6. 7.
A program to calculate the bill and display the info. Of all customers using structures. A program to represent a complex no. using structures and perform mathematical operations on it. A program to accept the name and total marks of 20 students in an array. A program to assign streams on basis percentage marks using classes A program to read telephone directory and write it on a file. A program to input student data base. A program to read an integer type, sort it using bubble sort, and search it using Binary Search. A program to read and apply uppercase vowels, lowercase vowels, uppercase consonants, lowercase consonants. A program for hospital registration of patients using linked lists. A program to create a
16. 17.
18. 19.
linked stack and perform PUSH and POP operations. A program to create a linked Queue and perform addition and deletion operations. A menu driven program to append and display records in a file. A menu driven program to append and delete record in a file. A program to create a linked queue and perform addition and deletion in the queue. A program to create a linked and perform PUSH and POP operations in the queue. A program in which inputs a 2D array of integers. A menu driven program to perform operations on entered strings. A program illustrating function overloading. A program to manage Employee database using SQL. A program to manage Student database using SQL.
1. Declare a structure having following members – Customer no. , no. of units consumed and bill. The bill is to be calculated according to the following conditions: Units consumed For first 100 units For next 200 units For next 300 units Beyond 100 units
#include struct billing{ int customer_no[100]; int no_of_units_consumed[10000]; float bill[100]; }; billing bills; void main() { clrscr(); int x; cout<<"\n Enter Total No. customers:"; cin>>x; for(int i=0;i
Tarif Rs. 0.40 per unit Rs. 0.50 per unit Rs. 1 per unit Rs. 1.50 per unit
cin>>bills.customer_no[i]; cout<<"\n Enter no. of units consumed:"; cin>>bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]; if(bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]<=100) { bills.bill[i]=(bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]*.40); } else if(bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]>100&&bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]<=3 00) { bills.bill[i]=bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]*(.50); } else if(bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]>300&&bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]<=6 00) { bills.bill[i]=bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]*(.75); } else if(bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]>600&&bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]<=7 00) { bills.bill[i]=bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]*(1); } else if(bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]>1000) { bills.bill[i] =bills.no_of_units_consumed[i]*(1.5); } } cout<<"\n\n Customers Directory:"; for(i=0;i
2. Declare a structure to represent a complex number(a digit having real part and imaginary part). Write a program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two complex numbers.
#include #include struct complex
{ float real1; float imag1; float real2; float imag2; }; complex cno; void main() { clrscr(); cout<<"Enter First complex No.:"; cout<<"\nReal Part :"; cin>>cno.real1; cout<<"\nImaginary part:"<<"i"; cin>>cno.imag1; cout<<"\n\nEnter Second Complex no.:"<<"\n real part:"; cin>>cno.real2; cout<<"\n Imaginary part:"<<"i"; cin>>cno.imag2; cout<<"\n\n The sum of the entered complex nos. is:\t" <<(cno.real1+cno.real2)<<"+i"<<(cno.imag1+cno.imag2); cout<<"\n\n The difference b/w the entered complex nos. is\t" <<(cno.real1-cno.real2)<<"+i"<<(cno.imag1-cno.imag2); int x=(cno.real1*cno.real2); int y=(cno.imag1*cno.imag2); int p=(cno.real1*cno.imag2); int q=(cno.real2*cno.imag1); cout<<"\n\n The product of the entered complex nos. is \t"<<(x-y)<<"+i" <<(p+q); int r=cno.real2*cno.real2; int s=cno.imag2*cno.imag2; cout<<"\n\n The quotient of the two complex numbers is:\t"<<(x+y)<<"+i" <
3. Write a program to accept the name and total marks of 10 students in an array. Display the names of the students (including marks) securing the highest and lowest marks using structures.
