Nigel Wiserna,n 3
Foreword by Chen Ke-Ji A salient feature of Chinese medicine in the twentieth century is the
development and renewal it has undergone through the contact between East and West. and its gradual movement beyond its traditional boundaries in a process of continuing internationalization. The spread of acupuncture across the globe is an example of which everyofie is familiar. Without a doubt, the internationalization of Chinese medicine poses first and foremost the need for Chinese medical terminological study t o overcome the cultural obstacles t o understanding and communication and for the creation of dictionaries and the standardization of translation t o blaze a trail and break new ground necessary for growth and development. In China, warcraft, farming, medicine, and art are considered t o be the "four quintessences of Chinese culture." Chinese medicine, compared with the natural sciences, displays features unique to Oriental cidtiii-e, is imprinted with the character of the Chinese people, and is steeped in solid simple tradition. The difficulty of translating Chinese medicine lies in how t o keep its body and soul together in a rendering that is a t once accurate, clear, and elegant. The difficulty for the translator lies in combining the essence of Oriental and Western culture and in understanding past and present knowledge. Nigel Wiseman is a scholar with a relish for difficulty. He is an Englishman who originally studied French, German, and Spanish and subsequently developed a partiality for the Chinese language, into which he has poured the greatest enthusiasm. From the study of Chinese, he entered the mysterious hall of Chinese medicine. He has devoted himself to Chinese medical translation for thirteen years, and has published a number of Chinese medical textbooks and glossaries in the United States and Taiwan. This English- Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary of Chinese Medicine is his first publication of a reference work in mainland China. As to special features, this book has two. One is that it grasps the humane nature of Chinese medicine, and represents a translation system that shuns terms and translation methods that produce any professionalistic flavor of modern medicine. It draws greatly on everyday speech and thereby accords with the principle observed in Chinese medicine of creating terms by the use of metaphor from everyday life. The other feature is that it tackles the multiple meanings of Chinese characters; it reveals the subtle relationships between terms and their contexts and in
translation makes appropriate variations for different levels and different styles. Clearly, Nigel Wiseman sets himself high standards. Through thorough background investigation and meticulous faithful translation, he gets to the marrow of a foreign culture, savors it to the full, and captures the flavor in translation. . Although it would be impossible for a every term in such a large dictionary created single-handedly t o be entirely unassailable; Mr. Wiseman's academic undertaking in Chinese medicine is indubitably successful. Through happy self-denial, solitude, dedication, and perseverance, he has done the toil of a hindred men. All this deserves the sincere respect of my fellow-countrymen and myself. Chen Ke-Ji Peking, January 1995
Foreword by Paul Unschuld For more than three hundred years information concerning a distinctly Chinese mode of health care has reached the Western world; it is only now, a t the end of the 20th century, though, that serious and systematic research is being carried out t o enable us to fully appreciate the contribution of Chinese medicine t o the history of health care past and present. In this context, one of the major obstacles preventing an adequate understanding of the conceptual basis of Chinese medicine in the West, and blocking a well-informed discussion between Chinese and non-Chinese scholars and practitioners, should be sought in a lamentable inadequacy of English technical terms chosen both by Chinese and Western authors attempting to convey the concepts and terms of Chinese to Westein audiences. All too often a literal application of terms borrowed from modern Western medicine to renderings of Chinese texts has obfuscated the independence of Chinese thought. Similarly, attempts to generate an artificial technical terminology based on newly created words of Greek and Latin origin has concealed the uniqueness of traditional Chinese medicinal terminology with its close proximity to images of Chinese language in daily use. Mr. Nigel Wiseman7s Dictionary is the first to profoundly change this deplorable situation. Based on his expertise as a linguist familiar with several European languages and with classic and contemporary Chinese, and on his comprehensive knowledge of both the theoretical foundations and the clinical reality of Chinese medicine, Mr. Nigel Wiseman has compiled an unparalleled list of most innovating translation,&. of about 10,000 Chinese terms, and of the names of 2,000 formulas and 1,706 drugs, as well as of 1,500 needle insertion points. The amount and the quality of the work spent on this Dictionary are truly admirable. Mr. Nigel Wiseman has taken the greatest pains to select .English term of past and present usages that, first of all, do not imply commonalities between West ern medicine and Chinese medicine where there are none, and that, at the same time, convey t o non-Chinese audience the full range of original images developed in China over the millennia t o describe the human body in its health and sickness. It is t o be hoped that this glossary will soon be adopted in China and in Western countries as a guideline for rendering texts of traditional
Chinese medicine into English. If so, I can foresee that it will greatly improve communication between East and West in general, and between teachers and students, clinicians and theoreticians, as well as among authors in specific. Paul U. Unschuld Munich, January 1995
#f @ (Paul Unschuld)
(Nigel Wisernan)
Author's Preface With the growth of world interest in traditional Chinese medicine and the development of its clinical practice in the West, an urgent need for translation glossaries t o support the expanding demand for translation of medical texts. This book is a revised and expanded edition of Glossary of Chinese Medical Terms and Acupuncture Points which was published in 1990. The new edition contains over 10,000 general terms as well as the names of 1,700 drugs, over 2,000 formulas, and 1,500 point names. The Chinese is accessible by Pinyin which is merged with English in a single alphabetical listing. The book thus provides Chinese and Western translators and students with a comprehensive and easy-to-use Chinese-English EnglishChinese reference work. In the absence of a standardized English equivalents of Chinese medical terms, any published list of English terms at best only partially reflects actual usage among translators and writers, and hence plays a normative role. The first stage in standardizing terminology in any field is agreement on the principles by which terms are formed. In view of this, I have devoted a number of pages t o an evaluation of different methods of translation currently applied and a statement of the methods applied in the formation of the terminology contained in this book. Acknowledgements This work would not have been possible without the help of many people. Ken Boss coauthored the first edition and created the database programs by which this edition and the first were produced. Prof. Paul Unschuld, Dr. Paul Zmiewski, Andy Ellis, Dr. Jiirgen Kovacs, and Dr. Hen-Bong Chairg, hzvs d c y ~ t e dgreat energy t o discussion of the principles of translation and term choiccs. Bob Felt of Redwing books ensured ample financial resources for the completion of the work. China Medical College provided many vital facilities. Dr. Feng Ye provided a thorough proofing and review of the work. He Meng-Meng created the Chinese character index. My sincerest thanks go to these people, as well as t o Prof. Chen Ke-Ji, Prof. Zheng Jin-Sheng, and Mr. Wang Yi-fang for their enthusiastic support for this project. Nigel Wiseman Taichung, 'February 1995
Table of Contents Introduction The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Commonly Used Characters of Chinese Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . 81 105 Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part I English-Chinese Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Part I1 C hinese-English Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Indexes Pinyin Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stroke Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
subinflammation $3$ ( q f n g ya'n)
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% I N ~ X # T E ~ @F I F~ ccZBEi9''2 c c 2 5 B ~ R "T % k M % 291 ( sovereign, minister, assistant, and courier ; defense, qi, construction, and blood ) , -~ Mf Ba 75 iq WJ @ 3%drug roles $a four aspects,
rn +
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology The successful transmission of a complex body of knowledge from one language community t o another depends on the effectiveness of the strategy chosen t o overcome the language barrier. This barrier can be overcome when either the recipients of the knowledge learn the source language so as t o gain access t o original texts or when an effective translation method is developed. The absence of both l'anguage acquisition and translation methodology continues t o be a major obstacle to the transmission of Chinese medical knowledge to the West. Although Chinese medicine has undergone steady growth in popularity over the past 30 years, the Western student's poor access to information has been a drawback t o its reception in the West. Not every school of acupuncture or Chinese medicine offers instruction in the Chinese language; probably none ensures sufficient training t o a level that would enable students t o read Chinese medical texts and translate with ease. The very few who acquire proficiency in Chinese do so by personal effort. A large proportion of Western translation has and continues t o be done, not by clinical practitioners, but by sinologists, linguists, and historians. Furthermore, since there are more Chinese proficient in English than'westerners proficient in Chinese, a sizable proportion of translation work is performed by Chinese, again from a variety of fields not limited to medicine. A major problem of Chinese medical translation that attracts increasing attention in both China and the West is the non-existence of a standardized English terminology. The difficulties created by varying terminologies are immense. Concepts labeled with relative consistency in Chinese lose. their integrity and their distinctions when translated into a foreign language in different ways. As a result, the foreign student does not know how t o relate information between different texts when the language in each differs.
Opposing Trends The absence of a unified terminology stems from disagreements not only about how Chinese medicine should be expressed in English, but
Introduction also how it should be understood. One approach to translation recognizes that Chinese medicine, like any body of knowledge, is a conceptual system, and that the translator should represent that system in such a way as to ensure that the foreign reader can understand it as it is understood by the source language community. An opposing ap,proach seems to suppose that the conceptual system of Chinese medicine is better understood when transposed into the more solid framework of modern understanding. One example should suffice to make this difference clear. The term iq (xi;),describing a therapeutic stimulus in acupuncture, is translated in the first approach as "drain" and in the second as "sedate." The word "drain" in this context is a literal equivalent of the Chinese term, whereas "sedate" indicates a modern understanding of the effect of the stimulus on the nervous system. The latter rendering implies that qi and the channels-and hence the action of "draining" them-are the products of speculation and that the modern foreign reader is better served when they are replaced with sounder Western medical notions. It supposes that any conceptual system is only a way of understanding reality and that other systems can be usefully applied to understand it. It implies, somewhat paradoxically, that although Chinese medicine is worthy of being presented to a foreign readership, the Chinese concepts are faulted, and should be "corrected." By contrast, the first approach, presents the Chinese notion as it is, and leaves the reader to deal with any problems that the nature of qi, the channels, and the stimulus might create in the modern mind. It recognizes that a conceptual system is independent of the reality it describes, and independent of any other conceptual system that describes the same reality. Admittedly, Chinese medical theory comprises elements that have not been validated by procedures generally recognized in modern science, notions t,hat we would now deem speculative. Yet, for this very reason, any connection with the reality described by any other system of knowledge, such as that of modern medicine, is equally speculative. Indeed, in the above example, the presumed equation between the channel system and the nervous system is supported only by partial evidence.' The work of establishing correspondences between Chinese medicine and modern medicine may well be a historical necessity given the latter's global dominance, but it is not the work of the translator. A fairly literal approach to translation would appear be the more rational of the two described above. However, it is often rejected on
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology purely linguistic grounds. Languages, as we well know, do not have matching vocabularies, and the translator is often hard pressed to find equivalents. The high degree of polyseG, synonymy, and vagueness that characterizes Chinese medical terminology create problems for the translator that prompt some to argue that the meaning of a text can only be made clear by selecting renderings meaningfully according t o context and by applying paraphrase. Unfortunately, the result of such an approach is that specific concepts denoted by Chinese terms are not clearly conveyed to the foreign reader. Given the nature of Chinese medical terminology, 'even t h ~ s ewho favor literal translation do not necessarily choose the same renderings. One Chinese term may be rendered with different expressions in English. For example, E y ( y h g qi) is rendered by some as "nutritive qi" and others as "construction qi." Furthermore, one English term may be used by different writers t o render two distinct Chinese terms. For example, "stagnation" is used by some writers to render $# (zhi) and by others t o render fib (94). Such differences in terminology create obstacles for students reading different literature. In the first case, they have to learn that very different English terms (nutritive, construction) are synonymous. In the second case, their ability to distinguish the two concepts will depend on how thoroughly the translators. have explained them. Differing interpretations, varying degrees of literalness, and variable paraphrase introduce untold variables into the body of translated literature. It takes little imagination to realize that the net impact on the reader is that Chinese medicine possesses a terminology of only a handful of terms. Since terms are the means by which we cammunicate technical concepts, the absence of an English terminology prevents the English-speaking reader from a full appreciation of the conceptual system. This situation is lamentable, and all the more so because it can be avoided. A translation approach that is faithful to the original concepts, that involves minimal interpretation on the part of the translator, and that achieves maximum consistency in the use of terms is possible. I believe that this approach presents the Chinese conceptual system more objectively, and that in the current confusion of approaches it therefore ultimately has the greatest chance of winning general acceptance. And since, by its own nature, it would reduce term choices to manageable limits, it has the greatest chance of generating a coherent standardized terminology. Thirty years have elapsed since Chinese medicine started a
Introduction new phase of expansion in the West, but that expansion may have been curbed by false suppositions about the Westerner's ability to understand Chinese concepts and about the capacity Western languages to express them faithfully.
Objects, Concepts, and Terms T h e language of Chinese medicine is a technical language. Modern terminologists define a "technical language" as a form of any given language that is used by people involved in a specialism and that has a "terminology," i.e., a set of expressions not used in the common language or, as is .often the case, expressions that are used in a different or more specific way than in the common language. The problems of communization created by the vast growth and profusion of technical languages that has come with the burgeoning in technological knowledge in the modern era has created the need to rationalize and standardize terms, and has therefore led to the emergence of terminology as a special discipline. The study of terminology is closely related t o technical translation, because of the need for different language communities t o have a matching set of terms for all forms of technical language. Terminological theories have been applied, for example, in the translation of viticulture terminology into Norwegian in the context of E C legislation. Over recent years, theories used in modern terminology have been applied in Chinese medicine to rationalize terminology and improve definitions. Terminological theory represents a solid codification of principles for technical translation and applied t o Chinese medicine helps to clarify issues relating to terms and concepts, even though it highlights
certair, preblems.
Any corpus of specialist knowledge is a complex edifice of interrelated concepts, and the terminologist,'~goal is that each concept and it relationships t o other concepts should expressed in clear terms. The concept is the mental representation of an object (including material objects, process, events, states, actions). The term is the expression of a concept in language, and the definition of the term is the description of the concept. Concepts are the terminologist7snatural focus of attention becaus6 they are the basic elements of a knowledge system. A popular misconception about technical terms is that they are .
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology words used exclusively by specialists. In actual fact, technical terms in most disciplines largely, if not mostly, come from the common language. Any language only has a certain number of words, and new terms are usually combinations of existing lexical items. Many terms are completely indistinguishable in form from expressions in the common language although they are more specific in meaning. The term "leaf," for example, as used by a botanist has a more precise, and slightly different meaning from that associated with it in the layman's mind. Many terms are common language expressions used metaphorically, as the "menu" used in computer science to mean a list of functions t o choose from, or "cock" as used in plumbing. The process whereby common language expressions are given more specific or metaphorical meanings in the technical contexts is called "terminologization." Other commonly observed term formation processes include the combining of lexical items into compounds, borrowing of foreign words, abbreviation, and notation etc. These processes vary from one language t o another. I shall leave these aside here since they are not of immediate interest. Terminologists have also established guidelines for making the best terms. The most important of these are as follows: 1. The term must be well motivated. Any new term is ideally formed from lexical items (in English, words or morpl~emes;in Chinese, characters) whose literal meaning indicates the new concept it is intended to represent. Thus "television" aptly describes technology that projects images by means of radio waves over long distances. Good motivation of terms is especially important for new concepts, since a term that clearly communicates the concept will aid the understanding of the concept. Its value lessens once the concept and term that represents it are adopted as a convention. The English word "atom,"' literally meaning "something that cannot be split," remains an established term in chemistry although technology developed since its discovery enables it t o be split. Good motivation is especially important when a mature body of knowledge is being translated into a foreign language en masse, because large numbers of concepts as well as terms may be unfamiliar to the reader. 2. The term should be as short as possible without adversely affecting its clarity. A term is an expression that represents a concept. It should pinpoint a concept by indicating one or two main features,
Introduction but it should be as short as possible so that the delivery of information for people familiar with the concepts is not aff&ted by verbose phraseology. The term, ideally, should not be polysemous and should have no synonyms. This means that each expression should denote one concept only, and each concept should be denoted by one term only. An expression that is polysemous may cause the reader of a text to pause to consider which meaning is intended. The existence of synonyms means that the reader has to remember that a given concept has multiple names. Both polysemy and synonymy affect the reader's ability to associate concepts with terms. The term should be systematic. Thus, in a list such as "heart disease," "lung disease," and "liver disease," the term "disease in the kidney" WOUMbe unsystematic. The term should be productive of any necessary derivations (clear heat 4 heat-clearing formula). The term should be formed in accordance with the syntactic rules of the language. In Chinese medicine, terms that are modelled on Chinese syntax such as "Clear Heat and Stop Excessive Uterine Bleeding Decoction" (tgt&kg$& qfng ril zh! beng tang) are potentially confusing. The term should also be internally logical, avoiding internal contradictions such as "green leukorrhea" or "mineral herbs." The modern terminological Q bservation that technical terms are largely derived from the common language is reflected clearly in Chinese medicine. Those acquainted with the language of Chinese medicine are aware that most of the characters they come across in Chinese medical texts are used in the common language. They are also aware that most of the anatomical entities spoken of (heart, stomach, kidney) are a matter of common knowledge. Causes of disease (heat, cold, dampness, etc) are phenomena experienced by people who have no knowledge of medicine. We might note that this situation differs markedly from Western medicine, where many terms denoting anatomical structures and causes of disease convey little meaning to the lay. Nevertheless, in the language of Chinese medicine, lay terms have more specific definitions than they do for the ordinary person by dint of the technical -
The Translation of Chinese Medical Termino~ogy
ideas associated with them. Furthermore, although most of the individual characters used in Chinese medical literature are familiar to the layman, the combinations in which they occur may be less familiar (e.g., wind-heat , stomach fire). Modern guidelines for the formation of terms are potentially of value t o the translator attempting to recreate Chinese terminology in a foreign language. The notion that a term should not be polysemous and should have no synonyms means that that the translator, as far as possible, should not use one English term to translate two or more distinct Chinese terms and should not translate one Chinese term with multiple English terms. It may also mean, however, that where two Chinese terms are acknowledged to be absolute equivalents, the translator may be justified in offering a single rendering. The rule that terms should be productive of derivations poses the need to bear in mind, for example, that whatever rendering we might choose for a term such as .igt$ ( q ~ n yr i ) , in this text rendered as "clear heat," we ideally need adjectival and noun forms. The rule that terms should be as short as possible without a5ecting clarity is pertinent in Chinese medical translation where paraphrase is commonly used. More will be said about these points in due course. Undoubtedly the most important rule is that a term should be well motivated. Modern terminology bases term motivation on understanding of the object and the definition of the concept, not on the literal meaning of words. Terms in different langtiages do not need to have the same literal meaning. The fact that the English "light bulb," the (dmy German Gluhbirne, literally "glowing pear," and the Chinese pito), ''lamp bubble," have different literal meanings (they are different metaphors) is irrelevant since the term i11 each language is unequivocally associated with this familiar object. A problem in Chinese medicine is that certain key terms are not explicitly defined. In such cases, the literal meaning of the term and the synthesis of its various contextual definitions assume greater importance in our understanding of the concept and in the choice of English rendering. This needs a little more explanat ion.
Chinese Medical Concepts Chinese medicine has an unbroken lineage that can be traced back t o the earliest extant literature on the subject. Still to this day, it claims
to follow the system laid down in N& Jrng. An investigation of the origin of concepts is therefore not simply a matter of historical curiosity. T h e development of what we now call "Chinese medicine" two thousand years ago represented a realization that human health and sickness was governed not, as had previously been thought, by demons or spirits, but by the laws of nature. Those laws, however, were understood through different cognitive approaches. The basic theories of Chinese medicine are of distinctly heterogeneous origin. It would appear that the workings of the body were partly understood through deductions from simple dissection and partly through inferences from yin-yang and the five-phase analogies. Dissection would have revealed, for example, that the kidney passed on urine to bladder and therefore was the organ responsible for the management of body fluids. Its association with water led it, by a completely different logic, t o be ascribed t o the water phase in five phase system. Through the philosophical associations of the five phases with winter and the notion of storage, the kidney was further understood t o store the essence of human life required in reproduction. Furthermore, the kidney's ontological relationship with the bladder was understood in terms of the yin-yang system. The kidney was considered yin by virtue of its involvement in internal functions, and the bladder was considered yang by dint of its communication with the exterior of the body. Although different processes of reasoning operated to create theories concerning the kidney, no contradiction was apparently sensed. Yin-yang and the five-phase theory offered a framework for the observation of meaningful correspondences. The analogical thinking on which these systems were based was by no means confined to them. The doctrine of signatures, for example, played a part in the development of theories concerning drug properties. T h e theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine were laid a t a time when unprecedented socioeconomic changes were uniting loosely related communities into a centrally governed empire. T h e new social and economic order is clearly reflected in the language of Chinese medicine. The major organs of the chest and abdomen are organs of national adminis(zing) and (f6)origtration. According t o philological research, inally denoted grain collection centers, the former being used generally t o denote a storehouse, and the latter a locus of administration. In the Chinese medical conception, the terms imply a hierarchical difference. T h e stomach, for example, is responsible for preliminary decomposition of food., but is under the control of the spleen, responsible for the more
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology delicate work of extracting the materials required by the body and dispatching them other administra.tive centers. The spleen and the stomach are referred to together as the "officials of the granaries." Our modern notions of a clear relationship between morphological structure and function might lead us to overlook the possibility that social and economic analogy played a role iq the development of theory. The N6i Jfng tells that the heart is " m ~ n a r c h "from which the "spirit" emanated. Since the time of the N6i Jmg signs of heart disease have been explained by disturbance of the heart spirit. The NGi Jfng also tells us that "heart governs the blood and vessels" and "all blood belongs to the heart." Although our modern understanding of the heart might lead us to think that its authors viewed it, as we do today, as a pump that propelled blood through a circuit, there is is no conclusive evidence for this. The heart's central location in the chest and connection to major blood vessels may have been enough t o prompt the analogy to the seat of sovereignty. The development of the notion of qi and the channel system was also influenced by analogical thinking. The concept of qi as an active principle in the body was evidently derived through analogy since the character originally meant vapor. It has been suggested that flow of some vaporlike substance around the body may have been subjectively experienced in the practice of qigong, or that the ability of a stimulus applied a t points on the body could induce some distant physiological response may have suggested the idea of transmission lines. Yet however true these conjectures may be, it is nevertheless likely that the theory of qi and the channels owes its existence, a t least in part, t o the speculation that if the body functions like a highly organized empire, i t , too, must necessarily have a communications system. The rich imagery of waterways and highways in terminology pertaining to the channel and network is of such a high consistency as to suggest that the system as a whole may have been conceived through it. It may be valuable to disting~ish"understanding by analogy" from "naming by analogy," which is metaphor. Metaphor is a specific form of analogy used t o describe or name things. Systems of knowledge that make little use of analogical thinking as a cognitive approach nevertheless use metaphor in their terminology because it is simple method of producing a communicative term. Western medicine makes great use metaphor, although in English this is partially concealed, perhaps deliberately, in its Greco-Latin terms. When modern doctors talk of "inflammation," they are aware t h a t they mean "something like a flaming" rather than
Introduction any actual flaming. When investigating Chinese medicine, on the other hand, we must be aware that it might be a mistake t o dismiss the analogy in cognition as merely metaphorical naming. When translating, there is much greater reason t o preserve the analogy for the foreign reader. The distinction between analogical and causal relationships is not always clear in Chinese medicine. Wind, cold, fire, summerheat, dampness, and dryness are environmental phenomena experienced by any person. The attribution of disease to such causes is by no means a unique characteristic of Chinese medicine (we say "catch a cold" in English). Of interest here is Chinese medicine's statement that these entities actually enter the body and that their presence in the body is reflected in thc similarities of their pathological effects, as judged through observable signs, t o the effects of the external phenomena. What is more, all etiological processes triggered by these causes are described in language similar t o that used to describe the effects of the external phenomena. However, we cannot be sure to what extent they were originally viewed as being identical with the original phenomena. Wind, for example, was understood to penetrate the body through the interstices. Diseases attributable t o such a pathology were, as time went on, gradually reattributed to internal wind. Never was it suggested, however, that an external or internal wind could exit the body through the interstices and regain its physical form. Clearly, wind in the body, whether perceived as being of external or internal origin, is not identical with the physical entity we call wind. A possible explanation for this is that, in its original conception, wind was not understood in a purely physical sense as we would now understand it, but as a spiritual entity not bound to the laws --of nature. This is quite possible since wind as a cause of disease dates back t o the time when the forces of nature were endowed with magical qualities. Here, again, there is a message\for the translator. Those who would choose a non-literal rendering [the transliteration "Feng" has been suggested as being more appropriate than "wind") might be doing so out of a retrospect understanding. The speculative nature of certain concepts makes them difficult t o define. Returning to a previous example, qi, a key term in Chinese medicine, denotes phenomena both outside and inside the human body.
I. Air, gas, vapor, smell, and breath (e.g., 2,(qi ji), rapid breathing).
( d h qi), "great qi,"
2: Environmental forces (cold, dampness, dryness, et c. ) .
The Transla,tion of Chinese Medical Terminology
3. Anything of a particular nature, e.g., 5 (si qi), 'the four qi; [IB 5 ( y ~ nqi), yin qi; @y ( q ~ n gqi), clear qi. In this meaning, it may denote solid and liquid matter, e . g ; ti&". (zhud qi), "turbid qi," referring to waste in the digestive tract, or blood (?), as in $ ~ & Y ~ E I T,L\ (zhud qi guf y2i 2272). 4. Any of various dynamic phenomena of the body e.g., E 5 (yua'n qi), "source qi," ( z h ~ nqi), "true qi," ZT (w& qi), "defense qi," and @ T(ying qi), "construction qi," by which physiological functions are explained.
5. Disease states, e.g., j@T(jiiio qi), "leg qi" (beriberi), and ( s h i n qi), "mounting qi." 6. An abbreviation for disorders of qi (qi vacuity, qi stagnation), as appearing in the terms T$l\(qi bi) "qi constipation," T R (qi Ziti) "qi tumor," and (qi 6u), "qi vomiting." T h e above classification suggests that the term qi is denotes a broad range of phenomena. The original meaning.of "vapor" extends to cover gases in general and subtle forms of matter used to explain physiological activity. At the same time, "qi" sometimes denotes tangible entities. Objects denoted by the term are distinct, yet are partly interrelated. For example, although environmental phenomena would appear t o be distinct from dynamic -phenomena in the body, the dependence of original qi on air draw in by the lungs would suggest an under-lying identity. Precise distinctions in meaning are often difficult to make. It is not a1ways entirely clear whether Ey (zhing qi), 'Iright qi," is intended in sense 4, namely as an activating principle in the body, or in sense 3, as all forces maintaining health and resisting disease, which would include the blood. Indeed the term would appear to be used in both senses. Whether terms listed in sense 4, such as "original qi" and "source qi," are t o be viewed as distinct entities or different functions of a single entity is another question that remains unanswered. Indeed, qi as a n activating force is not distinguished from its activating function with any clarity. The entanglement of thing and function that is seen in the question of qi is also observed in the realm of anatomy. The term (jfn), "sinew," is often boldly equated with the modern tendon and ligament, but the use of the term in the acupuncture point locations shows that it is often equivalent t o the modern concept of muscle. This is further borne out
Introduction the fact that "hypertonicity of the sinews" is a condition of the muscles. It would appear then that "flesh" (governed by the spleen) and "sinew" (governed by the liver) represent a functional difference perceived as an , anatomical difference. A similar entity/function dichotomy is presented by z s (san jiao), "triple burner," and @ 1'1(ming me'n), "life gate," whose nature has been the subject of discussion for centuries, as most readers will know. Before the modern era, no systematic analysis of the relationship between object, concept, and term was ever made in Chinese medicine. Terms were understood through specific definitions provided by the writers that used them, through the context in which they were used, and through usage in the common language meaning. No attempt was made to define concepts in their clear relationship to others. Terms denoting various forms of breathing abnormalities such as Trig (qi chulin), ng,$!, (chulin XK), rigs (chulin ni), 13 (shhng qi), 5$3 (qi dulin), $5 (shlio qi ), 59 (qi shcio), (qi cG), and 53,(qi jz') were never comprehensively defined in relationship to one another, and hence individual users of the terms see differing shades of differentiation among them. The (qi XG), term 95 (shlio qi), for example, is used in the sense of "qf vacuity," and T+g (qi dulin), "shortness of breath," and often it is difficult t o know which meaning is intended. Over past few decades, an immense effort has been made to settle problems of this kind, but much has still t o be done. The origins of Chinese medicine are heterogeneous, confused, and uncertain. Concepts are often speculative and lack clear definitions. For the translator of Chinese medical literature, the firm ground of clearly denoted objects and clearly defined co~lceptsthat characterizes modern specialisms is lacking. This observation together with an awareness of the importance of analogy in Chinese thinking should be enough to suggest t o the translator that, unless good reason exists, terms should be rendered by their literal meanings. The danger that poor definition poses for the translator, however, lies in the temptation to impose an order on things that may not actually be there. This temptation is especially strong for modern translators-Chinese or Western-whose notions of human health and sickness derive from the much more precise and structured picture painted by Western medicine.
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology
Language and Terms A term is an expression used in a definite or specific sense. For the translator, it is an expression that must be rendered consistently in all contexts. Substantial differences in current renderings of Chinese medical terms reveal not only different choices of terms; they also reveal disagreements about what constitutes a term, and notably to what degree the component characters of terms are of terminological significance. A characteristic of the Chinese language is the c6mpound formed of two virtually synonymous ,characters. The compound (jfn yi) refers t o fluids in the body, and its components probably are as close in meaning t o each other as the "fluid" and "liquid" are in English. The translator may be inclined t o find a single English term t o render the two. There would be nothing out of the ordinary here in terms of translation practice, because Chinese regularly expresses notions with two characters. Think, for example, of @& (w6n pcin) and @$p(bGo hti) , ' L ~ r ~ ~ k eand r y ""protect". However, once acquainted with a distinction based on the degree viscosity, the translator might decide t o translate them as "thin fluids" and "thick fluids." Then again, when the translator encounters the compound E E (wii yi), he may consider dropping the adjective, since the things it denotes include fluids classed as "thin" according his guiding definition. Similarly, when he meets Nt@ (ym y;), he has t o decide between an exact translation, "yin thick fluids" and a shorter but less specific "yin fluids." The fact is Chinese terms do not always have the precise definitions they have been given in some contexts and in such cases translations based on definitions are problematic. A translation approach based on specific interpretations of terms rat her than on their literal meanings often involves supplying information from the context. For example, ItfE (huci shf), @f$j (xcio shf), and $lJf$j (Ei shf) have been rendered non-literally as "eliminate upper Jiao dampness," "eliminate middle Jiao dampness," and "eliminate lower Jiao dampness ," and more literally as "transform dampness," "dry dampness," and "disinhibit dampness" (the renderings used in this text). The non-literal renderings recognize only the second of the two Chinese characters composing the term as a fixed component to be rendered systematically. The verbs in each case are translated by the same word "eliminate", and an additional element is added t o the English term referentially (location in one of the three burners). The differences in action
Introduction expressed by the three Chinese verbs ("transform," "dry," "disinhibit" ) are replaced with distinctions in location. Although this method offers the reader potential benefits, it is not without snags. Firstly, the translator cannot be sure that the distinctions in location always attach t o the three terms. Secondly, when is embedded in another term, a shortening or even omission of information is highly likely. If $ I J ?(li ~ s h ~ is ) rendered as "eliminate lower Jiao dampness," a concise translation of $g 8H$rl$E& (qfng d h li shc tang) becomes problematic. T h e addition of information from the context is inappropriate when misleading or unsubstantiated information is added. The natural tendency nowadays is t o introduce Western medical information. "Promoting blood circulation by removing stasis" as a translation of (hub xu2 huh y ~ implies ) that Chinese medicine has a clear theory about the "circulation" of the blood that we understand by this modern term, which, as has already been argued, is not strictly true. Although, it may well be that drugs traditionally said to "quicken the blood and transform stasis" may be found through pharmacological research t o stimulate blood circulation, the translator's goal is to faithfully represent the Chinese conceptual system as traditionally understood. The work of the researcher should not be confused with that of the translator. A great many Chinese terms have been used to denote different things by different writers over the centuries. A classic example of this is /I/.nE (shho fzi), whose different meanings have been rendered as "lower abdomen" and "outer part of the lower abdomen." Here the problem is that the translator often simply does not know which is meant. "Anus," "perineum," "area beneath the canthus," "KL-11" as possible renderings for F& (xi&ji) might present an even more complex problem. A rendering based on contextual meaning'tends to add information that makes the translation more specific than the original term. Under nnm,
":n"..m"+,,"," 1;+b
L 1 1 L LIII1O bQI11LCJ)
1 1 1 1 ~ 11 1 1 5 b 1 ~ 1 1 .
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(xu2 jue') rendered as "syncope due to excessive bleeding" or "syncope resulting from blood disorders" may be a fair representation of the concepts in the local context, but the clarity is achieved a t the expense of obscuring the relationship of the concept to other concepts in the system. The character (jue') indicates a reversal in the direction or spread of qi that manifests in syncope when it affects the head and in cold when (si it affects the limbs. The notion of "reversal" is lost when L!!lEj%%+ zhzjue' k g ) is rendered, as it often is, as "cold limbs." The rendering "syncope" in the above examples thus neglects the importance of the
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminologp notion of "reversal" in conceptual system as a whole. The English equivalents in most of the above examples are more specific than the Chinese terms. The gain in clarity sought through this additional specificity is largely defeated by loss in consistency in the use of terms. The high relativity of the Chinese medical term undermines the translator's appreciation of its technical status, and allows him to drift into the habit of selecting or modifying terms according to context and, at worst, introducing of notions from an alien frame of reference. He thus bases his translation on the denotative meaning of compounds in the context rat her than on the intensional meaning of the individual character that provides the semantic link between its different applicat ions. A philological approach to translation clearly avoids a whole range of problems. However, as I have already said, translators may reject such an approach on the grounds that it poses too many linguistic difficulties. Many of these difficulties center around Chinese polysemy and synonymy. Polysemy Many claim that Chinese medicine defies literal translation because of the polysemous nature of the Chinese character. Before drawing a hasty conclusion on this matter, we should look into it in closer detail. Polysemy is a basic feature of human language that is logically attributable t o economy. Existing expressions are naturally used for new concepts. All languages probably follow this process, but because the existing vocabulary in each language is different, it develops by taking on new meanings in different ways. Moreover, some words by their very nature lend themselves to broad application. Technical translation reveals this fact clearly since translators tend to choose different words in the target language for a single terminological item in the source language. A simple example should help to make this clear. When terms beginning with the Latin prefix sub are translated into Chinese, different equivalents are naturally used. subcranial PZ7; (lzi ziti) sublingual g7; (she' xi&) subculture (ci pe'i yiing jzin) subgallate & t g & F @ g(ci md shi zi suan ya'n) subexcite ( y i xfng fin) subchronic $JEJf+ (yii mtin zing) subluxation 7i;*j@ U (bzi qua'n tu6 jizi)
Introduction subinflammation $3$ ( qfng ycin) The differences in translation here are not due t o any whim of the translator, since even in English we can identify different usages of the prefix sub: below (as in subcranial and sublingual, translated as F); secondary (as in subculture and subgallate, 8 ) ;low-grade (as in subexcite and subchronic, $); imperfect (as in subluxation, T * ) ; mild (as in subinflammation, $3). The Latin prefix, which originally meant "below," has assumed abstract applications for which the Chinese language natuof characters. Thus sub in the sense of "mild" rally uses a ~ a r i e t y ~ other is represented by the $3 ( q ~ n g )meaning , light (in weight), which again is an abstract usage of that character. Chinese is the same as English in regard t o laws governing the development of vocabulary; its vocabulary simply develops differently because of its different resources. Polysemy only arises in any language because the context in which an expression is used usuaiiy indicates its intended meaning. in a technical text, we can first of all distinguish between a technical context and a non-technical context. Technical language is usually mixed with other forms of the language, and the difference in a technical and non-technical usage of an expression is clear from the immediate context. Thus, if we (xu wzi piao micio) , "illuencounter in a medical text the phrase sory," expressed in Chinese literally as "vacuous-misty," the $fiiB (misty) enables us t o discount the medical meaning of @ (xu), "vacuity." However, when the translator encounters @!& (xu r i ) , xu heat, or #@@( p i xu), spleen xu, the context clearly indicates a technical usage. When we analyze the usage of characters within the technical context, we can detect certain clear differences. For instance, the term & (scin) in the context of channel pathways is used t o describe the way in which a channel spreads over a certain area of the body; in the context of therapeutic action, the same character means t o dissipate (spread or scatter a disease evii in such a way as to weaken and destroy it j. In ti-rcsc riiiTere~li contexts, clearly distinct meanings are intended, and so it might be quite permissible t o use different English words. In some cases, the usage of character may be different, but a similar idea is meant. For instance, the (pi xu shf k&n), "spleen vacuity damp encumcondition called #@@@m brance," manifests in E# ( z h ~t i k3n zhbng), "heavy cumbersome limbs.'' Here, the (krin) in the symptom description appears t o be resonance of the understood etiology. Each language breaks up quality spectrums in different ways. One concept in one language may be correspond t o multiple concepts in an-
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology other. The classic example is the color spectrum. A shoe that an English speaker would describe as being light tan or loosely as brown in color might be described by a Chinese speaker as (hua'ng) or by a French speaker as jaune, even though the primary English equivalent of hua'ng and jaune is "yellow." In literary translation, the translator is justified in picking the word closest t o the intended meaning. However, where the divisions in the color spectrum take on a technical value as they do in Chinese medicine, we face a problem. The "five colors" in Chinese medicine is a five-phase analysis of color. In the context of a discussion on the five phases, these colors might be rendered as "white," "green," "black," "red," and "yellow," but in the diagnostic context other words might often seem more appropriate. However, by freely choosing the contextually most appropriate word, a possible association with the five phases may escape the reader. A complexion described as "yellow" is associated "spleen-earth," but the association may be destroyed if the translator uses a contextually more appropriate the word LLsallow."Like( q ~ n gis) rendered as "green" in the context of the five phases wise, if and as blue when describing a complexion,-a meaningful association may sometimes be lost. Although Chinese characters are notorious for their wide range of meanings and multiple applications, the way in. which this affects the translator in the strictly technical context of Chinese medicine may be overestimated. In my esperience, a large number of characters at the core of Chinese medical terminology are most commonly used in only a limited number of distinct technical senses.
Synonymy Synonymy is another basic feature of language that the translator has t o cope with in the technical context. Expressions that might be partially or completely synonymous in the common language may carry distinct meanings in the technical language. The problem for the translator wishing to find literal equivalents for these terms is that he has to choose from English expressions that do not yet carry the specific technical rrieanings that the Chinese expressions have developed in Chinese medicine. The available English options appear more synonymous. The largest single source of synonymy lies in the tendency of Chinese medicine to reduce the explanation of the complex manifestations of disease essentially t o 'Lsuperabundance," "insufficiency," "obstruction," and "insecurity." Terms falling in these categories, which can be seen in the lists that follow this introduction, together provide the basis for a
Introduction large proportion of etiological explanations. The terms in each category include many close synonyms, as is seen in the case of "obstruction:" f@ (yzi), and gp (yu), rendered in this text as "stagnation" and "de(xu), and (jii), rendered as "accumulation," pression"; ;fP, (j,Q, LLamassment,"and "gathering" ; and (jug), and ( n i ) , rendered as L L r e ~ e r ~and a 1 7 '"counterflow." Although characters within each group or pair are partial synonyms, in the medical context they are often clearly distinguished in meaning. T h e character f 8 , stagnation, is a general term for sluggish movement, whereas 61, depression is most commonly used to describe stagnation associated with the liver and emotional disturbance. The character reversal, and $, counterflow, both indicate a reversal in the movement or spread of qi, and in some contexts, such as BBftRW (si xh~jzee'k n g ) and (si xhc ni le'ng), they are interchangeable. reversal, is never used t o describe the upward flow of stomHowever, ach qi, and is air&=ore commody ~ s z dia descriptio~sef pathologies involving loss of consciousness.
The problem of polysemy is not confined to etiological descriptions but even affects disease names. The character @ (bi) is traditionally explained as meaning "blockage," a word which could be used to translate [Jll ( z q , % (;), rZl (bi), or ;[;% (bu tong). More significantly, the thera,peutic actions exhibit a parallel problem, since "too much" requires removal of something and "too little" of something requires its replacement. Thus $1 (bii), rendered in this text as "supplement," is similar in its literal (and applied) meaning to (yi), ''boost"; K (ycing), "nourish," is similar to 3 (yu), "foster"; iq (xi;), "drain" is similar to ?@ (xi;), "discharge"; g$ (shn), "dissipate," is similar to rg (xiao), "disperse." Modern Chinese medical dictionaries establish some synonymy in definitions. For example, it is usually said that PJ ( b i i yfn), "supplement yin," (yi yfn), "boost yin," ( yiing yfn), "nourish yin," and 3 P A ( y h yfn) "foster yin" are synonyms. By contrast, $b (66 ycllngj, "supplement yang," HpA (hui ydng), "return yang," and ]kBB (zhuing ydng), "invigorate yang," imply different things. Since dictionaries tend t o list terms used in the classics and do not list all the terms that are in common usage, the synonymy between terms is sometimes question( s i n xu;), "dissipate able. For example, we m m t be aware that blood," which occurs a t least nine times in the Zhong Yio Di C i Diiin although it is not given in any dictionary I have consulted, potentially (pi, xu;), "break blood." Since one means something different from writer may use both these terms, the possibility exists that he means
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology different things by them, such as a different intensity of action. How these two terms relate to Ek@ (shn yb), "dissipate stasis," {Lj& (huh yb), "transform stasis," and ?zR (qli yb), "dispel stasis," is yet another question. No single dictionary covers all of these terms comprehensively. Partial synonymy pervades many aspects of Chinese medicine. The terms bB (tub) and @ (xicin) denote two components of saliva, but the latter term in practice has a broader practical application, denoting fluid that does not necessarily originate in the mouth. These are distinguished in this text as "spittle" and "drool," the latter conveying precisely the elastic quality highlighted by the figurative expression &jazR (chui x i i n san ch;), "streaming three feet of drool," i-e., to ['drool7' with covetous affection. The terms ( t i n ) and tk (yin), distinguished in this text as "phlegm" and "rheum," are often simply translated as "phlegm" or "mucus" when a technical distinction sometimes exists. The same is true of $$ ( j ~ n )and ?@ ( y i ) , often rendered as "fluids," which have already been discussed. These are distinguished in this text as "liquid" and "humor," while only the compound of the two is rendered as "fluids." In diagnosis, the terms $3 (fin) and Sg, (xcio) are often paired, but individually their usage is different, the former being a subjective sensation and the latter implying visible fidgetiness. These are distinguished in this text as "vexation" and "agitation." In the pulse examination, the distinction between & (shuh), "rapid," and & (ji), "racing," might (xb), "vacuous," and E easily be lost, as is the distinction between ;t7 (wli li), "forceless." The characters @ (jing) and @ (jb) could be expressed with the single term "spasm." Relative synonymy within groups of characters creates an immense obstacle t o the transmission of Chinese medicine. Distinctions between terms are lost when the translator translates freely. They are also lost for the person reading different books in which the concepts are carefully distinguished by each writer, but with different terms.
Methods for translating terms When translating Chinese medical terminology into English, a number of different term formation methods may be applied. Writers who comment on their methodology categorize their options in different ways. However, the schema presented below hopefully embraces all the commonly recognized categories and should be acceptable to most. To ensure
Introduction clarity, however, I will first outline the categories before proceeding to evaluate each of them. 1. Using existing equivalents: Existing equivalents can be divided in common language equivalents and Western medical equivalents.
(a) Common language equivalents are lay expressions that fit the meaning of the'original Chinese terms. Distinction can be made between natural equivalents and adapted equivalents. i. Natural equivalents are expressions in English that for any native speaker of English denote the same phenomena as the Chinese expressions denote for any native Chinese speaker. Common language equivalents of Chinese med(m.zi),lung ical terms include nose'for @ ( b i ) , eye for for Jj$ (fili), etc. Natural equivalents exist for seyeral disease entities: measles for %@ (ma' zhe'n), malaria for (dian xia'n). They also (nu; j i ) , and epilepsy for exist for environmental phenomena by which certain diseases are explained, e-g., wind, cold, fire, dampness, and , hu01, shf, ,do). dryness for f l , g , A , @, $9( f ~ n g ha'n, ii. Adapted equivalents are expressions whose literal meaning corresponds t o that of the Chinese term, and which the translator explicitly endows with the specific medical meaning of the original Chinese term. They are equivalents in a loose sense that are terminologized to represent the concepts denoted by the source language terms. They are expressions whose meaning is ad,apted t o embrace the specific meaning of the source language terms. The use of "repletion" in this text is an adapted equivalent of g . Adapted equivalents tend to be used in the translation of abstract concepts. They notably include reproductions of metaphor in target language, e.g., rendering I? (wili) as "defense" and YP (xie') as "evil." (b) Western medical equivalents are terms that are taken from Western medicine. Rendering f l k @ ( f ~ n huo' g y h ) as "acute conjunctivitis" is an example of a Western medical equivalent.
2. Creating terms: A "created te m" is a new expression. It may be a compound of existing words or fusion of word or morphemes
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology to form a new word. Compounds of existing words are common in the common language a i d technical languages. These occur very commonly in Chinese medicine and are easily duplicated in English. Thus, for example, m%A@ ( f ~ n gha'n tdu t6ng) is natun as "triple rally rendered as "wind-cold headache," 2% ( s ~ jiho), burner," and @if;%% (me'i he' qi) as "plum pit qi." The fusion of words or morphemes to form a new word (one not t o be found in any dictionary) such as "hyponephroaqua" for 'B7K ;1;E (gan hu6 shing ydn) and "anemofacioparalysis" for G 1 nfi@ (fmg qi pian) has been a hotly debated translation issue.
Borrowing foreign expressions: Translators of Chinese medical terminology borrow expressions from Latin and from Chinese in the form of Pinyin transliteration. (a) Latin: The main proponent of Latin terminology is Manfred Porkert, who renders many basic terms of Chinese medicine in Latin counterparts. What is meant #byLatin terms here is fully fledged Latin words with their original inflections, not English expressions derived from Latin, which was discussed above. (b) Pinyin: Where no translation is possible because of the absence of a common language equivalent or the inability t o create a new term, we can borrow from the Chinese. The classic example of English borrowing from Chinese is seen in "yin- yang ." '
4. Abbreviation and notation: Abbreviations such as PBCRS for Promoting Blood Circulation by Removing Stasis as a translation' ) been suggested by some writers. for &&it@ (hub xu2 huh y ~ have Alphanumeric notations, i.e., combinations of abbreviations and numbers, are widely used to represent needle insertion points. In alphanumeric notation, the points i$k$ (che'ng qi), Q (si Mi), and Ef$!(jd lido), for example, are rendered in English as ST-1, ST-2, and ST-3 respectively.
Applicability of methods Translators would probably agree that the above methods cover all the options available. Disagreement lies in how the methods should be
Introduction applied, in other words how methods are selected to ensure the best translation. The, advantages and disadvantages of each method should be weighed up carefully. Common language equivalents The human mind reflects and analyzes the reality perceived by the senses. Language is intimately related t o this function since it labels and describes what the mind conceptualizes. The basic problem that faces any translator is lies in the fact that language communities analyze reality in different ways. Thus, the single notion of a SFL(lcio shii) among Chinese speakers is for English- speakers two distinct notions, "rat" and "mouse." The single notion of "plum" for English speakers is for Chinese (lz'). Nevertheless, there speakers two distinct things, +@ (me'i) and are many close correspondences between the vocabularies of different languages. The Chinese if;$ (xhuo) corresponds t o the English "table," while Z ((yzin)almost exactly corresponds to the English "cloud." In the context of this discussion, I have called such correspondences in vocabulary "natural equivalents." A considerable number of natural equivalents exist in matters of interest t o the physician. The Chinese (e'r),83 (ncio), (gan), and li! ( x ~ n )naturally correspond t o the English "nose," "brain," "liver," and "heart." Ordinary Chinese and English speakers can identify these human organs by name when they see them. Both groups use these names t o refer t o the corresponding organs in domestic animals when buying meat at the market. Furthermore, the Chinese doctor uses the Chinese terms t o denote the same organs as the Chinese non-doctor, and medical men in the English-speaking countries use the English terms for organs t o denote the sam'e things as non-medical English speakers. The issue that many people raise is that despite similarity of the lay and medical use between the Chinese and English terms, the Western doctor and the Chinese doctor understand much more about the organs than lay, and that what the Western doctor and Chinese understand about the organs is different. They argue that because of these differences the Chinese names cannot be translated with natural equivalents. They suggest that the natural equivalents should only be used if their initial letters are capitalized, or that Pinyin transliterations of the Chinese names should be used instead, or that they should be referred to as orbs (e.g., hepatic orb). Both Chinese medicine and Western medicine understand the heart , and liver t o have a specially close connection with the blood; both rec-
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology ognize that the lung draws in air needed to nourish the body; and both recognize that the kidney draws off waste fluid for discharge via the bladder. It is true that Western medicine does not regard the heart as being the seat of the spirit; that it does not accord the lung the function of regulating the waterways; that it does not accord the spleen the principal position in assimilation of nutrients; that it does not 'understand the liver t o store blood and govern free coursing (53%); and that it does not see the kidney as being involved in reproduction. It is also true that Chinese medicine does not understand the liver as a '!chemical factory," and does not know of the spleen's involvement in the lymph system. Broadly speaking the major internal organs are attributed functions in Chinese medicine that coincide partially with those accorded to them by West ern medicine. Given the complete agreement between medical and non-medical Chinese and English speakers about what each organ is, the question for the translator is: Does the partial disagreement between Chinese and Western medicine over what each organ does constitute sufficient reason for rejecting the natural English equivalents? Those who reject natural equivalents appear to hold that the only valid English definition of the organ names is that given to them by Western medicine over the last two or three hundred years. This is clearly false because the organ names were not created by modern doctors, but were adopted by them from common speech. The English organ names are very much older than their Western medical definitions. Among them, "heart" has cognates in the German Herx, the Latin cor, the Greek kardia and the Hittite karts (h = c = k), which would indicate that all five words came from a common root in languages of the Indo-European tribes over 2000 years B.C. Over that long time the understanding of the heart has changed, but the name has remained the recognizably the same. Therefore, any suggestion to use different names for the organs based op a difference of understanding between Chinese and Western medicine fails to take account of the fact that the organ names used in both forms of medicine originally denoted the same parts of the body. Western medicine did not change the names for the organs as its knowledge developed; so why should ,there be any reason to adopt new English names in the Chinese medical context? When Western medfcal literature was first translated into Chinese, natural equivalents were chosen for the internal organs. Translators a t that time must have based their judgment on the fact that what any
Introduction Chinese.could identify as ,i\, jj?, 'g , etc., corresponded precisely to what the English speakers called "heart," "liver," and "kidney." They did not consider anything that Chinese doctors had to say about the workings of the organs. Capitalization and especially Pinyin transliteration of organ names breaks the import ant connection between lay knowledge and Chinese technical kn.owledge. Pinyin transliteration fosters the idea in the Westerner's mind that the Chinese had no interest in the physical organs of the body and that they dealt in other concepts entirely. Uncapitalized English names, by contrast, ensure the foreign reader understands how Chinese technical knowledge relates to lay knowledge. These English terms are "natural equivalents" of the Chinese because English and Chinese language communities use the words in the same way. The commonality of usage rests on the common experience of the lay speakers of two language communities. The rejection of natural equivalents for organ names is usually inconsistent. No-one suggests that should be translated as nap rather than as brain, although the Chinese understanding of it is quite different from that of Western medicine. Nor does anyone advocate that should be translated as Eye with capital E on the grounds that Western medicine does not recognize the eye as being the orifice of the liver. Here, everyone agrees that the Chinese and Western medicine see the same eye and the same brain, but simply understand them in different ways. Ultimately, any systematic effort to highlight all terms whose Chinese medical definition differs from the modern scientific definition would end in the capitalization or Pinyin rendering of half the terminology. , A , 8 , &!, $9 as "wind," While most translators render L L ~ ~ l "fire," d , " "summer heat ," "damp(ness) ," and "dryness," one persen has suggested that f l should be rendered as "Feng" on the grounds that "wind" in the Chinese medical context denotes something different from what it does in the meteorological context. Of course, the modern student of Chinese medicine would distinguish the two notions, but we cannot be sure how conscious those who laid down the Chinese medical system were aware of such a distinction, or if indeed they were at all. The only thing we do know is that it is derived from the notion of environmental wind. The Pinyin rendering obscures for the foreign reader the only definite thing about the nature of the Chinese concept. Moreover, the Pinyin rendering cannot be consistently applied since Chinese medicine does speak of the real external wind and the translator would
n s,
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology have t o decide case by case when t o translate the term as "wind7' and when to render it as "Feng." Most translators would not think of translating DA,$Rtt: ( y h g fEng 16i ch2) as "tearing on exposure to Feng" or %A, (wzi fEng) as "aversion t o Feng." Whether the distinction between wind as a cause of itching or spasm and wind as a cause of a tearing or sensations of cold can be drawn on the basis of concepts inherent t o Chinese medicine is a moot point. So much having been said, natural equivalents are not entirely unproblematic. Sometimes information is lost when a natural equivalent is chosen. For example, m g ( y ~ nt h ) translated as "head of the penis" or "glans" fails to convey the yin-yang frame of reference that the literal rendering "yin head" would convey. In this case, the loss of information is minimal since yin is here applied in a non-medical sense (dark, private). In a case such as $A, (zhhng fEng), though, the natural equivalent "stroke" does not relay relevant technical information pro(zhhng) vided by the Chinese. The English "stroke" and the Chinese have the same literal meaning, and both describe the condition as (sudden) stroke that cripples a person. However, (zhhng fEng) literally means "wind stroke," indicating wind as the perceived cause. It therefore makes great sense to adjust the natural equivalent by the addition of the word "wind." Another example is the term (xi&), which literally means t o "(send) down," but whose natural equivalent is "purgation," which literally means to "cleanse." The importance of the notion of four primary movements (upward, downward, inward and outward,) in Chinese medicine may be reason for rendering it with a more literal term (in this text, I have used "precipitation" ).
In other cases, the use of natural English equivalents clashes with technical information provided by the Chinese. The term IkPT (jicio qi) corresponds to .the English beriberi (borrowed from Sinhalese), and its literal meaning in Chinese is "leg (or foot) qi," "qi" here meaning a , diseased state. When we come to render j@Yj$,~'\ (jicio qi chong x ~ n ) , we find that "beriberi surging into the heart" is much less meaningful than "leg qi surging into the heart ," because the ~ h i n e s eterm reflects the understanding that heart disease is a progression of the edema of the lower limbs that occurs when "pathological qi" in the leg rises to affect the heart. This differs from the Western medical understanding where cardiac pathology and edema may be seen as parallel developments of thiamine (vitamin B,) deficiency. Of course, jiiio qi chiiny zm could be translated as "beriberi with cardiac pathology," but this would mean
Introduction the loss of the traditional Chinese understanding of the disease. The translator's task is not just to find names for individual items, but to convey t o the foreign reader the full picture of the Chinese conceptual system. In short, where a natural equivalent does not convey Chinese medical understanding precisely, a literal translation may be preferable. Happily, a trend is developing in the West toward offering literal equivalents of Chinese terms, even when natural equivalents exist. An example of this is g & L (hud Zuhn), which has the more or less acceptable natural equivalent "cholera,"' but which is often given the additional rendering of "sudden turmdil." In such cases, the use of a literal equivalent instead of a natural equivalent enhances the Westerner's understanding of the Chinese concept. This differs from the rejection of natural equivalents for organ names, which obscures the traditional Chinese medical understandi~gby highlighting the way it differs from that of modern medicine. Let us move on to the subject of adapted equivalents. These are expressions that are chosen because their literal meanings correspond roughly to the Chinese terms although they have never been used in the specific sense that the Chinese terms have in the medical context. Typical examples of terms rendered by adapted equivalents are (shi) and j$ (xu) (rendered in this text as LLvacuity"and "repletion"), whose full range of meanings are not embodied by any pair of English terms, but which in view of the conceptual importance in Chinese medicine require set English terms. Chinese terms of this nature tend to be rendered in different ways by different translators. They are also commonly translated by proponents of free translation with different English terms according t o context. A number of translators, for example, translate j$g (xu shi) as "asthenia/sthenaV and "deficiency/exessV according to cnntext I believe, however; that, in view of their terminological and conceptual importance, such terms should be rendered consistently by a single equivalent. Those who apply double or multiple renderings underestimate the importance of consistent translation, and the ability of 'It is not known conclusively if the "chol" in the English term is from the Greek "bile" or "anger." If the former is true, it would suggest an etiology not recognized by the Chinese. If the latter is true, the notion of "anger" could be seen as metaphorically equivalent t o that of "sudden turmoil." The term "cholera" is acceptable insofar as either possible meaning of the Greek is not present in the English speaker's mind. And, of course, "cholera," before it received a strict definition in Western medicine, included forms of acute gastroenteritis characterized by vomiting and diarrhea.
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology expressions to take on new meanings, especially when those meanings are made explicit through explanatory notes. Many descriptive terms such as $8 (jie'),t (wa'ng), ( s h u ~ i )83 , (ning), tg (zhi), and I I (wing) ~ imply relatively precise ideas in the technical context, and although they are often rendered freely according to context, they can be rendered with single equivalents with a high degree of consistency (in this texts as exhaustion, collapse, debilitation, congealing, stagnation, and effulgence), thereby preserving their technical implications far the reader. Adapted equivalents notably include metaphors. I have already discussed metaphor in the context of analogy, but if deserves a little more attention. Metaphor takes two forms in written Chinese. One is a direct metaphorical usage, such as with "defense" and "evil." The other is the metaphorical usage in which the character is modified. Examples include BEN ([E is a simplified form of B)(zing fii), in which @, a storehouse, and f i , a storehouse or government office, are mbdified by the addition of the flesh radical. They also notably include a number of characters deriving from other by the addition of the sickness radical: @ (wEi), which derives from @ (xidn) from !$ (@), 6 (dfng) from T , and ( s h i n ) from b . Metaphor of this kind is usually easily duplicated in English. The above disease names in this text have been rendered as "wilting, " "lichen," "clove sore," and "mounting," which are literal translations of the seminal characters.
Metaphor and analogy in Chinese terms offers a choice between a lit(xie') could eral translation and non-literal translation. The character be translated literally as "evil" or less literally as "pathogen." A major argument in favor of non-literal translation is that where a metaphor has died, i.e., the user is no longer conscious of metaphorical usage, then a non-literal term may be used. Terms used by different writers would indicate the existence of considerable disagreement as to how alive or dead metaphors of Chinese medicine are. Paul Unschuld has suggested a rational criterion for determining whether a metaphor is alive or dead. He argues that since Chinese medicine claims to follow the conceptual system laid down in the N i i Jmg, metaphors that were alive when the N i i Jfng was written should be carried over in translation. Hence, for example, he translates BEm as "depots and palaces," but argues that (fii), whose meaning in the sense of to "take" (medicine) he suggests is a metaphor deriving from the earlier meaning of to "wear" (evil-repelling amulets), does not require a literal translation since the authors of Nili JFng were accorded no technical importance to this metaphor.
Introduction The historical perspective is an important one in ensuring accurate translation in medical tradition that spans two millenia. To explain this, let us take up again the example of ( s h i n ) , which covers a variety of diseases characterized by abdominal or pain and swelling of the scrotum. mountain, with the sickness radical. T h e character composed of LI, T h e name indicates a path'ological accumulation or piling up. In this text, the metaphor i s duplicated in English with the term "mounting." The term s h i n includes notably inguinal hernia, which is specifically referred t o as jfia (h6 sh&n), "foxy mounting" ( a term which first appears in the Ling Shu), and has been adopted in Western medicine as the equivalent of hernia. However, s h i n in the broader sense would appear to indicate that originally inguinal hernia waspoorly distinguished from hydrocele (also covered by the term s h i n ) and was considered t o be related t o certain kinds of abdominal pain. The term s h i n therefore provides insight inta the ~ d e r s t a n d i n gof disease in Chinese antiquity, and a literal translation of the metaphor preserves that insight perfectly for the Western reader. 0t her translations based a modern underst anding of the conditions (hernia, hernia-like conditions) destroy the historical perspective and by being overspecific potentially introduce confusion. It should be therefore emphasized again that in a medical tradition in which definitions are often hazy and understanding of certain matters was not as clear as ours is today, the translator serves the reader best with literal translation supported by explanatory notes. Western medical terms T h e use of Western medical terms to represent traditional Chinese concepts is a major tendency in Chinese medical translation. The argument in favor of this practice is that the Western reader is offered a familiar concept or a t least one that he look up in a Western medical dictionary. Those who favorthe use of Western medical terms to denote Chinese concepts obviously base their preference on clinical equivalence of the phenomena denoted by the Chinese medical and Western medical terms. If an equivalence is t o be established between the two terms, we must be sure t h a t all patients diagnosed by a Chinese doctors as suffering from )XI, (literally, "wind-fire eye") would diagnosed by a Western doctor as suffering from acute conjunctivitis, and that all patients suffering from acute conjunctivitis would be diagnosed by a Chinese doctor as suffering from f ~ n ghud yhn. If the answer is not 100% in both cases, the terms are not equivalent. Some Chinese-Western equivalents that have been
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology suggested fall far from the 100% mark, a notable example being the correspondence between @ ( b i ) and "arthralgia." From the point of view of terminology and translation theory, the use of Western medical terms for Chinese concepts often obscures meaning from the reader. When, for example, RfiBW ( f ~ n ghu6 ya'n) is rendered as "acute conjunctivitis," the chosen equivalent fails to indicate that this is a disease of the eye attributable t o the causes "wind" and "fire." Instead it indicates an inflammatory condition of the conjunctiva that is acute as opposed to chronic. Not only is the Chinese medical information about the cause of the disease (wind-fire) lost, but concepts alien t o Chinese medicine such as "inflammation" and "conjunctiva" are introduced. The motivation of the chosen equivalent is based on an underst anding alien t o Chinese conceptual framework. A well-motivated term is one whose literal meaning matches the concept as understood in the overall system of concepts. If m@ is translated as "exophthalmic goiter", we not only face the problem of incomplete clinical equivalence, but we also fail t o show the connection to the framework of concepts. The Siin Yfn Jz' Yf Bing Zhgng Fang Llin, for example, talks of the "five goiters," stone goiter, flesh goiter, sinew goiter, blood goiter, and qi goiter. One therefore wonders,how the translator who prefers "exophthalmic goiter" t o the literal translation "flesh goiter" would translate the names of the other four goiters. Correspondences between Chinese medicine and Western medicine are sometimes described as being the "same thing with a different name." From the terminologist's point of view, this is not strictly true. A knowledge system is made of interrelated concepts. Especially when translating abstract terms such as disease names,.it is conceivable that Chinese medicine is observing the "same thing" (object) as the Western doctor, but the two systems conceptualize the object in different ways. The object may be the same, but the concept is different, and names must conform t o concepts. The translator who fails to recognize this and uses a Western medical term damages the integrity of the system of knowledge he is trying t o transmit. This damage is greatest when it affects fundamental concepts. Many translators in the West as well as in the East have rendered 5 (qi) as "energy." The use 'of the word "energy" in the Chinese context may help the Westerner to understand a concept he is unfamiliar with. Nevertheless, it is a metaphorical use of the word, since scientists have not discovered any form of energy that would consistently account for the phenomena attributed by the Chinese to
Introduction qi. Furthermore, in Chinese texts, the character 5 often refers t o tangible matter, e.g., $&% (xhuo' qi), referring usually t o waste products. Translators who use the word "energy" in the context of the channels and network vessels, for example, may be forced to render the Chinese term differently in other contexts, thereby breaking the integrity of the concept of qi in the Chinese system. The difficulty of translating Chinese terms into English is rarelyt reason for advocating the use of Western medical terms. All the Chinese terms above can be rendered faithfully into English without too much difficulty. Moreover, anyone familiar with the ideas of Chinese medicine would agree that "wind-fire eye" is actually highly expressive since it tells us that this is an eye disease caused by wind-fire ( a combination of evils that indicates that they are externally contracted), of sudden onset (wind) and characterized by signs of heat. The preference for a Western medical equivalence is not due to any lack of words sh but the greater credibility of Western medical in the ~ n ~ i i language, concepts. In the modern age in which Western medicine sets medical standards around the globe and has replaced Chinese medicine as: the mainstream medicine in China, even those who practice and advocate Chinese medicine do not actually accept the fundamental concepts of its theory with the same conviction as past generations of practitioners; rather, they value it for its clinical efficacy on the one hand and ability t o satisfy traditional health-care needs on the other. Wind and fire are entities undetectable by modern scientific methods, and they are now viewed as a working model for the achievement of clinical aims. This working model is nevertheless understood t h r w g h these concepts, and it is difficult t o imagine how the foreign student could master the model if these concepts do not appear in the translation. The actions of medicinal agents is another area in which attempts have been made t o introduce Western medical terms. Some texts use terms such as "antipyretic" and "febrifugal" . However, modern pharmacological terms do not provide sufficient terminology for the whole gamut of Chinese terms, since, for example, they allow for no distinction between %& (qfng r i ) and .iqk (xii hu6), rendered in this work as "clear heat" and "drain fire7' respectively. Modern pharmacological terms loosely applied to Chinese medicine inadequately reflect the meanings of the original Chinese medical terms. No such terms can be found t o reflect the meanings of s[I$j$T(xuan jicing f i i qi) or *RgP$ ( x ~ n kai kii jicing), rendered in this text as "diffuse and downbear lung qi"
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology and "acrid opening and bitter downbearing." Farthermore, it should be noted that Chinese terms describing therapeutic actions are used as verbs, adjectives, and nouns. Western pharmacology describes t herapeutic actions with adjectives, whose application in many Chinese medical contexts makes for awkward expression. As has already been pointed out, terms are not always the exclusive property of a specialism, and the terms of Western medicine are no exception. When deciding what terms used in Western medicine are potentially eligible equivalents for Chinese terms, it is helpful to distinguish between three levels of terms. The first level constitutes borrowings from the common language, e.g., fever, chill, cough, cold, influenza, malaria, leprosy, hiccough, headache, stomachache, backache, pain, tenderness, soreness, palpitations, bleeding, hot flushes, forgetfulness, dizziness, vomiting, blindness, jaundice, deafness, nausea, emaciation, diarrhea, constipation, goiter, sores, corn, sty, boil, measles, mumps, and fracture. These words, commonly~usedby doctors, are known t o all speakers and denote conditions that can be identified by most normal adults. Another group of terms comprises terms devised by modern medicine to .describe certain technical concepts: conjunctivitis, anemia, hypertension, paranasal sinusitis, trichomoniasis, arteriosclerosis, optic atrophy, hyperchlorhydria, coronary thrombosis, glomerulonephritis hematoma, cerebrovascular ischemia. Although some of these words (such as anemia, hypertension and conjunctivitis) may familiar t o and even used by non-experts, the conditions they denote cannot be diagnosed by the non-expert with medical precision. These terms reflect knowledge that lies a t a long distance from lay understanding. Between these two levels is a third comprising terms of medical origin that do not require any specialist knowledge or instrumentatio? t o understand or identify. Such terms include enuresis, lochia, pharynx, larynx, dysphagia, strangury, enuresis, scrofula, tumor, fistula, miliaria, macule, papule, and diphtheria. Admittedly, these three categories of terms are not clearly separated. While the word "nerve" is commonly used word in the common language and most individuals understand something about the nervous system, no-one without anatomy instruction could pinpoint a nerve in a cadaver with any surety. Nevertheless, these categories provide a rough guideline for judging the acceptability of existing terms in the Chinese context. I believe that in the choosing equivalents for Chinese medical terms, we may use words from the common language category and from the intermediate category. Terms from the "strictly
Introduction technical Western medical" category should be avoided. Created terms T h e creation of new terms, as previously stated, involves either the creation of a new compound or a new word. The creation of compounds rarely meets objections per se. Once the translation of basic terms has been established, the rendering of Chinese compounds flows naturally. Thus if ( f ~ n g )% , (ha'n), and (tdu t h g ) are rendered as "wind," "cold," and "headache," the rendering of JRl5$%@ (fEng ha'n tdu t h g ) as "wind-cold headache" t o denote a headache ascribed to wind-cold is an unquestionable rendering. Nevertheless, some would argue that compounds such as ( j ~ n gf ~ n g ) , 8 (mG chi), BfFJRl ( q i f m g ) , (fgng xibn), ( 6 zhfing f ~ n g ) , t!jj 5 @7; (shF d2i dhi xi&), &@ (ta'n he'), and I@% (hdu 6) can be expressed in Western medical terms as "infantile convulsion," "conjunctival congestion," "tetanus neonatorurn ," "tinea corporis ," "tinea unguicm," ' L ~ e r ~ i ~ i"subcutaneous ti~," nodule," and "tonsillitis," and therefore obviate the need for literal translations such as "fright wind," "red eyes," "umbilical wind," "wind lichen," "goose-foot wind," "damp toxin vaginal discharge," "phlegm node," and "throat moth," which are proposed in the current text. Here we see, not an objection t o compounding, but a failure t o recognize the terminological significance of the Chinese terms and a preference for terms from an alien frame of reference. T h a t preference appears t o be poorly founded, as I have already pointed out. T h e creation new English words by combining Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes is a term formation method especially common in the modern sciences, and particularly in Western medicine. A number of writers have tried to extend this practice t o Chinese medicine. In the Chinese medical translation debate, the creation of words such as "hepatogastroqistagnation" has been a greater focus in China than in the West, dtE_nugh nenrly created ~nrerdsa r e c ~ m p r z t i v e l yr z e even in English-language textbooks and clinical literature written or translated by Chinese. T h e creation of new expressions in English follows certain rules or trends. In general, Latin elements may be combined with one another as may Greek elements. Latin and Greek are often combined, as in words such as "television." However, neither Greek nor Latin combines elegantly with words of non-European and Germanic origin, or even with words of classical origin that have been heavily Anglicized. A Western doctor will say "cardiohepatic," but would never say kardio-
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology liver." Isolated exceptions exist, such as "anti," which combines with words of Germanic origin in compounds such as "antiwar" and "antiwhite." However, creations such as "tuinaology," "qigongology," %encaoology," "yangpenic hygrosis," "hepatoqistagnation," "gast rocough," "chillophobia," "sexichannels," and "leukoglossocoat" are hybrid combinations that native speakers, in most cases, would instinctively neither invent nor adopt. One simple reason for this is that English draws its vocabulary from different languages and pronounces certain letters in different ways depending on the origin of the word. Thus the g in "get" is pronounced one way, while the g in "gelid" is pronounced in another. T h e joining of words of different origin might mean a potentially confusing switch of pronunciation values within a single word. For this reason, the introduction of Pinyin values in the midst of an English word is difficult t o accept. T h e creation of words along Western medical lines may be viewed by its proponents as being a help to the Western reader. In actual fact, the Greco-Latin terminology of Western medicine presents considerable difficulties for English-speaking students of Western medicine. Sociologists have pointed out that the medical profession has exploited this terminology t o protect its own interests. Chinese physicians who are accustomed to Chinese translations of Western medical terminology are often unaware of this, since terms such as (gan ycin) are far more meaningful to the Chinese layman than the original term "hepatitis" is (wii suan gud duo) t o the English-speaking layman. Whereas W conveys a meaning to a 12-year-old Chinese, the meaning of "hyperchlorhydria" could not probably not even be guessed by a well educated English speaker without medical training.
Furthermore, while some Chinese medical concepts have equivalents in Greek and Latin that people familiar with the Greco-Latin terminol-, ogy of Western medicine may be able to understand, such as pyria for heat or fire, many have no equivalents in Greek or Latin that a Western doctor would be familiar with. Terms like "hygrocough" for I#$ (shang shf ke' sdu) or "amenoedema" for m 7 K ( f ~ n g shui) would be intelligible t o only a few Westerners who had studied Greek (now increasingly rare) and would prompt the average Western doctor to a reach for a dictionary since the hygro and ameno do not figure in Western medical vocabulary. Going to such unnatural extremes in word creation raises the question: What is wrong with "dampness damage cough" or "wind water (swelling) ," which convey the Chinese ideas accurately in English?
Introduction Wind, water, and dampness are lay notions that are used technically in Chinese medicine to explain pathological phenomena. The use of simple English equivalents ensures in translation the same relationship of lay knowledge t o technical knowledge as exists in Chinese, and such a relationship is lost in the use of artificial Greco-Latin terms. The use of neologisms in many cases leads t o a great loss of infor- ' mation in the rendering of certain terms. The names of disease patterns and etiological descriptions use a highly differentiated set of terms. For example, terms such as !$ (scn), (dud), $$ (hho), f ( k u ~ )$8 , (jie'), t (wa'ng), RR (tuo), $13 (jue'), +$k(b.zi zhin), and +E (bG ji), which are all, in many contexts, differentiated forms of (bG zG), would be difficult to render distinguish in Greek and Latin compounds, since they would all be potentially reduced to hypo. Furthermore, Greco-Latin compounds are suited t o describing states in terms of adjectives and nouns, and fail t o meet the need fnr rctive verb constructions p s e d in macy etis!ogica! descriptions. Neologisms of Greco-Latin origin are a characteristic of the modern sciences. They are not an essential feature of English technical languages. Any decision t o use created words should be based entirely on their ability t o reflect the Chinese meaning more accurately than other choices. In my experience, this is rarely the case.
Latin loans T h e main proponent of Latin terminology is Manfred Porkert, who renders many basic terms of Chinese medicine in Latin counterparts. What is meant by Latin terms here is fully fledged Latin words with their original inflections, not established borrowings from Latin (e.g., lochia, vagina, glans, uterus) or words derived from Latin as discussed above. Porkert appears to have adopted this practice in accordance with the tradition that is observed, for example, in the Latin nomenclature of anatomy, botany, and ~ooiogy.Tills tradition dates back to time when Latin was the lingua franca of Western scholars, but is dying insofar as that new technical languages emerging with the burgeoning of scientific and technical knowledge base their terminology in modern languages. With the decline in the teaching of Latin in most Western countries, the normative role of Latin is now being replaced by international efforts to rationalize and standardize terminologies in different modern languages. Thus, Porkert's Latin terminology has not been widely adopted because of the declining familiarity with, and prestige of, Latin in the West on the one hand, and the versatility of modern languages on the other.
T h e Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology Most other scholars of Chinese would appear to feel that Latin does not offer any specific advantages in expressing Ch'inese medical ideas over their native tongues. Indeed, the closeness of Chinese medical descriptions to those of the everyday language of ordinary people such as the eternally recurrent images of fire and water, for example, means that Chinese medicine has a conceptual basis that is universally intelligible to all peoples of the world. No better are these images expressed than in ordinary expressions of each language. There appears, therefore, to be no cogent reason why English should be inferior to Latin in the communication of Chinese medical concepts. T h e use of Latin pharmaceutical names as equivalents for Chinese medicinal substances is generally considered a case apart. Many Chinese drugs do not have natural English equivalents, and the system developed by pharmacognosists of deriving a Latin name from the scientific nomenclature'is probably the most widely used. After long research on the Latin and English names of Chinese medical agents, I conclude that for most of the drugs commonly used and many of those not so commonly used, the advantages of the Latin nomenclature over English names are somewhat overstated. On the one hand, problems arise with Latin pharmaceutical names when the drug in question comes from plants of multiple species and genera, such as %Z$ (zic & o ) ,whose full Latin Pharmaceutical name would be "Lithospermi, Macromotiae, seu Onoslnatis Radix." On the other hand, English possesses names for many more Chinese drugs than the average person ( t i a n zh6 hua'ng) can may be aware of. For example, although be adequately expressed by t'he pharmaceutical name Bambusae Concretio Silicea, few are aware of the English expressions "bamboo sugar" or "tabasheer." The first of these English terms describes the product in simple English terms, while the second, being a word of Hindi origin, reflects the foreign origin of the product also seen in the Chinese (tian zh'Li), India. It should also be noted that a plant, animal, or mineral that becomes subject of discourse of Westerners who do not possess deep botanical, zoological, and minerological knowledge tends to be referred to by a vernacular name, and when such does not exist, its creation is invariably possible. Very often an English name can derived from the Latin name or can be devised by other means, as "japonica" was adopted as the common language equivalent of Camellia japonica,. A theoretical objection to the use of Latin pharmaceutical names is t h a t since they are based on the mbdern scientific classification of plants,
Introduction animals, and minerals, they imply that Chinese understanding of drugs includes such a classification. Furthermore, the term Bambusae Concretio Silicea mentioned above could be construed t o suggest, quite falsely, that Chinese doctors traditionally understood the product in question t o be a "siliceous concretion." Pharmacognostic names are objectionable renderings of Chinese names because, just as modern medical terms, they introduce alien knowledge into the Chinese frame of reference. Pinyin loans Many recommend Pinyin wherever 'they fail to find a satisfactory Eng1ir;h equivalents. Some have even suggested transliterating the names of the organs. However, there is a clear limit t o the ability of English speakers t o adopt Pinyin words. Th'e detractors of Pinyin often state that it is difficult for foreigners t o pronounce. Pinyin, indeed, presents certain difficulties, since the x and c, for example, are not pronounced as they normally are in Engiish, while certain sounds such as u are difficult for native speakers of English t o imitate. Growing familiarity with Pinyin through its adoption by the world media will in time change this. Time, however, will not remove certain linguistic obstacles that would only dissolve if Western students of Chinese medicine were to be trained t o reading and speaking proficiency in Chinese as part of their Chinese medical education. English easily borrows French or German words t h a t have English cognates or a t least can be pronounced with relative ease. It borrows less easily from more distant languages such as Sanskrit, Chinese, and Japanese. Chinese is a tonal language, yet the tonality is difficult for English speakers t o imitate, and clashes with normal English intonation. Whereas the characters PJJ (yfn) and tA ((Yn) are distinguished in Chinese, the distinction would be ignored by English speakers. Those who have suggested translating basic terms with -. r m y i n , wouid sooil run into probiems if they .appiieci the s a n e method to more broadly. The numerous people who have suggested transliterating 3 (wii) might also consider that @ (we'i) should be transliterated too. The same applies t o 'W (shin) and $# ( s h i n ) , as well as to I$. (pi), @ (pi), $@ (pi), @ (pi), and +-& (pf). It also applies t o j$ (fii) and , %, E,jE, I$. Chinese has a remarkable tolerance for homophones of sound and tone, such as (gan), (gan), (gan), and i. (gan), which are nevertheless clearly distinguished in writing. English speakers, accustomed to dealing with only a moderate level of homophony, would not tolerate the mass importation of alien words that all sounded alike. -
72 -
T h e Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology Some borrowings from Chinese are well established in English. Tea, kumquat, loquat, litchee, longan, typhoon, kaolin, taipan, and sampan were long ago adopted into the English language. Wok is a more recent loan. Yin-yang and ch'i, commonly used in Chinese medicine, have been established English terms since the late- 17th and mid- 1%h centuries respectively. Furthermore, in recently published English dictionaries, the Pinyin spelling of "qi" is also given, reflecting the general trend toward replacing Wade-Giles transliteration with Pinyin even in scholarly writings. However, these few borrowings should not taken to mean that English is capable of borrowing ad lib from Chinese. Even if we set aside the objective limits to the use of Pinyin in English, we should also bear in mind that a Pinyin word in itself conveys absolutely no meaning to the English speaker. Using a Chinese name for, say, a Chinese fruit supplies a name for a clearly defined object. However, in the realm of abstract concepts, the names of things help to convey the concept. English has borrowed nouns from Chinese, but as far as I know, it has borrowed no verbs. A verb denotes an action, which may involve people and things in relationships, but the action itself is abstract. In Chinese medicine, although many verbs have terminological status, it is never suggested that Pinyin transliteration should be used. The reason for this is that Pinyin would tell us nothing about the nature of the action. Abstract nouns, on the other hand, are often translated with Pinyin. The Chinese @ ( ying) and 3 (wili) are often transliterated, although adequate translations exist. The impression this gives the English reader is that these terms represent exotic and subtle concepts for which English has no expression. Despite the above objections, Pinyin transliteration is of great value as an additional reference. Many translators qtphold the laudable practice of adding a parenthesized transliteration t o translations of drug names, formula names, and certain uncommon terms. For example, % u+ q $9 is most clearly rendered as red peony ( c h i sha'o yho) or Paeoniae Radix Rubra (chi sha'o yho). This is equivalent t o the common practice of supplying parenthesized English in Chinese technical texts.
The methods applied in this book The English terminology contained in this book has been devised to achieve the goal of representing Chinese concepts faithfully in the context of its conceptual system. Given the closeness of Chinese medical terminology t o the common language, preference has been systematically given t o the use of common language equivalents in English. Western
Introduction medical terms have been used only where they imply no understanding that is alien to Chinese medicine. The use of Pinyin transliteration and word creation has been kept to minimum. This is explained in greater detail below. Common language equivalents: Natural equivalents have been used wherever possible in the present text. The names chosen for the internal organs and body parts are thus those used generally by English speakers. Adapted equivalents have been chosen as far as possible where no natural equivalent term exists in English. In particular, metaphor has been preserved. For example, +$@ (nizi p i xidn), P@W (16 t u i f ~ n g )8% , Jl$R (hk xffing), QQnlfjT (b6i hii li jie'), have been rendered as "ox-hide lichen," L'donkey's-mouth wind," "crane's-knee wind ," and "white tiger ~ o i n trunning." Nevertheless, ''bowels and viscera" have been adopted as equivalents for zing fii, and with greater reluctance, "point" has been adopted for (sue'). "Rheum" has been adopted as the equivalent of $A (ylin) since a "drink" or any other literal translation m2y be confusing.
Western medical terms: The only Western medical terms that have been adopted are ones whose literal meanings do not imply any technical modern medical knowledge. Thus the now little used Western medical term "strangury,"' meaning "dribbling urination," has been adopted for #f (lz'n), and "diphtheria" meaning hide (describing the false membrane that spreads through the throat) has been chosen for $ @ (ba'i hdu). Other disease names such as measles and malaria that predate modern medicine and can be considered as natural equivalents rather than borrowings from Western medicine. A number of Western medical diagnostic terms that are acceptable by the criteria previously stated have been included in this text, although in my own translation work, I have replaced these as far as possible with more transparent vernacular descriptions. These (with the preferred equivalents in parentheses) include hemorrhage (bleeding), hemafecia (bloody stool), hematospermia (blood in the semen), hematuria (bloody urine), oliguria (scant urine), polyuria (copious urine), oligomenorrhea (scant menstruation), menorrhagia (profuse menstruation), dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), oligogalactia (scant breast milk), galactorrhea (loss of breast milk), and analactia (breast milk stoppage). In the case of tzsfl ( j ~ n gbi), the term "menstrual block" is used instead of amen-
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology orrhea to reflect the Chinese view of the phenomenon as a functional blockage rather than an absence.
Created terms: Multi-word compounds have been created to match Chinese compound terms (e.g., "blood vacuity dizziness" &E flgg, xu; xG xutin yong). In a few cases, compounds have been created t o represent single Chinese characters (e.g., "flat abscess" g ,j ~ ) . The creation of new words has been avoided. A few notable exceptions exist. The term $IJ (li) has been rendered as "disinhibit" (the words disinhibition and disinhibitory are nevertheless t o be found in larger English dictionaries). The terms f i (sheng) and P$ (jiitng) have been rendered as "upbearing" and "downbearing" because no single-word English expressions mean both t o "ascend" (or descend) and "cause to ascend" (or descend) in the senses intended by the Chinese. These terms are effectively "bear upward" and "bear downward" combined into singleword forms to facility compounding. The Chinese % (shli) has been rendered as "summerheat" written as a single word so that elements of compounds such as (shzi r k ) and =ti (shii shf) can be distinguished clearly as "summerheat-heat" and "summerheat-dampness." The term jjj~(xie') has been rendered as "rib-side" since the commonly used alternative "hypochondrium" does not fit the traditional definition "the area from the armpit t o down t o the bottom of the ribs." The Chinese @ (ni) has been rendered as "counterflow" in the contexts such as 4% (qi ni). Although readers have to familiarize themselves with the technical import of these English terms (as indeed Chinese readers have to do with the Chinese terms), my intuition as a native speaker is that most readers would find these words meaningful in context and might even be surprised t o learn that they were neologisms. Latin: Pure Latin terms that are not already established in English have been completely avoided, with the exception of Latin pharmaceutical names of medicinals. It should be pointed out that Latin pharmaceutical names of Chinese drugs have not been fully standardized, and many that are current are longer than they need be. The Latin pharmaceutical names of the 1730 medicinals appearing in this book have been made as short as possible without any duplication with the Latin name of any other medicinal. These names have, in fact, been drawn from a database in which over 5,000 agents are clearly distinguished in name. Although Latin pharmaceutical names have been included, I person-
Introduction ally favor the use of English terms because of their ease of spelling and pronunciation, their greater communicativeness, and their convenience of use in the clinical context. Of the 1730 medicinal entities included in this text, 733 have ready-made English names that are to be found in larger standard English dictionaries (these are marked with '), 842 have English names to be found in botanical or Chinese medical literature (@),and only 285 were devised by myself (O).
Pinyin: Pinyin has been used as last resort. The term #f (gan) has been rendered in Pinyin translation because the Chinese denotes both malnutrition and ulcerative diseases between which the connection (ZiLi) has been transliterated because it refers is uncertain. The term to leprosy and diseases of the scalp involving hair loss, again whose interrelationship is not clear. I have translated fES (bihn dzi) as "bian toxin" because the meaning of biin in this context is not clear to me. I have included Pinyin as an additioml r e f e r e x e f ~ t er r m s foreign readers may not be familiar with, e.g., clove sore ( d ~ n g ) . "Yin-yang" and "qi" have been adopted since these words are wellestablished borrowings fro= the Chinese language. Abbreviation and notation: This text somewhat reluctantly adopts a commonly used form of notation for acupuncture points in deference t o convention, although it includes English translations, which hopefully provide some insight into the Chinese world. I have devised a system of notation for the heavenly stems and earthly branches because the literal meaning. of the characters are obscure. The terms Z! Ek.19 @in che'n xu6 shz? and (wki qi ying-.xuk) have been given the short terms "drug roles" and "four aspects" in addition to the full literal translations "sovereign, minister, assistant, and courier" and "defense, qi, construction, and blood."
Umnlvzhle? Given the nature of language, it is unlikely that any traqslator would ever be completely satisfied with the renderings he chooses for every term. I would like to talk about some of my own dissatisfactions here. The translator would appear to be forced to bow to convention a t times, even when it goes against his principles. In this text, I have rendered (xuk) as "point" only because every English-speaking acupuncturist uses this word. This is lamentable since the Chinese means "hole" or "cave," indicating that the needle insertion points are located a t breaks- or openings in the the landscape of the body, while the word
The Translation of Chinese Medical Terminology "point" strongly suggests an abstract geometrical location that is not appropriate in the Chinese medical context. I have rendered iE (zhing) "sign" and as "pattern" according t o two clearly identifiable uses of the term in Chinese, namely a symptom of illness (e.g., vomiting and aversion to cold) and the interpretation of symptoms (e.g., heat pattern, exterior pattern). The literal meaning of the Chinese character is "testimony" or "evidence." However, the use of the term in the latter sense is an extended meaning that cannot easily be covered by any literal equivalent. The dual meaning could be covered by the English words "display," "manifestation," or "presentation." T h e last two of these three words would certainly be very clumsy in compounds such as "manifestation identification" (WBijf b i h zhing). The problem iE zhing is complicated by the existence of a homophone & zhkng, a character whose sickness radical ( T )informs us that it refers t o a state of sickness. These characters would appear to b e used interchangeably in Chinese medicine, although individual writers have their preferences. In modern mainland China, both appear to be equally common, although some argue that @ should be reserved signs of disease that the patient is subjectively aware of, possibly under the influence of a distinction that is sometimes made in Western medicine. In Taiwan and Japan, iE is preferred. Both characters appear usually t o be translated with the same rendering in English. This translation hroblem should not be sorted out without a review of ;the terms ;rX (ji) and @ (bing). The first of these now most commonly occurs in compounds in which it refers t o a "disease entity," e.g. %% (li ji), dysentery, and g;rX (nu; ji), malaria: The character @ (bing) refers t o sick state as opposed to health and,specificaily-an instance of such a state, as in A% (jiii bing). It is also synonymous with ji in meaning a disease entity. T h e English word "disease" can be used in the general meaning of sickness or illness, but is most commonly used in the sense of "disease entity" and tends to imply physical impairment of the body in contrast t o disorder, which denotes functional impairment. Both LLsickness"and "illness" also mean disease entity, but this usage is not so common. These problems need further research before firm translation choices are made. I have applied dual renderings for a few key terms, notably "essence" and "semen" for #fi (jzng), "qi" and "breathing" for 7 (qi), and "heat" and "fever" for &: ( r i ) . Dual translation is not ideal, but the relationship between the paired terms can be established by definition. The choice
Introduction between "essence" and "semen" and between "qi" and "breathing" is usually clearly suggested by context. The distinction between "heat" and "fever" is slightly more problematic because rk as a symptom includes subjective sensations that do not necessarily constitute "fever" in the accepted sense of the word. The terms @ (yong) and & ((jfi) have been rendered as "welling abscess" and "flat abscess" respectively. The literal meaning of the English renderings unfortunately implies greater specificity than the Chinese terms. Finally, % (hcin) and I$ (le'ng) have both been rendered as "cold" although the Chinese terms often imply a distinction ($9describes tangible cold). The specific meaning of the latter term can be expressed in many contexts with the word "frigid," but not consistently. The term "frigid" also carries sexual connotations. A similar distinction between is (gun), although they have both been rendered observed ;ig (xko) and as "dry."
Conclusion Tendencies in Chinese medical translation that deviate from generally accepted terminological and translation theories are for the most part explained by the dominance of of Western medical thinking. The tactics of using Western medical disease name that roughly corresponds t o Chinese, using Pinyin or Latin to replace the name of an organ that -is not understood in Chinese medicine as it is in Western medicine, and creating a Greco-Latin neologism that looks like a modern medical word are those adopted by the translator guided by the criteria of a medical system other than the one he claims to be transmitting. In the modern world, both Westerners and Chinese approach Chinese medicine with modern medical notions about the workings of the body and the mechanisms of disease. These notions can interfere with our understanding of Chinese medicine. We must be on our guard not to confuse Western medical understanding with reality, or to mistake the goal of integrating Chinese and West ern medicine for that of translating Chinese medicine for a Western readership. We must understand that although modern medicine is of Western origin, it does not represent the entirety of Western medical thought. Just as popular medical conceptions in -China are fashioned by Chinese medical notions as well as modern medical no-
T h e Translation of Ch,inese Medical Terminology tions, those in the West are likewise influenced by pre-modern notions of health and sickness that bear some resemblances with those of of Orientals. Modern medicine is not the only form of medicine Westerners are capable of understanding, and the very fact that a certain segment of the Western population is interested in traditional Chinese medicine (as well as other forms of healing) is evidence that modern medicine is not the only form of medicine that Westerners like. A body of human knowledge is a conceptual system that bears a strong cultural imprint, but at its deepest level rests on the bedrock of common human experience. Since the translator transmitting traditional Chinese medicine to the modern West writes for a readership largely unfamiliar with Chinese culture, it is essential that he place the foreign reader's knowledge on the common ground of human experience. He should build up an English terminology on this basis in the way that Chinese terms were originally created. When the translator places this goal second to that of establishing relationships between Chinese and Western medical ideas, he ceases to apply generally accepted translation principles and even runs the risk of committing scientific error. In the Chinese world, the cardinal principles of translation are summed up in the three qualities accuracy, clarity, and elegance. The use of Western medical terms provides the reader with words whose meaning he can access, but conceals the original Chinose medical concepts; it therefore achieves clarity a t the total expense of accuracy. The creation of terms designed to look like modern medical terms may express the Chinese meaning with accuracy, but without sufficient clarity and elegance. Pinyin transliteration theoreticatly provides a label that is completely unsoiled by any literal meaning tohat attaches to existing English words, but it is a blank label that tells the Western that it denotes nothing that falls within the experience of his own culture; Pinyin therefore achieves accuracy by sacrificing clarity. Only a terminology firmly based on common language equivalents places accuracy, clarity, and elegance in their proper order. Such a terminology is virtually the only kind that can be clinically accurate; it is also the only one that can enable the Westerner to understand Chinese medicine in its historical and cultural dimensions'. In its transmission t o the West, Chinese medicine cannot be changed t o suit the perceived needs of Westerners. Westerners wishing to study Chinese medicine will not succeed by viewing it through a filter of a more familiar knowledge system. They have to enter the Chinese world.
Introduction Only when the translator sees Chinese medicine as it was traditionally conceived and translates it faithfully can the way open for a deeper understanding in the West.
%HCPEH% Commonly Used Characters of Chinese Medicine The following pages present over four hundred of the characters (an a small number of minimal compounds) commonly used in Chinese medicine together with their English equivalents. These equivalents provide the basis for a large number of terms used in this book. Each of the characters has been rendered with as few different English equivalents as possible. The chosen equivalent of a character may vary from category to category. Chinese characters marked with an asterisk (*) have more than one equivalent. English words marked with an asterisk are a words that render two or more Chinese terms. Since are exceptions to the use of these standard equivalents, each compound term should be checked in the body of the book.
ZENZ1I%5%!B Basic Categories and Entities yin y6ng
Five phases
y Zn ya'n9
yin Yaw
wii xing
Five phases
wood fire
tii jZn shui
earth metal water Bowels & viscera
shin xzn bao dtin dci cha'ng wki (wki)' gutin pa'ng guhng jzao
liver heart spleen lung kidney pericardium gallbladder intestine stomach stomach duct bladder burner brain marrow uterus
zii zhi
sinew vessel flesh skin and [body] hair bone
rhu p i ma'o
Body Parts
mli she' k6u bi e'r chtin
eye tongue mouth nose ear lips
yan hdu tdu dian e xin qudn jid jing xiling jian bi i yao xiong rii xi6
f6 sho'u zho'u wlin xhi z2i gii xz gud hua'i xhi tai shling zhong xi& nili wlii
pharynx, throat* larynx, throat * head vertex forehead fontanels cheek* (bone region) cheek* neck nape shoulder back lumbus chest breast 'rib-side abdomen 'hand, arm elbow wrist finger foot, leg thigh knee back of the knee ankle toe fetus upper body center lower body inner body, internal outer body, external
jing lub
ming jui dG r&n chong dcii qicio we'i jfng lu6 bie' sun
f6 xu6 shu kiii shu he'
Channels & network vesse network vessels greater lesser brightness reverting governing controlling (conception) thoroughfare (penetrating) girdling springing linking channel network [vessel] divergence grandchild superficial point, hole transport (point) opening pivot closing
Examples: 10 Ba ( ya'ng ming ) , lyang brightness (tcii yfn), greater yin /J/\ Pa (shko yfn), lesser yin RPJJ(jue' yfn), reverting yin #j@$@2 ( y ~ nqiao mdi j, yin springing vessei %?@jn (b&ishu xuk), back transport points E$&n (wii shfi xu&),five transport points fl\t& (sun lub), grandchild network vessels
g* 7 x3
5 Lbl
#, $3
ji b6n yu6n sii
Basic "Elements"
qi xu& jzn, y&
qi blood liquid and humor (fluids)
essence spirit wii yi3
Five humors
162 hcin xia'n ti . tud
tears sweat drool snivel spittle
qi qing
Seven affects anger joy anxiety thought sorrow fear fright
we;n. lia'ng suiin kii giin xZn xia'n (fang) xiiing dcin
cold hot warm cool sour bitter sweet acrid salty aromatic bland
bing xi6
Disease evil
f En9
wind cold
ha'n T&
shii shz zcio hu6 wen ta'n yin cho'ng d7i yi xu; (yG)
summerheat dampness dryness fire warmth phlegm rheum worms toxin static blood (st asis)
?+kfig Examples:
n% ( f ~ n gha'n), wind-cold ZtB (shii s h ~ )summerheat-damp , (wen xcio), warm dryness
g t A ( ta'n gin) , phlegm-rheum
ZJ%\*E%BiFI Functions and Attributes b6n zhi xing r6ng ci zhing xhEn L yuan yudn yudn be'n gEn .
fc ming jiin xicing xcing huh chon9
Attributes right true origi~(a1) source* source* root * root * house life sovereign minister (ial) ancestor bloom fullness*
+fifl Examples: i E 5 (zhing qi), right qi (zhe'n yucin), true origin E%'W t$f ( yho we'z shin zhz fii), the lumbus is the the house of the kidney $r-J (ming me'n) , life gat Sjjfj (zong jin), ancestral sinew 8ifi % 7k 2 LtR (fii wii shui zhz shbng yucin), the lung is the upper source of water j2E 24~(hhu tihn zhi bt'n), the root of later heaven (acquired constition) 'R % 52@ (shin we'i qi zhi gen), the kidney is the root of qi
gong n6ng
sheng ki che'ng wii zhii ca'ng huh yzin to'ng shbng xib she'ng jihng
engender restrain ~verwhelm rebel govern store transform move manage, control ascend descend upbear, bear upward downbear, bear downward effuse open depurative downbearing free coursing intake
fa khi qibo s2i jibng shfi xi?
2$ fil Examples: *%& (tii s h ~ n gj ~ n ) earth , engenders metal *%+ (mzi ki: tii), wood restrains earth JL\$$$$ ( x ~ i zca'ng jfng), the heart stores the spirit
;t%@ (pizhii y&n huh shuz' gii zhf jfng W E Z ) ,the spleen governs movement and transformation of the essence of grain and water /j+t%&( p i t6ng xu;), the spleen controls the blood / J $ Z ~ p( f$i i zhii s&jjiing), the lung governs depurative downbearing /Jf$$$@ (gan zhii shii xii), the liver governs free coursing /J'f-%g.TC (g6n kai qido yzi mG), the liver opens into the eyes GZgkfi (wii zhii shdu n i ) , the stomach governs intake 'W S @ g g (shin xhii gii sheng suz'), the kidney governs the bone and engenders the marrow
i%I%HT Diagnostics Color qzn9 chi, ho'ng hua'ng b a'i he2 cling huiing din wEi
green- blue red yellow white black somber bright pale withered
fifl Examples:
Breathing panting rapid* hasty rough*
Examples: ?$A ( q i C U ) , rough breathing 52,( q i j i ) , rapid breathing 5% ( q i d u d n ) , shortness of breath (xuchuGn), vacuity panting
sht5 zh'~
tongue body
pcing (dci) s h h u (big) nGn lii guang (hub) judn wai din hdng jicing qZng zz' ban diGn
enlarged thin soft-t ender fissured bare (and smooth) shrunken deviated pale red crimson green-blue or purple macules speckles
sh6 t5i
tongue fur
riin zcio
moist dry rough* thick thin clean slimy grimy peeling mirror prickles
C ~ O
hhu bd jing
ni ghu bo jing (rna'ng) c i
dA bi&n
tdng bd y a tcing xi; xii szln dhng mi gan jie' hui
sloppy thin duck's slop diarrhea* diarrhea* swill t hroughflux constipation dry bound foul
Examples: (dh bibn tcing b d ) , thin sloppy stool Bj3 (xi6 xi;), diarrhea %@ (szln xi?), swill diarrhea @ (dhng x i i ) , throughflux diarrhea AlEEtS (diL bihn gan jie'), dry bound stool xigo biAn
xiBo bidn, niio chcing duBn duo shBo (rhl xhud si bli li bli chhng ldng bi lin
urine, urination, voiding long short copious scant clear turbid rough*, inhibited inhibited inhibited dribbling block block strangury (lin)
/l\{E?S-!5 (xi60 bihn qfng chcing), long voidings of clear urine /J\!EFZ%(xicio bidn duBn chi), short voidings of reddish .urine
1I I
{E$$11 (xi60 bicin bzi li), inhibited urination $& (nicio zhu6), urinary turbidity "
floating deep slow rapid* vacuous replete slippery rough stringlike soggy surging* faint fine . weak large dissipated (or scattered) tight scallion-stalk drumskin confined racing stirred hidden moderate skipping regularly interrupted bound long short forceful forceIess
chin chi shud x'1L
shi hua' si: xiin rzi ho'ng WEZ
xi rud dci scin jin kou 96 160 ji ddng f2i hudn c6 dcii jii cha'ng dudn y6u li w2i li
Other 1e'ng rk gan 12
kudng m& md zhing mcin pi, mkn lhg ma'ng xudn yan h ~ a han ke' sdu
iz k 6u tli
jibcio 6
cold heat, fever dry thirst sour, acid aching putrid pain hypertonicity tension vexation agitation mania numbness numbness (and tingling) distention fullness* glomus oppression deafness blindness dizziness* (vision) dizziness* (head) flowery clouding cough (sonorous) cough (~roductivej belching hiccough retching, vomiting vomiting, ejection hunger bloatedness nausea upflow
E @3 PS,
reflux spontaneous external bleeding rumbling (intestines) tinnit us heavy cumbersome deviation* deviation*
fiin nu ming
35 El
s,U f i *
$4 * i& fifl Examples:
zhhg kGn wai xi6
(zhf le'ng), cold limbs
$8 (k6u kg), thirst @@ (hi fii), putrid belching
( yao suan), aching lumbus @#$ (fG miin), abdominal fullness
/J@l;q(xiong rnin), oppression in the chest &f;@ #$ (xfn xzib p i miin), glomus and fullness below the heart g g (e'r lo'ng), tinnituq
(to'u yiln), dizziness (tdu yfin mG xubn), dizzy head and vision RE4 ( yiin h u ~,)flowery vision % JL\ (e' xfn), nausea n @ (6u ~ tG), vomiting ?2@ (fb man), acid upflow 1%@, ( chcing ming ) , rumbling intestines (e'r m h g ) , tinnitus @.#El 1% (zhf t i kzin jubn), fatigued cumbersom limbs BRUfi$+ (k6u y&n wai xi&), deviated eyes and mouth
&@ H
I\ 8m % 2 % , ?&
% PB P i
bE gang biiio, 12' hcin, 7-13 xu, shi yen, ykng
i&@JExamples: %E (biiio xu), exterior vacuity 2s (12' shi), interior repletion
Eight principles exterior, interior cold, heat vacuity, repletion yin, yang
Eit\ (XGr i ) , vacuity heat
E%HT Diseases ji bing
bing ji zhing zhing
disease, illness disease pat hocondition pattern epidemic scourge sand (sha) malaria
Yi wen sha nui gan bi we'i jing li xh?i zheng jzii jf j& xia'n
gan impediment ( bi) wilting (we'i) tetany dysentery infixation (influx) (zh2i) concretion (xhe'ng) conglomeration (jiii) accumulation gat hering string (xia'n) aggregation (pi) afflux (pi) goiter scrofula (small) scrofula (large) sniveling drinker's nose screen obstruction sore
pi yz'n9 lua li qid xha 7~i xhciny chugng -
dbu ji6 I& dfng Y on9 jfi ya'n Ziti xiiin jii pe'i xhi 16u
POX boil lai clove ( d ~ n g ) welling abscess ( y ~ n g ) flat abscess ( j l ~ ) rock (ya'n) tumor lichen (xiiin) scab ( j i i ) miliaria hemorrhoid fistula
Examples: (shi yi), seasonal epidemic $$@% (hd ma' w ~ n ) toad , head scourge
E& (nu? ji), malaria B$R (gan jf), gan accumulation B @ $ R % (xhe'ng jici jf jzi), concretions, conglomerations, accumulations, and gat herings @% (1uG li), scrofula j$@ (xiong bi), chest impediment (bi) Bi@ (pi na'ng), afflux pouch &2& (xCng yi), starry screen fis (dfng chuang), clove sore (dfng) @ ( yudn xiiin) , coin lichen (xiiin) BjG (xhi lhu), hemorrhoids and fistula (jing jue'), tetanic reversal
Pathornechisms and disease patterns y6u yii
shing shi
exuberance repletion
fin xi shii kiin f6 ning ki ziti me'ng bi mi riio fitn xhii •˜hi 1ing yzin chdng jie' d6ng xhg nii 'xiin xiiing bo' xiiing shin t i i qud
prevail (intrans.) overcome (trans.) assail assail fetter encumber latent, deep-lying congeal settle lodged cloud cloud confound harass flood pour shoot intimidate brew surge* bind stir hyperactivity torment downward fall contend with' each other fan each other excess
+@J Examples: BBBfllJ!& (ya'ng shing ze' ri), when yang prevails, there is heat J%l,i4?4EB$ ( f ~ n gri fhn f&), wind-heat invading the lung Y P 5 g l f m (xi6 qi k i yu nii), evil qi settling in the inner body tB E\@ 3 5.f). ( w ~ nri Ziti liin qi f h ) , warm-heat lodged in the qi aspect R@@JR& (ta'n Ziti xiang xie'), phlegm lodged in the chest and rib-side )A,%%$ ( f ~ n gha'n shzi biiio), wind-cold fettering the exterior
( p i wili shf k h ) , spleen encumbered by dampness (hdn ning giin mdi), cold congealing in the liver vessel (tdn m i xTn qzdo), phlegm confounding the orifices of the
@Ak3'/i;(ta'n hu6 shdng rdo), phlegm-fire harassing the upper body 'BE7KE ( s h h XU shut f h ) , kidney vacuity water flood @z&T.ifR% (shf rk xi& xhd dd chdng), damp-heat pouring down into the large intestine (shui qi ling xi%), water qi intimidatipg the heart @ zt:@tsRm (shf rk ylin jie' gan ddn), damp-heat brewing in the liver and gallbladder ( g ~ fEng n nili dcing), liver wind stirring internally RT R 8'f P I 3 1 7 i (gan ydng shdng kdng), ascendant (hyperactivity of) liver Yaw fi%l]& (mli hu6 xing jfn), wood fire tormenting metal R@%i$,i\(jiiio qi chon9 x f n ) ,leg qi surging into the heart 7(%@&
bh zii
hdo jii kuf 160 siin wa'ng tu0 huh
$9 7[; %?
jui dud gan ku he' yut? b2i zh2n b6 gil
Insufficiency vacuity debilitation wearing exhaust ion depletion taxation detriment collapse desertion efflux floating expiry despoliating dryness desiccation * dessication* straitened devit alizat ion insecurity
w k
bzi ji
$@J Examples:
JL\%E( x ~ qi n xii;),heart qi vacuity
.ff-H(dud j ~ n g )despoliation , of essence l%$@S$$ (cha'ng y i kuT hho), intestinal humor depletion +MT$g (shhng jue' xih jig), upper body reversal and lower body exhaust ion
tPa (wa'ng y ~ n )yin , collapse %@&a#
(qi sui xuk tua), qi deserting with the blood
A.iT$#B# ($5 d2i hua' t u ~ )enduring , diarrhea efflux desertion PBEPB?? ( yTn xu ya'ng fli), yin vacuity and floating yang /L\#i.a (2272 sheln fti yui), heart spirit floating astray tE3T (jud hcin), expiry sweating T m ( g ~ i xui)) n dry blood B$tq ( p i y u ~ )straitened , spleen &PB+tE ( p i ya'ng bli zhin), devitalized spleen yang (bicio qi bti gli), insecurity of exterior qi %%$ [lX a *ba,&;l;E (shin jFng bzi A), insufficiency of kidney essence @ 5~Puzhdng qi xi&xihn), center qi fall [la % @ ( y ~ nha'n nii shing,) exuberant internal yin cold Obstruction stagnation depression congestion block obstruction* obstruction* hlsckwo el arnassment collection accumulation gat hering bind count erflow reversal
7[T $11
b?i li
+fiiJ Examples: 1 (qi ~ zhi), qi stagnation
flIfT+$'L,& (gan qi y4 jie'), binding depression of liver qi Z!?BBEEfl$ ( r i xie' yiing fii), heat evil congesting the lung ?E?!:PHfifB$ Ei (shfr i zii zhi p i wii), damp-heat obstructing the spleen EB ( p t sai), glomus blockage (shang ha'n x4 xui), cold damage blood amassment (shij f ) , food accumulation t!\'L,&( r i jie'), heat bind =+ a 71%(w6i qi shing ni), stomach qi ascending counterflow
MiiE .(jue' zhing), reversal pattern ]$571;$1] ( f i i qi b?i li), inhibited lung qi
bii gh
$11 *
hua' xi? tuii tuii
uninhibited diarrhea efflux discharge desertion emission enuresis
+fil Examples: F$1]tBs ( x i i li qfng gii), clear-food diarrhea %a# (qi tuii), qi desertion @a# (hua' tuo), efflux desertion (hua'jfng), seminal emission
5 $5 ( y i jfng ) , seminal emission
-*(ming yz'), dream emission
~ 9=J.E k
BR ( y i niio), enuresis Fire, Heat
04 4% $
wing zhud ya'n fa'n
effulgent exuberant flame blaze
2 $9 %,a\
2 % ?%
deflagrate scorch intense steam fume float
fe'n zhud chi zheng xGn f6
$f i g Examples: PBEA (yfn xu hu6 wcing), effulgent yin vacuity fire !If A +& (gan hu6 shhng ya'n), liver fire flaming upward mpz 1 E @$ (qi ying liiing fa'n) , qi and construction both ablaze )i\Am E (xfn huo' nki fe'n), heart fire deflagrating internally
5EEH F Treatment Supplement
hui jian jicin
support* nourish foster moisten* moisten* enrich increase engender lubricate* --emolliate boost restore strengthen* invigorate (yang) strengthen* (sinews) return fortify* fortify*
fl 53
sheng ti' i jii
upbear raise lift
@ fifl Examples:
t&lE: ( f i i z h i n g ) , support right ( y k n g x u ? ) , nourish blood PJj ( yG y%), foster -yin (hcin mh), moisten wood &@ ( s h ~ n jgf n ) , engender liquid @$@ (xe'ng y?), increase humor @JB$ ( r G n f k i ) , moisten the lung /j% ( r G n f?i), moisten the intestine ( y i q i ) , boost qi GPJJ ( y i y f n ) , boost yin (qicing y f n ) , strengthen yin $&fiij8@ (qicing j f n zhuhng gii), strengthen sinew and bone Po ( x h u h n g ycing) , invigorate yang (hui ya'ng), return yang ( j i h n pi'), fortify the spleen ( s h ~ n gycing), upbear yang
xi? qu chii
discharge dis~el eliminate* eliminate* transform expel* expel* repel clear cool disperse percolate disinhibit break
qw9 lia'ng xiao shin li
$41 Ek T*
4% B
expel* dissipate precipitate quell outthrust
p a'i scin xi&
fa' thu
@fig Examples: WPB$ ( z i t wti thu r & ) ,discharge defense and outthrust heat ;f&@ (qli ta'n), dispel phlegm
P%?E(chzi s h f ) , eliminate dampness $!,B& ( q cho'ng), ~ expel worms B7&( ~ h zshui), i expel water @$$ (bi hui), repel fouless ?3!&(qzng r t ) , clear heat (licing x u t ) , cool the blood $j & (xi60 shz'), disperse food ?g?i(shiln s h ~ )percolate , dampness $117Jc (li shui), disinhibit dampness $I]%i 5 (li guan jie'), disinhibit the joints $rjna (li yan), disinhibit the throat (pd xu&),break blood #8fi (pa'i ndng), expel pus &% (slin ha'n), dissipate cold Zt(\ (t6u ri,)) outthrust heat Blfi (tdu ndng), outthrust pus
Free, Effuse xhg y lin li hud xuan .
fa $6
shw 1i shfi shlin
move* move* disinhibit quicken diffuse effuse resolve course rectify soot he normalize
jiiing xi& kuan kai huh
downbear preeipit ate loosen open sweep
2jk 151 Examples:
jT 5 (zing qi) , move qi $11$jj(li shf), disinhibit dampness 'S Eifj (xuan f&), diffuse the lung -
$!&% (fa biiio), effuse the exterior &'$ (jig biiio), resolve the exterior 65% (shu bi&o), course the exterior $$fl (shu f ~ n g ) course , wind 65jjrf (shu gan), course the liver
@5 (1i qi), rectify
@?& (qfng ri.), clear heat afi3 (shil jfn), sooth the sinews (shil gan), soothe the liver (shtin qi), normalize qi p$s(jikng qi), downbear counterflow TT (xi& qi), precipitate qi 7-;@F(xia z&o shi) precipitate dry stool B@~J (kuan xiong), loosen the chest 5% (kai qiko), open the orifices g&@(hu6 tdn), sweep phlegm tBBh ( rtin cha'ng) , lubricate the intestine
gh s k , zh6n nB
Securing, Settling
gG xhi
secure stanch (bleeding) allay (thirst) check (sweating) suppress (cough) reduce constrain contain astringe
suo liiin sh,k S;
phg tin zhin qicin nh
Examples: S (gii bi&o),secure the exterior ltlfa (xhi mi),stanch bleeding (li&nf i i ) , constrain the lung @R$, ( s i chcing), astring the intestines (su6 nicio),reduce urine (ping gan), calm the liver 3 @ (tin xh~ng) , quiet the center sJI% (zhin jfng), settle fright i$BH (qicin ydng), subdue yang tm5 (mi qi), promote qi absorption
quiet calm settle subdue absorb
[italics] [old1 [new1 [non-channel] who 0
Legend [italics] [old1 [new1 [non-channel] who
Comment Rendering previously used by the author Rendering now used by the author A non-channel point name Acupuncture term proposed by the World Health Organization An English drug name found in non-specialist dictionaries An English drug name appearing in specialist dictionaries A drug name created by the author Alternative Chinese drug names or acupuncture point names (or alternative pronunciations) 1. Interpolation 2. An English drug part name that can be ommitted 3. ~ d d i t i o n a information l in formula names Uppercase initial letters indicate acupuncture point names and formula names, as well as proper names. Thus "Eight Winds" is a name of a set of acupuncture points, distinguished from "eight winds," which denotes eight kinds of wind.
Part I
English-Chinese Dictionary
abalone shello (Haliotidis Concha) ;ti# % shi jui ming; s % B *zhen zhfi mii; !@ & * fli yh jiii; h TL &%* jiii kiing lu6; @&Ffi* brio yh pi; &@#I] Ffi* jin gi li pi; hTL # %* jiii kiing jui ming Abalone Shell Powder ;Ei # % $& shi jut ming siin abate tui abate fever ~3541:tui rt abate heat tui r2 abate jaundice B@ tui diin; tui huhng; B@@ tui hubng diin abatement tui abatement of fever ?&B r2 tui abdomen f i dcth; @ fh abdomen and region of the heart [old] JL\@ xin fu Abdomen-Quieting Decoction JEIY $51 chling ning tang Abdominal Bend (SP-14) BE*fu qii . Abdominal Bind (SP-14WffO)E%!ifu jit abdominal distention @jE fu zhang abdominal distention after eating &G%! jE ski hhu fii zhang abdominal distention, fullness, and hardness that refuses pressure EjE%%@ @%f& zhang miin jian ying ju an abdominal distention, fullness, and pain @jE % jii zhang miin thng Abdominal Exit (SP-14) )@ %* fii chu abdominal fullness @@j fu miin abdominal fullness and distention E 1% #j G f zhang miin abdominal fullness without panting @% fu miin b& chuiin abdominal hardness @E!! fLi jiin Abdominal Hole (SP-14) E@* fu ku Abdominal Lament (SP-16WffO) E S fu iii abdominal lump glomus @ $ %% fu zhbng pi kuai abdominal .pain @@ f2 thng; )@@ fu ttng; E@ du ting; f i % du thng
abdominal pain and diarrhea kkB@i% dLi thng fu xi;; @@ #iT f2 thng xi2 xi2 abdominal pain and discomfort @@ T 2 fci thng bii shi abdominal pain during menstruation ?2 ?t?@ % jing lhi fci thng; ?3% @ @ jing qi f2 thng abdominal pain in pregnancy !fl@E@ rkn shdn f2 thng abdominal pain that likes heat @ @ S E! fil thng xi rt abdominal pain that likes pressure EB B&? fir, thng xi an abdominal pain that likes warmth @@j S $ ' fu thng xi wen abdominal pain that refuses pressure ES @j f2 thng ju an abdominal pain with desire to go to the ' 3 j$J fti thng yD ddng ct toilet E @& abdominal pain with pharyngeal pain E 3 I DQ @ fu yin yan thng abdominal urgency EJiJ3,lli ji abdominal urgency and rectal heaviness 3,E& li ji hhu zhhng
Abdominal Worm Formula ?bE fjzhi fu n2i ch6ng fang abnormalities of the hair mbo fa biap yi abduct 3 diio abduction %?& diio fii; diio abductive dispersing medicinal T i 3% xi60 diio yao abductive dispersion Tfi % xiao d i o abductive dispersion of food stagnation # -&gF% xiao shi diio zhi abduct stagnation and free the bowels 3 %jRl$j ddii zhi tong fii abduct stool 3.1Ediio bian abhorrence of cold zZng hrin abide sht; @ s2 abiding @ ssli abiding ailment @& su ji
sil hrirz abiding cold abiding food @& su shi; @& xu shi tzii ting abiding phlegm @ @ su trin ability to eat 6gnZ rzCng chi ability to take in, but not to move food tR -&A Rii T S yin shi ril t r bir yun abnormal S ni; Z'$$wU chung abnormal habit pi shi abnormalities of hair [of head and 6 0 4 1 % 2 7% 8 mho fa bian yi abnormal laughing and weeping %XZ kir xibo WU chang abnormal passage %if ni churin abnormal passage to the pericardium @ i$ JL\Q ni churin xin biio abnormal qi 35 yi qi abnormal sorrow and joy ?$g;l;% bei xi bir chring abnormal upbearing and downbearing f l X $? sheng jiring shi chring abode & sh2 abort EBg dl16 tiii abortion EB2 duo t&; tiii duo abort the dead fetus E 5 E l S du6 si tiii abort the fetus T;#j xia tiii Above Abundance [non-channel] E2I yin shang Above Connection [nott-channel]g8.k ILLO shilrzg Above Li [non-channel] S 1li shang Above the Bend [non-channel] gk w.5 shcitzg Above the Olecranon [non-chmtzel]J@1 ying shhtzg Above the Stomach Point [tzon-channel] E I f i wti shcitzg xu6 Above Upper Arm [non-channel] JJF nho shhng Above Water [iton-channel] 7Jc 1 shui sharzg; 7Jc k shui shLitzg abrasive wind @ A m6 f2ng Abri Cantoniensis Herba cum Radice (prayer-beads) 33 ,B S j i gfi ciio
Acanthopanacis Abri Precatorii Caulis et Folium (Chinese rosary pea stem and leaf) #J,E,E xinng st ttng Abri Precatorii Radix (rosary pea root) jf;H ,F,T-$3 xiiing st zi gen Abri Precatorii Semen (rosary pea) jf;B,g, 5 xiiing st zi; t1g* h6ng dhu abruptly fluctuating pace [pulse] $3zhh shLl zhCi shuo absence of aversion to cold F,%% bd wu hatz absence of menses R $3;f;B yui? jing bu t6ng; [new] H $iT y ~ i tshi bii liii absence of menses [new] +[;a bu yut absence of stomach qi flC E 5 wu wi?i qi absence of sweating ZPT wLi hhn; t T T kk hhn bu chLl absence of thirst T 'i8 bir k6u kg; !J T $8 k b ~ 6d i kt absorption [of q ~ /L]m nri abstraction and fasgctfdtress ?%, 42 8 Z huiing hu shhn wcing abstraction of the spirit @,F,'I%'f2 shin si huiing hu Abutilonis Indici Herba (Indian abutilono) @ &S rnb prin ctio; % E @+ m i lrin ciio Abutilonis Theophrasti Semen (Indian mallow seed) rllj Z qing shi; li:j@T*qbzg mil zi abyss $l;W yuiin Abyss Humor (GB-22) #.J@* yuun yB Acalyphae Herba (copperleaf) %X tit xian; %Xg* ti6 xilin chi; AX' rtn xuin Acanthi Radix et Caulis (acanthus [root s t ~ ~ n j2 c )zLyji i o shfi it? Acanthopanacis Radicis Cortex (acanthopanax [root bark]@)EhIFfi wfi jiii pi; %fifiU&* nrin wii jiii pi Acanthopanacis 'Ikifoliati Radix (trifoliate acanthopanax rooto) $lj 2 EQ ci siin jiti; $11 3fin* ci siin pii; 2 EQ )j$' siin jiii pi; fEhU &* iii siin jiii pi; ffin&" slln jiii pi; LLI EQ * shiitz s i n jiii Acanthopanacis 'Ikifoliati Ramulus et Folium (trifoliate acanthopanax twig and leaf@) $ 'j';-& bhi 12 wZi
Acanthopanax Pill Ehnfffh wit.jia pi wan acanthopanax [root bark] (Acanthopanacis Radicis Cortex) E ha Ffi wit. jia pi; j$j 5fin &* nhn wit. jiii pi acanthus [root and stem] 0 (Acanthi Radix et Cadis) 2 RYJ" liio shit. l i accumulate I&; +R j i accumulated cold ji l2ng accumulated food $ R e ji shi accumulated heat toxin E $ R ? < \ ByLin j i rd dil accumulated rheum $.!?tTji yitz accumulated stasis $9 j i yLr accumulation $R j i accumulation dysentery $gfi ji li accumulation lump 82% j i kuai Accumulations, Gatherings and Lump Glnmus [non-channel] %R2 E %" j i jil pi kubi Acetum (vinegar) BE cii; E4c i ~ ;'BtR' kfi jifi ache [us in aching lumbus] @ suiitz achilleaa (Achilleae Herba) --fig yi zhi hiio Achilleae Herba (achilleaa) -#%S yi zhi ha0 aching among the lower teeth 7;5@j xia chi tbng aching among the upper teeth 15% shang chi trjtzg aching bones @% git. chfi aching heavy pain @&@% miin zhhng ttng tong aching limbs @@ zhi SLL&Z aching lumbus @@ yiio suiin aching lumbus and cold limbs @@E?$ yiio suiin zhi 12ng aching lumbus and knees Efl$@% yiio xi suiin tbng; @j$@$$ yyiio xi suiin chit. aching lumbus and leg pain RE@%yiio tui suan tong aching lumbus and limp knees yiio suiin xi ruin aching lumbus a n d limp legs @@jjEfA yiio suiin tui r-uiin; & @ Z $ A ylZo s~iiinzil ruiirz
aconite aching lumbus and weak legs @@l@Z$ yiio suiin jiiio rub aching of the lower legs I$@ jing s~~nrz aching pain @ @j S L L rhtzg ~ ~ aching pain in the back and shoulder @ %@% jiiin bdi 'suan tong aching pain in the bones R. m@@gfi ndi suhn tttzg aching pain of the lumbus and back bg jn@% yyo bki suin chfi aching sinews and bones jSjj2BE%jin gfi m a n thng Achyranthes and Plantago Kidney Qi Pill q 1 BTJtLnid chZ shi~zqi wcin Achyranthes Powder + j @ & nib xi s i n achyranthes [root] a (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix) +A$ niil xi; Q@': biii Dki; @,j%@" ji jiiio git.; +-b*' niil qi; %+I$* huhi niil xi; 't+;l;YJ1$*huai niLi xi Achyranthis Asperae Herba (rough cio achyranthesa) IF4 +U$Z dbo 1~6~1 Achyranthis Biden ta tae Radix (achyranniil xi; Big" biii bti; thes [rootla) +A$ ~g RQ @* j i jiiio gfi; ":4 niR qi; @+a$* hucii niil xi; tT+jg* hucii nib xi Achyranthis Radix (native achyranthes [root]) & fl$ tC tzik xi; f+j$ @': tfi niil xi gZn; if;f';l;Yfl$* dLi niil xi acid @ ssuiih acidity @ suiin acid reflux &@ f i n S L L L ~ I Z acid regurgitation UD@ ybn sunrz; t u t ~. ~ l i i ~ ~ acid swallowing Dm@ yhn s~iiin; t~in su&z . acid upflow ?2@ fbn s~iiirz acid vomiting n4@ti1 suiin acne && cub. chuiing; $$-$I] @n ci aconiteltyphonium [tuber] (Aconiti Coreani seu Typhonii Gigantei Tuber) B Mf 9bbi fu zi aconite [accessory tuber]. (Aconiti Tuber Laterale) fl+q fu zi; k flif F*d b fii zi; J I I Mif T'' chuiin f i ~zi; Mif )+':fii pian; 111 Mif" chuan fii
Aconite Aconite and Cinnamon Center-Rectifying fu gui li thong wan Pill Mif + l@ Aconite and Rice Decoction Mf T $2% ?% f& zi geng m i tang Aconite Center-Rectifying Decoction M i f q 5% @ $5 fu zi li zhdng tang Aconite Center-Rectifying Pill M$ T 5% A fu zi li
acorus Aconiti Tuber Laterale (aconite [accessory tuber]) M 4 3 fu zi; A M i f T * da fu zi; 111 Mif T* chuan fu zi; Mif )+ * fu pian; j l l Mif* chuan fu Aconiti Tuber Laterale Album (white sliced aconite [accessory tuberla) Mif )+ bhi fh pian; ifl)+* xi6ng pian Aconiti Tuber Laterale Aureum (yellow Mif t;sliced aconite [accessory tuber]) huang fu pian Aconiti Tuber Laterale Conquitum (cooked aconite [accessory tuber]@) $4 M i f F shh fu zi; ?$ sh6u fu; I$ %M$* * shh fk; $$&M$T* sh6u fu zi Aconiti Tuber Laterale Crudum (raw aconite [accessory tuberla) +Piif+ shCng fu zi Aconiti ?ruber Eaterale Denigratum (black sliced aconite [accessory tuber]@) X ]I@ t;- hCi shun pian; % Mif T* hei fu zi; % M$ )+* hei fii pian Aconiti Tuber Laterale lnsalsum (desalted aconite [accessory tuber]@) % Mrf )+ &in fh piatz Aconiti Wber Laterale Parvum (small aconite [accessory tuber]) M 3 c2 zi Aconiti Tuber Laterale Salsum (salted aconite [accessory tuber]@) Nif+ xian fii zi Aconiti Tuber Laterale Tianxiong (tianxiong aconite [tuber]) RIB tiin xi6ng Aconiti Wber Laterale Tostum (blastfried aconite [accessory tuber]@) $@MifF pho fu zi; l$j Mif )+* ming fii pian Acori Folium (acorus leaf@) B@RJr chiing pri y t Acori Rhizoma (acorus [root]@) ?3S% shi ching ph; E &* chcing b2n; 22$ $* ching pri; E Pa* chrfngyang; E chang yhng; ;EiE@* shi wh g6ng; jian pu Acori Rhizoma Recens (fresh acorus [root]@)&$;ti BB xian shi chang pii Acorus and Curcuma Decoction S$?'%$P 42 ?% chiing ph yu jin tang Acorus and Elsholtzia Beverage g B?$' chang ph xiang ru yin acorus leaf@ (Acori Folium) B W chdng ph y2
acorus [root] @ (Acori Rhizoma) ;ETg % shi chdng pli; E &.* chdng 6L;n;SS* chdngph; E PI* chdng yhng; E chdng shi wh gong; @ J g *jihn ph yhng; 6&&* acquired g X hhu tidn acquired constitution 6%hhu tidn acrid 9% la; [new] xln acridity q xin acridity enters the lung +A Bifi xin ru fhi acrid opening and bitter discharge +% $$ # xin kdi kii xi2 acrid opening and bitter downbearing % % xin kdi kii jiang act according to time, place, and person El* !A % A $11 $ yin shi yin di yin rtn zhi yi Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus (Chinese gooseberry [fruit]) Eg* tkng li; H g * shkng li; %%* mho li; $11 %* ci li; $l$g #k* hli li trio; *#k* yhng tho; 3B* qi yi; rt7 El % E * zhbng gu6 & mti Actinidiae Polygamae Fructus cum Galla (silvervine nut) i$ R Z F mu tidn liio zi actinollite' (Actinol~tum)P I E 6 yring qi shi; $ ;ti* brii shi; +E;ET* yring qi shi; ;ET %* shi shdng Actinolite Pill PEj E;ETA yhng qi shi win Actinolitum (actinolite) PI 26 yring qi shi; $ 6 * 6hi shi; *g;ti* yhng qi shi; 6 shi shCng actinostemma [leaf or seed] @ (Actinostemmatis Folium seu Semen) &TF h i zi c i o Actinostemmatis Folium seu Semen (actinostemma [leaf or seed]@) h t zi cio action X-fiH g6ng yhng; ~-fi& gbng xiao act(ion) according to person P j A $I]$ yin rtn zhi yi act(ion) according to place ffi $11 $ yin di zhi yi act(ion) according to time 14El$ $11 $ yin shi zhi yi active constituents 6 $3 fi $j y6u xiao chtng fhn
Adenophorae acuanesthesia Hj$$zhEn mh; $?f$lJJ$$@ zhdn ci mh zui acumoxatherapy +t$zhdn jifi; .$if 3 f i $& zhdn jiii liho fii acupressure )E & zhi yd; &j H zhi zhEn acupuncture $?f$lj zhEn ci; H$& zhdrz fii; $I& ci f i acupuncture and moxibustion H$ zhdn jiii; H$ E& zhEn jifi liho f i acupuncture point $r shii; jj$ shii; $$jshii; / \ xut; fil5 xut whi; fiz xut dko; @ c4 shii xut; A shii xut; 5 7 7 qi X U ~ ; $%jfi shii xut acupuri'cture point alphanumeric code fl %.l-t% xu2 duo dai hao acupuncture point injection therapy fll5 &$j$E&xut whi zhu sNh liho fii; /J\ 3IJS + j \ {- ,u . , ~ $xiiio j < ji liang xuk wki zhu shh Acus Pulvis (needle filings) +t6$ zhEn shG acute [of disease] %, ji acute fright wind %,,'E Dl, ji jing fEng acute-jaundice % @ ji huring acute of hearing $$! cong acute pain ,%, @ ji thng acute throat wind ,%,%Dl, ji h6u fEng adaptation array !A [Jq yin zhhn add 81 jid add a t end &A hhu rG; %7;hhu xia AdenophoraIGlehnia and Ophiopogon Decoction f i $ 4$ .i$shd shEn mhi dong tdng AdenophoraIGlehnia Gruel .i$$ shd shen zh6u adenophoralglehnia [root] a (Adenophorae seu Glehniae Radix) ?$ S shd shZn Adenophorae Radix (adenophora [rootlo) j$j.i$ $2 nhn shd shEn Adenophorae seu Glehniae Radix (adenophoraJglehnia [root]@) P$$2 shd shEn Adenophorae 'hachelioidis Radix (apricot-leaved adenophora [root]) ji ni; H e @ *gin jit g&g; Hi(ff@* tirin jii gZng
adenophora [root] (Adenophorae Radix) j$j nhn sh2 shi% Adenosmatis Glutinosi Herba (glutinous adenosrnao) %@B mho sht xidng Adenosmatis Indiani Herba cum Flore (Indian adenosma) AAPjfi da t6u chin Adhatodae Ventricosae Caulis et Folium (ventricose adhatoda [stem and leaf]) Jr: !E Bi.A-dii bb gii ddn Adianti Flabellulati Herba seu Rhizoma (fan-leaved maidenhairs) j.$iZ& gu6 thn 16ng; %A?..S* t i t xian cdo adinaa (Adinae Rubellae Caulis et Foliurn seu Flos et Fructus) 7kt%&tshui yhng m t i Adinae Piluliferae Radix (ball-blossom adina root) 7k shui tuhn h u i g2n Adinae Pilluliferae RamnPus, FoPium, seu Flos et Fructus (ball-blossom adina) 7K Z shui tuhn h u i Adinae Rubellae Caulis et Folium seu Flos et Fructus (adinao) 7k&&t shui yhng m t i adjuvant $$j$l'C fii liao; $J$l'/ fu liao administer treatment according to cause @ El ?3shZn yin shi zhi administer treatment according to disease %%h@ ?3 bilin bing shi zhi administer treatment according to pattern 9P iiEh&i $3 bian zhPng shi zhi adult medicine d6 fang mhi adults and children A I ] \ A dLi xia'o r i n Advance [non-churznel] F5tj 8 qihz jitz advanced menstruation ?3%E yiii jing qi qihrz; @ .ZX i3j 32 yut jing x i i n qi tizhi; t3LjZ jing ziio; ?$ %YJ yyut jing xihn qi; $317 % YJ jing xing xian qi advanced stage [of disease] 6$!$ h6u qi advancing years +B nihn mAi Aeris Robigo (copper rust) F W S t6ng lu; g*tbng qing Aeschynomenes Caulis Lignum (sensitive joint vetch wooda) g2ng t6ng crio Aesculi Fructus (horse chestnut) 3 su0 lu6 zi affect # qing
agas tachelpatchouli affect damage pk~4% -ktg n t i shang q i qing affected-channel point @'r,ZRxhn jing xut affected side ,& 1]! huan c t affect-mind @ Z qing zhi affect-mind binding depression @Z%114,8 qing zhi yii j i t affect-mind dissatisfaction %Z;1;S qing zhi bu sui affect-mind ill-being tgZ+g qing zhi bu shii affect-mind internal damage T3 Z @ I% qing zhi n t i shang afflux (pi) [new] $( pi afflux (pi) dysentery pi li afflux (pi) pouch [a pathological accumulation] $j @ pi nhng after a long time El A ri jiii afterbirth j$E tiii yi Afterbirth Decoction Z f i & song bdo t&ag afterpains PlGRE% ccha'iz hi)u fk tong agastacheo (Agastaches Herba) &$[: B tii hu6 xiing; $k$k@* dh hu6 xidng; ;I: B*huh xidng agastachelpatchouli~ (Agastaches seu Pogostemi Herba) ;'ii % huo xidtzg; it'r B* tii huG xiiing AgastacheIPatchouli and Pig's Bile Pill ;'i: $I, huo diin whz AgastacheIPatchouli and Pinellia Powder i:I'!B g& hi16 xihng ban xia sa'n agastache/patchouli leaf@ (Agastaches seu Pogosterni Folium) ;i- % P t huh xihng Y2 AgastacheIPatchouli, Pinellia, and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction qi- $b T $3~huh p6 xi2 ling tdng AgastacheIPatchouli, Pinellia, and Poria (Hoelen) Elixir J;" +b % A- hi16 p6 xih ling d i n AgastacheIPatchouli Qi-Righting Powder $'f: BE?& huo xiing zhtng qi sa'n Agastache/Patchouli Qi-Righting Tablet ;I': BE?)+ huh xidng zhtng qi pihn agastachelpatchouli stem@ (Agastaches seu Pogostemi Caulis) ';i:@@ huo xihng
Agastaches Agastaches Herba (agastacheo) dI$G S tii huh xihng; ;FJr?&@* dLi huh xiiing; fT: S* huh xiiing Agastaches seu Pogostemi Caulis (agastache/patchouli stemo) $$%@huh xihng gtng Agastaches seu Pogostemi Folium (agastache/patchouli leafa) 412 ' BDt huh xiiing Y Agastaches seu Pogostemi Herba (agastache/patchouli~)TE & huh xiiing; tii huh xiiing agent @ ' wu ageratum aster (Asteris Ageratoidis Herba cum Radice) LLI D % shhn bdi jh aggregation (pi) [a kind of abdominal mass] @@, pi ji; [new, a kind of abdominal mass] @ pi agitated limbs +Z@&sh6u zLi zao riio agitated mania @ 4 3 zho kucing agitated movement of the limbs Ifi; shdu zLi zho riio agitated pulse jj7%@ mcii zao agitated racing pulse j&@& mai zao ji; .@'&J$k zao ji mai agitated vexation @t3 zao fan . agitation Bg zao; zho dong bu iin agkistrodono (Agkistrodon) qi shk Agkistrodon (agkistrodono) @ E qi sht agkistrodon flesh@ (Agkistrodonis Caro) $fi d@ @I qi sht rhu Agkistrodon Halys (Pallas pit viper@) @ E fu sht; ) ! & * fritz bi Agkistrodonis Caro (agkistrodon flesho) $fiE@I qi sht rhu Agreeable Birth-Hastening Powder {E 9 kn &% cui sheng rLi yi siin Agreeable Golden Yellow Powder fin,%* B 3 rLi yi jin hucing s i n Agrimoniae Herba (agrimony) {Q g9 q xiiin h i ciio; @j+l% 3f @* shi zh6u yci ciio; JR & @+ guii xihng ciio; @ @* tit j& hLi feng; Sj&E* hucing 16ng wti; 3f* jin ding 16ng yh; .%@llg* liio h t zui;
F BS* zi mii ciio; @* mao jiiio yin; %&%* hu6ng lbng yci; F&%* ciio 16ng ya; $$ ES* hucing huh ciio; E E 'F$* sht ge dci; && g*lbng t6u ciio; 3 /\Ti* cLin bii jit; 3 S B * guh lii hucing; %Rt;P%* mcio jiiio ji; ,$% E*jit li h ~ ~ h ; ? l R T X *xian ma zi huii; % B* da mcio yao; ifi{UI S*di xiin ciio; EijirJB* she? duo tui; #$ax!?,* lii biiin jl; %q?j z* mcio jiiing jun; X$ A w* j i guii shii; @ 2 S*lii biiin hucing; ERR* wii ti f2ng; A S * nih t6u ciio; i%j$ilS* xi2 li ciio; R3%S*yi fEng jing ciio; 7[; $ B*zi bu fu zi ciio; %x!?, mao j i li mii; 2 ciio; %2QZtZS* qlin fan bai dh ciio; 3R 5q*lcing yci ciio Agrimoniae Rhizoma ~ullulatum (agrimony root sprout) .1fi@jg;FB3F xiGn h t ciio g2n yci
agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) 4h $22q xiiin h t ciio; i&j+l% 5S*shi z h 6 ~yci~ ciio; A S S * * g ~ i xiiing ii ciio; %@I@*tit hh feng; S j k E*hucing 16ng wti; &In j& %* jin ding 16ng y6; %$!2,Ilg*liio h t ziii; 7 B q * zi mii ctio; % at;P E* mcio jiiio yitz; S&??f* hudng 16ng yci; -Sj& fS* ciio 16ng yci; $$ EF* huang huii ciio; E E B* sh6 g2 dci; j&&S* 16hg tbu ciio; -rf /\P* cLin b6 jit; ~ E f $ $ $ * guh lu huling; %BPX$* mcio jiiio ji; %%E* jit li huii; t3@7E*xian ma zi huii; A %@j*dci mcio yao; $&{US* di xiiin ciio; &242rJB* sht dao tui; lu biiin ji; %$f%* mcio jiatzg jun; SjA ?9*j i guii sh6; S*12 biiin huhng; ERR* wii ti f2ng; &S* nih t6u ciio; $%Z$xi2 ijS* li ciio; 3 R3%S* yi f2ng jing ciio; Ff-BB*zi bu li mii; 2+S*fu zi ciio; %xE, g* mho j i ciio; %?$@&$Z* qLin lcin brii dh ciio; 3R 33 S*lcing yci ciio agrimony root sproute (Agrimoniae Rhizoma Pullulatum) { L ~ I @ ~ ; F R ? $xihn h t ciio g2n y6 Ailanthi Altissimae Fructus (ailanthus fruit) RBES fkng ydn ciio; RBRF*ftng yiin zi
Ailanthi Ailanthi Altissimae (Radicis) . Cortex (ailanthus (root) bark) 4% $ & shii bai pi; @ E*shii p i Ailanthi Altissimae Radicis Cortex (ailanthus root bark) @@ $ ffi shu g2n bai p i ; @jFW &* shii g2n p i Ailanthi seu Toonae (Radicis) Cortex (ailanthus/toona bark@) $$$ $'& chiin shii brii p i ailanthusltoona bark@ (Ailanthi seu Toonae (Radicis) Cortex) @@ $ ffichiin shu bcii p i ailanthus fruite (Ailanthi Altissimae 3 fing yiin ciio; )3l, BET* Fructus) fing yiin zi ailanthus (root) barke (Ailanthi Altissimae (Radicis) Cortex) +?$ Q ffishii bcii pi; B E * shii p i ailanthus root bark' (Ailanthi Altissimae Radicis Cortex) j%@ Q E shii g2n bcii p i ; %& ffi*shG g2n p i ail by % wu Ainsliaeae 'Ikiflorae Folium (threed i o kbu flowered ainsliaea leaf@) yao air potatom (Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuhucing ber) Bgp huhng yho zi; %3j+$:* yao g2n; * S T * mu ybo zi; k Z * dh kii; B3&*huang du; hucing yao Air Potato Wine 3 3 @jhuhng yao zi jiii air-slaked lime@ (Calx Aerat?) jX, 4-I: 6 K f2ng hua shi hui airways 5% qi duo Ajugae Decumbentis Herba (bending bai mao xia kii ciio; bugleo) Q f$j@ g* jin gii ciio Akebiae Fructus (akebia [fruit]@) / \ R $1bcZ y u i zhb akebia [fruit] 0 (Akebiae Fructus) / \ R $L bcZ yu? zha Alangii Folium (alangium leaf@) / \ % U t blz jiiio f2ng y6 Alangii Radix (alangium root@) /\ % $M ;t;W ba jiiio fsng gsn alangium leaf@ (Alangii Folium) / \ %I #X ' a t ba jiiio feng y i
n a
all alangium root@ (Alangii Radix) /\ %I #X $$: bZ jifio f2ng gZn alarm point gfi mu xut Albizziae Cortex (silk tree bark) & & f f i h6 huiin pi; & % 4.* h i huan p i ; $? f$ ffi* y? h t p i ; I$?&*&* h i hudn mu p i ; B g* 'zuring hiin Albizziae Flos (silk tree flower) & A E h t huan hua Aleppo gallm (Galla Halepensis) P a -&3 mi, shi zi; %6Px wh mo shi zi; ?%63* shi zi; Z-&T*wLi shi t i ; %;tiT*m6 shi zi Aleppo Gall Pill P%-&T $L m6 shi zi wan Alert Spirit Quartet [non-charznel] $$ $9 si shtn c6ng Aleuritis Seminis Oleum (tung oil) +M?& t6ng y6u Algae Thallus (kelp) j 5E;ftT*hiii kL7n bu; tk$i* lhn bu $5~zt xi? tang Alisma Decoction Alismatis Rhizoma (alisma [tuber]) ?gi% zt xi?; ?gT* zt zhi; 2iEj* ji xi;; 7kiEj* shui xi? Alismatis Rhizoma Fujianense (Fujian alisma [root]@)@?$isjibn zt xi& Alismatis Rhizoma Sichuanense (Sichuan alisma [root]@) JII?$ig ch~uinzt xit a h n a [tuber] ' (Alismatis Rhizoma) ?$ iEj zt xi& @T*zt zhi; EiSj* ji xi;; 7k iq* shui xi6 alive @jhub alkali0 (.AJkz!i) $j@ Ifi ijGn; $!fi;b* /fi ------shLZ Alkali (alkali) @i6 16 jiiin; fi$ifiP* lii sha allay & zhi jig kg allay thirst & E zhi ke'; all blood belongs to the heart E Tli\ zhii xu2 zhg jiC shii yLi xitz all clenching, shuddering, and chattering [of the jaws] with the seeming loss of the spirit is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$ $S&?%. ?i'D 3, 'f zhii jin gii li, 16siing shtn shbu, ji2 shii yh hub
all cold with contracture and tautness is ascribed to the- kidney [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$ % 41T G I. g R 'f '3 zhii hrin shbu yin, jie shii yYLi shtn all counterflow upsurging is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$ S i $ k . g @ T A zhii ni chbng shhng, ji2 shii yLi hub all cramp, arched-back rigidity, and turbid watery humors are ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$% E . W , 7K%7@$Qfa.gE'ft4': zhd zhu6n fa'n li, shui y2 hLin zhu6, jig shii yLi r2 all dampness with swelling and fullness is ascribed to the spleen [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i& B R$ %, "e" E 'f A@ zhb shi zhGng, miin, jig shii yLi p i all diseases with [abdominal] sounds, where tapping makes a drum-like sound, are ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pnthomechanisms] i$%GF, B;j4;tftnB9 "e" E .=F 2: zhfi bing ydu sheng, gii zhi rLi gii, jiC shii yLi 12 . all diseases with aching pain and swelling of the instep, fright and fear are ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$%iY$fl$, @@'E?%, g ET A zhii bing fu zhGng, ttng sunn jing hai, jig shii yLi hud all disease with watery humors that are clear, pure, and cold is ascribed to cold [one of the 19 pnthomechanisms] i$ % 7k j@$g#@tZ&,B E T % zhii bing shui y t shtng ch2 qing /hag, jig shii yh hrin Allergic Rhinitis Decoction B@2JI$S@?h guh min xing bi yrin tring alleviate juan all excessive agitation and mania is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$@$EB. g E T A zhb zbo kuring yu2, jiE shii yLi hub all fulminant rigidity is ascribed to wind [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$%55 g , B E 'f f l zhd bao qiring zhi, jig shii yh f2ng all heat with visual distortion and tugging is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pnthomechnnisnzs] iZf ?4\ G @,, E E lf A zhb r2 mho chi, jiC shk yLi huii
all Allii Bulbus (Chinese chive [bulb]@) 12xit bhi; Z$E: xi? g2n; BS*ye' suAn; /J\3%S* xi60 dLi suan; $g* zhrii man; $ %* xit bhi t6u Allii Fistulosi Bulbus (scallion white) E 12 c6ng brii; EZ.$ * cbng jing brii; E $ A* c6ng bai t6u Allii Fistulosi Bulbus cum Radice (scallion white with root) B?n%$ lirin xb cbng brii Allii Fistulosi Bulbus Recens (fresh scallion white@) @EQ xian c6ng brii . Allii Fistulosi Fructus (scallion seed) E % cbng shi Allii Fistulosi Herba (scallion) 33 c6ng; A % * hi16 cbng; E* kbu; D%E* si ji c6ng; SjZ {Q* chi 66; $0 EjZS* h t shi c6o; g,13* c6ng ziii Allii Fistulosi Radix (scallion rooto) ZE ?$ c6ng xfi Allii Sativi Bulbus (garlic [bulb]) A % da suhn; suan ziii Allii Sativi 'Nesba (garlic) da sukn Allii Sativi Pedunculus (garlic stem) S @! sucin g2ng Allii Tuberosi Folii Succus (fresh Chinese leek juiceo) @&%:& xian jiii cai zhi Allii Tuberosi Folium ' (Chinese leek jiii; $ZPaZI* [leaflo) *% jiii chi; q i yring ciio; !+kLC3 S* zhuhng yhng ciio ; R /\ %* liin rtn chi; S@R*ciio zh6ng rii; +$ Y&* chring sh2ng jiii; & SjZ* birin cai Allii Tuberosi Semen (Chinese leek {I*jiii chi rkn; seed@) ST jiii zi; %% T* jiii chi zr; %ST*jiii jiii zi hll major abdominal distention is ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pnthome-. chanisms] i$Ejfi 5 . B E fF?\ zhb fu zhang da, jiC shii yu r2 aH painful and itching sores are ascribed to the liver [one of the 19 pathomechnnisms] i$j&j$%. E zhd thng yring chunng, ji2 shii yci xin all qi rushing and depression is ascribed to the lung [one of the 19 pnthomech?jI{!i@, , % E .=F I$ zhii qi @ti anisms] i% yir, jig shii yu f2i
all all reversal with constipation or diarrhea is ascribed to the lower body [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$HEl$3, % ET 7; zhii jut gu xi?, jid shii yLi xia All-Round ~ o n s t r k t i o n (SP-20) B* zh6u ying All-Round Flourishing (SP-20Wf10)El %! zh6u rbng all sour retching and vomiting, and fulminant downpour with lower-body distress are ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$ UlX kt E, b & 7; 23. % E 7 ?! zhii ciu tu wan, bao zhh xia p6, jiC shii yLi rt all tetany and rigidity of the neck is ascribed to dampness [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$S 33, @ E T E zhu jing xiiLng qihng, jid shii yh shi All-the-Way-Through Brew -E E yiguan jiiin all wilting (wci), panting, and retching are ascribed to the upper body [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$$ @ U$ I@, E E 7 k zhii w2i chuiin iiu, jid shfi yLi s h h g all wind with shaking and dizzy vision is ascribed to the liver [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$N # iE. % E fF R'F zhii fdng diao xuhn, jit shii yLi giin all yang channels --pH yi yhng All Yin Brew -PJ 2 yi yin jiiin all yin channels -Pa yi yin almond0 (Pruni Amygdali Se'men) E!3B B 4 1 bii dan xing rtn aloe' (Aloe) F Z M hui; i@&* na hui; P 1h hui
~ E U G (a1ub)
=%? I.'. I-,.>. 2,t, A * ."A I " . , ; . J- -5LC: ~ L L S ~ b ,pj r z u ..CLZE,
& J-
2"1Li hui Aloe Pill F Z* lh hui wan alpine stonecropa (Sedi Aizoon Herba) 2 3-b jing tiiin siin qi alpine stonecrop rooto (Sedi Aizoon 3-L= @ jing tian sdn qi gdn; Radix) 3 -k*guiing siin qi Alpiniae Galangae Fructus (galangal fruit) 8IZZ hbng d6u kbu Alpiniae Galangae Rhizoma (galangal [root]) k R $$ da lihng jiiing; I$! S*lihng jiiing; fig*nhn jiiing
Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen (Katsumada's galangal seedo) 3Z G% ciio dbu kbu; Z z * d6u kbu; Sg*ciio k b ~ i ; g%41* ciio k6u rin; S%{I" ciio k6u rin; S g % { z * ciio d6u kbu r-in Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma (lesser galangal [rootlo) @jR $$ giio lihng jiiing; /j\ I$!$$* xiiio lihng jiiing; I$! $$* lihng jiiing; @ i,$ $$* giio lihng jiiing Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus (alpinia [fruit]) &$ B 41 yi zhi rin; &$ B*yi zhi; &$ BT* yi zhi zi alpinia [fruit]' (Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus) &$@e yi zhi rin; &$@*yi zhi; &$BT* yi zhi zi
Alpinia Powder &$gn3 yi shi siih Altai anemone roota (Anemones Altaicae Rhizoma) hiiZi$B jifi jit chiing PL alternating cold and heat fZ%% !?! wiing lhi han rt; % ?!:jZ* hhn ri wiing lhi alternating diarrhea and constipation 5E fu xit yfi bian jii jiiio W kj 428% ti alternating fever and aversion to cold 73. &?:qZ* hhn rt wiing lhi; @%?%?!: wing lai hhn rt alternating fever and chills %?!:@% hhn rt wiing h i ; @?f?% ?& wing lhi hhn rt alum0 (Alumen): !2 bhi fhn; 6 $ 2 * shi nit.; 43$5!* yii nii; Ti$$*yii z t ; &$;ti* nit. shi; El g* bhi jiin; 4TJ;1* xu2 fhn; Z @ $pu*yce .mc fbn; gc!l* 5ht;ng fbn; @ S,Q bhi ming fhn; 6n* ming fhn; liJl;ti* fhn shi
Alum and Curcuma Pill 12& f i bhi jin wan Alum and Melanterite Pill 1 l i j J t l t r f h n whn Alumen (alum) El 6Jl bhi fhn; 73 ?2*shi nit; q3 $9" yii nit.; 43$35* yG zt; $26*nit. xu2 fhn; ??i El shi; 13g* bai jiin; 4 yhn mfi fan; 9 ;6n* shdng fan; Q $4 bai ming fhn; WliJl* ming fhn; 6Jl;ti* fhn shi
Amydae Alumen Calcinatum (calcined alumo) @j 6jl kfi frin Alumen Crudum (raw alumo) &l$j&,Ji* shzng mitzg frin
shii rtn h ~ ~ n
Alum Hemorrhoid-Desiccating Powder $&
%% kfi zhi s i n
Alum Powder $fin% brii fritz s i n amass xu amassment 2j$ xu amber' (Succinum) %fi%Q hii p6; %@* sh6u ph; %fig* hfi p6; Rfig* hfi p6; & F$* hii p6
Amber Dragon-Embracing Pill %3$ @-@fe
fi hil pi, brio lbng writz ambergris' xirin xiiing;
(Ambra Grisea) jCiE% lbng
feE@*lbng fii xiiing
Amber Powder fE%$B hii ph siin amber powder0 (Succini Pulvis) @%$%* hil pi, m6
Amber Spirit-Quieting Decoction @ F $ s $@ $& hfi po iin shin tiitzg ambilateral headache IE& $j$ zhkng tbu t6tzg
ambilateral [headache] IE zhtng ambilateral and hemilateral headache iE Gi A @ zhtng piiin tbu thng Ambra Grisea (ambergris) fe $3@ lbng xirin xiiing; -@fe fig g*lbng fu xiiing
amenorrhea [old] *3 + l = j jing bi bil xing; ?$ (4;;f;3 jing bi bu tdng; H ST ?/? yut shi bu lrii; ?$ l'jn jing bi; ;;f; 6; yut American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) B@ B xi yring shEn; B S A %?* x i yring r t n shen; E E S * hu6 qi shEn;
%AS* giiing ddng r t n shEn; B S* xi shbn; +BZB* f6 lcin shCn; # S * yring sh2n
amethyst/fluorite@ (Amethystum seu Fluoritum) % 6% zi shi ying Amethystum seu Fluoritum (amethystlfluoriteo) %6% zi shi yitzg Amomi Cardamomi Flos (cardamom flower) E%Zdbu k i , ~ huii Amomi Cardamomi Fructus (cardamom) $ H% brii d611 khu; $ Z*brii k6u; E %* k t khu; % @ " dfi gfi; Q %{=* brii k6u rtn
Amomi Cardamomi Pericarpium (carG g Z bhi d & ~kbu k i damom husk) Amomi Flos (amomum flower) 6941z Amomi Pericarpium (amomum husk) $9 41% shd r t n k t ; fis*shii kt!; 69E" shii kt
Amomi Semen seu Fructus (amomum [fruit]) $941 shn rttz; @{I* sha rZn; 33
$9* slid shii Amomi Semen seu Fructus (charred amomum [fruitlo) 6 9 E shii tlin Amomi Tsao-KOFructus (tsaoko [fruitlo)
9 % ciio gu6; S%+* ciio I=* ccio g116 rtn
guci zi; 3%
Amomi Villosi Semen seu Fructus (Vietnamese amomum [fruitlo) %$$'{I su6 shii ritz
Amomi Xanthioidis Semen seu Fructus (Yangchun amomum [fruitlo) BE S5941 yring chfin shcZ r t n
amomum flower'
(Amomi Flos) 6 9 4 z Z
shii rtn huii
amomum [fruit]' (Amomi Semen seu Fructus) $941 shii rtn; @(z* shii r t n ; 3% ti$* su6 shii
amomum husk0
(Amomi Pericarpium)
$ ~ { I Eshn rtn ki; PJZ* shii k t ; W E * shii k t
Amomum Splenic Beverage 33@"r:t silo p i
yin Amorphophalli Tuber (devil's tongue [tujjii ru6 ber]) J6j B Ampelopsis Cantoniensis Radix seu Caulis (Cantonese ampelopsis) 3C &ij;f;R wri ci gEn Ampelopsis Pill El fi brii lidn wrin Ampelopsis Radix (ampelopsis [rootlo)
brii lihn; $ %* bhi liiin
ampelopsis [root] @ (Ampelopsis Radix) brii fitin; $ %* brii liiin $ Amydae Carapacis Gelatinum (turtle V 12 biz jiii jiiio shell glue) Amydae Carapax (turtle shell) bi2
Ir F * shring jiii; Bg* bie k t ; g$$ .5* bib grii zi; F G* biE jiii jiiin;
q * til
biz jiii
Amydae Sangnis (turtle's blood) biz xu; anal Wr7 gang m t n analactia [old] $ l - 8 F B rii zhi bu tong; $1?l-F 7; rii zhi ba xia; $l'IJrT j=i rii zhi bh xing anal desertion 8#D tuii gang anal fistula aL@ gang ldu; Ujg grZng lou anal itch W1'7 @ gang mCn yiing; j3I r7 B !@ grZng rntn sao yiing anal polyp & p$ % xi rdu zhi anal retention failure f j I1'7X?qgang mCn shi yrt2 Anal Sphincter [non-channel] @ aBn f l ti gang j i xut anal welling abscess bong) W 1'7% gang m t n ybng Anas Masculina (male duck) hey$ xi6ng ya Anatis Caro (duck's flesh) Q iP$ @I brii yu rbu ancestor % zong ancestral % zdng ancestral qi [new] S9 z6ng qi ancestral sinew [anterioryin; the penis] %j$ z6ng jin andriatric diseases % $4'&'@ nan kE ji bing Andrographidis Herba (andrographis@) %IL\E chuzn xin lian; -Eg*y i ji&n xi; J ll & B * chudn xin lihn; 4%aft E * liin h t libn andirographis@ (Andrographidis Herba) W ILE chuan xin licin; -JJ Z* yi jian xi; J l l & B * chuan xin lian; +E$ftg* liin h i lian Androsaces Umbellatae Merba seu Fructus (umbellate rock jasmine) 4s a& S h6u ldng ciio Anemarrhena and Fritillaria CoughQuieting Decoction zEJ 7 @J ?r mk ning sdu tang Anemarrhena and Fritillaria Powder 1 i33 &rmii siin Anemarrhena and Phellodendron EightIngredient
Angelicae Anemarrhena and Phellodendron Four Agents Decoction 51 &I $9~ @J zhi biii si wu tang Anemarrhena Beverage AD i3tk zhi mii yin Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (anemarrhena [root]@) % zhi I@ mii; fig@* chi mii; E qi mii; )a@* ti mii; Z&.*lihn mii; %a@ @I* zhi mii rhu; $E@* ti mii Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill %a;l;QtiL~$5 h zhi biii di huling wcin anemarrhena [root] @ (Anemarrhenae chi mii; X Rhizoma) 5nB zhi mii; @* qi mii; ti mL; Be* lilin mii; % @I*I@ zhi mii rdu; ti&@* ti mfi Anemic's Magic [non-channel]ShZpin xu? ling Anemones Altaicae Rhizoma (Altai anemone rooto) hTiz$EjiG jii charzg pL Anemones Raddeanae Rhizoma (Kadde's anemone [root]@)Yr-if@Mrf zhu jit xrang fu; ;I;*lia'ng t6u jiarl Angelicae Dahuricae Radix (angelica [root]) Q X bcii zhi; X* zhi; 3$ @* fang xiang; 3 Q X* xiang blii zhi Angelicae Duhuo Radix (tuhuo [angelica root]@) $ji!j& ddLi hub; @@* ddLi h~16;45 Y F*' chcing shEng ciio; J 11 N!..i6* ch~~arz du hub; 4&+ZZ3* ddLi yrio ciio Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Caput. (tangkuei head@) 3 % ddag gui t6u; !El1:hu S ~ ~ gL ~L ~ i !J3X * gui t6~1; Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Corpus
- * ; & -,, l i i m ubm
\/ +~, -u- -lllr5 - .n n :u b 1hv nv A < r. rJ1 3 \ I =j
g_, 112
Om ..v
~ chZn. i -.
a* gui shEn Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Extremitas (tangkuei taila) 3 !El )Z dang gut wdi; 23 @j* ding gui shao; E*gui wdi; E l gut a$ !El jkP* gui jiiio Angelicae Sinensis . Radicis Tenuis (tangkuei fine root@) 3 933n dang gui xu . Angelicae Sinensis Radix (tangkueia) 3 ding gui; ?!El* gan gui Angelicae Sinensis Radix Carbonisata (charred tangkueia) 21!J3 8 dang gui tan
Angelicae Angelicae Sinensis Radix Integra (whole tangkuei [root]) 3 !El quhn diirzg gui; RBg3* yuan zhi gui Angelicae Sinensis Radix Occidentalis (Western tangkueia) 3 Y 3 xi dang gut; % 3 !J3*qin dang gui Angelicae Sinensis Radix Pinguis (oily tangkuei [root]) ?@ 3 y6u diing g ~ i i Angelicae Sinensis Radix Sichuanensis (Sichuan tangkueia) j l l 3 !J3 chlliitz ding g ~il Angelicae Sinensis Radix Yunnanensis (Yunnan tangkueia) T; 3 43 yhn dang gui; T; !El* yhn g ~ l i Angelica Powder Q X % bhi zhi siin angelica [root] (Angelicae Dahuricae Radix) Q -iE bhi zhi; IE* zhi; E B*fing xinrzg; % Q X* xiiing bcii zhi anger ? S F nil qi; [mind associated with liver; also one of the seven a,fects] fS nir anger causes qi to rise EYlJFl tzLi zk qi shritzg anger damages the liver ?34%flT tzLi shiing gLin anger damaging the liver $EF% nu qi shang gin anger stirring liver qi ? ~ $ $ J R T nil F dbng giin qi Angina Formula &t$@ f i xin jiiio tbng fGng angled scopolia@ (Scopoliae Acutangulae Radix, Folium, seu Semen) 392 siin f2tz siit~ angle of the mandible qG han; 3 hd Angle Vertex (TB-20) +j\ jilio sfin anguish in the heart JLX@~~%,/& xin zhong 60 nbng AnRui chrysanthemum [flower] a (Chrysanthemi Flos Anhuiensis) E % gbng jh; g i g * hui jil Anhui white peony [root] a (Paeoniae Radix Alba Anhuiensis) F 8 5 hh0 /bdi shho animal and insect wounds &&4% chbng shb~ishiing
antepartum animal odor @ siio; @% sao wii; HR siio C ~ ; U animal soul [stored by the liing] L a pb Anisi Stellati Fructus (star anise) /\ #J EI & b i jiiio hui xiiing; /\#I * bii jiiio; ji -* i a d i hui; AG&* dri hutxiing; flak G S* 66 shhng h ~ lxinng i ankle RPfi jiiio whn; Zjj%zh wrin; jiiio hudi ankle bone [r?zalleolns]% hhridi ankle-boring flat abscess (jG) 9&@j chuan huhi jii ankle-boring phlegm ch~iknh~iai thn ankle-boring wind 9 H W chuiitz huai f2ng ankle flat abscess (jii) zh huhi jfi annual artemisiaa (Artemisiae Annuae Herba) %EB h~iangh ~ u ihiio anomalous artemisiaO (Artemisiae Anomalae Herba) 211?$$Xlih ji tzh; 52% $X* jitzpji nh; %$X* ji nh; 211?$$Xg* lih ji nh clio anomalous pulse @, t3 2RI? lli jing zhi mhi; $$t3b? li jing mai antagonism and unity of yin and yang P a BR J$ Ti %-- yin yhng d ~ i ili tbng yi Antelope and Rhinoceros Horn White Tiger Decoction $+ @ Q )ft $J ling xi bhi hii ting antelope horne (Antelopis Cornu) y + 3 ffj ling yhng jiiio; $+ 3fi E:'ling yhng jiiio xi2 Antdope Horn and Forsythia ToxinResolving Tablet ?+ 3 jfp? % % ling qiho jid dh whn Antelope Horn and Urcaria Decoction y$ ffi +&I @ llirzg jiiio g&i ttng tiitzg Antelope Worn Decoction $$ $ f f j @I ling ycing jiiio tiing Antelope Horn Pill y+ fB Jtl ling yritzg jiiio whn Antelope Horn Powder $+3 f f j # llng yhng jiiio s i n Antelopis Cornu (antelope horn) ?+$@I ling yhng jiiio; $+ T j$j E* ling yhng jiiio xi2 antepartum Pf$jchlin qibn; ItCfiE litz r i ~ --CC
anterior E qirin Anterior Rreast (CV-15) BS*yi qihn anterior chest BjQying xidng; jQ@ xidng Y ing anterior hairline f$E FZ qirin fii ji anterior yin kenital orifice] EfJ i Pa qihn yin Anti-Inflammatory Toxin-Resolving Pill 3 ;h, .xiao yhn jit dLi $j Anti-Turbidity Root-Securing Pill &&a $ 3 ~zhi zhub gu btn wan anus BL (7 gang m t n ; W gang; G PiJPa h6u yin anus-stopping hemorrhoids @$ JjI% suii gang zhi anxiety [mind or emotion of the lung; also one of the seven aflects] 'Kydu anxiety and indecision W & F W ydu 1u bu jut anxiety and preoccupation SM,E, shun ydu si apical pulse E 3 xii li apical pulse examination @&3 zhtn xu li Apocyni Herba (dogbane) Y $ )&ilub bu mri Appendix-Clearing and Resolving Decoction I'fl E fSWB$3~Ian we'i qing jig tang Appendix Clearing and Transforming Delcin wgi qing huh tang coction (%EfSik$% Appendix Point [non-channel]A En lrin we1 xue Appendix Stasis-Transforming Decoction @ t% ldn wti hua yii tang appetite shi yh applied topically 9 p R wuz jii
apply juice extracted by crushing $$.fit& diio zht tu apply juice obtained by wet-grinding @ #$& mb zhi tu apply mixed tirio fii apply mixed with sesame oil @tfiiB B mh ybu ti60 fii apply powder #+ W p6 f2n apply topical eye medication ,+,IlW diiin yiin apply topically SbB wai fii apply treatment at @ qLi apprehensiveness W 4'% chu ti appropriate coolness and warmth ?+Bgj& B le'ng nuiin shi du apricot' (Armeniacae Fructus) E 3 xing zi; &%* xing shi apricot grove [the medical world] g$$ xing lin apricot kernele (Armeniacae Semen) @ {Ixing rtn; *By* mu lu6 zi; g;l${=* xing mki rin; E @ ~ Ixing * hk rin Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder B% 3 xing sii siin Apricot Kernel and Talcum Decoction % { IfB5t3J xning rkn hub shi tang apricot kernel frosta (Armeniacae Seminis Pulvis) %{I% xxing rtn shuang apricot-leaved adenophora [root] " (Adenophorae Trachelioidis Radix) ji ni; I$%@* gan jit ggrzg; f# %@* ticin jit gtng apricot twig' (Armeniacae Ramus) EjE3
tie; $& tb; )% chci; $j!i fii apply apply crushed $L$ & ddii f f L $%$Z% diio lan fii; $%?&diio tLi apply ground to a powder ;MF% yan mi, f6 apply ground with vinegar @@&% cu md tLi fii applying and releasing pressure, and E, 3 jii , an, xhn searching applying and releasing pressure, pushing and searching +E. &3 jii an, tui xun
Aqua Yin-Yang (yin-yang watera) P BBE17Jc yin ykng shui; Y $47k1sheng shu shui Aquilaria and Asafetida Pill R 2$P!J ?$I%, chin xidng 2 wti wan Aquilaria and Gastrodia Decoction $t& )&@J chtn xiang tian mri tnng Aquilariae Ligni Massa (aquilaria leaven@) ijT@ chin xiang qii Aquilariae Lignum (aquilaria [wood]@) iRB chin xiang; 67kg* chin shuixiGng; ijT%** chin xiang mu
.w5g LrSz
Aquilariae Aquilariae Lignum Resinosum (resinous aquilaria [woodla)' {ME@ qit nrin xiiing aquilaria leaveno (Aquilariae Ligni Massa) iR@ chin xiang qci Aquilaria Powder iR @ chin xiiing s i n Aquilaria Qi-Downbearing Decoction iz ?&$& 5@g chtn xiing jihng qi tang Aquilaria Stomach-Warming Pill R S ? ' '
S Jtl chtn xiang wiin wwBi wlin aquilaria [wood]
(Aquilariae Lignum)
iR@ chin xiiing; iR 7k@* shiiixi&ng iR $T! $* chin xiiing mu Arachidis Semen (peanut [kernel])
Y lub hud sh2ng; *+R* chhng shcng g u i ; kg*tii dbu; B X S * lub huii sh2n; &G* fan dhu; EY* huii shcng Arachidis Testa (peanut sead-coat) EY
song mu
Aranea (spider) &@!I& zhi zhci Arcae Concha (ark shell) E;f;%T wii ling zi; W E *han k t ; E ZT* w i ling zi; !l$j
T E * hiin zi k i ; %he%* kui gt k t ; E$g E* huii xirin k t ; 532heE" w i ling gt p i ; hh$E* xu2 gt pi Arcangelisiae Caulis (mountain dragon@) & llr jk gii shnn 16ng arched-back rigidity [new] @EM yiio fiin zh6; +f Etfi j i fritz zh& B 53 Efi j i qiring f i n zht; ffj 5 1 95E jiiio gong f i n zhang
arched-back rigidity.with sorrowful crying
& 5K ?& E f i n zhnng b2i kfi arched rigidity of the neck T B m E 3 E jing
Arctii Fructus (arctium [seedla) + B T tzih bring zi; R!&T4'shfi nihn zi; 46@j$U": binn fh ci; S % %q': mlio rrin rhtt zi; % PI, q"hi3 f2ng 2; %BT*mho zhui zi; EfF" nihn cnng zi; EL2 F': shLi jiiin zi; Z2 @%q':w i n bL1 g6i1 zi; A+?* dri nih zi; k h T * dh li zi; nih zi; Y tzih bring; EZ4'2 shi; eL$&T;': shLi niLin zi
2 L
Arctii,Radix (arctium rooto)
bhng gt?n
Arctium F l e s h - ~ e s o l v i nDecoction ~ +% 9@ BJl, $5 nik bhng j i t ji tGng arctium rooto (Arctii Radix) +%& nih bang g2n
arctium [seed]
(Arctii Fructus) + S T
nih bhng zi; R a T * 'shii nirin zi; @$j$ij?11* biiin fh ci; %%%+* mrio rrin rlin zi; % A T * h2i f2ng zi; % # T * mrio zhui zi; ?5T * nirin cang zi; EL* T * shii jiiin wan * 65 g&i zi; k+T* dri zi; 3 E13;14 nik zi; k h F*dh li zi; Y 3 * nid zi; %* nid bring; E%* 2 shi; EL%&T* shii nirin zi Arctium Seed Decoction Yg-3-$5 tzih bhng zi tang
Arctium Seed Powder
?y huii sh2ng yi
Araliae Echinocaulis Radicis Cortex (prickly aralia [root bark]@) gI&* hdng
xiing fiin zhring arching [as of the back]
+%+anih bring
zi s i n
Ardisiae Crenatae Folium (coral ardisia zhci sha g2n ye? leaf@) 5k69;f;RPf Ardisiae Crenatae Radix (coral ardisia zhci shi gen; q i f i * * [rootlo) %Eb;f;R
ping di mu
Ardisiae Rhizoma (largeleaved ardisia root@) jFqjj6 z i u m i tiii Ardisiae Japonicae Cadis et Folium (Japanese ardisia [stem and leaf]) %& Y zi jin nik; BifiZ* i i di chri; Q+@* qiiin nihn iii; T
++* bii chfi lin
Arecae Pericarpium (aieca husk) dh f i ~ pi; A&%* da fil mko; R%* fii mrio; ;f;EmWbin lhng yi; hE%%': dri f i ~ rdng;
Ffi* bin lring p i
(areca [nut]) $$#p bin il;&[I*bin m t n ; ;f;g bin m t n yho @hn; Q +&&$* bhi
Arecae Semen lhng;
$B* ren pin;
T7 a&*
bin Iring; +$#{I* bin lring r t n ; k BE =F-" dri fu zi; k E;f;E@* dri fil bin lring; gf3* qing ziii; ;f;P 3"bin king y i ~ @P ; 3"ling yii; +E@PT* bin lhtzg zi Areca Gruel $ #$ bin lring zh6u
areca husk0 (Arecae Pericarpium) AHE Ffi dh f i ~ p i ; AjjB E*dA f2 mrio; 8 fh mho; @#P** bin lring yi; fil rdng; ;f;E@B Ffi * bin Ling p pi
Areca Nine Evodia and Poria (Woelen) jiii bin wri fri tang Decoction ~$&$&G$J areca [nutIe (Arecae Semen) if;%@ bin Iring; !I$$* r t n p i n ; @[J4 Din m t n ; if;%
T7%%* bin m t n yao qihtz; Q @ @p* b h bin lang; $&j@k* bin lring r t n ; A E5 ' dri j LJ zi; A E jl;,Ei$$* da fu bin fling; SjT* qing ziii; +l33* bin lring yii; $$%* lang yil; bin lhng zi areola rfi yCn Argenti Lamina (silver leaf) +R?g yin 66
(silver residue) +E%
Argenti Residuum yitt ybci.
Aristolochiae Heterophyllae Radix (northern fangji [root]) ?X$ [lfj E! hrin zhiing fang j i Aristolochiae Mollissimae Rhizoma seu Herba (mollissima) +B)2. xun gii feng Aristolochiae Radix (aristolochia rooto) @ qing mu xiang aristolochia fruit@ (Aristolochiae Fructus) 3%2% mLi diiu ling; 7 K 4 @%* shui
mii xziing gu6;
3 5% T * m i
diiu ling
Aristolochia Fruit Powder 4 5 9 @ 3 m i dbu ling siin
aristolochia rooto (Aristolochiae Radix)
Arisaema and Aconite Powder EM$% xing fLi s i n Arisaema and Saussurea Decoction E
t3~xing xiiing tiing arisaema leaven (Pinelliae Massa Fermentata) fiz! nhn xing qG Arisaema Pill R$jEj?tiiin % nhn xing whiz arisaema [root] (Arisaematis Rhizoma) X E@ ti& nhn xitzg; E @* ban xla jing; RSEj @* hfi zhiing nan xing; 6'Z
G* sht
bao gii;
LLIE%*shiitz biio m i ; f i
S* hfi zhliing; EE* ndn xing Arisaematis Rhizoma (arisaema [rootlo) Zi$iE tiGn nhn xing; ZZ $E* ban xzb jing; R 3 i$iE* hii zhiitzg nan xmg; 6@ G* slzt biio gii; LLIE%*s h i n brio m i ; g*hLi zhiing; i$i E* nan xing Arisaematis Rhizoma Crudum (raw arisaema [rootla) &EE4sheng nun xing Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Felle Bovis (bile [-processed] arisaerna [rootlo) K!
d i n xiizg;
E"d i n nrirCx&g
Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Fellle Bovis Veaum (old bile [-processed] arisaema [rootlo) [1%88Echtn d i n xing Aristichthydis Nobilis Caro (variegated carpo) h!;l .$1 yiing yu Aristolochiae Caulk (aristolochia sterna) {ll~ @ tiGn xian t i n g Aristolochiae Fangchi Radix (southern fangji [root]) r l r f j 2 guLing fang j i Aristolochiae Fructus (aristolochia fruita) %5b2$$ m i ddu ling; 7Kg12$%* ~ h um i i xziing gub;
5 6 2 3 * m6 d d ~ ling i
qing mil xiiing
aristolochia sterna (Aristolochiae Caulis) Z !h @ tian xian ttng Aristolochia Stem Powder E 4 ~ ljF1& 3 tuin xian ttng s i n
ark shell" (Arcae Concha) E # T w i hnn k t ; Z Z 3 W i 16ng ling zi; !I#%*
WT- E* hnn zi k t ; $&&E' kui g t k t ; xk)!JE*bun xlbn k t ; E2$&fff*wii l6tzg gk p i ; IflliSE*xut g t p i zi;
arm f sh6u;
f-g sh6u
bi; j$j b6;
bi 66
Armadillidium (wood louse) EL$3 shii f i ~ ; i@%* di shi
Armeniacae Fructus (apricot) $3 xing zi;
5 Z* xing
Armeniacae Ramus
(apricot twig)
xing zhi
*8g$%is4 Sf.3*
Armeniacae Semen
4 1 xing
xing m i l
(apricot kernel)
nzil luo zi; g&41* xing h i r-tn
Armeniacae Semen Amarum (bitter apricot kernel@) 3Si1kfi xing ,-in Armeniacae Semen Australis (southel n I xing r-krz apricot kernel) E ~ {ruin Armeniacae Semen Duke (sweet apricot kernela) fjHS41 tuin xitzg r t n Armeniacae Semen Septentlrionsalle (northern apricot kernel@) It g 41 621 xing r t n ; ;1Lg* btz xing Armeniacae Seminis IPuIvis (apricot kernel frost@) 8417~ xxig rtrz shrliilzg
Arm Arm Five Li (L1-13WF'O)+jig shiju wii li
Arsenicum Album
(white arsenic) $ bk
bai p i ; $ {$;ti*bcii xin shi
armillaria@ (Armillaria) jrLg sdng xLin Armillaria (armillariao) sdng xLin Arm Lift [non-channel] +@ jii bi armpit R y t ; R R yt wd Armpit Abyss (GB-22Wt10)j,#R yuan y t armpit flat abscess 01.2) fly&yuiin jG; /@
& yt jfi Armpit Gate (GB-22) RT7" y t m t n ; 4ST27) RS7* y t m t n ; (TB-2) @[J* y t m t n armpit odor R$$yk chhu; 8 1 s hci chhu Armpit Odor Powder RRm y t chhu scin Armpit Spirit [non-channel] @Zyt ling armpit welling abscess bong) %@& gii zhi ydng
armpit welling abscess @bag) @#$ y t ydng;
9EB jiii
zhi ydng
Arm's Metal Gate [non-channel] sh6u jin m t n
Arm Three Li
+& 1'7
sin li
R EZZj fiing xiiing kiii qiiio yho
r6ng .
arrowhead needle [one of the nine needles] $ %j-, d! i zhen i! arsenic@ (Arsenicum) 6 t L 6 p i shi; 426*
4S6k* xin p i ; 136k" bhi pi; A S '
Arsenic and Jujube Powder bt'l%$& p i 260 scin
Arsenic-Jujube Powder {$?3$& xin ziio s i n Arsenicum (arsenic@) &;Ei p i shi; 4275" xin shi; 4$ bk* xin p i ; A blt* bcii pi; A'S*
(red arsenic) g16H:
a@L* h6ng fcin;
Arsenicum Sublimatum (sublimed arsenic@) bk @ p i shuiing Artemisiae Annuae Herba (annual arternisiaa) BE% huling huii hiio Artemisiae Anomalae Herba (anomalous lici ji nci; jin ji artemisia) ii1]3@7 lih ji nci c60 nh; %$&* ji nh; %11%$@7S* Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Folium (sweet wormwood leaf@) SSPt qing
hao yt
Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Herba (sweet wormwood@) S X qing hao Artemisiae Argyi Folii Oleum (mugwort leaf oil@) 9 P+$& hi y t y6u Artemisia~Argyi Folium (mugwort [leafl) hiio;
f f * hi
Artemisiae Argyi Folium Carbonisatum (charred mugwort [leafla) ff DtE hi y t tan;
around $% rao arouse E xing arouse the brain EB8 xing ncio arouse the spirit E @ xing shin arouse the spleen ERS xingpi arrest vomiting ~ U zhiI t& arrival of qi 532 qi zhi Arriving a t Splendor (GB-16) FZ* zhi
r t n yhn
h6ng pi; xin shi
f f P t hi yk; ff%* ai (LI-1OWflO) + Z g sh6u
aromatic % xiiing; 3% fiing xiiing aromatic orifice-opening medicinal
xin shi; i-tn ycin
Arsenicum Rubrum
f f E* hi
Artemisiae Argyi Folium Recens (fresh mugwort leaf@) &ff U t xiiin Lii yt Artemisiae Argyi Folium Tritum (mugwort [leafl floss ) -jl% hi r6ng; ffs* lii r6ng
Artemisiae Argyi Folium Tritum (mugwort floss ) $ 4 2 shci iii; $$T*sh6u rii Artemisiae Argyi Fructus (rnugwort fruit)
ai shi
Artemisiae Capillaris Herba (capillaris@)
yin chtn hiio; yin chin; El chin hiio; QUtEX* xi yt qing Pg* yin chtn; hiio; R a * chhu hiio; p%* mihn yin chtn; 2$,gF%*micin yin chtn
64%" yin
Artemisiae Keiskeanae Fructus (Keiske artemisia fruit@) fl:~=F Gn lii zi articular #P grmz j i i articular needling [one of the five needling methods] #$I] grrlln ci
B* ii
(Asafoetida) PqS 2 w.3; PiJ
Asafetida Asafetida Glomus-'ikansforming Paste P i j %4k E5 ;R tl wZi hua pi ggo Asafetida Glomus-nansforming Powder 2 wki huiz pi s i n PgB4t Asafetida Pill Pq%A 2 w2i whn Asafoetida (asafetida) PifJBtl wki; [JqB* i wki asarum' (Asiasari Herba cum Radice) %I+ xi xin; /I\ xi60 xirz; 9 shao xin Asarum Powder 93% ;4P, xi xirz s i n ascend k shLing ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang jj'f PH 1E giin yhng shang kang ascendant hyperactivity of the ministerial fire If;Bf i k2 xiring hud shling khng ascendant lives yang R'f BE1kK gGrz yrirzg shang kang ascerta'in the cause and administer treatment '$ Ei%$$ shtn yin shi zhi ascertain the cause and determine treatment ?@ R ik $$ shtn yin lLin zhi ascribed to E shii; E shii ash E hut ash [bark]' (Fraxini Cortex) & E qin pi; % $ Ffi* qirz bhi pi; 3% E*kii LiLi pi; % E * ctn pi; $lA+.%jE* la s h i ~pi ashen nail E +E EF3 hui zhi jiii ash heap bald white scalp sore Q & & I ! bhi tii dui hui a-shi point P6jfSR ii shi X L L ~ Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaflo (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) $ &E brii yLi w6i; $ %$$* bhi /@ng hL!bMg;fgWi': ,nr; i i i n v - %E2!3!Z * xi trio; LLJi$$$* shan pLi jiiing; $ i$j g* brii pii jiiirzg Asiasari Werba cum Radice (asarum) %I Q xi xin; /I\ Q" xitio xin; /J/' 9" shao xin Asiasari Herba cum Radice Septentionalis (northern asaruma) ;It%I+ 62i xi X N Z ; ;It+" b6i xin Asiatic elder twiga (Sambuci Williamsii Ramulus) +g@$ ji2 gii mu; $T$Lf@j* qiiin qiiirz h ~ ~ i ) Asiatic strigaO (Strigae Asiaticae Herba) 3kRt;P;t;tt clii jitio gLln
- 0 7
Ass as if drunk or crazed QUmQfl$Z rLi zui rh kuhtzg Asini Corii Gelatini Pilula (ass hide glue pelletso) R f l f f s2 jiao zhu; PgflftZX* a jirZo zhu Asini Corii Gelatinum (ass hide glue) PiJ 82 2 jiiio; 3i@[Jg*wii ciio 2; pJRff*ci. jiao; ZZ PFJ Bff* zh2n d jiao Asparagi 'hber (asparagus [tuber]) X TJ 4- tiiin mtrz dong; h 3 1'7#R* dh dcZrzg rntn g2n; *4$* tiiin dong; *$i9+ViGiz rntn dong Asparagi 'hberis Succus (fresh asparagus [tuber] juice@) !&X+ # sh2ng tinn dong zhi Asparagus Gruel 3 T 74- (-SRtinn rntn dong zhbu asparagus [tuber] ' (Asparagi Tuber) TJ 4-tian rntn dong; h 3 1'7@* da dang tian d6ng; Xgg+' tian m t n gtln; rntn dong aspect +jLfkn Aspidii Rhizoma (aspidiumo) B f i g ~ ~ l i n zhong; B gulirz zhong; E @' gucirz zhdrzg; E jc* gurin lhi; El$* gurin zhljng Aspidii Rhizoma Recens (fresh aspidiumo) &$B f i xian gubn zhong aspidiuma (Aspidii Rhizoma) E f i gurirz zhorzg; E guhn zhong; B @' guan zhdng; E %* guan lai; E {$' guan zhljng Aspidium Decoction {$ .i%g~~iirz zhong tang Aspongopus (stinkbug) h 39 .& jiii xiiing
*+* +*
assail @ qin; @% qin xi; 3P, fan; $?+ xi assailment $P, f-iirz assessment of the normal and abnormal BE%@k~ridulj qi htng assess the patterns and seek the cause '$i i$ % shbz zhtng qiii yin ass hide glue" (Asini Corii Gelatinum) J !B Jff 2 jiiio; fi$j BGJ4 wLi ctio <; PiiJ R9*ii jiiio; PiiJjft*zhen 2 jrno Ass Hide Glue and Coptis Decoction lEJ Rff$$%?% 2 jlao h~lhrzgl h z tang
Ass Hide Glue and Egg Yolk Decoction 1223% $% e ji& ji zi huring tang Ass Hide Glue . and Mugwort '~ecoction a2 ff $% jiao izi tang Ass Hide Glue and Mugwort Four Agents Decoction aftSjr El@$%jiao hi si w2 tang Ass Hide Glue and Peony Decoction PiJj2 9 gqy% 2 ji20 shbo yho tang Ass Hide Glue Decoction +\fl$PTiJ 1ft$% bii $% 2 jiao tang @i 2 jiao tang; Ass Hide Glue Four Agents Decoction Pq aft % $% 2 jiao si wii tang ass hide glue pellets@ (Asini Corii Gelatini Pilula) PTiJ@% 2 jino zhii; PriJB23&*Lz jiao zhii Ass Hide Glue Powder PqiJBftH2 jiao sin assist & zhu; IG zu6 assistance needling [one of the twelve zhn ci needling methods] B%ll assistant I& zu6 assisting bone $gitl'B fii gii assist metal to calm wood B&T* Z U ~ jin ping m u associated point j $ f i shii xut; $3 shii associated point [old] & shii; /la91 shii; $9 h shii xu&;$@fi shii xu6 Assuming Fullness (ST-20Wf10)5fk chtng miiz Aster Decoction % %$%zi w i n tang Asteris Ageratoidis Herba cum Radice $ -3% shin baz jh (ageratum aster) Asteris Radix et Rhizoma (aster [root]) %% zi w i n ; %I;$' zi qihn; W%* qing wiin; j&%gZ$;f;R' fin hdn ccio g2n; %% ?$* zi w i n r6ng; 3%' zi yiii2n Asteris Scabri Radix (rough aster [root]@)Z )A, %$R dong fZng chi g2n Aster Powder % % 3 zi w i n s i n aster [root]' (Asteris Radix et Rhizoma) % @ zi w i n ; % TI$* zi qihn; W%* qing w i n ; &%gs;f;B' f i n hiln c i o gZn; %% ?$* zi win rbng; % $h* zi yuan Asthma [non-channel]5 ' .DS qi chuiin;,5 ?% qi duan asthma [Western medicine] 9,113 qi churin
Astragali Complanati Semen (complanate astragalus seed) ?!PETsha yuan zi; * E g g * sh8 yuan ji li; E g % * t6ng ji li Astragali Radix Alba (white-skinned astragalus [root]@)$ FfiX bhi pi qi Astragali Radix Atra (black-skinned astragalus [root]@)% Ffi % hei pi qi Astragali (seu Hedysari) Radix (astragalus [root]@)% # hubng qi; $$ B* hubizg qi; 4% gX * mian huring qi Astragalus and Aconite Decoction ' # ~ t $ % qi fu tang Astragalus and Cinnamon Twig Five $2hudng Agents Decoction B!$@@ji% qi gui zhi wii wu tang Astragalus and Tbrtle Shell Powder $i5X T 3 hucing qi bi2 jii sin Astragalus Center-Fortifying Decoction $$ #@ $% huring qi jian zhang tang Astragalus Decoction X $5 huring qi tang; Bi?$%huhng qi tang Astragalus Five Agents Decoction $5 E3i % ?% huhrzg qi wii wu tang Astragalus Pill 3j?< fi h u h g qi wan astragalus [root] a (Astl-agali (seu Hedysari) Radix) $$X huring qi; S B * hubng qi; $$,@-% * mirin'&uhngqi astriction q/g;igsh6u st? astringe st? astringent formula $EfiI]st? ji astringe the intestines and check diarrhea st? chring zhi xi; astringe the intestines and stem desertion 7 3E EiIB# d chhng gu tu6 astringing medicinal q/g;B% shou lihn yho Atalantiae Radix (atalantia [root]@)'% )A,@ ;f;E d6ng f2ng ju g2tz ataiantia [root] @ (Atalantiae Radix) Z )A, dang f2ng jd gZn stony [old] '@ w2i Atractylodes and Cinnamon W i g Decoction $+$$A zhd gui tang Atractylodes and Cyperus PhlegnnAbducting Pill [Yif 9 jg 3~ cCng fii (120 tritl wrin
Atractylodes and Melanterite Pill ;6nStL zhh fan wan Atractylodes and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction 1 $& t?rzhh tiing Atractylodes Dampness-Overcoming Decoction 8 * R E P & ciing zhh chh shi tang atractylodes [root] a ( ~ t r a c t ~ l o d Rhiis zoma) 8 jt ciing zhh; is$* chi zhk; S qing zhh; {LLJ%* xi& zhh; qing * i ji zhh; qf!iijm Atractylodes White Tiger Decoction 8% $ RP% ciing zhh bai hii tiing Atractylodis Ovatae Rhizoma (ovate atractylodes [root]) Q jt bhi zhk; LLIB* shiin ji; tiiin ji; zhk; B** yk zhh Atractylodis Rhizoma (atractylodes [root]@) E % tang zhh; s** chi zhh; qing zhh; {Q xiiin zhh; gjt* qing zhk; q m *m i ji Atractylodis Rhizoma Maoshanense (Maoshan atractylodes [rootla) 3 $ mrio zhh; $E** mao ciing zhh; X LLI F mcio shin ciing zhh Atramenturn (ink) % mo; &%* xiiing mo Attached Branch (BL-41x'FiO)Mrf% fu f2n attack & gong attack evils with toxicity ?$$?FJ&%/~ dh yao gong xit attack followed by supplementation 55x3 6j+ xiiin gong hou bii attacking toxin with toxin USFAS yi du
attack phlegm &jj$ gong trin At the Eyebrow [non-channel]E W* mti zh6ng; (BL-2) R +*mti zh6ng At the Spring (ST-26) e75* zai qulin a t threes and fives [pulse] 3 f i T iW sin 5 j51;$?j siin wii bu ti60 wii bu tiho; 4 audio-olfactory examination M 3 wgn zhtn Auditory Convergence (GB -2W"O) Dff- & ting hui Auditory Palace (SI-19W/IO) DfiG ting gong
Aurantii Pructus (bitter orange) #RE zhi kt Aurantii Fructus Immaturus (unripe bitter orange) &!%zhi shi auricle B& Zr ku6 auricular acupuncture q.%tf i ?A t r zh2n lib0 fii Auri Lamina (gold leaf) &?6 jin 66; X &* f2i jin Auripigmentum (orpiment) HI $ $$ ct hucing; E S* kiin lkn hucing Aurum (gold) %& hucing jin autumn [season associated with metal] +A qici autumn dryness +A354 yici zao autumn dryness damaging defense $A@ 4% J? qid zao shiing w2i Autumn Equinox [16th solar term] +A 5' qici f2n aversion [7 relations; eg., scutellnrin is averse (i.e., depotentiated) by fresh ginger] @ 8 xiiing wu aversions of the five viscera j!il!ZFfi% wii zdng su6 wu aversion to % wu aversion to child [= malign obstruction] ST wu zi aversion to cold as after a soaking @Wi ,E9$C s i xt wu hlin aversion to cold in the back bii wu hrin aversion to cold with fever % % E % wu hkn fii r2 aversion to cold with shivering ?E%&k$!$Z j&%%
,.,,', L A - "I">.,. 1: ,"I4 r,,,rr L I , < < , , c r
aversion to food %$$ wu shi; R$$ ycin shi aversion to heat 2324': wu rt? aversion to heat rather than to cold ;I;,% % E%Th: 6u wu hrin fin t? rt? aversion to light S W xi2 ming; %%%%J wu guiing xiii ming; % % 2$ %J wu guiing xiii ming aversion to light and heat B qll'Q,?<': xid ming ph r2 aversion to lights and fire 25 lf l A wu jihn deng hu6
aversion to people % A wu rirz aversion to the smell of food JX[Bj-&g yrin win shi xiii aversion to wind WG fZng aversion to wind and cold S R S % w2i f2ng wii hhn; B%m% wti wil f2ng hhn aversion to wind or cold EjXi,@wu fZng hhn avoid the mistake of using cold against cold %Z2E33 hhn wu fritz hhn avoid the mistake of using heat against heat ?(r:X2Ei4r:rt wli fritz r2 await 3% xll awake % wil awaken s ,wil awakening with fright during the night E E\ 11% yt wG zk jing
Awake to Dispersion Pill 'E#$L xiizg xiio whn away from & qu
B [nbbr-eviatiorz]ifi-fidi zhi B1 -7 zi B10 @ yiju B10 watch [5-7 p.m.] i2jElrf y6u shi B11 & xll B l l watch [7-9 p.m.] &a$ xll shi Bl2 hhi B12 watch [9-11 p.m.] BEl$ hrii shi B1 watch [ I 1 p.m.-] rr.m] ?El$ zi shi B2 la ch6u B2 watch [I-3 a.m.] 3Elij ch6u shi B3 S yirz B3 watch [3-5 a.m.] BJ-yin shi B4 gTJ mcio B4 watch [5-7 a.m.] 4P Rrf mcio shi B5 chin B5 watch [7-9 a.m.] ED$ chin shi B6 E si B6 watch [9-11 a.m.] ERrf si shi B7 T wfi B7 watch [ I 1 a.m.-1 p.m.] ?El9 wfi shi
B8 ?+? wti B8 watch [I-3 p.m.] ?+?El9 wti shi B9 $ shen B9 watch [3-5 p.m.] $R$ shZn shi baby tongue 3% zi shi Bacillary Dysentery Herbal Formula -@j$j S Z f i jiuz li ccio yrio fiing back bti back associated point [old] & bti shll; %&5t: b2i shii xui Back Fresh (GV-2) $&* bti xiiin Back of the Ball [iton-chaiznell EkG qiil h6u back of the knee [popliteal fossn] Ill4 g ~ ~ b back of the throat qs& h6u di bac'k pain %j& bti t6ng Back Ravine ( S I - 3 B r f / O ) &?g hbu xi Back's Resolution (GV-2) @ @* b2i jig' _ Back n a n s p o r t (DL-11) +? @* 'b2i shu; (BL-15) "&&* bti shci back transport point [new] $j bbti shll; =/$ -&fl bti shG X L L ~
axilla /I& yt; /I&$$ yk w6 axillary j&
yt; /I&% yt w6
axillary and rib-side pain /I&A&$Ei t&zg axillary fold &j@
yt xii
q6 ybt
axillary pain J@T;j& yt xiri tGng axillary pain and swelling xi& zhijng tGizg
axillary perspiration E t T ybt hrirz axillary swelling E7;/j$ yi. xih zlzijng axis [old] $E shll
backward [severe backward turned pupil spirit f i %b tbng shtn fiin b2i squint] backward turning spirit ball [squint] @ jq E shtn zh6 jiiing fiin Back Yang Joint [non-channel] 6 # hhu ydng guan bad breath S kciu chbu bad nose breath &S bi ch6u bad smell @ ch6u wEi; 5 ch6u qi bag-over-the-head sensation [old] X g 3& t6u zhong rh guci bags under the eyes €i 7;+i El ZG mu xia y6u wd can baijianga (Baijiang Herba cum Radice) @ % bai jibng c i o ; @ G* bhi jiang Baijiang Herba cum Radice (baijiango) !i$(%q bai jiring ciio; bai jiang
Bai Jing-Yu's Eye Medication $ BT8R Zj bhi jing yil yiin yao Bai's Eye Medication B R BEG bdi shi yiin yao baishouwu [cynanchum tuber] (Cynanchi Baishouwu Tuber) $ E-$ bai shiiu w6 baiwei [cynanchum root] (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) $ @ bki wei; 3%chun cn'o; Ftf*rndng ciio; $ I%* blii wti; @ g* wei ciio; &JjH $ @' ldng diin bcii wei; @$$* gii m&i; $ % @ * bdi m i wei; f& Q i% xiang brii wei I Baiwei Decoction Q @@J bai w21 tiing Baiwei Pill $ @ A blii w2i wrin bake hdng baking !i\j$ rE bong baking fever #f!': hdng r t baking slab tstfi 6bt.i kang balanced [drug n n t ~ ~ r F e ] ping Balanophyllia (coral goose quill stonea) F#X@jk$ gfi sharz hu t guiirz shi Balanophyllia seu Stalactitum (goose throat stone) &&jEfi t guiin shi Bald Sores Oil s ' & j & 16 chuiing y6u bald white scalp sore $ 5 bbi tfi; A B s tdu bdi tL1; Q 2% bcii tfi chi~nng ;iY*
bamboo ball-blossom adinaO (Adinae Piluliferae Ramulus, Folium, seu Flos et Fructus) 7k E shui tuan h u i ball-blossom adina root0 (Adinae Piluliferae Radix) 7k Dl E;f;Bshui tudn hua gen bamboo cup /r!~ff zhb guan Bamboo Gathering (BL-ZWIIO)B??ziin zhu bamboo leap (Lophatheri Folium) r&/r? U t dLin zhLi yE; /r?UtZ 4-* zhu yE rn& dong; ??U t Z g*zhh y2 mhi ddng qing; 4.%+*tii mhi dong; BS+* yL; rnaz ddng; ?&?? jt* drin zhu mi; I-3Ut* zhLi yk Bamboo Leaf and Gypsum Decoction /r? U t 6B $$J zhzi yt shi gao ting Bamboo Leaf Channel-Draining Decoction 4-l~Dt.i-Tg3$2zhil ybt. xlbt. ling tiing Bamboo Leaf Decoction $2jf3 P t @J dhn zh6 y i tang; +?Pt @J zhLi yt tang Bamboo Leaf Gruel I.TDt$& zhLi yt zh6~i Bamboo Leaf, Tamarisk, and Arctium Decoction /rTUt#%% &I zhk yt chPng bang tnng; 'fr U t @p $6 zhu y i 116 bang tang Bamboo Sap Phlegm-Outthrusting Pill?. I f i B @ Azhu li da tdn wan bamboo sap pinellia [tuber] a (Pinelliae Tuber cum Succo Bambusae Preparaturn) ?.lr f i jZ! zhLi li ban X I L ~ bamboo shavings' (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) zhu ld; n&*zhil pi; S I.q%* qing zhil ril; f$iJrTFfiZE* dan zhil p i ril; /rtS rg*zhh kr qing; ?&?!J%;' dhn zhLi rk Bamboo Shavings Decoction /r/~$b$%zhh rk tang Ramhnn S l h ~ k g sGr!!b!&dnr-!%irmkg Decoction 'r?3EjE/JEJ@J zhil ril w2n diin tiirzg bamboo sieve /r?B$ zhLi shai Bamboo Stick [non-channel]?. I @. zhu zhcing; (GV-4) +'J&'zhil zhatzg bamboo sugar' (Bambusae Concretio Silicea) *'rT$$ tuin zhLi hubng; X Z $5' tiiin zhil h~rung; $!J$B" zhil thrzg; /r'~s' zh Li hudng Bamboo Sugar Powder *ES$$.? trnn zhil huring s i n bamboo tray ?TI@ zhil blitz
Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam (bamboo shavings) $'r%zhu r-il; Tqg* zhil p i ; $$G8qing zhil ril; drin zhil p i ril; ?J! S* zhii kr qing; j% $$%* dan zhh ril Bambusae Concretio Silicea (bamboo sugar) *?T% tiiin ah& huring; R Z B * tiiin zhu hucing; n$E.* zhil tring; $qs* zhil huring Bambusae Concretio Silicea Synthetica (synthetic bamboo s u p r a ) -&&%j$ h i chtng zhh h ~ ~ r i n g Bambusae Folium (black bamboo leafo) n nt z h ~ yki Bambusae Folium Immaturum (young bamboo leaf) ?'J%& zhh jutin xin Bambusae Succus Exsiccatus (dried bamboo sap) Yj-.$fi zhil li; T+.jLt"zhh zhi; ?& '* dhn zhil li; +'J$$* zhir y6u banana roota (Musae Paradisiacae Rhizoma) ij-%+B g i n jitio gerz banana stumpa (Musae Basjoo Caudex) 3% @ bLl jiiio g2n bandage $f@ gu6 iihn bandit evil J!%ilifp zti &it bandit wind )gm zti f2ng bank up earth and engender metal && p t i til sherzg jitz bank up earth p t i til bank up earth and repress wood i G k ) l P $ p t i t6 yi mu bank up earth to dam water kgj-$lJ7)c p t i tfi zhi shui banyan aerial root. (Fici Microcarpae Radix, Aeria) #9Jj r6ng xL1 banyan l e a p (Fici Microcarpae Folir~m) @@fat i-6ng shil yk b a r # guc7n barberry [root o r stem] a (Berberidis Radix seu Caulis) /I\ % xi60 66 bare jl; guiing bare lustrous tongue jl;% & g~rtingying shC bark @f& shu p i barley leavena (Hordei Massa Fermentata) SZijlJmhi yil qL1
Beam barley sprouta (Hordei Fructus Germinatus) 2%m 5 y& A s @ * dri mili nik; g-s*mrii nik; A %s* dri ?hi mcio; A ?+? %* dri mrii yri; A s % * da mrii nit. bar pulse #R guan mrii base [of a sore] @ & gCn prin base joint [of a phalanx] $ i+ bbEni jie basila (Basilici Herba) F @J l~16lk; h E jiii ctng t i ; f BiS* qiiin ctng t i ; S &* lkn xiling Basil Drink Z@j$T lrin xiiing ytz zi; S BtAT lrin xiiing yin zi Basilici Fructus (basil seed) @IT616 1.2 zi; --;L;; F*guiing ming zi Basilici Herba (basil) $@Jllub 12; fLE ig* jiil ctng t i ; gig* qiiin ctng t i ; S B"lhn xiiing basil seed" (Basilici Fructus) @IT616 lk zi; jl; 7' ~ L L I Iming I Z ~ zi basis of resistance to extreme fatigue E +&2& p i j i zhi 6bEn root of storage $$% 2 $ f2ng cilng zhi 62n basket-steam [to steam in steamingbaskets] E % 16ng zheng bath preparation &SI] yil ji bat's droppingsa (Vespertilionis Excrementum) Em59 yk-ming shii; X KR* tiiin sh fi shi; 69g* hei shti xing Bauhiniae Caulis (bauhinia stem) h jE jiil 16ng ttng; 2 E fi" g ~ ging ~ 6 ldng Bauhiniae Folium (bauhinia leaf) h jk @$a-k jiil 16nq t&tzg y2 Bauhiniae Radix (bauhinia root) h&+W jifi l6ng gen bauhinia l e a p (Bauhiniae Folium) h j E @ P t jiil 16ng ting yk bauhinia mota (Bauhiniae ~ a d i x )h jk +R jifi lbng g2n bauhinia stema (Bauhiniae Caulis) h jE E jiil 16ng ttng; E fi" guo ging 16ng bayberry barka (Myricae Cortex) il:$~;E% @ y h g mti pi Beam Gate (BL-63) ?@#:': liling g ~ ~ i n ; (ST-21'i'"0) 2 liring m t n
Beam Beam Hill (ST-34W110)%E liang qiii bean curd dregs tumor zhii liu bean curd tongue fur E& tiii fii; @ gfii tiii bean seed-coat' (Glycines seu Sojae lL doir yi Testa) $@/Z;i?T beard $5 xu bearded scutellariaO (Scutellariae Barbatae Herba) +% ban zhi lihn bearing jf3 5 xing thi; [of medicinals] f t P$ ?%2T ssh2tzg jiring fh chin; [posture and movement] E tai; [that which bears the fetus] P)jB sir6 zhi bearing of the body #is,ti tbi bear's gall" (Ursi Fel) xidng diin; %@T* h2i x i i zi Bear's Gall Pill BE RH jk~xidng diin whn beating and cursing people MA Z, A dii ritz ma rtn beating people and smashing objects $1 A29'k dii I-in hui wu beauty-berry leaf@ (Callicarpae Folium) %5i zi zhii; ZSS* zi zhLI ciio; %•’iPtq r i zhii y2 becoming indistinct on extended palpation [pirlse] A +?j% % jiii chi suii rhn bedroom E fhng bedsore RB xi chrtiing; TRpZ rir chuiing; rril chuiing bedwetting Fj?R tziao churing bee !I$f2ng b e e r (Bovis Caro) m niLi YOU beef pastee (Bovis Pasta Carnis) E*@ xi6 tiiin g i o bee's wax' (Cera) %!I$',mi la bee (wasp, or hornet) sting @@ f2ng shi; f2ng shi Before the Marsh [non-channel] @fi zi qihn Before the Pool [non-c.hannel] :(LJ%chi qihn Before the Vertex (GV-21Wf10)31%qrhn cling Beginning of Autumn [13th solar term] h $A 12 qiu
-bell Beginning of Light (BL-2) afijlt" shi gu ang Beginning of Spring [Ist solar term] 2% li chiin Beginning of Summer [7th solar term] f~ jZ! li xi6 Beginning of Winter [19th solar term] 2 4 li dcStzg Begoniae Caulis et Folium (begonia stem and leaf) +A&i Z% Pt qiii ba'i tang jing y2 Begoniae Fimbristipulatae Cormus seu Herba (tea begonia) i I R g hdng tiiin kui; %"atj*g"zi bti tiGn kui begonia stem and leap (Begoniae Caulis et Folium) $ A x & g Z U l - qiii biii tling jing yt behind Ej h6u Behind the Countenance [non-channel] 23% rbng Iz6u Behind the Mound [non-channel] @6 ling hhu Behind the Vertex (G,V-19W110)GIjj hoit ding Belamcanda and Ephedra Decoction $4 7 )& $2 sht giin m h hulitzg tiing Belamcandae Rhizoma (belamcanda [rootla) $'JTsh2 gin; -S A * wLI shiin belamcanda [root] a (Belamcandae Rhizoma) B'JTsht giin; %A* wLI shiin belch $JUW dii gi belching 1% yi; D@ ai; $gX qicing qiiin; I,% b= 7yi qi; 1%5 hi qi belching from satiation @UE 660 gi hi belching of putrid qi (gas) l@5@ qi jE ci?bu; u 1 $'i belching of sour fluid U,E@ yi suLZtz belching of sour qi (gas) l12@hi srriitz bellamya@ (Bellamya Quadrata) d!%1!1$hrd si; $@&A*shi ~ 1 6 Bellamyae Quadratae Testa (bellamya shella) Q &z$flEbui lud si k t bellamya shell@ (Bellamyae Quadratae Testa) Q &E$.fl% bhi lud st k t Bellamya Quadrata (bellamya@)4$$fllirOr6 si; 1!fi&E*shi lu6 bell healer IZ ling yi
Bell Bell Powder E+$;;.k. ying zhdong s i n belly jji- du belong to E shfi Below Abundance [non-channel] E!27; yin xia Below Behind the Mound [non-channel] @&7; ling hGu xia Below Central Pole [non-channel] 7; $I @ xi& zhBng ji Below Shielding Brightness [nonchannel] %5 EJEJ 387; yi ming xia Below Shoulder Bone [non-channel] $j# 7; jian yri xia Below the Bend [non-channel] Z7; wti xia Below the Eighth Vertebra [non-channel] /\ #7; 66 zhui xiri Below the Fish [non-channel] &7;* yLi xib Below the Great Bone [non-channel] E f37; ju gii xia Below the Gi-oin [non-channel] E ?&I T* gfi gdou xia below the heart & 387; xin xia Below the Joint (ST-7W"O) 7; # xia guan Below the Marsh [non-channel] V97; zt xia Below the Mound [non-channel] P87; ling xia Below the Olecranon [non-channel] E7; ying xia Below the Pool [non-channel] $ ~ 7chi ; xih Below the Second Vertebra [non-channel] I# 7; kr zhui xia Below the Stomach Duct [non-channel] @7;& wki guiin xia shfi below the tongue 7; shk xi6 below the umbilicus qi xia Below the Vertebra [non-channel] 7;jE@ xia zhui Below Winnower's [non-channel] ET;j i xi& bencao $9,bgn c i o bend &IIqfi; @ qfi bend backward Ilp yiing '
Bend Center (BL-40WflO) 5 w& zhdong bend center lpopliteal fossa] 9 $ wti zhbng bend-center toxin [sore] %$I8 wti zhdong dri bend-center welling abscess (y6ng) [welling abscess of the back of the knee] Z 6 wwti zhbng yChg bend forward @f ffi bend forward and backward m{lP ffi yiing bending and straightening E& qfi zhi bending buglea (Ajugae Decumbentis Herba) $ % B;f';l;@ Obi mrio xia kii ctio; 3.3S* jin gii crio Bending Joint (HT-3) E& T' qfi jik Bend Yang (BL-39W/l*(BL-53))mffPE1 wgi y~ng benefit $11 li Bengal dayflower@ (Commelinae Benghalensis Herba) ' f ~ D t % zhri yk chi; &;ti PA* tkng shi song benign shan benign complexion $$&shhn st? Benincasae Exocarpium (wax gourd rind) 4-J!SEddong gua p i Benincasae Semen (wax gourd seed) 4 Jfi 3 dbng gua zi; A'T* gua zi; IR @* gua xi; -?i' JIl {I*ddong gu5 rZn; JK gui ban; Q IIl T* brii glib zi bent needle %;Sltwan zh2n benzoin' (Benzoinum) 3 327 fin xi xiang; 95,B IE* an xi xiiing zlzi Benzoin Pill 3 B A an xi xiiing wrin Benzoinum (benzoin) 9,@, @ arz xixibng; 9 @ &$* ri.n xi xibng zhi Benzoinum Siamense (Siam benzoina) ,@ 9 @ yut? nkn iin xi xiang Benzoinum Sumatrense (Sumatra B sfi mkn dh benzoino) 3 (7 la an xi xiang Berberidis Radix seu Caulis (barberry [root or stem]@) xi60 bG Berchemiae Lineatae Radix (lesser berchemia [root]@) ti; brZo jin Beside the Coccyx [non-channel] E @ 95 wgi gfi phng
Beside the Pivot [non-channel] $@it!shii biiin Beside the Seventh Cervical Vertebra [non-channel] -t= TQ @ 9 q i jing zhui pring Beside the Sixth Cervical Vertebra [noni5D @ % liu jing zhui pang chawzel] ~ e s i d ethe Tiger [non-channel] RZI hir bian Beside Yin [non-channel] yin bian betel leap, (Piperis Betle Folium) 3 6jg P t jii jiang y t ; @ a t * 16 y t ; Ztij P t * jir y t ; zj$ P t * 16u y t betel pepper0 .(Piperis Betle Fructus) $6 jir jihng; if;E#$ 36j* bin Iring jii; PF* 1~Zi; rn ,2+-*xiiing liio; %%* qing l6u; &5 SZ* a jii. qing;.&'iT* jii zi; P t * qing lbo '
Y2 Between Hearing and Deafness [nonchannel] lfi @ [FfI ting 16tzg j i l n Between Ilium and Patella [non-channel] #%#$ qih bin zhdng Between Supports [non-channel] $3 l's7 chtng j i l n beverage 72 yin bi [old] @ bbi bian toxin [sore] { F S bihn dh biaoju 'BE biao ju bibliographic work H shii mil Bidentis Bipinnatae Herba (Spanish needles) %$-f-F gui zhen ciio; % 9 9"nihrz shZn ciio Bidentis Minoris Herba (small whitexicin flowered beggar's-tickso) & ftf f2ng ciio Bidentis 'Ikipartitae Herba -(bur beggarticks@) $@ f E S lring bii ciio bile [-processed] arisaema [root]
(Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Felle Bovis)
RBE dbrz xiizg; /JB@E* diin nhn xing Biliary Calculus Decoction RB % HF Ei ?% d i n dao phi shi tang Biliary Roundworm-Expelling Decoction J j B z g B~ I M ifiin dlio qu hrii tdng bimonthly menstruation # * bbirzg yut bind $& j i t Bind-Dissipating Pain-Relieving Decoction &$;~Z@@J slin jit cling ttrzg tdng
biota binding cold and heat glomus %$!tR$B % hkn r t hi2 j i t p i binding depression of liver qi flT56FgB gan qi yu j i i binding depression of phlegm and qi @ %giJtB trin qi yu jit binding depression of qi T%%lJ$gqi zhi y i ~jit binding depression of spleen qi R$5+jj34& p i qi yfi jit binding in yang $ZpH jit yhng binding in yin L' ,$$Jj jit yin binding is treated by dissipation ;t jig zh2 shn zhi
binding method $&$L?& jik za fii binding. of water and heat 7j<2<:Ztgshui r i hir j i t Biotae Folii Succus (biota leaf juice@)]I!{ ,$Q PI-:& c t biii yt zhi Biotae Folium (biota leafa) {]$!lQ~t cL. biii y t ; j$jj$0P t * biiin biii y t ; $0P t * biii y t ; {Nlj $Q* c2 biii; jl!{ $Q* ct 66; 1911$0 P t * c t 66 y t ; & $ Q P t * c6ng brii y t ; $8P t * 66 y t Biotae Folium Carbonisatum (charred biota leaf@)]I!{ +$E ct biii tan Biotae Folium Recens (fresh biota leaf@) @ {J! $Q P t xidn ct ba'i yt Biotae Semen (biota seedo) $ Q F ? I biii zi r t n ; bbi zi; j(;$ F*66 zi; $Q!I* biii r t n ; @{I* 66 r i n ; {glj$Q%* c t 66 zi; $ Q . g * biii shi; $ Q g * 66 shi; $8341': 66 zi r t n Riotae Seminis Pulvis (biota seed frosta) j(;$F 41 biii zi r t n shuang; $$F E* biii zi sh~lang biota leaf@ (Biotae Folium) Mi 4 Q P t ct biii y t ; j$jj $0P t * biiin hrii y t ; $$P t i ' bcii y t ; t!rJ$Q* d biii; I!IJ#Q* c t b6; I!i!rJ$$Pt': c t b6 y t ; & $Q P-I-* cbng bcii y t ; $$Pi-* b6 y2 Biota Leaf and 'Pbona Bark Pill I!lI]$B@ fff fi c t biii shii pi wcin Biota Leaf Decoction $$P ~ $ J $ 5 y t tang biota leaf juicea (Biotae Folii Succus) I N $0PtrjLt ct Obi yt zhi
biota seedo (Biotae Semen) $$TI:biz zi r t n ; #$T* biii zi; ;f;$+* b6 zi; +${I* biii r t n ; ;f;Q{I*66 r t n ; I!!J $QT* c i biir zi; ;f;$ Zi biii shi; #$g*66 shi; ;f;QF{I*66 zi r t n
Biota Seed Decoction
+$T.rZ& biii zi r t n
bitter taste a n d sticky slimy sensation in the mouth U %$&Hkdu kii tzirirz ni bitter taste in the mouth Z kil k i i ~ i ;U
3 kiiu
bitter vomiting DEE
~ L kil L
BLWl1O/$$)I% pcing gluing; EH23 pcirzg
biota seed frosta (Biotae Serninis Pulvis)
;f;Q 3: I Z
biii zi r t n shunng; +$+
giirlng jing; 2 k BH j%H$3 zil ttii ycitzg pcing guiitzg jing
zi shuiing BL-1 (Bright Essence) $EQEj4:jing ming; Biota Seed Gruel ;f.Q+I:biii S$$ zi rtrz zhbu (Bright Eyes) @$ Ba jing tnitzg; (Inner Biota Seed Heart-Nourishing Pill ;f;$q% Canthus) €i [f;l ldt*, mil n2i zi; (Outside jL\ JtL biii zi yiing xin wcin the Inner Canthus) [f;l RI&S~' tz2i zi wtii; Biota Seed Pill ;f;Q?(~jtL b i i zi rttz writz (Tear Cavity) tB Bh" 1Iti qiiitzg; (Tear birth hL4hf21z miiin; h\i@ f i n dtirz; %9 Hole) @ TL* lei kiirzg miiin shdn;
hL9 fdn shdn
birth gate [orificium vaginae]
717 chiin
mt n
Birth-Giving Powder 33% dci shdng siitz Birth-Hastening Beverage IE % t2 cui shCng ytz
bite I@ ni2 bitter 3kii bitter apricot kernela (Armeniacae Semen Amarum) g8{1kii xing rttt bitter bamboo leafv (Pleioblasti Foliurn)
.3 ?r!
Z % xi6ng x i t
kii miin
bitterno (Butio) SRE7k yrin diin shui;
shui; @j7k* d i shui; & 67Jc* yrin lii shui; @ & * d l 16; &@"tin lii; % & 7k4 yrin Eii s h ~ i i ; E* diin bSi; BR E 7Jc" diin bE shui bitterness v a v o r assocrated with the heart] g kii
7k* lii
bitterness and sliminess in the mouth
BL-3Iv1lo (Eyebrow Ascension)
Dt;. kii zhfi y.2
bitter fullness 3% kc mitz bitter fullness in the chest and rib-side RjJ
(At the Eyebrow) E mti zhbng; (Bamboo Gathering) #'r.f ziin (Beginning of Light) $2j1t;':shi zhh; ming gullng; g~iang; (Bright Light) % ;l;* (Eyebrow) @A:': nzti t d ~ i ;(Man Present) W G " y~lcinzlii; (Night Light) EYt" y i p i i n g ; (Origin Pillar) Etg* yurirz zhii; (Pillar Border) W+$"yuhn zhu; (Root m t i 6212; . (Tear of the Eyebrow) E Hole) 2';l i i k6ng
kii nicin ni
bitterness enters the heart +JA,L\ kil ril xin
bitterness of mouth n 3 kiiu kil bitter orange' (Aurantii Fructus) +,a,* zhi kk
Bitter Orange and Tangerine Peel Decoction if;S@j& zhi jil tiitzg Bitter Orange Powder @E;& zhi k t siirz
E i$ mti
BL-4WllO (Deviating Turn) rkh 2 qii ch6; (Nose Flush) BI$;': bi clzbng BL-SWl10 (Fifth Place) @ h i chil; (Grcat Place) E @* jil chi1 BL-6WlIO (Light Guard)
clztng gunng
BL-7IY1lO (Celestial Connection) 3 Z tbng t i i n ; (Celestial Lord) % {fi* tiEn b6; (Celestial Mortar) K W * tian jiii; (Celestial White) 3 Q': tiEn Dcii; (Old as the Heavens) Z IB'" rintz jiil BL-8 (Brain Cover) R&%': tziio glii; (Connecting Cleft) 28211" l ~ i bxi; (Cricket Container) @@': shulii ,drzg; (Declining Connection) %&AT] l ~ i bp i ; (Strong Yang) $5PE14: qihzg ybng BL-9'1'110 (Jade Pillow) ;3&y i i zhbz
BL-11 (Back Transport) %&* bti shii; (Great Shuttle) da zhu BL-12 (House of Heat) f&R*rt fii; (Wind Gate) 1'7f2ng m t n ; (Wind House) RR*f2ng fii BL-13W"O (Lung Transport) I$& fti shu BL-14 (Gate Tower Transport) &* qut shii; (Reverting Transport) J$k &" jut a& shii; (Reverting Yin Transport) J$i P jut yin shii BL-15 (Back Transport) %&* bti shii; (Heart Transport) L\& xin shd; (Heart's Transport) &2&* xin zhi shii; (Within the Fifth Burner) {5E2 SEl* wii jiiio zhi jiiin BL-16WlIO (Governing Transport) @& dii shii; (High Boost) &&$*giio yi; (High Cover) &%* gao gai BL-17Wu0 (Diaphragm Transport) a17& gt shii; (Within the Seventh Burner) -k g, 2 l's7 * qi jiiio zhi jiiin BL-18WllO (Liver Transport) iff&giin shii BL-19WUO (Gallbladder Transport) diin shii BL-20WllO (Spleen Transport) & pi shii; (Within the Eleventh Burner) +-%2 H' shi yi jiao zhi jian BL-2lw//O (Stomach Transport) E & wki shii BL-22wllO (Triple Burner Transport) %,& san jiiio shii BL-23 (High Cover) SZ* giio glii; (Kidney Transport) '%-& sh2n shii BL-24W"O (Sea-of-Qi Transport) 5% & qi hiii shg BL-2SW1/0(Large Intestine Transport) k Jj$g & du chang shii BL-26W"O (Pass Head Transport) 2 Ti& guin yuan shii BL-27W"O (Small Intestine Transport) /J\ EI& xi60 chhng shii BL-2SW"0 (Bladder Transport) EH& pang guiing shii BL-29 (Central Backbone) @* zhdng l i ; (Central Backbone Inner Transport)
+ E m &* zhdng l& nti shii; (Central Backbone Transport) @ & zhdng l i shii; (Return Transport) &&* xu& shii; (Spine Inner Transport) %lit]&* ji nki shii BL-30 (Jade House Transport) 3 @ & * yu fang shii; (Jade Ring Transport) 39; &*yu hurin shii; (White Ring Transport) $9;& bhi huan shii BL-3lWFlQ (Upper Bone-Hole) 1jI2? shling liho BL-31-34 (Eight Bone-Holes) A f}8* bii lib0 BL-32W"O (Second Bone-Hole) ?AfJZ3ci lib0 BL-33Wu0 (Central Bone-Hole) zhdng liao; (Central Hole) G*zhbng kang BL-34W"O (Lower Bone-Hole) 7;fjg xia lib0 li ji; BL-35 (Crux Disinhibitor) $11 (Leg Bone-Hole) Bf$* zh liao; (Meeting of Yang) P I hui yring BL-36 (Flesh Cleft) t21El5 * rhu xi; (Skin Cleft) & fI8* pi xi; (Skin Region) & gP* pi b i ~ ;(Skin Region Support) S!$AFfi%[3* chttzg fh pi bu; (Support) tk che'ngfd; (Y in Joint) P a X* yin guiirz BL-37W"O(BL-51) (Gate of Abundance) Eg 1'7yin m t n BL-38W"O (Superficial Cleft) ?+Zl5 fh xi BL-39WuO(BL-53) (Bend Yang) ZPI wti yarzg "'-' :%'Kt LILUILi;, -f i ~ - q ~ v r r t w(Bend cenicrj (Blood Cleft) &Z[5 * xu& xi; (Central Cleft) +E(5 * zh%g xi; (Cleft Center) ZP xi zhdng BL-41W"O (Attached Branch) fil f2n BL-42W"O(BL-37) (Corporeal Soul Door) b$P pi, hu BL-43 (Gao Huang) BE* giio huilng; (Gao Huang Transport) B E & giio huiing shii BL-44W110(Spirit Hall) ;f.$@ shin tang BL-45W"O (Yi Xi) i,iii;I'4 yi xi
BL-46WllO(BL-41) (Diaphragm Pass) jE # gt p i i n BL-47tvl/O(BL-42) (Hun Gate) 2% f7 hiln m trz BL-48W"O(BL-43) (Yang Headrope) PR
BL-63 (Beam Gate) 2%' liilng gulirz; (Gate Beam) # %* g ~ ~ liring; n t ~ (Metal Gate) % TJ jin n h z + jing l gir; BL-64W"O (Capital Bone) (Large Bone) da gir BL-65W"o (Bundle Bone) g.3 shii gir BL-66 (Foot Valley Passage) BB@*zri t6ng gir; (Valley Passage) B G ( 8) totzg gii (zil) (Digit Well) +Ej #' zhi jbzg; BL-67 (Reaching Yin) ZPJJzhi yin black -$ W E ; [colorassociated w ~ t hkidneywater] % h2i 2 hei ril thi black as cinders black bamboo leafa (Bambusae Folium) $? P t zh il y2 black-boned chicken0 (Gallus Osse Nigro) -$ B x$ wLL gil ji Black Chicken and White Phoenix Pill -$ @, Q lJil j~.wU j i bhz @ng wan W E ji wbn Black Chicken Pill -S X$ black cutcha (Catechu Atrum) )LX ;-;R t r cha giio; Ell%*hei t r cha blackening of the teeth ?F%@,% yri chi jiiio h2i blackening of the toes E % zil zhi fii hCi blacken the hair and beard L2,5fl%E wi xfi h2i fb black eye la@%% yiin biio yfi thng black facial complexion j Bi& % miiln s2 h2i Black Free Wanderer Powder %%S% hCi xino ybo s i n blackhead %%$jj$~J ht'i tbu f2n ci black jaundice h2i d i n black jujube [fruit] @ (Ziziphi Fructus Ater) %3 her ziio black macules on the skin ERA%& pi ffi ht'i biin black mole EE, hei zhi black morning glory [seed] (Pharbitidis Semen Atrum) % 3 heiich6u; % @ Y 4 hei qiiirz niil; SZg YP:"h2i qiiin niil zi
black black nightshadee (Solani Nigri Herba) &$$ldng' kui; Z E F * riarz qit zi; 3 %
%* tiian tiian q i i ; %fi&@* hdi gii niang; 9E37 wii ding crio; % EE* hei xing h,ei tiiin tiiin; xing; %%* hei q i t ; g
-$ g3 g* wii p i clii black nightshade seedo (Solani Nigri Semen) &gT 16ng kui zi Black Paste Formula %B3 hei giio fiing black peppere (Piperis Fructus ImmatuJ hri jiao rus) % & i ~hei black sand (shrZ) C,@ wii sha black sesame [seed] (Sesami Semen Atrum) hdi zhi mh; /J\ xirio
hri mri; EB"jii sh2ng; E%T"jir sh2ng zi; fhm* y d ~ imri; gqa"g6u shl; @Jm" hh mri; EBT"jjil sh2ng zi; 9%" wii wLI mu ink; 2 rfA@': w u hu mri; -$&3:': {I:': hh mri zl; %ZM': hei zhi mri; &fl@ rZn
black-skinned astragalus [root] (Astragali Radix Atra) %& X hei p i qi black sliced aconite [accessory tuber] a (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Denigratum)
Ill$kb hei shun pirin; % Mf T" hhei fu M$ R': hei fii pilin
black soybeano (Glycines Semen Atrum)
%jighei da dbu; S Z * hei dbu black soybean seed-coata (Glycines Testa A E & hi3 dri d b ~ pi i ; E" Atra) lilio d i ) yi ~~
Black Spirit Powder %+if$& h2i shin siin black stool @%.e;! dli birin hei d black-striped snakea (Zaocys) -$ g $ wii rl,,A. f h+9 ";.-,. - L L. =-C ,I+?* -:..- . I l j PC cjrrr6 ~ r r c , A /\ 1-q clrrL5 uu ..-,lr.,
bland Black Tiger Elixir % E f f hdi hfi dian black tongue fur 25% tiii hdi; %25 hzi tai black vaginal discharge @ T 8 dai xi& hdi; %@ hdi dai
black wind -$ j% wii fdng; %)XI, hei feng bladder pring p a n g ; @ pang; H guiing; j? pao;
fi biio (CV-3)
Bladder Alarm
/j%Hg* pring
gubng mu
bladder channel @Hi22pang guiang jing bladder cough EMn3 pang g~iiingk t bladder damp-heat @H f324: pang g~inng shi r2
bladder damp-heat bloody urine @ jjk B
24: R h pang g~iangshi r2
niao xu2
bladder disease &$I&% pring g~liingbing bladder distention @ H j-fi pcing guiing zhang
Bladder Gate (CV-4) RE S7':biio m i n bladder governs fluid storage @H&B pring g~iiingzhii cbng jin y t bladder holds the office of the river island (Regional Rectifier), it stores fluids j@
M S y +Il%[r;t'~Z~@@BE
Z ~ ~ dii L Lzhi
phngguiing g ~ ~ i ijin n , y2 tang yiin
Bladder Huang
(BL-53W110) f i g biio
bladder impediment (bi)
pring g~uingbi;
bladder qi block % a5
piio bi; bi
phng g~inrzgqi
bladder qi transformation jjj$jl%5,4Ic. pring g~iiirzgqi hila
R? $2 ggri jidng; 9Me': wii ,f&g s h i ; C,1$ !I$': wii piio tang fetzg sht; C,fbg2* wii .hie sht; g)xlE4: Bladder-Securing Pill Jl$A g i ~piio wrin h~~rin feng g sh2; S E $ $ "hhei h ~ l ashC; g Bladder Transport (BL-28W110)% K -3 3#* hei w u shno; $11 @ $2"jilin ji sh t pring gudng shu black-striped snake's flesha (Zaocydis
Caro) 3ffj!I@ wLI shao shC 1-611 black striped snakes's gallbladders (Zaocydis Vesica Fellea) _S g$Ds wii shi ~ l 6 n Black Tangkuei Spleen-Returning Pill % Y3 Jl$ A hei gui p i wbn black tea' (Theae Folium Fermentatum)
h6ng chri
Bladder-Securing Decoction
bladder vacuity cold & $ f i E19 phng g~fang xii 12ng; @HE % phng g~langxii hrin
blanch '& tang; fly: sh6n bland $2 di2n bland [medicinals] that percolate and % [rR dlin wki drain are yang $ % D ! @ # rh?n x i i wti yring
blandness $j& clan bland percolating water-disinhibiting medicinal $j& ?$$1 7k5 dhn shtn li shui yao bland percolating water-disinhibiting ddri shtn li shui fii method ?&@ $1 7k bland taste in the mouth t l ?& k6u dhn; a ?& Z I!! kiiu dhn wu w t i blast-fried aconite [accessory tuber] @ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Tostum) j@ Nrf. % pho fii zi; LjFl Nrf. h$-* ming fu pihn blast-fried ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma pho jiiing; %$$* hZi jiang; Tostum) $ @ S E pao W jiang t i n ; 7 giin jirZng rhn; S E * jinng thn blast-fry $@ prio blaze frin Blazing Bone (1'3-2) $3~3' rcin gO blazing bone [naviculnr bone] %@ rhn gfi blazing of both qi and blood 5dniJTiEi qi xut liiing fbn Blazing Valley (KI-2W9 % 8 ran gfi lj$j$
bleed [therapy] & fang xu2 bleeding & & chii xu&; dn xu6 bleeding after intercourse 9@ dn 8 jiiio giin xu2 chii bleeding due to external injury Sf.l55 dn w8i shang chii xiid bleeding from hemorrhoids dn zhi ch~riingchii xu2 bleeding from the nine orifices h R kk Ih jifi qiho chii xu2 bleeding from the root of the tongue S?i $ sht b t n chii xu2 bleeding from the upper surface of the tongue b k 8& sht shling chii xu? bleeding from wounds $1 {TIk!i dn chuiing shSing chii xu2 bleeding gaping gums 3 yri xu611 chii xu2 bleeding gums 5f fiR $ dn yri yin chh xuh; GB3 chi n u ; 3b i3 ya nu bleeding hemorrhoids %dn zhi xu2 bleeding knife wound xf13& Ttn. dao shnng chii XU&
%a *
bleeding navel 8ff rt;i 8h qi n2i chii xu2 bleeding tongue shi xu2 chuang shnng bleeding wound fill 4% chii xu2 blemish @ ' L ci Bletilla and Loquat Pill $73.tkL@$L bcii j i p i ph wan Bletillae Tuber (bletilla [tuberla) $ 73. brii ji; H$R* giin g2n; 9 brii gZn; hK 5$%* bing qih zi; 'Qt+* brii ji; Q brii ji Bletilla Mixture $ & BlJ brii j i hi? ji Bletilla Powder $ Z%brii j i s i n bletilla [tuber] @ (Bletillae Tuber) $ brii ji; I$&* giin gen; brii gEn; %?k @%* bing qih zi; $ $+* bbi jii $ Z* brii ji blind R$ xiii blindness 3 mhng blinking El Eij mu zhh; El Rf mil zhri blistering i@$@ qi plio blister sore plio chucing bloating &Ilkbrio zhling bloating after eating -&GtBflK shi hou biio zh2ng bloating distention JJ!Cfl& zhet~zhcing bloating of the stomach duct and abw i n f i i biio zhling domen fl$J@t@j& block [fi bi blockage; sai blockage of the throat llg @ EPH hbu zhbng gtng zLi block and repulsion %& guiin g i blocked yin 2 g ~ i i i nyin block pattern i3l ji!i bi zh2ng block reversal r%li@J bi j ~ l t blood xu2 blood accumulation xu2. j i blood aggregation @i) &@ xu2 p i blood amassment xu xu2 blood amassment patterns SaijE xi1 xu2 zh2ng dn i!k $6 xxii blood amassment yellowing xu2 fLi: huring
blood and qi vacuity with exuberant phlegm & E Y E $Z@ xue xu qi xii shi sh tng blood arrow [spurting of blood from the anus] xu2 jiarz blood aspect &.h\ X L L f2n ~ blood-aspect heat toxin & & ! B xu6 fin ri dLi blood-aspect pattern &fi j7\E xui f2n zhing blood-aspect stasis heat & %\*@?!: XLL? @n yii ri blood block rfl X L L bi ~ blood block infertility &S?fJZ?X L L bi ~ wLi zi Blood-Boosting Intestine-Moistening Pill &$&@I hA yi X L L rrin ~ cizhng wiln Blood-Breaking Carthamus Powder T i fidn M Za pi, xui hdtzg h ~ ~siin ll Blood Chamber (CV-4) &glxu2 shi blood chamber [the won~b,liver; or pene~ trating vessel] & 3 X L L shi blood chest bind &'r,+jR$ xu2 jit xi6ng Blood Cleft (BL-40) & El5 " L L ~ xi; (SP10) &El$* X L L xi ~ blood clot &% xu2 kuai blood cold &% x~idhhn blood cold delayed menstruation & % $$ ??&PJ x ~ i hhLin jing xing hi,^^ qi blood cold scant menstruation &%# t$ '-3/I/' xu2 hiltz yut jing gc16 shiio blood cold &W xu2 12ng blood collapse t& wing x~i2 blood concretion (zhbzg) rh %i xui zherzg blood conglomeration Oih) h@ xxui jiii blood containment failure Y T f g & qi bil shh xu2 blood control failure [new] l$T %& pi bri tdng xu2 Blood-Cooling Four Agents Decoction i,fi, & $?IS& liarzg xu2 si WL'L tting Blood-Cooling Rehmannia Decoction i,$ &!li $6S& liriizg xu2 di huhng tgtzg Blood Cough Formula D 2& 8 kC xu2 fnng blood depletion &5xu2 k ~ i i
blood blood depletion menstrual block & % $3 xu2 kui jing bi blood depression &$$ xu2 yri Blood Depression Decoction &jkP$& xu2 yh tiing blood desertion Rm tuci xu2; && xu& tuo blood desertion with qi desertion &%5 /l% xui trio qi tu6 blood desiccation &+& xut k c blood desiccation menstrual block lfn @j ?3m xu? ku jing bi blood disease &@ xu2 bing blood disease patterns & @ i I l G xu2 bing zh2ng hi,^ blood dissipating with qi xu2 sui qi shn blood distention &RE xu2 zhlirzg blood dizziness &@ X L L yiin; ~ &2 xu6 yi1n Blood-Downbearing Eye-Brightening Beverage 2 & IjFI €! tA zhui xu2 ming mil yin blood drum xui gil blood drum distention &a& xu2 gil blood dryness &@ xu; zao blood dryness engendering wind f l XU?zao sheng feng blood dryness taxation damage gntz X L L 1ho ~ shnng blood dysentery &jjij xu2 fi blood ejection Df& ti1 xu2 blood ejection and spontaneous external i bleeding D k D 3 ti' nil; kJ-&@l& ti1 x ~ i nil xu 2 Blood-Enriching Intestine-Moistening & 831%S% zi xu2 rim chang Decoction tnng blood failing to nourish the sinews SBjj xu? bh yiing jin blood failing to stay in the channels & f;Bgt3X L L bii ~ xLin jing; f;3t3 xu2 bii gut jing blood fails to be stored &%FfiBX L L shi ~ sud cang blood falling with qi &BTPG xu2 s ~ i qi i xian blood flying to the eye B X & nzu fei X L L ~
goiter &@ xut ying gu xu2 gii heat &!?: xu? r i heat advanced menstruation &??\ 22 q'i X # xu t r t jing xing x i i n q i blood heat and intestinal dryness rfn?&b @ xu& r t chhng zao blood heat blood amassment & ?:! B& blood blood blood blood
xu2 r& XU
blood heat damaging yin &t(:ffjfjPa xu2 r i shiing yin
Blood-Nourishing Tangkuei and Rehmannia Powder %rfn3 !J3tfi $$% yiing X L L ~ d i n g gut
blood heat habitual miscarriage & & ! ?B hua tCZi
blood heat profuse menstruation
X L I ~bing
zhtng h6u
Blood Pressure Point [non-channel] &E ,$, XU; y i d i i n blood quickening ?& hub X L L ~ Blood-Quickening Decoction ?&& $6 huo tn~~g
Blood-Quickening Dryness-Moistening Liquid-Engendering Powder $&& @ A$$% I $$ hub i% xu& rim
zrio shdng jin s i n
Blood-Quickening Intestine-Moistening Liquid-Engendering Decoction ?&rln@I/E~
? S$ xu2i r$ t yut jing g ~ duO ~ 6 blood heat stirring the blood
di huhng s i n
blood pattern &$ xut zhtng blood disease pattern &'@fE#
blood heat flooding and spotting &t(:%
86 X L I ~r t
hub xut r i ~ nchhng shpng jin ttazg
xu& r t d6ng X L L ~
blood-quickening medicinal .% &G h ~ l b xu2 yho
blood hemorrhoid &% xu6 zhi blood impediment (bi) &% xu; bi blood in the semen $W@% & jing yt. jiLE xu6 [old] &IF X L L ~bian; bian X L L ~ blood in the urine [old] &R x u i nirio; ?%& sou X L L ~ ;E j;6n niao xu;; @j& niao xut
blood in the stool
Blood-Quickening Powder j&&;;;k:
h ~ xu2 ~ b
blood-quickening, stasis-dispelling, and blood-stanching medicinal $6& $2$3 k
~ L I O xu2
qL1 yfi zhi X L I ~yao
blood-quickening, stasis-dispelling, and yin-supplementing medicinal ?&& ?2$3
hub xut qll yll bii yin yho
blood-quickening stasis-dispelling medicblood is the mother of qi &%5@ X L L ~ inal $&&?Z%% hub X L L q~ G yfi yho w t i qi mii Blood-Quickening Stasis-Dissipating Debloodletting 52 dn. fang xu&; & chfi xu2 coction $&&&%$& h ~ X~L Lbshn ~ yL1 tnng blood loss Y j & chfi X L ~ X& ; shi xu& blood-quickening stasis-transforming forblood loss dizziness X&tjzg shixut x ~ ~ r l n mula $3311 hub xu2 h ~ yll ~ dji y fin Blood-Quieting Decoction ?&$& ningxui blood management failure [old] Jl$ F $? tiing
& p i bU tdng xu6 blood mole &E, x ~ r zhi t blood mounting (shan) &$Ij xu2 shlin blood network vessel &%& X L L ~1 ~ ~ 6 blood-nourishing heart-quieting medicinal %&%&\% y i n g xui i n xin yao blood-nourishing medicinal ying XLI&
Blood-Nourishing Tangkuei and Rehmannia Decoction % & 3 !J3t&B $51y i n g xu& diitzg gui di huling t i n g
blood reversal x ~ l jt~ r t blood spillage $G& yi X L L ~ blood spillage in the white of the eye $
lig$G& bhi jing yi xu> blood stagnation abdominal pain
xu2 zhi fu t6n.g
blood stagnation menstrual block b2
[fl X L L ~zhi jing
Blood-Stanching Decoction k & % zhixui tiirzg
blood-stanching blood-stanching formula
km3lJ zhi
blood-stanching medicinal
k&E zhi xu2
blood vacuity and wind-dryness of the skin EBj%mEJ4f$ p i f u XLLP XU f i n g ziio blood vacuity deafness &[$ q.Gi xu2 xu t r 16ng
Blood-Stanching Powder f2n;
X L L ~
It& & zhi xu2 s i n
blood stasis &@ xu2 yL1 blood stasis delayed menstruation &@ blood stasis flooding and spotting J@@% xu2 yii beng lbu
blood stasis infertility &@+qx ~ i 2yL1 Dir yiln blood stasis lumbar pain &&@% xu2 yu yno tong
blood stasis menstrual pain &%%%$X L L ~ yu tbng jing
blood stasis pain &@% xu2 yii tong blood stasis scant menstruation & % A
$32+ X L I ~yu ~ L Ljing ?
guo shiio
xukn y17n X L L xii ~
shdng fcng
blood vacuity fever &EEf& X L I ~xL1 ffi I.; blood vacuity habitual miscarriage &E tjZ)j$
X L L xLI ~
huh tiii
blood vacuity headache
X L L xii ~
t6u tbng
blood vacuity impediment ( b i )
xLI bi
blood vacuity impediment (hi) pain Ifa& @ ' % X L I ~xL1 bi tong blood vacuity infertility &)$ZF@X L L x~L1 blood vacuity lumbar pain &&@% nu2 xLI yCEo tbng
@ xu2 shi
sir6 cung
blood-supplementing formula
- xu2 ji
blood-supplementing medicinal
& Z5
bii xu2 yrio
blood vacuity palpitation
xii xin ji
blood vacuity scant menstruation
+ xu2 xu guo shiio
blood vacuity spontaneous sweating m[Z $ $7 XLL?xL7 zi him blood vacuity stirring wind &@R% xu2 xfi fcng dong
Blood-Supplementing Sinew-Enhancing Pill ri.b&?j?iiiijj$~ bii X L I ~r6ng jin wCin Blood-Supplementing Sinew-Nourishing ~ jin wbn Pill i.b % @j f i bb X L L yring blood swelling xu2 zh6ng blood that has left the channels @, $22
& l i jing zhi xu2 blood thirst &$3 X L L k~ t Blood-Transforming Elixir
blood vacuity night sweating & E BR x u i xu diio hkn
blood strangury (lin) &$f xu2 lin blood-supplementing blood-cooling medicinal i.b & ,i$ &% bii X L L ~lihng X L L ~
blood vacuity wilting ( w t i )
&B'@xu2 xii
blood vessel jjnj+% xu2 mai blood wheel [inner and outer- canthi]
xu2 1~12
blood wheel repletion heat
liln shi r2
blood wheel vacuity heat & @ @ % xu2 llin xu r2
& fl- h ~ l i l
X L L ~diin
blood tumor &%Tj x ~ i t liil . blood vacuity &E X L L xu ~ blood vacuity abdominal pain & JE xu2 xrl fu tong
$2?fG $!fj xu2 x~2jing xing hou q i blood vacuity dizziness &Efl$gxu2 xfi
bi1 yun
blood stasis wilting ( w t i ) &@@ xu2 yE blood storage failure
blood vacuity delayed menstruation
blood vacuity' engendering wind
$2776EJl x ~ i 2yL1 jing xing hou q i
Blood Worry [non-channel] & ?% xu2 C ~ O L L bloody discharge [= bloody LstoolJ &?@ xu2 xi2
bloody semen &@xu2 ~ l i z g bloody stool A @ 7 ;& dh bian xih ~ ~ 1k 2;
~ & da b i i n chu
X L L ~
bloody stool [new] iE& b i i n nut; &iE xiit? Diatz; 7t @%& da bian dhi xu2 bloody urine [new] xu2 tziao; ?%& sbu xu;; m& niho xu2; @5& niao xu2 bloody urine in pregnancy $%Em&r2n shEn tziao x ~ i t bloo'm hub bloom of the complexion depends on qi &I%?+ d sui qi huh blow 5 chui qi blown blossom lichen ( x i i n ) UAE@ chui hua xiiin blow the nose &&?% xting bi ti blue E lhn; [complexion] 4,igat2 bluebeard* (Caryopteridis Incanae lhn xinng Herba (cum Radice)) Z ?2$9 ctio; LLI @jR*shiin 66 h t Blue Sky Paste g G B qing k6ng gao blue tongue d E sht Ian blue whites of the eye $ I Z S 5 bhi jing qing lhn blurred vision H #j mu hh; H ?Xll% mh shi huang; H $!Jl.f;Z$#j mu shi m6 hh; ?!Jll,% lI.5 mil shi huatzg h~liitzg; H I K lL% 5E Pfi Q mu shi huang huiing wh su6 jihn; ?X@jFgM shi wil m6 hh; @ % IKIL% shi wu hunng huang board [distal portion of the sole proximal to the great toe] & btin Board Gate [non-channel] +fir7btin m t n boar's large intestine* (Suis Masculinae Intestinum Crassum) 238 A,%I gong zhii da chhng boat and oar medicinal A-tq2511zh6u j i zhi ji; j$jf;R 2Z zhbu ji zhi yho Boats and Carts Pill zh6u che (jG) whn boat sickness yGn chuhn bobbing m E j u t jut bobble wind gg3:$W xiu qih fZng Bock's greenbrier [root] @ (Smilacis Bockii Rhizoma) &011@ jin gang ttng bodily fatigue and lassitude of spirit (8$+ & xing juhn shin p i body {$ ti; [whole body or trunk] 9 sh2n [body] hair % mho
bone body inch 3 cutz; R 9Tf tbng shen cun body needles {$ +Jr t i zhetz body odor {rE;; 5 tti qi body pains 9% shen t6ng body palpation E 3 an zhbz; Lh 8 chi1 zh2n Body Pillar ( G V - 1 2 W f ' O ) sh2n zhii Boehmeriae Radix (ramie [root]) ER$R zhh mh gen; E+R*zhu gZn bogbean' (Menyanthis Folium seu Herba) tlf $jZ shui chi; Dt* shui chi Y> boil % 40; @47k wei shui; % zhfi boil [a furuncle] 6 jit boil and eat %-& zhii sh[ boiled and unboiled water Y247k shetzg sh6u shui boiled powder zhfi srin boiled water 57k kai shui boiling reversal @,% jiiitz jut boil to a paste 8gtC;W; ho gGo Bolbostemmatis Tuber (bolbostemma [tuber]@) -kgB tii bti mfi; It y* tfi bti bolbostemma [tuberj Q (Bolbostemmatis Tuber) 33 @ tfi bti mii; kg 4tii bti bolt bone [ischiam] &,R lihn gfi Bombacis Cortex (cotton tree bark) 4% E mu mihn p i Bombacis Flos (cotton tree flower) $#$ H .rtmil mihn huG Bombycis Excrementum (silkworm droppings) EGt9 yuhn can shti; ll%Gt$4wiin chn sha; %t$* chn shii; ZliY* chn shn Bombycis Praeparatio (silkworm preparation@) 9E4R jiing ydng Bombyx Batryticatus (silkworm) {EG bhi jiang chn; &* tian chbng; Q 4111 G* bhi jiang chn; .I??$%*jititzg chn; YE:=* jiatzg chn; @ &* clin ch6ng bone B gfi; #% hhz Bone-Clearing Powder qlrzg gfi s i n bone consumption jZjB gfi 1ho bone damage #@j gii shing
bone bone erosion Bt&gii shi bone flat abscess (jii) B'BgLi jii bone fracture Bjfi gii z h t ' Bone Growth [non-channel] & @ chtng g fi bone-hole flg liho; 5E liho; 53 jiao bone impediment (bi) B E gii bi Bone Joiner [non-channel] +2# jie gii Bone-Joining Elixir &Bfi jib gfi d i n bone juncture B3.3 q i gii bone marrow vacuity %%$ E gii sui kdng xu Bone-Opening Powder R #% kai gii sn'n bone pain @% gii t h g bone righting [bone setting and relocation] iEfZj zzlzng gfi bone-righting equipment if$? j.LR t h i n g gfi gong jii Bone-Righting Hot Pack EB% 5 zhtng gfi tang yao bone-righting manipulation E % zhkng gfi shdii f& Bone-Righting Purple Gold Elixir E B g & A zhkng gii z i jin ddn Bone Spur Pill @$iJ &, gfi ci wcin bones stuck in the throat # @gfi ge'ng; Dm I@ J3 ug yan hbu gfi ge'ng bone standard @ ggil d u bone-standard measuring @ gii dii fii Bone Strengthener (GV-27) ]k@* zh~iang gfi bone trough wind @@f)Y, gii cao f2ng bone tumor ,W.@ gfi liil bone wilting (we'i) lB@ gfi wiii Book of Life Renewal Elsholtzia Powder $& h u b r6n xiarzg ril yin $6A Book of Life Scallion and Fermented Soybean Decoction $&A Egj$ $31hub rin cdng chi tdng boost yi boost essence and engender blood j yi jing shPrzg xu6 boost fire to disperse yin &$ A Pig P a yi hud xino yin
boost fire to engender earth &$.A** yi huii shcng tii boost qi 85 yi qi boost qi and check sweating &$?kt?yi qi r h i han boost qi and engender liquid yi qi sheng jin boost qi and enrich yin &$%%Payi qi zi yin boost qi and fortify the stomach E yi qi jian wti boost qi and free yang yi qi tong boost qi and harmonize the stomach & 9 j f ; n E yi qi h t wki boost qi and nourish yin &$5%myi qi yn'ng yin boost qi and resolve the exterior & yi qi jie' biiio boost gi and transform water &5,4-t/,& yi qi hua shui boost the source of fire to disperse the a $3 yi hu6 shroud of yin &$A2EU :r!l P zhi yuan yi xiao yin yi boost the spleen &$jqyi p i boost the stomach & E yi w h boost yin Pa yi yin borax" (Borax) I@ 69 ping shii ; A RE/ 69* da ptng sha; Z@' ping shii; MS69* ptng Fl sha; &59' p t n sha; Fl 6'y ~ i kshi; FI 6 ' xi yut. shi Borax (borax) ping shn; -k 88 6!h* d& ptng sha; %59*ptng shd; n[lS69*ptng yuk shi; p3i j3 shii; 269%p i n sha; Jj 6 ' xi yut shi Borax (raw boraxo) & ! Jj 6*shPng yu6 shi borderland [regzon antenor to the ear- and inferolateral to the cheek bone] %$ fiin border of the red and white flesh [on the arms and legs] 8 B $ Pi3 chi bcil rhu ji borneole (Borneolum) )+ bing pian; j+ l$* pian niio; ~ J )+ K j$': bing pian 1160; @j+* m t i p i a n ; &2$*m t i bing; @Ell%* rnti hua niio; if$Ej+ BGj* m t i huii pilin niio; &E/j&T*rnti hud niio ti; 3$%&A$*
r~li16ng niio; j$jTi niio zi; &RB+ lbng Bovine Bezoar Qi-Infusing Decoction Y. niio % $ L ~ @nrLi J huang chtng qi tang Borneol .and Borax Powder hk { I 3 bing Bovine Bezoar Upper-Body-Cleating Pill ping siin Y % ktR fi nru huling shring qing wlin Borneol a n d Freshwater Snail Powder hk Bovis Bezoar (bovine bezoar) Y$$ nril $fi@bNzg si siin huang; g - @ g t yi witng; 3' xi Borneol Paste jERBB l61zgniio giio huling; @ @* xi nrh huCitzg Borneol Sweet Dew Pill &RikWE StL 16ng Bovis Bezoar Non-Chinense (Golden niio giin I& wan Mountain bovine bezoara) & LLI Y g ]in Borneolum (borncol) hk )-+ bing prrin; jt shiitz nrd hriling BB* prrin niio; bk k Rfi* bing pzrin niio; @3 Bovis Bezoar Occidentale (western Kii-*mtr prhn; @ifk* mtr bing; @ E l & - ' xi nrLi h~lling; bovine bezoaro) B mtr huii niio, & E )+ j & h n z t r huii priln xi huling niio; 4GERik"f' mki h ~ ~niio i i zi; %&jig* Bovis Bezoar Orientale (eastern bovine r-ui ldng niio; RBT' niio zi; jE R$j4 lbng bozoaro) $$ d6ng nrzi h~iling;37 3' niio d6ng h ling ying zh6ng bosom E yi; PA ying; j(i$ Bovis Bezoar Pekinense (Peking bovine Bosom-Relieving Powder 9 f+ & mrrin bezoara) E +$$ jlrzg I Z I U h~lling h u h tang Bovis Bezoar Syntheticum (synthetic bottle gourde (Lagenariae Depressae bovine bezoaro) A 1 $$ rtn gong nib Fructus) S F hLi Id; SF*hd lir; huang h ~ ; pao; ginsg hi1 gua; ~ J I Spa0 Bovis Butyrum (cow's milk butter) +E% gua; %A*pd g ~ ~ i i ;3' br6n P C ; S F * niLi sii pu 1u Bovis Caro (beef) Y m nril r-hu bottle-gourd tea0 (Desmodii Triquetri Bovis Cornus 0 s (ox horn bone) +% LE Herba) G P Z hh 1Li chh nzLi piio xi!; ffi '?it niil jr6o s~ii bottom of the foot fjl zhi Bovis Ducti Biliferi Bezoar (duct Bottom of the Lung (GV-9) RrIiE*$3 di in bezoaro) g$i$g ~ ~ i hrlling bound [pulse, stool] 4g j r i Bovis Lac (cow's milk) +BL mil r-fi bound pulse t B f i j r t mar Bovis Pasta ' ~ a r n i s (beef- paste) 'i3Z ;R. bound stool A4F@t&ddri bran bi j r t xrli triin giio Bountiful Bulge (ST-40Wr10) B S fing Bovis seu Ovis Butyrum (butter) E6 ssli; 16ng E?Q*sii ~ 6 ~ 1 bouts of continuous coughing U gDlt3;& F Bovis Vesicae Felleae Bezoar (gallbladder T [;El, k t shhu lzdn shZng bil yi diin huhng bezoaro) bovine bezoare (Bovis Bezoar) 3 nrh bowed head XjtB t6u qing; t6u hubng; & -BZ* gt yi wring; @ g* xi chui yil ffi h ~ ~ h nE g ; E*xi nzh h~uing bowed head and downcast eyes X?;B$!l:I% Bovine Bezoar Awake to Relief Pill +3 t6u qing-$hi sh2n @Pl A nrLi h~uingxb~gxriio wan bowel j$j fii Bovine Bezoar Dragon-Embracing Pill Y #-@& Ttl nld h~uingbao king wan Bowel Abode (SP-13'v110)h3& fil sl72 Bovine Bezoar Fright-Settling Pill +$$@I Bowel-Cleansing Decoction ?@JFl&jing f f i 'I,$ StL nrh huhng zhtn jing wan tiing Bovine Bezoar Heart-Clearing Pill % Bowel Freeing [non-channel] 33 !JP t6ng brGn $7 JLA nzu h uhng qing xin wan
bowel bowel of center clearness [the gallbladder] t$;t jl$j zhbng qing zhi fii bowel of center essence [the gallbladder] !+I@ 2iJ!$f zhbng jing zhi fii bowel of the five grains 5 82j$j wii gii zhi fii bowel pattern mijffii zhtng 'bowel pattern in yang brightness (ydng ming) disease P i %%j$jiiE ydng ming bing fii zhtng bowels and viscera zang fii bowels and viscera pattern identification EJ!$f ?.8 iiE zcing fii birin zhtng bowels and viscera theory Ej$j%i# zang fii xu6 shu6 bowels transport essence to the viscera l@ f@$g'fEfii shli jing yLi zcing bowel stroke $ jl$j zhdng fil bowel-viscus interconnection Ej$j @ +jzling fii xiang h i Brachyurae Fossilia (crab fossil) ;ti@ shi xi2 brain /j& niio Brain Cover (DL-8) RBZ* niio gai Brain Cure #1 [non-channel] & j&
( - ) zhi niio ( I ) Brain Cure #2 [non-channel] ?3jl& ( I ) zhi niio (2) Brain Cure #3 [non-channel] ?kRB ( 3 ) zhi niio (3) Brain Cure #4 [non-channel] ?3R& ( t E l ) zhi niio (4) brain-gripping sand (she) gju"@ kdng I Z ~ ~h n Brain Hollow (GB-19W//O)/I&$ niio kbng brain is the sea of marrow R&5$%2$5 niio wti sui zhi hiii brain leak j&% niio ldu brain pain jlB@ niio tdng Brain's Door (GV-17W"O) jlBP niio hu brain-squeezing wind %jl&M jia n i o f2ng brain wind R& M niio f2ng bran fii branch @ zhi Branch Ditch (TB-6) Z$Jzhi g6~i
breast branch of medicine $4 k2 Branch to the Correct (SI-7W110) 3 E zhi zhtng bran-fry fci chiio brass cup fW@! tbng guan Brassicae Albae Semen (white mustard l ccii [seedla) B 53 bdi jit zi; $$%IF* G zi Brassicae Junceae Semen (leaf mustard seed) F F jit zi; 3 jit ccii zi; % T* chi zi; $$5 5' huring jit zi break @ pd; @ pd break blood @& pb xu6 breakdown Zjl;X wLi quan; %GI shi si; % $1shi qudn breakdown of bladder qi transformation B ~ T i t El X pdng g~riingqi hiid shi si breakdown of qi transformation 4 qi hiia shi si breakfast watch [B5 watch, 7-9 a.m. j $3 Ekj shi shi breaking lineage &7$% duarz xi1 break qi @ 5 pi, qi break stasis @@ ph yii break stasis and disperse concretions (zh2ng) @ @ # $j pd yu xino zheng break the block and open the orifices G rfl8Z qi blii kai qicio breast $.PJ niii; $1 rii; $LE ril fing breast blowing [mammary welling abscess (ybng)] DAY1 chui rii; DAfrl5 chili ndi Breastbone (CV-15) {JEfll* h i gan
Breast Bone (CV-15) CfRWC h i h i breastbone [xiphoid process] {'}g+} 1 h t ghn Breast Center (ST-17W"O) f l CP ril zh6ng Breast Center Transport (LU-1) I%!+I 62' ying zhbng shii breast lump $LEJ#@ i rril fdng zhiing k~ilii breast milk $.PJ niii; $1 ril; $L# rii zhi breast milk stoppage [new] ?L-# T 7; rii T zhi bu xing zhi bu xih; 9 1 . ~ [;4rii breast milk stoppage [old] ? L # + B rb zhi bu tbng breast node $L@ rii h t
$L1;1;8 rii gCn Breast Root (ST-lSWFIO) Breast lkansport (LU-1) @@* ying shu Breast Window (ST-16WH0) @ @ ying chuiing breath accumulation ,@,$Exi j i breath gate [the epiglottis] % 1'7 xi mtn breathing q@ hr2 xi; @ , , xi brew E yun; $$ jiiin brew as tea $BZ @o chh brew tea & Z pko chh Breyniae Fruticosae Radix (shrubby breynia root) % m P t ;t;R hei mian yk gcn Breyniae Fruticosae Ramulus et Folium (shrubby breyniao) %mat hei mian yh bright % ming Bright and Glorious Elixir %% fi- guiing ming diin Bright Center [non-channel] % ming zhbng brighten the eyes % ming mu Brighter Eyes QFj €lR mitzg yiin Bright Essence (BL-1) @%* jing ming bright eyes % 39 mu ybu guang ciii Bright Eyes [non-channel]% HR ming yiin; (BL-lW1I0)fig QFj jing ming bright hall l$j S ming thng Bright Hall (GV-23) % g*ming thng Bright Light (BL-2) % jlt* ming guiing; (GB-37W9 % % guang ming Brightness Fortifier [non-channel]@ ijFj jihn ming Brightness Fortifier #1 [non-channel]@
% ( - ) jian ming (1) Brightness Fortifier #2 [non-channel]@
B ( z ) jian ming (2) Brightness Fortifier #3 [non-channel]@ t,ra ( 2 ) jian ming (3) Brightness Fortifier #4 [non-channel]@ % ( ) jian ming (4) Brightness Fortifier #5 [non-channel]@ I$$/ ( 5 ) jicin ming (5) Brightness Pill EI$$/ A xu& ming whn
Broussonetiae bright red cheeks m&ij#tI liiing quhn fei . h6ng Bright Vision [non-channel] $1 W* shi m ing bright white [complexion] f$k huiing; tljli. $ huiing bhi bright white face m i ' mian huiing bright white facial complexion f& $ mian st huiing bhi Brimming Tears (ST-1) %fG* yang qi brine & $51yhn tiing; 7fC yan shui bring up and out what is high RE% if3 B2 qi giio zh2,yin b yuk zhi bristle brush %k$f;lj mho shua brittle foot EBP cui jiiio brittle hair % tfi mho sht brittle nails )E !&% zhi jiii fii cui broad and bright [anterosuperior region of the body] l$j guiing ming broken bone @)fi gii zht Broken Flute Pill URF@ilfi$'A xiiing sheng p6 di whn broken metal failing to sound &@.+U$, jin p6 bu ming Broken Sequence (LU-?WifO)?I]@ lik qu2 Bronchitis Tablet & )+ qi guiin yhn pian bronze acupuncture figure H&@JA zhen jiii t6ng rkn brooding fever &%!&4;4! xi xi fG rk brook point [new, one of the five transport points] Z R ying xut; Z R xing xut broomcorn millet* (Panici Miliacei Semen) %% shii mi; $$%* shli mi brought on by taxation B%El[1!& yyh lho ji fii 7Broussonetiae Folium (paper mulberry leaf) &Iff chii yk Broussonetiae Fructus (paper mulberry fruit) &% chii shi; &SF*chii shi zi; h* chii tho Broussonetiae Radix (paper mulberry root) %W1;1;8 chii sh3 gen Broussonetiae Succus (paper mulberry $ .# chii shu jicTn bhi zhi sap) & @$H
brown macules on the skin E R B 333 p i fC h i ban brown sugare (Saccharon Granulatum Rubrum) %#% chi s h i tang; gI%* h6ng thng
Bruceae Fructus ' (brucea [fruit]@) 4!?,jE! d i n zi; 24!?,BE!* liio yii chin; 4!?,flH" y i d i n ; 44ET* yd dan zi; @ Z F * ya ya diin zi dan zi; @,BE!%*
3 yyTl
brucea [fruit] @ (Bruceae Fructus) 4%fl!3
3 ya
diin zi; 22!?,RB* 160 y i d i n ; 4%BB* yii d i n ; 4!?,EF* y i dlin zi; I%%%*yLi dan zi; @JjE!5* yG diin zi qing zhiing bruise @% qing zi ban; brush 811 shua brush stick lichen (xiiin) % %#@bi gc~iin xiin bruxism @fS yiio yci; a%& nit chi; hfi& xi2 chi; 8 M chi xi2
Bubali Cornu (water buffalo horn) 7kY
fi shui nih jiiio bubo sore @!j&htng xihn buckwheat' (Fagopyri Semen)
Buddleia Powder @E E 3 mi mtng hua siin
Bufonis Corium (toad's skin)
Bufonis Venenurn chhn sG;
(toad venom) !!@B
chu m t i zhi;
Bh$H!j?* 1 2 hh mii jiang; &$$$@*hh hh mh jiiing; @!!&HI%* mh sii; %S$$jj?* chhn chLi m t i sii
(dried toad@) !I@&chrin chh; A$#* da chhn; T@*g i n chhn; !I@ &T* chhn chli gan; f@h$@*lcii h i mh; #@!IF$$$* lai xili mh
Bufo Siccus
Bufo Siccus Crudus (crude dried toad@)
LL T@*shEng gan chhn bulb of the nose &% bi tbu bulging %j tui bulging eyes BB%$fi419 yiin qiu wbi tLi bulging fontanels l2Jfg xxi tihn; xin I ,@ xin m t n tLi qi; Q r-16 zhcing; Q T xin m t n gao tu
8% qiho
buckwheat flour@ (Fagopyri Farina) %Eij qiho mcii mian
bulging mounting (shan) tui shizn Bundle Bone (BL-65W110)?$!Bshu gii bundle bone Ffth metatarsophalangeal articulation]
SfZj shu gii
Buddha's hand flowera (Citri SarcodactyBungarus Multicinctus (multi-banded lidis Flos) !%+X fb shciu huG; !%$HZ* B X @ jin qihn bhi huh sht krait) fb gLZn hua Bungarus seu Agkistrodon Buddha's hand [fruit]' (Citri Sarco(krait/agkistrodon@) B E @ bbi huii dactylidis Fructus) I%+# fb shiiu gcn; sh t !%#* f6 g i n ; !%$HB&*f2i g i n xiang Bupleuri Radix ' (bupleurum [root]@) 5% yuhn i!$j chhi hh; % Z$* chhi ciio; Z &,* chhi Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et hu; -%F* ru ciio; U j g * shGn cizr Foiium (Asian buddleia [root, stem, and .---. leaf]) &E bhi yci w t i ; B %$$* bai pu Bupleurum and Asarum Decoction %&A %+$% chhi hu xi xin tiing jisng; ii)i $$ " pii jiiing hucing; ?g$&* xi tho; LLI@$$* shan pLi jiang; jg $$* bhi Bupleurum and Cinnamon m i g Decocpii jibng tion !$2 @ t% chhi gui tang; 5% &At$@ t% Buddleiae Flos (buddleia [flower]) % % chai hh gui zhi tang X mi mtng hua; %%X* liio mtng huii; Bupleurum and Magnolia Bark Decoction *--* x 4 ~ . mtng huii % *b t% chhi ph tang Buddleiae Lindleyanae Radix (Lindley's Bupleurum and Peony Six Gentlemen Debuddleia root) k 9 B qi li-xiang coction !$2 A 3$5 chai shrio liu jurz zi tiing buddleia [flower]' (Buddleiae Flos) @ =-++ x 4 ~ mi . mtng huli; 2% X* 160 mtng Bupleurum and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction
X* mtng h u i
$+$2$$& chhi ling tang
Bupleurum Bupleurum and Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction % E@m$6 chhi g i jie' j i tang Bupleurum Chest Bind Decoction % ifa PC l$$5Jchhi hh xian xibng tang; % P@5J chhz xian tang Bupleurum, Cinnamon 'big, and Dried Ginger % ifa;i;f $$$& chhi hLi gui jiang tang Bupleurum, Cinnamon lkig, and Dried Ginger Decoction $+$t$ +3@T $$ $5J chhi hli gui zhi gbn jiang tang Bupleurum, Cinnamon lkig, and Ginger $6 chhi hfi gui jiang Decoction %&A;1;f$$ tnng Bupleurum Dampness-Overcoming Decoction %&A $51chhi hli shtng shi tang Bupleurum Decoction Minus Pinellia Plus lkichosanthes Root % -ka & E BU &+%$5Jchlii hh qD ban xia jia guii 16u tang Bupleurum Decoction Plus Bitter Orange and Platycodon % &B;alf;/n\;f;;f$Zg chlii hLi zhi j i i tang Bupleurum Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell % &,fiu jE+j$k$jj$5Jchhi hLi jia 16ng gfi mfi li tang ~ u ~ l e u r uDecoction k Plus Marabilite $+!$ i!iRBU i Ztiil$% chrii hLi jiii mhng xiao tang Bupleurum Drink % &A$kT chhi hci yin zi Bupleurum Dryness-Clearing Decoction % if8 $?@ $6 chhi hLi qing zao tang Bupleurum Four Agents Decoction % D+~J$% chhi hli si wu tnng Bupleurum Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction % t$ $$js$5chhi hri qing d i n t i n g BupPeurum Liver-Clearing Beverage ?EBTtk chhi hu qing gZn yin Bupleurum Liver-Clearing Decoction % &A $%8T $5~chhi hli qing giin tang BupIeurum Liver-Clearing 'powder % &A ?SRT& chhi hli qing giin siin Bupleurum Liver-Coursing Powder gifa G f l T a chhi hd shii g i n siin Bupleurum Membrane-Source-Opening Beverage g @ 3 R t k chcii hri dh yuhn yin
Bush Bupleurum, Peony, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction gZj&$*$& chhi shho lbng mii tang Bupleurym Powder %t$% chhi hli siin Bupleurum, Puccoon, and Oyster Shell chhi gZn mii li Decoction !$$+E$i-@$% tang bupleurum [root] @ (Bupleuri Radix) % if8 chhi hh; % q*chhi ciio; Z@*chhi shan chi hLi; z g * ru c i o ; ~Ljg* Bupleurum Stomach-Calming Brew !$2 E chhi ping jian Bupleurum Stomach-Calming Decoction % $5J chhi ping tang Bupleurum White Tiger Decoction % @ B R $6 chhi hh bhi hii tang bur beggar-ticks@ (Bidentis Tripartitae Herba) ?IB S lhng b i c i o burn jiao; $3shao; is 1% shno shang; A % hub chuang; A i2 tang pb hub shao burner @, jiao burning mduntain fire method $2LLI A shao shin hub burning sensation in the anus /lI r7639 ?!:@ gang m i n yciu zhub r i giin burn preserving nature [ i . ~ .burn , without destroying nature] jg@'t& shSio crin xing burns and scalds 7k A 4% shui hub t@ng shang; $%A4% tang hub shang; $31 A $94% tiing hub zhub shring; .i% A B4% tang hub tang shang; B A 4% tang hub shcing burnt pot rice@ (Ollae Oryzae Semen Ustum) $WEgub jiiio; $8E* gub b i ; $8 $E* gub bti Burnt Pot Rice Pill @J%&, gub jiao whn burnt yellow tongue fur EE, S tni jiiio huhng; kg%, sht tai jilio huhng Bur-Reed Pill @$ jing s i n ling whn bush cherry kernel@ (Pruni Japonicae Semen) %Bf 41 yu l i r i n ; % I T * yu zi; %B %{I* yu li rtn; ${I@I* l i r i n rou; %B$ {I* yir l i r i n Bush Cherry Kernel Gruel %p@415# yu l i r6n zhbu
bushy knotweed [root] (Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma) E;M:hii zhang; E;M:tW* hk zhang g?n bushy sophora [root] (Sophorae Subprostratae Radix) LLI E@shatz dbu gen; LLI A E@* shan da dou gen; B$&* huang guiing dou g2n jii; T Bushy Sophora Root Decoction LLI E @ $ % shan dhu g?n tang Buthi Caudex (scorpion tail) BE* xi? wgi Buthus (scorpion) e!t&quan xie; e&* quhn ch6ng; B*xie; 'f-g*@tz xii Butio (bitterno) 3 j H 7 k yhn diin shui; 5
7K* lii shui; @j7 k * d i shui; &k 5 7Jc* yhn lii shui; @ja* d i lii; 3 a* yan lii; & 13 7 k * ybtz lii shui; BE! E* diin ba; RE!E 7k*: d i n bcZ shui butter* (Bovis seu Ovis Butyrum) E@ su; @?$* sU y6u Butter and Honey Gruel BE$#$ sU mi zh6u butterfly macules i@%B h6 dii batz shttz t6n; j@ buttock E@ kao t6n; ,Buttock Press (GB-30) #E*bi ycZ Buttocks Center [non-channel] V thtz zhong button-hole wind %3 Jil niii k6u feng
Cacaliae Radix (cacalia [root]) A %I & ba jiio xiang cacalia [root]* (Cacaliae Radix) / \ %I 7% bcZ jiiio xiatzg cadaverous influx (zhu) P& shi zhu cadaverous odor P shi chou cadaverous qi P5 shi qi Cai Song-Ding's Difficult Delivery Forf j - cai song ding nhn mula S +!!PJ chiin fang calanthe' (Calanthes Herba seu Rhizoma) h 32EiVS jiii zi lihn h u h ciio Calanthes Herba seu Rhizoma (calanthe)
Calcitum (calcite) f i f i V 6 fang jit shi; $$ 6* huhng shi
::." - Y I : < . - I - . <.]LC L C L L f L r C 'CLLUrC
calcination fig hu6 duan; ?% cui; fig duan calcine fi$ duan calcined aluma (Alumen Calcinatum) & @l kfi fan calcine preserving nature [i.e., to calcine without destroying the nature] #$G'E duan c6n xing Calcis Efflorescentia (weathered lime) Jil It 6 & f2ng hua shi hui calcitee (Calcitum) f i & ; E i fcZtzg jit; shi; %6* hucing shi
calf [of the leg] jJ$ ch~liii;jl$j51 fii chring; MF11% fii chuiii Calf Intestine (BL-56) I];$%* chuhi chring; (KI-9) j]$%* chuai chring Calfs Nose [non-channel] $%&* dh bi; (ST-35W'/O) $&$$ d6 bi caligo €IIiZ m u ming Callicarpae Foliuni (beauty-berry leafa) %$$ zizhu; zizhU ciio; %•’%Dl-* zi zhU yt? Callurhini seu Yhocae 'l'esiis ei Peenis (seal's genitals) %%I'A~ hiii g6u shtn; RE ahaft* wa na qi callus 8jfjE pian zhi calm q ping calm breathing p,@, ping xi calm dawn watch [B4 watch, 3-5 a.m.] q B ping dan calm dryness with warmth and bitterness 3?'Ti% kk wen ping zao Calming Matured Ingredients Decoction p[l%& ping chin tang
calm panting Fag ping chuiin;
calm panting and suppress cough VDgk
n2 ding chuiin zhi k t calm pulse TBk ping mui calm the liver T I T ping giin calm the liver and extinguish wind qj'f
$,E)%I, ping g i n xi fZng calm the liver and relieve pain T f i T k B ping giin zhi thng
Canavaliae camphor wood* (Cinnamomi Camphorae Lignum) ti$* zhiingmii; ti$$$* zhiing chi;
B +$** xiang zhang mii Camphorwood Gate (LV-13) Q T-3 zhiing min
campsis flower@ (Campsitis Flos)
E ling xiiio huii; Z'jgE* ling xiiio g s * zi wCi
campsis [root] @ (Campsitis Radix) % 8
;(;R zi wdi g2n
calm the liver and subdue yang Ffl'f% Campsitis Flos (campsis flower@) @
BEJ ping g i n qihn yhng calm yin and sound yang
13a FBEJ% yin I\
ping yhng mi
qing fe'n; % W* g6ng fe'n; 7k+j3&* shuiyin fe'n; +RW* yin fe'n; El&* srio p i n ; E W * ni fe'n
calomel* (Calomelas)
(calomel) E W qing fe'n; % W* g6ngfe'n; 7k$R$jj*shui yin fe'n; +RW* yin fe'n; El&* srio p i n ; HW* ni fe'n
Calx (limestone) ;tiRshi hui Calx Aerata (air-slaked lime@))%I,K ?iE f2ng huri shi hui
Calx Exstincta
(slaked lime@) % 6 R
shu shi hui; $j 6 E* xiao shi hut Calx Veta (old lime@) Pjji;Ei& chin shi hut Calx Viva (quicklime@) Y G E sheng shi hut
Camelliae Japonicae Flos (camellia [flower]) LLIZE shiin chh huii; B % Z
"* .r.r. brio zhu chh huii
Camelliae Oleiferae Seminis Oleum (tea oil@) M?@chh ydu; gZ?@* kii chh y6u camellia [flower]* (Camelliae Japonicae Flos) LLI Z E shin chh huii; B % Z E * biio zhu cha hud
Campanumoeae Javanicae Radix (Java campanumoea [root]@) * % S tii diing sh2n
camphor' (Camphora) +$/I$ zhcZng niio Camphora (camphor) +$/I$ zhiing niio camphor fruit* (Cinnamomi Camphorae Fructus) +$@$Fzhang shh zi camphor root* (Cinnamomi Camphorae Radix) B +$;t;R xiiing zhang gen
E ling xiao hcta; 3-Z E* ling xiao %jZ14 zi wCi
Campsitis Radix (campsis [root]@)%jZl
;(;R zi wCi gin camptotheca@ (Camptothecae Fructus hiin lihn; g@$ * xi shu; seu Radix) FB, 7K Z T * shui li zi; f %#if* qiiin zhiirzg shu; 7k$I@f* shui dhng shh; ba jiiio
g E % *ye'
camptotheca bark@ (Camptothecae Cortex) FBE han lihn p i Camptothecae Cortex (camptotheca bark@) 9gj3 hhrin lihn p i Camptothecae Folium (camptotheca leaf@) Blfthhn lihn yt Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix (camptotheca@) 9 B hlin lian; B@$* xi shu; 7k ?jZ 3 " shui li zi; f ?&@$* qiiin zhiing shu; 7k $J @$* shui dhng shu; Fj E
ba jiiio
camptotheca leaf@ (Camptothecae Folium) FBDt han lihn yt Canadian erigeronO (Erigerontis Canadensis Herba) tl3 +kI -fig qi zhdu yi zhi hiio;
$k X S*jiii nh dli f2i ping
Canarii Albi Endocarpium et Semen (Chinese olive pit@) .flffrggrin lrin h i Canarii Albi Fructus (Chinese olive@) gu6;
giin liin; e F * qing zi; 2%"qing EMtE* qinggiin liin; HtE* giin liin
Canarii Albi Fructus Exsiccatus (dried Chinese olive@).flffrtET grin fiin giin Canavaliae Legumen (sword bean pod) dao dhu k t Canavaliae Radix (sword bean root)
n gz -
~ $ diio 8 dhu gZn
Canavaliae Semen (sword bean) g &o dbu; E =F* diio dbu zi; % g* cai diio dbu; @GlJ g* jih jian dhu; A 3i; E* dii g2 dbu; 7t: g*da dao dhu; 3 G* gukn dao dhu; &j E* dao qiho I 3 Z* diio b6 dbu; -3 g*m i dbu; dao dhu; ig E* dzo pii dbu candareen [equal to 1 tenth of a qian] hL f2n candied tangerine' (Citri Dulcia) &tjf jh bing
Canis Corium (dog skin) $WEg6u pi Canis Os (dog's bone) $6J@ g6u gii Canis Penis (dog's penis) $i-$QPJE mii g6u yin jing; %$@'A* huhtzg g6u shtn Canis Stomachi Calculus (dog's stomach calculus) $JZg6u 620 Canis Vesica Fellea (dog's gallbladder) ]El g6u d i n Cannabis Semen (hemp seed) A%{I hu6 mh rin; AB3* da mh zi; Q HP* bhi mci zi; +%T*ddng mh zi; ABT* hu6 ma zi; A ~ { I *da mci rin; M F * ma mh zi rin zi; @{I* mh rin; @3{1* cannot bear the slight touch of the hand - f F RJ;E sh6u bu ke' jin canon [classical text] %3jing canthus Wt zi Cantonese ampelopsisO (Ampelopsis Cantoniensis Radix seu Caulis) Z j$j @ wri ci g2n
Cantonese Cool Tea % i,$Z guing dong lihng cha . .. Cao's Ravine (GV-16) Eig*cbo xi Cao's Ravine Road (GV-1) Big cho xi lu cape )BE pi jian caper spurge seed' (Euphorbiae Lathyridis Semen) $3m3xu sui zi; f &F* qian jin zi; If3&I?* lihn bu caper spurge seed frost' (Euphorbiae Lathyridis Seminis Pulvis) $3&T % xit sui zi shuang Caper Spurge Seed Pill tSET5tL xu sui zi whn
Caprae capillarisa (Artemisiae Capillaris Herba) rn K 8 yin chin hao; H2*yin chin; Ej @%* yin chin hao; BBlatZ%*xi yt qing hao; S%*chhu hcio; BPg*yin chin; $8 * rn P%* mihn yin chin; 4% B P%* mihn yin chin Capillaris and Poria (Woelen) Five Powyin chin wii ling sin der BB%E2$& Capillaris and Poria (Woelen) Four Decoction BP%Ill yin chin si ling tang Capillaris, Atractylodes, and Aconite Deyin chin zhii fh tang coction BP%sWif-i% Capillaris Counterflow Cold Decoction B P% D@i& yin chin si ni tang Capillaris Decoction E Pfj S $5 yin chbz hiio tang Capillaris Gruel @ P%$#$ yin chin zh6u capital S jing capital bone [base of the fifth metatarsal bone] $T B jing gii Capital Bone (BL-64W"O) S @jing gii Capital Gate (GB-25W"O) S T7 jing m i n capitate rhododendron [twig and leaf] (Rhododendri Capitati Ramulus et xiiio j y6 dii juan Folium) /j\ Blat$f& capparis@ (Capparis Semen) 4$&4mii @ bin lhng Capparis Semen (capparka) 4 mi bin lang Caprae seu Ovis Byturum (goat's [or sheep's] butter) Tm ycing sii Caprae seu Ovis Cars (goat [or sheep] meat) q m yhng rbu Caprae seu Ovis GBandula Thyroidea (goat's [or sheep's] thyroid gland) TEf -yaizg ye Caprae seu Ovis Pecur (goat's [or sheep's] liver) +/IT yhng gan Caprae seu Ovis Iecur Recens (fresh goat's [or sheep's] livera) &T/I'fxiiin yhng giin Caprae seu Ovis Os (goat's [or sheep's] bones) +B yhng gii Caprae seu Ovis Renes (goat's [or sheep's] kidney) +'A ycing shtn; q E F*yhng yao zi Caprae seu Ovis Vesica Fellea (goat's [or sheep's] gallbladder) %]El yhng d i n U
'Caryophylli Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba (shepcarp [flesh]' (Carpionis Caro) $9 133 l i yii herd's purse) s g ji cai; IP %%* hu carphologia +AZ+g@ niirz yi m6 chucing; sheng chi; 3% JL\ j i xitz chi; @@J fJ$ Z)%Rxhn yi m6 chucing jing chcing chi; ffi gi.di chi; xiiing ji; 7% IjR S* sing ming ciio carphology $3@ n i i n yi md chucing; f%$~E$j% xiin yi m6 chuiing Capsici Fructus (hot pepper) $$$$I la j i i o ; 9$3* la zi; #!%* la q i i ; E%*lh Carpionis Caro (carp [flesh]) $$& l i yLi q i i ; % l % ~ jj*i zui jiiio; F$&* la h6; Carpionis Cerebrum (carp's brain) @9& &*lh j i i o ; $$%* la jiiio; &$+I* f i n jiiio; j& l i yh niio %#R* qin jiiio Carpionis Vesica Fellea (carp's gallbladCaraganae Sinicae Radix (caragana &JjH l i yil d i n der) @$ [root]) &@ ;f;Rjin qut gZn carp's brainm (Carpionis Cerebrum) @!l! caragana [root] (Caraganae Sinicae & BB l i yii niio Radix) &&@jin q ~ i kgen carp's gallbladder* (Carpionis Vesica carapace 91 j i i Fellea) @&jH li yu d i n carbonisatum [Latin] E thn Carp Soup @!l!@& li yLi tiing carbonize tcin Carriage-Halting Pill $jZ2gfi zhu che wit2 cardamoma (Amomi Cardamomi Fruccarry % dhi tus) $ brii dhu khu; g*brii khu; car sickness yiin cht? E g * k i khu; S I B * dii gir; $%{I* bai Carthami Flos (carthamus [flowerla) 4 1 kbu r t n E h6ng huii; $L$IE*c i a h6ng hurl; ,@I cardamom flower0 (Amomi Cardamomi 4IE* ci h6ng bun; UjE E*hbng lcin h ~ l i Flos) Z Z E dhii khu huii Carthami Flos Sichuanensis (Sichuan cardamom husk* (Amomi Cardarnomi carthamus [flowerla) Ill 4IE chuin h6ng Pericarpium) $ g g E bcii dhu khu k t huu cardiac JL\ xin carthamus [flower]@ (Carthami Flos) t1 cardio- JL\ xin Z hbng bun; g41E* CEO hbng huii; $4 Carefree Pregnancy Formula ?%PZJ!%% ME*ci h6ng hurl; 41jEE*h6ng lrin huii b i o c h i n wLi y6u fang Carthamus Powder gIEH h6ng hurl s i n Carefree Pregnancy Powder IX PZ H Caryophylli Cortex (clove bark) T B @if b i o c h i n wii y6u s i n Ffi ding xiiing shu p i careless living j~ER;l;~l@ q i jG bil shen Caryophylli Floris Distillatum (clove discareworn chdng tillate) T &% ding xiing lii Carpesii Fructus (carpesium seedo) $9 Caryophylli Flos (clove) T 2$ ding xiiing; 3% h t shi; gui shi; jL@$a* bti h t @ T B* xibng ding xiring; 3 @ B* zhi fLi shi; h i shi shi; 1% j i t xiiing; T F*ding zi; T 3B* ding zi Carpesii Herba (carpesiumo) *$Z, $B tiiin xiang; T g*g6ng ding xiiing ming jing; $g* tirin jing; ifi@* di sbng; L T 7% Caryophylli Fructus (clove fruit) E %4rf;$gS* lcii hci mri ciio m6 ding xiring; @, g*j i sh t xiiing carpesiuma (Carpesii Herba) $5 tiiin Caryophylli Oleum (clove oil) T B ?$ ming jing; %$%*tiiirt jing; ffi@* di s6ng; ding xiiing y 6 ~ i %4r6$A$L* lhi hci mb ciio Caryophylli Radix (clove root) T 2$ ;f;R ding xiiing get2 carpesium seedo (Carpesii Fructus) $2 Caryophylli Ramulus (clove twig) T B ZA h t shi; %?EL* gui shi; ;lL$$3.* bti h t @ ding xi&g zhi shi; 1%a* fil shi; @,Zl* h t shi
&a* a* $$a*
Caryopteridis lncanae Herba (cum lhn xiang Radice) (bluebeard) 2 ctio; @%* shin bh h t case histories EZ yi an Cassiae Occidentalis Fructus (coffee wang jiang nhn senna fruit) &'IgT zi Cassiae Torae Semen (fetid cassia [seed]) & aB F jut ming zi; ~ F J *yhng jiiio; 4 % & %* mii ti juB ming; 4ST* m i ti zi; F R Y *ctio ju6 ming Castanopsidis seu Quercus Semen (chinquapin seed) +iGTzhfi zi casting off one's clothes and running around %;i?T iliiS qi yi t r ziiu castor beanm (Ricini Semen) Bj$$Tbi mh zi; ?$Z@ T* bi mh zi; E@{I* bi rnh bi ma zi rhu rtn; Bj$$Tm* castor oilm (Ricini Seminis Oleum) Bj$$ P& bi mh y6u castor plant root' (Ricini Radix) Bj$$$R bi mh g2n Catalpae Fructus (catalpa fruita) f i g zi shi catalpa fruit@ (Catalpae Fructus) @g zi shi catch cold 9 5% sh6u lihng; $!if% zhho lihng Catechu (cutch) B)LZ hhi t r chh; -$ SPE* wii die ni; -$e?E* wii dit ni; -$ T ?E* wfi ding ni; mi&* xi xi?; JLZ*t r chh; PiiliaE* xiin yho; -S T * wfi ding . Catechu Album (white cutcha) 3JLZ fang t r chh; '@)L Z* z6ng tr chh C J ~ t e c hAtrzm ~ (b!zsk sztch") dr chi gao; % IL Z* h2i tr chh catgut embedding @2J E & mhi xian liho
fi Catharanthi Rosei Herba (Madagascar periwinkle) E chang chfin hua; E] E] g*ri ri chfin; PIEl$@* si shi chfin Catharsius (dung beetle) qiang lhng; @@&* qiing lung ch6ng Cathay quincea (Chaenomelis Cathayensis Fructus) &-jT zha zi cat's claw buttercup [root] (Ranunculi Ternati Tuber) 4Gfl m i o zhiio ciio
Celestial catty [unit of weight equal to 16 liang (taels)] f i jin cause Pj yin cause frenetic movement of the blood jB hk 77 ph xu2 wring xing cause neither internal nor external +m 41. Pj bu nti wai yin cauterization % Lao; %?& lho fii cauterize B lbo Cayratiae Corniculatae Tuber (corniculate cayratia) h+g jiii nib sh6 Cayratiae Japonicae Herba seu Radix (Japanese cayratiaa) -$ Bki wfi lian mii celandinem (Chelidonii Herba cum Flore) Q M % bbi qii cai celestial X tian Celestial Bone-Hole (TB-15) E #! tian liho Celestial Chimney (CV-22WHO) *% ti6n tLi Celestial Connection (BL-7W110)B X tdng tian Celestial Convergence (PC-1) X tian hul' Celestial Countenance (SI-17WF10)X B tian r6ng celestial court [center of the forehead] R B tiin ting . Celestial Cover (ST-12) X S * tian gai Celestial Crossroads (GB-9) X'@* tian qLi Celestial Dampness (PC-2) X B* tian shi Celestial Emperor Heart-Supplementing Elixir *%+b&ff tian whng bii xin dan Celestial Fivefold Confluence (ST-9) E+* tiin wii hui Celestial Fluid Lactation-Promoting Beverage $1 3gtk xi6 rii tian jiing yin Celestial Fullness (GV-20) X %* tian mtin Celestial Gathering (SI-11 XZ tian zdng Celestial Hearing [non-channel]5%tian ting; (TB-15) 3Ufi* tian ting
Celestial Celestial Hub (GB-9W110) # tian ch6ng Celestial Lord (BL-7) X{Q*tian b6 Celestial Manager (ST-24) Ej si tian Celestial Mortar (BL-7) XU* tiin jih Celestial Mu (CV-22) *@* tian j0 Celestial Nape (LI-17) Xm* tian xiang Celestial Pillar (BL-10WffO)K & tian zhh celestial pillar [neck bone] XGff tiiin zhii gii Celestial Pivot (ST-25WffO)*@ tiin shfi Celestial Pool (CV-24) *Pfi': tian chi; (PC-lwffo) EP~ tian chi celestial rampart Xj$$ tian ku6 Celestial Ravine (SP-18W"O) *@ tian xi Celestial Spirit [non-channel] ZZ tiCn ling Celestial Spring (PC-2WH0)SF%, tian qudn Celestial Storehouse (LU-3wfrO)* f i tian fii Celestial Summit (LI-17) @* tiin ding Celestial Surge (GB-9) XI$*tian chbng Celestial Ykipod (L1-17wff0)JF h? tian ding Celestial Warmth (PC-2) *&* tian wan Celestial Well (TB-10) tian jing Celestial White (DL-7) $* tian brii Celestial Window (ST-16WffO) JF @ J ti2n chuang; (TB-16) *@ tian yijir Celosiae Argenteae Semen (cclosia [seed]@) fi%F qing xiEng zi; 37%B E T* yt j i guan hua zi Celosiae Cristatae Flos (cockscomb [flower]) %BE ji guan h u i ; %B*j i p a n ; %B%*j i guin t6u celosia [seed] @ (Celosiae Argenteae Semen) E S T qing xiang ti; !@%BET* yd ji guan hua zi centella@ (Centellae Herb (cum Radice)) $R/a\9Ejixud ciio; %f+M* lu6 d t dii; E A @* bang da wiin; S i(;R* I& gbng g2n; B a g * lian qirin ciio Centellae Herb (cum Radice) (centella@) %g/a\4 S j i xud ciio; %f++T* h i ) d2 dii; E A@* bang da wiin; EEM* lii g6ng gan; Sag*lirin qihn ciio
*# *
center center [in the five phases, position associated with earth; in the body, the stomach and spleen] tfr zhbng Center-Clearing Decoction $3tfr $5 qing zhbng tang center cold $5$ zhbng hrin Center Connection [non-channel] tfr )g zhbng jig center-earth +k zhbng tii centered [headache] E zh2ng .Center-Firming Decoction 5 I+ t5 ji2n zhbng tang center fullness I+% zhbng miin center fullness is treated by draining the inner body I+%%fq2T fi zhbng miin zht xi2 zhi yri ndi Center Fullness Separating and Dispersing Decoction tfr &?$ .fj.@j$5zhbng m i n f2n xiao tang Center Fullness Separating and Dispersing Pill +)$j zhbng m i n fan xiao wan center harmonization $0 tfr hi? zhdng Center Harmony Decoction tfr $U $5 zhbng h i tang Center Hollow [non-channel] $9zhbng . kbng Center-Loosening Decoction Etfr $5 kkun zhbng tang center of the face Bjj yan Center of the Face (GV-25) zhdng mian center of the forehead BJj ybn Center of the Navel (CV-8) a f f tfr* qi zhbng Center of the Palm (PC-8) 2$2 tfr* zhiing zhbng Center-Ordering Decoction ?6 $% zhi zhbng tang Center Palace (CV-16W110)tfr @ zhbng ting center qi I+5 zhbng qi center qi fall @ 5, T P6 zhbng qi xia xian center qi vacuity tfr 5E$3 zhbng qi xii ru6
Center-Quieting Center-Quieting Powder 9 $3 i n zhdng sGn Center-Rectifying Decoction @ $% lli zhdng tang Center-Rectifying Phlegm-Tkansforming Pill $2I+i t BStL li zhdng hua tcin wcin Center-Rectifying Pill 5% $ li zhbng wcin Center-Rectifying Roundworm-Quieting Powder @ $ S $$k li zhdng i n hui sin Center-Regulating Qi-Boosting Decoction ili9 5% ticio zhdng yi qi tfing Center-Supplementing Qi-Boosting Decoction # @&$TP%bii zhbng yi qi tang Center-Supplementing Qi-Boosting Varijii jidn ant Decoction $0 iFjfi $ &$T.i% bii zhbng yi qi tang center wasting $$j zhdng xiiio; [wastingthirst of the center] ?g @ xixiao zhiing Center Yellow Paste $ @%$ zhdng hucitzg giio centipedao (Centipedae Herba cum -> bu shi c i o Radice) &!$* Centipedae Hcrba cum Radice (centipedao) %!$ -&3 t bu shi ciio centipedee (Scolopendra) B& wli gdng; f (* qiin zu Centipede and House Lizard Powder @ jE 3 w 4 long siin centipede bite &U 2 ffj wli gdng yiio shiing central $ zhdng Central Backbone (BL-29) $ g*zhdng
16 Central Backbone Inner Ransport (BL29) $ @ m &* zhdng l i nBi shii Central Backbone 'Ikansport (BL-29W110) $ B& zhdng 16 shd Central Balance (Foot) [nun-channel]I+ T ( () zhdng ping Central Balance (Hand) [nun-channel]$ T ( ) zhdng ping shcirc Central Bone-Hole (BL-33W110) fl.22 zhdng liho Central Burner %ansport [non-channel] I+% rS;r zhdng jiGo shd
Central Cleft (BL-40) $ El3 * zhdng xi; (LV-6) $ Z[l* zhdng xi Central Duct (CV-12) $ B* zhdng guiin Central Eminence [nun-channel] cP % zhdng kui; (LI-5) @ %* zhbng kui Central Flow (ICI-15W"O) I+& zhiing rhu Central Guard (CV-9) $ q*zhdng shiiu Central Hole (BL-33) $ G*zhdng kdng . Central Hub (PC-9W"O) $ j$ zhdng chdng Central Islet (TB-3) $ $8zhdng zhii Central Metropolis [nun-channel] $ %B" zhdng du; (HT-7) $gB* zhdng dcl; (LV6 ) @ %B zhdng dd central metropolis point @ j!$R zhdng dd xut Central Pivot (GV-7WlIO) d;l if;E zhdng shu Central Pole (CV-3WllO) $ & zhdng ji Central River (GB-32W"O) +@ zhdng du Central Shoulder 'Ih-ansport ( S I - 1 5 ~ 1 ~ ~ ) @ $ & jiin zhdng shii Central Shoulder Well (LI-15) $ @ #* zhdng jiin jitzg Central Spring [nun-channel] & zhdng quhn Central Stomach Duct (CV-12W110)$ fl% ' zhdng win Central 'heasury (LU-1WlO) W f i zhdng fii Cephalanoploris Herbae seu Radicis Sucxido cus (cephalanoplos juice@) /I\ ji zhi Cepha!arrn_n,!nris Herha seu Radix mdo (cephalanoplos@) /J\ xido ji; %!iiB* ji; ~ $ I@ij* J qing ci ji; f $ f i j * qiin zhdn ciio; $lJGj$Z* ci ji cai; $lj)L S" ci t r cdo; sz* a a qing qing cai; $11 @ g* ci jiiio cai; *$I1 -j1* mu ci ai; $IJt'f-g* ci gin cai; $IJ $IJ%*ci ci yci; $lJ %@* ci sha ciio; /I\% $%@* xi60 t? j i p6; /]\Gj@* xi60 ji mii; $11 ;I;%ci % jiin*drc ciio; /I\%I%* xi6o' xi60 ji cdo ji yci; I ] \ ij* Cephalanoploris Herba scu Radix Carbonisata (charred cephalanoplosQ) /]\ R xido ji tan
cephalanoplos cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) /J\ xiiio ji; j$a*mdo ji; @ $I] qing ci ji; f-$+S*qiiin zhZn ciio; $11 ci ji chi; $I] JL S* ci t r ciio; W g %* qing qing cai; $I] @J %* ci jiiio chi; $11 T*m u ci hi; $I]fi%*ci gin cbi; $1 $11 -* 3 ci ci yci; $I]%S* ci shii ciio; /J\ 8% %* xi60 2 ji p6; /J\ GJ@*xiio ji mLi; $11 % S* ci jicZn r6u ciio; /J\ G j s * xiiio ji h yil; /J\ Gj S* xiiio ji ciio Cephalanoplos Drink /J\ xiiio ji yin zi cephalanoplos juice@ (Cephalanoploris xiiio Herbae seu Radicis Succus) I]\ a-;Jr ji zhi cepharantha [tuber]' (Stephaniae Cepharanthae Tuber) Q 3 ?j3OCli yho zi Cera (bee's wax) E h k mi la Cera' Alba (white waxa) $ !l!i$bili la; & $ @,* fZng brii la; %$B h#* f&g b4i la Cera Aurea (yellow wax@)8hP, huring la cercis bark0 (Cercis Cortex) %%I]& zi jing pi Cercis Cortex (cercis barka) %j$UFfi zi jing pi Cercis Powder %%I] E & zi jing pi s i n cerumen mqy ding ning ceruminal congestion ding tr Cervi Caro (venison) E m lii rbu Cervi Cornu (deerhorn) E#j lii jiiio Cervi Cornu Degelatinatum (degelatinated deer antlera) E 83 % lit jiiio shunng Cervi Cornu 'in Frustis (deer antler flakes) EE fi E lii jiiio xi2 Cervi Cornu Parvum (velvet deer antler slices@) E?$#lit Idng pian; (velvet deerhorn@) @R id r6ng Cervi Cornu Parvum (velvet deerhorna) 3 % E 3 * zhG 1h rdng; 3 W j * r6ng jiiio Cervi Foetus (deer's fetus) E ' j k lii tiii Cervi Gelatinurn Cornu (deerhorn glue) & j$j 8% lit jiiio jilo; E R2* lii jiao Cervi Musculus (deer's sinew) Ej$j lit jin Cervi Sanguis (deer's blood) E& lit xu2
Cervi Testis et Penis (deer's testis and penis) /& 'g lri sh2n; &@* 12 bidn; E I$* lu chdng Cervix [non-channel] 5 2jj zzi gdng jing Cervus Integer (whole deera) -f@ quiln lu Chaenomeles and Achyranthes Pill A Y E A mu gun nid xi whn Chaenomeles Decoction *A& mu gun tang chaenomeles [fruit] @ (Chaenomelis Fructus) J!S mii gun; *A%* mu guii shi; %Bt;P g* tit?jiiio li; B A * xuan m u gun Chaenomeles Pill $Ah mmir giiii wan Chaenomeles Wine *A@ mil gun jiil Chaenomelis Gathayensis Fructus (Cathay quincea) J J $ ~zhlZ d Chaenomelis Fructus (chaenomeles [fruitla)' */a mil gill; *A%* mil gun g' tit jiiio li; JK* xuiirz mL shi; gun chalcanthitea (Chalcanthitum) fl!l@l cdiin filn Chalcanthitum (chalcanthite) j B 6 , diin fin chalky $a $J?@) rLi j i fCn chamber S shi chamber-pot lichen (xiiin) 4@@$ m6 d n g xiiin change of teeth chi g2ng; &E hitan chi change one's clothes [euphemism for bowel movement] EE g2ng yi Changii Radix (changium root@)HA "a8 ming ding shgn changium rooto (Changii Radix) %I % S ming diing sh2n channel t3/$$ jing mAi; [pathway of qi] 22 jing channel and network stroke qf2g8 zhbng jing ILK? channel [and network vessel] qi t3982 ,e= 7j ~ t z ghicj ~ hqii Channel-Clearing Blood-Stanching Decoction #@k $51qityq jing zhi xu2 tling
Channel-Clearing (Menses-Clearing) Decoction (Powder) @t2?3I( 3 ) qing jing tang (siin) Channel-Clearing (Menses-Clearing) Variant Decoction fin @ 53 ?% jiii jiiin qing jing tang Channel-Clearing Powder .igt3 3 qing jing siin channel conduction F: 1 23#3@yin jing bao shi channel conductor 3 I t3B yin jing yao Channel-Coursing Blood-Quickening Deshii jing hub xu2 tiing coction @tg%rfn$% Channel Ditch (LU-8Wff0)t3E jing qh channel divergence /CZRIJ jing bib channel entry At$ ru jing; !J3Z t2 gut jing channel-freeing manipulation f%%3 $5 xun sh2 fLi Channel-Freeing Network-Quickening Desostion B t3 % 4.8 tj5j t6ng jing huh lu0 tang , Channel-Freeing Stagnation-Abducting Bt3 3 $?$ t6ng jing diio zhi tang channel-joining method Bt3 t0u jing channel needling [one of nine needling methods] ?3!$1]jing ci channel passage {et3 chuhn jing; i3t3 gu0 jing channel passage delay ~ t gul, 3 jing channel pattern t2iE jing zh2ng channel pattern in yang brightness @ling ming) disease E-18 t3fi ybng ming bing jing zh2ng channel point ?2St jing xu6 channel qi 235 jing qi Channel-Regulating Powder a23 % tiho jing siin channel rubbing f@j xlin channels and network vessels t32& jing lu0 channel sinew tZ% jing jin Channel Start (HT-9) t3fik*jing shi channel stroke @ $2 zh0ng jing channel theory t2232+? i# jing 1110 xu6 shu6 channel tunnels ?Z2Bjing sui channel vessel 23bk jing mlii
Channel-Warming (Menses-Warming) Decoction ?Et2?51 w2n jing tang channel water [i.e., a channel] t2 7k jing shui chaotic &L luan chaotic menstruation t2&Ljing luan chaotic red thread-like vessels [in the eye] & &L j$2 chi si fuan mai chaotic vessels in the white of the eye $ llR&L/$k6bi jing luhn mai char tan; $zE shao hui characteristic 1' % 6E xing ning characterized by R E jihn zh2ng charcoal @ tan char-fry f$@ chiio tan charred amomum [fruit] a (Amomi Semen seu Fructus) 6$@ sha tan charred biota leafa (Biotae Folium Car"oonisatum) IYlI 40 @ c2 biii tan charred cephalanoploso (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix Carbonisata) I]\ @ijm xi60 ji tan charred cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba Carbonisata) *@@ da ji tan charred dried rehmannia [root] (Rehmanniae Radix Carbonisata) %tfiS ijm shCng di huang tan; di huling tan charred fennel [fruit] (Foeniculi Fructus Carbonisatus) Ej @ hui xiang tan; @* xiiio hui xiiing thn I]\ charred gardenia [fruit] (Gardeniae Fructus Carbonisatus) LLI #E ijm shin zhi tan; #E* hti shan zhi; #E3@* zhi zi tciiz; g i%F'hdi zhi t i charred haira (Hominis Crinis Carbonisatus) &t$@ xu2 yil tan; &LEE*luan fa tan charred imperata [root] (Tmperatae Rhizoma) %@@ mbo gCn tan charred juncus [pith] (Junci Medulla Carbonisata) IHJL\%d2ng xin tlin; 'MJL E* dcng xin hui; f l @E* dCng ciio hut charred lacquera (Lacca Exsiccata Carbonisata) ? ?%@ g6n qi tan charred lotus leaf" (Nelumbinis Folium Carbonisatum) %Ut@ h i yt tan
charred charred lotus receptacle@ (Nelurnbinis Receptaculum Carbonisatum) B @ E lihn fhng tan charred lotus root node@ (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus Carbonisatus) S T E 6 u jit tan charred madder [root]' (Rubiae Radix Carbonisata) ZFE qihn ciio tan charred mole@ (Mogera Carbonisata) & EL% yiin shfi shuang charred mugwort [leaf] @ (Artemisiae Argyi Foliurn Carbonisatum) yjCat-E hi yd tan; yjCE* Lii t i n charred old trachycarpus [stipule fiber] (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta Carbonisata) P,F,&Echitz zcing tan charred phellodendron [bark] @ (Phellodendri Cortex Carbonisatus) 8 $Q @ huhng biii thn charred sanguisorba [root] @ (Sanguisorbae Radix Carbonisata) ffiMEdi yh tan charred schizonepetaa (Schizonepetae Herba et Flos Carbonisatae) %UTEjing jid tan; % BU X* hei jing ji2 charred schizonepeta spike@ (Schizonepetae Flos Carbonisata) %IJ 3%%E jing ji2 scii tan; % 5 +,Q*hei jid scii charred sophora flowero (Sophorae Flos h~iciihua tan Carbonisatus) $%Em charred sophora [flower] bud' (Sophorae Flos Immaturus Carbonisatus) $% j?E huai m i tan charred tangerine peel@ (Citri Pericarpium Carbonisaturn) Pfj &E chin pi tan charred tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Carbonisata) 3 !El 8 ding gui tan charred toosendan [fruit] @ (Toosendan Fructus Carbonisatus) J l l @ SE chuan E* jin ling zi hui; & lihn zi tan; & ++T @ TE*jin ling zi tan charred trachycarpus [stipule fiber] @ (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Carbonisata) &tjiJEzbng lu tan; zbng tan charred typha pollen@ (Typhae Pollen Carbonisatum) S$i?EpLi huhng tan; Z EiT+ ph h u i
cheeks charred zanthoxylum [husk] @ (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Carbonisatum) E$fj E huri jiao tan; )I] $$JE* chuiin jiiio tan chattering of jaws 8%gfi hbn Chebulae Fructus (chebule) iq3 h6 zi; P;$ NT* sui fEng zi; $Til 3*kE zi; ig %* he li; iN3 he zi r6u; iiJ%$h* he li It; iFiJ%$, B*hE li 12 pi Chebulae Fructus Immaturus (unripe chebulea) BSE zhng qing gui, chebule' (Chebulae Fructus) iWT he zi; P;$MS* sui feng zi; $TilS* ki? zi; iq%* hE li; iFiJT@I* he zi rhu; iq%$h* he li 12; iN%?Xh&* hi! li 16 pi Chebule Beverage iFJ3t$ he zi yin Chebule Powder iqT &% he zi pi siin check k zhi check convulsions L-)g zhi chi1 check diarrhea kt%zhi xi2 check fright kJF,$ zhi jing check retching knE zhi i,u check sweating k?T zhi han
check tetany .k'&zhi jing check vaginal discharge k@ zhi dai check vomiting kilE zhi iiu cheek lj4 yhn; peshy side of the face] 8R sii cheek peshy side of the face] %jj jib; [region of the cheek bone] @ quhn cheek bone [zygomatic bone] @'@ quhn gfi Cheek Bone-Hole (SI-18W"O) @ # quhn liho cheek carriage [joint of the lowerjaw bone] jih chE Cheek Carriage (ST-W'"O) %a%jih chE cheek carriage bone [lower jaw bone, mandible] %B%+$b jiri ch2 gfi cheeks a floating red color as if dabbed !i& liiing quhn fan with rouge m&Ij?2$181 hbng ru zhuang cheeks red as if smeared with oil paint @j$1 & $1?$?$j$3 licing quhn h6ng sd rLi tLi y611 ciii
Chelidonii Chelidonii Herba cum Flore (celandine) Q @% bai q t cai Chen [557-589 A. D.] E chin Cheng's Fish Poison Yam Clear-'hrbid Separation ~ e v e r a ~fZ e E3$% @ fg "i:k chtng shi bi xi2 fZn qing yin Cheng's Impediment-Alleviating Decoction @ E%'@@J ching shi juan bi tang Chenopodii Ambroisioidis Herba (wormtii jing jit? seed) Chenopodii Serotini Herba (small goosefoota) &?h hui diao Cherokee rose fruito (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) &@? jin ying zi; & @ 3 * jin ying zi; &@ m* jin ying rbu; $ 4 & j 3 * ci yh zi; $11 Zj23* ci li zi; LLI 2ST*shin j i t6u zi; LLI6@* shan shi lid; & 53* jin ying zi; %Z F*tang ying zi; 2$$ %$*trirzg tangguan; $EZ* tLinggu6; $5 qiu; #i@* $4 Z* hubng ci gu6; !I$%$@* fCng tring guan; jl;EmZ* bin lring gub; &$#Fi* jin hli ping; % 6 % * y2 shi liu; $ g & T *tang jLi zi; /]\;ti@* xi60 shi liu; %%#Fi*hukng chri ping; @@ Z*tang lang gub; $E$IJZ* tang ci gub Cherokee Rose Fruit and Millettia Granules & $4 29 311jin ji ch5ng ji Cherokee Rose Fruit Gruel &&35#5 jin ying zi zhbu Cherokee rose root0 (Rosae Laevigatae Radix) &@+R jin ying gen cherryo (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) @ && ying trio; & #k* hbn trio; Ell&+ jing tho; ; k # k * zhu tho; %%* zhu gu6; @%* ying z h i ; 3 .i;~* jiii ying i4v chest J&iiJ xidrzg chest and diaphragm l$jE xidng gi chest and diaphragm heat depression J&iiJ RW ?As 61 xidrzg gi rt? yu chest and diaphragm qi depression clamor 56IJJlQ )@IF# qi yii xidtzg gi cho chest and rib-side J&iiJj& xidng xi6 chest and rib-side fullness J&iiJj&% xidng xii miin thest and rib-side pain j&lR&% xzdng xi6 tong
chest and stomach duct fill2 xidng w&z (guiifl) chest bind $$j&l jii xidng chest bind pattern t$i@liEjii xidng zhirzg chest bones jQB xidng gii chest center jg@ dan zhdng Chest Center (CV-l7W//O) @ dan zhdng Chest Hall (CV-17) El 2"xidng tang chest impediment (bi) [new] JlQE xidng bi chest pain' @ xidng tong Chest Village (SP-19W110)@l fs xidng xirZng chest yang J&iiJ [JE] xidnp yhng chest yang failing to move J&iiJBEl F 2 xidng ybng bu yun Cheubule Powder W F $I! ha zi s i n chew DflUB jii jut; D@ jirio; U@ jut; U ! jii; I@ fLi chewing lgD l fil jfi chicken 9Lj ji; (Galli Caro) %$ j i rbu chicken blindness 3%3 E j i ming m h g ; $3E j i mring chicken breast 3%El ji xidng chicken pox 7 J C E shui hua; 7 K E shui dbu; 7K % shui chuiing chicken pox in children JJ\ JL7K'E xi60 i r shui dbu chicken's-claw needling 34 BS ti ji zu zhCn j i zh6o fZng chicken's-claw wind $j j i shi lai chicken's-droppings lai %$ chicken's egg* (Galli Ovum) 3 3 3 j i zi chicken's egg membraneo (Galli Membrana Ovij )rc\jZ\e jeizg h u l i i ~ gyi chicken's gallbladdero (Galli Vesica Felj i d61z lea) chicken's liver0 (Galli Iecur) 34 fl? ji gin Chicken's Liver Pill 33jTh j i gan whrz Chicken Top (ST-34) %jTg* j i ding chiding and cursing regardless of who is p r e s e n t - S 3 5 j B % $ f i li ma bu bi qiiz shu chief & zhii chief, support, assistant, and conductor =$ !j% 3 1 zhii fii zu6 yin
child child 3 zi; [lip to about 10 years of age] I]\ JL xi60 t r child visiting hostility //I\ JL '$lR xi60 t r k t Wil childbearing Y E sheng yu child bedwetting /I\ JL Ej?R xi60 t r niao churing childbed wind E N rli feng childbirth P chdn; Ifjp tiii c h i n ; 9& f2rz mirin; .hki@ fen d i n ; &9 mian shCn; %$L mihn rii; hk9f2n shen; & 9 mi6n she12 childbirth taxation B%rh lrio childbirth tetany @@ rii jing child can make the mother replete 3% 9 ).% zi ntng lbzg mii shi Child Chicken Breast [non-channel] /I\ J L 3%JjQ xiGo kr ji xi6rzg child cinnabar toxin /I\ J L B @ xirio kr diin ~lli child constipation /I\ J L h i E T B xi60 t r dil bihrz bu t6ng Child-Curing Powder lido t r siitt Child-Delivering Elixir 2 F f i shng zi diin child dysentery /J\ J L m S xi60 t r li ji child enuresis I]\ xi60 Cr yi niho child epilepsy pattern /]\ JLjJfjZ xi60 i r xi& zhing child eye gan /I\ JLBQRxi60 t r g i n y6n child food accumulation /j\ jL $913 xi60 kr ji shi child fright epilepsy 111 JLJl,G@jxi60 t r ling xicin child fright reversal 11) )L t,$H xiio t r jing jug child fright wind I]\ JL t,%j%, xiiio i r jing
fee child gan accumulation /J\,JL%$J xi60 dr gin ji childlessness [infertility] X 3 wu zi; 2E 3 jut zi Child Mystery (LU-7) SZ* t6ng xudn child nipple moth /I\ JL2Lh& xi60 t r rii t child patient ,%, j L hrian t r children's diseases /I\ JLp$@% xi60 t r kd ji bing
children's medicine 9 /I\ shuo xirio; #~$4 xi60 fiing mili yhu kg; /I\ children's patterns JL $4iH4@ t r ki! zhtng hhu Children's Return-of-Spring Elixir /I\ J t BR xi60 t r hui c h i n dcjn Children's Supreme Jewel Elixir /J\ I1Z '3-A- xiiio t r zhi 660 d i n child's place [~iter~ls] 3@ zi chu child steals the mother's qi 3&@5 zi dho mii qi child's urine' (Infantis Urina) %@ t6ng bibn child wilting pattern /]\JL'@iiExi60 kr wi;i zhtng child wilting (w&) pattern /I\ JLgiiE xi60 t r wti zhtng child wind JL it-f2ng chill E% wli hdn; [same as aversion to cold, %% wii hlin] 5$ hrin chills more pronounced than fever % % 9%: dii6 hdn sh60 r2 Chimonanthi Flos Immaturus (Japan allla m t i huii spice flower) $,"l&X chin 7; I3 xih bii; 7; E E xih bii k t ; %jkt? chinaberry (root) barko (Meliae Cortex (Radicis)) 4% E kii lihn pc E* kii lian mil pi chinaberry root barko (Meliae Radicis Cortex) Z 42;f;RE kii liiirz g2n pi Chinaberry Root Bark Gruel 349;f;R $8 kii lihn g2n zh6u Chinaberry Root Bark Paste Z#%B kii lidn giio Chinaberry Root Pill 34% fi k c ii'licinwdn chinarooto '(Smilacis Chinae Rhizoma) bci qid China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) FJ * E yuk ji huii; H s E * si ji hiiii; He4,1* shkng chL71z hcing; FJ 3 X*yui gui huii; FJ %* yut yirk kiii; R Z* yui ji; E* yii$ yiik huii; @StI* yhn xu2 h6rzg; $j $tE* ch6u chrirz kuii; yud ji h6tzg; $h@* 1; pho; 5% E* yu2 guiing huii; P4%S*si ji c h i p ; Vl ;t.f %* t6ng chui zi; f l Jj yiib yu2 h6rzg
Chin Bone-Hole [non-channel]%Dl# * kZ liho Chinese chive [bulb]@ (Allii Bulbus) E 12xi2 bhi; %$E* xi6 ggn; BZ*yZ suin; )I\ 3&%* xiiio dri suin; SZ*zhhi suhn; % s*xi2 bhi t6u . Chinese eupatorium leap (Eupatorii Chinensis Folium) f i % Pt liu yu2 xu;
Chinese ilex leaf@ (Ilicis Chinensis Foliurn) +gat dbng qing y2; P I?$S3 a t * si ji qing y2 Chinese Leek Gruel &%$& jiii cai zhbu Chinese leek [leafl (Allii Tuberosi Folium) %% jiii cai; &* jiii; BPES* qi yhng ciio; Art Pa S* zhuang yling ciio; M A Z* liin rin cai; @+$?l* ciio zh6ng rii; YE -k chling shZng jiii; G %* biiin cai Chinese eupatorium [root] (Eupatorii Chinese leek seed@ (Allii Tuberosi SeChinensis Radix) J'- %&+/I$ guiing d6ng men) &T jiii zi; &%{I* jiii cai rin; tii nib xi gq*jiii cai zi; %&T*jiii jiii zi Chinese eurya [root]' (Euryae Chineusis Chinese Leek Seed Pill ZZ & TStL jid jiii Radix) * @ E m i sui huh zi whn Chinese lobeliaO (Lobeliae Chinensis Chinese fan palma (Livistonae Chinenban binn Herba cum Radice) sis Folium et Semen, seu Radix) $$% pri kui ban biiin jh; j&E* ban lihn; +a?%* Chinese fieldnettlea (Stachydis Baicalenbihn hud; )+ X %* pian huh lihn Chinese lovage [root] a (Ligustici Sinensis Herba) 7kX shui sii; 7 ) ( % 3 * shui j i sis Rhizorna et Radix) %& giio bt;n s&; Sj %* j i sii; & j&@g* 16ng niio b6 ,116; B5* xiiirzg sii; 5%' ji2 zii; % ZG* Chinese medicinal @ 5 zhong yao lho zii; K @ S* chtn shd ciio Chinese medicinals and herbal medicines @ ZZj zh6ng ciio yao Chinese fir barkm (Cunninghamiae CorChinese milkwort@ (Polygalae Chinensis tex) $3 Ffi shhn pi Herba cum Radice seu Radix) A&+$ Chinese fir woodm (Cunningharniae Corda jin niri ciio tex et Lignum) $3 shin mu Chinese oliveo (Canarii Albi Fructus) &@ Chinese forget-me-notm (Cynoglossi AmifE giin liin; SF*qing zi; SR* qing gu6; abilis Herba) $QREg6u shi huii EMtE* qing gin liin; HtE* ghn liin Chinese glochidion root0 (Glochidionis i Chinese olive pito (Canarii ~ l b Endosuan : pbn zigzn; Puberi Radix) g&+;i;W carpium et Semen) MtE$%giin liin h t j?l$ &* zhbu shgn sbng Chinese osbeckiao (Osbeckiae Chinensis Chinese gooseberry [fruit] l [~Ltinidiae Herba cum Radice seu Radix) X@fP mi h6u tao; +$ji Chinensis Fructus] j$$#!$$lh tiiin xiing lri %#t m i h6u tho; E g * ttng li; %%* Chinese pharmacy ZZjfilj yao pu -1- !.-- I < 5. JrCCrtg ::, -c ,m& li; Gij ci ii; Gjijg Chinese rosary pea stem and leap (Abri #h* hri li tho; q # h * yhng tho; 5%*qi Precatorii Caulis et Folium) jf'fl,F,@xihng yi; R Eq E* zh6ng gu6 & mti si ttng Chinese sage@ (Salviae Chinensis Herba) Chinese holly leaf* (Ilicis Cornutae ;Ei1?$ shi jian chuin Folium) &+jPt g6u gii y&; &B$lj* g6u Chinese silverweed@ (Potentillae Chineng;i ci; 3% JL $I]* miio kr ci; 2 E$lJ*160 sis Radix seu Herba cum Radice) Zi$@ shfi ci; %R$ilj* 160 hii ci; % % all* yhng % wwti ling cai jiiio ci; /\ W] X* b i jiiio chd; /\%$I/* bG Chinese smartweedo (Polygoni Chinenjiiio ci sis Herba) A EELq hv6 tiin mii ciio; A Chinese ilex [fruit) @ (Ilicis Chinensis hu6 tan mii; @a;l.S* h6u kt? ciio; Semen) + B 7 dbng qing zi; i%E#iJ-F* 8 itlj$I]* chi di li; @@jtfi* bdn jiu fan dbng qing shu zi
Chinese stauntonia root0 (Stauntoniae Chinensis Radix) 1E% @ ti3 jii li zhi giin Chinese stephania [tuber] @ (Stephaniae Sinicae Tuber) & F & jin bu huan Chinese sumac leaf@ (Rhois Chinensis Fatfii yt Fo1i1,m) &$&;yrin Chinese sumac root@ (Rhois Chinensis Radix) &aTjl;Wyan fii zi gEn Chinese tinospora [stem]@ (Tinosporae Sinensis Caulis) @jB@ shiin jin ttng; E @@* kuan jin ttng; EB%#$* qing kuan jln tkng Chinese witch hazel flower* (Loropetali Flos) # E ji huii Chinese witch hazel leap (Loropetali Folium) &ED+ji huLZ yt Chinese witch hazel root* (Loropetali Radix) 4IlE @ ji hu6 g2n Chinese Wolfsbane Paste 3B %@ lring dLi gno Chinese wolfsbane [root] a (Stellerae seu Euphorbiae Radix) 3B% lbng dLi chinquapin seed* (Castanopsidis seu Quercus Semen) $igP zhii zi chisel needle [one o j the nine needles] & W chan zhEn ChloriteIMica Phlegm-Rolling Pill E?6 t B @ A mkng shi giin tbn wrin chlorite/mica [schist]' (Chloriti seu Mil cae Lapis) @ f i mtng shi chlorite [schist]* (Chloriti Lapis) S @ 6 qing mtng shi; IjR ;fT* ming shi Chloriti Lapis (chlorite [schist]) % @ 6 . qing mtng shi; 88 ;ti*ming shi Chloriti seu Micae Lapis (chlorite/mica [schist]) bB 6 mtng shi Chlorophyti Laxi Herba seu Radix (chlorophytum@) f& 9 san jiiio ciio chlorophytumA@(Chlorophyti Laxi Herba seu Radix) f& 2$l scZn jiiio ciio cholera 61 huh luan cholera cramps 6LEjB hub luhn zhuiin jin chong [insects and reptiles] & ch6ng . chong product & % ,ch6ng 1 2 chronic fright @f$. man jing
Chrysanthemi chronic fright wind @$'l,$jX, man jing fEng chronic spleen wind /j$jX, man pi fCng ~ h r ~ s a ~ t h e Flos mi (chrysanthpmum [flower]) % E jh hua; %%* jiii jLi; ** B zh2n jci; a % E *tirin ju huli; %%* yao jLi; %* jLi; i$%7E* giin jri huk; Q %* gin jh; H%*gin jci Chrysanthemi Flos Albus (white chrysanthemum [flower]@) Q % bbi jh; Q %X* brir jh hucZ Chrysanthemi Flos Anhuiensis (Anhui chrysanthemum [flower]@)3% g6ng jh; '&%* hut jL Chrysanthemi Flos Aureus (yellow chrysanthemum [flower]@) 35 h~~Litzg jli; %%E*hubng ju huii Chrysanthemi Flos Chuxhouensis (Chuzhou chrysanthemum [flowerlo) % chLi jh; @ % ~ chh * jLi hua Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis (Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@) % hbng jLi Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis Albus (white Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@) Q % hang bbi jh; $ Z %* brii chb jLi Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis Aureus (yellow Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@)6$$% hring 'huringjh Chrysanthemi, Flos Hao (Hao chrysanthemum [flower]@)%% hbo jh Chrysantherni Flos Huaiqingensis (Huaiqing chrysanthemum [flower]@) t$ % huhi ju Chrysanthemi Flos Qi (Qi chrysanthemum [flower]@)@% qi jh Chrysanthemi . Flos Sichuanensis (Sichuan chrysanthemum [flower]@) !I I % chuan jLi ChrysantKemi Indicae seu Borealis Flos (wild chrysanthemum flower@) !3 % E yP jh hu5 Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Herba cum (wild chrysanthemum@) B LLI %* y2 shbn jh; $$%{T* hucing jh 26;; B%%* %* shcn jiLi yut jh y2 huring jh; LLI
Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice (wild chrysanthemum@) !Ef % yY;'jLi Chrysanthemi Radix (chrysanthemum root) 1-233 E @ brii jLi huii gen Chrysanthemum and Licorice Decoction a 4 . tt ~ S ?% jLi hua gan ciio tang chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos) % E jh hufi; Z%* jiii jh; E g * zhan jh; kffgE* tihn ju hua; @j%* ybo ju; %* jh; tt%E* gan jC hua; @%* gin jh; G % * gzn jh chrysanthemum roote (Chrysanthemi Radix) 13% E @ bhi jh hu~3g2n Chrysomyiae Larva (screwworm) jig & wii gii ch6ng Chubby Child Bill AE J L j~fii ir win Chuzhou chrysanthemum [flower] @ (Chrysantherni Flos Chuzhouensis) chu jLi; &%E* chu jh hiiii Cibotii Pilus (cibotium hair@) &rh @ $5 % jin g6u ji hubng mrio; &jQ%* jin gciu mrio Cibotii Rhizoma (cibotium [root]@)3Q@ qiring 1G; G B* g6u ji; H g6u ji; @j* fh jin; #g*fu gai; & & 3Q@* jin mrio g6u j[; &3tg @* jin g6u ji; B %i @* huhng g6u ji Cibotium Beverage %i BtA g6u ji yin cibotium hair@ (Cibotii Pilus) &3Q B $$ % jiiz g6u ji huang mrio; &3Q%* jin g611 mrio cibotium [root] @ (Cibotii Rhizoma) 361 qihng 1;; G B * g6n ji; B g6u ji; $g "C*
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lo. L J
\mho gciu ji; &3tgB* jin gciu ji; $$3QB* huhng g6u ji Cicadae Periostracum (cicada molting) &$a chbn tui; @ J;fJ*I ti40 jiii; U&ljD&lj%&* j i ji h6u pi; DFp U@ &* ji j i pi; & JL* jiiz niLi tr; +$!I$*kci chrin; @&* chhrz yi; @ B * chhn tiii; $ $ E * chhn k t ; @ B E * chbn tui ki cicada molting' (Cicadae Periostracurn) @ a chdn tui; Ef3* tiho jiii; U@D@%&* j i j i h6u pi; ll&P D&P &* j i j i pi; & Y JL* jin niLi tr; +$@* kk chhn; !I$** chhn yi;
@B*chrin tui; @%* chrin k t ; @ B E * chrin tui k t Cimicifuga and Pueraria Decoction f i m 23ti3 ?% shgng mh gt geiz tang Cimicifuga Decoction f i R $3~shdng mri tang Cimicifugae Rhizoma (cimicifuga [root]@) f i m shang mri; El f i m * zhbu sheng mh; El R* zhbu mri; & E f i R * gui liiiiz sh2ng md; @ f i R * lu sh2ng mri; B $jf t R* j i gii shEng ma cimicifuga [root] @ (Cimicifugae Rhif i m * zhiiu zoma) f i @ shEng mri; sh2ng mri; Elm* zhbu mh; % jf f i J$$* gui liiin shEng mh; @ - f i - @ *lu shdng mri; X-S f i R* j i gii sheng ma cinnabar f)- diitz; (Cinnabaris) %6$ zhci shZ cinnabar" (Cinnabaris) A%* dGn sh; 8 f f * chi diin; Z # * g6ng shg; fib$* dan sha; E6$* chin sha cinnabar[-coated] @ (Junci Medulla cum Cinnabare) %~fl&zhii dZng xin cinnabar[-coated] root poriaO (Poria cum Pini Radice et Cinnabare) ;kE@ zhd shtn cinnabar eye DEW yiirt dztz cinnabar field f f H diin tibrz Cinnabar Field (CV-4) W B* diin ticin; (CV-5) 8B* &in tibrz; (CV-7) ;S B* dfin tihn cinnabar hand %li$Z zhii shii zhiirzg Cinnabaris (cinnabar) ;kli$ zhci sha; W Z* diitz su; %ff-* chi d i n ; ZPJ* g6ng s;la;-?j-@sha; 13 &9*-chir1
cinnabar sand ( s h i ) f f @ d i n shrZ cinnabar sand (shi) in children 4 J L f f @ xi60 t r diin shi Cinnabar Spirit-Quieting Pill ;k lip% $$ A zhk sha iitz shtn wrin cinnabar sublimation k i n ckZn shil cinnabar toxin of the eyelid IIRll&W@ yiin jihz d i n dri cinnabar toxin [sore] ;ST$ diin du Cinnamomi Camphorae Fructus (camphor fruit) i/;@#f=F- zhang shii zi
** *
Cinnamomi Camphorae Lignum (camphor wood) @ zhang m u ; $$ zhiing xiang zhang m u chi; ?$ i('$ Cinnamomi Camphorae Radix (camphor root) 35 IF$ xiang zh61zg g2n Cinnamomi Cortex (cinhamon bark) m +$ r6u gui; +k@* du gui; '%+$"zi g~li;A +$* da gui; 3&' yii gui; $$+$*,lh gui Cinnamomi Cortex Rasus (shaved cinnamon bark@) +$ILgui xin; m +$&' rou gui xin Cinnamomi Cortex lhbiformis (quilled cinnamon [bark]) E;i;$guan gui; &B* gui t6ng Cinnamomi Corticis Oleum (cinnamon oil) miF$IEB rhu gui y6u Cinnamomi Ramulus (cinnamon twig) $2 6 gui zhi; il;!ll@* liii gui Cinnamon and Aconite Center-Rectifying gui fu lizh6ng tang Decoction ;t;$Mif@+>% Cinnamon and Poria (Hoelen) Sweet Dew Beverage +$2$ H EtA gui ling g i n 12 yin cinnamon barkm (Cinna-momi Cortex) El $3 rou gui; +kt$*du g ~ ~%+2' i ; zi p i ; A +$* da gui; 3+$* yLi gui; %f!.+f* lh g~ri Cinnamon Bark and A c h i t e EightIngredient Pill i('$Mrf )\%% ggui fu bii wti whn cinnamon oilm (Cinnamomi Corticis 01eum) r6u g~liybu cinnamon twig' (Cinnamomi Ramulus) @@ g~lizhi; @l]+2* 1iLi gui Cinnamon Twig and Aconite Decoction @ 6M4 3$% g ~ zhi ~ ifil zi tang Cinnamon ' b i g and Ephedra Half-andHalf Decoction +$ ?% gui m h gt ban tang; $26J&f.$$ & ?% g ~ l izhi m h huhng gt ban tang Cinnamon Twig and Ginseng Decoction &@ A 22 $5g ~ zhi ~ irin shen tang Cinnamon Twig and Licorice Decoction iF$@ H Z+ ?% g ~ l izhi gan crio tang Cinnamon Twig and Musk Powder $2@ $& gui sht s6n Cinnamon Twig and Poria (Hoelen) Pill +$@R2$JtLgui zhi fii ling whn
+ +
Cinnamon Cinnamon Twig and Poria (Hoelen) Pill Plus Coix @@ R T fiBUS E11, gui zhi fu ling whn jiii yi yi rin Cinnamon Twig Counterflow-Stemming Decoction ;f;f#5&$$% g~iizhi jiil ni tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction @&$% g~lizhi tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony +$@&f\?lg$% gui zhi qir shho yho tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony Plus Aconite +$@&+$ha R2$$ $?% g~li zhi qu gui jia fii ling bhi zhLi tiing; +$@ & 9 B';J ha Mf F & g ~ zhi ~ iqu shho yho jia fil zi t511g Cinnamon Twig Decoction pattern +$@ t%iiE gui zhi tang zhtng Cinnamon ' b i g Decoction Plus Aconite &@ $1MifF$% gui zhi jia fir zi tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Astra$% g~lizhi jih h~iring galus +$@ ha $$I? qi tang Cinnamon ' b i g Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell @@hn &$$4f $J5 $5gui zhi jiii lbng gii mil li tiing Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Magnolia Bark and Apricot Kernel @&hiIE#b% {I?% gui zhi jia hou po xing rin tiing Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Ovate $ M$?% Atractylodes and Aconite $$@fin g~lizhi jig zhu fu tang Cinnamon W i g Decoction Plus Peony +$ @ha 3 % $ %g~iizhi jin shho yiro tang Cinnamon p i g Decoction Plus Peony and Anemarrhena Decoction 42@ ha 7 4 ?% ggui zhi jiii shho yho zhi mil tang Cinnamon lirig Decoction Plus Peony and Rhubarb $2@ 7Zj! A 35 $% gui zhi jin fin 73% A shho yao da huhng tang; +3@ $$ ?% gui zhi jiii shho yho tlh h~ihngtang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony, Fresh Ginger, and Ginseng Decoction @ fih[FjE&%A@$& g~rizhijia shho ybo sh2ng jiang rin shen tiing Cinnamon ' b i g Decoction Plus Poria (Hoelen), Atractylodes, and Aconite Decoction +$@ ha 2$ 8 Mrf ?% g~lizhi jin ling zhli fii tang Cinnamon 'Ikig Decoction Plus Pueraria @ @ $1B, +@ $% gui zhi jiii g6 g2n tang -+&--+.-
Cinnamon R i g Decoction Plus Rhubarb %fi BU A % @Jgui zhi jia da huritzg tang Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Tangkuei $ffi fin 3 !J3 ?a gui zhi jia diing gut tang Cinnamon R i g Decoction With Extra Cinnamon ;t'f 8 fJU 8 $3~gui zhi jiii gui tang Cinnamon Wig, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction $f@ & f3+kfi$3~gui zhi l6ng gii mii li tang Cinnamon W i g Five Agents Decoction -$$ 8Ew @J gui zhi wii wu tang Cinnamon Wig, Fresh Ginger, and Unripe Bitter Orange $Z&%+$$RZP% gui zhi shzng jifing zhi shi tang Cinnamon Wig, Ginger, Jujube, Licorice, Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite Decocgui jiiing ziio ciio tion &Zq3+i%$MQ$% huring xin f& tang Cinnamon 'Phrig, Licorice, Dragon Bone, jzt 3 & and Oyster Shell Decoction R $k& $31gui zhi gan ciio 16ng gii mii li tang Cinnamon Twig Minus Peony Plus Dichroa Leaf, Dragon Bone, Oyster Shell Counterflow Decoction 8& 3 75fJU 57 @ & @ & $2 @ gui zhi qu shao yho jia shii qi long gii mii li jiu ni tang Cinnamon Twig, Peony, and Anemarrhena Decoction $3@ FjE EJ $3~g~lizhi shho yao zhi mii tang cinquefoile (Potentillae Kleinianae Herba (cum Radice)) $@& sht hhn Cipangopaludina (freshwater snail@) &% tirin lub; A H & % *dli tirin lu6; $$$fi* hilling ST circling moxibustion IEI$%% huixuan jiii Circumference Wind (GV-17) EM*za f2tzg circumscribed elevated swelling BRqE lrR gao zhbng jh xihn Cirsii Herba Carbonisata (charred cirsium@) ;k GjE c h i ji tatz Cirsii Herba seu Radix (cirsiuma) A @ dLi ji; q m * mii ji; Iffa* hii ji; $ I ] $ $ * ci ji; LLI +%* shin nih bring; %q%*j i x i h g ciio; +MIIg$* niri chu zui; $9 @$I]* j i rnii ci; % $ $ % * 6 jipd; A + @ D * dii
niLi zha kdu; %M$I]* zhii mB ci; kj?l Z* liu yuk shuang; $9fi@.@Jq yi rnii ci; $ I *nici k6u ci; gP+LA%* lh zha zui; 3 $11$I* rnii ci ci; Y $4 $* rnii ci ciio; X* nih kdu sht; %E$l]* liio hii ci; $@ $4* ciio xit ci; @l]E $&* shua bii t6u; *$I E*tii h6ng hua; %$l]%* ye' ci chi; T @* tziu bu xzu; $$a9g* zhu ma cai; % T #* niiio bLi pii Cirsii Radix (cirsium root@) da ji gCn cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) Am d6 ji; Y m6 ji; I f f hii 11; $l] ci ji; LLI %* shin nzh batzg; Sj qS;'j i xiang ciio; +M ng* nili chu zui; XG & € $ 4 * j i rnii ci; %a!$@* 2 jipd; A + @ ti* dh niu zhii kdu; @$$$ij* zh6 mli ci; ? i H E*liLi yu6 shuang; $ $ ! ! @ $yil J *rnii ci; $l]* nih kdu ci; 9P f Ln%" lu zha zui; Y $I1$11* rnii ci ci; Y$II S* rnii ci ciio; ti Z* nib kbu shk; %Rj?1]* liio hii ci; $E $I* ciio xik ci; BlleX* shuii b i tbu; *$I E*tii h6ng hufi; ! @ $ f l %yi* ci chi; +T @* nih bii xih; 4$49 %* zhii ma chi; % T )f.* niiio bic pii cirsium root@ (Cirsii Radix) Aliiij$R dLi ji gr?n Cistanche and Goat's Meat Gruel X g q m $8 cbng r6ng yrirzg rbu zhbu Cistanche Pill t%~ 7.;iB$L rrdu cbng r6ng writ2 Cistanches Caulis (cistanche [stem]@) GI * ~8 rbu c6ng rong; $Mg*zbng r6ng; A Z* dLi yun; t3l$* rrdu sbtzg rdng; X B* c6ng rdng Cistanches Caulis Dulcis (sweet cistanche [stem]@) 8itX-S tirin cbng rdng; % X g * dan cbng r6ng; W A Z 4 trdn da yLn; A Z* dhn dii yLin Cistanches Caulis Salsa (salted cistanche yrin cbtzg rdtzg; G X % * [stem]@) xiritz c6ng r6tzg; A Z* yritz ti&yhtz; G A Z* xirin da yhn cistanche [stem] @ (Cistanches Caulis) M @ rrdu cbng r6ng; thg* z&g r6ng; A g* clii yLn; g * rrdu sbng rdng; X #$* cbng r6ng
+ + +
+ +
Citri Sarc-odactylidis FIos (Buddha's Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Pericarpi (mandarin peel) &tHE*jin gdn hand flower) 4$+ E fb shG~1h n i ; 4gC $H Z* f6 grin hcln pi; P% E* guiing chin pi Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae PeriCitri Sarcodactylidis Fructus (Buddha's carpium (mandarin peel) $BE gan pi hand [fruit]) #+$H fb shdu g i n ; IBttt* Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Semen f6 gan; {%$B& B*f6 gatz xirZtzg yuan (mandarin pip) $B@ gan h i Citri Semen (tangerine pip) jli h i Citri Dulcia (candied tangerine) &t8 jh Citri Sinensis Exocarpium (sweet orange b ing peel) t32 E ching pi Citri Exocarpium (tangerine peel) P% E citron' (Citri Medicae seu Wilsonii Frucchin pi; BE*jli pi; 32%gui liio; ?I&* tus) @$xinng yudn; @ @* xiang yuhtz; h6ng pi %/$* xinng luhn Citri Exocarpium Album (white tangerCitrulli Exocarpium (watermelon rind) ine peel@) & 12jh bhi J& ffi xi gun pi; % xi gun c ~ i i Citri Exocarpium Immaturum (unripe 2$! &* xi guii cui yi pi; tangerine peel@) WE qing pi; %$BE* Citrulli Fructus (watermelon) PjJIS xi qing giin pi; 6 qing jh pi gun; % A* hbn guii; %% $ &?&* tinn Citri Exocarpium Immaturum Incisum xih gun; 7KJlS' shen bai hii tang; gJ!S* (four-petalled unripe tangerine peel@) e4 shui gun si huii qing pi civil flame [low flame] * A win hud Citri Exocarpium Rubrum (red tangerine civil madness [withdrawal] *'% win chi peel@) @?I jh h6ng clamor agg cbo zh Citri Iiblium (tangerine leaf) @ D t jli yt clamor from sour water soaking @7K,@ Citri Fructus (tangerine) & jli IL\,\a% suiin shui jin xin cho Citri Fructus Fasciculus Vascularis (tanclamoring stomach !@&cho zh gerine pith) &g&jli lub clamshellg (Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Citri Fructus Immaturus (whole unripe Concha) ghfiz hiii gi k i ; \&kfi*hiii tangerine@) E Ffi g2 qing pi gi; @%* gi kt? Citri Grandis Exocarpium Rubrum clamshell powder' (Cyclinae (seu Mere(Huazhou pomelo rind@) jk & M huh tricis) Concha Pulverata) ShfiU hiii gi huh zhou jh h6ng jh h6ng; i t $11&%I* fe'n; !&fi#jf gi fin Citri Grandis Semen (pomelo pip) 4Q$2 clam shell powder scorching h&w% gi ybu h i f2n thng Citri Medicae seu Wilsonii Fructus (citClaoxylonis Radix seu Folium (claoxylon ron) 2$ M xinng yuhn; 2$ B*xiiing yuhn; [root or leaf]@) % 7@ diu liiio bhng &J%*xiang luhn claoxylon [root or leaf] (Claoxylonis Citri Pericarpium Australe (southern 7 if:@ diLl liiio bkng Radix seu Folium) clashing [7 relations; e.g., aconite main tup%Eguiing chin pi t a ~ g e r i n epeel) ber clashes (i.e., produces side eflects when Citri Pericarpium Carbonisatum E xinng fiin used) with pinellia] @i (charred tangerine peela) [Ifj E 32 chtn pi t6n classic [classical text] ?3ling Citri Pericarpium Medicatum (haliteclassical remedies school ?3f?$ifjingffing phi processed tangerine peela) W % Pfi E qing yhn chtn pi classical remedy ?Sfj-jingfnng Citri Pericarpium Xinhuiensis (Xinhui classification according,to manifestation -xin hui pi; $A& tangerine peel@) $!,,&i. t k % E& & bi lti qC xihng; E& & t k 35 q5 xihng bi lti @Efi" xin hui jli pi
Clausenae Lansii Folium (wampee leaf) % j3 D t huang pi yd Clausenae Lansii Radix (wampee root) %Ffi@ huhng pi gen Clausenae Lansii Semen (wampee seed) %E%;(;W hucingpigub h i ; BFfi$W'huhng pi h i clavicle $3@ sub gii; &&+El qu2 ptn gii clavicle [collar bone] fjj F B suci zi gii claw )R zhiio clean bowel [the bladder] #ji@ jing fii cleanse @ jit cleansing the clean bowel [the bladder] E ?+@jjit jinng fii clean tongue fur jing fai clear ?f$ qing clear and course with light [medicinals] @ fg$fij@ qinng qing shii jit clear and depurate lung qi $ffiR$5 qing sir f?i qi clear and discharge the lesser yang (shao yhng) ?S?tB 9!:PEI qing xi2 shao yhng clear and disinhibit jf$$I] qing li clear and drain ?Zj%qing xi2 Clear and Quiet Pill ? S TStL qNzg ning wcin; $g7 $L qitzg ning whiz clear and resolve exterior heat ?Zfi+S?!: qing jit biiio r? '(Flear blood heat jgrta?!: qitzg xu? r2 clear both qi and construction ?Em?% qi ying liiing qing Clear Brain [non-channel]R&?% niio qirzg clear bright spirit qi $@%?%% shkn qi qing shuiin clear coherent speech S iG?73lIfh ybn yii qing xi Clear Cold Abyss (TB-11) ?gW?)#qing ltng yuan clear cold semen $g@?j$ W jing y2 qing ltng Clear Cold Spring (TB-11) ?$&&*qing Eng qucin clear construction ? S B qing ying clear construction and discharge heat g &t qing ying xi2 r?
