INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item y making the o! corres"on#ing corres"on#ing to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet sheet "ro$i#e#. %.
&hich of the following following factors factors shoul# e consi#ere# consi#ere# y the nurse in controlling controlling communicale communicale #iseases' #iseases' (. Skil Skilll of the the nurs nursee in han han#l #lin ing g case casess ). Chain hain of infe nfectio tion of the #is #isease ease C. *now *nowle le#g #gee of the the "at "atie ient nt +. ($aila $ailale le resou resourc rces es of the the nurse nurse
The est est metho# metho# to to "rotect "rotect the the o#y again against st infecti infectious ous #isease #iseasess (. Intact skin ). -oo# "ersonal hygiene C. ealth althy y #ie #iett +. /hys /hysic ical al fitn fitnes esss
The nurse nurse must teach family family to limit their their contact contact to infecte# infecte# family memers memers #uring #uring this stage stage of infection infection ecause "atient "atient is highly contagious on this stage of #isease. (. Incuation ). /ro#r o#roma omal C. Illness +. Con$ Con$al ales esce cent nt
&hich of the following following factors factors in the infection infection cycle cycle ser$es as a asis in #e$elo"ing infection infection control control metho#s' metho#s' (. (gent causing infection ). Mo#e Mo#e of of tran transm smis issi sion on C. /ort /ortal al of entr entry y +. Susce Susce"ti "tiil ility ity of the the host host
The nurse nurse knows that health health e#ucatio e#ucation n is rele$ant rele$ant in the "re$ention "re$ention of communica communicale le #isease #isease ecause ecause it: (. im"ro$es im"ro$es in#i$i in#i$i#uals #uals33 families families33 an# communi community ty health health ). "rotects "rotects in#i$i in#i$i#uals #uals33 families families33 4 communit communities ies to #iseas #iseasee C. "rolongs "rolongs life life of in#i$i#u in#i$i#uals3 als3 famil families ies an# an# communiti communities es +. "re$ents "re$ents #isease #isease of in#i$i# in#i$i#uals uals33 families families an# communi communities ties
&hich of the following following "rimary "rimary acti$ities acti$ities shoul# shoul# e #one y the the nurse when han#ling a contagious contagious "atient' "atient' (. Concurrent +is +isinfection ). 6"i#emiological In$estigation C. an#w n#washin shing g +. Ster Steril ili7 i7at atio ion n
Se"arati Se"aration on of infecte# in#i$i#ua in#i$i#uals ls or carriers carriers from other in#i$i#uals in#i$i#uals y "lacing "lacing them on con#itions con#itions that will "re$ent "re$ent #irect or in#irect transmission of #isease is known as' (. 9u 9uarantine ). Isolation C. Termin erminal al +isinf +isinfect ection ion +. Ster Steril ili7 i7at atio ion n
If an in#i$i#ual in#i$i#ual acquire# resistance to #isease #ue the the "resence of antio#ies or cells ha$ing s"ecific action action on microorganisms microorganisms or to!ins3 the in#i$i#ual is known to ha$e' (. Immunity ). /athogenicity C. Infec nfecti ti$e $e #ose #ose +. ;irule ulence nce
Me#ical Me#ical ase"sis ase"sis is #one #one y all all health health care care "erso "ersonnel nnel to: to: (. "re$ent "rogress of #isease ). era#ic era#icate ate harmf harmful ul microo microorg rgani anism sm C. "re$en "re$entt transf transfer er of micr microor oorga ganis nism m +. treat treat #iseas #iseasee con#it con#ition ion
%=. &hat is the est est gui#e of the nurse in #etermining #etermining isolation isolation of infecte# in#i$i#uals' in#i$i#uals' (. Source of infection ). Immune status of client C. Mo#e Mo#e of of tra trans nsmi miss ssio ion n +. (ility (ility of the the client client to #o "recauti "recautions ons %%. Infection acquire# acquire# y the "atient in the hos"ital hos"ital is known known as' (. Transmission ). 9u 9uarantine C. Isolation +. Nosoc osocom omiial
