1. Joe is at the store. He wants to go back to his room. It is necessary for him to walk 12 blocks. How far is it from the store to Joe’s room? a. at the room b. very tired c. 12 blocks d. in the store 2. He had to cut the grass yesterday. yesterday. Where did he work? a. in the mill b. in the yard c. in the office d. in the sho !. Jackson cooks all our meals for us. What does he do? a. He buys the food. b. He eats the food. c. He sells the food. d. He reares the food. ". # cowboy travels many miles each day. How does he travel? a. on a goat b. on a horse c. on a cow d. on a deer $. John is a safe driver. a. He is a slow driver. b. He is a careful driver. c. He drives cheerfully. d. He drives carelessly. %. &raffic is heavy in town during the rush hour. a. &here are many accidents. b. &here are many eole shoing. c. &here are many cars on the street. d. &here are few cars on the street. '. (usan was acking her baggage. a. (usan was going on a tri. b. (usan was going to the movies. c. (usan was going to the office. d. (usan was going for a walk. ). &he students were confused by the rules. a. &hey did not understand the rules. b. &he rules were clear to them.
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c. &hey didn’t like the rules. d. &hey were hay with the rules. *. He was a assenger on that bus. a. He cleaned it. b. He worked on it. c. He olished it. d. He rode on it. 1+.&his machine is automatic. a. It is oerated manually. b. It works by itself. c. It makes too much noise. d. It is a art of a car. 11. &hat man is a government agent. a. &hat man understands the government. b. &hat man ooses the government. c. &hat man reresents the government. d. &hat man ays the government. 12. &he bus arrived at e,actly ! o’clock. When did the bus arrive? a. aro,imately 1$++ hours b. at 1$++ hours c. about !-1+ d. $ minutes before ! o’clock 1!. Which word best describes the sun at noon on a clear day? a. bright b. small c. cold d. hidden 1". id you bother /r. James when you called? a. 0o I’m not his sister. b. 0o I haven’t seen him. c. 0o he’s home in the evening. d. 0o I didn’t disturb him. 1$. hett sent a great deal of time in the south. How much time did he send there? a. none b. a little time c. a lot of time d. very little time 1%. &he instructor told the class how to reach the laboratory. a. &he instructor wanted to get to the laboratory early. b. &he instructor got to the laboratory late. c. &he instructor told the class how to get there.
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d. &he class went directly to the laboratory. 1'. &he bank is oosite the ost office. a. &he bank is on a different street. b. &he bank is across the street from the ost office. c. &he bank is 3ust behind the ost office. d. &he bank is ne,t to the ost office. 1). (he has not seen the doctor yet. a. (he has already seen him. b. (he has a rescrition. c. (he is still waiting. d. (he is already well.
1*. avid takes art in all kinds of activities. a. He ractices only certain tyes of activities. b. He articiates in many tyes of activities. c. He en3oys keeing away from activities. d. He dislikes various kinds of activities. 2+. &he risoner will be released from 3ail today. a. He will be let out today. b. He will be ut in today. c. He will stay in 3ail. d. He’ll still be in 3ail in the morning. 21. &he rock crashed through the window. a. It went through an oen window. b. It did not go through the window. c. It hit and broke the window. d. It assed near the window. 22. obert failed his last e,amination. a. He made a high score. b. He missed a few 4uestions. c. His score was unsatisfactory. d. He received hel on the e,amination. 2!. Head4uarters is ne,t to the lab building. a. It is across from the lab building. b. It is beside the lab building. c. It is under the lab building. d. It is above the lab building.
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2". John visited a residential area of town. a. He visited a business area. b. He visited a university. c. He visited a ark. d. He visited a family housing area. 2$. When I called him he was too occuied to talk. a. He was angry. b. He was busy. c. He was sleey. d. He was sick. 2%. 5ert has never been absent from class. a. He disruted class. b. He always goes to school. c. He left school. d. He never listens in class. 2'. He looked over his notes. a. He coied his notes. b. He reviewed his notes. c. He saw his notes. d. He left his notes.
