tiene muchos amigos. Rosa sabe mucho inglés, pero no mucho francés. Tenemos mucho café, pero no mucha leche. Ayer no tuve mucho que hacer y tuve mucho tiempo libre. No hay muchos árboles en este parque. '¿Había mucha gente en la reunión?' 'Sí, mucha.' (en la reunión= at the meeting) 167
(a) little
(a) few
• a little water
un poco de agua
a few books
unos pocos/ unos cuantos libros
(a) little + sustantivo incontable:
(a) fcw + sustantivo en plural:
(a) little water (a) little time
(a) few books (a) fcw people
(a) little money (a) lirrle soup
(a) few quesrions (a) few days
a littlc = un poco (de)
a fcw = unos pocos/ unos cuantos
• She didn'r car anything but she drank a little water. . .. pero bebió un poco de agua. • 1 speak a little French. Hablo un poco de francés. • A: Can you speak French? B: A little. Un poco.
Se dice: • I'd like a little water. (no 'a little of water')
Lasr nighr I wrore a fcw lcrters. . .. escribí unas cuantas cartas. • 1 speak a few words of Frcnch. Sé decir unas pocas palabras ... • A: Are therc any shops in rhe village? B: Yes, a few. Sí, unas pocas. • We're going away for a fcw days. ... unos cuantos días.
)(little (sin a) = poco/poca
)( few (sin a) = pocos/pocas
• There was little bread in che shop. Había poco pan ...
• Thcrc were few pcople in rhe park.
very lirtle = poquísimo/muy poco • Dan is very thin beca use he ears very little. ... porque come muy poco/ poquísimo.
very fcw = poquísimos/ muy pocos • Your English is very correcr. You make very fcw mistakes. . .. Haces poquísimas/ muy pocas faltas.
Compara linte y a little:
Compara few y a few:
a linte da una idea positiva: • They have a littlc money, so they are not poor. (no 'a little of money') Tienen un poco de dinero ...
a fcw da una idea positiva: • l've gota few friends, so l'm not lonely. Tengo unos pocos amigos, así que no estoy solo.
)(littlc da una idea negativa: • They have lirrle moncy. They are very poor. Tienen poco dinero. Son pobres.
)( fcw da una idea negativa: • l'rn sad and l'm lonely. l've got few fricnds. Estoy triste y estoy so/o. Tengo pocos amigos.
contables e incontables~
Había poca gente en el parque.
Responde con a little o a few. 1 'Have you got any money?' 'Yes, ...~..~ 2 'Have you got any cnvelopes?' 'Yes, 3 'Do you want sugar in your coffee?' 'Yes,
' ..
, picase.' 4 'Did you cake any phorographs when you wcrc on holiday?' 'Yes, 5 'Does your friend speak English?' 'Yes, ' 6 'Are there any faccories in rhis rown?' 'Yes, '
Completa las frases con a littlc o a fcw + una de las palabras siguientes: chairs
I 2 3 4 5 6
Lasr night Iwrote ~--~--~~ t0 my family and friends. Can I have in my coffec, picase? 'When did Julia go away?' '........ . ago.' 'Do you speak any foreign languages?' 'l can speak 'Are you going out alone?' 'No, I'm going with 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, 7 There wasn't much furniture in the room - justa table and 8 l'm going out for a walk. 1 need .. fresh
.' . . . ..
Completa las frases con very little / very few + una de las palabras siguientes: coffee
1 Your English is very good. You make
X~ .. ~
..m..~.~~~ . T don't like it.
2 I drink 3 The weathcr hcrc is very dry in surnmcr. There is
4 lt's difficult to find a place to stay in this town. There are 5 We muse hurry. We've gor 6 The rown is very quietar night. . 7 Sorne people in the office are very lazy. They do
. . . go out. .
Completa las frases con little / a littlc I fcw / a fcw. 1 Thcrc was .. J~~~.... food in rhc fridgc. lt was nearly crnpty. 2 'When
Corrige las frases si es necesario. Escribe OK si la frase es correcta. We're going away lfor few days) next week. Everybody needs lirrle luck. 1 can't talk to you now - l've got few things to do. 1 eat very little meat - 1 don't like it very much. Excuse me, can I ask you fcw questions? There were little pcople on the bus - it was nearly ernpty.
1 2 3 4 5 6
. ... fo.r. ..~..~ ...~s..
Traduce al inglés:
1 '¿Hay huevos en la nevera?' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
'Unos pocos.' He leído unos cuantos libros interesantes este verano. Lucy tiene poco tiempo libre. Tengo un poco de dinero en el banco. Quisiera comprar unas cuantas camisas, pero tengo muy poco dinero. Hay un poco de azúcar en la cocina. Hice unos cuantos amigos cuando estuve en los Estados Unidos. Carmen está preocupada. Tiene unos cuantos problemas con su familia. (preocupada= worried) Tenemos poca información sobre la nueva profesora. (sobre= about) John es muy brusco. Tiene pocos amigos. (brusco= rudc)
old/nice/interesting etc. (adjetivos) En inglés los adjetivos son invariables. Por ejemplo, red = rojo, roja, rojos, rojas.
a red shirt
two red shirts (no 'two reds shirts')
Normalmente los adjetivos se usan delante de un sustantivo (a red car) o solos detrás de ciertos verbos
(my car is red).
adjetivo + sustantivo (nice day / blue eyes etc.). adjetivo + sustantivo lt's a nice day toda y.
. .. un buen día ... eyes. . .. los ojos castaños. bridge in chis village. . .. un puente muy antiguo ... food? ¿... la comida italiana? languages. . .. lenguas extranjeras. flowers in che garden. . .. bonitas flores amarillas ...
Laura has got brown There's a very old Do you like ltalian l don't speak any foreign There are sorne beauriful yellow
El adjetivo se coloca delante del sustantivo:
• They live in a modero house. (no' • Those are modern buildings. (no'
house modern') ... una casa moderna. buildings modern') ... edificios modernos.
be (am/is/are/was/were etc.) + adjetivo • The weather is nice roda y. Hace buen tiempo hoy. • These flowers are very bcautiful. Estas flores son muy bonitas. • The film wasn't very good. It was boring. La película no era muy buena. Era aburrida. • Please be quier. l'm reading. Por favor, cállate. Estoyleyendo. be + adjetivo corresponde a veces a 'tener'+ sustantivo en español(~ Unidad 3 ): • Are you cold? ¿Tienes frío? • l'm hungry. Tengo hambre. • He's afraid of dogs. Tiene miedo de los perros. look/feel/smell/taste/sound+ adjetivo Estos verbos se refieren a la vista, el oído, el olor, el sabor, el tacto o a sensaciones y van seguidos de adjetivo. A veces equivalen a 'parecer':
• • • • •
'Yo u look tired.' 'Yes. I feel tired.' 'Pareces cansado.' 'Sí, me noto/siento cansado.' You sound happy. Pareces contento (por la voz). lt tastes good. Tiene buen sabor. (sabe bien) Don't cook thar meat. lt doesn't smell good. . .. No huele bien. He feels ill. Se siente maVenfermo.
Recuerda que cuando no hablamos de sensaciones o de los sentidos, el equivalente a 'parecer' en general es seem:
• It seems easy.
Parece fácil.
get + adjetivo (get hungry/tiredetc.) =>
something/anybody + adjetivo=> 111 jj.¡j,fpa
Pon las palabras en el orden correcto. 1 (ncw / livc in/ housc / they / a)
r.~~.~ ..
..To~.W.,:~.i:11 ..~.r.1.~ ..
2 (likc /jacket/ l / rhat / green) 1 3 (music / like /do/ classical / you?)
? . ..
4 (had / wondcrful /a/ 1 / holiday) 5 (went to/ restaurant/ a/ Chinese / we)
En el cuadro tienes adjetivos (black/foreign etc.) y sustantivos (air/job etc.). Completa las frases usando un adjetivo y un sustantivo. atr black
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
clouds dangerous
holiday hot
job knife
sharp water
languages long
Do you speak any .. :fur~~ ..~9.~~~~ ? Look ar those It's going to rain. Suc works very hard and she's very ti red. She needs a I want ro havc a barh bur rhcre's no Can you open rhe window? We need sorne Ineed a to cut thcsc onions, Fire-fighting is a . .
. . .
Completa las frases de cada dibujo con las palabras de los cuadros. feel(s) look(s)
foreign fresh
look(s) smell(s)
sound(s) taste(s)
ill new
mee surprised
A y B no están de acuerdo. Completa /as frases de B usando las palabras entre paréntesis. A 1
2 3 4 5
B You look tired. This is a ncw coat. I'rn American. You look cold. These bags are heavy. That soup looks good.
Do T? T .. M~J ..M ..~.~:.......................................................... (feel) Ts it? Ir Are you? You Do T? 1 Are they? They Does it? It
(look) (sound) (feel) (look) (raste)
Traduce al inglés:
1 ¿Te gustan estos zapatos negros? 2 Me gusta este vino italiano. Está muy bueno. 3 Mi trabajo es fácil, pero es muy aburrido. 4 ¿Tienes mucha hambre? 5 Tu hermana parece muy joven. 6 Viven en una casa vieja. 7 ¿Qué estás cocinando? Huele bien. 8 ¿Puedes llevar los vasos pequeños y los platos blancos al comedor? (llevar= take) 9 Este pastel huele muy bien y sabe delicioso. 10 He leído un libro muy interesante.
quickly/badly /suddenly etc. (adverbios) 7- 15
7· 12
7· 10
s: 6 ~
;""'" "ii::,
[- .:!i ~
He ate his dinner very quickly. Cenó muy de prisa.
Suddenly rhe shelf fell clown. De repente se cayó la estantería.
quickly y suddenly son adverbios. adjetivo + -ly ~ adverbio: adjetivo
rápido quickly de prisa
bad malo/mal badly mal
sudden repentino suddenly de repente
Nota las diferencias de ortografía: easy ~ easily Ver también el Apéndice 5.
careful cuidadoso carefully con cuidado
heavy pesado heavily pesadamente
heavy ~ heavily
Los adverbios explican cómo ocurre un hecho o una acción: • The train stopped suddenly. El tren se paró de repente. • 1 opened the
adverbio • Sue speaks very quietly. (no 'speaks very quiet'). ... muy bajo. • Listen carefully! ¡Escucha atentamente! • Our team played badly. (no 'played bad') ... jugó mal. • I waited nervously. Esperé con inquietud.
Estas palabras son adjetivos y adverbios: • Sue works very hard. (no 'hardly') • Ben can run fast. (no 'fastly') • 1 went to bed late/early.
• Sue's job is very hard. • Ben is a fast runner. • The bus was late/early.
hardly significa 'apenas', 'casi no' y no 'duramente': • I hardly know him, Apenas/Casi no lo conozco.
good (bueno) es adjetivo y su adverbio es well (bien): • Your English is very good.
• Ir was a good game.
• You speak English very well. (no 'very good') • Our tearn played well.
well significa también 'con buena salud': • 'How are you?' adjetivos=> 1,j:jj,¡.t,fM
'l'm very well, thank you.'
... 'Muy bien, gracias.'
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con uno de los adverbios siguientes:
~n ·~
, f[
1 lr's raining ·---~~:-'.!:l:H., .
2 He sings vcry
4 She shourcd at me 5 She can run very 6 He was driving
.. ..
3 They carne in
-\ ~r:~
. . .
Escoge un verbo (Cuadro AJ y un adverbio (Cuadro 8) para completar las frases.
come explain
know H-Sfe-A-
sleep think
win work
clearly easily
hard quickly
well well
1 I'rn going ro tell you somcthing vcry imporranr, so picase ..~.~-..~~-~ ... 2 Ann! 1 need your help !
3 Thcy Ar thc end of rhc day rhcy're always ti red. 4 l'm tired this morning. l didn't last night. 5 You're a much better tcnnis player than me. When we play, you always 6 beforc you answcr the qucstion. 7 l've mee Alice a fcw rimes bur I don't her vcry . 8 Our reacher isn't vcry good. Sometimes he doesn't things very
Don'r eat so~quickly. It's not good for you, ~ es la palabra correcta Why are you angry/angrily? l haven't done anything. Can you speak slow/slowly, please? Come on, Dave! Why are you always so slow/slowly? Bill is a very carefu 1/carcfully driver. Jane is scudying hard/hardly for her exarninations. 'Where's Diane?' 'She was here but she lefr sudden/suddenly.' Please be quiet/quietly. l'm studying. Sorne companies pay cheir workers very bad/badly. Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one?
Completa las frases con good o con well.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Escoge la palabra correcta.
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Your English is very 9~4.... You speak English very ... IN..e.tL. Jackie did very in her exams. The party was very I enjoyed ir very much. Martín has a difficult job but he does ir . How are your parents? Are they ? Did you have a holiday? Was che weather ?
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tus padres hablan español muy bien. El avión llegó carde y tuvimos que esperar pacientemente. De repente se fue la luz. (irse= go out) Conduce con cuidado. Esca carretera es peligrosa. Escribo mal. Hago muchas faltas. ¿Puedes hablar despacio, por favor? Casi no podemos entenderte. No me gusta andar lentamente. La puerca se abrió de repente. 173
expensive/more expensive
more expensive
más vieJo
más pesado
más caro
Oldcr I heavier I more expensive son comparabvos. El comparativo termina en -er (older) o se forma con more ... (more expcnsivc). Comparativo en -cr (oldcr/hcavier etc.) Ad1etivos
cortos (una sílaba)-+ -er.
old -+ older (más vie10) nice -+ niccr (más bonito)
slow --+ slowcr (más lento) largc -+ larger (más grande)
Nota las drferenc,as de ortografía: brg --+ bigger Ver también el Apéndice 5.
chcap=-s cheapcr (más barato) big -+ biggcr (más grande)
hot --+ horter --+
Adjetivos terminados en -y --+ -ier: casy --+ ca icr (más fácil) heavy --+ heavicr (más pesado)
rhin --+ rhinner
carly --+ carlier (más pronto)
• Rorne is old bur Arhcns is oldcr. (no 'more old') • Is it cheapcr to go by car or by tram? (no 'more chcap') • Helen wanrs a bigger car. (no 'more big') Th1~ coar rs OK bur thc orher one is nicer. (no 'more mee') • Don 't scnd a lerrer. lr's casicr to phonc. (no 'more casy') far (leJano)--+ furthcr (más le1ano): 'How far is ir to rhe srarion? A mile?'
'No, ir's furthcr. Abour rwo miles.'
Comparativo con more ... Adjetivos más largos (2/3/4 s,1abas) --+ more ... : carcfuf -e more carcful (más cu,dadoso) expensive -+ more cxpen ive (mas caro)
polite --+ more politc (más educado) inreresring --+ more interesring (más interesante)
• You rnusr be more carcful. • I don't like my job. 1 want ro do sornerhing more interc ting. • Is ir more expensive ro go by car or by trarn?
Comparativos rrregulares:
good (bueno) } . wcll (bien) --+ berter (me1or)
bad (malo) } badly (mal) --+ wor e (peor)
• The wearher wasn't good yesterday but ir's bctter today. • 'Do you feel better today?' 'No, l feel worse.' • Which is worsc - a hcadachc ora toothache?
older than ... / more expensive than ... ~
rhe oldesr / rhe most expcnsive ~
Observa /os dibujos y escribe el comparativo (older / more intcrcsting etc.).
heavy 4
cxpensivc Escribe el comparativo.
1 old ..... 9~ 2 strong
6 good
3 happy 4 modern 5 important
87 .3
. .. . . .
large serious pretty crowded
~~···· . .
4 better 5 ncarcr 6 easier
. .. .
Completa las frases usando un comparativo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
. .. .
7 8 9 10
Escribe el contrario de estos comparativos: 1 younger 2 colder 3 cheaper
87 .4
Helcn's car isn't very big. She wants a ..... ~!-9.9,~ ..... one, My job isn't very interesting, 1 want to do something ~9r.!;-..H'.\~.~~-L . You're not vcry rall. Your brothcr is . David doesn't work very hard. l work . My chair isn't very comfortable. Yours is . Your plan isn'r vcry good. My plan is . These flowers aren't very nice. The blue ones are . My bag isn't very heavy. Your bag is . I'm not very interested in art. I'm in history. lt isn't very warm today. lt was yesterday. These tomatoes don't taste very good. The other ones tasted Britain isn't very big. France is . London isn't very beautiful. Paris is . This knife isn't very sharp. Have you gota one? People roda y aren't very poli te. In che past thcy wcrc .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Tu coche no es muy viejo. Mi coche es más viejo. No me sentía bien esca mañana, pero me siento mejor ahora. Este queso es más caro, pero sabe mejor. (saber= tastc) No me gustan los autobuses. Siempre viajo en tren porque es más rápido y más cómodo. Me levanté más pronto ayer y estaba más cansado por la noche. Estos zapatos son mejores, pero son más caros. Tengo un trabajo más fácil ahora. El hotel Central está más lejos, pero es más barato. 175
older than ...
more expensive than ...
Shc's taller than him,
The Europa Hotel is more cxpcnsivc than rhe Grand.
Es más a/ta que él.
.. . es más caro que el Grand.
Se usa than (= que} detrás de los comparativos (oldcr than ... / more cxpcnsivc than ... etc.):
• Arhcns
rs oldcr than Rome. (no 'older thar') Atenas es más antigua que Roma.
• Are orangcs more expensive than bananas? (no 'more cxpcnsivc rhar') ¿ ... mas . caras que ....
• lr's casier
phone than ro writc a lcrrcr.
Es más fácil telefonear que escribir una carta. • 'l low are you today?' 'Not bad. Bcttcr than ycstcrday.' ' ... Mejor que ayer.' • The restaurant is more crowded than usual. ... más lleno de gente que de costumbre.
Se dice ... than me/ ... rhan hirn / ... rhan her I ... than us I ... rhan rhern. Se puede decir:
• 1 can run faster than him. o I can run fastcr than he can. • You are a berter singer than me. o You are a bcrtcr singer than I am. • Igor up carlier than her. o I gor up earlier than she did. more than ... = más que/de ... less than ... = menos que/de ... : • A: How much did your shocs cosr? l30? B: , o, more than rhat. (no 'more that') No, más. ~~-------30,.._ • The film was very short - less than an hour. . .. menos de una hora. • They'vc gor more moncy than thcy need. ... más dinero del que necesitan. • You go out more than me. Sales más que yo.
rim TMM' 30 ....
a bit older (= un poco más viejo) I much older (= mucho más viejo) etc.
Box A is a bit bigger rhan Box B. .. . un poco más grande que ...
a bit much
• • • •
bigger older bcrtcr more difficulr more cxpensivc
Box C is much biggcr than Box D . . .. mucho más grande que ...
rhan ...
Ca nada is much biggcr rhan Francc. ... mucho más grande que ... Jill is a bit older rhan Gary - she's 25 and hc's 241'2. . .. un poco más vieja que ... The hotel was much more expensive than T expecred. . .. mucho más caro ... You go out much more rhan me. Sales mucho más que yo.
old /older, expensive/more expensive ~
notas (old) as~ 11:
Escribe frases con than comparando a Liz y a Ben. I'rn 26.
2 l'rn nota very good swirnrner. 3 l'rn I rnerrc 68 mil. 4 I starr work ar 8 o'clock. 5 1 don'r work very hard. 6 I haveri'r gor much money. 7 I'rn a very good driver. 8 I'rn not very paricnr. 9 l'm nora vcry good dancer. 10 I'rn very inrelligcnr. 1 1 Ispeak French very well. 12 I don'r go ro the cinema very much.
3 Liz is 4 Liz srarrs
5 Ben 6 Ben has gor
7 Liz is a
. Ben. . .
8 Ben 9 Ben 10 Liz l l Liz 12 Ben
. .. .. .. ..
Completa las frases usando than.
I 2 3 4 5 6
8 9 IO 11
J 1'111 1 rncrrc 63 rall. 4 1 tarr work ar 8.30. 5 I work very hard. 6 I've gor a lor of money. 7 l'm nora very good driver. 8 l'rn very parienr. 9 I'rn a good dancer. 10 l'rn nor very inrelligenr. 11 I don'r speak French very well. u l go to rhe cinema a loe.
1 17.
Liz_ i.6__ol.cter _ tflo.n_ Sen .... Sen_i.6 __0.._bettu ..s1>JÍITlmu _tflo.n_Liz .
1 2
1 l'rn 24. 2 l'm a vcry good swimmer.
He isn'r very rall. You .. \~--~--~~--~-~., She isn'r very old. You'rc 1 don'r work very hard. You work He docsn't warch TV very rnuch. You 1 'rn nora vcry good cook. Yo u .. . We don't know rnany people. You They haven'r gor rnuch money. You 1 cari'r run vcry fasr. You can She hasn 't bccn here very long. Y ou They didn'r ger up very early. You He wasn'r vcry surprised. You
JQ ..,-.-.. t:>1.~..l.1~.~- L.
. .. .. .. . . . . . ..
Completa las frases con a bit o much + un comparativo (older/bettcr etc.). 1 Jill is 25. Gary is 241/z . .. Ji.U...i.6.. o.. _bi.t. ol.cter..tflo.n .Gru:!i ·...
2 Jack's mother is 54. His farher is 69. Jack's mother 3 My camera cost f100. Yours cosr f96. Mycamera 4 Yesrerday I fclt terrible. Today I fecl OK. I feel 5 Today rhe rernperarure is 12 degrees. Yesrerday ir was ten degrees. Ir's
6 Ann is an excellenr tennis player. l'rn nor very good. Ann
. .. .. .
Traduce al inglés:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
La reunión fue muy larga - más de dos horas. Sabes nadar mejor que yo. Antonio come mucho más que tú. Estaremos en Madrid en menos de tres horas. El japonés es mucho más difícil que el inglés. Esrc piso es más nuevo y un poco más grande que el mío. {piso= flat) Creo que Hamlet es mucho más interesante que Ki11g Lear. Estos pantalones cuestan más dinero del que puedo gastarme. {gastarme= afford) Ellos tienen más dinero que nosotros. 177
notas ... as A
notas ... as
She's old but she's not as old as he is.
Box A isn't as big as box B.
Es vieja, pero no es tan vieja como él.
. .. no es tan grande como ...
• • • •
(=notan ... como}
Rome is not as old as Athens. Roma no es tan antigua como Atenas. The Grand Hotel isn't as expensive as che Europa. . .. no es tan caro como ... I don't play rennis as often as you. No juego al tenis tan a menudo como tú. The wearher is better rhan yesterday. lt isn't as cold. No hace tanto frío.
nor as much as ... (= no tanto como ... }/ nor as many as ... (= no tantos como ... } • I haven't gotas much money as you. No tengo tanto dinero como tú. • I don't know as many people as you. No conozco a tantas personas como tú. • 1 don't go out as much as you. No salgo tanto como tú. Compara not as ... as y than:
• Rome is not as old as Athens. Athens is older than Rome. • Tennis isn't as popular as football. Football is more popular than ten nis. • 1 don't go out as muchas you. You go out more than me.
Se dice ... as me/ as him / as her etc. Se puede decir:
• She's notas old as hirn. (no 'as he') o She's notas old as he is. • You don'r work as hard as me. o You don't work as hard as Ido.
Se dice the same as ... (no 'the same chat') (= el mismo/ la misma que}:
• The weather toda y is rhe same as yesterday. . .. el mismo que ayer. . .. del mismo color que el tuyo. • I arrived ar che sarne time as Tim. . .. a la misma hora que Tim.
• My hair is the same colour as yours.
much/many => iij j.¡j,f:EI
older than ... I more expensive than ... => 1ij:j¡,¡t,NH
Observa los dibujos y escribe frases comparando A, By C.
1 A is,-~-~.. ~--b.f:4t!')~.~ ..b.i.g .~ ..B.., . 2 A is
B but not
3 C is 4 A is 5 B has got 6 C works
Rorne ---~-~\.~ .. .'?-~--~ ..A~~~-'--· Your room isn't I didn't They You f-le ..
.. . . .. .
Completa las frases con as o con than. 1 2 3 4
Athens is older --~~---- Rome. 1 don't watch TV as much you. You eat more me. l feel better 1 felt yesterday.
5 6 7 8
Jim isn't as clever Belgium is smaller Brazil isn't as big 1 can't wait longer
he rhinks. Switzerland. Ca nada. an hour.
Lee lo que dicen estas personas y escribe frases sobre Julia, Andrew y Caroline usando thc same age I thc same srreet etc.
l'm 2.2..
I live. i.n HUL Stru.t. I gotv.p o.t 7.15. I't got o.. co.r.
1 2 3 4
(age) (street) (time) (colour)
.. .
Escribe frases que signifiquen lo mismo usando as ... as ....
4 We played better than them. 5 I've been here longer than you. 6 She's more nervous rhan him.
1 Athens is older than Rome. 2 My room is bigger than yours. 3 You got up earlier than me.
A but
___.b._~c.4:~ ..~ .. tn..~..~~~-
l'm 2.4.
I live. i.n Scu:u
Sb-eet. I got v.p oJ; 7 .15. ~ co.r i.6 M.rl: bw.e.. .. ~9.!ix.i~:
l'm 2.4. I live. i.n HUL Stru.t. 1 ~otup oJ; 7 .45. I ve. got o.. car. I t's clo.rk blv. e.
Julia lives Julia got up Andrew's
. .. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mi hermano no es tan inteligente como mi hermana. Tom no come tanta fruta como Brian. Tenemos la misma profesora que tú. En Barcelona no hay tantos teatros como en Madrid. Bill no tiene cantos amigos como tú. Me siento mejor que ayer. No estoy tan cansada. Sueno gana tanto como yo. (ganar= earn) Tenemos la misma profesora que el año pasado. 179
the most expensive
the oldest
(i- pe<'Sº" . rer nigkt) Europa Hotel i.'15
158 155
Box A is bigger rhan box B. Box A is bigger than all che orher boxe . Box A is the biggesr box .
The Europa Hotel is more cxpcnsive than che Grand. The Europa Hotel is more expensive rhan all che orher horcls. The Europa Hotel is che most expensive hotel in the rown.
... la caja más grande.
. .. el hotel más caro ...
Bigger / older / more expensive etc. son comparativos,~ Unidad 87). Biggest / oldesr / most expensive etc. son superlativos. El superlativo termina en -est (oldest) o se construye con most ... (rnost expensive): Adjetivos breves (old/cheap/nice etc.)
che -est:
cheap 4 rhe cheapcst bad 4 the worst Nota las diferencias de ortografía: big 4 rhc biggest hot Ver también el Apéndice 5.
old 4 thc oldest good 4 the best
Adjetivos terminados en -y (easy/heavy etc.)
the easiest
nice 4
the nicest
the hottesr
che -icsr: the heaviesr
nrcrrv ~ the orerriest
Adjetivos largos (careful/expensive/interesring etc.) ~ rhc rnost ... :
carcful ~ che
the most intcresting
Se usa che delante del superlativo: che oldest ... I the rnosr expensivc ... etc.:
• • • •
This church is very old. lt is the oldcst building in rhc town. . .. el edificio más antiguo ... What is the longcst river in che world? ¿ ... el río más largo del mundo? Money is importanr but it isn't the most important thing in lifc. ... lo más importante ... Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? ¿ ... el banco más cercano?
Observa la posición de los adjetivos antes de un sustantivo:
• the oldest building el edificio más antiguo • che most expensive hotel el hotel más caro Observa también que se dice:
the oldest building in the town (no 'of che rown') el edificio más antiguo de la ciudad rhe longest river in the world (no 'of the world') el río más largo del mundo Los superlativos che oldest / che bese I che most expensive etc. pueden usarse solos, sin sustantivo:
• Ken is a good playcr bur he isn't the besr in rhe rcarn.
. .. el mejor del equipo.
Con frecuencia el superlativo se usa con !'ve e ver ... / you 've cver ... etc:
• Thc film was ver}' bad. 1 think ir's che worst film l've ever seen. . .. la peor película que he visto. • What is thc rnost unusual thing you'vc cvcr done? ¿ ... la cosa más insólita que has hecho? Compara el comparativo con el superlativo: comparativo
• Tom is taller rhan me
• Jim is the tallcst in rhc class. (no 'the taller in che class') ... el más alto de la clase .
. .. más alto que yo.
• Is London more intcresting than París? ¿ ... más interesante que ... ?
• New York is the rnost intcresting ciry in the world. (no 'rhe more inrcrcsting ciry in che world') ... la ciudad más interesante del mundo.
PRr.~ENT l'r.RFECT +
ever => 1ij:jj.¡j,¡j:t
older I more cxpensivc ee
Escribe frases con comparativos {oldcr etc.) y superlativos (che oldest etc.). (biglsmall)
(A/0) ...-A.-.. ~J\99~..~-~ .. .I?.., ... (A) ( B)
(long/short) (C/A) C is.............................................. (D) D is (B) B
C~-------------------C D-----------------------i
9ood. bvt not wonderfuL
(cxpcnsivc/cheap) (D/A)
(A) (D)
. ..
Completa las frases con un superlativo (che oldcst ctc.). This building is vcry old. lt's ... ~.~..~~ lt was a very happy day. lt was lt's a vcry good film. lt's She's a very popular singer. She's lt was a very bad mistake. lt was It's a very pretty village. lt's 7 lt was a very cold day. It was 8 He's a very boring person. He's
in the town, of my life. I've ever seen. in the country. I'vc ever made. l've ever seen. of che year. I've ever met.
Usa las palabras de los cuadros para escribir frases con un superlativo (thc longest etc.).
~ Evercst
.Ju pi ter
thc Nile
large long high
1 .... ~~~ ..~ ...~~...4!-!E.~t~
country Ei-ey river
planee state mountain
the USA A frica the world
rhc solar sysrcm South Arncrica
.. ~ ...~~kaj~~.......
2 Everest 3 ·············-···························································································
4 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
5 6
A. .. ..
mellent n.oé bad.
1 2 3 4 5 6
(young/old) (D/C) D
.. A..~ ..~-~)~9~.t .. . B..i.6. Uie. ..
. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Madrid es la ciudad más grande de España. '¿Tiene zapatos más baratos?' 'Estos son los más baratos.' Es la película más larga que he visto. Es la ciudad más bonita que hemos visitado. Es la mejor profesora de la escuela y la persona más inteligente que he conocido. (conocer= mcct) En esta ciudad la catedral es más antigua que el ayuntamiento, pero el castillo es el edificio más antiguo. (ayuntamiento = town hall)
He can'r reach che shelf. He isn't taU cnough. No puede alcanzar la estantería. No es bastante alto.
She can't buy a sandwich. She hasn 'r got enough moncy. No puede comprarse un sandwich. No tiene bastante dinero.
enough + sustantivo (cnough moncy I cnough people etc.): • 'Is there enough sugar in your coffee?' 'Yes, thank you.' '¿Tienes bastante azúcar en el café?' • We wanred to play football but we didn't have enough players. . .. no teníamos bastantes jugadores. • Why don'r you buy a car? You've got enough money. . .. Tienes bastante dinero. enough se puede usar también sin sustantivo: • l've gor sorne money, but not enough to buy a car. . .. pero no bastante para comprar un coche. • 'Would you like sorne more to ear?' 'No, thank you. I've had enough.' ... 'No, gracias. He comido bastante.' • You are always ar home. You don't go out enough. . .. no sales bastante.
adjetivo+ enough (good enough I warm enough etc.): • 'Shall we sit outside?' 'No, ir isn't warm enough.' '¿Nos sentamos fuera?' 'No, no hace bastante calor.' • Can you hear the radio? Is it loud enough for you? (no 'enough loud') ... ¿Está bastante alta... ? • Don't buy thar coat. It's nice but ic isn'c long cnough. . .. no es bastante larga.
Recuerda: enough + sustantivo
adjetivo + enough call enough good enough old enough
enough money enough time enough people
Observa cómo se puede usar enough: enough for (sornebody/somerhing)
• This pullover isn't big enough for me . . . . no es bastante grande para mí. • 1 haven't gor enough money for a car . ... bastante dinero para un coche.
enough to do sornerhing
• 1 haven't gor enough money to buy a car. (no 'for buy a car') No tengo bastante dinero para comprarme un coche. • ls your English good enough to have a conversation? ¿Es tu inglés bastante bueno para mantener una conversación?
enough for (somebody/something) to (do something)
• There aren't enough chairs for everybody to sit down. No hay bastantes sillas para que todo el mundo se siente.
to ... y for ... =>
too =)
Observa /os dibujos y completa las frases con enough + una de las palabras siguientes: chairs
l She hasn'r got 2 Therc aren'r
~.9~.. ~..".!~,...
3 She hasn 't gor 4 There isn't
Observa /os dibujos y completa las frases usando uno de los siguientes adjetivos + enough: big
l Ile
.!§.~.'.t~.~~.9~., ..
2 The car
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 4
His lcgs arcn'r He
. ..
ti red
'Is rhere ....~gh.~~.gQ,T.... in your coffee?' 'Yes, chank you.' Can you hear rhc radio? Is ir ...l.w..4 ..w~gh .. for you? He can lea ve school if he wants - hc's . Did you have to answer ali che questions in the exam? This house isn'c for a largc family. Tina is very thin. She doesn't . Yo u don't cat Y ou should cae more - ir's good for yo u. lt's lace but l don'r want to go to bed now. l'm noc . Lisa isn't a very good ten nis player beca use she doesn't .
Completa las frases usando cnough y las palabras entre paréntesis. l 2 3 4 5 6
Completa las frases usando cnough con una de las palabras siguientes: big
.. ..
We haven't got ~9.~..!'1!>!'.'~..~ ..~!i This knife isn'r The water wasn't Have we got We played well bur nor I don't have
a car. rornaroes. a barh. sandwiches? the game. ncwspapers.
(money I buy) (sharp / cut) (warm I have) (bread/ make) (well / win) (time/ rcad)
Traduce al inglés: I No había bastantes sillas para todos. (codos= cverybody) 2 ¿Tienes bastante comida para dos? 3 '¿Necesitas más papel?' 'No, gracias. Tengo bastante.' 4 o tienen bastante dinero para comprar una casa. 5 Este lugar es bastante grande para la reunión. 6 No tenemos bastantes habitaciones para que tus amigos se queden. 7 ¿Hay bastante pan para hacer seis sandwiches? 8 No comes bastante fruta.
His shoes are too big for him. .. . demasiado grandes ...
There is too much sugar in ir. ... demasiado azúcar ...
too(= demasiado)+ adjetivo/adverbio (too big / too quickly etc.) • Can you turn the radio down? lr's too loud . . .. Está demasiado alta. • 1 can't work. I'm too tircd. ... Estoy demasiado cansado. • I Je talks too quickly. 1 can't undcrstand him. Habla demasiado de prisa. No lo entiendo.
Se usa too much (demasiado/demasiada) con sustantivos incontables y con verbos: • Thcre is too much noise here. • 1 think she srudics too much.
Aquí hay demasiado ruido. Creo que estudia demasiado.
Se usa too many (demasiados/demasiadas) con sustantivos en plural: • There are too many people herc. Aquí hay demasiadas personas. • You make too many mistakes, Haces demasiadas faltas.
Compara too y not enough: • The har is too big for him. . . . es demasiado grande ... • The radio is too loud. Can you turn ir clown, picase? La radio está demasiado alta ... • There's too much sugar in my coffec. Tengo demasiado azúcar ... • 1 don't feel very well. late too much . ... He comido demasiado.
too big
• Thc har isn't big enough for hirn . .. . no es bastante grande ... • The radio isn't loud cnough. Can you turn ir up, picase? La radio no está bastante alta ... • There's not enough sugar in my coffee. No tengo bastante azúcar ... • You'rc very rhin, You don't eat cnough. ... No comes bastante.
not big cnough
Observa cómo se puede usar too ... : too ... for (somcbody/somcrhing)
too ... to (do something)
too ... for (somcbody/somcthing) to (do something)
too y for ==)
much/many =>
These shoes are too big forme. .. . demasiado grandes para mí . It's a small house - too small for a large family . . .. demasiado pequeña para ...
• •
I'm too tired to go out. (no 'for go out') ... demasiado cansado para salir. lt's too cold to sit outsidc . .. . demasiado frío para sentarnos fuera.
She speaks too fast for me to undcrstand. Habla demasiado rápido para que yo la entienda.
cnough ~
jij Wfi·iil
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con too + una de estas palabras: big
1 Thc radio is t:l,l:o...~.4, 2 Thc box is 3 The ner is
low 4
. . .
4 She's driving 5 Thc ball is 6 The restaurant is
.. . .
Completa las frases con too / too much / too many o cnough. 1 You're always at home. You don't go out ...~9\:1 .....
Completa las frases con too
o enough y las palabras entre paréntesis.
1 l couldn't work. 1 ... ~~ ..~ ..o/.~.-..... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
. . .. .. .
(loud) (far)
(expensive) (big) (difficult) (good)
Completa /as frases con too(+ adjetivo)+ to (do somcthing). 1 2 3 4 5 6
(ti red)
Can you turn the radio up, please? Tt i'.6.l'.'.'.t.J~4.-~9.~.:. l don't want to walk home. lt's Don'r buy anything in thar shop. It You cari't put ali your things in this bag. Ir [ couldn't do rhe cxcrcisc. It Your work needs to be betrer. lt T can't talk to you now. T l thought thc film was boring. lt
(l'm not going out/ cold) (l'm not going to bcd / carly) (thcy'rc not gctting marricd / young) (nobody goes out at night / dangerous) (don't phonc Ann now / late) (1 didn't say anything / surprised)
.... t:l,l:o...~\4..!:9..9.'?. ..~.t Ir's They're lt's It's 1 was
. .. .. .. .. ..
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No puedo comprar esa casa. Es demasiado cara. Trabajas demasiado. Creo que he bebido demasiado café hoy. Hay demasiada gente y no tenemos bastantes vasos. No me siento bien. He comido demasiadas cerezas. (cereza = cherry) Sue está demasiado ocupada para venir al cine. Este libro es demasiado difícil para que tú lo leas. Ellos son demasiado viejos para jugar al fútbol. 185
He speaks English very well. ( orden de las palabras en la frase 1) verbo + objeto
I Sue .1
a newspaper
Normalmente el verbo (reads) va inmediatamente seguido del objeto (a newspaper). Se dice: • Sue reads a newspaper every day. (no 'Sue reads every day a newspaper.')
su E (sujeto) verbo He speaks 1 like Did you watch Wc invitcd Paul often wcars I opencd Why do you always makc I'm going to borrow
+ objeto English very well. Italian food vcry much. tclcvision ali evcning? a lot of people ro the party. a black hat. the
A NEWSJ>,\PER (objeto)
(no 'He speaks vcry well English.') (no'] likc vcry much ltalian food.') (no 'Did you watch ali evening television?') (no 'We invited to the party a lot of people.') (no 'Paul wcars often a black hat.') (no 'I opened quietly rhe
El orden de fas palabras es más estricto en inglés que en español. Observa fas diferencias: • He speaks English very well. • Paul often wears a black hat. • 1 like ltalian food very much.
Habla muy bien inglés. Pau/ lleva un sombrero negro a menudo. Me gusta mucho fa comida italiana.
complementos de fugar y tiempo We went to a party last night. fugar
(no 'We went last night to a party.')
Normalmente el complemento de fugar (to a party) va delante del de tiempo (last night). Compara el orden de fas palabras en fa frase en inglés y en español: Liz walks Will you be I usually go We arrived They've lived Jim's farhcr has been
fugar to work at home to bcd at the airport in the same housc in hospital
every day. this cvcning? early. at 7 o'clock. for 20 ycars. sincc June.
Liz va a pie al trabajo todos los dias. ¿Estarás esta noche en casa? Normalmente me acuesto pronto. Llegamos al aeropuerto a las 7. Viven 20 años en fa misma casa. .. . está en el hospital desde junio.
La mayoría de las veces las expresiones de tiempo yesterday / tornorrow / on Thursday etc. se dicen al final de fa frase: • 1 went to rhe bank ycstcrday. • She docsn't work on Fridays.
Ayer fui al banco. Los viernes no trabaja.
orden de /as palabras en frases interrogativas=>
always/usually/often etc.=>
Corrige las frases que sean incorrectas.
1 2 3 4
Did you watch (ali evening television}) Sue reads a newspaper every day. I like very much this picture. Tom starred last wcck his ncw job. 1 want to speak English fluently. Jane bought for her friend a present. l drink cvery day rhrce cups of coffcc. Don't eat your dinner too quickly! 1 borrowed from my brother fifty pounds.
5 6
7 8
...~.!i~ .. ~~
.. ~X~.~!'.'.aj!..~X~3~ ...
.. 9~ ...
Ordena correctamente las palabras.
1 (the door / opened / l / quietly) 2 (two letters / 1 I chis morning / wrote) 3 (passed I Paul I easily I the exam) 4 (Ann I very well / French / doesn't speak) 5 (a lot of work I did I I / yesterday)
..., C>P.~aj,.,,~~ I
4o.o.~ ~.~~
. .
6 (London / do you know / well?) 7 (wc I cnjoycd I very rnuch I the party) 8 (the problem I carefully / l / explained) 9 (wc / at the airport / sorne friends / mee) I O (did you buy / in England / rhar jacket?) 11 (every day /do/ rhe same rhing I we) 12 (football / don't like / very much / 1)
Ordena correctamente las palabras.
1 (to work I every day / walks / Liz) 2 (at rhc hotel/ I I early I arrived)
.. P~.. ~.~.~..l::o. ..~.O.~ ..~X~-~-: I
3 4 5 6 7
(goes / every year / to ltaly /Julia) Ju tia (we / since 1988 / here / have lived) We (in London / Sue / in 1960 / was born) Sue (didn't go I yesterday / Paul I to work) Paul (to the bank I yesterday afternoon / went I Ann) Ann 8 (I I in bed I this morning / my breakfast I had)
. . .
.. .. .. .. .
9 (in October /Barbara/ to univcrsity / is going) Barbara 1 O (1 / a bcautiful bird / this morning / in thc gardcn I saw) I 11 (many times I have been / my parents / to che Unircd States) My 12 (my umbrella / I / last night / left / in the restaurant) 13 (to the cinema/ tornorrow evening / are you going?) Are 14 (the children I I / took / this morning I to school) I
. .
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4
6 7 8 9
A mi marido le gusta mucho el vino francés. A las 7 empezó la película. Vi ayer a Judith en la estación. Hace tres meses que fue Juan a Londres. No la entiendo. No habla muy bien inglés. A las 1 O abrimos la tienda. Fui el sábado al concierto. ¿Vamos mañana a la playa? En septiembre estuvieron mis padres en Alicante.
always/usually/often etc. (orden de las palabras en la frase 2) always (siempre) usually (normalmente) often la menudo) sometimes (a veces)
never (nunca) ever (¿alguna vez ... ?) rarely (raramente) seldom (apenas/casi no)
also (también) just (... acabar de ... ) already (ya) still (todavía/aún)
ali (todos)
both (ambos/los dos)
Estas palabras (always/never etc.) con frecuencia se encuentran junto al verbo en el interior de una frase: • • • • • •
My brother never speaks to me. Mi hermano no habla nunca conmigo. She's always late. Siempre llega tarde. Do you often go to restaurants? ¿Vas a restaurantes a menudo? I sometimes eat too much. (o Sometimes [ eat too much.) A veces como demasiado. I don't want to go to the cinema. I've already seen the film. . .. Ya he visto la película. I've gor three sisters. They're ali married. . .. Todas están casadas.
always/never etc. van delante del verbo principal: • • • • • •
I always go to work by car. (no 'l go always ... ') Ann oftcn plays tcnnis. (no 'Ann plays often tennis.') You sometimes look unhappy. They usually have dinner ar 7 o'clock. We rarely (o seldom) watch television. Richard is a good foorballer. He also plays tennis and volleyball. (no 'He plays-also .. .' • I've gor three sisters. They ali live in London. (no 'They live all .. .')
verbo always go often + play never feel etc. etc.
pero always/never etc. van detrás de am/is/are/was/were:
• 1 am never ill. (no 'I never am ill.')
am is
always often are + ne ver was etc. were
• • • • •
They are usually at home in the evenings. (no 'They usually are .. .') Ir is often very cold here in winter. When I was a child, 1 was always late for school. 'Where's Linda?' 'She's still in bed.' I've got two brothers. They are borh doctors,
always/never etc. van en una posición intermedia con los verbos compuestos (havc ... bccn / can ... find etc.): will can do etc. have has
always often never
go find remember etc. gone been
etc. • I will always remember you.
