Will Andrade - Magic Kettle RoutineDescrição completa
Will Andrade - Magic Kettle Routine
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What is the alias name of Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) project?( Apa nama alias dari Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) proyek)?
Pentaho Reporting
BI Server
Pentaho Data Integration is a … tool.
Pentaho Reporting
BI Server
Which application is not a part of PDI? (Aplikasi yang bukan merupakan bagian dari PDI?)
What is the prerequisite application for PDI?( Apakah aplikasi prasyarat untuk PDI)
Which is not a job's evaluation condition?( Yang tidak kondisi evaluasi pekerjaan itu?)
Follow when result is error (Ikuti ketika hasilnya adalah kesalahan)
Follow when result is true
Follow when result is false
Which one is the wrong statement? (Yang satu adalah pernyataan yang salah?)
Job can executes a transformation (Pekerjaan dapat menjalankan transformasi)
Transformation can execute a transformation
Kitchen executes a job
Pan executes a transformation
What is the required step for a job? (Apa langkah yang diperlukan untuk pekerjaan?)
Display Msgbox Info
What is the file extension for PDI's transformation? (Apa ekstensi file untuk transformasi PDI)
What is the file extension for PDI's job? (Apa ekstensi file untuk pekerjaan PDI?)
The following concept is not available for a job. (Konsep berikut ini tidak tersedia untuk pekerjaan.)
How do you include a file as attachment in job's Mail step? (Bagaimana Anda menyertakan file sebagai lampiran pada langkah Mail pekerjaan itu?)
By listing it directly in the step's configuration
Attach General file option (Lampirkan pilihan file Umum)
Mail Validator step
Get File step
Which step not part of PDI's transformation?( Yang tidak melangkah bagian dari transformasi PDI?)
Microsoft Excel Input
Google Analytics
LDAP Input
What databases can be accessed by PDI?( database apa yang dapat diakses oleh PDI)
SQL Server
All of the above
What option we use in Table Output's step to produce or alter a table?( Pilihan apa yang kita gunakan pada langkah Tabel Keluaran untuk memproduksi atau mengubah tabel)
Truncate Table
Partition data over tables
All of the above
If you want to transform column headers into row values, what step do you use?( Jika Anda ingin mengubah header kolom menjadi nilai baris, apa langkah yang Anda gunakan)
Row Flattener
Split field to Rows
Row Normaliser
Row Denormaliser
In Row Normaliser step, what output field do you specify to a group of header columns?( Dalam Row langkah normaliser, apa keluaran bidang yang Anda tentukan kepada sekelompok kolom judul?)
Type Field
New field
What does "Add Sequence" step do? (Apa yang "Tambah Urutan" Langkah lakukan?)
Copy or duplicate previous step
Adding a series of number
Sequence a flow of many steps
Cross Join rows
What does "Select Values" step not able to do?( Apa "Pilih Nilai" langkah tidak bisa lakukan?)
Passing through a number of defined columns
Removing a number of defined columns
Changing meta data of columns
Replacing values in defined columns(Mengganti nilai-nilai dalam kolom yang didefinisikan)
If you want the email attachment, what option you need to specify in Microsoft Excel Input?( Jika Anda ingin lampiran email, pilihan apa yang Anda perlu menentukan di Microsoft Excel Masukan?)
Accept Filenames from Previous Step
Full Filename field
Add filenames to result
What step do you use to read data from an Oracle table? Apa langkah yang Anda gunakan untuk membaca data dari tabel Oracle?
Text File Input
OLAP Input
Table Input
All of the above
If I need to change a data format on existing data column, which step should I use? Jika saya perlu mengubah format data pada kolom data yang ada, yang langkah yang harus saya gunakan?
Select Values
Modified Java Script Value
Filter Rows
Row Denormaliser
What does Stream Lookup step do? Apa Streaming Lookup langkah lakukan?
Looking for a related data and return one row or no row
Looking for a related data and return rows or no row
Inner Join of two data streams
Cross Join of two data streams
What file location or protocol does Microsoft Excel Input step does not support?
File system
HTTP Protocol
FTP Protocol
Hadoop File System (HDFS)
What step do you use for calculating numbers?
Calculator Step
Modified JavaScript Value
All of the above
What does Filter Rows do?
Passing only match rows
Passing match and unmatch rows
a and b
none of the above
From the architecture shown above what capabilities, does PDI have?