2). What kind of metal is this bo, made of? a. steel b. wood c. rubber d. lastic 2*. 6an you start a fire with two stones? a. 6an you heat the stones. b. 6an you make the fire hotter? c. 6an you light a fire with the stones? d. 6an the heat burn the stones? !+. 7t. Jones was told to reort to the commander at 1-1$ m. When does he have to be there? a. at +11$ b. at 1!1$ c. at 111$ d. at +1$+ !1. &he clerk will stack the bo,es at the corner. What will he do with the bo,es? a. aint them b. shi them out c. ile them u 第 4 頁,共 16 頁
d. count them !2. &here was an abrut change in the weather. What kind of change was it? a. gradual b. sudden c. normal d. slight !!. ave told us to bring the sorts e4uiments. What did ave tell us to bring? a. the bats and the balls b. the tickets for the games c. the baseball team d. the sorts instructor !". /r. 5rown like the cartoons in the evening newsaer. What did he like? a. headlines b. drawings c. articles d. news !$. What is the function of this switch? a. It’s only a very small art. b. It’s used only once a day. c. It’s electrical. d. It’s used to turn on the motor. !%. 7t. #dams was concerned about the health of his men. How did he feel about their health? a. sad b. uninterested c. worried d. satisfied
!'. It is convenient for eole to sho near their homes. a. It’s very difficult to buy things near the house. b. 8eole don’t like to sell their homes. c. (hoing is easier when the shos are close by. d. It’s useful for eole to have a sho in their. !). John en3oyed his visit. a. He had a good time. b. He made many friends. c. He got a lot of rest. d. He stayed a long time. !*. &his road narrows to one lane after a mile. a. &he road gets bad after a mile. 第 5 頁,共 16 頁
b. &he road is not so wide after a mile. c. &he road gets rough after a mile. d. &he road is better after a mile. "+. #nna wonders what will haen. a. (he is curious about what will haen. b. (he is afraid of what will haen. c. (he is hay about what will haen. d. (he doesn’t care what will haen. "1. &he food began to decay. a. It began to burn. b. It began to heat u. c. It began to soil. d. It began to dry out. "2. &he ilot told 7t. Jones to take over the aircraft. a. 7t Jones should insect the lane. b. 7t Jones should do it again. c. 7t Jones should assume control of the lane. d. 7t Jones should leave the lane. "!. We were told to think it over before we decided. a. We were told to be aware of it. b. We were told to consider it. c. We were told to delete it. d. We were told to e,ect it. "". alh is an e,ert mechanic. a. He’s a careless mechanic. b. He’s an honest mechanic. c. He’s a skilled mechanic. d. He’s a busy mechanic. "$. Which is a fluid? a. fire b. water c. car d. a water ie
"%. John said that Helen might come to visit him. What did John say? a. that she would erhas come to visit him b. that she must come to visit him c. that she ought to come to visit him d. that she’ll visit him by all means
第 6 頁,共 16 頁
"'. (he has something wrong with her resiratory system. Where is the trouble? a. in her heart b. in her ribs c. in her lungs d. In her stomach "). We must de9emhasi:e the war. What must we do? a. make war less e,ensive b. make war less imortant c. make war less dangerous d. make war less destructive "*. Why are some highways made of concrete? a. because it is fle,ible b. because it is mobile c. because it is wide d. because it is durable $+. &he soldier worked in transortation and suly. What did his 3ob involve? a. logistics b. ersonnel c. administration d. statistics $1. &he enemy gave u to the suerior forces. What did the enemy do? a. defended b. attacked c. surrendered d. counterattacked $2. We’ll have to tear down the engine. What will we have to do? relace the engine take the engine aart run the engine slower take the engine out $!. &he temerature was around '+ degrees and it was a foggy morning. a. ;ou couldn’t see the sun. b. &here was some dust in the air. c. &he air had a low moisture content. d. &here was a steady bree:e blowing. $". &he chairman will bring u the roblem at the ne,t meeting. a. He will 3ot it down. b. He will resent it. c. He will imrove it. d. He will think about it.
第 7 頁,共 16 頁
$$. Warm air is less dense than the cold air. a. It is heavier. b. It is clearer. c. It is darker. d. It is lighter. $%. What caused the car wheel to wobble? a. It was balanced. b. It was new. c. It was unbalanced. d. It was stable. $'. /- Have you seen my new dog? W- ;es. He’s very nice. <- How is the woman feel about the dog? a. (he is afraid of it. b. (he likes it. c. (he wants it. d. (he dislikes it. $). W- I hear that 7t. Winters is 3oining you. /- ;es. What kind of erson do you think he is? <- What does the man want to know about 7t. Winters? a. who his arents are b. where he is coming from c. if he has good character d. when he is e,ected to arrive $*. /- I’ll meet you at 1+. Where? W- I have to go to the drugstore. /eet me there. <- What does the woman have to do? a. store some drugs b. see a doctor c. buy some medicine d. buy vegetables %+. /- id you see the lane? W- ;es. What do you think the altitude was? <- What does the woman want to know? a. who was flying the lane b. how fast the lane was going c. how high the lane was flying d. where the lane was going 第 8 頁,共 16 頁
%1. /- Which are the main chaters of the book? W- &he third and the fourth. <- What do we know about the third and the fourth chaters? a. &hey are the most imortant. b. &hey are the shortest. c. &hey are the dullest. d. &hey are the most difficult.
%2. /- I like doing this. W- I know. 5ut what is your goal? <- What does the woman want to know? a. how long the man has been there. b. where the man comes from c. what the man is trying to do d. when the man started %!. W- Was &ony hurt in the accident? /- 0o but the doctor gave some ills to rela, him. <- Why did the doctor give &ony the ills? a. to kee him awake b. to make him less tense c. because he is very weak d. because he had a headache %". W- How do they get the oil from the storage tank to the shis? /- &hey use ies. <- What do they use? a. trucks b. containers c. trains d. tubes %$. /- How much do I owe you? W- &hat’s a dollar and a half. /- Here are two one9dollar bills. =ee the change. <- What has haened? a. &he man gave her one dollar and fifty cents. b. &he man wants some change back. c. &he lady received two dollars.
