Discourse analysis is the analysis of the discourse, how the language are used from the narrowly focused on how the word “oh” or “well” are used in casual talk t the study the dominant ideology in cultural as represented, for example in education and or political practice The focus of the discourse analysis is the linguistics and the pragmatics. When it deals with the linguistics issues, discourse analysis focuses on the record (spoken and written) of the process y which language is use in some context to express intention. !t focuses on the topic such the explicit connection etween the sentences in a text that create a cohesion, or on the element of the textual organi"ation that are characteristic of storytelling, for example a distinct from opinion expression and other types types of the text. text. !t can e said said that this discour discourse se analys analysis is is emphas emphasis is on the expression use to intend the meaning. We can catch the meaning of the utterance explicitly, for it is state clearly in the utterance. #owe$er, within the study of discourse, the pragmatics perspecti$e is more speciali"ed. !t tends to focus on the aspect of what is unsaid or unwritten (yet communication) within the discourse eing analy"e. To know the meaning of the utterance we ha$e to go to eyond the social concern and psychology aspect such as% ackground knowledge, elief and expectation. !t means that we explore what are in the speaker or the writer mind. !t is can e we called implicit meaning where we cannot catch the meaning only ased on the utterance, to know the meaning of the utterance we ha$e to go to eyond why the utterance is created y the speaker or the writer, like ackground knowledge, elief and etc.
&oherence is what language users ha$e in mind ine$italy, that is said or written will make sense in term of their normal experience of thing. 'o it means that coherence is the familiar expected relationship in experience use to connect the meaning of the utterances. '*++lant sale arage sale /or who li$es in the suuran life will take the meaning of the “the plant sale” as someone sell plant and “garage sale” as someone sell house hold in the garage not sell garage, e$en thought it has identical structural with “plant sale”. !t is ecause they ha$e experience that “garage sale” means someone sell house hold. Their en$ironment and society usually do it, and sometimes do it too. !t will ha$e different meaning or will make someone confuse for other people whose society ne$er use “garage sale term”. They will think what does it mean y “garage sale” is they sell their garage or what. The asis of coherence is familiarity and knowledge. 0ecause of this, we tend to make instant interpretation without thinking or see other alternati$es. xample#ow many animals of each type did *oses take on the rk1 !f you immediately thought two, it means that you ha$e made coherence interpretation. 2ou don3t noticing that the name *oses was inappropriate. The appropriate is how many animals of each type that taken to the rk1 'o if someone asks you aout it you will directly answer “two” that is coherence. nother example, some tell you that *r. ndri and *ss. &indera got an accident, their motorcycle hit the truck. 'o what will in your mind if someone asks you who the rider of the motorcycle is1 !f in your mind is *r. ndri, it is ecause in our culture if there is a man and woman go with motorcycle the man is usually as the rider. !t is the coherence. 'o it can e said that coherence is a concept of the language user has in the mind ased on the social experience and the knowledge aout that. • •
0ackground knowledge is the re4existing structure knowledge in memory in interpretation of the unwritten or unsaid. The most general pattern of this type is schema. 5ur aility to arri$e automatically at interpretation of the unwritten or unsaid must e ased on the re4existing knowledge structure. This structure functions like familiar patterns from pre$ious experience that we use to interpret new experience. There are two types of schema6. /rame
