Joaquin Rodrigo Concierto de AranjuezDescripción completa
Arrangement for solo guitarDescripción completa
Arrangement for solo guitarFull description
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Concierto de Aranjuez - Three movements (only movements movements I and II in the exam) MOVEMET OE! A""E#$O CO %&I$ITO TOIC 'E! MA*O$ FIRST SECTION
Min +,+ Begins with the solo guitar playing, accompanied only by divisi double basses, playing a tonic pedal. Min +,0 The woodwind section joins playing a short motive, derived from the introduction, guitar plays a simple quaver gure, like the opening music. Min +,10 Repeat of the introduction played by the strings, this time without the double basses. nstead the cellos play a tonic pedal.
Firt S!"#ect Min $%&' !layed by the "st oboe # "st violins. ntro is repeated as an accomp to the clarinets, "st horn and "st trumpet join the lower strings Min 2,23Return of music from the introduction by the full orchestra, strings take the original guitar part and the woodwind and brass play the short motif from the introduction. Min 2,/$uitar presents the %irst &ubject 'originally played by the "st oboe and "st violins(. Min 2,. The rhythm is di)erent and no longer accomp by music from the intro. The woodwind adds ornamentation. Min 2,4+ The music begins to move
Secon( S!"#ect
Min ,++ &till in the key of * major, if following sonata form it would be e+pected in the dominant ' major(. Min ,+4 -ov es towards /at and then towards major. Min ,+ &eco nd &ubject played by the guitar in % major Min
DEVELOPMENT-Dominant minor Min ,./ nversion of the introductory theme, in minor 'the dominant minor(, rather than the dominant that would be e+pected 0ew key signature, rather than using accidentals. The intro theme is heard, then %irst &ubject played by a solo cello, with added decoration. Min 1,+. $uitar returns with the intro in major, major, then suggestions of the %irst &ubject. The orchestra returns and and with the guitar move the music towards 1 major. major. Min 1,25 %lutes enter with a shortened version of the introduction. Min 1,/ The horn enters with a shortened and varied version of the %irst &ubject, then passed to the "st oboe, then "st bassoon. This is accompanied by the strings playing the intro in /at major, moving to B major "st violins, and guitar, play the %irst &ubject The key signature is changed back to the original two sharps and B major quickly becomes B minor
RECAPITULATION-Tonic CODAKey Tonic Key Min .,+ %irst &ubject is played by Min 4,+ 3uaver gure the oboe and "st violins, from the with the introductory introduction is rhythm used in the played by the accompaniment. strings while The intro appears as an the woodwind accomp to the %irst play a dotted &ubject. version of the The guitar enters with %irst &ubject the answering phrase of the %irst &ubject. The 1adential woodwind echo some of phrase, the notes scending * major scale played by all is now played by the 3uaver gure /ute The +position is heard a from the intro returns in the fth higher, leading to solo part, the entry of the &econd intro appears &ubject , e+pected to be in shortened played in the tonic2 form played however, played in the by the strings key of $ 'the followed by subdominant(. ccomp guitar. by the guitar playing arpeggios and muted The trumpets. movement The piccolo and oboe nishes very play &econd &ubject abruptly brie/y but it returns to the clarinet. t touches on /at and returns to home key. complete reprise of what was heard in the
away from * major. 'B minor 4 the relative minor( is suggested, with the use of the dominant '% sharp major(. 5armonies show the in/uence of /amenco music.
,5 The music touches on * /at major before reaching major
The second subject reappears, accompanied by the whole orchestra, with descending scales in the woodwind and guitar.
e+position. $uitar plays the &econd &ubject 'as in the +position( in the key of B /at major. complete reprise of the e+position follows, but in as the dominant key, and moving to the tonic, * major.
