CERTI%ICATE This is to certify that the physics project titled “HOLLOW PRISM” has been successfully copleted by !"IR#$H %!PTI&!L to Physics departent of M!R P#'LI( S(HOOL and )as carried under *uidance and super+ision durin* the acadeic year ,-./0 ,-.12 This project is a bona3de piece of )or4 carried out )ith the consultation of super+isor2
Teacher in charge
Head of institute
ACKNO'LED(E)EN T I place y sincere than4s to y physics teacher Mr2 &o*esh 5upta for his *uidance and ad+ices to coplete y )or4 successfully2 I also than4 our principal Mrs2 Sha4untala for pro+idin* e all the facilities to 3nish the project on tie2 I also ta4e this opportunity to place on record y deep *ratitude to y sister for helpin* e throu*hout this project 2 Last but not least I than4 y parents for their encoura*eent and support in y huble +enture2
AI) To find out refractive indexes of different mediums using hollow prism.
• •
Hollow Glass Prism Varios liquids like water, carbon disulphide, benaldeh!de etc. "ell pins #rawing board
T#e. $ prism is a transparent optical element with flat, polished surfaces that refract light. Prisms can be made from an! material that is transparent including glass, plastic and fluorite. $ prism can be used to break light up into its constituent spectral colors. Prisms can also be used to reflect light, or to split light into components with different polariations. The refractive index of the liquid %s given b! the formula& '(sini)sinr(sin**a+d)-)sin*a)- here, '(refractive index of the liquid. a( the angle of minimum deviation d(angle of prism i(angle of incidence r(angle of refraction
P"e/e •
/ix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with help of drawing pins.
0eep the prism and mark the outline of it as $"1.
#rop a normal P2 on the side $".
#raw the angle of incidence in accordance with the normal P2 and place - pins so that the! appear to be in the straight line.
Place the prism filled with given sample of liquid ,on the marked outline $"1.
3ow take the pins and place them on the side $1 so that all the 4 pins appear to be in same line.
5emove the prism and draw the line 6oining the points so obtained.
7ark the diagram as shown in the figure.
5epeat this with different liquids and different angle of incidence.
O!ea3in •
a 9*angle of prism i 9 *angle of incidence d 9 *angle of deviation
: = 4 >
;< ;<
=< =>
4> 4-
;< ;<
=? 4<
'(sin**;<+4<)-)sin*=< ( :.><4
a 9*angle of prism i 9 *angle of incidence d 9 *angle of deviation
: = 4 > ;
;< ;< ;<
=< => 4<
-> --<
;< ;<
>< >>
-> -@
'(sin**;<+--)-)sin*=< ( :.=<;
#il. 8ulphuric $cid
a 9*angle of prism i 9 *angle of incidence d 9 *angle of deviation
: = 4 >
;< ;<
-< =<
== =<
;< ;<
4< 4>
-? =<
'(sin**;<+->)-)sin*=< ( :.=>:
Cn"4in 5efractive indices at room temperature& •
"enaldeh!de :.>4; o $ctual& o Axperimental& :.><4 o
ater :.== o $ctual& o Axperimental& :.=<;
#il . 8ulphuric acid :.=>> o $ctual& o Axperimental& :.=>:
Pe"a3in •
$ngle of incidence should lie b)w =>B;< degree.
Pins should be verticall! fixed and should lie in same line.
#istance b)w two points should not be less than :
8ame angle of prism should be used for all observation.
$rrow head should be marked to represent emergent and incident ra!.
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