1. What is the signi!an!e signi!an!e "# the a$$iti"n "# a%%"nia t" &' (II) s"*'ti"ns+ s"*'ti"ns+ The a$$iti"n "# a%%"nia t" the s"*'ti"n ,as $"ne in "-$e- #"- the #"**",ing -ea!ti"n t" -"!ee$: &'2/ / 3
The #"-%ati"n "# the the !"e- a%ine !"%*e !"%*e gi7es the s"*'ti"n a %"-e %"-e intense 8*'e !"*"- than the !"e- s"*'ti"n. The highe- intensit9 in the !"*"- "# the s"*'t s"*'ti"n i"n -es'* -es'*ts ts t" an in!-e in!-ease ase$ $ ee!ti ee!ti7en 7eness ess "# the the ea%in ea%inati ati"n "n 89 the the se!t-"h"t"%ete-. In a$$iti"n; an e!ess a%"'nt "# a%%"nia ,as ne!essa-9 in "-$e- t" -e7ent the h9$-"*9sis "# a%%"nia an$ the #"-%ati"n "# !"eh9$-"i$e -e!iitate ,hi!h ,"'*$ ae!t the a8s"-8an!e "# the s"*'ti"n. 41
2. Wh9 Wh9 is BeeBee-<= <=a% a%8e 8e-t -t =a, =a, ee-es esse se$ $ in te-% te-%s s "# a8s" a8s"-8 -8an an!e !e inst instea ea$ $ "# t-ans%ittan!e+ Bee-<=a%8e-t>s Bee-<=a%8e-t>s is an e?'ati"n $es!-i8ing $es!-i8ing the -e*ati"nshi -e*ati"nshi 8et,en a8s"-8an!e an$ !"n!ent-ati"n. The -eas"n ,h9 t-ans%ittan!e is n"t 'se$ in e-essing the Bee->s =a, is 8e!a'se "# its e"nentia* -e*ati"nshi ,ith !"n!ent-ati"n; 'n*i@e the *inea- -e*ati"nshi 8et,een a8s"-8an!e an$ !"n!ent-ati"n 41.
3. What a-e the *i%itati"ns "# the Bee->s =a,+
The *i%itati"ns "# the Bee->s *a, in!*'$e (1) -ea* *i%itati"n; (2) !he%i!a* *i%i *i%ita tati ti"n "n;; an$ an$ (3) (3) inst inst-' -'%e %ent nta* a* *i%i *i%ita tati ti"n "n.. (1) (1) One One !"n$ !"n$it iti" i"n n #"#"- a se! s e!tt-" "h" h"t" t"%e %ett-9 9 -"! -"!e$ e$''-e e t" a$he a$he--e t" BeeBee->s >s =a, =a, is that that the the !"n!ent-ati"ns "# the s"*'ti"ns 'se$ %'st 8e $i*'te. The -eas"n #"- this is that the %"-e !"n!ent-ate$ a s"*'ti"n is; the !*"se- -"i%it9 the %"*e!'*es a-e in ,ith ea!h "the-; the-e#"-e the g-eate- the !han!e that the e*e!t-"stati! inte-a!ti"ns in these s"*'ti"ns t" ae!t the a8s"-8an!e "# the s"*'ti"n. (2) An"the- !"n$iti"n #"- !he%i!a*s 'se$ in a se!t-"h"t"%et-i! -"!e$'-e is
that these %'st n"t 'n$e-g" an9 !he%i!a* -ea!ti"ns a*"ng the -"!e$'-e. &he%i!a* -ea!ti"ns s'!h as e?'i*i8-ati"n; #"-%ati"n; -e!iitati"n "e?'i*i8-ati"n !a'se a !hange in the !"*"- "- the !"%"siti"n "# the s"*'ti"n; the-e#"-e !hanging the a8s"-8an!e "# the s"*'ti"n. (3) Inst-'%enta* *i%itati"ns in!*'$e se7e-a* #a!t"-s ,hi!h %a9 ae!t the ee!ti7eness "# the se!t-"h"t"%ete-. These in!*'$e "*9!h-"%ati! *ight; st-a9 *ight an$ i%-"e- 'se "# the !'7ettes. P"*9!h-"%ati! *ight "- *ight ha7ing %'*ti*e ,a7e*engths ,i** !a'se a $e7iati"n #-"% *inea-it9 ,hi*e st-a9 *ight a*,a9s !a'ses a $e!-ease in the a8s"-8an!e 7a*'e "# the s"*'ti"n. P-"e- 'se "# the !'7ette in!*'$es a,a-eness "# the !*ea- an$ -"'gh si$es "# the !'7ette. The si$e that %'st 8e #a!ing the *ight s"'-!e is the !*ea- si$e "the-,ise; the -"'gh si$e "# the !'7ette ,i** ae!t the a8s"-8an!e %eas'-e$ 41.
