By grace of god Cleared class 1 on 16/09/2016 with Mr David Thanks to my frndswell wisherseton hall gro!" nd coc61 1st attem"t #!estions e$aminer % h!ssain &low steaming why r!nning slow steaming '( controller)w tem" not maintaining actions adv of valve "ositioner eca "roced!res d ty"e *oiler drawing nd e$"lanation e$ha!st economiser drawing nd e$"lanation ege water washing nd ins"ection anchor not heaving !" mooring winch hydra!lic circ!it forgingty"es of forging crankshaft man!fact!ring++++ 2nd attem"t e$aminer % david Detailed Tanker Tanker midshi" constr!ction+ ,se of o f fish "latelightening holes+green sea effect cam*er constr!ction+ -oad line s!rvey for tanker &ketch &D. for *ilge system+he dont need normal sdnrvalve disc for sdnr !sed in *ilge system is slightly differentif ! google ! vl get it+lso check valve disc constr!ction of emg *ilge s!ction+ Detailed sketch of *ilgesystem as "er anne$1+need to show normal *ilge transfer*ilge over*oard "!m"ing*ilge/ sl!dge shore transferfor transferfor tankers transfer line to slo" tk*ilge tk*ilge direct ov*demg *ilge s!c+ mg *ilge s!c testing "roced!rereg!lation+ &ketch T!*!lar heat e$changer+sketch all ty"es of e$" ansion arrangements+materials !sed+factors affecting "erfomance+ &olas eg!lation for fireman o!tfitsolas reg!lation for sc*a setsolas reg for life linehow to ins"ect life line+ &"ares re#!ired as "er solas hile answering david he vl giv #!estions # !estions intialy nd tell ! to write dwn+dnt try to co m"lete early+! early+! r going to get more #!estions if ! com"lete early+ ear ly+++ ++
ith *lessings *lessings of &hirdhe key &ai *a*a ( have "assed my class 1 oral e$am at first attem"t on 22 !g!st 2016 Time 0340 1400 hrs $aminer 5 David sir !estion asked 1 B!lk carrier load line s!rvey com"lete co m"lete writing and e$"lanation+ 2 B!lk carrier mid shi" cross section+ 4 Centrif!gal "!m" sketch and factors affecting "!m" "erformance+ 7 / 8verhead crane circ!it diagram and maintenance carried o!t+ Boiler high lift safety valve sketch and ins"ection of "arts+ 6 fo!r ram steering gear sketch and single fail!re+
Thanks to ton hall gro!" shish :!mar Dey a) &harma ;i)esh ;i)esh and ;imal awat for their s!""ort+
( am glad to inform that ( have cleared my class 1 coc orals today in 1st attem"t *y Mr+david sir+ !estions asked 1+Bed"late ty"es constr!ction fa!lts that might occ!r and ins"ection detailed sketch++e$"lanation+ 2+M-C Com"lete write!" and e$"lanation 4+-oad line s!rvey com"lete write !" and e$"lanation 7+all stat!tory certificatess!""lements and additional doc!ments write!" and e$"lain+ Thanks for the gro!" in assisting me for "re"aring m y orals+and all the *est for f!t!re candidates+thanks to the admin of this gro!" and "lease kee" !"dating so o!r fellas can get *enefit+
( cleared my coc51 8. 16 e made the decision to "ass at this "oint ++ 7+( com"ressor diagram effects of *!m"ing clearance and how to ad)!st++ Boiler &afety valve and s!rvey+ 6 &teering gear 7 am and reg!lations +++"ro*lems associated with steering >e asked me to write every thing+ ;ery less cross #!estions+++ >e was kind and ta!ght me total certificate system and how as a chief engineer sho!ld verify+++ My "revio!s attem"t Mr >!ssain 1+M '?8M.C 2+Crank shaft ty"es and man!fact!ring "rocess 4+Tail 4+Tail shaft and stern t!*e s!rvey 7+ stern t!*e system+ + '!rifier safeties and checks 6+-iner drawing @+ emote level ga!ges drawings + 3+ ngine room crane circ!it diagram and checks +++
By grace of almighty god A well wisher i cleared my class51 oral on 13th !ssian sir 1Draw A e$"lain mane!vering system ca!ses engine not starting on air+
2draw A e$"lain T/C f!nction of shro!d ring A overha!ling "roced!re with k1Ak2+ 4all ty"es of *oiler *!rner incl!ding !ltrasonic *!rner with "io electric effect+ 7slow steaming 2 nd attem"t ask *y David sir 1draw A e$"lain centrif!gal "/" all "arts with material factors affecting "/" "erformance+ 2reverse "ower tri" draw A write working "rinci"le effect what will ha""en if reverse fail to o"erate+ 4earth fa!lt *oth diagram lam" ty"e A instr!ment ty"e working "rinci"le A haard associated with it if not "ro"er attention "aid++ 7co2 flooding diagram solas reg!lation daily weekly monthly A yearly ins"ection A maintenance+ Boiler ga!ge glass leaking action "ls tell him ! wil isolate from remote o"eration + !estions asked *y Mr+ David 1+ B!lk carrier cross section+ hat is significance of fish "late lighting hole+ &how rat hole and scallo"s on the diagram+ 2+ B!lk carrier load line s!rvey+ here water tight door and where weather tight door !sed+ 4+ T!r*ocharger diagram+ hat is k val!e how to take k val!e significance of k val!e+ 7+ T!r*ocharger s!rging s!rging ca!se and how to red!ce+ hat is *ad f!el what is anne$ 6 reg!lation 17 and 13+ (n slow steaming how many times a day yo! grit wash and soot *low+ >ow to grit wash mention load !" "rogram + + >ow to enter in an enclosed s"ace tell details of entry "ermit " ermit checklists o$ygen analyser+ 6+ Bed"late diagram + >ow many ty"es of *ed"late how to ins"ect *ed"late show crack "rone areas on the diagram + >ow yo! carry o!t red dye "enetrate test on *ed"late+ @+ efrigerator cycle draw+ .ame of refrigerating gas+ 'ro*lems associated with this system+ 3+ M-C in details from Mr+ >ossain sir+ !estion asked++++++ 1+ T/c drawing E o"eration A drydock s!rvey d!ring 8/>+ 2+M/ r!nning5in+ 4+ M/ tie rod drw A tightening "roced!re+ 7+ >ydra!lic )ack drw A working "rinci"al+ + &tar delta starter+ 6+(=& system drw A e$"ansion+ @+ 8ws drw A o"eration+ 3+>i voltage system drw A working safety !estions asked *y Mr+ David 1+ Bed"late dwg A ins"ection 2+ C'' dwg o"eration A "ro*lems 4+ overhead crane circ!it dwg A maintenance 7+ M TC dwg k val!e s!rging ca!se action + C82 dwg A maintenance 6+ ?ramo cargo "" dwg++++++etc
!estion ask++David 'iston from+my last attem"t+++ $5section cointenar++ C"" f!ll to"ics++ air com"ressor all from *!m"ing to o/h++ *ilge digram ++ *ilge valve digram+ cic ++ train )r++mlc and so many $ #!estions++ -ast attem"t from h!ssain &eem" ramson slilde one !nit e$h tem" high "iston r!dder carrier c"" and fre#!ency controller diagram and f!nction+ $aminer% Mr David Tham !estions% 1+&tat!tory certificates with their "eriods of validity + s!""lementary certificates to *e incl!ded+ 2+Cr!de oil tanker constr!ction and midshi" section+ 4+Maritime la*o!r conventions and decleration of com"liance for M-C+ 7+-oad -ine &!rvey+ +&T' checks and "ort state control detentions+ (t was a wonderf!l e$"erience+ The oral was mainly foc!sed on management level+ By the grace of almighty llah i have cleared my c lass 1 first attem"t $aminar Mr David 1+M-C DT(-& F ,&T(8. DM-C ii 2+ 8; >D C. C:T '-,& M(.T(..C 4+ C.T(?,=- ',M' &:TC> .D '?8M.C ?-4+ ?? M(.T(..C 8. B8D 7+ B(-= ;-; D(=M >i Cleared my class 1 orals from &ir Mr+David ++ !estions asked nothing new+ Chemical tanker cross section+ -oad line s!rvey arth ?a!lt finding everse "ower tri" C(C+ M-C 2006 T!rning =ear interlock ->MD8-(--> cleared class 1 e$ams today from Mr David+ Many thanks to all *atchmates of may2016 class s"ecially Tari# M!nir + !estions asked were% C''+sketch and e$"lain Common "ro*lems associated with C'' system+ >ow to check the desired "itch is attained+ hat will ha""en if "itch is not ero an d engine r!nning at "ort+ Ty"e of shaft co!"lingM!ff co!"ling ir *ottles reg!lations for non reversi*le engines+
