DeadEarth - Players Handbook (Illustrated)

This is the illustrated edition of the deadEarth PHB. It is the same as the other edition posted here, but the illustrations increase the file size si...
Author:  Dyson Logos

53 downloads 888 Views 38MB Size

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This is the illustrated edition of the deadEarth PHB. It is the same as the other edition posted here, but the illustrations increase the file size significantly. It also contains illustrations tha...

The Game Masters Handbook adds a selection of creatures, new radiation manipulations, rules for skill training & skill specializations, and the first "character classes" for the game and a bunch of...

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the missing front and back covers from the print edition of deadEarth - including the back cover rant about how deadEarth is better than every other role-playing game.

This booklet is basically a "wandering encounter table" for wilderness scenes while playing deadEarth. Stuff like random radiation storms, dead bodies scattered around the landscape, mudslides (wit...

Radiation Table Supplement 1 contains 100 new radiation manipulations for the deadEarth RPG. Thanks to g026r for retrieving this from the archives.Full description

Radiation Table Supplement 2 adds 100 Radiation Manipulations to the 1,000 from the deadEarth PHB - 100 more ways to make your mutant a freak. Thanks to g026r for retrieving this from the ar…Full description

role playing setting in a medeival world

Numenera Players Guide.pdf

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