"Town$ Country#
Compressive strength
Tensile strength
Elastic modulous
B ulk weight
Water absorption
"( #
Description "century#
"( #
Paayianni* +.* 'tefanidou* ). #2000$. F&harac teristics of bricks of Byzantine eriod.F Proc., eriod.F Proc., 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference* Conference* )adrid* 'ain* 1,29-1,"6.
1! to "!
Bricks from buildings and structures from the Byzantine Period
Gadi4o:e4ic* . #2000$. FBricks of (ate ntiDue Buildings of Haissus.F Proc., Haissus.F Proc., 12th International Brick/Block Masonry C onference* onference* )adrid* 'ain* 21"-21!2.
#"!-8$%#2-"0$%#-6$ 12.!-2,.! "-
&hurch of '. (orenzo
)ilan* +taly
Baronio* 3.; Binda* (. #198!$. FPhysico-mechanical FPhysico-mechanical characteristics a nd durability of bricks from some monuments in )ilan.F Masonry )ilan.F Masonry International * * 29-"!.
Baronio* 3.; Binda* (.; &harola* .=. #198!$. FIeterioration of bricks ith a nd ithout erforations due to salt crystallization.F Proc., 7 th International brick mas onry conference* conference* )elbourne* ustralia* 26,-2,6.
Baronio* 3.; Binda* (. #1986$. F&onsolidation and durability of masonry materialsJ study of mortars* mortars* bricks a nd lasters of an ancient monument of )ilan. /he toer of the church of '. (orenzo.F Proc., Evaluation an retrofit retrofit of masonry structures structures* +taly* 0-8.
".! 6th
&hurch of agia 'ohia
Bell /oer of the &athedral of &remona
+stambul* /urkey
&remona* +taly
&hurch ' ta )aria Gossa
)ilan* +taly
aults of ur (ady )onastery
)agdeburg* 3ermany
&hurch of 'an 3er45sio and 'an Protasio
'anter45s de &amos* 'ain
&hurch of 'an Pedro
lcazar7n* 'ain
26-"0 #red$
(i4ingston* G.. #199"$. F)aterials analysis of the masonry of the agia 'ohia Basilica* +stanbul.F Proc., +stanbul.F Proc., !r International Conference on "tructural "tuies, #e$airs an Maintenance of %istorical Builin& * Builin& * 1!-"1.
0-!! #beige$
(i4ingston* G.. #199"$. F)aterials analysis of the masonry of the agia 'ohia Basilica* +stanbul.F Proc., +stanbul.F Proc., !r International Conference on "tructural "tuies, #e$airs an Maintenance of %istorical Builin& * Builin& * 1!-"1.
1600-2000 8.0-12. #red$
0.1-1.6 #red$
1-2.2 #red$
9.-2!. #bron$
2.2-2.6 #bron$
1.,-. #bron$
Binda* (.; /ongini Kolli* G.; )irabella Goberti* 3. # 2000$. F'ur4ey and +n4estigation for the Iiagnosis of Iamaged )asonry 'tructuresJ the /orrazzo of &remona.F &remona.F Proc., Proc., 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference* Conference * )adrid* 'ain* 2",-2!,.
#2-28$%#10-12$%#!.!-,$ 1600
Binda* (.; /ongini Kolli* G.; )irabella Goberti* 3. # 2000$. F'ur4ey and +n4estigation for the Iiagnosis of Iamaged )asonry 'tructuresJ the /orrazzo of &remona.F &remona.F Proc., Proc., 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference* Conference * )adrid* 'ain* 2",-2!,. )aierhofer* &.; (eiold* '.; 'chaurich* I. ; Binda* (.; 'aisi* . #1998$. FIetermination of the moisture distribution in the outside alls of '. )aria Gossa using radar.F Proc., 7 th International Conference on 'roun Penetratin& #aar * Lansas* M'* !09-!1.
)arzahn* 3..; Eahnel* G.; /ue* H.. #200$. FKinite element analysis of to ancient groined masonry 4aults.F 4aults.F Proc., Proc., 1!th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference* Conference* msterdam* the Hetherlands* 1,-1!6.
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
"8%#16.!-1,$% 12-1"th
)edie4al brick masonry alls
/oledo* 'ain
&hurch of 'an )iguel rc5ngel
'an )iguel* 'ain
&hurch of ssuno
lmenara de da:a* 'ain
1"th &hurch of 'an ndr7s
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
26%1"%; 28%1,%.!
