ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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Volume 11 The Kee ping Power for the Mind by Ernest Ernest An gley
Decide that you will conquer fear in this final hour, that it will never have dominion over over you or rule your life in any way. way. Why let fear rob you of God's best, destroy God's blessings, cause sickness or calamity to come upon you? Job had a fear of losing his family, of losing the the material things God had given him. The sad day came when he said, the thing which I greatly feare feare d is come upon me, and that which I was afraid afraid of is come u n t o m e (Job 3:25). 3:25). The devil works through through fear; God works through faith. faith. The Lord delivers through faith, faith, and the the devil robs through fear. The Lord edifies through through faith, and the devil destroys, destroys, destroys through fear.
November 1992
Topics: Fear Fear,, Your Mind
And the p eace of God, w hich passeth all all und erstanding, shall shall keep your he arts and minds throu gh Christ Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Were the human race race to combine combine all their understanding, understanding, they they still could never comprehend the peace of God. His peace shall keep your heart and mind through through Jesus, the the Word made flesh. If your life is not directed, ruled by love, it will be ruled by fear, saith saith the Lord. You cannot allow allow fear to take hold. The Early Church conquered fear; they did not let fear conquer conquer them. Had they not decided in their hearts and minds who Jesus really was, had they not recognized all the greatness of Him, fear would have swallowed them up. All that He said was true; they knew they could trust His words with their very lives. Jesus was the very Son of God. The Early Church used Jesus' faith faith to destroy destroy fear as they had seen Him do. We read of a miracle that happened one night out on a stormy sea. In their boat tossed by the waves, the disciples were in trouble. Suddenly they saw Jesus walking walking toward them on the waters, and they cried out in fear. Bu t straightway straightway Jesus spake u nto them , saying, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; I; be n ot afraid. afraid. And Peter an swere d him and said, said, Lord, if if it it be thou, bid me com e un to thee on the
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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water. And he said, said, Come Come (Matthew (Matthew 14:27-29). When Jesus identified identified Himself and said to be not afraid, fear was destroyed in the hearts of the disciples to the extent that Peter stepped right out onto the waters and started started walking. But because Peter didn't continue to use the faith of Jesus, fear conquered and he began to sink. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said said u nto him, O thou of littl littlee faith, whe refore didst thou d o u b t (verse 31)? Jesus hates hates fear; He despises de spises it—the it—the kind of fear the devil sends.
For God hath not given given u s the spirit spirit of fear; but of pow er, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy Timothy 1:7). The spirit of fear comes from the the devil. Many experiences, many many blessings blessings have come to you from the Lord, Lord, but He has never never given you fear. God has given you power over it: love. There is no fear in love; bu t perfect love casteth out fear (I John John 4:18). 4:18). God's perfect love casts out fear. The Early Church knew what it was to have fear cast out through God's God's perfect love. Don't be deceived deceiv ed about fear, fear , thinking that if it is in the mind, it is in the soul, too. This is true only if the soul has not found Jesus and accepted His salvation. Fear can instantly instantly overwhelm overw helm the mind; the mind is gullible, gullible, changeable. changeable . What matters matters is that no fear lodge there, there , that the perfect perfe ct love of God is stored stored in the reservoir of the soul for the mind to use. As long as the mind is supplied from a soul filled with God's love, it will not be destroyed. As the mind yields, the the Holy Spirit bridges the gulf between mind and soul, streaming God's love-flow into the mind. The love-flow of God destroys fear. When you are born again, again, you don't have to pray for God to to help you with fear; you have the love of God in your soul to draw on. Without the love of God in your soul, you could not be be saved. Peace fills your soul because Jesus Jesus is there; there; He is the peace, joy and love of your life. Many don't understand understand how to use the peace of God in their souls, and they think they are victims of fear. They are victims of fear, I say again, again, only if fear is in the soul rather rather than God's God's love. With the love of God in your soul, you can be delivered de livered from fear, cleansed just like taking a bath when you are dirty. Feelings may may give the impression that that you are so dirty you can never be clean, but a good bath takes takes care of that. Feelings can can also make you think you can never be free from fear, but the love-flow from f rom the soul can cleanse the mind because there is no fear in God's love. Fear hath torment. torment. The Lord did not come to torment you, but to to give you peace. He that feareth is not made pe rfect in love (I John 4:18). If fear dominates dominates your soul, you are not made perfect in God's love. Remember, fear can come to the mind, mind, but that does not mean you are not saved. saved. No one escapes escapes fear at all times. times. But when Jesus is in your soul, you have the resources, resources, the strength from heaven to conquer that fear. Your soul knows no limit in its its capacity. The soul can hold the whole Godhead, all the promises of God, all the the joy of the Lord. Lord. Coming from God, the soul soul is a part of God, limitless. The mind, however, is limited. That's the the reason it can be frightened, tortured tortured with fear. When you are
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tortured in mind, look into the soul.