clear clear construction and outthrust papules 1SBBB qing ying ti)^ zhZn clear damp-heat ?$E% qing shi ri clear dryness qing zao clear evil f g !@ qing xit clear-eye blindness S E qing mang clear-eye blindness in children )L B E xi60 t r qing mhng clear fire ?gA qing hub xia li qing clear-food diarrhea f;$IJ gii Clearheadedness (GV-16) ?E?E*xing xing clear heart fire ?gJLIA qing xin hub clear heat .iZ?!: qing ri clear heat and brighten the eyes ?j$%:m €I qing r? ming mu clear heat and cool the blood ?g?!:i,$ifn qing r? licing xu2 clear heat and disinhibit dampness $S!& $11 E qing ri li shi; ?g$11 ?Z:$! qing li shi r2 clear heat and disinhibit water ?E?!:jFlJ7j; qing r2 li shui clear heat and drain fire ?g?!:?%A qing r2 xi2 huci clear heat and enrich yin ?g24: P a qing r2 zi yin clear heat and extinguish wind ?g$!:I:B,)Xl qing t-2 xi f2ng clear heat and free strangury (lin) ?g&?: #&F.j qing r2 t6ng lin clear heat and induce draining precipita\!! f3f ; qing 1-2xi? xi& tion ?g clear heat and moisten dryness ?s?!:#j@ qing r2 run zho clear heat and open the orifices $Z?;&7f B qing r2 kai qiho . clear heat and resolve summerheat ?S% fiq b qing r2 jig shii clear heat and resolve the exterior ?sjA f@Sqing ri jit biiio clear heat and resolve toxin $$!!:ME qitzg r2 jit du clear heat and stanch bleeding $3?!:' kifn qing 1-2zhi xu2
clear clear heat and transform dampness if$?!\ 4k tZ qing rt huh shi; PZ4-LE?!:qing huh shi rt clear heat and transform phlegm +$2\4& % qing rt huh tan clear heat, transform phlegm, and open the orifices +St!\ 4&@%5% qing rt huh tan kai qiho clear heat with cold and bitterness $$% +$?!l: kii hcin qing rk clearing +f$ qing; +$?A qing fii Clearing and Resolving Exteriorqing Outthrusting Decoction +$ff#BSP% jiE! t6u biiio tang Clearing Invigoration Decoction +ZS .ih qing zhtn tang Clearing Resolution Tablet $8fll? R qing jit pihn Clearing Tkansforming Beverage $?4ktt qing hua yin clear liver fire +$HA qing gatz hub clear metal [clear the lung] 'if$& qing jin clear metal and downbear fire tS& EA qing jin jihng hub Clear Nose [nun-channel]&& bi tiing clear orifice t s s qing qido clear, pure, and cold +B$&tf$ & ch6ng cht qing 12ng clear qi j E 5 , qing qi clear qi and cool construction +$5,?,3B qing qi licing ying clear qi failing to bear upward +$%+fi qing qi bii sh2ng clear qi heat t$T?& qing qi ri? clear qi with cold and acridity +%+ST xin hbn qing qi clear qi with cold and bitterness Z e t S 5 kkiZ han qing qi clear residual toxin $f$& S qing yh dh clear. runny snivel (nasal mucus) @ 7k bi shui Clear Sea Pill $$j%&, qing hiii wbn Clear Sky (TB-11) +SZ* qing hho qing kiing giio Clear Sky Paste Clear Sky Powder +$%& qing k6ng sin clear snivel (nasal mucus) &?% qing ri
Clear Spirit (TB-I 1) +EZ*qing ling clear summerheat and boost qi +f$Z-&$? qing shfi yi qi clear summerheat and disinhibit dampness tE $11 E qitzg shfi li shi clear the blood $$a qing xut clear the heart +f$& qing xin clear the heart and boost the kidney +$j &'% qing xin yi shin clear the heart and drain fire ?$&?%A qing xin xit huci clear the heart and flush heat +$L\&%?r: qing xin di rt clear the heart and open the orifices +$ & 85 2 j qing xin kzi qiho clear the intestines and moisten dryness +$k @l qing c h h g run zho clear the liver tsj'f- qitzg g2n clear the liver and drain fire tf$flT?%% qing gcn xi2 hub clear the lung and calm panting +Sj$T UZ qing fti ping chuiin clear the lung and moisten dryness $3@ qing fti run zho clear the lung and suppress cough 6$#$ & U% qing fii zhi k6 clear the network vessels and preserve yin 4% PJ qing lu6 bio yin clear the palace [clear the heart] +$j3 qing gcing clear the stomach tg 8 qing wti clear the stomach and downbear counterflow +$% E@qing wki jihng ni clear the stomach and secure the teeth tf$ El& qing wti gic, chi clear thin snivel (nasal mucus) &i%+$+% bi ti qing xi clear thin stool jcfEf$@ dh bihn qing bb; jc j Effi f#? di bian qing xi clear uninhibited stool and urine !Fi$$?$ $1 bian niho qing li clear uri-ne and thin stool lZ.tS1Eg n i ~ o qing bian tcing clear vacuity heat +$@ % qing x i rt j i \
clear yang tS;-PHqing yilng
clear yang eHuses through the interstices qihg ycing fii cbu li ?3[JBE clear yang failing to bear upward and turbid yin failing to bear downward [JBT f t , ?& T % ! qing yring bu sheng, zhu6 yin bu jiang clear yang issues through the upper oriPf3 k qing yring chu shring fices qiao clear yang makes the four limbs replete ?W PB % FIl E qing yhng shi si zhi cleft 215 xi Cleft Center (DL-40) %';IS xi zhbng
'is ~
Cleft Gate (PC-4W"O)
215 I'-Jxi mCn
cleft point 2ISn x i x u t Cleistocalycis Cortex (water banyan bark@) 7k 5%E shui wcng pi Cleistocalycis Flos (water banyan flower@)7k 5%E shui weng huii CPeistocaPycis FoPium (water banyan leafa) 7k 5% P t shui weng yt Clematidis Finetianae Radix, Caulis et Foli (Finet's clematis@) f- & tE* qihn jin bri Clematidis Finetianae Radix, Caulis et Folium (Finet's clematis@) LLI j@ shiin mu tong Clematidis Radix (clematis [root]) &Z {L[1 wei lingxiiin; sZ{LLI*wCi ling xitin; S {lh* wCi ling xihn; -& Pf;P & Z {lh* ti6 jido {dl" h2i jido wCi wdi ling xihn; %Bt;P&Z ling xitin; %Bt;P 3 {W tit5 jiiio Ling xian; # Z {UI* tic? ling xihn; Z {h@*ling xiiin ttng; 3-4 1 l*~ h2i ling ; -2{& * !&xl'G~ -W
Clematis Pill B Z h ww6 ling wrin clematis [root]. (Clematidis Radix) & Z{lh wEi ling xiiin; sZ{tl~* wLi ling xihn; E!iT{th* wCi ling xitin; -&Bt;P%Z{th* ti2 jiiio wCi ling xiiin; W Bt;P &Z {III*h2i jiiio wdi ling xiin; REP Z 4UI* ti2 jiiio ling xian; -& Z {tl~* tit5 ling xihn; Z 4L[1&*ling xiiin ting; % Z 4lh* h2i ling xiiin; Z {b* ling xiiin clenched hands j%j % @ 1iing shbu jin wb; j%j B IEil liiing shbu wt, gu
cloud clenched jaw 3X% : [%I ya gulZn jin bi; 3 XI@3, yb gutin jin ji; a2 jin; I@ ti jin k6u; a @ kiiu jin clenched jaw preventing speech t! F kciu jin bu yii clenched jaw wind a2n jin fdng clenched teeth 3U E chi jin Clerodendri Folium (clerodendron [leaf]@) SBtiXI thou wLi t6ng; SEtiXI P t * chou wir t6ng yt. Clerodendri Fragrantis Radix et Folium (fragrant glorybower@) g%%ijchou mo li; S R s f i * chhu shi mh li Clerodendri Radix (clerodendron,rpot@) @&I@ chhu wh t6ng g2n clerodendron [leaf] @ (Clerodendri Folium) RBtW chbu wLi t6ng; REtR P t * c h h wLi tdng yt clerodendron root@ (Clerodendri Radix) gtWjl;B chhu wLi tbng gen Clever Powder ?El''$@xing xing sdn climbing groundsel@ (Senecionis Scandentis Herba) f- % % qiiin li gunng; h g ?FJ* jifi li ming; g %* jiii li guang climbing nightshadee (Solani Lyrati Herba) 13% @ bai mcio ting; El %* shfi yring qurin; bai ying climbing over walls and onto roofs &!% k E yut qiang shang wii climbing to high places and singing 98 rri? deng gho t r g2 climb the rope S7Z piin suii clinical I&Elin chubng close [of wounds] 3 lihn closed-$X m i Closed Hole [non-channel] 71 bi kdng close sores 3% liiin chuiing clot # kuhi Cloth Bag Pill ;ffi?&& bit dhi whiz clots in the menstrual discharge %?&% @ jing xu; jih kuai clotted menstrual discharge %&@% jiiag xut jib kurii clotted menstrual flow FJ % j& +#? jing ldi chin kuai cloud &!j bi
clouded clouded flowery vision IR €4 B E yiin mh hiin hua clouded head and vision with headache and eye pain & €I B tbu m h hiin tbng clouded heavy head & B $0% tbu zhbng rh ming; % B S tbu hiin zhbng clouded spirit $$% i i f g shin hiin 63 qing; $$% shin hiin clouded spirit-affect $$' I $% $#I shin qing hiin hh clouded spirit-mind [clouding of consciousness] $$Z ## shtn zhi hiin hii clouded vision €4 B mLL hiin; El %!I&mu hiin m t i Cloud Gate (LU-2w"O) Z T7 yhn m t n clouding % hiin; hiin kui clouding [as of mind or spirit] !$-?B mtng bi; Z mtng clouding reversal gk yiin jut clouding and mania $Ehiin kuhng clouding collapse Blj$l]hun diio clouding loss of consciousness % i iA0 A hiin 63 zhi r t n clouding, mania, and delirious speech @ B @ i E hun kuhng zhan yfi clouding of the orifices of the heart &F, +&!$-? xin qiho bki mtng clouding of the spirit $$$ shin hiin clouding reversal hiin jut clouding reversal due to internal block I;f;l M @ k nki bi hun jut clouding sleep [new] f.O@ hiin shui cloudy vision shi mbzg clove* (Caryophylli Flos) T B dingxiang; 7i;Q T @* xi6ng ding xiang; 3 @@* zhi jid xiang; T T*ding zi; T 8"ding zixiang; fi T B* gdng ding xinng Clove and Aquilaria Diaphragm-Freeing Decoction T iXj=RW $% ding chtn tbu gt tang Clove and Cardamom Center-Rectifying Pill T %@ rtL ding kbu l i zhdng whn Clove and Cinnamon Powder T;f'$% ding gui siin Clove and Evodia Center-Rectifying Decoction T E Fg +$a ding yh l i zh6ng tang
clove Clovo and Persimmon Decoction TBH 8& ding xiang shi di Clove and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction T B t-t-++ {A ;k $51ding xiing fii ling tang Clove, Ass Hide Glue, and Mugwort Decoction T @/$Q-ji $2 ding xiiing j i i o hi tang clove bark* (Caryophylli Cortex) TB8.f E ding xidng shh p i clove distillate* (Caryophylli Floris Distillatum) T @ Z ding xiiing ILL clove flat abscess (ding jii) E E ding ju clove fruit* (Caryophylli Fructus) T B mit. ding xiiing; 3%Z 3"j i sht xiang clove oil* (Caryophylli Oleum) T 3 @I ding xiang y6u Clove Powder T B % ding xing siin clove root* (Caryophylli Radix) T %@ ding xiang g& clove sore (ding) 6ding; 6%ding chuiing clove sore (ding) of the ear q-6b ding clove sore (ding) of the face Ejf miLin ding clove sore (ding) of the finger ) K 6 zhi ding clove sore (ding) of the foot E l j zir diilg clove sore (ding) of the heel 9Wfi ggen ding clove sore (ding) of the lip chhn ditzg clove sore (ding) of the nose 8% bbi ding clove sore (ding) of the throat l@fi hbu ding clove sore (ding) of the tongue & 6 , shi ding clove sore (ding) of the tooth and gum 5f 5 yb ding clove sore (ding) running yellow fi'63Z $$ ding chuiing z6u h~ihng clove sore (ding) of the toe fkfi zhi ditzg clove sore of the knuckle (ding) !l&Tlj zhh j i t ding Clove Sore 'hamport [non-channel] E& ding shii clove twig' (Caryophylli Ramulus) T ?3 @ ding xiang zhi
clustered stars obstruction SEPIZ ju xing zharzg cluster needling &$$cdng zhen cluster pricking &$I]cdng ci Cnidii Monnieri Fructus (cnidiurn seed@)ERT sht chuang zi; E** sht sht su; El% mi; EEk* sht zhu; Efi%K* {I* sht chuting rtrz; ERg* sht churing shi; BR* hui churing Cnidii OHicinalis Rhizoma (cnidium root@) E3 $. ) 11 % ri btrz chuiin xiGng; El -* 5 r-i xiong cnidium root@ (Cnidii Officinalis Rhizoma) El & j 1 1 % ri bbl chuiirz xiorzg; El %* ri xiong cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monnieri Fructus) @E T sht chuting zi; E$" sht mi; E 5%* sht zhu; j@s*sht S U ; E&{I* shi chuting rtn; !!&&%* shk chucirzg shi; 7t3 R* hui churing Cnidium Seed Decoction @&P $31sht chuting zi tnng Cnidium Seed Powder j@E T 3 sht chuting zi siin Cnidium Seed Rinse !I@ K T j$ $%311 sht chuhng zi chGng xi ji coacting treatment [e.g., treating cold with cold] M f2 cdng zhi coaction and counteraction @J.l\ rzi cotzg co-action is paradoxical treatment [using, for example, cold to treat cold is called paradoxical treatment] M 8f i fa cdng zht fiirz zhi coagulated blood p2i xu2 EOakSC
+g CC
coarse frankincense@ (Olibanum Rude) f B yutin rii xidng coat [a pill] j%* gua yi coating [of a pill] j%* g~ihyi Cocculi Radix (woody fangji [root]) 1% E mu fting ji coccyx E.3 wci gii; 9 jZj qidtzg gLi; E El wgi lu; 5jLi di; fjtl$% di duan cocke (Gallus Masculinus) h#JJ xi6ng ji cockcrow [B2 watch, 1-3 a.m.] $!?,Usji m ing
Cockcrow Powder $,0% 3 j i ming sin Cockcrow Powder Plus Poria (Hoelen) % D-4 3f.kfiU &$ j i ming siin ji& fii ling cockscomb [flower]' (Celosiae Cristatae Flos) $ 3 2E j i guGn hun; % B*j i gudn; $,3 &* j i guan t6u Cockscomb Powder fi3 3 j i guiitz siin cock's spittlee (Galli Masculini Saliva) a @ xi6ng j i kiiu xirin cocoon lip %E jiiin chun jiiin chun feng cocoon tip wind Codonopsis and Hematite Qi-Settling Decoction S@~@%$$J shen zht zhtn qi tnngl Codonopsis, Astragalus, and Ovate s LX, $ shen Atractylodes Decoction 2 qi bai zhii tdtzg codonopsis [root] @ (Codonopsitis Radix) % S diing sh2n; A S* shring dZng rtn shgn; SQ* hucing shen; 3nifiX%*shi 3Z4 tdu shen; +IZ ijP zhong ling clio; I! fang diing Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix (lance~ R hiii olate codonopsis [root])L L I E ~ ~shGn lud; !?!IPi- %* si yt sh2n; PIS* niii shen; rii shii; 9 PIT* nik niii zi; PJWS g*niii rziii t6u; %?jLg*tong rii ciio; $ t q s * btii h t che Codonopsitis Radix (codonopsis [root]@) '3g diing shen; _t A B* shrirzg diing rirz sherz; g * h~~tiizg shCtz; % g' shi tdu shCn; +IZ S* zhorzg ling ciio; P;Zj 3%' fting diing Codonopsitis Radix Lu'anensis (Lu'an codonospsis [root]@) 3 lu diing; S* li~diing shen Codonopsitis Radix Occidentalis (western codonopsis [root]@) @ 32 xi ding Codonopsitis Radix Orientalis (eastern codonopsis [root]@)5 d6ng diing Codonopsitis nngshen Radix (Sichuan codonopsis [root]))I] 32 chudrz ding; j ll % S * chctdn ding shdrz coelogyne" (Coelogynes Pseudobulbus g bki mii ltitz seu Herba) Coelogynes Pseudobulbus seu Herba (coelogyne) @ Z bti mfi ltirz
cold-damp coffee senna fruit" (Cassiae Occidentalis wling jiiing nrin zi Fructus) coherent response to inquiry Y$8?g%$ dui db qing chii Coicis Radix (coix root) S E $ E yi yi gCn Coicis Semen (coix [seed]) BE41 yi yi r i n ; % S T * yi zhii zi; h G 3 * liu gii zi; @ yu mi; a % * yi mi; *{I* m i rttz; E ~ I *yi r i n ; E % * yi mi; E { I % * yi r i n m i ; B f z * yi r i n ; %** yi mi; %*{I* yi mi rin Coicis Semen Crudum (raw coix seed@) L k q l z * sheng yi r i n ; 'LkSE.11" sh2ng yi yi ren coin lichen (xiiin) & Z j @ jin qirin xiiin; H @ yurin xiiin coin screen 3%yuhn yi coital bleeding X@$ ,+j & jiiio jig chL2 xu;; 9$6,+j jiao jit chii xiit Coix, Aconite, and Baijiang Powder BE M $ 3 B % % yi yi fu zi bai jiang siin; S E Mf T @ k $& yi yi fu zi bai jiang siin Coix and Bamboo Leaf Powder %Ef?Ut $& yi yi zhLi y t siin Coix Decoction %E 4 1 2% yi yi r i n tang coix root" (Coicis Radix) BEtR yi yi g2n coix [seed]" (Coicis Semen) BE41 yi yi r t n ; %3j!+3' yi zhc zi; A 8%'. liu gii zi; @%* yu m i ; a** yi mi; %{I* m i r i n ; H{I* yi r i n ; Stj; %* yi m i ; E{I %* yi r i n m i ; S ~ I *yi r i n ; %** yi mi; %*{I* yi m i rtn cold % hrin; [new] ?$ ltng cold repletion @% hrin shi cold abdominal pain %I+@% hhn IZng fu thng cold accumulation %$R hhli j i cold. accumulation abdominal pain % $2 E % hhn j i fu ti,ng; %$,a\@% hhri ji fu thng cold afflux @ i ) %$I hhn pi cold aggregation @i) @@ hhn pi cold and heat %?!r: hrin r t cold arising from the center @.)A +Lk hbh c6ng zhdng shCng
cold array %8% hrin zhtn; $4: 8% r t zhbz cold back "8'- bki hrin cold bind hhn j i i cold body 9 ).W shaz IZng cold can counteract heat % $jE %I] t!: hlin ning zhi rk cold causes contracture and tension %Ill 'lk S 1 hrin zt shdu yin cold causes qi to contract %IllTqk hrin zt qi shdu cold chest bind @'r&mhrin jig xidng; % $6j$ hrin j i i xiong cold cholera %g&L hhn hui, lubn cold congealing in the liver vessel @i@j'f b$ hrin nnirzg giin mlii cold constipation %$A hrin bbi; @$A 1Zng bi cold cough %a,$* hbn si,u cold damage 43% shiing hrin cold damage blood amassment {%%Zif~ shiing hhn xh xu6 cold damage dual contraction 4% @ 73@ shiing hhn lihtzg giin cold damage exterior pattern 4%% 3?E i shang hhn biiio zhtng cold damage febrile disease [heat disease] 4% % @ shang hbn r t bing cold damage interior pattern 421 3% 3 iE shiing hhn l i zhtng cold damage pattern ffi%iiE@ shiing hhn zhkng hhu cold damage school {%%E shatzg hrin phi cold damages the physical body; heat damages qi %43%5, i!\4% 5 hhn shiing xing, r t shiing qi cold damage taxation relapse fever 15% $4: shiing hrin lrio fu fii r t cold damage water amassment 4% % S 7K shang hhn xu shui cold-damp %E hhtz shi cold-damp congealing in the sinews and bones % Elg%iijj@hrin shi ning zhi jin gii cold-damp dizziness % E Kp@hhn shi xiidn yiin
cold-damp hbn shi li cold-damp dysentery cold-damp encumbering the spleen %B lifjj+ hhcin shi kun p i cold-damp enduring impediment (bi) % E @ hhn shi jiii bi cold-damp headache % a A B hbn shi t6u tong cold-damp impediment (bi) 3%?%E hcin shi bi cold-damp leg qi @?%BpThhn shi jiiio qi cold-dump lumbar pain St%@@hhn shi yao tcirzg cold-damp obstructing the center %?Z+ hhn shi zhorzg zii cold-damp phlegm % hhn shi tan Cold Dew [17th solar term] %Z hhn lu cold diarrhea % ?% hhn xi2 Cold-Dispelling Fright-Assuaging Decoction B@%$%&Izhh hrin dung jing tdng cold-dispelling medicinal ?3% 5 qii hhn yao cold-dissipating and phlegmtransforming medicinal % i t &@jshn hcin hu2 tan yiio cold-dissipating medicinal & ?@5 shn hbn yao cold distention hhz zhang cold dysentery % f i hLin li cold enveloping fire A han bao hud .cold enveloping heat %@ f;f;!, han bbo r t
cold evil invading the stomach % %I33E E hhn xit fan w2i cold evil settling in the lung % %I38 Bifi hrin xit k t f t i cold extremities shdu zLi hrin cold formation % i t h6n hua cold formula @3lJhrin ji cold gan ?$;r$: le'ng giin cold head &?$t6u le'ng cold heart pain @&@ hhrin xin tong
cold-heat complex %?&%%hrin r2 jia zri; %!it:%& hhz rk cuo za cold-heat gan ?$?!l:;r$: le'ng r2 gan cold-heat malaria %?&@ hhLi r i nut cold hiccough %BE h6n 2 Cold House (GB-33) %$f* hhtz fii cold impediment (bi) @% hrin bi cold in the abdomen E W fu le'ng; E @ @ fi~ zhcing hhn cold in the back %&?$ b2i le'ng cold in the glans penis P a A @ yin t6u hbn cold in the smaller abdomen /J\ E%?,$ xi20 fu han liring cold in the uterus f i g @yin biio ydu hrin cold is treated with heat %;$?,\ 2 hbn rhk r i zhi cold limbs @ E?8?$ silzhi qing le'rzg cold malaria %E hhz i ~ i i i . cold [medicinals] can eliminate heat % EJ& ??l: hLin ke' qu r t cold metal and cold water &% 7&?$ jin hcin shui le'ng cold mounting (shan) %$ijhlin shan cold moxibustion W le'ng jifi coldness and heaviness in the lumbar region @ W s yiio le'ng zhong cold night crying hhn ye ti cold occlusion %RE han gt cold pain %% hhci tong; ?$@ le'ng tong cold panting %a% hhci chuiin cold pattern %jE hcin zh2ng cold phlegm hun tun cold phlegm obstructing the lung A$ hrin tan zii fki cold precipitation %7; hhrz xih hhrin qi cold qi abdominal pain fu tong cold qi vomiting % ~ I @ uh$n & qi du tu cold repletion chest bind % S 26llbj hhtz shi jit xiiing cold reversal @Rhan jut cold reversal heart pain %RJL\@$han jut xin tong
cold reversal in the extremities fZ5$m sh611 zLi hhn jut! cold rheum %t$ hhrz yin cold rheum ascending counterflow % tA I$ hhrz yin shang ni cola rheum lying latent in the lung %tA .fAj$ hhn yin fh fki cold semen % $8 hhn jing cold sensation in the lumbus and abdomen E @ % W yao fu jut ltng cold sensation in the smaller abdomen /J\ flB+ i,$i@ xiiio fii y6u lihng g i n cold shudders %% hhn li cold shudders and chattering jaws %% 8%hhn li gii han cold sinews %% jin hrin cold skin and sweating W t? =l: ffi ltng hhn chii cold stagnating in the liver vessel H hhn zhi gan mai cold stasis %@ hhn yii cold stroke % hdn zhhng; % zhong hhn cold stroke with shorhge of qi %+ $5 hhrz zhotzg shiio qi cold sweating Wt? ltng han cold tearing ?$@ ltng lti cold tetany %@ hhrz jing cold vomiting %DE hhn 611; %a* hhn tu Cold Wheezing Pill @@ 5tL ltng xiao whn cold-wind-damp impediment (bi) Wfl3!5 B ltng f2ng shi bi cold aching lumbus and knees ED$@& y i o xi suan ltng cold constipation ?$@\ ltng bi; A @?$$A da bian lgng bi cold damp scrotum Pjj@tE& yin nhng shi ltng cold dysentery # j$ij lgng li cold extremities - f Z $ $ l +sh6u zu qing ltng cold heart pain ?$ JL\@!~Ltng xin tong cold limbs @?$ zhi ltng cold limbs and aversion to cold E%@ ?+ wu hhn zhi ltng
cold limbs and fear gf cold @?$Z% zhi ldng wti hhn cold of the two lower legs jZjjjp?+ liling jing ltng cold pain ?$% ltng tbng cold pain in heart [region] and abdomen JL\E W B xin fir ltng tong cold pain in the lumbus and knees Ej$ % %% yyo xi ltng tbng cold pain in the stomach duct and abdomen l%E W B w i n fu ltng tong cold phlegm W B ltng thn cold strangury (lin) I$$#+ ltng fin cold taxation W % ltng lho cold wheezing %It$ ltng xi60 collapse 4b pLi; t whng collapse of the nose $$fib~ bgng collapse on attempting to stand up %,@ IS ib zhan qi jiang pii Collarbone (LI-15) )'j#@* yLi gii collect I+ ting collected works quhn shu collecting rheum dizziness #tA ting yin xuan yiin collecting rheum palpitation I+ JL\@ ting yin xin ji collecting rheum rib-side pain I$ tA ting yin xit tong Collection Hole (LU-(iW1I0)T L E k6ng zui collection of water-humor 7K% 1$ % shui yB ting jii collection of water-rheum 7K I+ % shiii yin ting ju Colocasiae f i b e r (taro [root]) T k yii tbu; TX*yu niii; T@'J* yu niii; T@* yu gen; fZ* tfi zhi; @@* dun chi; T* yci; +@'J* yang niii; ST* mho yu; TIT* yu zlii Colocadae Tuber Exsiccatum (dried qing yu niii gan taro@) color .@! st color and flavor entry 5& 5 % Ffi A wLi st wfi w t i S L L ru ~ color and sheen ?$ st zC color blindness & S st mhng
color [phase] restrajning disease [phase] 13 5%s t k i bing coma B 8 ;?';@hLn j m i bu xing; @ ZB % shin zhi hLn m i combination $$ h i ; $1 % xiing jiin combination disease &% h t bing combine [agents in a formula] BZ{5 pii wii; [or combined with] +$ h t combined evil e5f.Ph i xit combined grinding &@fhht yhn combined poke &-Jbj; h t mai combined pulses *H%bjr& xinng jian mai xiang combined treatment of lung and kidney Mi 'W IGI ?G fti shin tbng zhi combine points aZfi pii x u i combining front and back points & B B Z fit& shu m u p@ xut fii combining left and right points &&BZfi $A zui) y & ~pki xu2 fii combining local and distant points 5% BZfi $A yuiin jin p t i xut fii combining same-name channel points JGl % $2BZ f i ?& tbng ming jing pii xut fii combining source and network points %BZfl$A yucin luh pPi xut fii combining transport and alarm points $ij 33BZfi ?A shL m u pii xu6 fa' combining transport points E $&BZ fi& wii shii pti xut fii combining upper and lower body points 4 7 ; B Z f i & shangxia pti xu6 fii comfrey' (Symphyti Herba) f i kang fu a; @ & katzg fu ii Coming and Going Decoction &*?$J qu lcii tang coming and going heart pain &*&% qu lai xin thng command point b u r command points] ,9,fi z6ng xut Commelinae Benghalensis Werba (Bengal dayflower@)I-/IPt % zhli yt cai; &t ??A* thng shi song Commelinae Herba (dayflower) @, F 6S yii zhi ciio; YGBt;P%* yii jiiio zhiing; YE,-&
q*ya shi ciio; /r.fPt %* zhli yi cai; fqat 7k S* zhli yt shui ciio common cold @ H giin mao Common Cold Fever-Abating Granules @ @ B?I!: i$ fiI] giin mao tui rt chbng ji Common Cold Formula @ B 7 giin mho ning Common Cold Formula 2 @ 1f i g i n mao t r fang common cold headache @ @ %;C g i n mho t6u thng common dysosma [root] 0 (Dysosmae Versipellis Rhizoma) % E3 gui jiu common rabdosiaa (Rabdosiae Amethystoidis Herba) /I\ Pt@,g,Exiiio yt. shi G n g xiang chd. chi; &@A@* guiin; B Z ti; quhn t6u mii communicating bowels [a fistula between the rectum and bladder or vagina] ? j $ jiGo chcing comparison tL % ?& bi lii fii complanate astragalus seed0 (Astragali Complanati Semen) f i E T shii yuan zi; ,:,I, 4 @* sha yurin ji li; ?&%@* t6ng ji li complement tihn thong complementarity and opposition of yin and yang PB PH jl;H Fk jl;H E ym yhng xinng chtng xiing fiin Complementarity Decoction Et3 P$J ji ji tiing complete absence of food intake *+% -& qucin bu jin shi complete compendium quhtz shL campietc infcrtiiiiy f +F quhn bic chiin completely peeled tongue fur % 311S guang 66 sht Completion Bone (GB-12W19% E! whn gfi completion bone [mastoid process] 2 @ wd.n gfi complex [disease patterns] E jia cuh; 9 jia zh complex dysentery t&?!I:l$l xi6 r2 li; t&!& 7;m xi2 rt xih li complexion s t ; &?% s t z t
complexion blooms from qi &KT+ st sui qi huh complicate % jib complication % jiii compound formula E f i fu fiing Compound Formula Coptis Paste g%$$ S W fu fGng huhng lia'n gbo Compound Formula Humifuse Euphorbia Tablet $fi? i tfi+$)+ fu fang di jin pian Compound FormuPa Major Qi-Infusing Decoction B f i A %~T@J fLi fiing dh chtng qi tiing Compound Formula Wild Buckwheat Root Tablet E 5&% )+ f& fiing jin qiho pian compress yin conceive sht jing; $3$A&P sht jing chtng yun concentrated pills $%%Anbng su6 whn conception vessel [old] #bk r t n mai Concha Margaritifera (mother-of-pearl) zhCn zhii m i i ; %+i*zhii mii; % @* zhii mii; ming zhii mii confluence points of the eight vessels / \ bk 2 6fi bb mhi jib6 hui xut concretion mounting (zheng shan) gj zheng shan concretions and conglomerations (zheng ji6) &j@ zhEng j i i concretions and gatherings (zheng j i i j i ju) [abbreviation] $9 @ $R % zhsng j i i j i ju concretions (zheng), conglomerations o i i ) , accumnlations Vi), and gatherings (ju) %t@ $R 2 zheng ji6 j i ju Concretion-Transforming Return-to-Life Y A- hua zhdng hui shEng Elixir i t $2 diin concretion (zheng) %2 zheng condense lihn condense fluids to phlegm f i $ @ j g & lian y t wti thn condense humor into phlegm & 235 lian yt chtng thn condition 61,s bing qing condition like distention but not distention I U j E F j E si zhhng bu zhang
congealing condition like hunger but not hunger {U BTi'&s i i b u i condition like pain but not pa,in { U g T B si tong bu tdng conduct 31 yin conduction 3 3 I d i o yin conductor 3 I yin; 3 1 3 yin zi cone [of moxa, sequentially b~irnton one spot] If zhuang cone moxibustion -jig&hi z h i ~jiil confine @ xit confined pulse $j$jc llio mlii confinement to lying posture @* wo bu d t zu6 confine self to 9shdu confluence of the yang [channels] [the head] i$ P E l 2 6 zhii yhrg zhi hui confound 8 m i confounding phlegm &8 thn nzi Confucianism I%% rh jib Confucianist rLi jin Confucius' Pillow Powder 713& @ 8 k6ng zi zhe'tz zhdng s i n Confucius' Sagely Wisdom Pillow Formula ?LTF.hZknW+fi kdngzidu shtng zhi zhtn zhcing fritz$ confused speech Gig cuo yii confused spirit-mind [confused mind] @ Z 81 shkn zhi hiin 1ui2n congeal i& ning congealed-fat screen iEjEF$j ning zhi yi congealing cold and stagnant qi %TigZ R hhri qi ning zhi congealing cold and stagnating qi % i E T R hhn ning qi zhi congealing cold-damp % ?E$2 %! hhn shi ning zhi congealing cold-damp menstrual block % E%,$$#?$l'fl hhn shi ning zhi jing bi congealing cold-damp menstrual pain % tE ig2GB ?3 hhn shi ning zhi tong jing congealing cold qi stagnation % I$,$? % hhn ning qi zhi congealing uterine cold J@E % i$3 biio gong h4n ning
congealing yin cold P a%I#,,$$ yin hbn ning jit; PJ % 82 % yin hbn zing zhi congee $8zhbu; Wtfi xi fan congenital tian; X R xian tiin congenital constitution %* xian tian congenital panting R@ tian xi60 congest @ ybng congestion & sai; @ ybng conglomeration Via) @ jid conglomeration-mounting (jid shan) jid shan conglomerations and mounting (jid shan) @lajid shan conglomerations (zh2ng) and gatherings (jh) gi" Jra "'JU congruence of the pulse with the four sea[29 8$ mai h t si shi; j$$EP4 i$ sons mhi ying si shi connect -& h t ; [diffusely connect with, old] t8 1uo Connect Between (TB-8) B l'q* tbng jian Connected (GV-4) j$$ B* shii lti Connecting Cleft (BL-8) t82F * luo xi Connecting Gate (TB-8) %TI* t6ng m t n Connecting Grain (HT-5) B3%*t6ng li Connecting Li (HT-SWFIO) B& tbng li connecting point [old] t8fi luo xut connecting vessel [old] 28 luo conquiturn [Latin] $4 shh; %& sh6.u consistency of stool 49j3j bian zhi consolidate yin 3 P j j jkin yin conscanc ;i;% bD duiiiz constipation 4EW bian bi; A49& da bian bi; A49+ @ da bian bu jig; A @ + 77 da bihn bu xing; +2\ bi; h4F+At&da bian bi jit; A l E B da bian bu tong constipation and rough urination 49jGFj+& tZ bian niho bi st constituent fi% chtng fin; $Hfizii chtng constitution @j3j ti zhi; 3%su ti constitutional body @ ti constitutional insufficiency S@TZbing fu bu zci
constitutional vacuity % @ $5 s& ti xii ruo constrain 3 lian; $q yu2 constrained liver qi fl'f?T $3 g ~ n qi bu shii constrained spleen qi A+?+ $j. pi qi bu shii constrain qi 35, lian qi constrain sweat a ? ? lihn han constrain sweat and secure the exterior IjSI$? lian hdn gh bido constrain the lung $JM lian fti constrain the lung and stabilize panting 3 fl$%U% lian fki ding chudn constrain the lung and suppress cough $J j$lt U% lihn fti zhi k t constrain yin 3P j j lian yin construction % rbng; E ying construction aspect ftn construction-aspect pattern E ijf ying ftn zhtng construction-blood Emi ying xut Construction-Clearing Decoction t$ E $5 qing ying tang Construction-Containing Decoction fgg J!, sht ying jian Construction-Cooling Qi-Clearing Decoction 5% E ts? t% liang ying qing qi tang construction-defense disharmony ET jT;U ying wki bu h t construction-defense harmonization ijZJjT;d =I! tiho h t ying wti construction, defense, qi, and blood ET ying wti qi xu2 Construction-Enriching NetworkQuickening Decoction % % ?&% ?% z i rbng hub luii tang Construction-Enriching Qi-Boosting Spirit-Returning Decoction % &$? E 8 zi rbng yi qi fu shin tang Construction-Harmonizing HardnessDissipating Pill #% I % 9% h t rbng sun jian wkn Construction-Nourishing Decoction %\% & bii rbng tang Construction-Nourishing Kidney+ ?% ydng l Invigorating Decoction %%!'E rbng zhuang shtn tang
Construction Construction Palace
construction qi gT ying qi Construction-Regulating Beverage flEtt tido ying yin
cons truction-yin PJ ying yin consume $% hao; t&shi consume malign flesh [drug action] t&% m shi i rhu consummate 3 zhi consummate vacuity producing signs of exuberance ZEG@@zhi xd y6u shtng hou
consummate yang 3 Pa zhi yhng consummate yin 3 zhi yin consumption @ zhai; % 160; %% lho zhai
consumption consumption consumption consumption consumption
cough lho k t damage %{%lbo shang fever @?!$ 160 r i from sores %E chuang lho of pregnancy 11% bLio b
consumption sores @% lao chuang consumptive infixation (zhu) @@ 140 zhu consumptive steaming bone @@@% lho zhLii gii zh2ng
contain $3 sht containment f3shi contain self sh6u contend @I$$ xiang b6; $$ b6 contention @$$ xiang 66 continual blinking S*L mu lihn zhh continuous Z4W F % lihn mihn b2 duan;
484WF l* mihn mi& bu xid; 4$4%F% mihn mihn bu duan; S4% F f;i3 lihn mihn bd yi; B/l$ {4i lian mihn bu xid; 234% F 2E lihn mihn bu jut; 484%F f;E! mihn mihn bii yi; $84% F $@ mihn mihn bu j u t ; 9Z 4% +M chhn mihn bu jig; g%% yuhn yuhn
continuously full red facial complexion jj?j @ $%&iE& mian st yuhn yuhn zhtng chi continuous menstruation R 7K F % yut shui bu duan;
%37K F €&jing
shui bh duan
converging contract E'3E mao fan; [evils] 9 shhu contract [evils] @ g i n ; [shrink] t/k shbu contract cold in blood vacuity &Eg @ xu2 xd shhu hhn
contracted pupils [l&TL%/j\tbng k6ng sub xiiio; 0&@ % /I\ tbng shkn sub x i i o contracted tongue X% shi sub; X9B sht &in
contraction [of evils] shbu; giin contraction of external dryness Bg&j$5fP giin shou zho xi6
contraction of the sinews B&?t/k% jin mhi shbu suo
contracture 3% luhn sub contracture and tautness 49 $ 1 shdu yin contraindicate %,E,jin ji; % jin contraindicated ,E,H ji yong; b r oral consumption] ,E,,BE ji fLi contraindication S ,E, jjin yong contraindications for draining precipita%!PI xi2 xia jin li tion i%T contraindications for ejection #J {gl]
yiing tii jin li
contraindicdtions for sweating E ?T3filj
han jin li
contraindication of medicinals in pregnancy $ 3 ~ % , E r i ,n sh2n yao ji contralateral moxibustion & ,% 3 6,;f3'
,&% & zu6 huan jiii you, you huan jiii zu6
contrast g$?%& dui dai jii; g$G dui dai control zhi; $11 zhi Controlling High [non-channel] zhi
High 'Ikansport [nonchannel] $I] g&* zhi gao shd controlling vessel [new] 434& r t n mai control of time and temperature processing]
A {G hu6 hou
control wind and transform phlegm
+k;@f zhi f2ng hua thn contusion @4% cuh shang Convergence and Gathering (TB-7)
hui zbng
converging eyes [a kind of squint] jX H B @ shuang mu tbng jing
conversion conversion zhuiin hua convey {+ churin conveyance I$ churin conveyance and transformation I$ {t chuhn hua convey and transform, but do not store Function of the bowels] +$jtWPSJmj $& churin hua wu t r bii ccing convulsion $&I%chbu chu; %5$51chu nu&; $23 chD convulsion of the limbs FIE&fa'si zhi chou chu cook as food # & zhii shi cooked [of animal and vegetable products] $4 shdu; E4 shk cooked aconite [accessory tuber] a (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Conquitum) 24 N4T shri fii zi; %N$* sh6u fu; %Mf* shLi fu; %M$T* sh6u fu zi cooked gypsumo (Gypsum Conquitum) $ 4 6 %$ shh shi gfio; ?$6 @* sh6u shi gfio cooked milleta (Setariae Semen Conquitum) B %tfihuring m i fan cooked rehmannia [root] (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) %f& shri di huring; ?a i ~ shdu * d i ; $4ifi* shu di; $?kt&%*shbu dl huhng; $4 T ilk%* shci gfin di huring; $4 T flh B*sh6u gan di huring cooked rhubarba (Rhei Rhizoma Conquitum) ?$%% shri da hubng; $$*% sh6u da huhng; %&%*sh6u jiin; $$%* shri jiin cool $5 liring; @ qing i cool acrid exterior resolution ?$ , &%
+ + +
cool acrid exterior-resolving formula i,$ @S$1 xin liring jit biiio ji cool acrid exterior-resolving medicinal 8%@ 2F Fj xin liring jig biiio ybo cool acrid exterior-resolving method i,% @ ?&?& xin liring jit; biiio fii cool and dissipate the blood i/$Tt[l@& liang xu2 sun x ~ i t cool body [absence of fever] 9 ?,$ sh2n liring Cool Clearing Beverage ?%i/$tR qing liang yin
Cool Clearing Paste qing liring giio Cool Clearing Sweet Dew Beverage tgi/$ izt E tJ q k g lihng g i n lu yin cool construction and open the orifices ?$ , E %5% libng ybzg kai qiao cool decoction tJ yin cool dryness i,%% liring zao cool opening i,$% lidng kai cool opening method i,3R& /iring kiii fii cool the blood i,$ & lihng xu2 cool the blood and resolve toxin is afi4 7 3 lihzg xut jit; dri cool the blood and transform macules ?$ , ?34 licing xut hua Siin cool the liver and extinguish wind ?,%IT $,F,fl libng gfin x i f2ng copious % duii copious blood and scant qi 25 @I /J.' 5 duo xu2 shiio qi copious qi and scant blood 3 5$& duo qi shiio xu& copious scrota1 sweating PA % % ?T yin nring duii han copious spittle %I@dub tuo copious sweat t? % hhn du6 liu lti wing copious tearing ?%@ wang copious urine [new] hj?. 25 niao du6 copper coin lichen (xiiin) @iJ@@$ tbng qian xiiin copperleap (Acalyphae Herba) #% tit; xian; tit; xian cai; A x * rkn xicitz copper rust0 (Aeris Robigo) tdng 1u; g*tdng qing copper sieve ZRlf$ t6ng shiii Coptidis Rhizoma (coptis [rootla) $5 % hukng lihn; • ’ S * wdng lidn; fts*zhc lian; 6%' w t i lian; S g * j i lidn Coptidis Rhizoma Hongyaensis (Hongya coptis [rootlo) @ S yii lihn; @k@-j4'. i mCi lian Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense (Sichuan coptis [rootlo) Ill S churZn lihn; S($lTli?E" jizhiio lian; 9$fl $$g* j i zhiio huung lirin; %g*gufing lirin; % g * wti lian
(wild Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense ye' huhng licin coptis [root]@) B%@ Coptidis Rhizoma Yunnanensis (Yunnan coptis [root]@) ZB ydn lirin Coptis and Aconite Six-To-One Decoction SMil h-$3~lirin D f liD yi tang Coptis and Ass Hide Giue Decoction @ 2E l5Jflp$3~hubng libn 2 jiao tGng Coptis and Elsholtzia Powder @%&= & huring lian xiang rk siin Coptis and Goat's Liver Pill SS%flT% huring licin yhng giin wan Coptis and Magnolia Bark Beverage g *b t? licin pb yin Coptis and Mume Decoction S&$% lihn mti tiing copti; and Pueraria Flower Pill g$$& gt huang wan Coptis, Ass Hide Glue, and Egg Yolk Decoction $$;i4i% P!JflQ 3%F B 2% h~iCingli4n 2 jiiio j i zi hucing tang Coptis, Bamboo Shavings, Tangerine Peel, and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction $$ 3J huring lian zhd r;i jd @ pi bbn xi& tGng Coptis Decoction 3%$2hucing lihn tiing Coptis Gallbladder-Warming Decoction S S $ ' 1s$2huring lirin wen diin tang Coptis Paste huang lia'n gao Coptis Phlegm-Transforming Pill @% huling lian hub tcin wcin Coptis Pill @S;$ huatzg L licin warz Coptis Rectifying Decoction g@?& lian li tang coptis [root] @ (Coptidis Rhizonia) $$S huring libn; •’%* whng licin; 3g* zhi lihn; %S*wPi libn; @ S* j i lihn Coptis Toxin-Resolving Decoction $$B@ % $51huhng lian jie' dd tang Coptis Upper-Body-Clearing Pill $$ S k E?3~ hubng licin shhng qing wan coral ardisia leaf@ (Ardisiae Crenatae Folium) #??i9;FR D t zhci shii gen yP coral ardisia [root] @ (Ardisiae Crenatae. zhfi sha gen; TNJ ping Radix) di mu
coral goose quill stonea (Balanophyllia) YllMR4g6 shan hd t guiin shi cordyceps. (Cordyceps) G & B dong ch6ng xia ciio; E ZjZ &* xi& ciio dong ch6ng; 4- & S* d6ng ch6ng ciio; & @* ch6ng ciio
Cordyceps (cordyceps) & E EjT d6ng chdng xia ciio; B S 4- &* xi& ciio dong ch6ng; V* d6ng ch6ng ciio; & @* ch6ng ciio Cordyceps . cum Larva, Cicadae (cordyceps-infested cicada larva@) @ chhn 'hua cordyceps-infested cicada larva@ (Cordyceps cum Larva Cicadae) @E chbn h~la coriander' (Coriandri Herba cum Radice) ifjjghu sui; Kg*ycin sui; @ E*xiing chi; SZ* xiiing sui
coriander seed" 333 hd sui zi; 4 1 " .yhn sui rtn
(Coriandri Fructus) ifa sui zi; X Z
Coriandri Fructus (coriander seed) hd sui zi; OXZF* yhn sui zi; Z ~ { I * yrin sui rkn Coriandri Herba cum Radice (coriander) i!$jg hd sui; Zg*yan sup; % Z* xiiing xiang sui chi; Coriarii Fuligo Oleacea (tannery tar@) 12 y5n jiao cormorant cough [whooping cough] E@ n& 1u ci k.4 Cormorant Drool Pill jE,E@% 1L sixihn wan cormorant's saliva' (Phalacrocoracis Saliva) P$B% ld si xian; P$@@* Id ci xiah corn %IJ r6u ci; 2 BW j i yiin cornea and iris hei yiin
corner jj& lihn corner of the mouth
@ kiiu jiiio
corners of the head & @ t6u jiiio corners of the mouth J@I win corniculate cayratiaO (Cayratiae Cornicjiii niil shii ulatae Tuber)
Corni Corni Fructus (cornus [fruit]@)LLI %% shan zhii yh; El %* shii ziio; EL%* shii shi; % X* j i zu; % % JL* shi ziio tr; E5 %* yao ziio; LLI % m* shan yu rou; m %* rou ziio; W m* yLi rou; %Ffi* ziio pi; E m* yu r i , ~ ; %* shii su6n ziio Corni Macrophyllae Cortex (large-leaved cornel barko) T $$ @ ding lang pi
Corn Paste X_S la ;W. j i yiin gao corn silk' (Mays Stylus) 3%33 yu mi xu; 3z?jjj* yu mai xu; ZEl%%''yu shii %* bang zi mao shii rui; @iT cornus [fruit] @ (Corni Fructus) LLI Z E shiin zhU yu; El %* shii ziio; EL%* shii j i zu; 8JL* shi ziio tr; shi; g*yao ziio; LLI 3m* shan yu rou; %* rhu ziio; 9i! m* yd rou; %@* ziio pi; 33 m* yLi YOU; Gj@q* shii suan ziio Cornus Gruel LLI E m $8shan zhii rhu zh6u Coronary Liquid Storax Pill 8 JL\%fi;-Si A , guan xin sii h t wlin Coronary No. 1 B,L\-% guan xin y i hao Coronary No. 2 BJL\1% guan xin tr hao Corporal Vessel (TB-18) f'$/$3* t i mai corporeal soul [stored by the lung] 0% po Corporeal Soul Door (BL-42Wf/O(BL-37)) b%Ppo hu corporeal soul gate [the anus] 8% 1'7 pi, mtn corporeal soul sweating 0%?? pi, han
corpse transmission [consumption] {$ P chulin shi corpse-sransmirred consumpiivn~ {$ n j ?% chuan shi lao corpulent person 3A fii gui rin correct !@ jiiio; [old] iE zhtng Correct Inward 'hrning [non-channel]94 m jiii nti fan correction of yin and yang deficits PH ffi S tiho zhgng yin yang pihn shulZi correction of yin and yang surfeits iflg [3a PH ffi JYl tiho z h k g yin ycing pian shdng Correct Outward Turning #1 [non-
( - ) jiii wai fin ( I ) channel] fLJ $+@I
Correct Outward 'Wlrning #2
channel] 'rq 91 ( L ) jiii wai fin (2) correlate all four examination El i$ G-S si zhZn h i can correlate pulse and symptoms b3iIfi;-SiS mai zhtng h i can correIation of all four examinations Eli$ -&S si zhZn h t can correlation of complexion and pulse &/b3 +j-$% s2 mbi h t can correlation of the pulse and symptoms jbjc iE -&S m m zhkng ht can correspond $ H a xiang ying correspondence $ B E xiang ying correspondence between disease and color & if;H E bbing st xiang ying correspondence between fur color and tii s2 zhii bing disease correspondence between the f ~ r mof the tongue fur and disease gff526shixing zhii bing correspondences between tongue color and disease dgg'g sht st zhii bing Corridor Walk (I
cotton root" (Gossypii Herbacei Radix seu Radicis Cortex) jE$Tt;f;Rmi& huii g2n cotton rose [flower]* (Hibisci Mutabilis Flos) X%E mk fd rbtzg hub; ZB E ' fd ldng hlla cotton rose leaf" (Hibisci Mutabilis Folium) *ZBPf- mu fd rbng y2; Z$j P t * fd rbng yi? cotton rose root* (Hibisci Mutabilis Zg;EBmu fd rbtzg gen Radix) cotton seed* (Gossypii Semen) jE@ E T mian huii zi; S # , E T " ciio micin huii zi cottonseed oil* (Gossypii Seminis mihn zi ybu Oleum) if;@T&lj cotton tree bark* (Bombacis Cortex) 7tr: $@Emk mirin p i cotton tree flower* (Bombacis Flos) #$ E mil mibn huii cotton wool* (Gossypii Pilus Seminis) 4% . r ~mihn hua cough n$i sou; @I$$ k t shu cough [so~indw i t h o ~ matter] ~t 112 k t cough and counterflow U3S k t ni cough and counterflow qi ascent U%?k @ k t qi shcing ni; @@ k 5 k t izi shang rli cough and panting @n% k t chuiin cough and sneezing ng@ k t ti Cough-Arresting Powder dkn shu siin coughing and spitting @ U I k t tii coughing of blood so11 xu?; @$$a k t shu xu;; k t xu2 coughing of clear phlegm n% @jS%% kkt thn qing x i coughing of phlegm D2@ k t t4n cough in pregnancy $EEU%@j r2n sh2n k t sou cough of pregnancy Fq$zi sou Cough-Quieting Soup fi UJ$ @J ning sou tbng Cough-Stopping Powder kDfflr8 zhi shu sa'n cough-suppressing medicinal kn,t5 zhi k i yrio
coun terflow cough-suppressing panting-calming formula k fl3FU%3lzhi k t pkzg chcliin ji cough-suppressing panting-calming medicinal kU2 F a%%zhi k t ping chuiin yao cough-suppressing, phlegm-transforming, and astriction-promoting medicinal kt12 4 t @ rlka Z?J zhi k t huh tan shiiu licin yho cough-suppressing phlegm-transforming medicinal kn3 it @% zhi k t hua tan yao Cough-Suppressing Phlegm-Transforming Panting-Stabilizing Pill ItnH+L@$ tI$gtL zhi shu hua tan ding chuiin wcin cough with blood in the phlegm @D!#j@ k t sou trin zhiing drii xu2 cough with thick yellow phlegm II2@s@j k t thn hubng chbu counteract each other's nature without detracting from each other's elTect $1J1t$ @H zhi xing cdn yhng counteracting treatment [e.g., treating cold kith heat] $%?k ni zhi counter-action is straight treatment [using, for example, cold to treat heat is called straight treatment] SgE& ni zhZ zhing zhi counterflow @ ni counterflow ascent of kidney qi 'ETLS shdn qi shhng ni counterflow ascent of lung qi fl$5k@ f i i qi shhtzg ni counterflow ascent of qi dynamic 5;f;Ank 8 qi j i shang ni counterflow cold of the extremities fB 9% shciu zd ni hhn; )?@* shdu zd ni le'ng Counterflow Cold Decoction FISt&si ni tang Counterflow Cold Decoction Plus Ginseng A @ $5 si ni jiii t-tn shen tiing tEl counterflow cold of the limbs tEljE@Wsi zhi ni 1Zng; FI8 si ni Counterflow Cold Powder P4 8%si ni siin counterflow fullness below the heart ~i.7; @ f $ j xin xia ni m i n counterflow fullness in the chest and ribside % xiiing xit ni ma'n
counterflow liver qi 8 T T Z gin qi ni counterflow lung qi /#Ti$!ft.i qi ni counterflow menstruation @?Z ni jing Counterflow Pouring (LI-7) @$* ni zhu couuterflow qi ascent 91% qi shang ni Counterflow-Settling White Tiger Decoction @@ $ J&@J zhtn ni bcii hii tiing counterflow stomach qi E 5& wt.i qi ni counterversion in the four limbs B Z M s? ni juk courier [one of the four drug roles] @ shi course & shii course depression 3$$43 shii yu course depression and rectify qi a ~ b 3 2 5.shii yb li qi course the exterior shii biiio course the exterior and transform dampness a % & Eshii bi60 h u i shi course the liver @jf shii giin course the liver and rectify qi GLBT@% shii g6n li qi course the liver and resolve depression @~fiTR$#$jb shii gin jiZ y u course wind shu fCng course wind and diffuse the lung $fi)XE shii feng xuiin f2i course wind and discharge heat &%)X.jH &! shii feng xi2 ri course wind and dissipate heat %L%)%,% shii san f2ng 1-2 course wind and resolve the exterior K#% shii f2ng jiii biiio Coursing and Piercing Drink BBtAP shii zbo yin zi court [center of the forehead] E ting court orifice [female meatus urinarius] lZ TL ting kcing courtyard @ ting covering bone [pubic bone] Sf+gai gii cow's milka (Bovis Lac) +$L niu rii cow's milk butter' (Bovis Butyrum) $ ?$$ niu sii crab claw markings @'flag xi2 zhio wkn lu
(Eriocheiris crab [flesh and innards] Caro et Viscera) @ xi;; @@* jin xit. crab fossil' (Brachyurae Fossilia) ;ti!@ shi nit? Crab Fossil Pill ;ti!@ shi xi6 wan crab's clawe (Eriocheiris Chela) xi2 zhiio crab's eye g I 8 xi? jing; %€Ixi2 mu crab's-eye painful external obstruction @f %%@$9bP$3xi2 jing ttng ti,ng wii zhang crab's foot swelling @BB$ xit. zh zhcing crabshell' (Eriocheiris Crusta) @% xi& kt cracked bone @ 32) gii li? cracked dry lips EE$% chkn zho lit. cracked lips EZG chhn lit cracked nipple $LX@Brii t6u p6 lit; $1 X@$ rii tbu pi, sui cracked tongue Z$@$ she? sui crack-fry f$j@$ chGo brio cracking F',B jiin lit? cracking of the mouth and tongue & @ 3 kciu shk sui lit cracking of the skin fff/I$F&ZG pi fG jiin lit. zhuhn jin cramp )&I$% ch6u jin; Cramp Cure [non-channel] ?kE iji; zhi zhuiin jin cranesbille (Geranii Herba) 35 160 gulin cho crane's knee phlegm @j$& h i xi tLin crane's knee wind @3@)X hhB xi f2ng Crane Top (ST-34) @Jg*h i ding crape gingei ji'o~tj f Cost; Rhizsmz) &I#P & zhang liii t6u; X Ej%* guhng d6ng shiing lu; HY;l$$*bi qiao jinng Crataegi Endocarpiurn et Semen (crataeshkn zhii h i ; LIJ EF* gus pito) U~jf;g$g shan zhii zi; LLI &?* shiin z h ~ Crataegi Fructus (crataegus [fruit]@) LLJ $3 shiin zha; #L* qiu; &f* qih zi; 63 sh6 zha; #&* yring qiu; %J!S%* chi tang qiu zi; %%%* chi gua shi; g#$T* ziio zi; LLI g $1z* shin li h6ng gu6; @ F* suan 260; &I% a* bi ti tuan; ?I$h;L;?r* shi zha zi; LLJ @ % F*sh6n li gub zi; %
&* mho zhii; %#I,$* h6u zhii; L L I g * sh3n E ;$* suiin zhii; LLI ;$* shin chh; LLI @
m* shiin zhii rhu; LLIiFBT* shiin zhii giin;
LLI %I%* shiin hbng gud; $$I* ha'i h6ng Crataegi Fructus Australis (southern crataegus [fruit]) @ LLI 422 nhn shiin zhii Crataegi Fructus Septehtrionalis (northt LIA @ bti shiin ern crataegus [fruit]@) A zhii Crataegus and Medicated Leaven T Z8 Stomach-Calming Powder zhii qu ping wki sa'n crataegus [fruit] a (Crataegi Fructus) LLI qih zi; M. $22 shiin zhii; #L* qih; #LF* shii zhii; +I$* yhng qih; %A%* chi guii shi; 234&3*tilng qih zi; %%F* chi ziio zi; LLI g 21 Z* shan l i hdng gud; E 3*s~tiin260; $$$$Bx bi ti tuan; ++1]87* shi zhii zi; LLI g%F* shiin l i guii zi; 3 &* mho zhii; %+I$+h6u zhii; LLI g* shiitz li; @$-* s ~ ~ rzhii; l n LLId*shiin chh; LLI $ 2 I@* shiin zhii r h ~ t ;LLI ;I;S=FA shiin zhii giitz; LLI $I%*shiitz h6ng guii; 2 S hiii h6ng Crataegus Gruel LLI @ !$$ shiirz zha zh6u Crataegus, Hordeum et Massa Usti (three charred agents@)
[email protected] jiiio xiiin crataegus pit@ (Crataegi Endocarpium et Semen) LLI@@ shiin zhii h i ; L L I @ F * shiin zhii zi; 1],?* shiin zhii Cratoxylonis Folium, Radix et Cortex (yokewood [leaf, root and bark]@) $$+ M huhng nih chh crease 9$2jiL20 w i n ; g942 yu2 w i n ; @$A zhhu w i n ; % zhhu Crease a t the Base of the Thumb [nonchantzel] @.& 3 & %g mmLi zhi l i t htng w t n
Creative Gate [non-channel] el] $fi sJT i7 chuang xin m t n creeping fig fruit@ (Fici Pumilae Flos) *@ % mLi mhn t6~1; %* bi 11 gu6; Z* mLi lihn; *A%* w t n t6u guii; % @ %' gui mhn t 6 ~ i ;%%$*g ~ l qiil; i )%'& %* lihng fe'n guii Creeping Fig Fruit Powder *tg%% mil mhn t6u siin
Crotonis creeping fig [stem and leaf] @ (Fici Pumilae Caulis et Folium) $$% bbi li creeping wood sorrel@ (Oxalidis Corniculatae Herba) @$g3 cciL jiiing ciio Cricket Container (BL-8) @@* shuai rbng; (GB-8) BB*shu& rbng Crick Half [non-channel] gT3i lui, ling wii crick in the neck b ~ zhtn; h shi zhttz; X 33 shl jing Crick in the Neck [non-channel] lub zhtn; 33 luh jing crimson ?@ jiang crimson melanteritea (Melanteritum durin Rubrum) ?%$A jiring fhn; fl!RTijl* 16 fhn; fl!g$jl*durin zao fhn Crimson Melanterite Pill jiang fhn writ2 crimson tongue Xi% sht jiring crippling wilt (wdi) @& wdi bi critical [of conditions] Jt% wei dii critical measles pattern $j @ PG iE mh zhtn xiiin zhtng critical pattern 6iE w2i zhEng critical sign El& wZi hhu; EiiE w2i zhkng Croci Stigma (saffron) @ 2 I E zring h6ng hug; $$AE*ji fii lhn; &21E* f i n hbng huii crooked qii; & qC1. Crooked Bone (CV-2) @ B*qii gii; (KI11) I ~ A gii * gii Crooked Bone's End (CV-2) BB%* qii gii duan; (KI-11) &ljB%* qd gii duan Crooked Bone's End (KT-11) E @%* qC gii duiin Crooked Wall (SI-13W"Q)i&& qll y ~ ~ h n crossed $%$miu ! crossed menstruation E23 cub jitzg cross moxa +%& shi zi jifi cross needling method iZj?$I] miu ci Crotolariae Sessiliflorae Herba (narrowyZ biii h t ; % leaved rattlebox@) ZjFIJ*n6ng j i li Crotonis Crassifolii Radix (thick-leaved croton root@) 3%B @ j i gii xiatzg
Cubit Cover (ST-12) R $$* chi ghi Crotonis Semen (croton [seed]) E B bii dou; j 11 ?IT*chuiin jiang zi; €5 Zlz* ba Cubit Marsh (LU-5W"O) R $3 chi z i dou rtn; EHm* brZ d6u rhu cubit pulse R 87% chi mhi Crotonis Seminis Pulvis (croton [seed] cubit skin RJljk chi fi frost) EGE bh dou shuang cubit skin examination @ R R zhtn chi croton [seed] ' (Crotonis Semen) E fu bfi dou; jII fEF*chuan jiang zi; E E i l * cucumber gourd rooto (Trichosanthis Cuba dou rtn; €5 9 m* bii dou rou cumeroidis Radix) 5A;f;Bwhng gua g2n; croton [seed] frost' (Crotonis Seminis &A@*tii gui g2n; % ~ dii* la; %Eq& ba dhu shulZng Pulvis) E $A* hao zi zhtn t6u; &E$$j*tii hua fZn; crouching rabbit [anterior thigh] 4 8 % fh LLI 3A* shan kii gua tu Cucumeris Melonis Pedicellus (melon Crouching Rabbit (STi32WF10){A% fii tu stalk) A @ guii di; A T * guh ding; +A crucible l-ff* gfin gu6 %* quan guLi di; &HA@*tidn gua bii; Mf crude [minerals and shells] kk shEng A %* tihn gua di crude dried toado (Bufo Siccus Crudus) Cucurbitae Semen (pumpkin seed) EA +?!I@*sh2ng gan chhn T nhn gua zi; f e j m k * nhn guLZ rtn; & A crude gypsumo (Gypsum Crudum) %;ET ** jin gua mi; A F @ * nhn gu zi r6u shCng shi gao Cudraniae Lignum (cudrania [wood]) $6 crude medicinal kkg shCng yao; ZZ$#dybo 71r;- zhi mu; A T J3* da ding huang chi cudrania [wood]O (Cudraniae Lignum) crudus [Latin] Y: sh2ng $6$ zhi mu; A T * dh ding huang: crush +J@ dii sui; ftn sui cudweed' (Gnaphalii Affinis Herba) EL crush and apply juice )$:&% ddii zhi tLi @ shii$ qii ciio i Crushed Leaven Gruel #!lXS%qu mo cumbersome kiln zh6u cun 3 cun crushed peach kernelQ (Persicae Semen Cunninghamiae Cortex (Chinese fir bark) Tusum) $&{I jE tho rtn ni $3 & shhn pi crush to extract the juice )$?I-diio zhi Cunninghamiae Cortex et Lignum (Chicrust [verb] 2$& jit jih nese fir wood) $3$ .shan mu crustacean linderniaO (Linderniae Cruscun opening 3 cun kiiu mii ciio taceae Herba) cun pulse 3JFjcun mai crusting [noun] 2$& jit jia cupping & bd guan fii; !BE78 xi Crux Disinbibitor (EL-35) $ii$;lii' r'l JI; t6ng lib0 fii; $&BETT & bh guan liho fii (CV-4) $11$A*li ji; (CV-5) $11 $li$ j i I.* Curculiginis Rhizoma (curculigo [rootla) cry n$$ ti 411I 3 xiiin mho; 393 $B* dLi mho gCn; $2 crying in children I]\ J L n @ F xiiio t r ti ku 1'7 p6 lu6 m t n g2n; 39at;P411I S*dh cry of shock E q jing hii jiiio xirZn mao; A$$@*fCng tiii ciio; /I\ cubebQ (Cubebae Fructus) F%f% bbi i~&$R* xiiio di z6ng g2n; itkg &* di chtng qit; tg%* ching qit; FZ* bi qit; z6ng gCn; 39RP du jiiio si mho; $$3 tE%* bi chtng qit $* huhng mho shCn; 29BP BZ*dii jiiio Cubebae Fructus (cubeb) %tB% bi chtng huhng mdo; 4& 2%3&* dLi zii d mao qit; chtng qit; FB*bi qit; FtB gCn; *%* tian z6ng; LLI&* shiin z6ng;r & Z* bi chtng qit Zj*ti2 bhi shho; FHS*ping gan shfi; shan lan huh -&&*phn zdng; LLI cubit R chi
curculigo [root] @ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) 4 d S xiiin mrio; 3&S+R* dii mcio g.?n; @ $T 7@"b l ~ i bm t n gcn; $9&Pqd S * dii jiiio xidn mrio; flS3:' feng tni ciio; /]I ifi%@* xiiio di zbng g2n; i ~ @ ; f ; R *di z6ng gzn; $&&P44%* dii jiiio si mrio; BS S* huring mrio sh.?n; @&PB %* dii jiiio huring mcio; $9aEjtF@* dii zii 1$ mrio gcn; Z@*tiiin zbng; LLI %* s h i n zbng; k B ?til i* bhz shho; FR'fS* ping gii-n shii; &@* prin zbng; LLI ?+ E*shnn lhn huii Curcuma Drink g b & t A 3 y i ~jin yin zi Curcumae Longae Rhizoma (turmeric) $$ $5 jiang huring, ) I1 $$ B * chuan jiarzg hurirzg; $$* hudng jiiing Curcumae Tuber (curcuma [tuber]) GI& yh jin; BgP* h ~ ~ c i nyu; g $fig:' y i ~jirz; ;k[l & S* yLi jin xiang; 4 3 * mii zhii Curcumae Tuber Australe (southern curcuma [tuber]) r g [ J & guiing yii jin Curcumae Tuber Sichuanense (Sichuan curcuma [tuber]@))I1 %I& ch~uiny i ~jin Curcuma Powder Gb&i;P yil jin stin curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber) +j[l & yil jin; SGP* huhng yu; %[l&*y i ~jirz; GP & @* y i ~jin xiii~ig;42* mii zhii cure E f i T y i hrio; [disease] E yi curious [old] Sj qi curled dock root* (Rumicis Crispi Radix) Y T-A B ilia Zr dri hucing; q @ @* yring ti g.?n Curled Dock Root Powder qi?$i@@ yhzg ti gen siin curled tongue S$%j sht juiin curled tongue and retracted testicles a%$ gP93 sht jriLin lriiin s ~ i 6 curled-up lying posture SjgEb q~lrinwo; T;il 3 9 % xiang li qurin wb curled-up nails I ! T f i n jlii curved qii; qii curved bone [anteromedlal portion of the p ~ i b i cbone] & '3 q9 gil Curved Bone (CV-2w//o) & @ qG gil; (KI11) & @ * qU gil
CV-1 Curved Bone's End (CV12) & B%* qii gii duiin; (KI111) E&@%* qii gii duiin curved corner [temporizl hairline] qii YO curved surround & R qu zhbu Cuscutae Semen (cuscuta [seed]@) 5 T tu si zi; 2%*tu ST shi; D k B T * tu s i z i ; % S P * , t h s i z i ; %'1g* th l i ; @& T * chrin lbng zi; 2 3@T* lbng xG zi; 3 3DT" dbu xii zi; Z @ @ wLi niring ttng m i m i Cuscuta Gruel % 4 4 T $83 til si zi z h d ~ ~ cuscuta [seed] @ (Cuscutae Semen) E 4 4 3 tu si zi; % g % * til si shi; nk44T;'' ti1 sizi; %44Tjr-"tLi s i z i ; %$@*t i i l i ; @ j E T * chrin lbng zi; &2@ 7" 16ng'x9 zi; E ? R T * dhu xii zi; Z $ @ % * * * wii n'iring tkng m i m i Cuscuta Seed Pill A tLi si zi wcin; 3 5 4 L 3 A tt3 s i z i wrin cut -m qie cutaneaus interstices &j# p i cou cutaneous needle E fia&%f p i fG zhEn cutaneous region p i bu cutch* (Catechu) J L Z hcii t r chci; -$ S jE* wii die ni; 2,&tE* wii d i t ni; -$ T f E * wG ding ni; mi#* xi xik; JLZ*: tr chh;. PiJlthZ!jd' 12 xiiin y i o ; L2, Td:wii ding cut into shreds -mB qi? si cut-leaved groundcherry@ ( ~ h ~ s a lAnis gulatae Herba ) jB(75i pbo- ziii crio cut lengthwise $JA-@zbng qi.? cut obliquely xi6 qi2 cutting pain -mBqiE tbng cuttlefish bone* (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) Skj!I# hiiipino xino; @k$* hiiipiiio; -$B%jEj* wii zti gii; 2,J!%&B4' WU zti yii gil; &JS* yii gii; 23.$rRd:mo yLi gil Cuttlefish bone and Fritillaria Powder -$ R 3 w d bki srin cut transversely ;1;%-lm htng qie CVWO 4% i33 rkn mrii CV-1 (Flat Screen) Ts*ping yi; (Ghost Store) %@* gui cring; (Lower Extreme) 7;&* xi& ji; (Lower Yin Divergence) 7; PA %IJ*xia yin bit; (Meeting of Yin) ' &
* **
CV-6 (Huang Origin) 2 E * huang zhi xi& huang; yuan; (Lower Huang) (Lower Sea of Qi) 7;5,$* xi& qi hiii; (Navel) EJJff* b6'ydng; (Sea of Qi) F ,& qi hiii; (Small Navel) gjjg* ji yang CV-7 (Cinnabar Field) ff- El:': dan ti&; (Horizontal Door) 4% P * htng hu; (Scarce Pass) /J/'%* shao guan; (Small xi60 guan; (Yin IntersecPass) J ] \ tion) P a 3 yin jiao CV-3 (Bladder Alarm) JEBkS*pang CV-8 (Center of the Navel) f i $ * qi p a n g m u ; (Central Pole) ;f;Bzh6ng ji; zh6ng; (Life Stem) $ %* ming di; .(Jade Spring) 2%* yu qurin; (Qi Fish) (Linking Convergence) t@&* wii hui; qi yri; (Qi Source) F R * qi yuan (Qi Abode) %&* qi shk; (Qi Union) 7A ,* qi h t ; (Spirit Gate Tower) $$HI (Bladder Gate) f i T-J* bao CV-4 shin quk m t n ; (Blood chamber) &S* x~rkshi; (Cinnabar Field) ff-a* dnn tirin; (Crux CV-9 (Central Guard) $4" zhotzg shiju; (Divided Waters) 5?7k' f2tz shui; (Water Disinhibitor) $11 #A* li ji; (Delivery Gate) Divide) 7k shui f2rz FCJ* c h i n nzin; (Essential Dew) $gZ" jing lu; (Fallen Sauce) & ?j%* chui jiang; 1'7" y d ~m~t n ; CV-10 (Dark Gate) (Fifth City) Ei&* wii chtng; (Great Cen(Lower ~ u c t )7;W xi& guiin; (Lower tral Pole) A 9tfi* dh zh6ng ji; (Great Stomach Duct) 7 ; @ xi& wcin Reservoir) A@l* da kiin; (Great Sea) CV-llWIIO (Interior Strengthening) 33 El! Ax%*da hiii; (Huang Origin) TZ 2E" jihn li h ~ m zhS g yndtz; (Infant's Door) 5P * zi CV-12 (Central Duct) 9 zh6ng gulin: h u ; (Infant's Intestine) ?&* zi chlirzg; (Central Stomach Duct) rfi fl% zhorzg '(Infant's Palace) Fg*zi gang; (Infant's wiin; (Stomach Alarm) EZ 3%" wki mil; Place) %@* zi chu; (Junior Pivot) %$ (Stomach Duct) HZ* wki wiitz (guiin); @* chi shii; (ICunlun Mountains) 152': (Supreme Granary) ?i tLiicfing; & (Up': kiin 1Ln; (Life Gate) T$ 1'7" ming m i n ; per Regulator) 142'' shang ji (Lower Huang) 7;g*xia hunng; (Lower gi wki g ~ ~ i l n ; CV-13 (Stomach Duct) Regulator) 7;42" xi& ji; (Navel) Ell%* m &* fin wii wiltz (gu6n)
P# hbi yin; (Metal Gate) & r7* jin m t n ; (Screen) 3"ping yi; (Seabed) %E* h i i di CV-2 (Crooked Bone) Ei B* qii g6; (Crooked Bone's End) @%* qii gii (Curved Bone) $3 qii g6; duan; (Curved Bone's 'End) &%* qii g6 duiin; (Marrow Transport) %$$I* m i shii; (Return Bone) IGI $3* hui gii; (Urinary Bladder) niao bao
Cyperus CV-17WF10(Chest Center) $ dan zhbng; (Chest Hall) mg*xibng tang; (Original Child) Z J L * yuhn kr; (The Source) fE; X* yuhn jihn; (Upper Sea of Qi) k-5 $@*shcing qi hiii CV-18wF10 (Jade Hall) 3 2 yu tcing; (Jade's Beauty) 3%*yu ying CV-19W110(Purple Palace) % zi, gong CV-20W110(Florid Canopy) +g huh ghi CV-2lW1Io (Jade Swivel) @XJL xuhn ji; (Swivel Mechanism) Eififl* xuhn j i CV-22wfIo (Celestial Chimney) R % tian th; (Celestial Mu) R E * tian jh; (Jade Door) 3 P * yic hic CV-23 (Larynx Center) flz $* h6u zhong; (Ridge Spring) @% lihn quhn; (Root Pool) &P~LJ* btn chi; (Tongue Root) $.* shk btn CV-24 (Celestial Pool) *?&* tian chi; (Ghost Market) %** gui shi; (Heavy $.Z* zhhng jiang; (Sauce ReSauce) ceptacle) @ Z.! chtng jiang; (Suspended Sauce) %$R* XL& jiang Cyatheae Caulis (spiny tree fern [stem]@) X R W f2i tian qin lcio Cyathulae Radix (cyathula [root]@)) I ] 8% chuan nih xi; 111 j@* chuLZn xi cyathula [root] (Cyathulae Radix) J I I @ chuin nih xi; J I I &$* chuitz xi Cycadis Folium (cycas leaf@) R E 2E V ftng wti jiio chi . cycas leafa (Cycadis Folium) RjT & U t @ng wti jiiio cbi Cycle Border (ST-25) @I%" xhn ji Cycle Gate (LV-14) @j [7qi mkn Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha (clamshell) $@heEhiii gk kkt; ,&he* hiii ,I,& gt k t gk; p** Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha ~ u l v e r ata (clamshell powder) &@#j Iziii gk . ftn; he gk fe'tz Cymbidii Flos (cymbidium flower) @ S E jilin lcin huL2; @ S * ji2n lcin cymbidium flower' (Cymbidii Flos) @S E jihn lhn h ~ l c @ ; 2*jian lhn
cymbopogona (Cymbopogonis Tortilis Herba) 3E D t 2B G jiii yt yun xiang ciio Cymbopogonis %rtilis Herba (cymbopogon@) & R t Z S $Z jifi yt yhn xiang ciio Cynanchi Baiqian Radix et Rhizoma (cynanchum [root]) $ % bhi qihn; ;Eig*shi lcin; I&%* shu yao Cynanchi Baishouwu 'hber (baishouwu [cynanchum tuber]) $ -$ bhi sh6u wii Cynanchi Baiwei Radix (baiwei [cynanchum root]) $ @ bbi wei; Sg* chiin ciio; i!5$Z* mcing ciio; $ I$* bcii wki; @ G* wei ciio; $ B* 16ng d i n bcii w2i; +$ %* gfi m t i ; $4@* bhi mii wbi; ?$ $ $#* xiiing bcii wei Cynanchi Paniculati Herba cum Radice (paniculate cynanchum) &K5rRP xh chring qing; % 3 ;J?* liho diZo zhh Cynanchum Decoction $ % $3~bhi qian tang cynanchum [root]' (Cynanchi Baiqian Radix ct Rhizoma) $ % bbi qilin; ;EiZ* shi lhn; U,$kG* shu yi20 Cynoglossi Amabilis Herba (Chinese forget-me-not) @JREg i , ~shi hcla Cynomorii Caulis (cynomorium [stem]@) $8PfBEl sui, yhyg; P"7 % suii ycin zi; YP 5 g{~;i;$* y2 t r m i ta gi; !2,S-%%* wii lcin yi gao yii; tfi %3$* di rnho qici; •’8Pi* suii yhng cynomorium [stem] @ (Cynomorii Caulis) $8P i suii ycitzg; $fi P7-' suii yhtz zi; 4P% Z;FIILJ$~* y2 Cr mii t i gk; Z-ga* wii lhn yi grio yii; f&%%$*di rnho qih; •’$Pir s~16ycing Cynomorium Yang-Invigorating Gruel $3 PfBEl1-fP i $+$ ~ ~ yhng 1 6 zhuhng ycing zhb~i Cyperi Alternifolii Caulis et Folium (umbrella sedge) hj&D&!% jiLi ldrzg tfi zhii Cyperi Rhizoma (cyperus [root]@)?lY$ i!f 9xiang fil zi; @ & g*~ L I &t r j ~xicitzg; ~ @ Mrf %* xintzg fil mi; 8H$* xiiing fic; @ 5 $8" sha ciio g2n Cyperus and Fritillaria ConstructionNourishing Decoction & R %E?% xiiing bti yiing ying tang
Cyperus Cyperus and h u l a Decoction %Mif E B E & xiang fu xucin fu huii tang Cyperus and Ligusticum Decoction %% $J xiang xidng tang Cyperus and Perilla Powder @%%xigng sli s6n
damnacanthus Cyperus and Sparganium Pill %@$ fi xiling Ling wcin
cyperus [root] a (Cyperi Rhizoma) % Mif 3 xiang fu ti; & @* q u t t6u xiatzg; ?Lj [if* xibng fii m i ; %;LM$* xiang fii; @Z$ &* shZ c6o gzn
damage to liquid and wear on humor 4% Daemonoropis Draconis Resina @@ @j shang jin hao y& (dragon's blood) xu2 jit; iji rta a*m u x u t jit; @fi/!,? h6i la; .qi damage to liquid by the heat evil ?.!\ffP?% zhdrz xu; jit; ,&&i$%* qi litz xu;; g.aE+* @! r&xit shang jin lin jit 'damage to sinew and bone iji;4 55 ]in Daidai Flos (sour orange flowera) fltflt shang gii. cu6 E dhi d&i huti damage to the dark of the eyes % Ll%@E!: daily dosage - El 3 yi ri liang hCi jing p6 siin Dalbergiae Lignum (dalbergia [woodla) damage to the fetus by poisonous medicinals in pregnancy fi3#ZS%4%/l6 r t n P$ g jiang zhen xiang; B %* zhCn xicing; shen dLi yao sharzg tai P$ B* jiang xiling; (I? % ft * jiang xiling piarz damage to the liver by anger ?254%BT dalbergia [wood] (Dalbergiae Lignum) n& qi shcing gGn P$ % jiang zhen xiing; B':zhen xiang; damage to the network vessels of the lung $&fEffj @i Lrrb sirn sharzg pq @* jiang xiang; P+ % ft ' jiang xinng pihrz damage to the sinews by heat ?.!:l%fiBic damage 4% shang; ffi 1% siin shting ,Z shcing jin m a i damage to the spleen and stomach by damage by food and liquor ?i%&Ffil% jiLi shi su6 shbng S! shi shang pi wti food &4% damage to the thoroughfare and controldamage by raw or cold foods 1%9@ shkng shetzg le'ng ling vessels ]$ (%@ (% ch6tzg rim siin sharzg damage to the thoroughfare, controlling, damage by the five taxations 5% ih45 wii Lao su6 shang {%fib? ffi 4% chdng and uterine vessels rkn bao mai siitz shatzg damage due to sexual intemperance @% damage to yang 4%[lEl shlirzg ybng #?!4% fcitzg shi siitz slzcing Damage Mountain (BL-57) 4% LLI" 'hang damage to yin 455 PA shling yin shan; (GV-I ) 4% LLI* .shiirzg sharz damage to yin by enduring heat k!:fi [JB jiLi 1.2 shl2tzg yin damage 'to both qi and liquid 5 $ E m 1'5 qi jirz liiirzg shirzg damming method & $5 htz jit J'ci damage to both qi and yin FPRSt51'5 qqi Damnacanthi Herba seu Radix yin liring sharzg (damn'acanthuso) jj? $11 hil ci damage to Wuids @$$$BfAjli7 yi. silrz sharzg dam ma cam thus^ (Damnacanthi Herba seu Radix) &$I] 11Li ci damage to liquid ffi# . h i n g jitl
shi damp damp block tE H shi bi damp cholera tE Z 6L shi hub luhn damp constipation ?Z$&shi t i damp cough ?ZU%shi k t ; fZD$rk shi s b ~ ~ damp deafness ?Z@ shi 16ng damp depression ?E+jj3shi y i ~ Damp Depression Decoction tZ+jj3$$J- shi yG tang damp diarrhea tZtEj shixik damp erosion between the fingers r)-g@E $2 zhi ftng shi lrin damp erosion of the lips EE$S k6~1 chhz shi lrin damp-heat E :?! shi rZ damp-heat abdominal pain tZ?(:EB shi r t fil tbng damp-heat accumulation and stagnation obstructing the stomach and intestines ?E?!:%?% It;lPE E E shi ti. j i zhi n t i zhfi wi.i chring damp-heat brewing internally ?E?i: B shi r t n t i yiln damp-heat brewing in the bladder E?!: E t2 /$$ a;lt shi r2 y i ~ njik pring guang damp-heat brewing in the liver and gallbladder YE?(:BMBT/JEJshi ri. yiln j i t g i n drin damp-heat brewing in the spleen E?(:E shi r2 yirn p i damp-heat damaging yin tE?(:#jPJj sht r t shctzg yin damp-heat dizziness tE?(:REg shi 12 xurin yiin damp-heat dysentery ?Z?(:@ijshi 1-2li damp-heat flowing into the essence chamber ?E?(! ?$, & $82 sh i ri. lid zhi jing shi damp-heat headache ?E?(:%% shi 12 t6~1 thng damp-heat jaundice ?E?f:$i3JG shir2 hudrzg drin damp-heat lodged in the qi aspect tEj!r: lin shi ri? liLi lihn qi f t n n ,&, damp-heat lodged in the triple burner .iZ !A % 3,Z E. shi r2 liil licin s i n j i i o damp-heat Bumbar pain PZi(r:RZT& shi r2 yL10 f l j i ~ g
dampness damp-heat lying depressed in the channels and network vessels tE t(: $1 7 23 L 'g shi ri. yil yLi jing 1~16 damp-heat mounting (shrin) ?Zj!:@j shi r2 shiin damp-heat obstructing the spleen and stomach E :?! PB$#fiiR$E shi ,2 zfi zhi p i wti damp-heat obstructing the triple burner 832:+jP lrE13 %, shi r t yil zic sfin jino damp-heat of the skin B/JkE?& p i fii shi rt damp-heat pouring down ?E?(\7;$$ shi r2 xiri zhLi damp-heat pouring down into the bladder E 24: 7; & E$a;lt shi r t xiri zhh pring gunl~g damp-heat pouring down into the large intestine E?!:Tf&hjJ& shi r t xi& z h i ~dri chring damp-heat rib-side pain ?E?!:/Jh@ shi r-i. xi6 thng damp-heat seasonal toxin E ?(:Brf 3 Z shi r t shi dLi damp-heat seminal emission E?!:S$g shi r t yi jing damp-heat spreading through the triple burner E:?! $$$3 g, shi r t m i mrin s i n jiiio damp-heat transforming into dryness ?E ?!:IL@ shi r t huh zao damp-heat urinary stoppage and strangury (lin) E ?(:@# shi r t 1bng litz damp-heat wilting (w2i) ?E?i!@shi ,2 wi.1 damp impediment (62) tZB shi 6i damp leg qi $j!Rt;PSshi jriio qi damp lichen (xirin) ?Z@ shi xliin damp lumbar pain ? E E g s h i y i o tong damp malaria tEE shi niit damp [medicinals] can eliminate desiccation $EEJ shi k2 qic kii dampness ?E shi Dampness-Clearing Phlegm-nansforming Decoction $jtE{k!&$% qing shi huh tlifl tllng dampness clouding the upper bursac- ,?J 5j? 1K. shi n h g ~hiingjuio
dampness damage 4% 8 shang shi dampness damage lumbar pain {%B@@i shang shi yao tdng Dampness Damage Pain-Relieving Plaster 4% B lt B @ shang shi zhi tdng gao dampness damage spontaneous -sweating 4% ja,$ f f shcing shi zi han dampness disease shi bing dampness-disinhibiting medicinal +ll li shi yao Dampness-Draining Decoction ?%E?% xi2 shi tcing dampness-drying medicinal @ $ 3 33 zao shi yao Dampness-Eliminating Decoction I!%E % I chu shi tang Dampness-Eliminating ImpedimentAlleviating Decoction @ % % ?% chu shi juin bi tcing Dampness-Eliminating Qi-Supplementing Decoction 1S;f@+} %,& chLi shi bz2 qi king Dampness-Eliminating Stomach-Calming Poria (Hoelen) Five Decoction I!%@ E T $5 chli shi wti ling tang dampness encumbering spleen-earth E l%l j$k shi kiin pi tci dampness encumbering spleen yang E l%l shi kun pi ycing dampness evil @?fp shi xi6 dampness formation 4-L hua phi dampness forming with cold Efi%4t shi c6ng hrin huh dampness forming with heat E,!A%4-Lshi c6ng rt hua dampness lying depressed in the fleshy , exterior $!j!gB S shi yu ji biiio dampness lying depressed in the qi aspect Egp5 5) shi yiL qi fin Dampness-Moving Qi-Supplementing Blood-Nourishing Decoction {TE +b 5 # rfn& xing shi bci qi yiing xue tang dampness obstructing defense yang BB shi t wii yiing ' . IP dampness obstructing the targe intestine P 5 A 833 shi zci da chbng dampness obstructing the middle burner %, shi zii zh6ng jiao E
dampness obstructing the qi aspect EPB 5~ shi zfi qi fin Dampness-Overcoming Decoction Ha?% shtng shi tang dampness prevalence yang debilitation E Bp a 1% shi shtng ycing w2i dampness stroke # shi zhhng dampness trapping hidden (deep-lying) heat $3B?4: bt shi 2 rt fLi damp obstruction E P 5 shi zii damp phlegm shi tcin damp phlegm dizziness a@[k;g shi tan xuhn yiin damp phlegm leg qi shi tan jiiio qi damp phlegm lumbar pain E1&E%shi tan yao t&zg damp phlegm streaming sore E EE &$ shi trin lih zhu damp phlegm wilting (wPi) a @ &shi thiz we'i damp qi E 5 shi qi damp scab (jit) E f i shi jit damp scrofula @ &shi luci damp sore shi chuang damp swelling El$ sht zh6ng damp tetany B @ shi jing damp toxin @S$ shi dri damp toxin bloody stool @Z@@?@ shi du bibn xu2 damp toxin precipitation of blood E S T & shi du xia xu2 damp toxin [sore] shi du chuarzg; ~ ~ ~ s s h d d i r c h u a r i g- - damp toxin streaming sore @B%?Zshi dri liri zhu damp toxin vaginal discharge E % %7; shi dLi dai xia damp turbidity $& shi zhu6 damp turbidity encumbering the heart E! $9 & shi zhu6 kun xin damp ulceration shi lkn damp warmth E & shi wdn damp warmth depressing defense %$&%I 32 shi wen yu wti '
damp warmth tidal fever B$l#j?& shi wen chho t-2 dandelion* (Taraxaci Herba cum Radice) % fi% ph gong ying; %* gong ying; $6 E tll~ T* huhng huri di ding; j% fig*fh gdng ying Dandelion Decoction 7iik fig $$I ph gong ying tang Dandelion Gruel 3 fi $8 ph gong ying zhdu dandruff' AEjE t6~1p i xit; XFfimjEt6u p i t ~ i dxi2 Dao 3 dho Dao conduction 2';1 dho yin Daoism Z%dho jiii Daoist %% ckio jiii Dao of humankind [sexual intercourse] A 3 r i n dho Daphnes Genkwa Flos (genkwa [flowerla) % zy ~ l h nhuri; %%* chi yuhn; %&* dh yh; I:&J &E* men t6u huri; l'rfj7 & E* nho yh h ~ ~ % a ;% E* yuhn tiho huii; $&%* du yuhn; %* yuhn; X$fj E* t6u tong hua dark @I@ hui an 1 dark clove sore (ding) Bgfi hn ding dark-colored urine [old] Fj?% niho chi dark eyes Ta;j €3Dg7sliiing mil an hei dark gate @ ydu milt Dark Gate (CV-10) @ J*y d ~ m l i n ; (KI21'v110) t@jl'J ydu m i n Dark-Gate-Freeing Decoction B @$$I tdng you tang dark of the eye g l R hei yiin; [cornea and iris] hei jing dark purple menstrual discharge %&% $: jing s.2 zi hn dark rings around the eyes [IR HnSBg yiin q ~ l i i nhui an darting shrimp pulse !liTiJf Jbjc xiii y6u mhi datura' (Daturae Flos seu Folium) EPt F rnhn tub l r ~ b Daturae Flos (datura flower) @&Eyhng jin h~111; E* m21z tu6 l ~ i 6huri; 5 &E* whn tho huii
Daturae Flos seu Folium (datura) $ mhn tub lu6 datura flower* (Daturae Flos) @ & E yhng jin hua; @ P t ?7 E* man tu6 lu6 hua; +i#hE* wan tho hu6 Dauci Carotae Fructus (wild carrot fruita) ~@!=!jB, nhn h t shi Daurian rhododendron [leafla (Rhododendri Daurici Folium) j$5 I.LI $1miin shin h6ng day and night without measure El @ZE ri yt wh du dayflower* (Commelinae Herba) Y % j Z j 5 S yri zhi ciio; Ti?,/j@ S* ya jiiio zhiing; Yi?,& S* yri shi ciio; +$PI-%* zhk yt cki; +$P-t 7 R S * zhh y t shui ciio days and night without measure E E X j$ zhhu yk wh du daze @ .irn hcin chin dead blood rib-side pain E@ll&@s i x u t x i i tong Dead-On Decoction )& 3 $31d i dhng tang Dead-On Pill )& 3 fi d i dang wan deafness q @t r kui; q @t r 16ng Deafness Cure #1 [non-channel] $G@
( - ) * zhi 16ng (1) Deafness Cure #2 [non-channel] $G%$i ( I) * zhi 16ng (2) Deafness Cure #3 [non-channel] ?G2? ) * zhi 16ng (3) ( Deafness Cure #4 [non-channel] $2%$ ) * zhi 16ng (4) ( Deafness Left-Benefiting Loadstone Pill 9.g& g,fi t r 16ng z ~ i i ci i whn Z$ fi t r 16ng whn Deafness Pill Deafness Point [non-channel] Qfl" l&g xu t death in utero E @ zi si fil zhdng; 86 t i i si fil zhdng deathlike reversal P shi j ~ l i death tongue si sht debilitate % sh~uii;?$TI$ shurii w2i debilitated spirit @ % shin shrriii debilitation shuii; shuiii wei; ffi % piiin shuai; 1% w2i
debilitation debilitation is treated by brightening ESTf3% 2 yin qi shuai t r zhiing zhi debilitation of essence in old age @,+H @ gao nibn jing shuai debilitation of kidney yang '%PBBf% shin yring shu& w2i debilitation of the life gate fire 6(7A S ming mtn huii shuai debilitation of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels ]$ {% & % chOng rtn xii shuai debilitation of yang due to prevalence of dampness $3 4% shi shkng yang wei debilitation of yang qi Pa%&% yang qi xii shuai debility in old age @%&Snihn liio ti shuai debility is treated by supplementing SqLj +\ 2 shuii zhe' bii zhi decay among the lower teeth T xia chi qii decelerate aging Q @ S % yrin huiin shuai lfio Declining Connection (BL-8W1i0) $8 lub qut decoct K g jilZn ao; E ?% jian tang; Z jian decoct as a gargle 7Jc E &%@shui jirZn shou h6u decoct as an external wash 7k @ 91 ?% shui jiin wai xi decoct as a'steam-wash 7kZ%$% shui jinn xiin xi decoct as a wash jg 7Jc ?% wei shui xi; 7k R ?% shui jian xi decoct as mouthwash 7k 3, % &% shui jian hrin shu; 7k 3 &%Oshui jia shu kou decocting pieces tA R yin picin decoction @J ttang; .i%% tang t6u; 3 jian; $3~ :& tang y t ; 3 G jiin yao fii decoction (preparation) $3~ 311 ting ji decoct separately X 3 ling jian decoct with water jE7Jc wei shui; 7 k 3 shui jian decreased food intake shi jiiin deep $j? shen; [pulse] ?jlchtn
defense deep-fry &j+ ybu zha; j+ zha deep-lying [evil] 1% fu deep-lying beam {%%fLi lihng deep-lying heat in the interior fi?!:ag fLi rk zai li deep-lying heat in the thoroughfare and rt fLi chOng controlling vessels t&fi rtn Deep-Lying Mortar (KI-7) ;-U* fu jiu deep-lying phlegm 43@fci tan deep-lying rheum ~ t fhkyin Deep-Lying White (KT-7) 4% Q * fu brii deep pulse iEfbk chtn mhi; bkfi mhi chtn deep sleep B%JjBRj%iX shui mian shen chtn Deep-Source Decoction R iJN $31 qii yuan tang deep-source nasal congestion @.ilN biyufin deep-source needling $" $11 yuan 'ci deep turbid voice igF@$& yC sheng zhbng zhu6 deer antler flakese (Cervi Cornu in Frustis) j@&i @ lu jiiio xi6 deerhorn0 (Cervi Cornu) j@&i lu jiiio Deerhorn and Cuscuta Pill j$E% g't'th lh jiiio th st wcin deerhorn gluem (Cervi Gelatinum Cornu) E t",/@ lu jiiio jiiio; j@/@* lu jiho Deerhorn Glue Gruel B @J 8% $8 lii jiiio jiio zhOu Deerhorn Glue Pill 126,ffj aft TtL 1u jiiio jiao wan deer's blood' (Cervi Sanguis) 12 xu2 deer's fetusm (Cervi Foetus) lu tai Deer's Penis Gruel E@Pf#$ lu biin zhou deer's sinewe (Cervi Musculus) Eti,iSij lu jin deer's testis and penis" (Cervi Testis et Penis) ih shtn; E@*lu bian; j@ I$* lL chOng defecate jfjZfA4Ejig da bian defense P wti defense aspect wii fkn defense-aspect pattern 3% iIE wii fin zhtng defense qi P5 wii qi
defense, qi, construction, and blood 35. B jfn w t i qi ying xu2 defense, qi, construction, and blood pattern identification IP%Bh%iiEw i i qi ying xut birin zhtng defensive exterior 2 2 w i i b i i o defensive' yang I? PEI wti yring deficient F B bu ji deficit ffispian shuai deflagrate @ f i n deflagration 3 f i n deformed joints 2 Pgjf3 guan j i t bihn xing deformed nails $$j127f3zhi j i i bian xing degelatinated deer antler0 (Cervi Cornu Degelatinatum) @, ffi % lu j i i o shuang delayed B chi delayed menstruation t2 ?@ $E & jing qi cub hbu; t3PJ @G jing qi lub hbii; t 2 $ J jing qi chao qirin; R tSG@j yut jing hbu q i ; g 3 E jing chi; t3f T 6$yj jing xing hbu qi delirious mania if;?23 zhan kuring delirious raving zban wang delirious speech igi3 mi& yLi; B Z zhan ycin; g i g zhan yfi delirium j,@ zhan delivery f" c h i n ; %\A$ f2n ji2; h\j& fen miiin; h\i%f2n dhn; h\%f2n shen; %% rniiin sh2n Delivery Gate (CV-4) PT7' c h i n m t n delivery stagnation [difficult delivery] #i P zhi c h i n Deltoid Muscle [non-channel] E % RJL' sari jiiio j i delusions and illusions 43 2 hucin xiling huhn jut demonic influx (zhu) % ?$gui zhu demon-licked head % &R& gui shi t6u Dendrobii Caulis (dendrobium [stem]) Efb4 shi hii; gg' jin sh2ng; $kg' du Lrin; ;EizZ' shi zhh; &%E* jin chiii huC; ?%Xd* qian nirin r-iin; $$q* huring c i o ; 8 2Z * diao lrin hua; 6 21-* shi d6u; 8 "* dzrio lrin
depressed Dendrobii Caulis "Anulus" (earring dendrobium [stem]) 3$il;;tifirf e'r hurin shi hu Dendrobii Caulis Recens (fresh dendrobium [stemlo) @$75#t xinn shi hh Dendrobii Caulis Sichuanensis (Sichuan dendrobiurna) J l 1 ; 6 # t chuatz shi hLi Dendrobii Lohohense Caulis (Lohe denlu6 h t shi hiL drobium) y $iJEfi$} Dendrobii Nobilis Caulis (golden hairpin dendrobiurn [sternla) &@j# jin chai hLi; &@Clb:3* jin chai shi hh Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis (officinal dendrobium [stem]) g ;Eifb:& hub shan shi ha Dendrobium Eye Brightener Pill ;ti@}% €IA shi hu ming mu wrin Dendrobium Night Vision Pill ;Ei@I $ Yti Th, shi hh yt guiing wart Dendrobium Powder Efb:}%shi hh s i n dendrobium [stem]. (Dendrobii Caulis) 6 A 4 shi hu; %%:' jin shertg; +k2:' dii Ian; ;ti&* shi zhu; &@X* jin chni hiin; T%Xd"cl'iin nilin. run; BS' huring C ~ O ; 8 S Z" drao lrin h l l i ; 6-'I-" shi dbu; 8 +* diao lrin dental impressions on the margins of the tongue g @ sht binn chi h t n denying intake of food n2 jin k6u deplete 5 kui depleted water and eKulgent fire 7K3A D E shcii kui hu6 wring depleted water and flaming fire 7K?jA$ shui kui hu6 yhn depletion f- kui depletion of the lower origin TZ+%jR xia yuhn k u i sfin depotentiated [one of the seven relations] E wu depressed accumulation of static blood @ )! ijngll$R yfi xu? yu ji depressed anger damaging the liver filE 4% j'f yu nu shang g i n depressed dampness and hidden (deeplying) heat Bfifi?$ {A shi y& r2 fii depressed earth is treated by despoliation f i P ;lp.2 tfi yu du6 zhi
depression pattern fi[JiEyu zhtng depressed encumbering summerheatdamp SBfiPlZl shii shi yu k&n Depression-Resolving Elixir j?j?$$j[3 ff- ji; yd diin depressed exterior biiio yu . depurate $88 qing su depressed fire $jIA yu hu6 depurate the lung and transform phlegm depressed fontanels @ P3 i xxin xian; $ S 7 % , j$ .1t@ sil f2i huCi thn 7;pi3 xxi mmtn xi2 xian depuration @% qing su . depressed gallbladder phlegm-heat fl!3$P @ ?& drin yC thn r2 depurative downbearing % [Jg su jihng depressed gallbladder with harassing depurative downbearing of metal qi $5 phlegm JjEL$$B drin yil thn riio ,%p@jin qi su jihng depressed heat seminal emission $jP ?{: 3 deranged 81 lurin fg yu r2 yi jtng deranged speech S i Z % & L yhn yii cu6 depressed liver RfGP giin yu lucin; i$jg%&L yii yhn cut) IuCilz; {gztff depressed liver-gallbladder heat Jj'f-BE!%P ig cu6 yhn wang yii ?<: g i n drin yu r2 desalted aconite [accessory tuber] @ depressed liver qi R'fyjjI giin qi yu (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Insalsum) $$ Mrf depressed metal is treated by discharge )+ dhn fu pian & $I # 2 jin yil xi2 zh i descend 7; xi& depressed steaming summerheat-damp descent 7; xiu tE%[32shii shi y i ~zheng Descurainiae Semen (descurainia depressed upper body heat f$%P3=42 [seed]@) +j@Enhn ting li; ?{\ fi yii yLi shhng zhi r2 rihn ting li depressed water is treated by regulation Descurainiae seu Lepidii Semen (tingli &$j[l+,,As h ~ lyil i zht zhi [seed]@)V E T ting li zi; T JF'ding li; depressed wood forming wind %[J 4k Jil *u* ting li mil yil hil feng descurainia [seed] @ (Descurainiae Sedepressed wood is treated by outthrust ti& men) g g a nhn ting li; G P 3 2 mil yii dli zhi ting li depressed wood transforming into fire desert jlQ tub A mil yC h i d hui) deserting qi a#? tu6 qi depressed wood transforming into wind desertion H tu6 $jI4 t )Xl mu yu hi1 f2ng desertion of the flesh El a# r6u tu6 depression @ xi&; %11 yu ' deser~ion of i-he spirii :%+$ irrr.5 s&ii depresdion [a concavity] E E wiln w i n ; desertion pattern RiiE ti16 zhkng @ xi& xirin Desertion-Stemming Mother-Reviving Depression Freeing Decoction i%$jPthdh Decoction $ & R f g @ & jiil ti16 hub mil yi1 tiing tiing depression in the chest @$jPGfi xi6ng zh6ng yil yir desertion sweating Ff ti16 hrin Depression-Opening Jade-Planting Deh4 desiccated +& kii; +if$,% kii l i t ; coction %Gv$$Zt& kiii yil zh6ng yir ting desiccated bone and reduced marrow @ Depression-Opening Two Matured Ingre+A ~8 gfi k c sul jiiitz dients Decoction A%Pr[lji@i kiii yu b desiccated teeth 55 3T +& yh chi giin k c ; chtn tiing ??f$j+&+g yh chi kii giio; f&jf:G chi giio Depression-Overcoming Pill @ Stl yii2 desiccation $& kc; +&@i kii jik; 'iN hk jLi whiz
* *
desiccation of kidney yin '# PA @iiB shtn detriment to both yin and yang rJaPH@+R yin kfi h i yin yhng ju siin desiccation of liquid and blood dryness detriment to the lower body affecting the jin kfi xut zao @ @i R 1I xiit siin ji shring upper body 7;+ detriment to the upper body affecting the desiccation of the yin liquid PR@@i& yin jin kfi giio lower body k+ E 7;I shhng siin ji xia desire yu detriment to yang affects yin pH+@7jr PA yring siin ji yin desire but inability to defecate #1E mjT detriment to yin affects yang P a $1 2BR f+{Eyu bibn t r bu d t bian yin siin j i yhng desire only to sleep 4H'&% dun y& m t i deviated Z wbi; llI~/Jkuai; IllFJ wai; IllFh$:t desire to defecate @&bicin yi kuai xit; lgq pi desire to eat with inability to get food deviated [face] $?Ixit down -&T 7; yil shi bu xia desire to throw off clothing or bedclothes deviated eyes and mouth BW Z$:I k6u #$EjB@ yu jig yi bti yiin wai xit; C l BE ffi$11 k6u yiin pian x i t ; desire to vomit '&at yh tu BW@$$:t k6u yiirz pi xi&; a BR lllFJ$:t k6u yiin kuai xit desire to vomit without vomiting and dedeviated face ll/J~@ kuai pi sire for diarrhea without diarrhea T a4 , %i% iT yu tu bu tu, yu xit bu xi2 deviated menstruation 229 cha jing Desmodii Ramulus et Folium deviated mouth Wij 321 k6u jiiio wiii x i t ; (desmodium@) %&+$Sgrliing dong ! lllF/J I k6u kuai; a lgq k6u pi jin qicin ciio deviated mouth and closed eyes Ill!$ €I Desmodii 'hiquetri Nerba (bottle-gourd 6 k6u kuai mu h t tea@) 3 F Z hh la chh deviated tongue '6 ffi sht pian; gM$:t desmodium@ (Desm6dii Ramulus et sht? pian xi&; ffi Z & pidn w i i sht; & Z Folium) % &%S guiing dong jin qihn shk wai ciio Deviating ' h r n (BL-4W"O) qii cha despoliate G dub deviation 3 wai; Illl'J$:t kriai xit; II17J kuai; despoliation G dub If/,",' w&; lgq pi despoliation of essence +$Z d ~ i bjing deviation [face] $1 xit despoliation of the blood G a d~1bXU; deviation and paralysis of the face IIlkh@ despoliation of the blood diminishes sweating and despoliation of sweat diT 3 kuai'pi bu sui minishes the bloood G h e Z PT , GP'f deviation and trembling of the tongue Ff dub X L L zhi ~ wci hbn, d ~ r bhan zh2 44 ffi$1tJt$~sht t i pillrz xit cl6u dong wh xue devil's tongue [tuber]. (Amorphophalli desiccation of the bone and vacuity of jii ruo Tuber) marrow @&@@ gii kii sui xii devitalization T+E 6u zhtn destiny nzing devitalized +Ebii zhtn determine iQ liin ,devitalized center yang BR T )E zhong determine treatment according to cause yang bu zhtn I-$ iQ sh2n yitz lun zhi devitalized essence-spirit $% $9T )E jing determine treatment by patterns identishin bu zhtn fied %iEiQ ?3 bihn zhtng lun zhi devitalized heart yang J L8~1 T )E xin yling determine treatment on the basis of patbu zhtn tern types !$@ ik ?3f2n xing lun zhi devitalized spleen jlang Jj@88 T 4E p i ylirzg detriment bathology] #jsiin bu zhtn
+ Pa
dew B lii diagnosis i$# zhtn duhn Dianthi Herba (dianthus) qii mai; ?&PEJ E*luh yring huii Dianthi Spica (dianthus flowera) gS#,% qii mhi sui dianthus' (Dianthi Herba) #2 S qii mai; $&I;SPEJE*luo yring huii dianthus flowera (Dianthi Spica) @S#,% qci mai sui Dianthus Powder @ & qci mhi siin diaphoresis [old, now replaced with sweating] $?han diaphragm JjE gt Diaphragm-Arousing Powder g BE & qi gt siin diaphragmatic H@ gt Diaphragm-Cooling Brew E qing gi siin Diaphragm-Cooling Forsythia Powder %,I R% iEB3 liring gt lirin qiho s i n Diaphragm-Cooling Powder ?,%BE& liring gt s i n Diaphragm Pass (BL-46W110(BL-41)) RE # gt guan diaphragm phlegm Jl@B gt tan diaphragm qi gt qi Diaphragm %-ansport (BL-17W110) RE& gt shii diaphragm wasting[-thirst] [upper wasting] RW # gt xiiio diarrhea T $11 xi2 li;
[email protected]$9(dli bikn xi2 xi;; &8f- lii dii zi; 4EjI3 bihn xi?; xi? 1;; iq fil xi;; i%Rxi2 dii; 5 xie d u zi; @$i~ xrk 11; 7N yq 5 2 xE diarrhea and dysentery 7;$1Jxi& li diarrhea in children /I\ JL Et%xiiio i r fu xi2 diarrhea smelling like rotten eggs A4Eifi .i-T $1 )% 81;1 dci bihn xi2 xi2 ril bhr luiin Diarrhea Stopper [non-channel]It$% zhi xi2 diarrhea with clear food [in the stool] .it8 $Ej $gG xi? xi2 qing go diarrhea with pus and blood 7;@ij?krfn xih li n6ng xu?; 7;$IJ {Em& xib li bihn ndng x~ri?
diarrhea with rectal heaviness [with tenesmus] j%$$j E xi2 li hou zhong diarrhea with untransformed food in the stool 7; $11 $$@ T & xi& li qing gii bii huh dichondraa (Dichondrae Herba) /J\ && 9 xi60 jin qirin ciio; %%&" mii ti jin
Dichondrae Herba (dichondraa) /J\ &t% 3Z xi60 jin qirin ciio; %@&* mii ti jin Dichroa Beverage .% LLItk chang shiin yin Dichroae Folium (dichroa leafa) 33 S shii qi Dichroae Radix (dichroa [rootla) $$ LLI chring shiin; q" LLI*: htng shiin dichroa leafa (Dichroae Folium) 33 S shii qi (Dichroae Radix) $ ' ,' LLI dichroa [root] chring shiin; I'T3LLI*htng shiin diclipteraa (Diclipterae Herba) Ff % g6~igiin chi '
Diclipterae Herba (diclipteraa) %B'If % g6u giin chi Dictamni Radicis Cortex (dictamnus [root barkla) $ && brii xiiin pi; ;IL!3+ E*bti: xiiin pi; Q J@" brii shnn; Q @iE* bcii xiiin pi Dictamnus Powder $ !I# & brii xiiin pi s2n dictamnus [root bark] (Dictamni RadiObi xiiin pi; ;IL!3+ E': cis Co-rtex) 12!I#E bti xiiin pi; $ @* blii shiin; $ @ E*blii xiiin pi diet
t$ -@ yin shi
$Z,E Y ~ I ?1 7 ; q[ W Z cf ~ dietary contraindication &,E slli ji; ?$I% 2 ,E, yin shi jin ji; ,E, ji k 6 ~ i dietary imbalance t$ -&X iM yin shi shi litio dietary irregularities ?A&+?yitz .shi bil iB yin shi shi tilio jit; t$-@X dietary irregularity jaundice G Y G 'gii d i n dietary physician &E sh.i yi dietary therapy -@fishi liho diet therapy 13th shi zhi
differentiate !&%I] jiiirz bik fan h6ng diffuse red $2$1 difficult defecation hlFT(E dh bian nrin; diffuse swelling mhn zhiing h 4F If$ dh bihn k3n nrin; A {g@T(f$ diffuse the lung Ej$x u i n fki clh bihn jinn ncin; HblFH If$ pai birin kiln diffuse the lung and calm panting S A$ nhn; IF%$ bihn nrin; 7t@~F$', HT(B da FD% xuan fkr ping chuiin bilin phi chu kiln nCin diffuse the lung and dispel phlegm s j $ difficult delivery T(EP nhn chiin ?2% xuiin f i i qG tan Difficult Delivery Formula TIEPfi ncin diffuse the lung and transform phlegm g chiin fnng A$it@ xuiin f i i huh pin difficult lactation ?LT(E rii nhn diffuse the lung with dissipating acridity difficult outthrust of measles $$ B T(EB $3 Ejj'$ xin shn xuiin fki mb zhtn n h tou diffuse the qi aspect Ei@%hL xuEn tong difficult sluggish speech i$jS%?Zyfi yhtz qi f i n jiiin s i diffuse the white [the lung] B xuEn bri~ difficult speech ig?Z yii sk diffusing formula 33fi;lJ xuiin ji difficult to cure T(B?k ncin zhi Diffusing-Freeing Lung-Rectifying Pill 3 difficult urination 11) lFT(ff xi60 bihn nrin; -@j$ $L tong x ~ u i nli f i i whn 73 /I\ 4FYZ xi20 bilin sk diffusing [medicinals] can eliminate condifficult urination in pregnancy fi%&RT(E x~rirzk t qil yong gestion gEJ%@ rkn shen niho nbn diffusion g x~illrz;B% x u i n sbn difficult voidings of white urine /1\4FT(f$m digeneaa (Digenea) ,@A3-Z hhiii r-kn ciio; $ xriio bihn ndn kr bhi $S@,Z' zhk gii chi difficulty chewing U i n@ m I@ jii jut krin nhz Digenea (digeneaa) %@AS hiir r i n chiio; difficulty getting to sleep T(@ U :Ant@ nLin fig$9 zhk gii chi yi ru shui Digenea Decoction fiSj,Q%$~ zhi gii chi difficulty in bending and stretching tang T(E qii sh2n k i ~ nnbn Dig Forward #1 [non-channel] $ES difficulty in grasping objects $+Y!mT(E chi ( - ) juk jin ( 7 ) wi1 /cut2 nan Dig Forward #2 [non-channel] +E33 difficulty in raising the shoulder 2&E ( 1) juk jin (2) T(# 16 ]ifin k h nhn Dig Forward #3 [nun-channel] +R 33 difficulty in sleeping n4n mki
difficulty in swallowing gjnmm T(@ tiin ylin kiln nbtz ditticulty in walking %E@i(@ bit l i jiLZn nhn diffrase S xuiin; S% xxuiin san diffuse and downbear lung qi Ep$}l$S XLLGIZ jihng J'er qi diffuse congestion ' S E X L I ~ ~ y6ng IZ diffuse ]lung qi E&R$yx u n t6ng fki qi diffuse lung qi with lightness f$Bj$? qing xunn fki qi diffuse qi and transform dampness E'? 4-t: ?E. . Y L L G qi ~ h~iil hi
( ? ) ' juk jin (3) Dig F o ~ w a r d #4 [tzon-channel] (
fE 8
jin (4) digital eye #5j El zhi mil Digit Well (BL-67) )Z #1' zhi jing ILL&
dilated pupils [I$f7L;;lrk t6ng k6tzg s i n clh; If $@krk A tbng shin s i ~ n(In dim hazy vision R B$# flJ tna miiio shi m kzg diminished 'J/' shLio diminished uplift f i 3% f i shcrzg jil wh li dimness of vision n g ming
dim vision BEE$$ yiin an; 88 B E$$ yiin hiin shi wu bu mitzg; H $ X T % an; $!Il%T% mu shi bh ming; H tl$$ mu an Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber (air potato) $$ Z j T huring yao zi; B Z @* hudng yao gen; * G T * mu yao zi; A S * da kii; $$ 4&* huhng du; $$G* hucing yao Dioscoreae Cirrhosae n b e r (dye yam@) 3 R shii lihng Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rhizoma (fish poison yam) bi xik; ?+Kjip:r;* bi?i xit Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma (Japanese dioscorea [root]@)3 LLI 2 chuiin shin 16ng Dioscoreae Rhizoma (dioscorea [rootlo) LLI Zj shGn yao; 3 shii yu; LLI 9 " shan yu y&; @jE* yu; Zj%*shii yu; xiii cui; J L ZfZ* t r ciio; S*zhii; @S*yan ciio; Z Z * whng mdo; S5*shii yao; $2 Y * sht yu; LLJ &** shan b i n zhh; $3* bai tido; g $$* jiii huring jiiing; % $ S*yZ bhi shii; @ T z * shan zi shii; S B * f6 zhring shii; ,# LLI* hurii shrZn; $2 LLIG* hudi shiin yho; g%*shii yii; fT -* gg huki shin yao; LLI B * shan shii; $ 5 T * bhi yao zi Dioscoreae Rhizoma Crudum (raw +B%*sheng shii yii dioscorea [root]@) Dioscorea Flour Gruel ZB&S#3shii y2 .-bri zho~i Dioscorea Pill $$%A shii yu wan dioscorea [root] (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) LLJ G shiin yao; Zfg*shii yii; LLJ F*shin yu; Eg* shii yh; ZG*yu yrin; @%* xiu cui; ILG" Er cfio; g' zhu; @@* yan crio; Z S * whng mho; ZG* shii yao; E sht yu; LLJ &** shiin biin zhu; $ E* blii liao; h $$g*jiii huling jiang; % $ Z* yt brii shii; @ =F.S* shan zi shii; I% S S * fb zhiing shii; hudi shiin; &< LLIE* huhi shiin ybo; %%* shii yu; fTth 5*hudi shin yao; LLI E*shin shii; $ 5 3"6 5 yho zi dip 8.zhitz dip-calcination flit+ dwin cui , dip-calcine duhn cui
Discharge-Curing diphtheria $ I@ 6ai hbu Diphtheria Mixture $ ll%-$%lJ king bhi h6u h i ji dipper 21- diiu Dipsaci Radix (dipsacus [root]@) 43% xu duan; 1II W* chuan duan; II14%" chuiin xu; j I14%W* chuiin xu duan; h R-* liu han Dipsacus Pill 43% xu dubn wan dipsacus [root] @ (Dipsaci Radix) $3l& xu duan; Ill W* chuiin duan; jll4%* c h u m xu; I l l %W* chuan xu duan; hR* liu han direct assistant El$G zhing zu6 yho direct calcination jEj f i $$;zhi hui, duan directional supplementation and drainage [needling method] 9ljilj %f. $3 ying sui bii xit fii directions H ti& yhng fii direct moxibustion Z)g$ zhi ji2 jiii Director of the Imperial Medical Bureau k E tai yi ling I . direct strike zhi zhhng direct strike by cold evil %2l3Z han xii. zhi zhong direct strike on the triple yin g ZPB zhi zhbng san yin direct subcutaneous needling [one of the twelve needling methods] g$t$11 zhi zhetz ci disabled wilted limbs Jj!i@@% zhi ti wZi
+ +
fki disablement fii disappear qP$g shdu mh disappearance of papules j25 El zhZn hui . - -.disappearance of papules immediately after eruption R&Tl$z zhZn chu ji sho~i discharge ?I3xit Discharge-Ceasing Decoction %$4?fi whn dhi tang Discharge-Checking Formula J_t % f i zhi dhi fiing Discharge-Checking Tablet k@ & zhi dhipian Discharge-Clearing Decoction $4 $31 qing dai tang Discharge-Curing Pill yu dhi wan
discharge discharge defense and outthrust heat $3 71B?& xi2 w2i t6~1r2 discharge heat with cold and bitterness 3$ $@ 4+ kc hhn xi2 r2 discharge of ancestral qi Z5$@ z6ng qi xi 2 discharge of stool with flatus AiFEZ% da bihn sui shi kr chii discharge the liver $Bfly xi2 giin discharge wind @Jd. xi2 fZng discharging formula @filJ xi2 ji discharging [medicinals] can eliminate blocks $@ TiJ & ]'fl xi2 ke' qil bi discomfort relieved by the passing of flatus #$5e$Tphi qi juk shLl discontinuity of breathing T,%,T ?% qcli xi bil xri discuss ik lim disease & ji; @j bing; J;j 2; C; @% ji bing disease arising in yang % W ?LEI bLzg fi yh ybng disease arising in yin $5 W ff bing fii yh yuz disease arising "when this is stirred" [disease pattern arising when the channel in questron is affected] 59%shi d6ng birzg disease arising "when this is stirred" and FfiLk% disease "produced by this" 5% shi dhng suci sh2ng bing disease cause pattern identification IZl # iE bing yin bihn zhZng disease-color correspondences 5 t ZZ % wfi s2 zhir bing disease correspondence s f the five colors 2 % wWLi s2 zhLi bing disease correspondences of the pulse b3 31Z'6 mhi xlang zhLi bing disease evil '65f.p bing xik disease-evil pattern identification E35f.1398 ilT, bing xik bihn zhing disease of recent onset ?$fi% xin bing disease of the fluids @@% jDz yZ bing disease of the head j@j& dian ji disease of the mother aft'ects the child f3 6%7 infi bing ji zi
disease patiern '6ijE bing zh2ng disease pattern of the fluids @E%iiE{% jin y2 bing zh6ng disease [phase] restraining color [phase] '6 Z E bing k2 s2 disease "produced by this" [disease pattern prod~icedby a given bowel or viscus] Ffi Y@js~16sheng bing diseases caused by phlegm i & @ % ' 6 zhii tcin wki bing disease shift @ {$' bing chuhn diseases of the anus I f f & zhi ji diseases of the spirit +$,q, (4@ shin st jiiin bing
disharmony $U bu hk disharmony of liver qi T T gulz qi bu hk disharmony of qi and blood 5,bXiM qi xu2 shi tiho disharmony of stomach qi T+$il w2i qi bu h i disharmony of the stomach E T$O w2i 62 h t disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels ]$if % iR thong r2n shi tilio disinhibit $11 li disinhibit dampness $1 $$ li shi disinhibit dampness by bland percolation f& @ $IJ tZ d&n shin li shi disinhibition $1 li disinhibit qi $15 li qi disinhibit the joints $B$I]z'ij huh li g~liirz jik disinhibit urine $11 E li niho; $IJ /I\ $2 li x i i o bihn dishhibit urine and harden the stool $11 /]\ {g, %A {g li x i i o bihn, shi dh bihn disinhibit water $11 7JC li shui disinhibit water and disperse food $I17k 76 & li shui xino shi disinhibit water and disperse swelling $11 7k # j$ li s h ~ lxiiio i zhcing disinhibit water and percolate dampness $11 7k$$$!3 li shui sh2iz shi
disinhibit disinhibit water by bland percolation @ $11 7k d2n sh2n li shui disintegrate h$Rl] pb xu& dislocation Bjf,E3 t ~ jiu; ~ 6 N$n tu6 ji2 Dislocation [non-channel] HH* tu6 jiu dispel ?2qii dispel cold ?Z% qL7 h6n dispel cold and transform phlegm TZ9g i t @ qii han h ~ l dtan dispel dampness ?ZYBqu sht dispel dampness and disinhibit cold ?&Yg &'% qii shi shn h6n dispel evil and safeguard right $Z%F@E qii xit chz zh&ng dispel evil and support right ?Z4P&X qii xit jh zhkng dispel evils ?&qp qlri xit dispelling cold ?A%.)& qu h6n fii dispel phlegm 72% qii tlin dispel stasis 72% qii yii dispel stasis and disperse swelling fl$ qL1 yii xiSio zhdng dispel stasis and quicken the blood ?&@ 'i6& qii yL1 hub xu& dispel stasis and stanch bleeding ?2@lt h qu yL1 zhi XU& dispel the effects of liquor E.i@ xing jiii dispel wind $2m qU fcng dispel wind and diffuse the lung ?&'f;ng jiti qU fZng xuan fki dispel wind and eliminate dampness ?Z i jz,~3iz ~ C : Z~Kh f SAC dispel wind and nourish the blood ?2H Sjjg qii fcng ycing xu2 dispel wind and relieve pain ?Z)Xl,kj$ qLj 7 fFng zhi tbng dispel wind and transform phlegm .ItE qlri fcng huh tlin dispel wind-damp ?&R?E qL7 feng shi dispense [drugs] B 2 5 pki yho disperse # xiao disperse and supplement simultaneously $j ;iib%lj@ xiao bil jiiin shi
dissipate disperse food [accumulations] #-g$ xiao shi disperse food and abduct stagnation @ I3 % $$ xiiio shi diio zhi disperse food and rectify qi #I3525 xiiio shi l i qi disperse food and transform phlegm -&it@ xiiio shi huh tan disperse food and transform stagnation T i I3.It$$ xi20 shi huA zhi disperse gan #JB xiiio giitz disperse glomus #E xiiio p i disperse glomus and relieve pain rggk @ xiao p i zhi thng disperse glomus and transform accumulations % i t $R xiao p i hua j t disperse grain b o d ] Pig +$ xiao gii disperse phlegm Pig @ xiiio tan disperse phlegm and calm panting #% T 11% xino tlin ping chuiin disperse phlegm and soften hardness # xiao t6n rucin jiZtz disperse stagnation Pig $ xiiio zhi disperse swelling ?dB$ xino zhdng Dispersing Brilliance (TB-12) @%%*xiiio shub Dispersing Riverbed (TB-12) @ $,4; xiiio hlh dispersion xino; $j .)A xiiio fii disquieted B bu ning; bu iin disquieted heart spirit &?$;l;% xin shin bu iin disquieting of heart qi ,L\ 9;l;7 xin qi bil ning disquieting of the heart and gallbladder J ~ B H 7 xtn diin b i ~ning Disseminating Laughter [non-chntztzel] k? "X san xiho dissipate sslin dissipate cold B3$ shn h6n dissipate cold and check vomiting UE skn hatz zhi du dissipate cold and relieve pain B%k% sbn h6n zhi tbng dissipate cold and resolve the exterior 3 @'@Sshn hlin jig biiio
dissipate dissipate cold and transform phlegm $&
% 4t% san hhn hua tan dissipated pulse
jj?lB mai sari; Bb3
dissipate glomus with opening acridity 9 % B E xin kai srin pi dissipate stasis &>&shn yii dissipate the blood $&&shn xu2 dissipate wind san f2ng dissipating array 3f.frB9shn zh2n dissipation $& san dissipation is treated by contracting 38
4% 2 shn zhi? shdu zht
distention and pain in the chest $iJS[Sj& @ xidng bu zhatzg tong distention and pain of the head and eyes X €I 1J;r@ tt6u mu zhhng tbng distention and pain of the testicles SStL giio whn zhing tong
distention disease jE@ zhang bing distention in the brow E%jJ$AE m t i t6u zhiitzg zhang
distention in the head %RE tdu zhang rLi zhatzg; distention of the breasts
$1B BE rii fhng zub zhang distention of the breasts without pain 91
dissolve iq4-L chdng hub distal bleeding. [far from anus] %& yuiin xu t distal portion of the inferior aspect of the great toe $5 zhi distant needling [one of the nine needling mefhods] %S$I] yiiiin dho ci distended enlarged tongue A sht zhhng dir.
distended testicles AE luiitz zhang distended wooden tongue *a&&
zhang sht
distending pain zhbng tbng distending pain in the breast ?LEfl&% rLi fang zhhng tbng
distending pain in the rib-side R&7;flE% xit xi2 zhang tbng
distention JjE zhang distention after eating & ,&{Fa% shi ru zub zhkng
distention and enlargement of the abdomen jf @a&A du fu zhang dh distention and fullness in the abdomen E $ fl&@$ fu zhbng zhang tong distention and fullness in the heart [re% xin fu gion] and abdomen JGBAJ;~ zhdng miin
distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen in pregnancy
JL\@AE%r t n shdn xin fu zhang miin distention and fullness in the umbilical region aft BJjj; % qsi fu zhang miin distention and pain JlEB zhang tbng
T % rii z h h g bd tbng
distention of the lung j*j& f2i zhcing distill 8 % zhCng 1u; 84t zheng hiia distillate 13; EBlj 13 j i ; 3%yho lu distorted vision El @ mu m2o distress % , a j l p b ; po distress below the heart JL\~;%, xin xia j i disturbance X 4 shi si disturbance of dieusion and downbearing
PeX4 xuEn jiang
ez, B R
zhi st
disturbance of qi transformation 5 j k X i4 qi hua shi tlao diuresis $lFj? li nnlao diverge RIJ bit divergence %I] b i t ; [network point] 311 bit divergent RIJ bit Divergent Yang (GB-35) %I]'f.frBH*bit yhng;
(TB-4) %I]P I " bit yhng diverging network vessel RIJ g8 bit 1iih Divided Center (GB-30) $* f2tz zhdtzg Divided Waters (CV-9) 5337R4 fCn shui divine @ shin Divine Pain-Relief Decoction k% $1@ ?% zhi tbng rh shkn tnng
divinity @ shkn dizziness IIg xuan; yiin m h xuhn;
yun; % g€I I)g tt6u yGn
E!@ xuan
dizziness and headache % ;Ca$ @ t6u xuan tbng
dizziness and shaking @ # xuan diao
Dizziness-Clearing Beverage %$EPk qing
dormant papules @@ yin zhdn;
GEC p i i
xuhn yin
dizziness in pregnancy
fiZElk;S rtrz shEn
xuan yiin
dizziness of pregnancy 'f.I% zi xuan dizziness of the head B I Z dian xurin dizziness that upsets balance BZ 42 1Pll xu& yiin yic clio
dizziness upon rising &ZRP X BE q i j i tdu xuan
dizzy collapse I2i b xuan pu dizzy head t6u x~ran; tdu yun dizzy head and vision % €I 82 tdu yiitz mil .nrdn
dizzy vision H 12 mu x~lLin dock leap (Rumicis Folium) *%Pi-
dock rooto (Rumicis Radix) TR yhng ti doctor E yi; [esp. as a term of address] E!j@ y i shi
[esp. as a term of address] A %
dai fii
doctrine of signatures
lEl $*ik l t i xing
t6ng xiao lhn
dog 4Q g6u; quiin dogbane' (Apocyni Herba)
F ;fF l%
6h mh
'g+h~rbtzgg i i ~shin ~
dog's stomach calculuso (Canis ~ t ~ m a c h i Calculus) 461%g6u Oiio dog's tongue grasso (Senecionis Integrifolii Herba) 4QzSg6u sht cLio donkey $P lii donkey's-mouth wind EJPll$$)Xllu zui f2ng do not eat ,E,& ji .rhi do not harm stomach qi Z 4 E W 9 W Lfiin w t i qi
door P hir door gate [the teeth]
double contraction
m @ liiing g6n; S @
chdng g i n
double error zhi ni Double Essence Pill I$gA t r jing w6n double nipple moth ZJ!Z L B shunng rfi 6 Double Resolution Sage-Inspired Powder
$1figB 3 $& shukng jig
thng shtng s6n
Double Supplementation
$J! (X;FbA
shuang bii wcin
dog's boneo (Canis 0 s ) 4QiB g6u gii dog's gallbladdere (Canis Vesica Fellea) 4QBH g6u d6n dog skino (Canis Corium) %J& giiu p i Dog Skin Plaster J k ~ f;R i g6u pi gko dog's penis" (Canis Penis) $k4@P B E mil giiu yin jing;
dormant wind papules jX@ f2ng yin . , dorsum of the foot. iEk f i i ; ZH$zh f i i ; Z zh b2i; &j f i i ; 8%zk fii Z5S yao liang dosage H yhng liang; 3 dose hi3 fu dou [unit of volume] 21- d6u . double 1 2r; S ch6ng; $X shuhng Double-Armored Pulse-Restorative Decoction 1EQ J $ I $51t r ji6 fii mhi tkng 7& j $ g t shui dim double-boil double boiling dun double combination pulse 1ell?? t r hB mbi
ti yt
;Lr zhi whn Double Supreme Pill IE double tongue && ch6ng sht double tongue in children l L @ % xiiio t r chdng sht
double vision $2-+9~ dr ydu liiing xing; $JJ$2IEshi qi
Sf5 R3 shi yi wil 1 shi yi wdi i r ;
double yang P I chdng ybng double yang becomes yin 2 Pa &)P a chdrzg ~ h n n 17;
11in ,r"."
double yin Pa chdng yin double yin becomes yang 2 PB &\\PEI ch6ng yin bi yhng
dove-like fixed eye
#GPR ?$?I@gii
yiin ning
down 7; xia; Vine hairs] hhLi o h 0 downbear P+i jiang downbear counterflow and check vomiting
P+i@k IIE jihng
ni zhi 6 ~ 1
downbear counterflow and precipitate qi
P TI hir
7; 9jiLing ni xia qi
downbear fire P$ A jihng hub downbearing P$i jicing downbearing formula P$ Slj jiang ji downbearing [medicinals] can eliminate upbearing P$ GJ 2f i jiang k t qu ~heng downbea'r qi P$T jiang qi downbear qi and calm panting p+yqD% jiing qi ping ch~litz downbear qi and transform phlegm b$? I t B jihng qi huh tan downbear turbidity P$ ?& jiang zhu6 downpour 7;& xia zhu downpour diarrhea ST zhu xiri downpour of damp-heat ?& T & shi r2 xih zhu downpour sore 7;&'B xici zhu ch~lang downsinker iE PQ 5 chtn jiang yrio downsinking medicinal PQGj chtn jiang yao downward 7; xia downward fall xia xian downward movement 7; xia downy in autumn b~ilse]$k% qill mho dracontomelon fruito (Dracontomelonis Fructus) Am+ rtn mian zi; $Eh$* yin rtn Dracontomelonis Fructus (dracontomelon fruito) rtn mian zi; %R &* yin rtn Dracontomelonis Radicis Cortex (dmcontomelon root barko) AT@ 3 j rtn mian zi gen pi dracontomelon root bark0 (Dracontomelonis Radicis Cortex) A @j3jl;W & rkn mian zi g2tz pi dragon ft. 16ng dragon and thunder fire Y E S 2 A lbng lti zhi hub Dragon and Tiger Point (GV-1) 16ng hii xut dragon boneo (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia) ft.# 16ng gii; 4 t & B* h ~ 16ng ~ h gii; E jk #* huii 16ng gii Dragon Bone and Cutch powder XBIL Z & 16ng gfi t r chh sin
drain Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction % # ?f@ ?% 16ng gfi mfi li tang Dragon-Chasing Decoction f i je ?% c6ng I6ng tang Dragon-Embracing Pill $@ft. A bho 16ng w Lin dragon fire blazing internally % A lf;l@ 16ng hub nii fan Dragon Gate [non-channel] 1t 1'7 long mtn Dragon in the Abyss (KT-2) &J#* l6ng yuan Dragon in the Spring (IU-2) &%* l6ng quan dragon's bloode (Daemonoropis Draconis Resina) h?g xu2 jit; mu xu2 * h i i la; h*qi lin xu;; B jit; j@ 9i1, &33* zh2n xu2 jit; BE$?,%* qi lin jit Dragon's Chin [non-channel]ft.3 16ng
ban Dragon's Head [non-channel]&A* /6ng tbu dragon spring clove sore (dNzg) jt ,$.5 16ng quan ding dragon's tongue leaf0 (Sauropi Folium) ft.JNUPt 16ng li y2 Dragon Tiger (GV-1) jER* 16ng hfi dragon tootho (Mastodi Dentis Fossilia) 2 5 l6ng chi Dragon Tooth Powder j&&+& 16ng chi siin dragover disease 9% bing bing drain i3 xi2 drainage $j xi2 drain and transform heat binds i3I-L $2xi? hua ri jit drain fire $Ej A xi2 h ~ i b drain fire and extinguish wind .i-TA$,B,fl xi2 hu6 xi feng drain fire and resolve toxin \i-T %ftB% xi2 r2 jit du draining medicinal xi2 yho draining [method] i31&xi6 f i draining precipitation i37; xii xia drain the heart $3JL\xi2 xin drain the liver jEjj7 xi2 giin drain the lung xi2 f2'i
drain the south (i.e., the heart) and supplement the north (i.'e., the kidney) ?%$ i
dribbling urinary block [fl@ bi l6ng; @ rfl long bi dribbling urinary block with overflow iqcontinence & HTfiifjXZ long bi t r shi jin; @ l'fl Fj? % 3 long bi t r niho shi jin dribbling urinary incontinence / J \ {EM$$ xiiio bian lin li bir jin dribbling urination /J\ 4 E #$ #j3 xi20 bihn lit2 li dribbling urination with reddish urine and stinging pain {E#$%%U xi60 bing lin chi ci tong dribbling uterine bleeding [old] % lbu driedlfresh rehmannia [root] a (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata seu Recens) YNJ sh2ng di huhng; A ifi*dli sh2ng di; g i b * sheng di dried bamboo sap' (Bambusae Succus Exsiccatus) /r!J% zhR li; /fiFi-* zhR zhi; ?&/r!* dhn zhil li; ?.l$$*zhil ydrr Dried Bamboo Sap Phlegm-Moving Pill /r!J fi5 B $1 zhR li yiln thn whn dried Chinese olivea (Canarii Albi Fructus Exsiccatus) &jl:E'F giin liin giin dried earthworms (Lumbricus Exsicca~ di long tus) T i b giin dried fish j#j fil; ?$ xiiitzg Dried Freshwater Snail Shell Powder 7 $Z B hhn lud siin dried gingera (Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum) S f % giin jiiing; $9$$* jun jiiing; T& ! Z* giin sheng jiiing; $ $* brii jiiing; ?& T g*dhtz g i n jiing Dried Ginger and Aconite Counterflow Cold Decoction T Nrf PI22 @J g i n fil si ni tiing Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill =i= A S JtL gCn jiang rtn sh2n bhn A girz jiiitzg rttz xiu wan; 7 $$ ,A 8 shin bbn xih wan Dried Ginger Gruel ' f $ $ f #giin 3 jiLlng zhiiir Dried Ginger, Scutellaria, Coptis, and Ginseng Decoction Sf 8 S F % 2E A S ?3J g i n jiiing huhng qin huhng liritz rtn sh2n tiing dried lotus leafo (Nelumbinis Folium Exsiccatum) 'F RPt g i n h t y2
dried meat jg fd dried-meat nose &it:EJjE bi giio la dried persimmons (Kaki Fructus Exsiccatus) Rt# shi bing; T R * gEn shi; R T* shi gun dried rehmannia [root] a (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata) T f f i Bgiin di huring; 4 Sifi* gan sheng di; RYffi* yurin sheng sheng gdn di hucing d i ; STifi$$* dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccaturn) A C $5 % da dou hucing juiin; A H @ * da dou bo; $$ %* huhng judn; %B*juiin bb; B%E* huling juiin p i ; ES%* dou huang juiin; E*dbu nit.; E g *shh bh; jig%* dh 2% dou juiin; k G B e * da dou huang juiin; H%:' dbu juiin; %' qing dou juiin; &ju nzt. dried taro0 (Colocasiae Tuber Exsiccaturn) BTfS4 qing yu tzdi giin dried toado (Bufo Siccus) @!I!,$ chdn chLi; A%* da chcin; 'f !&* gEn chcin; @ kg?* ch6n chLi giin; jJ@1$$@*15 ha ma; l!$jj!!iT$j$* lril xiii ma dried watercress@ (Nasturtii Herba Exsiccata) B $+ "f xi yiing cai gfin drink tA=J- yin zi drinker @% jid kt. drinker's aggregation @i) jifi pi drinker's concretion (zheng) .i@$2 jiii zh Crzg drinker's distention $!jjE jld zhang drinker's nose @!j Rk& jiii zhii bi; k bi zhii dripping ##jl fin li dripping cold sweat ?+tT # @$ 1Cng han fin l i dripping great sweat A$T#I$ da han lin li "drizzly" sweating $&% t? $ j i ran han % han chii ji ji rhn chii; R ,Yj "drizzly" sweating of the hands and feet E?i&?i& tT sh6u zh ji ji han chii drool j@ xian Drool-Thinning Powder f$,t@$& xixlhn s i n drool and spittle xihz tuo
Drool-Controlling Elixir @@fi khngxilin din drool foaming at the mouth U l @ E % k6u tii xihn mo tii xihn mh; n*j@& drooling liLi xian; j @ T xihn xis; #I 7k tiing k6u shui drooling from one corner of the mouth El fB -{!Ui $3t@ k6u jiiio yi ct. lih xihz drooling from the corner of the mouth during sleep
[email protected] & +fit% shui shi kbri jiiio liLi xicin drooling from the corners of the mouth fB ?%t@ k6u jiiio lih xihn drooling from the mouth ak@Ek6u tii xi& drool is the humor of the spleen t@ %I1$ x i h wti p i yt. drool-spittle j@@ xihn tub drooping clubmossO (Lycopodii Cernui Herba) Ffi ffi E i ! pfi di wLi gong drooping eyelid @E jiiitz f i i drooping of the upper eyelid k E T & shang biio xia chui dropped eye [a kind of sq~iznt]SRB zhui jing Droserae Herba (sundew) '58ifi jin di lu6 drowsiness after eating -&G shi h o ~ i kun dun; tfi@fan m i ; tfi6 fan ~ & L L kiln dun drug Gj ybo drum B gd drum distention j@ gd; j@jE gii zhang; @ jE gii zhring drumlike abdominal distention jBjE$?UB fu zhhng rLi gd drumskin pulse 35R7.7 gt mai drunken furor i@tIBjid bki dry 'f gan; f$$ zho dry [eyes] tZ st. dry and damp leg qi 'ftZHP5 giin shi jiiio qi dry belching with food malodor Tn%-&$i giin yi shi chou dry blood & giin xu2 giin xu2 llio dry blood taxation
dry bound stool @ T 46 da bian gin jit; ji4E$%48 da bihn zao jit dry brittle nails EQ g @ zhiio jiii kr.i cui dry cholera T g & L gin hub luan dry cough T U 5 gin k t ; @U&- k t qiang dry cough without phlegm T @Zg& gin k t wh tan dry cracked skin )j$a&$%Zi! pi fu zao lit dry dampness @@ zao shi dry dampness and transform phlegm $% Y34t g& zao shi huir trin dry dampness with cold and bitterness g kii hrin zho shi dry dampness with warmth and bitterness X &@ @ kii wen zao shi dry eyes €I T B mu gln st; I R B 7i; @ yiin st bh shuiing; H +&fZmu ku st dry eyes and scant tear fluid H @/J/\YH m 2 st shiio lti ' dry fall T Pfi gin xian dry formula $%filJzao ji dry front teeth 8% chizho dry fry T$$gin chi0 dry hair W*;f fa kii dry humor blloody stool % T 4 9 ~ j nyt gln bian xut dry humor bound stool E T 4946 yk gin bian jit drying chamber @j h6ng fang drying oven h6ng xiang dry in the shade FJjT yin gin dry inward fall TPfj gin xian dry itchy larvnx n3F Y$ T 49>@ siing zi f i g l n zub ydng dry leg qi TJ P ij? gin jiiio qi dry lichen (xiiin) T @ gun xiin dry lips E$$ chhn zho; E$$* chun gin dry lusterless hair A ;CW T *if; Z jl;;93 t6u fli gun kii wu guing zt dry [medicinals] can eliminate dampness $2EJ& @ zao k t qu shi dry aniliaria *if jg lcii pti dry mouth R @ kbu zao; E kbu gin dry mouth and thirst q T!$?E kbu gin zui) kZ
& I
Dryness-Moistening dry mouth and throat U$%C!mT kkbu zao yin gin dry mouth and tongue q 2 E;f$% kbu shC gin zao dry mouth with small fluid intake T 'J.'tA kbu gin shiio yin dry nails )TI& zhiio kr.i Drynaria&Rhizoma (drynaria [rootla) @ @;ii\gii sui bii; %%" mrio jiing drynaria [root] a (Drynariae Rhizorna) @@;ii\ gii sui bii; %S*mho jiing dryness $2 zao dryness affecting the clear orifices @? ?S5% zao gin qing qiao dryness bind @4$ zao jit Dryness-Clearing Lung-Rescuing Decoction .ig$'$&j$ @J qing zao jih fti ting dryness cough @@ z6o k t dryness daaaging the lung and stomach @{%!$ 3 z i o shing fti wti Dryness-Enriching Beverage % $9$3 zi zao yin Dryness-Enriching ConstructionNourishing Decoction % $%% E ?% zi zao yiing ying tang dryness evil $gyp zho xii dryness evil invading the lung @%pj@fl$ zao xi&fan fti dryness-fire @A zao hub dryness-fire dizziness zao hub xuan yiin dryness 'formation it$%hua zao A La..& ,vP-+J, -1- .-: LLCU 15 % 3 a J • ÷ 5 S J J - x 3 s 5 " 5 hx;,?: dryness-heat cough f$$?$ D,tn$$ zlio rt k i sbu dryness-heat damaging the lung @ 24: !9i I $ zao rt shiing f2i dryness-heat invading the lung $$$!A? 3E Rifi zao rt fan fti dryness-heat wilting (wti) $'t;4\@ zao rt wti dryness is treated by moistening $%$$$% 2 zlio zht rh zhi Dryness-Moistening Fetus-Quieting Decoction #j$$$Sjg run zho Sin tni tang ,
dual blaze of qi and construction 5Bm dryness-moistening medicinal jfZlijg311 run @ qi ybzg liiing fhn zao ji; $3@Ei riin zao yho Dryness-Moistening Yin-Boosting Decocdual clearing of qi and construction 5g a & run zao yi yin tiing tion $3$2&$P $5 qi ying liiing qing dryness of humor engendering wind @@ dual depletion of heart qi and blood IL\ Y N yt zao sheng fZng 5 Fi 5 xin qi xu2 liiing kui dryness phlegm $$% zao tan dual depletion of qi and blood 5 d n i R ~ 5 qi xu2 liiing kui dryness qi $25zao qi dryness qi damages the lung t 2 5 { % j $ dual depletion of yin and yang Pfl PXl E? zao qi shiing fPi yin ycing liiing kui dual disease of defense and construction dryness qi damaging the lung {$@5{5fl$ 32 B% r;;] - '$5 wti ying t6ng bing zao qi shiing fPi dual disease of defense and qi 3 5R $6 dryness qi invading the lung @93ER$ wtl qi t6t~gbing zho qi fan fti dual disease of qi and blood 5 & R % q4i dryness stroke $ @ z h h g zcio xnt. t6tzg bing dryness tetany zao jing dual disease of qi and construction 5 B dry pose @? bi giitz; &@4 bi zho; G $ R 6 qi yitzg t6ng bing T bi zhotzg giitz dual disease of the exterior and interior dry nostrils &?El?@ bi k6ng giin zao 2Z R'$5 biiio li t6ng bing Dryobalanopsis Semen (dryobalanops duality 1 Pr [seed]) & Rr& ?2$ F 16ng niio xiiing zi Dual Principle Paste l)l(;R liiitzg yi gao dryobalanops [seed] ' (Dryobalanopsis dual qi and blood supplementation forSemen) 16 ji& 3 16ng niio xiiing zi mula 5 & 3 J (X;bfil]qi X L L shuiitzg ~ bfi ji Dryopteridis Crassirhizomae Rhizoma dual supplementation of qi and blood 5 (Manchurian aspidiuma) ?5I;;ltE.;Xi; d6ng bgi guatz zhhng &Xx ?+ qi xut shc~iingbii dry pharynx Dm 7 ynn gun dual supplementation of qi and yin %PA XJ $+ $5 qi yitz sh~~iitzg bti fii dry red tongue & T M sht giin hong dry retching I1ET ~ L gnn; L T llE gan 6~1; dual vacuity of heart qi and blood IL\T rfn iPj E xin qi X L L liiing ~ XU a3 Y L L ~ dry rib-side pain gin xi6 thtzg dual vacuity of heart qi and yin &%PB iPj E xin qi 'yin liiitzg xii dry scalp X j 3 T ;(;& t6u pi giin kU dual vacuity of heart yin and yang ]Ll,.Pa Dry Skin Paste Fti @ ;W; pi lcii giio rnE xin yitz yhng liiing xii dry stool g i F T I k 2 fPn bian giin zao; A $2 ? da bian giin; IF T bian giin; i ' ' Z dual vacuity of kidney yin and yang 'BPB zao shi /ID jBj E shPtz yin ycing liritzg xii; 'E PA {@ dry ,stool in the stomach [intestines] E E shtn yitz yritzg J ~ XU L wPi zhong zho shi dual vacuity of lung qi and yin fl$%Pflrn dry teeth &$% chi zho fPi qi yin liiing XU dry throat yiin gin; N5 Dm Tt$@ h6u dual vacuity of qi and blood ?&{RE qi yiin g ~ zuo; n UG'F yi giin; U&$$@ yi zho; XLLP jil xfi; 5& rn E qi XLLP liiing xu qg 7 @ yyiin h 6 ~ gnn i zao dual vacuity of qi and liquid 5 @ m & qi dry tongue sht giin jin liiing xL1 dry tongue fur g@ tiii zao; $$gzao tii~; dual vacuity of qi and yin Fj[$ qi yin liiing XU $jzE@ sht tiii gan zao
dual vacuity of stomach qi and yin W 5 ?Fj & wii qi yin liiing XU dual vacuity of stomach yin and yang pH E wii yin yring liiing xii dual vacuity of the heart and liver IL\BT ?3i @ xin gin liiing xu dual vacuity of the heart and lung ?Fj @ xin fti liiing xii dual vacuity of the heart and spleen ,L\RL$ & xin p i liiing @@ xin pi O j xii; IL\ xii dual vacuity of the liver and spleen !TlL$ ?Tj @ gin pi liiing xii dual vacuity of the lung and kidney Jjifi'H ?Fj @ fti shkn liiing xii dual vacuity of the lung and spleen B$@ ?Fj & fii pi liiing xci dual vacuity of the spleen and kidney R@ 'EjBj TO, pi shtn liiing xii dual vacuity of the spleen and lung R+j$ iEj E pi fki liiing xii dual vacuity of yin and yang BEIFiB yin yhng liiing xii Duchesneae Herba (snake strawberry@) E E shi mii; -,&$I* yi diiin hdng Duck Gruel [P$$gyii zhbu duck's fleshe (Anatis Caro) Q Y$ m bai yn r-GU duck's slop [P$@ yii tang; %-& wu thng duck's slop stool A ~ F Q TGB R ddri dian rLi yii tang duck-stool diarrhea %.it3wu xii duckweede (Lemnae Herba) ??@ fh ping; @* ping; 7fC@* shuiping; 7 & Z * shui hua; @* piiio; /I\ ST*xi20 ping zi; 7&@* shui xi&; h @* jiL ziping; @* tibn ping; k @Dt* da ping yt; @@ Z* fh ping ciio Duckweed and Scutellaria Decoction @ @@q$% fh ping hucing qin tiing duct bezoar@ (Bovis Ducti Biliferi Bezoar) g$$guiin huang Duhuo and Mistletoe Decoction 3% 3 +$5 dh hub ji sheng ting Duhuo and Pueraria Decoction j9'Z ZZ$R $5 dLi hut6 gt? gen tiing
Pa rn
dysentery root] a (Angelicae dh hut6 Duhuo Decoction 39 %$%ddri hub tiing Duhuo Powder 49af37 dh hut6 siin dull % diii dull and stagnant-looking 88% an zhi dull expression @I biiio qing diii zhi dull eyes E % $j mu wh guing ciii dull headache A j& P$ , P3 tt6u t6ng yin yin dullness of essence-spirit $B@%E jing shtn d i i zhi; @ @ % +tj jing shin diii dun dull pain PI$% yin dng; P,$P,3iT=j&yyirz yin zu6 t6ng dull purple 18% hn zi dull sibside pain l&j@p3% xii 12 yin tbng dull somber white facial complexion 8 Q 03%mian st ciing bbi hn zhi dull stagnant facial complexion & BE?% mian st hn zhi dulu [kind of crucible] t@U@ dii lii dumb U j E yii dung beetlee (Catharsius) $%@ qihng lbng; &@ &* qiing lling chdng dusk B hiin dusk watch [ B l l watch, 7-9 p.m.] 3% E? huhrzg hiin dusting powder %5 chiin yao dust or sand in the eye E@AlR hui shii ru yiin Dust Qi (GV-12) *?* chin qi dusty facial complexion j@* mian chin dwarf elm bark" (Ulmi Pumilae Cortex) &$j ;jE yY bbi pi; %E* yh pi dwarf magnoliao (Magnoliae Coco Flos) E yt h i huii dwelling place [old] $3 fL dye yam@ (Dioscoreae Cirrhosae Tuber) R shii libng Dyke-Strengthening Pill 15@ R, g6ng ti wan dynamic $A ji; 9 shi dynamic of disease @9 bbig shi dynasty $jd.fP chrio d&i dysentery j$l li; 7;m xia li; j$l% h ji duhuo
Duhuo Radix) 3
%$ 103
Dysentery Sensor Point [non-channel] $#Q &@I@,$ li ji rnin giin diiin dysmenorrhea [OM]S'r2 tbng jing Dysosmae Rhizoma et Radix (dysosma [root]@)/\ ffi B ba jiiio libn; /\fa &&* brZ jiiio j i pan ~ Dysosmae Versipellis Rhizoma ' (common
dysosma [root]@)% fi gui jih dysosma [root] @ (Dysosmae Rhizoma et Radix) / \ #j B bii jiiio lihn; /\ Wj bii jiiio jin pan dysphagia @ ye; @2& ye sii; @& y2 shi dysphagia-occlusion CyC g i ) @JIG ye gt dyspnea [old] chuiin; U$,8chuiin xi
ear tr earache S @$ t r tbng ear acupuncture X%l-@ % e'r zhdn lib0 fii ear block [deafness] R T n i t r bi ear boil f i t r jit Ear Freeing [non-channel] BS 3 tbng e'r dho Ear Gate (TB-21) IT- 1'7 t r rnin ear gate [tragus] 81'7t r rnin Ear Gush [non-channel] .q#j*t r yiing Ear Harmony Bone-Hole (TB-22) s$U f@ * t r h i lido earlier heaven X X xian tian earlier heaven essence X X 2$8xiiin tiiin zhi jing earlier heaven fire X X 2 A xicin tiiin zhi hu6 ear lock [of hair] 2 E dui fa; +%Erui
ear point Sfl b xu6 earring dendrobium [stem] l (Dendrobii t r h u h shi Caulis "Anulus") S9;;EiffJ hh. Ear Root [non-channel] -q$8 e'r g2n earth k t k tfi di earth engenders the myriad things *Y: . 77% tii sheng wan wu earthenware cup tho guhn earthenware pot shii gub earth failing to dam water -kT%1]7ktii bii zhi shui earth failing to engender metal *+*& tii bu sheng jin Earth Five (GB-42) i&E* di wii Earth Fivefold Convergence (GB-42WH0) t&E+di wii hui earth gan [= sty] * B tii gGn Earth Granary (ST-4WHO) +& -& di ciing fa early morning B chin earth is the sowing. and reaping El @ $g tii yue jia st early morning diarrhea E # chin xi;; $g B qing chin xi? earth level +fi di bh early periods R %2 X % yui jing xiiin qi; earth likes warmth and dryness k S Y H @ tii xi wen zao H $3X 9iT$ ZIZ yut jing xiiin qi i r zhi early stage [of disease] chu qi ea,rthly branch di zhi ear mushroom q@ b jlin earth rampart di kuh Farth-Rescuing Fetus-Securing Decoction ear needle G-/it t r zh2n ear, nose, and throat patterns S&II@I@ E& El $31yuan ti? gic t i i ting Earth's Crux (SP-gWHO)+&$A di j i $4iIl@e'r bi h6u ke zhtng hbu ear pain @ t r thng earth sore [sty] Irt% tii y h g ear pile q.%t r zhi earthstarm (Geastrum) LLI @ shan xit
Earth Earth Surge (KT-1) f ~ i $ di * chdng Earth Thoroughfare (KI-1) -kfi j$* di chdng Earth Union [nun-channel] di h& Earth Winnower (SP-8) i & E * - d i j i earthworm' (Lumbricus) k t j & di l6ng; M$!l!Gl* fu yin; 5$ @I* hhn yin; @@* wiin shan; E&iQ* qii shan; &&* tii 16ng; fh &+*di 16ng zi; &@* tii shan; & @* ch6ng shan; Q Tjij&!l!GI*bai jing qiii yin; ffi&T*di 16ng gan; $. . % I* qiii yin Earthworm, House Lizard, and Three Gallbladders Powder & )R 8s 3 l6ng hii slin diin s i n Earthworm Powder f ~ & di 3 16ng siin
earwax .q$& 2rgi,u; dingning , east [position associated with wood] % ddng eastern bovine bozoaro (Bovis Bezoar Orientale) Z Y$$ ddizg izici huhizg; % B*diing huhng eastern codonopsis [root] @ (Codonopsitis Radix Orientalis) % ddng ding Eastern Man [Later Han, 25-220 A.D.] dbng han Eastern Jin 1317-420 A.D.] Z ddng jin eastern ledebouriella [root] Q (Lededdng bouriellae Radix Orientalis) fhng ftng; % Pfi N* guan fang ftng Eastern medicine % E ddng yi Eastern phellodendron [bark] @ (Phellodendri Cortex Orientalis) % $$if;Q ddng huhng biii: # $$ #8* guan hudng b i i : # if;$* guin b2i Eastern Wei [534-550 A.D.] ?j?%ddng wti I Eastern Zhsu [770-256 B.C.] ffl; JiSI ddng zhbu East Wind [nun-channel] %)% dong f2ng eat $$ shi eat cooked $$&& sh6u shi eat(en) raw %a'; shtng chi eating without knowing satiety -&T %Ui@ shi bu zhi b i o eat raw %& sheng shi
eat steamed zhzng shi ecliptao (Ecliptae Herba) S q B mi, han licin; 8T s * lihn zi ciio; %%* mi, -jg+ h&n lilin ciio; 234 mi, chi; 9--* ddu ciio; % ?-tS*mi, zhi ciio; &+%* mi, zhi chi; BZ%*mi, ji cai; %j[Y mi, yan ciio; @$& q*l i chhng ciio Ecliptae Herba (ecliptao) & F E mi, han likn; EFS* lihn zi c i o ; mi, %+ ban lihn ciio; & 21- g* mi, cai; F+-* ddu c i o ; %.HZ+* mi, zhi chiio; %.+%:' mi, zhi cai; %?%* mi, ji chi; %fBS* mi, yan ciio; !@!E S* li chang ciio Ecliptae Herba Recens (fresh ecliptao) +%%Z shtng mh hizn lihn; +%.#S* shEng mi, zhi ciio EcPipta Paste %E,Ehhn licin q i o Eclipta Powder q g S & han lian c i o siin Ectopic Pregnancy Formula No. HI g4b 3 I9 f i gdng wcti yiin t r hao fang Edge (HT-7) &'$* rui zhdng eelgrass" (Zosterae Marinae Herba) @ @ hhiii dai eEect T h B gong xiao Effective Congregation Pill ji xiao wan edRoresce )%it fzng huii efflux $# hub efflux desertion ?Bfi huh tud efflux diarrhea tB .itE hua xii; k lE.iB'il!! dli bian huh xi2 eRulgence Elf wang effulgent 84 w6ng &ylga_nt_ fire ;k hl& w&ng
effulgent fire tormenting metal A EEfl-flJ& hud wang xing jin efiulgent galPlbladdeir fire fl'f A EE & gan hud wang shtng efl'ulgent heart fire JL\AEZxin hui, wang; JL\A U 3@ xin hud wang shtng effulgent heast-liver fire JL\~T A 03 xin grin hud wung effulgent life gate fire $i[ -I A Elf ming mPn hud wang edfdgent liver-gallbladder fire 8T A I!•’ gdn diin hu6 wang
effulgent efiulgent fiver yang B'F- ffi 0 3 gbn ybng picin whng effulgent sovereign and ministerial fire $HAE jfin xicZng huii whng ew'ulgent wood engenders fire +03&A mil wling sheng huii efhlgenat yin depletion fire PB 5R03 yin kui huii w a ~ g effulgent yin vacaity fire PJJ E yin xii huci wang efhse E frZ effuse sweat E?? fii h i n ; ??han effuse the exterior E $ fb biiio effusion [a kind of welling abscess (y6ng) orflat abscess (jfi)]E fii; [gentle outward movement] E fb eB]t'usion of the brain El&fii niio elfusion of the back E3 fa bti ERusion of the Back and Mouth-Level Nape Flat Abscess Paste E S j;f ;W; fii bti dui kciu gao egusiow of the breast ?LE rii fa; E?L fa rii effusion of the Bower back TE$$xia fb bt i ehtusion of the middle of the back $ E A & zhdng fb bti effusion of &heupper back kE3 shring fii bti eggplant disease [prolapse of the uterus] %T%qik zi ji eggplant rootB (Solani Melongenae Radix) %@ qit gen; Q fiij@* bbi qit gEn eggplant yin [prolapse of the uterus] PJJfj;i yin qit eggshelle (Galli Ovi Putamen) 27%j i zi k t ; 2 E E* j i dhn k t ; S j g E* j i dcin kt; $F E* ji luiin k t ; 2 f i ?tj" j i dun chi; E*hhn diln pi; F&* j i zi tui; RB&* ftng hubng tui egg whiteD (Galli Albumen) 2+ Q j i zi bbi; 2-S Z iE* j i dun qing; E Q * j i dan bbi; E $ * dan brii; 2 3$f$*j i zi qing' egg yoke (Galli Vitellus) 2 F S j i zi hubng; 5 S* zi hubng; S j E S* j i dan hudng; Z B*dbn huang
Egg Yolk Oil ji. hudng y6u eight / \ bG Eight Agents Decoction /\!#J@J bb wO tang Eight Bone-Moles (BL-31-34) / \ f@ * ba lib0 Eight Corrections Powder / \ IE3 ba zheng siin eighteen clashes -j- /\ E shi brZ fin eight evil points j\ K p f i bb xi6 xuk Eight Evils [non-channel]/ \ KP bLZ xi6 eight extraordinary vessels 5 t3 /\ b3 qi jing bG mai eightfold / \ bc eightfold method of the sacred tortoise Z % I\ % ling gut ba fii Eight-Gem Decoction bb zhEn tbng Eight-Gem Leonueus (Motherwort) Pill I\ B&$Ej% ba zhen yi mii wbn eighth /\ brZ; ?j3 /\ di bG eighth earthly branch wti eighth heavenly stem xin Eighth Vertebra Point [non-channel] /\ A;r* bri shii Eight Immortals Decoction / \ 4th $31 bb xiin tang Eight Xmmortals Free Wanderer Decoction / \ 4th # 2$J ba xiGn xirZo yiio tang Eight Immortals Longevity Pill / \ 4th 45 7 3 bb xian chbng shGu wbn Eight-Ingredient Discharge Formula / \ % +?T f i ba wti dai xi&fang Eight-Ingredient Free Wanderer Powder J\ %BG%bii wti xiao ylio s i n Eight-Ingredient Placenta Pill tq % A % % h i chC ba wti wbn Eight-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill / \ %flh %% b i wti di hubng whn Vight-Ingredient Scallion White Powder %E 0 3 qi wti c6ng bbi sin Eight-Jewel Elixir / \ Z B ba biio dan Eight-Jewel Eye Medication /\ X lR 5 b i biio yin yho eight-leaved schefflera lbarko (Schefflerae Octophyllae Cortex (Radicis)) 11% EP*E ya jiio mu pi
%$ eight-leaved
eight-leaved schefflera leaf@ (Schefflerae Octophyllae Folium) Y!$ BP P t yba ;iiio mu y t
eight meeting points -/\ & 5t bba hui xut eight methods /\ & . bci f& eight methods of treatment &Jll] / \ & zhi z t bii fii
Eight Pinches Powder /\ EB bb lli siin Eight Points [non-channel] /\,&* ba diiin eight-principle pattern identification /\/r_lji] $+!+ ijf ba gbang bian zhdng eight principles /\ 4m ba gin? eight ramparts bba kuo eight ravines [elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle joints] / \ ig ba x i eight signs of fright wind J% /\ 1% jing
f2ng bba hou
Eight Surges
[non-channel] J\
eight tactical arrays /\ P$ ba zhkn Eight-To-'ho Powder /\ I. iq bn t r diZn eight wind points /\ R 5t ba f2ng xut eight winds / \ R bba f2ng Eight Winds [non-channel] /\ W ba f2ng ejaculation a t the beginning of inter2 &r] # zha jiao j i xit course ejaculation before intercourse j?9EP %
wki jiZo j i xi;
eject P I tu; #j ydng; tR D l ydng tu ejection # J ~ydng & th fii; ill til: Dl& tu fii; @ H i & $
cui tu fii;
$Rill ydng tu
eject phlegm and arouse the brain jR@
@fl& y6ng tan xing n i o eject phlegm-drool H&E@tu tan xian Elaeagni Glabrae Folium (smooth oleaster leaf) G # j m T a t man hu tui zi yk
eleventh elbow. +a$j
shbu i f zhdu; J J83 jzhdu; $
elbow and knee joints PIS si guan Elbow Bone-Hole (LI-12WffO)j$fjg zhdu lib0
Elbow Stretcher [non-channel] @fl$ sh2n zhdu
elbow taxation zhdu lao Elbow lkansport Jnon-channel] 8$& zhdu shii
elder* (Sambuci Herba seu Radix)
lshuo diao; Z S R * zdu mii f2ng; *GJ%* zGu mii jian; @@@* jid gfi ciio; #ZR** jid gfi m3
electroacuanesthesia EQ H)$$@ dian zhdn mci zui
electroacupuncture & $+ dihn zh2n ekctropuncture EQ $+ dian zhen elementary % su Elephantis Corium (elephant's hide) $2
Iff xiatzg p i Elephantis Dens
(ivory) $23 xihng ya; & % E* xiang yb xik Elephantis Dens in Frustra (ivory flakes) & 3 jjZj xiang ya xi2 Elephantopi Herba (elephantopus) S+LJ hi3 kfi di diin; +LJflB$* di diin ciio; fLJflB X* di d i n tbu; ffig* tfi g6ng ying; $ @&* ciio xit d i elephantopus* (Elephantopi Herba) 3 jO BE! kfi di d i n ; NJ B* di diin ciio; NJ RE! %* di diin tbu; azt fi g*tfi g6ng ying;
g @ E *ciio xi6
elephant's hide* (Elephantis Corium) $2
% , xihr?g pi Elephant Skin Paste &h!Z$S$ xihng p i gSio Elettariae Cardamomi Semen seu Fructus (Indian cardamom@) +=% xiiio dou kbu
Elaeagni Glabrae Fructus (smooth oleaster fruit) Eifiaaq man hu tui zi Elaeagni Glabrae Radix (smooth oleaster root) 3 $fi@ il;R man hu tui zi g2n Elaeagni Oldhamii Radix (Fujian elaeagnus root@) $ Pt$lJ@bai yk ci g2n Elaeagni Pungentis Folium (pungent Lfl- hri tui zi y t oleaster leaf) ?$I@+
Eleusines Indicae Herba et Radix (yard% 3 niu jin ciio; B @ S *x i grass)
shuai ciio
elevated scar @I E!@$ rou g2 d6 Eleven-Ingredient Gallbladder-Warming Decoction -'% $E $5~shi y i wki w2n diin tang
eleventh earthly branch
Ffi xu
eliminate -2qu; R chu; f;P. qu8 eliminate bad odor r;3igjiiio chou eliminate blindness and brighten the eyes A- $$ % El k i i mhng ming mh eliminate dampness K B chh shi eliminated center R chu thong eliminate epilepsy R@chh xihn eliminate eye screens &% qu yi; jB% tui yi eliminate fire toxin & A S qh huci dh eliminate (great) heat with warmth and sweetness HYER ( (k 54: gin wen chLi (da) rt eliminate phlegm R B chh thn eliminate scars Z % mi2 b i n ; X % % mi8 b i n hin eliminate stale water &@P?jiZE qh wiin chin cuo eliminate stasis and engender the new & @%$fi qh yii sheng xin eliminate steam [steaming bone fever] R 2 chu zheng eliminate summerheat qu8 shii elimination R chu , elixir 8 d i n elm cake' (Ulrni Fructus Praeparatio) % wu yi; &%* wii yi; &$&%%* chbu wLi yi elongated tongue gf@ shi shii; 8%shii shi elsholtziao (Elsholtziae Herba) B $7$ xiing rh; Bg*xiing r6u; @&* xiing xiing r6ng; B $$?S* xiing rii rbng; B ciio Elsholtzia Beverage @ $@ xiing rci yin Elsholtzia Decoction B@$@JJ xiiing rG tGng Elsholtziae Herba (elsholtzia@) ? j $ xiing ru; B xiing rbu; @&* xiing rdng; B ?$* xiirzg ro'tzg; BE S*xiing rLi ciio Elsholtzia Powder &%@ xiing ru siin emaciated limbs E@~ l siJ zhi shou xu2 emgciation jf$#yd @ xing ti xiio shou; jf9 # @ RlJ xing ti shou xut; Y j @ xiio shbu emaciation and haggard expression Y j @ xiio shou shin cui
empty emaciation and weakness j@SS lii ruo emaciation t o . the binkl like dried sticks @@fin $!2 gii shhu rLi chhi embrace f-@ bho emerge E f i emergence fi emergency attack 3,TA ji gong Emergency Drool-Thinning Powder 3,$A 8% jz 8 ji jih xi xihn siin emergency precipitation to preserve liquid 3,7;G #2 ji xi6 cLin jin emergency precipitation to preserve yin 3,,7;@ PJl ji xi& chn yin emilia@ (Emiliae Herba (cum Radice)) $% 3 yhng ti ciio; -,6;,I yi*diiin h6ng; 7;;,I yt*xia hbng; % & Z* mho chbng yao Emiliae Herba (cum Radice) (erniliao) *% S yhng ti ciio; -,6%I*yi diiin h6ng; at7;gI*y8 xia hbng; % & Z* mho chbng yao emolliate % rdu emolliate the liver % fl? rbu gin emotion t$Z, qing zhi; ?$4% qing xu emotional depression @jZ,%rJ /r& qing zhi yu jii empirical formula $3ij&fijing yan fing empirical point 22ij$R jing yan xui empowering [7 relations; e.g., apricot kernel empowers tussilago, i.e., makes it more powerful] $B@ xiing shi emptiness below the hcart JL\,.7;G @ xin xia kbng xi7 emptiness of the channels and network vessels 2328 9& jing luo kbng xii emptiness of the sea of blood h % G @ xu8 hiii kbng xii emptiness of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels @ffG@chbng r8n kbrzg xu empty kbng Empty Basin (ST-12W"") $$& qu2 pin empty pain 9%kbng tong empty pain in the head &ji?jet6u j$niio kbng tong
empty empty sagging in the lower abdomen
E 93 xiio fD kbng zhui empty sagging in the smaller abdomen /J\
E 2 % xi60 fh kdng zhui; bD k d ~ gzhui
/I\ E 99xi60
Encephalitis Decoction $%;LB&
llu niio
tang Encephalitis Forrnulla
zhi yi niio
fang Enchanted Land Jade Shavings B9 Z R
zui xiiing yu xi2 enmcirchnent needling % iJ +-/-$I1 wti zhi ci encircling HB wti yao encroach rnao encroached by R 3E mao fan encumber kkn encumbrance kun end addition E A hou rb; 67; hou xia End Bone (GV-1) % @* qi6ng gii; (LI-
15) GjZj* pian gii Endemic Goiter #B
( -)
di jiii (1)
Endemic Goiter #2
[nun-channel] +fi
( z ) di jii (2) End of the Sacral Spine (GV-1) BNG*
ji di duan end sf the shoulder @ % jian duan enduring A jiii enduring accumulated ilcidney channel yin cold '3%3A $9/a\B% shiw jing jiii j i yin hbn enduring accumullated yin cold A $J? %
jiii j i yin hbn enduring kt! sou; enduring enduring enduring enduring
A n3 jiii k t ; A @!& jiii Ufi jiii sou
deafness A S jiii 16ng depression %GB jiii yu diarrhea A W jiii xih diarrhea efflux desertion A +I]
?BR#jiii li hub tud; A # tfjR# jiii xi2 hub tud enduring enduring enduring enduring
jiii han
dysentery Am jiii li headache jiii t6u tong illness A% jiii bing internal cold m G A 5$ rzZi yiiu
enrich enduring loss of voice AT& jiii yin enduring malaria A S jiii nut enduring menstrual block $3A M jing jiii
bi enduring pain entering the network vessels A @$ A %8jiii tong rh luo enema %@ d i o bian; %& ddii fii engender shdng
. engender flesh sheng ji engendering Bve phases] xiang sh2ng engendering, restraining, overwhelming, and rebellion 9 k% l@ sheng kh chtng
wii Engendering 'Ikansformatiow Decoction'.i% sh2ng huk tang engender Piquid +@ shdng jin engender liquid and check sweating &@
*k f i sheng jin zhi han engender liquid with cold and acridity 5% +@ xin hhn sh2ng jin engender liquid with cold and sweetness tt %&@ gan hbn shdng jin engenderanent sheng engender qi +% sheng qi engender the new sh2ng xin engulfs the fingers when pressure is applied f7i2 tg$!gj an zhi mo zhi enlarged abdomen JEk fu da enlarged abdomen with protuberant navel fu da qi tu enlarged tongue k sht pang db; Z fly sht pang enrich zi enrich and moisten with cold and sweetness tt%% @j gin hbn zi run enrich (and nourish) stomach yin E PB zi yiing wti yin enrich (and nourish) the liver and kidney % %E 'ft zt yiing gan shZn enrish (and supplement) kidney yin 'R PB zi bii sh2n yin enrich (and supplement) the liver and kidney %$+ j'f 'ft ti bii gin sh2n
enriching and moistening medicinal r,g zi run yao enriching but not slimy % m j $ ~ zi t r bu ni Enriching Ginseng Tablet A S $3+b K run shken zi bii pihn Enriching Supplementation Tablet B +b )+ zi bii pian enrichment zi enrich the kidney and secure the teeth % '3 [81fkj zi shtn gu chi enrich water to moisten wood 7k@* zi shui hhn mu enrich water to restrain fire %7k$lJA zi shui zhi huii enrich yin BrJa zi yin enrich yin and boost qi %PA&$% ti y h yi qi enrich yin and clear heat %PA $$?+ zi yin qing r2 enrich yin and clear the lung gj3a $f$jifi zi yin qing f2i enrich yin and course the liver @PJ@LPEI ti yin shU gin enrich yin and disinhibit dampness %Pa $1 E zi yin li shi enrich yin and downbear fire BPJJRkzi yin jiang huii enrich yin and engender liquid %PJJ%@ zi yin shCng jin enrich yin and extinguish wind %PJ$,g,R zi yin xi f2ng enrich yin and moisten dryness %PJJ@J@ t i yih run zao enrich yin and moisten yang %PJJ'BPH zi yin hcin ycing enrich yin and nourish the blood %PA% zi yin yling xu2 enrich yin and promote astriction Bl5JjqlT zi yin sh6u s2 yAo enrich yin and resolve the exterior %PA R$$ % zi yin ji2 biiio enrich yin and stanch bleeding % P A k a zi yin zhi xu2 enrich yin and supplement the blood PR+bTta zi yin bii X L I ~
Ephedrae enrich yin and supplement the kidney PJJ ;lib '3 zi yin bii shtn enrich yin, calm the liver, and subdue yang % PJJ F87 83 BE1 zi yln ping giin qidn Yang Entadae Caulis (snuffbox bean stem) 4% E kke ttng enter A ru entry A ru enuresis B R yi niao; B E $ yi niao enuresis during sleep shui zh6ng yi niho envelop @ biio ephedra" (Ephedrae Herba) @ % ma hucing; !@$I* bEi xiring; @&* bkei yan; 2 ?$* lbng shii Ephedra, Aconite, and Asarum Decoction @ SHrfF%I$?% ma hucing fh zi xi xin tang Ephedra, Aconite, and Licorice Decoction @ @fq H 9 ?& mm;l hucing fu ti gfin c i o tang Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction J$$ { I ~ E $I?% H ma hucing xing rtn yi yi rin gin cio ting; R ;tS Z tt $51mci xing yi gin tang; @ & 2E H ?5I ma xing yi gGn tGng Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction l& g B {I;tiW H $31 ma hucing xing rtn shi gao grZn c i o tang; R ;6Q ?5I mci xing shi gin tiing Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Licorice, and ma xing Gypsum Decoction J&CBtt;ti?h gin shi tang Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction @ H\f7-?5I mci huhng xi xin f& zi tiing Ephedra, Cinnamon %ig, and Gypsum Decoction L@@GBt& ma g~rishi gfio tang Ephedra Decoction @ @J mci hucing tang Ephedra Decoction Plus Ovate Atractylodes RSfiu %$5I mci huang jid zhil ting Ephedrae Herba (ephedra) @ % rrrd hucing; !@ $B* bEi xiang; !@&* b2i yan; f i @* lbng shn Ephedrae Radix (ephedra root) l& $$ ma huang gZn; Z@g* kii chiin cai
Ephedra, Forsythia, and Rice Bean Decoction lRBiZW8?/I\ G t3J mh huhng lihn qiao chi xiiio dou tang ephedra rooto (Ephedrae Radix) j$$ B$W mh huhng g2n; 3$j$%* kii chiin cai epidemic @ yi epidemic clove sore (ding) @fi yi ding epidemic cough [whooping cough] @ a2 yi k t epidemic disease @ yi , epidemic dysentery yi li epidemic malaria @ E yi nut epidemic pestilence jTjEfi yi li epidemic pestilential qi E623 yi li zhi qi epidemic throat @@ yi h6u epidemic throat sand (shd) %@@ yi h6u sha epidemic toxin dysentery @3% yi du li epiglottis jfi hui yan Epiglottis Stasis-Expelling Decoction & JX B& $3~hui yan zhri yu tdng epilepsy @j xihn; %jj%jRyling xihn f2ng; dian xihn; ~ E Z xihn J bing; % f2ng; Tan yhng dicln f2ng epilepsy in pregnancy $Z&jj%jiE rtn sh2n xihn zhtng epilepsy of pregnancy [eclampsia] 3 zi xihn epilepsy of the lung j*@jfti xi& epilepsy pattern @jiE xihn zhtng epiieptic qi jh 7xzrirz ql Epimedii Herba (epimediumo) @ T $E yin yhng huo; 3 f i hU t F*shz zhi jifi yd h LII@* xidn ling pi; 33:* yhng huo ciio; 4 epimediuma (Epimedii Herba) ?Z3@ yin yang huo; f i h P t g* san zhi jifi yt xidn ling pi; %$E* yhng huo ciio; {hZ I$* Epimedium Pill 4hZI$!fi xiin lingpi wan Epimedium Powder {UI Z @% xicln ling pi siin equal severity of dampness and heat B $ ! # * S shi r2 bing zhong
Equiseti Herba (equiseturn) E mu zii; +$S* cu6 ciio; PPS*jit jit ciio; PB S*jit gii ciio; %S*cd ciio; Z&q* wu xin ciio; *mifig*mu zti ciio equisetumo (Equiseti Herba) mu zti; @S*cuo ciio; PPS* jit jit ciio; i?ff S* jit gfi ciio; )3?ts* ca ciio; Z ,L\ S* wu xin cciio; *@is* mu zti ciio erect hypericumO (Hyperici Erecti xiiio lihn qiao Herba) /]\g@J Erect Posture [non-channel]33 zhi li Eretmochelydis Carapax (hawksbill [turtle] shell) Yt%Bdai mao ergoto (Ergota) #J mai jiiio Ergota (ergot) ffg mai jiiio Ericeri Pelae Cera (insect wax) & 13!I& ch6ng bhi la; & 88 * ch6ng la Er-igerontis Canadensis Herba (Canadian erigeron) tpj+I qi zh6u yi zhi hclo; 21S k X B*jia nh dh f2i ping , Erinacei Pellis (hedgehog's pelt) %U~gE ci whi pi Eriobotryae Folium (loquat leaf) if;liif;EDt pi ph yt; Eat* bci: yt; $FJ U t * ph yt Eriocaulonis Scapus et Flos (eriocaulon gii jing ciio; [scape and flowerla) %$j$?s +$ $j$?* gk jing eriocaulon [scape and flower] (Eriocaulonis Scapus et Flos) 8$j$?q gfi jing ciio; +$%*gii jing Eriocheiris Caro et Viscera (crab [flesh and innards]) @$= xid; sf@* jin xi2 Eriocheiris Chela (crab's claw) @fixi2 zhiio Kriocheiris Crusta jcraixfieiij @ % xze kt erode j?@$Smi Lan; @ mi; $S Ian eroding foot /@ '( @ JEjiiio ylZ mi lan @ $S kiiu chuang eroding mouth sore mi lan erosion @dEmi lan; @ mi; $S lan erosion of the oral cavity in children /J\ J L tl R5 @ $S xiiio tr k6u qidng mi Ian erosion of the skin Ffi&BJK pi fii mi fun erosion speckles j?@ ,& mi diiin eructation a,$ yi; D,$% yi qi; Ug ai; SgX qiang qian; I@? ai qi
erupt E fii eruption E fii erycibesa (Erycibes Radix et Caulis) *T fiB ding g6ng ttng Erycibes Radix et Caulis (erycibesa) T fig ding gong ttng erysipelas fis d ~ dci; n I l t f i huii diin erythrina [bark]. (Erythrinae Cortex) % ;fW F f i hiii t6ng pi; fl;fWFfi*ding t6ng pi; T Ffi* ding pi; .$j i(;MFfi* ci t6ng pi; $I]%* ci tbng; )gB%* jiZ gfi yrio; $$$BE* gii t6ng p i Erythrina Decoction @#il Ffi $3 hhiii t6ng pi jifi; %#ElF f i $31hiii t6ng p i tiing Erythrinae Cortex (erythrina [bark]) % i(;DE hhiii t6ng pi; f l i(;W Ffi* ding t6ng pi; T Ffi* ding pi; %IJ E*ci t6ng pi; %IJ %* ci tong; $g@%*ji2 gfi yao; $$;fDFfi*gii t6ng p i Esophageal Cancer No. 1 Formula $25 % --q A shi dao hi yi hao fiing Esophageal Cancer No. 2 Formula &S & r9 f i shi dLio hi t r hcio fiing esophagus & shi g~icin essence $g jing essence and blood are of the same source $g I3IIEI $3 ling X L L t6ng ~ yurin essence-blood $g I3I jing xu; essence can transform into qi $g$jE(t1', jing n t n g h ~ i dqi essence chamber $ g z jing shi; $ g g jing fbng Essence-Containing Pill +A $8f i m i jing writ2 essence gate $g# jing guiin essence-marrow depletion $g$E&-j jing s ~ lxL1 i kui Essence-Nourishing Jade-Planting Decoction % $ g f $ 3 $ 3yiing ~ jing zhhrzg yh t i n g essence of grain and water 7k@2 $ g s h ~ i i gil zhi jing essence-spirit $ g @ jing shin essence-spirit failing to confine itself @j @ T 9 jing s h t n bii S ~ ~ L I essence turbidity ling Z ~ L K ?
Essential Dew (CV-4) YgZ*jing lu; (CV5) $BE%*jing 13 essential qi @% jing qi essential qi in the kidney '$? shin zhdng jing qi ethereal soMj [stored by the liver] 2% hcin Ethereal-Soul-Clearing Powder 38 qing hcin siin ethereal soul failing to be stored &+% hLin b 3 chng Eucalypti Robustae Folium (swamp maPt $& D l - dri yt iin yt hogany) Eucalypti Tereticornis Folium (forest gray gum leaf@) QPt$&Utxi yt iin y t eucommia [bark] 0 (Eucommiae Cortex) $f+$ die. zhbng; ;ti,%,llll* shi si xiiin; 480 * mian; & B E * si lirin pi; &@;Ex?JE* si lian shu pi; 44 4% Ffi* st mibn pi; t k&&* si zhbng; c h t si pi;. , F , ~ I ~si I * xiiin; ,%,I$* &il;$Ffi* si mibn p i Eucommiae Cortex (eucommia [bark]@) $k{$ d u zhbng; 6,F, itb* shi s i xiiin; &ljl * mibn; & B E * si libn pi; &$#;Ex;j.Ffi* si licin shu pi; 444%&* si mihn pi; fk44&* c h t si pi; ,%, {h* si xiiin; ,F, I$*- si zhhng; & if;$! Ffi* si mibn p i Eucommia Powder $k{+$&du zhhng shiin Eulota (snail) w6 niLi Eumeces seu Sphenomorphus (lizard) Ej j& 3 shi 16ng zi; $&i &* xi yi eunuchism Z E tiiin h~icin Euonymi Lignum Suberalaturn (spindle tree wings) $jij44 g ~ ijihn i yfi Eupatorii Chinensis Folium (Chinese euZRt liii y ~ i txu2 y2 patorium leaf) Eupatorii Chinensis Radix (Chinese eupatorium [root]) TEf+jJ$ guiing clbrzg tii niil x i Eupatorii Herba (eupatorium) H S pti lrin . Eupatorii Trifoliati Herba (three-leaved eupatorium) 84 y t mii zhiii eupatorium* (Eupatorii Herba) pki lrin EuphorbiaIKnoxia Powder ? $1i $% ciil ji
Z* j i t6u shi; %& E*j i t6u biio; $9X* h6ng t6u evacuate the vessels EBk xu m i i Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba (sun evacuate vacuity and replenish repletion spurge) ?$@ z t qi; @ Z*qi jing @@%% xu xd shi shi Euphorbiae Hirtae Herba (cum Radice) evening fever abating in the morning (hoary spurge@) k X +%8 da fii yring ?,I B ?$': zhao libng mu r& ciio; @%8*xiiin yao cao . ,, even-number formula @!,fi bu fiing Euphorbiae Humifusae Herba (humifuse evert fan euphorbia) ~ $ 8 di8jin ciio everted flower hemorrhoids H E B fan Euphorbiae Lathyridis Semen (caper hua zhi spurge seed) $3&T xh sui zi; f *=F* everted flower lower body gan BI ETB qiiin jin zi; I+% $* lihn bh fiin hua xia gan Euphorbiae Lathyridis Seminis Pulvis everted stuck eyelid El$%X&E bi fiin zhan (caper spurge seed frost) $$&3%xu jiin sui zi shuiing evil [new] 48 xit Euphorbiae Pekhensis Radix (Peking euevil cold 4IJ% xi6 hbn phorbia [root]) E A$k jing da ji; 1kR evil damaging lung-defense 4P 4% M i l xit g* 16ng hii ciio shang f2i w2i Euphorbiae seu Mnoxiae Radix (euphorevitdispelling method qu xi6 fii bialknoxia [root]@) A$k dri ji; T; Y {tU* xih mii xian evil fire 4PA xit huii Euphorbiae Thymifoliae Herba (thymeevil heat ?@$A': xit r2 leaved spurge@) /]\ X $313 xiiio f6i yhng evil heat entering construction 4P % A E ciio; f @@* qian g2n ciio; 4.1 $L.;"1-3* xi6 r2 ru ying xiiio rii zhi ca'o evil heat hurrying the blood B[JiA:B& xi6 Eupollyphaga seu Opisthoplatia (wingr2r p6 xu2 less cockroach@)@ & zh2 ch6ng; f&* evil invading the defense aspect SFP3EIP tii ch6ng; *n;* tii yurin; r t g * tii big; r t .f7\ xi6 fan w2i fin &* tii big ch6ng; i~g*di big; i~g evil is dispelled to support right 7&4IJIJ, di bid ch6ng; &* bid chong iE qu xit yi fii zh2ng Euryae Chinensis Radix (Chinese eurya evil lodged in the pericardium fjcb 3 IL\ 4% [root]) jttc b$E m i sui hua xi6 lian xin biio euryale [seed] a ( ~ u j a l e sSemen) E% evil lodged in the triple burner BP %=@, s-G ~ j i & i ; q;Gz sj$i; 3 E* d i r ~q;GrL; xit iiii siin jido 2 A* j i t6u; 2% A %* j i t6n mi; )rJ %%* evil lodged in the yin aspect % 1% 5? xi6 j i t6u shi; 2% A s * j i t6u gub; g''luin liii yin f2n ling; 2% &* j i t6u; @$4* yhn t6u; J % @ evil qi 4IJ5 xik qi g* ji. zrti lirin; $4 z* j i t6u p c i ; % % evil repletion 5 P j g nit shi s * j i t6u shi; a & E * j i t6u bao; $9%* evils harm the empty orifices BP 3 $ % h6ng t6u xit hai k6ng qiao Euryales Semen (euryale [seedla) E % Evodia and Coptis Pill %S$Lyk lihn qibn shi; dao qirirz; 3 E " sLI qian; wrirz xJ&* j i :6u; 2% jt" j i t6u mi: 3%XR" Evodia Decoction % ZjZ! $31 wb zhLS. yLi j i teu shi; $j z* j i t6u sub; gP g*lirin ta~~g ling %A* j i t 6 ~ i ;E X * yrin 1614; all$ Evodia Decoction with Aconite Decoction g* j i zui lirirz; $4 g *j i 1611 gu6; $3 & $$ 2 fin H$F$% wLi zhu yir jiii fii zi tung
euphorbialknoxia [root] a
seu Knoxiae Radix) xia mii xiin
k$k da ji; 7;Y 4tU*
Evodiae Fructus (evodia [fruit]@) Z% excessive blood loss & & % ~ xu2 qii gub w w h zhii yh; &A* zub li; ST*wri yii; dud; shi x u t gub d u b Sg* wri zhii; $$%* wri yh; Z B *zhii excessive childbearing +-f;f3 % shdng yu yri; zhii yh rbu gub dud Evodiae Leptae Folium (slender evodia excessive cold or warmth [in the environ[leaf]) 3'( g P t s i n ya kii yh; fif'%% P t * ment or due to clothing] % B7C;3 h a n san yii kii y t wen bh shi Evodiae Leptae Radix (slender evodia excessive consumption of fried foods 3 root) fW RtW srZn c h i hii gdn; Eat;!g* -& $5 gub shi jiGn chiio san jiiio bid excessive consumption of liquor and rich Evodiae Radix (evodia root@) BXE$B: food @ a E % 3 E chhn jiii h b u wti gub wri zhii yh gdn du excessive consumption of raw or cold evodia [fruit] @ (Evodiae Fructus) $$ % foods # gub shi shdng le'ng % wu zhii yri; &A* zu6 li; $$T* wri yii; excessive consrnmption of raw or cold S%*w h zhii; BE* wri yh; ZE*zhii foods, gourds, and fruits S & % % A yh; Z E m* zhii yri rbu % gub shshi shZng 16ng guii gub Evodia Gruel ZgES+Fjwri zhii yri zhdu excessive fire qi A hud qi tai d h evodia root@ (Evodiae Radix) $$ZE$R w h zhii yh gZn excessively ;k trii Evolvuli Herba (evolvulus@) It T $3 tii excessive menstrual flow t3 7k 3 % jing shui gub d u b ding gui; j&5 S* lii h h n ciio excessive mental work aj&\ 3% ybng xin evolvulus@ (Evolvuli Herba) kT @ tii gub d u b ding gui; j&-$ S* lu h h n ciio excessive needle stimulation $tM zhdn exacerbated by exposure to cold B#ha gub E3 yu le'ng jia ju; Z % $1 yii han jia excessive needling $$3 zhdn gub yii le'ng jiii zhbng; 3% zhbng; B?$ha excessive number of births +)j!Rjjf;&S% fin811 yii h a n jicZ jli fdn miiin tai ci gub d u b exacerbated by exposure to heat B?(\h1 excessive sexual activity % EEi & fring & yii r6 jiZ zhbng; B?(:,ha 811 yii r6 jia jii shi gub dud exacerbated by pressure $32&$E h n zhi excessive sweating 1T % % h h n chii gu6 yi s h t n dud examination i$ z h t n ; $3155 z h t n fii excessive taxation % # 3 % lho juhn gub examination of the chest and abdomen @ dud R z h t n xibng fii excessive thought and preoccupation ,F, examination of the complexion & % s t E S @ si lu gut, dil zh Pn excessive wearing of heart construction examine i$ z h t n &.\g~$l xin ying gut, hao examine the pulse @lbk h b u mcii; i$b% exchange [new, place where business is zhPn m h i transacted] $f fii; [$f (ffi), a place where excess [excessive or untimely environmenbusiness is transacted] j$j fii tal qi] tg yin excitable ?$2# &?, %$J qhzg xi1 yi ji dhng excess among the five minds 5 , % 3 & Excitation [non-channel] 272 xing f2n wii zhi gub ji exclusive examination sf the inch opening excesses of drink and sex jiii s t ?-f tlu qG ciin kbu (wrist pulse) gut, dii excessive A H zhi guh; 3 duii excruciating thigh pain # f i f f $ :hi 6i A
exert exert a disturbing influence [of ghosts S sui and demons] ~ ' Fzub exhalation more than inhalation q g @ /JI' hii dud xi shiio exhale V hii; a 4 5 tii qi . exhale the old and inhale the new a&& $A gfi tii gu na xin; D J ~ tii A na exhaust % jit; %& shuai jit exhaustion %% shuai jit; @ & xii bti exhaust of essence-spirit #S$$@ & jing shin pi bti exhaustion of the lower origin xia yuan xii bii exhaustion of true yang BPHE % zhsn yhng xii bti exhaustion of yin and desertion of yang PB & PEJ yin jit yring tud exit chii expectorate U 8 luo expectoration of blood U $ + j ~ luh xut expectoration of phlegm a$@ !U?J trin expel 4L3 qu; Z zhui; 8F pai; B zhu; 3 zhui expel and draw fSFEphi tu6 expel cold and open the orifices BS* % zhli hhn kdi qiao expel phlegm 5%zhui tan; B& zhu tan expel pus j$&? phi n6ng expel pus and draw toxin #F/@a3 phi ndng tu6 dLi expel stasis B# zhu yu expel stones #;fi phi shi water
7f< ~ / i ;~ / i ~ ;
expel water and drain fire B7kiTA zhli shui xit huci expel wind qii f2ng expel worms CJB& qci ch6ng expire ?& jut expiry ?& jut expiry of lung qi /$fiTg4_$ fii qi shuiii jut expiry of S2 (liver) and S10 (kidney) Z, % J!Q?$ yi gui bai jut expiry sweating ?E?Tjut hbn explanationoftheformula f i JY. fGng yi
exterior-resolving exploit % chtng exposure of the eyeballs Z[lE lu jing exposure of the roots of the teeth EE ya g2n xuan 1Li expulsion and drawing 81% phi cud extended palpation A$$ jiii an; [pulsetaking technique] A++ jiii chi extended tongue @Zshen sht Extending Vessel (BL-62Wf10)$ J$$shen m&i extension of visible veins through all the bars through to the nail B%4f EQ thu guan sh2 jiii exterior biiio exterior and interior S 2 biiio li exterior cold S% bitio hhn exterior cold and interior heat S 5% 2:lj.?;! biiio hhn li rt exterior depression S+j[lbiiio yii exterior effusioa WS fa biiio exterior effusion does not shun heat: [hot drugs] EST 5:lj.?;! fa biiio bii yuiin ri exterior evil S%Pbiiio xit exterior heat &?& biiio rL. exterior heat and interior cold Sf& 2% biiio rt li han exterior heat passing into the interior S ?(ti52biiio ri churin li exterior-interior cold S 2 @ 5$ biiio li ju hhn exterior-interior heat S 2 {H f(;.jl: biiio li ju rt exterior-interior passage % 1% biiio li chucin exterior-interior resolution % 2 2.!7@ biiio li shucing jig exteriorize S biiio exterior pattern S iJf biiio zhing exterior repletion S g biiio shi exterior repletion and interior vacuity S Z %@ biiio shi li xu exterior resolution @% li2 biiio exterior resolution leaving interior disharmony S@Z*$O biiio jig li wti ht exterior-resolving formula @S3lJ jig biiio ji
exterior-resolving medicinal @ S 5 j i t biiio yrio exterior-resolving wind-damp-dispelling j i t biiio qu f2ng medicinal @ S shi ycio extwior vacuity S @bid0 xG exterior vacuity and interior repletion S E 3 % biiio xii li shi external 4\ wai external blowing 4\ wrii chui external blowing mammary welling abscess (ydng) 4\ a ! 21% wai chui rii y6ng external cause [of disease] 4b ljj whi yin external channels 4b23 whi jing external cold 41.S wai hkn external cold invading the stomach 4b% 3E E whi han fan w t i external contraction $11@ whi giin external contraction fever S\ @ E?4\ whi giin fii r t external contraction lumbar pain 3'1 @E j@ wai g i n yiio tdng external contraction of cold evil 4\@% %I3wLii giin han x i t external contraction of' heat evil !I\@ 54: %B whi giin rt. xi& external contraction of [one or more ofl the six excesses !J\ @ fi?Z whi gfin liu yin external contraction of wind evil .5\@m 4[J whi giin f2ng x i t external contraction stomach duct pain 9\ @ E 12%wwrli giin w t i wiin tbng external damage [by the six excesses &c.] 4b 1% wlli shfing external dampness 4\ wai shi external evil 4\ %P whi xit external hemorrhoid Sb % wai zhi external injury [knocks and falls etc.] 91. 4% whi shattg external injury lumbar pain 4b45jgjj@ wwrii shiing yiio tdng external kidney [male genitals] 4b '3 wrii shtn externally contracted cold evil 41 @ % 4B whi g i n han x i t
extreme externally contracted disease 41. @'% whi giin bing externally contracted febrile disease 4\@ ?&% wcii giin rt. bing externally contracted febrile (heat) disease pattern identification 91 @ ?4\ % % iiE wai g i n r t bing bidn zhtng externally contracted heat disease 4b@?!\ % wai giin r i bing externally contracted heat evil 4\ @ ?4\ 4P wrii giin r t xit externally contracted wind evil 4b A 4[5 wbi giin fing xi6 external medicine 91 $4wai kc external medicine disease 41 #&'% wrii k2 j i bing external medicine patterns 9b 84iiE@ wrii k2 zhtng hdu External Medicine Toad Venom Pill 4\$4 wai k2 chhn sii wan external obstruction [of the eye] 4\!$ wui zhang external pattern !Ib i$ whi zhtng external screen creeping over the eye !I\ 32f2 ifi wLii yi pan jing external treatment 4\?3 wai zhi external welling abscess bong) 4\ 2% whi ~ 6 % external wind wrli f i n g extinguish wind $ g m x i f2ng extinguish wind and transform phlegm $2, jt @ x i fing hua tan extract juice by crushing )$.?-jdiio zhi extraordinary [new] 3 q i extraordinary organ 3 T B r t H q i htng ;hi ffi extraordinary strength f i h @ %' li dh b t i chang extraordinary vessel 5 %q i jing extreme @ ji extreme cold engenders heat, extreme heat engenders cold 5% @ Y ?4\, ?<\82 Y % hhn j i sh2ng rt, r t j i shCng hhn extreme cold resembling heat %@4!X?h hdn j i si r i
extreme extreme heat engendering cold t 4 @ % @ rt ji shZng hhn extreme heat engendering wind f4: @ J4 rt ji shang fing extreme heat resembling cold t!: @ {g @ rt ji si hhn extreme heat stirring wind ?4:@-7;tlJ4 rt ji dhng f2ng; %: @ J431rt ji fing ding extreme of essence #g@jing ji extreme of qi qi ji extreme of the blood && xut ji extreme of the bone @& gfi ji extreme of the flesh @J @ rhu ji
extreme of the sinew jin ji extremities p9B si zhi extremities of the limbs p 9 3 si rnh Extremity Intersection (GV-28) k& X* duan jiiio Extremity of the Mouth (GV-27WuO) # % dui ducin Extremity of Yang (GV-9WF10)Z PB zhi ybng exuberance & shtng; kang shing exuberance and debilitation S shtng shuiii exuberance of yin due to yang vacuity PD @P a& yhng xii yin shtng exuberant shhng exuberant cold due to yang vacuity PEIE 5% & ycing xii hbn shtng exuberant evil qi ?@%a% xik qi shtng shi 1 exuberant fever stage !(:&@ rt shtng qi exuberant fire IK @ huu sheng exuberant fire tormenting metal A I] & hu6 shkng xing jin exuberant heart fire & xin huii sh2ng; JL\A j?i& xin hu6 kang shtng exuberant heart-liver fire JL\j'f-A & xin giin hub shtng exuberant heart qi JL\T& xin qi shing exuberant heart-stomach fire JL\S A a xin wki hu6 shhng exuberant heart yang &PEI & xin yang shang
eyebrow exuberant heat ?4& rt shtng exuberant heat in the qi aspect 5%ti!:& qi fin rt shtng exuberant heat stage rb shbng qi exuberant heat stirring wind ?&@J4-7;tlrb shkng fang dhng exuberant heat toxin ?&B%,O,& rt dLi chi shtng exuberant internal phlegm-fire @ A m a thn hu6 nti shtng exuberant lung-stomach heat )j$B ?<:& fki wti ri shtng exuberant physique and vacuous qi K 2 g %B xing shtng qi xii exuberant qi-aspect heat :?! & 5+jrt shing qi fin exuberant stomach heat E?!:@@wti rt ydng shtng exuberant yang PIS ybng shhng exuberant yang damages yinm PB P a 4% yhng shtng yin shcing exuberant yang qi BIT& yhng qi sh2ng exuberant yang repelling yin PB Pa yhng shtng g i yin exuberant yin Pa@yin shtng exuberant yin internal cold Pa& % yin shtng nti hhn exuberant yin repelling yang &@PH yin shhg gk yhng exuberant yin vacuity fire pa@A& yin xii huii shtng exudation tX liLi z i exude pus ~ J chii @ nbng eye I1W yrin 0@ Jing; F!W yfin jing; mil eyeball H @ mu zhG eye bead @% jing zhG Eye Bone-Hole (TB-23) El j@ * mil liho Eye Bright [non-chatznel]H sB mu ming Eye Brightener Clear-Raising Pill Ba H I fg ming mu shhng qing whn Eye Brightener ~ e h r n a n n i aPill Ba H f&S A ming mu di huang whn Eye Brightener Sophora Fruit Pill Ba @%A ming m3 huhi zi whn eyebrow Fj % mmti t6u
Eyebrow Eyebrow ( B L - 2 ) E X * m t i t6u Eyebrow Ascension (BL-3W110) j+ m t i
eyebrow bone @$B mmki ling gii eyebrow bone pain Ei(;%B@jmmki ling gii thng
eyelid vacuous as a ball f i E $ 1 5% bbao xii rh qiu; €@jjZ ftU%$ bi xE rh qiil eye nest [eye socket; eyelid] €3 @ mu kt? eye of the finger +k €3 zhi mu Eye of the Knee [non-channel] @RE xi ydn
eye curtain [iris] 03% jing licin eye dab ,6RE didn ydn eye discharge H @ mu chi; 0EBl yiin chi;
Eg5 chi eye disease H & yiin ji eye drops @j BE Zj 7Jc d i yiin yho shui; ,+,BE didn yiin
eye gan RE% yiin gan eye gan in children /J\ JLBER xido e'r g i n yiin
eye inspection % €I chci mil eyelash 0 3 jie'; llB% jig mao eyelid yiitz bao; R @ mu biio; jj@ @ biio jidn; @ jiiin; I R E yiin jiiin; El @ mu gu6; 29 $! yu2 shu eyelid [upper and lower] @j bGo eyelid efhsion E E jiiin fi eyelid mushroom toxin [sore] IR J@iZjS yiin biio jun dLi
eyelid rim 0R32 yiin xihn; H
mu giing;
H 3Z mu xihn eyelid swollen like a peach /@R$QU&'k
zh6ng rh tho
face R liiin;
Efim yyrin mian;
m mirin; Bjj
face [su&ce or aspect] @ lirin Face Bone-Hole (ST-1) BBi;*mian liho; EijjB* mihn lib0 Face Center (GV-25) m E * mirin zhkng Face-Righting Decoction X B $J zhkng
pain El $6 mu tbng paste &RR%@ tu yiin yao g i o patterns RRf$i$@ yiin k2 zhkng hbu powder ,$BEB +jjdidn yiin yho fZn
eye screen El B mu yi;
yi zhhng; H
+ %@ mu zh6ng yi zhang; %T yi zi
eyes fit to burst from their sockets €IQU mu rh tu6
eyes looking straight ahead El3 zhbzg jing
eye socket EE kuhng; H 0E mu kuhng eye socket bone H I E B mu kuang gfi eyes painful as if fit to burst from their sockets I3 % ftUR# mu tbng rci tu6 Eye Stasis Formula @&$!EBE@fj- yii xuk guhn yiin jing fang
Eye Steaming Formula BER-fi
yiin yi fiing
eye strain B E 4 3 5 ybng yan gub du6 Eye Strike [non-channel] t f ~ Edii yiin eye tie El ,Y;, mu xi Eye Window (GB-16W"O) ,H@f mu chuiing
facial complexion as if dabbed with rouge @ QU qk milin sP ril zhuiing facial pain j@ mmirin thng; j@#JJ@@j mian b i ~ttng thng NO. 1 Formula mian thng y i hao fiing
~ a d i aPain ~
Facial Pain No. 2 Formula
me-+& 1+ f j -
mian t6ng i r hao fiing
rbng tiing
facial complexion jfi&
eye eye eye eye
rnicin sB
Facial Pain No. 3 Formula j$ij@jZ+&
mian d n g s i n hao fing Facial Pain No. 4 Formula @j%
mian thng si hao fing
faintly visible macules or papules @@P,%
facial paralysis @j@ mian t i n facial prominence II@ zhu6 facial prominence bone [bone below the eye] Ilfi .zhub gli factor yin Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma (wild tiin qiho rnai buckwheat root) %%S$R
yt qiho rnai g2n; BSS* g2n; B%S@* yi. qiho mui; %&+fi* k i i jilt su6; Z%S $R* kii qiho mai g2n; SSE k*qiho rnai s i n qi; E%A* Ian qiho t6u; B%T*yt qiho d; S S X * kii qiho t6u; *+B+Eff* jin su6 yin k i i ; 2 tou gii xiio Fagopyri Farina (buckwheat floura) % S Ej qiho rnai mian Fagopyri Semen (buckwheat) qiho rnai failure of the bladder's retentive power
/I% R% F 49 pang guing bu yue failure of the interlocking bones to open
[non-movement of the coccyx in childbirth] gyii bu kai
2 & F 3 jiio
failure to acclimatize to a new environment 7)C F jj6i shui tyii bu fd failure to defecate A @T f @ diz bian bu
49iiJR b i n zhtn yitz yue k t jian faint pulse b*#( mizi w2i; ?%bk wdi mai faint pulse verging on expiry jbk.?#$!qtE
rnai wei yu jut fall PG xian; & chui; 7;Pg xia xian fall asleep almost immediately r3j lR RP [I@
bi yiin ji shui Fallen Sauce (CV-4) SjR* chui jiing falling curtain obstruction % ?$P$ chui
lian zhang
falling curtain screen chui li6n yi Falling Flower Brew E tu6 hua jiin fall is treated by raising 7;%+2xia zht jii zhi fall pattern PGiE xian zhing Fall to Earth [non-channel]%,ifi lui, di Fall-Upbearing Decoction f t Pa& shdng'
xian tang false {E jiii false cold jiii han false heat #jt& jiii rk false pimpernel' (Linderniae Anagallis Herba) s t ? @ ding jing ciio false spiritedness ?E@jiii shin Family Secret White-Draining Powder % jiii mi xit bai siin $ Family Secret Yellow-Draining Powder ?$. + L I $ ~
$hi%'8t B jii mi xi&huang siin
jit failure to keep clothing and bedclothes on Z @ T 8 yi bki bu lian failure to perform its office XIt;R wh quan;
5t *R shi zhi; %%? shi zhi; X It;R shi quan
failure to rise [impotence] T bu qi; 2F bb jJLi failure to sleep soundly $tj% FnfS yk mti
bu h i n failure to take milk F$L bu rii faint [loose consciousness] @H yiin jut;
[to lose consciousness] g@gyiin diio faint breath and lack of strength % # f i
$5 qi wdi li ruo faint breathing ,@,,l$ xi wdi faint low voice ig${Rt% yyii sh2ng d i wei;
Z ig{R{# yycin yii di wdi
Fangji and Astragalus Decoction P$Z
?$$% ffring ji huhng qi ring Fangji and ~ o r i a(Hoelen) Decoction p$
EE 3 ?& fang ji fd ling tang .Beverage P 3 E T A fang ji yin Decoction I$ Z $2fang ji tang Powder E fhng ji sin Radix (fangji [rootla) P 3 2 fhng ji fangji [root] a (Fangji Radix) PA 2 fang ji
Fangji Fangji Fangji Fangji
Fangji, Zanthoxylum, Tingli, and Rhubarb Pill EfiJmB j i jiao li hucitzg
wan fan-leaved maidenhairo (Adianti Flabellulati Herba seu Rhizoma) i$fZfi gut,
tan lbtzg; &g&$T*
tii. xian ciio
farsightedness B E Z & f i ning y u i n q i t jin fat 1%pang; jg zhi; jE f i i fat and flesh j E m zhi rou fat gan jE % f i i g i n fat heat gan jE !4:% f i i r t gatz fatigue #,E, jurin dhi; & p i ; I% juan; ;r$ I% p i jurin; ;r$ f p i fri; @% p i lrio fatigue and lack of strength ;r$1%Zh pi .juan fri li; & Z Z f i p i fri wh li; i%,Z,Z f i juLin dai fri li; 9 l% 2f i shCn julin fri a; X ?J l%,B, wLi li juun drii; 4$#%fi ti juan wu li fatigue and somnolence ,@,ilE@E\dai duo shi wo fatigued body 3 & shen p i fatigued body and lack of strength # # f ?J t i j~irinfri li fatigued cumbersome limbs B E I% si zhi kun juan fatigued limbs FLlfi# ,E, si zhi juhn dhi; Afi# zhi jurin fatigued limbs and lack of strength f f i zhi jlsrin fri li fatigued spirit $$;r$ ~ & r z p i fatigued spirit and lack of strength $$;$ 2 f i shbz p i fri li fat meat, fine grain, and strong flavors [rich food] B gE% gnu liring hou wti fat neck TJij$l jing cu fatness AE/# f i i piing; RE f i i Fat Oil Paste flE$Jg f i i ydu gao fat qi IF%. f i i qi Fat Qi Pill je%& f i i qi wrin fat sore jE$& f i i chuang fatty tumor jE% zhi lici favorable JIW shiin favorable measles pattern bR@JlWiiE mu zhtn shun zhtng favorable pattern JIBiZ shun zhtng favorable sign JIBijEshLin zhkng fear 3 w t i ; '1% ti fear [mind associated with kidney; also one of the seven affects] ?C kcing fear causes qi to precipitate ?&El] 57; kcing z i qi xiu
feel fearful IM zheng; 1 ' 9 .thong fearful throbbing zheng chong fearful throbbing below the heart ~ L \ f ; ' l ' 1 ' 9 xin xia zhCng thong fearing [7 relations; e.g., pinellia fears fresh ginger; i.e., its toxicity is counteracted by it] #E xiang wti fear of cold wti hrin; !lQ?+ pa lbzg; &?+ q i t 1Zng fear of cold and liking for warmth S % i,$ wti hrin xi liring fear of people Z A wti r i n fear of water ?fi 7k kdng shui fear of wind R ph f2ng febrile disease i4:B r t bing fecal block {FrZJ biritz bi fecal incontinence 3%yi shi; A4FX ?E dri bihn shi jin fecal qi g", shi qi fecal stoppage -k4FTTT ddri bibn bu xing; 49 2 dli bihn bu tong . % t i i shi fecal vomiting P I % tu f t n ; feces ftn fecourinary block vomiting *n$j z6u bii feeble Z f i wLi li feeble convulsion Z f i # $8 wLi li ch6u chi1 feeble enunciation i g S Z j ~ y6 yun wu li feeble-mindedness 2 dai; 2%dai bing; % c h i ' d i i ; $ %I bbi chi feeble-minded person $ %I brii chi rii shi j i feeding accumulation zhi feel n i i n ; )rl m i n feeling of distention in the eyes El 3% $ flft mu zha zi zhhng feeling of inflation in the chest @ cPiJJl%11% %, xicing zh6ng ping ping rrin feel the deep level [pulse] jjT@ chin qii; jjT% chtn an feel the mid-level b~ilse]+@ zhong qfi; @ zh6ng an feel the pulse BBJ; qit mcii feel the superficial level [p~ilse-t~zking] PF. $X fil qii; ?+@ fLi an
female 12;; $L pin female blood conglomeration Oii) k 3rfn E n i zi xu2 jii female infertility k 3'L,E3 n i zi jut zi; ?ElA 'L,E3 fii r2n ju2 zi; $3At&P fLi rtn jut chiin female malaria $ k E pin nut female viscus $k4@pin zing female yin cold $3A PJj @ fu rin yin han femur j 2 B gii gii; A H @ d& tui gii; A da jihn gii fen [equal to one tenth of a body inch or qian] f2iz fennel [fruit] ' (Foeniculi Fructus) 5& hui xiang; *EB* tii hui xiiing; BE%* yt hui xiang; gE%* gii hui xiang; GB* gii xiang; F* xiing zi; /J\ B*xi60 xiang; /I\ E*xiio hui; /J\ EB*xigo hui xiang; huhi xiiing Fennel Gruel Eg3#hui xiang zhbu Fenugreek Pill &jjF EStL hLi M ba wbtz Fenugreek Powder #jF@& hh 1h bG s i n fenugreek [seed] ' (Foeni-Graeci Semen) i!ijjjr; @ hh 1Li ba; i" E* lil bii; $A@* hil bii; BFE* hh 1Li bii; BFE*hu lil bii ferment E nip: fii xiao fermented soybean (2)a (Glycines Semen Fermentatum) g @ dhu chi; @@* xiiing chi; S Z B* h2i d6u chi; % G@* hei d& shi; Gi$j* dhu gu; @@* yin chi; E $* d6u pLi; g@*dou qii fermented soybean (unsalted) a (Glycines Semen Fermentatum Insulsum) % E@ ,!Am , l A , , '.I":. ,%?F7-&* r r t r r r r r v r . 3 ~ r f c ,fxxi's):
C & L ~ CC & V L L
J ~ I Z
Fwri Frusta (iron flakes) @% tit lu6; %E*tit xi;; tit yi.; %&&*tit 6; % E* tit hua; @jjZj* tit xit; %R* ti2 shi; %@%* sheng tit lub Ferry Brew t3)I13 ji chuin jian fetal 82 tiii fetal bleeding 12& 7; lf0. tai l6u xib xu2 fetal cold 82% tiii hhn fetal emaciation tiii shou fetal epilepsy fl2j%j tiii xihn fetal feebleness 12$3 t i i ruh
fetal fright jet,% t i i jing fetal grime 16% tai ghu fetal heat j2 54: tiii rt fetal internal obstruction ,$@I PQ t i i huan n2i zhhng fetal jaundice t& d i n ; ttai hubng fetal lichen (xiin) t Z xiLin Fetal Longevity Pill shhu tiii wan fetal mounting (shun) jj2a tiii shun fetal obesity jeae! tni fti fetal origin 12Z tai yuhn Fetal Origin Beverage j2ZtA ttni yuhn yliz fetal qi tiii qi fetal redness t Z chi fetal spotting @& fi bao l6u xu2; j2 $$ t i i l6u; @@ bbao lou fetal toxin tai d& fetal water fl27k tiii shui fetal wind fl2R tai feng Fetid Cassia Decoction &%T& jut ming zi tang Fetid Cassia Gruel & % 33#$ jut ming zi zhdu Fetid Cassia Pill h jut ming zi writz Fetid Cassia Powder &m 33 jut ming zi s i n fetid cassia [seedla (Cassiae Tome Semen) & @ 3 jut ming zi; J% * yang jiio; Y R & %* m i ti jug ming; 4 RS*m i ti zi; 2$T&QB!* c i o ju2 ming fetid river snail [Hotzgkongfoot] B kZ chbu tidn lu6 fetter [exterior]% shil fettering of the exterior %% shu biio fetus 86 tiii fetus deprived of its bearing [deprive the fetus of its bearing] 16XFfiB tiii sh i s116 zui Fetus-Quieting Beverage %fl$i!? fit1 ttni yin Fetus-Quieting Carp Gruel 913 !I$ & 3% i n tiii l i yu zhbu Fetus-Quieting Qi-Harmonizing Beverage 3;- 12jFll4tA iin tlZi h i qi yin Fetus-Rescuing Decoction $k$W $31jiic juiin i n tki tiing
Fetus-Safeguarding Fetus-Safeguarding Life-Supporting Bill l% 83*5J 4zh biio tiii zi sheng wan fetus surging into the heart [in pregnancy] $5@ 3$4& rtn shen zi ch6ng xin fetus surging up into the heart F l i $ , L \ zi shang chbng xin Fetw-'hrning Formula E 83f i zhuiin tdi fGng fever ?:'! rt; 2 ?:'! fri rt? fever and aversion' to cold % ?:!' hdn rt fever and chills %?!: hrin rl.; E % ?<: fii hrin rt? fever becoming more pronounced at night E t!':B S fii rt?yt z h h g fever in children 11) I1 E ?:'! xiiio i r f2i ri! fever in the evening that abates by the morning B ?!:Ti,$ mic rt? ziio lihng fever in the morning that abates by the evening t!':gi,$ ziio rl. mic liling fever sweating ?!:$Trt han fever unabated by sweating $T $j24':T B han chii rt bu tui fever without aversion to cold @$.!': ;;T;% dan rt 60 hcin fever without sweating E ?!':Z$T fii rt wh han few-flowered black nightshade@ (Solani gii niii cbi Pauciflori Herba) Fibraureae Radix seu Caulis (fibraurea [root or stem]@) $$@ hubng ttng fibraurea [root or stem] @ (Fibraureae Radix seu Caulis) $$@ huhng tkng fibrous ginseng root@ (Ginseng Radix Tenuis) A S 3$j rin shen xq; %?a*shiin xu fibrous gypsum@ (Gypsum Fibrosum) 5% ;ti li shi fibula %@j fii gii; %'&Bfho tang gii; SE %@j wai fLi gii Fici Microcarpae Folium (banyan leaf) @$$at rbng shic yt Fici Microcarpae Radix Aeria (banyan aerial root) @3R r6ng xii Fici Pumilae Caulis et Folium (creeping fig [stem and leafJ@)2% bi li
Fici Pumilae Flos (creeping fig fruit@) i$ tE% mu mhn t6u; SB-R*bi li guii; 71r; E*-mic libn; * % Z * win t6u 8146; % t@%* gui man $ 6 ~% ; %$*gui qiu; 5%#$%* liring fdn guii Fici Simplicissimae Radix (five-finger fig root@) E)b %&@ wii zhi mho tho gen; @jE * ntin qi; &$+I',% * tii huang qi 2 fidgetiness @ h T % zui, li bic an; @Eb T 7 zui, wi, bci ning; & E l T % zui, wi, 63 i n fidgetiness sitting or lying @ E b T 7 zcii, w6 bu ning; @El+ 9 zui, wi, bic ning fierce [of agents] 4% mdng fifteen network vessels 5t8 shi wii lui, fifth 5 wii; % E di wii Fifth and Sixth Heavenly Stem Pill & Z h wu ji wan Fifth City (CV-4) EfFfj5k"wii ching fifth earthly branch h? chin fifth heavenly stem rf wu Fifth Pivot (GB-27W;10) 3 i @ wii shd Fifth Place (BL-5Wf;O) wii chic Fifth variant Qi-Righting Powder 5 h n M E9;;lr wii jia jiiin zht?ng qi siin fifth watch [the fifth two-hour period of the night, i.e., 4-6 a.m.] '3iE wii giing fifth-watch cough 35 Snltijl.wii g2ng shu fifth-watch diarrhea 5E# wii geng xi2 fifty viscus-apsociated points E&rE+fi zang shu wii shi X U & fifty-year-old's shoulder E j 3 wii shi jiiin fiie mi,; CU~, filial 3 zi filial qi FT zi qi filiform needle E/it hho zhen final stage [of disease] hbu qi fine xi; % hbo Fine Jade Paste % 5 ;W; qi6ng yii gao fine licorice root@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix Tenuis) I$@# grin ciio shio; H S F i * giin ciio shiio fine mortar 21% rii 66 fine-mortar grind f l2B rii xi fine needle %(if- hrio zhetz
fine pulse ibl;a m&i xi; xxi mhi Finet's clematis@ (Clematidis Finetianae Radix, Caulis et Folium) LA! $3 shan mu tong; f &&" qian jin bri finger )g zhi; F ) g sh6u zhi fingernail pressing [mnnipulntion technique] $&& qia fii finger next to the little finger /)\)g f i ) g xi60 zhi ci zhi; b u r t h finger] /J\ )g f i ?k shbu xiiio zhi ci zhi finger next to the thumb j i ) E f i ) S dh zhi ci zhi; f%)E f i $8 shbu da zhi ci zhi finger positioning $ ) g bu zhi finger-press needle insertion +I%$t& zhi q i i jin zhen fii finger shifting f$)g$& yi zhi fii finger standard )E-ij$& zhi cun fii finger technique bulse taking] )E?& zhi fii finger vein examination 9 ) g 4-21 zhtn zhi . win fire A hub fire and water failing to help each other 7k A T &$ shui hub bu ji fire and water help each other 7kA@?3 shui hub xiang ji Fire and Water Hexagram Granules *A% $9kiin l i sha Fire and Water Hexagram Pill kiin l i wan fire and water processing 7kA$il]shuihub zhi; 7k A # $1 shui hub g h g zhi
fire by nature flames upward A 1 f * k & hub xing shatzg yhn; A 'l%%_t hub 'xing yritz shhng fire cinnabar A /t14 hub dun fire-cinnabar leg AA-BP hub datz ji6o fire clamor A U d hu6 cao fire clearing @ A qing hu6 fire cough A a& hub k t ; Anj$ hub sbu fire cup A fE hub guan fire cupping & A fE bh hub guhn fire depression A %P hu6 yu
fire fire depression cough A f$nj$ hu6 yLi s6u Fire Depression Decoction A 61$ahu6 yu tang fire depression is treated by eeusion A $71E 2 hu6 yu fa zhi fire depression panting A%PD%hu6 yh chuiin fire diarrhea A % hub xi;, ; A tEj hub xi; Fire-Dissipating Decoction 3 A $5 slitz hu6 tang fire-draining formula 'i5A81Jx i i hu6 ji Fire-Draining Lung-Clearing Decoction ?%A t3 $3~xi2 hu6 qing f2i tang fire-draining medicinal i9 A G xi6 hu6 yao fire error A Z hu6 ni fire evil A ?$b hu6 x i i fire eye AlR hub yiin fire failing to engender earth A hub bh shdng tii fire fall A Pfi hu6 xiatz fire flow $$A lih hub fire formation 4tA hub hu6 fire formation due to excess among the five minds 3iZ4t A wii zhi huh hu6 fire gan hu6 g i n fire-girdle sore hub drii chuang fire headache A%@ hub tbu tbng fire heart pain AIL\% hu6 xin t6ng fire heat A!-?\ hu6 r2 fire heat arising internally A!\ hu6 r i n i i sheng fire Zl_elt_rlirtrerrir?g the !xzg :t:[\ 7 s!$ hu6 r? pb f i i fire heat headache A!!\%% hub r i tbu tbng fire is the flaming upward A El % l hu6 yuE yrin shang fire-like body fever 9 5:$1 A sherz r i rh hu6 fire needle A/it hu6 zh2n fire needling A /itEE hub zhen liho fii; A H huci zh2n fire panting AD% hu6 chuiin fire phlegm A @ hu6 tan
fish bones';$tu?k in the throat &@@!I@ fire processing A $41 hu6 zhi yLi gLi g2ng h6u fire rampart A m hub kub Fish Border (LU-10W"") &P% yh ji Fire-Repelling Elixir jq bi hub clan Fish Brain Paste &J@Byb niio gno fire stroke A hu6 zhbng fish mouth & yu k6u fire supplementation and fire drainage A fish network vessels [thenar eminence] & $b A j% hu6 bii hu6 xi2 % yu lu6 fire toxin A S hu6 dLi fish poison yam' (Dioscoreae Hypoglaufire wind damage A {%Rhu6 shnng f2ng; cae Rhizoma) g j y f 6i xi?; g j @ * bei xi2 A R 4% hub feng shang Fish Poison Yam Clear-Turbid Separation Firewood-Raking Beverage #I &?A ch6u Beverage ?$Zf&hktg?A 6i xi2 f2n qing yin xin yin Fish Poison Yam Dampness-Percolating Firewood-Raking Decoction ?$&$&I xixiiin Decoction 2fi jiu:f @ @ $j bi xi2 sh2n shi tiing tang Firmianae Semen (firmiana seed@)@#iJ Fish Poison Yam Toxin-Transforming De=F. wLi tong zi coction l+Z j# j t % @J bi xi2 huh dLi tiing firmiana seedo (Firmianae Semen) fish's-belly clove sore (ding) &RE yh du F wu t6ng zi ding first - yi; 'jfj- di yi fish scale lichen (xiiin) &%@ yh lin xiiin first attack, then supplement X XA 6 Fish's Lumbus [non-channel] &E yil xian g6ng hbu bii yho; (BL-57) &E*yu yao first earthly branch =F. zi fish's margin [thenar eminence] & ll%yli First Heavenly Branch Decoction T ?@?I ji jiii zi tGng Fish's Tail [non-channel] &I75 yh wgi; first heavenly stem jiii (GV-1) &E*yli w2i first identify yin and yang $E RIJ Pa xian fishy and animal smells j$Z@T xing siio bit yin ybng 4 first priority in blood desertion is to boost fishy smell xing chb~iw t l ; j$ZS9 X&$Txu2 tu6 xiiin yi qi xing chbu qi qi first supplement, then attack % 6TA fishy-smelling /E xing xian bii hbu gong Fissistigmatis Glaucescehtis Radix (glaucescent fissistigma [root]) G @ First Variant Qi-Righting Powder -hUX wu gii ttng E%,+& yi jib jiiin zhtng qi siin fissured tongue 9 sht li2 first yang [channel] [lesser yang] - P I yi Fist Tip [non-channel] %% 2 qubn jian Y ~ Y first yin [channel] [reverting yin] -Pa yi fistula &'& lbu chuang; yg& lbu chuiing; yin !& lbu; @ 10u firwood matting **% shiitz li Fit-Settling Pill 2% ding xibn wbn fish [thenar eminence] & yh five ? wiii fish-belly eye white Q Is&@ bbi jing yh five accumulations j i $ E wii j i bno Five Accumulations Powder 5 $ R 3 w6 j i fish belly &@ yh fu siin Five Agents Elsholtzia Beverage E$?@ l Fish Belly (BL-57) &@* y~2fu wii wu xidng ru y p Fish Bile Eye Paste & ]HEIR B yLi diin yiin giio Five Agents Toxin-Resolving Powder 5 % &%+& wii wC ji2 dLi siin fish bone @ g2ng
five animal exercises 5 @ 3 A wii qin xi five aversims jig, wii wii five benign signs E S wii shan five centers 5 wii zhong five-colored dysentery Ef&mwii s t fi five-colored vaginal discharge 5f& R wii s t dhi five-color examination 5f& i$ wii s t z h t n five colors Zf&wii s t five constants E% wii chang five contraindications [flavor contraindiwii jin cations] 5% five criteria [pulse-taking] 3irY;t wii juh five depressions 5 G I I wii yh five despoliations hG wii dub five diarrheas E ? B wri xik five dribbling urinary stoppages 5% wii lbng Five Dynasties [907-960 A.D.] 5.It wi! dhi five entries [flavor entries] 5 A wii ru five epilepsies E m wii xihn wii guo five errors [treatment] 5?$ five evil pulses 54.[3jj$, wii xi6 mhi five evils ji2P wii xi6 five-finger fig rooto (Fici Simplicissimae Radix) 5 + E%#$@ wii zhi m a o tho g2n; f95X* nhn qi; *@-Xi tii huhng q i 2 five-flavor entry ERFhA wii wti su6 rh We flavors 5% wii wti Five Flowers Tea 3iEZ wfi hua chh fivefold 35 wii Fiucfoiri Coniiuence ( ~ v ' l ~ i 35j &* wii hui; (ST-9) Ti&* wii hui five gan EjF$:wii g5n five goiters 5@ wii ying five governings wii zhii five grains wii gii Five Grains Return-of-Spring Elixir 5@ j3 wii li h u i chiin clan Five Happinesses Toxin-lkansforming wii fri huh dri dan Elixir ji$Sdt five hearts [two soles, two palms, and center of chest] E & wii xin
five hemorrhoids 5% wii zhi five human forms 33.832 A wii xing zhi rhn five humors 5% wii yt Five Impediment Decoction Z'@t$wfi bi tang five impediments (bi) 5% wii bi five infantile hardnesses IJ\ L l 5@ xi60 hr wii ying five infantile limpnesses /J\ J L h $ X xi60 hr wii ruiin Five-Ingredient Schisandra and Asarum $$ wii wti xi xin tang Decoction 5 Five-Ingredient Toxin-Dispersing Bevy: age 5 % Y j S%Awii w2i xiao dri yin Five-Jewel Powder 33.2 Ek wii biio siin Five Juices Beverage E'/t %kwii zhi yin Five Juices Center-Quieting Beverage 5 wii zhi a n zh6ng yin :fi 3 Five Kernels Decoction 5 {I$Zi w2 i $ i z tang Five Kernels Pill El=-%wii rhn whn five-leaved vitexo (Viticis Quinatae Radix seu Lignum) ;4S%r] bii jing; LLIf%%* s h i n fig* bir jiring; $3b bb jiling pLi,jiang; %ji mu Five Li (PC-8) 5%" wii li Five Li (arm) (LI-13) 5% ( 4 ) *wii li sh6u Five Li (foot) (LV-10) 5 E ( )* wii li zLi five Pimpnesses 5$2 wii r u i n Five Li of the Arm (LI-13) f-2h%* sh6u zhi wii li Fire i i UP iine Cubii (Li-13) R 2 Z Z ' chi zhi wii li five materials 5% wii chi Five Milled Ingredients Drink 5@ wii mi, yin z i five-mind fire formation EZ.l& A wG zhi hua hu6 five minds [joy, anger; anxiety, thought, fear] 353 wii zhi five movements and six qi 5 3 $iwii ? y3n liii qi five-needle method 6H$J .24i wii zh2n ci
w t ci five needling methods five notes 5% wii yin five odors 5 & wii chhu five ofices [nose, eyes, lips, tongue, and ears; color correspondences of the viscera] E B wii guiin Five-Peel Powder (Beverage) K Ffi & ( @ ) wii p i s i n yin five penetrations wii z6u five phases 5 q T wii xing five pillar points 5 & R wii zhu x u i Five Pillars Powder bii zhk s i n Five Pips Decoction KjFgtA wii h i tiing five proprieties [dietary requirements of the five viscera] E g wii yi five pulses wii m h i five repletions 5% wii shi Five-Seed Kidney-Supplementing Pill 5 7 +b 'R A wii zi bii shtn wan Five-Seed Pill wii zi wan E'ive-Seed Progeny Pill 6787%Ttl, wii z i y i n zdng wan Five-Seed Tangerine Peel Decoction 511 @jr f f $A wii rkn jli pi tiing five slownesses 5% wii chi Five Spirits [non-channel] 5 Z wii ling Five Spirits Decoction 5@ $& wii s h i n tiing five steamings 5% wci zhgng five stranguries [stone, qi, unctuous, taxation, and blood strangury] wii lin Five Stranguries Powder E$#g wii lin sin five superabundances and five insufficiencies jig*, hFW wii y611 yLi wii b u zli five watches p v e two hour periods of the nigh6, starting from 8 p.m.] EE wii gCng five taxations [heart, live6 ~pleen, lung, kidtxey taxation] E% wii ldo five taxations and [damage from] seven affects h % -Lt$j wii 160 q i qing five taxations and seven damages 5 %-I= 15 wfi lbo q i shiing Five Tigers [non-channel] 3iR wii h k
flame Five-Tigers-Chasing-the-Wind Powder 5 R BY,& wii hii zhui f2ng siin Five Tigers Decoction E&$$wii hii tang Five Tigers Elixir E E f i wii hii diin Five Tigers Toxin-Drawing Elixir 3iE $E Sff-wii hii bri dli diin Five Toes Point [non-channel] E Ekn wii zhi x u i Five-To-Five Elixir EEfi wii wii diin five transport points E$&flwLi shii xiii; E&'it wii shU X U & ; EjaR wii shU xi16 five unmanlinesses , p v e signs of male sterility] KF % wii b& n u n five unwomanlinesses p v e signs of female sterility] K F [;k wii 6 2 n i five vacuities EE wii XU five viscera [heart, lung, spleen, liver; and kidney] E m wii zang five viscera form humors Ej#jX$@ wfi zbng huZl yk five voices [shouting, laughtec singing, wailing, and groaning] E F wii shfizg five waters 5 7 K wii shui five wheels [qi, blood, flesh, wind, and water wheels of the eye] E$t wii Ihn Five Wiltings Decoction K @ & wii wdi tiing five wind-type internal obstructions ER rjtl BQ wii f2ng n t i zhang Five Yellows Powder 5j@ 3 wci huang s ~ n fixed $2 zhu6 fixed eyes and torpid spirit €I -la?$% m u ding shtn dai fixed heavy limbs E$$ @ $$ zhi ti zhhng zhu6 fixed impediment (bi) $+'@ zhu6 bi Fixed Impediment Empirical Formula i'f '& 3& f i zhu6 bi yan fiing flailing of the arms and legs Ei+!?#W yang sh6u zhi zh flailing of the limbs .fi%Z@l sh6u wfi z h dao flake #% bang flaker #'% Zl bang d&io flame $ yan flame upward J-$ shang ycin
flaming fire lung-stomach panting f i & A$ Ef a% hui, ycin @i wti clzuan flaring nostrils bi shin; $$ % bi zhing; +$TL?'F@ bi k6ng rub shan; @7L & 5K bi kbng shin zhang; % S Gi;;h bi yi shiin dhng; &)fi bi xian flaring nostrils and outthrust chest $!$)a %+B I bi xiin xibng ting flaring nostrils and raised chest #il$$$@j E bi shin xibng gao flash cupping lh7 tg shin gurin
flat abscess (jii) [new] 'E jU flat abscess (jii) effusion of the back 8 B fa' bti jii flat abscess (jii) of the armpit % m i jii flat abscess ( j j i i ) of the brain niio jjii flat abscess (jii) of the clavicle B@, S U gii ~ jii flat abscess ( j j i i ) of the leg 7;E+E xxih zhi shdng jii flat abscess (ju) of the lower leg /]\J@& xi60 tui ju Flat Bone (LI-15) 6@* biiin gii flat-leaved rose0 (Rosae Platyphyllae Radix et Folium) 4 $$?&shi jig mki flat or sunken phzg t i
Flat Screen (CV-1) T F#* ping yi Flat Shoulder (LT-15) 6E*biin jiin Flat Toes [non-channel]Eit F zhi ping flatulence 7;T xia qi flatus %% shi qi; X 5 shi qi flat wart & @ biin hdu Flavescent Sophora Decoction Z B @J kii shdtz tang flavescent sophora [root] @. (Sophorae kLi shdn; Zfj' Flavescentis Radix) kii gii; 3 g;t;R* kii shdn gdn; V@* yt huhi; fllJ$%* di h~uil;fllJ;l%* di h~iLii flavor 1% w2i flavor contraindications jiR$P)j% wLi W ~ sub jin flavor of medicinals ybo wki flavor predilection E % .lgll+j wLi wki pifin shi
floating flax seed' (Lini Semen) %$${Iyii ma rin; $I!@?* yii ma zi flesh rdu; m ji rou flesh [new] Bn j i Flesh-Clearing Roundworm-Quieting Decoction tsjlls 4s @J qing j i i n hui tang Flesh Cleft (BL-36) @I $15 * rou xi Flesh-Engendering Eight-Jewel Elixir jll A %-A- sheng ji b i biio d i n Flesh-Engendering Jade and Red Paste 5 ZI g sheng j i yli hbng gio Flesh-Engendering Powder z$! shdng ji siin Flesh-Engend~ringWhite Jade Plaster Y: f l Q 5 B shdng j i bhi yu gao flesh goiter m @ rou ying flesh impediment (bi) m rou bi Flesh-Moistening Paste @j B run j i gao flesh tumor m @ rou lili flesh wheel [eyelid] m$k rou 16n flesh wheel damp-heat @I $2E ?\! rou 1un shi r2 flesh wheel heat obstruction and blood rbu 16n ri zii xut yii stasis m$kf&PRa3@ flesh wheel qi vacuity m$kYj$j ro~rl~hz qi xii flesh wheel wind-heat m $2 Jil& r6u lutz fdng rk flesh wilting (wti) m @ rhu wti flesh worm @I & rou chdng Fleshy Cinnamon (BL-57) m @* rhu gui fleshy exterior f l & j i biiio fleshy protuberance before the ear T TE 2f i t r qikn qi r6u flicking stone pulse 396lbl; trin ;hi mhi float ?+fu floating fever ?%t4: fu rk floating heat ?%?& fh rk floating of yang due to yin vacuity FEiE Pa ?% yin xu yhng fLi floating pulse b??% mbi fu; ??/$? Jii mhi floating-red facial complexion @ &?%%I micitz sL. fu hdng floating redness of the cheeks @$@?%21 mihn jiri fLi hbng
floatinglsunken; clearlturbid; flowery knotweed [root] (Polygoni Mulweaklstrong; diff'useldense; moistlperished tiflori Radix) iq8-S ht shciu wii; %E4' [tenfold examination of the complexion jiao tttzg; E e * yk h i ; i;f-$*sh6u WC ( w a n g s k s h i f i ) ] ? ~ ~@~&!I, l%iE, 3 flowery knotweed stem0 (Polygoni Mul% , $95 fd chin, qing zhu6, wei shin, yk j i i o ttng; 82 tiflori Caulis) E %j$$? san tuan, zt yiio ,@* shciu wii ttng Floating White (GB-10WrlO) ?%Q fLi bai flowery vision Ijj X mh hiiii; BRIE yrin huii floating yin and yang pulses b%PFJBEI@?% flowing phlegm BY% thn liu; Y%B liLi tan mhi yin yring ju fh flowing rheum YRtk liu yin flood $Z fan flow stoppage 33 ,b& tong flooding @ @ bCng zh6ng; [new] '@ btng fluctuating Elfi T 3 qi fh bh ding; [of flooding [new] xuk beng fever] El 4% q i fb flooding and spotting [new] @ & bbdng fluctuating fever E!&g{%FZ fii r2 qi fii lb u bh ding flooding and vaginal discharge @ % bCng fluctuating generalized fever 9 $:! ,Efi dai shCn rk qi fu flooding with abdominal pain j$E% fluid 7k% shui yk xu2 bCng fu tiing . fluid collapse IZ whng jin yk flooding with clouding vision @ @H g $1jin y2 k u i siin fluid depletion xuk btng hGn an fluid ,injection therapy 7k,$t shui zhen; 7K florid canopy huh gai $tfi$5 shui zhZn liho fa' Florid Canopy (CV-20W9 f+ghuh gki fluid intake $2 yin Florid Canopy Powder +%% huh ghi s i n fluids @@ jin yk Florid Eight [non-channel] / \ ba hua flush & di; %& dhng d i Florid Six [non-channel] A liu huh flush heat ?$$?<: d i rk flossing [drug processing] $91% zhi r6ng flush phlegm ?%@ d i tiin flour mian flush stones ?$$i-;tidi shi flour and water paste mfi@mihn hh flush stubborn phlegm &?$$@@ dang d i whn thn hu wlin flour and water paste pill flusteredness & ,\lRxin hiriing Flour Gruel +&S#Z bh zh6u flying corpse XP f2i shi flour paste roasting @%$$$mibn gu6 wCi flying flag welling abscess (y6ng) E B B flow Y$ liLi xuhn qi y6ng flower E hua flying flag wind %I&)Xl, xuhn qi feng; % flowery dragon bone0 (Mastodi Ossis )XI, x&n qi fCng Fossilia Florida) & # wii hua 16ng flying gates [the lips] B fZi m t n gii; %.It&$$*qing huh 16nggii; E&B* flying pox BE f2i dhu huii 16ng gii flying squirrel's droppingso (Trogopteri Flowery Knotweed and Ginseng Beverage seu Pteromydis Excrementurn) E Z% {iJ A $A h i r t n yin wii ling zhi; B &.* yao be'n; 3% 9 & S* Flowery Knotweed Decoction i iJ8 -S %I h t hhn hho ch6ng fkn; %& g*hhn quk fkn; shbu wii tang Zjg* ling zhi Flowery' Knotweed Life-Extending Elixir flying throat B BJUEf2i yhng h6u $8 shbu wu yhn shhu &in i;f 4 Flying Tiger (TB-6) X R * fZi hii Flowery Knotweed Powder {iJ 8G 3 h i Flying Yarng (BL-58) XPB* f2i ycing shiiu wii siin
foam md foaming a t the mouth @ D ! $ kku zhbng tii mo; a D I Q $& kiiu tu brii md foamy phlegm %,& thn mh Foeniculi Fructus (fennel [fruit])E% hui xiling; kGB* tii hui xiang; y2 hui xiatzg; +$ EB*gii hui xiang; 8%" gfi xiang; BF*xiang zi; /I\ S* xi60 xiang; /J\ E* xiiio hui; /I\ %* xiiio hui xiang; ,p& g*hurii xiiing Foeniculi Fructus Carbonisatus (charred fennel [fruitla)EBS hui xiLZng trin; /I\ E S %* xi60 hui xiang tan Foeni-Gsaeci Semen (fenugreek [seed]) ;fBFE hU 1U ba; F E414 ba; 68 E* hU ba; &,lf;E* hU LU ba; S F E * ha lu bii folk medicinal R l's7 3 min jiiin yao follow @ xUn Following the Bone (GB-8) $@* shuhi @ Following the Corner (GB-8) $%* shuai jiiio fontanel xin; 1'7 xin m t n Fontanel Gate (GV-22) El 1'7' xin " mtn Fontanel Meeting (GV-22W110)$ & xin hui Fontanel-Sealing Powder $$ 3 f2ng xin sin food 7)( @ shui gii; & shi; "ifh: & yin shi food accumulation & shi ji food accumulation abdominal pain &$2 E@ shi jl fu tong food accumulation cough & $2@i DJ$ shi j i
foot food damage headache .I% & A @ shang , shi tbu tdng Food Denial Powder jj=U$$& klzi jin siin food-denying dysentery [dysenterywith inl k & ~1;; U$$ n Y 3 ability to eat] n% n %ijin @ jin kiiu li ji food depression &;fJ[J shi yu Food Depression Decoction &FJ[J@I shi yu tang food diarrhea @% shi xi2 food distention -&RE shi zhang food failing to be transformed into flesh $t-&+%j)lm yin shi bu wti j i rdu food gan $$% shi ggan Food Hole (SP-17WHO) &% shi dou food impediment (bi) &E$ shi bi food intake nA shi food malaria -&'g shi niit? Food Palace (KT-19) & g*shi gong Food Pass [non-channel]-& X shi gucTn food-phlegm &@ shi tan food reversal &J$3 shi jut food stagnating in the middle stomach shi shi zh6ng wiin; & % duct & ?$ /jZ shi zhi zhbng wiin food stagnating in the stomach duct 12% EEI +. shi zhi w2i wiin (guiin) a food stagnation &% shi zhi; @% su zhi food stagnation stomach duct pain &% jjz@ shi zhi wiin tdng h o d stroke & shi zhong food taxation gan yellowing &5f583$$ shi lho giin huang Food-Ransforming Spleen-Nourishing Decoction .It-&% I]$ @J hua shi yiing pi tang Food 'hbe (KI-19) & G* shi l i food vomiting -&UE shi iiu foot Z U ; Bt;P jiiio; At;P '( jiiio ya Foot Brightness [non-channel].2 W 26 m ing Foot Central Balance {non-channel]B $ zu zhbng ping foot damp qi [Hongkongfoot] Bt;PE5jiiio shi qi
food accumulation phlegm cough & $2% l!! shi j i trin sou food accumulation rib-side pain -13 $2jfi @ shi ji xiC tong food accumullatiow vomiting &$2 U E D I shi j i bu tu food aggregation oiii) @ @ shi pi food and drink tfh:&yin shi food cough & 0% shi k t food damage {%& shrZng shi food damage diarrhea &i% shi xi?
Foot Five Ei (LV-10) Z K 3 zh wii l i foot greater yang (thi yhizg) bladder chamnel rJaaiff )&?3zh thi yhng phng guing jifig foot greater yin (tai yin) spleen channel Z PB I@?$ zh thi yin p i jing Foot Hearing Booster [non-channel] Z &$% zh yi c6ng foot lesser yang (shao yhng) gallbladder channel .J.. ?$ zh shrio yhng d i n jing foot lesser yin (shao yin) kidney channel Z .J.. 'g ?2 zu shao yin shtn jing Foot Lesser Yin Union (KI-1) Z.J..PB&-" zci shao yin h t foot lichen (xiiin) jido xiiin footling presentation $1 P diio chiin foot m?ssage BPE j%@ jiiio d i an m6 Foot Net [non-channel] Z y zh lu6 Foot Orifice Yin (GB-44WFlO) ,@Sj P a zh qiho yin Foot Overlooking Tears (GB-41 WFIO)a rbih zh lin qi foot pain zh tong Foot Prolapse Point [non-channel] 87; s , ~ * ~ xi2 z h chui diiin foot qi sore BP5,'I-e: jiiio qi chunng foot reverting yin (jut yin) lives channel a Pa j? $9 zh juc yin grin jing foot rot gjJ$lan ji6o; E/jtP'( lrin jiiio y i Foot Valley Passage (BL-66) aB$$* zh t6ng gfi foot yang brightness Cyhng ming) stomach channel a Pa E ?$ zu yhng ming wti jing forceful gfi ydu li foscekss Z f i wh li forceless discharge of urine R 2,Z f i niao chu wh li forceless large gaping pulse ibk k T cf i mcii huo da wh li for disease sf the left, moxa the right; for disease of the right, moxa the left k,%, $ &, & @ , , & zu6 hubn jiii you, you huan jifi zutj Ford's 'newilia [leafll@ (Nerviliae Fordii Folium) $*g qing t i i n kui
forearm f;@jxia b6; bi; @ bdi forefinger &fE shi zhi; &fE shdu shi zhi; 8 f . E ci zhi; k ) E & ) E da zhi ci zhi; fk fE fi fE shdu da zhi ci zhi Foregate (GB-1) %#* qihn guin
forehead Bfl yhn; 6 ; $@Pat lh; $8 sing Forehead Center [nnn-channel] t thong Forebead Fulhess (GB-4W110)3 R hhn yan Forehead Large (ST-8) $@k" siing dZ1 foreign objects in the ear %'&AH. yi wh rh t r forest frog's uterine tnbea (Ranae Temporariae seu Amurensis Tuba Uterina) $g@h i mh y6u forest gray gum lea@ (Eucalypti Teretixi yt fin y t cornis Folium) @lUj-@D+ for evi! to encroach, qi must be vacuous ? 3 p 2 F f i g 9 $&'<&\@ xi& zhisuii cou, q i qi bi xfi forgetfdness 5 du6 whng; ' [new] E S yi wting
forgetfuhess [new] B Z xi wkng; S Z shhn wring Forking Qi [non-channel] J?5* c h i qi form [to make or become] It huh formal body fF5 I$ xing ti form and bearing %s, xing tai formation It h a formless wci xing Formosan elder@ (Sambuci Fsrmosnnae Rhizoma) f i B # mi, gfi x i i o ; -kD l - 8 ' q i yt lihn; )% @ @* ji2 gii ciio form pus chtng nbng formula fi fing; f i f f fkng l ] ji; 311ji formula composition Efi pdi fing; fiftll {5 f i n g Ji pdi wG foraanlla variation in accordance with signs BiiEfin SVsui zhdng j i i jiiin form yang with sweetness and acridity H It Pa xin g i n hua yhhg For Peasants [non-channel] xiang n6ng
Forsythia and Mint Decoction qiho h t t i n g Forsythia Drink g a t R F lihn qiao yin zi l?orsythiae Fructus (forsythia [fruit]) g fi lihn qiho; aF* da qiao zi; Q E * k6ng k t ; gfiE* lihn qiiio k t ; ?XBF' han lihn zi; SE* lihn k t Forsythiae Semen (forsythia seed) S#TJ 1L.x lihn qiho xin forsythia [fruit]' (Forsythiae Fructus) g fi lihn qiho; %a+*dh qiho zi; G%* k6ng k t ; lihn qiao k t ; ?I%%* hhn Ittin zi; B E * lihn k t Forsythia, Lonicera, and Bolbostemma Brew 1,, Lihz qido jin bti jiiin Forsythia Powder lihn qiho siin forsythia seed' (Forsythiae Semzn) BH 1L.x lihz qitio xin Forsythia Toxin-Vanquishing Powder @ ! ! 35% lihn qirio 6hi dLi s i n fortification @-! jihn fortify @ jilin Fortifying and Securing Decoction {@ H ?Z$ jian gu tang Fortifying Earth [non-channel] ifi@ di jihn fortify the center {@ $ jilin zh6ng; [the character @ occurs only in formula names] B jihn zhong fartify the spleen I@!@ jicin p i fortify the spleen and boost qi @/J@&% jihn p i yi qi fortify the spleen and course the liver @ Jl@@LIT jihn p i shi g i n fortify the spleen and disinhibit dampness @-!@ ! $J E jicin p i li shi fortify the spleen and disinhibit water @ !$ $11 7K jian p i li shui fortify the spleen and harmonize the stomach @!@ %U jian p i h t wti fortify the spleen and percolate dampness {@ @ ! @ jian p i shdn shi fortify the spleen and supplement qi @ i@;f.b9 jirin p i bfi qi fortify the spleen and supplement the blood @I@ ;f.b rfn jian p i 66 xu2
four fortify the spleen and transform phlegm @ I @.1& @ jian p i huh thn fortify the spleen, warm the kidney, and 4& @ jihn p i transform phlegm @-!j@$E'S w2n shtn hua thn fortify the stomach @-! iZj jian wti Fortify Thigh [non-channel] @/J% jian kwh forty-year-old's wrist PI si shi whn forward-staring eyes 83 R B $J! dtng mu zhi shi; B$!!J zhi shi foster B yh foster yin PJj yu yin foster yin and subdue yang BPJjBBElyh yin qihn yang foster yin to nourish yang BPJjaPElyu yin hhn yhng foul $9 hui foulage [manipulation technique] cu6
fi foul breath a ? $ $ % , E kbu qi hui 2; 9 $9 kdu qi chbu hui foulness $Y hui foul smell $3 hui chou foul-smelling diarrhea E$%$9& fu xit hui chhu foul turbidity $4 ?& hui zhud four PI si Four Agents Decoction PI@?&si wu ting Four Agents Decoction Plus Scutellaria and Coptis PI@fiU$$T%g?&si wLi j i i huhng qin huhng lihn ting Four Agents Elsholtzia Decoction PI%?!$ h % hLA si wu xiing ru yin Four Agents Wind-Dispersing Beverage PI @ $j pl, tA si wu xiao f2ng yin Four Animals Decoction PI$$tk si shbu yin four-aspect pattern identification T?E &BPiE wti qi ying xu2 bian zhtng four aspects TSBlfnwdi qi yingxud birin zhtng Four a t the Center [non-channel] IEi $ si zh6ng four bends wind PI3 pl, si w i n f2ng
four branches of medicine in the Tang ItR $4tang dai si kE Dynasty four command points PI,@,R si ziing xut four examinations PIi$ si zhtn four extremities [the limbs] PI@ si ji Four Flowers [non-channel] PIijt; si hug fourfold R si Fourfold Fullness (I
Frankincense four seasons PI8.f. si shi Four-Seven Decoction PI-k$% si qi tang Four Sides of the Umbilicus [nonchannel] AfF R 3 qi si binn four signs of fright wind ll,CjX,!El
Fraxini Cortex (ash [bark]) % B! gin pi; $ Q Ffi* qin bhi pi; %@ E*kii liLi pi; % Ffi* c6n pi; k#@f Ffi* 16 shu pi free B tong free the channels @%$ tong jing qi kuai free and easy Wow of qi free downflow @& tong jiang free flow B tong free heart yang B&,\ tong xin ybng Freeini Abduction Powder B%& tong diio siin freeing formula %fill tong ji freeing [medicinals] can eliminate stagnation [agents can eliminate stagnation] BiiJ& $ tong kii qu zhi Freeing the Grain (KI-20) 33%" t6ng gii free memstroation [new] B%? tong jirzg free milk [new] B?Lttong rii Free Passage (KT-19) 3#"t6ng guGn free qi B? tong qi free qi dynamic iljijfE~3jE.n shii tong qi qi free rib [region] 3Bf3ji 1;; %Ah ji xi6; &f j j ~jut 12 Free Ribs (LV-13) ?$jlJ~* ji It; %M* ji xi t free stasis and break binds B@@% tong yU po ji6 free strangury (lin) @ # tong lin free the bowels Bl@ tdng f6 free [the bowels] and discharge [heat] B #jtong xi;; @l@?B$& tong fii xi2 r2 free the channels and network vessels g $5?If ;;. ;cng j;;.7glz,.8 free the channels and quicken the network vessels @ %$ & $8 tong jing hub lub free the gate [jaw, bladder] 33% tong gunn tong li free the interior 33 free the network vessels B% tong Iuo free the network vessels and regulate the channels Bg83%$tong lub tiho jing free the orifices Be tong qiao free the stool 334% tong bian free the vessels @ M tong mai
frequent free the waterways EB 7kB xuin t60g shui dao free urine B@J /J\ ~EJtong li xiiio bihn Free Wanderer Powder ii3S8 xiao yho siin Free Wanderer lkichosanthes and Fritillaria Powder $G @$ & xiao yho lbu bti s&n free wood B* tang mu free yang @ ,\PB tang yhng free yang and move impediment (bi) 2 3 P g f T g tong yhng xing bi free yang and promote qi transformation B[id 5 tong yhng hua qi frenetic wing frenetic blood heat rfnf,&&B xu2 r2 whng xing frenetic blood m s v e m e t~ ~ Sf?xu2 wang xing frenetic movement f? wang xing frenetic movement sf hot bPood dn$&33T xut rt wang xing frenetic stirring S$J wang dong frenetic stirring of the ministerial fire $€I f i S3 xiang huci wang dong frehzied sesame seed pulse @1Z/l&mh cu mai frequent & shub; $3 pin; $a& pin sh~lb; shan frequent awakening from fright EI$EI.f1l,@@ shi shi jing xing frequent belching Bn,g shuo yi; n,$@$fl?F yi ai pin zub frequent blinking @ €I$%# shun mu pin tuo frequent choMng $$=@ shlin yd frequent defecation A{!,!??& da bian shuo; @&$%% bian ci pin fbn frequent desire to defecate {gg$a& bian yi pin shuo frequent dreaming $Z xi m2ng frequent erections PR2Z-E yin jing yi j6; PI @ $?, % ybng shi yi xing frequent laughing $$% shhn xiho frequent masturbation $3%! E P?gpin fdn sh6u yin
frequent frequent retching BflE x i 6u; SflE shin bu
frequent seminal emission
3 $3$3 yi
xi2 pin pin
frequent sighing S;k ,@, shun thi xi frequent urination I]\ f@$4xiiio birin shuo;
/I\ 4F$3@7xi60
bian pin shuo; Ej?B niao shuo; m$Jj niao pin; @&sbu shuo
frequent urination and defecation A/]\@
da xiiio birin shuo
frequent yawning s h xi qian; S3i: shcin qihn; cli
shuo qian;
& h 9shuh qian
fresh ! I $ xiiin fresh acorus [root] @ (Acori Rhizoma Recens) E+ 3 xintz shi chiing pii fresh asparagus [tuber] juice@ (Asparagi Tuberis Succus) gz+.j-tsh2rzg tian dbng
fresh aspidiuma (Aspidii Rhizoma Recens) !%$E f i xiiin guan zhong fresh bamboo leaf (Lophatheri Folium Recens) &+'JPj- x i i n zhLi y t fresh bamboo leaf @ (Lophatheri Folium Recens) ! % $ g f ' ~ P f - xifin dan zhil y2 fresh biota leaf@ (Biotae Folium Recens) !%$ @!J l;$ af- x i i n c t biii yL. fresh Chinese leek juice@ (Allii Tuberosi Folii Succus) !%$&%.jJr xicin jiii cai zhi fresh dendrobium [stem] @ (Dendrobii Caulis Recens) &75jij4 xian shi hLi fresh dock root0 (Rumicis Radix Recens) &$if$ il;B xian yhng t i g2n fresh duckweedo (Lemnae Herba Recens) & # @ xian fLi ping fresh ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba Recens) += Fg sh2ng mo ban lihn; Y & # @ * shdng mi, zhi ciio
fresh flowery knotweed [root] (Polygoni Multiflori Radix Recens) &E-$ xian shbu wLi fresh garden balsam@ (Impatientis Balsarninae Herba Recens) &j3,.1U1 xian ftng
fresh Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Decoction Y $$ tI #3t3J sh2ng jiang h6ng tang tang Fresh Ginger and Licorice Decoction Y $$ H S $3~shdng jiang g i n ciio tang Fresh Ginger and Pinellia Decoction & ! $$ E $6 sh2ng jiang ban xih tang Fresh Ginger Heart-Draining Decoction $$ $j ,i\ $3J sh2ng jiang xit xin tang fresh goat's [or sheep's] liver@ (Caprae seu Ovis Iecur Recens) &$B? xian yhng
fresh herb juice G$@&'#yao wu xian zhi fresh jasmine flowera (Jasmini Flos Recens) &gsirt;xian mi, li hua fresh lablab flowera (Lablab Flo? Recens) !%$&Girt; xian biiin dou huk fresh lonicera [flower] @ (Lonicerae Flos Recens) &&%RExiiin jin yin bun; !%
%$z*xian yin huZ
fresh lotus leaf@ (Nelumbinis Folium Recens) !%$% Pf- xian h i y t fresh Patus root@ (Nelumbinis Rhizoma Recens) !%$@,xiiin bu fresh lotus root node juice@ (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodi Recentis Succus) E@% -tC
7 '~ xian 6u j i i zhi
fresh Iplflt'a gourd carpium Recens) !%$ 22
(Luffae Peri-
xian si g ~ u i
fresh mugwort leaf@ (Artemisiae Argyi . Folium R'ecens) & TPt xian ni y2 fresh ophiopogon [tuber] juice@ (Ophiopogonis Tuberis Recentis Succus) &%4'
& :
shbzg mrii dong zhi;
s+.#* mhi d6ng
Fresh Bhragmites Gruel & ! p@ $8shdrzg lil g2n zhbu
fresh phragunites [root] @ (Phragmititis Rhizoma Recens) !%$if-FjFBxian lh g2n fresh phragmites [root] sap@ (Phragmititis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus) !%$Fl;R
.# xiun
1t.i g2n zhi
fresh piantago leaf@ (Plantaginis Folium Recens) gfi@QmP-txin xian ch? qihn y t ; !%$ $3a t * xian chi? qihn y t
fresh ginger@ '(Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens) sheng jiang
fresh radishe
& %E xian
(Raphani Radix Recens) lai fu; !%$ j9
/. *
xiarz lud b6
fresh rehmannia [root] @ (Rehmanniae Radix Recens) fi$fi$$ xian di huhng; !I# %f&* xiiin sheng di; !I#%@$$*xian sheng di huang fresh rehmannia [root] juice@ (Rehmanniae Radicis Recentis Succus) !!$Y f&'# xian sheng di zhi; % f&:&* shsng di zhi; %ffi$$*#* sheng di huhng zhi fresh rosin@ (Pini Resina Recens) @ ntn sdng xiiing fresh scallion white@ (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus Recens) !!$EB xitin cdng bhi fresh tender bamboo leap (Lophatheri Folium Immaturum Recens) !%$r.f U t L\ xian zhLi yt xin freshwater mussel shell@ '(unionis Concha) &$t@ tii rnii li freshwater mussel shell powder@ (Unionis Concha Pulverata) &+$jj* gt f2n freshwater snails (Cipangopaludina) H $@ ti& lud; k El&%* dli tihn lud; $$M* huhng si friction [manipulation technique] md
fi fright [one of the seven,. affects] $5 jing fright accumulation 'I,$$R ling j i fiight causes disruption of qi 'lGRIJ5%L jing zt qi luan fright convulsion ?,$$ajing chu Fright-Cooling Pill i,gJRf i liang jing win fright crying t,$S@ jing t i fright-damage rib-side pain 'R453'jah%jing shing xit thng c-:-L* A:---L..,h*."uJ. .' , h * d - Jing tl a a agaan. uaaan n a e a 1% ,F j m g xte, lz-1~0 Fright-Disinhibiting Pill $11 I',$ A li jing whn frightenable heart and timorous gallbladder I(-\I',$ BB ?& xin jing d i n qit frightened heart IZ\'I,$ xtn ling fright epilepsy 'I,$$Fj jing xihn fright fever ' k!& jing rt fright gan TSj$f jing giin fright is treated by calming EgF2 jing zht ping zhi fright mania E3E jing kuhng
F ~ Ot'sS fright palpitation jing ji fright paralysis 'I,$% jing tan fright reversal 'RR jing jut fright temerity 'I,%ling & qid fright water [a kind of water swelling] I',$ 7k jing shui fright wind jing feng frigid [old] ?$ 12ng frigidity [old] ?$ IZng Fritillaria ahd 'Ikichosanthes Powder ! I ! @$&%$$kbti rnii guii 16u sin fritillaria [bulb]' (Fritillariae Bulbus) R @ bti rnii @& bti rnii tang Fritillaria Decoction Fritillariae Bulbus (fritillaria [bulb]) R Et bti rnii Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus (Sichuan L chuan bti mii; fritillaria [bulb]@))I(!Jl E &* mtng; $$@* huhng mtng; 12 ' bki fu; 1I I fl* chudn bti Fritillariae Verticillatae Bulbus (Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb]) #ifl @ zht bti zht bti; mii; A N@* diL bti mii; #(!I?* & R * xiring bti; & fl @* xiang bti rnii frog rale in the throat I@ ?ZJ 7K % F hdu zhbng y6u shui j i shEng frontal 8%6 frontal angles $3 & t jiio frontal headache 83% 1-2 thng; %$jli% d u qihn thng; XjZjjB tdu yhn t6ng frontal region [of the head] @Ixin Front Camphorwood Gate (SP-12) 3 33 17' qiiiiz zizaizg i&iz front teeth &8 b&z chi Front Valley (SI-2Wf10) mG qihn gii frost shuang frostbite &% dhng chuang frostbitten mulberry leafa (Mori Folium Praeustum) % U t shuang sang yt; &? 3 3 P-I-* jing shuang P t * dbng sang yt; ?$ sang yt frosting [drugprocessing] % zhi shuing Frost's Descent [18th solar term] shuang jiang
fruit 5f? gu6; % shi fii-yhng pulse ~ P B / $ k fii yhng mai Fujian alisma [root] @ (Alismatis Rhizoma Fujianense) B?+iT jian zt xi.? Fujian elaeagnus rooto (Elaeagni Oldhamii Radix) B Pj-$!l]@ bhi yk ci g2n Fujian leaven0 (Massa Medicata Fermentata Fujianensis) @ 3Efl&jihn I shin qii fullness % mmiin; [physiology] Z chbng fullness and oppression in the chest and diaphragm % IZj xibng gt miin mkn fullness and oppression in the chest and stomach duct a&Jfl%% lQ xibng win (guiin) m i n mkn fullness and pain in the stomach duct and %B wiin fu miin tbng abdomen fl%E fullness below the heart IL\ T; % xin xia miin fullness, glomus, and oppression in the chest @j l:Lj xiOng m i n pi mkn fullness in the chest @j% xibng mmiin; % xibng zh6ng miin; a&J 'i4rS flE% xiOng bC zhang miin fullness in the chest and pain in the ribside @j % % xibng miin xi6 thng fullness in the neck $G@% ling xiang miin fullness of pregnancy 5% zzi miin fulminant % bao fulminant clouding @ bao hiin fulminant desertion %8# b&o tub fulminant desertion of heart qi ~ i \ P a s a # xin yang baa tub
fulminant desertion of yang qi PH5,3j$a# yhng qi bho tub; BE1 9% H yhng qi bao tub fulminant disease %% bbo bing fulminant distressing downpour % BT & bao pb xia zh& fulminant exhaustion of yin humor PJJ@ yin yt bao jit fulminant fever [heat] % 24 bbo rk fulminant flooding % S $;7; beng zhbng bizo xia; 3j$@ bao beng fulminant pain in the stomach duct and win fLi bao tbng abdomen Ej@$j$B fulminant pouring ;f$.& bao zh2 fulminant reversal S M bao juk fulminant seasonal cough B j f'j$$$ shi xing brio sbu fulminating pulse J$k% mai bao chii fume % ( g ) xiin fume and steam %% xiin zhdng fumigate I;Hqyan xiin fuming and steaming [methods of treatment] % Z xiin zhEng function Ih gbng; Ih$E gong ntng fungus 3$f xhn Funugreek Pill @)jT ;e3; hu 1u ba whn further contraction of exkernal evil B!% 31t;lP fii gin whi xi6 fusang bone &%5&~8 fh sang gii Fuuzhou ligusticum [root] @ (Ligustici R h i z ~ m aFuuzhouense) #ifii% xibng
g &-A; gOng kk
R$$ da liling jiang; R$$* Rhizoma) lihng jiang; Kg*nhn jiang galenite* (Galenitum) % qian; %%* hdi xi Ga!enite Elixir %%ff hei xi drln Galenitum (galenite) % qian; %B8* hei xi
galactorrhea [old]fl.j't $ & rrii zhizi chci; q1,j.t $ @ rii zhi zi lhu galangal fruito (Alpiniae Galangae Fruchh6ng dbu khu tus) %IE% galangal [root] (Alpiniae Galangae
(processed Galenitum Praeparatum galenitea) W#jj qiln fGn; iVl#jj* hL fGn; %#3j* xi fGn; #3j@,* fen xi Galii Herba (galiumo) / \ b i xian ciio; %@@* zhh ying yang; hR F&* xu2 jian ch6u galiumo (Galii Herba) /\ {&Sb6 xiin ciio; 2%@@* zhii yang yang; bn E B*xud jirjn ch6u Galla Halepensis (Aleppo gall) t$ & 3 mo shi zi; @ ;EiF* rnh shi zi; Z;EiFw * U shi t i ; Z&+*WU shi zi; B;EiIF* mo shi zi gallbladder RE! cla'n Gallbladder Alarm (GB -23) RH B* din mu; (GB-24) R H S * diin mu gallbladder bezoara (Bovis Vesicae Feldiin huling leae Bezoar) gallbladder channel RB%3 d i n jing gallbladder channel repletion heat 8 8 % % ?& diin jing shi r2 . Gallbladder-Clearing DampnessDisinhibiting Decoction $SflH$lJB.i% qing diin li shi tang Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction $3RB $ 2 qing diin tang Gallbladder-Clearing Fire-Draining Decoction $!f/jH$%fit% qing d i n xi? hud tang Gallbladder-Clearing Qi-Moving Decoction B R B j?%t% qiag diin xing qi tang gallbladder cough JjHD& dirl k t gallbladder disease ji3 E diin bing Gallbladder-Disinhibiting JaundiceAbating Decoction $1 RH B $5 ?% li diin tui izuiiizg Eang Gallbladder-Disinhibiting StoneIbpelling Tablet $IJJIB 8FEi )$ li diin pal shi pian gallbladder distention RHBE din zhang gallbladder fire insomnia RB A ;T; Eb diin hu6 bh wo; RH A %+El diin hu6 bu dk wo gallbladder governs decision JIB & & L& diin zhii jut duan gallbladder heat RHt?! din rd gallbladder heat profuse sleeping RS??!% I@ dnn rd du6 shui
GaUi gallbladder jaundice diin huling gallbladder lacking decisiveness RB Z TR @ diin wh jut durjn Gallbladder Point [non-channel]8 s g f l diin nliizg xu6 gallbladder pure heat JIH1@ diin &n gallbladder qli vacuity j B T @ diin qi xii gallbladder qi vacmity and temerity R H T & ?& diin qi xti qik gallllblladder qi vacuity cold RH T@% din qi xii hhn gallbladder repletion R H g din shi gallbladder temerity 8 H E d@ qik gallbladder temerity and susceptibility to din qit yi jing fright RHt& Gallbladder TWranspost (BL-19W1fO) aB& din shii gallbladder vacuity ] B E din xii gallbladder vacuity and qi temerity R B E Tf&diin xii qi qid gallbladder vacuity insomnia RH @ diin xii bu d i mihn Gallbladder-Warming Decoction RB t% w2n diin tang gallbladder wind toxin qi /lBJilZEZ 5 diin fCng dL qi Galli Albumen (egg white) %?12 ji zi blii; jLr E 3$* j i din qing; % LS I2* j i dan bhi; Q * dun bhi; 2 3$%* ji zi qing Galli Caro (chickeil) ?.$j ji rou Galli Excrementurn Album (white chicken's droppingso) %EI2 j i shi blii Galli Gigerii Endothelium (gizzard lining) Sjm & ji ndi jin; % FLf]l; g E*ji ~h r ~ h n gpi; $9,8,it,,E* j; zhrin p i ; -. --.l i- n.h---&* ji shi pi; ?.$j& F*ji h i zi; S j $ &* ji zh6ng jin Galli Iecur (chicken's liver) ?.$j jf' ji gcZn GalBi Masculini Saliva (cock's spittle) k# xi6ng ji k6u xihn Sj Galli Membrana Ovi (chicken's egg membrane) JiljZZI,Z fkng huling yi Galli Ovi Putamen (eggshell) %FE ji zi kt; g%* j i d&n kg; ?.$j LS %* j i drjn k t ; % gP E* ji luiin k t ; % f i $&* j i dun ji zi chi; @fi&* hhn dun pi; 95 3 tui; RE%*fing huhng tui
+ €la
Galli Ovum (chicken's egg) %Tj i zi gan pattern gin zhkng ' Galli Vesica Fellea (chicken's gallbladgan screen @ % gin yi der) % IB ji diin gan sore %& giin chuing Galli Vitellus (egg yolk) %T$$ j i zi gan sore of the mouth kkbu zh6ng E %* j i drin hucing; T S * zi huring; gin chuing hucing; EB*dun huring gan swelling and distention BR$#E gin galloping gan of the teeth and gum zh6ng zhang %j$f zkbu mii yri gin gan thirst @@4 gin kt; Gallus Masculinus (cock) h$k% xi6ng j i gan toxin eye j$f@ lR gan dLi yiin Gallus Osse Nigro (black-boned chicken) gao-huang ;W; E gio huang _SEfX!$ wii gii j i Gao Huang (BL-43) BE*gio huing gamboge' (Garciniae Resina) @$$ ttng Gao Huang 'Ikansport (BL-43WHO) @g huring &Tgfio huang shu gan j$f gin gaping % hub gan accumulation gin j i gaping corners of the' mouth %T M gan accumulation ascending to the eye $$f kkbu jiiio 62 bi %?!, FP,L €I gin j i shring mu gaping eyes €I R E EjII mu jing zhing yudn Gan Accumulation Powder B$R%gin j i siin gaping gums % S yh xuin; 3ERZZ ya gan consumption BE gGn lcio yin xuin lbu gan diarrhea j$fjq gin xi2 huo hub rcin gapingly empty '#% gan disease B& gin ji gaping mouth and raised shoulders % gan disease ascending to the eye B%l )6E zhing kkbu tcii jiin €I gin ji shhng mu Garciniae Oblongifoliae Fructus, Semen et Cortex (Lingnan garcinia) 7f';TqTmu gan dysentery j$fm gan li zhu zi gan fever B 44 gin ri ganodermao (Ganoderma) Z 3 ling zhi . Garciniae Resina (gamboge) B $+ ttng huring Ganoderma (ganodermao) Z 3 ling zhi garden balsame (Impatientis Balsaminae gan of the bone BB gfi gin Herba) )5titlI fing xiin; )3,{tlIB+j$i*f2ng gan of the brain J@B niio gin xiin tbu gii ciio; Q Rim* bcii fing xiin gan of the cuff $EB j$f xiu k6u gan garden balsam flower' (Impatientis Balgan of the heart JL\@ xin gin saminae Flos) )3,{tlI E fkng xiin h u i ; & RE* jin f2ng hua; t g T E* zhi jiii h u i ; gan of the kidney 'BB shin giin . )E T $&E*zhi jiii trio h u i gan of the liver RTB gin gin garden balsam roote (Impatientis Balgan of the lung I$@ fii gin saminae Radix) R{h;t'W@tzg xiin gZn gan of the mouth @f kkbu gan garden balsam seed' (Impatientis Balgan sf the nose @% bi gin sdminae Semen) 3'133ji xing ti; )3,{lh gan of the sinew %@jin gin T* fing xiin zi; & J3J E F*jin fkng hua gan of the spine B B ji giin zi gan of the spleen pi gin Gardenia and Coptis %o Matured Ingregan of the teeth and gums 3% yd giin $5 zhi lian kr dients Decoction f i g chin ting gan of the tongue bB shi gin Gardenia and Dried Ginger Decoction @3 gan of the white of the eye Q I$%% bdi jing shcng gin 57 g+hzhi zi gin jiiing ting
Gardenia Gardenia tion E $% zhi zi Gardenia
and Fermented Soybean Decoc@ ?% zhi zi chi tang; & -7 93
gardenia roote (Gardeniae Radix) LLl &
dou chi tang
gargle &&q%shu h6u garlic' (Allii Sativi Herba) da suan garlic [bulb] ' (Allii Sativi Bulbus) k S da man; ,%{3* suan ziii garlic steme (Allii Sativi Pcdunculus) S @ suhn gtng garrulousness i g g + {* yii yhn bu xi& gastric fZj wki gastric harmonization jFII fZj h t wki gastric juices E wki zhi gastro- E wki Gastrodia and Astragalus Decoction fiJ$$i
and Magnolia Bark Decoction
E PE #+ ?% zhi zi h6u po
Gardenia and ~hellodendron Decoction iFfc T Fj Q Ffi fZ$ t h i zi biii p i tang Gardenia and Rhubarb Decoction $$ ?Z$ zhi zi dh huang tkang
Gardeniae Epicarpium (gardenia husk) LLl E Ffi s h i n zhi p i Gardeniae Flos (gardenia flower) LLI &
shkan zhi hua;
zhi zi hu6
(gardenia [fruit]) LLI &F .shlzn zhi zi; 3 T * zhi zi; @ T * zhi
Gardeniae Fructus
zi; /I\ E T * xiiio zhi zi; B E T * huhng zhi zi; LLl E* s h i n zhi; iFf'cT*zhi zi; UE {I* shan zhi r t n ; LLl @ T {I* shkan zhi zi r t n ; E 4 {I* zhi zi re'n; B&'k*yuk tho
Gardeniae Frnctas Carbonisatus (charred gardenia [fruitla) LLl shan zhi tan; 3 @* h2i shan zhi; zhi zi thn; % @ T * hei zhi zi
E T E*
Gardeniae Grandiflorae Fructus (largeflowered gardenia [fruit]) 7k @ shui zhi Gardeniae Radix (gardenia root) LLl E @ shan zhi g2n;
#.T X&* zhi zi hua g2n
gardenia flower'
shan zhi hua;
(Gardeniae Flos) LL #Fj
zhi zi hug
Gardenia, Fresh Ginger, and Fermented Soybean Decoction #.4 % 333 2% zhi zi sheng j i i n g chi tang
gardenia [fruit] l (Gardeniae Fructus) 5; ZT* zhi z i ; @T*zhi zF _r&n zi; JJ\ #ij T * xiiio zhi zi; S E T * huang E* s h i n zhi; #ijT* zhi zi; LL 6 zhi zi; {I* shan zhi r t n ; LLl &?{I* shkan zhi zi r t n ; iFfc7{1* zhi zi r i n ; B t j k * yu2 fao
$$+j zhi zi r t n zhou Gardenia Gruel gardenia husk* (Gardeniae Epicarpium) LLl iFfc @ shkan zhi p i Gardenia, Licorice, and Fermented Soybean Decoction &T H S?% zhi zi gan
ciio chi tang
Gardenia Liver-Draining Decoction @ T @ JITfZ$ zhi zi qing gan tang
jFR shan zhigen; & 4 E ; f ; B * zhi zi huci: g2n
3 Xf% sh2ng ma
huhng q i tang
Gastrodia and Uncaria Beverage XJ$$$&l
tian ma g6u ttng yin
Gastrodiae Rhizoma (gastrodia [root]@) KM tian ma; %@ QP* gui dG ~ 6 ~ 71k; s
F*shui yang yu; %* dbng ping; &%* chi j i i n ; W J F M * ming t i i n ma Gastrodia Pill tian ma wan gastrodia [root]
(Gastrodiae Rhizoma)
@ EBB* gui dii y6u; 7 K S F*shui yang yu; E3* dong pkng; % 3'' chi jian; ?Jj E M * ming tian ma gastrointestinal accumulation & S $,a\ % chang w t i j i zhi gastrointestinal disharmony JEi'El F $!I chhng w t i bu h t .
Z@tian ma;
gastrointestinal harmonization iW %a & E ti60 h i chang w t i
gastrointestinal qi distention ~ a t u l e n c e ] W /&jj'g%- w2i chang zhang $ gate 1'7m t n ; # guan Gate Beam (BL-63) # g*guan liang rbng g u m wan Gate-Freeing Pill 3 # Gate-Freeing Powder B# 8 tong guan siin
Gate of Abundance (BL-37W"*(BL-51))
,52 1'7yin m t n Gate-Opening Powder f l #
kkai guan
gate tower [regian between the eye brows] quf?
qut Gate Tower Transport (BL-14) [$iJ&* GB-1OWUO (Floating White) j% $ fh bbi shii GB-11W"o (Head Orifice Yin) 16~1 Gateway to Medicine Galenite Elixir E qiao yin; (Occipital Bone) &B*zhtn 1'7 % %jA- yi m t n hei xi diin ( )* gii; (Orifice Yin (head)) gather % zdng; $ ji; R ju qiho yin (tbu); (Pillow Bone) zhtn gathering [type of abdominal mass] R ju gii gathering place of the ancestral sinews GB-12WFf0 (Completion Bone) %@ wlin [the penis] % Rj; l;fj ?$ zdng jin sub ju gii gathering place of the ancestral vessels GB-13 (Rib Bone-Hole) Jlj~jB* It licio; Z b ? zdng mhi; [the ears or eyes] ZbXFfi (Root Spirit) $ $$ btn shtn ?$ zdng mai s~ibju GB-14WFfo (Yang White) PD $ ycing bhi gathering qi [old] %- zdng qi gauze @$fi shii bh GB-lSWf10 (Head Overlooking Tears) % GBwfIOHE@ ddii jing; d i n ; B 9PE1 BE 115tk t6u fin qi; (Overlooking Tears $2 zh sh2o yang d i n jing ( % ) * fin qi (tbu) (head)) I/&~G GB-1 ( ~ o & ~ a t e3 ) #* qilin guiin; GB-16 (Arriving at Splendor) ZS* zhi (Greater Yang) APD* tai ybng; (Hind r6ng; (Eye Window) €I @ mil chuting Curve) G &* hhu qii; (Pupil Bone-Hole) GB-17W110 (Upright Construction) jEE 02 3j& t6ng zi lib0 zhtng ying GB -2W1Io (Auditory Convergence) Ufi & GB-18W110 (Spirit Support) $1 Z chtng ting hui; (Hearing Laughter) Ufi EfJ* ling ting he; (Hind Gate) G#*hhu guiin; GB-19Wr10(Brain Hollow) B&Git60 kdng; (Hinge) j(;A2"ji guiin (Temple Region) BZn* nit. rLi GB-3 (Generous Host) @=$* rbng zhii; GB-20 (House of Heat) ?$$f* rt fii; (Greater Yang) PQ* tai yring; (Guest (Wind Pool) f2ng chi King) r$•’* k t wling; (Guest-Host) r$
=$* k t zhii;
(Guest-Host-Person) r$=$
A* k t zhii rtn; (Upper Gate) I#shang guiin GB-4W1Io (Forehead Fullness) f$JiR han y an GB-5 (Marrow Center) @ sui zhijng; (Marrow Hole) ETL* sui kijng; (Rice Bite) %@* mi nit. GB-5 (Rice Bite) %I@$* m i nit; (Suspended Skull) %Pa xurin fu GB-6wflo (Suspended Tuft) S E xulin li GB-7 (Hair Curve) IQZ*qii fa; (Temporal Hairline Curve) & E qii bin GB-8 (Cricket Container) @B* shuai rdng; (Following the Bone) +@* shuai gii; (Following the Corner) +%* shuai jiiio; (Valley Lead) $@ shuhi gii GB-9 (Celestial Crossroads) &?* tiiin qu; (Celestial Hub) Zi$ tiiin chhng; (Celestial Surge) Ki$* tiiin chijng
GB-21W"O (Shoulder Well) E # jihn jing; @#* 66 jing GB-22 (Abyss Humor) y~ilinyt; (Armpit Abyss) $;Itl@ y~riinyt.; (Armpit yt mtn; (Humor Gate) $5 Gate) R[J* yt m t n ; (Spring Armpit) &@* quan quritz yt yt.; (Spring Humor) GB-23 (Gallbladder Alarm) HEX* diin m&; (Sinew Seat) $q@izht jin; (Spirit Light) $$%* shin pang GB-24 (Gallbladder Alarm) BH Z* d i n (Spirit Light) $$%* shtn guiing; m (Sun and Moon) B ri yut GB-25Wllo (Capital Gate) Z i;T-J jing mtn; (Kidney Alarm) ' W S * shtn mu; (Qi House) TR*qi fii; (Qi Transport) 5 &* qi shii GB-26wf10 (Girdling Vessel) Flbk dai mai
GB-27W"o (Fifth Pivot) hif;E wii shu
GB-28WfIO (Linking Path) %?3 wBi dao; (Outer Pivot) Sb@* wai shii GB-29wHo (Squatting Bone-Hole) E # jii liho GB-30 (Buttock Press) -ff@E* bi ya; (Divided Center) rfi* fdn zh6ng; (Hip Bone) .it%@*kuan gii; (Jumping Round) 9;gk huhn tiao; (Kneecap) @@* bin gii GB-30 (Kneecap) .itZ$Zj* bin bii; (Pivot Center) il;E rfi* shii zh6ng; (Pivot Union shii h t zh6ng; (Round Center) @&Valley) @G* huan gii; (Thigh Pivot) -ff4 @* bi shii GB-~IWHO (Wind Market) R3i fCng shi GB-32WHO (Central River) zh6ng dh GB-33 (Cold House) %$if* hail fii; (Joint Mound) SE* guan ling; (Joint Yang) X Fa* guan yhng; (Knee Yang Joint) BPa # xT ycing p a n ; (Yang Mound) Pa!%* yhng ling GB-34 (Sinews' Meeting) %&* jin hui; (Yang Mound) PO P%* ybng ling; (Yang Mound Spring) [JEIP%$?yhng ling quhn; (Yang's Mound Spring) P E l 2 P% $?* yhng zhi ling quhn GB-35 (Divergent Yang) RIJPa* bit yhng; (Leg Bone-Hole) X%* zh liho GB-35. (Leg Bone-Hole) Z B * zh liho; (Leg Hollow) ZG*zli k6ng; (Yang Intersection) 2 yhng jiao GB-36WHO (Outer Hill) S \ h wai qiii GB-37WffO (Bright Light) ;I;;% guang ming GB-38 (Parting of the Fieshj h' m' j%2 rhu; (Parting Space) %- H* f2n jian; (Severed Bone) % B * jut g6; (Yang Assistance) PB$i% yang fii GB-39 (Marrow Convergence) %+* sui hui; (Severed Bone) 're@ juB gii; (Suspended Bell) %#$ xuhn zh6ng GB-4OwHO (Hill Ruins) ZiB qiii xii; Ifi i,& qiii * xii GB-41WffO (Foot Overlooking Tears) BlE zli lin qi; (Overlooking Tears (Leg)) IB-3( ) * lin qi (zh)
generalized GB-42 (Earth Five) k&Z* di wii; (Earth di wii hui; Fivefold Convergence) (Pinched Ravine) %B*jii xi GB-43WHO (Pinched Ravine) {gtg xih xi GB-44WHO (Foot Orifice Yin) Z zh qiao yin; (Orifice Yin (foot)) BPI ( Z ) * qiao yin (zh) Geastrum (earthstar) LLI B shan xi2 gecko" (Gekko) !@& gt jid; &%* jii xii; W E * jid sht; kg&* da bi hii Gei Japonici Herba (Japanese avens) 7JC $2&J shui yhng mti Gekko (gecko) & $$) gt@ * (jid; $I ! jid xi?; &@ I! * jic? shk; Aglff* da bi hii Gekko Swinhoana (house lizard) 5ER bi hii; g*shbu g6ng; g+ F,q * pi g6ng zi; bi gong zi; g s * bi gong gelatin jiao Gelsemii Herba (yeiiow jessamine) %@7l I g6u wtn; g* yB gt; A %%* da chh yao gem 3$ zhen Gendarussae Caulis et Folium (gendarussa [stem and leafl) % @ f f 66 gii din gendarussa [stem and leafl (Gendarussae Caulis et Folium) %@ff 66 gii d i n general pattern 9 9 iiEl~% quhn shdn zh2ng hhu generalized $ 9 quhn shdn; El 9 zh6u shdn; & 9 pian shen; - 9 yi shgn; 9 shen generalized fever 9 shdn rk generalized fever with a liking for coolness 9 &! % ?$ , shdn rd xi lihng generalized heaviness 9 & shdn z h h g generalized heaviness with difficulty in B $$ shen zhhng bu turning over 9 yi zhuiin generalized impediment (bi) El @ zh6u bi generalized insensitivity 9 41 shdn bu rtn generalized pain 9 @ shen ttng; 9 %I shCn ti tong; 9 l 3% shdn jin thng; -9 yl shgn jin tong; 9 li$i sh2n thng @
generalized pain and heaviness 9 H s shcn thng $2 zhhng Generallized Pain Stasis-Expelling Decoction 9 $5 B @ & sh2n thng zhu yL1 ting generalized shaking 9 E t 2 shEn zhtn yrio generalized slimy tongue fur JIgGke'n tii generalized swelling 9 j$ shdn zh6tzg generalized twitching 9 jSiJ i& shEn riln dhng generalized vexing pain 9 #$W@ shZn ti fan tkng Generous Host (GB-3) -@&* rbng zhil genital cold PJJ ?@ yitz hhn; P R W yitz le'ng genital damp sore PJjtG'g yin shi chuing genital erosion mt& yin shi genital pain yin thng genitals PJj%[3yin 6h; PR# yin qi; P a yin; %Pa qian yin; 7;PJj xi&yin genital sore Pa% yin chuing; PJj&T& yin shEng c h ~ ~ i n g genital sweating Pat? yin hhn genital swelling PJ j$ yitz zh6ng genital welling abscess bong) 41 P R E I$ wai yin ybng zh6ng g e n h a [flower] @ (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) E Z yuan huii; %%* chi yuan; Sfe"dc yu; I:SJ& E * men t6u huii; /'iti7& E* tzao yh h ~ ~ i% i ;% E*yndn ti40 hua; it;&%* dLi yuan; X4:yuan; AGE* tbu t6ng huii Gentianae Lourei Herba cum Radice (southern gentian) 2 BHifiT lbng d i n di ding; EffiT* huh nan di ding Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix (large qin gentian [root]) %X qin jiiio; gaff* jiio; S9I*qin jiu; S m * qin zhuii; & SX*2116 qin jiio; A X * da jiiio; &fa* zu6 niil; S X Z *qin jiiio wbng Gentianae Radix (gentian [root]) fe RE! l6ng d i n ; 35 $2 JIB* ciio 16ng diin; 3&BE! S* kii 16ng d i n ciio; i & R H S * di 16ng ciio; ElP t BH* si yt d i n ; 2 E! S*ldng d i n cio; RE!@*diin ciio Gentian Liver-Draining Decoction 2 RB?% 87 ?Zi ldng diin xi2 giin tang
Ghost gentian [root] " (Gentianae Radix) fe 16ng d i n ; 32 BH* ciio lbng diin; 32 j B 3' kii lbng d i n cGo; i f i j B S * di 16ng ciio; FIDtjB* si yt diin; &jBF* 16ng d i n ciio; RB S* d i n ciio gentle formula E f i huin fing gentle moxibustion &jX!& wen h i jiii geomawcy M7K f2ng shui Geranii Herba (cranesbill) 2 &9 3 lio g ~ ~ aciio n Gels pinelllia [tuber] a (Pinelliae Tuber Ge) % % S gZ jii bar^ xi& get stuck in the throat @ g2ng getting soaked in the rain or wading through water #*m'$57k fin yii sht sh~li ghost % gui Ghost Bed (ST-4) !&,Re gui chuiing; (ST6) % E*grli chuiing Ghost Cave (PC-8) a@* gui kLS. Ghos! Endurance (LU-5) % g*g~rishhu Ghost Evil (LI-10) %!@* guixit; (ST-36) % 4P* gui xit Ghost Eye (SP-1) %BE* gui yiin Ghost Forest (GV-16) %$$*guilin; (ST6) %#* gui fin Ghost Gate (GV-22) % r-]* gui m t n ghost gate [pore] % [J gui mtn Ghost Hall (GV-23) % g ' gui tang; (LU5) %g*gui tang Ghost Heart (LU-10) %lL\* guixin; (PC7 ) /% JLX*gui xin Ghost Hole (GV-16) % 'it*gui x~rt Ghost Leg (LI-11) % B*g ~ i tui i Ghost Market (CV-23) % $igui * shi; (GV-26) %$i* gui shi Ghost Minister (LI-11) % E* gui chin Ghost Palace (GV-26) % E* gui gong Ghost Pile (SP-1) % 2*gui le'i Ghost Pillow (GV-16) gui zhtn ghost point %fi gui xut Ghost Reception Room (GV-26) %%E* gui k t ting Ghost Road (BL-62) gui 1;; (PC5) %%* gui l i ~ ;(PC-8) %%* gui l i ~
gui fEng Ghost Seal [non-channel] Ghost Sincerity (LU-11) %{$* guixin ghost spirit % 8 gui shin Ghost Store (CV-1) gui cring ghost talk %is gui yii Giant Bone-Hole (TB-23) Ej@* ju lirio giant hypericumO (Hyperici Ascyronis Herba) g 1 F B hbng hhn lirin giant typhonium tuber@ (Typhonii Gigantei Tuber) ;$ B Nrf yii brii fu ginger' (Zingiberis ~ h i z o m a )$$ jiing; t&+* di xin; $$Z*biii la yhn; SIq* jiang ziii Ginger and Aconite Decoction SM$$3 jing I fu tang Ginger and Aconite Four Agents Decoction $$Nf e4 $9~ @J jiang fu si wii tang Ginger and Poria (Hoelen) Gruel $2$$#$ shen ling zhdu ginger juice' (Zingiberis Rhizomatis Succus) $$-# jiang zhi; & %:&* xian sheng jiang zhi; $$ :&* shEng ji6ng zhi Gingerless Clove and Persimmon Powder @ &% shi qirin siin ginger mix-frying 8%jibng zhi ginger [-processed] pinellia [tuber] (Pinelliae Tuber cum Zingibere Praeparatum) $$ B jiing blin xili; $$ E*jiang xia ginger skin' (Zingiberis Rhizomatis Cortex) $$ Fji jiang pi; g $$ &* shpng jiang sheng jiang yi pi; $$ Gingseng Radix Rubra (red ginsengo) * hi)ng r&n h e n tT 3 .c?&g &YE; $1A, , Ginkgo Folium (ginkgo leafa) B S P l - bai gu6 y2 ginkgo leaf0 (Ginkgo Folium) EIZ P t bai gu6 yt ginkgo [nut] ' (Ginkgo Semen) $ % brii gu6; Z I W * ling yiin; $ %{I* brii gu6 rtn; 8 58 bhi gu6 rhu; '5Rg* yin xing; fi? & m* yin xing rou; @+E EQ* fb zhi jiii ginkgo poisoning B !$! fit % bhi gu6 zhong dLi Ginkgo Semen (ginkgo [nut]) Q % brii gu6; Z IIW*ling yiin; B ZII* bhi pu6 rin;
+ a*
8 %@J*bhi gub rhu; BS* yin xing; '5R rbu; +#tE F* fb zhi jiii ginseng' (Ginseng Radix) A S rin shen; A w j * rin xirin; *$$?* tci jing; i..f g*
8m* yin xing
d6ng yang shen; $$IS* shin ciio Ginseng, Aconite, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction $3 M$fi $f $51shen fu lbng mii tang ginseng adventitious root' (Ginseng Radix Adventitia) ,A % & rtn shen tiao Ginseng and Aconite Decoction A % N r f T J@ rin shZn f2 zi tang; $3 Nrf $5 shEn fu t6ng Ginseng and Astragalus Powder A S 3$ B$& rin shen huLing qi siin Ginseng and Astragalus StomachQuieting Powder X s fZj 3 shen qi an wtj siin Ginseng and Coptis Food Denial Decoction S -7f- I@$51sshtvl lirin kai jirz tang Ginseng and Gecko Powder A 2? @$$I,& rin sh2n gi jii siin Ginseng and Perilla Beverage $Xt$ shen U s yin Ginseng and Schisandra Decoction A %$ j'i* 7$% rin shPn wii wki zi tang Ginseng and Tangkuei Qi-Infusing Decoc9$% she11gui chtng qi tang tion $2 Ginseng and Velvet Deerhorn Health Pill 3 PSJtLsh2n rbng wii shZng wcin Ginseng and Walnut Decoction A GI & $& rtn shen hci trio tGng Ginseng and Young Deerhorn Root-
c--.--:-~ c ~ amng u an r:m asa
%+!= , --- m u+ ~ t .,+ -n
~r"-re ~ .-Lnm
~ A 6 m n0 n;r -
7 V
b2n wan Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Decoction (Pill) ,A $%%& ( rin shCn yiing rbng tang wrin Ginseng Decoction A $3 $%rin shdn trZng Ginseng Engendering 'Ikansformation Decoction fin g 4& $31jia shen shdng hua tang Ginseng Flos (ginseng flower) A s E r& shen huh ginseng flower' (Ginseng Flos) A S E rin shen hua
Ginseng Folium (ginseng leaf) A $ U t rin shEn yk Ginseng Fructus (ginseng fruit) A S3 rin shen zi ginseng fruite (Ginseng Fructus) A ST rtn sh2n zi Ginseng-Gecko Powder $ &+&shCn gi siin Ginseng Heart-Draining Decoction A @ E&$Jrin shCn xi; xin tiing ginseng l e a p (Ginseng Folium) A SDlrin shCn yh Ginseng, Poria (Hoelen), and Ovate Atractylodes Powder S T B $ & shen ling brii zhLi siin Ginseng Radix (ginseng) A $3 rin shen; A Gj* rin xian; A* tii jing; 5 # S* ddng ycing shen; ;t.$ q*shin c i o Ginseng Radix Adventitia (ginseng adventitious root) A $ % rtn sh2n tiho Ginseng Radix Alba (white ginsengo) Q S bbi sheYl Ginseng Radix Coreensis (Korean ginseng [root]@) jji? $ gio li sh2n; @@$ $* chdo xiiin shen Ginseng Radix Ferum (wild ginseng) % LLI $2 ye' shan shZn Ginseng Radix Manchuriensis (Manchurian ginseng [root]@) jj? AL S ddng bZi shEn Ginseng Radix Tenuis (fibrous ginseng shCn root@) A S$a rin sh2n xii; $ xu Ginseng Rhizoma (ginseng top) A $P rin sh2n lri (Ginseng Root-Securing Pill A S & A rin shen g3 be'n wan Ginseng Spleen-Arousing Pill A SE a$ A rin shen qi pi wan Ginseng Spleen-Fortifying Pill A S #j$ A rin sh2n jihn pi wan Ginseng, Tangkuei, and Peony Powder S $3 $& rin sh2n dnng shao siin ginseng tope (Ginseng Rhizoma) A SF rin shCn lri Ginseng Tops Beverage 9FtA sshzn lu ybl
Gledi tsiae Ginseng
oxi in-vanquishing Powder A $
ES$&rin shen bki dri siin Ginseng White Tiger Decoction A S i;R t& rin shen bai hhii tiing Ginseng With Gecko Powder $&$&sh2n jik siin girdle ?+7 dai girdling dragon $Ej&chuan yiio lbng girdling fire cinnabar @HA -A- chhn yno hub diin girdling snake cinnabar @H@e chcin yiio sht diin girdling vessel %Bk dhi mai Girdling Vessel (GB-26Wflo) e b k dai mai GIV ?+7/$k dhi mhi Give Yang (BL-59) I.f-PEl* f3 yring gizzard lininge (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) s m & j i nt?i jin; sjj$mBTfi*j i zhiin huling pi; %jj%B*ji zhiin pi; %-& &* j f e i p i ; %eT* j i h i zi; %$&* j i zh6ng jln glabella qut?; $ qut?zhdng; EP 9yin tang glans penis m& yin tbu; @,&gul tbu glass cup @ F$, $lk bd li guan glass jar tlF&%#fii guiing kbu bd liping glauberitee (Gypsum seu Calcitum) %7k 6 hcin shui shi; Q 7k;ti* bhi shui shi; 2 j 7k ling shui shi; 7kz* shui shi; bk ;ti* bing shi; &$t*ycin zhe'n; &@* yhn g2n glaucescent fissistigma [root] (Fissistigmatis Glaucescentis Radix) 2!, @@ wii gii ting . glechomae (Glechomae Herba) lirin qihn ciio Glechomae Grandis Herba (greater ground ivy) R@& hhii yiio huring Glechomae Hederaceae Herba (ground ivy@)
[email protected] thu ghi xiiio Glechomae Herba (glechomao) %F lihn qidn ciio Gleditsiae Fructus (gleditsia [fruit]@) -9 % zao jih; k-9%* da zao jib; K g % * chhng zao jia; 45 - !@J * chhng zho jiio; k -9@J * da zuo jiiio; -9#j * zbo jiiio
Gleditsiae Fructus Parvus (small gleditsia [fruitla) 38% - ! zhii yri zcio; 5fS':yri zho; %%-Q%* zhii yri ziio'jiiio Gleditsiae Spina (gleditsia thorna) -9% $11 zbo j i i o ci; -!$1]%: zbo ci; *T* tiiitz ding; k ffJ j?j* da j i i o ci; -9fB ++* zho j i i o zao I* jib ci; ffJ j?d* jiiio ci zhen; S!-Xj?I gleditsia [fruit] a (Gleditsiae Fructus) -9 w zao jib; A S S * da zao jib; #-%%* clzlitzg zao jiri; +$-@ Wj * chdng zao jiiio; k -9%* dh zao jicio; S #j"zlio jiiio Gleditsia Fruit Pill zho jiri wrin gleditsia thorna (Gleditsiae Spina) -9 ffJ $11 zcio jicio ci; 2 $I]* zao ci; % T;':tiiin ding; ta jiij': dh j i i o ci; -9 ffi M':zcio jiiio zlzEtz; -% !' $q* zrio jiu ci; Wj ,$I]* jiiio ci Glehniae Radix (glehnia [rootla) ;IL?$ 2% b i i shii sherz; & # 2%" hiii shii shen; $fi % 2%" yiiz tirio shgi~;-3f g * lrii yriizg shZtz; Z?$S*licio shii slzZn; %!g%tR* yZ xiiing ciii gZn; B;IL?P$3" zhen-bi.i sha shen glehnia [root] a (Glehniae Radix) ;IL?$ $3 bZi shii shZtz; :&?$g* hiii shii sherz; +E% S* yin tiho shen; %BEIS* lrii yring sh2n; j??$ $3': lirio shii shen; gg$@* yi. xiring crti gen; ;lL ?$@* zhet~b i i shii sherz globe amaranth [flower and root]' (Gomphrenae Flos seu Radix) -7- 21 qian ri hdng globeflower' (Trollii Flos) & - g i g jin lian LILT. . Glnrhidinni Erinca-pi Radix (wnollyfruited glochidion root) k 4&@ qi dh gii gZn Glochidionis Eriocarpi Ramulus et Folium (woolly-fruited glochidion [twig and leaf]) & k h;f q i da gii Glochidionis Puberi Radix (Chinese , glochidion root) $$&T;t;R suan prin zi 9 FA* zh6u shen s6ng gZn; glomerisa (Glomeris) $8iri & gLin shin chdrzg Glomeris (glomerisa) $2iri & gLin shin chdng gloinus B , r p i 4
Glycines glomus and distention in the stomach duct B$E{%AEw i n p i zu6 zhang glomus and fullness E%p i m i n glomus and oppression in the chest and stomach duct JfQj$EI;q xi6ng wiin (guiin) p i mttz glomus below the heart ,L\ TE xin xi& p i glomus blockage E%p i siii GBomus-Dispersing Asafetida Bill #j %pq xiao p i 2 wti wrin glomus, fdlness, and discomfort E % T .fft p i mcin bC kuiii glomus in the chest @J%xi6ng pi glornus qi ET p i qi Glomus Root [non-chntznel] E @ p i gZn Glorious Yang (KI-7) E pH* chnng yring glossogynea (Glossogynes Herba) B % xiiivtg ril; LLJ$IF" shiin shdn ziii GBossogynes Herba (glossogynea) B %I xiiing rLi; LLJ2% IF* shiin shen zcii glossy tfj hub glossy scalp wind tEBR ydu f2ng glossy tongue fur $BS huh tiii; S?B tai huri glow i% shu6 glue A? jiiio gluey Jf? jiiio . gluey sensation in the mouth cIP @A? k6u zh6ng ru jiiio glutinous adenosmaa (Adenosmatis Glutinosi Herba) %@g mrio sht xiGtzg glutinous rice@ (Oryzae Glutinosae Sem o m \ "'"X.,
.,'YMT *
Glutinous Rice and Ass Hide Glue Gruel #% P@J j? $8nu6 m i 2 jiiio zh6u glutinous rice flour@ (Oryzae Glutinosae Farina) VG *W nu6 m i f i n glutinous rice rooto (Oryzae Glutinosae Rhizoma et Radix) #%$"uR?$j nu6 duo gZn xu; @ tR 5B*dao gZn xii; #% $G tR* nu6 drio gZn Glycines Semen Atrum (black soybean@) %A g hei da doll; % 3*hei dou Glycines Semen Fermentatum Insulsum (fermented soybean (unsalted)@)$2 3@ dan dou chi; $3=@* dhn don shi
goat-ear elecampane@ (Inulae Cappae Herba) $ 88 bhi niLi d i n ; Ir; B* dri li huhng goat [or sheep] meat* (Caprae seu Ovis Caro) $ m yhng rou Goat's Bone Gruel *ff $8yhng gii zhbu goat's hair sore F%'& yhng rnho chuing Goat's Liver Pill FJjT fi yhng giin whn goat's [or sheep's] bones* (Caprae seu Ovis 0 s ) T ff yhng gii goat's [or sheep's] butter* (Caprae seu yhng sii Ovis Byturum) goat's [or sheep's] gallbladder* (Caprae yhng diin seu Ovis Vesica Fellea) goat's [or sheep's] kidneye (Caprae seu Ovis Renes) F'E yhng shtn; TEF* yhng yiio zi Glycyrrhizae Radix (licorice [root]) I39 goat's [or sheep's] liver* (Caprae seu giin ciio; +$?$I* m t i ciio; g g * mi ciio; Ovis Iecur) * j T yrirzg giin @H*mi giin; f$/@F* tihn g2n zi; +$$* goat's [or sheep's] thyroid gland* 2* gub 120; W$l* fgn ciio bang ciio; (Caprae seu Ovis Glandula Thyroidea) Glycyrrhizae Radix Cruda (raw licorice 3E7 ykng yk [root]) g j c t S sh2ng giin ciio goat's whiskers sore T5n 55 yhng xii Glycyrrhizae Radix cum Excremento Hochuiing minis P (licorice in human feces@) Goddess Decoction (Powder) k @ & ( 8 B* giin zhbng huring ) n; shin tiing siin Glycyrrhizae Radix cum Excremento Hogoing alone [7 relations; ability of an agent minis Praeparatum (licorice in human to be used alone, e.g., ginseng] $17 d i n xing feces@) A B r i n zhbng huhng Glycyrrhizae Radix Rasa (shaved licorice goiter @@ ying liLi; @ ying; @5 y h g qi [root]@)$5jw3 f21z giin ciio Goiter-Dispersing Decoction # @! ?% xiiio ying tang Glycyrrhizae Radix Resinosa (resinous goiters and tumors of the neck @@ ying licorice root@) @ 9 Pgiin c i o j i i lib Glycyrrhizae Radix 'Penuis (fine licorice golde (Aurum) $542 huring jin gan ciio shao; Hgaih* root@) Golden Coffer Kidney Qi Pill & E ' B 5 . giin ciio shiio itL jin g~rishtn qi whz gm fi 5 g0ng k t golden hair grass0 (Pogonatheri Herba) Gnaphalii Affinis I-Ierba (cudweed) El$%' %{Tgbi ziii ciio; 33%$l* miio mho ciio; $ shii qfi ciio % $l* hurirzg mrio ciio; & i2 S*jin si Gnaphalii Uliginosi Herba (marsh ciio cudweedo) ?Z EI@ S shi shii qfi ciio; E golden hairpin dendrobium [stem] I@ 9*shii qL1 ciio $$ $* shii qLi ciio; (Dendrobii Nobilis Caulis) 42 fst jin Gneti Parvifolii Caulis et Folium seu chn'i hil; &a;Eifst* jin chiii shi hLi Radix (joint fir) XJ$$Emiii ma ting Golden Liquid [noit-channel] &@ jin jin go 23 qu Golden Lock Essence-Securing Pill &@? jin su6 gil jirtg whtt Goat Arrow (LV-12) Tg"yhng shi H
Glycines Semen Germinaturn Exsiccatum (dried soybean sprout@) A HB% da dou huhng juiin; Ir;g%* da dou 66; B %* huhng juiin; %%* juiin 66; B%E* huhng juiin p i ; ZB%* dou huhng judn; dou n i i ; E@*shu 66; jig%* dh dou juiin; A GBG* dh dou huhng juiin; E%* dou juiin; ?$gg*qing dou juiin; E@* dbu n i i Glycines seu Sojae Testa (bean seed-coat) $$/g;i?T 16 dhu yi Glycines Testa Atra (black soybean seedcoat@) WAG& hhei dLi dou pi; NZ;i?T* liao dou yi Glycyri-hizae Radicis Cortex (licorice 3 g i n ciio p i root skin) H S j
~ s *
Golden Mirror Chubby Child Pill &%he! JLA jin jian fti t r wan Golden Mountain bovine bezoara (Bovis Bezoar Non-Chinense) & LLI g jin shan niLi huang Golden Three Decoction S&?$J s i n jin tang Golden Toad Pill & @ A jin chcin wan
Gossypii Herbacei Radix seu Radicis Cormibn hud g2n tex (cotton root) $@Eta gourd A gua gourd-bearing flowing phlegm tfi @ 26 A liLi tan jit gua gourd tongue 3%ppcio sht govern Z zhii governing & zhii golden well [pupil] & # jin jing governing complexion Z& zhii sk Golden Yellow Paste &S B jin huling gao governings of the five viscera 3i F.Fi 2 Golden Yellow Powder &S+&jin huLing wii zang sud zhii siin Governing Transport (BL-16Wr10) B & gold leap (Auri Lamina) &Y& jin 66; B dfi shii &* fei jin governing vessel @lbk dfi mbi Gold leaf Heart-Settling Pill & 76 % JLXA governor & zhii jin bb zhkn xin wcin gs fi2 g6ng kZ Gomphrenae Flos seu Radix (globe amagrabbing [type of spasm] f$$ nu6 ranth [flower and root]) f EI 21 qiin ri graciliflora [root] (Stephaniae Gracilhbng iflorae Radix) -2% yi win qihn Gone-In-One-Sweep -El % y i siio piing grade & pin gong [note of spleen-earth] gong gradual hearing loss %S1@3 jian jin good S shhn xing Zr lbng good a t shan grain gii goose fiq t grain and water 7R 8 shui gii goose-claw ill-wind j k ! ! j m R 6 zhiio f&g grain and water dysentery 7K 8 shui gii li goose-claw wind [same as ashen nail, E grain and water qi 7K 829 shui gii zhi #E Y hui zhi jig] jk4fl t zhiio f2ng 4 goose flesh jjJlR&Zgj i fii su qi Grain Bone-Hole (LI-19Wu0)?FjB h i licio; goose-foot wind I!& S R d zhring fgng (TB-22) #! * h i licio goose-mouth sore E9 '& t kdu chudng Grain Connection (KI-2) B 8't6ng gii goose mouth sore in children /J\ JLJkE, grain distention gfi zhang xi60 t r i kciu grainF:! sso/gr'57-1 /j\ % , ,%& goose xhroac scone5 (Baianopiiyll~aseu Grain Gate (ST-2) 8 T I * gii m t n Stalactitum) E4B;Ei i guiin shi Grain in Ear [9th solar term] 7 58 mdng goral horn* (Naemorhedi Goral Cornu) zh6tzg LLIT $fj shan yhng jiiio grain qi 8% gii qi Gossypii Exocarpium (cotton hull) i(;@E Grain Rain [6th solar term] 8Flj gii yii E mian hud k t grain spirit @-+$ ggi shin Gossypii Pilus Seminis (cotton wool) #$ grain taxation 8% gii lao E mian hua Gossypii Semen (cotton seed) i(;@ET gram fik g6ng k2 Granary [non-channel] & & shi ciing m i h huii zi; $ i(;%ET* ciic mi& huii zi Granati Flos (pomegranate flower) 6% .Gossypii Seminis Oleum (cottonseed oil) E shi liu hlli $6 mian zi y6u
Granati Pericarpium (pomegranate rind) Great Central Pole (CV-4) A @" rlir zh6ng j i 5 @ & shi lih p i ; %* shi lih k t ; @ Great Cold [24th solar term] A % dh hrin ;ti@&* s ~ u i nshi lih p i ; % 5 @ X E *an shi lid shi k t ; E@ffi* s ~ ~ i lih i n pi; great conglomeration oib) diarrhea A @ Ffi* x i lih p i ?tE dh jiii xi2 Granati Radicis Cortex (pomegranate Great Creation Pill da zao whn root bark) ;ti@+R ffi shi liil gZn p i great diarrhea A jEj da xi2 grandchild network vessel flit& sLln l ~ ~ b great draining needling [one of the nine needling methods] A ?%$I] da xi2 ci grandchild vessel Mi/$$,sun mhi Great Embracement (SP-21W1lo)h dh grand cleft [nasolabial groove] E ju biio f2n greater A thi; k thi grande piqQre E$ljju ci greater abdomen A @ dh fu Granorum Saccharon (malt sugar) t$% greater convenience A @ dh birin yi thng; $A$%* aiiitz tritzg; ?$&* mhi yh greater ginseng [root] (Panacis Majoris thng; @$$' jiiio yi 5-t= zhh j i t san q i Rhizoma) /r.fP Granorum Spiritus Incolor (white greater ground ivy0 (Glechomae Grandis liquor@) B brii jzfi; 8 7' brii giitz; Herba) I f i , @ f l $ hii yiio huring D Ti@* bhi giin jifi Greater Pectoral Muscle [non-channel] granulated sugar' (Saccharon Granulaj$ A jjl, xi6ng [la j i ' * thng tum) t$$E sha tring; T J ~ $sha greater selaginella@ (Selaginellae Doedgrape epidemic @ @'Eph tho yi erleinii Herba) A U " r dh yd chi; LLI grasping [manip~~latiotz technique] $$* s h i n biiin 6 2 ; LLJ tgg* shan gun ciio; na fii ;ti $Q* shi shhng 66; ;Eikif'Q* shi shhng biii Grasping the Wind (S1-12Wff0)%H bing Greater Yang [non-channel] A Pa thi yhng; f% (GB-1) %PI* tai yhng; (GB-3) APEl* grass 3 ciio thi yhng grasshopper' (Oxya) fi$g zhiz mgng greater yang (thi yhng) dis'ease ki;BElgtiri grate $% CLIO;hFq CLLO yhng bing gray E hiii greater yang (thi yring) is the opening k gray-black tongue fur d.S E$+ shb tni Pa 3f f thi yhng wti kiii h ~ ihi3 i tai yhng greater yang (chi yhng) A graying of the hair B E bh1 fi; 2 B fh greater yang (thi yhng) and lesser yang Ohi (shho yhng) combination disease A P I 'J.' gray tongue fur tiil hui; h i l l tiii PH 6 thi yhng shho yhng h t bing; k Pi3 gray vernoniaO (Vernoniae Cinereae % $IS1-&% thi yling yfi shho yring h t bing Herba) f A % S shiing hhn ciio; Dt%$" greater yang (thi yhng) and yang brightyt. xiiitzg mu; @ LLI [R' xlno shnn hfi ness bring mitzg) combination disease gray wikstroemia [flower] (WikBE3 5 P I % -&@ rhi yring yfi yhng mitzg hi stroemiae Canescentis Flos) Z E yho bitzg hllii greater yang (thi yring) blood amassment great A dh A P I & thi yhng xu2 xu2 Great Abyss (LU-9Wf9 A#.Jthi yiilln greater yang (tlii yhng) bowel disease hGreat Bladder (SP-21) AjE* dh bno PEf Rlfif% thi yhng ffi bing Great Bone (LI-16fv"O) @ @ jji~gfi greater yang (thi yhng) channel disease A Great Bone-Hole (ST-3hvif0)EflP jil lirio PF3 22 % thi yring jing bitzg
greater yang (tai yring) cold damage ;kPB .1% % tai ycing shang hcin greater yang (tai ydng) damp-heat ?& tai yhng shi r t greater yang (tai yang) exterior pattern A PB 55 iE tai ycing bziio zhtng greater yang (tai ybng) has copious blood and scant qi & 95, tai yhng dud xu2 shiio qi greater yang (tai yring) heat distressing the large intestine k P B ? & B k B tai ycing r t po da chring greater yang (tai yang) heat evil distressing the lung PR f& filP-;E;1B i f j tai yhng r t xik po f2i greater yang (tai yang) heat harassing the chest and diaphragm A ?kh'i-lQBE tai yhng r? riio xidng gk greater yang (thi yring) water amassment k Pi3 7k thi ybng xu shui greater yang (tai ybng) wind stroke ABEf @ H tai yhng zhhng feng Greater Yin (SP-6) Pa* tai yin Greater Yin Connection (SP-7) PJ %&* tdi yinlub Greater Yin Inner Market (SP-11) ll;J $itai * yin n t i shi greater yin (shao yin) headache A IJa A% thi yin tbu thng Greater Yin Springing [non-channel] A PJ B tai yin qiao greater yin (tai yin) A tai yin greater yin (tai yin) disease APa* tai yin bing . . .. greater yin (tai yin) has copious qi and scant blood PJlg 59 & tGi yin dud qi shiio xu2 Great Favorableness (Lv-1) A jlm* da shun Great Feather (GV-18) A gs3* da yii great fever A fit da rt great fever and chills @ ?4\ ji !$ h h n rk da zuo . great fire qi A T k hu6 qi du Great Gate [non-channel] A 17 da m k n Great Gigantic (ST-27W110)k E da ju
Great Great Goblet (KI-4) k@* thi zhdng great governor da zhii great granary *-& tai cang Great Hammer (GV-14WHO) k &da zhui Great Heat [12th solar term] da shii
great heat in the qi aspect 59k qi f8n clri r8 Great Hollow (ST-37) EE*ju xii Great Horizontal (SP-15W1IO) @$ dri hkng greatly supplement qi and blood A +b 5 bn da bii qi xu8 Great Manifestation (KI-12W110)k $3 da h8 Great Metropolis [non-channel] A @ da dii; (SP-2W9 A %P d a dii Great Mound (PC-7W110)k P% d a ling great needling [one of the nine needling methods] E!j?llju ci great network vessel da luo great network vessel of the spleen l q 2 A g8 p i z h i da luo great network vessel of the stomach W 2. k $8 wti z h i da luo great numbing wind k @ N da mci f2ng great penetrating vessel [OW]Ailpb3 tai chdng mai Great Place (BL-5) E ju chu Great Prohibition (LI-13) jig*da jin great qi A T da qi Great Ravine (I<1-3W110) k ? g tai x i i;rear Receprion (ST-j+'F;"j k& u'& yiizg re& Rectifying Powder k j l R & da shun siin Great Reservoir (CV-4) AIM* d a k u n Great Rock Honey Decoction A @.i% dai yhn m i tang Great Sea (CV-4) A @ * da hiii great seminal discharge @ % A # jing yk dri xit Great Shuttle (BL-llW1lO)A @ da zhu Great Snow [21st solar term] k Z da xu2 Great Spring (LU-9) A % * tai quan
great great sweating
da hiin; [in externally contracted febrile disease] A ?T dh hhtz chii great thirst k ?% kbu dh ke' Great Thoroughfare (LV-3) #* thi ch6ng
great thoroughfare vessel
[new] f
thi ch6tzg mai
Great Tower Gate Point [notz-channel] E qut shl2
Great a'ranquility Pill k 9A dh iin wtin grfat vexation and thirst k@?E dh ftin ke
Great Void Wondrous Atractylodes Powder k X @ z ; ; . k thi wu shin zhh s i n great vomiting A n ! dh ti1 Great Wheel [non-channel] A +Q dh lLin great wind A H (la f2ng great wind lai ARB dh f2ng lhi Great Yin (LV-6) A Pa* dh yitz; (SP-6)
A PB* dh yin green 9% 16 green-blue [color associated with liver-
green-blue as the color of new shoots of $1 Z qing rh ciio zi grass green-blue complexion 2%ffi qing Green-Blue-Draining Half-and-Half Pill
is tj$ +$ +t% xik qiizg gk
ban tnng
Green-Blue-Draining Pill i3EA xit qitzg whn
green-blue facial complexion
@@e mihn
st qing
green-blue facial complexion with gray tinge @&jEjm E mihn st. qing t r h u i green-blue mark 2 qitzg ji green-blue or purple jEj% qifzg zi green-blue or purple facial complexion
&$% mihn st qing zi green-blue or purple lips qing zi;
B 2%kbu
EE% chhn,
chhn qing zi
green-blue or purple lips and nails
chhn jiii qittg zi
green-blue or purple macules E%G3 qing -.
zi biin
green-blue or purple rings around the H % yiin quitz qing zi eyes €I@ green-blue or purple tongue g W % sht qing zi
Green-Blue Spirit (HT-2'"'O)
great toe k ,?kdh zhi; Z *$It zLi da zhi Great Tower Gate (CV-14U'1fO)E (RiJ ju
W -$jjii
Green-Blue Spirit Spring
green-blue tongue dg sht qing Green-Blue Unicorn Pill qing lin whn
green-blue vaginal discharge % T 3 dhi xi; qing;
3%qing (far
(green-blue) veins on the belly
dil shang qing jin
green-blue wind g R qing fZng green-blue wind internal obstruction 2
Thl )JEqing ft'ng
Green Copper Rust Powder FR%& t6ng 1; siin green herbs j E j 9 qing crio cui yu g5o Green Jade Plaster green-leg gan of the tooth and gum BE
5f B
qing tui yb g i n
green teae (Theae Folium Non Fermentatum) 93% l i chri green water pouring into the eye %7Rt4
lh shui guan zhll
green wind 1; fing Green Wind Antelope Horn Beverage @
fl$$ t A 1; f2ng ling yrincirzg yin green wind internal obstruction @H[l;l @ lu fitzg n t i zhhng grief 2 i t grime &i ghu grimy iG go11 grimy facial complexion jlii i& mian ghu grimy sloppy stool k@!$jiG dh bihn tcing gou
grimy tongue fur
(HT-2) S Z
% , * qing ling quritz
ghii tdi;
yrin m6; @ trz6; I@ niiin
grind [the teeth] 1% nit growth in the ear B +$ R tr nti zhiing ri,u grind and apply mixed H Z iW% yhn m6 tiho fii gruel $8zhbu; Gtfi xi fan grind and apply mixed with oil HZ$&% Gnyllotalpa (mole cricket) $@k& 16u gii; !@ yhn m6 y6u tiho ffi @&* sht L6u grind finely H y& gu E5 gii grinding of teeth @% gh chi Guajavae Folium (guava leaf) kt grinding of the teeth @!$ yiio yh; Rij& fhn shi liLi yt nit chi; ftjf$$ chi xi;; & xi2 chi Guarding Jade Spring [non-channel]49 grind to a fine powder 29% wti xi mi, 3,%* xi6 yu quhn grind to a powder H% yhn m6; %% wti Guarding White (LU-4J+f'10) 4% $ xi6 bdi mb guasha %I]@ guh shh grind to a rough powder wii cii guava leap (Guajavae Folium) &F@j mi, grind with vinegar #$@ cci m6 Dl- fhn shi liu y2 grind with water 7k@ shui m6 gu distention %A& gii zhang grind with wine $j@ jiii m6 ganeldewstaedtiaa (Gueldenstaedtiae gripping pain 22% jiiio t6ng . Herba cum Radice) H f & Ttidn di ding; %tf%j&T* mikdu daididing; b f ~ gripping pain below the umbilicus fiT %3%qi xia jiiio thng T* lu6 b6 di ding gripping pain in the abdomen E $I$%% Gueldenstaedtiae Herba cum Radice (gueldenstaedtiaa) W f L T tidn di ding; fu zhbng jiiio ti,ng % %i;rL T* mi kdu dai di ding; F b ffi grit 69 shh T* lu6 66 di ding groaning a$ @ shen yin; [voice of the guest % kt kidney] a$ shen Guest-Host (GB-3) r$&* k? zhii groin Pa )$$ yin gii; EL@ shfi xi grooved spikemossa (Selaginellae MoelGuest-Host-Person (GB-3) & A* k2 lendorffii Herba) ftj @ @ di biii zhi zhii rin groping in the air BG cub kbng Guest House (KI-9W110)%@ zhri bin groping in the air and pulling invisible Guest King (GB-3) r$ •’* k t wdng strings )ZG@ kJ cub kbng lf xian gullet @ ye grossness BJ$+ ydng zhdng gum @ yin; W yin; 5f all yh yin; 5f ya Grosvenor's momordica [fruit] (Moy in mordicae Grosvenori Fructus) $ % P..0---. :--O ! vu=ll ~ a s z ~ n a t rm e w Cenier jGV-2s) @ lu6 han gud; )$$T%* lh han gud @ 83; $I* yin feng jin zhbng Grosvenor's momordica leafa (MomordiGum Intersection (GV-28W1fO)@ 9 yin cae Grosvenori Folium) $ # P t , lud jiho han gud yt gums %$jll chiyin ground ivy@ (Glechomae Hederaceae Herba) 2@ tbu gLi xiho gurgle $& Lu ground pinee (Lycopodii Clavati Herba gurgling intestines @J a%@@ chdng ming cum Radice) 4$8jj$i shen jin ciio 1u lu ground pine sporeo (Lycopodii Clavati gurgling in the abdomen E @%%F Spora) 5 P 2 3 shi song zi fu zhbng lu lu ydu sheng growth inside the eyelid f i m& m bGo n2i gurgling sound pf phlegm BF@@ tdn sheng rbu shhg lu lu ,
Gushing Gushing Spring
(KT-1W1lo) 1R% ,
Gushing Spring clove sore (ding) [clove sore at K I - I ] #j&E y6ng quhn ding Gushing Spring Powder 1R %L @? ydng q u h siin
'gu toxin 3 B gii dLi GVW1IO@ jj3 d~2mai GV-1 (Cao's Ravine Road) B?Sj#j*ccio xi lu; (Damage Mountain) 4% & * shang shan; (Dragon and Tiger Point) && +.* I\ 16ng hii xut; (Dragon Tiger) &&*
(End Bone) % B* qibng gii; (End of the Sacral Spine) @j'fi%*j i d i duan; (Fish Tail) &E* yh we'i; (Heavenward Looking Summit) $,,X&*chho tian dian; (Hollow Below the Tail Bone) E@7;9* w t i gii xia kdng; (Jue Bone) @* jut gii; (Long Strong) Eig chang qiring; (Peg Bone) &@* j u i gii; (Qi Cleft) 52[3* qi xi; (River Cart Road) WEil.f%* h t chd 1;; (Sacral Bone) BfK lbng hii;
gii d i
GV-1 (Sacral Bone) j"BYdigii; (Sacrum d i shEng; (Stairway to Above) fj&k* Heaven) kX +$* shang tian ti; (Tail Kingfisher Bone) Eg@.*we'i cui gii; (Tail Maggot Bone) E@B'we'i qG gLi; (Tail Palm) E + W * we'i lu; (That's It) jg 2*w t i zht; (Three Fen From the Gate) E9 s i n fijn l u ; (Tortoise Tail) %E* gui we'i; (Tortoise Tail Long Border) % E E .$%* gut we'i chang jiang; (Yin Cleft) PB Z[3 * yin xi; (Yin Cleft of Qi) 52#I
215 *
qi zhi yin x i
GV-2 (Back Fresh) 3 @* bti xian; (Back's Resolution) 3 @.* bti jid; (House of Marrow) #fi* sui fii; (Lumbar Door) Ep*yao hu; (Lumbar Pillar) @&* yao zhu; (Lumbar Transport) -& yao shG; (Marrow Hole) ETL* sui k6ng
GV-2 (Marrow Hole) @ sui kong; (Marrow Transport) E-&* sui shu GV-3wr10 (Lumbar Yang Pass) RBI# yao yhng g u i n
GV-17 GV-4 (Bamboo Stick) $$;rst* zhh zhang; (Connected) &B* shii l t i ; (Life Gate) $i TJ ming m t n ; (Palace of Essence) $g
* jing gong GV-SWHo (Suspended Pivot) %@ x u h shii
GV-6w'lo (Spinal Center) @ ji zhong; (Spine Pillar) @@* jizhu; (Spine Transport) @-&* jishii; (Spirit Gathering) @
Z* shin z6ng
GV-7WIw (Central Pivot) @ zhdng shLl GV-8 (Sinew Binder) fi$s*jin shu; (Sinew Contraction) $59% jin suo GV-9 (Bottom of the Lung) J$E*f2i di; (Extremity of Yang) Z P H zhi yhng GV-10W"O (Spirit Tower) Z 3 ling tni GV-llW"O (Spirit Path) $+% shin dho; (Visceral Transport) @-&* zang zhu GV-12WlIO (Body Pillar) 9 & shen zhu; (Dust Qi) GT* chin qi; (Wisdom's Advantage Armor) $UjFIjfi* zhi li j i t ; (Wisdom's Advantage Hair) @*,JS* zhi li mho; (Wisdom's Advantage Qi) $a$] k=*
zhi li qi
GV-13WlIO (Kiln Path) tho dao GV-14Wf10 (Great Hammer) dri zhui; (Hundred Taxations) jSj'%* biii lho , GV-15 (Loss-of-Voice Gate) I;!; [I*yin (7yii m i n ; (Opm t n ; (Mute's Gate) htng sht; (Reposite the Tongue) ;F$$g* pressed Tongue) Kg*yan sht; (Swollen Tongue) %l$*sht zhdng; (Tongue Repression) SF*sht yhn; (Tongue Root) Z@*sht g2n; (Tongue's Horizontal) S il;%* shk htng GV-16 (Cao's Ravine) $$ ?g* cho xi; (Clearheadedness) ?EtE* xing xing; (Ghost Forest) %$if;* gui lin; (Ghost Hole) an*g u i x u t ; (Ghost Pillow) & &* gui zhe'n; (Root of Thought) ,F,i$* st bdn; (Tongue Root) ki$*sht bdn; (Wind House) jX,R f2ng fii GV-17W11*(Brain's Door) jj&pn i o hi^; (Circumference Wind) EjX,' zn fdng;
(Meeting of the Forehead) hui i; (Skull Union) &@* h i 1h; (West Wind) )XI,* xi f2ng GV-18 (Great Feather) *Ti* dh yil; (Unyielding Space) 5% 1'87 qiring jinn GV-19WIlO (Behind the Vertex) k J B hhu ding; (Intersection Hub) 2 I$* jiiio chbng; (Intersection Surge) 2 I$' jiiio chbng GV-20 (Celestial Fullness) @ij* tiiin miin; (Fivefold Confluence) 542' wil ba'i hui; (Hundred Convergences) hui; (Linking Convergence) t f ~42* wti hui; (Mountain Top) @k*diatz shhng; (Mud Ball Palace) ?E$L S* tzi wrin gbng; (Ridge Top) d 4 k*ling shhng; (Ridge Top Celestial Fullness) dr+L %* ling shhng tiiin miitz; (Three Yang) :KIA s i n yhng; (Three Yang Fivefold Convergence) 381Ti+* siin yhng wii hui GV-2lWlIo (Before the Vertex) qihn ding GV-22 (Fontanel Gate) (7" xin m i n ; (Fontanel Meeting) 12~42xin hui; (Ghost Gate) %(I* p i mCtz; (Hundred Convergences of the Forehead) E%B&* qirin t6u biii hui; (Top of the Fontanel) @+' xin shhtzg; (Vertex Gate) J$ (7:' ding rdtn GV-23 (Bright Hall) 2 " ming tcing; (Ghost Hall) % 9"ui thng; (Hall of g' mitzg tring; (Spirit Hall) @ Fame) 2"shin tring; (Upper Star) k E shhng
vine .--. .
