Here's a detailed rubric on how your essays will be graded in this class. When I grade your essays, I actually grade them holistically carefully. I don't try to determine whether you receive a 3 or 4 for your idea, a 4 or 5 for your organization, or a 2 or 3 for your deve about what aspects I look at and what kind of criteria I use when I grade your essay. Therefore, use this rubric as a guideline when
Point/Grade Ideas
topic thesis focus purpose
6 (A)
Ideas are insighful, thought-provoking, and focused so that they consistently support a central idea.
5 (A-/B+)
Ideas are focused to support the topic and a central idea, but may not be consistently insightful or thought-provoking.
4 (B)
Ideas support the topic and central idea with some focus.
Ideas are clic general, but d some support or a central id
Organization is coherent, Organization is coherent, Organization is mostly unified and effective in unified and effective in coherent and unified in support of the paper's support of the paper's support of the essay's purpose and consistently purpose and usually purpose, but could be demonstrates effective and demonstrates effective tighter and more appropriate transitions and appropriate effective. May between ideas and transitions between ideas demonstrate weak paragraphs. and paragraphs. transitions between ideas or paragraphs.
Organization coherent in s essay's purpo ineffective at may demonst or weak trans between idea paragraphs.
Development includes Development is uneven, abundant details and but more than adequate examples that arouse with details and audience interest. Provides examples that arouse relevant, concrete, specific audience interest. and insightful evidence in Provides relevant, support of sound logic. concrete evidence in support of sound logic.
Development is adequate. Details and examples provide concrete, specific evidence in support of sound logic.
Development sufficient but providing ade details and ex some places. and reasons a few logical unsupported
Writing targets and demonstrates an awareness of audience.
Demonstrates a general awareness of audience
Demonstrates an uneven awareness of audience
Audience aw be vague.
Style is confident, readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating varied sentence structure and precise word choice.
Style is confident, readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating varied sentence structure and word choice.
Style is readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating some varied sentence structure.
Style is reada inconsistent i sometimes la sentence vari effective wor
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are conventionally appropriate.
Very few "errors" in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Few "errors" in grammar, spelling and punctuation
Some distract serious, probl grammar, spe punctuation.
structure coherence unity transitions
details evidence examples logic arguments
sentence structure word choice tone
Grammar & Mechanics
grammar spelling punctuation
presentation sources documentation
Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the essay's purpose.
Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and supports the essay's purpose.
Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works generally to support the essay's purpose
Format is mo meets critical assignment di and works m support the es purpose.