Consume external data sources
Replacing scripting language
Construct staging database
All of the above
What make staging database differs from data warehouse?
Clean data
Reference and helpertable
High quality data
Aggregate table
What makes data warehouse significantly different from its data sources?
Data modelling
Raw data
Data enrichment
Data aggregation
What is the benefit of staging database?
Breaking down process
Load balance the whole I/O
Helping data model reconstruction
All of the above
From the star schema shown above, what table does not come from the source system?/ Dari skema bintang yang ditunjukkan di atas, apa yang tabel tidak datang dari sistem sumber?
In What type of multi-dimensional modelling table do you put in measure columns? /Dalam Apa jenis meja model multi-dimensi yang Anda masukkan ke dalam kolom ukuran?
Transaction Tables
Fact Tables/ fakta Tabel
Dimension Tables
Helper Tables
What schemas do you use in Multidimensional Modelling?
3rd normal form and Palindrome
Star and Snowflake
What is the other alias for surrogate key?
Primary key
Data Warehouse key
Additional key
Technical key
Do we treat surrogate and business key as the same key in data warehouse?
Yes, they should be in the same column
No, they should be in different columns
a and b
a or b
What is the disadvantage of multi-dimensional modelling?/ Apa kelemahan dari model multi-dimensi?
Slow Query
Complex Structure
Hard to maintain
Lack of clarity
What is the mechanism to generate surrogate key?/ Bagaimana mekanisme untuk menghasilkan kunci pengganti?
Random Number
Sequence Number
Auto Number
All of the above
What is the most representative concept of dimension table design?/ Apa konsep yang paling representatif dari desain tabel dimensi?
Flat Table
Many Joins
Less Joins
Where is the best location to implement Change Data Capture mechanism?/ Dimana lokasi terbaik untuk menerapkan mekanisme Perubahan Data Capture?
Data source
ETL script to compare both sources
None of the above
What does Punch Through mean in the Dimension Lookup / Update step?
Creating new row
Updating last known row
Updating first known row
Updating all related rows
What is the characteristic of type 1 SCD? Apa karakteristik dari jenis 1 SCD?
Updating the row with the same business key /Memperbarui baris dengan tombol bisnis yang sama
Inserting new row based on change, duplicating the same business key
All of the above
None of the above
What is the benefit of using type 1 SCD? Apa manfaat menggunakan tipe 1 SCD?
Speed up query
Accurately keep all historical information
Easy to maintain /Mudah untuk mempertahankan
All of the above
What is the benefit of using type 2 SCD? Apa manfaat menggunakan tipe 2 SCD?
Speed up query
Accurately keep all historical information /Akurat menyimpan semua informasi sejarah
Easy to maintain
All of the above
Which is the correct variable expression in PDI? Yang merupakan ekspresi variabel yang benar di PDI?
Given the transformation stream like above, ${NAMA} variable is given a new value in "Set Variables" step. Is it possible to read the new value of ${NAMA} in "Write to log" step? Mengingat arus transformasi seperti di atas, $ {NAMA} variabel diberikan nilai baru dalam "Set Variabel" langkah. Apakah mungkin untuk membaca nilai baru $ {NAMA} dalam "Menulis untuk log" langkah?
Depending on the variable scope
All of the above
Given the jobshown above, ${MYNAME} variable is set to a new value using "Set Variables" step. Is it possible to read the new value of ${MYNAME} in "Display Msgbox Info" step? Mengingat jobshown di atas, $ {} MYNAME variabel diatur ke nilai baru menggunakan "Set Variabel" langkah. Apakah mungkin untuk membaca nilai baru $ {} MYNAME pada "Tampilan Info MsgBox" langkah?
Depending on the variable scope
All of the above
Given the transformation shown above, what does the dashed red line hop mean? Mengingat transformasi yang ditunjukkan di atas, apa berarti garis putus-putus hop merah?
Error handling of a row
Error handling of a batch of rows
Error handling of similar rows
All of the above
What file do you create when you decide to use Windows Task Scheduler to execute a transformation? File Apa yang Anda buat ketika Anda memutuskan untuk menggunakan Windows Task Scheduler untuk menjalankan transformasi?
What command line option do you use to refer to a transformation or a job file? Apa pilihan baris perintah yang Anda gunakan untuk merujuk pada transformasi atau file pekerjaan?
You want to schedule process through a job, which step do you use?