GV-24 (Hairline) % P7S-\* fil ji; (Spirit Court) )$Eshin ting GV-25 (Center of the Face) iEEiEi* zhing mihn; (Face Center) miE* mihn zhbzg; (King of Face) @E*mihn wring; (Nose Tip) &&* zhiln t6u; (Tip of the Nose) @@* bi zhiin; (White Bone-Hole) %#$! s i ~liho GV-26 (Ghost Market) %.** gui shi; (Ghost Palace) %g' gui gbng; (Ghost r Q u i k t ting; Reception Room) (Human Center) A I+ t-itz zhbng; (Nose
Human Center) 9A I+* bi t-in zhbng; (Water Trough) 7k& shui gbu GV-27 (Bone Strengthener) jf-@*zhuang gil; (Extremity of the Mouth) R % dui duiin; (Mouth Means Edge) # @ g * dui tong dui; (Upper Extremity of the Lip) E kg*chhn shhng diiCZn GV-28 (Extremity Intersection) % 2 * duan jiiio; (Gum Crevice Sinew Center) fiE%jjji I+* yin fing jin zhbng; (Gum Intersection) B E 2 yin jiiio gynecoIogica1 patterns $3$4 iiE IG fu kc zhtng hhu gynecological disease $3+4.'&6fu ke ji bitzg gynostemmao (Gynostemmatis Rhizoma seu Herba) -LP t BE qi yt diin Gynostemmatis Rhizoma seu Herba (gynostemmao) -k P t RE! qi yi diin gynurao (Gynurae Folium seu Herba) 3 -t=3 sarz qi ciio Gynurae Bicoloris Herba (purple gynura) guan yin xian; g 1 j3l %* hdng ftng chi; %"ab%%* zi bti tiiin kui; $I%* h6ng chi; 2 I & E * h6ngfiin xihn; $ I s % * h6ng y u chi Gynurae Folium seu Merba (gynurao) 3 -k$5 san qi ciio gypsum' (Gypsum) ;ti%$ shi giio; xi shi; tH5!377* xi li shi; $3;tiW* ruin shi giio; $ R* brii hri Gypsum (gypsum) 6;R.shi giio; %6* Y ; chi. -r; I! shi; $tz;;B;* rudn shi .--.--,t=$gEJgiio; $ Iff* bhi hil Gypsum and Anemarrhena Decoction ;ti ;RAa@& shi giio zhi mri tang; ;tiBAUB 2% shi giio zhi mil tiitzg Gypsum and Cooked Rehmannia Brew ;ti %$ifi shi giio shLi di jiiin Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Atractylodes Decoction 6;8$tU f3 8 $51shi giio zhi mil ciing zhh tang Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Cinnamon Twig Decoction 6 ; W . % I f 3 $ @ % shi giio zhi mil gui zhi t&zg
Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Ginseng Deshi gao zhi mii coction 6f 8 A S rkn shen tang Gypsum Conquitum (cooked gypsum@) %\6$ shh 3 shi gao; &&;W;* sh6u shi giio Gypsum Crudum (crudegypsum) %6$3 sh2ng shi gao Gypsum Decoction ;ti;R;@J shi giio tang
Gypsum Fibrosum (fibrous gypsum@) 5 9 ;Ei li shi Gypsum Rubrum (red gypsum@) g IIL;ti@ h6ng shi gao Gypsum seu Calcitum (glauberite) % 7K 6hhn shui shi; $7fC;ti* blii shui shi; j& 7JC 6* ling shui shi; 7fC;ti*shui shi; $k &* bing shi; &&* yhn zhtn; %&* yhn gen
habitual miscarriage &%flG shu zhui tai; i'Bfl3 huh tai hack ng kh; a8 kii hacking of blood @h ka xut Macmatitum (hematite) 4% @& dki zht A* xii wbn; &* chi tii; It@* shi; dai zh;; fig?* xu? shi; %%+ zi zhii; f %* tii zhii; =&%* tit zhii; gI.L;fi h6ng X* chi zhk shi; it@* zht shi t6u; %%;ti* zht shi; @ E*zhk shi shi; @6* haggard complexion st? cui haggard -or drawn facial complexion mihn cui haggard skin &%!kt$ pi mlio qilio cui haira (Hominis Crinis) at% xut yh; &L E*luan fa; E*fa; Eg:' fa bti hair [of head and body] %E rnho fa Hair Curve (GB-7) @E*qii fa hairline E p 3 fa ji Hairline (GV-24) E fa ji hairline sore EP i i % fa ji chuang hair loss a#$!? tu6 fa; E% fa lub; E E fa dub hair loss and reduced growth ER+& fii tu6 bu zhiing hair needling [one of the nine needling rnho ci methods] %,$I] hair of the head E fa hair [of the head] is the surplus of the blood %kjg t;J 2& fa wki xu? zhi yh
hairy holly leafa (Ilicis Pubescentis Folium) % + s a t mao d6ng qing yt hairy holly root@ (Ilicis Pubescentis rnho dong qing Radix) %+ hairy mistletoe0 (Loranthi Yadoriki Ramus) %?$% shi ji sheng hairy mussaenda [stem and leaflo (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) h F shiin giin ciio; f 3" tii g i n ciio; 13XE* bhi t6u g&g; i,$ M %* lihng chh tkng; ?,%%* lihng tkng: 5 P t & X* yu yL. jin hua; $ iE&* bii.zhi shan; B $ iEA* yk bhi zhi shan; $ bhi hh dik half-body numbness 9 ban shen mh m u half-body pbralysis 9 ban shen b i ~ sui; 9 T B ban shen bit sui half-body sweating 9 ,+tT j ban shen chii han; $T @ $H hkn chii piGn jii; ffi ?JJ pian jil half-body wind ffi W piiin feng half-body wind paralysis ffi W ;l;B piiin f2ng bu sui half-interior half-exterior 5& 9 ban biiio ban li half-interior half-exterior pattern 5& BiE ban biiio ban li zhtng half needling [one of the five needling methods] +$I] ban ci Haliotidis Concha (abalone shell) 6&Q shi juk ming; g%@* zhZn zhii mii;
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
!@ @ $1* fu yu jici; @-$I&* bho yh pi;
hfi&z*jiii kbng lu6; &&&$IJ
&* jin gt lipi;
jiii kbng jut ming halitee (Haliturn) & 2k rbng yhn; & a * rong xirin; A g&k* da qing yhn; g & * qing yan Halite Decoction &k$51r6ng yan tcZng halite[-processed] pinellia [tuber] @
(Pinelliae Tuber cum Halito Praeparaturn) g& % qing yan ban xia halite-processed tangerine peel@ (Citri 2k P% & qing Pericarpiurn Medicatum) @?j yrin chin pi halitosis El B kbu chhu Halitum (halite) & &k r6ng yhn; & a * r6ng xihn; g2' diL qing yhn; 27 g * qing ycin . hall 9 tang Hall of Fame (GV-23) ming tang Hall of Impression [non-channel] Ep yin tang hall of impression [region between the eyebrows] E T J g yin tang halloysitee (Halloysitum Rubrurn) % 6 chi shi zhi; ;tijg* shi zhi; %6**chi shi tii; ~ I L - *h6ng tii; Zl$jBS* h6ng gdo ling; nZ f& AE* chi y6u zhi
Halloysite and Limonite Decoction &;ti flE & $? $@$51chi shi zhi yii yu lihng tang alloyh hum Rubrum (halloysite) %GRE chi shi zhi; ;fijE* shi zhi; %G** chi shi h6nggao ling; tii; $I**h6ng tii; ~X~SII+* n';?EBE* chi y6u zhi __ hallucination g Y wang.jihn; g G @jk wing ydu sub jicin halting speech igSEl.f k& El$$% yii yhn shi duhn shi xu Hammer Bone-Hole (3-18) #f@'zhui liao Han [206 B.C.-220 A.D.] $X hhn hand shbu; f'( shbu yrZ hand [unit of linear measure eq~ialto three body inches] k fii Hand Central Balance [non-channel] tj~T sh6u zhbng ping
hard Hand Counterflow Pouring [non-channel] +sf$shbu ni zhk Hand Greater Yang (SI-2) Z A P H * shbu thi yhng hand greater yang (tai yang) small intestine channel J PH J ] \ b $$ shdu tai yhng xido chhng jing hand greater yin (tai yin) lung channel J ;k PB A$?$ shbu tai yin f2i jing Hand Heart Governor (PC-7) fL \ S * sh6u xin zhii hand lesser yang (shaoyang) triple burner $ PD shbu shao yhng channel sGn jiao jing hand lesser yin (shao yin) heart channel shbu shao yin xkz jing f.J/. JL\~S Wand-of-Buddha Powder {% f6 shbu sin hand reverting yin (jut yin) pericardium H PJj JL\@ $5 shbu jut yin xin channel baa jing hands and feet ssi m6 hand standard --kgyi fii fii hand yang brightness (ycing ming) large intestine channel PH A b i2 shbu yhng ming da chring jing hang down 3 chui hanging eggplant rff 53 diho qit zi hanging eyes €lrff mu diao hanging red membrane %@7;@ chi m6 xi& chui hanging stonecrop@ (Sedi Sarrnentosi Herba) 6 ) E EQ shi zhi jiii; @&g*chui pin ciio Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower] @
(Zhrysanrncmi Fios Eangzhvuensisj % 55 hhng ju Hangzhou white peony [root] @ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Hangzhouensis (Zhejiangensis)) $3 hhng bhi shrio; Fj* hhng shao Hao chrysanthemum [flower] @ (Chrysantherni Flos Hao) E55 hhrio ju Happy 'hmmy [non-channel]W 56 wti 12 harass )fi; riio hard 3 jian; @ yying hard bind below the chest j&7;/r,g@ xiong xia jit ying
harden 5 jiiin harden the stool %A @ shi dh bicin hard erection that does not last PIS% mi ;l;A yhng shi jian tr-bu jiii hard first, then soft [of stool] %@&$A xiiin ying hou r-uiin hard fullness in the lesser abdomen 9 8 % @@j shho fii ying miin hard glomus below the heart 12\7;E@ xin xia p i yitzg hard glomus in the chest j Q + @ @ xibng zh6ng p i ying hardness is whittled away 58~112 jian zht xiiio zhl hard puccoono (Lithospermi Radix) @ % 3 ying zi ciio hard stool 5@da bian jian bian hard stool followed by sloppy stool {%% @E?% bian xiarz ying hbu thng hard swollen sore %j$5@ chu2ngzhiing jiiin ying hard tetany 011E gang jing harelip %Eth chhn hare's droppingso (Lepi Excrementum) 9R 69 wang y ~ i shii; t %%* tu shi; tila 6P* ming yuk shii; %R*tLi shi; %%* tu shi . hare's or rabbit's flesho (Leporis seu Cuniculi Caro) % R tri rbu harmonious $!I h i harmonious and moderate j F U E h i huiin harmonious flow i$$U chbng h i Harmonious Flow Decoction j$ jFtl @JJ . ch6ng h i tiing harmonious flow of qi and blood T&j$ $U qi xuk ch6ng h i Harmonious Flow Paste j$ $U ;W; ch6ng h i giio Harmonious Yang Decoction ,Pa$U @J yhng h i tang. Harmonious Yang Decongealing Plaster PE1$U RJ# 1; j:;8; yhng h i jig niizg giio harmonization $1 h i ; jFU @ h i j i t ; $0 ?& h i fii; i N j F U tiho h i harmonize jFU h i ; h i j i t ; i B $ U tiao hi
harmonize and resolve jFU@ h i j i t harmonize construction and defense i l j F D tiho h i ying wti harmonize half exterior half interior patterns jFU # +% 9 h i jit ban biiio bLin li harmonize midstage patterns jFURJ#+S % h i j i t ban biiio ban l i harmonize the blood and extinguish wind jFtl ifn$EjX,h i xu2 xi fing harmonize the center $!I h i zhGng harmonize the exterior and interior jr;Uff@ S 9 h i j i t biiio l i harmonize the lesser yang (shao yhng) jFU fiq 9 PEI h i j i t shcio yhng harmonize the liver j F U j T hk g i n harmonize the liver and spleen iMjFUflTJI@ tiLio h i g i n p i harmonize the liver and stomach i M $ D j T W tiho h i giin wti harmonize the spleen and stomach i l j r ; O JIB E ti40 h i p i wti
harmonize the stomach $U h i wki harmonize the stomach and check vomiting jFIl E k@ h i wti zhi iiu harmonize the stomach and downbear qi $1E P$T hht wti jiang qi harmonize the stomach and intestines ifl $0 j5~E tido h i chhng wki harmonize the stomach and rectify qi $O EX%.', h i wti l i qi harmonize the stomach and resolve liquor jFu i27 f@@ h i whti jie chtng harmonize the stomach and restore soberness $!IE Eipj h i wti xing jiii harmonize the stomach and transform @ h i w t i hua thn phlegm $!I harmonizing array $1 h i zhtn harmonizing resolution # fiqIh i jie' harmonizing resolution formula $U fiB31J h i jit ji Harmony Bone-Hole (TB-22) $1f& h i liho Harmony Hollow (TB-22) jr;U$'" h i kbng harmony of mouth .P$U kCju zhbng h i
biio h6 Harmony-Preserving Pill iz $I] wan harsh T!! lit; @ kc hasten delivery {E % cui sh&g hasty [new, breathing] {,Z cu hasty breathing T{g qi cu hasty panting n%@ chuiin cu hasty panting with inability to lie down n%{X+ f%E\ chuiin cci bu dt wb hasty panting with inability to lie f a t tlg fi 6: p E \ chuiin cu bu ntng ping wb hauling the boat upstream %$j$,&$f ni liLi wljn zhdu haunch bone E$Zjjiin gir having form gfl3 y6u xxing having root G;t;Ry6u g2n Hawksbill Shell Pill Yt3EJk dai mao wan hawksbill [turtle] shell0 (Eretmochelydis Carapax) dai mho haziness of spirit-alfect @ ?& tE shtn qing ddn mi, haziness of spirit-mind $EQ&f&@ shtn zhi dun rnb head A tbu headache A@ t6u tbng headache and body pain % 9 j?g% t6u sh2n tCng tbng headache and heavy-headedness % % j3. Zjj t6u tbng qiB zhbng headache and painful still' nape %%SZ % t6u xiang qiang tbng headache as if the top of the head were being pried off' 13$1f f i ding rLi 66 headache like the piercing of an awl @ 41$ $I]$ t6u Ithng ru zhui ci headache of recent onset xin t6u tbng headache with pulling sensation A #$j41 5j2 1611 tbng rLi cht Head Bright Light [rzon-channel]% 3'6 H A t& gcring ming Bead Corner (ST-8W//") &t@ t6u wii headed-flat abscess Gii) RX?7Z y6u tbu jii head fever At;): tb11 r2
heart head fire cinnabar fi% A f f bio t6u hu6 diin head heat without generalized fever &ti1: 2 ;I;?:! t6u rt shen 63 rt head heavy as if swathed [new] XZjj4U 3& t6u zhbng rh gu6 headless flat abscess Gii) Z & G wLi t6u jii head marrow [brain] X#ifj t6u sui head needling tdu zh2n liho fii head of the shoulder J$ % jian t6u Head Orifice Yin (GB-11 W f f o ) &%Pa t6u qiao yin Head Overlooking Tears (GB-ISWuo) % IbiB t6u lin qi Readrope tlii] ging head sore %'& t6u chunng Head Sores Formula ?s&%--fi zhi t6u chuiing yi fing Head Surge (LI-14) %;ti$* t6ci chdng Head Thoroughfare (LI-14) & @* t6u chdng head wind tbu f2ng head wind dizziness A R l Z g t6u f2ng xuan yiin head-wind white scaling %;C B t6u f2ng bcii xi2 healer EZ yi jiii; E yi healing IE yi healing stone @ biin; E;ti bian shi Wealth-Safeguarding Scourge-Preventing Elixir P*[lfigffwti sh2ng fbng yi d i n Heard (SI-19) I;firBI* su6 wtn hearing impairment Sufi zhbng ting Hearing Laughter (GB-2) nfi W*ting h2 Hearing Point [non-chantzel] Dfi fi' titzg xu6 Hearing Spirit [nun-channel] Dfi Z ting ling heart lL\ xin heart accumulation &$J? xin j i Heart Alarm (CV-14) JL\%* xin mu heart and chest &@I xin xibng heart and kidney interact JL\'g jf.E 9 xin shkn xiiing jiiio
heart and small intestine stand in interior-exterior relationship JL\5 /J\ 85J 2 3 xitz yii xiiio chdng xiang biiio li heart and vessels J L \ ~ xin $ mai heart blood ~ b & xin xx2 heart blood stasis obstruction IL\& xin xu? yfi zfi heart blood vacuity JL\&E xin xu2 xii heart blood vacuity insomnia JL\&E+@ BE xin xu.? xfi bu d t wh heart channel 1L\23 xin jing heart channel cough ~L\tgll&nffj; xi~zjing k t s611 Heart-Clearing Diaphragm-Cooling Decoction @&i,%jfi ?% qing xin lihtzg gt tnng Heart-Clearing Lotus Seed Beverage .jg JL\B5t A qing xitz licin ti yitz heart construction JL\@ xin ying heart cough JL\U%xin k t heart-covering bone [xiphoid process orsternum] j?& &,\@ bi xitz gfi heart disease IL\% xitz bing heart distention JL\JJE xitz zhang Heart-Draining Decoction j% lL\ ?% xi? xitz tiing Heart-Draining Red-Abducting Powder lL\%%& xi&xin diio chi siin heart fire & A xin hu6; & A xin hub heart fire deflagrating internally & A 9 xin h L L tzii ~ fttz heart fire flaming upward JL\A k% xiti hub shang ykn heart forms sweat JL\%?Txitz wti han hearbgallbladder qi vacuity I L \ R B ~ E xin diin qi xk heart-gallbladder vacuity temerity IL\RHE 112xin diin xk q ~ 1 2 Heart Governor (PC-7) S & * zhil xitz heart governs speech IL\&Z xirz zhLi ybrz heart governs sweating ~ L \ = $ f txin zhfi han heart governs the blood J L \ = $ xin ~ zhil xu i heart governs the blood and vessels JL\$ a h % xin zhii xu? mcii
heart gaverns'%he spirit light IL\ 1$$€!Fj xin zhfi shtn mitzg heart governs the tongue J L I Z Z xin zhii sht heart governs the vessels I L \ Z ~xin ? zhil mai heart heat 1L\,\4!r:xin r-2 heart heat spreading to the small intestine JL+~%TJJ\E xin yi r-iyil xiiio chhng heart heat susceptibility to fright IL\$!:% T,% xin ri dl2 jing; JL;!A\ I',$ xin r.? duci jing Hear the Sound [non-channel] nfi titzg xiiitzg heart holds the office of monarch, whence the spirit light emanates & @ z & I!?. ?$ % xitl zht jkn zhil zhi guin yt shin ming chfi yiirz heart impediment (bi) IL\% xitz bi heart is averse to heat & S f & xitz wil r i heart is connected with the small intestine JL\&- I]\ )I% xitz h i xiiio chhng heart is connected with the vessels &&/& ~ i hd n mhi heart, its bloom is in the face JIL,gJP zfjjxin 9i h ~ i hzhi mihn heart-kidney blood vacuity IL\'Bh E xitz . ~ h b xu2 z xfi heart-kidney interaction IL\ 'R $19 xin shbz xiang jiiio Heart-Kidney Pill IL'R 3~ xitz shin w i n heart-kidney qi vacuity I L \ ' B ~ xi12 E shin qi xii heart-kidney yang vacuity lL\ 'R BEl E xitz shin yhng xk heart-kidney yin vacuity IL\ '8 Pa j 3 xitz shin yitz xfi heart-level effusion of the back F ~ J L \ E d ~ l xijZ i fa heart-liver blood vacuity l L \ j ' f h E xitz gnn XL&xfi heart-lliver vacuity detriment IL\ R T )$Z xitz giin xfi siin heart-liver yin vacuity IL\ )IT rJR E xin gfin yin xii heart-lung qi depletion 1i\RrfjT5 xiiz fki qi k ~ r i
heart-lung qi vacuity &,\a$5,E xin fti qi xii heart-lung vacuity ~L\,\a$m@xin f2i liiing xii heart-lung yang vacuity &,\a* PI@ xin @i ycing XU heart-lung yin vacuity M E xin f2i yin XU heart mounting (shan) JL\'@~ xin shan Heart-Nourishing Decoction %JL\Ph yiing xin tfing heart-nourishing spirit-quieting medicinal %~L\si-i\+%yiing xin Gn shin yao Heart-Opening Decoction 8 JL.Ph kai xin tiirtg
heart opens into the tongue J L \ R % T % xin lcai qiao yLi shi heart pain /L\@ xin tkng; j% xin t6ng heart pain stretching through to tHe back JL\% @J xin tGng ch2 b2i heart palpitation J L \ ' /xin ~ ji heart pulse is surging JL\&$# xin mai h6ng heart qi J L \ xin ~ qi heart qi and blood vacuity ~ L \ 5 b m @ xin qi xu2 liiing xii heart qi and yin vacuity JL\? PA E xin qi yin liiing XU Heart-Qi-Dividing Beverage /,i\T'r:AfZn xin qi yin heart qi vacuity JL\?E xin qi xii heart qi vacuity insomnia JL\5 E ;r\ Gl Eb xin qi xii bu d i w6 heart [region] and abdomen [new] JL\E xin f u Heart Soother #1 [notz-channel] JL\%
( - ) * xin shii I Heart Soother #2 [non-channel] JL\% ( I) * xin shii 2 heart spirit xfn shin heart spirit. deprived of nourishment JL\ xin shin shi yiing heart spirit failing to confine itself &i-i\$ X 9xin shin shi sh6u heart spirit failing to contain itself ~L\i-i\$ $$? xin shen shi sh6u
Heat-Abating heart spirit floating astray & # @ & k xin shin fLi yu& heart-spleen blood vacuity JL\R$ hE xin, pi xu&XU heart-spleen qi vacuity JL\R$~,@ xin pi qi xu heart-spleen vacuity ,L\R$mE xin pi liiing xu heart-spleen yang vacuity JL\R$PEI@xin pi yhng XU heart-stomach repletion fire JL\iZj %A xin wti shi hu6 heart stores the spirit &@# xin cbng shin Heart's 'Ikansport (BL-15) 1212$*I xin zhi shii Heart-Supplementing Decoction +b JL\$2 bii xin tang Heart-Supplementing Elixir ;iib JL\Bbii xin din heart sweating JL\F~ xin hun heart taxation JL\% xin lbo heart tie JL\/Y;\ xin xi JL,-& xin Heart lkansport (B12-15W110) shii heart vacuity IL\@ xin xii heart vacuity and liver depression &j$Z $ilr xin xii gan yu heart vessel obstruction ~L\)$*gPflxin mhi bi zii heart vexation $,\@j xin frin Heart-Washing Powder & JL\B xi xin siitz heart water [a kind of water swelling] J L ~ 7K xin shui heart wilting (we'i) JL\,Bxin wEi heart worm disease JL\&'@ xin ch6ng bing heart yang JL\PH xin ybng heart yang vacuity JL\PEI E xin ybng xii heart yang vacuity desertion &pH@% xin yhng xii tuci heart yin JL\ xin yin heart yin and yang vacuity &,\ mE xin yin ycing liiing xii heart yin vacuity IL\ @ xin yin xii heat !4\ r2 Heat-Abating Powder Bf&Btyi r2 siin
Heat-Abducting Heat-Abducting Powder %!{:a diio r2 siin heat bind ?{kt8 r2 jit heat binding in the bladder t{:$&@R?jtr2 jit phng guing heat binding in the intestines and stomach ?{: 'r8R E r2 jit chhng w2i; t{: 'L,$ W /& r2 jit w2i chhng heat binding in the yang brightness (yhng ri jit yhng ming ming) ?{: 48 heat binding with blood t{:%&'Lg r2 yii xu2 jit heat bind with circumfluence t{:48%?$ r2 jit phng liLi heat block ?!:M r2 bi heat-block tetanic reversal !t: Tfl S H ri? bi jing jut heat can overcome cold t{:fiEB% ri ntng shtng hhn heat chest bind ${:48jQ r2 jit xidng heat cholera t{:Z&L ri huh luhn heat clearing t$?C:& qing r2 fii heat-clearing astringing medicinal tf$& : 4PSS qing r2 shdu lian yho heat-clearing, blood-cooling, and bloodstanching medicinal tg %(:?,$ & & @ Z qing r-2 [iring xu2 zhi xu2 yao heat-clearing blood-cooling formula ?{: 8%&fiU qing r6 lihng XU?. ji heat-clearing blood-cooling medicinal $4: % ?, h % qing r2 lihng xu2 yho heat-clearing blood-cooling method ?{: 2%& ?& qing r2 lihng xu2 fii Heat-Clearing Blood-Regulating Decoct?: id& t% qing ri tiho xu?. tEng tion Heat-Clearing Blood-Supplementing Decoction tg ?L: # h ? h qing r2 b&xu2 tiing Heat-Clearing Channel-Securing (~enses-securing) Decoction tg $4: 43% qing 1-2gu jing tnng heat-clearing dampness-disinhibiting formula ?& %I] fill ging r2 li shi ji heat-clearing dampness-drying medicinal $S?,I\@ B % qing r2 zho shi yao Heat-Clearing Discharge-Checking Decoction $%24: lt #? @ig qglg r2 zhi dhi tang heat-clearing fire-draining formula $$Ti: i% A fiU qing ri? xi2 huci ji
heat heat-clearing tire-draining method tg ?{: i%jf i ?& qing r2 xi2 hu6 fii heat-clearing formula t(:31Jqing r2 ji Heat-Clearing Liquid-Safeguarding Formula :{:{%@?& qiizg r2 biio jin fi? heat-clearing phlegm-transforming medicinal tf$ 24: +L @ B qing r2 huh thn yao Heat-Clearing Qi-Supplementing Decoction !t: +\ 9 ? h qitzg r2 bii qi tnt~g heat-clearing toxin-kesolving formula ?{: ?$Z fill qing r2 jig dLi ji heat-clearing toxin-resolving medicinal f g !(: ft?% 5 qing ri?jig dLi yao Heat-Clearing Uterine Bleeding Decoction tg t{: lt% f% qing r2 zhi beng tiing heat constipation {@!: I r2 bi
heat cough with panting and fullness D% % ?&UR chuiin miitz r2 kd heat damages qi ?(:{35 r?.shnng qi heat damaging construction and yin ?&.I% E FJ r2 shiiylg ying yitz heat damaging liquid and qi ?(\?5@5r2 shiing jin qi heat damaging qi and yin t4:{%9FB r2 shiitzg qi yin heat damaging the network vessels of the lung t{: {% fJa$ %8r2 shang f2i lub heat damaging the sinews ?{:{%fin"b$ r2 shang jin mai heat damaging the spirit light ?&{%@W r2 shrZng shtn ming heat depressing and congesting the lung S j$ r2 yu y6ng f2i heat depression ?!:fib r-2 y i ~ Heat Depression Decoction !&fill$% r2 y i ~ t@ng h e 3 diarrhea ?{:@ r2 xi2 heat disease t{:% r2 bing heat distention ?{:fJaE r2 zhang heat distressing the large intestine ?{:& ,q% r?.p6 d2 chhng heat dryness [of the stool] @ :! r2 zao heat dysentery %$j r2 li
heat in the soles of the feet )i$~L\?4r: zu xin
t4:A dnhL
heat in the stomach iZj $ k;; wki zhdng r? heat is treated with cold %&%2 re znE
heat entering construction-blood
rk ru ying xu?
heat entering the blood aspect rk ru xu2 fkn
heat entering the blood chamber
9 rt
ru xu; shi
heat entering the construction aspect f4:
A E .hL rk
ril ying fkn
heat entering the membrane source ?<:A I]HE rk rii m6 yurin heat entering the pericardium t4: A JZ\@ rk ril xin bao
hcilt entering the qi aspect
rr'i qi f t r z
heat epilepsy t<:j@ rk xi& heat evil ?4:4P rk xik heat evil congesting the lung
?<:%Be!$ rt
churirz l i
heat evil obstructing the lung ?&%[J[JELfl$ rk xik zfi fki
heat evil passing into the interior
9 r2 xik churin l i formation {t?4: hua rk gan t4:B rk g i n glomus ?[:a rk p i harassing the chest and diaphragm
?A: Mi RQ
rk riio xidng gk
heart pain ?<:JL\% r i xin tong hiccough t4:nfi rk k impediment (bi) ?A:@ rc? bi in one foot and cold in the other Z
heat in the blood and rotting flesh
j$ xuk r t rou ffi
heat in the (heart of the) palms and soles
+)i$ & f4:
s h i i ~ zu i xin rk
heat in the (hearts of the) palms + ~ J L . \
shiiu zhiing xin rk
heat in the mouth kiiu zhdng rk
heat in the palms 3
k6u rk;
tl $ t4:
+54: zhiing zhdng rk
heat in the smaller abdomen xi20 fii yiiu r t
zLi whi f i n rk zh xia rk
heat evil interiorizing ;3A%BI$% rk xi6
heat heat heat heat
hlin zhi
heat lying depressed in the chest and diaphragm ?!:G[J JlQ rk yii xi6ng gk heat malaria t4:s rZ niik heat mania ?4:$3rk killing heat night crying ?i:$Zn.;ti r2 yk ti heat occlusion !?:a@ rk g i heat on the outside of the feet Z Sb 1 3?4: heat on the underside of the feet Z7;%
xik y6ng fki
heat heat heat heat
/I\ ER?C:
heat pain ?(:%rk tong heat panting t4:n%rk chuiirz heat pattern t4:iB rk zhkng heat phlegm !4:@rk trin heat qi cholera t4:5 61 t-2 qi huo Iuun heat-releasing dampness percolation B E 7 t4:7; shkn shi yLi 1.6 x i i heat repletion chest bind t4:El.f'L,;fBjl rk shi jik xi6ng
Heat-Resolving Blood-Dissipating Decoct k n fti t!!#& t%ji2 r? shn xu2 tang heat retching ?4:@ rk iiu heat reversal 24:m rt. juk heat reversal heart pain ?~:J&JL\% rk j~16 xin tong
heat scorching kidney yin
%j5J'E Pfl
zhu6 shtn yin
h~a! smsafiop in the lower extremities 7; @ t{: xia zhi j u t rk heat sore t4:S rk chuiing heat strangury (lin) ?4:# rk [in heat stroke ?\! $ rk zhong heat tearing t,:.l.B rk lki heat thirst f4:?% rk k t heat toxin ?4: % r t du heat toxin precipitation of blood E4:ZkZ f; rfn rk du xia XU; heat turbidity $4:@ rk zhu6 heat vexation $3j?& flin rk
heat vexation in the chest R$ @ %@Z !:xiong zhong fhn rt heat vexation in the heart IZ\ $$af,i)'; xin zh6ng fhn rt heat vomiting ti):DE ri 6u heat wearing true yin f,!';%EB rt hao zhCn yin heat wheezing ?i):@ rt xiiio heat without cold 4BZ4';T% dan rt bu hhn heaven K tihn heaven and man are mutually responsive A l;B 6 tiiin rin xiang yLzg heaven-borne sore [pemphigus] X & '& tiiitz p i o chuiing heaven current [epidemic] X q? tian xing heaven-current cough *j.jaff:$tiiin xing sbu heaven-current epidemic pestilence *j=j % tiiin xing yi li heaven-current red eye Xj=j&I@tian xing chi yiin; Ejff* tian xing chi mu heaven-current seasonal epidemic *q=jEfg tiin xing shi yi heaven-current warm epidemic Xj=j$Z@ tian xing wen yi heaven, human, and earth XAiP tiiin rin di Heaven, Human, and Earth Decoction 2 -if $$ s i n ciii tang Heaven, Human, and Earth MarrowRetaining Elixir 37f$$f@R- s i n chi fCng sui diin heaven, human, and earth suppllementation and drainage *A ifi2 7 f $b i% tiiin rBn di scin chi bii xit; [needling method] 37f $1$% sin chi bii xi2 heaven level ZZIS tian bu heavenly X ticin . heavenly stem X 'f- tihn giin heavenly stems and earthly branches X T i@ 3 tian gcin di zhi heavenly tenth [the principle of reproductive viability, menstruation] X % tian gui heaven-penetrating cooling method B X 5% tdu ticin lihng Heaven-Supplementing Great Creation Pill $\*A Zfi bii tiin da zuo wbn
heavy heaven-turned [eye] [a kind of squint] 3 I& tian xuhn Heavenward Looking Summit (GV-1) *j@* chho tian diin heaviness % zhhng heaviness after diarrhea . i B g g xi2 hou zhong heaviness is treated by letting RgEJiim 2 yin qi zhong Br jiiin zhi heavy @ zhong heavy aching limbs E@i!@S@@ zhi ti suiin zhdng ting tong heavy body 9 Fjj sh2n zhong heavy cumbersome head and body %9 IZI% tbu shCn kun zhbng heavy cumbersome limbs f i @ l%l& zhi ti kun zhhng heavy eye H Z ming; H E mu ming heavy formula Zj5fiI] zh6ng ji; [an evennumber formula used after an odd-number formula has failed] S f i zhhng fang heavy head and clouded vision % €I @ f i tbu mu hfin chin heavy head and light feet &%BPEtbu zhong jiiio qing heavy-headedness % f i t6u chin; %% tbu zhhng heavy Read that is difficult to lift t6u zhong bu yO jil @, heavy [medicinals] can eliminate temerity @ KJ & & zhong ki; qh qit heavy pain 2%zhhng tong heavy sagging sensation in the anus T7. 2 gang m i n zhui zhong Heavy Sauce (CV-24) Fjj$?* zhong jiang heavy settler zhbng zhtn yho heavy settling heart-quieting formula zhbng zhtn i n xin yao /r3f % heavy settling medicinal zhhng zhtn yao heavy settling spirit-quieting astringent zhong zhtn medicinal ?& +&9 +$#T an shin sh6u lian yho heavy settling spirit-quieting medicinal S Be$$% zhbng zhing fin shin yho
heavy shoulder and painful elbow and arm @ 2 )j$@% jiiin zhong zhbu bi tbng heavy turbid voice FE g & sheng yin zhong zhud heavy voice F$ sheng zhong hedgehog's pelt0 (Erinacei Pellis) $11 4;'; Ffi ci wti pi hedyotiso (Hedyotis Herba) $ E %& Fi bili h~iiisht sht? ciio; %%@* sht sht ciio; % BP $ E % $11 S*iii jiiio brii huii sht li c i o ; E% * sht sht gucing; €I €I $•’% g*m u m h sheng zhL2 ciio; Pi3ii/rSSFi* jik ~ r t ?jit rui ciio Hedyotis Chrysotrichae Herba (yellowdowned hedyotiso) $$% q@h~~rirzg milo dr ciio; EM@* shi dii pb; gifidgPA* luo di WU gong; $ ffi@PC* ch~icindi wU gong Hedyotis Corymbosae Herba (corymbose hedyotiso) 7KkLS shuixihn ccio Hedyotis Herba (hedyotiso) $ E@%S bili huii sht sht ciio; %%S*sht sht ciio; Q @ $11 g-i jiiio brii huii sht li ciio; E% * shi shC guiing; €I €I $X% m u m u sheng zhii ciio; PPtSZS* jit jit jit rui ciio Hedysari Radix (Jin astragalus [root]) E d- jin qi; ) I1 X * chuiin qi; t1it* hbng qi heel 9W g2n; @ zhiing heel bone [calcarze~~s] 9RB gen gfi heel pain 8 9 8 % zu g2n tong; KPBW @ jl6o gZn tong Heleocharitis Cormi Amylum (water chestnut starch) $%$% bi qi fdn; ifiZ $%* di li fdn Heleocharitis Cormi Succus (water chestnut juice) E+%%-j-f- xiiin bi qi zhi; %% .)-t* bi qi zhi Heleocharitis Cormus (water chestnut) u+fi bi qi; ZJ@*mii ti; ~ J Eb6*qi; 4 -* fi mii qi; @-SF S*tong tiiin ciio; -$ T* niiio yu; E g* wdi li; ii/rIES*hong ci giL; 7KF*shui yh; % T*fil yu; % %* fk ci; %JE;* U f chrii helictereso (Helicteris Herba) LLI 5Ef? shan zhi m i
s* -8
hemorrhage Helicteris Herba (helictereso) LLI 9Ef? shiin zhi mu helix q-@ Zr 1Un; q.$Zdr ting Helminthostachydis Rhizoma (helminthostachys [rootlo) Aifi@hE ru di WU gong; $U ffi @Pi* dho di wU gong; ill@@* di wu gOng helminthostachys [root] (Helminthostachyru di wu gong; dis Rhizoma) AffigMi {$gifi@&* dho di WU gong; ifi@i** di wLi gong help $3ji hemafecia [old] k4j!?%& da birin dhi xu.?; &IF xu2 bihn; IF& bian xu2 hematite0 (Haematiturn) dhi zhd shi; ?GitL* xL2 wutz; &i&* chi tfi; it@* dai zhd; & Y$* xut shi; % *q zi zhfi; zt ;k* tii zhii; @;t7;k* tid zhU; tI;Ei%* h6ng shi t6u; chi zhd shi; { k g * zhd zhd shi; @6*zhd shi shi; @6* hematospermia [old] &$g xu2 jing hematuria [old] sou xu.?; & R xu& niho; R & niao xut; ?$$& niao X L L ~ hemicrania @%% piiin t6u tong hemilateral ffi piiin hemilateral headache $4 t6u ban biiin tong; ffi $4 & pian t6u tong hemilateral headache and pain in the nape % Q ffi @ t6u xiang piiin tbng Hemilateral Headache Decoction 3 @ $3~ shn piiin tiing hemilateral head wind & Jd. piiitz t6u , fen8 hemilateral numbness 9Ef?$ ban sherz ma mu hemilateral sweating 9 h' f F ban shen chL2 ban; $?h'ffi ?H han chii piiin jii; fi $Hpiiin ju hemilateral wind ffiJd. pian f2ng hemilateral wind paralysis ffiJd.T B piiin feng bu sui hemilateral withering ffi& piiin kL2 hemiplegia 9 $I% ban she11 b3 sui; 9 T B ban shen bu S L L ~ ;ffi$$4 piiitz tiin; ffi @ $ {Ipiiin f.?i bu rtn hemorrhage $ & chii xu2
+ +
hemorrhoid % zhi; zhi chuiing; jlI TI%% g5ng m t n shcng zhi; zhi h t hemorrhoidal bleeding %& zhi xu& hemorrhoidal disease %@ zhi ji hemorrhoid desiccation ;f;&%& kku zhi fii Hemorrhoid-Dispersing Beverage Ph i %tA xiiio zhi yin Hemorrhoid-Dispersing Pill Pig % h, xiao zhi wrin hemorrhoid point picking ML% ti50 zhi hemorrhoid point picking method #L%E ?& tiiio zhi liao fii; )jL $b%&$ tiao zhi zhi f6 hemorrhoids and fistulas %@ zhi IOLL Hemp Breathing (ST-18) %,$J,* bi xi hemp-leaved vitex l e a p (Viticis Cannabifolii Folium) $k#IJU t rnii jing yt hemp-leaved vitex root0 (Viticis Cannabi f ~ l i iRadix) $k%lJ$RmLi jing g2n hemp-leaved vitex sap0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Caulis Succus) $kf-kaIJ@jrnii jing li; %lJfi* jing li hemp-leaved vitex seed0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Fructus) $k%lJF-mii jing zi . hemp-leaved vitex stem0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Cadis) $k%lJZrnii jimg jing Hemp Pill @{% I mri r i n wun hemp seedm (Cannabis Semen) A ~ { I hu6 ma rttz; A m T * da ma zi; $ & T * brii ma zi; & B T * dong ma zi; A m T * hu6 mri zi; %@{I* dLi mri r t n ; @ T " mri zi; @*{I ma r i n ; $$j7 1{* mri zi rttz Hemp Seed Pill j$$$ {Ih, ma zi r i n wrin Hemsleyae Tuber (hemsleya [tuberlo) +RElu6 gu6 di; jin gut lirin; & E1qG lirin; ZEjjjH* xu5 diin hemsleya [tuber] @ (Hemsleyae Tuber) Y %4Elu6 gu6 d i ; $%%* jin gui lian; E&g* qd firin; Z j B * X L L ~diin henbane rooto (Hyoscyami Radix) ;t;R lang dang g2n henbane seedm (Hyoscyami Semen) X{h $ tian xiiin zi; E SF*/Ling dang zi; E JXT * lang tang zi; 3%T * yri t6ng zi; S fS T* xun yri zi; E S T * lang dang zi
Hibisci Henbane Seed Powder B g q 8 liitzgdring zi s i n hen cough [whooping cough] 34 n j j j i k t hepatic gin Hepatitis Point [non-channel] flT@,g giin yrin diiin Hepatolith Formula fl? RH 2& ;ti3 gatz dijn g~liinj i t shi fang heralding speckle )E& bho diiin heralding tip 620 biiio herb 35 ciio; 35B ciio yao Herbae Alkali (herb alkali@) 6li&shi jiiin herbal foundation &. bbtn ciio herb alkalis (Herbae Alkali) ;ti$& shi jiiin herbal medicinal ciio yao Herbarum Ustarum Fuligo (weed soot) 3% 6 5 ciio shuatzg herb cutter QJ B t , qii?yAo j i herbs and minerals ZjJ6 yho shi hermaphrodism A$j ritz 2 Herminii Herba cum Radice (herminiurn@) A @ %! I-in shen gu6 herminiumo (Herminii Herba cum Radice) A S %! r i n ~ h 2 ng~r6 heron cough [whooping cough; "heron" (E E) is probably corzf~ised with "cormorant (~5!3@)]BSlljj lu si k t heterophy1)ous patrinia [root] O (Patriniae Heterophyllae Radix) B$;XEl mu t6u hui; g$;XR* mu t6u hui Hibisci Mutabilis Flos (cotton rose [flower]) * X @ Z mu fir rong huii; ZB ;rct;* fh rbng huii Hibisci Mutabilis Folium (cotton rose leaf) X g U t mu fir r6ng y t ; X%at* fir r6ng y2 Hibisci Mutabilis Radix (cotton rose root) *X$jjf;R mu fir r6ng g2n Hibisci Syriaci Flos (rose-of-Sharon [flower]) *&E mu jin huii Hibisci Syriaci Radicis Cortex (rose-ofSharon root bark) *&& mu jin pi; @* mu jin; J I I @ g*ch u5n jin p i Hibisci Syriaci Radix (rose-of-Sharon root) *fS;t;i?mu jin g2n
hiccough lE3 2 t2; Dl@% t ni; U F yue hip 8% kua Hiccough [nun-channel]BE% 2 ni Hip Bone (GB-30) #%B*kutan gii hiccough after drinking tA 7kWE yin shui hip bone [ilium] #$!@ kt? gfi; fE43 kuA zuo 2 gii; E+@ kuh gfi; jqff kua gfi; BE43 kutan hidden [pulse] (A fLi gf i Hidden Pearls in Front and Back [nonHip Bone (ST-34) EB* kua gfi channel] W G P,3% qihn hou yin zhii hip joint @!K bi yan hidden pulse b74A mai fu; 4Ab7 fu mhi Hippocampus (sea horse) @4 hiii mii; hidden thoroughfare vessel W j$ fu ch6ng 7k 4* shui mii Hidden Tiger Pill B@$L hii qibn wan Hippophae Fructus (hippopha [fruitla) Hidden White (SP-1W"O) P3 , Q yin brii BB#Jl5f? ch liii gu6; ?$%* sha 260 hippopha [fruit] (Hippophae Fructus) High Bend (KI-17) 8 &* giio qu @$N% ch liii gu6; #8*shLZ ziio high bone [radialstyloid process] B43 giio gLi Hip Socket [non-channel] B& E l kuiin jiu High Boost (BL-16) 8&$* gLZo yi Hirudo seu Whitmania (leech) 7kk9 shui zhi; 339:'zhi zhicng; Y B * mic qi; 4 kg* high breathing ,@, 8 xi gSio mii zhi; B* qi; 2 E* mii bit?; $1&2* High Cover (BL-16) gz*gLio gai; (BLh6ng zhi; 93 @* mii hubng qi; 4@* 23) B g * giio gai mci hucing; %$I$* hudng qi; 7kmflk" shui Highest Spring (HT-ltVfIO) @& ji quan r6u ma tie; #i,gT* shii tta giin; m $&3* highly acrid and highly hot A 24: dh 1' 7 % g & q .%* mdn e'r gE mii li zu2n zi; xin da rt hoarse U g sha; [sound of voice as after highly varied conditions 6 2& /2 bing long weeping] DEUg si shri qing dud bihn hoarse voice E sDE@fa yin si sha; 22 S highly warm or highly hot k $ ' A?(: da wen da rt Utgi fii yin si yii; U N sheng yin si High Position %ansport [nun-channel] yi2 ; F Dtgi sht?ng yin si shh g42-& giio wti shii hoary spurge@ (Euphorbiae Hirtae high rising is treated by repression i%$- Herba (cum Radice)) A XETIS dh fti yang ciio; @ E g *xiiin yho cao fir] 2 giio zhe' yi zhi high-altitude wind sparrow's-vision interHocquartiae Caulis (hocquartia [stemla) nal obstruction i2j)%@ €I l4 Bfi? gao fzng # guiin mu tdng qut m u nti zhhng hocquartia [stem] a (Hocquartiae Caulis) high toxicity A % dLi du #-Ail@ guiin mu tbng highway j$ chdng Holding Mouth (LI-4) a*hrin k6u high-altitude wind sparrow's vision &J4 hold the pulse [i.e., feel] $%bkchi mbi $4$ €I giio f2ng qut m u hole f i xu& xu6 dao hill If qiii; 16 qiii holism @@ jJA zh&g ti guiin nicin Hill Ruins (GB-40) lfii,,* qiii xu; (GBHollow Below the Tail Bone (GV-1) JZ 40W/lO) EiB qiii XU 43 j.7;G*we'i gfi xia k6ng Hind Curve (GB-1) G B* hou qu Holotrichiae Vermiculus (June beetle Hind Gate (GB72) 6 # * hbu gutan grub) !I$@$qi cho hinge $A# j i guiin holy Z sh2ng Homalocladii Herba (homalocladium~) Hinge (GB-2) $A#* j i gutan; (ST-6) $A zhu jid liiio X* j i gutan
hornalocladinma (Homalocladii Herba) f? 3%zhh jii liiio HomaPomenae Whizoma (homalomena [rootla) f *{@ qinn nicitz jian homalomena [root] 0 (Homalomenae qian nihn jian Rhizoma) ?+{,@ home (to) [channels to. their respective organs] E shii Hominis Csinis (haira) &t$ XL&yu; 31 E ' q u c i n fa; E" fh; % @ * fa bki Hominis Crinis Carbonisatus (charred haira) a t $ % xu2 yii tan; 31% E* luhn fa tan Nominis Excrementi Liquidurn Extrarfkn qing; turn (purified fecesa) 52 ,#4 jin zh i Hominis Lac (human milka) AfL$-f rgtz r-ii zhi; A f 1%rin rii Horninis Lactis Pulvis (powdered human milk@) A f 1% rktz r6 @tz Hominis Placenta (placenta) % W 5 zi h i cht?; @&* biio yi; GRE*hun dim pi; Z E*hLin yucin pi; j$7!$E** hun diin yi; fla tai yi; -R3&*' tai pcin; % ?q f * zi h i U j Horninis Unguis (humam naila) A Ej Ef3 rin zhi jiii Hominis Urina (human urineo) A@rin niito Hominis Urinae Depositurn Praeparatum (processed urine deposits) W;ti qiU shi Hominis Urinae Sedimentum (urine sediments) A @ $ ritz zhong bhi honeye (Mel) @ mi; $ @* bcii m i ; W @* shii mi; E+g* m i thtzg; ;tiE*shi mi; 6tk* shi yi; &@* shi nzi; W E* bhi ft?ng mi shn m i ; k$fW* ft?ng thng; @i@" Money Enema @ Z % ?& m i jiiin diio fii Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction, & -f4S& zhi gan ciio tang honey pill EA m i wcin honey tree fruit" (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) if;RtJ!T zhi ju zi; $ ;ti3*bcii shi ziio; x$BF*j i jci zi; il;P\%* zhi 260; $I]& T* ci gdu zi; ;ti shi li; 2H E* ticin ban yZ; gSi?EiT* ji ju zi
hot Hongkong foat B$& xinng giing jiiio Hongya coptis [root] a (Coptidis Rhizoma Hongyaensis) #g yii' lihn; &@i g*i nzii lihn hooked spikernossa (Selaginellae Uncinatae Herba) Z T j S cui yil ciio hook pnlse of summer Efig xia gou Hordei Farina Fructus Germinati (malt floura) ZSm rnhi nik mian Hordei Fructus Germinatus (barley sprout) 2% rnhi yci; h ZB* dLi miEi tzi.2; %@* mai tzi.2; %* du mai mcio; A %%* dli rnhi yci; A dil mhi tzi.2 Hordei Massa Fesmentata (barley leaven) %%&J mai yh qL1 horizontal body inch @$? hbzg ciin Horizontal Door (CV-7) &P* httzg h u horn fB $60 hornet !I@ft?ng hornet's neste (Vespae Nidus) E!@@ li~ ft?ng fhng; !I$fi* ft?ng chhng; h $$ !I$ da huhng ft?tzg kt?; B*g i f2ng kt?; $$ fing fang hornet's nest flat abscess ( j u ) @.B%f2ng wb U j horn flower [penile clitoris] W] E jiio h ~ i i i horning [old name for- c~ipping]& ?& ji6o fii horse 4 1rnii horse chestnute (Aesculi Fructus) 5 su6 Iu6 zi horse riding welling abscess (ybng) % 9 f i qi mii ybng horse's mouth [mouth of the urethra] 4 a rnii kdu horse-tail sieve % E B $ rnii w& shni horse teeth 4 53 mii yci horse-tooth mirabilitea (Mirabilitum Equidens) 45f5B rnii yci xiio; 5f#*yh xi20 horse-tooth nitera (Niter Equidens) 4 58 mii ya xiio; 3#i * yh xiao host zhii hot 44: ri! hot and painful [or sore] ?4:'& r2 fhng
hot back 3 ?r:! bki rk house of the blood [the vessels] h ; t R xuk zhifii hot body and cold limbs 9 ?& E% shen rk zhi han house of the kidney [the lumbus] 'B 2R hot breath issuing from the nose & *?& shtn zhi fii 5 bi chii rk qi house of the marrow [the bones] #32R sui zhi fii hot formula 4i\j"ilJ ri ji house of the original spirit %$$2Rycdn hot head tbu 1-2 shin zhi fii hot [medicinals] can eliminate cold ?(r:EJ house of the sinews [the knee] fijj 2$3jin & % rk k2 qil han zhi fii hot pack ?(kgri? yun houttuyniao (Houttuyniae Herba cum hot peppero (Capsici Fructus) $$&J lii Radice) & E S yk xing ciio; ji; $ij la zi; $$%* la qit; E%*la jiao; $$F* g* zii cai; %=&& E S * zi bki yh xing &* j i zui jiao; +$R*la hii; @ qik; all% zi ji; tJ!JS@* ci? tr gZn; 38% ciio; ~ J I&* jiio; $2& * 12 jiiio; &&(*fin jiio; TL* zhii bi kbng; S R S * chbu zhi c6o; @&I*gin jiao SES*chbu xing ciio; gE&chbu * ji; 3 hot reddish urine I]\ 4E 54: 8 xiiio bihn rt ji cai; G'' shi yao F"ctn ciio; chi Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice hot sensation during urination RR.fW?& (houttuyniaa) & E S yh xing ciio; %* niiio shi jut rk ji; $&%* zii chi; &&@* zi bki yli hot tears 241: lki rk xing cdo; % &* zi ji; {J!l] H.@* ct b gZn; Hou's Black Powder 4% E&& h6u shi'hei @&TL* zhii bi k6ng; R@* chbu zhi siin ciio; SES*chbu xing ciio; ST&* chi% house [new] fi fii ji chi; +%* shi ji; T S * ctn ciio; house lizardo (Gekko Swinhoana) %J$? yao bi hii; S' sh6u gong; g+';i; T' pi gong Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen (honey tree zi; E+ EF*bi gong zi; 3 g*bi gong fruit) $g+94zhi ju zi; Q ;b$* bhi shi House Lizard Paste ';ii;B shbu gong gCZo 260; %@T*j i ju zi; $/a\%* zhi ziio; F*ci gbu zi; 6 shi li; #t +&* tian House Lizard Pill @ S 9lEd bi gong zi yuan ban y& 2EF*j i ju zi House of Blood [non-channel] Thlfi xu2 Hovenia Gruel if;gtn$#$ zhi jh zhd~i ffi HTwIIo & xin ; I L 2 ~9 xin jing ; /J/' IL\g3 House of Blood Stasis-Expelling Decocshiiu shho yin xin jing tion & fi B $@ xuk fii zhh yii ting HT-1WlIO (Highest Spring) @&ii prin house of bright essence [the head] HT-2W"O (Green-Blue Spirit) Z qitzg 2 R jing ming zhi fii ling; (Green-Blue Spirit Spring) 3 Z house of conveyance and transformation S* qing ling quan [any of the six bowels] I?? 4.t: 2 $ 3 chulin HT-3 (Bending Joint) & T* qfi jii; hua zhi fii (Lesser Sea) $,& shho hiii house of essence $Sfi jing fii HT-4W"O (Spirit Pathway) ZB ling dao House of Heat (BL-12) ?&R*rk fii; (GBHT-5 (Connecting Grain) Bj@* tong li; 20) ?4: fi * rk fii (Connecting Li) j B 3 tong li House of Marrow (GV-2) Bfi* sui fii;
(KT-14) mfi* sui fii house of [that] within the chest back] j& @ 2R xiong zhong zhi fii
HT-6 (Lesser Yin Bone-Hole) 9Pfl %IS* shao yin xi; (Stone Palace) ;tiS* shi gong; (Yin Cleft) 213 yin xi
HT-7 HT-7 (Central Metropolis) @ %B* zhdng du; (Edge) $2+* rui zhdng; (Protudui zhdng; (Protuberant berance) 2 Bone) #@* dui gii; (Protuberant Hub) %I$* dui chdng; (Spirit Gate) $9r7 shkn
HT-8wllo (Lesser House) $-$j shbo fLi; (Protuberant Bone) Rff* clui gii HT-9 (Channel Start) ?343* jing shi; (Lesser Surge) 9i.$ shao chdng; (Lesser Thoroughfare) 9i$*shho chdng Huaiqing chrysanthemum [flower] a (Chrysanthemi Flos Huaiqingensis) t+% huai jh
Huang Gate
(BL-51W1'o(BL-46)) $ij(7
huang m i n
huang membrane %I$$ huang m6 Huang Origin (CV-4) $$ ZE*huang zhi yuan; (CV-6) E 2E*huang zhi yuan Huang 'I+ansport (KI-16W1I0) E&huing shii
Hua Tuo's Eficacious Powder @ huh tub lEi xiho s i n Hua Tuo's paravertebral points A
+{Q3 59 +l2 9 @
hua tub jia j i xut
Hua n o ' s Paravertebrals [non-channel] /Q% @ * hub tub jin jt Hua n o ' s Wind-Healing Powder +[It&
)A& hua tu6 yu fZng s i n Huazhou pomelo rind@ (Citri Grandis Exocarpium Rubrum) 4JL 6 2 1 huh jri h6ng;
4tj+l@jtI* huLi zh6u jh
[p~ilse-takingtechnique] wiin zhi fii human A r i n human center A r i n zh6ng
Human Center zhdng
(GV-26W1Io) A
rkn zh6ng ding
r i n zhi jiii
Human's Horizontal
(SP-15) A $8"r t n
human urinea (Hominis Urina) A R r i n niao
humerus j#B bd gii; $!@ I ncio gii humifuse euphorbiaO (Euphorbiae Hudi jin ciio mifusae Herba) i&@,S humor @ : yt humor desertion 8#% tu6 y t Humor Gate (GB-22) $@TI* yt mkn; (ST27) % [I*yt mkn;' (TB-2) $@ 1'7y t m i n Humor-Increasing Decoction z2ng y t tcing
humor-increasing draining precipitation @ $@ IS 7; zeng y t xi2 xia humor-increasing moist precipitation @
@ 7;I zCng yt? run xih Humor-Increasing Qi-Infusing Decoction @$@2j3 4 @ z2ng ~ yt chtng qi tang humors formed by the five viscera E@
it$@wii zhng hua yt Humuli Scandentis Flos (Japanese hop flower) -j.gSE 12 ciio huci I Humuli Scandentis Herba (Japanese hop) j'fq l& ciio; ~ IAJ @* g2 r i n ttng;
hm&* wii zhiio ldng f&
gui bti
Hundred and One Formulas ImpedimentAlleviating Decoction B--&ij%$22 b i i yi juan bi tGng
& +g&
hundred bones Bf$% biii hhi Hundred Convergences (GV-2OWt1Q)
biii hui
human-center clove sore (ding) A rP jf humankind A rkn
rii zhi; Aql* r i n rii
human naila (Hominis Unguis) A)g EQ
E@ ju
human level A @ r i n bli human milka (Hominis Lac) Atl.iLt r i n
hunchback Ed&16ng bti; 32*& tu6 bti;
hub I$ chdtzg Huechys (red cicadaa) %1@3hdngnihng huge bone [clavicle, collar bone]
Hundred Convergences of the Forehead (GV-22) m&g+* qibn t6u biii hui hundred-day cough B 8 1% biii ri k t ; s IF$D!@ biii zui d u hundred diseases arise out of qi B% B 7 %biii bing jit? sh2ng yu qi hundred joints B T biii jik
Hundred Taxations [non-channel] E 3 Z f f * h6ng ling din; Z IZ B* h6ng ling siin; f{m gfi ff-* srin xirin h6ng shdng biii lrio; (GV-14) ES* biii lho h6ng fin; I# ZIf i f f% * h6ng shEng * hundred vessels face the lung EJl%$!fl?i dgn; % den biii mhi chho fki hyoid bone @ B htng gfi Hundred Winds [non-channel]E@H biii zh6ng fEng . Hyoscyami Radix (henbane root@) E g Hundred Worm Burrow (SP-10) E &! @* king dang gZn biii ch6ng kd Hyoscyami Semen (henbane seed) Z 4th Hundred Worm Nest [non-channel]B &!. T tiiin xiun zi; Eg T *lang dang zi; 3% B biii ch6ng w6 BT* lung tbng zi; %@P*yb thng zi; Z Hun Gate (BL-47WHO(BL-42)) l'J hhn 5f T* xdn yb zi; E& P*lang dang zi mtn hyperactive fC; kang hunger tfl ji: tn j i wwdi hyperactive stomach heat E % Z hurry po w rd kang shkng husky [voice]?$shii hyperactivity f"n kar~g Hydnocarpi Semen (hydnocarpus [seed]) hyperactivity of kidney fire 'Ef i @ X shkn h R 5 da fEng zi; AjFnT* da fdng zi; h hub pirin kang @I,3 m* da fEng zi rOu hyperactivity of yang due to yin vacuity Mydnocarpi Seminis Qleum (hydnocarE [JHft; yin xii ybng kang pus seed oil) AjXlT$Qda fEng zi y6u Hyperici Ascyronis Herba (giant hyperHydnocarpus Great -Wind Pill h R 31, da icum) ZIT E h6ng han lian . fEng wbn Hyperici Erecti Herba (erect hypericum) hydnocarpus [seed] (Hydnocarpi Se/I\ %B xiko libn qiao men) A M P da fEng zi; k@I,T* da fEng Hyperici Japonici Herba (lesser hyperti; k@I,Fm* da fEng zi rbu $Z ddi t r ciio; $t$Z @* qut sht icum) hydnocarpus seed oilo (Hydnocarpi SemEB &$$* ti6n ji huang; m* B*xiang ciio; inis Oleum) W T ?& da fEng zi y6u tiGn zhiin Mydrangeae Dulcis Folium (sweet tea Hyperssteogeny Pill @ B@ 9%gfi zhi grin cha, HZ*gGn chci [leafla) zdng shgng whn Hydrangeae Macrophyllae Radix, Folium hypersomnia [old] ell9 hdn shui et Flos (hydrangea [flower]) /\4lhZ bii hypertonic impediment (bi) Z R luan bi xiiin huii hydrangea [flower] (Hydrangeae hypertonicity fijii; Z$2 luhn; #$JS jd lurin; + q I- $, ludn ji; 3, jii ji Macrophyllae Radix, Folium et Flos) /\
I~ C bG xiiin huii TT--X----.---rzyuam &y'
/-a """\"'%IS."ZJ,
-.k &i3 ch,,; ';lX
hypertonicity of both rib-sides fB;j j&@l%!, ,I;,,.
Z* g6ng hydrocotyle@ (Hydrocotyles Batrachii jiiing xi jin qihn ciio Herba) iZ @j &@$Z Hydrocotyles Batrachii Herba (hydrocotyle@) jiGng xi jin qihn ciio Hydrocotyles Sibthorpioidis Herba (lawn tirin hh sui pennywort@) Hydrogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Aureum (yellow downborne elixir@) $$?Ihuhng shEng; f i ff-* hubng shdng den Hydrogyrum Qxydatum Crudum ~ u b r u m (red upborne elixir) g I f i h6n.g shdng; $1
"-."a--" /;Am"
viS J"in7
hypertonicity of the fingers J)b$$3, shbu zhi luhn ji hypertonicity of the foot at;! Z$%, jiiio lukn ji hypertonicity of the limbs IT4E@l 3, si zhi jfi ji hypertonicity of the shoulder and back Ei 2 j%j3, jicn bki ju ji hypertonicity of the sinews iiij$ jin luan Hyptis Rhomboidis Herba (rhomboid hyptis) @ B $j, bh gfi xiiio; $.1i8R?A* bbi mi, gfi xiiio
ice bJc bing icy bJc bing identification of disease through examination of the teeth g&i%j#@J ydn chi birin bing identify diseases and administer treatment @@Ja$S bikn bing shi zhi identify patterns and administer treatment @ iIEjj&?Sbihn zhing shi zhi identify patterns and determine treatment %iE ik $Sbihn zhtng ldn zhi identify patterns and seek disease causes %% iiE bihn zhtng qiu yin identify patterns (or signs) @ iE bian zhtng ilex' (Ilicis Folium) 3TM kii ding chh Ilicis Asprellae Folium (rough-leaved holly leafa) % & R t giing mti yi Plicis Asprellae Radix (rough-leaved holly root@)i??~ gdng mgi gZn; Z,&2* wan. diin jin Ilicis Chinensis Folium (Chinese ilex S P t dbng qing y2; El=gal-* leafa) si ji qing yt Ilicis Chinensis Semen (Chinese ilex [fruitla) +SF d6ng qing zi; %?jiSCi ?* dhng qing shLi zi Ilicis Cornutae Folium (Chinese holly leaf) g6u gii yt; @@!$lJ* g6u gii ci; 33 JL !$I]* mGo t r ci; Z E$I]* 160 shii ci; &R!$ll*160 hii ci; *Wj !$I]*ybng jido bii jiio ci; /\ % M* bii jido chh; /\#!$I]* ci Ilicis Folium (ilex) S T Z kii ding chb Ilicis Pubescentis Folium (hairy holly leaf@) 32 4-3D t mtio dong qing yt Plicis Pubescentis Radix (hairy holly root@)% mao dbng qing Ilicis Rotundae Cortex (iron holly [bark]@) E jiu bi ying illness bbig ill-wind R fZng Ill-Wind Oil Paste f i fEng you gio
imbalance of activity and rest %BT 3 lbo yi bh dhng Immediate Effect Powder li xi&o sa'n immediate ejaculation at provocative sights R&j.@# jihn st ju xi2 immediate ejaculation on beholding sexjihn sZ ually stimulating sights %&BB C j xi2 immediate rebounding after pressure is applied and released pj$$$;ipj$ sui Ean sui qi Immediate Salvation Pill F$€$~$L ji ji wan immediate vomiting of ingested fluids 7K shui ric zt tLi A , )!I] immediate vomiting of ingested food -12 A RP D l shi ru ji tri imminent passage [of an evil fr-om one channel to another] yG churin immortal 4th xicin Immortal Formula Life-Giving Beverage 4th fr &&tA xicin fcing hu6 ming yin Immortality Gruel f~ A $8xidn rtn zh6u Immortal Tortoise Plastron and Deerhorn Glue Paste & E 1ihB gul W t r x i h giio immovable @ 2T f$5 tui zhi bic yi impact injury 5%)g ffi 4% p2ng zhukng sLin shang impaired depurative downbearing of the lung ji/iX,%P&fti shi sir jihng impaired diffusion and downbearing of the lung j?JXp E fti zhi xuiin jihg impaired harmonious downbearing of the stomach W $kjT;U P$ wti shi h i jiring impaired lung depuration Bifi Xis $ifti shi qing su impaired warming and movement $SZX $7 wZn yun shi zhi impairment X$X shizhi; X$! shizhi; Z It;X wu quhn; #*X shi quin impairment of gastric downbearing 5 wti qi bD jiang impairment of splenic movement and transformation jl@X@iZ pi shi jihn ylin
Impatientis Balsaminae Flos (garden balsam flower) m{h E ftng xian h u i ; &
Z*jin fkng huG; +8T E*zhi jiii T +&E* zhi jiii tho hua
(Imperatae Rhizoma)
imperata [root]
$ Xit;R bhi mdo gdn; S@* 16n gEn; ifi B*di gudn; $ EXit;F*bai huk mho gkn; 3 a@* mcio ciio g2n; &!%S@* st mbo ciio gdn; $ 3"b& mho; X@* mho gkn --.a.
Impatientis Balsaminae Herba (garden balsam) R{h fingxian; m l h g B S *fing x i i n ti,u gii ciio; $ m{h* brii fing xian
Impatientis Balsaminae Herba - Recens (fresh garden balsama) &Rqtl~xiiin ftng xiZn
Impatientis Balsaminae Radix (garden balsam root) )3I,(⁢R fkng xian gdn Impatientis Balsaminae Semen (garden balsam seed) 3,1t$$ j i xing ti; R/h 5" ftng xian zi; 42 E 3*jin ftng hua zi impede !E@ zii ai impeded (bl) qi %'< bi qi Impediment-Alleviating Decoction @%$5J
juan bi tang
Imperial Garden Qi-Evening Powder 15iP
Z 35% yu yuan yhn qi s i n Imperial Grace Rhinoceros Horn and 3f i $j f f j f f i 3 3~ju fang Rehmannia Pill j xi jido di huring wan Imperial Grace Supreme Jewel Elixir E f i Z Z ff jh fang zhi biio clan Imperial Medical Bureau k[K- ~ZJthi yi jLi;
tai yi yuan;
Imperial Medical Officer
tai yi shli
k liZ&
tai yi
imperial physician
l!Z tai yi;
yii yi
impotence P H s ydng wti; Pa@ yhng weYi;
Impediment-Alleviating Four Agents Decoction #Ej@D'@$3J juan bi si wu tang impediment (bi) [new] @ bi impediment (bi) of the flesh Rn% j i bi impediment (bi) of the sinew jijj% jin bi impediment (bi) pattern 'BiE bi zhtng Impediment-Diffusing Decoction E% $51 xuan bi tang
Imperata and Hematite Decoction
F ti3
i$;ti$3J mrio gdn zht shi tang
Imperata and Pueraria Decoction % 23 $5~ mao gk king
Imperata Decoction %@$% mab gEn tang Imperatae Flos (imperata flowera) El 3 .C?zG; SZE*m& k u i huii; bji
% H z * mao zhdn hua Imperatae Rhizoma (charred imperata [rootla) mlio gdn tan; (imperata [rootla) $ X $R bbi mao gdn Imperatae Rhizoma (imperata [root]@)
lhn gdn; di guiin; $ IE 3 $R* brii hua mao g2n; F F@* rnao ciio gdn; &!SF@* si mlio ciio gkn; $%* bhi mrio; Z @* mbo gdn imperata flowera (Imperatae Flos) $ 3 E bdi mcio hua; % a x * mbo kui h u i ; 3 HE* mcio zhEn hua
Z #*
PJj *@ yin wti;
Zj3 't;@ yhng shi bu jli
Impotence #1
@ ( - ) ycing wti (1)
Impotence #2 Pa $j+ ( (7 ) yring wti (2) [non-channel]
Impotence #3 PH
& %
) yang wti (3)
impotence from sexual overindulgence ?)A
BEIS@ zi,ng yu yling wti improper cooking ,%il?jXBpdng tido shi yi
improper nourishment 54 % shi yiing impulsiveness jg tg
$I qing xu yi j i d6ng inmpu?s mii-abiiiree (iviirabiiiiurn NonPurum) #+tiig pi, xiao; *\%* pi, xiao; *\ KB* p6 xiao; &@j* pi x i i o ; E@j*ydn xigo; 7K ? ~ shui * xiao
impure mirabilite efflorescence0 (Mirabiliti Non-Puri Efflorescentia) f l jt $\ @ f2ng hua pi, xido inability to catch the breath 't;f%,& bu d t xi
inability to chew 7f'; 4% U@ bu d t jiho inability to close the eyes 4% FfI mu bu d t bi; H @+ -& mu jing bu h t
inability to detect fragrance or fetor 51% S bb zhi xiitzg chbu; T r@IB S bbh wtn xi6ng ch6u . inability to eat T-&bu shi inability to ejaculate #gT 9.f jing bu shh chii; 93% bh shh jing inability to evacua'te T f;;A @ bLi da bihn inability to get food down -&TT shi bu xii; tA&+ 7; yin shi bli xia; T-&bG xia shi inability to get warm despite extra clothing 8T f+ ?E chbng yi bu d t win inability to get water or fluids down 7k?R f;7; shui jiing b2 xia inability to grasp objects $ETf+zhu6 b3 dt inability to lie down $f%Eb bu dk wi, inability to lie flat T%+qE\ bh dt ping wi, inability to lift the arm up to the head +@ Z J l ff shiiu bi bli kg shang tbu inability to lift the limbs iZJET+ ssi zhi bu jii inability to produce an erection PJjBT RI yin qi bli ybng inability to raise the shoulder j+j jiin bD jii inability to recognize people % A buI zhi rtn inability to rest Tf%%E\ bu dk i n wi, inability to roll the eyes El $@It@ mu bu nkng xuan; iijE Il@ bu ntng xuhn inability to satisfy the libido ,F,'&TB si yu bu sui inability to see at night &$XBByt shi ' wing jian inability to see distant objects TBEZqX b3 ntng y u h shi inability to sit up Eb+f+& wi, bu d t zui, inability to sleep a t night ETjijES y2 bh ntng mti inability to stand erect +BEE$ bu nkng zhtng li inability to stand for long periods +@j$ 9,$ bu nai jiii li inability to suckle [inability of the child to take milk] T ;;fE aft41 bu ntng shiin rii
+* +
inability to taste food +%a% kku bu zhi whi; -&Z% shi wO wti; -&+%I% shi yin shi wu whi bic zhi whi; 'i:k-&Z% inability to turn over T f+@i7{J!ll b2 d t qing ct inability to turn sides Tf+ElYrl bu d6 zhuin c2 inability to urinate 7(; f+ / J \ 4 E b6 dk xiiio biin inability to urinate or defecate A ]J\ @+ $3dclri xi60 bian bic. d t ; f+EG bii dk qihn hbu inability to vomit or defecate [despite the desire] ~f 9% f+ tu xi2 bLi dk in acute conditions treat tip 3,ll]$~;f;% ji zt zhi biio inappropriate wil inappropriate precipitation ig7; wh xih inappropriate sweating gfi w3 han inappropriate use of medicines R ST 3 yhng ydo bii dirng [in] autumn [the pulse] responds like a level line fk F;l;n @ @jqiii ying zhi,ng hkng incessant T e 63 yi; Tf;lt bu zhi; Ti* bli xiii; bci duan; + E bh jin; +?@ bu juk incessant laughing xiao bu xiii; Z T {* xi xi20 b2 xiii incessant menstruation R 7)(+ ?Ejing shui bu jut incessant singing and laughing I% Z T {* ge xiao bu xiii incessant sweating tT 8T V k han chii bu kg zhi incessant talking iGZ+{* yii yhn b3 xiii inch 9 citn Inch Level [non-channel]9F cun ping inch opening 9 c2n kiiu inch pulse Tf-bj cjcn mhi inch whiteworm Tf- $ & cun bcii chbng incised wound &GI1 jin chuiing; &'& jin chuing incised wounds and club injuries &%9 ;ESt jin chuing shhu zhang incised-wound syncope Zl@ d i o yiin
incised wound tetany &%@ jin chulLng jing incoherent response to inquiry Tc$%E%L dui da cud luan incoherent speech i g z f k f i yii wLi lhn ci incomplete e'limination of static blood @ &*I?$ yii xut wti jin incomplete elimination of the lochia SE 8 t 12 wGi jin incomplete erection PB P KIi;?;; 3 ybng shi jii t r bu ji6n incongruence between disease and color phases T8 & T $ B E bbing st bu xiing ying incongruence of the pulse with the four seasons b$$%!lByt mai ni si shi increase @$ ztng Increase Brightness #2 [non-channel]@ z2ng ming #2 increased & dub increased eating with rapid hungering ~3 -&$$tn dub shi shun ji; % &W tn du6 shi yi j i increase food intake $I& na shi increase humor i@ z2ng y6 increase humor and precipitate with moistness @ $@$3J 7; zCng y2 run xia increase humor to move the grounded ship [move hard stool] k@ $+z2ng yt xing zhbu increase humor with cold and saltiness %t@@! xihn hrin z2ng y t increase milk $971 ztng rii increase the appetite % E kai wti cuo incrusted skin jlLfl3 F E ji ffi In Deafness [non-channel] 23 ldng zhiing in debility, supplement $$$$ ;fib 2 shuii zht bii zhi index finger &)g shi zhi; +&)g shbu shi zhi India hawthorn@ (Rhaphiolepsis Indicae Ramulus et Folium seu Radix) G X * chiin hua mu h d i a n abutilono (Abutilonis Indici Herba) @ & S mb pan cio; 3 mi lan cio
infantile Indian adenosmaO (Adenosmatis Indiani Herba cum Flore) AgPjji da t6u chin Indian cardamom@ (Elettariae Carxiio damomi Semen seu Fructus) )]\ 9% dhu khu Indian mallow seede (Abutilonis qing shi; 1% Theophrasti Semen) - ~ % @+* qing mb zi indicate hou indication [of drugs] •’.Ig zhii zhi indifference of spirit-affect @?%?&@$shin qing dun mi, indifferent expression & tS $Z tg bin'o qing dhn md indigestion fig 4.I: T E+ xiao huh bli ,lihng indigoa (Indigo Pulverata Levis) Z 54 qing dai; B E * dian hug; S%%"qing * giing huii; EE* lrin gi fe'n; S ~ I Eqing lu; tZE* dian huii; @#E* dian mi, hug Indigo and Clamshell Pi11 EheA qing g6 wan Indigo and Clamshell Powder B!k&mdai gi sdn Indigo and Gold Powder 352%qing jin siin Indigo Paste s g g qing dhi gio Indigo Powder Eg@ qing dhi sin Indigo Pulverata Levis (indigo) 3%qing dai; BE*dirin hua; %j*qinggt fe'n; g f , E *qing gang hua; 3 E* Ian lu; & : E* dihn hua; B#E* dian mi, huci indirect moxibustion & & jiin jit jiii indiscriminate use &H gai yong inrlistinrt 5 8) shi zhin hun -- --- - ---- vision @i@ miiio individual and simultaneous palpation @ @, ,@,@ dan an, zbng an indulgence in rich fatty foods ,E&E!E zi shi hou fti indulgence in sweet, fatty foods !&&Hle! zi shi @:anfti ineffectiveness of the yin organ [impotence] # 5 H yin qi bu yhng in equal proportions 3 %dddng fen infant /J\ JL xido kr; @ ying; JL ying tr infantile /I\ JL xiiio,tr
infantile fetal mounting (shan) /I\JLB$$lj xiiio t r tai shlin infantile paralysis I)\ J L B t & xiiio ir tan hubn infantile umbilical wind clenched jaw /I\ JLRRti 1% xiiio i r qi fZng kbu jin infantile wilting (wti) pattern /J\ J L @ iiE xi60 t r wti zhwtng Infantis Urina (child's urine) &{Z t6ng bihn Infant-Safeguarding Red Powder {g&& biio chi sin Infant's Door (CV-4) P*zi hh Infant's Door (right) (KT-13) 3 P * zi hu infant's finger examination /I\ JL i$ xiiio t r zhi zh t n infant's gate [orificium uteri] 32 7 zi mkn Infant's Intestine (CV-4) ?E*zi chang Infant's Palace [non-channel] 3E zi g6ng; (CV-4) .3 * zi gbng infant's-pillow JLiMi t r zhtn infant's-pillow pain [afterpnins due to blood stasis] J L & t r zhtn thng Infant's Place (CV-4) Tfi*zi ch3 infant's viscus [uterus] 3j# zi zang infertility F bu rwtn; FQ bil yiln Infertility [non-channel] ?E9 jut yiln; (CV-5) ?$V* jut yun infixation (zhu) @ zhh infixation (zhu) cough @n,$j zhu shu inflation J@lE ping zhang Influential Bone-Hole (SI-18) If;JZf& * qurin lirio influx (zhu) [in disease names] & zhh influx (zhu) heart pain zhu xin t6ng Infradiaphragrnatic Stasis-Expelling Decoction BEf;jZ%@& gt xia zhu yii tang infraumbilical mounting (shhn) IH.1 fit: shhn in front of E qihn ingest A ru ingredient 2B& zit: ching; % wwti ingrown eyelash $!Jtl3 diio jit; !$I] B,$% -% diio jit qurin mcio, fill tl3 % % d i o jit quhn
quhz mao dbo cha; %% mbo; % %{2!JB qulin mbo; {$I B,$ dao jit; %%@I]@ quhn mho dao jik; Bs%{$flA jit mao dbo ru ingrown nail 1211F dcio jiii i guinal region Pa& yin gii inhale xi; 9xi qi; ! a A xi ru ihhibited F$I] bcl li; *$% bLi chang inhibited bending and stretching E { $ F ill qii shZn bu li inhibited bladder qi transformation +lJpang guang qi huh bu li inhibited chest and diaphragm mjfiT$I] xibng gt bu li inhibited defecation IR dd bian bri chang inhibited eruption of measles papules J@ B 2 $%I mri zhcn fa bO chring inhibited flow of milk fl'#F@j rit: zhi bii chang inhibited management and regulation $2 T F $11 zhi j i i bh li inhibited menstrual flow 5 7 K $ $11 jing shui bu li inhibited menstruation )$@T%11 I yut jing bu li; 7K T $11 yuwt shui bu li; fff $3F$@I xing jing bii chcittg; ?3f? $11 jing xing 63 li; t3 fff $$J jing xing bu chhtzg inhibited nose orifices &%+ $11 bi qiho bh li inhibited qi dynamic T.$I F$11 qi ji bri li inhibited qi transformation 5j.t:F$1 qi hua bu li inhibited sinew movement 3 T $1 jin mai hub dhng bu li inhibited speech i$jgG$lJ yit: ycin hil li inhibited sweating $T F 4% hhn chll bic chring inhibited sweating toxin [sore] $T% hhv, dh inhibited tongue %tE sht st inhibited urination J]\@+ $1 xiiio bihn bu li inhibited urination in pregnancy fiZE/J\ {F $11 rtn sh2n xiiio biin b~ li inhibited urine and stool I{F+$IJ i r bi&n bD li
a +
inhibited voidings of reddish urine /I\ @ %Bxiiio bian chi st; Ej? %tg niao chi st inhibition +$I1 bu li inhibition of lung qi /j*T+$IJ fti qi bii li initial insomnia A A A @ jiii jiii bu ru shui initial palpation [pulse] $3 chii chi initial stage [of disease] @#J chii qi; @ chii qi initial-stage qi-aspect heat % $1Ti': qi ftn chii rt injection fluid s4.fazhu shi yt; &$.ffilJ zhu sht ji; $4-31J zhZn ji injury tfi 4% siin shing injury due to battering M4% dii shang injury from falling B{% dut, shkng Injury Stasis-Dispersing Pill ?$49j# SStL zhi shang xiko yh wbn inkd (Atramentum) m6; xiing mb in moderate conditions treat the root E !I11 $3$ huiin zt zhi be'n inner ankle bone [medial malleolus] m E?j! nti hudi inner (body) m nti Inner Bright Eyes [non-channel] If;lIf @ nti jing ming Inner Brightness [non-channel]hg*nti m ing inner canthus If;JBflt nti zi; Allot da zi Inner Canthus (BL-1) €I mflflt* mu nti zi Inner Court (ST-44W"O) mjjZ nti ting Inner Eye of the Knee [non-channel] m I$ EIW* nti xi yin inner face m @ nti lilin Inner Kunlun Mountains [non-channel] If;] fTC* nti kiin lLin Inner Mound of Shoulder [non-channel] B m Pg jian nki ling Inner Pass (PC-6wfio) m # nti guan inner shank sore mJUjk'6nti lilin chuang Inner Thigh [non-channel]& m* gii nti inner thigh flat abscess (jii) PBg gii yiiz jii
insecurity inner thigh pain JknPJj@i gii yin thng Inner Union Valley [non-channel] If;l nti h t gii Inner Welcome Fragrance [non-channel] G B nki ying xiang Inner Yang Pool [non-channel] m BH t& nti yang chi Innominate Point [non-channel]X % fi* wh ming xuk innominate toxin swelling E % wh ming zh6ng dh inquiry 9 wBn zhe'n in repletion, drain %$$.iT2 shi zhe' xi2 zhi; % JrJ .iT 2 shi zt! xi2 zhi in repletion, drain the child % @lJ.i%g=Fshi zC; xit qi zi insane f2ng insanrty f2ng insecurity of defensive yang TVH+ wti ybng bu gu insect & ch6ng insect bites & @ch6ng yiio insects in the ear &A biii ch6ng ru dr; !& A chbng rc e'r insect sting S & @ 4% dLi ch6ng shi shang insect waxe (Ericeri Pelae Cera) !& Q 9; ch6ng blii la; &fig * ch6ng la insecurity F El bu gL insecurity of bladder qi a?%+ IZl pao qi bh gu insecurity of defense qi T 5;;f.El wti hi bu gu insecurity of exterior qi %5T biio qi bii gu insecurity of heart qi &T+@ xLn qi bu gu insecurity of kidney qi '3/"IT j Z l shtn qrli bu gu insecurity of the defensive exterior 3% T El wti biio bii gic insecurity of the essence gate @ # !&I jing guan bu gu insecurity of the interstices @@+ El cbu li bu gh insecurity of the kidney 'EBT IZl shtn xii bu gu
insecurity of the lower origin 7; 3 xia yucin bii gu insecurity of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels j$43T H chbng r2n bh gu insensitive impediment (bi) j@% wrin bi insensitivity i~ bLi rin insensitivity of the limbs PIET11 si zhi bu rin insensitivity of the mouth uT41 kdu bb r2n insensitivity of the skin DMT41j i f i bri rin insert $d ci insertion sii fii in severe cases EgIJ shtn zt Inside Cheek [non-channel] $3 jiri nti insomnia shi mi&; T BIZ bb micin; %Elf% wh rnirin; T f+IF, bu dk mihn; bu shui; 7[; % bb mti; T t+ Eb bu d t wi, Insomnia [non-channel] X BE shi mihn inspection @ whng zhtn inspection of form and bearing gfl9Z wang xing tai inspection of the teeth whng chi inspect spirit and complexion @& guin shin st [in] spring [the pulse] responds like compasses E chiin ying zhi,ng gut Instant Relief Powder ++&% shdu niin sLin
Instep Yang (BL-59w"O) H4PB fii yring instep yang pulse gPBb$ fii ycing mai insubstantial 283 wci xing insufferable EJ,Ex bu ke' re'n insufficiency T Z bh zu insufficiency of center qi +%+azhdng qi bii zLi insufficiency of center yang PBTW zhbng yring bL zu insufficiency of earlier heaven X X F W xiin titin bu zri insufficiency of essence is supplemented with flavor $f$TX+$;iib 2LX* jing bu zri zht bii zhi yi w2i $J
insufficiency insufficiency of gallbladder qi /jH 5T ;rB d i n qi bu zLi insufficiency of heart and kidney yang qi JL\'R 9 T E xin shtn ybng qi b& zLi insufficiency of heart blood JL\aT xin xu2 62 zci insufficiency of heart construction JL\E ; I ;2 xin ying bu zLi insufficiency of heart qi JL\5T E xin qi b& zh insufficiency of heart qi and blood I L \ ~ h + E xin qi xut bG zLi insufficiency of heart qi and yin &5PB T -;W xin qi yin bb zLi insufficiency of heart yin JL\PB T xin yin bh zLi insufficiency of kidney essence '% $% T E shtn jing bk zu insufficiency of kidney qi '# 5 T sh2n qi bu zLi insufficiency of kidney water 'R 7R T shin shui bii zli insufficiency of kidney yang '3PH T E shtn ycing bfi zci insufficiency of kidney yin '3PJ T shtn yin bu z& insufficiency of liver blood /jTdnTEgEn xu2 bh zh insufficiency of liver blood rib-side pain flFTta f;Bj&% grZn xu2 bu Z& xi2 t h g insufficiency of liver qi 8T9T ,!2 gcln qi bic zLi insufficiency of liver yin rJa +a g i n yin bii zLi insufficiency of lung qi a$5,TZ@i qi bu zu insufficiency of lung yang a$ PB T 2 @i yhng bu zLi insufficiency of lung yin fl$13R T f2i yin bu zLi insufficiency of original qi Z 5 F E yubn qi bu zu insufficiency of qi T T Z qi bLi zri insufficiency of qi and yin 5PB T qi yin bbci zu insufficiency of spirit qi $$TTJ$ shtn qi b2 zri
insufficiency of stomach qi 3 5+X wki qi bh zri insufficiency of stomach yin & PJ 2 wki yin bu zri insufficiency of the blood rfn+Xxul. bu zLi insufficiency sf the fluids @ % T X jin yi. bh zri insufficiency of the life fire ti$ A X ming hu6 bii zri insufficiency of the liver and kidney T Ji! g i n shtn bii zri insuficiency of the physical body is 2 5 xing warmed with qi jf5 F b i ~zri zh2 wGn zhi yi qi insuficiency of the source of engendering transf~rmati~am &jL ;t@Tf;B shZng huii zhi yuhn bii zri insufficiency of the source of transformation [inadequate blood and qi prvduction] 4L :& 2 hua yuan bu zu insufficiency of the true drigin s Z + X zhwbn yuan bu zLi insufficiency of true yang g P R + X zhwbn yhng bu zri insufficiency of true yin &[Ja Ji! zhEn yin bh zli insufficiency of yang qi PI3 5 X yatzg qi bu zri insufficiency of yin-blood PJ & T E yin xu2 bh zLi insufficient Ji! bbli 20 insuficient blood production 9 rfn shCng xu& bu zri insufflate 113xiir insurnation E chui yGo [in] summer [the pulse] responds like a square B j3j 8E xia ying zh6ng jfi intake [of food] 4@ rza intangible Zfi3 wli xing intellectual torpor s%Q zhi li chi dun intemperant drinking and sex @EXE jiii sl. wu du intense [heat or fire] 'kP, chi intense heart fire JL\A $,0\& xin huii chi sh tng intense heat and exuberant toxin %tL!!;D,B @ r i chi du shkng
+ +
interlocking intense internal heart fire JL\A xin hu6 n i i shkqg; JL\A lf;J tJ? xin hu6 nki chi intense liver-stomach fire /IT E At.!? gGn wki hu6 chi intense lung-stomach fire fl$BA Ik,! @i wki hu6 chi intense stomach fire E A $5 wki hu6 chi shkng intense toxic fire @A@$.!?dci h u 6 f a n chi intense yin vacuity fire P B E A $J? yin xii hub chi intercanthal body inch €I @%3mii htrzg cun interdependence of yin and yang PJPU $1 Z !& @ yin yang xibrzg hu yi ccin interference among the seven alfects -t= E T qi qing xiGng gRn interior & li interior attack does not shun cold [medicinals] & g $ 3% gong li bu yuiin hbn interior bind %$%li jit interior cold 99% li hhn interior cold repelling heat 9%;1;$ % li hrin g i ri. interior heat S ?& li rk interior heat repletion pattern f?: % iiE li r2 shi zh2ng interiorization A 9 rI'L li interiorize li; A 2 rk li interior pattern S i E li zh2ng interior repletion 9 % li shi interior repletion heat EJ3%?;4 li shi r2 interior S~remgi'nening (C'v7-1 1w'LQ)- EZ jiRn li interior vacuity g E li xLl interior-warming blood-stanching medicinal $%9lt &% wwbn li zhi xut yao interior-warming cold-dispelling formula tg g+$,% filJ wwbr~ li qii han ji interior-warming cold-dispelling medicinal @, g+&%% wgn li qii hhn yao interior-warming medicinal ?$% ?FJwwbn li yao interlocking bones [ischium; sacrococcygeal articulation] 2 @ jiao gii
Intermediary Courier (PC-5WHO), lij7 @ jiin shi intermingling of yin and yang P B PH 2 ym yring jiiio intermittent aq EHqlt shi f i shi zhi intermittent dysentery 4* ,Bl$ij xifi xi li . intermittent fever HijHijE 2: shi shi fii rt
internal dryness IjtJ @ nti zao Internal Expulsion and Pain-Relieving Decoction E%A @$P& tud li ding t6ng tang Internal Expulsion Pus-Expelling Decoction E S B M$%tu6 li d u nbng ting Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Beverage %%Yj @tA tub li xiio dh yin intermittent fever and chills %\!! l's7 I+ Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Powhrin rt jiin zui, der %% # @% tub li xiio dh sin intermittent sighing (4U A,@,run yi thi internal fire I f;Jknti hu6 xi internal food damage tetany If;J.I%tA-&@ internal If;J nti nti shing yin shi jing internal block l'fl nti bi internal heat nti rt internal block clouding reversal Tt;J rn tZj internal heat evil block 24: 5jP lf;] Sin rt xi6 M nti bi hcn jui nti bi internal blood spillage due to damage to internal hemorrhoid nti zhi yin network vessels PJJ %%49j Wll h yin internal injury 4% nnti shing lui, shing zk xut nti yi internal obstruction [of the eye] nti internal blowing IRJ ! a nti chui zhang internal blowing mammary welling abinternal phlegm turbidity block m rin nti chui rii ybng scess (ybng) m! a $l% trin zhub ni bi; &I rn trin hu6 nti bi internal cause [of disease] lit] rzti yin internal repletion nti shi internal cold If;J% nnti hrin internal static blood obstruction Internal Coursing Coptis Decoction $,i$ P11 yfi xu't nti zii @ 2?$% nti shE huring lirin ting internal steaming If;J% nti zhzng internal damage m 4 5 nti shiirzg internal supplementation 9b $4+I wai internal damage by the seven aff'ects m kC bfi fii 4% -t= tg nti shing qi qing Internal Supplementation Pill m +b % nnti internal damage fever I1;J4% E 2: nti shing bii wan fG rt internal toxin If;J8 nti dLi internal damage headache [1;1 %@j nti internal vexation [itJ nti frin shing tl,u t6ng internal wasting-thirst If;l# nti xiiio internal damage insomnia Tt;]49jT43Eb tzti internal welling abscess (y61zg) If;J@ nti shiing bh dk wl, ybng internal damage lumbar pain If;I49jj9% internal wind m R nki fCng nti shing yao thng inter-netting and inter-homing @B 28R internal damage stomach duct pain +. xinng hh luo shil a 83% nnti shiing wti wiin guiin tong interrupt & jib internal dampness If;J tzti shi interrupt malaria jib nut internal depression of static blood @& Intersection Apparatus [tzon-channel]X m gjl yE xi2 nti yE I9 jiio yi; (LV-5) 2t9* jino yi internal dispersion 4kf4.Y~& whi kC xiiio Intersection Hub (GV-19) 9 I$" jiiio fG chbng Internal Dispersion Powder If;J# 8 nPi xino siin intersection point [see also b i mai jiao internal drawing fi nti tub xut xut j \ j # i i X & f i ] 2 2 f i jiiio hui xuk
Intersection Reach (ICI-SWffO)2 12 jiao xin Intersection Surge (GV-19) 2 j$* jiao chcing interstices E@chu li interstices of the flesh maff. rhu chu; aff. j i chu Intestinal Adhesion Decoction E X& S B f#& chhng zhan lihn huiin jig tang intestinal afflux (pi) Em chhngpi intestinal afflux (pi) with pus and blood E W 7;8m dn chhng pi xia nbng xut intestinal aggregation (pi) E@ chhng pi Intestinal Bend (SP-16) EM* chhng qii Intestinal Bind (SP-14) Egg* chhng jit intestinal dryness with constipation )j%@ chhng zao bian bi intestinal dryness with difficult defecation E $3@ BE chling zho bi&njikn intestinal heat bind E 3% 4;A chhng dao jig ri intestinal humor depletion E @ 9 +% chhng yt kui hao intestinal impediment (bi) E B chhng bi Intestinal Lament (SP-16) E S * chang ii intestinal pi E@$ chbng pi intestinal qi stagnation chhng qi zhi intestinal tan EZ$3 chhng thn intestinal vacuity efflux desertion EE$B R# chling xii huh tuo int-estir?~! vzczity e r l - 1 dizrrher ~~ ,% ,G $9 iq chhng xii huh xi2 intestinal welling abscess bong) E % chhng y6ng intestinal wind EjX, chhng f2ng Intestinal Wind [non-channel]EN chhng
fk intestinal wind bleeding EN 7; dn chhng fsng xia xu;; E jX,f$ dn chhng fgng bian xut intestinal wind constipation /j3~N !E$A chhng f2ng bian bi intestine J@J chling
in Intestine-Clearing Beverage $f$ E 'I:hqing chhng yin intestine-gripping sand (sha) [dy cholera] gP E #& jiiio chhng shci Intestine-Moistening Decoction 83E .i% run chhng tang Intestine-Moistening Pill $3& $, run chhng whn Intestine Mountain (BL-57) &J LLI* chhng shan intestines Em chhng fii Intestine's Bequeathal [nun-channel]E B chang yi Intestine-Securing Decoction HE @J gu chhng tang Intestine-Securing Pill H@J gh chling whn In the Round [nun-channel] 5f huan zhcing intimidate @ ling intractable [disease]@j gu intractable cold gu 12ng intractable disease @& gu ji intradermal needle &m H pi nti zh2n; & 7; @ H pi xia mhi zh2n intrude r$ k.2 inula' (Inulae Caulis et Folium) & $& 3 jin fti ciio; g i g s *jin fb ciio; E@@* xuhn fu g2ng h u l a and Hematite Decoction &$@El% $3~xuhn fu hua dai zh2 shi tang Inula Decoction @E E $J xuan fc hua tang Inulae Cappae Herba (goat-ear elecampanes) Q bhi nih diin; fi da li huhng Inulae Caulis et Folium (inula) &dj?$ jin fti ciio; &{%$* jin fb ciio; &$@+@* xuhn fu g2ng Inulae Flos (inula flower) E @ Exuan fu hua; &~j?E* jin fti hua inula flower0 (Inulae Flos) EBE xuan jin fti h u i fu huii; &gj?E* Inula Powder & $& S;;P: jin fii ciio s i n in vacuity, supplement )$f fill # 2 xu zt bii zhi
in vacuity, supplement the mother @El] + I # @xii zk bii qi mii; &s$+IZBxii zht bii qi mii in vacuity, supplement the mother; in repletion, drain the child @%+I#@, % %%ETxii zht bii qi mii, shi zht xi2 q i zi invade 3E fan; @ qin; @A qin ru; ES qin xi invasion 3[! fan; E gin; E$ qin xi; @A qin ru invasion of the lung by a warm evil tE4P 3E wdn xi6 fan f t i invasion of the spleen by liver qi RTTgP. I$ g i n qi fan p i invasion of the stomach by liver qi RT5, 3E E g i n qi fan wti inversion [old] R jut inverted menstruation @t^l] & dao jing invigorate bang, esp. kidney ynng] If zhuang invigorate fire If A zhuang hu6 invigorate the gallbladder If jjB zhuhng din invigorate the governor of water to restrain the brilliance of yang If 7k 2& U $511 PEl jl;; zhuang shui zhi zhii yi zhi yhng ping invigorate water to restrain yang 4?7k$5l] zhuang shui zhi yhng invigorate yang If-P a zhuang yhng invisible gan worm g i n ni invisible worm ni invisible worm sore of the genitals PJJg yin ni invisible worm sore of the nose &E%bi ni chuing; E& ni bi invisib,le worm sores ni chuing involuntary discharge of stool A 4F $ B dh bihn zi yi inward If;] n2i inward fall If;] PG n t i xian inward fall of an exterior evil S 5jP VG biiio xit n2i xian inward movement A ril inward pushing If;] #$ nki tui
inward squint If;l# i:X n i i xit shi [in] winter [the pulse] responds like a E *X dbng ying zhbng steelyard line 4quhn irascibility $?, ?z yi nu; 375 shan nu; P, dub nu irascibility and susceptibility to fright % P,2?3E yi nu dub jing Iridis Japonicae Herba (Japanese iris@) 4li!l@Ehb dit h u i ; # Q & * t i t b i i n d i n Iridis Pallasii Semen (sweet iris seed@) 4 E F m i lin zi Iridis Rhizoma (iris [root]@) BE yuan w2i iris h6ng ciii; $${Ihuhng r i n iris [root]@ (Iridis Rhizoma) BE yuGn wti iron-band headache %B@II'S t6u tbng rLi cht iron cup #fig tit guhn iron flakes' (Ferri Frusta) #% ti2 lub; /fXR*tit xi?;, tit y t ; tit t ; E* tit h u i ; /fXE*tit xi;; #R* tit shi; %#@* sheng tit luh Iron Flakes Beverage tA shdng t i t lub yin Iron Flute Pill # % A tit d l whn iron holly [bark] @ (Ilicis ~RotundaeCortex) $A&\ E jiu bi ying Iron Hoop Powder #@% tit gii s i n iron pyrite@ (Pyritum Rotundurn) ;Ei sht hhn shi irregular defecation k @ 3 da bian b i ~ ji6 irregular eating tnt.@+ i1j i bLio b i ~ticio;' tn t@%% j i biio shi chhng Isatidis Folium (isatis leaf@) AWnt ri6 qing y t ; kg* da qing Isatidis Radix (isatis root@) b2z lhn dian gen; lan ggn; EB;t;R* dihn qing g2n; Eta* lhn gdn isatis leaf@ (Isatidis Folium) kgUt I/& qing y i ; k S* dh qitzg isatis root@ (Isatidis Radix) &%;Fa b i n lhn dian gdn; $2 $7 fR4 lrin ggn; Eg,$;t;R* d h n qing gdn; E@* lhn gdn
Isatis Root and Leaf Decoction & E k S @J biin lhn da qing tang Ischium [non-channel]&@ zui, gu isolate R gt issue tt: chii itch & sao; @ yiing; 3l$iqi yiing itching &@ sao yiing itching in the penis Z $ E @ ling zhong fa yiing Itch Reliever [non-channel]It@ zhi yiing Itch-Relieving point [non-channel]k@ A* 1L zhi yiing xut Itch-Soothing Decoction % j$ Ph t i ydng tang itchy canthus €lfitl$izi yiing itchy. ear @ 5r yiing itchy eyes @ mu yiing itchy face mian yiing itchy gan &% sao gan itchy nose @@ bi yiing itchy papules @'gying zhcn itchy pupils B&q @ t6ng zi yiing itchy skin Ffi H A @pi fii sao yiing
$EE+% zhdn zhuiin bu an
zhri:z z h i i n bir iin and Red Paste 5 $1@ yu h6ng gao Candle Powder %!I yu$ zhu !% siin yu lu siin Dew Powder Door (CV-22) EP*yu hu Field [non-channel] yu ti& gates [orificium vaginae] 5 I'-] yu
Jade Jade Jade Jade Jade jade mt n Jade Hall (CV-l8WII*) 3 g yu thng Jade House 'Ikansport (BL-30) 3 E @* yh fhng shii Jade Humor [non-channel]3 @ yu y i
Jade's itchy throat %@ h6u yiing; % X E @h6u t6u f~ yGng itchy tongue %@ sht ydng itchy wind-toxin [sore] HZ2%@f2ng dh chuang yiing item & pin itinerant healer S f i E z6u fang yi its bloom is in the. . . S V E . . . qi hub zai ivorye (Elephantis Dens) & % xiang yh; & & @j* xiang yh xi2 ivory flakeso (Elephantis Dens in Frustra) & & E xiang yh xi? Ixorae Caulis et Folium (ixora stem and leaf) 2 AEEZ Pt- l6ng chuhn huii jing yh Ixorae Flos (ixora flower) f2; AEE 16ng chuhn hua Ixorae Radix (ixora root) ji? flBE& 16ng chuhn hua g2n i x o m flowerm (Ixorac Flos) f2;flBE16izg chuhn hua ixora root' (Ixorae Radix) 2 AGE$R 16ng chuhn hua g2n ixora stem and leap (Ixorae Caulis et Folium) &WBEZUj- 16ng chuan hurf jing Y?
yu yh tang Jade Humor Decoction jade & y - 5 $ , yu yao shi Jade Lady Brew 3k 3 yu nn jian Jade Lady Variant Brew $1XEk 3 jig jiiin yu nb jian Jade Lock Elixir EZfi ff- yu su6 dan Jade Pillow (BL-9Wi1*)%& yic zh5n jade pillow bone [occipital bone] 5&@ yu zhcn gii Jade Pivot Elixir E#XfJyu shii dan Jade Ring 'Ikansport (BL-30) E5 4&* yu huan shii Jade's Beauty (CV-18)' 3%' yu ying
yu qurin Jade Spring (CV-3) Jade Spring Pill 2,9$~ yir qurin wrin Jade Spring Powder Z,%E yh qurin sin jade stem [penis] ZZ yu jing Jade Swivel (CV-21WffO) xurin ji Jade Wind-Barrier Powder ER j3l& yu ping fZng siin Japan allspice flower0 (Chimonanthi lh mti huii Flos Immaturus) $$,&E Japanese ardisia [stem and leaflo (Ar-
disiae Japonicae Caulis et Folium) %& 4= zi jin niri; BfiJM* iii di chri; ++B* qiin nirin iii; T &'#* bu chu lin Japanese avensO (Gei Japonici Herba) 7KiF%% shui yring mti Japanese cayratiao (Cayratiae Japonicae Herba seu Radix) !2,&!j 5- w& lihn rnii Japanese cherry bark0 (Pruni Cortex) @ rff ying pi; $1.tH*pa shu Japanese dioscorea [root] @ (Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma) 3 LLI 16 chuan shan 16ng Japanese ginseng leaf" (Panacis Japonici Folium) %Pi- shCn yt Japanese hope (Humuli Scandentis Herba) if!S 1u ciio; A B*gZ rin ting; Tim%* wii zhiio l6ng Japanese hop Wowur' (Humuli Scandentis Flos) #SE lu ciio huc? Japanese iris@ (Iridis Japonicae Herba) 4&j@ E hh dii hua; %& #3*ti; biiin dan Japanese kadsura [root] 0 (Kadsurae Japonicae Radix et Caulis) %I@$@h6ng gfi sht Japanese ranunculusO (Ranunculi Japonici Herba et Radix) mao gkn Japanese raspberry@ (Rubi Parvifolii Herba) @ Hfig hiio tirin biiio; %I%#* h6ng rnii xiao; X Efll!Q S*tian jing di brii ciio; @H@* hiio yGng pho; leWEJ;g* 16ng chucin biiio; $I%$l@* h6ng sub mti Japanese raspberry rooto (Rubi Parvi- . folii Radix) @H@@ hrZo tirin biao gZn; % E@* mrio rnii g2n; X $gfiJQ tB* tian mrio rnii gZn jing di bai gZn; %&@*
Japanese saussureaO (Saussureae Japonicae Herba) / \ @ * bLi ling mu . Japanese spatterdock root0 (Nupharis Rhizoma) Jll+jchuzn gil Japanese spurge' (Pachysandrae Herba (cum Radice)) Zj LLJ$$ xu2 shbn lin Japanese violet0 (Violae Japonicae Herba seu Radix) ZjL! %?$f li t6~1ciio Japanese xylosma bark@ (Xylosmatis Japonici Cortex) f i E ziib mil pi jasmine [flower] ' (Jasrnini Flos) g8E mb li hucl Jasmini Flos (jasmine [flower]) Zs'it: mi, li huii Jasmini Flos Recens (fresh jasminf flower@) !!#X%X xiLfn mi, li h ~ l a Jasmini Officinalis Flos (jessamine [flower]) % @!Esu xin hiti Jasper Jade Powder 3% bi yh siin jaundice $$ huring; % d h ; $$,@ huring hucing diin bing; @ ' diin; $$ d i n ; S%@J @ h~rringd i n Jaundice Capillaris Granules B %Ei P 5 @3lJhuring diin yin chin ch6ng ji Java campanumoea [root] @ (Campanumoeae Javanicae Radix) +% 23 tii iliing shZn Java elder fruit0 (Sambuci Fructus) lu ying jaw clenched tight as a lock @!&IS$ kbu jitz rh su6 jaw corner hi jealous 413 du jealous milk [excess of breast milk] 9P 21 dii rii; &j?L du rC jealous semen sore !!6%T& du jing chu~ing jelly fish skin' (Rhopilemae Umbrella) @?J$Ehiii zhk-pi jelly fish [tentacle]' (Rhopilernae Tentaculum) @?J$ hiii zht jerk1?%ti jerking ch6u dbng; [of knees and elbows] $8 chu jerking sinews and twitching flesh jj3iTg m jin ti rhu riin jessamine [flower] ' (Jasrnini Officinalis Flos) % $$! E su xin hucl
jewel Z 660 jie [old] @ jit Jilong corydalisO (Corydalis Decumbentis Tuber e t Herba) h%X xia tian wk Jin [265-420 A. D.] 3 jin; [Tartar; 11151234 A.D.] &'jin jin [unit of weight equal to 1c liang (taels)] f i jin Jin astragalus [root] (Hedysari Radix) -& jin qi; J l l # * chukn qi; %I% * h6ng qi Jinqiancao Herba (moneywort) jm qihn ciio; Be#* :hu gii xino; 8% Z* lihn qihn ciio joining B H thu then joining points Z R thu xu& join sinew and bone +ZB@%jig gii xu jin joint #P gu5n jid; @P gii jit; @ wan joint fire (Gneti Parvifolii Caulis e t Folium seu Radix) Kj$$% miii mci ttng Joint Mound (GB-33) XI@*gukn ling joint needling [one of the five needling methods] # $11 gu5n ci joint pain #P@@ guan jit ttng thng; @ P@j& gii j i i ttng thng joint running li jik joint-running pain EPB lli jit thng ,joint-running wind EPn li jit fCng Joint Yang (GB-33) XPB* guan yang jowl l@jyi jowl eeusion E IPji fk yi joy [mind associated with heart; also one LI~" ihe Aeven aJj-ecrsj d joy causes qi to slacken SflIJ5Exi zd qi huiin joy is the mind of the heaft ~L\Z%t;lgxin zhi wti xi ju [old] E jfi judging the inside by the outside &S\IWlJ If;J c6ng wai c t nki judicious addition B9BD zhu6 jig jue [note of heart-fire] fa jut; [old] E jut Jue Bone (GV-1) E@' jut gii
Juncus Juglandis Ramulus (walnut twig) a # h @ hk tho zhi Juglandis Semen (walnut [kernel]) ifa# {Ihk ,tho rtn; m#h* hk tho; &A#km* hu tho rhu; ;1;W#b*h t tho; ;1;W#hi$j* h t tho rhu juice #,zhi
jujube* (Ziziphi Fructus) A 3 diz 260; T %* gkn ziio; % %* me'i ziio; B%*lihng h6ng ziio; 8*ziio; %q*ziio ziio; %13* zi Jujube and Melanterite Pill 260 fhn wrin
jujube barko ziio shu pi
(Ziziphi Cortex) %&fFfi
jujube flesh* (Ziziphi Pericarpium) ziio rhu Jujube Gruel A FS& da ziio, zhbu
jujube leap (Ziziphi Folium) %Uf ziio Y2 Jujube Leaf Beverage %Ut$kTziio y t yin zi jumping over walls and climbing onto roofs & E i t E yk yuhn shring w G Jumping Round (GB-30W11O) 5f$4b huhn , tiao Jumping Round flat abscess (ju) pat abscess (jii) at GB-301 9.9;lb'E huhn ticio j fi ~ u m ~ i n g ~ o phlegm u n d 9;$41@ huhn tibo tan juncibustion $ dCng hub jiii j$J
Junci Medulla Cjuncus [pith]) f l ,L\ 9 deng xin ciio; 7k ;MJL* shui deng xin; JD .'* < I = . - - C ~ FJHE* /L\ U C ~ .WL. -,- d&g ~ i i u , g' dCng xin ciio; f l X*d w xin Junci Medulla Carbonisata (charred juncus [pith]@) f l JL\E dEng xin tan; ; M J ~ E*deng xin hui; ;MqE*deng ciio hui Junci Medulla cum Cinnabare (cinnabar[-coated]Q) 5% ID IG zhu deng xin . Junci Medulla Pulverata'. Cjuncus [pith] S#j di%g ciio f2n powdera) ..?.-.
Juncus and Bamboo Leaf Decoction 'r?a t .i%deng xin zhu yt tang
juncus [pith]* deng xin ciio; deng xin; deng xin ciio; jil*
(Junci Medulla) ;M& shui deng xin; deng ciio; f l z s * X4:deng xin
June beetle grube (Holotrichiae Vermiculus) qi cho Junior Pivot (CV-4) +i$$E*chi shfi
juncus [pith] powder@ (Junci Medulla Pulverata) 1f12jZ&deng ciio fgn
Jussiaeae Repentis Herba dragon@) i$*B!R guo tling sht
Kadsurae Coccineae caulis et Folium (scarlet kadsura [stem and leaf]@) tfiB
Kalimeridis Herba et Radix (kalimerisa)
E fhn
tulitz ttng;
g%&* hei
120 hii
Kadsurae Coccineae Cortex (seu Radicis Cortex) (scarlet kadsura root (bark)a) tfi ji$I? fhn tulitz gen Kadsurae Japonicae Radix et Caulis (Japanese kadsura [root]@)$I@@ hdng gii sht
Kadsurae Longipedunculatae Radix seu ~ h d i c i (long-stalked kadsura root (bark)a) )X#* nki feng xiao; I1;l $I#* n i i hdng xiiio
Kadsurae Longipedunculatae ~ a d i xseu Radicis Cortex (longstalked kadsura root (bark)@) $I*g hdng mu xiang kadsura pepper steme (Piperis Kadsurae Caulis) j@)XBhiii fZng ttng Kaempferiae Rhizoma (kaempferia [rootla) LLI 3 shan nhi kaempferia [root] @ (Kaempferiae Rhizoma) LLI gS shan nhi Kaki Calyx (persimmon calyx) H???shi di; %T"'shi ding; HS$*shi k ; #+3*shi qihn; ~ T gshi* zi bii
Kaki Folium (persimmon leaf) f i a t shi yk Kaki Fructus Exsiccatus (dried persimmon@) %tjf shi bing; Tfi* gfin shi;
% T* shi g i n
Kaki Sacchari Rotundula (persimmon frost cake) H s t j f shi shuatzg bing Kaki Saccharum (persimmon frost) f i shi shuiing
mii lhn;
%a?%* lii biiin jh;
-* 9 tilin biiin ju; HZ* tilin jLi; 3 Z s*'
mii lhn chi
kalimerisa (Kalimeridis Herba et Radix)
3 2 mii lhn; %2%*LC bitin jh; El & %* tiliil bicZn jh; El %* tilin ju; 3 Z s * mii lhn chi
[Japanese form of han fiing ka-mpo physician ?XE han yi
Kansui Bind-Freeing Decoction
?Xf j -
sui tong j i t tang
Kansui Powder .HBieB gan sui s i n Kansui Radix (kansui [root]@)H B giin .g * lilzg gio; H !=!!7 +? 4: sui; 3tg* kfi z t ;p
g i n giio;
%a*gui chbu; P%@*
ling zt; j$
+x&* zhiing sh6u huii gen; H E': giin
zt; Zj5$$* ch6ng zt
kansui [root]@ (Kansui Radix) H B gan & ~ 6 Pg-ci* ; lillg g i o ; QZ;': s ~ ~g@* i; gGn giio; % 3"gui c h b ~ Pat%" ~; ling zt; jc/l &* zhbng shiiu huii gen; I$ %* p i n zt; $9': chdng zt kaoline (Kaolin) $ ;tijjE b i i shi zhi; 8 I@ giio ling tii; $ g*blii fLi; 0Elk* bhi tho tii Kaolin (kaolin) 0 bhi shi zhi; 6L$ k*gno ling tii; $73': blii f i r ; Q PQf * blii tho tii
Katsumada's galangal seed@ (Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen) g G % ciio dhu kbu;
zs*dhu kou; @%*
ciio kbu; S
%{I* ciio k6u rtn; S S j x * ciio k6u rtn; Z$G%41* ciio d6u khu rtn keep fit E@ % yi yiing keep the sluice clear &Q@ jut dk Keiske artemisia fruit@ (Artemisiae Keiskeanae Fructus) j=& $ 9 7 an l& zi Keiske Artemisia Pill % iY, 3$L Gn l& zi wrin kelpe [Algae Thallus] E 6 kL7n 62; kiin bil; &Z Eq * hiii kiin bir; tQ q * lkn b2 Kelp Pill 5tl, kL7n bu wrin kernel 4 1 rin; ;f;% h i KIwfIo '# 23 shin jing; '/2j shin; 9 '# 23 zli shho yin shin jing KI-1 (Earth Surge) jfi j$* di chdng; (Earth Thoroughfare) ifii$* cli chbng; (Foot Lesser Yin Union) 8 /1/\ P a 3a$-* zh shho yin h t ; (Gushing Spring) tR% ycing qurin; (Stumbling Heart) W&* jut xin; (Yin Valley) Pa%*yin gii KI-2 (Blazing Bone) ?&+if* rrin gii; (Blazing Valley) %G rcin gii; (Dragon in the Abyss) &$#* lbng yuan; (Dragon in the Spring) &,!* lbng qudn; (Grain Connection) Bg*tdng gii KI-3w110 (Great Ravine) -h thi xi; (Lu Palace) 1; gong; (Small Lu) E!, gm* 16 xi KI-4 (Great Goblet) A H * thi zhdng; (Large Goblet) k %$da zhdng KI-SwflO (Water Spring) 7k % shui 411rin
/@I-:* I : . . ..:.-. [T -,.in, v:-\= n uty-~ 151; LZIL: YTC, (511111ing Sea) ,@@.zhho hiii; (Yin Springing) PaE*yin $60 KI-6 (Yin Springing) PBu XG*yin qiao KI-7 (Deep-Lying Mortar) 4% 13" fk jiC; (Deep-Lying White) 4% $ * fLi brii; (GloPa* chE;zg yring; (Outer rious Yang) Life) $+I+* wai ming; (Recover Flow) BtE fd lid; (Returning White) B $ * fu brii KI-8wf10 (Intersection Reach) 2 4 s jiao xin
\YU~I\-~ 5
KI-9 (Calf Intestine) j]X&* chuhi chcing; (Guest House) zhk bin; (Leg Belly) BR*tui dic KP-lOwH0 (Yin Valley) Pa$$yin gii KI-11 (Crooked Bone) g * qii gii; (Crooked Bone's End) B %* qii gii duan KP-11 (Crooked Bone's End) @%* qii qii gii duan; (Curved Bone) gii; (Curved Bone's End) &lBY"$* qll gii duan; (Lower Extreme) 7;@*xih ji; (Pubic Bone) @ @ htng gii KP-12W"O (Great Manifestation) k &$ dA h2; (Y in Gate) l5J3#* yin guan; (Y in Link) Pa$#*yin wBi KH-13 (Infant's Door (right)) 4 P * zi h2; (Qi Point) 52 qi XU&; (Uterine Gate (left)) )@TI* biio rntn KI-14WFIO (Fourfold Fullness) Fl jfi5 ssi miin; (House of Marrow) EjR* m i fii; (Marrow Center) @ sui zhbng KI-1SWF'O (Central Flow) j& zhdng zhic KI-l6Wf/O (Huang Transport) E f$ihuarzg shll KI-17 (High Bend) & a * giio qii; (Shang Abode) @j%*shring she; (Shang Bend) j@ shring qE KI-18 (Stone Gate Tower) ;Ei[% shi qui; I* (Stone Pass) 6% shi guan KI-19 (Food Palace) &E* shi gdng; (Food Tube) & shi 16; (Free Passage) B#* tbng p i n ; (Stone Palace) 6g*shi gdng; (Yin Metropolis) 28 yin dU Ki-28- -(Freeing rhe Grain) dizg @; (Open Valley) B& ( BZ ) tbng gfi (fic); (Upper Gate) _t shhng rntn KI-21WuO (Dark Gate) Bkj [7 ydir mtn; (Upper Gate) _t (I*shhng m t n KI-22WffO (Corridor Walk) ?5li% bic Iring; (Walking Gentleman) 4EP* bir. iring KI-23W110 (Spirit Seal) #$$ shin fZng KI-24WF10 (Spirit Ruins) Z f,6 ling xu; (Spirit Wall) Z P&* ling qihng KI-25WffO (Spirit Storehouse) i($Bshin cang
a a@*
+* +
+ +*
KI-26W"O (Lively Center) $i yu zhdng; (Possible Center) Z hut, zhdng; (Within Bounds) @ yu zhdng KI-27WffO (Transport House) & $jshu fii; shii fii kidney '3 shtn kidney accumulation ' B E shtn ji Kidney Alarm (GB-25) 'BB* shtn mh kidney channel 'B% shtn jing kidney channel cough 'BSU&!$% shtn jing kt st,u kidney channel malaria ' B 5 E shtn jing nut Kidney Connection [non-channel]'E % shtn xi kidney cough '#U& shtn k t kidney depletion 'g3 shtn kui kidney diarrhea 'g# shtn xit kidney disease 'gfi shtn bing kidney distention 'gag shtn zhang kidney engenders bone and marrow 'BY-: JR@ shtn shEng gii sui Kidney-Enriching Ear-Freeing Decoction a 'BBq-?% zi shtn tong dr tang Kidney-Enriching Eye-Brightening De€I?% zi shtn ming mu tang coction a Kidney Enriching Gate-Opening Pill $8 'BB# fi zi shtn tdng guan wrin Kidney-Enriching Pill a'$$L zi shkn whn Kidney-Enriching Thoroughfare-Securing 'B H$9?Zg zi shtn gk chdng Decoction tang kidney enrichment a ' g zi shtn kidney essence 'g $$7 shkn jing kidney essence and liver blood 'B@ ' flT& shtn jing gin xu2 kidney essence vacuity 'gEJl3shtn jing xu kidney failing to absorb qi 'BT 4 h 5 shtn bu nh qi kidney failing to nourish the liver 'B T shtn bu yiing gin kidney fixity '8{$ shtn zhu6 Kidney Fixity Decoction 'B&?% shtn zhu6 tang
kidney kidney forms spittle 'B% @ shtn wii tut, kidney governs agility 'BZ { % q shtn zhii ji qiito kidney governs earlier heaven '8% % X shtn zhii xian tian kidney governs fear 'gZ?&shtn zhii kdng kidney governs opening and closing 'B& % [4 shin zhii kai ht kidney governs qi absorption 'E Z 4fi 5 shtn zhii na qi kidney governs reproduction 'B 2 Y shtn zhii sheng zhi kidney governs the bones 'g&@ shtn zhii gf i kidney governs the bones and engenders marrow 'g&@$@ shtn zhii gii sheng sui kidney governs water '# Z $ shtn zhii shui Kidney Heat Point [non-channel]'B%!77 shtn rt xut kidney holds office of labor, whence agility emanates 'B%, {+38;t'i2. E%*?% shtn zhd, zut, qiring zhi guan, ji qiiio chk yiin kidney impediment (bi) 'g@ shtn bi kidney is averse to dryness 'BS$" shtn wu zao kidney is connected with the bladder 'E e/$$Jjjt shtn ht pring-gunng kidney is often vacuous 'g%'B shtn chring xii kidney is on the left and the life [gate] on the right &'B &ti$ zud shtn yt,u ming kidney is the gate of the stomach '&%E 2# shtn zhd wti zhi guan kidney is the root of earlier heaven [the congenital constitution] '3% X K 2 $ shen wii xian tian zhi bBn kidney is the root of qi 'B2 5 ;t$shtn wii qi zhi bgn kidney is the water viscus 'g 7kj# shtn wti shui zang kidney is the water viscus, it governs.fluids 'B8&j#. %@$@shin zhd shuizdng, zhii jin yt kidney, its bloom is, in the hair (of the head) 'g , 6%shin , qi huh zai fa
kidney-lung yang vacuity '# A$ P I @ shin fii ying xii Kidney New [non-channel]'W ?$fi shin xin kidney opens into the ears 'B 5R T q. shin kdi qiao yh 2r kidney opens into the two yin [the anal and genital orifices] '3% 5?, 'If rPB shkn kdi qiao yh i r yin kidney panting '# n% shin chuiin kidney pulse is deep '8 /&?IT shtn mai chin kidney qi '85 shin qi Kidney Qi (SP-15) 'g%*shin qi kidney qi flows to the ears 'B %BTrl: shtn qi tdng yLi i?r kidney qi heat '#Tf?r: shin qi ri Kidney Qi Bill '#T;fi, shin qi wcin kidney qi wandering wind 'gT@j4,shin; IIX * a T$& )% shin qi y6u f2ng Kidney-Quieting Pill 9 'g ;fi, fin shin whn kidney reversal headache '3R & % shin jut t6u tbng kidney rock b i n ) '32 shin yhn kidney sac 'g i@ shin nhng kidney sac welling abscess CyGng) 'B%YE shin ning yGng kidney sac wind '# % j4, shin nhng f2ng Kidney-Settling Abalone Shell Pill B ' B zhin shin jut ming wrin Kidney Shu vacuity phlegm 'g &j@ @ shkn shd xii thn Kidney Spine [non-channel]'# @ shin ji kidney stands in interior-exterior relationship with the bladder 'E 5 EB't $El & Z sheti yii pung guGng xi&zgbiiio li kidney stores essence ' B S H shin ccing jing kidney stores mind [memory, powers of concentrationJ 'g3Z shin cing zhi Kidney-Supplementing Blood-Quickening Decoction +\ 'i.5.B bii shin hu6 xui tdng kidney-supplementing formula +\ 'Bf 11 bii shin ji Kidney-Supplementing SinewStrengthening Decoction $\ '# y? % $3~ bii shin zhuang jin t ~ n g
kidney Kidney-Supplementing ThoroughfareSecuring Pill $\'S @ Stl bii shin gC chGng win kidney taxation % shin lio Kidney 'Ikansport (BL-23W"O) '@ -& shin shii kidney vacuity 'SE shin xii kidney vacuity and essence depletion '# E $85 shin xii jing kui kidney vacuity and general weakness 'B E@ $5 shin xci ti rui, kidney vacuity and impaired qi transformation 'BT E 5{tX+R shin qi xii qi hua wh quin kidney vacuity and yang debilitation 'g P I E E sh&nying xii shudi kidney vacuity deafness 'gE 8.F.Q shbn xii i?r 16ng kidney vacuity delayed menstruation 'g E t31T G 3 shin xii jlizg xiizg kbu qi kidney vacuity dizziness 'g E @ shin xii xuan yiin kidney vacuity habitual miscarriage 'HE @A6 shin xii huh tai kidney vacuity headache E &% shin xii t6u tbng kidney vacuity infertility '# E T 9 shin xii bh yCn kidney vacuity lumbar pain 'g @ /@2j& shin xii ydo thng kidney vacuity menstrual block '3Et3 l3fj shkn xii jing bi kidney vacuity retracted genitals '3E PJJ 9% shin xii yin sud kidney vacuity scant menstruation 'Ef3 j R ? 3'J.' ~shin xii yui jing gui, shiio kidney vacuity seminal emission 'RE22 shin xu yi jing kidney vacuity tinnitus '/$j @ H. D S shin xii Zr ming kidney vacuity vaginal discharge '3j? % 7; shin xii dai xih kidney vacuity water flood"#$@7k?•’ shin xii shui fLin kidney wasting[-thirst] [lower wasting] '3 #j shin xiiio
kidney-water '% 7k shtn shui; [a kind of water swelling] 'E7k shtn shui kidney wheezing '3@ shkn xido kidney wilting (wti) shtn wti kidney worm [pinworm] '# & shtn chdng kidney worm disease '3&@jshtn ch6ng bing kidney yang 'EPEI shtn yhng kidney yang vacuity 'E PEl B shtn yhng xii kidney yang vacuity water flood '% PEI E 7k E shin yhng xii shui fan kidney yin 'g (3a shtn yin kidney yin depletion 'B rJa 5@ shin yln kui X E kidney yin vacuity '8P a@ shtn yin xu kill ha killing [7 relations; e.g., mung bean kills croton, i.e., eliminates its side effects] @& xiang sha kill worms & & shG ch6ng Kiln Path (GV-13W"O) P Z J gtho dao King of Face (GV-25) @ Z *mian whng king of face [tip of the nose] @4: mihn whng king's palace [region between the inner canthi] 3E wring g6ng knee xi knee board &A% bho xi knee cap @S xi gai; BE xi bin; B # E xi bin; E bin; #E bin Kneecap (GB-30) bin gii; fig++;.* bin bii Knee Fortifier [non-channel] jian xi knee joint j$ffi$ xi jig; fjg# hhi guiin Knee Joint (LV-7) I]$# xi gu2n knee pain J@% xi tong knee's eye wind JB[lRjA,xiya'n f2ng tu6 jii knee-side flat abscess 0 6 ) Knee Yang Joint (GB-33W110) X xi y"ig gufin knife wound X 4% dao fii shang; 4% dao shrZng
Kyllingae knocks a n d - h l l s @ +T 4% dit dii siin shang; SX t b $14% dit pii siin shang; @ +T dit dii; f l t b E&.dii pii duh dit Knocks and Falls Pill l&fT fi dit dii whn knotgrass" (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) i$B biiin xu; ~$?q*biiin zhh; Z F i * xu bian; @g* biiin xu; f & f $ g * di biiin X U ; 4m;;/r/s* biiin zhh; 6S* biiin x2; 6EC.f* biiin zhli; 6+'J%* biiin zhh liiio; A S K " ' da xu pian; E S f * biiin zhE yh knotty pine woodo (Pini Lignum Nodi) P A T song jit; S P A * P*huang song mu jii; ?A f?P X* sang ling t6u; @@* dian gZn; @?L/L\\-i* y6u song jit Knoxiae Radix (knoxia [root]a ) g 1 A $1 h6ng da ji knoxia [root] (Knoxiae Radix) %I A $1 h6ng dh ji knuckle $-i?j btn jit Kochiae Fructus (kochia [fruitlo) f h j A 7 di fii zi kochia [fruit] @ (Kochiae Fructus) -L& jA 7 di fu zi Korean aconite [tuber] @ (Aconiti Coreani Tuber) # Mrf guin bhi fu Korean ginseng [root] (Ginseng Radix Coreensis) 6 g gho li shen; $j& g * chho xiiin sh2n kraitlagkistrodono (Bungarus seu Agkistrodon) $ E E brii hu2 shC kummerowiaQ (Kummerowiae Herba) j-S IR 3 j i yhn ciio Kummerowiae Herba (kummerowiaa) J4 BE 3Z j i yhn ca'o Kunlun Mountains (BL-6OW1Io)E$2kEn lhn; (CV-4) E C*kiin lhn kyllingaa (Kyllingae Herba) -E 5% yi ji@nqih Kyllingae Brevifoliae Herba seu Radix (short-leaved kyllinga) 7k shui wh giing; 3%3*s2n jih ciio; YE'&@* nut ji cao Kyllingae Herba (kyllingao) -% 5% yi jian qiLi
(Lablab Semen) & g lablab [bean]. biiin dbu; Eg g* nrin biiin dbu; $ & E* bai biiin dou; ?G% S*yrin li ddu; j5i E* t mPi dbu; E* nrin dhu; EB* tPng dbu; /I\ g* xi60 d60 ddu; i,g +fig* liring yiin dbu; #BE g*yang yiin dbu ~abla'bFlos (lablab flower) & HZ biiin dbu huii Lablab Flos Recens (fresh lablab flower@) &j@ g E xian biiin dbu hu6 lablab flower0 (Lablab Flos) f i G Z biiin dbu huii Lablab Folium (lablab leaf) &%Pibiiin ddu yt lablab leap (Lablab Folium) & E P t biiin ddu yt Lablab Radix (lablab root) & E;f;@ biiin ddu gEn lablab root0 (Lablab Radix) BE.+@ biiin dbu gEn lablab seed-coate (Lablab Testa) 6g& biiin ddu yi Lablab Semen (lablab [bean]) & Z biiin dbu; @jj$ C* nan biiin dbu; $ & g* brii biiin dbu; ?G @ g* ycin li dbii; WkB S* 6 mti dbu; @jg* nrin dbu; BEY ting ckju; /I\ g* xiiio d6o dbu; i,$ f f j g*liring yiin yring yiin dbu dbu; $?$BEE* Lablab Testa (lablab seed-coat) &_Z & brhn dou yi lac0 (Lacciferi Secretio) % 5 =zi i$ ciio r6ng; & R$* ch6ng $0; # T S* yring g6n qi; % & j@* zi ch6ng jiiio; %a$* zi jiiio; % ifE*zi gEng; %+gP* zi liC; % #* zi kuang; $3 @* chi jiiio Lacca Exsiccata (lacquer) 'F $& gGtz qi; S* qi; @ T' qi g6n Lacca Exsiccata Carbonisata (charred lacquer@) 7 SjiE giin qi tan Lacciferi Secretio (lac) % @ S f zi ciio r6ng; & a%* ch6ng jido; # T S*yang gan
qi; % $! @* zi ch6ng ji6o; %@* zi jiGo; % @* zi g&g; % 'r4P * zi liii; % T P ' zi kuang; 8 &* chi ji6o Lac Decoction % 2$Z B zi ciio r6ng tiing lack h qian; 2 fri lack of spirit 2;t.q fa shin lack of strength 2 j 7 fci li lack of strength in the lumbus and knees EEZh yiio xi fri li; @@Xh yao xi wG li lack of warmth 3$2 qian wEn lack of warmth in the extremities ji4F % sh6u zLi bu wen Pack of warmth in the limbs es~fi+&!si zhi bu wdn; e4 Etih tfi si zhi qi2n wZn lacquere (Lacca Exsiccata) 'f-agiin qi; @* qi; ST* qi giin lacquer bite qi yiio lacquer sore qi chuiing lacrimation lib 1 2 ; & lti chu; H & mu qi chL lactation $1 ric Lactation Elixir jB7Llff tong rfi d i n Lactation-Promoting Bind-Dissipating Decoction j@$L%t$?& tang rii san jig t6ng Lactucae - - -.Sativae . Caulis et Folium (lettuce) ;$Ewd ju; BE%*w6 ju c&; f &%* qi6n jin chi; SF* w6 siin; &5%* wd cai; ;55{3%*wd ziii c&i Lactucae Sativae Semen (lettuce seed) BET wd jG zi Lady's Knee [norz-channel]& @n i xi Lagenariae Depressae Fructus (bottle gourd) SF hLi lb; i$jF* hd Id; hu; %* pcio; %JS* hu guii; 3 ;@I&* prio pd gua; &%* biiin pu; BP* guii; @l&* pd la lai j@j lai; j@jq lhi zi
large food intake with rapid hungering lai disease lai bing; j$$j& liii ji % &Stfl ddu shi shrin ji; g & g tn dub lai great wind 'lai da f2ng shi yi j i lai scalp sore' &% 1 2 t6u chuang Large Gentian and Ledebouriella Decoclai sore %'& 1 2 chuiing tion S X p$jXl, t& qin jiao fhng f2ng tang lai wind j$$jfl lhi f2ng Large Gentian and Notopterygiurn DecocLampetra (lamprey eel@) / \ El @@ bba mu tion % X % $ &t& qin jiiio qiarzg hu6 tiing man Large Gentian andkehmannia Decoction lamprey eel@ (Lampetra) /\ @ ba mD %Xi~Et& qin jiao di huring tiing man Large Gentian and 'brtle Shell Powder lanceolate codonopsis [root] (Codonopf C 2 3 qin jiiio biz jiii siin sitis Lanceolatae Radix) LLI $j&R shnn hiii Large Gentian Decoction jcZZXt5~dri qin lu6; ElDt $* si yt shdn; @J$* niii shen; jiiio tiing $Lg*r-fi shfi; +.#jF* niLi niii zi; #'J@J Large Gentian Emaciation Decoction ZZ g*tziii nGi tbu; j@$LZ$C* tong rii ciio; $ X&B t& qqbz jiiio fLi lii tiing R?+* bbi h t chc large gentian [root] ' (Gentianae Macrolanceolate stellaria [root]' (Stellariae phyllae Radix) S X qin jiio; %Ktw qin Lanceolatae Radix) +E$+$&J yin chrii hu; ji20; Sq* qin jiii; qitz zhuLi; Z +E&R*yitz hu; 5 E g " yin chrii %X"' zu6 qin jiiio; Ax*dri jiiio; Zf3' lancing [one of the nine needling methods] zuii tziic; S X Z : ' qin jiiio wring A is $IJ dii xi2 ci Large Goblet (ICI-4W"O) A $$ dh z h h g Land and Water Two Immortals Elixir 7k large intestinal cold bind k I % S t 3 dLi z4llr f f shui lil b xian dan chbtzg hcin jig Land and Water no-Ingredient Elixir 7k large intestinal cough kEI@da chhng Bz%ffshui 1u ir wti dan kg large intestha1 damp-heat A E B ?$: dLi lang-zhong [physician] EP @ lkng zhbng 'chring shi ri Lantanae ~ l o s(red sage flower) Egg large intestinal disease k f i 6 dci chang E wfi st mti hrra; qgff-*' tnii ying dan bing Eantanae Radix (red sage root) E&Et large intestinal distention k R& dLi $B wii st mti gcn chbng zhang Lantanae Ramulus et Folium (red sage) large intestinal heat bind A f i $&f,(: dri 3ig& wfi st rnti c h b g jit ri; k EI ?<:ti$ dk chring rt jit lantern plant* (Physalis Alkekengi large intestinal humor depletion 7t 1%% Herba) @$Z s~riirzjiiing -5 da chhng y2 kui lantern plant calyx* (Physalis Alkekengi large intestinal liquid depletion Calyx) %&JH gua jin tlcng; +$I1fJE*jin da chcing jin kui dEng lbng large intestinal repletion heat k E% 54: lantei-n seedbox@ (Ludwigiae Octovalvis da chang shi ri Herba) 7k T shui ding xiatzg large intestinal vacuity jc EIE da chang Lard Bone-Hole (LV-13) afj# * fhng lib0 x ii large .A dil large intestinal vacuity cold AfiEK$ [la large .appetite with rapid hungering ?if-& chling xii ldng; JEg %? d&chring xii hrin &?, tfl hbo shi yi ji; -3 -&J?,tJl shin shi yi j i large intestinal welling abscess (ybng) k Large (BL-64) k dri gfi EI f i du chring ybng large intestinal yin vacuity dryness bind large-flowered gardenia [fruit] ' (GardeJEg PJj B@'L$(la chdng yin xii ziio jii niae Grandiilorae Fructus) 7K42 shui zh.i
large intestine k R da chring; Hffi hui
latrine lassitude of essence-spirit #Z$Ef,@# jing
shtn p i jukn
Large Intestine Alarm
(ST-25) fc ffi Sx
da chhng mLi
lassitude of the spirit $$#3 shCn juan last flicker of the lamp f J Stjla can dinl:
fi ming
large intestine channel k R t 3 dci chring jing
last radiance of the setting sun
large intestine governs conveyance f t fk
hui p a n g fiin zhao late afternoon @t b t
Z1$3 dh chbtzg zhii churin diio large intestine governs liquid A f i S @
late afternoon tidal fever
du chring zhii jin
chrio rt
large intestine governs the conveyance and transformation of waste A f i Z I $ I t @ $Q d2 chbng zkfi churin huh zao ph large intestine holds the office of conveyance, whence mutation emanates k
wen bing
Large Intestine 'Ikansport (BL-25WuO)k
latent summerheat { A S fLi shfi Patent worm 4%& fi chong late t$E jing chi; t3lT% PJ. jing
R .ff;j da chling shii large-leaved ardisia rooto (Ardisiae Gigantifoliae Rhizoma) & 4 f l a z6u mii tiii large-leaved cornel bark@ (Corni Macrophyllae Cortex) TBB B ding Iring p i Large-Leaved Gentian Decoction % X %J
xing hhu qi
qin jiao tang
xi6 xi&
lateral lower abdomen
;;jtl mii bd
lateral malleolus 3\ f$+wai ? kurii Later Han [947-950 A.D.] 5 t X hhu hlin later heaven 6 X hhu tian later heaven essence G R 2 #$$ hou tiiin
'%r dri zh2n Large Pile (LV-1) 7t $A dil d t n
laryngeal sand (shii) ol%@ h6u shii larynx @ hdu Larynx Center (CV-23) El% h6u zhong Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia (puffball) %
large needle [one of the nine needles] 7t
lateral abdomen Ij$ miiio lateral and medial epicondyles of the felian hrii mur lateral costal region [old] flh xik; flhT
large-leaved zanthoxylum root0 (Zanthoxyli Dissiti Radix) Ilr$$J;t'W shiin jiao
a m@?i?ri b t
late afternoon watch [B9 watch, 3-5 p.m t$/jD j bii shi; t$/jFfi ri bii su6 late emergence E w i n fa latent [evil] fi fi latent conglomeration (jiii) 4x33 fu jiii latent qi B? fi qi latent qi warm disease 4%%&5% ! fi qi
EI%, I$%rtE-l!~~ 32.1&*% dri chbng zhi; chudn diio zhi gunn y2 birin huh chii yiin
large scrofula jjj7 lli Large Surge (LV-3) A >$" dh chong large valley f c @ dh gLi laryngeal @ h6u laryngeal insufflation UA n{g chui h 6 ~ ~ laryngeal..prominence [ ~ d &3 apple] 86
zki jing
later heaven fire
hbu tian zhi
hu6 '
Later Jin [936-946 A.D.] 6B hbu jin Later Liang [907-923 A.D.] 6$@ hou liring
Later Tang 1923-936 A. D. ] 6B hhu tring Later Zhou [951-960 A.D.] 6 H hbu zhau
late summer [season associated with earth] +$ E chring xia
latrine bleeding [bloody stool] Hlfll qing xu t
laughter laughter [voice of the heart] X xiao lavender sorrela (Oxalidis Corymbosae Herba seu Radix) @J@Z$I tong chui cho; g 1 j!E EX F*h6ng h u i cu jiing ciio; A @l?$?ZfT* da suin wti ciio lawn pennywort@ (Hydrocotyles Sibthorpioidis Herba) &FJZ tiin hLi sui
layered paper roasting M$E%Egt zhi wei laziness to eat j$@& liin shi laziness to speak j$$Zliin yan; j$$TZie liin yLi ykn yii leaf Pj- yt leaf mustard seed0 (Brassicae Junceae Semen) 37 jik zi; 3$T* jit chi zi; $ 3%cai zi; X F * huang jit zi leakage of, breast milk [new] 7L'# $ @ rii zhi zi lhu leaking of milk lhu niii leaking roof pulse B@,bjc wU lhu mai leaking sweat @t'f lhu ban Leaking Valley (SP-7W"O) lhu gii leaky shoulder wind @E )% lhu jiin f2ng Leaky Yin (KI-6) lhu yin
lean cold gan shhu ltng gin Leap [non-channel]Ejb@ tiao yut Leaping Round [non-channel]9;FA h u h yu t leash [sinews] $! shu leash the sinews and bones gjiji @ shu jin gii leaven $N!i qU; $$ qrl is often used as abbreviation leaven for % ] E& qU Ledebouriella Decoction Pfi)Xl,%~ fhng f2ng ting Ledebouriellae Radix (ledebouriella [root]@)P3)%fang f2ng; E M *ping fEng; R f2ng rh~i;@$ P 3 N* tang fang f2ng Ledebouriellae Radix Occidentalis (western ledebouriella [rootla) Ei Pfi )% xi fang fw? Ledebouriellae Radix Orientalis (eastern ledebouriella [rootla) Z Pfi )Xl, dbng fang f2ng; # llfiR"guan fhng f2ng
leg Ledebouriellae Radix Shandongensis (Shandong ledebouriella [root]@)L!A P 3 )% shin fhng fzng; @ Pfi )%"uuring fang f2rzg; 1% fjn* qing fang fZng Ledebouriellae Radix Zhangjiakouensis (Zhangjiakou ledebouriella [root]) Pfi )Xl, k6u fang feng Ledebouriella Gruel P 3 N $$$ fang f2ng zhbu ledebouriella [root] (Ledebouriellae Radix) Pfi)% fang feng; J#)%* ping f2ng; )% 13 * f2ng rhu; @$ Pfi jX,*tang fang f2ng Ledebouriella Sage-Inspired Powder Pfj)Xl, B3 % fang fEng tbng shtng siin leech' (Hirudo seu Whitmania) 7K&3 shui zhi; ZZ* zhi zhiing; 4@* md qi; ?I&$* mii zhi; @* qi; Y g* m i biz; $ I $ . * hong zhi; $3 @* mii huang qi; 4 @* m i huang; @@* hubng qi; 7kb$f.Jk* shui shii t i gin; @I +&T* rhu ma tie; fi@$T* g*m t n t r g? mii li zuan zi; 1'7 g!!?3 left & zu6 left and right side paralysis &@&& z~16 tan ydu huatz Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin] Beverage ti tk ~ ~ gui 1 6yin Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin] Pill k !J3 %, zub gui wan Left-Running Metal Pill &&%,zub jin wan Left's Need [non-channel] & zu6$ yi i leg 7;Rfi xih zhi; J@ tui; Rt;P jiiio; zLi Leg Belly (KI-9) JEjlrt*tui du Leg Bone-Hole (BL-35) B$I*zu liho; (GB-35) B 5E* zLi li60 Leg Bone-Hole (GB-35) Bf}$!* zLi liho leg-flexing intestinal welling abscess (y6ng) 9%Rt;P jj$~#% sud jiiio chhng y6ng leg-flexing streaming sore 93Rt;P Ck sud jiiio liu zhh leg-hoisting sand (shi) Iff 83 diao jiiio shii Leg Hollow (GB-35) zLi kdng leg pain )@@ tui thng leg qi K I T jiiio qi leg qi attacking the heart J#PTT&JL\jiiio qi gong xin
leg qi entering the heart B!J5.A& jiiio qi ru xin leg qi puffy swelling at;P5@lj$ jido qi fu zhiing leg qi surging into the heart Bt;PT?$lL\ jiiio qi chbng xin Leg Three Li (ST-36Wu*) 833 zu san li Lei's Aromatic Thrbidity-lkansforming Method Z Rj$ B 4k$&PA 16i shi fangxibng huri zhu6 fii Lei's Cool Clearing SummerheatFlushing Decoction K $gi,? & tj5~ 1i.i h i qing lihng d i shii tang Lei's Membrane Source Diffusion Method S KSZglgtA 16i shi xuan t6u m u yulin fii Lemnae H e r b (duckweed) fu ping; @* ping; 7K@* shuiping; 7kX*shui h u a ; ?!$j* piao; I ] \ $7"xiiio ping zi; 7k@*shui @* jiii z i ping; HG* tian ping; xiiin; A %Dt* d a ping y t ; @$ S* fLi ping clio Lemnae Herba Recens (fresh ! @ @ xian fh ping duckweed@)$ length, $2 dutin lengthwise palpation &E)E zhi ya zhi fii Leonuri Fructus (leonurus fruit@) XR 9chbng w t i zi; Z 3 P*chbng yu zi; & @T*yi mii zi Leonuri Herba (leonurus@)&BSyi mii ciio; & @* yi mii; &$ QFJ* yi ming; & @ X* yi rnii h a o ; %IX&@S* h6ng h u i yi yu2 mii ciio rnii ciio; Leonuri Herbae Pasta (leonurus paste@) &$ @@ yi rnii gao Leonuri Herbae Succus (leonurus juice@) & @ 3.H yi mii ciio zhi Leonuri Herba Parva (young leonurus@) %T&$@S tt6ng z i y i mii ciio leonurus@ (Leonuri Herba) yi rnii ciio; &@* yi mii; SQFJ*yi ming; f3%* yi mii h a o ; gI;ijG;Sf3S* h6ng hua yi rnii ciio; @S*yu2 mii ciio leonurus fruit@ (Leonuri Fructus) %R F chbng w t i zi; XZ T * chbng yh zi; & @F*yi rnii z i
a @s*
lesser-abdominal leonusus juice@ (Leonuri Herbae Succus) & @ @ ~yi rnii ciio zhi Leonurus (Motherwort) Juice Gruel &fJ: g: yyi rnii ciio zhi zhbu Leonurus (Motherwort) MetalOvercoming Elixir & @/&& f i yi mii shkng jin &in Leonurus (Motherwort) Paste & f3 S $$ yi rnii ciio g i o leonurus pastea (Leonuri Herbae Pasta) yi rnii gao Leopardi 0 s (leopard's bone) B@ bho gii Leopardi Ossis Gelatinum (leopard's bone glue@)?$~$jj? bao gii jiao leopard's boneo (Leopardi 0 s ) 33$j blio gii Leopard's Bone and Chaenomelis Wine 39 @ $ A @ bao gii m u gcia jiii leopard's bone glue@ (Leopardi Ossis Gelatinum) %*j% btio gii jiao leopard-spot needling [one of the five needling methods] *$l] bao w t n ci Lepidii Semen (lepidium [seedla) ;ILS pj b2i ting li; %SE*kii ting li lepidium [seed] @ (Lepidii Semen) ;ILS E b2i ting li; geE* kii ting li Lepi Excrementum (hare's droppings@) 2 B 69 w i n g yut she; SX* tu shi; Ba B ii9* ming y u t sha; %R*tii shi; %X*tu shi Leporis seu Cuniculi Caro (hare's or rabbit's flesh) S m tu rhu leprosy J?$R m a f2ng; B'%m a f2ng; R @I f2ng lai; @IW lai f2ng; $7 li; j $5Rm 6 f2ng; k R da f2ng; $7 jXl, li f2ng; A J?$N da m a feng; j&di4jk R lai da f2ng Lespedezae Cuneatae Herba (cum Radice) (sericea lespedeza) $E3; 1'7 y t guan m t n lesser /JI\ shao lesser abdomen [new] /J/'Eshao fu Lesser Abdomen Stasis-Expelling Decoction /J/'EBx@ t% shbo fu zhh yii tang lesser-abdominal draft /JI\ E $1R shao fu rh sh&n
lesser-abdominal fullness 9)@ @$ shao f u miin lesser-abdominal pain $)@% shho f u tong lesser-abdominal urgency /J/' @ 3 3, shho fu li ji lesser berchemia [root] a (Berchemiae Lineatae Radix) /EX@& tit bao jin lesser convenience /J\ @ xiiio bian lesser fire 9 A shao hud Lesser Galangal and Cyperus Pill EM$ A lihng f u whn Lesser Galangal and Ginger Pill -$$A kr jZng whn Lesser Galangal Decoction 6 E$$ @J gGo lihng jiing tang lesser galangal [root] a (Alpiniae Officinarhm Rhizoma) 6 & % gGo liang jiing; /I\R g* xi60 lihng jiiing; & $$* lihng jiiiitg; @ 2%g*gao lihng jiang Lesser House (HT-8W"O) 9)Kf shao fii lesser hypericumO (Hyperici Japonici Herba) f&R9 di t r ciio; S bS" qu2 sht c6o; BB*tihn j i huang; X 3* xiang t i i n zhiin Lesser Marsh (SI-lW1lO)9 $j5 shho zt lesser melastomea (Melastomatis Dodecandri Herba) i h s , di r t n Lesser Sea (HT-3W//O) $@ shho h s Lesser Shang (LU-llW1lo) 9@j shao shang Lesser Surge (HT-9W110) I$ shao chdng Lesser Thoroughfare (HT-9) 9I$* shao chdng Lesser Valley (LT-3) $@* shao gu lesser yang (shho yhng) and yang brightness (yhng ming) combination disease 9 ' p H P I %j*% shao yhng yhng ming h t bing Lesser Yang Link [non-channel] 9 P I #4 shao yhng wti lesser yang (shiio yhng) $ P I shao yhng lesser yang (shho yhng) disease 9PH % shho yhng bing lesser yang (shao yhng) half-exterior half interior pattern 9 8 1 Z 3 shao yhng ban biiio ban l i
+ +
Leukoplakia lesser yang (shao yhng) harmonization $O ##9 Pfl h t j i t shao ybng lesser yang (shao yhng) headache $ p H X @j shao yang tdu tong lesser yang (shao yhng) is the pivot + P I % @ shho yhng wti shii lesser yang (shao yhng) midstage pattern % 3 shho yhng ban biiio ban li $ Lesser Yin Bone-Hole (HT-6) 9 215 ' shao yin xi lesser yin (shbo yin) 9 shho yin lesser yin (shho yin) disease shao yin bing lesser yin (shao yin) exterior pattern 9 % iiE shao yin biiio zh tng lesser yin (shao yin) has copious qi and scant blood 9PJj& 59& shao yin dud qi shiio xiib lesser yin (shao yin) headache 9 X % shho yin tdu tong lesser yin (shho yin) heat transformation 9 ?\! 4.1: shrio yin r t huh lesser yin (shao yin) is the pivot $[IJ 31 @ shao yin wti shii lesser yin (shao yin) vacuity fire $ JZ A shho yin xii huci lesser yang (shao yhng) has copious qi and scant blood 9 & 59/'lfn shho yhng dud qi shiio xu2 let blood j$?& fang xu2 lettuceQ (Lactucae Sativae Caulis et wd ju; BE%* w6 ju chi; Folium) f &Z* qiiin jin cGi; SF* wd sfin; B w0 cai; BlTg*wd ziii cai lettuce seed' (Lactucae Sativae Semen) wd ju zi Lettuce Seed Gruel $&E?-S#$ w6 ju zi zhiiu Leukemia Formula ?& Q &'&E zhi bai xut bing fang Leukoplakia No. 1 Medicinal Paste Q $3 -+$% t;;j;W; bbi ban yi hao yho g i o Leukoplakia No. 1 Wash B %-?-?%7?II bhi bun yi hho x i ji Leukoplakia No. 3 Medicinal Paste ?$I I . %ZjB bhi b i n t r hao yao gao; 5% =++%@ bki bhn siin hho yiio gfio -
+ +
Leukoplakia Wash $ BtX3IJ bbi ban xi ji LI-13W110 (Arm Five Li) + E S shiiu wii li; (Five Li (arm)) E g ( f- ) * wii li shdu; Level with the Heel [non-channel] ERT g2n ping (Five Li of the Arm) f-2 E g *shiiu zhi ' LIWFI0k j& 29 dli chring jing; A h dri wii li; (Five Li of the Cubit) R 2 E g * fjFjk j& t3 shiiu yhng ming da chang; chi zhi wii li; (Great Prohibition) k %* chang jing da jin li [unit of distance equivalent to 0.31 mile] LI-14 (Head Surge) A>$*tbu thong; g li; [unit of population] 9 li; [unit of (Head Thoroughfare) K I$* t6u chong; weight equal to one tenth of a fen (canda(Neck Surge) 99 I$* jing chdng; (Neck reen)] @ li Thoroughfare) 9flI$*jing ch6ng; (Upper LI-1W"O (Shang Yang) r& P I shhng yring; Arm) $$If$ bi niio (Yang Extremity) 'r,EPO* jut yring LI-15 (Central Shoulder Well) E #* LI-Zw/Io (Second Space) -1'87 2r jian; zh6ng jiin jing; (Collarbone) f#@* yLi (Space Valley) 1'87 G* jian gii; (Whole gii; (End Bone) #ii @* pian gii; (Flat Valley) W G *zhou gii Bone) G +$* biiin gii; (Flat Shoulder) LI-3 (Lesser Valley) $8*shao gii; @ E* biiin jian; (Shoulder Bone) B fl/4 (Small Valley) /j\ @* xiiio gii; (Third jihn ya; (Shoulder Tip) j$?j** jian jian Space) 3l'e7 s i n jirZn LI-16W"O (Great Bone) E @ ju gii LI-4 (Holding Mouth) -b. D * hrin kdu; LI-17 (Celestial Nape) 3%"tihn xiang; (Tiger's Mouth) Ift U * hii kdu; (Union (Celestial Summit) ZIfi*tihn ding; (CeValley) &@ h t gii; (Uniting Bones) & lestial Tripod) X f / tian ding B* h t gii LI-5 (Central Eminence) +%* zhdng LI-18Wflo (Protuberance Assistant) #?% kui; (Yang Ravine) PEl ?Z yhng xi fLi tLi; (Water Hole) 7JCR*shui xut LI-6W11O (Veering Passageway) ffim pian LI-19W110 (Grain Bone-Hole) %if$ h i li lirio; (Long Bone-Hole) ++@* chang LI-7 (Counterflow Pouring) StZ* ni zhu; lib0 (Pool's Head) $ ~ $ & * : chi IOU; (Snake LI-19 (Long Bone-Hole) ++@* chang sht tdu; (Warm Dwelling) Head) E$&* chhng jiri lilio; (Long Cheek) ++$$I* wen liu LI-19 (Long Cheek) llfi * chang zhu6; LI-8W110 (Lower Ridge) 7;@ xia lihn; (Long Plate) %&Ti* chling hui; (Long (Lower Ridge of the Arm) +2T;L&* Shore) # $jj*chbng pin shiiu zhi xi& lidn LI-9W110(Upper Ridge) k@ shring lirin; #L1-20 (Surging Yang) i$ PO* chong ycing; (Thoroughiare Yangj @ P#' ciziing yring; (Epper Ridge of rhe Armj / 2 LJ&' shiiu zhi shang lihn (Welcome Fragrance) &I??$ ying xihng LI-POWlfO (Arm Three Li) f- E shdu Liang [502-557 A.D.] ?@ [iring sin li; (Ghost Evil) %%P* guixit; (Three liang [now roughly 30gl Pj liiing Li (arm)) 3g ( f) * san li shiiu; (UpLiao [97h -1125 A.D.] iZ lirio per Three Li) J-3g*shang san li Lichen Medicinal Water @Z7k xiiin yao LI-11 (Ghost Leg) % JEl*gui tui; (Ghost shui E* gui chin; (Pool at the Minister) lichen (xiiin) [new] @ xiiin Bend) @$lt!gii chi; (Yang Marsh) P I licking tongue $iJfi&g pin tiiin sht i'g* yLing L1-12w1Io (Elbow Bone-Hole) j.1-# zhiiu Licorice and Aconite Decoction HSNrfF & ghn ciio fu zi tang lirio; (Tip of the Elbow) zhdu jizn
Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction H g T $% ggiin ciio grZn jiang tang Licorice and Ephedra Decoction l $ S R %$%gan ciio mri huang tang Licorice and Gardenia Decoction H S E % $3~ggan ciio zhi zi tang Licorice and Platycodon Decoction H&!i $% gan j i t tang Licorice Decoction H@$%g i n ciio tang Licorice, Dried Ginger, Poria (Hoelen), and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction H S T S E T Q *.i%gan ciio giin jicing fLi ling bhi zhli tang; l$S 7 $$%$$% gcin ciio g6n jiang ling zhh tiitzg Licorice Heart-Draining Decoction H 3 $9& .i%g i n ciio xi2 xitz tang licorice in human fecesa (Glycyrrhizae Radix cum Excrement0 Hominis Praeparatum) A $5 rtn zhdng huhng; H B*g i n zhdng hucing Licorice, Processed Galenite, and Honey Decoction i$ S#jt)b .i%g i n ciio @n mi tang licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix) -kt 9 gfin ciio; SS*mZi 520; e g *mi ciio; mi g i n ; &/@%* tirin gZn zi; & S * bang ciio; gu6 160; #jS* f2n ciio licorice root skin' (Glycyrfiizae Radicis Cortex) H SFfi gltz ciio p i Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction H 3 .i%grin ciio xiiio mai da ziio /J\ %$%g i n mhi da ziio tang tang; H lie [recline] E\ wb lie depressed 61 yu lie prone 43E\ fLi wi) lie supine {LIE\ yiing wo life ming life bar 6$# ming guan Life-Clutching Elixir 36$f f du6 ming din Life-Clutching Powder ?'+6$$& dub ming siin life fire 6$ A ming hub life gate 6$[7 ming rntn Life Gate (CV-4) 6$ [I* mitzg rntn; (CV5 ) 6$ 17,* ming m i n ; (GV-4w110)$3 [I mitzg men
light life gate fire 6$ S1'7 2A ming m t n zhi h ~ r b Life Gate Paravertebral [non-channel] @ 179 @* ming m t n jiii j i Life Pass (SP-17) 6$#* ming guan Life-Prolonging Decoction Zg6$$% xi1 ming tang Life-Prolonging Speech-Returning Decoction R figig$j5~zi shhu ji2 yfi tang Life-Promoting Pill R g f i zi shZng wan Life-Promoting Spleen-Fortifying Pill E 3@ R+ StL zi sheng jian p i wan Life Saver Cuscuta Seed Pill ?&!&E&F ji shnng tu si zi wan Life Saver Kidney Qi Pill V r Y 'W %A ji sheng shttz qi wan Life Saver Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction $3Lk @ Ffi TJJ 5$51ji sheng ju p i zhu rLi tang Life Saver Tangerine Pip Pill ?3g@i(;% $I- ji shdng ju h t wan Life Stem (CV-8) 6$@* ming di Life-Stretcher Pinellia Decoction S@Jyrin nihn ban xi2 tang Life Support [non-chatznel] St 6$ chttzg ming; (SP-6) st+* chtng ming lift @ ti lift-and-thrust supplementation and drainage )a$& $$ ti chii bii xi; lift heavy weights @ @ jii zhhng lifting and thrusting [needle manipulation] @f&,ti chci lifting and thrusting supplementation and drainage manipulation %?& fiiib $3%$A ti ~ h bii a xi2 shbu fii Lift Shoulders [non-channel] )hB thi jian light $3 qing light-colored menstrual discharge %&?% ?& jing s2 qiiin dan light formula @fill qing ji; [an evennumber or odd-number formula consistently used] @fi qing fang Light Guard (BL-6W"*) g! jl;; chttzg giiang light [medicinals] can eliminate repletion @ & qing k2 qu shi
lightness is treated by lifting B J S ~ ~ 2 yin qi qing t r yhng zhi Light-Restoring Decoction E W t5Jfu mitzg tang Light-Restoring Powder B fir ming siin light stir-frying {%%,I; wbi chiio light wheat [grain] (Tritici Semen Leve) @ /J\ 2 fd xiiio mai; # 7f
~ligusticum $J [root] @ (Ligustici Rhizoma) J l1 % chuan xibng; LLI@I %* shin jLi qi6ng; 5 xidng mao; BR* xiang gud; #JB* hLi qidng; G@j%&?* mii xian xibng qidng; & 88 %* quk niio xidng; % q*jing xidng; E ET* guan xidng; 2%* thi xibng; 2" xi xibng; %@* xibng qidng; J I I $?* chuan
qidng Ligustri Fructus (ligustrum [fruitla) 2 fiF n i zhEn zi; B $8&* bao gt ziio; D %@jxif=F-* b6i niio shh zi Ligustrum Decoction 2 fi9% n i zhEn tang ligustrum [fruit] a (Ligustri Fructus) fi7 n i zhaz zi; # $8g*blio gi ziio; D E#if.xif=F-* brii niio shh zi Ei Inner Court [non-channel] % V~JE li nti ting like g xi like heat [e.g., @Bj.Xf!': (fu tong xi rt) abdominal pain that likes heat] SZ :?! xi rt like pressure S g xi an like the light scraping of a knife
[email protected] &lJ rd qing dao gui like treatment of unlike disease R'@m ?Syi bing tdng zhi liking for coolness gi,3 xi liang liking for coolness and fear of heat Si,? 110t!: xi lihng pa rk liking for quietness Sg+ xi jing liking for warmth BDl xi nuiin Lilii Bulbus (lily bulb) B e biii h t ; B B e * bhi biii h i ; Gjj$jg*suan niio zhc; 8E 8 bhi hua biii ht lily bulb' (Lilii Bulbus) 8 & biii h i ; B e * bai bii h t ; suan niio zhu; $ Z B e * bhi hua biii h i Lily Bulb and Anemarrhena Decoction j 3 &-$ql@p& biii h i zhi mii tang Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction B biii h t di huhng tang Lily Bulb and Talcum Powder ETe?E!;ti 3 bbi h t huh shi sin Lily Bulb and Tussilago Paste B E @ biii huc gao Lily Bulb Metal-Securing Decoction -$ H& bbi h i gu jin tang
& biii h i bing lily disease limb @j zhi; Afi@ zhi ti limb joint pain zhi jit ttng tong limb pain zhi ti ting tong limb reversal zhi jut limbs e4 Afi si zhi; PIt@ si wti limeless wine X E 2 i wwti hui jiii limestonee (Calx) ;tiE shi h ~ l i Limit of Heat [14th solar term] @@ chii shii Limonii Sinensis Radix seu Herba (sea lavender) 3Pj-schi yt ciio; &%5*hiii chi shho limonite' (Limonitum) % W #@ yii yu -%$j? #@* tai yi yh lihng; ;$ %$i lihng; ;ti*yii yLi shi Limonitum (limonite) ;$%$j?$@ yii yh lihng; -h--%$i%@* tai y i y u lihng; %%%;ti" yii yLi shi limp $A ruin; [same as $2 ruiin] 11 /2 ruiin limp aching lumbar spine @! ?eB yno ji suiin ruhn limp aching lumbus and knees J@j%@@ yiio xi suiin ruiin limp aching lumbus and legs B B @ $ A yiio tui suiin ruiin r5 limp foot scourge $ A Z & ruiin zu wen limp hands and enuresis J)#BR shiiu sii yi niao limp hands and open mouth +##!Iff shiiu sii kiiu k& limping gait SlfijT b6 xing limp knees jagx 3 xi ruiin wLi li limp legs at;P+A jiiio r u i n limp lumbus E $ A X f i yiio r u i n wu li limp lumbus and knees @j$$A$S yio xi ruiin ruo; @@ +A $5 X yiio xi r u i n ru6 w6 li limp paralysis $A% ruiin tiitz limp tongue & g sht wZi; && sht w2i limp wilting limbs Afi@ & $ A Z h zhi ti we'i ruiin wri li limp wilting (wii) legs Sf5 JZg$5 liiing zri we'i ruo limp wilting (wt;i) lumbus and knees @ J@@$R yao x i wti ruiin S-
Lippiae limp wilting (wZi) sinews and bones fi%@ @$A jin gii w2i ruin limp wind ruiin fEng limp wrist mT@ wan xiri c h ~ ~ i limp wrists mT;S wan xia chui Lindera Decoction 2,% @J wll yho tnng Linderae Radix (lindera [rootlo) _S % wLI yho; Z 6 -$ Z* tihn tbi W E yao; 6 G' thi wu; 6 G %* thi wii yao Lindera Powder wu yao siin Lindera Qi-Normalizing Powder G %Ill@ 9%wG ycio shiln qi siin lindera [root] a (Linderae Radix) -$Zj w t yao; 2 G,a*tiiin thi w t yao; 6 -$* thi w t ; 6 S%* tai w t yho Linderniae Anagallis ~ e r b a (false pimpernel) 2iSS ding jing ciio Linderniae Crustaceae Herba (crusmii ciio tacean lindernia) Lindley's buddleia root0 (Buddleiae Lindleyanae Radix) -k ?$ 91 li xiiing linear stonecropa (Sedi Linearis Herba) 4% T @ fb jiii ciio linger $Zj 2,lib lian Lingnan garciniaO. (Garciniae Oblongifoliae Fructus, Semen et Cortex) *?J$ m u zhri zi lingual sht Lini Semen (flax seed) B & $ kyii m h yii m h zi rtn; %@F* link t@ wwti; S lihn Linking Confluence (ST-4) &%* hui wti
Linking Convergence (CV-8) tf3&* wti hui; (GV-20) t e e * wti hui Linking Path (GB-28W"*) 4fES wki drio lip JEfch&z lip papule chun zhEn lippiao (Lippiae Herba) g3533 ping lai ciio; A%@* f h g li ciio; H3323* wang li ciio; @ %j$i * yii sht huiing Lippiae Herba (lippiao) Z z Z f ping Ihi S* f2ng li ciio; 03%$* wang ciio; li ciio; rp!?,S$!*! ya shi huiing
lip-turning clove sore (ding) & W f i .fiin chiin ding lip wind E R chLin fEng liquid $$jin liquidambar. (Liquidambaris Resina) Q Aft 7fj bbi jiiio xiiing; g jg* fEng xi&g fcng zhi xiting; 2% B*y h zhi; xiiing gao liquidambar fruito (Liquidambaris Fructus) @@@ lh lu t6ng; #%%*fEng shi; tRl. k5$*fEng mh shang qiu; s* fCng feng gu6; ;fn3$ T* fEng xicng gu6; qiLi zi; m@J5$*feng shu qiu Liquidambaris Fructus' (liquidambar fruit) EB Id lci t6ng; @l%* fcng shi; l 5 $ * feng mu shring qih; %* feng xidng gu6; $Rl. %* feng gu6; @5$7--* I, f2ng qih zi; m@f5$*feng shu qih Liquidambaris Resina (liquidambar) Q Aft B bbi jiao xiang; #%@flE* f2ng xking fEng zhi xiiing; EB g *yun zhi; xiang g6o liquid and blood are of the same source jin xu2 tbng yubn @ dn liquid-blood depletion @ h 5 tfl jin xi; kui siin liquid depletion and heat bind @% %Ci5 jin kui r2 jit liquid-engendering medicinal & ! @ fi shEng jin yao liquid failing to bear upward @+ 1st jin bu shang chtng liquid failing to moisten the upper body @T k j i Z l jin bu shhng run liquid of the lung f2i jin liquid qi @% jin qi liquid storax@ (Styrax Liquidus) 36- 75 sii h t xiiing; i;P$ljYR* di ybu liu; @@* di sii h t ybu; %6-%&lj* sii h i giio; s-&&jj* xiiing ybu Liquid Storax Pill 3$$ s5 h i xiang wbn liquor ?%&$ tangy;; (Vinum seu Spiritus) t p j jiii liquor accumulation jiii j i liquor accumulation aggregation @i) lump @$,9@+& jiii j i pi kuhi
m s*
Lithospermi liquor addiction @@ jiii pi liquor damage 4% ipj shang jiii liquor damage headache 49j@j%Bshang jiii tbu thng liquor heat brewing internally @ ?4: % jiii r2 n2i yun liquor jaundice jiii huang d i n ; $4 $3jiii d i n liquor wind on the nose &kLL.iB@R bi shhng sheng jiii zui fEng Li's Summerheat-Clearing Qi-Boosting Decoction S E 5$51 li shi qing shii yi qi tang listening and smelling examination Rl@ wtn zh2n listlessness of essence-spirit $g$+Sj@ jing shkn wti m i litcheeo (Litchi Fructus) Xt;@ li zhl; $4 li zhi; li zhi; f f g*dan li; f i &Xr;* hi46 shnn li; li zhr; FA@* It zhi litchee pite (Litchi Semen) %%@ li zhi rtn; @+%* zhi h t ; ;5;;f;%* hi; B { I V ~ dLi li h t ; %if;%* li h t Litchee Pit and Fennel Powder li xiiing sin Litchi Fructus (litchee) B@ li zhi; $5 ft* li zhi; ;5;S V i zhi; 7q 8' dan li; A hXt;*hu6 shdn li; li zhi; $j~#3?'I& zhi Litchi Semen (litchee pit) %%it;% li zhi h t ; %{I* li rtn; @@* zhi h i ; k ;ZX@" dci li h i ; %@* li h i lithargeo (Lithargyrum) 2E P 2jg mi tub seng; % fit@ ' mi tub sEng; t%$ j 9* mo duo sEng; -&[It@* jin tub sEng Litharge Paste [I%{@ % tub sEng giio Litharge Powder % mi tub seng siin Litharg~rum (litharge) @ fit{E mi tub seng; % (IT {E* mi tub seng; ?% % @* mi, 4% * jin tub Gng du6 sCng; & [IT Lithe Spirit [non-channel]@ Z jiiio ling Lithospermi, Macrotomiae, seu. Onosmatis Rad (puccoon) % S @* zi c6o gen; % @* zi gerz
Lithospermi, Macrotomiae, seu Onosmatis Radix (puccoon) $j$ zi ciio Lithospermi Radix (hard puccoon@) @ % @ ying zi ciio Li Tong Pill ?@@jgtl li tbng wrin Litseae Rhizoma et Radix (litsea [root]@) -E & G dhu chi ]\ing; TZB S * dou chi jiing litsea [root] @ (Litseae Rhizoma et Radix) TZ B S dou chi jiing; $$* dou chi jiing little desire to talk & Z bu y2 du6 yrin little finger I]\ $E xiiio zhi; /j\$E sh6u xiiio zhi Little Finger Bone Hollow [non-channel] /I\ 9xi20 gii k6ng little thought of food and drink ,F, yin shi shiio si little toe /J\ I Sk xiiio zhi; B /I\ ISk zli xiiio zhi live earthworm@ (Lumbricus Vivus) @@ ffi 1G, xiin di lbng Lively Center (KI-26Wrf0)2 yu zhdng liver jT gin liver accumulation jT$g gin ji Liver Alarm (LV-14) H g * gin mu liver and gallbladder stand in interiorexterior relationship jT 5j jH %El % 3 gZn yii diin xiing biiio li liver and kidney are mutually engendering flT B @J% gin shtn xiing shcng liver and kidney are of the same source B'f 'B lEl B gin shtn tbng yulin liver and kidney verging on expiry BT'B ?E gin shtn yu jut liver opens into the eyes j T A E T €I gan kii qiao yli mil liver blood j?ijn gin xu; liver blood depletion j'f h 5 E gin xut kut xri: liver blood vacuity B'FhE gin xu2 xii Liver-Boosting Brew Sj'fsyi gin jiin liver-calming wind-extinguishing medici% ping gin xi f2ng yho nal T BT Liver Chamber [non-channel]jff Z gin shi
liver channel H?2gin jing liver channel damp-heat invading the ear Ht3 B% 82, lT- gin jing shi rt fan b liver channel damp-heat vaginal disgin jing shi r2 dai charge /ff?S@ Ffi ?-i5T xia liver channel repletion fire H?-+%A gin jing shi hub Liver-Clearing Aloe Pill 8&iHF3 ;h, qing gin lli hui whn Liver-Clearing Brain-Safeguarding Pill ?f$ H@fl8 gtl qing gin biio niio win Liver-Clearing Dampness-Percolating Decoction ?EH@$jj$h qinggin shkn shi ting liver-clearing eye-brightening medicinal 8 €I qing gin ming mu yho liver cold H % gin hrin liver cold seeping into the stomach H % @\$j$gE 8 gin hrin htng yi fan wti liver cough j?D% gin kb liver counterflow headache flTi!&A% gan ni tdu tong Liver-Coursing Depression-Resolving Decoction $&H&%j3@$ shn gin jig yu ting liver-coursing depression-resolving medicinal $&jT&$jj3% shii gin jig yu yao Liver-Coursing Powder $6fl'f $3? shii gin siin Liver-Coursing Spleen-Harmonizing Pill G I ? )j+ A shii gin ht pi wrin Liver-Coursing Spleen-Rectifying Decoction GH@)j$$& shii gin li pi tang . liver depression jT%B gin yu liver depression advanced menstruation j? +$$9f5& #Jgin yu jing xing xiin qi liver depression and qi stagnation jff%P 5% gin yu qi zhi liver depression and spleen vacuity BT%F A$ E gin yu pi xii liver depression delayed menstruation FR 68 23.Z1T 6#J gin yu jing xing hhu qi liver depression infertility j'f %j3 9 gin yu b2 yun liver depression invading the stomach flT 612E E gin yh fan wti
liver depression rib-side pain Jff $$ gin yu xit t6ng liver depression transforming into fire RT 6P4k A gin yu hua hub liver disease BT% gin bing liver disease affecting the kidney l T B 2 ' 3 gin bing ji shkn Biver distention RflE gin zhang Liver-Draining Spirit-Quieting Pill iq /Ff ??@Axi2 giitz iin shin wcin Biver fire BT A giin hub lives fire and depressed blood flT A $$h girt hub y2 xu2 Biver fire flaming upward BTA k% giin hu8 shang yhn Biver fire invading the lung BTA JEj$ giin hub fan fki lliver fire invading the stomach BT A JE gin hu6 fan w2i Piver fire siieeglessaiess BT A T @ E l gin hu8 b2 dt wb liver fire stirring jjf jXlW8 3 gin f2ng shin d6ng liver fixity gin zhu6 Liver Fluke Formula P RT % & -3 gin xi ch6ng yi fing Liver Fluke Formula 2 &13 gGn xi ch6ng kr fing Biver forms tears flT% ?R giin w6i 12i Piver-gallbladder damp-heat RFfaHBf!?gin diin shi r2 liver governs free coursing H&B# g&n zhii shd xik liver governs fright H&@gan zhii jing liver governs physical movement @$=? I / i& gin zhii yun dbng liver governs the making of strategies jjf &i$!Egin zhfi m6u lu liver governs the sea of blood jjf&&@ gin zhii xu2 hiii Biver governs the sinews jffZ%k i n zhii jin liver governs upbearing and effusion jjf Z ft yj gcin zhii shCng fci lives has something to store HGfifiRgin ybu suii chng
liver Biver heat JT l ?r!: gin r2 liver heat malign obsEructiona I T ?4: S gin r2 2 zil Liver Heat Point [non-channel]BT4:! f i gin r2 xui liver beat spontaneous sweating flT:?! $ f f gcin r2 zi han Biver holds the ofice of general, whence 2 B. iX strategies emanate IT%. & & 3% gin zh2, jiGng jiin zhi guiin liver impediment (bi) I T @ gin bi liver is averse to wind flTSjXl giin w3 f2ng liver is connected with the gallbladder BJ: &RE! girz h6 din liver is connected with the sinews gin h i jin lives is often in saperabowdance R T g R $+ gGn chhng y6u yri Biver is the basis of resista~~lce to fatigue RTG. % *& 2$ gin zhZ, pi ji zhi btn liver is the unyielding viscus R'F% BdBJf gin wti giing zang Piver is yin in substance and yang in function If, ($ PJj mi H b ~ gin l , ti yin b- ybng yhng liver, its bloom is in the nails IT, E+ Em gin , qi huh zai zhiio liver-kidney depletion flT '& 5#jgin sh2n kui siin liver-kidney depletion mernstrana8 pain flT la ~7 x tfi B k P gin shtn kui siin tbng jing liver-kidney depression fl? 'E 6 D % gin shkn y3 zhi liver-kidney vacoliEy 'A&?I/ $$ shkn xd gin ru6 liver-kidney yin depletion BT '# 5 gin shin yin kui liver-kidney yin vacuity BT 'E PJj & gin shkn yin xd liver-kidney yin vacuity flooding and spotting j?I3 PB &% s gan shkn yin xii bijng lbu liver lives on the left BT $T& gcin shijna yri zuii liver puke is stringlike JffBjC32gin mai xihn liver qi fi? gan qi
liver qi ascending counterflow H5k26 gin qi shang ni liver qi depression j'f36[3% gin qi yu zhi; BTTgIJS gin qi yu t; jT56IJ gin qi YU
liver qi exploiting the spleen H5*A@ gin qi chtng pi liver qi flows to the eyes BTFB'f €I gin qi tiing yri mu liver qi invading the spleen B73%fl$ gin qi fan pi liver qi invading the stomach H%$E E gin qi fan wti liver qi rib-side pain jT5l&@j gin qi xi6 t6ng liver qi running cross counterflow flT5, @$I S gin qi heng ni liver qi surging upward j?A li$ gin hub shung chdng liver qi vacuity j T T E gin qi xii liver receives blood and there is vision R fjk $JJ gin shhu xu2 t r ntng shi 9 Liver-Regulating Decoction ijfijBT $51tiho @n ting Liver-Regulating Powder ijfijjT 8 tiao gin siin Liver-Relaxing Spleen-Rectifying Decoction EBIf@l$!$3J huiin gin li pi ting Liver-Repairing Decoction $9B? $51xiii gin ting liver repletion B'f-%gin shi Liver-Repressing Powder #$jT 8 yi gin siin Liver-Repressing Powder Plus Tangerine Peel and Pinellia BT& 81B% Ffi Y Z yi gin siin jii chin pi bhn xih Biver reversal flT H gin jut liver reversal headache % gin jut t6u thng Liver-Settling Wind-Extinguishing Decoction B B T W W $3~zhtn gin xi feng ting Liver-Soothing Decoction gflTt3J shii gin ting Liver-Soothing Pill $T jT fi shG gin wan lives-spleen blood stasis BTJj+rtn@ gin pi xut yu
liver-spleen disharmony flT@+ gin pi bh tiao; El$+$il gin pi bu h i liver-spleen qi stagnation Hfl$%$$ gin pi qi zhi liver-spleen vacuity jT@Fi 3 j giin pi liiing xL liver-stomach disharmony fl? E T $D gin wti bh h i liver-stomach qi pain f i E 5 % gin wti qi t6ng liver stores blood j T @ h gin cang xu? liver stores the ethereal soul jT@i&l gin cang hLin Liver-Supplementing Decoction +I fl? $51 bii gin tang Liver-Supplementing Powder +\ jlT 8 bii gin siin liver taxation jffggin ldo Liver-'Ikansforming Brew .ItBT E huh gin jiin Liver '&ansport (BL-18W110)jT $I gin shii liver vacuity gin xii liver vacuity fever and chills ! T E % ?\! gin xii han rt Liver-Warming Brew R l j T E nuiin gin jiin Liver-Washing Eye-Brightening Decoction €I$5xi gin ming mh ting $% liver water [a kind of water swelling] B? 7k gin shui liver wind R f-W gin feng liver wind stirring internally flT f-W gin fZng nti dhng liver wind with phlegm BTW%YjE gin fcng jii tan liver-wood BT* gin mu liver-wood exploiting the spleen flT* ?@I$! gin mu chCng pi liver-wood restraining (overcoming) earth jff*Zk gin mu k t tii liver yang BTPI gin yting liver yang dizziness j? [JEjlk;.$: gin yhng xuin yfin liver yang headache RPEIXI& gin yhng tbu thng liver yang transforming into fire BTPE14L II( gin yang huh hui,
liver liver yang transforming into widd /fPFJ,f&
rhu; 2 BE'?" long yiin gin; &@* yi zhi
F4 g i n yang huh f2ng liver yin /ff FR g i n yin liver yin vacuity FJ @ g i n yin xii living in damp places E ai%Bjii chii chho shi;
E @j%Bjii
Longanae Flos
;ti*xu& shi; %E* ci jiin; Z;Ei*ci shi; a6* chu shi; %%6* yuan wii shi; U J %;fi*xi tit shi; %H6* xizh2n shi; $3 6*sht shi; %6*ti2 shi; X3%6* xi ti2 shi; %BZ*hu6 ci shi Loadstone and Cinnabar Pill & * A ci zhii wan
lobe D t y& Lobeliae Chinensis Herba cum Radice (Chinese lobelia) 2B ban bidn licin;
ban biin ju; &E* ban biin h u i ; )+ E g* pian h u i lian loblolly $#$zh6u local point )Zjj@R@ jri bu xud wti lochia % Z t lu lochiometra %gTjT t lu bu xing; S T' t lu bh xi& lochiorrhea E Z+ % t lu bu duan; % , l T @t l i i b u j i n ; E Z + e t l u b u y i ; % Z+k t lu bu zhi; %ETt&t lu bu jut lockjaw F4 po shdng f2ng lodged rheum @ tA 1ih yin lodging is treated by attack @.$&;t lib zhZ gong zhi Lofty Bone [non-channel] % @ chdng gii Lofty Window (SI-16) @ 9$* chuing sbng
Lohe dendrobiumO (Dendrobii Loholu6 h i shi hli hense Caulis) Y @J6j&I lone silver star yin xin dri j i h Longanae Arillus (longan flesh) j& BE m long yiin rdu; +$[311* gui yuan; @ R * gui yuan rhu; 2 I R * ldng ya'n; B m * yuan
(longan leaf) ft; BE P t
ldng yiin yt
Longanae Semen
(longan pit) ft; @+%
16ng yiin h i '
(Eumeces seu Sphenomorphus) 6 2T shi long zi; %!I@* xi yi loach clove sore (ding) ni qiii ding loadstone' (Magnetitum) 6 ci shi; 2
mi pi;
(longan flower) & B R Z
Longanae Folium
zhu chho shi
l6ng yiin h u i
Livistonae Chinensis Folium et .Semen, seu Radix (Chinese fan palma) %$$pu
(Longanae Arillus) ft; BE
longan flesh'
m l6ng yiin rhu; @El*gui yuan; @ IEJm* gui yuan rhu; &I@* 16ng ya'n; m* yuan rou;
&BE 'f* 16ng yiin g i n ;
&B* yi
mi pi;
Longan Flesh Gruel &BE
16ng ybn
rou zh6u
longan flower'
(Longanae Flos) 2 BE X
16ng yiin hui
longan leap (Longanae golium) ft; BE P
long yiin yk
iiongan pit0
(Longanae Semen) It; BE $5
16ng ya'n h i
Long Bone-Hole (LI-19) %$$* chhng lirio; %f@ * chang liho long-bout cough [whooping cough] dun k t
Long Cheek (LI-19) % $$j*chang jia; %
IH* chbng zhud Long Chicken (ST-25) *Sj* chling j i long-depressed A fill jiii yu longevity % sh6u longevity platform bone [mastoidprocess] % 3 @ sh6u thi gb Long Grain (ST-25) chang gii LoniLevel (LV-13 % q"chang ping , Long Link (ST-25) %te*chang wti long needle [one of the nine needles] -t5
/if- chang zh2n long pepper0 (Piperis Longi Fructus)
%%* bi b6 li; q%* bi bd long pepper' (Piperis Longi Fructus) Z$ E bi bh; q&* bi bd Long Pepper Gruel F E B bi ba zhdu Long Plate (LI-19) chhng hui long pulse /$%%mLii chang; % b% chang -U
Long Ravine (ST-25) % tg* chhng xi lonicera [flower] (Lonicerae Flos) 42 +EXjin yin hua; &E*jin huii; &BE* long-rinse 7&@ shuipiiio; ?% piiio jin ttng huii; RE* shuang h u i ; -52 E* Long Shore (LI-19) %$$* chang pin f?rbiio hua; IE* t r h u i ; Z.+E* re'n long-stalked kadsura root (bark)a (Kadsurae Longipedunculatae Radix seu dbng hua; @E*yin hua Radicis Cortex) 21 & h6ng mu xiang; Lonicera, Forsythia, and Puffball Powder It;lR#* nti f2ng xiao; [f;] 2IPg* nki h6ng 39% yin qiao m i b6 sin xiao Lonicera, Forsythia, Sargentadoxa, and Long Strong (GV-lWFfO)4553 chbng qihng Baijiang Toxin-Resolving Decoction +EB long summer [season associated with %&% yin qiho h6ng jiang jid dri tang earth] % E chhng xii lonicera stem and leafa (Lonicerae Long Vistas Pill 92% StL zhu jing w i n Caulis et Folium) ,Q,+Brdn ddng ttng; Long Vistas Pill Variant Formula 922% % %E jin yin tCng; +EE@* yin huri finH74 zhh jing whn jia jiiin fang ttng; ,Z,43$* re'n dbng ciio long voidings of clear urine f$!$$%xi60 loofah* (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) 44 bihn qing chhng A% sigua luo; 44Apl* sigui wiing; 44 longworm % & chhng ch6ng AE* siguii k t ; A%* gua lu6; %A@l* longworm disease % & 6 chang ch6ng xu guri rhng; %$ %* tian lu6 xian; g A bing "* si gua rhng Lonicera and Forsythia Decoction %EB& an si gui jin; i$ looking 6xamination gi$ wang zhdn yin qiao tiing Lonicera and Forsythia Powder %EBB loose bowels B 7$lJ zi li yin qiao siin loose joints T5tl?jit chi Lonicera and Licorice Decoct~onBE tt loosen E kukn 9 @J yin hua gin ciio tang loosening of the teeth 3& @$J ya chi fLi Lonicera and Phragmites Mixture @ % dong; 3@PA 31ya chi sdng dong; 5f-% fFI1 yin wdi h i ji 31itg yh chi dhng yho Lonicera and Scutellaria Tablet $E B 6 loosen the center E$ kuan zhbng yin huhng pian Lonicera Decoction +EE@J yin hua tang loosen the chest Em kuan xibng Lonicerae Caulis et Folium (lonicera loosen the chest and dissipate binds $Z stem and leafa) ,Z,+Erdn dbng ttng; & R$ &4_& kuin xibng sin jii %E@*jin yin ttng; +RE%* yin hu6 ttng; loosen the sinews and strengthen the ,Q, 4 F*rdn dbng ciio bones $Z @j jk @j kuiin jin zhuling gfi Lonicerae Confusae Folium (wild honloose stool jifF 7f;S da bihn bri shi 'eysuckle [leafla) f+REPt-tfi yin hu5 Lophatheri Folium (bamboo leaf (2)) Y f? T'J W dcin zhh yt; T'J W g 4*zhci yk mai Lonicerae Flos (lonicera [flowerla) & ZE dbng; T'J W S 4 S* zhli yt mai dbng qing; E jin yin hua; & E" jin huii; &BE" fS tfi mai ddng; $@ ye' mki jin ttng h u i ; 3IE*shuang hua; IZE* dbng; ?&T'J %* dan zhci mi; T'J P t * zhLi yt t r biio h u i ; rZ* t r hug; Z,4 E* re'n Lophatheri Folium Immaturum (tender dong hua; +RE*yin h u i Lonicerae Flos Optimus (top grade bamboo leaf) T'JPt-jh zhh yt xin; T'JatB lonicera flower@) %&$RE mi yin hua zhLi yk juiin xin Lonicerae Flos Recens (fresh lonicera Lophatheri Folium Immaturum Recens [flowerlo) &&%RE xiin jin yin h u i ; !!if (fresh tender bamboo leaf) i!$Yr P-t JL xian zhu yt xin %EX*xian yin hua
+-@a a
l i b *
Lophatheri Folium Recens (fresh bamboo leaf) !@$$!J'D t xihn zhu yt; (fresh U f xihn drin bamboo leaf (l)@) zhh yt Loquat Gruel &L+E#$pi pri zh6u loquat leap (Eriobotryae Folium) #L+E W pi ph yt; I? PI-* bh yt; jf;EW*'phyt Loquat Leaf Powder #EW 3 pi pa yt siin Loranthi Ramus (southern mistletoe) S %!& sing ji shdng; ?$+* guhng ji shdng Loranthi seu Visci Ramus (mistletoe) Z$i 3 siing ji sheng; 3 I 3!&* scing shang ji sheng; Zf+#f* ji shdng shu; 27 L k q * ji shdng ciio; $%$* sgng ji; %** ji sheng Loranthi Yadoriki Ramus (hairy mistletoe) @%$* shi ji shdng Loropetali Flos (Chinese witch hazel ji hug flower) Loropetali Foliwn (Chinese witch hazel leaf) & E PI- ji huh yk Loropetali Radix (Chinese witch hazel root) #lE@ji huci gen Boss of appetite tk -&7l;r @ yin shi bu zhkn loss of breast milk [newlr?L'?j-$ Y j rii zhi zi c h i loss of bulk @rJQ pi, jLin (jidng) loss of consciousness $0 A Zj2 bu zhi rtn shi; 5 & A S bLi xing rtn shi; A 43 T %' rtn shi b3 xing loss-of-construction [same as "loss-ofluxuriance" (%% shi rbng), a kind of sore]
lotus loss of use of the limbs PI@+qk si zhi bh shiiu; PIE+H si zhi bu yong loss of vision XFfi;fiR mu wh sui, jian loss of visuar acuity $Ji!A XjE shi li jiiin tui loss of voice X E ig shi yin bu yii; E yin bing; yin bLi ntng yan; EQ yin yii; 2%wh yin; ig shi sheng b3 yii; shi yin; i% yin; @ yin loss of voice due to pox E g di,u yin Loss-of-Voice Gate (GV-15) ET7* yin mtn loss of voice in measles j$$g$kg mmli zhzn shi yin loss of voice in pregnancy $3@3@; rkn rtn sh2n yin yii; shen zi yin; $3E I@ fiZ@ T ig rkn shen bu yii; $Z@ Z % rtn rkn shen sht yin; F@ zi yin; $$@$kg s!zeiz shi yitz; $3@ g Q rk;z shZn yin yi lost heart wind X I L ~ shi xin feng lotus embryoe (Nelumbinis Embryo) S 3JL\ licin zi xin; S* yi; 3 %* kii yi; 8 &* licin xin lotus fruite (Nelumbinis Fructus) ;tiB F shi lihn 2% % E %3* dai k t lihn zi; tis3*k t lian zi; M f t B* tihn shi lihn; +--, jslq*k t lihn zi; $+ E q * dai pi lihn zi lotus fruit/seede (Nelurnbinis Fructus seu Semen) BT lilin zi; EBT* lihn ping zi; BS*l i h shin lotus PeaP (Nelumbinis Folium) RUt h t
loss-of-Jux~riance [a kind of sore] $kZ shi rbng loss of mobility ij'E q=j 3 bu ntng xing d6ng loss of sight % shi ming loss of smell jBj Sg bu win xihng chou; % @ shi xiu; bi lbng; T bii zhi xihng ch6u loss of speech ig 3E yhn yii bu ntng loss of speech and use of limbs yin f2i loss of use,of the legs 8 T qk zh bu shdu
lotus leaf base' (Nelumbinis Basis Folii) h t yk di lotus leaf juice* (Nelumbinis Folii Succus) R M-'?j- h i yt zhi lotus leafstalk' (Nelumbinis Petiolus) 75 U t $9 h t yk gzng lotus pod effusion SBK lihn ping fg lotus receptacle' (Nelumbinis Receptaculum) E& lian fang; SSg*lihn ping k t ; B%*lilin k t ; $&&*iiu fang lotus root' (Nelumbinis Rhizoma) %$ iiu; S lihn du; 3t9"guhng pang
IIotus root jakee (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus) @f$@,iJr xiarz du zhi; $@ $f* 6u zhi; du zhi; $%:&* sheng du zhi Lotus Root Juice Drink if$j;fitAq du zhi yin zi 1oEns root nodeo (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis du ji6; ?* grtiing 6u Nodus) $@? jig; BiiE* iiu jid bG lotus seed" (Nelumbinis Semen) Em lirin rhu; 6%@I* shi lihn roll; E F m* licin rou Botaas seed-coat0 (Nelurnbinis Testa) B lihn yi Botms stalkQ (Nelurnbinis Betiolus seu Pedicellus) E @ h t g2ng; EPt @* h i yi? gzng; Z@'Yiilin g2ng lotus stameno (Nelumbinis Stamen) % 3n lirin XG; EE3n*lihn h u i xii; EES* lirin hua rui; E S 3n* lirin rui xii Bond shouting and crying U 4 % da shzng jiho kLZ lower abdomen [old] 'J.'Eshao f2; /I\@ xiio fC lower body 7; xi& lower body distress 7;i$ xia po Power body gan 7;B xi2 gan lower body gan sore 7 ; B g xih gin chuiing lower body qi 7;T xi& qi lower body stone flat abscess (jii) 7;;fTg xi& shi jii Lower Bone-Hole (BL-34WF10)7; f@ xia lirio Lower Bright Eyes [non-channel]7;lij$ ER j xia jing ming lower burner f;%, xia jiiio Bower burner damp-heat 7;%82:?! xia jiio shim ri? lower burner damp-heat bloody urine f; g, B ?+ R & xi2 jiio shi ri? niho xu2 lower burner edAlux desertion 7; %, ?BH xi6 jiio hub tu6 lower burner governs exit 7;%,&kb xia jiao zhii chii lower burner heat bind ? & t & T % r2 jit xia jiio
lower burner is like a sluice -[;%,4D.@ xi2 jiao rri dh Lower Burnex T[h.ansport [non-channel] 7; xia jiao shii Bower burner wasting-thirst 7;# xia xiao Lower Central Bole [non-channel] 7; & xia zh6ng ji 'dower cheek BJl yi Bower cinnabar field 7;fj- xia diin ti& Lower Deafness [non-channel] 7; @ xia 16ng Lower Dract (CV-10) 7;g*xia gu&n
Lower Earth Granary [non-channel]7; NJ-&* xia di.cang Bower extreme [anus;perineum; root of the nose (regional between the inner canthi)] 7;& xia ji Lower Extreme (CV-1) 7;@*xia ji; ( K I 1 1 ) T @ * xia ji Lower Extreme 'Ikansport [non-channel] 7 ; @ & xiasjishii Bower extremity M tui; BP jiio; zh; 7; xia zhi 7;fi mu xia bio; 6 jiiin Bower eyelid lower eyelid rim €I 7;$2mu xia xirin; €I 7; mu xia ging Lower Five Li [non-channel] 7;ji %* xia wii li Lower Great Hollow (ST-39W1f0)7; €3E xia ju XU Lower Holllow Three Li (ST-36) 7;@3 g*xi&xu s5n li Lower Huang (CV-4) f;E* xi2 huing; (CV-6) 7;E*xi& huin2 Lower KunPun Mountains [non-channel] 7; E C xia kiin lhn; (BL-60) 7; E C* xia kiin lhn B Q W leg ~ ~ af jing; fij hdng; fi htng Bower leg ache af@ jing suan Bower Beg bone af jing; gan gii J I&@ chtng gii lower leg bone [tibia] +3jing gii lower leg flat abscess @ ) jing jn lower limb 7;B xia zhi
lower limb cramp in pregnancy EETE j&@jr@nshen xih zhi chbu jin lower limb fire flow T;@Pj$ A xia zhi lik hu6 Lower Metropolis [non-channel]7;$P xi2 dii; (TB-3) 7;@*xia dii lower metropolis point 7;gpfl xia dii xu6 Lower Mound (ST-36) 7;@*xi; ling Lower Mound Three Li (ST-36) 7; g*xi& ling san li Lower Mountain Support [non-channel] 7;2$k LLI xia chtng shGn Lower Mute's Gate [non-channel] 7;U j E T I xi&yci m t n Lower New Knowledge [non-channel]7; %iR xi& xin shi lower opening of the small intestine 4 EJ I 7; a xi60 chang xia kiiu lower orifices [the anal and genital orifices] 7;2;5: xi& qiho lower origin [kidney, esp. kidney yang and xia yuan kidney qi] Lower Protuberance Assistant [nonchannel] T;&% xia fLi tii Lower Regulator (CV-4) 7;/LZ* xi2 ji Lower Ridge (LI-8WffO) T;& xia lian; (ST-39) 7;&* xia lihn Lower Ridge of Great Hollow (ST-39) I 3 E 7;&* ju xii xi6 lihn Lower Ridge of the Arm (LI-8) 2P @* shciu zhi xia lihn Lower Sea of Qi (CV-6) TTB* xia qi xia qi h i i hiii; (ST-36) 7;%%* Lsii-er Standing Sj. %?in& [nun-uhuaneij T; 1% $ xia xia bhi xia win guiin lower stomach duct Lower Stomach Duct (CV-loWH0)7;JE xia win Lower Three Li (SP-6) T 3g*xia san Li; 7;2 g*xi& zhi sGn li Lower Three Li (ST-36) 7; g*xia shn li lower tooth i'kj chi lower tooth bed T; f;F F;I xia yyd chuang lower transverse bone 7;@Bxi2 htng gii
lower uniting point xia h i xu6 Lower Warm Flow [non-channel] 7;?$A El xia wCn liii lower wasting 7;# xia xiao Lower Wind Pond [non-channel]7;R*!iP xia f2ng chi lower yin 7;PB xia yin Lower Yin Divergence (CV-1) T; P a ffrl* xi2 yin bi& low faint voice F=!R$# shCng yin di wti low flame wei huci; @ A man hu6 low fluid intake shio yin low food intake & /J/' shi shio low grade 7; & xia pin low-ground damp ?R?&ju rk Low Position [non-channel]{ R M di w2i Low Position Ransport [non-clwtnnel]1 8 lG & di w@ishii low timorous voice F =lR?& sheng yin di qi@ low voice Ffi s h a g di lozenge +Z?F ding zi; +2ding lozenge preparation $2fid ding ji LUWHO j$ f@i; 8itj ?3 f@ijing; F k PA I$%$ sh6u thi yin f2i jing LU-1 (Breast Center Transport) @ @ &* ying zhbng shii; (Breast Transport) B &* ying shii; (Central Treasury) $f zhbng fii; (Lung Alarm) B$g* fki mu; (Treasury Center Transport) f i CP &* fLi zhbng shii LU-2wffo (Cloud Gate) r; 1'7yhn m t n
LU3WHo (Celestial Storehouse) XTitf tian ffi
LU-4WffO (Guarding White) I% $ xib bhi; (Pinching White) 9 8 * jia bhi LU-SWffO (Cubit Marsh) R $$ chi z t ; (Ghost Endurance) % g* gui sh6u; (Ghost Hall) %@* gui tang LU-6wfIo (Collection Hole) Rij? kcing zui LU-7wffo (Broken Sequence) 311$& lit? qu2; (Child Mystery) &Z*tbng xuan; (Wrist Taxation) @'fi"*wan 140 LU-8WHO (Channel Ditch) $3Z$2 jing qLi
LU-9WHo (Great Abyss) A$,#Jtai yuan; (Great Spring) A S * thi quhn LU-10WHo (Fish Border) .$lP?ji yri ji; (Ghost Heart) % &* gui xin LU-11 (Ghost Sincerity) %is* gui xin; (Lesser Shang) 9 .'T$i shao shing Lu'an codonospsis [root] (Codonopsitis Radix Lu'anensis) B% lu ding; 8% S* 12 diing sh2n lubricate $3 run; ?B huh lubricate the intestines ? B E huh chhng lubricating formula ?@fillhub ji lubricating [medicinals] can eliminate fixity ?Bi-iJ& 8 huh ke' qu zhu6 . lucid realgar0 (Realgar Lucidum) % h# ming xi6ng; k# #+j*xibng jing; EB* ycio huhng; % h#g* ming xi6ng huhng ludwigiaa (Ludwigiae Herba) 7)< T % shui ding xiang Ludwigiae Herba (ludwigiaa) 7)< T % shui ding xiang Ludwigiae Octovalvis Herba (lantern seedboxa) 7)< T B shui ding xihng Luffae Caulis (luffa stem) 44A@ si gurS t ing Luffae Caulis Succus (luffa stem sap) X 9 7)< tian lu6 shui; 44 A 7)<* si gua shui; 44 A@:#* si gulZ ttng zhi Luffae Fascicuius Vascularis (loofah) 44 Ag& siguci luo; sigua wiing; 44 AE* si g ~ ka t ; A$&*gua LUO; xu gurZ rhng; E$$A* tian lub xian; & A B*si gulf jin; 'L'rA@*si guG ring Luffae Fructus (luffa gourd) sigui; %&A* ticin si.gu8; *y* tiin lu6; X $ A* tian lu6 gu5; 2 A* mhn guii; 6 A* bu gu& 48 A* mihn gu,; %%fi $ A* xi gu6 lu6 gulf; ni gulf; 7kA* shui 6A* tiin gua; *@ 44* tian lub si; iu6 bu g ~ a Luffae Pericarpium (luffa gourd skin) 44 A & st gua pi Luffae Pericarpium Recens (fresh luffa gourd skino) & 44 A& xian si gua pi Luffae Semen (luffa seed) & A 3 si guri: zi
Lumbricus luffa gourd* (Luffae Fructus) 4LA si guri; *22 A* ticin si gua; $* tian lu6; X $ A* tian lu6 gua; 2 A* mhn g ~ a 6 ; A* bu gua; %A* mihn gui; &+fiyA* xi gu6 lub gu& Em* ni gua; 7)
Lumbricos Exsiccatus (dried earthworm@) 7iL;te gzn di lbng Lumbricus Vivus (live earthworms) i& 2 xian di lbng lumlbus @ yao Pumbus and b a ~ k . E & yrZo ~ bii Lumbus-Fortifying Pill fi jicin ydo wlin llunabus is the house of the kidney EJg '32f i yiio wti shkn zhi fii kunabans-Lightening Decoction E E @J qing yho tGng Bumbus painfd as fit to break @@4Q+fi ylio thng rh zhi Lunabus's Need [non-channel] EB yao yi lump $Q kuai; 26% jit kubz Lump Disperser [non-channel]# % xiGo kiicii Bump glomus E% pi kiiai lump glomus in children /J\ JL E $2 xi60 t r pi kuai lung a$ fki lung accumullation a$@ fii j i Lung Alarm (LU-1) a$%*fii mu lung and kidney are mutually engenderf2i shin xinng sheng ing /@ '# lung and kidney are of the same source 8$ '3 B, f2i shin tbng yuan lung and large intestine stand in interiorexterior relationship ]$ Lq A & $H 23 fii yii dh chling xiang biio li lung block panting and cough ]$ TZJ U 2 - - - .-%j b; chuiirl kk lung channel j$t2 fki jing lung channel cough ]$23 ngD$ ,j fki ling k t shu Lung-Clearing Beverage I$ t A qing @ I yin; is]$tA xi2 fii yin Lung-Clearing Decoction ]di:& qing fti tang Lung-Clearing D d n k a$ tA 3 qing fil yin zi Lung-Clearing Phlegm-Transforming Pill A$ .lt& fi qing fti huh tan whiz lung cough ]$I12 fii k t
'is .is 'is
lung lung-defense a$Z fii wii lung-defense dryness heat ]$ Z @ t!: fii wii z i o r2 Bung detriment cough ]$#j@Dlpjr fki siin k t shu lung-diffusing water-disinhibiting medicinal E ]$$11 >&23j xulZn fii li shui ycio lung-diffusing water-dishhibiting method $1 7K $& xuGn fii li shui fii lung disease I$% fii bing lung downbearing ]$ B fki jiang Lung-Draining Powder iEj]$& xi2 fii siin lung dryness A$@ fii zao lung dryness cough U2nfi fii zho k t shu lung engenders skin and [body] hair A$ YI B % fii shgng pi mcio lung evil rib-side pain fl$ f f l s M ~ % f2i xit xik thng lung faces the hundred vessels ]$$hHBjc fii chlio biii mai lung failing to distribute liquid ] $ S F ;ftr fki jin bu bu lung fire j$A fki hu6 lung forms snivel ]$ Jg 7% fii wti ti lung governs depurative downbearing A$ &fiB fki zhii su jiang lung governs di@usion R$ZE3 fti zhii xuntz san lung governs management and regulation ]$ &'j=j-? fii zhii zhl jit lung governs qi R$ &5.fii zlzil qi lung governs reghation of the waterways ziio jq?A-5 iM 7h ~ i z t h c ir6;zg-ribo-szui lung governs the defensive exterior ]$& I !S fki zhii wti biiio lung governs the exterior of the entire body ]$ Z- 9 2 % fii zhii yi shgn zhC biiio lung governs the movement of water fl$ & f'i.7& fii zhii xing shui lung governs the nose ]$Z& fti zhil bi lung governs the skin and [body] hair 16 &&-% fii zhii pi mcio lung governs the voice ]$ZF fii zhil sh tng
lung governs transportation of essence to the skin and [body] hair M&$@j+$jTE % f2i zhii shii jing yh pi rnbo lung heat a$?& f2i r2 lung heat cough a$ ?4\@DH fii r&k t sbu Lung Heat Point [non-channel] @ ?$f l f2i r2 xut lung heat scorching the lobes fi?!: W% fii r2 yi jiiio lung holds the office of assistant, whence management and regulation emanate M %lf;H#;tg-l&. $ k i i * % fii zhii xiiing fu zhi guiin yii, zhi jit chu yiin lung impediment (bi) R$Efii bi lung is averse to cold fl$E%f&i w u han lung is connected with the large intestine R$Q @J fki h t da chring lung is connected with the skin; its luxuriance is the [body] hair jj$&ffi&j, 9-%-& f2i h i pi yi, qi rdng rnbo yi lung is connected with the skin and [body] hair a$ & E% f2i h i pi mbo lung is in charge of breathing a$ Ej W f2i si hii xi lung is often in insuficiency fl$ % F X f2i chring bu zci lung is the delicate viscus a$ f2i wii jiiio zhng lung is the florid canopy fl$%+%f2i wti hub gai lung is the governor of qi, kidney is the root of qi J $ % 5 2 & , 'R%%;t-@f2i wti qi zhi zhli, shtn wti qi zhi g2n lung is the receptacle that holds phlegm I$ % 12B 2# f2i wii zh3 tbn zhi qi lung is the upper source of water a$ % 7k 21% f2i wti shui zhi shang yubn lung, its bloom is in the [body] hair 86, S+$X% f2i , qi hub zai mrio lung-kidney vacuity fl$ 'B E j$j fii shtn liing xii lung-kidney vacuity detriment a$ 'R E $1 f2i shkn xii siin lung-kidney yin depletion a$ 'R P a S f2i shin yin kui lung-kidney yin vacuity jj$'BPBE f2i sh2n yin xr.i
Lung lung-kidney yin vacuity flaming tire M'E PJJ E A % fii shin yin xii hub yrin lung-metal aifi& fii jin lung-moistening phlegm-transforming medicinal @jj$4k@33j run fii huri tbn yao Lung-Moistening Powder 93 a$ 3 run fei scin lung mounting (shan) j$@j f2i shan lung opens into the nose j$ff%T@ f2i kiii qiho yh bi lung pulse is floating j$b%# f2i mrii fh lung qi M Y f2i qi lung qi and yin vacuity Rili 5PB f2i qi yin liiing xii lung qi ascending counterflow A$Y 132 f2i qi shring ni lung qi blockage A$%14 ' S fii qi bi ski lung qi flows to the nose A$%BT$$. f2i qi t6ng yLi bi lung qi vacuity f2i qi xii lung repletion a ifisf2i shi lung-spleen-kidney yang vacuity a$ J#'E Pa @ f2i pi shtn ybng xii lung-spleen-kidney yang vacuity water 'B @ 7k $2 fii pi sh2n yring flood R$/# xii shui fan lung-spleen vacuity col4 M@E% f2i pi xii hbn lung-spleen vacuity-detriment fl$ a$ E hl fii pi xii siin lung-stomach dryness-heat M E @%\ f2i w2i zao r2 lung-stomach flaming fire panting a$ 3 A @ # fii wki hub yan chuiin lung-stomach yin vacuity j$ E f2i d1.i yin xu . lung stores the corporeal soul fl$$&S% fei cling PO Lung-Supplementing Decoction +I $ ! @J bfi f2i tiing Lung-Supplementing Powder +I M# bii fii s i n lung taxation f2i lho lung tie a$ ,Y;, fii xi Lung Transport (BL-13W"O) j$& f2i shii
lhng vacuity I$@ f2i xii lung vacuity cough /j$E@$$ fki xii k t shu lung vacuity rapid panting a$ & a% 3, f2i xii chuiin ji
LV-5 (Intersection Apparatus) X u * jiao yi; (Woodworm Canal) &&Jli gbu LV-6 (Central Cleft) rt7 * zh6ng xi; (Central Metropolis) $p zhbng dii; ~ u n ~ - % a r m Decoction in~ $2 $3~wCn f2i (Great Yin) k Pa* d& yin; (Supreme tang Yin) k PB* tai yin Lung-Warming Nose-Drying Elixir $Ejj$ LV-7 (Knee Joint) R % xi gu6n k$%8 wen f2i zhi lib dan LV-8 (Spring at the Bend) & % qii quan Lung-Warming Rheum-'Ikansforming DeLV-9 (Yin Bladder) PA& yin baa; Pa@' coction ?'fl${t $$ wCn f2i hua yin tang yin b i o lung wasting[-thirst] , [upper wasting] 84 LV-10 (Five Li (foot)) 5%( ) * wii li #j fki xiao 26; (Foot Five Li) Bhg zh wii li lung water [a kind of water swelling] I$ LV-11 (Yin Corner) Bjj$gyin lihn 7J( fki shui LV-12 (Goat Arrow) +%* yhng shi; (Urlung wilting (we'i) I $ @ f2i we'i gent Pulse) 3,873 ji mai lung wind j$m fei fEng LV-13 (Camphonvood Gate) g T 7 zhang lung wind acne R$)Xl,#j$ijfti fZng f2n ci m t n ; (Free Ribs) %#J* ji 12 lung worm I$ & fki chbng LV-13 (Free Ribs) ji xit; (Lard lung yang vacuity fl$ PI3 @ f2i yang xii Bone-Hole) jfj# * fang liho; (Long lung yin f i PR fti yin Level) Ji; F* chring ping; (Rear Camlung yin vacuity B$PJjEf2i yin x i phorwood Gate) 69 SJ* hhu zhiing mtn; Lu Palace (KT-3) $* l i g6ng (Rib-Side Bone-Hole) a&@* xit licio luster huh LV-13 (Rib-Side Bone-Hole) * xit lirio; (Spleen Alarm) j q g * pi mu; (Tip Luster [non-channel] %% guang ciii of the Elbow) I$** zhbu jian lusterless hair ZE F @ mmcio st bu zt; & E F ?f? mcio fii bu rbng LV-14 (Cycle Gate) @JS-Jqi mkn; (Liver Alarm) I T S * gan mu lusterless nails % zhiio jiii bu rbng
m +
Lutrae Iecur (otter's liver) %flT tii gan luxuriance % rbng luxuriance and exsiccation [tongue diagnosis] %+&r6ng kii luxuriant rbng ~ x r ~ u un nr %Y-,.rn gGn; jjT52 @I jLng; ZRFjjjjT~2 zfi jut yin gGn jing LV-1 (Great Favorableness) k BE* da shun; (Large Pile) k $ A ddiz diin; (Water . Spring) 7)(,%* shui quhn LV-2 (Moving Between) 77 (4 xing jian LV-3 (Great Thoroughfare) k I$* tai chdng; (Large Surge) ' -k )$* da ch6ng; (Supreme Surge) ;f;i.$ tai chbng LV-4 (Mound Center) $3 zh6ng jEng; (Suspended Spring) xu& quan
Lycii Folium (lycium leaf@) N $ Z W g6u qi y2; Wg*tian cai; &iJ $ZA*g6u qi tbu Lycii Fructus (lycium [berryla) & $2T g6u qi zi; G & T * g6u qi zi; @i~ilws g6u .F* niii zi; &J$Z%* g6u qi gu6; .&I%%* g6u * ni6 2-<. ni6. u rfn * I ,vU> gGLL Zi; -I-I-, J * qi zi; &iJ $ Z B * gbu qi dhu; W $ Z T * gan gcn g6u qi; ftjB T * di gii qi zi; H zi; $ZF*qi z i Lycii Radicis Cortex (lycium root bark@) ffiBrffd i g i i p i ; $E@* jigen; Zjj@$E* g6u qi gCn; LLI$ZF$W* shan qi zi gen; i& B* di gii; jti~f&%&* g6u di yd pi; @J$E* g6u gCn; &iJjt:Z&* g6u qi gCn; M$Z$EE* g6u qi g2tz pi Lyciurn and Goat's Kidney Gruel & I t 2 3 '# ?#g6u qi yring shkn zh6u
lycium [berry] (Lycii Fructus) @$zF g6u qi zi; G e T * g6u q i zi; j@ilW53*g6u nir; zi; @ $ Z Z * g6u qi gu6; &%%* g6u q i t q i t ; &&IT* xu2 g6u zi; & $ Z T * xu2 q i zi; @ $2E* g6u qi d6u; Q $ Z F * g i n q i zi; H@$Z* gan g6u qi; iiLJ@T* di gfi zi; $2 F*q i zi Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Decoction jt;Z% ifi B t& q i jli di huhng tang Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and g $I, qi jci di Rehmannia Pill $2 huhng whn lycium leafa (Lycii Folium) @$ZPt g6u qiyt; tian cai; @*?&* gciu q i t6u lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) tlk%Ffi di gii p i ; @.@* j i gzn; G$Z$B* g6u q i g2n; I.LI $2 T@*shan qi zi g2ni ffi W* di gfi;-%~iiLJ%B* g6u di yri p i ; @@* g6u gZn; @$2;f;R* g6u q i g2n; @$Z;EBFfi* giiu q i g2n p i Lycium Root Bark Beverage f&t$ di gii pi yin Lycopi Herba (lycopusa) ? $ Z zt lhn; E = hii lhn; RB* hfi pli; /I\ ? % Z * xiiio zt Ian; S ? % Z * ciio zt lbn; @ g a t * zt lrin Y2 Lycopodii Cernui Herba (drooping club~ g6ng moss) % + &pu ~di wli Lycopodii Clavati Merba cum Radice (ground pine) {$iSij@ shZn jin ciio Lycopodii Clavati Spora (ground pine spore) 6P ? 7 shi s6ng zi Lycopodii Serrati Herba (serrate club qian ctng tii moss) f E@$ lycopusa (Lycopi Herba) ?+ 2 zt lhn; E u* = hii lhn; E @ * hii pci; /I\ ?$Z* xiiio zt lhn; S?$Z*ciio zt lhn; ?% Zpf-* zt lhn Y2
Lysimachiae Lycopus Decoction ?$Zt& zi lan tang Lygodii Herba (lygodiuma) % & ? $ S hiii jin sha ciio; & K g * zu6 zhuiin ttng; & ?$g*jin sha ttng; $j& &9%* hiii jin sha ttng; &69@* jin sha jut; & 6 9 E * jin sha t i ng Lygodii Rhizoma et Radix (lygodium root@) @&@@ hiii jin sha ggn Lygodii Spora (lygodium spore@) % &i fi hiii jin sh6; %&ti$* hiii jin sha; &K %E*zu6 zhuiin ttng hui lygodiuma (Lygodii Herba) @&*S hiii jin shi ciio; &@E* zu6 zhuiin tkng; & fis* jin sha ttng; %&ti$E* hiii jin sha ttng; &@R*jin shii jut; &ti9B* jin sha ttng lygodium root@ (Lygodii Rhizoma et Radix) j%j& ?$@ hiii jin sha g2n lygodium spore@ (Lygodii Spora) %& ?$ hiii jin sha; %&ti$* hiii jin sha; &RE& E* zu6 zhuiin ttng hui Lygodium Spore Powder @& ?$$% hiii jin shi siin lying posture with inability to sleep f+ w6 bri d t jirio lysimachiaa (Lysimachiae Herba (cum da jin qirin ciio; PY )I/ Radice)) k&@S -h. &@g*si chuan dri jin qihn ciio; 3 gub lu huring Lysimachiae Clethroidis Radix seu Herba (summer-sweet lysimachiaal B 3% 3Z zh2n zhu crii Lysimachiae Herba (cum Radice), (lysimachiaa) k & B S da jin qihn ciio; e9 ) I 1 -h.&+j$* si chuan dri jin qihn ciio; 3 % % * gu6 lri huang
Macacae Calculus (macaque stone) E3 h6u ziio; E f t * h6u din; E T % * h6u zi ziio; 9 W* shZn data macaque stone" (Macacae Calculus) ?# 3 h6u ziio; %W* h6u dcn; %F%* hbu zi 260; 9 ff-* shZn din' Macaque Stone Powder ?#%& h6u ziio siin mace [unit of weight equal to one tenth of . a liang] qicin Macropanacis Radix et Folium (macropanax@) k% )%l qi jiiio fEng macropanax@ (Macropanacis Radix et Folium) kfB )%l qi jiiio fdng Macrotomiae Radix (soft puccoon@) 5jh^ ';f S ruiin zi ciio mactra clam shell powder@ (Mactrae Conchae Pulvis) j&&fl]#jgi li fe'n; jj* gi fcn Mactrae Con'chae PnPvis (mactra clam shell powder@) gi li fin; @#j* gi fe'n macular eruption E B frZ ban macule 3jf ban Macule-Dispersing Indigo Beverage # BI SStk xiho bin qing drii yin macules in pregnancy E E B rtn shen ban Macule-nansforming Decoction 4 t $1$5J huh b i n tiing -. Macule-nansforming Toxin-Resolving $5 hhua ban jie' dri Decoction 4 t tang maculopapular eruption 3JxBban zhtn Madagascar periwinkle* (Catharanthi Rosei Herba) E chrfng chiin huii; El S* ri ri chiin; DEbjS* si shi chiin Madaio dock l e a p (Rumicis Madaio Folium) Pt- tii da hucing yt Madaio dock root0 (Rumicis Madaio Radix) tii da hucing; @&* xiiin yao
Ma Dan-Yang's twelve heavenly star points SJW PEl X E ISt mii dan yrfng titin xing shi 2r xu2 madder [root] (Rubiae Radix) Z @ @ qirin ciio gEn; S & * qihn gEn; Z S * qian crio Madder Root Powder S$W& qihn g2n siin madness @E diin ji madness with continual talking %S ditin ji dub ycin Madsepsrasiae 8 s (madrepore) ;tiE shi huci madreporeg (Madreporariae 0 s ) ;EiE shi huii magic 3 iing magic medicine Z B ling yrio magic root [tongue] Z @ling gdn Magnetitum (loadstone) %;tici shi; T4; 6*xubn shi; ci jiin; B E * ci shi; *;ti* chu shi; ZjEt ;6* yucin wii shi; @ 4% ;ti*xi tie' shi; % $#;ti*xi zh2n shi; & ;ti*sht shi; %;ti* tie' shi; &&;ti* xi tid shi; %%;ti* hu6 ci shi magnolia bark* (Magnoliae Cortex) E $E hbu pb; 8 *E* chi pb; E$E* hi,u pi, SE*zhbng pi; 2{*\*lit pb Magnolia Bark Center-Warming Decoc. tion A*\&$$& hbu pb wEn zhcipg tf$ - --Magnolia ~ a r k ,Fresh Ginger, Pinellia, Ginseng, and Licorice Decoction E$1 S FB A S S $5~hbu pi, shgng jiiing ban xi&rin shdn giin ciio tang Magnolia Bark, Fresh . Ginger, Pinellia, ! Licorice, and Ginseng Decoction B *\ & $$ B H @ A S $5 hbu pb sh2ng jiing ban xi2 gin ciio rin shZn thng Magnolia Bark Seven Agents Decoction J$I *E -t= $@ $5 hbu pb qi w3 tang Magnolia Bark Three Agents Decoction PiZ*\ 3$@$% hbu pb sin wu tang
Magnoliae Coco Plos (dwarf magnolia@) $i&-X y2 hk hua Magnoliae Cortex (magnolia bark) E $E hbu pl,; %$\' chi pb; E$\"hl,u pl,; 33 rff* zhbng pi; 24 $E* lit pb Magnoliae Cortex Sichuanensis (Sichuan magnolia [barkla) 111$1 chuan pl, Magnoliae Flos (rhagnolia flower (1)) % xin yi; %+%* mho xin yi; +%#k" xin yi tho; *%;it;*mu bi hug; mu bi; +%* xin yi; +%E*xin yi; S E * chiin hu6 Magnoliae Flos (magnolia flower (2)) R $\ 7 . hbu pl, huii; fl$$ E* ti60 geng h u ~ i magnolia flower (1)' (Magnoliae Flos (2)) % xin yi magnolia flower (2)" (Magnoliae Flos (2)) E $E E hl,u pb hua magnolia flower' (Magnoliae Flos) 2% %* mho xin yyi; $%#ti* xin yi tho; *% E* mu bi hua; *%* mii bi; $%* xin yi; +%E*xin yi; g;tt;*chGn huii magnolia flower. (Magnoliae Flos) %IS ;it;* tiho gZng hua Magnolia Flower Lung-Clearing Decoction +% $fJl$i$J xin yi qing f2i tang Magnolia Flower Lung-Clearing Powder I$$& xin yi qing f2i s i n Magnolia Flower Powder xin yi siin Mahoniae Folium (mahonia [leaf]) + A @I 9 U t shi dh gong lho yt; i?~ T?Dl-* gbng lho y2 mahonia [Peafl (Mahoniae Folium) A Jfi 9 P t shi da gbng 160 y2; %U t * gong lho y2 maiden S k shi n: main channel At$ dd jing major A da major bleeding A && cki chii xu2 major blood loss k X& dri shi xu2 Major Bupleurum Decoction A5!#@$% d& chhi hLi tang Major Center-Fortifying Decoction k $% $ $3~dh jihn zhbng tang
major Major Center-Warming Pill AEA $ A dh wen zhbng whn major chest bind kt$,ljQdh jik xibng Major Chest Bind Decoction k P8M$ZI dh xirin xibng tang Major Chest Bind Pill A da xi&n xibng whn Major Construction Brew da yin jiiin major drainage technique Ai9 dh xi.? major formula ji 3 da fhzg Major Green-Blue Dragon Decoction A S& $51da qing lbng tcing major ilhess da bing major joint hi5 da jiC Major Eedebouriella Decoction A P$i R% dri fhng fZng tang @l da rbu major masses of flesh major metropolis point $Bfl da dii xu6 Major Network-Quickening Pill k % % B d& hub lub dan Major 2Notopterygium Decoction A % % $& d& qiiing hub tang Major Origin-Supplementing Brew A +E n; diL bii yuhn jian Major Peach Blossom Decoction k&'hE $3~da tho huci tang Major Pinellia Decoction A +%$% da ban xia tang major postpartum qi-blood vacuity PE 5 & chiin h6u qi xu2 da xii major postpartum vacuity 6k & chin hiiu da x~ Major Qi-Infusing Decoct~on X S 5 $31 da chtng qi tang major repletion resembling weakness A 8 d&shi rh lki z h u a n ~ major reversal dh jcG major seam $jj dd f2t1 Major Seven Qi Decoction k - L 5 f % d& qi qi tang; 5$ZI qi qi tang major spontaneous external bleeding k Ib3 dii nu major supplementation of qi and bloqd A $E.%& dh bfi qi xu2
dh Major Supplementation Pill k +\ bii whn Major 'Pdngerine Peel Decoction A & & &I da jri pi tGng major vacuity A E ddri xii major vacuity of original qi Z 9 A E yuhn qi da xii major vacuity of right qi E%.kEzhkng qi dri xii Major Wind Arousal Decoction A@!A,@J da xing feng tGng Major Wind-Stabilizing Pill A X W% da ding feng zhii Major Yin Supplementation Pill k +E PJj A d& bii yin wcin make into shavings .@I]bho malachiurn@ (Stellariae Herba) W ~ J E J 6 chhng c i o ; % @* nib fhn ld malaria n u t ; G yho; @YE jijie nut; R !#I] $1 ma hi 1; y i ; YE& nu2 ji Malaria-Checking Beverage {* G t2 xiu n u t yin Malaria Gate [non-channel] E 1'7 nut? mtn Malaria-Interrupting Seven-Jewel Beverage & kZ $2 jit nut qi b i o yin malarial evil g 4 P nut xi6 malarial fever and chills E&%% nut ji hhn rt malarial taxation jEg nut lho male Z 3 nhn zi male duck' (Anas Masculina) &@xi6ng yfi male genitalia Z& jing chui _ _ _ _ male malaria V E mii nut male viscus $k@ mii zang malign ?% 2 malign blood t xu2 malign complexion Z & t st malign disease of great wind AA,E& da-fing t ji malign flesh 8 @I t rhu malignity ?% t malignity stroke cfi ?E zhhng t malign obstruction ?%PI 2. zii
mammary malign obstruction disease ZPBE 2 zii bing malign obstruction in pregnancy f i & Z Pfl rtn shen 2 zii malign odor t chhu malign qi S 4 t qi malign scab @2) ,%fi 2 jit malign sore 8%t chufing Malloti Radix (mallotus root@) Q 3 pl@ bbi bti yt gZn mallotus rooto (Malloti Radix) Q 3 pl@ bhi bti y2 g2n mallow leaf* (Malvae Verticillatae R t dbng kui y2 Folium) mallow root* (Malvae Verticillatae Radix) 4 @ dbng kui gen mallow seed0 (Malvae Verticillatae Semen) 4-85 dbng kui ti; %5*kui zi Mallow Seed Powder kui zi s i n malodor chou malodorous snivel (nasal mucus) S # chhu ti malposition of the fetus j6+ iE tGi bu zhtng; jj6EF iE tai wti bu zhtng malt flour@ (Hordei Farina Fructus Germinati) ZSB mai nit mian malt sugar' (Granorum Saccharon) t6 #jyi tcing; +A#&* ruin tdng; 2$#&* mai yh thng; @$6*jiio yi Malvae Verticillatae Folium (mallow leaf) +gat ddng kui yt Malvae Verticillatae Radix (mallow root) 8g ddng kui gZn Malvae..-Verticillatae Semen (rnallnw seed) $%+ ddng kui zi; g3*kui zi mammary f i n i i ; 71 rii mammary aggregation (gi) YL@ rii pi mammary chestnut 71% rii li mammary consumption ?LBrii lho mammary disease ?L& rrii ji mammary fistula $L@ rii Lou; fLg rii lhu mammary flat abscess (jii) f L & rfi jii mammary gan YL@ rii gGn mammary node ?L@ rii h i ; $L@ rfi li mammary pain 71% rii tbng
phlegm [node] 71% rii tan rock ban) $lerii yan toxin [sore] f lS$ rii dii welling abscess bong) 21% rii
Manitis Squama (pangolin scales) 9LLI T chuan shan j i i ; @ teg EQ * ling li jiii; @@ ffj* ling li jiiio; jll LLI F * chuiin shin jiii; Ete9 T * bit3 fi j i i ; &&@R* q! fin pian; H R * fin pian; LLI T * shin jiii; CII EQ R*
man A r t n Manchurian aspidiuma (Dryopteridis Crassirhizomae Rhizoma) % j L R f i
Man Present (BL-2) Bg*yuan zai mansion $i ffi f man's prognosis A D rtn ying Man's Prognosis (ST-9W110)A rtn ying man's prognosis pulse A rtn ying
mammary mammary mammary mammary ~ 6 %
ddng bti guan zh6ng
Manchurian ginseng [root] a (Ginseng Radix Manchuriensis) j L S d6ng bti shdn
mandarin peel* (Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Pericarpium) if;# B g i n pi;
gan p i ;
rP?jiB*guiing chin
mandarin pip* (Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Semen) #if;% gZn h t mandible -F xi& yh churing Mangiferae Endocarpium et Semen (mango stone) E%@ mhng gu6 h6 mango stone* (Mangiferae Endocarpium et Semen) F5+?;1;%mring guci h i
shan j i i pian; 91 )+* jiii pian
(mantis egg-case) 3 k%#j sang piao xiao; @ @* sang xiao; $2 #j* piao xiao; @@q* tang Iring zi; 3 kEj@ mzg shang tang fling ke; $$@ E*tang fang dan; @@%* tring fang k t
Mantidis Ootheca
mantis egg-case* (Mantidis Ootheca) @ @!I# sang piao xiao; $!I#*sang xiao; k%
@@q* tang fang zi; $ L Ems*sing shang tang fang ke; @@ g* tang fang clan; @ @!JE* tang iring k t Mantis Egg-Case Powder @!It$!l!B $& sang $$j* piao xiao;
piao xirio s i n
many-horned sumac gallnuto (Rhois Galla Multicornis) W j lB jiiio 6 2 ; El%* mania and withdrawal dian kudng Mania and Withdrawal Dragon and Tiger Pill @$Zj&R dian kuhng 16ng hii wrin Mania and Withdrawal Pill B44.j;l diGn kuring wan
mania evil $3SFP kuring x i t mania with desire to ascend to high places and sing 3 3@ & 8k kuang yu deng gao t r g2
manic agitation 439% kuhng 220;
% kuhng zao 6u an manic disease $36kuang bing manic caving $3S kuhng yan manifest (as) 2 3E ( 3 ) biiio xian wti manifestations of disease f i @bing h6u manipulation &$M c6o z6ng; [o/ medles] @ sh6u fii manipulative technique )$$th +E & c i o
z6ng zhi fii
hua bki;
8 {%* ling bti
Maoshan atractylodes [root] (Atractylodis Rhizoma Maoshanense) S $ mao zhli; 3E jt* mbo cang zhli; 3 LLI Z*a mho shan cing zhu
Margarita (pearl) ?$% zhCn zhd;
zh2n zhii; B;k* zh2n zhii; .@%* bang zhii; %q* zhll zi; $$%* lirin zhLZ margins of the tongue shd bian marked emaciation lti; fti sh6u; @jji; B bit
marked emaciation despite large food intake 8 $$%@ dud shi I& sh6u market iji shi marrow #$j sui Marrow Center (GB-5) f@ #* sui zhbng; (KI-14) #$j sui zhbng Marrow Convergence (GP-39) @&* s u ~ ,
Marrow-Engendering Unicorn-Rearing sheng sui yu fin dan Elixir %KB#&fi
Marrow Marrow Mole (GB-5) %TL* sui k&g; (GV-2) @SL* sui k6ng Marrow Hole (GV-2) Be* sui kong; (ST-5) %SL* sui k8ng Marrow-Sealing Elixir $jB f f f2ng sui dan Marrow Transport (CV-2) siri shii; (GV-2) #ij$&* siii shii marsdeniaa (Marsdeniae Tenacissimae Herba) 39% tong guang s i n ; @@* wii gii tkng Marsdeniae Tenacissimae Herba (marsdeniaa) Bjl;B tong guiing s i n ; --S @ @* WU gii titzg marsh $9 zzi Marsh a t the Bend (PC-3W110)& @ qii zi marsh cudweeda (Gnaphalii Uliginosi ELE&3 shi shii qii c i o ; R % Herba) 9' shii qri crio; E L & S * shii qd crio marsh rampart $+@ z i kuo martial fire berce or high fire] 2 wii hu6 martial mania [compare civil mania wkn chi] j $ f i wli chi massage %@ An m6; E$3fan qiao Massa Medicata Fermentata (medicated leaveno) shin 911 Massa Medicata Fermentata Fujianensis (Fujian leaven) @$$Bjian shin qii Massa Medicata Fermentata Usta (scorch-fried medicated leaven@) jiio liu qU massive da
massive Read scourge A%& da t6u wen massive head wind k % W da t6u fZng master points of the eight vessels /\j&P +5t b i mai jiao hui X L L ~ Mastodi Dentis Fossilia (dragon tootha) 3? $5 16ng chi Mastodi Ossis Fossilia (dragon bonea) 3?@ C6ng gii; i t & @ * huu ldng gii; Ete #* h ~ 16ng n gii Mastodi Ossis Fossilia Alba (white dragon bonea) B & @ bhi 16ng gir
Medical Mastodi Ossis Fossilia Florida (flowery dragon bone) E E & @ wii hua lbng gii; E i K & @ * qing hua fbnggii; E&@* h u i fbng gii M&chless Dioscorea Pill X BJtLwci bi shZn yao whtz materia medica &.S bin c i o maternal qi mmil qi mature PZ chin Mays Stylus (corn silk) Z%@j yil m i yci shii xu; 3 % 3 a * yu maixii; Egg?&* shii rui; ;f$i F%* bang zi mlio mealy fangji [root] (Stephaniae Tetran2 f2n fang ji; W 1 3Z* drae Radix) WH.3 han fang ji mealy tumor fgn liu meally white tongue fur &ZQ kI$RWshi t& bbi rri j i fe'n measles SF shn zi; $$@ ma zhdn measles Mock pattern $$B Sfl iE mh zhin bi zhtrzg measles in children /J\ JL RE xi60 kr mli zhin measles papules J$$@ma zhbz measles toxin @% mri clh measles toxin entering construction $$% A B ma du ru ying measles toxin falling into the lung $$% 1 6fl* ma dri xian fii meat-type food accumulation rbu i i El $$ $9# rou shi j i zhi meat-type food damage 4% El$$shang rou shi mechanical ejection @a& tan tu Mechanical Ejection Brine & @ aC yhn ting tan tii fang mechanism $A j i medical circles E# yi fin medical classic E% yi jing medical discussion Ei&yi huh Medical Insights Bupleurum and h e r aria Flesh-Resolving Decoction Et af@flA$% yi wu chhi gk jii j i tling 3%
Medical Insights Pus-Outthrusting Powder & j " g M B xin wil t6u n6tzg s i n
Medical Literature Correction Office 8 iE E E jiho zhtng yi shc jri medical treatise Eik yi lun medical world E f i yi lin medicated cupping % G&% yho t6ng bh fii; yao guan medicated leaven@ (Massa Medicata Fermentata) 8%shtn qii Medicated Leaven and - Atractylodes Pill %$A qc zhri wdn Medicated Leaven, Barley Sprout, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill $3&! %$,a\ jtj!~qU mcii zhi zhri whn; $3&! qU nit zhi zhri whn Medicated Leaven Pill ;irEfiB fi shin qii wdn Medicated Leaven Powder ##!I& shin qlZ siin medicated moxa stick %$~JX% yao wii ai juiin medicated thread drainage B28 ri) 1 tfi yho midn yin liri; %gfi; 3 I tfi yyrio xian yin liri medication H % y6ng yao medicinal yao; ybo wu medicinal agent B yao medicinil dew %Z yao 1Li medicinal food yao shdn medicinal herbs FjS yao ciio medicinal-induced blistering B $9~E @ yao wu fa pao medicinal-induced blister moxibustion % $31EP&g yho wii cfZ pa0 jiii medicinal material %$f yao chi; E$:Cyao lirio medicinal paste EfBgiio yao; @J&b6 ti2 medicinal paste [applied topically] B @ ylio ga'o medicinal processing establishment j&-& BFfi xic h t yao su6 medicinal (product) 3& yho pin medicinal roles &?$jj& 3 1 zhii fii zuti yin; E E&.E jiin chtn zub shi Medicinal Sparrow Gruel $&l L qut t r yao zhbu medicinal stick insertion jffi% chZ ylio
Melanteritum medicinal snength gfi yrio li medicinal water %7K yao shui medicinal wine %i@ yao jiii medicine E yi medicine shop %j$lj yho pii medicine store % %Ffi mAi yao su6 medium grade & zhong pin meet Q hui Meeting Bend (ST-42) &E*hui qii Meeting Bones (ST-42) +B* hui gii Meeting Gush (ST-42) QtE* hui yting Meeting of the Forehead (GV-17) hui t Meeting of Yang (BL-35W"O) &Po hui ybng Meeting sf Yin (CV-1W"O) Q PR hui yin meeting of yin [perineum] &Pa hui yin meeting place of the bowels [CT/-121J&$ & fii hiti meeting place of the sinew [GB-341 jSjj+ jin hui meeting point Q5t hui xui meeting point of the blood [BL-171 xu2 hui meeting point of the bone [BL-111 @ & gii hui meeting point of the marrow [GB-391 -@ sui hui meeting point of the sinews %%2+ zong jin zhi hui meeting point of the vessels [LU-91 b%+ rnhi hui meeting point of the viscera [LT/-131 Q zang hui Meeting Source (ST-42) +R* hui yuhn Me1 (honey) E mi; $ a* bhi mi; @ @* shd mi; @ H* mi tdng; EE* shi mi; ;b t&*shi yi; & E*shi mi; Q P$ E*bdi shii mi; !I$%*fPng tdng; !I$@*fZng mi melancholic t$gg-$mg[3qing xu you yu melanteriteo (Melanteritum) Stin lu fdn; 2 fl*zao fhn; S N * qing fhn Melanteritum (rne1ante;ite) Stin l&fhn; S fl* zao fdn; Etin*'qing fhn
Melanteritum Kubrum (crimson rnelanteriteo) 4% fifi jjlhng fan; f,$$ $3 duhn lu fan; kF! S U;1" duhn zao fiin Melastomatis Dodecandri Herba (lesser di rtn rnelastome@) Melastomatis Fructus (rnklastome seed) B $ k f f - 3yL; rnii d i n zi Melastomatis Herba (melastome) Fj$? A- yt rnii drLn melastome* (Melastomatis Herba) LET$? A- yt mii drLn melastome seed* (Melastomatis Fructus) B$i-ff-F yye' rnii d i n zi Meliae Cortex (Radicis) (chinaberry (root) bark) Z $$!Ffi kii lian pi; 3@ &* kii lian mu pi Meliae Radicis Cortex (chinaberry root bark) S $#@ F3i kii lian g2n pi Melon Pedicel Powder JR T#&gua ding sin melon stalk* (Cucumeris Melonis Pedicellus) A % guii di; AT* gua ding; 2 A @ * quhn gua di; E*tihn gun bii; HA %* tian gua di Melon Stalk Powder /I;C@ 3 gui di siin Melon-Stalk Sniffing Powder @&/IS% % xiii bi gun di siin Melon Stalk Wonder Powder A 8 @?I$% gua di sh2n miao siin Mel Praeparatum (processed honeyo) @ lihn mi melt H i t yhng hua melt in the mouth U & i t qin hu& member .f$ ti
- !s ,&
membrane source @E mb yuan; g R mu yuan ~embrane-source-Obening Beverage 3 Et$ dii yuan yin menalgia 43 tong jing Menispermi Daurici Rhizoma (moonseed root) % &$Z$ @ bian fri g2 gZn menopause 22 7k @j 2E jing shui durin jut; 23% jing jut; 23 Bfi jinq duan menorrhagia [old! ?3i$ % yut jing gut, duo
menstrual men's diseases %$4 E'fi nrin kt? ji bing; % nhn k2 ji bing 3 menses about to come but not coming ,R ?3 f7T 77 yu2 jing yu xing bu xing Menses-Regulating Pill B $3A tiao jing whn Menses-Securing Pill B23A gii jing whn Menses-Stabilizing Decoction Zt3& ding jing tkng menstrual abdominal pain 2377E&$j ling xing fii thng menstrual block FJ231+[3j yut jing ting bi; [A$3 bi jing menstrual block [new] 23 El T 77 ,ling bi bii xing; ?3 rn T B jing bi bii tbng; 23 FfI jing bi menstrual block alternating with flooding and spotting 23 rn % % % 2 B jing bi yii b2ng l6u jiiio ti menstrual blood $3-Zdnjing xu2 menstrual blood ejection 23 f7 D 4& jing xing tu XU? menstrual blood ejection and spontaj U 4 D3 jing neous external bleeding 237 xing tu nu menstrual bloody stool 23%4F& jing lhi jing xing bibn xut bian xu;; 23lf menstrual body pain $3779 @ jing xing sht?n tong menstrual 'convulsion $377 I.$& jing xing chbu chu menstrual counterflow 23% jing ni menstrual cycle 8 $ 3 M iIf3 yut jing zhau qi; $+!%I iing qi menstrual diarrhea $37T#% jing xing xi2 xi? menstrual disease ,FJ23% yut jing bing menstrual diseases and vaginal discharge t $ e i @ jing dai bing menstrual disorder 23SiW yut jing shi tiao; Jj 23 .zl;iB yut jing bu tiao menstrual disorders and vaginal discharge $3% jing dai menstrual eye pain $3778% jing xing mu t6ng
menstrual menstrual fever 2 3 47 2 ?:'! jing xing fa r i ;
menstrual flow 237fC jing shui menstrual headache $547& @ jing xing t6u tong
menstrual irregularities R 2 3 S i M yut jing shi tiao; R ?3 F iJiJyut jing bu tirio menstrual lumbar pain &j=i@% jingxing yao tbng
menstrual mania ?3*fF $3 jing lai fa kuhng
menstrual pain [new] @%3tong jing menstrual period @&J jing qi; R ?2&J yut
?7$3 xing jing qi
menstrual puffy swelling $3?=i FP 89 jing xing fri zhbng;
?3 # 89 jing ldi fri zh6ng
menstrual retching of blood or spontaneous external bleeding 2 3 47 IiX $3 jing xing ciu nu
menstrual spontaneous external bleeding
?3 77B L& jing xing nu xu2 menstrual stoppage
R 7)<$Byut shui bu
menstrual vomiting 23.21=jnEnI jingxing iiu tu;
?3*UiX n I jing lhi ciu tu
menstruant's morbidity
% % yut jiii
menstruation ?g jing; jing; ?3 7fC jing shui; yue xin
a S yut
a %3 yut shi;
H 4Z
R ?3 %% +$#j yu2 jing qihn hbu bu ding qi; 23 jT.?x 6Z Z # ling xing xian hou wLi
menstruation a t irregular intervals
ding qi;
?31E #j yut jing
qian qi
Menstruation-Normalizing Decoction Ill3 shun jing tang
menstruation sometimes delayed sometimes advanced 23 47 3 %3 & jing xing hub q i h hub hou
mental [modern usage] $$j jing3htn Mentation Abode (BL-49Wff9S& yi sht Menthae Folium (mint leaf) %%Pi- b6 hk yt
Menthae Herba (mint)
b6 h i ;
%* fan h i chi; $j@R*ncin b6 h i ; 43 Jl %* mao t r bo hk; @j%* bo kt?; @%
%3 fF ?!:' jing lrii fa r t menstrual flooding 23% jing beng
jing qi;
$5* bo h t ciio
Menthae Oleum Herbae (mint oil) @T$ @ b6 h t y6u
Menyanthis Folium seu Herba (bogbean) Il@% shui chi; B@% Df* shui cai yt mercuryo (Hydrargyrum) 7)< $R shui yin;
Z*gcing Mercury and Apricot Kernel Carefree yin xing wLi ybu scin Powder @ %5J? Meretricis Concha (meretrix clam shell@)
fr&h w i n g i meretrix clam shell@ (Meretricis Concha) w i n gt meridianwflo [pathway of qi] 23 jing meridiometer ?3.Z/L,$-jPJ Z 1J! jing lub ct ding yi
Metacarpophalangeal bon-channel] )ES zhi zhcing
metal 42 jin metal and water engender each other 52 7fC it;B Y jin shui xiang sherzg Metal-Clearing Phlegm-Ransforming Decoction $$&it@& qing jitz huh thn tang metal gan &;F$: jin gan Metal Gate (BL-63W"O) & [J jin m t n ;
(CV-1)&TI* jin m t n metal is the working of change 42 El ,!A% jirz yuC c6ng gt
Metal Strength Pill & NlJJtl jin gang wcin Metal Sublimate Powder jin huh siin
metaplexis@ (Metaplexis Herba seu Radix) %@ lu6 m6 Metaplexis Fructus (metaplexis iruita) -..-: lu6 m6 zi 3 pgT metaplexis fruita (Metaplexis Fructus) -, 3 p p q lu6 m6 zi Metaplexis Herba seu Radix (rnetaplexisa) B E 1uu l 6 m6 metaplexis husk@ (Metaplexis Pericarpium) z jR E tian jiLZng k t Metaplexis Pericarpium (metaplexis husk@) 3j2 E tiart jiang k t method fci U
L .
method of administration BE$& fu fii method of treatment zhi fii; f i g liho fii metropolis %I3 dii Metropolis Qi Pill $BTfi dll qi wan miasma @ zhang miasmic malaria j5$f@ zhang niit miasmic toxin @S zhang dh Micae Aureae Lapis (mica [schist]) &$3 ;Ei jin &ng shi mica [schist]' (Micae Aureae Lapis) 52 6% 6 jin mtng shi Microcoris Folium (microcos leaf@) @ 6Iff ph bu y2; Ekt* bh zhi y2 microcos leafa (Microcoris Folium) D t pi, bh y2; ;fF&$af-* bLi zhh y t Mic~osorii Herba (cum Radice) (microsorium@) j&%E xuan j i wZi microsorium@ (Microsorii Herba (cum Radice)) j&% E xubn j i we'i midday-midnight point selection 3F?a & zi wii lih zhu Midday Tea 9 BjZ wii shi cha midday watch [B7 watch, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.] Ef $ ri zhbng middle $ zhdng middle-body stone flat abscess Oii) $6 , % E zhbng shi jii middle burner $ E, zhbng jiho middle burner damp-heat @ %EPhzhbng jiho shi rt middle burner damp obstruction EPB$
zhijng jiiio
middle burner governs transformation $ % EE4.t zhbng jiio zhii hua middle burner is like foam $ % $1?IX zhbng jiho rLi bu middle burner wasting thirst zhbng xiho middle burner yang vacuity $ %, PEI E zhOng jiio yang xii middle cinnabar field $ ff- l33 zhbng dhn tian middle finger $ +g z h d n ~7h;
milllet middle finger body inch $ $8 B 9 3 zhang zhi tbng sh2n ccOn middle gate tower [region'between the qut zhdng eyebrows] Middle of the Humerus [non-channel]@, $ gdng zhbng middle stomach duct @E zhbng wiin guiin middle wasting $#j zhong xiho midline $ j? zhbng hang mid-nape flat abscess (jii) @ xiring zhbng jii midnight watch [BI watch 11 p.m.-1 a.m.] T B wii yt; [Bl watch, 11 p.m.-1 a.m.] B+,yi ban midstage harmonization $@+ I ?& 9 h i jit ban biiio ban li midstage pattern 2 3 i Z ban biiio ban li zhtng midstage penetration ?& ban biiio ban li mild 1% ru2i; % h ~ d n mild conditions are treated by counteraction 4%~3 !8.t; wei zhe' ni zhi mild evil f%4P wdi xi6 mild galactorrhea $1$5 rii qi mild :precipitation @7;h u h xi6 mild supplementation %+I huiin bii; @ +I $& huin bii fii mild ) % wind I wbi f2ng miliaria j& p6i bai pii miliaria alba $ @ bhi zhtn; miliaria crystallina jing pii milk 41 rii; $l:tf- rii zhi; f i niii milk accumulation $L@ rii j i milk accumulation in infants j L 71$3 xiiio b rii ji Milk-Dispersing Pill # 91h xiho rii wan Milk Gruel $1$8rii zhbu milk stagnation $1$% rii zhl mill @$ niiin millet" (Setariae Semen) %% su mi; Z* su; %* xiiio mi millet papules EJIjkZgpi fii sir. zhdn; Bn JIjkjEZ j i fii qi su millet sore su chuhng
+ +
+ +
millet sprouta (Setariae Semen Germinatum) $jZ3sli yh Millettiae Radicis et Caulis Pasta (millettia pastea) 2 :7rfnEjft ji xu6 ling j i i o Millettiae Radix et Caulis (millettia [root and stem]@) %:7rfnE j i xui ting Millettiae Speciosae Radix (specious millettia [root]@)LLIESshin lihn 6u; +% A* nih da li; %A%* d i li shii millettia paste@ (Millettiae Radicis et Caulis Pasta) 7($ EA2 ji xu2 ting jiao millettia [root and stem] @ (Millettiae ~ i Radix et Caulis) 33aE j i x ~ ting Millet Water Powder jjZ 7k jiiing shui siin Mimosae Pudicae Herba (sensitive plant@) % %@ hcin xiii ciio mind [modern isa age] $Z $$ jing shin; [new, will, power of concentration, memory; one of the five minds] Z zhi Mind-Stabilizing Pill Z Z h ding zlzi whn Ming [1368-1644 A.D.] IjFJ ming minister E chin; jl;B xiang ministerial fire xihng hub minium" (Minium) Gff qiSin dan; ff* din; diitz f i n ; ;kff*zhtl difn; ;k @* zhtl f2n; ?SB* d6ng d<41; FkH-* s6ng dun; ?Iff* h6ng dZn; gff* zhen drZn; H A-* gu6 diin; R-B*tcio dnrz; SB*h ~ ~ c i n g diin; %+* qiart huh; %%* qiGn huhng Minium (minium) gfl. qian clan; Pr* diin; diin f2n; ;kff*zhii diin; zhLl fgn; ff;#* d6ng dan; FkB*s6ng h6ng darz; BPr*zhCn datz; dan; Mff* ff" gu6 d5n; Rfl.* tho dlln; Bff* huhng d i n ; @+* qifin h ~ h %;$$* qiiitt huhng minor /J\ xi20 Minor Bupleurum Decoction /I\% $A ?& xiiio chcii hu tling Minor Bupleurum Decoction Plus Platycodon and Gypsum /]\ % @ ?&fin @ @6 j ;R; xi60 chhi hh tang jiii j i i ggng shi grZo Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction I]\ @ @ .ih xi60 jihn zh6ng tiing Minor Center-Warming Pill /J\ ?E fi xiiio w2n zh6ng whn
Mint minor chest bind /J\ ?&@j xiiio j i i xi6ng Minor Chest Bind Decoction /I\PG @j ? h x i i o _xianxi6ng tang Minor Chest Bind Decoction Plus Unripe Bitter Orange /I\PGl@fifiaif:R%?h xiiio xihn xi6ng jiii zhi shi tang Minor Construction Brew /J\ g%xi60 yin jiiin minor error /I\@ xiiio tti minor formula /I\3 xi20 fang Minor Golden Elixir /J\ &ff xiiio jin d i n Minor Golden Tablet /I\ & h xi60 jin pibn Minor Green-Blue Dragon Combined with Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Licorice and Gypsum Decoction /J\ g & ? h H Z $ & xi60 qing lbng tang h i mci xitzg giin shi tang Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction 11) j& .i&xiiio qing 16rzg tang Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction Plus Gypsum /J\ & fin 6;R;?h xiiio qing 16ng jiG shi giio tang minor heart /j\ & xiiio xin Minor Life-Prolonging Decoction /I\$36$ ?& xiiio xu ming tang Minor Network-Quickening Elixir /J\ .i&% f f xiiio h ~ IUO ~ hdaiz Minor Network-Quickening Tablet /I\'i& g8 )+ xiiio hub lub pilin Minor ~ i n k l l i aDecoction /I\ S ?& xiiio ban.xih tang Minor Pinellia Decoction Plus Poria (Hoelen) /I\ E fin R 5 $& xiiio bhn xi2 jirZ fh ling tang
Minor Qi-Infusing Decoction /j\ ZA 5?& xiiio ching qi tang minor seams /J\ 'i7\ xiiio f2n Minor Stomach Elixir Ei 8 xi20 w i ~ d6iz mint" (Menthae Herba) @G 66 h i ; 24 fig* fZn h i cai; nhn bb h i ; 3Z JL @@* miio dr 66 h t ; B3*bO kc; 3 --* iqqi 66 hd ciio Mint and Forsythia Formula @%jZBfi 66 h i lihn qiao fang
Mint and Refined Mirabilite Powder 3 8Z % & 60 h i xuan ming siin mint l e a p (Menthae Folium) bo k t yt mint oile (Menthae Oleum Herbae) 3 8@j bb h i y6u Mint Powder 3& j i sii siin minus & qu mirabilite" (Mirabilitum) "t 6'8 mhng xiao; &?h* ptn xiao; E$j* mhng xiao Mirabilite and Radish Seed Bind-Freeing Decoction @j E Bt&.i%xiao fh t6ng jit tang mirabilite efftorescenceO (Mirabiliti Efflorescentia) Wjt @j fZng huh xiio Mirabiliti E1Rlorescemtia (mirabilite efflorescence) jX,jtTiifi fEng huh xiao Mirabiliti et Citrulli Praeparatio (watermelon frost) BJISzxi gua shuang Mirabiliti Non-Puri Efflorescentia (impure mirabilite efflorescence) W 4-k $15W fing huh p6 xi20 Mirabilitum (mirabilite) i!E bg mring xiao; #* pin xiio; F #* mcing xiao Mirabilitum Depuratum (refined mirabiliteo) E @ $$! xubn ming fZn; 8 jk #)-* bhi lbng fZn; R j t @* fEng hug xirio; E@ W * yuhn ming@n; jX,jt.@j*feng huh xiao Mirabilitum Equidens (horse-tooth mirabilitea) 35fhih mii yh xiao; %?8* yci xiao Mirabilitum Non-Purum (impure gQ xirio; $b?fl* poxiio; mirabiliteo] $\6'6* p6 xiiio; E@j* pi xi5o; %$j* ybn xiao; 7k T j * shui xi20 mirror tongue Bag jing mihn sht; & Ej % sht? mihn rLi jing miscarriage tfip liu chiin; /J\ Pxi60 chcin; +PI bhn chiin miscellaneous disease 3% za bing miscellaneous internal damage diseases m .1%% % n2i shing zLi bing miscellaneous pathoconditions 2 @ zh zhtng miscellaneousqi 2%zb qi
mistaken @ miu mistletoee (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus) % 3%sling ji shEng; S,k%+* s h g shhng ji sheng; %$'& #f * ji sheng sNC; % %F*ji shzng ciio; Z3*sting ji; % %'* ji shzng Mistletoe Powder %?$+& sang ji shdng sdn mix fl tiho mixed red and white dysentery 8 Q %$$ij chi bhi zh li mix-fry % zhi mix-frying ef$h t chiio mix-fry with brine &% yhn zhi mix-fry with child's urine S @ %tbng bihn zhi mix-fry with fat ybu zhi mix-fry with ginger %% ji6ng zhi mix-fry with herb juices %'&% yho zhi zhi mix-fry with honey g%mi zhi mix-fry with sheep fat +jBg yhng zhizhi mix-fry with turtle's blood %&% biz xu; zhi mix-fry with vinegar BE & cri zhi mix-fry with wine % jiii zhi mixture &fill h t ji mobile T 3 z6u t r bin, sh6u; $!$%I? shhn z6u mobile and penetrating Z @ zdu cuhn; 8% $: 8 shhn cuhn n6ng zdu moderate % huiin; %$XI huiin h i moderate pulse b%@ mhi hudn; @8%huiin mhi &&&&& Eeari Gi Eeverdge %+$j & bihn zhi xin qi yin Modified Ten-Ingredients Gallbladderwarming Decoction 9B % $2BE! & bihn t6ng shi wti wZn diin tcZng Mogera Carbonisata (charred mole@)& yiin shii shuang Moghaniae Radix (moghania [root]@)=I= f i @ qiin jin 66; k$$ S * tii huhng qi; -J=$$ ?$,* tii hucing j i moghania [root] @ (Moghaniae Radix) =I= f i @ qiiin jin 66; j% * tfi huhng qi; tii huhng j i
rh; B shi moist ilZl run; moisten % rh; han; $2 run moisten dryness $4@ run zao moisten dryness and transform phlegm @ @I 4-L jj% run zao hua trin moisten dryness by light diffusion $Z2E $4@ qing xuan run zao moisten the intestines @&J run chring moisten the intestines and drain fire $4 /FJJ i% A run chring xi2 hu6 moisten the lung $dl$ run fti moisten the lung and enrich yin run fti zi yin moisten the lung and moisturize the skin @ a$I@ 8n run @i z t ji moisten the lung and transform phlegm $2fl$& jj% run fki huit trin moist formula BBtJ shi ji moist precipitating medicinal 'Jf;B run xia yao moist precipitation @ Trun xi& moist tongue fur $ 4 s run tai; EX4 tGi run moisturize f$ z t moisturize the complexjon $3@ run r6ng moisturize the skin z t ji mole [discharged from the vagina] Be. biio; [of the skin] E, zhi mole crickete (Gryllotalpa) &h& 16u gu; Eg* sht 16u mole cricket boil &$h&fi 16n gG jik mollissimaO (Aristolochiae Mollissimae Rhizoma seu Herba) T@R xLin gii f2ng Momordicae Grosvenori Folium (Grosvenor's momordica leafa) F ?X Pt lud han gub yt Momordicae Grosvenori Fructus (Grosvenor's momordica [fruitla) ?X2 lu6 han gu6; fii' ?TR*lli han gu6 Momordicae Semen (momordica [seedla) T m u bid zi; +BET* t6ng biz zi; @* m u nit; E *g*k t m u bie; @'s+F* 16u ling zi; f&~&l$* di t6ng zi; Ip$RJKF*yG zhigur? zi; *EN* m u ttng t6ng zi; E* big gun; @i+nF* tii mri big; R * m u bie r6u; *P&T* m u bib zi; g.3 m u bit? zi r6u
Mori Momordica Pill $ % 9 m u bit? zi wrin momordica [seed] (Momordicae Semen-) T m u bie zi; ET* t6ng bie zi; *%* m u xi;; E g*kg m u bid; @ $* 16u ling zi; fh+BT* di t6ng zi; @ RA F*ya zhi guz zi; J!S* m u biE gua; @+BT* ttng t6ng zi; *$%* til m u m u bit? r6u; *?i',Tmil * bi2 bi?; $ % zi; *gFR*m u bie zi r6u
* *
moneyworto (Jinqiancao Herba) &@,F jin qian ciio; tbu gii xiiio; Z!& F*lidn qihn ciio monkey gan glin month
h6u ghn; .1MJj3H@f hLi sun
a yut
monthly news jEj 4$ yut xin Moon Bone-Hole (TB-23)
Fj f&! * yui lirio
Moonlight Pill yut hua wrin moonseed roote (Menispermi Daurici Rhizoma) @&$%;f;R bian fLi gt g2n morbid % bing morbid-blockage [= malign obsfi-irction] 'fi M bing gt morbid complexion %@ bing d morbid obstruction . [= malign obsti-LKB bing zii tion] $5 B morbid prominence bing tui morbid pulse
'fisibbzg kui; $5jji
bbig mai
more chills than fever f&9% % rZ shiio hrin dub more fever than chills ?$? 9 hrin shiio rt dub More Heard (SI-19) 9 Fh [a*d ~ i 6su6 wtn Mori Corticis Succus (mulberry bark sap) Ffi sang pi zhi
Mori Folium (mulberry leaf) @ W sang yt; %$.fat*sang shu yt Mori Folium Praeustum (frostbitten mulshudng sdzg yi.; 4@ berry leafa) Pt* diing sling yt; t3x %[It*jing shuang sang yt
Mor i
Mori Fructus (mulberry) %@ sang shtn; Z* shtn; 3%"sang shi; !2,@* wii shtn; %@* hei shtn; %%* sang ziio; % gF* sang shtn zi; %%* sang gub; %#$* sang li; % @ 3 * sang shtn zi; %{I* sang rtn; %%%* wtn wii shi Morindae Parvifoliae Radix et Caulis (small-leaved morinda [root and stem]) B I W @ biii yiin ttng Moriamdde Radix (morinda [root]@) E$A X bLZ j i tian; % ffi RnY j i chhng fetzg; %3 /FA*ti( zi chring; E $k* ba ji; E$k @J:' ba ji r6u Morinda Pi11 E $ ! h 66 ji win morinda [root] (Morindae Radix) E$k ji chang feng; b i ji tian; X!$JEi%M* JEJ*tii zi chhng; I 3 $A* b i ji; P,& m* ba ji rhu Morinda Wine E$!iB bcZ ji jiii Mori Wadicis Cortex (mulberry root bark) $ Qi& sang bai pi; Q $ &* baz sang pi; S E*sang pi; S $& &* sang g2n pi; Z@ $& Q &* sang g2n bLii pi Mori Ramulus (mulberry twig) $6 sing zhi; % %* sang tiiio Mori Ramulus Tener (tender mulberry twig@) @ S R n2n sang zhi Mori Hgamdos Vetms (old mulberry twiga) 2 %@ 160 sang zhi morning fever abating the evening $A% B i,$? zhrio i-t mmL liang Morning Glory and Rhubarb Pill 3 A niu huhng wan Morning Glory Gruel @ 35% qian nili - .--. zi rh5u qiin nili wan Morning Glory Pi11 morning glory [seed] (Pharbitidis Semen) @+T qi6n nib zi; 13* b chciu; @+* qian nih; % Q hei bhi chbu morning sickness 2 zii morning tidal fever kqj$a$4': shang wfi chbo rt mortar jiu; #%@ diio tbng Moschos (musk) m7!$sht xiang; @aft 7!$* sh2 qi xiang; 7!$ % 3 * xiang sht zi; aft g*qi xiang; n;Tf'g* yuan cun xiang
Moslae Scabrae Herba (rough mosla@) ;EizT shi qi ning moth .@&12 mother @ mii mother can make the child vacwas @$& + 3 E mii ntng ling zixC mother-of-malaria [lump glomus occrtrring in malaria] G@ nu2 mii mother-of-pearlB (Concha Margaritifera ) zhen zhG mii; &+if zhii mii; %% @* zhii mii; s8 % ming zhii mii Mother-of-Pearl Pi11 3$ % El zhdn zhii mii wan mother's blood lump rfn@$k xui mii kurii Mother's Rescue Elixir #?BfJjiLi mii d&z motility [old] B qkio; SG qiao motion sickness @ @ 9 yiin chulin yiin chi? mound @ ! ling Mound Center (LV-4) @ 3$ zhiing f2ng mountain LLJ shan mountain dragon@ (Arcangelisiae Caulis) -if LII 2 gii shgn lbng mo~r,ntaiaaforest miasanis qi LLI E IS? shin lhn zhang qi mountain forest miasmic toxin 111 % E$Z% shan Ian zhang dli mountain rampart LLJ shin ku6 Mountain Root [non-channel]LLI $& shin g2n mountaim root [region between the inner canthi] a @ shan g2n Mountain Support (BL-57WHO) 23 LLI chkng shin mountain tobaccos (Solani Verbascifolii Folium) %EM Pt yt; yrZn yt; E i H Pt* jiii ylZn y t ; +EHDt* tii yan y t Mountain Top (GV-20) @h*dian shang mounting-conglomeration (shhnjiii) 8533 shlin jiii mounting (shan) shan mounting (shrin) qi shan qi mouse M. shii mouse fistula RE!$ shii lhu Mouse Hole (ST-1) @fl*xixut
shii xi Mouse Path [non-channel] move the spleen &j!# yun pi mouse sore R B shii chuang move water ?T7k xing shui mouse sores 2 €13% 120 shii chuang move when pushed $@ 2 tai zhi k2 dhng moustache xu Moutan and Gardenia Free Wanderer Moving Again [non-channel]EqS*fii xing d i n zhi xiao yho sin' Powder ff-EB%$& Moving Between (LV-2) 77 [CiJ xing ji5n Moutan and Phellodendron Counterflow moving impediment (bi) $?%xing bi Z & danIhuang si Cold Powder f f % @ moving qi rib-side pain STI&By h qrli ni sa'n xi6 t6ng Moutan Powder $iff- E& mii d i n pi sin Moutan Radicis Cortex (moutan [root moxa ai bark]) $?BEmii d i n pi; ff@* dan gZn; moxa burner ? ' wPn jiii ff-$2' dan pi; $tff-@E* rnii dan g2n pi; moxabustion jiii; & & jiii fii *%%* mu shho yio moxa cigar X B ai juin Moutan Radicis Cortex Non Rasus (unmoxa cone -jt$%ai zhu shaved moutan [root barkla) Rff-E moxa floss jt'g ai rbng yurin d i n pi moxa pole T % hi tirio Moutan Radicis Cortex Rasus (shaved moxa roll T% hi juiin moutan [root barkla) @ ff- & ffcn dan pi; 611 A- E*gua diin pi moxa stick hi tiho moutan [mot bark]' (Moutan Radicis moxibustion & jifi; $& jiii fii Cortex) Ykff-& rnii diin pi; ff-;t;R* din moxibustion on aconite MMrfS$ g t f i zi gZn; ff- E*dLTn pi; $kff&&* rnii diin jifi g2n pi; TZ?j* mu shdo yao moxibustion on aconite cake Mrf'@$ fu mouth tl kbu bing jiii mouth and tongue sores kdu moxibustion on cake Mt#& gt bing jzii sht shCng chuling moxibustion on fermented bean cake $3 Mouth Bone (SI-18) #.B* dui gii tjf $ chi bing jiii mouth-level nape flab abscess (ju) FJU moxibustion on garlic i?@j$2$$ gt subn jiii dui k6u moxibustion on ginger l@ig& gt jinng jifi mouth-locking clove sore (ding) $8 f i moxibustion on pepper cake $ 8 t i f 3 jiao sud kbu ding Oing jiii Mouth Means Edge (GV-27) #@%* dui moxibustion on salt l@%$ gi yan jiii t6ng dui moxibustion supplementation and mouth sore % kbu ydng; + % a kbu drainage T% cii jiii bii xi2 zh6ng shCng chmfing; B kdu chuang l\ll[oxibustionWangle [non-channel]2fk mouthwash & shu kbu; hdn shu; & ssrZn jiiio jiii &%shu di Mr E shi move 17 xing; Z yun Mrs E'shi move dampness S E yun shi Mud Ball Pailace (GV-20) ?E3I,g* ni movement and qi & F yun qi wan g6ng movement and qi theory S - W i g yun qi muddle-headed B kui XUB shu6 Mugwort and Cypesus Palace-Warming move qi ?7%.xing qi ai fu nuiin g6ng wan 2 Pill ;fiMII A move qi and dissipate stagnation 17&5, Mugwort and Ginger Pill X 3I, hi jiiing E xing san qi zhi; ?79$& @ xing qi shn wcin zhi
mugwort mugwort flosse (Arternisiae Argyi Foliurn Triturn) ?4X shli ai; 24\T*shou ui mugwort fruit0 (Arternisiae Argyi Fructus) j r g Lii shi mugwort [leaflo (Arternisiae Argyi Foliurn) jr R t ai y t ; 3%"hi hao; jr* ai
multi-banded kraitO (Bungarus Multicinctus) &% $ jin qihn bai hun sht multiflora rose fruitm (Rosae Multiflorae Fructus) E g ying shi multiflora rose root' (Rosae Multiflorae Radix) %@@ qiring wei g2n; R%@$B* yt; qiring wei g2n
mugwort [leaf] flossm (Arternisiae Argyi Foliurn Triturn) jr$2 hi rdtzg; x%*21 r-dng
mugwort leaf oila (Arternisiae Argyi Folii Oleun) 3 Pi-?& ai y t ydir mulberry0 (Mori Fructus) $@ sang shirz; B* shkn; S R * sang shi; Q,@* wii shBz; %@* hei shtn; g sing 260;
GBT* sang sh2n zi; $%* sang gu6; g #G* snng l i ; %@T* sang shtn zi; %{I* sang r t n ;
*8%* wtn
mulberry bark sape (Mori Corticis Sucsang p i zhi cus) % Efff.j-fMulberry Fruit Gruel %{I$& sang r t n zh6u
mulberry l e a p (Mori Foliurn)
g;iil;f Pt*
g U - 1 - snng
snng shG y2
Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction 3%@J sang xing tang Uulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Beverage % 3ing jLi yin Mulberry Leaf and Sesame Pill g% fLi sling wrin; sang rnb wan Muiberry Paste %-$&F @- snrzg-sSm zi gao;
23s w i n wii
%il;R $ E* snt~gg2n brii p i sang bai p i tang
(Mori Rarnulus)
sang zhi; G %* sang tiho
Mulberry 'big and Bushy Hnotweed Decoction G @ sangizhi hii zhang tang
brii m t i h u a ; - @ E * m t i hua
Mume Flos Rubus (red rnume flowera)
$1& E hbng m t i hug mume flower0 (Murne Flos) & E m t i hua; $2J&* lu 2 mki; %&E* 1; m i i Mume Fructus (rnume [fruit]) 2% wLI m t i ; &%* m i l shi; &' xiin mtz; $&& kii rnti rou; 2% wii m t i rou mume [fruit]' (Murne Fructus) -S& wii m t i ; @%* m t i shi; %%* xiin m t i ; +&@j lcii rnti r6u; Q,&m+ wii m t i rou Mume Gruel .!2, %$#jwii m t i zh6u Mume Pill G & A wii rnti wan mumps zha sai
mung bean0 (Phaseoli Aurei Semen) % z lu
S*qing xi60 d 6 ~ ~
murky eye obstruction hun jing zhang; iA Ig@ hLin jing zhhng murmuring in sleep U@ DEn$ shui zhotzg
n i nan
Murr@ae Radix (orange jessamine root) l i xiang g2n
Murrayae Ramulus et Folium (orangc jessamine [twig and leaf]) h9% ji6 1 xiang
Musae Basjoo Caudex
Mulberry Root Bark Decoction % $ B $h
elff a
Mume Flos (murne flower) &E m t i hua; B % & * lu i m t i ; %&E* l t m t i h u i Mume Flos Albus (white murne flowera)
h 9%@ jiii
mulberry root bark0 (Mori Radicis Cortex) $ $ B sang bbi pi; Q % E* bai sang p i ; i$% E* sang p i ; G il;R &* sang g2n p i ;
mulberry twig0
multi-needle method & $t $IJ & duo zhen
wn shi
Mulberry and Moutan White-Draining Decoction %-A- i%$ $h sang dan xi2 bai
EE$R ba jiao
(banana stump
Musae Paradisiacae Rhizoma (banana root) H E $B gan jiao gen muscle [modern anatomical term] RJL @J ji rou; [old]
an j i
mushroom E jun mushroom ear pile
t r xLin
(Moschus) @& shi xiang; Baff @@F*xiing shi zi; jfF B*q i xiang; 5TC?J yuan -gCcun xiatzg
%* sht qi xiiing;
Musk and Velvet Deerhorn Pill
B 3%
xiiing r6ng wan
Musk Decoction @ % 2% sht xiing tang Musk Pill h shB xiang wan Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium (hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]) LLI Izt S s h i n g i n ciio; & W S* tii g i n ciio; Q Afi' bhi t6u gong; ?,%Z@* liang cha ttng; i,%@* lihng ttng; 5 a t &
E* yu
y t jin hua; B $Ern* brii zhi shan; B $%R* y2 blii zhi shan; BM&* brii hri d i t
mussitatiun XP
is zhtng yil;
Mysterious mutually conducive
xiiirzg hi^
ying xiiitzg
mutually serving
$1Z % H
xiang, hu w t i
~ 6 %
mutual need [7 relations; e.g., phellodendron and coptis need (r.e., nccentunte) each other's action] $13@ xiing xL7
mutual rooting of yin and yang PRPHZ@ yin yang hu g2n
mylabrisa (Mylabris) B I B ban mlio; jG, E*16ng w2i; %&$,$I%* 160 hii ban mko; Z B I S * hua ban mho; E E &' h ~ u ik i ch6ng; W S * ban mao; BI%$* ban mc?o
Bg ban mbo; & E*16ng w t i ; %R@j-%* 160 hii bGtz milo;
Mylabris (rnylabrisa)
4xW%* hua ban mbo; E E & * huli: k t ch6ng; $I%* ban mrio; B1.4@*bail miio
mutate ~ 2 j bian t hua mutation 94.I:bian hua mute a$ yii Mute Call [non-channel] U@Q yii ming Mute Point [non-channel] U$fi y i xut Mute's Gate (GV-15Wllo) a@ [7yii m t n Mute's Gate Assistant [non-channeq GI]
Mylabris Channel-Freeing Pill B I B 33 t3
fir yii nztn
mu tong s i n
muttering to oneself D$j
$ i$jncin nbn zi
2% ig nan nhn dri yri
mutual contention of wind. and dampness
J4%? $1E$
ban mrio tong jing wdn
Mylabris Menstruation-Promoting Pill BI @&@$I,
ban mtio t6ng jing wan
myopia fi@ jin shi myriad -5 wan Myriad Applications Paste +i jGi ;R whiz
PH E 4t yin yhng zhuiin hua mutual engendering of metal and water
& 7K $1& ! jin shui xiang shcng mutual exacerbation $1@$xiang shan mutual fanning of wind and fire J4A $1 fCng hub xiGng shan
Myrica and Phellodenctron Powder jE% ;f;Q
i& yang biiisiin yling m t i p i .
m 3% ri,u m z * rou gud;
Myristicae Semen (nutmeg) j i i jL7.16; dou kbu; $~j%~$h* %{I* kou r t n
Myristicae Seminis Pulvis (nutmeg frost)
rou kou shuang
(Myrrha) ?EEj mi, yho;
mi, yao,
feng shi xiGng b6
mutual convertibility of yin and yang
Myriad Applications Pill. +iEh wan ying
Myricae Cortex (bayberry barka) jE%@&
(Mutong Caulis) *B mu tong; T $%* ding weng; T2 * ding f u ; ZSj* wang weng; fiq*wan nihn; fiq @* wan nihn ttng
ying gao
(mutong [stkrn]@)*@ mu tong; T 5%' ding wCng; T X* ding fu; EE 5%* wring wCng; Z q * wan nian; +iq I@* wan nian ttng
Mutong Caulis
Mutong Powder mutong [stemla
Myrrha (myrrh) ?$Ej mi, yuo; X E j * mi, yao
mysterious yulin]
[common s~rbstituteforxurin
Mysterious Four Decoction El $9$51 ssi miao tang
Mysterious Four Pill El$$%ssi miho wan
Mysterious Four Powder PI$$% si mido sin Mysterious Four Resting Hero Decoction Flfi9% 9 @J si miao y6ng i n ting Mysterious Fragrance Powder $9 S % miao xiing siin mysterious house [sweatpore] 3$f xuhn
[sweat pore]
3f i
Naemorhedi Goral Cornu ( g o d horn) LLI %fa shin ycing jicio nail F zhcio jiii; [see zhiio zhug nail-press needle insertion B 8 H $A zhio qit jin zhZn fii nails are the surplus of the sinews 8 f i 2$+ zhiio wii jin zhi yu nail-side dove sore (ding) ? E m E yhn zhio ding Nandinae Fsuctos (nandina fruit) j$j Yr=F. ncin tian zhli zi nandina buit' (Nandinae Fructus) j$j* YJ=F. nhn tian zhh zi nanteng [stem and leaflo (Piperis Wallichii seu Pubemli Caulis et Folium) j$j Ei? nhn ting nape @ xiang nape and neck 2jjm ling xiang Nardostachydis Rhizoma et Radix (nardostachys [rootla) WFJL!ggn song; @Fk* xiing s'6ng; HFJL! @* gan song xiang Nardostachys Gruel WVJL!$8gan song zhbu lnardostachys [root] a (Nardostachydis Rhizoma et Radix) HF! gan song; S FA* xiang song; WFJL!S* gan song xiang narrow-leaved rattlebox@ (Crotolariae Sessiliflorae Herba) BE& yt; biii h i ; $I]* nbng ji li nasal @ bi
In] m
xuhn ffi Mysterious Three Pill ZPJh snn miao wun Mysterious Three Powder !&m siin miiio sin Mysterious lkro Powder (Pill) 1$9& ( (Ttl ) b miao s i n whn
ffi mysterious mansion
Mystical Decoction
shtn mi ting
nasal acupuncture G+t bi zheiz; @ H R i)& bi zhen liho fii nasaLcongestion &% bi sai; bi zhi; $$!J wtng; $+$)@ bi wtng . nasal congestion and runny nose &Sf$, $3bi sGi lih ti nasall congestion inkibiting the sense of smell &B+ 1Eij S S bi sai bii win xiang chhu nasal congestion with clear snivel GBY$, $g$$bi sai liu qing ti nasal congestion with loss of smell 14 ' bi zhi bu win; #%Z[4 bi sai wu win nasal inoculation &% bi mido nasal insufHation nA# chui bi; 115s xiil bi Nasal l[nsuffla&ionFormula DA B fi chui , hi-fang Nasal Insufflation Jasper Clouds Powder 115 &$$r;% xiu bi bi yu nsiin nasal mucus $3ti nasall passages $+ B bi sui bi zhi; $!+Xi fi bi xi r6u nasal polyp nasal septum bi zhh nasal vaccine &B bi micio Nasturtii Herba Exsiccata (dried watercressa) m s % T xi ycing cai gin native achyranthes [root] (Achyranthis Radix) *+@ tii nib xi; &+flZEil;W* tii niu xi g2n; 8f +@" du niu xi
natural flux of yin and yang Pfl Pa# -kt yin ybng xiao zhiing natural moxibwtion R 3 tian jifi; $ 3 zi jifi natural reaction point X E f i tian ying xut natusra! restoration of the yin-yaamg balance $ $4 yin ycing zi h i mature 11% xing; 'l%fSxitzg qing natwre and flavor xing wti nature-preservative borniaag $"@'I& shdo chn xing nature-preservative calcination U$ @ '1% duhn chtz xitzg nature-preservative stir-frying %$ @ chiio chtz nausea E JL\ 6 xitz nausea and retching DEE 6u t nausea and vomiting IIEg 6u t navel f i qi Navel (CV-4) HJJff" bb yang; (CV-6) hI]*" bb yang navel-level ehP'usion jrf aff E dui qi fa Navel-Warming Paste D2B;R tzudtz qi gao nearsightedness iE$! jitz I shi; Z+!Ib%% yuiin shi huang huang; $EiET&Zntng jin bu ntng yuiin shi qit yuiitz; ;f;e g nebulous eye screen H=&' Z & mu sheng yhn yi; Z & yhn yi nebulous screen covering the eye yrin yi zh2 jing neck T@ jing; T @ q ling xihng; %j 66; BT bd zi; TQ ling xiiing Neck and Upper Arm [non-channel] T@ $3,jiug bi neck bone T@@ jing gfi Neck Center [non-chatznel] $8 jing zhbng neck pain i!@ ling xiang thng neck sore TJjjfd*& jing jian sheng chuang Neck Surge (LI-14) 3@I$' jing chbng Neck Thoroughfare (LI-14) 3@@* jing chdtzg . neck vessel 3@b$ ling mai need xc
negundo needle /if- zhen; @ zhetz; $11 ci needle breakage ffi$tzhi zhen needle-driving method Z $# & bi zhen fii needle embedding @$?f mbi zhetz needle extraction TI /if- yin zhen; tt:/if- chii zh2n needle filingse (Acus Pulvis) Sjt1;9 zhen sha needle flicking ijq tbn zhen
needle insertion %/it jin zhbn; m/if- nti zhen needle manipulatio~a (technique) H-$I] & zhen ci sh6u fii needle-picking therapy $jlk$tE& tiao zhen lib0 fii needle pounding [of needling] $g/if-diio zh2n needle removal @/if- bh zhEn; $lFHphi zhcn needle retention @ H lih zhen needle retraction B$+tui zhen needle rotation +$/if- zhuiin zhEn needle scratching $ I ~ Hgua shin; %I]%+ gua zhen needle sensation /if-@ zhen giin needle sickness %/if- yiin zhen needle twirling *2$?f niiin zhen needle twisting [needling method] E$ $# cud zhen needle waggling )&/if- yho zhen needling $q& ci fii
needing contraindications $I]% ci jin; $$, $I] jin ci needling hand !@J f ci sh6u negundo vitex fruito (Viticis Negundinis Fructus) $$ ElJ7 huhng jitzg zi; ?$ &3-" hubng jin zi negundo vitex [leafl O (Viticis ~ e ~ u n d i n i s Folium) $$J+l] D t hucing jing yt; 5)% ##* wfi zhi gGn negundo vitex root0 (Viticis Negundinis Radix) jf;R hubng jing gen negundo vitex sap0 (Viticis Negundinis Succus) ?$Ell% h u a n jing ~ li
new V
Neighboring Valley [non-channel] % G phng gii Nelumbinis Basis Folii (lotus leaf base) 73 Df- 85 hk y t di Nelumbinis Embryo (lotus embryo) Z% IL\ lihn zi xin; g*yi; Xg*kii yi; Eli\* lirin xin Nelumbinis Folii Succus (lotus leaf juice) 73 U t rjLt h i y t zhi Nelumbinis Folium (lotus leaf) 8Dt h t Y2 Nelumbinis Folium Carbonisatum (charred lotus leaf) GDf-Eh t yt tan Nelumbinis Folium Exsiccatum (dried g i n h t y2 lotus leaf@) Netumbinis Folium Recens (fresh lotus leaf@)&73Ut .xian h t y i Nelaambinis Frnactans (lotus fruit) ;tiBT shi lihn zi; @ % BT* dai k t lian zi; % 8 T* k t lihn zi; Mf;ETB*tihn shi lihn; E ST* k t lihn zi; FEET* dai p i lihn zi Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen (lotus fruitlseed) lihn zi; EST*lihn ping zi; gg*lian shi Nelumbinis Petiolus (lotus leafstalk) 8 U t @ h i y t g2ng Nelumbinis Petiolus seu Pedicellus (lotus h t gEng; EUt@*h i y t g2ng; stalk) B@*lihn gdng Nelumbinis Receptaculum (lotus receptacle) E S lian fang; g S E* lihn ping k t ; g g *lian k t ; @@* bu fang Nelumbinis Receptaculum Carbonisatum (charred lotus receptacles) Z E E lihn fhng tan Nelumbinis Rhizoma (lotus root) @ ciu; B $k* lirin bu; % g*guang phng Nelumbinis Rhizoma Recens (fresh lotus root@) xiatz bu Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodi Recentis Succus (fresh lotus root node juicea) xian du j i t zhi Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus (lotus root node) 7 6u j i t ; guing bu j i t ; $jij?@* bu j i t bci Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus Carbonisatus (charred lotus root nodea) %? E bu j i t thn
Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus (lotus root juice) xian du zhi; '?I-* bu zhi; $krt-H* bu zhi; g$jijH* shdng bu zhi Nelumbinis Semen (lotus seed) B%jlihn rou; ;EiE%j* shi lihn rou; BTm* lihn rou Nelumbinis Stamen (lotus stamen) B3$j lihn xu; $a* lihn h u i xu; B Ea* lirin hua rui; Bs$g*lihn rui xci Nelumbinis Testa (lotus seed-coat) B e lihn yi Nepenthis Caulis et Folium (pitcher [stem and leafJ) %Eg zhci 16ng ciio Nerviliae Fordii Folium (Ford's nervilia [leafla) S* qing tian kui
nest of essence %% jing kC net [diffusely connect with, new] %& luo netting and homing %8Eluo shii Network-Clearing Beverage ?g$8@ qiiig lub yin
network point [new] % & f iluo nut Network-Quickening Efficacious Elixir $j %8$9Z f7. hu6 luo xi60 ling diin Network-Quickening Elixir $j 28 f7. hu6 luo d i n Network-Quickening Miraculous Effect Elixir >f$j28 f* Z ;4 hu6 lu6 xi20 ling dnn Network-Quickening Qi Flow Beverage $j $8tkqtk hub lub lih qi yin network stroke $ $& zhong luo network vessel 'r,$-li$ lu6 m&i; [new] $8 1uo network vessel pricking [one of the nine needling methods] %&$4 lub ci
neutral cause T p'q 91 H bu nti wai yin neutral supplementation and drainage F ;iib iE, ping bii ping xit ; $b iE, ping pu ping xi2 Neutral Supplementing Heart-Settling Elixir F;iib @IL\ f i ping bii zhin xin d i n new contraction %@ xin giin new contraction stirring latent evil G I 3 E 5fP xin g i n yin dong fri xit
new contraction warm disease 8, @ $ ' % xin giin wen bing New Deafness Cure #1 [non-channel]?a Z$ $ . 1 9 zhi 16ng xin (2) New Deafness Cure #2 [non-channel]?k B $fi 2 3 zhi lbng xin (2) New Deafness Cure #3 [non-channel]?k . 22%.3 3*zhi 16ng xin (3) New Deafness Cure #4 [non-channel]j& G?$fi 4 +$* zhi 16ng xin (4) New Deafness Cure #5 [non-channel]?k S 8 , 5 +$* zhi lbng xin (5) New Deafness Cure #6 [non-channel]& @$jj 6 +$* zhi 16ng xin (6) New Deafness Cure #7 [non-channel]?k B$fi7 T*zhi 16ng xin (7) New Deafness Cure #8 [nun-channel] ?k B$fi8 9*zhi 16ng xin (8) new disease $fi%xin bing new factor E [g fit yin newly supplemented $fiFifi[ xin jiE Newly Supplemented Elsholtzia Beverage xin jiii xiiing rli yin 8fi FifiD 73 Newly Supplemented Ginseng and Tangkuei Qi-Infusing Decoction $fi Fi f i [ Q U 3 S 5$ 3 ~xin ji6 shen gui chtng qi tang Newly Supplemented Yellow Dragon Decoction $fib[@ j~?$& xin jig huang 16ng tiing New Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction $fi %II @i E +!r % @J xin zhi jli pi zhLi rLi tang New Zealand spinacho (Tetragoniae Herba) & & fiin xing next 8 ci night blindness El A T fig $x% mu ru mu bu ntng shi wu; @ 5qut mang; S-tZK ji mtng mang; g $j yt mang; $&El qut mu; Si $j j i mdng night cough &DM yt sGu night crying E% yt ti night crying in infants /I\ JL@k$i xiiio tr yt ti night fever g t $ :yt rt night fever abating at dawn &?$!-fl.i,$ yt rt ziio liang
nineteen night fever abating in the daytime eft: yt rt zhhu liang nightless fish eyes &I@+@yri jing bu yt Night Light (BL-2) @%* yt guiing nightlong sleeplessness #Jg @ chi yt bu mti night sweating ?@$? gin han; %?? dao han nighttime anal itch @@$fig y2 win gang
YW night walking &f& yt y6u nine h jiii nine and six supplementation and drainage h A ;libi% jiii liu bii xi? nine branches of medicine in the Qing DynasFy ?Sith$4 qing dai jiii kd nine branches of medicine in the Song Dynasty %h# shng jiii kd ninefold h jiii Ninefold Processed Rhubarb Pill h$1 A jiii zhi da huhng wan Nine ~mlhortalsElixir f ~ / Q f l -jiii xian d i n Nine Immortals Powder h {lll% jiii xian sdn Nine-Ingredient Areca Decoction h% @ &$3J jiii wti bin lang t4ng Nine-Ingredient Center-Rectifying Decoction h% @ $ 3 ~jiii wti li zhdng tiing Nine-Ingredient Notopterygium Decoction h% 2 % $$ jiii wti qiiing hub tLfng Nine-Ingredient Powder h l??k%jiii wki siin nine needles jiii zh2n nine needles for returning yang PEI h H hui yang jiii zh2nnine needling methods h$lj jiii ci; A32 $4 jiii bian ci nine orifices [2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth, and either 2 yin or tongue and throat] R jiii qiao $L jiii thng wan Nine Pains Pill nine qi jiii qi nineteen fears +hE shi jiii wti nineteen pathomechanisms 3% d- h % bing j i shi jiii tiao
Nine-To-One Elixir h-fi jiii yi &in nine types of heart pain h W j l JL\% jiii zh6ng xin tong nine viscera hllrfjiii zang nine worm diseases h & @ jiii chbng bing ninth h jifi; Bh di jiii ninth earthly branch $ shen ninth heavenly stem 3 rin nipple 91% rrii t6u nipple moth f L @ rfi i nipple wind $ ~ & j d , rii t6u fcng niter0 (Nitrum) @;ti xiio shi; A ?b* hu6 xiio; A @ j *hu6 xiao; * yhn xiiio; & '6i* yan xiao; ;Ei* xkio shi; %Erg* yin xiao; dt& ;6* hua jin shi Niter and Alum Powder liib;tiN;l;63 xiao shi frin shi siin Niter Equidens (horse-tooth nitera) 3 ?$FA nzii ya xiao; %$j* yb xiio Nitrum (niter) Ti'b;ET xiao shi; A#* hu6 xGo; A $ j * hud xiao; * yan xiao; % @* yan +iao; $j F* xiio shi; %Ei$j*yin xiao; dt&;ti* huh jin shi Nitrurn Rubrurn (red nitera) $~?l$j chi xiao No. 1 Falls Formula - f i zhi dii pii yi fang No. 1 Lichen Medicinal Water -%@% 7k yi hao xiiin yao shui No. 2 Lichen Medicinal Water =+$j@B 7k t r hao xiiin yao shui no abnormal pattern Ti$ ping zhtng
no cold [medicinals] float, no hot [medicinals] sink %X#, f+\XtXhrin wh fu, rt wu chin Nocturia [non-channel]Ejj? yt niao nocturnal epilepsy $ij& @ 22 xirin bing yt
fa node node node hi 'node
@ h i ; i?i jii bone [lateral malleolus] @ @ h i gii in the breast 71+k&;f;% rii zhiing jii of the skin
Ffi H$& P pi fu jii
non-eruption Node Point [non-channel] $& $2'it jii h i xui no desire for food and drink +aft& bh yu yin shi no desire to eat despite hunger tfi+a$$ j i bu yli shi no desire to see people E t!JJA bu y u b shi rin no desire to talk ?Bigi& bu xiiing jiiing hua; +&g bu yii yrin no energy to speak {+&$ juan yrin noisy behavior lG&+Y xuan riio bu ning noisy nose &@3 bi ming non-outthrust of measles j$$@B22 mti zhtn d u fa bu chu non-acclimatization 7 K k BQ shui tii bu
non-channel poiliit $291 S f i ji1.y: wai ql xut non-Chinese saarss~lrea~ (Saussurea & fan mu Radix Non-Chinensis) & * xiang non-closure of the birth gate 7 T J l'ir7 chiin m i n bu bi non-closure of the fontanels bf f G xin k i i bu h i ; tbu fkng bu h i ; Q TJ+& xin m i n bu h i non-closure of the jade gate 3 TJ f;fl yu mkn bO bi non-contraction of heart qi JL\?+~IT xin qi bh shbu non-difiusion of lung qi jrfj5;l;E fki qi bit xuin non-dispersion of, food [as seen from the stool] tA $$ F # yin shi bu xiao; [in the stool] 8$$ ;1;; $j gii shi bu xiao na~-4irtrihntinnnf p!mnr?~ry!in,nic! !?i @+ 6 fti jin bu bu non-downbearing of stomach qi Ei ?;I; wki qi bu jiang non-downbearing of turbid yin ?&PR B zhu6 yin bu jiang nowdownbearing turbid qi ?&5 R zhu6 qi bii jihng non-elimination of malign blood %h+ & t xut b2 qu non-eruption of measles j$$@ 55 ma & mri zhtn tbu zhtn b3 tou; j$$@BE+ fii b& chii
+ +
non-eruption of papules gz 8 zh,& fa bh chu non-eruption of sand (sha) papules in children I]\ JL @B T ,!lj xido b sha zhdn 62 chu non-fixed point T S f l bh ding xut non-glutinous ricea (Oryzae Semen) $9 gcng mi; B $$%* bhi geng mi; A%* da m i non-growth of teeth ST chi bu sheng non-interaction of the heart and kidney 121'W $2 xin shtn bu jiao non-movement of food 7k @ T 3 shui gii b&yirn non-movement of ingested food & A Z shi ru b3 yun non-passage T 1% bu chuhn non-productive cough tl& k t non-scarring moxibustion X @ @ & wLi ban h t n jiii nonsensical talk &A E6L ig hh yhn luan yii nonsensical talk a t night RE #IE 6Lig yt wiin hLi yhn luhn yii non-transformation of food Sg T4t whn gii bu huh; 7kG +.It shui gii bu hua; g & T It gii shi bu huh non-transformation of food [as observed by undigested food in the stool] hT4-t:shi bu hua; -& T $ $ d t shi bu xiao hua non-transformation of food [as seen from the stool] tA& T 4 t yin shi bri hua; [in the stool] @ T i t gii 6u huh non-transformation of ingested food &A T 4 t shi r i ~bu hcd; [in the stool] A T i t ggLi ru bu huh non-transforming slimy tongue fur T 4 t ni tiii bli huh non-upbearing of clear qi ? S TT f i qing qi bh sheng; ?S5T f i qing qi bii sheng non-upbearing of clear yang and nondownbearing of turbid yin tgPa7f; f i , ?& T P@ qing yhng b2 shCng, zhud yin bu jihng non-upbearing of spleen qi 5T j+ pi qi bG sh2ng noodle-type food damage 4% -& shiing mihn shi
no pleasure in eating +@& b2 shi shi; 4cP 8T B na gii bh:xiang no. pleasure in eating and drinking tA-& T B yin shi b3 xi no pleasure in food tA&T H % yin shi bu gan m t i normal JllEj shun; % chhng normal complexion % & chcing st normal eating and drinking tA-&fiH& yin shi rh gu normal individual F A ping rin normalize BlEj shun normalize qi JlE,r9 shun qi normal passage BlEji% shun chuhn normal pulse IE$2jl& ziztng chhng mai; $$ b? chhng mai normal skin color B&fiU$2 pist rd chang normal tongue fur i f R X E zhtng chhng sht tai north [position associated with water] ;It: bZi Northern and Southern Dynasties [420581 A.D.] j$j;IL$A nhn bti chho northern apricot kernel@ (Armeniacae semen Septentrionale) ;It 8 lz b& xing rtn; ; I L g * bti xing northern asarum@ (Asiasari Herba cum Radice Septentionalis) ;ILQ+ bti xi xin; ;1L 3"bti xin northern crataegus [fruit] @ (Crataegi Fructus Septentrionalis) Jlt LLJ;Fgb6i shntz zhii Northern Dynasties [386-534 A. D.] & $ j bti chho northern fangji [root]' (Aristolochiae Heterophyllae Radix) ?R Pfi Z hhn zh6ng fhng ji Northern Qi [550-577 A. D.] ;Its bti qi northern schisandra [berry] ' (Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus) JltED&+ bti wii wti zi; ;It@* b2i wti; ALE@" bti wii wti Northern Song [960-1127 A.D.] ;IL% bti shng Northern Wei [386-534 A.D.] ;It% bti w2i
Northern Zhou [557-581 A.D.] sltH be'i zhdu nose &I! bi; &T bi zi; fjR@ ming thng nose beam & 3 bi lihng nosebleed B 3jjn nu xu;; $! lfn bi chfi xu;; @+ kljjjn bi zhdng chi2 xu;; @B3 bi nu; &&3& bi nu xu6 nose boil $+@ bi jii Nose-Clearing Decoction $$$ $51qing bi tang nose flood $$ $# bi h6ng Nose Flush (BL-4) & j$* bi chdng Nose Human Center (GV-26) @ A bi rin zhong no sense of hygiene E bu zhi hui jii
nose pillar bi zhu Nose Tip (GV-25) @ X * zhfin t6u no sour or salty [ErnedieinaPs] bear upward, no sweet or acrid [medicinals] bear downward @ @ X f i , j$%XB suan xihn wci shbng, gan xin wci jiang nostril 1'7 xu min; $$3-1bi k6ng nostril sores +$T l + & bi k6ng sh6ng chuang Notarchi Filamentum (notarchus hhiii fi;n filament@) notarchus filament@ (Notarchi Filamenturn) j@$jj h i i fi;n Not Contained (ST-19i+"fO)+@ bu r6ng note yin not easily expectorated B G klj bb yyi iub chii no thirst and drinking +PE"i$ bu ki; yin no thought of food and drink ,%it$& bu s7 yin shi Notoginseng Flos (notoginseng flower@) 2 -tS sdn qi huE notoginseng flowera (Notoginseng Flos) 3 -t= E scin qi huci Notoginseng Folium (notoginseng leaf@) -tS s6n qi yt notoginseng leaf@ (Notoginseng Folium) 3 -k a t s i n qi yB
not Notoginseng Radix (notoginseng [root]@) 3 -k sGn qi; @* tihn qi; A B -k* r&n shdn sari qi; LLI@* shan qi; Ell t*tihn qi; Ell 2t*tihn sGn qi; 2 33-k*sh2n s5n qi Notoginseng Radix Cruda (raw notoginseng [root]Q) % H k*shdng tihn qi notoginseng [root] @ (Notoginseng Radix) 3t sin qi; @* tian qi; 23 Z k*rin shdn s i n qi; t.l~@* shin qi; H t*tihn qi; H5k*tihn san qi; ?33 -t=* shen san qi Notopterygii Rhizoma (notopterygium qi5ng hub; X %* qiang [root]@) %%@j guang; #JZE%*hh whng shi zht; XtB* qicing huh; B3,42$$* tui fzng shi zhe'; /r? 7 %* zhci jii qiing; g z* chn qiang Notspterygium and Aconite Decoction 32 S M$ =F- $3qiang hub fh zi tang Notopterygium and Angelica Powder 32 B B XiE;5P.qibng hub bhi zhi sin Notopterygium and Dipsacus Decoction % &gg Bfj t & qikng hub xu duatz tang Notopterygium and Isatis Root Decoction %3 P & qicng lhn tang Notopterygium and Ledebouriella Decoction %@j Pf? 3, t &qiang hu6 fhng fdng tang; E @j Pf 3,t& qiiing hub fhng fdng tang Notopterygium, Arctium, Dandelion, and Mint Decoction E %@jji!j?$& qirZng bang pci bh tang Notopterygium Dampness-Eliminating Decoction E @j R E$&qiclng hub chh shi tang Notopterygium Dampness-Overcoming Decoction 2 @jB i3 t51 qiang hub shtng shi tcing notopterygium [root] @ (Notopterygii Rhizoma) % & qiang hub; E%* qiiing gudng; #JZ@$$* hh whng shi zhi;; % PB* qiiing huh; B3,#.$* tui feng shi zhe'; 'f~ 7 %* zhci jii qiLZng; 3$E* can qiing Notopterygium Toxin-Vanquishing Decoct% qiiing hub bai du tang tion 2% not sound +$&I bu mi not talking for several years &Y ig shu sui bu yii not tight +$&I bu mi W
not to change one's clothes [constipation] numbness fi mb; mu; ;T;j= bh rin FZ ;i?3 bu g2ng yi numbness (and tingling) fi mb mu not to move when pushed B2+@ tui numbness of the flesh f l m F. I 1 ji rou bu zhi bu yi; &2 F$J tui zhi bu dong ' rtn not yet j? wii numbness of the limbs PIEJj$ si zhi nourish % yiing mb mu; Efft.lzt;fi zhi ti mb mu nourish the blood yiingxu2 numbness of the mouth ti F11 k6u bu nourish the blood and emolliate the liver rkn %& Z fl? ying xu? r6u giin numbness of the scalp fi tbu pi mb mu nourish the blood and free the vessels % & @b%yiing xu2 tbng mai numbness of the sinews %fbkJj$* jin mai mb mu nourish the blood and moisten dlyness %&@I$$$ ying xu2 run zao numbness of the skin m/l&$$* ji fu mb mu ~lourishthe blood and resolve the exterior %dnf# % ying xu2 jid biiio numbness of the tongue SJj$shk mb nourish the fluids yiing jin yi numb tongue Sj$$sht mti nourish the heart %& yiing xin Nupharis Rhizoma (Japanese spatternourish the heart and quiet the spirit % dock root) J l l ff chuiin gii L\??$Efi ying xin iin shin Nursing the Aged (SI-6W"o) %2ying nourish the liver % fl? yiing giin 160 nourish the stomach % iEj yiing w2i nutmegg (Myristicae Semen) 3 % rou nourish yin %Pa yiing yin dou kou; Bfi$A*jiii ji.i 12; @I%*rbu gu6; nourish yin and clear the lung %PJj@$j@ % *:I. kbu rkn yiing yin qing f2i nutmeg frost* (Myristicae Seminis Pulnourish yin and moisten dryness % PB@l vis) m%@j rbu khu shuiing $$$ yiing yin run zdo Nutmeg Gruel 3 % $ # dbu kbu zhou nourish yin and resolve the exterior %PJ nux vomica. (Nux-Vomicae Semen) 21 f#% yiing yin jit biiio 4??$3 m i qibn zi; &*%* fiin mu bie; 21 now relaxed, now rapid [pulse] -* alj mii qibn; +@* niu yin; 3%* kii shi; zha shu zha shuo Z g E g J L * kii shi bii dhu kr noxious ranunculusO (Ranunculi Nux-Vomicae Semen (nux vomica) 3% Scelerati Herba) f i j e j X j shi 16ng rui 7 mii qibn zi; & z* fiin mu big; 4 number of cones [of moxn burnt or to be -* mii qibn; +%E* niu yin; g g *kii shi; burnt] q-l& zhuang shu X % E Z I L * kii shi b i dbu kr numbing wind fin mb feng; fi@ ma Nux-Vomica Powder fim& mb qibn siin f2ng
oak bark0 (Quercus Acutissimae Cortex) & rff xiang m u pi; & &* xiarig pi obese je! fii obese people tend to have copious phlegm flE! A 24 @ fii rin dub thn obesity flEj$ fii pang; fie! fti obesity infertility fie! T 9 fii pang bu y iin oblique [needle insertion] $4 xii oblique insertion #$l] xi2 ci oblique-running pulse $itXbk xit fCi mcii oblique slice #)+xit pian obliviousness of hunger and satiety /rm t& bu zhi ji bGo obstruct PLZ zii; B t obstruction P H zii; !$P zhcing; Pfl% zii zhi Obstruction-Abrading Spirit Light Paste @ lr$Z% & m6 zhhng ling p i n g gao obstruction of channels and network vessels 23 28 P R% jing lui, zii zhi obstruction of chest yang J$JPElPHgxidng yring zii bi obstruction of the thoroughfare, controlling, and uterine vessels ]${% b$ % PH . chbng rtn biio mai shhu zii obstruction sickness [= malign obstruction] PBg zii bing -l.-&
J 5 5 N 1 5 J J
:- --a-
5 5 1 F?L5i;IIC91.-J
6 rkn shgn zii
bing obtaining qi j$+yd t qi obtain qi f+-Td i qi occipital bone zhgn ggi Occipital Bone (GB-11) &@j* zhgn gii occlusion [as in @BE yC gt, dysphagiaocculusion] Bg gk occurring again after a short interval %J?E xii yu yhu fa occurring in sudden bouts 9 %E.1+ tu ran fcZ zuo
odd-number formula S k qi fang off-center brain flat abscess ( j k ) ffijj&G pian niio jii off-center mouth-level flat a b s c e ~ s(jii) ffi 0 6 pian k6u jfi off-center mouth-level ju ffi pian k6u offensive array TAPQ gong zhtn offensive bursting &$% g6ng kui Offensive Dispersion Harmonizing and Softening Decoction XAP'/$0 &$ $A 3 <$J gdng xiao h i jig ruiin jidn tGng offensive precipitation XA 7; g6ng xia offensive treatment & gong o a c e EJju; 'g guatz office of assistant [the lung] $1 1%2 'g xiang fir zhi guan office of conveyance [large intestine] 2 g chucin dcio zhi guan ofice of general [the liver] % 2 e jiiing jiin zhi guan office of justice [the gallbladder] iE2 l?zhbng , zhtng zhi guan office of labor [the kidney] 2 ' g zui, qing zhi guan office of monarch [the heart] Z%2E jfin zhii zhi p i n a office of receiving bounties [small intes2 E shhu shtng zhi guin tine] office of the granaries [spleen and stomach] @ 2 g ciing lin zhi guan official guan officinal dendrobium [stem] (Dendrohuh shin bii Officinalis Caulis) ~t~;tiffi4 shi hci off-side palpation #!I] )E & ct zhi fii of varying intensity EI$EEI$t shi qing shi zh6ng oil $& ybu oil paste $&Bydu gGo oily ashen nail t@j&+g 7 ydu hui zhi jiii
. oily ears ?@ y6u e'r duo oily sweat ?@?T yf-u h&n oily tangkuei [root] (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Pinguis) &tj 3 93 y6u diing gut ointment $2B ruiin giio old $2 160; Pjji chiq Old as the Heavens (BL-7) RID* tiiin ji; old bile [-processed] arisaema [root] @ (Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Feile Bovis Vetum) PjjiBHE chin d i n xing old foot rot %$gBP 150 liiz jiio old ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Vetum) % $$ 160 jiiing Old Hermit AgastacheIPatchouli Pill Sj EEBA qi shou huh xiiing wrin old illness [long-standingor previous illness] I l l @ jiu bing old lime@ (Calx Veta) Pff 6 E chin shi hut old mulberry twiga (Mori Ramulus Vetus) 2SIW liio sGng zhi old phlegm 2%liio trin old pipe taro (Pipae Depositum Vetum) %jR?EB liio yiin y6u old rice@ (Oryzae Semen Vetum) Pjji -& chin cfing mi; %* 160 mi; Pfi chin mi Old Rice Granary Powder &Ei;.k ciing lin siin old rosin@ (Pini Resina Veta) liio song xiiing old scutellaria [root] @ (Scutellariae Radix Veta) @iFkii qin; k F * pikn qin old tea@ (Theae Folium Vetum) PffX chin chri; PjjiX* chin ming Old Tea Gruel PgX S$G chin ming zhbu old trachycarpus [stipule fiber] @ (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta) B/F\ G B chin zbng pi old yellow tongue fur 2 BE liio huring tiii Oleum Vegetale (vegetable oil@) @%$fi zhi wu y6u
** *
open Olibanum (frankincense) $1 Zj rii xiiing; $1 A S* rii t6u xiang; @* xi xiiing; ?% Zj* tiiin zi xiiing; r$ S* m6 12 xiiing; $5 itla Y Zj* dii gii lu6 xiiing; EB*mii wt;i xiiing; % b*xiin lu Blibanum Optimum (top grade frankincense@) $ $ $ LB di rii xiiing; Ba r 21+ ming rii; a@* jiiin xiiing Olibanurn Rude (coarse frankincense0 , E$L@ yucin rii xiiing oligogalactia [old] $19 rii shio; f 1?i-$ rii zhi shiio; $>ifffLqu2 1-6 oligomenorrhea [old] B t3 i 39 yui jing guo shiio oliguria [new] Ej? 9 niio sh&o Olllae Oryzae Semen Ustuxn (burnt pot rice@) +E% gu6 jiiio; +E ell* gub bii; +E $e* g ~ bii b ornphaliaa (Omphalia) Z A lii wrin; E x* lii shi; lii shi; $ Z A * brii lii wrin Omphalia (omphalia@) ZJtl lii whn; S x* lii shi; Sg*lii shi; Q Z A * brii lii wrin Omphalia Powder G A B lii wrin siin On Channel [nun-channel] t3 @ jing zhbrzg one - yi one-beside needling [one of the twelve needling methods] # $l] pring zh2n ci One Dose Powder --BE$&yi fil siin one-either-side needling [one of the twelve needling methods] f i $4 qi ci one-sided % piiin One Zi Decoction ,Z, % ?% yi zi tiing Onosrnatis Radix (Yunnan puccoon@)?B % 3 dian zi c i o onset E@qi bing; [of disease] $nE chii qi On the Nipple (ST-17) 3 $L* diing ru Onychii Herba (onychium@)/J\ Rj-&E3 xiGo yi jin huii ciio onychium@ (Onychii Herba) /I\ P t ES xiiio yi jin h u i cio oozing of blood G f i shin xu2 open k6i; [of sores] $3kui
open open and closed supplementation and drainage % [iSJ$1j% kai h t bii xi2 open block %fa kai bi open calcination #$ ming duhn open depression kai yh open eyes and closed mouth kbu kiii mu h i open incised wound &% jin ycing opening and discharging %@ kai xi2 opening and raising %% kai ti opening, closing, and pivot %, -&, @ kiii , hi, ~ h n opening of a sore G t i chuang kiiu
open mouth and closed eyes K €I kbu kai mu h t Open Scissors [nun-channel]&$5j jit jiiin open. sore yhng open the ghost gates [to cause sweating] % 1'7 kai gui mtn open the interstices kai chu open the jaws %I@& # k i i jin tbng guan open the membrane source RBjjgR kai cki m6 yucin open the orifices 8% kai qiao open the orifices and free the spirit %52j 2%@ kLZi qiho tbng shin . open the orifices and resolve toxin 3% && kai qiao jig dh open the stomach 3 kai wti open the stomach and increase food intake % %& k& wti jin shi Open Valley (KT-20WHo) 2% 8( @ ) tbng gfi (fLi) open with acridity and discharge with bitterness +%g# xin kai kii xi2 open with acridity and downbear with bit@ xin kai kii jiang terness $jj=g ophicalcite' (Ophicalcitum) ?Eli huLZ rui shi; XyLl;ti*hua rfi shi Ophicalcite Blood-Stanching Powder . E;Eik&& hu5 rui shi zhi xut sin Ophicalcite Powder X,% 6& huii rui shi siin Ophicalcitum (ophicalcite) ;k?& ;ti hu6 rui shi; X t;$L6* hua rfi shi
oppressive Ophicephali Caro (snakehead mullet) &$ & lli yh; %&* hdi yu; -$ &* w6 y6 Ophioglossi Herba cum Radice (ophioglossum@) -Z 3 yi zhi jian ophioglossum~ (Ophioglossi Herba cum Radice) -5 % yi zhi jirin Ophiopogon and Asparagus Decoction 1 4 ?& tr dbng tc7ng Ophiopogon and Rehmannia Pill g % f & 3 %mki wii di hubng wbn Ophiopogon Decoction Z 1'74 ? &mai mtn dbng tang Ophiopogon Drink % fJ t A 5 mai rntn dbng yin zi Ophiopogonis Tuber (ophiopogon [tuberla) Z 1'74 mrii mkn dong; -if cun dong; Z 4." mrii d6ng; Zg$+"'mai mtn dbng Ophiopogonis Tuberis Recentis Succus (fresh ophiopogon [tuber] juice@) 4 .?-I-shEng mai dbng zhi; Z 4 $j-* mai dbng zhi ophiopogon [tuber] @ (Ophiopogonis Tuber) g 1'74 mrii mkn dong; -if+* clin dbng; % 4 * mrii d6ng; %924* mai mtn dbng Ophiopogon Variant Decoction fin 8% 1'7 4 2% jia jiiin mrii rntn ddng tiing opisthotonos [old] E E #fi yao fin zht; B E tfi ji fin zhi; B 5% E #fi ji qihng fiin zhi; fB 9 E% jiiio g6ng fiin zhiing opposite & fin Opposite the Tongue (GV-15) &X* htng sht oppressid and anxious tXj ;i; chbu m2n bu an oppressed breathing and copious phlegm 5fq % qi mdn thn dub oppression fq mtn oppression in the anterior chest MKi@ Fq xibng qicin bid rntn oppression in the chest J@j F6J xibng rntn oppression in the heart and chest ~~'-\jjhJ+jjl FEl xin xibng yu mtn oppressive ghost dreams ?jFEming yiin; ?jF R f mtng yiin bu ning
oral gan CI @f ktiu giin Orifice Yin (head) (GB-11) %Pa ( % )* qido yin (t6u) oral liquid! I ! BE:& k6u fG yk orally taken paste % B zi giio; If;]jjEBj;ff~JOrigani Herba (wild marjoram) &@% tii; x i h g rh; f@ I%,* tii yin chtn n2i fh giio ji origin Z yuan oral putrefaction & kbu fii origi"al Zyuan oral putrescence @ kbu m i Original Child (CV-17) Z l L * yuan t r orange jessamine root* (Murrayae original qi Z g yuan qi Radix) h 9 B jiii li xiang gZn original qi vacuity E5@ yuhn qi xii; E orange jessamine [twig and leafl (Murrayae Ramulus et Folium) 5E-B yuan qi x6 ruh jiii li xibng original yang Z P B yuhn yhng orderly reaching % S tiho dh original yin E PJ yuhn yin organ % qi originate in channel $.%2$ E btn jing zi f5 organ combination pattern %@fjf;a%iE@ Origin-Boosting Decoction SZ?& yi yuan zang fii xinng jinn zhkng hhu king organ cough Z/$lA 84;f U 2 wii zang liii fii Origin-Boosting Powder 53 yi yuan kt siin organ pattern &jffiE@ zhngfii zhkng hhu origin house [sweat pore] Z$f yuan fii organ pattern identification % B iE Origin-Lifting Brew E jii yuan jiin zhng fii bihn zhing origin mansion [sweatpore] 5 R ; f yuan fii organ qi 2% zang fii zhi qi Origin pa& 'hansport (BL-26Wf10)$&Z organ stroke zhhng zang fii @ guiin yuhn shii organ theory @M+iR zang fii xui shud Origin Pillar (BL-2) Z @ * yuhn zhii oriental medicine % IZ ddrig fiing yi Origin-Preserving Decoction 4% n;$2 bilo xu2 y&n tang Oriental smartweedo (Polygoni OrienOrigin-Regulating Kidney Qi Pill ij2J7c'R talis Herba (cum Radice)) hbng 5% tiao yuhn shtn qi t&zg shui h6ng ciio; $$@$ la liiio; 7N Origin-Restorative Blood-Quickening De.h~ii i coction BZ@, fu yuhn hub x ~ i tiing orientation [old] Z zhi Origin-Restoring Qi-Freeing Powder E Z Orient vinea (Sinomenii seu ' Sabiae ST$& fu yuan tdng qi siin Caulis et Rhizoma) qing f2ng ttng Origin-Securing Brew +hEsmi yuhn jinn orifice 2 @ kdng qiao; [new] % qiao Origin Supplementer (ST-25) +b Z* bii orifice block % @J qiao bi yuhn Orifice-Freeing Blood-QuickeningOecocOrigin-Supporting Powder % j T 3 fh y~ihn tion BE%I@?&tdng qiao hub xu2 tnng sin Orifice-Freeing Powder Be$& tdng qiao Oroxyli Semen (oroxylum [seedlo) 488 sin mu hh dig; 5%5$* ddu ling; i%j+E orifice opening-% @jkGi qiho g*sGn biii liiing yin yao; r;&kE* yLin gic orifice-opening medicinal kni qibo ph bu zi; $ &T*bhi gu zi; zhi; @ ;ff;F* ylio @ & Z &* hiii chuhn gu6 xin; $ 3?E* orifices of the heart &R xin qiao bai yu zhi; gE @I* zhi rhu; &kE* gu zhi; orifices of the kidney ' R e shin qiao %& kR* ybng gu rhi; @A;Ek8*yfi chuhn orifices of the lung f2i qiio hiii chuhn pi; f - g f i@I* ctng zhi; %A#&* qiiin zhi rhu; f-%%* qibn zhiing zhi; 5 Orifice Yin (foot) (GB-44) % Pkl ( E )* qiho yin (zh) yic. hh dit ,
~ +
Oroxylum Decoction *~&J@@Jmu hLi dit ting -0roxy1um [seed] @ (Oroxyli Semen) @ mii hri dit; %$+* dbu ling; B*siin biii liiing yin yiio; r;&$fi* yrin g i ~ brii g2 zi; zhi; Zirff $T* pb bu zi; $ @5* $5WE % ft~,b* hiii churin gu6 xinn; B 3$E* brii yii zhi; $E rn* zhi rbu; i!& gE* gii zhi; S!& i $*fi yring g~ zhi; rpBfigE$~* yn churii~ ctng zhi; fig&* hiii chucin pi; f gfim* qian zhi rou; f %gE* qian zhang zhi; % &dB*yu hu dit orpimento (Auripigmentum) LI& $$ ci huring; E -&S* kfin lun huang orthosiphon@ (Orthosiphonis Herba) 4% ZjS mao xfi ciio; 4teS*huh shi ciio; llX -* a Q shkn ciio Orthosiphonis Herba (orthosiphon@) 48 ?a$ m i o xfi ciio; 4t;6$* huh shi ciio; IIX H a*S ~ & Zc50 Oryzae Acetom (rice vinegar) mi cu Oryzae Aqua (rice water@) @%.i:.itf geng m i g ~ nj#ir ; N*xi krgiin; %iE* m i chtn; %'& 7k* m i giin shui Oryzae Decoctio (rice decoction@) P?J m i tcng Oryzae Fructus Germinatus (rice sprout@) gii yri; @#k* nit mi; f@ ?+t* nit mi; gii nik; Gis*gii nit; fG%* dao ni2; % 8 T* m i gii yri; #fig* dao yd Oryzae Glutinosae Farina (glutinous rice flour@) $% #t#jnub mi f2n G q z a e Gjntanosae Rh&l?ja 22 Wadix (glutinous rice root@) nub dao gZn xfi; @j@?$* dao gZn xu; F$fg@* nub dho gZn Oryzae Glutinosae Semen (glutinous rice@) $$% nub m i Oryzae Semen (non-glutinous rice@) $9 ?+tge!g mi; Q @** brii gZng mi; A** da ml Oryzae Semen cum Monasco (red infested rice@) $ I @ h6ng qii; % * chi qii; $I$*h6ng mi; $S@!I* fii qfi, $I** hong mi; %@* chi qu
Outer Oryzae Semen Veturn (old rice@) [Ifi -& jt chin cing mi; %** 160 mi; E#k*chin mi Oryzae 'Festa (rice husk) ?+t mi pi king; f i X # * chii t6u kiing Oryzae Vinum (rice wine) *@ mi jiii Osbeclkiae Chinensis Herba cum Radice seu Radix (Chinese osbeckia@) XBP tian xiing 1h Osmanthi Floris Distilllaturn (osmanthus [flower] distillatea) t 3 Z l gui bun lu osmanthus [flower] distillate@ (Osmanthi Floris Distillatum) @Z% gui hua
1u Ostreae Concha (oyster shell) Ti-& mil li gt; &B*gfi baz; &j@j+?&* li; zub gii mii li; %&* mil gt; &%* li frirzg; &B* hrio fii; @ ~ hrio * k t ; Eij@T%* h@ li zi kt?; & %* zub k t ; &yj-&* zub mii li; Ti&%* mii li k t other 39 bii otolith' (Pseudosciaenae Otolithum) :& j&;ti yh niio shi; ;S$j'& X 6% shi shGu yti t6u shi; yh shbu shi otteliaa (Otteliae Herba) ft; 116zg sht ciio Otteliae Herba (otteliaa) j& Zj 5 lhzg sht ciio otter's liver' (Lutrae Iecur) j!&jT tii gin ouch point [If$gfi i shl'xut out .P[ wrii outcrop @ rn nii rbu outcrop creeping over the eye & thlg @ nii rbu pin jing outer ankle bone 9 E R wwdi huaz outer assisting bone 9b@@ wai fii gfi outer (body) 9b wai Outer Bright Eyes [non-channel]91 %* wai jing ming Outer Brightness [non-channel]$1t3A wai m ing outer canthus tgtlbt rui zi; 9b[lbt whi zi Outer Ear Opening [non-channel] Sb .T. wai 2r dao k6u Outer Erect Posture [notz-channel]9b B 3 wai zhi li
Outer Eye o f the Knee [non-channel]3\ )@BE* wai xi yiin outer face [of limbs etc.] 5\& whi lirin Outer Fourfold Fullness [non-channel]51 % wai si miin Outer Golden Liquid [non-channel] 5\& @ wai jin jin Outer Hill (GB-36W"O) 5\11 whi qiii; (ST-32) 4\ &* wai qiii Outer Hook (ST-32) 51 Q* wai gbu Outer Jade Humor [non-channel] 5\ 3 @ wai yu y2 Outer Li [non-channel] 3 9 1 li wai Outer Life (KI-7) 91&* wai ming Outer Mound (ST-26WH0)5\ @ wai ling Outer Palace of Toil [non-channel] 5\% wai lho g6ng Outer Panting Stabilizer [non-channel] 51 Z whi ding chuiin Outer Pass (TB-5) 51 # wai guin Outer Pivot (GB-28) 51#E* wai shii outer shank sore S\jP$B wai lian chuing Outer Shoulder Transport (SI-14WC'0)E 41 jiin whi shii outer thigh flat abscess Gii) BPH & gii yhng jii Outer Yin Corner [non-channel] 51PJj& wai yin lihn outlying region [B6 watch, 9-11 a.m.] R yh zhbng outpour diarrhea &% zhu-xit; # & xit zhu Outside the Inner Canthus (BL-1) If;Jtlllt 5\* nhi zi whi Outside Three Li [non-channel] 15l2 iJ?! sGn li whi outthrust dri; B tbu; g E ' xuin tbu outthrust and discharge B # tbu xi& outthrust construction heat through qi B E$$T tbu ying zhuiin qi outthrust evils B!J-Ptbu xit; S%Pdri xi6 outthrust heat St!': tbu rh outthrust macules B B tbu b i n outthrust papules B g tbu zhZn h
overwork outthrust the exterior BS tbu biiio outthrust wind to allow clearing of internal heat BAT ?!? 5\ tbu fEng yLi rh wai outward \I! wai outward desertion $'\a# wai tub outward movement chii outward squint 91 $#$Iwai xit shi Ovate Atractylodes and Aconite Decoction S % Ht 3$51bhi zhu fii zi ting; % M$ ?5I zhri fu ting Ovate Atractylodes and Peony Powder $ %%%% bhi zhh shho yao siin Ovate Atractylodes Paste $ % @ brii zhri g60 Ovate Atractylodes Powder $ & bhi zhri siin ovate atractylodes [root] (Atractylodis Ovatae Rhizoma) 8 % brii zhh; LLI @j* shin ji; *a* tiin ji; $* zhu; jj3$* yLi zhri oven hbng fhng oven-dry lk# 7 hbng gin oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) B j & H fri 16ng gin; 3 7;** fii xih tii; 2 ,Fl P k*fii yut xia tii; ;ti&&* zao xin tii; PC giz*zao zhbng huring tii; M&$$Az* zao xin huring tii Oven Earth Brew j& IT % f6 16ng gin jicin oven-roast $E hhbg wCi overcome @ shtng overcome dampness shkng shi overconsumption of cold foods and drinks ?$ t i n liring yin 1t;ng $$ i,$ Overdue Beverage 3 mtk gni, qi yin overdue tian-gui Z W 3 B tiGn gui gui, qi overeating 8 -&3 t@jin shi gub b i o Overlooking Tears (head) (GB-15) 16 $2 ( & )* lin qi (t6u) Overlooking Tears (Leg) (GB-41) IEI% ( ) * lin qi (zu) overwhelm % chtng overwhelming pve phases] ?$$ xiGng ch tng overwork % R 2& lho 12i gub duo
Oxalidis Oxalidis Corniculatae Herba (creeping wood sorrel@) @ 3R $Z c3 jiiing ciio Oxalidis Corymbosae Herba seu Radix (lavender sorrel@) S tdng chui cbo; iIZE$j?$Z* hdng huii cu jiing ciio; A BRF*da suiin w2i ciio ox epilepsy in children I]\ JL+@j xi60 t r nili xibn Oxhide Lichen Medicinal Paste $&@fi B nili pi xiiin yao gio oxhide lichen (xiiin) $ &@ nili pi xiiin ox horn bone* ( ~ o v i sCornus 0 s ) $% nili jiiio sai; $ % @* niii jiiio sui
Pachysandrae Herba (cum Radice) (Japanese spurge) Z LLI $# xu2 shiin lin packet SIJ ji; $& tid paederiao (Paederiae Scandentis Herba ji shi ttng; 2 Z E*ji et Raddx) Z,l$j?E shi thtg Pqederiae Scandentis Herba et Radix {paederiaa) Z,l$j? Ejfji shi ting; 2Z E* j i shi ting Paeoniae Radix (peony [root]) qfi shbo yho Paeoniae Radix Alba (white peony [root]@) B qfi bbi shbo yao; & Ej fi* jin shbo yao; $ Ej* bbi shbo lz P~en~ise, Radix A!ba A~hr?iensSs 'An-
hui white peony [root]@)S $3hao bhi shbo Paeoniae Radix Alba Hangzhouensis (Hangzhou white peony (Zhejian [root]@)g3*hbng shbo Paeoniae Radix Alba Hangzhouensis (Zhejiangensis) (Hangzhou white peony [root]@) ;"n ?j hang bhi shbo Paeoniae Radix Alba Shaansiensis (Shaanxi white peony [rootla) %$$$ 3 biio ji brii shcio Paeoniae Radix Alba Sichuanensis
pain Oxya (grasshopper) !I$& zha mdng oyster mushroom* (Pleurotus Ostreatus) F32 ping gc oyster shell* (Ostreae Concha) +I& rnii a; &!I&* li gt; Ff B*gii bgn; &lDj+k$@* zu6 g3 rnii li; %!I&* rnii gt; &B*li fbng; !I!%%* hbo fii; @%* hbo k t ; *&Tr,* hiii li zi k t ; & %* zub k t ; &+k&* zub rnii li k t rnii li; +i&E* Oyster Shell and Alisma Powder iZj% rnii li zt xi2 sin Oyster Shell Powder
+k&& mii li siin
(Sichuan white peony [root]@) jll B Tj chuiin bbi shbo Paeoniae Radix Rubra (red peony [root]@) %?B chi shao yao; *qfi* mu shbo yrio; $+kfff&* chhu mii diin pi; iX?fi* hdng shao yao; % q * chi shao Pagoda Top [non-channel] ting tdu pain % ttng; @ thng; %% ting t6ng; @ @ t6ng chii pain alternating between the legs f i J B 2 B #@ liiing tui jiao ti zui, t6ng Pain and Diarrhea Formula @$$%% t6ng xi&yiro fiing pain and distention in stomach duct and abdom-en. that likes pressure EREEg @ )E& wiin fu zhang tong ju an pain and fullness in the rib-side JhT % % xit xia miin tbng pain and itching in the penis 3 r)l@@ jing zhbng tbng yiing pain and swelling due to external injury 4\ 4% /I+ @ wai shiing zh6ng thng pain and swelling of the knee @R+% xi zhbng thng pain and weakness ?3?%yin 66 pain and weakness in the lower leg ?Z?5ji @@ yin 66 jing suiin
pain .
pain around the navel %;l;affm@h u h qi Cr tbng pain around the umbilicus E;l;aff@ rao qi @ rho qi ttng thng tbng; pain a t the corners of the head % & @ t6u jiiio tbng pain a t the vertex @IT$@ di6n ding tbng pain below the heart JL\T@ xin xih tbng pain coming in attacks &% gbng tbng pain exacerbated by the slightest pressure @ T q% thng bu k t jin painful & ttng; @ tdng painful as if fit to break @@#fi ttng rti zht painful diarrhea @ i% thng xi2 painful distention in the chest and ribside j@ /j&K% xibng xit zhhng miin painful distention of the & testicles J$ j S a gio wrin zhhng dng painful impediment (bi) @% thng bi Painful Injury Tablet 4%@7 )+ shing thng ning pihn painful insect and scorpion stings & @ @& ch6ng xi2 shi thng painful itching,pupils 8&@ @ mu t6ng yiing thng; 8& @ B tbng zi yiing tbng painful menstruation [new] @ 'L2 tbng jing painful pendulous external kidney [male genitals] 51 'W ;T: wai shin diio tbng painful protraction of the genitals FA# 7;43, & yin qi xia zbng tong; Pa# T ?A3j % yin qi xi2 zbng yin tbng painful redness of the eyes spreading from the inner canthus €I 8 @ W?& md chi tong nti zi shi painful red hot swollen gums sore i&BE %II$ ?<: @ chi yin h6ng zhbng rl. tong painful swelling from knocks and falls Z& +TI$@ dit dii zhbng thng painful swelling of the fingers )B%fl$@ zhi t6u zhijng tbng painful swelling of the groin R%fl$% shLi xi zhijng tbng painful swelling of the yin door P I$@ yin hu zhijng tbng
pain painful swollen breast T L B A$& rfi fbng zh6ng tbng painful swollen gums %BEI$@ yh yin zhbng thng painful swollen legs /@I$% tui zhijng thng painful swollen testicles &$?A$@ gydo zhbng thng painful testicles P aA @ yin wlin thng painful tongue sht thng painful urination niho tbng; I]\@@ @ xi20 bi&n t
Panacis pain in the sole of the foot ZJLBzli xin pale ?& dan thng pale and dull $g?& an dan pain in the umbilical region mE% qi fu pale-colored nails )E T & % zhi jiiio sh tbng dan pain in the underside of the foot RPT@ pale lips E ?& $ k6u chun dan bai jiiio xi& tbng pale menstrual flow t3 % & ?& ling lai sh pain in the vertex of the head PjjmB lli dan; 23%% & jing lhi dhn s2 ding tbng pale tender-soft enlarged tongue &?&a$ painless needling H$Il'+ @ zhen ci bii !@! shi d6n phng ntn tbng pale tender-soft tongue & ?&fbPII shi zhi pain like the cutting of a knife @4U jrJ $jiJ dan n2n; '$- J@!@!T& sht .zhi n2n dan tbng rh diio gC pale tongue & % $ sht ddn bcii pain like the piercing of an awl %4U# pale white facial. complexion &% $ $4 tbng rii zhui ci mirin st dan bhi pain like the stabbing of a knife j&QUjrJ pale yellow ?&$$ dan hucing $lJ tbng rh dco ci pale yellow facial complexion @j & % $$ pain like the stabbing of a needle @*I$+ mian s2 dan huting $!Jl tbng rci zh2n ci Pallas pit viper@ (Agkistrodon Halys) @ pain of fixed location @ G Z a tbngy6u @'fu sht; &* fin bi ding chu; @ @ ttng thng bir yi palm heart toxin [sore] S JL\@zhiing xin dli Pain Relief Point [non-channel]k@ fl* zhi thng xut palm heart wind SJL\% zhiing xin f2ng palpably hot $324: zhu6 r2 pain relieved by heat f$j= !(:@ 8 dt r2 zk jiiin palpate 37 mtn pain relieved by pressure t$j=$4: dt rt palpation tA qit; qit zhtn tbng jiiin palpebral [If? Ae yiin bco; [If?R yiin jiiin pain relieved by warmth f+?'%B dt wen palpebral margin IR32 yiin xian; €I $2mu tbng jiiin xihn; HiilR mii ging Pain-Relieving Paste 72%B ding tbng giio palpitation' @ ji; ~5?'/3 xin ji Pain-Relieving Pill Z @ A ding dng whn palpitation below the heart JL\,\~;'/$ xin Pain Spirit [non-channel]@ Z tbng ling xia ji pain wind M tbng feng palpitation below the umbilicus fi T 113 paired needling [oneof the twelve needling qi xia ji methods] 1% $11 6u ci palpitation heart pain '/3&@ jji xitt tbng palace E g6ng palpitation-stabilizing Beverage Z 113tA ding ji yin Palace-Clearing Decoction 18 $5 qing Panacis Japonici Folium (Japanese gingong tcng seng leaf) $PI- sh2n yt Palace of Charity (SP-12) EE* cpgbng Panacis Majoris Rhizoma (greater ginpalace of essence #SEjing gong seng [root]) f?TZ-t= zhci jit sfin qi Palace of Essence (BL-52) #gE*jing Panacis Quinquefolii Radix (American g6ng; (GV-4) E E' jing gong ginseng) B#S xi yhng sh2n; BSA S* Palace of Toil (PC-8W'fO) % G lbo giing xi yring rin shen; E& S* huii qi shen; T palatal welling abscess Cybng) k3% ;ol; A S* guiing dbng rtn shbn; B S* xi shang 2 y6ng shen; 1% Z S* f61 fan shCn; @ S* yhng palate $$$!Jj hhng.siing ' shEn
Pancreas-Clearing Decoction $j@$% qing yi ting Pancreas-Clearing Formula No. 1 $Sj%-% qing yi yi hao Pancreas-Clearing Formula No. 2 ?$@ 1 qing yi t r hao Pancreas-Enriching Beverage JIGt$ zi cui yin Pancreas Ransport [non-channel]@&* yi shii Pangolin Powder 3 EflB chuin jiii siin pangolin scalese (Manitis Squama) 9LLI q3 chuin shiin jiii; @ @J !!9 * ling li jiii; @ f@! @ * ling li jiiio; J II LLI Et3 * chuan shin Efl* !I!biE li jiii; &@@)+* qi lin pian; jiii; %& h%k*iin pirin; LLI Efl* shiin jiii; LIJ FK* shin jiii pian; T K * jiii pian Pangolin Scales Powder % LLI q3 B chuiin shiin jiii siin Panici Miliacei Semen (broomcorn mil, let) %% shii mi; $$%* shil mi paniculate cynanchumO (Cynanchi Paniculati Herba cum Radice) f$itlj&P xil chhng qing; B 3 TT* lirio diiio zhil panning %j%Jtho panting W % qi chuiin Panting [non-channel] n% ,@, chuiin xi panting [new] n$ chuiin; a%,@, chuiin xi panting and cough GUM chuiin shu; chuiin k t panting and fullness n$% chuiin miin panting and palpitation chuiin ji panting-calming medicinal n$, ping chuiin yao panting counterflow chuiin ni Panting Cure [non-channel] ?&n%* zhi chuiin panting patterns n % i I chuiin zhtng panting rale D$@ chuiin mitzg Panting Stabilizer [non-channel] Z 1% ding chuiin Panting-Stabilizing Decoction % D% $51 ding chuiin tang Panting-Stabilizing Powder n % B ding chuiin s i n
paralysis panting with inability to catch one's breath n%+f+,@, chuiin bu d t xi; D$,+f+ 9chuiin bu d t qi panting with raised shoulders a%,@, $2jj2j chuiin xi thi jian Papaveris Pericatpium (poppy husk) R E ying sh kg; {By- ?I-* yntz d6u d6u; !& H- {!A % Z* yii pian yan gu6 guii; 4iQ % g*yu mi kk; E* sli lit; @ g E ' ying su qirio Papaveris Surculus (poppy shoot) &i!i!i ying su ntn mi60 paper mulberry fruito (Broussonetiae Fructus) g g ch6 shi; @%?* chii shi zi; %#k* chii tho paper mulberry leaf" (Broussonetiae Folium) & P i - chLi yk paper mulberry roote (Broussonetiae @f@ chii shh yen Radix) @j paper mulberry sapo (Broussonetiae Suc' chii shu jiiin bhi zhi cus) &&$ Td$ # Paper Plaster 2 $f€B jia zhi gao paper-wrap roast 4f€Yj?@ dzi jiang wZi papule j@ zhZn; zhh papules E @ f i zhe'n; @FzhZn zi paradoxical [as treating hetrt with heut] E fin paradoxical assistant fi{pEi f6n zu6 yao; IfiE fiin zuii paradoxical treatment [e.g., treatittg cold with cold] E ?& fiin zhi parallel # bing paralysis j$$B mLi bi; )$kgtan huiin; %% & t i n hnhn; A tan; & hurin Paralysis Cure [non-channel] $& A ( 5 ) * zhi tan (5) Paralysis Cure #6 [non-channel] ?3A
( A ) zhi t i n (6) Paralysis Cure #7 [non-channel] ?6 ( t ) * zhi tun (7) Paralysis Fighter [non-channel] &!.! #% zhan tnn paralysis of the arms @$2f+g dan bi bu sui paralysis of the limbs B zhi ti b2 m i ; fz+s shciu zu bu sui
paralysis paralysis of the sinews iri;$!$kA@ jin mai tdn huan Paralysis Strengthener [non-channel]@ % jian t i n Paralytic's Health [non-channel]$kA& tdn kdng Paralytic's Recovery [non-channel]@B tiin fu Paralytic Stands [non-channel] $kA 2 t i n li paralyzed bh sui paralyzed face with deviated mouth Z mian tan kbu wai paralyzed tongue g @ B shk mh,bi parameter [new] tm gang; [OM] N ! gang Parasite-Expelling Pill & zhui ch6ng win paravertebral muscles J#shtn Paravertebrals [non-channel] %+f ji6 ji paravertebral sinews g l&; g@j16 jin parch % jido parched black tongue fur % Z%, S shk tdi jido hbi parched body hair % %, mho jiio parched lips E 'f %, kkb chun gin jiao; E %, chrin jido parched tangled hair %yj %$%m a fa jiho sui parched teeth E, chi jiho Paridis Rhizoma (paris [root])St* ziio xiii; VRQ*ciio hk chb; LPt-lrlfiE* qi yt yi zhi hud parietal bone t6u 16 gii paris [root]* (Paridis Rhizoma) Sf* z i o xiii; s?iij+ cao * ize che; Z; Pt-ex' qi yh yi zhi huh parmeliaa (Parmelia) ;ETE shi huh Parmelia (parmeliaa) 6% shi huh Parocheti Herba (shamrock pea) --$!ji& yi kb xu2 paroxysmal cough U% P% {T kk d i d zhtn zu6 Paroxysmal Tachycardia Formula P9 E 11% JL\313%k zhtn fh xing xin d6ng gu6 su fiing part 3 bu
patella parting needling [one of the nine needling methods] %$1] fzn ci Parting of the Flesh (GB-38) $) fen rhu Parting Space (GB-38) $)H*fbn jiiin parturition .f).&fZn jii; /j$Ptdt chiin; p chin; 9@ fZn dan; 9%fbn miiin: $) 3 fbn shen; % 9 miiin shbn' pass [mountain pass] # guin; [move from one place to another] I$ chuan passage 15 chuhn Passage Hub (TB-1) # j$ gurin ch6ng passageway # gulln Passer (sparrow) B qut; ell* qut tr; @@* ma gut Passeris Excrementurn (sparrow's droppings) B T % bhi ding xiang pass from the exterior into the interior $ %A 9 zi biiio ru li' pass from the exterior to interior &%A ybu biiio ru ti pass from the interior to the exterior $ % ,% % zi li chfi biiio; & % h'S y6u li chii biiio Pass Gate (ST-22W110) # 1'7 guin mkn Pass Head (CV-4w110)# Zguhn yuan passing of blood moles in menstruation $27; fi jing xia xu2 660; $3ijF T; fi jing lai xi2 xut bho passing of flesh moles in menstruation $9 T 7;m f i jing lai xia rou bdo passing of twice as much fluid as is drunk 'i:k-7% 1yin yi sbu tr pass into the interior A ru li Pass Rabbit [non-channel]# % guhrz tu pass through guan paste #@ hh; [medicalpreparation] @ gao paste preparation B 3IJ gdo ji patch @ dian patchoulim (Pogostemi Herba) j$': B guiing hui, xiing; BH*xihtzg zhi patchy peeling tongue fur bZ%3IJ sht tai hud 66 patella E bin; .ifE bin; fl$Exi bin; A%@ xi bin; E S xi gai
path Z dao Pathfinder Poria (Hoelen) Pill )E 5tL zhi m i fLi ling wrin Pathfinder Seven Qi Decoction ) E S -k", $5zhi m i q i qi tang pathocondition [interchangeable with ijE zhing] E zhtng pathogen [old] 4P xit pathomechanism f i bbig j i pathway of qi 5% qi dao patient f i A bing r t n ; ,%,A huan rtn; ,% 8 huan zh2; 6 % bing jiii , patient dock [root] a (Rumicis Patientiae E E tzih x i xi Radix) patient keeps himself well wrapped up ;C3 ?fiS yi bti ch6ng d i t Patriniae Heterophyllae Radix (heterophyllous patrinia [root]) B XIEI mu t6u hui; BXE*mu t6u hut pattern ijE zhktzg; iElG zhtng hhu pattern identification S i j E bian zhtng pattern type iE@ zhkng xing PCwllQ4-1 t3 xin bao.jing; l i t @ xin bao; %RPB lL\@ $3sh6u jut yin xin biio jinx PC-1 (Celestial Convergence) RG*tian hui; (Celestial Pool) *Ph ti& chi PC-2 (Celestial Dampness) Z tian shi; (Celestial Spring) tian qurin; (Celestial Warmth) R ?%* tian wen PC-3WllO (Marsh at the Bend) qii zt PC-4W110 (Cleft Gate) El5 TJ xi m t n PC-5 (Ghost Road) %%* gui 1;; (Intermediary Courier) [i?j 1 9 jiiin shi PC-6W110 (Inner Pass) m # n t i guiin
PC-7 (Ghost Heart) p i xin; (Great Mound) A @ da ling; (Hand Heart Governor) f&3.shciu * xin zhii; (Heart Governor) &&* zhii xin PC-8 (Center of the Palm) 2fZ @" zhiing zhong; (Construction Palace) BE*ying g6ng; (Five Li) 59;'wii li; (Ghost Cave) %@* gui k u ; (Ghost Road) % ,%' giii l i ~ ;(Palace of Toil) % E lrio gong
Pearl PC-9Wu0 (Central Hub) +I$ zh6ng ch6ng Peaceful Interaction Pill 93j? jkl. jiiio tai whn Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar ~ i l sE i $5 h iin g6tzg tziu huring whn Peach Blossom Decoction #kEPfn trio huii tiing peach-blossom lichen ( x i i n ) $&E B tho huii x i i n Peach Blossom Powder j FjkE% trio huii sin peach kernelo (Persicae Semen) $&{Itho r i n ; %#biz* guring trio r i n ; #L@{I* trio h t rtn Peach Kernel and Carthamus Beverage #b trio h6ng yin] Peach Kernel and Carthamus Brew g 1 E$, tho r i n h6ng huii jiiin Peach Kernel and Carthamus Four Agents Decoction 4% M L!I M P% trio h6ng si wu tang Peach Kernel Decoction #{I?% trio rtn tang Peach Kernel Gruel +&{I$#$trio rttz zh6u Peach Kernel Qi-Infusing Decoction $&@ SYP%trio h t chtng qi tiing; #ki~@cYP% trio r t n chtng qi tang peach leap (Persicae Folium) #kPt trio Y2 peach twigo (Persicae Ramulus) tjk$$ trio' zhi; #k@i@* trio shu zhi Peanut Gruel @ E% S#$ lu6 hun sheng zh6u peanut [kern&* (Arachidis Semen) & E Y lui, huii shCng; ++%* chring sheng guci; ztg*tii dhu; B E S * luo hua sh2n; &G* f i n dhu; E%*h u i sh2ng peanut scad-coato (Arachidis Testa) E Z hua sh2ng y i pear juice* (Pyri Fructus Succus) ?$2# l i zhi pearl R zhii; (Margarita) 3$% zh2n zhii pearlo (Margarita) B%*zh2n zhii; B ;k*zhan zhu; !I#%* bang zhii; %+* zhii zi; @f%*lirin zhii Pearl and Bezoar Powder %$5$& zhii huring siin
pearl in the ear [trgus] q-+E+?? tr zhbng zhii zi pearl of the ear qf$j? t r zhii Pearl Powder BE+?$& zhtn zhii sfin Pearls and Jade Gruel f$j?2 IZ% zhG yut t r ba'o zhbu pearl-string lumps l%@ jiii ying Pearl Top [non-channel] zhii ding pear peelm (Pyri Exocarpium) 2 & lipi; 2T-*li gin pecking Sparrow pulse @n@IJ& quk zhub mai pectus carinatum X!$J@J j i xibng pectus gallinatum J@J j i xidtzg pedicel ddi peeling fur $r]Sbb tiii peeling tongue %$I] shi bb peeling tongue fur S91Jtiii bb; g?j9J-g tiii bb lui, Peg Bone ((3x1-1) &I%* jud gii peg bone [sacrum and coccyx] &+j jut gfi Peking bovine bezoara (Bovis Bezoar Pekinense) S +% jing niri huang Peking euphorbia [root] O (Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix) i;A $A jing da ji; & R S* lbng hii c&o pendulous uvula E B 7;S xuan ybng xia chui penetrate X: z6u; @ cuhn penetrating vessel [old] i$ chbng; chbng mhi penetration Z z6u penis Z jing; 2 Z yil jing; PA Z yin jing; yang shi pents'ao $3 be'n cfio Peony and Licorice Decoction q Z ? j Q S ?% shag yao giitz cfio tiing Peony Decoction q % t % shho yao tiing Peony, Licorice, and Aconite Decoction 9 Z?jWSNf??% shho yao giin cfiofh zi tiing Peony, Licorice, Rhubarb, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction Ej Q $$ Nrf.$% shao giin hucing xin fu tiing peony [root] ' (Paeoniae Radix) 3 i shho yho
Perillae pepper0 (Piperis Fructus) hu jilio; 3$&* yu jiiio; &$R* fri jiiio; & H * gii yu2 peppercorn or millet sore of the eye €I % mu shtng jiiio su peppercorn sore jiiio chuiing peppery zanthoxylum~ (Zanthoxyli Piperiti Fructus) $fJ shin jiio
percolate $8shin percolate dampness through the heat @ B 'f f ,7; sh2n shi yii r2 xia Perfect Major Supplementation Decoction +*A +I $5 shi quhn dh bii tiirzg Perfect Major Supplementation Paste +I W shi qurin dh bii glio Perfect Major Supplementation Pill j-2 75 +b h shi qucin da bii wan perform bedroom [activities] j? E xing fbng perfuse @ xuGr.~;@@ xuiin tbng perfuse the orifices @% xuiin qi2o perfusion E xuiin; E S xuiin tbng perianal welling abscess Cydng) jIH gling zhbu sh2ng ybng pericardiac network IL\ .@ $8 xin biio lui, pericardiac pattern t i \ @ iiE xin biio zh2ng pericardium IL\ @ xin biio; IC\@ $8xin biio lui, pericardium channel IL\ & FJ xin biio ling pericardium connects with the triple burner IL\ @ 3 xin biio luh hi? siin jiiio Perilla and Tangerine Peel Decoction 5 .%?& sii jLi m g Perillae Albae Caulis (white perilla sterna) Q X @ brii sLI gtng. Perillae Albae Cortex (white perilla bark@) Q 5& blii sii pi Perillae Albae Folium (white perilla leafa) X P t bcii sii yk Perillae Albae Semen (white perilla blii SO zi seed@) Perillae Caulis (perilla sterna) %X@f zi SC gtng; % @* sd gtng; % 5Z W* zi sii jing y2
Perillae Perillae Folium (perilla leaf@) %%Pt zi su yt; sut*sii yt Perillae Folium, Caulis et Calyx (perilla [stem, leaf and calyx]@)%% zi sii Perillae Fructus (perilla fruit@) % zi sii zi; % X T * tie sii zi; % X T * hLii sii zi; X F * sii zi Perillae Semen Pulveratum (perilla seed frost@) 35% sii zi shuang perilla fruit@ (Perillae Fructus) % 33 zi sii zi; %%T* ti6 sii zi; %%T * hLii sii zi; X T * sii zi Perilla Fruit Qi-Downbearing Decoction 39p $ q $3~sii zi jiang qi tang perilla leaf@ (Perillae Folium) %%Pt zi sii yt; % q-*sii yt Perilla Leaf and Coptis Decoction XPt BS$&sii y2 huhng lihn t6ng Perilla Leaf Decoction %Pt$&sii y2 tang Perilla Leaf Fetus-Quieting ever age % tk zi sii an tlii yin X Perilla Seed and Hemp Seed Gruel %% R . f @~ zi sii m h rin zhdu Perilla Seed and Tingli Phlegm-Rolling Pill %S?%@ h sii ting giin t i n whn perilla seed frost@ (Perillae Semen Pulveratum) 3Tz sii t i shuang perilla stem@ (Perillae Caulis) % Z @zi sii gcng; 5@* sii ge'ng; % 33 P t * zi sii jing yt perilla [stem, leaf and calyx] @ (Perillae Folium, Caulis et Calyx) %% zi sC perineum B curin; &Pa hui,yin period f@ shi periodic fl* shi period of twelve watches @fl$ zui shi perished complexion %& yZo st perished flat abscess (jii) yao jii peristropheo (Peristrophes Bivalvis Herba) A@,S y6 dian qing Peristrophes Bivalvis Herba (peristrophe@)B@$S ye' dian qing Peristrophes Roxburghianae Herba (Roxburgh peristrophe@) $ 'L4 % Ihbng si xirin
periumbilicat pain Y; iiT~@$ huhn qi t r % rao qi ting tbng; t%R% tbng; rao qi tbng perpendicular insertion E$IJ zhi ci perpetual t$t% mihn mihn Persicae Folium (peach leaf) tho yt Persicae Ramulus (peach twig) #kg tho ' zhi; +&$I$&+ tho shu zhi Persicae Semen (peach kernel) #k41 tho guiing tho rin; #k&*I{ tho rin; %+jk.f~* h i rin Persicae Semen 'hsum (crushed peach I! tho rin ni kernel@) #$@ persimmon calyx' (Kaki Calyx) @% shi di; @T*shi ding; @%* shi i.; @$3*shi qihn; M T E*shi zi bii Persimmon Decoction %% @J shi di tnng persimmon frost' (Kaki Saccharum) shi shuang persimmbn frost cakeo (Kaki Sacchari Rotundula) M%t;#shi shucZng bing persimmon leaf. (Kaki Folium) MDt shi Y? persistent erection Z $ Z jing qihng; ZSZ F & jing qihng bu we'i; Z 45 % @$ T * @ jing chang xing shtng bu we'i; $8 yin qiang; iM T 4% yin zbng bu shdu; ?)A fB 4% yin qi z6ng ting 62 shdu; 58 T 1gU yhng qihng bu diio; iM f@ T 4k zbng ting bu shdu; ffi& ting ch6ng; PBfE yin ting; FJj#Ei5 yin ting chhng; 5% I3II yin qihng bu d i o ; iM yin zbng; PB % T 3Z yin jii bu shuai persistent fever $3bR W t4: chi xu fcZ rt persistent flow of lochia S E T E 2 W 62 ]in; ,L,sFE t 1r.i bu yi; S E F k t lu bu zhi; SET!$ i tu bu jui persistent flow of lochia S ZTW 2 lu bii duan persistent impediment (bi) Z'g yuiin bi persistent sweating tT+k han bu zhi persistent vacuity fever @$%+ & xii shao bu tui persistent vacuity sweating E$F+k xii ' hrin bu t h i
Pa +
person A rkn; ?$? jki person suffers from excessive sweating $T ?$? han jia person who suffers from blood collapse t@?$? whng xu2 jirZ person who suffers from dampness EZ shi jiLZ person who suffers from jaundice $$Z huhng jiii person who suffers from panting chuiin jii person who suffers from retching (and vomiting) t@Zciu jia person who suffers from rheum tAZ yin jilz person who suffers from seminal loss X %g%shi jing jia person who suffers from sores % Z chuiing jiii person who suffers from spontaneous external bleeding B3% nu jiii person who suffers from strangury (lin) M% lin jiii person who suffers from vacuity E Z xii jiii person who suffers from wind diseases R Z f2ng jiii perspiration E f f fa hizn; 2T hiin Perspiration-Checking Powder k$T& zhi han s i n perspire ?T hrin; E?T frZ hizn perverse li perverse crop- (la li) $fj!$j la li; ~ , $ % la li; @JjjQla li perverse cropped (la li) head $5jB&la li t6u perverse qi W 5 li qi perversion of yin and yang PBPH $ E yin yhng guiii li perverted appetite ffi -& W pian shi yi wu pestilence $f li pestilential qi $fTli qi pestilential wind $fR li fZng pestle and mortar 13 f i jiu ch6 petalled gums i'&i!jE/r$$@ chi yin jik ban
Phellodendri petalled tongue fur S L 8$@ shk shcing qi brin Peucedani Radix (peucedanum [root]@) qihn hh; S R * yhn fcng; {Zmi$Jj* xin qihn hu; PEi;SB* jian hh; quhn hri peucedanum [root] @ (Peucedani Radix) au i@ qian hh; S)A,* yhn feng; {$m@J* xin qian hu; PEi;SB* jiiin hh; *#* quhn hh Phalacrocoracis Saliva (cormorant's lh saliva) &B@ lh si xian; P9 ci xihn Pharbitidis Semen (morning glory [seed]) @ +T qian nih zi; Ia * t r chbu; @+* qian nih; % $ 3 * h2i bhi ch6u Pharbitidis Semen Album (white morning glory [seed]@) 123 bhi chbu; 13!$ bbi qiiin nih; 0 ZiZ T* bbi qiiin nih zi Pharbitidis Semen Atrum (black morning glory [seed]@) % 3 hZi chbu; SiS hei qicn nih; R@+ T * hZi qiin niu zi Pharbitidis Semen Pulveratum (powdered morning glory [seedlo) @ PX* qiiin nih zi m6
pharyngeal DQ yin pharynx i@l yan Phaseoli Aurei Semen (mung bean) @ ddu; W /I\ g* qing xiiio d6u Phaseoli Calcarati Semen (rice bean) % /I\ !Z chi xiiio d6u; 4 1 I]\ G * h6ng xi60 ddu; /I\ /rISH*xiiio h6ng lu dhu; /J\ Q* jin h6ng xiiio dou; J]\ g * zhii g * zhii chi ddu; %G* chi xicio d6u; ;k% d6u; ZIG* h6ng dhu Phellodendri Cortex (phellodendron [bark]@)-8#$ huhng biii; @** bd mu; % E*b6 pi; Ill ;f;Q*chucin biii; $$;f;Q* huhng bcii; St$*huhng b6; %@* hukng bo; B b6 mu . Phellodendri Cortex Carbonisatus (charred phellodendron [bark]@)B #$% huhng biii tan
Phellodendri Cortex Orientalis (Eastern phellodendron [bark]@)%%#Q d6ng huling biii; # %#$*gunn huhng biii; # #Q*g u i n 6iii Phellodendri Cortex Sichuanensis (Sichuan phellodendron [bark]@)jll %;t;Q chuan huang ba'i; Ill #* chunn 66 phellodendron [bark] @ (Phellodendri Cortex) B#Qhuhng biii; @** bi, mu; @ B*bi, pi; Jl(it;Q*chuan biii; $$il;Q*huhng biii; B # Q *huhng bd; B @ * huhng bi,; @ bi, mu philtrum A rkn zh6ng; 7k$t~shui gdu phlegm @. tan Phlegm-Abducting Decoction $$ @?$ diio tlin tang phlegm accumulation @$R thn j i phlegm accumulation diarrhea @$,9#$% thn j i xi2 xi2 phlegm accumulation vomiting @$RUED& thn j i ciu tu phlegm aggregation (pi) @@ thtz pi phlegm and blood tan xu2 phlegm and qi binding together @ 5% 26 tan g i hu j i t phlegm and qi congestion @ 5 S # thn qi ydng t h i phlegm and qi obstructing each other @ 5 9IIEl thn qi jiGo zii phlegm block @ thn bi phlegm clamor @I@thn cao phlegm clouding the pericardium @%& 4 3 thtz mtng xin b i o phlegm confounding the orifices of the heart @%&% thn m i xin qiao phlegm congestion in the chest and diaphragm in vacuity patients E A @ S m !$?I xu r i n tan y6ng xidng g i phlegm congestion seminal emission @@ 3 % tan y6ng yi jing phlegm constipation @@s thtz bi
phlegm containing blood @ +!%& thn h 3 z g dai xu2 phlegm cough @I& lrin kk phlegm-damp B?Z tan shi
phlegm-heat phlegm-$amp cough @ E0% n,$j thn shi kk si,u phlegm-damp headache @EAj& thn shi t6u t6ng phlegm-damp infertility @ E T 9 thn shi bu y3n phlegm-damp obstructing the lung @% PHI$ tan shi zii f2i phlegm-damp obstruction @ B P B% thn shi zii zhi phlegm depression, @ ;fi'[l thn yir Phlegm Depression Decoction @%[l@~ thn yu tnng phlegm diarrhea @i% thn xi2 phlegm-drool tan xihn phlegm-drool congestion @ @ @ & thn xihn ybng shtng phlegm epilepsy B#ij thn xihn Phlegm-Expelling Pill @@% qii thn whn phlegm-fire @ A tan huci phlegm-fire blocking the heart @ A H & tdn hud bi xin phlegm-fire deafness %A 8.@- tan hud t r ldng phlegm-fire dizziness @ A 1%S thn huci xuan yiin phlegm-fire fearful throbbing @ A tlEJt+ thn hud zh2ng chbng phlegm-fire harassing the heart @A % & tan hu6 riio xin phlegm-fire headache @ k thn hui: tdu thng phlegm-fire [sore] @ A tan hud phlegm-fire tetany % A1% thn huii ci; A @ thn hub jing phlegm-fire tinnitus % A'ET.D2, tan hud e'r m ing Phlegm-Flushing Decoction &@@.I di tcin tling phlegm foaming a t the mouth Digs k6u tii thtz m6 phlegm glomus ~6 t i n p i phlegm gurgling in the throat @rCiJ@+ @@ h6u jian thn shEng lu 12 phlegm-heat &?4: thn r2 phlegm-heat brewing internally @?4\ rjtJg thrz r2 nti.yhtz
phlegm-heat chest bind BTk\t$m thn rt jit xibng phlegm-heat congesting the lung B ?(\ E 8$ thn rt ybng fti phlegm-heat harassing the inner body 24: If;Jjji thn r2 n2i riio phlegm-heat harassing the upper body B %l$% thn rt shang riio phlegm-heat lying depressed in the lung @ ?A fib 84 thn rkn yu fti phlegm-hGat obstructing the lung @?&R fl* thn rt zii fti phlegm hiccough .&Ilk thn t phlegm like rotted threads @j(R%% tin rli bai xit phlegm lodged in the channels ?3L 'B thn liLi jing lnh phlegm lodged in the chest and rib-side @ Zj' j13 thn lili xibng xi6 phlegm lodged in the limbs BZj'E# thn lili zhi ti phlegm malaria BE thn nu2 phlegm node @@ tbn ht phlegm node of the eye [1B%B;f% yiin shdng thn h i phlegm node of the eyelid llRj@@iF% yin bbo jiin zhiing ht bbo thn h i ; /@€/I$ /I$& phlegm obstructing the chest and diaphragm g PRJjQRE thn zii xibng gi phlegm obstructing the network vessels of the lung BPRE$it& thn zii fti lub phlegm obstructing the orifices of the heart Z thn zii xin qiao phlegm obstruction spontaneous sweating
*mik' Rue lSL y a n
-.': -:
.. .
phlegm panting BIlg thn chuiin Phlegm Panting [non-channel]@$.a$ thn chuiin phlegm pattern thn zhtng phlegm pouch @@ thn biio phlegm-qi bind @.yfib2% thn qi yu jit phlegm rale %C-_S thn ming phlegm rale in the throat g +@P_S h6u zhbng thn ming phlegm rale like the sound of a saw BF % thn shZng rli jii
phlegm phlegm reversal BE tin jut phlegm reversal headache BRA@$ tan jut t6u thng phlegm-rheum Stk tan yin phlegm-rheum abdominal pain @tk@% tbn yin fu thng phlegm-rheum aversion to cold @$A 8 % thn yin wil hhn phlegm-rheum cough @ tkU3Ufi thn yin k t shu phlegm-rheum dizziness @tk[k;@ thn yin xuin yiin Phlegm-Rheum Pill gthh thn yin wan phlegm-rheum rapid panting @ tk C-3$3 trin yin chuiin ji phlegm-rheum rib-side pain %@fifE@ thn yin xi6 t6ng phlegm-rheum stomach duct pain @tkfZj JE@ tin yin wki wiin thng phlegm-rheum vomiting %$kUEUl thn yin 6u tLi Phlegm-Rolling Pill @@$L giin thn whn phlegm scrofula @@7 thn li; @@ thn lu6 phlegm stagnation malign obstruction @ BEPR thn zhi 2 zii phlegm-stasis thn yii phlegm stroke g thn zhhng phlegm transformation 4tB hua tbn phlegm-transforming medicinal 4 t hua thn yao phlegm-transforming water-disinhibiting formula it $11 7k huh thn li shui ji phlegim turbidity @$& thn zhub phlegm -- turbidity clouding the orifices of the heart g$&Ej&;tL\Z thn zhu6 mtng bi xin qiao phlegm turbidity clouding the peritbn zhu6 ming cardium g$&%j&&& bi xin biio; g$&% & @ thn shli nti mtngxin biio phlegm turbidity congestion B$&@% thn zhu6 ybng siii phlegm turbidity harassing the upper body &$&k)Ji; tin zhu6 shhng rio phlegm turbidity obstructing the lung @ &Pfl/J$thn zhu6 zii f2i
phlegm vomiting @I@thn rju phlegm wheezing @@ thn xiao phoenix )Z ftng; m B ftng huhng phoenix-tail ferna (Pteridis Multifidi Herba) Fil E 3 ftng wti ciio; $ Bt;P g* bhi jiiio ciio
Pholidotae Chinensis Pseudobulbus seu Herba (rattlesnake orchid@) E!th$j&shi
picking Phyllodii ~ufclhdli Cadis et Folium (string-of-cash) ++BZphi qihn ciio; fSF
#3$$*prii qihn shu phymatopsisa (Phymatopsis Herba (cum Radice)) @S&EZ$ t zhiing jin xing ciio;
-kE g*qi xing jibn
xian tho
Phymatopsis Herba (cum Radice) (phymatopsis@) @ -g&E @ t zhiing jTn
Photiniae C a d i s (photinia sterna) GTej @ shi ncin ttng Photiniae Foliurn (photinia leafa) G B
Physalis Alkekengi Calyx (lantern plant & f l guh jin dfizg; @,;M E' jin calyx)
P i shi nhn yk;
6+ E a t *
shi nhn y t
photinia leafa
xing ciio;
-t=E G* qi xing jirin
deng lbng
Physalis Alkekengi Nerba (lantern plant)
(Photiniae Folium) ;ti@ ?g suGn jiang G$@P-t* shi nhn yt Physalis Angulatae Herba (cut-leaved photinia stem@ (Photiniae Cadis) 6% groundcherrya) $@{?%pflo ziii ciio @$ shi nhn ttng physical 83 xing photophobia ,%% wLi hdr2 physical body ff3 xxing phragmites [root] 0 (Phragmititis Rhiphysical cold #?@ xing hhn zoma) F@ lLi gen; F$&* lLi mho gdn; - 34 &* w t i g e ~ F physical cold and cold limbs A?%jE& ; GtW"1h gii g2n; F!$k xing hhn zhi ltng @* 1; chhi gdn; FB*1Li tong; %3@* wti zi g&z; F lL mrio gZn physical cold and fear of cold 83 %?'A% phragmites stem@ (Phragmititis Caulis) xing hhn qit ltng; fF3 @ ll'Q?$ xing hcin pa D t shi nhn y t ;
T; Z 1Li jing;
qz*wti jing
Phragmifes Stem Decoction % S ?Zi wZi jing tang
Phragmititis Caulis (phragmites stem@) T; Z 1Li jitzg;
%Z*wti jing
Phragmititis Rhizoma [rootla) F + R lh gen;
PStR* lh mho gcn; %;f;R* w t i gdn; Fz&* 1Li gii g2n; F #R* 1Li chhi g2n; P&* 1Li tong; %+ @* w t i zi gdn; Fa@* 1Li mho gZn
Phragmititis Rhizoma Recens (fresh phragmites [rootla) @ F$F(xian 14 gEn Phragmititis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus (fresh phragmites [root] sapa) E$F@ .)-t xuin lli gdn zhi
Phyilanthi Urinariae Herba (cum Radice) (phyllanthusa) 3$3%g zhiin zhfi ciio; pJr
e g *y t
h t ciio; Pt-@%*
y t hou zhii; P t
T%%* yk xi& zhd phyllanthus@ (Phyllanthi Urinariae Herba (cum Radice)) @X% zhbz S zhii CSO;
$zg* ~2 j
~ ciio; t
P t 7;%* yl. xih zhfi
n t q 2 3 3 y yk llou
physical fatigue and lassitude of spirit 83 @ ,$jxing , jubn shtn dhi physical form 82 xing physical viscus [viscus] #3jj&xing zang physician E!& yish2ng; EYifiy i s l ~ i ;E yi physochlainaa (Physochlainae Radix) LLI$ huh shan shZn Physochlainae Radix (physochlaina@) % LLI $ huh shin shiin Phytolaccae Radix (phytolacca [rootla)
j%j pdj shang 1u; zhiing liii g2n
3 pdj*
ding lu; 33 i('@*
Phytolacca Gruel '@ji&?~43shiing 12 zh6u phytolacca [root] a (Phytolaccae Radix) @j pdj shins 1u; 3 fili* diitzg lh; Z$2 +#;f;W* zhiing liii g2n
pi [abdominal mass] lPif p i ; [old] 2l'i pi pi [old] @ pi picking at bedclothes &?FE3R niiin yi m6 chuhng;
xhn y i md chucing
pick open Hhf& tiio pi, pick to bleed &$lJ$%& tiiio ci fang xut Picrorhiza and Mume RoundwormQuieting Decoction B@j% $!I $3~lian mti iin hui tiing Picrorhizae Rhizoma (picrorhiza [rootla) &ASSh h huung lian; &A%' hLi lihn; &A B*hLi 1iLin picrorhiza [root] @ (Picrorhizae RhiS hh huring lian; #jZ* hLi zoma) i$JS hh lian lihn; pierce l$d cuhn piercing eyes Fxed eyes] [IR €I @ i!X yiin mu cuan shi pigeon chest G3-D gui xiong pigeon chest and turtle's back in children /I\ I L $ j @ j + g ~ xiiio t r jixiong gui bti pige's bilee (Suis Pasta Fellis) &$flH@ zhii d i n gbo pig's bilee (Suis Bilis) 3$/JH.~zhu diin zhi Pig's Bile Enema $$jjH*%& zhu diin zhi diio fii pig's bile enema 3gBH.)-1-% zhii diin zhi diio pig's bone* (Suis 0 s ) 3$B zhu gii pig's gallbladdere (Suis Vesica Fellea) $g Ba zhii diin pig's gallbladder powdere (Suis Fel Exsiccatum) $$/JH7 zhii diin gin fZn pig's ileum* (Suis Ileum) 3$Wh zhii fgn chang Pig's Intestine Pill $%@Ttlzhii zhng wan pig's intestines* (Suis Intestina) @jEzhii
- Y
Pig's Intestines and Cnptis Pill zang licin wan pig's kidney* (Suis Renes) zhii shtn; 3%@T* zhii yiio zi pig's large intestine0 (Suis Intestinum Crassum) 3ghR3-Jzhii da chcing Pig's Liver Powder 3$flT$& zhii gbn siin pig's pancreas* (Suis Pancreas) 3$j@ zhii T * sh2ng zhii yi ti yi; +3$ pig's small intestine* (Suis Intestinum Tenue) 3%/J\ @ zhii xi60 chang
Pinellia pig's spine marrow* (Suis Spinae Medulla) j%@%zhii j i sui pig's stomach* (Suis Stomachus) j$B zhii dii Pig's Stomach Gruel 0 $$$f$af# bbi zhu zhii dii zhbu Pig's Stomach Pill $$f$afJtlzhii clii wan; 3$)tkTtl zhii dfi wan pig's testis' (Suis Testis) EgP tiin luiin; 3%$P* zhii luiin pig's thyroid gland* (Suis Glandula Thyroidea) @E zhd yt pig's trotter* (Suis Pes) 48% zhd ti Pig's 'Ikotter Gruel $%@# zhii ti thou pile % zhi; %% zhi chuiing pile of bricks dit zhuiin pill &, wan pillar $2 zhu pillar bone [collar bone] &f$ zhu gii Pillar Border (BLr2) Bil;Z* yubn zhu Pillar Side [non-channel]+$j$J zhu ct pill machine %IJTtl#l zhi whn ji pillow bone ~B zhe'n gii Pillow Bone (GB-11)B *ifE-i zhtn gii. Pillow Elixir & $ B zhe'n zhang diin pill preparation A3IJ wan ji; j t ~ f i r ] wan ji pimple E % gZ dii pimples cub chubng pinch % jiii; R xi&;@ ni2 pinch-and-lift needle insertion B @ iE$?f & ti nib jin zh2n fii Pinched Ravine (S;B-42)%tg* jib xi; (GB-43w"o) {gt g xib xi Pinching Sauce Receptacle [non-channel] % S 33 jiii chtng jiiing Pinching White (LU-4) * jiii blii pine bark lichen (xiiin) fff @ sang pi xiiin Pinellia and Broomcorn Millet Decoction $$?tt@J ban xia shh mi tiing Pinellia and Dried Ginger Powder + E T 5 @ ban xia giin jiiing siin Pinellia and Fritillaria Pill N A brin bti wan
Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction 3Z E3 $1$51 ban xia hi,u pi, tang Pinellia and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction
+ +
ban xia fli ling. tang
Pinellia and Scutellaria Pill huhng whn
+E A ban
Pinellia and Sulfur Pill
b i n liLi
Pinellia Decoction + g $ & ban xis tang Pinelliae Massa Fermentata (arisaema nnli xing qu; (pinellia leaven) [tuber] leaven@) g@ ban xia qii Pinelliae Praeparatio (pinellia preparation@) /UJ E xian biin xih Pinelliae Tuber (pinellia [tuber]@) g
+ +
b i n xia; 7 K E * shui yu; xih
&+g* zhu
Pinelliae Tuber Crudum (raw pinellia. [tuber]@)5 3Z sheng ban xia Pinelliae Tuber cum Halito Praeparatum (halite[-processed] pinellia [tuber]@)
+g qing yan ban xia
Pinelliae Tuber cum Succo Bambusae Preparatum (bamboo sap pinellia zhli li ban xia [ t u b ~ r ] @+!)J%J Pinelliae Tuber cum Zingibere Praeparatum (ginger[-processed] pinellia [tuber]@) $$! g jiang ban xih; S E *
jiiing xih
Pinelliae 'Ihber Depuratum (purified pinellia [tuber]@) ?$ E qing ban xia Pinelliae Tuber Ge (Ge's pinellia . [tuber]@) % % ge jia ban xia Pinelliae Tuber Pro Formula Praeparatum (pro formula pinellia [tuber]@) ?A
+B fii ban xi&; ?Ag*fii xia
Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction ?j$ .?%JL\$51 ban xia xi2 xin tang Pinellia Heart-Draining Six Gentlemen ?%fi @$ ban xi2 lih jiin Decoction
Pinellia, Ovate Atractylodes, and Gastro8 jt ),@ $% b i n xia dia Decoction
bhi zhli tifin mri tang
pinellia preparation@ (Pinelliae Praeparatio) /UJ + E xian ban xia
pinellia [tuber] @ (Pinelliae Tuber) ban xia; 71( Z* shui yu; & E* zhii ban
pinellia [tuber] leaven@ (Pinelliae Massa Fermentata) +E@ ban xih qii pine needleo (Pini Folium) ?APT sdng y2;
sdng zhen
pine nuto (Pini Semen) &%?AT hiii sdng zi; F A T * song zi; ?A 5{I* song zi r t n pine polleno (Pini Pollen) AX +!% sdng hua f2n;
?A E* 'song huii
pine root (bark). (Pini Radix seu Radicis Cortex) ?A @ song gen Pingchuanning t$$f ping chuiin ning Pini Folium (pine needle) sdng y2;
?A $t*sdng zh2n Pini Lignum Nodi (knotty pine wood@)
FA ii sdng j i t ; $$?A i t i ii*huhng song mu sdng lhng t6u; $$@* dian j i t ; ?A EP g2n; ?&+A ! y6u sdng j i t Pini Pollen (pine pollen) ? A E % sdng hua f2n; ?A X* song hua
Pini Radix seu Radicis Cortex (pine root (bark)) $R sdng gen Pini Resina (rosin) ?A B song xilZng; ?A
jE B*sdng zhixiang; sdng zhi
%JE* li qing; ?AjE*
Pini Resina Recens (fresh rosin@) !J$~?L!