• It doesn't often rain here. • • • •
Do you usually go to work by car? l can never find my keys. Have you ever been to Rome? A: Where's Linda? B: She's just gone out. (she's = she has) • A: Where are your friends? B: They've ali gonc to thc cinema.
always/never + PRESENT SlMPLE => E!IID both => i'::O•f j,¡:fJ still ~ llj'j!IJi·itJ.1
... Acaba de salir.
ali =>
1 2
3 4 5 6
Yes, often. Yes, always. o, never. Sometimes. Yes, often. Yes, usually.
My brother speaks to me. (never) ~.~~~~.~-~!;-'.".'~ .. ;;P.~~ ..~ ..n:'.!;-., .. Susan is polite. (always} Susan 1 finish work at 5 o'clock. (usually) 1 . Jill has started a new job. (just] Jill . . I go to bed before midnight. (rarely) . The bus isn't late. (usually) I dori't eat fish. (often) I will forget what you said. (never) Have you lost your passport? (ever) Do you work in the same place? (still) They sray in the same hotel. (always) Diane doesn't work on Saturdays. (usually) Is Tina here? (already} What do you have for breakfast? (usually) l can remember his name. (never}
Do you play football? (tennis) Do you speak Ttalian? (French) Are you tired? (hungry) Have you been to England? (lreland) 5 Did you buy any clothes? (sorne books)
. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . ..
. . ..
.... :Y.~.~.,..~~.! aj§.9.. .P.~ ..~~.: .. Yes, and I Yes, and Yes,
. .. . .
Escribe frases usando both y ali.
I live in London. I play foorball, I'm a student. I've gota car.
1 ..Th~.~~
['m married. I was born in England. I live in New York. I live in London. I play football. I'rn a student. I've gota car.
~.l!: ..Í!.)..~9.l'.'.4o.~.v.. They football. ........................................................................ students . ................................................................................. cars.
. ..
Escribe frases con also usando las palabras entre paréntesis. 1 2 3 4
...l'~.L~.~~--~.t:1~.: . He He
Escribe estas frases otra vez incluyendo la palabra entre paréntesis. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Do you ever play tennis? Do you get up early? Are you ever late for work? Do you ever ger angry? Do you ever go swimming? Are you ar home in the evenings?
2 They They
married. England .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No vamos al mismo restaurante siempre. Ya ha llegado el jefe. (jefe= boss) '¿Vais al teatro alguna vez?' 'Sí, a menudo.' 'Nunca me telefoneas.' 'Nunca estás en casa.' Normalmente no se acuesta tarde Enrique. ¿Aún estás trabajando? Es muy tarde. Los estudiantes acaban de llegar del musco. Están todos muy cansados. Nunca he estado en China. 189
still = aún/todavía
An hour ago it was raining. Hace una hora llovía.
lt is srill raining. Aún/fodavía está lloviendo.
srill indica que algo sigue igual que antes: • l hada loe to eat but l'm still hungry.
. .. pero aún tengo hambre. • 'Did you selt your car?' 'No, I'vc still gor ir.' ... 'Todavía lo tengo.' • 'Do you still livc in Barcelona?' 'No, I live in Madrid now.' '¿Aún vives en Barcelona?' ...
Twenty minutes ago they were waiting for Bill.
They are still waiting for Bill. Bill hasn't come yet . . . . Bill no ha llegado aún.
yet se usa en frases negativas (He hasn't come yet) y en preguntas (Has he come yet?). Suele ser la última palabra de su frase. not yet = aún no/todavía no • A: B: • A: B: yct?
Where's Diane? ¿Dónde está Diane? She isn't here yct. Aún no está aquí. What are you doing this evening? ¿Qué haces esta noche? 1 don't know yct. Aún no lo sé.
= ¿ya? (algo que se espera)
• A: Are you ready to go yet? ¿Estás ya listo para salir? B: Not yet. Wait a rnornent. Todavía no. Espera un momento. • A: Have you finished wich che newspaper yet? ¿Has terminado ya con el periódico? B: No, I'm stilí reading it. No, aún lo estoy leyendo. Compara yet y srill: • She hasn'r gone yct. = She's srill herc, (no 'She is yet hcre') • 1 haven't finished eating yet. = l'rn srill eating.
already = ya (antes de lo previsto) already se usa para hablar de algo que ocurre antes de lo previsto: • 'What time is John arriving?' 'He's already here.' ... 'Ya está aquí.' • 'l'm going to tell you whar happened.' 'That's not necessary. T already know.' ... 'Ya lo sé.' • Ann doesn't want to go to che cinema. Shc has already seen the film. ... Ya ha visto la película.
already/yet + PRESENT PERfECT::)
orden de las palabras (still/already) ::)
Te encuentras con Lisa. No la has visto desde hace dos años. Hazle preguntas usando still.
( 1
2 [~:~~
2 Do you __,~m_o_w_r-_b_ü::_e._ . ....) 3 Are
ewe?.{7l __,, ,
w,emo.. o.. Lot..
3 ( l'm o.. st«~
1 .. ~.-H~ ..s.~ . .P.~ ..~~-~L
l 've. got. o..
4 5 6
1 wo..nt tt, be. o.. t:.ea.cl1u.
Observa atentamente el ejemplo y escribe tres frases para cada situación. ahora
(antes) (still) (yet)
(still) (yet) (antes)
. .
DINNER ..w..~9 .. :fur...~~.~~s.., ... ..To~ ..~~ .. 5.~ .. ~~.9.:... .. To~)~s..h..~.\')'.~ ..~~.e:.!íe:t., ... He was He ........................................................................................
. . yet.
(srill) (yet) ~
(antes) (still) (yer)
Completa las frases usando yet. 1 Estás esperando a que Sue esté lista para salir contigo. A lo mejor ya está lista. Le preguntas: .. Ar.~.. !íO!A. .. !'.~ .. !íe:t.r. 2 Estás esperando a que llegue Ann. Hace 10 minutos aún no había llegado, pero a lo mejor ya está aquí. Le preguntas a otra persona Ann 3 Mary hizo un examen y está esperando el resultado. A lo mejor ya lo tiene. Le preguntas: you 4 Hace unos días hablaste con Tom. Aún no sabía dónde ir de vacaciones. Quizá ya lo haya decidido. Le preguntas:
. .
Completa las frases usando already.
1 2 3 4
5 6
What time is John arriving? Does Ann want to see the film? 1 must see Julia before she goes. Do you need a pen? Shall l pay the bill? Shall I tell Paul about the meeting?
..~.e:'.s... ~~--··
here. No, she .. !:!~..~~ Ir's roo late. She No thanks. 1 No, ir's OK. 1 No, he
ir. . one. . I told him.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
¿Ya has terminado tu desayuno? '¿Aún está Rosa en el médico?' 'Sí. Aún no ha vuelto.' (volver= come back) Todavía tengo algo de dinero. Aún no lo he gastado todo. (gastar= spcnd) Aún no hemos cenado. Jaime está cocinando aún. (cenar= have dinncr) uestros amigos ya han llegado. '¿A qué hora llega el avión de Londres?' 'Ya ha aterrizado.' (aterrizar= land) El tren sale en cinco minutos. ¿Has comprado ya los billetes? Paul está trabajando todavía.
Give it to me!
Give me that book! give (dar)
pass (pasar)
lcnd (prestar)
send (enviar)
show (mostrar/enseñar)
Detrás de estos verbos (give/lend etc.) hay dos construcciones posibles: (give) sornething to somebody h k -----te cys---• 1 gave the keys to Liz.
o (givc) somcbody somcthing • 1 gave Liz thc kcys.
(give) sorncthing to somebody = (dar) algo a alguien
Thar's my book. These are Sue's keys. Can you Can you 1 Did you We've seen rhese photos. You
Give givc give lent send showed
to somcbody
ir thern
to to to to to to
thesc flowers my car a posrcard rhem
me. her? your mother? a friend of mine. Kate? us.
... Dámelo. ... ¿Puedes dárselas? ¿ ... darle estas flores a tu madre? Presté el coche a un amigo mío. ¿Le enviaste una postal a Kate? ... Nos las enseñaste.
(give) somebody something = (darle) a alguien algo
Give gave
J lent How rnuch money did you lcnd l sent Linda showcd Can you
me his rnother
that book. lt's mine. sorne flowers,
John him? yo u
sorne money.
a postcard. Did you rcceive it? her holiday phoros.
rhe salt, picase?
Dame ese libro ... ... le regaló a su madre unas flores. Le presté a John dinero. ¿Cuánto dinero le prestaste? Te envié una postal ... ... nos enseñó las fotos de sus vacaciones. ¿ ... pasarme la sal ... ?
También se puede decir 'buy/gcr sorncbody sornething': • 1 boughr my morher some ílowers. (= 1 bought sorne flowcrs for my mother). Le compré a mi madre unas flores. • Can you gct me a ncwspaper when you go out?(= gcr a ncwspaper forme) ¿ ... traerme un periódico ... ?
Compara: • l ga ve rhe keys to Liz. I gavc Liz rhc keys. (no 'I gave to Liz the keys') • Thar's my book. Can you give it to me? Can you givc me rhat book? (no' ... give to me rhar book') Cuando el ob1eto es it o thcm, se prefiere usar la primera construcción (give something to somcbody): • 1 gave it to her. {no'! gavc her it') • Here are rhe keys. Give them to your father. (no 'Givc your farher rhern')
it/him/them etc. ~ 11j:jj,,j,fU
Mark tenía vanas cosas que no necesitaba y se las regaló a d1stmtas personas.
Escribe frases que empiecen por: He gavc .... l What did Mark do wirh rhe armchair? 2 What did he do with rhe rcnnis racket? 3 What happened to rhe hooks? 4 What about thc lamp? 5 What did he
1 .. !..9.~Y.~.f.~L~.~.,
. .
Escribe preguntas empezando por Can you give me ... ? / Can you pass me ... ? etc . 1 (you want the salr) 2 (you necd an umbrella)
3 (you wanr my address) 4 (you need ten pounds) 5 (you want sorne informarion) 6 (you want to see the letter) 7 (you want sorne srarnps)
Decidiste regalar a tus amigos los objetos de los dibujos. Escribe frases diciendo qué regalaste a cada uno.
2 1 gavc 3 1
. ..H.ll:.9~Xll:.~ t.o n!-:6...~.r~~., . He gave He
(pass) (lend) (give) (lend) (send) (show) (get)
.. ~ . .!:l~--~-~--~~--~-~..s.~K ... Can you Can your
.. .
Elige la frase correcta.
1 -J;:gft'tHft:J,iz the keys./ 1 gave Lit 1he keys.
2 3 4 5 6 7
I gaye Liz che keys es la frase correcta 1'11 lcnd to you some money if you want. I l'll lcnd you some money if you want. Did you send the lcncr me? I Did you scnd che lerrer ro me? 1 want ro buy for you a present. I I want to buy you a prcscnr. Can you pass to me rhe sugar, picase?/ Can you pass me rhc su¡;ar, pleasc? This is Ann's bag. Can you give it ro her?/ Can you give her ir? J showed to che policeman my jdencity caed. I I showed thc policeman my jdentity card.
Traduce al inglés:
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Le presté mi cámara a Ann. No olvides enviar a tus padres una postal. Dale tu número de teléfono a Isabel. Tom no ha visto este libro. No se lo enseñé. Necesito tus llaves. ¿Me las puedes prestar? '¿Has visto a Lucy?' 'Sí, le he dado tu carta.' Me gustan esas flores. Se las regalaré a María. (regalar= give) '¿'Dónde están rus libros?' 'Se los he prestado a Linda.' 193
at 8 o'clock on Monday in April at se usa para decir la hora: at
8 o'clock 10.30 midnight etc.
• I starc work at 8 o'clock. • The shops clase at 5.30.
... a las ocho.
on se usa con los días y las fechas: Sunday(s) / Monday(s) etc. 25 April / 6 J une etc. New Year's Day etc.
• Goodbye! See you on Friday. ¡Adiós! Hasta el viernes. • Idon't work on Sundays. No trabajo los domingos.
• The concert is on 22 November. El concierto es el 22 de noviembre.
in se usa con los meses, años y estaciones:
April / June etc. 1985 / 1750 etc. summer / spring etc.
• I'm going on holiday in October. • Emma left school in 1993. • The garden is lovely in spring.
... en octubre.
Se dice:
at the weekend = el fin de semana at night = por la noche at Christmas / Easter = en Navidad/Pascua at the end of ... = al final de ... at the moment = ahora
• • • • •
Are you going away at the weekend? I can't sleep at night. Where will you be at Christmas? (pero on Christmas Day.) I'm going on holiday at the end of October. Are you busy at the moment?
in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening = por la mañana/ por la tarde/ por la noche • I always feel good in the morning. • Do you often go out in the evening? pero
on Monday morning / on Tuesday afternoon / on Friday evening / on Saturday night etc. = el lunes por la mañana/ el martes por la tarde/ el viernes por la noche/ el sábado por la noche etc. • l'm meeting Jill on Monday morning. • Are you doing anything on Friday evening? y
on Monda y mornings / on Tuesday afternoons etc. = los lunes por la mañana/ los martes por la tarde etc. • 1 usually meet Jill on Monday mornings. No se usan at/on/in delante de:
this (this morning / this week etc.) last (last August / last week etc.) next (next Monday / next week etc.) every (every day / every week etc.)
• Are you going out this evening? • The garden was lovely last summer. • l'm going on holiday next Monday. (no 'on next Monda y') ... el lunes que viene.
• Sue gets up early every day ....
in five minutes / in a few days / in six weeks / in two years etc.
= dentro de ...
• Hurry! The train lea ves in five minutes. . .. dentro de cinco minutos.
• Goodbye. I'll see you in a few days. now
in five minutes
in/at/on (lugares)=} 1ij:jj,1 j,jf)l1!1;$Jlil
.. . dentro de unos días.
todos los días
Completa /as expresiones de tiempo con at/on/in.
1 2 3
24 Septernber
8 9
Thursday 11.45 Christmas Day
15 16
1O 11
1987 Septernber
6 June rhe evening half past rwo Wednesday
17 18
rhe morning
Completa las frases con at/on/in. I Goodbye! See you 2 Where were you
!?!:L .. Friday. 28 February?
3 1 got up
8 o'clock this moming. rhe morning. My sisrcr got married May. Diane and I first rnet J 979. Did you go out Tuesday? Did you go Out Tuesday evening? Do you ofren go out rhe evening? Ler's rneet 7.30 tornorrow cvcning.
4 1 like gerring up early
5 6 7
97 .3
Friday morning Saturday night nighc the end of rhe day the weekend
1 1 1 often go away che weekend. 12 l'm starting my new job 3 July. 13 Wc ofrcn go to thc beach surnmer. 14 George isn't here the moment. 15 julia's birthday is January. 16 Do you work Saturdays? 17 The company started 1969. 18 1 like ro look ar rhe srars nighr. 1 9 1'11 send you che money che end of che month.
Observa la agenda de Lisa para la semana que vrene y completa las frases.
1 Lisa is going to che cinema 2 She has ro phone Chris
~!').. .W.~.~~--~Y.~9.:
. . . . .
3 She isn'r doing anyrhing special 4 She's got a driving lesson 5 Shc's going ro a parry 6 She's meeting Sam
Escribe frases usando in ....
1 lr's 17.25 now. The train leaves at 17.30.
.. The. b-o.i.n.Wl.V~. i.rt. füe _minAte.s .
2 lt's Monday today. J'II phone you on Thursday. 3 Toda y is 14 June. My exam is on 28 June.
1'11 My Tom
4 lt's 3 o'clock now. Tom will be here ar 3.30.
. .
Completa las frases con at/on/in si es necesario. 1 l'm leaving
~.~ Friday. l'm leaving ::: nexr Friday. (sin preposición} J always feel tired the cvening. Will you be ar home rhis evening? Wc wenr ro France lasr summer. Laura was born 1975.
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 1O 11 12
What are you doing the weekend? 1 phone Roberr every Sunday. Shall we play tennis next Sunday? I can 't go to rhe party Sunda y. l'm going out. 1'11 be back an hour. 1 don't oftcn go out night.
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fuimos a Italia en marzo. Mi hermana estará aquí el martes. Bebo café por la mañana, pero prefiero té por la tarde. Se levantan tarde los domingos por la mañana. El jueves que viene es festivo. (festivo= a holiday) Te vi en el cine el miércoles por la tarde. Te veré otra vez en Navidad. Estaremos en Sevilla dentro de una semana. 9 ¿Qué hicisteis el domingo pasado? 10 Mi cumpleaños es el 12 de agosto. (cumpleaños= birthday)
• smce
from ... to until
from ... to ... = desde ... hasta ... • We livcd in Canada from 1982 to 1990. • l work from Monday to Friday.
from Monday to Friday
También se puede decir from ... until ... «oesoe ... hasta ... • We lived in Canada frorn 1982 until 1990.
F riday
until ... = hasta ... / hasta que ... unril Friday
until Dcccmber
until 3 o'clock
until I come back
• They'rc going away romorrow. Thcy'll be away until friday. . .. Estarán fuera hasta el viernes. • I wenr ro bcd carly last night but I wasn't ti red. I rcad a book until 3 a.m . . . . Leí un libro hasta /as 3 de la madrugada. • Wait here until I come back. Espera aquí hasta que vuelva. until Friday También se puede decir till (= until): • Wait here till I come back.
sin ce ... = desde ... / desde que ... + comienzo de un período (desde el pasado hasta ahora): sincc Monday
sincc 1968
sincc 2.30
since 1 arrivcd
Se usa sincc detrás del PRESENT l'ERFECr (havc beco / have done etc.): John is in hospital. l lc has bccn in hospital since Monday. (no 'He is in hospital .. .') ... Está en el hospital desde el lunes.
• Mr ancl Mrs Kelly have been married sincc 1958 . .. . están casados desde 1958. • Ir has bccn raining since l arrivcd. Llueve desde que //egué. lince Monday
• We livecl in Canada from 1982 to 1990. We lived in Canada until 1990. • Now we live in France. We carne to Franco in 1990. We havc lived in France sincc 1990.
? now
Con un periodo de tiempo (three days / ten years etc.) se usa for (no since): • John has been in hospital for threc days. (no ' ... since rhree days') John está en el hospital desde hace tres días.
for ... 'durante' o sin equivalente en español for three days
for ten years
+ período de tiempo:
for ten minutes
for a long time
• George srayed with us for three days. George se quedó/estuvo con nosotros (durante) tres días. fuera unas semanas. fuera el frn de semana.
• I'm going away for a few wecks • I'm going away for thc weekend
PRESENT PERFECT (have been / have done etc.) + for ... =presente+ • He has been in hospital for threc days. Está en el hospital desde hace tres días. • They've been married for ten ycars. Están casados desde hace diez años.
PRESE~ PER~ECT + for/since
=> 11 :¡j.¡j,jfiüifli•
'desde hace .. .':
PRfSFNT PERFE<.T(1 have lived) y PAST SL\IPLF (1 lived)
=> 1
¡; f:ii
lee la información sobre estas personas y completa las frases usando from ... to / until / since.
I LiNe.
i.n Englo..nd.. now.
I LiNe.d.. i.n Úl.r\()..(U.l. be,fore.. I COJ'IIe. to Englo..nd.. i.n
I LiNe. i.n Swi.tzerlo..nd..
l 'm c:l. sol.e.smCln l"IOW.
I LiNe.d..
i.n Fro.nce. be,fore..
I COJ'lle. to Swi.tztrlo.nd.. i.n 1991.
1 (Alcx / Ca nada/ 1982 -1990) 2 (Alcx / Ca nada/~ 1990) 3 (Alex / England / 1990 ~) 4 (Al ice/ France / ~ 1991) 5 (Al ice/ Switzerland / 1991 ~) 6 (Carol / a hotel/ 1990-1993) 7 (Ca rol/ a restaurant/ J 993 ~) 8 (Gerry / a teacher / 1983 -1989) 9 (Gcrry / a salesman / J 989 ~)
I worke.d.. i.n c:l.11otd. be,fore..
I sto..rt.ed.. work i.n Ü1e.
I Wc:l.S c:l. t:.w.c:ner be,fore.. I wori: sol.e.smCln i.n
i.n 1993.
Alex lived .. ~ ..~ ..1,~.?e.. ~J.?.?Q..... Alex livcd in Canada 1990. Alex has lived in England Alice lived in Al ice has lived in Caro! worked 1990 Ca rol has workcd Gerry was a Gerry has been
. . .
.. . . .
Ahora escribe frases con for. 10 (Alex / Canada) 11 (Alex / England) 12 (Alice / Switzerland) 13 (Carol / a hotel) 14 (Caro!/ restaurant) 15 (Gerry / a teacher) 16 (Gerry / a salesman)
...!.'#.~.. !:i?!~.~--~-~!:1.t..g~.~ . Alex has lived in England Al ice has Ca rol worked Caro! Gerry Gerry
.. . . . . .
Completa las frases con unril/since/for.
1 Mr and Mrs Kclly have been married ... ~.~
1 was tired rhis morning. I stayed in bed 10 o'clock. We waited for Sue half an hour bue she didn'r come. 'Have you [usr arrived?' 'No, l've been here half past seven.' 'How long did you stay ar che party last night?' ' midnight.' David and I are good friends. We have known cach other ten years. l'm tired. I'm going to líe clown a fcw minutes. Don't open rhe door of rhe train rhe train stops. This is my housc. l'vc lived here l was sevcn ycars old. Jack has gone away. l le'll be away Wcdnesday. Nexr week l'm going to Paris three days. 12 l usually finish work ar 5.30, bue sometirnes I work six, 13 'How long have you known Ann?' ' we were at school togerher.' 14 Where have you been? l've bccn waiting for you rwenty minutes.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O 1 1
Traduce al inglés: l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
El banco abre de 9 a 2. Sandra vivió en Santander hasta 1997. Vive en Valencia desde ese año. Marta trabaja en Barcelona desde hace tres meses. Estudian inglés desde hace tres años. Sue esperó dos horas hasta que el médico pudo verla. La escuela estará cerrada un mes, hasta septiembre. Trabajé para una empresa en Valencia hasta que encontré un trabajo en Madrid. (empresa = firm) Liz toca el piano desde que era pequeña. (pequeña = a child) 197
befo re
beforc = antes de
while after = después de
during = durante
during rhe film
bcfore the film
aftcr rhc film
• Everybody is nervous beforc exarns.
. .. antes de los exámenes. • I went to sleep during the film. Me dormí durante la película. • We were ti red aftcr our visir ro the museum. . .. después de la visita al museo.
beforc = antes de
= mientras
afrer = después de
while we were playing
before we played antes de jugar
aftcr we played después de jugar
mientras jugábamos
• Don't forget to close the window before you go out. . .. antes de salir. ... mientras veo la televisión. • They wenr home after they did the shopping. . .. después de hacer la compra.
• I often go to sleep while l'm watching celevision.
during, while y for during = durante, while = mientras: • We didn't speak during the meal. ... durante la comida. • We didn't speak while we were eating. ... mientras comíamos. Con expresiones que indican un periodo de tiempo (rhree days / two hours / a year etc.) se usa for y no during: • We played tennis for rwo hours. (no 'during rwo hours') ... durante dos horas. • 1 lived in London for ayear. (no 'during a year') ... durante un año.
beforc = 'antes de' y after = 'después de' pueden llevar detrás -ing o una frase completa: before I go to work.
• I always have breakfast { b f . k e ore gomg to wor .
... antes de ir al trabajo.
• Before she ate the apple } . . h ' she washed ir very carefully. B e fore eatmg t e app 1 e,
Antes de comerse la manzana ...
after I read rhe newspaper. . . di h ... después de leer el periódico. a er rea mg t e newspaper.
• l started work { ft
• After she did rhe shopping, } h h . h h . s e went orne. Aft cr d omg t e s oppmg,
Después de hacer la compra ...
beforc y after nunca pueden llevar detrás un infinitivo: • before going to work (no 'before to go') • after reading the newspaper (no 'afcer toread')
PAST CONTINUOUS (1 was -ing)::::) 11 j O jfiC§H before/after/while/when ee ¡,j:jj.¡j,•O•
1 !• U•
preposiciones+-ing ee
1 n.¡¡.:J
Completa las frases con palabras de los cuadros.
befo re after
during while
the conccrt che course rhe end
rhe eMefft
lunch rhe nighr
they went to Australia you are wairing
I Everybody was nervous ...~~~ ..~.~.. ~~.~ 2 1 usually work four hours in rhe morning, and another rwo hours
3 The film was very boring. We left .. 4 Ann went to evening classes to learn German. She learnt a loe 5 My aunt and uncle lived in London 6 A: Somcbody broke a window B: No. 1 was a leep ali che nrne. 7 Would you like to sir down 8 'Are you going home . .._ _................................
.. Did you hear anything?
? 'No, we're going ro a restaurant.'
Completa las frases con during/while/for.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9
·-·-·- .. _
. . .
Wc didn't speak ... ~~~ .. we were earing. Wc didn't speak ..~rin9. .. rhe mea l. Ceorgc phoncd you were out. 1 srayed in Rorne . ... five days. Sally wrote a lor of lerters she was on hohday. Thc srudcnrs looked very borcd .. thc lesson. 1 fcll out of bed .....-... ....... 1 was asleep. Yescerday evening I watched TV rhree hours. 1 don't u ually watch TV .. . che day. Do you ever warch TV you are havmg dmner?
Completa las frases con -ing (doing etc.).
I 2 3 4
Afrcr ..~ ... che shopping, thcy wcnt home. 1 felt sick after. .. too much chocolate. I'rn going to ask you a question. Think carefully before ····-_ ir. 1 felr awful when I got up rhis mommg. 1 feh berrer after .. a shower. 5 After my work, 1 lefc che office and wcnr home. 6 Before to a foreign country, it' a good idea to learn a few words of rhe language.
Escribe frases con bcfore + -ing y con after + -ing.
2 3 4
They did rhe shopping. Then they wenr home. After ...~ ..~~ s~,. ~'.!J w~ ~~John left chool. Then he worked in a bookshop for rwo years. John worked ..... ......... 1 read a few pages of my book. Then I went to sleep. Bcfore . We walked for three hours. We were very nred. After Ler' have a cup of coffee. Then we'II go out. Ler's
-- ..-- ...-- ..····-··-----. ..
Traduce al inglés:
1 Sally estaba muy cansada de pués de la clase. (clase = lesson) 2 Sandy se durmió durante el concierto. (dormirse= fall asleep) 3 Mark se cayó mientras corría. (caerse = fall) 4 Siempre me visto ames de desayunar. (vestirse= get dressed) 5 ¿Qué hicisteis después de visitar el museo? 6 Alfonso telefoneó antes de venir. 7 Tu madre nos dio una l<1.t.c1 ue ie nuentras re esperaoauios. 8 Se ducharon después de jugar al fútbol. 9 Después de ver la televisión, ella se acostó. 10 Mi abuelo estaba en Francia durante la guerra. 199
(preposiciones de lugar 1)
in, at y on corresponden en muchos casos a 'en' en español. Observa las diferencias entre in, on y at. in (a place) = 'en' (un lugar), rodeado por ese lugar. in a room in a shop m a car in che water
in in in in
a garden a town che city centre France
'Where's David?' 'In the kitchen. /In the gardcn. / In London.' ... 'En la cocina./ En eljardín./ En Londres.' What's in that box / in that bag / in that cupboard? ¿ ... en esa caja/ en esa bolsa/ en ese armario? Angela works in a shop / in a bank / in a factory. ... en una tienda/ en un banco/ en una fábrica. 1 had a swim in thc river / in the sea. . .. en et río/ en el mar. Santander is in the north of Spain. Valencia is in thc casr, . .. en el norte ... en el este. • 1 live in a town but l want to live in the country. ... en una ciudad ... en el campo.
• • • • •
at (a place) = 'en' (un lugar), pero no dentro de ese lugar o rodeado por el mismo.
t'm o.t ""H c:lesk:.) P'
, at che bus stop
at thc traffic lights
at the door
at her desk at rhc top (of rhe page)
• There's somebody at the bus stop/ at the door . .. . en la parada del autobús/ en la puerta. • The car is waiting at the traffic lights. ... en el semáforo. • Julia is working ar her desk. ... en su escritorio. Se dice at thc top/ at the bottom / at thc end (of
) = al principio/ al final (de ... ):
• Write your name at the top of the page, al principio de la página. • My house is at the end of the strcet. .. . al final de la calle.
at rhe botrom (of che page)
= en (sobre, encima de) on on on on
a shelf a place a balcony the floor etc.
• Therc are sorne books on the shelf and sorne pictures on thc wall . .. . en la estantería ... en la pared. • There are a lot of applcs on thosc trccs. ... en esos árboles. • Don't sir on the grass. Ir's wet. ... en la hierba ... • There is a starnp º.? the envclopc. y también: on a horse (a caballo)/ on a bicycle (en bicicleta) I on a motor-bike (en moto): • Who is rhar man on the motor-bike?
¿ ... en la moto?
inlat/on (preposiciones de lugar 2) ~ 1ij¡.j.¡j,jjii1 at/on/in (preposiciones de tiempo)=> 11,11¡.¡¡.¡¡tJ -tbe top I the bottorn etc. => 1ij¡jj,rj,fla1
on a wall on a door on the cciling etc.
Observa /os dibujos y responde a las preguntas usando in/at/on y /as palabras entre paréntesis.
~ fjjJ
{the window) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Where Where Where Where Where Where
(rhe cciling)
is he? !~--~-~--~~-~., are the shoes? is the pen? . is the dock? is the bus? are rhe horses? .
.. . . . .
7 8 9 10 1 ·1 12
Where Where Where Whcre Wherc Where
are rhey standing? is she swimming? is he standing? is the spider? is he sitting? is she sitting?
. . . . . .
Completa las frases con in/at/on. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
lO 11 12 13 14 15
Don't sir ... Q~.... the grass. lt's wet. What have you gor your bag? Look! Therc's a man the roof. What's he doing? There are a lot of fish this river. Our house is number 45 - the number is rhc door. 'Is rhc cinema near here?' 'Yes, rurn lcft thc traffic lights.' I usually do my shopping rhc city centre. My sisrer lives Brusscls. There's a small park rhc top of rhe hill. I think I hear
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
En 1997 vivía en Bristol, El banco está al final de esta calle. No puedo entrar. Hay un perro en la puerta. (entrar= go in) ¿Dónde están las llaves, en la mesa o en el cajón? (cajón= drawer) Vivo aquí. Puedes parar en este seuráforo. ¿Es tu hermana la chica en la bicicleta? o me gustan esos cuadros en esa pared. La llave está en la estantería, en una bolsa negra.
201 <,
on (preposiciones de lugar 2)
in normalmente corresponde a 'en' en estas expresiones: • 'Where's Kare?'
in bed in hospital/
'Shc's in bcd.'
... en la cama. ... en el hospital.
• David's farher is ill. He's in hospital.
in prison
• I live in a small srrcet near the sration. • I like to look at the stars in the sky at night. • What's the largest ciry in the world?
in a srreet in the sky in the world in a newspaper / in a book
• I read about the accident in the newspaper.
in a photograph / in a picture
• You look sad in this photograph.
in a car / in a taxi
• Did you come here in your car?
in the middlc (of ... )
• There's a big tree in the middlc of rhe garden.
Detrás de un superlativo in corresponde normalmente a 'de': • What's rhe biggcsr counrry in A frica?
¿ ... más grande de África?
ar se usa en estas expresiones ('en' en español): ar home
• Will you be at home chis evening?
en casa ...
at work / at school
• 'Where's Kate?'
en el trabajo ...
at universiry / at collegc
'She's at work.' • Helen is studying law at university.
at the starion / at the airport
• Do you want me to meet you at the station?
. .. en la universidad.
at Jane's (house) / at my sister's (house) etc. (en casa de alguien) • 'Where were you ycstcrday?'
'At my sister's.'
at the docror's / at thc hairdrcsscr's (en un lugar de trabajo) ata concerr /ata
• I saw Tom ar thc docror's. party I ata football match etc. (en un acontecimiento, reunión o espectáculo) • There weren't many people at thc party.
A veces se usa in
o at para edificios (hoteles, restaurantes, etc.):
• We srayed ata nice hotel.
We stayed in a nice hotel.
... en un hotel bonito.
on se usa en estas expresrones:
@ on a bus
on rhe firsr floor
on the way from A to B
on a bus/ on a train / on a plane / on a ship • Did you come here on che bus?
¿ ... en el autobús?
on the ground floor / on the first floor, etc. • The officc is oo thc first floor. (no 'in the first floor') ... en el primer piso. on the way (to ... ) / on che way home= de cammo a ... • J met Ann on che wav ro work / on the way home. on the right / on the left = a l;i r1,,, c:,na /ala izquierda • My desk is on the left of the window, Kathy's desk is on che right. ¡,,,,at/on(preposiciones de lugar 1) => 11 :¡.¡¡.¡¡i:i1 to/in/at (preposiciones de lugar 3) ::::> the top / the bortom => 1 1 Lflll on rhe left / on the right ::::> 11 ¡¡
Observa los dibujos y responde a las preguntas usando in/at/on y las palabras entre paréntesis. 1
~.,J!P (thc sky) 9
1 2 3 4 5 6
Where is she? l)'.l__ ):1_9.;;J##, Where are they? Where is he? Where are they? Where are the stars? Where are they?
. . . . .
7 Where is Brian? 8 Where is the restaurant? 9 Where is she? 10 Where are they? 11 Where are they? 12 Where are they?
. . . . .
Completa las frases con in/at/on.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LO
11 12 13 14 15 16
Helen is studying Jaw ..#. .. university. There was a big table the middle of the room. What is the longest river the world? Were therc many people the concert last night? My house is at the end of the street the left. Will you be home tomorrow afternoon? Who is rhat man this photograph? Do you know him? Whcre are your children? Are they school? George is coming by train. l'm going to meer him the srarion. Charlie is hospital. He's going to have an operation tornorrow. How many pages are there this book? 'Are you hungry after your journey?' 'No, I hada mea! the rrain.' ['m sorry I'rn late. My car broke clown the way here. 'Is Tom here?' 'No, he's his brother's.' Don't belicve everything you scc the ncwspapcr! I walked to work but I carne home the bus.
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Vi a David en el concierto. 'Rafa no está en el trabajo.' 'Está en el médico.' Ayer estuvimos en una fiesta de cumpleaños. (fiesta de cumpleaños = birthday party) 'Luis no estaba en el aeropuerto.' 'Estaba en casa de Carmen.' Nos quedaremos en casa el sábado. En 1996 Sandra estaba en la universidad. El río Nilo es el más largo del mundo. (Nilo = Nile) Conocí a Susan en un avión. (conocer= meet) Bruce está muy cansado. Ahora está en la cama. Melanie tuvo un accidente de camino al trabajo.
(preposiciones de lugar 3)
to= 'a' (dirección)
in/at = 'en' (situación)
go/come/return/walk (etc.) to ...
bc/stay/do something (etc.) in ...
• We're going to London next week. • 1 want to go to Italy. • Wc walked from my house to the city centre. • What time do you go to bed? ¿A qué hora te acuestas?
• Piccadilly Circus is in London. • My brother lives in Italy. • The best shops are in the city centre.
To lord,;n- - - -..
• 1 like reading in bed. Me gusta leer en la cama. be/stay/do sornething (etc.) at ...
• The bus is going to rhe airport. El autobús va al aeropuerto. • Sally didn't go to work yescerday. • 1 went to a party last night. • You must come to our house.
• The bus is at the airport. El autobús está en el aeropuerto. • Ann wasn't ar work yesterday. • [ met her at the party. • Ann stayed at her brother's house.
home/ at home (en casa) go/come/walk (etc). (sin 'to') home • I'm tired. I'rn going home. (no 'to home') . .. Me voy a casa. • Did you walk home? (no 'to home')
be/stay/do something (etc.) at home • I'rn staying at home rhis evening . Me quedo en casa ... • 'Where's Ann?' 'At home.'
arrive in I at ... y get to ... arrive in + país/ciudad (arrive in Italy I arrive in Paris etc.): • They arrived in England lasr week. (no 'arrived to England')
Llegaron a Inglaterra ...
arrive at + otros lugares (arrive at the station / arrive at work etc.): • What time did you arrive at the hotel? (no 'arrive ro rhe hotel') ¿ ... llegaste al hotel? get to + lugar = llegar a ... • What time did you get to the hotel? ¿ ... llegaste al hotel? • What time did you ger to Paris? ¿ ... llegaste a París? gct home I arrive home (sin preposición): • 1 was tired when I gor home. o T was ti red whcn I arrived home. (no 'to home')
Completa las frases con to
o con in.
1 I like reading ..~ bed. 2 We're going ltaly next rnonrh. 3 Suc is on holiday ltaly ar the momenr. 4 I rnust go rhc bank toda y.
Completa las frases con to
5 1 was rired, so I srayed bed late. 6 What rime do you usually go bed? 7 Does this bus go rhc centre? 8 Would you likc to live anothcr country?
o con at si es necesario. En algunos casos no hay preposición.
1 Paula didn't go ...f!.:?... work yesterday. 2 l'm rired. l'm going .. :::.... home. (sin preposición) 3 Ann is not vcry well. She has gone the doctor. 4 Would you like ro come a party on Saturday? 5 'Is Liz home?' 'No, she's gone work.' 6 There were 20,000 people the football match. 7 Why did you go home early last night? 8 A boy jumped into the river and swam the orher side. 9 There were a lot of people waiting the bus stop. 1 O We hada good meal a restaurant and then we went back
/as frases con ro,
the hotel.
o in si es necesario. En algunos casos no hay preposición.
1 l'm nor going out this afternoon. l'm sraying .. ~ .. home. We're going a concert tornorrow cvening.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 wenr New York last year. How long did you stay New York? Next year we hope to go Canada ro visir sorne friends. Shall we go thc cinema this evening? Is there a restaurant the station? After che accident three people were taken hospital. How often do you go the dentist? 'Is Diane here?' 'No, she's Ann's.' My house is che end of the street on the left. l went Mary's house but she wasn't home. There were no taxis, so we had to walk home. 'What did you study universiry?' 'I didn'r go university.'
Completa las
frases con to, at o in si es necesario. En algunos casos no hay preposición.
1 Whar rime do you usually get
2 Whar time do you usually get 3 What time did you arrive
work? home? the party?
4 When
estas frases con información sobre ti.
1 Ar rhree o'clock this morning I was ..~.).~, .
2 3 4 5 6
Yesrerday I went At 11 o'clock yescerday morning I was One day I'd like to go 1 don't like going At 9 o'clock yesterday evening I was
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
. . .. .. .
al inglés:
Hay muchos cines en el centro de la ciudad. ¿A qué hora llegaste a Madrid? Luis se fue a Francia ayer. Normalmente no nos acostamos muy tarde. No están en casa. Se han ido al cine. Era muy tarde cuando llegué a casa. Normalmente llego a la oficina a las 8.15. Vimos a Laura en la fiesta.
opposite (preposiciones)
next to (o bcside) / bcrwcen / in fronr of / bebind A is ncxt to B.
o A is besidc B. (no 'besidc of')
... Junto a/ al lado de B. B is bctwccn A and C. ... entre A y C. D is in fronr of B. . .. delante de B.
E is bchind B. (no 'behind of') ... detrás de B. además: A is on the lcft. ... a la izquierda. C is on the righr. ... a la derecha. Bis in the middle (of rhe group). ... en medio (del grupo).
opposite / in front of
No confundasopposite
enfrente de) con in front of (= delante de):
A is sitting in front of B.
... delante de B. A is sirting oppositc C. (no 'opposite of') ... enfrente de C. C is sming oppositc A. ... enfrente de A.
by (= next to/ beside) • Our housc is by the sea. . .. al lado del mar. • Who is thar man by the window? ¿ ... junto a la ventana? • 'Is there a phone here?' 'Yes, by the door.' ... al lado de la
by rhe window
under = debajo de • The car is undcr the table. {no 'under of')
... debajo de la mesa. • The girl is standing undcr a tree .
... debajo de un árbol. • I'm wearing a jacket under my coa t . under the table
under the tree
'por encima de', sin contacto) y below
'por debajo de', sin contacto)
A is above the line.
up/over/through etc.~
.. . debajo de mi abrigo.
The picturcs are above
(no 'above of')
thc shclvcs,
13 is bclow rhe line. (no 'bclow of')
The shelves are bclow
rhe pictures.
ji jj.¡j,•Vi1
Observa la posición de las personas del dibujo y completa las frases.
A= Alan D = Donna
B = Barbara E=Emma
I Colín is standing .. ~~~4:.. Frank. 2 Frank is sitting Emrna. 3 Ernma is sitting Barbara. 4 Emma is sitting Donna and Frank. 5 Don na is sitting Emma. 6 Frank is sitting Col in. 7 Alan is standing Donna. 8 Alan is standing left. 9 Barbara is standing middle.
C = Colín F = Frank
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases.
1 The car is ...~.~--· rhe table. 2 There is a big tree rhe house. 3 The plane is flying the clouds. 4 She is standing the piano. 5 The cinema is the right. 6 She's sining che phone.
8 The cupboard is 9 There are sorne shoes 10 The plant is 11 Paul is sitting 12 In Britain we drive
thc window. the sink. the bed. the piano. Fiona. the left.
Escribe frases sobre el dibujo usando las palabras entre paréntesis .
1 (next to) 2 (in front of) 3 4 5 6
7 The switch is
...To~.. ~~ .. ~ ..~~?!-.~.~ ..~~.~R9.~.~~.~P.
(opposite) (next to) (above) (between)
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
El banco está al final de la calle a la derecha. Pablo se sentó delante de mí. Teresa estaba al lado de Blanca, detrás de Vicente. El supermercado está al lado del cine, enfrente del hospital. Nuestra casa está detrás del parque, junto a la escuela. Hay un buzón enfrente del museo, delante de la biblioteca. (buzón = post box) ¿Qué llevas puesto debajo de la camisa? Este cuadro está bien aquí, debajo de la lámpara, entre las dos ventanas. 207
through etc. (preposicionesde movimiento)
o ver
No todas las preposiciones tienen un solo significado equivalente en inglés y español. Observa las siguientes con sus ilustraciones y ejemplos.
• Jane is going to France nexr week . • We walked from rhe hotel to the starion, • A lot of English words come from Larin.
• We jumped into rhc water. • A man carne out of rhe house and gor into a car. • Why are you looking out of the window? • 1 took rhe old batteries out of the radio. Le quité las pilas viejas a la radio. Normalmente se dice put something in ... (no into): • 1 put the new barrerles in the radio. Le puse las pilas nuevas a la radio. • • • • •
-~ o ver
out of
Don't put your feet on rhe table. Please rake your feet off the table. l'm going to hang sorne pictures on the wall. Be careful! Don'r fall off your bicycle. We gor on rhe bus in Princes Streer .
• We walked up rhe hill ro the house. • Be careful! Don'r fall down rhe srairs. down • The plane flew over rhe mounrains. • I jumped over the wall inro rhe garden. • Sorne pcoplc say it is unlucky ro walk under a ladder. • • • • •
I was walking along rhe road wirh my dog. Ler's go for a walk along thc river. The new road goes round rhe village. The bus-stop is just round rhe corner. I walked round rhe town and took sorne photographs. Di una vuelta por la ciudad ...
