The AT ATM M Management Mana gement is the project which is used to access their bank accounts in order to make cash withdrawals. Whenever the u ser need to make cash withdraws, they can enter their PIN number (personal identification number and it will display the amount to be withdrawn in the form of !""#s $""#s and !"""#s. !"""#s. %nce their withdrawn was successful, the amount will be debited in their acco unt.
The &T &T' will service one on e customer at a time. & customer will be reuired to enter &T' )ard number, personal identification number (PIN * both of which will be sent to the database for validation as part of each transaction. The customer will then be able to perform one or more transactions. &lso customer must be able to make a balance inuiry of any account linked to the card. Thee &T' wi Th will ll com commu munic nicat atee eac each h tr tran ansa sact ctio ion n to th thee dat datab abas asee an and d ob obta tain in verification that it was allowed by the database. In the case of a cash withdrawal, a second messa+e will be sent after the transaction has been physically completed (cash dispensed dispen sed or envelope accepted. accepted. If the database determines determines that the customer#s customer#s PIN is invali inv alid, d, the customer customer wil willl be re reuir uired ed to re reent enter er the PIN before before a tr trans ansact action ion can proceed. If a transaction fails for any reason other than an invalid PIN, the &T' will display an e-planation of the problem, and will then ask the customer whether heshe wants to do another transaction. The &T' will provide the customer with a printed receipt for each successful transaction, showin+ the date, time, machine location, type of transaction, account(s,
amount, and endin+ and available balance(s of the affected account (/to0 account for transfers.
1.2 COMPANY PROFILE Pandean 1ystems and 1olutions Pvt 2tdis one of the leadin+ IT service provider in 'adurai. /P&11 IT 1ervices0 is the core business domain of Pandian 1ystems and 1olutions Pvt 2td. We were established in 3ecember 4""5 and have +rown considerably since then.
%ur core e-pertise then was Networkin+ and Telecommunications, Telecommunications, and remains so till now. We have also branched out to other domains such as 3ata Processin+, 3ata &nalytics, Web 6ostin+ and 3evelopment, 17%, &pplication 1oftware development. We have had reputed clients such as 8a+a e1tora+e 1olutions Pvt 2td, 9an+alore: i3ata Professional 1ervices Pvt 2td, 9an+alore: )lassof!, )hennai: Tutor46elp, )hennai: We have completed a data processin+ project for the Indian National )on+ress.
We have been involved in developin+ mobile based applications for Iphones, &ndroid, 'obile optimi;ed websites. We are also IT 1erviceTechnolo+y partners for various firms in a wide ran+e of domains. We are IT technolo+y partner for
&part from this Pandian 1ystems and 1olutions Pvt 2td is a /P7&81%N =>7 &uthori;ed Test Test )enter0. We are authori;ed to conduct a lar+e number of IT )ertification 7-ams includin+ those of )I1)%, %racle, 'icrosoft,I9', )ompTI&, &dobe, Nokia, )itri-, 1iemens, ='ware, Pe+a systems etc.,
amount, and endin+ and available balance(s of the affected account (/to0 account for transfers.
1.2 COMPANY PROFILE Pandean 1ystems and 1olutions Pvt 2tdis one of the leadin+ IT service provider in 'adurai. /P&11 IT 1ervices0 is the core business domain of Pandian 1ystems and 1olutions Pvt 2td. We were established in 3ecember 4""5 and have +rown considerably since then.
%ur core e-pertise then was Networkin+ and Telecommunications, Telecommunications, and remains so till now. We have also branched out to other domains such as 3ata Processin+, 3ata &nalytics, Web 6ostin+ and 3evelopment, 17%, &pplication 1oftware development. We have had reputed clients such as 8a+a e1tora+e 1olutions Pvt 2td, 9an+alore: i3ata Professional 1ervices Pvt 2td, 9an+alore: )lassof!, )hennai: Tutor46elp, )hennai: We have completed a data processin+ project for the Indian National )on+ress.