. Wh9 is it signi!ant t" s!an "7e- a ,a7e*ength -ange+ Wh9 is ana*9ti!a* ,a7e*ength 'se$ in the $ete-%inati"n "# the a8s"-8an!e "# the stan$a-$ an$ the sa%*e s"*'ti"ns+ Be#"-e %eas'-ing the -ese!ti7e a8s"-8an!e "# the sa%*es; the *a%8$a %a ,as $ete-%ine$ th-"'gh the sa%*e ,ith the highest !"n!ent-ati"n. The i$ea* *a%8$a %a #"- this a-ti!'*a- se!t-"h"t"%et-i! ana*9sis is 625 nan"%ete-s. This ,a7e*ength -ange ,as 'se$ #"- se7e-a* -eas"ns; -st; 8e!a'se the !hange in a8s"-8an!e e- 'nit !"n!ent-ati"n at this "int is at its g-eatest %agnit'$e. This *ea$s t" a ,i$e- !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e; th's a *a-ge ,"-@ing -ange !"nse?'entia**9 *ea$ing t" a highe- -"8a8i*it9 that the a8s"-8an!e "# the sa%*e is ,ithin the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e. The se!"n$ -eas"n is that ha7ing a ,a7e*ength -ange ,he-ein the sa%*e a8s"-8s *ight %"st in!-eases the sensiti7it9; an$ the-e#"-e the e!ien!9 "# the se!t-"h"t"%ete- t" %eas'-e the a8s"-8an!e "# a s"*'ti"n e7en i# the !"n!ent-ati"n "# the sa%*e is s%a**. The *ast -eas"n is that at the *a%8$a %a; the *inea- -e*ati"nshi "# the a8s"-8an!e an$ !"n!ent-ati"n "# the sa%*e is %"st "8se-7a8*e. At an9 "the- "int; a $e7iati"n #-"% *inea-it9 "!!'-s 41.
5. Wh9 $" ,e ha7e t" %eas'-e a8s"-8an!e -ea$ing against -eagent 8*an@ s"*'ti"ns+ A -eagent 8*an@ s"*'ti"n ,as ne!essa-9 in "-$e- t" e*i%inate the ee!ts "# ?'antities that sh"'*$ n"t 8e a a-t "# the a8s"-8an!e -ea$ing. These ?'antities that %'st 8e e*i%inate$ in!*'$e the a8s"-8an!e "# the a%%"nia s"*'ti"n; an$ the -e#-a!ti"n; -eCe!ti"n "- s!atte-ing "# *ight that the !'7ette %ight ha7e !a'se$. This se-7es a si%i*a- #'n!ti"n as the ta-e in a t"*"a$ing "- ana*9ti!a* 8a*an!e. eg*e!ting t" %eas'-e the a8s"-8an!e -ea$ing in a 8*an@ s"*'ti"n -es'*ts t" an in!-ease in the a8s"-8an!e -ea$ing sin!e it in!*'$es a** the #a!t"-s %enti"ne$ a8"7e 41.
6. What is the signi!an!e "# the 9
In the !"nst-'!ti"n "# the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e; the !"n!ent-ati"n an$ a8s"-8an!e 7a*'es "# the stan$a-$ s"*'ti"ns a-e *"tte$ an$ a *ine is ta@en. The e?'ati"n "# the *ine is gi7en 89 the #"**",ing e?'ati"n: 9 % / 8 The sa%*e s"*'ti"ns !"n!ent-ati"n is gi7en 89 the s*"e "# the g-ah. The 7a-ia8*e 8 -e-esents the e--"- "- the $e7iati"n #-"% the the"-eti!a* 7a*'e. The 7a-ia8*e 9 is signi!ant in the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e 8e!a'se it -e-esents the a8s"-8an!e "# the sa%*e s"*'ti"n ,hi!h is the 7a*'e %eas'-e$ #-"% the se!t-"h"t"%ete-. The-e#"-e; s'8stit'ting the @n",n !"n!ent-ati"n "# the sa%*e s"*'ti"n; the %eas'-e$ a8s"-8an!e #-"% the se!t-"h"t"%ete-; an$ the !a*!'*ate$ e--"-; is then $ete-%ine$ 89 is"*ating the 7a-ia8*e 41.
