In a traditional society like India, birth of a child has always been a priority after marriage. There was a time, when if a woman is not able to conceive immediately after marriage, her in-laws would curse her for not giving an heir to the family. But things have changed with time. Now, educated people prefer to consult a doctor and go through a medical examination to find out if there are any medical reasons for not having being able to conceive. There are cases where the doctors provide reassurance to the couple to stop worrying as there is nothing wrong with them biologicallymedically, but still the couple is not able to conceive. This is when astrology comes to the aid of such couples. !fter analysing analysing the horoscope horoscope of both, both, the man and the woman, woman, there there may be either either of the two two possibilities" #.To see whether it is a case of childlessness. $.To see whether it is a case of delay and not denial of a child birth. If the horoscope promises the birth of a child, the timing has to be seen from both dasha and transit of the planets. In all such cases, first the horoscope of the man is examined for the possibility of a child and later, the woman%s horoscope is examined for the time of conception. &or analysing a horoscope, following procedure should be adopted" #.'xamine the (th )ouse and (th *ord from *agna. $.'xamine the (th )ouse and (th *ord from +oon. .'xamine the (th )ouse and (th *ord from upiter. .'xamine the (th )ouse and (th *ord from /aptamsha.
0hildren are born in the dashas connected with the (th )ouse or the *ord of the (th )ouse or of /aptamsha. !n afflicted (th *ord, which can be combust, retrograde and aspected by another retrograde planet, generally a malefic, results in delay of child birth. birth . 0ase /tudy
#.The (th )ouse has retrograde /aturn aspected by /un. This signifies delay in conceiving a child. $.*ord of the (th )ouse, upiter with 1enus in #2th )ouse is good. .In /aptamsha, /aturn, *ord of the (th )ouse is aspected by upiter, which again promises a child. !fter coming to a conclusion on the husband%s horoscope, similar examination of the wife%s horoscope
#.In the wife%s horoscope, (th )ouse *ord has gone into #$th )ouse. This is not favourable. $.The (th )ouse has the aspect of /un and 1enus, which is promising. .&rom upiter, /aturn aspects the (th )ouse along with +ars and +ercury. This is a case of delay, and not denial. .In /aptamsha, the (th )ouse has 3etu but the (th *ord is with 1enus aspected by upiter. This too promises of child birth, though delay is possible. In #445, husband%s /aturn dasha started which is in the (th )ouse. +oreover, /aturn is also the (th *ord of /aptamsha. In case of the wife, the antardasha of 1enus is aspecting the (th )ouse and with (th *ord in /aptamsha.
/ukhwinder /harma 0elebrity !strologer The 6aneshaspeaks Team
Know your conception time METHOD TO DETERMINE THE CONCEPTION TIME 7ecently, I have completed my research on this extremely rare topic on several charts and decided to share the same on all the forums 8more than #(9 for the benefit of all. :ou would not have even heard of these rules as it is the part of one of the researches made by me, by the grace of 6od. It is said that conception time is even more vital than the birth time in all the respects and therefore holds an extreme importance, especially in the modern context. Benefits of conception chart" #9 To detect various kind of pregnancies complications and take necessary precautions for the benefit of the mother, child and society as a whole. $9 !ccurate dating of pregnancy is important, because it is used in calculating the results of various prenatal tests 8for example, in the triple test9. ! decision may be made to induce labor if a fetus is perceived to be overdue. &urthermore, if *+; and ultrasound dating predict different respective due dates, with the latter being later, this might signify slowed fetal growth and therefore re hidden benefits 8including medical benefits9, which I cannot list here as that information could be misused by many. Though there are $- methods to determine this time which are given in B;)/ but unfortunately due to translational or time bound errors or in my experience, were not effective. !s a result I was compelled to discover a new method by the grace of 6?@, to determine this precious time. /o without wasting any more time, let me list the steps which are to be followed to determine this time"