>; distri*!tion system 6+6:; to 220; >; installation re#!irements hat "reca!tions to take when working on >; system+ Cross #!estioning on 'T+ '' related to >;+ Boiler high lift safety valve items to check d!ring s!rve y+ &afety valve setting infront of s!rveyor hy drains sho!ld *e clear+ 2 &tage Main ir com"ressor orking sketch+ easons and effects of *!m"ing clearance more/-ess ;alves getting e$cessively choked reasons how to rectify+ hat ty"e of oil !sed+ 'ro*lems with mineral oil+ $"lain M-C 2006 in detail+ 1st attem"t % Mr >!ssain !estions asked were+ &low steaming "reca!tions as Chief ngineer+ Draw and e$"lain M/ Cylinder l!*ricator system+ Draw M/ cylinder -iner+ Draw C'' and e$"lain+ Draw *oth f!el "!m"s and e$"lain working+ lhamd!llillah cleared oral today Mr david+++ist attem"t >igh voltage sketch+++ safeties only highvoltge+++ e"tw some #!estions a*o!t *ow thr!ster f!nction+++ genrtr "ower accordingly+++ Crankcase e$"losion f!ll mechanics of e$"losion safetiessketch omd n f!nction+sketch relief vlv regltn +++also "re"are relief valve material+++ mlc f!ll dmlc+++ what conditions for age of 16 year seafarer to work at night in engine room +++ high lift safety valve+++so"e" genral+++cic im"lementation s+++tar* *ook for trainees+++ -->M,--(-> GG Today i have Cleared my Class 1 8ral ?inally Mission accom"lished +( am very thankf!l to all my friends who s!""ort me and g!ide me to achieve this mile stone +&"ecial Thanks to M!hammad (mran asheed for his moral and academic s!""ort+ Thanks (mran + $aminer % M+ >!ssain ttem"ted % 2nd 1+hat is "lanned maintenance system and how it followed on yo!r *oard shi"+rite in detail+ 2+>ow to evala!te M "erformance+ 4+Draw CB system and e$"lain it + 7+hat is >;&high voltage system draw its electrical system on*oard and write the safety "reca!tion to *e following *efore carrying a work on >;& + hat are the "erson "rotective e#!i"ment and tools !sed in the work
+Draw (== system and tell me what checks yo! will carry o!t if yo!r (== system isnHt working + 6+Draw the '!rifier Cross session how yo! will eval!ate yo!r l!*+ oil "!rifier "erformance + @+yo!r !$ *oiler isnHt maintaining its "ress!rewhat checks yo! will carry o!t to &olve this "ro*lem+ 3+Boiler &afety ;alve setting "roced!re + 9+hat do yo! know a*o!t T 73%201 and it nne$s + ell once again thanks to every mem*er of this gro!" + $aminer% Mr+ D;(D !estions asked% 5-oad line s!rvey com"lete++ items to check on containershi" 5Boiler s!rvey com"lete++ how to carry o!t++ starting with all necessary "reca!tions++ safety valve setting 5Boiler >igh -ift safety valve sketch with "art names to mark all necessary clearances why D/7 5>igh voltage distri*!tion A safety e#!i"ment to carry on on*oad high voltage shi"s 5?i$ed C82 ?? system sketch++ m!st show the s"ectacle flange on the discharge line with air *low thr! connection 5C82 test/ins"ections and maitenance lot of cross #!estions++ C "reca!tions &8'' content sewage "sc deficiencies mlc/dmlc "art 1 A 2 "sc ins"ections/C(C concentrated ins"ection cam"aign cadet training and how to ed!cate them on their TB *ook assignments etc Cleared my C8C Class 1 *y Mr+ David =enerally lots and lots and lots of cross #!estions some of them *ased on shi"*oard o"erations and maitenances so )!st kee"s on refreshing on*oard activities he mostly not so interest in what yo! have known if yo! shown any as"ects that not so familiar with then will dig very dee"+ 1+ =% 5 Crew neglections which ca!sing = fa!lts ( e$"lained mainly in two as"ects one is *oiler water treatment the other is lack or im"ro"er maintenance of com*!stion e#!i"ments ca!sing soot acc!m!lating like ?8 #!ality control in)ector e$ha!st valve TC liner and "iston ring wear cylinder -8 timing and #!antity = water washing or soot *lowing action etc+ 5 then whichever yo! mentioned mostly there is a cross #!estion like ?8 in)ection "ress!re and testing TC "erformance !nit overha!l i mentioned ?8 in *ad #!ality then ask a*o!t ?8 sam"ling how many sam"les ! collect and BD.+ 5 >ow to check and identify the = fa!lts% enclosed s"ace entry "ermit to work sto" circ!lating "!m" then check 5 >ow to re"air the t!*e leak or if can not re"air the leak what is yo!r action leading to = dry r!n "roced!res and "reca!tions
2+ Certificates carried on*oard and their validity any s!""lementary windows "eriod then lead to following 5 &8'' man!al stam"ed first "age contents "roced!res "lease mention &8'' is for shore "eo"le !se &8'' locker content and checks fre#!ency and res"onsi*le "erson for this 5 M-C and DM-C 5 (8'' then 8& 5 (&'' then sewage treatment "lant 4+ "ay attention to ty"es of yo!r last shi" mostly the load line s!rvey will as "er yo! r last shi" 5 sco"e and s!rvey "eriod 5 certificate (--C sta*ility and incline test 4 certificate in 1 form 5"!r"ose of -- s!rvey 5"roced!res i mentioned a*o!t s!"erstr!ct!re deck engine room and d!ct keel 5 *efore yo! answering any #!estion mention the safety meas!res first 5 cross #!estions a*o!t% weather tight and water tight hatch cover weather tight check air vent check emergency *ilge testing s"rinker testing BD fire fighting a""liances d!ct keel what ! check 7+ Thats all i can remem*er so far not so many s!*)ects *!t for each one going very dee" from 032 to 127+ try to answer all the #!estions as a C more assertive+ + s he is more interest with my answers for normal #!estions and also no more time so n o drawing+ i g!ess *eca!se in the *eginning he asked a*o!t how long have yo! "re"ared for oral i said in the "ast two years i st!died whenever i got time es"ecially drawings+ By the grace of almighty godi cleared my class 1 orals from Mr+I!lfi#!r >!sain+ !estions asked 1+&low steaming "reca!tions as C/ 2+D/= commisioning after ma)or overha!l+ 4+?re#!ency mod!lation and "m ad)!stment+ 7+?!el '/' diagram *oth Man A &!ler +Co2 system diagram 6+Co2 flooding "roced!re+ @+;essel gro!nding actions as C/e 3+/ overhead crane checks and how to carry o!t load test+ C8C 1 cleared on 1st attem"t *y Mr+ >!ssain+ !estions asked% Draw Main ngine Charge ir Cooler and e$"lain its Dry dock s"ecs in details $"lain the working "rinci"le of (nverter Draw Mane!vering Diagram Draw 7 am steering gear Draw
igh voltage distri*!tion diagram and list the safety e#!i"ment to *e on*oard
$"lain &M' $"lain .DT $"lain how to take M' and re"ort to com"any By the grace of llah ( have cleared my class 1 oral on 2th May J100 >rs+2nd attem"t $am was cond!cted *y Mr+ David Tham 1+ &tern T!*e -+8+ system drawingfrom where to draw -+8+sam"le A what are the -+8+ tests to *e carried o!t on *oard A ashore+ 2+ 25&troke diesel engine *ed"late ty"esdrawing A checks to *e carried o!t d!ring ins"ection+show "laces that may crack in the drawing+ 4+ conomier t!*e heavily leaking at seaaction as C/+>ow to find the leak A how to "l!g the leaky t!*e+Ca!ses of t!*e damage+ 7+ Boiler high lift safety valve drawingname of all "arts A materialss!rveyK setting "roced!reA items to check d!ring setting A after setting+ 'ls mention a*o !t loose fitting key in the valve s"indleeasing gear A loose fitting sec!ring "in in the valve lid+show the easing gear "!lley higher than the handle "osition+Mention a*o!t valve to *e sealed in front of s!rveyor after setting to "revent tem"ering+ + &ketch and e$"lain centrif!gal "!m"name all "arts A materials+?actors effecting efficiency of the "!m"+ 6+ &teering gear 7 ram ty"e working hydra!lic circ!itca!ses of sl!ggish r!dder movement+ @+ &ketch (= system A what are the maintenance to *e carried o!tchecks d!ring s!rvey+ 3+ Contolla*le "itch "ro"eller drawing A how it works+for twin screw shi" 9+ M-C 2006 titlese$"lanation A cross #!estions regarding safe manning doc!ment on *oard+ Thanks to everyone in ton >all A all who have given me co!rage+ ?irst time attem"ted for class one oral+++ $aminer% Mr+ >!ssain ;erdict% fail !estion% 1+7 stroke engine "erformance A re"ort writing to com"any+ 2+25stroke engine "erformance monitoring A re"ort to com"an y+ 4+*oth ty"es f!el "!m"s+ 7+.DT +crank shaft man!fact!re A ins"ection+ 6+ '!rifier "erformance monitoring -ots of cross #!estion regarding these+ ML --> >-' L8, --+++ ith *lessings of aheg!r!)i+++ Cleared class 1 orals !estions% 1st attem"t% Mr >!ssain+ 1% C change over "rocess+ 2% &eem"+ 4% Boiler not firing ca!ses n action+