%,. In the control control of communicale communicale #isease3 #isease3 the nurse use# e"i#emiology to: to: (. +etermin +etermining ing factors factors that that ha$e ha$e rought rought the the #isease #isease ). 6$alua 6$aluate te effec effecti$ ti$ene eness ss of Un#er Un#er >i$e >i$e C. +etermin +eterminee efficacy efficacy of garli garlicc in "re$enting "re$enting hy"erte hy"ertension nsion +. (ll (ll of of the the ao$ ao$ee %0. &hich ranch of e"i#emiology e"i#emiology is concerne# with #etermining #etermining the factors factors that affect affect the occurrence an# #istriution #istriution of #isease in the "o"ulation' (. +escri scri"t "tii$e ). Ther hera"e a"eutic utic C. (nalytic +. 6$alu $aluat atio ion n %1. In ,==%3 ,==%3 new strai strain n of /olio /olio was re"orte re"orte# # after after it has een era#ica era#icate# te# in ,===. This This is a est e!am"le e!am"le of a time time relate# relate# occurrence' (. Cycli Cyclical cal ;ariatio riation n ). Sh Short?time fluctuation C. Secu Secula larr $ari $ariat atio ion n +. @ong? @ong?tim timee fluctu fluctuati ation on %2. 6"i#emiology is #irectly #irectly concern with with which of the following' following' (. >actors >actors influenc influencing ing occurren occurrence ce an# #istriuti #istriution on of #isease3 #isease3 #efects3 #efects3 #isaili #isaility ty or #eath of grou"s grou"s of in#i$i#uals in#i$i#uals ). ;ital tal heal health th sta stati tist stic icss C. 6n$i 6n$iro ronm nmen entt sani sanita tati tion on +. Treat Treatme ment nt of commun communica icale le #iseas #iseasee %5. Immunity y antio#y formation formation #uring the course of a #isease #isease is (. (cti (cti$e $e natu natura rall ). (cti (cti$e $e arti artifi fici cial al C. /ass /assi$ i$ee nat natur ural al +. /ass /assi$ i$ee arti artifi fici cial al %8. &hich of the following following communicale communicale #iseases ha$e ha$e to e monitore# monitore# y the nurse within within ,1 hours' hours' (. Measles ). Se$e Se$ere re (cu (cute te +ia +iarr rrhe heaa C. (I+S +. Neon Neonat atal al Tetanu tanuss Situation: Rene3 a month ol# infant is rought to the "e#iatrician. %. &hich of the the following immuni7ations immuni7ations shoul# Rene Rene ha$e at his age' age' (. )C-3 e"a ) % $accine ). )C-3 +/T%3 O/;% $accine C. )C-3 )C-3 +/T% +/T%33 O/;%3 O/;%3 e"a e"a )% $acc $accine ine +. )C-3 )C-3 e"a e"a ) %3 Meas Measles les $accin $accinee %<. (fter gi$ing )C-3 )C-3 which of the following following statements in#icates in#icates that the mother un#erstoo# un#erstoo# the instructions instructions gi$en y the nurse' (. AIt is normal normal that that she will will ha$e ha$e a woun# woun# at the site site of inBecti inBection on ). AIt is normal normal that that she will will ha$e ha$e rashes rashes lasting lasting for for ,?0 #ays #ays C. AI will will ring ring her imme#ia imme#iately tely to the the clinic clinic if she she #e$elo"e# #e$elo"e# fe$er fe$er +. AI will will not athe athe my ay ay for , #ays #ays so as not to remo$e remo$e the the $accine $accine ,=. Measles $accine $accine is a#ministere# a#ministere# y the nurse y what route' route' (. Intra$enous ). Sucutaneous C. Intra ntramu musc scul ular ar +. Intra ntra#e #erm rmaal ,%. &hich of the following following res"onse of the nurse is correct if the mother mother aske# the nurse when when will she gi$e /aracetamol /aracetamol to her infant infant after a #ose of +/T $accine' (. A-i$e A-i$e when when tem"era tem"erature ture is 1= #egrees #egrees Celsiu Celsius s ). A-i$e A-i$e at once once 4 e$ery e$ery 1 hours hours roun# roun# the clock for for ,1 hours hours C. A-i$e A-i$e at once once 4 when when there there is "ain "ain o$er o$er inBectio inBection n site site +. A-i$e A-i$e the ay ay at least least 0 times times a #ay to to "re$ent "re$ent fe$er fe$er ,,. (#ministration (#ministration of )C)C- $accine "ro$i#es what what ty"e of immunity' (. Natu Natura rall (ct (cti$ i$ee ). Natu Natura rall /as /assi si$e $e C. (rti (rtifi fici cial al (cti$ cti$ee +. (rti (rtifi fici cial al /as /assi si$e $e ,0. Immunity that is inherite# inherite# y the o#y through the "lacenta "lacenta or an# not rought through a "re$ious attack attack of the #isease is known as' (. Na Natural (cti$e ). Natu Natura rall /as /assi si$e $e
