Phylogenetic q/T Carbon ∆ H ° H – TS halobacteria equilibrium entropy thermoacidophile polymer
"# $he mot abundant chemical element in the human body i %%%%%# An& C 'e(el o Diiculty& Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-5. The Origin of Life +# E(olutionary relationhip can be compared uing a %%%%%% tree# An& A 'e(el o Diiculty& Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-2. Eukaryotes ,# $he organim mot li-ely to be ound in a b rine olution .ould be %%%%%%# An& F 'e(el o Diiculty& Diiculty& Eay Section: 1-1. Prokaryotes
/# $he organim mot li-ely to be ound in high temperature en(ironment .ould be %%%%%%# An& I 'e(el o Diiculty& Diiculty& Eay
*ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes
Mutipe Choice 0# $he atmophere o early earth probably contained the molecule& A) H+12 C1+2 3+ 2 CH/2 and 3H,# B) H+12 C1+2 CH/2 C4H4142 and 3H,# C) H+12 C1+2 CH/2 C4H4142 and C11HCH+ 3H,# D) H+12 C1+2 CH/2 C11HCH+ 3H,2 and 3H,# E) none o the abo(e An& A 'e(el o Diiculty& 5oderate *ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes 4# $he biological claiication ytem categori6e organim into the domain& A) bacteria2 eu-arya2 and (ertebrate# B) archaea and eu-arya# C) bacteria2 eu-arya2 and archaea# D) eu-arya and bacteria# E) none o the abo(e An& C 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes 7# $he theory o e(olution include the principle& A) e(olution i not directed to.ard a peciic goal# B) e(olution i ongoing2 and i contrained by it pat# C) e(olution require ome sloppiness or adaptation to change# D) A and B E) A2 B2 and C An& E 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-5. The Origin of Life 8# $he term molecular weight i a term ued by biochemit that reer to A) the denity o a particle# B) a dimenionle quantity that i deined a the ratio o the ma o the particle to "9"+ the
ma o a "+C atom# C) Dalton di(ided by the ma o a hydrogen atom# D) all o the abo(e E) none o the abo(e An& B 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes :# ;hich o the i a imilarity bet.een all pro-aryote and all eu-aryote< A) Both contain D3A in a nucleu B) Both contain certain o the ame membrane bound cell organelle =li-e mitochondria2 Golgi comple>e etc) C) Both ha(e a cyto-eleton D) All o the abo(e are imilaritie bet.een pro-aryote and eu-aryote E) 3one o the abo(e are imilaritie bet.een pro-aryote and eu-aryote An& E 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes! 1-2. Eukaryotes "?# ;hich o the tatement concerning pro-aryote i ale< A) Pro-aryote are made up o t.o ma@or grouping& the eubacteria and the archaea2 .hich are a dierent rom each other a rom the eu-aryote# B) Pro-aryote are generally much maller than the eu-aryotic cell# C) Pro-aryote are one branch o the ne.er2 more accurate phylogenic tree made up o pro-arya2 archaea and eu-arya D) Pro-aryote do not ha(e organelle E) 3one o the abo(e are ale An& C 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes! 1-2. Eukaryotes ""# ;hich o the i not true o eu-aryote& A) $hey contain organelle li-e mitochondria2 chloroplat2 riboome2 and a nucleu B) $hey are uually "? to "?? micron in diameter C) $hey can be both uni or multicellular D) $hey are alo called archaea E) All o the abo(e are true o eu-aryote
An& D 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-2. Eukaryotes "+# ;hich o the tatement i not true about the theorie o =bio)chemical e(olution& A) During chemical e(olution2 imple organic molecule =monomer) condened to orm more comple> molecule =polymer) .hich then began to replicate baed upon complementarity# B) 5arguli uggeted that mitochondria and chloroplat e(ol(ed rom the reult o a ymbiotic relationhip bet.een primordial pro-aryotic and eu-aryotic cell# C) $he irt cell .ere probably ormed .hen elreplicating ytem .ere en(eloped in membranou (eicle D) 1parin and Haldane demontrated by paing an electrical dicharge through a (eel containing H+12 C1+2 3+ 2 CH/ and 3H, ho. ome baic biological building bloc- =li-e imple amino acid) could ha(e arien abiotically in the earth early atmophere E) $he 3A .orld hypothei a propoed by ;oee2 Cric- and 1rgel tate that 3A2 intead o protein2 .a the irt el replicating biochemical molecule that e(ol(ed becaue 3A could ha(e both tored genetic inormation and perormed the catalytic role neceary or primiti(e elreplication An& D 'e(el o Diiculty& 5oderate *ection& 1-5. The Origin of Life ",# ;hich o the tatement i =are) not true& A) 5arguli propoed the endoymbiotic theory to e>plain the e(olution o mitochondria and chloroplat# B) ;oee propoed the ne. phylogenic tree that di(ide li(ing organim into the , domain o bacteria2 archaea and eu-arya baed upon genetic relationhip rather than ob(iou morphological imilaritie# C) rey and 5iller conducted an e>periment that in(ol(ed par-ing a mi>ture o 3H,2 CH/2 H+1 and H+ gae to yield amino acid2 ome o the undamental building bloc- o lie# D) All o the abo(e E) 3one o the abo(e An& E 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-5. The Origin of Life "/# Halophile and thermoacidophile are A) early (erion o eu-aryotic cell# B) highly e(ol(ed or their peciic en(ironment
C) relati(ely ineicient and une(ol(ed organim D) more comple> than eu-aryote E) e>tremely lo. An& B 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-1. Prokaryotes "0# ;hich o the tatement about (irue i not true& A) irue are much impler than cell B) irue are the implet li(ing organim C) irue lac- the neceary metabolic apparatu to reproduce D) irue are dependent on hot cell E) all the tatement are true An& B 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-2. Eukaryotes "4# $he bul- o aerobic metabolim in eu-aryotic cell ta-e place in A) the endoplamic reticulum B) the nucleu C) the mitochondria D) pero>iome E) the Golgi apparatu An& C 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-2. Eukaryotes "7# 'ynn 5arguli $heory o Enoymbioi i an e>planation or the origin o A) the endoplamic reticulum B) the nucleu C) the mitochondria D) pero>iome E) the Golgi apparatu An& C 'e(el o Diiculty& Eay *ection& 1-2. Eukaryotes