Filling is the task that is carried out by a machine and this process is widely used in many industries that produce such as milk industries, chemical, food, mineral water and many industrial manufactures. The objective of this paper is to design, de
Filling is the task that is carried out by a machine and this process is widely used in many industries that produce such as milk industries, chemical, food, mineral water and many industrial manufactures. The objective of this paper is to design, de
Filling is the task that is carried out by a machine and this process is widely used in many industries that produce such as milk industries, chemical, food, mineral water and many industrial manufactures. The objective of this paper is to design, de
llllDeskripsi lengkap
Design of Reinforcement for RC Capping Beam Beam Project : C Contiguous Bored Bored Pile (Check for Lateral Loads) BEAM INFORMATION
Cover c # idth $ %epth h 'ffective %epth d Spacing Beteen Bar
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Characteristics Strength of Concrete
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Left 1/4 Span
Middle Span
Right 1/4 Span
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Characteristics Strength of Reinforceent Reinforceent f 6
Characteristics Strength of Reinforceent Reinforceent f 6v
Left 1/4 Span
Middle Span
Right 1/4 Span
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*41 400
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Ma+iu Moent per run under service Ma+iu Moent pe per $e $ea per under ul ultiate Ma+iu Moent per $ea (@ltiate) M ult Mult/($d2) Mult/($d2f cu) la 9 Min("!EsFrt("2!.k/"3)G "3!) Lever =r 9 la;d