We have been involved in developin+ mobile based applications for Iphones, &ndroid, 'obile optimi;ed websites. We are also IT 1erviceTechnolo+y partners for various firms in a wide ran+e of domains. We are IT technolo+y partner for
&part from this Pandian 1ystems and 1olutions Pvt 2td is a /P7&81%N =>7 &uthori;ed Test Test )enter0. We are authori;ed to conduct a lar+e number of IT )ertification 7-ams includin+ those of )I1)%, %racle, 'icrosoft,I9', )ompTI&, &dobe, Nokia, )itri-, 1iemens, ='ware, Pe+a systems etc.,
In the existing system the user need to go the bank branch which is only available during business hours . The user has to present physically and wait in long queue to check their balance , to withdraw the amount from the bank. In the traditional banking it keeps lots of paper into a record or file to maintain the user details such account holder name, account details etc., and it may be possible that it may be missed somewhere. It also cosumes lot of time to retrieve the data about the customer and When a client comes comes to AT centre centre to update and and delete their account. account. It reduces the time consumption consumption and lot of paperwork. paperwork. !or any single operation operation it involves numerous references and updating also takes subsequent changes in other places.
Accessibility at at traditional banks banks is limited, as you can only conduct conduct business at their brick-andmortar locations. If you’re traveling or unable to make it into the location during standard hours of operation, you won’t be able to do business.
3.2 Problem description : The system mainly used by the bank clients. When a client comes to AT centre to update and delete their account. account. It reduces the time consumption consumption and lot of paperwork. !or any single operation it involves numerous references and updating also takes subsequent changes in other places. ?
2ack of security of data.
'ore man power.
Time consumin+.
)onsumes lar+e volume of pare work.
Needs manual calculations.
No direct role for the hi+her officials.
3ama+e of machines due to lack of attention. To avoid all these limitations and make the workin+ more accurately the system needs to be computeri;ed.
2.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the e-istin+ system. The system provides proper security and reduces the manual work. ADANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
1ecurity of data.
7nsure data accuracy@s.
Proper control of the hi+her officials.
8educe the dama+es of the machines
'inimi;e manual data entry.
'inimum time needed for the various processin+.
9etter service.
>ser friendliness and interactive.
'inimum time reuire
%peratin+ 1ystem
Windows CP professional
Dront 7nd
'icrosoft =isual 1tudio .Net 4""$
=isual )E.Net
9ack 7nd
1F2 1erver
Pentium III I=
6ard 3isk
A" <9
4$G '9
!$=<& )olor
B 9all %ptical
!"4 Heys
!.!HARDWARE SOFTWARE RE"UIREMENT A#$.Net !.!.1 Int%&'()t*&n &1P.N7T is more than the ne-t version of &ctive 1erver Pa+es (&1P: it provides a unified Web development model that includes the services necessary for developers to build enterpriseclass Web applications. While &1P.N7T is lar+ely synta- compatible with &1P, it also provides a new pro+rammin+ model and infrastructure for more scalable and stable applications that help provide +reater protection. ou can feel free to au+ment your e-istin+ &1P applications by incrementally addin+ &1P.N7T functionality to them. G
&1P.N7T is a compiled, .N7Tbased environment: you can author applications in any .N7T compatible lan+ua+e, includin+ =isual 9asic .N7T, )E, and J1cript .N7T. &dditionally, the entire .N7T Dramework is available to any &1P.N7T application. 3evelopers can easily access the benefits of these technolo+ies, which include the mana+ed common lan+ua+e runtime environment, type safety, inheritance, and so on. &1P.N7T has been desi+ned to work seamlessly with W1IW< 6T'2 editors and other pro+rammin+ tools, includin+ 'icrosoft =isual 1tudio .N7T. Not only does this make Web development easier, but it also provides all the benefits that these tools have to offer, includin+ a <>I that developers can use to drop server controls onto a Web pa+e and fully inte+rated debu++in+ support. 3evelopers can use Web Dorms or C'2 Web services when creatin+ an &1P.N7T application, or combine these in any way they see fit. 7ach is supported by the same infrastructure that allows to use authentication schemes, cache freuently used data, or customi;e the application@s confi+uration, to name onl y a few possibilities. •
Web Dorms allow you to build powerful formsbased Web pa+es. When buildin+ these pa+es, you can use &1P.N7T server controls to create common >I elements, and pro+ram them for common tasks.