También se puede decir around (= round): • We walked around thc rown.
round ~ thetown~
through/across (= a través de). Normalmente through se usa para algo vertical (una ventana, un bosque, etc.) y across se suele usar para algo horizontal (un valle, la calle, un río, etc.): • A bird flew into rhe room through a window. • The old road goes through rhe village. La carretera vieja atraviesa el pueblo. • The dog swarn across rhe river. El perro atravesó el río nadando. • We ran across the road. • They walked past me wirhour speaking. Pasaron por mi lado ... • A: Excuse me, how do I ger to the hospital? B: Go along chis road, pasr the cinema, under rhe bridge and the hospital is on the Iefr.
gcr in/on etc.=>
in/on =>
ji jj,,j,jlJfJ
fall off I run away
Alguien te pregunta cómo llegar a un sitio. Observa /os dibujos y escribe las instrucciones.
Q: .
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con la preposición apropiada.
I Thc dog swarn
2 A book fcll 3 A plane flew 4 A woman gor 5 A girl ran
che shclf. thc village. checar. the road.
6 Suddenly a car carne
7 They drove 8 They gor 9 The Moon rravels I O They gor
thc comer.
rhc villagc. the train. che Earth. thc housc
a window.
Completa las frases con la preposición apropiada. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
~~-~.t .. che rivcr.
1 looked the window and warched the people in rhe street. My house is very near here. It's just the comer. Do you know how to puta film chis camera? How far is it here .. . the airporr? We walked the museum for an hour and saw a loe of interesting things. You can put your coat thc hack of the cha ir. In tcnnis, you have to hit che ball ........ . .. thc ner. Silvia rook a key her bag and opened rhe
Traduce al inglés usando el verbo entre paréntesis y una preposición apropiada: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
El gato se fue corriendo debajo de la cama. (run) De repente Sue entró en la habitación. (come) ¿Dónde bajasreis del autobús? (get) Fuimos conduciendo por la costa. (drive) Cuando viajamos a Londres el mes pasado sobrevolamos París. (fly) Liz cruzó la calle corriendo. (run) Pasamos en coche por delante de tu casa. (drive) Fueron paseando desde el río hasta la estación. (walk)
at by
about (preposiciones)
Las preposiciones de esta página tienen usos diversos. Los que aquí se ven se refieren a casos o dificultades particulares. on on on on on on
holiday = de vacaciones tclevision = por la televisión the radio = por la radio the phone = por teléfono fire = ardiendo time = a tiempo
• • • • • •
Jane isn't at work rhis week. She's on holiday. We watched the news on television. We listened to the news on thc radio. I spoke ro Carol on the phone last night. The house is on fire! Call che firc brigade. 'Was che rrain late?' 'No, ir was on time.'
at (rhc age of) 21 / at 50 kilomctres an hour / at 100 degrees etc. • Lisa gor marricd at 21. (o ... at the age of 21.) ... a los 21 años. • The car was travelling at 50 kilomctres an hour whcn che accident happened . . . . a 50 kms. por hora ... • Water boils at 100 dcgrces Cclsius. ... a 100 grados centígrados.
by bus/ by car/ by plane (o by air) / by bikc etc: • Do you like travclling by train? ¿ ... entren? • Jane usually gocs to work by bike. ... en bicicleta. pero: on foot (a pie): • She gocs ro work on foot, (= She walks to work.) a book by ... / a painting by ... / a piecc of music by
• Have you read any books by Charles Dickcns? ¿ de Charles Dickens? • Who is rhat painting by? Picasso? ¿De quién es esa pintura? ... by(= 'por') se usa también con la voz pasiva(~ Unidad 22): (autor) Fui mordido por un perro. • Printing was invented by thc Chincsc. la imprenta fue inventada por los chinos.
• 1 was birtcn by a dog.
with/without (= con/sin): • Do you like your coffce with or without milk? • 1 cut che paper with a pair of scissors. • Wait forme. Picase don't go without me. Se dice: the man with a bcard / the woman with glasses etc. = el hombre de la barba/ la mujer de las gafas etc.: • Do you know that man with rhe beard? • I'd likc to havc a housc with a gardcn.
A veces with = en casa de/ cerca de • Did you sray ata hotel or with friends? ¿ ... o en casa de algunos amigos?
a man with a bcard
about =de/ acerca de/ sobre talk/spcak/rhink/hear/know about ... : • Some people talk about their work ali che time. . .. hablan constantemente de su trabajo. • l don't know much about cars. No sé mucho (acerca) de coches. • What are you thinking about? ¿En qué(= acerca de qué) estás pensando? a book / a question / a programme (etc.) about ... : • Did you see the programme about computcrs on TV lasr night? ¿Viste el programa sobre ordenadores ... ? bv =e
UNIDADES 22, 63,
at/on =>
-ing =>
a wornan with glasscs
Completa las frases usando on y una de las expresiones siguientes: holiday
thc phone
I We listened to the news ... ~n..fu~.r~.~.~.: . 2 Picase don't be late. Try ro be here 3 1 won't be here next week. l'm going 4 'Did you see Linda?' 5 'What's
'There's a film at 9 o'clock.'
Observa /os dibujos y completa /as frases con una preposición apropiada.
6 She's listening to sorne music Mozart. 7 Thc planc is flying 600 miles an hour. 8 They're holiday. 9 Do you know che man sunglasses? 10 Hc's rcading a book grammar . Vera P. Bull.
Completa las frases con una preposición apropiada. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
14 15 16
'No, but I talked ro her this evening?'
I I cut rhe paper ...~.i#.1... a pair of scissors. 2 She usually goes to work car. 3 Who is the wornan shorr hair? 4 Thcy are talking che weather. 5 The car is fire. 105.3
In tennis, you hit the ball a racket. lt's cold toda y. Don't go out a coa t. Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth are plays William Shakespeare. Do you know anything computers? My grandrnother died the age of 98. How long does it take from Ncw York to Los Angeles plane? 1 didn't go to che foorball match, bue l watched it television. My house is the one che red
Leonardo da Vinci.
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rosa fue de vacaciones a la India a la edad de 18 años. Puedes ir al musco en autobús. (ir = gct) El hombre de las gafas oscuras es mi jefe. ¿Vas al trabajo en coche normalmente?' ¿Has leído Tbe Rainbou/ de D. H. Lawrencc? Tom y yo hablamos por teléfono sobre el viaje a Brighron. (viaje= trip) Los trenes interciry en España viajan a 200 krns. por hora y normalmente llegan a tiempo. 'Pareces preocupado.' 'Estoy pensando en Tom. No sé nada de él.' (preocupado= worried) 211
good at ... etc. (adjetivos + preposición)
afraid of . . .
preposición+ -ing (good at -ing etc.) (adjetivos + preposición)
afraid of ... / good at ... etc.
Algunos adjetivos suelen ir junto a una preposición determinada: afraid of ...
• Are you afraid of dogs? ¿Tienes miedo de/Te dan miedo /os perros?
angry with somcbody = enfadado con alguien angry about something = enfadado por algo
• Why are you angry with me? What have I done? ¿Por qué estás enfadado/a conmigo? • Are you angry about lasr night? ( = something rhar happened lasr night) ¿Estás enfadado por lo que pasó anoche?
differcnt from ... = diferente a/de
• Ann is vcry diffcrent from her sisrer, Ann es muy distinta a su hermana.
famous for ...
• Majorca is famous for irs bcaches . ... famosa por sus playas.
fcd up with ... = harto de ...
• l'm fed up with my job.
good at ... I bad at ... (no 'good in/ bad in')
• Are you good at maths? ¿Eres bueno en matemáticas?/ ¿Sabes matemáticas? • Tina is very bad at writing lerrers. Tina escribe cartas muy mal./ ... no sabe escribir cartas.
intcrcstcd in ...
• George isn't interesred in sport. A George no le interesa el deporte.
married to ... (no 'marricd with')
• She's married to a dcntisc. Está casada con un dentista.
nicc/kind of somebody ro ...
• Ir was very kind of you to help us. Fue muy amable de tu parte ayudamos.
(be) nice/kind to (somebody) (no 'be nicc with')
• David is very friendly. Hc's always very nice to me. ... Siempre es muy amable conmigo.
sorry about (something)
• Sorry about the noise last night. Perdona el ruido de anoche.
sorry for (doing something)
• J'rn sorry for not phoning you yestcrday. (o l'm
Estoy harto de mi trabajo.
sorry I didn'r phone you yesterday.) Siento no haberte telefoneado ayer.
preposición + -ing Después de una preposición (at I with / for etc.), un verbo termina en -ing: I'm not very good at Are you fcd up with I'm sorry for Mark is thinking of Tom lefr without After Are you intercsred in before/after -ing ==?
tclling doing not phoning buying saying doing learning
stories. No sé/ No se me da muy bien contar historias. rhe samc thing every day? ¿Estás harto de hacer ... ? you yestcrday. Siento no haberte telefoneado . a new car. Mark está pensando en comprarse . goodbye. (= he didn't say goodbye) Tom se fue sin decir adiós. the shopping, they wenr home. Después de hacer la compra ... English? ¿Te interesa aprender ... ?
think about1of ~
EJERCICIOS Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con una preposición (of/in erc.).
1 He's afraid ...'!f dogs.
2 She's interested 3 She's married
languages. the weather. 'Oh, that's very kind
Completa las frases con la preposición adecuada (of/in/with etc.). 1 2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 IO JI 12
4 She's very good 5 He's fed up 6 'Can I help you?' ............... you.'
science. a footballer.
l'm not interested .. ~ .. sport. I'm not very good sport. I like Sarah. She's always very kincl me. l'm sorry your broken window. lt was an accidenc. He's very brave. He isn't afraid anything. It was vcry nice Julia to ler us sray in her flat. Lifc today is very different 1ifc 50 ycars ago, Are you inrerested politics? Sorne people are afraid spiders. Chris was angry whar happened. Cambridge is famous irs univcrsiry. l'rn sorry getting angry you ycsterday .
Completa las frases.
1 l'm nor vcry .. .9~ ..#..~~.L storics, (good / tell) 2 1 wanted ro go to rhc cinema but Paula wasn't 3 Sue isn'r very
(inrcrcsrcd / go) up in rhe morning. (good / get) (fcd up / wait) you up in thc middle of the night. (sorry / wake)
4 Lcr's go! I'rn 5 T'm
Completa /as frases usando without -ing. 1 (Torn lcft I he didn't say goodbye) 2 (Suc walked past me I shc didn'r spcak) 3 (Don'r do anyrhing / ask me firsr) 4 (1 wenr our / 1 didn't lock rhc door)
..T.~~ . ~.W..~~~ .. ~~~g.9.?.°.'*:l>B~.: . Suc walkcd
Traduce al inglés: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tengo miedo de la oscuridad. (la oscuridad = thc dark) Este restaurante es famoso por sus ensaladas. Nos interesa comprar una casa en el campo. Es muy amable de parte de John venir con nosotros al aeropuerto. Pilar estaba harta de este país. Ahora vive en Los Angeles y está casada con un americano. Tu hermana es buena en natación. (natación= swimming) ¿Te interesa la historia de España? Perdona mis errores. Estoy muy nervioso. (error= mistake; nervioso= nervous) David siente no venir a tu fiesta. No podemos ir al cine sin pedir permiso.
listen to . . . look at . . . etc. (verbos + preposición) Observa los siguientes verbos y las preposiciones que suelen acompañarlos: ask (somebody) for ... = perdirle a alguien algo
• Tom asked me for money.
Tom me pidió dinero.
bclong to
= pertenecer a
• Does this book belong to you?
bappen to
= ocurrir/ pasar
• I can't find my pen. What happened to it?
laugh at
= reírse de
• What are you laugbing at?
¿De qué te rles?
listen to ... = escuchar
• Listen to this music. It's bcautiful.
pay for = pagar
• You have to pay for the postcards at the cash desk. ... pagar las postales en la caja.
speak/talk to somebody (about something) = hablar con alguien (de algo)
• Did you talle to Paul about rhe problem? ¿Hablaste con Paul ... ?
Escucha esta música ....
• (al teléfono) Can I spcak to Chris, picase? ¿Puedo hablar con Chris ... ? thank somebody for ... =darlas gracias a alguien por ...
• Thank you very much for your help.
think about ... o think of ... = pensar en
• He nevcr thinks about (o of) other peoplc . . .. piensa en los demás. • Mark is thinking of (o about) buying a new car . ... está pensando en comprar un nuevo coche.
wait for ... = esperar
• Don't go yet, Wait forme.
writc (a lerrer) to somebody = escribir (una carta) a alguien
• 1 never get letrers, Nobody writes to me . .. . Nadie me escribe.
pero (tcle)phone somebody = telefonear a alguien
• l muse phone my parents. (no 'phone to my parents') Tengo que telefonear a mis padres.
... Espérame.
look at / look for / look after look ar ...
= mirar~ <{".s
'~ look for ... = buscar
~~ look after ... = cuidar
• She's looking at her watch. Está mirando el reloj. • Look at chese flowers! Thcy'rc bcautiful. Mira estas flores .... • Why are you looking at me like that? ¿Por qué me miras así? •
He's lost his key. He's looking for it. ... La está buscando. • I'm looking for Sara h. Have you seen her? Busco a Sarah .... • •
When Barbara is ar work, a friend of hers looks after her children. ... cuida de sus hijos. Don'c lose this book. Look aftcr it. . .. Cuida/o.
depend depend on ... = depender de • A: Do you like eating in restaurants? B: Sometimes. Ir depends on che restaurant. (no 'lt depcnds of') it depcnds (on) what/whcre/how (etc.)= depende de qué/dónde/cómo etc.: • A: Do you want to come out with us? B: Ir depends where you're going. o It depends on wbere ... Depende de dónde vayáis ...
wait ~
preposición+-ing ~
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases usando una preposición (ro/for etc.).
1 Shc's looking #. her watch. 2 Hc's listening rhc radio. 3 They're waiting a taxi.
Completa las frases usando una preposición 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
1O 11 12
13 14 15
(to/for/about etc.) si es necesaria.
Thank you very much .. :R.>r ... your help. This is not my umbrclla. It belongs a friend of mine. (on the phone) Can 1 speak Mr Da vis, please? {on the phone} Thank you phoning. Goodbye. What happened Mary last night? Why didn't she come ro the party? We're thinking going to Australia next year. We askcd the waiter coffee but he broughr us tea. 'Do you like reading books?' 'It depends the book.' John was calking but nobody was listening whar he was saying, We waited Karen until 2 o'clock bur shc didn't come. 'Are you writing a lerrcr?' 'Yes, l'rn wriring Diane.' Don'r forgcr to phone your mothcr chis evcning. Hc's alonc ali day. He ncver talks anybody. Tom is really funny. Everybody laughs his jokes. How much did you pay the plane ticket?
1 looked rhc ncwspaper bue I didn't read it carefully. When you are ill, you need sornebody to look you. Excuse me, I'rn looking Hill Street. Can you tell me where it is? Goodhye! Have a nice holiday and look yoursclf. I'm going to take a photograph of you. Picase look rhe camera and smile. Barry is looking a job. He wanrs to work in a hotel.
Responde a las preguntas usando lt depends .... 1 2 3 4
5 6
Jane. a picrure,
Completa las frases con una de estas preposiciones: ar, foro aftcr. 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 Paul is talking 5 They're looking 6 Sue is looking
Do you want to go out with us? Do you like eating in restaurants? Do you enjoy watching TV? Can you do somerhing forme? Are you going away this weekend? Can you lend me sorne money?
. .. 1J.~ ... !t.~~
..~.~.e.r.~.l:i~.'.r.~.9.c?.t119.: . .. ?.r:1.. ~.~. .r:.~~~r.~t .
lt depends It
.. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4
No puedo esperarte. Tengo que irme. Estoy buscando el periódico. ¿Lo has visto? Monrse está enfadada porque sus hermanas se rieron de ella. Lola me pidió tu número de teléfono. 5 James habló con Sally sobre el viaje a Brighton. (viaje= trip) 6 Puedes ir con tus amigos. Yo cuidaré de los niños. 7 Tom no tenía bastante dinero, por eso yo pagué la comida. (por eso= so; comida=
fall off
run away etc. (phrasal verbs
Los PHRASAL VERBS (locuciones verbales) son verbos unidos a in/out/up/down etc. 111
• Ann opened the door of the car and got in. (= into the car) ... y subió al coche. • I waited outside thc house. l didn't go in. ... No entré.
• The car sropped and a woman got out. (= out of the car) ... bajó. • I went to the window and lookcd out, afuera . off
• The bus arrived and Igot on.
... y subí.
,r~ .
• Be careful! Don't fati off.
... miré
... No caigas.
down D UI'
• He stood up and left the room. Se puso de pie ... • 1 usually gct up early. ... me levanto temprano. • We lookcd up ar rhc srars. Alzamos la vista ...
• Would you like to sit down? ¿Quieres sentarte? • The picturc fcll down. ... se cayó. • Lic down on the floor. Túmbate ...
away/off = lejos
back = de regreso
• • The thief ran away. (oran off) ... escapó corriendo. • Ann got into rhe car and drove away. (o drove off) Ann subió al coche y se marchó.
• We went out for dinner and then went back to our hotel. ... regresamos a nuestro hotel. • Go away and don't come back! i Vete y no vuelvas!
be/go away = estar/irse fuera: • Ann has gonc away for a few days.
be back = estar de vuelta/regresar: • Ann is away. She'II be back on Monday.
o ver
round (o around)
• The wall wasn'r high, so wc climbed ovcr. El muro no era alto, así que lo saltamos. • Turn ovcr and look ar the nexr pagc. Pasa la página y mira la siguiente.
• Somebody shouted my narnc, sol looked round (o around). ... me volví. • Wc wcnt for a long walk. Afrcr six miles wc turned round (o around) and wcnt back. .. . dimos la vuelta y regresamos.
A r;li8?K M~UNO
Normalmente un PI-IRASAL VERB corresponde a una sola palabra en español: go in / walk in
= entrar
A veces corresponde ger up = levantarse
get =)
go out = salir
go / come back = regresar
a un verbo reflexivo o pronominal: stand up = ponerse de pie
put on I take off etc.
sit down 2)
= sentarse
go / walk away = alejarse
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases con los verbos de la lista + in/out/up etc. got
l I wenr to rhe window and .. ~.taj,...~.L
2 The door was open, so we 3 He hear
5 6 7 8
.. . .
I said helio and he The bus stopped and she There was a free seat, so she A car stoppe
.. . . .
Completa las frases con out/away/back etc. 1 'What happencd to che picture on the wall?' 'Ir fell .. cl.P.~r.i .... ! Stay here with me. 3 She heard a noise behind her, so she lookcd . 4 I'rn going now to do sorne shopping. I'll be at 5 o'clock. 5 l'm feeling very tired. I'm going to lie .. on the sofa. 6 When you have read this page, turn and rcad the other side. 7 Jim is from Ca nada. He lives in London now but he wanrs to go ro Canada. 8 We haven't gota key to the house, so we can't get .. 9 I was very rired this morning. I couldn't gct . 10 Ann is going on holiday nexr monrh. She's going.. .. on rhe 5th and coming the 24th.
2 Picase don't go
Completa las frases con uno de los verbos del cuadro + on/off/up etc. (Los verbos aparecen en el Apéndice 6). break carry 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
fall get
give hold
slow speak
1 went to sleep ar 10 o'clock and .. !-:1:P. .. ar cight o'clock che next morning. 'lt's time to go.' a minute. l'm nor rea
Traduce al inglés usando los verbos entre paréntesis:
1 ¡Adiós! ¡Vuelve pronto! (come) 2 El espejo estaba suelto y se cayó. (fall) (suelto = loose) 3 Me voy. Volveré a las cuatro. (be) 4 Mis padres se levantan carde los domingos. {get) 5 Pascual se marchó caminando sin hablar. (walk) 6 Amparo dijo adiós y se marchó en el coche. (drive)
7 Caminamos hasta el final de la calle, dimos la vuelta y regresamos. (rurn/come) 8 Sandra estaba caminando por la calle. De repente un hombre le cogió el bolso y escapó corriendo. (run) (coger= snatch) 9 Laura entró y se sentó. (go/sit) 10 Cuando salí levanté la vista y estaba muy nublado. (go/look) (nublado= cloudy) 217
put your shoes on
put on your shoes (phrasal verbs 2) 'A
(turn off/ put on etc.) pueden llevar un objeto. Por ejemplo:
puton your coar ponte el abrigo
take off your shoes quítate los zapatos
Se puede decir: put on your coat o put your coat on
takc off your shoes o take your shoes off
pero los pronombres (it/them etc.) siempre van delante de on/off etc.: put it on (no 'put on ir')
rake rhcrn off (no 'rakc off rhcrn')
• Ir was cold so I put on rny coa t. (o J put rny coat on) • Herc's your coa t. Put it on. Aquí tienes tu abrigo. Póntelo.
Aqul tienes otros
• l'rn going ro takc off rny shoes. (o takc my shoes off) • Your shoes are dirry. Take them off. Tienes los zapatos sucios. Quítate/os.
vrnns que pueden llevar un objeto:
íl~1· !-
turn on I turn off= encender/apagar (también: 'abrir/cerrar' un grifo):
• 1 t was dark, so !turned on rhc I ight. (o I rurncd rhe light on.) • 1 don't want to watch chis programrne. You can turn it off. • The bath is ful l. Turn off rhe tap. (o Turn the rap off.)
también switch on / switch off significan 'encender/apagar': • 1 swirched on rhe light and switched off thc television. pick up / put clown = coger/dejar • Those are my keys on the íloor. Can you pick them up forme, picase? • I stopped reading and put my book clown. (o put clown my book.)
bring back = devolver (indica también 'traer'): • You can cake my urnbrella bur picase bring ir back. ... devuélvemela. take back = devolver (indica también 'llevar'): • l took my new sweater back to the shop. Ir was roo small forme. Devolví el suéter nuevo ... give back = devolver (indica sólo 'dar', 'entregar'): • I've got Diane's kcys. l muse give them back to her. . .. devolvérselas. put back = volver a poner: • 1 rcad thc lctter and then l put it back in rhe envelope. . .. la volví a poner ...
in I foil
=> ¡i¡¡¡¡,¡1.¡¡11:1
a:, ·füi#I
Observa /os dibujos. ¿Qué hicieron estas personas?
1 He
2 Shc 3 He
~.~~.~r.\.#.1.~..li9.~tJ~.. ~.~~ .. ~.e: 49htP.n.t ..
. .
. .. .
Se puede escribir cada frase de tres maneras distintas. Completa el cuadro .
l turned on che radio. He put on his jacket.
1 2 3 4 5
She . Put clown your pens. They gave back the money.
4 She 5 He 6 She
.. 1 ... ~~~ ..
~.e:.t.C!-Ai.<.>.. P.n. .
He She took her glasses off.
..! .. ~.'!\~ .. ~ ..g,r1., .. He
I turned the lights off.
Completa estas frases usando una de /as palabras de la lista + it/rhern. bring
(+ on/off/up/back)
I I wanted to watch somerhing on televisión, so 1 ...~m~ ..~.P.n. . 2 l bought a lamp but ir doesn't work. l'm going to 3 There were sorne gloves on rhc floor, so 1 4 When I finished working 011 the computer, 1 5 Thank you for lending me these books. I won'r forgct to
to the shop. and put them on the table.
. .
Completa estas frases usando un elemento de cada cuadro. Todos estos verbos aparecen en el Apéndice 7. your cigaretre a pair of shoes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a glass ten houses
o me/ it / them
in out
up $WH-
on over
away round
They knocked ...~ .. .l:1~.s.~s... 4.J.?!'.'?.n... (C>.. .<4.>.~.r1 ~ .. .l:1~.5.~~-L.when they builc che new road. Thar music is very loud. Can you turn ~ ~.~I').. ? I knocked and brokc ir. Tf you want ro know what a word means, you can look in a dicrionary, 1 want to keep these magazines. Please don't throw . Somebody gave me a form and told me to fill . I tried in the shop but I didn't buy thern. I visited the school. One of the teachers showed . 'Do you play the piano?' 'No, I started to learn but I gave after a monrh.' You're nor allowed to smoke here. Please put .
Traduce al inglés:
1 Aquí está tu suéter. Pónrelo. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Está oscuro. Enciende la luz, por favor. Juan limpió las esranrcrías y luego volvió a poner los libros. Andrés leyó el libro y luego lo devolvió (lo llevó) a la biblioteca. ¿ Puedes prestarme algo de dinero? Te lo devolveré (te lo entregaré) mañana. Estaba cansado, así que apagué la televisión y me acosté. Laura recogió los documentos y los puso en su mesa. (mesa = desk) Puedes quitarte la chaqueta. Cuando vengas mañana no olvides devolverme (traerme) mis vídeos. 1 O Mis gafas están en el suelo. ¿ Puedes cogerlas, por favor?
and and = y/e
but = pero
or = o/u
so = por eso/así que
becausc = porque
Estas palabras (conjunciones) se usan para unir dos frases y formar una más larga: frase A
The driver got out.
The car stopped.
frase más larga
frase B
The car stopped and the driver got out.
and/but/or frase A
We srayed ar home My sister is married He doesn'r like her I bought a newspaper lt's a nice house Do you want to go out
frase B
and and and but but or
(wc)* watched television. (shc)* lives in London. she doesn't like him. I didn't read it. it hasn't gota garden. are you too tired?
*Las frases A y B tienen el mismo sujeto, por eso no es necesario repetir we ni she en la frase B.
and entre las dos últimas, las anteriores van separadas por comas: • T got home, had sornething to eat, sat down in an armchair and fell aslcep.
Observa estas frases. Sólo se usa
• Ann is at work, Suc has gonc shopping and Chris is playing football. so mdica un resultado: frase A
frase B
Ir was very hoc, The water wasn't clean, They like films,
so so so
I opcned the window. we didn't go swimming. rhcy ofren go to che cinema.
because indica la causa: frase A
I opened rhe window We didn't go swimming Lisa is hungry
frase B
because because because
ir was too hot. rhe water wasn't clcan. she didn't have breakfast.
Because + frase B pueden también ir al principio. En ese caso beca use= como ... : • Becausc the water wasn't clean, wc didn't go swimming. Como el agua no estaba limpia, no fuimos a nadar.
Se puede usar más de una conjunción para hacer frases más largas:
• Ir was late and I was ti red, so I wenr to bed. • 1 always enjoy visiting London, but I wouldn't like to live there because it's too big.
when/while/before etc. ~
1 \ ii •O•
Une dos frases, una de cada cuadro, usando and/but/or.
l !ita)'e
kl+4:i+retH.Hb Iwent by bus this morning. ~ watched television,I swarn ro rhc othcr sidc. I looked out.
l .l .. ~.~e4..?.-:t. ..~.«?P.~.. ~ ..~~.e4..~~~-4>r.i., .. 2 .. l..}~E~~-·-~--~~-~.m>.~ ~~.t.\. ..~.'.t..x.~ .. ~: . 3 1 4
6 7
Observa los dibujos y completa las frases usando and/but/so/bccausc.
1 lt was very hor, .. 2 They didn't play ten nis 3 They went to the museum 4 Bill wasn't hungry, 5 Ann was late
6 Sue said
. . . .
¿Qué hiciste ayer? Responde usando la conjunción senalada para cada frase . l (and) 2 (beca use) 3 (bue) 4 (and) 5 (so) 6 (bccausc)
... !r.i.. #.1.~..~X~~E. .l...~~~ ..?.-:t..!1P~~.~4..~.~~ . '·-~-~t to.)~ .~~ .. ~-~~-~!:: . .l...~.~ ...W..e4, .
Traduce al inglés: I No fui al trabajo el viernes porque tenía fiebre, pero me sentí mejor el sábado. (fiebre= a rcmpcrarurc) 2 Mi hermana es profesora, pero no trabaja en una escuela porque no le gustan los niños. 3 Hacía mucho calor, así que cerrarnos la puerta y mi madre puso el aire acondicionado. (aire acondicionado = air conditioning) 4 Telefoneé a Lorenzo pero no estaba en casa, así que no pude hablar con él. 5 Mi reloj se ha parado, así que no puedo decirte la hora. 6 Roberc vive en Win
lf ...
When ...
Whcn ... (= cuando ... ) Whcn l wcnt out, ir was raining. Esta frase tiene dos partes: parte A when I went out
Cuando salí estaba lloviendo.
it was raining
Se puede empezar por la parte A o por la parte B: • ( When l went out, ir was raining. It was raining when I wenr out. Se escribe una coma(,) cuando la parte A va delante:
When you're tired, don't drive . Don'r drive whcn you're tircd.
Ann was vcry happy when she passcd her cxarn . When Ann passed her exam, she was very happy.
Lo mismo ocurre en las frases con before (= antes), whilc (= mientras), after (= después), y if (= si): • Always look both ways before you cross the road. o Before you cross rhe road, always ... • While l was waiting for rhe bus, it began to rain. o Tt began to rain whilc ... • He never played football again after he broke his leg. o After he broke his leg, he • If you don't hurry, you'Il miss the train. o You'll miss rhe rrain if ...
Whcn I am ... I When I go ... etc. La semana que viene Jtll viaja a Nueva York. Su amiga Barbara, que vive allí, también se va de viaje a México, de modo que no podrán verse en Nueva York. Barbara will be in Mcxico whcn Jill is in Ncw York. (no 'when Jill will be') Barbara estará en México cuando Ji// esté en Nueva York. El tiempo es futuro (la semana que viene) pero se dice 'whenJill is in ew York' (no'whenjill will be'). Se usa el presente (I am/1 havc etc.) con valor de futuro detrás de when. En español normalmente se usa el presente de subjuntivo. • When l get home rhis evcning, l'm going to havc a showcr. (no 'when I will get home') Cuando llegue a casa esta noche voy a tomar una ducha. • 1 can'r ralk ro you now. 1'11 talk to you latcr when I havc more time. Ahora no puedo hablar contigo. Hablaré contigo más tarde cuando tenga más tiempo. También se usa el presente del mismo modo detrás de bcforc/whilc/aftcr/until (presente de subjuntivo en español): • Picase close rhe window beforc you go out. ... antes de salir. • Julia is going to livc in our housc whilc we are away. ... mientras estemos fuera. • 1'11 waic here until you come back. ... hasta que vuelvas.
If (= si) También se usa el presente con valor de futuro detrás de if:
• lf you see Ann tomorrow, can you ask her to phone me? Si ves a Ann mañana, ... • lf l'm late rhis evening, don't wait forme. (no 'lf I will be') Si llego tarde esta noche, ... • What shall we do if ir rains? (no 'if ir will rain') rornorrow, 1'11 stay ar home.
• If I don't fccl wcll
will/shall ~
Ni ,¡.,:Jf¡¡;¡¡,1
until ~
11 j O,ljl:I
¿ ... s1 llueve? Si no me encuentro bien mañana, ...
1 i• ifl 1
Completa /as frases con elementos del cuadro. somebody broke into rhe house
eefore they crossed the road they went
before they carne here while rhey werc away
when they heard the news they didn't believe me
live in New Zealand
1 They looked both ways ..~~-~..~~ ..9.:~.~.S.~ 2 They were very surprised
#:1~ rP.a.4.,.. . . .. ? .. ..
3 After they got married, 4 The letrer arrived 5 Where did rhey live 6 While they were asleep, 7 When l told them rhe news,
Con la información de /os cuadros escribe frases que empiecen por if.
yoH doA't hHrry you pass thc cxam you fail the exam
If +
you don't wanr chis magazine you want those pictures you're busy now you're hungry
we can have lunch now you can have them you'll gct a certifica te yoti'll ee late 1'11 throw it away you can do ir again we can talk later
1 . ..l.f..H~ ...4.o.n.J .. ~~!!l:l,.. ~~.'.~..~~ ~: . 2 lf yo u pass
3 If
5 6
éCuá/ es correcto? Elige la forma correcta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
you come/ yoH'll come back. I'II stay y you come son correctos. I'm going to bed when I finish / 1'11 finish my work. We must do sornething before it's / ir will be too late. Julia is going away soon. I'm / I'II be very sad when she lea ves/ she'll leave. Don't go out yet. Wait until che rain stops / will stop. If there is/ will be a fire, the alarm will ring. Wc come/ We'II come and visir you when we're / we'II be in England again. Do you go I Will you go to the parry if rhey invite I rhey'll invite you? 'Don't forgct to givc me your address.' 'OK, 1 giyc I I'II givc it to you bcfore I go I J'll go.'
Completa estas frases como consideres conveniente. I 2 3 4 5 6 7
-ttfi:lx/ 1'11 stay here unril
Can you close the window before -~~ .. .9.~ ..~t? What are you going to do when 1'11 wait for you while We cango to the beach tornorrow if When I start my new job, If I have time tomorrow, Will you be here when
? .. . . .. ?
Traduce al inglés: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cuando llegué a la estación el tren estaba esperando. Cuando termine la película no olvides apagar la televisión. No puedo comprar nada hasta que me des dinero. Si ganamos la lotería nos compraremos un nuevo coche. Rob, límpiate los dientes antes de acostarte. (acostarse = go to bed) Cierra las ventanas y la puerta si tienes frío. Compraremos un coche nuevo cuando tengamos más dinero.
lf I had ...
lf we went ... etc.
A Dan le gustan los coches deportivos, pero no
lf I
nru:L tl1e
tiene bastante dinero para comprarse uno.
If he had rhe rnoney, he would buy a sports car.
Si tuviera el dinero, se compraría un coche deportivo. Normalmente had es un pasado, pero en esta frase no tiene ese valor: lf he had thc moncy = Si tuviera el dinero fil1ru (pero no lo tiene).
1 IF
you it they etc.
had/kncw/lived/wcnt etc .... , didn't havc/know/go etc .... , was/were ... , could ... ,
T yo u it they etc.
would(n't) could(n't)
buy ... be ... havc ... go ... etc.
En estas frases detrás de if se usa el PAST SIMPLE (if I had / if you kncw / if he lived etc.), que equivale en español al pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo (si tuviera/ si supieras/ si viviera etc.).
lf ...
(= Si ... ) puede
estar al principio o en medio de una frase:
• lf he had the money, he would buy a car.
He would buy a car if he had rhe money.
I'd I she'd / they'd etc. = l would / she would / they would etc. would + infinitivo suele corresponder al condicional simple del español.
• 1 don't know rhe answer. If l knew rhe answer, I'd tell you. . .. Si supiera la respuesta, te la diría. • lt's raining, so we're not going out. We'd get wer if we went out. ... Nos mojaríamos si saliéramos. • Jane lives in a city. She likes cities. She wouldn't be happy if she lived in rhe country . . . . No sería feliz sí viviera en el campo.
• lf you didn't have a job, what would you do?
Si no tuvieras trabajo, ¿qué harías?
o de condicional(= podría): • I'rn sorry l can't help you. I'd help you if I could. . .. Te ayudaría si pudiera. (subjuntivo)
could puede tener valor de subjuntivo(= pudiera)
• If we hada car, wc could travel more.
Si tuviéramos coche podríamos viajar más. (condicional)
Se puede decir if (I/he/she/ir) was o wcrc ... :
• If I were younger, l'd look for another job. (o If I was younger ... ) Si fuera más joven buscaría otro trabajo. • lt's nora very nice place. 1 wouldn't go there if I was alone. (o ... if I were alone)
... No iría sí estuviera solo.
• Ir would be nice if the weather wcrc (o was) bcrter. Observa que la frase if I werc you (o if I was you ... ) equivale a las expresiones del español 'yo que tú '/ 'en tu lugar yo .. .':
• 1 wouldn'r go rhere if l werc you. (o ... if I was you.) • lt's cold. 1f l were (o was) you, l'd pur your coar on.
Hace frío. Yo que tú/En tu lugar me pondría el abrigo.
r if I havc I if it is etc. (presente)
if l had / if ir was, etc. (pasado)
• l must go and see Ann. lf I havc time, I will go toda y .... Si tengo tiempo, iré hoy.
• 1 must go and see Ann. lf I had time, 1 would go today. . .. Si tuviera tiempo, iría hoy.
• 1 like that jacket. I'll huy it if it isn't too expensive. .. . Me la compraré si no es demasiado cara.
• l like that jacket but it's very expensive. I'd huy ir if it wasn't so expensive . . . . Me la compraría si no fuera tan cara .
• I'll help you if l can. Te ayudaré si puedo.
• I'd help you if I could but l can't. Te ayudaría si pudiera, pero no puedo.
if we go/if I see/if I can etc.~
Completa las siguientes frases.
I don't know the answer. If I .. Ji:i~ .. the answer, I'd tell you. I have a car. I couldn't rravel very much if I ~.'tl1.~Y.~.. a car. 1 don't wanr to go out. If 1 ro go out, I'd go. \Y/e haven't gota key. If we a key, we could ger inro rhe house. I'm nor hungry. I would havc somcthing ro cat if T hungry. 6 Sue cnjoys her work. She wouldn't do it if shc . ir. 7 You can't drive. If you drivc, 1 would lend you my car. 8 He speaks roo fasr. 1 could undcrsrand him bcrrcr if he more slowly. 9 1 have a lor ro do roda y. If 1 .. so much to do, we could go out.
1 2 3 4 5
Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.
1 lf ..b~.11.% .. rhe money, he would buy a fast car. (he/ha ve) ?1:1~.. ~e>~\4.ri\J~. happy if she lived in the counrry. (she/nor/be) 3 lf I wanred to learn lralian, ro lraly. (1/go) 4 1 havcu't rold Aun what happened. She'd be angry if (she/know) 5 lf a mnp, [ could show you whcrc I livc. (wc/havc) 6 What would you do if a lot of moncy? (you/win) 7 lr's nora very good hotel. thcre if l were you. (1/nor/sray) 8 Tf ncarer Lonclon, we would go there more ofren. (we/live) 9 lr's a piry you havc to go now nice if you had more time. (ir/be) l O l'm not going to take thc job. l'd take it if better. (rhe salary/be) 1 1 1 don't know anything about cars, [f thc car hrokc down, .. what to do. (1/nor/know) 12 If you could change one thing in the world, what . .. ? (you/change) 2 Jane likes living in a ciry ...
Completa las frases con elementos del cuadro. Pon
los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta.
I (warch) it every day (be) rhe sarne rhe air (be) cleaner
we (havc) a bigger house wc (huy} a bigger house we (have) sorne pictures on the wall
ic (be) a bir cheaper 1 (be) bored
1 I'd buy that jacket if ..i.i;. l'.'J~..
3 This room would be nicer if 4 If there wasn 'e so much tra ffic,
5 Life would be horing if 6 lf I liad nothing to do, 7 Wc could invite all our fricnds 8 1 f wc had more moncy,
. stay if
Completa las frases como consideres conveniente. I I'd go ro rhe denrisr if ..1... ~~ ..a..:.!P.e>l:11.
. .. .. .. ..
Traduce al inglés:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Si tuvieras 60 años no correrías tan rápido. ¿Se enfadaría Jenny si no la telefoneáramos para ir al cine? Los niños estarían contentos si los lleváramos al cine. (llevar = take) Si no hiciera frío saldríamos a dar un paseo. Tu hermana sería más feliz si no tuviera tantos problemas. (tantos= so many) Si viviéramos en Londres iríamos al teatro más a menudo. Si no estuviera tan cansado te ayudaría.
a person who
a thing that/which
(oraciones de relativo 1)
who ... / that ... / which ... (= que) son pronombres relativos. I meta woman. She can speak six languages, l dos frases ------------------J shc~ r···················
who 1 una frase -------------·--···,
I meta woman who can speak six languages . . .. una mujer que sabe hablar ...
Jim was wcaring a hat. lt was too big for him. L ••••••••••••••••••• dos frases
it ~ thalt o which 1
r···········--------- una frase ---··················, Jim was wearing a hat that was too big for him.
Jim was wcaring a hat which was too big for him . . .. un sombrero que era ...
who ... se usa para personas (no para cosas): A thief is a person Do you know anybody The man The people
who who who wbo
sreals things, can play the piano? phoned work in the office
dicln't give his name. are very friendly.
. .. una persona que roba ... ... alguien que sepa tocar ... El hombre que telefoneó ... Las personas que trabajan ...
that ... se usa para cosas o para personas: An aeroplane is a machine Emma lives in a housc Thc people
that ílies. that is 500 years olcl. that work in the office
are very friendly.
... una máquina que vuela. ... una casa que tiene 500 años. Las personas que trabajan ...
Se puede usar that para personas, pero es más comente usar who.
which ... se usa sólo para cosas: An aeroplane is a machine Emma lives in a house
which Aies. (no 'a machine who .. .') which is 500 years olcl.
... una máquina que vuela. ... una casa que tiene 500 años.
No uses which para personas: • Do you rcrnember the woman who was playing the piano at the party? (no 'the woman which .. .') ¿Recuerdas a la mujer que tocaba ... ?
who y which ~
the people we met (oraciones de relativo 2) ~ •·
Define a las personas del primer cuadro usando A ... is a person who ... y la expresión apropiada del segundo cuadro. Usa un diccionario si es necesario.
~ a butcher a musieran a parient
a denrisr a fool a gemus a liar
1 ...A.. !?.:i.~ ..~ ...?.-:.. ~~.'?.Y!.. ~.~C) 2 A butcher is a person 3 A musician 4
docsn't tell the rrurh looks afcer your reeth is very incelligenc plays a musical instrument
is ill in hospital
sceals thiHgs is very stupid sells mear
~~~---~~g~.,.. .. ..
5 6 7 8
Escribe una frase larga uniendo las dos más cortas. (A man phoned. He didn't givc his name.)
..To~ ..m..~ .. ~n..o...P.11C>n~ .. <44.ri'.~.. 9ilf.e... n..i6... r~.e.r: 2 (A woman opened che door. She was wearing a yellow dress.) The woman 3 (Sorne students Cook rhe exam. Most of them passed.) Most of rhe srudents 4 (A policcman sropped our car. He wasn't very friendly.) Thc
a yellow dress. . .
Completa las frases con who o which,
1 l meta woman ...~n..'?... can speak six languages. 2 What's rhe name of rhe wornan livcs next door? 3 What's the name of che river flows rhrough rhe town? 4 Where is the picture
was hanging on rhe wall? wants to buy a car? You always ask questions are difficult to answer. 1 have a friend is very good at repairing cars. 1 think everybody wenc to che parry enjoyed it very much. Why does he always wear clothes are too small for him?
5 Do you know anybody 6 7 8
¿Correcto l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
o incorrecto? Corrige los errores.
A thicf is a person (which) srcals things An aeroplano is a machi ne that flies. A coffcc maker is a machinc who makcs coffee. Have you seen che money rhat was on che cable? l don'r like people which never stop talking. 1 know somebody that can help you. 1 know somebody who works in chat shop. Correct che sentences who are wrong.
.. :.:.: .. ?.-:. .P:t!.~C>r_l.. ~~C) .. ~~-~... :.:.: ..
..O.K ..
Traduce al inglés: 1 ¿Conoces a la mujer que está esperando? 2 En el parque hay un árbol que es muy viejo. 3 Tengo un libro de gramática que nos ayudará. (libro de gramática = grammar book) 4 Tengo un hermano que vive en Australia. 5 ¿Es éste el eren que para en Rcading? (en= ar) 6 Esta es la carta que llegó ayer. 7 Ayer fui al cine con alguien que te conoce. 8 ¿Dónde está el ascensor que no funciona? (funcionar= work) 9 ¿Conoces a alguien que hable italiano? 10 Este es el coche que ganó cinco carreras en 1996. (carrera= race)
the people we met the hotel you stayed at (oraciones de relativo 2) A
Thc man is carrying a bag. lt's very heavy.
dos frases
Thc bag (that) he is carrying is vcry hcavy. una frase --- ------ ------ ___ I La bolsa que lleva es muy pesada.
I_ ___ - - - - - -- -- - - -- -
Ann rook sorne phorographs. Havc you seen rhem?
dos frases
Have you seen the photographs (that) Ann took? ____________________ J I_ _ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - una frase ¿Has visto /as fotos que hizo Ann?
