Univ.Prof. Dr. Christian Bucher Vienna University of Technology, Austria WS 2009/10
Neighbour Optimization 2
RF Optimization
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Structural Optimization
IFHO Optimization
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IRAT optimization
Keywords Physical channel fail; PenaltyTime; Pe naltyTime; TARGETRAT TARGETRATCSTHD CSTHD
Abstract The main reason of Inter RAT HO fail is physical channel fail, so do some penalty of physical fail can increase the IRAT HO sccess rate!
Situation CS and PS Inte Interr RAT RAT hand o"er o"er scc scces ess s rate rate not not #ood #ood eno eno#h, #h, need do some some optimi$ation to increase the inter RAT hand o"er sccess rate in %ahore! %a hore!
Task Analyses the performance data to find the reason of inter RAT fail& 'ind the main reason is physical channel fail, it more than ()*
Analysis the detail data to find the top +G cellstop -G cell and top nei#h.or relations, and Top -G cell cell let let the the GS/ GS/ part part to chec chec0 0 the the reas reason on and opti optimi mi$a $ati tion on the cell cell con#estion and hard1are isse Optimi$ation the +G physical channel fail: 2、 Top Top +G cell modified th e InterRatPhyCh'ail3m from + to 2 to let the specific 4E not try Inter RAT HO too mch time after 'ail! -、 /odified the PenaltyTime'orPhyCh'ail from +) to 5), let the fail 4E 1ait lon#er
time not try to re6est Inter RAT hand o"er! +、 /odified the TARGETRATCSTHD form 27 to -7, let the se choose the .etter -G cell to decrease the fail de to the -G si#nal is not #ood to #et the si#nalin# information! Optimi$ation the nei#h.or relation : choose the fail time and fail rate hi#h nei#h.or relation , modified the CIOOffset to let the 4E hard to choose this nei#h.or cell as tar#et cell! Chec0ed the reslt of optimi$ation and optimi$ation the parameter a#ain,do it fe1 times, 0eep the parameter is sit 1ith the correct net1or0 states!
Result: Implemented the 8O in 27th 9an, and the top cell inter RAT HO fail of physical channel fail is decrease&
The Inter RAT HO sccess rate is increased 1hen the 8O Implemented!
Suggestion or Review De to the 1ireless sitation chan#e, the Inter RAT hand o"er parameter need modified 1ith the sitation chan#e, to let the 4E choose the .est nei#h.or cell and need to remo"e the inflence of special 4E al1ays fail 1hen HO!