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d. &he lady will have to ay him fifty cents. %%. W- &he mess hall will be closed for reairs for si, day due to last night ’s fire. #rrangement had been made for military students to eat without charge in their resective clubs for the coming week. 8lease have your identification with you when you enter the club. #ccording to the announcement
a. students will have to eat off base b. the mess hall will close for si, weeks c. students will not have to ay for meals d. all students will eat in the >fficer’s 6lub %'. ave- id they get any cigarettes there? #lan- ;es they got
a. any b. some c. much d. nothing %). /y father
to (an #ntonio.
a. didn’t not fly b. don’t fly c. didn’t never fly d. didn’t fly
%*. Jack saw &om at the dance last night. a. &om was seen by Jack. b. &om wasn’t there last night. c. He will be at the dance. d. Jack didn’t go to the dance last night. '+. &hough Jane likes to swim she is not a good swimmer. a. Jane is a good swimmer and likes to swim. b. Jane is a good swimmer but doesn’t like to swim. c. Jane doesn’t like to swim and she can’t swim well. d. Jane is not a good swimmer but she likes to swim. '1. I get aid twice a month. I receive my ay
a. one time a month b. two times a month 第 10 頁,共 16 頁
c. once every ten days d. every weekend '2. What defense will be used? a. rotection against attack b. lan of escae c. set of rules d. kind of transortation '!. I want to develo my muscles and that’s why
a. I’ll eat less food b. I’ll go to bed late c. I’ll e,ercise every day d. I’ll study hard '". 8lease
the glasses with water.
a. have filled u b. filling u c. will fill d. fill u '$. /rs. /iller took the flowers
the table.
a. among b. into c. from d. uon '%.
in one lace for such a long time was very uncomfortable.
a. (itting b. (at c. (it d. or sitting ''. (he reares breakfast for
and her husband.
a. himself b. hers c. she d. herself
第 11 頁,共 16 頁
'). If you get a bargain you
a. buy an item at a lower rice b. ay too much money for something c. buy oor merchandise d. buy better merchandise '*. 0ote taking is
a. writing only the main oints b. carrying messages from one lace to another c. comleting short sentences d. formal @nglish writing )+. If a man doesn’t eat he will die eventually. a. right away b. forever c. instantly d. sooner or later )1. &his ill is coated with sugar. a. counted b. made c. covered d. taken )2. I’d like my steak
a. nice done b. good done c. well done d. best done )!. It will heat u tomorrow. &he weather will be
a. cooler b. warmer c. drier d. wetter )". We had better eat dinner. a. inner was good. b. We should eat dinner. 第 12 頁,共 16 頁
c. inner isn’t ready. d. We ate dinner. )$. If I
enough money I would buy a new car.
a. will have b. having c. had d. have had )%. &he thermometer sometimes reads
a. below b. under c. behind d. after
)'. /r. 5rown got tired of
to so many gries.
a. to listen b. listen c. listening d. listened )). &he diamond is a beautiful brilliant gem. #lthough it is commonly used in engagement rings its greatest use is in industry. &oday the automotive industry is the main buyer of industrial diamonds. In fact there are 1$ different uses for this mineral in an automobile factory. #ccording to this aragrah
a. all diamonds are used in engagement rings b. 1$ minerals are used in automobile factories c. industrial diamonds are used in automobile factories d. all diamonds are used in industry )*. &he headlines are rinted in
a. ordinary tye b. small tye c. large tye d. little letters *+. /r. #nd /rs. Jackson have their evening aer delivered. &he evening aer is 第 13 頁,共 16 頁
a. mailed by them b. bought at newsstand c. brought to their home d. sent to the newsstand *1. He soke raidly but the students could understand him well. a. clearly b. slow c. fast d. interestingly *2. &he electrical current is conducted by
a. rubber b. wiring diagram c. resistance d. coer wire *!. on’t oose his interests. a. be for b. work against c. e,amine d. rotect *". We tried to ignore the
a. bark b. barking c. barked d. to bark
*$. /eat is usually cut and
one iece at a time.
a. eat b. eating c. eaten d. ate *%.
that a hurricane was headed towards the coast the honeymooners were forced to 第 14 頁,共 16 頁
change their final destination. a. or the urose b. In the event c. In the hoe d. ue to the fact *'. 5ob intended to write to his girlfriend as soon as he found the time. a. retended b. lanned c. decided d. ob3ected *). I have a loose
in this tooth.
a. cavity b. filling c. gum d. toothache **. We’d better try to straighten
this room.
a. off b. u c. down d. to 1++. /s. Warren the newly hired teacher was asked to seak e,tem teaching e,eriences while in 6hina. a. 9oraneity b. 9orary c. 9ori:e d. 9oraneously