Se puede decir: • The bag that he is carrying ... o The bag he is carrying ... (con o sin that) • ... the photographs that Ann took? o ... the photographs Ann rook? that/who/which no son necesarios cuando son objeto: sujeto The man Ann You Wc
verbo was carrying
wanted rnet
objeto a bag sorne phorographs the book sorne people
~ thc bag (thar) rhe man was carrying ~ thc photographs (rhar) Ann took ~ the book (rhar) you wantcd ~ thc pcoplc (who) wc met
• Did you find the book you wantcd? (o ... rhe book rhat you wantcd?) ¿ ... el libro que querías? • The people wc rnct were vcry nicc. (o Thc pcoplc who wc mer ... ) Las personas que conocimos ... • Evcrything I said was true. (o Everything that I said ... ) Todo lo que dije era cierto. Ten cuidado. Se dice: • The film wc saw was very good. (no 'The film we saw ir was .. .')
La película que vimos era muy buena.
A veces hay una preposición (to/in/at etc.) detrás del verbo: Jill is talking to a man. ~ We stayed at a hotel. ~ I told you about sorne books. ~
Do you know the man Jill is talking to? ¿Conoces al hombre con el que está hablando Ji//? The hotel we stayed ar was near the srarion. El hotel en el que nos quedamos estaba cerca de ta estación. These are the books l told you about. Estos son /os libros de que te hablé.
Ten cuidado. Se dice: • Thcse are che books I told you about. (no' ... the books J told you abour them') También se puede usar where para hablar de lugares: • The hotel where we sraycd was near rhe starion. (= Thc hotel wc staycd at was near thc station.) El hotel donde nos quedamos ... / El hotel en el que nos quedamos ...
Recuerda que es necesario usar who/that/which cuando son sujeto(=> Unidad 114): I met a woman Jim was wearing a hat
sujeto who that
verbo can speak was
six languages. roo big for him.
a pcrson who ... , a thing that/which ... (oraciones de relativo 1)
Escribe una so/a frase uniendo /as dos más cortas. 1 (Ann rook sorne phorographs. Have you seen them?)
... ~.~~.~. !i~ ...~~ ..~.~.. P.h~r.~~.. .A~~.. ~.? ...
2 (You gavc me a pen. l've lost it.) l've losr rhe 3 (Sue is wearing a jacket. 1 like it.) I like the 4 (I gave you sorne flowers. Where are they?) Where are the 5 (He told usa story. T didn't believe it.) l 6 (You bought sorne oranges. How much were they?) How
. . ? . '
Escribe una sola frase uniendo /as dos más cortas.
(1 was carrying a bag. lt was very heavy.)
...Th~.J~ .. .! ...~.~-.. ~~
.. ~~ ...Y.~ ...l:!~!:i, ..
2 (You cooked a mea l. lt was excellent.)
The 3 (l'm wearing shoes. They aren'r very comforrable.) The shocs 4 (We invited sorne people to dinner. They didri'r come.) The
.. .
Completa las frases usando la información del cuadro. .l looked ata map I was sitring on a chair ye~ sta)•@El et a l:lerel 1 What's the name of 2 Who are the people 3 Did you find the 4 The 5 The 6 l fell off 7 8 Who is
they livc in a housc we were waiting for a bus Linda is dancing wirh a man ~~ ..l:!~.!i~
you were looking for sorne keys you spoke to sorne peoplc
~~~ ..~ ?
? ? is too small for thern. wasn't very clear. . was ver y late. ?
Observa /as situaciones y completa las preguntas usando ... where .... John srayed ata hotel. You ask him: Did you like .. ~.~..~~ ..~-~-~-~-~ .. ~-~~L 2 Sue had dinner in a restaurant. You ask her: What's rhe name of rhe restaurant 3 Sarah lives in a village. You ask her: Do you like 4 Richard works in a factory. You ask him: How big
. .. .
Traduce al inglés: 1 Este es el coche que compré la semana pasada. 2 Aquí está la llave que estamos buscando. 3 '¿Quién es Bruce?' 'Es el chico con quien
salgo.' 4 Tengo un amigo que vivió diez años en Colombia. 5 Me gustó la carta que me enviaste. 6 Japón es un país en el que siempre he estado interesado.
7 Esas son las chicas de que te hablé. 8 Estuve en un pueblo donde no hay hoteles. (pueblo= village) 9 ¿Te gustan los zapatos que te regalé? 10 Conozco un restaurante que está abierto toda la noche. 11 Sharon es la chica con la que comparto un piso. (compartir = sharc; piso = flat) 229
Apéndice 1 Voz activa y voz pasiva 1.1
Presente y pasado: voz pasiva
Butter is made from milk.
Somebody cleans these rooms every day.
These rooms are cleaned every day.
People never invite me to parties.
I am never invited to patries.
How do rhey make butter?
How is butter made?
Somebody stole my car last wcek.
My car was stolen last week.
Somebody stole my keys yesterday.
My keys were stolcn yesterday.
Thcy didn't invite me ro the party.
I wasn't invited to the party.
When did they build these houscs?
Whcn werc thcse houses built?
They are building a new airport at the rnornenr. (= it isn't finished)
A new airport is bcing built at the moment.
They are building sorne new houses near the river.
Sorne new houses are being built near the river.
When I was here a few years ago, they were building a new airport. (= it wasn't finished ar that time)
When I was here a few years ago, a new airport was being built.
Look! They havc painted rhe door.
Look! The door has becn painted.
These shirts are clean. Sornedody has washcd them.
These shirts are clcan. They have
Somebody has stolen my car.
My car has bccn stolcn.
Ann said that somebody had stolen her car.
Ann said that her car had been stolen.
We make butter from milk.
becn washed.
will / can / must / have to etc. En voz pasiva will /can / must / have to etc. llevan detrás be + participio pasado: voz activa Somebody will clean che
office tomorrow.
Sornebody muse clean the office. I think they'll invite you to rhe party.
voz pasiva The office will be cleaned tornorrow. The officc muse be cleancd. l rhink you'll be invited to the party,
They can't repair my warch.
My watch can't be repaired.
You should wash this sweater by hand.
This sweater should be washcd by hand.
They are going to build a new airport.
A new airport is going to be built.
Somebody has to wash these clothes.
These clothes have to be washed.
They had to take che injured man to hospital.
The injured man had to be taken to hospital.
Apéndice 2 Lista de verbosirregulares(~ Unidad 25) Estos son los más frecuentes y su significado más comente en español. infinitivo
past simple
be (ser/estar) bcar (batir) becomc (volverse) begin (empezar) birc (morder) blow (soplar) break (romper) bri ng (traer) build (construir) buy (comprar)
was/wcrc bcat became began bit blew brokc brought built bought caught ch ose carne cosr cut did drew drank drove ate fcll fclt fought found flcw
carch (coger) choose (escoger) come (venir) cosr (costar) cut (cortar) do (hacer) draw (dibujar) clrink (beber) drivc (conducir) car (comer) fall (caer) fccl (sentir) fight (luchar) find (encontrar) fly (volar) forger (olvidar) gct (~ Unidad 56) givc (dar) go (,r) grow (crecer) hang (colgar) ha ve (tener) hcar (oír) hidc (esconder) hit (golpear) hotel (sujetar) hurr (herir) kccp (mantener) k now (saber/conocer) lea ve (dejar/irse) lend (prestar)
participio pasado
past simple participio pasado
ler (dejar/permitir) tic (tumbarse) light (encender) lose (perder) make (hacer) mean (significar) rneet (encontrar) pay (pagar)
Jet lay lit lost made meant mct paid
pur (poner)
reud (leer) /ri :t1/• ridc (montar) ring (sonar/telefonear) rise (levantar)
rcad /red/* rodc rang rose ran said saw sold scnt
be come begun binen blown broken brought
built bought caught ch osen come cost cut done drawn drunk driven caten fallen fclt fought found flow n
got gavc wcnt grcw hung had hcard hid hit hcld hurt kcpt kncw lcft lene
givcn gonc grown hung had hcard hiddcn hit hcld hurr kcpr known
lcft lcnt
(correr) say (decir) !>CC (ver) scll (vender) scnd (enviar) shine (brillar) shoor (disparar) show (mostrar) shur (cerrar) 1,ing (cantar) (sentarse) slecp (dorm,r) spcak (hablar) spend (gastar/pasar) stand (estar de pie) src,1I (robar) swrrn (nadar) cake (tomar/llevar) reach (enseñar) rea r (rasgar) tell (decir) rhink (pensar) throw (tirar) undcrsrand (entender) wake (despertar) wcar (llevar puesto) win (ganar) writc (escnbir) nin
shonc shot
lct lain lit losr
made meant mct paid put
rcad /rcdr riddcn rung risco
run said
sccn sold scnt shonc shot
showed shut sang sat slcpr
shown shut sung sar
stolc swam rook taught rore told
to len
taken taught torn told thought thrown
understood understood
wokc worc won
wokcn worn won
writtcn " pronunc,ación
Estos verbos pueden ser regulares (-ed) o irregulares (-t):
past simple/ participio pasado
past simple/ participio pasado
burn (arder) lcarn (aprender)
burncd o burnt lcarncd o lcarnt
drearn (soñar) smcll (oler)
drcamed o drcarnt smclled o smclt
Apéndice 3 Verbos irregulares en grupos Observa las características de cada grupo: te ayudará a recordar los verbos. PAST Sll\11'1.E /
1 cost
participio pasado iguales:
~ cost ~ cut ~ hit
ler pur
~ lct ~ put
send spcnJ
~ lcnt ~ scnt ~ spcnt
lose shoot
~ lost ~ shot
get light
~ got ~ lit
bum lcarn
~ burnt ~ lcarnt
~ kcpt
cut hit
2 lend
participio pasado diferentes:
1 break
~ broke choose ~ ch ose speak ~ spoke srcal ~ srolc
2 drive
brokcn ch osen spoken stolcn
~ drove ~ rode ~ rose
drivcn riddcn nscn
bcat bite
~ beat ~ bit
be aten
Iccl lea ve 111CCl
d rea 111
~ ~ ~ ~
fclt lcít mct drcamt /drcmt/"
3 eat
~ ~ forgcr ~ grvc ~ ~ scc
forgot gavc saw
caten fallen forgotten givcn sccn
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
blcw grcw kncw rhrcw Acw
blown grown known thrown flown
-> drcw
bcgun drunk
~ bcgan ~ drank ~ swam
r111g s111g
~ rang ~ sang
rung sung
3 bring ~ broughr /hr0:1/* buy > bought /bO:lf* fighr ihink
find have hear
hold rcad say
I pay I stand
foughr /f0:1/*
~ thought /TO:t/* )
4 hlow grow know rhrow
caught /k0:1/*
~ sold ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
found had hcard hdd rcad /red/* said /~cd/*
5 hcgin drin k
~ paid ~ srood 161
* pronunciación
Apéndice 4 Contracciones (he's / l'd / 1 don't etc.) 4.1
En inglés hablado I am se pronuncia como una sola palabra, una contracción que se escribe I'm.
lam ~ l'm it is ~ it's they have ~ they've
• l'm feeling tired this morning. • 'Do you like this jacket?' 'Yes, it's very nice.' • 'Where are your friends?' 'They've gone home.'
etc. Al escribir /as contracciones se usa un apóstrofo (') en el lugar de lo que no se pronuncia:
he is
T )im ~ J'm
yo u ~ve ~ you 've
she ~
~ she'll
las siguientes contracciones se usan con l/he/she etc.: am is are have has had will would
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
'm 's 're 've 's 'd '11 'd
l'm he's
l've I'd 1'11 I'd
he's he'd hc'll he'd
she's she'd she'Il shc'd
we're we've
you're you've
they're they'vc
we'd wc'll wc'd
you'd you'II you'd
they'd they'll they'd
it's it'II
• l've got sorne new shocs. • We'II probably go out this evening. lt's 10 o'clock. You're late again .
's puede ser la contracción de is o de has: • She's going out rhis evening. (shc's going = she is going) • She's gone out. (she's gone = she has gone) 'd puede ser la contracción de would o de had: • A:What would you like ro eat? 8: l'd like a salad, picase. (l'd like = l would like) • 1 rold che police rhat I'd lose rny passporr. (I'd losr = 1 had lost) No se usan las contracciones ('m/'s/'d etc.) s, el verbo está al final de la frase(==> Unidad 40):
• 'Are you tired?'
'Yes, 1 am.' (no 'Yes, l'm.')
las contracciones se usan con Uyou/he/she/it etc., pero también se pueden usar con otras palabras (especialmente 's): • Who's your favouritc singcr? (= who is) • What's rhc time? (= what is) • Thcre's a big tree in rhe garden. (= there is) • My sister's working in London. (= my sisrer is working) • Paul's gone out.(= Paul has gone our.) • What colour's your car?(= What colour is your car?)
Contracciones negativas (~ Unidad 43) not se contrae en n'r:
isn't aren't wasn't weren't hasn't havcn't hadn't • • • •
(=isnot) (= are nor) (= was not) ("' were not) ("' has nor) (= have not) {= had not)
don't doesn't didn't
(= do nor) ("' does not) (= did nor)
can't couldn't won't wouldn't shouldn't mustn't needn't
("' cannot) ("' could not) ("' will not) (= would not) (= should not) (= musr not) (= need nor)
We went to her housc bur she wasn't ar home. 'Whcrc's David?' '( don't know. 1 haven't seen hirn.' You work ali rhc time. You shouldn't work so hard. I won't be here romorrow. (= I will nor)
's (apóstrofo + s) 's puede significar cosas diferentes: (1) 's"' is o has (~ punto 4.2 de este apéndice)
(2) let's = lct us (~ Unidad 53) • The wcather is nice. Lct's go out. (Let us go out) (3) Ann's camera (Ann's e de Ann) / my brorher's car (el coche de mi hermano)/ the manager's office (la oficina del director) etc. (~ Unidad 64) Compara:
• Ann's camera was vcry expensive. (Ann's camera e la cámara de Ann) • Ann's a very good photographer. (Ann's = Ann is) • Ann's gota new camera. (Ann's = Ann has got)
Apéndice 5 Spelling (ortografía) 5.1
s y-es (birds / warches etc.) sustantivo+ s (plural) (:::::> Unidad 67)
bird --+ birds
misrake=-s misrakes
hotel --+ horcls
verbo+ s (PRf.SENT SIMPLE, he/shc/it -s) (:::::> Unidad 6)
rhink --+ thinks
live -+ lives
remember-+ remembers
pero: +
es detrás de sustantivos y verbos terminados en -s I -sh I -ch I -x: bus --+ buses pass -+ passes address -+ addresscs dish -+ dishes wash -+ washcs finish -+ finishes rcach -+ teaches warch -+ warches sandwich -+ sandwiches box --+ boxcs
también: porato --+ porarocs
do --+ does
remato -+ rornaroes go --+ gocs
normalmente los sustantivos terminados en -f I -fe hacen el plural en -vcs: shcl f--+ shelves knife --+ knives pero roof--+ roofs
-y--+ -i- (baby--+ babics I studv -e srudics etc.) -y final se convierte en -i- al añadir -cs/-cd/-er/-esú-ly: -y--+ -ics: srucly --+ srudics (no 'srudys') family--+ families (no 'Iarnilys') srory --+ srorics ciry --+ ciries baby=-« babies try --+ tries rnarry=-s rnarries fly --+ flics -y
--+ -ied (:::::> Unidad 12): srudy --+ studicd (no 'studyed') try--+ tricd marry -e marricd
copy --+ copicd
-y --+ -icr/-icst (:::::> Unidades 87 y 90): casy --+ casier/casicst (no 'casyer/easycsr') happy=-e happicr/happicst heavy --+ hcavicr/hcaviest
lucky--+ luckicr/luckicst funny --+ funnicr/funnicsr
-y --+ -ily (:::::> Unidad 86): casy --+ casily (no 'casyly') happy -» happily lucky--+ luckily
hcavy-» hcavily
la -y no se convierte en -i- si la palabra termina en -ay/-cy/-oy/-uy: holiday --+ holidays (no 'holidaies')
cnjoy --+ cnjoys/enjoycd
stay --+ srays/sraycd
say--+ said
pay --+ paid (verbos irregulares)
huy --+ buys
kcy--+ kcys
-ing La -e final muda se elimina al añadir -ing:
-e ----)-ting: makc ----) making
writc ----) wriring
come ----) coming
dance ----) dancing
En los verbos que terminan en -ie (die/lie/tie) la -i- se convierte en -y- al añadir -ing:
-ie ----) -ying: die----) dying 5.4
tic----) tying
líe----) lying
stop ----) stoppcd, big ----) biggcr etc. Vocales (V): a e i o u Consonantes (C): b e d f g k I m n p r s t w y A veces una palabra termina en una vocal + una consonante (V + C), por ejemplo: stop, big o get. Delante de -ing/-cd/-cr/-est, la consonante final (-p/-g/-t etc.) se hace doble (-pp-/-gg-/-tt- etc.). Por ejemplo: V+ C
stop run get swim big hot thin
STO RU GE sw 1
p N T M
p ----) pp n ----) nn t ----) tt 111 ----) mm
t ----) tt n ----) 1111
running getting swimming bigger
biggcsr horresr
La consonante final no se dobla: (1) si la palabra termina en dos consonantes (C + C): C+C
hclp work fast
helped workcd fastest
hclping working fas ter
(2) si la palabra termina en dos vocales+ una consonante (V+ V+ C): V+ V+
nccd wait chcap
1 A
nccding waiting
nccdcd waitcd
( 3) en palabras más largas (dos o más sílabas) si la última sílaba no lleva el acento tónico:
happen visir remember pero
prefcr begin
HAP-pcn VIS-it rc-MEM-ber pre -FER be-GIN
----) ----)
happening/happened (no 'happenned') visiting/visitcd remembering/remembered
(acento en la última) (acento en la última)
----) ----)
preferri ng/preferred beginning
( 4) si la palabra termina en -y o en -w. (En posición final -y o -w no son consonantes.)
enjoy ----) cnjoying/enjoyed
snow ----) snowing/snowcd
fcw ----) fewer/fewest
Apéndice 6 Phrasal verbs (look out/ take off etc.) Aquí tienes algunos de los PHRASAL VERBS (locuciones verbales) más frecuentes (~ Unidades 108, 109): out
Iook out/ watch out= tener cuidado (con algún peligro) • Look out! There's a car coming. ;(Ten) cuidado! Viene un coche.
come on = darse prisa • Come on! Everybody is wairing for you. ;Vamos/ Venga/ Date prisa! Te están esperando todos.
= esperar • Can you hold on a minute, picase?
hold on especialmente al teléfono
carry on = continuar, seguir • Don't stop working. Carry on. .. . Continúa. • A: Excuse me, where is the station picase? B: Carry on a long rhis road and turn right ar the lights. Siga por esta calle y gire a la derecha en el semáforo. también: go on I walk on / drivc on = seguir/ seguir andando/ seguir conduciendo: • Don't stop here. Drive on. ... Sigue conduciendo. get on = irle a uno (en el trabajo/ en la escuela/ en un examen etc.): • How are you gctting on in your new job? ¿Cómo te va en tu nuevo trabajo? off
take off = despegar • The plane took off 20 minutes late bur landed on time. El avión despegó con 20 minutos de retraso pero aterrizó a su hora.
wake up = despertar(se) • I often wake up in rhc middle of the nighr. A menudo me despierto en mitad de la noche. speak up = hablar más alto • l can't hear you. Can you speak upa bit? hurry up = darse prisa • Hurry up! Wc havcn't got much time. wash up = lavar los platos • Do you wanr me to wash up? (o ... to do the washing-up?) ¿Quieres que lave los platos? grow up = hacerse adulto, crecer • What does your son want to do when he grows up? ¿Qué quiere hacer tu hijo cuando sea mayor? givc up = renunciar/ desistir/ dejar estar • 1 know it's difficulr but don't givc up.
Sé que es difícil, pero no desistas.
slow down = reducir la velocidad • You're driving too fase. Slow clown. break down = averiarse, estropearse • I'rn sorry I'rn late. The car broke down.
fall over = caerse (al perder el equilibrio) • 1 fcll over beca use my shoes were too big forme. Me caí porque mis zapatos eran demasiado grandes para mí.
Apéndice 7 Phrasal verbs + objeto (flll in a form / put out a fire etc.) Aquí tienes algunos de los PHRASAL VERBS más frecuentes que van seguidos de un objeto (~ Unidad 108): m
fill in(a form} = rellenar (un impreso) • Can you fil! in chis form, please?
~ nu, !1'
put out = apagar (un incendio, un cigarrillo) • The fire brigade arrived and put che fire out. cross out = tachar • If you make a mistake, cross it out.
try on (clothcs) = probarse (ropa) • (en una tienda) This is a nice jacket. Shall I try it on?
givc up = dejar de (hacer algo), dejar estar • Tom gave up smoking three years ago. . .. dejó de fumar ... • 'Are you still lcarning ltalian?' ' o, 1 gave it up.' ... lo dejé estar.
CROSS oirr
ring up = telefonear • Sue rang me up last night. (también: 'Sue rang me last night.' - sin 'up') look up (a word in a dictionary, etc.) = buscar (una palabra en un diccionario, etc.) • 1 didn't know the meaning of che word, so I looked it up in a dictionary. turn up = subir (el volumen) • Can you turn thc radio up? l can't hear it.
knock down (a building) derribar (un edificio) • They are going to knock down che school and build a new one. curn down = bajar (el volumen) • The rnusic is too loud. Can you turn it down, picase?
throw away = tirar (basura, cosas viejas, etc.) • Thcse applcs are bad. Shall I throw thcm away? • Don't throw away that picture. 1 want ir. put away = guardar (algo en su sitio) • After they linished playing, che children put their toys away . . . . guardaron sus juguetes.
pay somebody back = devolver dinero a alguien • Thank you for lending me the moncy. l'II pay you back next week.
... Te lo devolveré ...
knock over = tirar, hacer caer (objetos o personas) • Be careful. Don't knock your cup over. también: (be) knocked over (by a car etc.} = (ser) atropellado • There was an accident at che end of che road. A man was knocked over by a car. (o A man was knocked down by a car.)
show (somebody} round/around = hacer de guía • We visited a factory last week. The manager showed us round.
Apéndice 8 Cuantificadores (very/much/many etc.) La tabla y /os ejemplos siguientes resumen los usos en inglés de distintas palabras y expresiones cuantificadoras (muy/ demasiado/ no tan ... como ... / ¿Cuánto(s) ... ? etc.): muy/mucho(s}
YERY con ad¡ehvos
(big/tired/good/ bcauriful, etc.)
con adverbios
(quickly/badly/ carcfully/ suddenly etc.)
Brad is very tired. • The film wasn'r vcry good.
no tan ... como ... / no tanto(s} ... como ...
¿Qué ... ? ¿Cuánto(s} ... ?
NOTAS ... AS ...
• Rome is notas old as Arhens. • Tcnnis isn'r as popular a foorball.
• How tallare you? • How far is ir ro rhc shops from
.............. ...
··········· ........
l can'r work.
too ti red. • Those books are too cxpcnsivc. l'rn
........... ... ............... ...............
Suc lcarns things vcry quickly. • Our rearn played vcry badly.
I can 't undcrsrand
Bruce. He speakv too quickly.
• 1 don'r piar rcnnis as oftcn as you. • l c111 'r speak Frcnch as wcll as
(no 'very bad')
con sustantivos incontables
( food/snow/coffee/ money etc.)
hcre? • How old is your
• How oftcn do > ou go ro the cinema? • How wcll can you ~ki?
KOT AS MUCH ... AS ...
• Do you drink much coffcc? • l ha ven 't gor much moncy.
• We drink too rnuch
• 1 ha ven 't got as much money as
• How much coffcc do you drink? • How much money do I nccd for rbc
• You spcnd too much moncy.
• 1 don 't drink as much coffcc as
lUCH ... ?
con verbos (ear/ drink/smokc etc.)
• Do you wurch TV
con comparativos
• This hotel is much bcrrcr than rhc othcr one bur ir's much more
( older/bettcr/more cxpcnsivc etc.)
• Some pcoplc ralk too much.
• 1 don't go out as
TOO tvlt\
. OT A~ t\lAt\Y ...
much as you.
• How much does ir CO\t?
~1A. Y*
HO\XI ~1A Y ... ?
t\S ... con sustantivos en plural (books/shops/ rnen/pcoplc etc.)
• l la ve you got man y fricnds in thc USA? • Therc arcn'r many hotcls in this town,
• 1 eat loo many vwccrs,
• 1 don 't know a,; man> pcople a
• There wcre too rnany pcople in thc restaurant.
• 1 didn't rake a many photos as you,
* en las frases afirmativas
es más frecuente usar a loe (of) (mucho/muchos):
• 1 drink a lot of coffec. (no 'I drink rnuch coffcc') • Shc travcls a lot. • A lor of pcople spcak English. Se puede decir very rnuch y vcry man y I= mucho/muchísimo/muchos/muchísimos):
• • • • 240
1 like foorball very much. Me gusta mucho el fútbol. Sue hasn'r got very much money. Sueno tiene mucho dinero. Thank you very much. Muchas/Muchísimas gracias. There arcn'r vcry many hotels in this town, No hay muchos hoteles ...
• How rnany photos did ) ou rakc? • How many pcoplc werc there in thc re rauranr?
Ejercicios complementarios Lista de ejercicios:
1-2 3
11iiHHfill 11 HHiil1 11:¡.,¡.¡¡¡1:1
8-9 10-13 14
15 16-18 19-22
30 31-32 33
l'RESENT Sl.'v1Pl.E
y PAST Sllvll'LE
PAST SIMPLE y l'AS'I' presente y pasado
23 24-27
1-3, 6--8, 10
l'ltiHMfi@I IUtlM t.ffJIIEI 111W+Mfiflf1 11WHM!i0f1 11WMMiil#1I 11: HH!IEf11
presente, pasado y l'RESE:--JT voz pasiva futuro pasado, presente y futuro -ing e infinitivo a y thc preposiciones
4-21, 27-30 51-55, 99, 106-107 65-86, 68-73 97-102, 105
am/is/are 1
Escribe frases sobre /os dibujos usando /as palabras de los cuadros+
Amt Kate
The chil
. . Jl:i.~.. ~i:n.4'>~.~ ..
on rhe rabie hungry asleep ~ full
2 .. >.-11.11 3 Karc 4 5
ncar rhc station a doctor
6 7
i:6.l'.'.'t..11.c,,P.P.!i, . .
Completa las frases. . ' 1 'A re you h ungry. )' 'N o, b ur l'm t 1ursty. 2 ' ... your parcnts?' 'They're very wcll.' 3 'Is Linda at home?' 'No,
~º~. .~~ . .
4 ' 5 Where is Pete from?
6 7 8 9 10 11
'Are you a teacher?'
' Where's your car?
' '
ar work.' 'In che kitchen.' American or British? hor today. The temperature is 35 degrees. 'No, a student.' your umbrella?' 'Green.' in che car park? tired?' 'No, I'm fine.' these oranges?' 'Thirty pence each.' my kcys?'
(l'm working / are you working? etc.)
hii il4111
Usa /as palabras entre paréntesis para escribir frases. 1 A: Where are your parenrs?
B: .. To.f:!:l'.r.~...~.~~.t.IY..-.... (they/watch!TV) 2 A: Paula is going out. B: .M.i.q,Ú .. ~n..~.. ge>i.tig}.. (where/she/go?) 3 A: Where's David?
4 A: ........................................................................................................... B: No, they're asleep.
5 A: ..................................................................................... .....................
(he/have/a bath) (the children/play?)
? (ir/rain?)
No, not at che mornenr. 6 A: Where are Sue and Steve?
7 A: ........................................................................................................... B: ..............................................................................................................
(they/come/now) (why/you/stand/here?) (Uwaiúfor somebody)
(1 work / she doesn't work / do you work? etc.)
Completa las frases usando el PRESENT SIMPLE. 1 ~.~.. ~~~ ... ~!:v.~ .... ar work early. (Sue/always/arrive) 2 W~ ..M.~) ..~~ ... TV very often. (wc/nor/watch) 3 How often .... Af... .Y~... !"~11 .... your hair? (you/wash) 4 I want
5 6
to go to the cinema bur
to go out this evening?
to go. (Chris/not/want) (you/want)
near here? (Ann/live) 7 a lot of people. (Sarah/know) 8 I enjoy travelling but very much. [l/not/travel) 9 What time in che morning? (you/usually/get up) 10 My parents are usually at home in the evening . very often. (they/notlgo out) 11 work at five o'clock. (Tim/always/finish) 12 A: What ? (Jill/do) B: in a hotel. (she/work)
¡: : jfrjfjj:•
Observa las preguntas 1 2 3 4
5 6
7 8 9
am/is/are y have (got)
1-3, IHI, 10
las respuestas de Claire. Escribe frases sobre Claire.
Are you marricd? Do you livc in London? Are you a studcnt? Have you gota car? Do you go out a lot? Havc you gota lot of fricnds? Do you like London? Do you like dancing? Are you intcrcsred in sport?
No. Yes. Yes. o. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. ~ No.
5.11.~.. ~.1'1.\..1'.1:1.~~: ..... 5.11.~--~~-~---~.JR~4º1'1., ....
3 4
5 6 7 8 9
Completa las preguntas .
························· Where ...................... How
... ~
Brian. Yes, I am. In Barron Road . Yes, a da ughter. She's thrce.
? any children? ?
) ............................................................................................. ........................................................................ your job ? .................................................................................. a car? ............................................................ to work by car?
l'm 29.
I work in a supermarkct . No, 1 hatc it . Yes, 1 have . No, l usually go by bus.
Who is rhis man?
...................................................................................... .............. ..................... ................................................. .............................................................
? ?
in London?
That's my brothcr. Michael. He's a travcl agent . No, in Manchester.
Haz frases usando estas palabras. 1 Sarah often / rennis 2 1 / a new car 3 my shoes / dirty 4 Sonia / 32 years old 5 T / two sisters 6 wc often / TV in thc evening 7 Ann never / a hat 8 a bicyclc / two whecls 9 rhese flowcrs / bcautiful 10 Mary / German very wcll
. . _So.J-oJ-1 .. often pt.o.ys . tenni.6 . ... .l've _9.ot_ o..__new .. cor . ·····~--~~-Q~~---o.!~ ..~: . Sonia ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................
(l'm working) y PRESENT SIMPLE (I work)
Completa las frases. Picase he quier. (Uwork)
.. .!'.~..~~rt:0.9:..
. ..... (you/cook) ?
Selecciona las expresiones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 1 1 12
'Are you speeking / Do you speak English?' 'Yes, a little.' Do you Sornetirnes we're going / we go away at weekends. lr's a nice day toda y. The sun is shining ! shines. (You meet Ann in the street.) Helio, Ann. Where are you going / do you How often are you going / do you go un holiday? Emily is a writer. She's writing / Shc writes books for children. l'm never reading / I never read ncwspapers. 'Where are Michael and Jane?' 'Thcy're watching / They watch TV in Helen is in her office. She's talking / She talks to somcbody. What time are you usually having / do you usually have dinner? John isn't ar home ar the mornent. He's visiting / He visits sorne friends. 'Would you like some tea?' 'No, thank you, l'rn not drinking / T don't
speak es la forma correcta
che living room.'
drink cea.'
was/were y PAST 1O
(1 worked / did you work? etc.)
Completa las frases usando sólo una palabra. 1 l gor up early and ... h%... a shower.
2 Tom was tired last nighc, so he 3 1 chis pcn 4
5 6 7
8 9
to bed early. che floor. Ts ir yours? Kare gor married when she 23. Helen is learning to drive. She her firsr lesson yesterday. '!'ve gor a new job.' 'Yes, I know. David me.' 'Where did you buy that book?' 'It was a prescnr. Ann it to me.' We hungry, so we had somerhing to eat. 'Did you enjoy rhe film?' 'Yes, 1 ir was very good.' 'Did Mary come to your party?' 'No, we her, bue she didn't come.' 011
Observa las preguntas y las respuestas de Kevin. Escribe frases sobre Kevin cuando era pequeño. When you wcre a child ...
J 2 3
Were you rall? Did you like school? Were you good at sport? Did you play football? Did you work hard ar school? Did you have a lot of friends? Did you have a bicycle? Were you a quier child?
5 6 7 8
1' .. 2 He...Liked... sd1ooL . 3 He
No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. No. No.
Completa las preguntas . 1 2
.. M.~~ .. !'.1.~Y.~...
3 4 5 6 7
............................................................. there? ............................................... Arnstcrdarn?
a nice holiday?
... M!.~~...
......................................................................... ............................................................. ..............................................................
good? back?
Yes, it was great thanks. To Amsrerdam . Five days . Yes, very rnuch . I have friends in Amsrcrdam, so I stayed with rhern . Yes, ir was warm and sunny . Yesterday .
Pon el verbo en la forma correcta (afirmativa, negativa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O
o interrogativa).
Ir was a good party ... 1... ~()He.4 ... it. (l/enjoy) ' ...M .. H<:-1...~ ... the shopping?' (you/do) 'No, I ~.'.t.b.~:{~.. time.' (l/have) 'Did you phone Alan?' 'No, I'rn afraid .' (1/forget) 1 like your new watch. Where it? (you/get) I saw Lucy at the party but to her. (1/speak) A: a nice weekend? (you/have) B: Yes, 1 went to stay with sorne friends of mine. Paul wasn't well yesterday, so to work. (he/go) 'Is Mary here?' 'Yes, five minutes ago.' (she/arrive) Where before he carne herc? (Robert/live) The restaurant wasn't expcnsive. .. very rnuch. (the meal/cost)
(1 worked) y PAST
Observa /os dibujos y completa las frases usando el PAST
lt ...!':'!~ ...r.~.9.... (rain) when we ... ~~t . (go) out.
(1 was working) o el
Whcn I arrivcd ar thc office, Jane and Paul ................................................................. (work) ar their desks.
Catherine boughr a magazine but she ................................................................ (nor/read) it. She didn't have time.
1 ...............................................................
(finish) my meal, (pay) the bill and
............................................... (leave) the restaurant.
I she
(see) Kare rhis morning. (walk) along thc srreet and (wait) for the bus .
h i·IHiilfi
presente y pasado 15
Completa /as frases usando una de estas formas: PRESENT SIMPLE (1 work etc.) PAST SIMPI.E (I workcd etc.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12
You can tur n off the television. l ... '.~.. ~t.~~-~9 ... (nor/watch) it. Last night Jenny ...~ (fall) asleep while she ~~-.r~':'A~9 ... (read). Listen! Somebody (play) the piano. 'Have you got my key?' 'No, J (give) it back to you.' David is very lazy. He (noúlikc) hard work. Where (your parenrs/go) for rheir holidays last year? I (see) Diane yesterday. She new car. A: (you/warch) relevision very ofren? B: No, I havcri'r gota televisión set. A: What (you/do) at 6 o'clock lasr Sunday morning? B: I was in bcd aslccp. Andy isn't at home vcry much. He (go) away a lor. 1 (try) to find a job ar rhc morncnr. Ir's very difficult. I'm tired rhis morning. I (not/sleep) very well last night.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS (l am working etc.) PAST CONTINUOUS (1 was working etc.)
(1 have done/ she has been etc.)
(drive) her
Observa /os dibujos y completa /as frases usando el PRESENT PERFECT. 1
I'm looking for Julia . .........................................
.. her?
The wcathcr is horrible
hcrc, Ir ............. ............................
. ali day.
Completa las frases (puedes usar 1, 2 ó 3 palabras). 1 Mark and Liz are married. They ....l:!~X~ ..~~--- married for five years. 5 o'clock. ar work since 8.30. 4 'Have you [ust arrived in London ?' ' o, l've been here 5 I've known Ann we were ar school together, 6 'My brorher livcs in Los Angeles.' 'Really? How long 7 George has had rhc sarne job 20 years. 8 Sorne friends of ours are staying with us at the moment. They here sincc Monday.
2 David has been watching TV ~~~ 3 Martin is at work. He
five days.' there?' .
Completa las frases escribiendo sobre ti.
I've never 2 l've ... b.~ 3 I've just
r:~4A~:l'.1 .. ~.. !:1o.r:~~:.... t;o_Jo.1'14.-gn many times. .
4 I've
(once I twice I a few times I many times)
5 6 7 8
1 haveri'r I've never l've )'ve
since for
(I have done etc.) y PAST SIMPLE (I did etc.)
SIMPLE? Completa las frases (afirmativas
A: Do you like London? B: 1 don't know. 1 ... l:!~x~1.b.~
yet. . . .
o negativas).
.... there.
2 A: Have you seen Ann? B: Yes, 1 ... ~~ .... her five minutes ago. 3 A: That's a nicc sweater. Is it new? B: Yes, 1
it lasr week.
4 A: Are you rired this morning? B: Yes, T ...................................•........................•.
ro bed late lasr nighr.
5 A: Do you want the newspaper or can I have it? B: You can have it. 1 6 A: Are you enjoying your new job? B: T yet.
My firsr day is nexr Monday.
7 A: The weather isn'r very nice roday, is it? B: No, but ir very nice yesrerday. 8 A: Was Linda ar che parry on Saturday? B: 1 don't think so. 1 9 A: Is your son srill at school? B: No, he
her there.
school two years ago.
10 A: Is Sylvia married?
B: 11 A: B:
Yes, she
married for five years.
Have you heard of George Washington? Of course. He
the firsr President of rhe United Sta tes.
Haz frases con las palabras entre paréntesis y usando el PRF'>I T PFRFFCT o el PAST SIMPLE.
A: Have you been to Scotland? B: Yes, ... ! ... ~~~ ..~~~ .. ~t.Y~.,... 2 A: Do you likc Lonclon? B: 1 don'r know ... .!.'.Y.~...i:1~~.~..}~
(1 f go f rhcre f lasr year) .. ~.~~......
(1 f ncvcr f rhcrc)
A: Whar time is Paul going out? B: 4 A: Has Carherine gone home? B: Yes,.................................................................................................................................................................. 5 A: ew York is my favourite city.
Is it?
6 A: What are you doing rhis weekend? B: 1 don'r know
(he f already f go) (she f go f ar 4 o'clock)
(how man y times f you f there?) ..
(1 f nor f decide f yer)
7 A: 1 can't fincl my address book. Have you seen ir?
(it fon che table f last nighr)
8 A: Are you hungry? B: No,
(I / just f eat)
9 A: Paula and Suc are hcrc. B: Are rhey?
¿PRI l·
J>ERFF.C ro PAST Sli\lPLL? Completa las frases.
A: .... tl~V.~.. .!:l~ ...b.~
B: Yes, many times.
.. to
A: When B: Two years ago.
rhe last time?
2 A: Is chis your car?
B: Ye~, it is.
A: How long B: le' new. l
it? ir ycsrcrday.
3 A: Where do you livc?
B: In Harold Srreer, A: How long B: Five ycars. Befare that in Mill Road. A: How long B: Abour rhree years. 4 A: What do you do? B: 1 work in a shop. A: How long B: early two years. A: What 8: 1
rhere? . in Mill Road?
rhcre? before rhar? a taxi driver.
(whar rime f they f arrive?)
Escribe frases sobre ti. . .. 1 ... ~~--~-:fc>r.
1 2 3 4
(yesterday morning) (last night) (yesterday afternoon) ( ... days ago) 5 (Iasr week) 6 (Iast year)
.. "".0.IJ.ll:1'19:...
presente, pasado y PRESENT PERFECT 23
Selecciona la opción correcta. ' ....1.5....5.',A.~. ~.o.iti;rig.... ?'
'No, she's on holiday.'
A Does Sue work 2 'Where A lives your uncle 3 1 speak ltalian bur A I speak nor
B Is working Sue
A wcrc you
B was you
C He has
7 l B didn't wcnt
8 Liz is from Edinburgh. She A is living B has lived B has waited
I O 'How long A do you lcarn
O I le has had
it four times. D I've secn
out last night. I was too rired. C didn't go D havcn't gonc there all her life. C lives
D livcd
C was waiting
B are you Iearning
forme when l arrived. D has becn waiting
English?' 'Six months.' C you are learning D have you been learning
1 1 Martin is English but he lives in France. He has becn rherc
A for thrce ycars 12 'What time A has Ann phoncd 13 What A did Suc wcar
D I don't speak
angry with me yesterday? C you were D have you becn
6 My favourite film is Cleo 's Dream A l'm sccing B I scc C I saw
9 My fricnd A waited
Frcnch. C I doesn't speak
a shower at thc mornent.' B He havc
5 Why
A don't go
D Does work Sue
'' 'In a village near London.' B does your uncle live C your uncle lives B l'm not speaking
4 'Where's Tom?' ' A Hc's having
C ls Sue working
B since three years
C rhree years ago ?'
B Ann has phoned
'About an hour ago.' C did Ann phone D is Ann phoning
when you saw her? B was Suc wcaring C has Suc worn
14 'Can you drive?' 'No, A I never drove B I'm never driving
.. . D during three years
D was wearing Sue
a car but I want to learn.' C I'vc ncvcr drivcn D T was ncvcr driving
15 1 saw Lisa ar thc station whcn I was going to work this morning but she A didn't see B don't see C hasri't seen D didn't saw
voz pasiva 24
Completa las frases.
These houses ...~~~...b.~#. ... 20 years ago. Befare that there was a cinema here but the building (damage) in a fire and had ro (knock clown).
This bridge (build] in 1925. lt (use) by hundreds of people every
This streer Srrecr. lt used ro James Streer bur the namc (change) a few years ago.
This is a bicycle facrory. Bicycles . ........................................... (make) here since 1931. It's rhe largesr bicycle factory in the country - hundreds of bicycles {produce) here every ycar.
6 7
8 9 10
(call) .
We ·--~-~~--~~!~:d..... (invite) ro rhe parry but we didn't go. The museum is very popular. Every year ir (visir) by thousands of people. Many buildings (darnagc) in the storrn last week. A ncw road is going to (build) ncxr year. 'Whcre's your jacket?' 'Ir........... .. (clean). Ir will be ready romorrow.' Shc's famous now, bur in a fcw ycars her name will (forgcr). 'Shall I do rhc washing-up?' 'No, ir (already/do).' Milk should (kecp) in a fridgc. (you/ever/bite) by a snake? My bag (srcal) from my car yestcrday afternoon.
Escribe una frase diferente que signifique lo mismo . I omebody has stolen my keys. 2 Somebody stole my car last weck. 3 Somebody wants you on rhe phonc. 4 omcbody has caten the bananas. 5 Sornebody will repair rhe machine. 6 Somebody is watching us. 7 Somebody has to buy rhc food.
(call) Wilton
Completa las frases.
l 2 3 4
.. M:i .. ~.~~---~-~~--~~--~-~~: ..
My car You The The We The
. . . . . .
¿Voz activa o voz pasiva? Completa las frases. 1 They ...~.~..b.0.~9.... (build) a ncw airport ar rhe rnornent.
2 These shirts are clcan now. They ~~Y:~ 3 'How did you fall?' 'Somebody 4 'How did you fall?' 'T 5 I can't find my bag. Somebody 6 My warch is broken. lt 7 Who 8 When 9 The letter was forme, so why 1 O The information will
(wash). (push) me.' (push).'
(take) it! (repair) at thc mornent. (invcnt) che carnera? (thc camcra/invent)? (they/send) it to you? (send) to you as soon as possible.
futuro 28
Elige la mejor opción .
....W.Ú~...~~X~9 ..... a party next Sunday. 1 hope you can come. A We have
B We're having
C We'II have
2 Do you know about Sally? A She leaves B She's going to leave
her job. She told me last week.
C She'Il leavc
3 There's a programme on television that I want to watch A lt starts B lt's starting C lt will start
4 The weather is nice now but I think A it rains
5 'Whar A do you do
B it's raining
later. it will rain
.......................................... next weekend?'
B are you doing
in five minutes.
'Nothing special. Why?'
C will you do
6 'When you see Ann, can you ask her to phone me?' A I ask B l'm going to ask C I'll ask
7 'What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?' A I have B I'm going to have C I'II have
8 Don't take that newspaper away A I read B I'rn going to read 9 Rache! is ill, so A she doesn'c come
tea, picase.' it.