C. (rti (rtifi fici cial al (cti$ cti$ee +. (rti (rtifi fici cial al /as /assi si$e $e ,1. Immunity acquire# acquire# as a result from "re$ious attack attack of the #isease will #e$elo" #e$elo" what ty"e of immunity' immunity' (. Natural (cti$e ). Natu Natura rall /as /assi si$e $e C. (rti (rtifi fici cial al (cti$ cti$ee +. (rti (rtifi fici cial al /as /assi si$e $e ,2. If the "atient acquire# acquire# immunity through through the a#ministration a#ministration of immune sustances sustances "ro#uce# y another "erson will will #e$elo" what ty"e of immunity' (. Natu Natura rall (ct (cti$ i$ee ). Natu Natura rall /as /assi si$e $e C. (rti (rtifi fici cial al (cti$ cti$ee +. (rti (rtifi fici cial al /as /assi si$e $e ,5. Maintenanc Maintenancee of the Acol# chain chain is an im"ortant im"ortant "ractice "ractice to kee" the iological iologicalss for immuni7a immuni7ation tion "otent. "otent. &hich &hich iologicals iologicals shoul# e store# in the free7er' (. +/T ). Measles $a $accine C. None one of of the thesse +. )oth ( 4 ) ,8. &hich iologicals iologicals are #estroye# y free7ing an# therefore therefore shoul# e store# in the refrigerator refrigerator com"artment com"artment only' (. Tetanu tanuss To To!oi# !oi# ). e"a ) C. None one of of the thesse +. )oth ( 4 ) ,. To com"lete e"a ) immuni7ation3 how many #oses of of the iological iological will you you nee#' (. % ). , C. 0 +. 1 ,<. Chil#ren with which which con#ition con#ition cannot e gi$en gi$en immuni7ation' immuni7ation' (. Coug Cough h an# an# col# col#ss ). +iarr +iarrhea hea with with #ehy# #ehy#rat ration ion C. >e$er >e$er of 0 #egree #egreess Celci Celcius us +. Maln Malnut utri riti tion on 0=. +uring an e"i#emic e"i#emic of measles3 measles3 the $accine will will e gi$en to to infants at what what age' (. 0 month ). 5 months C. < months +. %% months 0%. (fter gi$ing /olio /olio $accine3 which of the following statements statements in#icate that that the mother un#erstoo# the the instructions gi$en gi$en y the nurse' (. Ae must must e thirsty thirsty 4 I will will gi$e gi$e him gluco glucose se water. water. ). AI will will gi$e gi$e my ay "araceta "aracetamol mol right right away away. . C. AThe $acci $accine ne taste awful3 awful3 he shoul# shoul# ha$e ha$e some fruit fruit Buices Buices. . +. AI will will withhol# withhol# fee#ing fee#ing for for 0= minutes. minutes. 0,. (fter the a#ministration a#ministration of Measles Measles $accine. $accine. The nurse must instruct instruct the mother mother to: (. )ring )ring the ay ay ack to the the clinic clinic if the the ay #e$elo" #e$elo" fe$er fe$er an# an# rashes rashes ). )ring )ring the ay ay ack to the the clinic clinic the ay ay #e$elo" #e$elo" acess acess at the site site C. (#minist (#minister er anti"y anti"yretic retic if the the ay ay #e$elo" #e$elo" rashe rashess +. (#minist (#minister er antiiot antiiotic ic if the ay ay #e$elo" #e$elo" acess acess at at the site. site. 00. ;it. ;it. ( was gi$en after the a#ministration a#ministration of Measles Measles $accine. &hat #osage of ;itamin ;itamin ( is gi$en' (. % ca" of %==3=== IU ). % ca" of ,==3=== IU C. D ca" ca" %==3 %==3== === = IU +. % ta tale lett of of %=3 %=3== === = IU IU Situatio Situation: n: ( < month ol# ay was rought rought to the health health clinic ecause ecause of high high gra#e gra#e fe$er3 cough cough an# col#s3 col#s3 an# #ifficult #ifficulty y of reathing. The The nurse sus"ects that the chil# has "neumonia. 01. The nurse shoul# assess for which of the following following signs signs an# sym"toms' sym"toms' (. Ches Chestt ret retra ract ctio ions ns ). >ast >ast res res"i "ira rato tory ry rat ratee C. Nois Noisy y ins" ins"ir irat atio ion n +. (ll (ll of of the the ao$ ao$ee