7% M one !nit e$ha!st tem" high ca!se n action+ % -8 management as C+ 6% '!rifier r!nning checks+ @% >eat Treatment ty"es 3% Crank shaft man!fact!ring "rocess+ 9% &cavenge ?ire actions and after checks+ 2nd attem"t% Mr+ David 1% -oad line s!rvey+ 2% Midshi" cross section n vario!s "arts e$"lanation+ 4% ?ramo "!m" diagram+ 7% Co2 sketch e$"lain with o"eration+ Daily weekly monthly and yearly checks+ % Certificates on *oard n validity "eriod+ 6% &t" diagram+ Checks to avoid '&C detention+ @% Mlc reg!lations and certificates+ my class51 engine oral with s!rveyor Mr+David in 1st attem"t+ !estion asked+++++++ 1+ 25stage air com" sketch in o"erational condition+ 2+ B!m"ing clearance+ (ts factor in com"+ "erformance+ 4+?ire man o!tfit items A its all reg!lation incl!ding &CB &8-& 7+&8'' man!al content descri*e ela*orately+ +starting air line e$"losion ca!se A "reventive meas!res+ 6+'&C cheks on sewage treatment "lant+ lot more cross #!estions regarding ?ireman o! tfit A &8'' !estions asked5David 1 skech draw sewage treatment "lant Mar"ol anne$ 7 "ort state check s for s t " "ls show holding tank and 4 way valve for isolation of "lant e$"ect all relevant cross #!estions + 2 tanker cross section sho!ld a*le to e$"lain vario!s "arts free s!rface effect 4 load line s!rvey+ 7 flame "roof light sketch and draw *attery room checks and reg!lations 6 inert gas+ &ystem and flama*ity c!rve @ * A w f!el "!m" sketch+ 3 mlc and cross #!estions mainly ca*in ins"ection and on*oard com"laint "roced!re want to hear a*o!t dmlc 1+Boiler s!rvey internal e$ternal with sketches drawing+ 2+ &ea water centrif!gal "!m" sketch and factors affecting on "!m" efficiency+ 4+mlc 2006 com"lete 7+enclosed s"ace entry "roced!re lh!md!llilah "assed cls 1 C8C today in 1st attem"t++ $aminer % David Tham Time % 0340 to 120 >rs
!estions asked % 1+ -oad line s!rvey tankers++ e$aminer more interested in ?ocstle area checks++ Be more s"ecific a*t items "ertaining to crew "rotection on deck++/ skylight sealing he was more concerned a*t C82 release in / >!ll checks% a"art from "rilsom mark remem*er drawing wid dimensions wht all other marks to look for 2+ Tanker midshi" cross section sketch n detail la*els++dont forgt to draw fish "lates on to" even in cross sections++ -!ckily $aminer gave me hint a*t the same++?!rther he advised me not to *lindly follow notes circ!lating aro!nd++ 4+ &ewage cross section drawing++(tems to look for '& C +ctions if fo!nd air *lower not working ow they will come to knw yo! are handling 8& well + nne$ items regarding 8& n &ewage ++criteria for discharge++ 6+ =ar*age management "lan on*oard++ >ow ! n contri*!tes to that++ @+ Tie rod sketch++ Dont forget "inching screw and retaining ring in drawing++ Tightening "roced!re and se#!ence of tightness draw nclosed s"ace checks++ 3+ (nternational shore connection all 4 sies with drawing++ 9+ M-C a*t yo!ng seafarers++ ccommodation checks++ >e is not interested in str!ct!ral or designa*le things rather asked me to e$"lain wht C n ca"t sho!ld check in accommodation d!ring thr weekly ro!nds++ 27+04+16 2"m Class 8ne $amination $aminer% Mr >!ssain !estions asked% 1+ $"lain how yo!r com"any ado"t 8( into "ractice+ 2+ &ketch *oth Main ngine f!el "!m"s+ 4+ $"lain how yo! wo!ld carry o!t Main ngine !nit s!rvey as a Chief ngineer+ 7+ $"lain how yo! wo!ld identify = t!*e leakage and actions+ + Descri*e the C changeover "roced!re+ 6+ &ketch and descri*e >igh ;oltage distri*!tion system+ @+ &ketch and descri*e the ;ac!!m Circ!it Breaker+ 3+ &ketch and e$"lain the ngine oom 8verhead Crane+ 9+ &ketch and descri*e
$aminer was Mr David sir+ M-C details -ist of all ?? on *oard shi" their &8-& re#!irements and their maintenance "roced!re+ & centrif!gal "!m" sketch "arts material and their f!nctions ca!se of dro" of efficiency+ nd many other cross #!estions+++ Class51 e$am recently+ $aminer was Mr David sir+ e#!esting others kindly "ost e$am #!s of !r e$am/collected from others+++ !s+ asked++++ O Mane!vering diagram++++ e$"lain in detail++++ "ilot on *oard engine r!nning on slow ahead order given to sto" then slow astern *!t not starting engine+++ction as C/ O Centrif!gal "/"5 F section+++materials of "arts+++ efficiency factor+++ O 25stage air com"ressor skt++++ safety *!m"ing clearance vol!metric efficiency+++ materials++ O Boiler s!rvey in details++++ O C82 system drawing+++ o"erating "roced!re&8-& reg!lation daily weeklymonthly maintenance++++ s "er disc!ssion with m!sfi# sir Mr+ David sir went as dee" as "ossi*le in every to"ics with reg!lation and want answer like a C/+++++ ll the *est for the mem*ers of C8C class 61 gro!"+ Coming for e$am middle of March 2016+ ell a""arently he deviated from his standard of r!les and reg+David+ 1+ TC 5 drawing e$" with materials+ ?!nction of com"onen ts+ 5 s!rging5 ca!ses and effects then he went into engine !n*alancing com*!stion cham*er fa!lts+ ?o!ling 5 ca!ses slowly went into = ?ire++ :5val!e++ &tandard #s++ 2+ Centrif!gal "!m" 5 sketch 5 ca!ses for dro" in efficiency++ $"lained all on "a"er so no as asked at all+ 4+ Bilge "i"ing diag com"lete+ Drew as "er shi"s line diag ens!re to highlight *!lge sl!dge intercon em *ilge and direct *ilge sic cargo *ilge intercon *ilge and *allast "!m"++ &ame here no $#s asked+ 7+ &crew down non ret!rn valve &ketch and materials + .o $#s++ + B!lk carried midshi" $5sec $"lanations -,,(?CT(8. and then he went in to =M righting lever and moment 6+ -oad line s!rvey wrt *!lky Doors on deck are weather right and not watertight++ &o s"ecific++ ll the !s!al *!t wrote 4 "ages in B!llet "oints so asked to e$"lain in detail+ &"oke a*o!t d!ct keel so he asked a*o!t enclosed s"ace entry @+ ?ire "revention training to )!niors++ &tart from ca*in ha*its++ DonHt overload electrical sockets no smoking in ca* ins dirty *oiler s!its lying aro!nd++
Then alleyways la!ndry rooms testing of call "oints n detects ++ ,se test s"ray with the f!ll device+ &ilicon cover n telesco"ic "i"e++ .o direct s"ray as it can damage !r eyes n *reathing+ eached fire station++ ll items in fire station in detail C; fire dam"ers iso valve em sto"sem fire "!m" co2 o"eration ca* ++ &o then had to reach co2 room++ =eneral ins"ect n checks !setions asked as *elow+David+ 1+>igh voltage system drwng++safties incor"orated with >;+ 2+M&B safetiea++safeties on working on a elec ckt+++ 4+arth fa!lt sketch+o"erational details++ 7+conomiser C/&++details of mo!ntings++ +$"losion "roof light++hat is FiFe+++*attery room safeties++how to change light in *attery room+ 6+Crankcase elief door C/&++f!nctional details of each com"onents++reg!lation for crankcase relief valve+ @+8il mist detector dwng++o"erational details++how to check++>ow will ! "rotect !r engine in case of alarmaction in case of alarm 3+Crankcase ins"ection++details++draw the reference mark++shrink fit ref mark++)!st draw a crank thro!gh A show the ref marks+ 9+&cavenge fire++details++indicationca!seactionactions after fire"reventive meas!res+ 10+.DT test in details++ 11+Tie *olt sketch++tightening "roced!re++se#!ence of tightening draw+s"ecially show the intermediate ring+ 12+efrigeration cycle with indicating all com"onents++charing "roced!re++name some of the refrigerant++"ro"erties of refrigerant++"ro*lems associated with the system+ 14+&T' dwng++ero*ic one++?!nctional descri"tion++test with sewage++"sc detention ca!ses++what are the maintenaces+ !estion of I+>!ssain in 1st attem"t+++ &low steaming M "erformance++all draw cards drwng++ 'ower calc!lation &teering gear *oth drawing ; system++ Thanks++all the *est g!ys ( have cleared class 1 oral from David sir in 1st attem"t+ Below are the #!estions asked+ efrigeration 'lant sketch/e$"lain and 'ro*lem associated with it like short cycling+ T/C sketch/e$"lain+ >ow to meas!re Clearance kk1k2+ $"lain fo!ling of T/C+ conomier sooth fire+