#9 ?ne should be aware of hisher birth time. To establish the correct month and week, one should be aware of the following information" $9 The expected date of delivery 8'@@9 is 2 weeks counting from the first day of the last menstrual period 8*+;9, and birth usually occurs between A and $ weeks. Though pregnancy begins at implantation, it is more convenient to date from the first day of a womans last menstrual period, or from the date of conception if known. /tarting from one of these dates, the expected date of delivery can be calculated using the Naegeles rule for estimating date of delivery. ! more sophisticated algorithm takes into account other variables, such as whether this is the first or subse
&or example" In my birth chart 1enus is placed in lagan at $$ degree 2 minutes and mercury is placed in *ibra at $4 degree ( minutes. /o at the time of my conception mercury would be ahead of 1enus. The exact degree gap between the two planets may vary from chart to chart. To establish the exact )our" 49 Note down the @ominant lagan 7ashi at the time of the birth from the cusp chart. Note as per the cusp chart there could be a presence # or $ rashi%s in the birth lagan. *ike &or example if I am born at #4 degree 8approx9 of /corpio lagan then we can easily say that my lagan has ## degree component of /corpio rashi and left #4 degree component of /agittarius rashi 8the next sign after /corpio9. In this way I can say that the dominant lagan rashi of my birth chart is /agittarius 8/ince #4 degreesJ## degrees9. In fact this is the reason why the swarashi upiter which is placed in the $nd house of my chart is actually giving its effect in lagan along with 1enus. )ence at the time of the conception, the rising dominant sign would be /agittarius. In case, if the ascendant degree is 2 degree /corpio, then straightaway the dominant sign would be /corpio. In case someone is born on #(th degree of /corpio, then both /corpio and /agittarius signs have e
I will not list the fixation of @-#25 chart in the context of 0onception time as that is not needed. The above derived result also takes care of the information provided by my mother that I was born =ust # or $ days after the completion of 4 months
Rahu and Ketu(Lunar Nodes) LUNAR NODES Rahu and Ketu-Lets talk about them Basically #9 They amplIfy the power of their depositor. in their dasha antardasha. 8*ord of rashi in which they are sitting9 $9 They amplIfy the power of planets sitting with them or aspecting them. so they are nothing but amplIfiers. Some nad! "ules "elated to them If a planet is placed along with 7ahu then that planet looses its strength. 'ven If it is an exalted planet 7ahu is taken as the karak for ;aternal 6rand &ather and for +aternal 6rand &ather 3etu is considered as the karaka. Transits result for 7ahu and 3etu. 7ahu%s transit over the following natal planets Natal /un" Ill health problem to son, Natal +oon" @anger to mother, fear complex to native Natal +ar" !ccidents, blood defects, operation 8surgery9 Natal +ercury" /kin diseases, purchase of new vehicle, fear complex to native Natal upiter" !ccident, death in the family, black mark develops on the face, Natal 1enus" Break in income, ill health to wife, hidden treasury Natal /aturn" ;erforming lost rites, purchase of vehicle, laKiness Natal 7ah" /tomach disorder Natal 3etu" ?bstruction in good deeds 3etu%s transit over the following natal planets" Natal /un" +eeting holy persons Natal +oon" @ivine contemplation, ill health to mother, blood pressure Natal +ars" Forries to brothers, blood pressure, nerves debility to brother Natal +ercury" @ispute with girl friendboy friend, li tigation, poor memory Natal upiter" @ivine contemplation, nerves debility, ill health Natal 1enus" The native becomes victim to a lady Natal /aturn" *itigation, dispute, aimlessness and