& n2n sdng xirZng Pini Resina Veta (old rosin@)%if"!S160 sdng xinng
Pini Semen (pine nut) $3723hiii song 1 7 'song zi r i n zi; V A T * sdng zi; pinworm @ & nho chbng pinworm disease & & 6 nho ch6ng bing pinworm infestation in children /J\ jL &
& G xiiio t r nho ch6ng zh2ng Pipae Depositum y6u;
(pipe tar@) %El?& yiitz
% P I S * yiin gko
Pipae Depositum Vetum (old pipe tar@)
2 j@?m liio yan y6u pipe-fisho
4332 hiii long; (Syngnathus) j
&% E* hiii sht Piperis Betle Folium (betel leaf) $?%at jii j i i n g y2; @Ute lii y2; P t * 16u y2
B;SPt* jii
Pittosposi Semen (pittosporum seed) LLI Piperis Betie Fructus (betel pepper) 3% 3@* bin fang jii; F T * @ ! I shiin zhi rtn jii jiang; lh zi; &2&* xiiing 160; gg* qing 16u; $%j pittssporum leap (Pittospori Folium) jii zi; S Z U t * qing liio sZ* R jii qing; $fiT* & Z a t yi duii yhn yt YB pittosposom root" (Pittospori Radix seu Piperis Fructus (pepper) @$fJ hh jiiio; Radicis Cortex) LLI @ jFR shiin zhi g2n 3$jJ* yu juio; # & *fh jiiio; ;k * gii yut pittosporum seedo (Pittospori Semen) LLI Piperis Fructus Albicatus (white pepper) @ (1shiin zhi rkn 13@J &J bbi hh jiiio pivot [new] II;@ shii Piperis Froctus l[mrnaturus (black pepPivot Center (GB-30) @ shii zhdng per) %@J&J hdi hh jiiio Pivot Union Center (GB-30) if;@&$* shii Piperis Kadsurae Caulis (kadsura peph t zhbng hiii fdng ttng per stem) placenta [a& thi phn; [a* thi yi; E B Piperis Longi Fructus (long pepper) S biio yi $&%* bi b6 li; +#&* bi ba; $&* bi b6 placenta' (Hominis Placenta) % jPJT zi Piperis kongi Fructus (long pepper (1)) h t chd; H*" biio yi; G f i E * hhn dun bi ba ZE* hcin yuhn pi; BFLa* hhn pi; Piperis Wallichii seu Puberuli Caulis et dun yi; [a E* tiii yi; 86 &* tiii phn; tPJ Hiblium (nanteng [stem and leaf]) j$j% s*zi h t jii nhn ttng Placenta Great Creation Pill tq$kz$~ pipe tar@ (Pipae Depositum) @ j j & yiin h i chi! db zbo wan y6u; $H$f* yiin giio plain S s 4 @ diin Pipe Tar Paste yiin giio plain [as in qing chio] fg qirlp Piscis Vesica Aeris (swim bladder) &@ plain-steam @ 2 diin zhdng; qing yh biao zhdng Pistaciae Surculus (pistacia shoot@) $$ plain stir-fry f$$$ qing chiio; &$$ d i n % 3 huang lian yh chiio pistacia shoot@ (Pistaciae Surculus) $$ plane @I] bao %$%huhng lian ya Plantaginis Foliurn Recens (fresh planpitcher plant [stem and leaf]" (Nexin xiiin chE qidn tago leaf@)$@#~EPfzhii -penthis Caulis et Folium) %!$EF yt; HZEDt*xiiin ch2 qihn y2 16ng ciio Plantaginis Hesba (plantago) f E chZ pitch-varying finger technique [pulseqibn; ZEs* chd qibn ciio; %%* dang taking] @f iLP )E ?& ffii yiing zhi fii 'dao; H$6%* tidn bb cai; SGZ* chd pits -+hen pressed 3 2 pf, &,% z , ~ f60 qibn cai; +Hz* nili tian cai; % %* mii xian %* niLi xi; P%%* ling xi; @%Z* xi; pits when pressure is applied E 2 P'& shtng xi cai ;f;@j an zhi iio xian bii qi Plantaginis Semen (plantago seed) ZE pitted flowery white screen E% Q PG h u i 5 chd qian zi; J@$@?kT* hh ma yi zi; 5 yi bhi xian @%* che qilin shi pitting that disappears as soon as pressure is released % 2 H P G @ + an plantagom (Plantaginis Herba) f E chZ zhi iio xiun jLi shciu qi qi chd qihn ciio; %IS* dang qirin; qE@* Pittospori Folium (pittosporum leaf) @%* tian bb cai; fi;iiii%* chi! duo; &ZPtyiduiiyhnyt qihn chi; +Hz* nih tian cai; % %* mii Pittospori Radix seu Radicis Cortex (pit%* nih xi; P2%* ling xi; @% Z* xi; shtng xi chi tosporum .root) LLI @@ shin zhi gdn '
Plantago -
Plantago Leaf Gruel *E jtjPt#j che qirin y2 zhbu plantago seed* (Plantaginis Semen) ETch2qibnzi;fi@E~*h~mhyizi; +E%*che qidn shi plantar RE zLi d i plantar clove sore (ding) ,SE 5 zLi d i ding plaster [a hard paste applied topically after heating] ;a5 g i o ycio plaster wind 6GjW gao yao feng platform 2 chi Platycodon and Gypsum Decoction @ @ ;tiB @J j i t ggng shi gao tang Platycodon Decoction %@$% j i t ge'ng tang Platycodonis Radix (platycodon [root]) &@!j i t ggng; %@* kfi gcng; $ Gj* bLii yao; 3 @@* kii j i t g2ng platycodon [root]' (Platycodonis Radix) @4 2 j i t giing; 3 @* kfi g2ng; $ 5 ' b4i yao; 3&@* kfi ji6 ggng Platycodon White Powder & @$ H j i t ggng bcii s i n plebeian sageo (Salviae Plebeiae Herba) Xl; @$I li zhi ciio -pllegia T Z bu sui Pleioblasti Folium (bitter bamboo leaf) ??$/r!1Dtkfizhuy2 Pleurotus Ostreatus (oyster mushroom) FB ping gii Plumbaginis Herba cum Radice (plumbago) $ E f f bhi h u i d i n plumbago* (Plumbaginis Herba cum Radice) $ E f f bbi hua d i n plum bark* (Pruni Salicinae Radicis Cbrj R Ffi* g i n li tex) S $8Ffi l i gen p i ; H TE gZn p i ; H tf4;t;R $ Ffi* gfin l i g2n brii pi; H $ Ffi* giin l i get1 bai p i Plum Blossom [non-channel] 4% E rnti hua Plum Blossom Gruel &E$#$ m t i h u i zh6u plum-blossom needle m t i hua zhen Plum Blossom Tongue Elixir @E,&gf-Am t i h ~ l adiiin sht dnn Plumeriae Rubrae Flos (red jasmine [flowerla) 2% E X j i dan hua
polygala plum-pit qi i($$gT m t i h i qi pock pimples cub f2i Pogonatheri Herba (golden hair grass) % ITg bi ziii ciio; 38 % g* mno mrio ciio; $$%g*huhng mao ciio; & g g * jin st ciio Pogostemi Herba (patchouli) T if:B guiing huh xiang; %@* xinng zhi point f l X L L ~ flz ; xut drio; fl.1fi X L L ~w2i point combining p2i xui point joining Sfl thu xut point selection & f l xuiin xut points of the fourteen channels f lEl$3$3 h 1 \ shi si jing jing nut poison 3 dLi poisonous insect bite 3 & UG 4% dLi chbng yiio shang poisonous snake bite 3!@@4% dLi shi yiio shhng poling jE$ wen jiii; 2% $ iLi ticio jiii Polygala Beverage Z&,tAyuiin zhi yin Polygalae Aureocaladae Radix seu Frutex (yellow-tailed polygala) S Ei;?FIl7kZ hufhng hua d&o shui licin; % E k Z Z* huhng hua da yuiin zhi Polygalae Caulis et Folium (polygala l ciio; /I\ S* qinp xi60 herb) / J \ $xiiio ciio Polygalae Chinensis Herba cum Radice seu Radix (Chinese milkwort@) A & + $ da ijin 4niLi c i o Polygalae Radix (polygala [root]@) SZ yuiin zhi; gj3Z* kfi yuiin zhi; 33"zbi t6ng; SZm*yuiin zhi rhu; SZH*y~liitz zhi tcing; $I]E* ci wiin; 3 SZ* kii yuiin zhi polygala herbm (Polygalae Caulis et S* qing xi60 Folium) /J\ 9 xiiio ciio; ciio . Polygala !ill Z&,';StL yuiin zhi wun polygala [root] @ (Polygalae Radix) ZZ yuiin zhi; XZZ* kii yuiin zhi; ZB* zhi tbng; SZm*y u i n zhi rhu; SZE*yuiin zhi tcing; $I]%*ci w i n ; Z s Z * kfi yuiin zhi
Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma (polygoPolygoni Orientalis Herba (cum Radice) natum [root]) $$ $g huang jing; (Oriental srnartweed) 5 23 hbng ciio; $$ fi4 $$ $%* jiang xing huhng jing; 29 A $$ $E*ji g* la liiio; 7k $IE*shui hbng huii Polygoni Perfoliati Herba (prickly t6u huhng jin; 3% AS $%*ji tbu hubng jing knotweedo) +I@ !J3 gang biin gut; +I& Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma (Solomon's !El* gang bin gui Polygoni Salicifolii Herba (willow-leaved seal [root]) 3 yu zhh; S B* w& xiang; S S* wei shen; Ejt*yu zhu; 3+$* smartweed@)?%%l+Z lb liiio ciio; 9$%* la liiio mingyh zhu; S B *wti rui; SZ* wei rui polyp Bm xi rou Polygonatum Gruel 3 $$j $8 huhng jing polyporuso (Polyporus) 38% zhii ling; Z zhbu %* zhii ling; $$%* xi ling; f & -$ #* di wii polygonatum [root] ' (Polygonati zhii shi tho; !I!$$g&*yt zhii shi; $gRT* Huangjing Rhizoma) %$g huring jing; B%R* ye' zhii shi; $IY$%R* jia zhu ling; K4 $$ $%* jiang xing huang jing; % A $$ $$j* shi ji t6u huhng jin; 23 A $$ $g*ji tbu hukng Polyporus (polyporus@)38% zhii ling; % jing q*zhn ling; $$%* xi ling; ifi S#*di wii PoPygoni AvicuParis Herba (knotgrass) $j yt zhu shi; @RT* zhii shi tau; !I!$$8&* g biiin xu; i$ +?* biiin zhu; Y i * xu ye' zhu shi; $lji$j! jia $E* zhii ling; B$8R* bian; & g *biiin xu; ifi 6g*di biiin xu; shi %+$* bian zhu; 6 biiin xu; & $+* Polyporus Decoction 48% $3 zhu ling tikg biiin zhu; f i fig* biiin zhu liiio; A g k* Polyporus Decoction Combined with da xu pian; f i % %* biiin zhii yri 8T ?% 6 Counterflow Cold Decoction 3 Polygoni Chinensis Herba (Chinese e4 3 $6 zhii ling tang h i si ni tang smartweedo) A E @ g hu6 tan mii ciio; Polyporus Pill 3gTfi zhO ling wan A hu6 tiin mii; l@$$S* hbu ke polyuria [old] 5j7 % niao duo; /I\ 4F id% ciio; %ffi$IJ* chi di li; BIicGtfi* biin jiu xiiio bian guo duo fan pomegranate flowero (Granati Flos) 6 Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma (bushy % E shi lih hua knotweed [root]@) &~ hii zhang; & pomegranate rindo (Granati PeriH @ * hii zhang g2n carpium) 75%Ffi shi liu pi; 6 gE* shi 'Polygoni Fructus (smartweed fruit@) 7K lib k t ; E;fT@Ffi* suan shi liu pi; %Zfi+E M X F shui h6ng hug zi g g *an shi liu shi k i ; @%E* suan liu &* xi liu pi pi; Polygoni Hydropiperis Herba (water peppomegranate root barko (Granati Radicis per) 7k% shui liiio Cortex) fi@;ER& sshi iiu gen pi Polygoni Hydropiperis Radix (water peppomelo pipo (Citri Grandis Semen) il;h shui liiio gen per root) 7k%@ 3;% yhu h t Polygoni Multiflori Caulis (flowery Ponciri 'Ikifoliatae Folium (poncirus knotweed stem) & ?@ yh jino ttng; $$ leafa) ;t.iil&Pt g6u jh yh .!2,@* sh6u wii tttzg poncirus leaf@ (Ponciri Trifoliatae Polygoni Multiflori Radix (flowery Foliurn) B&Pt giiu ju yh knotweed [root]) 4q$$-$ h i sh6u wii; pond dragon@ (Jussiaeae Repentis 2@* jiiio ttng; R e *yh h i ; '$ -$* shiiu Herba) guo thzg sht wu pool .Ifi chi Polygoni Multiflori Radix Recens (fresh Pool at the Bend (LI-1lWUo) ?I! q G chi flowery knotweed [root]) &E-$ xian Pool's Head (LI-7) Ptj %* chi tbu shiiu wci
poor appetite E 71;; f i w2i kbu bu hiio; -&@, T E shi yu bu zh2n poor blood containment f g a z h sh2 xu2 wLi li poor development 2 @ 71;; @ fa yil bu liring poor general condition -f 9 7% 1% $2 2 quhn shen qing kuang jiGo chii poor hearing Dfi ting li jiiin tui poor memory & S dub wang; [new] $$ Z shan wang; [old] g s , yi wang poor memory [old] 3 S xi wang poor qi transformation 5 4 t T f T qi hub bu xing poor stomach intake ' I h T @ wPi na bu jia; El IIh 9 ?.I3 w2i na qian jia poor vision a t twilight and night Pfi JL hiin y2 wu sui) jian poppy husk* (Papaveris Pericarpium) RE ying su k i ; @j21- 4-* yiin diiu dbu; R$ I$ $el % %* yii pian yiin guii gub; @P % E* yu m i k t ; RE* su kB; @ K g *ying su qiao poppy shoot' (Papaveris Surculus) @$$ &$% ying su n2n miho .Populi Diversifoliae Resina (%rtar poplar resin) @j)mPQ hh t h g Bi porcelain mortar ;6A@ yhn bd; YL@ rfi bb poria@ (Poria) E T fLi ling; E%* fLi tu; I%%*fu tu; if"!!#!* sbng yh; E%* fh tu; PAS* sbng shfi; PA g* sdng mu shfi; PA T * song ling; T; T * yLin ling; $ E T * bbi fh ling; btT* fh ling; E Z * fh ling; Z T * yhn ling; T; E T * yhn fLi ling; !A Z* fii ling Poria (poriao) E T fu ling; a % * fh tu; fi%* fh tu; ?A!#!* sbng yu; E%* fh tu; ?kg* sbng shfi; ?A* S * sbng mu shii; ?AT * sdng ling; Z T * yun ling; $ E%* bhi fii ling; { A T * fh ling; E Z* fh ling; Z T * yhn ling; Z R T * yhn fh ling; bt W *fh ling Poria Alba (white poriao) $ E2$ brii fh 1ing Poria cum Pini Radice (root poria) E?$ fu shin; {A $$* fh shin
Poria Poria cum Pini Radice et Cinnabare (cinnabar[-coated] root poria) ;k E 39 zhii fti shin Poriae Cortex (poria skin@) %T& fil ling pi; T &* ling pi Poria (Hoelen) and Alisma Decoction E -.+- f9i% $3~fri ling zi xi2 tang Poria (Hoelen) and Cuscuta Elixir E g f i fLi tu dan Poria (Hoelen) and Cuscuta Pill Ej%A fLi tu wan Poria (Hoelen) and Halite Decoction E -+++- & 3 $3~ffri ling rbng yrin tcng Poria (Hoelen) and Licorice Decoction E T W 3 $ 3 JfLi ling gin CEO ting Poria (Hoelen), Apricot Kernel, and Licorice Decoction E T 41 H ZiZ $51f6 ling xing rin giin ciio tiiizg. Poria (Hoelen) Beverage RTtA fil ling y in Poria (Hoelen) Beverage Combined with Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction + {A+$-), ~-hhm a +EE$b$3J \ fh lingyin h i han xia h6u p6 tang Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon Wig, Jujube, and Licorice Decoction T )% H 3$51ling gui gin ziio tang Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon Wig, Licorice, and. Jujube Decoction E T @ 8? H 3 k %$3Jfh ling gui zhi gii~zciio dh zbo tang Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon 'ihig, Ovate Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction E T@@ $ $Hg$3Jfh ling gui zhi bhi zhu gcZn ciio tiipg; T )f $51ling gui zhh gin tang Poria (Hoelen) Counterflow Cold Decoction 8 % %$3Jfu ling si ni tang Poria (Hoelen) Decoction ET$3JfLi ling tiing Poria (Hoelen) Five Powder E T 3 wfi ling sin Poria (Hoelen) Four Combined with Scutellaria and Peony Decoction El T eqq$3J si ling hB qin shrio tiing Poria (Hoelen) Four Powder T 3 si ling siin Poria (Hoelen), Ginger, Ovate Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction T % $ H $h ling jiang zhu gin tang
Poria (Hoelen), Licorice, Ginger, SchisanPosterior Superior Iliac Spine [nondra, Pinellia, and Apricot Kernel Decocchannel] @ 61@ qia h6u shhng ji tion Ttt$$@+hj~?% ling gan jiing wti posterior yin [the anus] G PR hbu yin xin xia r6n tang postmenopausal recommencement of pePoria (Hoelen), Licorice, Schisandra, riods $3l& E f? jing duhn fri xing Ginger, and Asarum Decoction T H E postmenstrual $ 2 6 jing hou % Z ?$ ling gin wii wti jiang xin tang postmenstrual blood ejection and sponPoria (Moelen) Skin Decoction E ~ $ & $ J taneous external bleeding $36DIB3 jing fii ling pi tang hbu th n i Poria (Hoelen) Water-Abducting Decocpostmenstrual spotting $2Eling 16u tion R T 37K $31fii ling d i o shui tang postmeridian reddening of the cheeks 9 Poria Robra (red poriaa) S E T chi fii 6m$@E35 wii h6u liing quhn f5 chi; ling; %E*chi fh; ST* chi ling G $@ a $? wii h6u liing quhn h6ng chi poria skino (Poriae Cortex) R T E fri postmeridian tidal fever FGi.@Z& wii hbu ling pi; 2$ @* ling pi chho rt porkB (Suis Caro) 98131zhii rbu post-miscarriage menstrual block U;QP% pork lard' (Suis Adeps) $jLjjg;W; zhii zhi H$3liri chiin hbu bi jing zhii ydu; %%* zhii gao; $jLj gao; postpartum F6 chiin hbu RE* ,zhii zhi; $gf&RE*zhii y6u zhi postpartum abdominal distention and pork spine flesh* (Suis Caro Vertebralis) vomiting f"%/@j&DEe chiin hhu fh 98 %fm zhii j i rhu zhang iiu td portal [old] % qiao postpartum abdominal pain F G E% Portulacae Herba (purslane) 3G E m i chiin hbu fu tbng chi xian; 43 i+2$* chhng ming c i o ; Z f T postpartum bleeding P g & chiin h6u g* wii xing cio; @ ?tt g* suan m i cai; chii xut 3E F TjZ* m i shi zi cai; JKFTjZ*guii zi postpartum blood dizziness P G h @ cai; Y Z" m i xian; 46 TjZ* m i chi cai; chin hhu xu; yiin ;5fj-%* wii fang chi; @X*suan cai; 43 postpartum blood stasis PG%& chiin AU* ap JL chhng ming xian; 5& B* wii st3 hbu yii nut cai; f~ 3$Z* di m i cai postpartum blood [stasis] and qi [stagposition gp bh nation] abdominal pain y G & %, /@ @ chin hhu xu2 qi fu tong positive IIE shhn Possible Center (KI-26) 3 hub zh6ng postpartum body pain P69 jj$ chin hou shen tbng vossibly in severe cases B-&shtn huh postpartum communicating bowels P post-antique formula [any formula after 2,5$1% chin hbu jiao chhng bing the time of Zhang Zhong-Jing] fl'ffi shi fang postpartum defecation difficulty f" h post-antique formula school €I$&@ shi IF* chin hbu da bian nhn fang pai postpartum depression and veiling P 6 postauricular flat abscess (ju) H-Gg Zr GrJE chiin hbu yri mao hou jii postpartum diarrhea 7 %Wi% chiin hbu posterior G hou xi? xit posterior hairline 6 E B/r; hou fa ji postpartum dizziness 6 chiin h6u xuan yiin posterior headache %&@ hbu t6u tbng Posterior Hearing [non-channel] $", postpartum enuresis P%BR chin h6u hbu c6ng yi niao
postpartum failure of the jade gate to heal P G Z P ;7; 3 chiin hbu yu hu bu lian postpartum fearful throbbing P GIEI+ chiin hbu zhZng chdng postpartum fever P 6 E ?& chiin hbu fa ri postpartum fever and chills P 6 %:!f chiin h h hrin r t postpartum flooding PG& % chiin hbu xut bZng postpartum food damage P6 4% & chiin hou shang shi postpartom fright palpitation P 6 '12'/S chiin h6u jing ji postpartum generalized pain P% 23 9 @ $ J chiin hbu pian shZn ttng tbng postpartum glomus and fullness P % chiin hbu pi rniin postpartum hasty panting P%-D%{Z chin hhu chuiin cu postpartum headache P 6 %@ chiin hbu t6u tong postpartum heart pain PjE ,L\% ;hiin hbu xin tbng postpartum hemorrhage P6 kJj & ~chiin hbu chu xu6 postpartum hypertonicity chiin hbu jii luhn postpartum illness P G$?% chiin hbu yci ji . postpartum impediment (bi) pattern P E B i E chiin hbu bi zhtng postpartum infant's-pillow pain PG)L& @ chin hbu t r zh2n tbng postpartum inhibited urination P 6JJ\ @ $11 chiin h6u xiiio bian bli li postpartum leakage of breast milk P - 6 9L.H 8 @ chiin hou rii zhi zi lbu postpartum loclkjaw PG@{%ffjn chiin hou p6 shang fZng postpartum loss of breast milk P 691?I$ kJj chiin hou rii zhi zi chci postpartum loss of speech PGTig chiin hbu bu yii postpartum loss of voice P 6 gUjJj chiin hhu yin yii; P G E chin hbu in
postpartum postpartum lumbar pain PGE@chiin hbu y i o tong postpartum night sweating ? j 6 FF chiin hbu dao han postpartum non-transformation of food P G52 T chiin hbu wrin gii bu hua postpartum panting PG?U% chiin hou qi chuiin postpartum paralysis PGl$i@ chiin hbu tan huan postpartum profuse sweating P6 2G FF chiin hbu dud han postpartum puffy swelling PGj%j$chiin hbu fu zh6ng postpartum raving and halllucination P G Z S k R chin hbu wang yan wang jian postpartum retention of !he lochia P G % , 3 T 7; chiin hbu 2 12 bu xia postpartum rib-side pain PGRhB chiin hou xid tong postpartum sore P G & % chiin h6u chuang yring postpartuq spontaneous sweating P G $ ff c h h hbu zi han postpartum streaming sore P $3 chin hbu lid zhu postpartum sudden bouts of fever and chill P 6 $%+ t;4 chiin hhu zha hrin zha r i postpartum summerheat stroke P G 32 chin hou &&zg shii postpartum tetany P E E @chin hou fa jing; P G6@ chiitz hou bing jing postpartum thirst PG tE chiin hbu k6u k2 postpartum tugging and slackening 7 % @,@ chiin hbu qi zhbng postpartum urinary frequency P6 /I\ 4E $a% chiin hbu xiiio bian pin shuh postpartum urinary incontinence ,PIS/I\ 49%3 chiin hbu xiiio bian shi jin postpartum urinary stoppage PG JJ\ET 3 chiin hou xiiio bian bu t6ng postpartum vacuity swelling of the limbs p6 8 f i & j$ chiin hbu si zhi xci zh6ng postpartum vacuity vexation P6 E $3 chiin hou xci fan
postpartum vanquished blood surging powder #j fwtn; 3 sin into the heart P%%h i$ lL\ chin hbu powdered human milk@ (Horninis Lactis bai xu2 chdng xin Pulvis) A$l #j rin rfi fwtn postpartum vanquished blood surging powdered morning glory [seed] @ (Pharinto the lung P 6B h chin h6u 5X* bitidis Semen Pulveratum) bai xu; chdng fti qiin niri zi mb postpartum vanquished blood surging powdered stalactite@ (Stalactitum Pulinto the stomach P ~ % h E i $chin veratum) @ $1kfi zh6ng rii fwtn hhu bai xu2 chdng wti powder preparation 3ffiJ sin ji; &fill sin postpartum vigorous fever P%$kt:: chin . ji hbu zhuang rt Powerful Happiness Pill S StL wdi xi postpartum vomiting PEDEaf chin hbu whn bu tu pox E dbu postpartum water swelling PG7KjCP chin pox fluid E ?!R dbu jiing hbu shui zh&g pox inoculation A E&@& rin dhu jig postpartum wind-like stroke PG% +J%l zhang fi5 chfin hbu lti zh6ng f2ng postpartum wind stroke P 6 chin pox sore E S d6u chuing hbu zhbng f2ng practitioner E1yi gdng postpartum wind tetany P6J%l@ chin practitioner of high proficiency k 1 hbu fZng jing shang g6izg post-voiding dribble E G % .im niao hbu practitioner of low proficiency TI xi2 yri li; /J\ xi60 bian yi li; gdng niao y6u yri li Praeparatio Sublimata Alba (white Potentillqe Chinensis Radix seu Herba downborne elixir) Q @fibrii jiang dan cum Radice (Chinese silverweed@)g$$ prayer-beadso (Abri Cantoniensis Herba % wwti ling cai cum Radice) fi@$ S j i gii c i o Potentillae Kleinianae Herba (cum precedence of puke over' signs 9 iZM BC j Radice) (cinquefoil) !I@-& sht hrin she' zhtng c6ng mai pouch S nhng; & bao precedence of signs over the pulse pound [as with a pestle] lii; % d i o M iE sht mai cbng zhtng pounding % 13diio jili; [of needling] #g precipitate 7; xia $f- d i o zh2n precipitate blood 7;h xia xu; pound to a floss #!i$% d i o rbng precipitate depressed upper body fire 7; pound to a pulp #!i$$Z d i o fan A 3 b b n l I- 4 , I , - : A LI. .:. ...I. -1-7 I-..: 17p RIJ L pour $3zhu precipitate gastrointestinal heat bind 7; pouring discharge of blood rfn * f i n & xu; E Jj3~ tC! $6 xia wti chring rt jit chii rri zhu pouring vaginal discharge @ 7;fill & dai precipitate heat toxin 7;%% xia rt dri xia ru zhu precipitate qi 7;y xia qi pour in medicine [as in unconscious paprecipitate with moistness @JT run xia tients with clenched jaw] @ guan yao precipitating medicinal i3f;G xi; xia yao pouzolzia@ (Pouzolziae Herba (cum Radice)) S 7k 23 wii shui g6; PEJYmB* precipitation 7; xia; 7; & xi2 f i ; B 7; tong xi& chu6 nbng gio Precipitation-Checking Decoction k& 7;$51 Pouzolziae Herba (cum Radice) duan xih tang (pouzolzia@) S 7K E, wu shui gi; DEJYm B*chub nbng gio precipitation of blood xia xu2
T ,\
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precipitation of blood in pregnancy $z@ 7; rtn sh2n xih xu2 precipitation of blood with the stool A @ 7;& da bihn xia xut predecoction %,% xian jian predilection for fatty foods @-&flEH shi shi fii ni predilection for greasy and rich foods ffi MBYk pian shi y6u ni hbu wti; @ &PEBMBYk shi shi y6u ni hbu wti predilection for hot spicy foods I@-&$$$ shi shi xin la predilection for strange foods B -& .&@ . xi shiyi wh; shi shiyi wL1 ' predilection for sweet and fatty foods @ -&I$ jE shi shi ghn fii pregnancy @ yun; ?+@ huhi yun; j3@ tai yun; $3@ rtn shdn; jG F tai jiii; 9 zhbng shdn pregnancy qi 75zi qi pregnancy sickness T 6 zzi bing; 6 JL bing tr
pregnancy swelling Tfl$ zi zhbng pregnancy vexation T $B zi fhn pregnant woman $333 rtn fu; Q$3 yun
. premature delivery FF ziio chiin premature ejaculation $-% 260 xi? premature graying [of the hair] 9% $ E ziio nihn bhi fa; ?Jj E $- $ XU fa ziio bhi premature graying of the hair % E F $ tbu fa ziio bhi premature periods $3 yut jing qi qihn Premature Periods Decoction xian qi tiing premature senility 3 % @ wBi liio xian sh~uii premenstrual $ 2 E jing qihtz premenstrual abdominal pain $3%E% jing qihn fu t6ng premenstrual blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding $3j% tja4 1r3 jing qian th nu premenstrual bloody stool % 2 E i E & jing qihn bihn xu2
prickly premenstrual distention of the breasts $3 Eii$lEjing qihn rii zhdng premenstrual facial acne ?2j$j jj3j jing qihn mian bic. f2n ci
premenstrual sleeplessness $3E T qian b2 mti
premenstrual vomiting tZj%DEa;t:jtng qikn bu tu prenatal %* xiiin tiin prenatal constitution XX xian tian preparation ~ I ji; J 3113 ji xing preparation of medicinals $,I]~IJzhi ji prescription afi yao fang; f i chii fzng; f i % chii fang jian presence of root +j& ybu gdn
presence of spirit G++ycju shin presence of stomach
G E yiiu wti
presence of stomach qi +j E ",ybu wBi qi preserve G clin preserved fruit %/@gub fii; jj$j fii press @ i n ; &@ ya zha pressing [manipulation technique] &$% an fii . pressing hand @+ ya shbu press the pulse [i.e., feel] gj$$atz mai pressure in the rectum GEJj hbu zhbng pretty swertiaa (Swertiae Pulchellae Herba) SatRB qing yt diin prevail f& shtng prevalence GJly pian shtng; j# shtng prevalence of wind gives rise to stirring P,Jly R1l $J f2ng shtng zt dbng Priceless Elixir T@&Prbu huan jitz dan Priceless Qi-Righting Powder T $@& E 5% bu huan jin zhtng qi sdn prick B$l]s2 ci; &$IJ diiin ci pricking and cupping ci xu&bh p a n ; $4 +fi@ ci lu6 bh guhn prickles E$11 mhng ci prickly aralia [root bark] (Araliae Echinocaulis Radicis Cortex) 21 KB h6ng siing mu
prickly ash root@ (Zanthoxyli Avicennae Radix) @ T $J ying bu b06; % T @* niiio bu s2 prickly heat fii; g6% fti chuing; % fki zi; fi% fii chuiing fki; prickly heat toxin [sore] fig @i dLi prickly itch $11 @ ci yiing prickly knotweedo (Polygoni ~krfoliati Herba) +I&!El gang blin gui; $16!D* gang biin gui prickly tongue Z% ! i 5$U shB sheng mring ci; BE F$IJ shi qi mbng ci prick the network vessel $11 gfi ci luo prick to bleed $ljhci xu? principle 4,H gang; R yuLirz; R@J yuan zB; All zt; 'lm$fi giing ling principle of treatment tk IIJ zhi zt; & f i E111 zhi lirio yuan z t ; tk@~& YI] zhi bing fii z i Prinsepiae Semen (prinsepia [seed]@)S {Irui rin prinsepia [seed] (Prinsepiae Semen) % 11 rui rin process $1 zhi processed [of minerals and shells] 24sh6u; $4 shli processed galeniteo (Galenitum Praeparatum) %#j qiiin fin; %#j* hli fen; @,#j*xi f2n; #jB$* f2n xi processed honey@ (Me1 Praeparatum) E &2 lian mi processed urine deposit@ (Hominis Urinae Depositurn Praeparatum) +A 6 qiu shi ,
------y l vbszzann-, 2--
crrvn aannag av nmxnvu
U * d
zhi processing of medicinals $'@ % pho zhi; $'@ %IJpcio zhi; {gs xiii shi; {@?k xi0 zhi Procreation Elixir BBjl- zan yu d i n produces an empty sound on tapping LIP 2G S kou zhi yciu k6ng shgng productive cough D& sou proficient practitioner @ 1liang gong pro formula pinellia [tuber] a (Pinelliae Tuber Pro Formula Praeparatum) & + ISfii ban xia; & S* fii xia
promote profuse & duo; ji da profuse confused dreaming % YtjjgT;duo mtng fPn yLin profuse dreaming & duo mtng profuse menstruation. [new] $2+f&yui jing guo duo profuse sleeping % [l@ du6 shui profuse sweating % $T duo han profuse urination & R dud niao profuse urination a t night Bm& Fj? yi jibn du6 niao; E& R yi du6 niao profuse uterine bleeding [old] @ b2ng; I&U@xu2 bgng prognosis yu h6u prolapse of the rectum 8# W tu6 gang prolapse of the uterus T f- T 7; >,zigong xia zhui; P a fEtt: yin ting chii; T f- jl.QS zi,g6ng tu6 chui; P B % yin zhi; PB yin jun; PBjl.Q yin tu6; 3h qk zi chkng bu sh6u prolonged El ri jifi prolonged menstruation 22m$IEgjing qi yrin chhng; $28 $IE 45 jing shi yan chung
prolong life @% yhn nicin; ycin nai yi shou prominence jjj kui; jjf tui .prominence of the flesh qi rou prominent abdominal blood vessels fu'jin prominent [green-blue] abdominal veins @ Z Bi; fit. lei @ng jin prominent [green-blue] veins on the lower limbs 7;Eg ifij 2 ,t@ xia zhi qing jin tLi qi prominent mounting (shan) jjja tui shan; jjfi,fi kui shan; kui 16ng shan prominent veins SiSfjSZ qing jin bao 1u promote absorption of qi by the kidney $3$fi'A 5 shk na shin qi promote astriction and .stem desertion IIk 33 B8# sh6u se gu tub promote bone growth 45 f3 zhLing gfi promote contraction 49% sh6u lian promote diffusion a n d effusion and dissipate evil E x&in fii shn xii
promote promote diHusion and outthrust with dissipating acridity +%E%xin san xuan tbu promote flow B tong promote 'food intake %-& jin shi promote heart-kidney interaction 9B 'E jiao tbng xin shhn promote interaction of the heart and kidney 9 B JL\'B jiiio tbng xin shBn promote lactation 7;qL xih rii; @?L cui rii promote lactation [old] B3L tbng rii . promote menstruation [old] @$3 tbng j ing promote outthrust and effusion of dissipating acridity + % B E xin sGn tbu fi promote outthrust and effusion with dissipating acridity * % B E xin srin tbu
fa promote qi absorption /sfiTna qi promote qi transformation 4x5 huh qi promote qi transformation and disinhibit water i&5,$] 7k huri qi li shui promote sweating EtT fa han; ?+han prone e E b fLi wb; [posture]@f fii prop -Si: zhi Propitious Innovation [non-channel] %,*ji xin propped diaphragm 3bE zhi gi propping bind below the heart &.T-Si:$g xin xia zhi jit propping fullness 3 % zhi miin propping fullness in the chest and ribside jQjjhs @ xiong xit zhi miin propping rheum -Si:@ zhi yin proprietary Chinese medicine J& zhbng chtng yho proprietary medicine &G chtng yao protected spot indicates pain fP9l&5 % hD chh bi tbng protohermesa (Protohermis Vermiculus) 7/J\;k t?P & siin tai lhng ch6ng Protohermis Vermiculus (protohermesa) TJJ\;k BP & siin trii lhng ch6ng protracted tongue Z iM sht zbng
Pruni protracted tongue and drooling .f i,AiB7; sht zhng; xihn xi2 protrusion and worrying of the tongue D I K d. tu nbng sht protrusion of the navel [umbilical shan] aft9qi tLi protrusion of the tongue f $1 sht chii k6u wai; ef tu sht Protuberance (HT-7) # $* dui zhbng Protuberance Assistant ( L I - I ~ W ~ I O ) #$$ fLi tLi protuberant bone dui gii Protuberant Bone (HT-7) % @* dui gii; (HT-8) R @* dui gii Protuberant Hub (HT-7) #i.$* dui chbng provocative sights and passionate thoughts R e ,F,tS jian sB si qing provokes the development of phlegm @ qi thn proximal bleeding [near anus] jE& jin xu t proximal portion of the inferior aspect of the great tbe EE ji Prunella Decoction ?j?;f;ifS& xi6 kii ciio tang; E &S ?3~xia kii ciio tang Prunellae Spica (prunella [spikela) g& 3 xi6 kii ciio; [email protected]* mbi sui xia mai xi2 kF; +$k%g&* kii ciio; tit; xicin xi& kii; &st%*' kii ciio sui Prunella Paste jZf&s xia @ kii ciio gio prunella [spike] a (Prunellae Spica) jj.k$ xia kii ciio; g@EiFil;F*mhi sui xi& kii ciio; g Z & *mai xia kii; %?AE &* ti2 xian xia kii; &St$*kii ciio sui Pruni Amygdali Semen (almond) EB.8 {Iba dan xing rtn Pruni Cortex (Japanese cherry bark) @ Ffi ying pi; *E l$i* pLi shu Pruni Japonicae Semen (bush cherry + 5 4 1 yu li rtn; +$T* yli zi; kernela) 613 g41* y2 li rtn; +{Im* li rtn rbu; 6B {I*yu li rtn Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus (cherry) &' && ying tho; +#b* hhn tho; BIJ#h* jing zhii guci; &'%* tho; ;k#k*zhii tho; ;k%* ying zhii; %@#* jia ying tho
Pruni Salicinae Radicis Cortex (plum bark) $& & li gZn pi; jzt P & B * gin li g2n pi; jzt f $R $ &* gGn li g2n bai pi; H %$R $ B* gan li gen bhi pi pry open $38 qiao &i Przewalski's rhododendron fruit@ (Rhododendri Przewalskii Fructus) tikte! jin bti pi pa Przewalski's rhododendron leaf@ (Rhododendri Przewalskii Folium) 42 2 tit +EP t jin bti pi pa y t Pseudosciaenae Otolithum (otolith) &$la& 6 yli niio shi; 6 g & & shi sh6u yh t6u shi; -&$$ti* yu sh6u shi Pseudostellariae Radix (pseudostellaria [root]@) kTS tai zi sh2n; f S*t6ng shen; jLS*hbi tr sh2n pseudostellaria [root] @ (Pseudostellariae Radix) A T S tai zish2n; B S * tbng shen; j L @* hai tr shen Psoraleae Semen (psoralea [seedla) +b +jjE bii gii zhi; % if2 =f* h2i gu zi; &A i& T* hLi gu zi; 3if9 T*ji gri zi; E HflE* p6 gu zhi; &X* gu zhi; &?&* gu zhi; @ HjE* PO gic zhi; r& tik ?E* PO gii zhi; $1 B @* bii gii chi bii gii zhi wan Psoralea Pill $1+ j j E psoralea [seed] @ (Psoraleae Semen) 41. BBE bii gii zhi; $J+ &T* hci gu zi; &A & P* hh gu zi; i!& P*l i gu zi; $$ BE* p6 gu zhi; &X* gu zhi; &tE* gu zhi; 6& BE* pb gu zhi; 6&&4E*pb gh zhi; $ b e bii gii chi Psoralea Tincture ;lib ff BEBS bii gii zhi ding Psychotriae Rubrae Radix (red psychotria root) LLI % & shLfn da dlZo g2n; LLI % Ea;f'R* shan da ycin g2n Psychotriae Rubrae Ramulus et Folium (red psychotria [twig and leaf]) LLI shan da diio Pteridis Multifidi Herba (phoenix-tail fern@) jZ S ftng w2i ciio; 8 BP S* bhi jiiio ciio Pterocaryae Cortex (wing nut bark) ;Fn@P & f2ng liii pi
Pterocaryae Folium (wing nut leaf) M#P Pt- m i liii yk Pterospermi Folium (pterospermum ban f2ng ht yt leaf@) Pterospermi Radix (pterospermum [root]@) +&$j@ban fing ht g2n pterospermum leaf@ (Pterospermi Folium) + ; F n @ P t ban f2ng ht y i pterospermum [root] @ (Pterospermi Radix) +mG$R ban f2ng h i g2n pubic bone P a l@ B yin shhng htng gii; @+jhtng gii; -f;+%B xi& htng gii Pubic Bone (KT-llW1lO) @+j htng gii pubic hair region %[J%mao ji pubic louse sore P a33,s yin shi chuang Public Dispensary ,% Ei? )SJ tai ping hui min jLi puccoona (Lithospermi, Macrotomiae, seu Onosmatis Radix) % g zi ciio; % 9 @* zi ciio g2n; % @* zi g2n Puccoon (Lithospermum) and Oyster Shell Decoction %;f;R$i&.i$ zi g2n mii li tang Puccoon Liver-Safeguarding Granules % S4% I T i$fiII zi shen biio gan thong ji Puccoon Oil % Sth zi ciio y6u pudenda P a yin pudendal I& yin pudendal cold 43 A lJB % fu rtn yin han .pudendal itch P a@ ,yin yiing Pueraria and Carthamus Decoction S $ R $1E $3J gt gZn h6ng hulZ tang ~ u e r a r i aDecoction ZF, $8$$ gk g2n tang Pueraria Decoction Plus Ligusticum (Cnidium) and Magnolia Flower 23 @%I )1 1 % g gt g2n tang jia chuan xiong xin yi Pueraria Decoction Plus Magnolia Flower and Ligusticum (Cnidium Root) S@fiU % ) l l $3~gt g2n jia xin yi chuan xiong Pueraria Decoction Plus Pinellia 33iFR fin +E$Jg t g2n jia ban xia tang Puerariae Flos (pueraria flower@) EE gt hu6
Puerariae Radix (pueraria [root]@)Eil;E pulling of the sinews and bone fractures gt g2n; B%$R* gi tirio gen; %lj@* yi g2n; 81 jjjj @ +fi dhng jin gfi zh t lslE*gin gt; $ 'F E* brii gin gt; $$jlE* pulling pain g% ch2 thng fe'n gt; %B&* fe'n gi gCn; TB*gan gen; Pull-up Hole [non-channel]@+Inti tu6 $5 B@*huring g t gCn; ET&*gt zi gen; xut E %@* huring tiao gen; ER%*gt ma pulmo- j$ fti rii pulmonary a$ ft?i Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction T B pulmonary consumption j$B ft?i 160 R#Bh t% gin gk jie' j i tiing pulmonary distention jiti.fl# fti zhhng pueraria flowera (Puerariae Flos) E Z pulmonary epilepsy jifijj$j f2i xirin gt huii pulmonary gan a$% ft?i gan Pueraria Flower Heat-Clearing Pill EE pulmonary impediment (bi) j$@ fti bi E?4A gt hua qing rt wrin pulmonary liquid a$$$ ft?ijin Pueraria Flower Liquor-Resolving Decocpulmonary mounting (shan) j$aft?i shin t% gt hua jie' chtng tang tion BE&@ pulmonary taxation j$% f2i 160 pueraria [root] @ (Puerariae Radix) pulmonary wasting-thirst [upper wasting] $I3 gi gCn; E%@* gk tirio g2n; %lJ;t;B*yi
gCn; HE7 giin gt; $ 7 E* brii g6n gk; ME*fe'n gt; $@E$E* fi.n gk gCn; TE* giin gen; $5Ei(;E* hudng gt g2n; ET&* gt zi gCn; E % ;t;E* huring tirio gCn; B f i %*.gt mri rLi Pueraria, Scutellaria, and Coptis Decoction E $8S T B S t% gt gge huring qin
huring lirin tang; E +R T S t% gt gzn qin lihn tang pufiballo (Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia) Y $% m i 66 puffing t? fii puffjr face a ? % mian fii puffjl face and swollen limbs a t % E j $
fti xiao
pulmonary welling abscess (y6ng) j~$@ fii
YO'% Pulsatilla' Decoction $ & 5%t% bai t6u
weng tang Pulsatilla Decoction Plus Ass Hide Glue and Licorice $ & 5%fJUH @ PgflQ t% brii t6u wCng jiii giin crio C jiiio tang Pulsatillae Radix (pulsatilla [root]@) $
%$$ brii t6u wCng; BZA*yd zhang rkn; &,Z49+3* hLi wring shi zhi.; $ % fi*brii t6u gong pulsatilla [root] a (Pulsatillae Radix) $
% 5% brii t6u wCng; 8Z A* yi. zhhng rtn; wring shi zhe'; $ X fi*brii
i!& Z49+3*hu
t6u g6ng
mian fh zhi zhbng pufQ swelling t%j$ fii zhbng pnffjr swelling in children I]\ lLt%B$ xi60
tr fh zhbng puffy swelling in pregnancy OZE??j$ rtn
sh2n fii zhbng pu@ swelling of the face and eyes
t%fl$ mian mu fii zhbng puffy swollen face and eyes ETj €I ?%84
mian mu fh zhbng Pull Aright [non-channel]S E qian zhtng Pull Aright Powder qiin zhtng srin pulling $! cht? pulling heart ,i\!$!xin cht
pulsating vessel -rifi b%dhng rnai pulse b%mai; b$ mh; b$% rnai xiang pulse bereft of stomach qi b%Z 9rnai WO wti qi Pulse-Engendering Beverage 87% tA
shCng mai yin Pulse-Engendering
shCng mai tang
+ + bt t%
Pulse-Engendering Powder +b$% sheng
mhi srin Pulse-Engendering Variant Powder fin &&
+b%% jiii jifin sheng rnai sin tJFbk qit mai; {Gb%hhu zhgn mai; J$%%mrii zhgn mhi; %j$$
pulse examination
pulse manifestation Ibk & mki xiang pulse on the back of the wrist b%fiin guin mhi Pulse-Restorative Decoction g &$$5~fc mhi ting Pulse-Restorative Variant Decoction a0 Bb$$5Jjii jiiin fh mhi titag pulse-taking EJ$$bb mai; {@/jii h6u mhi Pumex (pumice) @tqSi;tihiii fh shi; 7k E* shui hua; 7 k @ t *shui pao shi; tq7k ;ti*fu shui shi; +8f;ti* yhng dh shi; &i ;ti*hiii shi; t q t *fLi shi; t9$'!Ejer fri hiii shi pumicee (Pumex) @ t % t hiii fu shi; 7)( E*shui huci; 7 k & t * shuipao shi; tq7k t* fLi shui shi; yhng d2 shi; $5 t* hiii shi; @G*fLi shi; tqj+$E* fh hiii shi pumpkin seede (Cucurbitae Semen) j% A 5 nbn guii ti; %A {I* nan gua rin; & A x * jin gui mi; j%A?t31* ncin gu6 zi r6u pungency [old] xin pungent [old] $ xin pungent oleaster leap (Elaeagni Pungentis Folium) iVJ %? P t hhLi tui zi yt pupil 0 3TL tdng k6ng; [of the eye] 0g 3.9 tbng shin pupil [of the eye] 0&? tbng zi; @{I t6ng rin Pupil Bone-Hole (GB-1W1lO)E&?f@ t6ng zi lib0 pupil contraction [
[email protected] @ tbng shin gin qud pupil spirit tl@@ tbng shin Pure Brightness [5th solar term] $gF1B qing ming Pure Ginseng Decoction 3&$$5J du shdn ting pure heat ,@jZ d i n ; @ ∈ %@ rt d i n pure-heat malaria dan nut pure-heat wasting-thirst # @ xiioi dan Pure Yang Qi-Righting Pill $GVH iE5, fi chrin yring zhtng qi wan Pure Yang lkue Man Viscus-Nou'rishing Decoction tilj A @ $5 chlin ybng zhen rin yiing zhng tang
purified feces@ (Hominis Excrementi Liquidum Extractum) &$g fin qing; & '&* jin zhi purified pinellia [tuber] @ (Pinelliae Tuber Depuratum) tg g qing ban xia purple % zi purple and white patch wind [purpura and vitiligo] % Q @ W zi bhi dibn fdng purple-black facial complexion @ & % W mian st zi hdi Purple Cinnamon Pill % @ JtL zi gui wan Purple Clouds Plaster % Z B t i yLin gao Purple Gold Elixir % & f f zi jin d i n Purple Gold Powder & #) zi jin fgn purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba) 3 l g s guan yin xian; 8 1 M 2.'' h6ng fkng cai; g g 3g* zi bti tian kui; iX%* hbng cai; EL&%* h6ng fin xian; 8 1 HS*h6ng yi: c2i purple lips E % chhn zi purple macules on the skin Ejjk%BI pi fii ti b i n purple mark % ErJ zi yin purple menstrual flow t?j?E% jing lai st zi; t$ & % yut jing st zi; t2 ?%% 13 jing I& t i st Purple Palace (CV-19Wf10) % 3 zi g6ng purple patches [purpura] % @ zi dihn purple rhododendron [flower, leaf, root (Rhododendri Mariae Flos, Folium seu Radicis Cortex) %;t;f 6% zi du juin purple sal ammonia@ (Sal Ammoninrilm --P i ~ r p r ~ u mg@&,r,' ) zi ncio sha ----.-purple senecioo (Senecionis Nudicaulis 9 zi bit tiin kui ciio; Herba) % 3 % A& g* zi b2i tiin kui ciio purple senecio rooto (Senecionis Nudizi bti tiin caulis Radix) g"$*g@$W kui ciio gdn Purple Snow % Z zi xu2 Purple Snow Elixir % Z f f zi xu; d i n purple tongue &% shi zi purple vessel %J$$zi mai pursed lips ijTB chin chhn; B 2 chun kiiu ju; cu6 k6u
pursed mouth 4% cu6 kbu putrid @ fii; @ sou; B1$2 fii l f f n Pursed Mouth Powder $& cu6 f2ng putrid belching Ugy@g hi qi ffi chhu; sin @R hi fii purslane0 (Portulacae Herba) -3 i ' k j - 3 mii putrid breath B ,% fii xi chi xihn; 45 6$ S* chcing ming ciio; 3ify putrid grimy tongue fur g Z @ &shk tLzi -* + wfi xing ciio; @ % %* suan m i chi; fii g6u Y %F%*mii sht zi cai; Ill?%* g ~ zi a putridity @ ffi chi; -3 E h i i xihn; 4 i'kj- %* mii chi cai; Putridity-Eliminating Powder & @ $& q& 3i? %"iwfi fang chi; @ E*suiin chi; +$ fir siin A -* 011w chang ming xihn; 5& %* wfi sZ putrid smelling @$2ffi chhu chi; fh 4 %* di mii cai putrid sour breath T@$B kdu qi suan Purslane Decoction 4$QEq& mci chixiarz chhu tang putrid sour taste in the mouth $E@ purulent ear q.l#$ e'r ting; p$ ting; Giq. % kku zh6ng ybu suiin ffi w2i ting e'r putting forth oily sweat R&ljUf& hhn chk purulent ear discharge -q tjfm e'r n2i rii y6u liii n6ng putting forth pearly sweat f f ttj hhn purulent nest scab (jik) M%% n6ng wd chk rLi zhk ji2 PV [old] i$b% chbng mhi purulent nest sore n6ngk2 chuang; pylorus @ you m t n M 33% n6ng wb chuang Pyothorax Formula 76 M m f i zhi n6ng purulent phlegm M@ n6ng tcin xidng f a g pus ill!! n6ng Pyri Exocarpium (pear peel) E li pi; Pus-Expelling Decoction j~#/@t% phi n6ng %T*li gin tang Pyri Fructus Succus (pear juice) Z ! $ ! ~ li Pus-Expelling Powder fSF M & phi ndng zhi sin pyriteo (Pyritum) $ %@Jt i rcin t6ng; ;ti Pus-Expelling Powder Plus Decoction # @%* shi sui qian M @ 7it @J phi nhng siitz ji tang Pyritum (pyrite) $ E@lzi rcin t6ng; 6 push @ tui BE* shi sui qian push-cupping #@figtui guan; #l@% tui Pyritum Rotundum (iron pyrite@) E% gucin fii ;6 sht hcin shi pushing #& tui fii pyrola@ (Pyrolae Herba) B6,WjSlu xihn pushing an searching [pulse-taking]@+ ciio; JEBS* lii ti ciio tui xLin Pyrolae Herba (pyrola@)EgjS 13 xi& Pus-Outthrusting Powder Bill!! thu S* l& ti ciio c6o; n6ng scin Pyrrosiae Folium (pyrrosia [leaf]@)fiP putrefaction lhtz; E ffi shi wti; ;tiE*shi pi; ;tiS*shi kin; $LE putrefaction speckles j$ ,& fii diiin $11 g* h6ng ni jihn ciio; ;ti%* shi we'i putrefy @ fii; lhn pyrrosia [leaf] @ (Pyrrosiae Folium) 6% putrefying clove sore (ding) ~Efi lan ding shi wti; ;ti&*shipi; ;ti%* shi lrin; $,I% putrefying gums %@BIEyri yin fii lhn $11 S* h6ng ni jihn ciio; 6q*shi we'i putrefying throat cinnabar sand (shZ) IK Pyrrosia Powder 6%+$kshi wki siin @ f f @ lan h6u d i n sh5 Pythonis Vesica Fellea (python's gall) H putrefying throat sand (sha) EN%#@lhn !I@ rhn sht diin h6u sha python's gallo (Pythonis Vesica Fellea) putrefying throat wind E@R lan h6u rrin shk diin f@
qi 5 qi; E qi Qi [479-502 A.D.] % qi Qi-Abducting Decoction % 5$31 diio qi t5ng Qi Abode (CV-8) %&* qi sh8; (ST11WHO) 5% qi sh8 qi absorption ' Im5 na qi qi absorption failure 'B +$h% sh2n bb na qi qi accumuPation 5 @qi,ji qian [unit of weight equal to one tenth of a liang] % qibn qi and blood qi xu? qi and blood both ablaze %hm@j qi xu8 liing fbn qi and bodily strength 531qi li qi and construction both ablaze qi ying liing fbn qi and flavor 5% qi w8i qi and yin vacuity TPJj E qi yin liiing xi2 Qian's Ovate Atractylodes Powder % $ $3 qibn shi bbi zhh sin qi ascent k% shang qi qi aspect 5% qi fin qi-aspect damp obstruction SPB5fi shi zu' qi jen qi-aspect pattern 5fi iIE qi f2n zhtng qi bar 5% qi guan qi bind abdominal pain ??&@% qi jik fb tbng qi bind below the umbilicus aftT4&% qi xia jik qi qi binding in the throat %/r,$U qiH jik I@ ydn h6u qi block 5[fl qi bi qi-block deafness 5rfl G 2$ qi bi e'r 16ng qi-blood qi xuk I@
qi-blood pattern identification 5&%iiE qi xu? bian zhkng qi, blood, phlegm, and food pattern iden-&%iE qi xu2 tbn shi tification bian zhtng qi-blood vacuity 5&mJ&qi xu8 liiing xii qi-blood vacuity menstrual pain ~JIuE $lG % $3qi xu2 xii rub tbng jing Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor [the interlocutors of the Inner Canon] 03 $$ qi hubng qi-boosting medicinal &$%%yi qi y&o Qi-Boosting Sharp and Bright Decoction $%yi qi cbng ming tang &$ 5$'~ Qi-Boosting Spleen-Moving Decoction $b * l ~ j $ ! bii ~ ~qi yun pi t5ng Qi-Boosting Strangury- Decoction #+@$ yi qi zhi lin tang Qi-Boosting Urine-Abducting Decoction Ej7tZg yi qi diio niao tang Qi Center [non-channel] 5 qi zhbng Qi chrysanthemum [flower] (Chrysanthemi Flos Qi) $fi% qi jli Qi-Clearing Phlegm-Tkansforming Pill % 54k @ Stl qing qi hua tbn wbn Qi Cleft (GV-1) %EP * qi xi qi constipation 5@\ qi bi qi cough Ti$$si sbu qi counterflow qi ni qi counterflow ascent desertion %gkE qi ni shhng tub qi cultivation %@I qi gbng qi cultivation therapy 5??1 f i $& qi gbng libo fii qi deafness 9@qi l6ng qi depression 5 61qi yu Qi Depression Decoction 5@$%qi yu tang; % ~ B qi @ yu I hng qi depression dizziness 5 gBIk;g qi yu xuan yfin \-
qi depression flooding 5%blfllj@i qi yu xut bbng qi depression rib-side pain 56bl$J@ qi yl; xu6 tong; 5$jbj$JB qi yu xit tong qi depression stomach duct pain 5%b/j$ qi yu wcin (gucin) tong; 56bflSBqi y ~ iwin t6ng qi deserting with the blood 5Eaa#qi sui xu2 tub qi desertion %a# qi tub qi diarrhea 5,$ qi? xi2 $ Qi-Discharging Beverage $IF 5tk phi qi yin qi disease 5% qi bing qi disease pattern 5%iElG qi bing zhtng hou qi distention 5g# qi zhang qi distention in the chest and abdomen jlQ @58# xibng fii qi zhang qi distention in the chest and diaphragm @jjETL= xibng gt qi zhang Qi Door (ST-13W110)TP qi hu qi drum 53 qi gii qi drum distention 5@ qi gii qi dynamic 5th qi j i qi dysentery qi li qi eff'uses from .the viscera 5&jEE qi y6u zhng fa qi failing to contain the blood 5T;fGh qi bii sh2 xu2 qi fall 5 P G qi xihn qi fall diarrhea 5PG 'it& iT qi xian xi2 xi2 qi fetus 5flaqi tai Qi Fish (CV-3) 5&* qi yci qi, flavor, yin and yang 5%Fl qi wti yin yhng Qi Flow Drink Yfi5-35 lici qi yin zi Qi-Freeing Hardness-Dissipating Pill j.@ 5& S A tbng qi shn jian whn qi fullness 5% qi m2n qi gan 5% qi gan Qi Gate [non-channel] 527 qi m t n qi gate [pore] 5T7 qi m t n qi glomus 5% qi pi
qi goiter 5@ qi ying Qi Goiter [non-channel]9@qi ying qigong ?LA qi gbng qigong therapy 5I@ E &$ qi gbng licio fci qi rt qi heat damaging liquid 5?6 shang jin qi heat scorching liquid 5z,:i/4;@ qi rt shuo jin qi hemorrhoids 5% qi zhi qi hiccough qi 2' Qi House (GB-25) 5$f* qi fii qi impediment (bi) 5% qi bi qi-in-blood medicinal lfll $53xu2 zhbng qi y20 Qi-Infusing Construction-Nourishing Decoction 2j3 5%E$5chtng qi ycing ying tang Qi-Infusing Decoctions S J@? chtng qi tang Qi-Infusing Variant Decoction fin S 5 $5jiii jipn chtng qi tang Qi Issue Point [non-channel]85fi chu qi xut qi is the commander of the blood 5 ( 2) qi wti xu2 (zhi) shubi qi is the home of blood 5% aIJ3qi wti xut gut qi loss shi qi qi lump 5% qi kuai qi mounting (shan) 5% qi shan Qi-Moving Cyperus and Perilla Powder i[TP325 j;X 3 xing qi xiiing sG siin qi-moving medicinal f'j5B xirzg qi yho qi-mavins technique fT5& xhzg qi fci Qin [221 B. C. - ?07 B. C.] % qi~z Qing [Manchu, 164471911 A.D.] $f qing Qingzhou White Pill $11 qing zhbu bdi whn zi Qi-Normalizing Center-Harmonizing Deshitn qi h i zhbng tang coction Blij??jF[l +$$I Qi-Normalizing Food-Dispersing Phlegml i j ? &5 # 4 shitn Transforming Pill % qi xiiio shi hua thn whn Qi-Normalizing Phlegm-Abducting Decoction JllJj~~@@~shirrz qi dcio t i n ting
qi not going to root 5 + ! J 3 @ qi bu gui gZn qi occlusion b r r n of dysphagia-occlusion (YC gal %BE qi gt qi of 'earlier heaven X X 25, xian tian zhi qi qi opening 5 qi kbu qi pain 5% qi tong qi pain in the region of the heart and xin wii qi tong stomach JL\S 5% qi phlegm Y B qi tlin qi point 5fi qi xiit Qi Point (KI-13W"O) Tfi qi xut qi-pushing method #@??A tui qi fii qi-rectifying dampness-transforming medicinal 59 5 4 t E a li qi hua shi yao qi-rectifying medicinal 5B5,a li qi yao qi-rectifying water-disinhibiting medicinal 5 5 5,$IJ 7k3j li qi li shui yao qi-rectifying worm-expelling medicinal 59 li qi qii ch6ng yao 54E Qi-Repressing Powder ) I P 5 % yi qi siin qi reversal TJpjqi jut Qi-Righting Lindera and Cyperus Powder E 5X B % zhtng qi ti6n xiiing siitz qi screen 5% qi yi qi scrofula 5@ qi li; %,@ qi lub qi shortage 5 9 qi shiio Qi-Smoothing Powder shk qi siin Qi Source (CV-3) TE* qi yuhn qi stagnatiQn 3% qi zhi qi s:agnaticn &do=&! e L z2 qi zhi fh tong qi stagnation and blood stasis 5,%&$3 qi zhi xu&yd qi stagnation blood stasis menstrual [$Iqi zhi xuk yii jing block 5,%@@29 bi qi stagnation blood stasis palpitation 5 %a@ qi zhi xuk yii xin ji qi stagnation delayed menstruation 5% Pj j'?& 3 qi zhi jing xing hou qi qi stagnation in the chest lQ9p5,$$ xibng 63 qi zhi
qi -stagnation lumbar pain 5% @ J& qi zhi yGo thng qi stagnation menstrual pain 5# B 2 9 qi zhi thng jing qi stagnation pain 5,%@ qqi thi thng qi stagnation swelling T%j$JE qi zhi zhbng zhang qi strangury (lin) %$31; qi lin qi stroke 5,$ qi zhong qi supplementation + \ T bii qi Qi-Supplementing Bladder-Freeing Beverage +b 5 Bj? T t bii qi tong piio yin Qi-Supplementing Center-Fortifying Decoction +I?& $5~ bii qi jihn zhong tnng Qi-Supplementing Dizziness-Resolving Decoction +b @J bii qi ji2 ydn tang qi-supplementing formula i+5fiIJ bii qi ji qi-supplementing spleen-fortifying forw l a +\ 5@R$BIJ bii qi jian pi ji qi-supplementing spleen-fortifying medicinal 5,@j$% bli qi jian pi yho Qi-Supplementing Spleen-Moving Decoction + \ 5 3 # $ 5 J 66 qi yun pi tang qi surging up Rom the lower abdomen 5 M 9@ lj$ qi c6ng shho fic shang chbng qi surging up into the heart 5 k i $ ~ L \qi shang chbng xin qi swelling 58cfi qi zhcing . qi temerity 5,4& qi qik. qi thoroughfare 5j$ qi chong; 5 1 % qcli jiZ Qi Thoroughfare (ST-30) 5-7"qi jig; (ST-30WlfO)Ti$ qi ch6ng qi transformation [new] 5 4 t qi hua Qi lkansport (GB-25) ?-&J~ qi shu qi tumor 5% qi lih Qi Union (CV-8) 5,&* qi h i qi vacuity TE qi xd qi vacuity abdominal pain 5 E E B qi xii fu tong qi vacuity advanced menstruation 5E29 qT % qi xii jing xing xian qi qi vacuity and spleen cold TE8$%qi xii pi hlin qi vacuity blood stagnation qi . xii xuk zhi
qi vacuity center fullness Y E + % qi xii zhdng miin qi vacuity containment failure $3 qi xii bu shi qi vacuity deafness 3E B qi xii &I- lbng qi vacuity dizziness 5@Egqi xii x u i n Yun qi vacuity fall TE 7r p h i xii xia xian qi vacuity fever@ ;' E ?r!: qi xii fii rk qi vacuity flooding and spotting %Ej$j % qi xii beng lhu qi vacuity habitual miscarriage TE?BRh qi xii hua tai qi vacuity headache T E % @ qi xii tbu thng qi vacuity heat YETkr: qi xii rk qi vacuity impediment (bi) 5,EB qqi xii bi qi vacuity palpitation T@JL\'E?$qi xii xin ji qi vacuity panting %ED%qi xii chucin qi vacuity profuse menstruation %E .FJ ?gj$% qi xii yut jing guh d~10 qi vacuity spontaneous sweating Y E ?T qi xii zi hhn qi vacuity tinnitus
[email protected]!$qi xii &rming qi vacuity verging on desertion YE'&% qi xii yu tud qi vacuity wilting (w&i)Y E @ qi xL1 wZi qi vomiting 5,UE qi du qi wheel [white,of the eye] T$t qi Ikn qi wheel blood stasis Y $ t h @ qi lhn xu2 yfi . qi wheel damp-heat T?@?E?k\ qi lLin shi rk qi wheel wind-heat %$tR!!t qi lrin fZng rk quadruple combined pulse e4 &b% si h i mZli Quadruply Processed Cyperus Pill e4 glJ M+ si zhi xiiing fir whz quaff' @jjE dun fu quality E pin quality of voice and enunciation E S fii yin quantity $+ 5 f2n liling
quiet quartan malaria Z El s i n ri nut Quartz Album (white quartz@.) Q 6% bbi shi ying quell the liver 4% fii giin Quercus Acutissimae Cortex (oak bark) & fr;ffi xiang mii pi; & E*xicing pi quick and slow supplementation and drainage $%@ +E f% xh ji bii xi;; %$% +l.iqji xh bii xii quicken & hub quicken the blood @jhhuh xu2 quicken the blood and disperse welling abscess bong) @jhYE hub xu2 xi20 ~6%' quicken the blood and engender the new % !ik %fi hub' xu.? shgng xin quicken the blood and free the network vessels %hi@% hub xu2 t0ng lu6 quicken the blood and move qi @j&jT5. hub xui xing qi quicken* the blood and transform stasis $3a4L @ hub xu2 hua yii quicken the network vessels @jgg hub luh quicklime@ (Calx Viva) 96E shZng shi hut quiet 9 iin; 7 ning Quiet Construction Decoction 9%@ iin rbng tGng Quieting of Evil (BL-61) Si-ffB* nn xi6 Quiet Sleep [non-channel] 9 0 8 , iin mibn Quiet Sleep #1 [tzon-channel] 22 BE
Quiet Sleep #2
[non-channel] % 0E
Quiet Sleep #3
[non-channel] ?@BE
( 3 ) iin mirin (3) Quiet Sleep #4 quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet
[non-chnnnel] ??BE
the center 9 iin zh6ng the fetus 93s iin tiii the heart LEIZ X M Z ; 7 & ning xin the heart spirit T~i'-\t$ ningxi~lshin tire spirit C ~ shkn Z si-.ij
quiet the spirit with heavy settlers 3% %$$ zhhng zhkn dn shtn quilled cinnamon [bark] (Cinnamomi Cortex Tubiformis) @ gu6n gui; ;f'$B* gui t6ng Quisqualis and Rhubarb Powder 4% Z q A 8H shi jiin zi da huhng ft;n Quisqualis Fructus (quisqualis [fruit]@) ?% 3 shi jiin zi; 3 $3 " lid qid zi; ji &F*wii ling zi; %T%* sub zi gub; 4 KJF* dGng jiin ti; Z 3 * jiin zi; I % Z m* shi jiin rhu; ? % Z3 , m * shi jiin zi r6u; 4%
Rabdosiae Amethystoidis Herba (common rabdosiaa) I]\ Ut!@,g,Bxi60 yt sht zbng guiin; B & %* xidng chh cai; %S X B * tit quun tdu mii Rabdosiae Striati Herba (stream-side , rabdosiao) ?%B 3 xi huung ciio rabid dog $$I A zhi quiin; gZA kuhng quiin; @ 3Q f2ng g6u rabid dog bite 8 R { %kuung quiin shdng; 3% 49 4% f2ng gbu shang rabid dog bite toxin failing to come out .Wr R U 24% Z$ zhi quiin yiio shiing du bu chii racing Ipulse] S.ji racing pulse jj$S mrii ji; Sfbk ji mai Radde's anemone [root] @ (Anemones Raddeanae Rhizoma) /r$P& M$ zhLi jit xicing fu; f8;j A & * liiing t6u jian radish' (Raphani Radix) %@ lai fd; $ 3 b * bhi lud b6; FBSiYu6 fLi; F $ * lu6 bhi; 3 E * lu6 fd; 3 b * lud 66; fB* tfi sii; % A * cai t6u radish seedo (Raphani Semen) % E T lhi fd zi; % flSi T* lhi fd zi; % b 3 * lu6 bii zi; 3 b 3;'lud 66 zi Radish Seed and Magnolia Bark BindFreeing Decoction %$bB46?5/hip6 tong jit tang
Z 3{I*shi jiin zi rtn quisqualis [fruit] @ (Quisqualis Fructus) 4% 73T shi jiin zi; S $T * lid qid zi; E &F*wfi lkng zi; ST%*sub zigub; f 3F* ~ dong jiin zi; Z 3 * jiin zi; 4% m* shi jiin rhu; 4% Z 3 * shi jiin zi rhu; ?% Z 3{I* shi jiin zi rtn
Quisqualis Pill I%$JFTtL shi jiin zi whn Quisqualis Powder 4% Z 3 & shi jiin zi siin quivering with cold %% zhtn han
@ B ffi gfi
Rain Water [2nd solar term] j$j7k yii shui raise $$! ti raised chest a$@jxibng gdo raised-shoulder breathing B ,R jidn xi raise the spirit B$$ti shin raising [method of bone righting] ti fii raising ' u p needling [one of the twelve needling methods] $53 $11 yhng ci raking the firewood from beneath the cauldron % E&% fii d i chbu xin rale [new] Q ming Ramie (Boehrneria) Decoction Z&@J zhu -=.-
p z r c mrcg
Ramie (Boehmeria) Powder E@B zhu gEn siin ramie [root] (Boehmeriae Radix) ?5@ & zhu m h gEn; S?;liW* zhu g2n rampant heat toxin f4?$2%6 rt dd chbng chi Ranae Temporariae seu Amurensis l h b a Uterina (forest frog's uterine tube@) % $g?&hd m h y6u Ranunculi Japonici Herba et Radix (Japanese ranunculus) %Bmho gin
Ranunculi Scelerati Herba (noxious ranunculus) shi ldng rui Ranunculi Ternati Tuber (cat's claw buttercup [root]@)48fl $Z mao zhlio ciio rapacious appetite %-& tlin shi rapacious appetite and non-movement of food % & iT3 B t i n shi t r bu yun Raphani Radix (radish) %% lrii fh; .$ a b * bai lud b6; BE* lu6 fh; 3$ * lub lud fii; F b * lu6 66; rt@* tii bhi; F%* sii; % X * chi tdu Raphani Radix Recens (fresh radish) &f %% xi& I& fh; @$?j5 b * xian lub bb Raphani Semen (radish seed) %ZTlrii fh zi; % f l E q * lLii fii zi; F b q*lud bii b q*lud bd zi zi; rapid @ shuwb rapid breathing 53, qi ji rapid breathing at the slightest exertion $I i f R 53, dwbng zhk qi j i rapid breathing on exertion $I Nl] 93, dwbng zt qi ji rapid breathing when lying down El %I]$ 3, wwb zk qi j i rapid distressed [OM, breathing] {Z cu rapid hungering despite ability to eat $iE -&%tn ntng shi shhn j i rapid irregularly interrupted pulse Jj$& mki ch; $$Bk cil mhi rapid needle insertion TAjjk8H kkui su jin zhEn rapid panting chuiin ji rapid panting on exertion $Ifll]5,Ug d6ng zt qi chuiin rapid pulse bkB mhi shuwb; @b$ shuh mhi rash and impatient nature 't$tg3,il$$xing qing j i zao rashness, impatience, and irascibility 3, @E?zj i zho yi nh rat ELshii rattle [old] mitzg rattlesnake orchid@ (Pholidotae Chinenshi sis P , C L I L ' ~ ' - ~ l b u sseu Herba) Z{~#k xi+i it11
ravine ?g xi Ravine Divide (ST-41WffO) R j ?gji2 x i Ravine Hole (ST-1) ?gn*xixut; (ST-29) ign*xixuk ravines and valleys @ @ xi gii Ravine Valley (ST-29) ?g@* xi gii raving Z Z wang yan raving and hallucination ZSS R wcing yrin wring jian raw [animal and vegetable products] % shdng raw aconite/typhonium [tuber] @ (Aconiti Coreani seu Typhonii Gigantei Radix Cruda) % $ M$+ sheng brii fu zi raw aconite [accessory tuber] @ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Crudum) % M i f q sh2ng fu zi ,raw aconite main tubera (Aconiti Tuber Crudum) % J I I -$ sh2ng chuan wii Raw Aconite Powder sh2ngfil s i n raw alum@ (Alumen Crudum) *@$A* sh2ng ming fan raw arisaema [root] a (Arisaematis Rhizoma Crudum) %EE* sheng nhn xing raw borax@ (Borax) 9 Jj 6 'sheng yut shi raw coix seed@ (Coicis Semen Crudum) %E{I*shcng yi r i n ; !&%E{I* sheng yi yi rkn raw dioscorea [root] @' (Dioscoreae Rhizoma Crudum) %g%*shZng shii yu raw licorice [root] ' (Glycyrrhizae Radix Cruda) $ktl-9sheng glin crio raw notoginseng [root] @ (Notoginseng -L* shbtg tirin qi Radix Cruda) raw pinellia [tuber] @ (Pinelliae Tuber shcng b ~ r zxi& Crudum) Raw Rehmannia Gruel %N!%5#5 sheng di huring zhbu Raw Rhinoceros Horn Powder & E #I k% shzng xi jia'o siin raw rhubarb@ (Rhei Rhizoma Crudum) &%* shsng j i n Raw Q p h a Decoction %$5$$$3~shZtzg pk huritzg tiing raw wild aconite [tuber] @ (Aconiti TsaoWu-Tou Tuber Crudum) +$Z -$ shr'ng ciio wli (I
re- E ffiifl record Z zhi reachable sore $%+ da shiiu recover quan; E chai reachable sore of the back fZd& d2 bti recover Cfvom illness] && quan yu reachable sore of the lower back T$g+ Recover Flow (KI-7W110)b% fu lifi xia dii sh6u recover without medication FZj7ij& bu reachable sore of the middle back !+it8 yio t r yu -f zhbng dG sh6u recovery E chai; porn illness] @& qukn reachable sore of the upper back I t % + YU shang dd sh6u recovery stage 4% b ift8 hui fu qi Reaching Yin (BL-67WF10)E PEJ zhi yin rectal prolapse hemorrhoids 8# D % tu6 ready-prepared Chinese medicine I+ &% gang.zhi zhbng chtng yao rectification $9Li ready-prepared medicine & 37 chtng yao . Rectified Convenience [non-channel]5% realgare (Realgar) h@$i$ xidng hubng; & 4E li bian 3% G* jin huring shi; ;ti*tian ycing rectify 39 li; @ jiiio shi; 3 E*huhng shi; 3 ;Ei* j i gudn shi; Rectifying Poria (Hoelen) Decoction @% 6B*shi huang; it#$$@* xi6ng hihngfin $5 li ling tiing Reallgar (realgar) h#B xidng huhng; & rectify qi lli qi ;6* jin huriizg shi; *PH;Ei* tian yring shi; R e *huring shi; gB;Ei*j i guan shi; ;ti rectify qi and check vomiting •’g%ltllE li qi zhi 6u . R*shi hucing; @ $i$ $@*xi6ng huring fin rectify qi and 'disinhibit water @%$lJ 7K Realgar Lucidum (lucid realgar) % k# li qi li shui yao ming xi6ng; it#@* xidng jing; ES* yao rectify qi and downbear counterflow •’gT huhng; IjFJk # S * ming xidng huring P$ @ li qi jiang ni Realgar Toxin-Resolving Pills k# 7% H S rectify qi and harmonize construction 5BJ A xibng huring jit? dLi wan T$U E li qi h i ying Rear Auditory Convergence [nonhbu ting hui rectify qi and harmonize the center 3%channel] 6 D f i $U !+i li qi h i zh6ng Rear Auditory Palace [non-channel]h 5nfi g*h& ting g6ng rectify qi and harmonize the stomach 5% 9$U E li q; ht wii Rear Camphorwood Gate (LVL13) GZ$i , I'J* hGu zhang m&n rectify qi and quicken binds %9%%'r_S li qi hub jik Rear Hearing Point [non-channel]6Dfi rectify qi and relieve pain @!!.kg li r]i I\ hbu ting xnt zhi tGng Kear Sea of Blood [non-channel]G&@ rectify qi and transform dampness 59% hhu xu2 h6i rebellion bve phases] xiang wii; .1tE li qi huh shi Eve-phase cycle],4% wii rectify qi and transform phlegm E35,d-L' li qi hua thn rebounding G 1 f.yin sh6u; 6 ying zhi receive essence fg$j!f sh2 jing rectify qi counterflow @!@ li qi ji recens [Latin] sheng rectify the blood @rfn K xu2 re-circling [of evils through the channels] rectify the center @ li zh6ng %I$ z&i chuirn rectum r E gufiing chring recommencement of menstruation in old Rectum (BL-56) $j'J?g* zhi chring age % 2 $32 7k E 75 nirin 120 jing shui fu nlng Rectum-Lifting Powder BU3 ti gang s6n
recurrence of discomfort from an old injury 22 435 & E 160 shiing hbu fii recurrent J$?@ 2 {$ fiin fu fi zub red [color associated with heart-fire] % chi; 2 1 hbng Red-Abducting Powder F$ % diio- chi sn'n Red-Abducting Qi-Infusing Decoction 9 % 7 3 5% diio chi chdng qi tiing red and white dysentery %IQ j$J'@ h6ng brii li ji; 3 $ #$J hbng brii li; B j$J chi brii li red and white turbidity Q $& chi bcii zhu6; 8 Q $& chi brii zhub red and white vaginal discharge j$~ G 7; chi bcii dai xia; & Q $ chi bcii dai red areola surrounding the dark of the eye G $2 %@ wu l4n chi ycn; f@$C 2 1 blio l4n h6ng; %Rt@fC chi dai bao 14n red arsenic0 (Arsenicum Rubrum) % Ibtt: hbng pi; %IU;1" hbtzg fritz; %I{S h6ng xin shi red as coagulated blood Z$U!!&+& chi rri pii xu2 red as if smeared with cinnabar 2I$U& A- h6ng rri t4 dGn red azalea [flower] @ (Rhododendri Simdu jniin huii sii Flos seu Fructus) $fE!$E red bayberry macules $2&j33 yring m2i. batz red bayberry papules $$I @@ ycing mti zhZn red bayberry pox @#jigybng mti dbu red bayberry sore [syphilitic sore] $%@% ycing mki chuGng red bayberry toxin bind 42 & 2% EZ yring mti jik du red-berried mistletoe@ (Visci Ramus) 33 h4 ji shgng; ;IL3&* bZi ji sh&g Red Birdie Pill zhu quk wlin red blood threads %21&& chi h6ng xu2 si; t ~ * h gh6ng chi xu2 si Red Brocade Tablet $$!% EIjjin h6ng piritz red cicada@ (Huechys) 21$@3 hbng niring zi reduced food intake /sfi& 9 nii shi jirin shiio
red reddening of the cheeks m%Iqurin hbng; qurin chi; A E 8 liring qucin fii chl reddening of the eyes €IF 3 yiin jitzg fii h6ng reddish urine [new] R$ niao chi red-downed rubus@ (Rubi Rufo-Lanati h6ng mi& Folium et Ramulus) 2I$#,B te'ng red dysentery %@j chi li red ears 2r chi . red eyes mu chi red eyes and tearing El ZjtR?Hmu chi liil 12i red face and ears @21 R% mian h6ng Zr chi red face and eyes jZij ?I€I % miin h6ng mu chi red face wind 8 mj3, chi mirin fing red facial complexion mirirz chi; Ei 2 1 micin hbng; @&%I mibn s2 h6ng red flaming sore chi yrin chuang red flesh [of the arms and legs] $ l%l chi rbu red flooding and white discharge 2XE $ % h6ng bZng brii brii tli red flushed facial complexion @& %I miiin s2 zhring h6ng Red Frost Powder 8% & rhi shruing sn'n red ginseng@ (Gingseng Radix Rubra) S h6ng shen; A S* h6ng rkn shZn red gypsum@ (Gypsum Rubrum) i I 6 B h6ng shi giio red-hot needling $$H ccui zhZn; %2Hshfio zhen; @+/- fdn zhZn red-hot needling [one of the nine needling cui ci methods] +~$IJ red in color as though smeared with cinnabar %I& 3& h6ng s2 rLi tli diitz red infested rice@ (Oryzae Semen cum Monasco) g @ h6ng qr?; &@I* chi qu; h6ng mi; ?B@* f& qii; gI%*hbng mi;%@* chi qLi red jasmine [flower] 0 (Plumeriae S E j i tliin huii Rubrae Flos) red macules on the skin i$ /I& n33 pi f2 hbtzg biin
red mume flowera (Mume Flos Rubus) Zl&Z h6ng rnti h u i redness of the whole face @@B$I miin mian tbng h6ng red network vessels 8It8 h6ng lu6 red niter@ (Nitrum Rubrum) %#j chi xi80 red nose $1 & 7 hdng bi zi; [drinker's nose] &% bi chi Red Oil Paste 81$4 E- K6ng y6u gdo red or crimson tongue Z81?%sht h6ng jiang red papules M B hdng zhtn red peony [root]@ . (Paeoniae Radix Rubra) 85Z chi shbo yao; 5Z* mu shko yao; S M f f Ffi* ch6u mii din g* hdng shbo ycio; % q* chi pi; $13 shbo Red Point [non-channel]% R chi xu2 red poriao (Poria Rubra) chi fu ling; chi fii; ST* chi ling Red Poria (Hoelen) Decoction %2$?% chi ling ting red psychotria root0 (Psychotriae Rubrae Radix) ji @ shin da d8o gZn; LLI A B3@* shdn da ykn gCn red psychotria [twig and lead O (Psychotriae Rubrae Ramulus et Foliurn) &.A shin da dho' red-purple tongue & 2 1 % sht h6ng zi red sagem (Lantanae Ramulus et Folium) E&&t wii st mti red sage flowerm (Lantanae Flos) 513% E' wii st rnti h u i ; 43ff*mii ying din red sage rootm (Lantanae Radix) 3iEE #i wii ! sk mti g2n red sand (shri) $I@ hbng shd red sore swollen eyes IF @$Ifl$W ylin jing h6ng zhdng tbng Red Spirit Ii;lixir t1Z-A-h6ng ling ddtz Red Spirit Wine $1 Z in hh6g ling jiii red spotting 16u hbng red spread pii h6ng red swollen armpit j@SMR$ y t wd hbng zhdng
red red swollen breast 4 L E $Ij$ rii fhng h6ng zhiing red swollen face and eyes @ €I%I$ miAn mu chi zhdng red swollen head and face Am Mfl$ tdu mian h6ng zhdng red tangerine peela (Citri Exocarpium jh hdng Rubrurn) Red Tangerine Peel Pill @8I:BfirJ jLi hbng tGn ji red-thread clove sore (ding) 8 1 &fih6ng st ding red thread mark 8 % h61zg 16 chi ht n red-tipped tongue g $1sht jiin h6ng red tongue $1 sht hdng red turbidity [red ~rrethraldischarge] 8 chi zhub reduce jidn; [treatment]tfi sfin reduced 9 shiio reduced appetite & # H B shiyu jiiin tui reduced eating /J/\ -@ shiio shi; & shi ' shiio reduced eating and profuse sleeping % j$g shiio shi duo rnti reduced food intake E 'LmX 9 wti na jiiin shiio; t&9 na shiio; na jiiin; tfgG na gii jiiin tui; @ @ B 9 shi liang jiiin shiio reduced sleep 9Ef shiio shui; 'Jl' @ shiio qin; 9% shiio rnti reduce swelling Bj$ lui zhdng reduce the superabundance RG sfin qi y6u yii 49 sud xi60 bian reduce urination reduce urine SFj?su6 niao Red Upborne Elixir 8Ifift-ff h6ng shdng din red upborne elixir (Hydrogyrum Oxydahbng sheng; tum Crudum Rubrum) %I# h6ng ling ddn; $I.I%* hbng ling siin; 3{LLI f f * srin xihn h6ng shbtzg din; $I&* hbng f2n; ?-f f f * hbng shdng din red vaginal discharge %?# chi dui; %T % dcii xi& chi
red vessels crossing the eye %Bk{$[lS chi mai chuhn jing red vessels invading the eye %bjcEIl3 chi rnai qin jing red wandering cinnabar %?&A- chi y6u diin red wandering cinnabar toxin jIj$ A- 3 chi ydu diin dLi red wandering wind %iJ$JXl chi ydu fing redworm 8 & chi ch6ng redworm disease % &'fi chi chdng bing refined mirabilite@ (Mirabilitum Depuratum) Z % $!$ I xu6n ming fen; D $?$!$* bhi 16ng f2n; M4L 6i&* fing hull xiiio; Z %l#jf)* yuhn ming f2n; .Jd,4tFg*fZng hua xiao reflect @ hou reflection Lvtored by the spleen] S yi refloa: the grounded ship @j 7&7S A- z2ng shui xing zhbu refuse +E ju refuse pressure [because it exacerbates discomfort] +E% ju an region gp bu Regional Rectifier $11@ 2 g zhbu dG zhi guiin [region] below the lower extreme Lstem of the nose] 7;& 27; xia ji eh i xia region between the eyebrows BJj ycin [region of] red flesh [of the arms and legs] jj'j? @ PZ chi rou ji region outside the pass #4E guiin wai region within the pass # 11;1 gurin nki regular IE zhtng regular channel Egg zhtng jing regular evil EKP zhkng xit regularly interrupted only, without stomach Ipulse] {BILE E dhn dbi wLi wti regularly interrupted pulse 1% dai; Bjc 1t ' mai dai; dai rnai regular water E 7 k zhtng shui regulate i1 tiho regulate menstruation iB23 tiho jing regulate qi i W 5 tiho qi regulate the channels and relieve pain iW t3 .Zit B tido jing zhi tong
Rehmannia regulate the thoroughfare and controlling vessels j6j @ f E tiho li chbng rtn regulate the thoroughfare vessel fl j$ tiho chbng regulate the waterways j@ijZJ7&% t6ng tiho shui duo; j6j 7 K S ticio shui dao regulation i1 ticio Rehmannia and Lycium Root Bark Deifi?% liiing di tiing coction Rehmannia Drink i~S"iRF di hucitzg yin zi Rehmanniae Radicis Recentis Succus (fresh rehmannia [root] juice@) f$&ifi .# xiiin sheng di zhi; gifi~ shdng ' : di zhi; %ifiSi#* sheng di huhng zhi Rehmanniae Radix (rehmannia [root]@) ifi$$ di hucing Rehmanniae Radix Carbonisata (charred dried rehmannia [root]@)+ifiSEshing di hudng thn; di huhng tan Rehmanniae Radix Conquita (cooked rehmannia [root]@)?4ifi3$shLi di huhng; ?4ifi*shdu di; 24fk" shh di; $$ifi$$* S ~ ~ di huling; $4 ifi shLi grin di huling; $4 Tifi sh6u giin di hucing Rehmanniae Radix Crassa (thick dried rehmannia [root]@) frgifida shfizg di Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata (dried rehmannia [rootla) TifiB grin di hucinp; 7 %kg* giin shdng di; )i$?%ffi* yuhn shdng di; Y T ifiB*shdng giin di huhng . Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata seu Recens (driedlfresh rehmannia [rootlo) YffiB shing di huhng; h*ifi* da shdng di; Y ifi*shing di Rehmanniae Radix Recens (fresh rehmannia [root]@)&ifi$$ xirin di hucing; HYffi*xirin shdng di; @+ifiS':xiiin shZng di huang Rehmanniae Radix Tenuis (thin dried rehmannia [root]@) QYifi xi shEng di Rehmannia Pill ifi$$ fi di huhng whn Rehmannia Powder ifi@s di huang siitz rehmannia [root] @ (Rehmanniae Radix) ifisdi huhng Rehmannia Root Pill ifiyfi di zhi whn
reinforce ljjJ zhu reinforce yang ljjJ BH zhu yhzg reinforce yang and resolve the exterior @J BR ff# 5 zhu ycing jig biio reject clothing xiLln yi Rejuvenation Elixir 3.J/.f f h u h shao dkn relapse B f i ~ relapse due to dietary irregularity @ g shi jii relapse due to eating meat & flIJ E shi rou z t fii; -&m flIJB shi rou z t yi relax tension %%, huiin ji release sand (shii) hA@ fang shii relieve _Lt zhi relieved by cold f$+%fillEd t hdn z t shtn relieved by eating j%@ll?lJa d t shi zd jiin relieved by heat f+?& %I]% d t r2 zd huiin relieved by pressure f%% J!l]X d t an zC jihz relieve glomus f f E kLli pi relieve itching k@ zhi ying relieve pain k% zhi thtzg reluctance to open the eyes -BEBS E CtQ f f yiin jing bL xiiing zheng kiii reluctant ox [painful calluses inhibiting niri chtng jiiin physical movement] Y %j % remedy 8 fiing; f j . @ fcing ji remedy books f j - fcing shu remove & qu remove oil & $lj qu ybu remove the dregs &.I$$ qu zhii renal 'g shin render @ 4.I: ydng huu Renewal Powder F$g% zai zho siin ren-ying A D rin ying ren ying pulse A rtn ying rnai repeated abortion shui, dui, tGi repel @ bi; @ bi repel foulness @@' bi hui repelled yadg gi ydng repelled yang and blocked yin @Pfl# PJ gt ydng guan yin repelling cold hdn gt
Repressed repel phlegm #% pi tan replenish @ tiirin replenish essence @$g tihn jing replenish repletion and evacuate vacuity ;L;xEEshi shixii xii replenish the marrow fgg tidn sui replete % shi replete body # % ti shi replete evil % 4(3 shi xi6 replete metal failing to sound 0% jin shi bu ming replete physique and qi f i 3 5 @ % xing qi ju shi replete pulse big rnai shi; gb? shi mai repletion % shi mpfletion cold % 7$ shi l?&z repletion cold % % shi hbn repletion constipation %$I\shi bi repletion distention %j# shi zhhng repletion evil SfillJshi xit repletion fire shi hud repletion glomus S % shi pi repletion heat %! shi r2 repletion heat chest bind %?&tgjjkj shi r2 jiC xidng repletion hiccough %a@ shi 2 repletion indicates yang brightness (ycing ming); vacuity indicates greater yin (tki flIJ g ,@ !I] jiPJ shi z t ycing yin) ming, xii z t tui yitz repletion is treated by draining g S i 3 2 shi zhe' xi2 zhi; RIJ$32 shi z t xi2 zhi rey!etinn is treated h v drsining t h e rhild % 33#3 shi z t xi; 9i zi repletion pain %% shi tong repletion panting %U% shi chuiin repletion pattern %iB shi zh2ng repletion swelling % fi$ shi zhdng repletion with vacuity complication @ % & shi zhdng jiii xii report needling [one of the twelve needling methods] )I$ %I] bao ci repress mil yi Repressed Tongue (GV-15) Ed-' yan sht + A
repress the liver F#$flTPEl ping yi gin yhng; fiP fl'f' yi gan reproductive essence % 35 2 $8 sheng zhi zhi jitzg rescue $A jiu rescue yang $APE1 jiu yhtzg resemble ssi residual $ yk residual heat $ %% fS yk rt. whi qing residual postpartum static blood F&@ hl;l; $3 chin hou yii xu2 bu jing residual screen @ 53 sit yi resin flE zhi resinous aquilaria [wood] @ (Aquilariae Lignum Resinosum) I)fliPi& qit nrin xiing resinous licorice root@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix Resinosa) W S P gin ciio jit resolution & jit resolution of fever %ffJ$ rt jit resolve #$ jig resolve depression ffJ$61 jig yii resolve 'tetany @@ jig jirzg resolve tetany and relieve pain Rj$@lt% jit jitzg zhi t&zg resolve the exterior &% jit biiio resolve the exterior and dissfpate cold & 2%5% jit biiio shn hhn resolve the exterior with coolness and acridity 8?,9@%xin lihng jit biiio resolve the exterior with warmth and acridity $%&% xin wbn jig biiio resolve the flesh ffJ$jA jit ji resolve toxin &S jit dk resolve toxin with clearing coolness tgi,$ ffJ8 S sing lihng jit dk , respiration DFRa hii xi Respiration [non-channel] nq D l hr2 xi respiratory method of supplementation and drainage KFDljt+b$$?& hii xi bfi xi2 fii respiratory supplementation and drainage DFnB+1.iEj+& hii xi bii xit shbu fii respiratory tract ,@,%xi dao resting placenta [ = retention of the placenta] ,%,%xi bao
retracted restless sleep E%+S yt m t i bu an restorative fu restore Z fiin; E fu; 5 h u h restore consciousness 3 hui sii restore the power of speech f@#ig jit yii restore the pulse gjbjc fu mhi restore the voice kLTi yllz restrain $J zhi; lfrve phases] ki. restrained [phase] FfiH sub shhng restraining Fve phases] *A% xiirzg k t ; [phase] FfiT B su6 bu shtng restraint between disease and color phases 'fi & $1 bing st xiitzg kk resuscitation sii jut retain gq yue retained cupping % $2?A liu guan fii retainer %J % yue shu retaliatory qi zT fu qi retarded closure of the fontanels B 1'7 E 14 ' xitz m t n chi bi retching UE bu; nE@ 6u ni retching counterflow RE% 6u tzi retching of blood RE& bu xut retching of worms &.@I 6u ch6ng retching qi counterflow ascent I@ i i lk5 6u ni shang qi Retching Stopper [notz-charznel]kUE zhi bu retention 'of dead fetus Eflk+7; si tai bh xia; flk RT 7; tLTi si bil xi& retention of the lochia ;T;f=j t 1I'I bii xing; % Z hl;l; 7; t lu bu xi& retention of the placenta i k a 7; t i i yi bu xiu; $JZT 7; bao yi bit xia retracted external kidney [male genitals] 41. a%A wai shttz sub ru retracted genitals PBh%yin sub; Bag@ yhzg sub; %%PAsub yin; 3%PHsub yring retracted scrotum P B yin nhng sub; P . % k3% yin nhng shang sub; ifij%@jtaring sub retracted scrotum and curled tongue S t @ g %ndng sub sht juiin
retracted testicles GP 9% luiin sub; P 8 5tL k 4.6 yin wrin shkng sub return ijjl hui; gui Return (ST-29W/l") Y3 gui lui Return Again Elixir i/F E f i lrii J-ii diin Return Bone (CV-2) H B* hui gfi return fire to its source $ 1 A jJ3E yin hub gui yurin Returning White (KI-7) ?j3Q * fu brii Return-of-Spring Elixir @ f i hui chGn din return reversal IBI H hui jut Return 'Ikansport (BL-29) E &* xubn shii return yang H hui yhng return yang and stem counterflow El BEI $k 2l hui yring jiu ni reversal [new] jj?i jut reversal cold M?$ jut ltng reversal cold of the extremities + Z M % shiiu zu jut hrin reversal cold in the arm @jj?i bi jut reversal cold of the extremities EFXM?$ shbu zci jut ltng; +ZH?$ shbu yli jut L2ng reversal cold of the limbs F!H si jut; PII Afi ?$ si zhi jut ltng reversal deafness M Q jut 16ng reversal desertion J@i;,a# jut tu6 reversal headache H%j%juk t6u t6ng reversal heart pain HJLBjut xin t6ng reversalheat $$ jut r2 reversal of the extremities +ZM sh6u zu jut reversal mounting (shan) jut shhn reversal pattern EiiE jut zhtng Reversal Powder diiin diio sin reverse & fiin reverse-flow headache mj$% jut ni t6u t6ng reverse flow Mj$ jut ni reverse qi M y jui qi reverting [new] f$j jut reverting (jut yin) yin liver fire 13a l/( jut yin giin h~16
Reverting Poplar (BL-58) M&* jut yring Reverting -ansport (BL-14) J$X &* jut shii Reverting Yang (BL-58) HFH* jut yhng reverting yin (jut yin) PJl jut yin reverting yin (jut yin) disease PJ 3% jut yin bing reverting yin (jut yin) has copious blood ~3 lfn 95 jut yin du6 and scant qi xu2 shio qi reverting yin (jut yin) headache EPB % @$ jut yin t6u t6ng reverting yin (jut yin) is the closing JRPa 2 2 jut yln wti hi reverting yin (jut yin) transforming into Pa4k J%ljut yin hua f2ng wind @j reverting yin (jut yin) roundworm reversal jj?i :'Pa % jut yin hui jut Reverting Yin Ransport (BL-14W110)E PA & jut yin shii revive the spirit-mind K@$EQZ sii xing shin zhi revive yang 2[ID xing yhng Rhaphiolepsis Indicae Ramulus et Folium seu Radix (India hawthorn@) %E* chiin huci mu Rhapontici seu Echinopis Radix (rhaponticum/echinops [root]@) @Fl6u lei Rhaponticum/Echinops Powder & F 3 16u lh sa'n rhaponticumlechinops [root] @ (Rhaponl6u Lu tici seu Echinopis Radix)
Rhei Rhizoma (rhubarb) A$$ da huang; S Rz huang liang; AS* hui, shaz; #& $u* fii rli; +#$PA$$*jitz win da h~lhzg; bg* jun; 111 F* chuan jiin; $i%* jiiing jiin; $,'$$P*jin wZn Rhei Rhizoma Conquitum (cooked rhubarb@) $$ shh da huring; 94% $$ sh6u da huhng; ?&F*sh6u jiin; 94F* shu jiin Rhei Rhizoma Crudum (raw rhubarb@) %%* shZng jiin rheum yin rheum aggregation @i) tA@ yin pi
rheumatism pattern )A,$jijiZ f2ng shizhtng rheum evil tk yin xit rheum evil congesting the lung tk%p@l$ yin xit ybng fti r h p m pattern tA ijf yin zhtng Rhinacanthi Ramulus et Folium (rhinacanthus [twig and leafla) Q e3 Z 3 bhi h t ling zhi; @S*xiiin ciio rhinacanthus [twig and leaf] a (Rhinacanthi Ramulus et Folium) $ @ Z 3 bai hk ling zhi; @S*xiiin ciio Rhinoceros Bezoar P i 3 JZ$ xi huhng wrin rhinoceros horno (Rhinocerotis Cornu) Efa xi-jiiio; B f5 @J * xiang xi jiiio; {& @* di mi; @ @ f a * xinng nih jiiio; GEFSfB* wii xi jiiio; @ fa E* xi jiiio xik Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction E fa NJS %I xi jiiio di huhng ting ~ h i n o c e r o s Horn and Rehmannia Network-Clearing Beverage E ffi t3 $8 fk xi di qing luo yin Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Network-Quickening Beverage E ffi ?$ $8f2 xi di qing hlo yin Rhinoceros Horn Pill E j+j A xi jiiio wdn Rhinoceros Horn Powder @Z fa 3 xi jiiio sfin Rhinocerotis Cornu (rhinoceros horn) E ffi xi jiiio; B f5 FSfB * xiang xi jiiio; {REi'di mi; sf5W j * xiLZng niLi jiiio; -S Ei2 %* wii xi jiiio; E% E* xi jiiio xit rhodiolao (Rhodiolae Herba) Q f-L brii srZn qi Rhodiolae Herba (rhodiolaa) Q -t= bui snn qi Rhododendri Capitati Ramulus et Folium (capitate rhododendron [twig and leaflo) a t +t@, xiiio yk du juzn Rhododendri Daurici Folium (Daurian rhododendron [leafla) @j LLI %Imiin shin h6ng Rhododendri Mariae Flos, Folium seu Radicis Cortex (purple rhododendron [flower, leaf, root) $#;t;i-i% zi dh juan Rhododendri Mollis Flos (yellow azalea nho yhng hun; [flowerla) r+j 3 58*yring zhi zh&; @P!@iZ* zhi zhu6 huii JJ\
rhubarb Rhododendri'Mollis Folium (yellow azalea rooto) +@PEN ;t;B yhng zhi zhub g2n Rhododendri Mollis Fructus (yellow azalea seedo) A $ & 7lili zh6u zi; I'iii7qZT* nho yring h ~ l zi i Rhododendri Przewalskii Folium (Przewalski's rhododendron leafa) &"a" +jLjFE at jin bti pi ph yt Rhododendri Przewalskii Fructus (Przewalski's rhododendron fruita) 2 W+ftif;E jin bti pi pa Rhododendri Simsii Flos seu Fructus (red azalea [flowerla) t t%; ;lcE du jirntz huii Rhodomyrti Folium (rose myrtle leafa) LLI $2D t shiin rcn yt Rhodomyrti Fructus (rose myrtle seedo) LLI@,T shnn r2n zi; E@,q*giing rZn zi Rhodomyrti Radix (rose myrtle root@) LLI $$ ;t;R shun re'n g2n Rhois Chinensis Folium (Chinese sumac leafa) & % P t yhn f& yt ~ h o i s Chinensis ' Radix (Chinese sumac root@) yhn fii zi g2n Rhois Galla (sumac gallnut) E { g T wii bki zi; g & &* biii ch6ng cang; Nrf.T * mit fii zi; {gF* bti zi Rhois Galla Multicornis (many-horned sumac gallnuto) fa {Sjiiio bti; ;lcE@* hurZ bki; S {g*ling bki Rhois Galla Unicornis (single-horned sumac gallnuto) 3& fa 1% dLi jiiio bti; IS* du bti rhomboid hyptisO (Hyptis Rhomboidis Herba) @B$j bL gii xino; QdiB;.Pi* bhi mo gii xiuo Rhopilemae Tentaculum (jelly fish [tentacle]) &% hiii zh6
Rhopilemae Umbrella (jelly fish skin) $9 %R hiii zhi pi rhubarbo (Rhei Rhizoma) k S da huang; R* huring liring; A g * hyd sh2lz; RAkll* fii rLi; $$,:PA@*jin win dri huring; fig*jirn; ) I 1 Zl2chiinn jlln; 1%T1 ]iring jiin; fj$$p4 jtt win
Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction A 35 Mif 7 $6 da huang fu zi tang Rhubarb and Coptis Heart-Draining Decoction A$$ B & ~ ~ J Lda\ $ hurihg ~ J hubng lihtz xi2 xin ting Rhubarb and Kansui Decoction A S H 3 $6 du hciang gin sui tnng Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction A @ Q g$6 da huhtzg gin ciio titzg Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction A$$$* ff- Jfi$% da hubng mit dan pi tang; A S f i 2~da huang mii dGn ting Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction Formula A$$lfitffJfi$3Jfi da huangmit diinpiting fins Rhubarb and Niter Decoction A $$#i;Ei $3J da huang xido shi tiing Rhubarb and Tangkuei Powder A$$,% @ du huang &ng gui siin Rhubarb and Wingless Cockroach Pill A $$ $[: & A dh huang zh2 chdng wan rib Bfi lti; jjJ 12 rib-side distention and pain jfijfBjk% xi& It zhang tong Rib Bone-Hole (GB-13) jfi#!* 12 lido Ribbon Opening (ST-38WllO) $$ ! I tibo kiiu rib-side j&tEB;tlxi2 12; [new] Bfi xi2 rib-side [new] jfiT xi6 xih rib-side and abdomen I&@xit fu .Rib-Side Bone-Hole (LV-13) 8&$3*xi6 liho; j$ * xit liho rib-side distending pain fifhBfijl;@ xit I2 zhang tong rib-side distention jfiflg xit zhbng rib-side flat abscess (jk) JjhjjJlZi xi6 12 jk rib-side pain xit tbng; B&T@$ xi6 xi& tong; Jj& /4j1 % nit 12 tkng tong rice bean' (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) 8 I]\ Z chi xi60 dou; I]\ Z* hdng xi60 dou; I]\ %IEjtg* xi60 hdng lu dou; * Z I 11) g*jin hh6g xiiio dou; %I]\ g* zhk xiiio zhk chi d6u; S G * chi dhu; dou; %%g* ZIg*h6ng dou Rice Bean and Tangkuei Powder 811~ G 3 +& chi xi60 dou diing gui s6n
I '+
Right-Restoring Rice Bean Gruel Z 355R yuan w2i zhbu Rice Bite (GB-5) %aij* mi ni2; *llj#* mi n i2 rice decoctions ( 0 h z a e Decoctio) % $$J m i ting rice husk' (Oryzae Testa) E@ mi pi king; t$''* chii tdu k6ng rice-paper plant pith' (Tetrapanacis Medulla) B S tbng ciio; BE* tbng h u i ; A &S* da tbng ciio; EI i@ S*bhi tong ciio; A B* da mu t6ng tbng; 5 #J fib Jfi* wii jiiio jii pi; BE7ifiU*tbng h u i wii jii wii jii; E$Z* cbng ciio; Zfia f2ng; A H 5fin* da yt wii jia; Z S*hug ca'o rice sprout@ (Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) 8% gii ya; %%* ni2 mi; %%* nit mi; G$&*gfi nit; Gr&* gfi nik; $8 * dlio nih; dho nit; % 4$3* m i git yri rice vinegar0 (Oryzae Acetum) mi cu rice watera (Oryzae Aqua) $$%%I g2ng xi 2r gin; jt fE* m i chin; migiin; ?tk 7K* m i gin shui rice wine' (Oryzae Vinum) % @ m i jiii rich vavor] JZ3h&i rich paste [taken orally] ;B% g6o zi Ricini Radix (castor plant root) ERtR bi ma g2n Ricini Semen (castor bean) ElR7 bi bi mri ma zi; g m q * bi ma zi; g j $ $ I ~ * rttz; E@Tm* bi ma zi rou Ricini Seminis Oleum (castor oil) ZR bi ma y6u riddle diiin 66 ridge @ licin Ridge Spring (CV-23W110) lihn quan Ridge Top (GV-20) l+k* ling shang Ridge Top Celestial Fullness (GV-20) 14 kK %* ling shang tiin miin right [new] iE zhtng right complexion iE& zhtng s2 right qi i E 5 zhkng qi Right-Restoring [Life Gate] Beverage & fl3tk you gut yin
Right-Restoring [Life Gate] Pill & $L ybu gut wrin Right's Need [non-channel] &ff you yi right vacuity and evil repletion EE%p% zhtng xd xit shi right vacuity and rheum bind EE'L'k4_& zhtng xd yin j i t rigid $8qiring; $3B qiring zhi rigid center [persistent erection with seminal loss] $8+i qiling zh6ng rigidity $3qiang; $Zgqiritzg zhi rigidity of the limbs E$3$j si zhi qiring zhi rigidity of the neck xiatzg qiung; 7JjQ $8& jtz? xiritzg qiritzg zhi; 9Jj 583, j k g xiang qmng j i rigidity of the sinews and flesh i%@l S8g jin rbu qiring zhi rigid lumbus and back Eg$8& y i o b2i qiring zhi ring P 2 ming ring finger Z )E wLi ming zhi ringing as of cicadas in the ears OD@ Q t r rh chhn mirzg; F D!$ OD @ F t r ming rh chrin shetzg ringing in the brain l&@,niio ming ringing in the ears R. U% nfl t r n t i ming xiring; .qD$! t r ming ringing in the head t6u xiiing; D!$ nlii] t6u niio ming xiiitzg rip j-JlJi si rise k shatzg; E q i rising drool and critical clouding tjIEkEj f i xihn shang hdtz wei river $ijh t River Cart Road (GV-1) hi! che lic river island official $11$l( 2t_g zh6u dd zhi grriin river point [one of the five tratzsportpoin~s] %2f i jing xrit roast $E wCi roasted ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Ustum) $E$$ w2i jiiitzg roasted ginger [root] @ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum) @$$ w2i jiLZng
root roasting @$J $3 zhi rock candy' (Saccharon Crystallinum) $k $E bing tang racking [manipulation method] #2?&ylio
Rock of Taishan Fetus-Quieting Powder % LLI Q 63 tai shin pritt shi siin Rock Pool [non-channel] Sfij yrin chi rock Cyrin) S ykn Rohdeae Rhizoma et Radix (rohdea rooto) +iqg& wan t z i h qing g2n rohdea root@ (Rohdeae Rhizoma et Radix) +i%e;i;R wan tziritz qing get1 rolled-back or forward-staring eyes & €I & @fiin mu zhi shi rolling [matziprrlation technique] @& gfin fii rolling finger technique [p~llse-taking]$E +$)E & zhiin zhuiin zhi fii rolling sensation below the heart JL+@ @ xin xih dhn dkn rolling sensation in the chest R4 xiong zh6ng dan dan roll phlegm ?$$& giin trin roll the eyes It;j xuhtz Roof (ST-lSW'/O) wd yi room B fring rooster's ejaculation [premature ejacrrlation] ?$!. $fij i jitzg root 7Es: bdn; tE gen root and tip if;%$ biiio bttz rootedness Rif;Wy6u gZtz rooted tongue fur EGtW h i y6u g2n root of earlier heaven X E 2 & xibn tiiin zhi btn; % X 2;f;Wxiiin tiiin zhi gEn root of later heaven 16%2 rzE; hbu tiiin zhi btn root of the ear T.;f;at r gZn Root of the Eyebrow (DL-2) E &* mei bbz root of the tongue %& sh6 bdn Root of Thought (GV-16) ,F,&' si bttz Root Pool (CV-23) &?$* bZn chi root poriaO (Poria cum Pini Radice) E @ fil shin; fit$* fil shin
Root Poria Powder E#B. fli shin s i n Root-Securing Pill EiJ$.5tl gli b t n wan Root-Securing Uterine Bleeding Decoc$. lt jjj$ t& gu bZn zhi bbng ting tion root-severing method & $ R E & jit gbn liho fii Root Spirit (GB-13W"O) $.@ btn shin root vacuity and tip repletion $.@$%% b t n xii biiio shi rope climbing on a pile of bricks [old spine adjustment method] Z$Z % @ E pan sub dik zhuan rorippao (Roribpae Herba seu Flos) +li % h i 1 1 cai; 9% % %* la m i cai; ijjjg Z* tang gt crii; E %* tiin gt chi; A %* jiGng jicin dllo chi Rorippae Herba seu Flos (rorippaa) z h i n chi; $ji%%* la m i cui; ijjjE$Z4 tring gC chi; H% %* tirin gt cai; @ A Z*jiiiizg jiciiz diio chi Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus (China tea rose@) 3 E yut ji hug; $Z* si ji hua; HS ?I* shtng chiin hbng; R % E * yut gui hua; H f l * yut yut kiii; E l iZ* yut ji; R Jj E * Y L Iyut ~ huL2; # Z gI* yrin xut hbng; G E * chbu chun hun; S g I * y i ~ tji hbng; $h@* 16 prio; ;l; E * yut g~uinghua; a $ @ * si ji chutz; @J @F*tbng chili zi; H H yut yut hbng Rosae Cymosae Fructus (small-fruited rose fruit@) /I\ &+gT xi60 ]in ying zi Rosae Cymosae Radix et Folium (smallfruited rose [root and leaf]@)/]\&+!j$'xi60 jin ying Rosae Davuricae Fructus (Siberian rose fruita) $l]ER cci rnti gub Rosae Flos (rose) a3:gE m t i gui h u i ; #f!IlE* phi huhi h u i ; M E * hli huii; @ %%* rnti gui Rosae Laevigatae Fructus (Cherokee rose fruit) +@T jitz ying zi; & %T* jitz ying zi; & +g@* jin ying rhu; $I]& T * ci yli zi; $112 3"ci li zi; LLI 34 X T* shin ji tbu zi; d ;6g* shan shi liu; &%+* jin ying zi; @ ?@ T * tang ying zi; % 3:$* t~ing qiii; tang g~iLin;#%%*tang gub; B
a$$ +;I
$11 %* hucing ci gub; #$ fig*fcng tang jin guan; @$$ g * bin lhng gub; & S@i* yt shi liLi; #$@jT* tring hli ping; %;6@* huring jh zi; /I\ C g * xi60 shi liri; SZJffi* chb ping; @@%* tang lbng gub; #$$11%* tang ci gub Rosae Laevigatae Radix (Cherokee rose root) & @' ;f;R jin ying gbn Rosae Multiflorae Fructus (multiflora ying shi rose fruit) 8% Rosae Multiflorae Radix (multiflora rose root) qiang wbi g2n; %%@$R* yd qihng wbi gbn Rosae Platyphyllae Radix et Folium (flatleaved rose) +!&% shi jit m t i Rosae Roxburghii Fructus (spiny pear) $11 3 ci li rosary peam (Abri Precatorii Semen) 7t;H ,F,F xiang si zi; g I Z * hbng dhu rosary pea root' (Abri Precatorii Radix) @ ,F,T $R xiiing si zi gbn rosee (Rosae Flos) rnti gui huii; # f H E * phi hurii huii; M E * hu bun; Eg* m t i gui rose myrtle leaf@ (Rhodomyrti Folium) d 6, P t shiin rZn yt rose myrtle root@ (Rhodomyrti Radix) m g,$R shan rtn gbn rose myrtle seed@ (Rhodomyrti Fructus) m $27 s h i n rtn zi; E & T * giing rZn zi rose-of-Sharon [flower]' (Hibisci Syriaci Flos) *+fE m u jin hua rose-of-Sharon roote (Hibisci Syriaci Radix) *#i@ m u jin gEn rose-of-Sharon ~ ' 0 0 2 bark' (Ribisci Syr-, iaci Radicis Cortex) *#i& m u jin pi; @* mu jin; Jll#i&*chuin jin pi rosine (Pini Resina) ? A S sbng xiing; ?A l g S* sbng zhixiing; $fig*li qing; FABE* song zhi rostellularia@ (Rostellulariae Herba) 13 E jut chucing; /I\ xi60 qing c6o Rostellulariae Herba (rostellularia@) 8 l j ?jut chuung; /I\ -j$@* xi60 qing c6o rot 9 s Ian rotate $21zii2.1~
rotating rotating needle insertion ElE%H& hui zhuiin c h i zhhen shii rotation [needle manipulation technique] +,AEniiin zhuiin rouge obstruction RBflEP@ yntz zhi zhang rough [breathing, texture] #H cii; [pulse, urination] tZ s t ; [same as tB s t ] 23 st
rough achyranthesa (Achyranthis Asperae Herba) @!J)U@ dao khu ciio Rough and Ready Three Decoction E#J .i%s i n Lie tang rough aster [root] (Asteris Scabri Radix) ?j?f i SjZ @ d6ng f2ng cai g i n rough breathing T#Hqi cii; ,g,#l x i cfi rough breathing and hasty panting 5 $ R
qi cu chuiin cu
wan diiin jin
(Moslae Scabrae Herba)
shi qi ning
rough parched black tongue fur
hhei tai jiao cao roughcpulse bkbg mhi st; tBbk st mhi rough strident voice $j$$142 yii sh2ng cii zhuang rough tongue fur @!$ cno tai
rough voidings of reddish urine /J\{F%
xi60 bian chi sk
rough yellow tongue fur
gg$$$gshe! tni
huhzg cao
rounded needle fil H yuan zhhen rounded sharp needle fil$lj Sf yuan li zhin Round Valley (GB-30) 9; huhn gii roundworm 4pj hui; hui; ~IB& hui
h u i ch6ng
roundworm clamor 4$j & {F1% b i i i ch6ng
9 $@I$51
an hui tang
roundworm reversal !hMR hui jut roundworm stomach duct pain thEJ3 E 12 hui dong wti w i n tong
rouse @ xing; fE zhtn rouses the spirit E+$ xing shin Rousing Spirit Elixir SZA-zhtn ling darz Roxburgh peristropheu (Peristrophes Roxburghianae Herba) $1 22 t l hhdg si xian
rub @ mo; #% CG rub [as paste or powder on the skin] )A$ chci
[manipulation technique] @ &!i
Rubiae Radix qian ciio g2n; ciio
(madder [root]) S S @ S&*qian ghen; S S *qian
Rubiae Radix Carbonisata (charred madder [root]) Z g E qihn ciio tan Rubi Fructus (rubus [berryla) @&=f fit p i n zi; /I\ $1&* xiiio tu6 pan; @ &* fu j 3* 1 i bin0 p i n ; -$j,@T* wii bin0 zi; 3& zi
Rubi Parvifolii Herba (Japanese raspberrya) BE J,& hao tian biiio; $1 @Tg* h6ng m t i xiao; Q g* tian
ha0 yang pao; jing di bai ciio; @@%.iBq j& fi8 @* 16ng~chuhnbkio; $I$) &* h6ng suii m t i
Rubi Parvifolii Radix (Japanese raspberry rooto) @ E @@ hiio tian biao g2n; 2 EtE* mao m t i g i n ; X$gtfi$ $8" tuin jing di bcii g i n ;
S%@* mho rnti gt?n
Rubi Rufo-Lanati Folium et Ramulus (red-downed rubusa) Me$!@ h6ng micitz ttng
Rub-On Medicinal Formula # G f i cn yao fang
zuo cao
roundworm disease 4rM & % hui ch6ng bing Roundworm-Expelling Decoction No. 2 4B hill 2% ;l- +$ qii hui tang t r hao roundworm gan ha B hui g i n roundworm infestation in children /I\ JL
& % xiiio
Roundworm-Quieting Decoction
r6u fii
rough-leaved holly leafa (Ilicis Asprellae Folium) i$j & a t giing m t i y t rough-leaved holly root@ (Ilicis Asprellae Radix) G &@ giing m t i ghen; E,$** rough moslaa
t r hui ch6ng zhtng
rubus [berry] (Rubi Fructus) 73323fLi p i n zi; /J\ $1&* xi20 tu6 pan; &* fh I t biao p i n ; -$ j$!3* wii biao zi; 3,@3* zi
rule $6 ttbng rumble DL?, ming
rumbling intestines [borborygmus] JJ%0113 chring mitzg Rumicis Crispi Radix (curled dock root) + q kg nib t r dh huring; yring ti gen Rumicis Folium (dock leaf) *%PIydng ti yt Rumicis Madaio Folium (Madaio dock leaf) P t tfi dh huang y2 Rumicis Madaio Radix (Madaio dock root) k k g tfi dLz h~iling;@ G* xiiin yao Rumicis Patientiae Radix (patient dock [root]!-)) @jpj tzih xi xi Rumicis Radix (dock root) ynng ti Rumicis Radix Recens (fresh dock root) @$F F$ xiiin yhzg ti g21z run % bbEn running down 7; & xi&jing running nose BYfi tjf: bi lih ti running piglet Big ben trln; %Rg ben thn
Running Piglet Pill
S [abbreviation]%T tiiin gan S l Et3 jiii 510 W gui S10-water [kidney] W 7k gui shui S1-wood [the gallbladder] 9 jiii mu S2 7_ yi S2 (liver) and S10 (kidney) are of the same source Z;55 H yi gui t6ng yuan S2-wood [the liver] Z; yi mu S3 pj bing S3-fire [the small intestine] pj A bitzg hud S4 T dLng S4-fire [the heart] T A ding huci S5 & wu %earth [the stomach] && wwii tLi S6 2 ji S6-earth [the spleen] Z* ji tLi
S7 & geng
running up
running yellow
ben tun wan b2n thn qi
running piglet qi
shang jing *i$
zciu huhng
lih bi ti Runny Nose [non-channel]gY$ bi lih runny nose with clear snivel (nasal mucus) $$ bbi lih qing ti rupture by scratching #R@ zhua pi, runny nose
ruptured sinew jSjj&i jin duan rush
b2n; JJ(I fin; JJtlb2n
rushing and depression Jll'iEb2n yu; 1111 61 ben yu rushing gate [the cardia] B 1'7 ben m t n rushing respiration
,e,B xi ben
Rushing Respiration Decoction hen tang rustle
$2 su
S7-metal jin
[the large intestine]
SS $ xin SS-metal [the lung] $ 9 xin jin
S? f ,& S9-water [bladder] f7K rtn shui saber and pearl-string lumps 477 @@ mii dao jia ying saber lumps dao chuang
3 n mri dno;
4 n Te
Sacchari Caulis (sugar cane) H E giin zht Sacchari Caulis Succus (sugar cane juice) giin zht zhi; Rjg* zht jiiing Saccharon Crystallinum (rock candy) hk #fi bing tang
(granulated Saccharon Granulatum sugar) #% shii thng; &$%*sha thng Saccharon Granulatum Album (white sugar) Q bhi shcZ tcing; Q @* bhi thng Saccharon Grandaturn Rubrum (brown sugar) %# $Echi shrZ thng; ?I@*hbng thng Sacral Bone (GV-1) @Rn;* gii di; d i gii
sacral pain E [4 @ wti lu thng sacred Z shtng; Z ling sacred tortoise method Z % / \ 3& ling gui ba fii .sacrum fiB d i gii Sacrum Above (GV-1) f qtlld*i shcing sacrum and coccyx E m @ wZi d i gii; E kao; E B kka ggii saddle 'B 2 safeguard 4% biio Safeguard Limited Efficacy Ellixir Ig%+i Z ff- biio fin wan ling dGn saXrone (Croci Stigma) B a E zhng hbng hurf; .)$ *E* ji ffi lcin; & a E *f i n hbng hua sag 9zhui; @ chui Sagely Confucius' Pillow Elixir ?lZ& A- kbng shtng zhtn zhdng dan Sagely Cure Decoction shkng yii tang Sagely Incised Wound Powder Z&n 3 rb sh&g jin dao siin Sagely Powder Qn35 8 rb shtng s i n Sagely Three Powder 33& s5z shtng sitn Sagely Two Powder LZ 3 t r shtng siin Sagging [non-channel] S T * chui xia sagging and aching in the abdomen ESP @ 9fu bh suan zhui sagging distention in the lesser abdomen 'J.'j$Z%flk shizo fu zhui zhhng sagging distention in the stomach duct wiin fu zhui and abdomen zhbng sagging eyelids jj@&bdo chui
Salviae sagging of one testicle S&ffi!!& gao wrin piiin zhui sagging of the upper eyelid l& 7;s shring p i xi2 chui sagging of the uterus 3 7; 9 zi gdng xia zhui Sal (salt) & yhn; xi yhn; &&* shi yhn sal ammoniacm (Sal Ammoniacum) $j?i$ nho sha Sal Ammoniac Pill, @j&$h nho sha whn Sal Ammoniac Powder 6 i $ l i 9 3 nao sha siin Sal Ammoniacum (sal ammoniac) fi$j?i$ nrio shi Sal Ammoniacum Purpureum (purple sal ammoniaca) %@j?i$ zi nrio shii Salicis Ramulus (willow twig) @P@ liii zhi salience [pulse] 438 wZi sh2n sallow yellow [complaion] @B w2i huhng sallow yellow facial complexion B e S rnirin st wti huhng saltm (Sal) & yhn; %I&*xi yhn; &a* shi yrin salted aconite [accessory tuber] (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Salsum) EMifF xihn fu zi salted cistanche [stem] a (Cistanches Caulis Salsa) & X B yhn cdng r6ng; a X E* xian cdng rbng; & A S T y i n dri ykn; r; xihn da ybn J3itt-h-"* saltiness [flavor associated with the kidney] xihn saltiness enters the kidney E A ' B xilip ru shtn saltiness of mouth kbu xihn salt wheezing &@ xihn xigo salty a xihn salty taste in the mouth @ k6u xihn salty, upwelling, and discharging [medicinals] are yin a % #j & % Pa xihn w2i ybng xi2 w i i yin salvation $8ji Salvia Beverage ff- S @ idan shen yin Salviae Chinensis Herba (Chinese sage@) ;Ei $ shi jian chuan
Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix (salvia [root]@) 8 %d i n shztz; *TfL* mu yhng 1.6; & g * shii~z sherz; LLI %I b * shiin hbng hi0 bd; ?A&@* hub X L L gEn; ~ 3S U 2 I * krio shiin hbtzg; ig$q%$R* shiio jifi hu gZn; !!J7%F$B* y t sii zi g2n; %$R* xu2 shZn g2n; &4& ;it;&* dub d ~ i i i huii gEn; %%' chi shen; %BS*zi diin shZn
Salviae Plebeiae Herba
(plebeian sage)
li zhi ciio
Salvia Powder 8 S & diin shen siin salvia [root] a (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) f f S d i n shgn; T?L* mu yhng 1.6; & %* shiin shEn; LLI $1 jg b * shGn hdng lub bb; t&~j~l;1;R* hilo xu2 g2n; % &
2 1 ' kao shun hdng; j&@i%$ R h h i i o jiLi hli gen; FfS7.K3.@+ y t sfi zi gt'n; & +? $8"' X L I ~shbn g2rz; & & XjER:' dub d ~ i 6h ~ ~ i i ghz; $j?S* chi shetz; % A- %:' zi diitz shbn Sambuci Formosanae Rhizoma (Formosan eldera) @ # mi, gii xuio; k P t E ' q i y2 lilin; )g @ F*jiE gfi c i o Sambuci Fructus (Java elder fruit)
1; ying
Sambuci Herba seu Radix (elder) $jj@ shuo dicio; % 4 ) X , * zciu m i fgng; %=%* z6u m i jian; )Z@s* jiZ gii ciio; @@** jig gii mu
S.mbuci Williamsii Ramulus (Asiatic elder twig@) )glB jib gii mu; f?$? $&* qiiin qiiin hub
same-name channel % $3t6ng ming jing sand eb hi; &
sand and stone strangury (lin) 696 #@j shii shi lin bing
sand-fry tp$$ shn chiio; 59% shii zhi sand-heap perverse crop (la l i ) [favus of the scalp] if$t9 9325 dui shii lu li
Sand Medicine @% shii ylio Sand Qi Elixir fi5-A- shii qi diin sand-scorch 59% shii tang sand scraping &I] p i i shii
sapping sand (shii) @ shii; zi
E @ fii
sand (shii) distention @jk shii zhing sand (shii) foulness @$+ shii hui sand (shii) foulness diarrhea @ $3j%j@ shll hui xi2 xi2
sand (shii) lumps @f-R shii kuhi sand (shii) qi @5shii qi sand (shii) toxin @% shii dLi sand (shii) veins @iiijshii jin sand strangury (lin) 69% shii lin Sanguisorba Decoction ifi&$jt5 di yu tiing Sanguisorbae Radix (sanguisorba [root]@) M&$j di yu; 13ifi&$j* bhi di yd;
@!Rifi&$j* shii w2i di yu; fgffi&$j* s2 di yil; % ffi&$j* zi di yir; E$ $$$* sriGn zh2 Sanguisorbae Radix Carbonisata (charred sanguisorba [root]@) ifi@j ;jm di yLi tan
Sanguisorba Pill kfi&$jpL tli yu wLin Sanguisorba Powder tfi&$j% di yu s i n sanguisorba [root] @ (Sanguisorbae Radix) ifi di yk; Q ifi&* bhi di yil;
@Rffi&$jF;j" shii w2i di yu; tgffi&$j* s2 % i f i ~zi*di yu; jfif;* suiin zhi?
Santali Lignum (sandalwood) @& tan xiiing;
Bag* zh2n tan
sap [to draw out] tB j i Sapii Sebiferi Radicis Cortex (tallow tree root bark) -$ .frl* $8 wu jiu mu gZn p i Sapindi Fructus (soapberry) Z ,% 3 wil huan zi
(soapberry root) X,&@$ wLi huan shu qihng; X,&=f$8* wil huan zi gZn
Sapindi Radix
Sappan Lignum
(sappan [wood]) %*
sfi mu; %{I?* su fiing; @** zOng mu; $I %* hdng chhi; %** chi m i l ; K f i sii fiing mu; %!I?** sii fiing mu
sappan [wood]
(Sappan ~ i ~ n h r %'* n)
s6 mu; %{A* sii fiing; @** zOng mu; t1 %* h6ng chhi; %** chi m u ; %fi;fi sii sii fiing mil fiing mu; % {fi
sapping of kidney yin 7;tR 'BP a xia j i shkn yin
Sarcandrae Ramulus et Folium (sarcandra [twig and leafla) h P Z jiii jit chri; SWlT@*ciio shin hu; h?m* jiii jik fsng; hP2*jiii jik lrin; j$Pm*zhGng jit fcng; f2@ ** jit? gii mu sarcandra [twig and IeafJa (Sarcandrae jiLi jit chri; Ramulus et Folium) SWlT@*ciio shiin hu; h P m *jiii jit fsng; h i'j Z* jiii jit lrin; j$PjWzh6ng jzt? gii mil jik fcng; f2@ Sargassi Herba (sargassum) %&g hiii ziio sargassum' (Sargassi Herba) @ hiii ziio Sargassum Jade Flask Decoction e B 5 ?&$22 hiii ziio yii hu tang Sargentadoxa Brewed Formula $IE8311 h6ng ttng jiiin ji Sargentadoxa, Rhubarb, Dandelion, and Magnolia Bark Decoction $1$63 I;b & h6ng huring pfi pi, tiing Sargentodoxae Caulis (sargentodoxa [stemlo) k h@ dli xu2 ttng; A fg&* da hub xu2; $I&%' h6ng ttng; f +@* qian nilin jian sargentodoxa [stem] a (Sargentodoxae Caulis) A h % dri xut ttng; 7t$&ifnr.dri qiiin hub xu;; $1&%*h6ng ttng; f-+@* nihn jihn satiated t@bbo satiety t@biio Sauce Receptacle (CV-24W110) StYjZ chtng jiang sauce receptacle [infralnbialfossn] St jjZ chtng jiiing sauce receptacle clove sore (ding) StjjZfi chkng ji6ng ding Sauropi Folium (dragon's tongue leafa) fe \fillD t 16ng li yk Saururi Herba (saururus@) f$ 3 siin b i i ciio; - $ s * yi brii tr,bhi saururusQ (Saururi Herba) Z $ $5 san brii ciio; - $ z Q * yi brii t r bhi Saussurea, Amomum, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill B 6 9 &?% TtL xiiing sha zhi zhu wan Saussurea and Amomum Six Gentlemen 5 ?& xGng shii liu Decoction B 6 9 jun zi tang
Saussurea Saussurea and Amomum Six Gentlemen Pill @ 7i9A 5 A xiang shii liu jfin zi wrin Saussurea and Amomum StomachCalming Pill % Zip? E A xiiing shii ping w& wan Saussurea and Amomum StomachCalming Powder & 69? f$j8 xiiing shii ping wti siin Saussurea and Amomum Stomach?% xiiing Nourishing Decoction & 69% shii yiing wti tang Saussurea and Amomum 'Tko Matured Ingredients Decoction &69I $5 xiiing sha tr chin tang Saussurea and Areca Pill *@@@lSjk mil xiiing bin lring whn Saussurea and Coptis Pig's Stomach Pill %g 3 g & ~ xicZng lirin zhu hii whn Saussurea and Coptis Pill % & A xiiing lirin wrin Saussurea and Coptis Stagnation'Ikansforming Pill S&i&?+Axiiing lirin hua zhi whiz Saussurea and Magnolia Bark Pill *\ A xiiing pi, whiz Saussurea and Sal Ammoniac Decocted Pills 8 f11l169 mt'i xiiing nrio shii jiin wrin Saussurea Decoction 2$$5 mu xi6ng tiing Saussureae Japonicae Herba (Japanese bci ling mil saussurea) Saussureae Radix (costusroot) 6 guiing mu xiiing Saussureae Radix Sichuanensis (Yunnan saussurea [root]) T; B yhn mu xiiing Saussureae (seu Vladimiriae) Radix (saussurea [rootla) *% mu xiang; E &* wii xiLZng; 35 &* wii mu xillng; $2 *%* liio mu xicing Saussurea Pill *%jk mil xiung wrin Saussurea Qi-Breaking Powder % @ 5, 8 mu xiiing po qi sbn Saussurea Qi-Evening Powder & 35 3 mu xicing yfin qi sin Saussurea Qi Flow Beverage %?%%'i:k mu xiang liu qi yin
* * *
Saussurea Qi-Normalizing Decoction & IllD,79$% mu xiing shun qi tang Saussurea Qi-Normalizing Pill BJ@jT A mu xiang shun qi wan Saussurea Qi-Normalizing Powder B B E 7 5 3 mu xiang shun qi siin Saussurea Qi-Regulating Powder @iM , 7 9 3 m u xiang tiao qi siin Saussurea Radix Non-Chinensis (nonChinese saussurea) #%@ fin mu xiang saussurea [root] @ (Saussureae (seu @ mu xiang; 5 Vladimiriae) Radix) B* wii xiang; ;5*&* wii mu xiiing; 2 &* liio mu xinng Saussurea Stagnation-Abducting Pill BF$% mu xiing diio zhi wan save ji saw +E ju Saxifragae Herba (saxifrage) f i Ff S hfi t r ciio saxifrage" (Saxifragae Herba) f i hii t r ciio scab @ jia scab (jit) [new] % jit scab (jit) and lai fi@j jit lai scab Oit) and lichen (xiin) %@$ji2 xiiin scab uit) sore f i B jit chiling scald % tang; 2 4% 'tang shGng scale [of fish and reptiles] &$ liiz scaling of the skin &fl&%E pi fG tud xi2 scallione (Allii Fistulosi Herba) E cdng; A E* hui, cdng; X* kdu; $E* si ji cdng; cai 66; jFOZj3S* h i shi ciio; ,%,{?* cdng zii Scallion and Fermented Soybean Decoction 2333 $3~ cdng chi tang Scallion, Fermented Soybean, and Platycdng chi jit codon Decoction E,@@#2$3I gtng tang scallion rooto (Allii Fistulosi Radix) E ?If! cdng xu scallion seeda (Allii Fistulosi Fructus) E % cbng shi scallion-stalk pulse X J$t kku mai
Scarce scallion whitee (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus) -.+B, 8 cdng blii; EE 8 * cons jing bki; E Q %* c6ng brii t6u Scallion White Seven-Ingredient Beverage 25 8 -k%t$, cdng brii qi wti yin scallion white with roote (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus cum Radice) B? 23!I Q! lirin xii cdng bhi Scallion with Root Decoction %?If!E B $5 lihn xfi cdng bai tang Scallion Yang-Freeing Decoction B B $31 bcii tdng tang Scallion Yang-Freeing Decoction Plus Pig's Bile Q B ha $8JjH.;.t $3J bbi tang jia zhii diin zhi tang scalp acupuncture %;CSjJyfi?& t6u zh2n lib0 fii scaly skin j.RE.$r&j i rui, yLi lin scant 9 shiio scant breast milk $1 9 rii shiio; $1 33 W5 /J/' rii fu niii shiio; @ f l que rii scant breast milk [new] $L';Jr/J/' rii zhi shiio; f l - ~ g rii zhi zhi shiio scant disfluent flow of lochia SE@/J/' 2 lu st shiio scant elimination of the lbchia S Z & 9 t lu qu shiio scant hair Yj $@ G1t6u fa xi shll scant inhibited menstrual flow t3 7kj" 9 jing shui st shiio scant inhibited menstruation ?3ig /J/' yut jing st shiio scant lochia S 8 3 /J/' t 1u lihng shio scant menstrual flow FJt3iij39 yut jing iihzg s,+iio scant menstruation [new] FI $22/J/' yuk jing gu6 shiio scant semen E 9 jing shiio scant sweat ?T'f?J/\ hhn shiio scant urine [new] h?9 niao shiio; /I\ 2 ! ~g xiiio bihn guh dud scant uterine bleeding [old] $3T Lou xia; % 16u ban htn; ERA scar E ba; @ bnn; pi fii ban htn Scarce Pass (CV-7) /I/\ $&* shbo guan
scarlet scarlet kadsura root (bark)a (Kadsurae Coccineae Cortex (seu Radicis Cortex)) tfi BI& fan tuhn gen scarlet kadsura [stem and IeafJQ (Kadsurae Coccineae Caulis et Foliurn) ffiBI@ fhtz tuhn ttng; % 2 R *hEi 160 hii scarring moxibustion @@ 5 b i n hitz jiii scatter % shn scattered pulse R7);% mrii srin; &hi srin mhi scatter-pricking %%lJ san ci Schefflerae Arboricolae Radix seu Caulis et Folium (Taiwan scheffleraa) -bP t g q i y t lihn Schefflerae Octophyllae Cortex (Radicis) (eight-leaved schefflera bark@) )jip & yyii jirio m u pi Schefflerae Octophyllae Folium (eightleaved schefflera leafa) I%BPjiDtyll jiiio m u yt schisandra and tea fermentation@ (Schisandrae et Carnelliae Fermentatio) 7325%biii yao jinn schisandra [berry] a (Schisandrae Fructus) h @ Fwii wti zi;- IM* wii; Z B' xuhn ji; +B* hui ji; 5&T* wii mdi zi; h%* wii wti Schisandra Decoction 5%F$$J wii wti z i tang Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus (northern schisandra [berry]) ;ILZt!+T be'i wii wti zi; ALN* bti wtr; Ift;5@*bti wii wti Schisandrae et Camelliae Fermentatio (schisandra and tea ferrnentationo) B 5 % biii yao jian Schisandrae Fructus (schisandra [berryla) ZD! lf wii wti zi; I%* wti; ZB* xuhn ji; &B*hui ji; E & F *wii m t i zi; E N * wii wti Schisandrae Sphenantherae Fructus (southern schisandra [berry]) ji$jji&F nan wii wtl z i Schisandra Pill h bl?7 Stl wii wti z i whn Schisandra Powder E%F$&wfi wki zi s i n ; hD!F& wii wti zi srin Schizocapsae n b e r (schizocapsa tubera) 7k m -kshui tihn q i
scirpus schizocapsa tubera (Schizocapsae Tuber) 7K 83 -kshui tihn q i schizonepeta@ (Schizonepetae Herba et Flos) Rjjl T jing jit Schizonepeta and Forsythia Decoction jjlJ 9% jing l i t lihtz qi60 ttitzg -fi - & , Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Decoction 31Pfi 9% jing fhng ting Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Four Agents Decoction %rJ llfiEl@ 9% jing fifng si wu tLZng Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella ToxinVanquishing Powder BIJPfi % s % jing fhng bai dh s i n Schizonepeta and Scutellaria Four Agents Decoction all7 e4 W$$J jing qin si wir tang Schizonepeta Decoction Bjjllg $% jing ji2 tllng Schizonepetae Flos (schizonepeta spikea) Bjjl 3 +,$i jing jit scii; Bjjl 8 Ed jing jri ~ L I R ; X$g*jii sui Schizonepetae Flos Carbonisata (charred schizonepeta spikea) alJ%f,gEjing jit sui fritz; % 3 f,%* hei jit sui Schizonepetae Herba et Flos (schizonepetaa) 3lJ3 jing jik Schizonepetae H e r b .et Flos Carbonisatae (charred schizonepetaa) % l l 3 Ejitzg jit trin; %Bll X* hei jing jit Schizonepetae Oleum (schizonepeta oila) BlJ3 jirzg jit y6u Schizonepeta Gruel alj 3 $#$ jing jit zhiiri schizonepeta oil@ (Schizonepetae Oleurn) all 3?Qjing l i t ydu schizonepeta spike@ (Schizonepetae Flos) 88% ji~zgjii sui; 311 Xd jittg jit hua; %f,$i* jit sui schizophragma root barka (Schizophragrnatis Radicis Cortex) gffijil,zuan di fEng Schizophragmatis Radicis Cortex (schizophragma root bark@)%i&jil,zulln di f2ng Scirpi Fluviatilis Rhizoma (scirpusa) 3 4 & jing siin ling scirpusa (Scirpi Fluviatilis Rhizoma) 3IJ -@ jing stin lttzg
wLi gong; Scolopendsa (centipede) T X * qiiin zLi Scopoliae Acutangulae Radix, Folium, seu Semen (angled scopolia@) 3*3 sin fen scn scorch $9 zhud; @, jiao; B tang; B%ll tang zhi; $% shuh scorch-fried medicated leaven@ (Massa Medicata Fermentata Usta) j%*@ jiao !!I liu qU scorch-fry $$@, chiio jiiio scorching heat gB; xin scorching heat in the stomach duct and ?4: wiin fir zhu6 r? abdomen /j%jE$9 scorching hot #k xin; $924:zhu6 r? scorching pain in both rib-sides FjlfiEJ @ liiing xit zhu6 t6ng scorching pain $9% zhu6 thng scorching redness flB;% xinIh6ng scorpion* (Buthus) 2& q u h xid; f&" qurin ch6ng; &* xie; =I=&* gan xi6 scorpion taile (Buthi Caudex) 48 # xi2 shiio; &@j* xid shiio; &E*xi? wti scourge sand (Sha) YE@$wdn sha scourge & wdn Scourge-Clearing Toxin-Vanquishing Beverage ?S&% StA qing wen bhi dLi yin scourge epidemic &@ wdn yi scourge jaundice &% wen huhng Scourge-Repelling Elixir @ & f i bi wdn dan scrape &lJ gu& scratch % sGo; %#fi s&o zhuii scratch [to relieve itching] &@ s ~ yring o scratch open ffi@ zhua ph screen !$yi%i Screen (CV-1) h? %* ping yi screen [perineum] E$ !?%ping yi screen gate [the ileocecal valve] El I'J Ian mtn screwworm" (Chrysomyiae Larva) E 8 & wii gii ch6ng scrofula lui, li Scrofula-Dispersing Pill # xiiio lui, wan
Scutellaria Scrofula Internal Dispersion Pill [itJ T i @ @gtL n2i xiiio luci li wan ling li scrofula of the neck scrofulous neck $7 Fga li zi jing Scrophularia and Cimicifuga Decoction Z S ?+ @J xuhn shdn sheng ma tang Scrophulariae Radix (scrophularia chbng [root]@) Z S xuhn shdn; S trii; xuan thi; xian; $it$* yuan shen; 8 $2' hdi shen Scrophularia Powder 2 S & xucin shen s6n scrophularia [root] @ (Scrophulariae Radix) 2g xuan shen; a* chong chi; Z 3' xu& tai; xi&; g* yuhn shdn; # S * h2i shdn Scrophularia Toxin-Resolving Decoction Z $%j7&s ' $% xubn shdn jit du tang scrotal damp itch Pa?i%$Z@ yin nhng shi
scrotal itch P a% &@ yin nhng sao y6ng scrotal welling abscess (ybng) %@I nhng ybng; 'ES@Ishin nring yong scrotal wind Pas Dl, yin nhng fing; 'R 3% sh2n nring f2ng scrotum @ nnrig; Pas yin ncitzg; 'B@ sh2n nbng scurry @ cuan scurrying pain @ cuhn thng scurrying periumbilical pain aff @ B Iqi zhou cuan thng Scutellaria and Coptis Four Agents Decoction w 2% qin lihn si wu tLZng Scuteiiaria and Cop& Slvmacin-Ciearingg qin lihn ping Powder F 8 Scutellaria and Coptis Ih.0 Matured In1P 5$% qin libn gredients Decoction kr chin tang Scutellaria and Talcum Decoction S F @ ;Ei$%huhng qin huh shi tiin8 Scutellaria, Coptis, Anemarrhena, and qin lihn i r Fritillaria Pill F 8 1@fi mu wan Scutellaria, Coptis, Tangerine Peel, and Bamboo Shavings Decoction F8@%$% qing lian ju ru tang
Scutellaria Decoction B T %I huhng qin tiing Scutellaria Decoction Wash Formula $$ +- 7% $%3'huang qin ting xi fing Scutellariae Barbatae Herba (bearded scutellaria) + @ Z bizn zhi lirin Scutellariae Radix (scutellaria [root]@) B T huhng qin; R E * fii chling; $$ft* huritzg win; UH*h6ng shtng; 23T* jing qin; €P %* yin tdu; ptJ @* nki xii; $E* kbng chcing; Z T * yuan qin; *&%3;R* tii jin chb g2n Scutellariae Radix Mollis (softscutellaria [root]@)a%$•÷$huang gin ban Scutellariae Radix Nova (young scutellaria [root]@)5 % tido qin; F T * zi qin Scutellariae Radix Veta (old scutellaria [root]@)+&T kii qin; tf T * pihn qin scutellaria [root] @ (Scutellariae Radix) S T hucing qin; j$$ E* fii chring; hucing win; XI%* h6ng shtng; ?24*jing qin; €P A* yin t6u; rt;] @* nti xii; 2E* kdng chang; n;T * yuan qin; +&Z@* tii jin chLi g2n Scutellaria, Stemona, and Salvia Elixir +- t$ f f qin bu d i n sea $%j hiii Seabed (CV-1) @E*hiii di seabed welling abscess (ybng) $%jE@ hiii di ydng sea cucumber' (Stichopus Japonicus) $%j S hiii shen; $11 $3* ci shen; $%j hiii shii Sea Cucumber Gruel j%j$3$#$ hiii shCn zhdu sea horse' (Hippocampus) $!3hiii 4 mii; 7JC 4* shui mii Sea Horse Toxin-Drawing Powder $3ZI& && hiii mii bb dri siin sea lavender0 (Limonii Sinensis Radix seu Herba) P t SI chi yk ciio; t@ %Ti* hiii chi shdo sealed pot calcination Bh,j$$ hn duhn; flXj fig m t n duan Seal Genitals Powder JjQBbaffBwa nh qi siin seal's genitals* (Callorhini seu Phocae Testis et Penis) $%j!jQ'Rhiii g6u shtn; JjQ Rhfi* wi2 122 qi
seasonal seam % fen seam of the flesh fen rbu; fi hj rou fen Sea of Blood (CV-4) &&i* xut hiii; (SP10W!'O)&% xu2 hiii sea of blood [the penetrating vessel, liver; xu2 hiii or SP-101 h$%j sea of grain and water [stomach]7)C 82 $%j shui gii zhi hiii sea of. marrow [the brain] @@ sui hiii sea of qi [chest center and cinnabar field, or C V 6 ] 5% qi hiii Sea of Qi (CV-4)T$%j* qi hiii; (CV-6Wu0) 5% qi hiii Sea-of-Qi 'lkansport (BL-24WHO) 5$%j -@J qi hiii shii sea of the channels [thepenetrating vessel] 22 /J& 2& jing mai zhi hiii sea of the twelve channels [thepenetrating vessel] I22 2$%j shi tr jing zhi hcii sea of the yang vessels [the governing vessel] [Sfljj t 2% yang mai zhi hiii sea of the yin vessels [conception vessel] PB /j&2$%j yin m i i zhi hiii searching Jpulse-taking] 3 xrin seasickness yiin chuhn season 8.f shi; B.f+ shi ling seasonal 8.ffT shi xing seasonal cold epidemic F].fl'j%@shixing hrin yi seasonal cough El.f?'jD# shi xing sou seasonal disease El$& shi ji; €l.f'& shi bing; 8.f 6 shi ling bing seasonal disposition El$+ shi ling seasonal epidemic 8 r f E shi yi seasonal epidemic dysentery 8$fTEj$J shi xing yi li; LbjEj$Jshi yi li seasonal evil 8.f %[S shi xit seasonal heat toxin El.ff?ft4\3 shi xing rt dri seasonal influenza F1.f f? @ shi xing gin mho ~ e a s o h a lperverse qi R.flTE5 shi xing li 4;
shi qi seasonal qi El+% seasonal toxin El$% shi dci seasonal whooping cough 8.1.77 @ U& shi xing dun qiang Sea Source [non-channel]%% hiii quan seat board bone [ischium] % g # zuo biin gii seat bone [ischium] % B zu6 gii seat sores %if;k%zuo biin chuing secluded chamber ch6ng 16u second Itr; % I di b; f i ci secondary & ci Second Eone-Hole (BL-32W110)& j]$ cci lirio second earthljl branch 3 chbu second error zai ni Second Gate (CV-4) & T I * ci mtn second heavenly stem Z yi Second Space (LT-2w"o) I1'87 t r jian second toe Z & 3k zu ci zhi; A 9k f i 3k da zhi ci zhi; & 3k ci zhi Second Variant Qi-Righting Powder I fJ[ iK$iE9% b jia jiiin zhtng qi sin second yang channel bang brightness] I PB t.r yang second yin channel [lesser yin] b yin secret formula +&fimi fang; gfi jin fang section $9 duan secure H gu secure essence H$.% gu jing secure essence and check sweating H@ ,L 3< 11
: ,
;:," " -1"
S L 4 JdllIj
:'I"l L 2Z I 1 .
secure essence and reduce urination H@ %R g& jing su6 niao secure the exterior H5& gu biiio secure the kidney H'g gu shtn secure the kidney and astringe essence H 'Btj @ gu shtn st. jing secure the menses H$3gu jing secure the teeth H@gu chi secure urine Hf f @ gu st. xiiio bian securinegaa (Securinegae Ramulus et Radix) -Pi- $3yi yt qiii /JJ\
Securinegae Ramulus et Radix (securinegao) -Pi- 3 yi yt qiii securing and astriction [mtz gD st. securing and containing H)$ gu sht securing array HB? gci zhtn securing astringent medicinal H&?ggu st yao Sedi Aizoon Herba (alpine stonecropa) BX -h; jing tian sin qi Sedi Aiaoon Radix (alpine stonecrop root@) 3$! X 3-t= $8 jbzg ti6n sLZn qi gen; 3-k*guiing sari qi Sedi Linearis Herba (linear stonecropa) {J#EQ 9 f6 jiii ciio Sedi Sarmewtosi Herlba (hanging stonecrop@) ;tij+j EQ shi zhi jiii; B g g * chui pin ciio See Bright [non-channel]JJ jihn ming seed 3 zi; 11 rtn seeing dimly afar Z$XlL5ILfi yuiin shi huang huing seeing large things as small i(JA % shi clri wti xiiio seeing one as two $!!J-%I shi yi wti t r seeing red as white $%%$a $ shi chi rLi brii seeing small things as large $3 /I\% A shi xi60 wti da seeing straight things as crooked $XZfiD shi zhi rb qii seeing things in changed colors $XW%.@! shi wh yi st seeing things in changed shape $X'B%fl2 shi wir yi h g seek disease causes from patterns identibian zhtng qiu yin fied 339 :if $? seek the cause from patterns identified @ $$? H shgn zhtng qiu yin seek yin in yang $? P a yhng zhbng qiLi yin seeming neither conscious nor unconscious tl$ si ming si mti seep $G yi seething cauldron pulse % $54 fii fti mai See Yang [non-chnnnel] RIB* jian yang /JJ\
/u /u
see kZBX.ftlB6k Z Z W % % xuhn fii dai zht Gng seize % chtng selaginella* (Selaginellae Herba) 8 jF$ juiin biii; %if;$* juiin b&i;%$$*juiin biii Selaginellae Doederleinii Herba (greater selaginella@) A W Z dri yk crii; & & if;$* shan biiin ba'i; L L I @ ~ shin * gun ciio; ;Ei k.#$* shi shbng 66; 6 k t $ * shi shdng biii Selaginellae Herba (selaginella) % if;$ jutin biii; @jF$* juiin biii; %@*juiin biii Selaginellae Pnvolventis Herba (Yanzhou spikemsss) Zl'll%;l;$ yiin zh6u jua'n biii Selaginellae Moellendorffii Herba (grooved spikemoss@) f&if;$g di biii zhi Selaginellae Uncinatae Herba (hooked spikemoss@) S q 3 S cui y6 ciio select $lk tifio; jiiin select channels and combine points at3 EfZ f i qii jing pti xut selected formula xuiin fang selection # k g ti60 jia'n selection of adjacent points +B f i @.f$% r4 / \ lin jin bu wti xuiin xut selection of contralateral points 9X ..I\ pao c h i qii xu6 selection of corresponding points 2$6!$( f i dui ying qii xut selection of distant points ZSPZfi yuiin bir xuiin xut; ZBlQfi yuiin dao qii xut selection of exterior-interior-related channel points S % t 3 8 f i biiio li jing xuiin xut selection of local points E gpafi jLi bu qii xu&; figL%fijin bu xuiin xut selection of opposite-channel points Rt2 % f iyi jing xuiin xut selection of points according to signs (patterns) RiiE$Rfi sui zhtng qii xut selection of points belonging to special an shu groups &?aij;JfiE~'#%I5H8fi xut de tt shii zuh yhng xuiin xu2 selection of points on the affected channel @ t3$rrfixLin jing qii xu6
selection of same-channel points $ t28 f i btn jing xuiin xut selection of same-name channel points 4 %3 8 f i t6ng ming jing xuiin nut , selection of same-name channel points of corresponding location R g3jf;ij El$?fi& t6ng jing xiang ying qii xu6 fii selection of pathocondition points Y$@% f i dui zhtng xuiin xut selenite* (Selenitum) 2$$;ti xuhn jing tai yi xuhn jing shi; PB shi; A Z 2$$6* $B;ti*yin jing shi; A P a ?ZE* trii yin xuhn jing; k PB Z %;ti* trii yin yuuri jing shi; A PB 2$86*thi yin xuhn jing shi; 2 %;ti* xuhn ying shi; PJj $86*yin jin shi Selenitum (selenite) Z%;tT xuhn jing shi; A Z Z E Z * thi yixuhn jing shi; PR$86* yin jing shi; k lJ8 2 E* trii yin xuhn jing; A PB Z$$;Ei* thi yin yuhn jing shi; ;kPB -4; $8Z*tai yin xuhn jing shi; Z %;ti* xuhn ying shi; PBE;ti* yin jin shi semen % jing semen in 'the urine 11) @%E xi60 bidn jia jing; lj?% niao jing; /I\ @ @$8xi60 bian jia jing semiaquilegia@ (Semiaquilegiae Herba) *S tian kui; zi bti tian kui Semiaquilegiae Herba (semiaquilegiaa) *% tian kui; %=#&$$+ ti bti tian kui Semiaquilegiae 'hber (semiaquilegia tuber@) 5 S T tian kui zi; % 3 T* zi bti tian kui zi semiaquilegia tuber@ (Semiaquilegiae tian kui zi; %3K S 3 * Tuber) zi bti tiin kui zi seminal cold #$jB jing 12ng seminal discharge W$j!j xi2 jing seminal efflux $8tfj 2 jing huh bu jin; huh jing seminal emission yi xit; B# yi xi?; 33 $8yi jing Seminal Emission [nun-channel]3$B yi jing seminal emission a t provocative sights Jl Ebx % jian st lifi jing seminal emission or efflux 3?fj yi huh
+ at@
seminal emission while dreaming $% mtng zhong yi jing seminal emission without dreaming X F TfiiB wli mtng t r yi; FmjB bu mtng t r yi seminal loss @ ~. jing chii; X#$jshi jing seminal loss while dreaming F X @mtng shi jing seminal loss while dreaming of intercourse ?jF 9% $% mtng jiio shi jing seminuria Ej?t%niao jing Senecionis Integrifolii Herba (dog's tongue grass@) KISS g6u sht ciio Senecionis Nudicaulis Herba (purple seneciqo) 9 zi bi2 tiin kui ciio; X g* zi bti ticln kui crio Senecionis Nudicaulis Radix (purple senecio root@) %"& 5 5;t;R zi b2i tian kui ciio g2n Senecionis Scandentis Herlba (climbing groundsel@) f- 92 3't qian li guang; jL92 g*jiii li ming; jiii li guiing Sennae Folium (senna [leaf]) %i%pf-f i n xi6 yt; j q U t * xi2 y2 senna [leafJe (Sennae Folium) f&$3P t fin xit yt; $j P t ' xi2 yt sensation of grubs creeping in the skin E $ Qa & 77 pi zhong rri ch6ng xing sensation of pressure in the head $&flE t6u zhhng Sensitive Hearing [non-channef]Pfi@ ling m in sensitive joint vetch wood@ (AescljyIioiiicncs
Sesami Separating and Dispersing Decoction $jk #j %J f2n xiio tang separating dispersion and mobilizing discharge h\# %# f2n xiao zbu xi2 separation of the clear and turbid $~I%! \ R II $st&mi bit qing zhu6 separation of yin and yang PJj JaBElB& yin yang li jut Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s (cuttlefish bone) @k!kl$ hiii piao xifio; BE+!*hiii pino; -$ @@* wii zti gii; -$ !jlg]fji.$l@* wU zti yli gLi; 153@* yl; gii; g&@* mi, yli gii Sequential Limit (BL-54W"O) zhi bian sequential passage [of an evil through the channels] @ 'r,Z@ xrin jing chuan serenity watch [B12 watch, 9-1l'p.m.I A Z rtn ding . sericea lespedezaO (Lespedezae Cuneatae Herba (cum Radice)) E# 1'7 yt guan m t n serissao (Serissae Herba) $443Obi mri gc 3@ bbi mii Serissae Herba (serissao) ~
Serpentis Exuviae (snake slough) @ !!!,Q sht tui; &%a* 16ng zi yi; @%* sht fLi; f i "F @ g*ldng zi dtin yi; G I &* yin pi; f i E*16ng pi; f i $a* 16ng diin pi; $2 Mif* sht fu; $2 E*she pi; &F E' 16ng zi pi; !kt@&* shC tui pi; @%* sht kc!; %& E*chhng ch6ngpi; !l@E*sht yi; &Z* lbng yi serrate ciub moss" (Lycopodii St;[I aii Herba) f- Efg qian ctng tii sesame flower0 (Sesami Flos) i!i,,J hh RE ma huii sesame oil' (Sesami Seminis Oleum) jj% i&, ma ydu; 75@I* xiung ybu; % lh* hli ma you sesame [seed]. (Sesami Semen) JlkJRzhi ma; 3 H * zhi ma Sesami Flos (sesame flower) &fljj%Xhu ma hua Sesami Semen (sesame [seed]) flEH zhi ma; 2 H * zhi m6
(black sesame Sesami Semen Atrum $$* [seed]@) %RE$$ h2i zhi ma; I]\ xi60 hh ma; E%*ju shtng; EHF*jh gbu shi; shtng zi; ?&I$$*y6u ma; 361 @I%* hh mri; E@F* ju shtng zi; -Sm* wci mri; %Mi@*wci hri ma; qmrjr* wii ma zi; S Z m * h2i zhi ma; 2$jm{I* hh ma rtn Sesami Seminis Oleum (sesame oil) j& &lj ma y6u; % $&I* xiiing y6u; VI JR@I* hLi ma ybu Setariae Semen (millet) su mi; Z* su; /I\ xi60 mi Setariae Semen Conquitum (cooked milleta) $$%@ huhng m i fan Setariae Semen Germinatum (millet sprout@) sir yh settle [of evils in the body] r$ k t ; [treatment] B zhtn settle and promote absorption @$fi zhtn na settle and subdue B B zhtn qibn settle cough zhtn k t settle fright and quiet the spirit B J R S ;ir$ zhtn jing iin shtn settle pain B@ding thng settle panting $&I% zhtn chuiin settle tetany $&@ zhtn jing settle the heart @JL\ zhtn xin settle the liver zhtn giin settle the liver and extinguish wind Bjff %,)% zhtn giin xi f2ng settling and absorption zhtn nu seven -t= qi seven-affect binding depression k ig$jE4,$ qi qing yir jit seven-affect ill-being -t= fsT $f qi qing bu shii seven-affect internal bind -t= ff$ ~AI 4,B qi qing nti jit seven-affect internal damage k i g {% qi qing nti shiing seven-affect internal depression -t= m+jP qi qing nti yu seven-affect qi bind -LtST'r,&qi qing qi jig
rn is
Severed seven affects [joy, anger; anxiety, thought, sorrow, fear; and fright] -kt%qi qing Seven Agents Downbearing Decoction -t= P $ 7 ; $5~qi wLi jiang xia tiing seven damages -t= 4% qi shiing seven-day wind -k )% qi ri fZng seven expiry pulses -k'r,&BJ qi jut mai sevenfold -k qi Sevenfold Processed Cyperus Pill k $ill% M$ A qi zhi xiiing fit wan sevenfold reduction and eightfold boost -k +fl/\ &$ qi siin bii yi seven formula types k f i qi fing seven gates -t= $$ qi chdng m t n Seven-Gem Powder -k@@ qi zhCn siin Seven-Ingredient Metropolis Qi Pill -k@ $P 5% qi wti dci qi wan Seven-Ingredient Ovate Atractylodes Powder ED!Q $@ qi wti bbi zhLi siin Seven-Jewel Beard-Blackening Elixir -k B Bff qi biio mti rcin diin Seven-Jewel Powder -k Z@qi biio siin seven malign signs -L8, qi t seven mountings (shan) -k'a qi shan seven orifices -k qi qiao Seven-Peel Beverage -kFfi t? qi pi yin Seven Pinches Powder -t= B@ qi li sin seven qi [the seven affects; cold, heat, joy, anger; anxiety, and worry] -k5 qi qi seven relations [drugtherapy] k fg qi qing seven-star needle -kE' H qi xing zhEn seven strange pulses -kTZBJ qi guai mai Seventeenth Vertebra Point [non-channel] -t= #k T shi ql zhui xia seventh k qi seventh costosternal articulation l$@qi i& i' seventh earthly branch F wii seventh heavenly stem E g2ng severe ?% sh2n; B shtn severe conditions are treated by coaction B8 M 2 shtn zhi cbng zhi Severed Bone (GB-38) 4,g @* jut gii; (GB-39WIIO) 4,&@ jut gii
severed bone [region just superior to the lateral malleolus of the fibula] 2EB jut gii severe heat and severe reversal ?&iZEi% ri sh2n jut shen Severe Mouth (ST-45WffO)E 9li dcii sex & st sexual activity B fhng sexual intemperance E Z T i 3 fang shi bii jit sexual intercourse E t6ng fang; Ef B xing fang; A & rii fang; 2 @jjiio ghu sexual taxation &% n i Lao; E 5 fang ltio; & Z 4% fhng shi shing sexual taxation jaundice nd Lao diin sexual taxation relapse k % B n6 llio fu Shaanxi white peony [root] @ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Shaansiensis) 3 Sj Q 3 j biio j i bai shio shake & zhin; S zhin shaking # diho shaking feet ZB@zh chan shaking head wind %+Z)%, t6u yho f2ng shaking of the head + g g yho t6u; A+% t6u yho shallow t% qiiin shaman healer GE wii yi shamrock pea0 (Parocheti Herba) -$Jj dn yi kb xu? shancigu [bulb] @ (Shancigu Bulbus) LLI Efr&shan cigii; &AT* jin deng; @@V* lii ti ciio; LLI Z S * shiin ci gii; LLJ ZB* sizan ci gu; $ji8" zhu gci; %jl&- muu gci; % Efr&* mao ci gii; &2 $KT*ni bing zi; ?&!I&*chu gii; Q *fig* bhi di li; 13%fr&* bhi mbo gii; LLI shan ci gii Shancigu Bulbus (shancigu [bulb]@)LLI %fr& shan ci gii; &KJ* jin ddCng; E%V* 13 ti ciio; LLIES* shin ci gii; LLIEB* shin ci gii; %?I&* zhii gii; &!I&* mho gii; % % 4&* mbo ci gii; 2 PK 3*ni bing zi; *4&* chii gii; +&%*bhi di li; $ *4&* bdi mtio gii; LLJ shin ci gii Shandong ledebouriella [root] @ (Ledebouriellae Radix Shandongensis) LLI P kR
shin fhng fcng; $$Pkfl* huling fang feng; ' W Pfi R* qing fang fBng Shang [approx. 16th cent. B. C.-11 th cent. B.C.] S&i shing shang [note of lung-metal] i@ shing Shang Abode (KI-17) i&&* shing shk Shang Bend (KI-17WFfO) i@ EI&shing qii Shang Hill (SP-5) fiifi*shang qiii; (SP5wH0)S&iEshlzng qiii Shang Yang (LI-1W f l O ) i& Pfl shang yang shank [of leg] JUjf lian shank sore JJ]ts lian chuang sharp #$m i sharp-edged needle [one of the nine needles] % +?+ fBng zh2n q. cbng t?r sharpen the hearing sharpen the wits S B yi zhi sharp round needle [one of the nine needles] %I]$+yuan li zhBn shattered bone fZf@ gii sui shave 611gui shaved cinnamon bark@ (Cinnamomi Cortex Rasus) $3lL\ gui xin; m $3JL\* ri)u gui xin shaved Bicorice [root] a (Glycyrrhizae Radix Rasa) $j3i$Sft?n giin ciio shaved msutan [root bark] a (Moutan Radicis Cortex Rasus) #j3)-fl-E f2n d i n pi; &f;d f i @* gucz dan pi shedding of Wesh and loss of bulk [severe emaciation] H m @JIB tu6 rhu ph jiin (jicing) -c--h-~-d-d--i-n gnf pnzjnr mlSSeS nf flesh !?$@ , A# da rou jin tub; m # j$i da rhu xiZo tu6 shedding of the flesh a#m tuii rhu shedding of the the physical body tu6 xing sheen @ zt sheenless hair fa wLi zt sheenless perished look 7E%T@ yao ran bii zt Sheep's Droppings (ST-30) R* ybng shi shell-bursting mammary welling abscess (ybng) a#E$L% tub k6 rii ybng
shell-bursting scrota1 welling abscess short pulse bi$a mcii dudn; +gbk duiirz mhi (ybng) a#E@% tu6 k t nang ybng short voidings of reddish urine /J\@%$Z shelter [tragus]&$ bi xiiio bian chi duiin sheng [unit of volume] sh2tzg short voidings of scant urine +@$Z/J/\ Shen's Polyporus Decoction f i E$82$ & xiiio bian duiin shiio shtn shi zhii ling ting short voidings of yellow urine /I\ {EB E shepherd's pursee (Capsellae Bursaxiio bikn h u h g duiin ji chi; fPJ=J$* h2 Paseoris Herba) shoulder E jiiin shdng chi; %&%* jixin cai; @+@;J* jing shoulder and arm pain E @ % jiin bi chring cai; ffi ;J* di cai; @ %* xiang ji; tbng g y q *qing ming ciio shoulder and back pain @ %@$jiiin bti tbng shiatsu + g E zhi yii shoulder blade [scapula]@ j'jian jiii; fl? Shielding Brightness [tzon-channel]%% jiti yi ming shoulder blade pain @ j 'j@ jinn jiii tbng shift I$g churin bian Shoulder Bone (LI-IS WHO) JEj f# jiiin yLi shifted bladder 8@f$ brio zhuiin; KjP Shoulder Bone-Mole (TB-14) @ fig jiun zhuiin puo; $3@j zhuiin biio lib0 shin 1x7 htng; jfjs htng shoulder;elbow, hip, and knee joints shinbone [tibia] Ifis+j htng gLi # si guin Shining Sea (KI-WHO) ,KE zhho hiii Shoulder Front [norz-channel]B E*jian shiny bramble@ (Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix qihn seu Ramulus et Folium) A f ~ & +ril di shoulder joint E ff# jifin jig man jiiio; m$#* liiing shoulder pain E jin nih; S+@* i@$ jiiin tbng mian zhen shoulder painful and hard to lift E 845 shiver &ji;Zzhan li jiiin tbng bu ntng zi jfi $jE $ shivering hhn zhan; %@ hhn zhhn; Shoulder Pain Point [non-channel]@ 845 Eg zhtn li ,fi jiGn tbng didn shiver sweating zhhn hiin Shoulder Tip (LI-15) 6 g*jicZn jicZn Shoe Lace (ST-41) Be*xit dhi Shoulder Well (GB-21) @j #* b6 jing; shoot [as an arrow] 43 sht; [sprout] 9 (GB-21W9 E # jiiin jing Y shouting [voice of the liver] D F hii 'shortage of qi $5 shiio qi shrinking of the ear lobes q&g% e'r shortage of qi with inability to catch one's chui w2i sub breath $%+ fijE+E,g,shiio qi bu ntng brio shroud % yi xi shrubby breyniao (Breyniae Fruticosae short inhibited voidings of urine /J\@$Z Ramulus et Folium) SmUf- hei micin yt iz xi60 biitn duiin st shrubby breynia root0 (Breyniae Frutishort-leaved kyllingaO (Kyllingae Brevicosae Radix) S mUt@hCi mian yt gen foliae Herba seu Radix) 7K@$!4 shui wh shrunken tongue X&@ sht shbu bit gbng; 3 %S*sdn jia cdo; %&S* niik shudder li ji cao shuddering and chattering 3% gfi li short needling [one of the twelve needling Shu Han [221-263 A.D.] 33tX shii han methods] $Z$IJ duiin ci shuttle bone jl;T@ zhc gfi shortness of breath T $ Z qi duiin; $ Z T shy S xi0 duiin qi
SI SIWHO PEj I]\ E jg ?3 s h h tai yhng xiiio c h h g jing; /I\ E xiiio chhng SI-lWHo (Lesser Marsh) $$$ shao z t ; (Small Propitiousness) I]\ g*xiiio ji SI-2WfJO (Front Valley) 8 8 qihn gii; (Hand Greater Yang) PEj* shbu tai yk? SI-3w"o (Back Ravine) Gtg h6u xi SI-4WH0 (Wrist Bone) @B wan gii SI-5WHO (Yang Valley) pH+$ yhng gii SI-6wH0 (Nursing the Aged) %2yiing liio SI-7WH0 (Branch to the Correct) 3 i E zhi zhhg SI-8WH0 (Small Sea) /J\ % xiiio hiii SP-9WfI0 (True Shoulder) E E jian zh2n SI-10WHO (Upper Arm Transport) lrE& nbo shii SI-blWff0 (Celestial Gathering) X Z tinn zOng SI-12wEf0 (Grasping the Wind) %)XI, bing
fW SI-13WHo (Crooked Wall) i 3 qii yuan SI-14wlJo (Outer Shoulder Transport) B jian wbi shk SI-15Wlf0 (Central Shoulder Transport) E 4r @J jian zhong shii SI-16Wlfo (Celestial Window) X @J tibn chuiing; (Lofty Window) @ @ * chuing s6ng; (Window Basket) @J E* chuang 16ng; (Window Dragon) aft;*chuang 16ng S1-17Wll0 (Celestial Countenance) R B tian r6ng SI-18W"o (Cheek Bone-Hole) @jf@quhn liao; (Hammer Bone-Hole) &fig * zhui (Influential Bone-Hole) $2 # * lirio; qutin lirio; (Mouth Bone) Re*dui gii SI-19WH0 (Auditory Palace) QfiE ting gOng; (Heard) Ffi rq* sub win; (More Heard)+,$ Ffi ifiW* dud sub wtn Siam benzoin@ (Benzoinum Siamense) .ii$ES@ , , B yut nrin an xi xirZng Siberian rose fruit@ (Rosae Davuricae Fructus) $I]E%cci mti guci
Side Sichuan alisma [root] @ (Alismatis Rhizoma Sichuanense) )I1@?% chufin zt xi6 Sichuan carthamus [flower] @ (Carthami E chuan h6ng Flos Sichuanensis) )II ?I huci Sichuan chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Sichuanensis) jll% chuiin jLi Sichuan codonopsis [root] (Codonopsitis Tangshen Radix) j l l g chuan ding; )II % S* chuan diing sh2n Sichuan Coptis and Bitter Orange Decocchuiin l i b zhi k t tang tion J l l S Sichuan coptis [root] @ (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) )I18 chuiin lian; 2 f i %* j i zhiio lihn; 2?,f i @%* j i zhio hubng lirin; %%* guiing lian; RS* wti lirin Sichuan curcuma [tuber] @ (Curcumae chuan y3 jin Tuber Sichuanense) jll Sichuan dendrobioma (Dendrobii Caulis Sichuanensis) jll ?if84 chuan shi hh Sichuan fritillaria [bulb] @ (Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus) 111 JI El chuin bti mii; K*mtng; BK*hukng mtng; JI X* bti fu; j I1JI* chuan bki Sichuan magnolia [bark] @ (Magnoliae Cortex Sichuanensis) j I1$b chuan pi, Sichuan phellodendron [bark] @ (Phellodendri Cortex Sichuanensis) jll $5 $Q chuan huting biii; )I1$Q* chutZn b6 Sichuan saussurea [root]' (Vladimiriae Souliei Radix) JII ?$ chuan m3 xiing Sichuan tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis chuan ding Radix Sichuanensis) 111 53 gui Sichuan white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Sichuanensis) )I1 $ ?i chunn brii shho sickly /J+iX ni sickness % bing side {J!l cd side head wind Mg;CW biin t6u f2ng side-lock bone EB bin gLi Side Palace of Toil [non-channel]%%E piing 160 gOng Side Ridge Spring [non-channel]$2 I% pcing licin quan
Side Strong [non-channel] 933 pcing qiang siegesbeckiao (Siegesbeckiae Herba) ?@ Z xi xian; gpEg* xi xian ciio Siegesbeckia and Clerodendron Pill $$.+D Stl xi tbng wcin Siegesbeckia and Clerodendron Wind;Wf2ng shixi tbng Damp Tablet jXI,B@fn;/)+ pian Siegesbeckiae Herba (siegesbeckiao) Ri Z xixiiin; RpZq* xi xiiin ciio Siegesbeckia Pill @,Z% xi xian wrin sieve i$-Y guh lub; B$i shii sighing % ,% tan xi; A tai xi sign iE zhtng; Gl% zhttzg zhuang; % xiang; iiE@ zhtng hhu signature therapy % jf2 5+3~f i $& xiang xiang yao wu lLin sign of harmonious flow $$#I 2% chdng h i zhi xiling Silenes Tenuis Radix (slender silene) h jiii tbu ciio Silk Bamboo Hole (TB-23) 'L'L?.?G sizhh kdng silk moth Z.@-l crin i silk tree bark* (Albizziae Cortex) -&& Ffi h i huan pi; & S Ffi* h i huiitz pi; @& Ffi* yt h6 pi; &**Ffi* h6 huan mu pi; $$ B* huring hiin Silk Tree Bark Decoction $$@ ?% huring hiin tang silk tree flower* (Albizziae Flos) & &E h i huan h ~ u i silkworm* (Bombyx Batryticatus) $ @ % brii jiang crin; E &* tiitz chbng; $ B %* brii jiiing critz; I3 W j i ~ t z g critz; 9EZC jinng crin; 3 &* clin ch6ng silkworm droppings* (Bombycis Excrementum) EB?9 yurin crin shii; @%?9* wdtz ctitz shii; % ?$' crin shii; g69' crin shii Silkworm Droppings Decoction ?j$ ?$J chn shi tiing Silkworm Powder $ @ 3$ bcii jiatzg crin siin silkworm preparation@ (Bombycis Praeparatio) 96!l!% jidtzg yiing
sinew silver leaf. (Argenti Lamina) @Fs" yin b6 Silver Mouth [non-channel]+R a yin kbu silver residue* (Argenti Residuum) @@ yin ybu silvervine nut* (Actinidiae Polygamae Fructus cum Galla) 71r; %%F mu tian liiio zi silvery internal obstruction 80 %Em P S rh yin nti zhang simple @ dnn simple abdominal distention % @ jJg;rk dan fii zhhng da simple abdominal drum [without generalized water swelling] @@% &n fu gii simple abdominal drum distention [without generalized water swelling] i)3 @ JIB drZn fu gii simple drum 9%dan gii simple formula @-3 diin fang simpple 'supplementation and drainage manipulation @-A+b$% f& diin shi bii xi2 sh6u fii simultaneous dispersion and supplementation @j+\%fixiao bii jiiin shi simultaneous palpation ,9,@zbng an simultaneous supplementation and attack &$b%Bgdng bii jian shi simultaneous treatment of root and tip biao bZn t6ng zhi ;f;ir;& simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea l t l l 7;$%shang th xia xi2 sinew jin mai; jijj jin sinew and bone pain jin gii ttng t6ng Sinew Binder (GV-8) g*jitz s h i ~ Sinew Contraction (GV-8W"O) fiij 9%jitz suo sinew flicking $ 4 3 trin jitz sinew gan jSjj!j+f jin giin sinew goiter fig@ jin ying sinew hypertonicity jin ji sinew membrane @jRg jin m6 sinew mounting (shan) fi%$J jin shhn sinew network vessels E'rg jin lub
jin thng sinew pain sinew qi jin qi' sinews and vessels ]in mhi sinew scrofula jin li sinews deprived of nourishment [depriving the sinews of nourishment] j$j X %% jin shi rk yiing; %X%% jin shi zi ying; jijj 5 Pfi jin shi sub' yiirzg Sinew Seat (GB-23~~10) 5 R B zht jin Sinews' Meeting (GB-34) iiji&* jin hui Sinew-Soothing Blood-Quickening Decoction B j$j\Z @h J shii jin hub xut tnng Sinew-Soothing Blood-Quickening Tablet S j$ & j+ shd jin hub xu2 pian Sinew-Soothing Blood-Quickening Wash Formula Bj$jPgh& f i shlZ jin hub xu2 xi fiing Sinew-Soothing Decoction BBt5J shd jin thng . Sinew-Soothing Medicinal Water 7k shii jin yao shui Sinew-Soothing Peace-Bringing Powder $3 $ 3% shii jin li iin siin Sinew-Soothing Peace-Keeping Powder %i: fi!X%% shii jin 660 iin siin Sinew-•˜trengthening Blood-Nourishing Decoction If ijij% &$ 5 ~zhuang jin yiing xu; tang Sinew Support (BL-56W"O) @ fiji chtng jin sinew tumor $j3@jin liii; @jEjin lik sinew wilting (w&) j$j@ jbz wgi single % d i n Single-Armored p u l s e - ~ e s t o r a t k eDecoction - T Bfbk@J yi jii fu mki ting single-finger press i@+gJ3d i n zhi yii single-handed needle insertion -$FSW ?& d i n shiiu jin zhen fii single-horned sumac gallnuto (Rhois Galla Unicornis) 3&% 1g dLi jiiio bti; /lk IS* du bii single nipple moth @.$L$JP drZn rLi i single quality of the pulse h?#rt3& mhi ti zhi dk Single Sage Powder j&Z8 dk shtng sin
singularity of visceral qi 39 zhng qi zhi dk sink [drug bearing] f l chin Sinomenii seu Sabiae Caulis et Rhizoma (Orient vinea) gN$& qing fing ttng siphonostegiaa (Siphonostegiae Herba) %BP%lingyin chtn; jin zhong yin chin; $$ EB I%* huling huti yin chtn; 8@BPS*diao zhbng yin chin; ZBP%* ling yin chin; LLIB B* shin yin chin; & EE*jin h u i ping; & ?Fi* jin hk ping; S#FiS* hk ping ciio; AIB I%* tii yin chtn Siphonostegiae Herba (siphonostegiaa) @BPfjlingyin chin; &@BPfj* jin zh6ng yin chin; $$EBR*huling h u i yin chin; 8#+EI%* diho zhong yin chin; ZBPg* ling yin chin; LLI B K* shan yin chin; & E E * jin. h u i ping; & 53#fE* jin hk ping; 53#Fi@* hk ping ciio; *BPS* tii yin chin site of the bite @fini2 chh sLtting labor [childbearing]* f " zui, chin six 5 liii six bowels [stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder; bladder; atztl triple burner] A'm liu fii six bowels fulfill their purposes when there is free flow k jlf U@% H liD fii yi tong wii y&zg six-channel disease A23'g lih jing bing six-channel pattern identification A?2# ilE liu jing bian zhtng six-channel patterns A F&j i& lih jing xing zhdn six channels .A22 liu jing six dcprcssians icieprcsscci qi, biouci, dampness, fire, phlegm, and food] liii yu six desires 2% lih yii six excesses [wind, cold, fire, summerheat, dampness, and dryness as environmental phenomena] k ?Z liir yin six-excess external contraction 91 & A i;f whi gin lih yin six extremes A & liu ji sixfold k liu Sixfold Combination Center-Stabilizing Pills A Z 3 lid h i ding zh6ng wlin
Six Gentlemen Decoction AZT$3I liu jiin zi tang Six Gentlemen Metal and Water Brew & 7k ik jin shui li2 jiin jian Six Harmonizations Decoction A $!J $31liu hb tang Six-Ingredient Decoction & $6 liu wki tang Six-Ingredient Elsholtzia Beverage A Fk @$tA liu whi xiiing rd yin Six-Ingredient Pill * & f i liic wti wan Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Decoction ?Y @J liu wti di hubng tang Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill A 3 f i liii wki di hucing wan Six-Ingredient 'Yang-Returning Beverage t2 liu wti hui yhng yin A& Six Milled Ingredients Beverage AEtA liu m b yin Six Milled Ingredients Decoction A @ $6 lih m6 tang Six Pillars Beverage A&@ li2 zhu yin Six Pillars Decoction ?f$ i $h liu zhu tang six pulses fijl& liu mai six qi [wind, cold, fire, summerheat, d y ness, and dampness] A 5 liu qi Six Quietings Brew $is$$ liu i n jiiin Six Spirits Decoction fi$$@$ lir'l shin tang Six Spirits Bill fi$Eflfiliu shin whn Sixteen-Ingredient Qi Flow Beverage -ff i %$%5tAshi liu wti lid qi yin liil; % f i cli liu sixth sixth earthly branch I2 si sixth heavenly stem i 2ji Six-To-One Powder $ -@ i lib yi srin six transmutations f i 9li2 bihn six viscera [heart, liver; spleen, lung, kidney, and either pericardium or life gate] ik Bk li3 zhng six ways A & liu hb 8%liir yling mhi six yang pulses $i six yin pulses APaJ$$liii yin mizi skeleton hdi skin Ffi pi; 8% fii
slanted skin and [body] hair & X pi mho skin and [body] hair wilting (wti) &% @ pi mrio wti skin (and flesh) j i ffi Skin Cleft (BL-36) )$j@* pi x i skin impediment (bi) & @ pi bi skin-pinching needle insertion @ $g%$t & ti nic? jin zhEn fii skin-pinching technique [of needle insernit? pi shu tion] $9E?. Skin Region (BL-36) &@* pi bh Skin Region Support (BL-36) S&&gB* chbng fLi pi bu skin-spreading needle insertion e % % H & shii zhing jin zhZn fii skin-spreading technique [of needle insertion] & %$ pi ding shu skin swelling JHJ 89 fii zh6ng skin water [a kind of swelling] )$7K pi shui skin wilting (wti) &@ pi wti skip B yut skipping [pulse] {,8 cu skipping channels [of channels in cold ' damage] ,$&23Eyui? jing chulin skipping pulse b?@ mhi cu; fib? cu mizi skirt around $2 rao skirt hem sore qdu bian chuiing skull %@jZj t6u ld gil Skull (TB-19) P$$* 1u xin Skull Rest (TB-19) P$,@, 16 xi Skull Union (GV-17) GPjj* hb lu slack %j?huiin; !~!JN chi zbng limp drooling mouth %E@i tt: k6u huitn xidn chd slacken 5% huiin; $&$)A chi zbng slackness of the ancestral sinew [impotence] Ai; $tJ $)A z6ng jin chi zbng slack sinews $%5% jin hcliin slack tongue &%$i? ski huin slaked lime0 (Calx Exstincta) ?$6Eshil shi hui; # 6I$* xiiio shi hut slanted [neccllc insertion] $1 xii slanted insertion $?t$l] xi6 ci
sleep [If shui; % rnti; EE wB; [ I f [lR shui mihn Sleeping Dragon Elixir E b Z f f wo lbng dan . sleeping in a draft 3 JXI, tl@ Eb dGng fCng shui wb sleeping silkworms beneath the eyes F l J -T; REkS m 3 xi2 yiiu wb chn sleeplessness Z l E wri mihn; +If 63 shui; TE+Eb bu dk wo; TEIR bh mirin; Tf%llR bit d t mihn; +% bu m t i sleep talking mtng yi sleep walking Pjjj? mmtng y6u slender evodia [leaf] (Evodiae Leptae '( 8 a t s i n y6 kii yt; 3$23 Folium) at* sari yii kii yt slender evodia root0 (Evodiae Leptae Radix) Z X fi$W siin chii hii gbn; Zs$P E*sGn jiiio big slender sileneO (Silenes Tenuis Radix) h X g jiii t6u ciio slice Jcn)+ qiC pian slide-cupping ST$$ ziju guan; *fig$& z6u guan fii slight 1% wCi Slight Cold [23rd solar term] I]\ 5$ xi50 hhn Slight Heat [ l l t h solar term] IJ\ & xi50 shii Slight Snow [20th solar term] /J\ Z xi60 xue' slight sweating .?%#$? & wbi wCi han chu; wei han slight swelling of the eye nest [eyelids] El g -t!+$ ,q$ .KG kZ SIZ&,?~ %Ei :4E5ng slight vexation I%*%' wZi frin sliminess in the mouth 17 /@ k6u ni slimy M ni slimy sensation in the mouth t l /@ k6u ni slimy tongue fur Z H t& ni; rzi tGi slimy white tongue fur &EQ /@ sht tai bhi ni slimy yellow tongue fur SE$$/@ sht tGi huhrzg ni slippery $'$ h uri I
small Slippery Dark Gate (ST-24) fB & ! t TJ* huh ybu m t n Slippery Flesh Gate (ST-24Wf10)ffj huh rou m t n slippery [medicinals] can eliminate fixity @ X & $$ huci ke' qu zhu6 slippery pulse bt fA mai huh; fBbt hub mhi slippery tongue fur #j!$ huh tiii sloppy diarrhea A@!%# dh bihn thng xi;; @@ tdng xi2 sloppy diarrhea with ungratifying defecation $ % thng xi8 b3 shuiing sloppy stool 455% bian thng slough a# tub sloughing tub sloughing Hat abscess (ju) 8#G tud jii; % +j% tub gii jii sloinghing scrotum tub nhng; Sfi n6ng tub sloughing welling abscess (ybng) a#% tub ybng slow E chi slowness in learning to talk IJ\ ILigZ xi60 t r yii chi slowness of thought ,F,t@Z%ijsi wti chi dun slowness to grow hair [one of the five slownesses] E fa chi slowness to speak [one of the five slownesses] i g z yii chi slowness to stand [one of the five slownesses] 2 % li chi slowness to teethe [one o f the five slownesses] 823 chi chi slowness to walk [one of the five slownesses] 37 % xing chi slow pulse /# mai chi; Ebt chi mai sluggish movement of food ZE yun chi sluggish speech t#$Sxi2 yhn; B ig%?3? yhn yii jiiitz st sluggish tongue %% ( % ) sht jifin sluggish tongue impeding speech Zi % ( % ) ;T;ig sht jicin bu yii small xi50
small aconite [accessory tuber] ' (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Parvum) {JlJT ci. zi Small Celestial Heart [non-channel] I]\ E JL\ xiiio tiiin xin smaller abdomen [new] @ xiiio fu smaller-abdominal distention and pain /I\ B f l k g xiiio fh zhang thng smaller-abdominal fullness I]\ E]Jlli#xiiio fu chen m6n; I]\ @j@j xiiio fG miin smaller-abdominal pain /J\ @2@ xi20 fC t6ng smaller-abdominal pain with sore throat / J \ E 3 I flz @ xiiio ffil yin hbu thng small-fruited rose fruit@ (Rosae Cymosae Fructus) /J\ & @ Txiiio jin ying
zi small-fruited rose [root and leafl a
(Rosae Cymosae Radix et Folium) /I\ & $$$ xiiio jin ying small gleditsia [fruit] (Gleditsiae Fructus Parvus) 3$5S zhti yb zao; %%* yb zho; 3$5J-@fa* zhti yh zao jiiio small goosefoot@ (Chenopodii Serotini Herba) E $i? hut dirio small intestinal cough / J \ j5J ng xiiio chhng kk small intestinal disease /I\ 85JExi60 chring bing small intestinal mounting (shan) /J\fi'fi xiiio chbng shan small intestinal qi /J\ BfrJ5 xiiio chang qi small intestinal qi pain /J\ j5J 5% xiiio chbng qi thng small intestinal qi stagnation / J \ h 5% xiiio chbng qi zhi small intestinal repletion heat /I\ RC: xi60 chling shi ri. small intestinal vacuity cold /I\ jj5~E $?! xiiio chling xu ldng; /I\ JEJJ E R xiiio chcing xlZ h ~ i n small intestinal welling abscess (yiitzg) /I\ )J% @j xiiio chbtzg y6ng small intestine /]I 8% xiiio chling small intestine channel / J \ j5J23xiiio chring jing small intestine governs humor I]\ ji5~Z ' i xiiio chang zhii yt.
small intestine governs receiving plenitude /I\ &=&%a xido chhng zhii shhu shkng small intestine governs separation of the clear and turbid /J\ j5J 2 % 3IJt & xi20 chbng zhii f i n b i t qing zhub small intestine holds the office of receiving plenitude, when the transformation of matter emanates /]\&51~%@32g-&~ It $9J E xi60 chbng zhd shhu shkng zhl =. ! guiin yZ hua wu chti yiin Small Intestine Transport (BL-27W110)/J\ && xiiio chring'shii small-leaved morinda [root and stem]
(Morindae Parvifoliae Radix et Caulis) B BW biii y i n te'ng Small Lu [non-channel] ,!2,BBI* l i xi; (KI3 ) g B* l i xi Small Mind-Stabilizing Pill ding zhi xiGo wrin
2 ,Z /I\ f i
Small Navel (CV-6) %JJff* ji yiing Small Pass (CV-7) /I\ #* xi60 guan smallpox R E tiiin huii Small Propitiousness (SI-1) S*xiiio ji small pulse /I\ b? xiiio mai; Jji? /J\ mtii xiiio small ravine /J\tgxiiio x i small scrofula Ej% lud Small Sea (SI-8WF10)/I\ @j xiiio hiii
Small Valley (LI-3) I]\ xiiio gfi small white-flowered beggar's-ticksa S xihn (Bidentis Minoris Herba) fZng ciio smartweed fruit@ (Polygoni Fructus) 7k gIEF shui hdng huii zi smashing objects and beating people 5% $9~Ex" ,A hui wii 6u r t n smear [on the skin] t& th smell [to detect odors] @ xiil smelling of burnt odor [subjective symptom] $+ IR7 R,S bi w i n jino chhu smell odors @%% xiu qi wti smell of the breath U 5 kkdu qi Smilacis Bockii Rhizoma (Bock's greenbrier [root]@)&M1% jin giing tktzg
Smilacis Smilacis Chinae Rhizoma (chinaroot) G bci qia Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma (smooth greenbrier [root]@) *G% tii fri ling; 35 i% W#R* c60 yii yri licing; $IJ$g%* ci zhn ling; @tfi*ying fan; {hB#h*xiin yi licing; kg*tii bEi; etfiB* ltngfib tulin; LLI %%* shZn zhii fin; LLI Z* shin di a; i 3 W &* gub gang lbng; LLI !J3 shan gui h i ; A*%* jiii liio shii; %Eg*mbo &AT* di hri ling; *%* tii we'i shii; ling; LIJ B$g* shin yi licirzg; $J &Jg*giiu liing t6u; 2 *.;C* jiin guiing tbu; @ @* shan ying ying; 3 R* qi licing; kS rB* tii be'i xit; Q g * brii qia; g t ! * libn fan Smilacis mber (smilax tube@) QSk7 hbng b2i xit; 111S l ' * chuin b2i xit smilax tuber@ (Smilacis Tuber) $1 'ho;ag bci xi;; jll S F ' * chuin bi xit smithsoniteO (Smithsonitum) 1u gin shi; P tf6* lri gan shi; +fl'f6* ybng gin shi; t?f 7k H 6*fd shui ggn shi; Hfi* gin shi Smithsonitum (smithsonite) ;VIH 73 lri gin shi; P U G * M gin shi; ycing gin shi; j% 7k Q 6*fri shui ,gin shi; HG* gin shi smolder B yun smooth bare red tongue d % t I s(zt guing h6ng smooth bare tongue % @ -S guang huh shb; Zi jli; sht guang; g jli;tfj sht guing huh smnnth greenhri~,~.[re&! D $m&.=is Glabrae Rhizoma) &EZ$ tii fci ling; 3 $!, f3#&* ciio yii yu libng; $11 2%%* ci zhii ling; @tfi*ying frin; {hi@#* xiin yi liang; *S* tii b2i; ?+tfi B* 12ng fan tucin; LIJ 3%%* shin zhrZ ftn; LIJ ffiz* shin di li; i3 PI&* gub gang lbng; LLI !EI ?it*shan gui lcii; A 2S* jiii 160 shii; % Eg* mho we'i shii; ffi #jq*di hri ling; &%* tii shan yi king; 361 t$j A* g6u ling; LLIB#&* @ (6ng t6u; ;I;jl; %* jiin guing t6u; LIJ @* shan ying ying; S R* qi liring; ZjZ
@-* tii bEi xit; $
* bhi qia; stfi* libn
fh smooth oleaster fruit0 (Elaeagni Glabrae man hri tui zi Fructus) %#la3 smooth oleaster leap (Elaeagni Glabrae Folium) Si!BBTF.atman hri tui zi yt smooth oleaster root0 (Elaeagni Glabrae Radix) #l%Fti? man hri tui zi ggn snaile (Eulota) MP5 )3Y wb niri snail clove sore (lu6 ding) k z f i lu6 ding Snail Water H 7K gu6 niri shui snake @ sht snake bite @{% shk shing snake body @9 sht shZn; @@ sht ti snake cinnabar @B sht dan Snake Head (LI-7) E%*sht r6u snakehead mullete (Ophicephali Caro) @$& liyri; %I%* hgiyri; GI%*wiiyu Snakehead Mullet Soup @I&?&li yu tang snake lice sht shi snake's-back clove sore (ding) @BE sht bki ding snake's-belly clove sore (ding) @ E Gsht fu ding snake scales @& sht lin snake's-eye clove sore (ding) @FIRE sht yin ding snake's-head clove sore (ding) @A% sht t6u ding snake skin EE sht pi snakeskin lichen (xi,iiiz)E&@ sht pixifin snake sloughm (Serpentis Exuviae) !I@@$ sht tui; 2 T** 16ng zi yi; @ R*sht f d ; zi d8fz yi; 5 1 E" yin pi; JK -r=p- t ~ ibng . lbng d&zpi; !I@ 32 &* lbng pi; $ Mf* shk fu; @ E * sht pi; &+&* lbng zi sht tui pi; !I@%* sht k t ; JiC7& pi; %!#!E* &* chcing ch6ng pi; @2*sht yi; 2 16rg yi snake strawberrya (Duchesneae Herba) @ E sht mti; -& $I* yi diiin hdng snake string sores @ $ % sht chuan chuang snake venom @@ sht du snap fi sht
sneezing ti; R$f@ pen ti; @n$f ti pen; hao ti %o E dl16 ti; SO$ shhn ti; sniffing @& xiG bi snivel ?at% yyi ti; ?% ti sniveling & qili sniveling and nosebleed #fi$% qili nh sniveling nose #L& qili bi; +$fij~ bi qili snivel is the humor of the lung t%%j$B ti wti f2i y2 snivel (nasal mucus) with pus and blood ~ ? n6ng % xu2 ti snoring +JW dii hii; +JR dii han snow mouth i l xu2 kciu xuud gZng Snow Soup Decoction 3 tang snuflbox bean steme (Entadae Caulis) k2 ttng; ?$EjE* gu6 jiiing I6ng soak @ puo soaking and standing [medicinalprocessing] 4% fb soapberry" (Sapindi Fructus) 3C % , , ,4 wli huan zi soapberry root' (Sapindi Radix) Z ,& &3 4dj wu huhn shu qihng; X ,%,,4$W* wh huan zi gZn sober @@l xing jiii soddening (by) damp-heat ?%%shi rk rli zi soft $2 ruiin; Z rbu soft [same as $A riirin] $$ ruiin soft and spongy $2@l# ruiin rLi mirin soften hardness $25 ruan jinn soften hardness and dissipate binds $A% 8 4 2 ruiin jian san jit soften hardness and eliminate fullness $2 % rurin jian chli miin softening by soaking 7K @ $A 4 t shui pho ruiin huci softening by wetting 7KjZ$k4k shui shi ruiin hu& soft guccoon@ (Macrotomiae Radix) +A %Zff ruiin zi ciio soft ribs $AM ruin I> soft scutellaria [root] @ (~cutel1a;iae huring qtz ban Radix Mollis) 3$3#n9
soft tetany Z @rrdu jing soft yin medicinals PJj ZGM yin r6u yao wu soggy Cpulse] # rli soggy diarrhea % # ru xi2 rli mai soggy pulse bj&%mhi rL; soil tii Solani Lyrati Herba (climbing nightshade) 12% @ bdi mho ttng; El%&* shii yring quhn; $ E*bhi ying Solani Melongenae Radix (eggplant root) qit gZn; 12%@* bhi qit g2n Solani Nigri Herba (black nightshade) j&% lrdng kui; E % q * tian qi6 ti; ;;F;;F tifin tibn qii; gfi*hZi gci nicing; 4 6$C* wa ding ciio; % E S * hZi xing xing; gz*hei qit; %*** h2i tiin tiiin; 4!J3 wii gui chi Solani Nigri Semen (black nightshade seedo) j&g3 lbng kui zi Solani Pauciflori Herba (few-flowered black nightshades) gfi niii cui Solaaii Verbascifolii Folium (mountain tobacco@),BjBW yt yiiz yt?; IEjIpt* jiii Pt* tfi yrin yL. yGn yt; solar term P9jit qi sole [of the foot] & zli di Sole Heart [non-channel] 8 121 zri xin solid [unbroken] @ biin Solidaginis Herba ( c u a Radice) ( s o l i d ~ a )--fi$$E yi zhi huring huG solidago@ (Solidaginis Herba (cum Radice)) -jW 3 X yi zhi huring hua dli yii soliloquy [talking to onsea ?j$!i% solitary jfl gii solitary bowel [the triple burner] TAM? gii fii Solitary Confluence [non-channel]%! d h hui solitary viscus TflJB gfi zang solitary yang straying upward 7A PEl kB gG ydng shhng yud Solitary Yin [non-channel]kP!?Jlj d h yin Solomon's Seal Beverage Z T ' l t R yd zhh y in Solomon's Seal Gruel Z/T.f$Y$ y& zhh zh6u
Solomon's seal [root] ' (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) 3 /rl- yu zhii; S &* we'i xiing; S S * w2i shen; Zjt* y2 zhii; WJ3 ?;lr* ming yu zhri; SB* we'i rui; 3 Z* whei rui Solomon's Seal Variant Decoction -++. , BY% jiii jiiin wt?irui tiing soluble granules @j$J chdng ji soluble preparation i+fl6i3lJ chdng fii ji somber I@@ hui an somber gray (or ashen) facial complexion E i & E E mihn s2 hut an somber green-blue facial complexion @ & S TRi @HE mihn sL qing t r hui an somber green-blue or purple complexion Eii f9 Egg08 mian sk qing zi hui an somber white [complexion]8 Q cing bcii sopber white facial complexion EB mzan st tang bLii somber white facial complexion with a green-blue tinge Ei & 8 Q mj@ S mian sk ciing brii t r dai qing somber yellow [complexion] 8 @ tang hubng somber yellow skin &@ pi s2 c2ng huhng sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious El$ Ba El$ B& shi ming shi mki somnolence f i iE hao mian; f i @ hao shui; @EE shi wo; @BE shi micin; @I@ shi shui; @I#T % shi wo bu juk son =3 zi Song [960-1279 A.D.] % song song [voice of the spleen] $3.gc? Song-Shi Pig's Stomach Pill E %kh 3, sdng shi zhii dii wan Song (Southern Dynasties) 1420-479 A. Dl % sbng soot black [complexion]g g li hhei soot-black face and eyes €I mian mu li hei soot-black facial complexion & %% mian sk li hhei soot black macules B%%Ili hei ban sbothe g shk
Sophora soothe the channels and quicken the network vessels %23%28 shii jing hub lub soothe the liver B shii gin soothe the sinews $ff$j shu jin Sophorae Flavescentis Radix (flavescent sophora [root]@)3 %kii shzn; g@*kii gfi; Z S @ *kii shen ggn; 9&*ye' hutii; #B* di hubi; +&&* di hutii Sophorae Flos (sophora flower) @ E hubi huii; @,B* hutii m i Sophorae Flos Carbonisatus (charred sophora flower) @ E E hudi hu2 tan Sophorae Flos Immaturus (sophora [flower] bud) $%E hurii huii mi; +% X* hutii mi; $9ffj F*hurii jiiio zi Sophorae Flos Immaturus Carbonisatus (charred sophora [flower] bud) @ % E huii mi tan Sophorae Fructus (sophora fruit) 4% ffj hubi jiiio; +%3* huai zi; $%S* huai dou; $%%*huai sht; @ S f l * hubi lian dtng; h B U * jiii lihn dheng; @ B g *hutii lirin dbu; * g * ti2n dou Sophorae Ramulus (sophora twig) $%@ huai zhi Sophorae Resina (sophora resin) $%82 hudi jiiio Sophorae Subprostratae Radix (bushy sophora [root]) LLI @ shin dhu ghen; LLI k Z&* shcin da dbu g2n; $$'rg* huang jii; T B;I;W*guiing dou g2n sophora flower' (Sophorae Flos) $3E hubi huii; huai rui Sophora Flower and Musk Powder $%%
rt u s a s
," .:JiuiiG Sufi
sophora [flower] bud' (Sophorae Flos Immaturus) #%E% hurii hu2 mi; +%%* huai mi; @ @ T * huai ji6o zi Sophora Flower Powder $%Ea huai hua siin sophora fruit" (Sophorae Fructus) $3@ hurii jiiio; @5*hudi zi; &G* huai dou; $$%* huhi shi; $% Sfl* huai l i h ding; hsfl* jiii l i b deng; @ S Z *huhi lian dou; * g * ticin dou Sophora Fruit Pill $%R huai jiiio wan
sophora resin* (Sophorae Resina) huai jicio sophora twig* (Sophorae Ramulus) $%@ huai zhi sore % tong; yring; % chuiing; % % chucng yring sore [as after walking] E suan sore at the corner of the mouth k 6 u wZn chuang; @J%w t n chuang; '( % k k u yy chuiing sore dry eyes with aversion to light IlRBz 35 % 82 % ya'n jing xiii ming s i t6ng sore dry throat yGn h6u zlio t6ng; nH@T j$j yan h6u gan tong Sore-Healing Beverage 3ih % ?A xi20 chuzng yin soreness @@ suiin tong; [as a needle sensation] @ suiin sore of the corner of the mouth #jT& k 6 u jia'o chuang sore of the nose &% b i chuiing sore-opening % El chuiing kbu sore pharynx @ % I yiin tbng sore red swollen eyes B%j$% m u chi zhdng tong sores and wounds specialist % E yang yi sores of the head and face A@%t6u mibn c h ~ l z n g sore swollen throat U m llg yiin h6u zhdng tbng; I@ n&A$ j& hbu lbng zhdng t6ng sore throat q g g h h u tong; @n&g h6u 16ng tbng; t@Illrg~& yan h6u tong sore throat in measles jf$@5@% mri z h t n h 6 u t6ng sore-toxin %% ch~~iitzg du Sore-Toxin Pill % S %chuiing d u wan Sorghi Spiritus (sorghum liquor) @j@i@ glio lihng jiii sorghum liquor' (Sorghi Spiritus) S @ giio liring jiii sorrow [one of the seven alfects] ?A bbbi sorrow causes qi to disperse #5Jl ! i& !? b2i zk qi xino sorting and sizing [drug processing] $+ hlJ zhi xu2
southern Soul-Quieting Decoction % 2% $31iin h u n tang sound yin sound like the rasping of a saw F$U@ # shbbng rLi zhuai jii sound of cicadas in the ear q.i+@PS Zr zub chhn ming sound of the voice i g F yii sheng sour E suiin; tg sou sour and bitter upwelling and discharging [medicinals] are yin @ 3#J#% suiin kii ybng xii wki yin sour belching Dg@ hi suan source R yu-an source of engendering transformation [the spleen] 2% shbbng huii zhi yurin Source Pass (CV-4) ZR* guiin yurin source point R f i yuizn X U ; source qi E 5 yrtizn qi sourness lfIavor associated with the liver] @ suiin sourness enters the liver @ AflT s ~ u i nrii giitz sourness of mouth @ k6u suiin sour orange flowera (Daidai Flos) Y t Y t E dlii dbi huii sour-smelling malodorous stool k 4FES da bian sulin chbu sour-sore nose g@ Di s~uitz $3 yiz chi s~riitz sour-sore weak teeth ruo sour taste id the mouth @ kbu sucn south [position associated with fire] j% nizn southern apricot kernel0 (Armeniacae Semen Australis) j%8{r nrin xing r i n southern crataegus [fruit]' (Crataegi Fructus Australis) j% LLI ;fG nhn shiin zhii southern curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber Australe) gua'ng yu jin Southern Dynasties [420-589 A.D.] E$A nizn chrio southern fangji [root]' (Aristolochiae Fangchi Radix) PA 2 gua'ng fang ji southern gentian0 (Gentianae Lourei Herba cum Radice) j&jB-f.fiT l&g d i n di ding; j $ jifiT" huh ncin di ding
3 12
southern mistletoe0 (Loranthi Ramus) %%!+ sang ji sheng; T %!+* gucing ji shdng southern schisandra [berry] (Schisandrae Sphenantherae Fructus) i$jT i % 3 nan wii w2i zi Southern Song [ I 727-1279 A.D.] fi$ ncin shng southern tangerine peel0 (Citri PeriPZ E guiing chin carpium Australe) pi south-western saussurea [root] O (Vladimiriae Denticulatae Radix) & yu2 xi mu xiiing sovereign jiin sovereign fire jun hu6 sovereign, minister, assistant, and envoy EEj{&@ jiin chin zu6 shi SPwffOa!+ pi; Rag2 pi jing; A R@g2zu tai yin pi jing SP-1 (Ghost Eye) % ElR* gui yiin; (Ghost gui IZi; (Hidden White) R Pile) Q yin bai; (Yin White) P a yin bai SP-2pvff0 (Great Metropolis) k %B dri du SP-3pVfiO (Supreme White) k 0 tai bhi SP-4WffO (Yellow Emperor) f i M \ gdng siin SP-SWffO (Shang Hill) f%ih shnng qiu; T& iG* shang qiu SP-6 (Great Yin) k Pa* dir yin; (Greater Yin) *Pa* tai yin; (Life Support) St$* ching ming; (Lower Three Li) 7; 32* xia siin li SP-6 (Lower Three Li) T ; t Z S * xiiL zhi sin li; (Three Yin Intersection) 3Pa 2 siin yin jiEo SP-7 (Greater Yin connection) k P A t&* tai yinlud; (Leaking Valley) %G IOU gii; (Yin Channel) 138%" yin ling SP-8 (Earth Winnower) tO E* di ji; (Earth's Crux) tfi #t di ji; (Spleen Abode) @&* pi shi SP-9Wffo (Y in Mound Spring) PBP S% yin ling qubn; (Yin's Mound Spring) Pa2 @,5* yin zhi ling qurin SP-10 (Blood Cleft) h@ * xu2 xi; (I-Tundred Worm Burrow) B & @* biii ch6ng 1 2 ; (Sea of Blood) xu2 hiii
Sparganium SP-11 (Greater Yin Inner Market) IAI $* tai yin nti shi; (Winnoyver Gate) B TJ j i m i n SB-12 (Front Camphorwood Gate) j%?$ [J* qian zhing min; (Palace of Charity) % ci gdng; (Surging Gate) $+ TJ chdng min; (Upper Palace of Charity) kS,Z * shdng ci gong
SP-13W"O (Bowel Abode) $3=& fii sh2
SP-14 (Abdominal Bend) fu qii; (Abdominal Bind) @'r,6fu jii; (Abdominal Exit) @ /jj*fu chii; (Abdominal Hole) @@* fu ~ L I(Intestinal ; Bind) tg* chhng jii SP-lSWf10 (Great Horizontal) k & da hing; (Human's Horizontal) A@" rin hing; (Kidney Qi) '85*sh2n qi SP-16WffO (Abdominal Lament) @ S fi2 rii; (Intestinal Bend) %Ell.' chang qu; (Intestinal Lament) fis*chbng ni SP-17WffO (Food Hole) 133 shi dhu; (Life Pass) #* ming gcian
SP-18WFfo (Celestial Ravine) X @.tiin xi SP-19WffO (Chest Village) RQ
9 xidng xiang
SP-20 (All-Round Construction) El E* zhdu ying; (All-Round Flourishing) El % zhdu r6ng SP-21 (Great Bladder) A @ * dri b i o ; (Great Embracement) k @ d& b i o Space Valley (LI-2) jiin gii Spanish needlesa (Bidentis Bipinnatae ~ k r b a )%$?tS gui then ciio; 9 S* nihn shen cio Spare-The-Knife Powder It 3 dhi dao sin Sparganii Rhizoma (sparganium [root]@) -& san ling; $Is$&* h6ng ph gen; jl; 3&* guhng san ling; 3 3&*jing snn ling; LLJ&* sh5n ling; 3@*sin ling; 2% Z &* hei san ling
Sparganium Decoction 3&$$Isin ling tang Sparganium Pill 3& sin ling wdn
sparganium sparganium [root] (Sparganii Rhisin ling; gI%@* hdng pLi zoma) =&$ g2n; %3@*gu6ng san ling; Z 3@*jing LLI @* shGn ling; Z&$*s2n ling; s ~ ling; n % Z &$* h2i san ling sparrow* (Passer) B qut; B JL* qut ir; M B * mh qut sparrow blindness B qub mhng sparrow's droppingsm (Passeris Excrementum) $ T @ bhi ding xiing sparrow vision @ qut mu spasm @ S jing luhn Spasm Vessel (TB-18) @ j & chi mai spatula $857' gu6 chiin speaking kindly or malevolently regardless of whom is being addressed igg$$ % , , $ &%iR yii yhn shan 2, bii bi qin shii Special Achievement Powder SXh+& yi g6ng siin specialty patterns 5 $4 ?if!@ zhcuin kC zhtng hbu specious millettia [root] (Millettiae Speciosae Radix) LLI BB shin lihn*bu; A fi* nili da li; A fi S*(hi li shii speech i g s yii yhn speranskialbalsama (Speranskiae seu Impatientis Herba) B@Sthu gii c i o Speranskiae seu Impatientis Herba (speranskia/balsam@) B@ thu gic ciio spermaturia R$g nicio jing sphenomerisa (Sphenomeris Herba seu Rhizoma) k Dt&Z$i dh yk jin K~iiiciio; -$&* wii jiii; T l @ E * kbng qut wti; & 2-S E*jin j i wti; -$ &* wii jiii Sphenomeris Herba seu Rhizoma (sphenomerisa) k Dt&ES dh yt jin huG ciio; -$ S*wii jiii; T L @ E * kbng qut w2i; 52% E*jin j i w2i; -$ &* wii jiii sphincter muscle ?9j? yu2 shu sphygmology btr", mai xui spider" (Aranea) jtJn% zhi zhfi spider drum m!&$$ zhi zhii gii spider drum distention m&j@zhi zhii gii spider sore W&'t% zhizhii chuang
spilantheso (Spilanthis Herba) ;F2 tiGn win ciio ~ ~ i l a n t h Herba is (spilantheso) 2S tian win ciio spill $& yi spillage $g yi spillage rheum $2tk yi yin Spinal Center (GV-6W/19@ +I ji zh6ng spindle tree wings* (Euonymi Lignum Suberalatum) % % 4'3 gui jihn yii spine @ ji; @j@j l& gii spine bone [spinous process of the first @ l& gfi thoracic vertebra] @j Spine Crevice [non-channel]@% ji ftng Spine Flesh Gruel @ fi 3% jji rhu zh6u Spine Inner Transport (BL-29) @ lf;J &* j i nti shii Spine Joiner [non-channel])Z@* jiC ji Spine Pillar (GV-6) @&* ji zhu Spine Transport (GV-6) @ &* ji shii spinning bean pulse $$S/j& zhuiin dbu mai spinning collapse 4 b xuhn pii spinning head %E td~ixuhn spinning head and dizzy vision A E H Z tdu xu& mu yrin spinning head and painful brain %Ej$ @$ t6u xuhn n i o tbng spinning pill pulse Ej$,jbkzhuiin wan mhi Spiny ~ u j u b ; Decoction @ 8 {I$5 suin 260 rin tang spiny jujubeo [kernel] (Ziziphi Spinosi suan ziio rin; %{I* ziio Semen) f!@3{1 rin; 8 $ % * ziio h i ; @%j(;%* suit2 ziio h i spiny pear0 (Rosae Roxburghii Fructus) $IJZj!! ci li spiny tree fern [stemla (Cyatheae Caulis) X*i@m f2i tiiin qin lrio spirantheso (Spiranthis Radix seu Herba) & j e S pin 16ng shen Spiranthis Radix seu Herba (spirantheso) && 8 pan 16ng sh2n Spiriferae Fossilia (spirifer fossil) 6% shi yan spirifer fossil* (Spiriferae Fossilia) f i g shi yan
Spirifer Fossil Elixir 6 Z f i shi yhn dan Spirifer Fossil Pill G%A shi yan wrin Spirifer Fossil Powder 683shiyhn sin spirit Z ling; [stored by the heart] ;fsfi shin spirit-affect $$tg shin qing spirit ball [eyeball] tEQ@ shin zhu Spirit Court (GV-24W110)$$Eshin ting spirited E @ y i ) ~shin spiritedness %$$ y6u shin; f+@ d i shin spirit failing to keep to its abode $$++ $+ shin bu shbu sht spirit gate $91'7 shin m i n Spirit Gate (HT-7W110)#T7 shin m i n spirit gate pulse ;fsfitJb$ shin min mlii Spirit Gate Tower (CV-8W"O) #fa shtn qut Spirit Gathering (GV-6) #$* shtn zong Spirit Gem [non-channel]Z Z ling brio Spirit Hall (BL-44WllO) $$Sshin tang; (GV-23) $$%* shtn tcing Spirit House (CV-15) @li;f* shin fii Spirit Immortal Gruel # { U # shin xian zhciu Spirit Immortal Life-Giving Decoction # .fill% @ ?% shin xicin hub ming tang spirit jelly @B shin gao spiritless eyes $QZ# mu shi MLU shin spiritlessness $k@shi shin spirit light f $ g shtn ming Spirit Light (GB-23) ?$%* shtn guLZng; (GB-24) #%* shin gunng Spirit-Like Rhinoceros Horn Elixir $$ E f i shin xi dan spirit-mind [the conscious mind] @ 3 shtn zhi Spirit-Moistening Powder XZl$EQ3 run shin s i n Spirit Path (GV-1lWU0)@ Zshin duo Spirit Pathway (HT-4wf10)Z S ling dao spirit qi # T shin qi Spirit-Quieting Engendering 'Ikansformation Decoction 9@ % 4 t @J i n shin sheng huh tnng spirit-quieting formula z$EQfiIJ nn shin ji
spleen Spirit-Quieting Mind-Stabilizing' Pill % @ 2 Z A LZn shin ding zhi wrin Spirit-Quieting Pill %$$Aan shin wrin Spirit Ruins (KI-24Wu0)Z E ling xii Spirit Seal (K1-23W110) #%jshin fdng spirit seeming to have lost its containment 40 @@ ru shng shin shbu Spirit Stabilizer [non-channel] ding shtn Spirit Storehouse (KI-25W1fO) ?EQ% shin ccing Spirit Support (GB-18W110)$3 Z chtng 1ing Spirit Tower (GV-lOWl1O) Z & ling thi spirit tower gate [navel] $$[ashin qut spiritual viscera ?$@ shin zhng+ Spirit Wall (KI-24) Z 1%* ling qicing spirit water $$7k shin shui spit uf tii; I@ tuo spitting of blood t@lfn. tuo xut spittle @ tuo spittle is the humor of the kidney @ff '# j@ tuh wii shtn yt spleen I@ pi Spleen Abode (SP-8) a$&* pi sht spleen accumulation a@%? pi ji Spleen Alarm (LV-13) j$S* pi mu spleen and stomach aff'ected by dampness I$ S!!9 E pi wti shhu shi spIeen (and stomach) are the source for ( S! ) blood and qi formation I$ %4t2'm pi (wti) wii qi xut shdng huh zhi yurin spkea an6 stomach hdi: :Ze o%ce of tEc granaries, whence the five flavors emanate IQFiZ?~-f?B;t7Zyh%*W pi wti zh2, ccing lin zhi gunn, wii wti chii yan spleen and stomach stand in interior5j S! $3 ?? pi exterior relationship I@ yii wti xiang biio li Spleen-Arousing Decoction g R$ @J qi pi tang Spleen-Arousing Pill g a$$& qi pi sin; E I$ qi pi W ~ M ; xing pi wcin spleen belly eEusion [efusion of the upper 34W pi dii fa back]
Spleen-Boosting Cake SI$tjf yi pi bing spleen channel R@%g pi jing Spleen-Clearing Beverage $$I$?$ qing pi ybz Spleen-Clearing Dampness-Eliminating Decoction $SR$ E $51qing pi chh shi tang Spleen-Clearing Decoction $$I$ ?$I qing pi tang spleen controls the blood [new] I$%h pi tbng xu2 spleen cough I@@ pi k t spleen dampness and liver depression I$ EflT%P pi shi g i n yii spleen diarrhea I$@ pi xik spleen disease I$% pi bing spleen disease affecting the kidney I$@ B 'W pi bing ji shkn spleen disease affecting the liver I$@E fl'f pi bing ji gan spleen distention j@jg pi zhhng Spleen-Draining Powder $%I$& xi2 pi srin spleen-earth I$* pi tii Spleen-Effusing Decoction @@!$% yut bi tang Spleen-Effusing Decoction Plus Ovate Atractylodes @@jJ[ $% yuk bi jia zhh tang Spleen-Effusing Decoction Plus Pinellia @ ha Y E $3~ yut bi jia ban xia tfing spleen encumbered by dampness I@ % E pi wti shi k u n spleen failing to contain the blood B @ 1 ; )gh pi bu shk xu? spleen failing to control the blood [new] I@ 1;Sh pi bii tbng xut spleen failing to manage the blood [old] Jj$ 1; pi bD tbng xut spleen failing to move and transform I$ 5 @ 3pi shi jihn yiin Spleen-Firming Beverage % I$ t$ shi pi yin spleen forms drool JJ$!% @ pi wti xihn Spleen-Fortifying Liver-Emolliating Dej'fth jilirz pi rbu giin tiing coction @!?I@
spleen spleen-fortifjmg medicinal {@R$B jilin pi yao Spleen-Fortifying Phlegm-lkansforming Decoction @R$jt & $5I jihn pi huu tbtz tfing Spleen-Fortifying Pill {@I$$L jian pi wlin Spleen-Fortifying Qi-Boosting Decoction @ I$& 9 % jihn pi yi qi tiing Spleen-Fortifying Stomach-Harmonizing Decoction @I$%il E ?5I jirin pi h t wti tang Spleen-Fortifying ,Stomach-Nourishing Decoction @I$% $3~jihn pi yZng wti tang spleen gan I$% pi gan spleen governs center-earth I@% f pi zhii zhijng tii spleen governs later heaven I@%&* pi zhii hhu tian . spleen governs movement and transformation Jl@%Z{t pi zhii yun huh spleen governs movement of stomach liquid I@ & % g jT# @ % pi zhii wti wti xing qi jin yt spleen governs the central region I$%+ $11 pi zhii zhijng zh6u spleen governs the flesh I$$M pi zhii ji rhu spleen governs the four limbs I$% PIlE pi zhii si zhi spleen governs upbearing of the clear I@ 2 pi zhii shdng qing spleen heat I]@?(\ pi r2 spleen heat copious drool I$%\% % pi r2 duo xian spleen heat engendering phlegm I$%\+ @ pi rk sheng trin Spleen Heat Hole [non-channel] I$ ?!\ 77 pi ri xu6 spleen impediment (bi) I$!'& pi bi a spleen is averse to dampness I@ % B pi wii shi spleen is connected with the stomach I$ -f; 3 pi h t w2i spleen is the root of \ater heaven [acquired constitution] fl$ % 6% 2 $ pi wti hou tian zhi btn
spleen is the source of engendering transformation !$ % g4-t:2-@ pi wti ~hEnghua zhi yuhn spleen is the sourcel of phlegm formation 8$31$%2$3 pi wti sh&g thn spleen is the source of qi and blood formation !$ % 4 - t : 2 pi wti sheng huh qi xu2 zhi yuan spleen, its bloom is in four whites of the lips [area surrounding the lips] I$, 8+ G E IY $ pi , qi huh ztii chun si bhi Spleen-Kidney Supplementation Pill R$'# 2X;iib A pi shtn shuang bii whn spleen-kidney vacuity R$ 'S E $$ pi shtn xli rui) spleen-kidney vacuity cold R$ '# E ?$ pi shtn xii hhn spleen-kidney vacuity detriment @'g&.)I pi shtn xli siin spleen-kidney yang vacuity RT 'R PEI E pi sh2n yling xii Spleen Longevity Brew %a$ E sh6u pi jian spleen-lung qi vacuity !*A$ TE pi fti qi xli spleen-lung vacuity R$Efl$$5 pixii fti ruo; @ pi f2i liiing xli h$ spleen-lung vacuity cold !$j$&% pi fti xfi hhn spleen-lung wind-heat R$fl$Rt?\ pi fti fEng rk spleen manages the blood [old] I$%& pi tbng xut spleen opens into the mouth R$A%T pi klZi qiao yLi kbu spieen puise is moderare ,j$j3.&@ pi i&i huiin spleen qi 5 pi qi spleen qi failing to bear upward J9-T f t pi qi bu shEng spleen mi fall R$yT;P o i qi xia xian spleen qi hows to the mouth !$TB% =fa pi qi t&zg yLi k6u spleen qi governs upbearing !$?*ft pi qi zhii shEng spleen qi vacuity !$%E$3 pi qi xi7 ruo; !$T@pi qi xli
spleen Spleen-Returning Decoction guipi tang spleen-stomach damp-heat E $jj !?\ pi wti shi rt spleen-stomach damp-heat sweltering the liver and gallbladder I$ E $jj jTjH pi wki shi rk xlin zhtng glZn diin spleen-stomach disharmony I$ E T jf;D pi wti 6i.i h i ; I]$ E X jf;U pi wti shi h i spleen-stomach qi stagnation E 5% pi wti qi zhi spleen-stomach qi vacuity !sf3 E T E pi wti qi XU spleen-stomach vacuity I$ E E $5 pi wti XU ruo spleen-stomach vacuity cold !T E E% pi wti xii han spleen-stomach yang vacuity JJ$ E E pi wti yhng xii spleen-stomach yin vacuity a$ E Pfl E pi w& yin xu spleen stores construction R$j&' @J pi chng Y ing spleen stores reflection [thinking capacity] R$B& pi chng yi spleen-supplementing medicinal ;iib R$ Ej bii pi yao spleen taxation pi 160 Spleen 'lkansport (BL-20Wl10) A$@ pi shii spleen upbearing R$ft pi shsng spleen vacuity pi xii spleen vacuity affecting the heart JL)pi xfi ji xin spleen vacuity and qi stagnation jTl$T .I# Pi $,i $,i zjzi; jj+E'-i?$pi KG qi Z;zj
spleen vacuity being exploited by wood I$ @ F@ pi xli m u chtng spleen vacuity copious drool R$E 9 pi xii duo xiin spleen vacuity engendering phlegm RTE +@pi . xli sh2n.g thn spleen vacuity fall j$E T; PG pi xfi xici xi& spleen vacuity menstrual block R$E2 3 i2j pi XU jitzg bi spleen vacuity qi stagnation R$@5 pi% qU qi zhi
spleen spleen vacuity vaginal discharge I$ E % T; pi XU dai xi& spleen vacuity with damp encumbrance I@ E B pi xii shi kun spleen vacuity with food damage R$@% & pi xii jii shi Spleen-Warming Decoction ?El$?%wen pi tang spleen wasting[-thirst] [center wasting] I$ # pi xino spleen water [a kind of swelling] R$7k pi shui spleen wilting (w2i) RqB pi w2i spleen worm disease \I@ & f i pi ch6ng birzg spleen yang l@PH pi ycing spleen yang vacuity R$ rJE1E pi ydng xii spleen yin R$ P a pi yin spleen yin vacuity R$ P . pi yin xii splenic A@ pi splenic fortification @I$ jihn pi splenic gan j$!B pi gin splenic impediment (bi) 8@Bpi bi splenic pure heat I$@ pi darz splenic supplementation +b R@ bii pi splenic taxation R$% pi lcio splenic transformation failure R $ST @ p! y i ~ nb3 jian; JJ$ X @ Spi shi jian yun splenic wasting-thirst I$# pi xiio splint I]\ %& xi20 jii b i n splintered bone ling xing bai gil split % ! pi; S 66 split sinew jjjjg jin lih splitting headache %%fiat& t6u thng rLi pb; %J&fin% t6u t6ng rh pi splitting of the anus R L S &ng lit? spontaneous bleeding of the ear q$13 2r nu spontaneous bleeding of the flesh BnD3 j i nu spontaneous bleeding of the gum 83B3 chi nu; yci nd spontaneous bleeding of the nipples 91D3 rii nu
spontaneous bleeding of the tongue & $3 shi nu spontaneous discharge of semen @ $7; jing zi xia spontankous external bleeding @ I n u ; .. rjn nu xu2 spontaneous harmonization of yin and yang IJa PB $ jFU yin ydng zi h i spontaneous sweating $ ?T zi hatz Sporoboli Herba (sporobolusa) EZ shil w2i su sporobolus~ (Sporoboli Herba) ElLE Z shii w2i sii spotting ?2@jing lbu; [new] % lbu spotting [new] @7; lbu xii sprain #i5.4i84%guin jii tziii shiing; )%4% niii shdng sprained ankle with static blood H$R@ rtn hucii siin yu xu2 Sprain Point [non-channel] )% 4% f i rziii shdng xui spread @ yin spring [season associaled with wood] 8 chiin Spring and Autumn [770 B.C. - 476 B.C.] %#A chiin qiii Spring Armpit (GB-22) &R*qucin yd Spring a t the Bend (LV-8) & % qfi qucin Spring a t the Foot [non-chantzel] qucin sheng zu Spring Equinox [4thsolar term] %.H- chiin f2n Spring Humor (GB-22) &%* qucin yL. springing [new] J$ qiio; 51fi qiio springing vessel Sfiqi3( qiio mhi spring point [old] X f l ying xu&; %Z xing xu2 Spring Pond Decoction %?$?% chiin zi tdng Spring Pool [non-channel]%, ?LJ*qudn chi springs back after pressure is released $2 2 BE an zhi fil qi springs back with the hand after pressure is released & 2 E+ Fiji@ an zhl ying shbu t r qi spring warmth chiin wbz
sprinkle [as liquid] $8* sii; [as powder] $3 sii sprout G miho sprout and orifices ES miho qirio sprouting E 9 fa yh square-inch-spoon 8 Tf K fiing cun bi Squatting Bone-Hole (GB-29W11")E fl8 jU liho squeal like a pig's or goat's $ $ T U U F zhfi yring jiao sh2ng squeeze % jii squinching of the eyes [due to the presence of du.51 or sand] @ m i squint €I ffi $2 m u piin shi; $1 $2 xi6 shi; €If$t ffi$1 m u zhii piiin shi; ffi $2piiitz shi STwllO E w2i; g t3 wki jing; iEj $2 zliyhngmingw2ijing . ST-1 (Brimming Tears) <&iG* yring qi; (Face Bone-Hole) tnian liho ST-1 (Face Bone-Hole) mfing*mian lirio; (Mouse Hole) E n * xi xut; (Ravine Hole) t z n * x i x u t ; (Tear Container) j$k ?Gchtng qi ST-2WllO (Four Whites) 8 si brii; (Grain Gate) 1'7*gfi m t n ST-3wlro (Great Bone-Hole) Efjg jLi liho @f$;j*
ST-4WlIO (Earth ~ r a n a r y )ifi& cli cing; (Ghost Bed) %R' gcii chulitzg; (Linking Confluence) & &* hui wti; (Stomach Link) iZj +@' w8i wCi ST-5rvl10 (Great Reception) k$Jdb ying; (Marrow SzyL* 7;; kj;;g ST-6WIlO (Cheek Carriage) @4jlli chi; (Ghost Bed) %K* g ~ i ichuiing; (Ghost Forest) %jf;jt;' gui litz; (Hinge) #nX"i grtiin; (Tooth Bend) & fS* qfi y h ST-7WIlO (Below the Joint) 7;# xrii p5tz ST-8 (Forehead Large) $flA' sing db; (Head Corner) ttdu wti ST-9 (Celestial Fivefold Confluence) Z E&* tiiin wfi hui; (Fivefold Confluence) wii hui; (Man's Prognosis) A iitl rtn ying
ST-29 ST-10 (Water Gate) 7k SJ* shui m t n ; (Water Heaven) 7k** shui tirin; (Water Prominence) 7 k 2 shui tli ST-llW1fo (Qi Abode) %& qi shi ST-12 (Celestial Cover) *g* tian ghi; (Cubit Cover) J?.S* chi gai; (Empty Basin) %A& qud pin ST-13WIr" (Qi Door) %P qi hu ST-14W110(Storeroom) @ 55 k2 fhng ST-15W11*(Roof) EB3 wii yi ST-16WIlO (Breast Window) @$@ ying churing S'F-17W"O (Breast Center) $1 rii zh6ng; (On the Nipple) 3 $L* ding rii ST-18W110 (Breast Root) ?L rii g2n; (Hemp Breathing) %,g,* bi xi ST-19W110(Not Contained) ? @ bu rbng ST-20W110 (Assuming Fullness) St$$chtng miin ST-21W110 (Beam Gate) @ 1'7l h g mbz ST-22W1IO (Pass Gate) 2 1'7gudn rntn ST-23WlIO (Supreme Unity) k Z, thi yi; A-* tai yi ST-24 (Celestial Manager) 4 X* si tian; (Slippery Dark Gate) EjU 1'7*huh y6u m t n ; (Slippery Flesh Gate) RI1'7 huh rhu m t n ST-25Wll* (Celestial Pivot) *@ trnn shii; (Cycle Border) @I 156' xhn ji; (Large Intestine Alarm) ;5j$ggdri * chhtzg m u ; (Long Chicken) # 33% chhng j i ; (Long Grain) K G * chritzg gfi; (Long Link) e?~ ctznng ' wei, (Long Rav~ne) chhng xi; (Origin Supplementer) +\ Z' bii yulitz; (Valley Gate) GS7*g6 rntn ST-26 (At the Spring) g75*zLii q~ii2n; (Outer Mound) 9\@ whi ling ST-27 (Armpit Gate) RTJ1 y t m t n ; (Great Gigantic) E dri ju; (Humor Gate) @1'7*y8 m t n ST-28WllO (Waterway) 7k 2 s h ~ i dho i ST-29 (Ravine Hole) @'it* xi xut; (Ravine Valley) tz&+xi gfi; (Return) U 3 iff pi lui
(Qi Thoroughfare) 5@j* qi (Qi Thoroughfare) 5@ qi chdng; (Sheep's Droppings) %E* yhng shi ST-31WffO (Thigh Joint) @# bi guan ST-32WffO (Crouching Rabbit) 4% % ffii tu; (Outer Hill) $$_it* wai qiu; (Outer Hook) 4b Q* wai gdu ST-33WuO (Yin Market) IJa i$yin shi; (Yin Tripod) Pflb%* yin ding ST-34WffO (Beam Hill) gi5 lihng qiii; (Chicken Top) 34 J$* j i ding; (Crane Top) @2,'Jjl* ht. ding; (Hip Bone) % B *
ST-30 jiC;
kuci gii
ST-35W110 (Calf's Nose) !#!?@ dfii bi ST-36 (Ghost Evil) 5jP* gui xiC; (Leg Three Li) 3 = !$ zfii siin li; (Lower Hollow Three Li) 7;&2 g* xi2 xu scZn li; (Lower Mound) 7;@*xih ling; (Lower Mound Three Li) 7; Pg 2g*xi& ling s i n li; (Lower Sea of Qi) T 9 & * xia qi hiii; (Lower Three Li) 7;S5% xia sfin siin l i zfii li; (Three Li (leg)) =g ( 8)* ST-37 (Great Hollow) EE*ju xu; (Upper Great Hollow) k E)Z shang ju xii; (Upper Ridge) kg*shang lihn; (Upper Ridge of Great Hollow) EE k&" ju xu shhng lihn; (Upper Ridge of the 2kg*zfii zhi shang lihn Leg) ST-38Wff0 (Ribbon Opening) $3 tiho k6u
ST-39WffO (Lower Great Hollow) 7; E & xi6 ju xu; (Lower Ridge) 7;&*xia lirin; (Lower Ridge of Great Hollow) EE7; @* ju xu xi& lihn
(Bountiful Bulge)
+ I@fZng
ST-41W"O (Ravine Divide) fiq $g jig xi; (Shoe Lace) @%* xit dhi ST-42 (Meeting Bend) &El* hui qu; (Meeting Bones) &B* hui gii; (Meeting Gush) &@* hui y6ng; (Meeting Source) & E*hui yuhn; (Surging ~ a n g ) )$pa chbng yhng; (Unrestrained Yang)
&I [IB* di6 yhng ST-43Wuo (Sunken Valley)
xian gii
Stalactitum ST-44WflO (Inner Court) m @ nPi ting ST-45W110 (Severe Mouth) jjj $2 li dui stabbing needle insertion 57 %lj %8
chucZn ci cha zhEn shu
stabbing pain $I]% cci thng stabbing pian in the heart [region] and chest IL\ RQ $11 % xin xidng ci t6ng stabilize panting zU$ ding chuin stabilize the mind Z Z ding zhi stabilize wind ding f2ng Stachydis Baicalensis Herba (Chinese *rif' shui fieldnettleo) 7k'fir shui su; 7k% j i su; %%* ji s,; &/j&@Gi*lbtzg niio 60 'fir* xicZng sfi; %$it* jiP zU; %$lei* hi;
lho zL; Pfi@ S* chtn shii c i o
stagnant $ zhi stagnant diarrhea $7; zhi xih stagnant gray (or ashen) complexion Ei
mian st. hui zhi
stagnant movement of qi 9?fPEL$ qi qing zii zhi
stagnant water-damp
7 k
B$ Y E
shiii shi
zhi liLi
stagnate $ zhi stagnation $ zhi stagnation and accumulation %$R zhi j i stagnation of food & 4.k ting shi bii h uu stagnation of milk and food in infants /J\ J L ?L -&@ % xiiio t r rii shi ting zhi stained fur & g r i n t i i Stairway to Heaven (GV-1) k??t%* shhng tiiin t i
stalactitee (Stalactitum)
zhdng rii shi; /L\;PL* liu gdng rii; p6*1Li shi; 32 ;ti*xiri shi; ;Ei@*huhng shi sha; P %if* 1; bu; E $ L & * xia rii gEn; fi$L* gdng rii; 6+$q l h h i zhiing rii; +$$L* zhdrzg rii
stalactite goose quill stone@ (Stalactitum 6 zhdng rii t g ~ i i n Eguanshi) @$L #$!. shi
Stalactite Pill @$I,% zhdng rii whn Stalactitum (stalactite) @$16zhbng rii shi; 3 fi$L* iifii gdng rii; F6* 1h shi; E ;ti*xih shi; B e G P * huring shi shii; P $fi* 1fii bu; g P L @ * xi& ru g2n; fi$L* gong rii; 6@ TL* shi zhong rii; ZrpPL* zhdng rii
Stalactitum Eguanshi (stalactite goose quill stone@)+$flRg$J;Eizhbng rii t gurin shi Stalactitum Pulveratum (powdered stalactite@)+$$12jjzhbng rii fdn Stalactitum fibiforme (tubular stalactite) i@$l 6 d i rii shi stalk % di stanch Ik zhi stanch bleeding k& zhi xue Stand Center [non-channel] h li zh6ng star aniseo (Anisi Stellati Fructus) / \ W j -,+EI ?$ bb jicio hui xiang; /\ fFj* bb jicio; A -*IFI da hui; A iEj @* da hui xidng; A$ I 7% @* b6 shatzg hui xiang Star Anise Pill jEj%h hiii xiiing wcin star jasmine fruit* (Trachelosperrni Fructus) %;Ei% lub shi gu6 star jasmine steme (Trachelospermi Caulis) 2g.;StiE luo shi ttng; 2&;Ei* lu6 sh i starry eye screen €I *E!?$$mu sheng xing yi start qi stasic blood macules @&@Iyu xut biin stasis @ yii; @% yii zhi stasis accumulation yu j i stasis and heat contending with each other @ :?! lf;B$3 yL1 rt xiang b6 stasis bump xu2 yu bGo k u i i stasis clot $@% yu kuai stasis clots in the menstrual blood @Tt[l 9 g j j k g xu6 th6ngjii @a yr7 icuiir Stasis-Dispersing Beverage #j @ "LA xiao yU yin Stasis-Dissipating Injury Decoction &@ %U l% @g sun yii h i shang tang Stasis-Dissipating Pueraria Decoction $& 'RZiZ ;fR ?% san yii gC g2n tang Stasis-Freeing Brew B@ tbng yG jibn stasis heat @?!I: yu rt stasis heat in the interior @!,\733 yii r2 zcii li stasis hiccough SUE yii t
steady stasis macule @$I yci ban stasis macules on the tongue &+@$I shC shcng yfi ban stasis obstruction of the heart vessels ,L\ blSPB xin mai yu zii stasis pain @@ yii dtzg stasis pain in the eyelids llR@@!J$j yin bGo yii thng Stasis-Precipitating Decoction T @& @J xi& yu xui tang stasis speckle @,& yii dirin stasis swelling yyii zh6ng stasis turbidity yu zhu6 Statesman Shi's Wine-Steeped Forrnulla f r shi gu6 gbng jin jiii fang sfi E Statesman Wine E @j glib gbng jiil static Ff T Z shbu t r bu z6u static blood y6 xu2 static blood abdominal pain $@&@?% yC xut fu tbng static blood binding in the stomach @& 26 E yu xu2 jig wii static blood cough y6 xu2 k t static blood headache % yii xu; t6u tong static blood lumbar pain @&E$i$j yyii xu2 ybo tbng static blood mounting (shhn) yfi xut shan static blood pain yu xu2 zuh tbng static blood stomach duct pain @I@ $i$j yyii xu2 wki w i n (guiin) tbng static blood streaming sore @&Yfi& yii xut liri zhu static blood yellowing @&%it@ yJ xu2 fa hucing stationary cupping $ f , & zuo guhn fci stauntonia (Stauntoniae Hexaphyllae Caulis et Radix) %*A yd mu gub Stauntoniae Chinensis Radix (Chinese stauntonia root) {E%@il;R jib li zhi g2n Stauntoniae Hexaphyllae Caulis ek Radix (stauntonia) W $ JK yd mu gua steady fever #?!':hang rt
32 1
Steady Gait Hidden Tiger Pill @!?R% TtL jihn bu hii qihn whn steam Z zh2ng; Z $Jzheng zhi steam [pathology]%Z xiin zheng steam and eat %& zh2ng shi steamer EJB16ng ti steaming bone + f Zgfi zh2ng steaming bone consumptive fever j E j 2 E ?r!: gii zheng lho rk steaming bone fever jEj Z % ?& gfi zheng fii rt steaming bone heat taxation jZ+Z?C:% ggil zheng lcio rk steaming bone internal heat @%m?r:! gfi zheng nti rt steaming bone taxation fever @ 2 % f& gii zheng la0 rt steaming bone tidal fever B%i@?&gfi zh2ng chlio rt steaming flesh Z r6u zhCng ' steaming skin &Z pi zheng steaming vessels b % z mai zh2ng steaming with wine i @ Z jiii zhEng steam-wash %% xiin xi steam without adjuvants $ Z dGn zhdng steam without adjuvants $$f% qing zheng steep [in liquid] %Ejin; Ej'B jin pao steep in wine [to make a medicinal wine] : lay@ a jin jiii %
Stellariae Herba (malachiurn@)@fi3 t chhng ciio; +% tg* nih fhn ld Stellariae ianceolatae Radix (lanceolate stellaria [root]) @%#Iyin chhi hh; %B #I* yin hh; SB%*yin chcii Stellerae seu Euphorbiae Radix (Chinese wolfsbane [root]@)3 R S lhng dh stem i(;Eg2ng; 2% jing stem [curtail] B gu; [to curtail] $A jiu stem and branch point selection TFtfi $3zi wfi lih zhii stem counterflow $ 2 3 jiu ni . stem desertion @8# gu tub; $A% jiu tub stem flooding and check (vaginal) discharge EiI % k @ gu b2ng zhi dai
sticky stem of the nose bi zhu; $+% bi lihng Stemona Decoction B ~ P $ J biii bii riing Stemona Enema B+#@fi jiirl biii bu gurin chhng ji Stemonae Radix (stemona [root]@)B3[J biii b2; E $* biii bu; 3P@*biii bu getz Stemona Metal-Clearing Decoction B 3P ?$f&@~ biii bu qijzg jin tang Stemona Paste j ZjQP@ biii b i ~giio Stemona Pill BgPfi biii bu whtz biii bu siin Stemona Powder B stemona [root] @ (Stemonae Radix) B$P biii bu; B $* biii bh; bP;1;W*biii bu gen Stephaniae Cepharanthae Tuber (cepharantha [tuber]) $ G q bhi yao zi Stephaniae GraciPiflorae Radix ( g r a d iflora [root])-*+% yi wtn qian Stephaniae Sinicae n b e r (Chinese stephania [tuber]@)&F$@jin bb huan Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix (mealy fangji [root]) #jP f i i 3 fkn fhng ji; &!(Ifi Z* han fhng ji sterculliaO [SterculiaeSemen] /#k % pang pang da h i i ; 2ET-*iin da hrii; B+k& da d6ng gu6; k&* hh nbn zi; k i.W da hiii; kg*da fG; B k % *tbng da hiii; % S T *da hiiizi Sterculiae Semen (sterculia) g%?F*dn dh d6ng g116; #I A%* hLi nlin zi; k PW dci hiii; A&* da f3; B k & * t6ng dli h6i; A@%*da hiiizi sterility [in males] bu yh stew R ho stewing f l dun stew in water 7 K f l shui dun stew with meat dun r6u Stichopns Japonicus (sea cucumber) % $ hiii shZn; $11 $* ci sh2n; % R* hiii shii stick $A zhiin sticky $A nihn; nihn sticky slimy sensation in the mouth tl* $,$H kdu zhbng nihn ni sticky slimy white tongue fur 7!3i!$ $%E sht tiii bbi nihn ni
nicin harz sti&y sweat sticky white snivel (nasal mucus) B @j# bcii tzicin ti stiff' 53 qicitzg stiffening of the tongue %&El@sht tdr~ fa yitzg stiff lips EQSS chhz wttz qihng stiff' neck @ 53 xiring qiling Stiff Neck [tzotz-channel] % 53* xiring qicitzg stiffness $3qiang stiff'ness in the nape and neck that prevents the head from turning 9BIJjijZ;I;j+ El IiB jing xiarzg qicing 6h 11ih ui gh stiffness of the lumbar spine JjgB53yao ji qiang stiff'ness of the spine @53 ji qicing, stiff'ness of the tongue impeding speech & 5% 7F; ig sht qicing bu yfi stiff swollen lips El$@ k6u chhz zh6ng ying stiff tongue 6 58 sht qicing stiff' tongue and sluggish speech &$gig @ sht qidng yii jicirz stiff' tongue impeding speech & $$ ig ;I; sht qiang 6u yii stifling oppression bid m t n stifling oppression in the chest jfizj I:q 41s xidng m t n rLi zhi stifling oppression in the heart and chest IL\ JlQ;& l:&Jxitz xi6ng big m t n sting &$ shi; shi stinging pain [urination] $I]@cci tong stinkbug' (Aspongopus) EP, jiLi xiang chbtzg; % 5@ EP,* hZi diiu chdtzg; E&.&* pi biin chdng stir 3 dong stir-fry $I;@]chiio zhi; 9) chiio stir-fry preserving nature t$@ chiio chz stir-fry until yellow t$$$ chiio hucing stir-fry with adjuvant )+*J ban chiio stir-fry with adjuvants glJ#iC$$ fu liao chcio stir-fry with brine a7JCj9ycin shui chiio stir-fry with clam shell powder hew$$ g.i fin chiio
stomach stir-fry with earth kt$ tii chiio stir-fry with ginger s t $ jiang chiio stir-fry with ginger juice $ S 3 ~ t $ jiang zhi chiio stir-fry with oil y6u chcio stir-fry without adjuvants qing chiio; 9 t$ dan chcio stir-fry with rice %$$ mi chiio stir-fry with rice water % tH 7JC$9 mi gatz shui chiio stir-fry with salt &$$ yhn chiio stir-fry with vinegar cu chiio stir-fry with wine $!jt$ jiii chiio dong stirred pulse b%& mhi dong; mai stirring fetus tai tl6ng; flf337F;9 tiii dong bh cZn stirring of wild desires @,,~Z$I yh nian wang dong stirring palpitation ~Lxi;;~t$ xin dong ji stirring qi in the kidney region '# Sq 3 5 shin jintz d6ng qi stirring qi of the kidney region '8SCil35 shtn jinn dong qi stomach E wti; [of an animal] jf dii Stomach Alarm (CV-12) E g* wti mu Stomach-Boosting Decoction &$I E ?% yi wti tang stomach bowel qi stagnation E Jl$f%% wti fii qi zhE stomach bowel blood stasis $Z jfijm@ wti fii xut yu Stomach-Calming Poria (Hoelen) Five 5$J wti iing ulng Decvciion Stomach-Calming Powder E & I! ping wti siin stomach channel E t3 wti jing Stomach-Clearing Decoction E$ E @I! qing wti tang Stomach-Clearing Powder @7 W H qing wti sin stomach cold W % wti hcin stomach cold and intestinal heat E %EI 54: wti hcin chang rt stomach cold hiccough E %OR% wti hcin k ni
stomach cold malign obstruction E R,% Pfl w t i h a n i zLi stomach cough g R 3 w t i kb stomach disease g ' 6w t i bing stomach disharmony E T $0 w t i bu h t stomach downbearing i$' P$ w t i jiang Stomach Duct (CV-12) E 1%"w t i w i n (guiin); (CV-13) E g*w t i guiin Stomach Duct (CV-13) 3 82* w t i w i n (guiin) stomach duct [new] 82 wiin; ER j'2 wti wZn ( p i n ) stomach duct [see wdn 821 /j2 guiin stomach duct and abdomen J.l%E w i n fu stomach duct pain g 1%@ % w t i w i n wti w i n (guiin) tbzg t6ng; E (guiin) ttng thng; E 12% wti w i n (guiin) t6ng stomach duct qi pain and abdomen H2E 5% wiin fil qi t6ng stomach duct vacuity glomus El?E% w t i w i n (guiin) xii p i stomach duct welling abscess (ybng) S fj2 % w t i wiin y6ng stomach family [stomach and intestines] E % w t i jiii stomach family repletion g ?$? % w t i jiii shi stomach family vacuity Ei ?$?E w t i jiii xii stomach fire E A wEi hu6 stomach fire bearing upward Z A k% w t i h u b shkng shZtzg stomach fire toothache E A%% w t i h u b yd thng Stomach-Fortifying Point [non-channel] CfB g &* jihn w t i d i i n Stomach Gate Brew E % w t i guiin jiiin stomach governs decomposition E &J$$$a w t i zhii fii sh6u stomach governs downbearing of the turbid E 2 P$ ?a w t i zhii jiang zhu6 stomach governs intake %g/lh w t i zhii shbu n a Stomach Granary (DL-5OWUo(BL-45))E & w t i ciing
stomach stomach heart pain E /i\% wii xin t6ng stomach heat $(\ w t i rt stomach heat and intestinal cold E t(tR51 @ wti rt chang h h n stomach heat and straitened spleen E $(\ j@?q w t i r t pi yut. stomach heat exploiting the heart Ej !!\% ,i\w t i r t chtng xin wti rt 2 stomach heat hiccough E f& ni stomach heat malign obstruction i=; $4\E lB wti re 2 zii Stomach .Heat Point [non-channel] E $(: f i w t i rt xu2 stomach heat with rapid digestion 8 ?4\ % @ w t i r t shii gii stomach is normal when there is free downbearing U BPi$ % w t i qi yi tong jiang w6i shun stomach is the sea of grain and water E % 7K G 2&iw t i w t i shui gii zhi hrii stomach juices E'& w t i z h i Stomach Lifter [non-channel] @ ti wti stomach Link (ST-4) if$* wti wti stomach liquid i$' $$ whi jin Stomach-Nourishing Decoction % Ei $5 ying wki tiing stomach pain g % wwPi rbng stomach q i ' ;wti qi stomach qi ascending counterflow E 51 @ wEi qi shkng ni stomach qi governs downbearing Fi 5% -wti qi zhfi jiang stomach qi is normal when there is harmonious downbearing E 5U $0 p$% IE! w t i qi yi h t jiang wbi shun 5% wti qi zhi stomach qi stagnation stomach qi vacuity E 5E w t i qi xii w t i qi stomach qi vacuity cold 'fEj xii h d n Stomach-Quieting Beverage ?? E T$ i n w t i yin stomach reflux & E f i n wii; E & w i i iEjl fiin wti fin; @ stomach reflux vomiting E E Rk$$f i n w t i tu shi
Stomach-Regulating Qi-Infusing Decoction 8 E % %$J tirio wti chtng qi tiing stomach repletion E % wti shi stomach repletion cold 3 %% wti shi hrin stomach repletion heat E %& ! wti shi rk stomach repletion hiccough E%IJE@ wki shi t ni Stomach Soother [non-channel] E 8 wti shk stomach, spirit, and root [pulse] E , #, & w2i , shin, g2n stomach stagnation 3 wti zhi Stomach 'Ikansport (BL-21Wr10)E & wti sh6 stomach vacuity S E wti xk stomach vacuity cold E & 5$C wti xG hrin stomach vacuity hiccough S E U E$ wki xii k ni Stomach-Warming Beverage tE S tA wdn wti yin stomach wasting [center wasting] E .Jj wki xiao stomach welling abscess (ybng) E @ wti Y ~ V stomach wind E )3l wki f2ng Stomach Wind Decoction E )%I,$% wti fdng tang stomach worm E & wti ch6ng stomach yang BET wki yring stomach yang vacuity S P a E wki yhng xii stomach yang vacuity cold S PEI E % wti yring xii hrin stomach yin E Pa wki yin scomach yin and yang vacuity-% PBPEI E @ wti yin yring liiing x6 stomach yin depletion S f@ wki yin kui xii stomach yin vacuity E 13a @ wti yin xii stone ;ti shi stone-bake jg bti stone conglomeration (jiii) ;ti&shi jiii Stone-Expelling Decoction fSF ;ti$51pai shi tang stone flat abscess (jk) 6& shi jii Stone Gate (CV-5WlfO) 6(7shi m i n
strangury Stone *GateTower (KI-18) ;ET.[fl* shi qut stone goiter E m shi ying stonelike in winter [pulse] +E d6ng shi stone moth ;ti shi k stone needle ;EF $?j- shi zhdn Stone Palace (HT-6) 6S*shig6ng; (KI19) 6E* shi gong Stone Bass (KI-18Wt10);ti# shi guiin stone qi 6% shi qi stone strangury (lin) shi lin Stone-'lkansfosming Powder ;ti8 huh shi sin stane water [a kind of water swelling] 6 7k shi shui stool ji@ da bian; % shi; % ftn; $${E fin bian; R shi stool containing pus and blood bihn n6ng xut; ft @ lfa da bian n6ng xu2 stool in the urine /J\ 4F ,!lj % xi60 bihn ch6 ftn stoop @@ yii 16u stop lh zhi storage hilure [a kidney disorder] $$j$.t X %! fdng cring shi zhi store B cring store(house) j$.t zang; @ zang; $3 fii storehouse [ $ 3 ]RR;f fii Storeroom (ST-14W110) @ @ ku fang stork's bill flat abscess (j6) &'ll & guan k6u jii straight [treatment] iE zhtng straight treatment Je.g., treating cold with heat].E& zhtng zhi strain &g qu zhii strained-kidney mounting (shan) qi 'E5% shin qiring shan qi straining %j$ nii zhdng straiten $9yu2 straitened spleen @$9 pi yu2 Straitened Spleen Hemp Seed Pill {IA pi yud ma rin whn strangury (lin) lin strangury (lin) in pregnancy EEE 414E# @ r6n shen xicio bian lin thng % #
strangury (lin) of pregnancy ?# zzi lin strangury (lin) patterns #ij'f lin zh2ng strangury (lin) stoppage #I57 lin bi stranglnry (lin) with inhibited painful urination #%YZ@ lin bin8 sh thng strangury-turbidity lhz zhud straw ciio straw paper 3 C R ciio zhi straw-shoe wind SBjX, ciio xit f2ng stray @ yuh; & yi straying is treated by moving &8?f 2 yi zh2 xing zhi streaming sore Y 3& liu zhu stream point &3fi shGl x u i ; j a f i shii xu6 stream point [one of the five transport points] & f i shii xut Stream-Reducing Pill 9%7 5 % su6 quhn whn stream-side rabdosiaa (Rabdosiae Striati Herba) tZ$i$@xi huhng ciio stream toxin ?Z3 xi dLi street @j jig strength desertion yellowing a# B $$ tu6 li huhng strengthen $3 qicing; [bones] Yrt: zhuang strengthen sinew and bone $%iSijlRqiang jin gfi; $8ijijYf +j qihng jin zhuang gfi strengthen the heart $%&.\ qihng xin strengthen yin $3 qihng yin stretch shsn; ?$2 qicin; ?$2S qian lihn Stride [non-channel] mai bii Strigae Asiaticae Herba (Asiatic striga) ZkJltP# dLi jiiio gcin strike zhbng strike-on-person A zhi,ng rtn stringlike [new] $2 xihn stringlike in spring bulse] S5'2 chun xihn stringlike only, without stomach [pulse] 4H55 X E dan xihn wLi whi stringlike pulse [new] /$%$% mai xihn; $2 jjix xibn rnai string.of-casho (Phyllodii Pulchelli Caulis et Folium) #@@phi qian ciio; frlF&@rf* phi qihn sh2
Stumbling stringsand aggregations (xihn pi) [kinds of abdominal masses] &@ xirin pi string (xian) [a kind of abdominal mass] 11.; xihn Striped Dragon Pill 53 biin 16ng wrin strobilanthesa (Strobilanthis Herba) 21 $$S h6ng z t lhn Strobilanthis Herba (strobilanthesa) 21 $$ Z h6ng z t lritz stroke zhi,ng strong $3 qihng strong defense and weak construction F $3 G3 whi qihng ying rui, strong evil qi 41J5$3@ xit qi qiring shhng strong in rising and weak in falling [pulse] jtF@&g lhi shtng qu sh~~cii strong onset and weak recession [pulse] ifF@&S lhi shhng qii shuiii strong pulse Bk$Z mhi qihng; $3R7)cqihng rnai Strong Sound [non-channel] $3= qihng yin strong stomach and weak spleen E$%b$ $5 whi qihng pi rui, Strong. Surge [notz-channel] $%,i$" qihtzg ch6ng Strong Thigh [non-channel] $884 qihng kuk strong wind and toxin AjX,%% dh f2ng k2 dli Strong Yang [non-channel] BEl Oil* yhng gZng; (BL-8) 3% pH* qihng yring struggle $1 xicing zh2ng struggle between right and evil iE41J#l% zhhng xit xicing zh2ng stubborn lichen (xiiin) 3$@ whtz xiiin stubborn numbness %$fiwhtz m h ; 3fi* wan m u stubborn numbness of the arms mB3$ j&f liiing bi who m h stubborn phlegm 3fiB whn thn stuck needle R+t zhi zhdn study of the pulse /$$+ mai xut stuff' up the nose %& sZi bi Stumbling Heart (KT-1) ~ I L \jut " xin
stupor @ itti hfin m i sty I& %+ tic0 zhen; I@$+ t6u zhen; $+-BE zhen yiin styloid process of the ulna !&@ rui gii sty of the eye IlR &l&%jyiin sheng t6u zhen Styrax Liquidus (liquid storax@)%-&% U s h t xiiing; @ $%* di ydu lib; @ B* di SG h6 ydu; %&S?h*sU h t gko; xiGng ydu subaxillary region JjL; qu subdue g qidn subdue and settle @% qqihn zhtn subdue yang qibn yang subdue yang and extinguish wind S j,8 Jil, qian yring xi feng Sablimatum Triplex (upborne elixir) f t A- s h h g d i n ; fig* sheng yao sublimed arsenica (Arsenicum Sublimaturn) SilJlapi shukng Sublimed Arsenic Powder Silt E 8 pi shuang s i n sublingual & T sht xia submerged iK chtn Subservient Visitor (BL-61W"O) 4\ S, ph can substantial Ejf3 y6u xing Substitute Dead-On Pill {t)ES; 3.L drii di dang wan subtract 8 jiiin successive addition grinding &gga?$$+ 1u xu2 pt?i yan Succini Pulvis (amber powder) %rQj?* hii pi, m2, Succinum (amber) @$$ hii pi,; SO%* shbu pb; @ 1 1 * hii pi,; hii pi,; R rB* hn p~ suck nJL shiin Sucking Pill -&.lkfi hbn huh wan suckle $1 rii; [to take milk] UA$l shiin rii suckling $1 rii suckling breast welling abscess bong) 21 rii chui suckling cough $LUX$ rii si,u suckling epilepsy & shi xian
suckling gan Ui#E;f$ bii : lic gGn suckling heat disease 91% iTTj @$%rii zi tr bing rt suckling lichen (xiiin) W5@ niii xiiin; 91 $+ rii xiiin suckling wind-heat stroke YLT +Jil,$!': rii zi zhi,ng feng rt? suction cup TfiEchdu qi gucin suction cupping a5fiEE chbu qi guhn fii sudden 8 brio suddening blackening of the teeth &2,9 g chi hu bian hei sudden blindness 5f$gbcio mang sudden bulging of the eyes g g I l E 6 tli qi jing gGo sudden cessation of the menstrual period after commencement %*@k jing lhi ju zhi sudden clouding collapse @%@ 4211 cu ran hiin cliio sudden collapse 5$$4 \ bao pL1 sudden deafness @@ zb 16ng; $533bbcio ldng sudden deviation of the mouth $ zu k6u pi sudden erection P a SSjlkg yin brio ti20 'qi sudden loss of consciousness % T %IA bao bic zhi rtn sudden loss of voice bao yin; 3;-j& zb yfn; SIlg 620 yin sudden reversal +% zu jut; @R 66 jut sudden seeing of ghosts and spirits Q ! 8 zhi jiin gll7 rh& sudden sickness 3;-% zli bing Sudden Smile Pill shi xiao wan Sudden Smile Powder Z 8 shixiao siin sudden stroke @ zh zhbng sudden stroke desertion pattern $ +a# jjf zli zhi,ng tud zhtng sudden turmoil g & L hub lrian sudden vacuity of qi and blood %lln@B qi xui zi,u xu; 5& 8 @ qi xui bao XU sudden violent anger damages the liver 45 lfbko nit shing gin
sudden waking from sleep I@ Q $ shui zhong zi xing
Suis Spinae Medulla (pi@ spine marrow) @$@@ zhii ji sui Suis Stomachus (pig's stomach) %Bf zhii
sudden wind-phlegm stroke Jil@G f2ng thn zh zhong
sudden wind stroke
$ R zh bho
zhbng f2ng suff'er @ , , huan
gP tiin luiin;
zhii luiin
Suis Vesica Fellea (pig's gallbladder) %4!
mt n
sugar #'@ thng sugar cane* (Sacchari Caulis)
gao; %$I* zhii ydu; %@* zhii gao; 3% BE* zhii zhi; ;l$f& BE* zhii ydu zhi Suis Bilis (pig's bile) 3gjH.jLt zhii cliin zhi Suis Caro (pork) 38121 zhii rbu
Suis Caro Vertebralis (pork spine flesh)
sulfur* (Sulphur) ;Ei6A;% shi liri huling;
a@*lih hucing; tiff@*
liLi huling
Sulfur and Scallion Topical Application 6fi
% 3lJ liri c6ng fii ji (sulfur) ;Ei%@ shi lih huling; -
hfi@* lih huling; bfi@* liLi hucing sumac gallnut* (Rhois Galla) ElgF wii bti zi; B & &* biii chdng cang; mu fh zi; @T*bdi t i
Mrf T*
Sumac Gallnut Decoction Ti {B3$51wii bti zi tang
Sumac Gallnut Powder
wii bti
zi siin
Suis Fel Exsiccatum (pig's gallbladder powder) %BB 'F'Hzhii diin gan f2n Suis Glandula Thyroidea (pig's thyroid gland) 3%@ zhii yt Suis Ileum (pig's ileum) $%!&-Jl% zhG fZn chling
Suis Intestina (pig's intestines) ;I$Ezhii chhng; $gE*zhii zang
Suis Intestinum Crassum (pig's large inzhii dri chling testine) Suis Intestinum Tenue (pig's small intestine) 3g E zhii xiiio chang Suis Masculinae Intestinum Crassum (boar's large intestine) fi % k E gong zhii clri chcing
Suis 0 s (pig's bone) g.3 zht gii Suis Pancreas (pig's pancreas) %B%
(pige's bile )
Sumatra benzoin@ (Benzoinum Sumatrense) 3 rJ$$l&2,$l?l$ sii mkn dci la iin xi xiang
[season associated with fire] 35
summerheat # shii summerheat boil gfi shri jik summerheat cholera z$E&L shii hub luan Summerheat-Clearing Qi-Boosting Decoction fg & 5$% qing shii yi qi tang summerheat consumption 2j$@ shii zhdi summerheat contraction giin shii summerheat cough # @shii kk summerheat damage .I%$# shzng shii summerheat damaging original qi {% X shic shdng yulin qi
T* shEng zhii yi zi
zhii da'n gao
Suis Pes (pig's trotter) %El$ zhii ti Suis Renes (pig's kidney) %'B zhii shtn;
BE'T*zhii ydo zi
yi ji
Sugar Cane Gruel HR$.$$ gan zhB zh6u sugar cane juice* (Sacchari Caulis Succus) tJ-R gan zh2 zhi; Z 1Z* zhB jiang Sui [581-618 A.D.] PfZj sui Suis Adeps (pork lard) $%BE@ zhG zhi
Suis Pasta Fellis
1s zhii
suitability of medication
yi; Y 3% R%
Suis Testis (pig's testis)
Sufiering Gate [non-channel] ,% T J huan
%@m zhii ji
summerheat damaging the heart and kidney $# 4% & 'g shii shang xin shtn summerheat-damp Z$j$ shri shi summerheat-damp complicated by stagnation $$@%% shii shi jili zhi summerheat-damp diarrhea $# # $3i shri shi xik xi2
summerheat-damp dizziness % E! E 2$2 shii shi xuan yLn summerheat-damp encumbering the middle burner %% IZlPH $ %, shii shi kDn zii zhbng jiao Summerheat-Damp Qi-Righting Pill =% iE5h shii shi zhtng qi wbn summerheat-damp streaming sore 8 E! %$ shii shi liLi zhu summerheat delivery #P shii chiin summerheat diarrhea 2&@ shii xi?; =j% shii xi2 summerheat disease 2&% ~ h i bing i summerheat dysentery %j$j shii li summerheat epilepsy ZjjJjshii xibn summerheat foulness =$9 shii hui summerheat-heat f!: shii rt summerheat-heat damaging qi 2&!?! 4% %. shii rt shing qi summerheat-heat pattern B 54: iC shii r i zhtng summerheat-heat rib-side pain %?&I&@ shii r? xit t6ng summerheat-heat wasting-thirst 2&?!:#.)E shii r? xiao k t summerheat malaria shii nu? Summerheat-Resolving Tablet #$2& )+ jit shii pian summerheat reversal z H shii jut summerheat sand (sha) =#& shii sha summerheat stroke $ zhbng 'shii; cP IR zh6ng y2; 1 18 yt summerheat stroke dizziness cP b [k;@ zh6ng zhii xuun yiin summerheat tetany shii jing summerheat warmth 2&& shii wen summerheat warmth damaging defense z jE4%qSE shii wen shang wti summerheat warmth with pestilence complication %i-iE*% shii wen jia li summerheat-wind BjX, shii fCng summerheat wind turning into fright 2& shii feng chtng jing jX,& summerheat with cold-damp 2& % % E! shii jian hhn shi
supplement summer infixation (zhu) B E xia zhu; S k zhu xia summer influx (zhu) E & xi& zhu; @E zhu xiu Summer Solstice [loth solar term] h Z xi; zhi summer-sweet lysimachiaa (Lysimachiae Clethroidis Radix seu Herba) zhCn zhii cai summer wilting (wti) E@xii w2i summon qi 3% diio qi sun tai ybng Sun and Moon (G13-24W110)El B ri yut sundew' (Droserae Herba) $,$!i& F9j jin di lu 6 sundown watch [BIO watch, 5-7p.m.l El A ri rh sun-dry 7 shai gan sunken [pulse] ijT chtn sunken eyes €I @ m P& m u kc n?i xian sunken pulse ijTjbjc chtn mai; Jljtbjt mai chin Sunken Valley (ST-43WfI") [IW xian gii sunrise watch [B4 watch, 5-7 a m . ] El klj ri chL sun's descent 11% dit sun's descent watch [B8 watch, 1-3 u.m.1 H 11% ri dit Sunshine Pill XI$% jian xian wan sun spurge" (Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba) @ & zk qi; &Z*q i jing Sun Spurge Decoction $SEE 9% z t q i tang superabundance && y6u yu superficial # fu Superficial Cleft (BL-38WT'O) # Zli fci xi superficial needling [one of the twelve needling methods] @$I] fh ci superficial network vessel EF.28 fci luo superior physician nips" the bud 1I i$j 9 shang gong qih qi mtng yri supine ILP yiing; IlPEb yiing wo; I@ yiin supine posture @Bb yiin wo supplement ;iib bii; fin jia; +\% bb y6ng supplement and attack simultaneously $7 ;iib.%fi gong bii jian shi supplement (and boost) $b% bb yi
supplement [and boost] the lung and Supplemented Free Wanderer Powder Combined with Counterflow Cold Decocstomach +E&fl$ R bii yi fti wti ; j f +\ bii; % +\% % bii%yiing ~ i tion f jia wtixiaoyrio supplementation s i n h i si ni tang supplementation (and boosting) +I.&bii Supplemented Gallbladder-Warming Deyi coction ni% f $IE&i!j jia w t i wen diin tdng supplementation and drainage according Supplemented Kidney Qi Pill to needle direction HF+b i% zhen mring 'E5 A jii whi shtn qi wrin bii nit; 8%+b Ei zhFn t6u bii xi; supplementation and draining +\ ?% bii Suppiemented Lindera Decoction fin % G xi2 %$%jirZ wti wu yrio tang supplementation drawing + E f i bii tud Supplemented Metal Strength Pill fin % supplementation followed by attack %$I & RIJA jig wti jin gang wrin h3& xiiin bii hhu gdtzg Supplemented Mind-Stabilizing Pill supplementation followed by draining % ZZA jiG wti ding zhi wrin +b 6i% xian bii hGu xit Supplemented Mysterious W o Powder fin supplementation [method] +\ $& bii fii % ;k- $93jia wti Br miao siin supplement blood and quicken the blood Supplemented Ophiopogon Decoction +b &%& bii xu2 h u b xuk % S 1'7 $2jia wti mcii m i n dbng tang supplement blood and quiet the heart +\ '
dn%f-,L\bii xu? a n xin supplement blood and supplement qi $1 &&% b i i x u t yi qi supplement both qi and blood ?&$I$\ qi xu2 shucing bii Supplemented Birth-Hastening Ligusticum and Tangkuei Decoction fin % .fg Lk %!El $% jiG wti ciii sheng xi6ng gui tang Supplemented Center-Rectifying Decoction fin % 59 i it% jia wti l i zhdng t i n g Supplemented Cyperus and Perilla Powder fin % % %fj;;k jid w t i xiatzg st.7 siin Supplemented Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction $11 $% fin % li g i tang jia w t i Supplemented Eight Immortals Decoction fin % A .fht& jia wti b i xian tang Supplemented Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction fin %@ S 6W $% jiii w t i mri xing shi gSin tang Supplemented Five Strangury Powder fin %3iH&jin w t i wii lin s i n Supplemented Four Agents Decoction fin % P4 $9~$2jid w2i si w~ tang Supplemented Four Agents Decoction Formula P4 $9J$% fin % f i si wu tang jia w t i fang Supplemented Free Wanderer Powder fin % 33% 3 jig wti xiao yho siin
Supplemented Pulsatilla Decoction fin $ % 5% $% jia wti bai tbu weng tang Supplemented Reversal Powder fin %@jPIJ fj;;k jia wti dian dGo s i n Supplemented Rough and Ready Three Decoction fin @Z)kfi t% jig wti siin ho tang Supplemented Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill fin% A%ffigA jia. w t i liu wti di huring wrin Supplemented Spleen-Returning Decoction fin % J !3 119t& jia wti gui pi tang Supplemented Stomach-Calming Powder fin % .flE $& jia wti ping w t i siin Supplemented Tai Yi Plaster 2 1 Z;W; jia wti thi yi g i o Supplemented Tangkuei and Peony Powjia wti dangguishrio der fin@ !D%%fj;;;;k yho s i n Supplemented Toxin-Resolving Decoction fin %j7# 3 $% jiii wti jig d h tang Supplemented 'Ih.0 Matured Ingredients Decoction fin% 1 $% ji5 wti Br c h i n tang Supplemented White-Draining Powder fin % i% $ 8 jii wBi xi? bai sdn Supplemented Yellow Earth Decoction 31 % $$&$% jii w2i huring ti? tang
supplement the insufficiency +bSFZ bii qi bc zh supplement the kidney +b'% bii shhn supplement the kidney and secure the teeth +\ 'R i%j bii shkn g2 chi supplement the kidney to promote qi absorption +b '3'IPt]5 bii shhn nu qi supplement the lung and kidney and '31t @ bii yi transform phlegm +b SJj$ @i shhn huh tan supplement the spleen $bR@bii pi supplement the spleen and boost the lung +bj+Sl$ bii pi yi fti supplement the spleen and fortify the stomach +\R@@E bii pi jian wt?i supplement the spleen and raise the fall 3\ @* P$ bii pi jii xian supplement kidney yin +\ '9 PB bb shin supplement yang +b P I bii yang y in supplement yang and dispel cold +b POT2 3$ bii yciizg qii hhz supplement qi 3 1 5 bii qi supplement yang qi5& E l\+ bii ybng qi supplement qi and contain the blood +\ 5$2& bii qi sht? xu2 supplement yin +I Pa bii yin supplement qi and engender blood +\5, support & f f i i;fii bii qi sheng xu2 Support ( B L - ? J ~ ~ g ~ ~HO ching ) fLi supplement qi and fortify the spleen $1 supporting point azfi pti xu6 q @ j * bii qi jian pi Supporting Vessel (TB-18) Rbt* zi mai supplement qi and moisten dryness +by support right # E fu zht?ng $El$$$$bii qi run zao support right and bank up the root #E supplement qi and secure the exterior $b i$j$. fh zhing pii bZn 4 2.bii qi gu biiio support right and dispel evil #iE?%S[JfLi supplement qi and stanch bleeding $\% zht?ng qii xi2 k& bii qi zhi xut? support right and' secure the root bk iE supplement qi and stem desertion 44% -b;: fii zhing gh bin H8# bii qi gu tu6 support right qi &@iEl', fh zhu zhbng supplement the blood +b& bii nut? qi supplement the blood and calm the liver support yang to abate yin &kBIZ13a f4 yang tui yin +b & T /IT bii xu2 ping gdn support yang to bank up yin &PH%PFl fLi supplement the blood and enrich yin +\ ykng pe'i yin Pa bii xu2 zi yin suppress k zhi; [one of the sevzn relasupplement the blood and moisten drytions] 3 shi a@j@ I bii xu2 run zao ness + supplement the blood and regulate mensuppress cough k@ zhi k t struation +\ &fig3 bii xu2 tirio jing suppurate chtng n6ng supplement the center and boost qi +\ 9 suppurative moxibustion 1tK&& huh n6ng jiii &9bii zhong yi qi
supplement fire to engender earth +II= bii hu6 sheng tii supplement heart qi +\ bii xin qi supplementing [and boosting] formula +b &8IJ bii yi ji supplementing [and boosting] medicinal +\&Ebii yi yao supplementing [and boosting] method +\ bii yi fii supplementing array ;ti\ 89 bii zhhn supplementing formula +\3IJ bii ji supplementing medicinal $1B bii yho supplementing [medicinals] can eliminate weakness +\EJ & 5s bii k t qu ru6 supplement kidney yang +\ 'R PI bii shkn
Suppurative Swelling Paste & 2 ;R zutj tu gao supraclavicular flat abscess Gii) f&%'& quC ptn jii supraclavicular fossa $3Z quC pin supreme A tcii; Z zhi Supreme Granary (CV-12) k-&* tai cang Supreme Jewel Elixir 2Zf)-zhi biio dan Supreme Jewel Wind-Dispelling Elixir rj& R ZZ f)- qii fZng zhi biio dan Supreme Surge (LV-3) h i $ tai chbng supreme unity A Z tki yi Supreme Unity (ST-23) A-* thi yi; (ST23wlfo) Z tai yi Supreme White (SP-3WH0)A $ tai bdi Supreme Yin (LV-6) &Pa* thi yin surfeit piiin shtng surge chbng surgery $+++wai kC Surge Space [non-channel] i$ ('s7* chbng jian Surging Gate (SP-12W110) ?$iJ chbng m t n surging in summer [pulse] xih hbng surging mounting (shan) chdng shan surging pulse b%?# miii hh6g; #J$% hbng m&i Surging Sound [non-channel]$%Sh6ng y in Surging Yang (LI-20) i$ P I * ch8ng yring; (ST-42Wf[O)]$ P I chdng ydng surging yang pulse I$ P I J$% chbng ydng mai surplus $2 yLi surplus heat failing to clear $& f4: T $$? yhj rt bli qing surreptitious menstruation 8g%2an jing susceptibility to S shan susceptibility to fear shan kiing susceptibility to fright S B xi jing; 8% shan jing; B B yi jing susceptibility to the common cold E, =f@ yi yh giin mao Suspended Bell (GB-39wll0) B@ xudn zhdng
Suspended Pivot (GV-SW1Io)3 @ x ~ h n shil suspended rheum E"ik xrrbn yin Suspended Sauce (CV-24) 8%*xurin jiiing Suspended Skull (GB-5W110)E @ xurin 16 Suspended Spring (LV-4) B%* xudn qudn Suspended Tuft (GB-6Wllo) xu& li suspended welling abscess Cydng) B % xurin y5ng _, swallow DB yhn; & tiin; T xi& swallowing pills &BII tiin ji Swallow's Mouth [non-channel]3 yhz k6u swallow with fluid [e.g., 57RZ -f; (kai shui s6ng xiri), swallow with water] 37; shng xi& swallow with warmed wine tEiB2-f; wCn jiii shng xi6 swamp mahogany* (Eucalypti Robustae yt an yt Folium) A P t & P t sweat ?T hrin; E $ Tfa hhn Sweat-Effusing Fermented Soybean Gruel %??Ti$$$% fa han chi zhBu sweating 1)7- han; R* han c h i ; j" ju; E ?T fa han; 2 ?? chii han; ?T& hhn fii; %? ?T?A f i hrin fii sweating armpits R ? Tyt hhn sweating brow SALE??t tbu chii han; @?Tt hhn sweating easily brought on by exertion 31 fllJE, $T d6ng zt yi han sweating from the chest and heart [region] JL\/@ $? xin xidng hhn chc sweating from the head only @%?T dan tbu han chii sweating from the heart &?T xin hun sweating hands and feet 4 W f f shiiu zu hiin chii sweating head X ff t6u han; X ? ? tbu han chd . sweat is the humor of the heart ?T%JL\ j@ hbn wii xin yt sweat macule ? T B hrin ban , sweat .papules $T@ h&n zhtn
sweep sweep huh Sweeping Down Decoction @ $6@J jian ling tang sweep phlegm %% huo tbn sweep phlegm and arouse the brain @@ huh thn xing niio sweep phlegm and open the orifices @% %% hu6 trin kai qiao sweet w gin; H tibn sweet and acrid efhsing and dissipating [medicinals] are yang 3 H E 3 jg xin giin fii san wti ybng sweet and sour yin formation @HdX[Ja suan giin huh yin sweet apricot kernelo (Armeniacae Semen Dulce) @%{I ti& xing rdn Sweet Cinnamon Gruel &jg 3% gui jibng thou sweet cistanche [stem] (Cistanches ticin cbng r6ng; Caulis Dulcis) f& gg*dhn c6ng rbng; @ A 2 ' tian da ylin; % ji2*dan da ykn Sweet Dew Beverage H Z @ gcin lu yin Sweet Dew Toxin-Dispersing Elixir H Sff gan lu xiao du dan sweet iris seedo (Iridis Pallasii Semen) 4 R T mii lin zi sweetness Favor associated with the spleen] H gcin sweetness enters the spleen H A @ gin ru pi sweetness of mouth H kbu tirin sweet orange peelo (Citri Sinensis Exocarpium) @&chdng pi Sweet Potato Gruel $I=$$h6ng '$ shii zh6u sweet taste in the mouth $$/ kbu ti&; kku tibn sweet tea [leaflo (Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium) w g gan chri; HZ*gcin chb sweet wormwoodo (Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Herba) S X qing hiio Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria T Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction $38s@J hhao qin qing diin tang Sweet Wormwood and Wrtle Shell Decoction g g @J qing hcio bie jiii tang
sweet wormwood leaf@ (Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Folium) BSDt qing h i o yi swelling j$ zhdng; ??fh; j$j&zhdng zhang swelling [count noun, FJI !% % i q ] a$ R zhdng kuai swelling and distention j$J&zhbng zhang swelling and distention in pregnancy $3 #Zj$fl-tfrin shen zhbng zhang swelling and toxin of sores %%ij8$% chuang yhng zhdng du swelling and toxin of sores and boils % @ chuang jid zhbng dri swelling and toxin of welling abscess (ybng) and flat abscess (jii) $%&l$% ybng jii zhkng dri swelling and toxin of welling abscess (ydng) and sores %fl$'@% ybng zhbng chutZng dli Swelling-Dispersing Hardness-Breaking san zhbng kui jicin Decoction %fl$$29$$ . tang Swelling Formula & +& f i zhbng blin jit mi fang swelling of pregnancy F j $ zi zhbng swelling of sores chuang zhkng swelling of the breasts YLJ$ rii zhdng swelling of the ear qjj$ Er zhbng swelling of the eyelid fiB$j$JE bao jiiin zhkng zhang swelling of the feet J$j$ zu zhkng swelling of the foot and lower leg J$jj{?j$ zh he'ng zhkng sweiiing o? the instep+lja i; iG zhGng swelling of the knee j$j$ xi zhbng swelling of the limbs Pl@fl$l-tfsi zhizhbng zhang swelling of the limbs that rebounds on release of pressure @j$% 2 Px"t&' zhi ti zhbng an zhi mb zhi swelling of the lips and cheek E$ $fill$ chlin jiri zhbng swelling of the shins jing zhbng swelling of welling abscesses (y6ng), flat abscesses (jii), and clove sores (ding) $% & f i j$ ybng jii ding zhkng
a$ +
swelling swelling under the chin han zhdng swelter [pathology] S B xun zhtng swertia@ (Swertiae Herba) 3 5 dnng zhhng yci chi yho; 3!$5f-%* Swertiae Herba (swertiaa) 3 5 dntzg yho; 3!$5f%* zhiing yb chi Swertiae Pulchellae Herba (pretty swertiao) Eat 8s qing y t diin swift digestion h o d ] Pig +J xino gfi swift digestion with increased appetite # G 8-& xi50 gii shan shi swift digestion with rapid hungering #j +$ Btn xiao gii xi ji; @ 8+tn i+xi50 gii shan ji swill diarrhea 92% sutz xit swill diarrhea with non-transformation of food 9k W T 4.t: sfin xi2 bLi huh swim bladdere (Piscis Vesica Aeris) & E yh biho Swivel Mechanism (CV-21) EN* xuhn ji swollen boil fij$ j i t zhdng swollen boil on the head $4 &%I$ tdu p i j i t zhcing swollen face @ jj@ mihn zhiing swollen fistula jgj$ lhu zhdng swollen knees j%j$ xi zhdng swollen lips E j $ chhn zhdng swollen nose &j$ bi zh6ng swollen pharynx U@j+ynn zhcing swollen sore %a$ chuiing zhdng; A$% zhdng ybng swollen throat UBj+ yiin zhdng; n&R$ yi zhbng swollen tongue -6 A $ sht zhdng Swollen Tongue (GV-15) Zj$* sht zhdng swollen tongue hard as wood %j$A*@ sht zhdng cki mu ying
syrup swollen welling abscesses (y6ng), flat abscesses (ju), and clove sores (ding) ;riiE E j $ y6ng jci ding zhdng swollen welling abscess (ybng) y6ng zhcing swollen welling abscess (ybng) and clove sores (ding) %a$ f i % y6ng zhcing cling chuiing
sword bean pode (Canavaliae Legurnen) g E d50 ~ G kU t sword bean root" (Canavaliae Radix) EZ@ dda dhu g2n
sword veedle [one of the nine needles] +& H p i i h ~ n PllH ; jiirn zhtn; VI:H p t i zh2n Symphyti Herba (cornfrey) @Sf7kiing fii li; &+En* kGng fh 1; symptom
4s hhu; G*
zhtng zhuang
Syngnathus (pipe-fish) Sje hdi ldng; E E* hiii shi synthetic bamboo sugar@ (Barnbusae $$ Concretio Silicea Synthetica) && 'f~ h t chtng zhh huhng synthetic bovine bezoar@ (Bovis Bezoar Syntheticurn) A I+%r t n gbng nih hucing syphilis
#iiB mki
Syphilitic Sores Formula $b&s@j% zhi m t i du chuiing fnng syrup gj!Z mi jiiing; tling jiiing
tling shui;
tabanus@ (Tabanus) W& mtng ch6ng; Y &* nih mtng; %&* fti ming; Y Eke* nih ciing ying; @ & xis mang chdng; +&7*nik win zi; @&q&$* xia m i fing Tabanus (tabanus@) mCng chdng; @* nih mtng; %@* fii ming; +E#* nih ciing ying; @ & xia mhng chdng; $&F* ~ i win h zi; @&q&$* xiii mii fCng tablet )+ pihn tablet (preparation) )+fill pian ji tablet presser j 3K yii pian j i taciturn f i R S S chCn mh gui yrin tack needle H@ +jyurin I & quan xing pi n8i zhCn liing tael ' [now roughly 30g] wti gii tailbone NEfZj yin wti gii; Tail Kingfisher Bone (GV-1) .ES#* wti cui gii Tail Maggot Bone (GV-1) E@#* wti qii gii Tail Palm (GV-1) Efifl*wti lu Tail Screen (CV-15) E%*w2i yi Tai Ping Imperial Grace Pharmacy A T W I3 jXl fiflE tai ping hui min h t ji jh Taiwan scheffleraa (Schefflerae Arboricolae Radix seu Caulis et Folium) % a t yi yk tick tai yi moxa stick Z@ $?f tai yi shin zh2n Tai Yi Plaster A ZB tai yi giio take lf~! qfi; [medicine] flE fd take ,after meals tfiJSjj6i fan hhu fh take as tea IPS dki chh take as tea ItZ ~ E Idai chri he; R%tk dai chri yin take at calm dawn T E j 6 i 3ing dan f"u take before attacks % E%@iI6i wti fii bing qibn fh take before meals @ tfi i fl6i fan qihn fri
take before sleeping It& [l@@ijjK lin shui qian fh take between meals -&iZj6i shi yuin fu take cold ?$ flE ltng fu wei shui take decocted with water $f27K fh; 7KE jlii shui jian fri take double-boiled separately X ling dun fLi take drenched [mixed with a larged chdng fh amount of water] i$ take hot f;i:fl6i r8 fh take in frequent small doses B t k pinyin; $afl6i pin fh bake in one single dose X@flE dun fh take internally lAl fl6i n8i fh take mixed (with fluid) fl)'Jii tiho fh take on an empty stomach G ~ h f l Ek6ng xin fh; G E /# k6ng fu fh take orally mB6i nti fh take separately X I W ling fh take the pulse fib3 66 mai; {@bX hhu mai take warm E86i w2n fh take with fluid SflSi s6ng fu yii jiii tdng fh; take with wine S@j @j3 j6i jiii shng fh take with yellow wine g@6zljfi huang jid shng fh t z k g s !sng te get te s!eeg 9.9,T hi% jifi jili bu ru shui 'Paking Flight (BL-5SWif0)X t51f2i yang talcum0 (Talcum) hub shi; EG* yi shi; #;ti*g6ng shi; jXG* tu6 shi; BEi* fiin shi; 9B*xi ltng; @ C* cui shi; @ ;ti*lid shi; E ;ti*hua shi; @ ?BZi* ying 'huh shi; @ ;tiw* huh shi ftn Talcum (talcum) 83 ;ti hua shi; E Ei* yh shi; #;ti*ghng shi; H e * tu6 shi; BEi* fiin shi; 9?$* xi ltng; ;ti*cui shi; ;ti*liri shi; ;ti*huh shi; @ ?B;iEiC ying G#j*hub shi ftn hua shi; @j
h'ua shi zh6u Talcum Gruel $@;ti# talcum scorching @j;tiB hua shi tring Talini Paniculati Radix (talinum root@) kA tii r i n shdn; .lR A S* jia' r i n shdn talinum root@ (Talini Paniculati Radix) +A 3 tii r i n shdn; #jA S* jiii r i n shdn talking nonsense i#Wi& shu6 hri h u h tallow tree root bark* (Sapii Sebiferi Radicis Cortex) -S Kt* $R& wii jiu mu gdn pi Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium (tamarisk [twig and-leaf]) P chdng liii; B $q#P* xi h i liii; $&$##* chi chdng liii; %g#p* guan yin liii; S E #p* chui st liii tamarisk [twig and leafl* (Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium) @#P chdng liii; B$q #p* x i h i liii; %$g#p*chi chdng liii; X $ g @P* guan yin liii; @ p* chui si liii Tang [6l8-907 A.D.] B tang . tangerine* (Citri Fructus) @j jLi tangerine l e a p (Citri Folium) & a t jLi y t tangerine peel* (Citri Exocarpium) P%E ch2n pi; & E * jLi pi; W%* gui 160; $I&* h6ng pi Tangerine Peel and Apricot Kernel Pill @j&AjLi xing whn Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction & E?3% ?3I jci pi zhli ru tang Tangerine Peel and Pinellia Decoction @j $3~jh p i brin xi& tang E Tangerine Peel and Saussurea Powder @j B & ju xiang sa'n Tangerine Peel Decocted Pill & E7% A jLi pi jian wan Tangerine Peel Decoction @ E?3I jh p i tang Tangerine Peel Gruel @jE#jri p i zh6u Tangerine Peel, Pinellia, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill & + & ? $ AjLi brin zhi zhh wan Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Fresh Ginger Decoction &E$R% Y 5 $3I ju p i zhi shi shdng jiing t i n g Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ginger Decoction @jil;/a\$$.i& jLi zhi jillng tang
tangkuei tangerine pip* (Citri Semen) &$a jd h i Tangerine Pip Pill jLi h i wan tangerine pith* (Citri Fructus Fasciculus jri lub Vascularis) tangible Gjf3 ydu xing tangkueio (Angelicae Sinensis Radix) 3 !J3 d i n g gut; T f l j * g i n gui Tangkuei and anesthesia Decoction 3 % hmi@ $31dang gui ji xu2 ting tang Tangkuei and Astragalus CenterFortifying Decoction U3 "ii; @ ?% gui qi jiizn zh6ng tang Tangkuei and Goat Meat Decoction 3 lJ3 % m $3~d i n g gui yling rbu tang Tangkuei and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction 3 lJ3 0 $?3I dang gui bhi zh6 tang Tangkuei and Peony Powder 3 5F J dang gui shho yrio sa'n Tangkuei and Peony Six Gentlemen Pill !J3? A E 31,gui shho lik jiin wan Tangkwei and Pueraria Decoction !J3 gui g i tang Tangkuei and Rehmannia Beverage 3 !J3 f8$$tA dang gut di huhng yin lhngkuei and Rehmannia R o Matured Ingredients Decoction !J3$8IP% $3~gui di t r c h i n tang Tangkuei Blood-Quickening Decoction 3 lJ3%a & d i n g gui h u b xu2 tang Tangkuei Blood-Supplementing Decoction 3 93 ++a$% dang gui bii xu2 tang tangkuei body@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Corpus) 3 fl3 9 dang gut shdn; !J39 * gut shdn Tangkuei Center-Fortifying Decoction 3 l)3$& $5 dang gui jicin zh6ng tang Tangkuei Counterflow Cold Decoction 3 !J3PI 22 @I dang gui si ni tang Tangkuei Counterflow Cold Decoction Plus Evodia and Fresh Ginger Y !J3PI $ f i a W ~ % % ~ $ dang $ ~ gut si ni jicZ wLi zhii yri shdng jiing tang Tangkuei Decoction 3 !J3$& dang gui tcZng Tangkuei Drink 3 lJ3tRF dnng gui yin zi tangkuei fine root@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Tenuis) 3 1/33n dnng gut xii
Tangkuei, Fresh Ginger, and Goat Meat Decoction 3 !El 3 m $51 ding gui shcng jiing ycing r6u tang Tangkuei, Fritillaria, and Flavescent Sophora Pill 3E l Jl!El 3S i;Stl ding gui bti mii kii shtn wan Tangkuei, Gentian, and Aloe Pill 3 !El& Z$LdEng gui 16ng hui wan tangkuei head@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Caput) 3 !El & ding gut tbu; A* gui d u ; G$J!H* h,ri sh6u gul Tangkuei Pain-Assuaging Decoction 3 %% ?Zg ding gui niiin t6ng ting Tangkuei, Peony, and Carthamus Powder !J3?Ji 9E 3 gui shbo h6ng h u i siin Tangkuei, Peony, and Rehmannia Decoction !J3?Ji t&@ $6 gui shao di huring ting Tangkuei Powder 3 +& ding gui siin Tangkuei Six Yellows Decoction 3 @ 2% dzng gui lih huhrzg ting tangkuei tail@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radiding gui wEi; 3 cis Extremitas) !El #* ding gui shio; !J3 E*gui wti; El gui jiiio JB* gui tui; U 3 tangled red-thread vessels % fillb? chi si qiii mai; 8% fiLb3 chi si qiri mai Tang Premier Zheng's Formula & XP $€IEl 7;- thng zhtng xiang gu6 fing tannery tar@ (Coriarii Fuligo Oleacea) 1BB2 yin jiio Tapeworm-Expelling Decoction !%3%$$6 qu t i o tang Taraxaci Herba cum Radice (dandelion) * ,A ,,. + % pd @jrig j , ; j g ; ?Ag&;s v;??. *
z $T*~hucing h u i tii ding;
, >\fi S* fLi
g6ng ying Taro Gruel 358 yu zhbu Taro Pill TK$Lyu niii wan taro [root] (Colocasiae Tuber) 3% yic yh n&; TtW* 16u; FE*yi-l niii; yu gZn; &3*tfi zhi; it@@*ddn chi; T* yu; q@j* yhng niii; ST*mho yu; TfT* yh ziii Tartar poplar resin0 (Populi Diversifoliae Resina) &jjiB.1;W?H hLi t6ng lti taste % kkbu wti
TB-6 taste in the mouth % kGu wti taste of urine in the mouth El REj?% k6u y6u niho wti tautness $1 yin taxation 5 160 taxation causes wearing of qi % F119$1 lrio zt-qi hizo taxation cough %D,#Iao s6u; %@ frio k t taxation damage 574% 160 shing taxation damage cough %{%U%D$jlho shiing kk s6u taxation damage profuse menstruation % 4% B t3 BS lho shing yut jing gui, dui, taxation deafness Lao 16ng taxation detriment %+fi lbo siitz taxation detriment pattern ,zjIiIE ldo scln zhtng taxation fatigue %{$$lao juizn taxation fever lho rt taxation fever steaming bone % !?! @ Z lio rt gii zhdng taxation influx (zhu) 5& lrio zhu taxation is treated by warming %*$E;t lho zhe' w2n zhi taxation malaria SE llcio nut taxation relapse chhi h6u 140 fu; lfio fu Taxation-Resolving Powder # # % &jit 140 siin taxation steaming %% lrio zhEng taxation strangury (lin) %# lao lin taxation temerity %ti$ lho qik TB 3% s i n jiio; 9 PEl shdu shao yhng siin jiiio jing TB-1 (Passage Hub) # ict] guin chbng TB-2 [Armpit Gate] R TJ yt mtn; %{I* yt m t n TB-2 (Humor Gate) @ 9 3i1'7 y? m t n TB.3 (Central Islet) $ ?$f zh6ng zhii; (Lower Metropolis) TbP* xia du TB-4 (Divergent Yang) RIBH* biP yhrtg; (Yang Pool) PEl$& yang chi TB-5 (Outer Pass) 91 # wai guin TB-6 (Branch Ditch) 3$5J zhig6u; (Flying Tiger) X R* fdi hii
TB -7
TB-7 (Convergence and Gathering) &$Z hui zbng TB-8 (Connect Between) &GI* tbng jidn; (Connecting Gate) 3 1'7*tong mkn; (Three Yang Connection) ZBElt+$s i n yhng lu6 TB-9 (Four Rivers) Fig si dLi TB-10 (Celestial Well) tirfn jing TB-11 (Clear Cold Abyss) ?$?+.21N qing IZng yuiin; (Clear Cold Spring) %?+%* qing 1Zng quhn; (Clear Sky) ?SZ*qing hao; (Clear Spirit) ?SZ*qing ling TB-12 (Dispersing Brilliance) # t%*xi50 shu6; (Dispersing Riverbed) .2iB$5 xiiio lub TB-13 (Upper Arm Bone-Hole) J[Z@ * nho liho; (Upper Arm Convergence) jJ$ & ncio hui; (Upper Arm Intersection) jrZP* nao jiiio; (Upper Arm Transport) jK,;&* ncio shu TB-14 (Shoulder Bone-Hole) E j}g jian liho TB-15 (Celestial Bone-Hole) Zfjg tian liho; (Celestial Hearing) ZDfictiiin ting TB-16 (Celestial Window) X@ tiiin yciu TB-17 (Wind Screen) 5:$Myi f2ng TB-18 (Corporal Vessel) #hi* ti mai; (Supporting Vessel) *fib$* zi mhi; (Tugging Vessel) @hi q9i mai TB-19 (Skull) Pjj Q* 16 xin; (Skull Rest) p$j,%, lh xi TB-20 (Angle Vertex) ffi jiiio sun TB-21 (Ear Gate) T7 Zr m t n TB-22 (Ear Harmony Bone-Hole) q.$U @ * t r h i liho; (Grain Bone-Hole) % fjg* h i liho; (Harmony Bone-Hole) $U f}ghk liho; (Harmony Hollow) $ U g * hk kbng TB-23 (Eye Bone-Hole) El fig* m u liho; (Giant Bone-Hole) E # * ju liao; (Moon Bone-Hole) 8 fig" yuh liho; (Silk Bamboo Hole) 4LWG si zhLi kbng T.B. Tested Formula R$j$7% 3 fki lrio yhn fang TEWI1O 2S, siin jiiio
temple tea Z chh tea begoniao (Begoniae Fimbristipulatae Cormus seu Herba) Ell* $$ h6ng tiin kui; zi bti tiiin kui Tea-Blended Chrysanthemum Powder 35 X Z iW $& jh huZ chri tiho siin Tea-Blended Ligusticum (Cnidium Root) Powder j l 1 FjZW i 3 chuiin xibng chli tiho sin tea-colored yellow urine /I\ 4E B QU Z .# xiio bian huhng ru chh zhi tea [leafl l (Theae Folium) ZPt chh yt; ++* f i chh; %%* chh yh; Z* ming; aZ* xi chh; EM* la chh tea oil@ (Camelliae Oleiferae Seminis chh y6u; gZf@I* kii cha Oleum) %?@I y6u Tear Cavity (BL-1) ?Ba$*lti qi&g Tear-Checking Powder It?B& zhi lti sin Tear Container (ST-lW1I0)S i G chtng qi tear hall [punctum lacrimale, outlet of lacrimal gland] ?B% 2 lti thng Tear Hole (BL-1) ?BTL* lki kcing; (DL-2) ?BG* lhi kbng tearing $g?BliLi lki; ? /& I lhi chu; €I iG/& mu qi chii tearing on exposure to wind X M%?B jihn f2ng lih lti; $$Mi%i;;yyilt f2ng liLi lhi tear orifice [lacrimnl punctc~m]$35% lhi qiho tears [humor of the liver] ?B lki tears are the humor of the liver @ % j T lii wti giin yt teeth are the surplus of the bone & ~ J B 2& chi wki gLi zhi yh teeth dry as desiccated bones %i& T @ yh chi grin zho rLi kii ~ L I teeth smooth and dry as pebbles %&% E Q U 6 yh chi guang zao rh shi temerity t& qik temerity of center qi 9 g 5 5 zhbng qi qit ru6 temperament '19?% xing qing temple [of the head] k b H thi yhng; @ ? , nit rh
Temple of the Head [non-channel]%@j tbu nik Temple Region (GB-19) nit rli temporal hairline & M qii zhdu Temporal Hairline Curve (GB-7WHO) & E qii bin ten shi Ten Cinders Powder (Pill) +&B ( A ) shi hui sin win tend [e.g. ffi % piin hhn, tend toward cold] ffi piin tendency to joy [puthdlogical]68 shin xi tend(ency) to S shan tendency to doubt and suspicion % E$?iE, du6 yi lu tendency to sleep dud shui tendency to sorrow $$ L E shun bei tendency to sweat easily g f f yi han tender-red [a pale fresh red] nkn hbng tender bamboo leaf. (Lophatheri Folium Immaturum) $!J-llt~L\ zhli yk xin; $!J-W% JL\* zhli y t juin xin tender hard to the touch &!22!!3@ chu zhi jiin tbng tender mulberry twig@ (Mori Ramulus Tener) !i@ 3 @ ntn sing zhi tender-red tongue % !i@2I shk ntn hbng; m!i@$1sht zhi ntn h6ng tender-soft bare red tongue jlt $1 ZM 8 guiing h6ng rbu ntn sht tender-soft enlarged tongue b J#M sht pang nkn tender-soft tongue g#$shk ntn; 6 M I 8nkn sht Ten Dieusing Points [non-channel] E shi xuiin tending toward cold ffi5% piin hatz tending toward heat @f;Cr: piin rt tenesmus 3 %,& li ji hbu zhbng tenfold shi ten formula types +fill shi ji Ten Fragrances Pill B $L shi xiing wan Ten-Ingredient Elsholtzia Beverage +% @ jit shi wti xiing ru yin
Ten-Ingredient Gallbladder-Warming Decoction @?ElH$3~ shi wti w2n din tang Ten Ingredients Ground to Powder +% @J% shi wki cub sin Ten-Ingredient ox in-vanquishing Decoc@J shi wti bai dli ting tion +@ Ten Jujubes Decoction +%& shizio tang Ten Kings [non-channel] shi wling wing qili zhbu tennis elbow R'ff ten-principle examination of the complexion 2 & & whng st shi f i ten questions [in the enquiry examination] lb7 shi wtn tense [of sinews] % , ji tense abdominal skin @ &H 3,fu pi jG ji tense lesser-abdominal bind /Jl' Ei? 3,$& shao fic ji jit tense sinews fj'jiZ$E jin luan tension $3, luhn ji; [in the sinews] 3, jji tension in both rib-sides FjkBEl3, ligng xi6 jii ji tension in the face BJjmi$@ yhn mian qiiin chi tension is treated by relaxation 3,5&%2 ji zhe' huin zhi Ten Spirits Decoction + # & shi shin ting ten strange pulses tzJl&shi guai mai shi bii wan Ten Supplements Pill -tenth shi; $f$ di shi tenth earthly branch ybu tenth heavenly stem 2 gui ten thousand 77 wan Ten Thousand Li [non-channel]773 wan li terminate J3 jin terminate in channel ling jin terminate lactation H 91 hui rfi; l&li$l duan rii Terra Flava Usta (oven earth@)4Aj&Jj'f fb lbng gin; S7;f * fii xia tii; 28 7; zk* f f i yuk xia tfi; W&f * zho xin tii; ik $ S z k * zao zhbng hucing tii; W&,x$$** zao xin huhng tii tertian malaria El l'i7jE ri jiin niik
testicle testicle Pa% yin wrin; F zi; #P luiin; P a BP yin luiin; % gio; S%gio wrin testicular phlegm zi thn testis PJjA yin wrin; ljP luiin; PJ?l #P yin luiin Testudinis Plastri Gelatinum (tortoise plastron glue) %Ejftgui biin jiio; %& Aft* gui biin jiio Testudinis Plastrum (tortoise plastron) % E gui biin; HE* shin wd; % E* gut %E*bhi gui k i ; !@ €& q* bhi gui jiii; biin, % %* gui t6ng; & 7; Ef3 * gui xii jiii; %&T*guidi jiii; %EF*gui f& jiii; Z SE*yurin wii b i n ; $q! E*k i n biin; &fR E*tub ni biin; !@ @&* bhi gui biin; % q * gui jiii; %&* gut biin tetanic reversal jing jui tetanus @ 4% Fjn pi, shing fing tetany @ jing; %@ fii jing; & ci; j?% jing; @ 6 jing bing Tetany-Relieving Powder k@ & zhi jing siin tetracerao (Tetracerae Radix seu Folium) % P t @& xi y t tkng Tetracerae Radix seu Folium (tetracerao) $8P t E xi yt ttng Tetragoniae Herba (New Zealand spinach) f & fin xing Tetrapanacis Medulla (rice-paper plant pith) B S tbng ciio; BE* tbng h u i ; 75 BS*dh tbng ciio; Q Bq*brii t6ng ciio; A B* diE m& tbng tbng; 35% ha &* wii Efin*tbng h u i wii jii; Z jiiio jii pi; q*cbng ciio; ZEEfiuA* wfi jiLi fEng; 75 EBU*clh y2 wfi jii; E q*huii ciio That's It (GV-1) % 2%wii zhi Theae Folium (tea [leaf]) ZUt chri y2; ++* chri; chri yri; Z* ming; %%* xi chri; EM* 1; chd Theae Folium Fermentatum (black tea) h6ng chri Theae Folium Non Fermentatum (green tea) 3%lu chri Theae Folium Veturn (old tea@) MZ chin chri; EZ* chin ming
therapeutic principle ?g$1 zhi z i ; ?$@R WI] zhi lirio yurin z i ; %'& & WIJ zhi bing fii zi Thesii Herba (thesiumo) A4LLIg jiii xiin ciio thesiumo (Thesii Herba) A41llS jifi xiin ciio The Source (CV-17) Z k *yurin jihn thick [in consistency] @j ch6u; [in dimension] B hi,u thick [in dimension] $1cd thick dried rehmannia [root] (Rehmanniae Radix Crassa) ;k %@ db shEng di thickened honey enema @ -F$& mi jiin diio fii thickening of the skin &/&jEB pi fii fii hi,u thick glossy white tongue fur 73G El E ? B sht tii bbi hi,u hub thick-leaved croton rooto (Crotonis Crassifolii Radix) % $Zj @ j i gii xiing thick soup S g2ng thick sticky 'menstrual discharge t3RB @j jing zhi nirin ch6u thick sticky menstrual flow t3m&!j@j jing zhi nihn ch6u thick tongue fur E m tgi hhu; B E hi,u tii thick yellow snivel (nasab mucus) @j bi ti huhng ch6u thigh dh tui; & gil; JlilZtui; #$ bi thigh or shin flat abscess @ RE i) & gfi jing j, thigh bone KB gfi gii; da tui ~ 6 ; A @ @ d&jihn gfi Thigh Bone [non-channel] $Zj kuiin gri thigh bone [femur] @$Zj bi gii thigh flat abscess (id) 8an & gfi jfi; k KG d2 tui jii thigh joint @ % bi guin Thigh Joint (ST-31WF10)@ % bi guiin thigh pain K B gfi t6ng Thigh Pivot (GB-30) #@@* bi shd thigh pivot [great trochanter or acetabulum] #@@ bi shii thin @ shhu; xi
thin as brushwood $j @ X I % xi60 shhu rh chcii thin body and somber complexion jf5@ & G xing shhu st c6ng thin body despite large food intake g& 9 @ dud shi shEn shubu thin clear menstrual discharge ?$@$%% jing zhi qing xi thin dried rehmannia [root] a (Rehrnanniae Radix Tenuis) %%*lj xi shdng di thinness despite large food intake @ shun shi t r shhu thin sloppy stool k?F%%du bihn xi tcing; k@$&$#da biun tcing 66 thin tongue fur g@jtrZi bd; W S bd tai third 3 sari; $j2 3 di san third earthly branch 3 yin third heavenly stem fi bing third period of greatest heat 3 E san fh Third Space (LI-?I~~+O) ra7 s i n jiiin Third Variant Qi-Righting Powder Efin 8lETB s i n jiii jiin zhtng qi sin third yang channel [greater yang] 3BEt scin y6ng third yin channel kreater yin] Pa san yin thirst $8 k t ; a tE k6u k t thirst with a liking for cool drinks t 8 B i,$ t? k t xi licing yin thirst with a liking for hot d r i n p $ES?k tk kir xi rt yin thirst with intake of fluid $EtA k t yin thirst wirh i i h g Poi- c m i did= U $5 G i,$tA k6u k t xi licing yin thirst with liking for fluids ti t8Bt.k kkiiu k t xi yin thirst with no desire for fluids tET% tk k6u k t bu yu yin thirst with no desire to drink $ET#tk k t bu yu yin thirst without large fluid intake t8;l;g t? k t bh dud yin thirst with taking of fluids 3 1 t? k6u k t yin yin
Thoroughfare thirteen branches of medicine +3#shi san kd thirteen ghost points 3% R shi san gui xut thoracic jQ xidng thoracic distention and pain @j %P lE% xidng bu zhhng thng thoracic fullness J&iJ&?jxi6ng m i n ; jjQ$ $$ xidng zhdng m i n ; )@I %JQPlE % xidng bu zhang m i n thoracic fullness and rib-side pain jQt6 xidng m i n xi6 tubng thoracic fullness, glomus, and oppression @j $$ E PSI xidng miin pi mtn thoracic glomus BE xidng pi xidng thoracic impediment (bi) [old])@IE
bi thoracic oppression PSI xidng m t n thoracic yang a$ xidng ycing Thorough Clearing Beverage @@t? kuub qing yin thoroughfare @j ji2 thoroughfare and controlling vessel colddamp stasis bind ?+{%%%@%& chdng rtn hcin shi yu jit thoroughfare and controlling vessel cold pattern i${=f@iEchdng rtn hhn zhtng thoroughfare and controlling vessel heat pattern i$ {% $?:ijf chdng rttz rt zhEng thoroughfare and controlling vessels ?$ .I%chdng rtn thoroughfare and controlling vessel vacuity cold i$ {=fE % chbng rtn x6 hhn Thoroughfare ~ e v i r a ~ +fiei$tk zh6 chdng
thoroughfare-controlling disharmony I$ chdng rtn shi tiho Thoroughfare-Quieting Decoction 9f $ % an chdng lfing Thoroughfare-Securing Decoction El i$ $21 gu chdng tang thoroughfare vessel [new] i$ chdng; i$ B? chdng mhi thoroughfare vessel is the sea of blood ?+ chdng wCi xu&hiii Thoroughfare Yang (LI-20) I$ pH* chdng yhnl:
Thoroughly Pounded Paste f- & qinn chui giio thought [mind associated with spleen; also one of the seven afjiects] ,F, si thought causes qi to bind [preoccupation causes qi to bind] ,F,Yl] %t&si zi qi jii thousand-day sore [wart] f El % qiiin ri chuiing Thousand Golden Pieces Tangkuei Decoction f-& 3 El 13% qiiin jin diing gui tiing Thousand Gold Pieces Cockcrow Powder f &% 0% 3 qiiin jin j i ming siin Thousand Gold Pieces Internal Expulsion Powder 'FT- & m R 3 qiiin jin nti tu6 sin Thousand Gold Pieces Phragmites Decoction f-& 3 t% qiiin jin wti jing tang Thousand Gold Pieces Powder f &3 qiiin jin s i n Thousand Strings of Cash Decoction f 43 @$ qiiin min tiink threaded ligation [method of treatment in external medicine] $34-J E & p a xian liao fn'; HgJPi4; gua xian f i threatened miscarriage X j L Y B P xiiin zhho liLi chiin threatened pregnancy epilepsy % jkT#j%j xinn zhho zi xihn three 2 siin Three-Agent Elsholtzia Powder 5@&% 'i:? san wR xiiing ru yin Three Agents Emergency Pill 3$?!I1$r 3,,h siin wu bti ji whn Three Agents Little White Powder =$?!I Q B s i n wu xi60 bai siin Three Agents Scutellaria Decoction Z$5l th siin wii huhng qin tiing Three Agents White Powder 3% 03 sin wu bhi siin Three Ankle Needles [non-channel]H Z $j- huhi siin zhEn; (C-LE-2) BEliJr hubi siin zhEn three bars of the finger $ g Z # zhi siin guiin three causes [of disease] [the three categories of disease causes] 3 s i n yin ' three charred agentso (Crataegus, Hordeum et Massa Usti) 2S.fthsiin jiiio xiiin
three Three Dispersers Beverage ?$ 'i:X sin xiiio yin three-edged needle =@/it- sin ling zh2n Three Fen From the Gate (GV-1) siin f2n ld three five-day periods [one solar term] 3 .fG siin hhu Three-Five-Seven Powder 2 5.-k3 sGn wii qi siin three-flowered ainsliaea leaf@ (Ainslitl &o kbu aeae Triflorae Folium) yho Three Flowers Spirit Protection Pill =E tEfl&fi san h~iiishin yhu whn threefold Z siin three gems [essence, qi, and spirit] 5S siin biio three grades [of medicinals] 5& sin pin three hairs [region just proximal to the base of the nail of the great toe] 232 sin mao Three Immortals Elixir 34dfJ- sGn xian diin Three Immortals Pill E{L[fi I s i n xiGn wan .
Three Impediment Decoction 3%$13% san bi riing Three-In-One Qi-Infusing Decoction 3$% 5th siin yi ching qi ltiing three inward fall patterns E[l"uiiEsin xihn zhkng Three-Kernel Five-Seed Pill 34 13iF 5tL s i n rin wii zi wbn Three Kernels Decoction E { I ~ skn % rin tiing Three Kingdoms [220-280 A. D.] 3El sdn gu6 Three Knee Needles [non-channel] 8s 5 $+xi siin zhEn; (C-LE-1) jE 3$j- x i siin 4hEn three-leaved eupatoriumO (Eupatorii Trifoliati Herba) Bg yE mir zhui Three Li (arm) (LI-10) T&E ( f)* siin li shbu Three Li (leg) (ST-36) Z 3 ( Z )* siin li zri three methods of treatment 3% siirt fii
three mysteries [essence, qi, and spirit] 5 3 s6n qi three-needle method Z lit $11 & sari zhen ci fii Three-Option Anise Pill ZEEiB $L sari ctng hui xiang wan three periods of geatest heat 3 . f A siin fk three positions 33 siin bu three positions and nine indicators Z&l3 h{@ siin bu jiii hbu three postpartum crises P.63,%, chiin hbu sdn ji three postpartum desertions P 63R chiin hbu san tub three postpartum diseases f"&='& chiin hbu s2n bing three postpartum surges P 63j$ chin hbu s i n chcing Three Raw Agents Beverage 3*t% san shdng yin Three-Seed Decoction 37P% san zi tang Three-Seed Filial Devotion ~ e c o c t i o nZ 7%%f 3 ~scin zi yiing gin tang Three Shang [non-channel] 2% sari shGng Three-Shot Gun &- $g;f;e san pin y i ti40 qiring Three Spirits Pill Z@,% sGn shin wan Three Stones Decoction E E @J san shi tang Three Stones Powder S E R shn shi siin Three Ransformations Decoction Zit $21 san hua tang Three Veins on Dorsum of the Ear [non2r bki jing mai channel] qd& f$$+a3 sLZn tiho Three Vertebral Holes [non-channel] @ 3 5 t ji s i n xuk three wasting-thirsts 3 Y san ~ xiao three worm diseases 3&% s i n chbng bing Three Yang (GV-20) S P Q * sin yhng three yang channels of the foot Z pH23 zk sin yang jing three yang channels of the hand + 3 8 H a %$shbu s i n yang jing
Throat-Clearing Three Yang Connection (TB-8) PQ $& san yting lui, Three Yang Fivefold Convergence (GV20) E P Q 5 2 * sdn yhng wii hui Three Yellow Jewels Wax Pill ZSZ!k,",Stl san huang biio la wtin Three Yellows and Gypsum Decoction 6@ $2 san huhng shi gao tang Three Yellows and I k o Fragrances Powder 23 1& & sLTn huling i r xiiing siin Three Yellows Bitter Orange and Ovate Atractylodes Pill 53jf:R$ JtL siin huang zhi zhk wan Three Yellows Decoction 3 %I sGn huang tang Three Yellows Four Agents Decoction 3 @ e4 $9~ P% san huang si wu tang Three Yellows Heart-Draining Decoction LS P$ IL~ P2 sin hudng xii xitz tang Three YePEows -Wash Preparation 2 t% sdn huhng xi ji Three Yellows. Wax Pill 3?$!Nil h, sGtz huhng la wan three yin channels of the foot E G zk sari yin jing three yin channels of the hand +EPJ% shbu san yin jing Three Yin Intersection (SP-6WIi0) E 9 san yin jiiio thrive by B xi throat il$ hbu; DG yi; & ! lbng; URN$ yctz hbu; UjgaZ hbu lbng throat block QM' h6u bi Throat-Clearing ConstructionNourishing Decoction $8O H % @ $2 qing y&n yiing ying tiing Throat-Clearing Decoction .is5-aH?% qing yan tiing Throat-Clearing Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction .if$Dm $11 BE@J qing yan li gi ting Throat-Clearing Dryness-Moistening Decoction @l@@ ll%$%qing yatz run rao tang Throat-Clearing Phlegm-Precipitating T @ & qing yan xia tan Decoction tang
throat-entwining throat-entwining wind %fl%f l chdn hdu f2ng throat gan I@%hbu gcln throat impediment (bi) nl%Bh6u bi throat impediment (bi) preventing speech af%B 6E 2 hhu bi bu ntng yrin throat lichen (xiiin) q%@ h6u xiiin throat-locking toxin [sore] +fi @ 8 sud hdu dLi throat-locking welling abscess (ybng) tfi al%% sud hdu ybng throat-locking wind $ f i q % f l .wd hd~rft;ng throat moth q%&hdu k throat mushroom nl%B h6u jun
throat node [tonsil] @ @ h d ~ thk throat pass [isthmus offauces] @# hdu gucln throat pass welling abscess (ybng) q%% jFij h h ~ gu(itz l yOng throat rale q%$!+$ hdu zhbng Z L M shetzg; ~ @ u E S ~ $ h6u ming y6~1sh2ng throat rock (yrin) al%% hdrt yrin throat wind @jX, h6u fing throbbing of the heart &i\9;k xin tiio thoroughfare and controlling vessel damp-heat stasis bind j$ if tZ $4: @ $& chbng rkn shi ri yfi jik thoroughfare and controlling vessel stasis obstruction i$if@PB ch6ng r2n yu zii throughflux diarrhea # d6ng xi& thrust out(ward) 3 tbu thumb @ j E mii zhi; k jE t l i zhi; A)E sh6u dir zhi thumb body inch BjER 9 -imii f zhi tdng shEn cun Thumb Bone Hollow [non-chnnnel]k ff 2 d i gfi kbng thumbtack needle %$jqitz zherz thunder Z lki thunder and fire spirit needle SA;E$$t lki hi16 shin zhen thunder god vinem (Tripterygii Wilfordi Radix, Foliurn et Flos) Z f i @ lki gbng tkng thunder head wind s g f l lii t6u f2ng
Tiger thunderous rumbling in the abdomen @ EE 02 fu zh6tzg lki ming thunderous rumbling in the diaphragm Bfi SqZ o ! gk jicln lki ming thunderous rumbling in the inte'stines jj& +-Ei?uq FE1 - chring zh6ng lki mittg thunder rampart Sj$$ lki kuo thyme-leaved spurgea (Euphorbiae Thyrnifoliae Herba) /I\ X )% S xido ft;r ydng ciio; + @ g *qiGn g2n cdo; /j\ 4Ltt S* xiiio rii zhi cilo tian-gui [the principle of reproductive viaW iiGn gui brlity, menstrua ti or^] Tiantai Lindera Powder % 2 L2,ZGB tirin trii wfi yio sdn Tianxiong Aconite Pill Xhfi tian xi6ng wrin tianxiong aconite [tuber]" (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Tianxiong) %t,B tihn xidtzg tibia jLzg; &ff chkng gfi; fig hrir; t}I @ gin gii tickly dry throat @ fe T 1 hdu ldng gGn mrio; UHq9.f L yr7n hbu grin mrio tidal [of fever; j7ilshrtzg] j@ chrio tidal fever j#?$ chdo r% tidal fever in the five hearts h,i\j@t,C': wil xin chrio ri tidal heat in the palms f~ i \ j @ $ kshbu xitt chdo shao tidal reddening [of the frzce] $ 1 chrio hdng tidal reddening of the cheeks m ? J j t # $ I m i i n jiri chdo hbng; jBj@jj#l$I lidng qurin chrio hdng tidal reddening of the face j$j&i#$I midtz s2 chrio hdng; j$$jmj#$I yhz m i i n chrio hdng tie [cotznectrngstructwcs of certarn o r g r ~ n ~ ] /5;\ xi ties of the five viscera home to the heart Fi@ /5;\ E JL) wii zing xi jit; shfi yli xi11 tiger & hii tiger bonem (Tigris 0 s ) &B hfi gii Tiger Bone and Chaenomeles Wine Iff@ $ J!S@ hii gii mu guri jifi Tiger Bone Four Jin Pills R B FI fiA hfi gil si ]in w i n
tiger bone glue' (Tigris Gelatinum Ossis) R hii gii jldo tiger's genitalse (Tigris Penis et Testis) Iff@! hii binn tiger's kneecap' (Tigris Patella) R JE j3 hil jing gii; RRS B* hii xi gii Tiger's Mouth (LI-4) & i,a * hii kku tiger's mouth [region between the first and second metacarpal bones] I)i, hii kku tiger's-whiskers clove sore (ding) R 3g fi hii xii ding tiger's-whiskers toxin fijTJB hii xii du tight % jin; +& mi Tight Heel Inon-channel] 9R % gdn jin tightly contracted lips i,a EY! % kku chhn jin sub tight mouth % kku jin tight pulse j$$ YX mai jin; ff b$ jin mai tight yin and yang pulses j$$ l$l BEI @ 1.gmai yin yhng ju jin Tigris Gelatinum Ossis (tiger bone glue) R.i;i.Bffhfi gii jido Tigris 0 s (tiger bone) fiB hii gii , Tigris Patella (tiger's kneecap) R J@ j3 hi2 jing gii; Ifi,j$$j* hii xi gii Tigris Penis et Testis (tiger's genitals) & @ hhii bian time El$ shi timorous heart [i.e., apprehension] &T& xin qit timorous low voice ig$iRT& yO shdng dl nii
I '
tincture f!!jJ ding Tingli and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction 2jZEA 3j%j$ @J ting li di2 ziio xi; fei tang tingling mh Tingli Pill Z$fE5tlting , li whn tingli [seed] (Descurainiae seu Lepidii Semen) Z$ $$% ting li zi; T f i * ding li; %E*ting li Tin-Like Powder 5% %% xi 1i.i siin tinnitus 4 @2r ming
tdngue Tinosporae Sinensis Caulis (Chinese shen jin ttng; tinospora [sternla) &* rn @* kunn jin ttng; BEfi@*qing kuan jin ttng Tinosporae 'hber (tinospora tubera) & R jin guk liin tinospora tubera (Tinosporae Tuber) & % $E jin guk liin tinted vision $ X @ g @ shi zhiin yku st tip ;1;% bin0 Tip of the Ear [non-channel]FfgZr jinn Tip of the Elbow [non-channel]832 zh6u j * zh6u jian; (LV-13) jian; (LI-12) J+% g * zh6u jian Tip of the Inner Ankle Bone [non~ nti huhi jiGn channel] p t @* tip of the nose # & zhiin tdu; & @ bi zhiin Tip of the Nose (GV-25) a@* bi zhLin Tip of the Outer Ankle Bone [nonchannel] SIR* wai huhi jign tired % lti tiredness to speak # S juan yhrz toad-egg menses $2Qfl!@$SF jing rh xia mh zi toad head scourge !!fF@& hh mh wdn toad skin @$WE hh mh pi toad skin pattern !I!@& i j l chhn pi zhtng toad's skin' (Bufonis Corium) @& chan pi toad venom' (Bufonis Venenum) !@E chhn sii; @@ERE*chhn chLi mti zhi; jf@j g g - 3 JR* lai hh mii jiang; 4h$$!E* hh mh chan sii; g @ J R * hh mh jiitzg; @@!FIE%* chh mCi sB Toad Venom Paste @E$@ chhn sii gao toe @P 9k jiiio zhi; Bk zhi Toe Crease [non-channel]BkG zhi win toe next to the great toe Afki%/i!k dri zhi ci zhi; k 5lt fiE!.zri dd zhi ci zhi toe next to the little toe /J\ 9k f i 9k xiiio zhi ci zhi; /j\ 9d & 3i:Ik zli xi60 zhi ci zhi tofu tongue fur g@$ tii fLi toilette [euphemismfor bowel movement] FF ?K g2ng yi Toilette Pill E?Xfigdng yi whn tongue & shi
tongue and pulse &Jbk sht mai tongue bearing dental impressions & & chi h t n shk tongue biting @jSnil. sht; IIB " & nil. sht; Il%& nil. sht tongue blister &%$@sht shttzgprio tongue body &I+ sht ti; &M shk zhi tongue coating &Z sht tai tongue-curling welling abscess (yong) % ju6n sht ybng tongue examination # % sht zhgn tongue fur Z tai; & g sht tiii tongue fur [same as S tiii] 16 tiii tongue grime &fG sht gou tongue (image) & $2 sht xiang tongue impediment (bi) &% sht bi tongue is the sprout of the heart %& + m sht wti xin miho tongue like a -water bufialo's fiU 7k 2% rci shui nici zhi sht Tongue-Moving Pill EgfiStLzh~ifinsht wan tongue mushroom &E sht jdn tongue peeled bare of fur % $11 g guntzg bb sht Tongue Pillar [non-channel] %+$ shk zhu Tongue Repression (GV-15) Z K * sht yan tongue rock (yhn) %% sht yhtz Tongue Root (CV-23) & & * sht bbz; (GV-15) %#* sht gFn; (GV-16) &$.* shk bZn Tongue's Horizontal (GV-15) & @* sht htng tongue sore sht chuGrzg tongue spirit %$$ sht shin Tonsils [non-channel] j;lhbi6n tho; #$j#* b i i n trio ti Toonae Cortex (Radicis) (toona (root) bark@) & $ Ffi chcn bcii p i Toonae Radicis Cortex (toona root bark@) & #? $ Ffi chun ge~z bhi p i ; & ;t;RFfi* chiin gFn p i toona (root) bark@ (Toonae Cortex (Radicis)) &$ Q Ffi c h h brii pi; (Toonae $ Ffi chiin gFn bhi Radicis Cortex) pi
top-heaviness toona root bark@ (Toonae Radicis Cortex) +j$&'BFfi* c h i n gCn p i Toosendan Fructus (toosendan [fruitla) I l l $$?=jr. chuiin liun zi; ?%%*lii2tt shi; . I 1 %* rtn zfio; Jllil:$im* chruin lirin rbu; & $$ T* jin ling zi; 84% 3" kic lirin zi; t$i Z* liiltz shi; t % T * liiltz zi Toosendan ' Fructus Carbonisatus (charred toosendan [fruitla) )I( 3$3FE chuiin lian zi tan; & $+ 3 E* .jin ling zi jin ling zi tan hui; &+$--FE* toosendan [fruit] a (Toosendan Fructus) J 11 #%5 chuiin lihn zi; t%g*lihn shi; {I %* r t n 260; j ll#$ m* chuiin liiln rbu; & + $ T " jin ling zi; 34%3kfi * lihn zi; 4% g*lihn shi; il:$T* likn zi Toosendan Powder & $$? @ jitz ling zi siin tooth 5F yri; 9% yh chi; i% chi toothache tong;
3s yh
35 %yh
chi tong
Toothache [non-channel]
3% yri
toothache among the lower teeth i'&Bchi tbng tooth bed [mandible] fSRya chuhng Tooth Bend (ST-6) rfij Y* 9ii yh tooth-boring clove sore (ding) chuSin yci ding
9 5F E
tooth carriage [jaw] 5fQ yil cht tooth cold 8% chi hhn tooth decay $&Bchi dii; %&$chi qfi; b$ qii; 6 A t t i qii chi tooth marks on the margins of the tongue sht biiin chi httz
tooth worms [causing tooth decrzy] yri chbng; 3f& & yh chi ch6ng
5F & %
top grade kG shang pin top grade frankincenses (Olibanum Optimum) @j41 d i rii xinrzg; %J$1" ming ric; ji6n xifing top grade lonicera flowera (Lonicerae Flos Optimus) mi yin h ~ i a ,
top-heaviness 4 cling
fZ tbu zhbng jifio
Topical Anesthetic Formula 9b %%$$@@j fj- wai fG ma zui yho fang Topical Bone-Joining Powder 41 $$@&% wlii fii jig gii siin topical eye medication ,6IR didn yiin topically applied medicinal $4 @j whi yhng ylio topically applied paste 91 BB 311 wlii fii gao ji Top of the Fontanel (GV-22) @I* xin shing top of the head dian; @ dian; @jI$ dian ding; dingt topsy-turvy speech i5EBl2lI yii yrin dian diio topsy-turvy vision @J%$@$d shi wu dian diio torment %I] xing torpid =t: dai torpid food intake daae to stomach heat E t4\&% wki r2 shi dai torpid intake nnh dai torpid stomach 3 % w6i dai torpid stomach intake 'jEj gfi X % w&inh dai zhi torpor B+% chi dun torpor of essence-spirit $$j$$E+$ jing shbn chi dun Torreya and Aspidium Decoctio,n $E5 E f i @J fti zi guan zhong tang Torreyne Semen (torreya [nutla) 4 3 3fe'i bi zi; ET* bli zi; zi; T*' b i zi; +,$T* &Z*@i shi tnr_rqz [n~d 0 ! < T a r e y ~ eCc 111F' n ) @ 5 @i zi; @ T* bi zi; &JT* bi zi; Z F4biL zi; @%* fe'i shi tortoise plastron* (Testudinis Plastrum) &figui bin; BE* shkn wii; &E* gut kC; !j!Q& EQ * bai gui jiii; J!Q & H* 6% gui biin; &%* gut tbng; @ T T * gui xia jiii; &aF*guidijiii; .tiQa$EQXg~rifiijid; Z yukn.wii b i n ; %K+kdn b i n ; jj'j.iE ~* t ~ ni a biin; E & E * bhi gut biin; & EQ* gui jiii; &&* gut biin Tortoise Plastron and Ailanthus Bark Pill %@A gui shii wkn
toxin Tortoise Plastron and ~ e e r h o r nTwo Immortals Glue %E {U gui fu b xian jiiio Tortoise Plastron ~ e c b c t i o n@ & ?% gui biin tiing Tortoise plastron, Deerhorn, Ginseng, and Lycium Berry Glue @E &?It;Z@ gui 16 shen qi jiiio tortoise plastron glue* (Testudinis Plastri Gelatinum) %Kflftgui biin jiiio; @@a?* gui biin jiao Tortoise Plastron, Phellodendron, Ginger, and Gardenia Pill % ;f;S$$&fi gut biii jiang zhi whn Tortoise Tail (GV-1) %E*gut wCi Tortoise Tail Long Border (GV-1) &E # gui w2i chhng jiang tossing and turning @$!jT% zhiin zhuiin b~ an to treat disease, it is necessary to seek the root fg 6 $7 $ zhi biizg bi qih yti 6212 to treat disease it must be pursued to its root ?&%$ & zhi bing qili btn to treat wind first treat the blood; when the blood moves wind naturally disapX ? & ~&Ff=jn , $ X zhi fing pears ?&R xian zhi xu?, xu2 xing f2ng zi mit tough 2 160 toxic infixation (zhh) ?$Z@ dli zhu toxicity $$Z dh toxic qi ST dLi qi toxin S dLi toxin congesting the qi aspect %@5,+) dLi y6ng qi fin toxin congesting the upper burner I % ddLi y6ng shang jiao toxin deafness S B dh 16ng Toxin-Diffusing Exterior-Effusing DecocE S t% xu& du fa biiio tang tion E$$Z ?hill-Dispersing Powder xuan dri sin toxin of sores % S chuting dli Toxin-Resolving Blood-Quickening Decoction M% @j & t%jit dk hub xu2 tang toxin [sore] 33 du toxin stroke 3 zhhng dil
toxin swelling jct]S zhcing dli Tbxin-Vanquishing Powder !@Sf& bai dLi siin 'Ikachelospermi Caulis (star jasmine lui, shi ting; 2 8 6*lui, stem) $%6@% shi 'Ikachelospermi Fructus (star jasmine fruit) g86Z lul, shi gub Trachycarpi Fructus (trachycarpus fruit@)%jI;iZJ.T zdng lk zi 'Ikachycarpi stipul4 (trachycarpus stipulea) %+Ej zdng gfi; @if:E*zdrg b i n 'Ikachycarpi Stipulae Fibra (trachycarpus zdng lh pi [stipule fiber]@) %jI;iZJE 'Ikachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Carbonisata (charred trachycarpus [stipule fiber]@) &$jI;iiijEzdng 1u tan; &E* zdng tan 'Ikachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta (old trachycarpus [stipule fiber]@) p% %E chin zdng pi 'Ikachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta Carbonisata (charred old trachycarpus [stipule fiber]) p& %E chin zdng tan trachycarpus fruit@ (Trachycarpi Fructus) &@JT zsdng lu zi trachycarpus stipule@ (Trachycarpi Stipula) G+Ejzsdng gii; %&i* zdng biin trachycarpus [stipule fiber] @ (TrachyE lu pi carpi Stipulae Fibra) @ @ Jzdng track (down) $9 ssdu track (down) wind $9R sou fZng track wind and expel cold & R B % sdu fEng zhri hhn tranquil R$ jing 'Ikanquil Hut Four Spirits Pill @%@!I@ dan liho si shin whn tranquil pulse b$E$ mai jing transform it hui2 transformation it hua transformation into cold %it hhn hua trarisformation into dryness 4tg huh zho transformation into fire .ItA huiL huci transformation into heat it?&hua I-& transformation of the tongue fur Z i t tii hu 6
transmuted transformatwe action of qi [old] T i t qi huh transform dampness [eliminate]4tE huh shi transform dampness and clear heat it?% ts 2: hua shi qing rt? transform dampness with aroma % &{t E fGng xiang hua shi transform glomus it% huh pi transforming tongue fur Z i t ttai hua ''Ikansforrning Yellow Decoction $?, $$ $3~yi huhng tang 'Ikansforming Yellow Powder % $$% yi huhng siin transform into dryness .It@ huh ziio transform into fire i&Ahuh hu6 transform into heat it?!:huh rt? transform macules it31 huh btan transform phlegm i t @ hua thn transform phlegm and disinhibit water it @$I 7JC huh thn li shui transform phlegm and dissipate binds it @B4,;4hua thn sizn jii transform phlegm and extinguish wind d t @ ,@,)XI, hua thn xi fEng transform phlegm and open the orifices .It@%%hua thn kai qiho transform phlegm and suppress cough it @ lt huti thn zhi k i transform putridity 4tE hua fii transform rheum and resolve the exterior % huh yin jit biiio 4t transform stasis huh yr.i transform stasis and move the blood it @ f T a hub yr.i xing xu2 transform turbidity with acridity and aroma xin xiiing huh zhu6 transform turbidity with aroma %&it$& fiing xitang hua zhu6 transmutation $fj9zhuiin bikn; 9 bihn transmutation and steaming 92 bian zhgng transmutation and transformation '2it bihn huri transmute 9 biitz transmute and transform 9.I.I: bihn hua transmuted pattern giI bihn zhkng
transportation transportation and transformation of fluid 7k @$$j.1.t: shui yi. s h i tlua 'Ikansport Gate (CV-5) &;IT J* shu m i n Transport House (KI-27) $$j$f* s h i fii; (KT-27W"o) &j$f shfi fii transport needling [one of the five, nine, and twelve needling methods] $$j$IJ shci ci transport point j@jRshfi xui; $$jRshfi xu; transport point [new] @ shfi; $$j shfi; g jq l shfi; @fishii xu6 transverse bone +$!jB hing gii transverse bone below the shoulder E7; jF% ,W- jiiin xiu hdng gii transverse crease &%2 hhbzg win Tkaaasverse Crease of the Big Toe [nonchannel] EJ #k9 $3$2 mii zhi li Izbzg win transverse insertion i(;$!j$lJ hing ci transverse needling Tj?lJ ping ci; &/it wh zh2n trap %% t Trapae Fructus et Radix (water caltrop [fruit and root]) % ling; &%* lbng jilio; '. 3 11; % % * ling jilio trapped heat f 4 \ 3 r2 6 trauma pointer )E.1%& bbLi shfing di6n traveling influx zhic [moving impediment (bi)] S& zbir zhir tray GI@yrio bicirz; @I biiin tray clove sore (ding) )E&E tuo plin ding treasuries and houses zGng fii treasury @ zlirzg; zung tf*
lkeasury Center lkansport (L;U-1) R i+ &* fii zh6ng shii treat [disease] $6zhi; tkfl zhi licio; E yi treat disease fhfi zhi bing treat disease before it arises ?kj?%zhi wti bing treating cold with cold % H9$iH hdn yin hlin yong treating heat with heat ?4: ?4:H rt yin rt yong treating lower body disease through the 1I@ xi& birzg shhng qfi upper body 7; @?j
'Ikibuli treating the root and tip simultaneously $3i& R &. biio btn t6ng zhi treating the stopped by stopping B H B H tong yin tong yong; 3jg H3jg H siii yin siii yong treating upper body disease through the lower body kfi7;I@ shung bing xia qfi treat injuries and mend breakages 5g{% t3 L& li shing xu duun treatise ie liin treatment &@ zhi licio treatment demands [correct] attribution [of signs] ?h*XE zhi qih qi shii Treatment for Deafness [non-channel]E @.* yi lbng treatment of the tip is less important than zhi jS i T 2D t treatment of the root th F bifio bic ru zhi b2n treat the exterior before the interior &% 6 g xiiin bido hbu li treat the left through the sight U & ? k g yi yhu zhi ZLG treat the right through the left U:Atrt6& yi zub zhi yhu treat the root ?k$. zhi b t n treat the tip ?6jF3zhi biiio trembling limbs zhi zhhn trembling tongue &&li; shd zhrin; &li;d zhhn shi; &B$ shi chiin tremellaa (Tremella) 8 blii mir 2r; 8 q.q*bcii Zr ti; @q.* yin t r 'Ikemella (tremellao) 8 $ blii mu tr; qF*blii i;r zi; f E q * yin .?r tremor zhi.12 chun; @ij chrin; E zhtn tremor of the arm +@SBjj shbu bi zhkn . cizizn tremor of the hand +@ij shbu chan tremor of the lips Wgjj-Zifi chrin chizn dong Tremor-Stabilizing Pill Z % $L ding zhtn whn tremulation [manipulation technique] tit $& dd6 fli 'Ikibuli Flos (tribulus flowera) S V E ji li huii Tribdi Fructus (tribulus [fruitla) .$I]2E 3j@ ci ji li; 8 Z* bhi ji; Q E%*bhi ji li; @ @* ji li; S @* ji li; E3j@T* ji li zi; t k Z 3j@* du ji li
tribulus flower@ (Tribuli Flos) g % E ji li h u i tribulrns [fruit] @ (Tribuli Fructus) j?lJ g @ ci ji li; Q g*bhi ji; Q %@" bhi ji li; E %* ji li; g %* ji li; g %T* ji li zi; +k E @* d3 ji li Tribulus Powder $ g %;fir bai ji li siltz Richomonas Cleansing Pill E?&it+jkm t i d i jing whn Trichosanthes and Arctium Decoction JIS, @ +%?% g u i 16u tzih bhng tnng Trichosanthes and Cinnamon W i g Decoction $&&;);%@$51guii 16u gui zhi tiing Trichosanthes and Dianthus Pill $8@ $4 SJtLg u i 16u qu rnhi whn Trichosanthes and Unripe Bitter Orange Decoction il;&;f;@il;R%.ih guii 16u zhi shi tiing Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive, and PinellQ ?3J ggu 16u lia Decoction $& xi2 bhi bhn xiLi ting Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive, and White Liquor Decoction $8& a Q Q $3 ?3J g u i 16u xit bhi bhi jiii tiing trichosanthes [fruit] @ (Trichosanthis Fructus) il;&@ gua 1 6 ~ ;I&@*gua 16u; 2 A@* qubn guii 16u; $&@* gucZ l6u trichosanthes rind@ (Trichosanthis Pericarpium) $&&&guii 16u pi; $&@%* guii E*guii l6u pi; 16u k i ; E*g u i k i ; $&%Ffi* g u i 16u pi trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) E X $ $ )tian huii fe'n; *E* tidn huii; R A$$)*tiiin guii fin; A E!, @* g u i 16 gZn; JR@#W* g u i l6u g2n; EW* huii fin; ,$&@#El* gu5 16u g2n; $&@W*g u i Lou fin; $&@#3* g u i b r c gZn; @@* Ibu g&; %#j* 16u fin; ffi+g*di 16u; MZ* rui xu;; EJ&&*shi g u i g2n Trichosanthes Root Gruel % E ~ % ?tJi i n h u i fZn zhiiu trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) $&&T g u i 16~1zi; g u i rin; A%{I* guii 16u rin; #&{I*g u i rin; $& @{z* g u i lbu rin; @,%{I* g u i 16u rirz; grci ban; $&&%* g u i 16n shi
@a +
triple trichosanthes seed frost@ (Trichosanthis Seminis Pulvis) $&@{I% guii ldu ritz shuitzg; IKZ 4 1 z' gun 16u rZn sh~rntzg lkichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix (cucumber gourd root@) •’A#3 whng guii g2n; fJK&*tic gua gEn; % ~ dfi* la; $1 +F.iEh%* hho zi zhitz t6u; *El%*tfi hun fztz; LLI 3)!I*s h i n kic guii 'Ikichosanthis Fsuctus (trichosanthes [fruitlo) $ guii 16u; IKZj!$* gua 1611; IK Zj!$* quhn guii h;$&@* guii I& 'bichosanthis Fructus Integer (whole trichosanthes [fruit]@)*$ quhn guri. l6u 'Ikichosanthis Pericarpium (trichosanthes rind@) $&il;g&gui 16u pi; $&+j$E* g~ri lbu k t ; JKE*gui k t ; Ill%&* g ~ u i16u pi; $&% &* grui 16u pi lkichosanthis Radix (trichosanthes root@) %E#j tiiitz hua fin; K Z * t i i n E ;f;W* guii hub; AM* tian guii fin; lb g2n; J&@&*gui 16u g2n; XU* hufi fin; $&&$#W* g u i 16u g2n; $&@$$)*guii lbu fe'n; $&@;t;F* gui 16u g2n; @&* 16u g2n; %@* 16u fin; di lbu; *4* rui XU;; E JK ;f;R* shi gui g2n 'Ikichosanthis Semen (trichosanthes gui 16u zi; A {I* g u i seed@) $&@T rin; )&%{I*gua' l6u rin; $&41* g u i rin; $&&{I*gui 16u rin; 86% {I* guii 16u gui ban; IF&@%* g u i 1611 shi rin; A#@* nichosanthis Seminis Pulvis (trichosanthes seed frost@) $&&${I%guii 16u r t n shuitzg; Ifi%41%* g u i ldu rin shuiing trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) $11 2 EQ ci ci s i n jii; 3 EQ Ffi* siin s i n jiii; j?lJZfiQ* jiii pi; k2fin &* tic s i n jii pi; Ehn Ffi* s i n jii pi; LLI EQ * s h i n s i n jiii trifoliate acanthopanax twig and leaf@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Ramulus e t Folium) Q "jia bhi 12 wZi 'Ikigeminal Neuralgia Empirical Formula @?3@~ts%fi s i n c h i shtn jing thng jing yan fiing trinity 3 s i n tripe af dii triple 2 s i n
Triple Action Decoction fg$%srln yi frlng Triple-Armored Pulse-Restorative Decoction F Bjii t% sfitt jiii f i l mhi tiing triple burner Z %, srfn jifio Triple Burner Alarm (CV-5) 3E,3$*srfn triple burner channel 3%,?2sdn jirlo jing triple burner cough 3E,0% s i n jido k t triple burner governs the sluices 2% 3: &?a s i n jiiio zhii jud tiil triple burner pattern identification 3E, BiH s6n jido biritz zhttzg triple burner repletion heat EE,Zt!: s i n j i i o \hi rt
Triple Burner Winsport (BL-22""o) 3 f$j
sstZtz jillo shll
triple burner vacuity cold
2 % E %slIn
jiiio XL hrin
fu xi60 rnai; ?j
j.1S- I]\
'Ikitici Testa mai fci;
slln hi2
Triple Intersection
(CV-4) 34& g* .siin
jik jillo
fu shui mhi;
#i S* hudi xi60 mhi
(wheat bran) /I\ %% xirio
?+%*ling fii
'Riumfettae Bartramiae Radix (triumfetta [root]@) BEillj4&Ehuung hurl di trio hu6
triumfetta [root] @ (Triumfettae Bartramiae Radix) $$Eifi&&E hukng huii di tho hud
Trogopteri seu Pteromydis Excrementum (flying squirrel's droppings) 5 ZflE wii , %* h h ling zhi; FJ$* ylio bbz; % 9 $ ! %* hdn qut f i n ; Z hrio ch6ng fkn; $+2
triple combhnadion pulse
liizg zhi
RoPPii FPos (globeflower)
jin lidn
Poop-Marching Powder
4 7% if.k
xing jLn
triple needling E$I1 siin ci Triple Pool [non-chnnncl] EPb siin chi Triple Supplementation Pill 3;i.b ;fi siiiz bLi wlin
triple yang [three yang channels] fBEl .siin yring
Triple Yang Clearing and Resolving Decoction E .igfi$$ $5srln yhzg qing jri; tiing triple-yang combination disease EPEI
uin ydng h i bing
triple-yang disease PEI % scin yung bing triple-yang headache 5BR & % srln ydng tbu tong
triple yin
Pitici Farina (wheat flour) xi20 bLii milin ft!n mai mian; $ @#j* 'Ikitici Semen (wheat) I]\ xi60 miti Tritici Semen Leve (light wheat [grain]@)
t+b*fu. m i i ;
j i i o mu
[three yin channels] 3 PB ~ d n
y in
triple-yin disease srln yin bing triple-yin headache 3 PA % siin yin tbu t6ng
triple-yin malaria E vdtz yin 11~1.2 triple-yin tetany E IJR@ siin yin ling Tripterygii Wilfordi Radix, Folium et Flos (thunder god vine) S G l i i gong ting trismus @ jin kbu
sore $jif Ci %
trouser-bottom toxin. [sore] $% Ll Z$Z k i ~ kbll dii true g zht'n true cold and false heat g % $ j?& zht'tz hdn jiii r t
true external cold 571g3$?wili zht'n hdtz true external heat 57b33t4: wtii zht'n r t true eye damage g Ugh$ tR ~ h t ' njing p& siin
fire g A zhgn hub ' P u e Gentleman Gruel
ES$&' zhen jcin
true headache BX@5 zhbz t6u t6ng true heart pain g & g zht'n xin t&ng true heat and false cold g?!:@% zht'n ri. jid hrin
true internal cold m g s n t i zht'iz hdn true internal heat n t i zherz ri. True Jade Powder 2g3 J& zhEn siitz Wue Man Life-Giving Beverage g A 'i6i$
zht'n rgn hub ming yin
True Man Viscus-Nourishing Decoction $$ A 8 $2 zhen r t n yiing zing f i n g true origin zhen yurin true origin vacuity panting g5 $1 n% zhen yuan hho siin chuiin true qi BT zhen qi true repletion and false vacuity g%#$E zhen shi jiii xii True-Safeguarding Decoction 4% B ?% biio zhCn tang True-Securing Decoction IZIg?% g& zhZn ting True-Securing Pill g gu zhen wrin True Shoulder (SI-9W"O) j$ jian zhen true vacuity and false repletion g E ? R % zh2n xii jiii shi true visceral color zhen zang sk true visceral pulse BEb* zhen zang mai True Warrior Decoction g S ? % zhen wivii tang true water g7k zh2n shui true wind stroke $$ J4, zhen zhbng f2ng true yang WPH zh2n yring true yin Lg PJj zhen yin tsaoko [fruit] a (Amomi Tsao-KO Fructus) 3 ciio gub; g Z F * ciio guci t i ; @ Z 41" ciio gub r i n Tsaoko Pill Z%$Ldbu khu whn tube insertion E HsSif-$& g G n zhbz jin zhiin fii tubular stalactite0 (Stalactitum Tubiforme) @j?L 6 d i rii shi tuft of hair [region just proximal to the first metatarsophalangeal artzculation] % % jh mrio; &% c6ng mrio tugging [as in qi z&zg] @ qi; [same as @.chi] @ zhi; [same as $2qi] % chk tugging and slackening [clonic spasm] @? q4i zbng tugging wind mJ4, ch6u f2ng tuhuo [angelica root] a (Angelicae Duhuo Radix) 3* dii huh; 45%9* chang sheng kiio; ) I 1 3&%* chuan du hub; 3&$@ S* dk yrio ciio tuina [massage therapy] #$Stui nri
Turmeric tumbled celestial pillar [bowed head] 5 &?3J rian zhL diio tumor % liu tumor of the throat il%@h6u liLi tung oil* (Aleuritis Seminis Oleum) @I jm t6ng y6u turbid ?& zhu6 a r b i d Bath [non-channel] ?&if& zhud yu turbid evil ?&%p zhub xrt turbid evils harm the clear ?&%p'-%E zhu6 xit hai qing turbidity ?& zhu6 turbid medicinals are utilized sparingly ?&B+$fg zhu6 yao qing t6u turbid qi ?&5 zhud qi turbid qi failing to bear downward 2 &5 $[I$ zhuo qi bu jiang turbid qi goes to the heart ? & T ~ ~ J zhu6 L\ qi gut xin turbid slimy fur ?&J%g zhu6 ni tai turbid strangury (lin) ? zhu6 lin turbid tongue fur zhu6 thi turbid urine {F?&bian zhu6; Bt&yi zhub; @ rT$&xiiio bihn hlin zhu6; /I\ 4F xiiio bian hhn zhu6 turbid vaginal discharge dki zhu6 turbid water-humor 7JC&?B?& shut yk hun zh116; 7k &?pG ?& shui y i hun zhu6 turbid water humors 7k&?F??& shui y i hun zhu6 turbid yellow snivel (nasal mucus) &% bi ti huring zhu6 turbid yin ?&I@ zhu6 yin turbid yin failing to bear downward P$Z zhu6 yin bO jihng turbid yin goes to the six bowels ?&PBg3 h Arfif zhu6 yin gui lih fii turbid yin passes out through the lower orifices PJj ,$7;R zhu6 yin chii xi2 qiao turbid yin penetrates the five viscera ?& PJj jFE@ zhu6 yin zbu wii zang turmerice (Curcumae Lbngae Rhizoma) $$ $$ jizng huang; Jllg%* chuiin jiing huang; $$g* hudng jiing lhrmeric Powder $$%% jiing huring s i n
turn blue E2H fii ghn turtle % pi turtle back @ 3 gui bti turtle-dove's tail [xiphoid process] hEjE jiii w2i Turtledove Tail (CV-1SWI1O)fi$jEjiii we'i turtle's back phlegm [type of sore] @% @ gui b2i thn turtle's bloode (Amydae Sanguis) % & bi2 xut turtle's head klans penis] @ $& gut t6u turtle's head welling abscess bong) &$& $jj~ u t6u i ydng turtle shelle (Amydae Carapax) EQ biz jiii; L EQ* shang jiii; BE* bie k t ; E S T* biC gai zi; EQ g*bie jiii jiiin; fE EQ * tii big jiii 'hrtle Shell and Rehmannia Powder E EQ f fi % $2 bie jiii di h ucing tiing 'hrtie ShePP Decocted Pill B EQ Z J;jtL 612 jiii jiiin wan Turtle Shell Decoction % F @J biz jiii tnng Turtle Shell Drink !&9 bie jii2 yin zzi turtle shell gluee (Amydae Carapacis R2 bie jifi jiiio Gelatinum) 'Fussilaginis Flos (tussilago [flowerla) 3 E kuiin dong h~iii;3E* kuiin huii; GUE* kan d2tzg bud; Tfi E* rii dong huii; + X * dong hua; %+* kuiin ddng .Jbssilago Decoction 3 E $2 kuiin dong hua tang tussilago [flower] @ (Tussilaginis Flos) 3 +;it: kuiin dong huii; 3 E * kuiin huii; E* !
two-finger twelve cutaneous regions
pi bu
+rEQPshi kt-
twelve formula types +Ifill shi t r ji twelve joints r7 shi i r jik twelve needling methods IP$l] shi t r jit ci; I$1 shi 2r ci twelve ofiicials [the twelve organs] Ig shi t r guiin twelve points 1@J f i shi 2r shii xut twelve pulsating vessels It33 b3 shi t r jing dhng mhi twelve skin regions zE shi t r pi bu twelve source points IE f i shi 2r yuhn xut twelve sources IE shi t r yuun twelve viscera I E shi 2r zang twelve watches [two-hourperiods] IB$ shi 2r shi twelve well points z# f i shi t r jing xut 'helve Well Points [non-channel] E# shi 2r jing; (C-UE-1) I# shi 2r jing twenty-eight pulses s / \ lbjc t r shi b i mai twenty-four solar terms z FlIl-SiTt r shi si jii qi twenty needling methods I+$4 2r shi ci 3% t r shi twenty-three steamings snn zheng twig f i zhi twilight B hiin twirl #A niiin twirling [needle manipulation] $A$$ niiin zhuiin iwirling suppienneniation and drainage niiin zhuiin bii xi2 +$;iib twitching eyelid @ $t'2 $EF)L bno Iktz zhtn tiho twitching of flesh JJbJrun twitching of the eyelid JJbJrun twitching of the eyelids CJE@E$& yfin pi tiao; [IW ll$ JJliJ-Tifiyiin jiiin run dhng twitching of the eyes H JJS milu ritn twitching of the flesh L5JJJlilrhu run two 1 2r two-finger press 9 1 cX)EEE sh~uitzgzhi y i
+ +
+ +
+ +
two-finger press needle insertion S $t& xit chi jin zhEn fd twofold I t r two-handed needle insertion YJ? ?6 S H?& shuiing shbu jin zhEn fii Two Immortals Decoction I 4tlI?% t r xiiin tang Two Immortals Powder 1 b xiitz s i n Two-Ingredient Galenite Elixir II!! X f%!, fj- t r w i i h2i xi diin two intestines [large and small inte,stines] IRfrJ t r chang Two Li and a Half [non-channel] IZ t r l i ban l h o Matured Ingredients Decoction z% ! ?% kr chin tiing Two Parts Cinnamon Twig and One Part Spleen-Effusing Decoction @@ I$$@!?% gui zhi t r yut bi yi tiing Two Spirits Bill I$* b shtn wrin IHho Spirits Powder z$$& t r shtn siin
two turbidities [white turbidity and red turbidity] I$9i r zhud Two Whites [non-channel] s $ t r bhi
ulcerating sore jf$ @jkui ybng ulcerating welling abscess bong) and sores B'&?g{S ybng chuiing kui lhn ulceration if$WS kui lan ulceration of the eyelid rim IR!j%%E yiin xibn chi lan ulceration of the feet )?Ekif${S zh zhi kui lhtz ulceration of the mouth f .3s kbu sht m i lan ulceration of the penis PJlZjf$@ yinIjing kui lan ulceration of the supraclavicular fossa &?f$g quE p i n kui li2n Ulcer Point [non-channel] i$ jjij f i kui ybng xut Ulcer Powder is @i& kui yhng siin Ulmi Fructus Praeparatio (elm cake) %
wWLi yi; s g * wii yi; ch2u wil Yi Ulmi Pumilae Cortex (dwarf elm bark) &$ $ j3 yh bbi pi; Mj3* yLi p i
two yin [anal and genital orifices] IPJl i r y in Two Yin Brew I Z t r yitz jiiin Q p h a e Pollen (typha pollerio) 2% pu pLi li huii fgn; huring; BE E e * ph bang huLl fgtz; S S S * pir cdo huring; $E* ph h u i ; $ 3 pb cdo h~ui n p h a e Pollen Carbonisatum (charred typha polleno) % @ E pir huilng tan; B E* pO hut
typha pollenQ (Typhae Pollen) %% ph huring; S E E W * ph li huii f2n; %$$ E#j*p h bang huii f2n; %@%* pu ciio hubng; ph huii; @ S E *pLi ciio huii Qphonii Gigantei Tuber (giant typhonium tubera) ;$ $ Mij yii bbi fi
ulna iE@j zhtng gii Ulna and Radius [non-channel] R& chi rb o umbellate rock jasmine0 (Androsaces Umbellatae Herba seu Fructus) n& 3 hdu 16ng ciio umbilical f i qi umbilical cord aff% qi dhi umbilical damp aft&? qi shi qi shi umbilical damp swellin5 aff zhbng umbilical fistula fi@ qi l2u umbilical mounting (shbn) fi'a q i shhn
umbilical umbilical pain
3 aft % dang qi tong; E%
q i thng
umbilical sores aft'& q i chuang umbilical welling abscess bong) yonl:
uncommon evil 35fp qi xi6 unconsciousness ;;T; A S bci xing r t n shi;
umbilical wind q i f2ng umbilicus aft q i umbrella sedgee (Cyperi Alternifolii jici ldng tci Caulis et Folium) h&D15! zh ci
r t n shi bu xing
unctuous [urine] @ gao Unctuous Strangury Decoction
@ @J
gao lin tang
unctuous strangury (lin) @ # gGo lin unfavorable @ ni; H xi6ng unfavorable measles pattern R@ZiiE mri zhtn ni zhtng
unable ;;T;@ bu d t unaffbcted side @{J!lJ jian c t unbiased [headache] IE zhtng unbiased and hemilateral headache
zhtng p i i n tdu tong
unbiased headache iE&B zhbzg tdu tong unblock 3 tong Uncaria Beverage +Q@tAg6u ttng yin Uncaria Decoction +$@& g6u ttng inrzg Uncaria Drink @J@@S g6u ttng yin zi Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco (uncaria [stem and thornlo) g6u ttng; +Q% +&~;14* g6u ttng g6u zi; +9+Q@* diao g6u ttng; M B m * n t n g 6 ~ igiiu; •’WE* jin %@@*guh g6u ttng; +QT'g 6 ~ i g 6 ~ttng; i ding; @JB & B * diio gua jin ttng; '&I$* g6u t r ; %@* diao ttng; B @ * diao ttng; $9E@*diao ttng gGu; g6u g6u; Em*g6u tkng g6u; YXB@&* shuang g6u ttng
Uncaria Powder 'tGJ$$%% giiu ttng siin uncaria [stem and thorn] @ (Uncariae Ramulus c l ~ mTnco) @@ @!l t t n g ; @
E+QT* g6u ttngg6u zi; +9+Q@* diho g6u ttng; @+Q+~J* n t n g6u giiu; &+%lE* jin g6u ttng; %+kj@* gua g6u ttng; BT*g6u ding; @J@&@* diio gua jin ttng; g6u t r ; ;i:@* diao ttng; +9E*diao ttng; +9@+Q* diao ttngg6u; +Q%*g6u g6u; +Q @ +@*g6u tbzg giiu; $9.%I@* shuang g6u ttng
unclean food tk-&+@j yin shi bit j i t unclear spirit-mind ;'f+%+% shin zhi bu cling
unclear vision 33% T $$ shi wu bu qing
unfavorable pattern j$ ijf ni zhtng unfavorable sign ZiE ni zhtng ungratified desire to defecate $&{E
yu bihn bu d t
ungratifying defecation IF F % bian chci bu sh~ifing; # 4 9 7C; % phi bian bu shuiing
ungratifying ejection of phlegm Dl@+
tii trin bu shuiing
ungratifying menstruation
t3jTT % jing
xing bu shuiing
ungratifying urination
/I\ @+ % xi60 bian
bu shriiing
unhealthy emotions ;I;
1.W $8
bu liring
qing xu
Unicorn-Rearing Pill &?@$% yu lin zhci unidirectional twirling [needling method]
$2%tcud zh2n uniform redness of the face
mian h i chi st unilateral #ij pian
unilateral enlargement of the testicles S
gao whn pi6n da
3n;iaicn-si sag i.w,gging vJ' vne ie~iicieji,$$ Q pian zhui unilateral sagging of the testicles Q gao whn pian zhui uninhibited jFlJ l i ; @J chang uninhibited clear stool and urine
t r bian qing li
uninhibited copious urine
lF$lJ % xi60
bian li duo
uninhibited stool
k4EflJ da biun li; @!$I1
bian li
uninhibited hrination zi li
a $lj xi60 bian
union & h i Unionis Concha (freshwater mussel shell@) & + k ~tii mii li Unionis Concha Pulverata (freshwater mussel shell powdera) hew* g i fen Union Valley (L1-4wlIO) h i gii unite -f+h i united brightness of twb yang bang brightness channel] Bf3 6 % liiing ydng h t ming Uniting Bones (LI-4) &+j*h t gk uniting point [one of the five transport points] & f i h t xu6 unity - yi Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage +$ $3# S tA ppii ji xiao dli yin Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage Minus Cimicifuga, Bupleurum, Scutellaria, & Coptis E?j$PhStAgfifi p p i i jixiao driyin qri sheng m a chai hri hudng qin huhng lian Unlimited Eflicacy Elixir TiZ f f whn ling din unmentionable disease L$'& yin ji unquiet sleep U@@Trff shui mian bu n n ; -E 3;E Tf\ y t wi, bu a n ; ElFf;3;- wi, bu a n unquiet sleep a t night @ T & R yt bu a n mti Unrestrained Yang (ST-42) @ P I * d i i yang unretractable prolapse of the rectum a# D 4.k tu6 gang bu shdu unright qi TIE 25 bu zhtng zhi qi unripe bitter orangeo (Aurantii Fructus zhi shi Immaturus) Unripe Bitter, Orange and Amomum ' h o Matured Ingredients Decoction jj;,a,$$i~ [1% ?% zhi sub t r c h i n tnng Unripe Bitter Orange and GlomusDispersing Pill $j % rtl, zhi shi xiao p i wan Unripe Bitter Orange and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction if;g% zhi zhli tang Unripe Bitter Orange and Ovate Atractylodes Pill il;R % rtl, zhi zhli wan Unripe Bitter Orange Center-Rectifying Pill @, %5 9 rtl, zhi shi li zh6ng wan
Unripe Bitter Orange, Chinese Chive, and B 438 Cinnamon Wig Decoction ?% zhi shi xit bdi gui zhi tang Unripe Bitter Orange, Gardenia, and Fermented Soybean Decoction @%#EF$3 ?% zhi shi zhi zi chi tang Unripe Bitter Orange StagnationAbducting Pill @ % 3 % zhi shi diio zhi wan Unripe Bitter Orange, 'Ikichosanthes, and Cinnamon Tbig Decoction #?%lK;j;%;j;iE@ zhi shi gua 16u gui zhi tang unripe chebuleo (Chebulae Fructus Immaturus) gE zhng qing guci unripe tangerine peel@ (Citri Exocarpium Immaturum) g Jfi qing pi; E ;f;HJfi*qinggCnpi;g@E*qingjlipi Unripe Tangerine Peel Fowder sfis qing p i siin; E Jfi 3 qing pi siin unrooted tongue fur EZ;f;Rtni wri gen unshaved moutan [root bark] @ (Moutan Radicis Cortex Non Rasus) Bi;;Sfiycirirz dnrz pi unsolid stool j i { E F % dh bibn bii shi unstop & tong unsurfaced fever 9 24: F ?% shen r t bii ycing; 9 24: ;T; 41$5 shbz r t bLi wai yhng untimely menstruation )+I 2 2 T % yut jing bu zhiin untimely seasonal qi €19;T;E 25 si shi bu zh2ng zhi qi untwining rope pulse j&?$%h% ji; sud m h i ununited fantanels xin jig ununited skull @Pfi jig 16 Unyielding Space (GV-1SW1Io)S% l's7 qirirzg jinn unyielding viscus [unyielding viscus] Ifill] Rl! gang zhng up k shhng upbear fi shZng upbearing and stirring f i 3 sheng dhng upbearing, downbearing, floating, and sinking [drug bearings] f i @ $t sh2ng jihng fli c h i n upbearing fire flush @ g 1 f i A mian h6ng shZng hud upbearing formula f i 311sheng ji
upbearing [medicinals] can eliminate downbearing f i ftrrJ & B$ sheng ke' qu jibng upbearing of stomach fire W A k f t wti hu6 shhng sheng upbear the clear sheng qing upbear the clear and downbear the turbid f t PS K ?& sheng qing jiang zhu6 upbear yang and raise the fall *BE1 % lr& shgng ycing jii xian upborne elixir0 (Sublimatum Triplex) f i A- sheng dnn; .ft5* sheng yho upcast eyes $&HE dLii yrin; $&BEEM dhi yrin frin zht upcast yang $&pH dai ycing upflame k # shung yrin upflaming heart fire k g xin hui, shhng ybn upflaming liver fire j? k # gan hu6 shhng ybn upflaming vacuity fire E A l % xxii hui, shang ybn upfloater f t t+% sheng fh yho upfloating medicinal fit%% sheng fu ylio upfloating of vacuous yang EBHkt%xfi yring shang fLi upflow nausea $2% fan e' uplift fi sheng jii upper arm g6ng; k M shhng b6; Jr6 nho Upper Arm (LI-14WllO) @Jfi,; bbi nrio upper arm bone JJr'GBnau gii Upper Arm Bone-Hole (TB-13) J!$jI3 * nao libo Upper Arm Center [non-channel] @
h; L'""'"q -rLiimn
. -.
