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EdgeProbe Advanced /T0 1oni,oring 2roe
User Manual evision 3.$
ENENSYS Technologies
Tel. !"33# $7% 7& 5$ 7%
6 rue de la Carrière
Fa' !"33# &(( 36 %3 )4
CS 37734
35577 Cesson-Sévigné
Company Identification ENENSYS Technologies 6 rue de la Carrière: CS 37734 35577 Cesson-Sévigné: France
Safety Instructions Instructions Warning /o no, oen ,he e,al housing ;or an+ reason: since high vol,age a+ e resen,. /o no, relace ,he ;use o; ,he o o; elec,ric shoc>.
Compliance This e?uien, has een ,es,ed and ;ound ,o col+ el+ ,o cause har;ul in,er;erence in
Grounding This e?uien, us, e'clusivel+ e connec,ed ,o an elec,rical circui, ,ha, is - 2rovided ed e;ore oun,ing ,he roduc, r oduc, in ,he rac>: eseciall+ in case o; diver,ing s+s,e.
Environmental Environmental Information Product dimensions heigh, 45 $.7 in: g !deending on ,he D o,ions# Format $ 9:
Electrical Information Authori$ed voltage range $%% G &4% 08C H$%: 5%6% DA
The o
Power consumption &%
Mounting in Rack This e?uien, shall e oun,ed in a $(I rac>. , should e aroria,el+ secured ,o ,he rac> using scre
Powering Up 2lug ,he o us, e ,a>en in,o considera,ion.
Powering Down The roduc, a+ have ore ,han one o
Input/utput Input/utput Specification 2lease re;er ,o ,he Edge2roe 8dvanced 9ser 1anual availale ;or do
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
WALK AROUND .....................................................................................................................................................8
FRONT PANEL .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 REAR PANEL ............................................................................................................................................................ 9 WERE TO PLACE TE PRO!E AT TE T" SITE# ........................................................... ................................................... 1$
GENERAL INFORMATION .......................... ........................................................................................................... 65
EQUI"MENT RETURN FOR RE"AIR ....................................................................................................................... 68
U"DATES AND "RIVILEGED AREA ......................................................................................................................... 69
CONTACT INFORMATION .......................... ........................................................................................................... 70
The Service 2lan o,ion rovides ,he eans ,o chec> ,he descri,ion o; +our ul,ile'es and veri;+ +our regional services. The @neean-and oni,oring allos. The 3&B in,ernal eor+ !+ oera,ing 9ni,# enales s,orage o; logs and TS s,rea recordings. The in,ernal B2S receiver can rovide ,he $22S and $%1DA re;erence cloc> signals. The Edge2roe 8dvanced can also rovide an addi,ional o
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
6 )&
!"# PC/$aptop minimum re%uirements ENENSYS TESTSYSTE1S Edge2roe 8dvanced eeds a
close t(e we' 'rowsers) windows w(en t(ey are not needed" *s flas( application offers ric( user e+perience, any computer wit( -!# M. R*M and at least PI can run EdgePro'e *dvanced 0UI" 1(e screen resolution s(ould 'e set at least to !#23+!3#4 pi+els"
!"5 Packing list e;ore roceeding: lease chec> ,ha, ,he o' con,ains all o; ,he ;ollo
$' Edge2roe 8dvanced device $' 2o
; an+ i,e is issing or has de;ec,s: do no, ins,all ,he device and con,ac, our Technical Suor, ,ea via eail suor,*enens+s,es,.co.