Natal 3etu" +i/understanding in family. #e$ %a&ts #9 Fhen 7ahu is located in $nd sign from 3u=a 8+ars9, native will have uneven teeth settings unless there is no other shubh prabhav. 83G! is a signIficant of teeth9. $9 Fhenever 3etu strongly influence 6uru, native becomes religious minded, have an inclination towards attaining moksha. )e also gets involved in settling the disputes, 83etu is a karaka for dispute9. 9 7ahu is the mouth of 3ala purush who can swallow the eeva karaka, 6uru. Therefore 6uru is afraid of 7ahu. 6uru is the 3araka for eeva. 7ahu is the karaka for @eath. a9 The dIfference of Nakshatra ;ada%s between 6uru and 7ahu will indicate the lIfe span. b9 If 7ahu strongly influence guru, then the person is short lived, If friendly planets aspect 6uru, then the lIfe span will be increased. c9 If 6uru is hemmed between two enemy planets, then the lIfe span will be reduced. d9 If 6uru is hemmed between 3u=a and 7ahu, then the person will die unexpectedly due to either heart attack or vehicle accident. e9 If /hani is hemmed between 3u=a and 7ahu, then the person will die unexpectedly. f9 If /urya is hemmed between 3u=a and 7ahu, then the father of the native will die unexpectedly. GN*'// T)'7' I/ ;?F'7&G* !/;'0T ?& specially G;IT'7 and other shubh planets ThenD 9 If 3etu aspects /ukra then there will be obstacles for marriage in case of males. 'ven If he gets married he will have mi/understandingdisputes with his wife. (9 If 3etu aspects 3u=a then there will be an obstacles in the marriage in case of females. 'ven If she gets married she will have mi/understandingsdisputes with husband. 9 If 7ahu aspects /ukra, either marriage will be delayed or denied in case of +ale. 'ven If he gets married, the wife will not be truthful to him. A9 If 7ahu aspects 3u=a either marriage will be delayed or denied in case of &emale. 'ven /he gets married she will not like her husband. 59 If Budha and 3etu are located in trine from each other, whether the native is male or female, they will fall In love with opposite sex. If this combination is aspected by either by /ukra or 6uru then it will end in love marriage. &urther, If this combination is aspected by 3u=a, then there will be a failure in love affair or love marriage. If this combination is aspected by 0handra then the native will get ill famed in the society. 49 If 7ahu aspects /ukra, then there is a possibility that wife will be physically )andicapped. she may also be laKy, secretive, liar etc. on the contrary, If 3etu is aspecting /ukra, then the wife will be religious minded. #29 If 7ahu aspects /aturn, then the profession will be connected to smuggling, secret ?rganiKation etc, If 3etu aspects /aturn, the profession will be connected with religion. The above results can get modIfied. If other aspects are also involved. If 7ahu aspects a planet, then the part of the body indicated by that planet will be affected If /aturn aspects a planet, then the part of the body indicated by that planet will not function properly If 3etu aspects a planet, then there will be an extra growth in the part of the body indicated by that planet If 7ahu or 3etu aspects either /urya or 0handra, then the person will have defective eye sight 8cataract, color blindness, s