Boiler &afety ;alve sketch/e$"lain material and s!rvey+ arth fa!lt+ Ms* safeties+ ( M '-&D T8 (.?8M T>T BL T> =C 8? =8D ( >; C-D ML C-&& 1 8-& ?8M M+ D;(D 8. 11)an 2016+ Tks to my family and st!dents staying in ethon hall+ !estion asked+ 1+ D( last attem"t #!estion+ 2+ Co2 system drawing and servicing maintainance of co2 system+ (n case ma)or fire se#!ence of action to *e followed 4+ Centrif!gal "!m" drawing and factor effect in efficiency+ 7+ T!r*o charging s!rging and eason for s!rging+ hat action to take+ T!r*o charger washing "roced!re+ Material !se for washing+ + Boiler water testing in detail+ Cross #!estion+ '> meaning 6+ M-C in detail+ nd lot of cross #!estion regarding crew accodomation and master ins"ection of crew accommodation+ >ealth and safety+ -ot of cross #!estion "ls mention safety meeting every month+ nd com"laint handling "roced!re in detail+ (f !r com"any 4rd or motor man have some "ro*lem what is "roced!re followed for com"laint+ @+ >ow to re"lace wear ring in centrif!gal "!m" + >e is more *othered a*o!t safety than technical as"ects+ 1st attem"t+ 1+ D( in detail 2+ M "erformance+ 4+ "erformance+ 7+ Boiler safety valve drawing and "roced!re for setting "ress!re+ + efrigeration system and charging refrigerant "roced!re+ >!ssain failed me and advice me to st!dy in gro!" ( M '-&D T8 (.?8M T>T BL T> =C 8? -M(=>TL ( >; C-D ML C-&& 1 8-& ?8M M+ D;(D 8. 23+12+1+ ,&T(8. &:D 1+ M-C 2006 (. DT(-&+ 2+ &T' &/D >T -- T> C>C:& T8 B C(D 8,T B?8 (;- '8T+ 4+..F (; (. DT(-&+ >T T> D?(C(.CL (& '8T &TT (.&'CT8 (& -88:(.= >. (.&'CT(.= &T'+ 7+>T D(??.C (. &= &>8 .D &-,D= &>8 ?-.= C8..CT(8.+ + &:TC> 8'T(8.- D 8? B,-: C( M(D &>(' &CT(8. &>8(.= T>T (. C& 8? 8(- &'(-- 8. DC: >8 (T ';.T =8(.= 8;B8D+ 6+-8D -(. &,;L+ D(?? BT. T> .D T T(=>T D88+ cleared class 1 Coc orals on 21st Dec 1st attem"t e$aminer was Mr + David+ !estion s asked conomiser sketch maintenance "ro*lems associated+ 2 stage main air com"ressor sketch+ working+ Maintenance l!* oil "ro"erties+ >igh voltage safety maintenance testing e#!i"ment how to test+ ?ire detection "revention + >ot work in engine room Co system in detail+ &ome safety reg!lations assorted+
!estions sked% 1+ C Change 8ver 'roced!re 5 i what are the a""roved C reas+ 5ii 'reca!tions when switching to low s!l"h!r f!el oil+ 5iii'roced!res for switching to low s!l"h!r f!el oil+ 5iv -ogecords A Technical ?ile to *e maintained+ 2+ M/ ,nit &!rvey+ 4+ Lo!r 2/ has taken set of cardshow will yo! eval!ate M/ 'erformance with calc!lation+ 7+ -oad Diagram/"ro"eller C!rve5&PD+ + >; 5 Transformer A what safety "roced!res to *e followed d!ring working on Transformer+ 6+ &tern ?rame5 &PD @+ &tern ?rame &!rvey d!ring dry5docks+ nd g!ys ga!ge what++++++++++++++++ the sweet wordsN :ee" learning+N >ello friends yesterday i "assed my class 1 coc e$aminer was Mr David+ following #!estions asked 1earth fa!lt detector diagram and e$"lanation+ 2 reverse "ower tri" diagram+ 4 main switch*oard safeties+ 7how to tro!*le shoot earth fa!lt+ sewage treatment "lant its mar"ol reg!lationsand how to ens!re yo!r sewage treatment is working fine and checks on sewage treatment "lant reg!lations of sewage holding tank+ 6 crankshaft deflection @ load line s!rvey checks reason for s!rveyd!ration of s!rvey and certificate validity for how long+ 3tanker midshi" section+ 9life*oat checks co2 room checks emergency gen room checks+ oral went well+ David is foc!ssed on safety he asks #!estions mostly as "er '&C ins"ector "ers"ective+goes in great detail and lots of cross #!estioning+Thanks everyone for their hel"+ >i every*ody today was my class 1 oral first attem"t with Mr David and "assed #!estions in detail are 1 draw and e$"lain 770 volt distri*!tion system to *!s*ar and then to motors 2 write down and e$"lain loadline s!rvey in detail 4 write and e$"lain M-C in detail DM-C in detail+ DM-C have two "arts+ 'art 1 is "re"ared *y flag state according to code of (-8 and "art 2 is "re"ared *y owner and owner hire a M-C a!ditor a""roved *y flag state will ins"ect shi" and iss!e interim certificate valid for si$ months+ fter si$ months ins"ection if fo!nd no deficiency will iss!e five year certificate+ 7 draw and e$"lain *!lk carrier midshi" section lightening hole "!r"ose fish "late draw and e$"lain sewage treatment "lant with anne$ 7 re#!irements &"ecialy shore connection for sewage dimensions+ 6 draw and e$"lain oily water se"arator o"eration+ >e asked only si$ #!estions *!t went in detail on M-C and sewage "lant+ 8n shi" we have three shore connection go thro!gh all+ &l!dge and *ilge water connection sewage shore connection
international shore connection for fire line+ '!m"ing rate sho!ld *e written on sewage "lant as well as holding tk what "ort state check on sewage "lant+ Th$ to all for "!tting e$am #!estions on this "age Lesterday ( cleared my M8 Class 1 8ral from Mr+ >!ssain ?ollowing !estions asked+++ 1+ 7 M &teering gear diagram n e$"lanation 2+ 8verhead crane ins"ection 4+ ,nit &!rvey 7+ 'iston A -iner diagram + Biler safety valve diagram 6+ M. B A ?!el "!m" diagram @+ Ma$ B!nker lift 3+ >ow will yo! take the -8 sam"les and waht are the -8 tests on*oard 1+ $"losion "roof light C/& d!ring e$"lanation asked where A why it is "rovided he wants to listen a*o!t the *attery ty"es in *attery room+ what ty"e of switch is !sed for light A where it is "rovided 2+ &++ "/" mech seal c/s all "artsH material why it gets damage ca!ses+++he wants to hear a*o!t vi*ration d!e to loose fo!ndation *olts *en d shaft etc+ also asked a*o!t factors red!cing efficiency of centrif!gal "/"+ wants to hear a*o!t self "riming device not working+ asked me to draw one+ ( drew air ed!ctor ty"e A e$"lained+ 4+ midshi" c/s of *!lk carrier A e$"lain each "art+ d!ring e$"lanation asked what r the factors for ca"siing of *!lk carrier wants to hear a*t free s!rface effect cargo not "ro"erly lashed li#!ification "henomenon of cargo+ asked me a*t the cargo lashing e#!i"ment certificate A man!al+ asked me a*t d!ct keel hatch cover checks d!ring load line s!rvey+ 7+ T/C c/s all clearances "artsH material+ hat is T/C s!rging+ ca!ses and its effects on M/+ + 2& "iston c/s with oil flow "iston ring groove section+ he wants to see the fillets in the groove and what is its significance all the clearances A "iston ins"ection "roced!re+ 6+ C/C relief v/v c/s e$"lain all "arts s"ecially the flame screen+ asked me a*t C/C e$"losion "henomenon+ asked me to draw 8MD+ testing "roced!re of 8MD+ dont even mention a*t cigarrette smoke+ wants to hear a*t !sing smoke s"ray+ @+ &T' c/s and how will ! convince '&C that yo!r &T' is working efficiently he wants to hear more a*o!t *lower and air lift+ if the *lower is !nder re"air yo! can make tem"orary arrangements with control air *!t he wants to hear that ! m!st inform class society A take class e$em"tion+ he detained some shi"s d!e to this+ &ewage holding tank m!st have co"y of class certificate "asted on *!lkhead mentioning ca"acity A discharge rate+ thatHs all g!ys++++++ !estions d!ring 1st attem"t *y Mr+ >!ssain% 1+ &low steaming "roced!re+ what meas!res to take+ -T A >T line diagram A e$"lain how to maintain )acket tem"+ for r!nning ?= 2+
efficiently + alca" ty"e water transd!cer circ!it diagram+ 6+ ma$ lifta*le *!nker+ dont even mention a*t 90Q ca"acity+ Thank yo! all once again+ 5 nir*an Cleared class 1 orals today $aminer Mr David Tham !estions 1 *!lk carrier midshi" section 2 Mlc 2006 f!ll details 4 nclosed s"ace entry 7 &o"e" -& ?? checks in detail 6 load line s!rvey -ot of cross #!estioning on a*ove to"ics Dear ?riendsG By the grace of =od and "rayers of my family ( have cleared my class 1 orals today from &ir I!lfi#ar >!ssein after s!*mitting assignment+ These !estions were asked d!ring my oral e$amination + 15Midshi" section of *!lk carrier+ 25D!ring cleaning of cargo hold crew fo!nd a crack at the connection *etween ho""er thank and DB tank what actions yo! will take as chief engineer 45!$ilary *oiler safety valve draw+ 75&ewage treatment "lant draw and e$"lain+ 5?o!r ram steering gear and rotary vane steering gear and e$"lain *oth 65mergency steering in rotary vane steering gear+ @ Detailed "erformances monitoring of main engine incl!ding load diagram e$"lanation+ 35"!rifier crossection+ 95how to check "!rifier is working efficiently+ 105what is annealing+ 115how to carry o!t = water washing+ 115what is forging and its a""lications+ 1+ Draw tie *olts and e$"lain tie rod tightening "roced!re+ 2+ Draw 770 earth fa!lt reverse "ower relay write ms*d safties+ $"lain motoring action+ 4+ Draw co2 system and e$"lain C82 checks weeklymonthly 4 monthly yearly+ 7+ Draw a Boiler safety v/v and e$"lain working ask all related #!estions a*o!t loose "in simmering drain choke why D/7 &afety v/v s!rvey "eriodicity+ + Draw a refer system and e$"lain the working "ro"erties of refer gas and 'ro*lems associated with refer system efer long r!nning ca!ses refer short cycling frosting on eva"orator ca!ses+ 6+ Draw Mid shi" section of *!lk carrier and e$"lain the strengtening mem*ers and their f!nction+ hatever ! show in the diagram he may ask a*o!t anything+ Dear ?riends *y the grace of =od 2nd &e"5201 i cleared my Class51 8ral $am from David &ir+ !estions asked *y Mr+ David are as follows% 1+ M-C52006 details 2+ Draw 770 earth fa!lt how to find location of earth fa!lt+ reverse "ower relay write ms*
