
A continued "big picture" look at God's story through the Old Testament Scriptures, focusing on the importance of Deuteronomy and application to ...
Author:  Kristi Stephens

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Descripción: Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 1 2007 witii funding from ; IVIicrosoft Corporation ^ littp:// ] 1 5 ^75' Inttrnatbnal Critira...

If you desire to understand the core of Rushdoony’s thinking, this commentary on Deuteronomy is one volume you must read. The covenantal structure of this last book of Moses, its detailed li…Full description

Descripción: If you desire to understand the core of Rushdoony’s thinking, this commentary on Deuteronomy is one volume you must read. The covenantal structure of this last book of Moses, its detailed listing o...

Descrição: If you desire to understand the core of Rushdoony’s thinking, this commentary on Deuteronomy is one volume you must read. The covenantal structure of this last book of Moses, its detailed listing o...