If 3etu aspects 6uru, the nose will be small. If 3etu aspects Budha, then there will be an extra growth in the throat If 7ahu aspects 3u=a, then the person will have uneven teeth setting. The teeth will look ugly If 7ahu aspects Budha, then the person will have black marks on the body If 3etu aspects Budha, then the person will have red marks on the body. If 7ahu aspects 3u=a, then the person will have polluted blood If 3etu aspects 3u=a, then the person will have defective blood circulation If 7ahu or 3etu aspects either 6uru or /aturn, then the person will be suffering from 7heumatic pain If 7ahu aspects Budha and 3u=a, then there will be spinal cord disorder If 6uru, 3u=a and 7ahu are in trine to each other, then the ;erson will meet with an accident. If /aturn, 3u=a and 7ahu are in trine to each other, then also the, ;erson will meet with an accident If 0handra, 3u=a and 7ahu are in trine to each other, then the ;erson will have suicidal tendency. If 0handra and 7ahu are in trine to each other, the person will be suffering from mental hallucination. If 7ahu aspects /urya, then the person will not have male child, 'ven If he gets a male child, the child will be short lived. If 7ahu aspects /ukra, then the person will not have a child, 'ven If he gets a child, the child will be short lived. If 3etu aspects either /urya or /ukra, then there will be an obstacle in having a child If 3etu aspects /aturn, then the person will suffer without any =ob throughout his lIfe, 'ven If he gets a =ob he will not have /atisfaction. ?ften he is changing his =ob and he will have a dispute in carrier. The person behaves like a recluse. If 7ahu aspects /aturn then the person will undergo initial subordination, This is called the @!7I@7!:?6!! in astrology. But in the later part of lIfe he will become an eminent personality with lot of experience. SOME O# M' O(SER)ATIONS I& 7ahu 3etu is /ITTIN6 FIT) ?N*: ! /IN6*' /)GB) 67!) N!+'*: 1enus, upiter, +ercury and no malefic aspects are there . Then they can be very very auspicious. as shubh prabhav will only increase. N?T'---I& T)!T /)GB) ;*!N'T )!;;'N/ T? B' :?6!3!7!3 T)'N they are much more auspicious. 0?+BIN!TI?N ?& 7!)G FIT) /GN !N@ +??N. #9 T)I/ 0?+BIN!TI?N 0!N ;7?1' T? be highly auspicious for attaining political powers, Fhen +??N !N@ /GN are not eclipsed. 8That is their degree should be less than +oon and /un.9 The above :oga are highly auspicious in ##th house, #2th, 4th. #9 ?bviously :oga of 7ahu /un will bring disappointment in (th house.8for children9 $9 Fill result in pitr dosh etc.8If in grahand9 If shubh prabhav in i ncreases on 7ahu /un :oga 8when /un not eclipsed9 Then they can give extraordinary powers in government. /imilarly :oga of 7ahu +oon can give extreme fame, when not 8eclipsed9 This :?6! 0!N B' 1'7: !G/;I0I?G/ IN /)GB) B)!1. #9 In +ahatma 6andhi%s chart present in #2th house. $9 In 6eorge Fashington chart present in 4th house. BGT T)' 0?N@ITI?N I/ +??N /)?G*@ B' 1'7: /T7?N6 and no malefic influences should be there. 7!)G !N@ 3etu are very destructive with planets like /aturn and +ars. ;7'/'N0' ?& 'ven one planet like +ars with them can convert them to strong malefics.
:ogas like 7!)G /!TG7N 7!)G +!7/ 3'TG /!TG7N 3'TG +!7/ 0!N @'/T7?: T)' B)!1 IN F)I0) T)': !7' /ITTIN6. /till the final fal of the combinations should be said only after analyKing the whole chart. &or exampleD :oga of 7ahu and /aturn in ##th house can also give huge gains. :ogas likeD /un 7ahu /aturn /aturn +ars 7ahu /un +ars 7ahu !re highly inauspicious in some or the other way in any chart, at any position, except ##th house @egrees of 7ahu and 3etu are very important when they sitting with only shubh planets like 1enus. Their closeness with 1enus can increase affairs. In fact If 7ahu and 1enus are within # degree then character of the native can be
In 4th, with father, dharma etc In $nd. Fith money !nd 3etu is vice versa. ;erson with strong 7ahu can excel in politics as 7ahu gives the insight, i n the matters of enemy. this native will have a th sense, that what his enemy can do or will do. 7ahu and 3etu acts immediately or in a sudden manner. They will not give you the time to think. 8This can be dangerous for relationships9. Fhether you talk of sudden gains or sudden loss they come under the scope of 7ahu and 3etu. 3etu believes in cutting, operations etc Fhen 3etu acts likes this it gives native extraordinary ;!IN/ 8accidents, bullet, missiles, firing etc9 7ahu will not act like this. It does not believe in giving sudden pains it can kill you without any pains 8poison etc9 7ahu runs after materialistic comforts. 3etu runs after spiritualistic comforts. 