safties+ $"lain motoring action+ 4+ Draw co2 system and e$"lain C82 checks weekly+ 7+ Draw a Boiler safety v/v and e$"lain working ask all related #!estions why D/7reg!lation+&afety v/v s!rvey+ + Draw a refer system and e$"lain it gas charging wt are the "ro*lem did yo! finds on *oard+ 6+ Draw Mid shi" section of Tanker and some related #!estion @+&+ centrif!gal "/" and why "!m" "erformance dro" draw mechanical seal+ 1st attem"t with Mr+ I!lfi#!r h!sain #!estion 1+C change over+ 2+ otary vane steering drawing and high "ress!re and low "ress!re side sealing+ 4+ rratic steering gear ca!se and action+ Cleared Class 1 orals fm Mr+David first attem"t 11tha!g201 +++++#s++++ 1+Drawings 5 Main Cooling &ea ater "!m" cross5section to show a *it of clearance *etween gland "acking cover A "!m" casing i+e+ gland cover "ositively "resses against the gland "acking A can *e f!rther tightened if re#!ired Boiler safety valve to show s!fficient height of safety valve s"ring for lifting asked how to meas!re li" clearance R *y "lacing lead wire A "ressing the valve with s"indle on the valve seat to get the clearance 8il tanker cross5sectn5 "!r"ose of fish"lates show lightening holes Crank5case relief valve with c/case e$"losion theory C82 release *ank drawing A detailed "roced!re to release S+!ick closing valves m!st *e man!ally sh!t A verified as "art of "roced!re *efore release 2+ M&BD safeties A earth fa!lt diagram + '!r"ose of "referential tri" A how to avoid sim"ly "!tting off the *reakers of deck machinery whenever not re#!ired '!r"ose of reverse "ower tri" to avoid motoring "henomenon of generator 4+ Boiler safety valve s!rvey same "roced!re as in notes i+e+ s"indle tr!eness check on lathe s"ring free length O 0+9 nat!ral length of new s"ring not la""ing the valve itself with seat *!t fa*ricating a cast iron rod etc+ 7+-oad -ine &!rvey R s"ecific for tankers very "artic!lar a*o!t Catwalk R to mention the shelters "rovided enclosed on three sides A o"en on one side facing accommodation R for crew "rotection against ro!gh weather +=ro!nding R to write down relevant "oints a*o!t co!rse of action as C/ incl!ded &8'' action A Bed"lateA >olding down *olts etc+ checks A if shi" staying at night R crew to take a long rod A wra""ed with white cloth A reg!lar immersing in water from shi" side to check for any oil s"ill in the dark+ thanks A *est rgdrs +++++.ishant +Bole Cleared my class ( orals with >!ssain today 2nd attem"t ?irst attem"t with David #!e asked nclosed s"ace entry Boiler internal and e$ternal ins"ection M&B safeties Drawing arth fa!lt Tie rod B!lk carrier midshi" cross section
Today #!e asked *y >!ssain &low steaming Me "erformance Me "ower calc!lations 82 analyser check !dder sl!ggish Drawing ecirc!lating ty"e f!el valve >ello g!ys cleared *y Mr David in second attem"t+ !estions of *oth e$aminers are as follows 1+ &low steaming 2+ Main engine "erformance 4+ &afety valve drg and e$"lain 7+ 7ram steering gear 10 deg "ort 6 >ow owners loose d!ring slow steaming @+ !dder carrier *earing 3+ ?orging all a*t it with e$am"les 9+ .DT 10+ &afety valve "ress!re setting and "reca!tions for setting 11+ 3Q *!nker lift at &inga"ore 12+ Mlc 14+ &o"e" 17+ -oad line s!rvey in de"th 1+ &eafearer em"loyment aggrement in detail 16+ arth fa!lts sketch Thanks and all the *est *y the =C 8? --> .D 'L& 8? my fmly "ass coc class 1 oral +++*y M+I,-?+ hrs 20 mints d!ration 1% anchr not heaving !"++e$"lain with hyd+diagram+ 2%d/g commisioning *ack 4% forging and crank shaft constr!ction 7 %l!*ricating "oints in crank case+ % "late ty"e and t!*e ty"e heat e$changer advantages and disadvantges with sketch+ 6% free s!rface effect e$"lainE @% two days *7 !ndocking+ 3% ma$+*!nker lift+ 9%ege not *!ilding !" steam "ress!re+ 10%high voltage 11%*Aw "/" ?ollowing were the #!estions asked 1+M/ "erformance "owercalc!lation and indicator instr!ment verification 2+ !dder sl!ggish o"eration actions 4+ M/ !nit s!rvey and cms s!rvey "roced!re and "!r"ose 7+ hat are .DT tests+ $"lain different ty"es of .DT tests
+ && 600 "roced!re 6+ / crane ckt diagram e$"lain and safties fitted on crane @+ hat is forging "!r"ose and what com"onents forging is done 3+ $"lain frees!rface effect 9+ -+o sam"ling taking "roced!re 10+ '!rifier "erformance 11+ Boiler flame fail!re actions 12+ 'roced!re to carry o!t emergency steering 14+ ge !na*le to maintain steam "ress!re d!ring normal sea+"assage5 action
( have cleared my class 2 orals from Mr+David+ ?irst attem"t !estions as follows %5 1 Tie rods sketch and all details 2 Centrif!gal "!m" with all details 4 .DT 7 overhead crane circ!it diagram and details &ome cross #!estions on materials and safety 1+Bed "late ins"ection with drawing 2+Crankshaft ins"ection with drawing++ 4+Boiler *!rner /4 ty"es drawing /e$"lanation 7+&teering system drawing emergency steering incl!ding single fail!re conce"t +++ +>igh voltage system with safety mantainance BL T> =C 8? -M(=>TL --> ( >; C-D ML C-&& 2 8- ?8M M >,&&(. T>8,=> &&(=.M.T& (. &T TTM'T ,&T(8. &:D (. 8- 1+from ? till cargo discharging com"lete o"eration 2 D!m"ing ;alve Controller 4+ *oiler tanker servce mode or *oiler control mode for cargo discharging 7+slow steaming +thr!st *earing tem" high reasons and action 6+ "!rifier effiieciently r!nning how ! will come to know @+ how to train shi" crew for co2 flooding drill 3+how ! train )r engr for emergency drill for steering gear 9+ &T' and 8& &ketch and working 10+otary vane sketch and orking 11+fo!ndation *olt sketch ;erdict % ssignments
lhamd!lliah cleared coc class 2 oral today at first attem"t + $aminner david sir iestion++++++ 1+sketch *ilge system showing all condition 2+sketch emergency *ilge s!stion system and reg!lation 4+sketch &D. v!lve 7+sketch ga!ge glass and *lowdown "roced!re and action if water not in ga!ge glass +"!rifier cross section with f!ll a!tomation and nomogram+ 6+stern t!*e arrangement @+how to collect stern t!*e sam"le and what are the test and how to test Thanks to all+( also get information from coc 61+so every*ody "lease "ost here after e$am
->MD,-(-> *y the grace of --> almighty i have cleared my coc class 2 engineering side% at first attem"t from Mr David sir +!estions asked are as !nder 1+>e asked me a*o!t my com"any and ty"e of shi"s done+s i have done oil/chem tanker so he told me to draw chemical tanker sketch+ 2+-oad line s!rvey com"lete es"ecially with res"ect to oil/chem tankers+'!r"ose of cam*er on tanker drawing 4+2 stage ir com"ressor drawing+hat is *!m"ing clearanceits significancehow to check and how to ad)!st it+ 7+Boiler high lift safety valve sketch and then he "assed me ->MD,-(->% By the grace of almighty ( have cleared my Class52 oral from I!lfi#!r >!ssain sir at 1st attem"t+ !estion asked%5 C/C ins"ection how to trained )!nior+ T/C sketch and asked the "!r"ose of the different "arts ecirc!lating ty"e f!el v/v 8ne !nit e$ha!st tem" high ca!se and action in details >ow ! confirm yo!r "!rifier "erformance is good+ By the grace of almighty --> i have cleared my c lass 2 oral from Mr+David+++++++++++ !estions asked+++++ 1+ &ketch (= system +++alarms and tri"s ++++maintenance++++s!rvey 2+ &ketch and e$"lain centrif!gal "!m"+++"arts detail ++material++factors of "!m" efficiency dro" 4+sketch and e$"lain M. BA f!el "!m" 7+ &ketch e$"lain s!ler f!el "!m" + &ketch and e$"lain *oiler high lift safety valve +++clearances and com"lete s!rvey 6+ M-C com"lete and a lot of cross #!estions @+ >ow "ort state can detain a shi" while s!rvey ++++ 3+ -& 9+ ?? 10+ nclosed s"ace entry "ermit +++a lot of cross section on o$y meter ll the *est g!ys+++++++ Cleared class 2 orals from Mr+David ?ollowin are the #ns 1+&tern t!*e seal $ section and l+ o system $"lain with materialshow to ens!re it is efficiently workinghow to change seal witho!t drydocking 2+2 stage com"ressor B!nning clearancehow to ad)!st safeties 4+$ section of *!lk carrier $"lain all "arts+ 7+loadline s!rvey all checks+ +crankcase e$"losion 5everything from a to +++drawings of omd and relief valve+ 6+mlc