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
7 )&
' Wal( Around #"! 6ront Panel Edge2roe 8dvanced o;;ers a sile ;ron, anel
• •
%# Power led ; ,he device con,ains one 2oed. The in,ernal $22S signal is genera,ed o ME/ ,urns red i; ,he Ln,ernalB2SI o,ion is ac,iva,ed and ,he B2S receiver is no, loc>ed. The in,ernal $22S signal is no, genera,ed o ME/ is @FF i; ,he Ln,ernalB2SI o,ion is deac,iva,ed. The in,ernal $22S signal is no, genera,ed
ME/ -
B2S 2o
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
ME/ -
) )&
#"# Rear Panel The rear anel ;ea,ures all h+sical in,er;aces used ,o connec, ,he Edge2roe 8dvanced ,o ,he ne, ;or con,rolling and oni,oring i,: ,o rocess ,he incoing F: 8S or 2. /eending o; ,he o,ions: +ou can have u ,o 4 uni,s •
PP and %*M!$
Unit + and Unit ,
Unit % and Unit '
%# Power receptacle and %# Optional Power receptacle !$%%-&4%08C "$%: 5%6%DA#. The second 2o
/e,ails o; ,he 9ni, $ and 9ni, &
Unit '
Unit ' o o
Unit %
Unit % o o
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
( )&
)eset.%# Gigabit Ethernet. %# GP o
%# Gigabit Ethernet con,rol in,er;ace !R45# ;or
Note7 1(e EdgePro'e *dvanced 8uad is e%uipped wit( two 0iga'it Et(ernet control interfaces
and two t(e Reset 'uttons" Eac( pair Unit !9Unit # and Unit 59Unit4 (as its own 0iga'it Et(ernet control interface and Reset 'utton"
#"5 &(ere to place t(e pro'e at t(e 1: site; Connec,ing ,he Edge2roe ,o i,s o o; ,he ,ransi,,er
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
5"#"# Configuration and Monitoring The Con;igura,ion anels: ettings. Device. Admin: allo< ,o de;ine ,he channels ,o e oni,ored and ,he ,hreshold ;or ,he oni,ored arae,ers: as
5"#"5 Status The s,a,us ar ga,hers ,he s,a,us on ,he heal,h o; ,he device i,sel; in,erne, connec,ion: inu, s,a,us: ;ea,ures s,a,e !enaleddisaled#
Activit" 6 7ime4 rovides indica,ion on ,he ac,ivi,+ o; ,he Edge2roe 8dvanced and ,he s,a,e o; ,he inu,. Active tools4 indica,es
5"5 0etting t(e User on ,he icon: ,his
You can also ge, ,he 9ser=s 1anual ;ro our 2rivileged 8rea
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
$3 )&
5"4 0etting t(e current firmware version The curren, nae: loca,ion: serial nuer and ;ir
5"- Installing a firmware upgrade There are ,
0ia ,he B9: L8ou,I ,a: L/evice 9da,eI ,a 0ia FT2 ,rans;er o; ,he uda,e ;ile
5"-"! 0UI upgrade To uload a ;ir LSelec, uda,eI in ,he L/evice uda,eI o'. 3. Selec, ,he aroria,e .ud ;ile ;ro ,he ;ile selec,ion dialog o'. 4. Then clic> L9da,eI. 2lease no,e ,ha, Edge2roe 8dvanced reoo,s au,oa,icall+ a, ,he end o; ,he uda,e rocess.
2lease re;er ,o ,he aragrah L$& 9da,es and 2rivileged 8reaI ;or de,ails regarding ,he ne< ;ir
via t(e 0UI"
5"-"# 61P upgrade To uload a ;ires ,
Edge2roe 8dvanced - 9ser 1anual - 3.$
$4 )&
5"= $oading a device configuration The Edge2roe 8dvanced con;igura,ion !inu, channels: alar ro;iles: arae,ers ,hresholds# can e saved in order ,o e reloaded on o,her devices. n ,he o,,o s,a,us ar: use ,he LSave 2ro;ileI u,,on in order ,o save ,he .con; ;ile.
8 con;igura,ion ;ile !.con;# can e loaded on ,he Edge2roe 8dvanced in ,
&. 0ia FT2 ,rans;er o; ,he con;igura,ion ;ile @en a FT2 connec,ion ,o ,he device. 2lease re;er ,o ,he ENENSYS TESTSYSTE1S suor, ,ea in order ,o o,ain ,he FT2 creden,ials !suor,*enens+s,es,.co#. Co+ ,he ;ir