These controls allow you to rapidly build a Web Dorm out of reusable builtin or custom components, simplifyin+ the code of a pa+e. Dor more information, see Web Dorms Pa+es.
Dor information on how to develop &1P.N7T server controls, see 3evelopin+ &1P.N7T 1erver )ontrols.
!.!.2 O+e%+*e, &- A#$ .Net &1P.N7T is a unified Web development model that includes the services necessary for you to build enterpriseclass Web applications with a minimum of codin+. &1P.N7T is part of the .N7T Dramework, and when codin+ &1P.N7T applications you have access to classes in the .N7T Dramework. ou can code your applications in any 5
lan+ua+e compatible with the common lan+ua+e runtime ()28, includin+ 'icrosoft =isual 9asic and )E. These lan+ua+es enable you to develop &1P.N7T applications that benefit from the common lan+ua+e runtime, type safety, inheritance, and so on. •
There are a number of tools available to help you test and monitor the performance of your Web application. 'icrosoft =isual 1tudio .N7T provides &pplication )enter Test !." (&)T, which simulates a lar+e +roup of users by openin+ multiple connections to a Web server and rapidly sendin+ 6TTP reuests. &1P.N7T includes a number of performance counters that you can use to track the e-ecution of your application. ou can also use the builtin &1P.N7T tracin+ feature to track code e-ecution for a pa+e or an application.
& 'icrosoft &1P.N7T application is defined as all the files and e-ecutable code that can be invoked from a virtual directory and its subdirectories on a Web server. These can include Web pa+es (.html files, Web Dorms pa+es (.asp- files, Web Dorms user controls (.asc- files, C'2 Web 1ervices (.asm- files, 6TTP handlers, 6TTP modules, and other files (such as ima+e and confi+uration files. &ny script maps that are associated with the version of the 'icrosoft .N7T Dramework that you are usin+ are also a part of an &1P.N7T application.
If an &1P.N7T application has been developed usin+ 'icrosoft =isual 1tudio .N7T, a project 322 is stored in the K9in directory under the application@s root directory. &ny other 322s that provide functionality that the application uses, whether it has been developed usin+ =isual 1tudio or not, must reside in the K9in directory as well. These can include compiled &1P.N7T custom server controls, business lo+ic, and database access lo+ic.
The relationship between an &1P.N7T application and Internet Information 1ervices (II1 is thisB II1 serves all reuests for publishable &1P.N7T files throu+h aspnetLisapi.dll (the process model for &1P.N7T. II1 does not process the serverside code: the &1P.N7T en+ine does that and then returns the output to II1 (or another Web server, possibly to be served from that software.
infrastructure that enables you to define confi+uration settin+s when your &1P.N7T applications are first deployed so that you can add or revise confi+uration settin+s at any time with minimal impact on operational Web applications and servers.
!.!.! FEATURES OF ASP .NET 7ach of these models can take full advanta+e of all &1P.N7T features, as well as the power of the .N7T Dramework and .N7T Dramework common lan+ua+e runtime. These features and how you can use them are outlined as followsB •
If you have &1P development skills, the new &1P.N7T pro+rammin+ model will seem very familiar.
6owever, the &1P.N7T object model has chan+ed si+nificantly from &1P, makin+ it more structured and objectoriented.
>nfortunately this means that &1P.N7T is not fully backward compatible: almost all e-istin+ &1P pa+es will have to be modified to some e-tent in order to run under &1P.N7T.
