Political law case digest: Republic of the Philippines vs LimFull description
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from eSCRA.
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MOY YA LIM YAO VS. COMMISSIONER OF IMMIGRATION G.R. No. L-21289, October 4 1971, 41 SCRA 292 FACTS Lau Yuen Yeung applied for a passport visa to enter the Philippines as a non-immigrant on 8 February 1961. In the interrogation made in onnetion !ith her appliation for a temporary visitor"s visa to enter the Philippines# she stated that she !as a $hinese residing at %o!loon# &ong'ong# and that she desired to ta'e a pleasure trip to the Philippines to visit her great grand unle# Lau $hing Ping. (he !as permitted to ome into the Philippines on 1) *arh 1961 for a period of one month. •
+n the date of her arrival# ,sher Y. $heng filed a bond in the amount of P1#. to underta'e# among others# that said Lau Yuen Yeung !ould atually depart from the Philippines on or before the epiration of her authori/ed period of stay in this ountry or !ithin the period as in his disretion the $ommissioner of Immigration or his authori/ed representative might properly allo!. •
,fter ,fter repeat repeated ed etens etension ions# s# Lau Yuen Yuen Yeung Yeung !as !as allo!ed allo!ed to stay stay in the Philippines up to 1) February 1960. +n 0 2anuary 1960# she ontrated marriage !ith *oy Ya Lim Yao alias 3dilberto ,guinaldo Lim an alleged Filipino iti/en. 4eaus 4e ause e of the ontem ontempla plated ted ation ation of the $ommis $ommissio sioner ner of Immigr Immigrati ation on to onfisate her bond and order her arrest and immediate deportation# after the epiration of her authori/ed stay# she brought an ation for in5untion. ,t the hearing !hih too' plae one and a half years after her arrival# it !as admitted that Lau Yuen Yeung ould not !rite and spea' either 3nglish or agalog# eept for a fe! !ords. (he ould not name any Filipino neighbor# !ith a Filipino name eept one# 7osa. (he did not 'no! the names of her brothers-in-la!# or sistersin-la!. ,s a result# the $ourt of First Instane of *anila denied the prayer for preliminary in5untion. *oya Lim Yao and Lau Yuen Yuen Yeung appealed. •
I((3 :hether or not Lau Yuen Yeung ipso fato beame a Filipino iti/en upon her marriage to a Filipino iti/en. &3L; Yes. nder (etion 1 of $ommon!ealth ,t <=)# an alien !oman marrying a Filipino# native born or naturali/ed# beomes ipso fato a Filipina provided she is not dis>ualified to be a iti/en of the Philippines under (etion < of the same la!. Li'e!ise# an alien !oman married to an alien !ho is subse>uently naturali/ed here follo!s the Philippine iti/enship of her husband the moment he ta'es his oath oa th as Filip Filipino ino iti iti/e /en# n# prov provide ided d that that she she does does no nott suffe sufferr from from any any of the the dis>ua dis>ualifi lifiat ation ions s under under said said (etion (etion <. :heth :hether er the alien alien !oman !oman re>uire re>uires s to underg undergo o the natura naturali/a li/atio tion n proee proeeding dings# s# (etio (etion n 1 is a parall parallel el provis provision ion to •
(etion 16. hus# if the !ido! of an appliant for naturali/ation as Filipino# !ho dies during the proeedings# is not re>uired to go through a naturali/ation proeedings# in order to be onsidered as a Filipino iti/en hereof# it should follo! that the !ife of a living Filipino annot be denied the same privilege. his is plain ommon sense and there is absolutely no evidene that the Legislature intended to treat them differently. ,s the la!s of our ountry# both substantive and proedural# stand today# there is no suh proedure ?a substitute for naturali/ation proeeding to enable the alien !ife of a Philippine iti/en to have the matter of her o!n iti/enship settled and established so that she may not have to be alled upon to prove it every time she has to perform an at or enter into a transation or business or eerise a right reserved only to Filipinos@# but suh is no proof that the iti/enship is not vested as of the date of marriage or the husband"s a>uisition of iti/enship# as the ase may be# for the truth is that the situation obtains even as to native-born Filipinos. 3very time the iti/enship of a person is material or indispensable in a 5udiial or administrative ase. :hatever the orresponding ourt or administrative authority deides therein as to suh iti/enship is generally not onsidered as res ad5udiata# hene it has to be threshed out again and again as the oasion may demand. Lau Yuen Yeung# !as delared to have beome a Filipino iti/en from and by virtue of her marriage to *oy Ya Lim Yao al as 3dilberto ,guinaldo Lim# a Filipino iti/en of 0 2anuary 1960. •