This DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE made and executed b y and between: _______________________, of e!a a!e, Fii"ino, ma##ied to _______________________, and a #esident at ___________________________ _______________________________________, ____________, he#einafte# #efe##ed to as the $VENDOR %& %& And ' _______________________ ( _______________________, both of e!a a!e, Fii"ino, with add#ess at _________________________________________________________, he#einafte# #efe##ed to as the $VENDEE%)
WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the *E+DO is the absoute and #e!iste#ed owne# of house and ot ocated at ________________ _______________________ _________, __, with an a#ea of _______________ _______________________ ___________ ___ and co-e#ed by T#ansfe# .e#tificate of Tite Tite +o)____ of the e!ist#y of Deeds, fo# the .ity of ____________, ______ ______, he#einafte# #efe##ed to as the $SUB/E.T 0O0ET1%, which is mo#e "a#ticua#y desc#ibed as foows:
T#ansfe# .e#tificate of Tite +o) $A "a#ce of and
WHEREAS, the *E+DO desi#es to se the said "a#ce of and with house and othe# im"#o-ement im"#o-ementss the#eon the#eon fo# _______________ _______________________ ________________ _________ _ PESOS (PHP___________) and the *E+DEE is abe, wiin! and #eady to "u#chase the same unde# the te#ms and conditions he#einafte# set fo#th&
and in cons consid ide# e#at atio ion n of the sum tota ota amou amount nt of NOW NOW, THE HERE REF FORE, ORE, fo# and _______________________ 0ESOS 2030____________4, 0hii""ine .u##ency, *AT *AT incusi-e, in hand #ecei-ed by b y the *E+DO f#om the *E+DEE to the fo#me#5s fu satisfaction and benefit and #ecei"t he#eof is he#eby ac6nowed!ed by the *E+DO, the *E+DO by these "#esents he#eby SELLS, CEDES, TRANSFERS, and CONVEYS to the *E+DEE, by way of Deed of Absoute Sae, thei# hei#s, administ#ato#s and assi!ns, in a manne# absoute and i##e-ocabe, the
abo-e7desc#ibed "a#ce of and with house and othe# im"#o-ements the#eon, f#ee f#om aiens and encumb#ances of whate-e# natu#e and on an “AS IS WHERE IS BASIS! The *E+DO wa##ants that the afo#esaid and is f#ee f#om any iens and encumb#ances and that said *E+DO woud defend the tite and #i!hts of the BU1E f#om any caims of whate-e# 6ind o# natu#e f#om thi#d "e#sons) The *E+DO sha be iabe fo# "ayment of the .a"ita 8ains Tax) The *E+DEE sha be iabe fo# "ayment of Documenta#y Stam" Tax, T#ansfe# Tax, e!ist#ation Fees, +ota#ia Fee, and othe# incidenta ex"enses #eated to the t#ansfe# of the tite to the name of the *E+DEE) The *E+DO wa##ants that the ea Estate Taxes and association dues fo# the fu yea# _____, has been "aid in fu) The *E+DO he#eby wa##ants to dei-e# to the *E+DEE the foowin! documents simutaneousy with the execution of this cont#act, to wit& 9) O#i!ina Owne#5s .o"y and ce#tified t#ue co"y of T.T +o)_______ is f#ee f#om a iens and encumb#ances, is "endens, o"tion, iabiities and encumb#ances& ) O#i!ina and ce#tificate t#ue co"y of tax deca#ation +o) E7_______ and E7_______)&
;) O#i!ina officia #ecei"ts co-e#in! "ayments of #ea taxes and association dues&
<) _______ .ity T#easu#e5s Tax .ea#ance&
=) *icinity ma"&
>) Lot "an and a#chitectu#a "ans&
?) .ea#ance f#om _______________ and the Ba#an!ay&
@) Officia #ecei"ts of atest "ayment of utiity bis such as EAL.O, 0LDT, ate# Se#-ices&
C) Lette# of assi!nment and t#ansfe# of owne#shi" of 0LDT and EAL.O and ate# Se#-ices)
The *E+DO wa##ants that the subect "#o"e#ty is not tenanted and f#ee f#om a caims of thi#d "e#sons o# entities and that the "#o-ision of aws a#e satisfied to effect a -aid and enfo#ceabe t#ansfe# and con-eyance on the said SUB/E.T 0O0ET1) The *E+DO fu#the# unde#ta6es and obi!ates to execute any and a documents, inst#uments and deeds necessa#y, a""#o"#iate o# #eui#ed to effectuate this Deed and the "#o-isions he#ein contained and to t#ansfe# the tite to the name of the *E+DEE) G+ GT+ESS 3EEOF, the "a#ties he#eunto si!ned these documents this____ day of ________________, H___, in ________________________________________________)
____________________ 2*E+DO4 TG+ +O):
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2*E+DEE4 TG+ +O):
____________________ 2*E+DO4 TG+ +O):
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2*E+DEE4 TG+ +O):
SG8+ED G+ T3E 0ESE+.E OF: _________________________
BEFOE E, this____ day of __________, ___, "e#sonay a""ea#ed:
Ixxxxxxxxxxx Ixxxxxxxxxxx Ixxxxxxxxxxx Ixxxxxxxxxxx
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
A 6nown to me and to me 6nown to be the same "e#sons who executed this fo#e!oin! inst#ument and he#eby ac6nowed!ed to e that the same is thei# f#ee and -ounta#y act and deed)
This inst#ument consistin! of fou# 2<4 "a!es, incudin! this "a!e on which this ac6nowed!ement is w#itten #efe#s to DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE of a "a#ce of and and has been si!ned by the "a#ties and thei# witnesses and seaed with my no ta#ia sea) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, G ha-e he#eunto set my hand on the date and "ace fi#st abo-e w#itten)
_________________________ +ota#y 0ubic Doc)+o)____& 0a!e +o)____& Boo6 +o)____& Se#ies of ____&