Climatic zones/Characteristic ot-dry ot-dry zone/D zone/Dese esert rt type type of climat climat 5° To To 30° 30° Nort Northh-So Sout uth h of Equa Equato to
location wester western n and centra centrall part part of India India eg. eg. Jais Jaisal alme mer, r, Jod Jodhp hpur ur and and Sola Solapu purr Bhuj,
landscape and vegetation Region Region is usuall usually y flat flat with with sandy sandy or rock rocky y grou ground nd cond condit itio ions ns and and ver very y litt little le vegetation Soil - dusty and dry subsoil water is low
Costal parts of India eg. eg. Mum Mumba bai, i, Chen Chenna naii and and Calc Calcut utta ta surat, costal areas of gujarat
Region is usually flat with abundant vege vegeta taio ion n due due to high high humi humidi dity ty Soil - damp and eroded Mosquitoes and termites causes nuisan
Desert Climate more close to the equator has a short warm-humid season of not more than one month. Away from the equator, there may be a cool winter with a slight increase in rainfall altitude not more than 500m above main sea level Warm himid zone 0° to 15° 15° Nor North th-S -Sou outh th of Equa Equato torr (season change is negligible) altitude not more than 100m above main sea level
Moderate zone
eg. Pune and Banglore sapu saputa tara ra,, Dan Dang g regi region on of guja gujara ratt
Composite zone
Central parts of India eg. New Delhi, Kanpur and Allahabad
Region is hilly or high plateau region with with fair fairly ly abun abunda dant nt vege vegeta tati tion on
Varies with landscape and season
Cold old clo clou udy zone one
N. par partt of of in india and and pla place ce at high igh alt altit itud ude e High High land land reg region ion wit with h abu abund ndan antt eg. Ooty, Ooty, shmila, shmila, Shillong, Shillong, Mahabal Mahabaleshwa eshwarr vegetation vegetation shrinagar itude is 1200m above main sea lvl.
Cold sunny zone
eg. Leh and Mount Abu
Mountainous region with very little vegetation cold desert
solar radiation dire direct ct and and inte intens nse e sol solar ar radi radiat atio ion n high as 800-950 W/sq,mt clear clear sky, sky, long long wave wave radi radiat atio ion n at nigh nightt diff diffus use e rad rad.. du durin ring du dust/h t/haze aze tim time e Almost same throughout year except
air temperature summ summer er - high high - 43° 43° to to 49° 49° C duri during ng day day time time and and 24° 24° to to 30° 30° C (15° (15°-2 -25° 5°C) C) winter 27° to 32° C during day time and 10° to 18° C during night t Aver Averag age e mon month thly ly temp temp.. : 30° 30° to to 35° 35°C C Diu Diurnal rnal ran range exc excee eed ding ing 15 15°C for for mos mostt of of th the yea yearr Average monthly temp. : 30° to 35°C Annual range in excess of 15°C
High diffuse diffuse radiation radiation during during cloudy cloudy period period summer - high high - 26° to 32° C during during day time time and 21° to 27°C 27°C during during night Strong direct radiation during clear sky (afterwinter 25° to 30° C during day time and 20° to 25° C during night Average monthly temp. : 20°C to 30°C ce Diurnal range less than 08°C for most of the year Annual range @ 14° C
Almost same throughout year except places located at height
summer - high - 30° to 35° C during day time and 17° to 24°C during nigh winter 27° to 33° C during day time and 16° to 18° C during night The altitude will cause a drop of atleast 4°C in average temp. in comparisio adjacent low lands. Diurnal range is high (greater than 10°C) , annual range is low
intens intense e direct direct radiat radiation ion during during summer summer intense diffused radiation during monsoon
summer summer - high high - 32° 32° to 43° C duri during ng day time time and and 21° to 27° 27° C during during nig warm humid - 27°C to 32°C during daytime and 24°C to 27°C during night time winter 21° to 27° C during day time and 04° to 10° C during nig Average monthly temp greater than 30°C in summer Average monthly temp. less than 15°C in winter Diurnal range in summer is greater than 10°C
intense intense diffused diffused radiat radiation ion with with low percent percent of direct radiation in winter
summer - pleasent pleasent - 20 20 to 30 C during during day day time and and 17 to 27 27 C during during nig nig winter -cool 04 to 08 C during day time and -03 to 04 C during night ti
intense intense solar solar radiation radiation and low low percentage percentage of diffused radiation
summer - high high - 17 to to 24 C durin during g day time time and 04 to 11 11 C during during night night ti winter -07 to 08 C during day time and -14 to 0 C during night tim
relative humidity precipitation wind very very low low - 25% 25% to to 40% 40% Annu Annual al Prec Precip ipit itat atio ion n < 500 500 mm Loca Locall Win Wind d may may rais raise e dus dustt and and crea create te dust dust Dry Climate Very low annual rainfall often whirl winds occur during dust storms increase in cooler/wet season (50 to 150 mm per annum. Flash storIntensity storIntensity increases from dawn to the aftern 10% to 55% occurs in limited area resulting into 4and to drop at sunset. t bulb pressure 750-1500 N/sq.rainfall while some region may not h High winds at low level due to lack of ve ge rainfall for several years.)
