Bernard Prado, Complainant, -versus25831
For: Adultery Clarissa Prado and Mario Larino, espondents. !--------------------------------------! COMPLAINT AFFIDA!IT ", B#NA$ PA$%, o& a'e, married, and a resident o& #sta #s ta( (a, $ipo $ipolo lo' ' City City,, a&te a&terr )av )avin in' ' *een een dul duly s+or s+orn n to aordin' to la+ depose and say: )at " am le'ally married to Clarissa ayor in a reli'ious eremony *e&ore ev. /ose0no asid at t)e Paris) C)ur) o& $ipolo' City on /une 18, 21, !ero! !ero! opies o& t)e a&oresaid marria'e ontrats are )ereto atta)ed atta )ed as Anne!es A4 and B4, &ormin' inte'ral parts o& t)is adavit6 A&ter our marria'e, " *uilt a )ouse &or our permanent residene and as our on7u'al )ome in #sta(a, $ipolo' City and &urnis)ed it +it) all t)e om&orts +ell +it)in my means6 At t)e start o& our marria'e, " +as led to *elieve *y my +i&e o& )er total onern, love and devotion to me valid in tur turn " lavi lavis) s)ed ed )er )er +it) +it) all all t)e t)e mater ateria iall om om&ort &ort at my ommand. As a to(en o& my love and un&ailin' trust, +e +ent si')tse si' )tseein ein' ' and on seond seond )oneymo )oneymoon on to in'ap in'apor ore e only only last mont). ometimes durin' t)e last +ee( o& /anuary 215, +)ile " +ent on my normal +or( routine, my son oo too( me inside in on0dene and told me t)at )e )as some very deliate matters to ta(e up +it) +)i) may *e misinterpreted *y me or may *e ta(en *y )im in a +ron' li')t6 )o+ever, )e said t)at )is valid di'nity o& t)e &amily is
at mista(e and " )ave to (no+ it +)atever *e t)e onse9uene. A&ter " 'ave )im t)e 'o si'nal, )e narrated t)at t)at my +i&e +i&e Clar Claris issa sa ayo ayorr )as )as *een *een un&a un&ait it)& )&ul ul to me )avin' illiit illiit relations)i relations)ip p +it) anot)er man. e in&ormed in&ormed me t)at our maid aria antos )ad *een a+are o& t)e relations)ip and t)e man usually +ent to my )ouse and even slept t)ere +)enever " +as in Ce*u. " 'ot an'ry and so " su''ested to t)in( o& a plan so +e an at) my +i&e red)anded. ;e a'reed to put our plan o& ation in operation on Fe*ruary 13, 215 sine " +ill *e leavin' &or Ce*u in t)e mornin' on t)at day. " t)ou')t o& removin' a 'lass o& t)e 7ealousy so t)e inside o& t)e *edroom an *e seen &rom t)e outside. avin' ompleted t)e plans, " told my +i&e t)at " +ill *e leavin' &or Ce*u on t)at day. " instruted my son oo to in&orm me immediately o& t)e result o& t)e plan. Almost midni')t o& Fe*ruary 13, 215, " +as in&ormed *y my son t)at t)e operation +as suess&ul and resulted in t)e arrest o& my +i&e and ario
Bernard Prado Complainant
@BC"B#$ and ;%N to *e&ore me, t)e undersi'ned proseutor, t)is 8t) day o& April, 21? in t)e City City o& ani anila la,, P) P)il ilip ippi pine nes. s. " )er )ere*y e*y ert erti& i&y y t)at t)at " )ave )ave personally e!amined t)e a*ove-named aant and t)at " am satis0ed t)at t)e &ore'oin' statements +ere 'iven *y )im voluntarily and o& )is o+n &ree +ill.
Pan'an Assistant Assis tant City Proseutor