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
lmedo* 'ain
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
1"-1th th
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&hurch of 'an )iguel
lmedo* 'ain
&hurch ' ta )aria Gossa
)ilan* +taly
Bricks from houses
/oledo* 'ain
=>terior ?all
'iena* +taly
&hurch of 'an Boal
Pozaldez* 'ain
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&hurch of 'an ndr7s
lmedo* 'ain
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
/oer of the &hurch of ssuno
)@stoles* 'ain
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&hurch of 'an )iguel
lmedo* 'ain
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
)aierhofer* &.; (eiold* '.; 'chaurich* I. ; Binda* (.; 'aisi* . #1998$. FIetermination of the moisture distribution in the outside alls of '. )aria Gossa using radar.F Proc., 7 th International Conference on 'roun Penetratin& #aar * Lansas* M'* !09-!1. 0.08
/oer of (u:anes
)adrid* 'ain
/oer of 'an 3in7s
)adrid* 'ain
=iscoal alace
Pienza* +taly
=>terior ?all
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18. &arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18. 26.9
Barbi* (.; Briccoli Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #2002$. F)echanical roerties of ancient bricksJ statistical analysis of data.F data.F Proc., Proc., 7 th International "eminar on "tructural Masonry for -evelo$in& Countries * Belo orizonte* Brazil* 2,-"". Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #199$. F critical re4ie of e>erimental techniDues for brick material.F Proc., material.F Proc., 1th International Brick/Block Masonry C onference* onference* &algary* &anada* 12,-12!!. Barbi* (.; Briccoli Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #2002$. F)echanical roerties of ancient bricksJ statistical analysis of data.F data.F Proc., Proc., 7 th International "eminar on "tructural Masonry for -evelo$in& Countries * Belo orizonte* Brazil* 2,-"".
&olle al dA=lse* +taly
Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #199$. F critical re4ie of e>erimental techniDues for brick material.F Proc., material.F Proc., 1th International Brick/Block Masonry C onference* onference* &algary* &anada* 12,-12!!.
"0.0 1!-16th
&hurch of 'ta )aria +ncoronata
)ilan* +taly
osital de las &inco (lagas
'e4ille* 'ain
BishoAs residence
Pienza* +taly
(ibrary all of the )onastery of )onte li4eto )aggiore
'iena* +taly
Bell /oer of the &athedral of )onza
)onza* +taly
/oer of the &hurch in gustn de (araCs sDuare
)adrid* 'ain
&hurch of 'an Euan Bautista
tanDuines* 'ain
12.!-2,.! 28."%1".,%.,
Baronio* 3.; Binda* (. #198!$. FPhysico-mechanical FPhysico-mechanical characteristics a nd durability of bricks from some monuments in )ilan.F Masonry )ilan.F Masonry International * * 29-"!.
1.!-1,.! 11-21
Barbi* (.; Briccoli Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #2002$. F)echanical roerties of ancient bricksJ statistical analysis of data.F data.F Proc., Proc., 7 th International "eminar on "tructural Masonry for -evelo$in& Countries * Belo orizonte* Brazil* 2,-"".
Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #199$. F critical re4ie of e>erimental techniDues for brick material.F Proc., material.F Proc., 1th International Brick/Block Masonry C onference* onference* &algary* &anada* 12,-12!!.
Barbi* (.; Briccoli Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #2002$. F)echanical roerties of ancient bricksJ statistical analysis of data.F data.F Proc., Proc., 7 th International "eminar on "tructural Masonry for -evelo$in& Countries * Belo orizonte* Brazil* 2,-"".
Binda* (.* 'aisi* .* /iraboschi* &. #2000$. F+ n4estigation rocedures for the diagnosis of historic masonries.F Construction an Builin& Materials* Materials * 1* 199-2"".
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18. &arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
#<$%#1-1!$%#".!-$ #<$%#18-19$%#".!-$
&arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
aults of the )onastery of 'alzedas
'alzedas* Portugal
&loister of the &hurch of '. =ustorgio
)ilan* +taly
&hurch of 'an )iguel rc5ngel
&hurch of 'an Euan Bautista
taDuines* 'ain
&loister of the )onastery of 'alzedas
'alzedas* Portugal
ncona* +taly
&entenary chimney from ceramic industry
BasDue country* 'ain
(oureno* P.B.; P.B.; asconcelos* asconcelos* 3.; Gamos* (. #2000$. FIiagn@stico s obre as condiNes de estabilidade do claustro do s7c. O+++ - )osteiro de 'alzedas.F Internal 'alzedas.F Internal re$ort EC !1/2 !1/2** Ieartment of &i4il =ngineering* Mni4ersity of )inho. Baronio* 3.; Binda* (. #198!$. FPhysico-mechanical FPhysico-mechanical characteristics a nd durability of bricks from some monuments in )ilan.F Masonry )ilan.F Masonry International * * 29-"!. &arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18. &arri@* E.).; lea* ).'.&. #1998$ F(a construcci@n con ladrillo. =4oluci@n e tiologa.F (ratao e #ehabilitaci)n, Patolo&*a y t+cnicas e intervenci)n. Elementos estructurales, (ome !* ! * =ditorial )unilla-(era* )adrid* +'BH 8-891!0-2"-0* 161-18.
(@ez-rce* P.* 3arcia-3uinea* E.* 3racia* ).* bis* E. # 200"$. FBricks in historical buildings of /oledo &ityJ characterization and restoration.F Materials restoration.F Materials Characteriation* Characteriation* !0* !9-68. Barbi* (.; Briccoli Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #2002$. F)echanical roerties of ancient bricksJ statistical analysis of data.F data.F Proc., Proc., 7 th International "eminar on "tructural Masonry for -evelo$in& Countries * Belo orizonte* Brazil* 2,-"".
(@ez-rce* P.* 3arcia-3uinea* E.* 3racia* ).* bis* E. # 200"$. FBricks in historical buildings of /oledo &ityJ characterization and restoration.F Materials restoration.F Materials Characteriation* Characteriation* !0* !9-68.