C I'II read to the party tomorrow night.
B shc isn't coming
1 O I want to rneet Sarah at che sration. What time B is her train going A does her train arrivc
C she won't come to
11 'Will you be ar home tomorrow evening?' 'No A T go out B l'm going out C T'II go out
12 ' A Do I phone
? is her train arriving .'
you tornorrow?' 'Yes, OK.' B Am I going to phone C Shall I phone
pasado, presente y futuro 29
Completa las frases.
A: ...P.i4.. ~~ ...90. (you/go) out last night?
o, (l/stay) at home. 8: A: Whar (you/do)? B: ...................................................................... (l/warch) television. A: ...................................................................... (you/go) out tomorrow night? ([/go) to thc cinema. 8: Yes, (you/sce)? A: Which film .. 8: .......................................................... (1/not/know).
A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:
Are you on holiday herc? Yes, we are. How long (you/bc) herc? ...................................................................... (we/arrive) yesterday. And how long (you/stay)? Until the end of next week. And (you/like) it here? Yes, (we/have) a wonderful time.
(I/just/remember) . 3 A: Oh, (Jill/phone) while you were out. B: ...................................................................... (shc/always/phone) when I'm not here . ...................................................................... (she/leave) a message? (she/want) you to phone her back as soon as possible. A: o, bue (Uphone) her now. B: OK, ...................................................................... (you/know) her number? (Uget) ir for you. A: Ir's in my address book 4 A:
(l/go) out wirh Chris and Steve this cvening . ...................................................................... (you/want) to come with us? B: Yes, where (you/go)? A: To che ltalian restaurant in North Street (you/ever/eat) therc? 8: Yes, (l/be) there rwo or three times. In fact 1 chere last night bue I'd love to go again!
5 A:
(Ulosc) my glasscs again . (you/scc) thcm? B: (you/wcar) them when ...................................................................... (I/comc) in. A: Well, (1/not/wear) them now, so whcre are thcy? B: (you/look) in rhc kitchen? A: No, (1/go) and look now. ......................................................................
-ing e infinitivo 30
INDADES51-55, 99, 106-107
Selecciona la opción correcta. Don't forger ... ~ ..~.~.~ .... off the light before you go out. A switch B to switch C switching 2 lt's late. 1 muse A go B to go
now. C going
3 I'rn sorry but I haven't got time A for talking
to you now.
B to talk
C talking
4 Bill is always in rhe kirchen. He enjoys A cook
B to cook
C cooking
5 Wc've dccidcd A go
away for a few days.
8 to go
C going
6 You're making roo much noise. Can you picase stop A shour
8 to shout
7 Would you like A come B to come
C shouting
to dinner on Sunday?
8 That bag is roo heavy for you, Lec me A help B ro help C helping
9 There's a swimming pool near my house. 1 go A to swim B to swimming C swimming 1 O Did you use a dictionary A ro translate B for translaring 1
12 13
I'd love A have
B to have
Could you A help
B to help
T don't
A sit
che letter? C for rranslare
a car like yours. C having me with rhis bag, picase? C helping
here bur I'd prefer ro sir by che window. B to sir
14 Do you want A thar I help 15
every day.
C sitting . B me ro help
. you? me helping
I always read the newspaper before A start B to start C starting
16 I wasn't feeling very well bur che medicine made me A feel B ro feel C feeling 17 Shall I phone che restaurant A for reserve B for reserving 18
Tom looked at me without A say B saying C to say
berrer. a table?
C ro reserve anything.
a y the 31
UIIIDADES 6s-66, 68-73
Completa las frases. 1
.: ~~~;.' .
Nothing, they're
····························· · ···· · . ~·;e
Completa /as frases cona/ano
the cuando sea necesario. Si a/an/the no son necesarios deja el espacio en blanco(-).
1 Who is ... ~~--- best player in your team? 2 1 don't watch .. ::-.... television very often. 3 'Is there . . (!,,,_ .• bank near here?' 4 I can't ride horse.
'Yes, at ·--~~--- end of chis street.'
5 sky is very clear tonight. 6 Do you live here orare you tourist? 7 What did you have for lunch? 8 Who was first President of United States? 9 'What time is it?' '1 don't know. I haven't got watch.' 10 l'm sorry bue I've forgotten your name. I can never remember 11 What time is next train to London? 12 Kate never writes letters. She prefers to phone people. 13 'Where's Sue?' 'She's in garden.' 14 Excuse me, I'm looking for Majestic Hotel. Is it near here? 15 Gary was ill last week, so he didn't go to work. 16 Everest is highest mountain in world. 17 I usually listen to radio while l'm having breakfast. 18 1 like sport. My favourite sport is basketball. 19 Julia is doctor. Her husband is art teacher. 20 My apartment is on second floor. Turn left at top of 21 After dinner, we watched television. 22 Last year we had wonderful holiday in south of
stairs, and it's on France.
preposiciones 33
UNIDADES 97-102, 105
Completa /as frases con una preposición (in/for/by etc.). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12
13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20
Helen is studying law ...'Mi.. university. What is the longest river Europe? Is there anything televisión chis evening? We arrived the hotel after midnight. 'Where's Mike?' 'He's holiday.' Tom hasn't gor up yet. He's scill bed. Linda is away. She's been away Monday. The next meeting is 15 April. I usually go to work car. There's too much sugar my coffee. Kevin lived in London six months, He didn't like it very much. Were chere a lor of people the party? What are you doing the moment? Are you working? J don't know any of che people chis phorograph. The train was very slow. It stopped every station. J like rhis room. J like che pictures rhe walls. 'Did you buy that picture?' 'No, it was given to me a friend of mine.' I'm going away a few days. 1'11 be back Thursday. Silvia has gone lcaly. She's Milan at che moment. Ann left school fifteen and got a job a shop.
Soluciones a los ejercicios En muchos ejercicios se pueden usar las formas completas del verbo ('I am, it is, she will, he has' etc.) o las contracciones ('I'm, it's, she'Il, he's' etc.). En el Apéndice 4 encontrarás las contracciones. Algunos ejercicios pueden tener más de una respuesta correcta (aparecerán señalados como 'modelo de respuesta') y las traducciones pueden no coincidir exactamente con las que tú hagas. En caso de duda, consulta con tu profesor o profesora. UNIDAD 1 2 they'rc 3 ir's nor I it isn'r 4
l'm nor 6 you're nor I you aren'r
2 'm/am 3 IS 4 are 5 's/is 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 are 7 1s ... are 8 'm/am ... is
My brother is a policcman. This housc isn't / is not very old. The shops arcn't / are nor open today. My keys are in my bag. Jenny is a good swimmer. You aren't / are nor very tall.
Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
1 My name is Robert. 2 l'm from Australia. 3 l'm married. 4 l'm a compurer programmer. 5 My farher is a businessman. 6 My favourite colours are black and whue. 2 He's I He is strong. 3 They're I They are tired. 4 He's I He is sad. 5 She's I She is rall. 6 They're I They are angry.
2 l'm / 1 am rired. o l'm nor / 1 arn not nred. 3 h's / h is very late. o lt isn't / h's not very late. 4 My hands are cold. o My hands aren't I are not cold. 5 Canada is a very big counrry. 6 Dramonds arcn't / are not cbeap. 7 l'm / 1 ama good dancer. o l'm / I am nota good danccr. 8 Brussels iso't / is not m France. l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
My mother is English. lr's six (o'clock). The soup is cold. Carherine isn't m London. She's in Birmingham. My parcnrs arcn't Spanish. Ricardo is rall and rhin/slim, My housc is old bur it's big and ir's in rhe centre. My father isn't a teacher,he's a mechanic. This glass isn'r clean. Ir's very dirry.
I O Look! Here's your sisrer. 11 lr's late. 12 Heleo isn't I is nor herc, She's I She is working. l 3 Here's / l lcrc is your bag. 14 My sisrer isn't I is not vcry happy coday. Shc's I She is sad.
6 E
3 11
7 B
4 e 5 A
9 D
3 Is your job interescing? 4 Ate rhe shops open today? 5 Are you from London? 6 Is che post office near here? 7 Are your children ar school? 8 Why are you sad? 2 Where is
3 How much are 4 What is
5 Who is 6 What colour are
2 Are you marricd or single? 3 Are you American? 4 Are you a ceacher? 5 Is your wife a lawyer? 6 Where's I Wherc is she from? 7 What's I What is her name?
2 Yes, I am. o No, l'm nor. 3 Yes, ir is. o No, ir isn't. / No, ir's nor, 4 Yes, chey are. o No, they aren'r. / No, they'rc not, 5 Yes, it is. o No, it isn'r. / No, it's nor. 6 Yes, 1 am. o No, l'm not. 1 Are you happy? 2 Wherc's I Where is Tom? Is he at home? 3 How are your parcnts? 4 How much is chis umbrella? 5 'What colour are your cycs?' 'They're I They are green.' 6 What is I Whac's che time? Is ir late? 7 What colour are your gloves? 8 Where is Susan from? 9 'Is Mary English?' 'No, she's lrish.' 10 'Ate you happy?'
UNIDAD 3 2 She's I She is rhirsty. 3 They're I They are asleep,
4 He's /lle is afraid. 5 Thcy'rc I They are hungry. 6 She's I She is in a hurry. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
He's / 1 le rs l'm / I amo we're I we are Is she they're I they are Are you l'm / 1 am o lr's I le rs is he lt's I le is ... lr's I h is
2 l'm / I am hungry o l'm nor / 1 am nor hungry. 3 l'm / 1 am in a hurry. o l'm not / 1 arn DO! in a hurry. 4 l'm / I am afeaid of dogs. o l'm DO! I I am not afraid of dogs. 5 l'rn I I am cold. o l'm not / l am not cold. 6 l'm / I am inreresced in films. o l'm Dot / Iam Dot interested in 6lms. 7 l'm / I am thirsry. o l'm not / I am not thirsry. 8 l'm / I am ... o l'm / 1 am ... years old. Are you cold? 2 l'm / I am very hot. Can you open che door? 3 Carmen is 16. o ... is 16 years old. 4 l'm not / I am not incerested in cenms. 5 lt's noc / lt is not sunny roday bue 1c's / 1t is hot. 6 José is rired and hungry. 7 lt's /Iris very warm/hoc in my housc. 8 l'm not afraid of spiders. o I am noc afra1d ... 9 'Are you hungry?' 'No, bue l'm th1rsry.' 10 Is u very cold m lccland? 11 Are you incerested in foocball? 12 'Whcre is Ana?' 'She's asleep.' 13 Why are they lace? 14 We're I Wc are interesced in scienceficr1on. IS Don'c run. We'rc noc I We are nor in a hurry. 16 You're I You are right. lc's / le is vcry warm/hot in chis room. 17 They'rc I They are rwms and they'rc I they are 19. o ... 19 years old. 18 Bruce is afraid of insccts.
UNIDAD 4 2 's/is wairing 3 're/are playing
Soluciones a los ejercicios
4 He's/He is lying
5 They're!Thcy are having 6 She's/She is sitring 2 's/is cooking 3 're/are standing 4 is swirnrning 5 're/are sraying 6 's/is having 7 're/are building 8 'm/am going 3 She's/She is sitting on rhe floor, 4 She's not/She isn't rcading a book. 5 She's not/She isn't playing che piano. 6 She's/She is laughing. 7 She's/She is wcaring a hat. 8 She's nor/She isn't wriring a letrer. 3 I'rn sirring on a chair. o l'm not sitting on a chair. 4 l'rn eating. o l'm not eating. 5 Ir's raining. o le isn't raining. / lt's not raining. 6 l'm learning English. 7 I'm lisrening ro music. o I'rn not listening ro music. 8 The sun is shining. o The sun isn't shining. 9 l'm wearing shocs, o I'rn nor wearing shoes. 10 l'm not reading a newspaper. 1 Marra is playing rhe guitar. 2 Pablo is sitting and Sandra is standing. 3 Ir's raining a loe now. 4 My sister is wearing a blouse and a skirc today. 5 Javier is playing football in the park. 6 Turn off the television. You are not watching it. 7 Ana is lying in bed. 8 Laura isn'r standing, she's sitring there. 9 Paul is swimming in the swimming pool. 10 Liz is writing a letter.
UNIDAD 5 2 3 4 5 6
Are you going now? Is it raining? Are you enjoying che film? is that dock working? Are you writing a letrer?
2 Where is she going? 3 What are you eating? 4 Why are you crying? 5 What are they looking at? 6 Why is he laughing? 3 4 5 6
Are you listening to me? Where are your friends going? Are your parenrs watching television? Whac is Aun cooking?
7 Why are you looking ar me? 8 Is rhe bus coming? 2 Yes, 1 am. o No, l'm nor. 3 Yes, 1 am. o No, l'm not, 4 Yes, it is. o No, ir isn't, / No, ir's nor, 5 Yes, 1 am. o No, l'm nor. 6 Yes,! arn. o No, l'm not. 1 Are you watching television? 2 'What is Marra doing?' 'She's playing rennis.' 3 'What are you writing?' 'A lerrer.' 4 Is your sister working today? 5 Why are you standing (up)? 6 'What are you doing?' 'I'm reading the newspaper.' 7 Where is Luis going? Why is he running? 8 You're I You are wearing a very nice shirt,
UNIDAD 6 2 rhinks 3 flies 4 dances 2 live 3 She ears 4 They play 2 open 3 doses 4 teaches 5 meet 6 washes 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 has 6 finishes
5 They go 6 He sleeps
7 cosrs 8 cosr 9 boils 10 likc ... likes
1 often play basketball. Margarer usually works hard. Jcnny always wears nice clothes. We always have dinner ar 7.30. Tim never watches relevision. Children usually like chocolate. Julia always enjoys parties.
UNIDAD 7 7,1 2 Jane docsn't play rhe piano very well. 3 They don't know my phone number. 4 Wc don'r work vcry hard. 5 He doesn't have a barh every day. 6 You don't do the same rhing every day.
Carel doesn'c like classical music. I like (o Idon't like) classical music. 2 Bill and Rose don'r like boxing. Carel likes boxing. 1 like (o I don't like) boxing, 3 Bill and Rose like horror films. Carel doesn't like horror filrns, 1 like (o I don't like) horror films. 7.3 2-5 Se puede usar: I ncvcr (go/ride etc.); l often ... o l don'r very often. 7,4 2 doesn't use 3 don't go 4 docsn't wcar I
2 3 4 5
1 usually read in bed. 1 often ger up before 7 o'clock. 1 never go to work by bus. 1 usually drink rwo cups of coffee in the morning.
1 Susana works in a hospital. 2 1 study English every day. 3 1 somerirnes go ro the cinema with my friends. o Sometimes I go ... 4 My parenrs live in Valencia. 5 Liz likes classical music. 6 We always have breakfast in che kitchen. 7 1 never drink wine, bue I sometirnes drink a beer. o ... sometimes I drink ... 8 1 like skiing.
3 don't know 4 doesn't talk 5 drinks
6 don't believe 7 like 8 doesn'r ear
1 Wc don'r go to che cinema very often. 2 1 don't know your sisrers. 3 Luis doesn'r work in Spain. 4 My father drives a lorry, bue he doesn'r like his job. 5 lt doesn't rain much in Madrid in
surnmer. 6 I don't smoke and I don't eat mear. o I don't smoke or eat mear. 7 Teresa speaks French, but she doesn'r speak English. 8 They live in a big/large flat, bur they don't like ir. 9 We don't usually go out in the evening.
... -
Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien Que hable inglés.AQuí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
5 don'r know 6 doesn'r cose 7 don't sec
UNIDAD 8 8.1 2 Do you play tennis? 3 Does Ann play tennis? 4 Do your friends live near here? 5 Docs your brother speak English? 6 Do you do exercisesevery morning? 7 Does Paul often go away? 8 Do you want to be famous? 9 Does Linda work hard?
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
How often do you watch TV? What do you want for dinner? Do you like football? Does your brother like football? What do you do in che evenings? Where does your sister work? Do you often go to the cinema? What does this word mean? Does it often snow here? What time do you usually go to bed?
Soluciones a los ejercicios
13 How much docs it cost to phonc New York? 14 Whar do you usually have for breakfasr?
8 1 likc thar song. Who is singing?
8.3 2 Do you enjoy I Do you likc 3 do you srarr 4 Do you work 5 do you go 6 does he do 7
10.1 2 hc's got 3 they've gor 4 she hasn 'r gor
8.4 2 Yes, l do. o No, 1 don'r. 3 Yes, J do. o No, 1 don't. 4 Yes, it does, o No, ir doesn't 5 Yes, 1 do. o No, 1 don'r, 8.5 1 Where do your parenrs live? 2 Do you speak English? 3 Does Pilar like her job? 4 What time do you wake up? 5 Do you like coffee or do you prefer tea? 6 'What do your parents do?' 'My morher is a doctor and my father is a reacher.' 7 How often do you go to the cinema? 8 Whar does 'ride' mean? 9 How much does this camera cost? (o How much is chis camera?)
UNIDAD 9 9.1 2 No, she isn'r. Yes, she
2 3 4 5
don't are does 's/is ... don'r
6 do
7 does 8 doesn't
9.3 4 is singing 5 She wants 6 do you read 7 you're/you are sirring 8 1 don't undersrand 9 I'm going ... Are you coming 10 does your father finish 11 I'm nor listening 12 He's I He is cooking 13 doesn't usually drive ... usually walks 14 doesn'r like ... She prefers 9.4 1 Eva is playing rhe piano. 2 1 usually drink tea, bur now l'm drinking coffee. 3 'What are you doing?' 'l'm studying.' 4 Do you undcrstand what I mean? 5 You can rurn off che radio (o turn the radio off). l'm nor lisrening to ir. 6 'Whar are Juan and Luisa doing?' 'They're watching television.' 7 'Whar do Agustín and Laura do?' 'They'redocrors.'
UNIDAD 10 5 it's gor 6 1 haven't gor
10.2 2 Have you gor a passporr? o Do you have ... ? 3 Has your father gota car? o Does your fa rher ha ve ... ? 4 Has Carol gor many friends? o Does Carol ha ve ... ? 5 Have you gor any brorhers or sisrers? o Do you have ... ? 6 How much money have we got? o ... do we have? 7 What kind of car has Julia got? o ... does Julia havc? 10.3 2 Tina hasn't gota bicycle. / Tina doesn't have a bicycle. I've gor a bicycle. / 1 have a bicycle. o I haven't gota bicycle. I Idon't have a bicycle. 3 Tina has gor long hair. / Tina has long hair. l've gor long hair, / l have long hair. o I haven'r gor long hair. / l don't have long hair. 4 Tina has gor rwo sisrers and two brorhers, / Tina has rwo ... (Modelo de respuesta) I've gor rwo brothers and one sisrer. 10.4
3 's gor I has gor 4 5 6 7
haven't gor 've got I have gor haven'r gor hasn't gor
10.5 3 have gor four wheels (o have four wheels) 4 's got I has gota lor of friends (o has a loe of friends) 5 've gor I have gota roothache (o have gor a toothache) 6 hasn't gor a key (o doesn'r have) 7 has gor six legs (o has six legs) 8 haven't got much rime (o don't have much rime) 10.6 1 !'ve gor (o I have) one sisrer and rwo brothers. 2 Has Ana gor a car? I Does Ana have ... 3 Luis has gor (o has) a new job. 4 Have you gor (o Do you have) a minute? 5 I've got (o l have) a headache and I haven't gor (o I don't have)an aspirin. 6 What have you gor (o do you have) in thar bag? 7 They've gor (o They have) a loe of/many friends in England. 8 We haven't gor (o We don't have) a car because we haven't got (o we don'r have) enough money.
UNIDAD 11 11.1 2 Caro! and Jack were aúin the cinema. 3 Sue was ar rhe starion. 4 Mr and Mrs Hall wcre in/at a restaurant. 5 Ben was on the beach I on a beach I at the seaside. 6 Si es posible, enséñale tu respuesta a alguien que hable inglés. Aqui tienes un modelo de respuesta: 1 was at work.
11.2 2 is ... was 3 am 4 was 5 were
6 7 8 9
are Was was are ... were
11.3 2 wasn't ... was 3 was were 4 Were was ... wasn'r 5 were 6 weren'r ... were 11.4 2 Was your exam difficulc?
3 Where were Ann and Chris last week? 4 How much was your new camera? 5 Why were you angry yesrerday? 6 Was the weather nice lasr week? 11.5 1 l was in rhe office unril 7 (o'clock). 2 Where were you ar 1 O o'clock this morning? 3 What time was rhe concert? 4 Your parents were very kind. 5 My sister was afraid of mice when sbe was a child. 6 lt was late, we were hungry and ir was cold. 7 'Was the weather good?' 'lt was cloudy.' 8 Why are you always late?
UNIDAD 12 12.1 2 opened 3 started ... finished 4 wanted 5 happened 6 rained 7 enjoyed ... stayed 8 died 12.2 2 saw
3 4 5 6 7
played paid visited boughr went
12.3 2 goc 3 had 4 left 5 drove 6 arrived 7 parked 8 went
8 9 10 11 12
9 10 11 12
rhoughr copied knew pur spoke
had wenc waircd deparred 13 arrived 14 took
Soluciones a los ejercicios
12.4 2 lose her keys 3 rner her friends 4 bought rwo newspapers 5 went to che cinema 6 ate an orange 7 had a shower 8 carne (to see us] 12.5
Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 l got up late yesrerday. 3 1 rner sorne friends at lunchtime.
4 l played volleyball, 5 1 wrote a lerrer. 6 1 lost my keys. 12.6 1 1 wcnr ro the cinema yesrcrday. The film finished/cnded ar 11.30. 2 Sam and Sue carne yesterday. Thcy wanted to sec you. 3 1 lived in Argentina when l was a child. 4 Laura knew our (tele)phone nurnber. 5 Andrés sar clown, opened rhe book and rcad a few pages. 6 l paid the bill, put on my coat (o put my coar 011) and wenr home. 7 1 mct your brothcr at thc thcarre.
UNIDAD 13 13.1 2 didn't work 3 didn't go 13.2 2 Did 3 Oíd 4 Dicl 5 Did
4 didn't havc 5 didn't do
you enjoy rhe parry? you have a good holiday? you finish work carly? you slccp wcll lasr night?
13.3 2 1 got up before 7 o'clock. o l didn't ger up before 7 o'clock. 3 I hada showcr. o l didn'r have a shower. 4 1 boughr a magazine. o I didn't buy a magazine. 5 1 are mear. o I didn't ear mear. 6 1 went ro bed bcfore 10.30. o I didn't go ro bed bcfore 10.30. 13.4 2 did you arrivc 3 Did you win 4 did you go 5 did it cost 6 Oíd you go to bed late 7 Oid you have a nice time 8 did it happen I
5 opened 6 didn't have 7 did you do
13.6 1 Oid you clean the kitchen yesterday? 2 Yesrerdaywe didn 't play tennis. 3 'Did you warch television last night?' 'No, l wenr out with my friends.' 4 What time did the meeting start?
5 Why did you come so late? 6 1 didn'r buy che shirt because I didn't like ir. 7 Joaquín and Lucía didn't go on a trip to Seville. 8 Yescerday I did rhe shopping and rhen l saw a film. 9 Marta had an accident and arrived late.
UNIDAD 14 14.1 2 Caro! and Jack were aúin rhe cinema. They were warching a film. 3 Tom was in his car. He was driving. 4 Carherine was at rhe srarion. She was waiting for a train. 5 Mr and Mrs Hall were in rhe park. They were walking. 6 (Modelode respuesta) 1 was in a café. l was having a drink wirh sorne friends. 14.2 2 she was swimming I she was having a swim. 3 she was reading a/the newspaper. 4 she was cooking (lunch). 5 she was having breakfasr. 6 shc was lisrening to music. I ... lisrening ro rhe radio. 14.3 2 Whar were you doing 3 Was ir raining 4 Why was Ann driving 5 Was Tim wearing 14.4 2 He was carrying a bag. 3 He wasn'r going ro rhe denrisr. 4 He was caring an icc-crcam. 5 He wasn't carrying an umbrella. 6 He wasn't going home. 7 He was wearing a hat. 8 He wasn't riding a bicycle. 14.5 1 Tom was in rhc garage. He was repairing his car. 2 We weren't srudying. Wc werc warching relevision. 3 'What were you doing yesterdayar 12?' 'I was doing rhe shopping.' 4 What were your parcnrs doing in rhe hospital? 5 Sandra was wearing a blue skirt and a whire blouse. 6 In 1996 we were living in Canada. 7 Ir was raining ar 8 o'clock rhis morning. o Ar 8 o'clock rhis morning
3 did rhe post arrive ... carne ... was having 4 didn'r go 5 were you driving ... stopped ... wasn't driving 6 Oid your ream win ... didn't play 7 did you break rhe window ... were playing ... kicked ... hit 8 Oid you see ... was wearing 9 were you doing 10 lose ... did you ger ... climbed 15.3 1 When Jack arrived, we were warching relevision. 2 Was it raining when you went out? 3 Ir was snowing when I wenr to bed. 4 The (tele)phone rang ar 7, but I was having/taking a shower. 5 When we opened the window, we saw (thar) ir was raining. 6 Susana fell asleep while Rafa was playing the piano. 7 1 was reading a book when Miguel wenr our.
UNIDAD 16 16.1 2 She has closcd the door. 3 They have gone to bed . 4 lt has stopped raining. 5 1 le has had a bath. 6 The picrure has fa llcn clown. 16.2 2 've boughr I have bought 3 's gone / has gone 4 ! lave you seen 5 has broken 6 've told I havc told 7 has taken 8 has she gone 9 've forgotten I have forgottcn 1 O 's invircd I has invited J 1 1-fave you decided 12 haven't scen 16.3 1 l've finished my work. 2 'Where's Gerry?' 'He's gone out.' 3 We've invited a lot of/many people to our parry. 4 Sandra has lost her keys. Have you seen them? 5 'Has Mary arrived?' '1 havcn'r scen her.' 6 Where have your parents gone on holiday? 7 Have you bought a new compurer? 8 Brian has made his bed.
8 Lucy was wearing a very big har.
UNIDAD 17 UNIDAD 15 15.1 1 happened ... was painting ... fell 2 arrived ... gor were waiting 3 was walking mee ... was going ... was carrying stopped 15.2 2 was srudying
17.1 2 He's/Hehas jusr gor up. 3 They've/Theyhave just boughr a car. 4 The race has jusr started. 17.2 2 they've/rheyhave already seen ir. 3 l've/1 have already phoned him. 4 He's/He has already gone (away). 5 I've/1 have already read ir.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
6 She's/She has already srarred (it). 17.3 2 The bus has jusr gone, 3 Thc bus hasn't gonc yer. 4 He hasn't opcncd ir yer. 5 Thcy've/They havc [usr finished rheir dinner. 6 It hasn't stopped raining yer, 17,4 2 Have you mer your new neighbours yet? 3 Have you written rhe lctter yer? 4 Has hefTom sold his car yer?
17.5 1 I've jusr mer Julia.
2 3 4 5
6 7 8
We haven't seen rhar film yet. Havc you cleaned your shoes yer? Have you srarted your new job yer? Joc hasn'r (tclc)phoned me yer. Have you writren to your friends in England yet? We havcn'r used rhe new washing machinc yer. Ha ve yo u closcd rhe door yer? l've jusr boughr rhe newspaper, bur I haven't read ir yet.
UNIDAD 18 18.1 3 Have you ever 4 Have you ever 5 Have you ever 6 Have you ever 7 Have you ever 8 Have )'OU ever 9 Have you ever
been ro Australia? lost your passport? flown in a helicopter? earen Chinese food? been to New York? driven a bus? broken your leg?
18.2 Tlelen: 2 Hclcn has ncver been ro Australia. 3 Tlelcn/Shc has earen Chincsc food a fcw times. 4 Hclcn/Shc has ncvcr drivcn a bus. Si es posible, enséñafe tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modefos de respuestas: 5 !'ve/ 1 have never been ro New York. 6 I'vc / I have played rcnnis many times. 7 l've / 1 have never flown in a hclicopter. 8 !'ve/ 1 have been late for work a few times. 18.3
2-6 She has done a lor of interesring things. She has travelled ali over rhe world. o She has been a II over rhe world. She has bccn married rhrce rimes. Shc has writtcn ten books. Shc has mer a lor of inreresring pcople. 18.4 2 gonc 3 bcen ... been 4 bccn 5 gonc
6 been 7 been 8 gone
18.5 l Have you evcr visired the museum? 2 Have you ever rravelled by boar?
3 1 havc workcd for rhrce firms in Spain. 4 My brorher has never becn ro London. 5 1 havc srudied lralian bur I have never studied Gcrman. 6 !lave you (ever) been to rhe United Sta tes? 7 Ana and Paco have gone ro Frunce. 8 Where has Luis gone? Nobody has seen him. 9 'lr's late. Where have you been?' 'We've been ro a concert.'
19.1 3 have been 4 has been 5 have lived I have been living 6 has workcd / has been working 7 has had 8 havc been lcarning 19.2 2 l low long Brazil? 3 1 Iow long 4 How long lralian? 5 J-Jow long How long 6 How long 7 How long
havc thcy been rhere / in have you known her? has shc been lcarning has he livcd in Canada? I has he been living ... ? have you been a rcacher? has it been raining?
19.3 2 She has lived in Wales ali her life. 3 They have been on holiday since Sunday. 4 The sun has been shining ali day. 5 Shc has becn waiting for ten minutes. 6 He has had a beard sincc he was 20. 19.4 2 know 3 havc known 4 have you been 5 works
6 has becn
7 have you lived 8 l'vc had 9 is ... has been
19.5 Patricia has lived in Madrid since 1996. 2 How long has Liz been a teacher? 3 l havc played the piano (o l've been playing rhc piano) for 20 years. 4 'How long havc you had rhis car?' 'I've had it for four years.' 5 Sue is in Spain. She has been there since April. 6 'Has Sara worked in Miami (for) a long time ?' 'Yes, she's worked (o she's been working) there since 1990.' 7 Thc car is in thc garage. lt's been there for a wcek. 8 '1 low long has ir been raining?' 'Ir's been raining for rhrec days.'
UNIDAD 20 20.1 3 for 4 since 5 since
6 for 7 for 8 for ... since
"!O 2
Si es posibfe, enséiialetus respuestas a alguienque hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelosde respuestas: 2 A ycar ago. 3 A few days ago. 4 Two hours ago. 5 Six months ago. 20.3 3 for 20 years 4 20 years ago 5 ten minutes ago 6 an hour ago 7 for six months 8 for a long rime 9 a few days ago 20.4 2 been here since Tuesday. 3 raíning for an hour. 4 known Sue for rwo ycars. 5 had my/a camera sincc 1989. 6 becn rnarricd for six monrhs, 7 been studying medicine (ar univcrsity) for three years, 8 playcd I bccn playing thc piano since he was seven ycars old. 20.5 Si es posible, enséíiale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 1 !'ve lived in ... ali my lifc. 2 I've been in the same job for ten years. 3 l've been learning English for six months. 4 l've known Chris for a long time. 5 l'vc had a headache since Igor up this morning. 20,6 I have srudicd (o I have becn studying) English for rhrce years. 2 Tom went out two hours ago. 3 !'ve had a headache sincc I got up this morning. 4 The film starrcd/bcgan ten minutes ago. 5 My sistcr has been married since January. 6 'When did you buy this car?' 'Two months ago.' 7 Sonia has worked in this office for six years.
UNIDAD 21 21.1 2 srarred (it) lasr week. 3 arrivcd at 5 o'clock. 4 she went (away) on Friday. 5 1 wore thcm yesrerday. 21.2 3 INCORRECTO- 1 finished 4 CORRECTO 5 INCORRECTO- did you finish 6 CORRECTO 7 INCORRECTO- Jim's grandmother died 8 INCORRECTO - Where were you
Soluciones a los ejercicios
7 ... bur norhing was srolen.
played 4 did you go 5 Have you cvcr mcr 6 wasn'r 7 've/havc jusr washcd
8 washcd
's/has visitcd
10 hasn't come Did you havo was 2 Have you seen wenr haven't seen 3 has worked I has been working
was worked didn'r enjoy 4 've/havc secn 've/have ncver spoken Have you ever spoken met
3 4
6 7 8
9 10
l'vc losr my glasses. Havc you sccn rhem? 'When did thcsc books arrive?' 'Lasr weck.' 1 srudied German for rwo years, but now I'm srudying (o I srudy) English. Javier wcnt to japan four ycars ago and he has livcd there since rhen. What rime did you gcr up? 'Hove you ever been to England?' 'Yes, 1 went to Cambridge lasr summcr.' 'When did you visir Laura and Bruce?' 'Last wcek.' 'Has Montse come back from the Unired States?' 'Yes, I saw her yesterday.' 1 bought rhis televisión one/ a month ago and ir has broken down, I have read al! rhose books. Yesterday I finished chis novel.
UNIDAD 22 22.1 3 Glass is made from sand. 4 Srarnps are sold in a post office. 5 This room isn't used very often. 6 Are we allowed to park hcre? 7 How is rhis word pronounced? 9 The house was paintcd lasr monrh. 1 O Thrcc pcoplc wcre injurcd in thc
accident, 11 My bicycle was stolcn a fcw days ago. 12 Whcn was this bridge builr? 13 Were you invitcd to thc party last week? 14 How werc thcsc windows broken? 15 1 wasn'r woken up by thc noisc.
is madc
do Is
4 were darnaged
9 does 10 Are 6 doesn'r 7 'm/am not 8 aren't
'm/am not
4 isn'r 5 don't
was given 6 are shown 7 were invitcd 8 was made
was found
2 Sally was born in Birmingham. Her parents were born in Ireland. 4 1 was born in ... 5 My mother was born in ...
2:2.5 1 This window was broken yesterday. 2 How is beer made? 3 Brian wasn't invited to rhe wedding. 4 When was rhis bridge built? 5 My parents were born in Madrid, but I was born in Seville. 6 These sonners were written by Shakespeare. 7 Where was Bruce born? 8 That house was sold lasr year.
24.3 2 Did 3 wcre 4 ,vas
7 were 8 Has 9 did
10 bave
6 did 24.4 2 was 3 Havc 4 are
8 understand 9 listening
3 earen cnjoying damaged use gone away
10 pronounced
1 J open
24.6 1 'What wcre you doing at 9 (o'clock)?' 'l was warching
3 4
4 The grass is bcing cut.
4 The roof is beiog repaired, 5 The car has been damaged. 6 The houses are being knocked down. 7 The rrees have been cut down. 8 They have been invited ro a parry.
7 is 8 was 9 has
4 5 6 7
23. 2 A bridge is being builr, 3 The windows are being clcaned. .3.~ 3 The window has becn brokcn,
6 've/have
6 7
telcvision at home.' Wc saw your sistcr yestcrday. Shc was waiting for thc bus. Paper was invenrcd by the Chinese. Englisb is srudicd ali ovcr rhe world. Luis has losr his watch. Wherc do Lola and Jaime live? Havc you finished with the newspaper? Last month I didn't go to che
cmc1na. 9 1 don't like football. 1 O Are you coming to the supermarkct?
has been repaircd 4 was repaircd 5 are made 6 were they builr 7 Is the compurer being used (o Is aoybody using the computer] 8 are they called 9 werc blown 10 was damaged ... hasn't been repaired
23.4 My car is being washed, 2 Four schools are being builr in rhis
town. 3 This year a lor of roys have been sold.
4 Have ali che lerters been senr? 5 The curtains haven't been cleancd, 6 A ncw bridge for rhc railway has been builr, 7 My house is being painred.
8 Has your relcvision been ccpaircd?
22.2 2 Foorball is played in most . 3 Why was the lerter sent to ? 4 ... where cars are repaired. 5 Where were you born? 6 How many languages are spokcn ...
7 8
24.2 2 don't
9 was srolen ...
8 Whcn was rhe bicyclc invented?
UNIDAD 24 24.1
4 Does
6 Is
UNIDAD 25 25.1 3 got
4 broughr
5 6 7 8 9
paid cnjoycd boughr sat
10 happened 11 heard 12 put
14 warched 15 undcrscood
25.2 2 bcgan bcgun 3 ate eatcn 4 drank drunk 5 drovc driven 6 ron run 7 spokc spokcn 8 wrotc writrcn
9 carne come 10 knew known 11 took taken 12 wcnt gonc 13 gave given 14 threw rhrown 15 forgot forgotten
25.3 3 slept 4 saw 5 rnined 6 lost ... seen 7 stolen 8 wem
9 ñnished 10 builr 11 learnúlearned 12 ridden 13 known 14 fell ... hure
Soluciones a los ejercicios
25.4 2 rold 3 won 4
5 woken up 6 swarn 7 rhoughr
8 spokcn 9 cosr 10 driven
I J sold 12 flew
25.5 1 Inés opened the letter and read it. 2 The film began/srarredar 7.30. 3 1 broke three glasscs ycsterday. 4 The swimmingpool is cleancd on Mondays. 5 Teresa lose her keys on Saturday. Has she found them? 6 Joaquín forgot his passport. 7 1 haven'r linished my work. 8 We bought a new computer yesrerday. 9 Have you ever seen an opera? 1 O He lefr his suitcase on rhe train, 11 l'vc known Isabel for scvcn ycars, 12 Two crees in my gardcn have been cut down, o Two treos have becn cut down ...
UNIDAD 26 26.1 2 He used to play Ioorball. 3 She used ro be a taxi driver. 4 They used to live in the counrry. 5 He used to wear glasses. 6 This building used to be a hotel. 26.2 2 She used to play volleyball. 3 She used to go out rnost evenings. / She used to go out in che evenings. 4 She used ro play the guitar. 5 She used to read a lor. I She used to like reading. 6 She used to go away rwo or rhrce rimes a year. I She uscd to rravel a lor. 26.3 3 used to have 4 used to be 5 go 6 used to eat 7 warches 8 used to li ve 9 ger 10 did you use ro play
27.2 2 Are you working nexr week? 3 What are you doing tornorrow evening? 4 What rime are your friends arriving? 5 When is Liz going on holiday? 27.3 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
3 l'm going away at rhe weekend. 4 l'm playing basketball romorrow. 5 l'm meeting a friend rhis cvcning. 6 I'rn going ro rhe cinema on Thursday evening, 27.4 3 Shc's gerring 4 are going ... are rhey going 5 finishes 6 J'm nor going 7 l'm going ... We're meeting 8 are you gerring ... leaves 9
UNIDAD 28 28.1 2 l'm going to huy a newspaper. 3 We're going to play football. 4 I'm goiog ro have a bath.
26.4 1 Ana used ro have a big/largegarden when she lived in Kent. 2 1 used ro read rhat (news)papcr. 3 My brorher and Sergio used ro go out rogerher. 4 1 used ro rravel a lor, bur I don't
28.2 3 'm/am going ro walk 4 's/is going ro sray 5 'm/am going to car 6 're/are going ro give 7 's/is going ro lie down 8 Are you going ro warch 9 is Rachel going ro do
5 Bruce didn'r use to like coffec. 6 Thcre uscd ro be a lor of parks in my neighbourhood. 7 My wife used ro walk ro work, bur now she usually takes rhe bus.
28.3 2 The shelf is going ro foil (down), 3 The car is going to turn (left). 4 He's/He is going ro kick rhe ball.
rravel much now,
27.1 2 Richard is going to rhe cinema. 3 Barbara is meeting Dave. 4 Denise is having lunch with Ken. 5 Tom and Sue are going ro a party,
28.4 Si es posible,enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
I l'm going ro phone Ann rhis evening. 2 l'm going ro get up early romorrow. 3 l'm going ro buy sorne new clorhes romorrow.
28.5 1 Tornorrow l'm not going ro study
English. 2 'Are you going ro play tennis on Sacurday?' 'No, we're going ro play football.' 3 I'm rhirsry. l'm going to have/drink a glass of water. 4 Is Marisa going to buy a car? 5 'The sky is grey and it's cold.' 'Yes, it's going ro snow.' 6 When I ger home, l'm going to have a shower.
UNIDAD 29 29.1 2 she'll be 3 she was 4 she'Il be
5 she's 6 she was 7 she'll be
Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
2 3 4 5
1'11 be ar home. 1'11 probably be in bed. J'll be ar work. 1 don'r know whcre 1'11 be.
29.3 2 '11/will 3 won'r 4 won'r 29.4 3 1 think 4 1 don't 5 1 rhink 6 1 don'r 7 1 don'r
5 '11/will 6 '11/will 7 won'r wc'Il win rhe game. rhink 1'11 be here tomorrow. Sue will like her presenr. think rhey'll ger married. rhink you'll enjoy rhe film.
29.5 2 are you doiog 3 The¡•'re going 4 she'IJ lend 5 I'm going 6 will phone 7 He's working 8 Will 29.6 1 Carmen will be in che office ar 9 (o'clock). 2 1 don'r rhink Daniel will come rhis weekend. 3 1 rhink we'II be late. 4 1 don'r rhink Ricardo will buy those
5 Do you rhink you will win che race? 6 1 rhink 1'11 see Andy on Sunday. 7 When will you know rhe result of your exam? 8 She's a good srudcnt. She'II pass her exams. 9 1 don'r rrunk J'IJ linish chis exercise today.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
UNIDAD 30 2 1'11 send 3 1'11 car 4 1'11 sic
Inends. 3 l might have an cgg for brcakfasr,
5 1'11 do 6 1'11 stay 7 1'11 show
2 1 think 1'11 havc 3 1 don'r rhink 1'11 play 4 1 don't rhink 1'11 buy 30.3
2 1'11 do 3 1 warch 4 1'11 go
5 is going ro buy 6 1'11 give 7 Are you doing ... l'm going 30.4 2 Shall I turn off the television? 3 Shall l make sorne sandwiches? 4 Sha II l turn on rhe light?
I havcn'r gor (o I don'r have) any money now. 1'11 pay you rornorrow.
2 1 think 1'11 \tay ar home th1~ afrernoon. see you romorrow ar
1 Wc may/m1ght go to thc cinema on Friday. 2 Can/May l use your (telejphone] 3 Thc door rs closcd. 'I he shop may/mighr nor be open. 4 Juan may/mighr (tclc)phone rhis afrernoon. 5 Elena may/mighr visit us rhis weekend. She may/mighr come with her boyfriend. 6 lr may/mighr nor rain tomorrow, bur ir rnay/rmghr be cloudy.
10 (o'clock),
4 Next Friday we'll clcan che car, OK? 5 'Shall l make sorne rea?' 'Yes, picase.' 6 h'~ cold. Shall we close thc windows? 7 l'm vcry rircd. Wc'II speak/talk tomorrow,
8 Shall we go to the cinema? 9 Shall I bring/ger you rhe (news)paper?
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Can you ski? Can you play chcss? Can you run ten kilomerres? Can you drive? Can you ride a horsc? 1 can/can't swim. 1 can/can 'r ski. 9 1 can/can't play chcss, 10 1 can/can't run ten kilometres. 11 1 can/can'r drive, 12 1 can/can'r ride a horse, 32.2
2 can see 3 can'r hcar
4 can'r find
5 can speak
2 couldn't ear 3 can 'r decide
5 can'r go 6 couldn'r go
4 couldn'r find 32.4
UNIDAD 31 31.1 2 1 might see you romorrow. 3 Ann might forgcr ro phone. 4 le might snow roday, 5 1 mighr be late ronighr. 6 Mary might nor be here, 7 1 might nor have time ro rneer you. 31.2 2 1 might go away. 3 1 rnight see her on Monday. 4 1 mighr have fish. 5 1 mighr get/rakc ., taxi. o ... go by taxi. 6 1 rnight buy a new car. 31.3 3 [ le mighr gcr up early. 4 l lc isn't / l lc's nor working tornorrow.