8Therefore can give moksha in #$th house9 Native with strong 3etu can detach himself from each and every comfort. F)'T)'7 its money, bungalow, girl, sex, cars, 3etu can leave them all, in a moment. Therefore in the dasha of 3etu one should not desire anything. ?therwise it will take away everything 8name fame, wealth9 all will go in a moment. /pecial point with 3etu is, it can give you whatever you want but the condition is .native should remain detached with whatever he wants. 7ahu and 3etu don%t waste any time in giving their effects. 3etu gives detachment with wife in Ath. But as I have written If 1enus, +ercury or upiter are aspecting Ath Then its detachment effects would be nullified to a great extent. 0ombination of G;IT'7 !N@ 3'TG 0!N do wonders. It goes by the name of 6anesha :oga. 'specially in #st, $nd, 4th, #2th, ##th, #$th, (th houses 3etu is regarded as right hand of upiter. This :oga can even make the native an astrologer who has inherited astrological science from his past birth. :oga of 3etu with /un and +ercury in #2th, (th or ##th houses can give you extreme political powers. E/onia 6andhiE is having a combination of /un, +ercury and 3etu in (th house. E@r. 3alamH is also having same combination in #2th house. 3etu in rd, th and #$th and 4th houses is very strong If no malefic influence is present. *ord 3rishna was having 3etu in 4th house and in 3etu dashaD Bhagwat 6ita was narrated to !r=una. 3etu in 5th house if under shubh prabhav will make you a great speaker native would be interested in occult sciences such native can be great psychologist and very logical but can cause big accidents or incurable diseases If under malefic influences problems in sexual organs can also occur. 3etu in #2th house will make person very religious for them recitation of shiva mantras are highly beneficial. ;resence of 7ahu and 3etu with +ercury 8when closely associated degree wise9 give rise to skin related problems. :oga of 87ahu 1enus9, 81enus +ars9, 83etu 1enus9 all have a different aspects that i am explaining howLLL but one thing which you must always remember is that closeness between the planets involved in the :oga &or exampleD 7ahu and 1enus are in the same bhava 8take lagan for instance9 but in one case they are $2 degrees apart and in another case they are less than ( degree apart now the results will change drastically,
!s the closeness increases 6ood as well as bad effects of 1enus would amplify. 6ood----fame, luxury, vehicles, singing, dancing, modeling, fashion designing etc. Bad-----over indulgence in sex, addiction of drugs, al cohol, arrogance etc /ame is the case with 81'NG/ +!7/9, !/ the closeness increases, auspicious results of 1enus would be harmed but do 7'+'+B'7 ?N' 1'7: I+;?7T!NT ;?INT. G;IT'7 !N@ /GN ;GT/ ! 0)'03 ?N +!*'&I0 '&&'0T/ ?& 1'NG/. so whenever in any combination ,there is a simultaneous involvement of /un and upiter along with 3etu ,7ahu and +ars IT ;7'1'NT/ T)' N!TI1' &7?+ I** '&&'0T/ ?& 1'NG/. 3'TG FIT) 1'NG/ )!/ a special picture to present, 3etu brings detachment when it is with 1enus, person though likes to live the life of comfort but simultaneously )' )!/ 0?NT7?* ?1'7 !** 0?+&?7T/ 8or he can easily live without them.9 :ogas like 87ahu upiter9 chandal :oga forms only when degree of 7ahu is greater than that of upiter but in that case also this :oga is neutral.8nether very auspicious nor harming9 I& this :oga happens in dhanu 8pieces9 surely in dasha, antardasha of upiter you will face auspicious results. but there should not be any influence of +ars and /aturn . :oga of 7ahu and upiter has a very peculiar thing attached to it. upiter depicts knowledge and 7ahu volatility with desires I& your mind is volatile, you can%t gain knowledge this is how 7ahu harms the auspicious results of upiter. There are few odd dharma gurus, having this :oga in Ath house. 8T)'/' 6G7G doesn%t have that purity of knowledge, which they should have9 but because of 7!)G, amplification of 8*I+IT'@ 3N?F*'@6' ?& G;IT'7 T!3' ;*!0'9 IN 0!/' ?