(oureno* P.B.; P.B.; asconcelos* asconcelos* 3.; Gamos* (. #2000$. FIiagn@stico s obre as condiNes de estabilidade do claustro do s7c. O+++ - )osteiro de 'alzedas.F Internal 'alzedas.F Internal re$ort EC !1/2 !1/2** Ieartment of &i4il =ngineering* Mni4ersity of )inho. Barbi* (.; Briccoli Bati* '.; Ganocchiai* 3. #2002$. F)echanical roerties of ancient bricksJ statistical analysis of data.F data.F Proc., Proc., 7 th International "eminar on "tructural Masonry for -evelo$in& Countries * Belo orizonte* Brazil* 2,-"".
.2 20.8
Eimenez* E.; albide* ).; Bengoet>ea* E.; =sina* '.; Godriguez-)aribona* +. #2000$. Fnalysis of the Brick )asonry of a &entenary &himney in BasDue &ountry.F &ountry.F Proc., Proc., 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference* Conference* )adrid* !!-!6!.
Brick specimen
M01 M02 M0" M0 M0! M06 M0, M08 M09 M10
P01 P02 P0" P0 P0! P06 P0, P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P1" P1 P1! P16 P1, P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P2" P2 P2! P26 P2, P28 P29 P"0 P"1 P"2 P"" P"
/+01 /+02 /+0" /+0 /+0! /+06 /+0, /+08 /+09 /+10 /+11 /+12 /+1" /+1 /+1! /+16 /+1, /+18 /+19 /+20 /+21 /+22 /+2" /+2 /+2! /+26 /+2, /+28 /+29 /+"0 /+"1 /+"2 /01 /02 /0" /0 /0! /06 /0, /08 /09 /10 /11 /12 /1" /1 /1! /16 /1, /18 /19 /20 /21 /22 /2" /2 /2! /26 /2, /28 /01 /02 /0" /0 /0! /06 /0, /08 /09 /10 /11 /12 /1" /1 /1! /16 '01 '02 '0" '0 '0! '06 '0, '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '1" '1 '1! '16 '1, '18 '19 '20 '21 '22
Porosit y
Suct ion
"cm%cm%cm# 1".!%8.!%#".!-$ 1".!%1".!% 12.!%9% 1%8.!%.2 1!%1".2%.! 1%8.!% 1.2%8.8% 1!.!%8.!%.2 1%12.!%" 20%1%.!
1,82 169, 1,!! 1,8! 1,12 1,, 1,!1
22.,2 22.68 1,.! 1,.!8 2.0 1,.10 18.21
".11 "!.!8 28.96 28.!! "6.62 28.!8 29.81
1,1 1,06
"2."2 19.!1
".16 "2.0"
1%12%"." 1,.!%1".%" 16.!%12%" 1!.!%11."%" 2"%12%".! 12%11%".2 1"%12%#".!-$ 12.!%12.2%".8 19%12%#".-".9$ 1,%12.2%#"-".$ 2".!%12%#"-".8$ 1%10.2%#"-".1$ 1%12.!%".8 1,.!%11%".8 #10-1"$%12.2%" 1!%1"%#2.!-"$ 16.!%11.!%#-.!$ 16.!%12%! #8-12$%11.!%"." 16%11.!%2., 16%1%".! #2.!-19$%12.!%" 18%12.2%" 1!%11%" #1!-19.!$%12.!%".! 2%12."%#".-".8$ .!-18%12%!.! 12%#6-9.!$%!.! 8%!%!.! 1!%11.!%! 20%11.8%".! #10-18$%11%" 1%12.!%".! 12."%11%".,
1,!2 1,1 18 1,,, 1,60 1,"1 1,"9 1,2" 1,"1 169" 1,86 1,,9 1690 1,"9 1,,! 1,60 1,08 181, 1681 1,86 1,68 1,"9 1,62 1,6" 1, 1,69 1821 182" 1,9 1,"2 1,"9 1,,6 1696 1,2"
1!.98 1!.,2 1.61 9.!! ,.6! 16.!6 1!.22 1!.6 1.98 21.20 !.8! ,.90 21."1 1".86 20.0 20." 19.28 2.," 21.0" ,.,8 1".,1 1".", 10."" 1!.91 12.6" ,.8, 2.08 26.01 2.86 19.2 1".0, 1!.26 16.,2 1.!"
