This This chapte chapterr provid provides es an introd introduct uction ion to this this resea research rch study study,, includ including ing the introduction, background of the study, objectives of the study, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, scope and delimitation and definition of terms.
Burger is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun. Hamburgers are often served with lettuce, baco bacon, n, toma tomato to,, onio onion, n, pick pickle les, s, chee cheese se and and cond condim imen ents ts such such as must mustar ards ds,, mayonnaise, ketchup, relish and green chili. The term hamburger originally derives from Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city. n High German, Burg means !fortified settle settlemen ment" t" or !forti !fortifie fied d refuge refuge"" and is a widesp widesprea read d compon componen entt of place place names. names. Hamburger in German is the demonym of Hamburg, similar to #rankfurter and wiener, names for the other meat$ based foods and demonyms of the cities of #rankfurt and %ienna &'ien(, respectively. The term !burger", a back$ formation, is associated with many different types of sandwiches similar to a ground meat hamburger, sometimes of different meats like the buffalo burger, venison, kangaroo, turkey, elk, lamb, salmon burger or veggie burger. Burger is introduced in late )*+’s by the westerns coloni-ed the hilippines. /owadays, /owadays, you can find all kinds of burgers ranging from simple to the e0tremely e0tremely complicate complicated. d. 1ou have have your tradition traditional al burger$ burger$ plain, plain, tender, tender, not made complicated by adding too many flavors. )
There are some restaurants that offer ridiculous burgers which by their si-e, it makes the consumer physically impossible to take a bite. 2egardless of the varieties, people are enticed that great burger should give a sense of comfort because of the deliciousness and juicy feeling when you take a bite. However, burgers can contribute to weight gain and have other harmful effects to consumer health. 3ccording to the study of 4tein who speciali-es in weight loss and sports nutrition, the author stated that eating burger will gain weight if the customer consumes more calories than the normal e0pend. Burgers can be high$ calorie foods. 4tein added that a double hamburger is twice the calories. #rench fries large with a regular soft drink. The researcher found that the burgers can be high in dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. These can raise levels of cholesterols in your blood and increase your risk of getting cardiovascular disease or heart disease. n addition, to the previous statement, burgers can be high in sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure and an increase risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. 2esearch has also shown that foods in high in fat increase the risk of cancer. 3ccording to the research conducted by the hilippine Health 4tatistics and 5epartment of Health, 6ardiovascular disease or better known as Heart 5isease is the leading illness that caused #ilipino’s death. 57H cited the main cause of the problem is the poor lifestyle of the #ilipino. %arious factors considered as poor lifestyle. t may be vicious habits, physical activity and nutrition. To address and to be aware of this current situation or problem that most #ilipino people are having, researchers would like to the target population to lessen 8
the risk of having heart disease9 cardiovascular, stroke, hypertension or high blood pressure and even risk of getting cancer. The study centre is the health benefits getting from modification of the traditional beef patty to banana blossom patty. The researchers desire to make best use of the resources for known as tropical country. Banana tree is major staple food crop for millions of people in developing countries. n the hilippines, bananas are cooked in ways that are similar to potatoes. 3 #ilipino person relates the banana tree is the ideal to look up to when it comes to a no wastage policy because almost parts of banana tree can be used. 2esearchers conduct a study through the method of :uestioning how banana blossom can be tasted like beef patty and what are the health benefits will banana blossom produce. Here are the following; bananas help lower cholesterol, it facilitates reduction of cholesterol level because of four main water$ soluble fibres such as pectin, psyllium, guar gum and beta glucan effectively lower without causing any kind of disturbance. 3nother health benefit is bananas cut down risk of stroke. 3ccording to the study of the /ew
3 juicy burger can be an enticing treat for a :uick lunch or casual dinner, and you can find a fast$food burger on what seems like every street corner. 5espite their deliciousness, however, burgers can contribute to weight gain and have other harmful effects on your health. The healthiest approach is to save burgers for occasional treats and instead select more nutritious alternatives. 'hat you may not reali-e is that when chowing down on that beef patty, you could be ingesting much more than what’s listed on the menu. Here are ) things to be aware of when ordering a burger > and the reasons you?re better off making your burger at home. 1. Ammonia: ink slime > a mechanically separated meat product that is treated with
ammonia to kill bacteria > is used as a low$cost ground beef filler. Though a handful of fast food establishments ditched the ingredient after recent controversy, it’s still lurking in many ground meat products, including those used by restaurants. 2. Fat: Trans$fat is known to raise cholesterol levels and has been linked to heart
disease; however, the 57H currently allows a food to be labeled trans$fat free if it has less than half a gram. 'hile most fast food chains get under this .+ limit, their burgers still contain the unhealthy fat and restaurant varieties can have up to 8.+ grams. lus, some food chains pack almost + grams of fat into each burger. That’s well over the healthy range, which is between )@ to =) grams per day, depending on your calorie intake.