Face yourself yourself honestly. Ask yourself yourself what really is in your mind. What do you have there? there? And if you were asked what is in your soul, what would you say? Salvation. Are you really saved? Yes, I am. Are you really re ally walking with God? Yes, I'm walking with w ith God. God. Do you have the real Bible Holy Ghost? Yes, I have the real Bible Holy Ghost. Do you really believe all the Bible? Yes. Do you believe all the promises of God? Yes, I believe believe a ll the promises of God. Then all the power, all the deliverance you need is right there in your soul. You have only to yield to it. By yielding, yield ing, you accept the Word, what God has said, the promises He has given to you. The only way you can yield yie ld to God is through His Word.
Many don't know how to yield to God; they try to yield in ways that don't work—through work—through thoughts, thoughts, through the human spirit. spirit. In every way they try to yield except e xcept through the Word of God. Come now , and let us reason together, saith the Lord (Isaiah 1:18). God never reasons reasons outside outside His Word. If you reason with God, God, you reason through the the Word. When you met met God for your salvation, salvation, you met Him through the the Word. Without the the Word of God there would be no salvation, salvation, no deliverance from sin. It's all in the Word. The enemy tries to make make you feel condemned if you have fear. fe ar. Fear is normal, normal, but but never let that fear become bondage, destroying destroying your will to yield to what is in your soul. That bondage bondage of fear fe ar cuts you off from the Holy Spirit. It takes yielding to the Holy Spirit to bridge the gulf between the soul and mind. mind. The soul feeds the mind. mind. God's love that overcomes fear in your soul soul feeds your mind through the Holy Spirit. The love of God is shed shed abro ad in ou r hearts by the Holy Ghost which is is given given un to us (Romans 5:5). Not only in your soul does the Holy Spirit shed shed abroad the love of God, but by your yielding, He bridges the gulf between mind and soul as a flow of His love bathes the the mind.
Love can heal. A child may become bruised bruised in play, but Mother with her great love can kiss the pain away. When I was a child my mother mother healed me with love many times times when I was crushed or in pain. But I had to yield to her, to her voice, her touch, her embrace that erased the hurt out of my mind. When the hurt is out of the mind, mind, you don't feel it much in the the body. Mama would say, say, "Honey, you're going to to be all right." right." She never lied to me, so I knew I would be all right. right. Love does wonders. It can take take away depression and oppression—human oppression—human love can do that—if you yield
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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to it. You must yield to love before it can affect you. When a Child of God blocks God's God's love in the soul by not yielding to the Holy Spirit—He who dwells within—not letting Him flow love from the soul into the mind, mind, that one has a great bondage. Bondage isn't the will of God. Follow the example of the Psalmist who wrote: In God have I pu t my trust: I will will not be afraid what man can do u n t o m e (Psalm 56:11). The real you who will live for eternity must put all trust trust in God. God. Peace I leave w ith you, you, m y peace I give unto you : not as the world giveth, give give I unto you. Let not you you r heart be troub led, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). 14:27). Jesus didn't say to not let your mind be troubled; troubled; He knew minds would be troubled. Jesus said said to let not your heart—your soul—be troubled.
Where will you get your help in those those times your mind is troubled? Your help cometh from the Lord. Where is the Lord? Lord? Is He in your soul? Does He live on the inside inside of you? The Bible declares that He does if you have accepted Him into into your heart. Paul wrote, I am cru cified cified with Christ: neve rtheless I live; live; yet not I, bu t Christ liveth in me (Galatians 2:20). 2:20). Don't try to live the Jesus life; let Jesus into your heart, and He will live His life through you by your yielding, giving yourself over to Him. It's divine living for you who have been made a partaker p artaker of grace, of divinity.
Jesus said, Let not your heart be troub led: ye ye believe in God, believe believe also in in me . In my Father's Father's house are man y mansions: if if it were n ot so, I wou ld have told you (John 14:1,2). Hide that promise in your heart, in your soul so the devil won't erase it by bringing bringing fear. He'll tell you that you could never have a mansion mansion in heaven. The devil uses fear to separate your mind from the love of God in every way he can. If you believe him, fear will take you over. But if you keep your soul supplied with w ith the things of God, you will have plenty to draw d raw on, no scarcity. The mind under attack from the enemy will be protected by the power of the Holy Spirit with the flow from the soul, and you will have peace of mind, joy in the valley.