2,.1 2,.1 2.20 1,.9" 1!.06 28.16 26.", 26.92 26.19 ".11 11.," 1!.29 "."0 2.60 "1.! "2.0" "1., "!.8 ".1, 1!.02 2.00 2".9" 19.28 26.88 22.8" 1!."2 ".82 "6.!! "!.96 "1.28 2".!2 2!.88 28.9 2!.,2
16.8%8.8%#"-".1$ 19.!%12.9%.! 19%18.!%.! 20.!%18.!%.! 19.!%19%#.!-!$ 28%19%.2 22%19% 19%1,%".! 19%1"%.! 22.!%12%"." 12.!%9.!%".! 19%1".,%".! 16%10.2%". 1,.!%10%" 1!.!%12%".8 #16-21.!$%12.!%" 2"%12%#".,-.2$ 2.,%12.,%".! 19%1,%"., 19%18.!%#-.!$ 19%18.!%"., 2!%12.!%2.! 21%1!.,%" 18.!%16.!%.8 2"%1"% 19%18%#-.2$ 1,.!%1".!%#2.9-"."$ #1!-1,$%1"%2.9 #2".!-2,.!$%18.!%.! "9.!%18.!%.! 19.!%18%#"-$ 19.!%18%#"-$
1,0 16,6 1,09 1,16 1,", 1,11 1,!" 1,2" 1,12 1,"0 1,26 1,28 1,!0 1,"2 1,9! 1,,6 1,68 1, 1,12 1,22 1,!2 1,66 1,1 1,1" 1,2" 1,88 1,6 1,"9 1,!1 1,22 1,"2 1,,"
12.00 16.86 22.99 2".08 20.8 21."0 21.1, 22.61 21.!! 1!.6 18.68 1,.6, 1!.!0 12.68 1,.6 11.9! 21.9, 16.!8 2".,, 2."2 20.1" 1".80 12.8" 2".0" 1,.,1 16.6! 1!.9" 1!.18 18.!6 22."6 22.6 2".22
22.01 29.8 "!.66 "!.62 "2.9! "".89 "".02 "!.01 ".12 2,.0 "0.,6 29.!! 26.!, 2".09 28.28 21.8 "".60 2,.99 "6."6 "6.,1 "1.9" 2.1 2".16 "!.6" 29.69 2,." 26.89 26."2 "0.19 ".,8 ".89 ".,!
20%1!.!%" 11%8%2.! 1"%12.!%" 11%10.!%2.! 1!%1!%2.8 11%8%2.! 19%1!%2.8 1!%12.!%2.! 11%8.!% 18.!%11.!% 1"%12.!% 2"%12.!%".8 22%12.!%".! 1!%11.!%#".!-$ 1"%12.!% 11%8.!% 12%9% 10%8.!% 12.!%8.!% 11%8.!% 12%11.!% #1-1,$%8%.2 9%8.!%.! 16%8.2% 12%8.,%.! 12%8.!%".9 1%8."%.2
1,11 1,1, 1,11 1,2 1,68 1,"1 1,20 1,!6 1,!0 1800 1,"0 1,2, 1,91 1,""
21.2 19.,0 1,.60 19.!8 18.!0 18."6 21.9 1".8 19."6 10.9" 18.26 19.20 12.6 18.,,
"".8" "2.06 29.,! "1.9 29.8, "0."0 "".9" 2".8 "1.12 19., "0.21 "1."" 22.00 "0.,
1,16 1,20 1,26 1,6" 1,6" 1,80 1,91
19.89 20.26 19.,6 19.! 20. 1!.11 10."8
"2.28 "2.61 "1.96 "1.11 "2.08 2!.6 19.0
1821 1,",
1!.96 18.9,
26.1 "0.90
1,61 1,06
1.19 20.89
2.,2 "".!!
,.19 ,.66 8."" 1,.2! ".,! 8.2 !. 10.26 ,.80 8.!6 !.!! !.0" 9.1
26%1".!%#".-".6$ 2,%1"%#"."-".$ 26%12.2%#".8-.1$ 26%1".!%#"."-".6$ 26%1%#".0-".6$ 18%1"%#".6-".8$ 1"%12.!%#".2-".$ 1%12.!%#".!-.2$ 1%1"%#2.9-".$ 18%12.!%#2.6-".!$ 16%12.!%#".1-".6$ 16%1"%#".-".6$ 11%1"%#".-".6$ 1%12.!%#2.9-".!$ 1%12%#.8-!.2$ 26%1".!%#".-".6$
16" 1,99 1681 169 162! 16!0 166, 161! 16, 16!1 161 16!0 1!!, 1628 1,0" 1662
1,.16 ,.,, 1!.1, 16.10 16.21 1!."9 16.62 1!.,9 1.16 1!.81 12.92 16.9 1,.29 1".8" 12.69 1,.11
"0.66 1.89 2,.2! 28.21 29.6! 28.10 29." 29."1 26.!0 28.6" 2.8! 29.!0 "2.!8 26.0 2".!2 "0.0!
16.92 "2.66 20.01 26.16 1.69 19.," 19.09 1,."8 "8.22 21.86 2,.69 18.,6 20.1" 2.6 11.,, 19.29
6.!! 22.,1 12.2 1!.02 !.86
2!.,%12.!%" 2!%12.!%" 2.,%12.!%".2 2.!%12."%" 2!%12.!%" 2.9%12.!%" 2!.2%12.!%" 2!%12.8%".2 2!%12."%"
18!2 1,98 1,91 1,88 1,9" 1,8 1,90 1,8, 186" 1,,6 1,90 1,! 1,8! 1,!6 1,! 182, 18 1,,9 1802 1,,6 1,98 1,,
18.68 16.,! 1!." 16.08 16.8! 1,.88 19.6, 19., 1.0 20.61 18.9! 19.9" 1!."6 12.91 18.26 11.88 16.! 20.1" 19.22 19.10 19.,6 19.8
28.8, 2,."9 2!.,8 26.," 2,.!9 28.92 "0.8" "0.66 2".,1 "2.0 "0.0 "0.99 2!.88 2".0, 29.82 20.,9 26. "1.9 "0.16 "0.2 "1.6" "1.2!
12.0! 12.88 22.21 20.0 16., 1,.12 10.!0 1".!1 2!.91 10.!9 12.22 10.11 12.2 8.62 11.22 1!.!6 16.9 1".1, 11.!! 1!.6 10.2! 12.9!
