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Redevelopment of Market Places- Bhendi Bazzar and Bhadra Plaza Fort
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My Case Study completed at the end of CCNA semester 2.Full description
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Questions 1. If you calculate the person-hours devoted to IBM’s team projects, they amount to more than 180,000 hours of manaement tie each year. !o you thin" this is a #ise investment of IBM’s human resources$ %hy or #hy not$ &ns#er' &ns#er' (rom my opinion, opinion, I thin" it is a #ise investment investment of IBM’s human resources. resources. Because it sho#s ho# ood an orani)ation can chane to a *etterment. It also #orth *ecause of the #or" sho#in the increase in positive decision-ma"in, information ac+ui ac+uisi siti tion on and and analy analysi sis, s, and and other other fact factor orss that that ma"e ma"e the the team team’’s outc outcom omes es more more successful for IBM. By #or"in #ith different *ac"round of people, it *uilds of mutual trust and understandin to achieve shared outcomes. It also *uilds a leadership enery that leans a*out various places and also learns to echane their diverse *ac"round and s"ills. hey help lay the round #or" for openin up *usinesses in emerin economics.
. %ould %ould you li"e to #or" on multicultural, multinational projects team$ %hy and #h y not$ &ns#er' /es I #ould li"e to #or" on one of IBM’s multicultural, multinational project teams. his is *ecause it can ive me various opportunities such as a leadership and communication s"ills. It #ill ena*le to #or" closely #ith a team IBMers from such a #ide rane of competencies. By this, I can enhance my "no#lede of effective *usiness and delivery services practices. I also can adapt to lo*al environments #here I can learn pro*lem solvin and team s"ills.
. Multic Multicult ultura urall project projectss teams teams often often face face pro*le pro*lems ms #ith #ith commun communica icatio tion, n, epecta epectatio tions ns and values. o# do you thin" some of these challenes can *e overcome$ &ns#er' 2ommunication have *een a *ier pro*lem and resolution in the present #orld. It is also *een come a part of challene in multicultural roup. hese can *e solved *y runnin meetin meetins s to epose epose the #or"in #or"in team team to other other cultur cultures. es. 3earnin 3earnin a*out a*out another another culture’ culture’ss lanuae, rules and norms for accepta*le *ehavior helps prepare the team to deal #ith situations
MANIPAL INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY as they arise. 2onductin activities to demonstrate ho# dependent #e are on lanuae also can *e a part to solve the pro*lem. Moreover, providin #or"shops, tips and techni+ues for communicatin effectively in multicultural #or" environments can overcome these challenes. 4eople act accordin to the values of their o#n culture.