The Fantasy Trip - Tekumel conversion notes

Notes for converting the classic RPG The Fantasy Trip to the Tekumel setting, first published in 1975 by TSR and creation of MAR Barker...
Author:  finbikkifin

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"Death Test II is a programmed adventure for THE FANTASY TRIP. It can be played using the MELEE and WIZARD rules -- or you can use TFT: IN THE LABYRINTH, which comprises MELEE, WIZARD, and m…Full description

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FIGHTING FANTASY the Shamutanti Hills d20 system adventure published by Myriador, conversion by James Wallis. From the creators of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Steve Jackson and Ian Livi…Full description

FIGHTING FANTASY the Shamutanti Hills d20 system adventure published by Myriador, conversion by James Wallis. From the creators of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Steve Jackson and Ian Livi…Full description

FIGHTING FANTASY the Seven Serpents d20 system adventure published by Myriador, conversion by James Wallis. From the creators of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain: Steve Jackson and Ian Livin…Descrição completa

emini is a Swedish role-playing game originally published by Cell Entertainment during the 1990's. As Stormbringer (and Elric!) it's a dark fantasy rpg.Full description

emini is a Swedish role-playing game originally published by Cell Entertainment during the 1990's. As Stormbringer (and Elric!) it's a dark fantasy rpg.Description complète