02. The nurse can say say that the chil# chil# has tachy"nea tachy"nea if her res"iratory res"iratory rate is: (. 0= ). 1= C. 2= +. 5= 05. If noisy ins"iration ins"iration is oser$e#3 the the nurse will classify classify the chil# to ha$e: (. /neumonia ). No /ne /neu umoni moniaa C. ;ery Se$er Se$eree or se$er se$eree /neumo /neumonia nia +. /ulmon /ulmonary ary Tuer Tuercul culosi osiss 08. (fter assessment3 assessment3 the nurse #eci#e# that the chil# chil# has "neumonia. Management Management of "neumonia will inclu#e: inclu#e: (. (#ministration (#ministration of antiiotic for 2 #ays ). (#$ise (#$ise to come come ack ack after after , #ays #ays C. Teachi eaching ng the moth mother er to sooth soothee throat throat +. (ll (ll of of the these se acti action onss 0. &hich of the following following antiiotic antiiotic will e gi$en y the nurse nurse to the chil#' chil#' (. (mo!ic o!icil illlin ). Tetrac tracyc ycli line ne C. Cotr Cotrim imo! o!a7 a7ol olee +. Sulfa ulfa#o #o!i !ine ne 0<. If the chil# is "lace# "lace# on antiiotic treatment3 treatment3 which of the following following are im"ortant to teach teach the mother' (. (ll (ll these these inst instru ruct ctio ions ns ). >inish >inish the 2 #ay treatm treatment ent e$en e$en if (nna (nna seems seems etter etter C. ow much antiiotic will e gi$en3 when to gi$e it3 it3 an# how many times it will e gi$en +. )ring (nna ack ack to the health center center if she is not etter etter after two #ays of treatment 1=. The amount of antiiotic antiiotic that will will e gi$en to the the chil# is: is: (. ,.2 ml ). 2 ml C. 8.2 ml +. %= ml 1%. To check whether the mother mother has un#erstoo# your instructions3 instructions3 which of the following following will you #o' (. None None of the the ao ao$e $e ). (sk the the mother mother to to #emonst #emonstrate rate what she has has hear# hear# C. (sk the the mother mother to re"eat re"eat the instruc instructions tions that that you you ha$e gi$en gi$en +. (sk the mother mother if she she un#erstoo# un#erstoo# the instru instructio ctions ns that you you ha$e gi$en. gi$en. 1,. (##itional instructions instructions that the nurse will will gi$e to the mother will will inclu#e the following following 6EC6/T: 6EC6/T: (. Soothe Soothe the throat throat an# an# relie$e relie$e the cough cough with with safe safe home reme#ie reme#iess ). @imit @imit her foo# intake intake to "re$ent "re$ent "rol "rolems ems such such as $omit $omiting ing C. &a &atch tch for for signs signs of of #iffi #ifficult culty y reathin reathing g +. )ring )ring her ack ack to the health health center center if her her con#itio con#ition n worsens. worsens. Situation: Roert3 a 0= year ol# Bee"ney #ri$er came to health center with com"laints of fe$er3 cough lasting for 1 weeks3 an# loss of weight. e was sus"ecte# to ha$e /T). 10. &hich &hich of the following following sets of signs signs an# sym"toms sym"toms woul# est #istingu #istinguish ish tuerculosi tuerculosiss from a sim"le u""er res"irato res"iratory ry tract infection: (. &e &eight ight loss3 loss3 hemo"t hemo"tysi ysis3 s3 #iarr #iarrhea hea ). Cough3 Cough3 weigh weightt loss3 loss3 low low gra#e gra#e after afternoon noon fe$er fe$er C. +ys"ne +ys"nea3 a3 whee7i whee7ing3 ng3 cyano cyanosis sis +. Non?"ro#uc Non?"ro#ucti$e ti$e cough cough33 weight weight loss3 loss3 a#omina a#ominall mass 11. +uring consultation3 consultation3 Roert was was instructe# to sumit s"utum for microsco"y. microsco"y. The nurse must must instruct Roert Roert to: (. )rea )reath thee in air air #ee #ee"l "ly y. ). (t the height height of ins"iratio ins"iration3 n3 cough strongly strongly an# s"it s"it the s"utum s"utum in the container container.. C. Oser$ Oser$ee contamin contaminati ation on "recau "recautio tions. ns. +. (ll (ll of of the the ao$ ao$ee 12. (fter 8 #ays3 #ays3 results re$eale# re$eale# "ositi$e s"utum microsco"y. microsco"y. Roert will un#ergo what treatment regimen' regimen' (. Regimen % ). Regimen , C. Regimen 0 +. Regimen 1 15. (nti?T) #rugs #rugs that will e taken y Roert Roert will e the the following: %. Intensi$e? Rifam"icin3 Isonia7i#3 /yra7inami#e3 6thamutol ,. Intensi$e Intensi$e?? Rifam"icin3 Rifam"icin3 Isonia7i Isonia7i#3 #3 /yra7inam /yra7inami#e3 i#e3 6thamuto 6thamutol3 l3 Stre"tomy Stre"tomycin cin
0. 1.
Mainte Maintenan nance ce F Rifa Rifam"i m"icin cin33 Ison Isonia7 ia7i# i# Maintena Maintenance nce F Rifam Rifam"ici "icin3 n3 Isonia7i# Isonia7i#33 6tham 6thamutol utol
(. ). C. +.