ThatHs it+ ++ Than$ to all instr!ctors and friends++++Than$ again By the hel" of the almighty llah ( cleared my class 2 oral from Mr+ David sir+ Thanks to all of my classmates of 8cto*er 1 *atch for their hel" A s!""ort+ !estions asked% 01+ &olas reg for emcy generator 02+ &olas reg for fire fighter o!tfit 04+ -sa items A ins"ection 07+ ?fa items A ins"ection 0+ Boiler high lift safety valve sketch A e $"lain+ Clearance A why D/7+ 06+ Boiler safety valve s!rvey d!ration ins"ection d !ring s!rvey+ 0@+ Main switch *oard safety why they r "rovided $"lain+ 03+ arth lam" sketch A e$"lain+ >ow often check in !r shi" 09+ T!r*o charger sketch e$"lain+ 'arts materials+ 10+ T!r*o charger s!rging indication ca!ses "revention lhamd!lillah "assed my coc class 1A2 $ams+ $aminer% sir David !estions asked % 15 high voltage system and safeties for working on hv system+ 'lease mention arc s!ite and live line tester+ 25 crankcase relief door with materials and relevant details+ 45 oil mist detectors+ Both+ orking details+ Testing+ 75 Crankcase in"ection with all "reca!tions and every small detail+ Mention ndt dye "enetrant test to check crankcase weld/ cracks+ lso "ay s"ecial attention to enclosed s"ace entry checks list+ fter com"letion of ins"ection check list to *e "!t in chief engineer record file+ Mention it+ 5 *oiler safety v/v+ &ketch+ ?re#!ency of safety v/v s!rvey+ o!tine checks+ (tems to * checked d!ring safety v/v overha!l+ 65 sewage treatment "lant+ Checks *efore reaching "ort to avoid "ortstate detention+ Checks on sewage switch*oard+ Cross #!estions from all to"ics and mention every small details+ >e want to listen com"lete details+ !estion asked *y Mr+ >!ssain earlier attem"t+ 15 Train the )!nior for crankcase ins"ection+ 25 oil charging "roced!re for accommodation a/c com"ressor+ 45 thr!st *earing sketch high tem"erat!re alarm ca!ses action+ 75 fo!r days after sailing yo! e$"erience one !nit e$ha!st tem"erat!re high+ easons !r action+ Draw card and e$"lain the "ro*lems ! have written that are ca!sing high tem"erat!re from card+ 5 draw in)ector cross section+ 65 "ilot on*oard and engine not starting+ Ca!ses+ action+ &tarting diagram+ 65 sealing arrangements+ Draw and e$"lain+ @5 *oiler water controller+
35 how wo!ld yo! know that yo!r e$has!t valve working efficiently >ow to find o!t tha t the e$ha!st valve is eratic lhamd!lillah++++Leaterday cleared class 1 e$am ?rom Mr+ I!lfi#ar h!ssain sir at 1st attem"t s"ecial thanks to royal marine engineers of ton hall for their s!""orts++ !setions asked% 1+ .ew chemical is going to carry to yo!r shi" as a C/ what safety meas!res A "reca!tion ! will take+++ 2+ Cyl liner F5section&PD+fter M/ !nit overha!l from o/h re"ort s!"erintend advise yo! to discard cyl+ liner as C !r action+ 4+Both ty"e f!el "/"+&PD Timing conce"t ela*orately with gra"h+ 7+ '!rifier F5section&PD desl!dge "roced!re nomogram *ack "ress!re effect on efficiency+ + &/T -8 system&PD at sketch m!st show ela*orate wiew of fwd A aft sealing arrangement+ 6+ tail5shaft A "ro"eller s!rvey @+larm "ick5!" "oint for%5 5Cyl+ -+8 non5flow alarm 5Bilge well high level alarm 5 -/8 "!rifier a*normal alarm+ 3+.DT+ #!estions from Mr+ h!ssain+++ 1+C change over "roced!res 2+manoe!vreing diagram 4+7 am steeringe$"lain 10degree st*d 7+main engine $5head drawing n s!rvey "roced!re++++ ;erdict% "ass Mr+David #!estions 1+*oth f!el "!m"s drawings and timing check and ins"ection of all "arts d!ring a*ove )o*+ 2+ D5ty"e *oiler drawing and s!rvey+ 4+fi$ed fighting system drawingco2safety "reca!tions *efore releasing co2++how to release++ 7+deck foam system drawing >ari 8M+++GG ith =ods grace "assed oral for class 2 with Mr+ David ++++Thn$ to all east lodge gang+++&achin :ar!nan &ha!n Dso!a ntony :ishore (ndraneel Datta ow yo! ins"ect crankcase doo r++ hat are maintenance carried o!t what are tool !sed ++ Draw 2+ 8MD 5 draw and e$"lain what yo! have on yo!r shi" then later draw *oth+++ orking ++ hat are limits ++ >ow it is related to '&C (.&'CT(8.++++how yo! try o!t 4+ &afety valve% draw with detail and e$"lain in detail a*o!t clearances how yo! meas!re why D/7 what if drain is chocked at *ottom what are the checks carried o!t on safety valve how yo! check the tr!eness where does steam go ++ ( said via esca"e to f!nnel to atmos"here++he wants to listen N&? '-CN++why d/7 is im"ortant++ 7+'&C++ ?!ll detail in writing accommodation and deck for e$"laining ++ >ow to check flame tra"++ >ow many "laces we have flame tra"s+ '!r"ose of flame tra"s
+-oadline s!rvey++writting++accomodation and deck+++ $"lain on container vessel+++ 6+ 'laces where dail ga!ges are !sed + ++ hat is the im"ortance+++ ?inally ok i "ass yo! ++. !estions asked *y Mr >!ssain in Class 2 oral% 1 Main engine one !nit high e$ha!st tem"erat!re ca!ses and actions+ 2 Draw *oth f!el "!m"s and f!el metering+ 4 s ( sail on a shi" with diesel electric "ro"!lsion system engine !nit stri" down for s!rvey+ &te"s and actions ( also incl!ded items s!ch as areas of high concern like connecting rod *olts and reasons for concern load reversal on e$ha!st stroke etc s!rvey done *y s!rveyor of Chief engineer if CM& etc 7 7 am steering gear+ ?!el oil "!rifier Checks to ens!re correct r!nning+ !tomatic desl!dge cycle+ 6 -!* oil sam"le taking+ @ Main engine "ower calc!lation !sage of "lanimeter as ( sail on 7 stroke engines "ower calc!lation for engines over 600'M+ 3 >; switch*oard 5 ( e$"lained the switch*oard that incor"orates fre#!enc y converters ( think the one for the Dennis >all 'ractical lectrics for marine engineers+ 9 &afeties whilst working on the >; switch*oard ( chose to isolate a transformer so went thro!gh the vario!s ste"s and "a"erwork for this+ (f anyone has any #!estions a*o!t any of the a*ove #!estions ( am ha""y to answer an y+ >o"e the a*ove is of hel" and may*e see yo! all when sea time for Chiefs is !"+ ll the *est -ee Time was a*o!t 4 ho!rs 7 min!tes+ $aminar% David Tham 1+ *oiler safety v/v dia+ setting "roced!re s!rvey d!ring sea "assages what r the "ro*lem ! may get A action 2+ scavange fire ca!sesindicationactionins"ection+ 4+m/e man!+diagram A e$"lain in emergency how ! will o"erate the system+ 7+co2 system draw+"rior to realeses safety+ + t/c sketch+ 1 M-C5 cross #ns on rest ho!rs 8n*oard com"laint "roced!re++ how to com"laint (n manning level he asked me what are the checks yo! will carry o!t to ens!re minim!m safe manning crew are on*oard+ 2 &tat!tory certificates with validity s!rvey "eriods+ 4 &ewage treatment sketch "sc ins"ection on sewage "lantAstandared shore connection s"ecs+ 7Crankshaft deflection Tie *olt tightening "roced!re+ 6 nclosed s"ace entry+ Mr David+ !estion asked+ 1+ T!r*ocharger% sketch k val!es s!rging fo!ling+
2 crankcase relief door sketch reg!lation maintenance+ 4 8DM &:TC> working e$"lanation action in case of alarm+ 7+ 778; earth lam" sketch and e$"lanation+ M&B &?T(& .D C,T(,T&+ + D5TL' B8(- &:TC> M8,.T(.=& &,;L =,= =-&& B-8 D8. -8 T -;- -M CT(8. C,&+ 6+ C.T(?,=- ',M' &:TC> ??(C(.CL D8'+ @+ &= TTM.T &:TC> .D 8:+ '&C (.&'CT(8. By =odHs grace cleared class 2 oral first attem"t from mr+ David++ #!estions asked 1+ mlc 2006 +detailed 2+loadline s!rvey for tankersdetailed 4+ tanker cross section 7+ "sc ins"ection and lot of cross #!estion a*o!t ins"etion and reg!lations+ +co2 checks and testing 6+ sewage treatment "lant o"eration reg!lations @+ #!estions a*o!t *oiler mo!ntings +scenario *ased cross #!estions 3+ how to "re"are for "sc ins"etion+and how to train )!niors and lot of s!ggestions given from David sir+ ( cleared my M8 class 2 8ral *y Mr+ >!sain+ The #!estions he asked are as follow% 1+ ir Com"ressor E Com"lete &ketch The easons slow to""ing !" Ma)or 8verha!l+ 2+ 8ne !nit e$ha!st tem"erat!re high action and ca!se of it+ 4+ ?!el in)ector overha!l and Changing "roced!re+ 7+ $ha!st valve renew "roced!re+ + '!rifier &ketch and "erformance monitoring+ 6+ &cavenging &"ace ?ire E ca!ses indication and action+ @+ C Change 8ver 'roced!re+ 3+ Batch '!rification+ 9+ -+8 &am"ling E '!r"ose >ow to+ 10+ 8& E >ow to train