Through the Holy Ghost, Ghost, Paul tells us wonderful things. Who shall shall separate u s from the love of Christ? Christ? shall shall tribu tribu lation, lation, or d istress, istress, or persecu tion, or famine, or naked ness, or peril, or sword? As it is is written, For thy sake we are killed killed all the day long; long; we are accoun ted as sheep for the the slaughter. Nay, Nay, in in all these things we are more than conqu erors through him that loved us. For I am persuade d, that neither death, nor
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life, life, nor an gels, nor principaliti principalities, es, nor powe rs, nor things presen t, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creatu re, shall be able to separate u s from the love of God, w hich is in in Christ Jesus ou r Lord (Romans 8:35-39). The Early Church lived in the shadow of death. Day after day they knew not whether they they would be killed in the next moments. moments. The tremendous battles battles of the mind would have defeated de feated them had they not the divine resource to conquer and to more than conquer. conquer. Crushed down, trampled trampled under by the world, they were "killed" the day long. How did they survive? Through Him that that loved them. Your mind can play tricks on you, telling you that you are not loved, but Jesus loved even sinners so much that He died to bring them into into God's Kingdom. Kingdom. Your soul knows you are loved with heaven's love. Paul was persuaded that nothing nothing could separate separate him from the the love of God which was in Christ Jesus.
The secret of the Early Church's overcoming power as they faced persecution, p ersecution, tribulation tribulation and death was Jesus. Jesus. Paul learned that secret well. At the end of his journey journey he was able to say say to Timothy,I Timothy, I am now r eady to be offered, and the time time of my departure is at hand. I have fought fought a good fight, fight, I have finished my cou rse, I have kept the faith faith (II Timothy 4:6,7). Paul was ready to die for the sake of Christ. Christ. He had kept the faith in his soul. Paul underwent unde rwent mind battles—that's typical, typical, I say again, of the human mind. But when the soul contains contains the plan and the power of God, the mind can be delivered delivere d instantly instantly from frustrat fru stration, ion, fear and despair. Again and again, again, God's God's Children Children have experienced that deliverance. Like Paul, we must keep the faith. Dying deaths in the mind, you as a Child of God can look to the Lord, asking for His help. In the moment that you yield to the Holy Spirit, a flow from your soul cleanses the mind.
You have plenty of God's peace stored in the reservoir of your soul when you are born again, a peace you yo u cannot afford to contaminate. If any bitterness bitterness should come to the mind, it's time to let the love of God flow. That love cleanses the mind of bitterness bitterness,, grudges. Yield to the Spirit of God, God, not to people and not to yourself. Remember, as you yield to the Spirit, He flows all the love of God you need. A Child of God cannot carry grudges in the soul; the soul is God's territory, holy ground, holy like the Lord Himself Himself because the the Lord lives there. there. He's made it holy, pure and clean. clean. Jealousy, clamor clamor in the soul won't won't mix with God's love. God and the devil are at war. The Bible says to let not the sun go down upon your wrath (Ephesians 4:26). How can you
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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get wrath out of your mind? Be ye angry, and sin not. Draw on the keeping power of the Lord in your soul. Instead Instead of yielding to anger, anger, yield to the peace of God in your soul. Yield to the Word, to the Holy Spirit so He can flow from your soul the things of God you need for your mind. Wrong thoughts thoughts carried in your mind sundown after sundown can sooner or later drop into your soul, and and force out the Spirit of God. Resentment nourished in your mind mind over an extended period can very easily make its way into your soul. Bitterness may may enter your mind—jealousy, envy, strife—but you must get them out before they drop into your soul and rob you of your salvation. When the Spirit of God leaves, demons demons move in to take over. They can't get into into your soul as long as the Spirit of God is there; so they await their opportunity, op portunity, hoping the wrong thoughts thoughts will cause God's Spirit to lift.