#include #include #include #include struct student { char name[20]; int tmarks; }; student stu; void main() { clrscr(); int max=0; int y;
char name1; char name2; cout<<"Enter information of the students:"; cout<<"\n Enter Maximum marks:"; cin>>y; int min = y; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"\n\n Enter name of the student:"<<(i+1)<<":"; gets(stu.name); cout<<"\t Enter total marks scored by the student:"; cin>>stu.tmarks; if(stu.tmarks>max) { max=stu.tmarks; strcpy("name1","stu.name"); } if(stu.tmarks
4. A class Student has three data members and few member functions: -Name -Rollno -Marks Write a menu driven program:-To create a file - To print the stream according to the total marks of the students: 96 or more Computer Science 91-95 Electronics 86-90 Mechanical 81-85 Electrical 76-80 Chemical 71-75 Civil
#include #include #include #include class student { char name[20][20]; int rno; char sub[20]; int m1, m2, m3, m4, m5; float per; public: float calcu() { float x=(m1+m2+m3+m4+m5)/5; return(x); } void enter(); void display(); }; void student::enter() { cout<<"Enter Roll number:"; cin>>rno; cout<<"Enter name:"; gets(name[30]); cout<<"Enter marks for 5 subjects:"<<"\n"; cin>>m1>>m2>>m3>>m4>>m5; per=calcu();
if(per>=96) {strcpy(sub,"computer science");} else if(per>=91&&per<=95) {strcpy(sub,"Electronics");} else if(per>=86&&per<=90) {strcpy(sub,"Mechanics");} else if(per>=81&&per<=85) {strcpy(sub,"Electrical");} else if(per>=76&&per<=80) {strcpy(sub,"Chemical");} else if(per>=71&&per<=75) {strcpy(sub,"Civil");}} void student::display() { cout<<"Alotted Subject:"<
5. Write a program to read a telephone directory with name, phone no. and write it to a file in the form of “hi< #include #include void main() { clrscr(); int i; int x; char name[20][20]; char phone[20][20]; cout<<"Enter the number of entries you want to make"; cin>>x; for(i=1;i<=x;i++) { cout<<"enter name"<
cout<<"enter phone number:"; gets(phone[i]); getch(); } ofstream enter("DIRECTORY.HTM", ios::out); for(i=1; i<=x;i++) { enter<<"hi"<
6. Write a program to store data of students registering in BIS – adm no., name, address, DOB, class and section. For every new registration assign a roll no. in sequential order. Read this file and display roll no., name, class, and section.
#include #include #include
struct date { int dd,mm, yy; }; class bis { private: int adno, rno, classs; char name[20], address[30], sec; date dob; public: void accept(int r) { rno=r; cout<<"\n Enter adno"; cin>>adno; cout<<"\n Enter name"; gets(name); cout<<"\n Enter class:"; cin>>classs; cout<<"\n Enter section"; cin>>sec; cout<<"\n Enter address"; gets(address); cout<<"Enter date"; cin>>dob.dd>>dob.mm>>dob.yy; } void show() {
cout<<"\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; while(f.read((char*)&s, sizeof(s))) { s.show(); } f.close(); } void main() { clrscr(); int op; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\n 1 add"; cout<<"\n 2 Show all"; cout<<"\n 0 Exit"; cout<<"\n Enter choice"; cin>>op; switch(op) { case 1: addrecord(); break; case 2: showallrecord(); break; } getch(); } while(op!=0);}
7. Write a menu driven program to: - Read an integer array - Sort it using Bubble sort - Search an element using Binary Search #include #include #include #include #include void bsort(int Arr[],int s) {
int I,J,Temp; for(I=0;IArr[J+1]) { Temp=Arr[J]; Arr[J]=Arr[J+1]; Arr[J+1]=Temp; } } } int bsearch(int Arr[],int s) { int lb,ub,mid,item; lb=0; ub=s-1; cout<<"\nEnter the value of search:"; cin>>item; while(lb<=ub) { mid=(lb+ub)/2; if(Arr[mid]==item) return(mid); else if(Arr[mid]>item ) ub=mid-1; else lb=mid+1; } return(-1); } int main() { int a[20],i,n; cout<<"\nEnter number of element :"; cin>>n; cout<<"\nEnter an element of an array:"; for(i=0;i>a[i]; } cout<<"\nBefore sorting:"; for(i=0;i
cout<<"\nAfter sorting"; for(i=0;i
8. Write a menu driven program to: - Read the file and display uppercase vowels, lowercase vowels, uppercase consonants, lowercase consonants.
#include #include #include #include #include void main() { clrscr();
int n,j; fstream ofile,afile; char str[100]; char ch,ch1; do { cout<<"\n\t1.Create Text\n\t2.Read from File\n\t3.create another file"; cout << "\n 4.Exit "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case '1' : ofile.open("smp.txt",ios::out); cout<<"\n Enter The Text "; gets(str); ofile<
cout<<"\n Lower case consonants "<
afile.open("smp1.txt",ios::out); char c; while(ofile) { ofile.get(c); c = tolower(c); if (c=='a'||c=='i'||c=='e'||c=='o'||c=='u') afile.put(c); } ofile.close(); afile.close(); case '4' : exit(0); } cout<<"\n\t DO U want to continue "; cin>>ch1; }while(ch1=='Y'||ch1=='y');
getch(); }
9. Create a linked list of hospital registration of patients: - Perform addition of new patient at the end of linked list. - Show update based on registration number.
