In this experiment, we are learnt how does a CNC machine works and to interpret the Gcodes. G-code is the command system for the CNC (Computer Numerical Code) Machine. Gcodes are any word in a CNC proram that !eins with the letter G. Generally it is a code that tells the machine tool to perform specific actions. "or example# G commands often tell the control what kind of motion is wanted (e.., rapid positionin, linear feed, circular feed, fixed cycle) or what offset $alue to use. %owe$er there are other codes that start with letters other than &G' like &M' (miscellaneous), &' (ool selection), &' (spindle speed) and many more. hese codes will !e prorammed into software and sent to the CNC machine. he software will translate the G-codes into sinals for different operations in the machine. he machine then operates accordin to the codes systematically s ystematically to cut and remo$e parts of the metal. *asically, CNC machines are su!di$ided into +athe Machine and Millin machine. he main parts of a CNC +athe Machines are# - %eadstock (where the motors that dri$e main spindle), -Chuck (here the work piece is ripped firmly), -ailstock -ailstock uill (rip the work piece at the other o ther end to pre$ent $i!ration durin machine operation) -ool -ool urret (where tools are mounted) In a CNC +athe Machine, the work piece mounted to the Chuck is rotated in rpm. he tools then approach the material and cut it accordin to the coordinate and codes prorammed. +athes create the surface cylindrical parts usin outside and inside diameter cuttin tools of different sies and shapes. %owe$er, durin cuttin, the tool itself is ne$er flexi!le. Instead, the ar ms that connects the tool turret mo$es to cut the material. he / axes in$ol$e in a CNC +athe Machine are only x (horiontal) axis and y ($ertical) axis. In a CNC millin machine, the machine chooses the tools accordin to the codes and spins the tool to cut material that is held stationary in a fixture. Millin machines use cylindrical cuttin tools, such as end mills and drills, to remo$e material to mak e a finished part. he axes in$ol$ed are x (horiontal) axis, y ($ertical) axis and axis (forward and !ackward). 0 CNC millin machine is reat for enra$in a material. 1ro!lem faced durin the experiment and preparation of report is that instructions reardin report were not i$en clearly. e were stranded in the results and discussion section as we do not know what to discuss. herefore, we emailed and looked for tutors in the office to seek more information and writin ad$ises. econdly, manual were not read and printed !efore attendin the la! session due to delay of w!le update caused us to !e !lur and confused durin the experiment. %owe$er, due to the present of ad$ance technoloy of an i1ad, we are a!le to read the instructions in the manual. hirdly, some were a!sent durin discussion of report preparation. herefore, there are some effecti$e communication failures that caused delay of report preparation. his had also !een o$ercome !y usin "ace!ook.
CNC machinin is a process used in the manufacturin sector that in$ol$es the use of computers to control machine tools. ools that can !e controlled in this manner include lathes, mills, routers and rinders. ith CNC machinin, machine tools function throuh numerical control. here are G-code and M-code for CNC machine controls and help to keep safe and more producti$e.
Title: +a! / CNC Machinin
o understand and interpret the machine codes for the machinin operations demonstrated !y the technician.
CNC means Computer Numerical Control. 0 CNC machine uses a stream of diital information which is code from a computer to automatically execute a series of machinin operations that CNC machine offer to increase producti$ity and flexi!ility. CNC machine also uses mathematics and coordinate systems to process information of what to mo$e, to where and how fast. his machine are a!le to mo$e in three controlled directions at once which are 2,3 and 4 axis. 0 CNC machine also must !e a!le to communicate with itself and the machinist to operate. Computer numeric control unit sends position commands to motors. his machine can mo$e $ery fast in three controlled directions at once to allow them to create almost any desired pattern or shape. G-code most widely used numerical control prorammin lanuae. It used mainly to control CNC machines and also called G prorammin lanuae. G-code is a lanuae in which people tell computeried machine tools how to make somethin. M-code is a set of instructions executed directly !y a computer5s central processin unit. 6ach of the instruction performs a $ery specific task, such as a load, a 7ump, or an arithmetic loic unit(0+8) operation on a unit of data in a C18 reister or memory. 6$ery proram directly executed !y a C18 is made uo of a series of such instructions.
CNC Machine, ork piece, Code prorammer