Casting Instructions for 'Latin Rain Spell Spell' Similar Spells VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Weather =>Weather Spells =>Rain =>Rain Storm Spells Chant this while outside and looking at the sky. (If I were you i'd try to memorize this before attempting) "elementum recolligo huic locus. Commodo mihi vestri vox. elementum unda ego dico vos. permissum pluit. is est meus nos sic vadum is exsisto."
Casting Instructions for 'XXX Strong Lust Spell Spell' Similar Spells dark lust of the flame XXX Strong Lust Spell Summoning a Incubus: (1) Hypnotic Love Spell Call Succubus with Blood IncubusBoyfriend1 IncubusBoyfriend3 Summoning a Succubus: (3) SuccubusGirlfriend2 To Draw a New Love to You FEATURED ITEM
Enhance Your Love Life Ritual Kit
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Spell Index =>Love =>Love Spells =>Erotic =>Erotic Spells Bless,Cleanse and Consecrate Consecrate your tools,and sacred space. Masterbate (This is part of the Ritual), and think of you giving him the best sex of their life (this will make the person lust for you) ! Once climax is reached, annoint the red candle with your vaginal fluids. Place the red candle back on the alter on top of the intendeds photo,or paper with the name on it. Concentrate a little more,and imagine intercourse is still going on with that person (meaning imagine their penis still inverted inside you moving in and out). Filled with lust, focus and say:
"Over you I place my touch, For only me,you'll burn with lust! Through day and night,you'll fantasize, Of lying in between my thighs! Dreaming of kissing me up and down, Your penis will harden and stand profound! Throbbing,yearning your body will ache, You'll quiver hard and terribly shake! Craving my vagina,and juicy mouth, You'll fein to stick it in and out! Panting and lusting fierously, You'll come running now to me!" Let the candle burn completely down over the photo or paper with name on it. Once completly melted down,and burned out, gather the wax mold and place under your beds mattress. 2nd Variation: If you can't get a hold of a photo,and don't really want to use can inscr ibe the name of the intended on the candle, and after saying the incantation,just let the candle burn itself down.
Casting Instructions for 'SuccubusGirlfriend2 Spell' Similar Spells dark lust of the flame XXX Strong Lust Spell Summoning a Incubus: (1) Hypnotic Love Spell Call Succubus with Blood IncubusBoyfriend1 IncubusBoyfriend3 Summoning a Succubus: (3) SuccubusGirlfriend2 To Draw a New Love to You FEATURED ITEM
Attract Lover ritual kit
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Spell Index =>Love Spells =>Erotic Spells PLEASE READ!!! essential= Absolutely necessary and extremely important. recommend= Offering suggestions about the best course of action.
optional= Available to be chosen but not obligatory. Personal experience: I had succubus appeared in my dreams many time since 2003 this succubus took the form of a human woman you might know her as Priyanka Chopra she won the Miss World title back in year 2000, my succubus takes her form in order to have sexual intercourse with me, I am happy with my succubus and in a good health. I'm not a religious person but in my personal opinion succubus are part of djinn group and they are being of fire (pure fire or smokeless fire) I say this because my succubus told me so. Requirements: 1. You are 18 or over, If under 18 you must have your parents or guardians permission. 2. You are heterosexual. 3. Willing to have sexual intercourse with supernatural entity. 4. You have little or more experience in the following; meditation, void meditation and lucid dreaming. This works best at any moon phase, best after sunset and before sunrise. Step #1: Put the rose petals all over your bed than get in your quiet private room lock the door, light your candle and burn your incense. Step #2: Sit on your bed and start imagining your succubus is there in your room with you. Imagine her standing and watching you now stand up and start striping for your succubus imagining your succubus enjoying watching you strip once fully striped put the lust oil on your body and than start dancing for her and do this for 10 minutes. Step #3: Than lay on your back on the bed with your face towards the ceiling and imagining your succubus is there on top of you. Step #4: Spread your legs apart imagining your succubus is going down on you. Step #5 As you are imagining your succubus sucking your penis just close your eyelids and take a deep br eath count to three and exhale still imagining your succubus sucking your penis. Step #6 Go over this mental image [sucking] for about 5 minutes and do not get tempted to touch yourself. Step #8 If in the 5 minutes time you start feeling a sort of presence or tingle you don?t normally feel over your body or it might also be a feeling of joy and love that surrounds you, It means you have created you first connection. Step #9 Once the 5 minutes are out, simply lay there and focus on your breathing for 10 minutes. Step #10 Gently and slowly regain normal consciousness and come back to the room.