& +'N, ;7'/'N0' of /aturn in 5th or $nd house with 7ahu, 3etu with no shubh prabhav whatsoever then person is inclined towards same sex. If !/;'0T ?7 ;7'/'N0' of +ars and /un is also there, then T)I/ I/ !B/?*GT'*: T7G'. 8:ou can%t escape9 7ahu in its dasha is bound to give very auspicious fal, If it is simultaneously aspected by all the trikond lords when 7ahu himself is placed in Ath house. The results would be further accentuated If 7ahu is placed in +ithun or 1rish rash in Ath house. &or example. upiter, +ars and +oon are placed in vrishchik lagan aspecting 7ahu in Ath house. or /un, upiter and +ars placed in dhanu lagan aspecting 7ahu in Ath house. ?nly condition is planets aspecting this 7ahu should be in strength. !lways remember that when 7ahu and 3etu give the effect of the lord of the rashi in which they are placed, they also simultaneously transfer their basic
but If 7ahu is getting neech in 5th house8in vrishchik9 with no malefic influence ,It would also give extreme gains. If +ars is devoid of any malefic influence and is placed in #2th house. In other words, .7ahu would be giving neechbhang 7a= :oga. /imilarly. Fhen 7ahu goes exalted in 5th house 81rish9.with no malefic influence on it and assuming that its rashi lord 1enus is also well placed and in strength then this 7ahu would be extremely beneficial. !lways remember. 6'N'7!**: .+'70G7: and 1'NG/ gives extreme gains in 5th house 8No malefic i nfluence9. The placement of 1enus and +ercury in 5th house would be much +?7' beneficial If 1enus and +ercury are the lords of rd, th, 5th, ##th and #$th houses !lso when 1enus and +ercury has 3'N@7!!@)I;!TI dosh In some conditions like upiter in 5th house being the lord of 4th house is also very good. 8But N? malefic influence should be present on this upiter9 /aturn and +ars are generally very bad in 5th house. Gnless /aturn or +ars is strong 8in mitr rashi, uchh rashi etc9 in 5th and have an aspect of strong upiter on it. also remember when /un and +oon are the lords of 5th house, they becomes Neutral8neither good nor bad9. If /un or +oon is strong in 5th house with no malefic influence, they can also confer huge gains. /uppose 7ahu is in mesh in $nd house and +ars is aspecting it from 5th house i n Tula rashi. Now, I& there is no shubh @rishti on this 7ahu of $nd house as well as no other shubh @rishti on 5th house. !nd If upiter, +oon and +ercury are weak in chart then. &ollowing results will follow corresponding to above conditions. #9 Indulgence in activities like smoking and drinking. $9 0lashes in family 9 /taying away from the family. 9 /hort tempered in the speech 8will even abuse fre
How to analyze married life I think, analysis of married life, attracts almost whole of the world. There i s hardly any person on this planet who does not want to know about this knowledge. 7eason is very simple, people are most concerned about this area of life, and this concern is genuine too, as its only the spouse which is actually responsible for lineage extension of native. /o let%s not waste any time. Fhat all basic factors have to be used to analyKe marriage lifeL I have seen that even astrologers, fail to follow all the steps in se
c9 'xalted 3etu, is accentuating the po wer of 1enus many times 8It will act as an amplifier9 and since it is not i n close con=unction with 1enus, may lead to only minimal misunderstandings, which from the another angle is diluted by the presence of upiter-good 9 Though 7ahu 87ahu is placed in th cusp instead of Ath cusp9 is not conducive in Ath house but since it is exalted plus aspected by shubh 1enus, it is very auspicious for the results of Ath house. 87ahu as you know generally gives the result of its rashi lordO planet aspecting or =oining it. In this case no planet is =oining 7ahu and is only aspected by 1enus 8Ath*ord9, therefore 7ahu will purely give the fal of 1enus which is incidentally the Ath lord, so 7ahu is in full symphony with Ath house, though actually in th cusp, so should be taken in th house only9- good (9 Ath lord 1enus aspecting its own house, further adding to the strength of Ath house-good 9 Ath house from 1enus and Ath house from Ath lord both are under the same influence, as present from the angle of lagan. 