5 He might be ar home tornorrow morning. 6 l lc might watch relevision. 7 l Ic's going out in the afrcrnoon. 8 [ le might go shopping. 31.4
$1 es posible. enséñale tus respuestas a
alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
2 Can/Could you pass rhc salr, (picase)? 3 Can/Could you rurn off rhe radio, (picase)? 4 Can/Could I have tomate soup, (picase)? 5 Can/Could you give me your phone nurnber, (picase)? 6 Can/Could 1 borrow your pen, (picase)? o Can/Could you lend me ... ? 32.5
1 Can/Could I use your (tele)phone? 2 1 can speak French hui I can't speak Itahan, 3 Brian can'r swim, bur he can ski very wcll. 4 Rosa can play rhe guitar. She can also play rhe piano. o Shc can play rhc piano roo. 5 When I was younger, 1 could skarc very well. 6 'Can you see me?' 'I can hear you, bur I can 't see you.' 7 My brother can't drivc. 8 Bruce couldn'r starr rhe car
2 musr rneet
5 musr go
3 must wash 4 musr learn
6 must win 7 must be
33.2 musr
2 I
.S I had ro 6 I had to 7 I must
3 1 had ro 4 l musr 33.3
2 needn 'r hurry 3 4 5 6
musrn'r needn't musrn't needn'r
lose wair forget write
2 C
4 E
3 A
30.5 2 where shall wc go? 3 what shall we buy? 4 who shall wc invite?
3 1'11
1 1 might read a newspaper. 2 1 might go for a drrnk wuh sorne
9 Can/Could you lend me 5.000 pesetas? 10 Can/Could I havc a pen, please?
3 needn'r 4 had ro 5 must 6 musrn'r
7 must 8 had ro 9 nccdn't
33.6 1 You mustn'r speak/ralk in the hbrary. 2 1 musm't forgct ro write a posrcard to Paula. 3 Thcre were no (o There weren't any) trams to Edinburgh and I had to travel by bus. 4 l musr go now. My husband i\ waiting for me. 5 You needn't go 10 the post office. There's a post hox on che comer. 6 You musr visir the zoo. lt's vcry inccrcsting. 7 Manolo was/amved late and we had to wair for him. 8 You needn'r come romorrow, bur on Monday you muse be hcrc ar 8 (o'clock).
UNIDAD 34 34.1 2 You should go 3 You should clean 4 you should visir 5 you should wear 6 You should cake 34.2
2 He shouldn't car so much. 3 She shouldn 'r work so hard. 4 l lc \houldn '1 drive so fase. 34.3
2 Do you thmk 1 )hould learn (to dmc)? 3 Do you think I should get anorhcr joh? 4 Do you rh,nk 1 \hould invite (,.try (to rhe parry)? 34.4
3 4 5 6 7 8
1 rhink you should sell ir. l think she should have a hohday. 1 don't rhmk thcy should get mamed. 1 don'r rhink rou should go ro work. 1 think he should go to rhe doctor. l don't think we should sray thcre.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
34.5 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 I rhink everybody should have cnough food. 3 1 rhink people should drive carefully, 4 1 don'r rhink che police should carry guns. 5 1 think I should do more excrcise. 34.6 We should eat more fruir and vegerables. 2 You shouldn't work so much. 3 It's late. 1 rhink I should go home. 4 1 must visir Juan. He's ill. 5 1 don't think bars should be open so late. 6 Do you think we should buy a new video? 7 You shouldn'r drive so fase. 8 Liz says thar film is vcry good. We should see ir.
UNIDAD 35 35.1 2 have ro do 3 has ro read 4 have to speak 5 has to travel 35.2 2 have to go 3 had ro buy 4 have ro change 5 had to answer 35.3 2 did he have ro wait 3 does she have to go 4 did you have to pay 5 do you havc to do 35.4 2 doesn't have ro wair, 3 didn'r have ro get up early. 4 doesn't have to work {so) hard. 5 don't have to leave now. 35.5 3 have ro pay 4 had ro borrow 5 rnust stop o ha ve to stop 6 has ro meet 7 must tell o have to tell 35.6 2 l have to go ro work every
7 After rhe party we had ro clcar up. 8 Venice is wonderful. You havc to (o musr) go rhere. 9 Do we have to read rhese two books?
3 .. l 2 There's / Therc is 3 is there 4 There are 5 are rhere
6 rhere isn'r
UNIDAD 36 6.1 2 Would you like an apple?
3 Would you like sorne coffee? I ... a cup of coffee? 4 Would you like sorne cheese? / ... a piece of cheese? 5 Would you like a sandwich? 6 Would you like sorne cake?/ ... a piece of cake? 36.2 2 Would you like to play rennis tomorrow? 3 Would you like rosee my holiday phorographs? 4 Would you likc ro go ro a conccrt nexr week? 5 Would you like ro borrow my umbrella? 36.3 2 Do you like 3 Would you like 4 would you like 5 Would you like 6 l like 7 would you like 8 Would you like 9 Do you like 10 l'd like 36.4 1 Would you like a glass of milk? 2 l'd like (sorne) rea, picase. 3 Would you like to come to the beach? 4 l like milk a lot/vcry much. 5 Would you like to go our wirh me on Friday? 6 Roben doesn't like going ro the beach, 7 'Would you like more chccsc?' 'No, rhank you. l've caten too much.' 8 'Would you like to go to Italy?' 'Yes, l'd love ro go.' 9 l'd like ro spend a week in Scotland. 10 'Would you like chickcn or fish?' 'Fish, picase.'
UNIDAD 37 37.1 3 There's / There is a hospital. 4 Therc isn'r a swimming pool. 5 There are rwo cinemas. 6 There isn'r a university. 7 There aren'r any big hotcls. 37.2 s, es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 3 There is a university in ... 4 There a re a lor of big shops. 5 There isn't an airport. 6 There aren'r many facrories,
7 Is rhere 8 Are rhere 9 There's I There is ... There arcn't 37.4
There are nine planees in rhe solar sysrem. There are liftecn players in a rugby team. There are rwenry-six letters in the English alphabet. There are thirty days in September. There are fifty states in the USA. 37.5 2 lt's 3 There's 4 There's 5 Is rhere 6 Ir's 7 Is rhere
Is it
37.6 l Is rhere a rowel in the barhroom? 2 There aren't many people in this museum. 3 Are rhere a lor of/many workers in thar facrory? 4 How many schools are rhere in rhis town/ciry? 5 'Is there any cheese?' 'Yes, in che fridge.' 6 There are six srudenrs, but there's only one dictionary. 7 Is rhere a coffee shop in chis street? 8 'Is rhere any soup?' 'Yes, there's sorne (o a linte) in rhe kitchen, but ir's cold.'
UNIDAD 38 38.1 2 There was a carper 3 There were rhree picrures 4 There was a small table 5 There were sorne flowers 6 There were sorne books 7 There was an armchair 8 There was a sofa 38.2 3 There was 4 Was rhere 5 there weren 'r 6 There wasn'r 7 Were thcre 8 There wasn 'r 9 There was 1 O there weren 'r 38.3 2 There are 3 There was 4 There's I There is 5 Thcrc's been / Therc has been 6 there was 7 there will be 8 rhere wcre ... there are 9 There have been
Soluciones a los ejercicios
1 O therc will be (o thcre are)
38.4 There wcre a lot of (o many) children in rhc park. 2 There was a storrn last nighr. 3 This summcr thcrc will be concerts in rhe park. 4 There are threc eggs in che fridge. There were twelve yestcrday. 5 There has becn an accidenr in rhe city centre. 6 'Shall we go to rhe superrnarket roday?' 'No, there will be too many people.' 7 There won't be many people in rhe cinema. There's a football match on television.
UNIDAD 39 39.1 2 It's cold. 3 Ir's windy. 4 It's sunny/fine. o It's a nice day. 5 lt's snowing. 6 lr's cloudy. 39.2 2 lt's I le is
3 Is ir 4 is ir ... ir's I it is 5 Ir's /Iris 6 Is it 7 is ir 8 lr's / Ir is 9 lt's / lt is 39.3 2 How far is it frorn thc hotel to the beach? 3 How far is it from Ncw York to Washington? 4 How far is it from your house to rhe airport?
39.4 3 1t
6 it
4 There
7 There
5 Tt
8 Ir
39.5 2 lt's nice to see you again. 3 It's impossiblero work in this office. 4 It's easy to make friends. 5 lt's inreresting to visir different places. 6 It's dangcrous to go out alone. 39,6 1 lr's 8 o'clock. lt's time to go ro work. 2 'What day is ir tomorrow?' 'Ir's Thursday.' 3 In Deccmber ir snowed and ir was cold, but in January it was hot, 4 Ir was difficult to find rhe hotel. lt was a (very) long way from the centre. 5 Ir isn'r vcry cxpcnsive to travel to London from Barcelona. lt's more cxpensive to rravel to Berlín. 6 lt's sunny and warrn/hot. lt's nice to be here. 7 'How far is it frorn the beach to rhe hotel?' 'Ir isn't / lt's not very far.'
8 Is it true (that) you can'r come ro the parry?
UNIDAD 40 4 2 is 3 can 4 has 40,2 2 'm nor 3 weren't 4 haven'c 40.3 3 doesn't 4 do 5 did
5 will 6 was
5 isn'r 6 hasn'r
6 does 7 don'r 8 didn't
40.4 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 1 like sport bue my sister doesn't. 3 1 don'r ear mear bur Jenny
7 has 8 do 9 hasn'r 10 will 11 mighr
40.6 2 Yes, 1 have. o No, 1 haven'r. 3 Yes, 1 do. o No, 1 don't. 4 Yes, ic is. o No, ir isn't. 5 Yes, 1 am. o No, l'm nor, 6 Yes, l do. o No, 1 don'r, 7 Yes, l will. o No, 1 won'r. 8 Yes, 1 have. o o, 1 haven't. 9 Yes, 1 did. o No, 1 didn't. 10 Yes, 1 was. o No, l wasn't. 40.7 I can speak English, bue my parents can't. 2 'Aie you hungry?' 'l was, but I'm noc now.' 3 1 haven't got (o l don't have) much money, but you have (o you do). 4 'I haven'r seen che museum.' 'lc's very inreresring. You musr visit it.' 5 Ir was raining yesrerday, bur it isn't I ic's nor coday. 6 'Are you going to srudy English?' 'I'm nor, but my sisrer is.' 7 'Have you been ro France?' 'Carmen has, but I havcn'r.' 8 'Do you think Luis will come to the party?' 'He mighr.' 9 'Are therc any restaurants near here?' 'There were before, but now rhere aren'r.' (o 'There used to be .. .') I O 'Will you go to England chis summer?' 'If I can, 1 will (o ... yes.)
UNIDAD 41 41.1 2 Do you? 3 Oidn't you? 4 Docsn'r shc? 5 Do!? 6 Did she? 41,2 3 Have you? 4 Can'r shc? 5 Were you? 6 Didn'r you? 7 Is thcrc? 8 Aren'r you? 9 Oid you? 10 Does she? 11 Won't you? 12 Isn't it? 41.3 2 aren'r rhey 3 wasn't she 4 haven't you 5 don't you 6 doesn't he 7 won't you 41.4 2 are you 3 isn't she 4 can't you 5 do you 6 didn'r she 7 was ir 8 docsn't shc 9 will you 41.5 1 'You look tired.' 'Do!?' 2 'Julián hadan accident.' 'Did he?' 3 'l don'r like driving.' 'Don't you?' 4 'Roberto and Lucía have boughc a car.' 'Have rhey?' 5 You were in Austria, weren't you? 6 Laura doesn't go out much, does she? 7 You can swim well, can't you? 8 You're going to the parry tomorrow, aren'r you? 9 Eduardo works in a bank, doesn't he?
UNIDAD 42 42.1 2 cither 3 too 4 too
5 either 6 either 7 too
42.2 2 So am l. 3 So have J. 4 So do l. 5 So will I. 6 So was l. 7 Ncithcr can l. 8 Neither did l. 9 Neirher have l. 10 Ncither am l. 11 Neither do l. 42.3 1 So am l. 2 So can l. o I can'r. 3 Neither am l. o I am.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
4 So do l. o I don'r, 5 Neither do l. o I do. 6 So did l. o I didn't. 7 Neirher have l. o I have. 8 Neirher do l. o I do. 9 So am J. o I'm nor. 1 O Neirher have l. o I have. 11 Neither did J. o I did. 12 So do l. o I don't. 42.4 2 3
5 6 7 8 9 10
'Rosa can't cook.' 'Neither (o nor) can l.' 'I've seen that film.' 'So have we.' 'We haven't gor (o don'r have) much time.' 'Ncither (o nor) have (o do) l.' l'm tired.' 'So am l.' Brian doesn't warch relevision. 1 le doesn'r go ro rhe cinema eirher. Rob livcs in Manchcsrcr. Sarah lives there roo. 'I'rn nor working romorrow.' 'Ncirher (o nor) is Susana.' 'I like classical music.' 'So do l.' Sandra works in a school and (she) also wrires children's books. 'We never go to rhe rheatre.' 'Neirher (o nor) do we.'
7 He hasn't gota car. 8 9 10 11
He l le He He 12 He
doesn'r read newspapcrs, isn'r inreresred in politics. watchcs TV mosr evenings, didn'r warch TV lasr nighc. went out last night,
43.6 Bruce isn'r rired. He didn't work yesrerday. 2 Ir wasn't very late bur rhere weren'r any (o rhere were no) buses. 3 We won't have rime to visir your
sister. 4 I don't like the beach because I can't swim.
5 Don't sir there! Thar sear isn't yours. 6 You shouldn't go to bed so late. 7 1 didn't do my homework rhis week. 8 Don't speak/talk so loud. l can't hear rhe televisión. 9 1 wouldn'r like to be a rcacher. 10 1 didn'r gcr up early yestcrday because I didn't have to work. 11 Liz doesn'r do rhe shopping in the superrnarker.
UNIDAD 44 44.1
UNIDAD 43 43.1 2 They aren'r I They'rc nor rnarried. 3 1 haven'r had dinner. 4 lt isn't cold roday. 5 Wc won't be late. 6 You shouldn'r go.
43.2 2 J don'r like cheese. 3 They didn'r understand. 4 He doesn't live here.
44.2 2 Do you use ir a loe? 3 Did you use it yesrerday?
5 Don't go away! 6 1 didn't do che shopping.
5 Are you a good driver?
6 Have you ever hadan accident?
2 They haven'r arrived, 3 1 didn'r go to rhe bank. 4 l le doesn'r speak German. 5 We weren'r angry. 6 lle won't be pleased. 7 Don't phone me ronight. 8 Ir didn't rain ycstcrday. 9 1 couldn't hear rhem. 10 1 don't bclicvc you.
44.3 3 What are rhe children doing? 4 How is cheese made? 5 Is your sisrer coming to the party? 6 Why don't you tell the truth?
43.4 2 'm nor I am nor
can't 4 doesn't
5 6 7 8 9
isn'r I 's nor don'r ... haven't Don't didn't
10 won't
11 didn't 12 weren'r 43.5
He wasn't born in London. 4 l lc doesn'r like London. 5 Hc'd like to live in rhe country. 6 He can drive.
3 Were you late this morning? 4 Has Ann gor a key? 5 Will you be here romorrow? 6 Is Paul going out this evening? 7 Do you like your job? 8 Docs Linda livc ncar hcrc? 9 Did you enjoy your holiday? 10 Did you have a shower this morning?
4 Do you enjoy driving?
7 Have your guesrs arrived yct? 8 Whar rime docs your rrain leavc? 9 Was your car damagcd in rhe accident? 10 Why didn't Ann go ro work?
44.4 3 What are you reading? 4 What time did she go (ro bed)? 5 When are they going? 6 Where did you meer him?
4 Will your sister be ar home tomorrow? 5 When did David (rele)phone? 6 Are you lisrening to the radio? 7 Ir's a nice day. Why don'r wc go for a walk? 8 What does your brorher do? Is he a doctor? 9 What are you doing here? Why aren't you in your officc?
UNIDAD 45 45.1 2 What fell off the shelf? 3 Who wants to see me?
4 Who rock your umbrella?
What made you ill?
6 Who is/Who's coming? 45.2
Who did you phone?
4 What happcncd last night 5 Who knows the answer?
Who did the washing-up?
7 What did Jill do? 8 What woke you up? 9 Who saw the accidcnt?
Who did you see?
11 Who has got I Who's got your pen? 12 What does chis word mean?
45.3 2 Who phoncd you? What did she want? 3 Who did you ask? What did he say? 4 Who gor married? Who rold you? S Who did you meer? Whar did she tell you? 6 Whowon? What did you do (after the game)? 7 Who gave )'OU a book? What did Carherine give you?
45.4 1 What are you reading? 2 Who did you see at the party? 3 What did you do on Sunday? 4 Who can speak ltalian? 5 Whar did rhe teacher say? 6 Who did you visir ycsterday? 7 Who gave you this book? 8 What happened on Friday? Oíd you miss rhe bus? 9 Who senr us rhis posrcard? JO Who wants to speak with (o talk to) me?
UNIDAD 46 46.1 2 What are you looking for?
7 Where has she gone? 8 Why can't you come (ro the parry]? 9 l low much do you need? 10 Why doesn'r she like you? 11 l-low often does ir rain? 12 Whcn did you do thc shopping?
3 Who did you go to the cinema with? 4 What/Who was thc film about? 5 Who did you givc thc money to? 6 Who was the book written by?
44.5 J Whar time do the shops open?
46.2 2 What are they looking ar?
2 Have you gor (o Do you havc) a pcn? 3 Where have rhe children gone {o Wherc did rhe children go)?
3 Who is he wriring ro? 4 Whar are they talking abour? 5 Whar is she lisrening to?
Soluciones a los ejercicios
6 Which bus are they waiting for?
46.3 2 Which hotel did you stay at? 3 Which (foorball) team does he play for? 4 Which school did you go to? 46.4 2 What is the food like? 3 What are the people like? 4 What is thc weathcr like? 46.5 2 What was the film like? 3 What were the lessons like? 4 What was rhe hotel like? 46.6 1 What are you ralking about? 2 Who did you go to Barcelona with? 3 Wherc is this wine from? 4 Who are we waiting for? 5 'What is Jenny like?' 'Shc's very nice.' 6 'l low is your hushand?' 'Very well, rhank you.' 7 Who are rhese lerrcrs for? 8 What's / What is rhc wcarher likc rhis morning?
UNIDAD 47 47.1 3 What colour is it? 4 What time did you ger up? 5 Whar rype of music do you like? 6 What kind oí car do you want (to buy)? 47.2 2 Which coar 3 Which film 47.3 3 Which 4 What 5 Which 6 What 7 Which 47.4 2 How far 3 Howold 4 How often
4 Which bus
8 9 10 JI
Who What Which What
5 How deep 6 How long
47.5 2 How heavy is this box? 3 How old are you? 4 How much did you spend? 5 How often do you warch TV? 6 How far is ir from Paris ro Moscow? 47.6 1 What make is your watch? 2 Which city do you prefer, London or Paris? 3 What colour is your car? 4 Which counrry is bigger, Mexico or Peru? 5 What kind/sort of lirerature do you prefer? 6 How ofrendo you go to che denrist? 7 Which is your favourite restaurant? 8 How far is the sea?
UNIDAD 48 48.1 2 How long does ir rake by car from Rome to Milan? 3 How long does it rake by train from París to Geneva? 4 How long does it take by bus from rhe ciry centre to the airport?
Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 Ir takcs ... hours to fly from ... to New York. 3 Ir rakes ... years to study ro be a doctor in ... 4 Ir rakes ... to walk from my home to rhe nearesr shop. 5 Ir rakes ... to get from my home to rhe nearesr airporr, 48.3 2 l low long did ir rake you to walk to rhc starion? 3 How long did it takc him to clean the windows? 4 How long did it rake you to learn to ski? 5 How long did it rake them ro repair the car? 48.4 2 Ir rook us 20 minutes to walk home. I ... to get home. 3 lr rook me six monrhs ro learn ro drive. 4 lr rook Mark/him rwo hours to drivc to London. I ... to get to London. 5 lt rook Linda a long time ro find a job. I ... ro gcr a job. 6 Ir took me ... to ... 48.5 How long docs it cake by car from Madrid to Valencia? 2 lt rakes three hours by rrain from Valencia to Madrid. 3 How long
UNIDAD 49 49.1 2 1 don'r know where she is. 3 1 don't know how old ir is. 4 1 don'r know when he'II be here. 5 1 don't know why he was angry. 6 1 don'r know how long she has lived herc. 49.2 2 where Susan works 3 whar Pcrer said 4 why he wenr home early 5 whar rime rhe film begins 6 how rhe accident happened
49.3 2 are you 3 rhey are 4 the museum is 5 do you wanr 6 elephanrs eat 49.4 2 Do you know if/wherher married? 3 Do you know if/whether Bill? 4 Do you know iflwhether be here tomorrow? 5 Do you know if/wherher his exam?
they are Sue knows George will he passed
49.5 2 Do you know where Paula is? 3 Do you know iflwhether she is working today? I ... she's working roday? 4 Do you know whar time she srarts work? 5 Do you know iflwherher the shops a re open tomorrow? 6 Do you know where Sarah and Tim live? 7 Do you know if/whcrher they went to Ann's parry? 49.6 s, es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 Do you know whar time thc bus leaves? 3 Excuse me, can you tell me whcre rhe srarion is? 4 1 don't know whar l'm going ro do rhis evening. 5 Do you know if Tom is working roda y? 49.7 1 1 don'r know whcrc Joy lives. 2 Do you know whar time rhc plane arrives? 3 1 can'údon'r remember what I did yesrerday. 4 Do you remember where I parked the car? 5 Can you tell me what time rhe conccrr is? 6 I don'r know if (o whcther) Patricia is in France now. 7 1 don'r know when Jane went home. 8 Do you know what rime I gor home yesterday? 9 Do you know if (o wherher) Carolina has read my letter? 10 1 don'r know why you are afraid of Sandra. 11 Do you know how old Sue is?
UNIDAD 50 50.1 2 She said (that) she was very busy. 3 She said (rhat) she couldn't go ro rhe parry. 4 He said (rhar) he had to go out. 5 He said (rhar) he was learning Russian.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
6 She said (rhar) she didn't fecl very well. 7 They said (that) they would be home lace./ ... they'd be ... 8 She said (that) she had just come back from holiday. / ... she'd just come back ... 9 She said (thar) she was going ro buy a computer. 10 They said (rhar) chey hadn't gor a key. I They said (chat) they didn't have a key. 50.2 2 She said (rhar) she wasn't hungry.
3 he said (that) he needed it.
4 she said (rhar) she didn't wanr to go. 5 She said (rhar) 1 could have ir.
6 He said (thar) he would send me a postcard. I ... he'd send ... 7 Linda said (rhar) he had gone home./ ... hc'd gone home. 8 He said (rhat) he wanred to warch TV. 9 She said (thar) she was going ro che cinema.
50.3 3 said 4 rold 5 tell 6 say
7 said 8 rold 9 tell 10 say
50.4 They said (thar) they had waired for rwo hours. 2 1 told Marta (rhat) Paco was rired. 3 Andrés rold me (rhat) he couldn'r seay. 4 Ana said (rhar) she would (tele)phone Javier. 5 1 told you (thar) 1 didn't like classical music, 6 Tony said (thar) he didn't work on Tuesday I Tuesdays, 7 J said (rhar) 1 would buy che drinks. 8 Luis told us (rhat) he wanred ro sleep.
UNIDAD 51 51.1 3 phone 4 phone Paul
5 to phone Paul 6 to phone Paul 7 phone Paul 8 to phone Paul 9 phone Paul 10 phone Paul 51.2 3 get 4 going 5 warch 6 flying 7 listening 8 car 9 waiting 10 wear 11 doing ... sraying 51.3 4 to go 5 rain
6 to leave 7 help 8 srudying 9 ro go 10 wearing 11 ro sray 12 have 13 having 14 to have 15 hear 16 go 17 lisrening 18 ro make 19 to know ... tell 20 use 51.4 l Can Ihave sorne (o a) coffee? 2 Whar rime do che shops close? 3 We should write to Elena. 4 l'm going to buy sorne (o a pair of) shoes. 5 The children don't want to go to bed now. 6 John shouldn't car so much. 7 Sue would like to go out wirh us today, bur she has to work, 8 'Will ir rain romorrow?' 'Ir mighr rain.' 9 Rob can'r come ro che cinema because he has to see che doctor. 10 'Whac are you doing here?' 'l'm waiting for Marga.' 11 1 can'r swim well.
UNIDAD 52 52.1
3 rosee 4 ro swim
5 cleaning 6 7 8 9
ro go
visiring going ro be
10 waicing 11 ro do 12 ro speak 13 ro ask 14 crying I ro cry 15 ro work ... ralking
4 When I'rn on holiday, 1 like to do very litrle. 5 1 don't mind travelling alone bur I prefer to travel wirh somebody. 6 1 wouldn't like ro live in a big city. 52.5 I like reading/to read che (news)paper, bue Iforgor to buy it chis morning. 2 My neighbour promised ro stop making a noise. 3 1 didn'r mind going with you to rhe dentist. 4 l'd love ro go ro the cinema with you.
5 Ir srarted raining (o ro rain) and Bruce tried to find a taxi. 6 'Would you like to play foocball?' 'I'd prefer to play rennis.' 7 We didn't go for a walk in che park because ir began/scarred raining (o to rain) . 8 Sandra suggesred going to che bcach, bur her husband wanted to stay ar home.
UNIDAD 53 53.1 2 1 want you to listen carefully. 3 1 don'r want you to be angry. 4 Do you wanr me ro wait for you? 5 1 don'r wanr you ro phone me ronighr. 6 1 wanr you to meer Sarah. 53.2 2 A woman rold me ro rurn lcft after the bridge. 3 1 advised him ro go ro thc doctor. 4 She asked me ro help her. 5 1 cold Tom to come back in ten minutes. 6 Paul lec me use his phone. 7 1 rold her nor ro phone before 8 o'clock. 8 Ann's rnorher raughr her ro play the piano.
52.2 3 reading 4 rosee 5 to send 6 walking 7 to lose 8 to help 9 togo 1 O warching / ro warch 11 ro wait 12 raining
53.3 2 ro repear 3 wair 4 ro arrive 5 ro ger 6 go 7 borrow 8 to tell 9 ro make (o coger) 10 rhink
52.3 2 going/to go ro museums 3 wriring/ro wrire lerters 4 to go (rhere) 5 travelling by train 6 going to ... to ear ar
53.4 My parenrs wanr me to study in France. 2 Sue wants us ro be here ar 8 (o'clock). 3 My boss lec mego home at 4
52.4 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas:
1 1 enjoy cooking. 2 1 don'r like driving. 3 If it's a nice day romorrow, I'd like to have a picnic by the lake.
4 5 6 7
Alicia asked me to help her. We'd like you to be happy. Liz persuaded me ro buy chis book. The doctor rold me not to ear too much.
8 I've told you nor to play wirh che (rele)phone.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
9 Ler's go to a restaurant! 1 don't want to cook. 10 My brother asked me to reach him ro play chess.
2-4 I went to rhe café to meet a friend. I went to rhc post office to ger sorne sramps, I went to rhe supermarker to buy sorne food. 54.2 2 toread rhe newspaper. 3 to open this door? 4 to ger sorne fresh air. 5 to wake him up. 6 to see who ir was. 54,3 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa algwen que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 to talk to you now. 3 to tell her about rhe party. 4 to do sorne shopping. 5 ro buy a car. 54.4
3 to 4 for 5 to 6 for
7 8 9 10
to ro for to ... for
54.5 2 for the film ro begin. 3 for it to arrive. 4 for you to tell me. 54.6
1 1 use glasses to
read I for reading. 2 My wife needs a car to go to work. 3 1 need (sorne) new clorhes for Terry's wedding. 4 Press here to open rhe door. 5 Thcy wenr to Madrid to work. 6 l'd like ro go to París rosee Notre Dame. 7 We need rwo rickets for rhe concert. 8 We're waiting for rhe bus to arrive, 9 I waired for my sisrer to arrive. 10 Are you waiting for your husband to (rele)phone? 11 You need a visa to travel to China. 12 l'm waiting for the superrnarker to open.
14 for 15 on 55.2 2 wenr fishing. 3 goes swimrning 4 going skiing. 5 go shopping. 6 went jogging 55.3 2 to rhe bank 3 shopping
4 5 6 7 8 9
to sleep home skiing riding for a walk on holiday ... to Portugal
55.4 I Jane wcnt/was on holiday lasr week. 2 Carmen has gone for a walk. 3 Did you go shopping ycsterday? 4 Yesrerday we went 011 an excursión to Windsor. 5 They wenr fishing on Saturday. 6 Sara was tired. She went to bed and wenr to sleep. 7 Juan went swimming wirh bis friends. 8 Let's go to my housc to havc sorncrhing to car (o to eat sornerhing)! 9 Are you going skiing this weekend? 10 When are you going 011 holiday?
UNIDAD 56 56.1 2 ger your jacket 3 gct a doctor 4 ger a taxi 5 get rhe job 6 ger sorne milk 7 get a ticket 8 gcts a good salary 56.2 2 gcrring dark 3 getting rnarried 4 getting ready 5 getring la te 56.3 2 ger wer 3 gor marricd 4 ger angry 5 got lose
6 ger old 7 gor betrer 8 ger ncrvous
UNIDAD 55 55.1 3 to 4 to 5 - (sin preposición) 6 for 7 to 8 on ... to 9 for 10 on 11 to
12 - (sin preposición) 13 on
2 gor ro Brisrol ar 11.45.
3 1 lefr rhe parry ar 11.15 and got home ar midnighr, 4 (Modelode respuesta) 1 left home at 8.30 and gor to the airport ar 10 o'clock. 56.5 2 got off 3 got out of 4 gor on 56.6 1 Can you get me the sugar from the kitchen, picase?
2 l'm going home. Ir's gerting dark. 3 How can I ger to the sration? 4 Where can I get (o buy) a (news)paper? 5 Your sister got angry with me yesterday. 6 lt was very late when they gor home. 7 Lucía and Roberto are gerring married today. 8 'Where's Andy?' 'He's getting ready to go out.' 9 We got on the plane in Barcelona and two hours later we gor off in Londou,
10 Yesterday I arrivcd lace at the concert because I got lost. o ... I arrivcd late at the concerr yesterday ...
UNIDAD 57 57.1 2 do 3 make 4 made 5 did 6 do 7 done 8 make
9 making
10 do 11 doing 57.2 2 Thcy'rc/Thcy are doing (cheir) homework. 3 He's/He is doing rhe shopping. o He is shopping, 4 She's/She is making :i jacket. 5 Thcy'refThcy are doing an cxam/examination. (o ... taking an exam.) 6 Shc's/Shc is doing excrciscs. 7 She's/She is making a (relejphonecall. o She's/She is (relejphoning somebody. 8 He's/He is making rhe/his bed. 9 She's/She is doing the washing-up. o She is washing up. I She is doing the dishes. / She is washing rhe dishes. 10 Hc's/He is making a (shopping) list. 11 They'rc/They are making a film. 12 He's/He is taking a phorograph. 57.3 2 make 3 do 4 done 5 made 6 doing 7 did 8 do 9 making 10 made 11 make ... do 57.4 1 What did you do yesterday? 2 'I can't close this box.' 'Your brother will do it.' 3 'What does your wife do?' 'She's a doctor.'
a los ejercicios
4 My rnother made these cakes. 5 1 sometimes make breakfast at home. (o Sometimes I make ... ) 6 Don 't make a/any noise. Jorge is doi ng yoga exercises. 7 Yesterday I did rwo exams/rests. (o ... exams/tests yesterday.) 8 1 don't like making/to make my bed but sornebody/someonehas to do it. 9 Make rhe list and I will do the shopping. 10 Bob did me a favour: when I was doing the ironing, he did rhe
Have you got I Do you have 6 we didn't have 7 She hasn't gor / She doesn'r have 8 Did you have
!58.2 2 She's/She is having a cup of tea. He's/He is having a resr. 4 They'refThey are having a nice time. 5 They're/They are having dinncr. 6 1 le's/He is having a bath.
58.3 2 ! lave a nice/good journey! weekend?
4 Oíd you have a nice/good garne (of tennis)? nicc/good mcal!
58.4 2 havc sornerhing to car 3 had a glass of water 4 have a walk
5 had an accidcnr 6 have a look 58.5 1 1 haven'r gor a dog (o I dori't have a dog). I've gor (o I havc) a car.
2 l've gor (o I have) a cold, bur I haven'r gor (o I don'r have) a rernperarure, 3 1 usually have a shower in rhe evening.
4 Pcople usually have lunch lare in 5 6 7 8
Spain. 1 always have a cup of coffee in rhe morning. Whcn Sue didn't have a job, she had a lot of rime ro read. You look tired. Havc a cup of rea and (have} a rest. Dave, havc a look ar rhese
phoros/photographs. 9 We hada party on Sarurday and we had a very good time.
UNIDAD 59 59.1 2 him 3 rhern 4 her
8 her 9 rheir 10 my
11 lts 12 His ... his
60.5 2 my key
59.3 2 1 Jike him. 3 1 don 'r likc ir. 4 Do you like it? 5 1 don't like her. 6 Do you like rhem? him 3 rhem 4 rhcy 5 us
3 Her husband 4 your coar 5 rheir homework 6 his name 7 Our house
60.6 I My car is very old. Havc you got your books here? 3 1 scc Carlos and his sister on Sundays. 4 Can you show me your passport? 5 We always wash our hands before dinner. 6 Take off your jacket, please. 7 Pablo and his rnorher are wairing for you. 8 I'm going to wash my hair. 9 Our house isn't far from rhe starion. I O Avila is famous for irs walls,
7 rhern 8 me 9 her 10 He ... it
6 She !59.5 2 Can you 3 Can you 4 Can you 5 Can you 6 Can you
give give give give give
ir to him? rhern ro her? ir to me? ir to them? thern ro us?
!59.6 1 1 never car bananas. 1 don'r like rhem. 2 lr's vcry casy. You can do it. 3 1 know Sam and he knows me. 4 Sue doesn'r likc Tom. She doesn'r wanr ro go out with him. 5 We haven'r gor (o don'r have) Janc's address, Do you have it? 6 'Do you wanr rhis pen?' 'Yes. Can you lend ir ro me?' 7 Tell him (rhar) 1 don'r want rosee him. 8 'Where's my dicrionary?' 'Tom has (o has gor) ir.' 9 Juan needs rhar moncy. Give it ro him.
l O I haven'r gor (o don'r have) rhc phoros here. 1 can'r show rhem ro you.
UNIDAD 61 61.1
3 ours 4 hers 5 theirs
6 yours 7 mine
3 my ... Mine 4 Yours ... mine
6 My ... hers 7 rheir 8 Ours
61.3 3 of hers 4 friends of ours 5 fricnd of mine 6 friend of his 7 friends of yours
UNIDAD 60 60.1 2 her hands 3 our hands 4 his hands 5 rheir hands 6 your hands 60.2 2 They live with rheir parenrs, 3 We live wirh our parents, 4 Julia lives wirh her parenrs. 5 1 live with my parents. 6 John lives wirh his parenrs. 7 Do you live wirh your parents? 8 Most children live wirh rheir parents,
60.3 2 rheir
5 him 6 them 7 her
them me you
58.1 3 He hasn't got I He docsn't have 4 George had
5 Have a
6 shc
7 rhey 8 shc
60.4 2 his 3 Their 4 our 5 her 6 my 7 your
3 Did you have a nice/good
59.2 2 1 rhcm 3 he her 4 they us 5 we him
3 his 4 his 5 her
6 their 7 her 8 their
61.4 2 Whose camera is rhis? lt's hers.
3 Whose glovcs are rhese? They're mine. 4 Whose har is this? lr's his. 5 Whose money is this? lr's yours. 6 Whose books are rhese? They're ours.
2 3 4
5 6
'Whose are these shoes (o Whose shoes are these)?' 'Thcy're mine.' Luisa is using my dictionary. She has losr hers. 'Are these books yours?' 'No, ours are here.' 'Is rhis house yours?' 'Yes, it's n1ine.' A friend of yours is also a friend of mine. (o is a friend of mine roo.) l've finished my dinner but John hasn't finished his.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
7 'Whose is rhis bicyclc (o Whosc bicycle is this)?' 'Ask Jane. l think
ir's hers.' 8 My husband is coming ro rhe theatrc tonighr, and yours?
UNIDAD 62 62.1 2 Yes, I know her bur I can't rernember her name. 3 Yes, l know rhern but I can'r rernernber their names. 4 Yes, 1 know you but I can't rernernber your name.
6~.~ 2 to sray 3 to stay 4 to sray 5 ro sray
him ar his house. rhem ar their house. me ar my house. her ar her house. you ar your house?
6~.3 2 1 gave her my address and she gave me hers.
3 He gave me his address and I gave him mine.
4 We gave them our address and they ga ve us rheirs.
She gave him her address and he gavc her his, 6 You gave us your address and we gave you ours. 7 They gave you rheir address and you
gavc rhern yours. 6 7 8 9
us her che ir mine
3 4
5 6 7 8
Roberto gave me his (rele)phone number and I gave him ours. My brorher works here. Do you know him? Where are your phorographs (o photos)? Can I see rhem? Your friends are waiting for you. We saw her in the cinema bur she didn't see us. Suc lenr me her car. Mine was ar the garage. Don't give me rhe book now, keep it in your bag. Tom is angry. His sisrer never helps him.
UNIDAD 63 63.1 2 myself 3 herself 4 rhemselves 5 myself
2 They can'r see each orher. 3 They ofren wrire 10 each orher. 4 They don'r know each orher. 5 They're / They are sirring nexr ro each orher. 6 They gavc cach orher presents/a present.
6 himself 7 yourself 8 yourselves
63. 2 2 Whcn I saw him, he was by himself. 3 Don't go out by yourself. 4 1 wcnt to the cinema by myself. 5 My sisrer lives by herself. 6 Many people live by rhemselves.
65.1 3 a 4 an 5 a
9 thcm
63.5 1 He was shaving and he cut himself. 2 Look ar yourselves in rhe mirror. 3 Here is the salad. Help yourself. 4 She carne from England by herself (o alone). 5 How is your father feeling? 6 Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday? 7 My wife and I fell in love and got married in rwo monrhs. 8 They ofren wrire to each orher ( o They write to each orher ofren). 9 They hada fighr bur chey didn'r hurt each orher.
UNIDAD 64 64.1 3 Mary is Brian's wife. 4 James is Julia's brorher. 5 James is Daniel's uncle. 6 Julia is Paul's wife. 7 Mary is Daniel's grandmother. 8 Julia is James's sister. 9 Paul is Julia's husband. 10 Paul is Daniel's fatber. 11 Daniel is James's nephew.
&4.2 5 Diane's 6 Alice's
64.3 3 OK 4 Bill's phone number 5 My brorher's job 6 OK 7 OK 8 Paula's favourite colour 9 your mother's birrhday 10 My parents' house 11 OK 12 OK 13 Silvia's party 14 OK f..4.4 1 'Is rhat bag Carla's?'
10 l'm going on holiday ar rhe end of
2 a
7 each other 8 each other
2 3 4
8 Ycstcrday we wenr ro Sue's (house).
9 'Who's that man?' 'Ir's my wife's
6 ourselves
2 Andy's 3 David's 4 Jane's
6 'Is chis Tom's umbrella? (o Is rhis umbrella Tom's?)' 'No, ir's Lucy's.' 7 The price of milk has increased.
63.4 3 each orher 4 yourselves 5 us
l O thernselves
wirh wirh wirh with 6 to sray with
8:14 2 them 3 him 4 our 5 yours
'No, Carla's is white.' This is my sisrers' bedroorn, Is your friends' car new? Susana's husband (telc)phoned me lasr night. Yesterday we went to Marta's wedding.
6 an 7 a 8 an 9 an
65., 2 a vegeta ble 3 a game 4 a tool 5 a mountain 6 a planee 7 a fruir 8 a nver 9 a flower 10 a musical insrrurnenr 65.3 2 He's a shop assisranr. 3 Shc's a photographer. 4 She's a taxi driver. 5 He's an electrician. 6 Shc's a nurse.
7 He's a prívate 8 1'111 a/an ...
Tom never wears a har, I can't ride a bicycle. M y brother is an artisr. Barbara works in a bookshop. Ann wanrs to learn a foreign language. Jim lives in an old house. This evening l'rn going to a party.
65.5 1 My farher is a mechanic and my morher is a doctor. 2 Cervantes was a wrirer. 3 1'111 reading an inreresring book. 4 Sandra wants ro be a journalisr. 5 Is rhere a universiry where you live? 6 Our flat is in an old building. 7 'Have another cup of coffee!' 'No, rhank you, bur l'd like a glass of water.' 8 We have to (o must) wait for one/an hour.
UNIDAD 66 66.1 2 What a nice day! 3 What an inreresring book! 4 Whar an old car! 5 What a horrible face! 6 What a large room! 7 What an exciting film! 8 What a tall man!
Soluciones a los ejercicios
66.2 2 1 le's gor a biglwide mourh. 3 It's gor a long tail, 4 He's gor a small head, 5 lt's goe a long neck, 6 He's gota big mousrache. t
2 l've gota computer. compurer.
3 l've gota 4 l'vc gota warch, 5 l've gor a camera. 6 l've gota bicyclc.
o I haven'r
gor a
car. o I haven'r gor a car. watch o I haven't gota camera.
o I haven't
o I haven'r gota
gor a
2 How many pcople were there in rhe restaurant? 3 The pohce are looking for rhe thieves. 4 How many dictionaries are there 011 rhe shelves? 5 These porarees are very good bur rhe romaroes are green. 6 In rhis rown/ciry rhere are a lot of
7 1 like your clorhes. Where did you buy rhem? 8 1 boughr sorne (o a parr of) rrousers, rwo shirts and sorne (o a pair of) pyjamas.
6 4
1 What a cold dayl 2 lr's a big house but wirhour a gardcn. 3 Lucy has gor (o has) a remperarure. 4 In rny school we have six lessons a day. 5 My brorher is in a very bad mood roday. 6 'Is Teresa an only child?' 'No, she's gor (o she has) a/one sisrer.' 7 I'vc gota headache, Give mean aspirin. 8 Hello Bruce, whar a surpriset 9 It is a fasr train. Ir travelsar 250 kilometres an hour.
UNIDAD 67 67.1 2 boars 3 women 4 ciries 5 umbrellas 6 addresses 7 knives 2 teerh 3 pcople 4 childrcn
8 9 10 11 12
ajug milk roorhpasre a rooth brush an egg
3 4 5 6 7 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
8 9 10 11 12
moncy a waller sand a bucket an envelope
a hat. a job? OK an apple . a party . a wonderful thing. an island. a key. OK a good idea. a car. a cup oí coffcc? OK ... an umbrella.
feet holidays pota toes
5 fish 6 leaves
2 a piece of wood 3 a glass of water 4 a bar of chocolate 5 a cup of tea 6 a piece of papee 7 a bowl oí soup 8 a loa f oí bread 9 a jar of honey
3 1 boughr sorne sramps, sorne postcards and sorne bread (o a loaí of bread). 4 1 bought sorne roorhpasre, sorne soap (o a bar of soap) and a cornb. 69.? 2 Would you like sorne coffcc? (o •.. a cup of coffce?) 3 Would you like a biscuit? 4 Would you like sorne bread? (o ... a piece oí bread? I a slice oí bread?) 5 Would you like a chocolate? 6 Would you like sorne chocolate? (o ... a picce oí chocolater) ,9.J 2 sorne ... sorne 3 sorne 4 a ... sorne 5 an ... sorne 6 a ... a ... sorne 7 sorne 8 sorne 9 sorne ... a 69.4 2 eyes 3 hair 4 inforrnarion 5 chairs 6 furniture 7 job 8 lovely weather 69.!S 1 l'm looking for a job in Barcelona. 2 Give me sorne paper and a pencil, picase. 3 I'd like to buy sorne new furniturc. 4 I'rn hungry. I'm going ro have sorne bread. 5 Javier has got (o has) a difficult problem. He necds (sorne) advice. 6 !'ve gor (o have) (sorne) good news. Carlos and Roberto passed rheir exarns. 7 I want sorne information about rhc new museum. 8 Ycsterday we had awful wcarher. o ... yesrerda y.
wirh a lot oí bcautiful rrees.
with rwo men. 5 OK 6 ... rhree childrcn. 7 Most oí my friends are studenrs. 8 He pur on his pyjarnas ... 9 OK 10 Do you know many people ... 11 1 like your rrousers. Whcrc did you ger thcm? 12 ... full of rounsts. 13 OK 14 These scissors arcn't ... 7 Do 8 are 9 them 10 sorne
1 In this shop you can buy flowcrs and
3 4
5 6 7 8
67 4
2 are 3 don't 4 wnrch 5 wcre 6 live
Have you gor (o do you have) a warch? My father always wears a hat, Wc need a bortle of rnilk, a bar of chocolate, a glass of water, sorne sugar and an egg. 'What a big housel' 'Yes, but it hasn'r got (o doesn't havc) a garden.' There isn'r much wine bur there's (sorne) beer and (sorne) orange juice. Don'r forger rhe moncy for rhe rickers. Don'r go out wirhout a jacket/coat. lt's cold. 1 can'r translate the lerter without a dicrionary.