Whether it worked or not, try practicing this daily if possible and very soon your experiences will get more intense. note: try SuccubusGirlfriend1 first if that don't work than try the above, after 30 days of non -stop practicing if you still feel nothing try my SuccubusGirlfriend3. If you have created yout first connection, If you wish tell me about it. Thank You, Love SunPhoenix...
Casting Instructions for 'Fear Inducer Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
New Beginnings ritual kit
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Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells You place the name inside of the pentagram, there are 5 ways to make your victim scared ---------------------------------------------------Just Your Averaged O_O" Scared: just simply place the name/pic in the pentagram and say "Dark forces, corrupt thy foe and feast on his/her fear, all his nightmares will b e about me...all of the frightening tales he'll hear will e about me in his ears" the next morning when you see him/her at work, school, or just at the grocery store, he/she will look at you like you're gonna strangle him/her in front of everyone Fetal Position: Slice the name/pic in fourths and place each four in the middle of the pentagram, when he sees you he wont help curling into a fetal position as if he just saw his wife/girlfriend/anyone he/she cares about being barbecued. "I Wish I Was Never Born" Scared: Throw the name/pic into the Bonfire and chant "Lucifer, Make thou soul suffer, make his/her heart jump from thy chest to throat. make him/her be very afraid" When you even look at your victim now, you'll be most feared since slender man
Scared (censored)-less: Slice the First letter of his/her name off (If pic, slice off the face) chant "Thou is no more, light be removed from this sorry excuse of a human being and darkness be placed inside of this shriveling monkey" then next day hen he/she sees you he/she will run as if he/she was running from Death Deathly Scared: Slice the pic/name into a star shape and place it in the middle, take the red marker and place a circle in the exterior. chant "Now, lucifer. it is my turn to be feared, i am true Satan. there is no divine power more divine than mine" the next day your victim will act like he/she is staring into the eyes of the devil himself
Casting Instructions for 'Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
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Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells This ritual is carried out only in 29 lunar day. - 10 pm, at the altar light the black candle 13. summon demons (to enhance the power of the ritual). -Make a doll of wax. baptize the doll (the doll name + the name of the enemy ritual of baptism.) Black fabric cut two large cross. little more than a doll. Put the doll on a cross. Top cover doll second cross. After that wraps the doll with black thread. 9 times, and say: ___ (Name your enemy) to put you to a black cross. Covering a black cross. in a black shroud you dress up. From the light I see off to the side of darkness. AN ALU BAR ANABA I point you the way to the churchyard, the grave in a coffin. "
Release the demons (special ritual words). After this, go to graveyard. they find the grave on which erased the name ( do not know who it is). in the center of the grave dig a hole, to a depth of 8-10 yard. put a hole in the doll. and say: "___ (name your enemy), you are going to lie. here is y our new home." Pit covered with soil. After that, at the grave with a ritual knife kill a chicken. chicken to put on the grave (the place where the pit) not to look away, to go home and shut up. with no one to talk. Then in the next 3 days you should not eat meat. ================ The ritual is recommended only for experienced practitioners of black magicians. Beginners and students can do this ritual only under the supervision of a teacher.