8That is exalted 7ahu and swarashi aspect of the lord 1enus9.good A9 1enus karaka for marriage and Ath lord, gaining argala from upiter, +ars and moon 8/aturn, mercury and sun in #$th, because of their degrees are not obstructing the argala of upiter and mars in $nd )ouse9-good 59 /trong $nd *ord and placement of #$th, ##th 8!s per 0usp9 and Ath lord 81enus9 in 3endra from both lagan and moon chart.-good T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. Now coming to @-4 0hart 8In @-4 chart, most important thing from the angle of married life is #st house, #st lord and its depositor, (th house, (th lord and its depositor, 1enus and its depositor9 #9 The lord of the navamsa lagan is placed in 4th house in freinds sign under the aspect of 4th lord sun- good $9 1enus 8+arriage kakarka and Ath lord9 is placed in @-4 ,$nd house, un-afflicted- 6ood as Navamsa lagan is not afflicted. 9 Ath house in Navamsa chart has own sign mercury in it- 6ood. 9 1enus is not in trine to +ars or 7ahu (9 Navamsa lagan has auspicious influence of mercury and =upiter. T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. !s per nadi yotish #9 1enus is the karaka for marriage, Fhen we move from 1enus to +ars 8anticlockwise9, the more the number of malefic planets between them, more would be the problems in married life, In this chart, when we move from 1enus to +ars, no planet is there in between them except upiter, which is again a sign of auspiciousness in marriage-good $9 0on=unction of 1enus with 3etu 8not the close one, degree gap of approx #4 degree9.0annot be called as con=unction, therefore will cause some disturbance in married life, which again get offset by the 8A(C9 aspect of upiter on 1enus from $nd house 8this is known as f rontal aspect9...3etu, #22C aspect on venus will make the spouse religious minded- good 9 /aturn, +ars and 7!)G are not in trine to 1enus, otherwise they would have cause serious problems-good 9 +ercury is not in trine to upiter or 3etu- good (9 1enus is not in trine to moon or 7ahu either- good 9 'xalted /aturn is placed in ##th house from 1enus 8as per cusp chart9, when an exalted planet aspects any planet, it transfers a lot of power to the aspected planet, especially in the cases where both the aspected and aspecting one are dearfast friends. Indeed ?wn signs upiter placed in #st cusp is also getting benefited f rom /aturn%s aspect. A9 !ll the above mentioned points should be seen for their applicability in @-4 and @-2 charts
T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. 'tc. !s per +oon%s chart #9 Ath *ord sun strong as placed in 4th house 8auspicious98gaining neechbhang bal because of 1enus presence in #2th house9 with #st lord and (th lord /aturn and mercury respectively, association of /aturn with sun may lead to some misunderstanding 8also because /aturn and mercury are also 5th and #$th lord.9-6ood $9 upiter aspecting the Ath house from moon with no other malefic aspect-6ood T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. +oon chart from 0usp chart Things are again good, plK check yourself. !s per aimini #9 Gpapad coming in $nd house, where Gpapad lord is swarashi and well placed in lagan, cusp, @-4 charts, placed with mitr8friend9 mars-laganesh 8good9 and aspected by /aturn being th lord, !spect of /aturn may cause some stiffness.8but aspect of /aturn is not there on $nd house as per cusp chart9. ?n the contrary its aspect on Gpa pad lord will give stability to marriage since it is also exalted. $9 $nd house from Gpapad is empty and the lord is exalted. 86ood98+oon is placed in $nd house from Gpa padrd house, as per cusp chart9-6ood. 9 Ath and 5th house from Gpapad are again empty well aspected by auspicious upiter and mars. 86ood9 9 !*A comes in th house, auspiciously influenced by the placement of 4th lord moon 8which has dig, ;aksha, chestha and sthan B!*9 86ood9 (9 *ord of !*A again exalted. 