Dua e Saifi & Dua e mughni دعاء السيفي دعاءالمغني

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Author:  Qaisar

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Dua e Hizbul Bahr is the solution of all problems. Hazrat Pir Syed Mehr Ali Shah (R.A) recited this dua in his whole life. Method of reading this dua is mentioned in these papers.

This is the dua taught by Prophet (saws) to Hazrat Anas (ra). The details takn from the Islamieducation.com is given in the file.

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem It is stated, one day while the Prophet Salla Allahu Alai WaSallam was sitting in the Masjid of Al-Madinah, Jibrael Alayhis 'Salam came and said that 'Allah Su…Full description

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This dua is recited with Hizb Al-Bahar. It is for overcoming enemies and their destruction. May Allah protect us from our enemies and make them forget us in order we & them remain peacefully…Full description

Desain Strategi Bersaing

Descripción: Diseño universal para el aprendizaje, para apoyar al maestro para hacer más efectivo el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, atendiendo a la diversidad de estudiantes en la sal de clases regular.

Essential Sunnah Duas for everyday life

Quranic prayer

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Descripción: Principios Diseño Universal del Aprendizaje