Taking Someones Soul Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
New Beginnings ritual kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells the person has to be unable to attack you or harm u in anyway.whisper these words softly only once:
i will have your soul and your body will be my temple my instrument my destruction
while saying these words you must be over the person being close to their mouth while holding it open
Casting Instructions for 'Egyptian Funerary Rite Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
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Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells Anubis is an Egyptian deity that was associated with the mummification and protection of the dead for their journey into the afterlife. He was usually portrayed as a half human, half jackal, or often in full jackal form. He was also depicted as pure black, to symbolize rebirth. Osiris was the Egyptian deity of the afterlife, the dead and the 'underworld.' Through the hope of new life after death Osiris began to be associated with the cycles observed in nature, in particular vegetation and the annual flooding of the Nile, through his links with Orion and Sirius at the start of the new year. He is usually depicted as green in colour, for new life. He wears the 'Atef' crown. Not much is said in Egyptian mythology about Aken, other than the fact that he was the ferryman of the deceased. He travels via the boat. In this rite, he is called upon in order to ensure the safe passing of the deceased person. If you can, do this rite outdoors. If not, inside somewhere is fine. Sit on the ground/floor. Light the candle and the stick of incense that reminds you of your friend. (i.e. if s/he was an outdoorsman, select a woodsy scent like evergreen or sandalwood; if s/he was a homebody, use cinnamon, etc.) If you have it, place the picture of your deceased friend in front of you. If you do not have this, simply visualize the friend in your mind. Pour the 1/2 cup of red wine or apple juice into the fireproof bowl, and warm it slightly using the candle flame. As you are doing so, remember all the good times and memories you have had with said friend. Visualize the deceased friend surrounded by a soft, white glow, safely passing into a better place. Call out to your friend, as say you wish him/her well, or whatever you feel appropriate.
Call out the following: ''Aken! Ferryman of the dead, I ask you kindly to ensure my friend, (insert friend's full name here), safely passes into the Otherworld (or whatever you want to call it.) I thank you.'' ''Osiris! Deity of the underworld, the dead and the afterlife, I request you nicely to assure that my friend, (name here), resides safely in your realm, and is reborn in a happy form. I thank you.'' ''Anubis! Protector and embalmer of the dead, I ask you to please ensure my friend's protection and safety as she progresses. I thank you.'' Now, drink the wine/apple juice, again remembering all the good times you had with that friend and visualize her passing safely, being watched over by the deities mentioned.
Casting Instructions for 'Become a Vampire Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
New Beginnings ritual kit
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Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells First, you need to cast a circle. If you don't know how to do this, then Google it. You can use a wand to help control your energy. Place an item in each direction of the circle as y ou call the elements and invoke the God and Goddess. You can use salt to purify your circle by sprinkling it around the perimeter. Now that all of that is done, we can begin the spell. Sit in the center of the circle, staring down at the photo of yourself. All of your ingredients should be inside of the circle. Light the white candle and sit it next to the photo. Say: "Humanity, Humanity, inside of my soul. For you, I have paid the ultimate toll. My humanity is like my life- It is like a flame. But I am tired of this boring game. Everything is always the same." Pick up your athame/knife and hold it above the photo of yourself. Say: "I no longer want to live or ever tire. I want to die and be reborn. Not as a human, but as a vampire." Stab the photo of yourself with the knife and then pick up the dirt and sprinkle it over the photo. Say: "With this dirt that is part of this world. May my humanity be buried and never return. There's no going back from
this new torment. No longer shall I know humanity. No longer shall I live like others. No longer shall I breathe or eat. I thirst for blood. I live for blood. I breathe for blood. Gods and Goddesses, please fulfill my transformation." Pick up the needle and prick your middle finger (it hurts less on this finger) and then use your blood to put out the flame. Say: "I am reborn. The transformation is complete." Drink the rest of the blood from your wound and then clean everything up. It is best if you do this before bed. The transformation differs from person to person. Okay, hope this spell works for you. Blessed Be )O(
Casting Instructions for 'Cobweb Binding Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
New Beginnings ritual kit
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Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells 1. Gather spider webs from your house and a dead fly. Put the fly on the webs. 2. Write on virgin paper: "North South East West Spiders web shall bind him best East West North South Holds his limbs and stops his mouth Seal his eyes and choke his breath Wrap him 'round with ropes of death!" 3. Fold the paper 4 times. Place the paper, webs and fly o nto some black cloth. 4. Bind the cloth together at the four corners so it makes a little bag with the paper, webs and fly inside. Then hang this in any dark corner undisturbed until it gets coated thickly with dust. Lastly, after this has happened, bury it.