/rame is if there is a fixed, static pattern to the schemata. frame usually share y e$eryone within a social group would e something like a prototypical $ersion. /or example frame of the “apartment” there will e assumed component such as kitchen, athroom and edroom. !f you see the ad$ertisement aout the apartment, those components are not stated generally. /or example- apartment for rent. 78999 : ;<8=. !t means that there a rent for apartment that consist of the kitchen, edroom, and athroom. $en though it is not stated in the ad$ertisement. nd the rate of this apartment is aout 78999 : ;<8= per month not per year, ecause the rate is to cheap for an apartment for a year, it is the usually rate for a month for an apartment. >. 'cript 'cript is pre4existing knowledge structure in$ol$ing e$ent se?uences. We use script to uild interpretation of account what happened. /or example, !3m going to the shopping with my mother yesterday. The se?uences of the e$ents are, first ! go to the shopping mall, after that ! take the asket, select what ! want to uy, like milk, read, utter, sugar, and etc, after that we went to the cashier to pay them, and then we went home. That se?uent of the e$ents assumed to e the ackground knowledge so it is not important to share it to the interlocutor. 'o it can e conclude that script is a simply way of reorgani"ing some expected se?uence of an e$ent. 0ecause the details of the se?uence are assumed to e known that way is not important to state it. D. CULUTRAL SCHEMATA
&ultural schemata are de$eloped ased on the context of the asic experience. /or some o$ious differences, we can modify the details of cultural schemata. 'ometime we don3t recogni"e sutle differences, which make misinterpretation indifferent schemata. !t means that in one utterance can produce a different interpretation ased on the cultural schemata of the hearer or the reader. /or example an ustralia factory super$isor clearly assumed, that the entire employee know that the aster was close and they all would ha$e 8 days holiday. nd he asked the worker from the @ietnamese, aout her plan for the holiday. “2ou ha$e fi$e days off, what are you going to do1”. The @ietnamese worker interpreted
that she was fired and her oss ask her plan after that, not aout the holiday plan. !t is ecause in the @ietnamese they don3t ha$e much holiday. 'o she interpreted what the super$isor asked aout holiday, she thought that she will fired in 8 days and the super$isor asked her plan perhaps aout find another Ao. /or make it simple we can see as the followV!"#$%!&! '()"(*$) &'+!%$"$
/i$e days off B fired in fi$e days What are you going to do1 B what is your plan (find another Ao) T+! &(,!*-&* '()"(*$) &'+!%$"$
/i$e days off B aster holiday for 8 days What are you going to do1 B what is your planning in spending the holiday 'o it can e concluded that one schema can e differ from another ased on their cultural schemata. 'ometimes sound good for someone can e ad in another3s. E. CROSS CULTURE PRAGMATICS
&ross culture pragmatics is a study of differences in expectations ased on the cultural schemata. To look at the ways in which meaning is constructed y speakers from different cultures will actually re?uire a complete reassessment of $irtually e$erything we ha$e considered. The term and the terminology may pro$ide a asis analytic framework, ut the reali"ation of those concepts may differ sustantially from the nglish language. !t means that the asic cultural of the interlocutors will influence their understanding of the language. The different of the perception of interlocutors can lead the misunderstanding one to each other. We can see in the merican nglish style of complimenting creates great emarrassment for some Cati$e merican !ndian recei$ers (it3s percei$ed as excessi$e. When we explored the type of the speech act, we didn3t include the any oser$ations on the sustantial differences that can exist cross4culturally in interpreting concept like “complimenting, thanking and apology”. xampleC%,)%!#"#/
The merican nglish style of complimenting creates great emarrassment for some Cati$e merican !ndian recei$ers (it3s percei$ed as excessi$e A,)/
/or apanese the apology is percei$e as impossile to accept
There are some terms that used in the cross4cultural pragmatics. They are as follow6. &ontrasti$e +ragmatics &ontrasti$e pragmatics is the study of these different cultural ways of speaking >. !nterlanguage +ragmatics !nterlanguage +ragmatics is when the in$estigation focuses on more specifically on the communicati$e eha$ior of Con4nati$e speakers, attempting to communicate in their second language. =. +ragmatics accent 'uch studies increasingly re$eal that we all speak with what might e called a pragmatics accent, that is, aspects of our talk indicate what we assume is communicated without eing said. . CONCLUSION
We can conclude that discourse and culture there four domain in how the meaning of the discourse can e understanding, they are discourse analysis, coherence, ackground knowledge, cultural schemata, and cross4culture pragmatics