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Cmnonexp Example
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C:\Users\KP\Documents>cmnonexp2mb.exe -e -f Rogers.bin cmnonexp (CableModem non-volatile explorer for BCM3348/BCM3349) Version: 1.1.1 (Apr 20 2009 17:57:34) (c)2008-2009 under GPLv3 by qingpu & raikol Read 262144 bytes from file Rogers.bin 0x80CA:(32970) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x80CC:Length:0x2EBF (11967) 0x80CE:CRC32-Motorola:0xF6036DD8 (-167547432) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0x2EBF (11967) at offset: 0x80CA Calculate CRC: 0xF6036DD8 CRC OK!!! CM Application NonVol Settings found! 0x80D2:CMAp Size:0x0009 (9) 0x80D4:CMAp Magic:0x434D4170 ('CMAp') Message Logging NonVol Settings found! 0x80DB:MLog Size:0x003C (60) 0x80DD:MLog Magic:0x4D4C6F67 ('MLog') HalIf NonVol Settings found! 0x8117:HalIf Size:0x00BD (189) 0x8119:HalIf Magic:0xF2A1F61F (' ') 0x8123:MAC address for IP Stack 1:00:1E:46:BE:CA:1C 0x8129:MAC address for IP Stack 2:00:1E:46:BE:CA:1D 0x812F:MAC address for IP Stack 3:00:20:40:DE:AD:03 0x8135:MAC address for IP Stack 4:00:20:40:DE:AD:04 Factory NonVol Settings found! 0x81D4:FACT Size:0x0023 (35) 0x81D6:FACT Magic:0x46414354 ('FACT') CM BPI NonVol Settings found! 0x81F7:bpi Size:0x0B61 (2913) 0x81F9:bpi Magic:0x62706920 ('bpi ') Cert number 1 found! 0x81FF:Cert Size:0x008C (140) 0x8201:Cert class 1:0x3081 (12417) Writing to file non01_1_public.key 140 bytes Maybe SB5101 Cert number 2 found! 0x828D:Cert Size:0x028A (650) 0x828F:Cert class 0:0x0000 (0) Writing to file non01_2_private.key 650 bytes Cert number 3 found! 0x8519:Cert Size:0x010E (270) 0x851B:Cert class 2:0x3082 (12418) Writing to file non01_3_root.key 270 bytes Cert number 4 found! 0x8629:Cert Size:0x0327 (807) 0x862B:Cert class 2:0x3082 (12418) Writing to file non01_4_cm_cert.cer 807 bytes Cert number 5 found! 0x8952:Cert Size:0x0404 (1028)
0x8954:Cert class 2:0x3082 (12418) Writing to file non01_5_ca_cert.cer 1028 bytes CM DOCSIS NonVol Settings found! 0x8D58:Docsis Size:0x0080 (128) 0x8D5A:Docsis Magic:0xD0C20100 ('
CableModem EventLog NonVol Settings found! 0x8DD8:CMEV Size:0x0008 (8) 0x8DDA:CMEV Magic:0x434D4556 ('CMEV') SNMP NonVol Settings found! 0x8DE0:snmp Size:0x04EF (1263) 0x8DE2:snmp Magic:0x736E6D70 ('snmp') 0x8DE6:Version:0x0004 (4) 0x8DE8:(36328) Factory mode enabled!! 0x8DE9:(36329) Vendor name: Motorola Corporation 0x8E09:(36361) System Description: <