".16 "., "0.02 9.86 ,."1 6.99 1".08 6.,1 20.92 6.! 2.!! .89 ".82 ., 1!.!! 9.,0
uteiro # Bragana$
Pombeiro #Kelgueiras$
)ire de /ibes #Braga$
'. Eoo de /arouca #/arouca$
'alzedas # /arouca$
2!%12.,%".2 2!.!%12.!%" 29.2%1!.8%.2 "0.1%16%.2 "1.!%1!.!%".8 29.,%1!.8% 2.2%12.2%".1 2!."%12.!%" 2!%12.,%" 2!.%12.8%".2 2!%12.6%"." 2!.!%12.!%"." 2!.%12.!%".2
0 +,
1".,8 1.86 9.11 ,.6" ,.26 8.8 8.6! 6.!0
8.!2 2."8 ".22 2.90 .99 2. ".9
!9.,9 62.1 !."2 !1.!1 61.1" !.06 !2.89 6.1 !9.01 61."
26.0, 2".!1 2!.8" 26.6 2".66 2!.1 2!.!6 26.08 26.,6 2".62
,.22 6.,1 12."" 1.! ,."0 1".6, 1.00 21.01 6.,8 10.,0
".,8 ".1 ".62 ".!1 ".! ".! ".,9 ".,8 .01 2.16
0.!, 0.60 0.8 0.6! 0.80 0.9 0.!! 0.21 0., 0.12
0.92 0.96 1.0 1.0! 0.9, 1.01 1.06 1.02 1.20 1.2
0.22 0.!9 0.1 0.22 0.6 0.!1 0." 0.16 0."9 0.09
1.19 1.86 1.,9 1.96 1.91 1.1 1.!" 1. 1.1 0.!8
819 90" 68! !" 822 61" ,"! !"! 88" !1
"06 "" 2!0 2", "09 2"1 28 2"0 "28 ","
9" 66 ," ,0 !8 , 69 6! 120 61
209 219 190 19, 199 1,9 189 180 2"9 1!1
1061 ,! 616 8!9 1011 !!6 69! 62" 9,8 "6
!!.6 !8.0 !!." !9.1" !9.!2 !6.9 61." !.6! !8.6 !".,, !9.88 !8.9" !".60 !!.6" !1.60 !,.,! !,.!8 !.81 !".1! !8.", 61.0, !9.8 !9.26 !6.,9 6.9! !9.1! !8.2! !,."" !8.8! !8.81 !8., !."8 !".1" 61.02
2!.,8 2!.06 2!.06 22.1" 22.62 2!.6" 2.18 2,.8 2".1" 2,."8 21.98 22."! 2,.!2 2.91 29.8 28." "0.2 29.11 28. 21."0 2.0" 2!.!2 22.68 26.21 19.96 22.22 26.0! 2!.88 26.28 2".!1 2.06 2."! 26.6 2.6"
9.8 8.16 10.! 9.1" 8."8 9.0 6.22 9.02 9.0! 9.86 8.99 9.6, 10.02 10.08 10.,1 !.22 .60 ,.8 9."9 10.06 ,.02 ,.01 9.09 8.,2 6.!, 9.8 ,.82 8."! ,.1 6.6! ,.81 9.88 9.80 6.26
!.01 .!2 !.11 !.9 !.60 .8 ., .62 !." ."2 !.!6 !.! .!! !."1 .02 .2! .21 .!9 .!, !.!8 .!6 .21 !." .", !.12 !.62 ." .,6 .2, 6.! .92 !." !.26 ."9
0.6" 0.!" 0.!" 0.6" 0.6! 0.!, 0.! 0.! 0.,1 0.6 0.69 0.!8 0. 0.!6 0.! 1.1! 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.6" 0.8 0., 0.!! 0.!, 0.0 0.6" 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.6" 0.1 0.2
1.28 1.28 1.2 1."6 1.2 1.2" 1.11 1.22 1."" 1.26 1."0 1."0 1." 1.", 1."1 1.12 1."" 1.06 1.2! 1."9 1.0! 1.28 1."2 1.2 1."8 1."0 1.0" 1.18 1.01 1.12 1.1 1.29 1.!, 1."