%40 ,41 %41 ,40
18. Roert Roert will un#ergo un#ergo treatme treatment nt for how long' long' (. months ). 5 months C. < months +. 1 months 1. )efore Roert un#ergoes un#ergoes the maintenance "hase3 he will e suBecte# to s"utum microsco"y microsco"y.. If it re$eals GH s"utum microsco"y3 microsco"y3 he will: (. e!ten# e!ten# intensi$e intensi$e "hase "hase for %2 #ays #ays then "rocee# "rocee# the maintena maintenance nce "hase "hase ). e!ten# e!ten# intensi$ intensi$ee "hase for for 0= #ays #ays then "rocee# "rocee# to maint maintenanc enancee "hase C. e!ten# intensi$e intensi$e "hase for for % month3 then a week week efore the the en# of the e!tension e!tension "hase3 s"utum s"utum microsco"y microsco"y will e #one. +. e!ten# intensi$e intensi$e "hase for for % month3 then a week week efore the the en# of the e!tension e!tension "hase3 !?ray !?ray will e #one. 1<. (mong the #rugs "rescrie# "rescrie# to Roert was IN. The nurse is "re"aring "re"aring to teach Roert aout the effects effects of IN. To To e inclu#e# in her teaching "lan will e: (. occurr occurrenc encee of orange orange out" out"ut ut ). "resen "resence ce of "eri "eri"he "heral ral neur neuriti itiss C. "res "resen ence ce of tinn tinnit itus us +. "resen "resence ce of of o"tic o"tic neurit neuritis is 2=. +OTS +OTS is a strategy to make sure the "atient "atient com"ly with his treatment treatment regimen. regimen. +uring the intensi$e intensi$e "hase of treatmen treatment3 t3 how often is the "atient require# to go to the health center to collect his su""ly of me#s' (. +aily ). &eekly C. monthly +. of , weeks Situation: Justin3 a %,?year %,?year ol# oy went to their their ackyar# ackyar# to get lea$es of the )ayaas )ayaas tree. (fter 1 #ays3 he #e$elo"e# rashes. rashes. e was rought to a Rural ealth Unit for consultation. 2%. &hich of the following following questions questions woul# the nurse nurse ask to otain history of his illness' (. AIs the "atches itchy' ). A+i# A+i# you ha$e ha$e a wou woun# n#' ' C. A(re A(re the the rashes rashes "ainfu "ainful' l' +. A&ere A&ere you itten itten y y the the mosqui mosquitoes toes' ' 2,. The $ector $ector in$ol$e# in$ol$e# for the infecti infection on of Justin is: (. (. (egy"ti ). C. quiquefasciatus C. (. fla$ fla$ir iros ostr tris is +. (. "o "oicil icillu luss 20. &hich of the following following test will conclu#e the the nurse the "resence "resence of JustinKs JustinKs infection' infection' (. Ra"i# +iagnostic Test ). Rum"el lea#s C. Circul Circulati ating ng >ila >ilari rial al antig antigen en +. /lat /latel elet et coun countt 21. The nurse nurse "rimary "rimary concern concern #uring #uring his care care is to: (. re"ort to authority ). moni monito torr sig signs ns of lee lee#i #ing ng C. con#uct con#uct e"i#emiol e"i#emiologic ogical al in$estiga in$estigation tion +. con# con#uc uctt case case fin fin#i #ing ng 22. &hat a#$ise# will will you gi$e to his mother in or#er to "re$ent "re$ent his infection' infection' (. ($oi# hanging clothes ). *ee" *ee" wate waterr contai container ner co$er co$ere# e# C. S"ray S"ray insec insectic tici#e i#e weekly weekly +. 6liminat 6liminatee ree#i ree#ing ng "laces "laces of mosqui mosquito to Situation: Mica3 a "re?schooler "re?schooler su##enly #e$elo"e# fe$er fe$er with a#ominal "ain3 "ain3 $omiting3 4 rashes rashes on her trunks. She was rought to a neary clinic. 25. &hich of the the following is the "roale "roale source of her infection' infection' (. &ater of the school ). -ar#en at the school
C. Mini Mini 7oo 7oo at at the the scho school ol +. /layg /laygrou roun# n# at the school school 28. The "e#iatrician "e#iatrician or#ere# or#ere# a #iagnostic test. &hich of the test is is #one' (. Tourniquet test ). >ecalysis C. Urina inalysi lysiss +. Ty"hi# "hi#ot ot test test 2. &hat is the causati causati$e $e agent of MicaKs MicaKs infect infection' ion' (. +eng +engue ue ;irus rus ). (scaris @umricoi#es C. Salm Salmon onel ella la Ty Ty"hosa "hosa +. Clos Clostr tri# i#iu ium m Teta Tetani ni 2<. In your health health teaching3 what means of "rimary "re$ention shoul# shoul# e #one' #one' (. +o not "lay in the soil ). an#w n#washin shing g C. ($oi# $oi# "lay "laying ing with with the the anima animals ls +. Use Use of of mos mosqu quit ito o net net 5=. &hich of the following following is a "ulic health nursing nursing res"onsiility res"onsiility if you encounter encounter any notifiale #iseases' (. (ccom"any "a "atient to to ho hos"ital ). Re"ort Re"ort imme imme#ia #iatel tely y of any any case case C. Sur$ei Sur$eilla llance nce of the #iseas #iseasee +. Immun Immuni7a i7atio tion n right right away away Situation: Janelle was rought to the clinic ecause of cough3 fe$er3 fe$er3 4 rashes. 