> 0x8E89:(36489) System ObjectID: 0x8F09:(36617) System ObjectID value 1: 0x8F89:(36745) System ObjectID value 2: 0x9009:(36873) System ObjectID value 3: 0x9089:(37001) sysORID.1: 0x9109:(37129) sysORID.1 description: Motorola Cable Modem SNMP Agent Capabiliti es Statement 0x9189:(37257) Services: 0x4F 0x918A:(37258) Device Software Current Version: SB5101- 0x962E:(38446) Device Serial Number: 166958823113700801012107 0x924A:(37450) Max Download Tries: 0x4 DOCSIS CM Downstream Calibration NonVol Settings found! 0x92CF:DnSt Size:0x0181 (385) 0x92D1:DnSt Magic:0x446E5374 ('DnSt') DOCSIS CM Upstream Calibration NonVol Settings found! 0x9450:UpSt Size:0x0249 (585) 0x9452:UpSt Magic:0x55705374 ('UpSt') CM Propane NonVol Settings found! 0x9699:Ppan Size:0x000A (10) 0x969B:Ppan Magic:0x5070616E ('Ppan') CM Vendor Motorola NonVol Settings found! 0x96A3:MOTO Size:0x18DE (6366) 0x96A5:MOTO Magic:0x4D4F544F ('MOTO') FMib NonVol Settings found! 0xAF81:FMib Size:0x0008 (8) 0xAF83:FMib Magic:0x464D6962 ('FMib') 0xC0CA:(49354) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0xC0CC:Length:0x2EBF (11967) 0xC0CE:CRC32-Motorola:0xF6036DD8 (-167547432) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0x2EBF (11967) at offset: 0xC0CA Calculate CRC: 0xF6036DD8 CRC OK!!! CM Application NonVol Settings found! 0xC0D2:CMAp Size:0x0009 (9)
0xC0D4:CMAp Magic:0x434D4170 ('CMAp') Message Logging NonVol Settings found! 0xC0DB:MLog Size:0x003C (60) 0xC0DD:MLog Magic:0x4D4C6F67 ('MLog') HalIf NonVol Settings found! 0xC117:HalIf Size:0x00BD (189) 0xC119:HalIf Magic:0xF2A1F61F (' ') 0xC123:MAC address for IP Stack 1:00:1E:46:BE:CA:1C 0xC129:MAC address for IP Stack 2:00:1E:46:BE:CA:1D 0xC12F:MAC address for IP Stack 3:00:20:40:DE:AD:03 0xC135:MAC address for IP Stack 4:00:20:40:DE:AD:04 Factory NonVol Settings found! 0xC1D4:FACT Size:0x0023 (35) 0xC1D6:FACT Magic:0x46414354 ('FACT') CM BPI NonVol Settings found! 0xC1F7:bpi Size:0x0B61 (2913) 0xC1F9:bpi Magic:0x62706920 ('bpi ') Cert number 1 found! 0xC1FF:Cert Size:0x008C (140) 0xC201:Cert class 1:0x3081 (12417) Writing to file non02_1_public.key 140 bytes Maybe SB5101 Cert number 2 found! 0xC28D:Cert Size:0x028A (650) 0xC28F:Cert class 0:0x0000 (0) Writing to file non02_2_private.key 650 bytes Cert number 3 found! 0xC519:Cert Size:0x010E (270) 0xC51B:Cert class 2:0x3082 (12418) Writing to file non02_3_root.key 270 bytes Cert number 4 found! 0xC629:Cert Size:0x0327 (807) 0xC62B:Cert class 2:0x3082 (12418) Writing to file non02_4_cm_cert.cer 807 bytes Cert number 5 found! 0xC952:Cert Size:0x0404 (1028) 0xC954:Cert class 2:0x3082 (12418) Writing to file non02_5_ca_cert.cer 1028 bytes CM DOCSIS NonVol Settings found! 0xCD58:Docsis Size:0x0080 (128) 0xCD5A:Docsis Magic:0xD0C20100 ('
CableModem EventLog NonVol Settings found! 0xCDD8:CMEV Size:0x0008 (8) 0xCDDA:CMEV Magic:0x434D4556 ('CMEV') SNMP NonVol Settings found! 0xCDE0:snmp Size:0x04EF (1263) 0xCDE2:snmp Magic:0x736E6D70 ('snmp') 0xCDE6:Version:0x0004 (4) 0xCDE8:(52712) Factory mode enabled!!