#include #include #include #include #include
struct node { int regno; char pat[20]; node*next; } *start, *newptr, *save, *ptr, *rear, pn; void display(node*); void insert(node*); void main() { clrscr(); start=rear=NULL; int reg; char name[20]; char ch='y'; while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') { cout<<"Enter the information for a new patient:"<<"\n"<<"Enter Registration no."; cin>>pn.regno; cout<<"\n"<<"Enter name:"; gets(pn.pat); newptr=&pn; insert(newptr); cout<<"press Y to enter more node, N to exit"; cin>>ch; } cout<<"The list is now"<<"\n"; display(start); char ans; int rno; char nm[20]; cout<<"Wabt to Update list:"; cin>>ans; if(ans=='y'||ans=='Y') { cout<<"Enter reg. no. of patient:"; cin>>regno; while(newptr!=NULL) { if(newptr->regno==rno) { cout<<"Enter new name:";
gets(nm); strcpy(newptr->pat,nm); newptr=newptr->next; } } cout<<"Now the list is:"; display(start); } getch(); } void insert(node*) { if(start==NULL) { start=rear=newptr;} else { rear->next=newptr; rear=newptr; rear->next=NULL; } } void display(node*np) { while(np!=NULL) { cout<<"\n"<regno<<". "; cout.write(np->pat,20); np=np->next; } cout<<"!!!\n"; }
Create a linked stack and perform push and pop operations.
#include #include #include struct node
{ int info; node*next; } *top, *newptr, *save, *ptr; node *create_new_node(int); void push(node*); void display(node*); void main() { clrscr(); int inf; char ch='y'; top=NULL; while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') { cout<<"Enter the information for the new node"; cin>>inf; newptr=create_new_node(inf); if(newptr==NULL) { cout<<"cannot create new node....aborting!!";exit(1); } push(newptr); cout<<"now the linked stack is"; display(top); cout<<"press Y to enter more node, N to exit"; cin>>ch; } getch(); } node*create_new_node(int n) { ptr=new node; ptr->info=n; ptr->next=NULL; return ptr; } void push(node*np) { if(top==NULL)top=np; else { save=top; top=np;
np->next=save; } } void display(node*np) { while(np!=NULL) { cout<info<<"->"; np=np->next; } cout<<"!!!"; }
11. Create a linked queue and perform addition and deletion operations. #include #include struct node { int info; node*next; } *front, *newptr, *save, *ptr, *rear; node*create_new_node(int); void insert(node*); void display(node*);
void delnode_q(); void main() { front=rear=NULL; int inf; char ch='y'; while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') { cout<<"Enter the information for a new node"; cin>>inf; newptr=create_new_node(inf); if(newptr==NULL) { cout<<"Cannot create new node....aborting!!";exit(1);} insert(newptr); cout<<"press Y to enter more node, N to exit"; cin>>ch; } } system("cls") do { cout<<"\n The linked queue is:"; display(front); cout<<"Want to delete first node?(y/n)"; cin>>ch; if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') delnode_q(); } while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'); } node*create_new_node(int n) { ptr=new node; ptr->info=n; ptr->next=NULL; return ptr; } void insert(node*np) { if(front==NULL)
{front=rear=np;} else { rear->next=np; rear=np; } } void delnode_q() { if(font==NULL)cout<<"Underflow!!!"; else { ptr=front; front=front->next; delete ptr; } } void display(node*np) { while(np!=NULL) { cout<info<<"->"; np=np->next; } cout<<"!!!"; }
12. -
Declare a class containing: Name Address Telephone no.
