Enabling Android Auto on Rlink 1 Disclaimer: If you choose to proceed you could damage your car, you do so at your own risk. I am not responsible for your actions.
Preparing Rlink Before modifying anything you need to check your Rlink version and update if necessary. 1) Check your Rlink software version in car by pressing Menu, System, Status and Information, then Version Information. The version is listed as ‘Application:’
If needed update your RLink system to the latest version (11.342 currently) but either way backup your SD card. 2) If you haven’t done so already create an account in the Official Rlink store at https://gb.rlinkstore.com/home
3) Download the Rlink Toolbox software from http://cdn.sa.services.tomtom.com/static/sa/Windows/InstallRLinkToolbox.exe and install on your PC. The Rlink Toolbox should appear at the bottom right of your screen, insert your SD card and click the ‘Settings’ gear icon to get to settings and check Rlink Toolbox is set to make a backup of your SD card. In the Rlink store click Updates and check the latest version available for your car. Click LAUNCH MY DOWNLOADS if it doesn’t automatically start downloading. Your SD card will also be backed up during the update. When complete eject your SD card, put it back in the car and wait for the update to complete (this takes a while!) You should now be on version 11.342 which includes Android Auto but it won’t be enabled yet.
Installing the software needed to customise Rlink 1) Download DDT4all from here: https://github.com/cedricp/ddt4all/releases/download/1.3/ddt4all-installer.exe and install on your PC. If windows tries to stop the install click ‘More info’ and ‘Run anyway’. If you select the option to add a desktop shortcut it makes it easier to find! 2) Run the DDT4ALL Windows batch file (.bat) in the DDT4ALL folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\ddt4all or C:\Program Files\ddt4all) to install Python. If you need to download Python separately get it here: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.4/python-3.6.4.exe and install on your PC. 3) Next you need the database of Renault vehicles which is available here: https://yadi.sk/d/-wss5icU3HRmoA Click the Download button in the top right corner. 4) You will need a program to decompress the Database file. I use WinRAR, from here: https://www.rarlab.com/rar/wrar550.exe Install it. You could also use 7zip to decompress the files if you prefer it, available here: http://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1800.exe (These are the 32 bit versions so should work on most PCs, if you prefer you can get the 64 bit version)
5) Extract all the files from the Renault database download to the DDT4all folder, the default location is either C:\Program Files (x86)\ddt4all or C:\Program Files\ddt4all You need these files to be directly in that folder, not in the folders in the compressed file or the DDT4all program won’t find any ECUs when you connect to the car!
Fill in the Destination Path and click OK:
Modify a cable to access CAN2 There are a few ways to achieve this. You can push the pins out on a Y splitter cable, make a cable from scratch or modify an OBD2 extension cable or USB lead. I used this one:
Which I got from here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OBD2-16-pin-Male-to-Female-Elbow-Extension-cable-ELM327-B T/282166352283?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I modified the female end which plugs into the car.
1) Carefully cut around the top cover of the connector, on this version there are two ridges, cut in the one closest to the ‘lid’ and pry the t op off. 2) Cut away the plastic underneath to reveal the pins. Be careful and take your time but don’t worry about damaging the wires as they are going to be cut anyway. If you are using a different cable to mine you need to work out which wire went to which pin, either by colour or better still a continuity tester. 3) Clean off the pins on the connector using the soldering iron. A solder sucker makes this easier if you have one.
4) Cut the wire to whatever length you want and strip back the outer to reveal enough of the inner wires to work with (a couple of inches is enough). 5) Strip 2-3mm from the end of each wire and tin them with a soldering iron and solder and tin pins 12 and 13 on the connector. 6) Solder:
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Brown to pin 2 Black to pins 4 and 5 together Orange to pin 7 Yellow to pin 10 Green to pin 12 Purple to pin 13 Blue to pin 15 Red to pin 16
Wiring in my cable (other cables may have different coloured wires): Car End - View from inside (Male - Modified) 16 Red
15 Blue
14 -
13 Purple
12 Green
11 -
10 Yellow
Dongle end - View from Inside (Female - Unchanged) 8-
16 Red
15 Blue
14 Green
13 -
12 -
11 -
10 Yellow
You should end up with something like this:
If you are making your cable from scratch, a splitter or a different extension here are some details to help: Pinout Detail (View from inside connector)
Move pins 6 and 14 (CAN High and CAN Low) to Vendor option 12 and 13.