Hex Removal Spells You will need the following items for this spell:
Well maybe someone's put a hex on you. Here's a spell to undo what's been done!
Casting Instructions for 'Hex Removal Spells Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells
In the dark of the moon, spread a table with some cloth of a dark color. Ragged and dusty. At the four corners, set black candles unlit. In the center of the table, set a open wooden box. On a small flat stone, enscribe your enemy's name reversed. Spit upon it and set it within the box. Light the four candles with a burning straw or taper. Cast into the box a handful of bitter weeds: chicory, dandelion, etc. Fix the curse with these words... That thou shalt be turned into a stone, And that all thy wits shall be turned front to back, And that over thy face the loathsomeness shall creep, And that as in a coffin thy limbs shall be bound, And that light shall be withheld from thine eyes, And that thy house and lands shall be impoverished and spoiled, And that all the nourishment shall taste to thy toungue as wormwood, And that shou shalt be held alien from thy fellow man, And that these things shall be so until I release thee, I spread this table and mark this stone And spit upon it and conceal it, And light these candles and apply these poisons, And fix this curse upon thee In the names of the Four Fires Whose names are RIL, YUT, SAR, and LOD, Who shall consume thee as they are con
Casting Instructions for 'Witches Hand Shake Spell' Similar Spells Akasha's Money Powder Good Day Spell Meet a Secret Agent (For Real) WISHING SPELL The Job Spell ARCHANGEL WISH SPELL To Get A Job Get an A+ Spell Incantation for Skill Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM
Money Drawing Ritual Kit
SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Job Spells
Extend your right index finger and lightly touch the wrist of the person exactly where the pulse is felt . by touching the pulse it throws the acquaintance completely off his balance for just an instant , but in that instant plant an initial thought, ( example : I am the one you want for the job ) this really works and is cool try it
Casting Instructions for 'Wealth Spell' Similar Spells Akasha's Money Powder Good Day Spell Meet a Secret Agent (For Real) WISHING SPELL The Job Spell ARCHANGEL WISH SPELL To Get A Job Get an A+ Spell Incantation for Skill Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM
Money Drawing Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Job Spells Say this "dollars green, coins silver, give me great wealth so i can rest. This is my wish so let it be." After that your should yell "money" three time, this is not necesary but it could help.
Casting Instructions for 'To Get A Job Spell' Similar Spells
Akasha's Money Powder Good Day Spell Meet a Secret Agent (For Real) WISHING SPELL The Job Spell ARCHANGEL WISH SPELL To Get A Job Get an A+ Spell Incantation for Skill Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM
Money Drawing Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Job Spells * Find or write an advertisement for a job you have seen in the newspaper or employment agency or for one yo u would like. If you are creating a hypothetical position, be specific about salary, location, etc. The more focused you are, the more powerful the energies you generate from within, but keep a weather eye on reality, so that you are not asking the impossible of the cosmos. * Light a really big, deep blue candle (blue is the colour of Jupiter and excellent for job-hunting) and place it in a holder on a broad metal tray. * Read the advertisement several times so you memorise it and then form it into a taper and slowly burn it in the candle flame, allowing the ash to fall on the tray. * When the paper is burned, gather the ash in a small box or bag. (If it goes out, don't worry - just ''relight it, showing your persistence and determination to get the job.) * Bury it beneath a power tree, such as the oak or ash, if possible on land near to your chosen place of employment. If you cannot find a tree, bury the ash in a pot of mint (mint is a powerful energiser).
