Clark, Keith: Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks �1937 Keith Clark, NY & aris !ardco"er, 3#7 pages $$$ �19% 'o(is Tannen )oftco"er, 3#* pages $$$ � 197+ y -. /oins & Co., 0nc. )oftco"er, )oftco"er, perfect$o(nd, perfect$o(nd, 7 pages Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks !ardco"er 0age fro 2agicref Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks $ Tannen 'o(is Tannen Edition 0age co(rtesy e$ay seller )orcar$T452 Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks -. /oins Edition 0age fro 2agicref Coents: 0ll(strated y the 6(thor. Contents: for nd Edition8 corrected 1##1% i; reface ord Theo. 6nneann ;" 6(thor?s reface to =irst Edition ;"i Editor?s reface to the )econd Edition ;"ii Contents ;;i" 0ll(strations ;;"i 0portant Notice 9 Chapter 0 0ntrod(ction 9 0. The Cigarette: !istory, op(larity, Technical )ecrets 3* 00. The Cigarette 6ct: Circ(s and 2otion ict(res, The King of the )okers, The @o(a"e, The A(een of the )okers, @irka, =lorence and )elika, 6n Bnkno>n 5eni(s, The 2an >ith a !(ndred Cigarette, =rakson, The 2an 4ith the 5lo"es, =ran$Klint, -ecadence, =(t(re, and resent ** 000. iliography %1 %1 %1 %1 % %3 %3 %3 %* %7 %9 D# D1 D D3 D* D* D* D% DD DD D7
Chapter 00 0. The rinciple ositions for !olding the Cigarette penly $ The )oker osition $ The )haking osition $ The 2o(th osition 00. The rinciple ositions for !olding the Cigarette Concealed in the !and 6. The ack of the !and To>ard the )pectators $ The Th( 5rip $ a. The Con"entional 2ethod $ . The Keith Clark 2ethods * 2ethods $ c. A(antitati"e 2ethod $ The =inger inch $$ The =inger 5rip $$ The =inger !old $$ The Trans"ersal =inger !old $$ The Th( !old . The al To>ard the )pectators $ The ack Th( 5rip $$ Keith Clark 2ethods % 2ethods $ The ack inch $$ Keith Clark 2ethods 3 2ethods $ The ack 5rip
D+ 000. osition for Keeping the Cigarette Concealed in the 2o(th D9 Chapter 000 Thro>ing D9 0. Thro>ing 0n the 6ir D9 6. The ack of the !and To>ard the )pectators 77 . The al To>ard the )pectators +3 00. Thro>ing 0nto the ther !and 9 000. Thro>ing 0nto a /eceptacle 9 5eneral rinciples 9+ )(stit(tion )leights 1#* -(ies 1#% )pecial Effects 1#7 0. Thro>ing n The =loor 1#9 111 11% 11+ 11 1* 17
Chapter 0 anishes 0. Eleentary )leights 00. pen !and )teals 000. =ist anishes ne !and 0. =ist anishes T>o !ands . -rop )leights 0. To(rniF(ets
13% 13% 139 1*%
Chapter anishes Contin(ed 00. (sh$0n )leights 000. Tip$Tilts 0G. )lip anishes
1*7 1*7 1*+ 1%1
Chapter 0 )pecial anishes & Transforations 0. anishes in !andkerchiefs 00. 6nnihilati"e anishes 000. Transforations
1%% 1%% 1%7 1D1 1D
Chapter 00 )lee"ing 0. 5eneral rinciples 00. anishes 000. Transforations & /estorations 0. rod(ctions
1D3 Chapter 000 anish =lo(rishes 173 17D 1+1 1+% 193
Chapter 0G )ecret Transfers 0. The ack and =ront )leights 00. 2oentary 2askings 000. )ecret Teporary Transfers 0. )ecret Transfers
#1 # #* #7 #7 #+ #9 1 1D 17 1+ # 3
Chapter G Tong(ing and 2o(th )leights 0. )traight Tong(ing 00. /e"erse Tong(ing 000. A(antitati"e Tong(ing 6. )e"eral Cigarettes 6t a Tie . Cigarette y Cigarette 0. )peech 4ith Cigarette Tong(ed . rod(ction of )oke 0. anish, E;change, rod(ction, /eprod(ction, 'oad 6. anish . E;change )leights, )ecret Transfers C. rod(ction $ /eprod(ction -. 'oad
* 00. -rinking >ith Cigarette Tong(ed 7 Chapter G0 rod(ctions, /eprod(ctions, and 2(ltiplications 7 0. /eprod(ctions 3% 00. 2(ltiplications 39 39 39 *1 *7 %1 % %3 %% %D %9 D# D D*
Chapter G00 'oads 0. Bnlighted Cigarettes of -(ies 6. 2iscellaneo(s 6pparat(s . The -roppers 00. 'ighted Cigarettes 000. /eady$To$'ight Cigarettes 6. Tank 2ethods 2ethods 6ccessory 2ethods 3 2ethods ocket 2ethods 3 2ethods Tale 2ethod 0. 2echanically 0gnited Cigarettes Cheical 2ethods 3 2ethods Electrical 2ethods D Tale 2ethod
D% D% DD D+ 7# 71 7 7 7 7 7% 7% 7% 77 79 79 79 +# +1 +1 +1 + + +* +% ++ 91 93 93 9* 9+ 3#
Chapter G000 )teals 0. 5eneralities $ rinciples $ 2isdirection $ Test 00. )ingle )teals 000. 'oad )teals 6. Cigarettes 'ighted 0n 6d"ance . Cigarettes to e 'ighted in the Tank C. Cigarettes to e 'ighted in the !and Chapter G0 rod(ction 6cts 5eneralities resentation TechniF(e 0. /eal rod(ctions )tealing ne y ne )tealing ne y ne 6. Cigarettes 'ighted in 6d"ance . Cigarettes )ecretly 'ighted in !and )tealing the 4hole 'oad 6. Entering 4ith the 'oad in the !and . )tealing the 4hole 'oad, 'ighted C. )tealing and 'ighting the 'oad in the !and )pecial resentation to 6"oid 2onotony $ * 2ethods 00. se(do rod(ctions )ingle Cigarette 2ethods $ 7 2ethods -(ies 2ethods $ 3 2ethods Chapter G resentations and /o(tines 0. resentation 00. The pening 000. The Closing 0. Constr(ction of the /o(tine . 'ist of Cigarette Tricks