. &ite "the- ana*9ti!a* a*i!ati"ns "# se!t-"h"t"%et-9. Asi$e #-"% %eas'-ing the !"n!ent-ati"n "# a gi7en s"*'ti"n; se!t-"h"t"%et-9 !an a*s" 8e 'se$ #"- the $ete!ti"n "# i%'-ities. In the g-ah that is gi7en 89 the UG
H. What a-e the "ssi8*e s"'-!es "# e--"-s an$ thei- ee!t "n the !a*!'*ate$ a-a%ete-s+ Rati"na*ie. Dis!-ean!ies in the !a*!'*ate$ a-a%ete-s in!*'$e the #"**",ing: (1) a%%"nia ,as n"t a$$e$ in e!ess a%"'nt; (2) the -"'gh si$e "# the !'7ette #a!es the *ight s"'-!e; (3) the -"e- ,ashing -"!e$'-e #"- a !'7ette #"$ie-ent s"*'ti"ns ,as n"t #"**",e$; () #ai*'-e t" %eas'-e the a8s"-8an!e "# the 8*an@ s"*'ti"n an$ ta@e it int" !"nsi$e-ati"n; (5) #ai*'-e t" %eas'-e the *a%8$a %a ,ith the %"st !"n!ent-ate$ s"*'ti"n a%"ng the sa%*es; (6) %is%at!he$ !e**J!'7ette; an$ () in!*'si"n "# the 8*an@ s"*'ti"n in the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e. (1) A%%"nia ,as a$$e$ t" the !"e- s"*'ti"n in "-$e- #"- the #"-%ati"n "# !"e- a%ine !"%*e ,hi!h -es'*ts t" a $eee- an$ %"-e intense 8*'e !"*"- ,hi!h in!-eases the ee!ti7eness "# the ea%inati"n "# the se!t-"h"t"%ete-. ",e7e-; a *i%ite$ a%"'nt "# a%%"nia ,i** "n*9 -es'*t t" its h9$-"*9sis an$ !a'se the #"-%ati"n "# !"e- h9$-"i$e 8ase$ "n the #"**",ing !he%i!a* -ea!ti"ns:
3 / 2O &'2/ / O<
/ / O<
The #"-%ati"n "# a -e!iitate in the sa%*e s"*'ti"n ,"'*$ !a'se the s!atte-ing "# the *ight that asses th-"'gh the s"*'ti"n an$ -es'*t t" in!-ease$ a8s"-8an!e sin!e n"t a** the *ight that is t-ans%itte$ 89 the s"*'ti"n -ea!he$ the $ete!t"-; the-e#"-e a *",e- t-ans%ittan!e. This is the -eas"n ,h9 a%%"nia %'st 8e a$$e$ in e!ess. (2) The !'7ette has t," #a!es; the !*ea- si$e an$ the -"'gh si$e. The '-"se "# the -"'gh si$e is #"- easie- han$*ing "# the !'7ette ,hi*e the !*ea- si$e is ,hat sh"'*$ #a!e the *ight s"'-!e. In the e7ent that the -"'gh si$e #a!es the *ight s"'-!e; the t-ans%ittan!e $e!-eases; the-e#"-e in!-easing the %eas'-e$ a8s"-8an!e "# the sa%*e s"*'ti"n. (3) A#te- e7e-9 %eas'-e%ent "# the a8s"-8an!e "# a s"*'ti"n; the !'7ette 'se$ %'st 8e ,ashe$ th-ee ti%es ,ith $isti**e$ ,ate- an$ an"the- th-ee ti%es ,ith the sa%*e s"*'ti"n t" 8e %eas'-e$ net. Fai*'-e t" $" s" %ight ae!t the !"n!ent-ati"n "# the sa%*e s"*'ti"n. Sin!e the-e is a *inea- -e*ati"nshi 8et,een the !"n!ent-ati"n an$ a8s"-8an!e "# the s"*'ti"n; an9 !hange in !"n!ent-ati"n ,"'*$ a*s" ae!t the %eas'-e$ a8s"-8an!e. () The %eas'-e%ent "# the a8s"-8an!e "# the 8*an@ s"*'ti"n ,hi!h !"ntains '-e a%%"nia se-7es the si%i*a- #'n!ti"n as the ta-e in a t" *"a$ing "ana*9ti!a* 8a*an!e. It is e-#"-%e$ t" e*i%inate the ee!ts "# ?'antities that %'st n"t 8e in!