Absolute humidity is usually steady, thus relative humidity fluctuates with temp. very very high high - 55 55 to to 100 100% % Annual nual Prec Precip ipiitati tation on > 120 1200 0 mm mm 85% to 100% during monsoon 1200-1800 mm/annum t bu bulb press ressur ure e 17 1750-2 50-25 500 N/sq /sq 200200-2 250mm 50mm in th the wet wette test st mon month some someti time mes s 250 250 mm rain rainfa fall ll in a sing singll strom of few hours
Dry periods - 20% to 55% monsoon periods - 55% to 90 90% n with
Annual Precipitation > 1000 mm Winter is dry period
Dry Dry per perio iods ds - 20% 20% to 25% 25% Annu Annual al Prec Precip ipit itat atio ion n 500 500 -13 -1300 00 mm monsoon periods - 55% to 95% t time
high - 70% to 80%
Annual Precipitation @ 1000 mm evenly distributed throughout year
low - 10% to 50%
Annual Precipitation < 200 mm
From rom on one or or tw two dir direc ecti tion ons s wit with h spe speed ed from extremely low to very high trad trade e win wind d - 6 to to 7 m/se m/sec. c. High High velo veloci city ty duri during ng cycl cyclon one e
High during summer
wint winter er - nor north th-e -eas astt- dry dry col cold d win winds ds summer - hot dusty.
monsoon - south-east - strong winds Cold wind in winter season
Occasionally intense
sky condition design criteria Clear dark blue sky with high solar radiation duri resist heat gain: dayt daytim ime e caus causin ing g an unco uncomf mfor orta tabl ble e glar glare e decr decrea ease se expo expose sed d surf surfac ace e area area luminance of clear blue sky - 1700 to 2500 cd/sq.increase cd/sq.increase thermal resistance luminance of dusty sky - @ 850 cd/sq.m cd/sq.m (sand st increase thermal capacity (time lag) luminance of dusty white white haze - 3500 to 10000 increase buffer spaces due to dust suspended in the sky (ventilation during day time) Dust Dust haze haze may may crea create te pain painfu full lly y brig bright ht sky sky incr increa ease se shad shadin ing g increase surface reflectivity promote heat loss: ventilation of appliances time) cooling) overcast during monsoon Reduce heat gain: clear or broken clouds with high brightness exce decrease exposed surface area monsoon stroms increase thermal resistance sky lu luminance - 1700 to to 25 2500 cd cd/sq.m increase bu buffer sp spaces increase shading increase surface reflectivity promote heat loss: ventilation of appliances the day) decrease humidity levels Clear sky except occasional presence resist heat gain: of low, dense cloud during summer. decrease exposed surface area increase thermal resistance increase shading increase surface reflectivity promote heat loss: ventilation of appliances increase air exchange rate (ventilation) The sky is overcast and dull in the moonsoon winter: Clear Clear winter winter and occausi occausion on blaze blaze in in summ summer er decrea decrease se expose exposed d surf surface ace area increase thermal resistance increase thermal capacity (time lag) increase buffer spaces decrease air exchange rate increase shading increase surface reflectivity promote heat loss in summer and monsoon: ventilation of appliances increase air exchange rate (ventilation) increase humidity levels in dry summer decrease humidity levels in monsoon over overca cas st th throug rougho hou ut yea yearr exc excep eptt su summer mmer res resist ist hea heatt los loss: s: decrease exposed surface area increase thermal resistance increase thermal capacity (time lag) increase buffer spaces decrease air exchange rate increase surface absorptivity promote heat gain: reduce shading utilise heat from appliances trapping heat Clea Clearr thro throug ugho hout ut the the yea yearr wit with h clou cloud d cove coverr resi resist st hea heatt los loss: s: of less than 50% decrease exposed surface area increase thermal resistance increase thermal capacity (time lag) increase buffer spaces decrease air exchange rate increase surface absorptivity promote heat gain: reduce shading utilise heat from appliances trapping heat
physical manifestation north-south orientation and compact building layout. Use of small windows and openings to minimise direct solar gains Use of insulation on external surface of building envelope use of thick external wall with high thermal mass to cool spaces used during day-time. air locks/lobbies/balconies/verandahs to admit little sun, and to cut glare weather stripping and scheduling air changes. Reduce ventilation during the day time external surfaces protected by overhangs,fins and trees light color, glazed china and mosaic tiles etc. provide windows/exhausts shaded internal courtyards/patios/wind tower/arrangement of openings. Provide Flat roofsas sleeping areas in summer trees (vegetation), water ponds for evaporating cooling orientation and shape of building roof insulation and wall insulation & reflective surface of roof balconies and verandahs walls, glass surfaces protected by overhangs, fins and trees pale color, glazed china mosaic tiles etc. provide windows/exhausts ventilated roof construction, courtyards, wind towers and arrangement of openings dehumidifiers / desiccant cooling orientation and shape of building roof insulation and ease and west wall insulation east and west walls, glass surfaces protected by overhangs, fins and trees pale color, glazed china mosaic tiles etc. provide windows/exhausts courtyards/wind tower/arrangement of openings orientation and shape of building. Use of trees and wind barriers roof insulation and wall insulation thicker walls air locks/lobbies/balconies/verand locks/lobbies/balconies/verandahs ahs weather stripping walls, glass surfaces protected by overhangs, fins and trees pale color, glazed china mosaic tiles etc. provide windows/exhausts courtyards/wind tower/arrangement of openings trees, water ponds for evaporating cooling dehumidifiers / desiccant cooling orientation and shape of building. Use of trees and wind barriers roof insulation, wall insulation and double glazing thicker walls air locks/lobbies/balconies weather stripping darker colors expose more walls and glass surface sun spaces/green houses/trombe walls etc. orientation and shape of building. Use of trees and wind barriers roof insulation, wall insulation and double glazing thicker walls air locks/lobbies/balconies weather stripping darker colors expose more walls and glass surface sun spaces/green houses/trombe walls etc.