0xCDE9:(52713) Vendor name: Motorola Corporation 0xCE09:(52745) System Description: <
> 0xCE89:(52873) System ObjectID: 0xCF09:(53001) System ObjectID value 1: 0xCF89:(53129) System ObjectID value 2: 0xD009:(53257) System ObjectID value 3: 0xD089:(53385) sysORID.1: 0xD109:(53513) sysORID.1 description: Motorola Cable Modem SNMP Agent Capabiliti es Statement 0xD189:(53641) Services: 0x4F 0xD18A:(53642) Device Software Current Version: SB5101- 0xD62E:(54830) Device Serial Number: 166958823113700801012107 0xD24A:(53834) Max Download Tries: 0x4 DOCSIS CM Downstream Calibration NonVol Settings found! 0xD2CF:DnSt Size:0x0181 (385) 0xD2D1:DnSt Magic:0x446E5374 ('DnSt') DOCSIS CM Upstream Calibration NonVol Settings found! 0xD450:UpSt Size:0x0249 (585) 0xD452:UpSt Magic:0x55705374 ('UpSt') CM Propane NonVol Settings found! 0xD699:Ppan Size:0x000A (10) 0xD69B:Ppan Magic:0x5070616E ('Ppan') CM Vendor Motorola NonVol Settings found! 0xD6A3:MOTO Size:0x18DE (6366) 0xD6A5:MOTO Magic:0x4D4F544F ('MOTO') FMib NonVol Settings found! 0xEF81:FMib Size:0x0008 (8) 0xEF83:FMib Magic:0x464D6962 ('FMib') 0xFFF8:(65528) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0xFFFA:Length:0x4000 (16384) 0xFFFC:CRC32-Motorola:0xFFFFFFFC (-4) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0x4000 (16384) at offset: 0xFFF8 Calculate CRC: 0x63001F61 ---> CRC failed!!! FFFFFFFC <> 63001F61 ERROR: address: 10002; size: 0x3349 (13129); unknow magic: 0x00050001 ('
ERROR: address: 1334B; size: 0xDA90 (55952); unknow magic: 0xA4312551 (' 1%Q') 0x13FF8:(81912) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x13FFA:Length:0xA0ED (41197) 0x13FFC:CRC32-Motorola:0x9AB83416 (-1699204074) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0xA0ED (41197) at offset: 0x13FF8 Calculate CRC: 0x302975B1 ---> CRC failed!!! 9AB83416 <> 302975B1 ERROR: address: 14002; size: 0xE073 (57459); unknow magic: 0x4D12BF99 ('M 0x1E0E5:(123109) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x1E0E7:Length:0xA996 (43414) 0x1E0E9:CRC32-Motorola:0x8F9D61D9 (-1885511207) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0xA996 (43414) at offset: 0x1E0E5 Calculate CRC: 0xB216A4F4
---> CRC failed!!! 8F9D61D9 <> B216A4F4 ERROR: address: 1E0EF; size: 0xAAC2 (43714); unknow magic: 0xC95C2608 (' \& ') 0x28A7B:(166523) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x28A7D:Length:0x40C0 (16576) 0x28A7F:CRC32-Motorola:0x8A854CC4 (-1970975548) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0x40C0 (16576) at offset: 0x28A7B Calculate CRC: 0x1CCC1601 ---> CRC failed!!! 8A854CC4 <> 1CCC1601 ERROR: address: 28A85; size: 0xB02F (45103); unknow magic: 0x0F43CF8C (' C
0x2CB3B:(183099) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x2CB3D:Length:0x5941 (22849) 0x2CB3F:CRC32-Motorola:0xA3926C25 (-1550685147) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0x5941 (22849) at offset: 0x2CB3B Calculate CRC: 0xC02A92E4 ---> CRC failed!!! A3926C25 <> C02A92E4 ERROR: address: 2CB45; size: 0xF242 (62018); unknow magic: 0xE893708F ('
p ')
0x3247C:(205948) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x3247E:Length:0xD23C (53820) 0x32480:CRC32-Motorola:0x94EFBF01 (-1796227327) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0xD23C (53820) at offset: 0x3247C Calculate CRC: 0x3FD7231B ---> CRC failed!!! 94EFBF01 <> 3FD7231B ERROR: address: 32486; size: 0xB015 (45077); unknow magic: 0x6D711833 ('mq 3') ERROR: address: 3D49B; size: 0x5609 (22025); unknow magic: 0xE24D5F89 (' M_ ') 0x3F6B8:(259768) ---> Start new non-volatile nonvol <--0x3F6BA:Length:0xB4C8 (46280) 0x3F6BC:CRC32-Motorola:0x32715FC6 (846290886) Non-volatile nonvol length: 0xB4C8 (46280) at offset: 0x3F6B8 Calculate CRC: 0xF14C1902 ---> CRC failed!!! 32715FC6 <> F14C1902 ERROR: address: 3F6C2; size: 0xD1EA (53738); unknow magic: 0x676DB397 ('gm
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