Assessment Assessment )escri$tion Ana$yse( 'esign( 'esign( %o'e an' an' test a %omman' %omman' $ine so$"tion so$"tion &rom the &o$$o)ing s"pp$ie' so&t)are so&t)are spe%i&i%ation: spe%i&i%ation: see #e$o) an' https:**gith"#%om*CP2406Programming2*pro+e%t,minera$,s"per,tr"mps,game &or a$$ images an' the %ar' 'es%ription m$-&i$e ./stCar's,151021p$ist *ar+ing instructions: I& appropriate &or spe%i&i% %amp"s %ir%"mstan%es( some or a$$ o& the &o$$o)ing se%tions %o"$' #e marke' together )ith ea%h st"'ent .in the presen%e o& the st"'ent !his marking %o"$' #e 'one '"ring a pra%ti%a$ session or #y-appointment rereuisite .or mar+ing mar+ing !3 this assignment )i$$ not #e marke' "n$ess yo" s"#mitte' this assignment .e$e%troni%a$$y to earnJCU as a p'& or / 7or' 'o%"ment !he 'o%"ment m"st %ontain the &o$$o)ing se%tions .Ana$ysis( !esting( 8it9"#: Anal/sis 3-!9;33 Anal/sis 3-!9;33 pages<: Convert the s"pp$ie' so&t)are spe%i&i%ation to a $ist o& User tories .non-IC! te%hni%a$ $ang"age Present the $ist as a #"$$et point $ist or a ta#$e Testing !7-!3 Testing !7-!3 pages<: et "p a testing )ork&$o)( an' i$$"strate it )ith yo"r so&t)are r"nning s%reenshots Use this se%tion to 'emonstrate yo"r )orking so&t)are to yo"r marking instr"%tor An'*or this se%tion )i$$ #e "se' #y yo"r marking instr"%tor to test yo"r so&t)are so$"tion #it0ub 3-!9;33 page<: "pp$y a $ink to yo"r gith"# repository hare yo"r repo )ith yo"r marking instr"%tor %reenshot .or set "p a ta#$e o& a$$ signi&i%ant %ommits to yo"r repo =o" m"st have reg"$ar .5 or more ea%h )eek %ommits /"$tip$e %ommits per 'ay are a%%epta#$e an' en%o"rage' /ake s"re yo" a'' meaning&"$ %ommit messages oding standards: as standards: as per 8oog$e Java ty$e g"i'e https:**goog$egith"#io*sty$eg"i'e*+avag"i'ehtm$
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*ar+ing Sc'eme: 3ns"re that yo" &o$$o) the pro%esses an' g"i'e$ines ta"ght in %$ass in or'er to pro'"%e high >"a$ity )ork ?o not +"st &o%"s on getting the program )orking !his assessment r"#ri% provi'es yo" )ith the %hara%teristi%s o& eemp$ary( %ompetent( margina$ an' "na%%epta#$e )ork in re$ation to task %riteria riteria
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