. Ca!o"i#$: Burgers from popular food chains like Burger Aing and c5onald’s have
upwards of ), calories, more than half a days’ worth for many people, in just one meal. %. A&&iti'#$: #ood establishments and manufacturers use a variety of additives &like
sodium phosphate and nitrates( to serve various purposes like preserving and te0turi-ing the meat. 'hile most are deemed safe for consumption by the 57H, they’re still highly processed and have even been linked to side effects in some people. (. H)n&"#&$ o* +o,$: 3 single fast food hamburger can contain beef from hundreds
of different cattle as ground meat from all of a chain’s suppliers is often combined into a single batch of minced meat. This increases the risk of contamination, since infected meat from just one cow can show up in tons of batches. -. Mo"# tan /)$t m#at: any consumers assume that their patty came straight from
the muscle of a cow, but in actuality, the ground beef used to make many fast food burgers contains other waste and by$products. 7ne study went as far as to say that fast food burgers aren’t made up of much !meat" at all and instead consist of almost + percent water in addition to by$products like bone, cartilage, connective tissue, and nerve tissue. 0. So&i)m: 3 burger at your local fast food joint contains almost + milligrams of
sodium, while the patty at dine$in food chains could pack in between = and C milligrams well over the 57H’s recommendation of ),+ milligrams per day, and even surpassing the upper limit recommendation of no more than 8,= milligrams daily.
. T# )n: 'hen it comes to the bread sandwiching your burger, enriched flour
&which is devoid of nutrients( is the least of your problems. any types of bread contain over 8 ingredients, and included in the list is ammonium sulfate &also used in fertili-ers(, ammonium chloride &found in e0plosives(, high fructose corn syrup, anda-odicarbonamide &an ingredient also used to make yoga mats(. 3. To44in5$: #or many, a burger isn’t complete without loading on the toppings. But
the ones commonly ordered at restaurants are loaded with sugar, fat, and calories. The most popular condiment, ketchup, is filled with high fructose corn syrup, while a single slice of cheese can add up to 8 calories and + milligrams of sodium ¬ to mention, it’s highly processed with preservatives and artificial colors and flavors(. 16. Po"tion $i7#: The recommended serving si-e for meat is C ounces, or the si-e of a
deck of cards. However, the typical serving si-e at restaurants is more than double that, weighing in between @ and )8 ounces.
The objective of this research is to develop and evaluate the health benefits of banana blossom compared with the usual beef patty. This banana blossom patty an alternative burger patty and cheaper in cost compared with the e0isting beef patty. a. To develop a banana blossom patty that comprises &composition of banana patty.. ingredients( b. To improve the packaging materials for the proposed banana blossom patty c. To provide an alternative process and ingredients for a burger patty d. To evaluate the banana blossom patty as substitute to the e0isting beef patty for effective alternative use in burger sandwich.
The study aims to modify the poor lifestyle of the consumer by improving the health benefits from the burger consumption. The researchers would like to determine the difference of e0isting product$ traditional beef patty and new invented product$ banana blossom patty. The aspect considered for this study is pricing and costing, taste, distinctiveness and packaging of the two different products. %ariables other than what is specified will not be treated in the research. arketing strategy is not included to the study.
$being aware of what we eat is imperative to an overall healthy and happy life. Man)*a+t)"#"
$due to the distinctiveness of the study, it may be a magnet for other consumer to try the new product because of the health benefits and cheap cost. R#$#a"+#"
$would like to study the benefits and help the people to modify their lifestyle and to apply the innovation in all works. E&)+ationa! Si5ni*i+an+#
$this study is important to the researchers for applying all the theoretical knowledge into concrete facts. T#+no!o5i+a! Si5ni*i+an+#
$this study can enhance :uality of life by producing a new idea from the natural resources So+io; #+onomi+ Si5ni*i+an+#
$this study is to promote economic prosperity, a healthy community, and social well$ being.
Hamburger$ is a sandwich consisting of one or more cooked patties of ground
meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun. Banana blossom$ is the flower of banana