Regardless of what anyone does to you, how badly you have been mistreated, for you to lose your soul because of others' cruelty is truly truly a trick of the devil. Carrying a grudge grudge will not even the score with anyone; it will just destroy you. Vengeance is mine; mine; I w ill ill repay, saith saith the Lord. Be not overcom e of evil, evil, but ove rcome e vil with good (Romans 12:19,21). Your mind wants vengeance, venge ance, but your soul will cry that vengeance is the Lord's. That's the right spirit. Bitterness Bitterne ss and desire for revenge are wrong. w rong. Wanting Wanting to get even—and more—is not not the Spirit of the Lord. As ye wou ld that men shou ld do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31). Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, you, an d persecu te you, and shall say say all all manne r of evil against you falsely, falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exc ee ding glad: for great is is you you r rew ard in heaven: for so so persecute d they the prophets which were be fore you you (Matthew 5:11,12). God is the the one to handle your enemies. Were He not merciful, we all would have been destroyed long ago. But God is not a man, and He is longsuffering longsuffe ring toward us. When people treat you in a way you don't deserve, look to God's Son and and His nail-riven nail-riven hands. Did He deserve such cruelty? Of course not. But in His dying moments, He said, Father, forgive forgive them; for they know not wh at they do (Luke 23:34).
Jesus suffered because of you and me. He took our sins and sicknesses sicknesses in the the Garden of Gethsemane. Gethsemane. That's the the reason for His agony, the the reason He cried, Father, if it be thy will, let this cup pass pa ss.. You will never know the torment He endured in the Garden that that night. night. He carried our sins and sicknesses to Calvary, suffering that you might have redemption for soul and health for the body. He seeks to be all reality to you, preparing you to take His message message to those in the night, night, bringing them out of the darkness into His light of righteousness and holiness.
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Jesus didn't didn't suffer for heaven's sake, sake, but for yours. He didn't die for heaven's sake; He died for yours. He wore the crown of thorns thorns not for Himself, but for you. He was nailed to to the cross for you. On the the cross crucified, for you He died. Tortured in mind, when Jesus Jesus needed the support of His disciples, disciples, they fled. The demons hammered His mind so furiously that He cried, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken m e (Mark 15:34)? His sweat fell as drops of blood. In His mind, mind, Jesus Jesus felt forsaken in that that hour He was bearing the the sins of the world. In His soul, however, He knew the Father had not forsaken forsaken Him. The mind was saying it: God's turned His back on you. Let the sacrifice of Jesus be be a reality to you. Yield to His tender, loving Spirit, His sacrificial death, and let the Holy Spirit take over and flow the power of the Word into your mind, cleansing cleansing it. No longer will you want want vengeance. vengeance. Instead, Instead, you'll pray for your enemies, "God "God save them!" them!" Like Stephen, you'll say, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge (Acts 7:60). Stephen forgave forgave his enemies, his murderers with his dying breath.
Let nothing nothing separate separate you from the love of God. Hide the Word of God in your heart and and keep it there. So that w e may boldly say, say, The The Lord is my helper, and I w ill ill not fear what m an shall shall do unto m e (Hebrews 13:6). The Lord is my light light and m y salvation; salvation; w hom shall I fear? the Lord is the stren gth of my life; life; of whom shall I be afraid (Psalm 27:1)? The Lord Lord is your light, your salvation, your deliverance, delive rance, your strength, your shield, buckler, high tower, your whole armor. Though an host shou ld encam p against me, my heart shall not fear (verse 3). 3). The natural natural mind would fear seeing a host coming against it, but the heart in which the Lord dwells will not keep that fear. Again and and again when the enemy attacks, attacks, fear will enter the mind; but remember from whence your help comes. comes. Your help comes from the Lord.
Yield to the Holy Spirit. Spirit. He is your helper, your guide and and teacher. He bridges the the gulf between the soul and mind just as Jesus bridges bridges the gulf between God and mankind. mankind. How beautifully it is done! The Holy Spirit is there to give you that flow of God's greatness greatness any time. Let this mind b e in you, w hich was also in in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). 2:5). If you take on the mind of Christ which which is offered you, you will not constantly constantly live with fear. Those times when fear does attack, you will have the knowledge of what conquers that fear, how to be rid of that darkness, darkness, how to yield to the perfect perfe ct light of God, to to the arm of the Almighty. Tuned in to heaven, you will receive everything you need as the Holy Spirit flows it to you.
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Though w ar should rise against me, in this will I be confident (Psalm 27:3). The Psalmist wrote these words when He wasn't battling battling fear in his mind; mind; the Word flowed freely. fre ely. Embrace the Word, receive the Holy Ho ly Spirit baptism; baptism; and as the Lord said, rivers of living waters will flow in your soul, springing springing up into life everlasting. everlasting. In your soul will be that which Jesus Jesus spoke of to the Samaritan Samaritan woman by the well, recorded re corded in John 4. He that b elieveth on m e, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall shall flow flow rivers of living living water. (Bu t this this spake he of the Spirit, Spirit, which they that that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost Ghost was n ot yet given; given; b ecau se that Jesus w as not yet glorified.) (John 7:38,39). 7:38,39). There is no scarcity scarcity for you of the life of God, of His love, peace, healing balm through the Holy Spirit.