Write a menu driven program to: -
Append record in a file. Display the name and address for the given telephone number
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include class telephone; void display(); void append(); int main() { int x; char ch='y'; while(ch=='y') { clrscr(); cout<<"....WELCOME TO THE MENU..."; cout<<"\nPress 1 to APPEND record :"; cout<<"\nPress 2 to DISPLAY record :"; cout<<"\nPress any key to EXIT :"; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: append(); break; case 2: display(); break; default: cout<<"\n....SYSTEM EXITING...."; break; } cout<<"\nTo go to MAIN MENU, PRESS Y :"; cout<<"\nTo EXIT, Press any key :"; cin>>ch; } return 0; } class telephone { char name[50]; char address[50]; int tele; public:
void getdata() { cout<<"\nPlease enter your NAME :"; gets(name); cout<<"\nPlease enter your ADDRESS :"; gets(address); cout<<"\nPlease enter your TELEPHONE NUMBER :"; cin>>tele; } void showdata() { cout<<"\nNAME :"<>ch; } file.close(); } void display() { clrscr(); int x; cin>>x; char found='n'; telephone te; ifstream file; cout<<"\nPlease enter the TELEPHONE NUMBER :";
cin>>x; file.open("tele databse", ios::in|ios::binary); file.seekg(0); while(!file.eof()) { file.read((char*)&te, sizeof(te)); if(filee.eof()) { break; } if((te.gettele())==x) { te.showdata(); found='y'; } } if(found=='n') cout<<"\nFile not found :"; file.clear(); file.close(); }
13. Declare a class students having sno, sname, fees and required functions. Write a ,menu driven program to: - Append record in a file - Delete record for given serial no. #include #include #include #include #include class student; void append(); void dele();
int main() { int x; char ch='y'; while(ch=='y') { cout<<"....WELCOME TO STUDENT DATABASE PROGRAM...."; cout<<"\nPress 1 to APPEND a record :"; cout<<"\nPress 2 to DELETE a record :"; cout<<"\nPress another to EXIT :"; cin>>x; switch(x) { case 1: append(); break; case 2: dele(); break; default : cout<<"\n....SYSTEM EXITING...."; break; } cout<<"\nPress Y to go to MAIN MENU :"; cout<<"\nPress another key to EXIT :"; cin>>ch; } return 0; } class student { char sname[50]; int sno; float fee; public: void getdata() { cout<<"\nPlease enter your ROLL NUMBER :"; cin>>sno; cout<<"\nPlease enter your NAME :"; gets(sname); cout<<"\nPlease enter student's FEES :"; cin>>fee; } void showdata() { cout<<"\nROLL NUMBER :"<
} int getsno() { return sno; } }; void append() { student stu; ofstream file; file.open("Student database", ios::out|ios::app|ios::binary); char ch='y'; while(ch=='y') { stu.getdata(); file.write((char*)&stu, sizeof(stu)); cin>>ch; } file.close(); } void dele() { clrscr(); student stu; int x; cout<<"\nEnter the SNO to DELETE record"; cin>>x; ifstream fin; ofstream fout; fin.open("Student database", ios::binary|ios::in); fin.seekg(0); fout.open("temp",ios::out|ios::binary); fout.seekp(0); char ch; while(!fin.eof()) { fin.read((char*)&stu, sizeof(stu)); if(fin.eof()) { break; } if((stu.getsno())==x) { cout<<"\nRecord is found"; stu.showdata(); cout<<"\nPress Y to DELETE record :";
cin>>ch; if(ch!='Y'&&ch!='y') { fout.write((char*)&stu, sizeof(stu)); } found = 'y'; } if((stu.getsno())!==x) { fout.write((char*)&stu, sizeof(stu)); } } if(found=='y') cout<<"\nRecord is FOUND and DELETED"; else cout<<"\nNO RECORD EXISTS"; fin.close(); fout.close(); remove("Student database"); rename("temp", "Student database"); }
14. -
Each node of a queue contains: Eno Salary Pointer field
Front is the first node of the queue and rear is the last node. Write a menu driven program to: -
Add elements in the queue Delete elements from the queue
#include #include #include #include struct node { int Eno; float salary; struct node *next; }; class queue { struct node *frnt,*rear; public: queue() { frnt=rear=NULL; } void insert(); void del(); void show(); }; void queue::insert() { int Emno,sal; struct node *ptr; cout<<"Enter new employee no: "; cin>>Emno; cout<<"Enter new employee salary: "; cin>>sal; ptr=new node; ptr->Eno=Emno; ptr->salary=sal; ptr->next=NULL; if(frnt==NULL) frnt=ptr; else rear->next=ptr; rear=ptr; cout<<"\nNew employee no. and salary is inserted to the Queue!!!"; getch(); }
