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INTRODUCTION Fish ish is cons consum umed ed as food food all all over over the the worl world. d. It is gene genera rall lly y recog ecogni nize zed d as olyunsaturated fatty acids. The comosition might vary among secies of !sh. To determine the " of !sh# it can $e measure using an electrode and " meter. The !sh mi%tures were directly measured for ". Di&erent !sh has di&erent " and it is around natural ". The " of the !sh also is a&ected $y many factors such as tye of !sh# 'esh# ha$itat and etc. O()*CTI+* To To determine the " of the !sh ,ROC*DUR* -. 0. 3. .
The " " meter is cali$rat cali$rated ed with with " $u&er $u&er and and / 1 g of !sh is grinded grinded with with addition addition of of 1 m2 of distilled distilled water water The !sh !sh mi%tur mi%ture e is ut into into a $ea4 $ea4er er The " meter meter ro$e ro$e is inserted inserted into the the $ea4er $ea4er and the " " is recorded recorded
DI5CU55ION From the e%eriment# we need to determine the " of the !sh which is sardine and 4em$ung. The " of !sh is determined $y using " meter with " $u&er and /. The !sh is grinded with 1 ml of distilled water $efore the " is determined. (esides# " is a measure of the acidic or al4aline nature of a solution. The concentration of the hydrogen ion activity in a !sh will determine the ". Di&erent !sh also will result di&erent ". ". 6ostly# the " of !sh is around around natural " which is in range 7 8 9. Through the result# the " of 4em$ung and sardine !sh is determined which are 7.-9 and 1.7: resectively. The moisture content of di&erent tye of !sh also is determined $y using moisture analyzer which result /7./7 for 4em$ung and //.;3 for sardine !sh. The " measurement and the moisture content determination of !sh also can give a good indication of the 4eeing
e%amle# three consecutive of chec4ing " and weighing the samles were carried out to eliminate the errors of the handlers. R*5U2T FI5" =*6(UN> 5?RDIN*5
," 7.-9 1.7:
6OI5TUR* /7./7 //.;3
CONC2U5ION ?s a conclusion# the " of the !sh is varies according to their secies and also ha$itat. The " of !sh is also around natural " which is 7 8 9. "ence # the " of 4em$ung and sardines !sh is determined which are 7.-9 and 1.7: resectively. The hyothesis is acceted.
( . ?55*556*NT OF 2I,ID O@ID?TION (A T"IO(?R(ITURIC ?CID 6*T"OD B T(? INTRODUCTION The thio$ar$ituric acid BT(? test is a method to detect o%idative deterioration of fatcontaining foods. During liid o%idation# malonaldehyde B6? is formed as a result of the degradation of olyunsaturated fatty acids. It is usually used as an indicator of the liid o%idation rocess. In this e%eriment# the 6? is reacted with thio$ar$ituric acid BT(? to form a in4 6?T(? comle% that is measured sectrohotometrically at its a$sortion ma%imum at 13:8131 nm. On the other hand# liid ero%idation is referring to the o%idative degradation of liid. It is the rocess in which free radical steal electrons from the liid in cell mem$ranes. This rocess roceeds $y a free radical chain reaction mechanism. 2iid o%idation is one of the maEor causes of
O()*CTI+*5 To determine the T(? num$er in !sh ,ROC*DUR* -. -: g of !sh is macerate with 1: m2 distilled water for 0 minutes and washed into a distillation 'as4 with /.1 m2 distilled water 0. 0.1 m2 of 6 "C2 is added to $ring the " to -.1
3. The distillation 'as4 is heated $y means of distillation aaratus so that 1: m2 distillate is collected from the time $oiling commences . 1 m2 distillate is ietted into a glass stoer tu$e and 1 m2 of T(? reagent is added. Then it is sha4ed and heated in $oiling water for 31 minutes. 1. The tu$es is cooled in water for -: minutes 7. The $lan4 similarly using 1 m2 distilled water with 1 m2 T(? reagent is reared /. The a$sor$ance is measured against the $lan4 at 13; nm using - cm cells
DICU55ION From the e%eriment# we need to determine the T(? num$er in di&erent !sh which are Indian mac4erel B4em$ung and sardines. T(? is a method to detect o%idative deterioration of fatcontaining foods. (esides# it is erformed to measure the amount of 6D? resent in the !sh. During liid o%idation# malonaldehyde B6? is formed as a result of the degradation of olyunsaturated fatty acids. It is usually used as an indicator of the liid o%idation rocess. In this e%eriment# the 6? is reacted with T(? with a$sortion of 13; nm. The method involved heating of !sh with T(? reagent for aro%imately 31 minutes in $oiling water $ath. ?fter cooling# the solution is centrifuged for 0: min. The a$sor$ance was then determined at 13; nm against a $lan4 and the T(? num$er is calculated. Through the e%eriment# the a$sor$ance and T(? num$er of $oth 4em$ung and sardines is determined. The a$sor$ance for 4em$ung !sh is :.-7 and sardines :.-/. hile# the T(? num$er for $oth 4em$ung and sardines is calculated which result -.-3;; mgG4g and -.31/0 mgG4g resectively. The T(? num$er for sardines is slightly higher than 4em$ung $ecause sardines contain higher amount of liids and myoglo$in in the dar4 muscle cell. Fish that has dar4 'esh may o%idize raidly than !sh that has white 'esh $ecause of the higher amount of Fe in myoglo$in which can accelerates the o%idative rocess. ?n increased in T(? value is also can $e measured as the e%tent of o%idative deterioration in !sh. In addition# the commercial value of $oth !sh also can $e determined $y using T(? method which sardine !sh has lower commercial value comared to 4em$ung. It was roved in food industry which !sh which have white 'esh has higher rate in industry than dar4 'esh !sh. "owever# during the e%eriment# there are some errors that we done that may a&ect the accuracy of the result such as the samle has $een e%osed to the air for longer eriod of time. It may cause the !sh to $e o%idized raidly. On the other hand# the aaratus rovided is not enough as we change the distillation method to $oiling method in order to conduct this
e%eriment. (esides# the $lan4 also not reared roerly and some of foreign articles in the samle tu$e are detected as it may interrut the reading of the a$sor$ance of $oth !sh.
FI5" 5?RDIN*5 =*6(UN>
?(5OR(?NC* B D :.-/ :.-7
T(? NU6(*R :.-/ @ /.; H -.31/0 mgG4g :.-7 @ /.; H -.-3;; mgG4g
CONC2U5ION In this e%eriment# the T(? num$er of $oth 4em$ung and sardine !sh can $e determined which are -.-3;; and -.31/0 resectively. It is roved that T(? method can $e used to determine the o%idative rancidity of certain food esecially !sh. "ence# the hyothesis is acceted.
R*F*R*NC*5 Fereidoon 5hahidi and Aing hong # B 0::: # 2iid O%idationJ 6easurement 6ethod # Retrieved from httJGGu
hat are the methods that can $e used as a soilage indicator in !sh
6ethods $y detection of CO0 using an infrared CO0 analyzer or volatile amines li4e Trimethylamine involves reduction of T6?O to T6?. Pa4 %uas hati sgtP 0
2ist the tyes of soilage in !sh.
*nzymatic autolysis# o%idation and micro$ial growth.Q 3
"ow is T(? associated with the
Using T(? for determination of the total liid content in !sh meat could associated with the