Think of the fear Noah and his family had to conquer—fear for loved ones, misgivings misgivings about about leaving everyone behind, fear of what loomed ahead. They were called fanatics, fanatics, ridiculed. Noah and his family had to yield to the the voice of God, had to have Him in their hearts. They couldn't allow themselves to yield to to people. The power of God purged them, helped them conquer conquer fear. As they they reached out to accept from the Lord, He flowed His greatness into into their minds. Through the faith of God, their fear had to be conquered. Many trials and disappointments came the way of Noah and his family. Some days everything seemed to go wrong. The ark wasn't made in glory; it was made made on Earth where plans can't always be carried through. God had told Noah Noah to build the the ark; when you obey God, the devil sends reinforcements. His unrelenting pressure pressure causes many to back away from God's will. The mind says you are in trouble; the soul says you're more than a conqueror. conqueror. You have nothing to fear; nothing to worry about. about. Why worry, why fear? Let the the soul talk to the mind. mind. Let the the voice of the soul, filled with the grace and power p ower of God, shout victory, shout victory, victory ahead! The mind may not feel victorious, but we are to walk by faith, not by feelings.
Moses didn't feel he was winning all the time. time. Imagine his emotions the first time he stood before before Pharaoh on behalf behalf of his people. He didn't really want to to be the one to lead Israel Israel out of 400 years of bondage, but his rod gave him some secur security. ity. God had demonstrated, through that rod, what miracles He could perform. Cast your rod on the ground, the the Lord had told Moses. And he c ast it on the groun d, and it becam e a serpent; and Moses fled fled from before it. And the Lord said said un to Moses, Put forth thine thine hand, and take it by the the tail. tail. And he pu t forth forth his hand, and cau ght it, it, and it becam e a rod in his hand (Exodus 4:3,4). Moses, now before Pharaoh, remembered the miracle of the rod. Once more he cast down his rod, saw saw it turn into a snake. snake. But all of a sudden, Pharaoh's magicians magicians stepped stepped forth and threw down their rods. Their rods turned into serpents, too.
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Moses' mind must have trembled, must have thought he had misunderstood God. He probably wished he were anywhere else but where he was. Then the serpent of Moses Moses opened wide its jaws and swallowed up the serpents of the Egyptians. Egyptians. When Moses Moses picked it up, it became a rod again. The truth will swallow that which belongs to the devil. It was the Word, the truth in action. When the truth went into action, fear left lef t Moses' heart. The truth spread into his mind, driving out the fear. In all all faith he could say, The Lord is with me! The Lord loves me! me! God's love destroys fear.
Elijah was a great man of God. It's hard to imagine him afraid of anything. He had cut off the heads of four hundred fifty fif ty prophets of Baal. Faith and and courage abounded in his soul, all the the faith, all the power he needed; he had proved it. He knew how to call down fire from heaven, how to shut up the heavens. heavens. Anyone with faith faith like that has has it in his soul. Then he heard Jezebel wanted his life. Elijah's mind mind jumped to devilish Jezebel; her capabilities for evil were unlimited. Snorting Snorting a fire and brimstone rage of revenge, she wanted him dead. de ad. Elijah could have said Bring her in! The same sword swor d that cut off the heads of the prophets of Baa Ba a l will cut off hers, too. Instead, Instead, he let le t fear control his mind; he didn't did n't wait for that flow from his soul. Elijah fled, so afraid that that he wanted to die. He told the Lord, It is is enou gh; now, O Lord, take away my life; life; for I am no t better than my fathers (I Kings 19:4). Elijah had been through a great ordeal; his exhausted exhausted mind didn't function right. right. Thinking no one cared for the Lord, he was ready to go to heaven he aven because he was too frightened to stay on Earth. The Lord let him know others were left who hadn't turned to idol gods: Ye t I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all all the knees w hich have not bowe d un to Baal, and eve ry mouth wh ich hath not kissed him (I Kings 19:18). The Lord understood Elijah, had pity, and strengthened him. If you have faith in your soul, you may run a little sometimes, sometimes, but the Lord will be right there when you stop running. running. Your spirit will tell you tomorrow is a new day; get some some rest. How many times times has the Lord strengthened you, renewed your courage after you had fallen asleep depressed? During your sleep the Lord sent help; the Holy Spirit worked, using what was in your soul. He sent it into the mind, resting the mind, strengthening the mind. It might have been an angel of the Lord that came came to strengthen strengthen you. You woke refreshed, ref reshed, thinking thinking how good it was to be alive. The Lord makes us a new day every morning; He never gives us a used used one. Let the Holy Spirit work out the problem while you're asleep. Rise up in the morning morning expecting to go in the the power of the Spirit, in the the direction of the Holy Ghost's plain paths paths for you. His Spirit takes away away fear.