Upper Arm Convergence (TB-13) J J ,& nao hui Upper Arm Intersection (TB-13) g q* nlio jino Upper Arm Tkansport (SI-lOW1lo)$!I -& nao shii; (TB-13) JJf&* nao shxii Upper Back Ravine [non-channel] k ig shang hhu xi upper body 1shang Upper-Body-Clearing Ledebouriella Decoction t$k Pfi ?& qing shling fbng fcng tang
Upper-Body-Clearing Pain-Alleviating Decoction k B jfBih qing shang juan thng tang Upper-Body-Clearing Pill tg k JtL qing shang wbn Upper-Body-Clearing Powder tsk3 qing shhng siin
upper body cold and lower body heat k % 7; ?& shhng hhn xiri rt. upper body exuberance and lower body vacuity 1 7;E shang shtng xia xxii upper body heat and lower body cold 1 \!: 7; % shhng rt. xi& hhn upper body repletion and lower body vacuity k % T E shang shi xih xxii upper body reversal and lower body exR7;$8 shang jut xi& j i t haustion 1 upper body stone flat abscess oxii) k 6 & shhng shi jii upper body vacuity and lower body reple7;sshhng xxii xia shi tion 1@ Upper Bone-Hole (DL-31W'lO) k j j g shhng liho Upper Bright Eyes [non-channel] k HA Ba shbng jing ming Upper Brightness [non-channel] k % shhng ming upper burner kg, shang jiiio upper burner dryness-heat 1%, @ ?& shiulg jiGo zao r t upper burner governs intake k g.EE shbng jiiio zhii na upper burner is like a mist k % ~&ci-i~g jiao i-~iwii upper burner wasting-thirst kVh shang xiao Upper Celestial Pillar [non-channel] k E+J shang tian zhh upper cinnabar field ff shang dLZn tibn Upper Corner Spring [non-channel] k @% , shang libn quan Upper Deafness [non-channel] kg shang 16ng Upper Duct (CV-13)
I g*shbng guiin
Upper [non-chutznel]
k7T- $8
Upper Eight Evils [non-channel]
k / \ 4P
Upper Ear Root shring b gt?n shang bfi xit
Upper Eight Winds
jX shang bfi f2ng upper esophageal opening n& yi upper extremity j- shdu Upper Extremity of the Lip (GV-27)
&* zri
zhi shing lirin
Upper Screen Wind [non-channel] 1% Jil shatzgyi f2ng . Upper Sea of Blood [tzon-channel] kl
:& shang xnk h i i
Upper Spring at the Bend [non-channel]
k E&%
upper eyelid rim H J-$2 mu shdng xirin; €I Lljil mLi shktzg gfing Upper Gate (GB-3Wf10) # shhng gufin; (KT-20) I(J*.shilng m t n ; (KI-21) kTI*
shcing m t n
shLing qii qurin
Upper Star (GV-23WffO)kE shhzg xing upper stomach duct J-jgshling w i n Upper Stomach Duct (CV-13W110)kjz shiing w i n
upper surface of the foot ,!$Hj zzil fi.2; @
upper gate tower [region above the glahella] I'iFjk quk shang Upper Great Hollow (ST-37W1f0)k EE shang ju xii upper leg da tui; & gil Upper Metropolis [non-channel] k%B shcing dii
upper metropolis point J-$Bfi
shang du
Upper, Middle, and Lower Body GeneralUse Wind Pain Formula k $ T 33 H % shang zhong xiu tong yong tong ft?ng
upper orifice kg shhng qiilo Upper Palace of Charity (SP-12)
E*shhng ci gong &1 ' h shhng qii
Upper Ravine [non-channel]
fu; Hj fu
sfin l i
upper tooth decay Lg$j shang chi qil upper transverse bone [superior margin of the sternum] I+$j$+ shling hdng gfi upper wasting k.2i s~ h h g xifio Upper Welcome Fragrance [~zon-channel] J- %+ shcing ying xiiitzg Upper Wind Metropolis [notz-chuntzel] I jX $ shang f2ng shi Upper Yang Joint [non-channel] kPI#
Upper Yang Union
PI*shcing h i yring shang
Upper Ravine Divide [non-channel]
$Z* shang jie' x i Upper Regulator (CV-12) k4Z: s' h: h g ji; (CV-13) k4Z*shang ji Upper Ridge (LI-9Wf10) kjj? shring lirin; (ST-37) k&*shbng lihn Upper Ridge of Great Hollow (ST-37) E shring lirin
Upper Tear Container [non-channel] L @$ti* shhng chtng q i upper thigh #j!bi Upper Three Li (LT-10) 133' shilng
shhng ycing guan
Upper Pool a t the Bend [non-channel]
kg*ju xi2
qi h i i
upper eyelid H k)@ mu shang bfio;
Upper Ridge of the Arm (LI-9) -f r tl jj?* sh6u zhi shring lirin Upper Ridge of the Leg (ST-37) Z2k
Upper Sea of Qi (CV-17)
LG* chlin shhng duan
upraise f i g shdng t i upraise center qi f i g $5shdng t i zhong upraising medicinal f i $?% sh2ng ti yrio Upright Construction (GB-17W110)EE zhkng ying
upsurge of liver qi flTA I?$ giin huci shhng thong upsurge of the fetus into the heart TI
i$ ,i\zi shang chong xin
upsurging yellow humor S$@J-i$ huang yt shatzg ch6ng upturned eyes €I115 mu shang fiin; €I i$Y k?!mu ll fin shung shi upturned knife pulse {E J$$yycin dao mhi upturned pupils O$TB tdng zi gao upward 1 shang upward forcing of'fetal qi 4251B tai qi shang bi upward gazing eyes €Ik$X mu shang shi upward-looking eye [a kind of squint] €3 IlP$X mu yiing shi upward lookihg [eyes] [a kind of squint] Ilp $X yiing shi upward movement k shhng upward puPPining rigidity SZ_t qiang sharzg urgent [of the desire to urinate nnd pulse] 3,ji urgent formula 3,fi ji fing urgent pulse b$,%, mai ji; 3,bk ji mai Urgent Pulse (LV-12) 3,bk ji mai urinary and fecal incontinence I{E$G 3 t r bian shi jin urinary and fecal stoppage I E T B t r bihn bu t6ng urinary bladder pang piing Urinary Bladder (CV-2) RE*niho b i o urinary block R niao bi; /I\@ xi60 bian bi urinary frequency /I\ xi60 bian shub; R& niao shuo; R $fi niho pin; /I\ IE$g & xi60 bian pin shuo; @ &sbu shul, c r i n ~ r yin~,ant,i~er?ce ,g
X @ sht sou urinary stoppage /I\ 7)< T B xiiio shui bu tang; /I\ {ET,% xiiio bian bu chu; RT B niao b3 tbng; /I\ xi40 bian bu tong urinary stoppage in pregnancy fi3E/]\lE T B rtn shen xiiio bian bO t6ng urinary turbidity ?$S $& niho zhud; R $& niao zhu6 urinary urgency Ej?& niao ji
uvula urination /I\ iE xiiio bihn urine I Z nii2o; W1 niho; ?B s6u; ll\{E xi20 bian; /I\ 7)< xi60 shui; 111 ?% xiiio s6u; mPB qicin sou; 7)< 7% shui p a n ; 7; 79xi6 quhn Urine (CV-4) ?$57)<* niao shui Urine Disinhibitor [non-channel] $11 R* li niao urine odor @ siio; @% sao wti; j@3 sao chou urine sediment@ (Hominis Urinae Sedimentum) A Q rtn zhang bai Urocteae Ootheca (wall spider's eggcase@)%%$$$bi qicin mu; %$$?%*bi xi kl? Ursi Fel (bear's gall) 136i!3 xi6ng dGn; % @T*hCi xia zi used as medicine A% ril ybo used in pills AStt rG wan used in powders A 3 ru s i n use(d) raw $H shdngyong use medicines E5 t6u yao use with care @H shin yong ustum [Latin] ikJpao usual S su uterine bleeding [old] E B bbeng lhu uterine cold fis bbao han uterine cold infertility J@% ;l;9 bZo han bu yitn uterine gate [orificium uteri] @TI b i o mt n Uterine Gate (left) (KI-13) HTI*b i o mtn uterine network vessels /@% brio luo uterine obstruction /&JIB bko zE uterine pain *FE+& n n zi bLZo thong tong uterine vacuity cold figE % bbrZo gong xii hhn uterine vessels fib? b20 mai uterus 3g zi gong; P a /&J yin bba; 7Z b2o g6ng; qfi n; zi bao; E b2o Uterus-Opening Pill G E qi gong wan uvula @ T di ding; $3 Zrp di zhbng; %% xuan ybng; %BSxuan yong chui
Vaccariae Semen (vaccaria [seed]@) 3 T @ 17 wbng bu lid xing; @ fS* bu lid xing; ET $9fT* whng bu lid xing; $$$ E* jin g8ng h u i ; B&E* jiiin jin h u i ; & 3 Z q * jin jiiin d i o ciio; & ZZE jin zhrin yin thi; S E q * mai lhn zi vaccaria [seed] @ (Vaccariae Semen) E @5 7 wbng bu lid xing; f f f * bu lid xing; 5 T tE17* wbng bu lid xing; 2 E X* jin gcing h u i ; 3 jiiin jin h u i ; & 9 g* jin jiiin dao ciio; &%tE jin zhrin yin thi; ET* mai Zhn zi vacuity & xu; Egg xii rui, vacuity accumulation dysentery E xii j i li vacuity and emaciation E 55 T & xii rui, gin shhu vacuity and repletion @% xii shi vacuity cold &% xu hhn vacuity cold of the lower origin TZEG xia yuhn xii le'ng vacuity constipation E+A xii bi; +A da bian xii bi vacuity consumption $ jZB xii luo vacuity cough and hasty panting @ xii k t churin cu vacuity deafness @ xii lbng vacuity desertion @a# xii tu6 vacuity detriment &+B xii siin vacuity-detriment taxation damage & +B 9 4% xii siin 160 shing . vacuity diarrhea EjFj xii xi2 vacuity distention JJ!jE xii zhang vacuity dizziness E[k;xii xuan vacuity dysentery xii li vacuity epilepsy JJ!@jxii xian vacuity evil JJ!%P xii xi6 vacuity evil and bandit wind E%(3ER xii xit zti feng
+ &a*
fall & p& xii xian fatigue B Z xii bhi fire & A xE hu6 fire condensing in the throat E xii hy6 l i b h6u vacuity fire flaming upward E A 1% xi hu6 shang ybn vacuity fire rapid panting @A a%$, xii huci chuiin ji vacuity fright @Exii jing vacuity glomus @!Bxu pi vacuity heart pain @,i\% xii xin dng vacuity heat B?4c:xii rh vacuity heat advanced menstruation @?$ g3 17 X % xii rk jing xing xian qi vacuity-heat-clearing formula $S@ ?\! 311 qing xii rh ji vacuity-heat-clearing medicinal JiE?\! 2% qing xii rh yho vacuity heat failing to clear E?&FtE xii re bu qing vacuity heat night sweatin2 $j f&&RxG rh da han vacuity biccough EaE xii h vacuity is treated by supplementing $12 xii zh2-bii zhi; & filJ $1 2 xii z i bii zhi vacuity is treated by supplementing the mother & fll] $\ g El xii zt bii qi mii; J3 +?!+g\El xii zhe' bii qi mii vacuity is treated by supplementing the mothel; repletion is treated by draining ,the .child /37!$$1#fZk3 %$?%Zqxu zhe' bii qi mii, shi zhe' xit qi zi vacuity jaundice @$$ xii huhng vacuity macules @%Ixii b i n vacuity malaria xii nu2 vacuity obesity @J# xii pang vacuity of liquid #T& jin xii vacuity of right qi ZETE zhhng qi xii
vacuity vacuity vacuity vacuity
@e 8
vacuity of true origin in the lower body B St 7;& zhen yuan xi6 xii vacuity panting xii chua'n vacuity pattern &iE xii zht?ng vacuity phlegm @ @'xu tan vacuity puffiness ?% xC fh vacuity-repletion complex E% %& xii shi jia zri vacuity rumbling in the abdomen @ED% fh xii ming; E @ fu nti xii ming vacuity stroke @I+ xii zhong Vacuity-Supplementing Qi-Righting Gruel $1BiE5% bii xii zht?ng qi zhbu vacuity swelling )$/I+ xii zhdng vacuity swelling of the face mian fii xii zhdng vacuity taxation @!%xii 160 vacuity-taxation cough @ 5 @ xii 160 k t sou vacuity-taxation genital cold ESPRfi xii lbo yin 1Zng vacuity-taxation lumbar pain E%E@j xii 160 yao tong vacuity-taxation night sweating E%@?T xii 140 yin leng vacuity-taxation scant semen E% @ 9xu lrio jing sha'o vacuity-taxation steaming fever B %%?!! XU lrio zhcng rt? vacuity taxation with emaciation and weakness @! 33 xii lao' lti ruo vacuity taxation with marked emaciation @ 3@@ xii 160 biz sh6u vacuity tetany @ Bxii j i n ~ vacuity vexation xii fbn vacuity vexation and insomnia @ T 4% [IR xu frin bh de mi& vacuity wind stirring internally xii fZng nti dong vacuity with repletion complication 9 % xii zhcng jia shi vacuous E xii; E53 xii ruo vacuous heart and timorous gallbladder JL)@iE!E xin xii d i n qit vacuous kidney failing to absorb' qi ' R E T '1@5 shin x6 b2 na qi
vanquished li @ E xii li li examination i$E % zhZn xii li puffiness ?%@ fh xii pulse HE mhi xu; E bX xL7 mai qi failing to ensure containment 9@T@ qi xii bh sht vacuous vessel EbX xii mai vacuous yang failing to constrain F 3 xii yhng bh lian vacuous yang floating astray E P I ?%B xii yring fh yut? vacuous yang floating upward E P I k?% xii yring shang fir vaginal discharge $ Q bai dai; i; T dai xia vagina1 flatulence PRuAyin chui vaginal protrusion @j) +j yin ting chci; brolapse of the uterus] PB#E yin ting vain straining @%%E xii Z U nii ~ zi Valerianae Officinalis Radix et Rhizoma (valerian root) xik ca'o valerian root0 (Valerianae Officinalis Radix et Rhizoma) $ 8 9xit ca'o valley 8 gii Valley Gate (ST-25) 8[I*gfi m t n Valley Lead (GB-BW1fO)$ 8 shuai gfi Valley Passage (BL-66w9 3 8 ( 8) t6ng gii (zh) valley union needling [one of the five needling methods] -&8!$l] h t gfi ci Vanieriae Caulis seu Radix (vanieria [stem or rootla) 3% 6 chuin pb shi; B & @* huring jin gui vanieria [stem or root] (Vanieriae Caulis seu Radix) B @;Ei chuin p6 shi; $$& @* huhng jin gui vanquished @ bhi; @5(Y; bai huhi vanquished blood BlfIL b&ixu? vanquished blood surging into the heart @ hj$ JL\ b&ixu6 chbng xin vanquished blood surging into the lung @ hI$ @ bhi xu2 chbng f2i vanquished Mood surging into the stomach @ h j$ E bai XU; chbng wti vacuous vacuous vacuous vacuous vacuous
vanquished center-earth qi @ dz 5@ zh6ng tii qi bhi vanquished lung qi fl$5%2E f2i qi biri juC vanquished spleen and stomach Jl@E 5 !& pi wti qi bhi variant fin jia jiin variation {t& huLi chi; fin$$ jia jiiin varied {.I:& huh chi variegated carp@ (Aristichthydis Nobilis Caro) 13y6ng yri vary fin 8, jia jiin Veering Passageway (LI-6WF10)ffib5 pian li vegetable oil@ (Oleurn Vegetale) &@?a zhi wu y6u vegetarian X su veiled mao veiling dizziness Ik;B xubn mho vein WAij qing jin; E jin velvet deer antler slices@ (Cervi Cornu Parvum) Bj Zi?)+ lu r6ng pibn velvet deerhorn@ (Cervi Cornu Parvurn) j@i$ LIh r6ng; SEES*zhL lu r6ng; i$% * r6ng jiiio Velvet Deerhorn Four Jin Pills I$,i$ e4 f i 511, lu rbng si jin wbn Velvet Deerhorn Major Supplementation Decoction j@S A j+ $3~lu r6ng da bii tang Velvet Deerhorn Powder @ g &lli rbng sin Velvet Deerhorn Supplementing and Aslu rbng bii st? tringing Pill @?$ ++?ah whn venisona (Cervi Caro) Em 12 r i ) ~ venom ?$Z dri venter [old]8% win; 1% wti win ( p i n ) ventricose adhatoda [stem and leafl0 (Adhatodae Ventricosae Caulis et Folium) Ag2B-A dii 66 gii dan Veratri Radix et Rhizoma (veratrum li lli [root]@) @jF veratrum [root] @ (Veratri Radix et Rhizoma) @Fli 1ri verbena' (Verbenae Herba (cum m i bian cio Radice)) 4
Verbenae Herba (cum Radice) (verbena) 4@3Z mii biin ciio verging on desertion yri tu6 vermilion zhL; (Yinzhu) 5j3* yin zhL Vernoniae Cinereae Herba (gray vershing hhn ciio; Pi-%+* nonia) 4% 5$ yt xirZng niri; # LLIfi*xiko shan hii Veronicae Anagallis-Aquaticae Herba (water speedwell) 7K 3B shui kii miii; E$$S* mhng zhiing cio vertebra ?$f# ikeji zhui gii vertex dian; @j dian vertex [vertex cranii] $@jJJj dian ding; Ifi ding Vertex Gate (GV-22) IJj r7* ding min vertex headache @jJJjS&j% dihn ding tbu tbng Vertex Top [non-channel] J J j l * ding shang vertical inch ~ T J zhi - crin vesicle shuipho Vespae Nidus (hornet's nest) I@ lh f2ng fbng; !$ B* fing chbng; A S @$ R* dh huring f2ng kt?; 35% gC f2ng kE; E*fing fhng Vespertilionis Excrernentum (bat's droppings) E g $9yt? ming shri; RR* tian shii shi; #WE* h2i sha xing vessel fi rnai; H j mb Vessel-Freeing Counterflow Cold Decoction Bjik PI@$%t6ng mai si ni tang vessel impediment (bi) ji%B mai bi vessel measurement ji%B m i i du vessel opening ji* bk mbi kiiu vessel qi j#%% mai qi vessels and networks jik'L& mhi lub Vessel's Root [non-channel]ji%bkBR mki g2n vessel wilting (wci) B%fbkj%rnai i wci veteranarian $3 EZ shhu yi vexation $3 fin; &$fi xin fbn vexation [of the heart] $BJL\ fhn xin vexation, agitation, and irascibility $fi@ E E fhn .Go yi nri vexation and agitation $fi @ fhn zlio
vexation and derangement $381fbn luin Violae Yedoensis Herba cum Radice (Yedo violet) % X jh T zi huii di ding; vexation and fullness tjjs fcin miin ZgiC T*jin cai di ding vexation and sleeplessness IL\ $3F.% xin fbn bu mii violet0 (Violae Herba cum Radice) ifiT di ding vexation and oppression $34Ej fbn mi?n viscera [plural of viscus] @ zang vexation and sleeplessness JL\$3 @ xi12 frin bu mibn visceral @ zang vexation and susceptibility to fright $$jJlg visceral agitation @@ zhng zho F 9 frin jing bu iin visceral agitation in women $3A @ @L fu rin zang z&o . vexation and thirst fbn kg visceral bind @4,$ zang jib vexation in pregnancy ~&&JL\$B ri?n shlin. xin frin visceral cold @% zhng hrin vexation in the heart J L \ ~ P $xin ~ zhbng visceral gan E @ wii giin fan visceral humor 5%wii y2 vexation in the limbs e4E$jij11.tX si :zhi frin visceral impediment (bi) E@'Ewii zang mcin bi vexing heat in the five hearts ElL\$n?I: visceral manifestation @B z a ~ gxiang wii xin fin ri visceral manifestation theory @ & ig vexing heat in the heart of the palms and zang xiring xut shub soles Z &$35): sh6u zu xin fbn ri? visceral needling method E$lj wii ci vexing pain in the joints @j.-iJ$B& gii jit visceral pulse wii mai fcin ttng visceral qi @7zang qi vexing pain in the limb joints @j.-iJ$$jg zhi jit fbn ttng visceral stroke $I@ z h h g zhng Vietnamese Amomum Decoction 3% $9$21 visceral toxin E B zang du sub shii tang visceral toxin bloody stool @B4Ehzung Vietnamese amomum [fruit] 0 (Amomi dLi bian xu6 Villosi Semen seu Fsuctus) 36941 sub Visceral 'Ikansport (GV-I 1) @ &* zang sh6 rtn zhii vigorous [of fever or fire] j? zhuhng visceral water E7J( wii shui vigorous fever ?I: zhuhng 1-2 visceral yin @ PFJ zb!zg yin vigorous fire If A zhuang h ~ c i viscera move qi to the bowels @~?57 lfl? zang xing qi yu fii vigorous fire consuming qi' j? A -&7 zhuang hu6 shi qi Visci Ramus (red-berried mistletoe@) MI . . vine @ ltkg 3& hli ji sheng; ;IL%$&" b2i ji sheng vinegar @ cu; (Acetum) 8; cu viscus [plural viscera] @ zang vinegar' (Acetum) @* cu; S@*kii jiii Viscus-Nourishing Decoction %@?%yiitzg zang tang vinegar calcination ngflk cu duin viscus of fire and water [the kidney] 7J( vinegar dip calcination cu cui A 2@ shui huci zhi zang Vinum Aureum (yellow winea) S@!j viscus of wind and wood [the liver] jXl,* huring jiii 2@j feng mu zhi zang Vinum seu Spiritus (liquors) @ jiii visit kt Violae Herba cum Radice (violet) ilfT visiting [occasional, seasonal, temporay] di ding Violae Japonicae Herba sr-ll Radix rg k t (Japanese violet) 3$! % $ li tbu ciio visiting complexion r$ & k2 st
visiting evil r$gp k t xi6 visiting hostility r$'R kt wii visual distortion % mao visual distortion and tugging B@,mho qi visual examination %@ whng zh2n visual lining shi yi vital qi %5 sh2ng qi vitex [fruit] (Viticis Fructus) G %lJ F man jing zi; +iBlJ T * whn jing zi; WIJT* jing zi; 3 E T * mhn qing zi; 3 %lJ%* mhn jing shi Vitex Fruit Decoction S mhn jing ti tang Vitex Fruit Powder 7 % man jing zi sin Viticis Cannabifolii Caulis (hemp-leaved vitex stem) $tBlJE mii jing jing Viticis Cannabifolii Caulis Succus (hemp-leaved vitex sap) $k%lJtBmii jing li; %lJfi* jing li Viticis Cannabifolii Folium (hemp-leaved vitex leaf) $tBlJD t mii jing yt Viticis Cannabifolii Fructus (hempmii jing zi leaved vitex seed) +t%lJ 'Viticis Cannabifolii Radix (hemp-leaved vitex root) +It:%U mii jing g2n Viticis Fructus (vitex [fruit]) E#JTman jing zi; 3 JjlJT" wan jing zi; T * jing zi; S T * man qing zi; G%11%*m6n jing shi Viticis Negundinis Folium (negundo vitex [leaf]) B3jP-t hucing jingyt; 3i%&t* wii zhi gkn Viticis Negundinis Fructus (negundo vitex fruit) BBlJ=F hucing jing zi; @&+* hucing jin zi Viticis Negundinis Radix (negundo vitex root) 3.3Bllti3 hucing jing g2n Viticis Negundinis Succus (negundo vitex sap) B%lJtB huting jing li Viticis Quinatae Radix seu Lignum (fiveshin leaved vitexo) ;ffi%lJ6u jing; & ifig* pii;jikng; ;ffi$$* bu jiring; @S** 66 jiing mu vivus [Latin]& !. shEng
Vladimiriae Denticulatae Radix (south@ yut western saussurea [root]) @j!T! xi mu xiring Vladimiriae Radix (vladimiria [root]) W $ % qing mu xifing Vladimiriae Souliei Radix (Sichuan saus% chuin mu xiring surea [root]) Jlli$ vladimiria [root] (Vladimiriae Radix) W sing mri xikng vociferration and violent behavior fl 3 hii jiko d i ma voice F shEng voice box D$$T sing zi Voice-Clearing Pill t$f@h qing yllz wbn vomit D l tu; U ? yub vomiting D l tu; DEnf 6u tu vomiting and. diarrhea D f 7 ; tu xia; tu xit vomiting and retching DEL !I iiu tu vomiting a t the sight of food RPtk jirin shi ji tu vomiting from above and below the diaphragm kJjG7;m shhng g&xia gt vomiting in children /J\ I L BED! xi60 2r 6u tu vomiting in pregnancy fi3EnEaf rkn sh2n 6u tu vomiting long after eating &ADIXU! shi . jiii 6u tu vomiting of bile DEjH ciu din vomiting of bitter water DEL&-37k 6u th kii shui vomiting of clear water D E u & @ 6u ~ ~tu qing shui vomiting of food D I & tu shi vomiting of food ingested the previous day 9 El & % El D l jin ri shi ming ri tu vomiting of milk Dl41 tu rii vomiting of milk in infants /I\ JLU!$Lxi60 tr tu rii vomiting of phlegm-drool DEUfB?@&r ti1 tbn xilin vomiting of phlegm-rheum DED& @t$&r til tlin yin vomiting of roundworm ~flJlli; tu hui vomiting of sour matter Uf@ tu suiin vomiting of water tLc shui
vomitus vomitus
'Bbu tu wu
warm vulpine mounting (shdn)
$lahh shdn
vulgar healer @j ybng yi; fi E sh yi vulpine a%i2 hli li; hh
vulpine mounting (shdn) wind shhn feng
W.T.T.C. 53% 12 shi shii waggle needling [one of the twelve needling hut ci methods] lR$~J waggling [of the needle] $gH yho zhen wailing [voice of the lung] % kii waist yao waist as if girthed with rope E Q U % % yio rh shtng shu Waking of Insects [3rd solar term] jing zhi waking with a sudden fright or start after falling asleep [1@ &P shui ji jing jut Walking Gentleman (KI-22) $EB* bu lhng wall spider's egg-case@ (Urocteae Ootheca) %%Sbi qihn mu; %@%* bi xi kc Walnut Gruel ifa#k# hh tho zhdu walnut [kernel]' (Juglandis Semen) if8 $&41 hu tho ria; &.#jk* hLi tho; #l;fjlk @I* hli tho r i , ~ @&* ; h i tho; @tjk m* h t tho rhu Walnut Pill @#k hli tho whn wainui twig' jjugiand~sRarnulus) 3VE hli tho zhi wampee l e a p (Clausenae Lansii Folium) $5 & rfiat huhng pi yt wampee root' (Clausenae Lansii Radix) 3 & @ huhng pi g2n wampee seed' (Clausenae Lansii Semen) $5&%@ huhngpigub h i ; %Ef%*huang pi h t wandering & ziiu; [as of pain] $2 y6u wandering [as of pain] $@Z y6u zbu wandering Jew' (Zebrinae Pendulae Herba) %$!J% dirio zhli mti
wandering knee wind A25 $2 M xi y6u fcng wandering pain # f Z @ % y6u zbu ttng t6ng wandering wind $2 )XI, ybu fcng wandering wind of the face @$&M mihtz y6u f2ng Wang's Coptis and Magnolia Bark Beverage 5 EB*b t? whng shi lihn pi, yin Vdang's Summerheat-Clearing QiBoosting Decoction 3 E $8E S 5@J whng shi qing shii yi qi t8ng Warlord's Troop-Marching Powder 31% ?TF & wii h6u xing jiin sin warm ?E w2n; R i nuin; ?E,Ewen xu; ,E xu warm acrid exterior resolution *?EMS xin wen jik biiio warm acrid exterior-resolving formula $5 ? '##% 3l] xin wen jik biiio ji warm acrid exterior-resolving medicinal *?EN % xin wen ji; biiio yao warm acrid exterior-resolving method $5 ?B@ ?&& xin w2n jik biiio warm and dissipate ?E& w2n san warm and dissipate water qi ?'$&7K? wen sLin shui qi warm and move spleen yang ?ES@ PB wen yuan pi yhng warm and nourish ?E% wen yiitzg warm and supplement kidney yang ?'$I 'WP I w2n bb shtn yhng warm and supplement lung yang ?E;f.Ij* PB wen bii fti yhng warm and supplement the blood aspect ?E;f.b& $+ wWeYl bii xu8 fin
warm and supplement the life gate $g+b @ r1'7 wen bLi ming mdtz warm and transform $I%{&wen hua warm and transform phlegm-damp $ ' { I &E wen huli tbn shi warm and transform static blood $E{L$% @ w2n hua qii yii Warm Clearing Beverage $E$S@wen qing y in warm disease wen bing warm disease pattern $g%iiE@wen bing zhtng hhu warm disease school $E@E j wen bing p6i warm dryness wbz zrio Warm Dwelling (LI-7WfiO) wen liu warm epidemic $EE wen yi warm evil &%[S w2n xi6 warm evil invading the lung $SH3jEj$ wen xid fan fti warm evils are contracted in the upper body $EBBkg wen xi6 shhtzg sh6u warm feeling below the heart with desire to vomit JL\7;$E$S@Dlxitz xi& wen wen yu tu warm heart yang $ E J ~ \wen P ~xin ybng warm heat $St!: wen rk warm heat brewing in the spleen $ ' % ? % I$ wen rt yun pi warm heat disease $E%:'@wen rk bing warm-heat in the intestines $B%$Effiwen rt zLii chbng dun wen warm in double boiler warming $%?A wen fii Warming and Freeing Decoction $S33 %I wen tbng tang warming transformation of static blood $g{t+% @ wen hua qii y12 warm malaria $EE wZtz niik warm needling ?E+t wen zhgn warm opening $gR wen kai warm opening method $E?TffA wen kai fii warm precipitation $27; wen xia warmth ?E wen warm the blood $ E h wen xu6 ,
warm the center and dispel cold $2*?2 @ wen zh6ng qii hhn warm the center and dissipate cold $E$ E X wen zhbng shn hhn warm the center and supplement vacuity $EIfi+bEw2n zh6ng bLi xii warm the channels $'*$ wen jing warm the channels and dispel cold +A% wen jing qii hhn warm the channels and dissipate cold $E t 3 3 S wen jing sLin hbn warm the channels and free the networks vessels $St$j@t&wen jing tong lu6 warm the interior and dispel cold $ g s $ 2 % w2n li qii hhn warm the interior and precipitate $%i52?% 7; wen li xi2 xi& warm the kidney $%'Bwen shkn warm the kidney and disinhibit water $S '# $1 7k wen shtn li shui warm the kidney and dispel cold $E'E?2 % wen shtn qii hbtz warm the kidney to promote qi absorption $E'32$j 5 wen shkn nh qi warm the liver @$jT nuiin gan warm the lung and expel phlegm $Efl$B @ wen fti zhli tbn warm the lung and expel rheum $!Zfl$B wZn fii zhli yin warm the lung and transform phlegm $g j$ {L@ w2n fti hua tbn warm the lung and transform rheum $ki j$ {L tt wZn fti hub yin warm the menses wen jing warm the spleen $E@wen pi warm the stomach %!I Ei nu6n wti; $EW wen wti warm the stomach and check vomiting $E E wen wti zhi ciu warm the stomach and fortify the center $g @ +I wen wti jian zhbng warm the water viscus 8!7ka[f nuiin shui zang; [the kidney] 837KjJl wen shui zang warmth with toxin i%$E%3zhu wdn jia dri warm toxin ?E% wgn dli
warm toxin macular. eruption ?%3 E $3 wen dclri fa ban warm with a moxa pole ? ' % wen jiii warm yang EPa. wEn yhng warm yang and disinhibit dampness $3 Pa %lJB wZn ybng li shi warm yang and disinhibit water ?%PB$IJ 7k w2n yhng li shui warm yang and dispel cold ?=Pa wen yring qd hrin warm yang and transform rheum EPEIIk t$ wwLn yhng huh yin Warring States [475 B.C. - 221 B.C.] zhan guci wart B E E pi fd y6u; iE?r;iirj% kd jin jian; RYL shii rii; E B y6u zhui; E y6u; tfi 2% fan rui; @+ h6u zi; B* zhui ybu wash %'xi wash formula &31j xi ji washing and Pong-rinsing ?Z?%piiio xi washing the mouth with water without desire to swallow it .I,# TatA shu kiiu bU yu yin washing with wine i@ja jiii xi wasp &?$feng wasting [as in wasting-thirst]# xxitio wasting and sagging of the major masses of flesh k $iJ 7; B& da rou xia xian; A $iJ P3i T ddb r6u xian xia wasting of the heart [center wasting] $j 'JL)xiao xin wasting of the kidriey [lower wasting] # '3 xiGo sh2n '
water amassment %7k xu shui water arnassrnent drum distention 8 @ xii xu2 gii water amassment pattern S 7k ijf XU shui zh2ng water banyan bark@ (Cleistocalycis Cortex) 7k 5%& shui wwLng pi water banyan flower@ (Cleistocalycis Flos) 7k 5% shui w2ng hua water banyan leaf@ (Cleistocalycis Folium) 7k 5 $ R t shui w2ng yt water block [urinary stoppage] 7k shui bi water buffalo horno (Bubali Cornu) 7k Y % shui nili jiiio water by nature flows downward 7k113f3 ;f; shui xing liLi xia water caltrop [fruit and root]' (Trapae Fructus et Radix) % ling; &%* lbngjiiio; x ji; S %I* ling jiiio water chest bind 7k46m shui jii xi6ng water chestnuto (Heleocharitis Cormus) +u as bi qi; Y@* mii ti; $Jiiaff* 66 qi; 3 -* 8 mii qi; B X S * tbng tian cGo; 9T* niiio yu; E g * we'i li; $IB%*h6ng ci gfi; 7kT* shui yk; E%*fLi yu; fLi ci; EZ*fLi chhi water chestnut juiceo (Heleocharitis xian bi qi zhi; Cormi Succus) &2$% ZS , sfit-* bi qi zhi water chestnut starcho (Heleocharitis Cormi Amylum) % %& bi qi @n; itj %&* di li ft;n =art-n -cum invading the iung 7R % j@jif~ shui hun fan f2i water-cold shooting into the lung 7kS4.f fl$ shui hhn sht fti Water Controller Yu Powder yii g6ng srin water counterflow 7Kj$ shui ni Water Crystal Paste 7k &B shui jing gao water cup 7kg shui guhn water-damp 7k E shui shi water-damp damaging yang 7K E ~FJ Pa shui shi shiing yang
wasting-thirst disease $j ?%%xiao kt; bing Wasting Thirst Formula ?& tgfj- xi50 kt; fing watch [period of two hours] E g2ng; [twohour period] 8V shi water 7k shui Water-Abducting Poria (Hoelen) Decoction 9 7 k B T ?$ diio shui fu ling king water accumulation jFP,7K &ui ji
water-damp flood 7k E E ?Eshui shi fan fan water diarrhea 7k B shui xit; 7k $% shui xid water-disinhibiting damp-percolating medicinal $11 7k +& li shui shin shi ybo water distention 7)CjE shui zhang Water Divide (CV-9WuO)7k 9. shui f2n water drum 7 k 3 shui g t water drum distention 7k@ shui g t Water-Enriching Liver-Clearing Beverage % 7k ?$ ti shui qing giin yin _ water evil 7k 4b shui xit water-expelling medicinal B 7k G zhh shui yho water failing to help fire 7kF P3A shui bk ji huci water failing to moisten wood 7k T shui 63 hhn mk water failing to transform into qi 7kF.f.I: ' ,shui bli hua qi waterflow diarrhea tB# rhng xii Water Gate (ST-10) 7k TI*shui m t n water grind 7kX shui f2i; X f2i water gu 7kS s h u i g t water-heat chest bind 7k$4\4_& RQ shui rL. jit xidng Water Heaven (ST-10) 7kZ* shui tiiin Water Hole (LI-18) 7Rn*shui xu6 water-humor 7k% shui yt water is the moistening and descending 7 k . ~ @ 7shui ; yug run xih watermelono (Citrulli Fructus) El A xi guii; %Ill* hhn gu5; 2 % $ fi @* tiiin shin bbi h t tnng; S )IS* xih gu5; 7k A* shui gun watermelon frosto (Mirabiliti et Citrulli Praeparatio) B xi guii shuiing watermelon rindo (Citrulli Exocarpium) iffi A & xi guii pi; B \IS &* xi guii cui pi; El A $&* xi guii cui yi water mounting (shan) 7 k a shui shan water of earlier heaven % 2 ;t7k xiiin tiiin zhi shui water panting 7k U% shiri chuiirz
water peppero (Polygoni Hydropiperis Herba) 7 f c S shui liio water pepper rooto (Polygoni Hydropiperis Radix) 7kg;(;j3shui lirio g2n water pill 7kJtL shui wbn; 7kEA shui fan wcin water processing shui zhi Water Prominence (ST-1OWffO) 7k % shui tLi water qi 7k5 shui qi water qi chest bind 7k54_&Mshui qi jit xidng water qi intimidating the heart 7jC%.?GjL\ shui qi ling xin water rampart 7km shui kul, water-rheum 7kt.3 shui yin water-rheum collecting internally 7fC@ & I+ shui yin nti ting Water-Separating Powder $\&$& f2n shui sin water snail vesicles % tibn lub pao water-sbaking sore 7 k B a shui zi chuiing water speedwellg (Veronicae AhagallisAquaticae Herba) 7k3 @ shui k t m i i ; F$$ F*mbng zhcing ciio Water Spring (KI-SWfl0)7k% shui quhn; (LV-1) 7kB* shui quhn water stagnation 7k R shui zhi water swelling [edema] 7kM shui zhbng water swelling and fullness in pregnancy I6 7kj$ # tci shui thdng miin water swelling in pregnancy fiE7kj$ rtn shdn shui zhbng water toxin 7kS shui dh Water-'Ikansforming Seed-Planting Decoction 4.I: 7kjW13f 3 ~hua shui zhl,ng zi tiing water trough &$LJ shui Rdu . Water 'Ikough (GV-26Wu") 7k ?LJ shui water ulcer [Hongkong foot] 7k $5 7 8 shui kul chuiing water vacuity with frenetic fire 7kB& 2? shui xL hub wcing water viscus 7k@ shui rang Waterway (ST-28W"") 7kB shui dho ',
water wheel [of the eye (pupil)]7Jc$2 shui lhn water wheel damp-heat 7 R $ k E P L \ shui lun shi r2 water wheel liver wind and phlegm fire A shui lhn gGn fzng tcin hui, 7Jc $kflT Jil water wheel qi vacuity 7 J c $ k T E shiii lhn qi xii water wheel qi vacuity and blood scantness 7K$2%j&fu$shui 1hn qi xLI xut shiio water wheel qi vacuity akd blood stasis LfI1@ shui lrin qi xii xud yii 7 k $C 5 water wheel repletion heat 7Jc$G;% PL\ shui liln shi rt water wheel yin depletion 7 K $ 2 P J 4 shui 1hn yin kiii water-yin invading the heart 7 k 9E JL\ shui yin fan xin watery sniveling #h,7Jc qiri shui watery stool #k7 !@ A da bian shui yhng waving fish. pulse .$IR/$*yri xicing mai Wax and Alum Pill fi,': IiJLinjtl 16 fcin wcin Wax Gourd Gruel JK5$5 dong gua zhd~i wax gourd rinde (Benincasae Exocarpium) A E ddbg guii pi wax gourd seed" (Benincasae Semen) dbng guii zi; A%* guii zi; A E* guii xi; 4-A {I*king guii rkn; A#* guii ban; $ /KT* brii gua zi waxing and waning of yin and yang rJaEI . # # yin ycing xiiio zhiing way B dao way o i iiie &EEqi jii weak 55 ruo weak constitution $$mjZ$$ f i zhi xii rii6; g @ E 5 $ sit. tixii rub weak defense and strong construction IP. $5 5% w2i ru6 ying qiring weaken it according to its ascription shuiii lprinciple of treatment] ?$t2 LY, zhi yi shic weak legs j@$AXf7 tiii rua'n 'NU li weakness and impediment (bi) of the 13@ $5 jin gfi bi riio sinew and bone
welling weak qi ?$$ qi rub weak sinews and bones iiij$$$A$S jin g;i ruiin rui, weak stomach malign obstruction E 55 E Pfl wti ru6 2 zic weak stomach qi 3 -55 wti qi r~ib weak tabid body 9#)14% shen ti wang lki weak wilting lumbus and knees @JE,@$5 yiio xi wdi rub weak wilting (wdi) lumbus and knee Efj$ 'B$5 yiio xi w& rut) wear $% hao wear on construction-yin E Ffl $1tR ying yin hao sfin wear on true yin PJ $1+fi zhgtz yin hao sfin weathered lime0 (Calcis Efflorescentia) m.1t;EiE fZng hub shi hui weed soot0 (Herbarum Uslarum Fuligo) $% biii ciio shuang weeping breasts $125 ric qi weeping canthus IlIltS zi lhu; Bb3 16, jing Wei [220-265 A. D.] w2i Welcome Fragrance (LI-20W110) 32 ?5ying xiiing welling abscess (ydng) of the buttock $ ! &p %% ttLin bii shzng ybng welling abscess (ybng) [new] 8% y6ng welling abscess (y6ng) effusion of the back 2 % % fii bdi ydng welling abscess bong) o f the testicle 'Fa . zi yoit& welling abscess (ybng) of the back %% b2i y6ng welling abscess (ydng) of the ear FC.% t r Yong welling abscess (y6ng) of the glans penis [JB &% yin tdu ydng welling abscess (y6ng) of the liver flT% gGn yong welling abscess bong) of the lung a$% f2i ybng welling abscess bong) of the' nape ?RG xiang hou sh2ng ydng
welling abscess (y6ng) of the neck 99% jing y6ng welling abscess (y6ng) of the throat @% h6u y6ng welling abscess (ybng) of the tongue z@j sht ydng welling abscess bong) on the back of the neck 99 G %@j jing h6~1shEng y6ng welling abscess (y6ng) on the back of the shoulder E 9%jiiin bti shgng y6ng welling abscess (ybng) swelling @jj+y6ng zhiing welling abscess (ydng) swellings and toxin [sores] %j$%% y6ng zhiing dh chuatzg welling abscess bong) under the chin 7;% hhn xi& y6ng well point [one of the five transport points] # f i jitzg X L ~ Well-Tested Uterine Bleeding Formula ?& % iZ@ CG j f i zhi beng zhtng j i yan fcng Well-nied Flooding Formula @ iZ&EJGfi bdng zhtng ji yhn fling west [positiorz associated with metal] j B j xi western bovine bezoara (Bovis Bezoar Occidentale) xi niLi huhzg; mB* xi h~~lirzg western codonopsis [root] a (Codonopsitis Radix Occidentalis) xi diirzg Western Han [Former Han, 206 B.C. - 24 A.D.] B?F!xi hiin Western Jin [265-316 A.D.] xijin western ledebouriella [root] a (Ledebouriellae Radix Occidentalis) [IAN xi fbng fZng Western tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Occidentalis) 3 g3 x i dnng g ~ r i ; @ 3 g3* qin dling girl Western Wei [535-556 A. D.] fi% xi w t i Western Zhou [upprox. 1l t h cent. B. C. to 771 B. C.] x i zhdu West Wind (GV-17) TQJXl* xi f2ng wet-grind 7k@ shui mci wet grind to obtain juice mb zhi wet spreading sore E f Z % jin yin chuang what intrudes is eliminated r $ % E 2 kt3 zh2 chLi zhi
when what the five viscera store 5@,%% wfi zang suij catzg
wheat' (Tritici Semen) /J\ xiZo mhi wheat brane (Tritici ~ c s t a )+ g M xi60 mki fii; +S'' jing fa wheat flouro (Tritici Farina) xigo mhi mian; 0 @$$* bhi mian f2n wheat-grain intradermal~needleZ%$@Ffi If;]@t- mbi li xing p i nti zhZn wheat-grain needle B@ Zt! Ffi $4- y~icin ' gui xing p i nti zhen Wheat Gruel /I\z!#jxiiio mhi zh6u wheat-type food accumulation EG -&$R ?% mihn shi j i zhi wheel !$2 lhn wheezing ll+ xiao wheezing and panting xiao chuiin Wheezing and Panting External Application Formula @ D$% f i xi50 chuiin fu zhi fang wheezing @tern I@iB xiiio zhtng wheezing sound UTE? xih yh when blood is despoliated, there. is no sweat; when sweat is despoliated, there ,FFZ73Cnl is no blood fFnl$$XFFG dub xu2 zhi. wu hrin, dub han zh2 wLi xut when cold prevails, there is swelling %jlY NII # han shtng zt fu . when dampness prevails, there is soft stool diarrhea tgjlY!JllJgiL$ shi shtng z i rLi xi2 when dampness prevails, yang is debilitated $!jjJ&El]PEJ #! shi shkng zt yhng wEi when dryness prevails, there is aridity $9 /&fll] T zrio shtng zt g i n when essential qi is despoliated, there is vacuity $g5G fll] @ jitzg qi dub zt xd when evil qi is exuberant, there is repletion gP5&RIJg xit qi shtng zt shi when heat is exuberant, there is swelling MI]j+ rk shkng zt zhiing \!! when heat prevails, there is swelling ?\! jlYflI]J+ r t shing zd zh6ng when pressure is applied &2 rin zhi when pressure is released 2$2jjii zhi
when qi is superabundant, there is fire qi ybu yu birin shi hub T+j when qi is vacuous, there is cold T&!l!IJ % qi xii z t hbn when qi stagnates, water binds 5EflIl7k 'r& qi zhi zt shui jit when the kidney is full, ml;rrow is replete 'R % All %% shtn chdng zt sui shi when there is heat,, qi discharges z4: fllJ$ # r2 zt qi xi6 when there is stoppage, there is pain Bfill bu tang zt t6ng when the stomach is in disharmony, there +U fill 2 whi bu is unquiet sleep h t zt w6 bu hn when water collects, q i is obstructed 7k @ AIJ9Pll shui ting zt qi zii when wind prevails, there is stirring R aYj!IJ fZng shtng zt d6ng when yang abates, yin hides P E l 3 ybng sh6 yin cbng when yang arises, yin grows FIR Jt;: ybng shEng yin zhdng when yang is exuberant, there is external heat P I fllJ9t. 241: ybng shhng zk wrii rk when yang is overstrong and does not constrain itself, yin qi expires PElS3+f$E %. PJj TT4'rE ybng qibng bii ntng mi, yin qi ndi jut when yang is vacuous, there is external cold gl]9t.% ybng xii zt wai hbn when yang network vessels are damaged, blood spills out Pa g% {fj !Ill& 91 3P ybng lu6 shhng zt xu2 wai yi when yang prevails, there is heat PQB11 ijl: ydng sherig ze re when yang prevails, yin ails Pg& I f 1PR %j ybng shing zt yin bing when yin and yang separate, essential qi expires PR &, #j$9 7'~ t E yin ybng li jut, jing qi niii jut when yin is exuberant, there is cold #I]5$ yin shhng zt hbn when yin is exuberant, there is internal pkj % yin shhng zt nti hbn cold when yin is vacuous, there is internal heat IJB B fllJpkj J;:!l yin xii zt nhi re
Pa% $Pa
white-face when yin prevails, there is cold 1SB J&@IJ% yin sh2ng zt hbn when yin prevails, yang ails PJ & J!lJPfl@ yln shtng zt ybng bing Wherewithal-To-Bear Pill Fjfi LX ? A$ sub !i yi zbi wbn whiskers 3Jj xii white [color associated with lung-metal] h bbi white arsenic0 (Arsenicum Album) $ ZiH: bbi pi; $ {SG*bbi xin shi white as dry bones $ @%$+ bai rri kii gii White Bone-Hole (GV-25Wr10) X @ sit lib0 White Chicken's Dropping Powder % R $ 3j i shi bai siin white chicken's droppings@ (Galli Excrementurn Album) B Ej? 0 j i shi bai white chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Albus) $35 bhi jn; $ ?!$jE* bhi jh hu6 white cocoon lip Q 2Ci E bdi jiiin chun white crust $% bbi bi white cutch@ (Catechu Album) 3 j L % f6ng t r chb; @)L%* zdng t r chb White Dew [15th solar term] $ % bdi Iu White-Diffusing Qi-Infusing Decoction E $A ~ @ xudn' J bbi chtng qi thng White Discharge Tablet $ % )$ bbi drii pian White Downborne Elixir $ P$i f j - bbi jihzg dhn -white downborne elixir0 (Praeparatio Sublimata Alba) $ R A bbi jicing white drggnn hnn@ (Mzstndi OSS~S fissilia Alba) $ j& @ bblii ling gii White-Draining Origin-Boosting Powder jq $ xi2 bbi yi yubn sdn White-Draining Powder iq $ 3 xi&bbi siin ' white dry eye Q bbi st zhtng white dysentery $3SiJ bbi li white eye [an eye disease] $ I@ bdi yiin white face and red cheeks iBi El m'r1mian bdi qubn h6ng white-face sand (shh) $ iBi 5% bdi mibn shh '
white facial complexion @& $ mian sk bbi white flesh [of the arms and legs] $ bbi rhu white flood $ E bbi bZng white ginseng@ (Ginseng Radix Alba) $ 8 bbi shen white Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower] @ (Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis Albus) f l $ % 'hbng bai jh; $ M%*bbi chh jh White Jade Plaster $ 3%bbi yii gio . white lai $ bhi lai white leak $ @ bhi I& white liquor@ (Granorum Spiritus Inbbi jiii; $ +* bbi giin; $ ? color) $ $!j* bbi giin jiii white macules on the skin @/& $ % pi ffi bbi b i n white membrane invading the eye $ @@ Iig bbi m6 qin jing white-mold tongue fur $ E E brii m t i tiii white morning glory [seed] @ (Pharbitidis Semen Album) $3bbi chbu; $52 Y* bbi qiiin nih; $ @+P+ bbi qiiin nih zi white mouth sore Q bbi kbu chuiing white mume flower@ (Mume Flos Albus) $ % E bbi m t i huii; #@E* mti hui white mustard [seed] (Brassicae Albae 12 cai Semen) $33bbi jik zi; $$%T* zi Whiteness-Dispersing Beverage # tk xiao bbi yin white of the eye Q {I b ~ i irtn; $ bbi jing white of the eye [part of the eye] Q $I? brii yiin white ooze $ @ bhi yin white patch [vitiligo] $ @ bbi dirin White Patch Tablet Q 32 % bhi bb pian white patch wind $ bbi dian f2ng; $ 32 t;;n bbi bb f2ng white peony [root] @ (Paeoniae Radix Alba) $ %% bbi shbo yrio; jin shbo ydo; Q %* bbi shbo \
White white pepper* (Piperis Fructus Albicatus) 0 bbi hh jiiio white perilla bark@ (Perillae Albae Cortex) $ 3& bbi sk pi white peritla leaf@ (Perillae Albae Folium) $ 33-j;Elt bbi sii yk white perilla seedo (Perillae Albae Semen) $3P bhi s~ zi white perilla stem@ (Perillae Albae bbi sfi g2ng Caulis) $ white perverse crop (la li) [favus of the scalp] $ &j!jZj bhi la li white poriaa (Poria Alba) $ bbi fh ling White Powder $ 3 bhi s i n white putrid throat lIQq%$ yiin h6u bbi
fC white quartz@ (Quartz Album) $ 6% bai shi ying White Quartz Decoction 13;ti%?% bbi shi ying tiing White Quartz Pill $ ;ti%% bbi shi ying wbn White Ring Transport (DL-3OWI1O)8 9; bbi huan shfi white scaling wind $ JjZjj3l bbi xi2 fZng white-skinned astragalus [root] @ (Astragali Radix Alba) $ E XI bhi pi qi white sliced aconite [accessury tuber] (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Album) $ INR bhi fu pian; h@K* xi6ng pirin white sores $ s bbi chuiing white strangury (lin) $ # bbi lin white sugarm (Saccharon Granulatum Album) $ ?$# bbi shii tbng; $ #I%* bbi tbng white tangerine peela (Citri Exocarpium Album) 6 $ jh bbi White Tiger Decoction $ R& bbi hil rrZng White Tiger Decoction Plus Atractylodes $ @fin =E$$23 bai hii jii ciing zhh tGtzg White Tiger Decoction Plus Cinnamon W i g $ fi & @ $23 bhi hii jiii p i zki tiing White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng A & fin A 22 ?% brii hii jiii rtn shen ring White Tiger Decoction Plus Rehmannia $ rff fin i~$$ @J bhi hii jiii di hubng tclng
white white tiger joint running $ IRET bhi hii li j i t
White Tiger Qi-Infusing Decoction $ & 2R 5@?1 brii hii chtng qi tang white tongue fur E $ tai brii; ZE Q sht tai brii; $ 3 brii tai white tongue [fur] and floating pulse & $ j&@ shi bhi mai f h white turbidity $ bbi zhu6 white urine Ej? $ niao bhi white vaginal discharge 8 T $ dai xia bbi; $ ?$ bbi dki white wandering wind $ $$flbai ydu f2ng white wax@ (Cera Alba) $ fi;: brii la; !@ $ fiB* f2ng hrii la; @ $ Wj* i f2ng bhi la whiteworm disease $ & E bhi ch6ng bing whittle glj xue; @ RIJ pi, xu6 whittling of the flesh flfl m glj j i ri,u xut whole body 2 9 quhn shdn; Ji5l9zhiiu sh2n; - 9 yi sh2n; B9 pian shen whole deer@ (Cervus Integer) quan 1u Whole Deer Pill quan lu wan Whole Life Ovate Atractylades Powder 4j$ $ & % quan shzng bhi zhLi siin whole tangkuei [root] (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Integra) 3 U3 qubn dang gui; R $$ El*yuan zhi gui whole trichosanthes [fruit] @ (Trichosanthis Fructus Integer) *@,& q u h gua 16u I whole unripe tangerine@ (Citri Fructus Immaturus) gs ge qing p i --.. Whole Valley (LT-2) fZJ G" zhou gii whooping cough X @ tian xiao; @ biii ri,kt Wikstroemiae Canescentis Flos (gray wikstroemia [flower]) 2E ybo huii Wikstroemiae Caulis et Folium (wikstroemia [stem and leaf]@) 7 54. liiio g2 wang Wikstroemiae Fructus (wikstroemia fruit@) 7g % Fliiio g2 wang zi Wikstroemiae Radix (wikstroemia root@) 7 3 Z ; t ; R liiio g2 wang g2n
Willow wibtroemia fruit@ (Wikstroemiae Fructus) 7 5 X3 liiio g2 wang zi wikstroemia root@ (Wikstroemiae Radix) 73 3 ; f ; R liiio g2 whng g2n wibtroemia [stem and leafla (Wikstroemiae Caulis et Folium) 75%liiio g2 whng Wild Aconite Powder $ -Si ciio wu t6u siin wild aconite [tuber] @ (Aconiti Tsao-WuTou Tuber) ZjZ % % ciio wL t6u; %A*WE t6u; @-$* ciio wfi wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) * % S t 8 tian qiao rnai g2n; B%Sit;R* yt cfiao mai g2n; B S S * y t qiao mai; A&fjj* kai jin suii; gsgit;R* kii qiao mcii g2n; 8%3 k* qiho mai s i n qi; %%&* ldn qibo t6u; Lf!l SF*y t qiao zi; g s & * kii qiho tbu; & Zjf@ff-* jin su6 yin kiii; Berg* t6u gii xiao wild carrot fruit@ (Dauci Carotae Frucnhn h t shi tus) wild chrysanthemum@ (Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice) B%y t jh; BLLI%* y t shan ju; %%{3* hucing ju ziii; B$$ %* y t huang jh; LLI h Jj %* shZn jiii yut jli wild chrysanthemum flower@ (Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Flos) !@%E y t jLi huh wild coptis [root] @ (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) yt hubng lian wild dreams & g wang mtng
. . : I -
~ n n ugnz:ser:g
/ n - . _. . -n - 3 - . r. {v111>cr1g r.du~xr c r u ~ l r! j i!!
LLJg yt shin shen wild honeysuckle [leaflo (Lonicerae Confusae Folium) ff j 3 E P t r i i yin huii Yt wild marjoramo (Origani Herba) d z & s tii xiang ru; + R E , * 16 yin chin Wild Pigeon Willow [non-channel] fi9if;Z jiu qi Will Chamber (BL-52Wuo(BL-47))Z S zhi shi Willow Flower Powder liii hua S ~ I Z
willow:leaved smartweedo (Polygoni Salicifolii FIerba) $ 9 3 3 lli liiio ciio; $$%* lli liiio willow twigo (Salicis ~ a m u l u s j$j~@ lifi zhi wilting reversal (we'i j~i6) we'i j ~ l t wilting (wti) [new] g$ wti wilting (wti) pattern \@ijfwgi zhkng wind )XI, f2ng wind of the head shbri f2ng wind-heat of the skin ERR?&pi f f i f2ng
wind and dampness contending with each 3jf;R +% f2ng shi xiiing 66 other R t wind and fire fanning each other R Ajf;H f2ng hud xiiing shin wind bar R# f2ng guin wind can overcome dampness REEBB fZng ntng shkng shi wind choke R B f2ng yi wind cinnabar )XI,ff- f2ng d i n wind clenched jaw f l iln 2 f2ng kdu jin wind-cold )XI,% f2ng hrin wind-cold assailing the throat R % $flG f2ng hrin xi h6u wind-cold common cold )XI, % @ E f2ng hrin giin mao wind-cold cough @k$$ f2ng hrin k t so11 wind-cold-damp R S E f2ng hrin shi wind-cold-damp disease R % B % f2ng hrin shi bing wind-cold-damp impediment (bi) M % f2tzg hlin shi bi wind-cold deafness R% 3. fing hrin b l6ng wind-cold dizziness JiI,% @ 3f2 fCng hrin xuhn ydn wind-cold-etl'using medicinal E BJiI,%% f i shn f2ng hrin yho wind-cold exterior pattern A% S i E f2ng hrin biiio zhkng wind-cold fettering the exterior R%9b % f2ng hrin wai shu wind-cold fettering the exterior panting flff f2ng hrin wizi shu chuiirz jXl%
wind-damp wind-cold fettering the lung R%%fl$f2ng hrin shh fki Wind-Cold Granules f l % @ f@nghcin shii wind-cold headache )XI, % $% f2ng han tdu t6u wind-cold invading the lung W % 2E R$ fCng hrin fan fki wind-cold panting R % fig f2ng han chuiin wind-cold rapid panting )XI, % flff 3, f2ng h6n chuiin ji wind-cold rib-side pain R%fl&@f2ng hrin xik d n g wind-cold toothache R % 5@ f2ng hdn yri tong wind constipation fl%Af2ng bi wind convulsion f l % f2ng chi1 wind cough RUB f2ng sou Wind-Coursing Blood-Nourishing Decoct$~shO f2ng yiing xu2 tii~zg R tion Wind-Coursing Heat-Clearing Decoction )Xl, $$?<: t3~shk fEng qing ri ting Wind-Coursing Water-Disinhibiting De$11I,7K & shk fgng li shui ting coction sL)X wind damage 4% f l shing f212g wind damage cough 4% fl2% shing feng kk sou Wind-Damage Cough Swill-Down Pill 4% f l ng # f IJ sh&g f2ng kk shu tkn ji wind-damp [rheumatism] 'REf2ng shi wind-damp-dispelling interior-warming medicinal j2RB$E9% qk f2ng shi w2tz li yho wind-damp-dispelling medicinal i:$R E $3j qii f2ng shi yho wind-damp headache JiI,$3& % fing shi t6u thng wind-damp invading the lung %! % 2E JFFshi r2 fhn gin wind-damp lumbar pain f l %!RE% f2ng shilyio tong wind-damp pattern f l ijl f2ng shi zhEng wind-damp (rheumatism) with painful f2ng shi swollen joints f l s g i 5 giiiin jiC zhdng tong wind-damp sore [toxin] R?f$'& % f2ng shi chuiirzg du
wind deafness W 2 fing lbng wind diarrhea )A,$% fCng xi2 wind disablement )A,% f&g fii wind-dispelling water-disinhibiting medicinal % J4,$I] B G qii fing li shi yao Wind-Dispersing Blood-Nourishing Decoction $j & @J xi50 f2ng -yiing xu? tang Wind-Dispersing Powder # J4,Bxirio f2ng sin wind dizziness W 84; f2ng xuan, wind dizzy head J4, fZng tou xuan wind dormant papules )A,V,3@f2ng yin zhZn WinaDrawing Decoction W G I $51f2ng yin tGng wind-dryness W@ fZng zao wind dysentery RjSij fZng li wind ear 3T. fZng tr Wind-Eliminating Boosting Decoction R &$#$ @J chli f2ng yi siin tang Wind-Eliminating Spleen-Clearing Beverage R f l #BQt$ chli fCng qing pi yin wind epilepsy Jil, @ f2ng xian wind evil flq[J f2ng xii wind evil and heat toxin invading the ear f l ?$P $4% 3E Z fEng xii r2 dli fan Zr wind evil assailing the exterior W?$p%% f2ng xi6 xi biiio . wind evil dizziness Jil,SPIk f2ngxiixuan ;g yLn I wind evil entering the channels W@A?$ f2ng xi6 ric jing wind evil invading the lung W%P3@fl fEng $ . - - xi6 f h f 2 Wind-Expelling Heat-Dissipating Drink 4EW & Ti: $3 qL fZng siin rk yin zi Wind-Expelling One Zi Powder 4ER-F qt2,f2ng yi zi siin Wind-Expelling Powder fSE R & pai fing siin Wind-Expelling Toxin-Resolving Powder (Decoction) 4E R jf$j2S 3 ( $31) qfi fZng jit dli siin (tritzg) wind-extinguishing formula %!flfilJ xi f2ng . 'ji
wind-heat wind-extinguishing medicinal kR R % xi f2ng yho Wind Eye [non-channel] lE fing yiin wind eye tearing [lR fR fing yiin lili lii wind eye with ulceration of the eyelid rim 9232 )XI,BE lan xian f2ng yiin wind-fire MA f2ng hu6 wind-fire eye )A, A BR f2ng hui, yiin wind-fire eye pain J4,A BH@ fZng hu6 &in t6ng wind-fire red eye J4,A 8 [lW f2ng hu6 chi y iin wind-fire scrofula J4,A $jjfZng hui, li wind-fire toothache J4,A f&j@ f2ng hu6 chi tbng; W 3 @ feng hu6 yci tbng wind flat abscess (jfi) W& f2ng jfi wind formation It f l hua fZng wind gan W;f$ f2ng : gGn %R k6u gin wind gan of the mouth
fW Wind Gate (BL-12Wf10)R 1'3 fEng min wind gum swelling %a$ f2ng chi zh6ng wind heart pain f l ,L\@ f2ng xin tbng wind-heat J4,C: fing r2 wind-heat assailing the lung W 3: 8 Iifj f2ng r2 xi f2i wind-heat attacking upward W ??: k~3 f2ng r2 shang g6ng wind-heat common cold R%?: S H f2ng rt? giin mao wind-heat cough .fl?4: U 3 f2ng rk k i s6u wind-heat-damp toxin congestion R Ti: B 8 f2ngt-k sh_7/I&~15%s h k g B f2ng ri Pr wind-heat deafness R $4: lbng wind-heat dizziness f4: Ik;gf2ng rt?xuan y iin wind-heat-effusing medicinal E 3 f l f?: 3 fri sin f2ng rt? yao wihd:heat exterior pattern R $4: %?iE f2ng rt? bi@ zhing w&d-heht eye )%,?kt €lW f k g rk y h z wid-heat fright palpitation R !f 'I,%'/$ f2ng re jing ji
wind-heat gan of the teeth and gums fl f!\ 5)% f2ng r2 yh giin wind-heat headache fl$k!g% ftng r2 tdu thng wind-heat invading the lung fl fhk 4E a$ fEng r2 fan f2i wind-heat invading the throat fl?& jEl@ f&g r2 fan hbu wind-heat lumbar pain jXL?<\Eftng % r2 yiio t6ng wind-heat red eye fl?<: 8 BE ftng r2 chi yiin; fl ?\! H % ftng r2 mu chi wind-heat sore flf&& f2ng r2 chuiing wind-heat throat impediment (bi) fl?Ckfl% ftng r2 hdu bi Wind House (BL-12) flR* f2ngfii; (GV16w"0) fl$f ftng fii wind impediment (bi) ftng bi wind-induced deviation fli@llll'$ M fzng qi kuiii piiin ; f l 3 1 IQ:\M fttzg yin kuni piiin; flC$ Ill','$$4 fEng qiiin kuii xid wind-induced squint H ffiirXfl 3 l mu piin shi ftng yin; fls ffi+X ftng qiiin piiin shi wind is swift and changeable flr$$i51Tilj g.2 fEng zhd shrin xing dr shu birin wind is the chief of the hundred diseases fl% E % 245 fEng wti biii'bing zhi zhiing wind itch fl&fZng siio wind lai ftng lrii wind lichen (xiiin) fl@ ftng xiiin wind-like stroke % fl 12i zh6ng.ftng wind malaria flE ftng nu2 Wind Market (GB-31W110) Riji f2ng shi wind medicinal f l fZng yao wind medicine [branch of medicine] fl$4 ftng k t Window Basket (SI-16) @ Z *chuiing ldng Window Dragon (ST-16) chuiing ldng wind papules fl@ pi f t ftizg zhe'tz; @ f2ng zhtn wind papules in children /J\ lLJiLJ25xi50 kr f2ng zhtn wind phlegm fl@ f2ng tlitz
wind wind-phlegm dizziness fl@tl%S ftng trirz xudn yiin wind-phlegm headache fl&A% f2ng thz rdu tbng Wind Pool (GB-2OW1I0)flth ftng chi wind qi fl5 ftng qi wind qi stirring internally fl%mi$~f2ng ql n2i dong wind rampart flm ftng kul, wind red sore fl%%& fEng chi ch~ring yi wind red sore disease fl ftng chi chuiing ji Wind Rock [non-channel]fl%+ @tzg yritz wind sand (shii) fl@ ftng shii Wind Screen (TB-17) 53fl yi ftng wind scrofula fljr,j, f2ng li Wind-Smoothing Powder gJA,% yhz f2ttg siin wind sore fl&ftng chuutzg wind stroke $flzhbng fttzg wind stroke block pattern $ flTij-7 iE zhhng ftng bi zh2ng wind stroke clenched jaw qfl @ zhong ftng kdu jin wind stroke desertion pattern q fl/Rii!i zhorzg ftng ti16 zhtttg wind stroke in pregnancy !XI$%$JiL r2n shtn zhong fEng wind stroke qi blockage @ Jil%% zhorzg ftng qi siii' wind stroke with loss of speech $ flF i5 zhbng ftng bh yii wind stroke with stiffness of the tongue preventing speech fl% 3% T zhbng f2ng sht qihng bh yii wind taxation fl% fttzg lrio wind tearing fl@ $ fEng 12i cht wind tetany fl@ ftng jing wind toxin fl@ fzng dLi wind toxin streaming sore fl%?%& f2t1g dLi liLi zhu wind-turned eyelid fl S €l$f2ng qiiin cht jiiin wind ulceration of the eyelid rim R?&% JJZ f2ng xirin chi lrin
wind warmth R ? E fFtzg wCti wind warmth assailing the lung M?%% ffeng wbz xi fti wind warmth damaging defense ?'{5 I2 fCng wen shiin wti wind warmth evil rnjE4P f2ng wCn xit wind warmth settling in the exterior ? ' %S f2ng wCn k t bi60 wind warmth Many )XI,?%!@ f2ng wen jing wind wasting-thirst RYE fFng xiiio wind water [a'kind of swelling] A 7k ffeng shui wind water puffy swelling )Xl,[email protected]$f2ng shui fii zhbng wind wheel [cornea and iris] Jd,@ f2ng lLin wind wheel damp-heat M @ ?Z ?!i;.21: ffeng lLin shi rk wind wheel heat toxin M$k !!: 8 fdng lhn rt. dLi wind-wheel rice bean )A,@* Z fdng kin chi dhu wind yang R P I feng yang wind yang ascending counterflow PEl k % fdtzg ycing shatzg tzi wind yang harassing the upper body fl Pa 1% ffeng yang shang rn'o wine @ jiLi wine preparation @96IJjiii ji wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu zht chbng; & &* tii Opisthoplatia) ch6ng; *3*tii yuan; &%" tii bid; &* tii biz ch6ng; ilk g*di big; ib E &* di biE ch6ng; E&*'--bie ch6ng .wing nut barka (Pterocaryae Cortex) iMjil ##Ef2ng liii pi wing nut l e a p (Pterocaryae Folium) $$ @jl Pf- ma liii y t wing of the nose [ a h m s i ] f i l fiing shhng winnow @ bb; &)% bb yritzg winnower )XI,$ f2ng ch2 Winnower Gate (SP-1lW"o) T J ji mirz winnowing basket EB 66 ji winnowing fan ji&E bb j i
~ithi.n Winter Solstice [22nd solar term] E tl6tzg zhi winter warmth +?E dbtzg waz wiry [old] $4; xirin wiry pulse [old]bIG4; m i i xian; $Zlbj( xidn mhi Wisdom's Advantage Armor (GV-12) $11 fi* zhi li jit Wisdom's Advantage Hair (GV-12) g$l1 %* zhi li muo Wisdom's Advantage Qi (GV-12) $11 e* 3 zhi li qi wisdom tooth W g zhCrz yh Wisteriae Caulis et Folium (wisteria stem and leaf) 2% zi ttng Wisteriae Galla (wisteria gallnut) E E ttng liu wisteria gallnuta (Wisteriae Galla) BE@ tkng liu wisteria stem and leap (Wisteriae Caulis et Folium) %BE zi ting withdraw l/P shbu withdrawal @j dirln withdrawal and epilepsy dian xian withered nose bi g6o withered-yellow [complexion] w2i huang withered-yellow facial complexion f3 8 mian s2 w2i huang withering of the helices q.$'Q;FEf2r lhn kii jiLio withering of the major bones A@&!iiFS da gii kii giio --.:bLLn14 5r7 'LSX $ v Z m iimn h;, -rasa3aava*2 r , J a a s u a a s c . v m . IL\TA - 1 xi2 withhold urine ,g,E r2n niao; ;%,R biz niao Within Bounds (IG-26) yu zhbng Within Cheek [non-channel] *jijz* jib li Within the Eleventh Burner (BL-20) 4- 2 H* shi yi jiiio zhi jiiin Within the Fifth Burner (BL-15) IIiE,2 H* wii jiao zhi jian Within the Seventh Burner (BL-17) k 2 (El* qi jiGo zhi jicin
J ~ V O
with with-judicious addition of B9hn zhu6 jiii without sweating XIIT wLi han withstand attack m$7ifT nai gong with the addition of @fin p i i jiii wok calcination $B#< gu6 duan woman $3A fu r t n womb 3 E zigotzg; k q f i nu' zi biio; Re. biio gong; 650
women's diseases $3 $4%'% f2 kt?j i bing women's diseases $3A & fii t-211j i ; R T dcii xia; %T% dhi xih bing
women's doctor % T E dlii xiA y i women's medicine k H n u kt? wondrous &J miho Wondrous Atractylodes Decoction )$
shin zhLi tiing shin zhLi sfin
Wondrous Effect Astragalus Decoction $$ $9$$ i+ $& shin xiao huhng q i tang Wondrous Effect Internal Dispersion Powder $$&+I 23 shin xiao tuo l i siin Wondrous Effect Pill $$?$A shtn xi& wLn
'$$%A A Z
Wondrous Effect Thoroughly Pounded Plaster @&rf-&$$ shtn xilio qiiin chui giio
Wondrous E f i c t Wind-Expelling Powder $9$* 9BJXl3 shin xiao q~7fcng siin Wondrous Response Rue-Nourishing Elixir $$E% f f shkn ying yiing zhFn
Wondrous Response Wind-Dispersing Powder $$E@ 8 shin ying xiiio fcng siin
Wondrous Six Powder *)$% liih shtn s i n Wondrous Three Powder 33% s i n q i wood mu wooden tongue d m u shi wooden tongue in children J]\ 11 -& xi60 i r m u sht
wood is the bending and straightening El &$j mih yut? qu zhi wood likes orderly reaching *B%%m u x i tiho dh
wood lousea (Armadillidium) •’3.$3 shL f c ; f&a* di shi wood overwhenming earth mil kP
jii mu whtz Wood-Quelling Pill {k wood restrains earth *Zf mu k i tL wood wind tongue (16 m u f i n g sht Woodworm Canal (LV-5) l i giju Woody Fangji Decoction 1% Zth mil
woody fangji [root]' (Cocculi Radix) p j j lfi mu fhng j i Woody Fangji Variant Decoction hU j&
PfS Z ?% jiii
* *
jiiin mu filng j i tling
woolly-fruited glochidion root0 (Glochidionis Eriocarpi Radix) @All;l;j(iRq i dh gfi gt?n
woolly-fruited glochidion [twig and leaf] (Glochidionis Eriocarpi Ramulus et Folium) qidiigu . worked water Hiifl7K giin lhn shui; % 7K lrio shui
worm [e.g., intestinal par&tes and invisible
shtn xiho rhi y i diin
huci xing jin
-fling j i l i n g
Wondrous Atractylodes Powder $$$3
wood fire tormenting metal
Rf! biio
Womb's Surround [non-channel] $#fiw t ~
Wondrous Effect Tai Yi Elixir
organisms thought to cause skin diseases] & ch6ng , worm accumulation & $2 ch6ng j i
worm accumulation abdominal pain &$R j& ch6ng j i f u thng worm disease resembling epilepsy & %{lA jj%j ch6ng bitzg si xihz worm distention &flk chbng zhang worm drum EL!$$ ch6ng gL worm drum distention ch6ng gL worm-eaten tongue fur &6+& chdrzg sui sh t worm epilepsy &jj%j ch6ng xihn worm-expelling medicinal 9E & 25 qii ch6ng yrio
worm expulsion gE & qu ch6ng worm heart pain &&j& ch6ng xin t6ng
worm infixation (zhu) &FZ chbng zhu worm macule Pr"3 chbng bSin worm pain & %$ chdng tong Worm-Quieting Pill 9 & JtL iin chdng whn Worm-Quieting Powder 9 & & iin chdng sin worms i&& zhii chbng wormseed' (Chenopodii Ambroisioidis Kcrba) f3lIZ t6 jing jit worms gnawing the lung & flgjifi chbng nit fti Worm-Sweeping Brew $3& 2 sio chdng jiiin Worm-lkansforming Pill 4 t & JtL huri chdng wan worrying tongue nong shi worthy 'Bxibn wound el1 chuiing; ell 4% chuiing shiing wrap-boiling 2 biio jiiin wrap in cloth bu bao wreathing gii yrio; $@El 25 gii wti yrio wrenched lumbus due to carrying heavy weights fi & lh7 @ fu zh6ng shiin yiio wrenchhd lumbus pain l'h7 sh6n cu6 yiio t6ng wrenching 1X7 4% shin shing wrenching and contusion [A@ shin cub wrenching of the lumbus [A@ shin yiio wriggling of the extremities @3 shbu zri ru d6ng
+& $@a
xanthium wriggling of the flesh jn m dong
j i r6u rLi
Wrightiae Folium (wrightia lea@) rft % af- drio diao bi yt Wrightiae Radix seu Caulis (wrightia [root or stemla) $11 rftk,",@ dho diao 12 zhli wrightia leafa ( ~ r i ~ h t i aFolium) e $11 8 % P t dao diao bi yt wrightia [root or stem] (Wrightiae Radix seu Caulis) B'J8k,",@ dao diho fizhh wringing pain in the genitals 13a yin qi nifi tbng wrinkle SLfr zh6u win; 3 zhhu wrinkly foot SBP zhbu jiio wrist @ wan; +jt$? shbu huai Wrist Bone (SI-4wifo) w i n gii wrist pulse 5El qi kbu; -.f El cun kbu; Bk mai kbu Wrist Taxation (LU-7) @%* wan fuo
wiii; IIft kkUi; 1I1Ftwiii; Ill%$>/k u Z wry xit; .IPA pi wry bee] $4 xit wryness Z wni; lib\ kuni; II$Jwfii; III(IJJ $1 kuni xit; .IPA pi
$4 xit wu [220-280 A.D.]
wryness Face]
a wu
shi zi; 8 i$H* ciing fang zhbng; mihn fritzg fang; F*cnng zi; &A Z-T* hil ~ n t z gzi; eif3" hu qin zi; E TZF* cLlng kt? zi; 8 8 jE @* ciing b ji li Xanthii Fructus (xanthium [fl uitla) % q.T cnng t r zi; Y 3J,T*niU shl zi; 8 @I xanthium [fruit] a (Xanthii Fructus) 8 H* cnng lcing zhbng; 8 T*tang zi; E $2? Ff T ciing 2r zi; +a%* niu shi zi; g E![l #* ciing fang zh6ng; 5 T* ciing zi; ?5$% T*ciing k2 zi; @ a F *t shi zi; BET* hri ciing zi; G q.%jE* cang 2r ji li; 2s T* ciing kc zi; @ZLT*2 shi zi; T* hh cGng zi; g.ags*ciing dr ji li; -33. 5" xi t r zi; -2IT .3*xi t r zi; &ZLF*i
Xanthii Caulis et Folium (xanthium stem and leaf@) 8K cGng t r ; g @* ccdng 2r c&o
3"x i b z i ; PFf'F*x i g r z i ; t shi zi; 8 EP @' ciing lhng zhiing; 4% @ B@* mian tang lang; G+* ciing zi; &A G+* hO cang zi; -ti8 @F*hO qin zi; %@T+ tang k2 zi; F 3-Eg* tang t r ji li Xanthium Powder F FB ciing t r siin; 8 qT& c5ng t r zi s6n xanthium stem and leafa (Xanthii Caulis et Folium) 8 3 ciing dr; % F S* cing t r ciio Xia [approx. 21st cent. B.C. - 16th cent. B.C.] E xia xian [old] @ xiiin Xingnaojing @ j & R $ xing niio jing
YAL BB t@yhng wti yang PR yhng yang affair [penis] yhng shi yang affairs [male sexual performance] @ yhrzg shi Yang Assistance (GB-38W110)P I $% yhng ffi
Yang Attachment (BL-59) Mif BR* fu yhng yang bind BJ3'L& yhng jik yang block P I [fl yhng bi yang brightness Cyring ming) channel pattern BEi % 22iE yhng ming jing zhkng yang brightness headache % yarcg ming t6u tong yang brightness bring ming) @El yang m ing yang brightness (yang ming) blood amassment PEl @El 8& yhng ming xli xu2 yang brightness Cycing ming) bowel pat' tern 88 % Bi? iE yhng ming fii zhtng yang brightness (yhng ming) bowel repletion PH l$J% yhng ming fii shi yang brightness (ycing ming) channel heat PEl %lt324: yhng ming jing rt yang brightness (ycing ming) damp-heat ! ycirzg ming shi r2 PEl
Yaw Xinhui tangerine peel@ (Citri Pericarpium Xinhuiensis) %h& E xi12 hui pi; %h&&Ffi*xm hui jLi pi Xue's Five-Leaf Phragmites Decoction @ t;E E P t P$R ?% xu2 ski wii yk lh g2n t&g xu li examination i$B@ zhtn xu li Xu's Heart-Clearing Diaphragm-Cooling Powder $& Etf$ JL\i,% RE 8 xO shi qing xit2 lihng gk siin
Xu's Wondrous ~ t r k t ~ l o d Powder es f@$Bxii xut shi shin zhLi siin Xylosmatis Japonici C o r t q (Japanese xylosma bark@)*& zuo mu pi
yang brightness Ohng ming) damp-heat ! % yhng interior repletion BH % & ming shi rt li shi yang brightness bang ming) damp-heat with an exterior pattern PH % t4: % S yhng ming shi rt jiiin biiio yang brightness @lingming) disease Pa % @ yhng ming bing yang brightness (yhng ming) disease pattern pH-fJj @ iE yhng ming bing zhkng yang brightness (yhng ming) has copious qi and copious blood PH @El & 5& h yhng ming dub qi dub xu2 yang brightness (yang ming) headache P I % yhng t6u tong yang brightness bang ming) is the closing BHfJj%-& yhng ming wki h t yang brightness (yhng ming) static blood % @ rfn yhng ming yC xu2 yang channel PR 23 ycing jing yang channel dragover disease 1BR 8 @ t r yhng bing bing yang channels pass through the head, and yin channels along the arms Z P R g X , Pa siin ycing zhi t6u sSin yin zrii shiiu
Yangchun amomum [fruit] @ (Amomi Blip Xanthioidis S e m e n seu Fructus) 4 1 yling chiin shli rtrz yang collapse tPI w~irzgyilng yang-collapse vacuity desertion t15s j$2jg w ~ i n gyring xfi t ~ r 6 Yang Correction ( B L - 5 9 ) Pa@* yring jiiio yang dawn pH !3 ybng d u n Yang Dawn Decoction PA B ?$I yhzg datz yang desertion H P A t ~ r oyhng; PIBR yring tuo yang disease PA% yhrzg bing yang disease is treated through yin $2Pa ydn,q bing zhi yin yang epilepsy [JEIB yhng x i h i yang evil f f P ydng xik yang expiry PI@ ybng j u t Yang Extremity (LI-I) $&PI* j u t ycing yang exuberance PA& yang shing yang has no support [IIZFfiNf ylirzg rvii sub fu Yang Headrope (BL-48Wu0(BL-43)) 'l_[jil yhng giing yang heat PI &?t yilng r i yang hyperactivity PEI X yring kung Yang Intersection (GB-35kVri0)PI 2 y h g jiiio yang is engendered by yin PA $7 PJ yring sheng yh -yitt yang is often superabundant, grin is often-insufficient PI % ?% $& P j j % T Z yyritig chbng ybu yu yitz chhtzg bir zil yang jaundice Pa$$ yring h ~ h z g yang linking vessel PAt@ ybng w t i ; PAt@ I& yhng w i i mu! yang macules PEG3 yyring b i n Yang Marsh (LT-11) PA yhng z t yang medicinal P I 3 ycing yuo Yang Mound ( G B - 3 3 ) PIP%* ydng ling; ( G B - 3 4 ) @* yritzg ling Yang Mound Spring (GB-34Wti0) PEI 1%9 ycing ling qucin yang-natured medicinal PEI'l%% yring xing yao yang network vessel PIg8 yring lu6
yang-supplementing yang of the thigh [outer face of thigh] f@ PI bi yring organ [penis] yung pattern PEI iE yring z h t n g pattern resembling yin iE4U rJa zhtng si yin Pool ( T B - 4 ) PI $LJyring c h i pulse PIb3 yhng m b i qi P I 5 yhng qi qi floating to the upper body P I 5 T+BTk yring qi fu y ~ r iyLi shring yang qi is deprived of its foundation PA 5%7 {fi Nf yang qi z h i yLi yi fir yang qi vacuity desertion BITER yling qi xii t u o Yang Ravine (LI-5W"O) BR @ yhng x i yang yang yang ybng Yang yang yang yang
yang-reinforcing medicinal @J PO Z zhu yring yao yang-reinforcing worm-expelling medicinal $tl PH 4E & % zhu yang qii Yang-Returning Emergency Decoction H $A 3,?% h u i yhng jiil ji tiing yang-returning formula H PR fid h u i yring ji Yang-Returning Jade Dragon Paste H I D 32 @ h u i ycing yu 16ng giio yang-returning medicinal HPI% hiii ycing yao Yang-Returning Root-Reviving Decoction H g $ ?% h u i yilng fiin b t n tiitzg yang reversal H y h i g juk Yang-Righting Powder IEPI 3 zh2ng yang siin Yang7s Mound Spring ( G B - 3 4 ) P A 2 @ ,%* yling z h i ling q u h n yang springing PI H yung qiLLo Yang Springing ( B L - 6 2 ) PI H*yhng qiiio; PA ffi * ycing qiko yang springing vessel PIEb3 yhzg qiiio mai yang summerheat PIE yang shii yang-supplementing cold-dispelling medicinal +b PI t%%Gj bii ycing qfi hcin yao
Yang-Supplementing Yang-Supplementing Five-Returning Decoction $1P I 5 3iqh bii ycing h~ranwir tang
yang-supplementing medicinal +(.PI%
ycing yao
Yang Surfeit king
P I 2 ybng
yang tetany P a Y Z yhng jing; P I jG ycing ling Yang Union (BL-55W1'*) -$P H h i ybng Yang-Upbearing Fire-Dissipating Decoction Sf$k$6 shCng ycing shn hud tiing Yang-Upbearing Stomach-Boosting Decoctiou f i P I &$ E $h sherzg ycing yi 'wti tiing
yang vacuity PEl E ycing xii yang vacuity constipation P I @ @ $& ybng xii bihn bi
yang vacuity dizziness P I Ell$G ybng xll XLL~IZ yLin
yang vacuity external cold P I E 91% yang xu wai hhn
yang vacuity fever P I @ E 24: ycing xii fa r t yang vacuity headache P I E &% yhng xii t6u thng
yang vacuity spontaneous sweating &! ?Tycing.xLi zi hcin
yang vacuity water flood P I @ 7JCt2 ybng xfi shui fhn
yang vacuity with cold Pfl E G 3% yhng xii ydu hrin
yang vacuity yin exuberance P I @ P I & yhng xd yin sh2ng
Yang Valley (SI-WIO) PEI +$ ycing gii yang vessel PQj$% ybng mai yang viscus Pfl K yhng zhng Yang-Warming Water-Disinhibiting De$11 7 k .1% w2n yhng li shui tcng coction yang-warming water-disinhibiting method
tE PH$]
wan ycing li shui fii [a kind of water swelling] PR 7JC yhng shui Yang White (GB-14W110)P H s ybng bhi 7&
yang water
yang wilt [impotence] Pfl S ybng we'i; PE1 @ yhng we'i yang within yang P B @ 2 P H yhng zlz6ng zhi ycing
yang within yin
yin zhorzg zhi
yang yellow P H yhng hiicing Yanzhou spikemoss' (Selaginellae Involyiin zh6u juiin ventis Herba) R+ll%jFQ biii
yardgrasse (Eleusines Indicae Herba et Radix) Y E ?3 niu jin ciio; hE@33* xi shuhi ciio
YAS PEl % ykng qillo yawn 2 qian; X h sh2 qicin; n P h hi qici~z;U q X hfi qihn yawning n i r J 2 I12 qicin yawning and stretching Xi$ qicin shen Yedo violete (Violae Yedoensis Herba cum Radice) % XffiT zi hiiu di ding; %
$+ZffiT* jin cai
di ding
yellow [color ussociated with spleen-earth] $$ hucing yellow azalea [flower] (Rhododendri q E nho ycing hua; +@ Mollis Flos) i%J
$6"yhng zhi zhu6; $.$f&lE*zhi zhu6 h ~ r i yellow azalea root@ (Rhododendri Mollis Folium) %@P96 @ ycirzg zhi zhu6 gen yellow azalea seed@ (Rhododendri Mollis Fructus) ?iq&T1iO Z ~ ~ zi; L L [fl +E
ZF* nuo yang hun zi Yellow-Boosting Powder
yellow-brown macules
yellow chrysanthemum [flower] Q (Chrysanthemi Flos Aureus) B% huhng jri; $$GE*huhng jLi h u i yellow downborne elixir@ (Hydrogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Aureum) E f i huhng sheizg;
S3-tB*hucing sh2ng dun
yellow-downed hedyotiso (Hedyotis Chrysotrichae Herba) $$ % F.F h~rcing mcio 2r ciio; ;ti+J@*shi dii ph; %kl!!!E Pi,* luh di wri g6ng; $ tfiE#* chuhn di wu gong Yellow Dragon Decoction $$&$2 h~iring 16ng tang
Yellow-Draining Powder t% g& xi2 huhrzg siin
yellow yellow ear cold damage B q.4% % huling dr shtang htin Yellow Earth Decoction $$*& hucing tii tn~zg Yellow Emperor (SP-4W11*)fiMi gong sL7n yellow facial complexion @jig 3 miLin st hucing yellow fat obstruction $$&Q@ huang ybu zhiing yellow fat pattern % &ljiiE hu~ingybu zhtng yellow Hangzhou chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemi Flos [flower] @ Hangzhouensis Aureus) 63 % hcing hutirqy jh yellowing 2 $$ fg hucing yellowing of the body and eyes H @$$ sh2n mu ju huring; 9 €lE S sh2n m& fa huang yellowing of the complexion in children +ILE$$ xiiio trfri: huring yellowing of the eyes €I3 mu hucing yellowing of the hair E S fu huang yellowing of the whiskers 3$j% xu hucing yellow jessamineo (Gelsernii Herba) .5'Q g6u wZn; BE*y t g t ; ji M f i * diz chd Yao yellow like the unripe bitter orange EfiU it;%% hucing ril zhi shi yellow obesity huring piink yellow of the eye @{I h~uingrkn
yellow or reddish urine /I\ 4ES % xicio bihn huang chi Yellow Resolving Powder S'@'$& hucing jig * , . . a .'MI&
yellow sliced aconite [accessory tuber] (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Aureum) % Mif R hucing fu pian yellow snivel (nasal mucus) with pus $$ A?O $3hucing n6ng ti yellow sweat huting hrin yellow swelling %j$ hucing zhdng yellow-tailed polygalaO (Polygalae Aureocaudae Radix seu Frutex) 3 Z 4Fq7k ZE huring hiui drio shui lihz; S E k SZ* hubrag huii diz yuiin zhi
Yin yellow tongue fur E Z ttai hucing; & E B sht tgi hucing; 6 k% sht shiing huang; & % sht jian hucing st; E hubng tai yellow urine R 3 niao hucing; /I\ tg& S xi60 sou s2 huang yellow vaginal discharge R T S ddr xiLi hucing; $$Rhuring dui yellow water pus sore @ 7k hucing shui n6ng chuiing yellow-water sore . @ 7k huhng shui chutang Yellow Water Sore Empirical Formula 8 7K %% ? hucing i shui chuiing yan ftang yellow wax@ (Cera Aurea) $$!& huang lb yellow wind SJiI,hucing fEng yellow wind internal obstruction $i?JiI,m F2i huring f2ng nti zhiing yellow wine@ (Vinum Aureurn) BiB hucing jiii YIL Pate yia wti yin P a yin yin agitation yin zho yin and yang [Ja Dl3 yin ycing yin and yang are divisible but inseparable Pa BEl %- i=fii F iiJ yin ycing k t f2n t r bu kt; li yin and yang are interdependent P ~ B R # d E {fi G yin ycing xiiing hu yi crin yin and yang are rooted in each other 13a PR Ei it;R yin ycing hu g2n yin and yang counterbalance each other PB irR $3129 yin ydng zhi yue yin- and yang-supplementing medicinals TSa BEl31+b 5 yin ybng shuang bii yLio yin and yang toxin PRBB B yin yhng dil yin and yang vacuity PB BR i%)$2 yin yring liritzg xii yin beating diff'erently from yang [the yin (chi) pulse beat like the yang (tun) pulse, but with a difference] Pa B B R fflj yin bb yhng bit Yin Bend #l [non-channel] Pa% ( - ) yin wdi. (1) Yin Bend #2 [non-channel] P B g ( 1) yin wdi (2)
Yin Bend #3 [non-channel]PJJS( .Z ) yin wdi (3) yin bind PJj&3 yin jiC Yin Bladder (LV-9) PB@ yin biio; me* yin biio yin block rfl yin bi yin-blood yin xu2 Yin-Boosting Variant Brew f i U E jiti jiiin yi yin jiiin yin bulging yin tui yin channel [Ja t3 yin jing Yin Channel (SP-7) Pa23* yin jing Yin Cleft (GV-1)' 1 3 215 ~ * yin xi; (HT-6Wf10) PJJ 215 yin xi Yin Cleft of Qi (GV-1) 52PA 215 * qi zhi yin xi yin cold rJa% yin hhn; PA ?$yin 12ng yin cold ascending counterflow % L 22 hrin yin shang ni yin collapse tPJJ wring yin Yin Corner (LV-11) yin lirin yin depletion 5 yin kui yin des-ertion j%Pa tu6 yin; PBH yin tu6 yin disease M% yin bing yin disease is treated through yang Pa'@ ?$F8 yin bbig zhi yhng yin door [orificium vaginae] P yin hii Yin-Enriching Clearing 'Ikansforming Pill PA$g#- fi zi yin qing hua wrin Yin-Enriching Fire-Downbearing Decor$& zi yin jiang hu6 tting tion % PB @ ! yin-enriching heat-clearing formula $$ISa @f fill zi yin qing r2 ji Yin-Enriching Major Supplementation $E zi yin dii bii wcin Pill yin-enriching medicinal 4;Pa 5 zi yitz yho Yin-Enriching Rehmannia Pill tfis StL zi yin di huring wdn Yin-Enriching Supreme Jewel Decoction Z 3$& zi yin zhi biio tting yin epilepsy rJa j@ yin xian yin evil &j %P yin xi6 yin expiry [Sa t g yin juB yin exuberance IJaByin sh2ng
Pa Pa
yin exuberance with yang debilitation E yin shtng yhng shurZi yin exuberance with yang vacuity PA@PIS E yin shtng yhng xii yin failing to embrace yang PA F @BE1 yln bu biio yring yin fever !(': yin r2 yin fire' PjjA yin hurj yin 'flatulence PA yitz Yin-Forming Brew i t Z huk yitz jiL2.n Yin Gate (KI-12) PBX* yin guan yin head klans penis] A yin tdu yin head cold Pa%% yin tdu hrin %% yin tdu tbng yin head pain yin heat f(': yin rt yin humor yin y6 yin impediment (bi) [Ja'Eyin bi yin insubservient to yang PJ ;I;)-A BEI yin bli cdng yring Yin Intersection (CV-7W'lO) PJ4 3 yin jiiio yin is engendered by yang !$?PIS yiiz sheng y Li ycirzg yin jaundice rSaB yin huling Yin Joint (BL-36) 3;" yitz guiin yin lichen (xiiin) TJR@ yiiz xiiin Yin Link (KI-12) PJ@* yin wti yin linking vessel PA if$ yin wBi; @BX yitz wti mai yin macule PJjCj yin b i n Yin Market (ST-33W"o) PA Ft;i yin shi yin medicinal yin yko ycio Yin Metropolis (KI-19W"O) Pa@ yin du Yin Mound Spring (SP-9W110)PA@%! yin ling qudn yin mounting (shrin) PBa yin shcin yin mushroom @jyin jiln yin-natured medicinal PB'~$ZJyin xhg yao yao yin needling [one of the twelve needling methods] PA $I] yin ci yin network vessel PJj $& yin luh Yin-Nourishing Lung-Clearing Decoction % PJj $jj$ $& yiing yin qing f2i tiing yin organ # yin qi
Pa Pa
yin pattern P a ijE yin zhkng yin-pattern cold damage PRiiE4%% yin zhtng shang hcin yin-pattern macules PJj ijf E GI ybz zhtng fii bat1 yin pattern resembling yang PJjiiElUbEI yin zhtng si ykng yin pile P a % yin zhi yin prevailing over the yang [JaHSPR yin sh t n g q i ycitzg yin qi yin qi Vin-Rectifying Brew @ IJB j$ lli yin jiiin yin region PJj Z[S yin 6 3 Yin-Returning Bitterness-Relieving Decoction 3 [la 3 $51h u h yin jih kii tang yin sac PfJl yin nhng Yin-Safeguarding Brew {% IJ;j 5 660 yin jirZn Yin-Securing Brew PR 3 gh yin jiiin; PA $, gh yin jiin yin sinew rJa jSji yin jin Yin's Mound Spring (SP-9) PA 2l% %* yin zhi ling qucin Yin Springing (KI-6) PA@* yin q i i o ; P a & * yirz qiiio yin springing vessel PJj yitz q i i o ; FJlE% ILk yin qiiio mcii yin summerheat PJjE yitz shii yin-supplementing astringing medicinal ;iib PA 3akG2z bii yin sh6u lihn yrio yin-supplementing blood-nourishing medicinal +\ P a %a 6ii yin ycing xu2 yao Y ln-Soppienmelniing Seco~tIen FE 9-fj SG yin tcng yin-supplementing formula +\ P a fill 6ii yin ji yin-supplementing medicinal ;f.b [IB 3% 6ii yin yao Yin-Supplementing Pill + \ P a 6ii yin wan Yin Surfeit [nun-channel] PA 2 yin kang yin sweating TJa $7 yin h a n yin tetany P I E yin jing Yin 'Ikipod (ST-33) h%* yin ding yin-type weather [wet, damp, dull, cold] P a X yin tian w,.
yin vacuity P a E yin xu yin vacuity aRecting yang P a EBPB yin XU ji yang yin vacuity and blood depletion P B E & % yin xii xu2 k u i yin vacuity and bowel repletion P J j E M S yin xii fii shi yin vacuity blood heat P a E yin xL7 x u t r2 yin vacuity engendering wind PJil E!&PI, yin xii sheng feng yin-vacuity fever P a E E 24: yin xL7 fii r t yin vacuity % 4 .headache & ) a P yitz xu t o ~ i tGng yin vacuity internal heat IJaEVqf4:yitz xii tzti r t yin vacuity lung dryness PFj@jifj@! yin xii @i zao yin vacuity night - sweating HBE l E J P yin xu dao h a n yin vacuity panting yin xii chuiin yin vacuity stirring fire PJj E A$I yin xii huii dhng yin vacuity stirring wind P a E~$J f l yin xii dGng fcng; PR E R $I yin xL7 feng dhng yin vacuity throat impediment (bi) P B E @ E yitz x i h611 6i yin-vacuity throat lichen (xiiirz) P J E @ & yin xii h 6 u xiiitz yin-vacuity tidal fever PJj @ ?BFJ 2: yin xii chrio r t yin vacuity wilting (we'i) Pa@& yin xii wti yin vacuity with ministerial fire tending $9 y:; >E: -y:;yg Azfi yi io &-i!; ,$+E dhng yin vacuity with yang hyperactivity PflE St yin xu yring kang Yin Valley (KI-1) P F j B * yin gii; (KT10wf'o) Pa$$ yin gii I yin vessel PJjbt yin m a i yin viscus P a @ yin zang yin water [a kind o f water swelling] PR 7K yin shui Yin White (SP-1) P a $ * yin bbi
yin wilt [impotence] Pa'@ yitz wwe'i
yin within yang P I 2PB ycing zh6ng zhi yin yin within yin P a $2PA yin zh6tzg zhi yut yin-yang i$j P I yin ycing yin-yang conversion P a P I E.I-1:yin ycing zhuiin huri yin-yang disharmony PB P I % iM yitz yhng shi ticio yin-yang retaliation P I PEI & E yitz y~ing shkng fil yin-yang water P a 7k yin ycing shui; (Aqua Yin-Yang) ER BE1 7R yin ycing shui yin-yang water@ (Aqua Y in-Yang) Y $$\ 7k* shcng shil shui Yinzhu (vermilion) tE% yyin zh17 YIS P a yin qido Yi Xi (131;-45WlIo) ifi l';,':: yi xi yokewood [leaf, root and bark]@ (Cratoxylonis Folium, Radix et Cortex) g+Z huang niu chci yong [old] YEi y6ng young bamboo leap (Bambusae Folium Immaturum) '~J-%JL\ zhh j~~iitz xin Young Deerhorn and Aconite Decoction 3 R+@J r6ng fLi tiing
Young Dragon Pill FF &j;L zi 16ng w h young ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma tzbz jinng Maturum) young leonurus@ (Leonuri Herba Parva) I$T&$f33$T t6ng ziyi mii ciio
Zanthoxyli Avicennae Radix (prickly ash rooto) J@F ?$ ying bil bd; -$ F @* niio bil sil Zanthoxyli Dissiti Radix (large-leaved zanthoxylum root) LLI#JtB shin jiiio g2n Zanthoxyli Folium (zanthoxylum leaf) E $fJ Pi- huii jido ye? Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix seu Ramulus et Foli (shiny bramble@) E$$J* mhn jiiio; G/iJr*liiing miatz zhen Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix seu Ramulus et Folium (shiny bramble@) Affi&+ rii di jin niLi Zanthoxyli Pericarpium (zanthoxylum [husk]) X$B huii ji6o; k $f,* dri jiiio;
hrin E$fl*bd jiiio; @$jj* ncin jiio; jiiio; J* diin jiiio; )I1 $fJ* chulin jiiio; Ill E#J* chuiin huii jiiio; J l l @ I T * chudtz qin jiiio! jiiio zi; ?I$fJ* hdng jiiio; H#J* shii jiiio; *$I+@* dri h6ngpho; #J ?I*jiao h6ng Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Carbonisatum (charred zanthoxylum [husk]@) irt; &!E huii jiiio trin; ) 11 $fjE* chuiin jiiio trin Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Pulveratum (zanthoxylum [husk] powder) ) ll#J &* chuiin jido fZn Zanthoxyli Piperiti Fructus (peppery zanthoxylum@) LLI #,? shin jiiio
Young Maid Pill gH!& qing t whz young scutellaria [root] @ (Scutellariae zi qin Radix Nova) $3 ticio qhz; T 3;;" yu [note of the kidney] 4s3 yii Yuan 11274-1368 A.D.] Z yucin Yunnan alpine aconite [tuber] @ (Aconiti Brachypodi Tuber) Zl-@% xu2 shring yi zhi hiio Yunnan coptis [root] @ (Coptidis Rhizoma Yunnanensis) Z S yhn lihn Yunnan.puccoon@ (Onosmatis Radix) 7B % diiin zi c i o Yunnan saussurea [root] (Saussureae Radix Sichuanensis) Z$% yun mil xiiirzg Yunnan tangkueio (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Yunnanensis) Z $3 yhn diinggui; r; !El* ybn gut Yunnan White T;j$j 0
yLin ncin bcii yrio
Zanthoxyli Semen (zanthoxylum seed) $fJ €I jiiio m u ; Jll $fJ€I* chuutz jiao mu Zanthoxylum and Flour Gruel $fJ@S$$ jiiio micin zh6u Zanthoxylum and Mume Decoction $$I@ $31jiiio m t i tiirzg zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) E $ f J huii jillo; A+$,* tlh jiao; E$fJ*bii jiiio; fei$fJ*nhrz juio; fF$fJ*hhrz ..I U Z O ; ,$,$fJ' diiin jiiio; J l l &* chuiin jilLo; JII E $ f J *chuiin huii jiiio; J l l $$!IF* chuiin jiiio zi; $I$&* h6ng jiiio; %@+ qin jiiio; E4J2*shii jirio; k g I $ @ *da h6ngpcio; $fJ M* pi0 h6ng zanthoxylum [husk] powdero (Zanthoxyli Pericarpiurn Pulveraturn) ) I 1 $@H* chuiin jiiio f2n zanthoxylum leap (Zanthoxyli Folium) E$iJPthi13 jiuo yk zanthoxylum seedo (Zanthoxyli Semen) $fJ E jiiio mil; )I 1 $f!( ' ch L I ( ~ I Z jiiio mil Zaocydis Caro (black-striped snake's flesh@) %;1;'i@m W E shllo sht rou Zaocydis Vesica Fellea (black striped snakes's gallbladder@)_SEflHwfi sht diin Zaocys (black-striped snakea) _S @ wii shi; S E * qing sht; k jq* qing dh 3 l wfi f2ng sht; G l$ !I$* wfi jiring; % j fing sht; 3f i E * wfi shiio sht; S M f i * hucing feng shk; WEE*hei hu5 shi; % fh* hei wu shiio; $11 g g * jirin ji sht Zebrinae Pendulae Herba (wandering Jew) 8 fi @j diho zhli m t i Zedoariae Rhizoma (zedoak) -%* 6 zhu; 2" h g q zhil yho; g&j.&* ping t zhu; & Z' ptng z h ~ i ; t zhLi; guiing zh4; Bz" ptng zhu; %?E7ttiping t zhu zedoaryo (Zedoariae Rhizoma) 3 $ 6 ~ yho; g g z * ping 6 zhu; zh& J I L ~ zhLi gZ*ptrzgzhLi; S X * 2 zhh; r j t * guiing zhk; g$* pttzg zhk; i'&?@jt* pkng 2 zh.4 zestful spiritedness gg $$ yi yi y6u shtn Zhangjiakou ledebouriella [root] ' (Ledebouriellae Radix Zhangjiakouensis) a k6u fhng ferzg
Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb]' (Fritillariae Jl Et zht bti m c ; Verticillatae Bulbus) k !X f3* dh bti mii; # Y*zht bti;'$2Jl* xicing bti; $2 Jl a * xicirzg bti mii zheng [note of heart-fire] 4& zheizg Zhou [npprox. 1lth cetzt. B.C. - 221 B.C.] 1;4J zh6u Zhuge's 'Ikoop-Marching Powder i% % 77 F % zhii gg xing jiin sin zi [n unit of weight equal to four qian].T zi Zingiberis Rhizoma (ginger) $$ jiiing; ~ILJ 9.di xin; $2Z* biii 12 yhn; $$ @* jiiing z6i Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum (dried gingera) T$$gin jiiing; i4g*jfitz jiiitzg; T Y Z * pin shdng jiiing; $ g*brii jiiing; ?& T s * dhn qiin jiiing Zingiberis Rhizoma Maturum (young gingera) !@$$ rztn jiiirzg Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (fresh ginger@) Y $ sh trig jiiing Zingiberis Rhizomatis Cortex (ginger skin) S & jiiirzg pi; $ $$ &' sheng jiiing pi; Y $$ sh2ng ji5tzg yi Zingiberis Rhizomatis Succus (ginger juice) $$-& jiiing zhi; & * % ~ * xiiin sheng jiiing zhi; & % : ~ *sheng jiiing zhi Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum (blast-fried ginger@)j@gpho jiang; %$$* hei jiiing; E* plio jiiing thn; 7 $$E*giin jiring tan; $$ E* jiiing thn Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum (roasted ginger [rootlo) %?$$ wkijjiing Zingiberis Rhizoma Ustum (roasted ginger@) % R gwei jiiirzg Zingiberis Rhizoma Vetum (old ginger@) 2S 160 jiiing Ziziphi Cortex (jujube bark) %&f& ziio ' shu pi Ziziphi Folium (jujube leaf) %PI- ziio y i Ziziphi Fructus (jujube) A 3 du ziio; 7 %* giin ziio; $it$%* mti'ziio; R%* licing 260; $I%*h6ng 260; +* 260; %T*ziio zi Ziziphi Fructus Ater (black jujube [fruit]@) W?i? hdi ziio
Ziziphi Ziziphi Pericarpium (jujube flesh) 8R ziio rhu Ziziphi Spinosi Semen (spiny jujube [kernel]) m7@{1surStz ziio rkn; %.I=*ziio r i a ; %tg* ziio h t ; g 8 t g * suntz ziio hk zorniaa (Zorniae Herba) T W S ding gui ciio Zorniae Herba (zorniao) T W F ditzg gui
cio Zorniae Radix (zornia rooto) T W ditzg gui ciio get1 zornia rooto (Zorniae Radix) ding pi ciio g2n
' TW S ; E R
Zosterae Marinae Herba (eelgrass) %&%
hiii dhi
art I1
X WE [ii y6 tin] charred mugwort
IrqBQ* [ii jiiio] ass hide glue* (Asini Corii Gelatinum)
BqiSBQB*[ii jiiio zhu] ass hide glue pelletso (Asini Corii Gelatini Pilula) [[a shi xui] ouch point; a-shi point W %* [ii wki] asafetida* (Asafoetida) BiiSqll~Zj*[ii xiiin yBo] cutch* (Catechu)
S [iii] grief
EZf~E* [jli di chi] Japanese ardisia [stem and leaf]" (Ardisiae Japonicae Caulis et Folium) BBP $ X%%ll@*[5i ji5o b i i huii sh6 li ego] hedyotisa (Hedyotis Herba) "x' [ii] moxa; mugwort [leafl* (Artemisiae Argyi Folium) T%Z*[Bi dong huii] tussilago [flowerla (Tussilaginis Flos) TjC Mrf UlgStl [Bi f t ~nujln gong wAn] Mugwort and Cyperus Palace-Warming Pill T 3 * . [hi hiio] mugwort [leaf]*. (Artemisiae Argyi Folium) XS&, [Bi jiiing win] Mugwort and Ginger Pill R% ?+is[hi jiii bii xi&]moxibustion supplementation and drainage 2 % [ii j u h ] moxa roll; moxa cigar X 3 * [Bi r6ngl mugwort [leafl floss* (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Tritum) XtC/S [Bi r6ngl moxa floss; mugwort [leafl floss* (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Tritum) S;i% [Bi shi] mugwort fruit* (Artemisiae Argyi Fructus) TE* [hi tan] charred mugwort [leafla (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Carbonisatum) S;i % [Bi tiio] moxa pole; moxa stick X % % [Bi tiio jiii] poling TW [Bi y?] mugwort [leafl* (Artemisiae Argyi Folium)
[leafla (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Carbonisatum) TUtt& [Bi y& y6u] mugwort leaf oil0 (Artemisiae Argyi Folii Oleum) . XM [ i i zhii] moxa cone XM& [Bi zhG jiii] cone moxibustion @ [Bi] belching; eructation [ki fii] putrid belching; belching of putrid qi (gas) Dg5 [Bi qi] belching; eructation Ug5,Wg [ii qi fii chbu] putrid belching; belching of putrid qi (gas) U%@ [Bi suiin] sour belching; belching of sour qi (gas)
3 [an] quiet 3 @ $33 [iin chong tiing] ThoroughfareQuieting Decoction [iin ch6ng sjln] Worm-Quieting Powder % & A [fin ch6ng win] Worm-Quieting Pill iffs j k ~[iin gong 'ni6 huing win] Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar Pill 3 4M $% [iin hui tiing] RoundwormQuieting Decoction iff%?%[[an h6n tang] Soul-Quieting Decoction S I R [iin miin] Quiet Sleep [non-chnnnel] %IF ( - ) [iin mi6n (I)] Quiet Sleep #l [non-channel] iff-lF ( z ) [iin mi6n (2)] Quiet Sleep #2 [non-channel] %BE ( 3) [iin mian (3)] Quiet Sleep #3 [non-channel] %BE ( !EI ) [[an miin (4)] Quiet Sleep #4 [non-channel] %KT*[iin nin zi] sterculia* (Sterculiae Semen) iff-%$% [iin r6ng tiing] Quiet Construction Decoction iff-@ [an shin] quiet the spirit
3;-#Z&A [in shCn ding zhi wiin] SpiritQuieting Mind-Stabilizing Pill ??#fir] [fin shCn ji] spirit-quieting formula 3 $$!&ItPZI [an shCn sheng hug ting] Spirit-Quieting Engendering Transformation Decoction. 9$$ A [an shin win] Spirit-Quieting Pill 9'B$L [an shkn wgn] Kidney-Quieting Pill 3;- ;ti &S X % * [an shi liG shi kC] pomegranate rind* (Granati Pericarpium) 9 i b [[in tii] quiet the fetus 9fib $11 5, tA [an tii hC qi yin] FetusQuieting Qi-Harmonizing Beverage $&@Y& % [ i n tii li yfi zhdu] FetusQuieting Carp Gruel 3;-BetA [an t i i yin] Fetus-Quieting Beverage 9E 'i:A [an wki yin] Stomach-Quieting Beverage 3;- ,B B [ i n xi xiing] benzoin* (Benzoinum) 'ff ,BB$L [an xi xiang win] Benzoin Pill 9 ,BBflE* [an xi xifing zhi] benzoin* (Benzoinum) 9@ * [fin xiC] BL-61 (Quieting of Evil) 9IL\ [[in xin] quiet the heart % [an zhGng] quiet the center 'ff 8 [ i n zhdng sgn] Center-Quieting Powder [ i n lu zi] Keiske artemisia fruit@ (Artemisiae Keiskeanae Fructus) I?$$ijT;h. [iin lu zi w6n] Keiske Artemisia Pill @ [in] press @& [Bn fg] pressing [manipulation technique]
+ +
%&& [Bn jiC f5] damming method g b l k [ i n mhi] press the pulse [i.e., feel]
[ i n m6] massage [ i n qilo] massage
@j&tRft~%%+ilTRi%R [ i n shii xu6 de t i shfi zub y6ng xuln xu&] selection of points belonging to special groups %i& [ i n zhEn] body palpation @2[ i n zhi] when pressure is applied @ 2 M P u i n zhi a0 xiin] pits when pressed ,@ [Bn zhi i o xi[Bn bG qi] pits @ 2M when pressure is applied @2 M P R P [in zhi 20 xiin jii sh6u qi qi] pitting that disappears as soon as pressure is released [ i n zhi fii qi] springs back after pressure is released B2tg)b [Bn zhi mi, zhi] engulfs the fingers when pressure is applied @ 2&8 [ i n zhi yi shkn] exacerbated by pressure B;tE+m 8 [ i n zhi ying sh6u Cr qi] springs back with the hand after pressure is released I$jE [ i n ding] dark clove sore (ding) H$jj$g [in duin] sealed pot calcination H$j?$ [[Bn jing] surreptitious menstruation BgR [ i n zhi] dull and stagnant-looking B$j% [ i n zi] dull purple [[an dhn] pale and dull
ao - ...
8 [Go] boil; stew
% B [iio giio] boil to a paste #$@ [go n6ngl anguish
ba /\ [bii] eight; eighth; eightfold
/\Zff [bii biio diin] Eight-Jewel Elixir /\%BBG [bii biio yHn yio] Eight-Jewel Eye Medication I$* [bii chdng] Eight Surges [nonchannel] /\ ,$,* [bii diiin] Eight Points [nonchannel] /\ rff [bii kr diin] Eight-To-Two Powder / \ ?& [bit fii] eight methods /\R[bii feng] eight winds; Eight Winds [nun-channel] /\)%';;c: [bii feng xui] eight wind points /\ 4R [bii giing] eight principles /\ 4 R M 2 [bii gang biin zhkng] eightprinciple pattern identification . /\ [bii hui] Florid Eight [nun-channel] [bii hui xut] eight meeting points /\ fB * [bii jiiio] star anise' (Anisi Stellati Fructus) /\ @ g* [bii jiHo chi] Chinese-holly leaf' (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) /\#I $11" [bii jiiio ci] Chinese holly leaf' (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) /\ % iEn [bii jiiio feng gen] alangium root@ (Alangii Radix) /\ #I mat [bii jiHo fEng yk] alangium leafa (Alangii Folium) /\#I%@ [bii jiiio hui xiiing] star anise' (Anisi Stellati Fructus) /\ fB & & * [bii jiHo jin piin] dysosma [root]@ (Dysosmae Rhizoma et Radix) /\ fB [bii jiiio liiin] dysosma [root]@ (Dysosmae Rhizoma et Radix) /\ fB B [bii jiiio xiiing] cacalia [root]' (Cacaliae Radix) /\ @ [bg-kub] eight ramparts /\
[bii ling mii] Japanese saussureaO (Saussureae Japonicae Herba) /\E&[ b i li siin] Eight Pinches Powder / \ %j 2 * [ b i liio] BL-31-34 (Eight .BoneHoles) / \ b $ 2 & f i [bii &i jiiio hui xut] master points of the eight vessels; confluence points of the eight vessels / \ €I!3j$ [bii mii min] lamprey eel@(Lampetra) /\ @ * [bii shii] Eighth Vertebra Point [nun-channel] / \ %@7;fi [bii wki dii xi8 fiing] EightIngredient Discharge Formula /\%kfi%A [bii wki di huing win] EightIngredient Rehmannia Pill /\!j?Bga[bii wki xiso yiio siin] EightIngredient Free Wanderer Powder /\@@J [bii wh tiing] Eight Agents Decoction / \ @ [bii xi] eight ravines [elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle joints] /\ 4L[I [bii xiiin ciio] galiuma (Galii Herba) /\ih%%j!~, [bii xian ching shou win] Eight Immortals Longevity Pill / 4 [bii xiiin huii] hydrangea [flower]' (Hydrangeae Macrophyllae Radix, Folium et Flos) / \ 4h@~[bii xjiin tiing] Eight Immortals Decoction /\Ih#%?& [ba xiiin xi50 yio tiing] Eight Immortals Free Wanderer Decoction / \ g[S'[bii xii] Eight Evils [nun-channel] /\g[Sfi [bii xi6 xut] eight evil points / \ R $1[ba yuk zhi] akebia [fruit]@ (Akebiae Fructus) /\@& [bii zhen tiing] Eight-Gem Decoction /\B&&Bh [ba zhen yi mii win] EightGem Leonurus (Mothenvort) Pill /\P% [bii zhkn] eight tactical arrays
/\E%[bii zhkng
s5n] Eight Corrections Powder /\l ;$$& [bii zhG ssn] Five Pillars Powder / \ # T [bii zhui xi$] Below the Eighth Vertebra [non-channel] E ES{I [bii d i n xing rkn] almond' (Pruni Amygdali Semen) E!Z [bii dbu] croton [seed]' (Crotonis Semen) EQ.1=*[ba dbu ren] croton [seed]' (Crotonis Semen) EG.m* [bii dbu rbu] croton [seed]' (Crotonis Semen) E!ZS [ba dbu shuang] croton [seed] frost' (Crotonis Seminis Pulvis) EBk* [ba ji] morinda [root]@ (Morindae Radix) E$!!t@ [bii ji jiii] Morinda Wine EBA m * [bii ji r b ] morinda [rootla (Morindae Radix) E $k X [bii ji tiiin] morinda [rootla (Morindae Radix) E$!k%[bii ji win] Morinda Pill E$fJ*[bB jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) EDt* [bii yk] loquat leaf' (Eriobotryae Folium) E EtR [bii jiiio gEn] banana stump' (Musae Basjoo Caudex) 'E [bii] scar tj?fL?& [ b i guin fg] cupping %i@E?&[bii guin liio fg] cupping ) j ? f i @ [ b i hud guin] fire cupping $,$,% [hS r?bngj.drzw nut PUS ti$+ [ b i zhEn] needle removal ti$$$ [ b i zhou] Flour Gruel $% [ b i qih] chinaroot' (Smilacis Chinae Rhizoma) tEb$ [b; mhi] take the pulse; pulse-taking E T * [bii zi] torreya [nut]@ (Torreyae Semen) A
bai $ [bii} white [color associated with lung-
$Be*[biii b5i hk] lily bulb'
(Lilii Bul-
-E+ Ei $3 [bii biin kr h$o yho giio] Leukoplakia No. 3 Medicinal Paste $ Gl&filJ [bii ban xi ji] L'eukoplakia Wash $ GI-? 5T2$ [bii biin yi hho yho giio] Leukoplakia No. 1 Medicinal Paste
$ $3
[bii b i n s i n hho yio gio] Leukoplakia No. 3 Medicinal Paste $ W-++$%filJ [bii b i n yi hho xi ji] Leukoplakia No. 1 Wash $$Dt@ [bii bki yk gen] mallotus root@ (Malloti Radix) $ % [bii bEng] white flood Q JE [bii bi] white crust A &3 ! * [bii bi5n dbu] lablab '[bean]' (Lablab Semen) .
B #Am* [biii bin ling] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen)
$-J;;R[bii b6 feng] white patch wind $ Lj? jitt [bii b6 pihn] White Patch Tablet $ 8% * [bii c h i
$1 white Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@(Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis Albus) $ f i [bii chi] feeble-minded person; feeble-mindedness $ & @ [bii ch6ng bing] whiteworm disease 3 3 [bii chdu] white morning glory [seedla (Pharbitidis Semen Album) Q [biii chuang],white sores Q 3$ [bii dhi] white vaginal discharge; vaginal discharge Q jitt (b5i d i i plan] -%-hi3 luischargc Tablet $ ffi 2 * [bii di li] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus) Q ffi&* [bii di yu] sanguisorba [root]@ (Sanguisorbae Radix) 0 @ [bii dihn] white patch [vitiligo] [biii diin fE11g1white patch wind [bii ding xiing] sparrow's droppings' (Passeris Excrementum) $ [bii dbu kbu] cardamom' (Amomi Cardamomi Fructus)
$ Z EE E [bii d6u k6u kC] cardamom
husk' (Arnomi Cardamorni Pericarpiurn) $q.?* [bii Er zi] tremellaa (Tremella) $ E [bii fii] graying of the hair $ Tfl [bii fin] alum' (Alumen) $@l% [bii f i n sjn] Alum Powder $ F44tl1* [bii fkng xian] garden balsam' (Impatientis Balsaminae Herba) El R* [bii fh] kaolin' (Kaolin) $ E S [bii fii ling] white pork@ (Poria Alba); poria@ (Poria) $ Mill+ [bii fG piiin] white sliced aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Album) $ Mil 5 [bii fG zi] aconiteltyphonium [tuber]@ (Aconiti Coreani seu Typhonii Gigantei Tuber) $ rf* [biii gan] white liquor@ (Granorum Spiritus Incolor) $ rf E * [bii g5n gC] pueraria [root]@ (Puerariae Radix) $ T i E * [bii giin jiii] white liquor@ (Granorum Spiritus Incolor) $ $R* [bii genl bletilla [tuber]@(Bletillae Tuber) $ @!%* [bii geng mi] non-glutinous rice@ (Oryzae Semen) $ ji9 F * [bii gG zi] oroxylurn [seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) $ f l 5* [bii gua zi] wax gourd seed' (Benincasae Semen) $33 [bii gud] ginkgo [nut]' (Ginkgo Semen) $ % 41 * [bii gu6 rCn] ginkgo [nut]' (Ginkgo Semen) $ Z * [bii gu6 r6u] ginkgo [nut]' (Ginkgo Semen) $ % P t [bii gu6 yk] ginkgo leaf@(Ginkgo Folium) B %! 3 [bii gu6 z h n g dii] ginkgo poisoning $ ?6JS* [bLi hC chi?] lanceolate codonopsis [root]' (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix) $ @ Z 3 [bii hk ling zhi] rhinacanthus [twig and leaflo (Rhinacanthi Ramulus et Folium)
$ $? [bii h6u] diphtheria
$ M @ * [bdi hii die] hairy rnussaenda
[stem and leaflo (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) $ #!i[bii hli jiiio] white pepper' (Piperis Fructus Albicatus) $ & * [bii hii] gypsum' (Gypsum) $ R%%@i[bii hii c h h g qi tang] White Tiger Qi-Infusing Decoction Q RfitF&$P%[bii hii jig cang zhii tang] White Tiger Decoction Plus Atractylodes $ R hat&BPzi[bii hii jig di huing tang] White Tiger Decoction Plus Rehmannia $ $?,-ha @ jErfi $22 [bii hii jig gui zhi tang] White Tiger Decoction Plus Cinnamon Twig $ Rfin [bii hii jiii rCn shen tang] White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng $ R E -if [bii hii li jiC] white tiger joint running, $ R$zi [bii hii tang] White Tiger Decoction $ZB&*[bii hu5 biii h6] lily bulb' (Lilii Bulbus) $ E ff [bii hu5 dan] plumbago' (Plumbaginis Herba cum Radice) $ Z 3 ; t ; W * [bii hug m i o gen] imperata [root]@ (Imperatae Rhizorna) BEE [bii huii sh6] kraitlagkistrodon@ (Bungarus seu Agkistrodon) $ E E Z 3 [bgi hua she she cjo] hedyotisa (Hedyotis Herba) 8 4&[bii huin shiil BL-30W"O (White Ring Transport) $ B [bii ji] bletilla [tuber]@ (Bletillae Tuber) $ E* [bii ji] bletilla [tuber]@ (Bletillae Tuber) $ g* [bii ji] tribulus [fruit]@ (Tribuli Fructus) $B&SI] [bii ji h6 ji] Bletilla Mixture $ %%* [bii ji li] tribulus [fruit]@(Tribuli Fructus) $ E%+&[bii ji li siin] Tribulus Powder $ BtJk$@Ztl [bii ji pi p i win] Bletilla and Loquat Pill
$ Z& [b& ji siin] Bletilla Powder
[bii jYj bletilla [tuber]@ (Bletillae Tuber) $ %JE$ [bii jiIn chiin] white cocoon lip $ $$* [brii jiiing] dried ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizo~naExsiccatum) $ @% [bii jiiing cin] silkworme (Bombyx Batryticatus) $ BB*[bii jiilng cin] silkworm' (Bombyx Batryticatus) $ @B& [bii jiiing cin s%n] Silkworm Powder $ Bj?f[bii jihng diin] White Downborne Elixir; white downborne elixir0 (Praeparatio Sublimata Alba) Q jjqs [bii jiiio xiiing] liquidambare (Liquidambaris Resina) D BPS* [bii $50 cIo] phoenix-tail fern@ (Pteridis Multifidi Herba) $53. [bii jik zi] white mustard [seed]@ (Brass~caeAlbae Semen) $ *h [bii jin win] Alum and Curcuma Pill [bii jing] white of the eye $ Q ~ 6 ~ [bii 1 ~jing 3 luhn m8i] chaotic vessels in the white of the eye $ lg SE [b5i jing qing lin] blue whites of the eye $I@&% [bii jing sheng ggn] gan of the white of the eye B [b6i jing yi xuk] blood spillage in the white of the eye Q l g & H [bii jing yii biio] fish-belly eye white B $@&&TI*[bii jing qiii yin] earthworm' (Lumbr~cus) 1214% TBE! 3 [bii jing yii yiin yho] Bai Jing-Yu's Eye Medication $ ig. [brii jiii] white liquora (Granorum Spiritus Incolor) Q % [bii jG] white chrysanthemum [flowerla (Chrysanthemi Flos Albus) Q [bii j6 hug] white chrysanthemum [flowerla (Chrysanthemi Flos Albus) $ % X B [bii j6 huii gen] chrysanthemum root' (Chrysanthemi Radix)
13 % [bii k6u chulng] white mouth
[bii jiin] alum' (Alumen)
sore $ g*[bii k6u] cardamom' (Amomi Car-
damomi Fructus) Q %{I * [bii k6u ren] cardamom' (Amomi ,Cardamomi Fructus) Q fi!& [bii lii] white wax@ (Cera Alba) $ $%%?j[bii Ih li] white perverse crop (16 1;) Favus of the scalp] $ #$j [bii Iii] white lai [bii 16 wei] trifoliate acanthopanax $ twig and leaf@(Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Ramulus et Folium) $ Eh* [bii lei wrin] omphaliaa (Omphalia) $@I[bii li] white dysentery $ B h [bii liin win] Ampelopsis Pill $ S* [bii liiin] ampelopsis [root]@(Am:' pelopsis Radix) Q@ [bii i liin] ampelopsis [root]@ (Ampelopsis Radix) $ # [bii lin] white strangury (lin) Q 2%"[bii 16ng fEn] refined mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Depuratum) Q ft;B [bii 16ng gii] white dragon bone@ (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia Alba) Q @ [bii 161.11white leak Q [brii lii] White Dew [15th solar term] Q 3 b * [bii lu6 b6] radish' (Raphani Radix) QkZ$fiE[bii lu6 si k6] bellamya shella (Bellamyae Quadratae Testa) $ j$$T* [bii m i zi] hemp seed' (Cannabis Semen) 4 [bii mii gii] serissaa (Serissae Herba) $ 4 B* [b&im5 wei] baiwei [cynanchum root]" (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) $ X * [bii mi01 imperata [rootla (Imperatae Rhizoma) $ S @ [bii mio gen] imperata [rootla (Imperatae Rhizoma) -2fi& * [bii m5o gu] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus)
E [bii m i 0 huii] imperata flower@ (Imperatae Flos) S 2 B [bii m i o tCng] - climbing nightshade' (Solani Lyrati Herba) 132B;f;if V [bii m i o xih kti ciio] bending bugle@ (Ajugaq Decumbentis Herba) $E jZeZ [bii mCi hug] white mume flower@ (Mume Flos Albus) $ B S [bii mii tail white-mold tongue fur $ % * [bii mi] honey' (Mel) - $ m#j* [bii mihn fin] wheat flour' (Tritici Farina) $ m a [bii miin shi] white-face sand (shii) $ IjFI [bii ming fin] alum' (Alumen) $ R$$E@ [bii m6 qin jing] white membrane invading the eye $ f i B # * [bii m6 gii xiiio] rhomboid hyptisO (Hyptis Rhomboidis Herba) $ S [bii mB i r ] tremellaa (Tremella) $ E#;f T * [bii nSo shB zi] ligustrum [fruit]@ (Ligustri Fructus) $ & j% [bii niin ti] sticky white snivel (nasal mucus) $ Y BB [bii niG dSn] goat-ear elecampane@ (Inulae Cappae Herba) $ T$ [bii pei] miliaria alba $ bH: [bii pi] white arsenic0 (Arsenicum Album); arsenic@ (Arsenicum) Q E jX [bii pi qi] white-skinned astragalus [root]@ (Astragali Radix Alba) El 3 %* [bii p6 jiiing] Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaflo (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) $ i%%* [bii pii jiiing] Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaflo (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) El g*[bii qih] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) $ e Y * [biii qiiin niG] white morning glory [seed]@(Pharbitidis Semen Album) $ $Y T* [bai qiiin niG n'] white morning glory [seed]@(Pharbitidis Semen Album) $ [bii qiin] cynanchum [root]' (Cynanchi Baiqian Radix et Rhizoma) $X
$51[bii qiin t!ng] Cynanchum Decoction S %;i;R * [bii qi6 gen] eggplant root* (Solani Melongenae Radix) % [bii qii cii] celandine' (Chelidonii Herba cum Flore) $41 [bii rCn] white of the eye $ [bii r6u] white flesh [of the arms and legs] S 4U;f;if B [bii rG kii gti]' white as dry bones $5-t= [biii siin qi] rhodiolaa (Rhodiolae Herba) $ & [bii siin] White Powder 12%&* [bii siing pi] mulberry root bark' (Mori Radicis Cortex) $ B% [biii sk zhkng] white dry eye $ ?$@* [bii shii mi] honey' (Mel) $ f i # [bii shii tang] white sugar* (Saccharon Granulatum Album) $E* [bii shiin] dictamnus [root bark]@ (Dictamni Radicis Cortex) $ q * [bii shio] white peony [rootla (Paeoniae Radix Alba) $ 5 % [biii shao yio] white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae .Radix Alba) $ $ [bii shen] white ginseng@ (Ginseng Radix Alba) $ ;ti*[bii shi] actinolite' (Actinolitum) $ ;ti% [bii shi yingl white quartz@ (Quartz Album) $ ;ti%$% [bii shi ying tiing] Whitc Uuar tz Decoction $ ;Eizh[bji shi ying wan] White Quartz Pill $ ;ET%* [bii shi zSo] honey tree fruit' (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) $ ;tilE [bii shi zhi] kaolin' (Kaolinj S EBWB [bii shi yrin yio] Bai's Eye Medication Q E -$ [bii sh6u wu] baishouwu [cynanchum tuber]' (Cynanchi Baishouwu Tuber) $7JC;ti* [biii shui shi] glauberite' (Gypsum seu Culcitum) $ %+I[bii su g h g ] white perilla stem@ (Perillae Albae Caulis) $
[bii sii pi] white perilla bark@ (Perillae Albae Cortex) Q 5 D - t [bii sii y&] white perilla leaf@ (Perillae Albae Folium) $ 35 [bii sii zi] white perilla seed@ (Perillae Albae Semen) Q 25 [bii tail white tongue fur Q %* [bii ting] white sugar' (Saccharon Granulatum Album) [bii t i o tii] kaolin' (Kaolin) Q Q Z * [bii tiio] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) $ B 9 * [bii tong c5o] rice-paper plant pith' (Tetrapanacis Medulla) $ BfJn % flB*H$% [bii tong jig zhii diin zhi tiing] Scallion Yang-Freeing Decoction Plus Pig's Bile $ B @J .[bii tbng tiing] Scallion YangFreeing Decoction B XG* [bii t6u gong] pulsatilla [root]@ (Pulsatillae Radix); hairy mussaenda [stem and leafl' (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) $ 5% [bii t6u weng] pulsatilla [root]@ (Pulsatillae Radix) $ $%fin H 9 pq Bft $3~[bii t6u weng jig gan c5o e jiiio tang] Pulsatilla Decoction Plus Ass Hide Glue and Licorice $ X 5% $2 [biii t6u weng tang] Pulsatilla Decoction $ % [bii tii] bald white scalp sore $ 2% [biii tii chuiing] bald white scalp sore 8 2i+kE [bii tii dui hui] ash heap bald white scalp sore $ @ [bii wei] baiwei [cynanchum rooty (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) $ @Ph [bii wei tang] Baiwei Decoction $ [biii wei win] Baiwei Pill $ #* [bii wki] baiwei [cynanchum root]' (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) $ @ & [bii xian pi] dictamnus [root bark]@ (Dictamni Radicis Cortex) $ & & 8 [bii xiiin pi siir,] Dictamnus Powder Q * [bii xiiin pi] dictamnus [root barkla (Dictamni Radicis Cortex) ,
[bii xi& feng] white scaling wind
$ { S Z * [bii xin shi] white arsenic0 (Ar-
senicum Album) $ Ifl8113~ [bii y5 rbu] duck's flesh' (Anatis
Caro) $ I W [bii yiin] white of the eye [part of
the eye]; white eye [an eye disease] [bii yiio] platycodon [root]' (Platycodonis Radix) Q & P [bii ygo zi] cepharantha [tuber]' (Stephaniae Cepharanthae Tuber); dioscorea [root]@(Dioscoreae Rhizoma) $ D t % l J @ [bii y6 ci gen] Fujian elaeagnus root@ (Elaeagni Oldhamii Radix) Q ?Z [bii yin] white ooze $ E* .[bii ying] climbing nightshade' (Solani Lyrati Herba) Q'@m [bii you feng] white wandering wind $ &E [bii yu wEi] Asian buddleia [mot, stem, and leaflo (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) $ 5@ [bii yij gaol White Jade Plaster $ SkB* [bii yti zhi] oroxylum [seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) Q @ [bii zhEn] miliaria alba $ X [bii zhi] angelica [root]' (Angelicae Dahuricae Radix) $ X& [bii zhi s5n] Angelica Powder $ kEG* [bii zhi shin] hairy mussaenda [stem and leafl' (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) $ 7t;: [bii zhu] ovate atractylodes [root]' (Atractylodis Ovatae Rhizoma) B $ M i f F $% [bai zhfi fh zi tang] Ovate Atractylodes and Aconite Decoction $ $@ [bii zhfi gaol Ovate Atractylodes Paste $ #& [bii zh6 siin] Ovate Atractylodes Powder $ $q%% [bii zhu shio yiio s5n] Ovate Atractylodes and Peony Powder $ [bii zhu zhii dii zhou] Pig's Stomach Gruel $ [bii zhuo] white turbidity iff- * [bgi bki] achyranthes [root]@ (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix) $
BE%B "s"T%[biii bing jie sheng y6 qi]
BfbkQ$jj@ [bii mii chio fki] hundred ves-
hundred diseases arise out of qi B $* [biii bii] stemona [root]@ (Stemonae Radix) BETS [bii bii] stemona [root]@(Stemonae . Radix) GETS@ [bii bB gaol Stemona Paste BQP@* [biii bti gen] stemona [root]@ (Stemonae Radix) B QP@% Pill [bii bil guhn ch6ng ji] Stemona Enema B@t3$&$5[biii bii qing jin tang] Stemona Metal-Clearing Decoction B g P 3 [bsi bii siin] Stemona Powder ESP?%[biii bB tang] Stemona Decoction BQPh [biii bii w6n] Stemona Pill Ei SE [biii ciio shuiing] weed sooto (Herbarum Ustarum Fuligo) B & & * [biii ch6ng ciing] sumac gallnuto (Rhois Galla) 8&@* [bii ch6ng ke] SP-10 (Hundred Worm Burrow) B &A -5 [biii ch6ng rB er] insects in the ear B &liB; [bii ch6ng wb] Hundred Worm Nest [non-channel] Bf$% [biii hii] hundred bones B $. [bii hi] lily bulbg (Lilii Bulbus) 8$-@ [biii h i bingl-lily disease 8$-*&$$$% [biii h i di huing ting] Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction B-f;a&$% [biii h i gh jin ting] Lily Bulb Metal-Securing Decoction E$.iBEj& [biii h i h u i shi sin] Lily Bulb and Talcum Powder 8$.;;.knBP%[bii h i zhi mij ting] Lily Bulb and Anemarrhena Decoction B E % [bii h u i gio] Lily Bulb and Tussilago Paste B & [biii hui] GV-20W110(Hundred Convergences) i? [biii jiC] hundred joints 8$?#Z * [biii lh yQn] ginger* (Zingiberis Rhizoma) [biii 1601 Hundred Taxations; GV-14 (Hundred Taxations)
sels face the lung [biii ri ki] whooping cough; hundred-day cough 8 IE @ [biii yiin ting] small-leaved morinda [root and stem]' (Morindae Parvifoliae Radix et Caulis) [biii yio jiin] schisandra and tea fermentation@(Schisandrae et Camelliae Fermentatio) E--HB?% [bii yi juin bi tang] Hundred and One Formulas ImpedimentAlleviating Decoction B M M [bsi zh6ng fEng] Hundred Winds [non-channet] SIP% [biii zui sbu] hundred-day cough @{I* [bii rkn] biota seed@ (Biotae Semen) $Q%* [bli shi] biota seed@ (Biotae Semen) # $ P t * [biii yk] biota leafa (Biotae Folium) #SPf-?% [biii yk tang] Biota Leaf Decoction [bii zi] biota seed@(Biotae Semen) #$'FII [biii zi rin] biota seed@ (Biotae Semen) @-3{1% [biii zi r i n shuiing] biota seed frost@ (Biotae Seminis Pulvis) #Q341?% [biii zi r6n ting] Biota Seed Decoction #Q3kJtt [biii zi r i n win] Biota Seed Pill #QT{Z% [biii zi r6n zhbu] Biota Seed Gruel @IF%* [biii zi shuiing] biota seed t'rost. (Biotae Seminis Pulvis) #QT%&.\5tl, [bli zi yiing xin win] Biota Seed' Heart-Nourishing Pill !@ [bhi] vanquished @ S& [bhi dQ siin] Toxin-Vanquishing Powder [bii gui biin] tortoise plastrono (Testudinis Plastrum) @%J#* [bii gui bin] tortoise plastrone (Testudinis Plastrum) !& % F * [bhi gui jii! tortoise plastrono (Testudinis Plastrum) !&5$[bii huhi] vanquished
B El D 3
@ % * [bii jiing] baijianga (Baijiang Herba cum Radice) @gS[bii jiing ciio] baijianga (Baijiang Herba cum Radice) [bii xu51 vanquished blood i+ M [bii xu& ch6ng fki] vanquished ' blood surging into the lung f+ [bii x u i ch6ng w5i] vanquished blood surging into the stomach B!fi j+,h [bii xu5 ch6ng xin] vanquished blood surging into the heart
@a @a @a)+
B [bin] macule B Ej @ * [bin
jifi fin] Chinese smartweedo (Polygoni Chinensis Herba) &2&,[biin 16ng win] Striped Dragon Pill BjE*[bin mi01 mylabris@ (Mylabris) B%* [bin m5o] mylabris@ (Mylabris) [bin m5o] mylabriso (Mylabris) BE3323 $L [ban mio t6ng jing win] Mylabris Channel-Freeing Pill; Mylabris Menstruation-Promoting Pill 33% [bin zhen] maculopapular eruption W @ P , ~ ~ ~ [bin X E zhdn yin yue kd jiin] faintly visible macules or papules @ [ban] scar @@ [bin hin] scar [bin hen jiii] scarring moxibustion @ [biin] solid [unbroken]; board [distal portion of the sole proximal to the great -toe] &$ [biin j chi] front teeth &E-ks?$[biin 15n d i qing tang] Isatis Root and Leaf Decoction &E@[bin 16n gcn] isatis root@ (Isatidis Radix) & (7 [bin men] Board Gate [nonchannel] R $L [bin bii win] Pinellia and Fritillaria Pill [bin biin huii] Chinese lobeliaO (Lobeliae Chinensis Herba c ~ l mRadicej: +it?%* [bin bian jli] Chinese lobeliaO (Lobeliae Chinensis Herba cum Radice)
[bin biiin lihn] Chinese lobeliaO (Lobeliae Chinensis Herba cum Radice) +?& +% [bin biiio b i n li] half-interior half-exterior; midstage penetration +S+giif[bin biiio b i n li zhkng] halfinterior half-exterior pattern; midstage pattern +f" [bin ch&n] miscarriage $11 [bnn ci] half needling ione of the five needling methods] +@R;t;R[bin feng h i gen] pterospermum [root]@ (Pterospermi Radix) +iEn$$ift [bin feng he y5] pterospermum leaf@ (Pterospermi Folium) B 3, ' [bgn huing win] Pinellia and Scutellaria Pill +@A [bin li6 w h ] Pinellia and Sulfur Pill 9 %pi$ [bin shen bG sui] hemiplegia; half-body paralysis 9 B [bin shen bG sui] hemiplegia; half-body paralysis 9 k!j ?T [bin shen chfi hin] hemilateral sweating; half-body sweating 9 jj$& [bin shen m5 mG] hemilateral numbness; half-body numbness +h [bin xi&]pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber) +g $ [bin xi&bai zhir tian m6 ting] Pinellia, Ovate Atractylodes, and Gastrodia Decoction +BE%.iA[bin xi8 fli ling tang] Pinellia and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction
+ + + +
~E T
s a x rh>n L V U ~ . v;A
~ Z L L
n 6n.. ii4inn cGn]J -Pinpi& J.L-.-b
lia and Dried Ginger Powder +EE+C&[bin xii h6u p6 tang] Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction + g $ E * [bin xii jing] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma) g H [bin xi8 qii] pinellia [tuber] leaven@ (Pinelliae Massa Fermentata) +BH*?& [bin xi8 shir mi tang] Pinellia and Broomcorn Millet Decoction +s.ih [bin xi2 ting] Pinellia Decoction +ziq&@~ [bin xii xi5 xin ting] Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction
g @ [bin ~ xi6 lih jiin tiing] Pinellia Heart-Draining Six Gentlemen Decoction P@g[bhn zhi liin] bearded scutellariaO (Scutellariae Barbatae Herba) $+$$ [bsn chiio] stir-fry with adjuvant
bang !I$%*[bhng zhii] pearl' (Margarita)
4% 3jZ *. [bhng cio] licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix)
if:QT%* [bhng zi mbo] corn silkm-(Mays Stylus) @ [bhng] flake [bhng diio] flaker
bao Q [biio] envelop; pouch B E [biio jiiin] wrap-boiling B B % [biio zhen zhii] pearl lump [sty] fi [biio] eyelid [upper atzd lower]; upper eyelid; bladder; uterus; womb; mole [discharged from the vagina] fiB [biio bi] bladder impediment (bi) fi@ [biio chui] sagging eyelids /@E[biio gong] uterus; womb fig%% [bao gong h i n ning] congealing uterine cold fig E3$ [biio gong xu hin] uterine vacuity cold fi% [biio hiin] uterine cold B%!?T*[biio hin bh yhn] uterine cold infertility fig [biio huiing] BL-53WIlO (Bladder Huang) fiE [biio jiin] eyelid fiEflLP@ [baa jiin zh6ng h6] phlegm node of the eyelid fiEfl9flE [biio ji5n zhiing zhing] swelling of the eyelid fi@ [biio lbu] fetal spotting /@@& [biio lbu xu61 fetal spotting fi$kEBh [biio l6n zh6n tiio] twitching eyelid
fiS6 [biio lub] uterine network vessels fib*' [biio mhi] uterine vessels fir7 [biio m6n] uterine gate (orificium uteri); CV-4 (Bladder Gate); KT-13 (Uterine Gate (left)) fi rt;J % fi [biio nki sheng rbu] growth inside the eyelid fiE 4D5$ [biio xu rii qi6] eyelid vacuous as a ball fia [biio yi] placenta; placenta' (Hominis Placenta) fi&+7; [biio yi bh xi&]retention of the . placenta @fl$fiD#k [biio zh6ng r6 ti01 eyelid swollen like a peach fiE [biio zhuiin] shifted bladder fiPfl[biio zii] uterine obstruction 4% [biio] safeguard I%%+iZff [bgo iin wiri'ling diin] Safeguard Limited Efficacy Elixir I%P-X&c'fi [biio chiin w6 you fiing] Carefree Pregnancy Formula 4#FZrti;% [bio chiin w6 you s5n] Carefree Pregnancy Powder @%& [biio chi sin] Infant-Safeguarding Red Powder . h. [bio hb wbn] ~ a r m o n ~ - ~ r e s e r v i ' n ~ Pill .l%fl9E%h.[biio tiii zi sheng wbn] FetusSafeguarding Life-Supporting Pill 4% PB E [bio yin jiiin] Yin-Safeguarding Brew ~%Z@J [biio yuiin tiing] Origin-Preserving Decoction @g& [bio zhen tiing] True-Safe'guarding Decoction t@[biio] satiated; satiety [bgo gel belching from satiation t@K[biio zhing] bloating 2 [biio] jewel 3% Q Z!j [biio ji b8i shiio] haa an xi white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Shaansiensis) ZBzqE * [brio zhii c h i huii] camellia [flower]" (Cxmelliae Japonicae Flos) .@1J [bho] plane; make into shavings @ [bio] embrace
BJLa[bho Cr 1501 consumption ofpregnancy
& [bio 16ng w6n] DragonEmbracing Pill . fi@@gI [bio liin h h g ] red areola surrounding the dark of the eye f i f f [biio t6u huh diin] head fire cinnabar [bio xi] knee board 39B [bio gii] leopard's bone' (Leopardi 0s) 39BJlft[bio gii jirio] leopard's bone glue@ (Leopardi Ossis Gelatinum)
39 Bi*At@[ b i a gii mrj guii jiii] Leop-' ard's Bone, and Chaenomelis Wine
%*$IJ [bio w6n ci] leopard-spot needling [one of the jive needling methods] )t;iiFiJ [bio biiio] heralding tip )R$q [bio ci] report needling [one ofthe twelve needling methods] )t;i,$ [bio diiin] heralding speckle )K#j,$ [bio shiing diiin] trauma pointer b [biio] sudden; fulminant b E [bio beng]. fulminant flooding %% [bio bingj fulminant dise-ase b ;;T; An A [bio brj zhi rCn] sudden loss of consci~usness 3% [bho hiin] fulminant clouding %J@j [bio ju6] fulminant reversal 3Z4 2 [bio 16ngl sudden deafness bg [bio ming] sudden blindness $$$fiz{%jT [biio nu shiing giin] sudden violent anger damages the liver $j%aT& [bio pb xi$ zhrj] fulminant distressing downpour bjb [bio pii] sudden collapse
[bio rk] fulminant fever [heat] [bio tub] fulminant desertion [bho yin] sudden loss of voice SUE ; 9&[bio zhrj] fulminant pouring ilk@@* [bio yG pi] abalone shell' (Haliotidis Concha) RZe-;l;$%* [bho gk ziio] ligustrum [fruit]@ (Ligustri Fructus) $&!&
@ ! @ * [bei xiing] ephedra'
Herba) $! & *
[bei yin] ephedra' (Ephedrae Herba) % [bei] sorrow [one of the seven ajfects] %I$+ % [bEi xi brj ching] abnormal sorrow and joy %flIJ%# [bei zC qi xiiio] sorrow causes qi to disperse @ * [bei xik] fish poison yam* (Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rhizoma) ;It [bii] north [position associated with water] [bei chio] Northern Dynasties [386534 A.D.] $@$ZL* [bEi hi? shi] carpesium seed@ (Carpesii Fructus) ;It % 9 * . [bei ji sheng] red-berried m~stletoe@(Visci Ramus) ;Its [bei qi] Northern Qi [550-577A.D.l ;Itfi @ [bei shii shen] glehnia [root]@ (Glehniae Radix) ;Itt.hj/;S [bEi shiin zhii] northern crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus Septentrionalis) ;It%[bii sbng] Northern Song [960-1127 A.D.] ;ICSE [bei ting li] lepidium [seed]@(Lepidii Semen) ;It%* [bei wki] northern schisandra [berry]' (Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus) [bgi wki] Northern Wei [386-534 A.D.]
At5%*[bii wii wki] northern schisandra [berry]' (Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus) A t 5 %3 [bii wii wki zi] northern schisandra [berry]' (Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus) At4alq [bEi xi xin] northern asarum@ (Asiasari Herba cum Radice Septentionalis) At&E * [bii xiin pi] dictamnus [root bark]@ (Dictamni Radicis Cortex) ; I L q * [bGi xin] northern asarum@ (Asiasari Herba cum Radice Septentionalis)
;Its*[bii xing] northern apricot kernel@
%E%. [ben tGn qi] running piglet qi
(Armeniacae Semen Septentrionale) [bii xing rCn] northern apricot ;IL kernel@ (Armeniacae Semen Septentrionale) ;ILH [bii zhiju] Northern Zhou [557-581 A.D.] R 2 * [bki fti] Sichuan fritillaria [bulb]@ (Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus) R Ei [bki mii] fritillaria [bulb]' (Fritillariae Bulbus) !J! Bif;&Z%[b6i mii guii 16u sln] Fritillaria and Trichosanthes Powder ! I ! B S [b6i mii liin] coelogyne' (Coelogynes Pseudobulbus seu Herba) !J! [bki mii tang] Fritillaria Decoction =# [bki] back %b [bki hiin] cold back "a"@$'* [bki jig] GV-2 (Back's Resolution) [bki ling] cold in the back ?& [bki 1-61hot back $-&[bki shii] back transport point [new]; back associated point [old]; BL-11 (Back Transport); BL-15 (Back Transport) [bki shu xu61 back transport point [new1 $&fi [bki shii xu61 back associated point [old] "8% [bki t h g ] back pain A & E3$ [b6i wh hiin] aversion to cold in the back "a"!!$* [bGi xian] GV-2 (Back Fresh) 3 $43 [bki yijng] welling abscess Cy6ng) of the back [bki zi] sumac gallnut' (Rhois Galla) %E[bki] stone-bake % f i [bki king] baking slab j%$[bki] forearm
B [ben] rush B 1'7 [ben mCn] rushing gate
[the cardia]
BE [ben tGn] running piglet Ill3 [ben] rush
Il!%fi[J ; fl&% [ben yti] rushing and depression [bin] root $9 [bin clo] herbal foundation; bencao; materia medica; pents'ao $tl4* [bin chi] CV-23 (Root Pool) $P [bin jiC] base joint [of a phalanx]; knuckle $!&i&fi [bin jing xuln xu&]selection of same-channel points &?3 $ 2 [bin jing zi f5] originate in channel $@ [bin shCn] GB-13Wff0(Root Spirit) $E$%%[bcn xii biiio shi] root vacuity and tip repletion
% [beng] flooding [new]; profuse uterine bleeding [old] [beng d l wln] centella@ (Centellae Herb (cum Radice)) % % [beng dli] flooding, and vaginal discharge % B [beng Ihu] flooding and spotting [new]; uterine bleeding [old] %iZ@g&% [beng zhkng ji yln fiing] WellTried Flooding Formula E [beng zhdng] flooding [beng zhong biio xi$] fulminant E flooding
B$j-&[bi zhen fl] needle-driving method 73 [bi qi] water chestnut' (HeleochariU U
tis Cormus)
ben % [ben] run
[ben tiin wiin] Running Piglet Pill
%K [ben tGn] running piglet
%%w [bi qi En] water chestnut starchw (Heleocharitis Cormi Amylum) [bi qi zhi] water chestnut juice' (Neleocharitis Cormi Succus) $+ [bi] nose; nasal
=-+. ,q;-&*
&% [bi beng] collapse of the nose $+% [bi chi] red nose [drinker's nose]
#I$* [bi chong] DL-4 (Nose Flush) @R [bi chbu] bad nose breath & s?&% [bi chii rZ qi] hot breath issuing from the nose @ ,!ljrhl [bi chu xu&] nosebleed &% [bi chuing] sore of the nose &E [bi ding] clove sore (ding) of the nose & T [bi giin] dry nose 8% [bi gin] gan of the nose [bi ggo] withered nose $$@E [bi gio 121 dried-meat nose & # [bi h6ngl nose flood 6%[bi jii] nose boil [bi kdng] nostril $$$L'FE [bi kdng g i n zio] dry nostrils @ T L m % [bi k6ng shiin zhiing] flaring nostrils $$TLLk% [bi kdng shEng chuiing] 'nostril sores [bi k6ng zhbng tbng] pain in the nostrils &CTL{$% [bi kdng zub shin] flaring nostrils &% [bi liiing] nose beam; stem of the nose [bi liii] Runny Nose [non-channel] &Y%?Si#[bi : liu qing ti] runny nose with clear snivel (nasal mwus) @Yfii#: [bi liu ti] running nose, $+g [bi long] loss of smell @ g [bi migo] nasal; nasal inoculation U S [bi ming] noisy nose [bi ni chuing] invisible worm sore of the nose Bir3 [bi nu] nosebleed &B3rfn[bi n; xu&] nosebleed $+RF$11 [bi qiio bti li] inhibited nose orifices [bi qiii] s'niveling nose & A * [bi rin zhong] GV-26 (Nose Human Center)
g g [bi siii] nasal congestion
@s[bi sii bti win xiiing chbu] nasal congestion inhibiting the sense of smell @S$Yfi$Zi#: [bi sii liii qing ti] nasal congestion with clear snivel B%?$;fiLi#: [bi siii liii ti] nasal congestion and runny nose @SXTq[bi sii w6 win] nasal congestion with loss of smell [bi shin] flaring nostrils @+mA$&[bi shin xibng gio] flaring nostrils and raised chest k*rBEM [bi shiing shEng jiii zui Eng] liquor wind on the nose $$7k [bi shui] clear runny snivel (nasal mucus) &@ [bi suiin] sour-sore nose &B [bi sui] nasal passages & # S M [bi ti hujlng ch6uI thick yellow snivel (nasal mucus) #@$$?& [bi ti h u h g zhuo] turbid yellow snivel (nasal- mucus) &i#:?ef@ [bi ti qing xi] clear thin snivel (nasal mucus) Bi#: * [bi ti tuiin] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) [bi tong] Clear Nose [non~channel] &@ [bi tbng] pain in the nose $+X [bi t6u] bulb of the nose . $#[El @,R [bi win jiiio chbu] smelling of burnt odor [subjective symptom] &!JQ [bi w h g ] nasal congestion gE.9 [hi ul r h ! nasa! polyp && [bi xiiin] flaring nostrils &&8$fSf [bi xiiin xiong ting] flaring nostrils and outthrust chest &@ [bi ygng] itchy nose @S,WJ [bi yi sh5n dbng] flaring nostrils [bi yuiin] deep-source nasal congestion glE [bi ziio] dry nose &I:#,! [bi zhii] drinker's nose @fg [bi zhing] flaring nostrils #H [bi zhEn] nasal acupuncture
$$HE% [bi zhEn liio f i ] nasal &% [bi zhi] nasal polyp
@ [bi] repel BET* [bi g6ng zi] house lizard* (Gekko Swinhoana)
B23 T EBl [bi gong zi yuin] House Lizard
ture [bi zhi] nasal congestion [bi zhi bii wen] nasal congestion with loss of smell $$ 8dn [bi zhong chii xu&] nosebleed $+ T [bi zhong gln] dry nose ftjq [bi zh6ngl swollen nose @ @ [bi zhii] nose pillar; stem of the nose; nasal septum & @ [bi zhiin] tip of the nose; GV-25 (Tip ot the Nose) @T[bi zi] nose tL 8 & [bi I&i f i ] comparison [bi I&i qii xikng] classification tL according to manifestation @%* [bi zi] torreya [nut]@ (Torreyae Semen) %@@ [bi guin xiin] brush stick lichen (xiiin) [bi zIi cIo] golden hair grass0 (Pogonatheri Herba) &T* [bi zi] torreya [nut]@ (Torreyae Semen) [bi] constipation F%*[bi ba] long pepper0 (Piperis Longi Fructus) FE%*[bi cheng qii] cubebo (Cubebae Fructus) +%* [bi qii] cubeb* (Cubebae Fructus) [a [bi] block . [bi jing] menstrual block [flR [bi jui] block reversal rr;S] 71 [bi kdng] Closed Hole [non-channel] [aj@ [bi i k g ] dribbling urinary block +$ * [bi qiiio jiing] crape ginger [root]@ (Costi Rhjzoma) [flf@ &Pi@ [bi yin ji shui] fall asleep almost immediately [fliE [bi zhkng] block pattern @%#A% [bl fan zhln jiin] everted stuck eyelid @&@@ [bi xii rG qiO] eyelid vacuous as a ball
+ +
Pill @@ [bi hui] repel foulness -A- [bi wen dln] Scourge-Repelling Elixir g3% [bi yii sin] Jasper Jade Powder j& [bi] cloud; shelter [traps] j&,fil2,@ [bi xin gii] heart-covering bone [xiphoicf process or sternum] ZE* [bi gong] house lizardo (Gekko Swinhoana) Ej+FR[bi hii] house lizardo (Gekko Swinhoana) Z @ g[bi qiiin mii] wall spider's eggcase@ (Urocteae Ootheca) %@@* [bi xi kE] wall spider's egg-case@ (Urocteae Ootheca) f$ [bi] forearm @+H[bi b6] aym . Bm [bi jue] reversal cold in the arm @+JI;% [bi niio] LI-l4W//O (Upper Arm) f$@ [bi tbng] pain in the arm
* [bi zh6ngI Upper Arm Center [non-channel] %a[bi li] creeping fig [stkm and leaflo (Fici Pumilae Caulis et Folium) %% Z * [bi li gud] creeping fig fruit@ (Fici Pumilae Flos) % * [bi xi] ST-18 (Hemp Breathing) %AA- [bi hud dln] Fire-Repelling Elixir @ [bi] repel gj@T*[bi m i zi] castor beano (Ricini Semen) Z$Z@ [bi xi&Jfish poison yamo (Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rhizoma) Zfijg,!BfifgtA[bi xi6 fen qing yin] Fish Poison Yam Clear-Turbid Separation Beverage Z$fl',!4kS?$J[bi xi6 h u i dG tang] Fish Poison Yam Toxin-Transforming Decoction Sf&$&? B?$J[bi xi& sh6n shi tlng] Fish Poison Yam Dampness-Percolating ' Decoction
E$ [bi] impediment (6;) [new]; bi [old]
&%* [ b i h cki] Chinese leek [leafla (Al-
B', %iiE
8 g [biln dbu] lablab [bean]' (Lablab
[bi qi] impeded (bi) qi [bi zhZng] impediment (6;) pattern BBjj;W [bi m i gEn] castor plant root' (Ricini Radix) @Rk* [bi m i r6n] castor bean' (Ricini Semen) ZR?&.[bi m i y6u] castor oil' (Ricini Seminis Oleum) E m 3 [bi m i zi] castor bean' (Ricini Semen) E@3 fAl* [bi m i zi r h ] castor bean' (Ricini Semen) %Z[bi b i ] long pepper' (Piperis Longi Fructus) %ES# [bi b i zhou] Long Pepper Gruel %&* [bi b6] long pepper0 (Piperis Eongi Fructus) %&?$A* [bi b6 li] long pepper' (Piperis Longi Fructus) -, ~ ~ 3 3 [bi % ching qiC] cubeb' (Cubebae Fructus) @ [bi] thigh; upper thigh f@B[bi gii] thigh bone [femur] X [bi guiin] thigh joint; ST-31Wf10 (Thigh Joint) @@ [bi shii] thigh pivot (great trochanter or acetabulum); GB-30 (Thigh Pivot) HE* [bi yii] GB-30 (Buttock Press) %lfi [bi yin] hip joint ?#!PI3 [bi yiing] yang of the thigh [outer face of thigh]
42 [biiin] healing stone
4 2 6 [biiin shi] healing stone % Y-r * [biln zhG] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba)
d&ig!# [biiin J* f6 ci] arctium [seed]@(Arctii. Fructus) %%Sjj;W[biian f6 g i gen] moonseed root' (Menispermi Daurici Rhizoma) a & R [biiin tou feng] side head wind G#/;$Pt-* [biiin bli ye] biota leafa (Biotae Folium)
lii Tuberosi Folium) Semen)
& E @ [ b i b dbu gEn] lablab root' (Lablab Radix) [biiin dbu huii] lablab flower' (Lablab Flos) & EPt [biln dbu yZ] lablab leaf' (Lablab Folium) & Ee [biiin d6u yi] lablab seed-coat' (Lablab Testa) 8 B * [biiin gii] LT-15 (Flat Bone) 8 @ [biln h6ul flat wart & @ * [biiin jiiin] LI-15 (Flat Shoulder) &%* [biln p6] bottle gourd' (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) E #k [biln ti01 Tonsils [non-channel] 8 #k# * [biln t i o ti] Tonsils [noncha~zizel] & * [ b i h xii] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) & * [biln xii] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) 8 $%%* [biiin zhu yi] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) & $!j* [biln zhG] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) @'fr.%* [biiin zh6 lilo] knotgrass' (Polygonl Avicularis Herba) 5 [biln] tray [biiin xii] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) & Wr 'i* [!i sz .41?c+grass' Avicular~sHerba) @+& [biin bi] constipation @[fl [ b i b bi] fecal block .1F*+% [bihn chii bii shuiing] ungratifying defecation @&$ijjR [bihn ci pin fin] frequent defecation .1F% [bikn d13] bian toxin [sore] 4ET [biin giin] dry stool 4EjFIj [biin li] uninhibited stool EXfl [bihn nin] difficult defecation
8S E
IE?GG&?Z [biin niio bi sk] constipation
+$$. [biZo bin] root and tip
and rough urination IER$?$f$J[ b i b niio qing li] clear uninhibited stool and urine {EJYIO~ [biin n6ng xuk] stool containing. pus and blood IF% [biin tang] sloppy stool 4E X @ & % [ b i b xiiin ying hbu ting] hard stool followed by sloppy stool . 4F# [biin xik] diarrhea 4Ea [biin xu&]bloody stool [new]; blood in the stool [old]; hemafecia [old] 45s [biin yi] desire to defecate IF,%@% [biin yi pin shub] frequent desire to defecate {El@[biin zhi] consistency of stool IF?& [biin zhu61 turbid urine @%fi?a [biin bing shi zhi] identify diseases and administer treatment; administer treatment according to disease SiIE [biin zhkng; identify patterns (or signs); pattern identification #$iiEik?a [biin zhkng liin zhi] identify patterns and determine treatment; determine treatment by patterns identified BiiE$ [biin zhkng qili yin] identify patterns and seek disease, causes; seek disease causes from patterns identified #$%El&?$ [ b i b zhkng shi zhi] identi@ patterns and administer treatment; administer treatment according to pattern 9 [biin] transmute; transmutation [biin huh] transmute and transform; transmutation and transformation; mutate; mutation $B+ % $EfjS& [bihn tong shi wki wen diin tiing] Modified Ten-Ingredients Gallbladder-Warming Decoction /2Z [ b i b zhEng] transmutation and steaming %iiE [biin zhkng] transmuted pattern /%#J,L\Tt$, [biin zhi xin qi yin] Modified Heart Qi Beverage
.if; [biao bin t6ng zhi] treating the ;f'/S;$. root .and tip simultaneously; simultaneous treatment of root and tip @,& [biZo jii] biaoju & [biiio] exterior; exteriorize S % [biiio hin] exterior cold &% S E t [biiio hin li rk] exterior cold and interior heat &@Sj?jF[l [biiio jii li wki hi] exterior resolution leaving interior disharmony &% [biiio li] exterior and interior & 3 ($ [biio li chuin] exterior-interior passage S S%i$tR [biiio li jing xuiin xui] selection of exterior-interior-related channel points & S I R % [biiio li jii hin] exterior-interior cold & % {R :!f [biio li jii rk] exterior-interior heat & %XI@ [biio li shuang jii] exteriorinterior resolution %ZR% [biiio li t6ng bing] dual disease of the exterior and interior &?+ El [biiio qi bii gii] insecurity of exterlor qi S t % % $ [biiio qing d5i zhi] dull expression S t % f & ? g [biio qing'dhn m6] indifferent expression &:!f [biio ,rk] exterior heat &f!\.l$g [biio rk chu6n li] exterior hear passing into the interior S ? ; & S @ lbiiio rk li hin] exterior heat and interior cold %% [biiio shi] exterior repletion S % % E [biiio shi li xu] exterior repletion and interior vacuity %3N ( j g ) [biiio xihn wii] manifest (as) &3fp [biiio xi61 exterior evil % 3fP m PG [biio xi6 nki xiin] inward fall of an exterior evil %@ [biiio xu] exterior vacuity [biio xii li shi] exterior vacuity .and interior repletion %%[I [bijlo yii] exterior depression; depressed exterior [biiio zhkng] exterior pattern
biao $5 [biiio] tip
T &*
[bie ch6ngl wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia) E S T * [bie ghi zi] turtle shell* (Amydae Carapax) E EQ [bie jiii] turtle shell* (Amydae Carapax) Z EQ )ILJE@J [bie jii di huing tiing] Turtle Shell and Rehmannia Powder Z EQ [bie jig jiiin] turtle shell' (Amydae Carapax) E EQ R f i [biE jiii jiiin win] Turtle Shell Decocted Pill [bie jii jiiio] turtle shell glue* EQ (Amydae Carapacis Gelatinum) B EQ t3~[bE jii tlng] Turtle Shell Decoction EQtkT[bie jii yin zi] Turtle Shell Drink E E* [hie ke] turtle shell' (Amydae Carapax) ts9 EQ * [biE li jig] pangolin scalese (Manitis Squama) grtn [bie xu61 turtle's blood* (Amydae Sanguis) [bie xu6 zhi] mix-fry with turtle's blood :EI;q [bie m2n] stifling oppression ;gjj?[biC niho] withhold urine Rlj [biC] diverge; divergent; divergence; other; divergence [network point] R I J S [biC lub] diverging network vessel 5jlJ$f,& [biC qing zhu61 separate the clear and the turbid, RIJ P I * [biC ying] GB-35 (Divergent
v ....-\.TD A /n:..,.--~..+ v n..-\ XCL3%5] I s m & ] , I u--7 {uIY.2x552331
B [big] marked emaciation bin +%#J [bin ling] areca [nut]* (Arecae Semen)
[bin ling gu6] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) 4% #J%* [bin Iring jii] betel pepper* (Piperis petle Fructus) t%@PE*[bin ling pi] areca husk' (Arecae Pericarpium)
.&@Pi=* [bin ling rCn] areca [nut]'
(Arecae Semen) [bin ling yi] areca husk0 (Arecae Pericarpium) +%#$%*[bin ling yb] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) [bin Iring zhbu] Areca Gruel +E#@fi3* [bin ling zi] areca [nut]" (Arecae Semen) +&[I*[bin men] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) +% [I5%* [bin men yio qiin] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) E [bin] knee cap; patella Eff * * [bin gii] GB-30 (Kneecap) Eff [bin gii] side-lock bone @ [bin] knee cap; patella A @ * [bin bii] GB-30 (Kneecap)
bing b.)c [bing] ice; icy 3KWJ3 [bing pCng sin] Borneol and Borax Powder b.k )+ [[hing piin] borneol' (Borneolum) b.Jc [bing piin nio] borneole (Borneolum) bJc5% fi3 * [bing qi6 zi] bletilla [tuber]@ . (Bletillae Tuber) [bing shi] glauberite* (Gypsum seu Calcitum) bk@J$3 [bing si sin] Borneol and Freshwater Snail Powder
L I , , ~rL:--
~ [ v m g ~ d u gxvLn
Crystallinum) fi [bing] third heavenly stem; S3 fiA [bing hud] S3-fire [the smnll intestine] Sj%,[bing f h g ] SI-12Wff" ( ~ r a s ~ the in~ Wind) SmiE;I;W [bing fh bh zb] constitutional insufficiency # {bing] parallel #@ [bing bing] dragover disease # * [bing yuk] bimonthly menstruation
% [bind disease; illness; sickness; morbid
%1$ [bing chuin] disease shift %1L [bing Cr] pregnancy sickness % E T P B [bing fii yO ying] disease arising in yang 3% E T P B [bing fii yO yin] disease arising in yin %M [bing gC] morbid blockage [= mnlign obstruction] %IG [bing hbu] manifestations of disease 76iE-n [bing ji] pathomechanism
%Wl-h% [bing ji shi jiii tiio] nineteen pathomechanisms
%% [bing jig] patient [bing kk sk] disease [phase] restraining color [phase] [bing kui] morbid prominence %I$$ [bing mhi] morbid pulse %4% [bing qing] condition %fS% Q [bing qing dub bihn] highly varied conditions %A [bing rin] patient %& [bing sk] morbid complexion %&+$BE [bing sk 6tI xiiing ying] incongruence between disease and color phases % & $ B X [bing s i xiiing kG] restraint between disease and color phases . %&$BE [bing sk xiiing ying] correspondence between disease and color %% [bing shi] dynamic of disease [bing tui] morbid prominence %4p [bing xi&]disease evil %4P@iiE [bing xi6 bihn zhkng] diseaseevil pattern identification '6 $#iiE [bing yin bihn zhkng] disease cause pattern identification %iiE [bing zhing] disease pattern '%Pi [bing zii] morbid obstruction [= malign obstruction]
@%@E [bb li guhn] glass cup $US [b6 tiii] peeling fur
;f;Q?z* [b6 rCn] biota seed@ ( ~ i o t a eSemen)
El%* [b6 shi] biota seedo' (Biotae Semen)
$QW* [b6 yi] biota leaf@(Biotae Folium)
;l;QT* [bo zi] biota seed@(Biotae Semen) @'Ti=* [b6 zi rtn] biota seed@ (Biotae Semen)'
85: [b6],neck 85:l!k* [bo yiing] CV-6 (Navel); CV-4 (Navel)
85:F [b6 zi] neck A Q l E S * [b6 shhng hui xiiing] star aniseo (Anisi Stellati Fructus) [bo xing] limping gait Ej [b6] contend J@ [b6] arm @,R [b6 gii] humerus @ # * [b6 jing] GB-21 (Shoulder Well) Ejiffff [b6 gii diin] gendarussa [stem and leaflo (Gendarussae Caulis et Folium) [b6 jiiing mtI] five-leaved vitex@ (Viticis Quinatae Radix seu Lignum) B M [bo jue] sudden reversal B E [b6 tiii] thin tongue fur @!j& [b6 tie] medicinal paste ,$FJ #fF * [b! qi] water chestnut' (Heleochar~tisCormus) [bb] winnow BE [bb ji] winnowing basket; winnowing fan @#% [b6 ying] winnow !Z2 [bb] split 433% * [bb m i ] phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex) gl.3* [bb pi] phellodendron [barkla (Phellodendri Cortex) @G [bb hC] mint' (Menthae Herba) B G S * [bb hC C ~ Ominto ] (Menthae Herba) BG&Bfi [bb ~hCliin qiho fiing] Mint and Forsythia Formula BGZsBB [bh hC xuin ming s5n] Mint and Refined Mirabilite Powder
h i y;:] mint leafo (Menthae Follum) @jGf@ [bb h i you] mint oil' (Menthae Oleum Herbae) @?$* [bb ke] mint' (Menthae Herba) %* * [bb mG] phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex)
+\j@&R$ [bii pi yi fki] supplement the
spleen and boost the lung , +EETW [bii qi bii zli] supplement the . insufficiency +I9[bii qi] supplement qi; qi supplementation + \ 9 @ % [bii qi gu biiio] supplement qi and secure the exterior +\%Ha# [bii qi gG tuO] supplement qi and stem desertion bu +b5,fiI1 [bii qi ji] qi-supplementing formula I@ [bii] late afternoon +bT@R@ [bii qi jiin pi] supplement qi mE1.f [bu shi] late afternoon watch [B9 and fortify the spleen watch, 3-5 p.m.] $1 j@fiIJ [bii qi jiin pi ji] qin%Z@ [bii lG g i n ] suckling gan supplementing spleen-fortifying formula +b [bii] supplement; supplementation +I 5 , @ 1 @ 5 [bii qi jiin pi yio] qisupplementing spleen-fortifying medici+b ?& [bii f5] supplementation [method] nal +bfl$BTBQ?%[bii fki e jiao tang] Ass Hide + b S B + f h [bii qi jiin zh6ng tang] QiGlue Decoction Supplementing Center-Fortifying Decoc?E R$% [bii f i i s8n] Lung-Supplementing tion Powder ?l. T~I#dj2th [bii qi jiii yiin tang] Qi+b R$& [bii f i i tang] Lung-Supplementing Supplementing Dizziness-Resolving DeDecoction coction +\/IT% [bii gan s h ] Liver-Supplementing +b9@jJE [bii qi rib z i o ] supplement qi Powder and m o ~ s t e ndryness / Ih [bii gan tang] Liver+b5,tGb [bii qi shk x u i ] supplement qi Supplementing Decoction and contain the blood +bT*b [bii qi shEng xuk] supplement PI =I@*[bii gii chi] psoralea [seed]@ q i and engender blood (Psoraleae Semen) +E T S f l P t A [bn qi tang piio yin] Qi+\+jjE [bii gii zhi] psoralea [seed]@ (PsoSupplementing Bladder-Freeing Beverraleae Semen) age +b@JlkW [bii gii zhi ding] Psoralea Tinc+E TSJj@?h [bii qi yiin pi tang] Qiture Supplementing Spleen-Moving Decoc+\@#jEStl,[bii gii zhi wLn] Psoralea Pill tion; Qi-Boosting Spleen-Moving Decoc%b;kg& [hfi bud sh-ng til! s ~ ~ p p l e m e n t tion fire t o engender earth $ E T l t & [bii qi zhi xuk] supplement qi and stanch bleeding ?+ 311 [bii ji] supplementing formula +\ % [bii r6ng tang] Construction+f. EJ&$$ [bii kE qG rub] supplementing Nourishing Decoction [medicinals] can eliminate weakness +\'R [bii s h h ] supplement the kidney +b 14 [bii pi] supplement the spleen; +b 'E H $kj [bii shkn gG chi] supplement splenic supplementation the kidney and secure the teeth +EB$@E [bii pi jiin wki] supplement the ? \ ' E @ A [bii s h h gii ch6ng w8n] spleen and fortify the stomach Kidney-Supplementing Thoroughfare+bB$+ PG [bii pi jii xiin] supplement the Securing Pill spleen and raise the fall +b 'A & $3 [bii s h i n huo xuk tang] Kidney-Supplementing Blood3b R$G [bii pi y i o ] spleen-supplementing Quickening Decoction medicinal
+b1R3iJ[bii sh&nji] kidney-supplementing formula +I,I IIX a$ 2 Ik= 7 [bii sh&n n;i qi] supplement the kidney to promote qi absorption +blRPH [bii shkn ying] supplement kidney Yaw $1'EPA [bii sh&n yin] supplement kidney yin +b 'E % % [bii sh&n zhuiing jin tang] Kidney-Supplementing SinewStrengthening Decoction +bZkETtL[bii t i i n dii zBo w i n ] HeavenSupplementing G r e a t Creation Pill +bR [bii .tu6] supplementation drawing + E E i [bb xi?] supplementation and draining + ~ J L \[bii B xin dan] Heart-Supplementing Elixir ;f.b~L\%[bii xin qi] supplement heart qi I $2 [bii xin tang] HeartSupplementing Decoction +b E i E 9 3 8 [bii x i z h i n g qi zhGu] Vacuity-Supplementing Qi-Righting Gruel + b h [bii xu&] supplement the blood +b h % l L \ [bii xu2 a n xin] supplement blood and quiet the heart +bh-&& [bii xu& hu6 xu&] supplement blood and quicken t h e blood +b h 3 I J [bii xu2 ji] blood-supplementing formula +\hi,$&% [bii xu2 liing xu& yiio] bloodsupplementing blood-cooling medicinal +b &TflT [bii xu& ping g5n] supplement the blood and calm the liver +bh%%TtL [bii xu& r6ng jin w i n ] BloodSupplementing Sinew-Enhancing Pill +bh@J$$ [bii xu& rGn ziio] supplement the blood and moisten dryness +\ifniNg2 [bii xu& ti60 jing] supplement the blood and regulate menstruation +bh%iiiiStL [bii xu& y l n g jin w i n ] BloodSupplementing Sinew-Nourishing Pill +bhB[bii xu&yiio] blood-supplementing medicinal +b&&$%[bii xu&yi qi] supplement blood and supplement qi
+bh%4;PB[bii xu& zi yin] supplement the blood and enrich yin
+bPH [bii ying] supplement yang + \ P H S E @ J[bii y i n g h u i n wii tang] Yang-Supplementing Five-Returning Decoction +bP89 [bii y i n g qi] supplement yang qi +bPH?%%[bii ying qu h i n ] supplement yang and dlspel cold +bPH+3%2?j[bii y i n g qu h i n yiio] yangsupplementing cold-dispelling medicinal $1.BHB [bii y i n g yiio] yang-supplementing medicinal +I % [bii ylng] supplement; supplementation + \ % [bii yiio] supplementing medicinal +b&$ [bii yi] supplement (and boost); supplementation (and boosting) +b%& [bii yi f l ] supplementing [and boosting] method +b&$j$'#{t@[bii yi f2i sh&nhuh t i n ] supplement the lung and kidney and transform phlegm +\&$j$E [bii yi f&iwki] supplement [and boost] the lung and stomach +b &$all [bii yi ji] supplementing [and boosting] formula +b&$B [bii yi $01 supplementing [and boosting] medicinal +f.FE [bii yin] supplement yin +I Pafill [bii yin ji] yin-sup~lementingformula +bFEqk%B [bii yin sh6u liiin yiio] yinsupplementing astringing medicinal +b Pat31 [bii yin tang] Yin-Supplementi'ng Decoction $+ PJJ fi [bii yin win] Yin-Supplementing Pill +b PB%h2?j [bii yin y l n g xu& yiio] yinsupplementing blood-nourishing medicinal +b IJa % [bii yin yiio] yin-supplementing medicinal +En*[bii y u i n ] ST-25 (Origin Supplementer) $18% [bii zh&n] supplementing array +\$&$? [bii zhdng yi qi] supplement the center and boost qi
?+ LP&$% 5i.
[bii zhong yi'qi tang] CenterSupplementing Qi-Boosting Decoction +% [bh iin] disquieted .@, [bh biio] wrap in cloth +@J [bh ching] inhibited !jj jM;* [bh chu lin] Japanese ardisia [stem and leaflo (Ardisiae Japonicae Caulis et Folium) ;;I;@ [bii chuin] non-passage + A { E [bh d i biin] inability to evacuate [bh d i ] unable +#%I# [bh d i iin wb] inability to rest ;r;j+o@ JbG d.6 jiio] inability to chew +f;l$jUB [bh dk miin] sleeplessness; insomnia +@TI#[bh dC ping wb] inability to lie flat +f+EG [bii d i qiin h h ] inability to urinate or defecate +f%{Q{!j!J[bh dk qing ck] inability to turn over +f;l%E\ [bii dC wb] inability to lie down; sleeplessness; insomnia +f;l%,% [bh dC xi] inability to catch the breath +f;+l ,I\@ [bh dg xi50 biin] inability to.' urinate +f%%{pJ [bh d i zhu5n cc%]inability to turn sides +%'it[bh ding xu61 non-fixed point !#i[bii duin] incessant; constant Z Z [bh geng yi] not to change one's clothes [constipation] +B [bh gh] insecurity
+ +
: A:-L i
LVU HCJ U l > l I c L I l I I Y H ~
+& & f f
[bh huin jin diin] Priceless
[bh huin jin z h h g qi sin] Priceless Qi-Righting Powder +f;7j, [bh ji] deficient + E [bh jin] incessant . [bh jii] failure to rise [impotence] +'I@! [bh juk] incessant Ff % , , [bh kt5 rEn] insufferable +%tA [bii kc yin] no thirst and drinking T ?E [bh k6u kc] absence of thirst
[bh li] inhibited; inhibition
+ R tS$% [bG liing qing xii] unhealthy emotions
+ 17* [bh liu xing] vaccaria [seedlo (Vaccariae Semen) + [bh m6i] sleeplessness; insomnia +~ilijB [bh m h g 6r yi] seminal emission without dreaming +$& [bh mi] not tight; not sound
+0R [bh miin] sleeplessness; insomnia + m A h [bh nii jiii li] inability to stand for long periods 31 H [bh ni:i wii yin] cause neither internal nor external; neutral cause +&Uhgl [bh ning shiin rii] inability to suckle [inability of the child to take milk] 8E?=i3 [bh ning xing dbng] loss of mobility Tf;8E@J [bh neng xuin] inability to roll the eyes + B E 5 3 X [bh n h g yuin shi] inability to see distant objects; nearsightedness + B E i E h [bh nkng zhZng li] inability to stand erect 7 [bG ning] disquieted +E [bh qi] failure to rise [impotence]
+{I[bh r h ] insensitivity; numbness $43 [bh rkn] infertility
+?& [bh r6ng] ST-19W'lO (Not Contained)
+ f l [bii rii] failure to take milk [bh shi: jing] inability to ejaculate
+& [bh shi] inability to eat
ski] no pieasure in eaiing T!f [bh shui] sleeplessness; insomnia F,F,'r:A& [bh si yin shi] no thought of food and drink +j?$ [bh sui] paralyzed; -plegia +@ [bh tong] flow stoppage F s f l l ] B [bh tong z6 tbng] when there is stoppage, there is pain g g [bh wen xiiing chbu] inability to detect fragrance or fetor; loss of smell +%% [bG wh hiin] absence of aversion to cold
T S % EE?t\ [bh wh h i n fiin i: rk] aversion to heat rather than to cold +f;7;-& [bh xi5 shi] inability to get f ~ e d down Eigig [bh xiiing jiiing hui] no desire to talk + & A S [bh xing r t n shi] loss of consciousness; unconsciousness {* [bh xiii] incessant TjZji77ja [bh y i o t r yh] recover without medication ;;f; E [bh yi] incessant T W a$ tt: [bh yi lub chii] not easily,expectorated @f [bh yG] sterility [in males] [bh yh duo yin] little desire to talk [bh yh yin] no desire to talk [bh yh yin shi] no desire for food and drink TE$XA [bh yuin shi rin] no desire to see people f l [bii yu&] absence of menses [new]; amenorrhea [old] $ @ [bh yhn] infertility E [bh zh&n] devitalized; devitalization T iE29 [bii zhkng zhi qi] unright qi T %Df9E [bh zhi hui jit] no sense of hygiene
+a@-& +
T$cntJt@[bh z'hi ji biio] obliviousness of hunger and satiety
T3;nA [bh zhi rin] inability to recognize people T %DAS [bh zhi rtn shi] loss of consciousness T$cDB& [bh zhi xiiing chhu] inability to detect fragrance or fetor; loss of smell Tit: [bh zhi] incessant T [bh zii] insufficiency; insufficient [bh d i i win] Cloth Bag Pill 6@#j [bh gii xiiio] rhomboid hyptisO (Hyptis Rhomboidis Herba) ;fFJ&* [bh guii] luffa gourd0 (Luffae Fructus) ;fF$$* [bh jiing] five-leaved vitexo (Viticis Quinatae Radix seu Lignum) %fial][bG jing] five-leaved vitexo (Viticis Quinatae Radix seu Lignum) ;fF@jPt* [bh z h i yi:] microcos leafa (Microcoris Folium) ;fF)g [bh zhi] .finger positioning $f$* [bh ling] KT-22 (Walking Gentleman) $B [bh ling] KT-22W"O (Corridor Walk) [bh 16 jiiin nin] difficulty in walking &[J [bh] region; part; position
?+?iin IZ * [cii d l o d h ] sword beane (Canavaliae Semen)
# [cii], rub $72 S * [cii ciio] equisetume (Equiseti
%%* [ciii t6u] radisho (Raphani Radix)
Herba) [ci y i o fiing] Rub-On Medicinal Formula
cai $48 * [ciii' b6] scallion0 (Allii Fistulosi Herba)
%?* [chi zi] leaf mustard seede (Brassicae Junceae Semen)
[ciii song dlng nin chiin fing] Cai Song-Ding's Difficult Delivery Formula
can YJflEg [cin deng fb ming] last flicker of the lamp * [cin ch6ngl silkworme (Bombyx Batryticatus) [cin C] silk moth G 2" [can qiiing] notopterygium [root]@ (Notopterygii Rhizoma) Z f i * [can shii] silkworm droppingse (Bombycis Excrementum) g $9* [c6n shii] silkworm droppingse (Bombycis Excrementum) %%P~/J [can shi tiing] Silkworm Droppings Decoction
cang f?@j;lT
[ciing lin sin] Old Rice Granary
eB2.g [ciing lin zhi guiin] office of the granaries [spleen and stomach] E $ [ciing bii] somber white [complexion] E V [ciing Ir] xanthium stem and leaf@ (Xanthii Caulis ct Folium) -e-FT S* [ciing 6r ciio] xanthium stem and leaf@ (Xanthii Caulis et Folium) E q S g * [ciing I r ji li] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii F~uctus) E q Z Z * [ciing 6r ji li] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) 8 V j;lT [ciing er s5n] Xanthium Powder 8 q=jr.[ciing I r zi] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) & q.f 3 [cang I r zi s5nJ Xanthium Powder ZMif$$l%gtL[ciing fG d i o tiin win] Atractylodes and Cyperus PhlegmAbducting PiH 8 [ciing hu6ngl somber yellow [complexion] E S T * [ciing kc zi] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus); xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) E @3jF17 * [ciing ling zhGng] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus); xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus)
35 %
[ciing zhii] atractylodes [root]@ (Atractylodis Rhizoma) 8% B RP3J [ciing zhii b6i hii tiing] Atractylodes White Tiger Decoction 8%KE?3J [ciing zhii chli shi tiing] Atractylodes Dampness-Overcoming Decoction S T * [ciing zi] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus); xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) @$ [cing] store
[ciio zbng] manipulation
f%?JA+E& [ciio z6ng zhi f i ] manipulative technique
# Z S [ciio tiii] rough tongue fur 8P g * [ciio xi] GV-16 (Cao's Ravine) f$ @ @ * [cio xi lG] GV-1 (Cao's Ravine
IJBg[cao zi] clamoring stomach; clamor S [ciio] herb; grass; straw %g%[ciio dbu kbu] Katsumada's galangal seed@(Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen)
ZEZjx*[c5o dbu kbu r h ] Katsumada's galangal seed@ (Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen) Z5f! [cio gu6] tsaoko [fruit]@ (Amomi Tsao-KO Fructus) ?+C~!I* [ciio gu6 rCn] tsaoko [fruit]@ (Amomi Tsao-KO Fructus) 3 % * [cio guij zi] tsaoko [fruit]@ (Amomi Tsao-KO Fructus) SWT* [ciio h i chc] paris [rootle (Paridis Rhizoma) S 4 1 E * [ciio hong huii] carthamus [flower]@(Carthami Flos) Z & sB * [c50 jui ming] fetid cassia [seed]' (Cassiae Torae Semen) Z* [cio kbu] Katsumada's galangal seed@ (Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen) $Z%{I* [cio kbu rCn] Katsumada's galangal seed@(Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen) $Z%!I* [ C ~kbu O r h ] Katsumada's galangal seed@(Alpiniae ICatsumadae Semen)
4 &BB* [ciio long dgn] gentian [root]' (Gentianae Radix) S & % * [ciio 16ng yi] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) gjf;,$ZT* [ciio miin hug zi] cotton seed' (Gossypii Semen) S N M * [ciio shan hill sarcandra [twig and leaf]@ (Sarcandrae Ramulus et Folium) 4 -$ * [ciio wii] wild aconite [tuber]@ (Aconiti Tsao-Wu-Tou Tuber) 3$TS,X [ciio w i ~t6u] wild aconite [tuber]@ , (Aconiti Tsao-Wu-Tou Tuber) S -$&% [ciio wii t6u s b ] Wild Aconite Powder 3E $4 * [ciio xi6 ci] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) * [ego xi6 di] elephantopus' (Elephantopi Herba) 3BR [ciio xi6 feng] straw-shoe wind 4%[ciio yiio] herb; herbal medicinal S ;$ %%$I3* [ciio yii yil liing] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae. Rhizoma) 4 @ Z * [ciio z i 16111 lycopus@ (Lycopi Herba). 4i.R [ciio zhi] straw paper S+$yL* [ciio zh6ng rii] Chinese leek [leaf]@ (Allii Tuberosi Folium)
IYJjf;BP*[ci: b6 zi] Biotae Semen (biota seedo) Illq;t;B* [ci: Cr gen] houttuyniaa (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) IYJ)E& [cZ zhi fii] off-side palpation {RJ [ci: zi] small aconite [accessory tuber]' (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Parvum)
* [cCn ciio] houttuynia@ (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) 3&* [ c h pi] ash [bark]' (Fraxini Cort ex) 3
YT*[cha qi] Forking
Qi [nun-channel]
223 [chit jing] deviated menstruation
fG% [cha yio] medicinal stick insertion Z [chi] tea; tea [leafl' (Theae Folium)
ZB*[chi yi] tea [leafl'
(Theae Folium)
ZPt [chjl yk] tea [leafl' (Theae Folium) [chi y6u] tea oil@ (Camelliae Oleiferae Seminis Oleum) +% [chi] apply; rub [as paste or powder orz the skiiz] W R [chi m t ~ ]eye inspection
chai {Yl] [ci:] side {YUjf;Q* [ci: bail biota leaf@(Biotae Folium) il;$ @lfi J;L [ci: biii shG pi w6n] Biota Leaf and Toona Bark Pill I!i!l]jf;QR [ci: biii tin] charred biota leaf@ (Biotae Folium Carbonisaturn) IYJjf;QPt [ci: biii ye] biota leaf@ (Biotae Fo l iu m) I Y 4 ; l ; Q P t ' ~ [ck biii yi: zhi] biota leaf juice@ (Biotae Folii Succus) IYl]$ Q T * [ci: bji zi] biota seedo (Biotae Semen) {J!l]1;Q*[ci: b6] biota leaf@(Biotae Folium) IYl]$Qat* [ci: b6 ye] biota leaf@ (Biotae Folium)
% S * [chii cgo] bupleurum [root]@(Bupleuri Radix) %Ef#Bn&[chii gC jii: ji tang] Bupleurum and Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction %jf;R+k&?% [ch& gen mii li tang] Bupleurum, Puccoon, and Oyster Shell Decoction %jf;$?% [chii gui tang] Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction % i f , [chii hill bupleurum [root]@ (Bupleuri Radix) $ fi?% [chii hil bii hii tilng] Bupleurum White Tiger Decoction $!+$@sE@ [chjli h6 d i yuin yin] Bupleurum Membrane-Source-Opening Beverage
%ifB&$$?% [chii h ~gui , jiang tang] Bu-
pleurum, Cinnamon Twig, and Ginger Decoction; Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig, and Dried Ginger % ifB+&& T $$@J [chii hO gui zhi gan jiing ting] Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig, and Dried Ginger Decoction % iyj &@?% [chii hli gui zhi tang] Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction %;V3hR&ff$t&?% [chii hfi jii 16ng gii mti li tang] Bupleurum Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell %.&Ai8fiDFFB?%[chii hfi jig ming xiao tang] Bupleurum Decoction Plus Marabilite t+$@i$$BB?% [chii h6 qing d5n tang] Bupleurum Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction %@I @BT% [chii hu qing gan s5n] Bupleurum Liver-Clearing Powder %;Sihaf%JlT?%[chii hii qing gan tang] Bupleurum Liver-Clearing Decoction !!+$ i!$!lff$/JTt$ [chii hG qing giin yin] Bupleurum Liver-Clearing Beverage %iSFj?&@?% [chii hii qing ziio tang] Bupleurum Dryness-Clearing Decoction %ifB&+kfi~&!j@?% [chii hii qii b i n xii jig gua 16u ting] Bupleurum Decoction Minus Pinellia Plus Trichosanthes Root %#I$& [chii hG s5n] Bupleurum Powder %i!iAkI!&E?h [chii hO s h h g shi tang] Bupleurum Dampness-Overcoming Decoction %&EI$&JT# [chii hli shii g5n sgn] Bupleurum Liver-Coursing Powder !!+$&A t!!lW@~ [chii hu si wit tang] Bupleurum Four Agents Decoction x; xiitaiigj i =iip:cu%$$;j~@+;k jcji6; rum and Asarum Decoction %WBSm3h [chii hu xihn xi6ng tang] Bupleurum Chest Bind Decoction $+? ifAtA;13 [chii hli yin zi] Bupleurum Drink %&AII;RE?%[chii hfi zhi jiC tang] Bupleurum Decoction Plus Bitter Orange and Platycodon $+? %3% [chii ling tang] Bupleurum and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction % F $ [chii ping jian] Bupleurum Stomach-Calming Brew
% F .i% [chii ping tang] Bupleurum Stomach-Calming Decoction [chii pZ, tang] Bupleurum and Magnolia Bark Decoction % q & E T ? %[chii shio liit jiin zi tang] Bupleurum' and Peony Six Gentlemen Decoction %Xi&%?% [chii shio 16ng mii tang] Bupleurum, Peony, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction %fig$31[chii xiin tang] Bupleurum Chest Bind Decoction Eifjj* [chii h6] bupleurum [root]@ (Bupleuri Radix) $$%% [chii h6u 150 fit] taxation relapse @ [chii] recover; recovery
chan @?%[chan yio] dusting powder
[chan zhen] chisel needle [one of the nzne needles] !@E [chin huii] cordyceps-infested cicada larva@ (Cordyceps cum Larva Cicadae) W E * [chin ke] cicada molting* (Cicadae Periostracum) W B * [chin tui] cicada molting* (Cicadae Periostracum) !ti$&[chin tui] cicada moltingo (Cicadae Periostracum) @ B E * [chin tui kC] cicada molting* (Cicadae Periostracum) W 8 * [chin yi] cicada molting* (Cicadae Periostracum) @&$ [chin chu] dried toad@ (Bufo Siccus) @!I&?* [chin chli gan] dried toado (Bufo Siccus) @$$Em* [chin chti mii sii] toad venom* (Bufonis Venenum) @!I&E BE* [chin chu mCi zhi] toad venom* (Bufonis Venenum) B E [chin pi] toad's skin* (Bufonis Corium) @Ei$ [chin pi zheng] toad skin pattern @@$[chin sii] toad venom* (Bufonis Venenum)
[chin su gio] Toad Venom Paste feng] throat-entwining
!@il%m[chin h6u wind
[chin hbu f i rk] postpartum
PGA@[chiin hbu feng jing] postpartum
% ~ % [chin * 16ng zi] cuscuta [seedla
wind tetany
(Cuscutae Semeil) %$O+R# [chim miin bii jie] continuous % E A A- [chin yiio hub dan] girdling fire cinnabar %@!i@;A [chin y i o shC d i n ] girdling snake cinnabar P [chiin] childbirth; delivery; parturition P G [chiin hbu] postpartum PG!i%&i$H$i [chin hbu biii xu2 chong f2i] postpartum vanquished blood surging into the lung PG!i%&i$B [chiin hbu bhi xu2 chong wki] postpartum vanquished blood surg+ing into the stomach f"GB&i+& [chin hbu biii xu6 chong xin] postpartum vanquished blood surging into the heart PGi@iE[chiin hbu bi zhkng] postpartum impediment (bi) pattern PG'&E [chiin hbu bing jing] postpartum tetany . 7G+ [chin hbu bh yii] postpartum loss of speech P G klj& [chiin hbu chu xu?] postpartum hemorrhage; postpartum bleeding PGn%@[chiin hbu chuiin cii] postpartum hasty panting F G %% [chiin hbu chuing yjng] postpartum sore P Gk,4FET(E [chiin hbu dh bihn niin] postpartum defecation difficulty P G k E [chin hbu d$ xu] major postpartum vacuity PGBFf [chiin hbu dho h i n ] postpartum night sweating PIS%$T[chiin hbu duo hhn] postpartum profuse sweating P G % a + 7; [chiin hbu 2 lh bh xi21 postpartum retention of the lochia PGlL&B [chiin hbu Cr zhEn tbngl-postpartum infant's-pillow pain P G E @ [chiin hbu f i jing] postpartum tetany
PGt$j$ [chin hbu f6 zh6ngl postpartum
puffy swelling
P G @ B[chiin h6u fh tbng] postpartum abdominal pain; afterpains
PGEREnEuk [chin h6u fii zhing 6u th] postpartum abdominal distention and vomiting PG%?C:[chin hbu h i n r?] postpartum fever and chills PGjX [chiin hbu in] postpartum loss of voice P G ffE%[chiin hbu jiiio ching bing] postpartum communicating bowels PG'!,%ll$ [chiin hbu jing ji] postpartum fright palpitation Pg@$[chin hbu ju luin] postpartum hypertonicity P G tl tE [chiin h6u k6u kE] postpartum thirst P G % R [ c h h hbu I?i zhbng feng] postpartum wind-like stroke PGt%& [chiin hbu liu z h t ~ ]postpartum streaming sore P~DBnf [chin hbu bu tii] postpartum vomiting PG%@[chiin hbu pi min] postpartum glomus and fullness ~G~~~~ [chin hbu piin shen t i n g tbng] postpartum generalized pain PGh$lZA [chiin hbu pb shing feng] postpartum lockjaw PGYUg [chiin hbu qi churin] postpartum panting P G 5 h [chin hbu qi xu2 dii xu] major postpartum qi-blood vacuity PEE,*@ [chiin hbu qi zhbng] postpartum tugging and slackening P G$ 1 ' $ ~ [chiin hbu rii zhi zi chii] postpartum loss of breast milk PG?jL2* [chiin hbu brii zhi zi Ibu] postpartum leakage of breast milk PGEfi [chin hbu s i n bing] three postpartum diseases $J
P G Z i$ [chin hbu siin chong] three postpartum surges PGE,%, [chin hbu san ji] three postpartum crises P G Z j # [chiin hbu siin tuo] three postpartum desertions P G B & [chin hbu shting shi] postpartum food damage P G 9 @ [chin hbu shen tbng] postpartum body pain P67kR$ [chin hbu shui zheng] postpartum water swelling P G l!?lJEER$[chin hbu si zhi xu zh6ngl postpartum vacuity swelling of the limbs PhL1i;A& [chiin hbu tiin huhn] postpartum paralysis P G g B [chin hbu t6u tbng] postpartum headache PG%GTiL [chiin hbu wjln gti bh huh] postpartum non-transformation of food P l t l Z S Z R [chiin hbu whng yhn whng jiiin] postpartum raving and hallucination P G jl\iFTf;jFIJ[chiin hbu xigo bihn bu li] postpartum inhibited urination P & / J \ 4pT 3 [ & i n hbu xiiio b i j n bu tong] postpartum urinary stoppage PEj /J\E$B& [chiin hbu xigo bihn pin shub] postpartum urinary frequency P G 4 F 5 2 [chin hbu xiso bihn shi j i n ] postpartum urinary incontinence PGIbB [chiin hbu xi6 tong] postpartum rib-side pain PG%i%[chin hbu xi6 xi61 postpartum diarrhea PG&% [chiin hou xin tbngl postpartum heart pain PGEtB [chin hbu xu f h ] postpartum vacuity vexation PGUZg [chin hbu xuhn ytin] postpartum dizziness P G & % [chin hbu xu6 beng] postpartum flooding P G h T E B [chin hbu xu6 qi fb tbng] postpartum blood [stasis] and qi [stagnation] abdominal pain P % & g [chiin hbu xu?. ytin] postpartum blood dizziness
PG@%[chin hbu yiio tbng] postpartum lumbar pain
P G B R [chin hbu yi niiio] postpartum enuresis
PGSnj4 [chiin hbu yin y5] postpartum loss of voice
PEj@& [chin hbu yti xu61 postpartum blood stasis . PG@&+?+[chin hbu yti xu6 bu jing] residual postpartum static blood
PG$&@[ c h h hbu yli ji] postpartum illness
PEj5 P 3 [chin hbu yG hu bir lihn] postpartum failure of the jade gate to heal P%%[Jg [chiin hbu yb mho] postpartum depression and veiling PEj+%+t;!': [chiin hbu zhii h i n zhh 1-61 postpartum sudden bouts of fever and chill P6'lZJl+[chiin hbu zheng thong] postpartum fearful throbbing P6$ )% [chiin hou zhbng feng] postpartum wind stroke P & !+% [chiin hbu zhbng shii] postpartum sumrnerheat stroke P GIf t;(': [chin hbu z h u i n g 1-61 postpartum vigorous fever P G $ W [chin hbu zi hhn] postpartum spontaneous sweating PSJ [chin mCn] birth gate (orificium vaginae); CV-4 (Delivery Gate) P 1'71;[fl [chiin m h bh bi] non-closure of the birth gate P m [chin qiiin] antepartum @j [chhn] tremor
chang 8 & * [chiing hen] acorus [root]@ (Acori Rhizoma) [chang ying] acorus [root]@ (Acori Rhizoma) [Jd* [chiing yang] KI-7 (Glorious Yang); acorus [root]@ (Acori Rhizoma) [chiing pfi] acorus [root]@ (Acori Rh~zoma) g @ 8 tR [chftng pli xiang ru yin] Acorus and Elsholtzia Beverage
=** EF*
g BPt [chiing pfi yk] acorus leaf@ (Acori Folium)
% [ching] normal
E%%B&?% [chiing pQ y t ~jin
%& [ching sk] normal complexion
tiing] Acorus
and Curcuma Decoction %& [ching ch6ngl longworm t.t &% [ching ch6ng bing] longworm disease k & & * [ching ch6ng pi] snake slough' (Serpentis Exuviae) K G E [ching chiin huii] Madagascar periwinkle' (Catharanthi Rosei Herba) %+$* [ching gii] ST-25 (Long Grain) [ching hui] LI-19 (Long Plate) %%* [ching ji] ST-25 (Long Chicken) %$a* [ching jii] LI-19 (Long Cheek) %#!* [ching liio] LI-19 (Long BoneHole) E S P * [ching liio] LI-19 (Long BoneHole) -!58%[ching mhi] long pulse E+@*[ching ming cso] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) 6$=* [ching ming xiin] purslane' (Portulacae Herba) %$fi* [ching pin] L1-19 (Long anore) %q* [ching ping] LV-13 (Long Level) %53 [ching yiing] GV-lWuo (Long Strong) % Y F * [ching sheng ciio] tuhuo [angelica root]@ (Angelicae D u h u o Radix) % Y . Z * [ching sheng gu6] peanut [kernel]' (Arachidis Semen) %$$* [ching sheng jiii] Chinese leek [leaflo (Allii Tuberosi Folium) S t @ *[ching wii] ST-25 (Long Link) % @ * [ching xi] ST-25 (Long Ravine) %E[ching xii] long summer [season associated with earth]; late summer [season associated with earth] [ching z i o jii] gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus) %-%%* [ching zho jiso] gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus) % S t [ching zhen] long needle [one of the nine needles] C+$fi* [ching zhuo] LI-19 (Long Cheek)
$b% [ching mhi] normal pulse LLI [ching shiin] dichroa ' [root]@ (Dichroae Radix) $ LLIt? [ching shiin yin] Dichroa Beverage j% [ching] intestine j%S * [ching iii] SP-16 (Intestinal Lament) j3JB [ching bi] intestinal impediment (Di) EZt&?4\[ching d i o jii rk] intestinal heat bind E N [chjng fEng] intestinal wind; Intestinal Wind [non-channel] j%N@f&'\ [ching fEng biin bi] intestinal wind constipation jh)Xl,@& [chang feng b i i n xuk] intestinal wind bleeding BjXI,7;& [ching E n g xii xuk] intestinal wind bleeding Em [ching fii] intestines R%'L-$* [ching jii] SP-14 (Intestinal Bind) 8%$!a [ching ming] rumbling intestines [borborygmus] JEgD!2,@$& [ching ming lu lG] gurgling intestines E 7 $3~ [chling ning tiing] AbdomenQuieting Decoction EC&3[chring pi] intestinal pi E@[ching pi] intestinal aggregation (pi) j%$i [ching pi] intestinal afflux (pi) E$j7 ; m b [ching pi xih n6ng xue] intestinal afflux (pi) with pus and blood j3JTG [ching qi zhi] intestinal qi stagnation %@j* [ching qii] SP-16 (Intestinal Bend) E LLI * [ching shiin] BL-57 (Intestine Mountain) E Z [ching t i n ] intestinal tan E E T +U [ching wki bb h i ] gastrointestinal disharmony E E 89% [ching wki ji zhi] gastrointestinal accumulation j%@@R[ching xii h u i tuo] intestinal vacuity efflux desertion
bEtBj5 [ching xii h u i xii:] intestinal
If E%*[chi3 q i i n shi] plantago seed'
vacuity efflux diarrhea @J&+$%E [ching yk kui hiio] intestinal humor depletion 8% [ching yi] Intestine's Bequeathal [non-channel] BJg [ching yong] intestinal welling abscess ('yong) BE@$!&[ching z i o b i i n bi] intestind dryness with constipation BJE4E3W [ching ziio bihn jiin] intestinal dryness with difficult defecation B$&SEH@~I [ching zhiin liin h u i n jie tang] Intestinal Adhesion Decoction BJ @ S P2 [ching z h h g I i i ming] thunderous rumbling in the intestines @J [ c h h g ] uninhibited
(Plantaginis Semen) q i i n yk zhou] Plantago Leaf Gruel [che qign zi] plantago seed' (Plantaginis Semen) tk%Ffi* [chE: si pi] eucommia [bark]@ (Eucommiae Cortex) 5!,2 [chi:] pulling ?$!% [chi: tbng] pulling pain ?WE+%[chi: yi: bu mki] nightlong sleeplessness &, [chk] tugging [same as T 9 j qi]
chao +Jja.rt[chio diii] dynasty +JXB*[chio tiiin diin] GV-1 (Heavenward Looking Summit) [chio xiiin shen] Korean ginseng [root]@ (Ginseng Radix Coreensis) @J [chio] tidal [of fever; Pushing] ?@*I[chgo h h g ] tidal reddening [of the face1 ?@$!': [chio rk] tidal fever $9[chtio] stir-fry $$@ [chio b i o ] crack-fry $$G [chiio cGn] stir-fry preserving nature; nature-preservative stir-frying $$S[chio huing] stir-fry until yellow $$%, [chio jiio] scorch-fry $$E [chio tiin] char-fry $$%lJ [chso zhi] stir-fry
[che qiin] plantago' (Plantaginis Herba) * [che q i i n chi] plantago' (Plantaginis Herba) If@?* [che q i i n cio] plantago0 (Plantaginis Herba)
ezPt $8 [chE
chen /
E [chen] minister iE [chCn] deep [pulse]; submerged; sink [drug bearing]; sunken [pulse] iE$$ [chin hn] feel the deep level [pulse] iEE [ c h h chun] pursed lips iE Ez [ c h h jiiing yiio] downsinking medicinal; downsinker iEb$ [chin mii] deep pulse; sunken pulse i E R s : g [chin m6 g u i yin] taciturn [ c h h qii] feel the deep level bulse] iE7k S * [chCn shui xiiing] aquilaria [wood]@ (Aquilariae Lignum) ?Eg [chin xiiing] aquilaria [woodla (Aquilariae Lignum) S bgB [chin .xiing i5 wki win] Aquilaria and Asafetida Pill iEB P + 5 % [ c h h xiiing jiiing qi tiing] Aquilaria Qi-Downbearing Decoction
, -% ,
--..:I..-:,. ULiUII(LIIS
[woodla (Aquilariae Lignum) [chin xizing qii] aquilaria leaven@ (Aquilaiiae Ligni Massa) fig$& [chCn xiiing s i n ] Aquilaria Powder figxR@~ [chin xiing tiiin m i tang] Aquilaria and Gastrodia Decoction jE & iEj [chin xiiing wen wki win] Aquilaria Stomach-Warming Pill E [chCn] fifth earthly branch; B5 E59* [ c h h shii] cinnabar' (Cinnabaris) EElrf [chCn shi] B5 watch [7-9 a.m.]
@ [chin] early morning
E # [ c h h xi&]'earlymorning diarrhea [chCn] old; Chen [557-589 A.D.]; mature P%& ;t: [chCn ciing mi] old rice0 (Oryzae Semen Vetum) P%Z[chin chd] old tea@ (Theae Folium Vetum) P% /I! [chin diin xing] old bile [processed] arisaema [rootla (Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Felle Bovis Vetum) P%;t:* [chCn mi] old ricea (Oryzae Semen Vetum) P% Z * [chCn ming] old tea0 (Theae Folium Veturn) B%Z$$$ [chCn ming zhou] Old Tea Gruel P%Ffi [ c h h pi] tangerine peel' (Citri Exocarpium) F%FfiE [chCn pi tin] charred tangerine peela (Citri Pericarpium Carbonisaturn) % @ * [ c h h shii ciio] Chinese fieldnettlea (Stachydis Baicalensis Herba) P%IiE[chin shi hail old lime0 (Calx Vet a) P%Fji g [chCn z6ng pi] pld trachycarpus [stipule fiber]@ (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta) P%gE[chin z6ng tin] charred old trachycarpus [stipule fiber] (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Veta Carbonisata) GT* [chin qi] GV-12 (Dust Qi) '
cheng &@P [cheng liii] tamarisk [twig and leaf]' (Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium)
IJk [chCng f2n] constituent IJk@ [ching gii] lower leg bone; tibia; Bone Growth [non-channel] Fk;m [chCng n h g ] form pus; suppurate &G [chCng yiio] ready-prepared medicine; proprietary medicine SK& [chCng ffi] BL-36w110(Support) S~&Ffi+b*[chCng fli pi bh] BL-36 (Skin Region Support)
% % [ching gulng] BL-6WllO (Light Guard) %ft l'sj [ching jiiin] Between Supports [nonchannel] $t$L [ching jiZng] sauce receptacle (infralabial fossa); CV-24W110(Sauce Receptacle) S K X[chCng ~ ~ jiiing ding] sauce receptacle clove sore (ding) $t% [chCng jin] BL-56W"o (Sinew Support) . %ftZ[chCng ling] GB-18W"O (Spirit Support) ;Efy B [ching miin] ST-20WllO (Assuming Fullness) S6$ [chCng rning] Life Support; SP-6 (Life Support) SK?$ [ c h h g qi] ST-lWl1o(Tear Container) SKY& [ching qi tiing] Qi-Infusing Decoctions $ t Y s g & [chCng qi y5ng ying tiing] QiInfusing Construction-Nourishing Decoction %ft LLJ [ching shiin] BL-57wl10 (Mountain Support) @ [ching] overwhelm; exploit; seize $Z E fl' 9 tg t$ [ching shi bi xi& fen qing yin] Cheng's Fish Poison Yam ClearTurbid Separation Beverage $2E 3 @# $51 [chCng shi juin bi 'tiing] Cheng's Impediment-Alleviating Decoction t B B t S & [chCng ch2 qing ling] clear, pure, and cold tgfiti* [chCng qiC] cubebg (Cubebae Fructus) ;j;gFfi[chCng pi] sweet orange pee!' (Citri Sinensis Exocarpium)
chi aZ?hjE * [chi you zhi] halloysite' (Halloysitum Rubrum)
g g [chi diii] feeble-mindedness @ [chi] eye discharge
5&iM [chi zhng] slack; slacken ?& [chi] pool
IIha [chi qiiin] Before the Pool
[nonchannel] I&&*[chi t6u] LT-7 (Pool's Head) th7; [chi xii] Below the Pool [nonchannel] ++hi [chi mii] hold the pulse [i.e., feel] ++@*[chi shU] CV-4 (Junior Pivot) ++@ HT(E [chi wb khn nin] difficulty in grasping objects +%$-%%%r: [chi xG fii ri:] persistent fever Z D t S [chi yi: cZo] sea lavender0 (Limonii Sinensis Radix seu Herba) E [chi] delayed; slow E + G [chi dhn] torpor Z b k [chi mii] slow pulse hK@* [chi mii] anemarrhena [root]@ (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) R [chi] cubit RBA [chi fii] cubit skin R S* [chi gii] ST-12 (Cubit Cover) R/& [chi mii] cubit pulse R& [chi 1-60] Ulna and Radius [nonchannel] R @ [chi zC] LU-5W"" (Cubit Marsh) R;t33"* [chi zhi wii li] LI-13 (Five Li of the Cubit) E$t>;Sf 5 [chi bing jiii] moxibustion on fermented bean cake 8 [chi] tooth; lower tooth [chi bG sheng] non-growth of teeth &E [chi chi] slowness to teethe [one of the five slownesses] j'k'k [chi dl] tSGt,h +lax,
&@,[chi gZo] desiccated teeth & 9 [chi geng] change of teeth 8% [chi hiin] tooth cold i'&@b [chi hCn shC] tongue bearing dental impressions & 2,1322 [chi hu b i i n hei] suddening blackening of the teeth 8% [chi jiiio] parched teeth $3112 [chi jin] clenched teeth 81b13 [chi nu] bleeding gums; spontaneous bleeding of the gum
a% [chi qii] tooth decay
& % [chi thng] toothache; toothache among the lower teeth $j3~@2$ [chi wki gii zhi yli] teeth are
the surplus of the bone
i i j ~[chi xi61 grinding of the teeth; bruxism $j@ [chi yin] gums
$j@MR$?& % [chi yin h6ng zhijng rk thng] painful red hot swollen gums sore
$jfiR%$#[chi yin jiC b i n ] petalled gums &f$ [chi Z$O] dry teeth; dry front teeth
8 [chi] red [color associated with heartfirel
8 Q ?+ [chi biii dii] red and white vaginal discharge
8 Q %i;7; .[chi b i i d i i xii] red and white vaginal discharge
8 Q [chi b i i li] red and white dysentery 8 Q mP5 [chi b i i rbu ji] border of the
red and white flesh [on the arms and le@I 8 Q gj$ij [chi b6i z5 li] mixed red and white dysentery % Q ?& [chi b i i zhu6] red and white turbidity; red and white turbidity %@#jp* [chi cheng X ] tamarisk [twig and leaf]' (Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium) %& [chi chong] redworm 8& % [chi ch6ng bing] redworm disease 8 % [chi d i i ] red vaginal discharge 8 % &$k [chi d i i bko Ifin] red areola surrounding the dark of the eye % f f w [chi danj cinnabar' (Cinnabarisj %ifijFI]* [chi di li] Chinese smartweedo (Polygoni Chinensis Herba) S Z * [chi dhu] rice bean' (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) S X * [chi fli] red poriao (Poria Rubra) S E T [chi fli ling] red poriao (Poria Rubra) 8JK%* [chi guii shi] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) &21&4LL [chi h6ng xu2 si] red blood threads
%%* [chi jihn] gastrodia [root]@ (Gastrodiae Rhizoma) %E?*[chi jiio] lac' (Lacciferi Secretio) %Y$J [chi li] red dysentery % T * [chi ling] red poria@ (Poria Rubra) % T & [chi ling tiing] Red Poria (Hoelen) Decoction %BkB@ [chi mii c h u i i ~jing] red Gessels crossing the eye %BkEIlg [chi mhi qin jing] red vessels invading the eye %EZiJd, [chi miin feng] red face wind %R337;@ [chi m6 xih chui] hanging red membrane %** [chi mti] sappan [wood]' (Sappan Lignum) % $E * [chi p6] magnolia bark' (Magnoliae Cortex) [chi qii] red infested rice@ (Oryzae Semen cum Monasco) % * [chi qij] Oryzae Semen cum Monasco (red infested rice@) %&* [chi qD] red infested rice@ (Oryzae Semen cum Monasco) 3% [chi r6u] red flesh [of the arms and legs1 % B/TC [chi r6u ji] [region of] red flesh [of the arms and legs] % $ U I @ ~ [chi rD pei xu&] red as coagulated blood % f i # [chi s h i tjlng] brown sugar' (Saccharon Granulatum Rubrum) % 3 * [chi shjlo] red peony [root]@(Paeoniae Radix Rubra) [chi shiio yho] red peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Rubra) %@* [chi shen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) % 6 * * [chi shi tii] halloysite' (Halloysitum Rubrum) % 6 E j [chi shi zhi] halloysite' ( ~ a l l b ~ s i tum Rubrum) % % [chi shi zhi yii yii liiing ting] Halloysite and Limonite Decoction %%& [chi shuiing sHnl Red Frost Powder
%g&Llbjc [chi si luhn mhi] chaotic red thread-like vessels [in the eye]
% ghLB3 ; 8 B h 4 B3 [chi si qid mhi] tangled red-thread vessels %&* [chi tii] hematite' (Haematiturn) %@ [chi xiio]' red niter@ (Nitrum Rubrum) G [chi xiiio dhu] rice beano (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) % /J\S 3 8 [chi xiiio d6u ding gui siin] Rice Bean and Tangkuei Powder 8fi [chi xuC] Red Point [non-channel] 8%% [chi yiin chuiing] red flaming sore % e f t [chi y6u din] red wandering cinnabar %eft% [chi y6u d i n dii] red wandering cinnabar toxin &%H [chi y6u feng] red wandering wind & % * [chi yuiin] genkwa [flower]@ (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) 885 * [chi ziio zi] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) %%t*[chi zh6 shi] hematite' (Haeinatitum) % % * [chi zhD] atractylodes [root]@ (Atractylodis Rhizoma) [chi zhu6J red turbidity [red urethral discharge] iJ[chi] ? intense [heat or fire] @B? [chi mii] Spasm Vessel (TB-18)
chong % [chong] fullness [physiology] i$ [chong] drench $$ [chong] highway; hl-5; surge; thora
oughfare vessel [new]; penetrating vessel [ow @BE [ c h h g fD] take drenched [mixed with a larged amount of water] i$jEfilJ [chong fD ji] soluble preparation [chqng hC] harmonious flow ]$$[I B [chong hC gio] Harmonious Flow Paste i$+Ufill.&[chong hC tiing] Harmonious Flow Decoction
i $ N 2 & [chong h i zhi xiing] sign of harmonious flow i$# [chang hui] dissolve i$$J [chong ji] soluble granules i$ H* [chong jiiin] Surge Space [nonchannel] i$ JH [chong mii] thoroughfare vessel [new]; penetrating vessel [old]; PV [old] I$ r7 [chong k i n ] SP-12WHO (Surging .. Gate) I$ & [thong rin] thoroughfare and controlling vessels i$iZfiTJrkBPH' [ch6ng r i n biio mii sh6u zii] obstruction of the thoroughfare, controlling, and uterine vessels i$ iZEBX#fj4% [thong r i n b i o mki siin shiing] damage to the thoroughfare, controlling, and uterine vessels I$ if+IZiI [chbng r i n bii gii] insecurity of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels i$iZ%E&%!i [chong r i n h i n shi yii jie] thoroughfare and controlling vessel colddamp stasis bind i$iZ%iE [chong r i n h i n zhing] thoroughfare and controlling vessel cold pattern ]$is 9@ [chong r i n k6ng xii] emptiness of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels i$i%f,C\iE[chong r i n r i zhkng] thoroughfare and controlling vessel heat pattern %$43Bf,$B t& [thong r i n shi r i yii jii] thoroughfare and controlling vessel damp-heat stasis bind )$i%X%I [chong r h shi tiid] disharmony of the thoroughfare and Gnrrolling vessels; thoroughfare-controlling disharmony i$iZ#j 4% [chong r i n siin shiing] damage to the thoroughfare and controlling vessels i$43E% [chong r i n xii hin] thoroughfare and controlling vessel vacuity cold i${Z&$ [chong r i n xii shuiii] debilitation of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels i$ff&P! [chong rkn yii zij] thoroughfare and controlling vessel stasis obstruction
shin] surging mounting
I$ A&& [chong wCi xu6 hi%] thoroughfare vessel is the sea of blood
$+PI*[chong ying] LI-20 (Thoroughfare Yand
i$ P I [chong ying] ST-42WF10 (Surging Yang); LI-20 (Surging Yang)
i$ PHH [chong ying mii] surging yang pulse
&+RE%[chong ji fii t6ngl worm accumulation abdominal pain
t+ [thong] fearful; careworn --.+.
3 ~ [chong 3
wii zi] leonurus fruit@ (Leonuri Fructus) ZZq* [chong yij zi] leonurus fruit@ (Leonuri Fructus) S [chbng] double S @ [chbng ggn] double contraction Ej5B [chbng lbu] secluded chamber S& [chbng she] double tongue Ej5 2 * [chbng tii] scrophularia [root]@ (Scrophulariae Radix) SPH [chbng ysng] double yang SPH&\!.PB[chbng ying bi yin] double yang becomes yin s*+f$+a [chbng yi bii d i wen] inability to get warm despite extra clothing BPJl[chbng yin] double yin SPJj&\!\PH[chbng yin bi y&ng] double yin becomes yang St$* [chbng zi] kansui [root]@ (Kansui Radix) % +j [chbng gii] Lofty Bone [non-
& [chbng] worm [e.g., intestinal parasites and invisible organisms thought to cause skin diseases]; insect; chong [insects and reptiles] & Q I! [chbng bii 181 insect waxo (Ericeri Pelae Cera) [chbng ban] worm macule &%{Urn [chbng bing si xiin] worm disease resembling epilepsy & * [chbng ego] cordycepsO (Cordyceps) . &B [chbng gii] worm drum
ch6ng &j&
[chbng gii] worm drum distention
& +fl [ch6ng ji] worm accumulation & jq* [ch6ng jiIo] laco (Lacciferi Secretio)
& ig* [chbng 181 insect waxo (Ericeri Pelae Cera) & % [chbng lki] chong product & @/j$ [chjng nik fGi] worms gnawing the lung & A g [chbng rh Cir] insects in the ear &@*[ch6ng shhn] earthwormo (Lumbricus) [chbng shbu shiing] animal and & insect wounds & @ g [ch6ng sui shC] worm-eaten tongue fur &% [chbng tbng] worm pain &@ [chbng xiSn] worm epilepsy &&@@ [ch6ng xie shi tbng] painful insect and scorpion stings [ch6ng xin tbng] worm heart pain & @ [chbng yio] insect bites &K [chbng zhkng] worm distention & g [ch6ng zhb] worm infixation (zhc)
chou # @ [chou chb] convulsion
m 3 [chiju dbng] jerking M A [chiju feng] tugging wind Ma [chiju jin] cramp M 5 E [ch6u qi guQn] suction cup My@& [chou qi guin f i ] suction cupping
M Et$
[chcu xin yin] Firewood-Raking Beverage % fi5j +f;B [chbu mkn bb i n ] oppressed and anxious @j [chbu] thick [in consistency] # S E * [chbu'chlin huI] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) 3 [chhu] second earthly branch; B2 flEI?[chbu shi] 8 2 watch [I-3 a.m.] S [chbu] malodor
4s' [chbu hiio] capillaris@ (Artemisiae Cap~llarisHerba)
&%La* [chbu ji] houttuyniao (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice)
S X f i [chbu mi3 li] fragrant glory-
bower@ (~lerodenhriFragrantis Radix e t Folium) S + i t f f B * [chbu mii d i n pi] red peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Rubra) g- [chbu qi] bad smell 4 R % 3 * [chbu shi mb li] fragrant glorybower@ (Clerodendri Fragrantis Radix e t Folium) g@ [chbu ti] malodorous snivel (nasal mucus) 4 81% [chbu ti5n 11161 fetid river snail [Hongkong foot] g!$ [ c h h wGi] bad smell [chbu wii t6ngl clerodendron [leaflo (Clerodendri Folium) ['chbu wii t6ng gen] clerodendron root@ (Clerodendri Radix) SGJW* [chbu wii t6ng yk] clerodendron [leafla (Clerodendri Folium) 4 % 3 5 * [ c h h wii yi] elm cake' (Ulmi Fructus Praeparatio) SE5 * [*u xing CBo] houttuyniao (Houttuyniae Herba cum' Radice) @ * [chbu zhi C B O ~ houttuyniao (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice)
chu [chi] exit; issue; outward movement
*R [chi hhn] sweating &/Ji? [chi n6ngI exude pus
*%5i: [chi qi xu63 Qi Issue Point [non:hannel] [chi xu61 bleeding; blood loss; nemorrhage; bloodletting kjj+?f-[chii zhen] needle extraction [chii chi] initial palpation [pulse] [chi qi] initial stage [of disease]; early stage [of disease] ;En$& [chi qi] onset [of disease]; initial stage [of disease] B [chli] eliminate; elimination
Hfl?g/J$t% [chb fEng qing pi yin] WindEliminating Spleen-Clearing Beverage BR%@?Zi [ch6 feng yi siin ting] WindEliminating Boosting Decoction B@ [chb shi] eliminate dampness @ [chii shi bii qi ting] Dampness-Eliminating QISupplementing Decoction B @ B B $$I [chb shi juan bi ting] Dampness-Eliminating ImpedimentAlleviating Decoction B @ $Zi [chb shi ting] Dampness, Eliminating Decoction B T @J [chb shi w&i ling tlng] Dampness-Eliminating StomachCalming Poria (Hoelen) Five Decoction B:B [ch6 tin] eliminate phlegm kjj% [ch6 j xiin] eliminate epilepsy H % [ch6 zheng] eliminate steam [steaming bone fever] @ [chk zhong] eliminated center 35 [chb jb] Chuzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Chuzhouensis) B%Z* [chb jb hull Chuzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Chuzhouensis) & & $&* [chii t6u king] rice husk* (Oryzae Testa) [chii fing] prescription @ f i g[chii fing jiin] prescription [chii shii] Limit of Heat [14th solar term] I %% [chii shi] paper mulberry fruit* (Broussonetiae Fructus) @ST*[chii shi zi] paper mulberry fruit* (Broussonetiae Fructus) @ # f @ [chii shii gen] paper mulberry root* . (Broussonetiae Radix) @#f IEI $ ?I- [chii shii jiiri bii zhi] paper mulberry sap* (Broussonetiae Succus) @#t* [chii ti01 paper mulberry fruit* (Broussonetiae Fructus) @ W- [chii y&] paper mulberry leaf* (Broussonetiae Folium) I$ [chii, ti] apprehensiveness
afi a$!$
4 * [chi3 gii] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus) [chii shi] loadstone* (Magnetitum) Mi$ [chii zhgn] body palpation &2!$@$ [chd zhi jiin t h g ] tender hard to the touch [chh] convulsion; jerking [of knees and el60ws] j$!jj$$ [chii nu61 convulsion
chuai Jj% [chugi] calf [of the leg]
J$$E* [chuiii ching] BL-56 (Calf Intestine)
KB* [chuii ching] KT-9 (Calf Intestine)
chuan )I1 $ % [chuin bii shio] Sichuan white
peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Sichuanensis) JII [chuin bgi] phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex) JllZfi@* [chuin bei xi&] Smilacis Tuber (smilax tuber@) )I1 R * [chuin bki] Sichuan fritillaria [bulb]@ (Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus) Ill R @ [chuin bki mii] Sichuan fritillaria [bulb]@ (Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus) Ill Z f i @& * [chuin bi xi&] smilax tuber@ (Smilacis Tuber) J I1 @ * [chuin b6] Sichuan phellodendron [bark]@(Phellodepdri Cortex Sichuanensis) 111 3 !J3 [chuin diing gui] Sichuan tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Sichuanensis) J l l g [chuin diing] Sichuan rodonopsis [rootlo (Codonopsitis Tangshen Radix) )I1 % S * [chuin diing shen] Sichuan codonopsis [root]' (Codonopsitis Tangshen Radix) )I1 2&&* [chuin d6 hub] tuhuo [angelica root]@ ( ~ n g e l i c a eDuhuo Radix) Ill % * [chuin duhn] dipsacus [root]@ (Dipsaci Radix)
Mrf * [chuiin fir] aconite [accessory tuber]' (Aconiti Tuber Laterale) JJI M$T* [chuiin fir zi] aconite [accessory tuber]' (Aconiti Tuber Laterale) J I I B [chuiin gii] Japanese spatterdock root0 (Nupharis Rhizoma) I 3 [chuiin h6ng hug] Sichuan carthamus [flower]@ (Carthami Flos Sichuanensis) J l l E $$J* [chuiin huii jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) ) l l S $B [chuiin huing biii] Sichuan phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex Sichuanensis) * [chuin jigng huing] turmeric' )I/ (Curcumae Longae Rhizoma) J l l KC 7 * [chuiin jiiing zi] croton [seed]' (Crotonis Semen) J I I * [chuiin jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) J l l $$J #j* [chuiin jiiio fen] zanthoxylum [husk] powder' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Pulveratum) J l l @ * [chuiin jiiio mil] zanthoxylum seed' (Zanthoxyli Semen) J l l 81iS;Xm * [chuan jiiio tin] charred zanthoxylum [husk]@ (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Carbonisatum) J l l 81 * [chuiin jiiio zi] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli. Pericarpium) J l l & & * [chuiin jin pi] rose-of-Sharon root bark' (Hibisci Syriaci Radicis Cortex) 111?@ [chuzn jii] Sichuan chrysanthemum [flower]@(Chrysanthemi Flos Sichuanensis) )I1 @ * [chuiin jiin] rhubarb' (Rhei Rhizoma) J I$I !i [chuiin liin] Sichuan coptis [root]@ (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) J l l S t R E ? % [chuiin liin zhi k6 ting] Sichuan Coptis and Bitter Orange Decoction J l l I?$ * [chuiin liin rdu] toosendan [fruit]@ (Toosendan Fructus) J l J !? [chuiin liin zi] toosendan [fruit]@ (Toosendan Fructus) Jll
iS;Xm [chuin liin zi tin] charred toosendan [fruit]@ (Toosendan Fructus Carbonisatus) )I1 *@ [chuiin mir xiiing] Sichuan saussurea [root]" (Vladimiriae Souliei Radix) J I I Y E [chuiin niii xi] cyathula [root]@ (Cyathulae Radix) J l l $b [chuiin pb] Sichuan magnolia [bark]@ (Magnoliae Cortex Sichuanensis) Jll [chuiin qi] Jin astragalus [root]' (Hedysari Radix) j I I @ * [chuin qi6ngl ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma) J I I LLI Et3 * [chuin shiin jig] pangolin scales' (Manitis Squama) [ c h u b shi h6] Sichuan )I1 f i #$ dendrobiumo (Dendrobii Caulis Sichuanensis) 111 -$* [chuiin wii] aconite main tuber' (Aconiti Tuber) J I I 2, A ?'[chuiih wii t6u] aconite main tuber' (Aconiti Tuber) )I1 .!2,# [chuiin w i ~zhi3.11 Aconite Main Tuber Gruel Ill@* [chuiin xi] cyathula [root]@ (Cyathulae Radix) . J I1 JL\E * [chuin xin liin] andrographis@ (Andrographidis Herba) )I] q [chuiin xidng] ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma) J I I TMNi;.fr [chuiin xidng c h i tiio sari] Tea-Blended Ligusticum (Cnidium Root) Powder J llq3 [chuiin xiong siin] Ligusticum Powder jllgg* [chuiin xir] dipsacus [root]@ (Dipsaci Radix) J I I @ @ * [chuiin xit duin] dipsacus [root]@ (Dipsaci Radix) Jl1%8& [chuin yit jin] Sichuan curcuma [tuber]@ (Curcumae Tuber Sichuanense) Ill @jEj [chuin z6 xi61 Sichuan alisma [root]@(Alismatis Rhizoma Sichuanense) 9$!1J@$+jt [chuin ci chii zhen shir] stabbing needle insertion 9g [chuiin huii feng] ankle-boring wind
J l l #J#
[chuin huii jii] ankle-boring flat abscess 0 6 ) % H@ [chuin huii tin] ankle-boring phlegm % EQ $ 8 ~[chuin jig d n ] Pangolin Powder [chuin p6 shq vanieria [stem or root]@ (Vanieriae Caulis seu Radix) % LLI EQ [chuin shin jiii] pangolin scales' (Manitis Squama) % LLI T 3 [chuin shiin jiii siin] Pangolin Scales Powder 3 LLI $? [chuin shin 16ngl Japanese dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Nipponicae Rhizoma) %/L\B. [chuiin xin E n ] andrographiso (Andrographidis Herba) %51f;l? [chuin y i ding] tooth-boring clove. sore (ding) I@ [chuin] pass [move from one place to another]; passage; convey; conveyance I$% [chuin biin] shift [chuin dgo zhi guin] office of conveyance [large intestine] {$it [chufin huh] conveyance and transformation I$it$t!~iTij +R [chuLn h u i wii 6r bii cing] convey and transform, but do not store bnction of the bowels] B4t 2 R [chuin huh zhi fii] house of conveyance and transformation [any of the sir bowels] I$% [chuin jing] channel passage B P [chuin shi] corpse transmission [consumption] B P B [chuin shi 1601 corpse-transmitted consumption @ [chuiin] panting [new]; dyspnea [old] %+j%? [chuIn bii di5 qi] panting with inability to catch one's breath %+$%,B[chuiin bii dC xi] panting with inability to catch one's breath @# [chuiin cii] hasty panting %&'+ f$+Eh [chuiin cii bii d6 wd] hasty panting with inability to lie dowh @@+@ F E h [chuiin cii bij n6pg ping w6] hasty panting with inabiliq to lie flat
a,%[chuiin ji] rapid panting %@ [chuin ji] panting and palpitation %% [chuin jii] person who suffers from panting
%@ [ c h u b k6] panting and cough %#h [chuiin miin] panting and fullness %#hf;&U& [ c h u b mtin ri? k6] heat cough with panting and fullness
%@, [chuin ming] panting rale %@ [chu& nil panting counterflow % e4 gT?31 [chuin si jiin zi ting] Four Gentlemen Panting Decoction
%!# [chuiin s6u] panting and cough
%,B [ c h u b xi] panting [new]; dyspnea [old]; Panting [non-channel]
~,@-&R [chuiin xi t i i jiiin] panting with raised shoulders
%iB [chuiin zhkng] panting patterns1 $ fjij % * [chuin di w6 gMg] yellow-downed hedyotiso (Hedyotis Chrysotrichae Herba) E& [chuin yio 16ngl girdling dragon
chuang 131 [chuiing] wound fill 4% [chuing shing] wound & [chuing shing chii xu&]bleedGlJ4% ing from wounds; bleeding wound & [chuing * 16ngl SI-16 (Window Dragon) @E* [chuing 16ngl SI-16 (Window Basket) l,Xpl-, &-%=* [chugn-, $Bngj $1-15 (bf",. dow) % [chuing] sore [chuing d6] sore-toxin; toxin of sores [chuing dti win] Sore-Toxin Pill &2Z [chuiing jiii] person who suffers from sores %%lfi8$& [chuing jii5 zh6ng d6] swelling and toxin of sores and boils % [chuing k6u] opening of a sore; sore-opening %@ [chuiing 1601 consumption from sores
[chuiing y6ngl sore [chuiing y6ng ~ h d n gdii] swelling and toxin of sores & b$ [chuiing zhdng] swollen sore; swelling of sores &A$%@ [chuiing zh6ng jiiin ying] hard swollen sore fill $fi fil.J [chuing xin~,mCn] Creative Gate [non-channel]
chui U~J$$ fchui bi] nasal insufflation
[chui bi fiing] Nasal Insufflation Formula l@ [chui h6u] laryngeal i n s ~ f f l a t i ~ n UA E @ [chui huii xiln] blown blossom lichen (xiiin) aAfiP1 [chui nli] breast blowing [mammary welling abscess (ydng)] UA 5 [chui qi] blow [chui rii] breast blowing [mammary welling abscess (ydng)] UAa [chui yio] insufflation [chui] hang down; sag; fall @g* [chui jiiing] CV-4 (Fallen Sauce) [chui li6n yi] falling curtain screen BePg [chui li6n zhhng] falling curtain obstruction @2 * [chui pCn clo] hanging stonecrop@ (Sedi Sarmentosi Herba) @B&iP* [chui si liti] tamarisk [twig and leaf]' (Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium) 7;* [chui xih] Sagging [non-channel]
chun S [chiin] spring [season associated with wood]
* [chiin clo] baiwei [cynanchum rootlo (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) B % [chiin fen] Spring Equinox [4th solar term] S E * [chiin huii] magnolia flowere (Magnoliae Flos) BE* [chiin huii mii] India hawthorn@ (Rhaphiolepsis Indicae Ramulus et Fohum seu Radix) %
chun $Z%%[chiin qiii] Spring and Autumn [770
r 476 B.C.]
SS [chiin wen] spring warmth S $2 [chiin xiin] stringlike in spring [pulse]
$1[chiin ying zhbng gui] [in] spring [the pulse] responds like compasses St$?% [chiin zC tiing] Spring Pond Decoction 6 $ & [chiin b6i pi] toona (root) bark@ (Toonae Cortex (Radicis)) B @ $ J3 [chiin gEn b6i pi] toona root bark@ (Toonae Radicis Cortex) @+WE*[chiin gEn pi] toona root bark@ (Toonae Radicis Cortex) 6 & $ E [chiin shii b6i pi] ailanthus/toona bark@ (Ailanthi seu ~ o o n a e (Radi ,is) Cortex) ,E ,chiin] lip EBB3 [qhiin chin dbng] tremor of the lips Efi [chhn ding] clove sore (ding) of the lip Bm [chiin feng] lip wind BE * [chirn giin] dry lips EBB$ Ich6n ji6 zhdng] swelling of the lips sad cheek E T % [chiin jiii qing zi] green-blue or purple lips and nails E@', [chiin jiiio] parched lips R a % [chiin kdu jii] pursed lips E g [chiin lik] cracked lips [chiin qing zi] green-blue or purple lips E kG*[chiin shing d ~ i i n ]GV-27 (Upper Extremity of the Lip) [chiin w i n qiing] stiff lips E@ [chiin zho] dry lips E@@[chiin z i o lik] cracked dry lips E@ [chirn zhen] lip papule El$ [chiin zhdng] swollen lips E% [chiin zi] purple lips A [chiin y6ng zhen rCn ylng zing tdng] Pure Yang True Man Viscus-Nourishing Decoction
%!PH iE%A [chiin ying zh2ng qi win]
$4 ?Zj% * [ci ji cii] cephalanoplos@
Pare Yang Qi-Righting Pill t@BE%?$E jid hhu w2i guh dii] excessive consumption of liquor and rich food
chii in
chuo [IZ/hTB * [chuh n6ng gio] pouzolzia@ (Pouzolziae Herba (cum Radice))
ci $E [ci] blemish %E*[ci gGng] Palace of Charity (SP-12) [ci huSng] orpiment' (Auripigmentum) S g * [ci gGng] SB-12 (Palace of Charity) %;ti* [ci shi] loadstone' (Magnetitum) El% E* [ci' jiin] loadstone' (Magnetitum) E& 6 [ci shi] loadstone' (Magnetituinj [ci zhii win] Loadstone and Cinnabar Pill @ [ci] tetany fi [ci]'second; secondary; next fi# [ci liio] BL-32WHO (Second BoneHole) fi T I * [ci mCn] CV-4 (Second Gate) fi% [ci zhi] forefinger fiEk [ci zhi] second toe $4 [ci] insert; needle $I]$lj%* [ci ci yi] cephalanoplos@(Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) $4 JL $T * [ci . Cr ego] cephalanoplos@ (Cephaianoplons Hei-ba seu Radixj $4 E [ci fii] needling; acupuncture $4 W % * [ci giin chi] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) $4 @J%* [ci g6u zi] honey tree fruit' (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) $4 M E * [ci h6ng hug] carthamus [flower]@ (Carthami Flos) $I]@@ [ci ji li] tribulus [fruitla (Tribuli Fructus) $4 {ci ji] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix)
(Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) & * [ci jiLn t6u ciio], cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) $11 f f ~% * [ci jiiio cLi] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) $I] 3 [ci jin] needling contraindications $I]% [ci li] spiny pear0 (Rosae Roxburghii Fructus); Chinese gooseberry [fruit]' (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) $I]%T*[ci li zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) $4 % [ci luh] prick the network vessel $I]%& @ [ci luh b i guin] pricking and ,cupping $I&% [ci mCi gu6] Siberian rose fruit@ (Rosae Davuricae Fructus) $ 4 3 ha * [ci s i n jii] trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) $42F [ci sLn jig] trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) $11 3 $f * [ci s h i ego] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) $l]$?*[ci shen] sea cucumber* (Stichopus Japonicus) $I+ [ci sh6u] needling hand $~Jjfij*[ci tong] ery!hrina [bark]' (Erythrinae Cortex) * [ci t6ng pi] erythrina [bark]' $l].@ij@ (Erythrinae Cortex) $I]@ [ci thng] stabbing pain; stinging pain [urination] #jE*(ci w5nj poiygaia jroorjo (Foiygaiae Radix) $I]@E [ci w2i pi] hedgehog's pelt' (Erinacei Pellis) $ I J[ci~xu&] prick to bleed $ 4 b & @ [ci xu2 b i gukn] pricking and cupping $4 @ [ci yiing] prickly itch $ 4 & 3 * [ci y6 zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) $1%2$* [ci zhii ling] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) '
@@ [cbu li] interstices E@?; IEfl [cbu li bii gii] insecurity of the interstices
Zj [cbng] scallion*. (Allii Fistulosi Herba) E $ [c6ng bii] scallion white* (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus)
g, Q -La@ [cong biii qi w&iyin] Scallion
White Seven-Ingredient Beverage
R $ X * [cbng b6i t6u] scallion white* (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus) B S * [cbng ciio] rice-paper plant pith* (Tet.rapanacis Medulla) -E,&&$@%J [cbng chi ji6 geng ting] Scallion, Fermented Soybean, and Platycodon Decoction RE$& [cong chi ting] Scallion and- Fermented Soybean Decoction B Z Q * [cbng jing bgi] scallion white* (Altii Fistulosi' Bulbus) Eg [c6ng shi] scallion seed* (Allii Fistulosi Fructus) E?n [cbng xu] scallion root@ (Allii Fistulosi Radix) EiT * [cbng ziii] scallion* (Allii Fistulosi Herba) [tong] acute of hearing $g+T. [cbng Er] sharpen the hearing x$j*[cbng r6ngl cistanche [stem]@(Cistanches Caulis) #$ [cbng r6ng ying rbu zhbu] X $j Cistanche and Goat's Meat Gruel .& ;fe @J [ c h g 16ng ting] Dragon-Chasing . Decoction M 9b m [c6ng wii c i nki] judging the inside by the outside M.$E?k [c6ng zhc f i n zhi] co-action is paradoxical treatment [using, for example, cold to treat cold is called paradoxical treatment] & ?k [ c h g zhi] coacting treatment [e.g., treating cold with cold] iff* [c6ng biii y&]biota leaf@(Biotae Folium) &$I] [ c h g ci] cluster pricking 4%[ c h g mi01 tuft of hair [region just proximal to the first metatarsophalangeal articulation] &$it [c6ng zhen] cluster needling
$R [cG] thick
[in dimension]; rough [breathing, texture]; coarse @ [cii] skipping [pulse]; hasty [new, breathing]; rapid distressed [old, breathing] fib2 [ch mhi] skipping pulse; rapid irregularly interrupted pulse @ [cii] vinegar* (Acetum) BE$$ [cii chiio] stir-fry with vinegar BE?+ [cii cui] vinegar dip calcination [cii duhn] vinegar calcination IE@jP% [cii liii gud] hippopha [fruit]@ (Hippophae Fructus) BE@ [cc*m&] grind with vinegar @@%% [cii m6 t6 fii] apply ground with vinegar @ [ch zhi] mix-fry with vinegar . 3+%S@!J [cii r i n hGn dio] sudden clouding collapse [cii] vinegar; vinegar* (Acetum) @1R E [cii jiing cio] creeping wood sorrel@ (Oxalidis Corniculatae Herba)
cuan % [cuhn] perineum @ [cuin] scurry; penetrate; pierce @@ [cuhn tbng] scurrying pain
cui @$L [cui rii] promote lactation @* [cui sheng] hasten delivery
#*fiU&f& [cui sheng rii yi sin] Agreeable Birth-Hastening Powder @ LktA [cui shEng yin] Birth-Hastening Beverage @ D&&$ [cui tc fii] ejection E m [cui jiio] brittle foot
BEE* [cui shi] talcum' (Talcum)
$+ [cui] calcination
EE [CUE,fii] foulage [manipulation tech-
3 2 9 3 s [cui yii cio] hooked spikemoss@ (Selaginellae Uncinatae ~ e r b a )
TEff [cui yii gZo] Green Jade Plaster @!$I] [cui ci] red-hot needling [one of the nine needling methods] $$$+ [cui zhEn] red-hot needling
cun @ [c6n] preserve 4- [ciin] body inch; inch; cun 4- A 7* [ciin b3 jik] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba)
4- Q & [ c h b6i chbng] inch whiteworm
* [ciin dong] ophiopogon [tuber]@ (Ophiopogonis Tuber) .f- a [ciin k6u] inch opening; cun opening; wrist pulse $bZ [ciin mii] inch pulse; cun pulse 4-T [ciin ping] Inch Level [non-channel]
& $# [CUE,zhen] unidirectional twirling [needling method]; needle twisting [needling method] )%R& [CUE,fEng siin] Pursed Mouth Powder @g [cue kong] groping in the air BG@!% [cuo kong li xiin] groping in the air and pulling invisible strings #@ [cuo k6u] pursed lips; pursed mouth &% [cub chuang] pimples; acne [cub fGi] pock pimples &{% [cub shiing] contusion @ [cub] file; grate $2Z$i * [cub cio] equisetum' (Equiseti Herba) %@ [cub jing] crossed menstruation % S S i g [cub yBn wing yii] deranged speech %i$j [cub yii] confused speech $4 [cub] file; grate
$1$b El& [dii pii du6 die] knocks and falls 4VdG
3 6
T A X L2:l [UE
UQIJ I Q C I I - . I I C C V I V
cnrn D V L V
thn h ~ r - L
U I - G X I V
V - V X ~
%$+ [ d i sh6uI reachable sore B [d6] outthrust %%@ [dB sheng siin] Birth-Giving Powder
B!@[dB xiC] outthrust evils [ d i yii tang] Depression Freeing Decoction BEtA [dB yuin yin] Membrane-SourceOpening Beverage [dii gC] belch Mj$j'- [ d i hfin] snoring [dii hii] snoring
*?A%@ [dg rCn hui wiij beating pe~wlg and smashing objects
t J A 9 A [ d i rCn m i rCn] beating and cursing people [ d i shang] injury due to battering M@ [dii sui] crush [dii yiin] Eye Strike [non-channel] [dh] large; great; major; profuse; massive [dh an win] Great Tranquility Pill A+S$% [d&b i n xih tang] Major Pinellia Decoction A @ [dB bfio] SP-21WflO (Great Embracement)
A @ * [dh biio] SP-21 (Great Bladder) A! I E ! L * [dh bki mii] khejiang fritillaria [bulb]" (Fritillariae Vei ticillatae Bulbus) A %JB* [dh bi hii] geckoo (Gekko) A @ [dB biin] stool; greater convenience A@$! [dB bihn bi constipation A@$!L ' ri% [dh bihn bi jiC] bound stool; constipation k @ $31 [dh bihn bh ching] inhibited defecatiori A @ + P [dh biin bh jiC] irregular defecation A @ + & [dh bihn bh ji6j constipation; failure to defecate A @ + % [ d l bihn bh shi] unsolid stool; loose stool k @+B [dB biin bh tdng] fecal stoppage; constipation A @ + f T [dB biin bh xing] fecal stoppage; constipation A 455 kij dn [dh biin c h i xu&] bloody stool A @ % & [d2 bihn dhi xu&] bloody stool [new]; hemafecia [old] A @ ? [ d i biin giin] dry stool A4ETtg [dB bihn giin jiC] dry bound stool A#!?%& [dB bihn hei s&]black stool AE@tPB [dh bihn h u i xi&]efflux diarrhea A @ g @ [dh bihn jiiin bihn] hard stool klEXR% [dh bihn jiiin nin] difficult defecation AEEl% [dh bihn khn nin] difficult defecation A@?$+! [dB biin 16ng bi] cold constipation A@$j [dh bihn li] uninhibited stool . k @ S [dB bihn nin] difficult defecation k @/@a [dB bihn n6ng xu&] stool containing pus and blood A455HF kij a%[dh bihn pii c h i khn nin] difficult defecation A @ff$$i$ [ d i biin qing b6] clear thin stool A @ @ % [dB bihn qing xi] clear thin stool AlEQU@,@ [dB bihn rli yii tang] duck's slop stool
A @ % % [ d i b i b shi jin] fecal incontinence A@7k# [dB b i b shui ying] watery stool A @ % [dB bihn shuh] frequent defecation A@@ [dB biin suiin chhu] soursmelling malodorous stool k@B%5iiij [ d i bihn sui shi Cr chii] discharge of stool with flatus A @ % @ [ d i bihn t i n g b6] thin sloppy stool A @ % % [dh bihn tang ghu] grimy sloppy stool A @ % # [dB bihn tang xi&] sloppy diarrhea A @ % % [dh b i b xi ting] thin sloppy stool [ d i biin xi8 xu&] precipitation of blood. with the stool; bloody stool . A@#?% [ d i biin xi2 xi&] diarrhea . B['J [dh biin xi& xi& rii bhi A @ # fEj @ luin] diarrhea smelling like rotten eggs A@&$& [dh bihn xii bi] vacuity constipation A@@'Lrg [dh biin z i o jiC] dry bound stool k @ $ 3 [dB biin zi yi] involuntary discharge of stool [dh bing] major illness k 9 2 R f f [dB b6 gii dan] ventricose adhatoda [stem and leaflo (Adhatodae Ventricosae Caulis et Folium) A + E 4 & [dh bii qi xu&] greatly supplement qi and blood; major supplementation of qi and blood A +\f i [ d i bii win] Major Supplementation Pill k+\PBJtL [dh bii yin wan] Major Yin Supplementation Pill A + E Z @ [dh bii yuin jiiin] Major OriginSupplementing Brew k Z % * [dB ch8 yho] yellow jessamine* (Gelsemii Herba) A % % & [dh chii hfi tang] Major Bupleurum Decoction A @ * [dh chin] dried toad@ (Bufo Siccus) A B [ d i chiingj large intestine; LIwrio A B % [d2 ching bing] large intestinal disease
kk%%g [dh ching h i n jiC] large intestinal cold bind kk%&t$[dh ching jiC r&],large intestinal heat bind kk@-$S[ d i ching jin kui] Jarge intestinal liquid depletion k k 92 [ d i ching jing] large intestine channel; LIWHo [dB ching kC] large intestinal cough . * k g * [dh ching mii] ST-25 (Large Intestine Alarm) k k t$E [dh ch6ng r&jiC] large intestinal heat bind kkB$G [dh ching shi r&]large intestinal damp-heat hk%4;$[ d i ching shi/r&]large intestinal repletion heat kk& [ d i ching shii] BL-25WHO (Large Intestine Transport) ARE [dB ching xii] large intestinal vacuity AD&% [ d i ching xii hin] large intestinal vacuity cold kkb* [ d i ching xu lgng] large intestinal vacuity cold kk@S [ d i ching y& kui] large intestinal humor depletion1 k&PBb@%i$ [dh ching yin xii z i o jiC] large intestinal yin vacuity dryness bind kkfi [dL ching yong] large intestinal welling abscess @ling) AkK [ d i ching zhhng] large intestinal distention A,@%. !$--g.g-th,- ..!.L,*E' idi? ching zhg chuin dgo zhi guln y6 biin h u i chii yiin] large intestine holds the office of conveyance, whence mutation emanates A& 2 I$%. [dh ching zhii chuin diio] large intestine governs conveyance k/&&{$.l$j+Q [ d i ching zhii chuin huk ziio pb] large intestine governs the conveyance and transformation of waste kkZ@ [dB ching zhii jin] large intestine governs liquid kji%?.ik [dh chCng qi tiingl Major QiInfusing Decoction
A)+*[dh chdng] LV-3 (Large Surge) yj @ [di chu xu61 majbr bleeding
A 3 TI@* [dh diing men gen] asparagus, [tuber]. (Asparagi Tuber) n Fj * [dh d l o dhu] sword beano (Canavaliae Semen) A T @ * [dh ding hukng] cudrania [woodlo (Cudraniae Lignum) k XREk [ d i ding feng zhii] Major WindStabilizing Pill A %* [ d i dbng guij] sterculia* (Sterculiae Semen) k [dh dbu bb] dried soybear. sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) AS$$% [dh dbu huing j u h ] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) A S $$%* [dh d6u huing juiin] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) k S S * [ d i dbu juiin] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) k;$P[ d i dii] Great Metropolis; SP-2WHC (Great Metropolis) A$Pfi [ d i dii xui] major metropolis point [dh d6] high toxicity [dh diin] LV-1 (Large Pile) k E* [ d l fii] sterculia. (Sterculiae Semen)
Afrpt [ d i fiing mii] adult medicine hPfiJ3l,. [dh i$fing f h g tlng] Major Ledebouriella Decoction )$S [ d i f&i ying cio] hoary spurgea (Euphorbiae Hirtae Herba (cum Radice)) k 9 [ d i fen] major seam kfl [dh feng] great wind; leprosy [dB feng 5 ji] malign disease of great wind [dh feng ki5 d6] strong wind and toxin
k & [ d i heng] SP-15WHo (Great Horizon-
k R % [ d i fEng IBi] great wind lai [ d i f6ng win] Hydnocarpus Great Wind Pill k f l ? [ d i fEng zi] hydnocarpus [seed]' (Hydnocarpi Semen) A AT* [ d i fEng zi] hydnocarpus [seed]' (Hydnocarpi Semen) A A 3m * [dB fEng zi rbu] hydnocarpus [seed]' (Hydnocarpi Semen) k flF?EB [ d i fEng zi ybu] hydnocarpus seed oile (Hydnocarpi Seminis OIeum) xE [dB fii] greater abdomen k BE##$* [dB fij bin ling] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) A@** [ d i fii mi01 areca husk' (Arecae Pericarpium) A a & [dB fii pi] areca husk' (Arecae Pericarpium) A@%*[dB fii rbng] areca husk' (Arecae Pericarpium) A Mrf T * [dB fii zi] aconite [accessory tuber]' (Aconiti Tuber Laterale) A @ F * [dh fii zi] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) k 3 * [ d i gE dbu] sword bean' (Canavaliae Semen) [dB gii] large valley A B* [ d i gii] BL-64 (Large Bone) [ d i gii kong] Thumb Bone Hollow [non-channel] k @+&& [ d i gii kii giio] withering of the major bones A @ * [ d i gui] cinnamon bark' (Cinnamomi Cortex) A%* [dB hgi] CV-4 (Great Sea) A B T * [ d i hgi zi] sterculia' (Steiculiae Semen) A @ [ d i hin] Great Cold [24th solar term] Aff- [dB hin] great sweating A ff tfj [dB h i n chii] great sweating ' [in externally contracted febrile disease] A ff-#y$2j [ d i h i n lin li] dripping great sweat A& [ d i hk] KI-12WfiO (Great Manifestatioil)
k fl
t al)
k% * [d& I h6ng @ pi01 zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) k g [dB huing] rhubarb' (Rhei Rhizoma) k B 3 !I3 #h [ d i huing d i n g gui siin] Rhubarb and Tangkuei Powder kg!$ g * [ d i huing fEng ke] hornet's nest' (Vespae Nidus) k@MrfF?&[ d i huing fii zi ting] Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction A B H s ? & [dh huing g i n c5o ting] Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction k B H%t& [ d i huing gin. sui ting] Rhubarb and Kansui Decoction k$$Bgj%j &?& [ d i huing huing liin xi&xin ting] Rhubarb and Coptis HeartDraining Decoction k B % f i & &[ d i huing mii d i n pi tang] Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction k %%fib!? ?% k [ d i hukng mii d i n pi ting fing] Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction Formula k % $ k f i ? & [ d i huing mii d i n tang] Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction kBti'66 ?& [dB huing xiiio shi tfing] Rhubarb and Niter Decoction k B & $, [ d i huing z h i ch6ng win] Rhubarb and Wingless Cockroach Pill AE* [dh hui] star anise' (Anisi Stellati Fructus) . k E @ *[ d l hui xiing] star anisee (Anisi Stellatl Fructus) . A @j W f f [ d i hu6 lu6 dan] Major Network-Quickening Pill @j h* [ d i hu6 xu&] sargentodoxa [stem]@ (Sargentodoxae Caulis) jr$. [ d i ji] euphorbia/knoxia [rootla (Euphorbiae seu Knoxiae Radix) kB& [ d i ji s5n] Euphorbia/Knoxia Powder [di ji] cirsiumo (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) [ d i ji gen] cirsium root@ (Cirsii Radix) % B E [ d i ji tin] charred cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba Carbonisata)
[ d i jig xie] great conglomeration OiG) diarrhea [ d i jiin gii] thigh bone; femur kBCPY& [ d i jiin zhdng ting] Major Center-Fortifying Decoction @ * [dB jiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) AX* [ d i jiiio] large gentian [root]' (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix) A % 8 * [dB ji2o ci] gleditsia - thorn@ (Gleditsiae Spina) i 5 [ d i jiC] major joint k%B$[ d i jiC xidng] major chest bind ' k42 S [ d i jin niG clo] Chinese milkwort@ (Polygalae Chinensis Herba cum Radice seu Radix) A & % = [ d i jin qiin d o ] lysimachia0 (Lysimachiae Herba (cum Radice)) kg*[ d i jin] LI-13 (Great Prohibition) kg [dB jing] main channel k&& $5 [ d i jG pi tang] Major Tangerine Peel Decoction kE [ d i jii] ST-27WH0(Great Gigantic) kR [ d i juk] major reversal kS* [ d i kii] air potato' (Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber) kiB*[dB ken] CV-4 (Great ~ e s e r v o i r ) [ d i li hC] litchee pite (Litchi Semen) A ;t7 $$ * [ d i li huing] goat-ear elecampane0 (Inulae Cappae Herba) kf l l * [d! li shii] specious millettia [root]@ (Millettiae Speciosae Radix) A f7 3* [dB li zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii r;mcrllus)
k S
[d& liing jilng] galangal [root]' (Alpiniae Galangae Rhizoma) [ d i ling] PC-7WH0(Great Mound) k$t[dl 16n] Great Wheel [non-channel] A% [ d i lub] great network vessel k%Dl, [ d i m i feng] great numbing wind; leprosy A B .fir* [dB m i rCn] hemp seede (Cannabis Semen) ART*[ d i m i zi] hemp seede (Cahnabis Semen)
k% [d&m&i] large pulse kg%* [ d i m2i mi01 barley
sprout' (Hordei Fructus Germinatus) k% @ * [ d i mii niG] barley sprout' (Hordei Frucfus Germinatus) k %%* [ d i mii niG] barley sproute (Hordei Fructus Germinatus) k % %* [ d i mii yi] barley sproute (Hordei Fructus Germinatus) -k *?* [ d i m i o yio] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) k1'7 [dh mCn] Great Gate [non-channel] k % * [ d i mi] non-glutinous rice0 (Oryzae Semen) k & * [ d i mG tdng tdng] rice-paper plant pithe (Tetrapanacis Medulla) A+@ a * [ d i niG zh5 kbu] cirsium@(Cirsii Herba seu Radix) kY T * [ d i niG zi] arctium [seed]@ (A&tii Fructus) AH [ d i n i l major spontaneous external bleeding kMUJ*[ d i pCng ski] boraxe (Borax) A$@-/-* [ d i ping y&]duckweede (Lemnae Herba) kt%$&[ d i qi qi tang] Major Seven Qi Decoction k9 [ d i qi] great qi A%%$& [ d i qiiing hu6 tang] Major Notopterygium Decoction kaT* [dB qiio zi] forsythia [fruit]' (Forsythiae Fructus) k%XY& [ d i qin jiio ting] Large Gentill? Dcr,cx2lcn k S*[ d i qing] isatis leaf0 (Isatidis Folium) A S&.i& [ d i qing 16ng tang] Major Green-Blue Dragon Decoction kE &* [dB qing yin] halitee (Halitum) A Etft [ d i qing yG] isatis leaf0 (Isatidis Folium) k?$[d2 r&] great fever kt2~[ d i rhu] major masses of flesh A @J EB# [ d i rbu jin tud] shedding of major masses of flekh
k @I 7; P u d h rbu xih xisn] wasting and sagging of the major masses of flesh [dB rbu xihn xii] wasting and @I Pfi sagging of the major masses of flesh mrd % [dh r6u xigo tuo] shedding of major masses of flesh [dh sheng di] thick dried rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Crassa); driedffresh rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata seu Recens) A F 4f4 % [dB sheng jiho kc] loud shouting and crying AXrfn [dh shi xu&] major blood loss k%4Uj@%[dB shi rii 1Ci zhuhng] major repletion resembling weakness k g [dh shii] Great Heat [12th solar term] JID*[dii shhn] LV-1 (Great Favorableness) kllD% [dh shhn sin] Great Rectifying Powder A@%S* [dh suan wki ego] lavender sorrel@(Oxalidis Corymbosae Herba seu Radix) A% [dB suhn] garlic [bulb]' (Allii Sativi Bulbus); garlic' (Allii Sativi Herba) A#kz& [dh tiio hua tang] Major Peach Blossom Decoction A Bbg* [ d i tiiin lu6] freshwater snail@ (Cipangopaludina) A B S * [dh tong cgo] rice-paper plant pitho (Tetrapanacis Medulla) A % K [ d i t6u chin] Indian adenosmaO (Adenosmatis Indiani Herba cum Flore) [dh t6u fihg] massive head wind A%{%%[ d i t6u shing hin] massive head cold damage A&% [dB t6u wEn] massive head scourge A!J& [dh tii] great vomiting AM [dh tui] upper leg; thigh [dh tui gii] thigh bone; femur AM& [dh tui jii] thigh flat abscess (jn) A%*$(: [ d i wen dh rk] highly warm or highly hot At&'$ fi tdh wen zhGng wgn] Major Center-Warming Pill A
[dB xi&n xibng tlng] Major Chest Bind Decoction AP&M$L[ d i xihn xibng win] Major Chest Bind Pill A J]\ @7f; f+ [d&xigo bi&nbh d i ] inability to urinate or defecate /J\ @% [dh xi50 bihn shuh] frequent urination and defecation A JJ\ A [dB xigo rCn] adults and children ki%[dh xik] major drainage technique; great diarrhea ;j5i%$iJ [dB xi&ci] great draining needling [one of the nine needling methocls]; lancing [one of the nine needling methods] k $ k $ G [dh xin dh rk] highly acrid and highly hot AEJl@ [dh xing feng tang] Major Wind Arousal Decoction A,@[dh xii] major vacuity kgh * [dh xh pihn] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis ,Herbs) [dh xu61 Great Snow [21st solar term] A h E [dB xu6 ting] sargentodoxa [stem]@ (Sargentodoxae Caulis) kptlirjipt [dh ye tin ye] swamp mahogany' (Eucalypti Robustae Fplium) k at% [dh yk chi] greater selaginella@ (Selaginellae Doederleinii Herba) k at & [dB yi: jin hug cgo] sphenomer~s@(Sphenorner~sHerba seu Rhizoma) kll-tEn[* [dh yk wii jig] rice-paper plant pith' (Tetrapanacis Medulla) %Pa* [ d i yin] LV-6 (Great Yin); SP-6 (Great Yin) A E f i [ d i yin jiin] Major Construction Brew [dh ying] ST-SWH* (Great Reception) k 9 7 * [d&yii] GV-18 (Great Feather) k Z * [dh yiin] cistanche [stemlo (Cistanches Caulis) A% [dB ziio] jujube' (Ziziphi Fructus) A%% [dh z5o zhou] Jujube Gruel A s s * . [dh zio jig] gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus) A 2 f8 * . [dh zho jig01 gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gledits~aeFructus)
A S A [dh zho win] Great Creation Pill
k H [ d i zhen] large needle [one of the nine needles] A% [dB zhi] thumb kffi[dh zhi] great toe A%&)E [dh zhi ci zhi] finger next to the thumb; forefinger k Ek&Ek [dh zhi ci' zhi] toe next to the great toe; second toe k@ [dh z h h g ] KI-4WHo(Large Goblet) A +&* [dh zh6ng ji] CV-4 (Great Central Pole) A & [dh zhii] great governor A @ [dh zhii] BL-llWHo (Great Shuttle) A % [ d i zhui] GV-14wHo (Great Hammer) ;jSW [ d i zi] inner canthus
% [diii] feeble-mindedness; dull; torpid X 7% [diii bing] feeble-mindedness
[dhi fii] doctor [esp. as a term of address] A%@$&[dhi yin mi tiing] Great Rock Honey Decoction I t [dhi] regularly interrupted pulse R Z [dhi chi] take as tea {%%@I[dii c h i he] take as tea R % t A [diii c h i yin] take as tea It n & [dhi dHo sin] spare- he-~nife Powder I 4-t tff, 3 A [dhi di dhng win] Substitute Dead-on _Pi!! -. R H [dhi mii] regularly interrupted pulse 4tS* [dii zh6] hematitem (Haematitum) 4"Z;G [dgi zhi: shi] hematitem (Haematitum) ,S, @l@E\ [dhi du6 shi w6] fatigue and somnolence 3ftfltX [dhi dhi hull sour orange flowera (Daidai Flos) R @ [dhi mho] hawksbill [turtle] shellm (Eretmocbelydis Carapax) [dii mho win] Hawksbill Shell Pill
@ [dhi] girdle; carry S T * [dhi kC liin zi] lotus ' fruitm (Nelumbinis Fructus) @bX [dhi mhi] girdling vessel; GIV; GB26WHo(Girdling Vessel) '4fE%T.*. [dki pi liin zi] lotus fruite (Nelumbln~sFructus) @T[dhi xih] vaginal discharge; women's diseases R7;$ [dki xih bii] white vaginal discharge @7;%[dhi xi& bing] women's diseases @7;%[dhi xi8 chi] red vaginal discharge %7;%[diii xi8 hEi] black vaginal discharge [dhi xi$ hu6ngl yellow vaginal discharge R T B [dhi xih ping] green-blue vaginal discharge %ff7;fin S [dii xi5 rii zhii] pouring vaginal discharge [dhi xi8 yi] women's doctor [dhi zhu61 turbid vaginal discharge $@BE! [dii yin] upcast eyes BBE!E$fi[dhi yin f i n zhC] upcast eyes %PEI [dhi ying] upcast yang %$&& [dhi gC sin] Indigo and Clamshell Powder
. 43 E
[diin] cinnabar; elixir; miniume (Minium) ' A-ZEZ [dan dii] cinnabar toxin [sore]; P" I~, "~' yEV~x .U-O. P I o P
f f - # j * [diin
fgn] miniumm (Minium)
j3-B* [diin gen] moutan [root bark]. (Moutan Radicis Cortex)
A-$$ e9Z8 [dftn huing si ni sin] Moutan .and Phellodendron Counterflow Cold Powder fia* [diin li] Iitcheem(Litchi Fructus) f i E* [diin pi] moutan [root bark]' (Moutan Radicis Cortex) B?9* [diin shi] cinnabarm (Cinnabaris) j3-$@[dgn sha] cinnabar sand @ha)
BZ? [diin shen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) f f Z?& [diin shen sin] Salvia Powder f f S'i:k [diin shen yin] Salvia Beverage f f 32 * [din sill cinnabar* (Cinnabaris) A[din tiin] cinnabar field; CV4 (Cinnabar Field); CV-5 (Cinnabar Field); CV-7 (Cinnabar Field) f f 6 33% 3 [diin zhi .xi50 y i o sin] Moutan and Gardenia Eree Wanderer Powder I;t;? [diin] single; plain; simple %%. ,@.% [din i n , zrjng i n ] individual and simultaneous palpation @$$ [diin chio] plain stir-fry; stir-fry without adjuvants $.I? [diin fiing] simple formula $.@3 [diin fii gii] simple abdominal drum [without generalized water swelling] % & @ [din fii gii] simple abdominal drum distention [without generalized water swelling] %&'B&k [diin fii zhing dB] simple abdominal distention %B-[diin gii] simple drfim %Y/@ [diin rii C] single nipple moth % 3+\ $%+ & [dan shi bii .xi2 shih fi] simpple supplementation and drainage manipulation %+S$?f& [diin shdu jin zhen f i ] singlehanded needle insertion %t'j [diin xing] going alone [7relations; ability of an agent to be used alone, e.g., ginseng] *?,$ [diin zheng] plain-steam; steam without adjuvants @EE [din zhi yii] single-finger press %$[din] pure heat Z [din] jaundice flH [din] gallbladder; GBWUO B E * [din bi] bittern@ (Butio) flH E 7k * [din bii shui] bittern@ (Butio) BB% [din bing] gallbladder disease B H Z * [din cio] gentian [root]* (Gentianae Radix) flH*@i [din din] gallbladder pure heat
flHSfSFfi$% [din d i o pii shi tiing] Biliary Calculus Decoction
f l H S i $ 9 E ~ P Z [din i d i o qii hui tang] Biliary Roundworm-Expelling Decoction
B N [&in fin] chalcanthite* (Chalcanthitum)
[din feng dii qi] gallbladder wind toxin qi flH % [din huing] gallbladder jaundice; gallbladder bezoar@ (Bovis Vesicae Felleae Bezoar) HJl4A+;#If; [din hu6 bii d i wb] gallbladder fire insomnia flHA [din hurj bil w6] gallbladder fire insomnia flH 22 [din jing] gallbladder channel; GBWIIO flH22% ?4: [din jing shi rk] gallbladder channel repletion heat RHU& [din kC] gallbladder cough B H g * [din mil] GB-23 ' (Gallbladder Ala1:m); GB-24 (Gallbladder Alarm) BEE* [din nin xing] bile [-processed] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Felle Bovis) B H H n [dsn ning xu&]Gallbladder Point [non-channel] B H T + Z' [din qi bh zu] insufficiency .of gallbladder qi B';@ [din qi xh] gallbladder qi vacuity JIB%@% [din qi xu bin] gallbladder qi vacuity cold flH?@+g [din qi xii qik] gallbladder qi vacuity and temerity BHt& [diin qik] gallbladder temerity [din qik yi jing] gallbladder flH&% temerity and susceptibility to fright flH!i! [din rk] gallbladder heat flH 2:24 I@[din ri: dub shui] gallbladder heat profuse sleeping J l H g [diin shi] gallbladder repletion [din shii] BL-19WH0(Gallbladder Transport) [ H Z @ % [din w6 juC duin] gallbladder lacking decisiveness BEJE [dan xing] bile [-processed] arisaema [root]@(Arisaematis Rhizoma cum Felle Bovis)
BH@ [d5n xii] gallbladder vacuity flB@?IE [diin xii b6 d t miin] gallbladder
f&@$17(Z?j [din shZn li shui yio] bland
vacuity insomnia BH&;E' [ d b xii qi qiZ] gallbladder vacuity and qi temerity Bs$$%% [d5n yh t i n 1-50]depressed gallbladder with harassing phlegm BH+$@,% [ d k yii t i n rZ] depressed gallbladder phlegm-heat flHflE [dsn zhhng] gallbladder distention R H % & k [diin zhti juC duin] gallbladder governs decision @! [diin] jaundice 4 H @ + g [din bi bh sui] paralysis of the arms 4H R Z Z [din dhi w6 wZi] regularly interrupted only, without stomach [pulse] @?$+ 5$ [din rZ bh hLn] heat without cold; fever without aversion to cold . 4 H X E & [din t6u h i n chii] sweating from the head only @ S Z Z E [din xiin w6 wki] stringlike only, without stomach [pulse] 4H'&% [din yG mZi] desire only to sleep $5 [din] pale; bland; blandness ?AX%* [din tong r6ngl sweet cistanche [stem]@ (Cistanches Caulis Dulcis) % A Z* [din d i y6n] sweet cistanche [stem]@ (Cistanches Caulis Dulcis) f & G B [din dbu chi] fermented soybean (unsalted)@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum Insulsum) f & G B * [din dbu shi] fermented soybean (unsa1ted)a (Glycines Semen Fermenta-
% % @ # % PEl [ d h wZi shZn xi5 wCi
+,urn Insu!;urn)
T&M$K[din fii piin] desalted aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Insalsum) B T Z * [din giin jiing] dried ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum) % B [din huing] pale yellow ti& @%I1B [din shZn li shi] disinhibit dampness by bland percolation f&@%ll7K [din shZn li shui] disinhibit water by bland percolation f&@%117KE [din shen li shui fill bland percolating water-disinhibiting method
percolating water-disinhibiting medicinal ying] bland [medicinals] that percolate and drain are yang fAf'I%* [din zh6 li] dried bamboo sap* (Bambusae Succus Exsiccatus) f&fT % * [din zh6 mi] bamboo leafe (Lophatheri Folium) %fT F G * [din zh6 pi rG] bamboo shavings0 (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) f& fTG * [din zhG rii] bamboo shavings* (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) ti& f? Pf- [din zh6 yZ] bamboo leaf0 (Lophatheri Folium) f&f?Pt$% [din zh6 yZ tiing] Bamboo Leaf Decoction E B * [din bii] egg whitee (Galli Albumen) Z&B*[din huing] egg yolk0 (Galli Vitellus) $$jsU#fi [din liio si shCn wsn] Tranquil Hut Four Spirits Pill [din] pure heat @@ [din niiZ] pure-heat malaria E$ [dkn zhijng] chest center; CV-17WH0 (Chest Center)
dang 3 Z* [ding dio] plantagoe (Plantaginis Herba)
3 flllf g+ [diing feng shui wb] sleeping in a draft
%El [diing gui] tangkueio (Angelicae Sinensis Radix) 3 !J3 8 @ [ding i gui b6i zh6 tiing] Tangkuei and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction %jl)3Jl@%@fi [diing guibZi mii kii shen w6n] Tangkuei, Fritillaria, and Flavescent Sophora Pill 3 !Jil+Eh@~ [ding gui bii xu& ting] Tangkuei Blood-Supplementing Decoction 3 lJ3 [ding gui di huing yin] Tangkuei and Rehmannia Beverage
3 !J3$3 h $3~[ding gui hu6 xu& ting]
3 Ztj [ding yio] . swertiao (Swertiae
Tangkuei Blood-Quickening Decoction 3 !h%rf~E$% [ding gui ji xu& tCng tang] Tangkuei and anesthesia Decoction 3 !J3@@$3J [ding gui jiin zhong ting] Tangkuei Center-Fortifying Decoction 3 !b A B$3J [ding gui liii huing ting] Tangkuei Six Yellows~Decoction 3 !J3$Z 2 % [ding gui .l6ng hui win] Tangkuei, Gentian, and Aloe Pill 3 !J3 @ $51- [ding gui niin tbng tang] Tangkuei Pain-Assuaging Decoction 3 !J3& [ding gui siin] Tangkuei Powder 3 !El 1;'i * [ding gui shio] tangkuei tail@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Extremitas) 3 !El %?T Ztj 3 [ding gui sh5o yho siin] Tangkuei and Peony Powder 8 9 [diing gui shen] tangkuei body@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Corpus) 3 D Y S + IZJ$3~[ding gui shi5ng jiing ying rbu ting] Tangkuei, Fresh Ginger, and Goat Meat Decoction 3!J3e4@j~u;iZ%$St3J[ding gui si ni jii w6 zhii y6 shi5ng jiing ting] Tangkuei Counterflow Cold Decogtion Plus Evodia and Fresh Ginger 3 !El e9@$3J[ding gui si ni ting] Tangkuei Counterflow Cold Decoctioli 3 lJ3E [ding gui tin] charred tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Carbonisata) 3 !J3$51 [ding gui tang] Tangkuei Decoction 3 U3 % [ding gui t6u] tangkuei head@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Caput) 3 !HE[diing gui wii] tangkuei tail@(Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Extremitas) 3 !J3?Q[ d i n g gui xii] tangkuei fine root@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Tenuis) 3 !J3$ @J $3~[ding gui yiing rbu tang] Tangkuei and Goat Meat Decoction 3 !J3'i:h7[ding gui yin zi] Tangkuei Drink 3B* [ding It11 phytolacca [root]@ (Phytolaccae Radix) 3 f i @[ding qi tbng] umbilical pain 3$1*[ding rG] ST-17 (On the Nipple) 3 /L\mj@ [ding xin Cr tbng] pain in the heart
Herba) [diing shen] codonopsis [root]@ (Codonopsitis Radix) $&% [ding di] flush [ding di win tiin] flush stubborn phlegm
dao B E S * [dio b i dbu] sword bean* (Canavaliae Semen)
n FZ [dio dbu] sword bean* (Canavaliae Semen)
[dio dbu gen] sword bean root* (Canavaliae Radix) BEZE [dio dbu kC] sword bean pod* (Canavaliae Legumen) G T * [dio dbu zi] sword bean* (Canavaliae Semen) % 4% [dio fii shing] knife wound fidiio k6u yio] three-flowered ainsl~aea leaf@ (Ainsliaeae Triflorae Folium) B iSB* [dio pCi dbu] sword bean* ( C a n a ~ l i a eSemen) E* [dio qiin] euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen) @j [dio qiio dbu] sword bean* (Canavaliae Semen) [dio s$ing] knife wound 2 4% h [dio shing chii xu&] bleedi& knife wound' [dio yiin] incised-wound syncope @I%&%*[diio g u i jin tCng] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) #!J@ [dHo jif] ingrown eyelash @ftl%$ % [diio jiC quiin mi01 ingrown eyelash +$, [diio] pound [as with a pestle] )S;@ [diio fii] apply crushed I!& [diio jiii] pounding )S;E [diio lin] pound to a pulp #$,EB [dHo lkn. fii] apply cr;shed B'Sfi[diio r h g ] pound to a floss
n n n 9
n n a*
$23 f3 [dio tGng] mortar $23% [dio t6] apply crushed $23H [diio zhen] pounding [of needling]; needle pounding [of needling] %:# [diio zhi] crush to extract the juice; extract juice by crushing )$.%?-l-& [dio zhi tii] crush and apply juice; apply juice extracted by crushing 9 [dgo] abduct; abduction %@ [dio biin] abduct stool; enema %%ST$% [dHo chi chCng qi ting] RedAbducting Qi-Infusing Decoction [dio chi sin] Red-Abducting Powder %& [dio fi] abduction; enema % 9 [dio qi] summon qi %T?%[dio qi ting] Qi-Abducting Decoction %?$# [dio rk sin] Heat-Abducting Powder 87kBS?h [dio shui fii ling tang] WaterAbducting Poria (Hoelen) Decoction 3&$$J [dio t6n tang] Phlegm-Abducting Decoction % 3 1 [dgo yin] conduction % mj.@M [dio zhi tdng fii] abduct stagnation and free the bowels .1FI]Y [dio chin] footling presentation !F!J ti!! !E !.& * [dio di w6 gdng] helminthostachys [root]@ (Helminthostachydis Rhizoma) IF4 8 %af- [diio diio bi yk] wrightia leaf@ (Wrightiae Folium)
$8@2$j* [diio gEn xu] glutinous rice rooto (Oryzae Glutinosae Rhizoma et Radix) [dio nik] rice sprout@ (Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) fjj * [diio nik] rice sprouta (Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) $%%*[ d b yi] Oryzae Fructus Germinatus (rice sprout@)
@E j*
f+@$lJM [dC i n zC jiin] relieved by pressure
f+%811# [dC hfin zC shkn] relieved by cold
$34 [dC qi] obtain qi; obtaining qi $%?t:@iM[dC ri: tang jign] pain relieved by pressure
f+t;$$lJg[dC rk zC hugn] relieved by heat A?$%$$[dC rk zC j i b ] pain relieved by heat f+#
[dii shCn] spiritedness
f+&$lJ&$, [dC shi zk jiin] relieved by eating
f+E@&$, [de wen t h g jiHn] pain relieved by warmth
deng 8 B m Z k [deng g5o Cr gE] climbing to high places and singing flq* [deng ciio] juncus [pith]'
f l @'#j [dgng c i o fgn] juncus [pith] -
$4 Ef3
[dB0 jig] ingrown nail $I]@ [diio jiC] ingrown eyelash @l]E%g [diio jiC quin mfio] ingrown eyelash [dio jing] inverted menstruation .1FI])UZ$ [diio kQu cio] rough achyrantheso (Achyranthis Asperae Herba) B f f [dio hin] night sweating 3 [dB01 path; way; Dao %% [diio jig] Daoism; Daoist B3 1 [diio yin] Dao conduction
powaer@ (Junc~lMedulla Pulveraia)
I M S& * [deng c i o hui] charred juncus [pith]@ (Junci Medulla Carbonisata) fix 2 [deng hui, jiii] juncibustion ~ff& * [deng xin] juncus [pith]' (Junci
Medulla) ;M X * [deng xin] juncus [pith]'
(Junci Medulla) ~M&?fi [deng xin cHo] juncus [pith]' (Junci Medulla) J B E ~ $[deng ~ * xin cio] juncus [pith]' (Junci Medulla)
f l IL\E* [deng xin hui] charred juncus
di 4& @ *
[di mi] rhinoceros horn0 (~hinocerotisCornu) 4&42 [di wki] Low Position {non-channel] {&lG& [di wti shii] Low Position Transport [non-channel] #j &i* [di lii] bittern@ (Butio) @$L;Ei [di rii shi] tubular stalactite0 (StaIactitum Tubiforme) t $1 [di rii xiiing] top grade frankincense@ (Olibanum Optimum) tE7K* [di shui] bittern@ (Butio) @j€JE357K [di yIn yio shui] eye drops @ H [dl zhen] arrowhead needle [one of the nine needles] & [di] flush & ?& [di r&] flush heat &;fi [di shi] flush stones %& [di tin] flush phlegm &&$$I[di t i n ting] Phlegm-Flushing Decoction fi [dil coccyx [di duiin] coccyx f&B.[di gii] sacrum; GV-1 (Sacral Bone) & k*[di shing] GV-1 (Sacrum Above) )E 3 $3 [di ding tang] Dead-On Decoction #f, 3 fi [di ding win] Dead-On Pill ffi [dl] earth f&jQ@. [di biii zhi] grooved spikemoss@ (Selagmellae Moellendorffii Herba) fCj$$jg* [di biIn xii] knotgrass' (Polygoni Avicularis Herba) f& g* [di bie] wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia)
* [di bie ch6ngl wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia) f&JgyS [di bh] earth level f&%* [di cii] shepherd's purse' (Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba) f&-& [di ciing] ST-4WHO (Earth Granary) f k i $ * [di ch6ngl KI-1 (Earth Surge) Mi$* [di ch6ngl KI-1 (Earth Thoroughfare) @BE%* [di dIn cIo] elephantopus' (Elephantopi Herba) i&/JE&* [di dIn t6u] elephantopus' (Elephantopi Herba) i&T[di ding] violet0 (Violae Herba cum Radice) itjgq [di Er ciio] lesser hypericumO (Hyperici Japonici Herba) f C R 7 [di fii zi] kochia [fruit]@ (Kochiae Fructus) t&@* [di gii] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) i&@& [di gii pi] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) &@ &t% [di gii pi yin] Lycium Root Bark Beverage i&B+* [di gii zi] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) i&@* [di guiin] imperata [root]@(Impefatae Rhizoma) i& 8 [di he] . ~ a r t hUnion [non-channel] fJ%* [di h6 ling] smooth greenbrier [root]@(Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) f&@* [di huii] flavescent sophora [root]@ (Sophorae Flavescentis Radix); flavescent sophora [root]@ (Sophorae Flavescentis Radix) f& B [di huing] rehmannia [rootlo (Rehmanniae Radix) f&$$B [di huing siin] Rehmannia Powdex ~ $ $ E * [di huing tiin] charred dried rehmannia [root]@ (qehmanniae Radix Carbonisata) jib$$ fi [di huing win] Rehmannia Pill f C $ $ t A T [di huing yin zi] Rehmannia Drink f
[pith]@ (Jurici Medulla Carbonisata) I M & E [diing xin tin] charred juncus [pith]@ (Junci Medulla Carbonisata) f l / L \ f ! ~ W i %[deng xin zh6 y&tang] Juncus and Bamboo Leaf Decoction 3 $? [deng f&n] in equal proportions [1E'El $!I![dkng mh zhi shi] fonvardstaring eyes
%E*[di ji] SP-8 (Earth Winnower) . itk#l, [di ji] SP-8wH* (Earth's Crux) N? F ( - ) [di jig (I)] Endemic Goiter #1 [non-channel]
ftk T (r) [di jiii (2)] Endemic Goiter #2 [non-channel]
%@ [dl jiin] Fortifying Earth
[nonchannel] 3b/i%V[di jin d o ] humifuse euphorbiao (Euphorbiae Hurnifusae Herba) f t k m [di kuh] earth rampart %Z%*[di li fin] water chestnut starcho (Heleocharitis Cormi Amylum) M Z {di 16ngl earthwormo (Lumbricus) %BS* [di 16ng ciio] gentian [rootlo (Gentianae Radix) f t k Z 'f * [di 16ng giin] earthworm' (Lumbricus) f&&& [di 16ng sib] Earthworm Powder ft.!?Z3*[di long zi] earthworme (Lumbricus) N?@* [di 16u] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) f & q % * [di m i cii] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) i& % % * [di mfio qi6] cynomorium [stem]@ (Cynomorii Caulis) f & Z [di rin] lesser melastome@ (Melastomatis Dodecandri Herba) f$j [di shi] wood louseo (Armadillidium) f& $& * [di sGng] carpesium@ (Carpesii Herba) ;t@;l;W 3* [di t6ng _2i! mnmardira E~ppdjm (Momordicae Semen) f& .!2,$&* [di wii tfio] polyporus@ (Polyporus) ;ttk E!I(& * [di wu gong] helminthostachys [root]@ (Helminthostachydis Rhizoma) %E* [di wii] GB-42 (Earth Five) [di wii hui] GB-42WH0(Earth Fivefold Convergence) i&ifiV* [di xiin d o ] agrimonyo (Agrimoniae Herba) $* [di xin] ginger' (Zingiberis Rhizoma)
N?&j [di y6] sanguisorba [root]@ (San-
guisorbae Radix) %&j& [di y6 siin] Sanguisorba Powder
[di y6 tin] charred sanguisorba [root]@ (Sanguisorbae Radix Carbonisata) %&&?A[di y6 tiing] Sanguisorba Decoction *&&A [di y6 wfin] Sanguisorba Pill f [di zhi] earthly branch; B [abbreviation] N?TJtL [di zhi win] Rehmannia Root Pill %&& *. [di zdng gEn] curculigo [root]@ (Curcullginis Rhizoma) %T [di ding] uvula %@* .[di giio] liquid storax@(Styrax Liquidus) ';if$@?%* [di y6u liG] liquid storax@(Styrax Liquidus) ';if@[di zhong] uvula % /\ [di bii] eighth %I [di Cr] second % h [di jiii] ninth %? [di i liii] sixth %3 [di siin] third %+ [di shi] tenth % [di si] fourth % E [di wii] fifth %-- [di yi] first 8 [di] stalk; pedicel
$ B X S [diin zi ciio] Yunnan puccoono (Onosmatis Radix) $3 [diiin] top of the head; vertex $3& [diin bti] riddle
$@$!I% [diin diio siin] Reversal Powder
$3n[diin ding] top of the head; vertex [vertex cranii] $$ [diiin] top of the head; vertex [diin ding t k g ] pain at the vertex BJB % @ [diiin ding t6u tbng] vertex headache &g [diin ji] disease of the head
Bl* [diiin
shing] GV-20 (Mountain TOP) B[k; [diiin xuin] dizziness of the head @j [diin] withdrawal 1 g [diiin ji] madness 3 S [diin ji du6 yin] madness with continual talking ail3 [diiin kuing] mania and withdrawal @jilEYkR& [diiin kuing 16ng hii win] Mania and Withdrawal Dragon and Tiger Pill @J3& [diiin kuing win] Mania and Withdrawal Pill @j$j [diiin xiin] epilepsy; withdrawal and epilepsy ,&BJ[diIn ci] prick ,% & * [diin jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) ,&llR [dig, yIn] apply topical eye medication; topical eye medication; eye dab; eye drops ,6lRBH [diin yHn yho fgn] eye powder % $# {dihn zhEn] electroacupuncture; electropuncture $# % B [dihn zhEn m i zui] electroacuanesthesia B X * [dihn huii] indigoe (Indigo Pulverata Levis) @#R* [diin gen] knotty pine wood@ (Pini Lignum ,Nodi) @X*'[dihn hug] indigo' (Indigo Pulverata Levis) @ % E Y [diin m6 hug] indigo' (indigo Pulverata Levis) %$W;f;w*[diin qing gen] isatis root@ (Isatidis Radix) @ .[di'hn] patch
diao 8 Bt;P @j
[diio jiIo shii] leg-hoisting sand
8 2 * . [diio lin] dendrobium [stem]'
(Dendrobii Caulis) [diio 1in huii] dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis) WZT [diho qi6 zi] hanging eggplant
W 2E
ding $, @ * [diho tCng] uncaria [stem and
thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) % f$ FXi I%* [diio zh6ng yin chCn] siph,onostegia@(Siphonostegiae Herba) [diho zh6 mCi] wandering Jew' (Zebrinae Pendulae Herba) # [diho] shaking $%@ a$* [diio g6u t6ngl uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) $9 @ * [diio tCng] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) $9@m* [diho t t n g g6u] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco)
die @$J [die d i ] knocks and falls @fJ#l ffi [die dti siin shiing] knocks and falls @$Tfi [die d%win] Knocks and Falls Pill @$Tflq% [die dii zh6ng thng] painful swelling from knocks and falls & )b % ! [die pii siin shiing] knocks and falls @ * [die ygng] ST-42 (Unrestrained Yaw) &bf [die zhuiin] pile of bricks [die] sun's descent
ding T [ding] fourth heavenly stem; S4
Ti.KBJj$.i& [ding chtn t6u gk tang] Clove and Aquilaria Diaphragm-Freeing Decoction TP* [ding fG] mutong [stemlo (Mutong Caulis) T & @ [ding gong t6ngl erycibeso (Erycibes Radix e t Caulis) T W 3 [ding gui cio] zornia@ (Zorniae Herba) T W =#I3 [ding gui c i o gen] zornia root@ (Zorniae Radix) T&% [ding gui sin] Clove and Cinnamon Powder TA [ding hu6] S4-fire [the heart]
T%@ $L [ding kbu li zhdng w i n ] Clove
and Cardamom Center-RectiQing Pill T @ & [ding ling pi] large-leaved cornel bark@ (Corni Macrophyllae Cortex) T E * [ding Ii] tingli [seed]@ (Descurainiae seu Lepidii Semen) T & * [ding pi] erythrina [bark]* (Erythrinae -Cortex) T $%* [ding weng] mutong [stem]@ (Mutong Caulis) T ?$! [ding xiiing] clove* (Caryophylli Flos) TBS%.@i [ding xiiing f6 ling ting] Clove and Porla (Hoelen) Decoction T @tW [ding xiiing gen] clove root* (Caryophylli Radix) T @ RP-ji [ding xiiing jiiio i i tang] Clove, Ass Hide Glue, and Mugwort Decoction T S B [ding xiiing lii] clove distillate* (Caryophylli Floris Distillatum) T B#i % @J [ding xiing shi di tiing] Clove and Persimmon Decoction T 7S iEl$ fff [ding xiiing shG pi] clove barko (Caryophylli Cortex) TS [ding xiiing y6u] clove oil* (Caryophylli Oleum) T 79 f i [ding xiiing zhi] clove twig* (Caryophylli Ramulus) T S$& [ding xing sin] Clove Powder T !% ct7 $51 I@ [ding yli li zhong tang] Clove and Evodia Center-Rectifying Decoction T T * [ding zi] clovee (Caryophylli Flos)
P1 i [ding] tincture
UtFIE* [ding t6ng pi] erythrina [bark]* (Erythrinae Cortex) f i [ding] clove sore (ding) f i % [ding chuiing] clove sore (ding) EBXA [ding chuiing z6u h k n g ] clove sore (ding) running yellow E 7Ei [ding ju] clove flat abscess (ding jfi) E& [ding shii] Clove Sore Transport [non-channel] JU-q [ding Er] ceruminal congestion
rlTR [ding ning] earwax; cerumen I3 [dyng] top of the head; vertex
[vertex cranzz] Dl1* [ding men] GV-22 (Vertex Gate) %!3n@ [ding rG bi] headache as if the top of the head were being pried off %!k*[ding shing] Vertex Top [nonchannel] Zag [ding chuiin] stabilize panting; calm panting; Panting Stabilizer [non-channel] Z % & [ding chuiin siin] PantingStabilizing Powder % $? [ding chuiin tiing] PantingStabillzing Decoction
[ding feng] stabilize wind
ZJ13fk[ding ji yin] Palpitation-Stabilizing Beverage
Z44S [ding jing ciio] false pimpernel* (Linderniae Anagallis Herba) Z%$& [ding jing tiing] Menses-Stabilizing Decoction &@ [ding shin] Spirit Stabilizer [nonchannel] [ding tbng] settle pain & @ B [ding tbng gso] Pain-Relieving Paste &'@ h. [ding tbng win] Pain-Relieving Pill ZfiA [ding xiin win] Fit-Settling Pill fh [+g zhkn win] TremorStabilizing Pill X,% [ding zhi] stabilize the mind
W Z / I \ % [ding zhi xigo win] Small MindStabilizing Pill $2 [ding] lozenge
$2fffJ[ding ji] lozenge preparation . $23[ding zi] lozenge
diu % 7@ [diG liiio bang] claoxylon [root or leaf]@ (Claoxylonis Radix seu Folium), '
dong 4- & S * [dong ch6ng cio] cordyceps' (Cordyceps)
4- & E S [dong ch6ng xii cio] cordyceps' (Cordyceps)
4-AB [ddng guii pi] wax gourd rind0 (Benincasae Exocarpium) [dGng guii rin] wax gourd seed' (Benlncasae Semen) [dong gua zhou] Wax ~ o u ' r dGruel 4 - A T [dong guii zi] wax gourd seed' (Benincasae Semen) 4-E* [dong hug] tussilago [flower]@(Tussilaginis Flos) 4- WT* [dong jiin zTJ quisq&lis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) 4- gti;W[dong kui gen] mallow root' (Malvae Verticillatae Radix) +%PI- [ddng kui yi] mallow leaf' (Malvae Verticillatae Folium) 4-gq [dbng kui zi] mallow seed0 (Malvae Verticillatae Semen) 4- % $ * [dong mB zi] hemp seed' (Cannabis Semen) 4$3* [dong ping] gastrodia [root]@(Gastrodiae Rhizoma) +%PI- [ddng qing yi] Chinese ilex leaf@ (Ilicis Chinensis Folium) 4 ET [dong qing zi] Chinese ilex [fruit]@ (Ilicis Chinensis Semen) 4 - $ & P t[dong * sang yk] frostbitten mulberry leaf@ (Mori Folium Praeustum) 46 [dong shi] stonelike in winter [pulse] [dong wen] winter warmth & [dong ying zhong quBn] [in] wlnter [the pulse] responds like a steelyard line 42 [dong zhi] Winter Solstice [22nd solar term] X [ddng] east [position associated with wood] f i [dong bgi guin zhbng] Manchurian aspidiuma (Dryopteridis Crassirhizomae Rhizoma) % ;lL S [dong bgi shen] Manchurian ginseng [root]@ (Ginseng Radix Manchuriensis)
4 A{;*
+ + +$x
% ff-* [dong diin] minium' (Minium) ;4; % [dong diing] eastern codonopsis [root]@ (Codonopsitis Radix Orientalis) % f r l!Z% [dong fang yi xu&] oriental medicine % PAfl [dong fiing feng] eastern ledebouriella [rootla (Ledebouriellae Radix Orientalis) % J4 [dong f b g ] East Wind [nonchannel] %J4%$R [dong feng cii gen] rough aster [rootlo (Asteris Scabri Radix) ;4;J4&@ [dong feng j~ gEn] atalantia [root]@ (Atalantiae Radix) %'R[dong hin] Eastern Han [Later Hun, 25-220 A. D.] % $$ * [ddng hu6ngl eastern bovine bozoaro (Bovis Bezoar Orientale) %%if;Q [dong hu6ng bii] Eastern phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex Orientalis) % B [dong jin] Eastern Jin [317-420 A. D.] % +$$[dong niii huiing] eastern bovine bozoara (Bovis Bezoar Orientale) [dong wii] Eastern Wei [534-550 A. D.] %%$* [dong yBng shen] ginseng' (Ginseng Radix) IiZ [dong yi] Eastern medicine EM [dong zhou] Eastern Zhou [770-256 B. C.] [dhng xi&]throughflux diarrhea igx@[dbng chuang] frostbite i;4E#f** [dbng qing shii zi] Chinese ilex [fruit]@ (Ilicis Chinensis Semen) 3 [dbng] stir 38fjBtfi [dbng jin gii zhi] pulling of the sinews and bone fractures [dbng mhi] stirred pulse; pulsating vessel $~fllJ5D$ [dbng z i qi chuin] rapid panting on exertion $11 33,[dhng z i qi, ji] rapid breathing on exertion fllJB tT [dbng z i yi hin] sweating easily brought on by exertion $~$rfG?,% [dbng zhi qi ji] rapid breathing at the slightest exertion
dou %$$* [dbu ling] oroxylum [seed]@(Oroxyli Semen)
4 [d6u] dou [unit of volume]; dipper $4& [d6u fii] tremulation [manipulation
* [dii gii lu6 frankincense0 (Olibanum)
& @ * [dii gti] cardamom0 (Amomi Car-
damomi Fructus)
$P [dii] metropolis
E @$ [dbu chi] fermented soybean@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum)
$PTA [du qi w6n] Metropolis Qi Pill
ass*[pbu chi jiiing] litsea [root]@(Lit-
seae Rhizoma et Radix)
E@$$$ [dbu chi jiiing] litsea [root]@ (Litseae Rhizoma et Radix)
G * [dbu gii] fermented soybean@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum)
E%@* [dbu huing juiin] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum)
G+&*[dbu juln] dried soybean sprout@ (6lycines Semen Germiilaiuin Exsiccatum) 9% * [dbu kbu] Katsumada's galangal seed@ (Alpiniae Katsumadae Semen) [dbu kbu hug] cardamom flower0 (Amomi Cardamomi Flos) =%A [dbu kbu w5n] Tsaoko Pill %@ [dbu kbu zh6u] Nutmeg Gruel
G @ * [dbu nik] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) LZ %* [dbu nik] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatua Exsiccatum)
E B* [dbu pu] fermented
soybean@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum)
z-B * [dbu qii] fermented soybean@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum)
G3BT* [dbu xii zi] cuscuta [seed]@(Cuscutae Semen)
[du mii] governing vessel; GVWHO
@ & [dii shii] BL-16WHO (Governing Transport) I@@
[dii lii] dulu [kind of crucible]
S [du] toxin; poison; venom; toxin [sore]; toxicity
[email protected]%[dli ch6ng shi shiing] insect sting SZ & i @ 4% [du ch6ng yiio shiing] poisonous insect bite
S A B L ! [du hu6 f i n chi] intense toxic fire
%$: [dii 16ngl toxin deafness
Sl', [dir qi] toxic qi
SEUgffj [d6 she y l o shang] poisonous snake bite
%B&%p[du y i o gong xi151 attack evils with toxicity [d6 y6ng qi fen] toxin congesting the qi aspect
S @ k % [dii y6ng shkng jiiio] toxin congesting the upper burner
z&* [dli ylij genkwa [flower]@(Daphnes Genkwa Flos) [dli zhG] toxic infixation (zhu)
$kt@* [dli
hui] tuhuo [angelica root]@ (Angelme Duhuo Radix)
3&+* [dii hui] Solitary Confluence [nonchannel]
[dbu] pox
@'a[dbu chuiing] pox sore [dbu jiiing] pox fluid
E@= [dbu yin]
loss of voice due to pox
3&@j [d6 hub] duhuo [angelica root]@ (Angelicae Duhuo Radix)
2&~@jBiFRt[dti Zi hu6 g6 gen tiing] Duhuo and Pueraria Decoction
3&@%*?3J [d6 hu6 ji sheng tang] Duhuo
$ f % E * [dii niu xi] native achyranthes
and Mistletoe Decoction 3%%& [d6 hu6 siin] Duhuo Powder 3%%?3J[d6 hu6 tlng] Duhuo Decoction 39%l s [d6 jiiio bki] single-horned sumac gallnut@ (Rhois Galla Unicornis) 3&w# [d6 jiiio gan] Asiatic strigaO (Strigae Asiaticae Herba) 3&M%%*[d6 jiiio huing mi01 curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) , 3&BP44%* [d6 jiiio si mi01 curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginh Rhizoma) j&nt.PlLLI%* [d6 jiiio xiin mi01 curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) . 3&S@*[d6 m i o gen] curculigo [root]@ (Cyculiginis Rhizoma) 3 & @ 3 [d6 qii ciin k6u] exclusive examination of the inch opening (wrist pulse) 3&S?3J [d6 shen tang] Pure Ginseng Decoction 3&Z&[dc shkng siin] Single Sage Powder 3& j%S* [dG y i o ego] tuhuo [angelica root]@ (Angelicae Duhuo Radix) 39 Pa [chyin] Solitary Yin [non-channel] [d6 yii] soliloquy [talking to onsefl j&Z%S@*[d6 zli lu m i o gen] curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) @& [d6 bi] ST-35WHO (Calf's Nose); Calf's Nose [non-channel] fi [dill stomach [of an animal]; tripe fZ&* [dii 181 cucumber gourd root@ (Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix) b6 [dii] jealous &.@@ [dii jing chuiing] jealous semen sore &f L ; P$L [dii rii] jealous milk $ k g * [dii gui] cinnamon barke (Cinnamomi Cortex) $ f s @ * [dii huh xiang] agastachea (Agastaches Herba) . $kg&* [dii ji li] tribulus [fruit]@(Tribuli Fructus) $ f @ a a [ d i juin hug] red azalea [flower]@ (Rhododendri Simsii Flos seu Fructus) $f Z*[dii lin] dendrobium [stem]. (Dendrobii Caulis)
[root]' (Achyranthis Radix) $f Z * [dii yuLn] genkwa [flowerlo (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) $k{$ [dii zhhng] eucommia [bark]@(Eucommiae Cortex) $;f.f$&[dii zhbng siin] Eucommia Powder fi [dii] abdomen; .belly f i {g* [dii bki] single-horned sumac gallnuto (Rhois Galla Unicornis)
BEE% [dii fii zhing d i ] distention and enlargement of the abdomen fik E@i[dii shhng qing jin] (green-blue)
veins on the belly
fig [dii ting] abdominal pain f i g [dii thng] abdominal pain fiBEi9 [dii tbng fii xi61 abdominal pain and diarrhea
duan $B$I~[ d u h ci] short needling [one of the twelve needling methods]
$Zb$ [ d u b mii] short pulse $Z5[duiin qi] shortness of breath # [duin] calcine; calcinati& & tq [duhn cui] dip-calcine;
dipcalcination #$@it& [duhn clin xing] calcine preserbiqg nature [i-e., to calcine without destroying the nature]; nature-preservative calcination #$ fff f l * [duin 1 fin] crimson melanteriteo (Melanteritum Rubrum)
* [duin z i o fin] crimson melanteriteo (Melanteritum Rubrum) @ [duhn] section; length
* [duhn jiio] GV-28 (Extremity 1n tersection) l$ljyL [duin rii] terminate lactation
[duhn xi2 ting] PrecipitationChecking Decoction l$lj@ [duin xii] breaking lineage
l$lj T; %J
shii 18 li] sand-heap perverse crop (la li) [favus of the scalp] # * [dui chong] HT-7 (Protuberant Hub) # 3$, [dui duiin] GV-27WflO (Extremity of the Mouth) # K [dui fh] ear lock [of hair] # @ [dui gii] protuberant bone; HT-7 (Protuberant Bone); HT-8 (Protuberant Bone); SI-18 (Mouth Bone) a&%*[dui tong dui] GV-27 (Mouth Means Edge) # $I* [dui zhong] HT-7 (Protuberance)
$ [duo] copious; profuse; excessive; in-
%?$?j$j% [dui
[dui dB cub luin] incoherent response to inquiry
J $ T T ~[dui $ ~ d5 qing chii] coherent response to inquiry [dui d2i] contrast y$j+& [dui dhi fii] contrast [dui kdu] mouth-level nape flat abj$ scess 05) j$f+
j$affE[dui qi fa] navel-level effusion j$&E [dui xin fii] heart-level effusion of the back
~Jda5t: [dui ying qii xu61 selection of corresponding points [dui zhkng xuiin xu61 selection of pathocondition points
@a*[ d i n chi] taro [root]'
(Colocasiae Tuber) [diin fG] take in one single dose; quaff @a% [diin kk] long-bout cough [whooping cough] [diin s6u siin] Cough-Arresting Powder f i [diin] double boiling; stewing j$R [diin rhu] stew with meat f i & [ d h wen] warm in double boiler
creased @ 9$ $ ?& [duo h8n shgo rk] chills more pronounced than fever % ?T [duo hhn] profuse sweating % 9 [duo m h g ] profuse dreaming $ 9 23) % [dub mkng fen y6n] profuse confused dreaming % R [duo niho] profuse urination % Bi [duo nii] irascibility % %$h [dud qi shiio xu&] copious qi and scant blood % -&2@[duo shi ICi shbu] marked emaciation despite large food intake % & S t L [dud shi shin ji] large food intake with rapid hungering; increased eating with rapid hungering & & 3 @ [dud shi sh6n shbu] thin body despite large food intake % -& $2, tn [duo shi yi ji] large food iniake with rapid hungering; increased eating with rapid hungering % B@ [duo shui] profuse sleeping; tendency to sleep 3 FA I4 * [duo su6 wCn] SI-19 (More Heard) & @ [dud ti] sneezing % @ [duo tub] copious spittle % Z [duo whng] forgetfulness; poor memory % [dud xu6 shiio qi3 copious blood and scant qi %BE [duo yi 161tendency to doubt and suspicion g $ i-j?lj& [duo zhen ci Eij muiti-needie method 2$ [dub] despoliate; despoliation Q B [dub jing] despoliation of essence GI$ft- [dub ming din] Life-Clutching Elixir GI$% [dub ming sHn] Life-Clutching Powder Q& [dub xu61 despoliation of the blood Qdn%X?T'f, Q F W X h [dub xu6 zhe w6 hin, du6 hin zh6 w6 xu21 when blood is despoliated, there is no sweat; when sweat is despoliated, there is no blood
$ $ E &!*
Ga%EFF, G?T-%%a[dub xu& zhi w6 hhn, du6 hhn zhi: w6 xue] despoliation of the blood diminishes sweating and despoliation of sweat diminishes the bloood
[dud dud h u i g[en] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) E{% [dub shang] injury from falling ERfl$ [dub si tail abort the dead fetus 583 [dub tail abort; abortion
@jlPJj [C 161 forehead
[C tbng] frontal headache
jig01 ass hide gluem (Asini Corii Gelatinum) RJjftj@B?% [[e jiao huing liin ting] Ass Hide Glue and Coptis Decoction PiJ /jft Y!$ +% ?% [[e jiao ji zi huing tang] Ass Hide Glue and Egg Yolk Decoction Rflft& [[e jiao siin] Ass Hide Glue Powder pJ/jftqg?% [[e jiao shio yho tang] Ass Hide Glue and Peony Decoction BBfte4 $RIP% [[e jiao si wir. tang] Ass Hide Glue Four Agents Decoction PiJJjft?% [[e jiao ting] Ass Hide Glue Decoction B/jft%$ [[e ji2o zhii] ass hide glue pellets@ (Asini Corii Gelatini Pilula) W@& [e wki] asafetida' (Asafoetida) Pq@&{&@$f [[e w&i huk pi gaol Asafetida Glomus-Transforming Paste R%{&@$& [[e wki hug pi siin] Asafetida Glomus-Transforming Powder PiiJaA [e w&iwin] Asafetida Pill jjij [[el disease g * [C mCi dbu] lablab [bean]' (Lablab Semen) I&%% * [C mti l i b ] Hongya coptis [root]@(Coptidis Rhizoma Hongyaensis) !& [C] moth !&Zl.+* [C shi zi] xanthium [fruit]@(Xanthii Fructus) [C] forehead; frontal [C hhn] sweating brow @jl& [C jiiio] frontal angles [[e
& f f [C t6u chii han] sweating brow [C z h h g ] Forehead Center [nonchannel] R$j [C] goose RE,+-&$ [C bG shi ciio] centipedaa (Centipedae Herba cum Radice) [8 chkng ciio] malachiurn@ (Stellariae Herba) RE,$$i5;Ei [C guiin shi] goose throat stone0 (Balanophyllia seu Stalactitum) R$ -[i ktiu chuiing] goose-mouth [C zhiing f[eng] goose-foot wind &$j g& E 3 [C zh5ng jin xing ciio] phymatopsis@ (Phymatopsis Herba (cum Radice)) f l [6 zhiio f[eng] goose-claw wind [same as ashen nail, jjC)E EF hut zhi jii] [C zhiio f[eng] goose-claw ill-wind S B * [C zhii] zedoarym (Zedoariae Rhizoma) [C zh6] zedoarym (Zedoariae Rhizoma) [i: xin] nausea 6 [k] &ease tlks [& nil hiccough; Hiccough [nonchannel] DE& [& t[e] hiccough % [k] malign; malignity Sg [k chbu] malign odor 8% [k chuiing] malign sore
RE,Eg a
R$jm R$jm$(
35% $$* [k ji p6] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) %fi [6 ji6] malign scab (jik) %E [6 lii] lochia % S T Bjj [k 16 bii duin] persistent flow of lochia; lochiorrhea %Z+@ [k lii bii jin] persistent flow of 1ochia;~ochiorrhea %Z+@[b lii bij juC] persistent flow of lochia; lochiorrhea ,%S+f; [b 16 bii xii] retention of the lochia; lochiometra SZ++T [& lii bii xing] retention of the lochia; lochiometra % Z E [k 1ii bij yi] persistent flow of lochia; lochiorrhea %E+lt [6 lii bii zhi] persistent flow of lochia; lochiorrhea % E S /J/\ [2 lii liing shiio] scant lochia %Z&$ [6 lii qii shlo] scant elimination of the lochia ,%ZB'J.' [e lii sb shgo] scant disfluent flow of lochia %S*B [6 lh wki jin] incomplete elimination of the lochia ,%T[6 qi] malign qi % [6 rbu] malign flesh % E [i sZ] malign complexion Eg*[6 shi] arctiurn [seed]@(Arctii Fructus) %rfn [6 xu61 malign blood %&+ 2 [b xu6 bij qii] non-elimination . of malign blood %pH [6 zii] malign obstruction; morning sickx~ess ,%pH% [6 zii bing] malign obstruction disease 33 [&Itrap; obstruct %%T* [6 shi zi] xanthium [fruit]@(Xanthii Fructus) % [6] saddle
,JL ZjZ * [Cr clo] ,dioscorea [root]@ (D~oscoreaeRhizoma) JLX* [6r ch6] cutch' (Catechu)
I L Z V [6r c h i gaol black cutch@ (Catechu Atrum) JLm [Cr fCng] child wind JL Niil41Z [Cr kC zhbng hbu] children's patterns JL&@ [Cr zhEn tbng] infant's-pillow pain [afterpains due to blood stasis] 4 [Er] ear 4% Bj$z- % [Er b6i jing mii siin tiio] Three Veins on Dorsum of the Ear [nonchannel] S#$DB@++iiEtG [Er bi h6u kc zh6ng hhu] ear, nose, and throat patterns 4 [Er bi] ear block [deafness] 4 % [Er chi] red ears 4 & 3 @ [Cr chui wCi sud] shrinking of the ear lobes gj)' [Er ding] clove sore (ding) of the ear gfi [Er gCn] root of the ear; Ear Root [non-channel] IT.% [gr gbu] earwax SjT;a#*[Er h i liio] TB-22 (Ear Harmony Bone-Hole) G B E [Er hbu jii] postauricular flat abscess (jii) gV;Ei#j+[Er h u h shi h6] earring dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis "Anulus") [ i r jifin] Tip of the Ear [nonchannel] [Er jiC] ear boil [6r jiin] ear mushroom [Er kui] deafness S@[ i r kub] auricle -- 433 [Er 16ngl deafness ~ B $ [Er L 16ng win] Deafness Pill GBk%jt~ [Er 16ng zu6 ci win] Deafness Left-Benefiting Loadstone Pill S$t[Er l ~ h helix ] W.E#&%,[Er 16n kii jiio] withering of the helices 41'7 [Er men] ear gate (tragus); TB-21 (Ear Gate) go2 [Er ming] ringing in the ears; tinnitus gU%4n@ [ ip r ming r6 chin shcng] ringing as of cicadas in the ears
Ef- mPfiH '[Er nki lii! n6ngj purulent ear discharge Ef- lf;J a!$am [Er nii ming xiiing] ringing in the ears Ef- lf;l# @J [Er nii zhiing rbu] growth in the ear alr3 [Er nu] spontaneous bleeding of the ear Ef-m$Zm [Cr qiin qi rhu] fleshy protuberance before the ear ET.fiH@@D+ [Er rli chin ming] ringing as of cicadas in the ears Ef-lf$ [Er ting] purulent ear Ef-&E [Er ting] helix 3% [Er thng] ear pain; earache Ef-fi [Er xu&] ear point GI!# [Er xhn] mushroom ear pile Ef-@ [Er yiing] itchy ear 8%[Er yong] welling abscess ('y~ng)of the ear ?@ * [Er yiing] Ear Gush [non-channel] Ef-?M [Er zhen] ear needle G H E $& [Er zhen liio fii] auricular acupuncture; ear acupuncture [Er zhi] ear pile Ef- f% T [Er zhong zhu zi] pearl iw the ear [tragus] Ef-]$ [Er zhiing] swelling of the ear 3.a [Er zhii] pearl of the ear ET. {+@@@ [Er zub chin ming] sound of cicadas in the ear I L & [Er zhin] infant's-pillow I [ir] two; second; duality; double; twofold Q [ i r bii] Two Whites [non-channel] I 8 7!E * [kr biio hug] lonicqra [flower]@ (Lonicerae Flos) $1 [kr biiin bh li] inhibited urine and stool I @ T B [kr biiin bh tong] urinary and fecal stoppage I @$$%I1 [ i r biiin qing li] uninhibited clear stool and urine _@X$j$[kr biBn sh? jin] urinary and fecal incontinence LJ@J [ i r ching] two intestines [large and small intestines]
[kr chCn tiing] Two Matured Ingred~entsDecoction I B* [kr chiiu] morning glory [seed]. (Pharbitidis Semen) I+?% [kr dong tang] Ophiopogon and Asparagus Decoctioli I hf;l . [ i r f i n win] Alum and Melanterite Pill 149@?37& [kr hiio xiiin yiio shui] No. 2 Lichen Medicinal Water -ej$$[kr hC miii] double combination pulse [ i r hug] lonicera [flower]@ (Lonicerae Flos) 1 f i n a E 4 3 [kr jiii jiiin zhkng qi siin] Second Variant Qi-Righting Powder I E~%$J [ i r jig fh mii ting] DoubleArmored Pulse-Restorative Decoction 11'87 [ i r jian] LI-2WffO (Second Space) 1 %A [kr jiing win] Lesser Galangal and Ginger Pill [$r jing wkn] Double Essence Pill I%+ [2r li bin] Two Li and a Half [non-channel] 149% ( A ) [ i r miio siin win] Mysterious Tvvp Powder (Pill) I I!!#?% [ i r mii ning sbu tang] Anemarrhena and Fritillaria Cough-Quieting Decoction [ i r mii sin] Anemarrhena and Fritillaria Powder 18%[ i r shCn siin] Two Spirits Powder 1 8 % [ i r shdn win] Two Spirits Pill I Z[kr~shing sin] Sagely Two Powder I+ /\j$% [kr shi bii miii] twenty-eight pulses ~ + $ l ] [ i r shi ci] twenty needling methods I+=% [ i r shi s i n zheng] twenty-three steamings I [ i r shi si jiC qi] twenty-four solar terms I % %+$?, ff- [ i r wii hei xi din] TwoIngredient Galenite Elixir ~ { d % [ i r xian s5n] Two Immortals Powder
[ l r xiiin tang] Two Immortals Decoction zPE1 [6r yBng] second yang channel bang brightness]
x pE1# @i[ l r yBng bing bing] yang channel dragover disease 1PB [ l r yin] two yin
[anal and genital orifices]; second yin channel [lesser yin]
IABLf [ f l giin] quell the liver [fii mii win] Wood-Quelling Pill E [fa] effuse; effusion [gentle outward movement]; effusion [a kind of welling abscess (ybng) or flat abscess (jii)]; erupt; eruption; emerge; emergence W B [fii ban] macular eruption 2 % [fa bli] effusion of the back E3 23 $3[fii bki dui kiju giio] Effusion of the Back and Mouth-Level Nape Flat Abscess Paste Ed&% [fii bli jii] flat abscess @) effusion of the back WW -[fa b l i y h g ] welling abscess (ybng) effusion of the back E % [fii biiio] effuse the exterior; exterior effusion E3Z +5% [fa biio bG y u h r l ] exterior efhsion does not shun heat [hot drugs] 2%[fa g h ] turn blue W%Z!\ [fii hBn 1-61fever and chills E ?T [fa hkn] . sweat; sweating; perspire; perspiration; effuse sweat; promote sweating W ?T@3% [fa h$n chi zhou] SweatEffusing Fermented Soybean Gruel E???& [fa h$n fii] sweating E?T%@g [fii h i n jin li] contraindications for sweating %$$ [fii huing] yellowing
[6r fin jiiin] Two Yin Brew =ZJtl, [ i r zhi wan] Double Supreme Pill I%@J [&r zhli tang] Atractylodes and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction x # T [ l r zhui xi$] Below the Second Vertebra [non-channel] 1& [kr zhu61 two turbidities [white turbidity and red turbidity]
E S [fii jing] tetany E33 [fa kuing] mania [ f l nio] effusion of the brain
2 [fii qing] green-blue complexion E?\! [ f i 1-61fever W t!: &4A 3 [fa r l qi fii bG ding] fluc-
tuating fever E$!\X?T [fii rk wli hiin] fever without sweating WZ?EZJ3 [fii r l y l zhhng] fever becoming more pronounced at night W$L [fii rii] effusion of the breast W a f l % Z % [fii skn fEng hin y$o] wind- . cold-effusing medicinal W &flZ&% [fii s i n fEng r l yio] windheat-effusing medicinal E@$ [fii shii] sand (shrZ) &@ [fii xi801 ferment 2 5 iEi yiij sprouiing [fa yi] jowl effusion W E . [fii yin] quality of voice and enunciat~on EgnJgiug[fa yin si shi] hoarse voice yj=~tgiu$ [fii yin si yii] hoarse voice WR'l; R [fii yii bii liBng] poor development W B [fii zh15nl papules f [fi] lack [fi li] lack of strength f f # [fB shen] lack of spirit
?& [fti] method % % h [fii b i n xiii] pra formula pinellia
8 B [fin xing] New Zealand spinach'
[tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber Pro Formula Praeparatum) $5 h * [fti xii] pro formula pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber Pro Formula Praeparatum) % %I1 [fii zhi] processing according to method W [fii] hair of the head; hair@ (Hominis Crinis) W $ [fi bii] graying of the hair W g * [fi bki] hair@ (Hominis Crinis) E g [fa chi] slowness to grow hair [one of the jive slownesses] W E [fk dub] hair loss 2% [ f i huing] yellowing of the hair W pii [f2 ji] hairline; GV-24 (Hairline) W P%G[fi ji chuiing] hairline sore W f & [ f i kii] dry hair E % [ f i lu6] hair loss W R ' T - k .[fa tuii bii zhsng] hair loss and reduced growth W % h 2% [ f i wii xu6 zhi yli] hair [of the head] is the surplus of the blood EX?% [fh wli zi] sheenless hair
3 [fiin] borderland [region anterior to the
* [fin dbu] peanut [kernel]' (Arachidis Semen) %?$ Gj % * [fiin he cki] mint* (Menthae Herba) &%E* [fin h6ng hug] saffron' (Croci Stigma) $681 * [fin jiio] hot pepper* (Capsici Fructus) ?$$ !E* [fiin mii bie] nux vomica' (NuxVomicae Semen) % 79 [fin mii xiing] non-Chinese saussureaO (Saussurea Radix NonChinensis) S f i * [fln shi] talcum* (Talcum) % 6%PI- [fiin shi li6 yi?] guava leaf' (Guajavae Folium) @i-Wt- [fin xik yi?] senna [leaf]' (Sennae Folium) $6
* *
(Tetragoniae Herba) ear and inferolateral to the cheek bone] [ f h ] evert @lRT%[fin huii xi&gin] everted flower lower body gan HE% [fin h u i zhi] everted flower hemarrhoids @j E [fiin wci] stomach reflux $jij [fin] vexation i%@T % [fin jing bij in] vexation and susceptibility to fright $B?8 [fin kZ] vexation and thirst $a& [fin luin] vexation and derangement $a% [fin miin] vexation and fullness $AI;q [fgn mkn] vexation and oppression $Bt;!': [fin re] heat vexation $BJL\[fin xin] vexation [of the heart] $ B E [fin ziio] vexation and agitation $BBBE [fin zBo yi nii] vexation, agitation, and irascibility flc* [fin shi] alum' (Alumen) @ [fin] blaze @ H [fin zhi5-11 red-hot needling E [fiin] opposite; reversi; re-; paradoxical [as treating heat with heat]; arching [as of the back] & # * [fiin bi] Pallas pit viper@ (Agkistrodon Halys) E E f i [fiin chcn ding] lip-turning clove sore (ding) E@E4$ [fiin fii fii zub] recurrent E X b ? [fiin guin mhi] pulse on the back of the wrist ET [fiin jig] curled-up nails E B$B [ f h mii zhi shi] rolled-back or - forward-staring eyes f i E [fgn wki] stomach reflux EE I&-& [fiin wki tii shi] stomach reflux vomiting [fiin zhing bei kii] arched-back rigidity with sorrowful crying E* [fiin zhi] paradoxical treatment [e.g., treating cold with cold]
E & [fiin zu6] paradoxical assistant E&%[fiin zu6 yio] paradoxical assistant [fgn] restore
%as?* [ f h hGn c5o gen] aster [root]" (Asteris Radix et Rhizoma) 5s [fsn suPn] acid reflux 3E [fhn] invade; invasion; assail; assailment C [fan] flood C % [fkn E] upflow nausea $2.a[fin h6ngl diffuse red E@[fan suan] acid upflow t!,g&j [fin h6u ffi] take after meals E f i ~ T [fhn j h6u kun dun] drowsiness after eating tfimfl6i [fhn qiin fu] take before meals tfiz [fhn rui] wart tfi H & [fhn t u i n gen] scarlet kadsura root (bark)Q (Kadsurae Coccineae Cortex (seu Radicis Cortex)) tfiB@ [ f h tuiin tCng] scarlet kadsura [stem and leafla (Kadsurae Coccineae Caulis et Folium) E @ [fan zui] drowsiness after eating
fang f j - [ffing] remedy; formula f j - 9 II, [fang cGn bi] square-inch-spoon
fi ILX [fang Cr chi] white cutcha (Catechu Album) [Gng $1 remedy _ _ fifiIJ [fang ji] formula A fiIJBEf& [fiing ji pbi wii] formula composition E M 6 [fang jig shi] calcite0 (Calcitum) [fang shiing] wing of the nose [ala nasi] f i [fang shii] remedy books f i );C [fiing yi] explanationoftheformula % @ [fang xiang] aromatic; angelica [rootIe (Angelicae Dahuricae Radix) j$g&a [fang xiang huk shi] transform dampness with aroma
j$gjt& [fing xiiing huh zhu61 transform turbidity with aroma
%@%%% [fiing xiiing kiii qiiio yho] aromatic orifice-opening medicinal
Pfi 9* [fiing d5ngl codonopsis [rootlo (Codonopsitis Radix) W [fing fEng] ledebouriella [rootla (Ledebouriellae Radix) P& )XI,$% [fing fEng tiing] Ledebouriella Decoction P$j)XI,BZ$j [fang fEng t6ng ShCng sgn] Ledebouriella Sage-Inspired Powder PAR [fing fEng zhou] Ledebouriella Gruel Prfj 2 [ f b g ji] fangji [root]@ (Fangji Radix) Pfi zEq?% [fiing ji fu ling tiing] Fangji and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction z g E $ h[fing ji huing qi tang] Fangji and Astragalus Decoction W 2% [f6ng ji s h ] Fangji Powder P& 2 $% [fing ji tiing] Fangji Decoction ztA [fing ji yin] Fangji Beverage [fing] room; bedroom; sexual activity &% [fing la01 sexual taxation &g+T [fiing shi bG jii] sexual intemperance % [fing shi gu6 duo] excessive sexual activity j?$F{%[fiing shi shang] sexual intemperanace damage Bg$B4% [fing shi siin shiing] damage due to sexual intemperance %@* [fitng liio] LV-13 (Lard Bone-
[fiing sha] release sand (shcZ) [fhng xub] bloodletting; bleedi [therapy]; let blood
fei k [Ei] water grind X E [fEi d6u] flying pox
XR*[fEi hti] TB-6
(Flying Tiger)
X & * [fei jin] gold leaf" (Auri Lamina) XI'-] [fEi mCn] flying gates [the lips] X p [fEi shi] flying corpse
ax@&% [fEi tian qin 1601 spiny tree fern [stem]@ (Cyatheae Caulis) X)$J [fEi yjng] BL-58WHo (Taking Flight) X * [fEi ydng] BL-58 (Flying Yang) X)~JI@ [fEi yiing h6u] flying throat BE [fCi] obese; obesity; fat; fatness BE& [fCi chuiing] fat sore BE IL A, [fii Cr wdn] Chubby Child Pill /jEB [fCi gZn] fat gan BE8A [fii gui rCn] corpulent person BEIF# [fei ping] fatness; obesity BERP$Q [fCi ping bir yirn] obesity infertility B E 5 [fii qi] fat qi BE%&, [fii qi wan] Fat Qi Pill BE!% [fii rk giin] fat heat gan BE A 3 B [fii rCn duo tdn] obese people tend to have copious phlegm BE?&B[fii y6u giio] Fat Oil Paste M k E [fii chang] calf [of the leg] JI$IJ% [fii chuli] calf [of the leg] @ [fii] disablement @& [fCi chuting] prickly heat @%* [fii shi] torreya [nut]@ (Torreyae Semen) all!% [fEi zi] torreya [nut]@ (Torreyae Semen) #BTRfi% [fii zi guhn zh6ng tang] Torreya and Aspidium Decoction %!kt* [fii ming] tabanus@ (Tabanus) [fki] prickly heat fi& [fki chuting] prickly heat A$ [fki] lung; pulmonary; pulmo-; LUWHO fl*. Z+j%%[fki, qi hud zii mjo] lung, its bloom is in the [body] hair R$B [fki bi] lung impediment (bi); pulmonary impediment (bi) A$ U%UR [fki bi chuHn k i ] lung block panting and cough Bib% [fki bing] lung disease I$$%&[fki cdng p6] lung stores the corporeal soul fl$%$;f;;a [fki chdng bir zc] lung is often in insufficiency
[fki chgo biii mki] lung faces the hundred vessels Mi & [fki ch6ngl lung worm 8$E* [fki di] GV-9 (Bottom of the Lung) M H [fki fEng] lung wind MM#j$l [fki feng f i n ci] lung wind acne /j$% [fki gtin] gan of the lung; pulmonary gan fl$&i-hE~ [fki hC dh chang] lung is connected with the large intestine /j$I$-& % [fki h6 pi mi01 lung is connected with the skin and [body] hair [fki h i pi yi, qi r6ng fie&I&, Es%& mi0 yi] lung is connected with the skin; its luxuriance is the [body] hair h$A [fki hu6] lung fire /j$$R [fki ji] lung accumulation [fki j i h g ] lung downbearing /j$g[fki jin] lung-metal b i @ [fki jin] liquid of the lung; pulmonary liquid fl$@T;ffr [fki jin b t ~bir] lung failing to distribute liquid; non-distribution of pulmonary liquid j$@ [fki jing] lung channel; LUW'IO /j$g3U,t@ [fki jing k t shu] lung channel cough h$3%T&[fki ktii qiho yG bi] lung opens into the nose 8$@ [fki kC] lung cough I$% [fki 1601 lung taxation; pulmonary taxation [fci ldo] pulmonary consumption B$E%3[fki 160 yin fgng] T.B. Tested Formula B$1$8+flfi [fki lu6 sGn shang] damage to the network vessels of the lung #$bT@ [fki mhi fu] lung pulse is floating j $ g * [fki mti] LU-1 (Lung Alarm) I$i$mE [fki pi lilng xu] dual vacuity of the lung and spleen B$ B$ '# PQ E [Ei pi shkn ykng xu] lungspleen-kidney yang vacuity /j$B+'$PHB7)cE[fki pi shkn ying xu shui fin] lung-spleen-kidney yang vacuity water flood
fl$R$&% [fki pi xu han] lung-spleen vacuity cold
A$ R@@ )@
[fki pi xii siin] lung-spleen vacuity-detriment A $ 5 [fki qi] lung qi fl$T@2& [fki qi b i i jui] vanquished lung qi [fki qi b j sail lung qi blockage fl$5 ]$51;$1[fki J qi bii li] inhibition of lung qi !I$%+ E [fki qi bii xuan] non-diffusion of lung qi fl$% Z [fki qi bti zii] insufficiency of lung qi 8$53[fki qi nil counterflow lung qi R$Sk* [fki qi s h i n g nil lung qi ascending counterflow; counterflow ascent of lung qi fl$%S%g[fki qi shuiii juC] expiry of lung qi fl$5B'f@ [fki qi tijng yii bi] lung qi flows to the nose A$5B [fki qi xii] lung qi vacuity 8$5PJm@ [fki qi yin lisng xii] dual vacuity of lung qi and yin; lung qi and yin vacuity A$% [fki qiio] orifices of the lung A*?!: [fki rk] lung heat fl$f?:@m[fki rk kC sbu] lung heat cough 8iti f!:5t [fki rk xu&]Lung Heat Point [nonchannel] fl$!?:Dtg, [fki rk yk jiiio] lung heat scorching the lobes fl$j&[fki shin] lung mounting (dhan); pulmonary mounting (shhn) A$ '# @jB [fki shkn liBng xii] dual vacuity of 'the lung and kidney; lung-kidney vacuity A$ 'B R B,[fki shkn t6ng yuan] lung and kidney are of the same source l$'R f l f k [fki shkn t6ng zhi] combined treatment of lung and kidney fl$'B$H%[fki shkn xiiing sheng] lung and kidney are mutually engendering fl* ' E E 3R t [fki shkn xii sGn] lung-kidney vacuity detriment
A$ 'R Pa 5 [fki shkn yin kui] lung-kidney yin depletion @ [fki shkn yin xii] lung-kidney yin vacuity A$ 'B #j.@ A #. [fki shkn yin xii hu6 y6n] lung-kidney yin vacuity flaming fire A$%&% [fki sheng pi m6o] lung engenders skin and [body] hair /j$Xf$a [fki shi qing sii] impaired lung depuration j$X,%p$ [fki shi sG jiing] impaired depurative downbearing of the lung j$% [fki shi] lung repletion fl*-$ [fki shii] BL-13W'fO (Lung Transport) j$7h [fki shui] lung water [a kind of water swelling] A$ 4 q@ [fki si hii xi] lung is in charge of breathing A$+fln,ta!& [fki siin kC sbu] lung detriment cough M %+ Z [fki wCi hu6 gii] lung is the florid canopy jifi%am[fki wCi jiiio zing] lung is the delicate viscus 8$%52&, 'A352jFW [fki wCi qi zhi zhii, shkn wCi qi zhi gen] lung is the governor of qi, kidney is the root of qi Jj$% 7k 2 1j3 [fki wCi shui zhi shing yu6nJ lung is the upper source of water A$ % tjf: [fki wCi ti] lung forms snivel j$%J,"@kB [fki wCi zhii t6n zhi qi] lung is the receptacle that holds phlegm B$*@ [fki wgi] lung wilting (w2i) .-flitiTJ . - [fki wki] lungdefense $R [fki wkj hu6 chi] intense lungBitj stomach fire j$ A %Us [fki wki hu6 yan chuiin] lungstomach flaming fire panting fi S f&@$ [fki wki r& shkng] exuberant lung-stomach heat fl$E PB @ [fki wki yin x i ] lung-stomach yin vacuity a$ E sf!: [fki wki z i o 1-61 lung-stomach dryness-heat BifiT~j$$t,& [fki wki z i o 1-61 lung-defense dryness heat A$%% [fki wii hin] lung is averse to cold
A$ 'B
,4;\ [fki xi] lung tie
B$fi [fki xiin] epilepsy of the lung; pulmonary epilepsy A$# [fki xiiio] lung wasting[-thirst] [upper wasting]; pulmonary wasting-thirst [upper wasting] jifigBB&% [fki xi6 xi6 t h g ] lung evil ribside pain fl$@ [fki xu] lung vacuity fl$&U%%,[fki xu chuHn ji] lung vacuity rapid panting A$@ !@I$$ [fki xii kC s6uJ lung vacuity cough j$ PEl T Z [fki ying bij zG] insufficiency of lung yang fl$ PEl J.Z [fki ying xu] lung yang vacuity fl$W [fki yin] lung yin j$lJ8TZ [fki yin bij zG] insufficiency of lung yin flifi PRE [fki yin xu] lung yin vacuity j$% [fki ybng] welling abscess (y6ng) of the lung; pulmonary welling abscess bow) A$% A h $ilSg [fki yii dj. ching xiiing big0 li] lung and large intestine stand in interior-exterior relationship A$@ [fki zBo] lung dryness I$ @U%D& [fki ziio k i sbu] lung dryness cough I$!% [fki zhing] distention of the lung; pulmonary distention A$+$jf;H#2~-&. ?hP,%E[fki z h i xi6ng fij zhi guiin ye, zhi jiC c h i yiin] lung holds the office of assistant, whence management and regulation emanate fl$XEP$ [fki zhi xuiin jihng] impaired diffusion and downbearing of the lung j$&& [fei zhii bi] lung governs the nose jiligffi% [fki zhii pi mi01 lung governs the skin and [body] hair A$&', [fki zhii qi] lung governs qi A$&F [fki zhii sheng] lung governs the voice R$&!&@j'fFf;%[fki zhii shii jing yG pi mi01 lung governs transportation of essence to the skin and [body] hair
ll$S,%P@ [fki zhii sii jiing] lung governs depurative downbearing
fl&&%7kS [fki zhii tbng ti60 shui dj.01 lung governs regulation of the waterways
fl$&l2% [fki zhii wki biiio] lung governs the defensive exterior
A$&4?7k [fki zhii xing shui] lung governs the movement of water
Bifi&E&[fki zhii xuiin skn] lung governs diffusion
a$•’--92%[fki zhii yi shen zhi biiio] lung governs the exterior of the entire body Bifi [fki zhii zhi jiC] lung governs management and regulation j$ [fki] prickly heat [fki dG] prickly heat toxin [sore] j$F [fei zi] prickly heat
% [fen] seam; candareen [equal to 1tenth of a qihn]; fen [equal to one tenth of a body inch or qian] %RI]@@[fen biC qing zhuo] separate the clear and the turbid %!&I] [fen ci] parting needling [one of the nine needling methods] iji! [fen din] childbirth; birth; parturition; delivery *FI* [fen jiiin] GB-38 (Parting Space) 53-H [fen jii] parturition; delivery %-).jFlJB?6 [fen li shi 1-51separate and disinhibit damp-heat [fen King] quantity *&[fen miiin] childbirth; birth; parturition; delivery %&!9&3& [fen miHn tiii ci gu6 dub] excessive number of births .f).@RIJ& [fen qing biC zhu61 separate the clear and turbid [fen rbu] seam of the flesh; GB-38 (Parting of the Flesh) % 3 [fen shen] childbirth; birth; parturition; delivery %7K* [fen shui] CV-9 (Divided Waters) 7K 3 [fen shui siin] Water-Separating Powder
9#.)fj[fen xigo tiing] Separating and
Dispersing Decoction 9Pi$Z# [fen xiio zdu xiel separating dispersion and mobilizing discharge 9&9"i:k [fen xin qi yin] Heart-QiDividing Beverage % Bik ?+ [fen xing Ihn zhi] determine treatment on the basis of pattern types fi7ijf [fen ykn] separate grinding 9 * [fen zhong] GB-30 (Divided Center) 2 [fen] deflagrate; deflagration #j [fen] powder #j S * [fZn ciio] licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix) #j!$j [fen ci] acne #jFf3-ff-B [ f h d i n pi] shaved moutan [root bark]@ (Moutan Radicis Cortex Rasus) %H-lrfj 2 [fen fgng ji] mealy fangji [root]" (Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix) #j H S [fen giin ciio] shaved licorice [root]@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix Rasa) W S * [fin gi] pueraria [root]@(Puerariae Radix) %%&* [fin gC gen] pueraria [root]@ (Puerariae Radix) #j% [fZn li6] mealy tumor %@ [fen sui] crush #P@* [fen xi] processed galenitea (Galenitum Praeparatum) 9 [fen] aspect 3!$ [fen] stool; feces %@ [fkn h i h ! stool %@?@ [fen biin giin zio] dry stool %$%[fGn qing] purified feces@ (Hominis Excrementi Liquidum Extractum) I]<$ [fen] rush
feng W%%$! [feng cing shi zhi] storage failure [a kidney disorder]
$$%2$ [feng cdng zhi ben] root of storage
W B f i [feng sui d i n ] Marrow-Sealing Elixir
$$ @ & [feng xin sHn] Fontanel-Sealing
fl [feng] wind )3l$& [feng
bi] wind constipation
flB [feng bi) wind impediment (bij
[feng che] winnower
R?&[feng chi] GB-20WHO (Wind
ni%ffl$ [feng
Pool) chi zh6ngI wind gum
[feng chi chuiing ji] wind red sore disease fl%%s [feng chi chuiing yi] wind red sore Ffi$[feng chc] wind convulsion fl% [feng chuing] wind s o r c fl* [feng din] wind cinnabar )3lS [feng d6] wind toxin RS&@ [feng d6 chuiing yiing] itchy wind-toxin [sore] flSfR& [feng d6 li6 zhG] wind toxin streaming sore )3lq [feng Gr] wind ear A@ [feng fei] wind disablement flfi [feng fii] GV-16W"O (Wind House); BL-12 (Wind House) fla [feng giin] wind gan fl% [feng guin] wind bar fls [feng hkn] wind-cold )3l?$%iif [feng h i n biHo zhkng] wind-cold exterior pattern fl%U% [feng hiin chuiin] wind-cold panting fl%U%3, [feng hkn chuln ji] wind-cold rapid panting fl% [feng h i n i r 16ngl wind-cold deafness fl?$3Efl$ [feng hin f i n fki] wind-cold invading the lung fl%F @ EJ [feng h i n giin m$o] wind-cold common cold fl%@n,&[feng h i n k6 shu] wind-cold cough fl%69 [feng h i n shii] Wind-Cold Granules fl?$E[feng hiin shi] wind-cold-damp
R 8 [feng jig] person who suffers from
R % B g [feng h i n shi bi] wind-colddamp impediment (bi) R % a % [feng h i n shi bing] wind-colddamp disease R%%a$ [feng h8n shG fbi] wind-cold fettering the lung R % % @ [fEng h6n t6u tau] wind-cold headache R%3\ aF [feng h8n wii shii] wind-cold fettering the exterior R %3b%D% [feng h6n wii shii chu5nI wind-cold fettering the exterior panting R %%% [feng h8n xi h6u] wind-cold assailing the throat R%Jj&\g[feng h i n xi6 tang] wind-cold rib-side pain fl@Ik;g [feng h8n xuin yiin] wind-cold dizziness R %5% [fEng h5n y5 tang] wind-cold toothache J44t [feng huii] effloresce f l 4 t @j * [ f e y huii xigo] refined mirabiliteo (M~rabilitumDepuratum)
f l i t $f.@j [feng h u i pa xiiio] impure
~nirabiliteefflorescence0 (Mirabiliti NonPuri Efflorescentia) R 4 t 6 E [ f h g huh shi hui] weathered lime0 (Calcis Efflorescentia); air-slaked lime@ (Calx Aerata) J4 4.l:FA [feng hu& xiiio] mirabilite efflorescence0 (Mirabiliti Efflorescentia); refined mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Depuratum) [feng hud] wind-fire J4 A&@ [fcng hu6 chi tang] wind-fire toothache R A 8 Ill? [feng hu6 chi y5n] wind-fire red eye [feng hu6 li] wind-fire scrofula [feng hu6 xiiing shiin] wind and fire fanning each other; mutual fanning of wind and fire Jd, A 3% [feng hu6 y5 tang] wind-fire toothache )A, & l!3 [fEng hu6 yiin] wind-fire eye f l A ll?B [feng hu6 y5n tang] wind-fire eye pain
wind diseases .