*'$e$ in the a8s"-8an!e -ea$ing s'!h as the a8s"-8an!e "# the a%%"nia s"*'ti"n an$ the -eCe!ti"n; -e#-a!ti"n; an$ s!atte-ing "# *ight 89 the !'7ette. (5) The *a%8$a %a %'st 8e %eas'-e$ 'sing the %"st !"n!ent-ate$ a%"ng the s"*'ti"ns. Fai*'-e t" $" s" %ight !a'se e--"- in the %eas'-e$ a8s"-8an!e. This is 8e!a'se 'sing a s"*'ti"n "the- than the %"st !"n!ent-ate$ s"*'ti"n -e$'!es the -"8a8i*it9 that a** the sa%*es t" 8e %eas'-e$ ha7e a8s"-8an!es ,ithin the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e. (6) Using a $ie-ent !'7ette #"- the 8*an@ s"*'ti"n an$ the sa%*es ,"'*$ negate the ne!essit9 "# ha7ing t" %eas'-e the a8s"-8an!e "# a 8*an@. The !'7ette 'se$ #"- the 8*an@ %'st a*s" 8e 'se$ #"- the ana*9sis "# the sa%*es in "-$e- #"- the e*i%inate$ -eCe!ti"n; -e#-a!ti"n an$ s!atte-ing ee!t "# the !'7ette ,"'*$ n"t 8e a-t "# the %eas'-e$ a8s"-8an!e "# the sa%*e s"*'ti"n. () In the !"nst-'!ti"n "# the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e; the 8*an@ s"*'ti"n sh"'*$ n"t 8e in!*'$e$ in the g-ah sin!e it $"es n"t !"ntain the s'8stan!e that is 8eing ana*9e$ ,hi!h is the !"e- (II).
APPENDIX A- REPORTED TABULATED VALUES Table 1. Data #"- the !"nst-'!ti"n "# the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e Vol!e o" #o$%&' Co',e'$a&o' o" Sa'*a$* Sol&o'+ Abo$ba',e Sa'*a$* C(II)+ ! !l 2.00 100 0.110 .00 200 0.21K 6.00 300 0.323 H.00 00 0.32 10.00 500 0.52 Table /. Data #"- Sa%*e Ana*9sis Co',e'$a&o' o" T$&al Abo$ba',e '%'o0' a!le C(II)+ ! 1 0.2K 23.H16156 2 0.302 2H.5H6H15 3 0.2K 21.03060
Co',e'$a&o' o" o,% ol&o' C(II)+ ! 2HK.23H2 2531.255K 263.K1K15
B- CALCULATIONS =inea- e?'ati"n "# the !a*i8-ati"n !'-7e: 90.0010 / 0.0021 T$&al 1 0.2K0.0010 / 0.0021 23.H16156 % (50 %*)(23.H16156 %)(5.5 %*)(M "# st"!@ &'(II) s"*'ti"n) M 2HK.23H2 % T$&al / 0.3020.0010 / 0.0021 2H.5H6H15 %
(50 %*)(2H.5H6H15 %)(5.5 %*)(M "# st"!@ &'(II) s"*'ti"n) M 2531.255K % T$&al 2 0.2K0.0010 / 0.0021 21.03060 % (50 %*)(21.03060 %)(5.5 %*)(M "# st"!@ &'(II) s"*'ti"n) M 263.K1KK15 %
REFERENCES .; &he%ist-9 26.1 2 n$ W-itten =a8"-at"-9 Ea%inati"n Re7ie,e- AY 2010< 2011; !he%ist-9<26<1<2n$<*a8"-at"-9