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Daniel in the den of lions—was he afraid? Could a person be thrown into into a den of lions and not fear? Just one lion would be be enough to terrify terrify anyone. When fear reaches out, out, when you forget forget God's love and yield to fear, f ear, the mind talks fast. fast. You're going to be destroyed, you're going to be eaten! But in the soul is the promise of God. God was in Daniel's soul. soul. Daniel settled settled down because God reached over, got his attention attention and and gave the lions lockjaw. They couldn't even open their mouths. Become acquainted with what is really going on in your mind. Some people don't understand either their minds or their souls. souls. Your eyes can't find your soul, but God will let you see what is in your soul when you look through His eyes.
The three Hebrew boys rejoiced in the fiery furnace with Jesus—a wonderful wonderful experience! But what went through their minds as the the furnace was being heated seven times hotter than ever before? before ? The normal temperature of the furnace would have been enough to roast them to a crisp. They reached into their souls. Our God w hom w e serve is able able to deliver us from the bu rning fiery fiery furnace, and he w ill ill deliver deliver us out of thine hand, O king. Bu t if if not, be it know n u nto thee, O king, that we w ill ill not serve thy gods, gods, nor w orship the golden golden image which thou hast set up (Daniel 3:17,18). 3:17,18). They wouldn't bow bow to the idol god. god. The faith in their souls told told them that if God wanted to save save them He would. Their minds were made up, determined. When your hide is suffering, suffering, when you feel the fire of the furnace, the mind can bring fear. If you want the miracle, you have to step step inside to the soul; the miracle is on the inside. Not until until they stepped inside did the three Hebrew boys receive their miracle. Many won't step step inside for the miracle; they start to feel the fear, and they back away. Sometimes Sometimes it takes ten years to get back to that door leading to the miracle, sometimes just a few minutes. People are different. diffe rent. Receiving the miracle miracle depends on how you yield to the Word, how you give over to God's promises. promises. Looking into into the furnace, the three Hebrew boys saw only the flame, one one solid blazing flame. flame. Their minds told them that their hair would probably be gone in an instant, but they yielded completely to God, deciding in that moment, no ma ma tter wha t, Lord, here here we w e come! Open those pearly pear ly ga g a tes. tes. They stepped right into into the middle of a miracle. Not until until after the Hebrew boys were thrown in in did they see Jesus in the furnace. furnace. They were operating in pure faith. Some of us walk by feelings fee lings,, not faith. Lord, if you're you'r e in there, I'll come, come, too. too. Identify Identify yourself, y ourself, Lord! Let me see see you yo u with w ith these eyes of mine. If He says, Yes, says, Yes, Child, I'm in here, and comes out to pull you in, you'll go. The ropes that tied the Hebrew boys' hands were burned up. Those ropes didn't belong to to God, but
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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to the devil's crowd, the only thing destroyed destroyed in the fiery furnace. With the the faith of God in your heart and mind, you can stand stand the heat. The three Hebrews boys had that faith and and then they saw Jesus. Jesus is in every miracle. Oh, the faith that God has given us!
Fear thou n ot; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will will strengthen thee; yea, I w ill ill help thee; yea, I w ill ill uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness (Isaiah 41:10). God is speaking through that dear old prophet prophe t Isaiah Isaiah to you. God will uphold you with His mighty, miraculous miraculous right hand of righteousness. righteousness. As He holds you up, you are strengthened with all might, might, according to his glorious glorious pow er (Colossians 1:11). That power, that faith conquers fear. If you don't let the power of God work in your heart and mind, fear will conquer you, render you helpless to do the will and work of God, rob you of being a testimony testimony for the Lord. Testimonies for the Lord must be be testimonies testimonies of His love and deliverance, delive rance, not of bondage. bondage. His love, remember, will cast out fear. For the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). God's love and joy destroy destroy fear; when you are afraid, the joy of the Lord will not be bubbling bubbling in your mind. mind. Fear wipes the joy out, but God's perfect love wipes out fear. When the Word Word is your love, you are an overcomer. Jesus said, Behold, I give give unto you pow er to tread on serpen ts and scorpions, scorpions, and over all the pow er of the enem y: and nothing shall shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). Nothing Nothing can destroy your soul; nothing shall by any means hurt the eternal you, you , the real you that will live for time and eternity. The body is made of clay and will go back to the dust of the earth in exchange for a glorified body, but nothing can hurt the eternal you.
