New Era University No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City College of Engineering and Technology
Operation Management SUBMI MI TTED BY :
Ral phMar wi nCor puz RyanNaf ur an Jer omePascua Li ez lShi ennaGer oni mo JadeManz ano
Engr .Jus t i nCar l oA.DeLaCr uz I.
Executive Summary Engineer Milagros Abrera was managing the Pretty Dove Development which
holds residential subdivisions in several places. In just two years after she founded her company, all of the residential lots were able to sell by the companys mar!eting department. "owever, Engr. Abrera suddenly thought that this mar!ed the pea! of the performance of her company and she worries that her companys performance will decline soon. #he is thin!ing about how to delay this inevitable and how to maintain the performance of her company. $or this problem of Engr. Abrera to be solved, she must able to plan, organi%e, and control operations for the product design. &he 'Important Parts of the Productive
#ystems must be her basis for the new project or design to achieve success. Statement of the Problem As the Pretty Dove Development (orporation )PDD(* enjoying its good performances in sales, Engineer Abrera, the general manager, suddenly thought that this reaping of the company may not last forever and sales may decline. Indeed, in their meeting, the mar!eting manager hinted that the company reached its highest pea! and need to form a new product design. Engineer Abrera is now contemplating upon hearing the suggestion of the mar!eting manager. "ow can she ma!e the companys current state stable and prevent the declining. And, what will she raise or fi+ to the new designtoma!e for upcoming crisis.
Causes of the Problem &he mar!eting department of PDD( was -uic!ly able to sell the developed
residential lots as they should. "ence, this brought the PDD( to its gracious pea!.
Engineer Abrera also thought that there is an oversupply of lots offered for sales that will possibly the cause of declining of the companys current state. &hen,
there is mista!es in the production process in their former design. Decision Criteria/Methodology $or Engineer Abrera to accomplish these problems, she must consider the following criteria Engineer Abrera must able to plan, organi%e, and control operations for • the product design as these are the ways for the '/peration Managements, wherein the engineer manager is enhance to be efficient
and effective. Engineer Abrera must !eep in mind all of the 'Important Parts of the Productive #ystems product design, production planning and scheduling, purchasing and material management, inventory control, wor! flow layout and -uality control for him to be able to submit and
to do wellin the new design of production. lternative Courses of ction 0iven the criteria which are basis of actions of Engr. Abrera, these are the alternative courses of action and optionsshe may ac hieve to solve her problem Engr. brera may re!uire another "roduct design and develo"ed another residential lots. &his will assure that somehow the stable state of
the company will be conserve. "owever, there is possibility that if product design is poor, it will not successful. Engr. brera may underta#e forecasting for future sales considering different factors such as seasonal demand$ location$ etc. &his provides
help for the company to ma!e decision and to less wastages. "owever, it is not good to rely hundred percent on forecasting method because it is not possible to accurately forecast the future.
Engr. brera may re!uire better use of inventory. $rom this, the
company will be able to control the supplies of lots offered to lessen or prevent wastages. "owever, failure to do so appropriately will result to too much reserves of lots offered which will penali%e the PDD( in terms of high storage cost and other related ris!s li!e obsolescence and theft or too little reserves that may mean lost income opportunities if production activities are hampered. Engr. brera may ma#e %or#&layout or %or# time&table. &his will benefit the company because this will ma!e the production be arrange and organi%e that minimi%e overall production time and use e+isting space most effectively. "owever, there is possibility that Engr. brera may re!uire the location to establish the residential lots is %here the demand survey re!uires it. &his will ensure that the
business will hit the mar!et share. "owever, failure to do so will lead to
declining of the demand for the business. Im"lementation and 'ustification 1ith the alternative solutions presented, Engr. Abrera will now implement actions. $or better solutions for the problem of Engineer Abrera she will follow with these series of steps 2. After the recent meeting, Engr. Abrera will order the mar!eting department to forecast the future sales to be precise in the number of production they will underta!e for the new product design. 3. &hen, she will order also to determine the correct locations of raw lands to be develop to residential lots. 4. After that, she will raise another meeting with !ey officers after about figuring the plan for new product design. &hey will consider tal!ing about the e+penditure for the production.
5. &hen, the said plan will forward to the production team then it is ready for purchasing and materials management. 6. Afterwards, Engr. Abrera will re-uire to the concerns to monitor the inventory of ins and outs of supplies for the project to prevent wastages. VII.
(eferences Medina, 7. Engineering Management. Manila 7e+ 8oo!store, 2999. •