R @ [fEng jing] wind tetany J%l& [feng jii] wind flat abscess 02) [feng ke] wind medicine [branch of medicine] R a [feng k6u jin] wind clenched jaw [feng kua] wind rampart R@lj [feng Iii] wind lai; leprosy R% [ f h g 1501 wind taxation RPH ,!lj [feng 1Zi chii] wind tearing R @ [feng li] wind scrofula [fEng li] wind dysentery [fEng 16ngl wind deafness R$-2 [feng lOn] wind wheel [cornea and iris] $'2 % B [feng lGn chi dbu] wind-wheel rice bean R$-2?4:% [feng 1On rZ dG] wind wheel heat toxin R R a f & [feng 1On shi rb] wind wheel damp-heat R [7 [feng men] BL-12Wf10(Wind Gate) R * 2 E [feng rnii zhi zing] viscus of wind and wood [the liver] R8EB@ [feng neng shZng shi] wind can overcome dampness fig [feng niiZ] wind malaria RgIl&ffi[fcng qi kuiii piiin] wind-induced deviation f l T [feng qi] wind qi [feng qi nZi dbng] wind qi stirring internally 8 [fcng qiiin chii jiiin] wind-turned eyelid If&$4 [feng qiin kuii xit] windinduced deviation R $ ffi $4 [feng qiin piin shi] windinduced squmt Rf!: [feng rb] wind-heat Rt<:SiiE [feng rZ biio zhZng] wind-heat exterior pattern [ f h g rb chi y5n] wind-heat red eye Rt4:% [feng re chuing] wind-heat sore Rf4:ET.2$?[fEng rb 6r 16ngl wind-heat deafness
n%rl;J-r;tl mi+
R t43Efi [feng ri: fhn fki] wind-heat invading the lung Rf,$rE#%[feng ri: fhn h6u] wind-heat invading the throat Rt$& 8 [feng ri: giin mho] wind-heat common cold R t$ % B [feng ri: h6u bi] wind-heat throat impediment (bi) Rt$B@ [feng ri: jink ji] wind-heat fright palpitation Jd, &$ [feng ri: k6 s h ] wind-heat .cough [feng ri: mh chi] wind-heat red fi eye j~,t$k&[feng ri: shhng g6ng] wind-heat attacking,upward Rt$BS@& [feng ri: shi dii y6ng shkng] wind-heat-damp toxin congestion )N,t&&B [feng ri: t6u t h g ] wind-heat headache )%, t;$sJ@ [feng ri: xi fci] wind-heat assailing the lung R ?$Kg [feng ri: xuhn yiin] wind-heat dizziness R$$5S@[feng ri: yii gin] wind-heat gan of the teeth and gums J%l,t&BR [feng ri: yin] wind-heat eye )3l, t$E@ [feng ri: y i o t h g ] wind-heat lumbar pain R * [feng r6u] ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix) Rj& [feng siio] wind itch ' Rj@ [feng shi] wind sand ( s h ~ )!-73r[feng shkng z t d6ngj prevalence of wind gives rise to stirring; when wind prevails, there is stirring R B [feng shi] wind-damp [rheumatism] R B & l [feng shi chuing d6] wind-damp sore (toxin] R B F PJ@% [feng shi guiin ji6 zh6ng t h g ] wind-damp (rheumatism) with painful swollen joints RB&@ [feng shi t6u t h g ] wind-damp headache R B s m )+ [feng shi xi t6ng pign] Sieges. beckia and Clerodendron Wind-Damp Tablet
RBi(;BB[fEng shi xiiing b6] wind and
dampness contending with each other; mutual contention of wind and dampness R@@@[feng shi yiio t h g ] wind-damp lumbar pain R@iE [feng shi zhi:ng] wind-damp pattern; rheumatism pattern [feng shi] GB-31WHO (Wind Market) R7k [feng shui] wind water [a kind of swelling]; geomancy R7ktqfltP [feng shui fii zhijng] wind water puffy swelling fla [feng sbu] wind cough R S S * [feng tiii cio] curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) W B [feng tfin] wind phlegm fl@&@ [feng tfin trju ttmg] wid-phlegm headache R @K g [feng tiin xuhn yiin] windphlegm dizziness fl@$ $ [feng t8n z6 zhong] sudden wind-phlegm stroke Jil,&;CIk; [feng t6u xuhn] wind dizzy head R % % 2 +5 [feng w6i b i i bing zhi zhing] wind is the chief of the hundred diseases R B [feng wen] wind warmth )A,&@ [feng wen jing] wind warmth tetany R&%S [feng wen ki: biio] wind warmth settling in the exterior fl& ffj 2 [feng wen shiin wki] wind warmth damaging defense M*.-ilE 3% I& IfEng wen xi f&i! wind warmth -.,-. assailing the lung J4&4b [feng wen xi61 wind warmth evil R@j[feng xiin] wind epilepsy f l X % e [fEng xiin chi lhn] windwlceration of the eyelid rim j3,@ [feng xiin] wind lichen (xiiin) R & J[feng xiio] wind wasting-thirst R!fP [feng xi61 wind evil R?gp3EJ@[feng xi6 fhn fki] wind evil invading the lung flmf&@3El$ [feng xi6 ri: d6 fhn er] wind evil and heat toxin invading the ear r
R ffPAg3[feng xi6 rir jing] wind evil entering the channels R ffP S ?& [feng xi6 xi biio] .wind evil assailing the exterior R4P@@[feng xi6 xuhn yiin] wind evil dizziness Rj% [fang xi&]wind diarrhea RlG@ [feng xin t h g ] wind heart pain RE [feng xuiin] wind dizziness R 2 [feng yin] Wind Rock [non-channel] RlEa [feng yin] Wind Eye [non-channel] RBEatfiPB [feng yin 1% l&i]wind eye tearing RPI [fEng yiing] wind yang RPHk@ [ f h g ying shhng nil wind yang ascending counterflow )XI, PB L#t [Eng ying shhng r&o]wind yang harassing the upper body R& [feng yio] wind medicinal JilS[feng yi] wind choke R@ [feng yin] dormant wind piipules R Fj l ffi [feng yin kuii piin] windinduced deviation )A, 3 1 $fi [feng yin ting] Wind-Drawing Decoction R [fEng yin zh6nI wind dormant papules R@ [feng ziio] wind-dryness [feng zh6 shin xing 6r shir biin] wind is swift and changeable R@ [feng zhGn] wind papules @l%* [feng guii] liquidambar fruit' (Liquidambaris Fructus) %@PE [feng liii pil wing nut bark' (Pterocaryae Cortex) % 7f;; [feng mii shhng qiG] liq'uidambar fruito (Liquidambaris Fructus) mS.3" [feng qi6 zi] liquidambar fruit' (Liquidambaris Fructus) %%* [feng shi] liquidambar fruit' (Liquidambaris Fructus) %;Exif.@* [ f h g shii. qi6] liquidambar fruit' (Liquidambaris Fructus) H % R * [feng xiing gu6], liquidambar fruit' (Liquidambaris Fructrus)
* [feng xiing zhi] liquidambare (Liquidambaris Resina) #il $j * [feng zhi . xiing] liquidambar' (Liquidambaris Resina) !!$ [feng] bee; wasp; hornet &$ t$ $$$* [feng bii Ih] white wax0 (Cera Alba) &I%* [feng chiing] hornet's nest' (Vespae Nidus) &$&*[feng fing] hornet's nest' (Vespae Nidus) !!$@ * [feng mil honey' (Mel) !!$@ [fEng shi] bee (wasp, or hornet), sting; bee (wasp, or hornet) sting &%* [feng ting] honeye (Mel) BE%* [feng ting guin] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) !!$% @ [feng w6 jii] hornet's nest flat abscess 06) . [feng] ill-wind; insane; insanity; epilepsy [feng g6u] rabid dog [feng g6u shiing] rabid dog bite $i(j&$$ [feng y6u giio] Ill-Wind Oil Paste I$$* [feng b6i Ih] white wax@ (Cera Alba) [feng zhen] sharp-edged needle [one of the nine needles] 4 E [feng 16ngl ST-40WHO (Bountiful Bulge) R [fkng] phoenix RE!, [fkng huing] phoenix RlB*[fkng huing tui] eggshello (Galli Ovi Putamen) R B a [ f h g huing yi] chicken's egg membranee (Galli Membrana Ovi) $* [fkng li cio] lippiao (Lippiae Herba) R E a [ f h g w6i cio] phoenix-tail fern@ (Pteridis Multifidi Herba) R E %Iff [fkng w&ijiio c 5 ] cycas leaf@ (Cycadis Folium) R~LLI [ f h g xian] garden balsam' (Impatientis Balsaminae Herba) J?il!tl~@ [fkng xian gen] garden balsam root' (Impatientis Balsaminae Radix)
a a@ a@!%
fl4lllE [fkng xiiin hug] garden balsam
jjt [fii] skin
flower0 (Impatientis Balsaminae Flos) f l {ill +$ S *, [fkng. xiiin t6u gii ciio] garden balsame (Impatientis Balsaminae Herba) f l 4lll 3" [fkng xian zi] garden balsam seed' (Impatientis Balsaminae Semen) )XI, [fkng yiin ciio] ailanthus fruit* (Ailanthi Altissimae Fructus) R tlBLF* [fkng y8n k ] ailanthus fruit* (Ailanthi Altissimae Fructus)
BjkBff [fii ICng h i n chii] cold skin and
* [f6 giin] Buddha's hand [fruit]* (Citri Sarcodactylidis Fructus) 4% ;I;#E [f6 giin hug] Buddha's hand flowere (Citri Sarcodactylidis Flos) +&&/%@it* [f6 giin xiiing yu6nI Buddha's hand [fruit]' (Citri Sarcodactylidis Fructus) 4% [f6 jig ciio] linear stonecrop@ (Sedi Linearis Herba) 4% 2 S : If6 16n shEn] American ginsenge (Panac~sQuinquefolii Radix) 4%+&t [f6 shiiu gan] Buddha's hand [fruit]. (Citri Sarcodactylidis Fructus) @ + E [f6 shdu hug] Buddha's hand flower' (Citri Sarcodactylidis Flos) {@+;5k [f6 sh6u siin] Hand-of-Buddha Powder 4@S%* [f6 zhLng shii] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) , [f6 zhi jig] ginkgo [nut]* (Ginkgo Scawl)
fu [fii] hand [unit of linear measure equal to three body inches] [fii] upper surface of the foot; instep; dorsum of the foot gPBb3 [fii ying mii] instep yang pulse; fii-ying pulse
BBiJ [fii ji] dressing &f3k4&
[fG tie] dressing
Baa* [fii rii] rhubarbe (Rhei Rhizoma)
[fi] bran [fii chgo] bran-fry J&ffl$ [fii zhdng] skin swelling a$ [fii] upper surface of the foot; instep; dorsum of the foot H$;fPB [fii ying] BL-59WffO (Instep Yang) [fii zhiing] swelling of the instep {A [fii] deep-lying [evil]; latent [evil]; hidden [pulse]; soaking and standing [medicinaL processing] fi $ * [fii bii] KI-7 (Deep-Lying White) fil$ [fii chong] hidden thoroughfare vessel 1%& [fii ch6ngl latent worm fig[fii jig] latent. conglomeration (jiii) El * [fii jib] KI-7 (Deep-Lying or tar) {A% [fii liing] deep-lying beam fiq*[fii ling] poria@ (Poria) 9;Tz* [fij ling] poria@ (Poria) fi&Jff [fii 16ng giin] oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) fi&Hm [fii 16ng giin jiiin] Oven Earth Brew fib* [fii m$i] hidden pulse fi5[fG qi] latent qi [fii qi wen bing] latent qi warm disease fi?&sg [fii rk ziii li] deep-lying heat in the interior fi@* [fij shkn] root p&aO (Poria cum Pini Radice) [fii shi] carpesium seed@ (Carpesii Fructus) [fii shii] latent summerheat Hg [fij t6n] deep-lying phlegm fi% [fii tii] crouching rabbit (anterior thigh); ST-32WUO (Crouching RaBbit); pork@ (Poria) f i B b [fii w6] lie prone; prone fitA [fii yin] deep-lying rheum && [fG] support
&%* [fii ghi] cibotium [root]@ (Cibotii
@&* [fii jig01 pepper' (Piperis Fructus)
Rhizoma) &B* [fii jin] cibotium [root]@ (Cibotii Rhizoma) & Z R [fh sang gii] fusang bone [fii sang win] Mulberry Leaf and Sesame Pill &% [fii tii] LI-18WHO (Protuberance Assistant) &PEIigPJl [fii ykng pCi yin] support yang to bank up yin &PEIj.EP$l[fii ying tui yin] support yang to abate yin & n;8 [fii yuiin siin] Origin-Supporting Powder & E [fii zhkng] support right &EH$ [fii zhkng gii bgn] support right and secure the root &Ei&$ [fii zhkng p6i bgn] support right and bank up the root &iE%%P [f6 zhkng qii xiel support right and dispel evil &$l7EF [fG zhii zhkng qi] support right qi k2t4 [fii yii yii shhng zhi 1-61 depressed upper body heat BE [fii] take [medicine]; dose [fii fii] method of administration BEGBE, [fii yho yi ji] suitability of medication X g * [fii r6ng hug] cotton rose [flower]' (Hibisci Mutabilis Flos) Xg [fii r6ng yk] cotton rose leaf' ( H I ~ I S CMutabilis I Folium) ?% [fii] float; superficial; swelling; puffing ?%& [fii i n ] feel the superficial level [pulse-taking] ?%B [fii biii] GB-1OWHO (Floating White)
?%g& [ffi lub] superficial network vessel ??b2 [fii mhi] floating pulse [fii mhi] light wheat [grain]@(Tritici Semen Leve) ?%# [fh ping] duckweed' (Lemnae Herba) ? % E g *[fii ping ciio] duckweede (Lemnae Herba) ?%$B~@ [fiiJ ping huing qin tang] Duckweed and Scutellaria Decoction [fii qii] feel the superficial level [pulse-taking] ?$?!I [fii rk] floating heat; floating fever @ E * [fii shi] pumiceo (Pumex) ?97kH;ti*[fii shui gan shi] smithsonite' (Smithsonitum) ?%7fC%* [fii shui mhi] light wheat [grainlo (Tritici Semen Leve) @ 7k 6* [fii' shui shi] pumice' (Pumex) ??ZP [fii xi] BL-38WHO (Superficial Cleft) ?$I]\ % [fii xi50 mhi] light wheat [grainla (Tritici Semen Leve) ??&[fii xu] vacuous puffiness $q)j$ [fii zh6ngl puffy swelling 3%%* [fii qii] red infested-ricea (Oryzae Semen cum Monasco) aqg 41 jj- @JJ [fii ling xing r6n giin ciio tang] Poria (Hoelen), Apricot Kernel, and Licorice Decoction E T [fii ling] poria@ (Poria) E Z * [fii ling] pork@ (Poria)
@ i R . %?&: %kE.8 % . % %
zhG g i n ciio tang] Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon Twig, Ovate Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction a g & @ Q g k % @ g [fii ling gui zhi giin ciio dB zho tang] Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon Twig, Licorice, and Jujube Decoction Y-H IA +E [fii ling pi] poria skin@ (Poriae Cortex)
[fh chCn, q!ng zhub, wei shkn, shn t u b , ze yao] floatinghunken; clearlturbid; weaklstrong; diffuseldense; moistlperished [tenfold examination of the complexion (wring sh shi fii)] ??$I] [fG ci] superficial needling [one of the $yelve needling methods] #.&JET* [% hiii shi] pumiceo (Pumex)
G T %7kP% [fii ling diio shui tang] Poria (Hoelen) Water-Abducting Decoction
E ~ H ~ [fG@ling J gan ciio tang] Poria (Hoelen) and Licorice Decoction
aq;f;f@ Q [email protected]% [fii ling gui zhi b i i
[fii ling pi tang] Poria (Hoelen) Skm Decoction ETZ?&P%[fii ling r6ng y6n tang] Pork (Hoelen) and Halite Decoction ETDZ?%[fii ling si ni tgng] Poria (Hoelen) Counterflow Cold Decoction ETP% [fii ling tang] Poria (Hoelen) Decoction ETt2 [fii ling yin] Poria (Hoelen) Beverage ETtA +g il;E @J [fii ling yin hC hhn xi8 hbu pb tang] Poria (Hoelen) Beverage Combined with Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction *--+$3i%P% [fii ling zC xi5 tang] Poria (Hoelen) and Alisma Decoction as*[fii mi01 areca husks (Arecae Pericarpium) E @ [fii shCn] root poriaO (Poria cum Pini Radice) EM& [fii shCn sin] Root Poria Powder E%* [fii tii] poriaa (Poria) E S * [fii tii] poriaa (Poria) E S B [fii tii dln] Poria (Hoelen) and Cuscuta Elixir EG$L[fii tij win] Poria (Hoelen) and Cuscuta Pill R E * [f6 chiii] water chestnuts (Heleocharitis Cormus) RE* [fii ci] water chestnuts (Heleocharitis Cormus) R * [fii gong ying] dandelione (Taraxaci Herba cum Radice) E 3 * [fu. yii] water chestnuts (Heleocharitis Cormus) r3 [Eij chew @RH [fii jii] chewing f i [fii] exchange [new, place where business is transacted]; storehouse; mansion; house [new]; dwelling place [old] f i g [fii she] SP-13W110 (Bowel Abode) f i W & * [fii zhdng shG] LU-1 (Treasury Center Transport) %&f$lffi-; [fii di chdu xin] raking the firewood from beneath the cauldron #&% [fii fki mhi] seething cauldron pulse
.145 [fii] prone [posture]; bend forward mtlP [fii yiing] bend forward and backward 14;ftlP$g&[fii yIng zhi fg] pitch-varying finger technique [pulse-taking] ST+* [fii xii tii] oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) S 8 7;+ * [fii yu2 xii tii] oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) f i [fii] dried meat; dried fish; preserved fruit l$f [fii] bowel; exchange [$J (fii), a place where business is transacted]; storehouse
[fil l$f+ [fii hui] meeting place of the bowels [CV12]
~ S i l % [fii T~ shii jing yii zing] bowels transport essence to the viscera
NiiE [fG zh5ngl bowel pattern @ [fii] putrid; putridity; putrefy; putrefaction @ h* [fii ching] scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix) @ S [fii chbu] putrid smelling , @ ,6 [fii diin] putrefaction speckles EJE [fii Ihn] putrid [fii tail bean curd tongue fur @ ,% [fii xi] putrid breath $jfj [fii] support !$? [fii gh] assisting bone; radius; fibula $jfj# [fii liho] adjuvant f& Fj [fii xidng] Fuuzhou ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma Fuuzhouense) JH$@j[fii shin] infraumbilical mounting (shun) XTs* [fii zi ciio] agrirnony' (Agrimoniae Herba) 4$.fBH* [fii ying] BL-59 (Give Yang) Mtf#% [fii bing jiii] moxibustion on aconite cake M$$j- [fii fen] BL-41W"O (Attached Branch) N$if;f $9CP $L [fii gui ii zhdng win] Aconite and Cinnamon Center-Rectifying Pill MtR* [fii piin] aconite [accessory tuber]' (Aconiti Tuber Laterale)
M f PH * [fir ying] BL-59 (Yang Attachment)
Mf$Gl* [fii yin] earthworm0 (Lumbricus) MfF [fii zi] aconite [accessory tuber]. (Aconiti Tuber Laterale) M % F !f$.J& [fii zi geng mi tiing] Aconite and Rice Decoction MfT3g @ $h [fii zi li zhong tang] Aconite Center-Rectifying Decoction MfF52 $ $L [fii zi li zhong win] Aconite Center-Rectifying Pill MfF$6 [fii zi tiing] Aconite Decoction Mf 7 %[fii zi win] Aconite Pill &.\ $6 [fii zi xi& xin tiing] Aconite Mf Heart-Draining Decoction Mf F % [fii zi zhCu] Aconite Gruel fiS l'h7 @ [fii zhbng shin yiio] wrenched lumbus due to carrying heavy weights ~ l ] $ [fii q liio] adjuvant gl]$q$$ [fir liio chio] stir-fry with adjuvants BlJ@T7[fh y i min] Mute's Gate Assistant [non-channel] [fii ke ji bing] women's diseases; gynecological disease 43$+34@[fii kE: zhkng hbu] gynecological patterns 43A [fii rCn] woman fr3A@ [fir r i n ji] women's diseases P3A%P [fh r i n juC chin] female infertility P3A%3F [fii r i n juC zi] female infertility W A PJ3 % [fii rCn yin hiin] female yin cold; pudendal cold $3A @ [fii rCn zing zio] visceral agitation in women g [fii] restore; restorative; relapse E * [fii b6i] KI-7 (Returning White) Sfi [fii fiing] compound formula Sk$i$ss [fii fiing huing liin giio] Compound Formula Coptis Paste E @9b K[I [fii giin w8i xi61 further contraction of external evil E@J [fir liii] KI-7WIIO (Recover Flow) gJ$% [fii mii] restore the pulse
B b% $21 [fii mii tang] Pulse-Restorative Decoction [fii ming sin] Light-Restoring Powder gg $6 [fii ming tang] Light-Restoring Decoction [fii qi] retaliatory qi BfT* [fii xing] Moving Again [nonchannel] $?Z%@#J [fii yugn hu6 xu& tang] Origin-Restorative Blood-Quickening Decoction gn;&%& [fir yuan tang qi sin] OriginRestoring Qi-Freeing Powder E [fii] abdomen [fii iii] SP-16Wt-lo (Abdominal Lament) E&[I@@ [fii bii suiin zhui] saggihg and aching in the abdomen @,+j*[fii chii] SP-14 (Abdominal Exit) E A [fir d i ] enlarged abdomen E A R % [fii d i qi t6] enlarged abdomen with protuberant navel E 5 [fii jiiin] abdominal hardness Egg [fii jii] SP-14WHO (Abdominal Bind) [fii jin] prominent abdominal blood vessels E@*[fii kii] SP-14 (Abdominal Hole) J @ ?[fii $ l h g ] cold in the abdomen E E S B [fh lii qing jin] prominent [green-blue] abdominal veins @@ [fii min] abdominal fullness E@+n%[fii min bii chuiin] abdominal fullness without panting 1.2, [fh nei xii ming] vzcuity ru nbling in the abdomen E& [fG pi jii ji] tense abdominal skin E@*[fii qii] SP-14 (Abdominal Bend) @@ [fir tCng] abdominal pain EB [fii thng] abdominal pain EBFj.&[fii tbng bh shi] abdominal pain and discomfort EBtEB [fii tbng jii i n ] abdominal pain that refuses pressure E % S B [fG tbng xi i n ] abdominal pain that likes pressure
B Ba 3
E S ?+ [fii. t h g xi re] abdominal pain
that likes heat E%B% [fh tang xi wen] abdominal pain that likes warmth EJt% [fii t h g xi&xi&]abdominal pain and diarrhea E%@gl@J [fii t6ng yii deng cZ] abdominal pain with desire to go to the toilet Eiq [fii xi&] diarrhea Et%@ B [fii xi& hui chbu] foul-smelling diarrhea E#Lq@ggB3j5x[fii xi& yii bihn jik jiio ti] alternating diarrhea and constipation E & @ , [fii xii ming] vacuity rumbling in the abdomen E 9 1 @Jd [fii yin yiin tbng] abdominal pain with pharyngeal pain EE [fia zhhng] abdominal distention E&%[fii zhing min] abdominal fullness and distention [fii zhhng miin jiiin ying jii i n ] abdominal distention, fullness, and hardness that refuses pressure EajjYjB [fii zhing m i n t h g ] abdominal distention, fullness, and pain Elgans [fii z h h g rfi gii] drumlike abdominal distention E $ % [fh zhdng hgn] cold in the abdomen
E$ % [fii I% zhdng jig0 thng] gripping pain in the abdomen
E@EU_[fG S zh6ng lii ming] thunderous rumbling in the abdomen
E$ @ @ f i F [fii zhdng lh lh y6u sheng] gurgling in the abdomen
E$a)rR [fh zhdng pi kuhi] abdominal lump glomus [fh z h h g zhhng t h g ] distention and fullness in the abdomen g f i k g T & [fii fiing dh ch6ng qi tang] Compound Formula Major Qi-Infusing Decoction zftj&B#)+ [fii fang di jin piin] Compound Formula Humifuse Euphorbia Tablet bk&s)+'[fi fiing jin qiiio piin] Compound Formula Wild Buckwheat Root Tablet B @j [fa yin] new factor g&*[fh pen] rubus [berry]@ (Rubi Fructus) @2T[fii p i n zi] rubus [berry]@ (Rubi Fructus) @ @ [fii shk] Pallas pit viper@ (Agkistrodon Halys) @& * [fir y6 jii] abalbne shell' (Haliotidis Concha)
w n R E @ [gii zhi ybng] armpit welling abscess (yong) @& [gi chi] grinding of teeth
[gii y h g ] indiscriminate use
ZfZj [gii gii] covering bone [pubic bone]
=I=I g W dry T @ *[gan chiin] dried toad@ (Bufo Siccus) ?$$ [gin chiio] dry fry [giin di huiing] dried rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata) Fj&% [gin di 16ngl dried earthworm@ (Lumbricus Exsiccatus) 7 Mf e4 @ $& [giin fii si ni tang] Dried Ginger and Aconite Counterflow Cold
[giin gC jig ji 'tiing] Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction T S*[giin gen] pueraria [rootla (Puerariae Radix) T !El * [giin gui] tangkueio (Angelicae Sinensis Radix) T EPt [giin hC yk] dried lotus leaf@ (Nelumbinis Folium Exsiccatum) TS&L[giin hub luin] dry cholera 'f-g[giin jiiing] dried ginger@(Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum) [giin jiiing hujlng qin hujlng lijln rCn shen tiing] Dried Ginger, Scutellaria, Coptis, and Ginseng Decoction T $$A $ +E!L[giin jiiing rCn shEn b i n xi& win] Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill T $$A g $L [giin jiiing rCn shCn b i n xii win] Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill T$$m*g[n! jiiing tin] blast-fried gingera (Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum) T $$$% lgiin jiiing z h h ] Dried Ginger Gruel TBp5 [giin jiiio qi] dry leg qi Tn,t [giin kC] dry cough Tn,t%@ [giin kC wii tin] dry cough without phlegm THE [giin 6u] dry retching If@ [gin qi] lacquer' (Lacca Exsiccata) T [giin qi tin] charred lacquer@ (Lacca Exsiccata Carbonisata) ' f + f @ * [giin sheng di] dried rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata) T%S* [gin sheng jiiing] dried ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum) TBBP9 [giin shi jiiio qi] dry and damp leg qi rf%* [gin shi] dried persimmon@ (Kaki Fructus Exsiccatus) r f @ [gin xiin] dry lichen (xiin) T [ J u g i n xiin] dry fall; dry inward fall IF@*[gin xiel scorpion' (Buthus) 't=B&% [gin xi6 t h g ] dry rib-side pain 't= bn [giin xu&] dry blood
Tdn% [giin xuk 1601 dry blood taxation
.Fa%{%[gan xu2 160 shiing] blood dryness taxation damage IfD,@&g [giin yi shi c h h ~ ]dry belching with food malodor ?%* [gin zio] jujube' (Ziziphi Fructus) H [giin] sweet; sweetness Favor. nssocinted with the spleen] 3 [giin ciio] licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix) jet q#j [giin ciio E n mi tang] Licorice, Processed Galenite, and Honey Decoction H3Mf3%[giin c5o f t ~zi tiing] Licorice and Aconite Decoction H @ F & EQ~$@J [giin ciio giin jiiing fC ling bjli zhii tiing] Licorice, Dried Ginger, Poria (Hoelen), and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction H37ST#$&[giin ciio giin jiiing ling zhii tang] Licorice, Dried Ginger, Poria (Noelen), and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction H g T S $ &[giin c i o giin jiiing tiing] Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction Q$T I [giin c i o jii] resinous licorice root@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix Resinosa) ~%8fff$ [giin & c i o m i huing tiing] Licorice and Ephedra Decoction WgB [gin c i o pi] licorice root skin' (Glycyrrhizae Radicis Cortex) H3il;'fi [giin c i o shiio] fine licorice root@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix Tenuis) #g?fi*[gin c i o shio] fine licorice root@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix Tenuis) Hg$&[giin c i o ting] Licorice Decoction # g I]\ %A%?& [gsn ciio xi50 mii dB zio tang] Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction WS$%&,\?& [giin c i o xi$ xin tiing] Licorice Heart-Draining Decoction #ZffiEfcF$%[giin c i o zhi zi tang] Licorice and Gardenia Decoction #% [giin chii] sweet tea [leaf]@ (Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium) HG* [girl glo] kansui [root]@ (Kansui Radix)
H F * [gin gC] pueraria [root]@ (Puer-
ariae Radix) -I$@*[giin gEn] bletilla [tuber]@(Bletillae Tuber) . H &$Z * [gHn gdu qi] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) H %ik@ [gin h i n shEng jin] engender liquid with cold and sweetness H % %#I[gin h i n zi rirn] enrich and moisten with cold and sweetness tt E @ [gin jiio gen] banana root' (Musae Paradisiacae Rhizoma) . H @ @ * [gin jiC gting] apricot-leaved adenophora [rootlo (Adenophorae Trachelioidis Radix) W e $ % [gan jiC tang] Licorice and Platycodon Decoction % [giinI j6] chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos); chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos) H G E * [gin j6 huii] chrysanthemum [flower]' .(Chrysanthemi Flos) HM7)( [gin 1in shui] worked water HtE* [gin En] Chinese olive@ (Canarii Albi Fructus) -I$ $#$ $ * [gin li gen b i i pi] ' plum barkg (Pruni Salicinae Radicis Cortex); plum bark' (Pruni Salicinae Radicis Cortex) Q $@ lfi * [gin li . gen pfl plum barko (Pruni Salicinae Radicis Cortex) I31#1ff [gin lh xiio dti din] Sweet Dew Toxin-Dispersing Elixir I3Sf!A [gin I6 yin] Sweet Dew Beverage I3 A %$% [gin mhi ddB d o ting] Licorice, Wheat, and jujube Decoction 13$ZT4 [gin qi zi] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) gAR [gin rir pil sweetness enters the spleen W;Ei* [giin shi] smithsonite' (Smithsonitum) G !? [ggn sihg] nardostachys [root]@ (Nardostachydis Rhizoma et Radix) W !? @ * [gin s6ng xiing] nardostachys [root]@ (Nardostachydis Rhizoma et . Radix)
H?A% [gin sGng zh6u] Nardostachys Gruel -I$% [giin sui] kansui [root]@ (Kansui
Radix) -I$%@ [gin sui siin] Kansui Powder
H%BtS$%[gkn sui tong jit ting] Kansui
Bind-Freeing Decoction ( A ) ?$ [gin wen chii (di) r?] eliminate (great) heat with warmth and sweetness I$?%* [giin zC] kansui [root]@ (Kansui Radix) H E [giin zh5] sugar cane' (Sacchari Caulis) ,H%:# [gin zh5 zhi] sugar cane juice' (Sacchari Caulis Succus) H%%[gan zhi: zhou] Sugar Cane Gruel [giin zh6ng huing] licqrice in human feces@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix cum Excrement0 Hominis Praeparatum) H [gin] liver; hepatic; LVWHo [gin, qi h u i zii zhiio] liver, H, its bloom is in the nails H, # P . ffiSH Pi3 [gin, ti yin Cr ydng yingl liver is yin in substance and yang in function H B [gin bi] liver'impediment (bi) [gin bing] liver disease H @ l j t '# [gin bing ji shen] liver disease affecting the kidney H%a[gin cing hiin] liver stores the ethereal soul IlIfBmt [gin cing xu51 liver stores blood R%G& [gin ching yiiu yii] liver is often in superabundance H.IEJB%?j 6A [giin dgn g i 5 jik ~ shi f inzj Hepatolith Formula AMA E [ggn d i n hud wing] effulgent liver-gallbladder fire 8s ?* [gin diin shi 1-21 livergallbladder damp-heat Jffm;fJa?& [giin diin yii 1-51depressed livergallbladder heat RJ4, [gin fEng] liver wind JffJ4,fft& [giin fEng jii tin] liver wind' with phlegm JffRil;l$J [gin feng n5i ddng] liver wind stirring internally
A R B i & [gin f5ng s h i n dbng] liver fire stirring BIfB [gin gin] gan of the liver flT% [gin hiin] liver cold A % @ % Z E [giin h i n h i n g yi f i n w&] liver cold seeping into the stomach fFf&/IB [giin hC dgn] liver is connected with the gallbladder [gin hC jin] liver is connected with the sinews R A [gin huti] liver fire H A + E E b [gin hu6 bh dC wb] liver fire sleeplessness R A ZJj$ [gin hu6 f i n fki] liver fire invading the lung flTA JE W [gin hu6 fkn wki] liver fire invading the stomach /ff& i$ [gin hu6 shing thong] liver qi surging upward; upsurge of liver qi R A I % [gin hu6 shing yiin] liver fire flaming upward; upflaming liver fire A A B & [gin hu6 w i n g shkng] effulgent gallbladder fire BTA%Pbn [gin hu6 yh xu51 liver fire and depressed blood flIf@ [gin ji] liver accumulation A f 2 [gin jing] liver channel; LVWHO A ? 3 B ? $ @ T [gin jing shi r5 d i i xi&]liver channel damp-heat vaginal discharge A 2@ f& ?!%! K [gin jing shi r5 f i n 61-1liver chan3el damp-heat invading the ear A ? g g f i [gin jing shi hu6] liver channel repletion fire [gsn jue] liver reversal A%&% [gin j u i t6u tbng] liver reversal headache A 7F 33T €I [gin k i i q i i o y6 mii] liver opens into the eyes HI@[gin kC] liver cough A% [giin 1601 liver taxation A b ? 5 2 [gin m i i xiin] liver pulse is stringlike A* [giin mh] liver-wood BTg* [gin mh] LV-14 (Liver Alarm) A* %& [gin mh c h h g pi] liver-wood exploiting the spleen
A*%& [gin mii k5 tii] liver-wood restraining (overcoming) earth A @ & % [gin ni t6u tbng] liver counterflow headache RBI $ $I] [gin pi bh hC] liver-spleen disharmony H B T g [gin pi bh tiiio] liver-spleen disharmony H B + F i B [gin pi l i h g xu] dual vacuity of the liver and spleen; liver-spleen vacuity RE%% [gin pi qi zhi] liver-spleen qi stagnation R i $ b n @ [gin pi xu5 yii] liver-spleen blood stasis A % [gin qi] liver qi BT5+$tl [gin qi bh he] disharmony of liver qi BT5,TB [gin qi bh shu] constrained liver qi fl'f%+W [gin qi bit z6] insufficiency of liver qi R 9 % i $ [gin qi chCng pi] liver qi exploiting the spleen f l T % E i I [gin qi f i n pi] liver qi invading the spleen; invasion of the spleen by liver qi A44E E [gin qi f i n wei] liver qi invading the stomach; invasion of the stomach by liver qi B;F?@@ [giin qi heng $1 liver qi running cross counterflow 1@ [gin qi nil cour?terflow liver qi A 5 k @ [gqn qi shing nil liver qi ascending counterflow AFFSST H [giin qi tong y6 mh] liver qi flows to the eyes A?B&@j [ggn qi xii t h g ] liver qi rib-side pain A Y E [ g h qi xu] liver qi vacuity lFf%%b [gin qi yh] liver qi depression; depressed liver qi B'f5,%[3%[gin qi yh 51 liver qi depression A%%P?i$ [gin qi yh jie] binding depression of liver qi A%6P# [gfin qi yh zhi] liver qi depression jTt4\ [gin 1-61 liver heat
/ff%R[gin wii f h g ] liver is averse to [gin rk k zii] liver heat malign wind obstruction H % & i?- fi [gin xi ch6ng Cr fing] Liver H i & f i [gin r6 xu61 Liver Heat Point Fluke Formula 2 [non-channel] f % ' j & --fi [giin xi ch6ng yi fang] Liver B'Fi
flT%[I3P,3 [gin yii fkn wki] liver depression invading the stomach H6[Idk A [gZn yii h u i hu6] liver depression transforming into fire Bf+jP@jTGm [gin yii jing xing hou qi] liver depression delayed menstruat~on flS"%lrGfT-jX@l [gin yij jing xing xiiin. qi] liver depression advanced menstruatlon jS"+j[3Jj$ [gin !B yii pi xii] liver depression and spleen vacuity R'f%[IT.# [gin yii qi zhi] liver depression and ql stagnation Ef6DB&@ -[gin yii xi6 t h g ] liver,depression rib-side pain HJjg [gin zhing] liver distention flT7$•÷4G%2Eyi%E*.% [giin zhe, jiing jiin zhi guin] liver holds the office of general, whence strategies emanate Bf%, %@k;rfi: [gin zhE, pi ji zhi bEn] liver is the basis of resistance to fatigue [gin zhii jin] liver governs the fl'f sinews iff&@ [gin zhii jing] liver governs fright HSigR, [gin zhii m6u 161 liver governs the making of strategies H&fi% [gin zhii sheng f i ] liver governs upbearing and effusion flT&@#i [giin zhii shii xik] liver governs free coursing iTf&&& [gin zhii xu& hii] liver governs the sea of blood flS"&Ea[gin zhii yiin d h g ] liver governs physical movement 17% [gin zhu6] liver fixity i+lB [gin guo] crucible il;Hf% [gln h6] mandarin pip' (Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Semen) & [gan pi] mandarin peelo (Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Pericarpiurn) % [gin] gan [gin chuing] gan sore BSBE [gin d6 y5n] gan toxin eye B + R [gin ji] gan accumulation %$2& [gin ji s5n] Gan Accumulation Powder
B$! /a\k €i[gin ji
shkng mG] gan accumulation ascending to the eye B g [giin ji] gan disease @&k €I [gin ji shing mG] gan disease ascending to the eye [gin kg] gan thirst @ B [gan 1501 gan consumption B$$J[gin li] gan dysentery B E [gin nil invisible gan worm %4;$ [gan re] gan fever BiT [gin xi&] gan diarrhea B& [gin yi] gan screen BiE [gln zh&ng]gan pattern [gin z h h g zhiing] gan swelling and distention [gin chii] sweet tea [leafla (Hydrangeae Dulcis Folium) @ [ggn] contract [evils]; contraction [of evils] @ E [giin mi01 common cold @ E 13 [gin mko &r fang] Common Cold Formula 2 @ H 7 [giin m i o ning] Common Cold Formula @ H X % [gin mho t6u tbng] common cold headache @ H B4&jCP3IJ [gin mko tui r& chong ji] Common Cold Fever-Abating Granules &2@4P [gin shbu zio xiel contraction of external dryness @ g [gin shii] summerheat contraction &$$ [ggn lin] Chinese olivea (Canarii Albi Fructus) B'f [ggn liin gin] dried Chinese olive0 (Canarii Albi Fructus Exsiccatus) j;f;% [gin 15n hC] Chinese olive pit@ (Canarii Albi Endocarpium et Semen) [gin] blue [complexion] BIfB [gin gii] lower leg bone; tibia
$I&!J3 [giing b5n gui] prickly knotweedo (Polygoni Perfoliati Herba) H I [ging] anus D?$$[ging lik] splitting of the anus
W@$ ; /lIs [giing Ibu] anal fistula W 1'7 [giing mtn] anus; anal D1'7%% [giing men siio yiing] anal itch [giing men sheng zhi] hernorW 1'7 rhoid W 1'7Xg'3 [gang mtn shi yue] anal retention failure /lI 1'7 P4 fi: [giing men si xu&] Four Points of the1 Anus [non-channel] W 1'7I$ [giing m6n ylng] anal itch. FlII'J% [gang men y6ngl anal welling abscess (ydng) W 1'7+j$q$& [giing men y6u zhu6 ri? gln] burning sensation in the anus W 1 ' 7 3 S [glng min zhui zhbng] heavy sagging sensation in the anus DH$;rii [glng zh6u sheng y6ngl perianal welling abscess bong) OlJ EZ [giing jing] hard tetany ' Oil Bb: [ ~ i i n g ziing] uilyielding viscus [unyieldmg viscus] 'LO [giing] headrope; principle; parameter . [new]; parameter [old] 'LR Tn [gang ling] principle i?J &Z& [ggng m t i gen] rough-leaved holly root@ (Ilicis Asprellae Radix) iitj &at [giing mei yk] rough-leaved holly leafa (Ilicis Asprellae Folium) i?Js,F* [giing ri:n zi] rose myrtle seed@ (Rhodomyrti Fructus) it;I@!J3*[ghng biin gui] prickly knotweedo (Polygoni Perfoliati Herba) mcln y av
EN+!$H [glo feng qui? mfi] high-altitude
wind sparrow's vision lf;J p@ [giio fcng qu6 mii nG zhgng] h~gh-altltude wind sparrow'svision internal obstruction $5, g * [giio giii] BL-16 (High Cover); BL-23 (High Cover) E B [giio gii] high bone [radial styloid process] fi nn S [giio li shen] Korean ginseng [rootla (Ginseng Radix Coreensis)
A -
EI €3S [giio king jiiing] lesser galangal
[rootlo (Alpiniae Officinarurn Rhizoma) 6 R 5 % [glo liing jiiing tiing] Lesser Galangal Decoction E @@i [giio liang jiG] sorghum liquor' (Sorghi Spiritus) EW [giio ling tii] kaolin' (Kaolin) E%$ES [giio ni&n jing shuiii] debilitation of essence in old age & & * [giio qii] KI-17 (High Bend) BM&T [giio w&ishii] High Position Transport [non-channel] E%?JR [giio yho fkng] plaster wind G&* [giio yi] BL-16 (High Boost) &$$fiP 2 [giio zhi: yi zhi] high rising is treated by repression Bfl$EPR [giio zh6ng ju xihn] circumscribed elevated swelling B [giio] paste [medicalpreparation]; unctuous [urine] [giio huiing] gao-huang; BL-43 (Gao Huang) ff Ei &I [giio huiing shii] BL-43Wt10(Gao Huang Transport) 83rl [giio ji] paste preparation @%R% [giio liing h6u wki] fat meat, fine grain, and strong flavors [rich food] $ZfJ;i$$$* [giio li6ng jiiing] lesser galangal [root]@ (Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma) @ # [giio lin] unctuous strangury (fin) @#$% [giio lin tiing] Unctuous Strangury Decoction [giio yho] plaster [a hard paste applied topically after heating]; medicinal paste B% [giio zi] rich paste [taken orally] Sg [giio] testicle [giio w h ] testicle S $,# A [giio win pian dB] unilateral enlargement of the testicles %$I,% % [giio w&n piiin zhui] unilateral sagging of the testicles; sagging of one testicle [giio w&n zhhng t h g ] distention and pain of the testicles; painful distention of the testicles
A +
[gio z h h g thng] painful swollen testicles %$ [giio ben] Chinese lovage [root]@ (Ligustici Sinensis Rhizoma et Radix)
2% + E [ge jia b i n xih] Ge's pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber Ge)
E% [ge d i ] pimple %llA%*[ge rCn ttng] Japanese hope (Humuli Scandentis Herba) [gel song [voice of the spleen] 3k Z.T {* [ge xi50 bii xiii] incessant sing~ngand laughing [gC feng kc] hornet's neste (Vespae Nidus) Sfbk [gC mii] drumskin pulse %PI3 [gC ying] repelled yang &PIj;#R [gC ying guiin yin] repelled yang and blocked yin !I&%* [gC fCn] mactra clam shell powder@ ( M a c t r ~ e Conchae Pulvis); clamshell powdere (Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha Pulverata); freshwater mussel shell powder@ (Unionis Concha Pulverata) !I&%$$ [gC fCn chiio] stir-fry with clam shell powder !I&%& [gC fCn thng] clam shell powder scorching !I&w [gC jik] geckoo (Gekko) !I&%* [gC kC] clamshelle (Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha) !kEkfr]@ [gC li fen] mactra clam shell powder@ (Mactrae Conchae Pulvis) B;t;R.[gC gen] pueraria [root]@(Puerariae Rad~x) s@ECE?~ [gC gen h6ng hug tang] Pueraria and Carthamus Decoction E$R%TBi!EP% [gC gen huing qin huing liin ting] Pueraria, Scutellaria, and Coptis Decoction E, ;f;Rall B ?% [gC gen jig b i n xiii tang] Pueraria Decoction Plus Pinellia , E;t;R;hn+%Jll [gC gen jig xin yi chuiin xidng] Pueraria Decoction Plus Magnolia Flower and Ligusticum (Cnidium Root)
S $ R q i ! E & [gC gen qin liin ting] Pueraria, Scutellaria, and Coptis Decoction -~,;t;W?h [gC gen ting] Pueraria Decoction
h u I % [gC gFn tang jii chuin xidng xin yi] Puerarla Decoction Plus Ligusticum (Cnidium) and Magnolia Flower S E [gC hug] pueraria flower@(Puerariae Flos) SEf@E?% [gC huii jiE chCng tang] Pueraria Flower Liquor-Resolving Decoction SEt$!f?4!A [gC hui qing r&win] Pueraria Flower Heat-Clearing Pill [gC huing w5n] Coptis and Pueraria Flower Pill S H % * [gC m6 rli] pueraria [root]@ (Puerariae Radix) % % $R* [gC tiio gen] pueraria [root]@ (Puerariae Radix) S T & * [gC zi gen] pueraria [rootla (Puerariae Radix) I$'% [gel isolate Rt%&[gC bing jiii] moxibustion on cake RM$T& [g6 fh zi jiii] rnoxibustion on aconite I$'%%& [gt jiing jiii] moxibustion on ginger m7k1jAj [gC shui diin] double-boil I$'%S& [gC suhn jiii] moxibustion on garlic m&k& [gC y5n jiii] moxibustion on salt RgfitE [gC zhi wei] layered paper roasting BE [gC] diaphragm; diaphragmatic; occlusion [as in @R yb gi, dysphagiaocculusion] BE % [gC guiin] BL-46WfIo(BL-41) (Diaphragm Pass) jfijl's7SU-S. [gi jign ICi ming] thunderous rumbling in the diaphragm [gC qi] diaphragm qi [gC shii] BL-17W"O (Diaphragm Transport) BE@ [gC tin] diaphragm phlegm BETB@?h[gC xi$ zhG yii tang] Infradiaphragmatic Stasis-Expelling Decoction [gC xiio] diaphragm wasting[-thirst] [upper wasting]
B m
[gk yi wiing] bovine bezoar* (130Bezoar) ' 4 W B [gk ying pi] whole unripe tangerine@ (Citri -Fructus Tmmaturus) $$.-03* VIS
/L'; g * [gong ying] dandelion'
[gong zhii dh chi&] boar's large intestine* (Suis Masculinae Intestinum Crassum) Th
@ [gen] root ti3& [ g h pkn] base [of a sore] 9W [gen] heel [gen ding] clove sore (ding) of the heel .@ @ [gen gii] heel bone [calcaneus] 9WtL [gen jin] Tight Heel [non-channel] 5 R T [gen ping] Level with the Heel [nonchannel]
[gdng] function
[gong 160 ye] mahonia [leaf]' (Mahoniae Folium)
@I BE [gong nkng] function
$I% [gdng xiiio] action; effect TAM T&
[gong y h g ] action
[gong] attack; offensive treatment
[gong bi3 jiiin shi] sueplement and attack simultaneously; simultaneous supplementation and attack
I&$% [gong kui] E [geng] watch [period of two hours] E ;i?T [geng yi] change one's clothes [euphemism for bowel movement]; toilette [euphemism for bowel movement] E Z A [geng yi win] Toilette Pill g [geng] seventh heavenly stem; S7 &-& [geng jin] S7-metal [the large intestine] $2 [geng mi] non-glutinous rice@ (Oryzae Semen) $9*:&[geng mi giin] rice water@(Oryzae Aqua) [geng] thick soup @ [geng] stem @GB@[ g h g tling c%o] sensitive joint vetch wood@ (Aeschynomenes Caulis Lignum) fig [gZng] fish bone; get stuck in the throat
gong & T @ * [gdng ding xiiing] clove' (Caryophylli Flos) EfZ [gc)ng kk] gram; g; gr; gm 2YL* [gong rii] stalactite* (Stalactitum) &~JJ: [gong sun] SP-4WHO (Yellow Emperor)
Herba cum Radice)
offensive bursting
T&B+Z% [gong li bG yuIn hiin] interior attack does not shun cold [medicinals] T A B
[gong tin] attack phlegm
[gong t h g ] pain coming in attacks
[gong xih] offensive precipitation
I jFa f#%A!!E?&
[gong xigo hk jig ruIn jiiin tang] Offensive Dispersion Harmonizing and Softening Decoction
& @ [gong zhkn] offensive array
J% [gong] upper arm [gong zhong] Middle Humerus [non-channel]
E [gong] gong
[note of spleen-earth];
+$ft [gong whi yGn er hko liingj Ectopic Pregnancy Formula No. IT
Z * [g6ng] mercury* (Hydrar,gyrum) Z#j* [g6ng fen] calomel* (Calomelas) Z w *' [gGng shii] cinnabar* (Cinnabaris)
rl;l*E&A[g6ng ti win] Dyke-Strengthening Pill
$$G* [ghng shi] talcum* ( ~ a l c u m ) S % [ g h g ju] Anhui chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Anhuiensis)
[gdu ding] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) %I$* [gdu Er] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) %I%J* [gdu gdu] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) %@ [gbu t6ngl uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) %I@%* [gbu t6ng @u] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) % E % I F * [gdu tCng gdu zi] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) %&& [gdu t i n g siin] Uncaria Powder %EP% [gdu ting tang] Uncaria Decoction %El!$[gdu t i n g yin] Uncaria Beverage %@t$S [gdu t6ng yin zi] Uncaria Drink [gpu win] yellow jessamine' (Gelsemii Herba) IQ [gbu] dog 36~2[@u biio] dog's stomach calculus' (Canis Stomachi Calculus) @ J ~ B[gbu dIn] dog's gallbladder' (Canis Vesica Fellea) &If&%& * [gbu di y i pi] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) &IJffs [giiu g i n cgi] diclipteraa (Diclipterae Herba) 3QB [gbu gii] dog's bone' (Canis 0 s ) &I +@ [g6u ji] cibotium [root]@ (Cibotii Rhizoma) &I+@@ [gbu ji yin] Cibotium Beverage ~ m ' % [giju * liing t6u] smooth greenbrier [ r ~ o t ] @(Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) ~GJ~ [g6u T *n5i zi] lycium [berry]@(Lycii Fructus) &I& [g6u pi] dog skin' (Canis Corium) &IB;F35;[gbu pi gio] Dog Skin Plaster &Ig$ [gbu she cilo] dog's tongue grass@ (Senecionis Integrifolii Herba) IQ * ' [gbu shi] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) &IRE [gbu shi hug] Chinese forget-menot' (Cynoglossi Amabilis Herba)
@&* [gbu gEn] lycium root bark@ (Lycii
Radicis Cortex) @@$I]* [gbu gti ci] Chinese holly leaf' (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) @@Pi- [gbu gt%i yk] Chinese holly leaf0 (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) @&W [gbu G j yk] poncirus leaf@(Ponciri Trifoliatae Folium) &l il;Z * [g6u qi , dhu] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) @l(;E!j(;W* [gbu qi gen] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) &l(;Z&E * [gbu qi gen pi] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex)
@ l(;Z% * [gbu qi guii] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) @l(;Z&* [g6u qi t6u] lycium leaf@ (Lycii Folium) @l(;E!* 'g%$ [g6u qi ying shkn zhGu] Lycium and Goat's Kidney Gruel @l(;ZPt [gbu qi ye] lycium leaf@ (Lycii Folium) &lif;ZF [gbu qi zi] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) @$fi%* [gbu qi6 qiC] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) G B * [gbu ji] cibotium [root]@.(Cibotii Rhizoma) GB&* [giiu qi gen] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) G e q * [giju qi zi] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) [ g h ] grimy; grime f&S[ghu tli] grimy,tongue fur
Tfi [gii] solitary Tfiaiff [gii fii] solitary bowel [the triple burner] aPB_tB [gii ying shing yuG] solitary yang straying upward aJ$$ [gii zgng] solitary viscus $@ma [gii w6i yho] wreathing [gii yho] wreathing
&B* [gii
ben] oyster shelle (Ostreae Concha) &%% [gii niii chi] few-flowered black nightshade@ (Solani Pauciflori Herba) & LLI Z [gii shin 16ngI mountain dragon@ (Arcangelisiae Caulk) & R * [gii yuk] peppere (Piperis Fructus) 8 [gii] valley; grain 8+.It [gii bii huh] non-transformation of food [in the stool] 8%[gii d i n ] dietary irregularity jaundice 8E S * [gii hui xiing] fennel [fruit]' (Foeniculi Fructus) 8%*[gii jing] eriocaulon [scape and flowerla (Eriocaulonis Scapus et Flos) a@+[gii jing ciio] eriocaulon [scape and flower]@ (Eriocaulonis Scapus et Flos) 8% [gii 1501 grain taxation 8[7 * [gii men] ST-2 (Grain Gate) 8l'7 * [gii men] ST-25 (Valley Gate) @@* [gii nik] rice sprout@(Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) @%* [gii nik] rice sprout@(Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) ST [gii qi] grain qi A 4 [gii rG bii huh] nontransformation of ingested food [in the stool] 8H [gii shCn] grain spirit @ 4 [gii shi bii huh] nontransformation of food 8@+ # [gii shi bh xiio] non-dispersion of food [in the stool] 8@*lgiiiiingj fennel[fFuit]' (FOeniculi Fructus) . 8%[gii yii] rice sprout@(Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) 8i$j [gii yii] Grain Rain [6th solar term] @at; [gii zhgng] grain distention & [gii] upper leg; thigh &@F* [gii g6u xi&] Below the Groin [non-channel] KB [gii gii] thigh bone; femur RBbE [gii jing jii] thigh or shin flat abscess (jG)
&& [gii jii] thigh flat abscess 02) &rQ* [g;i n&i]Inner Thigh [non-channel]
&% [gii tang] thigh pain [gii yang jii] outer thigh flat abscess (jG) &PJ?J'% [gii yin jii] inner thigh flat abscess o'fi)
@Pa% [gii yin tang] inner thigh pain B [girl bone @@ [gii bi] bone impediment (bi) B # f W[gii c60 feng] bone trough wind @% [gii chii] aching bones B$ll StL [gii ci wan] Bone Spur Pill [gii di] GV-1 (Sacral Bone) @@ [gii dii] bone standard #@& [gii dii fii] bone-standard measuring @ B [gii giin] gan of the bone @,@ [gii g6ngl bones stuck in the throat @& [gii hui] meeting point of the bone [BL-1I ] B @ [gii ji] extreme of the bone B;..ii [gii jib] joint @T$%& [gii jiC f5n tCng] vexing pain in the joints @;..ii@% [gii jii ttng tang] joint pain @a[gii jii] bone flat abscess 02) [gii kii sui jiin] desiccated bone and reduced marrow [gii kii sui xii] desiccation of the bone and vacuity of marrow BB [gii 1501 bone consumption a m r".: I:AI ,..,.LOA I . . . . . VVllL'
l J V .< Ub-L'U I
@a [gii lili] bone tumor @ % * [gii mEi] baiwei [cynanchum root]' (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) [gii nki suhn tCng] aching pain in the bones @{% [gii shiing] bone damage ++tzP,[gii shi] bone erosion [ga shbu r6 chiii] emaciation to the bind like dried sticks @@$& [gii sui kdng xii] bone marrow vacuity B@ [gii sui] shattered bone
[gii sui bii] drynaria [root]@(Dryilariae Rhizoma) 43% [gii tbng] bone pain @% [gii wEi] bone wilting (wti) 43th [gii zhe] bone fracture; broken bone @% [gii zheng] steaming bone @%?$lie [gii zhEng ch5o rk] steaming bone tidal fever B%ER& [gii zheng f l rk] steaming bone fever [gii zheng l i o r8] steaming bone taxation f e v ~ r @%i$$?[gii zhEng l i o r6] steaming bone heat taxation @%B?$[gii zhEng 150 1-21steaming bone consumptive fever 43%FI ?$ [gii zheng nki rk] steaming bone internal heat 43@fB!k$L [gii zhi zEng sheng w5n] Hyperosteogeny Pill B [gii] drum [gii hkn] chattering of jaws B%[gii li] shuddering and chattering BtRB* [gii t6ng pi] erythrina [bark]* (Erythrlnae Cortex) @/# [gii zhing] drum distention ,
23 [&+I gu 23% [gii dli] gu toxin [gii zhkng] gu distention [gii] drum distention a@JE [gii zhkng] drum distention fj!3llR?&!@ [gii yiin ning jing] dove-like fixed eye [gii] secure; stem [curtail] H'&A [gii bEn wkn] Root-Securing Pill @&_Ltj$j$& [gii bEn zhi bEng tang] RootSecuring Uterine Bleeding Decoction [81% _Lt% [gii beng zhi dii] stem flooding and check (vaginal) discharge H% [gii biiio] secure the exterior [BIB$3 [gii ching tlng] Intestine-Securing Decoction HB$L [gii ching w6n] Intestine-Securing Pill H% [gii chi] secure the teeth
Hi$ $31 [gii ch6ng tlng] ThoroughfareSecuring Decoction
14142 [gii jing] secure the menses 141% [gii jing] secure essence H %@ i?j? [gii jing su6 ni%o] secure essence and reduce urination
H@$L [gii jing w&n]Menses-Securing Pill HHkfi [gh jinglzhi hin] secure essence and check sweating
H13 $51 [gii plo tlng] Bladder-Securing Decoction
H ~ # $[gii L p i o wgn] Bladder-Securing Pill
HE [gh sk] securing and astriction HE @ [gii sk xigo biin] secure urine [gii s6 yio] securing astringent H ]JJ\
H#$[gii shk] securing and containing H'R [gii shkn] secure the kidney
[gG shkn sk jing] secure the kidney and astringe essence ma# [gii tu6] stem desertion 141PB % [gG yin jiiin] Yin-Securing Brew: Yin-Securing Brew HB$&[gii zhEn tlng] True-Securing Decoction ' HB$L [gii zhEn wkn] True-Securing Pill Hp$ [gii zhkn] securing array &X*[gG zhi] psoralea [seed]@(Psoraleae Semen) &$a*[gii zhi] psoralea [seed]@(Psorhleae Semen); oroxylum [seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) @j [gii] intractable [disease] j$j& [gii ji] intractable disease j$jG [gii IEng] intractable cold
A [guii] gourd A$$$* [guii bin] wax gaurd seede (Benincasae Semen); trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) A 8 [gul di] melon stalke (Cucumeris Melonls Pedicellus) A 8 3 [guii di siin] Melon Stalk Powder
A%#@!!& [guii ddi shCn miko si'in] Melon Stalk Wonder Powder A T * [guii ding] melon stalke (Cucumeris Melonis Pedicellus) A T 3 [guii ding sgn] Melon Pedicel Powder A E * [guii k i ] trichosanthes rind@ (Trichosanthls Pericarpium) A % * [gug 16u] trichosanthes [fruit]@(Trichosanthls Fructus) IlSZ!$+l$*[guii 16u gen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) A%%%?% [guii 16u ni6 bkng tiing] Trichosanthes and Arctium Decoction A%Ff;* [guii 161.1pi] trichosanthes rind@ (Trichosanthis Pericarpium) A ~ $ { I * [guii 16u rin] trichosanthes seed@ (Trichasanthis Semen) A @ ~ I % * [guii 16u r i n shuSng] trichosanthes seed frost@ (Trichosanthis Seminis Pulvis) A +R* [guii 16 gen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) IIS W * [guii iuh] loofahe (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) IRII* [guii rCn] trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) A E * [guii xi] wax gourd seedo (Benincasae Semen) A @ S . * [guii xiiing ciio] agrimonye (Agrimoniae Herba) ) B F * [guii zi] wax gourd seed' (Benincasae Semen) A T % * [guii zi cii] purslane" (Portulacae Herba) %I] [guii] scrape; shave &llff&*[guii diin pi] shaved rnoutan [root bark]@ (Moutan Radicis Cortex Rasus) &I]@ [guii shii] sand scraping; guasha &I]$+ [guii shen] needle scratching %I]/iF [guii zhEn] needle scratching $&& [guii 16u] trichosanthes [fruit]@ (Trichosanthis Fructus) t&%* [gug 16u] trichosanthes [fruit]@(Trichosanthis Fructus) $&j* [guii 16u fen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix)
$&&@* [guii 161.1gen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) $&Z!$;1;W* [guii 16u gen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) $&@&+&@@J [guii 16u gui zhi tiing] Trichosanthes and Cinnamon Twig Decoction $&&E* [guii 16u ki] trichosanthes rinda (Trichosanthis Qericarpium) $&@E [guii 16u pi] trichosanthes rind@ (Trichosanthis Pericarpium)
$&%E*[guii 16u pi] trichosanthes
rind@ (Trichosanthis Pericarpium) $&&EE% [guii 161.1qii mii win] Trichosanthes and Dianthus Pill ${z* [guii 161.1rCn] trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) $&@{I* [guii 16u rin] trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) &3&4=% [guii 16u r i n shuiing] trichosanthes seed frost@ (Trichosanthis Seminis Pulvis) $&&%* [guii 16u shi] trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) $ & @ BQ Q $3~[guii 16u xi& b6i b8i jiii tiing] Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive, and White Liquor Decoction if:% Q gt3J [guii 16u xi&b6i b i n xii tiing] Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive, and Pinellia Decoction $&@ll;R%?& [guii 161.1zhi shi tiing] Trichosanthes and Unripe Bitter Orange Decoction $[guii 16u zi] trichosanthes seed@ (Trichosanthis Semen) ~ f i z *jgu5 rknj irirhusanihcs st;r;riG (Trichosanthis Semen) &* [guk yi] coating [of a pill] ffVi~E* [guk g6u ting] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) EM [guk jin deng] lantern plant calyx0 (Physalis Alkekengi Calyx) E%l&[gui xiin fii] threaded ligation [method of treatment in external medicine] E%E& [guk xikn liio f5] threaded ligation [method of treatment in external medicine] [guk yi] coat [a pill]
48 1
guan E [guiin] official; office Eil;% [guiin gui] quilled cinnamon [barklo (Cinnamomi Cortex Tubiformis) 2,L\z A [guiin xin sii hC wgn] Coronary Liquid Storax Pill IL~-++ [guiin xin yi hi01 Coronary No. 1 # [guiin] gate; pass [mountain pass]; passageway; bar # Q Wrf [guiin b i i fG] Korean aconite [tuber]@ (Aconiti Coreani Tuber) # $0* [guin biii] Eastern phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex Orientalis) # I $ [guiin chik~g]TB-1 (Passage Hub) # $fl [guiin ci] joint needling [one of the five needling methods]; articular needling [one of the five needling methods] # f l g * [guin diio dbu] sword beane (Canavaliae Semen) #@)A,* [guiin f i n g feng] eastern ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix Orientalis) #;f;$ [guin g i ] block a f d repulsion #%$$* [guiin hukng biii] Eastern phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex Orientalis) # p [guiin jiC] joint; articular # Pgfl3 [guiin jii b i i n xing] deformed joints #Tt34%[guiin jiC niii shiing] sprain #fig%[guiin jiC tCng tbng] joint pain #%* [guiin liing] BL-63 (Gate Beam) # Pg* [guiin ling] GB-33 (Joint Mound) #J&j [guiin mii] bar pulse # [J [guiin mCn] ST-22WfIo (Pass Gate) # 3 [guiin mG tong] hocquartia [stem]@ (Hocquartiae Caulis) # m [guiin nki] region within the pass # % [guiin tG] Pass Rabbit [non-channel] #$I [guiin wii] region outside the pass # P I * [guiin ykng] GB-33 (Joint Yang) # PJ?j [guiin yin] blocked yin # ;7i; [guiin yuin] CV-4WF10(Pass Head)
#R* [guin yuin] CV-4 (Source Pass) %Z&[guiin yuin shii] BL-26tVff0(Pass Head Transport)
X$#E [guiin shCn sk] inspect spirit and complexion 3le@P [guiin * yin liii] tamarisk [Gig and leafl0 (Tamaricis Ramu!us et Folium) j$GE [guiin yin xiin] purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba) 9% [guiin huing] duct bezoara (Bovis Ducti Biliferi Bezoar) B H [guln zhen] tube needling B H i B H & [guiin zhen jin zhen fii] tube insertion $ZJ{$P%[guln zhbng tiing] Aspidium Decoction E [guln] stomach duct [see wiin 821 BILI 9 [guin xin kr hio] Coronary No. 2 j7f [guhn] pass through Es&"[guhn Iii] aspidiuma (Aspidii Rhizo m a) E 4 * [guin xiong] ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustic~Rhizoma) j7f $ * [guiin zhong] aspidiumo (Aspidii Rhi~oma) j7fB8'[guin zhong] aspidiuma (Aspidii Rhizoma) E {$ * [guin zhhng] aspidiumo (Aspidii Rhizoma) f i [guhn zhbng] aspidium@ (Aspidii Rhizoma) $ g G [guin yio] pour in medicine [as in unconscious patients with clenched jaw] &?CI [guhn kGu jii] stork's bill flat abscess (ju)
jl;; [guiing] bare jl;;i#Jd [guang b6 s h i ] completely peeled tongue fur; tongue peeled bare of fur jl;;s3 [guiing ciii] Luster [non-channel] jl;;gI % @& [guiing h6ng r6u nkn she] tender-soft bare red tongue ;L;;@d [guiing h u i she] smooth bare tongue
%S*[guiing liin] Sichuan coptis [rootla (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) jl;;Ra [ p i i n g mingl GB-37W110 (Bright Light) jl;;%J f l [guiing ming diin] Bright and Glorious Elixir jl;;%J T * [guiing ming zi] basil seedm (Basilici Fructus) %@T* [guiing 6u jii] lotus root node' (Nelurnbinis Rhizomatis Nodus) jl;;%* [guiing ping] lotus rootm(Nelumbinis Rhizoma) jl;;_&?* [guiing siin ling] sparganium [root]@ (Sparganii Rhizoma) ;I;;$&?:[guiing * t i o r h ] peach kernel' (Per4icae Semen) %52 & [guiing ying shi] bare lustrous tongue M [guiing] bladder T % + * [guiing ji sheng] southern mistletoe0 (Loranthi Ramus) T E [gugng ching] rectum r[I%B[gujng chin pi] southern tangerine peel0 (Citri Pericarpium Australe); mandarin peel' (Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Pericarpium) T?K&%Ag[gusng dong jin qiin c5o] desmodiuma (Desmodii Ramulus et Foliurn) T %i,%Z [guiing dong liing chi] Cantonese Cool Tea T % A S * [gusng dong r i n shen] American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) TEml%&* iguang dong shang lu] crape ginger [rootla (Costi Rhizoma) T?KIIIY 1%[guing dong tG niu xi] Chinese eupatorium [root]" (Eupatorii Chinensis Radix) TG@*[guiing d6u gen] bushy sophora [root]" (Sophorae Subprostratae Radix) T p;jj 3 [guing fing ji] southern fangji .[root]" (Aristolochiae Fangchi Radix) T $? % [gusng huh xiiing] patchoulim (Pogostemi Herba) B [gujng k6u bo li ping] glass jar
T %J [gusng ming] broad and bright [anterosuperior region of the body]
T ji 3j [gucng mir xiiing] costusroot' (Saussureae Radix)
T 3 -15 * [gugng siin qi] alpine stonecrop rooto (Sedi Aizoon Radix) [guing yir jin] southern curcuma [tuber]" (Curcumae Tuber Australe) $ *' [piing zh~i]zedoary' (Zedoariae Rhizoma)
gui % [gui] turtle f&i(;Q$$EitL [gui bii jiiing zhi win] Tortoise Plastron, Phellodendron, Ginger, and Gardenia Pill f&&*[gui bgn] tortoise plastron' (Testudinis Plastrum) %/$i [gui bin] tortoise plastron' (Testudinis Blastrum) &&a%*[gui b5n jiiio] tortoise plastron glue' (Testudinis Plastri Gelatinum) %/$iB% [gui b5n jiio] tortoise plastron gluem (Testudinis Plastri Gelatinum) %&.i% [gui b5n tang] Tortoise Plastron Decoction f&% [gui bki] turtle back; hunchback eA&B[gui bki tin] turtle's back phlegm [type of sore] %E EQ * [gui di jig] tortoise plastronm (Testudinis Plastrum) % E EQ * [gui fir jig] tortoise plastron' (Testudinis Plastrum) % * [gui jig] tortoise plastron' (Testudi~iT i ~h i r u m j %2*[gui kC] tortoise plastron' (Testudinis Plastrum) f&E14111@[gui lir &r xiiin giio] Immortal Tortoise Plastron and Deerhorn Glue Paste f&E14111flft [gui 16 er xiin jiiio] Tortoise Plastron and Deerhorn Two Immortals Glue @,E S$t!hft [gui lir shen qi. jiao] Tortoise Plastron, Deerhorn, Ginseng, and Lycium Berry Glue %@A [gui shu win] Tortoise Plastron and Ailanthus Bark Pill
& E*[gui t6ngl tortoise plastron' (Tes-
%E*[gui chCn] LI-11 (Ghost Minister)
tudinis Plastruni) igA [gui t6u] turtle's head [qlans penis]; glans penis &A$% [gui t6u yong] turtle's head welling abscess bong) igE* [gui wii] GV-1 (Tortoise Tail) f & E k $ g * [gui w6i chdng jigrig] GV-1 (Tortoise Tall Long Border) &7; T *. [gui xi5 jig] tortoise plastron' (Testudlnls Plastrum) [gui xiong] pigeon chest !J3[gui] return !J3ifizP51,5I [gui di i3r c h h tang] Tangkuei and Rehmannia Two Matured Ingredients Decoction !J333?51 [gui g-5 tang] Tangkuei and Pueraria Decoction !J3 &P* [gui jig01 tangkuei tail@ (Angelicae Sinensls Radicis Extremitas) !J3 $4 [gui jing] channel entry [gui 15i] ST-29Wll" (Return) !J3 /j@1,% [gui pi tang] Spleen-Returning Decoction !J3L< J& ?h [gui qi jiin zhong tang] Tangkuei and &tragalus C y t e r Fortifying Decoction !J3Tj$fi%PZi [gui sh5o di huing tang] Tangkuei, Peony, and Rehmannia Decoction !J3TjgIE% [gui shdo h6ng hua sgn] Tangkuei, Peonv, and Carthamus Powder !J3 3iA B 5tL [gui sh6o liG jiin w5n] Tangkuei and Peony Six Gentlemen Pill !J3 3 * [gui shen] tangkuei body@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Corpus) [gui t6u] tangkuei heado (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Caput) [gui tui] tangkuei tail@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Extremitas) [gui w&] tangkuei tail@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Extremitas) W [gui] tenth heavenly stem; S10 W 7k [gui shui] S10-water [kidney] % [gui] ghost %@* [guy cdng] CV-1 (Ghost Store)
%a*[gui ch6uI kansui
[root]@ (Kansui
% R * [gui chuiing] ST-4 (Ghost Bed); ST-6- (Ghost Bed) % @ EBP * [gui du y6u] gastrodia [root]@ (Gastrodiae Rhizoma) %%J*[gui fEng] Ghost Seal [non-channel] * [gui gong] GV-26 (Ghost Palace) %%4'3 [gui jib yii] spindle tree wings' (Euonymi Lignum Suberalatum) % €3 [gui jiG] common dysosma [root10 (Dysosmae Versipellis Rhizoma) %BE* [gui kt: ting] GV-26 (Ghost Reception Room) A5$ * [ p i kii] PC-8 (Ghost Cave) %42* [gui IEi] SP-I (Ghost Pile) %Bh,fi@* [gui liiin sheng mii] cimicifuga [root]@ (Cimicifugae Rhizoma) %$$* [gui lin] GV-16 (Ghost Forest); ST-6 (Ghost Forest) %@* [gui lG] BL-62 (Ghost Road); PC-5 (Ghost Road); PC-8 (Ghost Road) %tEA* [gui mdn t6u] creeping fig fruit0 (Fici Pumilae Flos) % (7[gui men] ghost gate (pore); GV-22 (Ghost Gate) [gui qiG] creeplng fig fruit@ (Fici Pumilae Flos) %$$ [gui shkn] ghost spirit %a* [gui shi] carpesium seed@(Carpesii Fructus) %$i* [gui shi] CV-24 (Ghost Market); GV-26 (Ghost Market) [gui shi t6u] demon-licked head % % * [gui s h h ] LU-5 (Ghost Endurance) 2 G* [gui tdng] GV-23 (Ghost Hall); LU-5 (Ghost Hall) %J@* [gui tui] LI-11 (Ghost Leg) %!#* [gui xiel LI-10 (Ghost Evil); ST-36 (Ghost Evil) % & * [gui xin] LU-10 (Ghost Heart); PC-7 (Ghost Heart) %{%* [gui xin] LU-11 (Ghost Sincerity)
%5t [gui xui] ghost point; GV-16 (Ghost Hole)
@@M$Tt% [gui zhi fii zi tang] Cinnamon Twig and Aconite Decoction
[gui yiin] SP-1 (Ghost Eye) % ig [gui yii] ghost talk %?$ [gui zhen ciio] Spanish needles' (Bident~sBipinnatae Herba) [gui z h k ] GV-16 (Ghost Pillow) %$& [gui zhii] demonic influx (zhu) $$M$ /\% fi [gui fii bii wki wiin] Cinnamon Bark and Aconite Eight-Ingredient Pill #$M$@@?% [gui fb li zhong tang] Cinnamon and Aconite Center-RectiQing Decoction iF%Xl [gui huii lii] osmanthus [flower] distillatea (Osmanthi Floris Distillatum) $3$$%@ $$$ Mrf $3~ [gui jilng ziio ciio huiing xin fii tang] Cinnamon Twig, Ginger, Jujube, Licorice, Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction +$$Z$%[gui jiiing zhou] Sweet Cinnamon Gruel $$Ti3 B t A [gui ling gan 1i1 yin] Cinnamon and Poria (Hoelen) Sweet Dew Beverage @m& @J [gui ma gi: b i n tang] Cinnamon Twig and Ephedra Half-and-Half Decoction +$@% [gui she siin] Cinnamon Twig and Musk Powder $$B*[gui tong] quilled cinnamon [barklo (Cinnamomi Cortex Tubiformis) $ ~ J[gui L xin] shaved cinnamon barka (Cinnamomi Cortex Rasus) @El* [gui yuin] longan flesh" (Longanae Ariiius) $3 * [gui yuan r6u] longan flesh" (Longanae Arillus) +$@ [gui zhi] cinnamon twigo (Cinnamomi Ramulus) ;I;$$j$~Bfi$--?% [gui zhi kr yu&bi yi tang] Two Parts Cinnamon Twig and O n e Part Spleen-Effusing Decoction t2BRTfi [gui zhi fli ling wan] Cinnamon Twig and Poria (Hoelen) Pill
@$j$ETfifin3z.BL [gui zhi fli ling w i n jiii yi yi ren] Cinnamon Twig and Poria (Hoelen) Pill Plus Coix
$$fiH5 $? B'f$&$%[gui zhi giin c5o
16ng gii rnii 11 tang] Cinnamon Twig, Licorice, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction @@HSt% [gui zhi gan ciio tang] Cinnamon Twig and Licorice Decoction +$@ fin A%?%[gui zhi j i i dB huiing tlng] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Rhubarb [email protected]% !El?%[gui zhi jia dang gui tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Tangkuei gfifJ~M$F?% [gui zhi jig fii zi tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Aconite @@haE$B% [gui zhi jiii gC gEn tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Pueraria @ @fJU+$$% [gui zhi jig gui tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction With Extra Cinnamon @@fJUB;f;b&4% [gui zhi jig h6u pt, xing r i n tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Magnolia Bark and Apricot Kernel &@fin$$-ZP% [gui zhi jig huing qi tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Astragalus $f@fiaT#M$?% [gui zhi jig ling zhli fii tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Poria (Hoelen), Atractylodes, and Aconite Decoction @@fin $?$Zj+k&%[gui zhi jiii 16ng gii rnii li tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell $2@fin?%jr$$P% [gui zhi jig s h i o y i o dii huiing tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony and Rhubarb; Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony and Rhubarb ; f ; f . ~ j j n q ~ Y g p [~g~i p zhig jig sh&e y8o sheng jiang rCn shen tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony, Fresh Ginger, and Ginseng Decoction +g@fiI?%?% [gui zhi jig s h i o y i o tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony +$@fiu?G@@$% [gui zhi jig sh5o y i o zhi rnii tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Peony and Anemarrhena Decoction @@fin $Mrf@~ [gui zhi ji2 zhG fh tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Ovate Atractylodes and Aconite +$@$A@?& [gui zhi jib ni tgng] Cinnamon Twig Counterflow-Stemming Decoction
+3@% R$i&$51[gui zhi 16ng gii mii li tang] Cinnamon Twig, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction +3@@%& $J [gui zh! m i huing g& b i n tiing] Cinnamon Twig and Ephedra Half-and-Half Decoction @ @ % B f i n E T $ #@JJ [gui zhi qii gui jig fli ling b i i zhli tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony Flus Aconite f i [gui ?hi qh s h i o y i o jiii fii zi tang] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony Plus Aconite +$@&3i%fiua%32B$kkD3&3?5I[ P i zhi q i ~s h i o yho jiii shii qi long gii mii li jiii ni tiing] Cinnamon Twig Minus Peony Plus Dichroa Leaf, Dragon Bone, Oyster Shell Counterflow Decoction +$@%3iZ@~ [gui zhi qh s h i o y i o tiing] Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony @@AS & [gui zhi rCn shEn tang] Cinnamon Twig and Ginseng Decoction $$@%%%D@?[gui zhi s h i o yiio zhi mii tiing] Cinnamon Twig, Peony, and Anemarrhena Decoction +3@&$$#?%@I[gui zhi sheng jiiing zhi shi tiing] Cinnamon Twig, Fresh Ginger, and Unripe Bitter Orange +3@& [ g ~zhi i tang] Cinnamon T ~ l i gDecoction %@@~iif[gui zhi tang zhkng] Cinnamon Twig Decoction pattern +&@Z$$J@J [gui zhi wii wh tang] Cinnamon Twig Five Agents Decoction 3%"[gui lio] tangerine peel0 (Citri Exocarpium) %EjS% [gui zhbng yho] costly medicinal
?@%[giin f i ] rolling [manipulation technique] LLJ & .[giin s h i n ch6ngl glomerisa (Glomeris) ?@@ [giin t i n ] roll phlegm ?@&%[giin t i n w i n ] Phlegm-Rolling Pill
[guo nili shui] Snail Water
$8 E * [gud ba] burnt pot rice@ (Ollae Oryzae Semen Ustum) [gud bii] burnt pot rice@ (Ollae Oryzae Semen Ustum) ffif,, [guo chin] spatula %fig2 [gud d u i n ] wok calcination QWg,[guo jiiio] burnt pot rice@ (Ollae Oryzae Semen Ustum) [gud jiiio win] Burnt Pot Rice Pill QB* [gu6 diin] miniume (Minium) [gu6 gong jiii] Statesman Wine H H%* [gu6 1501 licorice [root]" (Glycyrrhizae Radix) [gu6] back of the knee [popliteal fossa] % [guii] fruit %fi[guii fii] preserved fruit %@ [guii liin] bandage j j - X l j & *[gub gang 16ngl smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) 3 G & * [gub ging 16ngl bauhinia stem" (Bauhiniae Caulis) 3E & * [guh jiiing 16ngl snuffbox bean stem" (Entadae Caulis); 3 % [guh jing] channel passage; chani~el passage delay 3 * [g,ub lh huang] lysimachia@ (Lysimachiae Herba (cum Radice)); agrimonyO QAgrimoniae Herba) 3??[gub lu6] sieve 3@l'f.&%$? [gub min xing bi y i n ting] Allergic Rhinitis Decoction ~BTk [gub qi yin] Overdue Beverage 3 @ % $ $.[gut, shi jiiin chio] excessive consumption of fried foods &@&?$ [gub shi sheng Eng] excessive consumption of raw or cold foods 3@+?$ A R [gub shi sheng lgng guii guii] excessive consumption of raw or cold foods, gourds, and fruits 5 [gub t i n 16ng] fan-leaved maidenhair@ (Adianti Flabellulati Herba seu Rhizoma) $&&% [gub tang shk] pond dragon@ (Jussiaeae Repentis Herba)
%&% [hiii gC fen] clamshell powder'
q X [ h i qiin] yawn @@$& [ h i mii y6u] forest frog's uterine tube@ (Ranae Temporariae seu Amurensis Tuba Uterina) [email protected]*[h; m i jiang] toad venom' (Buf o n ~ sVenenum) &@& [ h i mii pi] toad skin &@@* [hfi mfi sii] toad venom' (Bufonis Venenum) !!$BE [ h i mii wen] toad head scourge @ @ Z *T[hii m i yi zi] plantago seed' (Plantaginis Semen)
hai BILX [hiii Cr chi] cutch' (Catechu) B IL B * [hii Cr shen] pseudostellaria [root]@ (Pseudostellariae Radix)
B2 [hiii] bone; skeleton; tibia #%# [hiii guiin] knee joint $@ [hiii] sea
%%3 * [hiii chi shiio] sea lavender0 (Limonii Sinensis Radix seu Herba)
@flB%d,\* [hiii chuin guij xin] oroxylum [seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) SflGE*[hiii chuin pi] oroxylum [seed]@ (Ornxyli Semen) 85% [htii dii] eelgrass' (Zosterae Marinae Herba) %a*[hiii di] CV-1 (Seabed) [hiii di yong] seabed welling ab% scess bong) $@#j [hgi Rn] notarchus filament@ (Notarchi Filamentum) % R@ [hiii feng tCng] kadsura pepper stem0 (Piperis Kadsurae Caulis) %@ti [hiii fli shi] pumice' (Pumex) %&* [hiii gC] clamshello (Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha)
(Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha Pulverata) %&% [hiii gC ki] clamshell' (Cyclinae (seu Meretricis) Concha) &$@ 'E [hiii giju shkn] seal's genitals' (Callorhini seu Phocae Testis et Penis) % 2 I * [hiii h6ngl crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) %&?$ [hiii jin shi] lygodium spore@(Lygodii Spora) @&lip* [hiii jin shi] lygodium spore@ (Lygodii Spora) [hiii jin s h i c h ] lygodium@ (Lygodii Herba) [hiii jin s h i gen] lygodium root@ (Lygodii Rhizoma et Radix) %&?$@ [hiii jin sha siin] Lygodium Spore Powder $@&?iP@* [hiii jin s h i tCng] lygodium@ (Lygodii Herba) $@ E 6* [hiii kCin bh] kelp' (Algae Thallus) $@!I$$* [hiii li] dragon's blood' (Daemonoropis Draconis Resina) $ @ ~ F E[hgi * li zi kC] oyster shell' (Ostreae Concha) $@ & [hiii 16ngl pipe-fish' (Syngnathus) &iZ$ jhiii m l ] sea horse' (Hippocampus) %3%S& [hiii mB bii dii siin] Sea Horse Toxin-Drawing Powder %&* [hIi piio] cuttlefish bone' (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) $@&!&j [hiii piiio xiiio] cuttlefish bone' (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) %% [hiii quiin] Sea Source [non-channel] % A 3 [hIi r6n ciio] digenea@(Digenea) %WB*[hiii s h i shen] glehnia [root]@ (Glehniae Radix) i$ @ * [hii she] pipe-fishe (Syngnathus)
$@a# $@a?$@
&S [hiii shen] sea cucumber' (Stichopus Japonicus) &@% [hiii shen zhou] Sea Cucumber Gruel %6*[hiii shi] pumice' (Pumex) &El* [hiii shii] sea cucumber' (Stichopus Japonicus) &FAT [hiii sdng zi] pine nut' (Pini Seme n) @#iJE[hiii t6ng pi] erythrina [bark]' (Erythrinae Cortex) %@JEiE [hiii t6ng pi jiii] Erythrina Decoction %#WE$J [hiii t6ng pi tiing] Erythrina Decoction $3 B [hiii ziio] sargassum' (Sargassi Herba) %S%%?& [hiii ziio yiI hG tang] Sargassum Jade Flask Decoction % 3 [hiii zhC] jelly fish [tentacle]' (Rhopilemae Tentaculum) %% E [hiii zh6 pi] jelly fish skin' (Rhopilemae Umbrella) . 3 [hii] twelfth earthly branch; B12 3 B i j [hii shi] B12 watch [9-11 p.m.]
thin bi] cold constipation [ h i n bi] cold impediment (bi) %a%[ h i n chuiin] cold panting %l.h cP Lk [ h i n c6ng zhdng sheng] cold arising from the center %Ilk [hin 61 cold hiccough %R* [ h i n fill GB-33 (Cold House) %;(;$ [hin gC] repelling cold %M [hin gC] cold occlusion % A * [ h i n guii] watermelon' (Citrulli Fructus) % % & * [ h i n h i o ch6ng fkn] flying squirrel's droppings* (Trogopteri seu Pteromydis Excrementum) @jt [ h i n huh] transformation into cold; cold formation %%&L [ h i n hub luin] cold cholera %@, [hin ji] cold accumulation ?$EBB [ h i n ji fiI tbng] cold accumulation abdominal pain; cold accumulation abdominal pain %&%it:, 't+&$% [hin ji sheng rk, rk ji sheng h i n ] extreme cold engenders heat, extreme heat engenders cold @&{gt(: [ h i n ji si 1-61 extreme cold resembling heat Sfill [hin ji] cold formula %4_6[ h i n jiC] cold bind %4_6BaJ[ h i n jib xiong] cold chest bind; cold chest bind %$E [ h i n jing] cold semen %@ [ h i n jing] cold tetany %% [ h i n juC] cold reversal %jj$f&@j [hin juC xin tbng] cold reversal heart pain %?iJ&!i: [ h i n ki: qiI rk] cold [medicinals] can eliminate heat @@@$ [hin l&ngfG tbng] cold abdominal pain %% [ h i n li] cold shudders ?$j$ij [ h i n li] cold dysentery [ h i n li gii hin] cold shudders and chattering jaws %% [ h i n liI] Cold Dew [17th solar term] %@$il!!: [hin nCng zhi rk] cold can counteract heat %j$jf
HE*[hiin kC] ark shell' (Arcae Concha) HqE* [hiin zi kC] ark shell' (Arcae Concha)
@$%[hiin cii] rorippaa (Rorippae Herba seu Flos)
$Ith [ h i n h u i w i n ] Sucking Pill 3
[ h i n kGu] LI-4 (Holding Mouth) [ h i n shiI] mouthwash $ tjk * [ h i n ti01 cherry' (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) $ g g [ h i n xiii ciio] sensitive plant@ (Mimosae Pudicae Herba) [hin] moisten @ [hgn] cold; chill [same as cold, ?E% wli hcin] %@A [ h i n biio hu6] cold enveloping fire %@t4: [ h h biio rk] cold enveloping heat
SERB! [ h i n ning giin mii] cold congealing rn the liver vessel % #,T%[hin ning qi zhi] congealing cold qi stagnation; congealing cold and stagnating qi %YjZ [hin niii] cold malaria %I@ [hin du] cold vomiting %@ [hin pi] cold aggregation (pi) %% [ h i n pi] cold afflux (pi) %%E% [hin qi fh t h g ] cold qi abdominal pain % Y E % [hin qi ning zhi] congealing cold and stagnant qi %%@i+l [hin qi 6u th] cold qi vomiting % +E E* [hin q u i fkn] flying squirrel's droppings" (Trogopteri seu Pteromydis Excrementum) @$& [hin r i ] cold and heat; fever and chills; fever and aversion to cold %$A%% [ h i n r i cuo z i ] cold-heat complex %$<\A?? [ h i n r i d 8 zuo] great fever and chills %$!:ZS'r,6E [hin r i hh jiC pi] binding cold and heat glomus % ?&%% [hin ri? jiii z i ] cold-heat complex % t!: l's7 4% [ h i n r i jiiin zuo] intermittent fever and chills %$$S[ h i n r? niii] cold-heat malaria 5% $&'?$* [ h i n rk w5ng IBi] alternating fever and chills; alternating ?ever and aversion to cold; alternating cold and heat [hin shin] cold mounting (shhn) % 493%. :?! 4% 5 [hin sh5ng xing, r i shiing qi] cold damages the physical body; heat damages qi % /l/\ f!:% [hin shiio r i duo] more fever than chills %/&RIJ @ [hiin shing zC ffi] when cold prevails, there is swelling % B [ h i n shi] cold-damp % B E [ h i n shi bi] cold-damp impediment (bi) %BBP% [ h i n shi jiiio qi] cold-damp leg qi
% B A E [hin shi jiii bi] cold-damp enduring impediment (bi)
%BBR$ [hin shi khn pi] cold-damp encumbering the spleen
% a m [hin shi li] cold-damp dysentery %BE## [hin shi ning zhi] congealing cold-damp
%BE#Efj [hin shi ning zhi jin gii] cold-damp congealing in the sinews and bones % B E % % W [hin shi ning zhi jing bi] congealing cold-damp menstrual block %BE%%g2 [hin shi ning zhi t h g jing] congealing cold-damp menstrual pain %B@[hin shi tin] cold-damp phlegm [hin shi t6u tong] cold-damp headache % B E @ [hin shi xu8n yiin] cdld-damp dizziness % B E % [hin shi yiio tong] cold-damp lumbar pain % B $ Plil [h8n shi zhong zti] cold-damp obstructing the center 9&% [hin shi] cold repletion %%1&m[hi, shi jiC xiong] cold repletion chest bind %7k;ti [ h i n shui shi] glauberite" (Gypsum seu Calcitum) [hin s6u] cold cough [hin t i n ] cold phlegm %@PHfl$ [hin t i n zii fii] cold phlegm obstructing the lung %% [hin thng] cold pain @ D I [hin tii] cold vomiting %a$i& Chin wen bb shi] excessive cold o r warmth [in the environment o r due to clothing] %ZjE% [hin wli f i n hin] avoid the mistake of using cold against cold %ztq,t&Zix [ h i n wli fli, r i wu chCn] no cold [medicinals] float, no hot [medicinals] sink %7;[hiin xi81 cold precipitation %% [ h i n xiin] cold epilepsy %4P [hin xi61 cold evil %%PjEiEj [ h i n xi6 f8n wki] cold evil invading the stomach
% 4 P g B $ [ h i n xE k i fii] cold evil settling in the lung % Y P E g [ h i n xii xuin yiin] cold evil dizziness $I [ h i n xi6 zhi zhhng] direct strike by cold evil %j% [ h i n xi$] cold diarrhea %JL% [ h i n xin t6ngl cold heart pain [hiin y i ti] cold night crying
% Bl%R [hiin yin h i n y6ngl treating cold with cold
%Pa4%[hiin yin shhng nil yin cold ascending counterflow [hin yin] earthwormm (Lumbricus) S T A [ h i n yin] cold rheum
%tA{Rj$ [ h i n yin f~ fii] cold rheum lying latent in the lung
% t A k % [hiin yin shing nil cold rheum ascending counterflow
%@ [hiin yii] cold stasis
%fll]5& [hiin zC qi shou] cold causes qi
to contract 3$ flIJqk
?Tk!j T RJk [hiin chii bh k i zhi] incessant sweating . ?Tk!jZ& [hin chii gu6 duo] excessive sweating
?T%$ik$%%[ h i n chii ji ji rin] "drizzly" sweating
?T*ffi?H[ h i n chii piiin jii] hemilateral sweating; half-body sweating
??=t; f$ +B [hhn chii r i bij tui] fever unabated by sweating
??2kj~&k/[hin c h i rli y6u] putting forth oily sweat
?T*$I% [hin chii rli zhii] putting forth pearly sweat
? T S [hin d6] inhibited sweating toxin [sore]
R & [ h i n duo] copious sweat ?T& [ h i n fii] sweating ? T Z [ h i n jig] person suffers from excessive sweating
?T@* [ h i n jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]* (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium)
?T$ [ h i n shiio] scant sweat ?Tjg&@ [ h i n w6i xin y i ] sweat is the humor of the heart
?T@ [hiin zhEn] sweat papules
F B [ h i n lij.111 camptothecaa (Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix)
FBS* [hin 1ij.n ciio] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba)
% B s &[hiin lifin ciio siin] Eclipta Powder
FBB [hiin lifin giio] Eclipta Paste FBB [hiin lifin pi] camptotheca bark@ (Camptothecae Cortex)
FEW [hiin liiin y i ] camptotheca leafa (Camptothecae Folium)
F & $ 3[hiin lu6 siin] Dried Freshwater Snail Shell Powder [hin] Han [206 B.C.-220 A. D.] t y f i [hin fiing] kampo [Japanese form of Chinese medicine] WPfi Z* [hhn f5ng ji] mealy fangji [root]" (Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix) W S T * [hin liin zi] forsythia [fruit]' (Forsythiae Fructus) 8E [hiin yi] kampo physician
[Jfj5 [hin zhdng fing ji] northern fangji [root]' (Aristolochiae Heterophyllae Radix) 3 [hin] chin [region under the chin, submandibular region] $JT%[hin xi$ yong] welling abscess bong) under the chin 3)jF [hin yin] GB-4Wi10(Forehead Fullness) [hin zhting] swelling under the chin
$35 [hing bii jii] white Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@(Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis Albus) @, $ 3j [hing bii shio] Hangzhou white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Hangzhouensis (Zhejiangensis)) M%% [hing h u h g jO] yellow Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@(Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis Aureus) % [hing jO] Hangzhou chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Hangzhouensis) * [hing shio] Hangzhou white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Hangzhouensis (Zhejiangensis)) @j$$ [hing siing] palate
hao S~El!l& [hiio qin qing diin ting] Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria GallbladderClearing Decoction B .,- F J @ [ h d n ti5n hisn! Tapanese raspberry@ (Rubi Parvifolii Herba) @ ! EEI BE $W [hiio tiin biiio gen] Japanese raspberry root@ (Rubi Parvifolii Radix) @ ! ##? & * [ha0 .yiing. p*] Japanese raspberry@ (Rub1 Parvlfoh Herba) B [h6o] fine % B 3j [hio bii shio] Anhui white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba Anhuiensis) % % [hao jO] Hao chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Hao) % -33 [hi0 mi01 down Vine hairs]
%$?t[hio zhen] fine needle; filiform needle &%* [hio fii] oyster shell* (Ostreae Concha) 5% * [hio kC] oyster shell* (Ostreae Concha) ?if@ [hio miin] somnolence ?if&% tn [hio shi yi ji] large appetite with rapid hungering ?if0@ [hiio shui] somnolence ?if@ [hio ti] sneezing ?ifE[hio wing] poor memory; forgetfulness [old] % [htto] wear; consume R%&&* [hio zi zhen t6u] cucumber gourd root@ (X-ichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix)
q X [he qiin] yawning ijJ%* [he li] chebule* (Chebulae Fructus) ijJ% $ . * [he li 161 chebule' (Chebulae Fructus)
iFJ%@E* [he li li: pi] chebule* (Chebulae Fructus)
iirJ3[he zi] chebule* (Chebulae Fructus) i-&% [he zi pi sgn] Chebule Powder ijJTm * [he zi rou] chebule* (Chebulae Fructus)
ijJ%% [he zi siin] Cheubule Powder ijJ3'r:k [he zi yin] Chebule Beverage flE#r[:* [he gin] CV-15 (Breastbone) % iF!j [ h i g?n! h r e & h ~ ? n ~[ . I s @ ~ c ) I L ! prncess]
@if@* [hC hC] CV-15 (Breast Bone) j?# [hC liio] LI-19WHo (Grain Bone-
Hole); TB-22 (Grain Bone-Hole)
e [he] combine [or combined with]; combination; unite; union; connect e%[hC bing] combination disease +$%$[hC chgo] mix-frying
chCng zh6 huing] synthetic bamboo sugar@ (Bambusae Concretio Silicea Synthetica) [hC gill L1-4wl1O (Union Valley)
&B* [ h i gii] LI-4 (Uniting Bones) & 8 $ 1 ] [ h i gii ci] valley union needling [one of the five needling methods] &&E [ h i huiin hug] silk tree flower' (l,%ftbizziaeFlos) -i$$ *& * [ h i huiin mh pi] silk tree bark' (Albizziae Cortex) & f$ E*[ h i huiin pi] silk tree bark' (Albizziae Cortex) && E [ h i huiin pi] silk tree bark' (Albizziae Cortex) &fill [ h i ji] mixture e p a * [ h i 161 GV-17 (Skull Union) e b l [ h i mii] combined pulse e41J [he xii] combined evil [ h i xui] uniting point [one of the five transport points] &;fiFF [ h i ydn] combined grinding & P i [ h i ying] BL-55W"O (Yang Union) -&T-q [hC zi c i o ] actinostemma [leaf o r seed]@ (Actinostemmatis Folium seu Semen) {EiJ At$ [ h i r i n yin] Flowery ICnotweed and Ginseng Beverage {EiJSii_S [ h i sh6u wii] flowery knotweed [root]' (Polygoni Multiflori Radix) 4FJEG # [ h i sh6u wii siin] Flowery Knotweed Powder 1FJf;i- G ? ~ J [ h i sh6u WU tiing] Flowery ICnotweed Decoction $1 [ h i ] harmonize; harmonization; harmonious @I&[ h i fii] harmonization $OR? [ h i giin] harmonize the liver $DE [ h i huiin] harmonious and moderate $a M [ h i jiE] harmonize; harmonization; harmonize and resolve; harmonizing resolution $DM+% +@ [ h i jiE b i n b i i o b i n li] harmonize half exterior half interior patterns; harmonize midstage patterns; midstage harmonization +Dftq%@ [ h i jig biiio li] harmonize the exterior and interior $DfiBfilJ [ h i jii: ji] harmonizing resolution formula
$D@/J.\PR[ h i jiE shho yiing] harmonize the lesser yang (shho ycing); lesser yang (shho ycing) harmonization $DG* [ h i kong] TB-22 (Harmony Hollow) $ [ I # ? [ h i lido] TB-22 (Harmony BoneHole) $D %B9StL [ h i r6ng s i n jiiin win] Construction-Harmonizing HardnessDissipating Pill $DEjS$* [ h i shi ciio] scallion' (Allii Fistulosi Herba) $1 E [ h i wki] harmonize the stomach; gastric harmonization $1 E .ItB [ h i wki h u i tdn] harmonize the stomach and transform phlegm $a g [ h i wki jig ching] harmonize the stomach and resolve liquor $D E @ S [ h i wki li qi] harmonize the stomach and rectify qi $[I W E i B [ h i wki xing jiii] harmonize the stomach'and restore soberness $1 g ltDK [ h i wki zhi 6u] harmonize the stomach and check vomiting $Oai$!W [ h i xuk xi feng] harmonize the blood and extinguish wind $[I BQ [ h i zhen] harmonizing array $a [ h i zhong] harmonize the center; center harmonization A [hi] river $iJEiSF l\ %StL [ h i chi5 bii wki wdn] EightIngredient Placenta Pill @j-e-/rZStL [ h i che d i z i o w5n] Placenta Great Creation Pill jffj$5$* [ h i chi5 lh] GV-1 (River Cart Road) $5 [hi] kernel; node $5++ [ h i gii] node bone [lateral rnalleolus] @#h* [ h i tdo] walnut [kernel]' (Juglandis Semen) * [ h i tdo r6u] walnut [kernel]' (Juglandis Semen) tH [hi] desiccated; desiccation @@ [ h i gEng] lotus stalk' (Nelumbinis Petiolus seu Pedicellus) 8 P - f [ h i ye] lotus leaf' (Nelumbinis Folium)
W W % [ h i yi: di] lotus leaf base8 (Nelumbinis Basis Folii) W W E [ h i y6 ging] lotus leafstalk' (Nelumbinis Petiolus); lotus stalk' (Nelumbinis Petiolus seu Pedicellus) %WE [ h i yi: tin] charred' lotus leafm (Nelumbinis Folium Carbonisatum) W [he yi: zhi] lotus leaf juicee (Nelumbinis Folii Succus) [hi] jaw corner; angle of the mandible jFO E K T [hi: wki jiinb qi] harmonize the stomach and downbear qi @$JJi* [hi: ding] ST-34 (Crane Top) %qZJ.* [hi: shi] carpesium seed@ (Carpesii Fructus) j2qZJ. [hi: shi] carpesium seed@ (Carpesii Fructus) gq/$Efl [hk xi feng] crane's knee wind [hk xi tan] crane's knee phlegm
%Nil R * [hei fh pikn] black sliced aconite
[accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Denigratum) % N $ T * [hEi fh zi] black sliced aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Denigratum) % B f i [hei giio fang] Black Paste Formula %t&fiR* [hei gii niang] black nightshade" (Solani Nigri Herba) %&F* [hei gh zi] psoralea [seed]@(Psoraleae Semen) %!J3/J+A[hei gui pi win] Black Tangkuei Spleen-Returning Pill % if8 $fJ [hei hii jiao] black peppere (Piperis Fructus Immaturus) sfiff [hei hii dan] Black Tiger Elixir % E K * [hEi hug she] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) %$i$* [hei jiang] blast-fried ginger@(Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum) hei %j$!PaZih*[hei jiio wei ling xiiin] % [hli] black [color associated with clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix) kidney-water] SCig* [hei jii: sui] charred schizonepeta % Q B* [hei b&i ch6uI morning glory spike@(Schizonepetae Flos Carbonisata) [seed]' (Pharbitidis Semen) [hEi jing] dark of the eye [cornea % 3 [hei c h h ] black morning glory and iris] [seed]@ (Pharbitidis Semen Atrum) % FlJ3 * [hei j>ng 6 charred % A g [hei d i dbu] black soybean@ sch~zonepetao(Schizonepetae Herba et (Glycines Semen Atrum) Flos Carbonisatae) %A g B [hei dk dbu pi] black soybean %IlShrff#H[hEi jing pb siin] damage to the seed-coat@ (Glycines Testa Atra) dark of the eyes %% [hEi dhi] black vaginal discharge SSR* [hei Iio hii] scarlet kadsura [stem and leaflo (Kadsurae Coccineae Caulis %Z [hei dgn] black jaundice m ua A n.2; A;.,r v u , .~ LA " ~l I~ g C ,,,. JL. =q x r rv oj r+ ~; ~ ~ I~ , nL u. .~ ~s ~g et Folium) (Aspongopus) %Z{UJ* [hei ling xiiin] clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix) %S*[hei dbu] black soybean@(Glycines Semen Atrum) %mPt [hei mihn ye] shrubby breyniaa (Breyniae Fruticosae Ramulus et Folium) %SF&*[hei dbu chi] fermented soybean (2)@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum) SGPt;t;R [hei mikn yi: gen] shrubby breynia root0 (Breyniae Fruticosae Radix) %Z@*[hei dbu shi] fermented soybean (2)@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum) %&Z[hei pi qi] black-skinned astragalus [rootla (Astragali Radix Atra) % ILX* [hei i r chi] black cutch@ (Catechu Atrum) % @ + * [hei qiiin ni~i]black morning glory [seed]@(Pharbitidis Semen Atrum) %M [hei feng] black wind % @ + F * [hei qian ni6 zi] black morning % M F * [hei fEng zi] arctium [seed]@ glory [seed]@(Pharbitidis Semen Atrum) (Arctii Fructus)
%$* [hei qiC] black nightshade" (Solani Nigri Herba) % @ 2[hei rii tii] black as cinders % Z @ *[hei siin lCng] sparganium [root]@ (Sparganii Rhizoma) SgPE* ,, [hei shii xing] bat's droppings' (Vespertilionis Excrementum) 3 h&* [hei shan zhi] charred gardenia [fruit]@ (Gardeniae Fructus Carbonisatus) % 8 * [hei shen] scrophularia [root]@ (Scrophulariae Radix) %@$&[[hei shCn s @ ~Black ] Spirit Powder %@* [hei shkn] hulberrym (Mori Fructus) % llE k , [heif shhn p i h ] black sliced aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Denigratum) %3T*[hei sCi zi] perilla fruit@(Perillae Fructus) %S[hei tail black tongue fur %E%,$S[hei tiii jiiio ciio] rough parched black tongue fur %%*: [hEi tiiin tiiin] black nightshade0 (Solani Nigri Herba) %X#j$r][hEi t6u fen ci] blackhead % -S #j * [hei wu shiio] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) % +$?, * [hei xi] galenitem (Galeniturn) %%B'[hei xi diin] Galenite Elixir %@F*[hei xi5 zi] bear's galle (Ursi Fel) %%G@ [hei xi50 yio siin] Black Free Wanderer Powder %&ZZ* [hei xing xing] black nightshadee (Solani Nigri Herba) [hei yiin] dark of the eye; cornea and iris % I%* [hei yG] snakehead mullet' (Ophicephali Caro) % F [hei ziio] black jujube [fruit]@ (Ziziphi Fructus Ater) $ Z m * [hei zhi mi] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) %BE% [hei zhi mB] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atsum)
$@F *
[hei zhi zi] charred gardenia [fruit]@ (Gardeniae Fructus Carbonisatus) [hei zhi] black mole
Ifi3 [hCng] lower leg; shin jjjfi3R [hkng gii] shinbone [tibia]
h * [ h h g shiin] dichroa [root]@ (Dichroae Radix) @$$q [hing ci] transverse insertion @$ [hkng ciin] horizontal body inch [hCng gii] transverse bone; pubic bone; hyoid bone; KI-11W"O (Pubic Bone) ;1;j$P * [hCng hh] CV-7 (Horizontal Door) ;1;%g [hCng clie] cut transversely @&*[hing she] GV-15 (Opposite the Tongue) ;1;%2& [hCng wCn] transverse crease B E [hdng xiin] bubo sore Jlfj [hing] lower leg; shin
hong [bong] bake
INB [hGng fing] oven; drying chamber JgT[hGng gan] oven-dry [hGng rk] baking fever; steady fever [bong wei] oven-roast t&bX [ h h g miii] surging pulse t & g [h6ng yin] Surging Sound [nonchannel] g 1 [h6ng] red [color associated with heartfire1 a B [ h h g b i i li] red and white dysentery 21 B %% [h6ng biii li ji] red and white dysentery gI3fZ#! [h6ng bei xi61 smilax tuber@ (Smilacis Tuber) %I@ % [h6ng beng bLi b6i di] red flooding and white discharge tI+.T [h6ng bi zi] red nose %I%* .[bong chi] purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba)
[h6ng ch&]black tea* (Theae Folium Fermentatum) gg*[h6ng chiii] sappan [wood]* (Sappan Lignum) M s f i 4 4 , [h6ng chi xu6 si] red blood threads [bong ci gii] water chestnut* (Heleocharitis Cormus) [h6ng d i ji] knoxia [root]@(Knoxiae Radix) f i * [h6ng diin] minium* (Minium) QQ* [h6ng dbu] rice bean* (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen); rosary pea* (Abri Precatorii Semen) tIQ% [h6ng dbu kbu] galangal fruit* (Alpiniae Galangae Fructus) LtSE*[bong fiin xiin] purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba) M U * [ h h g fin] red arsenic0 (Arsenicum Rubrum) *I#*[bong fen] red upborne elixir (Hy- drogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Rubrum) tI:Ln%* [h6ng f h g cii] purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba) tI& @* [h6ng gao. ling] halloysite* (Halloysitum Rubrum) tI@K [h6ng gii shC] Japanese kadsura [root]@ (Kadsurae Japonicae Radix et Caulis) ZIT% [bong h i n liin] giant hypericumO (Hyperici Ascyronis Herba) gIE [h6% huii] carthamus [flowerla (Carthami Flos) ?IE@j!R 5 * [hong huii cG jiiing ciio] iavencier sorrcio (Gxaiiais Coryinbosae Herba seu Radix) gIE@ [h6ng huii siin] Carthamus PowdeigIE&$@S* [bong huii yi mii ego] leonurus@ (Leonuri Herba) $Issjf;$& b [bong huiing pli pb tang] Sargentadoxa, Rhubarb, Dandelion, and Magnolia Bark Decoction g~ * [bong jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]* (Zanthoxyli Pericarpiurm) a H * [bong ICn huii] carthamus [flower]@ (Carthami Flos)
a%$?$, a
[ h h g ling dan] Red Spirit Elixir; red upborne elixir (Hydrogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Rubrum) tIZ@i[h6ng ling jiG] Red Spirit Wine LtZ&*[bong ling sgn] red upborne elixir (Hydrogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Rubrum) tIg%%& [h6ng lG chi hen] red thread mark [bong lub] red network vessels tI&Z [h6ng mCi huii] red mume flower@ (Mume Flos Rubus) & # * [h6ng mCi xiiio] Japanese raspberry@ (Rubi Parvifolii Herba) M % * [h6ng mi] red infested rice@ (Oryzae Semen cum Monasco); red mfested rice@ (Oryzae Semen cum Monasco) tf4$,@+ [bong miin tCng] red-downed rubus@ (Rubi Rufo-Lanati Folium et Ramulus) 1 [h6ng md xiiing] longstalked kadsura root (bark)@ (Kadsurae Longipedunculatae Radix seu Radicis Cortex) [bong niiing zi] red cicada@ (Huec hys) 216tt:[h6ng pi] red arsenic0 (Arsenicum Rubrum) . 2IE* [h6ng pi] tangerine peel* (Citri Exocarpium) 2 1BtR * [bong pli gen] sparganium [root]@ (Sparganii Rhizoma) ax* [bong qi] Jin astragalus [root]' (Hedysari Radix) $149[h6ng qii] red infested rice@[Oryzae Semen cum Monasco) 2IA B* thong r6n shen] red ginseng@ (Gingseng Radix Rubra) %I$n%Pr thong r6 t6 diin] red as if smeared with cinnabar *I&PrU@fi [hong s& rli tli diin] red in color as though smeared with cinnabar 21% [h6ng shii] red sand (sha) %IFjG* [h6ng sh6o yio] red peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Rubra) $IS[bong shen] red ginsengo (Gingseng Radix Rubra)
*I:L [h6ng sheng] red upborne elixir (Hydrogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Rubrum) g1:L-A- [h6ng sheng diin] Red Upborne Elixir; red upborne elixir (Hydrogyrum Oxydatum Crudum Rubrum) 36%[h6ng shi giio] red gypsum@(Gypsum Rubrum) %I ;ET * [h6ng shi t6u] hematiteo (Haematitum) gig@ [h6ng shii zhbu] Sweet Potato Gruel g I 4 k . g [h6ng si ding] red-thread clove sore (ding) $ 1 4L k j [h6ng si xiin] Roxburgh peristrophe@ (Peristrophes Roxburghianae Herba) %I&!*[h6ng sdng mir] prickly aralia [root bark]@ (Araliae Echinocaulis Radicis Cortex) g 1 %j!& * [ h h g su6 mki] Japanese raspberry@ (Rubi Parvifolii Herba) a%* [ h h g ting] brown sugaro (Saccharon Granulatum Rubrum) a E * [h6ng tCng] sargentodoxa [stem]@ (Sargentodoxae Caulis) g I % $ $ $ J [h6ng tCng jiiin ji] Sargentadoxa Brewed Formula a %2 [h6ng tiiin kui] tea begoniao (Begoniae Fimbristipulatae Cormus seu Herba) a&* [h6ng tii] halloysite" (Halloysitum Rubrum) 3I]\ 9* [h6ng xigo dbu] rice beano (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) gd$;Ei* [h6ng xin shi] red arsenic0 (Arsenicum Rubrum) %~&lj@ [h6ng y6u giio] Red Oil Paste g I 3 % * [h6ng yir chi] purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba) t I 8 * [h6ng z i o ] jujubeo (Ziziphi Fructus) 3 : I Q Z [h6ng zC lin] strobilanthes@(Strobilanthis Herba) $IB[h6ng zhen] red papules ZIBfi* [h6ng zhi] leecho (Hirudo seu Whitmania) -..
[h6ng cii] iris
@ I S * [h6ng ni jiin cio] pyrrosia [leaflo (Pyrrosiae Folium) [h6ng shkng] scutellaria [rootlo (Scutellariae Radix) [ h h g xiiing] drying oven $%%*[h6ng t6u] euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen) +[h6ng cio] Oriental smartweedo (Polygoni Orientalis Herba (cum Radice))
a@ *
hou 4% EW & [h6u shi hei s i n ] Hou's Black Powder @ [h6u] throat; larynx; laryngeal 9 [fl [h6u bi] throat block q%@ [h6u bi] throat impediment (bi) ol%%Tf$EE [h6u bi bh nCng yin] throat impediment (bi) preventing speech i@@ [h6u di] back of the throat @E [h6u ding] clove sore (ding) of the throat r(%@ [h6u 151 throat moth Ilr%R[h6u feng] throat wind I@B[h6u giin] throat gan i@# [h6u guiin] throat pass [isthmus of fauces] 4%2% [h6u guiin yong] throat pass welling abscess Cydng) @@ [h6u hC] throat node [tonsil] @Ma$%$& [h6u jiiin t i n sheng 1h lh] phlegm gurgling in the throat al%B[h6u jhn] throat mushroom @ $4 Z$ * [h6u ke cio] Chinese smartweedo (Polygoni Chinensis Herba) @@ [h6u liG] tumor of the throat I@@ [h6u 16ngl throat I@@% [h6u 16ng c i o ] umbellate rock jasmine0 (Androsaces Umbellatae Herba seu Fructus) %%T2 [h6u 16ng giin mi01 tickly dry throat t@afZ;y$j [h6u 16ng tbng] sore throat nl%@A+y$j [hou 16ng zhdng tbng] sore swollen throat
[h6u ming y6u sheng] throat rale @@ [h6u shii] laryngeal sand (sha) %@ [h6u tbng] sore throat % X E S [h6u t6u fii ying] itchy throat af5@ [h6u xiin] throat lichen ,(xiiin) q5UB=f@ [h6u yiin giin zho] dry throat tS% [h6u yin] throat rock (ycin) q 5 S [h6u syiing] itchy throat [h6u yong] welling abscess (ybng) of the throat qS [h6u zhong] CV-23 (Larynx Center) @ @ @! P l l [h6u zhong ging zii] blockage of the throat qS +@DL2 [h6u zh6ng t i n ming] phlegm rale in the throat YS* ?% 7 k % F [h6u zh5ng y6u shui ji sheng] frog rale in the throat @*I++ [h6u zhong zub shgng] throat rale E B * [h6u diin] macaque stone" (Macacae Calculus) ?iij;@ [h6u gan] monkey gan E 8 [h6u zio] macaque stone" (Macacae Calculus) %%@ [h6u z5o sin] Macaque Stone Powder 3# $3* [h6u zhii] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) E T % * [h6u zi 2501 macaque stone" (Macacae Calculus) %T [h6u zi] wart 6 [ h b j behind; posierior 6%[hbu cong] Posterior Hearing [nonchannel] Gm [hbu ding] GV-19W"O (Behind the Vertex) 6%PZ [h6u fii ji] posterior hairline G X * [hbu guiin] GB-2 (Hind Gate) Gx$![hbu hhn] Later Han [947-%O A. D.] 6 [hbu jin] Later Jin [936-946 A.D.] G 2 [hbu liang] Later Liang [907-923 A.D.] .6 J# [hbu qi] final stage [of disease]; advanced stage [of disease]
Gm * [hbu qii] GB-1 (Hind Curve)
[hbu 1-61add at end; end addition [923-936 A. D.] 6% [hbu tiiin] later heaven; acquired; acquired constitution G*2$ [hbu tiiin zhi bcn] root of later heaven G Z 2 A [ V u tiiin zhi hu6] later heaven fire G X 2 E [hbu tiiin zhi jing] later heaven essence GDfi * [hbu ting gong] Rear Auditory Palace [non-channel] GUfi & * [hbu 'ting hui] Rear Auditory Convergence [non-channel] GDfifl [hbu ting xu61 Rear Hearing Point [non-channel] [hbu t6u tbng] posterior headache G @ [hbu xi] SI-3W'lO (Back Ravine) 67; [hhu xih] add at end; end addition G&@j [hbu xu6 hiii] Rear Sea of Blood [non-channel] %Pa% [hbu y6ng guiin] Back Yang Joint [non-channel] GPa [hbu yin] posterior yin [the anus]; anus GS1'7 * [hbu zhiing mkn] LV-13 (Rear Camphorwood Gate) %T& [hhu zhbng] pressure in the rectum BW [hhu zhbu] Later Zhou [951-960 A.D.] JI$I [hbu] thick [in dimension]; rich [flavor]
G E [hbu ting] Later Tang
lF~p j~~v pwj u 1:Iai;l:wx:a
~ - - i - e /xa
Cortex) @$E* [hbu pb] magnolia barke (Magnoliae Cortex) E*EE [hbu pb huii] magnolia flower (2)' (Magnoliae Flos (2)) E$E-k%% [hbu pb qi wh tiing] Magnolia Bark Seven Agents Decoction E$E3%?5 [hhu pb siin wii tang] Magnolia Bark Three Agents Decoction B ; t ; b ! k S + ~ ~ @ A S P[hbu,,pb 5 jiiing b i n xiii giin ciio rCn shen tiing] Magnolia Bark, Fresh Ginger, Pinellia, Licorice, and Ginseng Decoction
@~F~CES+E,ABH$%J [hbu pb sheng jiiing b i n xi8 rCn shen giin ciio tiing] Magnolia Bark, Fresh Ginger, Pinellia, Ginseng, and Licorice Decoction E$b 122Cf7& [hbu pb wen zhiing tiing] Magnolia Bark Center-Warming Decoction -EE[hbu tail thick tongue fur I@ [ h h ] symptom; indicate; reflect 4687%[hbu mii] examine the pulse; take the pulse; pulse examination; pulsetaking
np [hii] exhale; shouting
[voice of the liver] flF&% $ [hii duii xi shiio] exhalation more than inhalation fly$?% [hii jiio dii m i ] vociferation and wolent behavior IJpX [hu qiin] yawn a$@ [hu xi] breathing; respiration; Respiration [non-channel] WF@+bt%&[hu xi bii xi6 fH] respiratory method of supplementation and drainage np%+bt%+& [hu xi bii xi& sh6u fH] respiratory supplementation and drainage jjfi [hii] fox; foxy; fox-like; vulpine $122 [hii chbu] foxy smell; armpit odor $iS33! [hii li] fox; foxy; vulpine jjfi@$jh* [hii li ti01 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]' (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) [hir shin] foxy mounting (shin); vulpine mounting (shhn) jllafl [hu sh8n fEng] foxy mounting (shhn) wind; vulpine mounting (shhn) wind & , E* [hli bii] fenugreek [seed]' (FoeniG r a e c ~Semen) & , & F * [hli ciing zi] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus); xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) t$jkj@* [hii d 8 hgi] sterculiae (Sterculiae Semen) #I M * [hii fzn] processed galeniteo (Galeniturn Praeparatum)
&,FJ&k+* [hii gh zi] psoralea [seed]@ (Psoraleae Semen) #I$$%[hG huing liin] picrorhiza [root]@ (Picrerhizae Rhizoma) &,#X [hii jiiio] pepper' (Piperis Fructus) @g* [hli liin] picrorhiza [rootlo (Picrorhizae Rhizoma) M E * [hli liin] picrorhiza [rootla (Picrorhizae Rhizoma) ,!iAcarP- E * [hii lii bii] fenugreek [seedla (Foeni-Graeci Semen) &JJ e! [hii 16 bii] fenugreek [seed]' (Foeni-Graeci Semen) F E 3 [hu 10 bii siin] Fenugreek Powder #IF EStl [hii lii b5 win] Fenugreek Pill &A)& * [hO m i ] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) .itt; [h6 m i hug] sesame flower0 (Sesami Flos) &Jj$${=* [hir m i rCn] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) #J$$?&* [h6 mii y6u] sesame oil0 (Sesami Seminis Oleum) #I * [hii qin zi] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) & , +4 * [hli qi6ngl ligusticum [root]@ (Lgustici Rhizoma) &, [hii sui] coriandera (Coriandri Herba cum Radice) #gT [hii sui zi] coriander seede (Coriandri Fructus) &,#h*[hii tio] walnut [kernel]' (Juglandis Semen) @j$jk{: [hli t60 r b ] walnut [kernel]" (Juglandis Semen) @j$& m * [hu 160 rbu] walnut [kernel]' (Juglandis Semen) @$jkStl. [hii t6o w6n] Walnut Pill if8#k@[hG t i o zhi] walnut twig' (Juglandis Ramulus) #I$$[hu t60 zhou] Walnut Gruel &,Jj#J@ [hli t6ng lki] Tartar poplar resin0 (Populi Diversifoliae Resina) &BE$- a t [hii tui zi yk] puilgent oleaster leafo , 'Jueagni Pungentis Folium)
ifB3@8* [h6 w5ng shi zhg] notopterygium [root]@ (Notopterygii Rhizoma) ifB3@&* [h6 wing shi zhg] pulsatilla [root]@ (Pulsatillae Radix) N S % i g [hli yin luin yii] nonsensical talk Z F [hli lli] bottle gourd* (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) S #ti 32 * [h6 ping d o ] siphonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba) &QE*[hii huii] rose' (Rosae Flos) S F * [h6 161 bottle gourd* (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) SF E * [h6 lli bii] fenugreek [seed]. (Foeni-Graeci Semen) @ F E $L [hli I6 ba win] Funugreek Pill S F Z [hli 16 chi] bottle-gourd tea@ (Desmodii Triquetri Herba) SEJ3* [hli sh6u gui] tangkuei head@ (Angelicae Sinensis Radicis Caput) $#I [hii] paste $#I% [hli win] flour and water paste pill 4ld@B [hli diC ban] butterfly macules W @ E [hli diC huii] Japanese irisa (Iridis Japonicae Herba) #!31If,@ [h6 sun giin] monkey gan [h6. ji sheng] red-berried mistletoe@ (Vlsci Ramus) Ifj, [hii] tiger R$@ [hii biiin] tiger's genitals' (Tigris Penis et Testis) R 2 [hii biiin] Beside the Tiger [nonchannel] ,R$j !hQ &] 2an;n~anthusS(aamna.;ajjthi Herba seu Radix) R S S [hii er ciio] saxifrage* (Saxifragae Herba) f i @[hii gii] tiger bone' (Tigris 0 s ) R#B2 [hii gii jiiio] tiger bone glue' (Tigris Gelatinum Ossis) RJR* JK@ [hii gii mii guii jiii] Tiger Bone and Chaenomeles Wine R e El! f i $L [hri gii si jin w5n] Tiger Bone Four Jin Pills [hii ji] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix)
R E @ [hii jing gii] tiger's kneecap* (Tigris Patella) [hii k6u] tiger's mouth (region between the first and second metacarpal bones); LI-4 (Tiger's Mouth) fig*[hii lin] lycopus@ (Lycopi Herb31 &$I * [hii pb] amber* (Succinum) RQ$*[hii pa] ambero (Succinum) BB* [hii pli] lycopusa (Lycopi Herba) fi%h [hii qiin win] Hidden Tiger Pill RRB* [hii xi gii] tiger's kneecap* (Tigris Patella) RSDE [hii xii ding] tiger's-whiskers clove sore (ding) RSB@ [hfi xii dli] tiger's-whiskers toxin Iff@@ [hii yso huing] greater ground -ivy0 (Glechomae Grandis Herba) F? % * [hii zhiing] arkaemma [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma) IffS E E * [hii zhiing n i n xing] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma) F?M [hii zhing] bushy knotweed [root]@ (Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma) RM&* [hii zhing gen] bushy knotweed [root]@ (Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma) %3$ [hG pb] amber* (Succinum) %@* [hii pb] amber* (Succinum) 3j?$i@*#@~ [hii pb iin shCn tiing] Amber Spirit-Quieting Decoction %@j+jXfi [hii pi3 biio 16ng win] Amber Dragon-Embracing Pill Be$!%*[hij p6 m6] amber powder* (SucG I ~ ITuirisj E3$3 [hii pb siin] Amber Powder P [hb] door P [J [hii men] door gate [the teeth] [hii] bottle gourd* (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) %la* [hc guii] bottle gourdo (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) $P&&\#j [hii chh bi tbng] protected spot indicates pain I P Y Z * [hii sheng cii] shepherd's purse* (Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba)
hua k [huii] flower d ~ b . % *[hug biin mi01 mylabrisa (MyL
E l g * [hug bii] many-horned sumac gallnuto (Rhois Galla Multicornis) [huii ciio] rice-paper plant pith' (Tetrapanacis Medulla) E#j*[huii fCn] trichosanthes rooto (Trichosanthis Radix) k#!l. [hug jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) E#1E [hug jiio thn] charred zanthoxylum [husk]@ (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium Carbonisatum) E#!l.Dt [ h ~ jiiio i yk] zanthoxylum leaf' (Zanthoxyli Folium) k E.& * [huii kC ch6ngl mylabrisa (Mylabris) k & % * [huii 16ng gii] dragon bone@ (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia); flowery dragon bone0 (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia Florida) E E Q * [huii qi shen] American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) k$LE*[huii rii shi] ophicalcite' AOphicalcitum) [huii rui shi] ophicalclte' (Ophicalcitum) E % G @ [hug rui shi siin] Ophicalcite Powder d~,;x-;;Eik@& [hug rui shi zhi xu2 siin] Ophicalcite Blood-Stanching Powder E * [huii shEng] peanut [kernel]' (Arachidis Semen) E.+* [huii sheng yi] peanut sead-coat' (Arachidis Testa) E&EE*[huii xi$n kt] ark shell' (Arcae Concha) k !$# Q LG [hug yi bii xiin] pitted flowery white screen [hug] luster; bloom %g [huii gii] florid canopy; CV-2OWff0 (Florid Canopy) +%% [hui ghi siin] Florid Canopy Powder %E.+fiT * [ h u i n i n di ding] southern gentian0 (Gentianae Lourei Herba cum Radice)
+(Physochlainae 22 [hui shiin shen] physochlainaa Radix) + p q g e * [hug tu6 jii ji] Hua Tuo's Paravertebrals [non-channel] [hug tu6 jiii ji xu61 Hua Tuo's paravertebral points * +lE%B& [hui tu6 lCi xiio siin] Hua Tuo's Efficacious Powder +Pt&M& [hui tu6 yti fEng siin] Hua Tuo's Wind-Healing Powder tB [hui] glossy; slippery; efflux; lubricate @JEi [hug ching] lubricate the intestines tBfill [hui ji] lubricating formula @j@j [hui jing] seminal efflux @jq&$$ [hui kC qii zhu6] slippery [medicinals] can eliminate fixity; lubricating [medicinals] can eliminate fixity tB;fiFlj# 5 [hui li guin jii] disinhibit the joints tglbk [hui mhi] slippery pulse tB;lm T I [hui rbu men] ST-24Wlf0(Slippery Flesh Gate) t B 6 [hug shi] talcum' (Talcum) #c#j* [hui shi fen] talcum' (Talcum) tB;Ei@ [hui shi tang] talcum scorching @;ti% [huB shi zhbu] Talcum Gruel [hui tiii] habitual miscarriage [hui tiii] glossy tongue fur; slippe tongue fur [hui tu6] efflux desertion tBN [hui xii] efflux diarrhea tB @ [I* [hui ybu men] ST-24 (Slippel Dark Gate) .It [hui] transform; transformation; form [to make or become]; formation .It& [hui biin] transform macules ItB2#$3?% [huh b i n jig dir tiing] MaculeTransforming Toxin-Resolving Decoction .It % [huii b i n tang] MaculeTransforming Decoction .It% [hui cii] varied; variation .It& StL [huh ch6ng win] WormTransforming Pill .ItM [hui fEng] wind formation
4CB [huh fii] transform putridity 4 t l'f-K [huh g5n jiin] Liver-Transforming
Brew ' 4 t A [huh hu6] transform into fire; transformation into fire; fire formation IC&;ti* [huh jin shi] niterm (Nitrum) It & [huh ju h6ngl Huazhou pomelo rind@ (Citr~G r a n d ~ Exocarpium s Rubrum) I C X B * [huh long gii] dragon bone@ (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia) 4t&?& [huh n6ng jiti] suppurative moxibustion I t E [huh pi] transform glomus I t 5 [huh qi] promote qi transformation iC%$l17JC [huh qi li shui] promote qi transformation and disinhibit water it?!\ [hug 1-61transform into heat; transformation into heat; heat formation 4L B [huh shi] transform dampness [eliminate]; dampness formation 4C B @ t!r [huh sh? qing re] transform dampness and clear heat I t ?if$* [huh shi ciio] orthosiphon@ (Orthosiphonis Herba) 4C E h i [huh shi s h ] Stone-Transforming Powder 4Cf$%l@% [huh shi yiing pi tiing] FoodTransforming Spleen-Nourishing Decoction IC 7 K @ T ?% [huh shui zhhng zi tiing] Water-Transforming Seed-Planting Decoction 4C& [huh t i n ] transform phlegmj phlegm transformation 4 C @ A R [huh t i n kiii qiho] transform $ ! c p and =pen :he i;rlkes IC @$I1 7R [huh t i n li shui] transform phlegm and disinhibit water ICEjFlJ 7)
f t ~ [huh A xu6 diin] Blood-Transforming Elixir
KPR E [huh yin jiiin] Yin-Forming Brew 4ttA% [huh yin jig biio] transform rheum and resolve the exterior
{ L a [huh yii] transform stasis .ICWlTrfn [huh yh xing xu21 transform stasis and move the blood
.IC@+X [huh yuin bh zG] insufficiency of the source of transformation [inadequate blood a n d qi production] 4 t t ' [huh z i o ] transform into dryness; transformation into dryness; dryness formation It@ El gfi [ h u i zheng hui sheng diin] Concretion-Transforming Return-to-Life Elixir I-t$l'l%%* [ h u i zhou jli hong] Huazhou pomelo rind@ (Citri Grandis Exocarpium Rubrum) u;Ei* [huh shi] talcume (Talcum)
huai %tiYB??$* [huii nili xi] achyranthes [rootla (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix)
'B * [huii shiin] dioscorea [rootla (Dioscoreae Rhizoma)
Bh%* [huii shiin yio] dioscorea [rootla (Dioscoreae Rhizoma)
@)I\ g * [huii xiso mhi] light wheat [grain]@ (Tritici Semen Leve) * [huii d h ] sophora fruit0 (Sophorae Fructus) $3;tt [ h u G hniij s n ~ h n r ~f l c ~ e ~ ~ (Sophorae Flos) i(;%Z*[huii huii mi] sophora [flower] bud' (Sophorae Flos Immaturus) +%E;;lr [huii huii s i n ] Sophora Flower .Powder ;f8jEE [huiii hua t i n ] charred sophora flower' (Sophorae Flos Carbonisatus) +%@ [huii jiiio] sophora resin' (Sophorae Resina) B B [huii jiiio] sophora fruit0 (Sophorae Fructus) +%%A[huii jiiio win] Sophora Fruit Pill
4% W.lT* [huii jijo zi] sophora [flower] bud" (Sophorae Flos Imrnaturus) $%gfl* [huii liiin d h g ] sophora fruit' (Sophorae Fructus) ;(%gg* [huii liin dbu] sophora fruit" (Sophorae Fructus) $%%* [huii mi] sophora [flower] bud" (Sophorae Flos Irnrnaturus) $% * E [huii mi tin] charred sophora [flower] bude (Sophorae Flos Irnmaturus Carbonisatus) 4% E * [huiii rui] sophora flower" (Sophorae Flos) &%* [huii shi] sophora fruit0 (Sophorae Fructus) $BBh%[huii xiiing sgn] Sophora Flower and Musk Powder @ @ [huii zhi] sophora twig0 (Sophorae Ramulus) $29' [huiii zi] sophora fruit0 (Sophorae Fructus) @! [huii] ankle bone [malleolus] @3$t[huii siin zhEn] Three Ankle Needles R@%jfn[huii siin yii xu&]sprained ankle with static blood ?;I % ; [huii jii] Huaiqing chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysantherni Flos Huaiqingensis) f;I;+E*[hu6i n i t xi] achyranthes [root]@. (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix) . +.;ILLI%* ; [huii shiin yho] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) ?;I;@ [hu@iy h ] pregnancy @B* [huiii xiiing] fennel [fruit]. (Foeniculi Fructus)
[ h u h yui?] Leaping Round [nonchanrzel] [huAn zhong] In the Round [nonchannel] Z [huin] restore Pr [huin shho diin] Rejuvenation Elixir ZPJj$&F@i [huin yin jiG kii tang] YinReturning Bitterness-Relieving Decoction @ [ h u h ] slack; slacken; moderate; mild [huin biiJ mild supplementation $$$#& [ h u b bii fii] mild supplementation $$$fj- [huin fiing] gentle formula BH@[email protected]% [ h u h giin li pi tang] LiverRelaxing Spleen-Rectifying Decoction %?%I [ h u h hi] moderate s3, [ h u h ji] relax tension g b 3 [huin mii] moderate pulse [huBn xih] mild precipitation $$$flIJ%$ [huIn z6 zhi bin] in moderate conditions treat the root 4;lEhlB [huhn xigng huin jui] delusions and illusions ,& [huin] suffer ,@,{gr] [ h u b ck] affected side & JL [ h u h i r ] child patient ,$[I [ h u b min] suffe;ins Gate [tzonchannel] ,&A [huin rin] patient &+j [huhn zhit] patient &-&[ h u b chi] change of teeth & [ h u h ] paralysis I
@G* [huin @RfF
gii] GB-30 (Round Valley)
Sfij j& [ h u h qi Cr tbng] pain around
the navel; periumbilical pain 5fBb [ h u h tiho] GB-30W"O (Jumping Round) 4;gkE [huin tiio jii] Jumping Round flat abscess 05) [flat abscess ( j d ) at GB-301 31; 8k@ [huin tiho tin] Jumping-Round phlegm
E [I [hugng rnc5nJ BL~51Wff0(BL-46) (Huang Gate)
E@ [huiing m6] huang membrane E& [huiing shu] KI-16JVfl*(Huang Transport)
E2E* [huing zhi yuin] CV-4 (Huang Origin); CV-6 (Huang Origin) [color associated with spleen-earth]; jaundice
.B[huiing] yellow
[huiing biii] phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex); phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex) S@R [huing biii thn] charred phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex Carbonisatus) $$if;$* [huing b6] phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex) S%*[huing bh] phellodendron [bark]@ (Phellodendri Cortex) @ 9 * [huing ciio] dendrobium [stern]' (Dendrobii Caulis) SZ#E*[huing c h i ping] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) @$ill%* [huing ci gu6] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) 35% [huing dhi] yellow vaginal discharge %B* [huing diin] minium' (Minium) @G ; 3s [huing diin] jaundice $$G%[huing diin bing] jaundice %BZH[I%?$?Ill [ h u h g d5n yin chtn ch6ng ji] Jaundice Capillaris Granules SZk* [huing dli] air potato' (Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber) @K4%% [huing 6r shiing hin] yellow ear cold damage SPAR * [huing fing feng] Shandong ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix Shandongensis) BR [huing feng] yellow wind [huing feng n&i zhing] yellow BR wind internal obstruction 3%R !kt * [huting f h g sh6] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) Wit ,-,' E [hu$ng Fz .;;;inj geiiuw siiced aconite [accessory tuber] (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Aureum) BE&!*[huing gC gen] pueraria [root]@ (Puerariae Radix) SRg* [huing g6u ji] cibotium [root]@ (Cibotii Rhizoma) BR 'R * [huhng g6u s h h ] dog's penis' (Canis Penis) BFf [huing hiin] yellow sweat [huing hi: bgn] yellow-brown rnacules
5 5
BE$* [huSng h u i ciio] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba)
%TiA Z Z * [huing h u i dh yuan zhi] yellow-tailed polygalaO (Polygalae Aureocaudae Radix seu Frutex) BE@J7kS [huing hug diio shui E n ] yellow-tailed polygalaO (Polygalae Aureocaudae Radix seu Frutex) 35 E *& T * [huing hua di ding] dandelion' (Taraxaci Herba cum Radice) BTifIk$lhTi [huing huii di t8o hug] triumfetta [root]@(Triumfettae Bartramiae Radix) B X 8 [huing huii hiio] annual artemisia@ (Artemisiae Annuae Herba) ETi Ei E * [huang h u i yin chtn] s~phonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba) 3 53 [huing hiin] dusk watch (I311 watch, 7-9 p.m.); silk tree barke (Albizziae Cortex) SB?%[huing hiin tiing] Silk Tree Bark Decoction ZE [huting jiii] person who suffers from jaundice SS* [huhng jiftng] turmeric' (Curcumae Longae Rhizoma) %ti$* [huiing ji6] bushy sophora [root]" (Sophorae Subprostratae Radix) [huing jig san] Yellow Resolving Powder %ST*[huiing ji& zi] leaf mustard seed' (Brassicae Junceae Semen) @& [huing jin] gold* (Aurum) S&@*[huing jin gui] vanieria [stem or root]@ (Vanieriae Caulis seu Radix) 3$ & T* lhuing jin zi] negundo vitex fruip (Vjtjris N ~ _ g t ~ n d i Frr;et.;s) nI~ S$%[huing jing] poiygonatun~ [root]' (Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma) S#J@[huing jing gen] negundo vitex root0 (Viticis Negundinis Radix) $$%lJfi [huing jing li] negundo vitex sap0 (Viticis Negundinis Succus) %%l]D-t [huing jing yi] negundo vitex [leaf]" (Viticis Negundinis Folium) $$ #g#t [huing jing zhou] Polygonatum Gruel @iS#IJ 4 [huing jing zi] negundo vitex fruit0 (Viticis Negundinis Fructus)
S@jZflSi[huing jili sbng fD] take with yellow wine $$@ [huing jiti] yellow wine@ (Vinum Aureum) $$% [huing ju] yellow chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Aureus) B%Z*[huing ju hua] yellow chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Aureus) $$ 35 17 * [huing D j ziii] wild chrysanthemum@ (Chrysanthemi Tndicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice) 3%" [huing juiin] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) %BE* [huing juiin pi] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) $$!I!,:' [huing 181 yellow wax@(Cera Aurea) B S [huing liin] coptis [root]@(Coptidis Rhizoma) SSBiilRft%TB?Zi[hu6ng li6n e jiao ji zi huing tang] Coptis, Ass Hide Glue, and Egg Yolk Decoction BS_IPgR2$% [huing liin I? jiao tang] Coptis and Ass Hide Glue Decoction BS%f[huing liin giio] Coptis Paste $$Sk%h[huing liin huii t i n win] Coptis Phlegm-Transforming Pill $$Sf@S?Zi [huing liin jii: dli tang] Coptis Toxin-Resolving Decoction 3Sk?$h[huing liin shing qing win] Coptis Upper-Body-Clearing Pill [huang liin tang] Coptis Decoctlon sgfi [huing liin win] Coptis Pill $$i!E@/B?Zi [huing liin wen diin tang! Coptls Gallbladder-Warming Decoction BB?$%iS.k[huing liin xiiing rD siin] Coptis and Elsholtzia Powder $$S*flTh [huing liin ying gin win] Coptis and Goat's Liver Pill ?,Sfq%&E+g?%[huing liin zhu rli ju pi bin xii tang] Coptis, Bamboo Shavings, Tangerine Peel, and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction $$%B[huing liin yi] pistacia shoot@ (Plstaciae Surculus)
$$ @* [huing liing] rhubarb' (Rhei Rhizoma)
$$YE& [huing 16ng tang] Yellow Dragon Decoction $$%E* [huing 16ng wEi] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) $$%%* [huing 16ng yi] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) $$%9* [huing mio cso] golden hair grass0 (Pogonatheri Herba) $$ S [huing mio r cso] yellow-downed hedyotiso (Hedyotis Chrysotrichae Herba) % S% * [huing mio shen] curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) $$ & * [huing m h g ] Sichuan fritillaria [bulb]@ (Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus) ;i;*t& [huing mi fhn] cooked millet@ (Setariae Semen Conquiturn) S Y Z [huing nili chi] yokewood [leaf, root and bark]@ (Cratoxylonis Folium, Radix et Cortex) S M $ % [huing n6ng ti] yellow snivel (nasal mucus) with pus @/?# [huing piing] yellow obesity @&$a [huing pi gen] wampee root' (Clausenae Lansii Radix) BE%$%[ h u h g pi gub he] wampee seed' (Clausenae Lansii Semen) B&$%* [buing pi hi] wampee seed' (Clausenae Lansii Semen) $$EP t [huing pi ye] wampee leaf' (Clausenae Lansii Folium) $$il.i; [huing qi] astragalus [root]@ (Astragali (seu Hedysari) Radix) BB* .[huing qi] astragalus [root]@ (Astragall (seu Hedysari) Radix) [huing qi] leech' (Hirudo seu Whitmania) $$l
* [huing yiio] air potato" (Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber) %%@* [hu&ng y i o gen] air potatoe (Dioscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber) 3 [huing yiio zi] air potato" (Dloscoreae Bulbiferae Tuber) [huing yiio zi jiii] Air Potato Wine I$ [huing y&shing chong] upsurging yellow humor %?Q@ [huing y6u zhiing] yellow fat obstruction %?QiE [huing y6u zh&ng]yellow fat pattern %$$* [huing yii] curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber) [huing zhi zi] gardenia [fruit]" (Gardeniae Fructus) %A$ [huing zhGng] yellow swelling S%@* [huiing t i i o gen] pueraria [root]@ (Puerai-iae Radix) (K [huring] bright white [complexion] ( Q [huiing bii] bright white [complexion] t%42$!$%[huring hii s h i n wiing] abstraction and forgetfulness
E [hui] ash; E @ [hui
gray diio] small goosefoot@ (Chenopodii Serotini Herba) Et$A flB [hui shii rij yiin] dust o r sand in the eye E S [hui tiii] gray tongue fur . jhui zhi jirij ashen naii &$I1 [hui ci] waggle needling [one of the twelve needling methods] [hui fij qil recovery stage '@%* [hui jG] Anhui chrysanthemum [flower]@ (Chrysanthemi Flos Anhuiensis) [hui] .return gfi [hui chiin dan] Return-of-Spring Elixir He*[hui gii] CV-2 (Return Bone) [hui gulng f5n zhBo] last radiance of the setting sun
$$ !I$$*
[hu&ng si] freshwater snail@ (Cipangopaludina) $5fL\\* "ij* [hukng song mij jiC] knotty pine wood@ (Pini Lignum Nodi) % g [hu&ng tail yellow tongue fur B [huing t h g ] fibraurea [root o r stem]@ (Fibraureae Radix seu Caulis) %+?a [huing tii tang] Yellow Earth Decoction % * * [huing wen] scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix)
H E [hui jut] return reversal BfL [hui rii] terminate lactation H35 [hui su] restore consciousness H PR [hui ying] return yang HBElB$?% [hui y i n g fiin bCn.tiing] YangReturning Root-Reviving Decoction
H PElfifl [hui y6ng ji] yang-returning formula
& @ * [hui 61 GV-17 (Meeting of the Forehead) A Zr ,a =,* [hui gii] ST-42 (Meeting Bones)
[hui ji] schisandra [berrylo (Schisandrae Fructus) [hui qu] ST-42 (Meeting Bend) &t@* [hui wti] ST-4 (Linking Confluence)
m[JElhW [hui y i n g jiii zhEn] nine needles for returning y m g PR&3,?% [hui y i n g jib ji tang] YangReturning Emergency Decoction H PR&S [hui y i n g jib nil return yang a d stem counterflow H PR % [hui y6ng yho] yang-returning medicinal HPR 3Z%@ [hui y i n g yG 16ng giio] YangReturning Jade Dragon Paste H E [hui ching] large intestine H E 3 [hui xu511 jiti] circling moxibustion lElE@$$t$[hui z h u b cha zhEn shb] rotating needle insertion @ [hui xiiing] fennel [fruit]' (Foeniculi Fructus) E@-m[hui xiiing tan] charred fennel [fruitlo (Foeniculi Fructus Carbonisatus) B%& [hui xiiing wkn] Star Anise Pill [hui xiiing zhou] Fennel Gruel h!ij [hui] roundworm $@ & [hui ch6ngl roundworm hM &% [hui ch6ng bing] roundworm disease h!ij&{%D$$ [hui ch6ng zub c6o] roundworm clamor 41!ij -Zifi 12% [hui d a n g w i i w5n tang] roundworm stomach duct pain $IH% [hui g5n] roundworm gan [hui juC] roundworm reversal M [hui] roundworm [hui ch6ngl roundworm J@R*[hui chu6ngl cnidium s e e d o (Cnidii Monnieri Fructus) ?g$@Kx"A[hui wb ou r t n ] smashing objects and beating people a@@ [hui Bn] dark; somber [hui] meet --W
[hui xut] meeting point
&lfi [hui yhn] epiglottis &R%$$&[hui yhn zhli yii tiing] Epiglottis Stasis-Expelling Decoction [hui ying] BL-35W"O (Meeting of Yand [hui yin] meeting of yin [perineum]; perineum; CV-1W"O (Meeting of Yin) &@j* [hui y6ngl ST-42 (Meeting Gush)
e m * [hui y u h ] ST-42
(Meeting Source) [hui zong] TB-7 (Convergence and Gathering) $$ [hui] foul; foulness f$S [hui chau] foul smell [hui zhuo] foul turbidity
A ZZ *
hun @ [hiin] clouding; twilight; dusk
% T HIA [hun bii zhi ren] clouding loss of consciousness @ j j l [him chtn] daze t&{Fr] [hiin dgo] clouding collapse @ A[hiin juC] clouding reversal sj3 [hun kuiing] clouding and mania 3 3 3 a i g [hiin kuang zhiin yii] clouding, mania, and delirious speech [hiin kui] clouding 5 % [hiin mi] stupor % % T B[hun mi bii xing] coma [hiin shui] clouding sleep [izew]; hypersomnia [old] %EzF;/iJL[hun yi: wli su6 jihn] p o o r vision at twilight and night tZ$Q&* [hlin diin pi] eggshell" (Galli Ovi Putamen); placentao (Hominis Placenta)
B$lja* [hlin dijn yi] placentae (Hominis Placenta)
%ZE*[hlin y u i n pi] placentae (Hominis Placenta) ethereal soul [stored by the liver] & T @[hiin bu cing] ethereal soul failing to be stored & T7 [hiin men] BL-47WlIO(BL-42) (Hun Gate)
i& [ h h ]
BtIAirS ; iR@lj$Z [hijn jing zhhng] murky eye obstruction
huo $6 [hub] quicken; alive 'i&g8 B Z f i [hub lu6 xiho ling dan] Network-Quickening Miraculous Effect Elixir /&g%[hub lub] quicken the network vessels 8 [hub lub diin] NetworkQuickening Elixir $j.g8IR%tk [hut) lub lili qi yin] NetworkQuickening Qi Flow Beverage ' % % & Z -A- [hub lub xiho ling dim] Network-Quickening Efficacious Elixir -%A%@@J[hub rCn cong chi tang] Book of Life Scallion and Fermented Soybean Decoction [hub r i n xijing rli yin] Book of Life Renewal Elsholtzia Powder % a [hub xu&] quicken the blood; blood quickening % & @ * [hu6 xu2 gen] salvia [rootla (S'h!viae Mi!tierrhIzap RzCl_jY)
%rfndk@ [hub xu& huk yii] quicken the blood and transform stasis
'i&aIk@fiIl [hub xu2 h u i yu ji] bloodquickening stasis-transforming formula
'%h?%@$bPB,[hub xu& qu pii bii yin y i o ] blood-quickening, stasis-dispelling, and yin-supplementing medicinal P&h?%@G[huo xu& qu yu yho] bloodquickening stasis-dispelling medicinal .i&rfn?&@ka$Zj [hub xu& qii yii zhi xu& yho] blood-quickening, stasis-dispelling, and blood-stanching medicinal
3 &@5 [huo xu& riin ching sheng jin tang] BloodQuickening Intestine-Moistening LiquidEngendering Decoction 'i&&@J@&$$&[hub xu& run zho shEng jin sHn] Blood-Quickening DrynessMoistening Liquid-Engendering Powder % &% [huo xu& s h ] Bloqd-Quickening Powder '%a$&@P& [hub xu& shn yii tang] BloodQuickening Stasis-Dissipating Decoction '$j&&%fi [hub xu& sheng xin] quicken the blood and engender the new ? S a t & [hub xu2 tang] Blood-Quickening Decoction [hub xu2 tong lub] quicken the blood and free the network vessels % h $ j % [hub xu& xi50 yong] quicken the blood and disperse welling abscess bond , % a 7 7 5 [huo xu& xing qi] quicken the blood and move qi i& &$Zj [hub xu2 yho] blood-quickening medicinal A [hud] fire A $\ AiEj [hud bii hud xi&] fire supplementation and fire drainage [hud bii sheng tii] fire failing t o engender earth A @j[hud ciio] fire clamor AU 6 [hud chuHn] fire panting A & [hud chuiing] burn A E * [hud cong] scallion* (Allii Fistulosi Herba) A%% [hud dhi chuang] fire-girdle sore A Ftff [hud d i n ] fire cinnabar; erysipelas &fl.Bp lhua d a n jiiioj fire-cinnabar leg A @ [hud dli] fire toxin A# [hu6 duhn] calcination [hud feng shiing] fire wind damage [hud g l n ] fire gan A@/![hu6 guhn] fire cup A @ [hud hbu] control of time and temperature [drug processing] Au%[hud kC] fire cough A @ [hu5 kuh] fire rampart A B {I [hud mii rCn] hemp seede (Cannabis Semen)
A M 9* [hub m i zi] hemp seed* (Cannabis Semen) A % [hub nil fire error A 9 k [hub qi d i ] great fire qi A 9 k A [hub qi t i i dh] excessive fire qi A Z!': [hub rk] fire heat A Z!! Tt;l Y [hu6 rk nki sheng] fire heat arising internally A %Bj$[hub rk pb f6i] fire heat distressing the lung A Z!': X @ [hub rk t6u tbng] Ere heat headache A Li Xi; * [hub shiin li] litchee* (Litchi Fructus) A {%R[hub shiing feng] fire wind damage A S * [huii s h h ] rhubarb* (Rhei Rhizoma) A & [hub shkng] exuberant fire A&Rll& [hub shkng xing jin] exuberant fire tormenting metal A 7K #%I] [hub shui gbng zhi] fire and water treatment 7K%lJ [hub shui zhi] fire and water treatment A!@ [bud sbu] fire cough A@ [hub t i n ] fire phlegm A E @ * [hu6 t i n mii] Chinese smartweedo (Polygoni Chmensis Herba) A E.$.$i [hu6 t i n mii c i o ] Chinese smartweedo (Polygoni Chinensis Herba) A % @ [huii t6u tang] fire headache AtlE [hub wing] effulgent fire [huii w i n g xing jin] effulgent GRIJ fire tormenting metal A [huii xihn] fire fall A EtPR * [huB xiiio] niter* (Nitrum) A F+j* [hub xiiio] niter* (Nitrum) 57.[hub xi&] fire evil ; [hu6 xi61 fire diarrhea A 12\@ [huii xin tbng] fire heart pain A'/% 1% [huii xing shiing y i n ] fire by nature flames upward A't%% l [huij xing y i n shing] fire by nature flames upward U g [hub y6n fki wki chugn] flam&A$ ing fire lung-stomach panting
A BW [hub yin] fire eye [hu6 yh] fire depression Ag[JD% [hub yh ~ h u i n ]fire depression panting A g B E 2 [hud yh fii zhi] fire depression is treated hy 4fusion Ag[Jn! [hub yh si,u] fire depression cough A+$?% [hu6 yh tiing] Fire Depression Decoction A Hgk [hub yue y i n shing] fire is the flaming upward [hub zhen] fire needling; fire needle AH%& [huii zhen liio f i ] fire needling [hu6 zhi] fire processing $ [huii zhbng] fire stroke %@;ti* [hu6 ci shi] loadstone* (Magnetiturn) [hub zhong] KT-26 (Possible Center) 4 & L [hub luin] cholera; sudden turmoil S&L$$%[hub luin z h u i n jin] cholera cramps p & ;ti&% [hui, shiin shi hli] officinal dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Officinalis Caulis) [hub] sweep; gaping @@%g [hub hub r i n ] gapingly empty 8%[huh t i n ] sweep phlegm %@%R [hub t i n kiii qiho] sweep phlegm and open the orifices %@El@ [huh t i n xing ngo] sweep phlegm and arouse the brain ;'$is A [hub d i n w i n ] Agastache/Patchouli and Pig's Bile Pill ;,':+Egqfi [hub pi, x i i ling diin] Agastache/Patchouli, Pinellia, and Poria (Hoelen) Elixir ;E*EB%.i% [hub p6 x i i ling tiing] AgastacheJPatchouli, Pinellia, and Poria (HoeB len) Decoction $E 2$ [hub xiiing] agastache/patchouli@ (Agastaches seu Pogostemi Herba); agastachea (Agastaches Herba) ; E 2 $ + S % [hub xiiing bhn xi5 s i n ] Agastache/Patchouli and Pinellia Powder
[hub xizing ging] agastache/patchouli stem@ (Agastaches seu Pogostemi Caulis)
I '
[hub xizing yk] agastache/patchouli (Agastaches seu Pogostemi
,J&E~& [hub xiang z h h g qi piiin] Agastache/Patchouli Qi-Righting Tablet ;I"@ET+& [hub xiiing zhkng qi s5n] Agastache/Patchouli Qi-Righting Powder 3-
gT7 Iji mkn] SP-Il-WfI* (Winnower Gate)
g7; Iji xi;] Below Winnower's
Rn [jil flesh [new]; muscle [old] RA@ Iji bi] impediment (bi) of the flesh A n 2 Iji bi501 fleshy exterior Bjl,Jjg Iji cbu] interstices of the Aesh Nfl& Iji fii] skin (and flesh) BnflkTl~Iji fii bh r i n ] insensitivity of the skin
Nl,flk $2 Iji f6 jiii cub] incrusted skin RnflkM* Iji f u m i mh] numbness of the skin
BhflkEZ Iji f6 qi sh] millet papules An8kZE Iji fti sh qi] goose flesh RA@3Iji nu] spontaneous bleeding of the flesh
An m
Iji rbu] flesh; muscle [modern anatomical term] T l z Iji rbu b i rtn] numbness of the flesh AnmG3 Iji r6u ru d6ngJ wriggling of the flesh Rn @J fill Iji rbu xu&] w f ittling of the flesh !A Z?%% Iji rui, yli lin] scaly skin UEPnEP%&*Iji ji h6u pi] cicada molting" (Cicadae Periostracum) nEPnEPFfi* bi ji pi] cicada moltings (Cicadae Periostracum) tn Iji] hunger tAt@FiN Iji biio bG ti501 irregular eating $At@%?$fii b5o shi ching] irregular eating tn+@& Iji bG yh shi] no desire to eat despite hunger
[/ionchnnnel] $A Iji] dynamic; mechanism fii guiin] hinge; GB-2 (Hinge); ST-6 (Hinge) $3 Iji] accumulate; accumulation $RZ%%* Iji jh pi kuiii] Accumulations, Gatherings and Lump Glomus [nonchannel] Iji kuiii] accumulation lump $RaIji Eng] accumulated cold $Rm Iji li] accumulation dysentery $E--&bi shi] accumulated food $RzsIji x u i c5o] centellaa (Centellae Herb (cum Radice)) $X"i:kIji yin] accumulated rheum $R@ Iji yii] accumulated stasis 3% Iji] chicken 3!2,&!* Iji ching feng] morinda [rootla (Mormdae Radix) bi d i n ] chicken's gallbladdera (Galii Vesica Fellea) 3!2, g 8 * Iji d i n bii] egg whites (Galli Albumen) >r$Eirt; Iji d i n huii] red jasmine [flowerla (Plumeriae Rubrae Flos) 25 %%* Iji d i n huing] egg yolkm (Galli Vitellus) 3!2,EE*Iji d i n k t ] eggshelle (Galli Ovi Putamen); eggshell' (Galli Ovi Putamen) $$Ef%* Iji diin qing] egg white' (Galli Albumen) 3% Iji ding] ST-34 (Chicken Top)
35?qtfi*[ji dhn chi] eggshell" (Galli Ovi Putamen) Zjrf Iji giin] chicken's livere (Galli Iecur) j$j'fA Iji gin wgn] Chicken's Liver Pill @ Iji gii ciio] prayer-beads0 (Abri Cantoniensis Herba cum Radice) $SBfl%* Iji gii shEng md] cimicifuga [root]@ (Cimicifugae Rhizoma) % @ BIji gii xiiing] thick-leaved croton root@ (Crotonis Crassifolii Radix) 3-SA?$*Iji guii shii] agrimony" (Agrimoniae Herba) B * Iji guin] cockscomb [flower]" (Celosiae Cristatae Flos) T(-SBt,Iji guiin hug] cockscomb [flower]" (Celosiae Cristatae Flos) SsB Iji guiin sgn] Cockscomb Powder % B E * Iji guiin shi] realgar0 (Realgar) %%A* Iji guiin t6u] cockscomb [flower]' (Celosiae Cristatae Flos) j-S&q* Iji h i zi] gizzard lininge (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) %%?EB Iji hu6ng y6u] Egg Yolk Oil %flffB* Iji ji50 gii] achyranthes [root]@ (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix) Iji jing] rooster's ejaculation [premature ejaculation] %&%* Iji j6 zi] honey tree fruite (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) j!$EEq*Iji jh zi] honey tree fruit' (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) %jn g Iji k i ] hen cough [whooping cough] % g* Iji lian] coptis [root]@ (Coptidis Rhizoma) 35.BPE* hi luiin kC] eggshell' (Galli Ovi Putamen) $jg Iji m h g ] chicke? blindness; night blindness js&$ij Iji m6ng mang] chicken blindness; night blindness >LS Iji ming] cockcrow [B2 watch, 1-3 a.m.] ~$0%;5k hi ming siin] Cockcrow Powder 2 PS&$[ETIji ming s5n jig fli ling] Cockcrow Powder Plus Poria (Hoelen)
jq$Ej$1]* pi mii ci] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radlx) % m& Iji nki jin] gizzard lininga (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) $3fi Iji rbu] chicken' (Galli Caro) 3% g @ * Iji shC xiing] clove fruits (Caryophylli Fructus) %&E* Iji shi pi] gizzard lining0 (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) @j R Q bi shi bdi] white chicken's droppings@(Galli 'Excrementum Album) j$R $ Iji shi b&isiin] White Chicken's Dropping Powder 3$R& Iji shi lii] chicken's-droppings lai %%@+$* Iji shi tCng] paederiao (Paederiae Scandentis Herba et Radix) % R E Iji shi t h g ] paederiaa (Paederiae Scandentis Herba et Radix) %%* Iji sii] Chinese fieldnettlea (Stachydis Baicalensis Herba) %j%& Iji sii s5n] Mint Powder % A * Iji t6u] euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen); euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen) %%E* Iji t6u biio] euryale [seed]@(Eu. ryales Semen) %A%*Iji t6u gu6] euryale [seed]@(Euryales Semen); euryale [seed]@(Euryales Semen) I >r$AS$S* Iji t6u h u h g jin] polygonaturn [root]'. (Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma) XJA$$$%* Iji t6u hujng jing] polygonatum [root]' (Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma) % A s * Iji t6u mi] euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen) x!$%%*Iji t6u shi] euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen); euryale [seed]@(Euryales ,Semen) %m3+i+ Iji xiing ciio] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) $& Iji xin cii] shepherd's pursee (Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba) asm Iji xiang] chicken breast; pectus carinatum; pectus gallinatllm Iji xu5 ting] millettia [root and stem]@ (Millettiae Radix et Caulis)
23 &Eflft Iji xu2 t6ng jiiio]
millettia paste@ (Millettiae Radicis et Caulis Pasta) %fJRS Iji y&n ciio] kummerowia@ (Kummerowiae Herba) %I@ Iji yiin] corn 23flRB Iji yiin gaol Corn Paste 3q)fiJilIji zhio Gng] chicken's-claw wind %lfi@S* Iji zhiio huiing l i h ] Sichuan coptis [root]@(Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) 3s I n s * Iji zhiio lib] Sichuan coptis [rootla (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) 3%r$ 52 * Iji zh6ng jin] gizzard lining0 (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) J4 HB fi B j 3 * . ljT zhiin hu6ng pi] gizzard lining0 (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) JSJjGFfi*Iji zhiin pi] gizzard lining' (Galli Gigerii Endothelium) %F Iji zi] chicken's egg' (Galli Ovum) 34P Q Iji zi b6i] egg white' (Galli Albumen) 3 9 T S Iji zi huiing] egg yolk' (Galli Vitellus) %TEIji zi ki] eggshelle (Galli Ovi Putamen) %T?$?* Iji zi qing] egg white' (Galli Albumen) X-ST@*Iji zi tui] eggshell' (Galli Ovi Putamen) %B* Iji zii] cornus [fruit]@(Corni Fructus) 3%2 %t Iji zli zhen] chicken's-claw needling X$nE$J!(*Iji zui jiiio] hot pepper' (Capsici Fructus) %nRZ* Iji zui lib] euryale [seedlo (Euryales Semen)
Bi? * Iji xiel alisma [tuber]' (Alismatis Rh~zoma)
s & T * h i gij zi] psoraiea [seed]@ (Psoraieae Semen)
g%fi* Iji xin] Propitious Innovation [nonchannel]
?R Iji] sap [to draw out]
3, Iji] tense [of sinews]; tension [in the sinews]; acute [of disease]; urgent [of the desire to urinate and pulse] ,&,fi Iji fiing] urgent formula 3,@Iji gGng] emergency attack %,@AIji h6u fzng] acute throat wind %,% Iji huing] acute jaundice %,t,gJil Iji jing feng] acute fright wind 3,&f@$E% Iji jiS xi xiin sin] Emergency Drool-Thinning Powder 3,bk Iji mhi] urgent pulse; LV-12 (Urgent Pulse) ,$,B Iji pd] distress 3,g Iji tdng] acute pain 3,,7;@@ Iji xih c i h jin] emergency precipitation to preserve liquid ,&,f;@PB Iji xi&clin yin] ,emergency precipitation to preserve yin %,1f+ Iji 3 xing zi] garden balsam seed' (Impatientis Balsaminae Semen) ,&%% ?z Iji zho yi nG] rashness, irnpatience, and irascibility 3,fllJ$$;1;/~; Iji zC zhi biiio] in acute conditions treat tip 3,%@2 Iji zhi: huin zhi] tension is treated by relaxation & Iji] disease; racing [pulse] %@JIji bing] disease &@* Iji li] tribulus [fruit]@(Tribuli Fructus) &b$ Iji mhi] racing pulse %?&$bi3 [ii xli bG xi&! quick and slow supplementation and drainage % hi] gather Iji xiho win] Effective Congregation Pill & Iji] extreme @,! Iji quin] HT-1W"O (Highest Spring) @ Iji] marked emaciation g g * Iji li] tribulus [fruit]@(Tribuli Fructus) Z?jj!?EIji li hug] tribulus flower@ (Tribuli Flos)
g@q* Iji li zi] tribulus
+jfi Iji lk] free rib [region]; LV-13' (Free Ribs)
jB%?T8 Iji r i n hhn chii] "drizzly" sweat-
Iji xi61 free rib [region]; LV-13 (Free Ribs)
Fructus) ing
s*Iji] houttuynia@ (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) @ * Iji chi] houttuynia@ (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) 2 Iji] sixth heavenly stem; S6 ZBlESStL Iji jiiio li huing win] Fangji, Zanthoxylum, Tingli, and Rhubarb Pill Z + Iji tii] S6-earth [the spleen] $Z@* Iji gen] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) @ Iji] spine @f}Ll%* Iji di duiin] GV-1 (End of the Sacral Spine) @ E4fi Iji fHn zhi] arched-back rigidity [new]; opisthotonos [OM] @ @ Iji fkng] Spine Crevice [non-channel] @% Iji giin] gan of the spine @ lf;] a * Iji nki shii] BL-29 (Spine Inner Transport) @ 9% Iji. qiing] stiffness of the spine @ $3E)fi Iji qiing fHn zhi] arched-back rigidity mew]; opisthotonos [old] ,q St$ Ij"1 rbu zh6uI Spine Flesh Gruel A @3fiIji siin xu61 Three Vertebral Holes [non-channel] @ a *Iji shii] GV-6 (Spine Transport) @ @ Iji zhong] GV-6WI1O (Spinal Center) @&* Iji zhG] GV-6 (Spine Pillar) @+$I!@ Ijlii zhui gii] vertebra &E Iji hug] Chinese witch hazel flower* (Loropetali Flos) &j?.t;@ Iji huii gen] Chinese witch hazel root* (Loropetali Radix) &Eat Iji hua yk] Chinese witch hazel leaf* (Loropetali Folium) ,E,jj[;iIji fli] contraindicated b r oral consumption] ,E, Iji k6u] dietary contraindication ,E,& Iji shi] do not eat ,E,M Iji ybng] contraindicated @
%JJff*Iji yiing] CV-6 (Small Navel)
X* Iji]
water caltrop [fruit and root]' (Trapae Fructus et Radix)
E?fi& Iji ji tang] Complementarity Decoction
&5E?3% Iji ji win] Immediate Salvation Pill
.I$%H*Iji fii Iin] saffron* (Croci Stigma) Zf * Ij:, nli] anomalous artemisiaO (Artemisiae Anomalae Herba)
S Y * Iji sheng] mistletoe* (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus)
S Y S * Iji sheng cio] mistletoe* (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus)
%!ik&l*Iji sheng shG] mistletoe* (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus) Iji] palpitation
llS&@$ Ijlii xin tbng] palpitation heart pain fiIJ Iji] packet; formula; preparation 6ljfJ!j Iji xing] preparation $3 Iji] save; salvation; help Iji chuan jiiin] Ferry Brew
? 3 & z g F hIji shiing th si zi wkn] Life Saver Cuscuta Seed Pill
$fi%&$ghIji sheng jli h6 win] Life Saver Tangerine Pip Pill
?fi!ik&E/r$% $6 Iji sheng jli pi zhli rli tiing] Life Saver Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction
?fi%'g T h Iji sheng s h h qi win] Life Saver Kidney Qi Pill
8% Ijlii chi] shepherd's
purse* (Capsellac
Bursa-Pastoris Herba)
12 Iji nil apricot-leaved adenophora [root]" (Adenophorae Trachelioidis Radix)
EE Iji] proximal'portion of the inferior aspect of the great toe
fin Dial add; supplement fin% big jiiin] vary; variant; variation fin hi5 ji5n bG zh6ng yi qi
tang] Center-Supplementing Qi-Boosting Variant Decoction fin 8 % 5 3 % ljia jiiin ching qi tang] QiInfusing Variant Decoction fin B b l P % biii jiiin fh mhi tang] PulseRestorative Variant Decoction fin 8% TJ 2% ljia ji5n mhi m i n ddng tang] Ophiopogon Variant Decoction fin% $: !$ E $% biii jiiin mh f i n g ji ting] Woody Fangji Variant Decoction fin &!it%?$$% ljia jiiin qing jing tang] Channel-Clearing (Menses-Clearing) Variant Decoction hU%$b$% ljia jiiin sheng mi% siin] PulseEngendering Variant Powder fin &,! $% Diii jiiin wei rui tang] Solomon's Seal Variant Decoction fin %&PR rn hi2 jiiin yi yin jian] YinBoosting Variant Brew j~n83&rnb i i jiiin yii n6 jiin] Jade Lady Variant Brew fin $-A ljia nii dh fEi ping] Canadian erlgeronO (Erigerontis Canadensis Herba) fia%+4-I:$% hi5 shen sheng huii tang] Ginseng Engendering Transformation Decoction fin % A !lJl%~ biii w2i b i xiin tang] Supplemented Eight Immortals Decoction fin n ! $ % 5%$3~ljia w2i b i i t6u weng tang] Supplemented Pulsatilla Decoction . h; g j g g z $ 7$% z ; g ci;i xicng gui tiing] Supplemented Birth-Hastening Ligusticum and Tangkuei Decoction biii w2i dang gui s h i o fine3 yiio siin] Supplemented Tangkuei and Peony Powder h~%@i2U;fP- bia w l i dian diio siin] Supplemented Reversal Powder fin a ! zZ.3~hi5 w2i ding zhi win] Supplemented Mind-Stabilizing Pill zP$i$% b i i wli Zr chCn tang] Supplemented Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
fiU%1$9% ljia w2i 2r miiio siin] Supplemented Mysterious Two Powder fin%!!3RBP% biii w2i gui pi tang] Supplemented Spleen-Returning Decoction fiuej$*$% hi5 w2i huing tii trlng] Supplemented Yellow Earth Decoction t@ j[fli S$% hi5 w2i ji6 dG tang] Supplemented Toxin-Resolving Decoction fiU%&Hllfi ljii w2i jin gang win] Supplemented Metal Strength Pill fin%@ CPP% - J i i w2i li zhong tang] Supplemented Center-Rectifying Decoction fin !jch%f&s fi biii w2i lih w2i di huing win] Supplemented Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill fin%mg;tiH$% ljiii w i i m6 xing shi giin tang] Supplemented Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction fin%z [-J+th b i i wki mhi mCn dong tang] Supplemented Ophiopogon Decoction fin !?+F g tjia wli ping w2i siin] Supplemented Stomach-Calming Powder f i n % ~ f @ P % his w2i san go tang] Supplemented Rough and Ready Three Decoction fin%'BTfi ljiii w2i shkn qi wiin] Supplemented Kidney Qi Pill fin% F I B ? % ;Jig w2i si w6 tang] Supplemented Four Agents Decoction fin%% Z;R; bit? w l i thi yi gaol Supplemented Tai Yi Plaster fin%&giEj$% hi; wli wen diin tang] Supplemented Gallbladder-Warming Decoction f i n % G Z $ % ljiii wii w6 yiio tiing] Supp!emp_ntec! Linder, Dec~cticr?
fi[%E$++% hi% w2i wii lin siin] Supplemented Five Strangury Powder fin %%%% lji5 w2i xiiing sii siin] Supplemented Cyperus and Perilla Powder fin%j&g% ljiii w2i xi20 yiio s h ] Supplemented Free Wanderer Powder fia%j&g%e a@$& hiti wki xigo y i o siin h6 si ni tang] Supplemented Free Wanderer Powder Combined with Counterflow Cold Decoction fin%js 8 ljiii w2i xi& b i i siin] Supplemented White-Draining Powder
9 ljiii] squeeze; pinch; complicate; complication % Q * hi5 brii] LU-4 (Pinching White) *?$? ljiii ching jiiing] Pinching Sauce Receptacle [non-channel] 9 % ljiii cub] complex [disease patterns] B ljiii ji] Paravertebrals [non-channel] % R& jX, ljiii ngo fiing] brain-squeezing wind 9?2* ljiii xi] GB-42 (Pinched Ravine) %& hiii zri] complex [disease patterns] 9 R % ljiii zhi ybng] armpit welling abscess (y6ng) %ZR@ ljiii zhi giio] Paper Plaster @@ ljiii ying] pearl-string lumps D#Qqh* ljiii jii 161 nutmeg" (Myristicae Semen) % Ijiii] person Z V F * ljiii jiG zi] Chinese leek seed@ (Allii Tuberosi Semen)
% & T A ljiii jiO zi wiin] Chinese Leek Seed Pill
Z%* ljiii jD] chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos) ljiii mi xi6 brii sgn] Family Secret White-Draining Powder Z+i\jTs& ljiii mi xi2 huring sgn] Family Secret Yellow-Draining Powder Z jl:B&JL*ljiii ying trio] cherrye (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) Dig] scab Cl!%R* ljia zhii shi] polyporus@ (Polyporus) @ @J * lji6 jiin dbu] sword bean0 (Canavaliae Semen) $filjiii] cheek weshy side of the face] 93% uiri che] cheek carriage (joint of the lower jaw bone); ST-6W//0(Cheek Carriage) $fig@ ljiri chi? gG] cheek carriage bone [lower jaw bone, mandible] $jjg* ljiri li] Within Cheek [non-channel] 3firt;lbig nki] Inside Cheek [non-channel] EQ Dig] first heavenly stem; S1; carapace T ljiB mii] S1-wood [the gallbladder]
Z Wj% -T
EQ )+ * lji5 p i h ] pangolin scales' (Manitis Squama) EQ Z !El M $ h lji5 yi gui zhng tiing] 1st 6t 2nd Heavenly Stems Decoction EQ ?th Ijig zi tang] First Heavenly Branch Decoction big] shoulder blade [scapula] # j big] false {KS hi5 hin] false cold lE%jfCftjFR big li zhi gen] Chinese stauntonia root0 (Stauntoniae Chinensis Radix) {E?&ljig rk] false heat {KAS* ljig r i n shen] talinum root@(Talini Paniculati Radix) f3;'fEfl ljig shCn] false spiritedness {EfHPt* DiB yiin yk] mountain tobacco@ (Solani Verbascifolii Folium) @ big] conglomeration (jia) @% Dig jir] conglomerations (zh2izg) and gatherings ( j i i ) lji5 shkn] conglomeration-mounting ('jiii shrin); conglomerations and mounting Oii? s h h )
jian 2%%*ljiiin guiing t6u] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) @ ljiiin] shoulder @ 3 @ 3, ljiiin bki jG ji] hypertonicity of the shoulder and back B biiin b i i sheng ybng] welling abscess (y6ng) on the back of the shodlder Eel@% biiin bii suiin tbng] aching pain in the back and shoulder @"&% ljiiin b6i tbng] shoulder and back pain B @ B lji5.n bi thng] shoulder and arm pain B;T;% ljiiin bG jG] inability to raise the shoulder @ % ljiiin duiin] end of the shoulder @ Et3 ljiiin jig] shoulder blade [scapula] E EQ % ljiiin jig tbng] shoulder blade pain &i$* ljiiin jiiin] LI-15 (Shoulder Tip)
EAT ljiiin jii] shoulder joint
2% ljiiin 601 decoct
& # Ijiiin jing] Gb-2lWUo(Shoulder Well) &flg ljiiin liio] TB-14 (Shoulder Bone-
E mP2 ljian ni:i ling] Inner Mound of Shoulder [notz-chnnrzcl]
Em* ljiiin qi6n] Shoulder Front [tzorzchatznel] ljian t6ng] shoulder pain J3%Tq* [jiiin t6ng bh k i jii] pain in and inability to lift the shoulder & % T q $ % &ljiiin t6ng bu k i zi d i i yi] pain in the shoulder with inability to dress oneself J3 % 3.8E $ 2$ ljian t6ng bu n i n g zi jii] shoulder palnful and hard to lift J3 %,6 ljiiin tbng diiin] Shoulder Pain Point [tzotz-chrztztzel] J3 X ljian tou] head of the shoulder &9b& hian w i i shu] ST-14W"O (Outer Shoulder Transport) B ,@, ljian xi] raised-shoulder breathing & 7 ; @ B ljijin x i i hCng gii] transverse bone below the shoulder E#4 ljiiin yli] LI-1SWH0(Shoulder Bone) B$j/#7;Ijiiin yli xi;] Below Shoulder Bone [norz-chatzrzel] E B ljiiin zhen] SI-9w110(True Shoulder) E +& ljiiin zh6ng shii] SI-15~Vuo(Central Shoulder Transport) $4 @j.ff$@hian zh6ng zhdu bi thng] heavy shoulder and painful elbow and arm 9 ljiiin] hard; harden 2 PB ljiiin' yin] consolidate yin 2 ljiiin z h i xi50 zhi] hardness is whittled away 2 P3J ljian zh6ng tang] Center-Firming Decoction ?fi * Ijian hu] peucedanum [rootla (Peucedani Radix) l's7 G* Ijiiin gii] LI-2 (Space Valley) PI&$ ljiiin jiE jiii] indirect rnoxibustion [a7 1% lji5n shi] PC-SWUO (Intermediary Courier) E [jiiin] decoct; decoction; brew
ljian juC] boiling reversal
EP3J h i i n tang] decoct -+
a!ir.;l& ljian yho W] decoction
EB ljian gii] haunch bone
g R I 1 ljiiin bit] differentiate S & E * ljiiin jin hua] vaccaria [seed]@ (Vaccariae Semen)
% Ijiin] select % * bi5n
xiang] top grade frankincenses (Olibanum Optimum) 4% I j i h ] reduce; subtract ljiiin] eyelid; lower eyelid b i b fii] eyelid effusion EE lji5n fki] drooping eyelid ZE I j i h chun] cocoon lip X E M Ui5n chlin fEng] cocoon lip wind R M f% PR b i i n fEng -li; lei] tearing o n exposure to wind Em Ijiin rning] See Bright [non-channel] JkEBB ljiin s&jO xii:] immediate ejaculation at provocative sights; immediate ejaculation o n beholding sexually stimulating sights RE?%@ljiin si: lili jing] seminal ernission at provocative sights E& ,F,Tg ljihn si: si qing] provocative sights and passionate thoughts R-&&PDfljiin shi ji tir] vomiting at the sight of food Rlfil&, Ijiin xiin w i n ] Sunshine Pill El@-* b i i n yingl See Yang [non-channel] E@ ljihn zhkng] characterized by BZ* ljiin 16111 cymbidium flower' (Cymbidii Flos) @ S E ljihn 16n hug] cymbidium flowero (Cymbidii Flos) @Eljiin li] CV-11W"O (Interior Strengthening) BTEP3J ljihrr lirlg tang] Sweeping .Down Decoction B@&lJljihn shCn yii] Fujian leaven0 (Massa Medicata Fermentata Fujianensis)
Be Be%
Bt$.i5 ljihn zC xii] Fujian
alisma [rootla (Alismatis Rhizoma Fujianense) @i+ ljihn zhong] fortify the ccnter [the character @ occiws only it1fortnnlu names] {@ ljihn] fortify; fortification @ {?Ej@h ljihn bh hii qiSn w i n ] Steady Gait Hidden Tiger Pill @{!r] ljihn c i ] unaffected side @ H$%ljihn gh tang] Fortifying and Securing Decoction @j!+ljiin k u i ] Fortify Thigh [nonchannel] {@ 9 ljihn ming] Brightness Fortifier [tzon-channel] @ ( - ) ljihn ming (I)] Brightness Fortifier #1 [non-channel] @ 9. ( 1) ljihn ming (2)] Brightness Fortifier #2 [rzon-channel] @ 9 ( 3 ) ljihn ming (3)] Brightness Fortifier #3 [non-channel] {$-P 9 ( l!l ) ljihn ming (4)] Brightness Fortifier #4 [notz-channel] @ % ( 5) $ i n ming (5)] Brightness Fortifier #5 [non-channel] {@@ ljiin pi] fortify the,. spleen; splenic fortification @ n 4 $ 1 9 ljihn pi bii qi] fortify the spleen and supplement qi @#++\ & ljihn pi bii xui] fortify the spleen and supplement the blood * @ l ! f i @j$1;D iEj ljihn pi hC w i i ] fortify the spleen and harmonize the stomach {@R$$D E $% ljihn pi h i w2i tang] SpleenFortifying Stomach-Harmonizing Decoction @j+.It% ljihn pi huh t i n ] fortify the spleen and transform phlegm @[email protected]%$& ljiin pi huh t i n tang] SpleenFortifying Phlegm-Transforming Decoction @j+$IJa ljiin pi li shi] fortify the spleen and disinhibit dampness @j+$1]7kljihn pi li shui] fortify the spleen and disinhibit water #R$%flT$% ljihn pi r6u g i n tang] SpleenFortifying Liver-Emolliating Decoction {@R$@?E ljihn pi s h i n shi] fortify the spleen and percolate dampness
ljihn pi shCi gan] fortify. the spleen and course the liver {@R$StL ljihn pi w i n ] Spleen-Fortifying Pill @j!+!$glR.It@ ljihn pi wen s h i n huh t i n ] fortify the spleen, warm the kidney, and transform phlegm {@j$% jZi $% ljihn pi y h g wki tang] Spleen-Fortifying Stomach-Nourishing Decoction @ R$ B ljihn pi yho] spleen-fortifying medicinal {@@ST ljihn pi yi qi] fortify the spleen and boost qi @@&$-$% ljiin pi yi qi tang] SpleenFortifying Qi-Boosting Decoction @ PE ljiin tan] Paralysis Strengthener [non-channel] Ijihn wing] forgetfulness [new]; poor memory [old] ljihn wki] fortify the stomach {@
E ,fi* ljihn w i i disn] StomachFortifying Pomt [non-channel] @R% ljihn xi] Knee Fortifier [nonchannel] lji$n yao w i n ] Lumbus-Fortifying Pill #+ ljihn zhong] fortify the center #i%'t%q%$! ljihn jjin xing 3 16ngl gradual hearmg loss P & z ljihn ji she] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) G l l g * ljihn pu] acorus [rootlo (Acori Rhizoma) GI]$+ ljihn zhgn] sword needle [one of the nine needles] t?&Bljihn gii] bolt bone [ischiurn] {$-P
a3 Z * ljiing j i b diio chi] rorippaa (Rorippae H e r b a seu Flos) aa& Z$Z+i ljiang xi jin q i i n ego] hydrocotylea (Hydrocotyles Batrachii Herba) 1% * ljiang jiin] rhubarb' (Rhei Rhizoma)
rtg ljiiing jun zhi guiin] office of general [the liver] @3i$* ljiiing cjln] silkworm0 (Bombyx Batryticatus) 32 7 k 3 ljiiing shui s i n ] Millet Water Powder $$ ljiiing] ginger" (Zingiberis Rhizoma) $$'+k ljiiing b i n xi81 ginger[-processed] pinellia [tuberla (Pinelliae Tuber cum Zingibere Praeparatum) Sf$ ljiiing chgo] stir-fry with ginger $$N$Q!/?J?~ ljiiing fh si wh tiing] Ginger and Aconite Four Agents Decoction %% ljiiing hujlng] turmeric' (Curcumae Longae Rhizoma) SB$&ljiiing huing s i n ] Turmeric Powder %& ljiiing pi] ginger skin' (%ngiberis Rhizomatis Cortex) $$E*ljiiing tiin] blast-fried ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum) SB* Ijiiing xi&] ginger[-processed] pinellia [tuber]@ (Binelliae Tuber cum Zingibere Praeparatum) $$R$ S$g*ljiiing xing huing jing] polygonatum [root]' (Polygonati Huangjing Rhizoma) ljiiing zii] gingero ing giber is Rhizoma) $$:+ljiiing zhi] ginger juice0 (Zingiberis Rhizomatis Succus) $$.#f$ ljiiing zhi chio] stir-fry with ginger juice $$gIjiiing zhi] mix-fry with ginger; ginger mix-frying 5z!.* ljiiing cjln] silkworm" (Bombyx Batryt~catus) #$$j ljiiing yiing] silkworm preparation@ (Bombycis Praeparatio) p;ke ljiiing] downbear; downbearing p$A ljiing huii] downbear fire P$BlJ ljiiing ji] downbearing formula BiiJ&fi ljiiing kc qh sheng] downbearing [medicinals] can eliminate upbearing P;ke@T? ljiing ni xii qi] downbear counterflow and precipitate qi
P $ S k @ ljiing ni zhi iiu] downbear counterflow and check vomiting
P$yljiiing qi] downbear qi ljihng qi h u i tjln] downbear qi P"el.lkB " and transform phlegm
P$TFD% ljiiing qi ping chu5nI downbear qi and calm panting * ljiiing xiiing] dalbergia [woodla (Dalbergiae Lignum) P$ S R * ljiing xiiing piiin] dalbergia [wood]@ (Dalbergiae Lignum) P$ @ ljiiing zhen xiiing] dalbergia [woodla (Dalbergiae Lignum) P$P& ljiiing zhu61 downbear turbidity $$ Ijiiing] crimson Ijiing f i n ] crimson melanteriteo (Melanteritum Rubrum) $$f l Ijiiing f i n w&n] Crimson Melanterite Pill
j iao X X @ l f i ljiiio chii qii xu61 selection of contralateral points 9 b ljiiio chLng] communicating bowels [a fistula between the rectum and bladder or vagina] p I$ * ljiiio chong] GV-19 (Intersection Surge) 9I$ * ljiiio chong] GV-19 (Intersection Hub) ljiiio ggn xu6 chfi] bleeding after intercourse 9% Ijiiio gbu] sexual intercourse 9@ ljiiio gii] interlocking bones kchiurn; sacrococcy~ealarticulation] 9BFR ljiiio gii bti kiii] failure of the interlocking bones to open [non-movement of the coccyx in childbirth] x & f l ljiiio hui xu61 intersection point [see also bii mrii jirio xu? xu2 l\lbk2+'it
I 9+g8& ljiiio jie chu xu&]coital bleeding p'L_&&&ljiiio jiC chti xu21 coital bleeding ljiiio tiii win] Peaceful Interaction Pill ljiiio tCng] flowery knotweed [root]' (Polygoni Multiflori Radix)
X S J L \ ' E hi50 tong xin shin] promote
BP Ijilo] foot; leg; lower extremity
heart-kidney interaction; promote interaction of the heart and kidney 942 Ijiiio wtn] crease 2 ljiiio xin] KI-8W"O (Intersection Reach) 2j)IC ljiiio yi] Intersection Apparatus; LV5 (Intersection Apparatus) $fIt#& ljiiia bing jiii] moxibustion on pepper cake $fa%ljiiio chuiing] peppercorn sore ;tif;X21*ljiiio h h g ] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) ;tif;I@q& Ijiiio mCi tiing] Zanthoxylum and Mume Decoction $fIm# ljiiio mihn zhou] Zanthoxylum and Flour Gruel $fI€I IjZo mi11 zanthoxylum seed0 (Zanthoxyli Semen) biiio] parch; scorch; burn; burner %,*B ljiiio 1% qii] scorch-fried medicated leaven@ (Massa Medicata Fermentata Usta) jft ljiiio] glue; gelatin; gluey JjftjTW@P& Ijiiio hi si wG tang] Ass ,Hide Glue and Mugwort Four Agents Decoction BftXP%Ijiiio hi tiing] Ass Hide Glue and Mugwort Decoction jftg* ljiiio yi] malt sugara (Granorum Saccharon) n@ Ijizio] chew & Ijiiio] horn % @ Ijiiio bki] many-horned sumac gallnut@ (Rhois Galla Multicornis) fi $.4* IjiIo ci] gleditsia thorn@(Gleditsiae Spina) fR & IjiIo fii] horning [old name for cupping1 ffg 5 l?i ?& Ijiiio gong fiin zhiing] archedback rigidity [new]; opisthotonos [old] ffg E Ijiiio hug] horn flower [penile clitoris] % Ijiiio sin] TB-20 (Angle Vertex) g3ES Ijiiio ch6ng shii] intestine-gripping sand (shn) [dry cholera]., gqj& Ijiiio t6ng] gripping pain
Rt;PE%@ IjEo di i n mo] foot massage At;PSR%.hi50 gen tbng] heel pain RtP@ ljiiio huG] ankle BPS%, Ijiiio lu6n ji] hypertonicity of the foot
At;PT Ijiiio qi] leg qi BPT?$JL.hi50 qi thong xin] leg qi surging into the heart
Bt;PT% DiIo qi chuiing] foot qi sore &P??FR$ lji:o qi f6 zhdng] leg qi puffy swelhng
BPS&& ljiiio qi gong xin] leg qi attacking the heart At;P5,AlL\ Ijiiio qi rh xin] leg qi entering the heart ly;P$A lji50 rub] limp legs & P E T ljiiio shi qi] foot damp qi [Hongkongfoot] JJiPJ&ij Ijiiio whn] ankle jjiP7;g ljiiio xih thng] pain in the underside of the foot at;P@ lji5o xiiin] foot lichen (xiritz) &p '( ljiiio yii] foot
BP '( J@$SIjiiio yii mi Iin] eroding foot Rt;Pik Ijiiio zhi] toe % ljigo] rectify; correct
%g Ijiiio yhbu] eliminate bad odor %Z Ijiiio ling] Lithe Spirit [non-chantzelJ
@EE+EJljiho zhing yi shii j~i]Medical Literature Correction Office
GE Ijiho] bone-hole
+%@ ljie gii] Bone Joiner [tzon-channel]
+g@q*Ijie gii ciio] Formosan elder@ (Sambuci Formosanae Rhizoma); elder0 (Sambuci Herba seu Radix) Ijie gii dan] Bone-Joining Elixir +g@$ Ijie gii mG] Asiatic elder twiga (Sambuci Williamsii Ramulus); sarcandra [twig and leafla (Sarcandrae Ramulus et Folium); elder' (Sambuci Herba seu Radix)
+g@$%B Lie gii x t ~jin] join sinew and
@ Ijic] interrupt
bone @@%* hie gii yio] erythrina [bark]* (Erythrinae Cortex) +Z%* hie ji] Spine Joiner [non-channel] % Ijie] thoroughfare; street &jE ljie niik] malaria Z Z E * Ijik li hug] agrimonye (Agrimoniae Herba), %@ bit5 geng] platycodon [root]' (Platycodonis Radix) %@ 8 hi6 geng b&i sin] Platycodon White Powder %@G;W;th IjiC ging shi gao tang] Platycodon and Gypsum Decoction &$@!%I lji6 gEng tgng] Platycodon Decoction 'L,& IjiC] bind; bound [pulse, stool] t & @ f l IjiC hC xu61 Node Point [nonchannel] t& ljii hou] laryngeal prominence [Adam's apple] ' L & ~bit5 jig] crust [verb]; crusting [noun] 2&* bib kuii] lump 2&bk hi6 mii] bound pulse IjiC xiong] chest bind t&j$iIE hi6 xi6ng zhkng] chest bind pattern t&PH IjiC y h g ] binding in yang 2&IJa hit5 yin] binding in yin 'L,&+L?& IjiC z5 fi] binding method 'r,&a& 2 bit5 zhE s i n zhi] binding is treated by dissipation @ hie] eyelash B,$% Ijie mi01 eyelash R!%{ZllA hi6 m&o dko rG] ingrown eyelash i5 bik] node P$LI!IjiC chi] loose joints i5jZl-g"ljiC gii c5o] equisetum' (Equiseti Herba) 4-u-* IjiC jit5 cio] equisetume (Equiseti -p 7 Herba) TiiFt&%$* biC jiC jik rui cio] hedyotisa (Hedyotis Herba) a,'== TI 3 IjiC qi] solar term
gen li6o fii] root-severing method &kgIji6 niik] interrupt malaria %@-t=Zt% ljiC niik qi b50 yin] MalariaInterrupting Seven-Jewel Beverage X4 IjiC] exhaust &$ IjiC] cleanse &$?+M bit5 jing fii] cleansing the clean bowel [the bladder] f i IjiC] boil [a furuncle] IjiC z h h g ] swollen boil M Die] resolve; resolution M% hii big01 resolve the exterior; exterior resolution MSPilJfiii biiio ji] exterior-resolving formula MS)Xl,tzG IjiE bi5o qii feng shi yio] exterior-resolving wind-damp-dispelling medicinal H%f&%IjiE biio siin h&n] resolve the exterior and dissipate cold RJ$ S% bii bi5o yio] exterior-resolving medicinal E A R hii d i biiin] defecate RjS Ijie du] resolve toxin IjiG da hu6 xu& tang] ToxinResolving Blood-Quickening Decoction IjiE ji] resolve the flesh frJ$@ Ijie ji5nI Open Scissors [nonchannel] ji$#@ lji6 jing] resolve tetany
IjE jing zhi tang] resolve tetany and r~y!ie;~ypzi::
fi#?8)$iE ki] allay thirst RJ$ % 3 jji6 160 sin] Taxation-Resolving Powder f#Pjj Ijie 161 ununited skull M ? ! \ ~ & & @ Jbii r& s i n xu& tiing] HeatResolving Blood-Dissipating Decoction R# S R bit5 shii p i h ] SummerheatResolving Tablet E%bk Ijii su6 mii] untwining rope pulse ##$g f i e xi] ST-41WffO(Ravine Divide) Mig Ijii yii] restore the power of speech
@$j3 hi6 yu] resolve depression
Ngf5Pff ljil yh diin] Depression-Resolving Elixir
?$XF.*bik cii zi] leaf mustard seed' (Brassicae Junceae Semen) * bik sui] schizonepeta spike@ (Schizonepetae Flos) X F bik zi] leaf mustard seed' (Brassicae Junceae Semen) 3f * bik zii] Chinese fieldnettle@ (Stachydis Ba~calensisHerba) ;3i: bi&] scab (jih) [new]; jie [old]. ;3i:& bik chuiing] scab (jih) sore ;3i:% bi& lii] scab (jit) and lai %I?$ tfik xiin] scab (jih) and lichen ( x i h ) @!k'Z* Iji& she] gecko' (Gekko) !@!&!I?$* hi6 xik] gecko' (Gekko)
+iting El -&% D I bin ri shi ming ri tu] vomof food ingested the previous day f i bin] jin [unit of weight equal to 16 liang (taels)]; catty [unit of weight equal to 16 liang (taels)] & bin] metal; Jin [Tarta~ 1115-1234 A. D.] & if;E bin bki pi pi] Przewalski's rhododendron fruit@(Rhododendri Przewalskii Fructus) &d&$ktif;@Dtbin bki pi p i yk] Przewalski's rhododendron leaf@ (Rhododendri Przewalskii Folium) & % j bin b6] gold leaf* (Auri Lamina) & 76@& A bin b6 zhkn xin wLn] Gold leaf Heart-Settling Pill & bin bh h u b ] Chinese stephania [tuber]@ (Stephaniae Sinicae Tuber) & @ail bin ch5i hli] golden hairpin dendrobium [stem]@ (Dendrobii Nobilis Caulis) 42 @ E * bin chiii hug] dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis) &@;tifblt* bin chiii shi h6] golden hairpin dendrobium [stem]@ (Dendrobii Nobilis Caulis) &@JfL bin chin wLn] Golden ~ o a dPill
&fill ; & a bin chuiing] incised wound & a @ bin chugng jing] incised wound tetany
&%giM: bin chuiing sh6u zhing] incised wounds and club injuries bin dEng] shancigu (Shancigu Bulbus)
& fl*
&a $2 X*bin ding 16ng yii] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba)
&@Sbin fki cio] inula' (Inulae Caulis et Folium) bin fki ciio stin] Inula Powder &@E*bin fki hua] inula flower' (Inulae Flos) & n E * bin fEng hug] garden balsam flower' (Impatientis Balsaminae Flos) & n E T * bin fkng huii zi] garden balsam seed' (Impatientis Balsaminae Semen) &l$$C* bin f6 cio] inula* (Inulae Caulis et Folium) &B bin gan] metal gan &&!& * bin giin pi] mandarin peel' (Citri Chachiensis seu Suavissimae Pericarpium) &Bll B bin giing t h g ] Bock's greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Bockii Rhizoma) &NIJ$L bin giing win] Metal Strength Pill &&$$J&*bin g6 li pi] dbalone shell' (Haliotidis Concha) &@JB* bin g6u tCng] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) & m e % % bin g6u ji huiing mi01 cibotium hair@ (Cikjotii Pilus) &$J%* bin g6u ji] cibotium [root]@ (Cibotii Rhizoma) &@%* bin g6u mi01 cibotium hair@ (Cibotii Pilus) &A%* bin guii mi] pumpkin seed' (Cucurbitae Semen) &%B* bin gui liGn] hemsleya [tuberlc (Hemsleyae Tuber) & E ' R SitL bin gui shkn qi wan] tiolder Coffer Kidney Qi Pill &Zil:E bin gu6 Iin] tinospora tuDeW (Tinosporae Tuber) &$&$C$&
&%7kBbin hiin shui ling] cold metal and cold water & g I / J \ S* bin h6ng xiiio d6u] rice beane (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) & % B5 * bin hu ping] Cherokee rose fruite (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus); siphonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba) & E * bin huii] lonicera [flowerla (Lonicerae Flos)
& E E * bin hug ping] siphonostegiaa
(Siphonostegiae Herba) bin hu6 siin] Metal Sublimate Powder &g;W;bin huiing giio] Golden Yellow Paste &%& liin hu6ng s5nj Golden Yellow Powder &g;6* Din huing shi] realgar" (Realgar) &j_S j $ f t ~ ] bin ji thong ji] Cherokee Rose Fruit and Millettia Granules &$_SE" bin ji wEi] sphenonerisa (Sphcnomeris Herba seu Rhizoma) bin ji n6] anomalous artemisiao (Artemisiae Anomalae Herba) & 3 1F * bin jian diio cgo] vaccaria [seedla (Vaccariae Semen) &%BEJLJtL bin jiin fCi Cr wan] Golden Mirror Chubby Child Pill & @ bin jin] Golden Liquid [notzchanizel] Din jing] golden well bupil] &BE bin liin bus] globeflower* (Trollii Flos) &++q* bin ling zi] toosendan [fruitla ( T n n s ~ n d a nF r ~ l r t ~ ~ s )
&+$4E*bin ling zi hui] charred toosendan [fruitla (Toosendan Fructus Carbonisatus) &@43 bin ling zi ssn] Toosendan Powder &++TE* bin ling zi tin] charred toosendan [fruitla (Toosendan Fructus Carbonisatus) & *3Q B * bin miio gdu ji] cibotium [rootlo (Cibotii Rhizoma) &T 7 bin mCn] BL-63W"0 (Metal Gate); CV-1 (Metal Gate)
jin &@;ti bin mCng shi] mica [schist]' (Mi-
cae Aureae Lapis) &+IL* bin niG Cr] cicada molting" (Cicadae Periostracum) &@FU_S bin p6 bG ming] broken metal failing to sound &y%pQCjin qi s6 jihng] depurative downbearing of metal qi $E@ bin qiin bii hu5 shi] multibanded kraitO (Bungarus Multicinctus) & i s 3 Din qi6n cso] moneywort0 (Jinqiancao Herba) &i%@ bin qian x i h ] coin lichen (xi&) &@$R bin qu6 gEn] caragana [root]' (Caraganae Sinicae Radix) &&9E* bin shii juCj lygodium@ (Lygodii Herba) @* bin shii tCng] lygodiuma (Lygodii Herba) &lip@* bin shii tCng] lygodium@(Lygodii Herba) & LLI Y % bin shiin niu huing] Golden Mountain bovine bezoara (Bovis Bezoar Non-Chinense) &q bin shio yio] white peony [root]@ (Paeoniae Radix Alba) &%TU_Sbin shi bG ming] replete metal failing to sound &7&*$3,m bin shui liG jiin jiiin] Six Gentlemen Metal and Water Brew &7&jt;I+bin shui xiiing sheng] metal and water engender each other; mutual engendering of metal and water &&S* bin si c5o] golden hair grass0 (Pogonatheri Herba) $?$ A bin sud gii jing win] Golden Lock Essence-Securing Pill &+fi't:Eff * bin sud yin kiii] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) SEE* bin tCng hug] lonicera [flowerla (Lonicerae Flos) &pg@* bin tu6 seng] litharge' (Litharwum) &% bin ying] open incised wound &%REbin yin huii] lonicera [flowerla (Lonicerae Flos)
ljin yin te'ng] lonicera stem and leafa (Lonicerae Caulis e t Folium) &@@ ljin ying gen] Cherokee rose root' (Rosae Laevigatae Radix) & @ m * ljin ying rbu] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) T*ljin ying zi] Cherokee rose fruite (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) &@-7ljin ying zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) &E5*bin ying zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) &if:@!$#$ ljin ying zi zhou] Cherokee Rose Fruit Gruel &?3@2 ljin yh xi& zhi] depressed metal is treated by discharge 3Z Flk % ljin yuan si dB jiii] four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan period & E I M S ljin yue c6ng g t ] metal is the working of change & % tE S* ljin zhiin yin tiii] vaccaria [seedla (Vaccariae Semen) &,$j-* bin zhi] purified fecesa (Hominis Excrementi Liyuidum Extractum) & * bin zh6ng yin c h h ] siphonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba) @ bin] liquid @ T l g ljin ~ bh shhng chkng] liquid failing to bear upward @;7';J-@ ljin bh s h i n g rhn] liquid failing to moisten the upper body @+&hl@ ljin kCi xu& ziio] desiccation of liquid and blood dryness #5+%6 ljin kui rk jii] liquid depletion and heat bind ljin qi] liquid qi @aq$fl ljin xiE kui siin] liquid-blood depletion sf@* bin xi&] crab [flesh and innards]@ (Eriocheiris Caro e t Viscera) @ @ bin xu] vacuity of liquid @J& m@ [jin xu& t6ng yuiin] liquid and blood are of the same source @% bin yk] fluids @%% ljin yk bing] disease of the fluids #%@iE@ bin yk bing zhkng] disease pattern of the fluids
@%;7';X ljin yi: bh zli] insufficiency of the fluids
#%5%bin ! y& kui siin] fluid depletion @%#74% ljin yi: siin shiing] damage to fluids ,E@ uin jii;] steep in wine [to make a medicinal wine] % bin] sinew; vein iljjg bin bi] impediment (bi) of the sinew %!& ljin duin] ruptured sinew ljin giin] gan of the sinew; sinew gan %@%55 ljin gii bi rub] weakness and impediment (bi) of the sinew and bone %@S* bin gii c i o ] bending buglea (Ajugae Decumbentis Herba) j$j@$XFjij bin gii ru5n rub] weak sinews and bones %@@B ljin gii suiin thng] aching sinews and bones % @ @@i bin gii t h g thng] sinew and bone pain ljin gii wgi ruin] limp wilting (wti) sinews and bones @I% ljin hiin] cold sinews 85% bin huin] slack sinews B$j+ bin hui] meeting place of the sinew (GB-34); GB-34 (Sinews' Meeting) %%, ljin ji] sinew hypertonicity ljin ji] extreme of the sinew ff7jfi ljin li] sinew scrofula 3%bin lik] split sinew %@ bin liu] sinew tumor afj@ bin lili] sinew tumor j$j@ ljin luin] hypertonicity of the sinews; tense sinews iiijga bin luh] sinew network vessels j3$3 ljin mii] sinew; sinews and vessels $ 1 bin rnii hu6 dbng bh li] inhibited sinew movement j$ij&j&* ljin mhi rnii mh] numbness of the sinews iJijb34ks ljin m i i sh6u su6] contraction of the sinews iTfjb?@& ljin m i i tiin huin] paralysis of the sinews
bin m6] sinew membrane an 7 bin qi] sinew R S g S bin rbu qiing zhi] rigidity of the sinews and flesh bin shin] sinew mounting (shan) .l% B E bin shiing gii cub] damage to sinew and bone bin shi rG ylng] sinews deprived of nourishment [depriving the sinews of nourishment] %fjXPfi% bin shi su6 ylng] sinews deprived of nourishment [depriving the sinews of nourishment] bin shi zi ylng} sinews deprived of nourishment [depriving the sinews of nourishment] %%$ bin shG] GV-8 (Sinew Bindzr) bin S U ~GV-8WfIO ] (Sinew Contraction) bin ti rbu rGn] jerking sinews %TE R and twitchi! g flesh ;fin tbng] sinew pain ;fin wEi] sinew wilting (we'i) ;fin ying] sinew goiter 2 R ;fin zzhi fii] house of the sinews [the knee] % ;fin] tight % b3 Din mii] tight pulse % lf$!f * bin dEng 16ngI lantern plant calyxo (Physalis Alkekengi Calyx) $$t&9 ;fin di lu6] sundew* (Droserae Herba) I %$gI)+ bin h6ng piin] Red Brocade Tablet f$gA* bin wen] rhubarbo (Rhei Rhizoma) $$%A$$ * bin wen d i huing] rhubarbo (Rhei Rhizoma) 32 %S& T * bin c8i di ding] Yedo violet* (Violae Yedoensis Herba cum Radice) fi%Pj.%fi ;fin bG xuln xu61 selection of local points fi$X bin shi] nearsightedness; myopia fidn bin xu&] proximal bleeding [near anus] E bin] Jin [265-420 A.D.] hhk=
a%@% as
jing --& bin qi] Jin astragalus [rootlo (Hedysari Radix) E ;fin] steep [in liquid] 'E@ ;fin pi01 steep [in liquid] E g % [iin yin chuiing] wet spreading sore %-& bin shi] promote food intake % & ~ @ ;fin shi gub biio] overeating j&$?f bin zhen] needle insertion $j$bin] contraindicate %$I] bin ci] needling contraindications %k ;fin fang] secret formula %gE* ;fin gong hug] vaccaria [seed]@ (Vaccariae Semen) %,Exbin ji] contraindicate Z Y * bin sheng] dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis) ,S, bin ybng] contraindication @ ;fin] terminate n2 ;fin] clenched jaw l2R ;fin fens] clenched jaw wind ;fin kGu] clenched jaw; trismus; denying intake of food bin k6u li] food-denying dysentery "a, [dysentery with inability to eat] fl2 %% bin k6u li ji] food-denying dysentery [dysentery with inability to eat]
jing Ding shui bii juk] incessant menstruation g Ding] capital 3 $1 ;fing dB ji] Peking euphorbia jrootjG (Euphorbiac "rekinensis Radix) g@ bing gii] capital bone (base of the fifth metatarsal bone); BL-64WflO (Capital Bone) g T7 bing men] GB-25WlIO (Capital Gate) 5 +$$Ding niii huing] Peking bovine bezoaro (Bovis Bezoar Pekinense) ,p, =& * bing san lkng] s ~ a r g a n i u m [root]@ (Sparganii Rhizoma) =@ jtl, bing san Eng w6n] Bur-Reed Pill H E; * Ding xiong] ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma)
Jj 7)(;1;@,
A -
A -
$J vfi @ 3 $& ljing fang bii d6 siin] Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella ToxinVanquishing Powder 54 Pfi ELI !#IJ $% ljing fang si wh tang] Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Four Agents Decoction %UP!?% Ding fang tang] Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Decoction 8lJ 8 ljing jig] schizonepeta@ (Schizonepetae Herba et Flos) %J%Z* Ding jik hui] schizonepeta spike@ (Schizonepetae Flos) %ll3f.BB ?$ Ding ji5 lian qiha tang] Schizonepeta and Forsythia Decoction %lJ%$% Ding ji6 sui] schizonepeta spike@ (Schizonepetae Flos) %lJ f Q E Ding ji5 sui tin] charred schizonepeta spike@(Schizonepetae Flos Carbonisata) 3E Ding ~ i 5 tiin] charred schizonepeta@ (Schizonepetae Herba et Flos Carbonisatae) %l8?$ Ding jii: tang] Schizonepeta Decoction %43f#1 Ding ji5 y6u] schizonepeta oil@ (Schizonepetae Oleum) jjll3f# ljing jik zhGu] Schizonepeta Gruel 84 E* Ding li] hemp-leaved vitex sap0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Caulis Succus)
8114 P I!#IJ ?% Ding qin si wh tang] Schizonepeta and Scutellaria Four Agents Decoction 54 Z$$ Ding s2n 16ngl scirpuso (Scirpi Fluviatilis Rhizoma) %4#k* Ding tao] cherrym (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) # q * Ding zi] vitex [fruit]. (Viticis Fructus) -.+. 3 Ding] stem; penis ' E g g % + , @ Ding chkng xing shkng bii wei] persistent erection ZS Ding chui] male genitalia G Ding qiang] persistent erection %Sg$*@ ljing qiang bb wei] persistent erection 2Z @ E Ding zh6ng fii yiing] itching in the penis
g+g Ding zh6ng tbng] pain in the penis E
ljing zh6ng tbng yjng] pain and itching in the penis &% Ding pki] miliaria crystallina BE Ding] eye Ilg@ ljing liiin] eye curtain [iris] Ijing,ming] BL-1WHO (Bright Eyes) @ BE% ljing zhii] eye bead t2 Ijing] channel [pathway of qi]; meridianwffo [pathway of qi]; menstruation; canon [classical text]; classic [classical text] 23% Ding beng] menstrual flooding 23Sfl Ding bi] menstrual block [new]; amenorrhea [old] t3m T B ljing bi bij t6ngl mens'trual block [new]; amenorrhea [old] ?3Sfl;1; 77 Ding bi bh xing] menstrual block [new]; amenorrhea [old] t$ [fl g g Ding bi yG beng Ibu jiao ti] menstrual block alternating with flooding and spotting t3RIj Ding bik] channel divergence ?3BDing chi] late periods; delayed menstruation 22$U Ding ci] channel needling [one of nine needling methods] t2@ Ding dki] menstrual disorders and vaginal discharge t$@'& Ling dhi bing] menstrual diseases and-vaginal discharge 22% Ding duhn] menopause 23 €& j? Ding duhn fb xing] postmenopausal recommencement of periods ?2fi Ding fang] classical remedy 53% @ ljing fang pii] classical 'remedies school ?96 ljing hbu] postmenstrual ?26t&D3 Ding hbu tb nu] postmenstrual blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding ?3BDing jin] channel sinew 22E ljing jin] terminate in channel ljing jiii bi] enduring menstrual tsfi block ?32E Ding juC] menopause
?2%{E& Ding l i i bihn xu&] menstrual bloody stool ?3*&@ Ding 1ii ch6n kuhi] clotted menstrual flow ?2%@&Cing 1ii dhn sk] pale menstrual flow 22%2 $3 Ding 1ii fii kuiing] menstrual mania 4-Z*Ef;.!\.Ding l i i fii 1-21 menstrual fever ?3%@l$uing liii fli zhhng] menstrual puffy swelling ?2%@@$ Ding 16i fh tbng] abdominal pain during menstruation ?3%@ltljing 1ii jh zhi] sudden cessation of the menstrual period after commencement 22saEu4 ljing 1Bi 6u tti] menstrual vomiting 22;tF&f&Ding 16i sk d i n ] pale menstrual flow ?2%&%ljing 15i sk zi] purple menstrual flow $2 7; m fi Ding liii,xih rbu biio] passing of flesh moles in menstruation 22%7;IfnB@ Ding 1% xi8 xuk biio] passing of blood moles in menstruation ?2%%&ljing 15i zi sk] purple menstrual flow ?3@ Ding lbu] postmenstrual spotting; spotting ?g&Lljing luhn] chaotic menstruation ?3$8Ding lub] channels and network vessels Ling lub ck ding yi] merid?$tl iometer ?gf&$,g king i-6 t s n m* vlll - p- .r-.n n-t- i- -n-~--c c~f the channels and network vessels ?$t%+iRDing lub xu6 shut11 channel theory ?3$825 ljing lu6 zhi qi] channel [and network vessel] qi ?Gt&pBmLing lub zii zhi] obstruction of channels and network vessels t3b3 Ding mii] channel vessel; channel 23/&2& Ding mhi zhi hHi] sea of the channels [the penetrating 5 essel] 25% Ding nil menstrual counterflow ? 3 #Ding J qi] menstrual period; menstrual cycle
r .
23$jB@j Ling qi chao qiinl'delayed menstruation
%2BE.@ bing qi cub h6u] delayed menstruation
23@jSFJ85@j Ding qi fh tbng] abdominal pain during menstruation
t3#jBG ljing qi lub hbu] delayed menstruation Ding qi yiin c h h g ] prolonged menstruation 23% ljing qi] channel qi ?2m Ding q i h ] premenstrual ?S@j@Ifn bing qian bihn xlk?] premenstrual bloody stool t3'i;iiJTBDing q i i n bh mii] premenstrual sleeplessness @fjijE@$ Ding q i i n fii tbng] premenstrual abdominal pain ?$$$@gp+$)$lJDing q i i n mihn b i ~fen ci] premenstrual facial acne t$miJnE~& Ding q i i n iiu th] premenstrual vomiting ?3@j;ja&Ding qiiin rii zhing] premenstrual distention of the F a s t s Ptt ljing qiiin th nii] premenstrual blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding $27 * ljing qin] scutellaria [rootla (Scutellariae Radix) ?2'%Ling qli] LU-8W'lO (Channel Ditch) ?$fin$T;$gq ljing rli xi5 m i zi] toad-egg menses 23&&f&Ding sk qiiin d i n ] light-colored menstrual discharge 4xAWftr* zrc,r,x..a
Wuxb [;in" Uw ci.
4 an1 -=-I rlz~rk ----- r n -i ~rr -n--m l-~ -e- -n--
strual discharge 2$fik*Ding shy] HT-9 (Channel Start) ?2S@K ljing shi yiin chiing] prolonged menstruation t$ZgP t * ljing shuiing sang yk] frostbitten mulberry leafa (Mori Folium Praeustum) ?37K ljing shui] menstrual flow; menstruation; channel water [i.e., a channel] 22 7K ;f;k Ding shui bh duhn] continuous menstruation ? ~ & + ~ F I J Ding shui bh li] inhibited menstrual flow
?37k%tE ljing shui du8n jut] menopause $37 k S & ljing shui gub duo] excessive menstrual flow ?37ktZ$ ljing shui s6 shiio] scant inhibited menstrual flow ?3Bljing sui] channel tunnels t3S\ i$?fi ljing w8i qi xu151 non-channel point t37; &@ ljing xi8 xu6 baa] passing of blood moles in menstruation t 3 f T I F a ljing xing bihn xu61 menstrual bloody stool t$fS7[;; @J ljing xing bh chhng] inhibited menstruation 23fTT $11 ljing xing bh li] inhibited menstruation tgff 7[;;@ Ding xing bh shuting] ungratifying menstruation 23fT+&$gbing xing ch6u chii] menstrual convulsion @fTE?& Ling xing fii 1-61menstrual fever 2sqTt+j+j+ bing xing fli zhijng] menstrual puffy swelling t 2 f T E B ljing xing fG tbng] menstrual abdominal pain 2$.Z4Tg@j king xing hbu qi] late periods; delayed menstruation t $ f T s E z g ljing xing hub q i i n hub hbu] menstruation sometimes delayed sometimes advanced H ljing xing mh tbng] menstrual eye pain ?3fTll3@ ljing xing nu xu&] menstrual spontaneous external bleeding t3fTilED3 ljing xing iju nu] menstrual retching of blood or spontaneous external bleeding t$$Tt@Dl ljing xing iju th] menstrual vomiting t$fy% @ ljing xing shen tbng] menstrual body pain t 3 f T A a ljing xing t6u tbng] menstrual headache t3qT P l k @ ljing xing th nu] menstrual blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding ?$fTakJ-a ljing xing th xu&] menstrual blood ejection
?3fT$&%Z 2 rn king xing xiin hbu wli
ding qi] menstruation at irregular intervals t g ? T % m bing xing xiin qi] advanced menstruation t3?T#35 ljing xing xi6 xi61 menstrual diarrhea t s q T E @ ljing xing y i o tbng] menstrual lumbar pain t2fi ljing xu&] river point [one of the five transport points]; channel point t 3 h ljing xu61 menstrual blood t2&*% ljing xu6 jig kuhi] clots in the menstrual discharge t 3 a R g bing xu6 jib kuhi] clotted menstrual discharge ljing xu& zhong jiii yiju 2$& yii ku8iI stasis clots in the menstrual blood ?$!j&fi ljing yhn fiing] empirical formula ?3CJ&fi ljing y8n xu61 empirical point t 2 7 ljjng ztio] advanced menstruation ?3iE ljing zhkng] channel pattern ?3@@j@J Ding zhi niin chou] thick sticky menstrual discharge; thick sticky menstrual flow t2@tgf$ ljing zhi qing xi] thin clear menstrual discharge t3 ljing zhong] O n Channel [notzchannel] $E ljing] essence; semen $ZF 44 &j hing bh she chii] inability to ejaculate E$7[;;Z+$+\2 ljing bh z6 zhi: bii zhi yi wki] insufficiency of essence is supplemented with flavor $5&j ljing chi] seminai loss $El% Ding fing] essence chamber $ E n ljing fii] house of essence $ E g ljing gGng] palace of essence; BL52 (Palace of Essence); GV-4 (Palace of Essence) $EX ljing guin] essence gate $E# F BI ljing guin bh gii] insecurity of the essence gate $E?BF% bing h u i bh jin] seminal efflux $E& ljing ji] extreme of essence
'@% ljing kE] nest of essence @&ljing Eng] seminal cold @I* ljing 161 CV-4 (Essential Dew); CV-5 (Essential Dew)
eg* Ding ming] BL-1 (Bright Essence) g m 2fi Ding ming zhi fii] house of bright essence [the head] %BE+L%. ljing nCng huh qi] essence can transform into qi ' @ T ljing qi] essential qi #T%J!l]@ ljing qi du6 zC xii] when essential qi is despoliated, there is vacuity #$j9 ljing shiio] scant semen #$$ # Ding shCn] essence-spirit; mind [modern usage]; mental [modern usage] '@#+ r=f ljing shCn bh shdu] essencespirit failing to confine itself E@+E ljing s h h bG z h h ] devitalized essence-spirit @ 854%ljing shCn chi dhn] torpor of essence-spirit '@@%$% ljing shCn diii dhn] dullness of essence-spirit @@%% Ding shCn diii zhi] dullness of essence-spirit @@&W ljing shCn pi bi:i] exhaust of essence-spirit %@&@ ljing shCn pi j u h ] lassitude of essence-spirit '#j@gJ$ Ding s h h w6i mi] listlessness of essence-spirit $gg ljing shi] essence chamber @@&3 ljing sui xii kui] essence-marrow depletion @h ljing xu&] essence-blood %& W ljing xu& t6ng yuiin] essence and blood are of the same source Ding y& d& xi&] great seminal discharge ljing yi: jiii xui:] blood in the semen '@@?$7?$ ljing yi: qing li:ng] clear cold semen Ding zhu6] essence turbidity @jQ 7; ljing zi xih] spontaneous discharge of semen
$$M$@~I Ding fh tang] Ginger and Aconite Decoction
% ljing] fright [one of the seven affects]
'RfB ljing chG] fright
B M ljing feng] fright wind Qing fEng b i hhu] E M I\
eight signs of fright wind E M e4 iiE Ding fEng si zhkng] four signs of fright wind #R@Ding giin] fright gan @V ljing hii] cry of shock E @ Ding ji] fright accumulation Elf ljing ji] fright palpitation Ding juC] fright reversal 'K%Eljing kuiing] fright mania Ding li] fright diarrhea E @ ljing qii:] fright temerity Et<:ljing ri:] fright fever ljing shiing xi6 thng] frighttg{B damage rib-side pain E7K ljing shui] fright water [a kind of water swelling] t,$@ ljing tiin] fright paralysis )',$n@ Ding ti] fright crying ljing xiiin] fright epilepsy EB ljing xi21 fright diarrhea @IfJ?&L ljing zC qi lu$n] fright causes disruption of qi ' R g Y 2 ljing zhi: ping zhi] fright is treated by calming ljing zhi] Waking of Insects [3rd solar term] E -t: [jing. ti8n siin qi] alpine sioaecropo (seal Ai~oofiTIertia) %XZ-k$R Ding tiiin siin qi gen] alpine stonecrop rooto (Sedi Aizoon Radix) # Z ljing xuC] well point [one of the jive transport points] 3$j Ding] neck 9iJfZf ljing bi] Neck and Upper Arm [nonchannel] $a]$* ljing c h h g ] LI-14 (Neck Surge) 9fi ]$* ljing chong] LI-14 (Neck Thoroughfare) TE$B ljing cii] fat neck
$a@ ljing gii] neck bone $$%&@ ljing h6u sheng yong] welling abscess (ybng) on the back of the neck $3t's7&% ljhg jiin sheng chuiing] neck sore 93% Ding li] scrofula of the neck $ijj/J$ljing mhi] neck vessel ljing xiiing] neck $3Q% % ljing xiiing fiin zhing] arched rigidity of the neck. 93% ljing xiing] neck; nape and neck $@%%ljing xiing miin] fullness in the neck $$Q$%+f$+ ljing xihng qiing bh dC hui gG] stiffness in the nape and neck that prevents the head from turning 9@%$%%, ljing xihng qiing ji] rigidity of the neck TiJQ$Zg Ding xihng qiing zhi] rigidity of the neck Ding xiing tbng] neck pain 93% Ding y6ngl welling abscess (ybng) of the neck $9 ljing zhong] Neck Center [nonchannel] I2 Ling] tetany #@J % * Ding ching chi] shepherd's purseo (Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba) #g* ljing fii] wheat brano (Tritici Testa) #jl@ Ling fii] clean bowel [the bladder] #R;f?% ljing fii tgng] Bowel-Cleansing Decoction #Z Ding tiii] clean tongue fur Y 3 ljing] tetany E E ljing bing] tetany S M ljing jue] tetanic reversal S $ Ding luin] spasm B$ ljing] tranquil ljing mihn she] mirror tongue E ljing] lower leg; lower leg bone; tibia E B Ding gii] lower leg bone [tibia] E g Ding jii] lower leg flat abscess @) E@ljing suiin] lower leg ache; aching of the lower legs El$ Ding zhdng] swelling of the shins
@jjljiii n&ifiin] Correct Inward Turning [non-channel] Y 5b @I ( - ) .ljiii whi fiin (I)] Correct Outward Turning #1 [non-channel]
H 9b @I
( I) .ljiii whi f i n (2)] Correct Outward Turning # 2 . [non-channel] fir;?$? ljiii qi] Wild Pigeon Willow [nonchannel] @,Eljiii wEi] turtle-dove's tail (xiphoid process); CV-lSWfIO (Turtledove Tail) h ljiii] nine; ninth; ninefold h9$1]ljiii bihn ci] nine needling methods f i +%$$E$&ljiii bin w6 f6 ting] Areca Nine Evodia and Poria (Hoelen) Decoction h E S* biii cCng tii] basilo (Basilici Herba) h &$ij Jjiii ch6ng bing] nine worm diseases h$lJljiii ci] nine needling methods g * uiii huing jiing] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) h T Z ljiii jiC chi] sarcandra [twig and leafJ@(Sarcandrae Ramulus et Folium) biii jiC ching pG] Altai anemone root@ (Anemones Altaicae Rhizoma) A P R * ljiii jiC feng] sarcandra [twig'and leafj@ (Sarcandrae Ramulus .et Folium) h P Z * ljiii ji6 lin] sarcandra [twig and' leaf]@ (Sarcandrae Ramulus et Folium) i ju6 mifig] abalone fi& * ~ i i k6ng shello (Haliotidis Concha)
A $Lk%* uiii k h g 11161 abalone shello (Haliotidis Concha) ljiii li guing] climbing groundsel@ ' (Senecionis Scandentis Herba) h g y * ljij li ming] climbing groundsel@ (Senec~on~s Scandentis Herba) h%@ biii li xiang] orange jessamine [twig and leaflo (Murrayae Ramulus et Folium) hga& biii li xiing gen] orange jessamine rooto (Murrayae Radix)
h g %*
liin deng] sophora fruit0 (Sophorae Fructus) h A %bj% biii liG bii xi&] nine and six supplementation and drainage h & @ biii 16ng gen] bauhinia rootm (Bauhiniae Radix) A&@ biii 16ng tCng] bauhinia stem0 (Bauhiniae Caulis) h2BRt biii 16ng t h g yk] bauhinia leaf0 (Bauhiniae Folium) h 2 D l • ’ % biii 16ng tit zhii] umbrella sedge" (Cyperi Alternifolii Caulis et Folium) h + g uiii niG shii] corniculate cayratiaO (Cayratiae Corniculatae Tuber) h 9 biii qi] nine qi h e ljiii qiio] nine orifices [2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth, and either 2 yin or tongue and throat] he & biii qiio chii xu21 bleeding from the nine orifices A@f i ljiii tbng win] Nine Pains Pill h A;CV biii t6u c5o] slender sileneO (Silenes Tenuis Radix) h%#A$$$h biii w&ibin ling tiing] NineIngredient Areca Decoction h@@cfIl& biii w2i li zhdng tang] NineIngredient Center-Rectifying Decoction k%zf&$h biii wei qiang hu6 tang] NineIngredient Notopterygium Decoction h@& ljiii wki s5n] Nine-Ingredient Powder h4hS biii xiiin c5o] thesiuma (Thesii Herba) h4~fJ@it xian dan] Nine Tmmortals Elixir h4hW ljiii xiiin s h ] Nine Immortals Powder B & ljiit xiiing ch6ngl stinkbug0 (Aspongopus) h-fl biii yi dan] Nine-To-One Elixir h a ljiii zing] nine viscera h++ljiG zhen] nine needles h%llkBTtLljiii zhli dB huting win] Ninefold Processed Rhubarb Pill hH,Ll@biii zh6ng xin tbng] nine types of heart pain
h 3 S 4; %
IjiG zi liin huin cgo] calanthe* (Calanthes Herba seu Rhizoma) hq@* biii zi ping] duckweed' (Lemnae Herba) R Ijiii] enduring biit i n ] extended palpation A E biii bing] enduring illness fit3 biii chi] extended palpation [pulsetaking technique] Rt3%% biii chi su6 rin] becoming indistinct on extended palpation [pulse] A % PA% biii ji yin hiin] enduring accumulated yin cold A A T AD@ biii jiii bh rG shui] taking a long to get to sleep; initial insomnia AD% ljiii kC] enduring cough fit&@ biii k l sbu] enduring cough A%$$* ljiii 150 shii] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) A @ biit lli] enduring dysentery A$Il@B# biii li hug tub] enduring diarrhea efflux desertion fig-biii 16ngI enduring deafness A E biii nii&] enduring malaria A ?4! 4% PJ hi6 rk shing yin] damage to yin by enduring heat A @ biii sbu] enduring cough A@A %3 biii tbng rG 11161 enduring pain entering the network vessels biii t6u tang] enduring headache f i @ biii xi&] enduring diarrhea fi@$jZj8# ljiii xi& h u i tud] enduring diar-
rhez efF,z dp_sp_rticx
fig ljiii yin] enduring loss of voice A a biii yh] enduring depression; longdepressed $ Ijiii] moxibustion; moxabustion & & ljiii fii] moxibustion; moxabustion & * Ijiii] Chinese leek [leafla (Allii Tuberosi Folium) &% IjiC cki] Chinese leek [leafla (Allii Tuberosl Folium) &%{I* biii cii r h ] Chinese leek seed@ (Allii Tuberosi Semen) &%# ljiii cki zhou] Chinese Leek Gruel
&%F* biii
chi zi] Chinese leek seed0 (Allii Tuberosi Semen) & Pf- 2 ljiii yt: y6n xiiing ciio] cymbopogon0 (Cymbopogonis Tortilis Herba) &F ljiii zi] Chinese leek seed@ (Allii Tuberosi Semen) .j@ ljiii] wine; liquor0 (Vinum seu Spiritus) j@1$ ljiii bei] drunken furor @$$ljiii chiio] stir-fry with wine iRG ljiii diin] liquor jaundice ij!!j%& ljiii h u i n g dgn] liquor jaundice ia$W ljiii ji] liquor accumulation @!j$g@$& ljiii ji pi kuhi] liquor accumulation aggregation (pi) lump ] # j !@ ljiii ji] wine preparation @% ljiii k&] drinker i@@ljiii m6] grind with wine i@@ ljiii pi] liquor addiction @i@ ljiii pi] drinker's aggregation (pi) i@f;&m@ ljiii rt: nki yiin] liquor heat brewing internally iag&tE ljiii st: gub dii] excesses of drink and sex $!j&XE ljiii st: wli dii] intemperant drinking and sex @&Ffi{% ljiii shi su6 shiing] damage by food and liquor $!j%BQ ljiii s6ng fli] take with wine @ & j ljiii xi] washing with wine i@I;)IA& ljiii zh5 bi] drinker's nose $!jflK hi; zhhng] drinker's distention .iB gg ljiii zheng] drinker's concretion (zhzng) @ Z ljiii zheng] steaming with wine iE% ljiii zhi] mix-fry with wine E j bib] mortar Ufi ljiii chii] pestle and mortar ljiii] rescue; stem [to curtail] &&E IjiG bi ying] iron holly [barkla (Tlicis Rotundae Cortex) &$W%;-B~@J ljiii juiin iin tiii tang] FetusRescuing Decoction
@ @ f f ljiG mii diin] ~ o t h k r ' s Rescue
Elixir . ljiii nil stem counterflow $A% ljiii tu6] stem desertion @$J ljiii tu6 hu6 mii tang] Desertion-Stemming Mother-Reviving Decoction biii ying] rescue yang 1H'@ IjiG bing] old illness [long-standing or previous illness]
Ba$.$lBljii chii chiio shi] living in damp places
B@ ljii liio] GB-29W"O (Squatting BoneHole)
E{$@lBljii zhii ch5o shi] living in damp places
# ljii] hypertonicity )@%, b,ii ji] hypertonicity )@@ ljii luin] hypertonicity & ljii] flat abscess @) [new]; ju [old] Ej lj6] office ,EjgyS$Xfiljli bii qii xu61 selection of local points Ej8ySfi{G lj6 bii xu6 w2i] local point EJZDgte$$fi ljii fang xi jiiio di h u i n g win] Imperial Grace Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Pill E J f i Z z f flj6 fang zhi biio diin] Imperial Grace Supreme Jewel Elixir % * Ijc] chrysanthemum [flower]* (Chrysanthemi Flos) w d-r, lj6 huii] chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos) %EZi)5Jw lj6 huii ch5 ti50 siin] TeaBlended Chrysanthemum Powder % E H$@$ ;I6 h u i g i n c5o tang] Chrysanthemum and Licorice Decoction @ lj6] tangerine" (Citri Fructus) @ Q lj6 bii] white tangerine peela (Citri Exocarpiurn Album) &+@$A ljli bhn zhi zh6 win] Tangerine Peel, Pinellia, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill *--K
Ijli bing] candied tangerine' (Citri Dulcia) &@ Ij6 he] tangerine pip' (Citri Semen) &@A Ijd hC win] Tangerine Pip Pill %*I ljd h6ngl red tangerine peela (Citri Exocarpium Rubrum) &2IG$lJ lj6 h6ng tiin ji] Red Tangerine Peel Pill . &% Ijii lub] tangerine pith' (Citri Fructus Fasciculus Vascularis) @fI ffi * Ij6 pi], tangerine ' peel* (Citri Exocarpium) && fffYb?% ljd pi biin xi8 tiing] Tangerine Peel and Pinellia Decoction @fIEBAIj6 pi jiiin win] Tangerine Peel Decocted Pill @E?% b6 pi tiing] Tangerine Peel Decoction &&il;J?%%$$P% ljli pi zhi shi shEng jiiing tiing] Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Fresh Ginger Decoction &&SR Ijb pi zhou] Tangerine Peel Gruel &Ef$%P%lj6 pi zhli r6 tiing] Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction lj6 xiiing sgn] Tangerine Peel and Saussurea Powder &;?f;AIjd xing w8n] Tangerine Peel and Apricot Kernel Pill &W ljli yi?] tangerine leaf' (Citri Folium) ,a\$$ $5 IjG zhi jiiing tiing] Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ginger Decoction a 5 Ijii] chew aBn@ Ijii juC] chew W@@lZi~Ijii juC kGn nin] difficulty chewing 2&, %, 4 bii, iin, x h ] applying and releasing pressure, and searching * g 9 #l3 Ijii i n , tui x6n] applying and releasing pressure, pushing and searching +$$ljii bi] Arm Lift [non-channel] Z$ R lZi @ Ijii j i b khn nin] difficulty in raising the shoulder % Z R Ijii yuan j i b ] Origin-Lifting Brew $2 ljii zhi] when pressure is released %@ ljii zhbng] lift heavy weights
G g ljii jikng] betel pepper' (Piperis Betle Fructus) ljii jiing yk] betel leaf' (Piperis Betle Folium) GB * ljii qing] betel pepper' (Piperis Betle Fructus) fis ljii rub] devil's tongue [tuber]' (Amorphophalli Tuber) GW* Ijii y*] betel leaf' (Piperis Betle Folium) ;$iq*Ijii,zi] betel pepper' (Piperis Betle Fructus) Efi* IjG chii] BL-5 (Great Place) E$11 ljii ci] great needling [one of the nine needling methods]; grande piqOre E ljG fen] grand cleft [nasolabial groove] E& IjG gii] huge bone (clavicle, collar bone); LI-16WHO (Great Bone) E 7; Ijii gii xii] Below the Great Bone [non-channel] Ej& IjG lido] ST-3Wf"3(Great Bone-Hole); TB-23 (Giant Bone-Hole) E IjG quk] CV-14W1f0 (Great Tower Gate) E @J-@j Ijb qui: shii] Great Tower Gate, Point [non-channel] E B * UG shkng] black sesame [seedlo (Sesaml Semen Atrum) E B q * IjG shkng zi] black sesame [seedla (Sesami Semen Atrum) EE* IjG xii] ST-37 (Great Hollow) E E k a * IjG xii shiing liin] ST-37 (Upper Ridge of Great Hollow) E&T J&* ljG xii xi2 liin] ST-39 (Lower Ridge of Great Hollow) )E Ijh] refuse )E% bG iin] refuse pressure [because it exacerbates discomfort] ?R Ijh] sweating ? Ijh r ~ i ]low-ground damp EBq* Iju s h h g zi] black sesame [seed]@(Sesami Semen Atrum) % Ijb] gather; gathering [type of abdominal mass]
2 % ljit mi01 tuft of hair [region just proximal to the first metatarsophalangeal articulation] %Elr@ljii xing zhiing] clustered stars obstruction bit] saw
j uan Bj IjuZn] alleviate
Bj @ El e4 ?% ljuin bi si wit tang] Impediment-Alleviating Four Agents Decoction B E ?% ljuan bi tang] ImpedimentAlleviating Decoction %@* ljuiin biii] selaginella' (Selaginellae Herba) 4% iE$ ljuiin biii] selaginella' (Selaginelh e Herba); selaginella' (Selaginellae Herba) %@* I j u b b6] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum)
%&% Ijuiin shC yong] tongue-curling welling abscess (ydng)
I% ljuin] fatigue {%,Eljuin dii] fatigue I%,Zf f7 ljuiin diii f6 li] fatigue and lack of strength ljuiin y5n] tiredness to speak; no energy to speak
jue @% IjuC d i ] keep the sluice clear @ sB T IjuC ming zi] fetid cassia [seed]' (Cassiae Torae Semen)
&% T% ljuC ming zi siin] Fetid Cassia Powder
& sB TP%IjuC ming zi tang] Fetid Cassia Decoction
&QBB huC ming zi win] Fetid Cassia Pill &%I 73%Iju6 ming zi zhou] Fetid Cassia Gruel fB Due] jue [note of heart-fire] ( - ) Iju6 jin (I)] Dig Forward #1 [non-channel]
j u6 ( E ) ljui jin (2)] Dig Forward #2 [non-channel] ( 3) ljuC jin (3)] Dig Forward #3 [non-channel] $E% ( El ) ljuC jin (4)] Dig Forward #4 [non-channel] IjuC] reversal [new]; inversion [old]; jue [old]; reverting [new] R@*nu6 gii] GV-1 (Jue Bone) HR b u i juC] bobbing R# but5 IEng] reversal cold RB bu6 16ngl reversal deafness R@ IjuC nil reverse flow IjuC ni t6u tbng] reverse-flow headache R5, IjuC qi] reverse qi R!& ljuC rb] reversalheat R a T1Ju6shin] reversal mounting (shun) IjuC shii] BL-14 (Reverting Transport) m X @ bur2 t6u tbng] reversal headache IjuC tub] reversal desertion R&@IjuC xin tbng] reversal heart pain RPEI* Ijui ygng] BL-58 (Reverting Yang) Rt%* lju6 ygng] BL-58 (Reverting Poplar) R PR ljui yin] reverting yin (jut yin) R PR 3% Iju6 yin bing] reverting yin (jut yin) disease mPR 5 &'J.'5,ljui yin duo xu& sh3o qi] reverting yin (jut yin) has copious blood and scant qi EFR fl'f- A IjuC yin gin hub] reverting (jut yin) yin liver fire mrJa4tn ljut yin huii feng] reverting yin (jut yin) transforming into wind RFRmR IjuC yin hui jui] reverting yin (jdt yin) roundworm reversal ljuC yin shii] BL-14WffO(Reverting Y in Transport) RFFJA@ ljuC yin t6u t6ngl reverting yin (jut yin) headache % $+ IjuC yin wCi he] revertmg yin (jut yin) is the closing . E i E IjuC zhkng] reversal pattern t$ IjuC] expire; expiry
ma* ma#
$EW UuC gii] severed bone (region just superlor to the lateral malleolus of t h e fibula); GB-39WffO (Severed Bone); GB38 (Severed Bone) $E?T IjuC h i n ] expiry sweating $&pH* Ijui ying] LI-1 (Yang Extremity) te 9' ljuC yGn] Infertility; CV-5 (Infertility) t&7 IjuC zi] childlessness [infertilit && hue chu5ngl rostellularia@ (Rostellulariae Herba) %&* IjuC xin] KI-1 (Stumbling Heart) a@ IjuC] chew H e Iju6 gii] peg bone (sacrum and coccyx); GV-1 (Peg Bone) MB;fi Ijue 1&]free rib [region]
jun Ijiin] sovereign Ijiin c h i n zu6 shi] sovereign, minister, assistant, and envoy; medicinal roles
E A Ijiin hu6] sovereign fire Z*HAE Ijiin xiiing hu6 wing] effulgent sovereign and ministerial fire S Z 2 g ljiin zhii zhi guin] office of monarch [the heart] E T ljun zi] noble; quisqualis [fruitla (Quisqualis Fructus) EJ8" ljiin jiang] dried gingera (Zingiberis Rhizoma Exsiccatum) $&% ljun lik] cracking fig* IjGn] rhubarb" (Rhei Rhizoma) @$+&IjGn bii f i ] drastic supplementation II@IjGn] drastic @+\ IjGn bii] drastic supplementation @7; IjGn xii] drastic precipitatipn @7;j37Jc55 DIjn xii zhii shui yio] drastic precipitant water-expelling medicinal -++. izq [jiin] mushroom Bj$ijggfi IjGn li c i o yiio fiing] Bacillary Dysentery Herbal Formula
8#$& [kiii guin s8nj Gate-Opening Powder n.F, [k5] hack nr$ [kh] hack U.$ rfn rkii xu61 hacking of blood
kai 8 [kiii] open K , g , @ [kiii, he, shii] opening, closing, ,and pivot 8 [fl [kiii bi] open block A-E [kiii cbu] open the interstices KiAjgH [kiii dB m6 yuin] open the membrane source jj=jZjR [kii gii s i n ] Bone-Opening Powder
[kiii gui men] open the ghost gates [to cause sweating] '
%Ti%l?bi%[kiii h i bii xik] open and closed suppicmentation and drainage *&S$! * [kiii jin su6] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) 8UZ3 [kiii jin siin] ,Food Denial Powder K!@B# [kiii jin tong guiin] open the jaws %$fy €3 [kiii ming ming mi11 eliminate blindness and brighten the eyes f@% [kiii pi] relieve glomus 8%[kiii qiiio] open the orifices; orifice opening
[kai qi2o ji6 dii] open the orifices and resolve toxin R FFR [kiii q i i o tdng shin] open the orifices and free the spirit 5 [kiii q i i o yio] orifice-opening medicinal 57k [kiii shui] boiled water %% [kiii ti] opening and raising 8 [kai w&i]open the stomach; increase the appetite R W i&tkiii $$ w&ijin shi] open the stomach and increase food intake [ k i i xi&] opening and discharging R,L\?&[kiii xin tang] Heart-Opening Decoction R Z [kiii yin] restore the voice Rg1J [kiii yii] open depression IPff ?& [kii yii &r c h i n tang] Depression-Opening Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
RgIH 32% [kiii yh zhbng yii tang]
Depression-Opening Jade-Planting Decoction
kan tAE* [ k b biin] tortoise plastron' (Testudinis Plastrum) [kgn li shti] Fire and Water Hexagram Granules % 8$L [kln li w6n] Fire and Water Hexagram Pill gj ~ fE l * [ k i n dEng hug] tussilago [flowerla (Tussilaginis Flos)
kang @?gfi* [kiing f6 li] comfrey' (Symphyti Herba) [kiing f i ~li] comfrey' (Symphyti Herba) % [king] hyperactive; hyperactivity x& [king shkng] exuberance Q 4%-&~ I J[king b i i h6u h i ji] Diphtheria Mixture
kao R [kiio] sacrum and coccyx Rff [kiio gii] sacrum and coccyx ffiB [kiio tiin] buttock $ L L I ~ I * [kko shiin h6ngl salvia [root]@
(Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix)
+g%* [kE zi] chebule' (Chebulae Fructus)
$4 [ke] branch
of medicine
# B [ke gii] hip bone [ilium] &$$ [ke tCng] snuffbox bean stem' (En-
tadae C a d i s ) 5jJj [ke] chin
mfiX* [kg liio] Chin Bone-Hole [nonchannel]
D 2 [ki] cough
[sound without matter]; non-productive cough U%n% [ k i chub] cough and panting D%$ [ k i ni]' cough and counterflow D%$kT [ k t ni s h i n g qi] cough and counterflow qi ascent U,tYk@ [ k i qi s h h g nil cough and counterflow qi ascent [ k i qiing] dry cougl, D&D,$&BFT C [ k i shbu lian sheng bG yi] bouts of continuous coughing n,tW [ k i sbu] cough U%F&@+t,if& [ k i sbu t i n zhdng d i i xu&] cough with blood in the phlegm @bjplrh[kC sbu xu&] coughing of blood II,~!#PI{+ [kC s6u zhkn zub] paroxysmal cough ~5% [ k t t i n ] coughing of phlegm @BBm[ k t t i n huing ch6u] cough with thick yellow phlegm U,t,B$$fg[ k i t i n qing xi] coughing of clear phlegm a%@ [ k i ti] cough and sneezing n % k l [ k i tii] coughing and spitting a%&[ k i xu&] coughing of blood n,t&fj[ k i xu& fiing] Blood Cough Formula E Z * [ k i khu] cardamom' (Amomi Cardamomi Fructus)
E . S q * [ke li6n zi] lotus fruito (~elumbi! nis Fructus); lotus fruito (Nelumbinis Fructus) / %*%* [k6 mii biE] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) ?E [ki] thirst ?E+ % @ [k6 bu dud yin] thirst without large fluid intake ?Z$+&'r:A [ k i bii yii yin] thirst with no desire to drink ?EB?,%@ [ k i xi liLng yin] thirst with a liking for cool drinks YEB?$tk [ k i xi rk yin] thirst with a liking for hot drinks ?EtA [kg yin] thirst with intake of fluid 5 [kG] restrain k v e phases] T$ [kc51 visit; visiting [occasional, seasonal, temporary]; intrude; settle [of evils in the body]; guest r$ & [kk sk] visiting complexion I$Z* [kc5 wLng] GB-3 (Guest King) 8 % [kk wii] visiting hostility 8 3[3 [kk xi61 visiting evil r$+$R2 [kk z h i chli zhi] what intrudes is eliminated r$** [kG zhii] GB-3 (Guest-Host) %=&A*[kk zhii rCnl GB-3 (Guest-HostPerson)
#jE [ken tiii] generalized sliqy tongue fur
9 [kdng] empty ?2E* [ k h g chgng]
scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix) 9Efl6i [kdng fii fli] take o n a n empty stomach 9E * [kdng k6] forsythia [fruit]. (Forsythiae Fructus) A* e r g [kdng qiio] orifice $@ [kdng tbng] empty pain %&jli?[kdng xin f6] take on an empty stomach
T L g E * [kdng quk wii] sphenomeris@ (Sphenomeris Herba seu Rhizoma) [kdng s h h g zhen zhdng diin] Sagely Confucius' Pillow Elixir TLTAZkUaW3' [kbng zi d i shkng zhi z h i n zhdng fang] Confucius' Sagely Wisdom Pillow Formula 71'F4% $ 3 [kdng zi z h i n zhdng siin] Confucius' Pillow Powder 71E [kdng zui] LU-6WllO (Collection Hole) ?E [kdng] fear [mind associated with kidney; also one of the seven affects] ?E71( [kdng shui] fear of water ?$ll]5-F' [kbng z6 qi xi81 fear causes qi to precipitate [kbng n5o shg] brain-gripping sand (shri) St%fJ[kbng xiin diin] Drool-Controlling Elixir
Z* [kou] scalliono (Allii Fistulosi Herba) XBk [kGu mii] scallion-stalk pulse [kdu] mouth U T ?&I [kdu bit kg] absence of thirst U T 11 [kGu bii rCn] insensitivity of the mouth; numbness of the mouth T %U% [kdu bii zhi wki] inability to taste food B [kdu chbu] bad breath; halitosis [k6u chuiing] mouth sore @ E [kGu chuing mi Iin] eroding mouth sore U E Hi Q [kau chlin d i n bLi] pale lips E 7 %, [kau chun giin jiio] parched lips B % t@ [kdu chlin jin sud] tightly contracted lips ' U BE% [kdu ch6n qing zi] grezn-blue o r purple lips UBEE [kdu chun shi lin] damp erosion of ,the lips . a Ej$#@[kdu ch6n zhdng ying] stiff swollen lips a h $3 [kbu dB kg] great thirst
q ?& [kbu d i n ] bland taste in the mouth
q 3 [kbu kii] bitter taste in the mouth;
q % Z Fk [kbu d i n wu w6i] bland taste in the mouth q F3Jkn [kbu f6ng feng] Zhangjiakou Iedebouriella [rootlo (Ledebouriellae Radix Zhangjiakouensis) q flE% [kbu fli yk] oral liquid q @ [kbu fii] oral*putrefaction B [k6u giin] gan of the mouth; oral gan q $2 [k6u giin] dry mouth tlEfJkn [kbu giin feng] wind gan of the mouth q 'F./l.\tA [kbu giin shiio yin] dry mouth with small fluid intake q TfFPE3 [kbu giin zub ki:] dry mouth and thirst q E@ij [kbu h u b xi6n chii] limp drooling mouth a % [kbu jiiio] corner of the mouth a %T [kbu jiiio bG bi] gaping corners of the mouth [kbu jiso chuiing] sore of the corq% ner of the mouth q % t%i% [kbu jiiio l i xiia] ~ drooling from the corners of t h e mouth q #I Z $$21 [kbu ji5o wiii xii] deviated mouth q % -{!l] $$,a[kiiu jiiio yi ck lili x%n] drooling from o n e corner of the mouth q ff [kbu jin] tight mouth qn 2 [kbu jin] clenched jaw qU 2 T ig [kbu jin bG yii] clenched jaw preventing speech q @&IS$ [kbu jin rli sub] jaw clenched tight as a lock q 3 €I G [kbu kiii mij h i ] open eyes and closed mouth; open mouth and closed eyes a ?E [k6u k i ] thirst q ?ET'&tk [kbu ki: b i ~yij yin] thirst with no desire for fluids a ?E8 i,fth [k6u kg xi liiing yin] thirst with liking for cool drinks q ? E S t A [kbu ki: xi yin] thirst with liking for fluids ?E 3 1 t A [kbu k i yin yin] thirst with taking of fluids
bitterness of mouth % %M [kbu kii niiin nil bitter taste and sticky slimy sensation in the mouth; bitterness and sliminess in the mouth q ll$~[kiiu kuiii] deviated mouth I ~ / J& [kbu k u i i mir h i ] deviated mouth and closed eyes q @ [kbu mi] oral putrescence [kbu nil sliminess in the mouth; slimy sensation in the mouth q @$ [kbu pi] deviated mouth [kbu qi] smell of the breath U 5 S f Y [kbu qi chbu hui] foul breath q 589% [kbu qi hui k] foul breath [kbu qi suiin chbu] putrid sour q breath q ?1!: [kbu 1-21 heat in the mouth a&?@ [kbu s h i giin z i o ] dry mouth and tongue q -&@JE [kbu s h i mi l i n ] ulceration of the mouth q &&% [kbu s h i sheng chuiing] mouth and tongue sores q Z@@ [kbu she sui lik] cracking of the mouth and tongue [kbu suiin] sour taste in the mouth; sourness of mouth a@ [kbu tiin] sweet taste in the mouth; sweet taste in the mouth; sweetness of mouth U U I B % [kbu tii t i n mb] phlegm foaming a t the mouth a a 1 8 [kbu tii xi6111 drooling from the mouth q UI$&& [kbu tii xi6n mb] drool foaming at t h e mouth q a4 $ % [kbu tii b6i mb] foaming at the mouth [kiiu wki] taste in the mouth; taste u@& [kbu w i n chuiing] sore at the corner of the mouth a [kbu xi6nj salty taste in the mouth; saltiness of mouth q 'f % [kbu yii chuiing] sore at the corner of the mouth q BRlYd# [kbu y2n kuiii xii] deviated eyes and mouth
Bl?!W$?f [kdu yiin pi xii] deviated eyes and mouth tl BRffi$t [kdu yin piiin xi&]deviated eyes and mouth BE Z $1 [kdu yin w5i xii] deviated eyes and mouth BW $El$ [kdu y&n xi5ng qiiin] drawing together of eye and mouth !JE5 [kdu ying] mouth sore tl GE!$ [kdu ydu niio wki] :taste of urine in the mouth %$ [kdu z i ~ dry ] mouth D@DHT [kdu z i o yiin giin] dry mouth and throat tl [kdu zhdng giin chuiing] gan sore of the mouth tl +$a [kdu zhdng hC] harmony of mouth tl +$&H[kdu zhong niin nil sticky slimy sensation in the mouth tl & ! [kdu zh6ng r6] heat in the mouth tl rP [kiiu zh6ng ru jiiio] gluey sensation in the mouth [kdu zh6ng sheng chuiing] mouth sore rPD&M [kdu zhdng tii mb] foaming at the mouth G @ E @ [kdu zh6ng ydu suiin fii w6i] putrid sour taste in the mouth UP 2G G F [kbu zhi ydu k6ng sheng] produces an empty sound on tapping %{I* [kbu rCn] nutmeg'. (Myristicae Semen)
;f;k F [kii qin] old scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix Veta) $A%& [kii zhi fii] hemorrhoid desiccation +A%&[kii zhi sHn] Alum HemorrhoidDesiccating Powder % [kii] wailing [voice of the lung] %%Z'$2 [kii xiio w6 ching] abnormal laughing and weeping S [kii] bitter; bitterness Favor associated with the heart] &+!@I*[kii c h i y6u] tea oil@(Camelliae Oleiferae Seminis Oleum) S & % [kii * chiin cii] ephedra root' (Ephedrae Radix) gtfi/j'H [kii di d&n] elephantopus' (Elephantopi Herba) Z T Z [kii ding chi] ilex' (Ilicis Folium) Z @ * [kii ggng] platycodon [root]' (Platycodonis Radix) ZB* [kii gii] flavescent sophora [root]@ (Sophorae Flavescentis Radix)
Z%tS9 [kii hin qing qi] clear qi with cold and bitterness
S%t$tfi[kii h i n qing re] clear heat with cold and bitterness
Z%#i4;A [kii h8n xi6 1-61 discharge heat with cold and bitterness
S%l@B[kii h8n ziio shi] dry dampness with cold and bitterness
Z g E * [kii jiC gEng] platycodon [root]' (Platycodonis Radix)
Zya* [kc jiii] vinegar0 (Acetum) %
[kii kdu] bitter taste in the mouth likn giio] Chinaberry Root Bark Pasre %&$RE[kii liin gen pi] chinabkrry root bark' (Meliae Radicis Cortex) %##!@@ [kii lihn gEn z h h ] Chinaberry Root Bark Gruel Z@*E * [kii liin mii pi] chinaberry (root) bark' (Meliae Cortex (Radicis)) S##! E [kii lihn pq chinaberry (root) bark' (Meliae Cortex (Radicis)) %@$L [kii liin win] Chinaberry Root Pill Z##!+ * [kii liin zi] toosendan [fruit]@ (Toosendan Fructus)
3#$?@ [kii jkiij dcsiccaicd; ciesiccaiioil
&S%* [kii cHo sui] prunella [spike]@ (Prunellae Spica) &@* [kii ch8nI cicada molting' (Cicadae Periostracum) [kii fin] calcined alum@ , Calcinatum) [kii jiC] desiccated; desiccation &BE [kii jin jiin] wart 3;&% * [kii mCi rbu] mume [fruit]' (Mume Fructus) [kii pCi] dry miliaria
l lumen
Xg&* [kii liD pi] ash [bark]' (Fraxini Cortex)
3 j&BEJS[kii * 16ng d2n ciio] gentian [root]' (Gentianae Radix) s m [kii miin] bitter fullness %%%@* [kii qi6o mhi gen] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) Z E % * [kii qi6o t6u] 'wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) Z A J L [kii rh xin] bitterness enters the heart %S [kii shen] flavescent sophora [root]@ (Sophorae Flavescentis Radix) g S & * [kii shen gen] flavescent sophora [root]@ (Sophorae Flavescentis Radix) ~ S $ [kii $ Ishen tang] Flavescent Sophora Decoction 3%* [kii shi] nux vomica' (Nux-Vomicae Semen) zg@G)L * [kii shi bii d6u i r ] nux vomica' (Nux-Vomicae Semen) f i [kh ting li] lepdium [seed]@ (Lepidii Semen) %$ETf$$ [kii wen ping zho] calm dryness with warmth and bitterness %?EEE[kii wen zBo shi] dry dampness with warmth and bitterness g 8 {I [kii xing rCn] .bitter apricot kernel@ (Armeniacae Semen Amarum) g g * [kii yi] lotus embryoe (Nelumbinis Embryo) Z Z S * [kii yuiin zhi] polygala [root]@ (Polygalae Radix); polygala [root]@ (Polygalae Radix) %t$* [kii zC] kansui [root]@ (Kansui Radix) ZTTPJy [kii zhD yk] bitter bamboo leaf0 (Pleioblasti Folium) [kG fang] ST-14WIfO (Storeroom) @ [kii] harsh $fi [kh kbu chu5ngl trouser-bottom sore +fi @ [kh k6u dD] trouser-bottom toxin [sore]
-tC 4 ' .'
8$ [kui] hip Jj$B[ k u i gii] hip bone @ @ [kui gii] hip bone
R B * [kuB gii] hip bone; ST-34 (Hip Bone)
kuai #@i%+$ [kuBi su jin
zhen] rapid needle
insertion tjQ [kuii] clot; lump
kuan &
[kuiin] loosen
rnanE* [kuiin jin ting] Chinese tinospora
[stemla (Tinosporae Sinensis Caulis)
m a ~ l t[kuiin e jin zhuhng gii] loosen the
sinews and strengthen the bones chest Ej@B%g [kuiin xiong s$n jii] loosen the chest and dissipate binds E$ [kuiin zhong] loosen the center B $% fkuiin zheng tang] CenterLoosening Decoction @j+$ [kuiin gii] hip bone (ilium); Thigh Bone [non-channel]; GB-30 (Hip Bone) Q [kuiin jih] Hip Socket [non-channel] 34* [kuiin dong] tussilago [flower]@ (Tussilaginis Flos) 3 [kuiin dong hug] tussilago [flower]@ (Tussilaginis Flos) 3 4 X & [kuiin dong huii siin] Tussilago Powder %4$E$h[kuiin dong hug tiing] Tussilago Decoction %E*[kuiin hug] tussilago [flowerla (Tussilagmis Flos)
EJ@[kuiin xiong] loosen the
538 . .
%T#k[kui zi sfin] Mallow Seed Powder % * [kui gC kC] ark shell* (Arcae
$% [kuing] mania
43% [kuing bing] manic disease 43% [kuing qufin] rabid dog 43KlS [kuing qufin shlng] rabid dog bite S?fP[kuing xi61 mania evil 43g [kuing yin] manic raving 43% [kuring yi] mania 43ag &iilij % [kuing yh deng g l o Cr gE] mania with desire to ascend to high places and sing $3@ [kuing zio] manic agitation 43$F&+% [kuing zho bh iin] manic agitation IlE [kuhng] eye socket
Concha) ?E [kui] open [of sores] ?EJE[kui lin] ulceration ?f$% [kui ying] ulcerating sore jf$@j#k [kui ying sfin] Ulcer Powder ?E%n [kui ying xuC] Ulcer Point [nonchannel] E [kui] muddle-headed
kun E* [kiin bh] kelp* [Algae Thallus]; kelp* [Algae Thallus]
E$ fi [kun bh w h ] Kelp Pill ZQ [kun IGn] BL-60Wm (Kunlun Moun-
tains); CV-4 (Kunlun Mountains)
5 [kui] deplete; depletion & [kui] prominence
Zc$$* [kiin l h hiling] orpimento (Au-
&$&a[kui 16ng shhn] prominent mounting (shhn) %T,@j [kui shin] prominent (sh&n)
ripigmentum) [khn] cumbersome; encumber; encumbrance
[kui dub qi h h g ] assessment of the normal and abnormal gq*[kui zi] mallow seed* (Malvae Verticillatae Semen)
j$$i$%tA [kub
qing yin] Thorough Clearing
@ & * [lh gui] cinnamon bark* (Cin-
namomi Cortex)
)$BY [I1 dh zi] diarrhea
* [11 hhn guij] Grosvenor's momordica [fruit]D (Momordicae Grosvenori Fructus) &H* [lti jig01 hot peppero (Capsici Fructus) $$ [li] acrid $%ST* [ l i c i i zi] white mustard [seedla (Brassicae Albae Semen)
)$ tT
$$R* [li hii] hot pepper* (Capsici Fructus)
+g$f!([ l i jiio] hot pepper* (Capsici Fructus)
33%* [Ih jig01 hot pepper* (Capsici Fructus) $jig* [lti lifio] Oriental smartweedo (Polygoni Orientalis Herba (cum Radice)); willow-leaved smartweeda (Polygoni
Salicifolii Herba) [li lilo ciio] willow-leaved smartweedo (Polygoni Salicifolii Herba) +j#%%* [1h mi chi] rorippa@ (Rorippae Herba seu Flos) @%* [ l i qii] hot pepper* (Capsici Fructus) [li zi] hot pepper* (Capsici Fructus) E Z * [ l i chi] tea [leaf]' (Theae Folium) E g * [ l i qiC] hot pepper* (Capsici .Fructus) 4E?$I,A p i f i n wiin] Wax and Alum Pill kBZ$i [ l i li] perverse crop (la li) 4#!Uu;f$T [li ZmCi hull Japan allspice flower* (Chimonanthi Flos Immaturus) 4Etf E* [Ii shii pi] ash [bark]' (Fraxini Cortex) j$iJj$l' perverse crop (la li) @%$!DX[li 1i t6u] perverse cropped (la li) head
lai *E-A. [lii fa dln] Return Again Elixir
[16i shkng qii shuiii] strong in rising and weak in falling [pulse]; strong onset and weak recession [pulse] %@ [lii fii] radish* (Raphani Radix) SifET* [lii fii zi] radish seed* (Raphani Semen) [ldi fii zi] radish seedo (Raphani Semen) % $ I . B Z ~ $[liii J pd tong jiC tlng] Radish Seed and Magnolia Bark Bind-Freeing Decoction ZjffpESl * [liii ying shen] glehnia [root]@ (Glehniae Radix) [lhi] lai @j@j [lji bing] lai disease @j% [lai chuiing]' h i sore [Iii dh feng] lai great wind; leprosy %M [lii fEng] lai wind; leprosy jjli4ih&@* [lii h i mB] dried toad@ (Bufo Siccus)
I@%@@* [lii h i rnfi clo] carpesium@ (Carpesii Herba) %%9?,1R* [lii h i m l jilng] toad venom* (Bufonis Venenum) a & [lii ji] h i disease a % % [lii t6u chuiing] lai scalp sore a @ @ * [lii xi8 mi] dried toad@ (Bufo Siccus) Xfijli4i3 [lii zi] lai
1'%l1'7[lin men] screen gate [the ileocecal valve]
1'$IE4k@& [lin wEi h u i yii tiing] Appendix Stasis-Transforming Decoction E # 4 t P5 [lin wEi qing hu8 tiing] Ap. pendix Clearing and Transforming Decoction 1'3m E $2 [lin wEi qing jig tlng] Appendix-Clearing and Resolving Decoction M E f i [lin wEi xu61 Appendix Point [non-channel] I3 [lin] blue H$$@* [liin diin gen] isatis root@ (Isatidis Radix) E @ * [lin gen] isatis root@ (Isatidis Radix) EZ* [lin la] indigo* (Indigo Pulverata Levis) % % A * [lin qiio t6u] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cyrnosi Radix et Rhizo ma) Z;f;R* [liin gen] irnperata [root]@(Imperatae Rhizoma) S@ * [lin xilng] basil* (Basilici Herba) S @ S [Iin xiiing clo] bluebeard* (Caryopteridis Incanae Herba (cum Radice)) 2&tAT [lin xilng yin zi] Basil Drink; Basil Drink mA%* [En rCn chi] Chinese leek [leaf]@ (Allii Tuberosi Folium) [Iiin shi] laziness to eat MS [lin yin] laziness to speak f @ T g i g[liin yii yin yG] laziness to speak $EBB*[lln hC liBn] andrographiso (Andrographidis Herba)
e [liin] putrefy; putrefaction; erode; erosion; rot :% f i [liin ding] putrefying clove sore (ditzg) e q g # @ [lin h6u diin shii] putrefying throat cinnabar sand (shii) %SWgM[liin h6u feng] putrefying throat wind $g$gj@ [liin h6u shii] putrefying throat sand (shii) $%Bt;P [En jiiio] foot rot '( [liin jiiio yii] foot rot j?$&nlB [liin xiin fEng yiin] wind eye with ulceration of the eyelid rim
lang I+
[ling zhong] lang-zhong [physician]
3$$ fis [ling bii ciio] bur beggar-ticks@ (Bidentis Tripartitae Herba)
S R S [ling du] Chinese wolfsbane [root]@ (Stellerae seu Euphorbiae Radix) sB [ling dii giio] Chinese Wolfsbane Paste 3R & Z * [ling y i ciio] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) $$5* [ling yb] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) gZ$R [liing diing gen] henbane rooto (Hyoscyami Radix) E &% * [liing diing zi] henbane seed" (Hyoscyami Semen) E3 3 * [liing diing zi] henbane seed0 (Hyoscyami Semen) E S T m [lang dang zl sanj Iknbanc Seed Powder Ej,'iiT* [liing ting zi] henbane seedo (Hyoscyami Semen)
[I60 miii] confined pulse % [lio] taxation % [lio fii] taxation relapse %g [lio gong] PC-8WHo(Palace of Toil) %# [Iio juin] taxation fatigue
% { % 3 g [lio juiin gu6 duo] excessive taxation [lio k i ] taxation cough %% S% [lio lei gub duo] overwork %# [lio lin] taxation strangury (lin) [lio 16ngl taxation deafness % E [lio niik] taxation malaria %f& [lio qi6] taxation temerity !+': [lio 1-61taxation fever %!4!BZ [lio r6 gii zheng] taxation fever steaming bone %{jj [Iio shiing] taxation damage %{3sU@#$[lio shing kC sou] taxation damage cough % 4% FJSid % [lio s h h g yu6 jing gu2, duo] taxation damage profuse menstruation %7R [lio shuilworked water [Iio sau] taxation cough %$@[lao siin] taxation detriment %$@iiE [lio siin zhkng] taxation detriment pattern [lio ting gii] fibula % &;il;3 [lio yi bG diing] imbalance of activity and rest % Y I J W E [lio z i qi hi01 taxation causes wearing of qi 5 7 8 t E ; t [lio zhi: wen zhi] taxation is treated by warming %% [Iio zheng] taxation steaming 7774 [lio zhii] taxation influx (zhD) % j h * [Iio zii] Chinese fieldnettlea (Stachydis Baicalensis Herba) [lio] consumption "-17JjSiiao ciiuiingj cunsuxlpiiva sores
- I .
gU,t [I60 ki] consumption cough
B!!:[lio rk] consumption
E45 [Iio shiing] consumption damage B g [lio zhiii] consumption Bgff2 [lio zhiii gii zheng] consumptive steaming bone @ [lio zhb] consumptive infixation (zhD) 2 [liio] old; tough %$&$ [150 guiin ciio] cranesbill' (Geranii Herba)
2j?i$lg* [lio hk zui] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) 2R$iIz* [I50 hii biin mi01 mylabriss (Mylabris) ~ E ~[I50 I J hii * ci] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix); Chinese holly leaf* (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) 23s [l50 hudng tiii] old yellow tongue fur [I50 jiiing] old ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Vetum) 2E8t;P [lio lin jig01 old foot rot 2 % E * [lio mkng hug] buddleia [flower]' (Buddleiae Flos) 2%*[lio mi] old rice@ (Oryzae Semen Vetum) 2*%*[150 mC xiiing] saussurea [root]@ (Saussureae (seu Vladimiriae) Radix) [lio siing zhi] old mulberry twig@ (Mori Ramulus Vetus) 24%6E[lio shiing hbu fii] recurrence of discomfort from an old injury 2 R% [lio shii chuSng] mouse sores 2 R$]* [lio shii ci] Chinese holly leaf* (Ilicis Cprnutae Folium) 2 RX [Iio shii 161 acanthus [root and stem]@ (Acanthi Radix et Caulis) 2 V A B [lio sang xiiing] old rosin@ (Pini Resina Veta) 2%lliio tin] old phlegm 2 !@,J@* [liio yii din] brucea [fruit]@ (Bruceae .Fructus) 2 @ j $ m [lio yiin y6u] old pipe tar@ (Pipae Depositum Vetum) % [lho] cauterize; cauterization %8&[liio f i ] cauterization
[lk] rib
Jfifjg* [I& liio] GB-13 (Rib Bone-Hole)
$ha*[lk pi01 China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) filMI * [1&zhi] litchee* (Litchi Fructus) 52s [lk shi shii] W.T.T.C. X@=ir_*[Ik biiio zi] rubus [berry]@ (Rubi Fructus) @J
S [lei] thunder [lei gijng gEn] centella@ (Centellae Herb (cum Radice)) + L\ / \E [lei gong tCng] thunder god vine* (Tripterygii Wilfordi Radix, Folium et Flos) ZA$$St [lei hui, shCn zhen] thunder and fire spirit needle Z @ [lei kub] thunder rampart Z g * [lei shi] omphalia@ (Omphalia) Z X * [lei shi] omphalia@ (Omphalia) Z X g jk $& & [lei shi fang xiiing hu$ zhu6 f i ] Lei's Aromatic TurbidityTransforming Method e r,%&B% [lei shi qing lidng di shti tang] Lei's Cool Clearing SummerheatFlushing Decoction E8 j R & [lei shi xuiin tbu mC yuin fi] Lei's Membrane Source Diffusion Method ZAfl[lei t6u fEng] thunder head wind Sfi[lei win] omphalia@ (Omphalia) Zfi3[lei win sin] Omphalia Powder [lei] pound [as with a pestle] [lei] marked emaciation j$X$fj [lei rub] emaciation and weakness &@ [lei shbu] marked emaciation % [lei] accumulate 8-h [lki] rib $B [Iki] tears [humor of the liver] $1 $ [lki chii] tearing; lacrimation $ H 8 * [I& kong] BL-2 (Tear Hole) i.E?L* [lki keng] BL-1 (Tear Hole) ?BE*[lki qiiing] BL-1 (Tear Cavity) $1 E [lki qiiio] tear orifice [lacrimal punctum] !!: [Ei r*] hot tears PB [lki ting] tear hall [punctum lacrimale, outlet of lacrimal gland] $1 %/IT@ [lki wCi gln yk] tears are the humor of the liver [Iki] tired gJf5 R $$ie [Iki xing t6ng xilo ' l ~ n ]doctrine of signatures %+)XI, [lki zh6ng feng] wind-like stroke
FF 1 L\&* k
leng W [ling] cold [new]; frigid [old]; frigidity [old1 @+& [llng bi] cold constipation; cold con-
* [llng fhn tuin] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) [Eng fEng shi bi] cold-winddamp impediment (bi) WjjR [llng fQ] take cold ?+% IEng giin] cold gan ?$$?[Eng hiin] cold sweating W?+ i31itg [Eng hhn lin li] dripping cold sweat W $ [ l h g jiii] cold moxibustion ?$% [ling Iio] cold taxation *@ [llng lei] cold tearing @@ [Eng 1i1 cold dysentery @* [llng lin] cold strangury (lin) '&@SfBx [llng nuiin shi du] appropriate coolness and warmth Wt!':$!f ,[lEng re giin] cold-heat gan ?$@ [llng tkn] cold phlegm W@, [llng tbng] cold pain; cold pain [ l h g xiiio] cold wheezing [Eng xiiio wkn] Cold Wheezing Pill '&&@ [llng xin tbng] cold heart pain
3 7;[li
giin] pear peel' (Pyri Exocarpium) glff[li pi] pear peelo (Pyri Exocarpium) g:ff [li zhi] pear juice' (Pyri Fructus Succus) Zj! A S [li t6u ciio] Japanese violet0 (Violae Japonicae Herba seu Radix) %lHgtL [li t6ng win] Li Tong Pill E [li] li [unit of weight equal to one tenth of a fen (candareen)] E22Bk [li jing mhi] anomalous pulse St32hX [Eli jing zhi mii] anomalous pulse
'$4 22 21f.n. [li jing zhi xu21 blood that has left the channels $j 3 * [li zhi] litcheeo (Litchi Fructus) %F [li hi] veratrum [rootla (Veratri Radix et Rhizoma) B g [li hhi] soot black [complexion] B%$i3[[l hhi bin] soot black macules +;f;R& [fi ghn pi] plum barko (Pruni Salicinae Radicis Cortex) +{I?* [li rCn rbu] bush cherry kernel@ (Pruni Japonicae Semen) f RfSE&$%% [li shi qing shii yi qi tiing] Li's Summerheat-Clearing Qi-Boosting Decoction g [li] li [unit of distance equivalent to 0.31 mile]; li [unit ofpopulation] 3 [li] interior; interiorize 9%[li hin] interior cold g%j(;$t;': [li hin gC 1-61interior cold repelling heat EJl3, [li j ji] abdominal urgency EJ33,GS [li ji hbu zhbng] tenesmus; ab- . dominal urgency and rectal heaviness g'r_& [li jiC] interior bind g lf;JE [li n2i ting] Li Inner Court [nonchannel] [li 1-61interior heat g?!\%iIE [li r2 shi zhGng] interior heat repletion pattern g I [li shhng] Above Li [non-channel] 9%[li shi] interior repletion Sgz!':[li shi 1-21interior repletion heat [li whi] Outer Li [non-channel] s$J[li XU] interior vacuity Z i E ili zheng] interior pattern 3 9 [li] rectify; rectification 59 {E [li bihn] Rectified Convenience [non-channel] F%T$51 [li ling tang] Rectifying Poria (Hoelen) Decoction 3 9 % [li qi] rectify qi [li qi h i wGi] rectify qi and 3% %$!J harmonize the stomach @T?$UB [li qi h i ying] rectify qi and harmonize construction @%$n I+ [li qi hC zhong] rectiQ qi and harmonize the center
3 9 5 4 t t E [li qi huh shi] rectify qi and
!@& [li yD] snakehead mullet* (Ophi-
transform dampness 5954-L ~ ~ ' [qi lhuh i shi yho] qi-rectifying dampness-transforming medicinal 5 9 5 4 t B [li qi huh t6n] rectify qi and transform phlegm @5@j'rcZ [li qi hu6 jiC] rectify qi and quicken binds 5 9 5 % [li qi ji] rectify qi counterflow @ 9 P $ % '[li qi jihng nil rectify qi and downbear counterflow @5$1]7& [li qi li shui yho] rectify qi and disinhibit water 3 9 5 $ 1 ] 7 k % [li qi li shui yho] qi-rectifying water-disinhibiting medicinal @ 9 4 E & B [li qi qu ch6ng yho] qirectifying worm-expelling medicinal 5 9 5 % [li qi yho] qi-rectifying medicinal 3 9 5 k U E [li qi zhi bu] rectify qi and check vomiting 5 9 5 1 t B [li qi zhi t h g ] rectify q i and relieve pain 594%$%L$Fi [li shang xG duhn] treat injuries and mend breakages $96 [li shi] fibrous gypsumo (Gypsum Fibrosum) [li.xuk] rectify the blood 59FR$$ [li yin jian] Yin-Rectifying Brew @ +[li zhong] rectify the center @+%!IIE$& [li zhong iin hui s5n] CenterRectifying Roundworm-Quieting Powder 5 9 $ 4 t gfi [li zhong huh t6n w6n] Center-Rectifying Phlegm-Transforming Pill 5 g ?% [li zh6ng tang] Center-Rectifying Decoction 33 $L [li zhong w&n] Center-Rectifying Pill @s&[li yli] carp [flesh]' (Carpionis Caro) @$&JIB [li y6 d5n] carp's gallbladder' (Carpionis Vesica Fellea) @BJ&/j& [li y ~ niio] i carp's brain' (Carpionis Cerebrum) @$&@J [li yii tang] Carp Soup $%$&J [li gou] LV-5 (Woodworm Canal) $EBB*[li chang cLo] ecliptao (Ecliptae Herba)
cephali Caro) &&?% [li yQ tang] Snakehead Mullet Soup 9% [li] large scrofula @TT$[li zi jing] scrofulous neck [li dii bki chang] extraordinary fi strength $E [li chi] slowness to stand [one of the jive slownesses] 5 % [li chiin] Beginning of Spring [lst solar term] $4- [li dong] Beginning of Winter [19th solar term] $$A [li qqiii] Beginning of Autumn 113th solar term] 5 B [li xi$] Beginning of Summer [7th solar term] $ &fi [li xiho ssn] Immediate Effect Powder $ * [li zhong] Stand Center [nonchannel] $11 [li] disinhibit; disinhibition; uninhibited; benefit $11 RH fSb ;Ei )+ [li d5n p6i shi pihn] Gallbladder-Disinhibiting StoneExpelling Tablet $11 BHB $$ ?% [I? d5n tui hu6ng tang] Gallbladder-Disinhibiting JaundiceAbating Decoction $I]RW?%;lfiUi?$5 [li g6 tang jiii wki] Supplemented Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction $11 ;f;A* [li ji] BL-35 (Crux Disinhibitor,); CV-4 (Crux Disinhibitor); CV-5 (Crux Disinhibitor) jF1]Jl,$ $L [li jing w6n] Fright-Disinhibiting Pill [li niho] disinhibit urine; diuresis; $11 Urine Disinhibitor [non-channel] $115 [Ii qi] disinhibit qi $I]% [li shi] disinhibit dampness $ljj$@j [li shi yho] dampness-disinhibiting medicinal $l]7& [li shui] disinhibit water $117K@B [li shui shkn shi] disinhibit water and percolate dampness
+ +
$17)CB?E! [li shui sh2n shi yio] water-
disinhibiting damp-percolating medicinal [li shui xiso shi] disinhibit water and disperse food $11 7)C Pig TJ$ [li shui xiao zh6ngl disinhibit water and disperse swelling $117)C#&
$11 /I\ ijF [li xi50 biin] disinhibit urine $1 /I\ijF, %A{E [li xi50 biin, shi dB biin] disinhibit urine and harden the stool
E [li] perverse R T [I? qi] perverse qi Z [I;] shudder %@* [li h6] litchee pit' (Litchi Semen) %4:*
[li rCn] litchee pite (Litchi Semen)
%B#;k [li xiiing s5n] Litchee Pit and Fennel Powder [li zhi] litcheeO (Litchi Fructus)
%@ [li zhi] litchee' (Litchi Fructus)
86s [li zhi ciio] plebeian sage0 (Salviae Plebeiae Herba)
%&$% [li zhi he] litchee pit0 (Litchi Semen)
fi [li] dysentery
m'& [li ji] dysentery m&@G,G,[[ljji min g5n diiin] Dysentery Sensor Point [rzorz-chatztzel]
[li dui] STT-4Y'"0 (Severe Mouth)
m i 5 [li jii] joint running
fi i 5 f l [I; ji6 fEng] joint-running wind JTii?i@ [li jiC tbng] joint-running pain
[li] pestilence; leprosy
f i f l [li feng] pestilential wind; leprosy
65 [li cli] pestilential qi Bg* [li qing] rosin" (Pini
me*[li zhi] litchee" (Litchi Fructus) &B*[li fang] oyster shellQ(Ostreae Concha) $$$he* [li gi] oyster shell' (Ostreae Concha)
Z 3 F B%i?fi[li m i bh bi qin shii] chiding and cursing regardless of who is present
IUX [liin] shank [of leg] IUk% [liin chuiing] shank
i4 [liin] link i4 tfi * [Iiin fiin] smooth greenbrier [rootla (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) [liin fh liii yi tang] Coptis and Aconite Six-To-One Decoction Sfl2 [Iiin hii] lateral and medial epicondyles of the femur B * [liin ki] forsythia [fruit]" (Forsythiae Fructus) [email protected]% [liin li tang] Coptis Rectifying Decoction B&%h!l?%[lian mCi En hui tang] Picrorhiza and Mume RoundwormQuieting Decoction [email protected]% [lib mii tang] Coptis and Mume Decoction iZ48Tg [liin miin bu duin] continuous i4'L@'l;?@ flian mian bu jue] continuous Bc48+{$[liin miin bh xii] continuous B'L@ T E [liin miin bh yi] continuous i 4 B 4 [liin mii] anemarrhena [rootla (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) B$btA[liin pb yin] Coptis and Magnolia Bark Beverage StJS [lian qiin cio] glechomaa (Glechomae Herba); centellaa (Centellae Herb (cum Radice)); moneywort0 (Jinqiancao Herba) B [lian qiio] forsythia [fruit]" (Forsythiae Fructus) BB& [liin qiio xin] forsythia seed" (Forsythiae Semen) E [lian qiio bii du sin] Forsythia Toxin-Vanquishing Powder S & 5 [liin qiio jin b2i jiiin] Forsythia, Lonicera, and Bolbostemma Brew %BE*[lian qiio ki] forsythia [fruitlo (Forsythiae Fructus) SB;;.k[liin qiio s5n] Forsythia Powder BBtR? [lidn qiiio yin zi] Forsythia Drink B3BE B [liin x i cong bail scallion white with root" (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus cum Radice)
ga a
s$JjgQ gh [liin xu tong b i i tiing] Scal-
I+%$* [liin bii] caper spurge seedm (Eu-
lion with Root Decoction @ [liin] ridge; corner; face [surface or aspect] @% [liin q u i n ] CV-23w110(Ridge Spring) [liin fang] lotus receptacle' (Nelumbinis Receptaculum) B E E [liin f i n g thn] charred lotus receptacle@ (Nelumbinis Receptaculum Carbonisatum) %+?* [liin ggng] lotus stalkm(Nelumbinis Petiolus seu Pedicellus) BZ [liin hua rui] lotus stamen" (Nelumbinis Stamen) %Z3Jj* [liin hua xu] lotus stamenQ (Nelumbinis Stamen) 8 * [liin k6] lotus receptacle" (Nelumbinis Receptaculum) BG* [liin Zju] lotus root0 (Nelumbinis Rhizoma) BZE [liin pCng fii] lotus pod effusion B%%* [liin pCng kC] lotus receptacle0 (Nelumbinis Receptaculum) %ST*-[liin pCng zi] lotus fruit/seedm (Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen) ZT * [liin rbu] lotus seeds (Nelumbinis Semen) Bm [liin rhu] lotus seedo (Nelumbinis Semen) gg s 2 J j * [liin rui xu] lotus stamen" (Nelumbinis Stamen) * [liin shi] lotus fruit/seedB (Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen) %&* [liin xin] lotus embryom (Nelumbinis Embryo) 8 i a [liin xu] lotus stamene (Nelumbinis Stamen) B& [liin yi] lotus seed-coatm (Nelumbinis .Testa) BT [liin zi] lotus fruit/seede (Nelumbinis Fructus seu Semen) E T S * [liin zi cgo] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) % 3 12, [liin zi xin] lotus embryoe (Nelumbinis Embryo) [liin zhii] pearle (Margarita)
phorbiae Lathyridis Semen) [lign] face 4% % * [liin shi] toosendan [fruit]@ (Toosendan Fructus) 4$+* [liin zi] toosendan [fruitlo (Toosendan Fructus) j$j [lihn] condense ~j&fi* [lihn diin shb] cinnabar sublimation j$j@ [lihn mi] processed honeyo (Me1 Praeparatum) [lihn yi: chCng t i n ] condense humor into phlegm % [liin y2 wCi t i n ] condense fluids to phlegm 2% % * [ E n shi] toosendan [fruitlo (Toosendan Fructus) 3 [lihn] constrain; close [of wourzds] 3% [lihn chuiing] close sores %A$ [liin fki] constrain the lung %fl$Za% [lihn fki ding chugn] constrain the lung and stabilize panting %j$ik@ [lihn f2i zhi kC] constrain the lung and suppress cough 3 t T [lihn hhn] constrain sweat % t T H S [lihn hhn gh big01 constrain sweat and secure the exterior 35 [lihn qi] constrain qi 3 PR [lihn yin] constrain yin
R Nifh [liing fii w i n ] Lesser Galangal and Cyperus Pill
R I [liing gong] proficient practitioner R $$ * [liing jiang] galangal [root]' (Alpiniae Galangae Rhizoma); lesser galangal [root]@ (Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma) R%* [liing zgo] jujube0 (Ziziphi Fructus) % [liing] Liang [502-557 A. D.] 2%" [liing guiin] DL-63 (Beam Gate) [liing men] ST-21WlfO (Beam Gate) %& [likng qiii] ST-34WFlO (Beam Hill)
2% [liing] cool i,$Z@* [liing c h i tCng] hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]' (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) i,%&%* [liing fen gud] creeping fig fruita (Fici Pumilae Flos) i,%B'f$S,jX, [liing g5n xi feng] cool the liver and extinguish wind ,i$ i Z B 3 [li6ng g i liin qiio sin] Diaphragm-Cooling Forsythia Powder i,%/f&;f.k [liing gk siin] Diaphragm-Cooling Powder ?,%?%a [liing jing w6n] Fright-Cooling Pill i,%% [Iiing kai] cool opening i,$71 j& Eli6ng kai f i ] cool opening method ,$ i * [Mng tkng] hairy mussaenda [stem and leaf]' (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) i,% [liing & xu*] cool the blood i,% lfatlh%?%I [Mng xu6 di huing tiing] Blood-Cooling Rehmannia Decoction i,%&j&•’Q [liing xu?. h u i ban] cool the blood and transform macules i/%&MS [liiing xu6 jig dfi] cool the blood and resolve toxin i,5&3'lfa [lisng xu6 shn xuk] cool and dissipate the blood i,$& P~@$$J [liing xu?. si wh tiing] BloodCooling Four Agents Decoction i,%lijH*[liing yin dou] lablab [bean]' (Lablab Semen) i/%g%% [likng ying kii qiio] cool construction and open the orifices $,I E y3 %& [liang ying qing qi tang] Construction-Cooling Qi-Clearing Decoction [li6ng zio] cool dryness m [liiing] liang [now roughly 3081; tael [now roughly 30g] Ri %$3R [liing bi w6n m6] stubborn numbness of the arms Riffit& [IiHng di tang] Rehmannia and Lycium Root Bark Decoction Fig [liing gin] double contraction El$?$-[liiing jing leng] cold of the two lower legs iREj$t* [liiing miin zhen] shiny bramblea
(Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix seu Ramulus et Folium) FJj€IEl%% [liiing rnG i n hei] dark eyes m@?$a2I[liiing q u h chio h6ngl tidal reddening of the cheeks i%&E8 [liiing quin fa chi] reddening of the cheeks Ri@E212UA& [liing quin f i n h6ng rG zhuang] cheeks a floating red color as if dabbed with rouge m@$lFtI[King qu5n fei h6ngl bright red cheeks m@?I&QflP&$m%j [liiing qu6n hong s?. rli tG y6u csi] cheeks red as if smeared with oil paint m f % @ [liiing sh6u jin wo] clenched hands Ef BBI [liing shdu wo gh] clenched hands m X & * [liiing t6u jiin] Radde's anemone [rootla (Anemones Raddeanae Rhizoma) m B X @ # B [king tui jiao ti zub tbng] pain alternating between the legs mR&@?,[liiing xi6 jii ji] hypertonicity of both rib-sides; tension in both rib-sides mj&f9% [liiing xi6 zhu6 tong] scorching pain in both rib-sides TRjlB & Ba [liiing ying h6 ming] united brightness of two yang bang brightness channel] m i 2 B [liiing yi gio] Dual Principle Paste jBjZs@$5 [liiing z6 wii rub] limp wilting (wti) legs
[li6o] bone-hole $J' * [li5o diiio zhG] paniculate cynanchumO (Cynanchi Paniculati Herba cum Radice) Z [li6o] Liao [916 -1125 A.D.] Z*%* [liio shii shen] glehnia [rootla (Glehniae' Radix) @)I+& [li6o kr siin] Child-Curing Powder %& [Iiiio fii] method of treatment @[liko] i bone-hole
735 [liio gE wing] wikstroemia [stem and leafla (Wikstroemiae Caulis et Folium) 7Zjzil;@ [liio ge wing gen] wikstroemia root@ (Wikstroemiae Radix) 7S •’FF [liiio g6 w6ng zi] wikstroemia fruita (Wikstroemiae Fructus) [liio dbu yi] black soybean seedcoat@ (Glycines Testa Atra)
lie Fq $& [lik que] LU-7Wf10(Broken Sequence)
T!! [lik] harsh E!$b* [lik pb] magnolia bark' (Magnoliae Cortex)
lin #$ [lin] strangury (lin); dribble
#$[A3 [lin bi] strangury (lin) stoppage #@?J?Z@$~ [lin bing s6 tbng] strangury (lin)
with inhibited painful urination #$Z[lin jig] person who suffers from strangury (lin) #%I [lin li] dribbling; dripping #$m%E7K [lin yG shk shui] getting soaked in the rain or wading through water [lin zh&ng] strangury (litz) patterns $$$ P a [lin zhu61 strangury-turbidity $BZ$$pft~%fi [lin jin bh wki xuiin xuC] selection of adjacent points IbR [lin chuing] clinical IbIh )* [lin qi (tbu)] GB-15 (Overlooking Tears (head)) IIkIh ( )* [lin qi (zli)] GB-41 (Overlooking Tears (Leg)) II&B[lin rh] antepartum IH;;II@?~~~ [lin shui yiin fli] take before sleeping &$ [lin] scale [of fish and reptiles] @$R* [lin piin] pangolin scales' (Manitis Squama)
SH$$%+gf~t% [ling gan jiang wki xin xi8 rCn tang] Poria (Hoelen), Licorice, Ginger, Schisandra, Pinellia, and Apricot Kernel Decoction TH5%5$%?% [ling giin wii w&ijiang xin tang] Poria (Hoelen), Licorice, Schisandra, Ginger, and Asarum Decoction %@H%t&[ling gui giin z i o tang] Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon Twig, Jujube, and Licorice Decoction T&7t;7HP%[ling gui zhli g5n tang] Poria (Hoelen), Cinnamon Twig, Ovate Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction TZ7t;7HP%[ling jiang zhli gan tang] Poria (Hoelen), Ginger, Ovate Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction T & * [ling pi] poria skin@ (Poriae Cortex) i2 [ling] intimidate i 2 E E [ling xi50 hua] campsis flower@ (Campsitis Flos) ?+%@Et% [ling jiio g6u tCng tang] Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction [ling qiio jig dli win] Antelope Horn and Forsythia Toxin-Resolving Tablet $?j Q $5 [ling xi biii hii tang] Antelope and Rhinoceros Horn White Tiger Decoction Y+T% [ling y6ng jiio] antelope horn' (Antelopis Cornu) Y+ T %I H [[lng ying jiio sin] Antelope Horn Powder ?+F%P%'[ling y6ng jiio tang] Antelope Horn Decoction ?+%%I [ling ying jiio w5n] Antelope Horn Pill Y+* % E * [ling ying jiiio xi&] antelope horn' (Antelopis Cornu) @ [ling] mound @-G*[ling gio] kansui [rootla (Kansui Radix) PgG [ling hhu] Behind the Mound [nonchannel] PgG7; [ling hbu xii] Below Behind the Mound [non-channel] P2 % * [ling xi] plantago' (Plantaginis Herba)
Pg7; [ling xi&] Below the Mound [non-
Wk* [ling shiing] GV-20
channel] [Igi'g* [ling zC] kansui [root]@ (Kansui Radix) % [ling] water caltrop [fruit and root]' (Trapae Fructus e t Radix) %IS* [ling bki] many-horned sumac gallnuto (Rhois Galla Multicornis) Z fFi * [ling jiiio] water caltrop [fruit and root]' (Trapae Fructus et Radix) $+E[ling yi] bell healer $+ElP5 [ling yin chin] siphonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba) %E!Bf3 [ling xing b i i gii] splintered bone Z [ling] spirit; sacred; magic Z B [ling bgo] Spirit Gem [rzon-clzarznel] ZB [ling d&o] HT-4W110(Spirit Pathway) Z;f'R [ling gEn] magic root [tongue] )\$A [ling gui bii f5] eightfold method of the sacred tortoise; sacred tortoise method Z li?$*[ling qiing] KI-24 (Spirit Wall) Z 2 [ling t i i ] GV-1OWfIO (Spirit Tower) Zjh* [ling xiiin] clematis [root]" (Clematidis Radix) Z.fh@*[ling xiiin tCng] clematis [root]" (Clematidis Radix) Z [ling xiiio huii] campsis flow&@ (Campsitis Flos) ZiB [ling xii] I
@_tE#* [ling shkng t i i n min] GV-20
(Ridge Top)
(Ridge Top Celestial Fullness) g~fij6; [ling diin fu] take double-boiled
386; [ling fu] take separately 3 @ [ling jiin] decoct separately
liu Y$ [liu] flow YE&?%[liu bi ti] runny nose Yap [liu chiin] miscarriage ?%PIG r?fl%$ [liu chgn h6u bi jing] postmiscarriage menstrual block [liu hu6] fire flow YE@ [liu lki] tearing; lacrimation Y%@DD[lili l&iwiing wiing] copious tearing ?$I&$% [lili niio tang] Encephalitis Decoction ?$5,tAT [liu qi yin zi] Qi Flow Drink ?%& [liu t i n ] flowing phlegm ,&,% (;IL,&$&fi [liu t i n jiC guii] gourd-bearing flowing phlegm ?%@ [liu xiin] drooling ?%tA [liu yin] flowing rheum [liu zhh] streaming sore [liu zi] exudation 8 EPL* [lili gong rii] stalactite" (Stalactitum) 3@l?& [liu guiin fii] retained cupping 3% [!i12 !i;.n] linger 8 *%* [lili qiQ zi] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) 86" [liG shi] talcume (Talcum) [IiD yin] lodged rheum &'&&2 [lili zhi: gong zhi] lodging is treated by attack %$+ [lili zhen] needle retention 6,$,8,%jJ1j [liu cong fii ji] Sulfur and Scallion Topical Application $fig * [liu huing] sulfuro (Sulphur) hJ%@* [liu huing] sulfure (Sulphur)
311Z$$@[lib ji nQ] anomalous artemisiaO (Artemisiae Anomalae Herba) $1 % fix S * [liQ ji nD c5o] anomalous artemisiaO (Artemisiae Anomalae Herba) @ [liQ] tumor fiP$$* [liii gui] cinnamon twig0 (Cinnamomi Ramulus) ;f;qPEB[liii hu5 s5n] Willow Flower Powder @/I@ [liG zhi] willow twiga (Salicis Ramulus) A [lib] six; sixth; sixfold A s % [lib an jiin] Six Quietings Brew AffFI [lib bihn] six transmutations A m [lib fii] six bowels [stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder, bladdel; a n d triple burner] A m U B % H [liG fii yi tong w i i yeng] six bowels fulfill their purposes when there is free flow A a+Ff-" [lib gii zi] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) k t ? * [lib h i n ] dipsacus [root]@ (Dipsaci Radlx) A$$ [liG h i ] six ways A $ $ Z @ % [liG h i ding zh6ng win] Sixfold Combination Center-Stabilizing Pills AdOt3J [lib h i tang] Six Harmonizations Decoction A + [lib h u i ] Florid Six [non-channel] A & [lib ji] six extremes A t 3 [lib jing] six channels Ag3BPijE [liG jing b i i n zhing] six-channel pattern identification A t 3 6 [lib jing bing] six-channel disease At3fF3i$ [liG jing xing zhen] six-channel patterns *$Gjl;f$% [lib jing zhui ping] Beside the Sixth Cervical Vertebra [non-channel] A E T t & j [lib jiin zi tang] Six Gentlemen Decoction A/$$ [lib mii] six pulses A @ & [liG m e tang] Six Milled Ingredients Decoction A@?$ [lib m e yin] Six Milled Ingredients Beverage
3 [lib qi] six y i- [wind, cold, fire, summerheat, dryness, and dampness] A$$% [lib s h i n siin] Wondrous Six Powder A @ & [lib s h i n tang] Six spirits Decoction A$$% [liG s h i n win] Six Spirits Pill An!ifiS.i& [lib w i i di huing tang] SixIngredient Rehmannia Decoction A%ilJB% [lib w i i di huing win] SixIngredient Rehmannia Pill k %H[JEltA [lib wki hui ying yin] SixIngredient Yang-Returning Beverage *%&I [lib w i i tang] Six-Ingredient Decoction A!t$?% [lib w i i win] Six-Ingredient Pill A%&g'I:$ [lib wii xiing rQ yin] SixIngredient Elsholtzia Beverage A[JH/$% [lib ying mii] six yang pulses A-@ [lib yi siin] Six-To-One Powder APjj/$k [liG yin mii] six yin pulses A f3 [lib yin] six excesses [wind, cold, fire, summerheat, dampness, a n d drynesv as environmental phenomena] Agj3 [lib yb] six depressions [depressed qi, blood, dampness, fire, phlegm, and food] A'& [lib yG] six desircs A ;B s* [lib y u i shuang] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) k R ZDt [hb yui: xue yi] Chinese eupatorium leaf0 (Eupatorii Chinensis Folium) A @ [lib 'zing] six viscera [heart, liver; spleen, lung, kidney, a n d eitherpericardicim or life gate] +$E83 [lib zh6u zi] yellow azalea seed@ (Rhododendri Mollis Fructus) x&&[lib zhG tang] Six Pillars Decoction A @ t $ [liG zhG yin] Six Pillars Beverage
long @"a" [16ng bii] hunchback 2 [16ng] dragon . 2% [16ng chi] dragon tooth@ (Mastodi Dentis Fossilia)
&%& [16ng chi siin] Dragon Tooth Powder
* [ I h g chuiin biiio] Japanese raspberry@ (Rubi Parvifolii Herba) & bBE [long chuin hug] ixora flower' (Txorae Flos) & flBEW t [16ng chuin huii gen] ixora root' (Ixorae Radix) &ABEZUt [16ng chuin huii jing yk] ixora stem and leaf' (Txorae Caulis et Folium) & %si?~* [16ng diin pi] snake slough' (Serpentis Exuviae) 2 R H [16ng diin] gentian [root]' (Gentianae Radix) & BB B @ * [16ng d5n bii wei] baiwei [cynanchum rootJo (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) & BBS* [16ng diin ciio] gentian [root]' (Gentianae Radix) &flHi@ T [16ng diin di ding] southern gentian0 (Gentianae Lourei Herba cum Radice) &BBi%flT?% [16ng d5n xi6 giin tiing] Gentian Liver-Draining Decoction &E%* [16ng fG xiiing] ambergris' (Ambra Grisea) & @ [16ng gii] dragon bone@ (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia) &@ JLZ3 [long gii Cr chj. s h ] Dragon Bone and Cutch Powder &@$_t:.&$% [long gii mii li tiing] Dragon Bone a n d Oyster Shell Decoction [16ng hin] Dragon's Chin [nonchannel] &R* [16ng hii] GV-1 (Dragon Tiger) -#- ',L?! - g* [Iring hil do! Peking eilphnrhia [root]" (Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix) &REBB& [16ng hG siin d5n siin] Earthworm, House Lizard, and Three Gallbladders Powder & R n * [16ng hii xu61 GV-1 (Dragon and Tiger Point) 2 A $$lj[16ng hu6 nki fin] dragon fire blazing internally & @ * [16ng jiiio] water caltrop [fruit and root]' (Trapae Fructus et Radix) &@ [16ng kui] black nightshade' (Solani Nigri Herba)
f i AB,@
[Ibng kui zi] black nightshade seedo (Solani Nigri Semen)
&E2& [16ng lei zhi hu6] dragon and thunder fire
&JJfflift [16ng li yk] dragon's
tongue leaf@ (Sauropi Folium) & fJ [16ng mtn] Dragon Gate [nonchannel] &A&*[16ng nHo] borneol' (Borneolum) ;fe 88 @j * [16ng niio b6 h6] Chinese fieldnettlea (Stachydis Baicalensis Herba) &j$QZA [16ng n i o giin lG win] Borneol Sweet Dew Pill &@g [16ng n5o gaol Borneo1 Paste &Jli~%* [16ng niio xiiing zi] dryobalanops [seed]' (Dryobalanopsis Semen) &&* [16ng pi] snake slough0 (Serpentis Exuviae) &%* [long quin] KI-2 (Dragon in the Spring) &,%j? [16ng quin ding] dragon spring clove sore (ding) & f i * [16ng shi] ephedra' (Ephedrae Herba) & % S [16ng shC ciio] otteliao (Otteliae Herba) &X* [long t6u] Dragon's Head [nonchannel] &&?* [16ng t6u ciio] agrimonyO (Agrimonlae Herba) . &E* [long wEi] mylabrisa (Mylabris) &@% [ h g xiin xiiing] ambergris* (Ambra Grisea) [long xii zi] cuscuta [seedlo (Cuscutae Semen) &BE B $8 [16ng yin r6u zhou] Longan Flesh Gruel &IF* [16ng yiin] longan flesh' (Longanae Arillus) &BE 'F * [16ng y5n giin] longan flesh* (Longanae Arillus) &BE$%[16ng y5n he] longan pit' (Longanae Semen) &BEE [16ng yiin huii] longan flower* (Longanae Flos)
le BE! m [16ng yIn rbu] longan flesh' (Lon-
ganae Arillus) le BE!W [16ng y i n y&] longan leaf' (Longanae Folium) 3Z * [16ng yi] snake slough' (Serpentis Exuviae) ?&$#I* [16ng yuiin] KI-2 (Dragon in the Abyss) leF [16ng zi diin yi] snake slough' (Serpentis Exuviae) le?-E*[16ng zi pi] snake slough' (Serpentis Exuviae) XTZ* [16ng zi yi] snake slough' (Serpentis Exuviae) [16ng] throat BE [16ng ti] steamer 9225 [16ng zheng] basket-steam [to steam in steaming-baskets] B f i * [16ng xuC] Deafness Point [nonchannel] G! $ * [16ng zh6ngl In Deafness [nonchannel] @ [16ng] dribbling block @iXl [brig bi] dribbling urinary block & r2l mR;j;X% [16ng bi Cr niiio shi jin] dribbling urinary block with overflow incontinence @ T2l -mi%% [16ng bi Cr shi jin] dribbling urinary block with overflow incontinence
!I&!!& [16u gii] mole cricket' (Gryllotalpa) !I&!!&%[16u g i jiC] mole cricket boil Z W * [16u fen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) %$E* [16u gen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) %Dt* [16u yk] betel leaf' (Piperis Betle Folium) B [Ibu] fistula %TI5 [lbu chuing] fistula F&A+ [Ibu zhiing] swollen fistula &3 [lbu] spotting [new]; scant uterine bleeding [old]; dribbling uterine bleeding [old]; fistula
@TI5 [lbu chuiing] fistula @+$ [Ibu gii] SP-7WFjO (Leaking Valley) @PT [Ibu hiin] leaking sweat @$I [lbu h6ngl red spotting @@)XI, [lbu jiiin feng] leaky shoulder wind @ tlg [lbu jing] weeping canthus $ $ $ f +[Ibu ~ $ ling zi] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) &3 F [lbu 161 rhaponticum/echinops [root]@ '(Rhapontici seu Echinopis Radix) @F [lbu 16 sIn] Rhaponticum/Echinops Powder $$$@I [Ibu nii] leaking of milk ST [Ibu xii] spotting [new]; scant uterine bleeding [old] @ P I * [lbu yin] KI-6 (Leaky Yin)
P$* [I6 bij] stalactite' (Stalactitum)
P H Z * [ID giin shi] smithsonite'
(Smithsonitum) P 2* [ID hui] aloe' (Aloe) WlH;fi[16 giin shi] smithsmite' (Smithsonitum) F E? * [lD bii] fenugreek [seed]' (FoeniGraeci Semen) F % @ * [ID c h i i gen] phragmites [rootlo (Phragmititis Rhizoma) F;EE [ID gen] phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma) F % & * [ID gii gen] phragmites [rootla (Phragmititis Rhizoma) FE [I6 hui] aloe' (Aloe) FSi;5tL [ID hui win] Aloe Pill F Z [lD jing] phragmites stemo (Phragmititis Caulis) F%.3;E* [ID m5o gcn] phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma) FS$$(* [hi m i 0 gen] phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma) F Z * [I6 shi] stalactite' (Stalactitum) F B * [lG t6ng] phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma)
F3*[lii zijbetel pepper* (Piperis Betle
EB+\BA[lG r6ng bii sZ w6n] Velvet
Fructus) fiD@% 116 ding t h g ] pain in the vertex of the head PB,% 116 xi] TB-19 (Skull Rest) PB&* [16 xin] TB-19 (Skull) Pg@@*[16 ci xi6n] cormorant's saliva* (Phalacrocoracis Saliva) BE@ [[I6 si xign] cormorant's saliva* (Phalacrocoracis Saliva) Pg BE A [I6 si xi6n w6n] Cormorant Drool Pill @ [lfi jiin] alkali* (Alkali) 137K*[lii shui] bittern@ (Butio) @Ut* [lii yZ] betel leaf' (Piperis Betle Folium) T i & $ + [lii shii] alkali0 (Alkali) R$%!El$f [lii xu2 p2i yin] successive addition grinding E%[lir ying] Java elder fruito (Sambuci Fructus) E @ *[lii biiin] deer's testis and penis* (Cervi Testis et Penis) @@3@ [lii biiin zhou] Deer's Penis Gruel &i$*[lii chong] deer's testis and penis0 (Cervi Testis et Penis) , &%S* [lh h5n cio] evolvulus@(Evolvuli Herba) EIft* [lii jiiio] deerhorn glue* (Cervi Gelatinum Cornu) EWli [lii jiio] deerhorn* (Cervi Cornu) E Wil flft [lir jiio jiiio] deerhorn glue0 (Cervi Gelatinum Cornu) EfBBffh [lii jiio jiiio w6n] Deerhorn Glue Pill @Wil 8ft3@ [lii jiio jiiio zhiiu] Deerhorn Glue Gruel [lii ji5o shuiing] degelatinated deer antlera (Cervi Cornu Degelatinatum) E%%iZ'L'rfi [lir ji5o tir si w6n] Deerhorn and Cuscuta Pill fi E [lir ji5o xi61 deer antler flakes* (Cervi Cornu in Frustis) BE [lir jin] deer's sinew* (Cervi Musculus) ES [lii r6ngl velvet deerhorna (Cervi Cornu Parvum)
Deerhorn Supplementing and Astringing Pill EZA +\ ?% [lii r6ng dii bii tiing] Velvet Deerhorn Major Supplementation Decoction EZ )+ [lii rong piin] velvet deer antler sliceso (Cervi Cornu Parvum) E Z 8 [lir r6ng sZn] Velvet Deerhorn Powder EBEl f i [lu r6ng si jin w6n] Velvet Deerhorn Four Jin Pills Em [lii r h ] venison* (Cervi Caro) [lii shi3nI deer's testis and penis* (Cervi Testis et Penis) EBfi [lii tiii] deer's fetuse (Cervi Foetus) * [lh ti cso] pyrolao (Pyrolae Herba); shancigu [bulb]@(Shancigu Bulbus) @ @f $Z [lii xi6n cio] pyrolao (Pyrolae Herba) E~ [lii xu61 deer's blood0 (Cervi Sanguis) [l; biiin huiing] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) 2* [lii biiin ji] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) * [lii biiin jli] kalimeriso (IGdimeridis Herba et Radix) %%& [lir lii tijng] liquidambar fruit' (Liquidambaris Fructus) B [lii] dew; distillate I!l!$iE[lir fEng f h g ] hornet's nest0 (Vespae .Nidus) ZZU [iu jij di~lillale g i g [lii jing] exposure of the eyeballs @@$n2 [lii ci ki] cormorant cough [whooping cough] i%Z@[lh ST ki] heron cough [whooping cough; ''heron" (Z E) is probably confused with "cormorant (P$@) ] @ [lii] gurgle [lir ding] Lu'an codonospsis [rootla (Codonopsitis Radix Lu'anensis) [lii d5ng shen] Lu'an codonospsis [root]@ (Codonopsitis Radix Lu'anensis)
%a%-* %a
a% a%S*
$P [lu] donkey $P +L D g * [lu zh5 mi] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix)
$P@R [lu zui feng] donkey's-mouth wind E E* [lG gOng] KI-3 (Lu Palace) E a*[l6 xi] KI-3 (Small Lu); Small Lu [non-channel]
9F [lugn] testicle; testis #t % * [luin ling] euryale [seed]@ (Euryales Semen) ijfJ @ [lugn suo] retracted testicles @JRk [luiin zhing] distended testicles &L [luhn] deranged; chaotic &L E * [luhn fi] haira (Hominis Crinis) &LEE*[luin f i tin] charred hair@ (Hominis Crinis Carbonisatus)
@j [I;] paravertebral sinews
[l6 gii] spine; spine bone [spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra] gai; [l6 jin] paravertebral sinews @ SB [lG d6u yi] bean seed-coat' (Glycines seu Sojae Testa) S [lu] green %Z [lu chi] green tea' (Theae Folium Non Fermentaturn) 43G [lu dbu] mung bean' (Phaseoli Aurei Semen) S % & * [I; k rnii] mume flower' (Mume Flos) [ l i fiin] melanterite' (Melanteritum) S R [I; feng] green wind SMF++@ [lu feng ling yiing yin] Green Wind Antelope Horn Beverage $3MT/;JP$Z [lu f6ng nki zhing] green wind internal obstruction % e x * [lu mii hug] mume flower' (Mume Flos) S f i m * [lu sheng mii] cimicifuga [root]@ (Cimicifugae Rhizoma)
S7k?@&[l; shui guhn zhii] green water pouring into the eye [I" cso] Japanese hop' (Humuli Scandentis Herba) C(!Sa[lu cso hug] Japanese hop flower' (Humuli Scandentis Flos)
luan S [luin] hypertonicity S@[luiin bi] hypertonic impediment (bi) S 3, [luin ji] hypertonicity; tension S % [luiin suO] contracture
te;ffi*[16n bii] kelp' (Algae Thallus) [lun] wheel
ifi [lhn] discuss; determine; treatise
luo &%%[lu6 ding] snail clove sore (lu6 ding) Bfi [lu6 si] bellamya@ (Bellamya Quadrata)
F ;fFiH [lu6 bh
mii] dogbane' (Apocyni Herba) JjE* [lu6 fu] radish' (Raphani Radix) $+WE [lu6 gu6 di] hemsleya [tuber]@ (Hemsleyae Tuber) ?? % [lu6 hin gub] Grosvenor's mornordica [fruit]@ (Momordicae Grosvenori Fructus) y %;a% D t [lu6 h i n gub yk] Grosvenor's momordica leafa (Momordicae Grosvenori Folium) ?? @J fbd [lu6 h6 shi hQ] Lohe dendrobiumO (Dendrobii Lohohense Caulis) y .$.! [lu6 li] basil' (Basilici Herba) Y $A F [lu6 1 i zi] basil seed' (Basilici Fructus) 3 0 * [lu6 bii] radish' (Raphani Radix) F b * [lu6 bo] radish' (Raphani Radix) f T * [lu6 b6 di ding] gueldenstaedtiao (Gueldenstaedtiae Herba cum Radice) &!5 b 3*[lu6 b6 zi] radish seed' (Raphani Semen) 3 b T*[lu6 bii zi] radish seed' (Raphani Semen)
g+363?[luh shi gu6] star jasmine fruit'
[lu6 f6] radish' (Raphani Radix)
(Trachelospermi Fructus)
j$ @ [lu6 m6] metapiexisa (Metaplexis
?&.cFrtE [lub shi tCng] star jasmine stem'
- --
Herba seu Radix) .F @ F [lu6 m6 zi] metaplexis fruit@ (Metaplexis Fructus) g [1u6] small scrofula / @@ [luii li] scrofula 1% [lub] expectorate @&[lub t i n ] expectoration of phlegm [lub xu61 expectoration of blood &;qPEl E * [lub ying hug] dianthus' (Dianthi Herba) g& [lub] network (vessel) [new]; connecting vessel [old]; net [diflusely connect wilh, new]; connect [diffusely connect with, old] t%$q[lub ci] network vessel pricking [one of the nine needling methods] 2&&k [lub mii] network vessel 2&B [lub quk] BL-8wrro(Declining Connection) 28k [lub shhng] Above Connection [nonchannel] 2&6* [luh shi] star jasmine stem0 (Trachelospermi Caulis)
ma ~ $ ~ J[mii~ 1 i lli y;] J ~malaria %ER+%[ m i f i jiiio sui] parched tangled hair
M [ m i ] tingling; numbness [ m i bi] paralysis
J+%{,FM [ m i ch mhi] frenzied sesame seed pulse
m33 [ m i dG] measles toxin B S A B [ m i dG rG ying] measles toxin entering construction 11GAib [ m i d 6 xihn fki] measles toxin falling into the lung
(Trachelospermi Caulis) netting and homing $&ZIB*[lub xi] BL-8 (Connecting Cleft) 28fi [lub xu61 network point [new]; connecting point [old] %%f+tJ* [lub d6 d5] centella@ (Centellae Herb (cum Radice)) %fh [lub di] Fall to Earth [non-channel] @f * [lub di wG gong] yellow-downed hedyotisa (Hedyotis Chrysotrichae Herba) @ES*[!ub huii shZnj peanut [kernel]' (Arachldis Semen) , & I L ~[lub huii sheng] peanut [kernel]' (Arachidis Semen) GEg3R [luh huii sheng zhou] Peanut Gruel %Tg [lub jing] Crick in the Neck [nonchannel] %%5[lub ling wii] Crick Half [nonchannel] [lub z h h ] crick in the neck; Crick in the Neck [non-channel]
2+3E[lub shii]
R W [ m i feng] nhmbing wind; leprosy [ m i feng] numbing wind; leprosy
J$$@;EiB ?$I [mj: gui shi giio tiing] Ephedra, Cinnamon Twig, and Gypsum Decoction $$$$ [ m i huing] ephedra' (Ephedrae Herba)
M S Mrf* H % 2% [ m i huing fG zi giin c5o tiing] Ephedra, Aconite, and Licorice Decoction )$$S Mf *Q$@~J [ m i huing fh zi xi xin tiing] Ephedra, Aconite, and Asarum Decoction
[ m i huing gen] ephedra root* (Ephedrae Radix) %fSaUjtt5 [ m i huing jia zhli tang] Ephedra Decoction Plus Ovate Atractylodes [ m i huing liin qiiio R J chi xi50 dbu tang] Ephedra, Forsythia, and Rice Bean Decoction %f@% [ m i huing tang] Ephedra Decoction %f @%l%M+TP5 [ m i huing xi xin fh zi tang] Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction @ R B k ? 2 W ES$5[ m i huing xing r i n shi g l o gan c i o tlng] Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction % f S 8 k S E W S . i % [ m i huing xing r i n yi yi r i n g5n c i o tiing] Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction @ # i P P t [ m i liii ye] wing nut leaf* (Pterocaryae Folium) LR* [ m i mG] numbness (and tingling) RE%[ m i q i i n sin] Nux-Vomica Powder @&* [mii quk] sparrow* (Passer) %fk* [ m i rCn] hemp seed* (Cannabis Semen) J%kStL [ m i rCn win] Hemp Pill @ gg'ti $25 [ m i xing g5n shi tang] Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Licorice, and Gypsum Decoction m E ? i E 2% [ m i xing shi gan tang] Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction %f8 % G$25 [ m i xing yi gan tang] Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction; Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction MI@ [ m i y6u] sesame oil* (Sesami Seminis Oleum) %ff&iW R [mB y6u tigo fii] apply mixed with sesame oil M B [ m i zhin] measles; measles papules R B l'fl iE [ m i zhin bi zheng] measles block pattern @ B + B [mB zhin bG tbu] non-eruption of measles @ B E T $ h [mB zhEn f5 bG chhng] inhibited eruption of measles papules
RBt%%[ m i zhEn h6u tbng] sore throat in measles @ B % B [ m i zhin nin tbu] difficult outthrust of measles % f B @ i E [ m i zhEn ni z h h g ] unfavorable measles pattern @ B X S [ m i zhEn shi yin] loss of voice in measles @BllDiiE [ m i zhin shhn zhkng] favorable measles pattern @@BE+ [.mi zhEn tbu fii bG chu] non-eruption of measles; non-outthrust of measles @ B R i C [ m i zhEn xiiin zheng] critical measles pattern R F * [ m i zi] hemp seedo (Cannabis Semen) R 3 {I * [ m i zi rin] hemp seed* (Cannabis Semen) @=F{I% [ m i zi rin win] Hemp Seed Pill % [mil, horse Y # S [ m i biiin cio] verbena* (Verbenae Herba (cum Radice)) Y E * [ m i bie] leech* (Hirudo seu Whitmania) -Y$$@ [ m i bin ling] capparisa (Capparis Semen) 3%[ m i b6] puffball* (Lasiosphaera seu Calvatia) 4 $3 ?$Z* [ m i chi chi] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) -Y&Z [ m i chi xiln] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) . -Y?&E?% [ m i chi xihn tang] Purslane Decoction 3 $1 3 * [ m i ci cio] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) %$1]$1]* [mj. ci ci] cjrsiumo (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) YA-PBRE+ -5;: [ma d5n ying tian .xing shi ?r xu61 Ma Dan-Yang7s twelve heavenly star points 4 77 [mj. dao] saber lumps 4 n% [ m i diio chuing] saber lumps -3 77 E * . [ m i diio dbu] sword bean* (Canavaliae Semen) 277 [ m i dao jig ying] saber and pearl-string lumps
4ST*[mii d6u
ling] aristolochia fruit@ (Aristolochiae Fructus) SI %.++ [mii d6u ling] aristolochia fruit@ (Aristolochiae Fructus) -3 r-2 ++&[mii d6u ling s i n ] Aristolochia .Fruit P o w d e ~ 4@.* [mii huing] leech* (Hirudo seu Whltmania) 4Bj * [mii ji] atractylodes [root]@ (Atractylodis RhizomaS; cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) 3 ! I ! [mii keu] horse's mouth [mouth of the urethra] 3 Z [mii lin] kalimeris@ (Kalimeridis Herba e t Radix) 4 * [mii 16n cii] kalimerisa (Kalimeridis Herba e t Radix) 4Efii=F[mii lin zi] sweet iris seed@ (Iridis Pallasii Semen) 3 * [m! qi] water chestnut' (Heleochar~tisCormus) 4@*[mii qi] leeche (Hirudo seu Whitmania) Y E * [mii qisn] nux vomica* (NuxVomicae Semen) 3 B F [mii qi6n zi] nux vomica* (NuxVomicae Semen) 4!l@FS$?*[mii s h i zi cii] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) % @ * [m! ti] water chestnut* (Heleocharltls Cormus) [m5 ti jin] dichondraa (Dichondrae Herba) 3 & E j e [ m i ri juC mingj fetid cassia [seed]' (Cassiae Torae Semen) 3%F* [mii ti zi] fetid cassia [seed]" (Cassiae Torae Semen) Y;fR@[mii t h g xiin] chamber-pot lichen (xiiin) Y E & $ [mii w i i shiii] horse-tail sieve Y E B * [mii wEi xiang] frankincense* (Olibanum) -3 $2,* [mii xi] plantago* (Plantaginis Herba) %+fj%$"j;* [mii xiin xi6ng qi6ngl ligusticum [rootla (Ligustici Rhizoma)
-3 3* [mii xiin] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) 4% [ m i y i ] horse teeth 45 $j [mii y i xigo] horse-tooth mirabilitea (Mlrabilitum Equidens); horse-tooth niter@ (Niter Equidens) Z~sff-* [mii ying dgn] red sage flower* (Lantanae Flos) 4B*[.mii zhi] leech* (Hirudo seu Whitmania) 4$ji* [mii zhG] curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber) @$,i[lPt. [mii liii yk] Pterocaryae Folium (wing nut leaf) $3&&I$*. [ m i h u i n g qi] leech* (Hirudo seu Whitmania)
mai @ % E & [mki xiin li60 f l ] catgut e p bedding @$+ [mii zhen] needle implantation; nee-
dle embedding
X$$E [miii rn6 tCng] joint fir* (Gneti Parvifolii Caulis et Folium seu Radix)
bk [mii] vessel; pulse bk% kii [mii b i o chii] fulminating pulse & k g [mii bi] vessel impediment (bi) Ibl;* [mii ching] long pulse
bkfi [mii chin] deep pulse; sunken pulse bkE [mii chi] slow pulse b$@ [mii c t ~ ]skipping pulse; rapid irregularly interrupted pulse [rnii d i ] large pulse bkft [mii dii] regularly interrupted pulse b$$i [mii dbng] stirred pulse [mii dii] vessel measurement b$%a [mii d u i n ] short pulse [mii fG] hidden pulse b$@ [mii fu] floating pulse bZbk88 [mii gen] Vessel's Root [nonchannel] b$-& PlElrf [mii he si shi] congruence of the pulse with the four seasons bk%R [mii h6ngl surging pulse b$$B [mii h u i ] slippery pulse
BkB [mii huiin] moderate pulse B$& [mii hui] meeting point of the vessels [LU-91 B$% k X ?J [mii huh d i w6 li] forceless large gaping pulse H%,[mhi ji] urgent pulse b$& [mhi ji] racing pulse Bkg [mii jin] tight pulse b$BQ [mii jing] tranquil pulse a [mii k6u] vessel opening; wrist pulse bk% [mii luh] vessels and networks f-bkSDEl.1-[mii ni si shi] incongruence of the pulse with the four seasons b$lk". [mii qi] vessel qi I$$$%[mii qijlng] strong pulse jl&% [mhi r6] soggy pulse R$$3 [mii rub] weak pulse b$B [mii s i n ] dissipated pulse; scattered pulse b$?Z [mhi sk] rough pulse Ibkg [mii shi] replete pulse b%$& [mii shub] rapid pulse b7{$23& [mii ti zhi dti] single quality of the pulse bl)rl% [miii wEi] faint pulse b$#'&2& [mii wEi yii jui] faint pulse verging on expiry b$@ [miii wii] vessel wilting (wgi) b$Z E 5 [mii w6 w i i qi] pulse bereft of stomach qi b$?N [mii xi] fine pulse @$2 [mii xiin] stringlike pulse [new]; wiry pulse [old] b$& [mii xiing] pulse; pulse manifestation b$ [mii xiiing zhii bing] disease correspondences of the pulse j&/j\ [mii xigo] small pulse b$E [mii xii] vacuous pulse [mii xui] study of the pulse; sphygmology $/$ FB PB@# [mii yin yjlng jii fG] floating yin and yang pulses B$ PBBEI@% [mii yin yjlng jii jin] tight yin and yang pulses
bkbkh e4 Ekj [miii ying si shi] congruence of the pulse with the four seasons [mii zio] agitated pulse J&@& [mhi z i o ji] agitated racing pulse b$@ [mii zhin] pulse examination IbkS [mii zheng] steaming vessels J$kiiE& $3 [miii z h h g hC can] correlate pulse and symptoms; correlation of the pulse and symptoms S *. [mii dong] ophiopogon [tuber]@ (Ophiopogonis Tuber) %a.H* [mii dong zhi] fresh ophiopogon [tuber] juice@ (Ophiopogonis Tuberis Recentis Succus) SfB [mii jiiio] ergot' (Ergota) S 2.3 * [mii ljln zi] vaccaria [seed]@ (Vaccar~aeSemen) . g @ @ Em$# [mhi li xing pi n i i zhen] wheat-grain intradermal needle ?ti TJ 4? ' [mii men dong] ophiopogon [tuberla (Ophiopogonis Tuber) %@%* [mii m i n dong] ophiopogon [tuber]@ (Ophiopogonis Tuber) %1'74?%J [mii m i n dong tang] Ophiopogon Decoction zTJ%tA.3 [mii mkn dong yin zi] Ophiopogon Drink % * [m i i nik] barley sprout' (Hordei Fructus Germinatus) S @Ei [mii nii miin] malt flour@ (Hordei Farina Fructus Germinati) Sf,@j?if;tiz*[mii sui xi2 kii ciio] prunella [spikelo (Prunellae Spica) Sl?#?flk$$$~ [mii wii di hujlng wjln] Ophiopogon and Rehmannia Pill SZiFif* [miii xii kii] prunella [spike]@ (Prunellae Spica) S55 [mii yjl] barley sprout0 (Hordei Fructus Germinatus) [ h i i y6 qii] barley leaven' (Hordei Massa Fermentata) S%E* [mii yjl tjlng] malt sugar' (Granorum Saccharon) %%Ffi [mii y i o su6] medicine store B$ [mii bh] Stride [non-channel]
man ~ f i [min * gua] luffa gourd'
2Tii8 [ming xiiio] mirabilite' (Mirabili(Luffae
Fructus) @ [miin] fullness [miin mi& tong h6ngl redness of the whole face % LLIa [miin shiin hong] Daurian rhododendron [leafla (Rhododendri Daurici Folium) PQY [min tu6 lu6] datura' (Daturae Flos seu Folium) E PQ Y [min tu6 lu6 hug] datura flower' (Daturae Flos) @A [min hub] low flame ET,%[min jing] chronic fright EEJil[min jing f h g ] chronic fright wind Ea$R [min pi feng] chronic spleen wind $gj$[min zhbng] diffuse swelling BiVl%@T [min h6 tui zi] smooth oleaster fruit0 (Elaeagni Glabrae Fructus) Z i$J @,s=i@ [min h6 tui zi gen] smooth oleaster root0 (Elaeagni Glabrae Radix) S i$J@T P t [min h6 tui zi yk] smooth oleaster leaf0 (Elaeagni Glabrae Folium) S @ *[min jiiio] shiny bramblea (Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix seu Ramulus et Folium) S%l]%* [min jing shi] vitex [fruit]' (Viticis Fructus) S%l]F[man jing zi] vitex [fruit]' (Viticis Fructus) G S T 3 [mhn jing zi siin] Vitex Fruit Powder Vi_t_~u Fruit lXz!Ft% [mkn jjng zi Decoction BST* [min qing zi] vitex [fruit]' (Viticis Fructus)
mang S * [miing ciio] baiwei [cynanchum root]" (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) E$l1 [miing ci] prickles E.Rj(;% [ming gub hC1 mango stone' (Mangiferae Endocarpium et Semen) E # * [miing xiiio] mirabilite' (Mirabilitum)
* [miing zhbng cso] water speedwell' (Veronicae Anagallisl Aquaticae Herba) Ff+[miing zhhng] Grain in Ear [9th solar term] [ming] blindness
mao gB)L@jEj* [miio Cr bt, hC] mint' (Menthae Herba) * [mao Cr ci] Chinese holly leaf' (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) 3% 9 * [mZo ji] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) 3E%@* [mao m i o ciio] golden hair grass0 (Pogonatheri ~Herba) ?jE5BS [mao xii ciio] orthosiphona (Orthosiphonis Herba) 4BflS [mao zhiio ciio] cat's claw buttercup [root]@ (Ranunculi Ternati Tuber) % [mgo] [body] hair %kg* [miio ch6ng yio] emilia@(Emiliae Herba (cum Radice)) %Efi&* [mio ci gii] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus) %$I] [miio ci] hair needling [one of the nine needling methods] %4-S[miio dong qing] hairy holly rooto (Ilicis Pubescentis Radix) % 4 g P t [mio dong qing yii] hairy holly leafa (Ilicis Pubescentis Folium) % E [mio f i ] hair [of head and body] +.E%B [mho f i biin yi] abnormalities of the ham % Y j / 2 W [miio f i biin yi] abnormalities of hair [of head and body] %E+?j2 [miio f i bh r h g ] lusterless hair %E [miio gkn] Japanese ranunculusO (Ranunculi Japonici Herba et Radix) % f i & * [mho gii] shancigu [bulbla (Shancigu Bulbus) %SF*[miio ji ciio] agrimony' (Agrirnonlae Herba)
3B )L$U
-% Pi5 [mio ji] pubic hair region %Z* [mio jiiing] drynaria [root]@ (Drynariae Rhizoma) %% g* [m5o ji5ng jun] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) %% [mio jiiio] parched body hair %/!dl%* [mgo jiiio ji] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) %Bf;PE* [mio. jiio yin] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) %g*[mio li] Chinese gooseberry [fruit]' (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) %%ST * [mio r i n r i n zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) %ET?$ [mio sk bh zi] lusterless hair %$fi [mio shi] brittle hair %@ [mio shk xiiing] glutinous adenosmao (Adenosmatis Glutinosi Herba) %@I] [mio shuii] bristle brush %E%* [mio wi5i shii] smooth greenbrie~; [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) %$%* [mio xin yi] magnolia flower' (Magnoliae Flos) .%?* [mio yh] taro [root]' (Colocasiae Tuber) %%IT* [mio zhui zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) S%%* [mio ciing zhIi] Maoshan atractylodes [rootla (Atractylodis Rhizoma Maoshanense) X S @ * [mio c i o gen] imperata [root]@ (Imperatae' Rhizoma) %St%[mio g i tiing] Imperata and Pueraria Decoction X;/;W*[mi0 gen] imperata [rootlo (Imperatae Rhizoma) X$R% [mio gen tin] charred imperata [root]@(Imperatae Rhizoma) S;/;W.i% [mio gen tiing] Imperata Decoc-tion Sil;W@f6P% [mio gen zhii shi tiing] Imperata and Hematite Decoction X g E * [rnio kui hug] irnperata flowera (kfnperatae Flos) S%&* [mio mii gen] Japanese raspberry root@ (Rubi Parvifolii Radix)
% E @ * [mio mki gEn] Japanese raspberry rooto (Rubi Parvifolii Radix)
X LLJZ%* [mio shiin ciing zhIi] Maoshan atractylodes [root]@ (Atractylodis Rhizoma Maoshanense) % & * [mio zhii] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) S H E * [mio zhen hug] imperata flower@ (Imperatae Flos) S j t [mio zh6] Maoshan atractylodes [root]@ (Atractylodis Rhizoma Maoshanense) gp [rnio] fourth earthly branch; B4 @El$ [mIo shi] B4 watch [5-7 a.m.] El' [rnio] encroach; veiled B jP. [mio fiin] encroached by; contract @ [rnio] visual distortion B& [mio qi] visual distortion and tugging
&RE E $*
[mii gui] rose' (Rosae Flos) [mii gui hug] rose' (Rosae Flos) [mti bEn] BL-2 (Root of the Eye-
E 19 .[mii chong] BL-3WH0(Eyebrow Ascension)
E & B [mii ling gii] eyebrow bone E@@% [mii ling gii t h g ] eyebrow bone pain
Eft [mii t6u] eyebrow; BL-2 (Eyebrow)
E%J@K[mii t6u zhrjng zhing] distention in the brow
H @ * [mii zhGng] BL-2 (At the Eyebrow); At the Eyebrow [non-channel]
%&* [mii bing] borneol' (Borneolum) &S [mii dIi] syphilis @il;&F [mii h i qi] plum-pit qi %E [mii hug] mume flowero (Mume Flos); Plum Blossom [non-channel]; white mume flower@(Mume Flos Albus) %E,G,dff-[mti h u l di5n s h i diin] Plum Blossom Tongue Elixir &E88* [mii huii niio] borneol' (Borneolum)
&Ell@+* [ n k i huii niio zi] borneol' (Borneolum) % Ek- @* [mCi huii p i i n niio] borneol' (Borneolum) +&;tt;+?t [mCi huii zhenj plum-blossom needle % E # [mCi h u i zhou] Plum Blossom Gruel % k- * [mCi pihn] borneol' (Borneolum) %%* [mCi shi] mume [fruit]' (Mume Fructus) [mEi di jing win] Trichomonas S@ Cleansing Pill X S*. [m& cj.01 licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix) %** [mi5 ziio] jujube' (Ziziphi Fructus) $f [mii] sleep
F X E [ming shi jing] seminal loss while dreaming
V # [ming xi&] dream ejaculation FW$S [ming xi6 jing] dream ejaculation F f T [ m b g xing] dream walking F R [ m h g ygn] oppressive ghost dreams FR+ ? [ming yiin bC ning] oppressive ghost dreams
?j$B [ming yi] dream emission ?j$.BX%2 [ming yi shi jing] dream emission
F@[ming yi] sleep talking F % [ming you] dream walking; sleep walking
+BjFg [ming zhong yi jing] seminal emission while dreaming ? f?j ;cpf $5 [ m h g zhong yi yii] dream talking
I;qXE*[men tou huii] genkwa [flowerlo (Daphnes .Genkwa Flos) 1'7 [men] gate 1'7 3@, 3 * [mCn i r ge mj. li] leech' (Hirudo seu Whitmania) 47 [men] feel; palpate I;q [men] oppression f$lkF$[mkn duhn] sealed pot calcination
meng @ * [mCng] Sichuan fritillaria [bulblo (Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus) @ & [mCng ch6ngl tabanus0 (Tabanus) min/l cr ~pj?-!.t! [rmer?gjs!5uding rI--n c n f .-----[mtng bi] clouding [as of mind o r spirit] % E* [mCng huii] buddleia [flower]' (Buddleiae Flos) $26 [mCng shij chloritelmica [schist]" (Chloriti seu Micae Lapis) $$$;fi@@J;L [mCng shi giin t8n win] Chlorite/Mica Phlegm-Rolling Pill & [mEng] fierce [of agents] F2 [ming jiiio] dreaming of intercourse Fg*jFg [ m h g jiio shi jing] seminal loss while dreaming of intercourse
3 [mi] confound @ [mi] erode; erosion
[mi dign] erosion speckles [mi IBn] erode; erosion $$K@#[mi h6u ti01 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]' [Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus]; Chinese gooseberry [fruit]' [Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus] %$$ [mi chiio] stir-fry with .rice % f i * [mi chCn] rice water@ (Oryzae Aqua) .