0.2" 0., 0.21 0.62 0.!1 0.22 0.2 0.6 0."0 0.9 0.20 0.18 0.29 0.21 0.29 0."! 0.1 0.09 0.!9 1.8 0.16 0.09 0.19 0.2, 0.19 0.2" 0.16 0.18 0.1 0.!6 1.16 2.20 1.!0 0.2,
1.," 1.," 1., 1.2, 1.2" 1.,6 1.,! 1.8 1."! 1.82 1.16 1.21 1.9! 1.,0 1.9! 1.!1 1.22 2.0, 2.0" 0.9 1.1 1.,0 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.6, 1.,! 1.,6 1. 1.6 1.69 1.!, 1.2
9!2 9"0 9!2 10" 10,0 88, 9" ,8! 9"8 8,1 100! 108" 89 9,, 906 820 1200 698 828 1068 8", 1016 92 ,82 111 928 ,"1 6," 6!0 269 109, 1016 121! 9,
", 280 09 "89 28 """ !16 289 6 291 "6 "9" ""0 ",9 20 9! "9, "1! 268 80 9 !2 26, 6" 1 209 288 182 " !,! "!2 !81 !!0
16 162 61 18! ,0 1,! 20 10 ,6 169 !6 191 6, 168 128 16 2,1 !! 16 18! 1, 168 ," 106 2!0 18! 9 0 !9 "6 206 211 121 211
281 2, "9 29! "6 282 "02 26! "80 2!, "! "1 "2" "2, 261 298 "!! 2, 2!! ""0 "28 "09 "!2 2", "6 "16 2"" 281 208 "66 "!9 "00 212 "0
0! !0 !11 " ,2 0, 20 "81 !"! ", ,, "2 !2 2 "6" 02 "98 !!1 "!2 !26 1 ," !19 , !"! 9 8 !! 00 1"0 61 0" 88" !2"
60.62 !2."! !2.,0 !".!! !.9 !1."2 !2.10 9.,6 !1.11 !".12 8. !".0" !2.0 !,.18 !2.,6 !.8 !6.89 !2.,1 !,.99 !.9 !0.86 !2.62 !9.11 !9.0" !2.,1 !,., !,.02 !2."" !0.,0 9.89 !".8, !".!"
22.6 "2.8 "1.60 "0.28 2,."! "0.86 "0.89 "".11 "1.81 28.1, "1.0 "2.6" 29.22 2!., 2,.,8 2.81 26.91 28.!" 29." 29.1 "0.!0 28."2 22.6" 28.!" "2."8 2,.0, "1.6, "0."9 "1.,, "0.6, 29.82 "0.92
,.,9 !." 8.18 ,.98 9.0, 8.,, 8.,9 9.", 8."6 9.9 10.10 !.82 ,.81 8.20 10.2" 10.10 8.69 8.!1 !."2 ,.90 9.,1 8. 9.12 !.08 6.!6 ,.!" .88 ,., 9.11 9.6, 8.98 8.08
!."9 .6 ".9, ." .,2 .1, ."! .1 .22 .21 .6! ".81 !.09 !.20 ."! !."" .0! .62 ".86 ."0 .,6 !."2 .! ".9, .28 ."" ".!9 .,1 ".99 .!1 ".9 ".9
0.!! 0.6 0.!0 0.!2 0. 0.! 0."6 0."" 0.!8 0.!, 0.6! 0.81 1.0" 0.6! 0.!9 0.6, 0.29 0.61 0."" 0.2 0. 0.,1 0.8 0.28 0.61 0.6 0.26 0.61 0.!2 0.62 0."6 0.0
1.22 1.1! 1.1" 1."0 1.19 1.1, 1."" 1."2 1.1! 1.2! 1."0 1.12 1."! 1.19 1.1 1.0 1.18 1.9 1.19 1.2" 1."0 1. 1.28 1.20 1.16 1.1 1.20 1.22 1.22 1."9 1.19 1.1!
0."8 2.2, 0.!0 0.!6 0.82 1.62 0.62 0.26 1.19 1.2 1."2 1.!9 1.,2 0.2, 1.", 1.0! 0.2 1.1! 0.2, 0.89 0.8! 1.08 1.66 0." 0.9 0.69 0.16 1.1! 0.98 1.!1 0.2, 0.28
1.16 0.9, 1.2! 1.26 1.2 1."! 1."1 1.9 1."9 1.,6 1.9 1.0 1.!1 1." 1.61 1.! 1.!8 2.10 1."8 1.2 1."" 1.80 0.9 1."1 1.18 1.1" 0.98 1.90 1.!2 1.!2 1."9 1.!2
1099 666 6, 81" 8" 6!, 9, 8"2 ,1 9,9 8!0 !06 1111 100, 81" 11"! ,60 1118 88" ,9, 1021 112" 1029 910 !2 816 ,06 96 82" 8"8 691 ,2,
"," "96 "12 !0 2 "08 !02 "!! "1" ""9 299 !1 2 "", 206 2 "2, !9 !21 9, 09 !!8 "!6 !26 22 "60 801 "16 2,! ,6 "11 "1
211 6 ,, 1! 1"9 10 1 11 9 98 180 9" 21! 16 " 1,2 0 21 1"2 12 1!0 18 199 1,0 98 11! 10 229 12 1, 109 101
"11 "9, 21, 280 282 22 298 2!2 221 26 "01 2,2 28 "01 211 "!2 22, "62 26 260 292 ",! 268 2,2 22 2!2 "1" 290 2"6 281 226 216
!2 "!! 6, !!0 !26 !,1 ,11 6, ,6 0" "9! 288 "2 !0 12 0 0, ,8 8 !18 !91 !"9 9 !90 "91 20 "!8 "69 92 619 !, 91
!0."8 !1.28 !2.2! !2.22 !!.1 !!., 9.! !1.66 !9.!, !6.,, !1.16 9.8" !,.6" !0.02 !0.9! !".2" 9.0 !6., !".6 !8.26 !2." 61.!0 !1.88 !!.8 !2.21 ,.62 !!.!! 60.62
"".28 "1.99 "".!6 "2.69 "2.80 29.09 "".62 2,.! 2".00 22."8 "1.!6 "1.6 2".,9 28.02 "1.09 26." 28.10 2.," 26.8" 2,."6 2,.," 22.98 2,.,1 26.08 2,.1! 26.6 2!.99 22.6
10.6 9.8 ,.8 8.68 6.18 9.01 10.26 1".1! 10.20 12.29 10.9 12.,1 11.1" 1.00 11.!, 12.8, 1.1 11.18 12.9 ,.9 12."1 8.9 12.2 11.06 12.9 1,.96 10.69 ,.,9
2.88 ".89 ".69 ".!2 "."8 ".6 .16 ".,6 ".08 ".90 2.88 2.," ".11 .0, ".10 ".60 .06 "."" ".,1 .0" ".8" .!6 ".9! ".66 ".,9 ."8 .6 !."9
0.6" 1.19 1.16 1.28 0.82 1.2, 0.8" 0.!9 1.06 0.86 0.!6 0."6 0.92 0.!9 0.66 0.0 0.!2 1.02 0.66 0.8, 0.6! 0.1, 0.6" 0.,2 0.!! 0. 0.2, 0.!!
