The Goddess Tarot

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Many people believe that the ideal society is one in with men and women are equal. Their only experience has been a conflict-ridden, male-dominated society, based on aggression and hierarchy…Full description

Pearson offers a practical guide to working with more than 100 stones and crystals strongly connected with the energies of the Divine Feminine. He details each stone’s spiritual and healing …Descripción completa

The patriarchial religions of the West have cut the moon goddess from her rightful place in Western spiritualities. We miss her for she was the only god who guided us into death and through the dar...

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Pearson offers a practical guide to working with more than 100 stones and crystals strongly connected with the energies of the Divine Feminine. He details each stone’s spiritual and healing …Descrição completa

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Draconian ritual with the Spider Goddess Arachne from the auttum open project of the Temple of AutumnDescrição completa

What are the origins of Freemasonry? What is their purpose? Even Freemasons themselves don’t seem to know this and present many different theories on the origins of Freemasonry. Yet the orig…Full description

Descripción: We already know from previous manuscripts that Kali is one of the most worshiped Goddesses of Hindu Religion in many parts of the world. She is also one of the most misunderstood goddesses of all. ...

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Draconian ritual with the Spider Goddess Arachne from the auttum open project of the Temple of AutumnFull description