Why worry? The Lord is with you. Jesus came to conquer conquer the enemy for you. For we walk by faith, not by sight (II Corinthians Corinthians 5:7). When you walk by faith, fear is conquered conquered and destroyed. Faith destroys fear, the the faith of God. Faith has has destroyed fear down through the the ages, and it is still destroying it today. If you walk by sight, sight, you are in trouble. And M oses said said u nto the p eople, Fear ye not, stand still, still, and see th e salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13). The Israelites had had to become quiet and and use faith. Had they not obeyed, obeyed, they would not have seen the salvation salvation of the Lord. The Lord used what He had put into their souls to erase fear from their minds. minds. They had been in slavery, and He loved them. They decided He loves us; us; He w on't let let us perish perish now. now . He didn't bring us here to kill us, but to deliver us. He is is the w a y-maker. y-ma ker. He ha ha s promised. Full of faith they stood still, and the
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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Word went into operation, flowing truth from souls into minds, destroying fear. How do I know they had faith? When the Red Sea separated separated and the Israelites Israelites were told to move, they moved. Banked up on each side to the left lef t and to the right like gigantic gigantic walls, walls, the water towered over them as they, in faith, walked across on dry ground. It is believed believed the crossing through the Red Sea was twelve miles. The army of Pharaoh watched that great host going through the sea, through waters heaped up high. They decided if Israel could cross, they could, too; if the water stayed back for their slaves, it would certainly stay stay back for them. The waters wouldn't dare close close in on Pharaoh's army! Walking by sight alone, Pharaoh's army followed the Israelites. But in the middle of the Red Sea, they saw faith step out on the other side. The last Israelite Israelite reached the opposite shore, and Pharaoh's army army was left with no faith. Walking that path without the faith of God would be a shattering experience—it was to the Egyptians who followed the Israelites. Let us flee from the face of Israel, they cried, terror crowding out everything but thoughts of escape from that frightening place. So much fear paralyzed them that that those those who knew how to swim couldn't couldn't do it. God drowned them all. The events at the Red Sea's parting paint paint a vivid picture of faith and fear. Fear shouts that that you will never make it, but faith says says this is God's way. He has never failed one of His Children yet, and He won't start with you. You're going to make it.
Whose side are you on? Choose you this day whom ye will serve… bu t as for for me an d my house, w e w ill ill serve serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). For therein is the righteousne ss of God reve aled from faith to faith: faith: as it is written, The just shall live live b y faith faith (Romans 1:17). Living by faith is the only living living worthw hile. How d o you do it? (Revelation 12:11), tells us that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and b y the word of their testimony; testimony; and they loved not their lives lives un to the death. By the power in the blood of Jesus, they overcame the enemy; and by the the power in the blood of Jesus, you can overcome. Those who love God put the Word of God into their testimonies, yielding to the Lord. If ye abide in m e, and my w ords abide in you, ye shall ask ask w hat ye will, and it shall shall be done u nto you (John 15:7). Your mind says not not so, but the the promise of God in your soul agrees with the Word of God. God. This is the the promise you have hidden in your heart: If you abide in the the Lord and He abides in you, you are in Him and He is in you. You can ask what you will and it shall shall be done.
II Corinthians 9:8, And God is able to make all grace abou nd tow ard you; that ye, always having all suffici sufficiency ency in all things, things, may abou nd to every good work. Your soul agrees, but
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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your mind argues: The Lord Lord isn't going to do it; it isn't going go ing to happen. ha ppen. No need need to get your hopes up. Take your soul to the thirteenth chapter of I Corinthians Corinthians and and bathe it in the love chapter. Stir up your soul to make sure all the love in that chapter chapter is flowing there. If it isn't, isn't, put in more love until it is. Then if any doubt, any fear lingers about about a miracle, a healing for yourself, fear about about anything, anything, go to the the eleventh eleve nth chapter of Hebrews, the faith chapter. chapter. Take it not to your mind, but to your soul. Your mind cannot absorb all that gloriou gloriouss chapter and hold it, but but your soul can. Check your soul with the the gauge of the Word. Measure what you have in there. there. When I was a little boy, the only way we could measure how much gas was in the tank of our car was to poke a stick down into into it. If we waited for the car to show how much gas it had, we were in trouble. Today we have faith f aith in the gas gauge on the dashboard, dashboard, even though it may sometimes sometimes fail. But that which God makes makes never fails. It lasts lasts for all all time and and eternity. The love that He has given to you is more than sufficient when you yield to it. Measure the love in your soul with God's Word.