Change to wiring (view from wire side of connector):
Car side (male)
Dongle side (female)
Pin 4 and 5
Pin 4 and 5
Pin 16
Pin 16
Pin 13
Pin 6
Pin 12
Pin 14
Swap these pins on the Y splitter type cable:
Lift the clamp
Push back the retaining clip and pull the wire out from the back
Modify a USB OBD2 adapter You can use a USB adapter with a modified extension but the cheapest option is to modify the lead itself (but it will then only ever work on CAN2). The Vgate USB OBD2 Scan lead from Aliexpress works and is easy to modify. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2013-Free-Shipping-VGATE-PC-USB-interface/48405 5820.html
The case can be popped open, desolder pin 6 and solder to 13, desolder pin 14 and solder to pin 12.
Install the USB driver from the included CD and then plug in to a USB port on your laptop.
Connecting to the car and enabling Android Auto 1) Plug the modified lead into the car’s OBD2 port and plug the dongle into the other end of the lead if you are using a Bluetooth dongle. 2) Your SD card should still be fully inserted in the slot. Press the Start/Stop button on the dash to power on the car. 3) If it has a power button turn on the OBD2 dongle 4) If it is a bluetooth dongle and you haven’t paired it with the PC click the Bluetooth Devices icon on the taskbar and choose Add a Bluetooth Device
5) Choose your dongle from the list, Click Pair and Enter the passcode if needed (normally 1234 or 0000)
6) Run DDT4all 7) Click the Bluetooth icon (or whichever type you are using), choose the COM port of your device (if you don’t know it try them all until it connects), click ‘I’m aware…’ box and then Connected mode button:
8) Select Zoe from the drop down list top left
9) In the box below that scroll down to ‘Navigation’ and click the arrow to expand it. Double click ‘MFD v4.6’ and in the box below double click ‘[ Navigation ] MFD v4.6’. 10) In the ‘Action’ box below click the arrow to expand ‘Configuration’ and double click ‘13 ECU Configuration’. 11) Make sure After Sales is selected from the drop down box in the middle
12) At the top of the right hand pane click ‘Screen’ and wait for the configuration screen to show. 13) Scroll to the bottom
14) Using the drop down options select: SPVR for iPhone
Android Auto feature
Mirrorlink feature
MW activation
LW activation
SPVR for other phones
(If you use MW and/or LW bands on the radio choose yes for MW and/or LW)
4) Click Expert Mode
then Write ECU config
15) Some text will quickly scroll at the bottom of the screen, when it stops (after a few seconds) click ‘11 - ECU reset’ in the action box on the left, scroll up in the right hand pane,
Click Expert mode again
then Reset Hard (don’t worry you won’t lose any data).
Rlink will reboot. Wait until it is fully loaded and Tomtom maps are loaded before continuing. 16) Press 'Menu’ then 'System’ and you will see a new Smartphone Mirroring option. In it you can choose whether Android Auto loads automatically and various other options.
17) If you don’t have the Android Auto app on your phone you need to install it from the Play store. Load it up and configure it how you want. In Android Auto settings on the phone, under ‘Phone screen settings’ set Auto-launch to ‘Start Android Auto automatically…’ 18) Plug your phone into the USB socket (Android Auto only works when connected by USB) If you didn't select load automatically a message will pop up asking if you want to start Android Auto, if you don’t you’ve just wasted a big chunk of your life! Click ‘Yes’ and marvel at the beauty of your handy work. If you made it this far you deserve a beer! Enjoy
Very little of what is written here is my own work, it has been compiled from a number of different Spanish, German and Russian websites. I have tried to make the process as simple as possible and if enough people prove it to work hopefully Renault will release it officially. Until then I hope it is helpful!