In addition, major chan+es to =isual 9asic .N7T means that e-istin+ &1P pa+es written with =isual 9asic 1criptin+ 7dition typically will not port directly to &1P.N7T.
In most cases, thou+h, the necessary chan+es will involve only a few lines of code. Dor more information, see 'i+ratin+ from &1P to &1P.N7T.
&1P.N7T provides a simple model that enables Web developers to write lo+ic that runs at the application level.
&1P.N7T provides easytouse application and sessionstate facilities that are familiar to &1P developers and are readily compatible with all other .N7T Dramework &PIs.
!.!. ADANTAGES &1P.N7T has many advanta+es over other platforms when it comes to creatin+ Web applications. Probably the most si+nificant advanta+e is its inte+ration with the Windows server and pro+rammin+ tools. Web applications created with &1P.N7T are easier to create, debu+, and deploy because those tasks can all be performed within a sin+le development environmentO=isual 1tudio .N7T. &1P.N7T delivers the followin+ other advanta+es to Web application developersB •
7-ecutable portions of a Web application compiled so they e-ecute more uickly than interpreted scripts
%nthefly updates of deployed Web applications without restartin+ the server
&ccess to the .N7T Dramework, which e-tends the Windows &PI
>se of the widely known =isual 9asic pro+rammin+ lan+ua+e, which has been enhanced to fully support objectoriented pro+rammin+
Introduction of the new =isual )E pro+rammin+ lan+ua+e, which provides a type safe, objectoriented version of the ) pro+rammin+ lan+ua+e
&utomatic state mana+ement for controls on a Web pa+e (called server controls so that they behave much more like Windows controls
The ability to create new, customi;ed server controls from e-istin+ controls
authenticationauthori;ation methods •
Inte+ration with 'icrosoft &3%.N7T to provide database access and database desi+n tools from within =isual 1tudio .N7T !"
Dull support for 7-tensible 'arkup 2an+ua+e (C'2, cascadin+ style sheets ()11, and other new and established Web standards
9uiltin features for cachin+ freuently reuested Web pa+es on the server, locali;in+ content for specific lan+ua+es and cultures, and detectin+ browser capabilities.
!.!./ ASP .NET SERER CONTROL The &1P.N7T pa+e framework includes a number of builtin server controls that are desi+ned to provide a more structured pro+rammin+ model for the Web. These controls provide the followin+ featuresB •
&utomatic state mana+ement.
1imple access to object values without havin+ to use the Re0(e#t object.
&bility to react to events in serverside code to create applications that are better structured.
)ommon approach to buildin+ user interfaces for Web pa+es.
%utput is automatically customi;ed based on the capabilities of the browser.
In addition to the builtin controls, the &1P.N7T pa+e framework also provides the ability to create user controls and custom controls. >ser controls and custom controls can enhance and e-tend e-istin+ controls to build a much richer user interface.
/.2 S"L /.2.1 INTRODUCTION 1F2 referred to as St%()t(%e' "(e% Lang(age is a pro+rammin+ lan+ua+e desi+ned
relational !!
(839'1.%ri+inally based upon relational al+ebra and tuple relational calculus, its scope includes data insert, uery, update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data access control. 1F2 was one of the first commercial lan+ua+es for 7d+ar D. )odd@s relational model, as described in his influential !5" paper, & 8elational 'odel of 3ata for 2ar+e 1hared 3ata 9anks. 3espite not adherin+ to the relational model as described by )odd, it became the most widely used database lan+ua+e. <hou+h 1F2 is often described as, and to a +reat e-tent is, a declarative lan+ua+e, it also includes procedural elements. 1F2 became a standard of the &merican National 1tandards Institute (&N1I in !MG and of the International %r+ani;ation for 1tandards (I1% in !M5. 1ince then, the standard has been enhanced several times with added features. 6owever, issues of 1F2 code portability between major 839'1 products still e-ist due to lack of full compliance with, or different interpretations of, the standard. &mon+ the reasons mentioned are the lar+e si;e and incomplete specification of the standard, as w ell as vendor lockin.