Paul said nothing nothing would conquer conquer the love of God. You can't be be destroyed unless the love of God in you is destroyed. destroyed. Live in God's God's love, dine on it. The love of God is your armor, your protection. The love of God is your life, the perfect love of God. You can be perfect in the love of God, although not not necessarily necessarily in the eyes of people. Every time God looks at you covered with His love in perfection, He is delighted. Use that great, great great power, the greatest greatest power, the power of love. The power of love made you sorry for your sins. God captured your attention and and began to reveal: I died for you. I loved you. I knew knew you w ere a sinner, sinner, but I loved you. You might have thought you came to Jesus through fear. He used a lot of fear to bring me to Him, but but deep down in my heart I knew knew God loved me. That kind of fear is a wonderful fear; fe ar; it's Calvary's love-fear—not a destructive fear—Calvary's love-fear. The fear of the Lord is the b eginning of w isdom (Proverbs 9:10). Calvary's love-fear can flood your mind until you become helpless to fight against against it anymore. anymore. Finally you say, I surrender, I surrende surr ender! r! I'm sorry, sorry , Lord, Lord, that I sinned sinned ag a inst you. Why would you say you were sorry and ask God's forgiveness if you didn't believe He has love in His heart for you? He certainly would not forgive without love.
If you use this message message you will win, saith the Lord. Lord. Aren't you glad you can have in your soul that which wins, glad glad that you need have no weakness in the soul? You can have the strength of heaven. Receive salvation and let the Holy Spirit flow His strength strength from your soul into your mind. Let Him flow that strength, that grace, that power, that righteousness, that holiness, that direction
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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included in all of heaven's help. What a mind you can take take on, the mind mind of Christ! How glorious it will be to take on His H is mind! You don't have to be be bound with fear. When fear comes to to the mind—if you have the right ingredients in in your soul—it will be be driven away, destroyed. Just a flow of heaven's love will destroy it. The mind suddenly suddenly will come to life in the love of Jesus. Jesus. Suddenly the mind mind will accept the the strength, the greatness, and the joy of God's promises. The mind is agreeing with the soul that Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails!
You who are lost and undone without God, why not come come to Jesus? Won't you say say this prayer with me now? Oh, God: I believe believe in Jesus Jesus Christ. Christ. I believe believe that He died for me, and I know that I am am a sinner. sinner. I know that I am lost, but I confess confess all of my sins. sins. I know know that the blood blood of Jesus Jesus w ill wa sh a w a y every ever y sin, every every sin. Come on in, Jesus, Jesus, come come on in! If you meant that that prayer, He has come. come. He is yours.
You who are sick and afflicted: Jesus loves you. You can be healed of that foul cancer, cancer, that heart heart trouble, the paralysis paralysis that has has crippled you, that blindness—whatever blindness—whatever your need. The little retarded one can be be restored and made made whole. The Lord is the One who can can get you well. I'm not not a healer; God is. I'm just just a Jesus Jesus believer. believer. Lord: I bring the sick a nd afflicted afflicted to you. You have giv en me your gifts gif ts to deliver deliver the people. people. From your g ift of mira mira cles a nd gifts of hea hea ling it comes. comes. In the name of your you r Son Jesus, Jesus, Heal! Heal, in the holy name of the Lord, in His rig hteous name. The healing power is flowing. Diseases, Diseases, afflictions are being conquered through the the power of His holy name. Let that that power work in your soul through the love of God. Let it flood in until your mind cries in faith believing: He loves loves me! me! He loves me! me! He is is w orking w ith His healing pow er to get me well. The Lord is preparing us a table in the the presence of our enemies in this old world. He prepares for the Children of God a wonderful wonderful table daily. Dine on it first first of all in your soul. If you don't dine in your soul, your mind won't join in. in. As your soul is dining at the table table of the Lord daily, your mind, conscious of what's taking place, begins to yield to the Spirit. The Holy Spirit Spir it now can bridge the gulf between the mind and soul so heaven's flow is not blocked. Fear thou no t; for for I am w ith thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee ; yea, I will help help thee; yea, I will uphold thee w ith the right hand of my righteousne ss (Isaiah (Isaiah 41:10). 41:10). Keep that flow, and you will conquer fear. There is no fear in love; bu t perfect love casteth out fear (I John 4:18).
ou Will Will Conquer Conquer Fear or Fear Will Conquer Conquer You You - Ernest Angley Angley Ministries Ministries
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