7k * [mi g i n shui] rice water0 (Oryzae Aqua) %#7k$$ [mi giin shui chIo] stir-fry with rice water % [mi gii yi] rice sprout@ (Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) [mi jiii] rice wine' (Oryzae Vinum) %& [mi jii] flat abscess 0 6 ) of the armpit ?tt C l % tO T * [mi kiiu dBi di ding] gueldenstaedtiao (Gueldenstaedtiae Herba cum Radice)
gs* %a
ES.* [mi 1in cIo] Indian abutilona (Abutllonis Indici Herba) XU%*[mi nik] GB-5 (Rice Bite) Xll#$*[mi nik] GB-5 (Rice Bite) . X &@ [mi pi kiing] rice husk* (Oryzae Testa) [mi rCn] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) *@E [mi sui hug] Chinese eurya [root]' (Euryae Chinensis Radix) X th .[mi tiing] rice decoction@ (Oryzae Decoctio) % [mi] squinching of the eyes Idue to the presence of dust or sand] $fij$Jf$t& [mi bit5 qing zhuo] separate the clear and turbid; separation of the clear and turbid [mi] closed; tight [mi fang] secret formula FllE fi [mi jing win] Essence-Containing Pill FA 3E [mi y u i n jiiin] Origin-Securing Brew @KE[mi m i n g huii] buddleia [flower]* (Buddleiae Flos) @% Z& [mi m i n g h u i sgn] Buddleia Powder @BE!% [mi tub seng] litharge* (Lithargvum) @Rig3 [mi tuo seng sIn] Litharge Powder %& [mi] honey* (Mel) @ 5 * [mi c i o ] licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix) &2 -I#* [mi g i n ] licorice [root]* (Glycyrrhizae Radix) @E%% [mi j i b d I o f i ] thickened honey enema; Honey Enema @3R [mi jiiing] syrup %&!I!,", [mi 121 bee's wax* (Cera) %I+* [mi pi] longan flesh* (Longanae Arillus) @$E* [mi ting] honey* (Mel) @P E {El * [mi tu6 seng] litharge* (Lithar!wum) fi [mi win] honey pill Fit
[mi yin huii] top grade lonicera flower@ (Lonicerae Flos Optimus) %& % [mi zhi] mix-fry with honey
4% *
[miin] eucommia [bark]@ (Eucom-, miae Cortex) #,E [miin huii] cotton wool* (Gossypii Pilus Seminis) 4%E & [miin h u i gEn] cotton root* (Gossypii Herbacei Radix seu Radicis Cortex) jl:$E % [miin hug k i ] cotton hull* (Gossypii Exocarpium) 4% E T [mi6n huii zi] cotton seed* (Gossypii Semen) $8@ @ * [miin tang ling] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) $$B E * . [miin yin chCn] capillariso (Artemisme Capillaris Herba) il;%TPEB[miin zi you] cottonseed oil* (Gossypii Seminis Oleum) 4@,)IS* [miin gui] luffa gourd* (Luffae Fructus) $8$$ L< * [miin huing qi] astragalus [root]@ (Astragali (seu Hedysari) Radix) $848 [miin miin] perpetual _4$t@,+t&[miin mian bh duhn] continuous _4,8k%;f;t$ [mian miin bii juC] continuous 48$8F{* [miin miin bG xiu] continuous 4$4$!+E! [miin miin bh yi] continuous $9H E * [mi511 yin chCn] capillaris@ (Artemisiae Capillaris Herba) &.f;I;t& [miin huii tring] Bosom-Relieving Powder %j$f [miin shen] birth; childbirth; parturition; delivery; %fL [miin 1-61 childbirth %9 [miin shiin] childbirth [mihnl face; flour 0 mtI [miin b i i q u i n bong] white face and red cheeks a9PgB [miin bh t i n g t h g ] facial pain @% [miin chCn] dusty facial complexion @% [miin chi] red facial complexion
@'@ [miin cui] haggard o r drawn facial complexion @@ [miin ding] clove sore (ding) of the face Bj.9 [miin fu] puffy face @j.%Bfl$ [miin fu xii zh6ngl vacuity swelling of the face @j.9E8$[miin fu zhi zh6ngl puffy face and swollen limbs @% [mihn g6uJ grimy facial complexion @$!@ [miin gu6 wei], flour paste roasting @$-%& [miin h i chi s i ] uniform redness of the face [miin h6ngl red facial complexion @iXJ$% [miin h6ng 6r chi] red face and ears @M 5 [miin h6ng mh chi] red face and eyes ma3j-A [miin h6ng shEng hu6] upbearing fire flush @$#A [miin hii] flour and water paste B~JX[miin huiing] bright white face mB?$!Jlg[mihn jii c h i o h6ngl tidal reddening of the cheeks m$@#$X [miin jig f6 h6ng] floating redness of the cheeks @@* [miin liio] ST-1 (Face Bone-Hole) BG* [mihn liio] ST-1 (Face Bone-Hole) @ €I %A$ [miiin mh chi zhiing] red swollen face and eyes @ €I j.qfl$ [miin mh fu zhiing] puffy swollen face and eyes; puffy swelling of the face and eyes @ €I [miin mh li hei] soot-black face and eyes @ @ [mihn s i ] facial complexion @f3llg# [miin s i i n zhi] dull stagnant facial complexion @f3 $ [miin s i biii] white facial complexion B [miin s i ciing biii] somber white facial complexion [mihn s i ciing b i i i n zhi] $ dull somber white facial complexion ifij & % $ ii'ij F E [miin s i ciing b i i i r d i i ying] somber white facial complexion with a green-blue tinge
@&mZI[miin s i c h i o h6ngl tidal reddening of the face @&% $ [miin d d i n bii] pale white facial complexion @&?&$$ [miin s i d i n huing] pale yellow facial complexion @&?%a [miin s i fu h6ngl floating-red facial complexion [miin s i hei] black facial complexion m & g I [miin s i h6ngl red facial complexion @&B [miin s i huing] yellow facial complexion @&M $ [miin s i huiing bii] bright white facial complexion m&E&$ [miin s i hui i n ] somber gray (or ashen) facial complexion @&&% [miin s i hui zhi] stagnant gray (or ashen) complexion [miin s i li hei] soot-black facial complexion @&g [miin s i qing] green-blue facial complexion @ & Sffij IZ [mihn sk qing i r hui] greenblue facial complexion with gray tinge [miin s i qing i r hui i n ] somber green-blue facial complexion . B&B%[miin s i qing zi] green-blue o r purple facial complexion B&7!$%@flS [miin s i qing zi hui i n ] somber green-blue o r purple complexion @&$Dlk [miin s i ru zhuiing] facial complexion as if dabbed with rouge @&SB [miin s i w6i huiing] witheredyellow facial complexion; sallow yellow facial complexion --a &4$4%E$[miin s i yuin yuin zhing chi] continuously full red facial complexion @&RE21 [miin s i zhhng h6ngl red flushed facial complexion @&%% [miin s i zi hEi] purple-black facial complexion fi-&$g%[miin shi ji zhi] wheat-type food accumulation
mihn [miin tiin] facial paralysis 2 [miin tan k6u wail paralyzed face with deviated mouthWB [miin tbng] facial pain EiiB -9J7 [miin tbng &r hho fsng] Facial Pain No. 2 Formula WBZ%fj-[miin tbng siin hho fang] Facial Pain No. 3 Formula @I@ m 9 - k [miin tbng si h i o fiing] Facial Pain No. 4 Formula m$-%J7 [miin tbng yi h i o fiing] Facial Pain No. 1 Formula [miin wing] king of face (tip of the nose); GV-25 (King of Face) [miin yiing] itchy face Wih$fl [miin y6u Eng] wandering wind of the face @IE* [miin zhkng] GV-25 (Face Center) mj$ [miin zhiing] swollen face
miao $i!i [miio] sprout
a* R, [miio qiiio] sprout and orifices
IL!: [migo] lateral abdomen
$9 [miho] wondrous [miio xiiing sgn] Mysterious Fragrance Powder
[mi& biin] eliminate scars
Xj@@[mi& ban h i n ] eliminate scars
min E PIG [min jian yio] folk medicinal
ming g *[ming ting] GV-23 (Hall of Fame) 9 [ming] bright; Ming [1368-1644 A.D.]
a %$$ [ming diing shen] changium root@ (Changii Radix) @fl$ [ming duhn] open calcination [ming f i n ] alum* (Alumen)
* [ming fh piin] blast-fried aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Tosturn) a ;l;;* [ming guiing] BL-2 (Bright Light) 9 €I [ming mh] brighten the eyes % €I5th B A [ming mh di huing win] Eye Brightener Rehmannia Pill @ €I @F Stl [ming mh h u i i zi win] Eye Brightener Sophora Fruit Pill [ming mii shing qing w&n] R Eye Brightener Clear-Raising Pill mfl* [ming rill top grade frankincense@ (Olibanum Optimum) ;ti*[ming shi] chlorite [schist]* (Chloriti Lapis) %@ [ming ting] bright hall; nose; GV-23 (Bright Hall) a%$$* [ming tiiin m i ] gastrodia [root]@ (Gastrodiae Rhizoma) a 7;Zti [ming xi6ngl lucid realgar0 (Realgar Lucidum) 7i;# B * [ming xi6ng huing] lucid realgar0 (Realgar Lucidum) @ [1R [ming yiin] Bright Eyes; Brighter Eyes % 3 / r ? * [ming yir zhli] Solomon's seal [root]' (Polygonati Yuzfp phizoma) @ f l lip* [ming yu2 shii] hare's droppings@ (Lepi Excrementum) B ! I+ [ming zhong] Bright Center [nonchannel] WBQ* [ming zhii mii] mother-of-pearl' (Concha Margaritifera ) X* [rning] tea [leaf]' (Theae Folium) 0% [ming] ring; rumble; rale [new]; r a t ~ l e [014 0E [ming] heavy eye; dimness of vision $i [ming] life; destiny +%* [ming di] CV-8 (Life Stem) $iX [ming guan] life bar; SP-17 (Lift: Pass) + A [ming hu6] life fire $ A 2 [ming huii bh zli] insufficiency of the life fire $TI [ming m t n ] life gate; GV-4Wu0 (Life Gate); CV-4 (Life Gate); CV-5 (Life Gate)
i$il'JAd [ming men hu6 shuiii] debilita-
b3 [mb] vessel; pulse
tion of the life gate fire i$i 1'7A B T [ming men hud wing] effulgent life gate fire @ TJ % @ * [ming men jiii ji] Life Gate Paravertebral [non-channel] i$i 1'72 A [ming men zhi hud] life gate fire
miu @ [miir] crossed; mistaken @$I] [miir ci] cross needling method
igig [miir yii] delirious speech
[m6 fii] friction [manipulation technique] @R [m6 Eng] abrasive wind; leprosy @ @J B * [m6 I&- xiiing] frankincense' (Olibanum) [m6 yiio diin] Lumbar Rub Elixir 82 [m6] membrane R E [m6 yuin] membrane source @ [m6] rub @&S [m6 p8n ciio] Indian abutilon@ (Abutilonis Indici Herba) @pgZjlt8 [m6 zhing ling guiing giio] Obstruction-Abrading Spirit Light Paste g-8[m6 zhi] wet grind to obtain juice @'&@ [m6 zhi tli] apply juice obtained by wet-grinding I %5*[mb yio] myrrh' (Myrrha) t2 ;tB ig* imi, duS, sEngj iirharge5 (lithargyrum) ?26T*[mb shi zi] Aleppo gall' (Galla Halepensis) ?2&T [mb shi zi] Aleppo gall' (Galla Halepensis) $2&Pfi [mb shi zi win] Aleppo Gall Pill ?9% [mb yiio] myrrhm (Myrrha) % [mb] foam ZWJ.IY. [mi, li huii] jasmine [flower]' (Jasmini Flos) u-4.'-
[mb] ink' (Atramentum) SjZ*[mb cii] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) gq@* [mb ddu ciio] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) gqg [mb h i n liin] eclipta@ (Ecliptae Herba) B 3 jZ * [mb .ji cii] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) BET*[mb shi zi] Aleppo gall' (Galla Halepensis) %$@S* [mb yiin d o ] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) B & @* [mb yli gii] cuttlefish bone' (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) g5+%*[mb zhi chi] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) %fig*[mb zhi ciio] ecliptaa (Ecliptae Herba) E [mb] grind fie# [mb gii xiiio] Formosan elder@ (Sambuci Formosanae Rhizoma)
Ei [mii] mother
[mii bing ji zi] disease of the mother affects the child @$ [mi3 cco] crustacean linderniaO (Linderniae Crustaceae Herba) @ 3-T B [mii ding xiiing] clove fruit' (Caryophylli Fructus) @8E+TE [mii, n h g ling zi xu] mother can make the child vacuous J I L ~ L,IxU I-.: $3 mztern:,! qi @)g [mii zhi] thumb BjItAJ3BgA [mii zhi li hCng wen] Transverse Crease of the Big Toe [nonchannel] !#tB@'Bifff* [mii diin gen pi] moutan [root bark]' (Moutan Radicis Cortex) $*BE[mii diin pi] moutan [root bark]' (Moutan Radicis Cortex) *&BE%[mii d i n pi siin] Moutan Powder [mii gC] oyster shell' (Ostreae Concha) LgF
$k$QPJZ [mii gdu yin jing] dog's penis'
(Canis Penis) %%ll;f;B [mii jing gen] hemp-leaved vitex root0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Radix) $f%lJZ [mii jing jing] hemp-leaved vitex stein0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Caulis) $kBJ@j [mii jing li] hemp-leaved vitex sap0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Caulis Succus) $f#JP t [mii jing yk] hemp-leaved vitex leaf0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Folium) $fgtJT[mii jing zi] hemp-leaved vitex seed0 (Viticis Cannabifolii Fructus) $f&[mii li] oyster shell' (Ostreae Concha) $k&E*[mii li ki] oyster shell' (Ostreae Concha) $f [mii li siin] Oyster Shell Powder $t@?+$%& lmii li zC xi2 siin] Oyster Shell and Alisma Powder $tE [mii niik] male malaria $kJ$l [mii zing] male viscus W)E-ii@$tp [mii zhi jiC hCng wCn] Crease at the Base of the Thumb [non-channel] W j g 3 3 [mii zhi t6ng shen ciin] thumb body inch [mii] wood; numbness *%* [mii bi] magnolia flower' (Magnoliae Flos) % E* .[mG bi hug] magnolia flower* (Magnoliae Flos) *%A* [mii biE guii] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) *%m* [mii biE rhu] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) *P&T*[mii hie zi] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) *%T [mh biE zi] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) g'F * [mii biE zi rbu] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) [mii bie zi w6n] Momordica Pill $11 -jT * [mh ci ii] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) * p j j E! [mii fang ji] woody fangji [root]' (Cocculi Radix) Pfi 2$J [mii fang ji tiing] Woody Fangji Decoction
*%%@ [mij f6 r6ng gen] cotton rose
* *
* *
[mii feng she] wood wind tongue
root' (Hibisci Mutabilis Radix) [mii fi! r6ng hug] cotton rose [flower]' (Hibisci Mutabilis Flos) *Z%LJ-f[mii fG r6ng yg] cotton rose leaf' (Hibisci Mutabilis Folium) *If T* [mh fii zi] sumac gallnut' (Rhois Galla) A [mii gui] chaenomeles [fruitla (Chaenomelis Fructus)
* *A% * +E * *
[mii g u i jiii] Chaenomeles Wine gtL [mii g u i ni6 xi win] Chaenomeles and Achyranthes Pill )fi [mii guii shi] chaenomeles [fruit]@ (Chaenomelis Fructus)
%A?%[mii guii tgng] Chaenomeles Decoction
* A h [mc guii wgn] Chaenomeles Pill *W!# [mii hi! die] oroxylum [seedlo (Oroxyli Semen) *H!&.i3n [mh hi! diC ting] Oroxylum Decoction f i pJ& [mii hud xing jin] wood fire tormenting metal *&* [mii jin] rose-of-Sharon root bark' (Hibisci Syriaci Radicis Cortex) *@@ [mh jin gen] rose-of-Sharon1root' (Hibisci Syriaci Radix)
@ E [ m i jin hui] rose-of-Sharon [flower]' (Hibisci Syriaci Flos) *@E [[mG jin pi] rose-of-Sha1;on root barko (Hibisci Syriaci Radicis Cortex) *k& [mii kg tfi] wood restrains earth; wood overwhelming earth * g * [mii lidn] creeping fig fruit@ (Fici Pumilae Flos) *gT* [mii lu6 zi] apricot kernel' (Armeniacae Semen) *@& [mii man t6u] creeping fig fruit@ (Fici Pumilae Flos)
*EA;titbr [mii miin t6u s h ] Creeping Fig Fruit Powder [mu mi5n huii] cotton tree flower' (Bombacis Flos)
*#,$,iff [mii m i i n pi] cotton tree bark'
(Bombacis Cortex) *%%* [mh s h i o yho] red peony [root)@ (Paeoniae Radix Rubra); moutan [root bark]' (Moutan Radicis Cortex) & [mh she] wooden tongue 3 %T [mii t i l n liiio zi] silvervine nut' (Actinidiae Polygamae Fructus cum Galla) [mii tong] mutong [stem]@ (Mutong Caulis) *B;;;k [mii tong siin] Mutong Powder *BE!&& [mii w i n g sheng hu6] effulgent wood engenders fire *% %i& [mii xi ti60 dB] wood likes orderly reaching $73 Crnh xiiing] saussurea [root]@ (Saussureae (seu Vladimiriae) Radix) B#&$@Jti [mG xiBng bin ling w i n ] Saussurea and Areca Pill Bq [mii .xilng diio zhi win] Saussurea Stagnation-Abducting Pill * 7 $ $ $ 5 t A [mh xiiing liu qi yin] Saussurea Qi Flow Beverage *?$@149E$l[mii xilng n i o shii jiiin win] Saussurea and Sal Ammoniac Decocted Pills @ @%$& [mh xiang pb qi s i n ] Saussurea Qi-Breaking Powder *Bi.PlT$&[mii xiiing shiin qi ssn] Saussurea Qi-Normalizing Powder *%llm5?% [mii xiiing shiin qi tlng] Saussurea Qi-N'ormalizing Decoction *3$llliJ%jtL[mii xiiing shhn qi w i n ] Saussurea Qi-Normalizing Pill *7!$,% [mh xiiing tiingl Saussurea Decoction *Bi,EJ%;;;k[mii xiiing t i i o qi siin] Saussurea Qi-Regulating Powder [mG xiiing win] Saussurea Pill B 9 5 B [mii xiiing yhn qi siin] Saussurea Qi-Evening Powder *?@*[mii xi61 momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) $.h%*[mh xu? jie] dragon's blood' (Daemonoropis Draconis Resina) **?A,* [mii ying rii] salvia [root]'@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix)
* *
* [mii yiio zi] a i r potato' (D~oscoreaeBulbiferae Tuber) *g[Ji&2 [mii yii d i zhi] depressed wood is treated by outthrust *%rJ+tM [mh yii hii feng] depressed wood transforming into wind; depressed wood forming wind *B[J.1t f i [mii yii huh hud] depressed wood transforming into fire El & 3 [mii yue q i zhi] wood is the bending and straightening [mii zii] equisetum' (Equiseti Herba) [mh z i i ciio] equisetum' (Equiseti Herba) *lE& [mii z h h g she] distended wooden tongue *n+ [mii zhii zi] Lingnan garciniaO (Garciniae Oblongifoliae ~ r u d t u s Semen , e t Cortex) €I [mii] eye El 03 [mh i n ] dim vision El [mii biio] eyelid €I 1% (4 [mii bii dC bi] inability to close the eyes €I1;eEIfid [mii bii n6ng xuhn] inability to roll the eyes €I I@[mii chi] .eye discharge €I & [mii chi] red eyes €4 % 3% %I [mii chi li6 Iki] red eyes and tearing €I%@ lt;Jlllttfig [mii chi t6ng n6i zi shy] painful redness of the eyes spreading from the inner, canthus Ei %@?%[mii chi zhong tongj sore red swollen eyes @ ' [mii chulng] ~ ~ - 1 6 ~ (Eye 1 i o Window) €I 8 [mii diho] hanging eyes €IZ @ X . [mii ding s h i n diii] fixed eyes and torpld spirit $gk $X [mh fiin shing shi] upturned eyes H k& [mh fki xu61 blood flying to the eye [mii g l n s?] dry eyes ifi -f
* *
H 4m [mh giing] eyelid rim; palpebral margin H S [mh gud] eyelid H il;B?f [mh h i n g chn] intercanthal body inch €I [mh hli] blurred vision , €I E [rnh huii] flowery vision H $$ [mh h u i n g ] yellowing of the eyes H B [mh hiin] clouded vision €I Sf&[mii hiin mki] clouded vision €I IR;1;+ [mh jing bh h i ] inability to close the eyes H ISiE IBI [mh jing z h i n g y u i n ] gaping eyes H A [rnh ke] eye nest [eye socket; eyelid] €I @ rn P u r n h ke nki xiin] sunken eyes €I A l [rnh kc5 s h i n g wei zhbng] slight swelling of t h e eye nest [eyelids] €Ii('i!iY'Z [mu kii sk] dry eyes El BE [mh kuing] eye socket H I E B [rnD kuhng gti] eye socket bone H S * L [mh l i i n z h i ] continual blinking €I#* [mh liio] TB-23 (Eye Bone-Hole) €I [mh rnio] distorted vision H W % M [rnh rniio shi rning] dim hazy vision H Ba [mh rning] Eye Bright [tzotz-chatztzel] H ilz [mh rning] heavy eye; caligo H H 2kBS * [rnii mh sheng zhti ciio] hedyotiso (Hedyotis Herba) 6 rnklt* [mh n i i zi] DL-1 (Inner Canthus) €I G$X [rnh piiin shi] squint H ffi$XJ% 3 1 [mh piiin shi fEng yin] windinduced squint €I22 [mh qi chii] tearing; lacrimation €I?aRjl [ma rli tu6] eyes fit t o .burst from their sockets H Ag;l;fi&$XM [mh rh mh bh n i n g shi wh] night blindness H JJTij[rnh rhn] twitching of the eyes €I3 3 9$H [mu sk s h i o lki] d l y eyes and scant tear fluid H kfi [mh shhng biio] upper eyelid H I E [rnb s h i n g f i n ] upturned eyes
€IILlji][mh sh8ng giing] upper eyelid rim H L+X [rnh shhng shi] upward gazing eyes €I1 3 2 [mi! shhng xiin] upper eyelid rim €I&$$I [mh sheng jiiio sh] peppercorn o r millet sore of the eye H !kE% [mD sheng xing yi] starry eye screen €I 2kZ!% [mh sheng ylin yi] nebulous eye screen H ?J!JT % [rnii shi bii rning] dim vision €l$XIR [mh shi huiing] blurred vision €I $Xll%lb% [mh shi huiing huiing] blurred vision El $J!Jll,lb%XFfi 1[mu shi huiing h u i n g wu sub jiin] blurred vision €I i:J!Ji('ZW[rnh shi rn6 hli] blurred vision H i:J!JZi:EQ [rnh shi wli s h i n ] spiritless eyes H %@I [rnh t6ng ying tbng] painful itching pupils €I % [rnh tbng] eye pain H%&iE [mh tbng rli tud] eyes painful as if fit to burst from their sockets €IZ%%3 [mh wli guiing ciii] dull eyes HZFfiR [rnh wli sub jiin] loss of vision H /Y;\ [mu xi] eye tie H 7;K [mh xi8 biio] lower eyelid R 7 ; L N [mh xi8 gang] lower eyelid rim 7;$2 [rnh xi8 x ~ a n ]lower eyelid rim H 7;GEES [mu xi& y6u wb crin] sleeping silkworms beneath the eyes; bags under the eyes H 32 [mh xiin] eyelid rim; palpebral margin €I tk; [mh xuin] dizzy vision €I @ [mh yiing] itchy eyes H YP$X [mh y5ng shi] upward-looking eye [a kind of squint] €I @ ! [rnh yi] eye screen HEj-;lf;@[mh y6u guiing cii] bright eyes H 'c.:il [mh zh6] blinking €I O 2 [mh zhii] blinking H QF&@ [mh zhong yi zhhng] eye screen El 1% [mh zhii] eyeball El Ei 1' 7 [mh zhii piiin shi] squint
€I % $ RE [mb zhii zi zhing] feeling of distention in the eyes B f i [mG xu61 alarm point %E [mG yuin] membrane source BSE* [mb t6u hui] heterophyllous patrinia [root]" (Patriniae Heterophyllae
[mG tou hui] heterophyllous patrinia [root]' (Patriniae Heterophyllae Radix)
Z$%+i,g [mG r? zio liing] fever in the evening that abates by the morning
na $?A [ n i f i ] grasping [mnnipulntion techniqcie] 4fi [nh] intake [of food]; absorption [of
@I ? f i g [nh dii] torpid intake 34% T B [nh gii bb xiing] no pleasure in eating
?fit$ M B [ n i gii jiin tui] reduced food intake
4hM [ n i jiin] reduced food intake 4 h 5 [ n i qi] qi absorption; promote qi absorption
?A $' [ n i shlo] reduced food intake 4fi& [ n i shi] food intake; increase food intake $J$' [ n i shi j i b shio] reduced food intake in&* [ n i hui] aloe0 (Aloe)
9?,$4%% [nin kc3 ji bing] men's diseases; andriatric diseases; men's diseases [nin zi] male iei [nin] south [position associated with fire1 j$j;lt$$j [nin bgi chio] Northern aiid Southern Dynasties [420-581 A. D.] feig9* [nin biin dbu] lablab [bean]" (Lablab Semen) EBR* [nin bb he] mint0 (Menthae Herba) [nGn chio] Southern Dynasties [420-589 A. D. ] @j rt * [nin d h ] lablab [bean]' (Lablab Semen) m * [nin gii zi rbu] Cucurbitae Semen (pumpkin seed) E llS41* [nkn guii rCn] pumpkin seed" (Cucurbitae Semen) [ n b g u i zi] pumpkin seed' (CuLh-
U U I VIlrLC 3 C l I l C l l /
nai @j [niii] breast; mammary; breast milk;
WSl @I X * {niii n5i tou] lanceolate codonopsis [root]" (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix) @j S * [nii shEn] lanceolate codonopsis [root]" (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix) [niii xiln] suckling lichen (xiiin) [nii gGng] withstand attack
[nin g u i zi rbu] pumpkin seed' (Cucurbitae Semen) $j@a[nan hi: shi] wild carrot fruit@ (Dauci Carotae Fructus) $j * [nin jiing] galangal. [root]' (Alpiniae Galangae Rhizoma) E #! * [nan jiio] zanthoxylum [husk]' (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) $jB*[nin qi] five-finger fig root@ (Fici Simplicissimae Radix) E# S [nin s h i shen] adenophora [rootla (Adenophorae Radix)
@LLI@ [nin shiin zhii] southern crataegus [fruit]' (Crataegi Fructus Australis) E % [nin s h g ] Southern Song [11271279 A.D.] E@$ [nin ting] nanteng [stem and leaflo (Piperis Wallichii seu Puberuli Caulis et Folium)
EXW5 [nin tian zh6 zi] nandina fruitm (Nandinae Fructus)
@SE[ n h ting li] descurainia [seedlo (Descurainiae Semen)
EEhRB* [nin wii jiii pi] acanthopanax
[root barkla (Acanthopanacis Radicis Cortex)
nao iiE59 [nio shii] sal ammoniac* (Sal Ammoniacum)
@59% [nio shii siin] Sal Ammoniac Powder
{11i169% [nio shii win] Sal Amrnoniac Pill !!$& [nio ch6ngl pinworm &&'fi [niio ch6ng bing] pinworm disease jf
[niio] brain
Rf J4,[niio feng] brain wind
RfZ* [niio gii] BL-8 (Brain Cover) flu"% [niio giin] gan of the brain
fei E R
[nin wii wii zi] southern schisandra [berry]' (Schisandrae Sphenantherae Fructus)
fei E * [nin xing] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma)
E E @ [nin xing qii] arisaema leaven (Pinelliae Massa Fermentata)
EBiz [nin xing rCn] s'outhern apricot
kernel0 (Armeniacae Semen Australis) n$jn$jg&ig[nin nin dii' yli] muttering to oneself II$jD$j $ ie [nin nin zi yii] muttering to oneself T(#P[nin chiin] difficult delivery
T(#Pfj-[nin chiin fang] Difficult Delivery Formula [nin mii] difficulty in sleeping B LY, All@[nin yi rii shui] difficulty getting to sleep [nin zhi] difficult to cure
nang % '[ning] pouch; scrotum Bh! [ning sud] retracted scrotum S % X % [ning sud shC juin] retracted scrotum and curled tongue $li$N[ning tud] sloughing scrotum %% [ning ydng] scrota1 welling abscess
jfP [niio hii] GV-17W/I"(Brain's Door) fl&&
[niio jii] flat abscess (jfi) of the brain Hol-
flfs[niio kdng] GB-19Wu" (Brain low) j&Q [niio lhu] brain leak
[niio ming] ringing in the brain [nonchannel] Rf@$ [nio tbng] brain pain flf3j#ij$2%[niio wii sui zhi hiii] brain is the sea of marrow 835" [niio zi] borneolm (Borneolum) r'fl q E [nio ying huii] yellow azalea [flowerlo (Rhododendri Mollis Flos) SflTXT*[nio ying hug zi] yellow azalea seed@ (Rhododendri Mollis Fructus) Sfl$lX*[nio y6 hui] genkwa [flowerla (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) B [nho] upper arm RjZj [nio gii] upper arm bone; humerus 88% [nio hui] TB-13 (Upper Arm Convergence) [nio jiiio] TB-13 (Upper Arm Intersection) [nio liio] TB-13 (Upper Arm Bone-Hole) R 1 [nio shing] Above Upper Arm [non-channel] 8;,& [nio shii] SI-lOW1lo (Upper Arm Transport); TB-13 (Upper Arm Transport)
jf&$ [nio qing] Clear Brain
[nki] inner (body); internal; inward If;J I'fl [nki bi] internal block Il;l S M [nki bi hiin juC] internal block clouding reversal; clouding reversal due to internal block t% itJ\fi~ [nki bii w i n ] Internal Supplementation Pill [nki chui] internal blowing If;J%PL% [nki chui rii yong] internal blowing mammary welling abscess (ydng) If;JZ5 [nki dli] internal toxin $R [nki f i n ] internal vexation Jil, [nki f5ngl iniernal wind hi,Pii * [nki fEng xiiio] long-stalked kadsura root (bark)@ (Kadsurae Longipedunculatae Radix seu Ra.dicis Cortex) mflR [nki fli] take internally; take orally litlflEB&ll[ n i i fli giio ji] orally taltcn paste X [nki guiin] PC-6WlI* (Inner Pass) m % [nki h i n ] internal cold If;J -&8 [nki hC gG] Inner ,Union Valley [non-channel] If;J Z l Ti * [nki h6ng xiiio] long-stalked kadsura root (bark)@ (Kadsurae Longipedunculatae Radix seu Radicis Cortex) mR [nki huii] inner ankle bone [medial malleoli~s] m@* [nki hu6i jiiin] Tip of the Inner Ankle Bone [non-channel] If;J A [nki hu6] internal fire mBgm [nki jing ming] Inner Bright Eyes [non-channel] If;J E C * [nki kiin Ifin] Inner ICunlun Mountains [non-channcl] Tt;JE#i[nki liin] inner face mJllk%[nki li6n chuiing] inner shank sore m q * [ n i i ming] Inner Brightness [nonchannel] Qqt(l: [nki rk] internal heat [nki shiing] internal injury; internal , damage m4%+G+Ek [nii shiing bii dC wb] internal damage insomnia
m m m
TJ;] 4%E% [nki shiing fii rk] internal dam-
age fever ll;J 4% -k tS [nii shiing qi qing] internal
damage by the seven affects; affect damage { % A @ [nii shiing tbu tbng] internal damage headache [1;J 4% E EW [nki shiing wki w8n gu8n tbng] internal damage stomach duct pain m 4 % E @ [nii shiing yBo tbng] internal damage lumbar pain m4%32&@ [nki shiing yin shi jing] internal food damage tetany 452% [nki shiing z i bing] miscellaneous internal damage diseases If;] B [nki shi] internal dampness IJ;l% [nki shi] internal repletion m@%S@i [nki shii h u i n g liin tang] Internal Coursing Coptis Decoction If;lE [nii ting] ST-44W110(Inner Court) [nki tui] inward pushing [nki tuo] internal drawing [E fl;[;I:R* [nki xi y8n] Inner Eye of the Knee [non-channel] ll;l [nki xiin] inward fall If;]# [nki xiiio] internal wasting-thirst ?iBjjZfi [nki xiZo lu6 li wan] Scrofula Internal Dispersion Pill If;JThj& [nki xiiio s8n] Internal Dispersion Powder If;J#@J [nki xi6 shi] inward squint If;J@* [nki xii] scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix) If;JVElt& [nki yang chi] inner Yang Pool [non-channel] If;J H [nki yin] internal cause [oj disease] [nki ying xiiing] Inner Welcome Fragrance [non-channel] I1;J j)jj [nki yong] internal welling abscess
O w l
PIG A% [nki y6u jiii h i n ] enduring internal cold
m@2 [nki zBo] internal dryness [n&i zhiing] internal obstruction [of the eye]
m $ t [nki zhen] needle insertion If;Jg% [nki zhen hbn] true internal cold mB!!\ [nki zhen rk] true internal heat [nki zheng] internal steaming B % [nki zhi] internal hemorrhoid If;Jlbt [nki zi] inner canthus lhJB~lt91\*[nki zi wii] BL-1 (Outside the Inner Canthus)
nen M%&* [nkn gou gGu] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) tI [nkn h6ngl tender-red [a pale fresh red] frsfls [nkn jiiing] young ginger@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Maturum) [ n h sing zhi] tender mulberry twig@ (Mori Ramulus Tener) && [nkn she] tender-soft tongue [nkn song xiing] fresh rosin@(Pini Resina Recens)
neng at;Dz. + [ning chi] ability to eat
~ t ,
aafiT&3 edness
[ning jin qik yuiin] nearsight-
$jE&%tJL[ning shi shin ji] rapid hungering despite ability to eat At,
a a ~ t A 3[ning yuiin qik jin] farsightedness \-
[ni bing zi] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus) ?EME [ni qiii ding] loach clove sore (ding) tE3I.g * [ni win gong] GV-20 (Mud Ball Palace) E JR* [ni gui] luffa gourdm (Luffae Fructus) 5 [nil invisible worm E& [ni bi] invisible worm sore of the nose Iz'& [ni chuing] invisible worm sores
@ [nil counterflow; abnormal; unfavor-
@.I$ [ni chubn] abnormal passage @.I??JL\@ [ni chubn xin biio] abnormal passage to the pericardium [ni c6ngl coaction and counteraction 85 [ni jing] counterflow menstruation @$a&&[ni lili wiin zhou] hauling the boat upstream @eiE!G [ni zhE zhkng zhi] counteraction IS straight treatment [using, for example, cold to treat heat is called straight treatment] @iE [ni zhkng] unfavorable pattern; unfavorable sign @?3 [ni zhi] counteracting treatment [e.g., treating cold with heat] $$$* [ni zhi] LI-7 (Counterflow Pouring) H [nil slimy; sickly H$4j* [ni fen] calomelm (Calornelas) M E [ni tii] slimy tongue fur H S T 4 t [ni tiii bh huh] non-transforming slimy tongue fur
nian +%23 7kgfT [niin lio jing shui fh xing] recommencement of menstruation in old age +%#W [ni6n 150 ti shuiii] debility in old age +Z [niiin rnii] advancing years [nibn] sticky % E T * [niiin ciing zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) [niiin hiin] sticky sweat 9 Z* [nign sh5n ciio] Spanish needles' (Bidentis Bipinnatae Herba) #j [niiin] sticky $2 [niin] rotate; twirl; feel $$$@$E[niIn yi mo chuing] picking at bedclothes; carphology; carphologia +AH [niiin zhen] needle twirling $ A S [niin zhuiin] rotation [needle manipulation technique]; twirling [needle mnnipulntion]
+&E;iif.i% [niiin zhu5n bti xi&] twirling supplementation and drainage 1Ji% [niiin] mill; grind
$1* [niiio bG pu] cirsiumo- (Cirsii H e r b a seu Radix) 3 + @ * [niGo bii sii] prickly ash rooto (Zanthoxyli Avicennae Radix) -$ 3 * . [niio yb] water chestnut' (Heleocharitis Cormus) R [niho] urine R EI [niho b6i] white urine R\&*[niho biio] CV-2 (Urinary Bladder) R M [niho bi] urinary block R + B [niho bG tGng] urinary stoppage R% [niiio chi] reddish urine [new]; darkcolored urine [old] R%PZ [niho chi s&] inhibited voidings of reddish urine R & j Z h [niho chu wQ li] forceless discharge of urine R R [niio chu6ngl bedwetting R [ n i i o duG] copious urine [new]; polyuria [old] R&*R [niho hou yli li] dribble after voiding; post-voiding dribble R B [niho huing] yellow urine R 3 , [niho ji] urinary urgency R ' e [niho jing] semen in the urine; seminuria; spermaturia R$Jj [niiio pin] frequent urination; urinary frequency RIS4EB [ n i i o qing bihn ting] clear urine and thin stool R 9 [niho s h i o ] scant urine [new]; oliguria [new] R % g [niho shi jin] urinary incontinence REhjB!4': [ n i i o shi j u i 1-61 hot sensation during urination R g [niho shub] frequent urination; urinary frequency R @ [niio tbng] painful urination [niho xuk] bloody urine [new]; blood in the urine [old]; hematuria [old]
R G & % [niho ylju yQ li] dribble after voiding; post-voiding dribble
R & [niho zhu61 urinary turbidity $5 [niho] urine ES 7jC* [niho shui] CV-4 (Urine) j$Sa[niho xu&]bloody urine [new]; blood
in the urine [old]; hematuria [old]
ESP& [niio zhu61 urinary turbidity
nie $9 [nie] pinch $g&$ [nie pi shii] skin-pinching technique [of needle insertion]
@ t * [ n i i shi] alum0 (Alumen)
B%*[nii? mi] rice sprout0 (Oryzae Fructus Germinatus)
,UE& [ni& chi] grinding of the teeth; bruxism nij$h [ni& chii] site of the bite @& [nik s h i ] tongue biting W%* [nik mi] rice sprout0 (Oryzae Fructus Germinatus) 11% [ni&] bite; grind [the teeth] 11% * [ni& s h i ] tongue biting
j%li@[nik rli] temple (of the head); G B 19 (Temple Region)
ning 7 [ning] quiet ?% [ning sbu tiing] Cough-Quieting Soup
?,i\ [ning xin] quiet the heart f'&H [ning xin s h i n ] quiet the heart spirit
[ning xu& tiing] Blood-Quieting Decoction @ [ning] congeal
%!E% [ning zhi yi] congealed-fat screen
niu +%* [nili bang] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) +%il;B [nili bing gEn] arctium root@ (Arctii Radix) +%$!jf&iilJl%~ [nili bing jig ji tiing] Arctium Flesh-Resolving Decoction + S F [nili bang zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) +ST@[niD bang zi sin] Arctium Seed Powder [nili bkng zi tang] Arctium Seed Decoction @ * [nili b t ~xiir] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix)
+%$@* [niQ ciing ying] tabanus@ (Tabanus)
+ $ 'g5,JtL
[nili chE s h b qi win] Achyranthes and Plantago Kidney Qi Pill $ E % [nili ching jiiin] reluctant ox [painful calluses inhibiting physical movement] +M@* [nili chir zui] cirsiumo (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) $ ji * [nili dii li] specious millettia [root]@ (Millettiae Speciosae Radix) $GAB [nili gr d2 huing] curled dock root' (Rumicis Crispi Radix) $%4;%* [nili f i n 161 malachiurn@ (Stellariae Herba) $g [niD huing] bovine bezoar' (Bovis Bezoar) $%@&$I, [nili huing b i o 16ng win] Bovine Bezoar Dragon-Embracing Pill $$$@T@g [nili huing ching qi tiing] Bovine Bezoar Qi-Infusing Decoction +%BIZ\$I, [niii huing qing xin win] Bovine Bezoar Heart-Clearing Pill +Bks$I, [ni6 huing shang qing win] Bovine Bezoar Upper-Body-Clearing Pill +$$A [niD huing win] Morning Glory and Rhubarb Pill $+ @j #j $I, [nili huing xing xigo win] Bovine Bezoar Awake to Relief Pill B@@JtL [nili huing zhGn jing win] Bovine Bezoar Fright-Settling Pill
+& RE! Ln~ujlao sail ox horn bonee (Bovis Cornus 0 s ) [nili jiiio sui] ox horn bone' (Bovis Cornus 0 s ) +BS [nili jin cio] yardgrass' (Eleusines Tndicae Herba et Radix) $I]* [nili kiiu ci] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) g* [nili kiiu she] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) +@*[niD ming] tabanus@ (Tabanus) Y a T * [nili nii zi] lanceolate codonopsis [root]' (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix) +g@ [nili pi xiIn] oxhide lichen (xiiin) +Ffi@g;B [nili pi xiIn yio giio] Oxhide Lichen Medicinal Paste -k * [nili qi] achyranthes [root]@ (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix) @J [niD rbu] beef' (Bovis Caro) . +YL [ni6 rii] cow's milk' (Bovis Lac) + % F * [nili shi zi] xanthium [fruit]@ (Xanthii Fructus) +@ [nili su] cow's milk buttero (Bovis Butyrum) W 32 * [nili tiin cai] plantago' (Plantaginis Herba) +4?* [nili t6u ciio] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) +&T* [nili win zi] tabanus@ (Tabanus) j [ni6 xi] achyranthes [root]@ (Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix) $J@h% [niG xi siin] Achyranthes Powder B [nili xi xi] patient dock [root]@ (Rumicis Patientiae Radix) $ S * [nili xi] plantago' (Plantaginis Herba) +R * [nili yin] nux vomica' (NuxVomicae Semen) +3* [ni6 zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) [niiii shiing] sprain $3{5fi [niG shiing xui] Sprain Point [nonchannel] 'r%a )%, Iniii kbu fEng] button-hole wind
+ +
+ +
nong Z $11 * [ n h g ji li] narrow-leaved rattlebox@ (Crotolariae Sessiliflorae Herba) [n6ng su6 wSn] concentrated pills J@ [nbng] pus /kt@% [n6ng kE chuiing] purulent nest sore /kt'@ [n6ng t6n] purulent phlegm mS% [n6ng w6 chuiing] purulent nest sore /kt%% [nbng w6 jii] purulent nest scab ('ji?) Khuuj% [n6ng x u i ti] snivel (nasal mucus) with pus and blood .if-; ;f [nhng she] worrying tongue
&@[nG xi] Lady's Knee [non-channel] &@@J [ n i zhen t b g ] Ligustrum Decoction & fi 3 [n; zhEn zi] ligustrum [fruit]@ (Ligustri Fructus)
k7-@j[nG zi biio] uterus; womb k7-ficPB [nG zi biio zh6ng tang] uterine pain
&=F?E=F [ns zi ju6 zi] female infertility & - 7 - & @[n6 zi xuk jiii] female blood conglomeration Oii)
i%3[n&] spontaneous external bleeding BJ% [nb jiii] person who suffers from spontaneous external bleeding [nu xui] spontaneous external bleeding; nosebleed
[nii r6u] outcrop [nG r6u piin jing] outcrop creep@j l&l , ing over the eye %% [nii zhlng] straining Z [nii] anger [mind associmted with liver; also one oj. the seven affects] ?&$~flT% [nii dang giin qi] anger stirring liver qi 25% [nii qi] anger ?354%BT [nh qi shiing giin] damage to the liver by anger; anger damaging the liver 2545flT [nh shiing giin] anger damages the liver ?SfllJ$k [nh z6 qi shhng] anger causes @j
,,; +A
5 1Jb
nii k [n;] female
[nG k l ] women's medicine &% [nfi 1501 sexl~nltaxation &%& [n; 150 diin] sexual taxation jaundice k E B [n; Iao f ~ i sexual ] taxation relapse k @ % (3) [n; shen tang siin] Goddess Decoction (Powder)
D l [ n u b ] warm U l B ? [nuin giin] warm the liver A ! iff% , [nuin giin jiiin] Liver-Warming Brew
DlBffB [nuin qi giio] Navel-Warming Paste [nu511 shui zkng] warm the water viscus Q E [nuiin wki] warm the stomach
E [nut?] malaria >gg i 1 3 i i & jij ~ ~ ~ d i i r i a E '& 3 * [nu& ji ciio] short-leaved
kyllingaO (Kyllingae Brevifoliae Herba seu Radix)
E@@?&[nu& ji h6n r i ] malarial fever and chills [nu& 1501 malarial taxation E 1'7 [nui men] Malaria Gate [nonchannel] &@ [niik mii] mother-or-malaria [lump glomus occurring in malaria]
E?J$[niii: xi&] malarial evil
$%% [nub mi] glutinous rice@ (Oryzae
$$$g@* [nub dko gEn] glutinous rice root@ (Oryzae Glutinosae Rhizoma e t Radix) $$$B@?B[nub dko gEn xu] glutinous rice rooto (Oryzae Glutinosae Rhizoma e t Radix) ,
Glutinosae Semen)
e jiiio zhou] Glutinous Rice and Ass Hide Glue Gruel [nub mi fen] glutinous rice flour@ (Oryzae Glutinosae Farina)
$s*ptiJjft$#$[nub mi
f$$ [nub] grabbing [type of spasm]
Ugnf-j@ [[bu th tiin xi6111 vomiting of
phlegm-drool [bu ci] paired needling [one of the twelve needling methods] 48% [[du fiing] even-number formula UB [[du] retching UB & [[du ch6ngl retching of worms UBiH [[du diin] vomiting of bile nBx [[du e] nausea and vomiting; nausea and retching RE? [6u giin] dry retching UBZ [bu jig] person who suffers from retching (and vomiting) DiXX [bu kc] bitter vomiting UiXg [bu nil retching counterflow; retching [[du ni shkng qi] retching qi counterflow ascent [bu tG] vomiting; vomiting and retching niXa&~z7)c [[du tti kii shui] vomiting of bitter water nER1f57R [bu th qing shui] vomiting of clear water @,.$I]
aBt+j-&tk [bu tB t6n yin] vomiting of phlegm-rheum
nBD*'B [[du tG wti] vomitus nBh [bu xu21 retching of blood j@, [[du] lotus root' (Nelumbinis Rhizoma)
%B *
[bu f6ngl lotus receptacle' (Nelumbinis Receptaculum)
j@,? [[du jiC] lotus root node' (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus)
* [6u jiC bii] lotus root node' (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus)
j@,TE[[du jiC tiin] charred lotus root nodeo (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus Carbonisatus)
%;#* [bu zhi] lotus root juice' (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus); lotus root juice' (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus)
j @ , ~ t A [[du F zhi yin zi] Lotus Root Juice Drink
+ED$* [p? yg] loquat leaf. (Eriobotryae Foliurn) 'PQR [ p i Eng] fear of wind j'Q?$ [ p i IZng] fear of cold
pai @4DE*[psi huii hug] rose' (Rosae Flos) fSF [piii] expel HI@+% [piii bi8n bu s h u k ~ g ]ungratif)ring defecation j$.lEHjr# [pii biin khn nin] difficult defecation fSF R 3 [pii feng s5n] Wind-Expelling Powder fSFm [pii n6ngl expel pus nF@& [pii n6ng s5n] Pus-Expelling Powder fSF@&B&[pii n6ng s5n ji tiing] PusExpelling Powder Plus Decoction fSFil'&@~ [pii n6ng tang] Pus-Expelling De"Fcoction fSFJT&fiS [psi n6ng tu6 dli] expel pus and draw toxin M T % S [pii qi juC shii] discomfort relieved by the passing of flatus fSFTt3 [psi qi yin] Qi-Discharging Beverage fSF $33 [pii qiiin c5o] string-of-cash0 (Phyllodii Pulchelli Caulis et Foliurn)
fSF $1 ~$ * [pii q iin shh] string-of-casho (Phyllodii Pulchelli Caulis et Foliurn)
fSF6 [pii shi] expel stones ~ S F ~ $ J [p6i J shi tang] Stone-Expelling Decoction
5$FR [pii tuo] expel and draw; expulsion and drawing fSFH [pii zhen] needle removal
%% [piin sud] climb the rope
%%&E[piin sud diC zhuiin] rope climbing on a pile of bricks [OMspine adjustment method] & & Q [pin 16ng shen] spirantheso (Spiranthis Radix seu Herba) &G* [pin zong] curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma)
%G [ping gti] Neighboring Valley [nonchannel] [ping Iio gong] Side Palace of Toil [non-channel] %BE 2 [ping lidn quin] Side Ridge Spring [non-channel] %SS [piing qiing] Side Strong [nonchannel] I%St.$ll[ping zhen ci] one-beside needling [one of the twelve needling methods] j$$ [piing] bladder ERfi[ping guiing] bladder; urinary bladder; BLWlIO EHB [ping guiing bi] bladder impediment (bi) %HB [ping guiing bing] bladder disease /$$&.l\zj tpang guang bu yuej ia~lure01 the bladder's retentive power %%t3 [ping guiing jing] bladder channel; BLWIIO E%D,t[ping guiing kC] bladder cough %%8*[pang guiing rnG] CV-3 (Bladder Alarm) [ping guiing qi bi] bladder qi j$$%? block @%Tjk [ping guiing qi hu8] bladder qi transformation %H%.j-I: $1 [pang guiing qi hu8 bc li] inhibited bladder qi transformation
BHT{-I:X 4 [piing guiing qi huh
shi si] breakdown of bladder qi transformation EfiBzC?[ping guiing shi 1-61 bladder damp-heat EH$jE&Fj?&[piing guiing shi rk niio xu&] bladder damp-heat bloody urine [piing guiing shu] BL-28Wu0(Bladder Transport) PlffR&% [piing guiing xu hin] bladder vacuity cold EM@?+[piing guiing xii lEng] bladder vacuity cold EfijE [piing guiing zhiing] bladder distention EH2f7$Il%P;l'ET= @ - % R W [p$ng guiing zhE, zhdu dCi zhi guiin, jin yk cang yiin] bladder holds.the office of the river island (Regional Rectifier), it stores fluids @ ~ ~ @ @[piing @ guiing zhii cing jin yk] bladder governs fluid storage [piing] fat $@ [ping d i hiii] sterculia' [Stet-culiae Semen]; sterculia' [Sterculiae Semen]
jf [piio] bladder
#3E[piio bi] bladder
impediment (bi) [piio qi bii gii] insecurity of
bladder qi j@[piio] blast-fry; ustum %@%I]
j@.$$g * [piio jjiing
tiin] gmgera (Zlngiberls Rhizoma j @ [piio ziii ciio] groundcherrya (Physalis Herba )
blast-fried Tostum) cut-leaved Angulatae
pei UI H [pei zhen] sword needle [one of the nine needles] [pei xu21 coagulated blood jg [pii] miliaria %@;ii [pii lEi] dormant papules i$f&[pii tii] bank up earth Y [pii tG shEng jin] bank up earth and engender metal [pii tO yi mii] bank up earth and repress wood igk$5I]7k [pii tii zhi shui] bank up earth to dam water H Z [pki liin] eupatorium' (Eupatorii Herba) [pki fiing] formula composition aZ$a [pki jig] with the addition of @Zffi [pki wii] combine [agents in a formula] aZ5t: [pki xui] combine points; point combining; supporting point f l Z Z [pki yiio] dispense [drugs]
is+ fa&$p*
; j@g[piio zhi] processing of medic-
inals S@* [piio] bottle gourd'
[pen ti] sneezing (Lagenariae De-
pressae Fructus)
% A * [pio guii] bottle gourd' (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) 32 [piio shi] gourd tongue 33% [pho chuiing] blister sore $@ [piio] soak $@Z [piio chg] brew tea; brew as tea j@NrfT [piio fii zi] blast-fried aconite [accessory tuberla (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Tostum) $@%[piio jiiing] blast-fried gingera (Zingiber~sRhizoma Tostum)
&69* [pin shii] borax' (Borax) & # * [pin xiiio] mirabilite' (Mirabilitum)
XiWXB [peng tiiio shi yi] improper cooking
Fib9 [ping shii] borax' (Borax) [ping 6 zhli] zedoary' doariae Rhizoma) %%%* [ping i zhli] zedoary' doariae Rhizoma)
&% 9 [peng l i i ciio] lippiag (Lippiae Herba) BTi$* [peng sha] borax' (Borax) % Z * [pkng zhli] zedoarye (Zedoariae Rhizorna) 2%" [pkng zhu] zedoarye (Zedoariae Rhizoma) lIGfl& [peng zhing] inflation I1RGT$i* [ p h g shii] borax' (Borax) Ii%#i3+Rl3S [peng z h u h g sGn shiing] impact injury
$&rh [pi jiiin] cape [pi zhen] sword needle [one of the nine needles] W,P [pi] split fitkg [pi shi] arsenic0 (Arsenicurn) bbCZ [pi shuiing] sublimed arsenico (Arsenicum Sublirnatum) fittE& [pi shuiing s5n] Sublimed Arsenic Powder fib%% [pi z5o s i n ] Arsenic and Jujube Powder Ffi [pi] skin FfiE [pi bi] skin impediment (bi) E %[S [pi bh] cutaneous region; BL-36 (Skin Region) .-Ffig [pi chu] cutaneous interstices JSig* [pi ding shh] skin-spreading technique [of needle insertion] EflAB GI [pi fii b i i ban] white macules o n the skin FfiflA@@ [pi fii biin hen] scar FfiBABEE [pi fii fei haul thickening of the skin ,5$&mt!: [pi fii fEng 1-61wind-heat of the skin FfiflAm@Z[pi fu fEng z h i n ] wind papules FfiRBS3 [pi fii hi: ban] brown macules o n the skin FfiflA%%4[pi fii hei ban] black macules o n the skin & & $ I$3 [pi fii hong ban] red macules o n the skin
FfiflA'rSP [pi fii jii jie] node of the skin &!A$&% [pi fii jiin li6] cracking of the skin
FfiflA@X? [pi fii mi l i n ] erosion of the skin
FfiR&$$ [pi fii siio ying] itchy skin FfiflA?Zf(r:[pi fii shi 1-21damp-heat of the skin
EBAZ@Z[pi fii sti z h i n ] millet papules EMBjtE [pi fii tu6 xi61 scaling of the skin
FfiflA&ERJ@[pi fii xu6 x i feng zho] blood vacuity and wind-dryness of the skin [pi fii you] wart &&@@ [pi fii zit0 lii:] dry cracked skin E R W [pi fii zhen] cutaneous needle ER%%3 [pi fii zi ban] purple macules o n the skin &+&;a[pi kii gaol Dry Skin Paste B% [pi mi01 skin and [body] hair E %'Kt$ [pi m5o q i i o cui] haggard skin & % g [pi rnio wgi] skin and [body] hair wilting (wdi) & f;lf;J +Jr [pi nki zhen] intradermal needle Egg$?$[pi si: ciing huiing] somber yellow skin JSigafl ?j%[pi s6 rli ching] normal skin color Ffi 7f( [pi shui] skin water [LZ kind of swelling] Ffig[pi w i i ] skin wilting (we'i) & @ * [pi xi] BL-36 (Skin Cleft) & T @ M [pi xii n 5 i zhenj intradermai needle E 6% * [pi xiiio] impure mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Non-Purum) FfiZ [pi zheng] steaming skin Ffi rfr &jT [pi zh6ng ru chong xing] sensation of grubs creeping in the skin
$fijFEW [pi p i yi:] loquat leafe (Eriobotryae Folium) &jFE W 3 [pi p 5 yk s i n ] Loquat Leaf Powder if;kLif;ES#$[pi p i zhou] Loquat Gruel .
& [pi] fatigue @ 2 [pi f6] fatigue &f Z f i [pi f i wli li] fatigue and lack of strength &l% [pi juin] fatigue @ l % Z h[pi ju5n f i li] fatigue and lack of strength ;$% [pi IBo] fatigue R$ [pi] spleen; splenic; SPWll" RT (El ) %Sdn%4trt~%[pi (wki) w6i qi xu5 sheng huj. zhi yuiin] spleen (and stomach) are the source for blood and qi formation R$. g+GEerl Q [pi, qi h u i zii chlin si bii] spleen, its bloom is in four whites of the lips [area surrounding the lips] R$% [p.i bi] spleen impediment (bi); splenic Impediment (bi) [pi bing] spleen disease fl$'@Bfl'f[pi bi-ng ji giin] spleen disease affecting the liver Jj$%B1A [pi bing ji s h h ] spleen disease affecting the kidney [pi btI shk xuk] spleen failing R$T to contain the blood I$+%& [pi btI tbng xuk] spleen failing to control the blood [new]; spleen failing to manage the blood [old]; blood control failure [new]; blood management failure [old] R$@& [pi cBng yi] spleen stores reflection [thinking capacity] R$%B [pi cing ying] spleen stores construction R$&@ [pi ch6ng bing] spleen worm disease iT@ [pi diin] splenic pure heat RBRE [pi dh fB] spleen belly effusion [effusion of the upper back] R$!$Jil ?A! [pi fki fEng rk] spleen-lung wmd-heat R$!jj$mB [pi f5i li5ng xu] dual vacuity of the spleen and lung; spleen-lung vacuity R$I$%E [pi fki qi xu] spleen-lung qi vacuity RTd$E% [pi f5i xu h i n ] spleen-lung vacuity cold
[pi giin] gan of the spleen; splenic gan; spleen gan [pi h6 wki] spleen is connected with the stomach R$$fi [pi ji] spleen accumulation' R$t3 [pi jing] spleen channel; SPL+"10 [$!REF [pi kiii qiio yir kbu] spleen opens into the mouth R$@ [pi k i ] spleen cough J$!? [pi lie] spleen taxation; splenic taxatlon R$H% [pi m i i h u h ] spleen pulse is rnoderate I!@%* [pi mtI] LV-13 (Spleen Alarm) A T 9 [pi qi] spleen qi R$TTft [pi qi btI sheng] spleen qi failing to bear upward; non-upbearing of spleen qi j!+%+%[pi qi btI shu] cofistrained spleen yi RTSB'f [pi qi tong yu kbu] spleen qi flows to the mouth R$97;PG [pi qi xi8 xijn] spleen qi fall R$%E [pi qi xu] spleen qi vacuity Il$%E5S [pi qi xu ruh] spleen qi vacuity Ri+SgP?& [pi qi yG jii] binding depression of spleen q~ R T % S f i [pi qi zhG \hCng] spleen qi governs upbearing RTETE [pi qfi qi zhi] spleen vacuity qi stagnation A$?{': [pi 1-21spleen heat RT?{\$ t% '[pi rk duo xiin] spleen heat copious drool R$!i\%@ [pi rk sheng tin] spleen heal engendering phlegm R+?{t5t: [pi r5 xui] Spleen Heat Hole [non-channel] R$g* [pi sh5] SP-8 (Spleen Abode) RQ1%TB;I& [pi shkn l i h g xu] dual vacuity of the spleen and kidney [pi shkn shuiing bii wBn] R!+'B32 Spleen-Kidney Supplementation Pill R$'EE% [pi shkn xu hin] spleen-kidney vacuity cold j$'E@s5 [pi shkn xu ruh] spleen-kidney vacuity
R$'S EE! [pi s h i n x i siin] spleen-kidney vacuity detriment R+'R PHE [pi s h i n ying xu] spleen-kidney yang vacuity Rqfi [pi sheng] spleen upbearing R$Ee,BT68 [pi shi giin yG] spleen dampness and liver depression R $ X @ S [pi shi ji$n yGn] spleen failing to move and transform; impairment of splenic movement and transformation; splenic transformation failure R+& [pi s h i ] BL-2OW1'0 (Spleen Transport) R+7k [pi shuiJ spleen water [a kind of swelling] R$%h[pi t6ng xu&] spleen controls the blood [new]; spleen manages the blood [old1 [pi tii] spleen-earth I$ % 6X 2 i& [pi wCi hbu tiiin zhi bin] spleen is the root of later heaven [acquired constitution] R$\% [pi wCi sheng h u i qi xu& zhi yuiin] spleen is the source of qi and blood formation R$%*4&2*% [pi w i i shEng h u i zhi yuin] spleen is the source of engendering transformation R$ % + @ 2 - % [pi wCi sheng t i n ] spleen is the source of phlegm formation R+%@ [pi w i i xiin] spleen forms drool R+@ [pi wei] spleen wilting (w2i) R$ E T jf;U [pi w i i bG hC] spleen-stomach disharmony R@. 5, [pi wki qi bail vanquished spleen and stomach 1%E %& [pi wki 4 xu] spieen%tomach qi vacuity I$ E 5% [pi wii'qi zhi] spleen-stomach qi stagnation R$ E X $1 [pi wki shi he] spleen-stomach disharmony R$ % B [pi wki shi k h ] spleen encumbered by dampness R$ E B R,f& [pi wki shi r i ] spleen-stomach damp-heat Z )jT RH [pi wki shi rk xun I$ E 8 R,f& zheng giin diin] spleen-stomach dampheat sweltering the liver and gallbladder
R$ E 3 @ [pi wii shbu shi] spleen and stomach affected by dampness
R+ E E33 [pi wki xii hin] spleen-stomach vacuity cold
R$ E E $5 ipi wii x i rub] spleen-stomach vacuity
RqE PHE [pi wii ying x i ] spleen-stomach yang vacuity R+ E PB [pi wii yin xii] spleen-stomach yin vaculty /IqE?i?= f?-B2?23mk"3%[pi wii zhi, ciing lin zhi guiin, wu wii chu yan] spleen and stomach hold the office of the granaries, whence the five flavors emanate R$%E [pi wh shi] spleen is averse to dampness R$.# [pi xiiio] spleen wasting[-thirst] {center wasting]; splenic wasting-thirst R+# [pi xii] spleen diarrhea I$@ [pi xii] spleen vacuity -F' . [pi x i d$i xi$] spleen vacuity j$@ vaginal d~scharge R q E % jZ [pi xii duo xiin] spleen vacuity copious drool R$EMGG [pi xii f i i rub] spleen-lung vacuity R$B3.& [pi x i ji xin] spleen vacuity affecting the heart /j$E.%$$ [pi xii jiii shi] spleen vacuity with food damage R$@?21'fl [pi xii jing bi] spleen vacuity menstrual block R$J3* ?fj! [pi xu mh ching] spleen vacuity being exploited by wood R$E%#$[pi xii qi zhi] spleen vacuity and qi stagnation [pi xii sheng t i n ] spleen vacuity engendermg phlegm R $ @ E H [pi xii shi kGn] spleen vacuity with damp encumbrance 114E-F PG [pi xii xi$ xi$] spleen vacuity fall R$PH [pi ying] spleen yang R$PHT@ [pi ying bh zhin] devitalized spleen yang
R$PBE [pi yang xu] spleen yang vacuity
R$PA [pi yin] spleen yin R$rJaE [pi yin xu] spleen yin vacuity 89 5 E $H % 9 [pi yii w2i xiiing b i i o li] spleen and stomach stand in interiorexterior relationship Jl$FJ[pi yue] straitened spleen R$%Jmi=jtL [pi yue m i f6n w i n ] Straitened Spleen H e m p Seed Pill R$3+@ [pi yhn bh jihn] splenic transformation failure 8$8E [pi zhhng] spleen distention . 8 $ 2 j r @ [pi zhi d h luw] great network vessel of the spleen R$g%X [pi zhii hbu tiiin] spleen governs later heaven l$&Bnm [pi zhii ji rbu] spleen governs the flesh R$%A-'iff [pi zhii sheng qing] spleen governs upbearing of the clear l$EE!El8ft [pi zhii si zhi] spleen governs the four limbs B$EE% Z f?Z@$!i [pi zhii w6i wki xing q i jin yk] spleen govefns movement of stomach liq uid R$*S4k [pi zhii yiin huh] spleen governs movement and transformation R$EE+& [pi zhii zhong tii] spleen governs center-earth l+&+$l'l [pi zhii zhong zhou] spleen governs the central region %@2$ [pi ji zhi bCn] basis of resistance t o extreme fatigue E [pi] glomus E$R [pi gen] Glomus Root [rzorz-channel] B e [pi kuhi] lump glomus E% [pi miin] glomus and fullness B B + T % [p[qi m i n bii kuhi] glomus, fullness, and d~scomfort E 5 [pi qi] glomus qi E S [pi siii] glomus blockage @@ [pi shi] abnormal habit E&&*[pi b i n chbng] stinkbugo (Aspongopus) @$ [pi] pi [abdominal mass]; deviated; deviation; wry; wryness
@ [pi] aggregation (pi) [new, a kind of abdominal mass]; pi [old] @$E [pi ji] aggregation (pi) [a kind of abdominal mass] E+3F*[pi gong zi] house lizarde (Gekko Swinhoana) I$@ [pi tan] repel phlegm 4l:l [pi] afflux (pi) [new]; pi [okl] jll:l$$iJ [pi li] d u x (pi) dysentery 88% [pi n6ngl afflux (pi) pouch [a pathological accumulation]
[piiin] one-sided; hemilateral; unilateral; tend [e.g @ % pian hhn, tend toward cold] ffi@ T{I[piiin fki bh rCn] hemiplegia [piiin feng] hemilateral wind; halfbody wind @nTB [piiin feng bii sui] hemilateral wind paralysis; half-body wind paralysis @@* [piiin gii] LT-15 (End Bone) ffiR [piiin h i n ] tending toward cold [piiin jh] hemilateral sweating; halfbody sweating @ [piiin kbu] off-center mouth-level ju @ % [piiin kbu ju] off-center mouthlevel flat abscess (ju) @+& [piiin kii] hemilateral withering ffiE [piiin 'li] LI-6W"O (Veering Passageway) #)Jag [piiin n i o jii] off-center brain flat abscess (ju) fi?!: [piiin rk] tending toward heat ffij& [piiin shkng] prevalence; surfeit @-&%@ [piiin shi yi wb] perverted appetite @$!!I[piian ! shi] squint ffi@fEBHE[piiin % shi y6u ni hbu wGi] predilection for greasy and rich foods [piiin shuai] deficit; debilitation ffi% [piiin tiin] hemiplegia @&A [piiin t6u feng] hemilateral head wind
ffi X %
[piiin tou t h g ] hemilateral headache; hemicrania ffiZ& [piiin wiii s h i ] deviated tongue ffi% [piiin zhui] unilateral sag [sagging of one testicle] Hjj15; [piCn zhi] callus I$ [pihn] tablet I$ ;-;r"B* [pihn h u i liin] Chinese lobeliaO (Lobeliae Chinensis Herba cum Radice) &- 311 [piin ji] tablet (preparation) &-@*[piin niio] borneol' (Borneolum) K T * [piin qin] old scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix Veta) B9 [pihn shEn] generalized; whole body
piao kg!&!* [piiio xiiio] mantis egg-case* (Mantidis Ootheca)
&5* [piiio] duckweed' (Lemnae Herba) ?$ [piiio] longrinse $%& [pigo xi] washing and long-rinsing
pin Z [pin xu6 ling] Anemic's Magic [non-channel] $Jj [pin] frequent $$$E+?Z[pin fhn shdu yin] frequent masturbation $JjflF [pin ffil'take in frequent small doses $$& [pin shuh] frequent [pin ti5n shC] licking tongue $tit+[pin yinj take in frequent small doses & [pin] item; grade; quality 4k [pin] female 4 k S [pin nii?] female malaria $La[pin zing] female viscus
F [ping] calm; balanced [drug nature] F + E F i % [ping bii ping xi?] neutral supplementation and drainage
T$l\B,L\ff [ping bii zh?n xin diin] Neutral Supplementing Heart-Settling Elixir
FPfiPh [ping chCn tang] Calming Matured Ingredients Decoction Fa% [ping chugn] calm panting 7 [ping chuiln ning] Pingchuanning Fa%% [ping chuiln yho] panting-calming medicinal FU%ltU& [ping chu5n zhi kC] calm panting and suppress cough Tj?lj[ping ci] transverse needling Fa [ping dhn] calm dawn watch [B4 watch, 3-5 a.m.] F B f l F [ping d i n fii] take at calm dawn Fifi** [ping di mG] coral ardisia [root)@ (Ardisiae Crenatae Radix) F j T [ping gin] calm the liver F g ? @ IP [ping giin q i i n yCng] calm the liver and subdue yang F f l TS*. [ping giin shii] curculigo [root]@ (Curcullginis Rhizoma) FflTj&,n [ping giin xi feng] calm the liver and extinguish wind qjT$g)Xl,% [ping giin xi fEng yho] livercalmihg wind-extinguishing medicinal F87 lt % [ping giin zhi t h g ] calm the liver and relieve pain Fa [ping gCi] oyster mushroom' (Pleurotus Ostreatus) FbJc [ping mii] calm pulse F + E F i % [ping pG ping xi?] neutral supplementation and drainage F A [ping rCn] normal individual F G [ping tii] flat or sunken F G & [ping w6i siin] Stomach-Calming Powder T,%,[ping xi] calm breathing F&*[ping yi] CV-1 (Flat Screen) F)IPBT[JB [ping yi giin ying] repress the liver F i E [ping zhkng] no abnormal pattern * [ping feng] ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix) R& [ping yi] screen (perineum); CV-1 (Screen) @* [ping] duckweed' (Lemnae Herba)
@ HRE* [po gb zhi] psoralea [seedlo (Psoraleae Semen) $$ $ TJ $8* [p6 lu6 men gEn] curculigo [rootla (Curculiginis Rhizoma) *b T i * [pi, xiiio] impure mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Non-Purum) ;f;b Tiih [pi, xiiio] impure mirabilitea (Mirabilitum Non-Purum) 33 [pi,] hurry; distress ; i $ h g f T [pi, xu6 wing xing] cause frenetic movement of the blood T i [pi,] break; break 1Sfi;ffiPt [pi, bb y6] microcos leafa (Microcoris Folium) T&ZiiT*[pi, bb zi] oroxylum [seedla (Oroxyli Semen) T i H RE* [pi, gh zhi] psoralea [seedla (Psoraleae Semen) ZSfi &$a* [pi, gb zhi] psoralea [seedla (Psoraleae Semen) T i l l R [pi, jhn (ji6ng)l loss of bulk Ti$? [pi, qi] break qi 1SfiOjfl [pi, shiing fEng] lockjaw; tetanus Wfi161 [pi, xu61 break blood [pi, xu61 whittle; disintegrate TSfiifu%IER [pi, xu6 h6ng huii sin] BloodBreaking Carthamus Powder [pi, yii] break stasis T&%##?i [pi, yii xiiio zheng] break stasis and disperse concretions (zhgng) 0% [pi,] corporeal soul [stored by the lung]; animal soul [stored by the hing] @Ff [pi, hin] corporeal soul sweating b ! P [pi, hii] BL-42W"O(BL-37) (Corporeal Soul Door) dB& r7 [pi, men] corporeal soul gate [the anus]
#& [pii fCn] apply powder !iffit&@ &
[pii di wli gong] drooping clubmossO (Lycopodii Cernui Herba)
[ p i h6ngl red spread [pc t i o yi] grape epidemic 4 b [pli] collapse (Subservient VisiF $ [pli ciin] BL-61 ' itor) $j$QE#j*[pli bhng huii fCn] typha pollena (Typhae Pollen) S S E * [pli c i o hug] typha pollen@ (Typhae Pollen) . @g$$*[pli c i o huing] typha pollena (Typhae Pollen) 3 fi 8 [pli gong ying] dandelion* .(Taraxaci Herba cum Radice) Sfi?%%[pli gong ying tang] Dapdelion Decoction Bfi%!# [pli gong ying zhou] Dandelion Gruel Bfi* [pli guii] bottle gourd' (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) S Z * [PO huii] Pollen) BB [pli huirlg] typha pollen@ Pollen) %BE [pli huing thn] charred typha pollena (Typhae Pollen Carbonisatum) BE* [pli hui] charred typha pollena (Typhae Pollen Carbonisa'tuin) @$$ [pli kui] Chinese fan palma (Livistonae Chinensis Folium et Semen, seu Radix) S E E & *[pli li huii fen] typha pollens (Typhae Pollen) BF* [pli lli] bottle gourd* (Lagenariae Depressae Fructus) #\($A* [pli shb] Japanese cherry bark* (Pruni Cortex) i@g@* [pii jiiing huing] Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaflo (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) 33Ph StA [pii ji xiso dli yin] Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage. +$3?iTiStA&fim%aB3$$2Efr[pG ji xiso dli yin qb sheng m i chii hli huing qin huing lian] Universal Salvation Toxin-Dispersing Beverage Minus Cimicifuga, Bupleurum, Scutellaria, & Coptis
ktZ# T k fqi] seven;
seventh; sevenfold
-ksg$Zi$A [qi b i o mii r6n diin] Seven"
Jewel Beard-Blackening Elixir
ks3 [qi biio sIn] Seven-Jewel Powder -t= i$rJ [qi thong min] seven gates kZ [qi l ] seven malign signs kfi[qi fang] seven formula types kTZBjc [qi guii mhi] seven strange pulses -k 2 * [qi jiao zhi jiiin] BL-17 (Within the Seventh Burner) [qi jiio Zng] maci-opanaxo (Macropanacls Radix et Folium) kTgjEftiSS; [qi jing zhui pang] Beside the Seventh Cervical Vertebra [non-channel] ktgbjc [qi juC mail seven expiry pulses &@i& [qi li siin] Seven Pinches Powder k 3 @ [qi li xiang] Lindley's buddleia . root0 (Buddleiae Lindleyanae Radix) [qi pi yin] Seven-Peel Beverage k k5 [qi qi] seven qi [the seven aflects; cold, heat, joy, anger; anxiety, and worry] k5& [qi qi tang] Major Sevlen Qi Decoction -k [qi qiio] seven orifices -t=T% [qT qingj seven relations [drug tilerapy]; seven affects [joy, anger; anxiety, thought, sorrow, fear; and fright] t= tf$TB[qi qing bh shii] seven-affect ill-bemg ktf$m'"r& .[qi qing nki jii] seven-affect internal bind ktem!% [qi qing nli shiing] seven-affect internal damage [qi qing nli yii] seven-affect internal depression k$f$?t& [qi qing qi jiC] seven-affect qi bind
-k @
[qi qing xiiing gin] interference among the seven affects kE?ll'"rB [qi qing yii jii] seven-affect binding depression -t= El )%[qi I, ri feng] seven-day wind -t=& [qi shin] seven mountings (sh&n) k43 [qi shing] seven damages k@ I\ &$ [qi siin ba yi] sevenfold reduction and eightfold boost kt!+Q $@ [qi wki b6i zhu siin] SevenIngredient Ovate Atractyiodes Powder k% Q @? [qi wei iJ c6ng bii siin] EightIngredient Scallion White Powder k*$B?h [qi wli dii qi w h ] SevenIngredient Metropolis Qi Pill k$@B$Tt%[qi wh jiing xi2 ting] Seven Agents Downbearing Decoction kg%*[qi xing jiin] phymatopsisa (Phymatopsis Herba (cum Radice)) -t=E%j[qi xing zhen] seven-star needle [qi y l dIn] gynostemmao (Gynostemmatis Rhizoma seu Herba) kRtE [qi y l lign] Taiwan schefflerao (Schefflerae Arboricolae Radix seu Caulis et Folium); Formosan eldera (Sambuci Formosanae Rhizoma) W--@z* [qi y& yi zhi huii] paris [root]' (Paridis Rhizoma) L,ss[qT zhEz sin] Scz:p_n-Gp_m Pnllrdcz kBIj&M$h [qi zhi xiiing fii wgn] Sevenfold Processed Cyperus Pill 91'7 [qi mCn] LV-14 (Cycle Gate) [qi] lacquer' (Lacca Exsiccata) @% [qi chuing] lacquer sore SAfr& [qi d i gu] woolly-fruited glochidion [twig and leaf] (Glochidionis Eriocarpi Ramulus et Folium) SAfr&@[qi d i gu gen] woolly-fruited glochidion root0 (Glochidionis Eriocarpi Radix) ST*[qi giin] lacrquer0 (Lacca Exsiccata)
& Z * [qi jing] sun spurge' (Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba) & @[qi yiio] lacquer bite Mrf 2% [qi fii tiing] Astragalus and Aconite Decoction -&@* [qi mii] anemarrhena [root]@(Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) I!@@ [qi gii] bone juncture; seventh costosternal articulation II@B[qi huing] Qi Bo and the Yellow Emperor [the interlocutors of the Inner Canon] E i S % H i R i B 2 [qi giio zhe yin i r yuk zhi] bring up and out what is high Z G . . . [qi h u i zhi] its bloom is in the.. . #7;8
M E % [qi fii tang] pain in the umbilical region
M E % % [qi fii zhhng min] distention
. and fullness in the umbilical region [qi lau] umbilical fistula
aft PiJ,% h [qi n&ichii xu&]bleeding navel f i a [qi sh8n] umbilical mounting (shlin) M@ [qi shi] umbilical damp ME?!$ [qi shi zhGng] umbilical damp swelling
f i PI it! [qi si biiin] Four Sides of the Umbilicus [non-channel]
aft% [qi tang] umbilical pain f i g [qi tli] protrusion of the navel [umbilical shan]
M7; [qi xi81 below the umbilicus JUT@ [qi xi8 ji] palpitation below the umbilicus
AfFT;t?@ [qi xi8 jiio tang] gripping pain below the umbilicus
M7;'LcBY [qi xi5 jii qi] qi bind below the umbilicus
fig* [qi xiang] musk' (Moschus) aft% [qi yong] umbilical welling abscess
Ow l9
M + * [qi z h h g ] CV-8 (Center of the Navel) [qi zhou cuhn tangj scurrying periumbilical pain !J$%% [qi mii yong] horse riding welling abscess bdng) #%* [qi lin jii] dragon's blood' (Daemonoropis Draconis Resina) # k * [qi lin piiin] pangolin scales' (Manitis Squama) &A$$&* [qi lin xu&] dragon's bloodo (Daemonoropis Draconis Resina) &I$* kqi] leech' (Hirudo seu Whitmania) %!@ [qi shi] agkistrodon@(Agkistrodon) H!@ [qi she rau] agkistrodon flesh@ (Agkistrodonis Caro) $$f iB [pi cio] June beetle grub' (Holotr~chiaeVermiculus) tZ;fiFif&Bt% [qi jli di huLng tiing] Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Decoction
A [qi jli di h u i n g w i n ] Lycium Berry, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill $ E F * [qi zi] lycium [berryla (Lycii Fructus) $Z [qi] rise; start $Z% [qi bing] onset $Z{A [qi fh] fluctuating [of fever] $Z~+B [qi fii bii ding] ~ u c t u h t i n ~ $Z&PX[k;[qi ji t6u xuiin] dizziness upon rising $ZE [qi jii] way of life $ZE+@ [qi jii bG shkn] careless living $Z& [qi pi01 blistering E m [qi rbu] prominence of the flesh $Z@ [qi t i n ] provokes the development of phlegm $Z[JHS* [qi ying ciio] Chinese leek [leafla (Allii Tuberosi Folium) W 1'fl*% [qi biii kai qiiio] break the block and open the orifices W /$$ % [qi gC sgn] Diaphragm-Arousing Powder [qi pi siin] Spleen-Arousing Pill WJ+$% [qi pi tang] Spleen-Arousing Decoction W I@A [qi pi w&n] Spleen-Arousing Pill % [qi] qi ", [qi] qi; breath(ing) T+fi[qi bi] qi constipation 9 m [qi bi] qi block 7%[qi bi] qi impediment (b?) 5l%l [qi bi Ir l h g ] qi-block deafness 9 % [qi Kng] qi disease S%iE@ [qi bing zh&ng hou] q i disease pattern 9T!J31'8 [qi bii gui gen] qi not going to root 55$3161[qi bii shk xu&] qi failing to contain the blood; blood containment failure S T 8 [qi bii zu] insufficiency of qi TI+ [qi chting] qi thoroughfare; ST-30WF10 (Qi Thoroughfare) k= -Dm [qi chuiin] panting; asthma [Western 'medicine]; Asthma [non-channel]
S M $E 1I+ [qi c6ng s h i o fii shing chong] qi surging up from the lower abdomen S $ R [qi cii] rough breathing ?$HD%$$ [qi cii chuiin cii] rough breathing and hasty panting %.fB [qi cii] hasty breathing 5 % [qi d i o ] pathway of qi; airways * 7% [qi duiin] Asthma [non-channel] k= -%I [qi dugn] shortness of breath 5DE [qi &] qi hiccough %h\ [qi f&n] qi aspect %hj+n?Ct[qi fkn chii rk] initial-stage qiaspect heat T.*h?+[qi fkn dii 1-61 great heat in the qi aspect 7 e f & & [qi fkn r&shkng] exuberant heat in the qi aspect y9iE [qi fkn zhkng] qi-aspect pattern 9 R * [qi fii] GB-25 (Qi House) 5 % [qi gan] qi gan ",B@ [qi gC] qi occlusion [form of dysphagia-occlusion (yE gi)] 57:fi [qi gong] qi cultivation; qigong 57:fiRtA [qi gong liio fii] qi cultivation therapy; qigong therapy [qi gii] qi drum ?@$ [qi gill qi drum distention 5% [qi guan] qi bar 5 B & )+ [qi .gu%n y i n piiin] Bronchitis Tablet 5-@Jqj-hiij sea of ui (chest center and cinnabar field, or CV-6); CV-6Wlfo (Sea of Qi); CV-4 (Sea of Qi) S g & [qi h5i shii] BL-24Wllo (Sea-of-Qi Transport) b 7,~ .[qi * hC] CV-8 (Qi Union) LUI
9 p [qi hG] ST-13W1fO ( ~ iDoor) ' 94t [qi huk] qi transformation [new]; transformative action of qi [old]
%4tT$l] [qi huii bii li] inhibited qi transformation [[q h u i bii xing] poor qi trans-
5 4 t X d [qi h u i shi si] breakdown of qi transformation 5+tXiI [qi h u i shi tigo] disturbance of qi transformation [qi ji] qi dynamic 5,$R [qi ji] qi accumulation [qi ji bh li] inhibited qi dynamic 5,$n'nk$ [qi ji shing nil counterflow ascent of qi dynamic 53, [qi ji] rapid breathing 5 & [qi ji] extreme of qi A=/ ~ & r[qi jie] qi thoroughfare; ST-30 (Qi Thoroughfare) /= & [qi jiC fh t h g ] qi bind abdominal pain 5%$@l% [qi jiC y5n h6u] qi binding in the throat 5 S m 4 5 [qi jin liing sh5ngl damage to both qi and liquid SEEP3 B [qi jin liing xu] dual vacuity of qi and liquid 5% [qi jui] qi reversal 5, [qi k6u] qi opening; wrist pulse ';$% [qi kuii] free and easy flow of qi 5 % [qi kuii] qi lump 5,F3 [qi li] qi scrofula 5 & [qi li] qi and bodily strength 5,$@ [qi li] qi dysentery 5,#[qi lin] qi strangury (lin) 5 @ [qi liG] qi tumor [qi 16ngl qi deafness %$$ [qi Iiin] qi wheel [white of the eye] 5,$tR?!l: [qi llin feng 1-61qi wheel windheat 3%%$!: [qi IGn shi r6] qi wheel dampheat 5%Jfn@ [qi iGn xu& yii] qi wheel blood stasis 5 % [qi lu6] qi scrofula /== ~m [qi min] qi fullness 5 Pq@& [qi men tan duo] oppressed breathing and copious phlegm 5 , T J [qi mCn] qi gate [pore]; ; Qi Gate [non-channel] 5 @ [qi nil qi counterflow
?%la# [qi ni shing tud] qi counterflow ascent desertion [qi 6u] qi vomiting 5% [qi pi] qi glomus 5+&[qi qi6] qi temerity k= -ITPH% [qi qing zii zhi] stagnant movement of qi 5,?!l:4%@[qi r6 shing jin] qi heat damaging liquid 5?,&&@ [qi r6 shu6 jin] qi heat scorching liquid 5 3 3 [qi ru6] weak qi 5#j [qi shkn] qi mounting (sh2n) 5+i$,L\ [qi shing ch6ng xin] qi surging up into the heart [qi shhng nil counterflow qi ascent 5 9 [qi shio] qi shortage 9 % [qi shb] ST-1lWF1O(Qi Abode); CV-8 (Qi Abode) 5-&* [qi shii] GB-25 (Qi Transport) 5,nM [qi sbu] qi cough [qi sui xu6 tuo] qi deserting with the blood / -8= , A [qi tii] qi fetus /-
5 % [qi tan] qi phlegm 5 % [qi t6ngl qi pain 5,8# [qi tuo] qi desertion
-Lld&33 ,I, [qi wei li ru6] faint breath and
lack of strength
5 % h ( 2) Il@[qi wCi xu6 (zhi) shuii] qi is the commander of the blood
5 % h ! J 3 [qi wCi xu6 gui] qi is the home of blood
7%[qi wki] qi and flavor 5 % PJJ [qi wki yin yiing] qi, flavor, yin
and yang [qi xi] GV-1 (Qi Cleft) T,e, $% [qi xi bh xh] discontinuity of breathing A= -PE3 h [qi xiin] qi fall
[qi xiin xi2 xi61 qi fall diarrhea
Ti?$ [qi xi61 qi diarrhea 5,@ [qi xii] qi vacuity
5,EG @ [qi xii beng l6u] qi vacuity flooding and spotting
5@% [qi xii
bi] qi vacuity impediment
[qi xii bii she] vacuous qi failing to ensure containment; qi vacuity containmeni failure [qi xii chuiin] qi vacuity panting [qi xii Cr 16ngl qi vacuity deaf5& ness 5EZD3 [qi xii Cr ming] qi vacuity tinnitus 5@2 f;& [qi xii f i 1-61 qi vacuity fever 5&E% [qi xii fii tbng] qi vacuity abdominal pain 5@@flQ [qi xii h u i tii] qi vacuity habitual miscarriage 5,j$@fT%# [qi xii jing xing xiin qi] qi vacuity advanced menstruation T@R!$!@ [qi xii pi hiin] qi vacuity and spleen cold 5Ef&[qi xii 1-61qi vacuity heat 5@%% [qi xii t6u tbng] qi vacuity headache 5@'& [qi xii w6i] qi vacuity wilting (wti) 9&7;P$ [qi xii xii xiin] qi vacuity fall $@~L\43 [qi xii xin $1 qi vacuity palpitatlon 5EEe [qi xii xukn yun] qi vacuity dizziness 5@&% [qi xii xu6 zhi] qi vacuity blood stagnation .'?E'&a#[qi xii yii tuo] qi vacuity verging on desertion 9@H t3S % [qi xij yuk jing gu6 duo] qi vacuity profuse menstruation "l@@IJS [qi xii zC hin] when qi is vacuous, there is cold 56 [qi xii zh6ng miin] qi vacuity center fullness 5 ~ 3 Z E [qi xii zi hin] qi vacuity spon,taneous sweating /= A [qi xu61 acupuncture point; qi point; KI-13WffO (Qi Point) 5& [qi xu61 qi and blood; qi-blood 5&%& [qi xu6 b i o xii] sudden vacuity of qi and blood %$iiE [qi xu6 biin zh6ngl qi-blood pattern identification
[qi xu6 chong hC] harmonious flow of qi and blood ?&!RE [qi xu6 jii xii] dual vacuity of qi and blood [qi xu6 liiing fin] qi and blood both ablaze; blazing of both qi and blood 5hm'5[qi xu&l i h g kui] dual depletion of qi and blood [qi xu6 l i h g xii] dual vacuity of qi and blood; qi-blood vacuity 5&Xfl[qi xu6 shi tiiio] disharmony of qi and blood 9&Z+\ [qi xu6 shuing bii] supplement both qi and blood; dual supplementation of qi and blood 5&%+\fi [qid xu6 shuing bii ji] dual qi and blood supplementation formula ?rfn@&$j$iE [qi xu&t i n shi biin zhing] qi, blood, phlegm, and food pattern identification %hH% [qi xu6 t6ng bing] dual disease of qi and blood 5&@55 @ ?2 [qi xu6 xii ru6 tbng jing] qi-blood vacuity menstrual pain 5&%@ [qi xu6 z6u xu] sudden vacuity of qi and blood 5% [qi yi] qi screen 5P# )$ [qi yin bii zli] insufficiency of qi and yin 5PB lflj 4% [qi yin liiing shing] damage to both qi and yin 5fJmE. [qi yin liing xii] dual vacuity of ql and ym; qi and yin vacuity 5PB +\% [qi yin shuing bii fii] dual supplementation of qi and yin *=3 fi @ [qi ying liiing fin] qi and construction both ablaze; dual blaze of qi and construction / 3 =s H lfljts [qi ying liiing qing] clear both qi and construction; dual clearing of qi and construction -2% 3H R - @ [qi ying tong bing] dual disease of qi and construction 5,@[qi ying] qi goiter; Qi Goiter [nonchannel] 5Q j#W [qi y6u zing fa] qi effuses from the viscera ?gFzfi[qi y6u yli biin shi hu6] when qi is superabundant, there is fire
5&* [qi y;] CV-3 (Qi Fish)
5,+[qi zhong] Qi Center [non-channel]
[qi yb] qi depression Y%[J@J [qi yii tiing] Qi Depression Decoction; Qi Depression Decoction 5 6 P E a [qi yii wiin (guiin) tbng] qi depression stomach duct pain 5 6 8 E g [qi yB wgn tbng] qi depression stomach duct pain 943BfEg[qi yii xi6 t h g ] qi depression , rib-side pain 9+j[IjQB5j@ [qi yii xi6ng g i cio] chest and diaphragm qi depression clamor 46PEk;g [qi yii xuin yiin] qi depression dizziness 5%8rh.1%[qi yii xu6 beng] qi depression flooding 56Pi&% [qi yii xu6 tbng] qi depression rib-side pain 5,R* [qi yuin] CV-3 (Qi Source) 5 % [qi zhing] qi distention 92PRX[3* [qi zhi yin xi] GV-1 (Yin Cleft of Qi) 53 [qi zhi] arrival of qi 9 % [qi zhi] qi hemorrhoids 5 % [qi zhi] qi stagnation [qi zhi fii tbng] qi stagnation abdominal pain 9 R 2 S l 7 6 f J [qi zhi jing xing hbu qi] qi stagnation delayed menstruation 5 % % [qi zhi tbng] qi stagnation pain [qi zhi tbng jing] qi stagnation menstrual pain %Em@[qi zhi xu6 yii] qi stagnation and blood stasis ?%fie23 Tfl [qi zhi xu6 yii jing bi] qi stagnat~onblood stasis menstrual block 5,%h@&f?$ [qi zhi xu6 yii xin ji] qi stagnation blood stasis palpitation 9 % E B [qi zhi yiio tbng] qi stagnation lumbar pain 5R%P'r_& [qi zhi yh jib] binding depression of qi 5%Rl]7)(2Z [qi zhi z i shui jii] when qi stagnates, water binds %%fiiB$flE [qi zhi zhbng zhing] qi stagnation swelling
[qi zhGng] qi swelling
Y+ [qi zhbng] qi stroke %Zmj%[qi yi Cr zbu] casting off one's
clothes and running around
% [qi] organ @ [qi] tugging [as in @@ qi zhng]
@b$ [qi mii] TB-18 (Tugging Vessel) [qi zbng] tugging and slackening [clonic spasm]
qia $6
[qi! W] fingernail pressing . [manipulation technique] [qii bin zh6ngl Between Ilium and Patella [non-channel] B G l H [qii hbu shing ji] Posterior Superior Iliac Spine [non-channel]
qian T @ ig* [qiiin cCng tii] basilo (Basilici Herba) f Eig [qiiin cCng tg] serrate club moss0
(Lycopodii Serrati Herba) [qiiin chui glo] Thoroughly Pounded Paste f #W $5 * [qiiin gen cgo] thymeleaved spurge@(Euphorbiae Thymifoliae Herba) Tfi [qiiin jin bi] moghania [root]@ (Moghanme Radix) ? & ~ [qiiin * jin bi] Finet's clematis@ (Clematidis Finetianae Radix, Caulis et Folium) f &$* [qiiin jin cii] lettuce' (Lactucae Sativae Caulis et Folium) f & 3 @J [qiiin jin diing gui tang] Thousand Golden Pieces Tangkuei Decoction f &%$a!& [qiiin jin ji ming siin] Thousand Gold Pieces Cockcrow Powder ?& m E % [qiiin jin n6i tu6 sgn] Thousand Gold Pieces Internal Expulsion Powder T & % [qiiin jin siin] Thousand Gold Pieces Powder
f &@
f&%Z$% [qiiin jin wEi jing tiing] Thousand Gold Pieces Phragmites Decoction T & F * [qiiin jin zi] caper spurge seed' (Euphorb~aeLathyridis Semen) % [qiiin li guiing] climbing groundsel@ (Senecionis Scandentis Herba) TlE$%[qiiin min tiing] Thousand Strings of Cash Decixtion f +@* [qiiin niin Hi] Japanese ardisia [stem and leaflo (Ardisiae Japonicae Caulis et Folium) f @ [qiiin niin jiiin] homalomena [root]@ (Homalomenae Rhizoma); sargentodoxa [stem]@ (Sargentodoxae Caulis) f +@J* [qiiin niin riin] dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis) f El & [qiiin ri chuiing] thousand-day sore [wart] f El 21 [qiiin ri hbng] globe amaranth [flower and root]' (Gomphrenae Flos seu Radix) f %&I * [qiiin zhiing shii] camptotheca@ (Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix) f %?fi * [qiiin zhiing zhi] oroxylum [seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) f 44-E * [qiiin zhen cHo] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) f$fiEl * [qiiin zhi rbu] oroxylum [seedla (Oroxyli Semen) f B * [qiiin zli] centipede' (Scolopendra) 55 [qiiin] stretch @S[qiiin liin] stretch [qjiin niii] morning glory [seed]' (Pharbitldis Semen) $+% [qiiin nili win] Morning Glory Pill @+F [qiiin niG zi] morning glory [seed]' (Pharbitidis Semen) +T X * [qiiin ni6 zi mi31 powdered morning glory [seed]@ (Pharbitidis Semen Pulveratum) $ + T $ # [qiiin niii zi zhou] Morning Glory Gruel 55iE [qiiin zhgng] Pull Aright [nonchannel] +iE@ [qiiin z h h g sHn] Pull Aright Powder
% [qiiin] galenite' (Galenitum)
[qiiin diin] minium' (Minium)
% $jj [qiiin fen] processed galenitea (Galenitum Praeparatum)
%+* [qiiin hui] minium' (Minium) %$$* [qiiin huing] minium' (Minium) fifi % * [qiiin qiiin 'hub] Asiatic elder twig@ (Sambuci Williamsii Ramulus) [qiin] in front of; anterior [qiin ding] GV-21WFiO (Before the Vertex) EEPi5 [qiin fii ji] anterior hairline arj ii [qiin - gii] SI-2WffO (Front Valley) E # * [qiin guiin] GB-1 (Foregate) E G P,g% [qiin hbu yin zhii] Hidden Pearls in Front and Back [non-channel] 3 if8 [qiin hu] peucedanum [rootlo (Peucedani Radix) a . au &, [qiin jin] Advance [non-channel] -. au 7% [qiin sou] urine au A B 4+ * [qiin t6u bHi hui] GV-22 (Hundred Convergences of the Forehead) EPa [qiin yin] anterior yin [genital orifice]; genitals E S r I * [qiin zhiing men] SP-12 (Front Camphonvood Gate) @ [qiin] subdue @Pa [qiin ying] subdue yang @PEI@JA, [qiin ying xi feng] subdue yang and extinguish wind [qiin zhkn] subdue and settle m: r,.:z-i -:-- ---r ...- -f ...-: - I - + --..- I ~ q ~ a f~iI jU I I ,IUULS ;.LL'KU: VJ nfc:grL: ~ L E L L L to one tenth of a liang] $% [qiin shi bii zhli sHn] Qian's Ovate Atractylodes Powder ?=& [qiiin] shallow h [qiiin] lack; yawn [qiiin shen] yawning and stretching h& ,[qiiin wen] lack of warmth + x%[ q i b shi] euryale [seed]@(Euryales Semen) ~ a [qiiin * . ciio] madder [root]' (Rubiae Radix) a
-a a& [qihn c50 gen] madder
[root]* (Rubiae Radix) -++.a E [qiin c5o tin] charred madder [root]' (Rubiae Radix Carbonisata) Z&*[qiin gen] madder [root]' (Rubiae. Radix) E;(;R& [qiin gEn.s5n] Madder Root Powder .
X%%E%$ $6 [qiiing bang pli bb tiing] Notopterygium, Arctium, Dandelion, and Mint Decoction X jlt * [qiiing guiing] notopterygium [root]@ (Notopterygii Rhizoma) %@* [qiiing hui] notopterygium [root]@ (Notopterygii Rhizoma) %% [qiiing huh] notopterygium [root]@ (Notopterygii Rhizoma) 2%Q X& [qiiing hu6 bii zhi s5nj Notopterygium and Angelica Powder E % B % $ 6 [qiiing hu6 bii dli tiing] Notopterygium Toxin-Vanquishing Decoction 2f& [qiiing hu6 chii shi tiing] Notopterygium Dampness-Eliminating Decoction 2 '& 1114 R $A [qiiing hu6 fing fEng tiing] Notopteryg~umand Ledebouriella Decoction; Notopterygium and Ledebouriella Decoction % @ Mif-T $6 [qiiing hu6 fG zi tiing] Notopterygium and Aconite Decoction %-&/&@$%[qiiing hu6 shZng shi tiing] Notopterygium Dampness-Overcoming Decoction % t&4.k $6 [qiiing hu6 xG duin tang] tNotopterygium and Dipsacus Decoction 2 E$% [qiiing l i n tiing] Notopterygium and Isatis Root Decoction %$& [qiiing ling] dung beetleg (Catharsius) %@a* [qiiing ling ch6ngI dung beetle' (Catharsius) [qiing] strong; strengthen; rigid; rigidity; stiff; stiffness 3% I$* [qiing chong] strong Surge [nonchannel]
[qiing jiiin] GV-18Wfr0 (Unyielding Space) SZ%@ [qiing jin gii] strengthen sinew and bone SZB!f'iB[qiing jin zhuing gii] strengthen sinew and bone SBjq [qiting kui] Strong Thigh [nonchannel] SSB*[qiing 151cibotium [rootlo (Cibotii Rhizoma) SZb$ [qiing mii] strong pulse $83r [qiing qiin] belching; eructation $31[qiing shing] upward pulling rigidity $%& [qiing xin] strengthen the heart SBPEI* [qiing ying] BL-8 (Strong Yang) $ E S [qiing yin] Strong Sound [nonchannel] [qiing yin] strengthen yin 5Zj3 [qiing zhi] rigid; rigidity SZ @ [qiing zhong] rigid center. [persistent erection 'with seminal loss] S @ $ R [qiing wei gen] multiflora rose root* (Rosae Multiflorae Radix)
q iao @ [qiiio] springing [new]; motility [old]
5]fi [qiiio] springing [new]; motility [old] $fib$ [qiiio mii] springing vessel
3% [qiio mii] buckwheat*
(Fagopyri Se-
[qiio mii miin] buckwheat floura (Fagopyri Farina) 3% 3 -L * [qiio mii siin qi] wild buckwheat rooto (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) $ 3 Iqiib ~ kii] pry open R [qiio] orifice [new]; portal [old] R I'a [qiio bi] orifice block ( & ) * [qiio yin (t6u)l GB-11 (Orifice Yin (head)) %Pa ( )* [yiio yin (zli)] GB-44 (Orifice Ym (foot)) Bg$&[qiio h i tang] Forsythia and Mint Decoction
% X % B . i & [qin ji2o qiiing hub tiing] -B [qie] cut
[qie piiin] slice
922 [qie si] cut into shreds
[qie tbng] cutting pain
B%#I. [qiE yio ji] herb cutter ItrnSB [qit nan xiiing] resinous aquilaria [wood]@(Aquilariae Lignum Resinosum)
%@ [qie gen] eggplant~root*(Solani Melongenae Radix)
% T % [qit zT ji] eggplant disease brolapse of the uterus] [qik] palpation BJ$$[[qk mii] feel the pulse; pulse examination [qik zhGn] palpation '/& [qik] temerity &% [qik IEng] fear of cold
qin @ [qin] invade; invasion; assail @ A [qin rill invade; invasion @@ [qin xi] assail; invade; invasion [qin] Qin [221 B.C. - 207 B.C.] % Q Ffi * [qin bii pi] ash [bark]* (Fraxini Cortex) $ 3 !El* [qin diing gui] Western tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Occidentalis) % &( * [qin jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]* (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium); hot pepper' (Capsici Fructus) % @ * . [ jiiio] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix) SJft[qin jiiio] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix) S X g R' ? [qin jiiio bis jig sgn] Large Gentian and Turtle Shell Powder sXf&$$.i&[qin jiso di huing tiing] Large Gentian and Rehmannia Decoction %JftlrA)%l% [qin jiiio fing fEng tgng] Large Gentian and Ledebouriella Decoction sJft#st% [qin jig0 ffi lti tang] Large Gentian Emaciation Decoction
Large Gentian and Notopterygium Decoction S X t 2 [qin jiiio tang] Large-Leaved Gentian Decoction S J f t Z * [qin jiiio wing] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix) S q * [qin jiii] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix) S & [qin pi] ash [bark]* (Fraxini Cortex) S f l * .[qin zhui] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix) U&dL.[qin hug] melt in the mouth q g [ J f i [qin bit diin] Scutellaria, Stemona, and Salvia Elixir * +-&zF%P&[qin lian kr chkn tiing] Scutellaria and Coptis Two Matured Ingredients Decoction TS-@&,[qin liin 6r mii wGn] Scutellaria, Coptis, Anemarrhena, and Fritillaria Pill 4 B F B i;.k [qin liBn ping] Scuteliaria and Coptis Stomach-Clearing Powder 4%[email protected][qin li6n si wir king] Scutellaria and Coptis Four Agents Decoction [qin hin] night sweating #$-f[qin zhen] thumbtack needle \
3 [qing] green-blue [color associated with liver-wood] a [qing cgo] green herbs
i@* [qing ci ji] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) S A 43 * [qing dh jigng] black-striped snake@ (Zaocysj W?f? [qing dii] green-blue vaginal discharge g g [qing dii] indigo0 (Indigo Pulverata Levis) 3 g B [qing dii giio] Indigo Paste g$i$$& [qing diii sin] Indigo Powder S&-jtL [qing 6 wan] Young Maid Pill 3@L* [qing fin] melanteriteO (Melanteriturn) gF$m* [qing fang fEng] Shandong ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix Shandongensis)
E $4
S n [qing fEng] green-blue wind E n m flK [qing fEng nli zhiing] green-
blue wind internal obstruction SJ4.E[qing fEng ting] Orient vine@ (Sinomenii seu Sabiae Caulis et Rhizoma) 3tHS * [qing giin pi] unripe tangerine peel@ (Citri Exocarpium Immaturum) B&k&*[qing g i n lin] Chinese olive@ (Canarii Albi Fructus) SfiIE* [qing giing huii] indigo' (Indigo Pulverata Levis) W#%* [qing gC fEn] indigo' (Indigo Pulverata Levis) S !I&5tL [qing g i win] Indigo and Clamshell P ~ l l SZ* [qing gu6] Chinese olive@ (Canarii Albi Fructus) S S [qing hiio] sweet wormwood@ (Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Herba) *e [qing hiio bie jii tiing] Sweet R ,s, E T Wormwood and Turtle Shell Decoction sz* a U t [qing hiio yl] sweet wormwood leaf@ (Artemisiae Apiaceae seu Annuae Folium) W K X B * [qing huii 16ng gii] flowery dragon bone0 (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia Florida) Si-d [qing ji] green-blue mark * a m [qing jin] vein a an % Z [qing jin b i o lh] prominent veins g&% [ q h g jin s5n] Indigo and Gold Powder S&g * [qlng jii pi] unripe tangerine peel@ (Citri Exocarpium Immaturum) =*@ A- [qing k6ng giio] Blue Sky Paste 41** a mm B* [qing kuiin jin ting] Chinese tinospora [stem]@ (Tinosporae Sinensis Caulis) , *H 2-a t * [qing Iio yk] betel pepper' (Piperis Betle Fructus) [qing lin w&n] Green-Blue Unicorn Pill BZ [qing ling] HT-2wtlo (Green-Blue Spirit)
W Z 7 !* [qing ling qu6nI HT-2 (GreenBlue Spirit Spring) [qing 16u] betel peppero .(Piperis Betle Fructus) *+ a H [qing ming] clear-eye blindness
g@ *
3636 [qing mCng shi] chlorite [schist]' (Chloriti Lapis)
S W S * [qing ming cio] shepherd's purse' (Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba)
W*% [qing mh xiiing] aristolochia root@ (Aristolochiae Radix); vladimiria [root]' (Vladimiriae Radix) W & [qing pi] unripe tangerine peel@ (Citri Exocarpium Immaturum) g&& [qing pi skn] Unripe Tangerine Peel Powder; Unripe Tangerine Peel Powder S % * [qing qing ciii] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) SaDqZ [qing rii cko zi] green-blue as the color of new shoots of grass S !I$ * [qing she] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) g * g [qing ti5n kui] Ford's nervilia [leaf]@ (Nerviliae Fordii Folium) 3EfSB [qing tui yii giin] green-leg gan of the tooth and gum SE* [qing win] aster [root]' (Asteris Rad~xet Rhizoma) Sfi 7 [qing xiiing zi] celosia [seed]@ (Celosiae Argenteae Semen) 3 /I\ [qing xi50 ciio] polygala herb' (Polygalae Caulis et Folium) S/J\ g * [qing xiio dhu] mung bean' (Phaseoli Aurei Semen) S%* [qing yin] halite' (Halitum) S 2 S [qing y&n biin xiii] halite[processed] pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber cum Halito Praeparatum) g&P% Ffi [qing y6n chin pi] haliteprocessed tangerine peel@ (Citri Pericarpium Medicatum) 3 D t BE fqing y l din] pretty swertiaa (Swertiae Pulchellae Herba) *+a F n 'F [qing yh nii giin] dried taro@ (Colocasiae Tuber Exsiccatum) EIF* [qing zii] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen)
gR$ [qing zhbng] bruise S 1' 1' 1 $ StL F [qing zhou b i i w i n zi] Qingzhou White Pill g jt * [qing zhu] atractylodes [rootla (Atractylodis Rhizoma); atractylodes [root]@ (Atractylodis Rhizoma) S'frZ* [qing zhli 1-61bamboo shavings' (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) ST* [qing zi] Chinese olivea (Canarii Albi Fructus) S% [qing zi] green-bl'ue o r purple S% [qing zi ban] bruise g g r i t l [qing zi b i n ] green-blue o r purple macules ?$ [qing] clear; clearing; plain [as in ?S $9qing chdo]; Qing [Manchu, 1644-191 1 A.D.]; cool ?$+ b [qing bhn xi&] purified pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber Depuratum) @ $+$5 [qing bi tang] Nose-Clearing Decoction ?FB@jE[qing ching rGn zho] clear the intestines and moisten dryness ?ShtA [qing ching yin] Intestine-Clearing Beverage ?St$ [qing chio] plain stir-fry; stir-fry without adjuvants $SE?B[qing chCn xi21 early morning diarrhea ?Sl-th?4-[qing diii jiii ke] nine branches of medicine in the Qing Dynasty $@%$J [qing dhi tang] Discharge-Clearing Decoction ?S BH $11 @ $$J [qing d i n li shi tang] Gallbladder-Clearing DampnessDisinhibiting Decoction ?SRH$% [qing d5n tang] GallbladderClearing Decoction $$ A [qing diin xi6 hu6 tang] Gallbladder-Clearing Fire-Draining Decoction ?SRHj7 5$2 [qing d5n xing qi tang] Gallbladder-Clearing Qi-Moving Decoction $ S c % * [qing dou ju5nJ dried soybean sprouta (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccaturn) $St& [qing f i ] clearing
?$B$dt&StL [qing f2i huh t i n win] LungClearing Phlegm-Transforming Pill
PgBqD$ [qing f2i ping chuin] clear the lung and calm panting
%I$@j$$$[qing f6i r h zho] clear the lung and moisten dryness
?$1$$5J[qing f6i tiing] Lung-Clearing Decoction
?SB$tA [qing f6i yin] Lung-Clearing Beverage
?Sfl$tAT [qing f2i yin zi] Lung-Clearing Drink
?S.B$ltU,t [qing f6i zhi kC] clear the lung and suppress cough [qing gin] clear the liver ?SflTlXflBStL[qing gan b5o n5o win] LiverClearing Brain-Safeguarding Pill MBTA [qing gan hub] clear liver fire ?~BTFZ$I, [qing giin 16 hui w i n ] LiverClearing Aloe Pill $gHljJjH [qing gan ming mii yho] liverclearing eye-brightening medicinal ?SflTBE P$J [qing gan sh2n shi tgng] Liver-Clearing Dampness-Percolating Decoction $SjTjqA [qing g l n xi2 hu6] clear the liver and drain fire ?SJffjE[qing g6 s i n ] Diaphragm-Cooling Brew [qing gong] clear the [clear the heart] ?Sg$5~[qing gong tang] Palace-Clearing Decoction ?$@@ [qing gii s8n] Bone-Clearing Powder ?.&$I [qing hSi wgn! Clear Sea Pill ?$Z* [qing hho] TB-11 (Clear Sky) ?SdkE?4':[qing huh shi 1-51clear heat and transform dampness ?$dktA [qing huh yin] Clearing Transforming Beverage Z%B [qing hlin s i n ] Ethereal-SoulClearing Powder $%A [qing hu6] clear fire; fire clearing .igmrff$~m$$J [qing ji Hn hui tang] FleshClearing Roundworm-Quieting Decoction
?SHS?!: [qing ji6 big0 r6] clear and resolve exterior heat $$##j+[qing jii pihn] Clearing Resolution Tablet ?Sfr#BSt%[qing jii tbu biiio tang] Clearing and Resolving Exterior-Outthrusting Decoction ?$&[qing jin] clear metal [clear the lung] ?E&dL@?%[qing jin huk t i n tang] MetalClearing Phlegm-Transforming Decoction ?S&p$k [qing jin jihng hu6] clear metal and downbear fire ?E?$a[qing jing sgn] Channel-Clearing Powder $ ( ) [qing jing tang (sgn)] Channel-Clearing (Menses-Clearing) Decoction (Powder) ?S$3kh t % [qing jing zhi xu6 tang] Channel-Clearing Blood-Stanching Decoction ?SP;W;[qing k6ng gaol Clear Sky Paste ? S G a [qing k6ng sgn] Clear Sky Powder ?S%+75*.[qing ling qujln] TB-11 (Clear Cold Spring) ?S?+:II#J[qing ling yuan] TB-11 (Clear Cold Abyss) ?S$lJ[qing li] clear and disinhibit ?$+I]@?;!: [qing li shi 1-61 clear heat and disinhibit dampness ?Si,$HEtf( [qing l i h g gan l t ~yin] Cool Clearing Sweet Dew Beverage ?%if$@ [qing lijlng gaol Cool Clearing Paste ?Si,$M% [qing liang jii d ~ i ]resolve toxin with clearing coolness ?%?,$"if( [qing liing yin] Cool Clearing Beverage ? S Z * [qing ling] TB-11 (Clear Spirit) ?Skg;$IX PA [qing lub biio yin] clear the network vessels and preserve yin fSkt3 th [qing lub yin] Network-Clearing Beverage ? 5 g [qing ming] Pure Brightness [5th solar term] ? S TA [qing ning wjln] Clear and Quiet Pill; Clear and Quiet Pill
?S!$RBt% [qing pi chQ shi tang] Spleen-
Clearing Dampness-Eliminating Decoction ?%!$&I[qing pi tang] Spleen-Clearing Decoction ?S!$tA [qing pi yin] Spleen-Clearing Beverage ? S T [qing qi] clear qi ?ET+;ft- [qing qi bh sheng] clear qi failing to bear upward; non-upbearing of clear qi; non-upbearing of clear qi ? $ T ~ L @ $[qing L qi huk t i n win] QiClearing Phlegm-Transforming Pill ?$Ti,%E [qing qi liing ying] clear qi and cool construction ?ST?!':[qing qi 1-61 clear qi heat ?S% [qing qiiio] clear orifice ?S?!\ [qing 1-61clear heat f%t(:{$$@t&[qing r6 biio jin fg] HeatClearing Liquid-Safeguarding Formula : [qing r6 bii qi tang] HeatClearing Qi-Supplementing Decoction ?g?!:f+E&t%[qing r6 bii xu6 tang] HeatClearing Blood-Supplementing Decoction ?S?!:tA [qing r6 fii] heat clearing ?$?!\ ?3th [qing r6 gh jing tang] HeatClearing Channel-Securing (MensesSecuring) Decoction ?S?;!\ikE[qing r6 huh shi] clear heat and transform dampness ?E?!:ik@[qing r6 huh t i n ] clear heat and transform phlegm ?S?!:dk@Re [qing r6 huh t6n kai qiho] clear heat, transform phlegm, and open the orifices ?$?&it@%[qing r6 huk t i n yho] heatclearing phlegm-transforming medicinal .ig?!\fi11[qing r6 ji] heat-clearing formula ?S?&fr#%[qing r6 jie biiio] clear heat and rksolve the exterior ?E?!\@%[qing r6 jii dQ] clear heat and resolve toxin fS ?!:fcl$B511 [qing r6 jii dli ji] heatclearing toxin-resolving formula $g?!\f~#s%[cling r6 jie du yho] heatclearing toxin-resolving medicinal ?g?;!:fi$E[cling r6 jii shii] clear heat and resolve summerheat
?$?!\%R[qing r? kiii qiio] clear heat and open the orifices ?$?$!\%IlB [qing r? li shi] clear heat and disinhibit dampness ?f$?C\ $1 %fill [qing rk li shi ji] heat-clearing dampness-disinhibiting formula ?3?k%IJ 7k [qing r l li shui] clear heat and disinhibit water ?$%if%& [qing r? liing xu?] clear heat and cool the blood j3 ?!\it%&& [qing r? liing xu? fii] heatclearing blood-cooling method ?$?4\ ?,%&fir] [qing r? liing xu& ji] heatclearing blood-cooling formula $$?i\i,%&EJ [qing r? liing xu2 yio] heatclearing blood-cooling medicinal ?f$?&i,%&_Lt~W% [qing ri: liing xu? zhi xu? yio] heat-clearing, blood-cooling, and blood-stanching medicinal ?$%Ba €I [qing r? ming mii] clear heat and brighten the eyes ?3?4\hZJ@ [qing re riin zho] clear heat and moisten dryness ?$?,\4k%B [qing rk sh6u liin yho] heatclearing astringing medicinal ?f$?4\iB&?% [qing rk ti60 xu? tiing] HeatClearing Blood-Regulating Decoction ?$?$\B# [qing r? torig lin] clear heat and free strangury (lin) ?f$$i\$gfl[qing r? xi fkng] clear heat and extinguish wind ?S?AEi A [qing r? xi? hu6] clear heat and drain fire I ' ?$?&i%A'?&[qing r? xii: hu6 fii] heatclearing fire-draining method y$ X 311 [qing E x ~ ehu6-ji] heatclearing fire-draining formula $$#\i%F [qing r? xik xi$] clear heat and induce draining precipitation ?f$j&@ EEJ [qing rk z i o shi yiio] heatclearing dampness-drying medicinal ?f$?[\_LtE ?% [qing r? zhi beng tang] HeatClearing Uterine Bleeding Decoction $$?!\lt % @J [qing rk zhi d i i tang] HeatClearing Discharge-Checking Decoction ?S?!:_Lt& [qing rk zhi xu?] clear heat and stanch bleeding
@ % $2P a [qing rk zi yin] clear heat and enrich yin fSkP;fjR.i%[qing shing f6ng feng tang] Upper-Body-Clearing Ledebouriella Decoction @ I - $ i j @ @ [qing ~ shing juiin t6ng tang] Upper-Body-Clearing Pain-Alleviating Decoction ? $ I 3[qing shing sHn] Upper-BodyClearing Powder ?$_t 5tL [qing shing win] Upper-BodyClearing Pill $ [qing shi h u i t i n ,tang] Dampness-Clearing PhlegmTransforming Decoction i3@!?& [qing shi rk] clear damp-heat @%t.jFJ@! [qing shii li shi] clear summerheat and disinhibit dampness ?f$$ZJ&5. [qing shii yi qi] clear summerheat and boost qi ?f$ $ZJ & 9@J [qing shii yi qi tiing] Summerheat-Clear~ng Qi-Boosting Decoction ?$,% [qing sii] depuration; depurate ?$,%fl$9 [qing sii f?i qi] clear and depurate lung qi %# [qing ti] clear snivel (nasal mucus) ?$3 [qing w?i] clear the stomach ?f$E [qing wei gc chi] clear the stomach and secure the teeth f $ g P+@ [qing w?i jihng nil clear the stomach and downbear counterflow ?$E @I [qing w?i siin] Stomach-Clearing Powder ?f$E $5 [qing w?i tang] Stomach-Clearing Decoction [qing wen b i i d~ yini Scourge-Clearing Toxin-Vanquishing Beverage ?$SfP [qing .xiel clear evil ?Si%[qing xi?] clear and drain ?f$# [qing xi6 shiio ying] clear and discharge the lesser yang (shGo y h g ) ?f$& [qing xin] clear the heart ?$&&Ti\ [qing xin di r?] clear the heart and flush heat ?f$&&[qing xin hu6] clear heart fire %&%@ [qing xin kiii qiio] clear the heart and open the orifices
tg1i\g3tA[qing-xin liin zi yin] HeartClearing Lotus Seed Beverage @lL\i,%jG& [qing xin liing gt? tang] HeartClearing Diaphragm-Cooling Decoction #& jE, & [qing xin xi2 hu6] clear the heart and drain fire t$lL\&$'B[qing xin yi shtn] clear the heart and boost the kidney tgE?(': [qing xii r i ] clear vacuity heat $$@ ?&3lJ [qing xii r i ji] vacuity-heatclearing formula t$ E 2':35 [qing xii re yho] vacuity-heatclearing medicinal $gafA[qing xuhn yin] Dizziness-Clearing Beverage tgrfn [qing xu&] clear the blood tgrfnf4':[qing xu& r i ] clear blood heat ~ ~ D ~ + l j[qing j ~ @ yan~ li g i tiing] ThroatClearing Diaphragm-Disinhibiting Decoction t&?DH$ZI Us$%[qing yiin rhn zho tiing] Throat-Cle-aring Dryness-Moistening Decoction ti$ Dm $51[qing yan tiing] Throat-Clearing Decoction tgDB7; @$% [qing yan xi2 t i n tang] Throat-Clearing Phlegm-Precipitating Decoction tg Dm 8 3 $% [qing ytin y i n g ying tang] Throat-Clearing ConstructlonNourishing Decoction tg [qing ying] clear yang tgPQ+f;ft. a;7;P@ [qing y5ng bB sheng, zhu6 yin bh jiing] clear yang failing to bear upward and turbid yin failing to bear downward; non-upbearing of clear yang and non-downbearing of turbid yin tS PEl fjl [qing y6ng chii shhng qiho] clear yang issues through the upper orifices $8PH El%@ [qing y5ng fa c6u li] clear yang effuses through the interstices [qing yiing shi si zhi] clear tg[JHg yang makes the four limbs replete @ 11% ii-- +$ [qing yi i r hho] PancreasClearing Formula No. 2 tgJ@@J [qing yi tang] Pancreas-Clearing Decoction
tg R - q
[qing yi yi h$o] PancreasClearing Formula No. 1 $lfg$~ [qing yin wiin] Voice-Clearing Pill tgg [qing ying] clear construction tf$E @I [qing ying tang] ConstructionClearing Decoction t g g B E [qing ying t6u z h h ] clear construction and outthrust papules t$BF!k [qing ying xit r i ] clear construct~onand discharge heat tg&S [qing y6 d6] clear residual toxin t$@ [qing zio] clear dryness t$@& j$ $$ [qing z$o jih f i i tang] Dryness-Clearing Lung-Rescuing Decoction tESt%[qing z h i n tang] Clearing Invigoration Decoction #% [qing zhEng] steam without adjuvants; plain-steam $$I+$& [qing zhong tiing] Center-Clearing Decoction $2 [qing] light $2% [qing fiing] light formula [an evennumber or odd-number formula consistently used] $2# [qing f i n ] calomelo (Calomelas) $$fill [qing ji] light formula S T & %[qing kc5 qh shi] light [medicinals] can eliminate repletion $2tSi@iH [qing qing shii jig] clear and course with light [medicinals] Esj$5,[qing xuiin fki qi] diffuse lung qi with lightness EBdZJ@[qing xuPn rhn zso] moisten dryness by light diffusion @.@?5 [qing yho tang] ~ u m b u i Lightening Decoction H& [qing xu&} latrine bleeding [bloody stool] fg' [qing] affect MC$ [qing xh] emotion fgCrt;Z$%%?I [qing xh yi ji di>ng] impulsiveness; excitable ff$$gf$ga[qing xh you yh] melancholic fSZ [qing zhi] affect-mind; emotion TSZ+B [qing zhi bu shii] affect-mind ill-being
fg.ZTZ [qing zhi b t ~sui] affect-mind dissatisfaction [qing zhi nei shiing] affect-mind internal damage ffiZfiB'r,B[qing zhi yG jiC] affect-mind binding depression; emotional depression +&&%?% [qing li'in ju ru tang] Scutellaria, Coptis, Tangerine Peel, and Bamboo Shavings .Decoction i$@T* [qing m i zi] Indian mallow seed* (Abutilonis Theophrasti Semen) -+ 14 A [qing shi] Indian mallow seedo (Abutilonis Theophrasti Semen) -CC I
qiong &I,=, [qibng gii] coccyx; .GV-1 (End Bone)
E3?@ [qibng yG gaol Fine Jade Paste
#L* [qiu] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus)
#~3* [qiu zi] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus)
f$h [qiu] sniveling f$h@ [qiu bi] sniveling nose #h@3[qili nu] sniveling and nosebleed Bh7k [qili shui] watery snivelicg
$%!I [qii] leaven . $I!!IS&!*$L [qfi mii zhi zhu win] Medi-
cated Leaven, Barley Sprout, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill @%S# [ q i mb zhou] Crushed Leaven Gruel $%!IB&!*A[qii ni6 zhi zhu win] Medicated Leaven, Barley Sprout, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill $%!I*$L [qii zhu win] Medicated Leaven and Atractylodes Bill & [qii] bend; curved; crooked; leaven is oftetz used as abbreviatiotz for @] &E [qii bin] GB-7W"O (Temporal Hairline Curve) & % [qii cha] BL-4WffO(Deviating Turn) &Plj [qii chi] LI-1 lw"0 (Pool at the Bend) 2 * [qii f i ] GB-7 (Hair Curve) & B [qii @] curved bone (anteromedial portion of the pubic bone); CV-2Wl1O (Curved Bone); KI-11 (Curved Bone) [qu gii duan] KT-11 (Crooked Bone's End); CV-2 (Curved Bone's End); KI-11 (Curved Bone's End) [qii hin] angle of the mandible @** [qu jie] HT-3 (Bending Joint) &g*[qii lign] hemsieya [tuberla (Hemsleyae Tuber) [qg quin] LV-8 '(Spring at the Bend) & l ! j * [qfi shin] earthworm' (Lumbricus) &!$* [qii yi] ST-6 (Tooth Bend) [qii yk] axillary fold & R [qii y~j]curved corner [temporal hairline] &fB [qii yuin] SI-13W1i0(Crooked Wall) [qii zC] PC-3W"0(Marsh at the Bend)
5 [qiii] hill
hE [qiii xii] GB-4OWi1O(Hill Ruins) W [qiii] autumn [season associated with metal]
[qiii b8i tang jing yk] begonia stem and leaf* (Begoniae Caulis et Folium) [qiii fen] Autumn Equinox [16th solar term] $A% [qiii mi01 downy in autumn bulse] $ A 6 [qiii shi] processed urine ldeposita (Hominis Urinae Depositum Praeparatum) $xE$% [qiii ying zhbng hCng] [in]-autumn [the pulse] responds like a level line $At2 [qiii zio] autumn dryness ?AI:%{Z3 [qiii ziio shiing wci] autumn dryness damaging defense bfi !&I * [qiii yin] earthworm* (Lumbricus) Ifi [qiii] hill 15 E*[q iii xii] GB-40 (Hill Ruins) 3:$% [qiu hbu] Back of the Ball [nonchannel]
[qii zhi] bending and straightening &l;fj [qii zhou] curved surround; temporal hairline [qii] bend; curved; crooked @ * [qii gii] CV-2 (Crooked Bone); KI-I 1 (Crooked Bone) @ @%* [qii gii duan] CV-2 (Crooked Bone's End); KT-I I (Crooked Bone's End)
a a
Ei$;f;$lJ [qu shen bii li] inhibited bending and stretching
i$Ojl@ [qii shen kGn niin] difficulty in bending and stretching eg [qii m i i ] dianthuse (Dianthi Herba)
EZ$j$ [qii
miii siin] Dianthus Powder
&?%@? [qu,mii sui] dianthus flower0 (Dianthi Spica) $$@[qii] leaven
4E [ q ~ i ]expel 4E& [qii ch6ngl expel worms; worm expulsion
4E & G [qii ch6ng yho] worm-expelling medicinal
4E)Xl, [qu fEng] expel wind GJE)Xl,fiR%% (2% ) [qCI fEng jig dli s5n (tang)] Wind-Expelling Toxin-Resolving Powder (Decoction) GjB:jXl,$j$gitkF[qu fEng s i n ri: yin zi] Wind-Expelling Heat-Dissipating Drink 4B)Xl,-%;;lr [ ~ C IfEng yi zi siin] WindExpelling O n e Zi Powder
2% L ? [qii hui tang 6r hho] Roundworm-Expellmg Decoction No. 2 -YB2%&[qii tiio tang] Tapeworm-Expelling Decoction 1J.L [qii] subaxillary region Sk [qii] dispel ?2)XI,[qii feng] dispel wind ?2)Xl,R@[qii feng chh shi] dispel wind and eliminate dampness
?Z)Xl,{X&[qii feng h u i tiin] dispel wind and transform phlegm
?Z)Xl,$IJ?EG[qii fEng li shi y i o ] winddispelling water-disinhibiting medicinal
?&)XI,@ [ q i feng shi] dispel wind-damp
% [qii .feng shi wen li yho] wind-damp-dispelling interiorwarming medicinal ?ZjXl,BB[qii feng shi yio] wind-dampdispelling medicinal ?ZHSA$ [qii feng xuan fki] dispel wind and diffuse the lung ?Z)Xl,%h[qii feng y5ng xuk] dispel wind and nourish the blood ?2)Xl,L-% [qii fEng zhi tbng] dispel wind and relieve pain ?ZmE?'fl [qii feng zhi b50 dan] Supreme Jewel Wind-Dispelling Elixir 72% [qii hiin] dispel cold ?2%& [qii h i n fii] dispelling cold ?2%4L@ [qii h i n huii t i n ] dispel cold and transform phlegm ?Z%% [qu h6n yho] cold-dispelling medicinal [qii shi] dispel dampness ?2B&% [qii shi shn hiin] dispel dampness and disinhibit cold ?Z@ [qii tiin] dispel phlegm ?%Bfi[qii t i n w i n ] Phlegm-Expelling Pill SZ5fB [qii xiel dispel evils ?24PGE [qii xi6 crin zhkng] dispel evil and safeguard right ?2%P?& [qii xi6 W] evil-dispelling method SZ%[S&.kIE [qu xi6 fii zhkng] dispel evil and support right ?Z%PU+AiE[qii xi6 yi fri zheng] evil is dispelled to support right ?2@ [qii yii] dispel stasis S&(@.j&rtn [qii yii hu6 xu61 dispel stasis and quicken the blood ?%#I$ [qii yii xi50 zhi>ng] dispel stasis and disperse swelling ?Z@k& [qii yii zhi xu61 dispel stasis and stanch bleeding $II. [qii] take; apply treatment at R2GBZ'it [qii jing p6i xu&]select channels and combine points % tL % [q[qii xihng bi Ei] classification according to manifestation m$;Itl?%[qii yuan tang] Deep-Source D e coction !$, [qii] tooth decay
[qii chi] tooth decay % [qu] eliminate; remove; minus; go; away from & j$ & h i i fii s h ] Putridity-Eliminating Powder & A % [qii hu6 du] eliminate fire toxin &%$& [qu 16i tang] Coming and Going Decoction &%&% [qii 1ii xin tbng] coming and going heart pain &%B%ZI& [qh w5n chCn cub] eliminate stale water %3% [qii yi] eliminate eye screens St@[qii you3 remove oil &@%$,, [qii yii sheng xin] eliminate stasis and engender the new Sa [qh zhii] remove the dregs; strain
quan f Tr;P [quin bh chiin] complete infertility
* T Z & [quin bii jin shi] complete absence of food intake [quin chong] scorpion0 (Buthus) 3 ij3 [qu&n diing gui] whole tangkuei [rootlo (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Integral *Ill%* [quin guii di] melon stalke (Cucumeris Melonis Pedicellus) %Zj$ * [quin guii 16111 trichosanthes [fruit]@ (Trichosanthis Fructus) fj(;&@ [quin guii 16u] whole trichosanthes [fruit]@(Trichosanthis Fructus Integer) *$El* [quin hu] peucedanum Crooijo (Peucedani Radix) *&[quin lii] whole deer@ (Cervus Integer) f E h [quin lii win] Whole Deer Pill 529 [quin shen] whole body; generalized * 9 t g i R @ s [quin shEn qing kuiing jiio chii] poor general condition 2 9 &{% [quin shen z h h g hbu] general pattern f% % [qucn shEng bii zhu s:n] Whole Life Ovate Atractylodes Powder
*& *
[quin shu] complete compendium; collected works f@ [quin xie] scorpion0 (Buthus) % tfi* [quin chi] Spring Pool [nonchannel] [quin sheng zu] Spring at the Foot [non-channel] [quin yi] GB-22 (Spring Humor) &@* [quin yi:] GB-22 (Spring Armpit) @ % [quin jiiin] Fist Tip [non-channel] 2$5% [quin rnio] ingrown eyelash g%$l]B[quin rnio diio chii] ingrown eyelash 2&%$l]Il2[quin m8o diio jii] ingrown eye 1ash @ [quin] recover [quin yii] recover porn illness]; recovery porn illness] F#El [quin wb] curled-up lying posture @f@P [quin liio] SI-18 (Influential BoneHole) @7j [quin] cheek [region of the cheek bone] @jj$ [quin chi] reddening of the cheeks [quin gii] cheek bone [zygomatic bone] @7[quin j%I bong] reddening of the cheeks #!&fig [quin liio] SI-18LV'l" (Cheek BoneHole) f t [quin] dog
,%*a %a*
[que pen] supraclavicular fossa; ST12-w1IO (Empty Basin) $kg@[que pCn gii] clavicle SiAZ% [que p6n jii] supraclavicular flat abscess ('jfi) $&&@g [que pin kui liin] ulceration of the supraclavicular fossa FA91 [que rir] scant breast milk; oligogalactia [old] 4;rl [qui:] eliminate 4;rlb [qui: shii] eliminate summerheat [qu&]sparrow' (Passer) $$ l L * [qui: 61-1sparrow' (Passer) --
$2 l L 3 5 5 % [quk 6r yho zhou] Medicinal
Sparrow Gruel SEi [quk mjlng] sparrow blindness; night blindness %& €3 [quk mh] sparrow vision; night blindness +EBB % * [quk niio xiong] ligusticum [root]@ (Llgustici Rhizoma) $2 [qui: she cso] lesser hypericumO ( H y p e r ~ cJaponici ~ Herba) &A%* [qui: t6u xiiing] cyperus [root]@ (Cyperi Rhizoma) $2U$b$ [ q u i zhu6 m i i ] pecking sparrow pulse
ran %& [ r i n gii] KI-2'V//" (Blazing Valley) %@ [ r i n gii] blazing bone (navicular bone); KT-2 (Blazing Bone) [ r i n s h i diin] python's gall* (Pythonis Vesica Fellea) $@E[riin tiii] stained fur
hA @ BB
rang k!C% [rjlng xi&] waterflow diarrhea
Ift [rHo] harass
2% [rho] skirt around; around %M$C@j [ r i o q i t i n g tbng] pain
around the umbilicus; periumbilical pain %M@j [rho qi t h g ] pain around the umbilicus; periumbilical pain
re ?& [re] heat; hot; fever ?&+& [ri: bi] heat constipation
[qui:] gate tower [region between the . eye brows]; glabella [qui: shhng] upper gate tower [region above the glabella] jd&* [quk s h i ] BL-14 (Gate Tower Transport) (@I $ [quk zhong] middle gate tower [region between the eyebrows]; glabella
8% @ % S * [qlin 1in bhi dli ego] agrirnonyo (Agrimoniae Herba) [qOn biiin chuiing] skirt hem sore
?&iTj[r& bi] heat block , ?(:'& [ri: bi] heat impediment (bi) $4 @E [ri: bi jing jui] heat-block tetanic reversal ?!:% [rk bing] febrile disease; heat disease ?C:$J?S& [rk chi dli shkng] intense heat and exuberant toxin ?!a:% [ri: chuiin] heht panting ?(\% [ri: chuiing] heat s o r e ?&'@ [rk diin] pure heat ?!:S [rk dD] heat toxin ?4:%%,!& [rk dli chi shkng] exubwant heat toxin ?<\%Efi[r& dli chong chi] rampant heat toxin ?&ST&[rk dli xih xui:] heht toxin precipitation of blood t!:D)E [rk k] heat hiccough ?4\B[ri: i:] trapped heat ??\JjSi[ri: fO] take hot ? ! \ ~ i + f l [rk fli chong rkn] deep-lying heat in the thoroughfare and controlling vessels ?&R*[re fii] BL-12 (House of Heat); GB-20 (House of Heat) ?!\B [ri: giin] heat gan
?;-Z\R% [ri: g i ] heat occlusion ?4\tF [ri: hiin] fever sweating ?&$EWPfl[ri: hho zhen yin] heat wearing true yin ?<:'g [ri: bong] baking &!\S&L [re huh luhn] heat cholera ifin in [ri: ji dbng fEng] extreme heat stirring wind ? & & M a [ri: ji fEng dbng] extreme heat stirring wind ?!\@%%I, [ri: ji sheng feng] extreme heat engendering wind ?4:&%% [re ji sheng h i n ] extreme heat engendering cold ?!:@{lZI% [re ji si h i n ] extreme heat resembling cold &?:ffl] [ri: ji] hot formula ?4\4$ [ri: jiC] heat bind !!:2&E E [ri: jii c h i n g wki] heat binding in the intestines and stomach ?4\2&%M[ri: jii p i n g guiing] heat binding in the bladder ??\/L&%Y% [re jiC p i n g liD] heat bind with circumfluence &2&E E [ri: jii w&i ching] heat binding in the stomach and intestines ?!\2$T % [ri: jiC xih jiiio] lower burner heat bind 4{:2&JQ [ri: j i i xiong] heat chest bind ?&2&[JR% [ri: jii y i n g ming] heat binding in the yang brightness (ybng ming) Z4:M [ri: jig] resolution of fever ?<:% [ri: juC] heat reversal ?+\%&%[ri: j u t xin tong] heat reversal heart wain ;3rl.\n2 [ri: kC] heat cough i$tEj [ri: kg] heat thirst 54: T%% [ri: kg qtI h i n ] hot [medicinals] can eliminate cold !4\33 [ri: kuing] heat mania ?!:$€I [ri: lei] heat tearing ?&j$~ [ri: li] heat dysentery ?!:#$ [ri: lin] heat strangury (litz) ?4:BgJ&% [ri: n i n g shi:ng h i n ] heat can overcome cold ?!:E [ri: niii:] heat malaria
[ri: iju] heat retching; heat vomiting
?!:a[rk pi] heat glomus ? 4 \ B k E [ri: ph d h ch6ngl heat distressing the large intestine
?!:9Z&L [rk qi hub luhn] heat qi cholera ?!:)fi;J@JR [ri: r8o xi6ng gC] heat harassing the chest and diaphragm
?<:ABBE [ri: rii m6 yuin] heat entering the membrane source
? ( \ A 9 % [ri: rii qi fkn] heat entering the qi aspect
?!:AIL\& [ri: rtI xin biio] heat entering the pericardium
?&A&* [ri: rii xu6 f h ] heat entering the blood aspect [ri: rii xu6 shi] heat entering the blood chamber ??:AEh\ [ri: rij ying fen] heat entering the construction aspect
?(:AB& [rk rii ying xu61 heat entering construction-blood ?!:4%fl$2& [ri: shiing Ei lub] heat damaging the network vessels ol the lung ?4:{%fi%Bk[rk shiing jin miii] heat damaging the sinews; damage t o the sinews by heat ?!\{%@9 [ri: shiing jin qi] heat damaging liquid and qi ?&{%9[ri: shiing qi] heat damages qi ?{:{%5PB[ri: shang qi yin] heat damaging qi and yin ??:{%@m[rk shiing s h i n ming] heat damaging the spirit light
+${%gPfl [ri: shiing ying yin] heat damagirrg LoriSil ucikii and
&: $%& [ri: s h j o h i n duo] more chills than fever
$&izJgfiz [ri: shen ju6 shen] severe' heat and severe reversal
it:& [ri: shkng] exuberant
?!\&M3 [re s h h g feng dhng] exuberant heat stirring wind [ri: shZng qi] exuberant heat stage; exuberant fever stage ?;&@9* [re shi:ng qi fen] exuberant qiaspect heat
?(:&@rJ [rZ jCshkng fi zC zhdng] when heat
is exuberant, there is swelling ?&H!i!Ilj$ [rk s h h g z i zhdng] when heat prevails, there is swelling tA:B.1'%SJM[ri: shi jii xi6ngl heat repletion chest bind ?!:of:$ [rk sbu] heat cough ?A:% [rk t5n] heat phlegm t,$% [rk thng] heat pain; hot and painful [or sore] t,&B[rk tui] abatement of fever ?!\Z$E?$ [rk wD fkn rk] avoid the mistake of using heat against heat t!:R$i [rk xiin] heat epilepsy ?&I@[rk xiio] heat wheezing ?(:%I3 [rk xi61 heat evil ?4:SfI31$!?2 [rZ xi6 c h u i n li] heat evil passing into the interior; heat evil interiorizing t4: SfP [t;J [rZ xi6 nki bi] internal heat evil block tC\SfP{%@[rk xi6 s h i n g jin] damage t o liquid by the heat evil ?&SfPEEfliti[rZ xi6 y6ng fki] heat evil congesting the lung t,4:ff[3P$J.R$ [rk xii zii fki] heat evil obstructing the Iung i&i% [rZ xi&] heat diarrhea ? + J L \[rk ~ xin t h g ] heat heart pain ??\En%[rk yk ti] heat night crying 24: El :?! H [rk yin rk yhng] treating heat with heat ?!:Grfn'L_& [rk yii xuk jii] heat binding with blood %GP [rk yii] heat depression ?4\%B?% [rk yii tang] H e a t Depression Decoction t,&%DRRW [rk yii xiong gC] heat lying depressed in the chest and diaphragm jif:%ll@R$ [rk yii y6ng fki] heat depressing and congesting the lung !if:% [rk yiin] hot pack f&$$ [rk z i o ] heat dryness [of the stool] ;f!:J!1]9[rk .i@ zC qi xis] when there is heat, qi discharges !&)I& [rk zhiing] heat distention '
?!:8%2 [rk zhe h i n zhi] heat is treated with cold
t!:8% [rZ zhZn] cold array ?!ti$ [rk zhZng] heat pattern ?A: [rk zhbng] heat stroke
?$@ [rk zhu61 heat turbidity ?!:%9'WPA [rZ zhu6 shkn yin] heat scorching kidney yin
A [rin] man; person; human; humankind AgP [ r h bii] human level
A 2 [ r i n dko] D a o of humankind [ s e x ~ ~ n l itzterco~irse]
A 2 [rCn ding] serenity watch
[BIZ watch, 9-1 1 p.m.] AE$$?@$?& [rCn dbu jiE zhdng fii] pox inoculation Ajfiij [ r i n e ] hermaphrodism A 1% $$ [rCn gong niD huing] synthetic bovine bezoar@ (Bovis Bezoar Syntheticum) A @ * [rCn hing] SP-15 (Human's Horizontal) A m T [ r i n m i i n zi] dracontomelon fruit@ (Dracontomelonis Fructus) AmF3;RE [rCn m i i n zi gen pi] dracontomelon root bark@ (Dracontomelonis Radicis Cortex) AFj? [ r t n niio] human urine@ (Hominis Unna) AYL* [ r i n rii] human milk@ (Hominis Lac) A PLW [ r h rii fgn] powdered human milk@ (Hominis Lactis Pulvis) Aft:# [rCn rii zhi] human milk@ (I-Tominis Lac) A [rCn shen] ginseng' (Ginseng Radix) A S Q fit5 [ r i n shen b i i hii tang] Ginseng White Tiger Decoction A S % % % [rCn shen bki dD sSn] Ginseng Toxin-Vanquishing Powder A &? 3 F & [rkn shen dang sh5o siin] Ginseng, Tangkuei, and Peony Powder ASMrfF?%[rin shEn fii zi tang] Ginseng and Aconite Decoction
A S @ U @ [ r i n shen g i jii ssn] Ginseng and Gecko Powder A%H$A [ r i n shen gb bgn w i n ] Ginseng Root-Securing Pill A SR [ r i n shen-gu6] herminiuma (Herrninii H e r b a cum Radice) AS@l#t?TIJ [ r i n shzn h6 t i p tang] Ginseng and Walnut Decoction A % E [ r i n shen hua] ginseng flower' (Ginseng Flos) A % % E @ [ r i n shen h u i n g qi s i n ] Ginseng and Astragalus Powder A %#!R$A [ r i n shen jihn pi w i n ] Gin.seng Spleen-Fortifying Pill A % F [ r i n shen hi] ginseng top' (Ginscng Rhizoma) A SGB@JtL [ r i n shen q i pi w i n ] Ginseng Spleen-Arousing Pill A %= -k* [ r t n shen siin qi] notoginseng [rootla (Notoginseng Radix) A %$TIJ [ r i n shen tiing] Ginseng Decoction A [ r i n shen t i i o ] ginseng adventitious root' (Ginseng Radix Adventitia) A S Z ~ [ r i~n shEn ? ~ wfi w i i zi tang] Ginseng and Schisandra Decoction A jFj &,\ @J [ r i n shen xi2 xin tang] Ginseng Heart-Draining Decoction AS [ r i n shEn xu] fibrous ginseng rooto (Ginseng Radix Tenuis) [ r i n shen ygng rong tang A ( w i n ] Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Decoction (Pill) A [ r i n shEn y i ] ginseng leaf* (Ginseng Folium) A%%%%+)+ [ r i n shen zi bii piin] Enriching Ginseng Tablet A S T [ r i n shen zi] ginseng fruit' (Ginseng Fructus) A S F & [ r i n shi bh xing] loss of con: sciousness; unconsciousness A @ j* [ r i n xiin] ginseng' (Ginseng Radix) A E* [ r i n xihn] copperleafg (Acalyphae Herba) A $* [ r i n y i n ] arsenica (Arsenicum) A$$ [ r i n ying] man's prognosis; ren-ying; ST-9Wf10(Man's Prognosis)
A B b 3 [ r i n ying mhi] ren ying pulse; man's prognosis pulse A t E T [ r i n zhi jig] human naila (Hominis Unguis) A [ r i n zhong] human center; philtrum; GV-26WI1O (Human Center) A [ r i n zhong b i i ] urine sediments (Hominis Urinae Sedimentum) A +fi [ r i n zhong ding] human-center clove sore (ding) A + % [ r i n zhong huing] licorice in human feces@ (Glycyrrhizae Radix cum Excremento Hominis Praeparatum) {I[rin] seed; kernel {=$a* [ r i n pin] areca [nut]' (Arecae Semen) 41 3 * [ r i n zGo] toosendan [fruit]@ (Toosendan Fructus) f [rGn] ninth heavenly stem; S9 f7k [ r i n shui] S9-water [bladder] ,Q,+S*[ G n dong cSo] lonicera stem and leaf@ (Lonicerae Caulis e t Folium) ,Z,+E* [rEn dong hua] lonicera [flowerla (Lonicerae Flos) ,Q,+j$$ [ren dong ting] lonicera stem and leaf0 (Lonicerae Caulis et Folium) ,Q,$gF# [rEn jing bb xii] withhold ejaculation ,Q,R[ren niho] withhold urine Ifb3 [ r i n mgi] controlling vessel [new]; conception vessel [old]; CVWf10 $393 [ r i n fb] pregnant woman $3&[ r i n shEn] pregnancy @ E B [rkn shen ban] macules in pregnancy @&Fig[rkn shen bh yfi] loss of voice in pregnancy $3E%a{%fjae [ r i n shZn du yho shang tiii] damage to the fetus by poisonous medicinals in pregnancy fiEEEPE1[ r i n shen i zii] malign obstruction in pregnancy Q3E?%j$ [ r h shen f 6 zh6ngl puffy swelling in pregnancy $%EBB[ r i n shen fb tGng] abdominal pain in pregnancy
+ +s
$ZEU,tDfi [rin shen kC sbu] cough in pregnancy
$Z@RB [rin shen niho nin] difficult urination in pregnancy $ Z E E h [rin shen niho xu21 bloody urine in pregnancy $3@@W&[rin shen 6u tii] vomiting in pregnancy $$@g@:[ r h shen shC yin] loss of voice in pregnancy $3@XS[rin shen shi yin] loss of voice in pregnancy gE7kflCP [rin shen shui zh6ngl water swelling in pregnancy $Z@T;h[rkn shen xih xui] precipitation of blood in pregnancy frEE7;AfiMB [rin shen xih zhi thou jin] lower limb cramp in pregnancy $Z@miiE [ r i n shen xi6n zhkng] epilepsy in pregnancy $3@+{ET[;jFIj[rin shen xi50 bihn bh li] inhibited urination in pregnancy $3@/j\ {ET @ [rin shen xiio bihn bG t h g ] urinary stoppage in pregnancy $Z@ 11) @ # % [rkn shen xi50 bihn lin tbng] strangury (lin) in pregnancy ~ ~ @ J L[rin \%B shen xin fin] vexation in pregnancy $z@JL\/@J&@~ [ r i n shcn xin fii zhhng min] distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen in pregnancy $3EQ2@[rim sh6n xuhn yiin] dizziness in pregnancy $3@3,E,[rin shen yho ji] contraindication of medicinals in pregnancy @ f @ g n $ ; &f@agu$ [ r h shen yin y5] loss of voice in pregnancy $3EJ@jE [rin shen zh6ng zhhng] swelling and distention in pregnancy $z@ f l [rin shen z h h g feng] wind stroke in pregnancy frE@F [rin shen zi chong xin] fetus surging into the heart [in pregnancy] $Z@=F.a'.; [rin shen zi yin] loss of voice in pregnancy $3@[lHE[rin shen zii bing] obstruction sickness in pregnancy
Ef $. J l l q [ri b6n chuiin xidng] cnidium root@ (Cnidii Officinalis Rhizoma) El %it@?$: [ri bii chio 1-61 late afternoon tidal fever El @Ffi [ri bii su6] late afternoon watch [B9 watch, 3-5 p.m.] El tt: [ri chu] sunrise watch [B4 watch, 5-7 a.m.] Ef 1% [ri die] sun's descent watch [B8 watch, 1-3 a m . ] El l's7E [ri jiin niii] tertian malaria El [ri jiii] after a long time; prolonged Ef R g * [ri ri chiin] Madagascar periwinkle* (Catharanthi Rosei Herba) El A [ri rii] sundown watch [BIO watch, 5-7 p.m.] Ef q * [ri xiong] cnidium root@ (Cnidii Officinalis Rhizoma) Ef $EXE [ri yk wu dii] day and night without measure El B [ri yui] GB-24WUO (Sun and Moon) El [ri zhong] midday watch [B7 wofch, 11 a.m.-I p.m.]
&a*[ r h g xiin] halite* (Halitum) && [r6ng yin] halite0 (Halitum)
a%$& [r6ng y6n tgng] Halite Decoction - @ [r6ng ~ h h ] Behind the Countenance [non-channel] @$* [r6ng zhii] GB-3 (Generous Host) %HFf$& [r6ng fh tang] Young Deerhorn and Aconite Decoction 3 fi * [r6ng jig01 velvet deerhorna (Cervi Cornu Parvum) @P;f.Pt [r6ng shii y i ] banyan leaf* (Fici Microcarpae Folium) @3@ [r6ng xii] banyan aerial root* (Fici Microcarpae Radix Aeria) [r6ng] luxuriant; luxuriance; construction [r6ng kii] luxuriance and exsiccation [tongue diagnosis]
[rou] soft; emolliate
%8T [rou gin] emolliate the liver % @ [rou jing] soft tetany
B& [rou fii] rubbing [mntzip~~kitio~~ techniq~ie] [rbu] flesh m E [rbu bi] flesh impediment (bi) m & [rbu chong] flesh worm m $11 [rbu ci] corn m Z % [rou cong r6ngl cistanche [stem]@ . (Cistnnches Caulis) ZR f;L [rbu c6ng r6ng win] Cistanche Pill mE: [rbu cbu] interstices of the flesh [rbu dbu kbu] nutmeg0 (Myristicae Semen) m9 [rbu fen] seam of the flesh mE@$ [rbu ge dii] elevated scar ;E$ [rbu gui] cinnamon bark* (Cinnamomi Cortex); BL-57 (Fleshy Cinnamon) m$$,L\* [rbu gui xin] shaved cinnamon bark@ (Cinnamomi Cortex Rasus) m;f;f$Q[rbu gui you] cinnamon oil* (Cinnamomi Corticis Oleum) I3 %* [rbu gu6] nutmeg' (Myristicae Semen) m?!? [rbu ji] meat-type food accumulation @J$E [rbu ji] extreme of the flesh m Z E [rhu kbu shuing] nutmeg frost* (Myristicae Seminis Pulvis) PI% [rbu lilil flesh tumor m$'& [rbu Iun] flesh wheel [eyelid] l3J$'kMt!l; [rbu llin feng 1-61 flesh wheel wind-heat m $ ' & T E [rbu lun qi xi] flesh wheel qi vacuity m$'&?!l;PR@@ [rou Ilin r6 zii xui: yi] flesh wheel heat obstruction and blood stasis $'&B%[rou llin shi 1-21 flesh wheel damp-heat m!JSfj [rbu r t ~ n ]twitching of the flesh I3-&?J?% [rbu shi ji zhi] meat-type food accumulation
@ * [rbu song r6ngl [stem]@(Cistanches Caulis)
[rhu tuo] desertion of the flesh
m& [rhu wgi] flesh wilting (we'i) m ZIS* [rbu xi] BL-36 (Flesh Cleft) m@ [rbu ying] flesh goiter m 8*[rbu ziio] cornus [fruitla (Corni Fructus) [rbu zheng] steaming flesh m g . 3 " [rbu zuiin zi] leech* (Hirudo seu Whitmania)
$U$F!#j [rli ji fen] chalky nz.$Uf dl1 [rli qing d5o guii] like the light scraping of a knife [rli s$ng shin shdu] spirit seeming to have lost its containment h R Z & T I $& [ru sh6ng jin diio s5n] Sagely Incised Wound Powder $ U Z B [rli sh6ng siin] Sagely Powder Y&UI? 2% [rli shui niu zhi shi] tongue like a water buffalo's $a&&%% [rli yi jin hujng siin] Agreeable Golden Yellow Powder $ U $ E h @ [r; yin nki zhiing] silvery internal obstruction $I@$U?iE [r~;zui rli. kuing] as if drunk or crazed %3.*[rli c5o] bupleurum [root]@ (Bupleuri Radix) [rli jiii] Confucianism; Confucianist G ' [ru] moist; moisten; soggy [pidse] g b k [rG mhi] soggy pulse rgqltl [rli xi61 soggy diarrhea $1 [rii] breast; mammary; breast milk; milk; suckle; suckling; lactation $L@ [rii bo] fine mortar; porcelain mortar $lDA [rii chui] suckling breast welling abscess (y6ng) 4 1 s [rii dli] mammary toxin [sore] $L4& [rii 61 nipple moth $12 [rii fii] effusion of the breast $l@[rii fing] breast
%La ?IB$
[rii f i n g h6ng zh6ngl red swollen breast $L@A#% [rii f i n g zhkng tbng] distending pain in the breast $LBj$$k [rii f6ng zh6ng kuhi] breast lump [rii f i n g zh6ng tbng] painful 71% swollen breast fL&{$8f;: [rii f i n g zub zhhng] distention of the breasts fL93f23W5 9 [rii fh n5i shgo] scant breast milk 7LB [rii giin] mammary gan %L& [rii gen] ST-lSW1'O (Breast Root) fL@ [rii h i ] mammary node; breast node $L%R[rii ji] milk accumulation 71's [rii ji] mammary disease TLE [rii jii] mammary flat abscess (jci) fL@ [rii Iio] mammary consumption 71%. [rii li] mammary node 71% [rii li] mammary chestnut 91% ; $L;& [rii lbu] mammary fistula [rii n i n ] difficult lactation 7LB3 [rfi nfi] spontaneous bleeding of the nipples $L@ [rii pi] mammary aggregation (pi) f l t c [rii qi] weeping breasts; mild galactorrhea $19 [rii shHo] scant breast milk; oligogalactia [old] 7L-&$EB [rii shi ji zhi] feeding accumulatton 31% * [rii shii] lanceolate codonopsis [root]" (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae . Radix) $Lid:$ [rii sbu] suckling cough fL% [rii t i n ] mammary phlegm [node] 21% [rii tbng] mammary pain 21% [rii t6u] nipple %L&;tn [rii t6u fEng] nipple wind fL%@% [rii t6u pir lik] cracked nipple PLA@h$ [rii t6u pZ, sui] cracked nipple 71 B * [rii t6u xiang] frankincense' (Olibanum) $La [rii xi] fine-mortar grind
fL@ jrii x i h ] suckling lichen (xirirz) ?1S [rii xi~ing]frankincense* (Olibanum) fL%Z%StL [rii xiiing ding tbng win] Frankincense Pain-Relieving Pill
21% [rii y h ] mammary rock ('yrin) fL% [rii yong] mammary welling abscess ('yW )
21s [rii y i n ] areola fLjg [rii zhhng] distention of the breasts $LJf;-Fg [rii zhhng bh tbng] distention of the breasts without pain
f1.j-I- [rii zhi] breast milk; milk fL~Flil5J[rii zhi bh chhng] inhibited flow of milk
fL:hF B [rii zhi b c tong] breast milk stoppage [old]; analactia [old] fL';JI-FT [rii zhi bh xi;] breast milk stoppage [new]; analactia [old] fL.#Fj=j [rii zhi bh xing] breast milk stoppage [tzew]; analactia [old] fL,j-I-$ [rii zhi shiio] scant breast milk [tzew]; oligogalactia [old] fLt-f-$$$ [rii zhi zhi shiio] scant breast milk [rzew] f 1# iLt$ [rii zhi zi chu] loss of breast milk [rzew]; galactorrhea [old] fL,# $ [rii zhi zi lbu] leakage of breast milk [new]; galactorrhea [old] $Lie [rii zhi] milk stagnation PL+ [rii zhong] ST-17WflO (Breast Center) $L@?$;l;2 [rii zhong ji6 hk] node in the breast ?Lj$ [rii zh6ngl swelling of the breasts $L?$$ [rii zhou] Milk Gruel fLP i7ij 6?,\ [rii zi 6r bing rg] suckling heat disease ?LF @;tn%[rii zi zhbng feng re] suckling wind-heat stroke A enter; entry; inward movement; ingest Aih&+ [rG di jin niG] shiny bramble@ (Zanthoxyli Nitidi Radix seu Ramulus et Folium) Ai & [ r di wD gong] helminthostachys [rootla (Helminthostachy dis Rhizoma) A S [rc fing] sexual intercourse
A G [KGjing] channel entry A g [rh li] pass into the itltcrior; interiorize; interiorization [rh siin] used in powders [rG wan] used in pills [KGyio] used as medicine [rii chuing] bedsore [rh jing] childbirth tetany [rij chuing] bedsore En [rii feng] childbed wind B% [rb 1601 childbirth taxation
A% A h A% @Ti5 ?J$@ E&
ruan 119 [ r u i n ] soft [same a s $A ruiin]; limp L ~ r ~ r nns e $A r~iiin]
$A [ r u h ] soft; limp $ A n [ruiin feng] limp wind $A@ [rub gaol ointment $A% [ruiin jifin] soften hardness TkZR% [rub jiiin chli miin] soften hardness and eliminate fullness
$AZ%gg [ruiin jiin shn jii] soften hardness and dissipate binds $Afl;tl [ r u i n 121 soft ribs $A$Dl;$.[ruiin ru mi5111 soft and spongy $ A 6 @ * [ruiin shi gaol gypsum' (Gypsum) $A% [ruiin tan] limp paralysis $A#@* [ruiin tang] malt sugare (Granorum Saccharon) $A%9 [ruiin zi c i o ] soft puccoona (Macrotomiae Radix) $A)%!& [ruiin zu wen] limp foot scourge
[rui rCn] prinsepia [seedla (Prinsepiae Semen) 5$, 2 83 * [rui long niio] borneol' (Borneolum) 5$,%* [rui xu51 trichosanthes rooto (Trichosanthis Radix) tg [rui] sharp %gE [rui fh] e a r lock [of hair] @l@ [rui gii] styloid process of the ulna +$! [rut zhong] HT-7 (Edge) Sgldt [rui zi] outer canthus
run [riin] twitching of the eyelid; twitching of flesh EllJ.k,%!, [ r h yi t i i xi] intermittent sighing [riin] moist; moisten; lubricate fi%JR[riin chgng] moisten the intestines fq @J [ r h chang tang] IntestineMoistening Decoction $3af? [rhn chang wan] IntestineMoistening Pill dZjRiqA [ r b chkng xi& hu6] moisten the intestines and drain fire aZjfl$ [ r h f2i] moisten the lung $qfl$IkB [ r h f2i h u i tiin] moisten the lung and transform phlegm N%Jfl$IkBG [ r h f2i huii tiin y i o ] lungmoistening phlegm-transforming medicinal @Jj$ ;;.k [rhn f2i ssn] Lung-Moistening 'Powder @Ifl$$$H [ r h f2i z i ji] moisten the lung and moisturize the skin @Jfl$@iFR[riin f2i zi yinj moisten the lung and enrich yin @JBn $3 [riin ji g i o ] Flesh-Moistening Paste @JB [riin r6ngl moisturize the complexion @ ?$% I [ r h shCn siin] Spirit-Moistening Powder 8 4 3 [ r h tail mbist tongue fur fZjir17; [rGn xi&] moist precipitation; precipltate with moistness AZlT'Z [riin xi& y i o j moist precipitating medicinal 83% [rim zho] moisten dryness [email protected]%[riin ziio 5n t i i tang] DrynessMoistening Fetus-Quieting Decoction @J@IkB [riin z i o huh tan] moisten dryness and transform phlegm f4;t:$ $l] [riin ziio ji] dryness-moistening medicinal $ZJ;t:$$B [rhn z i o yio] dryness-moistening medicinal fg@&$d;Pat% [rOn z i o yi yin tang] DrynessMoistening Yin-Boosting Decoction
?& [rub] weak
GGht [rub mii] weak pulse
f#; $5 * [s5] sprinkle @ tl&% !i 5% [&.xi wC hbn] aversion to cold as after a soaking
sai [siii] blockage; congestion
%& [sai bi] stuff up the nose
[siii f5] insertion [sai yin sai ybng] treating the stopped by stopping [sail cheek weshy side of the face]
= [san] three; third; triple; trinity; threefold ZM P & [san ko tang] Rough and Ready Three Decoction 3 $ 3 [sin b6i ego] saururuso (Saururi Herba) 3fifB;j+E%* [siin b5i li5ng yin yio] oroxylum [seedlo (Oroxyli Semen) 3% [siin biio] three gems [essence, qi, and spirit] =%$& [sari bi ting] Three Impediment Decoction [siin bii wan] Triple Supplementation Pd1 38P [siin bh] three positions ZgPhlS [siin bh jiii h h ] three positions and nine indicators 3$ +E iEj [san c6i bii xi&]heaven, human, and earth supplementation and drainage [needling method] fT H B f i [san c6i feng sui diin] Heaven, Human, and Earth Marrow-Retaining Elixir
[siin c5i tang] Heaven, Human, and Earth Decoction Z E E B f i [siin cCng hui xiang wbn] Three-Option Anise Pill Z X l f f @ [san cha hii gen] slender evodia root0 (Evodiae Leptae Radix) 3 X $ F f l t 3 % t g % f i [san cha shCn jing tbng jing yin fang] Trigeminal Neuralgia Empirical Formula Z3h [sin chi] Triple Pool [non-channel] =&% [siin ch6ng bing] three worm diseases [siin ci] triple needling 3i& [siin f5] three methods of treatment 3% 14 * [san fen IU] GV-1 (Three Fen From the Gate) ' I$)- 3 [siin fen ssn] angled scopolia@ (Scopoliae Acutangulae Radix, Folium, seu Semen) =fi [siin fii] three periods of greatest heat; third period of greatest heat [san gu6] Three Kingdoms [220-280 A.D.] 3 G f i [san hC mii] triple combination pulse 31% [siin hbu] three five-day periods [one solar term] z E @ { G fn!i.[ huii shCn ybu w6n] Three Flbwers Spirit Protection Pill fIt?&[san h u i ting] Three Transformations Decoction _$i?gfififi [sin hu6ng b5o l i wbn] Three Yellow Jewels Wax Pill %% [siin hu6ng 2r xiang s5n] Three Yellows and Two Fragrances Powder = Bfigfi [sin hubng l i wbn] Three Yellows Wax Pill
3 $ $ 6 @ $ 5 [siin huing shi giio tiing] Three Yellows and Gypsum Decoction 2% D$@$Z$ [siin huing si wii tiing] Three Yellows Four Agents Decoction Sg $5 [siin hu6ng tiing] Three Yellows Decoction 3BtXj";.IJ [siin huing xi ji] Th,ree Yellows Wash Preparation f3 is &\$5 [siin huiing xi6 xin tang] Three Yellows Heart-Draining Decoction ,f ;jtL [siin huing zhi zh6 win] Three Yellows Bitter Orange and Ovate Atractylodes Pill =;liUilGE?& [siin jiii jiin zhkng qi sin] Third Variant Qi-Righting Powder 3 11& ~ * [siin jiii pi] trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) ---* [siin jii cSo] short-leaved kyllingaO (Kyllingae Brevifoliae Herba seu Radix) 3 T zbic?% [siin jii fii mhi tiing] TripleArmored Pulse-Restorative Decoction 3 EQ * [siin jii pi] trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) [siin jiiin] LT-3W"O (Third Space) Z E . [siin jiiio] triple burner; TB; TEWI1O 3 % Bjif [siin jiiio biin zhkng] triple burner pattern identification =%\?2 [siin jiiio jing] triple burner channel E&n& [sin jiiio kd] triple burner cough 3 @ , % * [sin jiiio mii] CV-5 (Triple Burner Alarm) fj&% i?: [siin jiiio shi re] triple burner repletion heat 3 % & [siin jiiio shu] BL-22Wff0(Triple Burner Transport) 3%, 4m [siin jiiio xiiin] three charred agentso (Crataegus, Hordeum et Massa Usti) Z % E % [sin jiiio xii hin] triple burner vacuity cold ?%.=$&@ [siin jiiio zhii ju6 dli] triple burner governs the sluices EBt;P * [siin jiio bie] slender evodia root0 (Evodiae Leptae Radix) A
3 WiJ $Z [siin jiio cio] chlorophytum@ (Chlorophyti Laxi Herba seu Radix) 3% [siin jiio ji] Deltoid Muscle [nonchannel] =&& [siin ji5o jiii] Moxibustion Triangle [non-channel] Z t g ? * [siin jiC jiiio] CV-4 (Triple Intersection) 3 & $ & [siin jin tiing] Golden Three Decoction Z@.[siin ICng] sparganium [root]@(Sparganu Rhizoma) Z @ * [s:S;n ldng] sparganium [root]@ (Spargan~lRhizoma) _;t:g$& [siin ling tiing] Sparganium Decoction Z & A [siin ICng w6n] Sparganium Pill Z @ + t [siin ling zhen] three-edged needle ~9 ( f)* [siin li sh6u] LI-10 (Three Li (arm)) 3 g $+ [siin li whi] Outside Three Li [non-channel] 39 ( )* [siin li zli] ST-36 (Three Li (W) =% [siin mio] three hairs [region just proximal to the base of the nail of the great toe] ~ $ 9 [siin 8 miio sin] Mysterious Three Powdcr =$$j$, [siin miho win] Mysterious Three Pill =& [siin pin] three grades [of medicinals] 3g- %t& [sin pin yi tiio qiiing] ThreeShor Gun 3 - k [siin qi] notoginseng [root]@ (Notoginseng Radix) - L S [san qi cio] gynura@ (Gynurae Folium seu Herba) --LE [siin qi huii] notoginseng flower@ . (Notoginseng Flos) 3-kP t [siin qi yk] notoginseng leaf@(Notoginseng Folium) =% [sin qi] three mysteries [essence, qi, and spirit] 3 5 % [siin qi sin] Wondrous Three Powder
=41$fi [siin r6n tiing] Three Kernels Decoction f413iTA [siin rCn wii zi w6n] ThreeKernel Five-Seed Pill EI [siin ri niii] quartan malaria 5 fi [ s i n shiing] Three Shang [rzonchannel] 3 $ $ $ ~[sari s h i n w6n] Three Spirits Pill =%?A [siin shEng yin] Three Raw Agents Beverage z E 3 [sari s h h g s i n ] Sagely Three Powder 353 [siin shi s j n ] Three Stones Powder 3 5 $ $ [sin shi tang] Three Stones Decoction [siin wii bi! tiiio] at threes and f fives Ip~ilse] E 3 i - L B [san wii q i s h ] Three-FiveSeven Powder =% Q & [siin wi! bki s j n ] T h r e e Agents White Powder Z @ % ~ ,[sZn $ Lwi! b i i ji w i n ] Three Agents Emergency Pill Zf@-%T $ 3 ~ [sZn wij h u i n g qin tang] Three Agents Scutelhria Decoction E!+@BS?$, [siin wij xiiing ru yin] ThreeAgent Elsholtzia Powder Z@SI/J\ Q 3 [siin wi! xigo b6i ssn] Three Agents Little White Powder -4llrfJ [siin xiiin diin] T h r e e Immortals Elixir 3 i l l r $ I f t A - * [siin xiiin h6ng sheng diin] red upborne elixir (Hydrogyrum Oxydaturn Crudum Rubrum) Eqlllj!~[siin xiiin w i n ] Three Immortals Pill [i& iIE [siin xiin zhkng] three inward fa!l patterns S# [siin xiiio] three wasting-thirsts ?A [siin xigo yin] Three Dispersers Beverage f'( Dj- [siin yii kii y6] slender evodia [leaflo (Evodiae Leptae Folium) f$BgUf* [ s i n y5 kii ye] slender evodia [leaflo (Evodiae Leptae Folium) 3 B H [siin yang] triple yang [three yang channels]; third yang channel Cgreater yang]; GV-20 (Three Yang)
3 8 H % [siin yiing bing] triple-yang disease ZPHe% [siin y6ng hC bing] triple-yang combination disease
3PH/L$ [sUn ying lub] TB-8 (Three Yang Connection) ~PH.iSM$3J[siin y6ng qing ji6 tang] Triple Yang Clearing and Resolving Decoction 3PHXB [siin y6ng tou t6ngl triple-yang headache z B f l E & * [siin ykng wii hui] GV-20 (Three Yang Fivefold Convergence) -BE(&-X, ZPRG+ [siin y6ng zhi t6u siin yin zhi sh6u] yang channels pass through the head, and yin channels along the arms =-&5$% [siin yi ch6ng qi tiing] ThreeIn-One Qi-Infusing Decoction =B3fi [siin yi tiing] Triple Action Decoction [siin yin] three causes [of disease] [the three categories of disease causes] ZPJj [ s i n yin] triple yin [three yin cham nels]; third yin channel [greater yin] 3 [siin yin bing] triple-yin disease E P J j P [s!n yin jiiio] SP-hW1IO(Three Yin Intersectton) 3 P J j E [san yin jing] triple-yin tetany 31JaS [siin yin niii.1 triple-yin malaria 3 P J j X B [[siin yin t6u t h g ] triple-yin headache =+j-j?~J $& [siin zhkn ci C5] three-needle method 3 8 h Dfag* [siin zhi jiii y?. ego] epimediuma (Epimedii Herba) ==j'-@~ [siin zi tiing] Three-Seed Decoction -=j'-%+!% [siin zi y i n g qin tiing] ThreeSeed Flllal Devotion Decoction 8iZTij3 [siin wii bij tiio] at threes and fives [pulse] 3 [siin] powder ;;lrfil] [sin ji] powder preparation; powder (preparation) 3 [shn] dissipate; dissipation; scatter %$I] [sin ci] scatter-pricking %jX, [ s i n feng] dissipate wind 3% [sin h i n ] dissipate cold
%%jk& [sin h6n h u i t5n] dissipate cold and transform phlegm %%jL&Gj [sin h6n h u i t6n yio] colddissipating and phlegm-transforming medicinal %%@$ [sin h5n jig biio] dissipate cold and resolve the exterior 3$ % [sin h6n yiio] cold-dissipating medicinal %%kt@ [sin h6n zhi du] dissipate cold and check vomiting %%ltB[sin h6n zhi tbng] dissipate cold and relieve pain % A ?% [sin huii tang] Fire-Dissipating Decoction %2;fZSf% [sin jii ding ting tang] BindDissipating Pain-Relieving Decoction %bZ [sin mii] dissipated pulse; scattered pulse & P;.IF ?% [sin pian, tang] Hemilateral Headache Decoction % .kX [sin xiio] Disseminating Laughter [non-channel] Bdn [sin xu61 dissipate the blood %@ [sin yii] dissipate stasis $&%StW?%[siin yu g i gEn tang] StasisDissipating Pueraria Decoction %%%D!%?% [sin yii h i shang tang] StasisDissipating Injury Decoction 381192 [sin zhe shdu zhi] dissipation is treated by contracting [sin zh<.i] dissipating array %f.kB$i$Zf% [sin zhiing kui jian tang] Swellmg-Dispersing Hardness-Breaking Decoction
[sang b5i pi] mulberry root barko (Mori Radicis Cortex) % 13E ?% [siing b5i pi tang] Mulberry Root Bark Decoction %ffi%$ ?% [sang dan xi6 b5i tang] Mulberry and Moutan White-Draining Decoction %ti3 $ Ffi* [sang gen b6i pi] mulberry root bark* (Mori Radicis Cortex) StW E*[sang gen pi] mulberry root bark0 (Mori Radicis Cortex)
%%* [sang gud] mulberry* (Mori Fructus)
%%* [sang ji] mistletoe* (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus)
23% [siing ji shEng] mistletoe' (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus); southern mistletoe0 (Loranthi Ramus) [sing ji sheng sin] Mistletoe Powder %3$i'r:A [siing jli yin] Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Beverage %$$* [siing li] mulberry* (Mori Fructus) [sang m5 w5nl Mulberry Leaf and Sesame Pill SE*[sang pi] mulberry root barka (Mori Radicis Cortex) %&-# [sang pi zhi] mulberry bark sapm (Mori Corticis Succus)
%@&R[sang pi50 xiao] mantis egg-casem (Mantidis Ootheca)
Gh2&B@ [siing pigo xiso sin] Mantis Egg-Case Powder
% 41* [siing rin] mulberry* ( ~ o r Fruci tus) %{I# [sang rin zhdu] Mulberry Fruit Gruel % I % * [sang shing ji sheng] mistletoe* (Loranthi seu Visci Ramus) 2 k@@@* [sgng shing t6ng l6ng kE] mantis egg-case* (Mantidis Ootheca) [siing shkn] mulberryg (Mori Fructus) %@T* [siing s h h zi] mulberrym (Mori Fructus) Sg T*[sang shkn zi] mulberrye (Mori Fructus) %&T@ [sang shen zi gaol Mulberry Paste %%* [sang shi] mulberry* (Mori Fructus) ~ @ $ [sang ~ * shG y6] mulberry leaf* (Mori Folium) %% * [sang ti601 mulberry twig* (Mori Ramulus) G?iR * [sang xigo] mantis egg-case* (Mantidis Ootheca)
&%?A [siihg xing tang] Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernel Decoction Gat [siing yk] mulberry leaf' (Mori Folium) $8*[siing ziio] mulberry' (Mori Fructus) %@ [sing zhi] mulberry twig' (Mori Ramulus) %@RiESt?A[sang zhi hii zhhng tiing] Mulberry Twig and Bushy Knotweed Decoc: tion n$$T[slng zi] voice box a$T W T {$@ [siing zi fii giin zu6 ylng] dry itchy larynx $$j [slng] forehead $fiA* [siing dB] ST-8 (Forehead Large)
sao $3$ [siio] scratch [siio ylng] scratch [to relieve itching] [siio zhuii] scratch E& [siio] itch %% [siio giin] itchy gan &@ [siio ylng] itching. J@![siio] animal odor; urine odor j@R [siio c h h ] animal odor; urine odor @% [siio wki] animal odo;; urine odor El & E [siio ch6ng jiiin] Worm-Sweeping Brew EIg*[siio pin] calomel' (Calomelas)
& [s&].complexion; color; sensuality; sex '&@[sk cui] haggard complexion &k'&[sk kk bing] color [phase] restraining disease [phase] & h k e , S [sk rnhi h i can] correlation of complexion and pulse &E [sk ming] color blindness &K5:+ [sk sui qi hui] bloom of the complexion depends on qi; complexion blooms from qi &i'$ [sk zi] color and she'en; complexion '&@ [sk zhen] examination of the cornplexion
E [sk] rough [pulse, urination]; dry [eyes]; astringe
t E h m H [sk ching gh tuo] astringe the intestines and stem desestion
E h k i T [sk ching zhi xik] astringe the intestines and check diarrhea
tEifi#$j*[sk di yli] sanguisorba [rootla (Sanguisorbae Radix)
tZ3IJ [sk ji] astringent formula Blfik [sk mhi] rough pulse :It$ [sk] rough [same as tE si.]
sha f i [shii] sand; husky [voice] fif$ [shii chiio] sand-fry
* [shii ki] amomum husk* (Arnomi Pericarp~um) f i g * [shii mi] honey* (Mel) ?${I* [shii rin] amomum [fruit]' (Amomi Semen seu Fructus) fi [shii shen] adenophoralglehnia [root]@ (Adenophorae seu Glehniae Radix) figs+?% [shii shen mhi dong tiing] AdenophoraJGlehnia and Ophiopogon Decoction fi @ $ 3 [shii shen zh6u] AdenophoraIGlehnia Gruel [shii tii giin] leech' (Hirudo Seu Whitrnania) f i # [shii t6ngl granulated sugar* (Saccharon Granulatum) PJ
f i E S @ * [sha
yuin ji li] complanate astragalus seed0 (Astragali Complanati Semen) f i E T [shii yuhn zi] complanate astragalus seed0 (Astragali Complanati Semen) fi+* [shii ziio] hippopha [fruit]@ (Hippophae Fructus) 69 [shii] sand; grit 6 9 %[shii ~ guo] earthenware pot
69%" [shii kt] amomum husk' (Amorni Pericarplum)
69# [shii lin] sand strangury (lin)
69{1 [shii rCn] amomum [fruit]' (Amomi Semen seu Fructus) li941E [shii rCn huii] amomum flower' (Amomi Flos) 6911% [shii rin kC] amomum huskm (Amomi Pericarpium) li9;fi#% [shii shi lin bing]
shai ;im [shiii] sieve ElaT [shii giin] sun-dry
shan LLI [shiin] mountain LLI $ % [shiin bii jli] ageratum aster (Asteris Ageratoidis Herba cum Radice) LLI &$* [shin biin zhli] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma)
LLI E** [shiin biio mi] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma)
LLI 6 $0 * [shiin biiin biii] greater selaginella@ (Selaginellae Doederleinii Herba) U S E * [shiin bb hC] bluebeard' (Caryopteridis Incanae Herba (cum Radice)) LLI ?jZ *. [shiin cii] bupleurum [root]@ (Bupleuri Radix) LLI & * [shiin ch5] crataegus [fruitla (Crataegi Fructus) LLI Z E [shiin c h i hug] camellia [flower]' (Camelliae Japonicae Flos) LLI 8%"[shiin ci gu] shancigu [bulbla (Shancigu Bulbus) & %%* [shiin ci gu] shancigu [bulbla (Shancigu Bulbus)
~ gfi& [shiin
ci gu] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus) LLI %%* [shiin ci gu] shancigu [bulbla (Shancigu Bulbus) LLIAn [shiin dj. diio] red psychotria [twig and leaflo (Psychotriae Rubrae Ramulus et Folium)
LLI A n@[shiin d i diio gen] red psychotria root0 (Psychotriae Rubrae Radix) LLI A Z$R* [shiin dk dbu gEn] bushy sophora [root]' (Sophorae Subprostratae Radix) & AEfitR* [shiin dii y5n gen] red psychotria root0 (Psychotriae Rubrae Radix) LLIi~g*[shiin di li] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma)
g + E [shgn dll_! gcn! h m h y snphnra [root]" @ophorae Subprostratae Radix) LLI [shiin dbu gEn tang] Bushy Sophora Root Decoction PfSjil, [shiin fing feng] Shandong ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix Shandongensis) LLI H S [shiin giin ciio] hairy mussaenda [stem and leaflo (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) LLI #B [shiin gen] mountain root (region between the inner canthi); Mountain Root [non-channel]
[shiin gui 15i] smooth greenbrier [root]@(Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) LLI +E F * [shiin giin ciio] greater selaginella@ (Selagmellae Doederleinii Herba) & @!I!% [shiin hiii lu6] lanceolate codonopsis [rootlo (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix) LLI 21 5+? * [shin h6ng guii] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) LLI %IZ b * [shiin h6ng 1116 b6] sal\tia [root]@(Salvlae Miltiorrhizae Radix) LLJ3%&T*[shiin ji t6u zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) L L I a * [shiin ji] ovate atractylodes [rootlo (Atractylodis Ovatae Rhizoma) LLI * [shiin jiii] pangolin scales' (Manitis Squama) LLI T [shiin jiii piin] pangolin scales' (Manitls Squama) LLI $$I [shiin jiiio] peppery zanthoxylum@ (Zanthoxyli Piperiti Fructus) LLI $$J +R [shiin jiiio gen] large-leaved zanthoxylum root0 (Zanthoxyli Dissiti Radix) % * [shiin jiii yuk $1 wild chrysanthemum@ (Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice) LLI $$ % * [shiin jli qi6ngl ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma) LLI g f i * [shiin kii guii] cucumber gourd root@ (Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix) LLI @ [shiin kuh] mountain rampart LLI ZE*[shiin 16n hug] curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) LLI E B E [shHn 1Bn zhhng dQ] mountain forest miasmic toxin LLI Z @5 [shHn lin zhing qi] mountain forest miasmic qi LLl@ * [shiin lCng] sparganium [root]@ (Sparganii Rhizoma) LLI * [shiin li] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) LLI g ! 5+?3 * [shin li gu6 zi] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) LLI % a * [shiin li h6ng guii] crataegus [fruit]@(Crataegi Fructus)
& %@ [shiin liin 6111 specious millettia [root]@ (Millettiae Speciosae Radix) LLI*B [shiin m t ~tong] Finet's clematis@ (Clematidis Finetianae Radix, Caulis et Folium) & S [shiin nii] kaempferia [root]@ (Kaempferiae Rhizoma) & Y 53 * [shiin ni6 bing] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) &fE$$* [shan p6 jiang] Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leafl0 (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) [shiin pii jiiing] five-leaved vitexa (Vitlc~sQuinatae Radix seu Lignum) LLI @ * [shiin qi] notoginseng [root]@ (Notoginseng Radix) LLJ+ZT+R* [shiin qi zi gen] lycium root bark@ (Lycii Radicis Cortex) LLI@+W [shiin rEn gen] rose myrtle root@ (Rhodomyrti Radix) [shiin rEn ye] rose' myrtle leaf@ (Rhodomyrti Folium) LLI%,F[shin rEn zi] rose myrtle seed@ (Rhodomyrti Fructus) & 3 * [shiin sgn jig] trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) & @ * [shiin shen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) h ${T* [shiin shen ziii] glossogyne@ (Glossogynes Herba) & C E * [shiin shi li6] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) & * [shiin shii] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) & @ [shiin xi21 earthstaro (Geastrum) & +& [shiin y5ng jiiio] goral horn' (Naemorhedi Goral Cornu) g!j [shiin yio] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) B$B*[shiin yi liing] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) LLI HIVE * [shan yin c h h ] siphonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba) & @ @ * [shiin ying ying] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma)
h %m* [shiin yii rbu] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus) h * [shiin yir] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) h g [shin zhii] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) h &* [shiin zhii] crataegus pit@ (Crataegi Endocarpium et Semen) LLr B'f* [shiin zhii giin] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegl Fructus) LLI i);&il;% [shiin z h i he] crataegus pit@ (Crataegi Endocarpium et Semen) h $2 * [shin zhii rbu] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegl Fructus) h&!j% [shiin zhii zhou] Crataegus Gruel h i);&F * [shiin zhii zi] crataegus pit@ (Crataegi Endocarpium et Semen) h e * [shiin zhi] gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) h @+a [shin zhi gEn] pittosporum root0 (Pittospori Radix seu Radicis Cortex) &&$I$ [shiin zhi gen] gardenia root' (Gardeniae Radix) h @ E [shiin zhi hug] gardenia flower' (Gardeniae Flos) LLI 3$$[shiin zhi mi] helicteres@ (Helicteris Herba) LLI&fff [shiin zhi pi] gardenia husk' (Gardeniae Epicarpium) h&41 [shiin zhi rin] pittosporum seed' (Pittospori Semen) a&{=* [shiin zhi ren] garde'nia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) [shgn zh: :BE] eharrzd ga&r;ia [fruit]@ (Gardeniae Fructus Carbonisatus) h & % [shin zhi zi] gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) h%.F41* [shin zhi zi ren] gardenia [frult]' (Gardeniae Fructus) LLIggg*[shiin zhii fen] smooth greenbrier [root]@(Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) LLI Em % [shin zhii rbu zhou] Cornus Gruel LLI %E [shiin zhii yli] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus)
UG* [shiin zong] curculigo [root]@(Curculiginis Rhizoma)
@E[shiin li] firwood matting
G* [shin mii] Chinese fir wood' (Cunningharniae Cortex et Lignum) [shiin pi] Chinese fir bark' (Cunninghamiae Cortex) #3?$J@@;ti [shiin hli 6 guin shi] coral goose quill stone@ (Balanophyllia) lh7# [shin cub] wrenching and contusion I'i;J#E%[shin cu6 yiio tang] wrenched lumbus pain lh7@ [shin guin] flash cupping [XI4% [shin shiing] wrenching SKI@ [shin yio] wrenching of the lumbus fli'! [shin] blanch [shin] mounting (shun) [shin jig] mounting-conglomeration (shizn jiii) [shin qi] mounting (shhn) qi G p g * [shiin zi shti] dioscorka [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) $$ [shhn] good; benign; good at; tend(ency) to; susceptibility to; frequent SZ [shhn bei] tendency to sorrow $$ @ BE 2 [shkn cuin ning zGu] mobile and penetrating SE [shiin jing] susceptibility to fright [shin k6ngl susceptibility to fear BZ [shiin nii] irascibility S@[shiin 61.11 frequent retching 3 h [shin frequent yawning $$& [ s h b sZ] benign complexion [shin shi 6r shbu] thinness despite large food intake S & % t ,[shin shi yi ji] large appetite with rapid hungering $$h,$j, [shin tii xi] frequent sighing S@[shin ti] sneezing % R [shkn wing] forgetfulness [new]; poor memory [new] [shin xi] tendency to joy Ipathological] 8%[shhn xiio] frequent laughing
a a@ a5
%@ [shin ye] frequent choking
SM,E [shin y6u si] anxiety and preoccupation S?E [shin z6u] mobile
shang B [shiing] shang
[note of lung-metal]; Shang [approx. 16th cent. B.C.-11 th cent. B.C. ] @I%[shiing lir] phytolacca [rootlo (Phytolaccae Radix) [shiing 16 zh6uI Phytolacca Gruel i& 6 [shiing qiii] SP-5WHO (Shang Hill) EiEi* [shiing qiii] SP-5 (Shang Hill) @ E& [shiing qii] KT-17W"O (Shang Bend) @&* [shiing shk] KI-17 (Shang Abode) @ PEI [shiing ying] LI-1WfjO (Shang Yang) 4% [shing] damage 4%J% [shiing fkng] wind damage 4%95n@ojPJI [shing fEng kC s6u] wind damage cough 311 [shiing feng kC sbu tiin ji] 4% J%@ Wind-Damage Cough Swill-Down Pill 4% % [shiing hin] cold damage 4% % S iE [shiing h i n biio zhkng] cold . damage exterior pattern 4% %S [!hang h i n ego] gray vernoniaO (Vernoniae Cinereae Herba) 4% %% E E f& [shing h i n 150 fG fii rk] cold damage taxation relapse fever 4%%%iiE [shiing hin li zhkng] cold damage interior pattern [shiing h i n liing gjn] cold damage dual contraction 4% %@ [shing hin pii] cold damage school 4%%!2\%[shiing h i n rk bing] cold damage febrile disease [heat disease] 4%%%7k[shiing h i n xir shui] cold damage water amassment 4% %gdu[shiing h5n xir xu61 cold damage blood amassment 4% % iE4G [shiing h i n zh6ng hbu] cold damage pattern I%# [shiing jin] damage to liquid
4%#B@[shiing jin h i o yk] damage to liquid and wear on humor
4%@ [shiing jiii] liquor damage f%@&$fj [shing jiii t6u thng] liquor damage headache 4%m&[shiing miin shi] noodle-type food damage 4% & [shiing r6u shi] meat-type food damage 4% LLJ* [shiing shiin] BL-57 (Damage Mountain); GV-1 (Damage Mountain) 4%*?$ [shiing sheng l h g ] damage by raw or cold foods [shiing shi] dampness damage [shing shi yao tdng] dampness damage lumbar pain ffjBk@B [shiing shi zhi t6ng giio] Dampness Damage Pain-Relieving Plaster 4%BQ ?+ [shiing shi zi hin] dampness damage spontaneous sweating 4%&[shiing shi] food damage I%-&&@ [shiing shi t6u t6ngl food damage headache 45% [shiing shii] summerheat damage 4%@ 7 & [shiing t6ng nipg pikn] Painful Injury Tablet [shiing ying] damage to yang {%fjPa [shing yin] damage to yin I [shkng] up; upward; ascend; rise; upper body; upward movement k/\A [shing bii feng] Upper Eight Winds [non-channel] I /\ BP [shing bii xiC] Upper Eight Evils [non-channel] k@T% [shing bio xii chui] drooping of the upper eyelid J-%T$R [shing bing xi8 qii] treating upper body disease through the lower body k@ [shing b6] upper arm ISi$* [shing chCng qi] Upper Tear Container [non-channel] k@l% [shing chi qii] upper tooth decay [shing chi t h g ] aching among the upper teeth
kS,E * [shing
ci gdng] SP-12 (Upper Palace of Charity) k$g+[shing dii sh6uI reachable sore of the upper back Iff-H [shing d i n tiiin] upper cinnabar field k % A 8 * [shing d i n g rCn shen] codonopsis [root]@ (Codonopsitis Radix) k $[shing dii] Upper Metropolis [norzchannel! k%Bfi[shgng du xu&] upper metropolis point kg%% [shing 2 yong] palatal welling abscess bong) [shing i3r gEn] Upper Ear Root [non-channel] kE 3 [shing fii b2i] effusion of the upper back kR$ [shiing fEng shi] Upper Wind Metropolis [non-channel] kJlW7;J [shing lW gC xi8 gC] vomiting from above and below the diaphragm k 1 [shing gdng] practitioner of high proficiency 1r E@j%[sh8ng gong qili qi mCng y i ] superior physician nips the bud k# [shing guiin] GB-3W11"(Upper Gate) kg*[shing g u k ] CV-13 ( u p b e r Duct) 1%7; t4: [shiing h i n xi8 1-61upper body cold and lower body heat k+$Pa * [shing hC yiing] Upper Yang Union [non-channel] k@@ [shing hCng gii] upper transverse bone [superior margin of the sternum] I- G.iQ ,- LY TchGno -----h-.-h i ~uil .--,T-rr-T n n ~ rRnrk ----- R n v---in~ [non-channel] ke*[shing ji] CV-12 (Upper Regulator); CV-13 (Upper Regulator) k T * [shing jii] turtle shello (Amydae Carapax) kg,[shiing jiiio] upper burner k%.$UA [shkng jiio rli wb] upper burner is like a mist kE,@f4 [shing \ jiiio z i o 1-61upper burner dryness-heat k%%$& [shiing jiiio zhii n i l upper burner governs intake
kH?g* [ s h h g jiEt
xi] Upper Ravine Divide [non-channel] klgg [shing jing ming] Upper Bright Eyes [non-channel] kg [shing jing] running up k EE [shiing jii xii] ST-37WI10 (Upper Great Hollow) k%7;% [shkng juC xi8 jiC] upper body reversal and lower body exhaustion kg [shing E n ] LI-9WfIO (Upper Ridge); ST-37 (Upper Ridge) k@,$I [shing liin quin] Upper' Corner Spring [non-channel] If [shing & liio] BL-31WIlO (Upper BoneHole) kg [shing 16ngl Upper Deafness [nonchannel] k1'7* [shing m6n: I(T-20 (Upper Gate); KI-21 (Upper Gate) 1% [shing ming] Upper Brightness [non-channel] kgT@ [shing pi xi8 chui] sagging of the upper eyelid [shhng pin] top grade I9 [shing qi] qi ascent [shing qi hii] CV-17 (Upper Sea of Qi) kg [shing qiiio] upper orifice kFBI$ti! [shkng qu chi] Upper Pool at the Bend [non-channel] k&% [shing qii quin] Upper Spring at the Bend [non-channel] 1?4\T% [shing r2 xii hin] upper body heat . . and lower body cold k 3P * [shing siin li] LI-10 (Upper Three Li) kBTE [shhng sh6ng xii xu] upper body exuberance and lower body vacuity k;EFE[shing shi jii] upper body stone flat abscess ('jii) k%TE [shing &hixi8 xii] upper body repletion and lower body vacuity ktdB7;[shing siin ji xi81 detriment to the upper body affecting the lower body kEiI:#[shing :* tiiin ti] GV-1 (Stairway to Heaven)
kE+-$[shhng tiiin
zhG] Upper Celestial Pillar [non-channel] _ ~ D I ~ ; P % [shhng tG xih xi21 simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea IE [shiing win] upper stomach duct; CV-13WfI0(Upper Stomach Duct) ej#z&[shhng wii ch5o rk] morning tidal fever kt% [shiing xi] Upper Ravine [nonchannel] k7;iIEfiE[shhng xi8 p2i xu6 fii] combining upper and lower body points [shhng xiiio] upper wasting; upper burner wasting-thirst kg [shhng xing] GV-23W110(Upper Star) kBT% [shhng xii xih shi] upper body vacuity and lower body repletion [shing xu2 hiii] Upper Sea of Blood [non-channel] kg [shhng y5n] flame upward; upflame k[IH # [shhng ying guiin] Upper Yang Joint [non-channel] I%)%, [shiing yi feng] Upper Screen Wind [non-channel] ID@* [shiing ying xiiing] Upper Welcome Fragrance [non-channel] [shhng zhong xi8 tong I TBH@)%,fi ybng tbng fEng fiing] Upper, Middle, and Lower Body General-Use Wind Pain Formula
shao $2 [shiio] burn i%G1t$[shiio clin xing] burn preserving
nature [i.e., burn without destroying nature]; nature-preservative burning $gK [shiio hui] char $g$!j%;f;B* [shiio jiii hli gen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) $2LLIA [shiio shin hu6] burning mountain fire method $g{% [shiio shiing] burn $%Sf [shiio zhen] red-hot needling %H%+MrfP% [shiio gin huing xin fh tilng] Peony, Licorice, Rhubarb, Asarum, and Aconite Decoction
KJ g~ [shko
yiio] peony [root]' (Paeoniae
Radix) --+.+.
? [if3 $i $5 [shio y20 giln ciio fC zi tiing] Peony, Licorice, and Aconite Decoction KJ 8 9 H g $51[sh5o yho giin ciio tang] Peony and Licorice Decoction %9@1[shiio yho tiing] Peony Decoction $ [shiio] scant; reduced; diminished $% [shiio mki] reduced sleep $9 [shiio qi] shortage of qi $97r; GE #)6i ,@, [shiio qi bG nCng biio xi] shortage of qi with inability to catch one's breath 9% [shiio qin] reduced sleep $& [shiio shi] reduced eating [shiio shi duo mki] reduced eat$&& ing and profuse sleeping $@ [shiio shui] reduced sleep $tA [shiio yin] low fluid intake /J/\ [shiio] lesser $ j$ [shiio thong] HT-9WFlO (Lesser Surge) $ i$* [shiio thong] HT-9 (Lesser Thoroughfare) $R;f [shho fii] HT-8W110 (Lesser House) $@ [shho fh] lesser abdomen [new]; lower abdomen [old]; lateral lower abdomen [old] $ & ,326 [shho fh ji ji6] tense lesserabdominal bind $@ g3,[shho fh li ji] lesser-abdominal urgency @ #j [shho fh miin] lesser-abdominal fullness ' $ @an B [shio fh rli shhn] lesserabdominal draft 'J.' @@ [shho fG tbng] lesser-abdominal pain $@@% [shho fh ying miin] hard fullness in the lesser abdomen $@B&P% [shho fii zhli yCi tang] Lesser Abdomen Stasis-Expelling Decoction $E%E [shko fh zhui zhiing] sagging distention in the lesser abdomen [shho gii] LI-3 (Lesser Valley) $ X * [shho guiin] CV-7 (Scarce Pass)
KJ 49
W - V ,
$ & [shio hiii] HT-3Wff0(Lesser Sea)
/JI\ [shio huh] lesser fire $Tffi [shio shang] LU-llWffO (Lesser Shang) I]\ [shio xiiio] children's medicine $8*[shho x7n] asarum0 ( ~ s i a s a rHerba i cum Radice) $ Pa [shiio ying] lesser yang (shho ycing) $Pa +S [shio ying b i n biiio b i n li] lesser yang (shho ycing) half-exterior half interior pattern; lesser yang (slzho ycing) midstage pattern 9 .'PHs [shio y5ng bing] lesser yang (shao ycing) disease 4.59 [shio ying duo qi shiio xu&] lesser yang (shao ycing) has copious qi and scant blood 9PEI J& [shio y5ng t6u t h g ] lesser yang (shao y h g ) headache /JI\ PEl@ [shio $ng wCi] Lesser Yang kink [non-channel] 'J.'PEl%@ [shio ying wCi shii] lesser yang (shao ycittg) is the pivot $ PB PB s8 & B [shiio ying ying ming hC bing] lesser yang (shho ycing) and yang brightness bring ming) combination disease $ PB [shio yin] lesser yin (shao yin) $ Pfl %iE [shio yin biiio zhkng] lesser yin (shho yin) exterior pattern $ PJIg [shio yin bing] lesser yin (shao yin) disease $Pa 4 5+ml. [shio yin dud qi shiio xu&] lesser yin (shao yin) has copious qi and aciirli bivod $PA?&dX [shho yin r& huh] lesser yin (shrio yin) heat transformation $PJJ&@ [shio yin t6u tbng] lesser yin (shao yin) headache $.'Pa % @ [shio yin wii shii] lesser yin (shao yin) is the pivot $ Pa ZB* [sh$o yin xi] HT-6 (Lesser Yin Bone-Hole) $ PA@& [shio yin xii hu6] lesser yin (shao yin) vacuity fire $33 [shho zC] SI-1WffO(Lesser Marsh)
S [shi] tongue; lingual & $ b%PP [she b6i mii fG] white tongue [fur] and floating pulse
&& [she bZn] root of the tongue; CV-23 (Tongue Root); GV-16 (Tongue Root) [she bZn chii xu&]bleeding from the root of the tongue &% [she bi] tongue impediment (bi) [she biiin] margins of the tongue [shC biiin chi hen] tooth marks on the margins of the tongue; dental impressions on the margins of the tongue gi$rJ [she bo] peeling tongue [she chhn] trembling tongue % Llj f j 9\ [shC chii k6u wii] protrusion of the tongue g'g[she chuang] tongue sore ZE$ [she d i n bki] pale tonguc &$$A+@ [sh6 d i n pang n&n]pale tendersoft enlarged tongue gfi[she ding] clove sore (ding) of the tongue &+I[shi d u k ] contracted tongue g'-F [she . giin] dry tongue &@ [sh6 gan] gan of the tongue &'fa [shC g i n h6ngl dry red tongue g@* [shi gEn] GV-15 (Tongue Root) %% [shi gbu] tongue grime Sjf[shC guing] smooth bare tongue ;6'j1;; [she $1 guiing h6ng] smooth bare red tongue g Esjlt tfj [she guiing hug] smooth bare tongue g@* [shi hCng] GV-15 (Tongue's Horizontal) SZI [she h6ngl red tongue gZIB [she h6ng jiing] red or crimson tongue gZI% [she h6ng zi] red-purple tongue &% [she huiin] slack tongue &%9 [she ji5n h6ngl red-tipped tongue &% ( % ) [she jiiin] sluggish tongue
& % ( f ) T ig [she jiln b6 yii] sluggish tongue impeding speech ZJ ! B & [she jiin h u i n g sk] yellow tongue fur &?% [she jiing] crimson tongue &% [she juln] curled tongue Z %BP 9% [she j u l n luln su6] curled tongue and retracted testicles %E!j [she jhn] tongue mushroom & % [she 161-11 blue tongue X B [she lik] fissured tongue &$$ [she mit] numb tongue; numbness of the tongue Z$$B[she m6 bi] paralyzed tongue bh3 [she m i i ] tongue and pulse & B f t U % [she m i i n rli jing] mirror tongue T-f-!@ [shk nkn] tender-soft tongue [she n&n h6ngl tender-red tongue &@I [she nb] spontaneous bleeding of the tongue &8# [she ping] enlarged tongue g J # A[she p i n g d i ] enlarged tongue SAT!@ [she p i n g nkn] tender-soft enlarged tongue d.@ [she piiin] deviated tongue g @$if [she piiin xiel deviated tongue Z@F$IJ [she qi m i n g ci] prickly tongue -65% [she qiing] stiff tongue g SgT ig [she qi6ng bG yii] stiff tongue impeding speech; stiffness of the tongue impeding speech &$gig% [she qiing yii jiln] stiff tongue and sluggish speech &E [she qing] green-blue tongue & W % [she qing zi] green-blue o r purple tongue S t Z [she s&] inhibited tongue -& &*@ [she sk zhii bing] correspondences between tongue color and disease g f;k &fi [she s h i n g chii xu&] bleeding from the upper surface of the tongue Z k$$[she s h i n g huing] yellow tongue fur X +E% [she s h i n g q i b i n ] petalled tongue fur
g# [shC shkn] tongue spirit % % tf #I [she sheng m i n g ci] prickly tongue
%%@ [she sheng piio] tongue blister
gg@& [she shiing yii bin] stasis macules o n the tongue
Z@jB [shC shbu big] shrunken tongue
ge [she shii] elongated tongue
%# [she sui] cracked tongue g % [she su6] contracted tongue Z g [she tiii] tongue fur; tongue coating g E B [she tiii bii] white tongue fur % E $ E @ [she tiii b i i hbu h u i ] thick glossy white tongue fur g 3 0 H [she tiii b i i nil slimy white tongue fur gS B [she t l i b i i niin nil sticky slimy white tongue fur %EQ 4D%R# [she tiii b i i rli ji fen] mealy white tongue fur g Z & %[she tiii fii gbu] putrid grimy tongue fur %EE@[she tiii g i n z i o ] dry tongue fur gSE3ll [she tiii huii b6] patchy peeling tongue fur ggg [she tiii huing] yellow tongue fur %g$$#$i [she tiii huing cio] rough yellow tongue fur %E$$H[she tiii huing nil slimy yellow tongue fur & X [she t i i hui hei] gray-black tongue fur %[email protected][she tiii jiiio hei] parched black tongue fur %gg$i$ [she tiii jiiio huing] burnt-yellow tongue fur Z@[she ti] tongue body g@@#+:ti& [she ti piiin xi6 diiu dbng] deviation and trembling of the tongue [she tbng] painful tongue %A*@ [she t6u fa ying] stiffening of the tongue gS [she wiii] deviated tongue%jg,Ltiiii [she wki xin miio] tongue is the sprout of the heart
& E ; &'B [she wii] limp tongue & if7; [she xii] below the tongue; sublin-
gual -6% [she xiing] tongue (image) Z%g%[shi xing zhti bing] correspondence between the form of the tongue fur and disease Zi rfn [she xu&] bleeding tongue &% [she yin] tongue rock ( y h ) &R* [she ykn] GV-15 (Tongue Repression) & @ [she yiing] itchy tongue &% [she ybng] welling abscess (ydng) of the tongue & & [she zh$n] trembling tongue &%A [she z h h g d$] distended enlarged tongue & @ [she zhin] tongue examination & Ej [she zhi] tongue body &Ej$i&M [shC zhi d$n nkn] pale tendersoft tongue &EM% [she zhi nkn dkn] pale tendersoft tongue &)@#$I [she zhi n&n h6ngl tender-red tongue &A$ [shC zhiing] swollen tongue; GV-15 (Swollen Tongue) &A$ k *@ [shC zhiing d$ mii ying] swollen tongue hard as wood Z & [she zhii] Tongue Pillar [nonchannel] ZiZ [she zi] purple tongue ZitM [she zbng] protracted tongue g3g-F [she zbng xiin xi$] protracted tongue and drooling )fi [she] snap 4@ [she] snake [she biio gii] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma) [shC bki ding] snake's-back clove sore (ding) [shC c h u b chuiing] snake string sores %&{I* [she chi ,ng rCn] cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monni~riFructus)
ER%*[she chuing shi] cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monnieri Fructus)
@RT [she chuing zi] cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monnieri Fructus)
92% 3 i$ &3lJ [shC c h u i i ~ gzi chong xi jig Cnidium Seed Rinse 3~ [she chuing zi sIn] Cnidium Seed Powder E&T$ZJ[shC chuing zi tiing] Cnidium Seed Decoction Efi[she diin] snake cinnabar EBllS* [she dko tui] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) [she d6] snake venom E @ *[she fii] snake slough* (Serpentis Exuviae) EM+*[shC fii] snake slough" (Serpentis Exuviae) !I@@ [she % fG ding] snake's-belly clove sore (ding) EEB* [she ge dB] agrimony' (Agrimoniae Herba) 4@ 3 [she hin] cinquefoil* (Potentillae Kleinianae Herba (cum Radice)) E%;ti [she hin shi] iron pyritea (Pyritum Rotundum) EE* [shC kt?] snake slough* (Serpentis Exuviae) [she lin] snake scales a @ * [shC 16111 mole cricket' (Gryllotalpa) EE [shk mii] snake strawberry@(Duchesneae Herba) ** [she mi] cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monnien Fructusj EE [she pi] snake skin; snake slough* (Serpentis Exuviae) EE@ [she pi xiiin] snakeskin lichen (xiiin) E45 [she shiing] snake bite E&S* [she shC ciio] hedyotisa (Hedyotis Herba) E d * [shC shC guiing] hedyotisa (Hedyotis Herba) E 9 [shi shen] snake body [shC shi] snake lice
EZ * . [shC sii] cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monnleri Fructus)
E# [she ti] snake body !@A*[she t6u] LI-7 (Snake Head) E A E [she t6u ding] snake's-head clove sore (ding)
E & [shC tui] snake slough* (Serpentis Exuviae)
@ & E * [she tui pi] snake slough* (Serpentis Exuviae)
EBEE [shC yiin ding] snake's-eye clove sore (ding)
E Z * [shC yi] snake slough* (Serpentis Exuviae) !I@ ?$ * [she yh] dioscorea (Dioscoreae Rhizoma)
@5X* [she zhii] cnidium seed@ (Cnidii Monnieri Fructus)
%b?M iiE
[she mii c6ng zhlng] precedence of signs over the pulse
[she zhing c6ng mii] precedence of pulse over-signs -$ [shl] abode; abide
[shi] shoot [as an arrow]
9ifT [shi gan] belamcanda [root]@ (Belamcandae Rhizoma)
$rfTB$$?% [shl gan m i huing tang] Belamcanda and Ephedra Decoction ' $3 [shl] contain; containment $3$5 [shl jing] receive essence; conceive
$g$s&@ [shk jing ching yhn] conceive B/LlfJ'R 5
[shk nii shkn qi] promote absorption of qi by the kidney $36' [shl shi] loadstone* (Magnetitum)
$3hZf7[shk xu6 wii li] poor blood containment
$3E E [sh6 ying jiiin] ConstructionContaining Decoction
@fig*[shl qi xiang] musk* (Moschus)
[shk xiiing] musk* (Moschus)
@ B ? ~[she J xiang tang] Musk Decoction EBgtl [shk xiang win] Musk Pill
shen @ [shen] ninth earthly branch; B9 @A-* [shen dan] macaque stone* (Macacae Calculus) @ 873 [shen mii] BL-62wf10 ( ~ x t e n d i n ~ Vessel) @ El$ [shen shi] B9 watch 13-5 p.m.] I$ [shen] stretch {$Eg [shen jin ciio] ground pine* (Lycopodii Clavati Herba cum Radice) I$%%[shen jin tCng] Chinese tinospora [stem]@ (Tinosporae Sinensis Caulis) 49% [shen shk] extended tongue {$H[shen zh6u] Elbow Stretcher [nonchannel] 9 [shen] body [whole body or trunk]; generalized 9 TI= [shen bh rCn] generalized insensitivity 9 @ @ [shen jin tang] generalized pain 9 i Q Z A [shen j u h fii li] fatigue and lack of strength B?+ [shen ling] cold body 9 i,3 [shen liiing] cool body [absence of fever] 9 €I8 %!hen mii fa huiing] yellowing of the bo y and eyes 9 €IlR% [shen mii jii huiing] yellowing of the body and eyes 3 % [shen pi] fatigued body 9 && [shen rk] generalized fever B 4,C:;f; 9bt% [shen r l bh wii yiing] unsurfaced fever 9 % T t.53 [shen r l bii yiing] unsurfaced fever B4,i!tefi [shen r l qi fii] fluctuating generalized fever 9 ?&$HA[shen r l rri hue](fire-like body fever 3 ?!:gi,3 [shGn r i xi liing] generalized fever with a liking for coolness 94,fiE% [shen r6 zhi hin] hot body and cold limbs 9 1CIJ-Eitl [shen rim dbng] generalized twitching 9 % [shen tCng] generalized pain 9#$B% [shln ti f i n tCng] generalized vexing pain
9+$J& Ishen ti tbng] generalized pain a#jEa [shEn ti wlng lii] weak tabid body 9 @j [shen t b g ] generalized pain; body pains Z).$gHg [shen tbng qiE zhbng] generalized pain and heaviness 9%B&Ph [shen tbng zhli yii tang] Generalized Pain Stasis-Expelling Decoction 9 #E+G [shen zhin yio] generalized shaking 3 [shen z h h g ] generalized swelling 9 [shen zhbng] generalized heaviness; heavy body 9 B+ Z E [shen zhbng bh yi zhuiin] generalized heaviness with difficulty in turning over [shen zhG] GV-12Wr" (Body Pillar) a$ [shen] groaning [voice of the kidney] P$ @ [shen yin] groaning SMFfZ$i.i% [shen fG 16ng mii tang] Ginseng, Aconite, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Decoction B M$?% [shen fi! tlng] Ginseng and Aconite Decoction S 4 6 8 [shen g i sgn] Ginseng-Gecko Powder BU3Sfi5.ih [shen gui ching qi tang] Ginseng and Tangkuei Qi-Infusing Decoction S ~ [shen % jii sgn] Ginseng With Gecko Powder $2Z%@t% [shen liin kli jin tang] Ginseng and Coptis Food Denial Decoction B T B SB [shen ling b i i zhli s h ] Ginseng, Poria (Hoelen), and Ovate Atracty-
I - > - -
n ---- J - -
@T#j [shen ling zhou] Ginger and Poria (Hoelen) Gruel
S F t k [shen lli yin] Ginseng Tops Beverage
3 [shEn qi an wki siin] Ginseng and Astragalus Stomach-Quieting Powder S S Q $ t3~ [shen qi b6i zhfi tang] Codonopsis, Astragalus, and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction @$. [shen r6ng g t ~bEn win] Ginseng and Young Deerhorn Root-Securing Pill
3%-* ,-
S B T g A [shln r6ng wki sheng win] Ginseng and Velvet Deerhorn Health Pill
S 3 t* [shen sari qi] notoginseng [root]@ (Notoginseng Radix)
B5tA [shen sii yin] Ginseng and Perilla Beverage
S ? B * [shen xii] fibrous ginseng root@ (Ginseng Radix Tenuis) [shen yi] Japanese ginseng leafo (Panacis Japonici Folium) @%B%.i% [shen zhi zhin qi tnagl] Codonopsis and Hematite Qi-Settling Decoction tX [shen] deep; severe @ [shin] spirit [stored by the heart]; divine; divinity $$+'7f?.% [shin bG sh6u sh&]spirit failing to keep to its abode @% [shin cing] KI-25WF10(Spirit Storehouse) @ I 3 * [shin ciio] ginsenge (Ginseng Radix) @% [shin dPo] GV-11WfIO (Spirit Path) @f;f [shin feng] KI-23WlIO (Spirit Seal) [shCn fii] CV-15 (Spirit House) @B [shin gaol spirit jelly @%* [shin guiing] GB-23 (Spirit Light); GB -24 (Spirit Light) @ B [shin hiin] clouded spirit; clouding of the spirit @ B +@ [shin hiin bG qing] clouded spirit $+J.I~ IshCn ju$n! lassitude of the spirit @i ' 7 [shCn men] spirit gate; HT-7wlIo (Spirit Gate) gEfil'7b [shin j min mPi] spirit gate pulse irtfl@>[shin .i% mi tang] Mystical Decoction $$m [shin ming] spirit light $EQ@ [shin pi] fatigued spirit @ @ f 3 [shin pi f a li] fatigued spirit and lack of strength @% [shin qi] spirit qi @5,+Z [shin qi bh z6] insufficiency of spirit qi @Pi-
@5?G% [shin qi qing shuin] clear bright
@E%Bff[shin ying y5ng zhen din]
spirit qi @t$ [shin qing] spirit-affect $$tg?&$g[shin qing d i n mh] haziness of spirit-affect; indifference of spirit-affect $$t3 E$ fiYl [shin qing hiin h6]. clouded . spirit-affect @@ [shin qii] medicated leaven@(Massa Medicata Fermentata) @@@ [shin qii sin] Medicated Leaven Powder @ @ A[shin qii win] Medicated Leaven Pill # I'%J[shCn quk] spirit tower gate (navel); CV-8WEfO (Spirit Gate Tower) @ S [shtn shuii] debilitated spirit @7K [shin shui] spirit water @,%l%f% [shCn si h u h g hii] abstraction of the spirit @,F,I'87@ [shtn si jian bing] diseases of the spirit @g [shin tang] BL-44W"O (Spirit Hall); GV-23 (Spirit Hall) #E [shin ting] GV-24Wff0(Spirit Court) #,E* [shin wii] tortoise plastrono (Testudinis Plastrum) $9@ f j [shin xi dan] Spirit-Like Rhinoceros Horn Elixir $$4lll'&1$$3J [shin xiiin hu6 ming tang] Spirit Immortal Life-Giving Decoction @QLLIS#ij [shin xian zhou] Spirit Immortal Gruel $ $ B S X $ % [shtn xiso huing qi tang] Wondrous Effect Astragalus Decoction sf;*?& @ [shin xiio qiin chui gaol Wondrous Effect Thoroughly Pounded Plaster @B%R$& [shin xiio qii feng sin] Wondrous Effect Wind-Expelling Powder @$*AZ f f - [shin xiio t i i yi dan] Wondrous Effect Tai Yi Elixir @BR%@ [shin xiio tu6 li sin] Wondrous Effect Internal Dispersion Powder ?$&A [shin xi20 wan] ~ o h d r o u sEffect Pill @ E # N @ [shin ying xiio feng sin] Wondrous Response Wind-Dispersing Powder
Wondrous Response True-Nourishing Elixir [shin zing] spiritual viscera $$Z[shin zhi] spirit-mind [the conscious mind] #Z$tS [shin zhi bii qing] unclear spiritmind @ Z E @ [shin zhi d i n me] haziness of spirit-mind #,Z,@fiYl [ s h h zhi hiin h6] clouded spiritmind [clouding of consciousness] @ Z @ 81 [shin zhi hiin luhn] confused spirit-mind [confused mind] #ZE$%[shin zhi hiin mi] coma 8%[shin zhii] spirit ball [eyeball] @R:]I)&[shin zhii jiing fin] backward turning spirit ball [squint] #*& [shin zhG s b ] Wondrous Atractylodes Powder $$ $3~ [shin zhG tang] Wondrous Atractylodes Decoction $$$* [shin ziing] GV-6 (Spirit Gathering) R % 3 $3~ [shgn shi zhii ling tang] Shen's Polyporus Decoction '$Hik?k [ s h h yin liin zhi] ascertain the cause and determine treatment; determine treatment according to cause ?@@jjj&$k[ s h h yin shi zhi] ascertain the cause and administer treatment; administer'treatment according to cause @iE*B [ s h k zhkng qi6 yin] assess the patterns and seek the cause; seek the cause from patterns identified i5& [shkn] severe 83 [shkn huh] possibly in severe cases &flI] [shkn zC] in severe cases &%& 2 [shkn zh6 c6ng zhi] severe conditions are treated by coaction 'A [shkn] kidney; renal; KIWEIO ItX a /+h$R = [shcn] kidney qi wandering wind
'A, #+GE
[shkn, qi h u i zii f i ] kidney, its bloom is in the hair (of the head) 'A@ [shkn bi] kidney impediment (bi) 'A% [shkn bing] kidney disease
[shgn bii nii qi] kidney failing to absorb qi; qi absorption failure 'BF s B T [ s h h bii yiing giin] kidney failing to nourish the liver 'B [shim cing jing] kidney stores essence ' R B Z [shkn cing zhi] kidney stores mind [memory, powers of concentration] ItX a a*[ s h h ciio] orthosiphon@ (Orthosiphonis Herba) ItX a r8u ~~$2 [ s h h ch5ng xii] kidney is often vacuous 'BZJllm%[ s h h c h h g 26 sui shi] when the kidney is full, marrow is replete ' & [ s h h ch6ngl kidney worm binworm] 'B [ s h h ch6ng bing] kidney worm disease la ~b x [ s h h chuiin] kidney panting
'BA$ PIE [shkn f&i yLng xu] kidney-lung yang vacuity
'3% [shcn giin] gan of the kidney 'Rf+@H [shkn h i p i n g guiing] kidney is connected with the bladder
'BA fiX [shkn hu6 piiin king] hyperactivity of kidney fire a $,, [ s h h ji] kidney accumulation 'iX a $$ z [shin ji] Kidney Spine [non-channel]
[shgn jiiin dbng qi] stirring qi of the kidney region; stirring qi in the kidney region IIX a 27. [ s h h jing] kidney channel; I(T*'IO
,* [ s h h jing] kidney essence a $a ItX a .f$ ;;B [ s h h jing bii zB] insufficiency
of kidney essence IlX a +a fl? rtn [shkn jing giin xu&] kidney essence and liver blood 'H'r2A+J!PJl%[shkn jing jiii ji yin hiin] enduring accumulated kidney channel yin cold 'B~~u&D#J [shkn jing k i shu] kidney channel cough IIX a 97. E [shkn jing niii?] kidney channel malaria 1132 [shkn jing xii] kidney essence vacuR ity 'Am&@ [shkn ju6 t6u tbng] kidney reversal headache 8.f
' A R R T S [shkn kiii q i i o y6 Er] kidney opens into the ears
'ftf f P , l fP B ~ [shkn kiii qiao yu kr yin] kidney opens into the two yin [the anal and genital orifices] 'B [shcn k i ] kidney cough IIX a 7 [ s h h kui] kidney depletion 1 1 x a ~i [ s h h 1501 kidney taxation 'HbfKR [ s h h mki chin] kidney pulse is deep 'Bg* [ s h h mii] GB-25 (Kidney Alarm)
'BS [ s h h nkng] kidney sac; scrotum 'Bf f l [ s h h n5ng fEng] kidney sac wind; scrotal wind [shkn ning yong] kidney sac welling abscess (y6ng); scrotal welling abscess (y6ng) 1132 L== a 7 [ s h h qi] kidney qi; SP-15 (Kidney Qi) ItX a /= TT [ s h h qi bii gii] insecurity of kidney qi lw~ /x = T Z [shkn qi bG ZB] insufficiency of kidney qi 'R$;$' [shin qi 1-61kidney qi heat 1 1 x L== a 1 l 2 E [ s h h qi shiing nil counterflow ascent of kidney qi la ~ k= lBTa x [ s h h qi tGng yu 61-1 kidney qi flows to the ears a L== 7%[shkn qi win] Kidney Qi Pill
'Bf E
a l @- lk=. l ~ ~ @ [shln qi qi huk wif quin] kidney vacuity and ~mpalred q~ transformation ItX n k= l$$M [ s h h qi y6u feng] kidney qi wander~ngwmd
'B$%'#j?[ s h h qiing shiin qi] strainedkidney mounting (shan) qi a* fi [shkn qiko] orifices of the kidney 'Hi!\fi [ s h h r& xu&] Kidney Heat Point [non-channel] '#$+$#@ [shkn sheng gii sui] kidney engenders bone and marrow '/Zj& [shkn shii] BL-23W1f0(Kidney Transport) 'A&@@[ s h h shii xii t i n ] Kidney Shu vacuity phlegm
'W 7k [ s h h shui] kidney-water; kidney water [a kind of water swelling]. 'W 72c T W [ s h h shui bh zG] insufficiency of kidney water 'B % 52i$[ s h h wCi qi zhi ben] kidney is the root of qi
'RX7KE [ s h h wei shui zing] kidney is the water viscus
'R %I4[shkn wCi tub] kidney forms spittle 'R %%K2& [ s h h wCi xiiin tiiin zhi hen] kidney is the root of earlier heaven [the congenital constitution] 'B& [shkn wei] kidney wilting (wgi) ' B E @ [ s h h wh z i o ] kidney is averse t o dryness 'R % [shkn xi] Kidney Connection [nonchannel] 'R @ [ s h h xiiio] kidney wheezing ItX A ~a [shkn xiiio] kidney wasting[-thirst] [lower wasting] '#@ [ s h h xi$] kidney diarrhea 'B $fi [ s h h xin] Kidney New [nonchannel] I!X A E [ s h h xii] kidney vacuity '\
'BE ;f;H [shin xii bii gii] insecurity of the kidney
.'W.@'+$fiT [shkn xii bh n i qi] vacuous kidney failing t o absorb qi
'RE;l;@ [shln xii bh yiin] kidney vacuity infertility
' R E e T [shkn xii d i i xi$] kidney vacuity vaginal discharge
'g@ %$? [ s h h xii Er 16ngl kidney vacuity deafness
'BEFf 0 3 [ s h h xii 6r ming] kidney vacuity tinnitus
'BEll?$$ [shkn xii giin rub] liver-kidney vacuity
'BE@jB3 [shi?n xii h u i tail kidney vacuity habitual miscarriage n EclM - +X [ s h h xii jing bi] kidney vacuity menstrual block 'R@ $%%[ s h h xu jing kui] kidney vacuity and essence depletion
'BEt37T6B [shln xii jing xing hbu qi] kidney vacuity delayed menstruation
' R E7 J t . E [shkn xii shui f i n ] kidney vacuity water flood
'RE@$$[ s h h xii ti ruh] kidney vacuity and general weakness a Egg [ s h h xii t6u tbng] kidney vacuity headache ItX a EG@ [ s h h xii x u i n yiin] kidney vacuity dizziness ' B E E % [shkn xii yiio thng] kidney vacuity lumbar pain IfX a &m# - %as, [shkn xii yi jing] kidney vacuity seminal emission 'B@Pa% [ s h h xu yin suo] kidney vacuity retracted genitals ' E ER t 3 9~[shkn xii yuk jing gub shlo] kidney vacuity scant menstruation nix R ;fi [shkn yin] kidney rock ('ycin) ItX
'R P I [ s h h ying] kidney yang [ s h h y6ng bh zG] insufficiency 'R P I + of kidney yang [shkn y5ng shuiii wei] debilitation of kidney yang 'W PIE [ s h k y i n g xu] kidney yang vacuity 'R P I @ S [ s h h y5ng xii shuiii] kidney vacuity and yang debilitation 'R P1@'7kE [shkn y5ng xii shui f i n ] kidney yang vacuity water flood 'R Pa [sh& yin] kidney yin '3Pa 71; 1FT [ s h h yin bii zG] insufficiency of k ~ d n e yyin 'R PJJ#&@J [ s h h yin kii hC] desiccation of kidney yin 'A" Pa S @ [shin yin kui xii] kidney yin depletion 'BPBE [shkn yin xii] k i d n ~ yyin vacuity 'BPA P I @@' [ s h h yin y i n g jh xu] dual vacuity of kidney yin and yang 'R Pa PB m E [shi?n yin y6ng liing xu] dual vacuity of kidney yin and yang 'W kjEjj'tjf;l?&g [shkn yii p i n g guang xiiing b i l o li], kidney stands in interiorexterior relationship with the bladder 'BJg [shkn zhing] kidney distention 'A237&/j&,•’@$@ [ s h h zhe shui zing, ghii jin ye] kidney is the water viscus, it governs fluids 'B8 2X [ s h h zhe wki zhi g u i n ] kidney is the gate of the stomach
' R e > TF$%rtIZ,436*2% [ s h h zh6,
ku6 qiing zhi guan, ji qiiio c h i yan] kidney holds office of labor, whence agility emanates '/3 2 R [shi:n zhi fii] house of the kidney [the lumbus] 'B +%9[ s h h zhMg jing qi] essential qi in the kidney. ' B % B [ s h b zhii gii] kidney goyerns the bones 'R zEB*@ [shin zhii gii sheng sui] kidney governs the bones and engenders marrow 'B3 ~ 4 [3s h~h zhii ji qiiio] kidney governs agility 'R3ZRrZij [ s h h zhii kiii he] kidney governs opening and closing '/32?8[ s h h zhii k6ngl kidney governs fear 'B&gfi% [shkn zhii nh qi] kidney governs qi absorption 'R [ s h b zhii sheng zhi] kidney governs reproduction '/3 %7]C [shkn zhii shui] kidney governs water ' R & % Z [shkn zhii xiin tiin] kidney governs earlier heaven IIX a ;ilL [ s h h zhu6] kidney fixity +=.
1 1 x =L.
a 4; $2 [ s h h zhu6 tang] Kidney Fixity Decoction @H [ s h h y h g ] use with care B [shkn] percolate @El? % 7; [ s h h shi yu ri: xi&] percolate dampness through the heat; heatreleasing dampness percolation' Sdn [ s h h xu61 oozing of blood fl* [shkn] paravertebral muscles; buttock 8* [shGn] mulberry' (Mori Fructus)
sheng fi [sheng] upbear; sheng [unit of volume] 3-l--A- [sheng diin] upborne elixir0 (Sublimatum Triplex)
fi-Sifi [sheng d6ngl upbearing and stirring f i t 4 3 [sheng fli y&o] upfloating medicinal; upfioater
fiftll [sheng ji] upbearing formula
[sheng jiing fu ch6nI upbearing, downbearing, floating, and sinking [drug bearings]; bearing [of medicinals] [sheng jiing shi ching] abnormal upbearing and downbearing fi* [sheng jii] uplift fi*Zf7 [sheng jii wu li] diminished uplift fiq&fi [sheng kg qij jiing] upbearing [medicinals] can eliminate downbearing #'a[sheng mi] cimicifuga [root]@(Cimicifugae Rhizoma) fi@%&$& [sheng m i g6 gen tang] Cimicifuga and Pueraria Decoction f i @ B Z $ % [sheng m i hu5ng qi tang] Gastrodia and Astragalus Decoction fi@$$& [sheng m5 tang] Cirnicifuga Decoction fit$ [sheng qing] upbear the clear fits@?& [sheng qing jiimg zhu6] upbear the clear and downbear the turbid fiB [sheng ti] upraise fiB5 [sheng ti yio] upraising medicinal fig @ 5 [sheng ti zh6ng qi] upraise center qi fi [sheng xiln tang] Fall-Upbearing Decoction fiPB % PG [shing y6ng jG xiin] upbear yang and raise the fall fl-[lB+&A $5 [sheng yjng s i n hu6 tang] Yang-Upbearing Fire-Dissipating Decoction fi PB E $% [shepg y5ng 'yi wi:i tang] Yang-Upbearing Stomach-Boosting Decuuiion fig* [sheng ylo] upborne elixir0 (Sublimatum Triplex) [shEng] engender; engenderment; raw [animal and vegetable products]; crude [minerals and shells]; crudus [Latin]; recens [Latin]; vivus [Latin] & B Mf 5 [sheng bii fij zi] raw aconite/typhon~um [tuber]@ (Aconiti Coreani seu Typhonii Gigantei Radix Cruda) E [sheng b i n xii] raw pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber Crudum)
% g S [sheng ciio wii] raw wild aconite [tuber]@ (Aconiti Tsao-Wu-Tou Tuber Crudum) LkUE [sheng chi] eat(en) raw ik111 2, [sheng chuiin wii] raw aconite main tuber@ (Aconiti Tuber Crudum) gt& * [sheng di] driedlfresh rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata seu Recens) % kfi $$ [sheng dl huiing] driedlfresh rehrnannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata seu Recens) % f & S E [sheng di huing thn] charred dried rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Carbonisata) % f& S H * [sheng di huing zhi] fresh rehmannia [root] juice@ (Rehmanniae Radicis Recentis Succus) % f & S#j [sheng di huing zhou] Raw Rehmannia Gruel % f f i ~ [sheng * di zhi] fresh rehmannia [root] juice@ (Rehmanniae Radicis Recentis Succus) !km* [sheng fin] alum' (Alumen) %Mf& [shcng fii siin] Raw Aconite Powder %MfF [sheng fii zi] raw aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Crudum) [sheng giin ciio] raw licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix Cruda) %?!I@* [sheng giin chin] crude dried toad@ (Bufo Siccus Crudus) % T f f i g * [sheng g i n di huing] dried rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata) %+L2@ [sheng huii zhi yuin] source of engendering transformation [the spleen] [sheng huii zhi yuan bii zli] %# ;t@+ insufficiency of the source of engendering transformation % 4t $3~ [sheng h u i tiing] Engendering Transformation Decoction %an [sheng ji] engender flesh !kW11{z-[shcng A- ji bii biio diin] FleshEngendering Eight-Jewel Elixir %W1$38 [sheng ji bii yii giio] FleshEngendering White Jade Plaster
'&an% [sheng ji siin] Flesh-Engendering Powder
' & M E51% [sheng ji yG h6ng giio] FleshEngendering Jade and Red Paste &$$ [sheng jiiing] fresh ginger@ (Zin-
giberis Rhizoma Recens) ?% [sheng jiiing b i n xih tiing] Fresh Ginger and Pinellia Decoction &$$HS?% [sheng jiing gin ciio tiing] Fresh Ginger and Licorice Decoction &$$iXM?% [sheng jiiing h6ng ting tang] Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Decoction &g @ * [sheng jiiing pi] ginger skin' (Zinglberis Rhizomatis Cortex) %%i%&\?h[sheng jiiing xi& xin tiing] Fresh Ginger Heart-Draining Decoction $$$Z* [sheng jilng yi] ginger skin" (Zingiberis Rhizomatis Cortex) &i$*H* [sheng jiiing zhi] ginger juice' (Zingiberis Rhizomatis Succus) 9%[sheng jin] engender liquid *$+% [sheng jin yio] liquid-engendering medicinal %%ltft[sheng jin zhi hhn] engender liquid and check sweating *%* [sheng jiin] raw rhubarb@ (Rhei Rhizoma Crudum) gZ?E/@ [sheng k& chCng wii] engendering, restraining, overwhelming, and rebellion *F@$#$ [sheng Ili gEn zhou] Fresh Phragmites Gruel %% 4$ [sheng mhi ddng zhi] fresh ophiopogon [tuber] juice@ (Ophiopogonis Tuberis Recentis Succus) % /j&@ . [sheng rnai siin] PulseEngendering Powder % b%?% [sheng miii tiing] PulseEngendering Decoction [sheng mhi yin] PulseEngendering Beverage % a * [sheng rning fin] raw alum@ (Alumen Crudum) [sheng m6 hhn liinj. fresh 3 &clipta@(Ecllptae Herba Recens). +S:+S* {sheng m6 zhi ego] fresh eclipta@ (Ecliptae Herba Recens) .
*fig* [sheng niin xing] raw arisaema
*B;t#j$ [sheng zhi zhi jing] reproductive
[root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma Crudum) [ s h h g bu zhi] lotus root juice* (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus) !&%% ?% [sheng p6 huang tang] Raw Typha Decoction $9 [sheng qi] vital qi; engender qi g1-3[shcng shi] eat raw ! & Z @ [sheng shi gaol crude gypsum' (Gypsum Crudum) !&;EiB[shEng shi hui] quicklime@ (Calx Viva) *%47k (shEng sh6u shui] boiled and unboiled water !&%47k*[sheng sh6 shui] yin-yang water@ (Aqua Yin-Yang) * S B * [sheng shii yu] raw dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma Crudum) & K B B f l - [sheng sui yii lin dan] Marrow-Engendering Unicorn-Rearing Elixir *X+'H [sheng tian dong zhi] fresh asparagus [tuber] juice@ (Asparagi Tuberis Succus) 3El -IS* [sheng tian qi] raw notoginseng [root]@ (Notoginseng Radix Cruda) *%%* [sheng ti6 luh] iron flakesg (Ferri Frusta) * % a t k [sheng tic lui, yin] Iron Flakes Beverage !& @ fB $& [sheng xi jilo &in] Raw . Rhinoceros Horn Powder Lk$fi [sheng xin] engender the new Z [sheng xu6 bu zti] insufficient blood prndllcticlln !&3[sheng y8o] crude medicinal % B ~ I *[sheng yi rCn] raw coix seed@ (Colcis Semen Crudum) *BE!=* [sheng yi yi rCn] raw co.ix seedo (Coicis Semen Crudum) LkH [sheng yong] use(d) raw !kB [sheng yh] childbearing +s8 [sheng yu guo duo] excessive childbearing %Bf i * [sheng yul shi] raw borax@ (Borax)
essence ,@ 3* [sheng zhu yi zi] pig's pancreas* (Suis Pancreas) F [sheng] .voice ${& [sheng di] low voice FQtlBfiE [sheng r6 zhuai ju] sound like the rasping of a saw FGIRT& [sheng yin di qil] low timorous voice F g f R f % [sheng yin di wei] low faint voice FgD% RE [sheng yin si shk] hoarse voice FgU%U$ [sheng yin si yii] hoarse voice a s & $ & [sheng yin zhong zhu61 heavy turbid voice [sheng zhhng] heavy voice * [sheng li] Chinese gooseberry [fruit]* (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) [shkng] exuberant; exuberance [shlng shuiii] exuberance and debilltatlon B [shlng] prevail; prevalence; overcome &SKI* [shlng chiin h h g ] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) BB [shkng shi] overcome dampness J&Bt%[shlng shi tang] DampnessOvercoming Decoction B@%* [shlng xi cgi] plantago* (Plantaginis Herba) Z [shlng] holy; sacred [shlng yii t5ngl Sagely Cure Decoction
s hi P@
[shi chou] 'cadaverous odor
P M [shi juC] deathlike reversal
p 9 [shi qi] cadaverous qi P ?$[shi zhu] cadaverous influx (zhu) X'& [shi jing] seminal loss X$g% [shi jing jia] person who suffers from seminal loss
XS@[shi jing] crick in the neck &BR [shi miin] insomnia; Insomnia channel]
X g [shi ming] loss of sight X 5 [shi qi] flatus; qi loss X X [shi qihn] yawn X7f;X [shi q u i n ] failure t o perform its of,
fice; breakdown; impairment
X Z [shi r6ngl loss-of-luxuriance [a kind of sore] X $$ [shi shkn] spiritlessness sF+iz [shi s h h g bh yii] loss of voice X d [shi si] breakdown; disturbance X @ [shi sou] urinary incontinence [shi xiho siin] Sudden Smile Powder [shi xiho w i n ] Sudden Smile Pill $&&m[shi xin feng] lost heart wind X @ [shi xih] loss of smell Xh [shi xu61 blood loss X hi3 ?% [shi xu6 gub duo] excessive blood loss X a I 2 g [shi xu& xuiin yun] blood loss dizziness $Q$$ [shi y h g ] improper nourishment X e [shi yin] loss of voice X e T iG [shi yin bh yii] loss of voice Xg [shi ying] loss-of-construction [same a s "loss-of-luxurinnce" ($Q shi rdng), a kind of sore] X & [shi zhEn] crick in the neck Xqg [shi zhi] failure to perform its office; impairment Bj+lX3fS*[shi zhou y i ciio] agrimonyg (Agrimoniae Herba) #@j&S* [shi t6u shen] codonopsis [root]@ (Codonopsitis Radix) E [shi] damp; dampness; moist tZFB [shi bi] d a m p constipation [shi bi] d a m p block E @ [shi bi] d a m p impediment (hi) tZ% [shi bing] dampness disease ?Z% [shi chuiing] d a m p sore tZM%IIL. [shi c6ng h6n huh] dampness forming with cold ga M , 24: {IL. [shi c6ng ri: huh] dampness
formmg wrth heat damp toxin E3@h [shi dii bihn xu&] d a m p toxin bloody stool [shi dij chuing] damp toxin [sore]; d a m p toxin sore 3 -F [shi du dhi xih] d a m p toxin vaginal discharge tZB?jf& [shi du liir zhh] damp toxin streaming sore [shi du x i i xu&] d a m p toxin precipitation of blood gBfL:iA [shi 6 re fu] dampness trapping hidden (deep-lying) heat BB2[IEI [shi & w&i yiing] dampness obstructing defense yang tZZ-;liL [shi hub luhn] damp cholera $!331J [shi ji] moist formula BZ [shi jig] person who suffers from dampness EBP9 [shi jiSo qi] damp leg qi ER [shi ji&] d a m p scab (jit) ?Z'@ [shi jing] damp tetany tEU,t [shi kk] damp cough tZq&+&[shi kE qil kii] damp [medicinals] can eliminate desiccation $jjQ j$+ [shi khn pi tii] dampness encumbering spleen-earth EQl!+pH [shi khn pi ying] dampness encumbering, spleen yang [shi Ihn] damp ulceration B s [shi 16ngl damp deafness 8%[shi lub] damp scrofula @%k% [shi m h g shhng jiio] dampness clouding the upper burner tZ@ [shi niii] damp malaria [shi qi] d a m p qi BE! [shi 1-61 damp-heat [shi r& bing zhbng] equal 8* severity of dampness and heat Bt4\3EB'f- [shi r& fhn gin] wind-damp invading the lung tZZ4:EB [shi r& fh thng] damp-heat abdominal pain
Es [shi du]
B ?!:it@ [shi ri: huk ziio] damp-heat transforming into dryness @?!:$$& [shi ri: h u i n g diin] damp-heat jaundice B?C:$R%mPBEh[shi ri: ji zhi nki zhii wki ching] damp-heat accumulation and stagnation obstructing the stomach and intestines B?i\%$j [shi ri: li] damp-heat dysentery @ :?! % E T 5 [shi ri: lili liiin qi fkn] damp-heat lodged in the qi aspect @ $4: &' % , 3E, [shi ri: lili lihn s i n jiiio] damp-heat lodged in the triple burner E?!\?%&%S [shi ri: liG zhi jing shi] damp-heat flowing into the essence chamber B ?C:&M[shi ri: 16ng lin] damp-heat urinary stoppage and strangury (lin) @?!:%$@=% [shi rk mi m&n siin jiiio] damp-heat spreading through the triple burner E?!: m % [shi ri: ni:i yiin] damp-heat brewing internally EF&%% [shi ri: r 6 zi] soddening (by) damp-heat B?C:'fi[shi ri: shhri] damp-heat mounting (shkn) Bf;&l%PJJ [shi ri: shiing yin] damp-heat damaging yin B?C\HrfS[shi ri: shi du] damp-heat seasonal toxin B?C:X%[shi ri: t6u tbng] damp-heat headache E?C\'&[shi ri: wgi] damp-heat wilting (w&)
Bt,!:7;&[shi rZ xih zhii] damp-heat pouring down; downpour of damp-heat E?C:Tt$kE [shi ri: xi2 zhii dii ching] damp-heat pouring down into the large intestine B?C:7;&EffBilt [shi ri: xih zhii p i n g guiing] damp-heat pouring down into the bladder @?!:8h.t.% [shi ri: xi6 tbng] damp-heat ribside pain Bt,!:fn;@[shi ri: xuhn y ~ n ]damp-heat dizziness @t,!:E@[shi ri: yiio tbng] damp-heat lumbar pain
E?!:B$E[shi ri: yi jing] damp-heat seminal emission
E ?C:%FTt3'r6 [shi ri: yh yli jing lub] damp-heat lying depressed in the channels and network vessels B?!:6lPHZ@,[shi r6 yh zii san jig01 damp-heat obstructing the triple burner B4;C:a'rBB'fBE[shi ri: yhn ji6 gan diin] damp-heat brewing in the liver and gallbladder \ [shi ri: yiin j i i p i n g guiing] damp-heat brewing in the bladder E?C:%'EJ@ [shi ri: yiin pi] damp-heat brewing in the spleen E?C\PRRi$E[shi r6 zii zhi pi wki] dampheat obstructing the spleen and stomach @BBEI?#[shi shZng y i n g wei] debilitation of yang d u e to prevalence of dampness; dampness prevalence yang debilitation @B!@l%i% [shi sheng zC ru xi&] when dampness prevails, there is soft stool diarrhea @BO!IjPEl4#[shi s h h g z i y i n g wei] when dampness prevails, yang is debilitated ?ZGiM.&ljS [shi shii qu ciio] marsh cudweedo (Gnaphalii Uliginosi Herba) [shi sbu] d a m p cough [shi t i n ] d a m p phlegm BEEP%[shi t i n jig0 qi] d a m p phlegm leg qi B%t%& [shi t i n lili zhh] d a m p phlegm streaming sore [shi t i n wgi] d a m p phlegm wilting
@@[lZ@ [shi t i n xuhn yiin] d a m p phlegm dizziness
BEE%[shi t i n yiio tbng] d a m p phlegm lumbar pain [shi wen] d a m p warmth @%jQF& [shi wen c h i o ri:] d a m p warmth tidal fever E$S$llE[shi wen yii wki] d a m p warmth depressing defense @@ [shi xisn] d a m p lichen (xiiin) B%P[shi xi&] dampness evil @ j % [shi xiel d a m p diarrhea EE% [shi yiio tbng] d a m p lumbar pain
%%a [shi yh] damp depression B%BMS [shi yii ji big01 dampness lying depressed in the fleshy exterior
B%a 59 [shi yii qi fkn] dampness lying depressed in the qi aspect , [shi yii rk fG] depressed dampness and hidden (deep-lying) heat B%B$% [shi yii ting] Damp Depression Decoction Ell$ [shi zhGng] damp swelling 8i? [shi zhbng] dampness stroke a$& [shi zhu61 damp turbidity E.?& H/L\ [shi zhu6 khn xin] damp turb~dityencumbering the heart EPIt [shi zii] damp obstruction BPHAE [shi zii. d i ching] dampness obstructing the large intestine EPH5,9 [shi zii qi fkn] dampness obstructing the qi aspect; qi-aspect damp obstruction EPR % [shi z; zh6ng jiiio] dampness obstructing the middle burner; middle burner damp obstruction $fl&$ * [shi lu6] bellapnya@ (Bellamya Quadrata) f [shi] ten; tenth; tenfold /\ E [shi b i fiin] eighteen clashes +I fi [shi bii win] Ten Supplements Pill kB %@ [shi dB gong l i o ye] mahonia [leaflo (Mahoniae Folium) +z$l][shi kr ci] twelve needling methods rg [shi kr guiin] twelve officials [the twelve organs] zj"FlJ [shi kr ji] twelve formula types rP [shi kr jii] twelve joints zT$lj [shi kr jii ci] twelve needling methods z%9 [shi kr jing] twelve channels z@:ZRl] [shi kr jing bi6] twelve channel divergences +-%2.3J$$ [shi kr jing dbng mii] twelve pulsating vessels +.rg3f% [shi kr jing jin] twelve channel
+ +
+ + + + + +
+--%S/l& [shi kr jing mii] twelve channels
+waters 1.t27K [shi kr jing shui] twelve channel [the twelve channels] +:%Z.Z;t&i [shi kr jing zhi hiii] sea of the twelve channels [the penetrating vessel] +I# [shi kr jing] Twelve w e l 1 ' ~ o i n t s f 1#5t [shi kr jing xui] twelve well points ; & @ [shi kr pi bii] twelve cutaneous reglons; twelve skin regions 183 [shi kr shi] twelve watches [twohour periods] [shi kr shii xui] twelve points 1H [shi kr yuin] twelve sources f +H5t [shi kr yuin xui] twelve source polnts +I/#$ [shi kr zing] twelve viscera +TZJ$$ [shi guii mii] ten strange pulses g& ( (5tl ) [shi hui siin win] Ten Cinders Powder (Pill) +Bll [shi ji] ten formula types f [shi jig mki] flat-leaved rose0 (Rosae Platyphyllae Radix e t Folium) +hR [shi jiii wki] nineteen fears + A % I&T@[shi lih wki 1% qi yin] Sixteen-Ingredient Qi Flow Beverage k#7; [shi qi zhui xii] Seventeenth Vertebra Point [non-channel] +*A+EB. [shi q u i n d i bii gio] Perfect Major Supplementation Paste +27t+E?% [shi qu5n dii bii ting] Perfect Major Supplementation Decoction +$A+I fi [shi q u i n d i bii win] Perfect Major Supplementation Pill , +%%5t [shi siin gui xui] thirteen ghost polnts +ZjF$ [shi s i n ke] thirteen branches of medicine +@$% [shi shin ting] Ten Spirits Decoction Pit3 [shi si jing] fourteen channels PI$3t3R [shi si jing jing xu&] points of the fourteen channels +E [shi wing] Ten Kings [non-channel] +%@%!$$$ [shi wki biii dli ting] TenIngredient Toxin-Vanquishing Decoction f [shi wki cu6 siin] Ten Ingredients Ground to Powder
+ +
+!$?.?ERB&[shi wei wen d5n tiing] TenIngredient Gallbladder-Warming Decoction +!$?.gigtA[shi w6i xiiing rli yin] TenIngredient Elsholtzia Beverage f Fl [shi wkn] ten questions [in the enquiry examination] +h% [shi wii lub] fifteen network vessels f &A, [shi xiiing win] Ten Fragrances Pill f E [shi xuiin] Ten Diffusing Points [nonchannel] +%* [shi yiio] houttuyniaa (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) f --EkPJ*[shi yi jiiio zhi jiiin] BL-20 (Within the Eleventh Burner) f--%?'REi?Z$ [shi yi w6i wen d5n tiing] Eleven-Ingredient Gallbladder-Warming Decoction +%?$ [shi z i o tang] Ten Jujubes Decoction +%$ [shi zi jiii] cross moxa 6 [shi] stone 6 Z $ @ [shi chiing pli] acorus [rootla (Acori Rhizoma) 6f-T [shi d 5 pb] yellow-downed hedyotisa (Hedyotis Chrysotrichae Herba) ;ti [shi diiu] dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis) ;ti$& [shi i] stone moth ;tiB [shi giio] gypsum' (Gypsum) ;tiW%tfiE [shi giio sh6 di jiiin] Gypsum and Cooked Rehmannia Brew Gsfzg jshi p20 i21igj GYt)xmiDccuciiun EB%n@g$t&[shi giio zhi mii ciing zh6 tang] Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Atractylodes Decoction ;ti@AD@+iE&P% [shi giio zhi mii gui zhi tang] Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Cinnamon Twig Decoction ESAD@AS?% [shi giio zhi mii r h shEn tiing] Gypsum, Anemarrhena, and Ginseng Decoction ;tiBAD@?% [shi giio zhi mii tang] Gypsum and Anemarrhena Decoction; Gypsum and Anemarrhena Decoction
;tig * [shi gong] HT-6
(Stone Palace); KT-19 (Stone Palace) 6% [shi guiin] KI-18W110(Stone Pass) [shi hli] dendrobium [stem]' (Dendrobii Caulis) Efb4t38 €IA, [shi hu ming mG win] Dendrobium Eye Brightener 'Pill 6A43 [shi hli s5n] Dendrobium Powder ;ti&+@fjl;;A, [shi h6 ye guiing win] Dendrobium Night Vision Pill 6 E [shi hug] parmeliaa (Parmelia); madrepore' (Madreporariae 0 s ) 62 * [shi huing] realgar' (Realgar) ;tiE [shi hui] limestoneo (Calx) ;ET@ [shi ji5] stone conglomeration (jii) 66$ [shi jiin] herb alkalia (Herbae Alkali) ;tiJ!% [shi jijn chuiin] Chinese sagea (Salviae Chinensis Herba) ;ti&[shi jii] stone flat abscess (ju)' ;ti&%[shi juC ming] abalone shell' (Haliotidis Concha) ;ti&% 3 [shi juC ming s5n] Abalone Shell Powder ;tiE* [shi lin] cynanchum [root]' (Cynanchi Baiqian Radix et Rhizoma) ;tiK* [shi lin] pyrrosia [leafla (Pyrrosiae Folium) ;ti%* [shi li] honey t i - r e fruite (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) ;Ei B * [shi liin rbu] lotus seed' (Nelumbinis Semen) ;ti3 [shi liin zi] lotus fruit' (Nelumbinis Fructus) 6% [shi lin] stone strangury (lin) ;ti@@Ffi [shi lifi gEn pi] pomegranate root barke (Granati Radicis Cortex) ;ti@E [shi 1% huii] pomegranate flower' (Granati Flos) ;bag [shi liu huing] sulfur* (Sulphur) ;ti@%* [shi lili kC] pomegranate rind" (Granati Pericarpium) ;ti@fi [shi lili pi] rind' (Granati Pericarpium) ;ti&% [shi 16ng rut] noxious ranunculusO (Ranunculi Scelerati Herba)
6 3 ? 5 [shi 16ng zi] lizard* (Eumeces seu Sphenomorphus) 6 (7 [shi men] CV-S~V~/" (Stone Gate) 6 @ * [shi mi] honey* (Mel) 6 G E [shi nin tkng] photinia sterna (Photiniae Caulis) SifiUt [shi n i b yk] photinia leafa (Photiniae Folium) Z@jUt* [shi n i n y2] photinia leafa (Photiniae Folium) ;Ei $2" [shi nik] alum* (Alumen) 6 & * [shi pi] pyrrosia [leaflo (Pyrrosiae Folium) 5% 7 [shi qi ning] rough moslaa (Moslae Scabrae Herba) 6%[shi qi] stone qi 6 rfl* [shi quk] ICI-18 (Stone Gate Tower) 6 if'Q * [shi shing bzi] greater selaginellaa (Selaginellae Doederleinii Herba) 6;Q * [shi shing b6] greater selaginellao (Selaginellae Doederleinii Herba) 6 g * [shi sheng] actinolite* (Actinolitum) ;ETE&X;Ei*[shi sh6u yii t6u shi] otolith0 (Pseudosciaenae Otolithum) 6 7 k [shi shui] stone water [a kind of water swelling] Z,R,4tlJ* [shi si xiiin] eucommia [barkla (Eucommiae Cortex) 6jr,\5 [shi song zi] ground pine spore0 (Lycopodii Clavati Spora) 6 g % * [shi sui qiiin] pyrite* (Pyritum) [shi wii] pyrrosia [leafla (Pyrrosiae Follum) ;Ei%s [shi wii s h ] Pyrrpsia Powder ;ti%.* [shi wEi] pyrrosia [leaflo (Pyrrosiae Folium) ; E i @ ~ *[shi wu gong] acorus [rootlo (Acori Rhizoma) ;Ei{lll+jk [shi xiiin tgo] rattlesnake orchido (Pholidotae Chinensis Pseudobulbus seu Herba) ;ti@ + phi xi61 crab fossil* (Brachyurae Foss~lia)
6 & $ L [shi xi2 win] Crab Fossil Pill ;Ei%B[shi yin diin] Spirifer Fossil Elixir 6%.[shi yin] spirifer fossil* (Spiriferae Foss~lia) F%+& [shi yin stin] Spirifer Fossil Powder G%$L [shi yin win] Spirifer Fossil Pill F t k * [shi yi] honey' (Mel) E@ [shi ying] stone goiter [shi zhEn] stone needle 6 1 E * [shi zhi] halloysite* (Halloysitum Rubrum) T [shi zhi jib] hanging stonecropa (Sedi Sarmentosi Herba) ;Ei$$YL* [shi zhong rii] stalactite* (Stalactitum) ;Ei :?&?* [shi zhQ] dendrobium [stem]* (Dendrobii Caulis) & [shi] food; eat $$E$ [shi bi] food impediment (bi) $$T 4-l: [shi bC hui] non-transformation of food [as observed by undigested food in the stool] $$+f;;7; [shi bC xii] inability to get food down -& # [shi bh xiiio hui] nontransformation of food [as observed by undigested food in the stool] $$T%n@ [shi bC zhi bbo] eating without knowing satiety &;I;%n% [shi bh zhi wki] inability to taste food & -& [shi ciing] Granary [non-channel] @jjg@sqfj[shi diio i i kr h i o fang] Esophageal Cancer No. 2 Formula -&&&-+$fj[shi'dko iii yi hio fang] Esophageal Cancer No. 1 Formula $$% [shi d6u] SP-17WIIO (Food Hole) $$g[shi fh] relapse due to dietary irregularity -&% [shi giin] food gan & * [shi gong] KI-19 (Food Palace) -[shi guiin] Food Pass [non-channel] -&@ [shi guSn] esophagus -&Gt@jK[shi hbu bbo zhkng] bloating after eating
&%@BE [shi h6u fh zhhng] abdominal distention after eating & % @ [shi hbu khn diin] drowsiness after eating &$2 [shi ji] food accumulation & $ g E B [shi ji fh tong] food accumulat ~ o nabdominal pain @%,!?@D!$$ [shi ji k6 sbu] food accumulation cough &;FRDlXUk [shi ji 6u tti] food accumulation vomiting %%RBN.[shi ji t i n sbu] food accumulat ~ o nphlegm cough -&$2,9n&@[shi ji xi6 tbng] food accumulation rib-side pain &,E, [shi ji] dietary contraindication & a [shi jiin] decreased food intake & AUlXDk [shi jiii 6u tii] vomiting long after eating &M [shi jut51 food reversal [shi kt51 food cough &%%B [shi 150 giin huing] food taxation gan yellowing &SF!(/Jz [shi lihng jiin shiio] reduced food intake -&'E[shi liio] dietary therapy & [shi 161 ICI-19 (Food Tube) &%* [shi mi] honey" (Mel) &E [shi niik] food malakia ~ D [shi E 6u] food vomiting &@ [shi pi] food aggregation ('jiii) & mYlJE [shi rbu z@ftI] relapse due to eating m e a t -&mJ!lJB [shi rou z@yi] relapse due to eating meat &A [shi rh btI huk] nontransformation of ingested food &AT 3 [shi rii bG yiin] non-movement of ingested food &A&[lU&[shi rh ji tii] immediate vomiting of ingested food -&A!$flE [shi rh zut, zhhng] distention after eating &4%8@. E [shi shiing pi wki] damage to the spleen and stomach by food
-&$[shi shiio] low food intake; reduced eating
-&El$[shi shi] breakfast watch [B5 watch, 7-9 a.m.]
-&%+E [shi shi zhong wiin] food stagnating in the middle stomach duct &@ [shi tin] food-phlegm [shi wu wki] inability to taste food -&% [shi xiin] suckling epilepsy &W [shi xik] food diarrhea &% [shi xi&]food damage diarrhea &%* [shi yin] salto (Sal) -&E[shi yi] dietary physician &6[J [shi yh] food depression [shi yii] appetite & a + E [shi .yh bh z h h ] poor appetite -&'&XB [shi yG jiin tuij- reduced appetite -&%I & [shi yii tiing] Food Depression Decoction -&ZjjSi[shi yu5n fli] take between meals &BE [shi zhhng] food distention &)g [shi zhi] forefinger; index finger &?+[shi zhi] diet therapy -&% [shi zhi] food stagnation &$#jZ@[shi zhi wiin tbng] food stagnation stomach duct pain & % E E [shi zhi wki w5n (guiin)] food stagnating in the stomach duct &$# +j% [shi zhi zhong wIn] food stagnating in the middle stomach duct & tP [shi zhbng] food stroke
st J
LJIlll +.1-,: 1 1 1 1 b )
fJb1 l U U y
fJbI I V U I % y
watch [two-hour period] I$'& [shi bing] seasonal disease El$% [shi dO] seasonal toxin El$&El$k [shi fa shi zhi] intermittent El*% [shi fing] post-antique formula [any formula after the time of Zhang ZhongJing] I$%@ [shi f5ng phi] post-antique formula school El$@ [shi ji] seasonal disease El$+ [shi ling] season; seasonal disposition
shi H.f+@j
[shi ling bing] seasonal disease
H.fFI#E1$B& [shi ming shi mli] sometimes
conscious, sometimes unconscious 8.1-5 [shi qi] seasonal qi B i j g H . f g [shi qing shi zhbng] of varying intensity ElrfH.fE?& [shi shi fii r l ] intermittent fever El?ElrfBE [shi shi jing xing] frequent awakening from fright B$gp [shi xiC] seasonal evil [shi xing] seasonal FJ.fjTSD& [shi xing biio shu] fulminant seasonal cough s$q?@a& [shi xing dim qiiing] seasonal whooping cough El$f?@a [shi xing gBn mi01 seasonal 'influenza E1.flT%@ [shi xing hin yi] seasonal cold epidemic El.fq'i@T [shi xing li qi] seasonal perverse qi H$fTFk:s [shi xing r l dh] seasonal heat toxin HifjTD$J [shi xing shu] seasonal cough BifjTBm [shi xing yi li] seasonal epidemic dysentery El$@ [shi yi] seasonal epidemic H.f-Em[shi yi li] seasonal epidemic dysentery % [shi] replete; repletion; fruit %$& [shi bi] repletion constipation %'f%[shi chuBn] repletion panting gA4E [shi dii bihn] harden the stool %nE [shi &I repletion hiccough %% [shi hin] repletion cold; repletion cold % A [shi hud] repletion fire %Bk [shi mhi] replete pulse %I!$@ [shi pi yin] Spleen-Firming Beverage [shi pi] repletion glomus SF& [shi r l ] repletion heat %%:tg)@ [shi r l jiC xiong] repletion heat chest bind [shi shi xii xii] replenish repletion and evacuate vacuity
%@$[shi tang] repletion pain
%ffP %%)I*
[shi xii] repletion evil; replete evil [shi zBo i r ] cornus [fruit]@(Corni Fructus) %flI]$%gT [shi z i xi&qi zi] in repletion, drain the child; repletion is treated by draining the child % fllJ$Ej2 [shi z i xi& zhi] in repletion, drain; repletion is treated by draining g f l l ] P H m, E$]A ~$4[shi z i ying ming, xii zC tiii yin] repletion indicates yang brightness bang ming); vacuity indicates greater yin (t& yin) %flK [shi zhhng] repletion distention % 8$32 [shi z h i xil zhi] in repletion, drain; repletion is treated by draining S i E [shi z h h g ] repletion pattern gB [shi zh6ng jiii xii] repletion with vacuity complication %J@[shi zhdng] repletion swelling t& [shi] consume t&% @I [shi l rbu] consume malign flesh [drug action] fiE@jfi [shi gu6 gong jin ji6 f3ngl Statesman Shi's Wine-Steeped Formula 5; [shi] stool g5 [shi qi] fecal qi; flatus {g [shT] courier [one of the four drug roles] @g@I* [shi jiin rhu] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) I$ Z 3 [shi jiin zi] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) {$ZqA$$#j [shi jiin zi dh huing fgn] Quisqualis and Rhubarb Powder { ~ S J P ~ Z[shi * jiin zi rin] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) IgE F R * [shi jiin zi rbu] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) 49zT% [shi jiin zi siin] Quisqualis Powder [shi jiin zi wSn] Quisqualis Pill fi3jlt* [shi guang] BL-2 (Beginning of Light) R [shi] stool Rfl.@* [shi guL gen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix)
ti€ [shi] Mr; Mrs Ffii [shi] market
? X Y * [shi ming] Bright Vision
?XI@ [shi qi] double vision TIB! ! !? f;s8 [shi wb bb rning] dim vision Sa f i [shi d6ng bing] disease arising i:X#'@T@ [shi wu bu qing] unclear vision "when this is stirred" [disease pattern i:X$??lBij@J [shi wu diiin diio] topsy-turvy arising when the channel in question is af-
2 [shi] chamber 2k.[shi n6] maiden
a?&Ffi+% [shi dhng sud sheng bing] disease arising "when this is stirred" and disease "produced by this" ;f;ifj's# [shi bing] dried persimmona (Kaki Fruc~usExsiccatus) &5j [shi di] persimmon calyx* (Icaki Calyx) @$$& [shi di tang] Persimmon Decoction fiT* [shi ding] persimmon calyx0 (Kaki Calyx) M J * [shi k] persimmon calyxo (Kaki Calyx) ;f;ifjT*[shi giin] dried persimmona (Kaki Fructus Exsiccatus) &2$+ [shi ji sheng] hairy mistletoe0 (Loranthi Yadoriki Ramus) &&* [shi qiin] persimmon calyxy (Kaki Calyx) &b%B[shi q i i n sin] Gingerless Clove and Persimmon Pbwder $bZ [shi shuiing] persimmon frosto (Icaki Saccharum) &zt# [shi shuiing bing] persimmon frost cakeo (Kaki Sacchari Rotundula) &at [shi yk] persimmon leaf* (Kaki T;.-1..
. \
@ & T *[shi zhii zi] crataegus [fruitla (Crataegi Fructus)
HFF % *
[shi zi bii] persimmon calyx* .(Kaki Calyx) i:X%QU B [shi chi ru bgi] seeing red as white @ A % [shi dii w i i xi501 seeing large things as small ? $ h @ S[shi li jiin tui] loss of visual acuity ;'XE [shi rning] cloudy vision JJ\
vision i:IX!$??lIKIK[shi wu huiing huiing] blurred vision B;& fj$l?!J [shi wii m6 hii] blurred vision $X'#@$213 [shi wu yi sG] seeing things in changed colors
??i!W8#3 [shi wh yi xing] seeing things in changed shape
?R4% A [shi xiiio wCi dii] seeing small things as large
$?i!* [shi yi] visual lining
z [shi yi wki kr] seeing one as two; double vision #G @ i'-?!J% iFf% j [shi yi wu i r ydu liiing xing] double vision $2-%
$2 IES @J[shi zh5n hiin miiio] indistinct vision
? X @ G & [shi zhiin y6u sk] tinted vision ?XBk'U&kj [shi zhi rli qii] seeing straight things as crooked
39 [shi] dynamic
@ElR [shi miin] somnolence @-&REM[shi shi fCi nil p-edilect'ion for fatty foods
@$$GRe! [shi shi giin fki] predilection for Weei aid faiiy ioocis
[shi shi xin 181 predilection for hot spicy foods
@ & S W [shi shi yi wii] predilection for strange foods
%-&$ljHl$%[shi shi you ni h6u wki] predilection for greasy and rich foods
[shi shui] somnolence
[shi wt,] somnolence
@EbT%[shi wt, bu juC] somnolence % [shi] sting; sting
shou 49 [shiiu] contract [shrink]; withdraw #z$!x? [shou liiin] promote contraction [shou liiin yiio] astringing medicinal
4PPft- [shou mh] disappear 4k?EBa# [shiiu se gii tuii] promote astriction and stem desertion
4kB [shiju s;] astriction [shou yin] contracture and tautness [of animal a n d vegetable products]; processed [of minerals and shells]; conquitum [Latin] * [sh6u iii] mugwort floss' (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Tritum) [sh6u dii hugng] cooked rhubarb@ (Rhei Rhizoma Conquiturn) ?4i&*[sh6u di] cooked rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) $4i&s*[sh6u di hu6ngl cooked rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) $&[if*[sh6u fh] cooked aconite [accessory tuberla (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Conquiturn) $&[if+* [sh6u fii zi] cooked aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Conquiturn) 94 T i k B * [sh6u giin di huiing] cooked rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) $<\%* [sh6u jiin] cooked rhubarba (Rhei Rhizoma Conquitum) $413 [sh6u shi] eat cooked 2<\;6;W;*[sh6u shi giio] cooked gypsum@ (Gypsum Conquitum) f [shbu] hand; arm; upper extremity +@ [shbu bi] arm f@T kg [shbu bi bti k6 s h i n g t6u] inability to lift the arm up to the head +@g@$j [shbu bi zhkn chiin] tremor of the arm fTEI% [shbu bij kE jin] cannot bear the slight touch of the hand FB$j[shbu chiin] tremor of the hand fA)E [shbu dii zhi] thumb
$4 [sh6u] cooked
[shbu d i zhi ci zhi] finger next to the thumb; forefinger [shbu fii] manipulation [of needles] +$% [shbu huhi] wrist +&I'-] [shbu jin rnCn] Arm's Metal Gate [non-channel] + A P A J L \ ~[shbu ~ ~ juC yin xin bao jing] hand reverting yin (jut yin) pericardium channel; PCW1Io +$% [shbu ni z h i ] Hand Counterflow Pouring [non-channel] ++&% [sh6u niiin s h ] Instant Relief Powder 5 [shbu sii kbu kiii] limp hands and open mouth +fBB@ [shbu s% yi niho] limp hands and enuresis +zg [sh6u siin li] LI-lOWI!o (Arm Three Li) +EBH?3 [shbu siin y5ng jing] three yang channels of the hand +-PA %3[shbu siin yin jing] three yin channels of the hand 'J.'PHZS,@ [sh6u s h i o y5ng siin jiiio jing] hand lesser yang (shho ycing) triple burner channel; TBLvFIO F 'J.' PA ~ G 2 3 [shbu shiio yin xin jing] hand lesser yin (shao yin) heart channel; HTwFlo FE [shbu shi zhi] forefinger; index finger %Pl)E [shbu si zhi] fourth finger +APE1 * [shbu t i i y5ngl SI-2 (Hand Greater Yang) PEl /I\ E ?3 [shbu tiii y6ng xigo chiing jing] hand greater yang (thi ycing) small intestine channel; S1W1lo ?FA I$% [shbu t i i yin fei jing] hand greater yin (tai yin) lung channel; LUW1/O [ s h b wii li] LI-13WllO (Arm Five Li) f%B@ [shbu wii 26 diio] flailing of the limbs +I]\ +E [shbu xiiio zhi] little finger + +)E & 7k [shiiu xiiio zhi ci zhi] finger next to the little finger but-th finger] + J L \ ? B ~ Z[shiju xin ch5o shiio] tidal heat in the palms
[shdu xin zhii] PC-7 (Hand Heart Governor) '( [shiiu yii] hand +bEl%AB'r2 [shdu ying ming dh ching jing] hand yang brightness (yring ming) large intestine channel; LIwUo .FBHW [shdu yu juC ling] reversal cold of the extremities +2$Z&T& [shdu zhiing xin rk] heat in the (hearts of the) palms 2 l&*. [shdu zhi shhng li6n] LI-9 (Upper R ~ d g eof the Arm) 2 ES* [shdu zhi wii li] LT-13 (Five Li of the Arm) + X I;@* [shdu zhi xiii liiin] LT-8 (Lower Ridge of the Arm) +)g [shdu zhi] finger *)gS,%,[shdu zhi luin ji] hypertonicity of the fingers +T [shiiu zhong ping] Hand Central Balance [non-channel] +l$ [shdu 'zhiiu] elbow +BTS [shdu zu bh sui] paralysis of the limbs +BT?E [shiiu zli b t ~wEn] lack of warmth in the extremities +a% [shdu zli hin] cold extremities +Z%R [shdu zli hin jui] cold reversal in the extremities +Z?T [shdu zu hhn chii] sweating hands and feet +Z$&j%?T% [shdu zli ji ji hhn chii] "drizzly" sweating of the hands and ,feet [shdu zli jui] reversal of the extremities fZI%%jsiidu zu juC hinj rcvcrsai eoid of the extremities +WRW [shdu zu jui ling] reversal cold of the extremities [shdu zli ni han] counterflow . cold of the extremities +a%?$ [shiiu zu ni Eng] counterflow cold of the extremities ;FBfSK$ [shGu zu qing ling] cold extremities +ZGZ& [shiiu zu ru dbng] wriggling of the extremities +aJ L \ $?(:~ [shiiu zu xin f6n 1-21vexing heat in the heart of the palms and soles
+ +
zii xin 1-61 heat in the (heart of the) palms and soles % Z l &[shdu zu zho riio] agitated limbs; agitated movement of the limbs =f [shdu] contain self; confine self to =fmjTs[shdu i r bh zdu] static * [shdu gong] house lizard* (Gekko Swinhoana) ;W; [shiiu g6ng gfio] House Lizard Paste [shdu fEng] wind of the head C,* [shdu wii] flowery knotweed [rootlo (Polygoni Multiflori Radix) eL2,@[shdu &* wii tkng] flowery knotweed stem0 (Polygoni Multiflori Caulis) E-SQSff[shdu w i yin shbu d h ] Flowery Knotweed Life-Extending Elixir [shbu] contract [evils]; contraction [of evils] a X {,-Z [shbu liiing] catch cold
,9$3&2E [shbu sh2ng zhi guiin] office of receiving bounties [small intestine]
9 [shbu] longevity
[shbu pi jiiin] Spleen Longevity
Brew [shbu tai win] Fetal Longevity Pill
S Ld @ [shbu t6i gG] longevity platform bone [mastoid process] @ [shbu] thin @W% [shbu ling giin] lean cold gan gflg* [shbu p6] amber" (Succinum) SE [shbu yi] veteranarian
shu @T .tshu] acupuncture point;
transport p o ~ n t [new]; associated point [old] [shi fii] KT-27W"o (Transport House) & T I * [shi men] CV-5 (Transport Gate) &g8i'fl?i!i [shii mh p2i xu6 fii] combining transport and alarm points; combining front and back points @ T f i [shii xui] acupuncture point; transport point [new]; associated point [old]; stream point [one of the five transport points]
+ €I
[shii mii] bibliographic work [shii] course BS [shii bi$o] course the exterior BS.ItB [shii biiio huii shi] course the exterior and transform dampness BR [shii feng] course wind BRHS [shii feng jiE biiio] course wind and resolve the exterior BR8lJ 7K?% [shii feng li shui tang] WindCoursing Water-Disinhibiting Decoction BR?%?!:?% [shii feng qing r5 tang].WindCoursing Heat-Clearing Decoction @)X,lt&?!: {shii feng xi2 re] course wind and discharge heat [shii feng xuiin f&i]course wind and diffuse the lung @)X,%h& [shii feng yiing xu2 tang] Wind-Coursing Blood-Nourishing Decoction GflT [shii giin] course the liver Bfl'F%U@$t, [shii gan hC pi win] LiverCoursing Spleen-Harmonizing Pill Bfl'FHgB[shii giin jig yii] course the liver and resolve depression Bfl'FMEiB?% [shii giin jig yii tang] LiverCoursing Depression-Resolving Decoction BBTMGBG [shii gan jii yG yiio] livercoursing depression-resolving medicinal GBT%gfl@?& [shii giin li pi tang] LiverCoursing Spleen-Rectifying Decoction Bfl'F@% [shii gln li qi] course the liver and rectify qi BflT$k [shii giin siin] Liver-Coursing Powder Bt2?&h$% [shii jing hu6 xu2 tang] Charinel-Coursing Blood-Quickening Decoction B$&R?& [shii s i n feng 1-61course wind and dissipate heat BB22'rB [shii t6ng jing lub] free the channels and network vessels GB5#Yl,[shu t6ng qi qi] free qi dynamic [ski yii] course depression BEiB%gT [shii y t ~li qi] course depression and rectify qi G#"r:k?[shii z i o yin zi] Coursing and Piercing Drink
shii %j. [shii] soothe
SflT [shfi giin] soothe the liver %fl'F,i% [shii gin tang] Liver-Soothi,ng Decoction
SflTfi[shii giin win] Liver-Soothing Pill %% [shii jin] soothe the sinews %%{$& [shii jin b5o iin siin] SinewSoothing Peace-Keeping Powder
e%@&k [shii jin hu6 xu&piiin] SinewSoothing Blood-Quickening Tablet
Sfin"t&h?% [shii jin hu6 xu2 tang] SinewSoothing Blood-Quickening Decoction
Biiij,&h?%fj[shii jin hu6 xu& xi fang] Sinew-Soothing Blood-Quickening Wash Formula %jSjj-$.li% [shii jin li iin siin] SinewSoothing Peace-Bringing Powder S%?% [shii jin tang] Sinew-Soothing Decoction B N.iSiG7& [shii jin yiio shui] SinewSoothing Medicinal Water %22,&'rB[shii jing hu6 luh] soothe the channels and quicken the network vessels %%$&[shii qi siin] Qi-Smoothing Powder %Z [shii shC] elongated tongue $T.S%BH?A [shii zhiing jin zhen fii] skinspreading needle insertion @ [shii] pivot [new]; axis [old] [shii bian] Beside the Pivot [nonchannel] . @&I+* [shii he zhdng] GB-30 (Pivot Union Center)
il;ECP" [shii zhong] GB-30 (Pivot Center) $& [shii] acupuncture point; transport point [new]; associated point
@@I [shii ci] transport needling [one of the five, nine, 'and twelve needling methods] (Transport House) $&'it: [shii xuC] acupuncture point; associated point [old]; transport point; stream point a$j [shii] acupuncture point; transport point [new]; associated point [old] M'it [shii xu61 acupuncture point; associated point; transport point; stream point
M R * [shii fii] KT-27
@ Q E [shii b i i pi] ailanthus (root) bark* (Ailanthi Altissimae (Radicis) Cortex) @;f;R $ E [shii gEn b5i pi] ailanthus root bark" (Ailanthi Altissimae Radicis Cortex) @$BE*[shu gen pi] ailanthus root bark" (Ailanthi Altissimae Radicis Cortex) @i$ * [shii pi] ailanthus (root) bark* (Ailanthi Altissimae (Radicis) Cortex) EB* [shD bb] dried soybean sprout@ (Glycines Semen Germinatum Exsiccatum) $4 [shG] cooked [of animal a n d vegetable products]; conquitum [Latin]; processed [of minerals a n d shells] 24\X [shli i i ] mugwort floss* (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Tritum) [shG d i hugng] cooked rhubarb@ (Rhei Rhizoma Conquitum) 24flJ* [shG di] cooked rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) ?4ffi$$ [shu di huiing] cooked rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) 24M#* [shG fh] cooked aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Conquitum) $$M$=F [shG fh zi] cooked aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Conquitum) 24Tffi$$* [shG giin di huing] cooked rehmannia [rootlo (Rehmanniae Radix Conquita) ?4%* [shli jiin] cooked rhubarb@ (Rhei Rhizoma Conquitum) %4&B [shli shi giio] cooked gypsum@ (Gypsmi C o ~ q u i t u r n j %4\6E[shD shi hui] slaked lime@ (Calx Exstincta) $$%* [shli mi] broomcorn millet" (Panici Miliacei Semen) Z+ [shii] summerheat %+%[shii bing] summerheat disease ZP [shii chiin] summerheat delivery #)A [shii feng] summerheat-wind ERfiJl,% [shii feng c h i n g jing] summerheat wind turning into fright S@J [shii hui] summerheat foulness
B S &L [shii huo luin] summerheat cholera
E%%?Z [shii jiiin h6n shi] summerheat with cold-damp
Z f i [shii jik] summerheat boil 8@[shii jing] summerheat tetany %I%[shii [shii [shii EE [shii $&t4\[shii
j u i ] summerheat reversal kk] summerheat cough li] summerheat dysentery nii21 summerheat malaria r i ] summerheat-heat 8?!t4%4 [shii r2 shang qi] summerheatheat damaging qi B 4!\. @j% [shii r i xifio kg] summerheatheat wasting-thirst
+&?itb&@ [shii ri: xi6 thng] summerheatheat rib-side pain
S ?\! iiE [shii r& zhing] summerheat-heat pattern [shii shg] summerheat sand (shi) +&{%&'g [shii shgng xin sh2?] summerheat damaging the heart and kidney EftiZ5. [shii shiing yuan qi] summerheat damaging original qi 8 E [shii shi] summerheat-damp %+Eft% [shii shi ji6 zhi] summerheatd a m p complicated by stagnation p H g, [shii shi k h zfi zh6ng jifio] summerheat-damp encumbering the middle burner Z+E?$$J[shii shi IiG zhh] summerheatdamp streaming sore zE#$F,[shii shi xi2 xii] summerheatd a m p diarrhea ZEEg [shii shi xuin yun] summerheatdamp dizziness B?$Z%ll[shii shi yG khn] depressed encumbering summerheat-damp %+E%[lZ [shii shi yb zheng] depressed steaming summerheat-damp %+$G
% B E % %[shii shi z h h g qi wkn] Summerheat-Damp Qi-Righting Pill
Et2 [shii wen] summerheat warmth -8?B%E[shii wen jiii li] summerheat warmth with pestilence complication
ZtZffjFjp [shii wen shiing wli] summerheat warmth damaging defense S@j [shii xiin] summerheat epilepsy ; Zi% [shii xi&] summerheat diarrhea Zj& [shii zhhi] summerheat consumption [shii mi] broomcorn millete (Panici Miliacei Semen)
S 75 *
[shii yii] dioscorea [rootlo (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) Z ?$$ * [shii yii] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) % j t X [shii hhn] Shu Han [221-263 A. D.] El jMJ * [shii jiiio] zanthoxylum [husk]* (Zanthoxyli Pericarpium) El @ [shii qi] dichroa leaf@ (Dichroae Folium) %j@%* [shii suiin ziio] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus) @ % * [shii ykng q u i n ] climbing nightshade' (Solani Lyrati Herba) %j F * [shii ziio] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus) EL[shii] rat; mouse EL'&[shii chuing] mouse sore EL$3[shii fii] wood louse' (Armadillidium) R &F* [shii jian zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) EL&[shii Ihu] mouse fistula El#jT* [shii niin zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus)
R & T * [shii niin zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus)
EL& 8 * [shii qCi ciio] marsh cudweed@ (Gnaphalii Uliginosi Herba) [shii qii ciio] cudweede (Gnaphalii Affinis Herba) El%S* [shii qu ciio] marsh cudweedo (Gnaphalii Uliginosi Herba) RfL [shii rii] wart EL%*[shii shi] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus) REiIJ&$j* [shii w6i di yli] sanguisorba [root]@ (Sanguisorbae Radix)
[shii w6i sh] sporobolus@ (Sporoboli Herba) M E [shii xi] Mouse Path [non-channel] EL@[shii xi] groin
G1EB$% [shii xi zhbng thng] painful swelling of the groin
R & * [shii zhi] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) R [shii liing] dye yam@ (Dioscoreae Cirrhosae Tuber) % * [shii yho] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma)
[shii yii] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) %E&$;F3 [shii yh b i zhou] Dioscorea Flour Gruel BS'fi [shii yii win] Dioscorea Pill [shii] belong to; ascribed to; home (to) [channels to their respective organs]; ascribed to E Z * [shii lki] GV-4 (Connected)
% [shii] fetter [exterior]; leash [sinews] %$? [shh biso] fettering of the exterior % +$ [shh gii] bundle bone (fifth metatarsophalangeal articulation); BL65W"o (Bundle Bone)
$!%B [shh jin gii] leash the sinews and bones j&& [shh di] mouthwash [shh h6u] gargle
[shh kbu] mouthwash [shii kbu bii yii yin] washing the mouth with water without desire to swallow it $&!+ T i E [shh sui bii yii] not talking for several years $&!!JjG [shh zhui tail habitual miscarriage 8if.B[shii pi] bark
shua RIJ [shuii] brush RllE4" [shuii bii t6u] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix)
shuai d [shuiii] debilitate; debilitation S B [shuiii jii] exhaust; exhaustion S4% [shuai wei] debilitate; debilitation S%;-;t.E2 [shuiii zhC bii zhi] in debility, supplement; debility is treated by supplementing E 2 U E [shuiii zhi yi shti] weaken it according to its ascription lprinciple of treatment] +& [shuhi gii] GB-8W110(Valley Lead) $ B * [shuhi gii] GB-8 (Following the Bone) ?$%* [shuhi jiIo] GB-8 (Following the Corner) @?* [shuiii r6ng-J BL-8 (Cricket Container); GB-8 (Cricket Container)
shuang Z [shuiing] frost ZE [shuiing jihngJ Frost's Descent [18th solar term] [shuiing sang yk] frostbitten mulberry leaf@ (Mori Folium Praeustum) YX [shuiing] double YX;-;t.EJtL [shuring bii wsn] Double Supplementation Pill Y!?+&J@* [shuiing g6u ting] uncaria [stem and thorn]@ (Uncariae Ramulus cum Unco) Y!? E * [shuiing huii] lonicera [flowerla (Lonicerae Flos) Y X @ s Z B [shuiing jii tbng s h h g sIn] Double Resnli~tinnSage-I_n_s$xx! PGYder Z €I3 I A [shuiing mir tong jing] converging eyes [a kind of squint] Z?LB [shuring rii i ] double nipple moth YX ?F%H& [shuiing sh6u jin zhEn fg] two-handed needle insertion Y?! tkjE [shuang zhi yCi] two-finger press
shui -7k9 [shui fen] Water Divide (CV-9WffO) 7k [shui] water
[shui bi] water block [urinary stoppagel 7k &I! [shui bir h i n mir] water failing to moisten wood 7k+ 4 x 5 [shui bir huh qi] water failing to transform into qi 7k ;T;?If A [shui bir ji hu6] water failing t o help fire 7kDg [shui chu5nI water panting 7kB [shui chuiing] chicken pox 7kS [shui dho] ST-28WHO (Waterway) 7kfl& * [shui dEng xin] juncus [pith]' (Junci Medulla) 7 k T g [shcy ding xiring] ludwigiao (Ludwigiae Herba); lantern seedboxa (Ludwigiae Octovalvis Herba) 7k ?0,$$ * [shui dbng shir] camptotheca@ (Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix) 7k@ [shui dbu] chicken pox 7kB [shui dli] water toxin 7kfi [shui dirn] stew in water 7kE;fJtl [shui f i n wgn] water pill 7 k X [shui fEi] water grind 7k : [shui fen] CV-9W1r0(Water Divide) 7k%1 [shui gou] water trough; philtrum; GV-26WHO (Water Trough) 7fC& [shui gii] grain and water; food 7k@ [shui gii] water drum 7k& [shui gii] water gu 7k@ [shui gii] water drum distention 7 ;T; [shui gii bh huh] nontransformation of food 7kG FjZ [shui gii bii yiin].non-movement of food 7)CB%[shui gii li] grain and water dysent e ry 7 k a 2 % [shui gii zhi hIi] sea of grain and water [stomach] 7 k 8 2 S [shui gii zhi jing] essence of grain and water [shui gii zhi qi] grain and water
* [shui guii] luffa gourd0 (Luffae Fructus); watermelone (Citrulli Fructus) 7k@ [shui guhn] water cup
7k A
7k%3EB$ [shui hiin f i n f2i] water-cold invading the lung 7k%$dfl$ [shui h5n sh2 fki] water-cold shooting into the lung 7k g 1 E * [shui h6ng huii] Oriental smartweed0 (Polygoni Orientalis Herba (cum Radice)) 7kZIlZ-i. [shui h6ng huii zi] smartweed fruit@ (Polygoni Fructus) 7kE [shui huii] ~ h i c k e n - ~ o duckweed' x; (Lemnae Herba); pumice' (Pumex) 7k A T ?$ [shui hu6 b6 ji] fire and water failing to help each other 7kA #$ill [shui hu6 gbng zhi] fire and water processing 7kAB45 [shui hu6 tiing shing] burns and scalds 7kAlf'H?$ [shui hu6 xiiing ji] fire and wat e r help each other 7k A 2 @ [shui hu6 zhi zing] viscus of fire and water [the kidney] 7kA$ilJ [shui hu6 zhi] fire and water processing 7k $R [shui ji] water accumulation 7k%$%* [shui ji sii] Chinese fieldnettle@ (Stachydis Baicalensis-Herba) 7k % M R [shui jiii sh6 kbu] decoct as mouthwash 7k% [shui jiiin] decoct with water 7JcEBE [shui jiiin fli] take decocted with water 7k,% j;$% [shui jiiin h5n shii] decoct as mouthwash 7kR@N%[shui jiiin shbu h6u] decoct as a gargle 7k,% 9bB [shui jiiin w i i xi] decoct as an external wash 7k%$%[shui jiiin xi] decoct as a wash 7k%Z$% [shui jiiin xiin xi] decoct as a steam-wash 7k?R+T;7; [shui jiiing b6 xih] inability to get water o r fluids down 7k4,3jQ [shui ji6 xiong] water chest bind 7k [shui jing g i o ] Water Crystal Paste 7 k g $4 [shui kii m i i ] water speedwell' (Veronicae Anagallis-Aquaticae Herba) 7kS A G [shui kui h u e wiing] depleted water and effulgent fire
7kT A % [shui kui hu6 y
7k@,"ye [shui kui chuiing] water ulcer [Hoizgkong foot]
7km [shui kub] water rampart 7 k Z 3 * [shui li zi] camptothecao (Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix)
7kg [shui liio] water pepper* (Polygoni Hydropiperis Herba)
7kS;t;R [shui liio gen] water pepper rooto (Polygoni Hydropiperis Radix)
7kE =%ff [shui 16 i r w2i d i n ] Land and Water Two-Ingredient Elixir
7kB 1ibff [shui lii 2r xiin d i n ] Land and Water Two Tmmortals Elixir
7k$e [shui Ilin] water wheel [of the eye (PUP~OI
7k$ejTfl@A [shui llin giin feng t i n hu6] water wheel liver wind and phlegm fire
7 k 4 t 5 E [shui Ilin qi x i ] water wheel qi vacuity
7k$tS&h/J.\ [shui Ilin qi xii xu2 shiio] water wheel qi vacuity and blood scantness 7 k $ t 5 @ a @ [shui Ilin qi xii xu2 yii] water wheel qi vacuity and blood stasis 7k@E?!: [shui llin shi re] water wheel damp-heat 7k$t%?& [shui Ilin- shi 1-21 water wheel repletion heat 7k$t[J85~ [ s h u ilun yin kuij water wheel yin depletion 7kMl&*[shui m i tie] leech' (Hirudo seu Whitmania) 7k 3 * [shui m i ] sea horse' (HippocamPUS) 7k 4& % * [shui m i xiiing gu6] aristolochia fruit@ (Aristolochiae Fructus) 7kTJ* [shui men] ST-10 (Water Gate) 7k@ [shui m6] wet-grind; grind with water 7kg [shui nil water counterflow 7kYR [shui nili jiio] water buffalo horn' (Bubali Cornu) 7k& [shui pi01 vesicle 7k$@$X4t[shui p i o r u i n h u i ] softening by soaking
7k&j5* [shui piio shi] pumice0 (Pumex) 7k t% [shui pi501 long-rinse 7k @ * [shui ping] duckweed' (Lemnae Herba) 7 k 5 [shui qi] water qi 7 k 5 2 g B [shui qi jii xiong] water qi chest bind 7 k 5 ? 8 & [shui qi ling xin] water qi intimidating the heart 7 k g [shui q u i n ] urine; I
@ [shui tuiin huii gen] ballblossom adina root0 (Adinae Piluliferae Radix) 7kStL [shui w i n ] water pill 7k$$ E [shui weng hua] water banyan flower@ (Cleistocalycis Flos) 7k$%E [shui weng pi] water banyan barka (Cleistocalycis Cortex) 7k$%Pt [shui weng y&]water banyan leafa (Cleistocalycis Folium) 7k % # [shui w c gong] short-leaved kyllingaO (Kyllingae Brevifoliae Herba seu Radix) 7k @ * [shui xiin] duckweed0 (Lemnae Herba) 7 [shui xiiin ego] corymbose hedyotiso (Hedyotis Corymbosae Herba) 7k # * [shui xi501 impure mirabilitea (Mirabilitum Non-Purum) , 7JcSfP [shui xii] water evil 7k@ ; 7ki5 [shui xi&] water diarrhea 7ki%* [shui xiel alisma [tuber]' (Alismatis Rhizoma) 7k1t%i.;;;L7; [shui xing li6 xi&] water by nature flows downward 7kB f i d [shui xii huij wiing] water vacuity with frenetic fire 7 k R * [shui xu61 LI-18 (Water Hole) 7k
7k+%&[shui ying mii] Japanese avensO (Gei Japonici Herba); adina@ (Adinae Rubellae Caulis et Folium seu Flos et Fructus) 7k$$F* [shui ying yh] gastrodia [root]@ (Gastrodiae Rhizoma) ,L. :ilk
..A1 7-J
. . , . . + a ,
, F1..:rl
l I U l U
7kj@pLP9 [shui y6 hun zhu61 turbid water humors 7k@pLP&[shui y&hiin zhu61 turbid waterhumor; turbid water humor 7kj@$34t [shui yZ shti huii] transportation and transformation of fluid 7k%@ Z [shui yZ ting ju] collection of water-humor 7k @ [shui yin] mercury0 (H~drargyrum) 7R$RH* [shui yin E n ] calomel' (Calomel as) 7kf3 [shui yin] water-rheum
shui 7ktkkgE,i\ [shui yin f$n xin] water-yin invading the heart 7ktk IAI !9 [shui yin nki ting] water-rheum collecting internally 7JCtk!+% [shui yin ting jii] collection.of water-rheum 7 k 3 * [shui yir] pinellia [tuber]@(Pinelliae Tuber) 7 * [shui yh] water chestnut* (Heleocharitis Cormus) 7k%P#fi2 [shui yG z h i zhi] depressed water is treated by regulation 7k El @ Z17; [shui yue rhn xii] water is the moistening and descending 7JCK [shui zing] water viscus 7kRk [shui zhing] water distention 7kW [shui zhen] fluid injection therapy 7kSf@& [shui zhEn liio f l ] fluid injection therapy 7k E [shui zhi] large-flowered gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Grandiflorae Fructus) 7k$,l] [shui zhi] water processing 7k@ [shui zhi] leech* (Hirudo seu Whitmania) 7K% [shui zhi] water stagnation 7kj$ [shui zhting] water swelling [edema] 7k @ @ [shui zi chuing] water-soaking sore a@ [shui] sleep A@ % [shui cii] bogbean* (Menyanthis Folium seu Herba) ll@%P t * [shui c i i yk] bogbean* (Menyanthis Follum seu Herba) tl@RPrP,$@[shui ji jing jui] waking with a sudden fright o r start after falling asleep a@ BE [shui miin] sleep [shui mian bii Fin] unquiet sleep tlf ll@BRPZ?X [shui m i i n shen chkn] deep sleep ll@El$ ffl tfi@ [shui shi k6u jiiio lilj xikn] drooling from the corner of the mouth during sleep ll@@RE@ [shui zh6ng ni nin] murmuring in sleep
+ B R [shui zh6ng yi niio] enuresis during sleep
P@ $ @ [shui zh6ng zi xing] sudden waking from sleep
shun [shiin] suck
UhfL [shiin rii] suckle [to take milk]
JIE [shiin] favorable; positive; normal; normalize
JlDIe [shiin chuin] normal passage IlDt3 %J [shiin jing tang] MenstruationNormalizing Decoction
]ID", [shirn qi] normalize qi llD%%&t% [shiin qi dgo t i n tang] QiNormalizing Phlegm-Abducting Decoction IIESjFD @t%[shirn qi he zh6ng tFing] QiNormalizing Center-Harmonizing Decoction JlB!%?i &4X@h. [shiin qi xiio shi h u i t i n win] Qi-Normalizing Food-Dispersing Phlegm-Transforming Pill
BDjE [shiin zhkng] favorable pattern; favorable sign
R El $3!5 [shhn mir pin zub] frequent blinking
[shuo hlj huii] talking nonserfse
$& [shub] frequent; rapid
&ERG [shub dud tail repeated abortion
[shub mii] rapid pulse [shub qiin] frequent yawning
&h%, [shub q i i n qi] frequent yawning &@[shub yi] frequent belching [shub] scorch; glow %% [shul, diiio] elder* (Sambuci Herba seu Radix) jjji
7 [si tiin] ST-24 (Celestial Manager) ,E, [si] thought [mind associaied with spleen; also one of the seven affects]
,e,$* [si bib] GV-16 (Root of Thought)
,F,E3E [ST 1u gu6 dii] excessive thought
and preoccupation % , , @jRR [si wii chi dhn] slowness of thought ,%,jB* [si xiin] eucommia [bark]@ (Eu.. commiae Cortex) ,%,'&TB[si yir bh sui] inability to satisfy the libido ,F,WJ9?8[si z i qi jii] thought causes qi to bind [preoccupation causes qi to bind] ,F,@*[si zh6ngl eucommia [bark]@ (Eucommiae Cortex) 44 [si gua] luffa gourd' (Luffae Fructus) 44 A%* [si guii jin] loofah* (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) & A E * [si guii ke] loofah' (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) 42 [si guii lub] loofahe (Luffae Fhsciculus Vascularis) &JBR [si g u i pi] luffa gourd skin' (Luffae Pericarpium) 44 * [si g u i ring] loofah' (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) 44 7k * [si guii shui] luffa stem sap' (Luffae Caulis Succus) & A % [si guii teng] luffa stem' (Luffae .. Caulis) 49 AE'&* [si guii tCng zhi] luffa stem sap' (Luffae Caulis Succus) 44 -A p$J * [si g u i wing] loofah* (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) & A 5 [si g u i zi] luffa seed' (Luffae Semen) 44 3 E * [si liin pi] eucommia [bark]@ (Eucommiae Cortex) B @#$14 & * [si l i b shir pi] eucommia [bark]@ (Eucommiae Cortex) 44 ?$ $ & * [si miio c50 gEn] imperata [root]@ (Imperatae Rhizoma) '
'L4 # lfi * [si miin pi] eucommia [bark]@ (Eucommiae Cortex) 44 9% E * [si miin pi] eucommia [bark]@ (Eucommiae Cortex) 44 $3 [si zh6 kong] TB-23 (Silk Bamboo Hole) [si -shQ] hoarse SOL^^ of voice as afrer long weeping] [si] rip ;PE& [si she] death tongue Eg+';7; [si t i i bh xi$] retention of dead fetus XdllBB@$[si xu& xi6 t h g ] dead blood rib-side pain E [si] sixth earthly branch; B6 EN [si shi] B6 watch [9-11 a.m.] e4 [si] four; fourth; fourfold e4 [si bgi] ST-2WffO(Four Whites) QSfi [si b5o diin] Four-Jewel Elixir Fljll A&%$* [si ~ h u i i ndh jin qian ciio] lysimachia@ (Lysimachiae Herba (cum Radice)) e4k [si dQ] four greatnesses Elk% [si dB jig] four great physicians [si d6] TB-9 (Four Rivers) [si fkng] Four Seams [non-channel] e4# [si guiin] elbow and knee joints; shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee joints e4S [si hgi] four seas e4SBmjt~[si h5i shii yir w&n]Four Seas Depression-Soothing Pill e4* bk [si h i mQi] quadruple combined pulse Y E [si hug! Fniur Flowers bon-channel! e4 E S E [si huii qing pi] four-petalled unripe tangerine peel@ (Citri Exocarpium Immaturum Incisum) a& [si ji] four extremities [the limbs] eg +g * [si ji chiin] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fr~lctus) D%B* [si ji cong] scallion' (Allii Fistulosi Herba) e4%E* [si ji huii] China tea rose@(Rosae Chinens~sFlos et Fructus) eg3gry-r[si ji qing y&] Chinese ilex leaf@ (Illcis Chinensis Folium)
P I f i f l H i E 5 3 [si jig jiln zhZng qi sln] Fourth Variant Qi-Righting Powder PI ff- $L [si jin win] Four Jin Pills P l R [si jui] reversal cold of the limbs !ElZT?5J [si jiin zi tang] Four Gentlemen Decoction P I S [si li] Four Li [non-channel] PI& [si lian] Four Successions [nonchannel] PIT-&TT?% [si ling hC qin shio tang] Poria (Hoelen) Four Combined with Scutellaria and Peony Decoction P I T % [si ling sgn] Poria (Hoelen) Four Powder PI f i )% [si li6 feng] four-six wind PI% [si mgn] 11(-14W'f* (Fourfold Fullness) [si miio sin] Mysterious Four Powder El$9$h [si miio tang] Mysterious Four Decoction [si miko win] Mysterious Four PI @fi Pill El$$% %?%[si miio ydng an tang] Mysterious Four Resting Hero Decoction [si mb] extremities of the limbs; hands and feet P4@!?% [si mb tang] Four Milled Ingredi-. ents Decoction El T$ [si mb yin] Four Milled Ingredients Beverage PI@ [si nil counterflow cold of the limbs 2 f i a A S $5~[si ni jia rCn shen tang] Counterflow Cold Decoction Plus Ginseng P4@R [si ni jui] counterversion in the four limbs El@@ [si ni sln] Counterflow Cold Powder El@?% [si ni tang] Counterflow Cold Decoction PI k?% [si qi tang] Four-Seven Decoction E l 5 [si qi] four qi e4 $% [si qiing] Four Strengths [nonchannel] El@%", [si s h i n tong] Alert Spirit Quartet [non-channel] El@% [si shin sln] Four Spirits Powder
e4$#A [si sh6n win] Four Spirits Pill U & f i [si s h h g win] Four Fresh Agents Pill U€lij[si shi] four seasons ElBjTE;t%. [si shi bwh zhZng zhi qi] untimely seasonal qi El Elrf * [si shi chiin] Madagascar periwinkleo (Catharanthi Rosei Herba) El+@ [si shi wkn] forty-year-old's wrist E l s t ? [si shbu yin] Four Animals Decoction El@?% [si t6ng ting] Four Stems Decoction ElSR [si wan feng] four bends wind , e4te [si wCi] limbs @ % IEi II $2 [si wki hui ying yin] FourIngredient Yang-Returning -Beverage [si wZi xiang rir yin] FourEl Ingredient Elsholtzia Beverage [si wij zei yi 1~ rir win] ~44 R-P Four of Cuttlefish To One of Madder Pill P ? ! $ ~ J ~ J U ~ ~ @ & . ~ %[si wwh jig huing qin huing liin tang] Four Agents Decoction Plus Scutellaria and Coptis e4$?J?A[si wwh tang] Four Agents Decoction [si wwh t2ng jig wki fang] e g $ ? J & f %fi i~ Supplemented Four Agerts Decoction Formula P4 W @ % t k [si w6 xiing rfi yin] Four Agents Elsholtzia Decoction e4 %!I# [si wwh xiso feng yin] Four Agents Wind-Dispersing Beverage e413 [si xing] four natures ElUtjB* [si yZ dln] gentian [root]' (Gentianae Radix) e4 W S * [si yk shin] lanceolate codonopsig IrootIo (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae Radix) e4 Pa $5 [si yin tang] Four-Y in Decoction El& [si yin] four rheums mi$ [si zhitn] four examinations e 4 B G S [si zhEn hC c h ] correlate all four examination; correlation of all four examinations W E [si zhi] four limbs; limbs; extremities
El@+ limbs
+ [si zhi bh jii] inability to lift the
[si zhi bh r i n ] insensitivity of
the limbs
F!E+q9[si zhi bh
.IUg+@ [si tbng bh tijng] condition like pain but not pain
{UE+% [si zhkng bii zhhng] condition like distention but not distention
shou] loss of use of
the limbs
E l B + ? i [si zhi bh wen] lack of warmth in the limbs
E l B + m [si zhi bG ybng] loss of use of the limbs
H E M % [si zhi ch6u chh] convulsion of the limbs
ElEt$j8k [si zhi f5n mgn] vexation in the limbs
El@+@,%[si zhi jii ji] hypertonicity of the limbs
P?E#&,Z [si zhi jukn
dki] fatigued limbs
El@m?$ [si zhi juC lihg] reversal cold of the limbs
E l B H i % [si zhi khn jukn] fatigued cumbersome limbs
El@R* [si zhi m5 mG] numbness of the limbs
El@@@ [si zhi ni lEng] counterflow cold of the limbs
El8j4x$E [si zhi qiiin wen] lack of warmth in the limbs
E l @ $ g z [si zhi qiing zhi] rigidity of the limbs
[;148fitS?$[si zhi qing ling] cold limbs El@@Rl] [si zhi shbu xu21 emaciated limbs [si zhi tCng] pain in the limbs
El@@% [si zhi tCng tbng] ~ h i nin the limbs P? BB+Bfi [si zhi zh6ng zhing] swelling of the limbs El% [si zhi] fourth finger e4 %lBiLMfi f [si zhi xiiing fh w i n ] Quadruply Processed Cyperus Pill El [si zhong] Four at the Center [nonchannel] El,E,R [si z6ng xu&]four command points {U [si] resemble {UBTQf [si k bh 21 condition like hunger but not hunger iUm?UB* [si ming si mki] seeming neither conscious nor unconscious
song ?dB* [song dan] minium* (Minium) [song gEn] pine root (bark). (Pini Radix seu Radicis Cortex) P A X * [song hug] pine pollen* (Pini Pollen) P A X W [song huii fEn] pine pollen* (Pini Pollen) P A T [song jiC] knotty pine wood@ (Pini Lignum Nodi) ?A E!P X * [song l5ng tciu] knotty pine wood@ (Pini Lignum Nodi) &3* [song ling] poria@ (Poria) PA*%* [song mh shii] poriao (Poria) +!A&@ [sijilg pi xiHn] pine bark lichen (xinn) pkfi@pjaih [song shi zhii dii w5n] SongShi Pig's Stomach Pill +!AS* [sting shO] p o r k @ (Poria) [song xiiing] rosin0 (Pini Resina) T A B [sbng xhn] armillaria@ (Armillaria) & D t [song yk] pine needle' (Pini' Folium) ?AH* [song yli] poriao (Poria) Irk$+* [song zhen] pine needle* (Pini Folium) PABE* [song zhi] rosin* (Pini Resina) il"A8E.B * [song zhi xiiing] rosin* (Pini Res~na) FAT* bGng zi] pine fist' (Pini scm-en) &Ti:* [sijng zi rCn] pine nut* (Pini Semen) 9 [sbng] Song [960-1279 A.D.]; Song (Southern Dynasties) [420-479 A. Dl ffh++. [sbng jiG ke] nine branches of medicine in the Song Dynasty 3fi%1 [sbng biio tsng] Afterbirth Deccction 3 8 6 i [sbng fli] take with fluid Z7; [sbng xik] swallov~with fluid [e-g., 9 - 7 ) t 3 7 ; (kdi shui sdng xia), swallow with water]
[sbng zi dan] Child-Delivering
sou $% [sou] track (down) #%)A, [sou
f h g ] track (down) wind
@)A,B?$ [sou fEng zh6 hiin] track wind and expel cold @ [sou] sour; 2% [sou] urine @& [sou shub] frequent urination; urinary frequency [sou xub] bloody urine [new]; blood in the urine [OW]; hematuria [old] [sbu] productive cough; cough [sbu xub] coughing of blood UBZ*[ S ~ yiio] U cynanchum [root]' (Cynanchi Baiqian Radix et Rhizoma) SU @$ [sii] butter' (Bovis seu Ovis Butyrum)
@$g $& [sii mi zhou] Butter and Honey Gruel
@$Pa* [sii y6u] butter'
(Bovis seu Ovis
%3** [sii
fang mi11 sappan [wood]' (Sappan Lignum) [sii fiing] sappan [wood]' (Sappan Lignum) XB+* [s! fiing mh] sappan [wood]' (Sappan Lignum) X@* [su ggng] perilla stem@ (Perillae Caulis) XeB [su hC xiang] liquid storax@(Styrax Liquidus) %&@A [sii hC xiang win] Liquid Storax Pill X -&@ i&* [sii hC xiang y6u] liquid storaxa (Styrax Liquidus) XG?&* [sii hC y6u] liquid storax@(Styrax Liquidus) X&$h [sii jli tang] Perilla and Tangerine Peel Decoction XR [sii jui] resuscitation
X[-JgE%,@,@ [sii m i n dB 18 iin xi xiiing] Sumatra benzoin@ (Benzoinum Sumatrense) X* [sii mh] sappan [wood]' (Sappan Lignum) KE* [sii qihn] euryale [seedla (Euryales Semen) %2$?%@5tl [sii ting giin t i n win] Perilla Seed and Tingli Phlegm-Rolling Pill XB+$ [sii xing shin zhi] revive the spirit-mind X W * [sii yb] perilla leafa (Perillae Folium) %j;Pt$$s$& [sU yb huing lihn tang] Perilla Leaf and Coptis Decoction %PI-$$ [sii yb tang] Perilla Leaf Decoction XT*[sU zi] perilla fruit@ (Perillae Fructus) Xj;=jRF$h [su zi jiiing qi tting] Perilla Fruit Qi-Downbearing Decoction Xrjr=F%lsii zi shuang] perilla seed frosta (Perillae Semen Pulveratum) 48 E [sG yi] vulgar healer % [sb] usual; plain; vegetarian; elementary XfJS [sh liio] GV-25W//O (White BoneHole) %# [sG ti] constitution X # & SS [sh ti xu rub] constitutional vacuity; weak constitution %%E [sh xin hua] jessamine [flower]' (Jasmini Officinalis Flos) % [sh] abide; abiding @ft [sh hin] abiding cold @& [sh ji] abiding ailment @& [sh shi] abiding food [sh shi nbi ting] abiding food @ & rt;] %@ [sh tin] abiding phlegm @% [sh yi] residual screen @@$ [sh zhi] food stagnation S$IJ[sh ci] prick z* [sh] millet' (Setariae Semen) E% [sG chuting] millet sore EE.*[sb ki] poppy husk' (Papaveris Perlcarpium) =?tt [sh mi] millet' (Setariae Semen)
$% [sG yi] millet sprout@ (Setariae Semen Germinatum) ,%Hit% [sG f&i h u i tin] depurate the lung and transform phlegm fi B [sii jiing] depurative downbearing [sti] rustle
suan @ [suiin] sour; sourness vavor associated with the liver]; acid; acidity; ache [as in aching lumbus]; sore [as after walking]; soreness [as a needle sensation] BE* [ s u b chi] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) E Q 4 t Pa [suiin giin huh yin] sweet and sour yin formation @!g [suiin jiiing] lantern plant* (Physalis Alkekengi Herba) @X#j@ j g VJJ [suiin kii y6ng xi&wCi yin] sour and bitter upwelling and discharging [medicinals] are yin @@&* [suiin liii pi] pomegranate rind* - (Granati Pericarpium) @ 5k * [suiin mi cii] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) B A R [suiin rG giin] sourness enters the liver E * [suiin shi liii pi] pomegranate rind* (Granati Pericarpium) @7k@,L\@[suiin shui jin xin ego] clamor from sour water soaking @@ [suiin tbng] aching pain; soreness ij-+XE [suiin xian wii shEng, g i n xin wli jiing] no sour or sai'iy Imsciicinals] bear upward, no sweet or acrid [medicinals] bear downward q* [suiin ziio] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) . @ZFif;g* [suin ziio hk] spiny jujube [kernel]" (Ziziphi Spinosi Semen) @${I [suiin ziio r h ] spiny jujube [kernel]" (Ziziphi Spinosi Semen) @ql=@~ [suiin z5o r h t5.ngl Spiny Jujube Decoction * [suln zhii] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus)
@ @ * [suin zhg] sanguisorba [root]@ (Sanguisorbae Radix)
[suln zhbng tCng tbng] aching heavy pain $$C&TF-il;W [ :s u b p i n zi gen] Chinese glochidion root0 (Glochidionis Puberi Radix)
sf@ [suin geng] garlic stem* (Allii Sativi Pedunculus)
g a g * [suin n5o zhii] lily bulb* (Lilii Bulbus)
g{3*[suin z5i] garlic [bulb]' (Allii Sativi Bulbus)
sui @j[sui]
Sui [581-618 A.D.] [sui i n sui qi] immediate rebounding after pressure is applied and released [sui feng zi] chebule* (Chebulae Fructus)
KiZfina [sui zhkng jiii jiiin] formula variation in accordance with signs
KiiElQ5t [sui zhkng qii xu61 selection of points according to signs (patterns)
% [sui] marrow %$f* [sui fii] GV-2 (House of Marrow);
KI-14 (House of Marrow) @j@ [sui hiii] sea of marrow "A-
[the brain] sui hui] meeting point of the mar-
& = '/-n T O W - Y U D -3'11,
p n qn
(lnrrr z v w
b u l t ru r
gence) E T L * [sui kbng] GB-5 (Marrow Hole)
BG* [sui kbng] GV-2 (Marrow Hole) %41* [sui kting] GV-2 (Marrow Hole); ST-5 (Marrow Hole) f@&*[sui shii] CV-2
(Marrow Transport); GV-2 (Marrow Transport)
@2$f[sui zhi fii] house of the marrow [the bones] f@ @ * [sui zhbng] GB-5 (Marrow Center); KT-14 (Marrow Center)
[sin 11161 grandchild network vessel
M\b% [sin mii] grandchild vessel J
@ [sin t i i ling ch6ngI protohermes@ (Protohermis Vermiculus) 9 [siin xi&] swill diarrhea @ # jk [sun xi& bh hui] swill diarrhea with non-transformation of food )@ [siin] detriment [pathology]; reduce [treatment] )@#@+ [sib qi ybu yii] reduce the superabundance #34% [siin shing] injury; damage
$3 [ S Ulu6 ~ zi] horse chestnut' (Aesculi Fructus) %BPE% [su6 jiao c h h g yong] leg-flexing intestinal welling abscess (ybng) %&PYB$& [suo jiao liir zhii] leg-flexing streaming sore %E [suo niio] reduce urine [suo pi yin] Amomum Splenic Beverage ,5 j;L [ S Uq~u i n win] Stream-Reducing Pill %6$* [su6 shi] amomum [fruit]' (Amomi Semen seu Fructus) %Wls [sue s h i rCn] Vietnamese amomum [fruitla (Amomi Villosi Semen seu Fructus) @b$$& [sub s h i ting] Vietnamese Amomum Decoction % JI {E [sue xigo b i b ] reduce urination
[sud ygng] retracted genitals
SPA [sue yin] retracted genitals Ffi+/& [suij bh shhng] restraining [phase] Ffi&% [sub s h h g bing] disease "produced by this" [disease pattern produced by a given bowel or viscus] FfiB [sub sh&ng] restrained [phase] Ffirq* [sub w6n] SI-19 (Heard) FfiL,(&j;L [sub yi zii win] WherewithalTo-Bear Pill F f i S [sud zki] bearing [that which bears the fetus] % T E * [sub zi gub] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus) $3pH * [sub ygng] cynomorium [stem]@ (Cynomorii Caulis) %BE% [suij ging zhi] anus-stopping hemorrhoids SBB [sud gii] clavicle %Be& [su6 gii ju] flat abscess (@) of the clavitle %#I@% [sub h6u dii] throat-locking toxin [sore] S#%R [sub h6u feng] throat-locking wind Zlif6 $$j [sub h6u yong] throat-locking welling abscess ($ng) SB tl E [sub kbu ding] mouth-locking clove sore (ding) %* [sub yin zi] cynomorium [stem]@ (Cynomorii Caulis) SlifPEI [sub yiing] cynomorium [sternla (Cynomorii Caulis) SB PEl% % [sub ydng zhuing y5ng zhdu] Cynomorium Yang-Invigorating Gruel SfiP @ [sub zi gii] clavicle [collar bone]
igg.i&[tii yiing tang] Itch-Soothing Decoction @@H [ t l giin] otte;'s liver* (Lutrae Iecur)
tai 79 [tiii yin duo qi sh5o xu&] greater yin (tai yin) has copious qi and scant blood flk [tiii] fetus; tongue fur [same as E tail; fetal 12 E [tiii bii zhkng] malposition of the fetus jk P [tiii chln] childbirth; parturition [tiii chi] fetal redness [tiii d l n ] fetal jaundice [tii dbng] stirring fetus fl$-Tifi+%[tiii dbng bij iin] stirring fetus flkS [tiii dii] fetal toxin /lf?jEJj [tiii dub] abortion JjkflE [tiii fki] fetal obesity flk R [tiii fEng] fetal wind flh% [tii gbu] fetal grime 83 % [tiii hiin] fetal cold fl$,@. P$ [tiii h u h nki zhing] fetal internal obstruction /36 jtsi f;-;kngl fita! jaur.+e
86 [tiii jig] pregnancy flk E [tiii jing] fetal fright [tiii lbu] fetal spotting
fl$@T& [tiii lbu xi8 xu21 fetal bleeding flk& [tii pin] placenta; placenta* (Hominis Placenta) [tiii qi] fetal qi flk?J--a [tli qi s h h g bi] upward forcing of fetal qi t;4: [tiii rk] fetal heat 82 55 [tiii rub] fetal feebleness
fl$,fi [tiii shin] fetal mounting (shan) fl$XFfi& [tli shi su8 zki] fetus deprived of its bearing [deprive the fetus of its bearing] [tiii s h h ] fetal emaciation fl$7K [tiii shui] fetal water flk 7Kflq% [tiii shui zh6ng mln] water swelling and fullness in pregnancy fl$Z+7; [tiii si bii xii] retention of dead fetus W k 3 t BE [tiii si fii zhong] death in utero fl2ICTSE [tiii wki bii zhZng] malposition of the fetus fl$ji%j[tiii xiin] fetal epilepsy I$@ [tii xiln] fetal lichen (xiiin) Jjf;;i?T [tiii yi] placenta; afterbirth; placenta* (Hominis Placenta) B$2;1;T [tiii yi b t ~xih] retention of the placenta 16% [tiii yuAn] fetal origin fl$ST;tA [ttai yu5n yin] Fetal Origin Beverage 829 [tiii yiin] pregnancy g [tiii] tongue fur g B [tii bii] white tongue fur g3IJ [tiii bo] peeling tongue fur [tiii b6 11161 peeling tongue fur -g$J [tai b6] thin tongue fur ZE [tiii fii] bean curd tongue fur; tofu tongue fur EJ;Ei [tiii gbu] grimy tongue fur E S [tii hEi] black tongue fur S B [tii hbu] thick tongue fur Z t B [tiii huii] glossy tongue fur ZdX [tiii hui] transforming tongue fur; transformation of the tongue fur E$i$ [tiii huing] yellow tongue fur EBi [tii hui] gray tongue fur
S@, $$ [tiii jiiio huing] burnt yellow tongue fur S/@ [tiii nil slimy tongue fur S#J[tiii rim] moist tongue fur Z-&235 [tltai sk zhii bing] correspondence between fur color and disease SX;f;W[tiii wii gEn] unrooted tongue fur Sg$W[tiii yiju gen] rooted tongue fur Z @ [tiii zho] dry tongue fur a [tii] platform [t6i wU] lindera [root]@ (Linderae Radix) G?Zj*[t6i wii yho] Linderae Radix-(lindera [root]@) a % * [t6i xiong] ligusticum [rootla (Ligustici Rhizoma) tfi E [t6i jiltan] Lift Shoulders [nonchannel] f [thi] greater; supreme; excessively; greater f $ [thi bii] SP-3Wf'0(Supreme White) -k Q [thi cang] great granary; CV-12 (Supreme Granary) A>$ [thi chong] LV-3 (Supreme Surge) k i$ * [thi chong] LV-3 (Great ~ h o r o u ~ h fare) A ]$H [thi chong mhi] great thoroughfare vessel [new]; great penetrating vessel [old] A 2 [thi gub] excessive k F% , .R NI firl E [thi ping hui rnin hC ji jii] Tai Ping Imperial Grace Pharmacy f F?& .RE [thi ping hui min jfi] Public Dispensary A % * [thi quin] LU-9 (Great Spring) AX@$% [thi wfi shCn zhfi siin] Great Void Wondrous Atractylodes Powder A,%, [thi xi] sighing -k V Z [thi xi] KI-3WUO (Great Ravine) ABEl [thi yang] greater yang (tai yring); temple [of the head]; sun; Greater Yang [non-channel]; GB-1 (Greater Yang); GB-3 (Greater Yang) k 88%iE [thi y6ng biiio zhkng] greater yang (tai yring) exterior pattern
[thi y6ng bing] greater yang (thi yhng) disease kPB% &$5 [thi ying duo xu6 shiio qi] greater yang (tai yring) has copious blood and scant qi APBm% [thi y6ng fii bing] greater yang (tai yring) bowel disease -kPEI??% [thi ying jing bing] greater yang (thi yhng) channel disease APEl%BAB [thi y6ng rk pb dh chkng] greater yang (thi yring) heat distressing the large intestine ?4:)Ji;j&m[thi y6ng rk riio xidng gC] greater yang (tai yring) heat harassing the chest and diaphragm f BEI :!f 2FBM [thi y6ng rk xi6 pb fki] greater yang (tiri yhng) heat evil distressing the lung A PEI4%9@[thi ying shltang hin] greater yang (tai yhng) cold damage kPB $ 8B -$% [thi ying shho y6ng hC bing] greater yang (tiri yhng) and lesser yang (shao yhng) combination disease AP8B?!: [thi y6ng shi 1-61 greater yang (thi yring) damp-heat . ABB 319 [thi ying wii kiii] greater yang (tiri yring) is the opening APBS 7k [thi ying x t ~shui] greater yang (thi yring) water amassment f P H S & [thi ying xu6 xuk] greater yang (tai yhng) blood amassment f BEI 5 $PEI -$ 5% [thi ying yii shho ying hC bing]. greater yang (thi yring) and lesser yang (shao yring) combination disease ABEI GPEl sB 6-35 [thi ying yii ying ming hC bing] greater yang (thi yring) and yang brightness (yhng rning) combination disease f CP M [thi ying zhbng feng] greater yang (tai yring) wind stroke A-* [thi yi] ST-23 (Supreme Unity) ;kE [thi yi] imperial physician A E S [thi yi chCng] Imperial Medical Officer A EE [thi yi jii] Imperial Medical Bureau A E 9 [thi yi ling] Director of the Imperial Medical Bureau
EZ [thi yi shii] Imperial Medical Bureau
--t%@*[thi yi yfi liing] limonite* (Limonitum) kEE [thi yi yuin] Imperial Medical Bureau 2 [thi yi] supreme unity; ST-23WHO (Supreme Unity) k Z@ [thi yi gaol Tai Yi Plaster k Z # H [thi yi shCn zhen] tai yi moxa stick Z Q $$j 6* [thi yi xuin jing shi] selenite* (Selenitum) [thi yin] greater yin (t&iyin); LV-6 (Supreme Yin); SP-6 (Greater Yin) kPB% [thi yin bing] greater yin (tizi yin) disease [thi yin nki shi] SP-11 (Greater Yin Inner Market) A Pa% [tii yin qiao] Greater Yin Springing [non-channel] PBX% [thi yin t6u tbng] greater yin (shizo yin) headache pa Z F * [thi yin xuin jing] 'selenite' (Selenitum) k Q $$jE* [tii yin xuin jing shi] selenite* (Selenitum)
k [Ja E#6 *
[tii yin yuin jing shi] selenite0 (Selenitum) [38t%*[tii yinlub] SP-7 (Greater Yin Connection) [thi yuan] LU-9WUO (Great Abyss) A@* [thi zhdng] KI-4 (Great Goblet) it% zZi siGnj pseiidoste::aria [root]@ (Pseudostellariae Radix) 3 GG* [thi wii yio] lindera [root]@(Linderae Radix) %LLJBE& [tii shin pin shi sin] Rock of Taishan Fetus-Quieting Powder E [tii] bearing lposture and movement]
tan $$i,%tAK$ [tan liing yin lEng] overconsumption of cold foods and drinks $$-& [tan shi] rapacious appetite
[tan shi Cr bh yiin] rapacious appetite and non-movement of food #is [tan huiin] paralysis @ [tin] paralysis [tan fh] Paralytic's Recovery [nonchannel] @& [tan huhn] paralysis @@ [tan kiing] Paralytic's Health [nonchannel] @ & [tan li] Paralytic Stands [nonchannel] @ [tin] phlegm @@ [tiin bao] phlegm pouch @$A [tin bi] phlegm constipation @[a [tin bi] phlegm block @I@ [tin ciio] phlegm clamor @fa% [tin chuin] phlegm panting; Phlegm Panting [non-channel] @DE [tin 21 phlegm hiccough @@ [tiin hC] phlegm node @ & [tiin hu6] phlegm-fire; phlegm-fire [sore] @ X M,l\ [tin hub bi xin] phlegm-fire blocking the heart @ A & [tin hu6 ci] phlegm-fire tetany @ X BB [tin hud Er 16ngl phlegm-fire deafness @ A GD!$ [tin hu6 Er ming] phlegm-fire tinnitus @A@ [tin hu6 jing] phlegm-fire tetany @APtJ [tin hud n6i bi] internal phlegm turbidity block @ X PtJ [tin hub nki shkngl exuberant internal phlegm-fire @ X tlt& [tin hu6 r i o xinj phlegm-fire harassing the heart & X A@ [tin hud tou tbng] phlegm-fire headache @A [k;@ [tin hud xuin yiin] phlegm-fire dizziness &&'Et+ [tin hu6 zheng chdng] phlegmfire fearful throbbing @+g [tin ji] phlegm accumulation @f+RIn\ae~& [tin ji 6u t t ~ ]phlegm accumulation vomiting &+!#i% [tin ji xi6 xi61 phlegm accumulation diarrhea
[tin ju6] phlegm reversal
@MX@i[tin ju6 t6u t h g ] phlegm reversal headache @U% [ t i n ke] phlegm cough @ E [tan li] phlegm scrofula @b% [ t i n liii] flowing phlegm @@G9% [ t i n liii jing lub] phlegm lodged in the channels B %@I Fa [tin li6 xi6ng xi61 phlegm lodged in the chest and rib-side @ %E$@ [tan li6 zhi ti] phlegm lodged in the limbs @@ [ t i n 11161 phlegm scrofula @Ed.\ [tan meng xin bgo] phlegm clouding the pericardium @% [tan mi] confounding phlegm a%&% [tan mi xin qiko] phlegm confounding the orifices of the heart @Us [tan ming] phlegm rale @% [tan m6] foamy phlegm BE [ t i n niik] phlegm malaria @HE [ t i n 61.11 phlegm vomiting [ t i n pi] phlegm glomus &@ [tan pi] phlegm aggregation (pi) @%IZG& [tan qi hh jiC] phlegm and qi binding together @ 9 2 P l l [ t i n qi jiiio zii] phlegm and qi obstructing each other @5@# [tin qi y6ng zhi] phlegm and qi congestion @ 5 , ? 3 2 & [ t i n qi yh ji6] binding depression of phlegm and qi; phlegm-qi bind @?t\ [tgn rk] phlegm-heat B44\4&-jlQ [tan rk ji6 xiong] phlegm-heat -.chest bind B?!! lhJ [tan rk n6i 1-50] phlegm-heat harassing the inner body [ t i n rk nki yhn] phlegm-heat @$4! brewing internally @f4\k#'c [ t i n rk shing r5o] phlegm-heat harassing the upper body @& # j @44:@j#i [ t i n rk y6ng fki] phlegm-heat congesting the lung Bfi!\PHM [ t i n r6 zii fki] phlegm-heat obstructing the lung
@!4\+$l$ [tin r6n yh fki] phlegm-heat lying depressed in the lung
@an%% [tin r6 b i i xG] phlegm like rotted threads @%$&$& [tiin s h h g lC lh] gurgling sound of phlegm @ F a f l @ [tin sheng r6 jii] phlegm rale like the sound of a saw [ t i n shi] phlegm-damp @@+ 3 [tin shi bG y h ] phlegm-damp infertility l$?$@U%!$$ [tin shi k6 shu] phlegm-damp cough @@%W [tan shi t6u t h g ] phlegm-damp headache @BpAJl$ [tgn shi zii fki] phlegm-damp obstructing the lung @@PHR [tin shi zii zhi] phlegm-damp obstruction . @BmKIL\ [tan shii n6i m6ng xin biio] phlegm turbidity clouding the pericardium @@ [ t i n xian] phlegm-drool @$f~ [tin xiin] phlegm epilepsy @&EB@$ [tin xiin y6ng sheng] phlegmdrool congestion @@ [tan xiiio] phlegm wheezing *$?$iq [tin xi61 phlegm diarrhea [tin xuk] phlegm and blood @tA [tin yin] phlegm-rheum @tA%,& [tin yin chuiin ji] phlegm-rheum rapid panting @ t A E % [ t i n yin fG thng] phlegm-rheum abdominal pain @tAURU.@ [tan yin k6 shu] phlegm-rheum cough @tAUEi& [tan yin 6u th] phlegm-rheum vomiting @tA&, [tin yin win] Phlegm-Rheum Pill tA /&$@ [tin yin wki w5n t h g ] phlegm-rheum stomach duct pain @ t A E % [tin yin wh hin] phlegm-rheum aversion to cold t@ [tin yin xi6 thng] phlegm-rheum rib-side pain @tAIk;S [tan yin xuin yiin] phlegmrheum dizziness
@@BH [tin y6ng yi jing] phlegm congestion seminal emission %@ [tin yii] phlegm-stasis %fiP [tin yh] phlegm depression %%P?%[tin yh tang] Phlegm Depression Decoction @iZ [tin zhkng] phlegm pattern %%%P&l[tin zhi k zii] phlegm stagnation malign obstruction @ @ & [tin zh6ng dhi xu61 phlegm containing blood @ [tin zhbng] phlegm stroke %?& [tin zhu6] phlegm turbidity @ & & [tin zhu6 mCng bi xin bao] phlegm turbidity clouding the pericardium @$&E%&R [tin zhu6 mCng bi xin qiho] phlegm turbidity clouding the orifices of the heart %?aml'ii [tin zhu6 ni bi] internal phlegm turbidity block
+ +
@ ?&-I=&[tin zhu6 shhng 1-50] phlegm turbidity harassing the upper body
[tin zhu6 y6ng sail phlegm turbidity congestion % $&PHfl$ [tin zhu6 zii fki] phlegm turbidity obstructing the lung
%PHI$% [tin zii fki lub] phlegm obstructing the network vessels of the lung
%PHJL\R [tin zii xin qiho] phlegm obstructing the orifices of the heart
@llflmBf$[tin zii xi6ng gi] phlegm obstructing the chest and diaphragm
%PEL $ tT [tin zii zi hhn] phlegm obstruction spontaneous sweating $$jiij [tin jin] sinew flicking
$$;tihi [tin shi mhi] flicking stone pulse $$/it.[tin zhen] needle flicking @ B [tin xiang] sandalwoodo (Santali Lignum)
[tin] char; carbonize; charcoal; carbonisatum [Latin] = RUf [tan th] mechanical ejection U ,@, [tan xi] sighing
tang ?% [tang] decoction ?% A 4% [tang hu6 shang] burns and scalds ?&AB # j [tang hu6 tang shing] burns and scalds ?%A394% [tang hu6 zhu6 shiing] burns and scalds ?%;lfFiJ [tang ji] decoction (preparation) ?%$& $% [ting p6 hu6 shao] burn ?%;JX [ting t6u] decoction ?%%[tang yk] decoction; liquor B [tang] Tang [618-907 A. D. ] &RP4$$[ting dhi si ke] four branches of medicine in the Tang Dynasty EPl) PI,* [ting fing fEng] ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix) 6 * [ting shi sGng] Bengal dayflowera (Commelinae Benghalensis Herba) E#PB f i [ting zh&ng x i h g gu6 fing] Tang Premier Zheng's Formula 9 [ting] hall %5$* [ting qi6] Cherokee rose fruito (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) %+#%* [ting qi6 zi] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) i#jg$*[ting gC chi] rorippao (Rorippae Herba seu Flos) @ [ting] sugar %$Us* [ting ci gud] Cherokee rose fruito (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) %ill* [ting gutin] Cherokee rose fruit0 (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) @%* [tsng gud] Cherokee rose fruit3 (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) @4g [ting jiang] syrup %@j?* [ting j6 zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) #7K [ting shui] syrup @%T * [ting ying zi] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) @mE* [ting ling dim] mantis egg-case0 (Mantidis Ootheca) @@%* [ting ling gud] Cherokee rose fruito (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus)
Ern%*[ting ling k i ] mantis egg-case* (Mantidis Ootheca) EBT* [ting ling zi] mantis egg-case' (Mantidis Ootheca) @% [tgng xi&] sloppy diarrhea $$j%;f;% [ting xi& bii shuiing] sloppy diarrhea with ungratifying defecation '$4 7K [tiing k6u shui] drooling B [tkng] scorch; scald; blanch B A 4% [tang hu6 shiing] burns and scalds B ffj [tang shang] scald $%$I! [tang zhi] scorch
tao &@St5@i1[tiio h i ching qi tang] Peach Kernel Qi-Infusing Decoction
$&if;2{1* [tiio h i rin] peach kernel* (Persicae Semen) $IkgI l Z l ~ P 3[tiio ~ h6ng si w t ~tang] Peach Kernel and Carthamus Four Agents Decoction +jk?Itk[tiio h6ng yin]] Peach Kernel and Carthamus Beverage #kE% [tiio hua siin] Peach Blossom Powder +lkZ&~[ t i o hug tang] Peach Blossom Decoction fjk E @ [ t i o hug xiiin] peach-blossom lichen (xiin) $&{I [tio ren] peach kernel* (Persicae Semen) tjki=&?$& [ t i o r6n c h h g qi tang] Peach Kernel Qi-Infusing Decoction #k{1%IEE[tiio rCn h6ng hug jiiin] Peach Kernel and Carthamus Brew ; f ' j k i ~ $ [ t i o r i n nil crushed peach kernel0 (Persicae Semen Tusum) t j k { ~ &[tiio rr3n ting] Peach Kernel Decoction $jki13$3 [ t i o rCn zhou] Peach Kernel Gruel &% $ fi * [ t i 0 shii zhi] peach twig* (Persicae Ramulus) 4% U t [ t i o y&] peach leaf* (Persicae Folium) $&% [tio zhi] peach twig* (Persicae Ramulus)
R [tio] panning P%J f f * [tab diin] minium* (Minium) @Jjj$ [ t i o d$o] GV-13WHO (Kiln Path)
R@ [tio gukn] earthenware cup
teng @ [ting] pain; painful @frU#f [ting rfi zhi] painful as if fit to break @@ [ting tbng] pain @@;f;@ [ting tbng bii yi] pain of fixed location ,@ [tkng] vine @ g * [ting dbu] lablab [bean]' (Lablab Semen) @ B [ting huing] gamboge* (Garciniae Resina) ,@%*[ting li] Chinese gooseberry [fruit]* (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) ,@@ [ting li6] wisteria gallnut* (Wisteriae Galla) ,@+W3* [tCng t6ng zi] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen)
1% [ti] cry @ [ti] raise; lift B#fI![ti , chii] lifting and thrusting [needle manipulation] 83% ;t;b i% [ti cha bii xi21 lift-and-thrust supplementation and drainage @Mi#?%+% [fi c h i bii xi& sh6u f;] lifting and thrusting supplementation apd drainage manipulation -)B& [ti fii] raising [method of bone righting] BJIm'it[ti gang ji xui] Anal Sphincter [non-channel] BE@ [ti gang sin] Rectum-Lifting Powder [ti mii] anemarrhena [rootla (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) @@8$+?& [ti nie jin zhen f i ] skinpinching needle insertion; pinch-and-lift needle insertion
$?I@&@ [ti n6ng b i dli] draw out pus and toxin $?@ [ti shCn] raise the spirit $?f-Ef"\ [ti tu6 xu61 Pull-up Hole [nonchannel] $2 f$ [ti wki] Stomach Lifter [nonchannel] ti&@* [ti mil] anemarrhena [root]@ (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) # [ti] body; constitutional body; member #{+& 2 f i [ti juhn f i li] fatigued body and lack of strength # f % X f i [ti juhn wli li] fatigue and lack of strength #H* [ti mhi] TB-18 (Corporal Vessel) #2E;4 [ti qi] body odor #% [ti shi] replete body #% [ti thi] bearing of the body # H [ti zhen] body needles # @ [ti zhi] constitution #@BSgj [ti zhi xu rub] weak constitution ?.$? [ti] snivel; nasal mucus ?%%jj$% [ti wCi fki yk] snivel is the humor of the lung @I [ti] fear; jerk @ [ti] sneezing @m [ti pen] sneezing
Ti [tiiin] heaven; heavenly; celestial; congenital % Q * [tiiin bii] BL-7 (Celestial White) j$ * [tiiin b6] BL-7 (Celestial - ~ o r d ) *ZP [tiin bG] heaven level Pfi [tiin chi] PC-1w~l*(Celestial Pool); CV-24 (Celestial Pool) JF * [tiiin chong] GB-9 (Celestial Surge) X & * .[tian ch6ngl silkwormo (Bombyx Batryticatus) I$ [tiiin chbng] GB-9Wm (Celestial Hub) fi @ [tiiin chuiing] SI-16Wf10(Celestial Window)
* *
ZT* [tiiin ding] gleditsia thorn@ (Gleditsiae Spina)
RE* [tiiin ding]
LI-17 (Celestial Sum-
[tiiin ding] LI-17WlfO (Celestial Tri-
*+* [tiiin d h g ] asparagus [tuber].
(Asparagi Tuber) K g * [tiin dbu] sophora fruito (Sophorae Fructus) *Kf [tiiin fill LU-3W110(Celestial Storehouse) *&* [tiiin ghi] ST-12 (Celestial Cover) T [tiiin giin] heavenly stem; S [abbreviation] ZTtLR [tiiin giin di zhi] heavenly stems and earthly branches 3A #j * [tiiin guii fEn] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) *% [tiiin gui] tian-gui [the principle of reproductive viability, menstruation]; heavenly tenth [the principle of reproductive viability, menstruation] R%j$% [tiiin gui gu6 qi] overdue tiangu i [tiiin h6 sui] lawn pennywort@ (Hydrocotyles Sibthorpioidis Herba) ;f;t; [tiiin huii] smallpox; trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) XE#j [tiian huii fen] trichosanthes root@ (Trichosanthis Radix) *E#j$#j,[tiiin hug fen zhou] Trichosanthes Root Gruel ZE [tiiin h u h ] eunuchism *&* [tiiin hui] PC-1 (Celestial Conver-
g G i i L G ) --
Xm* [tiiin ji] ovate atractylodes [root]" (Atractylodis Ovatae Rhizoma) [tiiin jiiing kC] metaplexis husk@ ( ~ e t a ~ l e xPericarpium) is % * [tiiin jing] carpesium@ (Carpesii Herba) *%t& Q * [tiiin jing di bii cIo] Japanese raspberry@ (Rubi Parvifolii Herba) . X Q & * [tiiin jing di bii gen] Japanese raspberry root@ (Rubi Parvifolii Radix)
K # [tiiin jing] TB-10 (Celestial Well) K 3 [tiin jiii] natural moxibustion X €3* [tiiin jih] BL-7 (Celestial Mortar) K IH* [tiin jih] BL-7 (Old as the Heavens)
K g * [tiiin jli] CV-22 (Celestial Mu) K 2 [tiiin kui] semiaquilegiaa (Semiaquilegiae Herba) [tiiin kui zi] semiaquilegia tuber@ (Semiaquilegiae Tuber) %j$j7 [tiin .kub] celestial rampart K @ [tiin liio] TB-15 (Celestial BoneHole) 5 Z [tiin ling] Celestial Spirit [nonchannel] S F * [tiin lu6] luffa gourd' (Luffae Fructus) Z F $A* [tiiin lu6 bh guii] luffa gourd' (Luffae Fructus) K $ A * [tiiin lu6 guii] luffa gourd' (Luffae Fructus) K25 7JC [tiin lu6 shui] luffa stem sap' (Luffae Caulis Succus) K $ % * [tiiin 11-16 xiAn] loofah' (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) K t % g * [tiiin lub si] luffa gourd' (Luffae Fructus) K@$[tiian mg] gastrodia [root]@(Gastrodiae Rhizoma) K@$%%tA[tiiin m i gou tCng yin] Gastrodia and Uncaria Beverage K@$5tl,[tiiin m i win] Gastrodia PillK # j * [tiin mIn] GV-20 (Celestial Fullness) K 1'7 [tiiin mCil dong] asparagus [tuber]' (Asparagi Tuber) Z fJg+ * [tiiin mCn dong] asparagus [tuber]' (Asparagi Tuber) K TJ % [tiiin mkn dong zhou] Asparagus Gruel % 8 [tiiin ming jing] carpesium@ (Carpesii Herba) KTejE [tiiin n5n xing] arisaema [root]@ (Arisaematis Rhizoma) ZEIj2fi [tiin nin xing win] Arisaema Pill
K @ % [tiin p i o chuiing] heaven-borne sore Ipemphigus]
*%%@ [tiin qiio mii gen] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) K Z T * [tiiin qiC zi] black nightshade' (Solani Nigri Herba) *@* [ti& qli] GB-9 (Celestial Crossroads) K 8 [tiiin quin] PC-2Wf10 (Celestial Spring) K A a [tiin rCn di] heaven, human, and earth K A f t k 3 +E% [tiiin rCn di s i n cii bii xi&] heaven, human, and earth supplementation and drainage KA*HE [tiin rCn xiiing ying] heaven and man are mutually responsive *% [tiiin r6ngl SI-17WlfO(Celestial Countenance) . X & Q rff ?&* [tiiin shen b i i hii tiing] watermelon' (Citrulli Fructus) [tiin shi] PC-2 (Celestial Dampness) [tiiin shii] ST-25Wf10(Celestial Pivot) K R R * [tiiin shii shi] bat's droppings' (Vespertilionis Excrementum) ZL'rA*[tiiin ST guii] luffa gourdg (Luffae Fructus) 6 - $ Z * [tiiin t i i wii yio] lindera [root]@ (Linderae Radix) [tiiin tii wii y8o s5n] Tiantai 6 Lindera Powder **Z* [tiin tiin qik] black nightshade' (Solani Nigri Herba) znfi [tiiin ting] Celestial Hearing; TB-15 (Celestial Hearing) [tiiin ting] celestial court [center of the Joiehead] K % [tiin tli] CV-22WflO (Celestial Chimney) K•’+b&,\ff[tiiin w6ng bii xin diin] Celestial Emperor Heart-supplementing Elixir X g * [tiiin wen] PC-2 (Celestial Warmth) **g .[tian win cIo] spilantheso (Spilanthis Herba)
X.E& * [tiiin wii hui] ST-9 (Celestial Fivefold Confluence) Xi35 [tiiin xi] SP-18WH0(Celestial Ravine) %!111E [tiiin xiiin t h g ] aristolochia sterna (Aristolochiae Caulis) X/tlI@3 [tiiin xiiin tCng sin] Aristolochia Stem Powder X 4tlIT [tiiin xiiin zi] henbane seed' (Hyoscyami Semen) XBW [tiiin xiiing 161 Chinese osbeckiaa (Osbeckiae Chinensis Herba cum Radice seu Radix) Xm* [tian xiing] LI-17 (Ce!estial Nape) X @ [tiiin xiiio] congenital panting; whooping cough XfT [tiiin xing] heaven current [epidemic] E fT% H [tiiin xing chi mii] heavencurrent red eye X?T%BE [tiiin xing chi yin] heavencurrent red eye XfTElijE [tiiin xing shi yi] heaven-current seasonal epidemic X fTU& [tiiin xing sGu] heaven-current cough X fT$BE [tiiin xing wen yi] heavencurrent warm epidemic XfTEW [tiiin xing yi li] heaven-current epidemic pestilence h# [tiiin xi6ngl tianxiong aconite [tuberlo (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Tianxiong) K h# J;L [tiiin xi6ng win] Tianxiong Aconite Pill Xfi's [tiiin xuin] heaven-turned [eye] [a
I,;," ,I
, . l --.,:.-*-I UJ JLJLZIIIIJ
%pH&* [tian ying shi] realgar' (Realgar) X E Z [tiiin ying xuC] natural reaction point
* Z S & [tiiin zhu huing sin] Bamboo Sugar Powder
ZIE-2.[tiiin zhii] BL-10WflO (Celestial Pillar) *#$@!I [tiiin zhii dgo] tumbled celestial pillar [bowed head] ZIE-2.B[tiiin zhii gii] celestial pillar [neck bone] 3% [tiiin z6ngl SI-llW"O (Celestial Gathermg) *&$* [tiiin z6ngl curculigo [rootla (Curculiginis Rhizoma) H M 35 * [tiin biiin j6] kalimerisa (Kalimeridis Herba et Radix) El%%* [tiin b6 cii] plantago' (Piantaginis Herba) %* [tiin gC cii] rorippaa (Rorippae Herba seu Flos) HBB*[tiin ji huing] lesser hypericumO (Hyperici Japonici Herba) El%* [tiin j6] kalimerisa (Kalimeridis Herba et Radix) [tiin 11161 freshwater snaila (Cipangopaludina) El&%% [tiin luo pko] water snail vesicles H @ * [tiin ping] duckweed' (Lemnae Herba) El-k* [tiin qi] notoginseng [rootla (Notoginseng Radix) [tiin qi] notoginseng [root]@ (Notoginseng Radix) * [tiin siin qi] notoginseng [rootlo (Notoginseng Radix) Mt [titin] sweet @I+&* [tign bkn' yk] honey tree fruit'
m$$* m3-t=
(Hnvmia~,F r ~ j r t ~sell l s Semen)
Mt % * [tiin cki] lycium leafa (Lycii Folium)
@IZB[tiin c6ng ro~ig]sweet cistanche [stemla (Cistanches Caulis Dulcis)
[tiiin yGu] TB-16
(Celestial Win-
-. *@ 8 * [tiiin zC xiiing] frankincense' (Olibanum)
X'r.5's [tiiin zh6 huing] bamboo sugar' (Bambusae Concretio Silicea)
X Z B * [tiiin zh6 huing] bamboo sugar' (Bambusae Concretio Silicea)
W A E * [fiin dk yun] sweet cistanche [stemla (Cistanches Caulis Dulcis)
Mttk T [tijn di ding] gueldenstaedtiaa (Guelaenstaedtiae Herba cum Radice)
MttRT* [tiin gen zi] licorice [root]' (Glycyrrhizae Radix)
MtfiE* [titin guii b i ] melon stalko (Cucumeris Melonis Pedicellus)
&ijAg* [tiin guii di] melon stalk' (Cucumeris Melonis Pedicellus) @/ @j @ * [tiin jiC g h g ] apricot-leaved adenophora [root]' (Adenophorae Trachelioidis Radix) @/ % * [tiin j6 huii] chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos) &ij ;Ei E * [tiin shi liin] lotus fruit* (Nelumbinis Fructus) -;4ttSK*[tiin] descurainia [seedla (Descurainiae Semen) &ij 8 { I [tiin xing rCn] sweet apricot kernela (Armeniacae Semen Dulce) +B [tiin] replenish ig [tiin chdng] complement +B$g[tiin jing] replenish essence +&% [tiin sui] replenish the marrow
tiao Ijk [tiiio] select Mk$lJ&~fn[tiiio ci fang xu&] pick to bleed I%% [tiao jiiin] selection )jk@ [tigo pb] pick open )jk$t [tiiio zhen] sty
% $ t E ? & [tiiio zhen liio fii] needlepicking therapy )%% [tiiio zhi] hemorrhoid point picking Ijlk%E?& [tiao zhi liio fii] hemorrhoid point picking method );lk?k%?& [tiiio zhi zhi fii] hemorrhoid , point picking method %% [tiio d i ] orderly reaching +& a [tiio kGu] ST-38WlI" (Ribbon Opening) % 3 [tiio qin] young scutellaria [rootla (Scutellariae Radix Nova) @JV * [tiio ji5] cicada molting' (Cicadae Periostracum) iM [tiio] regulate; regulation; mix
iEJH?& [tiio giin tiing] Liver-Regulating Decoction
iEJSE* [tiio geng-huii] magnolia flower' (Magnoliae Flos) ij%jl;n [tiio hC] harmonize; harmortization
iB+U ffi E [tiio hC ching wii] harmonize the stomach and intestines; gastrointestinal harmonization iBl;UJlfi$+ [tiio hC gan pi] harmonize the liver and spleen iEJl;Ujf 3 [tiio hC giin wki] harmonize the
liver and stomach iMl;UR$ 3 [tiio hC pi wki] harmonize the spleen and stomach iMl;U EZ! [tiio h6 ying wii] harmonize construction and defense; constructiondefense harmonization
i M % 3 [tiio jing] regulate menstruation
i M t 3 3 [tiio jing sgn] Channel-Regulating Powder
iWtZ.ZStl [tiio jing win] Menses-Regulating Pill
iW2ZlI-B [tiio jing zhi tbng] regulate the channe-1s and relieve pain
iM@i$lZ [tiio li chong rin] regulate the thoroughfare and controlling vessels
i B 5 [tiio qi] regulate qi i M 7 K S [ti50 shui dijo} regulate the waterways
iEJW 5.i& [tiio wii cheng qi tiing] Stomach-Regulating Qi-Infusing Decoction iW E tA [tiio ying yin] ConstructionRegulating Beverage
iMZ1#5.ZStl[tiio yuin shkn qi tiing] Origin-Regulating Kidney Qi Pill
iMEPRPBffiJ& [tiio zhlng yin ying piiin shing] correction of yin and yang surfeits
iNEPRBBffiS [tiio zhzng yin ying piiin shuai] correction of yin and yang deficits
iW+%%$& [ti60 zhong yi qi tang] CenterRegulating Qi-Boosting Decoction
9jkE3 [tiijo yui] Leap [non-channel]
tie Jk [tie] apply
Dfi [ting gong] S1-19Wii0 (Auditory Palace) [tie] packet %Q & [tie biio jin] lesser berchemia Ufiw* [ting he] GB-2 (Hearing Laughter) [root]@ (Berchemiae Lineatae Radix) && [ting hui] GB-2WliO (Auditory Con% Q )H* [tie biin diin] Japanese iris@ vergence) (Iridis Japonicae Herba) Ufif7HB [ting li jiin tui] poor hearing %"$i StL [tie di win] Iron Flute Pill Ufi Z [ting ling] Hearing Spirit [non[tie 'i] iron flakeso (Ferri Frusta) channel] %%# [tie gti sin] Iron Hoop Powder UfiBrq [ting 16ng jiiin] Between Hearing and Deafness [non-channel] %@i [tie guin] iron cup % # @ * [tie hii fEng] agrimony' (Agri-@ ? f I [ting min] Sensitive Hearing [nonmoniae Herba) channel] . %E* [tie huii] iron flakese (Ferri Frusta) Ufinn [ting xiiing] Hear the Sound [nonchannel] %&kp [tie g*jiiio li] chaenome\x$ [fruit]@ (Chaenomelis Fructus) Ufifi* [ting xui] Hearing Point [nonchannel] +&CP Z Qh * [tie jiiio ling xiiin]' clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix) a71 [ting k6ngl court orifice [female meatus urinarius] %C[~&Z{UJ*[tie ji5o wEi ling xiiin] clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix) +& [ting t6u] Pagoda Top [nhn-channel] % Z Qlll* [tie ling xiiin] clematis [root]' @ [ting] court [center of the forehead]; (Clematidis Radix) courtyard %E [tie lu6] iron flakes' (Ferri Frusta) I+ [ting] collect % 2$5 @ * [tie quin t6u mG] com{+&+.It [ting shi bG hui] stagnation of mon mbdosiao (Rabdosiae Amethysfood toidis Herba) Q+tRkfE% [ting yin xi6 thng] collecting %;Ei* [tie shi] loadstone' (Magnetitum) rheum rib-side pain %R* [tie shi] iron flakes" (Ferri Frusta) {+tA,L\@ [ting yin xin ji] collecting rheum %ST*[tie sii zi] perilla fruit@(Perillae palpitation Fructus) Q q t A a g [ting yin xuin yiin] collkcting % Z [ti6 xiin] copperleaf' (Acalyphae rheum dizziness -~erbaj @ E * [ting li] tingli [seed]@(Descurainiae % % * .[tie xiin cii] copperleaf' (Acaseu Lepidii Semen) lyphae Herba) gE @fiEjj$@~[ting li d i ziio xi6 fki % k3 * [tie xiin cio] fan-leaved tang] Tingli and Jujube Lung-Draining maidenhair@ (Adianti Flabellulati Herba Decoction seu Rhizoma) gsj!~ [ting li win] Tingli Pill h@j * [tie xikn xi8 kc] prunella SZF [ting li zi] tingli [seed]@ (Descu[spike]@ (Prunellae Spica) rainiae seu Lepidii Semen) %E*[tie xiel iron flakes0 (Ferri Frusta); I@ [ting] purulent ear iron flakes' (Ferri Frusta) @q.[ting Er] purulent ear %%* [tie yG] iron flakes' (Ferri Frusta) &!j
#**[tie zhu] hematite'
[ting ching] persistent erection
tong B [tong] free; unstop; unblock; free flow; promote flow B i E [tong bihn] free the stool; Bowel Freeing [non-channel] B F [tong cio] rice-paper plant pith* (Tetrapanacis Medulla) B A @ * [tong dB hii] sterculia* (Sterculiae Semen) B % % [tong dZo sZn] Freeing Abduction Powder BITS [tong i5r dho] Ear Freeing [nonchannel] BM [tong fii] free the bowels & !!tT ?rJ!B/ [tong fii xi& rk] free the bowels and discharge heat [tong gii] KI-2 (Grain Connectlon); KT-20 (Freeing the Grain) B 2 ( B ) [tong gii (fh)] I
B@% %t $22 [tong jing hu6 lub tiing] Channel-Freeing Network-Quickening Decoction BT&%[tong ki5 qh zhi] freeing [medicinals] can eliminate stagnation . [agents can eliminate stagnation] B 2 [tong li] HT-SW"* (Connecting Li) 33% [tong li] free the interior B @ * [tong li] HT-5 (Connecting Grain) B$ll/l\iE [tong li xiio biin] free urine B H [tong lin] free strangury (lin) B % [tong lub] free the network vessels Bt8iWt2 [tong lub ti50 jing] free the network vessels and regulate the channels B b k [tong mhi] free the vessels &/$ibke9%+6 [tong mii si ni tang] VesselFreeing Counterflow Cold Decoction B (7 * [tong m h ] TB-8 (Connecting Gate) B* [tong mh] free wood 3 % [tong qi] free qi B5&9StL [tong qi s i n jiiin win] QiFreeing Hardness-Dissipating Pill B R [tong qiho] free the orifices S R j & & $ & [tong qiho hu6 xu6 tang] Orifice-Freeing Blood-Quickening Decoction 3R 3 [tong qiho ~HII]Orifice-Freeing Powder B y 1 [tdng rii] free milk [new]; promote lactation [old] & 91 3 * [tong rii cso] lanceolate codonopsis [root]" (Codonopsitis Lanceolatae. Radix) BYLlff [tdng rii diin] Lactation Elixir B$L & 'r& $6 [tong rii s h jiC tiing] Lactation-Promoting Bind-Dissipating Decoction BE [tong tian] BL-7W1IO (Celestial Connection) B X F * [tong tiiin cio] water chestnut* (Heleocharitis Cormus) B i B 7K% [tdng tigo shui dho] regulate the waterways B7;- [tong xil] precipitation B# [tong xi61 free [the bowels] and discharge [heat] B&,\PR[tong xin ying] free heart yang
BE @ fl$ f i
[tC)ng xuiin li fki w h ] Diffusing-Freeing Lung-Rectifying Pill %Pa [tong yiing] free yang f888k'7 [tong y h g h u i qi] free yang and promote qi transformation BPEl?'iB[tong yiing xing bi] free yang and move impediment (bi) B @ BH [tong yin tong ybng] treating the stopped by stopping % @ PZJ [tong you tang] Dark-GateFreeing Decoction BSR, [tong yCi jiiin] Stasis-Freeing Brew [tong yii pi3 jiC] free stasis and break binds H@ [ t h g fiing] sexual intercourse M22.Z1;HGlQfi&[tong jing xiPng ying qii xu6 fii] selection of same-name channel points of corresponding location H% %3 [t6ng ming jing] same-name channel RgPjBZfi?&[tong ming jing pki xu6 fii] combining same-name channel points 4 $2 f i [tbng ming jing xu5n xu61 selection of same-name channel points R 9 Tf [tong shen ciin] body inch #BE+* [ t h g bie zi] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) $B$&[t6ng y6u] tung oil* (Aleuritis Seminis Oleum) & @ [t6ng biPn] child's urine* (Infantis Urina) B @ % [ t h g b i b zhi] mix-fry with child's urine S g * [ t h g shen] pseudostellaria [root]@ (Pseudostellariae Radix) SZ* [ t h g xuiin] LU-7 (Child Mystery) &F&$Ek$i [t6ng zi yi mii ego] young leonurus@ (Leonuri Herba Parva) P R @ g [t6ng chui ciio] lavender sorrel@ (Oxalidis Corymbosae Herba seu Radix) m@i * [tong chui zi] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) %R$g[t6ng guin] brass cup %R%[t6ng lu] copper rust* (Aeris Robigo) [tong lu siin] Green Copper Rust Powder
PR%@[tong qiBn xiiin] copper coin lichen (xilin)
PRG* [ t h g qing] copper rust* (Aeris Robigo) PW@ [t6ng shiii] copper sieve $gg?@* [tong ji li] cornplanate astragalus seed0 (Astragali Complanati Semen) fl@TL [t6ng kdng] pupil 0&TL3A [t6ng k6ng s i n d i ] dilated pupils B@SL%/J\ [t6ng kdng su6 xiiio] contracted pupils 0&41 [ t h g rCn] pupil [of the eye] ll@@ [ t h g shCn] pupil spirit; pupil [of the eye] B&@)5"& [ t h g shCn fiin bki] backward turned pupil spirit [severe squint] IIT's;R[ t h g shCn giin que] pupil contraction fl@@&A[t6ng shCn s i n dB] dilated pupils fl@@%~J\ [t6ng sh6n suo xiiio] contracted pupils I@+ [ t h g zi] pupil [of the eye] B@FB[tong zi giio] upturned pupils ii&+ fjg [t6ng zi K O ] GB-lWf10 (Pupil Bone-Hole) i&+@ [t6ng zi yiing] itchy pupils @F@B [t6ng zi yiing tAncrl painful itching pup~ls % [tdng] rule #j [tbng] pain; painful; sore BB [tbng bi] painful impediment (bi) jE+ TiJfi [tong bu kE jinj pain exacerbated by the slightest pressure B g [tbng chii] pain [tbng feng] pain wind #j$Z [tbng jing] menstrual pain [new]; painful menstruation [new]; dysmenorrhea [OM]; menalgia BZ [tbng ling] Pain Spirit [non-channel] B Q I X$4 [tbng r6 diio ci] pain like the stabbing of a knife @ibHn%4[tbng r6 diio gel pain like the cutting of a knife
%Xl$t!@J[tbng rO zhen ci] pain like the stabbing of a needle %?~U%!j?l] [tbng r6 zhui ci] pain like the piercing of a n awl @jT [tbng xi&] painful diarrhea BPTZ f j - [tbng xi6 yiio fiing] Pain and Diarrhea Formula T & G X f i [tbng y6u ding chh] pain of fixed location
tou l&%t [t6u zhen] sty ~ G F J[t6u yiio] use medicines X [t6u] head X $55 [t6u b5i tii] bald white scalp sore %+it?% [t6u biin biiin tbng] hemilateral headache
X fjT [t6u chCn] heavy-headedness Xi$* [t6u thong] LI-14 (Head Surge) I$* [t6u thong] LI-14 (Head Thoroughfare) [t6u chuiing] head sore [t6u chui yG fii] bowed head X%tT+&X%$9 [t6u fii giin kii wG guiing z i ] dry lusterless hair XE@$i@ [t6u fii xi shii] scant hair XE-8-$ [t6u fii ziio bii] premature graying of the hair X R [t6u feng] head wind X R $ E [t6u feng b5i xi61 head-wind white scaling %RE@[t6u feng xuiin yiin] head wind dizziness X%+ f$ [t6u fkng bh h i ] non-closure of the fontanels &;bX M [t6u guiing ming] Head Bright Light [non-channel] [t6u hiin] sweating head A?? [t6u hiin chii] sweating head & & S [t6u hiin zhbng] clouded heavy head X % [t6u jig01 corners of the head %fR @ [t6u $20 t h g ] pain at the corners of the head X & [t6u ICng] cold head
Xlbf$ [t6u lin qi] GB-15W//O (Head Overlooking Tears)
XP$W [t6u 16 gii] parietal bone; skull [t6u mihn chuiing] sores of the head and face X@tIflCI][tou miiin hong zhcing] red swollen head and face 4 €IB j j t [t6u mh hiin chin] heavy head and clouded vision K !3 % B [t6u mh bun tbng] clouded head and vision with headache and eye pain A €I A&% [t6u mh zhiing tbng] distention and pain of the head and eyes XflhG% [t6u n5o kijng tbng] empty pain in the head X ~ B nlta] D ![t6u niio ming xi5ngl ringing in the head &,% [t6u ni6] Temple of the Head [nonchannel] X E T#&[t6u pi giin kii] dry scalp REfiflCI] [tau pi jii zh6ngl swollen boil on the head %EM* [t6u pi mj. mh] numbness of the scalp R E R E [t6u pi tu6 xi61 dandruff % & E [t6u pi xi&] dandruff [t6u q i i n tbng] frontal headache X %PJ [t6u qi5o yin] GB-11WfIO (Head Orifice Yin) Xi@[t6u qing] bowed head Xj@$JQiZ [t6u qing shi shen] bowed head and downcast eyes X?!: [t6u rk] hot head; head fever X 9 ;Lt!: [t6u r& shen b t ~rZ] head heat without generalized fever X 9 S [t6u shen kiin zhbng] heavy cumbersome head and body X 9%% [t6u shen t i n g tbng] headache and body pain [t6u sui] head marrow [brain] [t6u tbng] headache A%-E* [t6u tbng huii] genkwa [flowerla (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) % @ H Z [t6u tbng qiE,zhbng] headache and heavy-headedness X%-trD!$A! [t6u tbng r~ chk] headache with pulling sensation; iron-band headache
X @ 91% [tau tbng rli pi] splitting headache X $6 $1hrff [t6u tbng rli pb] splitting headache X%$tl%$lJ [t6u tbng rli zhui ci] headache like the piercing of an awl X@P,ZRZ[t6u tbng yin yin] dull headache Xi@[t6u wei] ST-8W"O (Head Corner) Xa[;il [t6u xiiing] ringing in the head Xgffijj$ [tau xiing piin tbng] hemilatera1 headache and pain in the nape Xl3j53@5[t6u xiiing qi6ng tbng] headache and painful stiff nape X f i 11611 xu6nI spinning head . X E 11 . 3 [tou xu6n mu yun] spinning head and dizzy vision XERtjj$ [t6u x u i n niio tbng] spinning head and painful brain X1Z [t6u xuiin] dizzy head X HZ% [t6u xuiin tbng] dizziness and headache %BI;rg[t6u y6n tbng] frontal headache [t6u y&o] shaking of the head X+%n[t6u y60 feng] shaking head wind X@ [t6u yiin] dizzy head X.$i €I [t6u yiin mh xuin] dizzy head and vision; dizziness [t6u zhiing] distention in the head; sensation of pressure in the head XHR& [t6u zhen li6o fii] head needling; scalp acupuncture X s [tou zhbng] heavy-headedness Xg+@,$ [t6u zhbng bG y,G jii] heavy head that is difficult to lift XgBt;Pg [t6u zhbng jiiio qing] heavy head and l g h t feet; top-heaviness XS9DS [tau zhong rli gu6] head heavy as if swathed [new]; bag-over-the-head sensation [old] &gang [t6u zhbng rli meng] clouded heavy head 2 [tbu] thrust out(ward); outthrust 3%[tbu ban] outthrust macules BS [tbu biiio] outthrust the exterior BXl.f?4:9\[tbu feng yli r&whi] outthrust wind t o allow clearing of internal heat
jj$@ [tbu gii ciiol- speranskia/balsam@ (Speranskiae seu Impatientis Herba) S B # [tbu gii xiiio] ground ivy@ (Glechomae Hederaceae Herba); moneywortO (Jinqiancao Herba); wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix e t Rhizoma) zX;$rf [tbu guiin sh&jig] extension of visible veins through all the bars through to the nail Bt2 [tbu jing] channel-joining method B M 8 [tbu n6ng sIn] Pus-Outthrusting Powder jj$?!l: [tbu rk] outthrust heat , [tbu tiiin liiing] heavenpenetrating cooling method Bq[J[tbu xi151 outthrust evils B # [tbu xik] outthrust and discharge gfi [tbu xu&]joining points; point joining %BE.', [tbu ying zhuiin qi] outthrust construction heat through qi 3%j[tbu zhen] joining BY3 [tbu zhgn] outthrust papules
[tii chuing you] Bald Sores Oil
sj@lg& [tfi qi jing gio] sudden bulging of the eyes
% @ E { F [tli r6n fii zub] occurring in sudden bouts
t& [tfi] apply; smear [on the skin]
?&llRBB[tu yiin yiio giio] eye paste f [tii] earth; soil f$ Z j* [tii b6i s h i o ] curculigo [root]@ (Curculiginis Rhizoma) smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) fgjR* [tii bei xi&] smooth greenbrier [root]Q (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) f2 * [tii bki] bolbostemma [tuber]@ (Bolbostemmatis Tuber) fR Ej [tii b6i mii] bolbostemma [tuber]@ (Bolbostemmatis Tuber) fg*[tii bie] wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia)
kg*[tii bei]
* 4& *
[tii biE ch6ngl wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatla) &EEQ * [tii bie jig] turtle shell* (Amydae Carapax) f+!&& [tii bir shEng jin] earth failing to engender metal $1]7fC [tii bir zhi shui] earth failing to dam water f$$ [tii chiio] stir-fry with earth f& * [tii ch6ngl wingless cockroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia) &A$$ [tii d i huing] Madaio dock root0 (Rumicis Madaio Radix) fA sa t [tii d i huing y&] Madaio dock leaf0 (Rumicis Madaio Folium) &%B [tii diing shEn] Java campanumoea- [root]@ (Campanumoeae Javanicae Radix) ItT@ [tii ding gui] evolvulus@ (Evolvuli Herba) & S * [tii d6u] peanut [kernel]' (Arachidis Semen) kXET [tii fii ling] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) - ~ z [tii B giin] earth gan [= sty] fg S* [tii g i n ciio] hairy mussaenda [stem and leafl0 (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) ffi % * [tii g6ng ying] elephantopus' (Elephantopi Herba) fJlS;(;R* [ti; guii gen] cucumber gourd root@ (Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix) fiX E* [tii h6ng hui] cirsiumo (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) fE'@*[tii huii fen] cucumber gourd root@ (Trichosanthis Cucurneroidis Radix) *%B* [tii huang ji] moghania [root]@ (Moghaniae Radix) *BS* [tii huang qi 11 moghania [root]@ (Moghaniae Radix) fB X * [tii huing qi 21 five-finger fig root@ (Fici Simplicissimae Radix) &$5i g * [tii hui xiiing] fennel [fruit]' (Foeniculi Fructus)
fqEB [tii hu6 xiiing] agastacheo (Agastaches Herba); agastache/patchouli@ (Agastaches seu Pogostemi Herba) *&%$El* [tii jin c h i gen] scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix) f$S* [tii jing] ginseng' (Ginseng Radix) f3U 3 [tii jing jj&] wormseed' (Chenopodii Ambroisioidis Herba) +S*[tii ling] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) fft;* [tii 16ngl earthworm' (Lumbricus) &%+* [tii mii dong] bamboo leaf' (Lophatheri Folium) f?f& [tii mii li] freshwater mussel shella (Unionis Concha) f$E* [ t i mii biE] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) &+@ [tii niii xi] native achyranthes [root]' (Achyranthis Radix) *+@$El* [tii niii xi gen] native achyranthes [root]" (Achyranthis Radix) [tii r i n shen] talinum root@(Talini Paniculati Radix) kZfJUFfi*[tii siin jii pi] trifoliate acanthopanax root@ (Acanthopanacis Trifoliati Radix) k@J* [tii shin] earthworm' (Lumbricus) fg+j'#[tii g sheng win wir] earth engenders the myriad things +@* [tii sii] radish' (Raphani Radix) fSYE@ [tii xi wen ziio] earth likes warmth and dryness *BZ [tii xiing rli] wild marjoram' (Origani Herba) fjmaf-* [tii yiin yk] mountain tobacco@ (Solani Verbascifolii Folium) f& [tii ying] earth sore [sty] f@E* [tii yin c h h ] siphonostegia@ (Siphonostegiae Herba); wild marjoram' (Origani Herba) + f E E W [tii yin huii y6] wild honeysuckle [leaf]@ (Lonicerae Confusae Folium) [tii yir du6 zhi] depressed earth is treated by despoliation [tii yuin] wingless cocltroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia)
fElf%$8[tii yue j i i sG] earth is the sowing and reaping zt 3* [tii zhi] taro [root]' (Colocasiae Tuber) &;k* [tii zhii] hematite' (Haematitum) D k [tii] spit Dk&'lm+fi[ti; gi! n i xin] exhale the old and inhale the new D4'lfi [tii nh] exhale [the old] and inhale [the new] nf_Y[tii qi] exhale Df&TB [tii t i n bu shuiing] ungratifying ejection of phlegm Df_@?$ [tii xi6n mo] drool foaming at the mouth D k [till vomit; vomiting; eject; ejection D l ? & [til 6 1 ejection [tu E n ] fecal vomiting DflM [th hui] vomiting of roundworm DkSS [lu nong she] protrusion and worrying o t the tongue hkl$3 [tu nu] blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding D4$l [tu rii] vomiting of milk Dk-6 [tu shC] protrusion of the tongue Df& [tu shi] vomiting of food DfR [tu shi] fecal vomiting nk7k [ti! shui] vomiting of water Df&T* [tu ST zi] cuscuta [seed]@ (Cuscutae Semen) uZ@[th suiin] acid vomiting; vomiting of sour matter Df@@ [tu t i n xian] eject phlegm-drool n L IT
"n; lAU 1J
.rnm;t;nn . S J l l r l r r X E 6
~ n r rl 4 ; ~ r r h o r l u x a u u r u r x l z u u
Dkiq [tu xi&] vomiting and diarrhea D4iq-;T;@ [tG xi6 bh dC] inability to vomit o r defecate [despite the desire]
Dk& [ti! xu&] blood ejection Uk&!lt3h [th xu6 nu xu&] blood ejection and spontaneous external bleeding
%E[ti! chun] harelip % m [ti! rbu] hare's o r rabbit's fleshe (Leporis seu Cuniculi Caro) shi] hare's droppings@ (Lepi Excrementum); hare's droppings@ (Lepi Excrementum)
% R * [th shi] hare's droppings@ (Lepi Excrementum)
%4'rF* [tu si zi] cuscuta [seed]@ (Cuscutae Semen) %%ffi * [th zi ching] morinda [root]@ (Morindae Radix) %2%* [th I<] cuscuta [seed]@ (Cuscutae Semen) %g%* [tii si shi] cuscuta [seed]@ (Cuscutae Semen) %4'rF [tu si zi] cuscuta [seed]@ (Cuscutae Semen) ggqitl, [tii si zi w6n] Cuscuta Seed Pill; Cuscuta Seed Pill 354'r75#5[tu si zi zhou] Cuscuta Gruel
tui #l [tui] push %?& [tui f;] pushing
[tui g u i n ] push-cupping [tui guhn fii] push-cupping #lS [tui n6] tuina [massage therapy] %%?A [tui qi fg] qi-pushing method #lG [tui xlin] pushing a n searching [pulse-taking] @2+3 [tui zhi bh dbng] not t o move when pushed @2+@ [tui zhi bi! yi] not to move when pushed; immovable # l 2 r r l 3 [tui zhi k i dbng] move when pushed J L ~[tui] prominence 1rdr%yi7 IJ*~7 ~ Lrt..: -L U
- 7rn xr n~; n ~ z o ~ nrt n
.m a L~xnV~l~lx~n Lt .L ; z~n u 5n
(shan) %j [tui] bulging [tui s h i n ] bulging mounting (shhn) rn [tui] leg; lower extremity; thigh BE* [tui dii] KI-9 (Leg Belly) B!&Eh [tui r u b wu li] weak legs B e [tui tong] leg pain @$+@ [tui zh6ng tbng] painful swollen legs Z [tui] abate; abatement g g [tui diin] abate jaundice
[tui feng shi zhc] notopterygium [rootla (Notopterygii Rhizoma) BB [tui huing] abate jaundice ZgTG [tui huing dsn] abate jaundice B!!':[tui r&] abate heat; abate fever B!<\+& [tui r& siin] Heat-Abating Powder [tui yi] eliminate eye screens B+t [tui zhen] needle retraction B # [tui zhting] reduce swelling
tun f€f [tin] swallow
G6IJ [ t i n ji] swallowing pills
[ t i n suiin] acid regurgitation; acid swallowing f€fRQElB[tiin y i n kiin n6n] difficulty in swallowing Ilg @[It i n luiin] pig's testis' (Suis Testis) [t6n] buttock B g P g f i [ t h bb sheng yong] welling abscess (jong) of the buttock W$ [tlin zhong] Buttocks Center [nonchannel]
[tuo] draw ES#m [tub d6 p i i n6ngl draw toxin [and expel] pus ESBR [tuo d6 tbu nong] draw toxin and outthrust pus fE$& [tuo fii] drawing [method of treatment] EE [tuo j i ] knee-side flat abscess ('jfi) f i 9 Z % &[tuo li ding t6ng tiing] Internal Expulsion and Pain-Relieving Decoction E9Bfi& [tuo li t6u n6ng tang] Internal Expulsion Pus-Expelling Decoction E 9 T j %+& [tuo li xi50 dfi siin] Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Powder E 9 T~ %$A [tuo li xiiio dli yin] Internal Expulsion Toxin-Dispersing Beverage R & l j [tuo p6n ding] tray clove sore (ding) %%E* [tuo ni biin] tortoise plastron' (Testudinis Plastrum)
R# [tuG] desert; desertion; slough; sloughing
[tuo f5] hair loss
B%D [tue gang] prolapse of the rectum; anal desertion
Jl%DT 4k [tuG gang bii shou] unretractable prolapse of the rectum
R U B [tuo gang zhi] rectal prolap!e hemorrhoids
HBE [ t u gii ~ jCi] sloughing flat abscess
0'4 [tuo h i n ] desertion sweating [tuo hua jiiin] Falling Flower Brew R#W [tuo ji6] dislocation R# U [tuo jib] dislocation; Dislocation [non-channel] HZ [tuo j i ] sloughing flat abscess ('jfi) H Z %% [tuo- kt5 n6ng yong] shellbursting scrota1 welling abscess (jotzg) HZYLfi [tuo k i rii yong] shell-bursting mammary welling abscess (y6tzg) fl2A35 [tuo li hukng] strength desertion yellowing B#Z [tuo n h g ] sloughing scrotum B % 9 [tuo qi] deserting qi Jl#m [tuo rbu] shedding of the flesh I l 2 ~ 7 i i J[tuo l ~ r6u pb jGn (jiting)] shedding of flesh and loss of bulk [severe emaciation] H @ [tuo shCn] desertion of the spirit He*[tuo shi] talcumo (Talcum) Hfl5 [tuo xing] shedding of the the physlcal body [tuii xu61 blood desertion RPH [tuo yjng] yang desertion fl#% [tuo y&] humor desertion [tuo yin] yin desertion A#% [tuo yong] sloughing welling abscess bong) Hi$ [tuo zh&ng] desertion pattern Bt@;W: [tub seng giio] Litharge Paste R"a" [tub bki] hunchback @ [tub] spittle; spit I@% '3%[tub wCi shkn y&] spittle is the humor of the kidney @& [tu6 xu&] spitting of blood
[wI ling zi] ark shell' (Arcae Concha) BZ&B* [wI l6ng g i pi] ark shell' (Arcae Concha) Z T * [wI 16ng zi] ark shell' (Arcae Concha) RMBfF* [wh n i qi] seal's genitals' (Caliorhini seu Phocae Testis et Penis) JI& Jll'JBfF&[wii n i qi sin] Seal Genitals Powder
wai Z [wiii] deviated; deviation; wry; wryness Ilfi
[wiii] deviated; deviation; wry; wryness
IlfiNF2 [wli pi bii sui] deviation and
paralysis of the face [wiii xii] deviation; wry; wryness; deviated 9b [wii] out; outer (body); outward; external 91% [wrii chui] external blowing 9b %fLB [wii chui rii yong] external blowing mammary welling abscess (y6ng) 9bSb3 [wii ding chuIn] Outer Panting Stabilizer [non-channel] 91 -IT53 R [wiii i5r diio k h ] Outer Ear Opening [non-channel] 9 b A [whi fiing] external wind Ilfi$#
hl. +Jn W I I.."' rnrk; f.?l t'" nU"n""i,p - l l w - q n n l i e r l tnn'"j u~ yny xn , l w L L -r Y"""'..
ically 9bBfffill [wiii fii giio ji] topically applied paste 9b %$ge& [wii fii jie gii sIn] Topical Bone-Joining Powder 9f.%j$$@Z;;;jfi [wii fii m i zui yiio fiing] Topical Anesthetic Formula 9 b % B [wiii fii gii] outer assisting bone; fibula 9b @ [wii gIn] external contraction 9 b B % [whi gin bing] externally contracted disease
91 @W?& [wiii g i n fii re] external contraction fever 9b KJ5 [whi gIn fEng xii] externally contracted wind evil; external contraction of wind evil 9b@%BP [whi gIn hin xii] externally contracted cold evil; external contraction of cold evil 9 b @ A f Z [wii gIn 1% yin] external contraction of [one or more ofJ the six excesses; six-excess external contraction 9b @ ?4\% [wrii gIn rk bing] externally contracted heat disease; externally contracted febrile disease 9b @ ?(\%#$ijE [wii gIn rk bing biiin zhkng] externally contracted febrile (heat) disease pattern identification 9bBti!:KP [wiii gin ri: xie] externaiiy contracted heat evil; external contraction of heat evil 9b@ E E W [wii gIn wki win tbng] external contraction stomach duct pain 9b@EW [wii g5n ylo tbng] external contraction lumbar pain 9\ %J * [wii gGu] ST-32 (Outer Hook) 9 b Z [wii guiiri] TB-5 (Outer Pass) [wiii hin] external cold 9b 3@ ?jE [wii hin fhn wki] external cold invading the stomach 9 b H [wii huii] outer ankle bone; lateral malleolus y b g g iwai huai jiinj Tip of the Ourcr Ankle Bone [non-channel] 9b&$$ [wii jin jin] Outer Golden Liquid [non-channel] 9bg9 [wii jing] external channels * [wii jing mingl Outer Bright Eyes [non-channel] 9b+$ [wii kc] external medicine; surgery Sb#;t.b$& [wrii kii bii fI] internal supplementation S\+$@E$% [wii kii chin sii win] External Medicine Toad Venom Pill
SE +4 % 6 [wii ke ji bing] external medicine disease 9b f+# $& [wii kii xiiio fii] internal dispersion S\ f+iiEiG [whi kE zhing haul external medicine patterns S E F S [whi 160 gong] Outer Palace of Toil [non-channel] SEE% [whi liin] outer face [of limbs etc.] S\IU11% [whi liin chuiing] outer shank sore S \ @ [whi ling] ST-26WF10(Outer Mound) $\ [wii ming] Outer Brightness [nonchannel] S E e * [whi ming] KI-7 (Outer Life) st.^ [wii qiii] GB-36WHO (Outer Hill); ST-32 (Outer Hill) SE49j [wii shiing] external damage [by the six excesses etc.]; external injury [knocks and falls etc.] SE 4% J@ [wii shiing chii xuk] bleeding due to external injury SE{%J$$@j [wii shiing yiio tang] external injury-lumbar pain SE {%a$@ [wii shing zh6ng tang] pain and swelling due to external injury 9\ '# [wii shin] external kidney [male genitals] 9\ '# rff d [whi s h h d i i o tang] painful pendulous external kidney [male genitals] S E ' # @ A [wii s h i n su6 rii] retracted external kidney [male genitals] S\ E [wii shi] external dampness S\@* [wii shii] GB-28 (Outer Pivot) SE e4% [wii si mgn] Outer Fourfold Fullness [non-channel] 91% [wii tu6] outward desertion SE ElR.* [whi xi ygn] Outer Eye of the Knee [non-channel] 9 1 !fP [wii xiGI external evil 9 1 $$$X [whi xi6 shi] outward squint SE%ISCR [wii yi piin jing] external screen creeping over the eye Sf. Bil [w%iyin] external cause [of disease] S\PkJ@ [wii yin liin] Outer Yin Corner [non-channel] '
SE P B%)TB$ [wiii yin y6ng zh6ngl genital welling abscess bong) SE% [wii yong] external welling abscess bong) 9 1 H 3 [whi yhng yio] topically applied medicinal , S E H E [wii yii yk] Outer Jade Humor [non-channel] S\Pg [wii zhhng] external obstruction [of the eye] S \ B % [wiii zhen hin] true external cold S\B!& [wii zhiin rk] true external heat S\i$ [wii zhkng] external pattern S\&* [whi zhi li] Outer Erect Posture [non-channel] S\$i [wii zhi] external treatment S\% [whi zhi] external hemorrhoid S\Hflt [wii zi] outer canthus
* [wan bii g6u zi] arctium [seed]@ (Arctii Fructus) $ H [wiin zhiin] bent needle [win] pill %fiIJ [win ji] pill preparation; pill (preparation) 6-m 'ifr[win d i i tiing] Discharge-Ceasing Decoction Z B [win gii] completion bone (mastoid process); GB-12WHO (Completion Bone) [win gii bii hui] nontransformation of food [win bi] insensitive impediment (bi) [win m i ] stubborn numbness [win mil] stubborn numbness [win t i n ] stubborn phlegm [win xiiin] stubborn lichen (xiiin) gese [wiin wiin] depression [a concavity] &)E& [wiin zhi fii] hugging [pulse-taking technique] 3!$f i * [wiin c i n s h i ] silkworm droppingso (Bombycis Excrementurn) &E [wiin fCi] late emergence @ @ * [wiin shin] earthwormo (Lumbricus) 3E
a@$ a* A h
[win] stomach duct [new]; venter [old]
EE [win fii] stomach duct and abdomen BZEtRflE [win fii b5o zhing] bloating of the stomach duct and abdomen
HZ&%% [win fii b i o tong] fulminant pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
HZ&?+% [win fG E n g tong] cold pain in the stomach duct and abdomen
HZ@%% [win fii m i n tong] fullness and pain in the stomach duct and abdomen I$@?% [win fii qi tong] stomach duct qi pain and abdomen Bg@&B#ig [win fii zhing t h g jii i n ] pain and distention in stomach duct and abdomen that likes pressure B$RE!!JflE [wIn fii zhui zhing] sagging distention in the stomach duct and abdomen EEf92C':[wgn fii zhu6 rk] scorching heat in the stomach duct and abdomen BZ%{+flE [wiin pi zuo zhing] glomus and distention in the stomach duct B5 [win] wrist; joint [win gii] SI-4W"O (Wrist Bone) JJijS*[w%n Iio] LU-7 (Wrist Taxation) JJijTS[win xi8 chui] limp wrists; limp wrist 77 [win] ten thousand; myriad E,$&*[win d i i n jin] rough-leaved holly root@ (Ilicis Asprellae Radix) +i%i3*[win jing zi] vitex [fruit]. (Viticis Fructus) +i g [win li] Ten Thousand Li [nonchannel] EZfi [win ling diin] Unlimited- Efficacy . kllxir
+i%* [win niin] mutong [stem]@ (Mutong Caulis) + i % g $ R [win niin qing gen] rohdea root@ (Rohdeae Rhizoma et Radix) +i%@*[win niin ting] mutong [stem]@ (Mutong Caulis) +i&Z* [win t i o huii] datura flowere (Daturae Flos) TiE@ [wiin ying gaol Myriad Applications Paste 77 E3L [win ying wiin] Myriad Applications Pill
'7 [wing] collapse
t@'& [wang jin yk] fluid collapse t& [wing xu&] blood collapse
t&Z [wing xu&jiii]
person who suffers
from blood collapse
7 P I [wing ying] yang collapse 7 PIEN [wing ying xii tuo] yangcollapse vacuity desertion 'r4 PJj [wing yin] yin collapse E+ jT* [wing bii .liu xing] vaccaria [seed]@ (Vaccariae Semen) 3 @ 17 [wing bii li6 xing] vaccaria [seed]@ (Vaccariae Semen) Eg [wing gong] king's palace [region between the inner canthi] 4. A $R [wing guii. gen] cucumber gourd root@ (akichosanthis Cucumeroidis Radix) ZS* [wiing liin] coptis [root]@(Coptidis Rhizoma) 33 * [wing mi01 dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) 5 ~ ~ # + ' r[wing : k shi liin pi3 yin] Wang's Coptis and Magnolia Bark Beverage 3 E?$b&&S$& [wiing shi qing shii yi qi tiing] Wang's Summerheat-Clearing QiBoosting Decoction E$j* [wing weng] mutong [stem]@ (M.utong Caulis) $Z%%% [wIng 1ii h i n 1-61 alternating fever and chills; alternating fever and aversion to cold; alternating cold and heat I@l%$B.f [wing qiu zheu] tennis elbow S [wing] frenetic S$J [whng dong] frenetic stirring ZE [whng jiin] hallucination gv [wing meng] wild dreams SqT [wing xing] frenetic movement S S [wing yin] raving Z2 [wing yiin wiing jiin] raving and hallucination
SGFfil [wing ydu sud jiin] hallucina-
tion E 3 l [wing] effulgent; effulgence izgq* [wing li ciio] lippiao (Lippiae Herba) gi'&[wing chi] inspection of the teeth ZaEF [wkng jiiing n8n zi] coffee senna fruit' (Cassiae Occidentalis Fructus) gE+?&[wkng sk shi fii] ten-principle examination of the complexion EJfi3& [wkng xing thi] inspection of form and bearing 38 49 [wing yuk shii] hare's droppingso (Lepi Excrementum) %@ [wing zhin] inspection; looking examination; visual examination
wei JE% [wei dii] critical [of conditions]
JElG [wei hhu] critical sign JEiiE [wei zhkng] critical sign; critical pattern
J%Z%[wEi ling wiin] Clematis Pill J%Z4th [wei ling xiiin] clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix)
J%B% [wEi xi wan] Powerful Happiness Pill
4% [wei] mild; slight; debilitation I%%$[wEi chiio] light stir-frying 4%%B[wEi f8n] slight vexation [wEi feng] mild wind
4%t? [wEi hin] slight sweating I%A [wei hud] low flame 4%bX [wEi mii] faint pulse I%E [wci shkn] salience [pulse] f % 4 % t ? ~[wei wei h i n chu] slight sweating
I%%B[wEi xii] mild evil 4 % % 8 2 [wei z h i ni zhi] mild conditions are treated by counteraction ;4at [wei] roast
$E$$ [wei jiiing] roasted gingers (Zingiberis Rhizoma Ustum)
@7R [wei shui] decoct with water; boil
[wei shui fli] take decocted with
$E7kt& [wEi shui xi] decoct as a wash $EflJ [wei zhi] roasting
$$a* [wei ciio] baiwei
[cynanchum rootlo (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) Sslth* [wei ling xian] clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix) SZlLLI* [wei ling xiiin] clematis [root]' (Clematidis Radix) S & * [wei rui] Solomon's seal [root]' (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) S S * [wei shEn] Solomon's seal [root]' (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) %$HZ [wCi cC1 mh] grind to a rough powder %% [wii mh] grind to a powder 32*[wii zhi] GV-1 ,(That's It) H E [wCi yko] encircling IElH$ilJ [wii zhi ci] encirclement needling ?f% [wii] link ?fEK [wii bso] Womb's Surround [nonchannel] tf%B [wki diio] GB-28W110(Linking Path) ?Be* [wii hui] CV-8 (Linking Convergence); GV-20 (Linking Convergence) E 3 B* [wci cui gii] GV-1 (Tail Kingfisher Bone) Ej&B [wGi d i gii] sacrum and coccyx E B [wii gii] coccyx; tail bone E B 9 [wgi gii pkng] Beside the Coccyx [non-channel] EB7;2* [wii gfi xi8 kong] GV-1 (Hollow Below the Tail Bone) * [wii li] water chestnut' (Heleocharitis Cormus) , E W [wii lu] coccyx Etiq* [wii lu] GV-1 (Tail Palm) E riil& [wci lu thng] sacral pain E&B* [wii qu gii] GV-1 (Tail Maggot Bone) E%* [wEi yi] CV-15 (Tail Screen) WP%% [wii ling cii] Chinese silverweedo (Potentillae Chinensis Radix seu Herba cum Radice)
Sk [wii shing] Above the Bend [nonchannel] S7; [wii xi$] Below the Bend [nonchannel] % PQ [wii ying] BL-39W"O(BL-53) (Bend Yaw) I+ [wii zhong] bend center (popliteal fossa); BL-40W110(Bend Center) Z 3 [wii zhong dh] bend-center toxin [sore] 9 I+% [wii zh6ng yong] bend-center welling abscess Cybng) [welling abscess of the back of the knee] [wii huing] withered-yellow [complexion]; sallow yellow [complexion] S B * [wii rui] Solomon's seal [root]* (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) g g * [wii xiiing] Solomon's seal [root]* (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) ,& [wii] wilting (wti) [new]; atony [old] &% [wii bi] crippling wilt (wti) @% [wii juC] wilting reversal (wti jut) %&i$ [wii zhkng] wilting (wti) pattern % #B * [wii gEn] phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma) % Z * [wii jing] phragmites stem@ (Phragmititis Caul!$) %Zt% [wii jing tang] Phragmites Stem Decoction % 3@* [wii zi gEn] phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma) [w&i] eighth earthly branch; 138; not Yet $ a!E [w+i f.? hing @;in f~j! take before attacks *T &rJ# [wki jiiio ji xik] ejaculation before intercourse *$$%% [wki 120 xiin shuii] premature senility *El$ [w&i shi] B8 watch 11-3 p.m.] Fk [w&i] flavor; ingredient %g* [wki liin] Sichuan coptis [root]@ (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense); coptis [root]@ (Coptidis Rhizoma) [wki xi mb] grind t o a fine powder E [w&i] fear
E n x 3$ [wki fEng 'wii hin] aversion to wind and cold
E % [wki hin] fear of cold R%S 2% [wki h i n xi liing] fear of cold and liking for warmth [wki rCn] fear of people WEN% [wki wii fEng hin] aversion to wind and cold g [wki] stomach; gastric; gastro-; STW1'O i=;, 8 , $R [wki, s h h , gEn] stomach, spirit, and root [pulse] E% [wki bing] stomach disease E T%!J{wki bii hC] disharmony of the stomach; stomach disharmony 3;- [wki bii hC zC wb bii i=; T fll]E\ Bn] when the stomach is in disharmony, there is unquiet sleep 6 [wki cang] BL-50WifO(BL-45) (Stomach Granary) fEj j& jg 5 [wii ching zhsng qi] gastrointestinal qi distention vatulence] E & [wki c h h g ] stomach worm E [wki dii] torpid stomach g [wki fiin] stomach reflux [wki fEng] stomach wind 'f$j N $5~ [wki fEng ting] Stomach Wind Decoction i=;mT%[wki fii qi zhi] stomach bowel qi stagnation E Rlfth@ [wki fii xu2 yii] stomach bowel blood stasis E # % [wki guin jiin] Stomach Gate Brew g* [wki guiinl CV-13 (Stomach Duct) EST@[wki guiin xi8 shii] Below the Stomach Duct [non-channel] 3$ [wki hin] stomach cold g 3$B!(\ [wki h i n ching rk] stomach cold and intestinal heat 'g 3$@@ [wki h i n k nil stomach cold hiccough . g [wki h i n k zii] stomach cold malign obstruction g A [wki hu6] stomach fire E A;C0\& [wki hu6 chi shkng] intense stomach fire
E A lf i [wki hu6 s h i n g sheng] stomach fire bearing upward; upbearing of stomach fire E A%% [wki hu6 y i tdng] stomach fire toothache FZ Z [wki jig] stomach fiamily [stomach a n d intestines] E %% [wki jig shi] stomach family repletion E Z E [wki jiii xii] stomach family vacuity = a P+R [wki jiing] stomach downbearing
3 $$ [wki jin] stomach liquid E @ [wki jing] stomach channel; STWIf* E US [wki kC] stomach cough Ei T f i [wki k6u bh hiio] poor appetite 3 /4; [wki 161 Happy Tummy [nonchannel] a + ?% [wki ling tang] Stomach-Calming Poria (Hoelen) Five Decoction E S * [wki mii] CV-12 (Stomach Alarm) 3 '1m $ fE [wki n i bh jiii] poor stomach intake 3 94 [wki n i diii zhi] torpid stomach intake E '1AX$ [wki nB jiiin shjo] reduced food' intake E '1fiXS [wki n i q i i n ji%] poor stomach intake m e a 7 [wki qi] stomach qi m e a ~;l';$Il[wki qi bh hC] disharmony of stomach qi m A= a 7 $ E [wki qi bh jiing] nondownbearing of stomach qi; impairment of gastric downbearing w e a -t+ Z [wki qi bii z ~ insufficiency ] of stomach qi w e a . ~ $[wki qi nil counterflow stomach 91 w e a 1 5 5 [wki qi rub] weak stomach qi w e a -x+@ [wki qi shjlng nil stomach qi ascending counterflow w e a 1E [wki qi xu] stomach qi vacuity w e a -&SF [wki qi xii hin] stomach qi vacuity cold W k , a IM jFIl B [wki qi yi hC jiing wCi shiin] stomach qi is normal when there is harmonious downbearing 53-
[wki qi yi tong jiing wCi M 23 [la, shhn] stomach is normal when there is free downbearing -a b= E [wii qi yin liiing x i ] dual vacuity of stomach qi and yin =A= a 7%[wki qi zhi] stomach qi stagnation = a ,
a T&P@ [wki qi zhii jiing] stomach qi governs downbearing 3 $%M55[wki qiing pi rud] strong stomach and weak spleen E $4: [wki 1-61stomach heat E $4k% [wki rk ching hiin] stomach heat and intestinal cold 3 !4:%jL\ [wki rk chCng xin] stomach heat exploiting the heart E $&llE@[wki rk k nil stomach heat hiccough E $4: %pH [wki re 2 zii] stomach heat malign obstruction g $4: E& [wki rk king shkng] hyperactive stomach heat E $4: [wki rk pi yue] stomach heat and straitened spleen E $438[wki rk s h i gii] stomach heat with rapid digestion E $4:&X [wki rk shi diii] torpid food intake due t o stomach heat E $(:R[wki rk xulj] Stomach Heat Point [non-chanrzel] E$4tB@j [w& r& yang shkng] exuberant stomach heat W 55.EPH [wki rud k zii] weak stomach mal~gnbbstruction E _ t f i [wki shing xu61 Above the Stomach Point [non-channel] E *$a P@ [wki shi hC jiing] impaired harmonious downbearing of the stomach g g [wki shi] stomach repletion 'jZj gllE3 [wki shi k nil stomach repletion hiccough 3%% [wii shi h i n ] stomach repletion cold sg?!:[wki shi 1-61stomach repletion heat @ [wki shii] BL-21WllO (Stomach Transport) g$rl: [wki shii] Stomach Soother [nonchannel]
E &@94 [wki zhii fii shou] stomach governs decomposition
[new]; venter [old]; CV-12 (Stomach Duct); CV-13 (Stomach Duct) m * a Jlz&& [wki w l n (guln) t i n g tbng] stomach duct pain; stomach duct pain E E@ [wki w l n (guin) tbng] stomach duct pain w +. a kE@[wki wiin (guin) xii pi] stomach duct vacuity glomus a [wki w l n yong] stomach duct welling abscess (y6ng) 'fZtZf:*[wii wii] ST-4 (Stomach Link) W % 7k 82@ [wii w i i shui gii zhi hli] stomach is the sea of grain and water w .\, a YB [wii xiiio] stomach wasting [center wasting] [wki xin tbng] stomach heart pain W E E [wki xu] stomach vacuity F EUE3 [wki xu 6 nil stomach vacuitj hiccough 'fZ @% [wki xii h i n ] stomach vacuity cold E PEI [wki y6ngl stomach yang E PEIE [w&iy6ng xu] stomach yang vacuity s [JOBS[wki y i n g xii h i n ] stomach yang vacuity cold W Ph [w6i yin] stomach yin E PJj J$ [wki yin bG zii] insufficiency of stomach yin F PJj 5 E [wki yin kui xu] stomach yin depletion F.PhE [wki yin xii] stomach yin vacuity W FJqIf3 ,% FGi yiE y?Eg !igng xG] dla! vacuity of stomach yin and yang; stomach yin and yang vacuity E @ [wki yong] stomach welling abscess
i$'& P$
E @$ [wki tbng] stomach pain
E E [wki w i n (guin)] stomach duct
Olwd E? ' + [wki zhi] stomach juices; gastric juices
E 2 A28 [wii zhi d i lut,] great network
[wii zhii jiing zhuo] stomach governs downbearing of the turbid
F &%$A
[wki zhii shbu n i l stomach governs intake $E$$ [wii jiiing] roasted ginger [root]@ (Zingiberis Rhizoma Tostum)
2 [wki] defense
PS [wki bilo] defensive exterior 2 ST H [wki biiio bii gii] insecurity of the defensive exterior 29 [wki fkn] defense aspect
[wii f i n zhing] defense-aspect
PI', [wii qi] defense qi 39 1;p j [wki qi bu gG] insecurity of defense qi
PI',m'& [wki qi tong bing] dual disease of defense and qi
[wki qi ying xu&] defense, qi, construction, and blood JJ-/== 3 &Hiif [wki qi ying xu2 bikn zhkng] defense, qi, construction, and blood pattern identification; four-aspect pattern identification [wii qi ying xu6 biiin zhkng] four aspects IP $ g gSij [wii qiing ying rut,] strong defense and weak construction 2 ?&g $ g [wei rut, ying qiing] weak defense and strong construction P Y I P f j E W [wki sheng f&ng yi diin] Health-Safeguarding Scourge-Preventing Elixir PPEI [wki ying] defensive yang
P P B + H [wii y6ng bii gii] insecurity of defensive yang
vesse1,of the stomach
JJ-BW% [wki ying tong bing] dual dis-
W R [wii zhi] stomach stagnation W $& [wii zhong rk] heat in the stomach
3 [wii] Wei [220-265 A.D.]
