Cengage - Darden Business School Case Study Analysis
Descripción: Wintel Case
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Name : Muhammad Asyraf Asyraf Age : 17 years old
Chief Complaint
Pain at right lower abdomen since three days ago
History of Presenting Illness
- Pain started after taing dinner at college canteen three days ago - No rebound tenderness - Came to Hospital on !"#1#!$1% and too medicine to ease the pain and allowed to go bac - Pain again and got admitted on !7#1#!$1% SOCRATES: •
Site: &ight Iliac 'ossa
Onset: Pain comes and goes( Increases gradually
Character: )harp pain
R adiation: adiation: No
Alle*iating factors: No
Time course: Normally lasts 1$+1% minutes
E,acerbating factors: It comes any time
Se*erity: "#1$
Associated symptoms: No fe*er- *omiting- constipation or dysuria
Past medical history
- No any past medical history Past surgery history
- No any past surgery history 'amily history
.oth parents healthy
Patient is /rd child of " childrens(
)ocial history # Personal history
- No smoing - No alcohol - &esidence : 0ulai - ccupation : )tudent 2rug history
- No past drug history or allergy
Physical exam to assess your pain •
Aure+&o3ano*a sign: Increased pain on palpation with finger in right Petit triangle 4can be a positi*e )hchetin+.loomberg5s6
.artomier+Michelson5s sign: Increased pain on palpation at the right iliac region as the person being e,amined lies on his#her left side compared to when he#she lies on his#her bac(
2unphy5s sign: Increased pain in the right lower uadrant with coughing(
0ocher5s 40osher5s6 sign: 'rom the person5s medical history- the start of pain in the umbilical region with a subseuent shift to the right iliac region(
Massouh sign: 2e*eloped in and popular in southwest 8ngland- the e,aminer performs a firm swish with his#her inde, and middle finger across the abdomen from the 9iphoid process to the left and the right iliac fossa( A positi*e Massouh sign is a grimace of the person being e,amined upon a right sided 4and not left6 sweep(
bturator sign: he person being e*aluated lies on her#his bac with the hip and nee both fle,ed at ninety degrees( he e,aminer holds the person5s anle with one hand and nee with the other hand( he e,aminer rotates the hip by mo*ing the person5s anle away from the his#her body while allowing the nee to mo*e only inward( A positi*e test is pain with internal rotation of the hip(
Psoas sign: Also nown as the ;bra3tso*a5s sign; is right lower+uadrant pain that is produced with either the passi*e e,tension of the right hip or by the acti*e fle,ion of the person5s right hip while supine( he pain that is elicited is due to inflammation of the peritoneum o*erlying the iliopsoas muscles and inflammation
of the psoas muscles themsel*es( )traightening out the leg causes pain because it stretches these muscles- while fle,ing the hip acti*ates the iliopsoas and therefore also causes pain( •
&o*sing5s sign: Pain in the lower right abdominal uadrant with continuous deep palpation starting from the left iliac fossa upwards 4counterclocwise along the colon6( he thought is there will be increased pressure around the appendi, by pushing bowel contents and air towards the ileocaecal *al*e pro*oing right sided abdominal pain(
)ito*siy 4&osenstein65s sign: Increased pain in the right iliac region as the person is being e,amined lies on his#her left side(
Blood test. his allows to chec for a high white blood cell count- which may
indicate an infection(
Urine test. o mae sure that a urinary tract infection or a idney stone isn5t causing
your pain(
Imain tests. Abdominal 9+ray- an abdominal ultrasound or a computeri3ed
tomography 4C6 scan to help confirm appendicitis or find other causes for your pain( )coring systems
Al*arado score +< A score below % is strongly against a diagnosis of appendicitiswhile a score of 7 or more is strongly predicti*e of acute appendicitis( In a person with an eui*ocal score of % or "- a C scan is used to reduce the rate of negati*e appendicectomy(
2ifferential diagnosis -
Children: =astroenteritis- mesenteric
adenitis- Mecel5s
di*erticulitis- intussusception- Henoch+)ch>nlein purpura- lobar pneumonia-urinary tract infection 4abdominal pain in the absence of other symptoms can occur in children with ?I6- new+onset Crohn5s disease or ulcerati*e colitis- pancreatitis- and abdominal trauma from child abuse@ distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in children with cystic fibrosis@ typhlitis in children with leuemia( -
Surery : he newer method to treat appendicitis is the laparoscopic surgery( his surgical procedure consists of maing three to four incisions in the abdomen- each
$(!% to $(% inches 4"( to 1!(7 mm6 long( his type of appendectomy is made by inserting a special surgical tool called laparoscope into one of the incisions( he laparoscope is connected to a monitor outside the person5s body and it is designed to help the surgeon to inspect the infected area in the abdomen( he other two incisions are made for the specific remo*al of the appendi, by using surgical instruments( Baparoscopic surgery also reuires general anesthesia and it can last up to two hours( he latest methods are N8) appendectomy pioneered in Coimbatore- India where there is no incision on the e,ternal sin and )IB) 4)ingle incision laparoscopic )urgery6 where a single !(% cm incision is made to perform the surgery(
Pain : Pain medications 4such as morphine6 do not appear to affect the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis of appendicitis and therefore should be gi*en early in the person5s care(Historically there were concerns among some general surgeons that analgesics would affect the clinical e,am in children and thus some recommended that they not be gi*en until the surgeon in uestion was able to e,amine the person for themsel*es(