UNIDAD 69 2 1 boughr a newspaper (o a paper), sorne flowers (o a bunch of flowers) anda pen.
UNIDAD 70 70.1 3 ... the second floor. 4 OK 5 ... thc bcst hotel in 1h1s rown? 6 OK 7 thc ciry centre. 8 the cnd of May. 9 OK 10 OK 11 OK 12 There is a statuc in the rniddle of thc fountain. 13 OK 14 My dictionary is on tbe top shelí on the right. 15 We live in tbe country about five miles from tbe nearest village. 70 2 2 the radio 3 Profcssor 4 breakfast
Soluciones a los ejercicios
5 television!TV 6 Monday ro.3 3 Green 4 televisión 5 (any) breakfast 6 Last Sunday 7 tbe middle 8 lunch 9 the radio 10 nexc rnonth
1 My favourire colour is green. 2 Mr López is waiting for us. 3 Yesterday we saw aunr Lola in the ci ry centre. 4 What time is breakfast? 5 There's a small island in che middle of the river. 6 The cinema is at the cnd of chis street (o road) on che left. 7 Doctor (o Dr) G6mez works in the General Hospital. 8 Can you turn on rhe television? 9 Liz ofrcn lisrcns to che radio but shc nevcr watches tclevision. 10 On Monday che shops open ar 9 (o'clock). o ... on Monday.
3 l'm going ro rhc post office. l need (sorne) starnps. 4 We don't go ro church on Sundays. 5 lr's late. 1 want to go home. 6 1 mer Jane ar work. 7 Lola is ill. She had ro go to che doctor this morning.
UNIDAD 72 72.1 s; es posible,enséñale tus respuestasa alguienque hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelosde respuestas: 2 1 don't like dogs. 3 1 don't mind museums. 4 I love big cities. 5 1 like basketball. 6 1 love TV quiz shows. 7 1 don't like loud rnusic. 8 1 hace computer games. 2 Si es posible,enséñale tus respuestas a alguienque hable inglés. Aquf tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 l'm nor interesred in politics. 3 l'm inrerested in sport. 4 1 don'r know much abour art. 5 1 don't know anything abour astronorny.
6 I know a little about economics.
UNIDAD 71 71.1 2 the cinema 3 hospital 4 the airport 5 home 6 prison 2 3 school 4 rhe starion 5 home 6 bed 7 tbe pose officc
3 2 thecinema 3 go ro bed 4 go ro prison 5 go to the dentist 6 go ro university/college 7 go to hospital/ are taken ro hospital
7 .4
3 tbe doctor 4 OK 5 OK 6 OK 7 rhe bank 8 OK 9 OK JO the city cenrre 1 1 the sra tion l2 OK 13 OK 14 OK l5 the thcatre
I left school and wenr to universiry in 1998. 2 After the accident I was in hospital for three weeks.
72.3 3 friends 4 parties 5 The shops 6 the milk 7 milk 8 football 9 cornputers 10 The water 11 cold water 12 rhe salr l3 the peoplc 14 Vegetables 15 rhe children l6 tbe words 17 photographs 18 the photographs 19 English internacional business 20 Money happiness 1 1 don'r like rock rnusic. I prefer classical music. 2 Has sugar gor (o Does sugar have) many/a lor of calories? 3 Would you like to play football? 4 Biology is very difficult. English is easy. 5 l don't usually like fish, bue che fish in this restaurant is very good. 6 Tomacoesare more expensive than potatoes. 7 Lucy leves fruit and vegetables,
UNIDAD 73 3 Sweden 4 The Amazon 5 Asia 6 The Pacific
7 Thc Rhine 8 Kenya 9 The Unired Srares 10 The Andes 11 Tokyo 12 The Alps 13 Thc Red Sea 14 Malta 15 Thc Bahamas "'3,.,2 3 OK 4 rhe Philippines 5 tbe sourh of France 6 the Regal Cinema 7 OK 8 the Museum of Modern Are 9 OK 10 Belgium is srnaller than tbe Netherlands. 11 the Mississippi ... the Nile 12 the Nacional Gallery 13 the Park Hotel in Hudson Road 14 OK 15 The Rocky Mounrains are in North America. 16 OK 17 The Panamá Canal joins rhe Arlantic Ocean and the Pacific Oeean. 18 the Unired Srates 19 the west of Ireland 20 OK 73.3 1 Japan is a rich counrry. 2 Chicago is on Lake Michigan. 3 Are there rrains from Gatwick Airport to Victoria Station? 4 Last summer I went to che Philippines. 5 The Mississippi (River) is very long. 6 The Atlantic Ocean is colder than the Mediterranean Sea. 7 lnverness is in che north of Scotland. Brighton is in che sourh of England. 8 China is bigger/larger than India. 9 The Guggenheim museurn is inreresring, 10 Kennedyairporr and Newark airporr are near Manhattan.
UNIDAD 74 74. 2 thar house 3 these posrcards 4 those birds 5 this sear 6 These plates
2 Is rhar your umbrella? 3 Is chis your book? 4 Are those your books? 5 Is rhar your bicycle? 6 Are rhese your keys? 7 Are those your keys? 8 Is chis your watch? 9 Are rhose your glasses? 1 O Are chese your gloves?
2 rhar's 3 This is
Soluciones a los ejercicios
4 That's 5 rhnt 6 this is 7 Thar's 8 rhat's 74.4 1 This cup is dirry. 2 These cars are new. 3 1 like those flowers, 4 'Who's that?' 'Brian.' 5 'I'm sorry. 1 forgor to (tcle)phone your sisrer.' 'Thar's ali righc.' 6 'Are you the teacher?' 'Thac's righr.' 7 Don't use the knife like that. Look, use it like chis. 8 Look at that car! 1 want one like that.
UNIDAD 75 75.1 2 1 don'r nccd onc.
3 I'rn going to buy one. 4 1 havcn't got one. 5 l've jusr had one. 6 thcrc's one in Mili Road. 75.2 2 a new one 3 a bettcr onc 4 an old one 5 a big one 6 a differenr one 75.3 2 Which ones? The green ones. 3 Which one? The onc wirh a/che red door. 4 Which onc? The black one. 5 Which oncs? The ones on rhe wall. 6 Which oncs? The ones 011 rhe top shelf. 7 Which one? The tal! onc with long hair. 8 Which ones? The yellow ones. 9 Which one? The one wirh a moustache and glasses. 10 Which ones? The enes you rook on rhe beach lasr week. 75.4 1 Thesc oranges are very sweer. Would you like (o Do you wanr] one? 2 'Givc me rhe keys.' 'Which ones?' 3 ( don'r likc the yellow shirr. 1 prefer the green onc. 4 '1 need a glass.' "This big onc?' 'No, a small one.' 5 I don'r Jike rhcse brown shocs. Can I see rhe black ones? 6 This towel is wer. 1 need a dry one. 7 'T like rhose roses.' 'Which ones? The red ones or rhe whire ones?' 8 'Which book do you wanr? The one 011 the cable?' 'No, the one on the cha ir.'
9 Pass me thar bag, rhe one on your right. 10 Which shirr do you prcfer, rhe blue one or rhe whire one?
4 Thcre is no light in che room. 6 There isn'r any rea in che por. 7 Thcre arcn'r any buses roday. 8 Tom hasn'r got any brorhers or
UNIDAD 76 76.1 2 some 3 any 4 any 5 any 6 sorne 7 any 8 sorne 9 sorne 10 any ... any 11 sorne ... any 12 sorne 76.2 2 sorne letrers 3 any phorographs 4 any forcign languages 5 sorne friends 6 sorne milk 7 any barrerles 8 sorne fresh air 9 sorne checsc 10 any help 76.3 3 I've got sorne/ 1 have sorne 4 1 haven'r got any I T haven'r any I I don'r have any 5 1 didn't buy any 6 l bought sorne 76.4 2 somerhing 3 anything 4 anything 5 Somcbody/Somcone 6 anything 7 anybody/anyonc 8 somcthing 9 anything I O anybody/anyone 76,5 1 Is thcrc any cheese in the fridge? 2 l bought sorne mear and sorne apples. 3 Are you going out wirh anybody (o anyone) chis evcning? 4 'Have you gor (o Do you have) (any) friends in London?' 'No, bur I've gor (o I have) sorne in Manchesrcr.' 5 'I need sorne sugar. Can you lend me sorne?' 'I'm sorry. 1 haven't gor any.' 6 Sally wasn'r hungry, so she didn't ear anyrhing, 7 'Would you like (o Do you wanr)
sorne milk?' 'No, rhank you. Havc you gor any fruir juicc?' 8 1 need somcrhing ro drink. Can you give me sorne water, picase? 9 Is rherc anybody (o anyone) ar home?
UNIDAD 77 77.1 2 Thcre are no shops near here. 3 Caro! has got no free time.
77.2 2 3 4 5 6
any any no any no 7 any
8 no 9 any 'JO no 11 None 12 any
77.3 2 no money 3 any questions 4 no friends 5 no difference 6 any furniture 7 no answer 8 any hcaring 9 any photographs ... no film 77.4 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquf tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 Three, 3 Two cups. 4 None. 5 None. 77.5 1 l'm not going ro spend any money toda y. 2 Ana bought two blouses, bur l didn't buy any. 3 'Is rhere any coffee?' 'Yes, bue rhere isn'r any milk.' 4 Manuel and Sandra haven'r gor any friends in London. (o Manuel and Sandra havc gor no friends ... ) 5 'How nrnch sugar do you want?' 'Nonc.' 6 Therc aren'r any Japanese restaurants (o Therc are no Japanese restaurants) in chis rown. 7 'Who are you wairing for?' 'Nobody (o No-one.)' 8 1 didn'r ear any fruir yesrerday. 9 'How many glasses are there on che rabie?' 'None.' 10 l haven't got (o 1 don't have) any stamps. Have you goc (o do you have)any?
UNIDAD 78 78,1 2 There's nobody in rhe office. 3 !'ve got nothing ro do. 4 There's nothing on TV. 5 Therc was no-one ar home. 6 We found nothing. 78.2 2 There wasn't anybody on che bus. 3 1 haven't got anything ro read. 4 I havcn't got anyonc to help me. 5 Shc didn'r hear anyrhing. 6 We havcn't gor anything for dinner. 78.3 3a Nothing. 4a Nobody./No-one. 5a Nobody./No-one.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
6a Norhing, ?a Nothing. 8a Nobocly./No-one.
I don'r wanr anything. Ididn't meer anybocly/anyonc.
3b 4b 5b 6b 7b 8b
Nobocly/No-one knows rhc answer. l didn't buy anything. Norhing happened. Nobody/No-one was late.
78.4 3 anything
4 Nobody/No-one 5 Nothing
6 anyrhing 7 anybody/anyone
8 9 10 11
norhing anything anything nobody/no-onc
12 anyrhing 13 Norhing 14 Nobody/No-onc ... anybody/anyone
78.5 lr was late and rherc wasn'r anybody/anyone (o rhere was nobody/no-one) in the srreet. 2 Is rhere anything in rhis box? 3 There isn't anyrhing (o There's norhing) in rhe fridge. 4 Nobody/No-one knows (rhat) l'm leaving tomorrow. 5 1 wenr inro a few shops but I didn'r buy anything. 6 Liz doesn't want to see anybody/anyone. 7 'Who speaks Russian here?' 'Nobody/No-one.' 8 'What havc you gor in your hand?' 'Norhing.' 9 1 didn't undcrsrand anything beca use they spoke (o were spcaking) very quickly. 10 ls there anybody/anyone wairing for rhe doctor?
UNIDAD 79 79.1 2 sornerhing 3 sorncwhere 4 somebody/someone
79.2 2a Nowhcre. 3a Nothing. 4a Nobody./No-one. 2b l'm not going anywhere. 3b I don'r want anyrhing. 4b l'm not looking for anybody/anyone.
79.3 3 anyrhing
4 anyrhing 5 sornebody/sorneone 6 sornerhing 7 anybody/anyone ... nobody/no-one
8 9 10 11
anything Nobody/No-one anybody/anyone Nothing
12 13 14 15
sornewhere anyrhing anybody/anyone
l have (o rake) a shower cvery day. I O Every time I rravel (o go) by plane I ger very nervous.
79.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
anything ro cae norhing ro do anywherc ro sir something to drink nowhere to sta y something to read somewhere ro play
79.5 1 Is there anybody/anyone here? 2 'Did you see anyrhing strange?' 'No, nothing.' 3 There's somebody/someone in che house. 4 Are we going anywhcrc on Sunday? 5 Ir raincd (o it was raining) yesterday. We didn't go anywhere. (o We wenr nowhcre.) 6 Sornebody/Somconc has been in my bedroom. The window is open. 7 Is rhcre anything intercsting in rhis magazine? 8 Can you give me something ro drink, picase?
4 Every room 5 every word
80.2 5 all day 6 every day 7 all day
2 every day 3 all day 4 every day
80 3 2 every 3 all 4 all 5 Every
6 all 7 cvcry
8 ali 9 cvcry
80.4 2 everyrhing 3 4 5 6
Everybody/Everyone everything everywhere Everybody/Everyone
7 everywhere 8 Everything
80.5 2 is 3 hds 4 likes
3 Sorne 4 Most of 5 most 6 any of 7 ali o ali of 8 None of 9 any of 10 Mosr 11 mase of 12 Sorne 13 Ali oAll of 14 sorne of 15 mosr of
8 2 2 All of rhem. 3 Sorne of rhem. 4 one of them. 5 Most of rhern. 6 1 one of ir.
81.3 3 Some peo ple ... 4 Some of the questions ... o Sorne questions ...
UNIDAD 80 80.1 2 Every day 3 every time
UNIDAD 81 81.1
5 OK 6 Ali insects ... 7 OK (o ... ali of these books) 8 Most of the srudenrs ... o Mosr srudenrs ... 9 OK 10 ... mosr of rhe night
81 'Have you read any of rhese books?' 'No, none.' 2 All school buses are ycllow in thc United Srares. 3 Mosr of ID)' friends are Spanish. Sorne of rhem are from Madrid. 4 None of those shirts is/are clean, 5 Do you like any of these jackets? 6 one of my friends is a doctor (o are doctors). 7 Most of rhese srudents passed che exam. 8 Sorne European counrries are very small.
5 has 6 was 7 makes
80.6 1 1 read rhe (newslpaper every
UNIDAD 82 82.1 3 Borh 4 Neirher 5 Ncirhcr 6 borh 7 Eirhcr 8 neirher of 9 Neirher 10 eirher of 11 Both 12 neither of
13 Borh 14 either of
Soluciones a los ejercicios
2 Borh windows are open.
5 He doesn'r go out much. (o ... a lor.) 6 She rravels a loe.
3 Neither man is wcaring a har. 4 Borh mcn have (gor) cameras. o ... are
carrying cameras. 5 Borh buses go ro the airport. o ... are going ro rhe airport. 6 Neirher answer is righr.
.3 3 Borh of them are studenrs,
2 3
4 Neither of rhem has (gor) a car.
5 Both of thcm live in London. 6 Borh of rhern like cooking. 7 Neithcr of thcm can play the piano, 8 Both of them read ncwspapers, 9 eirher of rhern is inreresred in sport.
2 3 4
5 6 7 8
Borh (of) my siseers (can) speak Frcnch, bur ncithcr of thcm has bccn to France, Thcrc are two barhroorns in rhe house. You can use cithcr. Borh (of) rhese shirts are cheap. I don'r like either of rhose cars, They're roo small. Borh brothers are vcry inrelligent, 'Would you like (sorne) cea or fruir juice?' 'Neirher, thank you, bue can I have a cup of coffce?' We are inreresred in both possibiliries. You won't like eirher of che films. (o ... erther film.)
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 man y much many man y much much man y How many Howmuch How much How many
2 much 3 many 4 many 5 much 6 many 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a
time countries pcople luggage rimes
3 lor of loe of lot of loe of
interesring things accidents fun era ffic
3 a loe of snow 4 OK 5 a loe of money 6 OK 7 OK 8 a loe 3 Shc plays tennis a lor. 4 He doesn'r use his car much. (o ... a lot.)
5 6 7 8 9
'How much moncy do you wanr ro spcnd?' 'Nor much.' (o 'Nota lor.') Wc'vc gota lot of cxarns this week. 'How many chairs do you need?' 'Nor many, three or four.' (o 'Nora lor .. .') Tom knows a lor of people, bue he hasn'c gor many fricnds. (o ... a lor of friends.) Rosa knows a lor of English, bur nor much Frene h. (o ... noca lor of French.) we·ve gota loe of coffec, bue nor much milk. (o ... nora lor of milk.) Yesrcrday I didn't have much to do and I had a loe of free rime. There aren'r many rrees in rhis park. (o ... a loe of ... ) 'Were rhere many people ar che meeting?' 'Yes, a lor.' (o ' ... a loe of .. .')
UNIDAD 84 .1
2 a few 3 a lirtle
5 a litrle 6 a few
4 a few
2 a lirrlc milk 3 A few days 4 a lirrle Russian
5 a few friends 6 a few times 7 a few chairs 8 a lirtle fresh air
2 very lirrlc coffee 3 very lirrle rain 4 very few hotels 5 very lirrle time 6 Very few peoplc 7 very lirrle work
2 A fcw 3 a lirrle 4 linle
5 fcw 6 a litrle 7 lirrle
8 Carmen is worricd. She's gota few problcms with her fomily. 9 We've gor (o Wc hove) litrle inforrnarion abour che new reacher. I O John is very rude. 1 le's gor (o I le has) few friends.
UNIDAD 85 85.1 2 l like rhar green jacket. 3 Do you like classical music? 4 1 hada wonderful holiday. 5 We wcnt to a Chincsc restaurant.
2 black clouds 3 long holiday 4 hot water 5 frcsh air 6 sharp knife 7 dangerous job "' 3 2 le looks new. 3 1 feel ill. 4 You look surprised. 5 Thcy smell nice. 6 lt tastes horrible. .4 2 Ir doesn't look new. 3 You don't sound American. 4 1 don't fecl cold. 5 They don't look hcavy. 6 Ir doe&n 't tas ce good. l Do you like chesc black shoes? 2 I like this ltalian wine. lt's very good. 3 My joblwork is easy, but ic's very boring. 4 Are you very hungcy? 5 Your sister looks very young. 6 They live in an old house. 7 What are you cooking? lt smclls good. 8 Can you take the small glasses and rhe white piares ro che dining-room? 9 This cake smells vcry good and rasres delicious. 10 1 havc rcad a very interesting book.
UNIDAD 86 2 ... a lirtle luck 3 ... a few things 4 OK
5 ... a few questions 6 ... few people ... 6 l 'Are rhere any eggs in rhe fridge?' 'A few.' 2 1 have read a few interesring books chis summer. 3 Lucy has got (o has) Iirrle free rime. 4 I've gor (o I have) a litrle money in
rhe bank. 5 l'd hke to buy a few shircs bur l've
gor (o I have) very lirrle money. 6 There's a lirrle sugar in che kirchen. 7 1 made a few fricnds when 1 was in che Unired Srares.
2 badly 3 quietly 4 angrily
5 fast 6 dangerously
2 Come quickly 3 work hard 4 sleep well 5 win easily 6 Think carcfully 7 know her very well 8 explain things very clearly/well 2 3 4 5
angry slowly slow careful
Soluciones a los ejercicios
6 hard 7 suddenly
8 quiet 9 badly 10 nice (v. Unidad 85} 86.4 2 well 3 good 4 well 5 well 6 good ... good 86.5 1 Your parents speak Spanish very well. 2 The plane arrived/was late and we had to wait parienrly. 3 Suddenly the light went out. 4 Orive carefully. This road is dangerous. 5 l wrire badly. 1 make a lot of misrakes. 6 Can you speak slowly, please? We can hardly understand you. 7 1 don'r like walking/towalk slowly. 8 The
UNIDAD 87 87.1 2 bigger 3 slower 4 more expensive 5 higher 6 more dangerous 87.2 2 srronger 3 happier 4 more modero 5 more irnportant 6 better 7 larger 8 more serious 9 prettier 10 more crowded 87.3 2 horrer/warrner 3 more expensive 4 worse 5 further 6 more difficult o harder 87.4 3 taller 4 harder 5 more comfortable 6 berter 7 nicer 8 heavier 9 more interesred 10 warmer 11 better 12 bigger 13 more beauriful 14 sharper 15 more polite 87.5 1 Your car isn'r very old. My car is older. 2 1 didn'r feel well this moming, bur I feel berter now. 3 This cheese is more expensive, bur it tasres berter.
4 l don't like buses. l always travel by train because it's faster and more comfortable. 5 1 gor up earlier yesrerday and I was more rired in the evening. 6 These shoes are better, but rhey'reI rhey are more expensive, 7 1 have (o I've got) an easier job now. 8 The Central hotel is further, bur ir's cheapcr.
UNIDAD 88 88.1 3 Liz is taller than Ben. 4 Liz starts work earlier than Ben. 5 Ben works harder rhan Liz. 6 Ben has gor more money than Liz, 7 Liz is a berrer driver than Ben. 8 Ben is more parienr rhan Liz, 9 Ben is a berter dancer than Liz. I Ben dances better chao Liz, 10 Liz is more intelligent than Ben. 11 Liz speaks French better than Ben. I Liz speaks bener French than Ben. I Liz's French is berter than Ben's. 12 Ben goes to the cinema more than Liz. I ... more often than Liz. JB.2 2 You're older than her. I ... than she is. 3 You work harder than me./ ... rhan Ido. 4 You watch TV more rhan hirn. / ... tha n he docs. 5 You're a berrer cook than me./ ... than I am. o You cook berrer than me. / ... than l do. 6 You know more people rhan us. / ... than we do. 7 You've gor more money than them. I ... than rhey have. 8 You can run fasrer than me. I ... than I can. 9 You've been here longer than her./ ... than she has. 10 You got up earlier than them. / ... rhan they did. 11 You were more surprised than him. I ... than he was. 88.3 2 Jack's rnother is much younger than his farher. 3 My camera cosr a bit more than yoursl ... than your camera. o My camera was a bit more expensive than... 4 1 feel much berrer roday than yesterday. / ... rhan I did yesterday,/ ... than I felr yesterday. 5 Ir's a bit warrner roday than yesrerday. / ... than ir was yesterday. 6 Ann is a much berrer tennis player than me I than I am. o Ann is much berrer ar tennis than me I than I am. o Ann plays tennis much berrer than me I than Ido. 88.4 1 The meeting was very long - more than rwo hours.
2 You can swim bener than me (o than I can). 3 Antonioeats much more than you (o ehan you do). 4 We'll be in Madrid in less than three hours, 5 Japanese is much more difficult than English. 6 This flar is newer and a bit bigger than mine. 7 l. think Hamlet is much more inreresringthan King Lear. 8 These rrousers cost more money rhan l can afford. 9 They have (o They've got) more money than us (o than we have/do).
UNIDAD 89 89.1 2 A is longer than B bue nor as long as
3 C is heavier than A bue noe as heavy as B. 4 A is older ehan C bur notas old as B. 5 B has gor more money than C but nor as much as A. o ... bue less (money) than A. 6 C works harder rhan A bue nor as hard as B. 89.2 2 Your room isn't as bigas mine./ ...
as my room.
3 1 didn'r gee up as early as you. / ... as you did. 4 They didn't play as well as us. / ... as wedid. 5 You haven't been here as long as me. / ... as l have. 6 He isn't as nervous as her./ ... as she is. 89.3 2 as 3 rhan 4 than 5 as
6 than 7 as 8 than
89.4 2 Julia lives in the same srreet as Caroline. 3 Julia got up at rhe same time as Andrew. 4 Andrew's car is rhe sarne colour as Caroline's. 89.5 1 My brother isn'r as intelligentas my sister, 2 Tom doesn't eat as much fruir as Brian . 3 We've gor (o We have) the same teacher as you. 4 In Barcelona there aren'e as many theatres as in Madrid. 5 Bill hasn't got (o doesn't have) as many friends as you (o as you have). 6 l feel berrer than yesterday. l'm nor as tired. 7 Sue doesn't earn as much as me (o as Ido). 8 We have rhe same reacheras last year.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
UNIDAD 90 2 C is longcr than A. D is che longcst. B is the shorrest. 3 D is youngcr than C. B is the youngcst. C is rhe oldesr, 4 D is more expcnsivechan A. C is che rnost expensive. A is che cheapest, 5 A is better rhan C. A is the bese. D is che worst. 2 che happiest day
3 the best film
4 rhe mosc popular singer
5 che worst rnistakc
6 the prettiest village 7 the coldest day 8 che most boring person • ;;j
2 Everest is che highest mounrain in che world. 3-6 Alaska is che largest state in the USA. Brazil is the largesr country in Sourh America. Jupiter is the largest planee in rhe solar system. The Nile is rhe longest river in Africa. I ... in rhe world. Madrid is the largest (o biggest) ciry in Spain. 2 'Have you got (o Do you have) (any) cheaper shoes?' 'These are the cheapest.' 3 lt is che longest film (rhat) l've ever seen. 4 Ir is the rnost beauriful town {thar)
we've ever visited. 5 She's che best teacher in the school and che rnost inrelligent person (rhar) l've ever mer, 6 In chis ciry the cathedral is older than the rown hall, bue che castle is che oldest building.
UNIDAD 91 2 enough chairs 3 enough paint 4 enough wind 1.2 2 The car isn't big enough, 3 His legs aren't long enough. 4 He isn't strong enough. 3 old enough 4 enough time 5 big enough 6 eat enough 7 enough fruir 8 tired enough 9 practise enough
2 3 4 5 6
sharp enough ro cut warm cnough to have enough bread ro make well enough to win enough time toread
9i.5 1 There wcren't enough chairs for everybody. 2 Have you got (o Do you have) enough food for cwo? 3 'Do you necd (some/any) more paper?' 'No, thank you. !'ve got (o I have) enough.' 4 Thcy havcn't gor (o They don'r have) enough moncy ro buy a house. 5 This place is big cnough for rhe meeting. 6 Wc haven't gor (o We don't havc) enough roorns for your friends ro seay. 7 Is thcre enough bread to make six sandwiches? 8 You don'r ear enough fruir .
UNIDAD 92 9~.1 2 roo heavy 3 roo low 4 too fase 5 too big 6 too crowded
3 enough
4 too many
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
too enough too much enough too too many too much
92. 3 Ir's too far. 4 lt's too expensive. 5 lt isn'r I It's nor big enough, 6 lt was too difficult. 7 lt isn'r good enough. 8 I'm too busy. 9 Ir was too long. ?. 4 2 too early to go ro bed. 3 too young to ger married. 4 too dangerous to go out ar nighc. 5 roo late ro phone Ann (now). 6 too surprised to sa y anything.
925 I can't buy rhar house. lt's too expensive. 2 You work too much. 3 1 chink l've drunk too much coffcc today. 4 There are too many people and wc haven't got (o we don't have) enough glasses. 5 l'm nor feeling well. l've caten (o I ate) too many cherries. 6 Sue is too busy to come to rhe cinema. 7 This book is too difficult for you to read.
8 Thcy are (o They're) roo old to play football.
UNIDAD 93 9, .1 3 I like this picture very much. 4 Tom started his new job last week. 5 OK 6 Jane boughr a present for her friend. o Jane bought her friend a present. 7 T drink three cups of coffee every day. 8 OK 9 1 borrowed fifry pounds from my brother. l.2 2 1 wrote two letrers this morning. 3 Paul passed the exam easily. 4 Ann doesn'r speak Frcnch very well. 5 l did a lot of work yescerday. 6 Do you know London well? 7 We enjoyed the parry very much. 8 l explained the problem carefully. 9 We met sorne friends ar the airport. 10 Did you buy that jacket in England? 11 We do the same thingevery day. 12 I don'r like football very much. 93.3 2 I arrived ar the hotel early. 3 Julia goes to ltaly every year. 4 We havc lived here sincc 1988. 5 Sue was born in London in 1960 . 6 Paul didn't go to work ycstcrday . 7 Ann went to che bank yescerday afrernoon. 8 1 had my breakfast in bed chis morning. 9 Barbara is going to universiry in October. 10 1 saw a beautiful bird in the garden this morning. 11 My parents have been to the United States many times. 12 I lefr my umbrella in che restaurant last night. 13 Are you going to the cinema tomorrow evening? 14 1 took rhc children to school this morning.
1 My husband likes French wine very much / a lot. 2 Thc film began/startedar 7 (o'clock). 3 1 saw Judith ar rhe station yesterday. 4 Juan went ro London three months ago. 5 1 don't (o can'c) understandher. She doesn't speak English very well. 6 We open rhe shop at 10 (o'clock). 7 1 went to the concert on Sarurday. 8 Are we going to che beach tomorrow? 9 My parents were in Alicante in September.
UNIDAD 94 94,1 2 He always gets up carly. 3 He's I He is never late for work.
Soluciones a los ejercicios 4 He sornenmes gers angry. 5 He oftcn goes swimmmg. 6 He's I He is usually ar home in che evenings.
.2 2 Susan is always police.
3 1 usually finish work ar 5 o'clock.
Jill has [ust srarted a new job. 5 1 rarely go ro bed bcfore midnight.
6 Thc bus isn'r usually late. 7 1 don'r oftcn ear fish. 8 1 will ncver forget what you said. 9 Havc you ever losr your passport? 10 Do you srill work in the sarne place? 11 Thc:y always stay in rhe sarne hotel. 12 Diane doesn't usually work on Saturdays.
13 Is Tina nlready hcrc? 14 What do you usually have for breakfasr? 15 1 can never remember his name.
2 Yes, and I also speak French. 3 Yes, and l'm also hungry. 4 Yes, and l've also been to lreland, 5 Yes, and I also boughr sorne books. They borh play foorball. They're/ They are borh srudenrs, They've borh gor carsfJ"hey borh have cars. 2 Thcy arc/They'rc ali married. They were ali boro in England. They ali live m Ncw York.
3 Have you finishcd reading che ncwspaper yer? / [ lave you finishcd with the newspaper yer? 4 ( las Brian alrcady arrived? / Is Brian already here? 5 Are you ready (ro go out) yet? 6 Is it alrcady 5 o'clock? 3 Shc's/She has already gone/left. 4 l'vc alrcady gor one. / 1 already have one. 5 I've/l hove already paid (it). 6 he already knows.
Hove you finishcd your breakfasr yet? 2 'Is Rosa still ar rhc docror's?' 'Yes. She hasn'r come back yer (o ... snll hasn't come back},' 3 I snll have sorne moncy. 1 havcn't spcnr it all ycr. 4 Wc havcn'r had dinner yet. Jaime is Mili cooking. 5 Our friends have already arrived, 6 'What time does rhe plane from London arrivc?' 'Ir has already landed.' 7 Thc train leaves in five minutes. Have you boughr rhe rickers yet? 8 Paul is srill working.
Isabel. (o Give Isabel your (telc)phonc number.) Tom hasn't seen (o didn't see) chis book. 1 didn't show it to him. 1 nccd your keys. Can you lend them to me? 'llave you sccn Lucy?' 'Yes, l've givcn her your lctter.' (o '!'ve given your lettcr to her.') 1 like thosc ílowcrs. l will give them toMarfa. 'Where are your books?' 'l've lent rhcm ro Linda.'
5 6 7 8
UNIDAD 97 97 1 3 at 4 on 5 in 6 in 7 011
9 at 10 on 2 011 3 at 4 in s in 6 in 7 011
9 in
10 at
2 3 4
5 6 7
We don'r always go ro rhc sarne restaurant. The boss has already arrivcd. 'Do you ever go ro rhe rhcarre?' 'Y es, often.' 'You never (rcle)phonc me.' 'You are ncvcr ar home.' Enrique doesn'r usually go ro bed late. Are you srill working? h's very lare, The studenrs have jusr arrived from rhe rnuseum. They are ali very tired. 1 have ncvcr beco to China.
2 Do you srill live in Ciare Street? 3 Are you srill a studenc? 4 Have you snll got a moror-bikc? I Do you srill have ... ? 5 Do you srill go to rhe cinema a lot? 6 Do you srill want ro be a reacher? 2 He was looking for a job. He's/He is still looking (for a job). He hasn't found a job yet. 3 She was asleep/sleeping. o She was in bed, She's/She is still asleeplsleeping. o ... srill in bed. Shc hasn't wokcn up yet, / She hasn'r got up yer. / Shc isn'r awake yer. I Shc: isn'r up yct. 4 Thcy wc:re having dinner. / They were caring. They're I They are srill having dinner. I ...srill earing. They haven't finished (dinner) yet. I They haven 't finished earing yer.
2 l lc gavc 3 l lc gavc 4 lle gave l lc gave 6 lle gave
it ro Gary. them to Sorah. it to his si,ter. them ro Roben. ir ro a neighbour.
2 l gavc Joann:1 a planr. 3 1 gavc Richard sorne glovcs I a pair of gloves. 4 I gavc Diane sorne chocolates I a box of chocolates. 5 I gave Rachel somc ílowers I a bunch of ílowers. 6 I gave Kevin a pen. 2 Can you lend mean umbrella? 3 Can you give me your address? 4 Can you lend me ten pounds? 5 Can you send me sorne informaraon? 6 Can yo u show me the letter? 7 Can you get me sorne sramps? 2 lend you sorne money 3 send the letter ro me 4 buy you a prcscnt 5 pass me the sugar 6 givc ir ro her 7 the policeman my idencity card ! lene Artn my camera. (o l lent my camera to Ann.) 2 Don't forget to send your parents a postcard. (o ... a postcard to your parents.) 3 Givc your (telc)phone number ro
ll at 12 in
14 011
15 ar 16 at 17 at 18 m 11 12 13 14 15 16
ot 011
in ar in on J7 in 18 ar 19 ar
J 2 011 Friday 3 on Monday 4 at 4 o'clock 011 Thursday Ion Thursday at 4 o'clock 5 on Saturday cvcning 6 at 2.30 011 Tuesday (aftcrnoon) Ion Tuesday (aíternoon) ar 2.30 t¡7,
2 1'11 phone you in thrce days. 3 My cxam is in two weeks. 4 Tom will be here in half an hour. I . .. in 30 minutes. 3 in 4 - (sin preposición) 5 - 1sin preposición) 6 in 7 at
8 9
- (sin preposición) - (sin preposición)
10 on 11 in 12 at
97.6 I We wc:nt to ltaly in March. 2 My sister will be here on Tuesday. 3 1 drink coffee in the morning, bue I prefer tea in che afternoon. 4 They get up late on Sunday mornings. 5 Next Thursday is a holiday. 6 1 saw you at the cinema on Wednesday afternoon. 7 1'11 see you again at Christmas.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
8 We'll be in Scville in a weck. 9 What did you do lase Sunday? 10 My birrhday is on the rwclfrh of Augusr,
UNIDAD 98 98.1 2 Alex lived in Canada until 1990. 3 Alex has lived in England since 1990. 4 Alice lived in France until 1991. 5 Alice has lived in Switzerland since 1991. 6 Caro! workcd in a hotel from 1990 to 1993. 7 Carel has worked in a restaurant sincc 1993. 8 Gerry was a teacher from 19 8 3 to 1989. 9 Gerry has been a salesman sincc 1989. 11 Alex has lived in England for ...... years. 12 Alice has Iived in Swirzerland for ...... years. 13 Caro! worked in a hotel for rhree years. 14 Caro! has worked in a restaurant for ...... years. 15 Gerry was a reacher for six years. 16 Gerry has been a salesman for ...... years. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 unril for since Until for for until
9 since 10 11 12 13 14
until for until Since for
98.3 1 The bank opens from 9 (o'clock) unril 2 (o'clock). 2 Sandra lived in Santander unril 1997. She has lived (o has been living) in Valencia since rhat year. 3 Marta has worked in Barcelona for rhree monrhs. 4 They've been studying (o They've studied) English for three years. 5 Sue waited (for) rwo hours unril rhe doctor could see her (o for che doctor to see her). 6 The school will be closed for a rnonrh, until Seprember. 7 I worked for a firrn in Valencia unril I found a job in Madrid. 8 Liz has played rhe piano since she was a child.
UNIDAD 99 2 3 4 5
afrer lunch
before thc cnd during rhe course before they wenr to Australia 6 during rhe night 7 while you are waiting 8 after rhe concert
3 whilc 4 for 5 while 6 during
7 whilc 8 for 9 during 10 whilc
9!).3 2 earing 3 answering 4 having/raking 5 finishing/doing 6 going/travelling 99.4 2 John worked in a bookshop for two years afrer leaving schoo!. 3 Beforc going ro sleep, 1 read a few pages of my book, 4 After walking for rhree hours, we were very tircd. 5 Ler's have a cup of coffee before going out.
1 Sally was vcry rired afrer rhe lesson. 2 Sandy fell asleep during the concerr, 3 Mark fell while he was running. 4 1 always get drcssed before breakfast (o befare I have/having breakfasr). 5 Whar did you do after visiring the museurn (o after you visired che museum)? 6 Alfonso (tele)phoned befare coming (o beforc he carne). 7 Your rnother gavc usa cup of tea while wc were waiting for you. 8 They had (o took) a shower afrer playing foorball (o afrer they played foorball). 9 After warching (o she warched] televisión, she went to bed. 10 My grandfather was in Francc during the war,
UNIDAD 100 00.1 2 In the box. 3 On the box. 4 On the wall. 5 At rhe bus stop. 6 In the field. 7 On rhe balcony. 8 In che pool. 9 At rhe window. 10 On thc ceiling. 11 Oo the table. 12 At rhe table.
100.3 In 1997 1 lived in Brisrol, 2 Thc bank is ar rhe cnd of this srreer, 3 1 can't go in. Thcre is a dog at rhe door. 4 Where are rhe keys, 011 rhe table or in che drawer? 5 I live here. You can stop ar rhese traffic lights. 6 Is your sister che girl on the bicycle? 7 I don't like those picrures on rhar wall. 8 The kcy is on the shclf, in a black bag.
UNIDAD 101 101.1 2 At rhe airporr, 3 In bcd. 4 On a ship. 5 In rhe sky. 6 Ata party. 7 At the doctor's, 8 On the second floor . 9 At work. 10 Oo a plane. 11 In a taxi. 12 At a wedding. 101.2 2 in 3 in 4 at 5 on
6 ar 7 in 8 ar 9 at
10 in IJ in 12 on 13 011 14 at
15 in 16 on
101.3 1 1 saw David at the concert. 2 'Rafa isn'r ar work.' 'He's ar rhe doctor's.' 3 Yesterda y we wcre at a birchda y party. 4 'Luis wasn'r at rhe airporr.' 'He was at Carmen's.' 5 We will (We'll) stay at home on Saturday. 6 In 1996 Sandra was ar universiry. 7 The River Nilc is the longest in che world. 8 1 met Susan on a planc. 9 Bruce is very tired. He's in bed now. 10 Melanie had an accidenr on the (o her) way to work.
100.2 2 in
4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15
in on at in in ar ar in ar on at oo rhe wall ... in thc living room
UNIDAD 102 102.1 2 to 3 in 4 to 5 in
6 ro 7 to 8 in
10, 2 3 to 4 to 5 at home ... to work 6 ar 7 - (sin preposición)
Soluciones a los ejercicios
8 to 9 at 10 ata restaurant ... to the hotel 10" 3
3 to 4 in 5 ro 6 ro 7 at 8 to 9 to 10 ar 11 ar 12 tO Mary's house ... ar home 13 - (sin preposición) 14 study at ... go to 1<12.4 1 ro 2 - (sin preposición) 3 ar 4 in 5 ro 6 - (sin preposición) 10' r Si es posible,enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 ro work. 3 at work, 4 to Canada. 5 to parnés. 6 at a friend's house. 102.6 1 There are a lor of/many cinemas in the ciry centre. 2 Whar time did you arrive in Madrid? 3 Luis went to France yesterday. 4 We don'r usually go to bed very late. 5 They are nor ar home. They've gone to rhe cinema. 6 Ir was very late when I arrivcd (o gor) home. 7 1 usually arrive ar rhe oflice at 8.15. 8 We saw Laura ar che party.
UNIDAD 103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.., 1 nexr to I beside I by in front of berween next ro I besideI by in fronr of behind on the left in the middle
o· 2 behind 3 above 4 in front of 5 on 6 by I nexr to I beside 7 below I under 8 above 9 under 1 O by I nexr ro I beside 11 opposire 12 on
103.3 2 The fountain is in front of the theatre. 3 The bank/bookshop is opposire rhe rhcarre. o Paul's office is opposite the rhearre. o The rhearre is opposire ... 4 The bank/bookshop/ supermarkctis ncxt to ... 5 Paul's office is above rhe bookshop. 6 The bookshop is between rhe bank and the superrnarker. 103.4 1 The bank is ar rhe end of rhe road/streeton rhe righr. 2 Pablo sar (down) in fronr of me. Teresa was nexr ro/beside/by Blanca, behind Vicente. 3 The superrnarker is next ro/beside/by the cinema, opposite rhe hospital. 4 Our house is behind rhe park, next ro/beside/byrhe school. 5 Therc is a post box opposire the museurn, in fronr of the library. 6 What are you wearing under your shirt? 7 This picrure is nice/line here, below/ undcr rhe lamp, berween rhe rwo windows.
UNIDAD 104 104.1 2 Go under rhe bridge. 3 Go up rhe hill. 4 Go clown che sreps, 5 Go along chis street. 6 Go inro the hotel. 7 Go past the hotel. 8 Go out of rhe hotel. 9 Go over rhe bridge. 10 Go through rhe park, 104.2 2 off 3 over 4 Out of
5 across 6 round/around 7 through 8 on 9 round/around 1 O into rhe house ... through a window 104.3 1 out of 2 round/around 3 in 4 from here to the airport 5 round/around 6 on/over 7 over 8 out of 104 ... 1 Thc car ran undcr rhe bed. 2 Suddenly Sue carne inro the room. 3 Where
UNIDAD 105 105,1 2 on time 3 on holiday 4 on thc phone 5 on relevision 10"'.2 2 by 3 wirh 4 abour 5 on 6 by 7 at 8 on 9 wirh 10 about grammar by Vera P. Bull 105.3 1 wirh 2 wirhout 3 by 4 about 5 ar 6 by 7 on 8 with
9 ar 10 by 11 about 12 by 13 on 14 with 15 by 16 by
105.4 1 Rosa went on holiday to India ar the agc of 18. 2 You can get (o go) to the museum by bus. 3 The man with che dark glasses is my boss. 4 Do you usually go ro work by car? 5 Have you read The Rainbou/ by D.H. Lawrence? 6 Tom and I talked on rhe (tele)phone about the trip to Brighton. 7 (The) intercity trains in Spain travel ar 200 kilornetres an hour and (they) are usually on time (o they usually arrive on time). 8 'You look worricd.' 'I'm thinking about Tom. l don'r know anyrhing abour him.'