void queue::del() { if(frnt==NULL) { cout<<"\nQueue is empty!!"; getch(); return; } struct node *temp; temp=frnt; frnt=frnt->next; cout<<"\nDeletion Operation........\nDeleted value is "<Eno<Eno<salary; ptr1=ptr1->next; } getch(); } // Main function int main() { queue q; int choice; while(1) { cout<<"\n-----------------------------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n\t\tQUEUE USING LINKED LIST\n\n";
cout<<"1:INSERTION\n2:DELETION\n3:DISPLAY QUEUE\n4:EXIT"; cout<<"\nEnter your choice(1-4): "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: q.insert(); break; case 2: q.del(); break; case 3: q.show(); break; case 4: exit(0); break; default: cout<<"Please enter correct choice(1-4)!!"; getch(); break; } } return 0; }
15. -
Each node of a stack contains: Rollno Age
Pointer field Top is the first node of the stack. Write a menu driven program to: Push an element Pop an element
#include #include #include #include struct node{ int rollno,age; struct node *next; }; class stack{ struct node *top; public: stack(); void push(); void pop(); void display(); }; stack::stack() { top = NULL; } void stack::push() { int rollnumber,age1; struct node *p; if((p=new node)==NULL) { cout<<"Memory Exhausted"; exit(0); } cout<<"Enter a roll Number to insert:"; cin>>rollnumber; cout<<"\nEnter the age of the student:"; cin>>age1; p = new node; p->rollno = rollnumber; p->age=age1; p->next = NULL; if(top!=NULL){ p->next = top;
} top = p; cout<<"\nNew roll number and age are inserted"<next; cout<<"\nThe value popped is: "<rollno<age<rollno<age<next; } } } int main() { clrscr(); stack s; int choice; do{ cout<<"\nSTACK IMPLEMENTATION";
cout<<"\n1. PUSH\n2. POP\n3. DISPLAY\n4. EXIT\n"; cout<<"\nEnter your choice: "; cin>>choice; switch(choice){ case 1: s.push(); break; case 2: s.pop(); break; case 3: s.display(); break; case 4: exit(0); break; default: cout<<"Invalid Choice please enter valid choice"; break; } }while(choice); getch(); return 0; }
16. Write a program to accept a 2D array of integers and its size as arguments and displays elements which are exactly two digit numbers. #include
#include #include #include int main() { clrscr(); int row,col,i,j; int arr[2][2]; cout<<"ARRAY INPUT\n"; cout<< "enter the no. of row: \n "; cin>>row; cout<<"enter the no. of coloum: "; cin>>col; cout<<"enter the array elemet:\n"; for(i=0;i>arr[i][j]; } } cout<<"entered array is:\n"; for(i=0;i9 && arr[i][j]<100) { cout<<"\t"<
17. Write a menu driven program to perform the following operations on a string without using inbuilt functions: - Find the length - Compare two strings - Concatenate two strings
#include #include #include class string { private: char a[40], b[40], c[80]; public: void findlength(); void compare(); void concatenate(); }; void string::findlength() { cout<<"\n Enter string"; gets(a); int i=0; while(a[i]!='\0') { i++; } cout<<"the length of the given string is"<
void string::compare() { int c, i=0; cout<<"\n ENTER THE STRING 1:"; cin>>a; cout<<"\n ENTER THE STRING 2:"; cin>>b; while(a[i]!='\0'&&b[i]!='\0') { if(a[i]==b[i]) { c=1; } else { c=0; break; } i++; } if(c==1&&a[i]=='\0'&&b[i]=='\0') { cout<<"\n\n THE GIVEN TWO STRINGS ARE ONE & SAME"; } else { cout<<"\n NOT SAME"; } } void main() { int op; string s; do { clrscr(); cout<<"\n 1 FIND LENGTH"; cout<<"\n 2 COMPARE"; cout<<"\n 3 CONCATENATE"; cout<<"\n 0 EXIT"; cout<<"\n ENTER"; cin>>op; switch(op) { case 1: s.findlength(); break; case 2: s.compare();
break; case 3: s.concatenate(); break; } getch(); }while(op!=0); }
Write a program to illustrate working of function overloading,
#include #include #include void amount(float princ, int time, float rate) { cout<<"\nPrincipal Amount:"<
cout<<"case 4"; amount(2, 0.12F); cout<<"case 5"; amount(6, 0.07F); getch(); }
19. -
Create a table in SQL with the name employees Insert two records in the table employees Fields as Empno, Deptno, Empname, Job and Manager
20. -
List Empname and Deptname for all the employees sorted by Empno. Count the total number of departments in the organization
Create a table in SQL with the name Students: Fields as Rollno, Name, Age, Gender, Marks
Set Rollno as primary key Enter two records in the table Count the number of boys in the class Display Rollno and Name of all the students whose age is less than 18 years.