0.8 0.6, 0.9 0.!! 0.!! 0.!8 0.60 1.02 0.8" 1.0, 0.9" 1.01 0.98 1.0" 0.91 1.0, 1.0, 0.92 0.82 0."9 0.92 1.0" 1.0" 0.,! 0.9 1.06 1.2, 1.22
0.20 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.0" 0.10 0.1 0.!1 1.0 1.26 0.18 0.18 0.89 0.!2 0.26 0., 0.61 0.82 0.22 0.1, 0.26 0.16 0."9 0.20 0.62 0." 0.16 0."8
1.22 0.89 0.81 0.8, 0., 0.,! 0.80 1.," 1.09 1."1 1.6 1.", 1.", 1.6" 1."1 1.8" 1.68 1."! 1.6 0.8, 1.80 0.82 2.02 1.!2 1.6! 1.!, 1."2 1.16
"66 ", 26, "19 290 ""2 !,6 !28 6 "0, 26 !20 !28 !"8 6, !80 !9 !2, !" ""! !, 19! !82 !08 !6" 629 1!88 1099
66 1,0 , 0 1!, ,1 160 ," 116 228 221 2!8 2,1 , 191 2! 81 1" 192 121 ,! "! ,2 1, ,! 16" "!, ","
22 1 " 8 " 2, 0 , 111 68 !1 ,0 1!1 !8 0 ,9 !8 109 ,6 81 6 226 ! !6 !, 0 21, 211
189 "20 261 228 280 228 ""2 1! 1" 162 20, 22, 1,0 1!6 206 190 1!! 11 198 2"! 1," 2!6 1!0 20" 18 20" 2!9 "11
6 1 "09 29! 2,0 26! "8! !10 !1 ,,! !8, !8! 61 !"1 !,0 6!! !!6 88, 612 ",6 ," !1 !98 !,2 !0" 668 68 !2
!8.60 62.96 6"."8 !8.2! 60.6 61.9" 60.0, !6.62 62."1 61.12 61.,2 !9.22 !8.", 6".68 6.8 !9.28
2.10 21.6 22.1 22.9 2"., 20.06 20.! 1,.61 19.96 21.!! 19.8! 2".88 2."2 19.21 20.0 2".8"
,.98 6.11 6.99 ,.9 6.9, 6.0 6.6, !.!! 6.66 ,.1! 6.,8 ,.! ,.88 ,."6 6.8 ,.2
.08 ".10 ".2, ".9! .00 !.91 ".20 2.8! 2.80 ".22 ".10 ".91 .0, ".00 2.,9 ".99
0."9 0."0 0.29 0.8 0.! 0.!8 0."6 0.29 0.6 0." 0.8 0.0 0. 0."9 0. 0.!1
0.,! 0.,0 0.,6 0.68 0.6! 0.8, 0.91 0., 0.91 0.86 0.8" 0.,2 0.," 0.89 0.8 0.6,
1.88 ".,2 1.0! .00 1.!8 2.08 !.9, 1"."9 .2 ".11 .,9 2.12 1.91 2.," 2.8" 2.2,
2.12 1.!, 2.01 2.09 2.0! 2.06 2.26 2.8" 2."8 2.6 2."! 2.11 2.20 2.6! 1.60 2.10
! "!2 8! !"6 "8, "68 "8, 0" "9 1 "66 !11 ",2 "!9 "! ""
82 90 8, 86 ,2 1"6 1", 162 1", 1"8 121 ,6 6" 12 208 ,8
" 2, " " "0 29 " !6 " 8 6 ", 2 2! 66 1
1!9 129 1"0 1!" 162 119 128 1" 118 1"0 12 1!! 1! 1"6 1"8 161
29! 21, "8! 2,6 "06 "8 "," 68 "12 289 292 26 29! 260 !!9 266
!!.62 !!.,2 !".16 !,., !.,! !,. !6.1" !,." !!.9" !.1! !2.,2 !!.2! !2.90 !.29 !2.6, !!."2 !.8! !2., !6.80 !."1 !.98 !.00
"1.2! 29.,2 "!.!2 "2.2, "1.2 "1.91 "2.00 "0.! 29.61 "2.8" ".92 "".8" 26.91 26.!" "1."2 "2.88 "1."9 "6.08 28.0 "1.9 "2.!9 "6.2,
2.9 .22 2.!1 2.1" ."8 2.1! "., "."2 ".2! .," ".1 2.18 9.20 ,.82 6."0 2.88 ".2" 2.91 ".82 .00 ".81 2.",
!.,8 6.2" .6! .61 !.9 .82 .!9 !.2 6.! .9 .91 !.11 .08 .28 !.!" !.1 !., .,8 6.98 !. .," ."0
".20 2.11 2.1" 2.19 2.2" 2.0, 1.!6 2.1 ".2! 1." 1.90 1.60 1.22 1.!2 1.29 2.0 2.9! 1.62 2.0 2.86 1. 1.!0
0.1! 0."0 0.12 0.1" 0."" 0.1! 0.29 0.28 0.1, 0."8 0.11 0.12 1.09 1.1" 0.!6 0.1 0.1, 0.12 0.26 0.22 0."2 0.1!