[wki zhong zho shi] dry stool in the stomach [intestines]
ease of defense and construction
* [wki] schisandra [berry]@ (Schisandrae Fructus)
g g 2 % % [wen jing qu hiin] warm the
?E [wen] warm; warmth $E% [wen bing] warm disease ?E%E [wen bing pii] warm disease
?EgZ&% [wen jing s i n hiin] warm the
?E'%iiE#% [wen bing zh6ng hbu] warm disease pattern
?E;itbfl$PB[wen bii fki yiing] warm and supplement lung yang
channels and dispel cold channels and dissipate cold
?Eg31&[wen jing tang] Channel-Warming (Menses-Warming) Decoction
$E@B% [wen jing tong luh] warm the channels and free the networks vessels
$E& [wen jiii] warm with a moxa pole; poling
$E;t.b&T7[wen bii ming mkn] warm and
supplement the life gate ? ' + I 'RPI [wen bii shkn yiing] warm and supplement kidney yang $ E + I a % [wen bii xu& fkn] warm and supplement the blood aspect ?EJjH $5 [wen dgn tang] GallbladderWarming Decoction ? ' S[wen dG] warm toxin ?E@E% [wen dii fa biin] warm toxin macular eruption iE& [wen fg] warming ?Ej$it% [wen fki h u i t i n ] warm the lung and transform phlegm 3Efliiiittk [wen fki hu+ yin] warm the lung and transform rheum ?EJjifiitth$51[wen fki h u i yin tang] LungWarming Rheum-Transforming Decoction jEJj$$&[wen fki tang] Lung-Warming Decoction ?EJj$_Lt?j$fi[wen fki zhi liii dan] LungWarming Nose-Drying Elixir ?Efl$B%[wen fki zhii t i n ] warm the lung and expel phlegm iEfl$Btk [wen fki zhG yin] warm the lung and expel rheum ?EjE [wen f ~ i ]take warm $E$O& [wen he jiii] gentle moxibustion ?Edt [wen h u i ] warm and transform ?E{t725$ [wen huj. qii yii] warming transformation of static blood; warm and transform static blood ?Ei&%E [wen h u i tiin shi] warm and transform phlegm-damp [wen jing] warm the channels; warm the menses
[wen jiii] moxa burner
?EiB%7;[wen jiii sbng xi&] swallow with warmed wine
$ER [wen kai] warm opening ?ERE [wen kiii W] warm opening method ?EZ72% [wen li qii hiin] warm the interior and dispel cold
$EZ ?&%jSFlJ [wen Ji qii h&n ji] interiorwarming cold-dispelling formula
&%Z$Z%% [wen li qii hiin yio] interiorwarming cold-dispelling medicinal
?EZ~T% [wen li xi6 xii] warm the interior and precipitate [wen li yio] interior-warming medicinal ? E Z k a E [wen li zhi xu6 yio] interiorwarming blood-stanching medicinal $EB [wen liB] LI-7WH0(Warm Dwelling) $EE [wen nii&] warm malaria ?ER$ [wen pi] warm the spleen ?EB@$& [wen pi tang] Spleen-Warming Decoction ?EtEtA [wen qing yin] Warm Clearing Beverage $E?$ [wen 1-61warm heat ?E?C\@[wen r6 bing] warm heat disease iE?(\BBrg![wen rk yBn pi] warm heat brewing in the spleen ?E?(\Gfi [wen rk z i i chiing] warm-heat in the intestines $g& [wen sin] warm and dissipate ?E&7K? [wen s i n shui qi] warm and dissipate water qi ?$'#[wen shkn] warm the kidney $E1B$1J7k[wEn shkn li shui] warm the kidney and disinhibit water
E'g @5 [wen shkn nB qi] warm the kidney to promote qi absorption ?g'E%% [wen shkn qiJ hin] warm the kidney and dlspel cold ?E7KE [wen shui zBng] warm the water viscus [the kidney] [wen tong tang] Warming and Freeing Decoction E E [wen wki] warm the stomach ? ' E B$ [wen w2i jihn zhong] warm the stomach and fortify the center ? ' E %$[wen wki yin] Stomach-Warming Beverage ?E lt DE [wen wki zhi 6u] warm the stomach and check vomiting ?E7; [wen xi&] warm precipitation ? E 3 [wen xii] warm evil ?E!jp?igj$ [wen xi6 f i n fki] warm evil invading the lung; invasion of the lung by a warm evil ?EXP'k% [wen xi6 shhng shbu] warm evils are contracted in the upper body ?E&PEl [wCn xin ying] warm heart yang ?',% [wen xii] warm [wen xu&] warm the blood [wen ying] warm yang ?'BEl+L%$ [wen y i n g huh yin] warm yang and transform rheum ?EPEl$jE [wen ying li shi] warm yang and disinhibit dampness ?8BEl$7K J [wen y i n g li shui] warm yang and disinh~bitwater . ?EPEliF117k& [wen ying li shui fii] yangwarming water-disinhibiting method ?E[(El $117k $5 [wen yang li shui tiing] YangWarming Water-Disinhibiting Decoction tEPH@% [wen y i n g qii hin] warm yang and dispel cold ?E% [wen yiing] warm and nourish ?EE [wEn yi] warm epidemic ?ESR$PH [wen yuan pi yLng] warm and move spleen yang ? E S X $ ! [wen yiin shi zhi] impaired warming and movement iE@ [wen z&o] warm dryness ?E%t[wen zhen] warm needling
a + $l.@[wen zhdng bii xu] warm
the center and supplement vacuity B +%% [wen zhong qii h&n] warm the center and dispel cold 8 +$&% [wen zhdng s i n h i n ] warm the center and dissipate cold Y E [wen] scourge [wen huing] scourge jaundice &@ [wen sha] scourge sand (shrZ) %@ [wen yi] scourge epidemic 2%[wen chi] civil madness [withdmwnl] *& [win gi] meretrix clam shell@ (Meretricis Concha) * A [wCn huii] civil flame [low flame] *&R* [wen t6u guii] creeping fig fruit@ (Fici Pumilae Flos) *3%*[wen wii shi] mulberrye (Mori Fructus) -fCi!&@ [wCn wti tiing] Mulberry Paste [win zhEn] listening and smelling examination; audio-olfactory examination I@ [wen] corners of the mouth @I&[wEn chuiing] sore a t the corner of the mouth m% [wkn zhen] inquiry
weng [wkng] nasal congestion
BS* [wo chi] lettuce0 (Lactucae Sativae Caulis e t Folium)
gE _'w6$1
l e t t ~ ~ c(Lactucae e~ Sativae Caulis e t Folium) BSF [wd jii zi] lettuce seedg (Lactucae Sativae Semen) BET#$[wo jii zi zhou] Lettuce Seed Gruel g$4*[wo siin] lettuce0 (Lactucae Sativae Caulis e t Folium) BITS* [wo ziii cii] lettuce0 (Lactucae Sativae Caulis et Folium) @+ [wd ni6] snail0 (Eulota) [wb] lie [recline]; sleep El.+% [wh bii an] unquiet sleep
Eb;i[;f%% [wb bu dC jiho] lying posture with inability t o sleep Eb;i[;f%* [wb bii d6 zub] inability to sit up; confinement to lying posture E\&ff [wb 16ng dln] Sleeping Dragon Elixir E l I#jT%,[wb zC qi ji] rapid breathing when lying down , R b H [wb zhen] transverse needling BE%*[wb jG chi] lettuce* (Lactucae Sativae Caulis et Folium)
{5%,2 IGJ* [wii jiio zhi jiln] Within the Fifth Burner (BL-15)
@E[wii yi] shaman healer
EBlbk [wii Ibu mhi] leaking roof pulse
[wii yi] ST-lSW~~O (Roof)
-$ [wii] black
S R & [wii bki siin] Cuttlefish bone and Fritillaria Powder
-$@T* [wii biiio zi] rubus [berry]@(Rubi Fructus) -$ S jE
[wii die nil cutche (Catechu)
-S &E* [wU diC nil cutch* (Catechu) -$ T* [wii ding] cutch* (Catechu)
G E S * [wii ding ciio] black nightshade' (Solani Nigri Herba) -$ T $E* [wii ding nil cutch* (Catechu)
G R [wii feng] black 3 R 'J@ * [wU feng
wind she] black-striped
snake@ (Zaotys) [wii feng she] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) S f3% [wii gii ji] black-boned chicken0 (Gallus Osse Nigro) -$ B% [wii gii tCng] glaucescent fissistigma [rootlo (Fissistigmatis Glaucescentis Radix); marsdeniao (Marsdeniae Tenacissimae Herba) 3!J3%* [wii gui chi] black nightshade* (Solani Nigri Herba) Si!$jij%* [wii hii mi] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum). S 2 B )3l A [wii ji bii f h g win] lack Chicken and White Phoenix Pill _S b$ 'J@ *
3% A [wii ji win] Black Chicken Pill 4 B * [wii jiii] sphenomeris@ (Sphenorneris Herba seu Rhizoma); sphenomeris@ (Sphenomeris Herba seu Rhizoma) -SiK1*;f;EFfi [wii jiu mu gen pi] tallow tree root bark* (Sapii Sebiferi Radicis Cortex) 4 2-% [wii lin yi gho yg] cynomorium [stem]@ (Cynomorii Caulis) 4 BE5 [wii lihn mii] Japanese cayratiaa (Cayratiae Japonicae Herba seu Radix) 2 $k%e [wfi 16n chi yiin] red areola surrounding the dark of the eye -$a*[wii ma] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) 2!$$3*.[wii m i zi] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) 4% [wu mii] mume [fruit]* (Mume Fructus) S+@ @I * [wii mCi rbu] mume [fruit]' (Mume Fructus) [wii in& wan] Mume Pill -$%% [wii rnCi z h h ] Mume Gruel S% [wii shl] black sand (sha) Q,A* [wii shhn] belamcanda [root]@(Be. lamcandae Rhizoma) 4 1;ib !!$ * [wu shlo she] black-striped snake@ (Zaocys) Q,#j!!$@I [wii shlo she rbu] black-striped snake's flesh@ (Zaocydis Caro) Q,E[wu shi] black-striped snake@ (ZaOCYS) $j@B[wii shC diin] black striped snakes's gallbladder@ (Zaocydis Vesica Fellea) , S@*[wU s h b ] mulberry' (Mori Fructus) 3 & * .[wii t6u] wild aconite [tuber]@ ( A c o n ~ t Tsao-Wu-Tou ~ Tuber); aconite mrin tuber' (Aconiti Tuber) s&%;ETBgA [wii t6u chi shi zhi win] Aconite Main Tuber and Halloysite Pill Q,&j$@$% [wii t6u gui zhi tlng] Aconite Main Tuber and cinnamon Twig Decoction GA$%[wii t6u tlng] Aconite Main Tuber Decoction
-SE% * [w! xi jiiio] rhinoceros horn'
(Rhinocerotis Cornu) -SZjRW [wii xii hei f i ] blacken the hair and beard L 2 , S [wii yho] lindera [root]@ (Linderae Radix) -SB& [wii y i o sin] Lindera Powder -S%JIDT& [wii y i o s h h qi s i n ] Lindera Qi-Normalizing Powder -SS?% [wii y i o tang] Lindera Decoction %&* [wii yli] snakehead mullet' (Ophicephali Caro) -$ E B * [wii zCi gii] cuitlefish bone' (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) 4@&B* [wii z i i y6 gii] cuttlefish bone' (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) g [wu] wu [220-280 A. 0.1 Z Z * [wli yu] evodia [fruit]@ (Evodiae Fructus) T* [w6 yii] evodia [fruit]@ (Evodiae Fructus) Zg*[wli zhii] evodia [fruit]@ (Evodiae Fructus) S%E [wG zhii y6] evodia [fruitla (Evodiae Fructus) aZE$W [wli zhii y6 gen] evodia root@ (Evodiae Radix) ++g%fi[NifF& [wli zhii yli jiii fh zi tang] Evodia Decoction with Aconite DecocI tion +&%%& [wli zhii yu tang] Evodia Decoction $$%%$% [wu zhii yu zhGu] Evodia Gruel E;I;DF[wli tong zi] firmiana seed@ (Firmianae Semen)
X@& 9
[wii ban hCn jiii] non-scarring moxibustion X tL LLI %A [wu bi shan y i o win] Matchless Dioscorea Pill Z% [wli ching] abnormal Z $4 kijR [wu ci gen] Cantonese ampelopsisO (Ampelopsis Cantoniensis Radix seu Caulis) X2E E 9 [wQ f i n wki qi] d o not harm stomach qiXi'? [wu h i n ] absence of sweating; without sweating
Z,@,&[wli fZ& huhn
shh qiing] soapberry root' (Sapindi Radix) XI%,#$[w6 h u i n shG qiing] Sapindi Radix (soapberry root) X,%,F[w6 h u i n zi] soapberry' (Sapindi Fructus) X,%,T@*[wu hukn zi gen] soapberry root' (Sapindi Radix) Z&@ [wit hui jiii] limeless wine Xfi [wli li] forceless; feeble Xfi#tS [wu li chou chh] feeble convulsion Xh #,E, [wli li juin dhi] fatigue and lack of strength X v m B [wli m6ng Cr yi] seminal emission without dreaming Z[lE[wfi miin] sleeplessness; insomnia Xg f i * [w6 ming xu&] 1nnomir;ate Point [non-channel] X% )& [w6 ming zhi] ring finger X%j$B [wG ming zhGng dli] innominate toxin swelling X@B$$* [wli niing tCng mi mi] cuscuta [seed]@ (Cuscutae Semen) X$Y [wli quin] failure to perform its office; breakdown; impairment ZeT*[wli shi zi] Aleppo gall' (Galla Halepensis) X B F * [wli shi zi] Aleppo gall' (Galla Halepensis) X$&j$j[wli t6u JCI] headless flat abscess
0'4 X E 5,[w6
w6i qi] absence of stomach
Iwfi xin tin] eqr~i_seturn*(Equiseti ~ e r b a ) XR5 [wli xing] formless; insubstantial; intangible Z g [wu yin] loss of voice X T [wli zi] childlessness [infertility] @& [wli gong] centipede' (Scolopendra) g&@{% [wli gong y i o shiing] centipcde bite [wli long siin] Centipede and House Lizard Powder K Z [w6 yi] elm cakeo (Ulmi Fructus Praeparatio)
[wii] five; fifth; fivefold
E2i& [wii biio siin] Five-Jewel Powder E # f q[wii b2i zi] sumac gallnut* (Rhois Galla)
Ei$fFB[wii b2i zi sln] Sumac Gallnut Powder
EW3.i%[wii bki zi tiing] Sumac Gallnut Decoction
E'j' [wii bi] five impediments (bi) K g ? %[wii bi tiing] Five Impediment Decoction
E T % [wii bh n5n] five unmanlinesses @ve signs of male sterility]
ET* [wii bh n6] five unwomanlinesses [five signs of female sterility]
E$ [wii cgi] five materials E g Pq* [wii c l o El ass hide glue* (Asini Corii Gelatinum)
5%[wii chjlng] five constants S t & * [wii chCng] CV-4 (Fifth City) KE [wii chi] five slownesses ER [wii chbu] five odors Efi [wii chh] BL-5wF10(Fifth Place) E!$I][wii ci] five needling methods; visceral needling method EI-k [wii dhi] Five Dynasties [907-960 A.D.] EG [wii dub] five despoliations E A % * [wii fang chi] purslane* (Portulacae Herba) E n m@ [wii fEng nki zhiing] five windtype internal obstructions . fiq84t %ff [wii fli huh dfi d i n ] Five Happinesses Toxin-Transforming Elixir 5%[wii gan] five gan'; visceral gan EE [wii gkng] five watches @ve two hour periods of the nighr, starting from 8 p.m.]; fifth watch [the fifth two-hour period of the night, i.e., 4-6 a.m.] 52% [wii gkng shu] fifth-watch cough 55%[wii gEng xi&] fifth-watch diarrhea E+$[wii gii] five grains 5 8 & [wii gii ch6ngl screwworm* (Chrysomyiae Larva) E+$ [wii gii zhi fii] bowel of the five grains
K g [wii guin] five offices [nose, eyes, lips, tongue, and ears; color correspondences of the viscera] 53 [wii guh] five errors [treatment] h@)% [wii hC tiing] Five Pips Decdction KR [wii hii] Five Tigers [non-channel] Elff&Bff[wii hii b5 dO diin] Five Tigers Toxin-Drawing Elixir Elffft[wii hii diin] Five Tigers Elixir ER$%[wii hii tiing] Five Tigers Decoction ElffBR%[wii hii zhui fkng sin] FiveTigers-Chasing-the-Wind Powder E;tjt;M[wii huii ch5] Five Flowers Tea E;tjt;&fZj[wii huii 16ng gG] flowery dragon bone0 (Mastodi Ossis Fossilia Florida) E%%[wii hujlng sln] Five Yellows Powder E g * [wii hui] GV-20 (Fivefold Confluence); ST-9 (Fivefold Confluence) E$R [ & I ji] five accumulations E$,93 [wii ji sln] Five Accumulations Powder K :la R * [wii jiii fEng] rice-paper plant pith* (Tetrapanacis Medulla) EfiaHiEFB [wii jiii jiln zhkng qi sln] Fifth Variant Qi-Righting Powder Efia'E [wii jiii pi] acanthopanax [root bark]@ (Acanthopanacis Radicis Cortex) EfiaE fi [wii jiii pi w5n] Acarithopanax Pill E&hUE* [wii jilo jiii pi] rice-paper plant pith* (Tetrapanacis M ~ d u l l a ) E$j$[wii jin] five contraindications Favor contraindica tions] 5&[wii juC] five criteria [pulse-taking] 35%.[wii 1501 five taxations [heart, liver; spleen, lung, kidney taxation] K%_f=TS [wii 150 qi qing] five taxations and [damage from] seven affects 5 g k . f Z[wii 150 qi shiing] five taxations and seven damages E%Ffi.fZ [wii 150 su6 shiing] damage by the five taxations E;f;$T* [wii 16ng zi] quisqualis [fruit]@ (Quisqualis Fructus)
wii .
fiz*[wii li] PC-8
(Five Li) li shdu] LI-13 (Five Li
fiE%;(;R [wii sk mCi gen] red
sage root' (Lantanae Radix) Z E % E [wii sk mCi nu81 red sage (arm)) flower' (Lantanae Flos) 53 ( [wii li z6] LV-10 (Five Li EEE%FfiA [wii sk wii wki sud rii] color (foot)) and flavor entry E$QBSf3[wii li hui chiin diin] Five fig-@ [wii sk zhGn] five-color examinaGrains Return-of-Spring Elixir tion fi# [wii lin] five stranguries [stone, qi, 5& =&@ [wii sk zhii bing] disease corunctuous, taxation, a n d blood stranguty] respondence of the five colors; diseaseTi#@ [wii lin siin] Five Stranguries Powcolor correspondences der fi$$ [wii shin] five benign signs E Z [wii ling] Five spirits [non-channel] E#$h [wii s h i n tiing] Five Spirits DefiT3[wii ling siin] Poria (Hoelen) Five coction Powder 5 F [wii sheng] five voices [shouting, fiZjE [wii ling zhi] flying squirrel's laughtec singing, wailing, and groaning] droppings" (Trogopteri seu Pteromydis 5% [wii shi] five repletions Excrementum) E+E [wii shi j i h ] fifty-year-old's shoulE& [wii 16ngl five dribbling urinary stopder pages E 3;E[wii shii] GB-27wffO (Fifth Pivot) fi$t[wii llin] five wheels [qi, blood, flesh, fi$$ipEfi& [wii shii p&ixu6 fii] combining wind, a n d water wheels of the eye] transport points [wii mhi] five pulses; visceral pulse ; E&fi ; E%~fi[wii shii xu61 E@T* [wii mCi zi] schisandra [berry]@ E$$ifi five transport points (Schisandrae Fructus) . fi7k [wii shui] five waters; visceral water fi@tAF [wii m6 yin zi] Five Milled InEHR* [wii ti fEng] agrimony' (Agrimogredients Drink niae Herba) E*B* [wii mh xiiing] saussurea [root]@ fig$%[wii wiii tang] Five Wiltings De(Saussureae (seu Vladimiriae) Radix) coction fig@ ( ) [wii pi siin yin] Five-Peel fig [wii wki] five flavors; schisandra Powder (Beverage) [berry]@ (Schisandrae Fructus) fi$$Xx [wii qin xi] five animal exercises 5% ffi @j[wii wki piiin shi] flavor E{=&~&@J [wii rCn j6 pi tang] Five-Seed . predilection Tangerine Peel Decoction figpfiz[wii wki sud jin] flavor contraindications E{I& [wii rCn tang] Five Kernels Decoction EeFfiA[wii wki su6 rii] rive-flavor entry fi{=A[wii r i n win] Five Kernels Pill 6%%$$% [wii w&i xi xin tiing] FiveIngredient Schisandra and Asarum DefiA [wii rh] five entries [flavor entries] coction fi@ [wii ruiin] five limpnesses fit! Z!$Z t? [wii wki xigo d 6 yin] Fivefig [wii sk] five colors Ingredient Toxin-Dispersing Beverage fig$*[wii sk cii] purslane' (Portulacae f il?+T[wii wki zi] schisandra [berry]@ Herba) (Schisandrae Fructus) E E q [wii s& dii] five-colored vaginal fig53[wii wki zi siin] Schisandra Powdischarge der; Schisandra Powder fig$@ [wii sk li] five-colored dysentery fit!&%$& [wii wki zi tiing] Schisandra Decoction fig% [wii sk mCi] red sage* (Lantanae fi%TA [wii wki zi w i n ] Schisandra Pill Ramulus e t Folium)
fig( +)*[wii
E5-A-[wii wii diin] Five-To-Five Elixir
[wii wh] five aversions E+?J@?$3% [wii wh jig dli s i n ] Five Agents Toxin-Resolving Powder 3i+?JBZ'i:k [wii WG xiiing rli yin] Five Agents Elsholtzia Beverage Em [wii xi6111 five epilepsies E g * [wii xiiing] saussurea [rootla (Saussureae (seu Vladimiriae) Radix) EB[J [wii xii] five evils hB[Jjl$ [wii xi6 mii] five evil pulses E# [wii xi&] five diarrheas EJL [wii xin] five hearts [two soles, two palms, a n d center of chest] EJL\~@~,!': [wii xin chjlo rk] tidal fever in the five hearts E JL\%B~!':[wii xin f6n rk] vexing heat in the five hearts EjT [wii xing] five phases 3ijTS* [wii xing cio] purslane' (Portulacae Herba) Efl22A [wii xing zhi rCn] five human forms E@ [wii xu] five vacuities E$@ [wii yk] five humors; visceral humor E& [wii yi] five proprieties [dietary req~~iremetzts of the five viscera] 3ig [wii yin] five notes E@ [wii ying] five goiters 56%.ETZ [wii y6u yli wii bh zli] five superabundances and five insufficiencies E+jB [wii yG] five depressions E S A 5 [wii yiin liG qi] five movements and six qi; cosmobiology 3ia [wii zhng] five viscera [heart, liing, spleen, liver; atzd kidney] IfiKB [wii zhng bi] visceral impediment
(bi) E@iL@[wii zhng h u i yk] five viscera form humors; humors formed by the five viscera E@fimn%[wii zhng liG fii ke] organ cough EaFffS [wii zhng su6 cing] what the five viscera store EEFfig [wii zhng su6 wii] aversions of the five viscera
E@Fff*[wii zhng su6 zhii] governings of the five viscera J Z $ ~ ~ J L[wii \ z i n g xi jiE shii yli xin] ties of the five viscera home to the heart h ) R & * [wii z h i o 16ngl Japanese hop' (Humuli Scandentis Herba) Efilit-$l] & [wii zhen ci f i ] five-needle method E s [wii zhEtng] five steamings E ~ +'i:A% [wG zhi iin zh6ng yin] Five Juices Center-Quieting Beverage E'&fk [wii zhi yin] Five Juices Beverage E)B+H*[wii zhi giin] negundo vitex [leaflo (Viticis Negundinis Folium)
E)B%$lh;i;R [wii zhi m i o t i o gen] fivefinger fig rooto (Fici Simplicissimae Radix) Efi!kfi [wii zhi xu61 Five Toes Point [nortchannel] iiZ [wii zhi] five minds [joy, anger; a m iety, thought, fear] E@ [wii zhi] five hemorrhoids fi&~& [wii zhi gu6 ji] excess among the five minds EZiLA [wii zhi h u i hu6] fire formation due to excess among the five minds; five-mind fire formation E + [wii zhong] five centers EZ [wii zhii] five governings EIf:i:'7"\ [wii zhh xu&] five pillar points 55+\ 'g [wii 'zi bii shkn win] FiveSeed Kidney-Supplementing Pill 53h [wti zi win] Five-Seed Pill ji~jj'isfi [wii zi y5n z6ng win] FiveSeed Progeny Pill 5%[wii z6u] five penetrations F [wii] seventh earthly branch; B7 FG#jt,.Z': [wii h6u ch6o re] postmeridian tidal fever rGm@ijE% [wii h6u liing qu6n fii chi] postmeridian reddening of the cheeks FGm@ijM%[wii hhu l i h g q u i n h6ng chi] postmeridian reddening of the cheeks FElrf [wii shi] B7 watch [I1 a.m.-I p.m.]
F€l.fs [wii shi chi] Midday Tea
[wii guiing xiii ming] aversion to light; aversion to light ,%% [wii hin] photophobia; chill %% W % [wii h i n fii r&] aversion to cold with fever %%A%% [wii hiin zhhn li] aversion to cold with shivering %%E?$ [wii hiin zhi Eng] cold limbs and aversion to cold %,l;MA [wii jihn deng hu6] aversion to lights and fire %i$[wii rG] aversion to heat ,%A [wii rCn] aversion to people %& [wii shi] aversion to food [wii zi] aversion to child [= malign obstruction] % [wii] awaken; awake [wii] inappropriate i$$?+ [wii hhn] inappropriate sweating g7; [wii xii] inappropriate precipitation 7 [wii shui gC] pouzolzia~ (Pouzolziae Herba (cum Radice)) @@j [wi~ting] duck's slop @@ [wii xi&]duck-stool diarrhea
FE [wii yG] midnight watch [BI watch 11p.m.-1 a.m.] * [wii jiao zhi jiiin] BL-15 (Within the Fifth Burner) 3 % [wii chi] martial mania [compare civil mania wtn chi] 3{%1T%% iwii h6u xing jun siin] Warlord's Troop-Marching Powder 3 A [wii hu6] martial fire perce or high firel 3 % . [wii yi] elm cake' (TJlmi Fructus Praeparatio) I@ [ d l rebellion [five-phase cycle] & [wii] fifth heavenly stem; SS d -d fi [wii ji win] Fifth and Sixth Heavenly Stem Pill && [wit tii] SS-earth [the stomach] $9~[wii] agent %, [wii] ail by; aversion to; depotentiated [one of the seven relations] %)XI, [wh feng] aversion to wind %)XI,% [wii feng hin] aversion to wind or cold
a m * [xi fens] GV-17 (West Wind)
Xi; Pij cieii "u l'7 [xi mCn] PC-4Wii0(Cleft Gate) 2B5t [xi xu&] cleft point 2[l@*[xi zhong] BL-40 (Cleft Center)
Efi tus)
9?$* [xi l k g ] talcum' (Talcum) P!j [xi] west [position associated with metal]
P!jASjF* [xi guii cui yi] watermelon
Fi 3 U3 [xi diing gui] Western tangkueia
Fin&[xi gu2 pi] watermelon rind' (Cit-
(Angelicae Sinensis Radix Occidentalis) P!j% [xi diing] western codonopsis [root]@ (Codonopsitis Radix Occidentalis) ifZT Pfin [xi fing f h g ] western .ledebouriella [root]@ (Ledebouriellae Radix Occidentalis)
[xi gi151watermelong
(Citrulli Fruc-
A S & * [xi guii cui pi] watermelon rind' (Citrulli Exocarpium) rind' (Citrulli Exocarpium) rulli Exocarpium)
P!jfl% [xi guii shuiing] watermelon frost' (Mirabiliti et Citrulli Praeparatio)
Fi?J? [xi hiin] Western Han [Former Han, 206 B.C. - 24 A.D.]
[xi hC liG] tamarisk [twig and leaf]' (Tamaricis Ramulus et Folium) m g * [xi h u h g ] western bovine bezoar@ (Bovis Bezoar Occidentale) @ig[xi jin] Western Jin [265-316 A.D.] @i ffi *. [xi liii pi] pomegranate rind' (Granati Pericarpium) -B $$ [xi niii huing] western bovine bezoaro (Bovis Bezoar Occidentale) @i $3 * [xi shen] American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) [xi w&] Western Wei [535-556 A. D.] @i B * [xi xiiing] frankincense' (Olibanum) @i#* [xi xik] cutch' (Catechu) E q * [xi xiong] ligusticum [root]@(Ligustici Rhizoma) $?$ % T [xi ying c&i giin] dried watercress@ (Nasturtii Herba Exsiccata) @i#A$3 * [xi ying rCn shen] American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) @i#B [xi ying shen] American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) R ;6* [xi yu6 shi] borax' (Borax) EM [xi zhou] Western Zhou [approx. 11th cent. B.C. to 771 B.C.] [xi] inhale 1'7 [xi men] breath gate [the epiglottis] %% [xi qi] inhale @ A [xi rG] inhale R!@;Ei* [xi ti6 shi] loadstone' (Magnetitum) % E E & [xi tdng liio fg] cupping Bf- 6* [xi zhen shi] loadstone* (Magnetitum) ,% [xi] breathing ,%J@[xi biio] resting placenta [= retention of the placenta] ,9,7jf [xi ben] rushing respjration ,@,B@J [xi ben tiing] Rushing Respiration Decoction ,@,$A[xi cii] rough breathing [xi d&o] respiratory tract ,9,B [xi giio] high breathing ,@,$W [xi ji] breath accumulation @i@J#P*
[xi wei] faint breathing #J * [xi 5r giin] rice water@ (Oryzae
Aqua) i $8 [xi di qing 11.16 yin] Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Network-Clearing Beverage; Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia NetworkQuickening Beverage @ * [xi huing] bovine bezoar' (Bovis Bezoar) JS$i$fi [xi huing win] Rhinoceros Bezoar Pill ffg [xi . jig01 rhinoceros horn' (Rhinocerotis Cornu) @ MJ $$$$I [xi jig0 di huing tang] Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction @#I@ [xi jitio stin] Rhinoceros Horn Powder JS& f j [xi jig0 win] Rhinoceros Horn Pill E #I E* [xi jig0 xik] rhinoceros horn' (Rhinocerotis Cornu). II @+$i$* [xi niii huing] bovine bezoar' (Bovis Bezoar) [xi fkn] gruel; congee [xi xiin sgn] DrooLThinning Powder ig [xi] ravine ?gS$ [xi dii] stream toxin ?gG [xi gii] ravines and valleys; ST-29 (Ravine Valley) tg $$ z$Z [xi huing ctio] stream-side rabdosiaa (Rabdosiae Striati Herba) ?g#* [xi ti01 Asian buddleia [root, stem, and leaf]" (Buddleiae Asiaticae Radix, Caulis et Folium) . & f i * [xixuk] ST-1 (Ravine Hole); STr29 (Ravine Hole) i%,H[xi feng] extinguish wind iRHk@[xi fEng huk tin] extinguish wind and transform phlegm $,8HfflJ [xi feng ji] wind-extinguishing formula iRHZj [xi f6ng yko] wind-extinguishing medicinal Ha* [xi yi] lizard' ( ~ u m e c e sseu Sphenomorphus)
E [xi] knee R$% [xi bin] knee cap; patella EW t [xi bin] knee cap; patella E S [xi gii] knee cap; patella E X [xi guin] LV-7 (Knee Joint) E& [xi jig] knee joint E $ X Z 17 [xi ru5n wli li] limp knees E Z H [xi s i n zhen] Three Knee Needles E% [xi t6ngl knee pain E B W [xi yin] Eye of the Knee [nonchannel] RBBFfl [xi yin feng] knee's eye wind R&PH X [xi yBng guin] GB-33W"O (Knee Yang Joint) E%'?fl [xi y6u feng] wandering knee wind /@A$ [xi zhdng] swelling of the knee; swollen knees Jl$R$% [xi zhdng t6ngl pain and swelling of the knee 4% $$9 * [xi shuii cio] yardgrasse (Eleusines Indicae Herba et Radix) N I T * [xi ling] polyporus@ (Polyporus) $$+m h [xi t6ng wBn] Siegesbeckia and Clerodendron Pill HiZ [xi xiin] siegesbeckiaa (Siegesbeckiae Herba) Z 9 * [xi xitin cio] siegesbeckiaa (Siegesbeckiae Herba) %E$L[xi xiin wBn] Siegesbeckia Pill En* [xi xu61 ST-I (Mouse Hole) J$5% [xi chuting] bedsore +%M*[xi fen] processed galenitea (Galenitum Praeparatum) $TjcnX
r..: jA1
12: r..x.-i
1b1 3 U l l l
T :I,,.
3 113-51-b
5 V W U b I
%Pi-@& [xi yk tkng] tetracerao (Tetracerae Radix seu Folium)
% [xi] assail j,L[ IR [xi rou] polyp j,L[ IR % [xi r6u zhi] anal polyp j% [xi] wash &RT% €I 9% [xi gin ming mi! ting] LiverWashing Eye-Brightening Decoction &fEF/R*[xi gu6 lu6 p i ] luffa gourd* (Luffae Fructus) ?%fill [xi ji] wash formula
j%~i\+& [xi xin sgn] Heart-Washing Powder (;fi@ [xi xiiin ting] Firewood-Raking Decoction B [xi] joy [mind associated with heart; also one of the seven affects]; like; thrive. by %$& [xi i n ] like pressure BE [xi jing] susceptibility to fright Z$@ [xi jing] liking for quietness Bi,$ [xi liBng] liking for coolness
$Zi,$tQt+: [xi liing p i 1-61liking for'coolness and fear of heat $Zp[xi m h g ] frequent dreaming B@ [xi nub] liking for warmth gnE [xi du] frequent retching S h [xi qiin] frequent yawning 3 %[xi rG] like heat [e.g., j@%I%t+\(fu thng xi re?) abdominal pain that likes heat] s - & g @[xi shi yi wi!] predilection for strange foods %+$* [xi shi!] camptotheca@(Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix) g 5 [xi wing] forgetfulness [new]; poor memory [old] gg+f*[xi xiio bi! xi~i]incessant laughing BflIJ5,@ [xi zk qi huin] joy causes qi to slacken -%qT* [xi Er zi] xanthium [fruit16 (Xanthii Fructus); xanthiuin [fruitla (Xanthii Fructus) % [xi] tie [connecting structures of certain oqatzs] @-[xi] fine; thin %I%* [xi chii] tea [leaf]' (Theae Folium) [xi li shi] gypsum* (Gypsum) 2Hbt [xi mki] fine pulse W&tfi [xi shEng di] thin dried rehmannia [rootla (Rehmanniae Radix Tenuis) [xi shi] gypsum* (Gypsum) [xi xin] asarum' (Asiasari Herba cum Radice) %I++& [xi xin s5n] Asarum Powder [xi yiin] salt* (Sal)
a@E* aBl;fT* a+ a&*
D t @ P t [xi y& iin yh] forest gray gum leaf@ (Eucalypti Tereticornis Folium) Ptsg* [xi yh qing hiio] capillaris@ (Artemisiae Capillaris Herba) &&% $4: [xi xi fii rk] brooding fever $i%;Ei* [xi tie shi] loadstone" (Magnetiturn)
xia R"g [xiii] blind @&C!,@* [xis m i feng] tabanus@(Tabanus) fYg@ & * [xi5 miing ch6ngl tabanus@ (Tabanus) fi$fi$b3 [xiii y6u mii] darting shrimp pulse PTR- [xi&y&]wheezing sound {% $ [xi&bgi] LU-4W1i0(Guarding White) @@ [xi&xi] GB-43W"O (Pinched Ravine) 5%"[xi& yC quiin] Guarding Jade Spring [non-channel] kSJ*B [xi5 tiiin giio] beef paste' (Bovis Pasta Carnis) 7; [xii] down; downward; descend; descent; precipitate; precipitation; lower body; swallow; downward movement 7; E [xii bii] chin 7; EE [xi; bii kC] chin [xii bing shing qii] treating T; 6k lower body disease through the upper body 7;@ [xi&b6J forearm :ull_l [xi: chCng shiin] Lower Mountain Support [non-channel] 7 ; & I A [xii chi qG] decay among the lower teeth 7;&% [xii chi t h g ] aching among the lower teeth 7 ; @ + [xi& dii shiju] reachable sore of the lower back 7;fi Ffl [xi&diin tiiin] lower cinnabar field T;jkfi* [xi$ di ciing] Lower Earth Granary [non-channel] 7 ; @ [xii dii] Lower Metropolis; TB-3 (Lower Metropolis) 7 ; @ f i [xi$ dii xu61 lower metropolis point
[xii fii bki] effusion of the lower
back 7;& [xi; f i ] precipitation
7;M$&* [xi&feng chi] Lower Wind Pond [non-channel] 7;&% [xii fli tli] Lower Protuberance
Assistant [non-channel]
Tf%%PTllt A [xii f6 yC yli shing zhi hu6] precipitate depressed upper body fire 7;B [xi8 giin] lower body gan 7;@&[xii giin chuiing] lower body gan sore 7;I [xi&gong] practitioner of low proficiency 7;# [xii guiin] ST-7WlfO(Below the Joint) 7;B* [xi$ guin] CV-10 (Lower Duct) 7;gfi [xii hC xuC] lower uniting point 7 ; @ B [xi& hCng gii] lower transverse bone; pubic bone 7;g*[xii huiing] CV-4 (Lower Huang); CV-6 (bower Huang) 7;@ [xii ji] lower extreme (anus; perineum; root of the nose (regional between the inner canthi)); CV-1 (Lower Extreme); KT-11 (Lower Extreme) 7;YE'FIJa [xii ji s h h yin] sapping of .kidney yin 7;&& [xi; ji shii] Lower Extreme Transport [non-channel] 7;@27; [xi& ji zhi xii] [region] below the lower extreme [stem of the nose] 7;4?* [xii ji] CV-4 (Lower Regulator) 7;E [xii jiiio] lower burner 7;%?#8# [xii ji5o hu6 tuo] lower burner efflux desertion 7;EeDS [xi; jiiio rli dli] lower burner is like a sluice T;E,E$4: [xii jiiio shi rh] lower burner damp-heat 7;E BzfiRm [xii jiiio shi re niio xuk] lower burner damp-heat bloody urine 7;ES Lk [xi&jiiio zhii chii] lower burner governs exit 7;%.&[xii ji$o shii] Lower Burner Transport [non-channel] 7;flgm [xi$ jing ming] Lower Bright Eyes [non-channel]
7;s[xih jing] running down T E@[xih jG xu] ST-39WH0(Lower Great Hollow)
2 [xi& kiin llin] Lower Kunlun Mountains; BL-60 (Lower Kunlun Mountains) 7;$J [xi8 li] diarrhea; diarrhea and dysentery [xi&li] dysentery 7;+lJ@J@& [xih li biin n6ng xu&] diarrhea with pus and blood 7;F#iIM& [xi8 li n6ng xu&] diarrhea with pus and blood 7;+lJ?ZB [xi&li qing gh] clear-food diarrhea 7;+lJ?ZGT4t [xi&li qing gii bC huh] diarrhea with untransformed food in the stool 7 ; @ [xi$ liin] LI-8w1f0 (Lower Ridge); ST-39 (Lower Ridge) 7;flZ [xih liio] BL-34WifO (Lower BoneHole) 7;@* [xi&ling] ST-36 (Lower Mound) 7;P@Z%*[xi&ling siin li] ST-36 (Lower Mound Three Li) 7;s [xih 16ngl Lower Deafness [nonchannel] 7; Y 4U * [xi& m5 xiiin] euphorbialknoxia [root]@(Euphorbiae seu Knoxiae Radix) 7; a"a [xi&pin] low grade 7;B [xi&ph] lower body distress 7;T [xi& qi] lower body qi; precipitate qi; flatulence 7; 5,@* [xii qi hgi] CV-6 (Lower Sea of n:\.CT ? L /T a Qij 0 1 - A > - \ L V W ~ I 3 ~ vf VI,, 7;R [xi& qi&o] lower orifices [the anal and genital orifices] 7; % [xi&quiin] urine 7;?!\@ [xi&rZ d6] precipitate heat toxin T;TL [xi& rG] promote lactation T$L5C ?RtA [xi&rii titin jiiing yin] Celestial Fluid Lactation-Promoting Beverage 7;-g* [xi$ s i n li] SP-6 (Lower Three Li); ST-36 (Lower Three Li) T;GE [xi&shi jii] lower body stone flat abscess ( j i i ) f; E
P -
7;fflE-t [xih siin ji shkng] detriment to the lower body affecting the upper body
7;Ak [xi&tiii] abort the fetus 7;E [xi$ w5n] CV-1OWHO (Lower Stomach Duct)
7;E [xi&wiin gu5n] lower stomach duct 7; E7 E %'r& [xi&wki ching rZ jii] precipitate gastrointestinal heat bind 7;&%[xih wen liu] Lower Warm Flow
li] Lower Five Li [nonchannel] $ [xi& xi6 biii] Lower Standing by White [non-channel] TP%[xih xihn] fall; downward fall 7;?& [xi& xiio] lower wasting; lower burner wasting-thirst T;$fiiR [xi8 xin shi] Lower New Knowledge [non-channel] p @ Z %* [xi&xu siin li] ST36 (Lower Hollow Three Li) 7;h [xi$ xuk] precipitate blood; precipitation of blood 7;%R [xih y i chukng] lower tooth bed; mandible 7;@1'J[xi&y5 men] Lower Mute's Gate [non-channel] 7;PJiI [xi&yin] lower yin; genitals 7 ; P I J f f I J * [xi$ yin biC] CV-1 (Lower Yin Divergence) 7; @ @ ?% [xi& yii xu6 tiing] StasisPrecipitating Decoction 7;Z [xi&yuiin] lower origin [kidney, esp. ki+ney yang and kidney qi] 7;ZT (m [xi&yuin bG gh] insecurity of the lower origin 7;Zs #fi [xi$ yuan kui siin] depletion of the lower origin 7;ZBW [xi&yuan x i bki] exhaustion of the lower origin T;ZE% [xi&yuin x i Eng] vacuity cold of the lower origin 7;%+;t [xi&zht2 jii zhi] fall is treated by raising 7;E [xi&zhi] leg; lower limb; lower extremity
7;EEf&[xii zhi jut rk] heat sensation in the lower extremities
{I~J [xiiin] immortal
7;j$$$jlA [xii zhi liii huii] lower limb fire flow T Bft S B % $Z [xi% zhi qing jin t6 qi] prominent [green-blue] veins on the lower limbs 7; 3 33 * [xi$ zhi siin li] SP-6 (Lower Three Li) 7;@%'&[xi$ zhi sheng jii] flat abscess (jii) of the leg F+@ [xi&zhong ji] Lower Central Pole; Below Central Pole [non-channel] T f $ [xii zhii] downpour 7;@;% [xi&zhii chuiing] downpour sore 7;# [xis zhui] Below the Vertebra [nonchannel] B [xii] summer [season associated with fire]; Xia [npprox. 21st cent. B.C. - 16th cent. B. C.] @ % & * [xi& ciio dong ch6ngl cordyceps* (Cordyceps) Bf&[xi&gou] hook pulse of summer hf i * [xii guii] watermelon* (Citrulli Fructus) 6# [xi$ h h g ] surging in summer [pulse] E&!i$ [xii kii ciio] prunella [spike]@ (Prunellae Spica) B&@@ [xii kii ciio giio] Prunella Paste S t & @ ? % [xii k c c5o tang] Prunella Decoction; Prunella Decoction k + L t R * [xi&rii gen] stalactite* (Stalactitum) B'6* [xis shi] stalactite* (Stalactitum) E X Z [xi& tiiin wG] Jilong corydalisO (Corydalis Decumbentis Tuber et Herba) E@ [xis wGi] summer wilting (wdi) +%E [xi&ying zhbng jii] [in] summer [the pulse] responds like a square EZ [xi$ zhi] Summer Solstice [loth solar term] E& [xi$ zhG] summer influx (zhh) [xi; zhG] summer infixation (zhh) &$ [xii] depression &$f,[G [xii xiin] depression [a concavity]
[xiiin ban xi%] pinellia preparation@ (Pinelliae Praeparatio) {tlIfj-?&$jtA [xiiin fang hu6 ming yin] Immortal Formula Life-Giving Beverage {LLI@,S[xian hk ciio] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) L {@ LIB ,@% [xiun hk ciio gEn yi] agrimony root sprout* (Agrimoniae Rhizoma PulIulatum) {I11 Z * [xiiin ling pi] epimediumo (Epimedii Herba) {llrZll+& [xian ling pi siln] Epimedium Powder 4hZl$A [xiiin ling pi win] Epimedium Pill {LLI? PiLn mi01 curculigo [root]@ (Curcullginis Rhizoma) {LLIASfi [xiiin r6n zhGu] 1 m m 0 r t a l i t ~ ' ~ r u e l {hB$@*[xiiin yi liing] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) {U j?* [xiiin zhu] atractylodes [rootlo (Atractylodis Rhizoma) % S G g [xiZn biiio hbu li] treat the exterior before the interior PBPEI [xiiin bi6 yin ying] first identify yin and yang % +b%& [xiiin bii .hbu gong] first supplement, then attack; supplementation followed by attack % + b % E [xiiin bii hbu xik] supplementation followed by draining %&%# [xiiin gong hbu bii] first attack, then supplement; attack followed by supplementation %$$ [xian jiiin] predecoction $&m?h[xiiin qi tiing] Premature Periods Decoction %* [xiiin tiiin] earlier: heaven; congenital; congenital constitution; prenatal; prenatal constitution % E + B [xiiin ti5n bii zu] insufficiency of earlier heaven %*2$ [xiiin tiiin zhi E n ] root of earlier heaven %*2;(;R [xiiin tian zhi gen] root of earlier heaven
% Z2 A [xiiin tiiin zhi hub] earlier heaven fire % & 2 $% [xiin tiian zhi jing] earlier heaven essence %*2% [xiiin tiiin zhi qi] qi of earlier heaven %X 2 7 ) C [xiiin t i h zhi shui] water of earlier heaven %@%$A [xiiin ying hbu ruHn] hard first, then soft [of stool] %jL$$P [xiiin zhiio lili chln] threatened miscarriage %jLF@j[xiiin zhio zi xiin] threatened pregnancy epilepsy [xiiin yi] reject clothing & [xiiin] fresh &TP+ [xiiin i i yk] fresh mugwort leaf@ (Artemisiae Argyi Folium Recens) &S%.jLt[xiiin bi qi zhi] water chestnut juicee (Heleocharitis Cormi Succus) && G E [xiiin biln dbu huii] fresh lablab flower@ (Lablab Flos Recens) &{!lJ U t [xiiin ck bli yk] fresh biota leaf@ (Biotae Folium Recens) WTEiJpt* [xiiin che qiLn yk] fresh plantago leaf@ (Plantaginis Folium Recens) & % Q [xiiin c6ng bail fresh scallion white@ (Allii Fistulosi Bulbus Recens) &%$qUt [xian d i n zhu yk] fresh bamboo leaf @ (Lophatheri Folium Recens) &itkg [xiiin di huing] fresh rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Rycens) &*&& [xiiin di 16ngI live earthworm0 . (Lumbricus Vivus) %PA ih [xian f6ng xiiin] fresh garden L v r~ r lIJO u l l.l,v- O ( /T--1 m p i i e 1 i i i b Baisaminac Werba Recens) &@% [xiiin fli ping] fresh duckweed@ (Lemnae Herba Recens) %EA [xiiin guin zhbng] fresh aspidium@ (Aspidii Rhizoma Recens) &ZUt [xiiin h i yk] fresh lotus leaf@ (Nelumbinis Folium Recens) &&%RE[xiiin jin yin huii] fresh lonicera [flower]@ (Lonicerae Flos Recens) &4k%?l- [xi%; jiG cii zhi] fresh Chinese leek juice@ (Allii Tuberosi Folii Succus)
% %E
[xiiin ILi fli] fresh radishe (Raphani Radix Recens) %F%[xiiin lli gen] fresh phragmites [root]@ (Phragmititis Rhizoma Recens) &F&'$f[xiin Ili gen zhi] fresh phragmites [root] sap@(Phragmititis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus) & % b * [xiin lu6 b6] fresh radishe (Raphani Radix Recens) & X % E [xiiin mb li hug] fresh jasmine flower@ (Jasmini Flos Recens) @% [xiian bu] fresh lotus root@(Nelumbinis Rhizoma Recens) &%T2?-I[xiiin 6u jii zhi] fresh lotus root node juice@ (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodi Recentis Succus) !X#%$f [xiiin iju zhi] lotus root juicee (Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Recentis Succus) %&ti&* [xiiin sheng di] fresh rehmannia b~ot]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Recens) &%t&%* [xiiin shEng di huing] fresh rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Recens) # ! &i ~ - H [xiiin sheng di zhi] fresh rehmannia [root] juice@ (Rehmanniae Radicis Recentis Succus) &&%'$f* [xiiin sheng jidng zhi] ginger juicee (Zingiberis Rhizomatis Succus) %fig%[xiiin shi chiing pii] fresh acorus [root]@ (Acori Rhizoma Recens) &G#f [xiiin shi hu] fresh dendrobium [stem]@ (Dendrobii Caulis Recens) & B4 [xian shiju wii] fresh flowery knotweed [root]" (Polygoni Multiflori Radix Receils j &4AE [xiiin ST guii pi] fresh luffa gourd skin@ (Luffae Pericarpium Recens) &qfl'f: [x!iin ying giin] fresh goat's [or sheep's] h e r @ (Caprae seu Ovis Iecur Recens) &+@@ [xiiin ying ti gen] fresh dock roote (Rumicis Radix Recens) &$E E* [xiiin yin huii] fresh lonicera [flower]@ (Lonicerae Flos Recens) &$$at [xiiin zhli ye] fresh bamboo leaf (Lophatheri Folium Recens)
[xiin zhli y2 xin] fresh tender bamboo leaf* (Lophatheri Folium Immaturum Recens) J& [xiin] string (xibn) [a kind of abdominal mass] TZ@ [xiin pi] strings and aggregations (xibn pi) [kinds of abdominal masses] $2[xiin] stringlike [new]; wiry [old] 32lbk [xiin mii] stringlike pulse [new]; wiry pulse [old] [xiiin] salty; saltiness Favor associated with the kidney]; scrophularia [root]@ (Scrophulariae Radix) [xiin c6ng r6ngl salted cistanche [stem]@ (Cistanches Caulis Salsa) Z * [xi6n d i y h ] salted cistanche [stem]@ (Cistanches Caulis Salsa) f [xiin feng cio] small whiteflowered beggar's-ticks@ (Bidentis Minoris Herba) &Mifq [xiin fG zi] salted aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Salsum) @@tg$@[xiin hiin zeng y6] increase humor with cold and saltiness . @A'# [xiin rii shkn] saltiness enters the kidney % Pfl [xiiin w&iyGng xi6 wii yin] salty, upwelling, and discharging [medicinals] are yin @ [xiin] drool @kg f i [xign shing hiin wei] rising drool and critical clouding @@ [xiin tub] drool and spittle; droolspittle @%R$% [xiin wki pi y6] drool is the humor of the spleen iZ-F' [xiin xi&]drooling [xiin] worthy &I@'[xiin xiiio] salt wheezing jj%j [xiin] epilepsy %% [xiin bing] epilepsy % S E E [xiiin bing y6 fa] nocturnal epilepsy @j5. [xiin qi] epileptic qi%iE [xiin zhkng] epilepsy pattern
@ [xiin] lichen (xiin) [new]; xian [OM] @$* [xiin ciio] rhinacanthus [twig and
leaf]@ (Rhinacanthi Ramulus et Folium)
@a*[xiin yio] Madaio dock root0 (Rumicis Madaio Radix) @as* [xiin yio cio] hoary spurge@ (Euphorbiae Hirtae Herba (cum Radice)) @%7K [xiiin yho shui] Lichen Medicinal Water PG [xiin] fall P&@ [xiin gii] ST-43Wf10 (Sunken Valley) PGiE [xiin zhkng] fall pattern % R q E * [xikn m i zi huii] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba)
xiang * I @ [xiing b6] contend; contention @ % [xiiing ching] overwhelming Eve phases] [xiing fin] clashing [7 relations; e.g., aconite main tuber clashes (i.e., produces side effects when used) with pinellia] *H#$ 2 [xiing fir zhi guiin] office of assistant [the lung] If;BB%aE [xiing hii lu6 shii] inter-netting and inter-homing @B%H[xiing hii wii y.i>ng] mutually serving jt'BBF2~l;ll [xiiing hh ying xiing] mutually conducive @/%[xiing jiiin] combination $B%J@& [xiang jiin mii xiing] combined pulses $Bk [xiiing kc] restraining vve phases] & J %[xiing shi] killing [7 relations; e-g., mung bean kills croton, i.e., eliminates its side effects] * H B [xiing shin] mutual exacerbation # % [xiiing sheng] engendering Bve phases] [xiiing shi] empowering [7 relations; e.g., apricot kernel empowers twsilago, ie., makes it more powetful] il;H,F,B[xiiing si tkng] Chinese rosary pea stcm and leaf* (Abri Precatxii Caulis et Folium)
7t;R ,F,3,=F-[xiiing si zi] rosary pea' (Abri
2$@Jtl [xiiing 16ng wiin] Cyperus and
Precatorii Semen) $i?l,F,3@[xiiing si zi gEn] rosary pea root' (Abri Precatorii Radix) *El3 [xiiing w&i]fearing [7relations; e.g., pinellia fears fresh ginger; i.e., its toxicity is counteracted by it] $Ell@ [xiiing wG] rebellion Dve phases] $El 8 [xiiing wb] aversion [7 relations; e.g., scutellaria is averse (i.e., depotentiated) by fresh ginger] @3Jj [xiiing xu] mutudl need [7 relations; e.g., phellodendron and coptis need (i.e., accentuate) each other's action] $€I E [xiiing ying] correspond; correspondence $El+ [xiiing zheng] struggle 27 [xiiing] fragrant; aromatic B $ * [xiiing b5i wei] baiwei [cynanchum root]' (Cynanchi Baiwei Radix) B $ X * [xiiing b8i zhi] angelica [root]" (Angelicae Dahuricae Radix) 2$ ! I % !E ?A [xiiing b&i yiing ying tiing] Cyperus and Fritillaria ConstructionNourishing Decoction B % * [xiiing c8i] coriander" (Coriandri Herba cum Radice) 2$ Z % * [xiiing ch8 chi] common rabdosiaa (Rabdosiae Amethystoidis Herba) BE$*[xiiing chi] fermented soybean (2)@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum) B Mf * [xiiing fb] cyperus [root]@ (Cyperi Rhizoma) SM t [xiiing fu mi] cyperus [root]@ {Cy~er!:P,hizcxza) 2$fltEBZ?A[xiiing fb xuiin fii huii tiing] Cyperus and Inula Decoction ?I$ i;MtT [xiiing fb zi] cyperus [root]@ (Cyperi Rhizoma) B%MP [xiiing giing jiiio] Hongkong foot B % * [xiiing guii] ligusticum [rootlo (Ligustici Rhizoma) B % * [xiiing ji] shepherd's purse' (Capsellae Bursa-Pastoris Herba) Sz* [xiiing liio] betel pepper' (Piperis Betle Fructus)
Sparganium Pill S&4 Jtl [xiiing liin huii zhi wiin] Saussurea and Coptis StagnationTransforming Pill % & A [xiiing liin win] Saussurea and Coptis Pill 7?$B%$BfJtl [xiiing li5n zhG dG win] Saussurea and Coptis Pig's Stomach Pill B$* [xiiing luin] citron' (Citri Medicae seu Wilsonii Fructus) @% * [xiiing ma] ink' (Atramentum) @@% * [xiiing niu jiiio] rhinoceros horn' (Rhinocerotis Cornu) ?$*\A [xiiing pb win] Saussurea and . Magnolia Bark Pill @&* [xiiing rhg] elsholtziaa [Elsholtziae Herba) @ * [xiiing r6ng] elsholtzia@ (Elsholtziae Herba) SSJtl [xiiing r6ng win] Musk and velvet Deerhorn Pill S z * [xiiing r6u] elsholtzia@(Elsholtziae Herba) @% [xiiing rli] glossogyne@(Glossogynes Herba) % % [xiiing 1-61 elsholtzia~(Elsholtziae Herba) B 8 S * [xiiing rQ ciio] elsholtzia@ (Elsholtziae Herba) &=% [xiiing rh siin] Elsholtzia Powder @%$A [xiiing rli tiing] Elsholtzia Decoction [xiFny rlj! $I?! F-!s.h.~!?~i~ R,e~e:z-sY B69~@,$31 [xiiang shii &rchCn tgng] Saussurea and Amomum Two Matured Ingredients Decoction SWA ET%I [xiiing shii liii jim zi tiing] Saussurea and Amomum Six Gentlemen Decoction ?I$Xb$iSPfi [xiiing shii liii jiin zi w h ] Saussurea and Amomum Six Gentlemen Pill B69F 3 [xiiing shii ping wki siin] Saussurea and Amomum Stomach-Calming Powder
S 59T E fi [xiiing shii ping wki win]
$HA [xiing huh] ministerial fire
Saussurea and Amomum StomachCalming Pill 69 [xiiing s h i y8ng wki atiing] Saussurea and Amomum StomachNourishing Decoction S59@*fi [xiiing sha zhi zhli win] Saussurea, Amornum, Unripe Bitter Orange, and Ovate Atractylodes Pill SBT* [xiiing shk zi] musk* (Moschus) SPA * [xiiing s h g ] nardostachys [rootla (Nardostachydis Rhizoma et Radix) 3 * [xiiing sii] Chinese fieldnettlea (Stachydis Baicalensis Herba) S3& [xiiing sii s8n] Cyperus and Perilla Powder % E * [xiiing sui] coriander* (Coriandri Herba cum Radice) g@fB * [xiiing xi jiio] rhinoceros horn* (Rhinocerotis Cornu) %%& [xiiing xiong tiing] Cyperus and Ligusticurn Decoction @ fQ * [xiiing y6u] sesame oil* (Sesami Seminis Oleum) %B*[xifing yuin] citron* (Citri Medicae seu Wilsonii Fructus) @& [+ng yuiin] citron* (Citri Medicae seu Wilsonii Fructus) %i(;$i(;W [xiiing zhiing gen] camphor root' (Cinnamomi Camphorae Radix) $ * [xiiing zhang mii] camphor wood* (Cinnamomi Camphorae Lignum) @ @ * [xiiing zhi] patchouli* (Pogostemi Herba) %T*[xiiing zi] fennel [fruit]* (Foeniculi Fructus) nR3lSfiE5tl [xigng sheng pi3 di win] Broken Flute Pill ?fi ' [xiing] dried fish [;i1%98@[xiing li qu6n wb] curled-up lying posture [;i1&* [xiing n6ngl For Peasants [nonchannel] [;r] 5 2 * [xiing tiiin zhgn] lesser hypericumO (Hyperici Japonici Herba) I(;g [xiang] minister
[xiing hu6 shing king] ascendant hyperactivity of the ministerial fire [xiing hui, wiing dbng] frenetic stirring of the ministerial fire $2 [xiing] sign & fl * [xiing bki] Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb]" (Fritillariae Verticillatae Bulbus) & fl [xiing bki mii] Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb]" (Fritiliariae Verticillatae Bulbus) &E [xiiing pi] elephant's hide* (Elephantis Corium) %&% [xiiing pi gio] Elephant Skin Paste , &R? g!#ge & [xiing xiing yio wii lhn] signature therapy &5f [xiing yi] ivory* (Elephantis Dens) & 3fE [xiing yB xi&] ivory flakes* (Elephantis Dens in Frustra); ivory* (Elephantis Dens) rn [xiing] nape -q&+@ [xiing hbu sheng yong] welling abscess bong) of the nape qi;SB [xiiing qiBng] rigidity of the neck; Stiff Neck [non-channel]; stiff neck E [xiing zh6ng ju] mid-nape flat abscess 0.2) &*E [xiang mh pi] oak bark* (Quercus Acutissimae Cortex) RE* [xiing pi] oak bark* (Quercus Acutissimae Cortex)
xiao [xiao] disperse; dispersion; wasting [as in wasting-thirst] . [xiiio b6i yin] WhitenessD~spersingBeverage # $1 E g t k [xiiio biin ping d i i yin] Macule-Dispersing Indigo Beverage # ;ti\ sfi[xiiio bi3 jiiin shi] simultaneous dispersion and supplementation; disperse and supplement simultaneously P'E 82 tk [xiiio chuiing yin] Sore-Healing Beverage # @ [xiiio diin] pure-heat wasting-thirst 9 [xiiio d8o] abductive dispersion PE 3% [xigo d8o yio] abductive dispersing medicinal
[xiiio fi] dispersion ?$ )%I, % [xiiio feng s5n] Wind-Dispersing Powder fb [xiao fEng y5ng xui: tang] Wind-Dispersing Blood-Nourishing Decoction ?&% [xiiio giin] disperse gan Pi$ 8 [xiiio gii] disperse grain b o d ] ; swift digestion fiod] Ypj8$$m [xiiio gii shin ji] swift digestion with rapid hungering ? & 8 S & [xiiio gii shin shi] swift digestion with increased appetite ?& g t n [xiiio gii xi ji] swift digestion wlth rapid hungering ?&i k T [xiiio h u i bO liing] indigestion ?& $3 [xiiio kc] wasting-thirst Pi$%% [xi50 kE bing] wasting-thirst disease P& % f j - [xi50 kE Siing] Wasting Thirst Formula ?& Ek [xi50 kuii] Lump Disperser [notzchannel] # @ A [xiiio lu6 wan] Scrofula-Dispersing Pill Pi& ?% [xiiio lub] TB-12 (Dispersing Riverbed) j@ [xiiio pi] wasting of the spleen [center wasting] ?b l;d [xiiao pi] disperse glomus Pi&%Bq%StL [xiiio pi e w&iwin] GlomusDispersing Asafetida Pill I&%iL$R [xiio pi hui ji] disperse glomus and transform accumulations # E l k % [xiiio pi zhi tbng] disperse giomus and relieve pain Ti ?LA [xiiio rii win] Milk-Dispersing Pill #j f i * [xiiio shiin hii] gray vernoniaO ' (Vernoniae Cinereae Herba) ?& '8 [xiiio shkn] wasting of the kidney [lower wasting]
[xiiio shi h u i tin] disperse food and transform phlegm ?&&.lt% [xiiio shi huh zhi] disperse food and transform stagnation $j;EiR* [xiiio shi hui] slaked lime@(Calx Exstincta) ypj -f$@T [xiiio shi li qi] disperse food and rectify qi # & [xiiio shbu] emaciation #&4U% [xi50 sh6u rli chii] thin as brushwood #j@irEfif$ [xiiio shbu sh6n cui] emaciation and haggard expression .Zi/ fs* [xiiio shub] TB-12 (Dispersing Brilliance) Pi$@ [xiio tin] disperse phlegm #BFn%[xiiao t i n ping chuiin] disperse phlegm and calm panting ?hR$ftg [xiiio t i n ruin jiiin] disperse phlegm and soften hardness Yj & [xiiio xin] wasting of the heart [center wasting] P$ % &' B A [xiiio y5n jiE dG] AntiInflammatory Toxin-Resolving Pill #@?% [xiiio ying tang] Goiter-Dispersing Decoction Pi& "LA [xiiio yCi yin] Stasis-Dispersing Beverage ?&$li[xiiio zhi] disperse stagnation ?& % A [xiiio zhi win] HemorrhoidDispersing Pill ' 2 %"LA ~ [xiiio zhi yin] Hemorrhoid* Beverage Dispersing Y& [xiiio zhong] center wasting [wastingthirst of the center] ' ) BCP ~ [xiPo z h h g ] disperse swelling %Z@RB [xiiio yio 16u b&i siin] Free Wanderer Trichosanthes and Fritillaria Powder [xiiio ySo sin] Free Wanderer Powder
# Z * [xiiio shi] nitera (Nitrum) 8 & [xiiio shi] disperse
6iX ~F
?&&%?$ [xiiio shi d5o zhi] disperse food and abduct stagnation; abductive dispersion of food stagnation
!s $% [xiiio fii thng jie tiingl M i r a b ~ l ~and t e Radish Seed Bind-Freeing Decoction 6i&;ET [xiiio shi] nitere (Nitrum) 6i&;Ei@I,g& [xiiio shi f i n shi s h ] Niter and Alum Powder
/I\ [xigo] small; minor /J\
+gTnaEZ5$%[xigo b i n x i i jig fli ling
tang] Minor Pinellia Decoction Plus Poria (Hoelen) /I\ +E@~I [xigo b i n x i i tang] ino or Pinellia Decoction /I\ @ [xigo bihn] urine; urination; lesser convenience I]\ {j!!(4 [xigo b i i n bi] urinary block 1111j!!+ 3 [xigo biiin b b chii] urinary stoppage / J \ @ + % [xigo b i i n bi3 jin] urinary incontinence /j\{FT$lJ [xigo b i i n bi3 li] inhibited urination
/I\ @ !
94 [xigo biiin bi3 shujng] ungratifying urination /I\{@+&[xigo b i i n bii tong] urinary stoppage /I\{E%$Z[xigo bihn chi dugn] short voidi n g ~of reddish urine /I\@%PB [xigo b i i n chi sk] inhibited voidings of reddish urine; rough voidings of reddish urine +iE 3% [xigo b i i n chii fkn] stool in the urine /I\ @$EB [xigo b i i n dugn sk] short inhibited voidings of urine I]\ @ $Z 9 [xigo b i i n du5n"'sh5o] short voidings of scant urine /]\{@i~tg [xigo biiin gub duo] scant urine [new]; polyuria [old] /]\ij!!@s [xigo b i i n h u i n g chi] yellow o r reddish urine /I\ @!R$Z [xiso b i i n h u i n g dugn] short voidings of yellow urine /I\ iFB~llZ'& [xigo bihn h u i n g r6 c h i zhi] tea-colored yellow urine /j\ @!Ft.i&; /J\ @$?@ [xigo b i i n h6n zhu61 turbid urine /J\{@%$Z; / J \ {9@$3[xigo b i i n jig jing] semen in the urine /]\.l@$l]g [xiio b i i n li duo] uninhibited copious urine I]\ @?@+ M [xigo b i i n lin li bG jin] dribblmg urinary incontinence I]\@<#% [xigo b i i n lin li] dribbling urination
[xigo bihn n i n ] difficult urination
/J\?E%mijS [xigo b i h n i n i r b i i ] difficult voidings of white urine
/1\4F$B& [xigo b i i n pin shub] frequent urination; urinary frequency
/I\ @?El5 [xigo biiin qing ching] long voidings of clear urine
/I\ lFf,&% [xigo b i i n rk chi] hot reddish urine
/]\4F?i!:% [xigo b i i n r i tbng] painful voidings of hot urine
/J\IEPB[xigo biiin sk] difficult urination @!#% [xigo bikn shi jin] urinary incontinence I]\@!& pigo biiin shub] frequent urination; urlnary frequency /I\@@% [xigo b i i n tCng tbng] painful urination /j\ {EBB [xigo biin yi li] dribble after voiding; post-voiding dribble /]I {@ $ $11 [xigo b i i n zi li] uninhibited urination 1 4 % [xigo bing lin chi ci tbng] dribbling urination with reddish urine and stinging pain I]\% [xigo bb] barberry [root o r s t e m l a (Berberidis Radix seu Caulis) /I\ [xigo bi3 kong zhui] empty sagging in the Smaller abdomen /J\ 3 [xigo cgo] polygala herb' (Polygalae Caulis e t Folium) /I\ %@I$& [XGOc h i i hli tang] Minor Bupleurum Decoction /I\ %@I @J fia.$&@ 6B [xigo c h i i h6 tang jia jiC gGng shi gaol Minor Bupleurum Decoction Plus Platycodon and Gypsum /]\ 7 [xigo chgn] miscarriage /J\ jEJ [xigo ching] small intestine; S I W i 1 0 /]\jEJ@ [xigo c h i n g bing] small intestinal disease /]\/j5J2$ [xigo c h i n g jing] small intestine chamei' I]\ jEJ@ [xigo c h i n g kk] small intestinal cough I]\ / j5JT [xigo c h i n g qi] small intestinal qi /]\jEJT% [xigo c h i n g qi tbng] small intestinal qi pain
/J\JJ5J5% [xiio chiing qi zhi] small intestinal yi stagnation [xiiio ching shim] small intestinal mounting (shhn) ~ ] \ E % t < l [xiiio : chiing shi 1-61small intestinal repletion heat I]\ E& [xigo c h i n g shii] BL-27Wf'O (Small Intestine Transport) /I\ E F [xiiio chiing xik k6u] lower opening of the small intestine /I\ fl%E% [xi50 chiing xii hin] small intestinal vacuity cold I]\ E & @ [xiso c h i n g xii Eng] small intestinal vacuity cold /J\JJ5J% [xiio ching yong] small intestinal welling abscess (ybng)
/I\ E % % & 2 $ $I. 4k
8 %% [xiio ching zhE shbu shkng zhi guiin ye huii wh chii yiin] small intestine holds the office of receiving plenitude, when the transformation of matter emanates /I\ E=$% %IJ@f?&[xiiio chiing zhG fen biC qing zhu6] small intestine governs separation of the clear and turbid /I\ E=$%& [xigo chiing zhii sh6u shkng] small intestine governs receiving plenitude /J\ ffi=$:& [xiiio c h i n g zhii yk] small intestine governs humor /J\%&%& [xiio chCng qi tiing] Minor QiInfusing Decoction /I\ Z * [xigo diio d6u] lablab [bean]' (Lablab Semen) / J \ f&&;1;W* [xiio di zong gen] curculigo [rootla (Curculiginis Rhizoma) /I\ Z%[xigo dbu kbu] Indian cardamoma (Elettariae Cardamomi Semen seu Fructus)
$2$%* [xigo dii suhn] Chinese chive [bulblo (Allii Bulbus)
/I\ 8%2S * [xiiio k ji p6] cephalanoplosa (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) JL [xiiio Cr] child [up to about 10 years of age]; infant; infantile /I\ JL B 8 [xilo Cr ch6ng shC] double tongue in children /J\ J L A @ + B [xiio Cr dh biiin bh tong] child constipation
/ J \ J L f f S $[xigo Cr diin dG] child cinnabar toxin /I\ JLf-S [xiiio Cr diin shii] cinnabar sand (shii) in children /J\ JLR2 [xigo Cr 6 k6u] goose mouth sore in children /I\ JL E $$ [xiiio Cr fii huing] yellowing of the complexion in children I]\ JL f[\ [xiiio t r fii rk] .fever in children /I\ J L N B [xigo Cr feng z h h ] wind papules in children /J\ JL [xigo Cr fO zh6ngl puffy swelling in children /I\ JL@iS [xiio Cr fii xi61 diarrhea in children /J\ JLB$E [xigo Cr g i n ji] child gan accumulation /I\ JL [xigo Cr giin yiin] eye gan in children; child eye gan / J \ JL @ J& [xigo Cr hui ch6ng zhkng] roundworm infestation in children / J \ JL H 8-A-[xiiio Cr hui chiir? diin] Children's Return-of-Spring Elixir /J\ JL$E& [xigo Cr ji shi] child food accumulation /I\ JL 3%lQ [xiiio Cr ji xiong] Child Chicken Breast [notz-channel] /J\ JL 32 JjQ @ [xiiio Cr ji xiong gui bki] pigeon chest and turtle's back in children /J\)L1l,%fl [xiiio Cr jing fEng] child fright wind / J \ JL$%E [xiiio Cr jing juk] child fright reversal / J \ JLT,$% [xiiio, Cr jing xiiin] child fright epilepsy /I\ JL$4&@5 [xiiio Cr kE ji bing] children's diseases &. <; .w..q &i;d v.2s;L;Tlg ,I, jL + & y+ hostility I]\ JL 1@ [xiiio Cr k6u qiiing mi lln] erosion of the oral cavity in children / J \ J L f i & [xiiio Cr li ji] child dysentery /I\ J L R g [xiio Cr m i zhEn] measles in children /I\ JL*& [xigo Cr mii shi] wooden tongue in children /I\ J L & % & G [xiiio Cr n6o ch6ng zh6ngl pinworm infestation in children J L F g [xiiio Cr niho chuiing] child bedwettlng @ d E
/I\ JL+@ [xiso Cr niii xiin] ox epilepsy in children /j\ JLneni [xigo Cr bu th] vomiting in children /I\ JL%% [xigo Cr pi kuhi] lump glomus in children /J\ J L R N nZ [xigo Cr qi feng kbu jin] infantile umbilical wind clenched jaw / J \ JL B 6 [xigo Cr qing ming] clear-eye blindness in children /I\ JLYL@ [xigo Cr rii C] chiid nipple moth /I\ JLfLfR [xigo Cr rii ji] milk accumulation in infants /J\ JL$L-% [xiio Cr rii shi ting zhi] stagnation of milk and food in infants / j \ J L @ @ T s [xigo Cr sh5 zhEn b 6 chii] non-eruption of sand (sha) papules in children JL7)cE [xiio kr shui dbu] chicken pox in children JLBGa {xigo Cr tai shhn] infantile fetal mounting (sh2n) /j\ JL [xiiio Cr tan h u h ] infantile paralysis I]\ JLn$% [xigo Cr ti k i ] crying in children /j\ JLDifL [xigo 6r t6 rii] vomiting of milk in infants /I\ JL @ iiE [xiio kr wEi zhkng] infantile wilting (WE) pattern; child wilting (we'i) pattern;. child wilting pattern JL5$R [xigo Cr wii rugn] five infantile limpnesses 11) J L E @ [xiiio Cr wii ying] five infantile hardnesses /I\ JL @ $ [xigo Cr xiin z h h g ] child epilepsy pattern /j\ JLGn;;iS .[xigo 6r y2 ti] night crying in infants / j \ ) L a E [xigo Cr yi nigo] child enuresis /I\ J L i e E [xigo Cr yii chi] slowness in learning to talk /I\ jL+gi-$ [xiio Cr zhi zhEn] infant's finger examination /I\ J L - 3Z A- [xiiio Cr zhi biio dan] Children's Supreme Jewel Elixir /J\fi[xigo fang] minor formula I]\ f i &$ [&lo fang mhi] children's medicine / J \ X t%S [xi50 fei yang ciio] thyme-
leaved spurge@(Euphorbiae Thymifoliae Herba) /j\ $j [xiiio f&] ininor seams /]I@ [xiio fh] smaller abdomen [new]; lower abdomen [old] /]\@Mi % [xiio fh chen miin] smallerabdominal fullness /J\E%i,% [xigo f6 h i n liing] cold in the smaller abdomen /j\ [xigo fij kijng zhui] empty sagging in the smaller abdomen; empty sagging in the lower abdomen /j\ j@ $$ [xiio f i ~mgn] smaller-abdominal fullness /j\ E @j [xiiio fii tbng] smaller-abdominal pain /]\@S 1 @@ [xigo fh yin h6u tbng] smallerabdominal pain with sore throat /]\@gi,$& [xiio fij y6u liing ggn] cold sensation in the smaller abdomen . /j\ @+j ti\ [xigo fij ybu 1-61 heat in the smaller abdomen /I\ JBBkB [xiio fh zhhng tbng] smallerabdominal distention and pain /J\ [xiiio gii] LI-3 (Small Valley) +j9[xiio gii kong] Little Finger Bone Hollow [non-channel] /I\ X * [xiio g u h ] CV-7 (Small Pass) j@ [xigo hgi] S I - 8 W I l O (Small Sea) I]\% [xigo hin] Slight Cold [23rd solar term] 11) gI%Z*[xiPo h6ng 16 dhu] rice bean' (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) /I\ iV3 $j * [xiiio hli m i ] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) I]\ E* [xigo hui] fennel [fruit]' (Foeniculi Fructus) E @ * [xigo hui xiang] fennel [fruit]'. (Foeniculi Fructus) /J\ E g E * [xigo hui xiiing tiin] charrcd fennel [fruit]@ (Foeniculi Fructus Carbonisatus) 4.; %% ! A- [xiio hu6 lub dan] Minor Network-Quickening Elixir /I\ % t8 )+ [xiio hu6 lub pihn] Minor Network-Quickening Tablet ;I\ * [xi20 ji] SI-1 (Small Propitiousness)
3iij [xiio ji] cephalanoplosa (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) /]I 3 * [xiio ji ego] cephalanoplos@ (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) /I\$~J$jZfl{C&$j [xigo ji lihng xui w6i zhii shk] acupuncture point injection therapy /I\ fi@ * [xiio ji mii] cephalanoploso (Cephalanoploris.Herba seu Radix) I]\ @ ii [xigo ji thn] charred cephalanoplosa (Cephalanoploris Herba seu 'Radix Carbonisata) /I\@ 3 * [xiio ji yi] cephalanoplosa (Cephalanoploris Herba seu Radix) /I\at25 [xiio ji yin zi] Cephalanoplos Drink /I\aijN [xigo ji zhi] cephalanoplos juice@ (Cephalanoploris Herbae seu Radicis Succus) [xigo jiii bgn] splint /J\@[IP$2 [xiso jihn zhong tiing] Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction /l\gBJl5 [xiio ji6 xiong] minor chest bind /J\&-A[xiso jin diin] Minor Golden Elixir /I\& )+ [xiio jin pihn] Minor Golden Tablet /I\&%$ [xi50 jin qi6n c5o] dichondraa (Dichondrae Herba) & @ [xiio jin ying] small-fruited rose [root and leaflo (Rosae Cymosae Radix et Folium) /J\ & @ 5 [xigo jin ying zi] small-fruited 'rose fruit@ (Rosae Cymosae Fructus) /J\%B [xiso li6n qiho] erect hypericumO (Hyperici Erecti Herba) &zx jxiao l m g jliirigl lesser galangal [rootla (Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma) /I\b? [xi50 mhi] small pulse [xiio mhi] .wheate (Tritici Semen) /J\ /I\ Z S [xiio rnhi fti] wheat bran' (Tritici Testa) /I\ SEij [xigo rnhi mihn] wheat flour' (Tritici Farina) /j\ %$$3 [xi50 mhi zhou] Wheat Gruel /J\ $5 [xigo m h ] Grain Full [dth solar term] ,J\ %* '[xiio mi] millet0 (Setariae Semen)
/I\% [xiio nil minor error
E 5* [xigo ping zi] duckweede (Lernnae Herba) )I\S 3 * [xiio qing cio] rostellularia~ (Rostellulariae Herba) /I\ glej~D;E;B$% [xiio qing long jig shi giio tang] Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction Plus Gypsum /I\Stet% [xiio qing 16ng tiing] Minor Green-Blue Dragon Decoction ,J\ S 32 .i% +$ J$f H ;ti.ih [xigo qing 16ng tang h i m6 xing giin shi tiing] Minor Green-Blue Dragon Combined with Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Licorice and Gypsum Decoction /I\$1ijN * [xiio rti zhi cio] thymeleaved spurgea (Euphorbiae Thymifoliae Herba) /I\E@* [xiio shi liD] Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) [Ilth solar /J\ Z [xiio shii] Slight Heat term] 7)( [xi50 shui] urine /J\7)(T% [xiio shui bii jin] urinary incontinence . /I\ 7K Ti@ [xigo shui bG tong] urinary stoppage /I\ @ [xigo sGu] urine /I\@ G B [xiio sou sk hu6ngl yellow urine /I\ K IL\ [xigo tiiin xin] Small Celestial Heart [non-channel] [xiio tui jii] flat abscess 00) of the lower leg /I\ fig*[xiio tu6 pgn] rubus [berry]@ (Rubi Frucrusj /J\ W F j- [xiio wki dan] Minor Stomach Elixir /J\ i" cP A [xiso wen zh6ng w6n] Minor Center-Warming Pill /J\?g [xiio xi] small ravine .i%[xigo xiiin xiong jiii zhi /I\ BG RQ fin shi tang] Minor Chest Bind Decoction Plus Unripe Bitter Orange /J\ V G Jl5$% [xigo xihn xiong tiing] Minor Chest Bind Decoction /J\%*[xigo xiiing]. fennel [fruit]' (Foeni/J\
culi Fructus) & [xiso xin] minor heart .:j\ [xiiio xin] asarum* (Asiasari Herba cum Radice) / J \ $ ~ + $ J [xiio xi3 ming tiing] Minor LifeProlonging Decoction 11) Z [xiio xuE] Slight Snow [XJthsolar term] /I\ Pt$kW!!, [xiio y i dti juiin] capitate rhododendron [twig and leaflo (Rhododendri Capitati Ramulus et Folium) /I\ U t & TL S [xigo y i jin huii cio] onychiumo (Onychii Herba) /J\Ut@;Q,g[xiio y i s h i z6ng guiri] common rabdosiao (Rabdosiae Amethystoidis Herba) / l \ S R [xiiio yin jiiin] Minor Construction Brew j5 ' 2* [xiiio zii liin] lycopus@ (Lycopi Herba) /J\ %TF-* [xiso zhi zi] gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) /]\)g [xiio zhi] little finger /J\,$k [xiiio zhi] little toe /I\ )E fi+E [xiio zhi ci zhi] finger next to the little finger /j\,$kfiM[xiso zhi ci zhi] toe next to the little toe @ [xilo] wheezing , I@R% [xi'ao chuin] wheezing and panting @R%$&?kfj' [xilo chu5n fii zhi fiing] Wheezing and Panting External Application Formula @ i j E [xiso zhkng] wheezing pattern % [xiho] laughter [voice of the heart] [xiio bii xiii] incessant laughing I]\
xie $8* [xil] scorpion* (Buthus) @ # [xie shiio] scorpion tail*
$8E* [xiE wii] scorpion tail* (Buthi Caudex)
YB [xii] evil [new]; pathogen [old] 4 I J 4 E Z h ~[xii fin w6i fin] evil invading the defense aspect
4 B g Q S j [xi& hii 'kong qiho] evils harm the empty rifices $B5$ [xi6 hiin] evil cold %PA [xi& hue] evil fire 4(3%,2\9 [xii lihn xin biio] evil lodged in the pericardium BP@3%. [xiii lili siin jiiio] evil lodged in the triple burner 413 @PA* [xii lili yin fin] evil lodged in the yin aspect 4 B 5 [xii qi] evil qi 4B93gg3 [xii qi qi6ng shkng] strong evil qi 4B4&% [xi6 qi sh6ng shi] exuberant evil qi 4[S5&fllj% [xii qi s h h g z i shi] when evil qi is exuberant, there is repletion %[J?&[xii r i ] evil heat 4 B f + A g [xiii ri: rii ying] evil heat entering construction 4[3?4\Bytn [xii ri:r pb xu&] evil heat hurrying the blood 4fi#jj$Z [xi6 shiing fki w6i] evil damaging lung-defense r;lpg [xii shi] evil repletion Y[saFfi;S, Eq&\@[xi&zhi su6 cbu, qi qi bi xii] for evil to encroach, qi must be vacuous tjJt(:j$~ [xi6 r& li] complex dysentery tjJFL:7;m [xii rk xii li] complex dysente~y @ [xii] confine; pinch @)+;tt-$+& [xi6 chi jin z h h f5] two-finger press needle insertion j& [xii] rib-side [new]; lateral costal region [old] fl.j~@[xii fii] rib-side and abdomen j&j;h [xii Ii] rib-side [xi6 Ii: jii] rib-side flat abscess Ot) j&jh&j@ [xi6 1 i ting tbng] rib-side pain BfifEB;h l@% [xii 16 yin tbng] dull rib-side pain Rj~jj~jifj&[xi&16 zhing tbng] rib-side distention and pain; rib-side distending pain R&jg*[xii liiio] LV-13 (Rib-Side BoneHole) j f i $ ) * [xi6 liio] LV-13 (Rib-Side BoneHo 1e)
J% l
[xi6 tbng] rib-side pain; pain in the rib-side M7; [xii xi&]rib-side [new]; lateral costal region [old] [xii xi8 miin tbng] pain and fl&7; fullness in the rib-side R&T% [xii xi& tbng] rib-side pain fl&TflEB [xii xi5 zhhng tbng] distending pain in the rib-side flJJA& [xi& zhang] rib-side distention $21 [xi61 oblique [needle insertion]; +anted [needle insertion]; deviated b c e ] ; deviation Face]; wry b e e ] ; wryness vace] $!} $1 [xii ci] oblique insertion; slanted insertion $+Xb$ [xi6 fEi mii] oblique-running pulse [xii pihn] oblique slice $?}+A [xi6 qiE] cut obliquely #i:X [xi6 shi] squint !@$* [xi6 dhi] ST-41 (Shoe Lace) 'I@$[xi6 ciio] valerian root" (Valerianae Officinalis Radix et Rhizoma) ?Kt [xi&]discharge @ A [xi&feng] discharge wind #AT [xi&gin] discharge the liver tt&&?& [xi& hbu zhhng] heaviness after diarrhea EBrJ [xi2 ji] discharging formula * [xi&jing] seminal discharge @ Sij-7 [xi& kE qir bi] discharging [medicinals] can eliminate blocks [xi&li] diarrhea ?t&I!Bt
i%B[xi&dir] diarrhea i % M T [xi&dii zi] diarrhea i%& [xi&fii] draining [method] i%j@ [xi&f&i] drain the lung $%BitjB [xi&f&i siin] Lung-Draining Pow-
i%j@tA [xi&f&iyin] Lung-Clearing Beverage
$%H [xi6 gin] drain the liver i % H s @ $[xi& ~ gin i n s h h win] LiverDraining Spirit-Quieting Pill
?%itf;C!kd[xi&h u i r&$61 drain and transform heat binds
?%$$B[xi& huiing siin] Yellow-Draining Powder
i% A [xi&hu6] drain fire i%Aj$J[xi&hu6 ji] fire-draining formula @jjj$& [xi2 hu6 qing f6i tang] FireDraining Lung-Clearing Decoction
R A #,QR [xi&hu6 xi fEng] drain fire and extinguish wind [xi2 hu6 yio] fire-draining medicma1 i%j$ij [xi& li] diarrhea j3.M S* [xi&li ciio] agrimony' (Agrimonlae Herba) ?%$@GB [xi&li hbu zhbng] diarrhea with rectal heaviness [with tenesmus] j%E$E;lt: [xi2 n i n bii bGi] drain the south (i.e., the heart) and supplement the north (i.e., the kidney) j%/#& [xi&pi siin] Spleen-Draining Powder i%i$& +@JJ [xi&qing g2 bin tang] GreenBlue-Draining Half-and-Half Pill $t, [xi& qing w6n] Green-BlueDraining Pill $%t+@B [xi6 r& jiE dii] drain fire and resolve toxin j%E& [xi6 shi tang] Dampness-Draining Decoction t%7; [xi2 xi&] draining precipitation i%T%@J [xi&xi5 jin li] contraindications for draining precipitation i37;3 [xi6 xi8 yiio] precipitating medicinal j%& [xi2 xin] drain the heart '
j%lL\ ,\% 5 3 [xi* xin d5o chi s5n] HeartDraining Red-Abducting Powder iqiL\$& [xi&xin tang] Heart-Draining Decoction i q g [xi& yho] draining medicinal i% D t * [xi* y&] senna [leaf]' (Sennae Folium) @ [xi&] crab [flesh and innards]' (Eriocheiris Caro e t Viscera) BIlR [xi&jing] crab's eye [xii jing t i n g t6ng whi @BEl%%.3b zhhng] crab's-eye painful external obstruction @ E [xi& k i ] crabshell' (Eriocheiris Crusta) €I [xi* mli] crab's eye gfl [xik zhgo] crab's claw' (Eriocheiris Chela) f@m%q@[xi& z h l o wCn lli] crab claw mdrkings B Z a $ [xi&zfi zhdng] crab's foot swelling Q [xi* b6i] Chinese chive [bulb]@(Allii Bulbus) E Q % * [xi* b6i t h ] Chinese chive [bulbla (Allii Bulbus) % & * [xi* gen] Chinese chive [bulb]@ (Allii Bulbus) tfi@ [xi2 chi] grinding of the teeth; bruxism
xin JL\ [xin] heart; cardiac; cardio-; HTW1Io [xin biio] pericardium; PCLYf1O
/L\@J?~[xin biio jing] pericardiurn channel; PCW1IO [xin biio lu6] pericdrdiurn; pericardiac network ~L\+g'r,ag_B, [xin biio lu6 h i s5n jiiio] pericardiurn connects with the triple burner JL\+g iE [xin biio zh&ng] pericardiac pattern IL\@ [xin bi] heart impediment (bi) lL\% [xin bing] heart disease & @ # I [xin c i n g s h h ] heart stores the spirit
JL\~%! [xin chk] pulling heart JL\&@ [xin ch6ng bing] heart worm disease
/L\RHT;;rf [xin d l n bli ning] disquieting of the heart and gallbladder /L\EHi3@ [xin d5n qi xu] heart-gallbladder
qi vacuity
lL\ REl E T&
[xin d5n xii qu*] heartgallbladder vacuity temerity JL\?$J~$ [xin d6ng ji] stirring palpitation JL\$B[xin f i n ] vexation; heart vexation J L \ ~ % [xin T ~ f6n bli m&i] vexation and sleeplessness J L \ ~ ~ F[xin @ f i n bli miin] vexation and sleeplessness L \ f l $ H E [xin fki lilng xii] dual vacuity of the heart and lung; heart-lung vacuity 1L\Biiii3% [xin f6i qi kui] heart-lung qi depletion JI'-\~$?E [xin f&i qi xu] heart-lung qi vacuity ~L\fl*P8 @ [xin fki ying xii] heart-lung yang vacuity &fl* PA E [xin fki yin xu] heart-lung. yin vacuity JL\E [xin fli] heart [region] and abdomen [new]; abdomen and region of the heart [ol4 JL\@I$% [xin fli E n g thng] cold pain in heart [region] and abdomen JL\@B [xin fli tbng] pain in the heart [region] and abdomen &/@J&j@j . [xin fG zhing msn] distention and fullness in the heart [region] and abdomen /L\@ [xin giin] gan of the heart lL\lTA& [xin gan hud shkng] exuberant heart-liver fire JL\BTAEZ [xin giin hu6 w h g ] effulgent heart-liver fire /L\BFm@ [xin giin lizing xu] dual vacuity of-the heart and liver J L \ ~ T B [xin giin xu siin] heart-liver vacuity detriment &flT&@ [xin gan xu6 xii] heart-liver blood vacuity L\BT PflE [xin giin yin xii] heart-liver yin vacuity
JL\F~[xin h i n ] sweating from the heart; heart sweating L\-&b% [xin h i mii] heart is connected with the vessels JL\-& /J\ fl% [xin h6 xiio ching] heart is connected with the small intestine jL\E [xin huang] flusteredness A [xin hu6] heart fire; heart-fire JL\A 'kP\ & [xin hud chi shkng] intense heart fire & A TI.& [xin hu6 k i n g shing] exuberant heart fire JL\A I '.J $2 [xin hu6 n6i chi] intense internal heart fire JL\AtAI2 [xin hu6 n&i f i n ] heart fire deflagrating internally lL\AtAI@ [xin hud n6i sh6ngl i ~ t e n s einternal heart fire JL\Akg [xin hud s h i n g y i n ] heart fire flaming upward; upflaming heart fire JL\A@ [xin hu6 shkng] exuberant heart fire JL\ABZ [xin hu6 wing] effulgent heart fire JL\AEE& [xin htl6 w i n g shkng] effulgent heart fire J L \ $ [xin ~ ji] heart accumulation JL\FF [xin ji] palpitation; heart palpitation J L \ % @ $[xin ~ jiiio t h g fang] Angina Formula &%3 [xin jing] heart channel; H T W U O ;L\'l,$ [xin jing] frightened heart jL\'l,%~EAtl&[xin jing diin qi6] frightenable heart and timorous gallbladder JL\?~DA~H [xin jing k i sbu] heart channel cough J L \ K W T & [xin kai q i i o yli she] heart opens into the tongue &iJ3 [xin k i ] heart cough JL\% [xin lio] heart taxation ~L\bk[xin rnii] heart and vessels ~bb$'@b5 [xin m i i bi zU] heart vessel obstruction &bk& [xin rnhi h6ng] heart pulse is surgi ng ~L\jjjX@pfl[xin m i i yii zii] stasis obstruction of the heart vessels I L \ ~ [xin * mii] CV-14 (Heart Alarm)
JL\R$@E [xin pi jir xu] dpal vacuity of the heart and spleen
J L \ R + ~ E[xin pi liiing x i ] dual vacuity of the heart and spleen; heart-spleen vacuity J L \ / I $ ~ E[xin pi qi xu] heart-spleen qi vacuity &R+rfnE [xin pi xu2 xu] heart-spleen blood vacuity lL\R+ BBE [xin pi y i n g xu] heart-spleen yang vacuity JL, ?$+aiIii [xin q i hua z i i miin] heart, its bloom is in the face IL\? [xin qi] heart qi IL\%T H [xin qi bir kir] insecurity of heart qi ~ L \ 9 1 ; L f [xin qi b t ~ning] disquieting of heart qi J L \ T + ~[xin ~ qi bir shou] non-contraction of heart qi J L \ ~ + E[xin qi bii zli] insufficiency of heart qi J L \ ~ [xin G qi shing] exuberant heart qi IL\%E [xin qi xu] heart qi vacuity J L ~+#Eb E [xin qi xu bii d i wb] heart qi vacuity insomnia JL\.?&+ E [xin qi xu2 b t ~zli] insufficlency of heart qi and blood ~L\%bnm% [xin qi xu6 liiing kui] dual depletion of heart qi and blood ~ L \ 5 r f n m E[xin qi xu6 liiing xu] dual vacuity of heart qi and blood; heart qi and blood vacuity
J L \ ~ P R T [xin B qi yin bir zGl insufficiency of heart qi and yin
jL\5rJaF3E [xin qi yin liiing xu] dual vacuity of heart qi and yin; heart qi and yin vacuity JL\% [xin qiiio] orifices of the heart ~L\R@ffk[xin qiho b i i meng] clouding of the orifices of the heart JL\~&[xin qi?] timorous heart [ i x , appr-eherzsio~z] ~ilf!': [xin 1-21 heart heat ~L\f(\&'l,% [xin r i du jing] heart heat susceptibility t o fright
1L\ %& 'I,% [xin rk dud jing] heart heat susceptibility to fright I L \ [xin ~ shin] heart mounting (shun) lib@%+ [xin shen shi shdu] heart spirit failing to contain itself [xin shCn] heart spirit &;'f@T Zff- [xin shCn bii an] disquieted heart spirit [xin shCn fG yuk] heart spirit )I\?$jf floating astray IL>$$%+ [xin s h i n shi shdu] heart spirit failing to confine it,elf JL\$@X%[xin shCn shi ygng] heart spirit deprived of nourishment lL\ 'B T P [xin shkn bii jiiio] noninteraction of the heart and kidney & ' B Y E [xin shkn qi xii] heart-kidney qi vacuity IL\'B $I, [xin shkn win] Heart-Kidney Pill IL\'R$HX [xin shkn xiiing jiiio] heart and kidney interact; heart-kidney interaction I L ~ ' B & E [xin shkn xuk xii] heart-kidney blood vacuity &'B pBY+B [xin shkn y i n g qi bii zli] insufficiency of heart and kidney yang qi &'B PaE [xin shkn ying xii] heart-kidney yang vacuity &'# PJB [xin shkn yin xii] heart-kidney yin vacuity IL\$J [xin shii] BL-ISW)~~ (Heart Transport) &$ff ( - ) * [xin shii 11 Heart Soother # 1 [non-channel] 12\$f ( 7 ) * [xin shii 21 Heart Soother #2 [non-channel] [a kind of IIJ ' 7fc [xin shui] heart water water swelling] IL\@ [xin ting] heart pain JL\~$J& [xin tiko] throbbing of the heart &@ [xin tbng] heart pain lL\%@JS [xin tbng ch& bki] heart pain stretching through to the back 12,jg t? [xin wCi hiin] heart forms sweat IL\& [xin wgi] heart wilting (we'i) IL\ 3 A @$ [xin wki hud shkng] exuberant heart-stomach fire j i b $ @
JL\E9 % [xin w&i qi tbng] qi pain in the region of the heart and stomach
JL\E% A [xin wki shi hud] heart-stomach repletion fire
JL\%?&[xin wli 1-61heart is averse to heat J L \ T E Z ~ %[xin wii tbu n6ng s h ] Medical Insights Pus-Outthrusting Powder
JL\% [xin xi] heart tie &7; [xin xi$] below the heart
12\7;@@[xin xi$ d,in diin] rolling sensation below the heart
~L\7;3,[xin xiii ji] distress below the heart ~L\7;'t$[xin xi& ji] palpitation below the heart
lL\f;$E [xin xi$ k6ng xii] emptiness below the heart
&7;% [xin xi$ mgn] fullness below the heart
~ L \ l ; z % xi^? xi& ni mgn] counterflow fullness below the heart
J L \ ~ ; [xin E xiii pi] glomus below the heart J L \ ~ ; B @[xin xi$ pi ying] hard glomus below the heart
lL\T% [xin xiii tbng] pain below the heart JL\7;jg?$@tii [xin xi$ wen wen yii tG] warm feeling below the heart with desire to vomit lL\TiM'r+ [xin xi8 zheng chdng] fearful throbbing below the heart J L \ ~ ; ~ ' [xin L Z xiit zhi jiC] propping bind below the heart &flQ [xin xiong] heart and chest ;& [xin xidng biE mkn] stifling oppression in the heart and chest
&fl$%ll% [xin xidng ci tbng] stabbing pian in the heart [region] and chest t? [xin xidng h$n chii] sweating from the chest and heart [region] &jjQ%[I I;q [xin xidng y t ~mkn] oppression in the heart and chest ILL& [xin xu] heart vacuity IL\E~H?&[xin xii d5n qik] vacuous heart and timorous gallbladder & & f f $ P [xin xu gan yG] heart vacuity and liver depression [xin xu&] heart blood
~L\bn;l; [xin xu6 bh zG] insufficiency of
heart blood ~L\lfIl@[xin xu6 xu] heart blood vacuity ~2\rhlETf%B\[xin xu? xii bC d 6 wb] heart blood vacuity insomnia JL\bn@PH [xin xu6 yii zfi] heart blood stasis obstruction &Pa [xin ying] heart yang lL\PEl ;l;& [xin y i n g bh zhkn] devitalized heart yang J G P [xin ~ ~y i n g shing] exuberant heart yang 1L.iEIE [xin y i n g xii] heart yang vacuity JL\PEIER# [xin y i n g xu tuo] heart yang vacuity desertion JL\PRSR# [xin y i n g b i o tud] fulminant desertion of heart qi JL\%t4:T 11) jk [xin yi r6 yii xiio ching] heart heat spreading t o the small intestine JL\M [xin yin] heart yin [xin yin bC zci] insufficiency of JL\Pa heart yin JL\PBE [xin yin xii] heart yin vacuity f" JL\P l PElmE [xin yin y i n g liiing xii] dual vacuity of heart yin and yang; heart yin and yang vacuity JL\B [xin ying] heart construction J L \ B ; ~ ; E[xin ying bh zli] insufficiency of heart construction J L \ B ~ $ X[xin ying gui, hi01 excessive wearing of heart construction JL\5 /J\ jk jf;B2E [xin yii xiiio c h i n g xiang biiio li] heart and small intestine stand in interior-exterior relationship JL\_\~I $in zhgng! h p ~ r t rl_i.t~,fiticfi _ ~ L \ g E % 2 9IL!, t$Y*% [xin zhE jiin zhii zhi guiin y6 sh6n ming chu yan] heart holds the office of monarch, whence the spirit light emanates J L \ ~ & *[xin zhi shii] BL-15 (Heart's Transport) JL\,$%B [xin zhi wCi xi] joy is the mind of the heart JL\+@!~K [xin zh6ng i o n6ngl anguish in the heart L\ +$$ [xin zh6ng f i n ] vexation in the heart
[xin zhdng f i n re] heat vexation, In the heart JL\&~T[xin zhii hhn] heart governs sweating JL\&B* [xin zhii mii] heart governs the vessels J L \ & ; ~ [xin zhii shC] heart governs the tongue IL\%$$B~[xin zhii shCn ming] heart governs the spirit light ~L\$rfn [xin zhii xu61 heart governs the blood ~L\&rfnb? [xin zhii xu6 mgi] heart governs the blood and vessels JL\•’S [xin zhii yin] heart governs speech [xin] acrid [new]; eighth heavenly stem; S8; acridity; pungent [old]; pungency [old] +Q E & % Pb [xin giin fa s i n w6i ying] sweet and acrid effusing and dissipating [medicinals] are yang H it [xin gan h u i ykng] form yang with sweetness and acridity [xin h8n qing qi] clear qi with cold and acridity +%+@ [xin h i n sheng jin] engender liquid with cold and acridity [xin jin] S8-metal [the lung] +ASP$ [xin kai kii jikng] open with acridity and downbear with bitterness; acrid opening and bitter downbearing 3-8gB [xin kai kii xik] open with acridity and discharge with bitterness; acrid opening and bitter discharge 9 8 3 % [xin kiii shn pi] dissipate glomus with opening acridity +i,GH% [xin liing ji6 biiio] resolve the exterior with coolness and acridity; cool acrid exterior resolution +i,%H%?&[xin liing jie biiio fii] cool acrid exterior-resolving method +i,%HS3ll [xin liing jig biiio ji] cool acrid exterior-resolving formula Qi,%H%3[xin liing ji6 b i j o y i o ] cool acrid exterior-resolving medicinal +AA$ [xin rtj fki] acridity enters the lung [xin san tbu fa] promote outthrust and effusion of dissipating acridity
xi n
$ % B E [xin shn tbu fa] promote outthrust and effusion with dissipating acridity $$&ER$ [xin s i n xuiin f;i] diffuse the lung with dissipating acridity + & Z B [xin shn xuan tbu] promote diffusion and outthrust with dissipating acridity + t E @ S [xin wen jig biiio] resolve the exterior with warmth and acridity; warm acrid exterior resolution %?EMS& [xin wen jig biiio fii] warm acrid exterior-resolving method +?EM SBIJ [xin wen jig biiio ji] warm acrid exterior-resolving formula $$EMS% [xin wen jig big0 yho] warm acrid exterior-resolving medicinal +gjLt& [xin xiiing huh zhu61 transform turbidity with acridity and aroma +% [xin yi] magnolia flower (1). (Magnoliae Flos (2)) +%E* [xin yi] magnolia flower* (Magnoliae Flos) 3%"[xin yi] magnolia flower' (Magnoliae Flos) +g?SR?j$&[xin yi qing fki siin] Magnolia Flower Lung-Clearing Powder $%?SA?j& [xin yi qing f6i%ing] Magnolia Flower Lung-Clearing Decoction $%% [xin yi siin] Magnolia Flower Powder *giFjk* [xin yi ti01 magnolia flower' (Magnoliae Flos) 8fiE [xin bing] new disease; disease of recent onset $fig[xin g5n] new contraction $fi@%iE [xin g5n wen bing] new contraction warm disease %fi 3 l %B [xin g5n yin dbng fu xiel new contraction stirring latent evil %fi&&g*[xin hui jli pi] Xinhui tangerine peela (Citri Pericarpium Xinhuiensis) %h&E [xin hui pi] Xinhui tangerine peela (Citri Pericarpium Xinhuiensis) $firinn [xin jiii] newly supplemented XfifiU S 3Z Ph [xin jiii h u i n g 16ng tang] Newly Supplemented Yellow Dragon Decoction
$fifiUS!J3St5P5I [xin jiii shEn
p i cheng qi tiing] Newly Supplemented Ginseng and Tangkuei Qi-Infusing Decoction
$fiFfifJU>A [xin jiii xiiing rli yin] Newly Supplemented Elsholtzia Beverage
$?,,XB[xin t6u tbng] headache of recent onset
$fief EiJat[xin xian che qiiin yk] fresh plantago leafa (Plantaginis Folium Recens)
8fi$ilJ&ET!~%@~ [xin zhi jli pi zhu rli tiing] New Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction
{glib* [xin pi] arsenic@ (Arsenicum) 4gm &A * [xin q i i n h ~ i ] peucedanum [rootla (Peucedani Radix) {g;ti* [xin shi] arsenic@ (Arsenicum) [xin z i o s i n ] Arsenic-Jujube Powder @ [xin] fontanel; frontal region [of the head]
[xin hui] GV-22WII" (Fontanel Meeting) @&? [xin jig] ununited fontanels
QfF;Ie ';[xin kai bh he] non-closure of the fontanels [xin m i n ] (Fontanel Gate)
$TI 1;-& [xin m i n bh
he] non-closure of the fontanels bT I B [xin m i n chi bi] retarded closure of the fontanels T-J8 % [xin m i n giio tli] bulging fontanels Q 1'7 fie [xin men tli qi] bulging fontanels Q ( 7 7; pg [xin m6n xi8 xiin] depressed fontanels b k * [xin shhng] GV-22 (Top of the ~ontahel)
QiB [xin
tiin] bulging fontanels
Q P u x i n xihn] depressed fontanels
QB$ [xin zh6ngl bulging fontanels ffh [xin] scorching hot; scorching heat jfkM [xin h6ngl scorching redness
[xing fti s i n ] Arisaema and Aconite Powder E72$$%[xing xiang tang] Arisaema and Saussurea Decoction TE fE* [xing xing] GV- 16 (Clearheadedness) f E f E 3 [xing xing s:n] Clever Powder jE [xing] fishy-smelling JEST [xing chdu qi] fishy smell ES* [xing chbu wei] fishy smell
ERi@5[xing siio qi] fishy and animal smells
% $2 [xing fkn] Excitation [non-channel] [xing yang] revive yang [xing] torment 17 [xing] move 17% [xing bi] moving impediment (bi) 1723 [xing chi] slowness to walk [one of the five slownesses] 17% [xing f b g ] perform bedroom [activities]; sexual intercourse 17ls7 [xing jign] k - 2 (Moving ~ e & e e n ) fTt3+@~[xing jing b ? ~chhng] inhibited menstruation 1'?%3%[xing jing qi] menstrual period 17 S 3 [xing jun siin] Troop-Marching Powder 1 7 5 [xing qi] move qi 1'?T& [xing qi fii] qi-moving technique 1 7 5 3 % [xing qi s i n zhi] move qi and dissipate stagnation [xing qi xiang sii siin] Qi17-72$ Moving Cyperus and Perilla Powder 77TE [xing qi yho] qi-moving medicinal 1 7 3 5 % [xing s i n qi zhi] move qi and dissipate stagnation 7 @ $ [xing shi bii qi y5ng xui: tang] Dampness-Moving QiSupplementing Blood-Nourishing Decoction 177k [xing shui] move water R3 [xing] physical form; physical body; physical fflJ
%;T.B%E2LXT [xing bG zfi zhi5 wen zhi yi qi] insufficiency of the physical body is warmed with qi R3% [xing hkn] physical cold %@'I'B?+ [xing h8n ph likg] physical cold and fear of cold R3%%?+ [xing h8n qii: Eng] physical cold and fear of cold %%Btt?+ [xing hLn zhi l h g ] physical cold and cold limbs fi3{?#,3 [xing juhn s h i n dki] physical fatlgue and lassitude of spirit fF3{%+$& [xing jukn shCn pi] bodily fatigue and lassitude of spirit fl3%@% [xing qi jG shi] replete physique and qi fl$@$TE [xing shkng qi xu] exuberant physique and vacuous qi fl3@& 8 [xing s h h si: ciing] thin body and somber complexion K3E [xing tki] form and bearing; bearing #3# [xing ti] formal body %2#@BlJ [xing ti shdu xu&] emaciation %##@ [xing ti xi50 shbu] emaciation 7f3E [xing zhng] physical viscus [viscus] -A f~ ,\ [xing xui] brook point [new, one of the five transport points]; spring point [old1 E [xing] rouse; arouse i!@@[xing jiii] sober; dispel the effects of liquor Ej&[xing 11501 arouse the brain Efli%@i [xing niio jing] Xingnaojing El+ [xing pi] arouse the spleen ,@j+A[xing pi wan] Spleen-Arousing Pill EQ +th r.,.,. s h h j arouse the spirit; rciises the spirit @$j A [xing xi50 wan] Awake to Dispersion Pill t#%j% [xing bi ti] blow the nose E$%{I* [xing h6 rin] apridot kernel' (Armeniacae Semen) 8 M j r [xing lin] apricot grove [the medical world] E&{I* [xing m i i rin] apricot kernele (Armeniacae Semen) $.I= [xing rin] apricot kernele (Armeniacae Semen)
; $ C { I @ ~ & [xing r6n h u i shi tiing] Apricot Kernel and Talcum Decoction E.lsz fxing r6n shuang] apricot kernel fro@ (Armeniacae Seminis Pulvis) ;$C * [xing shi] apricote (Armeniacae Fructus) %%& [xing sii siin] Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder %@ [xing zhi] apricot twig* (Armeniacae Rarnus) E F [xing zi] apricot' (Armeniacae Fructus) 'I$[xing] nature 't$fjE [xing neng] characteristic 't$t% [xing qing] temperament; nature ~t+t%$,@[xing qing ji zho] rash and impatient nature @p+ [ x h g wki] nature and flavor
m i n ] fullness in the chest; thoracic fullness R @& % I:Gl [xiiong miin pi mkn] fullness, glomus, and oppression in the chest; thoracic fullness, glomus, and oppression
mRA {xiijng w i n (guin)] chest and stom-
H [xiiong] unfavorable [xiiong] chest; thoracic mE [xiiong bi] chest impediment (bi) [new]; thoracic impediment (bi) [old] @iJ$PT% [xiiong bir qi zhi] aqi stagnation in the chest m$PR'6% [xiong bii z h i n g m i n ] fullness in t h e chest; thoracic fullness R$PWb% [xiiong bh z h i n g tbng] distention and pain in the chest; thoracic distention and pain A M [xiiong d i ji] Greater Pectoral Muscle [non-channel] [$E%Rk [xiiing fir qi zhiing] qi distention in the chest and abdomen & [xiiong giio] raised chest JGiJBG [xiiong g6] chest and diaphragm mR%+.$lJ [xiong gC bh li] inhibited chest and d ~ a p h r a g m mBE%l;q [xiiong g6 miin mkn] fullness and oppression in the chest and diaphragm mjfi5flE [xiiong g6 qi zhhng] qi distention in the chest and diaphragm mBEf<:%ll[xiiong g6 rk yh] chest and diaphragm heat depression JQB [xiiong gii] chest bones
fl$flg&PE] [xiiong w5n (gu5n) m5n mkn]
JJiiJS {xiiong
J@%B&% [xiiong miin xi6 tbng] fullness in the chest and pain in the rib-side; thoracic fullness and rib-side pain II$T&J [xiiong m6n] oppression in the chest; thoracic oppression J$j i:q [xiiong m6n rli zhi] stifling oppression in the chest A$% [xiong pi] glomus in the chest; thoracic glomus
mE;%l:q [xiiong q i i n biE mkn] oppression in the anterior chest
R g * [xiiong tang] CV-17 (Chest Hall) jQ@ [xiong tbng] chest pain; pain in the
chest ach duct fullness and oppression in the chest and stomach duct jQRg% l;q [xiiong w5n (guin) pi mkn] glomus and oppression in the chest and stomach duct @f;46@ [xiong xih jiC ying] hard bind below the chest JQ$ [xiiong xiiing] SP-19W"o (Chest Village) J@jlB& [xiiong xi61 chest and rib-side m i & g % [xiiong xi6 kii miin] bitter fullness in the chest and rib-side rJ$B&@ [xiiong xi6 m i n ] chest and rib-side fullness Mi&%%.[xiong xi6 ni m5n] counterflow fullness In the chest and rib-side mi&% [xiiong xi6 tbng] chest and rib-side pain jQB&j&%[xiiong xi6 zhhng miin] painful distention in the chest and rib-side JlQB&b S.[xiong xi6 zhi miin] propping fullness In the chest and rib-side II988 [xiiong ying] chest yang; thoracic Y ang mBEl'l;S [xiiong y i n g bir yirn] chest yang failing to move
JlQPB P E g l [xibng ying zii bi] obstruction of chest yang flQ% [xibng ying] anterior chest lQ$ BE [xibng zhbng dkn din] rolling sensation in the chest flQ $$3?&[xibng zhbng f i n r i ] heat vexation in the chest JlQ [xibng zhbng miin] fullness in the chest; thoracic fullness AQ +R%R@ $3 [xiong zhong p i n g p h g r h ] feeling of inflation in the chest RQ $ E@ [xibng zhbng pi ying] hard glomus in the chest JlQql I'jli$$ [xibng zhbng yG yii] depression in the chest JlQ @ 2 $j [xiong zhbng zhi fii] house of [that] within the chest [the back] s !J3L p% P$J [xibng gui i r ch6n tang] Ligusticum and Tangkuei Two Matured Ingredients Decoction %!J389TP$J[xibng gui jiao i i tang] Ligusticum (Cnidium), Tangkuei, Ass Hide Glue, and Mugwort Decoction 5 !J33 [xiong gui siin] Ligusticum and Tangkuei Powder s !J3J3iW&tk [xiong gui ti50 xu6 yin] Ligusticum and Tangkuei Blood-Harmonizing Beverage %$$& [xihng h u i n g siin] Ligusticum and Rhubarb Powder % 2 * [xibng mko] ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma) -5$9 * [xibng qi6ngl ligusticum [root]@ (Ligustici Rhizoma) @$ [xibng xin d i o t i n tang] Ligusticum and Asarum PhlegmAhddiiciiiig " u ~ w c i i u n E; $5 [xibng xin tang] Ligusticum and Asarum Decoction -+ lt;Ei@P%[xibng zhi shi giio tang] Ligusticum, Dahurican Angelica, and Gypsum Decoction [xibng zhu win] Ligusticum and Atractylodes Pill h# T B * [xibng ding xiiing] clove* (Caryophylli Flos) t#$$ [xiong huing] realgar* (Realgar) 75,#$$%* [xiong h u i n g fen] realgar* (Re-' algar)
h @ % M S & , [xiong huing jig d 6 win] Realgar Toxin-Resolving Pills
he% [xiong ji] cock* (Gallus Masculinus) h# S a ?B [xiong ji kdu xiin] cock's spittle* (Galli Masculini Saliva)
t#@* [xiong jing] lucid realgar0 (Realgar Lucidum)
h # R * [xiong piin] white sliced aconite [accessory tuber]@ (Aconiti Tuber Laterale Album) h@y!2 [xiong yii] male duck* (Anas Masculina) 2gjjB [xibng dsn] bear's gall' (Ursi Fel) @gis&, [xiong d i n win] Bear's Gall Pill
xiu i*EtA [xiii nu2 yin] Malaria-Checking Beverage [xiii xi li] intermittent dysentery
I@ E *
[xiu cui] dioscorea [rootlo (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) I@jfP$J[xiii gan tang] Liver-Repairing Decoction {I%-$GF;fi [xiu h6 y i o su6] medicinal processing establishment [xiu shi] processing of medicinals {I%&$ [xiu zhi] processing of medicinals S [xiii] shy g w [xi6 ming] aversion to light TDt+ [xiii ming p i r i ] aversion to light and heat 118 [xih] insuflate II$& [xiii bi] nasal insufflation II$@~Z [xiii $ bi ~ bi yii nsiin] Nasal Insufflation Jasper Clouds Powder
iih B [xiii kdu gan] gan of the _cuff @ [xih] smell [to detect odors7 @$$ [xih bi] sniffing
@$+IK%% [xih bi guii 3 s i n ] MelonStalk Sniffing Powder [xih qi wii] smell odors iB5$R [xih qiu feng] bobble wind
xu f i [XU] eleventh earthly branch; I311 [XU shi] 1311 watch [7-9 p.m.] E [xii] vacuous; vacuity B W [XU biin] vacuity macules E% [xu b6i] vacuity fatigue; exhaustion @$& [xii bi] vacuity constipation ED%[XU chuiin] vacuity panting EUk [XU 61 vacuity hiccough E$J'j [xu fin] vacuity vexation E$g+f+BR [xu f i n bii d e miiin] vacuity vexation and insomnia EJilp93[XUfEng n6i dbng] vacuity wind stirring internally E??[xi fti] vacuity puffiness @@ [XU hin] vacuity cold E?T;f;;k [xii 'hin b i ~zhi] persistent vacuity sweating E$$ [xu huing] vacuity jaundice E A [XU hud] vacuity fire @AU%3, [xu hud chuin ji] vacuity fire rapid panting @ Afiflj; [xii hu6 liin h6u] vacuity fire condensing in the throat E A _C& [xii hu6 shing yin] upflaming vacuity fire; vacuity fire flaming upward E$Rm [xii ji li] vacuity accumulation dysentery E E . [xu jig] person who suffers from vacu~ty Et3 [xu jing] vacuity fright @ @ [xu jing] vacuity tetany &U,tD%@ [xi k t chuiin cii] vacuity cough and hasty panting @% [XU 1601 vacuity taxation EB [xu lio] vacuity consumption E%'B@ [xu 160 bi6 shbu] vacuity taxation with marked emaciation E % fg 9 [XU l i o jing sh;o] vacuitytaxatlon scant semen @%U2!$% [xG 150 k t sbu] vacuity-taxation cough E%B55 [xii 160 I i i rub] vacuity taxation with emaciation and weakness fiB$
@@ [ x i Iio y i o tbng] vacuitytaxation lumbar pain E%PBG [xu 160 yin Eng] vacuity-taxation genital cold E%EtT [XUl i o yin l h g ] vacuity-taxation night sweating E% %?4t [XU 160 zheng r6] vacuitytaxation steaming fever @@ [xi li] vacuous li; apical pulse [XU li] vacuity dysentery EB [XU 16ngl vacuity deafness EBX [xii mii] vacuous pulse; evacuate the vessels; vacuous vessel B E [xi niik] vacuity malaria . EK+ [xii ping] vacuity obesity EE [xii pi] vacuity glomus Et!: [XU 1-51vacuity heat E?C:F?3 [ x i r6 b i ~qing] vacuity heat failing to clear E?!:B?T[ x i r6 dB hin] vacuity heat night sweating ' fAt4,pqs% [xu r6 jing xing xian qi] vacuity heat advanced menstruation E A ~ ~ ~ j [xu l a rG i n t i n y6ng xi6ng g i ] phlegm congestion in the chest and diaphragm in vacuity, patients E55 [XU rub] vacuous; vacuity EG.$T@[xii rub giin shbu] vacuity and emaciation E$%FB [xu shiio bii tui] persistent vacuity fever @% [XU shi] vacuity and repletion [XU shi jig z i ] vacuity-repletion complex EtR [xii siin] vacuity detriment @jR % 4% [xii siin 160 shang] vacuitydetriment taxation damage E& [xii t i n ] vacuity phlegm Ea#[xi tud] vacuity desertion Em [xu xiin] vacuity epilepsy Epfi[xu xiin] vacuity fall @g[I [xii xi61 vacuity evil Eff[lMJil [XU xi6 z i i feng] vacuity evil and bandit wind @j5 [xi xik] vacuity diarrhea [xi xin tbng] vacuity heart pain
@@%% [xii xii shi shi] evacuate vacuity and replenish repletion @I@[xii x u h ] vacuity dizziness &PHT% [xii ydng bir Kin] vacuous yang failing to constrain @BEf [xii y5ng fG yu&]vicuous yang floating astray @PEfkt? [xii ying shing fG] vacuous yang floating upward; upfloating of vacuous Y ang BJJJ+b#@ [xii z i bii qi mii] in vacuity, supplement the mrjther; vacuity is treated by supplementing the mother & fllJ+b 2 [xii z i bii zhi] in vacuity, supplement; vacuity is treated by supplementing BE [xii zhing] vacuity distention E*+bE@ [x?tu zhC bii qi m)i] in vacuity, supplement the mother; vacuity is treated by supplementing the mother &%+bgt13, %%i$z=F[XU zh6 bii qi mii, shi zhz xii qi zi] in vacuity, supplement the mother; in repletion, drain the child; vacuity is treated by supplementing the mother; repletion is treated by draining the child B%+b2[xii zh6 bii zhi] vacuity is treated by supplementing &iiE [XU zhing] vacuity pattern E +%% [XU zhdng jii shi] vacuity with repletion complication Efl$ [xu zh6ngl vacuity swklling @ [XU zhbng] vacuity stroke &bJgE [xii zu6 nii zC] vain straining 2 j j [xu] need; await
28E$-$ [xii f i zHo bii] premature gray1% 2ijjS [xii huing] yellowing of the whiskers
2% fi* [XUwin] hematiteD (Haematitum) 2% 9X E [xu yli ybu f i ] occurring again after a short interval -I5 YEP [xli ching qing] paniculate cynanchumO (Cynanchi Paniculati Herba cum Radice) #&+bi% [xli ji bG xi&] quick and slow supplementation and drainage
i q + k # s B [xii xui shi shin zhli siin] Xu's Wondrous Atractylodes Powder biin] knotgrass' (Polygoni ~vicularisHerba) 3f7 [xii m6n] nostril % A m * [xii guii ring] loofah" (Luffae Fasciculus Vascularis) ,E [xii] warm g [xii] amass; amassment g 7 J c [xij shui] water amassment %7KiE [xir shui.zhing] water amassment pattern g& [xii xu&].blood amassment E B [xii xui f i huing] blood amassment yellowing [xii xu& gii] water amassment drum distention BhijE [xii xu& zhing] blood amassment patterns $%kt% [xii duin] dipsacus [root]@ (Dipsaci Radix) $$kt% A [xii duin win] Dipsacus Pill $2 ?& [xti ming tang] Life-Prolonging Decoction $%%3[xii sui zi] caper spurge seedD (Euphorbiae Lathyridis Semen) $SW+z [xii sui zi shuing] caper spurge seed frostD (Euphorbiae Lathyridis Seminis Pulvis) 2% 3 ;jtL [xir' sui zi win] Caper Spurge Seed Pill
xuan G' [xuin] diffuse; diffusion; perfuse; perfusion 53 $ [xuin bii] diffuse the white [the lung1 S' 0 S5t& [xuin bii cheng qi ting] White-Diffusing Qi-Infusing Decoction 7 3 % .i$ [xuin bi ting] ImpedimentDiffusing Decoction '-S S ESt& [xuin dli f i biHo ting] ToxinDiffusing Exterior-Effusing Decoction
73' Z3 & [xuiin du siin] Toxin-Dispersing Powder S W & % b [xuiin fii shn xi61 promote diffusion and effusion and dissipate evil 73'8$ [xuiin fki] diffuse, the lung 73'fl$K@ [xuiin fki huj. t i n ] diffuse the lung and transform phlegm G'fl$$117k& [xuiin f2i li shui fii] lungdiffusing water-disinhibiting method hfl$$lJ7kB [xuiin f8i li shui yho] luhgdiffusing water-disinhibiting medicinal Sfl$F%j [xuiin fki ping chu5nI diffuse the lung and calm panting 73'Bifi?$@ [xuiin' f6i qii t i n ] diffuse the lung and dispel phlegm S -BlJ [xuiin ji] diffusing formula = [ J e&B $ 5 [xuiin jihng fki qi] diffuse and downbear lung qi E1%X 4 [xuiin jihng zhi si] disturbance of diffusion and downbearing 73' q&@ [xu& kE qG yong] diffusing [medicinals] can eliminate congestion, 73' %!A [xuiin ming win] Brightness Pill h* JlS* [xuiin mh guii] chaenomeles [fruit]@ (Chaenomelis Fructus) he B ~ 4 t i ? Z[xuiin ! qi h"h shi] diffuse qi and transform dampness 73' - R [xuiin qiho] perfuse the orifices S& [xuiin shn] diffuse; diffusion 73'3 [xuiin tong] perfuse; perfusion h aBj$5 [xuiin tong fki qi] diffuse lung qi 73 ' 3 7 J C S [xuiin tong shui dho] free the waterways 73'%9.f7\ [xuiin t6ng qi fkn] diffuse the qi aspect 73'B [xuiin thu] outthrust E@[xuiin yong] diffuse congestion @)Ji;+ 7 [xuiin r I o bG ~ i n g noisy ] behavior E [xuinl mysterious [common substitute for Z yurin] ER;f [xuin fc] mysterious house [sweat pore]; mysterious mansion [sweat pore] E a * [xuin hu] corydalis [tuber]' (Corydalis Tuber)
hli su6] corydalis [tuber]' (Corydalis Tuber) 2 B * [xuin ji] schisandra [berry]@ (Schisandrae Fructus) ZE;Ei [xuin jing shi] selenite" (Selenitum) 2 @ @ [xuin ming fin] refined mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Depuratum) 2 S [xuin shen] scrophhlaria [root]@ (Scrophulariae Radix) ZS&%@?% [xuin shen jii dli tiing] Scrophularia Toxin-Resolving Decoction ZS& [xuin shen siin] Scrophularia Powder ZSfiM?% [xuin shen sheng m i tiing] Scrophularia and Cimicifuga Decoction -4; ;ti* [xuin shiJ loadstone' (Magnetitum) Z G * [xuin tii] scrophularia [root]@ (Scrophulariae Radix) -4;%;ti* [xuin ying shi] selenite' (Selenitum) -
[xuin fir d5i zhE tang] see &
EEmRxi% E%&* [xuin
fG ggng] inula' (Inulae Caulis e t Folium) E E & [xuin fir hug] inula flower' (Inu' lae Flos) E@Eitif$;ti?[xuin % fii hug d j i z h i shi tiing] Inula and Hematite Decoction @BE?% [xuin fir h u i tiing] Inula Decoction E#L* [xuin ji] CV-21 (Swivel Mechanism) E%E [xuin ji wii] microsorium@ (Microsorii Herba (cum Radice)) E dl\ [xuin pii] spinning collapse E&j* [xuin shii] BL-29 (Return Transport) 23jZ * [xuin jiiing] CV-24 (Suspended Sauce) 2 E [xuin li] GB-6Wf10(Suspended Tuft) 2 m [xuin 161 GB-5iW"0 (Suspended Skull) %BIN ; %EN [xuin qi feng] flying flag wind
3m% [xuiin qi ydng] flying flag welling abscess bong) 3&* [xuiin quiin] LV-4 (Suspended Spring) 2I/;E [xuiin shii]. GV-5WffO (Suspended Pivot) - 2 t k [xuiin yin] suspended rheam [xuin yong] uvula &f;;'ii5 [xuiin ydng] suspended welling abscess (ybng) 3@@ [xuiin yong chui] uvula E@7;@ [xuiin ydng xi8 chui] pendulous uvula E#$[xuiin zhdng] GB-3gWifo(Suspended Bell) [xuiin ji] CV-21WffO (Jade Swivel) Bfj- [xuin fgng] selected formula B f i [xuln xu61 point selection IZ [xuin] dizziness [k;# [xuin diio] dizziness and shaking Ik; [xuin mi01 veiling dizziness Kjl. [xuhn pii] dizzy collapse [k;g [xuin yiin] dizziness [k;@-@!FIJ [xuin yiin yB dIo] dizziness that upsets balance I@ [xuin] roll the eyes
xue i3 .E€EW-F~J3% [xue shi wij y& 16 gen tiing] Xue's Five-Leaf Phragmites Decoction f i [xu&] acupuncture point; point; hole d i 9 ] a s ~r ------n ~ ~ n r nnint. - --- -, - t -~- -~- -r, ennint. hole f i j $ { t q [xu6 d i o d i i hi01 acupuncture point alphanumeric code ,\iu [xu6 w&i] acupuncture point; point
2-zrXE& *
,-. /\4ua$J'fP&[xu6 w&i zhii sh& li6o fi] A . .
acupuncture point injection therapy
ZBB*[xue din] hemsleya [tuber]@(Hemsleyae Tuber) Z N * [Mfin] alum' (Alumen) ZB$h [xu5 @ng tiing] Snow Soup Decoction 3 [xue kiju] snow mouth
Z LLI $$ [ X Ushiin ~ lin] Japanese spurge' (Pachysandrae Herba (cum Radice)) 3 [xue shing yi zhi hiio] Yunnan alpine aconite [tuber]@ (Aconiti Brachypodi Tuber) & [xu&]blood; bleeding &% [XU&bEng] flooding [new]; profuse uterine bleeding [old] &% RE% [xu&beng fii t h g ] flooding with abdominal pain [XU& bEng hiin i n ] flooding with &% clouding vision [xu&bi] blood block &@$ [xu&bi] blood impediment (bi) & XF [xu&bi w6 zi] blood block infertility &E [xu&biin] bloody stool [neiv]; blood in the stool [old]; hemafecia [old] &@ [xu&bing] blood disease &%iEiG [xu&bing zh&ngh h ] blood disease pattern; blood disease patterns lJ3 g3 [xu& bii gui jing] blood failing to stay in the channels @j?2[xu&bii xiin jing] blood failing to stay in the channels &+%% [xu&bii ying jin] blood failing to nourish the sinews &T T;B [xu& bii z6] insufficiency of the blood &% [xu& ch6uI Blood Worry [nonchannel] rtn**a$ [xu& chu rG zhii] pouring discharge of blood
&+ &+
% S2 [xu& fen r& dii] blood-aspect heat toxin
.&*$$?+[xu& f&n yii r&] blood-aspect stasis heat
IfIl%iif[xu&fkn zhkng] blood-aspect pattern
[xu& fii] House of Blood [nonchannel] &fig@?%[xu&fii zh6 yii tiing] Houqe of Blood Stasis-Expelling Decoction &!I&E * [xu& g6 pi]. ark shelle (Arcae Concha)
&a F*[xu6
gdu 21, lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) &$$[XU&gG] blood drum &% [xu&gii] blood gu &@ [xu& gii] blood drum distention &@ [xu& h5i] sea of blood (the penetrating vessel, liver, or SP-10); SP-1OWHO (Sea of Blood); CV-4 (Sea of Blood) &% G& [xu&h5i kong xii] emptiness of the sea of blood &3@ [xu&hin] blood cold &3@?3fS@B[xu& h i n jing xing h6u qi] blood cold delayed menstruation &3!R El [[x,&h i n yu&jing gul, sbiio] blood cold scant menstruation && [XU&hui] meeting point of the blood [BL-171 &$J! [xu&ji] blood accumulation [xu&ji] extreme of the blood [xu&jig] blood conglomeration (jiii) & 3 [xu&jiin] blood arrow [spurting of blood from the anus] & R % * [xu& jihn ch6uI galiurno (Galii Herba) & @ [xu& jie] dragon's bloode (Daemonoropis Draconis Resina) &%a$ [xu&jii xiong] blood chest bind &% [xu& jing] bloody semen; hematospermla [old] &M [xu&jui] blood reversal &?# [xu& ki] blood thirst &% [xu& kii] blood desiccation FfI [xu& kii jing bi] blood desiccation menstrual block &% [xu&kuii] blood clot &f [xu&kui] blood depletion &S g3[fl [xu&kui jing bi] blood depletion menstrual block &I+ [xu& IEng] blood cold &$$I [xu& li] blood dysentery h## [xu& lin] blood strangury (fin) &% [xu& liii] blood tumor &% [xu& litn] blood wheel [inner and outer cnnthi] &$%%?&[xu& 16n shi r&] blood wheel repletion heat
&a &e
&%@ $4': [xu6 l6n xii 1-61 blood wheel vacuity heat
&$8 [xu&lu6] blood network vessel &lbk [xu& mii] blood vessel
[xu& mii kuii] mother's blood lump B R [xu&niio] bloody urine [new]; blood in the urine [old]; hematuria [old] &@ [XU&pi] blood aggregation (pi) &$ElT*[xu&qi zi] lycium [berry]@ (Lycii Fructus) [xu& qii gub duo] excessive blood loss &?& [xu&r&] blood heat &$!!B @ [XU&r& beng 16111 blood heat flooding and spotting &$!\/Fit@ [xu& r& ching zio] blood heat and intestinal dryness h [xu& r& d6ng xu&] blood heat stirring the blood &?&?BJjk [xu& r i h u i tail blood heat habitual miscarriage &$4!?3fTX# [xu& r& jing xing xiin .qi] blood heat advanced menstruation h?!!@I@$ [xu&r&r6u fii] heat in the blood and rotting flesh h$+d% Pa [xu& r& shing yin] blood heat damaging yin a?+ gffj[xu& r& wiing xing] frenetic movement of hot blood; frenetic blood heat &?!!%& [xu&r&xii xu&]blood heat blood amassment &?&HZ ~ [xu& g r& yu&jing gu6 duo] blood heat profuse menstruation [xu&shin] blood mounting (shhn) &B;f;W * [xu2 shen gen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) h !J@* [xu&shi] hematiteo (Haematitum) h*Ffi@ [xu& shi sud cing] blood fails to be stored; blood storage failure &2 [xu& shi] blood chamber (the womb, liver, or penetrating vessel); CV-4 (Blood Chamber) [xu&sui qi sin] blood dissipating with qi
[xu& sui qi xihn] blood falling with qi h8# [xu&tuo] blood desertion h8#98#[xu&tu6 qi tu6] blood desertion with qi desertion. &8#%&$5 [xu&tu6 xian yi qi] first priority in blood desertion is to boost qi &ZfT [xu?. wing xing] frenetic blood movement jjn315f3 [xu& wki qi mii] blood is the mother of qi hE[I*[XU&xi] BL-40 (Blood Cleft); SP10 (Blood Cleft) h#i[xu&xie] bloody discharge [= bloody stool] h E [xu&xii] blood vacuity [xu&xii bi] blood vacuity impediment (bi) ~ B B [xu6 g xii bi tbng] blood vacuity impediment (bi) pain &@+ @ [xu&xii bG ybn] blood vacuity infertility hEqR [xu&xii dho hiin] blood vacuity night sweating h@Ss [xu&xii 6r long] blood vacuity deafness h@ E ?\! [xu& xii fa 1-61 blood vacuity fever &Baa [xu&xii feng dbng] blood vacuity stirring wind &EE% [xu& xii fD tbng] blood vacuity abdominal pain hEj3-9[xu&xii gut, shiio] blood vacuity scant menstruation $,%iArj ixu& xu iiu6 habitual miscarriage h)$2+3jTEiB [xu&xii jing xing hbu qi] blood vacuity delayed menstruation &G%EE&. [xu& x i qi xii shi sh&ng] blood and q~ vacuity with exuberant phlegm hELER [xu6 xii sheng feng] blood vacuity engendering wind &E%% [xu&xii shbu hin] contract cold in blood vacuity &@&@ [xu&xii t6u tbng] blood vacuity headache va.;u+j
rfnBB[xu&xii wEi] blood vacuity wilting (wzi)
&&&f$ [xu& xii xin ji] blood vacuity palpitation [xu&xii xuhn yiin] blood vacuity dizziness &E@% [xu?.xii y5o tbng] blood vacuity lumbar pain & @ aff [xu& xii zi hln] blood vacuity spontaneous sweating h&,$,[xu&yii diiin] Blood Pressure Point 1 [non-channel] h@ [xu&ying] blood goiter &@ [xu&yii] blood stasis [xu&yii b'io kuhi] stasis bump h$f%B [xu&yii bEng lbu] blood stmis flooding and spotting rfn@+q [xu& yii bir yDn] blood stasis infertility &@+31T%fta [xu&yii jing xing hbu qi] blood stasis delayed menstruation &@B [XU&y i tbng] blood stasis pain [xu&yii tbng jing] blood stasis menstrual pain [xu&yii w6i] blood stasis wilting (wgi) [xu&yii ylo tbng] blood stasis lumbar pain rfn@B+$%9[xu&yii yu&jing gub shIo] blood stasis scant menstruation &'i$ [xu?.yG] hair@ (Hominis Crinis) ht$B [xu&yG 'tiin] charred hair@ (Hominis Crinis carbonisatus) IfnBB [xue yD] blood depression h#$&[xu& yG tang] Blood Depression Decoction hg [xu&yiin] blood dizziness rfng [xu&yGn] blood dizziness h@ [XU?. zho] blood dryness &@*)XI, [XU& zio sheng feng] blood dryness engendering wind hjg [xu&zhiing] blood distention &$f [xu&zheng] blood concretion (zheng) hi$ [xu&zhkng] blood pattern h;tR [xu& zhT fii] house of the blood [the vessels]
&a@+$ a@&
he [xu&zhi] blood hemorrhoid
S % [xiin zheng] fuming and steam-
ing [methods of treatment]; steam [pathology]; swelter [pathology]; fume and steam 9 [xlin] searching [pulse-taking] 3 @ M [xiin gii fEng] mollissimaO (Aristolochiae Mollissimae Rhizoma seu Herba) $6[xlin] follow; channel rubbing @Pi?*[xGn ji] ST-25 (Cycle Border) @%3@ [xGn jing chuin] sequential passage [of an evil through the channels] @$3lQfi [xlin jing qii xu61 selection of points on the affected channel %?27T [xlin jing xu61 affected-channel point jE#@&1x6, shk fii] channel-freeing manipulation @$f$A% [xiin yi ml, chuing] picking at bedclothes; carphology; carphologia 332 [[xiin] fungus
[xu6 zhi] blood mole [xu&zhi fii t h g ] blood stagnation abdominal pain &%tZ [fl [xu& zhi jing bi] blood stagnation menstrual block dn cP5.E [xu& zhong qi yio] qi-in-blood medicinal hB$ [XU&zhdng] blood swelling WIJ [xu61 whittle
xun S (&$) [xiin] fume 8 & * [xiin lii] frankincensem (Olibanum) %&* [xiin mCi] mume [fruit]" (Mume Fructus) [xiin xi] steam-wash S % T * [xiin y i zi] henbane seed0 (Hyoscyami Semen)
schefflera bark@ (Schefflerae Octophyllae Cortex (Radicis)) 72BP *Pt- [yii jiiio mii yk] eight-leaved fFfl+ [yii shdu] pressing hand schefflera leafo (Schefflerae Octophyllae !jGjH* [yii dIn] brucea [fruit]@ (Bruceae Folium) Fructus) @ J J # J [yii 2 $ jiio Z * zhing] dayflower" (Com!jG jB 7 [yii diin zi] brucea [fruit]@ melinae Herba) (Bruceae Fructus) Y!g ,% j* [yii shC huing] lippia@ (Lippiae 9%g T * [yii d i n zi] brucea [fruit]@ Herba) (Bruceae Fructus) & -P ,!.*lf' [yii shi cio] dayflowerm (Commelinae Herba) !j%RM%%*[yl piin ygn gu6 gudl poppy huske (Papaveris Pericarpium) bii tang] duck's slop @',fi~~$fi* [yii chuin cCng zhi] oroxylum 7SjfiP [yii zhi C ~ Odayflower" ] (Commeli[seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) nae Herba) rp!$fiH3* [yii d5n zi] brucea [fruit]@ Y!!,RJ&T* [yii zhi guii zi] momordica [seed]@ (Momordicae Semen) (Bruceae Fructus) q!!,!#?j [yii zhGu] Duck Gruel 72 E T * [yii d i n zi] brucea [fruit]@ (Bruceae Fructus) ER+A [yii piin ji] tablet presser E@[yl zhi] press @,Bt;P*Ffi [yii ji5o mii pi] eight-leaved
5 [yi] tooth 3% [yi chi31 tooth 53% Syi chi] tooth
%@@E carriage [jaw]
% % & [yi chi chsjlng] tooth worms [causing tooth decay] [ y i chi dbng yio] 'loosening of 5f the teeth 5J-i'&??$~ [ y i chi fli dbng] loosening of the teeth %i'&T+& [yi chi g i n kii] desiccated teeth 5f i'& +& B [yi chi g i n zho rii lkii gii] teeth dry as desiccated bones 5f i'&%@fin 6 [ y i chi guing zho rti shii] teeth smooth and dry as pebbles 5% [ y i chi jiio hei] blackening of the teeth 5fi'&@ [y6 chi Itii giio] desiccated teeth %&?!$JJ [ y i chi sdng dbng] loosening of the teeth %i'&EFjS [ y i chi s u i n rub] sour-sore weak teeth %a% [ y i chi tbng] toothache 5f & [y6 ch6ngl tooth worms [causing tooth decay] %R [ y i cbu&ng] tooth bed [mandible] %jf [ y i ding] clove sore (ding) of the tooth and gum 3% [ y i gin] ~ganof the teeth and gums % @EZ [ y i gen xuin lii] exposure (of the roots of the teeth %#%@I[yi g u i n jin bi] clenched jaw 5f-#@%, [ y i g u i n jin ji] clenched jaw 5flbJ [yi nu] bleeding gums; spontaneous bleeding of the gum 5% [ y i tong] toothache; Toothache [non-channel] %J& * [yi tbng zi] henbane seed' (Hyoscyami Semen) 5f * [ y i xiio] horse-tooth mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Equidens); horse-tooth niter@ (Niter Equidens) %% [ y i xuin] gaping gums %% *h [ y i xuin chii xu61 bleeding gaping gums 5B ; %W [yi yinl gum 5&!&!I&[yi yin chii xu&] bleeding gums
[yi yin fii lkn] putrefying gums
%BEE5 [yi yin xuiin lbu] gaping gums %mB$ % [yi yin zh6ng tbng] painful .swollen gums % $!4 * [ y i zio] small gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus Parvus) 3F [yi] shoot [sprout] jJ!l&{: [yii m i ren] flax seed' (Lini Semen) %l&F* [yii m i zi] flax seeda (Lini Semen) l l E [yii] dumb; mute WE 1'7 [yii men] GV-15W1i0(Mute's Gate) QD%[yii ming] Mute Call [non-channel] Qfi [yii xu&] Mute Point [non-channel] !@S[yii ,liin] Hongya coptis [root]@ (Coptidis 'Rhizoma Hongyaensis)
aQ [yin] pharynx; pharyngeal UQ'f
[yin gin] dry throat; dry pharynx
UQI@ [yin h6u] throat [yin h6u b6i fii] white putrid UQ!@ Q throat
[yin h6u g i n mi01 tickly dry
[yiin h6u g i n tbng] sore dry
[yin h6u g i n zio] dry throat
DQqgjZjnE [yin h6u gii gEng] bones stuck in the throat [yin h6u tbng] sore throat UQI@~@% [yin h6u z i o tbng] sore dry
[yin h6u zh6ng tbng] sore swollen throat UQ@ k i n tbng] sore pharynx aQA$ [yin zh6ngl swollen throat; swollen pharynx @J@@ [yin zhi zhkng] rouge obstruction $PJ 4-4 * [yin d6u d6u] poppy husk' (Papaveris Pericarpium) $PJB b a n gio] Pipe Tar Paste; pipe tar@ (Pipae Depositum) $PJE[yin jiio] tannery tar,@ (Coriarii Fuligo Oleacea)
y in
719 [yan xiin] 'fumigate tar@ (Pipae'.Deposi-
Bfim [yin miin] face Bfi5i@2I [ygn miin chi0 h6ngl tidal red-
Zie+fit [yin yii bii ning] loss of speech Zi6%&L[yin yii cud luin] deranged
BRmS@ [yin miin qi'an chk] #tension in
@I$b[yiin you] pipe tum)
gig4812 [yin yii di wei] faint low voice $i$j%B [yin yii jiin sk] sluggish speech
$i3tSi+fi [yin yii qing xi] clear coherent speech [yin] rock ('ycin) [ygn chi] Rock Pool [non-channel] [yin feng] peucedanum [root]@ (Peucedani Radix) @ * [ygn ciio] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) i!$J * [yin hfi] corydalis [tuber]' (Corydalis Tuber) @#I% [yin hii su6] corydalis [tuber]' (~orydalisTuber) @a% @J [ygn hii su6 tang] Corydalis Decoction [yin huiin shuiii 1201 decelerate aging @+&$% [ygn nii yi shbu] prolong life [yin nign] prolong life E?% b8n niin b i n xii tang] LifeStretcher Pinellia Decoction ?G@$ B * [ygn li dbu] lablab [bean]' (Lablab Semen) ?GmTj [y6n zhiio ding] nail-side clove sore (ding) 3 [ygn] flame @f [y5n] grind finely @f%[yin b6] porcelain mortar @f@ [ygn m6] grind @f X [ygn mb] grind to a powder H Z % [yin m6 fii] apply ground to a powder @fsiW% [ygn mi, tiio fii] grind and apply mixed @fff?k?&iW& [yin mb y6u tiio fii] grind and apply mixed with oil Bj [yin] forehead; center of the face; center of the forehead; face; region between the eyebrows
em* a
dening of the face the fa&
& [yin] salt' (Shl)
&t$ [yin chiio] stir-fry with
salt [ygn cdng rong] salted cistanche [stem]@ (Cistanches Caulis Salsa) *h k Z * [yin d2 yiin] salted cistanche rm [stem]@(Cistanches Caulis Salsa) &kflf17K [yin d i n shui] bitterno (Butio) &k@iPt' [iih'fii yk] Chinese sumac leaf@ (Rhois Chinensis Folium) &SF&[yin fii zi gen] Chinese sumac root@ (Rhois Chinensis Radix) %il;W* [yin gen] glauberite' (Gypsum seu Calcitum) & @ * [yin li] bittern@ (Butio) & @ 7K* [yin lii shui] bittern@ (Butio) & @ 7K* [$in lii' shui] bittern@ (Butio) &7K [;in shui] brine &7Kf$ [yin shui chio] stir-fry with brine &kt%[yin tang] brine % D f f i [yin t i i n i thn tii fang] Mechanical Ejection Brine & PiB * [yin xi501 impure mirabilitea (Mirabilitum Non-Purum) &k& * [ygn zhgn] gla@eritem (Gypsum seu Calcitum) &% [yin zhi] mix-fry with brine ~ g [yin * sui] cofiander' (Coriandri Herba cum Radicej %841* [yin sui rkn] coriander seed' (Coriandri Fructus) %gF*[yin sui zi] coriander seed' (Co, riandri Fructus) ftU M.Z.[yiin shii shuiing] charred mole@ (Mogera Carbonisata) €I% [yin ji] eye disease %l'l'l%$Q [yiin zh6u juin bii] Yanzhou spikemosso (Selaginellae Involveniis Herba) @ [yiin] supine
{ E n Jj& b i n diio mii] upturned knife
pulse @ E l b i n wb] supine posture IIB [yin] eye BBng b i n iin] dim vision BE@ [yin biio] eyelid; palpebral IIB@BS [yIn biio jiin dc] eyelid mushroom toxin [sore] IIRBB@ [yin biio tiin he] phlegm node of the eyelld @@[email protected] i n b i o y l t h g ] stasis pain in the eyehds; black eye 0 R @ b i n chi] eye discharge [yiin d i n ] cinnqbar eye, BE% [yin giin] eye gan biin huii] flowery vision 0B S @ biin hiin i n ] dim vision b i n jiin] eyelid; palpebral BEEfiS$ b5n jiln diin dc] cinnabar toxin of the eyelid tlBEjafl?$~b i n jiiin riin d h g ] twitching of the eyelids 0EQB [yin jing] eye hiin jing bti xiing zheng BE[lF+ kill reluctance to open the eyes IIWfIg [yin jing f l h6ngl reddening of the eyes I@[lBgR$@[yin jing h6ng z h h g tbng] red sore swollen eyes fl@@Bg $g@[yin jing xiG ming s6 tbng] sore dry eyes with aversion to light flB@/-ijE@ b 5 n kE zhkng hbu] eye patterns @ $1[yiin mil c u i n shi] piercing eyes @xed eyesj BE g x [yin mii hiin hug] clouded flowery vision BE&& [y5n pi tiho] twitching of the eyelids BEz$.P~9 [yiin qi6 wiii t6] bulging eyes 0B H @ @ [yin quiin hui iin] dark rings around the eyes [IRH$$%[yiin quiin qing zi] green-blue o r purple rlngs around the cyes b i n si3 bti shulng]' dry eyes IIfi&@&[yiin shEng t i n he] phlegm node of the eye
b i n sheng t6u zhen] sty of the
I@$% b i n x i h ] eyelid rim; palpebral margin
IIB$%&E b i n xiin chi Iin] ulceration of the eyelid rim [yin] compress @ b i n ]Icheek b i n ] swallow P@Eb i n suiin] acid regurgitation; acid swallowing %PW * [yin xiiio] nitere (Nitrum) %b$j* [yin xiiio] nitera (Nitrum) @A* [yin t6u] euryale [seedla (Euryales Semen) Kg * [yin she] GV-15 (Repressed Tongue) K&- [yiin shi] aversion to food -&& b i n wen shi xiii] aversion to the smell of food % b i n k6u] c wallow's Mouth [nodchnttnel] !j$&$#@[yiin chi b i i n bing] identifica-
tion of disease through examination of the teeth fEZEj$I*[yiin xuE h6ngl China tea rosea (Rosae Chinensis Flos e t Fructus)
/@ k i n g d i n ] goat's [or sheep's] gallbladdere (Caprae seu Ovis Vesica Fellea) [yang &an fengj epiiepsy * a G * k i n g dii shi] pumice0 (Pumex) ?RT [ying giin] goat's [or sheep's] liverb (Caprae seu Ovis Iecur) +/ff6* p i n g giin shi] smithsonitem (Smithson~tum) RTh [y6ng giin w5n] Goat's Liver Pill *@ [ying gii] goat's [or sheep's] bonesn (Caprae seu Ovis 0 s ) +$Zj$@ k i n g gii zhGu] Goat's Bone Gruel TzE* [ying hub] epimediuma (Epimedii Herba)
*~FJ * [ying jiiio] fetid cassia [seed]' (Cassiae Torae Semen) * f B $I]* k i n g jiiio ci] Chinese holly leafm (Ilicis Cornutae Folium) %% [ying m i o chuing] goat's hair sore *@!J* [ying niii] taro [root]' (Colocasiae Tuber) *E;Ei* [ying qi shi] actinolitea (Actinolitum) F * [ying qi6] crataegus [fruit]@ (Crataegi Fructus) m [ying rbu] goat [or sheep] meat' (Caprae seu Ovis Caro) q ' E [ying shkn] goat's [or sheep's] kidney' (Caprae seu Ovis Renes) *%* [ying shi] LV-12 (Goat Arrow) T R * [ y h g shi] ST-30 (Sheep's Droppings) [ying sii] goat's [or sheep's] buttera (Caprae seu Ovis Byturum) l.'iEk * [ying ti01 Chinese gooseberry [fruit]' (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) +P$$ [yiing ti] dock root0 (Rurnicis Radix) [ying ti c.iio] emilia@ (Emiliae Herba (cum Radice)) $%+a* [ying ti gen] curled dock root0 (Ru-micis Crispi Radix) $%+ah%[ying ti gen s h ] Curled Dock Root Powder $%Pt [ying ti ye] dock leaf0 (Rumicis Folium) $fijX, [ygng xiin feng] epilepsy %9B% [ying x i chuing] goat's whiskers sore $EF* [ying yiio zi] goat's [or sheep's] kidney' (Caprae seu Ovis Renes) qE$ [ying y i ] goat's [or sheep's] thyroid gland0 (Caprae seu Ovis Glandula Thyroidea) $flE% [ying zhi zhi] mix-fry with sheep fat $E#SSij* [ying zhi zhu61 yellow azalea [flower]@ (Rhododendri Mollis Flos) [email protected] [ying zhi zhu6 gEn] yellow azalea root@ (Rhododendri Mollis Folium)
# ?&* [yiing g i n qi] laca (Lacciferi Secretio)
[ying gG zhi] oroxylum [seed]@ (Oroxyli Semen) # & X [ying jin. hug] datura flower' (Daturae Flos) # % * [ying shen] American ginseng' (Panacis Quinquefolii Radix) #IR B* k i n g yiin dbu] lablab [bean]' (Latilab Semen) @4t [yiing hui] melt; render )~J$IJ [ying ci] raising up needling [one of the twelve needling methods] @ J + A E[ying sh6u zhi zii] flailing of the arms and legs BEI [ying] yang; yang organ [pepis] . [JEI $ [ying bii] GB-14WIl0 (Yang White) BBB [ying ban] yang macules PEl l'fl [ying bi] yang block [JElB[ying bing] yang disease PEIB$kPJl[ying bing zhi yin] yang disease is treated through yin BEI ?&G 5+PBa%T E [ying c h a w y6u yfi yin ching bG z6] yang is often superabundant, yin is often insufficient PI?&[ying chi] TB-4 (Yang Pool) PB@&9!1[ying chiin shii rCn] Yangchun amomum [fruit]@ (Amomi Xanthioidis Semen seu Fructus) BBB [ying diin] yang dawn PQB@~I [ying d i n ] Yang Dawn Decoction PEI% [ying fii] GB-38W110 (Yang Assistance) PHljiJ~j* [ying gang] Strong Yang [nonchannel] L-ljiJ [ying gang] BL-48W"O(BL-43) (Yang Headrope) PEI@ [ying gii] S1-5W"O (Yang Valley) PB$n Migs [ying h6 jiE ning giio] Harmonious Yang Decongealing Plaster BEI$~@J [ybng h6 tang] Harmonious Yang Decoction PEIB [ying huing] yang jaundice; yang yellow BEIQ [ying jiiio] GB-35hv10 (Yang Intersection)
P I B* k i n g jiiio] BL-59 (Yang Correo tion)
PI326 k i n g $1 yang bind PR?3 k i n g jing] yang channel PIE5 ; PREZ Eying jing] yang tetany PIN k i n g juC] yang reversal PR?E [ying juk] yang expiry P R E k i n g kkng] yang hyperactivity; Yang Surfeit [non-channel] PR * k i n g ling] GB -33 (Yang Mound); GB-34 ' (Yang Mound) PR E5t k i n g ling quin] GB-34w"oi(~ang Mound Spring) PR 28 k i n g lub] yang network vessel PR g84%WIJbS\#$ [ying lub shiing zC xu& wki yi] when yang network vessels are damaged, blood spills out PRb3 [ying mki] yang pulse; yang vessel PRH2% [ying mhi zhi hgi] sea of the yang vessels [the governing vessel] Pa tjra [ying ming] yang brightness bring ming) . PEI %% [ying ming bing] yang brightness bring ming) disease
PR % %Jl@ iiE [ying ming bing fG zh&ng] ,bowel pattern in yang brightness Cycing ming) disease
PEI %J%?ZiiE[ying ming bing jing zheng] channel pattern in yang brightness bring ming) disease PR %J%iE Eying ming bing zh&ng] yang brightness bring ming) disease pattern PI3 %J & 9% b [ying ming duo qi dub xu&] yang brightness @ring ming) has copious qi and copious blood PElQEiJl@ [ying S ming fii shi] yang brightness .bring ming) bowel repletion LEI % Jl@iiE k i n g ming fii zh&ng] yang brightness bring ming) bowel pattern PBQEi%E': kBng ming jing re] yang brightness bring ming) channel heat PR % SiiE k i n g ming jing zh&ng] yang brightness bring ming) channel pattern [ying ming shi r&]yang brightPR sB ness bring ming) damp-heat
PEf sB BE$%% ' k i n g ming shi r&jiiin biiio] yang brightness bbng ming) damp-heat with an exterior pattern PB % Bt$g% Eying ming shi r& !li shi] \yang brightness bring ming) damp-heat interior repletion PO%%% [ying ming t6u tbng] yang brightness headache P I % % 6 ' k i n g ming wCi he] yang brightness bring ming) is the closing Pa QEi g~ k i n g ming xii xu&]yang brightness Cyring ming) blood amassment P I % $$bk i n g ming yu xu&]yang brightness Cyring ming) static blood P R g 6 k i n g qi shi] actinolite' (ActinoMum) PREtiA [ying qi shi win] Actinolite Pill PDT k i n g qi] yang qi PBT%8# [ying qi b i o tud] fulminant deskrtion of yang qi; fulminant ~aesertion of yang qi PRTTB [ying qi bii zli] insufficiency of Yang qi PR5PP@Tl k i n g qi fli yuk y6 shkng] yang qi floating to the upper body P I ? & [ying qi sh&ng]exuberant yang qi PBTBS k i n g qi xu shuiii] debilitation of yang qi PEIT@% [ying qi xu tud] yang qi vacuity desertion PEI5XT@Mt k i n g qi zhi yfi yi fti] yang qi is deprived of its foundation PB@T;;BI] [ying qiing bti dHo] persistent erection PRSZ T @, PBTiS?E [ying qiing bii ?Cng mi, yjz $ =Hi ju&j ~ ~ yzrg ; his ~ overstrong and does not constrain itseK, yin qi expires PIG [ying qiiio] yang springing; YAS; BL-62 (Yang Springing) PRBbk [ying qiiio mhi] yang springing vessel PI@* [ying qiio] BL-62 (Yang Sprining) PR% [ying t.&]yang heat PR%PBR [ying shii yin cing]i+whenyang abates, yin hides PEl* &-I5 I [ying sheng yin zhlng] when yAng arises, yin grows
PEI+Tf=Pak i n g shEng yti yin] yang is engendered by yin @ [ying shimg] exuberant yang; yang exuberance PB &@Pa [ying shi3ng gC yin] exuberant yang repelling yin BB @$ PB 4% [ying shkng yin shiing] exuberant yang damages yin PEI J&fll1 ?Ll: [ying shkng z t rk] when yang prevails, there is heat PH@$flIJS\ !4\ [ying shkng zC w i i rk] when yang is exuberant, there is external heat PEI BflIJ PBE [ying s h h g zC yin bing] when yang prevails, yin ails [ying shi] yang affair [penis]; penis; yang affairs [male sexual performance] PHS [ying shi bh jG] impotence P I $iEmj+ A [ying shi jiiin Cr bi3 jiii] hard erection that does not last PEIEjS+m+z [ying shi jii t r bi3 jiiin] incomplete erection P I ZjZSg [ying shi yi xing] frequent erections [ying shii] yang summerheat PEI 7k [ying shui] yang water [a kind of water swelling] PEI #?!B PB [ying siin ji yin] detriment to yang affects yin BES I [ying sue] retracted genitals PElBA&% [ying t6u t h g ] yang brightness. (ybng ming) headache PBR [ying tu6] yang desertion PH@ [ying wCi] yang linking vessel; YAL iBBP.2 [ying wCi mii] yang linking vessel PHs [ying wgi] impotence; yang wilt [impotence] PH@ [ying wgi] impotence; yang wilt [impotence] ( - ) [ying w i i (I)] Impotence #1 [non-channel] BEI& ( 1) [ying w i i (2)] Impotence #2 [non-channel] ( 3) [ying w i i ( 3 1 Impotence #3 [non-channel] PEIZFfiHiMf [ying wl5 sub fill yang has no support PEItE [ying xi] LI-5Wu0 (Yang Ravine)
[ying xiin] yang epilepsy
PQ?fP[ying xiel yang evil 68 !& % [ying xing yko] yang-natured medicinal
Pa@ [ying xii] yang vacuity PO @@$& [ying xii b i i n bi] yang vacuity constipation
PHEE ffi [ying xii fii rk] yang vacuity fever
Pa&%@ [ying xii h i n shkng] exuberant cold due to yang vacuity
PO & 7K B [ying xii shui f i n ] yang vacuity water flood
IRE&% [ying xu t6u t h g ] yang vacuity headache
PBBSt. % [ying xii w i i hin] yang vacuity external cold
PH@Ik;@[ying xii xuin yiin] yang vacuity dizziness
[JHEPB& [ying xii yin shkng] exuberance of yin due to yang vacuity; yang vacuity yin exuberance PEI)$Zg@ [ying xii ybu hin] yang vacuity with cold PBE A ] 91% [ying xii z t wki h8n] whcn yang is vacuous, there is external co!ii f i [ying xii zi hin] yang vacuity spontaneous sweating [ying yio] yang medicinal PE E I [ying z h g ] yang viscus P i $ $ *[ying zC] LI-11 (Yang Marsh)
[ J i i i E [ying zhkng] yang pattern PBijfIHPB [ying zhkng si yin] yang pattern resembling yin [JB;tPg7j$* [ying zhi ling quin] GB-34 (Yang's Mound Spring) PEl$*PB [ying zh6ng qifi yin] seek yin in yang PEI ;t Pa [ying ~ h ~ n?hig Y ~ W I ~ a n g within yang PB $2PB [ying zhdng zhi yin] yin within Yang &$$& [ying b i i s i n ] Myrica and Phellodendron Powder . $%@W [ying m6i bln] red bayberry macules
Y ~ W
;f%#S% k 5 n g m t i chuiing] red bayberry sore [syphilitic sore] &&211E [ y h g mCi dhu] red bayberry pox t%&$g% [ying mCi jiC dli] red bayberry toxin bind @ &E [ying m6i pi] bayberry b a r k a (Myricae Cortex) $%&@ [y6ng m i i z h k ] red bayberry papules % [yiing] sore; open sore %E[ying yi) sores and wounds specialist ilp [ying] supine; bend backward {lT]$J[ying shi] upward looking [eyes] [a kind of squitz~] ilPEb [ying wb] lie supine; supine % [ying] nourish % BT [ying gan] nourish the liver %@% [ying jin ye] nourish the fluids %$f$@3& k i n g jing zhbng yO tang] Essence-Nourishing Jade-Planting D e coction s2 [ying l i o ] SI-GwfIo (Nursing the Aged) % ~ ' $%R k i n g r6ng z h u i n g shkn tiing] Construction-Nourishing KidneyInvigorating Decoction % W [yiing wki] nourish the stomach & [ y h g w&i tiing] StomachNourishing Decoction %JL\[ying xin] nourish the heart %&%@ [ying xin i n shCn] nourish the . heart and quiet the spirit % & 3 @ % k i n g xin Bn shCn yio] heartnourishing spirit-quieting medicinal szz ,>.;z., r..xnm 1)-*~-17, L J U X S S
+:""I UO.,..+ XT-....:.-L:-L U l l S J s s ~r - ~ 1 7 vlu r 13111115
%& [ying xu&] nourish the blood %&~JL\% [ying xu& iin xin y i o ] bloodnourishing heart-quieting medicinal
% & 3 !J3 tfi$$ ;5k [ysng xu& diing gui di
hu6ng s i n ] Blood-Nourishing Tangkuei and Rehmannia Powder & 33 % [ygng x u i diing gui di huiing tang] Blood-Nourishing Tangkuei and Rehmannia Decoction [ysng xu& ji5 biio] nourish the blood and resolve the exterior
% h z H k i n g xu2 r6u giin] nourish the blood and emolliate the liver *rfn@jlg [yiing xu& r h zho] nourish the
blood and moisten dryness %&BIbk [yiing xu6 tiing m i i ] nourish the blood and free the vessels %& Ei [ying xu& yio] blood-nourishing medicinal [yiing yin] nourish yin % PB&% [ying yin jig biio]. nourish yin and resolve the exterior 8Pa $2flifi [ y b g yin qing fki]' nourish yin and clear the lung ' % PafgR$$&[yiing yin qing fki tang] YinNourishing Lung-Clearing Decoction %Pa dZJ@ [yiing yin rOn z i o ] nourish yin and moisten dryness %.@$a. [ying z i n g tang] ViscusNourishmg Decoction @ [yiing] itch @@ [ ~ i i n gz h h ] itchy papules x ~[ying * qi] ST-1 (Brimming Tears)
k [yao] perish. kg [yiio jii] perished
flat abscess @)
%%;1;#i [yiio r5n bO z i ] sheenl'ess per-
ished look
A & [yiio se] perished complexion
E [yiio] lumbus; lumbar; waist
[yiio b&i] lumbus and back
jZ"&SBg [yiio b&i yi6ng zhi] rigid lumbus and back [yiio bgi suiin chii] aching pain of the lumbus and back IRA&%$[yiio b&i t i n g tbng] lumbar and back paln B"&% [yiio bki tbng] lumbar and back pain Efitfi [yiio f i n z h i ] arched-back rigidity [new]; opisthotonos [old] K @ e ? +[yBo fb juC Eng] cold sensation in the lumbus and abdomen EW t [yiio gFn] Lumbar Root [nonchannel]
y So
@+$@ [yiio gii tbng] pain in the lumbar spine
@P * [yio hi31 GV-2
(Lumbar Door)
EB* [yio huing] lucid realgarO (Realgar Lucidum) [yio ji] lumbar spine [yio ji qiing] stiffness of the lumbar spine @e@$A [yio ji suin ruIn] limp aching lumbar spine [yio ji ting] pain in the lumbar spine @p@ [yio ji tbng] pain in the lumbar spine @@+f [yio ki5 gii] lumbar bone Hflg$g@ [yio kuin t6ng tbng] lumbar and hip pain @?+EJj [yio 16ng zhbng] coldness and heaviness in the lumbar region E @ [jrio qi] Lumbar Extra [non-channel] @% lif! % [yio rii shing shh] waist as if girthed with rope J@$AXh [yio ruin wir ii] limp lumbus @& [yio shii] GV-2'V110 (Lumbar Transport) @@ [yio suln] aching lumbus E @ % % [yio suin bki t h g ] lumbar and back pain n$,@RtQG$ [yio suin jiIo rub] aching lumbus and weak legs E@M$X [yio suin tui ruiin] aching lumbus and limp legs E @ E $ A [yio suiin xi ruiin] aching lumbus and limp knees J@@E@ [yiio suin zhi IGng] aching lumbus and cold limbs E @ Z a [yio suin zii ruiin] aching lumbus and hmp legs @I!% [yio tbng] lumbar pain; Lumbar Pain [non-channel] @@fiu tfi [ygo tbng rii zhC] lumbus painful as fit to break mB@$$ b[y80tui suiin ruIn] limp aching lumbus and legs E B B % [yiio tui suin tong] aching lum-' bus and leg pain
[yio tui tbng] lumbar and leg pain J@3j1/32R;f [yiio w6i s h h zhi fii] lumbus is the house of the kidney [yio xi f i li] lack of strength in the lumbus and knees BE&% [yio xi 16ng tbng] cold pain in the lumbus and knees EJj$$X.$S [yio xi ruiin rub] limp lumbus and knees J@E%5jSjZfJ [yio xi ru5n rub wii li] limp lumbus and knees RE@%[yio xi suin chii] aching lumbus and knees @Em?+ [yio xi suin IGng] cold aching lumbus and knees E@@$A [yiio xi suin ruiin] limp aching lumbus and knees j@f&@$& [yio xi suin tbng] aching lumbus and knees E B @ $ X biio xi wei ruiin] limp wilting (wti) lumbus and knees @Hs@SjSj [yio xi wZi rub] weak wilting (wti) lumbus and knee; weak wilting lumbus and knees EEJl;fl b i o xi wir li] lack of strength in the lumbus and knees EBR [yio yiin] Lumbar Eye [non-channel] EPB % [yio ying guin] GV-3Wf1O (Lumbar Yang Pass) EB [yio yi] Lumbus's Need [nonchannel] lJ@& [yiio zhb] lumbai support (used to set lumbar fractures); GV-2 (Lumbar Pillar) #& $& [yio fii] rocking [manipulation method] $&% [yio t6u] shaking of the head #%++ brio zhEn] needle waggling; waggling [of the needle] g E [yso hug] gray wikstroemia [flowerlo (Wikstroemiae Canescentis Flos) [yiio yii] grinding of the teeth; brux1sq jjZ [yio] malaria B [yiio] medicinal; medicinal agent; drug & * [yho b6n] flying squirrel's droppingso (Trogopteri seu Pteromydis Excreinentum)
GI@[yiio bib] tray
@ [ye] dysphagia; gullet
@m [ye g6] dysphagia-occlusion (yC gk)
g ~ t d[yiio cii] medicinal material; crude medicinal *-.a.
g q a [yiio c5o] medicinal herbs
[yiio fing] prescription 25@ [yiio gaol medicinal paste [applied topically] --,k'.~S#2[yiio guiin] medicated cupping 437B [yiio jiii] medicinal wine 5B * [yiio j;] chrysanthemum [flower]* (Chrysanthemi Flos) Gfi [yio li] medicinal strength 25s [yiio liiing] dosage EiFl. [yiio liio] medicinal material ZZjB [yko l i ~ ]distillate; medicinal dew E S I ?%; [yiio miin yin li;] medicated thread drainage 25% [yiio pin] medicinal (product) 25;i;tli [yko pit] medicine shop; Chinese pharmacy %jS [yio shiin] medicinal food %;ti[yiio shi] herbs and minerals 5 7 K [yiio shui] medicinal water 49 ;3 fE& [yiio tGng b i fii] medicated cupping ~35%[yho w2i] flavor of medicinals 5% [yiio wc] medicinal Ei135131%[yio wit iii juiin] medicated moxa stick 25 2 $3 [yiio wit fii piio] ' medicinalinduced blistering &%E$@$ [yiio wit fa piio jiii] medicinalinduced blister moxibustion E. W. W W [yio wh xiin zhi] fresh herb
llllFP J"'.."
FJgL GI ?%
[yiio xiiin yin li;] medicated thread drainage E%* [yiio ziio] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus) -. gq*&g [yio zhi zhi] mix-fry with herb juices
3P%Zlfijl;$*[ye Er mii t i gi] cynomorium [stem]@(Cynomorii Caulis)
@S[ye sail dysphagia @@ [ye shi] dysphagia
B E E * [ye ba jiiio] camptotheca@ (Camptothecae Fructus seu Radix)
B Q g* [yi b&i shii] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) B Q.48a* [ye bii zhi shiin] hairy mussaenda [stem and leaflo (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) B 6 & [yi: bii h i ] narrow-leaved rattlebox@ (Crotolariae Sessiliflorae Herba) B!$l]%* [yi: ci chi] cirsium@ (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) B @ g [ye di$n qing] peristrophe@(Peristrophes Bivalvis Herba) R S * [yi: gC] yellow jessamine0 (Gelsemii Herba) !!!Ft%* [yi: hugi] flavescent sophora [iooi]@ (Sophorae Flavescentis Radix) B %* [yi huing j;] wild chrysanthemum@ (Chrysanthemi Tndicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice) %@% [yi: huing liiin] wild coptis [root]@ (Coptidis Rhizoma Sichuanense) !@Be*[ye hui xiiing] fennel [fruit]* (Foen~culiFructus) , ?$F$$BX+*[yi: ji guan huii zi] celosia [seed]@,(Celosiae Argenteae Semen) ?$F % [[ye jli] ' wild chrysanthemum@ (Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice) !!$t%X [yi j; huii] wild chrysanthemum flmlel~_rO(Chrjsxfhemi
IndIcze stu Eurealis Flos) $27 4 [yi mii zhui] three-leaved eupatoriumO(Eupatorii Trifoliati Herba) $27%+* [y6 mhi dong] bamboo leaf0 (Lophatheri Iqoliurn) !@$kfi {yi: rnG din] melastome' (Melastornatis Herba) $27$tfi$ [yi: mii din zi] melastorne seeda (Melastomatis Fructus) !!!F*/IJ, [yi: mh guii] stauntonia (Stauntoniae Hexaphyllae Caulis et Radix)
!@%@@* [ye qi6ng wei
gEn] multiflora rose root' (Rosae Multiflorae Radix) ! @ s g* [ye qiio mhi] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) [ye qi6o rnhi gen] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix et Rhizoma) V S T * [ye qi5o zi] wild buckwheat root0 (Fagopyri Cymosi Radix'et Rhizoma) B LLI LLI * [yc shin j ] wild chrysanthemum@ (Chrysanthemi Indicae seu Borealis Herba cum Radice) !@ LLI S [yi: shiin shen] wild ginseng' (Ginseng Radix Ferum) !@G@*[yi: shi li6J Cherokee rose fruit' (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) FTXTj(;R* [yi: sii zi gen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae M~ltiorrhizaeRadix) %%* [yi: suhn] Chinese chive [bulbla (kllii Bulbus) %B%;t;R*[yi: xiiing chi gen] glehnia [root]@ (Glehniae Radix) ! @ B l D t [ye yiin yi] mountain tobacco@ (Solani Verbascifolii Folium) % Z A * [ye zhiing rCn] pulsatilla [root]@ (Pulsatillae Radix) B3$&* [yi: zhii shi] polyporus@ (Polyporus) Ll!73gR* [ye z h i shi] polyporusa (Polyporus) a+ [yi: bin] midnight watch [Bl wnfch, 71 p.m.-1 a.m.] ET%%[yi bG an mki] unquiet sleep at night ET$k% [yi: bh nCng mki] inability to sleep at night R [yi: duo niho] profuse urination at night a # TJ [yi: guiin men] sericea lespedeza' (Lespedezae Cuneatae Herba (cum Radice)) @%* [yi: p i n g ] BL-2 (Night Light) Ef+* [yi: he] flowery knotweed [root]' (Polygoni Multiflori Radix) E Z [yi: hC hug] dwarf' magnoliaa (Magnoliae Coco Flos)
[yi: h6 pi] silk tree bark' (AIbizziae Cortex) $Z 1'87 24 ,Q? [ye jiin duo niho] profuse urination at night $Z%E [yk jiio ting] flowery knotweed stem0 (Polygoni Multiflori Caulis) RE [ye m6ngl night blindness $Z%+S[yk mki bb iin] restless sleep &%Ti!# [ye mki bG hiin] failure to sleep soundly @Y@@ [yeJ meng diiin diio] dreams in deranged sequence EF%X [yi: mkng gui jiio] dreaming of intercourse with ghosts RYfi5' [yi: ming shii] bat's droppings' (Vespertilionis Excrementum) RFj? [yi: niho] Nocturia [~zon-charznel] Ei4': [yi: ri:] night fever E!AtBi,% [yi: rk ziio liing] night fever abating at dawn E?4tJ&i,$ [yi: ri: zhou liing] night fever abating in the daytime 756" [yi: shi] talcum' (Talcum) EtX H R [yi: shi w5ng jihn] inability to see at night [yi: sou] night cough [yi: ti] night crying E@flI@ [yi: win gang yiing] nighttime anal itch $EfjSfjLig [ye w5n hu yin luin yii] nonsensical talk at night 7EEbTE [yi: wo bh 5n] unquiet sleep $EEbJ!lJJE '[yi: wb z i jing] awakening with fright during the night $E?fi$ [yi: y6u] night walking j@1'7*[yi: men] TB-2 (Armpit Gate) :& [yi:] humor '&'F1Et6 [yi: giin bihn jiC] dry humor bound stool :&'FIEh [yi gan bijn xu61 d ~ yhumor bloody stool [yi: mkn] TB-2 (Humor Gate); GB22 (Humor Gate); ST-27 (Humor Gate) :&f%+R [yi: z i o sheng feng] dryness of humor engendering wind jl@ [yi:] armpit; axilla; axillary
ES [yi chhu] armpit odor
[y* ch6u s h ] Armpit Odor Pow-
-4QR bi fG sin] One Dose Powder --Ern [yi guiin jiiin] All-the-Way-
Through Brew [yi h i o xign yio shui] No. 1 perspiration Lichen Medicinal Water [yi jii ji5n zhing qi sin] @% [yi jii] armpit flat abscess @i) --a[ First Variant Qi-Righting Powder EZ [yi ling] Armpit Spirit [non-channel] - EQ ~ J & $ $ J [yi jig fh mii ting] SingleRi'7 [yi m6n] TB-2 (Armpit Gate); GBArmored Pulse-Restorative Decoction 22 (Armpit Gate); ST-27 (Armpit Gate) --Re[Yi jiin qiri] kyllingao (Kyllingae @% [yi wo] armpit; axilla; axillary Herba) E%aJ# [y&& h6ng zhiing] red swollen -ES* [yi jiin xi] andrographiso (Anarmpit drographidis Herba) lh3TW [Yi xi5 tbng] axillary pain [yi kt3 xu&]shamrock pea* (Paro& T I 9 [yi xi8 zh6ngl axillary swelling cheti Herba) Il$f;n$@ [Y& xii zhijng tang] axillary pain - M j t [yi s i o guing] Gone-In-Oneand swelling Sweep ERh% [yi xi6 tbng] axillary and rib-side -9 [yi shcn] whole body; generalized pain -9 E!& [Yi shen jin tbng] generalized [yi yong] armpit welling abscess pain (ybrzg) -9% lyi w6n qiiim] graciliflora [root]' 11% 'y&]summerheat stroke (Stephaniae Graciliflorae Radix) Pf- [yi] leaf; lobe --Ptj% [yi y6 qiii] securinegao (Securinegae Ramulus et Radix) P t & g * [yi he cso] phyllanthuso (Phyllanthi Urinariae Herba (cum Radice)) -PJ [yi yin jian] All Yin Brew at@%* [Yi hbu zhii] phyllanthuso (Phyl--If'fiX [yi zhi hi01 achilleao (Achilleae lanthi Urinariae Herba (cum Radice)) Herba) Pf7;21* [yi xi& h6ngl emilia@ (Emiliae [yi zhi h u h g lWj solidago0 Herba (cum Radice)) (Solidaginis Herba (cum Radice)) W7';%* [yi xii zhii] phyllanthuso (Phyl- 9 3 [yi zhi jikn] ophioglossum~ lanthi Urinariae Herba (cum Radice)) (Ophioglossi Herba cum Radice) P-j- &+* [y& xiing niri] gray vernoniaO *$&+% [yi bii ~L'I liin] failure to keep (Vernoniae Cinereae Herba) clothing and bedclothes on [yi b&ich6ng die] patient keeps himself well wrapped up n2 [yi] belching; eructation .,v ~gby, [yi xi] BL-45W110 (Yi Xi) ng@@jjT[yi i i pin zuh] frequent belching .,v .-,. [yi xi] Yi Xi (BL-45WliO) n$jT [yi qi] belqhing; eructation - [yi] one; first; unity [yi suiin] belching of sour fluid - 0 I$ * [yi bLi i r bii] saururuso E [yi] medicine; healing; healer; physi(Saururi Herba) cian; doctor; treat [disease]; cure -,$$I* [yi diIn h6ngl snake strawberry@ [disease] (Duchesneae Herba); emilia@ (Emiliae Es [Yi i n ] case histories Herba (cum Radice)) EI [yi gong] practitioner - % ZP t [yi du6 yGn yi] pittosporum Bj@f-i hi01 cure leaf* (Pittospori Folium) Ei& [yi huii] medical discussion [Yi fti fii] hand standard -2 der
J@tT [yi hin] sweating armpits; axillary
i?Z% [yi jiii] healer Et2 bi jing] m e d i d classic E+$ [yi lin] medical circles; medical world E g* [yi 16ngl Treatment for Deafness [non-channel]
Eik [yi l h ] medical treatise EI'-J%%-A[yi m e n hei xi dan] Gateway to Medicine Galenite Elixir
E+ [yi shZng] physician E!J@[yi shi] doctor [esp. a s a term of address]; physician
i?Z fg -Efg $& [yi wG c h i i gC .jig ji tiing] Medical Insights Bupleurum and Pueraria Flesh-Resolving Decoction /I&& * [yi shii] Pancreas Transport [izonchannel] @)ggbi zhi f i ] finger shifting te$E [yi ting] malt sugarm (Granorum Sacchhron) BtB [yi h u i ] seminal emission o r efflux B#$[yi jing] seminal emission; Seminal Emission [non-channel] B R ; B@ij [yi niio] enuresis 3% [yi shi] fecal incontinence B # [yi xi21 seminal emission 33p$$$jj [yi xi2 pin pin] frequent seminal emlss~on B?&[yi zhu61 turbid urine [yi] jowl; lower cheek [yi ying] keep fit @i#: [yi ti] snivel 2 [yi] second heavenly stem; S 2 2 % !&33 [yi gui biii juC] expiry of S 2 (liver) and S10 (kidney) Z W M'B [yi gui t6ng yugn] 5 2 (liver) and S10 (kidney) are of the same source 2 [yi mG] S2-wood [the liver] Z%@i [yi zi tiing] O n e Zi Decoction US&% [yi dO gong dO] attacking toxin with toxin U%%@ [yi t6ng wCi shii] pain indicates the point U&'I&& [yi y6u zhi zud] treat the left through the right N&?&& [yi zud zhi y6u] treat the right through the left
4Xfi@@Jll*[yi m'6 ci] cirsiuma (Cirsii H e r b a seu R a d ~ x ) +,,* u k [yi mi] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) -++LX{=* bi rCn] coix [seed]" (Coicis Semen)
E ~?# I*
[yi ren mi] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) - R ' S [yi ri liing] daily dosage ---pH [yi yiing] first yang [channel] [lesser yang]; all yang channels --Pa [yi yin] first yin [channel] [reverting yin]; all yin channels %d@* [yi gen] pueraria [root]@(Puerariae Radix) $11 [yi] repress +lPfl'f: [yi grln] repress the liver )TPflIf& [yi giin sin] Liver-Repressing Powder .~flf&1l~iYjiE+S [yi iiin s i n jirl chCn pi b i n xi81 Liver-Repressing Powder Plus Tangerine Peel and Pinellia +lpT& [yi qi s h ] Qi-Repressing Powder $?,?T[yi h i n ] tendency to sweat easily B%& [yi h u i n g s i n ] Transforming Yellow Powder $?, %$& [yi huing tang] Transforming Yellow Decoction E I E [yi jing] susceptibility t o fright B [yi nh] irascibility E ?Z%E [yi nij dud jing] irascibility and susceptibility to fright B Z [yi wing] forgetfulness [new]; poor memory [old] $?, T E H [yi yG g i n miio] susceptibility to the common cold @SG$Efl[yi yi y6u shCn] zestful spiritedness E [yi] epidemic; epidemic disease @% [yi ding] epidemic clove sore (ding) ESH [yi dli li] epidemic toxin dysentery ;r%fl$ [yi h6u] epidemic throat [y?,h6u shii] epidemic throat sand (shLZ) En%[yi kC] epidemic cough [whooping cough] [yi li] epidemic dysentery
E E [yi li] epidemic pestilence E E 2% [yi li zhi qi] epidemic pestilen-
&$%1k71( [yi qi h u i shui] boogt qi and
transform water & T @ [yi qi jiin wki] boost qi and tial qi fortify the stomach @g [yi niiG] epidemic malaria &%&% [yi qi jig biio] boost qi and &$ [yi] boost resolve the exterior &BTE [yi giin jiiin] Liver-Boosting Brew &&%%+! [yi qi sheng jin] boost qi and &$ $$+& [yi hu6ng sin] Yellow-Boosting engender liquid Powder &$%BPEI [yi qi tong yiing] boost qi and &$A++ [yi hu6 sheng tii] boost fire to free yang engender earth &$%%Pa [yi qi y5ng yin] boost qi and &$ A # PB [yi hu6' xiiio yin] boost fire to nourish yln disperse yin [yi qi yiio] qi-boosting medicinal &$ A 2)JU jl # P a 3 [yi hu6 zhi yuan yi xi50 yin yi] boost the source of fire to &$%kt+ [yi qi zhi hin] boost qi and disperse the shroud of yin check sweating &$%%& [yi jing sheng xu61 boost essence &$%&$$ t% [yi qi zhi lin tiing] Qiand engender blood Boosting Strangury- Decoction &$ %* [yi mi] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) &%%PJJ [yi qi zi yin] boost qi and enrich &$ * [yi ming] Ieonurus@ (Leonuri yin Herba) & [yi wei] boost the stomach &$@* [yi mii] leonurus@(Leonuri Herba) &$ g$% wki t h g ] Stomach-Boosting &$@s [yi rnii cio] leonurus@ (Leonuri Decoction Herba) &$&@jbj~, [yi xu&r h ch6ng w6n] Blood&@g@ [yi mii c5o giio] Leonurus Boosting Intestine-Moistening Pill (Mothenvort) Paste &$Pa[yi yin] boost yin &$@s'&. [yi rnii c i o zhi] leonurus juice@ & Z @ [yi yu6n sin] Origin-Boosting (Leonur~Herbae Succus) Powder &$@si$ [yi rnii c5o zhi zh6uI Leonu&$Z& [yi yu6n tang] Origin-Boosting Derus (Mothenvort) Juice Gruel coction &$a@ [yi mii gaol leonurus pastea &$$a [yi zhi] sharpen the wits; lon(Leonuri Herbae Pasta) gan fleshe (Longanae Arillus); alpinia [yi mii hiio] leonurus@ (Leonuri [fruit]' (Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus) Herba) &$ @ j q [yi zhi rCn] alpinia [fruit]' &$@H$f)[yi mii shGng jin diin] Leonu(Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus) rus (Mnth~_rwnrt)~ e t a l - ~ v k r c o r n i n ~ [yi zhi sin] Alpinia Powder Elixir &$@ 5 * [yi mii zi] leonurus fruit@ &$ + u ! j T * [yi zhi zi] alpini'a [fruit]' (Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus) (Leonuri Fructus) $~$j$! [yi pi] boost the spleen s@j t2 [yi bing t6ng zhi] like treatment of unliky 'disease &$i$!@f [yi pi bing] Spleen-Boosting Cake %fl$@Z$lilr [yi f h g jing kio] agrimony' &$% [yi qi] boost qi (Agrimoniae Herba) &$%%",pJj $% [yi qi c6ng ming tiing] Qi%@J%[yi?g6ngsin] ~ ~ e $ Achievement al Boosting Sharp and Bright Decoction I Powder & 4 9 E @[yi ~ qi d i o niio tiing] QiRi3a.n [yi jing xuin x!d] selection of Boosting Urine-Abducting Decoction oppos~te-channelpoints &$%$a 3 [yi qi hC w&i] boost qi and @9 [yi qi] abnormal qi harmonize the stomach
%$@AS[yi wh rh Er] foreign objects in the ear & [yi] stray $ & B I T 2 [yi zh6 xing zhi] straying is treated by moving lyi] reflection [stored by the spleen] & 9 [yi sh6] BL-49WffO (Mentation Abode) tjt$ [yi] seep; spill; spillage [yi xu61 blood spillage [yi yin] spillage rheum 3 [yi] screen; shroud %)XI, [yi f6n&j TB-17 (Wind Screen) %g [yi ming] Shielding Brightness [nonchannel] T; b i ming xih] Below Shielding Brightness [non-channel] %(r@ [yi zhhng] eye screen 37 b i zi] eye screen [yi] bosom Em* [yi qign] CV-15 (Anterior Breast) [yi] upper esophageal opening; throat [yi gin] dry throat n&@ [yi zho] dry throat U&j$$ '[yi z h h g ] swollen throat B* bi] lotus embryo0 (Nelumbinis Embryo) % #? * [yi mi] coix [seed]' (Cdicis Semen) #?{I* [yi mi rCn] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) B~I* [yi rCn] coix [seed]' (Coicis Semen) %EN$TBz& [yi yi fh zi bhi jihng siin] Coix, Aconite, and Baijiang Powder; Coix, Aconite, and Baijiang Powder % ' ~ f 8[yi yi gEn] coix root* (Coicis Radix) [yi yi rCn] coix [seed]' (Coicis semen) Hai=t%[yi jli rin tiing] Coix Decoction Pf-f& [yi yi zhii y2 siin] Coix and Bamboo Leaf Powder 2%T * [yi zhf~ zi] coix -[seed]' (Coicis Semen)
H [yin] cause; factor 14 * [yin chCn] capillaris@ (Artemisiae
Capillaris Herba) zhi yi] act(ion) according to place 14ZETfijEirt [yin qi qing kr ykng zhi] lightness is treated by lifting 148Sfi%2[yin qi shuiii kr zhiing zhi] debilitation is treated by brightening [4 ?$EE i7T~4% 2 [yin qi zhbng 6r jiiin zhi] heaviness is treated by letting A %I1B [yin rCn zhi yi] act(ion) according to person rnHq rnttl! A $91 [yin shi yin di yin rCn zhi yi] act according to time, place,' and person [4 H$$%lJ'@ [yin shi zhi yi] act(ion) according to tlme [4 89 [yin zhkn] adaptation array [yin] note; sound SUE j [yin yii] 'loss of voice ,E$j r-J [yin mCn] BL-37W[[*(BL-51) (Gate of Abundance) fig+. [yin shhng] Above Abundance [nonchannel] @7; [yin xi;] Below Abundance [nonchannel] BlSfj * [yin chCn] capillariso (Artemisiae Capillaris Herba) 5 [yin chCn ha01 capillaris@ (Artemisiae Capillaris Herba) @ [yin chCn hiio] capillariso ( ~ r t e m l s i bCapillaris Herba) BpfiB%I lyin chCn hiio tang] Capillaris Decoction W, PI%?%[yin chCn si ling tiing] Capillark and Poria (Hoelen) Four Decoction jZJ(rff\PIz bin @ ch6n ~ si ni tang] Capillaris Counterflow Cold Decoction aEES3 [yin chCn wii ling siin] Capillaris and Poria (Hoelen) Five Powder ; BP%$& [yin chCn zhhu] Capillaris Gruel pfi $Nrft% [yin chCn zh6 fh tgng] Cap: illaris, Atractylodes, and Aconite Decoction FJj [yin] yin; genitals; pudenda; pudendal
Ht@%llB [yin di
PR [yin] yin flatulence PJj B * [yin b i i ] SP-1 (Yin White) rJa@ [yin ban] yin macule
[yin biio] LV-9 (Yin Bladder)
PRfi [yin bao] uterus; LV-9 (Yin Bladder)
[yin biio y6u hiin] cold in the
uterus [3a%H$j@ b i n bho tiho qi] sudden erec-
Pa r3j
[yin bi] yin block
Pa@ [yin bi] yin impediment (bi) rJa 2 [yin biiin] Beside Yin [rzon-charztzel] rJa.6[yin bing] yin disease PR%?GPE1 [yin bing zhi ying] yin disease is treated through yang
PR #PEIRIJ [yin bo y6ng bii] yin beating differently from yang [the yin (chi) pulse beat like the yang (ciin) pulse, but with a difference] PRgP [yin bii] yin region; genitals PB T ~ P E [yin I bii bho ying] yin failing to embrace yang [yin bij c6ng yiing] yin insub[JBTM servient t o yang PR@@ [yin bb tbng] pain in the genital region Pas [yin chuiing] genital sore PR [yin chui] vaginal flatulence Pa $11 [yin ci] yin needling [one of the twelve needling methods] TJB 5%* b i n ding] ST-33 (Yin Tripod) [yin dii] KT-19W"O (Yin Metropolis) Pa? [yin ggn] dry in the shade ISJJG[yin gii] KT-10wf" (Yin valley); KT-1 (Yin Valley) PRE b i n gii] groin; inguinal region (JAK* [yin guiin] BL-36 (Yin Joint); KT12 ( Y m Gate) PJ@ [yin h6n] genital cold; yin cold PR 738226 [yin h6n ning j i i ] congealing yin cold Pa %$2# [yin h6n ning zhi] congealing yin cold PA?? [yin hhn] genital sweating; yin sweating
PAP [yin hG] yin door [orificium {vaginae] P j j P J@@ [yin hG zh6ng thng] painful swelling of the yin door
iJaB[yin hujlng] yin jaundice PJj & [yin hu6] yin fire PAX [yin jiao] CV-7W//O (Yin Intersection) 13a/L& [yin jii] yin bind PJ%$S$BQR# [yin jii: y i n g turJ] exhaustion of yin and desertion of yang [yin jin] yin sinew PJj@+&&. [yln jin kii ggo] desiccation of the yin l ~ q u i d PR%6* [yin jin shi] selenitem(Selenitum) PJjZ [yin jing] penis Pat3 [yin jing] yin channel; SP-7 (Yin. Channel) PJjZJ$f$8% [yin jing kui l i n ] ulceration of the penis. PR$Z;ti* [yin jing shi] selenitem (Seleniturn) F R E E % [yin jing yi jii] frequent erections Pa@ [yin jing] yin tetany PJj++S [yin jii bh shuai] persistent erection Pat& [yin jui] yin expiry [yin jGn] prolapse of the uterus; yin mushroom X [yin king] Y in Surfeit [non-chanrzel] Pa5 [yin kui] yin depletion P R S A G . [ y i n kui hu6 whng] effulgent yin depletion fire fyTn !engj genital mlrl; yin cold mJj@[yin liSn] LV-11 (Yin Corner) PB Pg5 , [yin ling quAn] SP-9WH* (Yin Mound Spring) gP [yin luiin] testicle; testis Pa t& [yin luh] yin network vessel PJj$81%!JJJh[t;I?a [yin lub shiing z6 xu6 nki yi] internal blood spillage d u e t o damage to yin network vessels PRJ$$ [yin mhi] yin vessel PJjb$bkrt@ [yin miii zhi hii] sea of the yin vessels [corzception vessel]
PJJSb i n ning] yin sac; scrotum
b i n ning du6 hin] copious scrotal sweating PRSW [yin ning feng] scrotal wind PJJS&@ b i n ning s l o yIng] scrotal itch PR f k% [yin ning shhng su6] retracted scrotum PA% [yin ning shi leng] cold damp scrotum PJJiE@@ [yin ning shi yiing] scrotal damp itch mff@ b i n ning sue] retracted scrotum @ [yin nil invisible worm sore of. the genitals [yin ping ying mi] calm yin and PJJ sound yang P A 5 [yin qi] yin qi rJa8[yin qi] yin organ; genitals PR%+H b i n qi bb ybng] ineffectiveness of the yin organ [impotence]; inability to produce an erection [la%f3@@in qi niii t h g ] wringing pain in the genrtals PB$jg7;%@ [yin qi x i i z6ng thng] painful protraction of the genitals 3 1 @ [ p n qi xi8 z6ng yin tbng] PJJ8 painful protraction of the genitals PR5tMiZ;I;* [yin qi zGng ting bh shdu] persistent erection PJJ5% [yin qiing] persistent erection PJJ$&;TC {531 [yin qigng bii diio] persistent erection lJRu Sfi* [yin qiao] KI-6 (Yin Springing) rJag[yin qiiio] yin springing vessel; YIS; KI-6 (Yin Springing) PJJZfi* [yin qiiio] Yin Springing (KI-6)
PR@,Bk.[yin qiiio mhi] yin springing vessel PR% '[yin qiC] eggplant yin [prolapse of the uterus] PJJfl: [yin rk] yin fever; yin heat IJBzgmb i n r6u y i o wii] soft yin medicinals PJJ@j[yin shin] yin mounting (shun) BJ-$$fZj[yin shhng hCng g$] pubic bone PJJgS [yin shcng chuang] genital sore
PJJLkTFB [yin sheng yii ying] yin is engendered by yang rJa& [yin shkng] exuberant yin; yin exuberance PJ@ &FiB [yin s h h g g i ying] exuberant yin repelling yang rt;J % b i n shkng nki hin] exuberant yin internal cold PBB#PEl [yin shitng qi ying] yin prevailing over the yang PJJ&FBS [yin shitng ying shuii] yin exuberance with yang debilitation PJJ&PEI@ [yin shitng ying xii] yin exuberance with yang vacuity PJJ&glJ% [yin shkng z6 hin] when yin is exuberant, there is cold PABJ!lJ% b i n shkng zC hin] when yin prevails, there is cold PJJ@m% [yin shkng zC nki hin] when yin is exuberant, there is internal cold PJI/&NIJ[JH@ [yin sheng zC ying bing] when yin prevails, yang ads P J J a M i n shi chuing] pubic louse sore PRB& [yin shi chuPng] genital damp sore rJnt&[yin shi] genital erosion PJJ$ [yin sh;.] ST-33W"O (Yin Market) b i n shii] yin summerheat PJJ7k [yin shui] yin water [a kind of water swellirzg] PJJ)!ijWPfl [yin siin ji ying] detriment to yin affects yang Pat& Eyin sud] retracted genitals PJJZ [yin tian] yin-type weather [wet, dump, dull, cold] PJJ@ b i n ting] vaginal protrusion [prolapse of the uterus]; persistent erection PJJ)B# b i n ting ching] persistent erection PA B & [yin ting ,chii] vaginal protrusion; prolapse of the uterus \PJJj&[yin tbng] genital pain PJJA [yin t6u] yin head [Rlans penis]; glans penis PJjA@ b i n tou hin] yin head cold; cold in the glans penis [yin t6u t h g ] yin head pain; pain in the glans penis
Pa f f R
[yin t6u yong] welling abscess bbrzg) of the glans penis Pa#$ [yin tui] yin bulging [yin tuo] yin desertion; prolapse of the uterus ( P J j h [yin w i n ] testicle; testis PRh_tt@[yin w i n shhng suo] retracted testicles [yin wiin thng] painful testicles Paif$ [yin wii] yin linking vessel; YIL; KI-12 (Yin Link) Pfli@lbk[yin wei mii] yin linking vessel PA jb [yin wii] impotence; yin wilt [inrpo tence] Pa@ ( - ) [yin w i i (I)] Yin Bend #1 [rzon-chnrzrzel] Pas (I) [yin wtii (2)] Yin Bend #2 [non-channel] Pa@ (E) [yin w6i (3)] Yin Bend #3 [izoiz-ctzaiztzel] PflEB [yin w i i gii] tailbone Pa 215 [yin xi] HT-WU* ( Y in Cleft); GV-1 (Yin Cleft) Pa [yin xi6n]*yin epilepsy Pa@ [yin xisn] yin lichen (xirin) PJilfflJ [yin xii] yin evil PA1l%3 [yin xing y i o y i o ] yin-natured medicinal PaE [yin xu] yin vacuity PflEj@?;!t[yin xu chiio 1-61yin-vacuity tidal fever PflEDg [yin xii chuin] yin vacuity panting PJJESff [yin xu d i o h i n ] yin vacuity night sweating PA E ? $ [yin J ~xii d6ng feng] yin vacuity stirring wind PflEE?!': [yin xii fii r6] yin-vacuity fever PJJEfl$@ [yin x i f6i z i o ] yin vacuity lung dryness [yin xu feng dbng] yin vacuity Pa stirring wind PfE l J$ l f% [yin xii fii shi] yin vacuity and bowel repletion TJRElIGB[yin x i h6u bi] yin vacuity throat impediment (bi)
P$JEV%e [yin xii h6u x i h ] yin-vacuity throat l ~ c h e n(xiiin) PJjEA ;I;? [yin xii hu6 chi] intense yin vacuity fire
Pa@A 31[yin xu
hu6 dbng] yin vacuity stirring fire PflEAa [yin x i hu6 sh6ngl exuberant yin vacuity fire M E A E [yin xu hu6 wiing] effulgent yin vacuity fire [yin xii ji ying] yin vacuity affecting yang Pa@m?{':[yin xu n2i 1-61yin vacuity internal heat PAE&A [yin x i sheng feng] yin vacuity engendering wind Pa@%% [yin xii t6u tbng] yin vacuity headache PaE@ [yin xu wci] yin vacuity wilting
(wci) PJj Ei;Q E [yin xii xiii-ig hu6 yi dh?g] yin vacuity with ministerial fire tending to stir [yin x l xu2 kui] yin vacuity and blood depletion PJJE&?{: [yin x i xu2 re] yin vacuity blood heat PaEPH# [yin xu y i n g fG] floating of yang d u e to yin vacuity PBEPHfi; [yin xu y i n g kiing] hyperactivity of yang d u e to yin vacuity; yin vacuity with yang hyperactivity Pfl@ fllj m ?:'! [yin x i z6 n6i 1-61when yin is vacuous, there is internal heat Pflh [yin xu61 yin-blood !!~+ ,!! iyjn v& ?&.zc! i n < ~ ~ f f i r i e n rof. y yin-blood PBPH [yin yang] yin and yang; yin-yang PJJPHS [yin yiing du] yin and yang toxin PflP I FJ h %- [yin y i n g dui li t6ng yi] antagonism and unity of yin and yang PAPI $@ [yin y6ng guai li] perversion of yin and yang PflPHl3;f;R[yin y6ng hij gEn] yin and yang are rooted in each other; mutual rooting of yin and yang PBBB 2 [yin yiing jiiio] intermingling of yin and yang
PA PB.lR#f!
[yin yang jii siin] detriment to both yin and yang Pa Pfl?J'%mi+ q'(@[yin ying k6 fen Cr bh kE: li] yin and yang are divisible but inseparable PJ P I '(@ R [yin ying li juC] separation of yin and yang 4 yirig li juC, jing % &, $89ngf[yin qi niii jui] when yin and yang separate, essential qi expires PaPB SB;j ??.[yin y i n g liiing kui] dual depletion of yln and yang PB PEl TR E! [yin ying li5ng xG] dual vacuity of yin and yang; yin and yang vacuity PB P H a B [yin y i n g shkng fii] yin-yang retaliation PB PB* iH [yin ying shi tiio] yin-yang disharmony TJaFBYI;IIE% [yin y i n g shuiing bii yio] yinand yang-supplementing medicinals [yin ying shui] yin-yang water; [IB yin-yang water@ (Aqua Yin-Yang) MPHlf;B&lf;uE [yin ying xiiing chCng xiiing fiin] complementarity and opposition of yin and yang PB PBlf;!jZ.l&G [yin y i n g xiiing hii yi ciin] yin and yang are interdependent; interdependence of yin and yang PB P I # 45 [yin ying xiiio zhiing] waxing and waning of yin and yang; natural flux of yin and yang PB Pa #J Kl [yin ying zhi yue] yin and yang counterbalance each other PA $2j.It[yin ying zhuiin huii] yin-yang conversion; mutual convertibility of yin and yang Pa PB $ $1 [yin ying zi hC] spontaneous harmonization of yin and yang; natural restoration of the yin-yang balance Pa @ [yin yiing] pudendal itch [yin yiio yiio] yin medicinal PB% [yin y&] yin humor rJa$@BB [yin y& biio jiC] fulminant exhaustion of yin humor PBE [yin zing] yin viscus PB @ -[yin zio] yin agitation PaiE [yin zhkng] yin pattern
PaiIEW$X ryin zhkng fa ban] yin-pattern macules
Pa iiE.l%%[yin
zhkng shiing hin] yinpattern cold damage PRiiEllZIPH [yin zhkng si ying] yin pattern resembling yang Pa2 P % B * [yin zhi ling quin] SP-9 (Y in's Mound Spring) Pa% [yin zhi] prolapse of the uterus; yin pile Pa + 2 P I [yin zhijng zhi ying] yang within yin PB 2 Pa [yin zhijng zhi yin] yin within yin PBACI] [yin zhbng] genital swelling PBM ! [yin zhng] persistent erection PBiMT 4k [yin z6ng bii shiju] persistent erection @$ [yin] loss of voice 12; [yin] loss of voice 18% [yin bing] loss of voice 1fiFBEg [yin bii n h g yin] loss of voice P;@ [yin fki] loss of speech and use of limbs 18 * [yin mCn] GV-15 (Loss-of-Voice Gate) [yin] third earthly branch; B3 %El$ [yin shi] B3 watch [3-5 a.m.] [yin] spread; excess [excessive or untimely environmental qi] ?Z?%[yin b6] pain and weakness tg$%EE[yin b6 jing suiin] pain and weakness in the lower leg tZ+ TE [yin ying huh] epimediumo (Epimedii Herba) fiE76 [yin b6] silver leaf' (Argenti Lamina) +E k!+5 * [yin chii] lanceolate stellaria [root]" (Stellariae Lanceolatae Radix) @%@ [yin chii hQ] lanceolate stellaria [root]" (Stellariae Lanceolatae Radix) @ * [yin 6r] tremellao (Tremella) $EM * [yin fEn] calomel' (Calomelas) $EM* [yin hii] lanceolate stellaria [root]" (Stellar~aeLanceolatae Radix) $R E * [yin huii] lonicera [flowerla (Lonicerae Flos)
2E Zw $i& [y[yjn h u i g i n c5o tang] Lonicera and Licorice Decoction [yin h u i tang] Lonicera Decoction $EX@*[yin h u i t h g ] lonicera stem and leaf@ (Lonicerae Caulis et Folium) $EB)+ bin hu5ng piin] Lonicera and Scutellaria Tablet $3 bin k6u] Silver Mouth [nonchannel] $R@~I~HB [yin @qiio J h6ng j i h g jig dfi tang] Lonicera, Forsythia, Sargentadoxa, and Baijiang Toxin-Resolving Decoction 5E 3 43 & bin. qiio m i b6 sin] Lonicera, Forsythia, and Puffball Powder $EB$& bin qiio siin] Lonicera and Forsythia Powder $Rfl$i~ [yin qiio tang] Lonicera and Forsythia Decoction @ $3* bin r6n] dracontomelon fruita (Diacontornelonis Frucius) $R % B * bin ti50 shEn] glehnia [root]@ (Glehniae Radix) $E %-& 311 Iyin wtii h i ji] Lonicera and Phragmites Mixture 5E@* [yfn xiiio] niter" (Nitrum) @Ej&Bbin xin d6 jiin] lone silver star %RB* [yin xing] ginkgo [nut]" (Ginkgo Semen) $E&m * bin xing rbu] ginkgo [nut]" (Ginkgo Semen) $R&Xm3[yin xing wii you sin] Mercury and Apricot Kernel Carefree Powder $E% b i n y6u] silver residuea (Argenti R~sidz~m) $E% b i n zhii] vermilion0 (Yinzhu) BE [yin] gum r+ * [yin fkng jin zhong] GV-28 (Gum Crevice Sinew Center) f@g [yin jiiio] GV-28WHO (Gum Hntersection)
3 I [yrn] conduct; conductor; tautness; drawing
G 1 A !J3R bin hu6 gui yu5nI return fire to its source
Gl$.-2)k@ [yin jing b i o shi] channel conduction
3 I $ 3 3 [yin jing yio] channel conductor GI & * [yin pi] snake slough0 (Serpentis Exuviae) v n shiiu] rebounding GI [yin zhen] needle extraction G 1 F lyin zi] conductor tA [yin] rheum; beverage; cool decoction; fluid intake t A % [yin jig] person who suffers from rheum tA@ [yin pi] rheum aggregation (pi) t$)+ [yin pihn] decocting pieces @&bin shi] food and drink; food; diet tA&+$$% bin shi bii gin mci] no pleasure in food & bin shi bh hug] nontransformation of food [as seen from the stool] [grin shi bh $61 dietary irregi;tA&+ larities t A & + E bin shi bh jig] unclean food t A & T % m m [yin shi b i ~wCi ji rhu] food failing to be transformed into flesh bin shi bh xi] no pleasure in tA&T eating and drinking tA& +7; [yin shi bii xii] inability to get food down tA&+ # bin shi bii xiio] non-dispersion of food [as seen from the stool] @&+E[yin shi bii zhkn] loss of appetite @&g,g, bin shi jin ji] dietary contraindication @-&&!E[yin shi qi jii] diet and way of
+ ++
1:L. 11Ib
i!& [yin shi rG gii] normal eating and drinking tA&Affii+@ [yin shi rh kr bh yiin] ability to take In, but not to move food tA& 9 ,F, [yin shi sh5o si] little thought of food and drink t A & X i W [yin shi shi ti601 dietary irregularities; dietary imbalance tk&Zp+ [yin shi wG wGi] inability to taste food tA 7kl+iJE bin shui zu6 k] hiccough after drinking
$A?@[yin xi61 rheum evil [yin xi6 y6ng fki] rheum evil congesting the lung A t -9t1 [yin yi sou &r] passing of twice as much fluid as is drunk tAiE [yin zh&ng] rheum pattern f A 3 [yin zi] drink Pa Q Iyin bii] SP-lWIIO White) Pa& [yin ji] unmentionable disease P,3% b i n t6ngl dull pain P%P,'j,{$% [yin yin zu6 t h g ] dull pain &j@[yin zhen] dormant papules E T J 3 [yin tang] hall of impression [region between the eyebrows]; glabella; Hall of Impt-ession [non-channel] EpX* [yin t6u] scutellaria [root]@(Scutellariae Radix) [ ~ a & * [yin chi] fermented soybean ( 2)@ (Glycines Semen Fermentatum) @f;lP@Jlrfi
idd den
@+. [ying shhng] Above the Olecranon [non:channel] @7; [ying xii] Below the Olecranon [non-channel] Dflfj$@king feng lili lei] tearing on exposure to wind a!@j;llEi%& [ying sui bii xii fii] directional supplementation and drainage [needling method] [ying xiang] LI-20W11*(Welcome Fragrance) g [ying] construction g$)[ying f i n ] construction aspect
S % iiE [ying f i n zhing] construction. aspect pattern g * [ying g h g ] PC-8 Palace)
g? [ying qi] construction qi gg [ying shi] multiflora rose fruit' (Rosae Multiflorae Fructus)
S2$ $0 [ying w i i b t ~h i ] construction% [ying] infant
[ying 61-1 infant @ [ying] bosom @@ [ying chuiing] ST-16WIIO (Breast Window) @&* [ying shii] LU-1 (Breast Transport) @J$g [ying xiGng] anterior chest @ [ying zhong] bosom @$ -&* [ying z h h g shii] LU-1 (Breast Center Transport) $#zE [ying sir k t ] poppy husk' (Papaverls Pericarpium) @ Z N E [ying sir n i n mi501 poppy shoot' (Papaveris Surculus) @ Z E * [ying sh qiho] poppy husk' (Papaveris Pericarpium) B E [ying pi] Japanese cherry bark' (Prunl Cortex) @#k [ying ti01 cherry' (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) @%* [ying zhii] cherry' (Pruni, Pseudocerasi Fructus) B F $J [ying bh b6] prickly ash root@ (Zanthoxyli Avicennae Radix)
+ +
defense disharmony
g 2 T & [ying w&i qi xu&] construction, defense, qi, and blood
Blfn [ying xuk] construction-blood B PJ [ying yin] construction-yin gm$%+R [ying yin hho siin] wear on construction-yin 9[ying xui] brook point [new, one of the five transport points]; spring point [old1 @ [ying] goiter @@ [ying liG] goiters and tumors of the neck; goiter . @? [ying qi] goiter
@ [ying] hard
@tfi* [ying fin] smooth greenbrier [root]@ (Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma) @$@;ti* [);ing h u i shi] talcum'
@ % 3 [ying zi ciio] hard puccoon@ (Lithospermi Radix)
E ) E [ying zhi] rebounding E$$&[ying zhong siin] Bell Powder
[ybng y6] variegated carpa (Aristichthydis Nobilis Caro) BE [yong yi] vulgar healer & [ybng] congest; congestion $3 [ybng] welling abscess ('ydng) [new]; yong [old1 %%?EiE [ybng chuiing kui lin] ulcerating welling abscess ('ydng) and sores %%@fl$ [ybng jii ding zhdng] swollen welling abscesses (ydng), flat abscesses ( j d ) , and clove sores (ding); swelling of welling abscesses (yGng), flat abscesses ( j i l ) , and clove sores (ding) @i%fl$S [ybng jii zhdng d6] swelling and toxin of welling abscess (ybng) and flat abscess 06) [ybng zhdng] swollen welling abscess ('ydng); welling abscess ('ydng) swelling % fl$ T& % [ybng zhdng chuiing d6] swelling and toxin of welling abscess ('ybng) and sores %I$%% [ybng zhdng ding chuiing] swollen welling abscess bong) and clove sores (ding) %R$S% [yong zhijng d6 chuiing] welling abscess (ydng) swellings and toxin [sores] ?Ra4% [ydng tii fii] ejection ?R [yiing] eject ?R% [ydng quin] KI-lW"O (Gushing Spring) ? R % E [ydng quiin ding] Gushing Spring clove sore (ding) [clove sore at KI-11 [ydng qu8n sgn] Gushing Spring rowaer ?@ [yijng t8n xing ngo] eject phlegm and arouse the brain ?RUf [yiing th] eject; ejection ? R P i - ~ @[ydng J th jin li] contraindications for ejection J@$j [ydng zhdng] grossness H & [ybng fii] directions H 33 [ybng liing] dosage R &\S% [ybng xin gu6 dub] excessive mental work H BW 3 B [ybng yLn gu6 dub] eye strain
M 3% [ybng yho] medication H %+ 3 [ y h g yio bu ding] inappropriate use of medicines <
[you men] dark gate; pylorus; KI21Wff0(Dark Gate); CV-10 (Dark Gate) ll'jt [you] anxiety [mind or emotion of the lung; also one of the seven affects] ttE & [y6u lu bii juC] anxiety and indecision ELI $?AS [ycu big0 rh li] pass from the exterior to interior ELI SLlj $? [y6u li chu big01 pass from the interior to the exterior ?& [ y h ] oil i & W [y6u chiio] stir-fry with oil ?&3 !J3 [y6u dPng gui] oily tangkuei [root]' (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Pin' guis) ?&Z&[y6u i5r duo] oily ears' ? & m [y6u fEng] glossy scalp wind i & B b6u gio] oil paste ?&IFF[y6u hin] oily sweat ?&X)EEQ [y6u hui zhi jig] oily ashen nail ?&H*[y6u m8] black sesame [seed]@ (Sesami Semen Atrum) ?&PAP* [y6u song jiC] knotty pine wood@ (Pini Lignum Nodi) ?&$+ [y6u zhi] deep-fry ?&% [y6u zhi] mix-fry with fat % [y6u] wart RB [y6u zhui] wart I@ kou] wander~ng [UJ OJpuin] [y6u fEng] wandering wind ,%% [y6u zdu] wandering [as of pain] @%&@ [y6u zdu tCng tbng] wandering pain G@ [yiju gen] having root; rootedness; presence of root + j f i [ydu li] forceful 8 [ydu shtn] spirited; spiritedness; presence of spirit g X % [y6u t6u jii] headed flat abscess
G E [y6u w6i] presence of stomach G E [yliu w6i qi]-presence of stomach qi
+jB&9 [y6u xiho chCng fkn] active constituents
Gjf5.[y6u xing] having form; substantial; tanglble [y6u yii] superabundance Ej [y6u] tenth earthly branch; 1310 @Hrf [y6u shi] B10 watch [5-7p.m.l [ybu gui win] Right-Restoring & 03 [Life Gate] Pill &!Jj"iA [ybu gui yin] Right-Restoring [Life Gate] Beverage &g [ybu yi] Right's Need [non-channel] [ybu ke] children's medicine $Q@ [ybu hC] pomelo pip' (Citri Grandis Semen) +j&
$2 [yii] stasis
[yii ban] stasis macule
%,A [yii dign] stasis speckle @Ilk[yii 61 stasis hiccough
[yii ji] stasis accdbulation @% [yii kuhi] stasis clot %:! [yii 1-61stasis heat @?!\$H% [yii r& xiing b6] stasis and heat contending with each other @ [yii r6 zhi li] stasis heat in the interior [yii t h g ] stasis pain @h [yii xu61 static blood @ha [yii xu6 biin] stasic blood macules @ & W E [yii xu6 fii huing] static blood yellowing @hB % [yii xu2 fii tbng] static blood abdominal pain ~&@BWlI~?i [yii xu6 guhn yiin jing fiing] Eye Stasis Formula & 'L& E [yii xu2 jiC wki] static blood binding in the stomach %&a% [yii xu6 kC] static blood cough @hYfi& [yii xu6 liii zhii] static blood . streaming sore %hfnm;fbii sP xu6 n6i yii] internal depression of static blood
m Plil [yii xu6 n6i zii] internal static blood obstruction [yii xu2 shin] static blood mounting (shun) @h%% [yii xu6 t6u tbng] static blood headache @ & * S [yii xu6 w6i jin] incomplete elimination of static blood E Eg [yii xu6 w6i wiin (guiin) tbng] static blood stomach duct pain @&E% [yii xu& yio tbng] static blood lumbar pain @&$?%R [yii xu6 yii ji] depressed accumulatlon of static blood @hi$% [yii xu2 zub tbng] static blood pain @#+ [yii zhi] stasis @I$ [yii zh6ngl stasis swelling [yii zhu61 stasis turbidity [yG gii] LI-15 (Collarbone) & [yG] surplus; residual &!!:TiG [yG r6 bii qing] surplus heat failing to clear &f&*@j[yii r6 w6i qing] residual heat 3% EF ?GJL\,\i%B% 8 [yG shi qing xin li2ing gC siin] Xu's Heart-Clearing DiaphragmCooling Powder B$* [yG zhG] ovate atractylodes [root]" (Atractylodis Ovatae*Rhizoma) * [yG rbu] cornus [fruit]@ (Corni Fructus) ' & [yG] fish [thenar eminence] & [yG' biio] swim bladder* (Piscis Vesica Aeris) &BBBWS [yG d5n y5n giio] Fish Bile Eye Paste .$r8fe [yli dii ding] fish's-belly clove sore (ding) &B [yii fii] fish belly; BL-57 (Fish Belly) &@*.Tyii gii] cuttlefish bone' (Sepiae seu Sepiellae 0 s ) & @ @ @ [yG gfi gEng h6u] fish bones stuck in the throat &[JZ [yG ji] fish's margin (thenar eminence); LU-10~~10 (Fish Border) & @+ E [yli jing bii yk] nightless fish eyes @dn
& a [yli k6u] fish mouth [yli lin xiin] fish sca!e lichen (xiin) &%$$ [yli lub] fish network vessels [thenar eminence] [yli nHo g l o ] Fish Brain Paste &Jl&;Ei [yli niio shi] otolith' (Pseudosciaenae Otolithum) .$llE;Ei* [yli sh6u shi] otolith' (Pseudosciaenae Otolithum) &E [yli wii] Fish's Tail; GV-1 (Fish Tail) &-7;* [yli xih] Below t h e Fish [nonchnrrnel] &'f.]']/& [yli xiing m i i ] waving fish pulse [yli xing ciio] houttuynia@ (Houttuynlae H e r b a cum Radice) &E [yli yiio] Fish's Lumbus; BL-57 (Fish's Lurnbus) [yli l i i n w i n ] Evodia and Coptis Pill % @J * [yli rbu] cornus [fruit]@' (Corni Fructus) @, @ [yli zhdng] outlying region [B6 watch,, 9-1 1 a.m.] % 8 E [yli b&;i] dwarf elm bark' (Ulrni Pumilae Cortex) & & * [yli pi] dwarf elm bark' (Ulmi Purnilae Cortex) %&kE [yli y u i n shhng wii] jumping over walls and climbing onto roofs 9'3 [yii] yu [note of the kidney] 4'3@* [yii nik] alum' (Alumen) ?l'3$3*[yii z i ] alum' (Alumen) @j7k [yii shui] Rain Water [2nd solar tei-ftz-j- &&@
r$ 8 Mil [yii b i i fh] giant typhonium tuber@
(Typhonii Gigantei Tuber) ;$ X ~ 3 J [yii gdng s i n ] Water Controller
Yu Powder & 'i% [yii@ yli liing], limonite' (Limonitum) 6 'i$;Ei* [yii y6 shi] limonite' (Limonitum) %@jmflR [yii jiii t6ng fli] take with wine igiE [yii chi] slowness to speak [one of the jive slownesses]
ie$Z [yii sG] difficult speech igB [yii sheng] sound of the voice ig+@A-f: [yii sheng c i zhuhng] rough
strident voice igF4Rg [yii sheng d i qik] timorous low voice iZ+iR# [yii sheng d i wei] faint low voice i g F 5 M .[yii sheng zh6ng zhu61 d e e p turbld voice igXiC& [yii wli 16n ci] incoherent speech i g e [yii yin] speech igg+%l] [yii y i n bii li] inhibited speech pi = [yii y i n bir xiii] incessant talking; garrulousness igSE&L [yii y i n cub luin] deranged speech iz,-t;j@l3J = [yii y i n d i l n diio] topsy-turvy speech ;E,f;BfZ = [yii y i n jiHn sk] difficult sluggish speech i g $ s % , +B%@ [yG y i n s h i n G, bii bi qin shu] speaking kindly o r malevolently regardless of whom is being addressed ig~EI$l&R$$~ [yii y6n shi duhn shi xii] halting speech pi + a Zf7 [yii y i n wii li] feeble enunciation I[$@ [yii 16u] stoop %g & * [yh f i n g s h i ] BL-30 (Jade House Transport) Z & * [yii gui] cinnamon bark' (Cinnamomi Cortex) %$I@ [yii h6ng g l o ] Jade and Red Paste ' S Phr].@* lyii hli di6j oroxylum !seed!@ (Oroxyli Semen) EP * [yG hG] CV-22 (Jade Door) [yii h u h s h i ] BL-30 (Jade Ring Transport) %@* [yii jiiio] pepper" (Piperis Fructus) E Z [yii jing] jade stem benis]; penis Z B s [yii lir s i n ] Jade Dew Powder %g2%* [yii rnii x i ] corn silk' (Mays Stylus) 5 (7 [yh mCn] jade gates [orificium vaginae]
E [7 +
[yii min bh bi] non-closure of the jade gate il?*$$j [yh mi xi31 corn silko (Mays Stylus) %*$$! [yii n6 jiiin] Jade Lady Brew 3 R R & b h ping fEng siin] Jade Wind. Barrier Powder E g * [yli quin] CV-3 (Jade Spring) E g @[yh qukn sgn] Jade Spring Powder %$.fi bii quin win] Jade Spring Pill 5 4 E 3 - [yh shii dan] Jade Pivot Elixir E B S E * [yli shii shii rui] corn silko (Mays Stylus) ESJjB [yB su6 diin] Jade Lock Elixir 59 [yh tang] CV-18wIlO (Jade Hall) 3H [yii tiiin] Jade Field [non-channel] 3 @ * [yii yin] dioscorea [root]@ (Dioscoreae Rhizoma) E@& [yh yho shi] Jade Key E B [yb yk] Jade Humor [non-channel] 5 Dt& E* [yB y& jin huii] hairy mussaenda [stem and leafl0 (Mussaendae Pubescentis Caulis et Folium) E$&3% [yh yk tiing] l a d e Humor Decoction E g * b h ying] CV-18 .(Jade's Beauty) E g & [yh zhen sln] True Jade Powder E& [yii zhEn] BL-9W"O (Jade Pillow) E&B [yh . z h h gii] jade pillow bone [occipital bone] EX* [yh zhli] Solomon's seal [root]" (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) E$q [yii zhG] Solomon's seal [root]" (Polygonati Yuzhu Rhizoma) E@&[yii zhG s5nJ Jade Candle Powder E'rqt? [yb zh6 yin] Solomon's Seal Beverage 5Tq#j [yii zhG zhbu] Solomon's Seal Gruel 73 [yii] foster RrJa [yh yin] foster yin 73 FJ@ $l PB [yh yin hin ying] foster yin to nourish yang P ?iJ@ ?lPfB [yh yin qilin ying] foster yin and subdue yang T* [yh] taro [root]" (Colocasiae Tuber)
%a*[yii gen] taro
[root]' (Colocasiae
?@I* [yh niii] taro [root]" (Colocasiae Tuber) [yh ngi] taro [root]' (Colocasiae
Tj+jh[yh nli win] Taro Pill [yh tou] taro [root]" (Colocasiae Tuber) TIT* [yh zli] taro [root]" (Colocasiae Tuber) T % [yh zhbu] Taro Gruel $1 [yh] depression; lie depressed %lSA [yii hu6] depressed fire +$&[yB jin] curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber) %I&* EyB jin] curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber) %B&& [yB jin sln] Curcuma Powder %B&B* [yG jin xiiing] .curcuma [tuber]' (Curcumae Tuber) ~ B & Z R[yli~ jin $n zi] Curcuma Drink [yii li rinl bush cherry kernel@ (Prun~Japonicae Semen) %B%{I* [yii 17 r ~ n ]bush . cherry kernel@ (Pruni Japonicae' Semen) %B${+ [yh li rin] bush .cherry kernel@ (Pruni Japonicae Semen) +$$ $!#$ [yh li rin zhdu] Bush Cherry , Kernel Gruel %DE{%flT[yG nh shiing giin] depressed anger damaging the liver @iiE [yG zhkng] depression pattern 61%" [yh zi] bush cherry kernel0 (Pruni Japon~caeSemen) @@J[yij ji] bath preparation [yh zhbng] KI-26 (Within Bounds) @P%'%* [yG mi kC] poppy husk' (Papaveris Pericarpium) @PE[yh yi] imperial physician 125iPES9% [yh yuan ylin qi sln] imperial Garden Qi-Evening Powder [yB] desire '&@+#[yh bihn bli dC] ungratified desire to defecate
fQ{E [yii bihn kr bii dC bihn] desire but inability to defecate [yh chu&n] imminent passage [of an evd from one channel to another] '&$ZJ:$-;i?T@ [yii jiE yi bki] desire to throw off clothing or bedclothes %,&Gi;J1[yh nihn whng dbng] stirring of wild desires #-&F 7; [yh shi bii xi;] desire to eat with inability to get food down [yii tii] desire to vomit [yii tii biI tii, yii xi6 #$UlFUi, bii xi&]desire to vomit without vomiting and desire for diarrhea without diarrhea t&B# [yiI tuo] verging on desertion [yG dhi wan] Discharge-Curing Pill @&+% [yii lin zhii] Unicorn-Rearing Pill [yh mi] coix [seed]* (Coicis'Semen) B%nDELI [yii h6n jia jii] exacerbated by exposure to cold B%fiuS[yii hiin jiii zhbng] exacerbated by exposure to cold B%RPE [yii 160 ji fii] brought on by taxation BGfiDElJ [yii lEng jia jii] exacerbated by exposure to cold BGfinS [yiI 1Eng jiii zhbng] exacerbated by exposure to .cold B!!\nUELI [yii r6 jiii jii] exacerbated by exposure to heat B%tJaS [y; rk jiii zhbng] exacerbated by exposure to heat j?JlG [yii hbu] prognosis %P!!tB% [yh r6 yi jing] depressed heat se.l..nal emission. - .. .- . .. L?i $ [yii zhGng] I(T-26W"O (Lively Center)
:IIN [yuan] abyss #J%l] [yuan ci] deep-source needling
#J'&[yuiin ju] armpit flat abscess @) #JR[yuan y&]GB-22Wll" (Armpit Abyss)
S E [yuiin w&] iris [rootlo (Iridis Rhizo m a) Z [yu5n] origin; original; Yuan [12741368 A.D.]
. yuan
Z 3B *
[yuiin . ciin xiang] musk* (Moschus) Z JL* [yuin Cr] CV-17 (Original Child) ZR;f [ y u h fii] origin house [sweat pore]; origin mansion [sweat pore] Z # * [yuin hli] corydalis [tuber]* (Corydalis Tuber) [yuan h6 suii] corydalis [tuber]' (Corydalis Tuber) ZX* [yuan jihn] CV-1.7 (The Source) Z @ * [yuin rning fGn] refined mirabiliteo (Mirabilitum Depuratum) Z? [yuan qi] original qi Z5,F f;a [ y u h qi bii z6] insufficiency of original qi %?A@ [yuan qi dh xu] major vacuity of original qi Z?E [yuin qi xii] original qi vacuity E?&!% [yuan qi xii rub] original qi vacuity nq* [yuan qin] scutellaria [rootla (Scutellariae Radix) Z S * [yuan shgn] scrophularia [root]@ (Scrophulariae Radix) Z@2TR[yuan shtn zhi fii] house of the original spirit ZS&*[yu6n wii bgn] tortoise plastron* (Testudinis Plastrum) ZS6* [yugn wii shi] loadstone* (Magnetitum) ZPEl [yuan y6ngl original yang ZPJl [yuin yin] original yin [yuin zhiij E L 2 (Origin Piiiarj
E [yu&n]source; principle [yuin can shii] silkworm droppings* (Bornbycis Excrementum) E f i & [yuan diin pi] unshaved rnoutan [root barklo (Moutan Radicis Cortex Non Rasus) E%6i!Efi?& [ y u h lub pki xuC W] combining source and network points E 9 [yuin qi] source qi E 21 B [yuin r xiiing] coarse frankincenses (Olibanum Rude)
E g j b * [yuin sheng di] dried rehmannia [root]@ (Rehmanniae Radix Exsiccata) R5t [yuin xu61 source point RYlJ [yuin z6] principle R$$!EI* [yuin zhi gui] whole tangkuei [root]' (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Integral W$IlH [yuin li zhen] sharp round needle [one of the nine needles]; rounded sharp needle WG* [yuin zii] BL-2 (Man Present) W W [yuin zhen] rounded needle E&* [yuin zhh] BL-2 (Pillar Border) #J%* [yuin y i ] GB-22 (Abyss Humor) E* H% @J [yuin tii gh t5i tang] EarthRescuing Fetus-Securing Decoction lElt$@Ffilf;JH [yuin gui xing pi n&i zhen] wheat-grain needle M @ Elf;JH-[yuin quiin xing pi n&i zhen] tack needle EfIl m * [yuan rbu] longan flesh' (Longanae Arillus) lEl@ [yuin xiiin] coin lichen (xiiin) [yuin yi] coin screen ?%?% [yuin yukn] continuous [yuin] genkwa [flowerla (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) [yuin hua] genkwa [flowerla (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) X % E* [yuin tigo huii] genkwa [flower]@ (Daphnes Genkwa Flos) %%#$ [yuin wei zhou] Rice Bean Gruel ZB [yuiin bi] persistent impediment (bi) Z@%fi[yuiin bG xuiin xu&] selection of distant points ZS$l] [yuiin d i o ci] distant needling [one of the nine needling methods] ZSmfi [yuiin d i o qii xu&] selection of distant points Z%?Efi?& [yuiin jin pei xu& fii] combining local and distant points Z?Xll51l5 [yuiin shi huiing huang] seeing dimly afar; nearsightedness 3 h [yuiin xu&] distal bleeding Fur from unus]
y d
5 Z [yuiin zhi] polygala [root]@ (Polygalae Radix)
ZZm* [yuiin zhi r h ] polygala [roatla (Polygalae Radix)
Z,EE*[yuiin zhi tdng] polygala [root]@ (Polygalae Radix)
ZZA [yuiin zhi w i n ] Polygala Pill ZZtk [yuiin zhi yin] Polygala Beverage
$9 [yue] re'tain; constrain; straiten 29% [yue shh] retainer; eyelid; sphincter muscle [yue w i n ] crease P 3 [yue] vomit; hiccwgh; dry retching H [yui] month; menstruation [yui guang hu5] China i e a rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos e t Fructus) E E* [yui gui huii] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos e t Fructus) H % A [yui h u i win] Moonlight Pill H 2* Jyui ji] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos e t Fructus) H % 2 1 * [yui ji h6ngl China t e a rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos e t Fructus) S E [yui ji hug] China t e a rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos e t Fructus) R %% [yui jiii bing] menstruant's morbidity $9 [yuk jing] menstruation H 29% [yu&jing bing] menstrual. disease # $9$$11 [yui jing bG li] inhibited menstruation $3 iB [yu; jing bh tiio] menstrual irregularities; menstrual disorder $3l;33 [yui jing bh tong] absence of menses H $3l;@ .[yu2 jing bG zhiin] untimely menstruation H $93g [yui jing gub duo] profuse menstruation [new]; menorrhagia [old] H $93'J.' [yui jing gub shiio] 'scant menstruation [new]; oligomenorrhea [old] H 236% [yui jing hbu qi] delayed menstruation H $33'J.' [yui jing lihng shiio] scant menstrual flow
H 22B [yuk jing qi] menstrual period R k2#jE [yuk jing qi qikn] premature periods; advanced menstruation R ?ZjE#$JJ [yul jing qiiin qi] menstruation irregular intervals 25mg $ $ J[yuk jing qiin hbu biI ding qi] menstruation at irregular intervals $3B! [yuk jing sk shgo] scant inhibited menstruation H $ 2 E % [yuk jing s l zi] purple menstrual flow tgxij5j [yuk jing shi tiio] menstrual irregularities; menstrual disorder R ? .@ [fl [yuG jing ting bi] menstrual block R $ 3 % B flu6 jing xian qi] advanced menstruation; early periods H t$%.@j 9 [yuk jing xiin qi Cr zhi] advanced menstruation; early periods $$afT+j? [yul jing yij xing biI xing] menses about to come but not coming H 23 H @I[yuk jing zhdu qi] menstrual cycle H #! * [yu2 liio] TB-23 (Moon BoneHole) [yuk mii ciio] leonurusa (Leonuri Herba) f i * [yuk shi] boraxe (Borax) H 43 [yuk shi] menstruation W %T* [yul shi bij liii] absence of menses [new]; amenorrhea [old] 7k Fl& [yu2 shui bir duin] continuous menstruation "y :1)1j inhibif.=.1?;;7_cn,? 7k;c;i; $;j struation H 7k+ B [yuk shui bb tong] menstrual stoppage H 42 [yuk xin] monthly news; menstruation A M* [yuk yuk h6ngJ China tea rosea (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) B x* [yul yuk hug] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) H R R * [yuk yul kii] China tea rose@ (Rosae Chinensis Flos et Fructus) X i [yul] stray; skip
a a=* a
$34$2[ lh?%[yuk bi jig b i n xi8 tiing] Spleen-Effusing Decoction Plus Pinellia
,i@fr42R$?% buk bi jig zhG tang] SpleenEffusing Decoction Plus Ovate Atractylodes &@$?& [yuk bi tang] Spleen-Effusing Decoction [yul jing chuin] skipping channels [of channels in cold damage] ,i@ @& A [yuk G j win] DepressionOvercoming Pill ,@,% [yuk n6n ?in xi xiiing] Siarn benzoina (Benzoinum Siamense) &&M_tE [yul qiiing shing wii] climbing over walls and onto roofs g#k*[yul tiio] gardenia [fruit]" (Gardeniae Fructus) ,i@B*B[yul xi mii xiiing] south-western saussurea [root]' (Vladimiriae Denticulatae Radix)
@ [yiin] dizziness 4j2S [yiin che] car sickness @fig [yiin chuin] boat sickness; seasickness @fiE.$* [yiin chuiin yiin che] motion sickness [yih diio] faint [to lose consciousness] [yiin juC] clouding reversal; faint [loose consciousness] [yiin zhen] needle sickness Z 3 !El [yiin dang gui] Yunnan tangkueia
/ A ---I:--\AIPi;GIICLLS
V..m"n"onc;c) lUIlllCIllVllJlJj
Z E T * [yGn fG ling] poriaa (Poria) Z&%* [yiin gii zhi] oroxylum [seedla (Oroxyli Semen)
Z El* [yGn gui] Yunnan tangkueia (Angelicae Sinensis Radix Yunnanensis)
Z Z . [yiin lidn] Yunnan coptis [root]@ (Coptidis Rhizonia Yunnanensis)
Z T * [yGn ling] poriaa (Poria) --H
ZX+* [yiin ling] poriaa (Poria)
Ti TJ [yGn mCn] LU-2Wf'O (Cloud Gate) [yGn mii fiin] alum' (Alumen)
[yiin mii xiiing] Yunnan saussurea [rootlo (Saussureae Radix Sichuanensis) l;cE eis fi [ y h n8n b6i yio] Yunnan White T;% blin yi] nebulous eye screen T; %BE blin yi zhe jing] nebulous screen covering the eye 2 B B* [yiin xiiing giio] liquidambar' (Liquidambaris Resina) [yiin] pregnancy qfr3 [yiin fb] pregnant woman B [ybn] move BE [yiin chi] sluggish movement of food T;
ZJ!$ [yiin pi] move the spleen
3 5 biin qi] movement and qi Z5thB [yiin qi xi6 t h g ] moving
rib-side pain
35% ig
b b n qi xu6 shuo] movement and qi theory s$j[ y h shi] move dampness
B,%%biin feng siin] Wind-Smoothing Powder +
4~ [yiin] brew; smolder
%~$fl?(:%[yiin ji ri: dfi] accumulated heat toxin
zang I@R * [zii feng] GV-17 (Circumference Wind)
2% [z6 bing] miscellaneous disease G% [zi qi] miscellaneousqi &Z [z8 zhkng] miscellaneous pathoconditions
zai @ 1$ [zii chuin] re-circling
[of evils through the channels] Rj!& [zii nil second error; double error R Z % [zii z i o sgn] Renewal Powder [zii qu6n] ST-26 (At the spring)
zan @T!J [ziin zhii] BL-2Wf10 (Bamboo Gathering)
E$lj [zin ci] assistance needling [one of
the twelve needling methods]
B B B [zin yb diin] Procreation . ~ l i x i r
R [zing] treasury; store(house) B4,Z.E [zing h6ng huii] saffrone (Croci Stigma) [zhng qing gu6] unripe chebuleo (Chebulae Fructus Immaturus) .@ [zing] viscus [plural viscera]; visceral; treasury; store(house); viscera [plural of viscus] @@ '[zing d ~ i ]visceral toxin %S@h [zing d6 biin xu&]visceral toxin bloody stool [zing fill bowels and viscera; treasuries and houses ijf [zgng fii biin zhkng] bowels and viscera pattern identification; organ pattern identification @I@@-& [zing fii xiiing hi] bowel-viscus interconnection @ m j f ; B s i [zing f i xiiing jiiin z h h g hbu] organ combination pattern @@f+iQ [zing fii xu6 shuii] bowels and viscera theory; organ theory %AA;fiZ4%[zing fii zhkng hbu] organ pattern [zing fii zhi qi] organ qi.
@% [zing hin] visceral cold [zing hui] meeting point of the viscera [LV13] @5& [zing jiC] visceral bind @g& [zing likn win] Pig's Intestines and Coptis Pill a5 [zing qi] visceral qi , J@T;tg& [zing qi zhi dii] singularity of visceral. qi @ & E + f i [zing shii wii shi xuC] fifty viscus-associated points @ & [zing xiing] visceral manifestation %&%iR [zhng xiing xu6 shub] visceral manifestation theory @jT=jIqTJj@ [zing xing qi yii fii] viscera move qi to the bowels . UPJJ[zing yin] visceral yin J@@[zing zio] visceral agitation @&* [zing zhii] GV-11 (Visceral Transport)
[ziio ch%n]premature delivery f i ] premature
+ $ E [zHo ni8n b8i graying [of the hair]
q$$gi,$[zHo ri: mG liang] fever in the morning that abates by the evening ?@ [ziio xik] premature ejaculation si* [ziio xiii] paris [root]' (Paridis Rhizoma) %* [ziio] jujube' (Ziziphi Fructus) % ;IJ;1& [zHo f i n win] Jujube and Melanterite Pill %;f;%* [ziio h i ] spiny jujube [kernel]' (Ziziphi Spinosi Semen) -%Ffi* [zHo pi] cornus [fruit]@(Corni Fructus) %{I* [ziio rCn] spiny jujube [kernel]' (Ziziphi Spinosi Semen) %m [ziio r h ] jujube flesho (Ziziphi Pericarpium) %#Xf Ffi [ziio shii pi] jujube barko (Ziziphi Cortex) 8 at- [ziio yi:] jujube leaf' (Ziziphi Folium)
%Utt!AT [ziio yk yin zi] Jujube Leaf Beverage
%T*[zgo zi] jujube' (Ziziphi Fructus)
$l-:i\%** [zio xin huing tii] oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) tii] oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) W %&* [zio zhbng huing tii] oven earth@ (Terra Flava Usta) S$I*J[zio ci] gleditsia thorn@ (Gleditsiae Spina) Sh[;l [zio * fin] melanteriteo (Melanteritum) g g [zio jiii] gleditsia [fruit]@(Gleditsiae Fructus) -!%$II* [zio ji8 ci] gleditsia thorn@ (Gleditsiae Spina) g g & [zio jii wan] Gleditsia Fruit Pill --9% * [zio jiiio] gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus) fi $IJ [zio jig0 ci] gleditsia thorn@ (Gleditsiae Spina) S & +t * .[zio jiiio zhen] gleditsia thorn@ (Gleditsiae Spina) @ [zio] dry; dryness @T%R[zio giin qing qiho] dryness affecting the clear orifices @ A [zio hu6] dryness-fire %AIk;!@ [ziio hu6 xuin yiin] dryness-fire dizziness @Pill [zio ji] dry formula @5& [zio jik] dryness bind @@ [zio jing] dryness tetany nvs--+ r-A- I L I A -.---- ,.-..-I. LLaV S G J U l y l l L J J .+ULlgll
$k:L\&* [zio xin
@EJhE[zio ki: qh shi] dry [medicinals] can eliminate dampness @%, [zio qi] dryness qi @53Ej$ [zio qi f i n fki] dryness qi invading the lung @ 4 { 5 j $ [zio qi shing fki] dryness qi damaging the lung; dryness qi damage: the lung @$& [zio ri:] dryness-heat @t&gEj$i [zio rk fiin fki] dryness-heal invading the lung
Z ~ O
@!& @n& cough
[zio rk kC sbu] dryness-heat
t%?4:4Sfjfl$ [zio rZ shang fki] dryness-heat damaging the lung [zio rk wGi] dryness-heat wilting
?$i%?% [zC xik tang] Alisma Decoction
?%2* [zC zhi]
alisma [tuber]' (Alismatis Rhizoma) ?$T [zG xih] Below the Marsh [nonchannel]
(wti) @4%fl$'E' [zio shing fki wki] dryness damaging the lung and stomach [zio shkng zC gin] when dryness prevails, there is aridity @ B [zio shi] dry dampness @BdL& [zio shi h u i tin] dry dampness and transform phlegm @ B % [zio shi yio] dampness-dying medicinal @% [zho shi] dry stool [zio tii] dry tongue fur @& [zio tin] dryness phlegm @4P [zio xi61 dryness evil t'4PZfliti [zio xi6 f i n fki] dryness evil invading the lung @$$% 2 [zio zh6 rG zhi] dryness is treated by moistening @ [zio] agitation @$J+ 3 [zio dbng bG i n ] agitation @iB [zio fin] agitated vexation @EJ$$[zio ji mii] agitated racing pulse @jE [zio kuing] agitated mania
MI] [zC] principle ?$ [zC] marsh; moisturize; sheen
[zC ji] moisturize the skin ?$@ [z6 kub] marsh rampart ?$% [zC Iin] lycopus@ (Lycopi Herba) ?$St%[zt Iin tang] Lycopus Decoction ?9%at-* [zC 1in yk] lycopus@ (Lycopi Herba) ?$@ [zC qi] sun spurge' (Euphorbiae Helioscopiae Herba) ?$@@i~ [zC qi tiing] Sun Spurge Decoction @5= [zC qiin] Before the Marsh [nonchannel] ?$iT [zC xi&] alisma [tuber]' (Alismatis Rhizoma)
R f l [zCi feng] bandit wind E5fP [zCi xiC] bandit evil
zeng i@[zeng] increase iQl$j [zeng ming #2] Increase Brightness
iBfl [zeng rii] increase milk t97)cjTB [zeng shui xing zhou] refloat the grounded ship
i@:& [zeng ye] increase humor i@ % Fg 5$3~ [zeng yk chCng qi ting] Humor-Increasing Qi-Infusing Decoction iH%h3 7;' [zeng yk rtin xii] increase humor and precipitate with moistness; humor-increasing moist precipitation i@ $@ @J P n g yk tiing] Humor-Increasing Decoction iQ@ iEj l; [z%g yk xi2 xii] humorincreasing dralning precipitation . ig@fT& [zeng yi: xing zhou] increase humor to move the grounded ship [move hard stool] tg% [zeng hin] abholrence of cold
$g@ [zhii li6] bean curd dregs tumor & [zhi qii ping wi:i ssn] Cratae@!&lJF
gus and Medicated leave^ StomachCalming Powder @ [zh? zi] Cathay quince@ (Chaenomells Cathayensis Fructus) %$$ [zhi jiin gui shCn] sudden seeing of ghosts and spirits 9&[I# [zhi jiio ji xii:] ejaculation at the beginning of intercourse
[zhi shu z h i shuG] now relaxed, now rapid . [pulse]; abruptly fluctuating pace [pulse] YF [zhi] deep-fry !I$@ [zhg mcng] grasshopper' (Oxya) @R@ [zhi sail mumps
f$ +$* [zhang cii] camphor wood' (Cinnamomi Camphorae Lignurn)
&;Ex$F[zhiing sh3 zi] camphor fruit"
%S* [zhii sukn] Chinese chive [bulb]@ (Allii Bulbus) % [zhii] consumption
zhan @ [zhan] delirium @33 [zhiin kuing] delirious mania i#Z [ z h b wing] delirious raving @ S [zhiin yin] delirious speech @i3[zhiin yii] delirious speech $& [zhiin] stick BE$% [zhiin zhuiin bii Bn] tossing and turning; jactation; jactitation %E%E[zhiin zhuiin zhi fii] rolling finger technique [pulse-taking] Qj@@ll. [zhin qi jiBng pii] collapse on attempting to stand up A% [zhin gu6] Warring States [475 B.C. - 221 B.C.] b%PT [zhin h i n ] shiver sweating I [zhin li] shiver [zhin she] trembling tongue [zhhn tiin] Paralysis Fighter [nonchannel] 83 [zhin] dip
zharig 3K
% @ [zhiing kiiu t i i jiiin] gaping mouth and raised shoulders Z$f ;t;R * [zhiing liii gen] phytolacca [rootla (Phytolaccae Radix) 1'7 [zhiing mCn] LV-13 (Camphonvood Gate) ,3$!3%* [zhiing y i cii] svrertiaa (Swertiae Herba)
$$#PA [zhang 1% t6u] crape ginger [rootla (Costi Rhizoma) if;$* [zhiing m3] camphor wood' (Cinnamomi Camphorae Lignum) f $ [zhiing ~ niio] camphor' (Camphora) (Cinnamomi Camphorae Fructus) +$++ [zhiing gii] promote bone growth
S & % [zhiing xin du] palm heart toxin [sore] S&fl [zhiing xin feng] palm heart wind
I+* [zhiing zhong] PC-8 (Center of the Palm)
4+:4\[zhiing zh6ng rk] heat in the palms flE [zhkng] distention RE'% [zhiing bing] distention disease [zhhng t h g ] distending pain; distention and pain @ [zhhng] obstruction @ [zhing] miasma @% [zhing dG] miasmic toxin @@ [zhing niik] miasmic malaria
zhao bAi,5$ZJt4\. [zhiio liing mii r i ] evening fever abating In the m,orning ?(\ B i,? [zhiio rk mii likng] morning fever abating the evening & i,? . [zhio liing] catch cold f l [ihiio] claw f l EQ [zhiio jig] nail )fiEQ $ [zhiio jig bii r6ngl lusterless nails f l T ~E [zhiio jii kii cui] dry brittle nails [zhiio kii] dry nails )fiW%+i-& [zhiio q i i jin zhen fii] nailpress needle insertion f l %@i 2& [zhiio wCi jin zhi yii] nails are the surplus of the sinews ,&&%[zhLo hiii] KI-6W"O (Shining Sea)
B%@$?i!\ [zhen h i n jiii r2] true cold and
+fij$! [zhC bi] excruciating thigh pain #fi 'i:k [zhC chdng yin] Thoroughfare
Bk [zhen huij] true fire BHBTJfitR[zhen jing pb siin] true eye
$545 [zhC shiing] fracture
B%*[zhen jli] chrysanthemum [flower]' (Chrysanthemi Flos)
#fiH[zhC zhen] needle breakage
$qB[zhC jin]
GB-23W110(Sinew Seat) -
BgSfi [zhen jiin zhdu]
@&'* [zhE shi] hematite" (Haematitum); hematite" (Haematitum) @ N * [zhk bki] Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb]" (Fritillariae Verticillatae Bulbus) #,fr 1Ei [zh& bki mil] Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb]" (Fritillariae Verticillatae Bulbus) ZYR* [zhk jiiing] sugar cane juice' (Sacchari Caulis Succus) @&!2,%* [zhk gii chi] digeneao (Digenea)
&&4 %PA
[zhk gii chi tang] Digenea Decoction if6* [zhk mil] cudrania [wood]" (Cudraniae Lignum) & [zhi ch6ngl wingless cocltroach@ (Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia)
zhen #?Rt;r
false heat
[zhen zhhng] bloating distention 3$ [zhen] gem @%% [zhen zhii] pearlo (Margarita) B%% [zhen zhii ciii] summer-sweet lysimachiao (Lysimachiae Clethroidis Radix seu Herba) @ @ 3 [zhen zhii ciio] phyllanthuso (Phyllanthi Urinariae Herba (cum Radice)) 3$& @ [zhen zhii mii] mother-of-pearl" (Concha Margaritifera ) [zhen zhii mii w6n] Mother-ofPearl Pill B [zhen] true Bjtt$ * [zhen bEi shii shen] glehnia [rootlo (Glehniae Radix) Bft* [zhen diin] miniuma (Minium) SlrfjJJ [zhen ft* e jiiio] ass hide glue0 (Asini Corii Gelatinum)
Gentleman Gruel Z 9 [zhen qi] true qi B!i!\@$% [zhen rk jig h i n ] true heat and false cold BA%@'i:k [zhen r6n h u q ming yin] True Man Life-Giving Bever&e BA%@t%[zhen rCn yiing zing tang] True Man Viscus-Nourishing Decoction g g i E @ [zhen shi jig xu] true repletion and false vacuity g7k [zhen shui] true water g@ * [zhen tiin] sandalwoode (Santali Lignum) B g B [zhen t6u tang] true headache B3.iA [zhen wii tang] True Warrior Decoction g % * [zhen xiiing] dalbergia [woodlo (Dalbergiae Lignum) B&@[zhen xin tbng] true heart pain BElES [zhen xii jiii shi]. true vacuity and false repletion B a a * [zhen xu2 jiC] dragon's blood' (Daemonoropis ~ r a c o n i kResina) B5F [zhen y i ] wisdom tooth BpB [zhen ykng] true yang BPi;I;;B[zhen y6ng bh zli] insufficiency of true yang BPB@% [zhen y6ng xii bki] exhaustion of true yang [zhen yin] true yin EPRT X [zhen yin b c zii] insufficiency of true yin BPB%+B[zhen yin hho siin] wear o n true yih BZ [zhen yuin] true origin BZTB [zhen yu6n bh zii] insufficiency of the true origin BZR+j?!D%[zhen yuan hiio siin chuiin] troe origin vacuity panting
[zhen yuan xi8 xu] vacuity of true origin in the lower body BJlIlM[zhen zing mii] true visceral pulse [ z h h zing sk] true visceral color B$)Xi, [zhen zhbng feng] true wind stroke B;k* [zhen zhii] pearl0 (Margarita) BB * [zhen zhii] pearl0 (Margarita) BBf3* [zhEn zh5 mii] abalone shell0 (Haliotidis Concha) B a a [zhln zhii s h ] Pearl Powder H [zhen] needle W$lJ [zhen ci] acupuncture H $ll T % [zhen ci bC tbng] painless needling /it@J@@ [zhen ci m i zui] acuanesthesia H$fl+& [zhen ci sh6u f i ] needle manipulation (technique) H$&[zhen f i ] acupuncture H @ [zhen gHn] needle sensation Hi$ [zhen gub] excessive needling; excessive needle stimulation HBJ[zhen ji] injection fluid [zhen jiii] acumoxatherapy; acupuncture and moxibustion H%E& [zhen jiii liio fH] acumoxatherapy; acupuncture and moxibustion $?f% fR A [zhen jiii t6ng rCn] bronze acupuncture figure %j-R[zhen m i ] acuanesthesia; HE+\$% [zhen m i n g bii xi&] supplemen: tation and drainage according to needle direction H7i9 [zhen shl] needle filings0 (Acus Pul-.:-\
W %+I% [zhen t6u bii xi&] supplementation and drainage according to needle direction WBW [zhen yHn] sty @ [zhen] papule &! [zhen] i needle [ z h h gii] pillow bone; occipital bone; GB-11 (Occipital Bone); GB-11 (Pillow Bone) & $ # [zhen zhong diin] Pillow Elixir @2 [zh6n],papule
~ + +
[zhen chii ji shou] disappearance of papules immediately after eruption BE a [ z h h fii bC chii] non-eruption of papules @2H[ z h h hui] disappearance of papules @2T[ z h h zi] papules i$ [zhcn) examine; examination i$RR [ z h h chi fii] cubit skin examination i$W [zhcn d u i n ] diagnosis 3%[zhCn f i ] examination i$b$ [ z h h mki] examine the pulse; pulse examination i$JfQ/& [zhgn xiong fh] examination of the chest and abdomen [zhen xii li] vacuous li examination; xu li examination; apical pulse examination i$)Ea[zhEn zhi wCn] finger vein examination & [zhkn] shake; rouse %% [zh&n hin]. quivering with cold %Z$2 [zh&n li] shivering p+EJb%&~i$gfi [zhkn fa xing xin dbng guo sC fiing] Paroxysmal Tachycardia Formula E [zhkn] shake; tremor %@! [zhkn chiin] tremor ZZfif- [zh&n ling dan] Rousing Spirit Elixir @ [zhkn] settle , [treatment] @I$$[zh&n chuiin] settle panting [zhen giin] settle the liver @!+%@fl [zhkn gan xi feng] settle the liver add extinguish wind @!T$&flt3J [zh&ngan xi feng tang] LiverSettling Wind-Extinguishing Decoction @t,$%@[zh&njing iin s h k ] settle fright and quiet the spirit @'@ [zhkn jing] settle tetany @[I3[zhkn kC] settle cough @34A p h & n n i l settle and promote absorpt~on;settling and absorption @ @ $ R $3~ [zh&n ni b i i hii tang] Counterflow-Settling White Tiger Decoction
a@ [zhkn qiiin] settle and subdue 'B & l$j A , [ z h h s h h jut5 ming w6n] Kidney-Settling Abalone Shell Pill @JL\ [zhkn xin] settle the heart
EF&[zhkng jing] eyes looking straight ahead
E23 [zhkng jing] regular channel
Em* [ z h h g miin]
GV-25 (Center of
the Face)
zheng & [zheng] concretion (zhdng) @@ [zheng jig] concretions and conglom-
erations (zhCng jiii)
@@$R 2 [ z k n g jii ji jij] concretions (zheng), conglomerations (jiii), accumulations (ji), and gatherings 012); concretions and gatherings (zhdng jiii ji ju) [abbreviation] [zheng shin] concretion mounting (zhdng shan) @ [zh5ng] fearful 'IZi/+ [zheng chling] fearful throbbing 8 [zheng] steam %+L [zheng hui] distill 8%[zheng lti] distill %& [zheng shi] steam and eat; eat steamed SlR-fj- [zheng yiin yi fiing] Eye Steaming Formula [zheng zhi] steam [zheng] zheng [note of heart-fire] @#JJA [zheng ti guiin niin] holism i E [zhkng] right [new]; correct [old]; regular; straight [treatment]; ambilateral [headache]; centered [headache]; unbiased [headache] iE'#tb$[zhkng ching mhi] normal pulse iER % S [zhkng ching sht tiii] normal tongue fur EB [zhkng gii] ulna; bone righting [bone setting and relocation] iEB W [zhkng gii gong jij] bonerighting equipment E B + & [zhkng gii shdu fii] bonerighting manipulation E?B B [zhkng gii ting yio] BoneR~ghtingHot Pack iEB%ef3-[zhkng gii zi jin diin] BoneRighting Purple Gold Elixir
Em A % [zhkng piiin t6u tbng] unbiased and hemilateral headache; ambilatera1 and hemilateral headache E 5 [zhkng qi] right qi
EZ-kB [zhkng qi d i xu] major vacuity of right qi
E5%@& [zhkng qi tiiin xiiing sgn] QiRighting Lindera and Cyperus Powder
ET@[zhkng qi xii] vacuity of right qi EB $3~[zhkng r6ng tiing] Face-Righting Decoction [zhsng $1 right complexion
E7JC [zhkng shui] regular water & [zhkng t6u tbng] unbiased headache; ambilateral headache
E@[zhkng xiel regular evil E?fPjf;B+ [zhkng xi6 xiiing zheng] struggle between right and evil
E@SP%[zhkng xii xi6 shi] right vacuity and evil repletion
E@t$'L,& [zhkng xii yin jiC] right vacuity and rheum bind
E PB 3 [zhkng yiing siin] Yang-Righting Powder
EE [zhkng ying] GB-17WHO (Upright Construction)
[zhkng zhi] straight treatment [e.g., treating cold with heat]
[zhkng zu6 yio] direct assistant
$ [zhkng] pathocondition [interchangeable
with @*
iiE zhtng] [zhkng zhuing] symptom; sign
#Pp [zhkng shEng] mussitation %Pi3 [zhkng yii] mussitation iE [zhkng] sign; pattern
ijfls[zhkng hbu] pattern; sign iE@ [zhkng xing] pattern type
[zhi] prop
3 j E [zhi gC] propped diaphragm [zhi gou] TB-6 (Branch Ditch)
S&&* [zhi jii xiang] clovee (Caryophylli Flos)
SS* [zhi liin] coptis [rootla (Coptidis Rhizoma)
Z@$ [zhi m i n ] propping fullness 2 t k [zhi yin] propping rheum ZiE [zhi zheng] SI-7W"O (Branch to the Correct) S T * [zhi zi] gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) .fi [zhi] juice $2 [zhi] branch; twig @@* [zhi h t ] litchee pita (Litchi Semen) @ T * [zhi zi] gardenia [fruit]" (Gardeniae Fructus)
AD ;f;Ql\ % A
[zhi b5i b5 w6i wiin] Anemarrhena and Phellodendron EightIngredient Pill AD ; f ; Q i C A S [zhi b i i di huiing win] Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill W$?J?~J[zhi b5i si wii tang] Anemarrhena and Phellodendron Four Agents Decoction A D h E $ $ [zhi li chi diin] intellectual torpor AajFlJ f i * [zhi li jik] GV-12 (Wisdom's Advantage Armor) An$lJ5* [zhi li qi] GV-12 (Wisdom's krivarhqgt;
AD@ [zhi mii] anemarrhena [rootla (Anemarrhenae Rhizoma) An m * [zhi mii rbu] anemarrhena [rootla (Anernarrhenae Rhizoma) AaBtA [zhi mir yin] Anemarrhena Beverage liti [zhi] limb Ei!i$$& [zhi jiC fiin ttng] vexing pain in the limb joints EP@@ [zhi jiC tCng tong] limb joint pain
zhi [zhi jiC tbng] pain in the limb joints @# [zhi jukn] fatigued limbs EiBf h [zhi ju$n f i li] fatigued limbs and lack of strength @R [zhi jui] limb reversal @# [zhi ling] cold limbs E?$S% [zhi lEng wki hiin] cold limbs and fear of cold EB [zhi suiin] aching limbs El$ [zhi ti] limb E#TZ [zhi ti bii sui] paralysis of the limbs E# 2 [zhi ti kiin zhbng] heavy cumbersome limbs Bft@@* [zhi ti m i mh] numbness of the , limbs @ @ @ g&B [:hi ti suiin z h h g t t n g tbng] heavy aching limbs E#%% [zhi ti tCng tbng] pain in the limbs; limb pain Rfi{$@j@ [zhi ti wii fki] disabled wilted limbs El$\@$AXh [zhi ti wEi r u i n wli li] limp wilting limbs E@g2P248[zhi ti zhbng Bn zhi mb zhi] swelling of the limbs that rebounds on release of pressure E@Z&$ [zhi ti zhbng zhu61 fixed heavy limbs @!@ [zhi zhkn] trembling limbs T R * [zhi m i ] 'sesame [seed]" (Sesami Semen) 8E [zhi] fat; resin [zhi liG] fatty tumor jjE@ [zhi rnii] sesame [seed]" (Sesami Semen) AE t?q [zhi rbu] fat and flesh ~ESIF%?&[zhi li6n 6r chCn tang] Gardenia and Coptis Two Matured Ingredients Decoction @ F * [zhi zi] gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) @F$3&f3J[zhi zi b i i pi tang] Gardenia and Phellodend,ron Decoction &T!@f%[zhi zi chi tang] Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction
@ F Ast%[zhi zi d i huing tang] q a r denia and Rhubarb Decoction @TG@?% [zhi zi dbu chi tang] Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction @ ~ W $ ! Z @ @ I[zhi zi gan ciio chi tang] Gardenia, Licorice, and Fermented Soybean Decoction @TT$$t% [zhi zi giin jiang tang] Gardenia and Dried Ginger Decoction ETEiFE?% [zhi zi hbu pb tang] Gardenia and Magnolia Bark Decoction E T Z * [zhi zi hua] gardenia flower0 (Gardeniae Flos) ETZ@*[zhi zi hug gen] gardenia roote (Gardeniae Radix) ET@fRt% [zhi zi qing gan tang] Gardenia Liver-Draining Decoction 6%41 * [zhi zi rCn] gardenia [fruit]' (Gardeniae Fructus) $#j [zhi zi rCn zhbu] Gardenia Gruel @T*$$@t% [zhi zi sheng jiing chi tang] Gardenia, Fresh Ginger, and Fermented Soybean Decoction @ T E *[zhi zi t i n ] charred gardenia [fruit]@ (Gardeniae Fructus Carbonisatus) @!I& [zhi z h i ] spider0 (Aranea) &!I&& [zhi z h i chuiing] spider sore @!I&% [zhi z h i gii] spider drum &!I&/@ [zhi z h i gii] spider drum distention $jE* [zhi ching] BL-56 (Rectum) g % I J [zhi ci] perpendicular insertion g$ [zhi cirn] vertical inch gfij$$ [zhi hud d u b ] direct calcination g)g& [zhi jie jiii] direct moxibustion g$ [zhi li] Erect Posture [non-channel] gi:X [zhi shi] forward-staring eyes g E J ) B & [zhi yii zhi fii] lengthwise palpation g@f-%lj [zhi zhEn ci] direct subcutaneous needling [one of the twelve needling methods] $jZ PJj [zhi zhbng san yin] direct strike on the triple yin 3 [zhi zhbng] direct strike
+ +
#jW $h [zhi wir y6u] vegetable oila (Oleum Vegetale) @BEX* [zhi zhu6 huii] yellow azalea [flower]@ (Rhododendri Mollis Flos) FG [zhi] bottom of the foot; distal portion of the inferior aspect of the great toe k P h i ] suppress; check; allay; stanch; reheve; stop [zhi chir] check convulsions kf?f [zhi dii] check vaginal discharge k% f i [zhi d i i fang] Discharge-Checking Formula ' k W)+ [zhi d i i piin] Discharge-Checking Tablet k A [zhi hhn] check sweating k t? 3 [zhi h8n siin] PerspirationChecking Powder klE[zhi jing] check fright kg [zhi jing] check tetany k @ [zhi jing sgn] Tetany-Relieving Powder k D , t [zhi kC] suppress cough kngjt@q%&gj[zhi kC h u i t i n sh6u liin yio] cough-suppressing, phlegmtransforming, and astriction-promoting medicinal kU,tjk@G[zhi k i h u i t i n yio] coughsuppressing phlegm-transforming medicinal kN,tYU%3J[zhi k i ping c h u h ji] coughsuppressing panting-calming formula U [zhi kC ping c h u b yio] cough-suppressing panting-calming medicinal Itn,t gj [zhi k i yio] cough-suppressing medicinal k t %[zhi kg] allay thirst k ? H [zhi lki sgn] Tear-Checking Powder kUE [zhi du] check retching; check vomiting; Retching Stopper [non-channel] koHdt@a!#h [zhi sbu hug t i n ding c h u i n win] Cough-Suppressing PhlegmTransforming Panting-Stabilizing Pill It@$& [zhi sbu sgn] Cough-Stopping Powder [zhi tbng] relieve pain
[zhi tbng r6 shCn tang] Divine Pain-Relief Decoction kBfi* [zhi tbng xui] Pain Relief Point [nun-channel] ki& [zhi tii] arrest. vomiting kt% [zhi xi61 check diarrhea; Diarrhea Stopper [non-channel] k& [zhi xu61 stanch bleeding kdn% [zhi xu6 fen] Blood-Stanching Powder . k&ffl] [zhi xu6 ji] blood-stanching formula k&& [zhi xu6 sdn] Blood-Stanching Powder ItrfIl ?5J [zhi xu6 tang] Blood-Stanching Decoction k&% [zhi xu6 yiio] blood-stanching medicinal kg [zhi ydng] relieve itching; Itch Reliever [non-channel] k@ f i * [zhi yjng xui] Itch-Relieving Point [non-channel] X * [zhi] angelica [root]' (Angelicae Dahuricae Radix) )E [zhi] finger )ETf$& [zhi ciin fd] finger standard )ET-f: [zhi ding] clove sore (ding) of the finger )E$A [zhi fii] finger technique [pulse takingl G!&$$E) [zhi f6ng shi lin] damp erosion between the fingers $E T 3 R5 [zhi jig biin xing] deformed nails )g ql 2 & [zhi jiii fa cui] brittle nails $I Efl * hi jig hn-] garden flower' (Impatientis Balsaminae Flos) )E T HbE* [zhi jiii t i o hug] garden balsam flowera (Impatientis Balsaminae Flos) )E 7 &j=& [zhi jido s& dhn] pale-colored nails )g#* [zhi jing] BL-67 (Digit Well) )E S R 5 A [zhi mi f6 ling win] Pathfinder Poria (Hoelen) Pill )8%&%?3J [zhi mi qi yi tang] Pathfinder Seven Qi Decoction @,€I[zhi mb] eye of the finger; digital eye
)gW%$+$& [zhi qi6 jin zhen fii] fingerpress needle insertion
) E S X [zhi siin guin] three bars of the finger
)EXB$@ [zhi t6u zhdng tbng] painful swelling of the fingers
) 2 E [zhi ya] shiatsu; acupressure -4.g3 [zhi zhdng] Metacarpophalangeal [non-channel]
)E$f- [zhi zhen] acupressure
$fi$g@[zhi jiiing wei] paper-wrap roast $Ern*[zhi rhu] oroxylum [seed]@(Oroxyli Semen)
jk [zhi] toe 2jkT-f: [zhi ding] clove sore (dl&) of the toe
Edq [zhi ping] Flat Toes [non-channel] [zhi w6n] Toe Crease [non-channel] tang] Bitter Orange and Tangerine Peel Decoction $/a\@# [zhi jii zhou] Hovenia Gruel jf:R&T [zhi j G zi] honey tree fruit' (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) $/a\% [zhi ki] bitter orange' (Aurantii Fructus) $/a\%& [zhi k i sdn] Bitter Orange Powder $/a\% [zhi shi] unripe bitter orange' (Aurantii Fructus Immaturus) $R%q#fifTtL [zhi shi diio zhi win] Unripe Bitter Orange Stagnation-Abducting Pill $/a\sJ&jl'[email protected]~[zhi shi gua 16u gui zhi tang] Unripe Bitter Orange, Trichosanthes, and Cinnamon Twig Decoction jf:Rg@+fifTtL [zhi shi li zh6ng win] Unripe 13ittcr Urafige Cefiter-Rectifying Piii il;R%YB%A [zhi shi xi50 pi win] Unripe Bitter Orange and Glomus-Dispersing Pill $RX j3'E Q $3@ P3J [zhi shi xi6 b6i gui zhi tang] Unripe Bitter Orange, Chinese Chive, and Cinnamon Twig Deccction $/a\z#E3@$5J [zhi shi zhi zi chi tiing] Unripe Bitter Orange, Gardenia, and Fermented Soybean Decoction &%fi;_rJ%@j~ [zhi su6 6r chin tang] Unripe Bitter Orange and Amomum Two Matured Ingredients Decoction
$R#Ej?5J[zhi j6
jf:R** [zhi ziio] honey tree fruito (Hoveniae Fructus seu Semen) &%?% [zhi zhii tang] Unripe Bitter Orange and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction $,!?*A [zhi zhii win] Unripe Bitter Orange and Ovate Atractylodes Pill 3 [zhi] consummate; supreme E S f i [zhi biio diin] Supreme Jewel Elixir Z Z * [zhi r6ngl GB-16 (Arriving at Splendor) Z@R@@ [zhi xu y6u sh&ng hbu] consummate vacuity producing signs of exuberance Z[31 [zhi yang] consummate yang; GV9WllO (Extremity of Yang) ZPJJ[zhi yin] consummate yin; BL-67WflO (Reaching Y in) ZP* [zhi zhiing] leech' (Hirudo seu Whitmania) % , [zhi] mind [new, will, power of concentration, memory; one of the five minds]; orientation [old] % , [zhi] record Z Z [zhi shi] BL-52W"O(BL-47) (Will Chamber) &,B* [zhi tong] polygala [root]@ (Polygalae Radix) %lJ[zhi] restrain; control %I] [zhi] process %I]& [zhi giio] Controlling High [nonchannel] %I]&&* [zhi giio shii] Controlling High Transport [non-channel] $I]$] [zhi ji] preparation of medicinals %lj91 [zhi r6ngl flossing [drug processing] %I]% [zhi shufmg] frosting [dpg processing] fflhjf:fi [zhi win ji] pill machine flJ1t%@H [zhi xing c6n ybng] counteract each other's nature without detracting from each other's effect ?6 [zhi] treat [disease]; control ?b$ Thl@ E [zhi bii xu& bing flng] Leukemia Formula &$. [zhi bEn] treat the root
?bsiE@gGfi [zhi beng z h h g ji ykn flng] Well-Tested Uterine Bleeding Formula
?bjf:iTr[zhi bilo] treat the tip ?bjf:%T ?a$. [zhi biio b6 r6 zhi bin]
treatment of the tip is less important than treatment of the root ?6%[zhi bing] treat disease ?6'@&\*7$. [zhi bing bi qiG y6 bin] to treat disease, it is necessaly to seek the root .If;'@&J!lJ[zhi bing fii zi] principle of treatment; therapeutic principle ?kE*& [zhi bing qi6 bEn] to treat disease it must be pursued to its root ?klJ%* [zhi chuiin] Panting Cure [nonchannel] ?kfJ)b-fi [zhi dii pii yi fiing] No. 1 Falls Formula [zhi fii] method of treatment ?kRdXB [zhi fEng h u i tin] control wind and transform phlegm ?bpl,x&@, h l T p l , $ X [zhi feng xiiin zhi xu&, xu& xing fEng zi mi&] to treat wind first treat the blood; when the blood moves wind naturally disappears ?6@m & E [zhi f6 n&i ch6ng fiing] Abdominal Worm Formula ?GiiT?l][zhi jiC bii li] inhibited management and regulation $68 [zhi li&o] treat [disease]; treatment ?6fiEYI] [zhi liio yuin zC] principle of treatment; therapeutic principle $63 ( - ) * [zhi 16ng (I)] Deafness Cure #I [non-channel] ( 1) * [zhi 16ng (2)] Deafness Cure #2 [non-channel] ? k g ((f ) * [zhi 16ng (3)] Deafness Cure #3 [non-channel] ( El ) * [zhi 16ng (4)] Deafness Cure #4 [non-channel] ?6sXfi1 ? [zhi 16ng xin (2)] New Deafness Cure #1 [non-channel] ?$@dfi 2 +$ [zhi 16ng xin (2)] New Deafness Cure #2 [non-channel] ?e@Xfi3 %* [zhi 16ng xin (3)] New Deafness Cure #3 [non-channel] ?#$%fi 4 4* [zhi 16ng xin (4)] New Deafness Cure #4 [non-channel]
+* +*
[zhi 16ng xin (5)] New Deafness Cure #5 [non-channel] ?&B%6 [zhi 16ng xin (6)] New Deafness Cure #6 [non-channel] ?&B%fi 7 [zhi 16ng xin (7)] New Deafness Cure #7 [non-channel] ?kB%fi8 8* [zhi 16ng xin (8)] new Deafness Cure #8 [non-channel] ?k;f$%%fi [zhi mii d6 chuang fiing] Syphilitic Sores Formula ? h a (- ) [zhi n5o (I)] Brain Cure #1 [non-channel] ?&!I& ( : ) [zhi n50 (2)] Brain Cure #2 [non-channel] ?B)%j ((3 ) [zhi n5o (3)] Brain Cure #3 [non-channel] %!I&( F l ) [zhi nHo (4)] Brain Cure #4 [non-channel] ?6l@J@;I;[zhi n6ng xiong fang] Pyothorax Formula ?B*#E [zhi qiii qi shG] ireaiiileni demands [correct] attribution [of signs] [zhi shang xiiio yli wiin] Injury ?b{%# Stasis-Dispersing Pill ( 5) * [zhi t i n ( 9 1 Paralysis Cure [non-channel] ?&@€( A ) [zhi t i n (6)] Paralysis Cure #6 [non-channel] (-t= ) * [zhi tiin (7)] Paralysis Cure #7 [non-channel] ?&%%--;I;[zhi t6u chuiing yi fang] Head Sores Formula ?&*% [zhi w2i bing] treat disease before it arises ?kRIj [zhi xu61 sorting and sizing [drug
?h?&EJ&A[zhi zhu6 g i ~bgn wgn] AntiTurbidity Root-Securing Pill
& [zhi] mix-fry &-ktS$5J[zhi gan cHo tang] Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction
W &. [zhi biZn] BL-54WtIO (Sequential Lim~t)
% [zhi] hemorrhoid; pile [zhi chuang] hemorrhoid; pile [zhi chuiing chu xu61 bleeding from hemorrhoids %@ [zhi hC] hemorrhoid %% [zhi ji] hemorrhoidal disease; diseases of the anus SiEj [zhi Ihu] hemorrhoids and fistulas % & [zhi xu&] hemorrhoidal bleeding; bleeding hemorrhoids @$lJ %* [zhi li miio] GV-12 (Wisdom's Advantage Hair) % [zhi] mole [ofthe skin] #$ [zhi] stagnate; stagnation; stagnant: % F [zhi chiin] delivery. stagnation [dificult delivery] #$+R [zhj ji] stagnation and accumulation #$T[zhi xi81 stagnant diarrhea R@li[zhi yi] dribbling [in infants] #$$+ [zhi zhiin] stuck needle #jliftU24%%+ % [zhi qugn yso shang dii bii chu] rabid dog bite toxin failing to come out 3jiJjlift[zhi quln] rabid dog @ [zhi] tugging [same as @ chi]
",-n,."""i-"l 5J
U.V " L L I U ' . *
?&Za f i [zhi yi nHo fang] Encephalitis Formula
?klJlj [zhi z i ] principle of treatment; therapeutic principle
%flIJ)[& [zhi zC b5 fI] eight methods of treatment
?k$fil%fi[zhi z h i s h h g fiing] Fracture Formula
?a+$5~[zhi zhong ting] Center-Ordering Decoction
?kEffij[zhi zhu5n jin] Cramp Cure [nonchannel]
+ [zhong] center
[in the five phases, position associated with earth; in the body, the stomach and spleen]; central; middle +E [zhong Bn] feel the mid-level [pulse] +2$?% [zhong c5o y8o] Chinese medicinals and herbal medicines [zhong ching yio] ready-prepared Chinese medicine; proprietary Chinese medicine j$ [zhong chong] PC-9W1IO (Central Hub)
+ +Z+
[zhdng dii shdu] reachable sore of the middle back $8El [zhong diin tijn] middle cinnabar field +@[zhdng dii] LV-6 (Central Metropolis); HT-7 (Central Metropolis); Central Metropolis [non-chamel] +%[In [zhdng dii xui] central metropolis point I+ 8 [zhong. dQ] GB-32W110 (Central River) E$$ [zhdng fii bki] effusion of the middle of the back +$$[zhong fEng] LV-4 (Mound Center) +$f [zhhng fii] LU-lWIlO (Central Treasury) g* [zhong gusn] CV-12 (Central Duct) +I %$ * [zhong gu6 i mii] Chinese gooseberry [fruitlo (Actinidiae Chinensis Fructus) % [zhdng hiin] center cold +j'i fzhdng hang] midline +%!I @J [zhdng h6 tang] Center Harmony Decoction [zhong huing gaol Center Yellow Paste +& [zhSlng ji] CV-3'"lO (Central Pole) I+G #* [zhong jian jing] LI-15 ,(Central Shoulder Well) +%, [zhdng jiiio] middle burner %. fiU $3 [zhdng jiao rli du] middle burner is like foam % f3 $4: [zhdng jiao shi ri?] middle burner damp-heat [IP & & [zhong jiiio shii] Central Burner Transport [norz-channel] %, ,BElE [zhdng jiiio yang xii] middle burner yang vacuity % S4-L [zhong jiiio zhii huh] middle burner governs transformation +)g [zhdng jiE] Center Connection [nonchannel] +#%2%[zhong jing zhi ffi] bowel of center essence [the gallbladder] $9[zhong kong] Center Hollow; BL-33 (Central H01.e)
+ +
+ +
+ +
+a [zhong kui] Central Eminence; LI-5 (Central Eminence) ligo] BL-33W"O
+Bone-Hole) # [zhong
I+ 3 s* [zhdng ling c$o] codonopsis [rootla (Codonopsitis Radix) +@* [zhong l;] BL-29 (Central Backbone) I+ @ m & * [zhGng 16 n2i shii] BL-29 (Central Backbone Inner Transport) $'&@ [zhong 16 shii] BL-29Ur"0 (Central Backbone Transport) $ @j [zhdng m5n] center fullness % % # & [zhdng miin fen xi50 tang] Center Fullness Separating and Dispersing Decoction cfi % +) # [zhdng m5n fen xiiio wan] Center Fullness Separating and Dispersing Pill @%8$32Tm [zhong m5n zhE xik zhi yQ nki] center fullness is treated by draining the inner body . +& [zhong pin] medium grade ( ) [zhdng ping] Central Balance (Foot) [non-channel] $IT( ) [zhdng ping shdu] Central Bidance (Hand) [non-channel] +% [zhong qi] center qi + T F Z [zhong qi bij zri] insufficiency of center qi rfr%T&55 [zhdng qi qik ru6] temerity of center qi +57;@ [zhong qi xiii xiiin] center qi fall rfr 5 E $3 [zhdng qi xii ruo] center qi vacuity i+?g.tjfi [zhong qing zhi fii] bowel of center clearness [the gallbladder] [zhdng qii] feel the mid-level [p~rlsc] rfr & [zhdng qu6nI Central Spring [rzonchntzael] r f r 6 Z [zhong shi j ~ i ]middle-body stone flat abscess @) $ 9 * [zhong shdu] CV-9 (Central Guard) [zhdng shii] GV-7iv110(Central Pivot) rfr E [zhong ting] CV-16W"O (Center Palace)
a +
CP* [zhdng tii] center-earth CP k5B [zhdng tii qi bii] vanquished
$3 [zhdng] heel
center-earth qi CP E [zhdng wHn] CV-12WfIo (Central Stomach Duct) +E [zhdng wHn guHn] middle stomach duct CP Zb * [zhdng xi] BL-40 (Central Cleft); LV-6 (Central Cleft)' CP Pii [zhong xi501 middle wasting; center wasting; middle burner wasting thirst CP PEI ;T;E [zhdng ying bh zhkn] devitalized center yang CP PI ;T; [zhdng ying bh z6] insufficiency of center yang CP 55 [zhdng yho] Chinese medicinal cPiE2E [zhihg zhZng zhi guiin] office of justice [the gallbladder] CP)E [zhihg zhi] middle finger $ El 9 3 [zhong zhi t6ng shen cGn] middle finger body inch +&$ [zhdng zhii] TB-3 (Central Islet) C P S [zhdng zhG] KI-15WHO (Central Flow) @iPfL* [zhdng rii] stalactite' (Stalactitum) @YLR!$@;ti[zhdng rii 6 guHn shi] stalactite goose quill stone@ (Stalactitum Eguanshi) % YL % [zhdng rii f h ] powdered stalactite@ (Stalactitum Pulveratum) @ Y L G [zhcng rii shi] stalactite' (Stalactitum) @YL% [zhGng rii win] Stalactite Pill fl$ [zhiing] swelling I$ +&&k [zhiing b i n jiC mi fiing] Swelling Formula I$.% [zhdng dfi] toxin swelling j $ p R * [zhiing ji6 feng] sarcandra [twig and leaf]@ (Sarcandrae Ramulus et Folium) fl$g [zhdng kuiii] swelling [count noun, T&%rn] B$+E&* [zh6ng shdu hug gen] kansui [rootlo (Kansui Radix) ' I$% [zhdng ying] swollen sore fl$jE [zhdng zhing] swelling; swelling and distention
+% [zhbng d6] toxin stroke
@ [zhbng] strike; stroke
C P S [zhbng k] malignity stroke [zhbng feng] wind stroke
CPR S2l iE [zhbng fEng bi z h h g ] wind stroke block pattern iG [ z h h g feng bG yii] wind stroke with loss of .speech CPR [zhbng feng kiiu jin] wind stroke clenched jaw c P R 5 S [zhbng feng qi siii] wind stroke qi blockage . R b BT iG [zhbng feng she qiing bij yii] wind stroke with stiffness of the tongue preventing speech $ HEiiE [zhbng feng tu6 zhkng] wind stroke desertion pattern $AR;f [zhbng fii] bowel stroke CP% [zhbng hin] cold stroke @% [zhbng jing] channel stroke CP23tg [zhbng jing lub] channel and network stroke CPt8 [zhbng 11161 network stroke CP A [zhbng r6n] strike-on-person +& [zhbng shii] summerheat stroke CP @ [zhbng yZ] summerheat stroke +I#$ [zhbng zing] .visceral stroke cPI#$m [zhbng z i n g fii] organ stroke +@ [zhbng ziio] dryness stroke [zhbng zhii xuin yin] summerheat stroke dizziness % [zhbng] heavy; heaviness S?j [zhbrg fiingj heavy formula [on even-number formula used after a n oddnumber formula has failed] . S$J[zhbng ji] heavy formula S X * [zhbng j i h g ] CV-24 (Heavy Sauce) %rrl&% [zhbng ke qh qik] heavy [medicinals] can eliminate temerity S f i * [zhbng pi] magnolia bark' (Magnoliae Cortex) @ 9 [zhbng shen] pregnancy SDfi [zhbng ting] hearing impairment @@ [zhbng tbng] heavy pain
g@$s@ [zhbng z h h iin shGn] quiet the spirit with heavy settlers S @ $ % @ & % B ~zhbngzhkn iin shGn shou liin yio] heavy settling spiritquieting astringent medicinal S j $ % L \ B [zhbng zhi:n iin xin yio] heavy settling heart-quieting formula ' EJ?%% [zhbng z h h yio] heavy settling medicinal; heavy settler $*ZFJ [zhbng zhi:ng i n shCn yio] heavy settling spirit-quieting medicinal
zhou $11%B2g [zhou dii zhi guin] river island official; Regional Rectifier [zhou che (jii) win] Boats and Carts Pill &@2 ~ I J[zhou ji zhi' ji] boat and oar medicinal &-if;f32% [zhou ji zhi yio] boat and oar medicinal JZl [zhou] Zhou [approx. 11th cent. B.C. - 221 B.C.] M @ [zhou bi] generalized impediment
MG* [zhou gii] LI-2 (Whole Valley) Mm* [zhou mC] cimicifuga [root]@(Cimicifugae Rhizoma) [zhou r6ngl SP-20WFI0 (All-Round Flourishing) M 9 [zhou shen] whole body; generalized M 9 jrk * [zhou shen song] Chinese glochidion root0 (Glochidionis Puberi Radix) M f i f i * [zhou sheng m i ] cimicifuga [root]@ (Clmicifugae Rhizoma) M@J*[zhhu ying] SP-20 (All-Round Construction) 585 [zhou] gruel; congee; lobldlly 83 [zhbu] elbow I$* [zhdu jiin] Tip of the Elbow; LI-12 (Tip of the Elbow); LV-13 (Tip of the Elb~w) ,!jij% [zhbu 1601 elbow taxation I+@ [zhbu liho] LI-12WF10(Elbow BoneHole)
[zhdu shii]. Elbow Transport [nonchannel] Jj$H [zhdu win] elbow BFZE [zhbu yi: wii dir] days and night wlthout measure !@ [zhbu] wrinkle; crease !@ED [zhbu jiiio] wrinkly foot !@$2[zhbu wGn] wrinkle; crease
zhu ;k [zhii] vermilion
;k&G* [zhii chi dbu] rice bean' (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen)
;kB*[zhii diin] minium'
(Minium) (Minium) ;kE@ [zhii fii shGn] cinnabar[-coated] root poriaO (Poria cum Pini Radice et Cinnabare) ;k # , * [zhii gii] shancigu [bulb]@ (Shancigu Bulbus) ;kg*[zhii gu6] cherry' (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) ;kg% [zhii qu5 win] Red Birdie Pill ;k&P[zhii shii] cinnabar' (Cinnabaris) ;kliP%@ A [zhii shii iin shCn win] Cinnabar Spirit-Quieting Pill ;k@$E [zhii shii gen] coral ardisia [root]@ (Ardisiae Crenatae Radix) %&4$EPt [zhii shii gEn yi:] coral ardisia leaf@ (Ardisiae Crenatae Fo'lium) . ;k@" [zhii shii zhiing] cinnabar hand ; k + j k * [zhii ti01 cherry' (Pruni Pseudocerasi Fructus) ;k+Z * [zhii xiiio dhu] rice bean' (Phaseoli Calcarati Semen) Z T * [zhii ling] polyporus@ (Polyporus) f$? [zhii] pearl %+g* [zhii b i n xi&] pinellia [tuber]@ (Pinelliae Tuber) RIM~L\[zhii deng xin] cinnabar[-coatedlo (Junci Medulla cum Cinnabare) [zhii ding] Pearl Top '[non-channel] %$$@ [zhii huing siin] Pearl and Bezoar Powder
;kW*[zhii fZn] minium'
lh r6ngl velvet deerhorna (Cervi Cornu Parvum) % I3 * [zhii mii] mother-of-pearle (Concha Margaritifera ) %Yf* [zhii mil] mother-of-pearle (Concha Margaritifera ) % ~ I Z S #[zhii $ yuk &r b5o zhou] Pearls and Jade Gruel %T*[zhi zi] pearle (Margarita) Z g * [zhi yu] evodia [fruitlo (Evodiae Fructus) -ecw m* [zhii yli rbu] evodia [fruit]@(Evodiae Fructus) i$2f+38E3g E [zhii bho qiing zhi, jie shii yu feng] all fulminant rigidity is ascribed to wind [one of the I9pnthomechanisms] i$%WkP. @%@Jl,%%l [zhu bing fh zhiing, t6ng suan jing hhi, jie shii yli hu6] all diseases with aching pain and swelling of the instep, fright and fear are ascribed to fire [one ofthe 19 pathomechanisrns] i$%7Jc$@@#&t$?+, g E T % [zhii bing shui y& shtng chk qing ling, jig shii yu h i n ] all disease with watery humors that are clear, pure, and cold is ascribed to cold [one of the 1 9 pathomechnnisms]
g E T f 4 [zhu bing yiiu sheng, gii zhi rQ gii, jie shii yli rk] ali diseases with [abdominal] sounds, where tapping makes a drum-like sound, are ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pnthomechanisms] i$& [zhii ch6ngl worms i$.)A,#$Bg, EETBIf [zhi feng diio xuin, .-
i$%GF, B32$U%.
..- ,.L.". ...< Y U -:..l
J1b J l l U
V V l l l l l
.V.,V:t1ht I Z .-h.,l,;mm ""A J I I C I R 1 1 1 6 <111\1
dizzy vision is ascribed to the liver [one of the 19 pathomechnnisms] i$hEfl&h, g E T f 4 : [zhii fh zhing dB, jiE shii yu r&] all major abdominal distention is ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pnrhomechnnisms] i%ElTS& [zhii gi: xing j i n siin] Zhuge's Troop-Marching Powder i&sqg';I, g E T 1 g [zhu hAn shou yin, jiE shii yO shkn] all cold with contracture and tautness is ascribed to the kidney [one of the 19 pathomechanisms]
EjZTlk [zhu jin gii li, ru sang shCn sh6u, jie shii yli hu6] all clenching, shuddering, and chattering [of the jaws] with the seeming loss of the spirit is ascribed to fire [one of the 1 9 pathomechanisms] i$@ $%, g J5$ F E [zhii jing xihng qiing, jie shii yli shi] all tetany and rigidity of the neck is ascribed to dampness [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$EB@, g E ' f T [zhi ju6 gh xi&,jie shii yli xi;] all reversal with constipation or diarrhea is ascribed to the lower body [one of the 19 pathomechnnisms] i$$Yi$_t, g E ' f A [zhu ni chong shhng, jie shii yli huii] all counterflow upsurging is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] @iBDj--, g $ t $ ~ B ,g E ' f f + [zhi 6~ th suan, b i o zhh xi8 pb, jie shii yli 1-61all sour retching and vomiting, and fulminant downpour with lower-body distress are ascribed to heat [one of the 19 pnthornechanisms] i$TJ]fjgb, g E T l $ [zhi qi fen yh, jie shii yfi f6i] all qi rushing and depression is ascribed to the lung [one of the 19 pnthornechnnisms] i$;3&g@,E E T A [zhu r& mho chi, jiE shii yQ hu6] all heat with visual distortion and tugging is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i$?zj$@j, g E T f @ [zhi shi zh6ng m5n, jig shii yli pi] all dampness with swelling and fullness is ascribed to the spleen [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] i $ B % % [zhii t i n w6i bing] diseases caused by phlegm i+j @'%, g )& 7 li\ [zhu tong yang chuiing, jie shii yu xin] all painful and itching sores are ascribed to the liver [one of the 19 pnthomechnrzisms] i$gngng. g E T _ t [zhi wii chu5n 6u, jie shii yu shing] all wilting (wzi), panting, and retching are ascribed to the upper body [one of the 19 pd1omechnnisrn.~] i+j&g% [zhu wen jia du] warmth with toxin i $ h $ $ g E l l f $ ,[zhii ~ xu& zhE jie shO yu xin] all blood belongs to the heart
i$%%S7 $uE$EQ?f.
i%PQ 2& [zhii yfing zhi hui] confluence
%T$L [zhii ling-wfin] Polyporus Pill
of the yang [channels] [the head] i$-@jZ@. [zhii ziio kufing yuk, jie shii y6 hu6] all excessive agitation and mania is ascribed to fire [one of the 19 pathomechanisms] iZi%EEl 7k%PF?&>B E T % [zhii zhuiin fiin li, shui y& h6n zhu6, jie shii yii r&] all cramp, arched-back rigidity, and turbid watery humors are ascribed to heat [one of the 19pathomechanisms] $g$$TL* [zhii bi k6ngl houttuyniaa (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) $%E[zhii chfing] pig's intestines*' (Suis Intestina) ;I$ -jS [zht dB chfing] pig's large intestine* (Suis Intestinum Crassum) [zhii diin] pig's gallbladder* (Suis Vesica Fellea) $ZREtTM [zhii diin giin f h ] pig's gall-' bladder powder* (Suis Fel Exsiccatum) $gB%.[zhii d i n gio] pige's bile* (Suis Pasta Fellis) $ g J p ~[zhii d i n zhi] pig's bile* (Suis Bilis) B B i 3 ~ 3[zhii diin zhi diio] pig's bile enema %fl~.jLt$? $& [zhii diin zhi diio fii] Pig's Bile Enema [zhii dii] pig's stomach* (Suis Stomachus) $?$&A[zhii dii wgn] Pig's Stomach Pill; Pig's Stomach Pill $g&jh [zhii fen chfing] pig's ileum* (Suis Ileum) $%IT& [zhii g i n siin] Pig's Liver Powder $$%*[zhii gio] pork lard' (Suis Adeps) % @ [zhii gii] pig's bone* (Suis 0 s ) [zhii ji rhu] pork spine flesh* (Suis Caro Vertebralis) %@f@ [zhii ji sui] pig's spine marrow* (Suis Spinae Medulla) %3[zhii ling] polyporus@ (Polyporus) $gT@$[zhii ling tiing] Polyporus Decoction $%~S%Je4 2E51 [zhii ling tiing h i si ni tang] Polyporus Decoction Combined with Counterflow Cold Decoction
$ZE$[khii 16ng ciio] pitcher plant
[stem and leaf]' (Nepenthis Caulis et Folium) 3%QP* [zhii luiin] pig's testis0 (Suis Testis) 389-3 * [zhii mii cii] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) %$@$l] * [zhii mii ci] cirsiuma (Cirsii Herba seu Radix) %5$m [zhii rbu] pork* (Suis Caro) 3g'g [zhii shkn] pig's kidney" (Suis Renes) $gRq*[zhii shi ling] polyporusa (Polyporus) %Ei% [zhii ti] pig's trotter* (Suis Pes) %5!$5#$ [zhii ti zhOu] Pig's Trotter Gruel $8/I\ @J [zhii xiso chfing] pig's small intestine' (Suis Intestinum Tenue) $%%S[zhii yfi zio] small gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus Parvus) $g5fg#j* [zhii y i z&ojiio] small gleditsia [fruit]@ (Gleditsiae Fructus Parvus) $g&g*[zhii yiing yiing] galiuma (Galii Herba) [zhii yfing jiiio sheng] squeal @+ ay like a pig's or goat's %EF*[zhii yiio zi] pig's kidney* (Suis Renes) 38% [zhii yk] pig's thyroid gland" (Suis Glandula Thyroidea) $$I%[zhii yi] pig's pancreas* (Suis Pancreas) 3g$$* [zhii y6u] pork lard* (Suis Adeps) 3g&Lljg * [zhii y6u zhi] pork lard* (Suis Adeps) [zhu zing] pig's intestines' ( ~ u i s Intestina) [zhii ziing wfin] Pig's Intestine Pill $%RE* [zhii zhi] pork lard* (Suis Adeps) 3gflSB [zhii zhi gio] pork lard* (Suis Adeps) g* [zhii] dioscorea [rootla (Dioscoreae: Rhiioma) $ i g q [zhii zi] chinquapin seeda (Castanopsidis seu Quercus Semen) [zh6 yiio] zedoary* (Zedoariae Rhizoma)
zhu $*
[zhu] ovate atractylodes [root]' (Atractylodis Ovatae Rhizoma) $@$A [zhu f i n win] Atractylodes and Mefpnterite Pill $ Mf $3 [zhu fij tang] Ovate Atractylodes and Aconite Decoction [zhu gui tang] Atractylodes and Cinnamon Twig Decoction $9E [zhu bi5nI bamboo tray $9s * [zhu 6r qing] bamboo shavings' (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) $!~fiE [zhu guin] bamboo cup $!I%* [zhG hugng] bamboo sugar' (Bambusae Concretio Silicea)
$937 S [zhu jii ligo] homalocladium~ (Homalocladii Herba)
'r!rT%* [zhu jii qiang] notopterygium [rootlo (Notopterygii Rhizoma)
$9i?iFf_-t= [zhu ji6 san qi] greater ginseng [root]" (Banacis Majoris Rhizoma) YJ if B M$ [zhu jii xiang fii] Radde's anemone [root]@ (Anemones Raddeanae Rhizoma)
$9%& [zhu juan xin] young bamboo leaf' (Bambusae Folium Immaturum) f9Bj [zhu li] dried bamboo sape (Bambusae Succus Exsiccatus) $9Bj S [zhu li ban xih] bamboo sap pinellia [tuberla (Pinelliae Tuber cum Succo Bambusae Preparatum) $/rBj&@$~[zhu li d i t i n win] Bamboo Sap Phlegm-Outthrusting Pill $9@js@A [zhc li yijn t i n w5n] Dried Bamboo Sap Phlegm-Moving Pill W E * [zhu pi] bamboo shavings' (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) $'J% [zhu ru] bamboo shavings" (Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam) $ ~ G @[zhu J rti tang] Bamboo Shavings Decoction $'J-%$~JJ~?$ [zhu 1-6 wen d5n tang] Bamboo Shavings Gallbladder-Warming Decoction $9@$[zhu shai] bamboo sieve $'~$e*[zhu ting] bamboo sugar' (Bambusae Concretio Silicea)
$9 U
t [zhO ye] black bamboo leafa (Bambusae Folium); bamboo leafe (Lophatheri Folium) $9Pt% [zhu yi: cji] Bengal dayflowera (Commelinae Benghalensis Herba); dayflower' (Commelinae Herba) $9Pt&% t3J [zhu y6 cheng bang tang] Bamboo Leaf, Tamarisk, and Arctium Decoction /r.fPt%&* [zhu y6 ju5n xin] tender bamboo l e a f (Lophatheri Folium Immaturum) $9Pt@P%?3J [zhu yi: liii bang tang] Bamboo Leaf, Tamarisk, and Arctium Decoction %Dl-%+* [zhu y6 mhi dong] bamboo leaf' (Lophatheri Folium) +'~Dtg+g* [zhu y6 mhi dong qing] bamboo leaf0 (Lophatheri Folium) $9Dt6;W.& [zhu y6 shi giio tang] Bamboo Leaf and Gypsum Decoction $9D t 7k g" [zhu y6 shui c5o] dayflower" (Commelinae Herba) $?Dt& [zhG yi: tang] Bamboo Leaf Decoction $9Ptt%%+$$ [zhu y6 xi6 jing tang] Bamboo Leaf Channel-Draining Decoction f'~PtlL\ [zhG yi: xin] tender bamboo leaf" (Lophatheri Folium Immaturum) $'JDt$#!j [zhu y6 zhou] Bamboo Leaf Gruel $'JIB*[zhu y6u] dried bamboo sap" (Bambusae Succus Exsiccatus) [zhu zhiing] Bamboo Stick; GV-4 (Bamboo Stick) $!I-.#* [zhu zhi] dried bamboo sap' (Bam'busae Succus Exsiccatus) E izhuj expci B% %'P,5% [zhG h i n dhng jing tang] Cold-Dispelling Fright-Assuaging Decoction B%%% [zhu h6n kai qihoj expel cold and open the orifices $57K [zhu shui] expel water jZ57ktEjA [zhu shui xi& hu6] expel water and dram fire B 7k Z [zhu shui yiio] water-expelling medicinal B@ [zhu t i n ] expel phlegm jZ5@ [zhu yii] expel stasis
zhu h k h
~ f i : n[zhii ~
bin] KI-9W"o (Guest House) [zhii] govern; governor; governing; host; chief &%l&?, 1 [zhii fii zu6 yin] chief, support, assistant, and conductor; medicinal roles Z& [zhii sb] governing complexion $&* [zhii xin] PC-7 (Heart Governor) =$$$ [zhii zhi] indication [of drugs] S [zhii] boil && [zhii s i n ] boiled powder S& [zhii shi] boil and eat; cook as food @$I [zhii] assist; reinforce @JPH [zhh ying] reinforce yang @$Ipa@s[zhii y i n g jii biio] reinforce yang and resolve the exterior @$I PH glX & 2% [zhii yang qu] . yangreinforcing worm-expelling medicinal @$I % [zhii y i n g yho] yang-reinforcing medicinal $?@ [zhii gii] shuttle bone & [zhh] pour; influx (zhi~) [in disease names] & ~ $ B I ] [zhh shb ji] injection fluid &%$% [zhh shb yb] injection fluid &7; [zhii xi&] downpour diarrhea &g [zhh xih] summer infldx (zhu) & # [zhh xib] outpour diarrhea & & % [zhh xin tong] influx (zhu) heart pain & [zhii] pillar &lYrl [zhh ck] Pillar Side [non-channel] @$E$ [zhh gii] pillar bone [collar bone] Z @ * [zhii gen] ramie [root]. (Boehmeriae Radix) Z#B& [zhii gen sgn] Ramie (Boehmeria) Powder ZtRt5 [zhh gen tang] Ramie (Boehmeria) Decoction -r h $8 [zhh m i gen] ramie [root]. (Boehmeriae Radix) &TE [zhh jiC ding] clove sore of the knuckle (ding) $2Zg JtL [zhh chc win] Carriage-Halting Pill P&gJtL[zhh jing wan] Long Vistas Pill
$ZgJtLfiI% [zhh fijing w i n jig jiin
fang] Long 'Vistas Pill Variant Formula @ [zhh] infixation (zhh) [zhh sbu] infixation (zhu) cough @g [zhh xih] summer infixation (zhh)
zhua +fl@ [zhua pb] scratch open; rupture by scratching )R [zhui] nail [see zhiio )R]
zhuan %$4iEiG [zhuan kE zhbng hbu] specialty patterns
Efi[zhuin biio] shifted bladder E 9 [zhuin bihn] transmutation
[zhuin dbu mhi] spinning bean
E.1t [zhuin huh] conversion [zhuin jin] cramp
EJj$[zhuin pa01 shifted bladder [zhuin sh6 win] Tongue-Moving Pill
E16 f j -
[zhuin tiii fiing] Fetils-Turning
w i n rnhi] spinning pill pulse Ew [zhuin zhEn] needle rotation
[zhuhng] vigorous [of fever or fire]; lyang, esp. kidney yang]; invigorate strengthen [bones]; cone [of moxa, sequentially burnt on one spot] If-RB [zhuhng d i n ] invigorate the gallbladder A* B * [zhuhng gii] GV-27 (Bone Strengthener) jf-& [zhuhng hud] vigorous fire; invigorate fire If A & 4[zhuhng hu6 shi qi] vigorous fire consuming qi IkjTfj%ytn& [zhuiing jin y5ng xu& tang] Sinew-Strengthening Blood-Nourishing Decoction
$t-?(: [zhuing rk] vigorous fever
+j [zhu6] fixed
[zhuiing shG] number of cones [of moxa burnt o r to be burnt] Ar' 7K 2& U OIL PEi;Lt [zhuing shui zhi zhii yi zhi y i n g gufing] invigorate the governor of water to restrain the'brilliance of Y ang 7K $11 P I [zhukng shui zhi yiing] invigorate water to restrain yang q'r [zhugng ying] invigorate yang * . [zhuiing yiing ciio] Chinese leek Yf [leaflo (Allii Tuberosi Folium)
:$@ [zhu6 bi] fixed impediment (bi) E@g&k [zhu6 bi y i n fang] Fixed Impediment Empirical Formula I& [zhu6] turbid; turbidity [zhu6 lin] turbid strangury (lin) I&ES[zhu6 ni tfii] turbid slimy fur [zhu6 qi] turbid qi ?&51;B[zhu6 qi bii jiing] turbid qi failing to bear downward; non-downbearing turbid qi ?&419!J3& [zhuir qi gui xin] turbid qi goes to the heart [zhu6 tail turbid tongue fur ?&4P [zhu6 xi&] turbid evil $&!#g% [zhu6 xi& h i i qing] turbid evils harm the clear @%@E [zhu6 y i o qing t6u] turbid medicinals are utilized sparingly [zhu6 yin] turbid yin $&PBT B [zhub yin bh jigng] turbid yin failing to bear downward; nondownbearing of turbid yin $ t17;R [zhut, yin chu x i i qiiio] turbid yin passes out through the lower orifices $&PA !J3 [zhu6 yin gui lih fii] turbid yin goes to the six bowels $&PJj$EE[zhu6 yin z6u wii zing] turbid yin penetrates the five viscera ?&%[zhu6 yh] Turbid Bath [non-channel]
zhui B [zhui] expel & fi [zhui ch6ng wiin] BarasiteExpelling Pill
&fB* [zhui liiio] SI-18 (Hammer BoneHole) % [zhui] sag; expel [zhui jing] dropped eye [a kind of squint] 9% [zhui t i n ] expel phlegm %& Ba H [zhui xuk ming mG yin] Blood-Downbearing Eye-Brightening Beverage [zhui y6u] wart
@ A [zhiin t6u] tip of the nose; GV-25 (Nose Tip)
a [zi] enrich; enrichment xS L n3r om fzA',-,-"T,l 3
;I& [zhuo] facial prominence II'@B [zhub gti] facial prominence bone [bone below the eye] @ T # [zhub bh dC] inability to grasp objects & [zhu6] scorch iqP& [zhu6 rk] scorching hot; palpably hot jq#?j [zhu6 tbng] scorching pain @ ~ t J n [zhu6 jig] with judicious addition of; judicious addition
r-7 [&I
: . I
$2: . L . A. ~ lb,
, . , . : L
supplement) the lung and kidney @ +E IT'S [zi bii gan shsn] enrich (and supplement) the liver and kidney R [zi bii piin] Enriching Supplementation Tablet +E1RPJJ [zi bii shkn yin] enrich (and supplement) kidney yin 4;1& tA [zi cui yin] Pancreas-Enriching Beverage T H [zi Cr bh nil enriching but not slimy aB [zi ggo] orally taken paste
a+\ a am
% f& $% [zi r6ng hu6 lu6 tang] Construction-Enriching NetworkQuickening Decoction $5 j&9, & [zi r6ng yi qi f c shCn tang] Construction-Enriching QiBoosting Spirit-Returning Decoction [zi rhn y i o ] enriching and moistening medicinal %'3 [zi shkn] kidney enrichment a ' B Hi'&[zi sh6n gti chi] enrich the kidney and secure t h e teeth '3 $ [zi sh6n gh chong tang] Kidney-Enriching ThoroughfareSecuring Decoction a '3 % P% [zi sh6n ming mG tang] Kidney-Enriching Eye-Brightening D e coction alBj@x-$% [zi s h i n tong Er tang] KidneyEnriching Ear-Freeing Decoction - & ' B B # h [zi s h i n tong gutin w i n ] Kidnzy Enriching Gate-Opening Pill '8 [zi shkn wan] Kidney-Enriching Pill a 7k,@1&[zi shui h i n mG] enrich water to moisten wood %7k)iSflT@[zi shui qing giin yin] WaterEnriching Liver-Clearing Beverage *B7k811k [zi shui zhi hue] enrich water t o restrain fire a jb.i% [zi xu6 rhn c h i n g tang] Blood-Enriching Intestine-Moistening Decoction .a%flT'R [zi yiing gan shkn] enrich (and nourish) the liver and kidney % W [JB [zi yiing w6i yin] enrich (and nourish) stomach yin a Pa [zi yin] enrich yin [zi yin bii shkn] enrich yin and PJj supplement the kidney %PJj+t.& [zi yin bii xu&] enrich in and supplement t h e blood PJj A + \ [zi yin dii bii w i n ] YinEnriching Major Supplementation Pill$$j;L [zi yin di h u i n g wan] YinEnriching Rehmannia Pill '&PR,$$PB [zi yin h6n ying] enrich yin and moisten yang .aPBP$A [zi yin jiiing hu6] enrich yin and downbear fire
[zi yin jiiing huh tang] YinEnriching Fire-Downbearing Decoction %Pa@$% [zi yin jiE biiio] enrich yin and resolve the exterior %PJl$lB [zi yin li shi] enrich yin and disinhibit dampness % Pa FflTaP-[SEl [zi yin ping gan qian ying] enrich yin, calm the liver, and subdue Yang %PB'iSA$ [zi yin qing fii] enrich yin and clear the lung IJa?$+La [zi yin qing h u i w i n ] YinEnriching Clearing Transforming Pill ~a Pa ?<: [zi yin qing r i ] .enrich yin and clear heat 4;PB fiI] [zi yin qing r6,ji] yin-enriching heat-clearing formula
23 PFl@Jf% [zi yin rbn z i o ] enrich yin and moisten dryness
%PAY@ [zi yin sheng jin] enrich yin and engender liquid ljktz [zi yin shou si: yiio] enrich yin and promote astriction
%PJji?fiPH[zi yin shii gan] enrich yin and course the liver
% 4;Pa $$,fin [zi yin xi -fFng] enrich yin and extinguish wind
%Pa%& [zi yin y i n g xui] enrich yin and nourish the blood
$3[IR 2% [zi yin yio] yin-enriching medicinal
Pa &$5, [zi yin yi qi] enrich yin and boost qi fBPJj kfg [zi yin zhi xui] enrich yin and stanch bleeding :&PJjEZ?% [zi yin zhi biio tang] YinEnriching Supreme Jewel Decoction [zi ziio yiing ying tang] Dryness-Enriching Construct~onNourishing Decoction 22 $3tk [zi ziio yin] Dryness-Enriching Beverage B&?*[zi mi;] TB-18 (Supporting Vessel) %&1@RrS13~[zi sheng jihn pi w i n ] LifePromoting Spleen-Fortifying Pill [zi sheng wan] Life-Promoting Pill
*jT?$jl#igq%[zi shbu jiC yii tang] LifeProlonging Speech-Returning Decoction 3 [zi] son; child; filial; seed; first earthly branch; B1; testicle 3%[zi bing] pregnancy sickness 3 T S a* [zi bh li mii] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) Tb* [zi ch~ing]CV-4 (Infant's Intestine) 3ffi.Frlk[zi ching bh shbu] prolapse of the uterus Tfi [zi chh] child's place (uterus); CV-4 (Infant'sx Place) 3 B B T [zi diio mii qi] child steals the mother's qi T$B[zi fin] pregnancy vexation 3s [zi gong] womb; uterus; Infant's Palace [non-channel]; CV-4 (Infant's Palace) 3 TD [zi gong jing] Cervix [nonchannel] 3 Sa#&[zi gong tu6 chui] prolapse of the uterus P37;$ [zi gong xi&zhui] sagging of the uterus; prolapse of the uterus TP* [zi hh] CV-4 (Infant's Door); KI-13 (Infant's Door (~ight)) PS* [zi huing] egg yolk* (Galli Vitellus) T # [zi llin] strangury (lin) of pregnancy [zi 16ng win] Young Dragon Pill P a [zi miin] fullness of pregnancy T 1'7 [zi mCn] infant's gate [orificium uteri] +as* [zi mii ciio] agrimony* (Agrimoniae Herba) FkE+@-gjzi n6ng ling xu shij chiid can make the mother replete 95[zi qi] pregnancy qi; filial qi -33* [zi qin] young scutellaria [root]@ (Scutellariae Radix Nova) T I ) $ J L[zi~shiing ch6ng xin] fetus surging up into the Iieart; upsurge of the fetus into the heart $2 [zi shC] baby tongue +El$ [zi shi] B l watch [I1 p.m.-1 a m ] [zi si fh zhong] death in utero 9n ! [zi sbu] cough of pregnancy
7%[zi trin] testicular phlegm 5 qtfi$$ [zi wii li6 zhti] stem and branch point selection; midday-midnight point selection T jj$j [zi xiin] epilepsy of pregnancy [eclampsia] 3tk; [zi xu&n] dizziness of pregnancy T @ j [zi yin] loss of voice in pregnancy P& [zi ydng] welling abscess bong) of the testicle T a [zi ziing] infant's viscus [uterus] P B$ . [zi zh6ngl pregnancy swelling; swell~ngof pregnancy +$% [zi shi] catalpa fruit@ (Catalpae Fructus) % [zi] purple %0 [zi bii di&n fEng] purple and white patch wind burpura and vitiligo] %@*g* [zi bli tian kui] purple gynuraO (Gynurae Bicoloris Herba); tea begonia* (Begoniae Fimbristipulatae Cormus seu Herba); semiaquilegiao (Semiaquilegiae Herba) %$f*%* [zi b2i ti5n kui ciio] purple senecloo (Senecionis Nudicaulis Herba) gA&*3$3* [zi bli ti5n kui zi] semiaquilegia tuber@ (Semiaquilegiae Tuber) %$fzgs$F [zi bki tiiin kui ciio gen] purple senecio root@ (Senecionis Nudicaulis Radix) % =#.fB * [zi b2i yii xing ciio] houttuynia@ (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) %% ~ ' 2[zi % bik tiiin kui ciio] purple senecio@ (Senecionis Nudicaulis Herba) % S [zi ciio] puccoon* (Lithospermi, Macrotomiae, seu Onosmatis Radix) %S$R* [zi ciio gen] puccoon* (Lithospermi, Macrotomiae, seu Onosmatis Radix) %Sf? [zi ciio r6ngl lac* (Lacciferi Secretio) %SBt% [zi ciio r6ng tang] Lac Decoction %g$EB [zi ciio y6u] Puccoon Oil % & aft * [zi ch6ng jig01 lac* (Lacciferi Secretio)
% f f $ * [zi diin shen] salvia [root]@ (Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix) % fg&$j* [zi di y~i]sanguisorba [root]@ (Sanguisorbae Radix) % @ [zi' dikn] purple patches [purpura] %+rtr.@, [zi dti juin] purple rhododendron [flower, leaf, root (Rhododendri Mariae Flos, Folium seu Radicis Cortex) % +R * [zi gen] puccoon' (Lithospermi, Macrotomiae, seu Onosmatis Radix) %+'jFW$j-@@$ [zi gEn mii li tiing] Puccoon (Lithospermum) and Oyster Shell Decoction %@* [zi ging] lac' (Lacciferi Secretio) % [zi gong] CV-19W'lo (Purple Palace) % % * [zi gui] cinnamon bark' (Cinnamoml Cortex) [zi gui win] Purple Cinnamon Pill % PiiJ* [zi h i che] placenta' (Hominis Placenta) %$iiJ** [zi h i jii] placenta' (Hominis Placenta) % EflbT[zi huii di ding] Yedo violeta (Violae Yedoensis Herba cum Radice) % * [zi ji] houttuyriia@ (Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) %Jjft* [zi jiio] lac' (Lacciteri Secretio) %&-A- [zi jin diin] Purple Gold Elixir %j [zi jin fEn] Purple Gold Powder %&+ [zi jin niti] Japanese ardisia [stem and leaflo (Ardisiae Japonicae Caulis et Folium) %%lJ & [zi jing pi] cercis bark0 (Cercis Cortex) % giir]& & [zi jing pi siin] Cercis Powder % * [zi kukng] lac' (Lacciferi Secretio) %+lip* [zi liii] lac' (Lacciferi Secretio) %/ji$ [zi rnki] purple vessel %;li$69[zi n5o shi] purple sal ammonix@ (Sal Ammoniacum Purpureum) %6$* [zi qikn] aster [root]' (Asteris Radix et Rhizoma) % S#XJI'fi$ fill [zi shen biio gan thong ji] Puccoon Liver-Safeguarding Granules 'Sfi' ;6% [zi shi ying] amethyst/fluorite@ (Amethystum seu Fluoritum)
%% pi sii] perilla [stem, leaf and calyxlo
(Perdlae Folium, Caulis et Calyx) [zi sii iin t i i yin] Perilla Leaf Fetus-Quieting Beverage gX$2[zi sii gEng] perilla stem@(Perillae Caulis) %%q P t * [zi sii jing yk] perilla stern@ (Perillae Caulis) %3$+413#$ [zi sii mii rin zhou] Perilla Seed and Hemp Seed Gruel %%Pi- [zi sii yk] perilla leaf@ (Perillae Folium) [zi sii zi] perilla fruit@ (Perillae Fructus) %@ [zi t h g ] wisteria stem and leafe (Wisteriae Caulis et Folium) %?&j [zi wiin] aster [root]' (Asteris Radix et Rhizorna) [zi wiin r6ngl aster [root]' (Asteris Radix et Rhizoma) %Bi;lft [zi wiin siin] Aster Powder %?&j.i% [zi wiin tang] Aster Decoction %E*- [iiwei] campsis flower@(Campsitis Flos) % E+R [zi wei genl carnpsis [root]@ (Campsitis Radix) %Zj [zi xuE] Purple Snow [zi xui diinl Purple Snow Eiixir %EP [zi yin] purple mark % 33 * [z'i yukn] aster [root]' (Asteris Radix et Rhizoma) %ZB[ziay6ngiio] Purple Clouds Plaster $**[zi zhii] hematite' (Haematitum) %Ej? [zi zhii] beauty-berry leaf@ (Callicarpae Folium) %&S* [zi zhti ciio] beauty-berry leaf@ (Callicarpae Folium) %%at* [zi zhii yk] beauty-berry leafa (Callicarpae Foliurn) % [zi] zi [a unit of weight equal to four qian ] Q % A S [zi biiio rti li] pass from the exterior into the interior $ f f [zi hkn] spontaneous sweating $ 9 [zi jiii] natural moxibustion
$ 9*S [zi li ch6 biIo] pass from the interior to the exterior $ $11 [zi li] loose bowels $ %5R [zi r6n t6ngl pyrite" (Pyritum) ,E,-&HjE[zi shi g i n fCi] indulgence in sweet, fatty foods ,E-&EBE[zi shi hbu fki] indulgence in rich fatty foods Bflt [zi] canthus B$tt@ [zi lbu] weeping canthus B$tt@ [z[zi yIng] itchy canthus
zong Z [zong] ancestor; gather; ancestral Z B [zdng jin] ancestral sinew [anterior yin; the penis] ZB$fi?JA [zong jin chi zbng] slacltness of the ancestral sinew [impotence] Zfin"Ffi% [zdng jin su6 jii] gathering place of the ancestral sinews [the penis] Z B ; t & [zong jin zhi hui] meeting point of the sinews ZP/k [zong mii] gathering place of the ancestral vessels Zb3F;fiZ [zong m i i su6 jii] gathering place of the ancestral vessels [the ears or eyes] %% [zong qi] ancestral qi [new]; gathering qi [old] Z T & t [zGng qi xi*] discharge of ancestral qi &% & * [zijng biin] trachycarpus stipulea (Trachycarpi Stipula) &%ILZ* [zdng Cr chi] white cutch@ (Catechu Album) &%@[zdng gii] trachycarpus stipulea (Trachycarpi Stipula) &$@J& [zong 1u pi] trachycarpus [stipule fiber]@ (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra) & $ @ J[zdng E 1u tkn] charred trachycarpus [stipule fiberla (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Carbonisata) &$jl;iEJT [zdng lu zi] trachycarpus fruita (Trachycarpi Fructus) @** [zdng mii] sappan [woodIe (Sappan Lignum)
&$ E * [zdng tin] charred trachycarpus [stipule fiber]@ (Trachycarpi Stipulae Fibra Carbonisata) ,g,E [zijng in] simultaneous palpation ,g.s [z6ng xu&] command point P u r command points] 9JA-tJ: [zbng qie] cut lengthwise iMg* [zbng r6ngl cistanche [stern]@(Cistanches Caulis) 9M&+IIk [zbng ting b t ~shdu] persistent erection $,A@ P E g I [zbng yii y6ng wgi] impotence from sexual overindulgence ZOU
jF [z6u] penetrate; penetration; wander-
jFU$ [z6u bii] fecourinary block vomiting X @ [z6u cuhn] mobile and penetrating jFm++
[zGu Cr bii shiju] mobile
Zfj-E [z6u fang yi] itinerant healer
%fig[z6u guiin] slide-cupping %fig&[ Z ~ guin U fii] slide-cupping * S [z6u huhng] running yellow
s4m*[z6u m I fEng] elder"
(Sambuci Herba seu Radix) jFg$$j* [z6u mii jiin] elder" (Sambuci Herba seu Radix) Z-3Ra[z6u m I tail large-leaved ardisia roota (Ardisiae Gigantifoliae Rhizoma) 245% [z6u mii y6 gan] galloping gan of the teeth and gum Z & [z6u zhii] traveling influx (zhii) [moving impediment (bi)] ZU
iilfs*[zii ciii] houttuyniaa
(Houttuyniae Herba cum Radice) [zG] foot; leg; lower extremity j 3 3 [z6 bki] dorsum of the foot aTII2 [zG b t ~shou] loss of use of the legs J$@ [z6 chin] shaking feet j3&Fd [ Z I ~ ci zhi] second toe fik [zfi dii zhi] great toe
ZAEk&fi!k [zli dh zhi ci zhi] toe next to the great toe ZE [z6 di] sole [of the foot]; plantar Z E E [z6 di ding] plantar clove sore (ding) ZE [zli ding] clove sore (ding) of the foot B&k [z6 fii] upper surface of the foot; instep; dorsum of the foot E5y;f.[zD fii] upper surface of the foot; instep; dorsum of the foot [zli gSn tbng] heel pain a @ { + % [z6 gen zub tbng] pain in the heel jjjij$ [zli hCng zhiing] swelling of the foot and lower leg [zli huii jii] ankle flat abscess (ju) BmPBflTt3 [zu juC yin giin jing] foot reverting yin (jut yin) liver channel; LVW1IO ' a s * [z0 kong] GB-35 (Leg Hollow) a # * [zli liio] GB-35 (Leg Bone-Hole) EBB* [z6 liio] BL-35 (Leg Bone-Hole); GB-35 (Leg Bone-Hole) E l k % [z6 lin qi] GB-41Wl-10(Foot Overlooking Tears) F [zli lu6] Foot Net [non-channel] [zli ming] Foot Brightness [nonchannel] aEPB.[zli qiiio yin] GB-44Wl10 (Foot Orifice Yin) S [zli siin li] ST-36W110(Leg Three L1) 8 3 P B t 3 [zli siin ying jing] three yang channels of the foot ZEPJl%3 [zli siin yin jing] three yin channels of the foot Z!b.'PEIBHt3 [zli sh8o ying diin jing] foot lesser yang (shao ydng) gallbladder channel; GBwllo A2 'J.'PBe* [zG shiio yin hC] KI-1 (Foot Lesser Yin Union) Z'J.'PB 'B%2[z6 shho yin sh2n jing] foot lesser yin (shao yin) kidney channel; KI WfIO A PBBiffH23 [zli tiii ying ping guang jing] foot greater yang (tai ydng) bladder channel; BLWIIO
ZAPBJI$t3 [zli t8i yin pi jing] foot greater yin (hiyin) spleen channel; SPWIIO ZBa* [zli tong gii] BL-66 (Foot Valley Passage)
2%[zli tbng] foot pain Z 9 b f i % [zli whi fiin rk] heat on the outside of the feet J2jB [zli wiin] ankle 37i@ [zli wii li] LV-10 (Foot Five Li) 8 7 ; @ , 6 * [zli xi2 chui diiin] Foot Prolapse Point [non-channel] Z7;?(': [zli xi2 r2] heat on the underside of the feet /J\ fi!k{z6 xi50 zhi] little toe Z /J\ [i!kfifi!k [zli xiio zhi ci zhi] toe next to the little toe ZJL\[zli xin] Sole Heart [nun-channel] Z J L \ ~ ; ([zli \ xin r2] heat in the soles of the feet @JL\@ [zli xin tang] pain in the sole of the foot; pain in the heart of the sole ZPB aB E t3 [zli yiing ming w2i jing] foot yang brightness bang ming) stomach channel; STwF1o a-%-?!': [zd yi hin yi r2] heat in one foot and cold in the other a & $ % [zli yi cong] Foot Hearing Booster . [nun-channel] a ; t k & * [z6 zhi shiing-liin] ST-37 (Upper Ridge of the Leg) Bfi!kEX pli zhi fFi hSi] blackening of the toes afi!klZfZ [zli zhi kui lin] ulceration of the feet [zli zhong ping] Foot Central Balance [non-channel] Z j $ [zD zh6ngl swelling of the feet b jil, [zli biio zhbng feng] sudden wind stroke +% [zli bing] sudden sickness [z6 juC] sudden reversal ~$5 #$ [zli k6u pi] sudden deviation of the mouth $g [zli 16ngl sudden deafness +% [zli yin] sudden loss of voice $ [z6 z h h g ] sudden stroke $Hi$ [zli zhbng tu6 zhkng] sudden stroke desertion pattern
+ +
z ii
PH [zii] obstruct; obstruction
IIELhq [zii &i] impede PEL%% [zii bing] obstruction sickness [= malign obstruction] Ilfls [zii zhi] obstruction $A& [zii ching] ingredient; constituent
zuan ZktDJiI, [zuiin di fEng] *,chizophragmaroot barka (Schizophragr mtis Radicis Cortex)
zui @ 9 3E [zui xiiing yii xik] Enchanted Land Jade Shavings I@€l$[zui shi] period of twelve watches ZUO
& [zub] left &J@$l&* [zub gh mii li] oyster shellm (Ostreae Concha) [zub gui w6n] Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin] Pill &!El @ [zub gui yin] Left-Restoring [Kidney Yin] Beverage &,%,&&, &&&& [zub h u h jiii ybu, ybu huitn jiii zub] for disease of the left, moxa the right; for disease of the right, moxa the left; contralateral moxibustion &&fi [zu6 jin w6n] Left-Running Metal Pill & E * [zub ki] oyster shell* (Ostreae Concha) k f i* [zub li] evodia [fruitla (Evodiae Fructus) &yf &* [zub mii li] oyster shell* (Ostreae Concha) kt%* [zub niii] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix)
k S X*
[zub qin jiiio] large gentian [root]" (Gentianae MacrophyHae Radix) k ' R & + [zub shkn ybu ming] kidney is on the left and the life [gate] on the right [zub t i n ybu h u h ] left and right side paralysis &%B [zub tli giio] Suppurative Swelling Paste &B [zub yi] Left's Need [non-channel] &&BZfi& [zub ybu pki xu6 fH] combining left and right points &EB* [zub zhuHn tCng] lygodiuma (Lygodii Herba) . &RE&* [zub zhuHn ting hui] lygodium sporea (Lygodii Spora) ?I [zuG] assistant; assist E & T $ [ Z Ujin~ ping mG] assist metal to calm wood 19%r;te [zub qing zhi guiin] office of labor [the kidney] 19%[zub sui] exert a disturbing influence [of ghosts and demons] &&% [zub bHn chuiing] seat sores %& f3 [zub bHn gti] seat board bone [ischium] & pl [zub chiin] sitting labor [childbearing] &@ [zub gii] seat bone (ischium); Ischium [non-channel] &fiE& [zub gukn fH] stationary cupping & h T 2 [zub li bii i n ] fidgetiness &!$I.+% [zub wb bii iin] fidgetiness &!$I.+? [zub wb bii ning] fidgetiness; fidgetiness sitting or lying &BET 9 [zub wb bii ning] fidgetiness sitting or lying, fi71r;ffi [zub mii pi] Japanese xylosma barka (Xylosmatis Japonici Cortex)
bian ban
ben $+ ben ben @ ben $ . bg
....... 403 ...... 403 ...... 403 ...... 403
beng bang
biao bao
$5biao biao biGo
*....* 407
...... 408 ...... 408 408 ...... 408
@ bin @
bin bin bin
bing bai
%& bing bing bing @ bing jf: bing
...... 408 ...... 408 ...... 408 ...... 408 ...... 408
@ chan
...... 418
f$$ chi
1% chi
% chi ?& chi
chang chiing fi chang * 6 chang EJ chang $2 chang
.*. 418
$+ chi
j ... 418 @chi ... 419 g chi ... 419 $& chi .
419 420
-/& & chi
&? chi
yg chi
cha T;il
&a ch a
@ chb @ ch6
...... 41 5 ...... 415 ...... 415 ...... 415 .a ..a*..
a .
chong ?+ chong & chong # chong chong B ch6ng 2 ch6ng & ch6ng
cen ten
...... 421 ...... 421 421 ...... 421 **.... 422 ...... 422 ...... 422 ...... 422 ...... 422 ....... 422 ...... 422 422 ...... 423 ...... 423
chen chou
415 41 5
chai Chbi -,hi Ch&i
...... 415 ...... 416 ...... . 416 ...... 416
can IJI@
@ chan p &fin
@ cheng
& cheng & &eng 3/$ ch6ng $3 cheng
chan @ chan @ than
...... 416 ...... 416 ...... 416 ...... 417 ...... 417
@ cheng @ cheng
... 421 ... 421 ... 421 ... 421 ... 421 ... 421 ... 421
...... 426
chuan ) I 1 chuan
... 426
428 *.. 428
3 chuan ... 427 I$ chuan ... 428 % chuiin
... 426
)$& chuiii @ chuhi
...... 432 ...... 432
9.4 #$ ,o
g cong @$ cong /.)\ cong cong 4 cong
...... 431 431 ...... 431
a .
chuang @jchuang @ chuang % chuting $11 chuang
... 428 ... 428 ... 429
chui cuan cuhn @ cuhn
*..... 431 a .
48 @
chun chun chun &fin
...... 429 ...... 429 ...... 429 429 ...... 430
cui cui jjfi cui :# cui cui j$ cui
...... 431 431 ...... 432 ...... 432 ...... 432
...... 438 439 ...... 439 ...... 439 439 ...... 440 440 ...... 440 ...... 440 ...... 440 ...... 440 ...... 440
j3j. dan @ dun
dan g dGn dfin p$ dfin @ dun 9% dhn g dhn $2~ dhn @ dhn ~jg dkn @
cun dang
$ diing $$ dhng
...... 440 441 ...... 441 ....*a
;i; diho f$
-.--.,, 445 e .rn
fen ding
g~ ding ding ding $J ding
@ ding
ding @ ding
...... 445 ...... 446 ...... 446 ...... 446 ...... 446 ...... 446 ...... 446 ...... 446
...... 446
feng feng
& feng j@feng
@, feng
% feng =+ feng
5 dong ...... 447
)3, feng
& 3
dong dong dong dong
...... 447 ...... 447 ...... 447 ...... 447
dou fang ;k fang
p 3
fkng fhng fhng fang
...... 456 ...... 45 6 ...... 456 ...... 456 ..a.
*..... 456
...... 460 ...... 460' ...... 463 ...... 463 ...... 463 ...... 463 ...... 463 ...... 463
3 guan
...... 476 ...... 476 ...... 476 Jl& gong ..*...476 gong ...... 476 & gijng ...... 476 gijng ...... 47 6 '4\ gong ~ f gong i a gong
'gbng gbng
I .
gudn 3% guiin @ gu&n gu&n guhn %3w guan jg guhn @ guhn
...... 481
...... 481 ...... 481 ...... 481 ...... 481 ...... 481 ...... 481 ...... 481 ...... 481
...... 476 -****-
fjk guang
481 482 482
hai hei Rua hun
huai hong huo
Rang j@
hang hang
...... 490 ......
4; hubn
3 huhn huiin huhn @ . huhn $& huhn & huhn
...... 501
...... 501 501 .....a501 ...... 501 ...... 501
a ..
...... 501
huang @ huang
... 501 ... 501
huang huiing huiing
504 504 504
jin jiang jiang
@ jiang
jiang jiang jiang % jiang jiang &k jihng A
...... 515 . 516 ...... 516 ...... 516 ...... 516
a ...
...*..516 a.....
51 6
jb jG @ jG jfi % j(j g jfi @ ja @ ja tE jja g ja jja +E jja
jia jiao
jiao 516 jiao 51 7 jiao 517 @ j;ao 517 ug jibO 517 fi jiG0 51 7 3 jiGo 517 j@ j ; ~ ~ 517 517 jiG0 @ jiho 517 $J ji;iro 51 7
a ..
...... .....* ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
jing Jj jing A
/P\ jing #J
8 jing jing jing 23 jing fj$ jing % jing f.$ jing #p jing @
Is. -"
R . 11ng
$3j jing
jing jing jg jing jing +gjing 13 jing @
...... 522 ...... 522 ...... 523 ...... . 523 ...... 523 ...... 523 ...... 523 ...... 525
......... 529 ......... 529 ......... 529 ......... 529 ......... 529 ......... 529 ......... 530 ......... 530 ......... 530 ......... 530 ......... 530 .......... 5 3 0 ......... 530 ......... 530 ......... 531 juan
...... 526 ...... 526 ...... 526
...... 526 ...... 526 ...... 527 ...... 527 ...... 527 ...... 527 ...... 527 ...... 527
jiu jun jan
yg kui
kui kui j& kui @ kui kuui
...... 538 ...... 538 ...... 538 ...... 538 ...... 538 *..... 538
@ lang ...*.. 540 a lang ...... 540
#p lang lang
*..... 540 ...... 540
kan kuo
kang lei kua kao
'k &
kuai kuhi kchi
...... 537 ...... 537
K Q 7 uclr
kuan kuan kuan kuGn
...... 537 ...... 537 ...... 537
kuang ken
kuhng kuhng
... 538 ... 538
@ lutin
SL luan
a6fli p&
...... 544
libn libn
...... 544 545 ...... 545 ...... 545
$X libn @ li&n j @ lihn % . . lihn 2% lihn g lihn
...*..545 ...... 545 .a*...
545 545 545
ling ling ling ling ling @ ling ling ling % ling @ ling ling 5; ling
@ @ @
a .....
...... 547 ...... 547 547 ...... 548 ...... 548 ...... 548 548 ...... 548 ...... 548 ....*.548 ...... 548
a .....
liu libng
...... 545
@ liang pj l;fing
...... 546 ...... 546
g$ libng ...... 545 .
1 3.
553 553
i? mang mang
... 558 ... 558 nen
mao neng
miao mei
nai ming men
ming ming g ming P3 ming E . ming -&ii ming
...... 563 ...... 563 ...... 563 ...... 563 563 ...... 563
nan niao
a .
nang mCilg meng @ meng @ m6ng 9 meng
... ...
56" 560 560 560 560
nang ......
nao @ J
$& nao jjjj
n&o nao
8% nao
...... 569 ...... 569 ...... 569 ...... 569
...... 569
niu pai
* @
nfi ni;
pang pang pbng pkng
...... 576 576 ...... 576 ....*a
a ...
......... . 574
nuan @
...... 574
pin pin $Q pin pin
...*.* *-*---
582 582 582
3f~ ping
a ..
582 ping * r * * - 582 ping 582
qin quan
2 quan ...... 600
Jjt quan $
@ @ quan
@ quan @ quan
qian i $
@ &
@ '
qian qian qian sian qian qian qihn qiGn qihn qihn qihn
..Q ...
...... 590 ...... 590 ...... 590 *-*
....... ...... ...... .am..
qiaug qidng @ qiang $8 qiang qiang
590 590 590 590 590 590 590
qing qing @ qing qing JK qing + qing fi qing
& :
...... 594 ...... 597 ...... 597 ...... 597 ...... 598
quan ...... 600 quan ...... 600
8 qutin
...... 600
-**--* oeeeoe
....... 598
600 600 600
... 591 ... 591
qiu ran
591 591
qiao rao ruan
rui qie
43 sha run
shen shen shen 3 shen P$ shen @ &en shen @ Shen
...... ***...
...... ...... % . ...... q shg-, ...... shen ...... '& ...... @ shen @ ' shen *..... jJ$Jshen shen ......
% 3
fjs ruo
....... 609 shai
shan sai
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ISBN 7 -5357-1656-
IhstriDu-cea QC h n a I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ibok Trading Corporation 35 CLegongz!:uang X i l u, Bei j i n g 100044, C h n a P, 0, Bcx 399,8;3ei jing, C L i ~ l a o 5000 I 4 . ~ ~ 3 0D 80