&ome &hort !estionsE international shore connection Different *etween &ewage and &l!dge hat *ooklet are in the smoking room *y &8-& tc $aminer% Mr+ >ossain es!lt% 'assed % 1+ >ow to take "erformance rite down how to take d raw card "ower card A light s"ring diagram draw all card with vario!s fa!lt 2+ >ow *ow thr!ster work e$"lain with drawing 4+ >ow to do safety valve settings after s!rvey 7+ >ow c"" work with drawing + Draw 7 ram steering A e$"lain M!st show r!dder angle feed*ack to *ridge 6+ $"lain single fail!re of 7 ram @+ hich smoke detector is more sensitive 3+ hat ty"e of fire detector !sed a*ove M/ cylinder head "latform hat sho!ld yo! do d!ring taking the "erformance 9+ >ow yo! train yo!r )!nior to "!m" o!t *ilge 10+ hat is free s!rface effect e$"lain Today i "assed meo class 2 $aminer mr hossain !es ask 1+slow streaming 2+ Tc sketch 4+ Tc o/h 7+tc emergency o"eration hv 6+emrengine room reso!rce management @+ref oil change and gas recharge 8M M!r!gan Th!nai + ( cleared my class 2 orals with Mr+>!ssain first attem"t on 1 th Dec >ere the #!estions are % Me "erformance 5e$"anl *riefly Thr!st *earing high tem" what actionsA ca!se+ '!rifier "erformance ca change over "roced!res only telling &T' sketch and e$"lain C'' crane sketch Boiler flame fail!re action enclosed s"ace entry "ermit N k ( consider ! as '&& N >i all ( cleared my class 2 orals with Mr+>!ssain first attem"t also with mr+h!ssain on the second attem"t yesterday+ >ere the #!estions% hydra!lic )ack draw and e$"lain eca change over "roced!re>e want to hear the word lsmgo *oiler *!rners draw and e$"lain enclosed s"ace entry "ermit
*atch "!rification how to meas!re o$ygen level in tanks+ generator decar*+what all meas!res as 2nd engr st!ffing *o$ main engine alarmsinterlocksh!t down+ sketch of t!rning gear interlock valve+ *lr flame fail!re By the grace of lmighty llah yesterday ( cleared class 2 oral from Mr+David+++ !estions asked to me 1% ?ire "revention Detection nd e$ting!ishing system with sketches+ 2% 2 &tage air com"ressor sketchA starting air line e$"losion 4% Boiler safety v/v sketch and detailed e$"lanation with re#!irements *oiler ga!ge glass *low thro!gh "roced!re *oiler *low *ack+ 7% 8& sketch and e$"lanation+ % Cyliner air statring v/v sketch+ By the grace of lmighty llah today ( cleared class 2 oral from Mr+David+++ !estions asked to me 1%Centrif!gal "!m" c/s+"!m" efficiency dro" reason 2%C'' &:TC> and o"ertaion+ 4%?ire "revention Detection nd e$ting!ishing system com"lete and lot of cross #!estion+ 7%&= &:TC> % 2 &tage air com"ressor sketchA starting air line e$"losion 6% (= system @% M&B safeties 3%arth lam" 9%' "rotection sketch 10%Boiler internal e$ternal s!rvey tns asked++David F5sec of *!lk carrierE -oad line convension s!rvey ins"ection assignment f!ll details 4ty"es Boiler *!rners incl!ding descri"tion A maintenance fire "revention fire detection fire e$tinction+ -ots of cross #!estions from all to"ics+++ By the grace of lmighty llah yesterday ( cleared class 2 oral from Mr+David+++ Thn$ to Mahm!d!l >asan :allal Mohammad hmed iyad Md Tawhid!l (slam for !r hel"f!l co5o"eration+ !estions asked to me 1+C/& of centrif!gal "/" effect of efficiency dro" 2+fl!roscent lam" stro*oco"ic effect 4+*!lk carrier midshi" section 7 + sewage treatment "lant reg!lations "sc ins"ection +oily water se"arator reg!lations 6+crankcase relief door o"eration @+oil mist detector crankcase e$"losion 3+fire detection fire e$tinction fire fighting descri"tion
9+M-C 10+load line s!rvey 11+heat treatment 12+"ro"eller damage A re"air 14+Boiler safety valve drawing+++++ lot of cross #!estions from all the to"ics++++++ Thn$ s lot++++++++ >i g!ys +Lesterday ( cleared my coc class 2 oral e$am ++e$aminer % David in first attem"t+ The following #!estions asked *y him+ ⚓% B!lk carrier F section -oad line s!rvey for *!lk carrier++ Both f!el "!m" Boiler safety valve efrigeration system &crew down non ret!rn valve section and "rinci"le+ &ewage diagram with "sc ins"ection ⚓% Centif!gal "!m" with materia
Lesterday "assed coc class 2 oral *y Mr+David in 1st attem"t+++!estion asked *y him are as follows+++ 1+ '!rifier cross section 2+ 2 stage air com"ressor sketch and working 4+Ty"e of l!* oil !sed in air com"ressor and why synthetic oil is !sed 7+starting ir line e$"losion com"lete "henomenonsafeties and how to avoid++ +flo!ricent light circ!t 6+Catastofic effect of flo!ricent light @+everse "ower relaysketch and e$"lanation+ 3+arth lam" sketch and e$"lanation+ 9+&ewaage treatment "lant &ketchworking reg!lations incl!ding sewage international connection s"ecifications+ 10+Bilge international discharge connection s"ecifications+ 11+M&B safeties 12+Boiler *!rners ty"es all 4 ty"es *!rner sketches and e$"lanation+ lot of cross #!estions on every sketch+++++ >i friends "assed my orals !estions asked $sec T/C*!lk carrier owsmechanical seal centrif!gal "" and crankshaft deflection mlc 2006 + >i everyone+ ( have "assed Class 2 M8 a!ral e$am !nder Mr+>!sain on 22nd of 8cto*er 201+ ?ollowing are the #!estions he has asked me in as m!ch detail as ( can remem*er% 1+ Tro!*leshooting 5 write down the ste"s yo! will follow as 2/ if M/ 'M is not rising+ 2+ C entry "roced!re write down and e$"lain+ 4+ 'l!nger controlled and valve controlled f!el "!m" draw and e$"lain the working+ ?or "l!nger controlled he asked me to mark with red "en the "osition of the to" of the "l!nger at its highest "osition and the again its "osition at its lowest "osition+ 7+ >!ll loading diagram indicative of h!ll fo!ling etc draw and e$"lain
+ 8verhead Crane circ!it diagram draw and e$"lain+ 6+ CB and everse "ower 8verc!rrent and ,ndervoltage "rotection draw and e$"lain @+ Boiler safety valve draw and e$"lain "roced!re for *oiler safety valve setting+ 3+ ;iscotherm do!*le element control draw and e$"lain+ 9+ emote sensors for 5 'ress!re this one ( was !ns!re of d idnHt see the diagram anywhere level tem"erat!re and flow+ $"lain each+ 10+ =88=-L ,&T(8.% Tell me what electrical items yo! will "re"are as a C/ for drydock ( tried to e$"lain drydocking "roced!re and "re"aration *!t he was not interested and asked me only a*o!t lectrical (tems+ >e also wants to hear a*o!t some electrical yearly s!rvey items that yo! will "!t in drydock and ( think he wants to hear a*o!t >igh ;oltage items+ 11+ Draw >igh ;oltage distri*!tion system and e$"lain 12+ 7 ram and rotary vane steering gear system draw and e$"lain+ 14+ r!dder carrier *earing draw+ 17+ hat are the checks yo! will do on a -8 '!rifier to ens!re that it is r!nning efficiently 1+hat are yo!r actions as a 2/ in a *lacko!t Thats a*o!t all ( can remem*er right now+ ill amend this "ost if ( remem*er e$tra #!estions that he asked me+ Thank yo!+ !estions i was asked *y Mr+ David Th!m* are as follows% 1+ B!lk carrier midshi" section cross section and e$"lain different "arts+ 2+ Bed"late drawing and e$"lain + 4+ T!r*ocharger drawing+ 5wht r the daily checks carried o!t in a t!r*ocharger 5"roced!re to overha!l a t!r*ocharger 7+ M-C 2006 and details+ + -oad line s!rvey and from midshi" section wht items are checked 6+ arth fa!lt fig n e$"lain+ @+ M&B safeties + Cleared class2 orals in =ods =ift $aminer David sir 1+B!lk carrier F section e$"lain all "arts+ 2+M+&+B safties P Drawing e$"lain all "arts 4+Boiler safety v/v drawing A reg!lations+ 7+M+-+C+& more details +&8''Man!als more details 6+nclosed s"ace+ !estions C C>.= 8; '8CD, ?,- ',M' BA T>,&T B-8C: D(=M A >(=> TM' -M C,& A CT(8. B8(- ?-M ?(-, CT(8. B8(- &,;L M ,.(T &,;L 7 M &T(.= &:TC> A F'-(. M=.CL &T(.= '8CD, BTC> ',(?(CT(8. ( C8M' -8.= ,.
