Emcee Script for Organizational Organizat ional Development Seminar
Call to Order
Activity We’d like to acknowledge the presence of our honorable guests.
Ladies and gentlemen, as we are about to begin, please be seated.
Invoca Invocatio tion n
ood ood morni morning ng eve ever!o r!one, ne, we we would would like like to ask ever! ever!one one to plea please se rise rise for the" #a! I re$uest all of !ou to stand for the invocation.
%lease remain standing for the singing of the %hilippine &ational 'nthem. (The price of success is hard work, dedication to the )ob at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.* Ladies and entlemen, ' ver! good morning once again to ever!one and welcome to ++++++++. Our event for toda! will surel! give us a lot of learning about this function of human resources. o please sit down, rela- and en)o! the rest of the morning. It is m! delight to be !our emcee tonight for this informative seminar. I am Christine . /ale)e and I’m also ver! happ! to be accompanied b! m! charming co0emcee, #iss +++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++. ood morning #iss++++++++. ood morning, ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 'nd I’m ver! happ! to be co0emceeing co0emceeing tonight’s event event with !ou as well. 'nd welcome once again again to the +++++++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++++. We hope !ou will find the program we have lined0up for !ou to be fruitful and engaging. Opening 1emarks
To kick0off this morning’s program, we are pleased to have with us our ver! own #s. emimah Tuapen, our group leader to deliver the opening remarks. oin us here on the stage Thank !ou, #s emimah Tuapen Tuapen for that ver! energetic opening message.
Introduction of the guest speaker
Its now time for us to share with !ou the strategic direction of !mantec’s latest technolog!. technolog!. We will demonstrate how our products, &et/ackup and 2nterprise 3ault can help !ou address !our enterprise data management challenges !ou face toda! and be read! for the challenges of tomorrow. Resource Speaker’s PROF!E he was one of the most active and talented students in #/C. The college rewarded her with most coveted honor of ‘the best out going
student’ for the !ear 4567. he has been ver! passionate not onl! in ac$uiring knowledge but also in co curricular activities. The poems 8 short stories written b! her invited applaud from man! corners. /eing a ver! active & volunteer she proved her helpfulness and altruistic nature a number of occasions. he remarkabl! overcame her illness during the final e-aminations and delivered her best. 's success is brought onl! to the deserving, here she is in all fl!ing colors. 9er competent performance during placement drive helped her to secure the lucrative position of oftware 2ngineer at i- :ee Telecom olutions0/angalore ri Thiruvanchoor 1adhakrishnan, a native of Thiruvanchoor , ;otta!am completed /.' and /achelor of Law =. 9e is one of the persons who helped in significant development of ;otta!am "e is PRO of Malankara Ort#o$o% Syrian C#urc#& "e 'as t#e former principal of (aselios College an$ $irector of )oo$ S#ep#er$ Sc#ool *ottayam& We are privilege to have with us toda!.. Oka!. without an! further dela!, we would like to invite +++++++++ our resource speaker. ++++++++++, please. ?@A5 am
Thank !ou, +++++++, for the insightful presentation. Bou can now en)o! industrial strength backup and recover! with the launch of 321IT' &et/ackup D The new &et/ackup gives !ou the power of ne-t generation management. /efore I reveal too much, ladies and gentlemen, its m! pleasure to invite +++++++++, +++++++++++++++++ to share with us the new features and benefits of (+ER,AS -et(ackup .&*. Ladies and entlemen, ++++++++.
Intermissio n &umber 6
&ow it’s time for the long awaited moment. 're !ou read! for some entertainmentE The most anticipated performance from our group, isn’t that e-citing. Ladies and gentleman, For tonight’s event, !ou will be entertained b! four colourful and wonderful performances. o, )ust sit back, rela- and en)o! the performances.
Open Forum Intermissio n &umber 4
Is ever!one e-cited to watch more performancesE 1est assured, we have man! talented performers to brighten our special event tonight
Ladies and gentleman, We will now move to ne-t performance b! ean, #uhd Tha$if, IGGat, 9aGiel, and #uhd Hulfadhli who will be singing the song entitled < =
Ladies and gentleman, %lease give !our big round of applause to the ne-t performance %resenting to !ou@ ;arteeka and her singing 2ntitled@+++++++++++ 65@45 am
+++++++ finishesJ Thank !ou, +++++++. Ladies and gentlemen, !ou have heard from !mantec on the benefits and features of &et/ackup . 'fter the break, !ou will find out more on wh! 321IT' 2nterprise 3ault is the industr! leader in the world. Ladies and gentlemen, refreshments will also be served in"at ++++++. %lease do not leave !our personal belongings behind for securit! purposes. The breakout sessions will start promptl! after the coffee break at 65@K5am. Thank !ou.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. It is now m! pleasure to invite ++++++++++ to share with us how 321IT' 2nterprise 3ault easil! archive, retain and manage !our ever0growing email files, and wh! I:C affirms it as T92 market leader in 455A. ++++++++++, please.
Closing remarks
Ladies and entlemen, I hope !ou’ve found this morning’s"afternoon’s presentations informative and useful. Closing speech Our seminar about +++ is coming to an end. We would like to thank ever!one /efore that, we would like to e-press our heartfelt thanks to the 6. :irector 4. :eput! director 7. The head of Language department A. The head of 2nglish nit K. The advisor of 2L " Teslian ClubM 'nd not forgetting the committee who had worked hard for the night to be a success. Thank !ou once again for making this event a memorable one. 6. Thank !ou for coming and have a safe )ourne! home. oodnight and odbless ever!one.