You will need the following items for this spell:
Piece of cloth to make you poppet doll from. 3 Thorns from a blood red rose. A picture of the person you wish to Hex.
Strand of hair of the person.
Extra: Grave yard dirt ( Goofer dust ) place this near your enermys home in the shape of a person this directs misfortune.
I anyone can already guess this is the spell that i got my name from because of my love of Voodoo. Voodoo dolls ( Poppet ) are considered Black magic so be careful.
Casting Instructions for 'To Make a POPPET DOLL ( Voodoo ) Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
New Beginnings ritual kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells How to do it. 1. First get the picture of the person you wish to Hex, Small not large ex Passport photo. 2. Then the strand of the persons hair. 3. Take the piece of fabric and cut and saw it into a shape of a person. 4. Once the Poppet is ready cut a small hole into the belly then place the photo, the hair and the 3 thorns inside the Poppet, Then saw it back up. 5. Now your ready to say the spell of your choice, for this poppet is now a strong force of misfortune for the person and when you say the spell it will be more potent. BE WARNED: Choose your words carefully. There are stories i could tell you about this spell that show just how dangerous it is and what it can do. If you are not sure on anything please PM me. The POPPET
Casting Instructions for 'you messed with the wrong witch Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells When you see your enemy say this loudly with feeling power building up in your body: SEE YOU LATER ALLIGATOR NO MORE FIGHTING BECAUSE YOU'RE A HATER SEE YOU IN HELL WHERE YOU WILL BURN IT IS TRUE, NOT WHAT I HEARD SO MOTE IT BE!
Casting Instructions for '~ Vampiria Charm~ Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul
Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells 1. Put your Favorite Necklace in the Bowl. 2. Stare at the reflected Fullmoon in the water. 3. Picture your eyes turning Red, Your blood cravings, Sharp Teeth. 4. ~SAY~: Blood drips from time to time why be wasted like sweet glass wine (Hold your Stare at the reflected Fullmoon) 5. Keep repeating until you feel sleepy, drousey, or dizzy that means it worked NOTE: The next night you will be Charmed. )O(
Casting Instructions for 'how to become a vampire that controls thereself Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells get some red drink drink it and imagine its blood that will help you control yourself when you just got to have blood. you have to have sharp teeth because if you dont you could never make it as a vampire and dont go around spreading the word to everyone in the neiborhood. you put water in a bowl get a little cup and scoop up thee water imagine yourself as a vampire look into the water for 2mins and then drinkonly a sipof water not all of it you must believe if you dont it will not happen so beleive the whole time. say i am a vampire the darkness of blood is in my hand i know i can make it whoever i like i must not bite
Casting Instructions for 'Cast a Voodoo Curse on someone Spell' Similar Spells Revenge spell (graveyard magic) Pain Ritual Three Nights of Hell Egyptian Funerary Rite Become a Vampire Taking Someones Soul Heart of the Death
curse mark Hex Removal Spells Cobweb Binding FEATURED ITEM
Glamour Ritual Kit
VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.
Spell Index =>Health Spells =>Death Spells Apply some black kohl to your eyes. And some beneath your eyes as well. Make a doll out of the mud . It does not have to look perfectly like a miniature replica of the person but a close contrast is desired. Now cover the doll with a cloth. If you wish to dress the doll up its fine. Light the black candles near the doll and place the doll in the middle of the circle of candles. Now light the incense sticks and place them in a ball of mud. Let them burn and spread the smell around. Take the sticks and make a cross next to the doll. Place the object that belongs t the person or has been touched by them at the centre of the cross. Now chant the following lines and prick the pins into the doll. This will ascertain that the person in question has been suitably enchanted. ??as I drive pins into this doll may the man feel the pain the man in flesh and blood the man in vain??