C82 88M &T,DL 8,T(.& C>C: &T D-T &TT Class 2 #!es 1+ F section of chemical tanker 2+ F section of centrif!gal "/" 4+ F section of *oiler water t!*e 7+ (= system sketch + arth lam" sketch @+ Tie *olt sketch 3 mlc 2006 9+ Boiler s!rvey 10+ Blr *low down "roced!re 11+ &tat!tory certificate o!t*oard 12+ Tie *olt loose "retention 14+ Main switch *oard safety 17+ ?ire how to com*at class of fire how to e$ting!ish+ 1+ >y"er mist system descri*ed Dear friends *y the grace of almighty ( have "assed my class 2 oral at first attem"t+ e$aminer was Mr+ I!lfi#!ar sir+ My #!estions were+ +++ 1+ M/ 8. ,.(T F> TM' >(=>+ ca!ses and action+ 2+ Draw F> valve and descri*e+ 4+ >ow will yo! re"lace the F> valve+ 7+ >ow will yo! overha!l the e$h valve+ + &ewage treatment "lant drawing descri"tion and reg!lations+ 6+ &ewage tests+ @+ hat is the *ore cooling in e$h valve seat+ 3+ hat doc!ments yo! need to ready for *oiler s!rvey+ 9+ eady the *oiler for s!rvey+ 10+ hy "itting corrosion occ!rs+ 11+ !ssain+ !estion was%51 M/ "erformance monitoring5 e$"lain P written 2 M/ !nder "iston s"ace ins"ection+ 476 Draw BA f!el "/" s!ler f!el "/" 75am steering gear 8$ygen analyer 5e$"lain working "rinci"le o"eration asked a*o!t all im"ortant "arts+ @ *ilge "!m"ing o!t "roced!res+ 3 gas charging in the refrigeration system+ lhamd!lillah today ( have "assed class 2 in second attem"t+ My #!estions was 1 Boiler re"eated flame fail!re+ 2 one !nit e$ha!st tem"erat!re low+ 4 *atch "!rification 7 ir com"ressor long r!n ca!ses and action scavenge s"ace ins"ection 6 ngine room overhead crane diagram and safeties @ co2 diagram and flooding system+
( have 'assed C8C 1 A 2 oral in ?irst attem"t *elow #!estion asked *y mr+ david+++ 1+ '&C in &inga"ore detain yo!r vessel d!e to "ro*lem in "ort side life *oat engine and emergency generator+ D' aske ! for this cas!alties+ rite a c/e re"ort to D' ith ca!ses and yo!r action+ 2+ Cross section of chemical tanker++ and descri*e+ 4+ Briefly descri*e so"e" "lan and so"e" locker+ 7+ &ketch and o"eration of nitrogen generator+ + =as free "roced!re of cargo tank d!ring loading discharging and tank cleaning+ 6+ 'anel *oard safety and draw reverse "ower relay and earth lam" system+ @+ Domestic fridge line diagram sketch and descri*eSshort cycling descri*e *y T;+ 3+ Both f!el "!m" draw and descri*e every com"onent and o"eration *y vitSSs!ler "!m" timing++man A w cam lead++ 9+ -ife *oat engine entry "roced!re+ 10+ >ot air fan why !se and how and when !se+ By the grace of almighty i have cleared my class52 oral in first attem"t with assignment on 20th )an!ary 1+ &"ecial thanks to ri"an mehedi )itender k!mar and all who hel"ed me a lot+ $aminer 5 !lfi#!r h!ssain+ !estion asked5 Crosshead *earing sketch and s!rvey+ Both f!el "!m"+ Boiler safety v/v and 7 ram steering+ Centrl cooling system draw and e$"lain with control+ ,&&(. 1+ & &C8.D .=(. >8 D8 , M(.T(. T> B(T,M. C=8 2+ D B(T,M. T.: C8&& &CT(8.+
4+ C=8 &C ',M' D(.= 7+ ..-(.= >D.&& + ',(?( .8M8=M C>T 6+ M(. .=(. &?TL CL-(.D 8(- .8. ?-8 -M T&T @+T>M- 8(- &L&TM (.C-,D(.= C=8 >T(.= 3+&;(C T.: D(. -(. C>8C:D 2.D TTM'T MDM ?( ?( 1+ C'' M(.T..C D;.T=& 2+ .-(.= DT(-& 4+ &;(C T.: D(. -(. >8 C. B C>8C: 7+ ',(?( .8M8=M (& MTC>(.= (T> T> =;(TL D(&C + &C;.= &'C (.&'CT(8. 6+ M-C @+ >T& . (. ..F 6 3+ B8(- M8T -;- =,= &>8(.= >(=> C,&& MDL T>.:& T8 -- 8? ML ?(.D& &'C(-L ., >8&. B>( ?(, B>( &>>D B>( &(? B>( M>D( B>( .;D B>( .D ML B8T> By the grace of almighty llah s!*hanallah!thala i have "assed class 2 oral in 1st attem"t+ The #!estions asked *y Madam ?ei ?ei++++++++++ Drawing% 1+ &ewage treatment "lant 2+ ?!el in)ector 4+ otary van steering gear $"lain o"eratin of all the a*ove drawing A sewage reg!lation chlorinator f!nction f!el v/v overall ins"ection "ress!re testing "roced!re sl!ggish o"eraion of steering gear single "hasing how ! check the single "hasing Black smoke writting scavenge fire action after scavenge fire ins"ection &cavenge manifold door o"ening is "!sh ty"e or "!ll ty"e A why D!ring cargo o"eration 4rd eng re"ort *oiler ga! ge glass leaking action &ystems and com"onents for windlass and mooring winch '!m" and motor systems are !sed for "owering de ck machinery s!ch as winches and windlasses+ '!m" and act!ating cylinders are normally em"loyed for hatch covers+ 8ne or more "!m"s will *e !sed to s!""ly the vol!me of fl!id at the "ress!re re#!ired to o"erate one or more motors+ '!m"s may *e classified into two gro!"s% 1 those with a fi$ed delivery when r!nning at a given s"eedE 2 those with a varia*le delivery at a given s"eed+ ?i$ed delivery "!m"s can have their constant o!t"!t *y"assed via control valves !ntil re#!ired or o!t"!t can *e matched to re#!irements *y incor"orating a relief/acc!m!lator then sto""ing and starting varying s"eed or connecting a varia*le delivery "!m" in "arallel+ ;aria*le delivery "!m" o!t"!t can *e controlled to give f!ll flow in either direction and vol!me o!t"!t can *e varied from ma$im!m down to ero+ ?i$ed delivery "!m"s Constant o!t"!t "!m"s of the gear or lo*e ty"e see Cha"ter are "recision made to "rovide high "ress!re with minim!m *ack leakage+ The former o"erate on the "rinci"le that as gears revolve fl!id is carried aro!nd the o!tside t+ ?or general hydra!lic systems where the "!m" delivers a constant vol!me of oil s"eed control of the hydra!lic motor can *e o*tained *y delivering the re#!ired amo!nt of oil to the motor thro!gh a control valve and diverting the remainder thro!gh a *y"ass to the "!m" s!ction+