86ood9 T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. 'tc. !s per @-A 0hart #9 Ath house occupied by the Ath lord upiter, +oon and /aturn-good $9 +arriage 3araka 1enus and Ath lord 8&rom *agan chart9 is getting swarashi in $nd house-good 9 No malefic influences are there on the $nd, (th and Ath houses of @-A chart. T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. !s per @-2 0hart #9 Ath lord mercury is exalted and is placed in #2th house, with no malefic aspects- good $9#st and 4th lord together are placed in Ath house8upiter and sun also happens to be freind- good 9 1enus not in trine with +ars or 7ahu or /aturn-good T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here. 'tc. !s per Nakshatra Briefly" Though 1enus is placed in the yeshtha nakshatra8mercury being the lord9 and 7ahu is placed in suns Nakshatra., still it will lead few misunderstandings as +ercury is in the nakshatra of upiter8therefore under the disposal of upiter9 and sun is in nakshatra ;arivartan with 7ahu, therefore no issues. T)?G6) T)'7' !7' /TI** +!N: &!0T?7/ *'&T, but @G' T? TI+' 0?N/T7!INT, I am limiting myself over here.
!nd !B?1' !**, dashas should be favorableD you may go through the dasha se
Right time for intercourse Ast"olo*!&all+-R!*ht T!me %o" !nte"&ou"se This being an extremely sensitive issue, is rarely discussed in astrological conferences and communities therefore I want to take it up and discuss the concepts related to it in detail. In the modern times, because of the Eignorance factorE astrological knowledge is continuously getting confined to its lowest level. This has in turn resulted in the degradation of the society as whole. The reason for Pwhy I have used the term - degradationE lies in the fact that the time when the couple have intercourse plays a huge role in deciding the characteristics and fortune of the unborn child. The tithi, )ora, lagan, nakshatra etc 8at that time9 all plays a huge role in assessing the
#29 Nakshatras in which malefic planets are placed. ##9 7ashi in which malefic planets are placed #$9 th tithi of /hukla and 3rishna ;aksha. #9 0haturdashi, ashtami, amavasya on any festival and full moon of /urya sankrati. #9 ?n /unday, /aturday, and Tuesday. #(9 &irst nights of the monthly periods of the women. Now before going further would like to focus on this #(th point. !s per our texts the women could be declared pure enough for intercourse 8In modern language, the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases will not be present9 only after the nights of the monthly periods. )owever There may or may not be the possibility of successful intercourse8 which makes the woman pregnant9 but in case it results into pregnancy then the following results concerning with the child will take place with respect to the night of period in which an intercourse is happening. 8These nights have to be counted from the day of the commencement of the months menses of the woman9 ?n the th night itself- Fill result into a male child of short life span. ?n the (th night - Fill result into a normal girl child. ?n the th night- Fill result into a male child who will expand the family. ?n the Ath night - Fill result into a girl child who would not be capable of conceiving. ?n the 5th night - Fill result into a male child. ?n the 4th night - Fill result into a very beautiful girl child. ?n the #2th night- Fill result into a male child who will lord over many and will ac
If the rashis mentioned in the above points are odd then male child would be born and girl child would be born in the vice versa condition. Note" he last $ 6hatika 85 minutes9 of ;oorna Tithi 8(th, #2th, #(th9 and the first $ 6hatika 85 minutes9 of Nanda Tithi 8#st, th, ##th9 are known as Tithi 6andant. The last half 6hatika 8#$ minutes9 of +eena and first half 6hatika 8#$ minutes9 of +esh, the last half 6hatika 8#$ minutes9 of 3ark and first half 6hatika 8#$ minutes9 of /imh, the l ast half 6hatika 8#$ minutes9 of 1rishchik and first half 6hatika 8#$ minutes9 of @hanu are known as *agan 6andant.