/.2.2 O+e%+*e, &- S"L 1F2 is the standard lan+ua+e for 8elation 3atabase 1ystem. &ll relational database mana+ement systems like 'y1F2, '1 &ccess, and %racle, 1ybase, Informi-, post+res and 1F2 1erver uses 1F2 as standard database lan+ua+e. &lso they are usin+ different dialects, 1uch asB •
'1 1F2 1erver usin+ T1F2,
%racle usin+ P21F2,
'1 &ccess version of 1F2 is called J7T 1F2 (native format etc
/.2.! S"L Se%+e%
M*)%&-t S"L Se%+e% is a relational database server, developed by 'icrosoftB It is a
software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as reuested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those runnin+ on another computer across a network (includin+ the Internet. There are at least a do;en different editions of 'icrosoft 1F2 1erver aimed at different audiences and for different workloads 1F2 1erver 4""$ (codename ukon, released in %ctober 4""$, is the successor to 1F2 1erver 4""". It included native support for mana+in+ C'2 data, in addition to relational data. Dor this purpose, it defined an -ml data type that could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in ueries. C'2 is converted to an internal binary data type before bein+ stored in the database. 1peciali;ed inde-in+ methods were made available for C'2 data. C'2 data is ueried usin+ CFuery: )ommon 2an+ua+e 8untime ()28 inte+ration was a main feature with this edition, enablin+ one to write 1F2 code as 'ana+ ed )ode by the )28.
/.2. S"L C&mman'# 1F2 )ommands will show the use of 1727)T, 3727T7, >P3&T7. 1F2 commands are instructions used to communicate with the database to perform specific task that work with data. 1F2 commands can be used not only for searchin+ the database but also to perform various other functions like, for e-ample, you can create tables, add data to tables, or modify data, drop the table, set permissions for users. 1F2 commands are +rouped into four major cate+ories dependin+ on their functionalityB
Data De-*n*t*&n Lang(age 3DDL4
These 1F2 commands are used for creatin+, modifyin+, and droppin+ the structure of database objects.
Data Man*$(5at*&n Lang(age 3DM These 1F2 commands are used for storin+, retrievin+, modifyin+, and deletin+ data. These commands are 1727)T, IN178T, >P3&T7, and 3727T7.
T%an#a)t*&n C&nt%&5 Lang(age 3TCL4 These commands are )%''IT, 8%229&)H, and 1&=7P%INT.
Data C&nt%&5 Lang(age 3DCL4 These 1F2 commands are used for providin+ security to database objects. These commands are <8&NT and 87=%H7.
Not null
Primary key
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Not null
Primary Hey
Primary Hey
Primary Hey
.2 MOUDLE DESIGN L&g*n The re+istered customers are then authenticated a+ainst the claimed credentials. %nly the authenticated customer can view their personali;ed home pa+e.
A))&(nt C(%%ent7Sa+*ng# A))&(nt
To offer an account summary of account balances either in their current account or savin+s account.
To offer a account ('ini statement which displays a detailed transaction history on the selected customer account and selected period.
The customer can also download account statement online
To facilitate transfer of funds within customer account
To view the status of the cheue issued by the customer a+ainst the account number and cheue number.
F*8e' De$*t
To open a new fi-ed deposit online
To view the fi-ed deposit details which includes principal amount, maturity amount, maturity date, and rate of interest.