%irst bar as an ntro, arp. tonic chord by the soloist, sustained B in the cellos and double basses. The main theme played by solo cor anglais, accomp by guitar and solo strings. 1or anglais is used to evoke the style of %lamenco singing 6saeta” , violas double the guitar part. -ain theme repeated by guitar, with the full string section. 7se of "st inversions of chords and 8. variation9 cor anglais begins a :th higher than before, accomp by sustained lower strings and a desc violin scale. The harmony desc from $ major, to %; minor and then minor, elaboration of the harmony in the guitar. -ain theme repeated by the guitar with decoration and full string section. lso
Firt De)e*o+ment an( rt ca(en.a 0ew idea in the solo part, over a B major
th. *escending triplets played by the guitar will reappear later. ?ey moves on to $ minor and the orchestra repeats the rst bar of the main theme. This time it begins after a crotchet rest. @ne more repeat played by the guitar and including desc triplets over a $ major chord
Secon( De)e*o+ment an( econ( ca(en.a @boe plays a short melody over a dissonant string chord. This is interrupted by the guitar playing an ascending minor scale in triplets, over the dominant of minor '( in the cellos and double basses. The oboe then repeats the melody a tone lower, again accompanied by dissonant strings. @nce again the guitar interrupts, with a slightly modied triplet passage. The woodwind then play a version of the triplet gure but broken up, to be shared around the woodwind and brass and nally
0ot in the tonic key Back to the tonic 'key 'as e+pected(, but signature of in the *ominant '% three sharps sharp minor(. remains(. 1hange of key The bassoon signature to three sharps, rather than and cor anglais play the two with which the start of the movement the motif, began. then played in The rst ve bars full by the of the main theme solo guitar played in octaves over a by violins and dominant violas. chord '% The woodwind sharp major(. echoes the rst This resolves three notes of the onto B major theme and the 'a Tierce de bass playing the Picardie A the accompaniment major version from the guitar of the minor repeat of the tonic of the theme. The music is based movement( B major on the variation of arpeggio in the main theme, the guitar.
slightly e+tended. @rchestra continues the e+tension of the theme, taking a motif and repeating it in sequence. -otif taken up by the violas and "st violins in octaves. ?ey changes to the dominant minor '% sharp minor(, then changed to % sharp major. The cor anglais plays a version of the cello motif, the guitar plays repeated arpeggiated %; major chords, preparing for the ne+t section.
with an added minor < th, which resolves onto a 1 minor chord. Rapid modulation so that the key of minor is reached. Firt Ca(en.a Thoughtful and re/ective. Based on the original guitar repeat of the main theme, but with varied decoration. The guitarist has to provide the accomp of arpeggiated chords. The melodic writing is notated on the lower stave and the accompanying harmony on the upper stave. ach of the chords has at the top 'inverted pedal(, resulting in dissonant chords.
passed to the bassoon. Secon( Ca(en.a more traditional virtuosic cadena. &ounds improvised, but it is fully notated. 1hange in key signature to four sharps '1; minor(, but the rst section pivots around the note $ sharp. The clima+ is accompanied by piicato unison $ sharps in the strings and the guitar strumming an % sharp minor chord 'with alternating top note of and $;( over a $; pedal.
Join the directions on the score to their defnitions.
7sing a bouncing stroke of the bow on the string.
Sigue or segue
!lay with the heel of the bow
Col talone
1ontinue to play in this way
The instruments should be muted
-eans CstrummingD in &panish %lamenco guitar technique
starting on a chord of * major. The melody is further varied, and the harmony descends as before 'now * major, 1 sharp minor, B minor(. The cello motif returns, now played by the /ute. The guitar plays a variation but now contrapuntally in two parts and with use of triplets.
5armonics9 natural harmonics in the violas and cellos, false harmonics in the violins, harmonics in the solo part. 1ambridge nternational
*ivided, half of the section should play the top notes on the stave and the other half should play the bottom notes.
The note should be played as a harmonic
The printed notes are to be played only by the "st /ute
Pizzicato strings should be plucked
-eans CstringD
8iolins should move their bows to play nearer the bridge.
"en marcato il canto
C7nitedD, all instruments in the section should now play the same notes