Pure Imagination

WW Pure Imagination...
Author:  SharonZeeman

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Here is a unique choir song that not many people remember or recognize. It is heard in many different movies and musicals, but is a classic nonetheless. It is in the format of SATB. "Pure Imaginat...

Pure Imagination - Piano Sheet music - optimized for viewing on iPad or other tablet.

Lead sheet of Pure Imagination from Willie Wonka with Gene Wilder

Pure Imagination - Piano Sheet music - optimized for viewing on iPad or other tablet.

Descripción: Piano/Vocal Score for Pure Imagination from Willie Wonka

Pure Imagination for Brass Quintet

Imagination plays a critical role in helping us explore how the world works. As anyone who has prayed or meditated knows, imagination can too often and too easily take the form of daydream…Full description

The very beautiful song, "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971). When I saw the movie and heard this song I started crying. Enough said.

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This is the Beyond Mind work exactly as it came forth in March through October of 1993. These were the earliest expressions from consciousness to come forth in my life. I knew from the beginning on...

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