. SYSTEM DESIGN usin+ 1ystem: usin+ 1ystem.3ata: usin+ 1ystem.)onfi+uration: usin+ 1ystem.)ollections: !
usin+ 1ystem.Web: usin+ 1ystem.Web.1ecurity: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I.Web)ontrols: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I.Web)ontrols.WebParts: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I.6tml)ontrols: usin+ 1ystem.3ata.1l)lient:
public partial class Withdraw B 1ystem.Web.>I.Pa+e Q 1l)onnection slcon: 1l)ommand cmd: 1l3ata8eader read: strin+ s!,s4: protected void Pa+eL2oad(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q slcon
1ourceR.K1F27CP8711:&ttach3bDilenameR3ata3irectoryK&T'system.mdf:Inte+rated 1ecurityRTrue:>ser InstanceRTrue: 3ateTime dt R 3ateTime.Now: Te-t9o-!.Te-t R dt.To1trin+(dd''yyyy:
withdraw)alc(: U protected void withdraw)ount( Q int countR":
slcon.%pen(: s! R select )%>NT(accNo &1 7-pr! from TransInfo where accNo R V
1essionaccnoX 4"
V &N3 3ate R @ V Te-t9o-!.Te-t V @ V &N3 process R @Withdraw@: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s!, slcon: read R cmd.7-ecute8eader(: while (read.8ead( Q count R read.
slcon.)lose(: if (count Y ? Q Panel!.=isible R true: 2abelG.=isible R false: 9uttonA.=isible R false: U
else Q 2abelG.=isible R true: 9uttonA.=isible R true: Panel!.=isible R false: U U
protected void withdraw)alc( Q double tot&mt R ".""
slcon.%pen(: s! R select 1>'(amt &1 7-pr! from TransInfo where accNo R V
1essionaccnoX V &N3 3ate R @ V Te-t9o-!.Te-t V @ V &N3 process R @Withdraw@: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s!, slcon: 4!
read R cmd.7-ecute8eader(: if (read.8ecords&ffected Z " Q while (read.8ead( Q tot&mt R )onvert.To3ouble(read.
slcon.)lose(: if (tot&mt ZR A$""" Q 2abel5.Te-t R 1orry [ ou can@t Withdraw &bove 8s.A$,""" per 3ay: 2abel5.=isible R true:
9utton!.7nabled R false: 9utton?.7nabled R false: U U protected void 3rop3own2ist!L1electedInde-)han+ed(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q int amt:
amt R )onvert.ToInt?4(3rop3own2ist!.1elected=alue:
if (amt RR !$""" Q 3rop3own2ist4.1electedInde- R ": 44
3rop3own2ist4.7nabled R false: U
else Q 3rop3own2ist4.7nabled R true: U U protected void 9utton!L)lick(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q int thous, hrds,wdraw: double curbal,newbal,tot&mt R "."":
thous R )onvert.ToInt?4(3rop3own2ist!.1elected=alue: hrds R )onvert.ToInt?4(3rop3own2ist4.1elected=alue:
wdraw R thous V hrds: 2abel$.Te-t R V wdraw: 2abel$.=isible R true: 2ist9o-!.1electedInde- R ": curbal R)onvert.To3ouble(2ist9o-!.1elected=alue: if (curbal Z wdraw Q
s! R select 1>'(amt &1 7-pr! from TransInfo where accNo R V 1essionaccnoX V &N3 3ate R @ V Te-t9o-!.Te-t V @ V &N3 process R @Withdraw@: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s!, slcon: read R cmd.7-ecute8eader(: if (read.8ecords&ffected Z " 4?
Q while (read.8ead( Q tot&mt R )onvert.To3ouble(read.