5%. &hich one of the following following est #escries #escries the characteristics characteristics of measles' measles' (. Maculo Maculo"a" "a"ula ularr rash with with high high fe$er fe$er ). Maculo Maculo"a" "a"ula ularr rash rash with with low fe$e fe$err C. ;esiculo"ust siculo"ustular ular rash with low fe$er fe$er +. ;esiculo"ust siculo"ustular ular rash rash with with high high fe$er fe$er 5,. This whitish3 whitish3 grayish "ecks in in the cheeks refer refer to the "athognomonic "athognomonic sign of measles' measles' (. /seu#omemrane ). *o"likKs s"ots C. Swim Swimme merK rKss itc itch h +. Muco Muco"u "uru rule lent nt e!u#a e!u#ate tess 50. &hich of the following following "roce#ures "roce#ures shoul# you teach teach his mother to manage fe$er' fe$er' (. /ro" /ro"er er "os "osit itio ioni ning ng ). ot sit7 ath C. Isol Isolat atio ion n tec techn hniq ique ue +. Te"i# "i# s"o s"ong ngee at ath h 51. &hich of the following following com"lications com"lications is common common among chil#ren chil#ren with measles' measles' (. Meningitis ). /neumonia C. Otiti itis me me#ia #ia +. @aryng ryngit itis is 52. )ase# on IMCI "rotocol3 "rotocol3 which inter$entions inter$entions shoul# e #one to manage chil#ren chil#ren with measles suffering suffering from mouth ulcers' ulcers' (. (""ly (""ly genti gentian an $iole $iolett twice twice a #ay #ay ). (""ly (""ly tetr tetracy acycli cline ne ointm ointment ent C. (#mini (#ministe sterr Tam Tamar arin# in# #ri #rinks nks +. (""ly (""ly col# col# "ack "ackss at the the mout mouth h area area Situation: Martha3 a manager of the CSR hos"ital was a#mitte# a#mitte# to the hos"ital ecause of Infectious e"atitis. e"atitis. 55. Nursing assessment of of Martha shoul# re$eal which which of the following early early sym"toms of Infecti Infectious ous e"atitis' (. Right Right u""er u""er qua#ra qua#rant nt "ain "ain ). Tea col color ore# e# urin urinee C. Jaun#ice +. /ruritus 58. &hich of the following following factors factors is most likely likely to e relate# relate# to her #iagnosis' #iagnosis' (. )itten y a mosquito ). ist istor ory y of meas measle less C. 6atin 6ating g contam contamina inate# te# foo# foo# +. Se!ual Se!ual contact contact with infecte# infecte# "erson "erson 5. &hat #iet woul# woul# most likely e or#ere# for Martha Martha #uring the acute "hase of her her illness'
(. ). C. +.
@ow C CO3 hi high C CON3 hi high fa fat igh CO3 low CON3 low fat @ow @ow CO3 CO3 low CON CON33 low low fat fat igh igh CO CO33 high high CO CON3 N3 high high fat
5<. She was a#$ise# a#$ise# for e#rest. The nurse shoul# shoul# e!"lain that its chief "ur"ose "ur"ose is to: (. Contro Controll s"re s"rea# a# of #iseas #iseasee ). Re#uce Re#uce fat fat reak# reak#own own for for metao metaolis lism m C. Mini Minimi mi7e 7e li$ li$er er #am #amag agee +. +ecre +ecrease ase circu circulat latory ory o$erl o$erloa# oa# 8=. &hich of these following following is use# use# to "rotect in#i$i#uals in#i$i#uals who ha$e ha$e een e!"ose# to infectious he"atitis' he"atitis' (. e"atitis ) ;accine ). (nti?Tetanus Serum C. uman uman Immun Immunee serum serum gloul gloulin in +. Rai Raies es ;accin ccinee 8%. It is im"ortant for for the nurse to know the mo#e mo#e of transmission transmission of the organisms organisms res"onsile for infectious infectious he"atitis he"atitis ecause this knowle#ge "ro$i#es the asis for: (. +etermining the isolation "recautions ). /lan /lanni ning ng a reh reha ail ilit itat ati$ i$ee "ro "rogr gram am C. /re$e /re$enti nting ng autoi autoinfe nfecti ction on +. 6stim 6stimat ating ing the the length length of isolat isolation ion Situation: Malaria is en#emic in the /hili""ines. /hili""ines. *nowle#ge of the nature of this this #isease will hel" the nurse nurse in limiting the cases cases in the /hili""ines. 8,. &hich of the ff ff laoratory "roce#ures will confirm #iagnosis #iagnosis of Malaria' Malaria' (. Stool e!amination ). Urine e!amination C. CS> CS> e!a e!am minat inatio ion n +. )loo# loo# smear 80. &hich of the following following control measures aime# to "re$ent man?mosquito man?mosquito contacts' contacts' (. Mosqui Mosquito to net treate treate# # wL wL inse insecti ctici# ci#ee ). Use of re"ellant lotion C. (ll of of th these +. Use Use of mosq mosqui uito to coi coils ls 81. >or "lasmo#ium falci"arum falci"arum infection3 infection3 which of the following is is use# as first line of treatment' treatment' (. /y /yrimethamine ). Tetracycline C. Chloro Chloroqui quine ne 4 "rim "rimaqu aquine ine talet talet +. Rifa ifam"i m"icin cin 82. Clinical sym"toms sym"toms that you you will take note of to confirm Malaria Malaria is: (. igh fe$er3 fe$er3 "leura "leurall "ain3 "ain3 4 #ys"ne #ys"neaa ). /rofuse /rofuse "ers"ira "ers"iration tion wLc wLc lasts for for 1?5 hours hours after after chills chills 4 fe$er fe$er C. Slig Slight ht fe$ fe$er er 4 hea hea#a #ach chee +. Tingl Tingling ing sensa sensatio tion n along along the s"ine s"ine 85. &hich of the ff ff control measure measure is use# for for the "re$ention 4 control of malaria' malaria' (. Use Use of mosq mosqui uito to coi coils ls ). Releasin Releasing g of lar$i$orou lar$i$orouss fishes fishes in the ree#ing ree#ing areas areas of the mosquito mosquitoes es C. Resi Resi#u #ual al s"ra s"rayi ying ng +. (lterati (lteration on of the ree#i ree#ing ng "laces "laces of mosquito mosquito $ecto $ectors rs Situation: Mr. *e$in is "ositi$e with sy"hilis. 88. This #iseas #iseasee is character characteri7e# i7e# y: y: (. -reenish -reenish yellow yellow o#orous o#orous #ischar #ischarge ge in females females ). >eeling >eeling of #ryness #ryness 4 #iscomfo #iscomfort rt aout aout genitals genitals 4 conBuncti$ conBuncti$itis itis C. Chancre Chancre at site site of entry of germ germ wL serro serrous us e!u#ates e!u#ates +. /ainful /ainful freque frequent nt urinatio urination n 4 "urulen "urulentt #ischarg #ischargee 8. &hich of the following following is the est health teaching teaching to "re$ent "re$ent sy"hilis in the community': (. Isolation of "atient ). Concurrent #isinfection C. Immun mmunii7ati 7ation on +. ($oi# $oi# the the mo#e mo#e of trans transmis missio sion n 8<. Sy"hilis Sy"hilis can e transmi transmitte# tte# to another another through: through: (. Se!ual contact ). )loo# transfusion C. (ny of of those those mo#e mo#e of tran transmi smissi ssion on +. In#i In#ire rect ct cont contac actt
=. Sy"hilis is communicale communicale at the start start of what stage' stage' (. /rimary ). Secon#ary C. Tertiary +. Con$ Con$al ales esce cenc ncee %. &hich of the following following metho# is not rele$ant rele$ant in the control of sy"hilis' (. Immun Immuni7a i7atio tion n of of cont contact actss ). Nee# to imme#i imme#iately ately re"ort re"ort cases cases foun# foun# 4 their contact contactss to health authori authority ty C. Nee# Nee# for for early early #iagn #iagnosi osiss 4 treatm treatment ent +. Sym"tom Sym"tomss of sy"hilis sy"hilis 4 its mo#e mo#e of transmiss transmission ion Situation: Nancy came to the clinic ecause of hea#ache with chilly sensation3 sensation3 cough3 muscle "ain at the acks an# legs. ,. ou ou will conclu#e conclu#e that Nancy is most likely to ha$e what ty"e ty"e of infection' (. @e"to e"tos" s"ir iros osis is ). Measles C. +engue +. Influen uen7a 0. The mo#e of transmis transmission sion of this #iseas #iseasee is through' through' (. Se Se!ual contact ). Skin to skin contact C. +ro" +ro"le lett s"re s"rea# a# +. *issi *issing ng infect infecte# e# "erson "erson 1. +uring an outreak of this infection3 infection3 which of the following following is #one' (. Recor#ing of mortality rate ). (#minister $accine C. Re"o Re"ort rtin ing g of case casess +. 6"i#em 6"i#emiol iologi ogical cal in$esti in$estigat gation ion 2. This ty"e of infection infection usually affects the high risks grou" grou" #uring col# season season of the year' year' (. Infants ). /re? /re?sc scho hool oler erss C. (#ol #olesce escent ntss +. 6l#erly 5. &hat s"ecimen shoul# shoul# e taken in or#er to confirm confirm infection #uring #uring the ferile ferile stage' (. Urine ). Cer$ Cer$ic ical al secr secret etio ions ns C. )loo# +. &oun# un# sec secre reti tion onss 8. /rolong intake intake of as"irin as"irin #uring the the course of of the #isease #isease can cause' cause' (. @y"ho#ystro"hy ). Immunosu""resion C. emor morrhag hage +. y"e y"erg rgly lyce cemi miaa . &hich one of the following #iseases #iseases is NOT transmitte# transmitte# thru the res"iratory res"iratory system' system' (. Ch Chicken "o! ). Me Measles C. Mum"s +. Malaria <. &hich one of the following infectious infectious agents #o not enter through through the gastrointestinal gastrointestinal system' system' (. ansens acillus ). e"atitis ( $irus C. Salm Salmon onel ella la Ty Ty"hoi# "hoi# +. Shigella <=. Chicken "o! is est #istinguishe# #istinguishe# to measles with with the characteristics characteristics of the lesions' (. Maculo"a" Maculo"a"ular ular lesion lesionss from hea# hea# to the lower lower e!trem e!tremitie itiess ). ;esiculo"ust siculo"ustular ular lesions lesions from the hea# hea# to the lower e!tremi e!tremities ties C. Maculo"a" Maculo"a"ular ular lesion lesionss from the the center center to the "eri" "eri"hery hery of the the o#y +. ;esiculo"ust siculo"ustular ular lesions lesions from the center center to the "eri"he "eri"hery ry of the o#y Situation: Monette is a "re?schooler. "re?schooler. One e$ening3 she she #e$elo"e# irritating irritating cough cough which gra#ually ecame "aro!ysmal. "aro!ysmal. This ty"e ty"e of cough is characteri7e# y: %. $iolen $iolentt cough cough wLo wLo inter$ inter$eni ening ng inhala inhalatio tion n ,. crowin crowing g or high high "itche# "itche# ins" ins"ira iratio tional nal whoo whoo" " 0. tena tenaci ciou ouss cou cough gh at nigh nightt 1. $omiting
<%. &hich grou" grou" characteristics characteristics est #escries #escries /ertussis' (. , 4 0 ). , 4 1 C. % 4 , +. % 4 0 <,. &hich laoratory laoratory "roce#ure "roce#ure is #one to #iagnose /ertussis' /ertussis' (. Sali$a e!amination ). Culture of secretion C. Swa Swa e!a e!ami mina nati tion on +. Cultur Culturee an# an# sensi sensiti$ ti$ity ity test test <0. &hen loo# was was e!amine#3 which loo# com"onent is high in /ertussis' /ertussis' (. 6o 6osino"hils ). @ym"hocytes C. &)C +. C)C <1. Treatment Treatment of /ertussis /ertussis #uring outreak outreak is or#ere# for %1 #ays. &hich among these these are the #rug #rug of choice' (. 6rythromycin ). (m (m"icillin C. /enic nicill illin +. Cryst rystaallin llinee <2. /re$enti /re$enti$e $e measure measure is immuni7at immuni7ation ion efore efore 2 th irth#ay. irth#ay. This $accine is gi$en gi$en simultaneously wL wL , others. &hat are they' they' (. Tetanus to!oi# 4 "olio ). Tetanus to!oi# 4 #i"htheria C. +i"t +i"the heri riaa 4 "ol "olio io +. +i"t +i"the heri riaa 4 teta tetanu nuss Situation: our health center center is a fiel# training area for Nursing stu#ents. In a conference wL the stu#ents3 you #iscuss I;L(I+S. I;L(I+S. <5. &hich of the following following is not a route of transmission transmission of (I+S' (I+S' (. Through Through contam contaminat inate# e# skin skin nee#l nee#les es 4 syringe syringe ). Se!u Se!ual al tran transm smis issi sion on C. Through Through trans transfusio fusion n of loo# 4 loo# loo# "ro#uc "ro#ucts ts +. Sharing Sharing of clothi clothing ng with with infecte# infecte# "ersons "ersons <8. (I+S can e seen in in infants with the following sym"toms: (. Chroni Chronicc #iarrh #iarrhea ea of more more than than % mont month h ). /rolo /rolonge nge# # fe$er fe$er of more more than than % month month C. &e &eight ight loss or anorm anormally ally slow growth growth +. (ny (ny , of thes thesee sig signs ns <. &hich of the following following se!ual "ractices "ractices has a low risk of transmission transmission of I;' (. >ell >ellat atio io wLo wLo a con# con#om om ). (nal (nal inter intercou course rse wLo a con# con#om om C. Sharing Sharing Ase! Ase! toy or oBec oBects ts that come come into into contact contact wL o#y o#y flui#s flui#s +. Sharing Sharing of nee#le nee#less use# use# for for inBec inBections tions <<. &hich &hich of the ff stateme statements nts is NOT NOT correct' correct' (. )reastmi )reastmilk lk is im"ortant im"ortant in "re$entin "re$enting g infection infection in I; infecte infecte# # infants infants ). Chil#ren Chil#ren who who are I; I; "ositi$e "ositi$e is a threa threatt to other other chil#ren. chil#ren. C. The care care of I; "atient "atientss is similar similar to the routin routinee care gi$en gi$en to other other #iseases #iseases +. 6$eryo#y 6$eryo#y is is in #anger #anger of ecoming ecoming infec infecte# te# wL I; I; through through se! se! %==. One stu#ent asks a question: question: AIf you acci#entally #isco$ere# #isco$ere# one of your frien#s in the community community is I; "ositi$e3 "ositi$e3 what will will you #o' our res"onse will e: (. -i$e him him the usual usual frien#ly frien#ly treatm treatment ent as efore efore ). Tell Tell your other other frien# frien#ss aout him him so to "rotect "rotect thems themsel$es el$es C. (#$ise (#$ise other other memers memers of the family family to to se"arate se"arate his entir entiree utensils utensils +. Secre Secretly tly a$i# a$i# his his com"an com"any y