UNIDAD 106 106.1 2 in 3 ro 4 ar
5 wirh 6 of
106.2 2 ar 3 to 4 about 5 of 6 of 7 from 8 in 9 of 10 abour 11 for 12 for gerring angry with you 10 .3 2 interested in going 3 good at gerriug 4 fed up with waiting 5 sorry for waking
Soluciones a los ejercicios
106.4 2 Sue walked pasr me withour speaking, 3 Don'r do anything wirhour asking me firsr,
4 1 wenr out wirhout locking the door.
5 James talked/spokero Sally abour rhe rrip ro Brighcon. 6 You cango wuh your fnends. 1'11 look afrer rhe childrcn. 7 Tom didn't have enough money, so I paid for rhe meal.
1 l'm afraid of the dark. 2 This restaurant is fomous for irs
salads. We are interested 111 buying a house 111 che counrry. lt's very nice/kind of John to come wirh us to the airporr. Pilar was fed up wirh this country. Now she lives 111 Los Angeles and she is married to an American. Your sisrer is good ar swimrmng. Are you inreresrcd in rhe hisrory of Spa111? (l'm) sorry abour my rnisrakev, l'm very nervous, Davrd is sorry for nor coming 10 your parry. (o ... sorry he didn'r come ... ) \Ve can'r go rhe cinema wrrhout .l'>kingpermivsion.
3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
UNIDAD 107 107.1 2 to
3 for
5 ar 6 for
4 [0 107.2
2 [O 3 10 4 for
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
of/.,hour for on to for to - (sinpreposiclÓ/1} ro at for 4
5 ar 6 for
s; es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa
alguienque hable mglés. Aquí benes algunos modelos de respuestas: 3 Ir depends on rhe prograrnrne. 4 lr depends (on) whar ir is. 5 lr dcpends on rhe wearher. 6 lt depends (on) how much you want.
108.1 2 wenr in 3 looked up 4 rode off 5 rurned round/around o looked round/arouncl 6 got off 7 sar down 8 gor out
109.2 2 He pur his jacket on. He pur it on. 3 She rook off her glasses. She rook them off. 4 Put your pens down. Pur them clown. 5 They gave rhe money back. They gave it back. 6 1 rurned off che lights. 1 rurned thcm off. 109.3 2 take it back
3 picked rhcm up 4 swnchcd 1t off 5 bnng thcm back 109.4
round/around going out ... be back down over back 111 9 up 1 O going away ... coming back
3 l knockcd over a glass / I knockcd a gla~~ovcr 4 look ,t up 5 throw them away 6 fill 11111 7 tried on a pair of shocs I triecl a pa,r of shoes on 8 showcd me round (o around) 9 gave 1t upo gavc up (sm 1t) 'IO put out your cigaretceI put your cigarettc out
108.2 2 away/ou1
3 4 5 6 7 8
2 Hold on 3 slowed down 4 rakes off 5 get Oll 6 speak up 7 broken clown 8 fo II o ver I fo II clown 9 carried 011 10 gave up 108.4
107.3 l ar 2 afrer 3 for
6 She rurned off rhe tap. o She rurned the tap off.
I Goodbyet Come back soon! 2 The nurror was loosc and ,e fell down. .3 l'm gorng, 1'11 be back .11 four (o'clock). 4 My parenrs ger up late on Sundays. 5 Pascual walked away/off wuhour speaking. 6 Amparo sard goodbye and drove away/off. 7 \Ve walkccl to rhe end of rhe srreer, rurned round and carne back. 8 Sandra was walking along rhe srreer. Suddcnly a man snarched her bag and ran away/off. 9 Laura wenr in and sar clown. 10 When I wenr out, 1 looked up and 1t was very cloudy.
107 .5
109.1 2 She took off her hat. o She rook her
J I can'r wair for you. 1 have ro go, 2 l'm looking for the newspaper.I lave you seen ir? 3 l\lontse is angry because her sisrers laughed ar her. 4 Lola asked me for your (rele)phone number.
har off. 3 He pur down his bag, o He pur his bag down. 4 She pickcd up che magazine. o Shc picked the magazine up. 5 He pur on his sunglasscs. o He pur his sunglasscs on.
1 l lerc:\ your sweater. Put ir on. 2 lt's clark. Turn on thc light (o turn
the light on), pica~. 3 Juan dcanedrhe ~helvcs and then he put back rhe books (o put the books back). 4 Andrés rcacl the book and then he took it back to thc library. 5 Can )'Ou lend me sorne moncy? 1'11 g1vc 1t back to you tomorrow. 6 1 was tsrcd, so I turncd off thc televi~1on (o Irurnccl thc television off) and wcm to bccl. 7 Laura p1ckcd up the documcms (o p,ckcd the documents up) and put them on her desk. 8 You can cake off your jacket (o rake your iacker off). 9 When you come tomorrow,don't forgcr to bring back my videos (o bnng my videos back). 10 My glasses are on rhe floor. Can you p1ck rhem up, picase?
UNIDAD 110 110.1 3 1 went to the window and (1) lookecl out. 4 1 wantcd to phonc you bur I didn'1 have your number. 5 1 jumped into the river and (1) swam to che orhcr sidc. 6 1 usually drive to work bue I went by bus this morning. 7 Do you wam me ro come wirh you or shall I waic here? 110.2
Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa alguien que hable inglés. Aqui tienesalgunos modelos de respuestas:
Soluciones a los ejercicios
2 becausc it was raining. / beca use rhe
wcarher was bad, 3 bur ir was closed. 4 so he didn't cae anything. / so he didn't want anything ro ear. 5 because rhere was a lot of traffic. / beca use rhc rra ffic was bad. 6 Sue said goodbye, gor into her car and drove offlaway.
110.3 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguienque hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelosde respuestas: 3 1 went to the cinema but the film wasn't very good. 4 l went ro a cafe and mer sorne friends of mine. 5 There was a film 011 relevision, so I warched ir. 6 1 gor up in rhe rniddlc of che nighr because I couldn't sleep.
110.4 l I didn't go to work on Friday because I had a rernperarure, but I felt better on Saturday. 2 My sisrer is a teacher, bur she doesn't work in a school becausc shc doesn'r like children. 3 lt was very hot so wc closed thc door and my morhcr turncd on thc air conditioning. o ... turned rhe air
condirioning 011. 4 1 (tele)phoned Lorenzo bur he wasn'r ar home, so I couldn'r spcak/talk 5 6 7 8
ro/with him. My warch has sroppcd, so I can'r rell you rhe rime. Robert livcs in Windsor bur (he) works in Eron. Lucía wants to travcl ro Alaska because she leves fishing. 1 ofren go che cinema, but I don't go to the theatre much.
UNIDAD 111 111.1 2 when they hcard che news 3 rhey wcnr to livc in New Zealand 4 whilc rhcy wcrc away 5 before thcy carne herc 6 sornebody broke into rhc house 7 chcy didn't bclicvc me
111.2 2 lf you pass che exarn, )'Ou'II gct a certificare,
3 If you fail the exam, you can do it again. 4 If you don't want rhis magazine, I'II rhrow it away. 5 If you wanr rhose pictures, you can
have rhem, 6 If you're busy now, we can talk iarer. 7 lf you're hungry, we can have lunch now.
111.3 2 1 finish ic's 4 1'11 be ... she lea ves
5 StOpS 6 is
7 \'
112.5 l If you were 60 (years old), you wouldn'r run so fast.
2 Would Jenny get/be angry if wc
s, es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa
alguienque hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelosde respuestas: 2 you finish your work? 3 you ger ready. 4 it's sunny. 5 1 won't have much free rime. 6 I'll help you, 7 1 come back?
11.5 l When I got to (o arrived ar) rhe srarion, che rrain was waiting. 2 When the film finishes, don'r forget to turn off rhe relevision (o turn rhe rclcvision off). 3 1 can 't buy anyrhing until you give me sorne rnoney. 4 lf we win che lortcry, wc'll buy a new car. 5 Rob, clean your reeth before you go ro bed. 6 Close rhe windows and
UNIDAD 112 121 3 wanrcd 4 had 5 was/wcrc 6 didn't enjoy 7 could 8 spoke 9 didn'r have
112.2 3 l'd go I I would go 4 she knew )
6 7 8 9 10
had you won 1 wouldn'r stay
we lived
Ir would be rhe salary was/were 11 1 wouldn't know 12 would you change
112.3 2 J'd watch ir/ l would watch it 3 wc had some picrures on the wall 4 rhe air would be cleaner 5 every day was/werc the same 6 I'd be bored I I would be bored 7 we had a bigger house / we bought a bigger house 8 we would/could buy a bigger housc
112.4 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestasa alguien que hable inglés. Aquítienes algunos modelos de respuestas: 2 I'd go to Anrarcrica 3 1 didn'r have any fricnds 4 1 had enough moncy 5 l'd call rhe police 6 rhere were no guns
didn'r (rele)phone her to go to the cinema? The children would be happy if we t0ok them to the cinema. If ir wasn't (o weren't) cold, we would go for a walk. Your sisrer would be happicr if she didn't have so many problems. lf we lived in London we would go to the thearre more ofren. lf I wasn't (o weren't) so tired I would help you.
3 4 5 6 7
UNIDAD 113 113.1 2 A burcher is a pcrson who sclls mear. 3 A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument. 4 A patienc is a person who is ill in hospiral. 5 A dencist is a pcrson who looks after your teeth. 6 A fool is a person who is very stupid. 7 A genius is a person who is very incelligenr. 8 A liar is a person who doesn't tell rhc truth.
13 2 2 The woman who opened che door was wearing a yellow dress.
3 Most of rhe srudents who rook thc exam passed (it).
4 The policeman who sropped our car wasn 't very fricndly. 113.3 2 who 3 which 4 which 5 who
7 who 8 who 9 which
rhar también es correcto en estas frases.
3 ... 4
5 6 7 8
a machinc thac/which makes coffee. OK (which también es correcto) ... peoplc who/that never stop talking. OK (who también es correcto) OK (that tambiénes correcto) ... the senrenccs tbat/which are wrong.
113.5 l Do you know the woman who is waiting?
2 In rhe park there's a tree rhat (o which) is very old.
3 J've got I have a grammar book that (o which) will hclp us. 4 l've got / have a brother who lives in Australia. 5 Is chis che rrain that (o which) stops ar Reading? 6 This is che letter that (o which) arrived yesrerday. 7 Ycstcrday I wcnr to che cinema with somebody/someone who knows you.
Soluciones a los ejercicios
8 Where is the lift that (o which) isn't working/ doesn'r work? 9 Do you know anybody/anyone who speaks Iralian? 10 This is rhe car which (o thar) won five caces in 1996.
UNIDAD 114 114.1 2 I've losr the pen you gave me. 3 1 like rhe jacket Sue is wearing. 4 Where are the flowers I gave you? 5 1 didn't believe rhe story he rold us. 6 How much were the oranges you bougbt? 114.2 2 The meal you cooked was excellenr. 3 The shoes I'm wearing aren't very cornforta ble.
4 The people we invited to dinner didn'r come. 114.3 2 Who are the people you spoke to? 3 Did you find rhe keys you were looking for? 4 The house tbey live in is too small for rhern. 5 The map I looked ar wasn't very clear. 6 1 fell off the chair I was sitting on. 7 The bus we were waiting for was very late. 8 Who is the man Linda is dancing with? 114.4 2 What's the name of the restaurant where you had dinner? 3 Do you like the village where you live? 4 How big is the facrory where you work?
114.5 1 This is rhe car (rhat) 1 bought last week. 2 Here is the key (that) we are looking for. 3 'Who is Bruce? 'He's rhe boy (that/who) 1 go (o am going) out with.' 4 I've got / 1 have a friend who/that lived in Colombia for ten years. 5 1 liked the lerter (that) you sent me. 6 Japan is a country (thar) I've always been interesred in. 7 Those are rhe girls (that/who) 1 told you abour. 8 1 was in a village where there aren't any ( o there are no) horels. 9 Do you like rhe shoes (rhat) I gave you? 10 l know a restaurant which/that is open ali night. 11 Sharon is rhe girl (that/who) I share a fiar with.
Soluciones a los ejercicios complementarios 1 3 4 5 6
Kare is a doctor. Thc childrcn are aslecp. Bill isn't hungry. The books arcn'r 011 rhe rabie. 7 Thc hotel is ncar thc srarion. 8 The bus isn't full.
5 6 7 8
l'm going lt's raining 1 don't warch we're looking 9 do you pronounce 2 we go
2 3 she's/she is 4 Whcrc are 5 Is he 6 lt's/lt is 7 l'm/I am o No, l'rn not, l'm a student. 8 What colour is 9 Is ir 10 Are you 11 How rnuch are
3 is shining 4 are you going 5 do you go 6 She wrires 7 1 never read 8 They're warching 9 She's talking 10 do you usually have 11 He's visiting 12 1 don't drink
3 3 He's/He is having a bath. 4 Are the children playing? 5 Is it raining? 6 Thcy'rc/They are coming now. 7 Why are you standing here? l'm/1 arn wairing for somebody.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 4 Chris doesn'r wanr 5 Do you wanr 6 Docs Ann live 7 Sarah knows 8 1 don't travel 9 do you usually ger up 1 O They don't go out 11 Tim always finishes 12 does Jill do ... She works r
3 She's/She is a srudenr.
4 She hasn't gor a car. 5 She goes out a lor. 6 She's goe I She has got a lot of friends. 7 She doesn't like London. 8 She likes dancing. 9 She isn't I She's nor interesred in sport. 6 Are you married? Where do you live? Have you got I Do you have any childrcn? How old is she? 2 How old are you? What do you do? I Where do you work? I What's your job? Do you like/enjoy your job? Have you got / Do you have a car? Do you (usually) go to work by car? 3 What's his name? I What's he called? What does he do? I What's his job? Does he live/work in London? 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sonia is 32 ycars old. l've goe I I have three sisters. We ofren watch TV in the evening. Ann never wears a har. A bicycle has got rwo wheels. These flowers are beautiful. Mary speaks German very well.
8 3 are you cooking? 4 plays
went found was had rold gave were rhoughr invired
He was good ar sport. He played football. He didn't work hard ar school. He had a lot of friends. 7 He didn't have a bicycle. 8 He wasn'r a quier child.
3 4 5 6
3 How long were you there? I How long did you stay there? 4 Did you like/enjoy Amsrerdam? 5 Where did you sray? 6 Was che weather good? 7 When did you get/come back? 13 3 l forgor 4 did you ger 5 I didn 'r speak 6 Did you have 7 he didn'r go 8 she arrived 9 did Robert live 10 The meal didn't cosr 4
2 were working 3 opened 4 rang was cooking 5 hcard looked 6 was looking ... happened 7 wasn'r reading ... was warching 8 didn't read 9 finished ... paid ... left 10 saw ... was walking ... was waiting 3 is playing 4 gave 5 doesn'r like 6 did your parenrs go 7 saw ... was driving 8 Do you watch 9 were you doing
10 goes l J 'm/am trying 12 didn'r sleep 16
3 it's/it has jusr finished/ended. 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
l've/1 have found thcm! 1 haven't read ir. Have you seen her? l'vc/l havc had cnough. Havc you (ever) been ro Sweden? We've!We have (just) bcen ro rhe cinema. They've/They have gone to a party. He's/He has just woken up. How long have you lived here? o ... have you been living here? we've/we have known each other for a long rime. It's/It has been raining ali day. o Ir has rained ali day. o Ir has been horrible/bad ali day.
17 3 has been 4 for 5 since 6 has he lived I has he been / has he bcen living 7 for 8 have been 18 Si es posible, enséñale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aqul tienes algunos modelos de respuestas. 3 I've just started rhis exercise, 4 I've mee Julia a few times. 5 l haven't had dinner yer, 6 I've ncver been to Australia. 7 l've lived here since I was born. 8 !'ve lived here for rhree years, 19 3 bought 4 went 5 've/have read o 've/have finished with 6 haven't started (ir) o haven't begun 7 was 8 didn't see 9 left 10 's/has been 11 was
20 3 He's/He has already gone. 4 she went ar 4 o'clock. 5 How many times havc you been thcrc? 6 l haven'r decided yer. 7 lt was on thc table lasr night. 8 ['ve just eaten. 9 What time did rhey arrive? 21 1 When was che last time? o When did you go che lasr time? 2 How long have you had it? r bought it yesterday. 3 How long have you lived I have you been living there? Before that we lived in Mili Road. How long did you live in Mili Road?
Soluciones a los ejercicios complementarios
4 How long have you worked I have you been working chere? Whar
Si es posible, enséiiale tus respuestas a alguien que hable inglés. Aquí tienes algunos modelos de respuestas.
2 1 didn'c go our lasr nighr, 3 1 was ac work ycsrcrday afcernoon. 4 1 wenc ro a party a few days ago. 5 Je was my birthday Jase wcek. 6 1 went to América last year.
23 2 B
3 D 4 A 5 A 6 D 7
8 B
9 10 D 11 A
13 B 14
24 1 was darnaged ... be knocked down 2 was built ... is used ... is being painred 3 is called ... be called ... was changed 4 have been made ... are produced 25 2 is visired 3 were damaged 4 be builr 5 is being cleancd 6 be forgotten 7 has already been done 8 be kepr 9 Havc you ever been birten 1 O was seo len 26 2 My car was srolen lasr week. 3 You're/You are wanrcd on che phonc. 4 The bananas havc becn cacen. 5 The rnachine will be repaired. 6 Wc're/We are being warched. 7 The food has to be boughc.
27 3 pushed 4 was pushed 5 has raken
6 is being repaircd 7 invenred 8 was che camera invented 9 did rhey send I have thcy sene 10 be scnt
11 B
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 B 3 A
4 e 5 B
e e
6 7
8 B 9 B 10 A
29 I stayed did you do I warched Are you going l'm going are you going ro see Idon't know. I haven'c decided 2 have you bcen We arrived are you staying I are you going ro Sta y
do you like we're having 3 l'vc [usr rernembered - Jill phoned She always phones ... Did she leave she wants 1'11 phone ... Do you know 1'11 ger 4 l'm going ... Do you wanr are you going Have you ever earen l've been 1 went 5 l've losr Have you seen You were wearing ... 1 carne I'm noc wearing Have you looked I Did you look 1'11 go
~o 2 A 3 B 4
e e
5 B
11 B 12 A 13 14 B
e e
6 7 B 8 A
16 A 17 C
9 C
18 B
10 A
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t1 12 13 14
15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22
a car che fridge a ceacher school che cinema a taxi che piano cornputers che samc a horse Thesky a tourist for lunch(-) tbe first Presidenc of the United States a warch remembcr names (-) che nexr rrain wrires lerrers (-) thc garden tbe Majestic Hotel ill lasr weck (-) ... ro work (-) the highest mountain in thc world to the radio having breakfasr(-) like sport (-) is basketball (-) a doctor ... an are reacher the second floor ... the top of the scairs ... on the righr After dinner (-) ... warched televisión (-) a wonderful holiday in tbe south of France (-)
2 in 3 on 4 ar 5 on 6 in 7 sin ce 8 on 9 by 10 in 11 for
12 ar 13 ar 14 in 15 ar 16 on 17 by 18 for ... on 19 to ... in 20 ar ... in
Indice analítico Los números se refierena las Unidades, no a las páginas. a/an 65, 66 a y sorne 68-69 nbour 105E above 103E across J 04 activa y pasiva, voces Apéndice I adjetivos 8 5 adjetivosy adverbios (quick/quickly)
86 comparativos (older / more expensive)
87-89 superlativos (the oldesr I rhe mosr
expensive) 90 get + adjetivo (ger ti red ele.) 56B adjetivos/determinantes posesivos
(my/your/her etc.) 60-62 somerhing/anybody
etc. + adjetivo
79C adjetivo+ preposición (good ar etc.) t 06A adverbios 86 orden de /as palabras (always/ usuallyI
ofren etc.) 94 advise (advise sorncbody ro ... ) 53B afraid (afraid of...) 3A, l lB, 106A aftcr 99, 111 ago 208 ali a II y cvcry etc. 80 ali (of) 81 orden de las palabras 94 along 104 already 95C alrcady + PRESr.NT PFRrF(, 178 orden de tas palabras 94 also (orden de las palabras) 94 always always + l'RESENT SIMl'LI: 6C orden de las palabras 94 am/is/arc 1-3 am/is/are + -ing (PRESE.NT CONTlNUOUS) 4-5, 24A, 27, 510 rhere is I rhere are 3 7 an-vera and 110 angry (angry with/about ... ) l06A another 65A any any y some 76 nor + any 77 any y no 77 any (of) 81 anybody I anyonc I anything 760, 78-79 anywhere 79 apóstrofo 's (l'm, ir's etc.) Apéndice 4 apóstrofo 's (my brorher's car) 64 are -ver am/is/are nround J 04, 108, Apéndice 7 arrive 102C artlculos (a/an/rhe) 65-66, 68-73 a/an 65, 66, 68-69 rhc 70-73 as (nor as ... as) 89, Apéndice 8 ask ask sorncbody ro 538 ask somebody for 107 A at at 8 o'clock I at night etc. 97 ar the bus srop I ar work etc. 100-101
ar y to ·102 ar che age of ... 105B auxiliares - ver verbos auxiliares away run away I rhrow away etc. (PI IRASAI. VFRBS) 108, Apéndice 7 back come back I give back etc (PHRASAI. vsass) t08-'J09, Apéndice 7 bad (bad ar ... ) 106A be (infinitivo de am/is/arc) am/is/are 1-3 am/is/arc + -ing (PRESENT CONTINUOUS) 4-5, 14A, 24A, 27, 51D was/were 11 was/were + -ing (PAST CONTINUOUS) 14, 24A, 510 have/has been (PRE5E1''T PERfEGr) 16-19 voz pasiva 22-23, Apéndice 1 will be 29 because 110 been have/has been (PRESENT PERFECT) 16-19 been y gone I SC there has/ have been 38B beforc 99, 1 t t bcgin (bcgin ro ... o begin -ing) 52C bchind 103A bclow 103E beside t03A besr 908 bcrrcr 870 between 103A bit (a bit older/a bit bigger etc.) 880 born 22C both 82 orden de las palabras 94 but 110 by 105C by detrás de la voz pasiva (1 was binen by a dog) 220 by myself I by yourself etc. 63B by I= al lado de, cerca de} 103C can/can't 32 caso posesivo 64, Apéndice 4.5 comparativos (older I more expensive etc.) 87-89 condicional (if ... ) '111-112 lf I do . . . 11 1 If I did ... 112 conjunciones l 10-1 12
bcforc, whilc, afrcr 99
and/but/or/so/bccausc 110 whcn/bcforc/whilc/aftcr/until 1 :11 if 111-112 contables e Incontables (sustantivos) 68-69 continue (continuc to ... o conrinue -ing) 52C contracciones (I'rn, ir's, you'vc etc.) Apéndice 4 could/couldn't 32C-D countablc y uncountable (sustantivos) 68-69
decide (decide to ... ) 52A defectivos, verbos - ver verbos modales
dcpend (dcpend on ... ) 107C did didn'r en la negación 13, 240, 40C, 438, 518 did en ta interrogación 13, 240, 40C, 44B, 51B diffcrcnt (differcnr from ... ) 106A directo e indirecto, estilo He said rhar ... / He told me that ... 50 He rold me to ... 538 do/does 57 don'r/doesn'r en la negación 6, 240, 40C, 43B, 518 do/does en la interrogación 7, 240, 40C, 448,518 do y rnake 57 down 104 sir down / pur down etc. (PHRASAL VERBS) 108-109, Apéndices 6-7 during 99 each orher 63C early 86C either either y roo 42A eithcr (of) 82 cnjoy enjoy -ing 528 cnjoy myself/yourselfetc. 63A enough 91 cnough y too 920 estilo Indirecto - ver directo e indirecto,
estilo cvcr Have you ever ... ? 18 superlativo+ cver 90E orden de las palabras 94 every 80 cvcrybody/cveryone/everything/ everywhere 80C exclamaciones(Whar a ... !) 66A cxpect (somcbody ro ... ) 53B famous (famous for ... ) 106A far How far is it? 39A, 470 far - furrher 87B fast 86C fed up (fed up with ... ) 106A few / a Iew 84 finish (finish -ing) 528 for for ten minutes I for rhree years etc. 20, 98D for, since yago 20 for y to 548 go for a walk etc. 55C forgct (forgcr ro ... ) 52A frase, orden de las palabras en la 93-94 from 98A, 104 fronr (in fronr of ... ) 103A-B further 878 futuro 27-30 l'm working romorrow (PRESEl'ff CONTINUOUS) 27 The concerr srarts ar 7.30 (PRESF.NT SIMPLE) 27C
Indice analítico
1'111 going ro (do somerhing) 28 will 29-30 shall 29D, 30C presente con valor de futuro detrás de whcn/before/whilcetc. 1 1 l B futuro en oraciones con i f 111 C genitivo sajón 64, Apéndice 4.5 gerundio - ver -ing
ger 56 get to+ (lugar) 56C, 102C ger on/ger up etc. (PHRASAl. 108, Apéndice 6
give somerhing to somcbody/givc somebody somcthing 96 givc up I give back etc. (l'HRA~AL VERBS) 109, Apéndices 6-7 go 55 go -ing (go swimmingetc.) 550 go home I go ro work I go ro rhe cinema 71 go in I go back etc. (PI IR/\SAL VFRRS) 108 going ro (l'm going to do something) 28 gonc y been l 8C good good y well 860 good ar 106A gor
gcr l 2C, 56 have/has gor JO, 58A l'AST SIMPLE de
had have 12C had ro 35D He said he had (done somerhing) 50, Apéndice 1.1 hard 86C has - ver have hace 52C-D have/has 1 58 have got I has gor 10, 58A have done I have been etc. (PRE.SENT PERFECT) 16-19, 24C havc to 35 there has/have been 38B have breakfasr / have a shower etc. 58B her 59-60, 62 hcrs 6 1-62 hersclf 63 him 59, 62 himsclf 63 his 60-62 holiday (on holiday) 55B, 105A home 55A, 71A, 102C get home 56C, 102C hope (hope ro ... ) 52A how 47 How long have you ... ? (PRESENT PERFECT) 19 how big? I how old? I how far? etc. 470 How long
l/you/he/she etc. (pronombres personales) 59, 62 if 111-112 Do you know if ... ? 49C if we go / if you see etc. 111
in April I in surnmer etc. 97 in five minutes I in rhree years etc. 97E in a room I in hospital etc. 100-'!01 in y ro 102 in fronr of 103A-8 pur somerhing in 104 go in I fill in etc. (PHRASAL VERRS) 108, Apéndice 7 incontables y contables, sustantivos
if I had I if wc went etc. 112 in
68-69 indirectas.preguntas (Do you know whar ... ? etc.) 49 indirecto, estilo - ver directo e indirecto, estilo infinitivo (do/see/play ele.) infinitivo sin 'ro' (do/scc etc.) e inñnitivo con 'to' (to do/to see etc.) 51-53 can/will/should etc.+ inñmtivo sin 'to'
518 verbos seguidos de inñ111t,vo con 'ro' (wanr ro go, etc.) 51 C, 52, 53 inñnit,voy forma-ing (do/doing etc.)
51-52 I wenr to rhe shop to buy ... (inñnitivo de ñnalidadl 5 4 inñnitivoy for 54B adjetivo+ inñnitivo [ir's easy to ... ) 39B sornerhing ro ear I nowhere ro go etc. 790 -ing (doing/playing/going etc.) am/is/arc + -ing (l'JW.ENT ('0NTINUOUS) 4-5, 24A, 27, 5 lD was/werc +-ing (PAST C"ONTINUOUS) 14, 24A, 5lD -ing e ,nñn,tivo (do/doing etc.) 51-52 verbos seguidos de -ing (cnjoy -ing etc.) 5213-C go -ing (go swimmingetc.) 550 preposiciones+ -ing 990, 106 interested (inreresred in ... ) 106A interrogación44-47 am/is/are ... ? 2 do/does ... ? (PRESEI\Tf Sl~IPLE) 8, 44B did ... ? (PAST SIMPLE) 13, 448 Why don'r ... ? /Why isn't ... ? etc. 44C Who saw you? I Who did you scc ? 45 preposicionesen posiciónñnal (Who is shc talking ro?) 46 What ... ? I Which ... ? I How ... ? 47 I Iow long docs ir take? 48 Do you know whcrc ... ? (preguntas indirectas) 49 Havc you? I Are you? etc. 41A ... do you? I ... isn'r ir? etc. (QUESTION Ti\CS) 41B
inro 104 is - ver am/is/arc it 39, 59B it is y thcre is 37B, 39A it's e its 60C irs 60 just jusr +
17 A
orden de las palabras 94
kind (kind to somebody/kind of somcbody) 106A know (Do you know whcre ... ?) 49 late 86C
laugh (laugh ar ) 107A lcarn (lcarn ro ) 52A left (on rhe lefr) IOIC, 103A lcnd (lend somcrhing ro somebody) 96 less 88C lct 530 like (Whar is it likc?) 46B like (verbo) would like 36, 520, 53A do you like? y would you likc? 36C like to ... o like -ing 52C listen (listen ro ... ) 107A lirrle I a little 84 look look + adjetivo (look tired etc.) 850 look at/for/after J07B look our/up (PHRASAL VERBS) '108, Apéndices 6-7 lot (a lor of ... ) 83, Apéndice 8 lovc 52C-D make 57 make somebody do somerhing 530 make y do 57 man y many y much 83, Apéndice 8 not as many (as) 89B, Apéndice 8 too rnany 92C, Apéndice 8 married (married to ... ) 106A may 310 me/you/him etc. (pronombres personales) 59, 62 middlc (in rhe middle of) 103A might 31 mind (1 don'r mind -ing) 528 minc/yours/hcrs etc. /pronombres posesivos! 61-62 modales, verbos (will, can, might etc.) 29-36,518 more 87C, 88 most most (of) 81 the rnosr expensive I che most difficult etc.
much much y man y 83, Apéndice 8 much bigger I much more expensive etc. 880 nor as much (as) 89B, Apéndice 8 roo much 92C, Apéndice 8 musr 33 musrn'r 33C musr y should 34E musr y have to 350 my/your/his etc. (determinantes/ ad¡'etivos posesivos) 60, 62 myself/yoursclfetc. (pronombres reflexivos) 63 nccd nccdn't 330 need to ... 52A negación 43 negación e interrogación 44C no y none 77 nut + any 77-78 ncirhcr Ncither am I / Neirher do I etc. 428 ncithcr (of) 82 ne ver nevcr + PRF.S~Nl SIMPLE 6C ncvcr + PRESENT PERFECT 18B orden de las palabras 94
Indice analítico
next to 103A nicc (nice to somebody / nice oí somcbody) 106A no (no rnoney I no friends etc.) 77A-8 nobody/no-onc/nothing 78-79
no-one y none 77C nombresde /u¡ares (cony sin rhe) 73 nene (oí) 778-C, 81 B-C nor (Nor am I I Nor do I etc.) 428 nowhcre 79 of che roof of che building ele. 64C che ... of ... 73F off 104 ger off I rurn off etc. {PHRASAL VERBS) 108-109, Apéndice 6 offcr to ... 52A often ofren + PREStNT SIMPLE 6C orden de las palabras 94 011
on Monday / on 25 April etc. 97
on che cable I on the wall ele. 100-1 O 1 on rhe left I right 101C, 103A on holiday I on relevision etc. 105A on y off 104 go on (holiday I a trip etc.) 558 gcc Otl I pur on etc. (PHRASAL V[RBS) 108-109, Apéndices 6-7 onc/ones 75 oppositc 1038 or l lOA-B oraciones causales (because) 1100 condicionales (if ... ) 111-112 consecutivas( ... so ... ) 1 IOC finales (! wenr ro che shop ro buy ... ) 54 de relativo 1 13-114 temporales 98, 99, 111 orden de /as palabras en la frase 94 interrogaciones 44-46 interrogaciónde am/is/are 2 interrogacióndel PRESENT CONTINUOUS 58 interrogacióndel PRf.SEITT SIMPLE 8B interrogacióndel PAST SL\1PLE 13D interrogaciónde la voz pasiva 22-23 Who is she calking ro? I What is ic like? (preposiciónen posición final) 46 Do you know where ... ? (pregootas indirectas) 4 9 verbo + objeto+ infinitivo (1 wanr her ro be happy) 53 wait for somebody/somechingto ... 54C posicióndel adjetivo 85 B-0 cnough (warm enough I enough for somcbody to ... ) 91 posicióndel verboy del objecto 93A complementosde lugar y de tiempo 938 always/usually/also etc. 94 givc/lend/pass/send/show + dos objetos 96 PIIRASAL VRRBS + objeto 109, Apéndice 7 orto¡rafia (SPELLING) Apéndice 5 ought to 34F our 60, 62 ours 61-62 ourselves 63 out
our of 104 go out/ pur Out etc. (PIIRASAL VERBS) 108, Apéndices 6-7 over 104 climb ovcr I knock ovcr etc. (PIIRASAL VERilS) 108, Apéndices 6-7 pair (a pair of ... ) 678 participio pasado (cleaned/done/seenetc.) 25 en el Pl\tSl::NT f'ERFF.CT' (1 havc cleaned) 16, 24C en la voz pasiva (rhe room was cleaned] 22-23, 24B, Apéndice 1 regular (cleaned] e irregular(seen) 25A-B, Apéndices 2-3 pasado - ver PAST SIMPLE, PRESEI\T l'EI\FECT y f'AST CONTINUOUS pasiva, voz 22, 23 pasr (preposición) 104 PAST CONTINUOUS (was/were + -ing) 14-15, 24A, 51D PAST CONTINUOUS (1 was doing) y PAST SIMPLE ([ did) 15 PAST COITTINUOUS en voz pasiva Apéndice 1.1 PAST PERFECT
He said he had (done somcthing) 50 voz activa y voz pasiva Apéndice 1.1 PAST SIMPLE (T did/clcaned/saw etc.) 12-13 negación (didn't ) 13, 438 interrogación(did ?) 13, 448 was/wcrc JI verbos regulares(cleancd) e irregulares (saw) 1213-C, Apéndices 2-3 PAH SIMPLE + ago 20C PAST SIMPLE (l did) y PRf.SF.NT PERFFCT (1 have done) 21 PAST SIMPLE (1 did) y PAST CON11NUOUS (1 was doing) 15 PAST SIMPLE en voz pasiva (che room was cleaned) 22, 2413, Apéndice 1.1 if + PAST SIMPLE (if I had I if he wcnt) 113 pay (pay for ... ) 107A pcoplc 67C-D personales, pronombres (1/ me/ you ele.) 59,62 persuade (persuade somebodyto ... ) 538 PHRASAL VERBS (get up I put on etc.) 108-109, Apéndices 6-7 plan to ... 52A plural de los sustantivos (cup ~ cups I man ~ mcn etc.) 67 policc (plural) 670 posesívos, determinantes/adjetivos (my/your/his etc.) 60, 62 posesivos, pronombres(mine/yours/his etc.) 61, 62 prefer 52C-D pre¡untas- ver interrogación preguntas Indirectas(Do you know whar ... ? etc.) 49 preposiciones 97-107 at/on/in (tiempo) 97 for/since 20, 98 until 97A-B before/afrer/during/while 99 in/at/on (lugar) 100-101 co/in/ar (lugar) 121 on 97, 100-101, 103A, JOSA, 107C ar 97, 100-102, 105B, 106-107A-B
de posición (under/behind/opposicc etc.)
103 de movimiento(up/over/rhrough etc.) 104
by 103C, 105C wirh/wirhour 66A, 1050 abour 105E preposíciones+ -ing (in -ing/withour -ing etc.) 99D, 106B adjetivo+ preposición(afmid of etc.) J06A verbo+ preposición(listen to I wait for etc.) 107A preposicionesen posición final (Who is she talking to?) 46 preposicionesen oracionesde relativo (the man shc is ralking to) 114B PRESENT CONTINUOUS (am/is/arc + -ing) 4-5, 24A, 51D negación {I'm not -ing) 4 interrogación(are you -ing?) 5 PRESE.Ví CONTINUOUS (1 am doing) y PRf.SENT SIMPLE (1 do) 9 PRESENT CONTINUOUS en VOZ pasiva 23A, Apéndice 1.1 PRESENT CONTINUOUS con significado futuro (What are you doing tomorrow?) 27 PRESENT PERFECT (1 have done) 16-21, 24C PRF.SENT l'ERFECT + iusr 17 A PRES[l\'T PERFI,.CT + alrcady 178 PRF.SF.NT PERFFCT + ycr 17C-D, 958 Have you cvcr ... ? 18 gone y been 18C l low long havc you ... ? 19 l'I\J:S~NT PER~I,.CT + for/since 19-20 PRFSFNT PFRl'E(,1 conrinuous (1 havc been -ing) 1913 PRESFNT l'RRFF.CT (1 have done) y PAST SIMl'I F. ([ did) 21 PRESENT l'ERFECT en voz pasiva 238, Apéndice 1.1 verbosregularese irregulares 16B, 25, Apéndices 2-3 PRESENT SIMPLE (1 work I she works etc.) 6-8, 24D negación(don'r/doesn'r) 7, 43B interrogación(do/does ... ?) 8, 44B PRESENT SIMPLE+ always/usually/never etc. 6C PRESE.'IT SIMPLE (1 do) y PRESENT CONTINUOUS (1 am doing) 9 PRESENT SL\ll'LE en voz pasiva (the room is cleaned) 22, 248, Apéndice 1.1 PRESENT SIMPLE con significadofuturo (The conccrt srarts at 7.30) 27C PRESENT SIMPLE detrás de whcn/whilc etc. 11 lB PRESENT SIMPLE detrásde if 111 C promisc (prornise to ... ) 52A pronombres personales (1/mc/you etc.) 59, 62 posesivos(minc/yours etc.) 61-62 reflexivos(mysclf/yoursclf etc.) y reciprocas (each orher) 63 onc/ones 75 relativos(who/which/that) 113-114 pur
put somerhing in ... J 04 puf on / put out etc. (PI 11\ASAL VERl\S) 109, Apéndice 7 QUESTION TAGS ( .•.
do you? I ... isn't ir?
etc.) 4 lB
Indice analítico
reflexivos, pronombres (rnysclf/roursclf etc.) 63 refusc (rcfusc ro ... ) S2A relativo, oraciones de l 13-1 14 relativos, pronombres (who/which/rhar)
113-114 reply questions [Have you? I Are you? etc.) 41A right (on rhe right) l OJA round 104 rurn round I show round etc. (PHRAq1 , UUI\) 108, Apéndice 7 's (apóstrofo+ s) 64, Apéndice 4.S sarnc 70A, 89E
say/said he said rhar ... /estilo indtrecto) 50 "1) y rcll 508 shall 2'JD, 30C should .14 SI.\IPI F PAIT / Sl,..IPI F PR~S~N r - ver SI\IPI ~ / PRlSLNI \I\IPI
P"' 1
sorncrimes someumev + PRl\l "
106B speak (spcak ro ... ) 107 J\ spelli ng J\ péndice 5 srart [srart to ... y ,tan -111g) 52C still 9.~J\-8 orden de las palabras 94
suggesr (suggesr -ing) 521~ superlativos (thc b1¡:ge~1 / rhc rnost expcnsivc etc.) 90 sustantivos (contables e incontables)
68-69 rags (quesnon rags) 4 1 B takc (l low long docs 11 cake?) 48 talk (talk to ... ) 107 J\ telVtold He rold me that ... SO tell y~a) 508 Can you tell me where ... ? 49A lle rold me to ... 53C tiempos verbales voz actNa y voz pas,va Apéndice 1.1 PRl.!>1,, coxnxuous (1 arn domg)
4-5, 24A, 27, 5 ID PASí\lMPLlc.(ldid) PAST CO~NUOL-S
24A, 510
rhc 70-73 rhe ,ame 70A che top / rhe end etc. 701\ rhe cinema / che rhearre I rhe bank etc.
somebody/scmeone/somcrhing/ somewhere 7(,, 7'J
PRF.SI 1'fl \IMPLF. (Ido)
pasado 24
rhan 88-89 rhat He said that ... (esti!o uidlrecto) 50C rhar y rhis 74 a rhing rhar ... (oraciones de relativo) 114
flowcrs / rhc ílowcrs etc. nn rhc con nombres de lugares 73 rhe brggesr / rhe mosr expenvive etc.
since 208, 98C sin¡ular y plural de los sustantivos (flower --1 flowcrv) 67 so so arn 1 / so do 1 etc. 42B 1 wa-, nred, so 1 wenr ro bed, 110 sorne sorne y a/nn 68-69 sorne y ,111) 76 sorne (o() 81
SIOP (s1op -ing}
(1 have done) 16-21, 24C be/ha ve/do en bempos del presente y del PRI\FNT P~RH
6-8, 240, 27(' 12-13, 15,21,240 was doing) 14-15,
90 thcir 60, 62 rhcirs 61, 62 thcrn 59, 62 themselvcs 61
auxiliares 28, 40-42 modales (will/can/should etc.) 29-36, 518, Apéndice 1.2 negación 43 interrogación 44-4 7 estilo indlfecto SO verbos seguidos de -ing 51-52 verbos segllldos de uifirutivocon 'ro' 51-B verbos + prepos,c,ones (look ar I spcak ro etc.) 107 1'1 IRAS.11 VfRR~ (ger up / pur 011 etc.)
108-109, Apéndices 6-7 very Apéndice 8 voz pasiva 22-23, Apéndice
wair (warr for ... ) 54C, 1071\ wanr (wanr IO ..• ) 52A was/were 1 1 was/wcrc + -mg (PASI CON11NUOUSJ
14,24A,51D was/were done (voz pasiva) 22, 248 rhere was/wcrc 381\ if I was/ were . . . 1 128
rhere rhere is/are
wcll 861), 871)
rhcrc was/wcrc .18A rhere has/havc bcen 388 there will he 18( rhcre rs e 11 1\ .!711 rhese 74 think (think about / think oí) 107 A chis 74 rhose 74 rhrough 104
wcre - ver wa~ whar What ? yWho ... ? 4SB \Vha1 hkc? 468 Whar ? 47 What ? yWhich ... ? 47C Whar a/an ... 66A whcn 111
rill (= unril) 9811 to t,empo 'J8A lugar 102, 104
which Which
? 47 Which ? y What ... ? 47C whrch onc/ones? 758 a thing which ... (oraciones de relahvoJ 114 while 99, 11111
go 10 •.. SSA, t02A ger ro ... 56<:. 102C to y [or 5411 10 + lnfmitivo - ver inñnitNo 100 92, Apéndice 8 100 y enhcr 42A
who Who ... ? 45 a per,on who ... (orac,ones de relativo)
turn (turn round / turn on erc.) l'IIR,ISAL VI RllS 108-109, Apéndice 7 Ir)' (Ir)
IO ... )
uncounrable (suslanlNOs: salr, water, muste, etc.) 68-69 undcr IOJD, 104
unril 98A-B, 11 1 B up 104 ger up r prck up ere. (PIIRA\AI 108-109, Apéndices 6-7
us 59,62 usually
usually + PRI \1 ,T ~·~tPI ~ 6C orden de las palabras 94 verbos t,emoos del presente 1-10, 24, 27 tiempos del pasado 11-15, 21, 24 l'RI\LI\TPERílC 1 16-21, 24C voz pastva 22, 23, Apéndice I regulares e ,rregutares 12, 25, Apéndices 2-3
futuro 27-30
wherher 49C
114 whose (Who,e is rhi,?) 61 D will 29-30 will y shall 29D, 30C won't 2'JA thcre will be 38C wi1h/wi1hou1 LOSD wirh/w11hour + -ing 1061! won't (= will not} 29A worsc 871) worst 9013 would l'd likc I would you likc? 36 would l1kc/love etc. 520 He would buy a car if he had che moncy l 12A wri1c (wrire to ... ) 107A yc1 958 yet + PRt~tNT PlR~ECl you 59,62 your 60,62 yours 61, 62 yoursclf/yoursclves 63
J 7C-0