tot&mt R A$""" tot&mt: if (wdraw Y tot&mt Q newbal R curbal wdraw: s! R update &ccount 17T balance R V newbal V where accNo R V 1essionaccnoX: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s!, slcon:
2ist9o-!.3ata9ind(: s4 R insert into transInfo values( V 1essionaccnoX V ,@ V Te-t9o-!.Te-t
V @, V wdraw V , V newbal V ,@Withdraw@,@N>22@: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s4, slcon:
slcon.)lose(: 9utton!.7nabled R false: U
else Q 9utton!.7nabled R false: 2abel5.Te-t R ou can@t withdraw this much amount: 2abel5.=isible R true: 4A
U U else Q 9utton!.7nabled R false: 2abel5.Te-t R ou didn@t have sufficient balance to withdraw this amount: 2abel5.=isible R true: U U protected void 9utton?L)lick(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q
withdraw)ount(: 3rop3own2ist!.1electedInde- R ": 3rop3own2ist4.1electedInde- R ": 2abel$.Te-t R : 9utton!.7nabled R true: 2abel5.=isible R false: U
U usin+ 1ystem: usin+ 1ystem.3ata: usin+ 1ystem.)onfi+uration: usin+ 1ystem.)ollections: usin+ 1ystem.Web: usin+ 1ystem.Web.1ecurity: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I.Web)ontrols: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I.Web)ontrols.WebParts: usin+ 1ystem.Web.>I.6tml)ontrols: 4$
usin+ 1ystem.3ata.1l)lient: public partial class 'oneyTransfer B 1ystem.Web.>I.Pa+e Q 1l)onnection slcon: 1l)ommand cmd: 1l3ata8eader read: strin+ s!, s4, s?: protected void Pa+eL2oad(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q slcon
1ourceR.K1F27CP8711:&ttach3bDilenameR3ata3irectoryK&T'system.mdf:Inte+rated 1ecurityRTrue:>ser InstanceRTrue: Te-t9o-!.Te-t RV 1essionaccnoX: 3ateTime dt R 3ateTime.Now: Te-t9o-?.Te-t R dt.To1trin+(dd''yyyy: U
protected void 3rop3own2ist!L1electedInde-)han+ed(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q int amt:
amt R )onvert.ToInt?4(3rop3own2ist!.1elected=alue:
if (amt RR !$""" Q 3rop3own2ist4.1electedInde- R ": 3rop3own2ist4.7nabled R false: U
else Q 4G
3rop3own2ist4.7nabled R true: U U protected void 9utton!L)lick(object sender, 7vent&r+s e Q int thous, hrds, trans: double curbal, newbal,receiver9al R "."": int fla+ R " : thous R )onvert.ToInt?4(3rop3own2ist!.1elected=alue: hrds R )onvert.ToInt?4(3rop3own2ist4.1elected=alue: trans R thous V hrds: 2ist9o-!.1electedInde- R ": curbal R )onvert.To3ouble(2ist9o-!.1elected=alue: if (curbal Z trans Q newbal R curbal trans:
slcon.%pen(: s! R update &ccount 17T balance R V newbal V where accNo R V
1essionaccnoX: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s!, slcon:
2ist9o-!.3ata9ind(: s4 R insert into transInfo values( V 1essionaccnoX V ,@ V Te-t9o-?.Te-t V
@, V trans V , V newbal V ,@Transferred@,@ V Te-t9o-4.Te-t V @: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s4, slcon:
cmd.7-ecuteNonFuery(: s? R select balance from &ccount where accNo R V Te-t9o-4.Te-t: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s?, slcon: read R cmd.7-ecute8eader(: while (read.8ead( 45
Q receiver9al R)onvert.To3ouble(read.
if (fla+ RR ! Q receiver9al R receiver9al V trans: s4 R insert into transInfo values( V Te-t9o-4.Te-t V ,@ V Te-t9o-?.Te-t V @, V trans V , V receiver9al V ,@8eceived from@,@ V 1essionaccnoX V @: cmd R new 1l)ommand(s4, slcon:
s! R update &ccount 17T balance R V receiver9al V where accNo R V Te-t9o-4.Te-t : cmd R new 1l)ommand(s!, slcon:
cmd.7-ecuteNonFuery(: U
slcon.)lose(: U
else Q 2abelG.Te-t R our are selected more &mount than your )urrent 9alance.: 2abelG.=isible R true: U U
9. TESTING 9.1 UNIT TESTING >nit testin+ focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of the software desi+n, the modules. This is also known as /'odule Testin+0. The modules are tested separately.