0.26 0.,8 1.0" 0.8 0.68 0.,! 0.89 0.29 0.60 0. 1.2" 0.98 2.12 2.2 1.0! 0.!2 0.81 1.2 0.!" 0.6, 1.0, 0.6"
0.,0 0.80 0.,9 0.61 0.80 0.60 0.9 0.82 0.6" 0.99 0.9! 0.81 2.26 1.96 1.1" 0.61 0.,6 0.69 0.,2 0.90 0.92 0.6,
290 "", 292 "1" "69 26 "82 "9 "!2 08 0 "80 ,!0 ,"8 !01 "!6 ", 208 0 2,8 "!0 22"
2 126 1! 9" ,1 102 1"6 12" 60 1"" "9 88 28" "!2 1, 29 6 1 11" !, 11 98
," 0 9, 116 98 101 120 90 90 0 1!8 1,1 20 2!6 121 ,8 8" 9 0 10 18 102
"0 01 266 ""6 260 "61 "2, "" "2! "80 "1 "!9 206 26! ""2 2,1 "28 289 00 28" "98 "!"
19! "!6 20" 2!2 "0, 2!! 2" 280 2!8 "8! 2" 229 6"2 660 ",6 2 2"6 2, !0! 29! "11 26
6."0 ,."2 ,.1 11." 16.81 6.,0 ,.0, ,.8! 8.26 22.2, 1."0 8.8, 6., 10.90 6.0, 2."" 6."8
1"., 10.9, 10.6! 9.1" 19.69 2.01
1."6 ,.2, 2.!2 ".61 ".88
9.6, 10.,9
".96 10.10
2.61 .1
1."9 2."6 1!.! 1., 1., 0.98 8.2 1.,, !.00 2.91 ".69 2.10 9.19 1.10 6.! 1.!"
.2, ."2
!.9 10.68 .6 8.1" "."2 .!8
.99 ".86 2.0"
1.82 1.9 8.88 0.86 11.1 2."8 !.,9 2.11 1.6! 1."" 1."9
,."1 16." ,.,6 8.6 12.60
,.6" ,.82 .1" ."6 6.!! .1" 8.6! 2.!1 9.0, ".92 10.!6 11.,6
9.01 2.6 1!.89 6.6"
0.1! 0.12 0.0, 0.09 0.18 0.2, 0.1 0.1, 0.08 0.1
".96 .0 ".22 2. ,.8, 10.12 20.!2 ".69 2.61 !.98 ,.!, ".89 2,.89 16.8, ".09 !.08 .19 1.61 ".86 0.!2 1.,8 18.1! ,.6, 8.22 ,.0 6.,9 !." 21.00 0.! 0.6
2.00 ".16 12.18 6.2! 8.!9 ,.29
12.9" !."9 10.,6 6.9!
Chemical properties
strength "1)mm+#
6."" 2.69 .8" 2. 2.!! ".68 9.89 !.!" ".00 !.!6 ".19 ".,
28.!0 1,.61 "1. 1".1 2".98 11.1 ,.1, 2!.99 .61 8.68
,., ".1 10.21 10.29 !.6,
Brick specimen
301 302 30" 30 30! 306 30, 308 309 310 311 312 31" 31 31! 316 31, 318 319 320 321 322 32" 32 32! 326 32, 328 329 3"0 3"1 3"2 3"" 3" 3"! 3"6 3", 3"8 3"9 30 31 32 3" 3 3! 36 3, 38 39 3!0 3!1 3!2 3!" 3! 3!! 3!6 3!, 3!8 3!9 360 361 362 36" 36 36! 366 36, 368 369 3,0 3,1 3,2 3," 3, 3,! 3,6 3,, 3,8 3,9 380 381 382 38" 38 38! 386 38, 388 389 390 391 392 39" 39 39! 396 39, 398 399 P&01 P&02 P&0" P&0 P&0! P&06 P&0, P&08 P&09 P&10 P&11 P&12 P&1" P&1 P&1! P&16 P&1, P&18 P&19 P&20 P&21 P&22 P&2" P&2 P&2! P&26 P&2, P&28 P&29 P&"0 P&"1 P&"2 P&"" P&" P&"! P&"6 P&", P&"8 P&"9 P&0 P&1 P&2 P&" P& P&! P&6 P&, P&8 P&9 P&!0 P&!1 P&!2 P&!" P&! P&!! P&!6 P&!, P&!8 P&!9
"cm%cm%cm# "kg)m*#
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