The testin+ was carried out durin+ pro+rammin+ sta+e itself. In the testin+ each module is found to be workin+ satisfactorily as re+ards to the e-pected output from the module. 3urin+ the implementation of the system each module of the system is tested separately to uncover errors with its boundaries. We use interfaces as a +uide in this process. Dor a complete software e-amination, both white bo- and black bo- tests are reuired.
9.2INTEGRATION TESTING %nce the modules are tested individually under the unit testin+ strate+y, it is necessary to put all these modules to+ether interfacin+. It is he re that the data can be lost across the interface: one module can have an inadvertent adverse effect on another. Inte+ration testin+ is a systematic techniue for constructin+ the pro+ram structure while at the same time conductin+ tests to uncover errors associated with interfacin+ the objective is to take unittestin+ modules and build a pro+ram structure that has been dictated by desi+n. This is the last phase of the testin+. The main objective of inte+ration testin+ is to take the unit tester modules and build a pro+ram structure that has defined in the desi+nin+. There are two approaches in this testin+.
:. S)%een#;&t#
L&g*n $age
A))&(nt *n-&%mat*&n
IMPLEMENTATION The system will work best on recent operatin+ systems such as windows operatin+ systemsB & window M or hi+her version, 2inu-, etc. The system was developed usin+ the followin+B i. 3reamweaverB this is for writin+, edited, debu++in+ and buildin+ 6T'2, )11, P6P and javascript codes. ii. 1lyo+ B this is used in desi+nin+ and reeditin+ 'y1F2 database. iii. Wamp serverB this was used for runnin+ and detectin+ of P6P and 'y1F2 errors. The system was implemented usin+ the followin+ lan+ua+esB 6T'2, )11, P6P, 'y1F2, J&=&1)8IPT.
PIN number authentication interface.
Transaction Interface
)ustomer#s 9alance Interface
'obile Phone 8echar+e Interface
MAINTENANCE &T' mana+ement (8oles and 8esponsibilities of Third party
Dirst line maintenance (D2' includin+ paperroll replenishment.
1econd 2ine 'aintenance (12' (4A - 5 and spare parts mana+ement.
&T' en+ineerin+ services. o 'aintenance of all euipment like ))T=, =1&T, >P1, &ir conditioners, etc
)leanin+, 6ousekeepin+, )aretaker services
&T' Installation and lo+istics services o &T' relocation services and incident mana+ement
7ntire treasuries in Herala can be inte+rated with the network as part of the core bankin+ system so that account holder can withdraw money from any of the treasury &T's from his own account holdin+ at any Treasury. Treasury &T's can also be used as the information kiosk by displayin+ information about treasury transactions, functions, interest rate of savin+s and fi-ed deposit accounts. Durthermore, can add more functionality like bill payment and can +ive advertisements as a part of revenue +eneration. 3epartment should take initiative to inte+rate Treasury with the National Dinancial 1witch (ND1 because it is the backbone of the service improvement of 19 accounts. Now it is only intended for the cash drawin+ process, but later, includin+ deposit &T's will be an added advanta+e for the treasury department for improvin+ the services.
ou can withdraw cash at any time, day or ni+ht. The banks don#t need to be open.
&T's offer the convenience of multiple locations. ou can withdraw cash at any bank that is part of the system to which your &T' card is linked.
our &T' card is protected by a PIN, keepin+ your money safe.
ou don#t need to fill out withdrawal and deposit slips as is reuired at the bank.
ou can withdraw cash at &T's in forei+n countries.
&T' may be offline (system down.
ou may for+et your PIN number.
8isk of robbery when you leave the &T'.
The &T' can break down or run out of cash.
Dees char+ed to use &T's of other banks can become e-pensive.
11. CONCULISION Implementation of this project includin+ the core bankin+ system would create a drastic chan+e in the services of Treasury 3epartment and it will become one of the competitive financial institutions under